The Sevan Podcast - #620 - Cop Breaks Down Viral Video

Episode Date: October 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bye caleb bam we're live uh caleb you can come in anytime uh do what you need to do dude hi to yash eric weiss brandon waddell jessica valencia hey guys good morning blade you demand thanks for doing this thanks for having me boss look it's still a little dark outside i like waking up before the sun. What are you taking? Are you taking some Liver King testicles, or what are you taking? A handful of desiccated testicles? No, it's actually kind of the parallel.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Before Liver King hit the scene, I have a friend who talked about what they call heart and soil. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I have a friend. She's all about like the raw hemp all that stuff yeah she she got me she got me on the hype so i got a whole package right here so i usually just take like 12 to the head you got to take like six per serving so i'll usually just take them all to the head real quick um that's uh um dr paladino stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Awesome stuff. I actually prefer Dr. Palladino stuff, one, because it comes in a glass bottle.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I just prefer all my shit not touching plastic. And I like his pills better. Sometimes they're not capsules. They're like those weird – they're kind of like encompassed themselves, and I like that better too instead of just eating all that plastic well and also so i ran a or whatever that is i know that's not plastic maybe it's rice paper how whatever they do to make those capsules i ran a little experiment um i put like i put like some uh beta alanine on my hand and put it in front of my dog and he just smelled it and kept it moving and i put some heart and soil on my hand and put it in front of my dog and he just smelled it and kept it moving and i put some heart and soil on my hand and he was like
Starting point is 00:01:49 i'm like hey you passed his bullshit test good enough for my bullshit test wow wow yeah i don't know who might try it with bcaa's next or some whey protein i don't know oh yeah i'm gonna do too. I got so much of the liver King, like testicles and all that stuff. When I first started taking that stuff, blade, like if I took two, it made me kind of woozy. And now, now that I'm used to it, I could take like, I don't know if I've ever taken 12 at once, but I'll take like six in the morning and like six at night before I go to bed or something. Right on. Yeah. I just, I'll just get them to the head so i don't poke around forget or something
Starting point is 00:02:25 what do you weigh uh about 225 to 230 whatever okay so i wonder if that matters too because you're significantly bigger than me oh i i say that matters in almost a lot of things like serving sizes often at least are trying to give you a generalization. But when people say a gallon of water a day, I'm like, all right, so I am 6'1", 225, relatively lean. My old lady, she's about 5'3", 135. We don't need to be drinking the same amount of water per day. i usually go your body weight cut that number in half and that's how many ounces you should probably do of water yeah so i'll probably be about 110 to 120 ounces of water a day hers would probably be more like 60 to 70 ounces of water a day
Starting point is 00:03:18 yeah what is it what is a gallon of water is like seven pounds is that it's 128 ounces okay yeah because it's it yeah makes sense something close to that yeah so like or my or my my daughter you know let's when she gets into serious athletics more serious at like 15 how's your daughter well right now she's seven she's she a mile away from having to drink a gallon of water but i'm not gonna be like oh you need to drink a gallon of water uh 8.34 pounds um hey uh thank you caleb uh it's interesting my boy just turned eight yesterday and it's so funny because he sweats now and he's when he first started sweating a couple months ago he didn't like it but now he's proud like if it's dripping off of him he's like look like he'll try to get like one drop to like come off his foot. He's like, look, he knows the correlate for hard work.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I wish I could be proud of my sweat. I sweat like an embarrassing amount. I could seriously get up, like do lunges to the door and back, which probably be like eight total lunges in my pores. But I could already feel my pores opening. total lunges and my pores, but I could already feel my pores opening. Hey, um, but the, the CrossFit gym owner that we both know told me that you would just roll into his gym, fully suited weight vest, the belt, the Batman belt and everything and just get set and get movements in. So you would just do one of your 15 pull-ups and you just start pouring sweat
Starting point is 00:04:42 under that suit. Like let's say so i would go in and do a set of 20 right and uh i would go in and probably like fret five i could feel my pores i could feel my pores and people always try to say oh it is good that means that means you got a clear system like it may be good for you but that's just embarrassing like if you're wearing gray or something now when i'm in my dark my patrol uniform is dark so it's not that bad but when you're like trying to go to a wedding or something and you sweating and y'all ain't even y'all ain't even done that y'all eating who who we we had a cop on this show who said he had to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:05:25 He was at the end of a shift. And then he made an arrest as he was going back to the station. Do you remember that story, Caleb? And they put – they were arrested. They had the person in the holding room before you took them over to the cell, I guess, and then they couldn't hold it. So they just ran over into one of the empty cells and just, I think, stood over the drain and peed. I'm trying to remember who that was. Just right in his uniform.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Was it Greg Anderson? Was that him? God, that was a great story. I might have watched that one too. Yeah. And I think the suspect was a girl too, and he said it was just a worse situation on all on all ends. But I can relate because I've sat in here for I've held my pee way too long at times. One of my instructors, he's watching live on on the way to training.
Starting point is 00:06:17 He said, what's happening from one of my academy instructors from when I was a pup? Oh, I don't know if he wants me to name job, but I just want him to know that I saw it. So what's happening? How long have you been a police officer, Blade? I'm about seven years. It pretty much parallels my daughter's age. Are you glad you chose that vocation? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I like everything about what I'm rocking with. I knew, honestly, i knew from a young age i was going to be one of three i was going to be an nfl player police officer or a pe coach uh how come how'd you know that and when you say young how old like seven because i had a i had a dope as pe coach when i was a kid um My favorite game, my grandpa owned a batting cage, and so I played RoboCop. Favorite game was RoboCop. And then my favorite sport was football.
Starting point is 00:07:12 What makes a great PE coach to a young boy? How old were you? When you say you had a great PE coach, how old were you? From like five. Five was like my first age. I remember like really liking that stuff, but I remember. By a good coach, you mean the PE coach, just a teacher who inspired you,
Starting point is 00:07:33 liked you, you respected them. You wanted to work hard for them. Exactly. So I would say somebody, you know, that whole girls want to be with him, boys want to be like him or whatever well now yeah like boys and girls yeah whatever but uh kind of kind of that kind of thing his name was coach schultz he ended up being my football coach in high school as well but coach schultz i just remember he he always had these cool ass shades on he was in good shape he he would whoop us like he would try he would teach us movements like you're supposed to. He would like whoop us a hundred to zero if he had the chance.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I remember during field day, he did not hold back. And I just, I just liked that. That sparked kind of the dog in me. You know what I mean? Yeah. And so I did, I just wanted to be like that. And when you wake up in the morning, you're excited to go to work. You're excited to like put on the uniform and be like that and when you wake up in the morning you're excited to go to work you're excited to like put on the uniform and be like yep this is this is me this is it oh yeah yeah definitely i i still i don't know if it's because i'm easily entertained or i'm stuck on happy because yes anybody like i just be happy for no reason or if it you know or if it's just straight attitude like
Starting point is 00:08:45 a conscious effort but all three come together and I keep moving if I'm stuck on happy I'm gonna use that good because hey you're gonna be you here you know I mean you might as well be cool you might as well be happy might as well make some lemonade. Do you have siblings? Step siblings. I'm an only child at birth. Eight years of being an only child. Only grandchild on both sides as well. Wow. Yeah. And then I got married into two stepbrothers and one older, older stepson. And you're in California. Correct.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And what did your parents say when you became a police officer when you told them that was the route you were going to take so mom so uh so first place i applied for um my mom was kind of scared because it wasn't like the the best area but they didn't pick me up that fast and And then when I applied for where I am right now, she was happy. My old lady was happy because that's where she's from. And then my dad, he grew up in the hood. And so I was kind of worried about him because he had like a certain view on cops. But he viewed it as be the change you want to see in the world.
Starting point is 00:10:01 So then he went from here to a complete flip. Like, hell yeah, a good one. That's what we's what we need we need you know he's old school black man so he's like we need strong young black gentlemen leading the way and so he was he was ecstatic um any any influential cop movies any movies you saw um that you were like, okay, this one resonates with me. I always think about Colors with Robert Duvall and Sean Penn. Yeah, that was a great movie. And I could always – I always liked Robert Duvall's – I haven't seen it in years, but I just like that dynamic between him and Sean Penn. And I felt like that was like two pretty good archetypes, not just for cops, but for people who do new jobs in general.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Like Sean Penn was the typical new know-it-all guy. Yeah. I actually need to run that back because I saw it when I was like way too young to probably be watching a movie like that. And then I remember two scenes and neither have to do with well one has to do with being a cop but the other one doesn't have to be with being a cop the part that sticks out for me in that movie is that sean penn was always escalating situations and robert duvall was like hey dude you gotta chill like you just can't come in here like fucking gangbusters so it's funny about you saying that is that's that's a dynamic that a lot of partners or if they work together often like if they ride
Starting point is 00:11:32 in the same car because everywhere people don't ride in the same car that's not standard operating procedure everywhere so you're not riding in the same car and y'all aren't used to tossing each other alley-oops as far as how you're going to talk to somebody somebody might be like picking and prodding and somebody else might be like anybody else you see how big this dude is you might want to chill right right or you know both y'all might just be vibing and being cool but the but the boomerang back to your original question no it wasn't a influential cop movie it was actually career day, my freshman year or sophomore year of high school. We had like this little career day where instead of after a second period, we went to another site and had like a career festival. We got to choose two. I don't remember the second one I chose, but the first one I chose was SWAT.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And I remember they showed us, you know, they showed us their breaching tools. They showed us their stuff. They told us about their PT test. I was like, dang, that's dope. And that was during the big SWAT thing. That was when Colin Farrell, remember when he was making a new movie every other month? He was on SWAT, you know what I mean? With Samuel L. Jackson and all them.
Starting point is 00:12:41 That was like when hella SWAT stuff and like all that was coming out I don't know if it was like a post 9-11 you know kind of show how cool tactics are to try to get young men into that field that would have been like a kind of a good recruitment tool but that's a career day and you like the guys the guys seem cool yeah the tools they had seemed cool yeah they were jacked they had cool tools their cars all that and uh was the military an option um i never really considered it i got a i got a scholarship out of high school to play football and what at a place in a school in california no um in oklahoma it was a division two school in oklahoma did you go hell yeah oh shit hey peep this stuff man talk about 2020 hindsight i almost didn't go because my girlfriend didn't want me to and i was gonna marry her God, do you know how many men have that story?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Holy shit. It's not usually a division two football program, but man, how many opportunities I shouldn't just say men, men and women change their path because of young love at 18. Right. Say that again, Kayla. A buddy of mine out here did that say that again kayla a buddy of mine out here did that too completely changed the trajectory my girlfriend in college who i was going out with for two years and we were pretty close
Starting point is 00:14:18 i thought we were close i just got a note one day saying hey i'm going to the peace corps and they told me i have to break up with my boyfriend if I go and I'm leaving in three days. Don't try to find me. I was like, what the fuck? Hey, did you keep it G, though? Did you try to find her or did you honor it? No, I did try to find her. I went to her house.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I tried to find her. I was also like – I was kind of on the outs anyway. I was like – I was fucking around too much. So, like, I could see, like, it was probably good for her. But this is pre-cell phone you know what i mean so like when i say i tried to find her i'd like go to her house knock on her door and her roommate's like dude she told you stay the fuck away i'm like i know i know oh so this wasn't a test oh okay yeah right i think this is wrong this one couldn't know it couldn't have been
Starting point is 00:15:00 for me you know you know what's crazy too is then she came home from the she she went away for like a month and then she came back and i was and i and i had i was renting this house and i was at the neighbor's house with this girl up on the second floor and i saw her pull up to my house and knock on the door like she came like to make amends but by then it was like i was at the neighbor's house it was fucked up oh man it was fucked up i'll tell you something since i've started down this path anyway and then i came down and then so she left and i went back to my house and i went in my bedroom and she'd gone into my trash can and pulled out like 10 used condoms and laid them on my bed hey hey it was crazy it was crazy it'd be like you said she said she didn't say um she left me seriously just like i mean i deserve to be left to be honest but but i i kind of wish you wouldn't have seen that i i you know
Starting point is 00:16:05 i never want to i don't want to hurt anyone right she she couldn't she didn't say i'll be back please wait for me or at least leave some kind of no kind of thing or like i'll see you when i get back if things work out then then we'll go from there she's like don't look for me this is a this is pre-harem days harem so the difference between um a harem is when you're on when you're honest to girls this was pre-harem day i hadn't i hadn't understood that you just have to be 100 honest as pre-harem that's when you're just a dog you're a cheater uh so so you are so you're are they called beat cops you're in your car every day yeah well you drive your car every day but i like every now and again i'll get my eyes up out the car like um i carry a baseball and a glove in my back seat at all times
Starting point is 00:16:59 and so and then knock on a door that i've seen kids playing in the area before, or if they have a basketball hoop, you know what I'm saying? Or at the park, if kids are goofing off, I try, I try to get out and, and hoop with the kids or play catch with the kids. There's actually a corner house that a member of, a member of the gym likes. He has a couple of kids. And so I'll just go play some catch with them. And they like seeing you oh yeah yeah we but i'll tell you what they're uh they're pretty competitive and i won't take it easy on you because you were 10 years old so we'll play horse yeah and i hit them with the
Starting point is 00:17:37 fundamentals i'll go okay left hand off the glass yeah we're non-non-dominant hands one of them's lucky non-dominant off the glass and their them is a lucky. Non-dominant off the glass. And their dad's cool, too. We'll play catch me and their dad versus them, too, to see who could go the most throws without an error. Oh, that's awesome. And so they get impatient. They want to zing it, but then boop. All right, let's go.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And you're all suited up. Oh, yeah, suited and booted. Yeah. God, I love it. And so that's every day for seven years you interact with people your whole your whole life at the job is basically you you interact with strangers every day every day you meet someone you've never met before pretty much pretty pretty much yeah and and i learned stuff about them that even their husbands or wives don't know sometimes or their best friend what a what a trippy job right you uh every single i mean there's some people who don't meet anyone new for like years yeah right yeah and your whole job are you good
Starting point is 00:18:40 at it do you have you gotten better at it in seven years? Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I would say because in the beginning, you go from a phase where in training, now everybody's different. But for me, like my booty cheeks was this tight. You know what I mean? I wasn't myself. I was trying to be robotic, trying to remember every LD from the academy. Oh, OK, this, this, this. OK, they said if this happens, then this.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And if one thing disrupted my flow chart, I got a little shook. You know what I mean? Now, now I'm realizing it's not an exact it's a dynamic flow chart. Pretty much life is a flow chart. This decision was made. What's this? Boom. OK, we're here now was made what's this boom okay we're here now okay go this way we're here now and you just keep it moving i flow a lot i'm a lot smoother now i had um uh jolie gentry on here uh she is over in i want to say fremont she's the lady who won the uh 20 uh 2007 crossfit games the very first crossfit games word and she was a cop she's still a cop over i want to say in newark and she's on the SWAT team she might even be captain of the SWAT
Starting point is 00:19:52 team over there i can't remember but she's off she's off the um she's an admin now she's not she's not on the street but she was saying she switched jobs every three years and that it actually took three years before you were comfortable at a job. And she said that part sucked, just switching every three years. Yeah. It seems like it's a craft that would take a long time to master, engaging with so many people who are not. I mean, mostly you're engaging people who are not at their best. They're at their worst, right?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Right. And that's what a lot of people will tell you, like a lot of vets. You'll come in and they'll say, like one told me, he's like, right away, he was right next to me in the locker. He said, hey, bro, because I came out of the academy. Hello, sir. Good afternoon, sir. He's like, first off, let's stop that sir shit.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Second off, you need anything, let me know. And I'm going to tell you right now, three to five years i'm not like what what do you mean three to five years is how long it's gonna take before you feel like you can go to almost anything and not be fumbling over yourself and then even then there's gonna be that one where you're just like what the hell and so yeah three to three to five is a good gauge. Some people just click and for some, in year two, they get it. Some people will take all the five or maybe even six or seven to finally flow. I mean, because when I say you're engaging people at their worst, they've either been in an accident, they breaking the law they're oh yeah i they're doing you're not you're not or your uniform or you're just the presence of your
Starting point is 00:21:29 uniform itself pisses them off right or or puckers them up you know what i mean um i sent you this video yeah and um i'm gonna i'm gonna play it is that cool kayla do you mind if? I'm going to do it that way. I can start it and stop it because I'm going to start it and stop it a lot. And it's interesting. I watched it like three times and I had a reaction to it. And then I watched it again this morning and my reaction was like tempered. And I was wondering, I wonder if that's what if I if I tempered it because I knew I was going to have to talk to you about it. I tempered it because I knew I was going to have to talk to you about it. Like I was all kind of like, had these really strong opinions about it, you know?
Starting point is 00:22:09 And now all of a sudden I'm going to have to watch it with you and the fucking whole world. And like, I've like softened my approach, you know? Kind of like, kind of like what you're like, that's it. I'm,
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'm going, I'm going to my wife. I'm telling her I'm watching football with the boys. Yeah. Yeah. You storm in the room and you look her in the eye. You're like, I watched the game.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah. Or you're like, Hey, you might turn it on in the fourth quarter. You know in the eye. You're like, I watched the game. Yeah. Or you're like, hey, you mind if I turn it on in the fourth quarter? You know what I mean? You give up three quarters. I just want to watch the end just to last for 12 minutes. Yeah, let's do it. Everything changes. Everything changes.
Starting point is 00:22:39 So I have known Blade for some time through Instagram. Then we exchanged numbers and we text each other. And I knew there was always a time he'd come on the show. And I just thought this would be a fun thing to kind of test out. It would be fun to have a regular cop that we can just go to and talk cop talk to anyway. But this is always kind of a fun thing. Please everyone know we hopefully you'll soften yourself a little bit like i have everything's easier in hindsight everything's
Starting point is 00:23:12 easier in hindsight and these are just people and then disclaimer um any opinions or things like that expressed by me right here they are likely are probably actually just mine. I speak for everybody. You as a man who happens to be a police officer, but not, but not representing any police officers outside of just who you are. That is correct. And it's unfair because we say the police officer pulled the guy over and everyone's just a guy, but is a is this a um a plumber who
Starting point is 00:23:46 also as a kid used to rob liquor stores and his mom used to be like we we pigeonhole always the cop as cop we don't know anything about the guys the guys are always the guys and gals are always just the guy or the gal but really it's just a guy and a gal or two gals or two guys and so that's the part that always frustrates me too. People are always like the government. I'm like the government. No, no. You mean the people,
Starting point is 00:24:08 the other people, you mean the people, the people who have different jobs? Like, it's just weird to, uh, to take them away from people anyway. So this lady pulls them over and,
Starting point is 00:24:17 um, this police officer pulls this guy over and I'm going to go ahead and play some of it. Caleb, will you give me thumbs up if you can hear the audio? Hello. Moxaro will be pleased to honor you. This is why I'm stopping you this feed. Fifty-seven and a thirty-five.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So right there, I'm like, holy shit, that's like better than half the cops I've been pulled over by. They won't even tell me why I've been pulled over. So she's like, hey, what's up? You're doing 57 and a 35. And she's nice, right? Do you like all that? Yeah. I usually roll like that, too.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Just try to be upfront. If they try to start arguing back and forth, I try not to engage in that part. But I at least try to give them something to let them know why we're there yeah and they and they do do that I mean why do you think cops do that sometimes they'll just pull you over and just like ask for your license and you're just like dude like that's not standard protocol right there aren't are they supposed to tell you what why they pulled you over it's it's not like uh it's more of a kind of an unwritten rule so there's there's a thing now where it's like
Starting point is 00:25:25 kind of a trend you don't have to be a dick to be a good cop but some you know with that with a little experience in certain situations they're like no just the facts boom we're gonna go here we're gonna go here we're gonna go here and they they kind of don't want to get sucked in the in the scenario of arguing about why they got pulled over that's what i'd imagine so they try to get the license and registration so that way i would try if i was going that way i'd try to get the license and registration so i at least have the base information okay i got their license that way they took off i know who they are and we keep it moving you send send them there, write an arrest warrant in the mail, and mail them their license back later.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And if a cop pulls you over, the partnership is this, right? You turn your car off. You put your keys on the dash. If it's nighttime, you turn your dome light on, and you either hold the steering wheel or sometimes I've even put my hands I used to live in a really gnarly area and I would put my hands actually on the door so they could see my hands while I'm talking to the cop and all the kids knew that
Starting point is 00:26:36 all of us knew that, that's just what you do yeah it's an alley-oop because it lets us exhale, it may let us exhale a little bit. Yeah. Because going up to an unknown, like right now, we don't know. Just look at the picture.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Look at the freeze right there. Yeah. All you know is the person's wearing a hat. You don't know who may be ducked in the back. You don't know what's on his or her lap. You don't know. Yeah. So all you know is that they're wearing a hat and now you go from there.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And then when you finally get up, you're like, okay, I'll set the situation, keep it moving. Whenever I see highway patrol on the freeway at night, pulled someone over and they're just by the side of the car talking. I'm like, what a fucked up job to be a cop. Every time you pull someone over, it's like the beginning of a horror movie. It's like the beginning of Halloween. Yeah. You're in a dark freeway. It's not lit.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Cars are flying by you at 80 miles an hour. And you're having one-on-one engagement with someone that you have to tell them they're in trouble. And there's just forest everywhere on either side of you. And you have to hope that they just comply and keep it steady or else you might be getting in a fight with oncoming traffic yeah it's nuts by the way i don't know where this is guys i don't know i this does not look like california to me uh looks like somewhere in the midwest but i don't know okay so so far so far we're me and you on the same page. It's all good. Correct. You're going 57 and a 35, sir.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Do you have a driver's license? What the fuck? So now I'm like, if that's now, I just think when I watch this, I'm like'm like if that's my mom i just want her to tase the dude or if that's my wife or my daughter not he doesn't say he doesn't say um ma'am can like if i've had to get out of the car like so i had a dog in my car that was barking one time and i asked the cop i said hey dude can i just get out i'll stand wherever you want i just can't be in here with that was barking one time, and I asked the cop, I said, hey, dude, can I just get out? I'll stand wherever you want. I just can't be in here with the dog barking. He's like, oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Come around to the back of your car. Yeah. And I just went around to the back of the car, and it was cool. That may be. Well, I won't spoil it for people who haven't seen. But this is batshit crazy, right? Yeah, that's probably not the best idea to just go on and get up out the car with no announcement, no nothing. Just get up.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I'm going to need your license. This is a woman that we've agreed on through an agreement with society. To pay tax dollars out of every hour that we work we pay her some money to keep our streets safe like we we've asked her to do this this is part of our our relationship so like if a deer was hitting the road she'd drag it away or if someone was running down the street with a gun her job is to get those people or if he's doing 57 and a 35 so that the rest of us aren't in danger we've hired her to keep bad people off the street or keep people who are danger to other people and now are we going to stand up for her as citizens
Starting point is 00:29:54 and tolerate one of the citizens acting inappropriately while she's just trying to do her job which we've hired her to protect us this is where i start really struggling and i feel like i feel think way differently than everyone else they're like well that you have to be they have no rights to do this this and this it's like it's kind of like bees i always refer to cops as bees wow they're in your flowers they're there between one and three every day that's not the time for you to go play with your flowers stay the fuck out of their way they're doing their shit if you go over there you're going to get bit but keep interaction with them between one and three in the afternoon at a minimum that's a that's a good one because i vibe would be if i get stung by a bee i'm not even mad because i'm like damn that bee really feared for his life to
Starting point is 00:30:42 sting me like you know just be out here bullying people. If I get stuck by a wasp, fuck that wasp. But a bee, I'm like, damn, that bee was really scared. That's a bummer. And he's doing shit that we need. There's a bunch of, because we have beautiful flowers on the way to school. I walk my daughter to school and I just tell her, I'm like, hey, baby, if you just walk nice and smooth, then we'll be good. And every day we walk between these flowers on the sidewalk between at least 50 50 bees and we walk and they they don't bother us we don't
Starting point is 00:31:14 bother them we keep moving my kids are terrified of bees even though our backyard's full of them one of them in particular he acts like the fucking sky's falling. Is it because he's gotten stung? No, that one hasn't, actually. One of my kids has been stung twice. Oh, man. Okay, so this fucking knucklehead's getting out of his car, and he's got yellow gloves on. Where are you getting out of the car, sir? To get my driver's license.
Starting point is 00:31:44 She says, why are you getting out of the car, sir? He says, to get my driver's license no so so guys he's reaching into the back of his fucking car now we've all seen a hundred videos where this just from here it's just horrible yeah and then look where she is while he's doing it you know that what do you, uh, her positioning. So if he is reaching for something bad, she has no cover her. Yeah. Her, her position is not the best. And so her sentence, her antennas, I call it, my antennas go up kind of like when my senses are heightened a little bit, her antennas, her antennas may be going up right now. Like what's this dude grabbing?
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah. She, she, she says me too. I'm drawn right here too. antennas her antennas may be going up right now like what's this dude grabbing yeah she this is me too i i'm drawn right here too right here i i don't know clock cutter i think you misspelled cock um uh right here i'm not happy either if it's and once again that's your mom your sister your daughter well they chose to do the job i daughter. Well, they chose to do the job. I don't care whether they chose to do the job or not. I would never ask another human being to put themselves in a situation I wouldn't want to be in. And right now, I don't want to be in this situation. If I'm her, I do not want to be.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I want this guy just to vanish. I want an alien ship to beam him up and just fucking take him away and do some anal exploration on him hey wouldn't that be so dope anytime something bad is about to happen yeah aliens are like uh-uh like what the hell oh dang he was about to get me what what do they tell you blade in school right here like what what's the if you don't mind pretend like what what do you do here okay so so this is i i would hope that i would stay on the other side of the car where the grass is you'd be over there so if i was on that side to begin with, I would, uh, I would try to stay on that side of the car and maybe parallel him to see what he's reaching for to grab my driver's license or whatever it may be.
Starting point is 00:33:52 And I'm not going to lie. Like when, when he's getting out the car and reaching in, like, and it's happening like this, by the time he, you process the fact that he got out the car, then you say, what are you doing? Then he says, I'm getting my license. By the time your brain hears getting my license and he's actively moving while doing it, he's already into the car by the time your brain comprehends license. And so you might even be drawn.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Now, fire a shot? Probably not. Because there's a lot of rules that go into firearm safety. Knowing your backdrop, knowing what you're firing at, intending to actually destroy what you're firing at, things like that. But you but the hood, maybe the hood's probably off or you might be at a low ready in that situation. Or if not cool, you feel like you have the situation under control. You're calm. You're like, OK, let me see what this dude's doing.
Starting point is 00:34:41 the situation under control. You're calm. You're like, okay, let me see what this dude's doing. If you're like that confident in your abilities, but I'm probably on the other side of the car. Just trying to keep an eye on what's going on. I'm going to make it more complicated too. Let's say she right there she pulls her gun out and as he
Starting point is 00:34:58 turns, she shoots him. If he has a gun, she's in the clear. If he doesn't have a gun she's in trouble and right there you know something's fucked up that's not her fault at that point right i'd like to post one other complicated issue if that's an old lady they say you shouldn't profile if that's an old lady you're and she's getting out so slow you may have come around and actually have to help her out of the car this is some fucking if it's if it's um if it's some uh if
Starting point is 00:35:34 it's two kids in the car um with their pants sagged down past their butts and they they refuse to put their fucking cigarettes out while you're pulling them over and they got fucked the police on from nwa um that's a different story you got this uh this fucking maniac unabomber looking motherfucker with the hat on and yellow leather gloves so that's another thing i can't tolerate oh right my bad they look like they're fucking forbearing bodies to me. But how are cops not allowed to profile? How are you not allowed to do that? So there's a difference, and often the line gets blurred between racial profiling and criminal profiling. Or just demeanor or age or sex. If that was a five-foot little girl who got out of the car it's another different story this is it's all relative right exactly
Starting point is 00:36:33 that that's exactly what it is so if like take me so if i'm the one getting out the car and you have somebody a 5215 pound officer who's by themselves on the other side, their level of force might be different than if the tables were turned and I'm pulling over that same old lady you're talking about. There's definitely many indicators. Racial profiling, no, that's a no go. However, you take the totality of the circumstances. You have this bullet point, this bullet point, this bullet point, this bullet point, this bullet point, all pointing to, oh, man, something bad is about to happen. This might be a bad day. OK, let me push back on that a little bit. You have no racial profiling. You pull over black kids in Oakland, 16-year-old boys.
Starting point is 00:37:30 They're black. They're boys. They're 16. You pull over a fucking two Indian boys. They got the peach fuzz mustache. They got the peach fuzz mustache. Their parents are fucking immigrants from fucking Mombasa. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:37:51 Yeah. You can't make – what do you do with your brain? You've pulled over – let's say you've pulled over 100 young black boys and they've turned out this way. And you've pulled over 100 Indian boys and it's turned this way. You can't – you have to turn that off. You're not allowed to be like, Hey. At that, at that point, it's one of those calls of doing business things. Like, yeah, you need to, you need, you need to, you need to stay ready. So stay ready. So you don't got to get ready. However, like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:19 at that point you just got to roll up. You got to try to be cool. Stay cool. And because every guy who talks like this guy right here, regardless if he's white or black, is an asshole. Like we already know this guy's an asshole. I'm getting my license, right? We already know. Uh-oh. Yeah, he's not happy. I don't know if he's late somewhere or what the business is, but he definitely isn't helping his own situation right here.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Okay, here we go. 12 radio, let's be able to step out of the vehicle. Okay, so she radios in there, homeboy's out. Yeah, she's actually, and that's pretty locked in because a lot of times, you got to remember, her partners don't know what's going on. All they know is she's making a stop. So if nothing comes out on the radio, then her people just think, okay, cool. Pull over some 16-year-old kid's beating on the way to his girlfriend's house or whatever it may be.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And let's not forget, all the insurance companies have us profiled. and let's not forget all the insurance companies have us profiled um my my insurance at 16 is more than um blade's daughter's uh car insurance at 16 and why because i have cock and balls oh wow i wonder if i can tell my insurance company that my boys identify as being girls and their insurance will get lowered wow hey modern problems require modern solutions right okay sunglasses um hat gloves and attitude at this point yeah okay step over here now so she says step over here now that kind of refills her psychology she's like that's basically like okay you want to step out of the car well now then now we're going to step over here and she could be protecting him because so he doesn't get hit by a car right that part
Starting point is 00:40:16 both of them both of them like that's why she that's why she probably did a passenger side approach if he if he would have pulled into that parking lot you know what 100 like 60 meters ahead yeah she maybe does a driver's side approach okay have a seat on the ground have a seat i'm not sick i'm not sick so do you have a question no go go i don't know. This is where I start. This is where I start getting a little sympathy for him, even though he's a complete douche. But go on. I want to hear what you have to say.
Starting point is 00:40:51 So. So he says, I'm not sitting the first time and it's a little aggressive, but it's not that big a deal. I'm not sitting. Yeah. And then right there, it could be just a verbal thing. But on the I'm not sitting his. Yeah. His hand might be this close to her right there. I wouldn't say she's wrong if she takes a walk.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah, me neither. Me neither. Right there, I think he has to be tased 100%. I agree. He has to be knocked down. Yes. This is where it gets squirrely. Yes. Because at this point, we got two.
Starting point is 00:41:26 But what about the sit part are we okay with that he's like hey you need to sit you got out of the car okay so is that a power trip or is that a standard protocol hey it's a safety thing okay now you can have them sit on your push bumper you can have them sit on the curb but but it's it's just pretty much just settling things down. Things are a lot more subtle with somebody sitting, and they're more likely to take a deep breath and calm down sitting as well versus standing up, chest all puffed up. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:41:56 And it gives the cop a second. If he's sitting down and he wants to attack, and you're looking down right in your ticket or something, it gives you a second to… Exactly. It evens the playing field a little bit because the cop's multitasking like a mofo yes okay and then and then she's got she starts doing the heisman on him right he puts her hand out and she puts his hand this is the part that i don't understand
Starting point is 00:42:18 this is the whole part why i thought oh let's talk about this. Back off! Back off! I'm not sick! Okay, so... I don't understand why she touches him right there. Like, at that point, you either have to knock him down and completely... And probably the public's gonna hate this. People are gonna hate me for it. But you either have to completely knock...
Starting point is 00:42:39 He has to be tased and handcuffed immediately, or she has to completely disengage and wait till more cops show up like this kind of middle ground this is like high school cafeteria shit where you go over and push the dude right yes i mean so so the push she probably creating distance you know as she's moving back pushing him back simultaneously but he's he doesn't like that she just shook the bee's nest right she he didn't like that yeah he definitely doesn't like that and the goal is to win um the end game not like little psychological about the goal is to win right think think of a long game so when this
Starting point is 00:43:18 video is completely over i'll go over like just some things that i like to try to do okay i can't do them all the time but i like to try to do them but in this scenario so far um i would say he he brought the fight to the party so now her antennas are up and she's like probably preparing to have the fight they do because when you push somebody to back off quite frankly they don't always back off and she she's appears squared away you know i mean yeah yeah she's confident right keeps herself in shape yeah if i pulled you over for this come over here sit down she's rich she's keeping control of this call uh christine young says um the end game is to be alive yeah and i don't think she, I don't think, yeah, for some reason, um, uh, I'm five 11, uh, two 40.
Starting point is 00:44:08 I know I'm getting shot. Oh, why is that funny? He's like, oh, I'm dead. Yeah. I could never imagine acting like this with the copy either ever. Who raised these people? Yeah. with the cop either ever and who raised these people yeah like but as funny as funny as a comment that was like that's a black dude too by the way okay it is like like skin gentlemen oh yeah look at him look like skin to me yeah oh yeah he got the form yeah
Starting point is 00:44:45 you'd have been racially profiled too kaz kazavion and so but but but let's let's plug that in so you make this dude 20 years younger we'll leave skin completely out of it you make them 20 years younger and put about 30 pounds of beef on them yeah and then it that change that changes may change her demeanor um hey you might you might be um you could take skin color out of it but when i see this guy i just picture a dude at home who has a fucking bomb making kit sorry i mean he looks like he collects fertilizer for a living like to make i mean look at this 24 packs of cheap beer yeah like yeah okay so so she gives him a little a little straight arm to get keep it Straight on. Keep distance. We're getting physical. Put your hands behind your back. I will tase you, sir.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Touch the vehicle. Okay, how about that? How about that woman? I will tase you, sir. Honestly, that's money because... I like that. Because it lets them know, like, hey, she told you she was going to tase you.
Starting point is 00:46:05 You know what I mean? And it was when things had slowed down just slightly. And so just for her to kind of – she's trained this. She's either had to tase people many times or she takes her training seriously because that response was – that was a trained response where, like, she was able to keep some level of composure because look she immediately re-entered re-entered the fight yeah entered the zone and so and so to be kind of a smart time to attack too because he's off balance and he's
Starting point is 00:46:37 exactly she so she caught a feasible moment where where you could actually warn somebody because a lot of times it's i didn't have time for a warning but this one she she made time you know i mean she had time today um i wonder if at any time i'm just call me a fucking idiot if if this is just totally ridiculous i wonder if any time prior to this the cop can say to the person hey dude you're we're heading towards an altercation with the police officer this could be like ruined the fucking next year of your life or like you can just be chill and in fucking 10 minutes you can be in your car driving away like you have to stop and take a breath and make that decision now like to say to that guy that's not no you're not a fucking idiot for that. Now in this situation,
Starting point is 00:47:26 it probably wouldn't have worked, but he was too far gone. He was, I could, I could give you another story where something like that was attempted right now. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Please. We'll come back to this. Yeah. Let's hear it. Let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:47:38 We'll come right back to this. So I get dispatched. I get dispatched to a call of a dude trying to fight some, um, in front of a bar. Shocker, right? And I show up, and there's a dude, and I see a group of four people. Looks like they're trying to kidnap a guy. He has his hands on the pillar, and they're pushing him by his thoracic,
Starting point is 00:47:59 like his mid-back and his neck. And he's like, nah! He's not getting in the car. And I'm first on scene. And I tell them, I go, hey, go hey i'll get away from him before one of y'all get hurt i'm assuming this is the guy he don't got no shirt on so he breaks away from them and he looks at me he says you wanna fight nigga i'm like oh lord white dude white dude by the way thank you thank you for the clarity. And he has this lazy-ass Floyd Mayweather Philly shell stance. Yeah. And he's unsteady on his feet.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And he's like, what do I do? And doing all this. Hold on. I got to pause you right there. Where are the other four people? Are you threatened by them? Are they like? I wasn't, but they were becoming a problem.
Starting point is 00:48:43 So he's right here. I'm where my head is, and they're over here. Yeah. One is his wife. One is a good friend of his, and the others are staying in their lane. So he's got psycho bitch and loyal friend. Right. And so I'm trying to talk to him, but they're –
Starting point is 00:49:01 So they start out by saying, let us talk to him. We calm him down i said i wanted to say it's clearly not right but you know in in my demeanor i was like well look you clearly couldn't do that that's why i'm here and so then they said okay so then the wife backed off but then the friend kept stepping in a little bit more and a little bit more. And while he's kind of closing in a little bit more. People don't realize that about cops. You're judging them for their interaction with the person.
Starting point is 00:49:35 There's fucking people everywhere who are a threat to the cop at that point. Right. People have no, they never think about that shit. Because people turn on us. The people that call the police. Yes. All of a sudden when you're there oh wait i just wanted you to scare him a little bit right right right i didn't want you to hit him when he only stabbed me once and so i'm getting a very walls closing in kind of feeling so i reposition a little bit so i could focus on drunk dude who's walking at me to fight yeah and so then calling you friendly names yeah it is so his friend keeps walking up
Starting point is 00:50:12 on me and uh i finally go i have to yell at his friend get back and then his friend okay whoa okay i got you my bad i'm sorry so then now it's me and homeboy and so i could finally focus my attention a little bit more. So I radio a he's challenging me to fight. Step up my cover code three. No, you didn't say bring my gloves. Bring my shorts and my gloves. He's challenging me to fight. It's so it's so I'm just I'm now this is the point where you got. I'm like, look, man look man so because background it's about two hours from my shift probably ending and it's my friday and so i'm trying to i'm trying to get this dude home you know what i'm saying i'm like look bro you just drunk we don't have anybody
Starting point is 00:50:57 who's an actual battery victim at the moment and so let's just get you home so i'm like hey look man you don't want you don't want to do this man it's you want to go home let just get you home. So I'm like, hey, look, man, you don't want to do this, man. You want to go home? Let's get you home. And he's not acknowledging me, still walking up on me. And I finally go, look, is there anything I can do? This dude, he goes, probably not. And he's roughly my size, not the same muscle mass, not the same build, but close roughly my size not the same muscle mass not the same build but close to my size
Starting point is 00:51:27 and so i finally i stopped backing up i stopped creating space i'm like if i if i trip over something it's over yeah i right now i knew it was behind me i knew my car was close to behind me if i keep rotating and playing this game something bad can happen. So then I finally tell him, hey, look, stop walking up on me. Stop walking up on me. And then, you know, what I'm going to do is let him walk all the way up to me and then punch me. No. So then he got to a very uncomfortable distance,
Starting point is 00:51:59 and then he had to be dealt with. And my cover wasn't too far away. And once I was dealing with him, it was also a good crowd. When you say not too far away, you mean they hadn't arrived yet? You could hear a siren? Oh, yeah, exactly. It was just me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And so that was also what I was trying to buy time for. I'm not trying to get – I have a bunch of – right now they're friendlies, but still unknowns if we're being real about it. Of course, of course, of course. I have a bunch of right now they're friendlies, but still unknowns if we're being real about it. Of course. Of course. Of course. I have a bunch of unknowns. I don't know if somebody's in the back of the friendlies that wants to just throw a bottle and start mischief.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Yep. Yep. Yep. They do. There is someone there who wants to do that. There's me and my 10 friends, Blade, who snuck into the bar and are only 18 years old and we're drunk and and for we're not even bad people but one of them's like hey i bet you i could throw my bottle and fucking hit that cop yep so it's they're everywhere that's boys it's boys yep and so then and so i'm like okay well
Starting point is 00:52:57 once once i knew he was gonna bring it to me i was like okay this has to be dealt with has to be dealt with now so i dealt with him in a very timely manner. And then my cover arrived in a very timely manner. And we kept it moving. Apparently, when he was getting medically cleared at the hospital, he must have been gone. Because when he sobered up, he was apologetic to my partners and then apologetic to me and then they told him what he was saying he was like oh my god and they said and guess what he said was he black so he didn't even know yeah he was just you know I guess that's blacked out drunk.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Man, alcohol is a fucking son of a bitch. Yeah, that thing will get you. Remember when Mel Gibson got pulled over for drunk driving and just started smashing Jews? Oh, Lord. You may be too young for that, but that fucked him up. He came back. I mean, he's back in the game, but it's just crazy to get. He just started fucking ripping, just throwing out kite comments everywhere. It's just like, dude, you're in Hollywood, bro.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Damn, that's L. But yeah, so there has been a situation. Now, was he in his regular state of mind? No, but where me and I know I'm not the only one who's ever done, has hit somebody with, look, I just want you to go home safely. Is there anything we can do to resolve this issue? Right. Okay, okay. So they've had a little bit of an exchange already.
Starting point is 00:54:39 He put his hand in her face. She gave him the straight arm, told him to get back. She's asked him to sit down. He won't sit down, and he's obviously being hostile she's she uh and she called for backup too right just prior to this okay he was smart how he stepped up back up on the curb hey that was some good footwork though yeah yeah yeah that was pretty crazy it's almost like he has some boxing skills right keep the pivot up the curve yeah yeah boom yeah oh yeah yeah that's a crazy spin yeah that was that was something serious oh what does she have something no okay so is everything she's doing right now she's just
Starting point is 00:55:25 she's what do you think she's doing right now is she fighting to try to get a hand free and grab a taser yeah right now she's in the red and she honestly she's realizing that it's going to be a b or c likely that a he's a lot stronger than a frail old man. B. And he moves fast, man. That was a fast spin. Yeah. B, I don't like this position of being down because right now gravity is his friend too. So he's at a higher ground.
Starting point is 00:56:03 So she's in the red trying to get out of that position of disadvantage. And C, or BC see all of the above you know like she she's like okay this is a bad situation trying to probably mush his face just get his arm because i don't know his left okay you can see his left hand with the gloves it got moved but he's you know he's up he's up in here yeah yeah yeah totally they're fighting on her face basically hey so i want you guys to think for a second just think that's your mom your sister and your daughter and you drive by and she's fighting with a dude and he's winning like do you ask any questions if you see some dude in a fight with your mom your sister your daughter or your wife and they're winning you don't ask any questions
Starting point is 00:56:52 you don't ask one fucking question excuse me um whose side should i be on here i'm saying who is in the right none of that okay so now some dude who's completely out of shape, 80 pounds overweight, comes from behind. Is she happy that this guy showed up? Oh, yeah. She's very happy. Now, to all the listeners, don't just roll up on every use of 4GC. That's a good scenario. It may not go well. You've got to read the listeners, don't just roll up on every use of 4GC. That's a good thing. It may not go well. You got to read the room, okay?
Starting point is 00:57:29 He read the room. This is a good situation. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Best case scenario, they went straight to the ground, right? Okay. best case scenario they went straight to the ground right with with uh okay radio semi-unit roll over on your stomach now is that the right thing to tell him
Starting point is 00:57:59 yeah so she she's pretty much just trying to to end it like she rolling rolling over on his stomach is to uh just obviously she probably has she has the intent of like that yeah you know and so she just wants she wants to get him cuffed as fast as possible look at this look at this lady this lady's like a hundred pounds overweight who stepped up to the scene like her shirt is like she's wearing just some like shit that looks like it's like on the sale rack at walmart it's some i can't figure out where the fuck she came from there must be like a there must be like a kentucky fried chicken right there or something. Like she put down her mashed potatoes and she – Listen, if you're going to get injured, don't come over and help. That –
Starting point is 00:58:54 She just had a sit-in. Knock it off now. No. Get your arm behind me. The dude towards his feet likely either rolls by rolls. I mean like has either done a basic level of jiu-jitsu, whether it's years prior or whatever, or is law enforcement or something because he ran around. He looked for work.
Starting point is 00:59:18 He wasn't just running up. He ran up. He's like, okay, arm, arm. Okay, let's stop the flailing. I don't know if he's trying to figure four across the legs or just control them by crossing them like this and putting putting some light pressure but that dude was a good number three obviously the best number three would have been that patrol officer right there if he had gotten on the scene i'm i don't i didn't watch past the dog pile but oh this part's hilarious kind of too because this makes you realize it's like some weird
Starting point is 00:59:50 podunk like um it's just funny what she says doing uh what what about in the situation if someone rolls up and just starts punching the guy oh like you know like it's kind of surprising like that guy in blue isn't just like just like punching him yeah or kicks him you know and i mean like like you could see that lady walking up and just kicking him in the head right that last lady who came out of the kentucky fried chicken yeah then you have more than one issue on your hands then then you have to do an even harder task of dividing your attention. You obviously need to stay with this threat, but you have to tell her to stop. Hey, don't kick him.
Starting point is 01:00:32 And then all of a sudden, and then all of a sudden your partner. Now, this is assuming you didn't see it. Right. She may be so hyper-focused on his left arm because one thing, boom, left arm. Okay. Tell the dude in the blue shirt, give me that other arm. And then you finally notice he's being kicked or you say hey we have him handled to your partner we have him handled we gotta get this damn girl out of here which i would hope if she's kicking someone down on police officers behalf that she wouldn't resist the police so much. I told this story a while back.
Starting point is 01:01:05 I saw a guy steal a bike right in front of me, five feet in front of me, and it was this 80-year-old lady's bike, and she was right there too, and I chased the guy, and he got away from me. And when the cops came, I said, hey, if I was going to catch him, I was just going to push him off his bike. And the cop's like, hey, you know, if he would have hurt himself, you could have been in big trouble for that. I go, what?
Starting point is 01:01:24 He goes, yeah, you can't just push him off the bike. I'm like, holy fuck. I go, hey, I was going to push him off the bike and I was going to grab the bike and then hit him with it. Like I was going to smash him with the bike. Especially that second part. Yeah. So you're, you're so, so like pushing. I was just going to say, I felt like my life was in danger.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah. So like, let's say pushing him off the bike. Yeah. Oh, no, I slightly stepped in dog shit. But then by picking up the bike. Smashing him with it? Ran him down on him. Then you're like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:01:56 Let me roll in this dog shit. All right, all right. Put your arm on your back jason get the cuff she says how come this ding dong doesn't have his cuffs out already does that yellow jacket tell you he's not even a real cop is that just like a uh like a community service dude so i'm wondering jason get the cuffs so bo luke get the cuffs i mean this is some dukes of hazard shit now yeah so so this this is where so the vest i don't know if he was working traffic control at a different site and heard this because trap that's like a a safety vest now i don't wear mine unless i'm specifically doing traffic control
Starting point is 01:02:48 and even then sometimes i'll it'll stay in my trunk on accident but yeah like rolling up on with that with that vest not certain well yeah that doesn't look like it's a good thing to be wearing during a fight either yeah probably yeah no but yeah i'm not sure what was going on before that but it's not as far as i know it's not normal that's not a normal uniform vest i think that what we're about to hear is the lady that i was making fun of earlier go ahead really quick and uh yes you don't you don't get you don't get your handcuffs out unless you know your hands aren't needed that's why he doesn't have that's why she has to say get the cuffs because he's okay he's coming expecting to have to use his hands okay and if and if you're put your foot you know
Starting point is 01:03:34 if you're pussy putting around and these are your cuffs dangling around that's how you know i got girls huh these are your cuffs these are cuffs dangling around. It takes away part of your fight. Okay, okay. So he did the right thing. I don't know what I'm talking about. Okay. It's all good. Get your cuffs, get your cuffs.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Shut up. Shut up. You don't do that to a woman. So someone's saying you don't do that to a woman. I love this part. Is that the lady who just showed up on the scene or is that the cop? Do you understand me? That's the lady lady you don't do that to a woman that's a that's a lady she's not out of breath or she has a different different voice
Starting point is 01:04:14 the cop is too busy breathing hard to say that like that okay so um this is the part i always trip on about about cops so the other day right in front of my house and this is just one of a hundred stories i could tell right in front of my house i live on this old like country highway right and right in front of my house a dude drives off the road into the creek below, right? And there's a fire truck there and six cop cars. So I walk outside of my gates, my plush gates, my three-plane brother's empire. I come out. I'm in my shorts and shirt, and I'm standing like 10 feet away from the cops.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Not one cop turns away to me and goes hey what's up man or a guy like obviously i fucking live there nothing ever happens on this road someone has driven off into the creek there's five cop cars and not one of these dudes can be just like remotely fucking civil to me not even like i'm like hey guys they're just like it's like this like like dude like i'm not like i live here i live here like that's where the partnership of the citizenry like hey dude just so you know we'll be out of here in 20 minutes this guy was drunk and uh we're gonna get him out everything okay with you did you hear anything or or like beautiful flowers or just like anything to me
Starting point is 01:05:45 just any civil they're just standing around you know what i mean it's not like there's any it's not an active right it's not it's not no and i see that with cops too like at um like you'll be like i'll be like like at the place where i walk along the beach and there'll just be two cops standing out there and i'm walking by with my kids and they're so fixated on having a conversation with each other and like not it's like like no there's there's no working the public there's no like hey to my kids or and i always have my kids walk up and say hi you know wave to the motorcycle cops all that shit but um in here i understand these guys are under a lot of pressure, but even like if she said, just as they walk away, thank you. Yeah. You get nothing.
Starting point is 01:06:30 You just, you get, or even the other guy, they act like those people didn't even exist. Look, they just walk away. All gone. Bye-bye. It might be. I mean, I know it's a tense situation.
Starting point is 01:06:47 No, honestly, not even like from a being a dick standpoint, it might have been a slight feeling of embarrassment. Well, one, they did walk away fast. Right. You know, it's not like they stood around and she said, all right, you guys are free to leave without saying anything right right but uh you know if you if we're being if we're being honest please she was losing that fight would she have lost the fight maybe not she she probably would have gotten some wits about her she figured some shit out right but she was so if you're losing a
Starting point is 01:07:22 fight and then somebody helps you that you don't a stranger helps you you're losing a fight and then somebody helps you, a stranger helps you, you're losing a fight you're not supposed to be losing. We're wearing the magic suit. We're the top dog. We're the alpha. And then we get seen losing a fight and then somebody helps us. and then somebody helps us and then some she probably prides herself on being a woman and being able to deal with all in all situations right you know what i mean and so then you so then you lose the fight and then you have somebody say you don't do that to a woman and so then she's hit with damn i get i just take an l for all women for i just take an l on behalf of women players
Starting point is 01:08:05 god dang and so it may be that slight feeling of embarrassment combined with they did clear the scene pretty quick they probably didn't want their information they might have been they might have been some off duty you know you we don't know if a dude at the feet was off duty or that or the heavier dude was like you like a sergeant somewhere. And he's like, you ain't about to get me up in this narrative. You ain't about to have me subpoenaed. You ain't about to have me subpoenaed at court, bro. And then just GTFOH and then maybe call later, hey, is that officer okay?
Starting point is 01:08:43 Here's the other part that why I don don't as a citizen you should give police officers a shitload of leeway let's say the police officer has a gun that's just the baseline you just have to accept that the same way the bumblebee has a stinger we've authorized them all to have guns now this fucking wackadoodle ding dong who drives with yellow gloves on has gotten out of the car what if he grabbed that gun and tried to shoot her and fuck her missed her and shot my car while I was driving by with my three little boys. I just have no tolerance. Like fight it out in court. We've already put cameras on all these poor fucking cops.
Starting point is 01:09:33 You're going to see the whole thing. Once you engage one of these bees, I think the onus is on you that all gloves are off. I have to assume – I want everyone to assume the worst because I don't want to risk someone grabbing a police officer's gun and shooting it. I just don't. Serve on. Serve on. Yeah. I have no patience. You want to know where you're going wrong? Yeah, tell me.
Starting point is 01:09:58 You're being a rational thinker, Siobhan. You're not allowed to do that these days. What I tell you about that logic and putting – what I tell you about putting yourself in some of those issues. We can't do that these days, bro. Concord and I lived on the Berkeley Oakland border crazy I had four 15s in the back of my rabbit and I was slinging weed and I was up all hours of the night and I was always drinking and driving and
Starting point is 01:10:32 I was just always always somehow involved with cops in context for people that was back when weed was a crime yes and and and it was still there would have been a crime because I was selling it I was selling yep yep yep yep, yep. So – and I had the scale and my backpack and all that shit, the triple beam.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Oh, you was for real. Yeah. Well, I was pretending to be for real. I had a BB gun under the seat. Anyway, so half the encounters were fucking amazing. Nicest guys I ever met. The other half were assholes. But it didn't matter.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I always acted the same. I always did that. I always knew the goal was just to get away from them. The goal was to turn off the car, turn on the dome light, put my hand somewhere, be so fucking nice to them, get my ticket, and move on. I didn't want them searching my car. I didn't want to get in a fight with them. I didn't want to touch them. I didn't want to be asked to get out of my car. I didn't want to be searched. But if I would have ever tussled with one of them and they had a fucking gun, I think it's completely fair to expect you're going to get shot.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I just have no – or let's just get rid of cops and just have the fucking purge now. Yeah, and – Did society suffer because of the last two years of cop hatred? I would say – Can you speak to that? Yeah. Or do you think that there has been cop hatred? I don't mean to make a presupposition on you, but like, when I look at like the problems society's having, I think, holy shit. I think like a chunk of us, not just society towards cops, but period. There's a lot of, it's hard to correct to here.
Starting point is 01:12:34 A lot of times we overcorrect. Right. You know what I'm saying? So if it was, oh, we're here and we're trying to bring it back to here, a lot of times it comes all the way over here. And so there's just maybe an overcorrection. Like, let's accept transvestites and everyone for who they are. Okay, cool. Let's invite them into our elementary schools and have them twerk in front of our kids.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Ah, maybe you overcorrected a little. A smidgey. That part. Just a smidgey. How about we just be cool and just accept everyone? Right. Yeah, the overcorrection thing you're right it's crazy and quite frankly um i i speak about this to my partners a lot because uh when i hear you talk about it also is the victim mentality and you'll vibe with this one because uh because you speak and learn in analogies. And that's my learning style.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I speak and learn when I used to coach CrossFit in analogies because that helps relate. And the victim mentality is like a very slow dripping poison at a light dosage. And it tastes really good. It makes you feel good and but what you don't realize it may not that slow dripping poison doesn't do anything to you in a day a week or maybe even a month but you continuously ingest that poison over the course of a year two years ten years then you're just eating away and molding into a victim constantly. Now, overcorrection would be trying to be a hard ass all the time. I'm never a victim, whatever. No, but just avoiding that victim
Starting point is 01:14:12 mentality. And I think that seeps into a lot of people's minds more because the victim mentality is pretty close to being a polar opposite of accountability. And so one side you have accountability, the other side you have a victim mentality. And I think the victim mentality has just probably carried a little bit too much weight, gotten a little too dense over the course of however long. There's a nuance here to what you're saying that I've been trying to explain to my kids. I'll say something like, that's my fault. And then something will happen and I thought you – and then they'll be like, I thought you said everything is your fault. And I go, it is. Everything is my responsibility.
Starting point is 01:15:01 They go, well, then how did we get in trouble for that? I'm like, because it's your fault too. It's interesting. You – the nuance is this. You get pulled over by a cop and – let's not even use that as a cop. Something bad happens to you, and it's not your fault at all, but you still can't play the victim. You have to take responsibility. You have to take responsibility because you're here as a human being on planet earth it doesn't mean that that guy still doesn't the guy who the person who ever hurt you doesn't have their own shit that they have to get through and even if it looks like 100 everything that there was their fault right they walked up to you they jumped you they knocked you out You still can't play the victim. The truth isn't – there is – I don't believe that there's a middle line.
Starting point is 01:15:54 I don't believe that it's like – that there's exceptions. I believe it is really black and white, that we have to take this – almost this absolute personal accountability and responsibility for all the things that are happening in our life and granted it's hard it's a it's a war right because you're right playing that victim does feel good yeah it wasn't my fault i the scientists the tv was telling me everyone no one could have known as soon as i talked to doctors all the time and they're like well no one could have known in the beginning as soon soon as I hear that, I hear them starting to play the victim. If you couldn't have known, why didn't you take a deep breath and stand back then? Why didn't you just jump in and do the procedure? Right.
Starting point is 01:16:38 And it's because right then and there, it's a very attractive thing. It's a relief. Like, oh, okay, it wasn't my fault. Okay, maybe this. But no, it's that. It's uncomfortable. It sucks to be accountable sometimes. You got jumped at the ATM, and it's the other guy's fault.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Right. But you're born on planet Earth. You open an account at that bank. You have an ATM. It was nighttime. Were you looking around? I mean, those are – the second you just blamed the guy who jumped you at the ATM, you've given him all your power. So I would – there will be –
Starting point is 01:17:22 I'm not saying – that guy doesn't get an excuse. That guy needs to fucking be taken out and fucking slapped around. No, there's a lot of agreeance in what you're saying. I agree with you in a lot of what you're saying, but the slight pushback will be take all the scenarios you said and you get jumped. Yeah. You, you give him the power when you fear to go to the ATM again. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Or you give him the power when you let him live or her live rent free in your head when you're making dinner the next day. Yeah. Now, will there be some trauma associated? Possibly. I'm not saying that we're just computers and we could dump something from our memory. computers and we could of course something dump something from our memory however that's where the the loss of power would happen to me not not a bit of me would be like damn that's what i get for being at the atm at 9 30 p.m i know better than that or because um i i needed to get some
Starting point is 01:18:18 bread now now if i was getting bread out the atm for a shady reason, I knew I shouldn't have done that stupid ass thing. I knew I didn't need that $20 to buy the meth. You know what I mean? And so that would be where it's your fault. But the transfer of power comes from when you let somebody else dictate beyond. So like that guy that you showed up to the fight and he yelled at you if you would have left and he yells those racial slurs at you if you would have left there thinking and that would have changed who you think you are about yourself
Starting point is 01:18:59 or who you think other people are then he wins wins. Right. And the reason I count that as a win. Either one. Either you think different about yourself or you think different about now drunk white dudes or however you want to categorize them. He won. Doesn't matter. He won if it changes the way you think. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:19:18 And quite frankly, it may sound weird to a lot of folks, but when I'm in uniform, I'm not a black police officer. I'm a police officer. So an example of that would be if I'm wearing what I'm wearing right now and somebody says, fuck you, you know what I mean? And I tune them up, it would be likely socially acceptable that they got their ass whooped in and of itself for calling me the n-word but put me in uniform like that in and of itself i can't okay but like i gotta keep it moving now would it be an associated factor to why force was used likely because they show the propensity to become violent shows your shows you're batshit crazy if you call a black dude that. Something's wrong with you.
Starting point is 01:20:08 That too. But you can't live rent free in my head from there. And then so that dude did it. And moving forward, am I? Yeah. Is it keeping me distraught? No, I actually laugh at the story. I'm like, I can't believe that damn dude.
Starting point is 01:20:23 I was trying so hard just to get him back home safely. But then he wanted the smoke, and so he got it. Are you born and raised where you're at now? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How old are you? I am 32.
Starting point is 01:20:42 I'm about to be 33. Oh, shit, dude. You're young. Oh, my God. I'm actually about to be 33. Oh, shit, dude. You're young. Oh, my God. I'm actually so. You look really young, too, though. I mean, I didn't think you were older, but I thought maybe you were going to say something crazy. I'm 74.
Starting point is 01:20:54 I was going to be like, fuck. You look very young. Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, my area is relative i could tell you around where i'm actually buddied up with uh when your boy justin madaris oh and so yeah so i used to watch him like i was there for his first one of his first crossfit workouts and so we're around from the same area right um and is would you consider the bay area your home from everywhere from like
Starting point is 01:21:25 san jose to benicia to san francisco like you like by home i mean you know all you know the area um no no nor cal i'm probably i probably would go to if i said meet me at the golden gate bridge you don't need your apple map to fucking find it you know how to get yeah that's what i mean yeah i'm not like you don't know every neighborhood but i mean you know yeah yeah the basics all of us bay area boys we know and girls we know the bay area yeah i got you you could come to my if i said hey meet me in my house in an hour and a half you could come here yeah yeah it's cool well i hope you had fun i had a blast hey that was yeah that was a good time that was dope okay cool um let's do it again yeah honestly just i'll add me about anything as you can see i
Starting point is 01:22:15 could cook like if you get me on a topic i could cook it just makes you give me some time in advance like y'all did and we'll keep it moving awesome dude blade are you do you work today i do not i'm actually on baby leave oh cool congratulations yeah how old's the baby how old's the baby about 10 days old now congratulations yeah baby's doing good she was a stat c-section what's that mean stat like like last minute like oh shit oh shit yeah like oh this shit isn't planned something's going on with the little let's keep it moving and so like everybody and this is normal you know everybody's oh how's the baby how's the baby and the baby ended up great it was my my third girl by the way. Bang, all girls.
Starting point is 01:23:10 But everything ended up great with her, but mom got her ass whooped. And so mainly I'm helping mom take care of the kids because we also, what's it called? Irish twins when you go back to back. Wow. Yes. If you have them like within 18 months or two years or something. I have an 18-month-old. Holy shit. like within 18 months or two years or something. I have, I have an 18 month old and five, a seven year old.
Starting point is 01:23:27 I have a seven year old who is money. Like, yeah, she's so good that I have to tell her no, just so she could learn the deal with dishes. Now. No, no,
Starting point is 01:23:42 she'll be like, dad, could I have gum? And I'll, and I'll be like, Nope, you didn't say please. please like that's how petty i have to be because she's money everywhere else so if she don't say dad man please have gum i'm like i'm like nope so she's absolute money very self-sufficient you know she does stupid seven-year-olds she does stupid seven-year-old sometimes out of curiosity dude i have three rabbits why'd you use sharpie on the on the wood table yes yeah that one right there yeah then but then our damn one and a half year old she she's money she she's a great sleeper
Starting point is 01:24:19 thank god but she does not stop she's going over here to try to get something. She likes messing with the dog bowl now. She likes. Oh yeah. Yeah. She's tall enough to reach doors and stuff. So we got to buy. What does she think about the new baby?
Starting point is 01:24:34 She cool. She is very gentle. Now she does it. We're trying to teach her the no, no areas. Like, no, I don't care how gentle it is.
Starting point is 01:24:42 You can't touch the baby's eyeball. Right. Right. Right. Right. But but she goes you can't pull off fingers don't touch the eyeball right she goes uh like that and she'll just kind of gently try to touch her she is absolutely money with the baby the baby sleeps well so three for three no knock on wood and excuse my it's not this is not two and a half this is is a full, this is a full count. I kept looking at that finger throughout the show. That thing needs to be. I wear a tack vest, right?
Starting point is 01:25:10 And like, let's say you're directly in front of me. And if I'm trying to point, there'll be a time where I'll point at you and I'll be like, well, I know this is pointing at them, but I'm actually, I mean you. But a three for three with good sleepers. And I can't ask for much more than that i got healthy babies they got their their vision is good they pass both hearing tests their crying is good they pass their jaundice test all that stuff that everybody's afraid of at birth they're good and so you're stoked very much so thank you for coming on um i look forward to talking to you again this is awesome likewise man y'all have a good one if you see justin and mama justin and daddy justin tell
Starting point is 01:25:52 him i said what's up will do all right y'all all love ciao peace wow can that become a thing? I like that. Just like breaking down videos? Yeah, that was dope. I like him too. He's great, isn't he? He's super cool. I can't even believe he's real.
Starting point is 01:26:17 He's so nice and his skin's so nice. The whole time I'm like, is this like a Disney character? It felt like it. I mean, yeah. I mean, he's so cool. All right. That was cool. Hey, what do you do when the show's over?
Starting point is 01:26:31 Like, what will you do right now? I'll probably download the show. And I'll go, while I'm doing that, I'll eat dinner, change, i'm doing that i'll eat dinner change and then go work out for a couple hours and then do whatever until i go to bed i guess repeat um can can you uh did you hear about uh north korea firing a missile intercontinental ballistic missile over uh japan yeah does that does that affect your job at all what you're doing no not really we don't i mean it's just i mean attention to it not that we've heard no i think maybe you have your focus yeah we're i mean we're pretty prepared for everything so are you support for something that's going on?
Starting point is 01:27:31 Are you support for something that could happen? Are you preemptive or are you actually, is there a situation that you are? I don't really have a specific answer for that. It's pretty. Yeah. Is there someone who's always where you're at or is this kind of a new, is this whole place where you're living right now a new, a new pop-up town, new pop-up city?
Starting point is 01:27:58 Are there always Americans there? Or no? Yeah, we're pretty solidified. What do you mean? Like we're here. Oh, we're pretty solidified what do you mean like we're here oh we're there okay we own this space okay so it wasn't like something happened and then you went out there the space that you're holding is a space that the u.s holds yeah all right when you when can when can i just ask you a million questions about it? Like after you come back and you're out of the military for two years?
Starting point is 01:28:29 No. I can probably talk about it when I get back in the beginning of next year. Awesome. All right, brother. You're the best. Love you, Caleb. And I will – oh, dude.

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