The Sevan Podcast - #623 - Live Call In Show ft. Fight For the Fittest

Episode Date: October 10, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You don't look very old to me. When I think of event organizers, I think of old people. We are young and young in business. I think of people who can't compete anymore, so they default to growing events. That's kind of still me. Sam and Kelly, right? Yes. Nice to meet you.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Sevan, that's Caleb down there at the bottom. Pleasure. It's almost showtime for you guys we're getting there uh november 1st to the 21st is the online qualifier correct awesome um fight for the fittest give me the history who's whose idea is that uh competition um the main idea came from Sam. Did you go, you're crazy? No. That's pretty much what I tell him every day. But it started with good friends of ours were opening a gym. Sam saw a hole in the market in our area for some good individual competitions. So it was supposed to be this big market in our area for some good individual competitions.
Starting point is 00:01:08 So it was supposed to be this big grand opening for our friend's gym. We were going to rent the place and just do this huge event. We had a couple of setbacks. The gym opens late. We had to cancel. Then COVID hit. We had to cancel again. So our first year. Why do you have to cancel online competition?
Starting point is 00:01:21 Oh, it wasn't online. It was in person. Yeah. Sorry. So originally it was supposed to be all in person. So we actually canceled twice before we even got, you know, got off the ground. Our first year during COVID, we did go online just to kind of get our feet wet, have some fun. And, you know, it was a small little event online, but we had some international participants.
Starting point is 00:01:41 It was, you know, it was fun. So after that last year. 2021, we finally got to run in-person events. So we did an in-person at a local gym, RX Fit, in Rocky Point in Long Island, which is our good friend's gym. We had 100 individual competitors through intermediate and RX divisions. We had a ton of vendors, and it was just a blast. I mean, we had so much fun doing it. We had great feedback from, you know, all the athletes involved. So we decided to do a partner series online as our kind of second event of
Starting point is 00:02:12 that year. Cause it's like two days before we're done with this event. I'm like, all right, we got to do another one right away. You know what? I, um, I was getting that vibe from, um, I get that vibe from Dave at the games, even before the games is finishing. He's thinking about next year. And recently, JR did Crash Crucible. And I could tell as the weekend went on and I was texting him, this event was like inspiring him.
Starting point is 00:02:34 He was already like leaving to why next year's is going to be better. Yeah, it's funny. I actually reached out to him on Instagram. He's actually really nice and was very helpful to talk to me. And we kind of had the same philosophies and processes, but, you know, I talked to him about the troubles that we've run into or that have slowed us is because we're not gym owners. Right. And then in the competition, especially that kind of the local realm, that's kind of rare. Usually people run it out of their gym, they build it up. And that's the guys, you know, who do the Mac challenge
Starting point is 00:03:03 and, you know, a lot of the qualifiers, they have gyms so that that's kind of held us up and he was able to give us some really good advice which is keep going keep slow you know don't go too big and that's what kelly does i want to do like the four-day event already you know let's take a big loan and do all that she's like no chill out you're kind of making me think of what it's like running a podcast. You have to go every single fucking day or at least every other day. You have to be consistent and you just have to be patient. You got to grind. Yeah, you just you have to grind. And then and then every year, maybe a couple more people come.
Starting point is 00:03:39 The crazy part is, is like imagine if the first year you had 20 people at your competition and then every year you double for 10 years, you'd be bigger than like probably the games. Yeah. I mean, that's how fast that shit just explodes. I mean, just like, just focus like you do like focus on putting out quality product, put out a good product, make sure people are happy, do your thing. And people, you know, either hate it or love it, but you know, you keep doing your thing. So fight for the fittest. Um, you have, when's the, when's the deadline to register? The registration deadline for the online qualifier is November 15th. And the reason we do an online qualifier is because here in New York, it's not, you know, 85 degrees and sunny all the time by you. Uh, you know, we have a kind of a restriction
Starting point is 00:04:20 on how many people we can have inside a gym, uh, in January. It gets kind of cold and snowy. So that's why we do that for the winter event. The other one that we ran in September, an individual one, was just open registration. And we had 100 athletes at that. Yeah. So this was our second year doing the individual. We actually teamed up with Christian Harris and Move Fast, Lift Heavy this year. We met Deb at our first event that we held at our friend's gym. She, you know, kind of reached out to us. We figured it would be a fun collaboration for us to work together. So this year's events are being held at move fast, lift heavy for the in-person events in Ron Conkama, New York. Um, Ron who? Ron Conkama. It sounds like a porno name, right? Ron Conkama.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Sounds crazy. But, um, yeah, so these workouts this year, usually Sam writes our workouts along with the business is owned by Sam and I. We have a really close friend, Dr. Haley Queller, who is our lead judge. She helps us out of the goodness of her heart. She's a fantastic CrossFit athlete. So usually our workouts are written between Sam and Haley. They kind of work together to put those out. And this year, Christian Harris is actually writing our workouts as part of our collaboration. So all workouts are going to be written and demoed by him.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And the online qualifier, you know, will just get people to qualify to come in person, you know, at his gym and compete in January. If the the it says the competition, you're saying the deadline to register is the 15th, but it says the competition here on the Instagram starts on the first. That's just the opening for registration or. So that's when they have to start doing the workout. So all the workouts will be released ahead of time. It's not like the open where you get one each week. You'll have all three beforehand and you have the three weeks to complete the three workouts at your leisure. Anyone else do that? Some competitions do that, especially with partners and teams. It allows
Starting point is 00:06:11 people to coordinate their schedules a little bit. You know, we also do that because we want people to know what the workouts before and we want people to register, you know, and you could get some really insane times, right? If you, if you, if it's three workouts and you have three weeks to do them, you, I mean, if you, if it's three workouts and you have three weeks to do them, you, I mean, theoretically you could give it your best effort three times. Yeah. We got some really fit, fit partners last time. It was really impressive. So then the 21st online qualifiers closes November 21st. And then approximately two months later, on January 28th, 2023, will be Fight for the Fittest live finals. Great.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And those are in Ronkonkoma? Yes, correct. Okay. Wow. And how many people will go to that? We'll have 15 teams from each division. In the RX category. Only RX category.
Starting point is 00:07:02 So there'll be a male male male female female female division so 15 in each division do you guys actually um uh uh provide um do your payouts do you guys give the prize money or is it just imaginary like the other events it's just it's just imaginary money kelly may not follow um that a lot of the yeah i haven I haven't heard that. Well, in Europe and in Canada, you go to the event and you win and you don't get paid, but it's okay. It's not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:07:33 It might be a big deal in Ronkonkoma, but not in Europe. No, in New York, if you don't get paid, someone's coming to get you. I've seen that arm wrestling competitions. I said that yesterday on the show. I said, if that happens at an arm wrestling competition a fight breaks out no you can't do that no this is we we pride ourselves on on our reputation so you know we have great
Starting point is 00:07:52 sponsors actually to um you know last time everyone on the podium got a free pair of shoes from reebok uh mobility wall told the bar c4 not to just like throw names out but you know like these these companies have um been with us from the beginning and have been very generous we've tried to utilize a lot of that so that way it doesn't come out of our pocket uh but we also do add in prizes but everyone walks away with something so the online qualifier we always do um prizes for the top three teams just like it was you know if it was in person um the prize packages for the online qualifier aren't as large but you know one thing that we really love that we think sets us apart from a lot of local competitions is our prize packages because,
Starting point is 00:08:30 you know, Sam's competed a bunch. I don't compete, but Sam's competed a bunch. And, you know, I look at the athletes and they bust their butts, they train, they work hard all day. And then, you know, they walk home with a pat on the back, which is great, but you know, it's nice to kind of get rewarded for your hard work. So I know a lot of the feedback we got from our last event from our podium winners was they felt like professional athletes. Like they thought it was really cool to walk away with a thousand dollars worth of prizes, you know, special, you know, packages being mailed to them from, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:59 big name companies like Reebok and everyone gets a shirt. Everyone gets a headband junk gives us a headbands to give to all of our athletes and our staff. So we try to hook people up because we want people to happy it's a trip how that changes for people so people who go to the games for the first time they're so excited that when they get back to their room they open their backpack and there's enough clothes to cover their bed and by the time you're a third third time games athlete you're just like just chucked a bag I and it was like that for me too when i first started like when crossfit first came around like oh my god i can't believe reba gave me one pair of shoes then by fucking 2017
Starting point is 00:09:37 and my head got all big i was like i need 10 froning shirts i need 17 pairs of shoes in my room and i want them laid out already when I get there. Thank you. Have someone dress you too. I know you can't believe I'd get like that, but, but it happens. I could believe it. So these people are stoked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:54 They get the shaker. There's like a shaker bottle in their bag, bag of protein, some clothes, shoes. They're being treated well. They built up to the event. It's in a, it's in a nice facility. Yeah. We have photographers we have videographers we try to you know we try to uh you know highlight the athletes i mean you're training hard you're busting your ass for a while you know you deserve to be uh given credit um
Starting point is 00:10:15 who who should register for fight for the fittest so for the online qualifier really anybody can we have a scaled division uh we also have an RX division. We try to make the workouts accessible. Bottom line is if you're able to do the open, you're able to do these workouts. If you're in the gym and you're RXing your class workouts, you can take these workouts. We have a lot of people that do travel. We have people come from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Virginia, Pennsylvania. So we have all those teams signed up already. It's worth the trip. Like, uh, you know, it's, it's absolutely worth the trip. We do this for those people. We really do it for those people. Like we both have, have real jobs. Like we have real professions and a full-time jobs. We, you know, we don't make hundreds of thousands of dollars from this. And for the amount of hours that we put into it, we probably make less than minimum wage.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Um, you know, we do this because we're trying to build something for the athletes for the community do you have sympathy for those people um who in all honesty um for the people who weren't able to pay out the prize money those event organizers because part of me no no sympathy well how about this those people couldn't even compete in those countries for two years now you you say something you something, you do it. I mean, one thing we pride ourselves on is that we, you know, we want our event to be known for its integrity. So, you know, we have policies in place, we say things, but we always try to do what's best for our athletes. You know, for example, we've had, you know, prizes that were supposed to be direct shipped from companies and, you know, they get lost in the mail or something happens, you know, which just happened recently. And I went out of pocket and ordered that prize just so that athlete could
Starting point is 00:11:48 have it because they earned it. You know, it's not their fault that, you know, FedEx did something with it. But luckily I have Kelly to make sure I don't promise anything that I can deliver. Would you, would you allow me if I, I know this is going to be hard for you guys to believe, allow me if i i know this is gonna be hard for you guys to believe would you allow jeremy and i who are um a one-week transition to enter the women's masters division okay never mind you don't even have to answer that sorry i was actually hoping we would get through the whole episode without talking about covet or gender but no problem no problem let's talk about how you do whatever you want let's talk about how nice uh christian Christian Harris's body is and, and why you say you partnering with them. What do they actually do?
Starting point is 00:12:30 They just, what do they do? What's he, what's he provide? So he, you know, him doing the programming has actually been really nice. And it's been a load off of me.
Starting point is 00:12:37 You know, he's very good with programming, very knowledgeable. And then also, you know, his brand of move fast, that's heavy clothing line and his brand, which is himself, you know, has brought a lot more attention to our competition series.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Their gym facility is fantastic as well. It's a beautiful facility. It's set up for a competition. And then his manager, Deb Graff, has been fantastic. She's helped us make so many contacts in the business that, frankly, we couldn't do by ourselves. helped us make so many contacts in the business that frankly we couldn't do by ourselves. Is this, do you see this just going on forever? Fight for the fittest? Do you see it growing just every single year and just keep doing it? That's the goal. I would like to see us doing a multi-day event at a larger venue with an equipment sponsor. And there's no reason why we can't,
Starting point is 00:13:22 there's nothing like that here in the Northeast. There's nothing like that in New York. There's a demand for it. And I think it just, we have to be patient and do it slowly. It must be a crazy learning curve. I remember just one time, I can't remember exactly what I'm, you know, the spirit of what I'm going to say is true. I don't know if what I'm saying is true,
Starting point is 00:13:42 but basically Greg's like, oh, Dave, let's do that at the ranch. And Dave's like, okay. It was some event. I don't even think it was a competition. It was just some, some gathering. And he said, and there were going to be like 500 people there. And then right away I heard like Paula Gravatt was there and she was making a list of things that need to be done. And it was like order, you know, like 20 porta potties or something. And I'm like, Oh shit, I wouldn't have even thought of that. But you can't just have 500 people show up to the fucking middle of nowhere and they're not be fucking some water to drink and some place to shit and piss. And it's like, that's like the
Starting point is 00:14:14 bare minimum, but you don't think of that. You just think, Oh yeah, just come over. It's not a big deal. Just come over. Yeah. I mean, it's definitely been a learning curve. Fortunately, sorry, our dog is jumping. Um, fortunately it's, uh, you know, we've, we've had successful events from the beginning and the learning curves have kind of just been, you know, little, but the goal is to make the learning curve not cost you too much money, you know, as long as you, you know, like you saw over in Europe, you know, you make mistakes, but, uh, do the right thing and don't overreach. And I think that's what I was talking about with JR. And I spoke to a couple other event organizers and they said, don't overreach too fast.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Like stay, stay smaller as long as you can build up your name, your reputation, and then and then start to expand. And that, I think, will limit those. You know, trial by error. Do you do you is the goal to grow bigger or more prestigious why can't they be the same right right right yeah i think fortunately too we have a good team you know it's really for the most part just sam and i running the business but having our you know our friend hayley who helps us out we all kind of bring different things to the table that help, you know, balance out and, and prevent us from having any of those big errors, you know, where we'll come up with an idea and we love it.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Haley might come in and say, wait, you didn't think of this. So it is reputation because over here in, you know, in New York and on long Island, it's you know, there's like a gym every five miles. There really is. and for the first year uh nobody would promote us no one would would uh repost our stuff and then once people started to realize that we don't own a gym like we weren't going to steal their members uh the gym owners around here would really come around oh that's nice people would people you don't own a
Starting point is 00:15:58 gym you're not in competition with them people would message us and they would say well how much is the membership for your gym i was like dude i don't have a gym i have a job that you know like a other job not that that's not a job right um but like you know i gotta go to work um and once people got you know got to know us and that's why we kind of actually put ourselves out there on social media a lot like i have a job i'm not a pe teacher fuck out of here right exactly exactly i work more than 180 days a year. Can I see, Caleb, can I see the classes that people can enter, uh, fight, fight for the fittest? There is just the, is it broken down somewhere? Like it says like old people in the ages or like,
Starting point is 00:16:40 wait, right now we just kind of have like an open registration. So it's either RX or Scaled and then divided up based off of the partners. Right. Old people are encouraged to compete wherever they want. And we actually have – So there's two – as of now, there's two divisions this year, RX and Scaled. Correct. There's no ages or anything that madness. So the partner series, it's RX and Scaled.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And then just for our individual event that we run in late summer early fall that one that we just uh finished up it's actually rx and intermediate um that's for individual competitors not for partners a lot of our masters compete in that intermediate division how many events do you do a year right now we have two and we're hoping to do another one hopefully in spring and whether that's a team event which is a very uh few around here or something else we're still in talks of that are you are you interchanging the terms partner and team no partners two team is four okay awesome yeah so right now we have our individual and our partner those are what we run currently okay uh well thank you for everything thanks for uh sponsoring the show uh, sponsoring the show. Uh, if
Starting point is 00:17:46 there's anything we can do to help, um, if you get good clips and you want us to show them, uh, fight, fight for the fittest. It's awesome. Awesome meeting you guys. I'm stoked. We love the show. Thank you so much for having us. Thank you. And we almost skirted all the, uh, the main topics, but we did pretty good. Yeah. all right. All right, thanks, guys. All right, guys. Have a good show. Bye. Bye, ciao, thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, I need a one-minute,
Starting point is 00:18:13 I need a 90-second break. Caleb and I are going to drop in the back, and then Will Branstetter, we are at 18, 19. We're going to need to cut, like, two minutes out of the middle of the show when we go to YouTube. Caleb and I will be back in two. Thank you. Ah, much better. Woo. ah much better whoo
Starting point is 00:19:54 um back at 1949 brandstetter in case you're the one who ends up cutting this out i think it was 1819 to 1949 is that it i think you can clip that right in youtube uh i want to play this clip i didn't send you this and then and then in the notes um i found this after i sent you the notes in the morning so i'm gonna play this one uh i don't even know if i should share shit like this because it's so fucking scary this is this kind of shit that scared me as a little kid this is a site i'm trying to get this guy on the show quiver quantitative he says oh hey i'm not i i can't really speak to your audience you guys are crossfitters and and i'm not a crossfitting instagram i don't know what the fuck that means but i'm like i'm not a crossfitting show i'm still in denial but um listen to this this is talking he follows the stock market and here he says something about noticing through his algorithm and the stuff he looks at at the internet that the United States bought $270 million worth of drugs in case there's nuclear fallout.
Starting point is 00:20:56 The Department of Human Health Services just bought $270 million of nuclear emergency drugs. For context, I track government contracts on my website so I can invest in them before everyone else finds out. And just today, I saw that the HHS bought 240,000 doses of a drug called Enplate, which costs about $1,200 for dose. That's a little concerning that they only got 240,000 doses. Drug is produced by Amgen, a massive pharmaceutical company, and it's used to treat radiation sickness. This comes as NATO just announced it lost track of a Russian nuclear submarine in the Arctic Circle.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And the reason that this is such a big deal is that this submarine is believed to be carrying a weapon called the Poseidon Weapon System, which I quote, has the ability to create a 1,600-foot nuclear tsunami. Amgen stock has been bought. I don't know if I believe that. I don't either. A foot tsunami i that that's a wave that's a that's a uh a quarter of a mile 1600 feet high or 1600 1600 yeah susan could you tell i was stressed to the max this morning you're such a good dude. Look at you fucking by old shit, and you're still helping me, holding my hand through the hard times.
Starting point is 00:22:13 We actually just finished a Colosseum tour, and we're standing in the middle of ancient Rome right now. So dope, dude. That's a massive temple, and then all the stuff you can see over there. God, that's cool. And this is Grace, who's been very patient this whole time. God, you're hot, Grace. Look at you. You're even hotter in Rome. Well, yeah, this is it.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Dude, you're stoked. Holy cow. Look at that temple. Hey, what would happen if you had to take a piss really bad and you just took a piss, like, on that wall right there? It's funny that you mention that, because that's what I actually have to do right now but our tour like our whole tour guy thing just ended that's what these uh headphone thingies are and i just checked it on the show and
Starting point is 00:22:53 i freaked out because i only saw the wallpaper and i was like oh god something bad happened hey no they were great hey sam and kelly were great that fight to the finish segment was awesome okay cool yeah they hit it out of the park they were killer all Hey, Sam and Kelly were great. That fight to the finish segment was awesome. Okay, cool. Yeah, they hit it out of the park. They were killer. Grace is telling me not to yell. I'm interrupting other tours. Hey, wait. Turn around again. Turn around again. Look in the back back there.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Keep spinning. Keep spinning. More. More. More. It's outside of the Coliseum. I saw something. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Stop. It's right behind your head i think no no but way back it's like it's like a mile from you i thought i saw something that looked like the arc de triumph that thing that they have in france did i see oh there it is you see it way back there what is that way back there
Starting point is 00:23:41 good job suza what is that thing that you so that's an arc that was dedicated to tito who is one of the emperors of rome that went and robbed jerusalem so they could finish the call he robbed the jews yeah fuck that dude like 3 000 uh slaves and then they they brought wait white slaves wait white slaves yeah'm not sure they're melatonin, but yeah. Jew slaves? Oh, it's always funny 3,000 years later. Don't worry. It's been 3,000 years.
Starting point is 00:24:13 You can joke about the Jew slaves now. I can't believe you're there. You can see some other stuff, too. So that bell tower that you see, or maybe you guys can't see it. Yeah, yeah, I see it. That's from Game't see it yeah yeah i see it that's from game of thrones and shit yeah so that's actually that's not that old it was only built in the 1300s and then this temple that you guys are seeing here was built in like 500 a.d it's been restored a couple times and then these are all the ruins of uh ancient rome here just a couple of the
Starting point is 00:24:42 pillars and stuff still stand. Crazy. Hey, where's the sewage system? You should start charging people for tours. Yeah, right. Is the sewage system above ground? Can you see they're like, yeah, the shit used to flow down the street right here. I always liked that part as a kid. Yeah, they still have the aqueduct.
Starting point is 00:24:59 You can see more of it inside the Colosseum the way it worked because the Colosseum was actually originally... God, this Coliseum must have smelled good yeah i don't think you could see the coliseum it's a bit too much of a walk to get back there but um they actually had to drain a river i mean not a river but they had to drain a whole entire lake in order to build it to where it was at so they were actually really efficient with their way that they built the drainage system which actually allowed it now this is semi-controversial but i guess they allowed it to fill it with water as well and they could reenact naval uh battles inside of it please
Starting point is 00:25:32 no controversial stuff on this show speculation of if it's true or not but yeah so that was uh and then another funny thing is when the um times came in, after this had already been abandoned for a while, they didn't use any of the sewage system, which therefore ushered in tons of unsanitary things, which helped usher in the Black Tag. Wow. Meaning the water just stood there stagnant and shit? Yeah, like there was nothing that flowed in or out, and no way to clean any stuff anything out yum yeah yeah but anyhow there's your ancient Rome hey when do you come back there's so much fun drama I get to fill you in on when you come back I've been seeing a little bit of it I'm excited and you'll be happy to know that we uh you'll be happy to know she's not happy that we're coming back but we we come back tomorrow this is our last night so check this out these uh women here are actually i like women
Starting point is 00:26:34 i like women what are these women doing i don't see any women oh yeah yeah i see them that's um that's how they have to clean it. Look, she's standing on some of the ruins to clean the other ruins. That's like the kind of shit my kids would do. They're cleaning the marble pieces by hand, because that's how they have to clean each piece of it. Hey, job security. Hey.
Starting point is 00:27:02 See? Hey, dude, you could bring a fucking you could you could just it looks like she's painting it but they're actually that's actually how they clean and restore each piece of marble I wonder if that's like some ethnicity's job
Starting point is 00:27:12 do you know what I mean like in the United States like if you go out to the fields in California like everyone there is from the fucking south of the border I wonder if it's all like
Starting point is 00:27:20 Belarusians people from Belarus yes we come here and clean the marble oh okay bye well nice talking to you you're a good dude uh I wonder if it's all like Belarusians, people from Belarus. Yes, we come here and clean the marble. Oh, okay, bye. Well, nice talking to you. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Okay, where the fuck were we? Nuclear subs. I'm all bringing the show down, and he's coming in and saying nice shit. Just trying to teach us about Roman history. Do they have McDonald's in Rome? Fair, legit question. No shit, Do they have McDonald's in Rome? Fair. Legit question. No shit. They've got McDonald's in Rome. I think the farthest distance between McDonald's is like 1,300 miles.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And it's between like Canada and Alaska or something. That's the, really? That's where the biggest gap is? Yeah. Otherwise everything else is like within a couple hundred miles of each other. Probably North Africans. Fair. everything else is like within a couple hundred miles of each other probably north africans fair uh you can start by a direct flight to london stop for a few days take the train to paris then
Starting point is 00:28:11 flight to italy i don't know what that means but hi it's always nice to see your face so anyway there's a russian nuclear sub that's that's uh on its way here with the poseidon in it you don't believe the 1600 foot tsunami quarter mile high tsunami i don't yeah i don't understand how it's gonna be a six i don't understand how it'll get that big i also i don't understand how it's gonna be radioactive either like is it because it's a it's a nuke and i'll just like make all the water radioactive and then it's just going to flood. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:28:48 You fire the nuke straight into the ocean floor? Is that how they do it? No, you could do it where you launch it and then it has like a timer on it. So like it gets a certain distance and then it'll just explode on a timer. That would just make a wave isn't a tsunami. That's a tidal wave. A tsunami is basically the ocean floor shifts and the water is displaced and the water starts coming in one direction.
Starting point is 00:29:09 That's why like a tsunami, even if the wave is only two feet high, you're fucked because it's two feet high and it's quadrillion billions of gallons of water coming on. You know what I mean? It's basically just a wall of water. And even if it's two feet high, it's fucking a nightmare. Whereas a tidal wave is like, maybe he just got his words all fucked up, but a 1600 foot displacement would mean that the, the,
Starting point is 00:29:30 the ocean floor would have to shift. And then the, you know what I mean? And then the water starts going because it has to move someone else. If that's the case, then yeah, you just launched it at the fucking ocean floor. I don't like the Poseidon missile so much, or nuclear subs,
Starting point is 00:29:46 especially off the West Coast. I'm super thrilled about that. Well, I mean, it'll be on the East Coast, so you're good for at least a few days. There's one more thing I want to show you. Oh, a couple things. Sorry, these aren't on our notes.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Say that again. It'll take three days to get over here, you think? it'll take a few days before you get any sort of nuclear problems good i have to talk to my wife about some shit we got to get some shit organized before there's a nuke um i just start making a fortress yesterday i filled my um uh gas tank and it $6.99 a gallon for gas. That was the cheap shit. I live in California. I live about 70 miles south of San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah, my gas is $6.99 a gallon. I want to tell you that I don't care, but I just keep seeing all this crazy shit about them saying that gas prices are dropping and for where i live gas prices are just going up that's the most expensive i've seen was yesterday 6.99 for like 85 octane or something or 87 87 at the chevron i also want to show you i know it's it's it's it's crazy but i was seeing that like biden and people were saying that it's $2.99, and it's crazy. I saw this thing where they asked the lady – you know the lady who talks to the press corps? Yeah. I don't know, with the fro.
Starting point is 00:31:13 They asked her what's going on with gas prices, and it's so crazy the way she blames. She's terrible, dude. It's so crazy that this administration thinks it's okay to blame people imagine if your wife came home and you were banging some chick and you just blamed them like sorry i just i just have an addiction i just have to be banging chicks like you that doesn't work sorry it's all putin's fault for yeah stop with the Like, no, it's your fault for not allowing us to generate more fuel on stateside oil derricks. Let me see. I want to open this, and then I'll give the controls over to you. If you did this to my child.
Starting point is 00:32:06 What I'm about to show you. I would find out where you live. And I would scare the fuck out of you. In a way that's unfathomable to all of mankind. I would do something so scary. I wouldn't touch you, wouldn't hurt you, but I would make sure that you felt fear beyond your imagination. And I would do it without breaking the law. And I would repeat it over and over and over
Starting point is 00:32:40 until I saw the fucking yellow bus come and put you in a straight jacket and take you away. You are, you are, you are. God damn it. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Sorry. One last shot. Just so you guys can see the car. Oh, that's beautiful. Susan. Nice to join the show. This is,
Starting point is 00:32:56 this is, this is fantastic. Hi. Hi. Hi. Oh my God. Where are you? What happened to that building?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Is everything okay? Yeah, it survived. Don't worry. It's only been around for about 2,000 years. Oh, I like the DEI shot you got. You got a girl. You got an independent woman in your shot and a black guy. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yeah, you're also really loud on the speaker. Oh, sorry. He didn't speak English. He didn't speak English. Good. Sorry. I didn't mean to call you a girl, Grace. You have a woman.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Sorry. You have a woman. Sorry. Anyhow, just wanted to give you that shot i'll quit interrupting yeah that's very nice that's right hey if there's any nudity just chime right back in we'll do all right okay bye guys bye but the fuck where the fuck were we fucking guy showing off that he's in that was actually cool that was really cool for an international show now listen where was i thread you do not i no matter what any of these parents do did to this or due to this woman after they or the man or whatever this thing is that does this to these kids i don't care i don don't care. This is one of the craziest things I've fucking seen on the internet.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It's so fucking ridiculous. This is the daycare worker. What the fuck is going on hey dude if you walk if you walk into my house wearing that and you were like my best friend i'd hit you with a bat what the fuck i know this is even hard to watch right look that other kid that put you look you're touching the kid get the fuck out of here i can't even watch it i'm done how fucking deranged you after me
Starting point is 00:34:58 i'm that's disgusting yeah sorry bailey i should i actually didn't i i yeah liver king out right i know sorry sorry sorry come back come back sorry insane dude imagine the insane here's the thing that person works at a fucking daycare clinic what why aren't the other workers saying something why are they filming that yeah that's what i'm saying adam yeah this is um yeah how yeah dead she'd be dead i know i i don't understand how anyone thinks it's okay do not for those of you who don't have kids yet do do not – just if you see people with kids, leave them alone. They don't want to be bothered by anyone. No one wants to be – just look what the animal kingdom does if you mess with their kids.
Starting point is 00:35:56 You die. That's what happens. Yeah. Okay. I want to anoint Bill Grundler as possibly the best guest this show has ever had i spoke about this yesterday what an amazing guy um i need to have more people on the show who have such like life experience i mean because it was like we didn't i feel like we didn't even get the show going he was he i mean there's just endless shit to talk about because father firefighter school teacher crossfitter i mean
Starting point is 00:36:26 he's just done it so much right and it's got a lot of experience i didn't realize he'd done all that stuff what do you want to talk about he's got he's got perspective on so much shit impressive yeah man the notes are out of control oh did i not get down to okay let's just let's just start at the top and race through these fuck it the it's the only way i'm gonna get through them all okay uh okay so 47 okay 47 uh this is um the lady i wish i could say her name i always screw up her name she's from prager u uh young young lady and i i often try to uh say this on this show and i don't say it as well i think as she did um although she doesn't hit it
Starting point is 00:37:11 out of the park either but but she's trying to she's basically talking about why it's important or what the relevance is for when someone who's black speaks up about um what's going on in race relations and takes the takes the perspective that she does what's her name again it starts in a amala anyway um uh start at like 9 44 i just want you to and this is why i say this about people who are obese should be speaking up against covid vaccines black people should be speaking up about human rights oh this lady is a fucking complete nut job. She's Armenian. I'm so bummed. And then the third thing is there was another one. But women should be speaking up about the importance of needing men.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I mean, everyone – anyway, go on, please. Here we go. But only because of the environment that leftism has created. here we go but only because of the environment that leftism is created like it shouldn't be necessary for me looking like myself to be the one who talks about race and from a conservative perspective but leftists have created that environment where it takes somebody like me to say the things that i say to be listened to and also she said herself the left's not a monolith but in the same breath it's like so but you get that what you're saying? That's it. It's just that piece. She knows it's ridiculous, but she understands the importance of someone with melanated skin to be speaking out about the nonsense behind what is these accusations from the left about this sort of systemic racism. Racism. And that the way it's being presented is damaging the culture.
Starting point is 00:38:53 She's great. In 10 years, she's going to be a powerhouse. That might be a future president of the United States right there. OK, number 48, Kanye West. This is another great one. Kanye went on Tucker Carlson, I guess, yesterday or the day before. And this this is the point. I wish i could have said it as well as kanye i have no one no one cares no no one cares if you're um if you're if you're obese like really no one cares it's just like greg didn't care if someone drank coca-cola the thing was is he didn't want coca-cola inserting in the in health science saying you could exercise away 20 cokes a day no you can't you cannot and that so listen what connie says about obese people here here we go if someone thinks is attractive to each his own it's actually clinically unhealthy and for people to, to promote that. Um, it's a, it's demonic, you know, when I ask, I've noticed this also. Yeah. Why do you think they would want to promote
Starting point is 00:39:59 unhealthiness among the population? It's a genocide of the black race. They want to kill us in any way they can. Planned Parenthood was made by Margaret Sanger, a known eugenics with the KKK. And I believe that if we saw ourselves as more. And you pause. Oh, no, finish that last thing. If we saw ourselves more as, go ahead. If we saw ourselves as a people and not a race, then we would treat our people better. Okay, pause. If you go to a Jewish person. So I don't know about the demonic stuff. I don't know anything about that. And I don't know about the desire to kill all people, black people.
Starting point is 00:40:41 But all that other shit he said, anyone can look that up. Eugenics, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthoodood there's no tinfoil hat shit there guys it's all you can you can go on to the planned parenthood site and see it the origins of planned parenthood are terrifying terrifying uh i i can't believe i'm saying this, but Planned Parenthood needs to be shut down. There's some more clips coming up. They are now openly, they have commercials, they've used our tax dollars, and they've created commercials to lure young kids. And I use the word lure accurately to lure young kids in to tell them that
Starting point is 00:41:22 if you're not comfortable going through puberty, you're not sure if you want to go through kids in, to tell them that if you're not comfortable going through puberty, you're not sure if you want to go through puberty, that we will give you beta blockers and give you time to think about what choices need to be made. I don't even know what those choices are. No one should get those choices. That's not the way. Well, I don't know if no one should get those choices, but those choices aren't going to help anyone. Taking beta blockers and slowing down your puberty so you can be patient and think clearly and make a decision more about what you want your sex to turn out like. I guarantee you that's a failure 100% of the time. There's a lag? On my internet?
Starting point is 00:42:03 I don't have country internet. My internet's fucking dope. It might be better now. I think it might've been me. Yeah. Caleb's clear as crisp now. It was me. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:42:15 uh, from what I've seen of that interview, Kanye's just on point. He's killing it again. Uh, number 50, uh, legal,
Starting point is 00:42:22 legal. I know women's sports. I am kind of excited to see men take over women's sports just from a the absurdity of it all oh so who plays volleyball volleyball is this legal watch watch this i could i saw this and i'm like how in – is this even legal? Can you use your feet? You can't use your hands in soccer, right? Even on accident.
Starting point is 00:42:50 If I kick the ball and it hits your hands, you're done. Right. Stop the game, free kick, right? Correct. Okay. I think this is volleyball I'm watching. I don't even know. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Whoa. Say that again. even know. You can kick in volleyball. Holy shit. Heidi. Wow. You can. Wow. You can use any body part. it's just easier to use your hands i think wow that was pretty impressive he went all out for that one all right well there you go you just saw the greatest fucking volleyball shot of all time in the history of this
Starting point is 00:43:42 sport uh 51 you think this is a joke for those you listening it was a guy who kicked a did like what is that called a bicycle kick bicycle kick he did a bicycle kick from out of bounds with a volleyball it hits the net and then rolls over the top of it and he scores the point i think he had some he had some like russian name too like ab Abdullah or Arab. That's a Russian name. I don't know. Arabic, whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Something, something. He wasn't Irish. Oh, this one's great. Here we go. Here we go. This is fucking bizarre. She fades. We even have our own flag.
Starting point is 00:44:17 When a girl tells me she loves me, that's when I know it's time to break it off. The second she starts asking me, why don't we ever go out on dates? That's when the clock starts ticking. Look, I can't help it. I want a long-term relationship, but I can't control when that attraction fades. I just have to cycle these girls out every three or four months because I'm fraysexual. That's why whenever I meet a new girl, I urge her not to tell me her name. I don't want to know anything about you. That's the only way this will work for me. You have to respect my sexuality. We're fraysesexuals we're here and our voices will be heard my name is tyler and i'm afraid hey will you look that up fraysexual i think that's real but here's the thing like on the
Starting point is 00:44:56 spectrum of shit that like cnn's pushing that that seems like the fact that you're 15 and you can get your penis chopped off or even 25 and have your penis chopped off this fray sexual thing seems tame to me right on the scale of absurdities yeah sure i don't think that is a joke christine i don't think that is a joke i think that is a just go to every frat house in amer, and that's what you're going to get. Take notes. Here's what you need to know for asexuality. Commitment issues.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Apparently, it's not the same as commitment issues. Oh, oh, oh. Like with every sexual identity, there's a spectrum of asexuality. Asexual people might not experience sexual attraction under any circumstance. Really? There's someone who just never gets horny? I mean, they're damaged goods though, right? Something happened to you? Yeah, I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:45:54 You're probably abused as a kid or something. So it's when you lose sexual attraction. So he's using the word wrong. For asexuality or identity associated with losing sexual attraction to a person once an emotional. Oh, oh, okay. I don't think he's using it wrong. So he didase sexuality or identity associated with losing sexual attraction to a person once an emotional. Oh, oh, OK. I don't think so. He did use it right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:09 You lose sexual attraction to a person once an emotional bond is formed. Like that guy should date a cantaloupe. Just cut a hole in the cantaloupe. Or a jar of peanut butter. Yeah. Wow. Jar of peanut butter. God, you know, how hard would your dick have to be to fuck a jar of peanut butter?
Starting point is 00:46:25 Dude, how big does your dick have to be to fuck a jar of peanut butter? Dude, how big does your dick have to be to fuck a jar of peanut butter? What's the opposite of asexual? I don't know. Mean. Pansexual? I don't know. Asexual is just when you just when you. Yeah, it's a wow. So it's not a joke. It's not a joke it's not a joke have have compassion by the way all of sex all of uh sociology and psychology none of those are real sciences those are all a lot that's
Starting point is 00:46:55 that's um that's like david blaine floating we all see it but but we know it's not really happening. Think of all the magic that's out there. That's exactly what psychology and sociology, that's what most of the sciences are that they teach in school. There's absolutely nothing there. It's all just sleight of hand trick trickery of you being just manipulated to believe shit that you think is working and fitting in your in your head. I had a had a psychology professor in college and he played this he did like this little experiment with us he's like hey i um i just like this is the start of the class i'm just going to tell you i like profiled every single one of you and so he's like i've been watching you guys for the past few days i've been like right taking
Starting point is 00:47:42 notes all this he like made a whole show of it. And he goes down the lines and he's like, OK, this is yours. This is your like has it all written down in like a piece of paper. You guys, everybody has their own one, essentially. And I think there's like 20 people in the class or something. So we all read this like evaluation of ourselves and it says i don't know i thought it was very specific at the time i was like 18 so i was like wow this is pretty good i think and uh he's like okay out of all of you how many of you think that this is this is who you are essentially or like in some capacity and basically everybody raised their hand he's like okay well now i want you to trade with somebody next to you and read their thing and it's we all traded it was the exact same thing so every single
Starting point is 00:48:30 person had the exact same description of each other and it was just like a whole fucking farce and he was that was like the joke essentially that's pretty that's pretty that's pretty cool your psychology teacher would do that yeah it was it was pretty awesome. I like that guy. Yeah. I was going to think he was a complete fucking creep if that story was going to go any other way. Right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah, it was like, no, I'm just joking with you guys. You guys are all the same, apparently. Would you – feel free, anyone, to call in and answer this or put your comments on the side. Would you leave your wife – so I saw this thing the other day, and I'm driving to a friend's house to pick up surfboards. And I see this thing next to a Whole Foods in Santa Cruz, and it's a whole wall. And everyone who drives in and out of this Whole Foods has to see this. This person has turned a fence. It's not a wall. A fence panel from their house that faces this main intersection that says there will never be peace until there's justice.
Starting point is 00:49:35 So basically they're threatening violence. And then it has people's names. And one of the names on there is George Floyd. Now, yesterday someone called me a beta. I'm perfectly okay being a beta. You have know one thing though about about me i am so fucking logical at most times and there is no bitch in me like none none none none none none and i could we should make a whole show on defining what the difference there's no bitch in me and And there's bitch, like I see bitches everywhere, fucking cowards. But this fucking thing said, George Floyd, that was one of the fucking things on the wall.
Starting point is 00:50:16 There will be no peace until there's justice. Like George Floyd didn't get justice. Now, I want to, and then it made me think of this. Would you leave your wife with Derek Chauvin or George Floyd? Not one person picks George Floyd. He put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. He does methamphetamines on the regular. He's always on drugs. He did fentanyl. He does porn.
Starting point is 00:50:57 No one leaves their wife with George Floyd. Would you leave your daughter with Derek Chauvin, the police officer? Or would you leave your daughter with George Floyd? Or would you leave your daughter with George Floyd? No one, no one. I could pick any scenario besides getting raped. If you want someone to get raped, you leave them with George Floyd. You want them to do drugs. You want them to get raped. You want them to have a fucked up interaction with the police.
Starting point is 00:51:26 And that's, I'm showing you right now, I'm posturing you guys that that i'm not a bitch i can think logically i don't care at the end of the day what's better for society to leave your wife with george floyd your daughter your best friend your son you who would you rather hang with george floyd or fucking derrick showman no one no matter what you think happened there no one nobody feels safe around George Floyd have you ever had that friend have you ever gone to someone's house and they have a dog that bites and you're there for 20 minutes and the whole fucking time
Starting point is 00:51:54 the dog's like up in your shit and your fucking friend doesn't do shit and all you want to do is leave and you're just like you're an asshole they have like a fucking 60 pound pit and he's like growling at you he follows you from room to room you get out of the bathroom and he's still there you guys have all had that friend with that fucking fucked up dog he's bit half your friends that's what it's like hanging out with george floyd at every moment there's confrontation danger we've all we've all known those crackheads too.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Nobody, nobody in their fucking right mind has any interest of leaving themselves or their friends with George Floyd over Derek Chauvin. And yet that guy, they want justice for him or there's no peace. There's people willing to do violence because they think he was done wrong. Those are people who can't think straight. Those are fucked up people, and the bitches are the people who can't speak out against it. That's why if there's going to be a nuclear war, it going to be some idiocy like that not thinking big picture i'd like to hang out with blade no it's not blaze it was blade it's not blaze that guy's name was blade i'd hang out with blade too fucking george floyd i was fucking disgusted to think that someone would
Starting point is 00:53:20 fucking do violence on someone so that George Floyd could get fucking justice. I want to fucking knock on that person's door and be like, are you out of your fucking mind? I talked about this the other day. Um, there was a, uh, there was a, um, I don't know if you saw, but there was a post on the Instagram account. This is actually pretty funny. There's a post on the Instagram account and they've pulled it down. And it was a post, I guess, I guess posted a story about a guy who had COVID and almost died.
Starting point is 00:54:03 And in the article, he said he wished he would have taken the vaccine. And then it was posted on CrossFit's Instagram account. And in that Instagram post, there was actually a quote in there that said he wishes he would have taken the vaccine. So the comments lit up. It became somewhat controversial, right? And you know what? Like, I don't care. Like, like fine if he thinks that he thinks that like good on him but what really caught my attention is we had this policy at crossfit never to take anything down once we posted it and i want to tell you the other two posts that were taken down in the time that in all the time that I could remember
Starting point is 00:54:45 ever on CrossFit Instagram. Maybe there's more, but I'll tell you the, and we posted some controversial shit. Like one time we posted a guy had killed like so many rabbits that he wrote on the side of the hill, happy Easter and dead bunnies. I don't know if you guys ever,
Starting point is 00:54:57 that didn't go over. So I didn't like that either. Or like we posted pictures of like a dude next to a bear, a dead bear. I didn't like any of that shit. To be honest, I hated that shit, but that was quite the hunt.
Starting point is 00:55:11 But so, um, there was a, there was a, I think it was a fluffy duck guy made a meme that said some guy in China ate a bat. And now I can't do snatches at my, at my gym. Do you you remember that it was like something
Starting point is 00:55:27 like that and fucking people flipped out and i don't i honestly don't see anything wrong with that like i i just if they would have said some armenian ate a bat and now we can't i would be fine with that like i don't i don't the offense, but so that post got pulled down and then there was one other post. And are you ready for this? That douchebag CEO that Greg hired that we've talked about so many fucking times on this show. I took a picture of him and his mistress one time, like sitting at a dinner table or something.
Starting point is 00:56:01 And I think Greg was in it and it got posted to our Instagram account. His mistress was the one that ended up taking my job we posted that and that ceo contacted me i was the director of media at the time and he said hey you got to take that picture down meaning he didn't want his wife to fucking see him with this fucking you know chick who's 30 years younger than him that he's banging and so that those are the two we offended china with i guess some bat comment and uh the ceo is banging his mistress who worked for crossfit they were both married and sounds like he's pretty sexual too and that post and then yesterday's post so those are the three posts i know just for a little bit of your CrossFit history. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Okay. This is going to be – so the other day I get this text, and it says – I'm looking at number 55, Caleb. It says – it's a text that comes in on my phone. It says B of A 0834431 is your key to confirm transfer of $1,795 to Jessica Adams. Call toll-free 1-888-533-3405 if you did not make this 1-888-533-3405 oh well i didn't make it so let's call let's uh b of a both of these not bank of america 08-344-31 is your key to confirm Bofa. B of A. Bofa B is not. Bank of America 0834431 is your key to confirm transfer of seven. So basically I get this text saying, hey, someone's trying to transfer money out of your account. If you didn't make that transfer, call this number.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Now, I know right away, like, go fuck yourself. Oh, it just happened. You know what I mean? So I call the number. I call the number. So let's call the number again. This is this is fucking great. You can hear this. Yeah. Oh, disconnected. Oh, it's busy. Let's try again. It's busy. Let's try again.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Oh, I fucking called him. I'm like, hello. The lady answers. She goes, yeah. And I'm like, just stand the line for 15 more seconds with me, please. Four, three, two, one. Got you, ma'am. This is detective John Waters. I'm going to be there and probably in less than three hours. Do not leave the building. And she hangs up.
Starting point is 00:58:52 And then I call back again. And I said, ma'am, stay on the line with me. Don't worry. You're only going to be in more trouble if you hang up. She's like, shut up. And she hangs up again. Even when you call this number, it's like, if you lost your credit card push one if you're calling about
Starting point is 00:59:06 illegal activity press two you know what i mean like they got the whole tree set up what it's got like a phone tree and everything yes the whole fucking thing that's impressive holy fuck everything is a scam don't worry never do anything never don't ever respond to anyone i mean i get every day my email is like your fedex package has been uh been lost please contact this i'm like go fuck yourself report scam my fedex package has been lost to be fair though they did say that usps or fedex is just like they've all stolen like millions or billions of dollars worth of packages recently that and i'm fine with that steal away guys but i'm just saying i'm not i'm not i'm not um i'm not falling for any scams like oh you fucking bitches 1-888-533-3405 1-888-533-3405 Eight five, three, three, 34, Oh five, one, eight, eight, eight, five, three, three, 34, Oh five.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Darn. I was hoping this, that was going to be a good bit. Darn it. Darn it. Darn it. Darn it. And no one there spoke good English. It was like somewhere from South America. Yeah. Like finally a guy answered and I'm like sir just stay calm we're not after you we want just want the big fish don't just stay calm he probably was the big fish uh number 56 uh here is what i was talking about this this is this is over the top with Planned Parenthood this is we we're done with
Starting point is 01:00:46 those guys enough if you want to build a different one let's start again you want to do something to help women I'm fine like but I mean look at this person Jesus Christ okay wait till you guys hear this shit there's no one-size-fits-all puberty experience if your friends intersex or non-binary know that you're not the only one feeling confused for some intersex people puberty may start later than age 14 pause pause experience some of puberty's pause so so you see what they did there they just everyone's confused through puberty my nose is is too big. I have too many pimples. My hair is doing some weird shit. I'm getting titties.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I got raped. The other kids beat me up. I got a wreck while looking at gay porn. Kids are seeing porn at 11 now. Of course everyone's confused. So they throw this blanket out that's saying that basically like if you're confused, must be wrong with you no if you're confused your parents don't have you busy enough in other activities so that this fucking experience can pass through you these hormonal changes can pass through you while you're fucking being active and engaged it's because you're sitting
Starting point is 01:02:01 at home with your fucking phone having shit like this pumped into your fucking head. Fuck you parents who are giving your kids phones before 15. I have to. It's not safe. I'm worried about my daughter. It's not safe. It's for convenience. You know what someone did tell me the other day?
Starting point is 01:02:17 Thank you, Christine. I'm confused too. It's fun. I like being confused though. Someone told me the other day, get your kid an Apple Watch if you have to do it. They can't surf porn. I was like, wow, it's fun. I like being confused though. Uh, someone told me the other day, get your kid an Apple watch. If you have to do it, they can't serve porn. I was like, wow. Brilliant. Right. You like that kid? Yeah. You can still call them. Can't you call porn? Oh yeah. Yeah. And you can still call your kid. No, like you, yeah. Like if you still needed to talk to your kids,
Starting point is 01:02:38 it's not a bad idea. Uh, I thought, dude, I thought we talked about that typo in your name. Uh, I thought, dude, I thought we talked about that typo in your name. Uh, they're targeting young teens at their most vulnerable. I can't read that next sentence. You're censored. You've been censored. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yeah. It's insanity. The presuppositions they make. It's so, I can't, it's so sad that there's people in the, uh, use people in the government using our tax dollars to do this. Okay. Uh, how does anyone not have a CEO shirt yet? I don't know if my friends are lying to me or people are lying to me, but they're like, dude, it's the coolest shirt ever. It is.
Starting point is 01:03:14 They're designing a new one that's going to have a king's hat on top. It's going to be dope. Okay. Go on. Here we go. And not others. And your body may or may not go through puberty on its own. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:03:28 There are medicines you can take to help your body start. Your body may or may not go through puberty on its own. Do you want me to tell you who doesn't go through puberty? Kids who are 200 pounds overweight. That's the only thing I can think of. Yeah. There's no reason you should not be going through puberty super duper obese and by the way that's um that's it that's some that does absolutely permanent damage by the way the stories on that are fucking horrific what it does to a boy's penis
Starting point is 01:03:57 if you get a kid who's like eight years old and 300 pounds it's fucking it is fucked up yeah my hoodie's dope you know what i really want my hoodies are dope i'm addicted to them um uh but i i want to i really like zip up jackets but my hoodie you're a zip up jacket guy you're not you're not that makes me happy to hear that okay that's weird you think it's feminine no i just i don't know i just think it's odd it doesn't fit very well yeah wow okay well i'm five five and you're six twelve yeah something like that do you keep them like all the way zipped up or do you keep is it like a no zipped up to the top to the top you hate me everything you thought was cool the last thing you thought that was cool about me is gone yeah yeah you're 50 you don't even like you don't even wear like a ceo shirt underneath the zipped up me like i do i have a ceo shirt on underneath. I do. Peek out the chesticles a little bit.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Look at this girl that they've chosen. Who... Her knees are caved in. She's got some orange mark on her fucking cheek. What the fuck? Did a fucking... One of the planes that hit the World Trade Center
Starting point is 01:05:22 hit her head too? What is that chunk of hair missing? It's like somebody took some razor and just accidentally stopped cutting. Her, holding a bottle of pills, she has, like,
Starting point is 01:05:39 what's this hair just on the inside of her legs and on the inside of her arm? I mean, it's just, it's so fucked up. Okay, go on. Start the process.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Like hormone replacement therapy. Some people decide on hormones or surgeries to help their bodies match up to their gender identity or how they feel inside about themselves. Your gender identity is real. You should be the one to decide what changes you want to make to your body. Pause.
Starting point is 01:06:06 If you're transparent. Planned Parenthood is pushing drugs on kids, hormone blockers, hormone replacement therapy is what she exactly said. They're put for kids so that your imagination, your self-identity, which is your imagination, matches what you want it to be. What? Take these pills and you'll feel more like what you think you are? Hey, dude. If you don't feel like how you think you are, you either need to change how you feel or change how you think. But it needs to be all up to you.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Do not take pills for like you're nuts i like how they use a general gender neutral voice though it's very very inclusive of them oh that is a gender neutral voice i thought that was a girl oh okay go on gender or non-binary you may find that your puberty experiences don't line up with your gender identity or how you this is what the fuck yeah and look at the back of the head is shaved and there's a purple like swirly this person is so fucked up look at the way her back is all rolled a seven it's just a cartoon dude let me tell you there's no mistake here in choosing this. That's 100% a real human. A human looks like that.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I guarantee it. How come she has a necklace? Her reflection isn't wearing the choker that her real person is wearing. It's interesting. Because this is her chin. Oh, my goodness. And it's just hanging over the choker? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:41 This is so bad. You see yourself. That feeling can be uncomfortable, scary, and stressful. If that sounds like you, know that you're not alone. This is so bad. like facial hair growth and periods, puberty blockers are safe and can give you more time to figure out what feels right for you, your body, and your gender identity. You don't have to have all of the answers right now. So remember, it's all a work in progress and it may take time to figure out what feels right to you,
Starting point is 01:08:16 but talking to a trusted adult... Okay, fine, done. Wow. What the fuck? Wow. Wow. Yeah, this should be illegal i know i know i don't even you know what i don't even think they allow ads on tv in europe for pharmaceutical companies this is an ad pushing drugs to a kid to stop their fucking puberty testosterone replacement i know isn't it crazy even jeff super liberal libtard fucking knows like i know it's
Starting point is 01:08:48 crazy it's crazy i love the trust it's like oh talk to a trusted doctor or adult you'd like to see if it's right for you oh my goodness oh my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Okay, number 52. Number 52, Black Culture. Question mark.
Starting point is 01:09:30 I hope I have more Kanye stuff in here. Kanye's getting wild. Oh, this is great. This is fucking crazy. I don't even know what the fuck this is. Go back to the actual tweet for a second. This is nuts. This guy, Delano Squires, writes, we need a CPApa cultural protection agency to set up strict
Starting point is 01:09:48 regulations on the garbage being pumped into the black community by people who claim to speak for us michelle obama started the organization for this ad i i could not figure out what this is for i honestly couldn't i watched it twice it says no i go ahead and play like 20 seconds of this. This is fucking bizarre. I think we got one. It's fall season, bro. No voting, no fucking. I think it's saying that if you don't vote i think it's like girls telling i think it's supposed to be um melanated girls telling people that if you don't vote we won't fuck you i think that's what it's saying no kissing no loving i think that's what it's saying
Starting point is 01:10:39 and it's supposed to inspire the women of that culture to – it's not even – I don't even know of that culture, of that skin color. I mean the whole premise of the thing is fucking so – it's crazy. It's fucking crazy. Please keep going. Another 10 seconds of this nutball shit. Very confused. This is a government – I'm so sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Go ahead. So she's swiping and she sees this guy. So she's like tindering with him. And I think she finds out he didn't vote. So he doesn't get no pussy. I think that's I swear to pussy. I think that's, I swear to God, I think that's what this ad is. And this is an organization started by Michelle Obama.
Starting point is 01:11:29 This is fucking nuts. Have you seen the theory that Michelle Obama is actually a dude? Yeah, I tried to, I tried to skip over all that shit, but yeah, I saw it. I should ask Alex Stein about it it i wonder if he believes it
Starting point is 01:11:46 he probably does okay let's listen to 10 more seconds i want to see if i'm right about this oh yes yes that's it that's it okay wow hey and what that guy says what's the guy's name who tweeted this again let me see that guy I want to give him some love here uh uh Delano Squires
Starting point is 01:12:20 let's see the last thing he tweeted I want to see what else he tweets will you click his name does that hat mean he's. Will you click his name? Does that hat mean he's a Muslim? Look at his hat. I think it's just a beanie. Oh, it looks like he supports the military. Okay. Let me see his last tweet. What happens to a country when men trade their nuclear family and multi-general legacy for international co-parenting and multiple partner fertility. Oh, this is a smart cat. Oh, he's got 90,000 or 80,000 followers.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Huh? I wonder if he's on Instagram. I wonder if I could reach out to him. Okay. Anyway, nuts absolutely nuts uh okay oh uh number 57 um if you have kids in the room you probably want to take them out at this point well you probably should take them out a long time ago I saw this and I was fucking
Starting point is 01:13:16 dying I was dying I sent this to too many people mom now is a good time to use the bathroom here we go Halloween's just around the corner and I'm gonna be a goblin goblin that dick
Starting point is 01:13:34 just a friendly reminder Halloween's just around the corner and I'm gonna be a goblin goblin that dick I like the way she says that alright grow up Sevan I like the way she says that. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Grow up. So aggressive. So aggressive. Uh, number, uh, 58. I, um,
Starting point is 01:13:55 I, this is, this is titled. How stupid would you feel if you voted for this guy? Number 58. Oh, who is this? First of all, is this the governor? Is this the mayor of who is this first of all is this the government is this the mayor of um is this who is this is the mayor mayor of uh new york i have no idea okay i've never seen this guy in my life i don't think this is so what's crazy is is that i remember when i was watching trump in puerto rico shoot those threes with the paper towels, and I'm like, God, what a douche.
Starting point is 01:14:29 But this like – oh, de Blasio. Thank you, Matt Burns. Yes. Thank you, Jeff. This takes the absolute – this is just batshit crazy what this guy does. I mean it's – he's either stupid or he thinks the people of New York are so dumb. Or they are so dumb. It could be everything, I guess.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Okay, here we go. I guess it doesn't have to be either or. I got vaccinated. You're saying I could get this? Eat delicious fries? My man. But there's also a burger element to this? Let me check with Bill Neidhart.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Is it too early in the day to eat a burger? This could be breakfast. I want you to look at this and think about, again, some people love hamburgers. Some don't. I really want to respect all ways of life. But if this is appealing to you, just think of this when you think of vaccination. Mmm. Vaccination.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Mmm. I'm getting a very good feeling about vaccination right this moment. Free fries. this is the mayor of new york telling you that you can get not only free french fries but a free hamburger if you get vaccinated and he's really trying to sell this this is the do you think that worked on anybody was anyone like oh i of course it did i could understand being like hey i'm I'm going to get the vaccine. Should I do it over here or should I do it over here where I get a free hamburger and I choose the spot to get a free hamburger? But you think there's someone who's like sitting at home being like, fuck, I wasn't going to leave the house today, but might as well go out and get a free hamburger and just get the shot.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Probably less likely. I don't think it would motivate somebody so much unless they're just crazy fat bugs. Wow. Kenneth DeLapp, which is half the country. Kenneth DeLapp, I bet it worked on six out of ten people. Oh, please no. Well, it just worked on three. Bruce is going out right now.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Only if it's in an opera, maybe. Who'd consider it? Greatest country in the world. I know. can you imagine how bad it is everywhere else oh my goodness oh my goodness it's so fucking weird some of the foreigners we work with still Number 59, I have the time code started, 219. Oh, this is so good. This is so fucking good. Listen, I think Tracy Henderson is going to get me someone gaze against groomers on the show. And this is a tranny, drag queen. Is a drag queen and tranny the same thing?
Starting point is 01:17:24 I don't think so. A drag queen is a tranny that performs,. Is a drag queen and tranny the same thing? I don't think so. A drag queen is a tranny that performs, like a thespian. Sure. A fireman is a guy who puts out fires. A firewoman is a guy who puts out a woman who puts out fires. A tranny is just someone
Starting point is 01:17:40 who's transgender, but a drag queen is a transgender who performs in the theater. Yes yes i don't think it's always the case i think you can be a performer but not transgender you think you could be a drag queen but not be a tranny correct you're just playing one when you're on stage just like a cross dresser all right fine yeah i see i i see that just i'm only a crossfitter when i'm on this show that's what everybody else thinks uh okay that's you asshole uh okay um uh play this is a tranny who's like like just like yo listen motherfuckers this is so good uh media spokesman for the library confirmed there is a media spokesperson
Starting point is 01:18:26 for the library okay fuck it who cares play go ahead play this is so good at least one drag queen on planet earth who has spoken out against this practice who goes by the name kitty demure what what in the hell has a drag queen ever done to make you have so much respect for them and admire them so much, other than put on makeup and jump on the floor and writhe around and do sexual things on stage? I have absolutely no idea why you would want that to influence your child. Would you want a stripper or a porn star to influence your child? It makes no sense at all. A drag queen performs in a nightclub for adults. There is a lot of filth that goes on, a lot of sexual stuff that goes on. And backstage, there's a lot of nudity, sex, and drugs. Okay?
Starting point is 01:19:25 So I don't think that this is an avenue you would want your child to explore. That's a very good point, sir. Okay, so last night when I had Hiller on, I was talking about what real is. That's real. Because even though this person, from a place that you would expect them to maybe defend and have cognitive dissonance, they don't. What has a drag queen done to get your respect? Why is the left so adamant about not only – let's say you want to respect drag queens. I respect drag queens. Cool, fantastic, super talented. Wow, look at the talent and putting on all that makeup holy shit you
Starting point is 01:20:08 learned how to walk in high heels that's really cool you're doing you're going out on a limb and putting making yourself vulnerable and dressing in a certain way that other people might make fun of blah blah all this stuff but at what point do you fucking make the leap and over course correct and be like i want them coming to my kids elementary school like now you fucking lost me what like what I've never even considered it that way but that is such a good point
Starting point is 01:20:33 that lady's makeup was fucking amazing great I'd love to sit down and fucking drink a beer with her while she fucking puts that on and hang out with her smoke a fucking dejarum hang out see how how he puts that on and hang out with her. Smoke a fucking Dejarum. Hang out. See how he or she puts that. Just a clove cigarette.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Oh, okay. But what the fuck? Yeah, what? I mean, isn't that a brilliant way that he, she stated that? Yeah, that's really, I like the way that that was put. Yeah, there's nothing There's a guy, Douglas Murray, who is a gay guy and and he he is an
Starting point is 01:21:08 author super famous does the circuit bill maher all that shit and he said this thing one time too that really resonated with me he goes dude i i'm not impressed by the gays who walk around in the assless chaps at the gay pride parade with the fucking leash on one guy um and and and you're walking two guys around and you're a guy but that's the perception that so many people have of gay people because that's the perception in the media and if that is what's going on that should not be around kids doesn't matter if the kids are gay or straight or on puberty blockers did you see just like kids shouldn't be scared like that fucking bitch was doing when i started the show it was scaring those kids that was fucking nuts sorry go ahead
Starting point is 01:21:50 did you see the uh who was it danny spiegel and alex smith yeah i saw all right yeah yeah yeah that's the pumpkin stuff yeah it's kind of what you're describing. Yeah. They can have all the, yeah. Go get it guys. I'm okay with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:11 You have fantastic bodies. Do you do your thing? Sure. I'd love to know the end game for her. A million trillion Instagram followers. I don't know. If, if you looked at danny spiegel's account if you looked at her account from the last let's say three years and you tracked let's say you pick 10 criteria that her account is done in terms of the kinds of posts it does and you look at 50 other girls who also are on that same path
Starting point is 01:22:44 and you look where a other girls who also are on that same path and you look where a 90 of them end up that's called a predictive value that's called stats uh i heard christmas sabbath has an only fans account i heard it's not only not OnlyFans. It's her own version of OnlyFans. Do you know about this? No. And then she recruits other girls to do it, and I haven't seen it, but I heard there's all sorts of porn on it. You can watch Christmas do stuff. Not surprised, honestly.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Yeah. Well, there's a path you take if you race go-karts as a little kid if you become a pro you get to the indianapolis of 500 if you start taking fucking pictures yourself in a bikini at 16 on instagram that you when you're a pro you're um 35 grabbing your ankles on only fans for seven dollars and. I mean, and I'm not judging that. Christmas fans, that's what it's called. Oh, is it called Christmas fans? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:51 So you can do whatever. I mean, I'm just telling you that there's a trajectory. And I'm not being a prude. You do you. But don't do it to our kids. Number 60, everything causes blood clots. I don't even remember any of these. It's so great.
Starting point is 01:24:13 It's like a surprise for me. It's like Christmas. It's like I wrapped my own presents and then came back next year to open them. Heart problems and blood clots. This week's reason is car exhaust and climate change. One of people's favorite drinks could be causing blood clots. This week's reason is car exhaust and climate change. One of people's favorite drinks could be causing blood clots. It's black tea. Loneliness caused by social media is now a new leading cause for heart attacks and blood clots among young people. Are bloods
Starting point is 01:24:37 getting thick? Yeah. Your blood thickens and then clots. What extreme heat can do to your body? Herbal supplements. Herbal supplements are the new thing causing heart problems in young people. Certain sleeping positions can cause blood clots and heart attacks. Napping and showering. Cold showers. Cold showers and napping is what's causing heart problems, strokes, and blood clots this week. We just wanted to let everyone know hopefully no one's taking naps or showering out there. Teens are getting irregular heartbeats
Starting point is 01:25:08 from air pollution. Warning, woman who ate the same fruit daily almost lost her leg from dangerous blood clots. So this is a- You don't think she also had diabetes? It's fucking amazing. A new development of grapefruit. University student dies of joy after hearing he'd passed his exams with flying colors. It's fucking amazing. explainable increase in all-cause deaths among 18 to 49-year-olds. Along with that, there's also been an increase in certain medical diagnoses,
Starting point is 01:25:48 such as miscarriages and Bell's palsy. Heart attacks are becoming increasingly more common in women under 50, and medical experts can't figure out how. There is another thing... I don't even know where to start. I don't even know where to start. don't even know where to start hey here's the other thing though i want to say another avenue that that that pat danny spiegel's on the other the other one of the other things that happens also is that like they find god and then they start like speaking up about like you pivot you pivot to the lord like jesus like course corrected me that's like the other way so that
Starting point is 01:26:26 there's always like that i don't know if it's an off ramp but like some of the people get that like you see that one too i was on a i was on one path and god took me off to the other i was racing go-karts and i was about to go to indianapolis 500 and then god showed me that i should really be And then God showed me that I should really be taking care of butterflies. I said Danny Spiegel and they showed up. Yeah. How would I, what does that even mean? Chat 69.
Starting point is 01:27:00 Is that a website? Like, let's say I want to get on. I want to go there. Where do I go? XYZ is a, it's like,.org. There's Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Well, I don't know. Sure. I don't know. Maybe. I'm not looking that up. All right. Fine. That's why you don't make the big money caleb because you have fucking boundaries i'm not gonna spam my i'm not gonna get your government oh that's good okay so uh listen no no more napping or showers um number 61 number 61 this is more of an insurrection than january 6th
Starting point is 01:27:51 61 hey my my show with uh so normally our shows do get like um our shows get fucked up like every show we get like a warning because of the stuff i say and then i go and i ask for i appeal the warning at the end of every show and almost 99 of them we get the appeal we win youtube goes okay you're right but the fucking one with blade something was said in there that they didn't like i can't imagine what could have possibly it been i could think of one or two things. Really? Actually? Yeah, but I didn't say them. Okay. I'll tell you after the show. Okay. Ready? Nothing that hasn't been said on the show, though, before.
Starting point is 01:28:35 That's weird. Which is interesting. Yeah. Okay. Action. I want everyone to see this. This is McPherson Square in Washington, D.C. You should know what a decrepit hole has been created
Starting point is 01:28:52 of your nation's capital by this ruling regime. Now, right there is the White House, and across the street from the White House is a tent city. Check it out. It's a literal tent city i'm gonna show you this is a a single block from the white house
Starting point is 01:29:14 have you seen this on the news anybody show me this why would you let a tent city form anywhere in washington dc the nation's capital that's got to be a security threat there's a fucking squirrel in that cart yeah yeah yeah he even he even says that too he even says there's a squirrel dude i fucking i hate going to dc every time i've gone there it's just a disaster yeah it is a disaster it is a disaster i mean that's just one spot too like if you just go around all the monuments and stuff like if you're just walking around like it's it's terrible hey sean blade told a story where he pulled up at a scene and there was a drunk dude. And his friends were trying to take him out of the bar and push him into a car.
Starting point is 01:30:12 And the guy was like, had his hands up on the van door like this. He said it looked like they were trying to take him hostage. And the guy was fighting like, fuck no, fuck no. And the guy was 6'1", 220. And he had his shirt off. And Blade showed up and goes, hey, let that guy go. And the guy turns around and puts his fists up and goes, what's up, nigga? You want
Starting point is 01:30:29 some of me? Oh, that's right. And Blade told that story. Sounds like you did, too. I liked how Blade goes, and you know, the guy was white. It's like, oh hey i'm gonna try to make that dude regular that dude has to be dude that'd be awesome yeah i love hearing i love hearing police talk about that stuff
Starting point is 01:30:58 it's because i'm an immature young boy at heart yeah you, you can't have – if you can't stop a bunch of protesters who are not starting fires, who don't have guns, from just walking into the Capitol, then you sure as fuck have to see a tent city where fucking people can be hiding out as a massive security threat. It's fucking nuts. Okay, this is one of my favorite clips of all time. it's fucking nuts. Um, okay. This is, uh, one of my favorite clips of all time. I cannot even believe I'm about to show you this. I hope you guys can all see this clearly. Uh,
Starting point is 01:31:33 good morning, Jody. Hey, how are you? Hi, I'm great. I'm excited. Pumped.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Good. How are you? I'm just, I know you guys are talking about so many different topics. I'm just, I'm kind of laughing, envisioning you getting a call from Matt. Oh, yeah, yeah. That was great, right? Matt Souza calling from Rome.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Did you just tell everybody? No, not Matt Souza. Matt Frazier. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That was a great call. Did you tell the whole room to quiet down? It's Matt.
Starting point is 01:32:03 No. You want to know, I was at Greg's house, and we were in his garage just hanging out, a bunch of us just hanging out and the kids were playing. And then I just saw FaceTime from Matt and I answered it. And then at first he was just making small talk with me like for three minutes. I do not like small talk. Like don't ever call me unless you need something. Like call me and be like, hey, Sevan, can you pick me up? Hey, Sevan, I liked your show yesterday. I don't think you should say this hey sevan i loved your show
Starting point is 01:32:28 can you do like i'm not interested i don't mind small talk if it like comes in afterwards but didn't it surprise you weren't you just like oh my god yeah yeah i was surprised so he small talked me for like like three or four minutes and then i'm like okay dude i gotta go um nice hearing from he goes wait a second and then he'm like okay dude i gotta go um nice hearing from he goes wait a second and then he goes i just wanted i want to get something you know off my chest and that's when he he shared some bunch of thoughts with me well it makes me feel good that you guys spoke it made me feel good too to tell you the truth it made me really good and it was nice that he facetimed me so like we could look into each other's eyes and it was cool i actually i i i was um i was more than pleased i was very happy it was
Starting point is 01:33:09 nice that's great all right well hey great shows everything i mean i just don't even work i just watch your show well thank you no one works anymore bill was really good bill was really good but i wouldn't say he's the greatest oh well it was just so easy for me it was so easy for me blade was great blade was great barbell saves that guy was awesome barbell who barbell saves i forget his name i don't know who that is he's the one the sober the sober gym i'm having trouble remembering that he's running a treatment center out of the crossfit oh was his name kessler what was that guy's name was he oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh handsome guy who's
Starting point is 01:33:57 fucking yeah yeah yeah that was that was that guy that was easy too that guy just fucking i just popped a cork on him and he just fucking ran. Great. But all the shows are great. So thank you. I thank you. Keep it up. Hey, okay.
Starting point is 01:34:11 I'll tell you real quick, Jody. There was one show that wasn't great. What? Only one. Tell me and I'll give you a thumbs up or down. Okay. Hold on. I'm going to, I'm going to look.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Videos. I'm going. Gary Roberts, Justin Nunley, Brendan McNerney. Brendan McNerney wasn't my best. I felt like there were some issues with the timeline there. I don't remember which one that was. Oh, Scott Scherr.
Starting point is 01:34:43 The guy with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Oh yeah. No, we all chatted through that one. That one was like, not good. The first room was way better. That was my fault. The first. Go ahead. If you, if you look at the chat room on that one, it was on fire. We were all like, what the hell? We were like, what? The first 30 minutes, that was my fault. The first 30 or 40 minutes, I was on fire. We were all like, what the hell? We were like, what? The first 30 minutes, that was my fault.
Starting point is 01:35:07 The first 30 or 40 minutes, I was a mess. I had too many ideas. I wanted too many questions, and I couldn't get on a thread. That was my fault, not his. Well, if it's a boring show, don't worry. We're all having fun in the chat. Hey, oh, great. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:21 No, none of the shows are boring. Careful, watch your mouth. Listen to this. Okay, now that I have you here Um uh Ellie Turner I thought was fucking awesome But someone said This guy Adrian says bad host
Starting point is 01:35:33 But great content from Ellie And it got a thumbs up Someone like eat a dick Yeah they must not be a regular Yeah Even the balance guy was awesome Oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:46 That balance thing. Yeah. Yeah. That was really good. Yeah. All of them were great. All right. Hey,
Starting point is 01:35:53 I gotta go. Bye-bye. Fine. All right. Do that. Be like that. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:36:01 Okay. Number 62. Listen, we're going to have to play this like three or four times because we got to get this playing without a stutter you have to see this you won't even fucking believe what you're about to see oh no you won't even believe what you're about to see hey jeff you should sit back in a chair and get your lotion out you're gonna love this this is right up your alley jeff big go look at this this is crazy these are two guys wrestling
Starting point is 01:36:25 someone wrote this would be the day i quit wrestling look at this here we go oh they can't see it it's sputtering they can't see it will you mute the volume let's see if it um oh it's such a shame that that's not playing fluidly this guy's chin gets dragged across this guy's cock look at his chin oh my god oh my goodness His chin. Oh, my God. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my God. I need to see the rest of the match.
Starting point is 01:37:14 Does that guy win? I hope so. He deserves it. Okay, Jessica says it's getting mushroom stamped. I don't even know what that means. What the fuck? How does a girl know that? Who is Jessicaica do you have like seven brothers and you oh she's a cop oh so she just hangs out with dudes dickhead dudes all day yeah oh my goodness mushroom stamp he lost even if he won oh my goodness his chin i mean that you should have i'd have a rule i have a rule i'm not
Starting point is 01:37:56 wrestling anyone with a penis bigger than mine i mean that is that kid just has a meat stick in there holy fuck dude i i so i sent that to darian uh weeks the guy who does the ufc show with me i'm like hey don't they wear cups he goes no you're not allowed to have anything hard on you well he does i know you think that's hard that would make me feel way better if that I feel like it's it needs to be it's gotta be okay um what flow down there uh about uh number 65 there's no there's no video this but that guy Alma that I had on the show it sounds like he's going to uh he said he's going to run for office he's going to run for congress in 2028 I guess he has to live in the country for seven years first or something. Or be a citizen for seven years.
Starting point is 01:38:48 Oh, yeah. Bailey Walker gives Caleb an award. Thanks, Bailey. It's only taken me fucking 400 shows. He got one. His best joke. We talked about North Korea firing a rocket over Japan. All right. um we talked about north korea firing a rocket over japan all right come sue cnn for 475 million dollars
Starting point is 01:39:11 but yeah what was that all about was that like defamation of character or something yeah uh you know that kid that cnn showed that footage of at the the Lincoln monument when he was in the face of that native American guy and the way they cut it, they never showed that it was the native American guy who got in his face and they made the kid look bad. I think that kid got over a hundred million dollars. No shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Damn. Can anyone confirm that? I think it was crazy, crazy money uh i don't know if you guys saw this but obama's brother endorsed trump i thought that was fucking hilarious his half-brother endorses trump it's fucking awesome i got a guy coming on the show philip kelly he got covid he's a healthy dude almost died it did none of it makes sense to me i can't wait to talk to him that's the one who's he does he's a CrossFitter and he got COVID.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Obama's brother endorsed Romney too. It was a lot of money and CNN didn't even flinch giving it out. Yeah. Well, yeah, he sued the news network. I don't, I think he,
Starting point is 01:40:36 that's what happened. He didn't. He got massive. It's a massive payout. I, you know what I want? I want to say it's, it's even,
Starting point is 01:40:43 it's, it's closer to 200 than 100 is what i heard something nuts that i couldn't i couldn't even believe i wanted to be like nah i don't believe it it looks like they said he's seeking 195 million but total he's looking for almost 2 billion combined with all the news networks that he's collectively suing. God, I hope that kid doesn't get into drugs. He's fucked, dude. If he gets that money, he's fucked. Number 72.
Starting point is 01:41:15 I wish I had more of this clip to show you. It's the liver king. Don't talk about my wife. I wish I could see how this ended. Now, do you. Here we go. Have to have sex in a certain position because you're so big and sometimes fat guys have a problem. They have to they have to go into a certain position.
Starting point is 01:41:40 I mean, you're massive. Right. So so and also, I don't know how well endowed you are but like what's the situation with your what position do you have to go in a position are you guys fully flexible because you're both very muscular yeah um here's the thing um never talk about my wife in this context oh now do you so he's asking the liver king about bone and his wife and liver king says don't ever talk about my wife in this context who is this guy who is this fucking ethan guy this guy grosses me out yeah go ahead yeah i agree almost every shit every show that he's been on ever since
Starting point is 01:42:22 that like after we had him on except for for probably Mark Bell's podcast, has been a fucking disaster. They basically make fun of him all the time. Well, they're trying to, right? They're trying to make a mockery of his brand. It's like dinner for schmucks for them. It's terrible. I hate it. They have no respect for him.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Very frustrating. I mean, this guy doesn't respect himself either oh for sure i don't know why that guy creeps me out so much this looks like a bird dude something is off with them even the way he holds his hands there's there's something he's trying to fucking stroke the mic something's not right okay bye ethan fuck that guy um number 63 my brother from another mother mother kanye west otherwise i think change his name to yay you know why you never change your name because then every time there's going to be places you go where they're going to be like is this your real name and then you're going to have to say no and you're going to have to it's going to it's like a whole nother page of paperwork you have to fill out giving your your previous name i just came
Starting point is 01:43:37 for the comments george lovett says um white lives matter this is obviously so fucking absurd but not any more absurd than black lives matter no one cares i i i like i like the way even even one of the guys in our comments said it for a jiggy josh said it like how about just one race how about just one people but once again going back to that original clip that we talked about in the beginning of the show it sure is it sure as fucked it does help when people with dark skin start speaking up it fucking really does help and it's sad it's a sad commentary that it has to be that way but it's where we're at and the truth is the the the truth is is at the end of the day who's being who's being hurt the most the people that are supposedly being tried to be helped but i on the other hand it's great
Starting point is 01:44:41 that the conversation is really it's it's fucking come a long way. Holy fuck, the conversation has come a long way. Number 64, super hot chicks banned from the subway. This is fucking nuts. The United Kingdom, I think it's specifically in London, but but maybe it's the entire country has banned images of unattainable bodies i don't even know what the fuck unattainable means unrealistic body images from the transport system so if you wanted to post to put a poster up there if you want to buy an ad that showed your bathing suit and the chick's body was like um uh too hot i guess or too skinny or tits were too big.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Like, what's unrealistic? How about all the chicks with fake tits? How about we just ban all of them from those ads? Because that's not realistic. Listen to the kind of, will you go back the other way? Listen to the kind of bullshit they write, too. As a father of two teenage girls, I'm extremely concerned about this kind of advertising which can demean people particularly women and make them ashamed of their bodies it's high time it came to an end khan said yeah so i'm going to censor the world to protect my daughters you fucking idiot
Starting point is 01:45:59 more than 70 000 people signed petitions calling for its removal but the regulator later hey it doesn't matter how many people fucking signed a petition in a free country do you realize that like our constitution is supposed to fucking protect us from fucking the the even if the majority wants to do stupid shit that's why we have a constitution. I don't know how the UK works. There's a petition on to stop Putin from invading Ukraine. Oh, Jesus. Please tell me how that's going to work. That's great.
Starting point is 01:46:39 I have no problem with you. Like, if you want to walk around with signs outside the subway and be like, Hey, fuck Calvin Klein for showing these skinny bitches who are on heroin in the ads. I don't want my daughter seeing it. Go for it. But to like, just ban that shit because you're afraid it's going to corrupt your kid. Dude,
Starting point is 01:46:53 our planned parenthood and our tax dollars are being used to peddle fucking hormone replacement therapy to kids. But you don't want chicks that are too hot in the subway? Unrealistic body types? Hurtful. Number 69. Portland.
Starting point is 01:47:16 The worst city in the United States. I don't know if that's true, but if it's not, it's fine. I'm fine being wrong. A worker with the bio cleaning company contract contracted with the city of Portland, Oregon, to remove discarded street needles shows us what their facility process at any given time. So this is this guy. His company pulls needles off the streets in Portland.
Starting point is 01:47:45 And I don't know how long it took them to collect these, but it says they basically say it's always like this. Here we go. Look at these needles. I want to give everybody a little example in Portland, Oregon. How much used rigs we clean up off the streets. Dude. Dude, we don't even use that many in a month probably 100 pounds
Starting point is 01:48:07 are you fucking kidding me also don't touch that yeah that's scary right don't touch that that's so scary that he does that oh that freaks me out yeah don't do that is that incredible
Starting point is 01:48:21 hey listen they say imagine this they gave the they gave the vaccine to protect the people in this country from something that was scary you're telling me that all of that shit was pulled off of the streets of one
Starting point is 01:48:40 city that's discarded waste those are all used right yeah for sure our hospital doesn't even use that in like a month like we don't have that many sharps do you even have one bucket full like that no not even one bucket not even one tenth of that not even close we no none of i couldn't even gauge it off of what we're looking at right now like okay here this is a bucket how often does that fill up once every like three four months
Starting point is 01:49:16 crazy like we don't even do that they don't care that that's the other thing you could do to contextualize any time. If the government's like, oh, we care, so we have to give everyone the vaccine because we're afraid of blah, blah. No, they're not. Mr. Vowell. Mr. Vowell, hi. What's going on, brother? I should have wrapped up the show 20 minutes ago. How are you?
Starting point is 01:49:46 I'm well. I'm very well. How's Mr. Beaver? I'm good. How's the baby? Wonderful. I just figured I'd throw the show off the rails a little bit because I wanted to tell old Seve,
Starting point is 01:50:02 like, hey, you need to do more live call-in shows because for the next six or eight weeks or so, I'm going you need to do more live call-in shows because i uh for the next six or eight weeks or so i'm gonna need to see some beaver because because it's out of commission you know one of my you know what one of my you know one of my friends uh oh john young oh wait hold on uh hold on uh yes okay yes yes yes crazy fast so john young last night was saying uh he was uh watching the show and we were he was saying that he could do fran in 215 i think he said he had never done it before and he just texted me and said two minutes is fast yeah two minutes is crazy fast it's absurd it was kind of it's kind of like it's not even nice to do that to
Starting point is 01:50:45 the games athletes one of my friends told me um that a that um his wife's vagina looked like after she gave birth looked like she had sat on a hand grenade oh my goodness oh i'm so sorry i'm in so much trouble for saying that out loud the accuracy though you know that's a that's a very good analogy but it was crazy um how old's the baby now uh only only um two days old two days born wednesday born wednesday in in my master bedroom uh on the toilet um yep yep i was i i was the one who received the baby i caught her as they say yes accompanied by two by by two midwives, um, and, uh, handed her straight to mama. And we had a wonderful moment. It was, uh, it was, uh, indescribable. It was insane. Um, but man, uh, the whole experience that she went into labor Sunday. Um, so it was a long, long, uh, laborious process.
Starting point is 01:52:09 I mean, um, it was, it was very, um, you know, she's freaking tough, man, going through labor that long. And then, and then delivering, um, the, the, the way she did, um it's a lot of a lot of people would say like well that's unconventional and the funny part is that that's the most conventional it's the you know people who say that they're old school are the ones that are like go to the hospital get it cut out and and be done with it but that's like that's like the they think they're old school that's the new school way like this is a way in my opinion, anyway, especially after this past weekend, um, like that,
Starting point is 01:52:51 that's how it's supposed to happen. No, no, nothing, no, no medication, no drugs, no, no C-section, no cutting anything. No, no nothing. She was completely capable of doing it because guess what? She was built to do it. Hey, and then did the baby just start feeding right away, Dylan? Not right away. Um, but, but yeah, like fairly, fairly soon after for sure. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I mean. Yeah. That's awesome. Doesn't that make you feel so good as soon as you see it latch onto the tit, you're like, fuck mission complete.
Starting point is 01:53:26 good as soon as you see it latch onto the tit you're like fuck mission complete yes 100 no the the second that i knew i had two healthy girls i mean it was just like oh wait they were twins no i just mean my wife and my baby girl oh right right right right right yeah the people's worries of the home birth thing were, were preposterous. They were so, um, you talk about, you know, having, having a thinking bigger, right? I don't know. I mean, their worries were anything that could possibly be a worry with just giving birth in general. And it had, it had zero to do with being at a hospital or not. Um, the potential risks that come with giving a birth or giving birth in general and it had has zero to do with being at a hospital or not um the the potential risks that come with giving a birth or giving birth um through the vaginal canal like
Starting point is 01:54:12 naturally like how it's supposed to be there can be risks of hemorrhaging there could be risk of all these things those are part of it you know um how happy are you that you don't have to go, go anywhere? It was, that was the best part is that we shared these crazy intimate moments in the middle of the night, no sleep for four days, um, where she's just going through contractions and I'm just doing everything in my power to alleviate some of that pain. And, and she's being, what looks like torture to me,
Starting point is 01:54:46 from my perspective, I'm, you know, my heart was breaking because I just, you know, I wanted to get her out of that pain and the baby just wouldn't come. Um, but she was out of position. And so from, from what we're told through, uh, the midwives and everything that they, they say that We're told through the midwives and everything that they say that most babies get stuck and are at high risk for getting stuck in complications because they're in a hospital, because they're in stirrups and they don't move around. The mom is in stirrups the whole time during labor, and that doesn't give the baby a chance to really get in the proper position to be delivered. be delivered. And so because we were at home, she was able to move around, get on the ball, hang, squat, go up and down the stairs. I mean, do all kinds of these things to where once the baby finally did get into position, a couple hours of good pushing and boom, we got a healthy baby. Hey you tripping like the baby came out and then the baby's eating and then the umbilical cord's cut and then they leave and you're like
Starting point is 01:55:52 oh fuck it's me and you in this bucket there's someone new in the house i was tripping i was like what the fuck there's three of us now. Yeah, I know what you mean, for sure. I was like, who's this dude? I still look at him in the back of my car. I'm like, where the fuck did you come from? He's like, what do you mean? I've been back here for eight years. He just turned eight.
Starting point is 01:56:17 I'm like, all right, all right, you can stay. So weird. She made another human, and now you're just there with it. Yeah. So weird. human and now you're just there with it yeah so you know it it was hard to believe that that she came out of my wife you know it was like especially because she was giant this is nine pounds 11 ounces wow 22 inches long god wow congratulations that's a healthy baby that feels good that feels so good. Congrats, man. It was beautiful. And check this out. You'll love this. The whole time during the pregnancy,
Starting point is 01:56:50 she was taking Paul Saladino's organ supplements. Oh, fantastic. Wow. And that was the whole kind of baseline along with other supplements, vitamin D and such. But, um, that was the whole reason why, um, the baby was so healthy and grew into term all the way, 42 weeks.
Starting point is 01:57:13 Um, and yeah, ours was late too. Avi came at 42 weeks too. It was fucking crazy. And contrary to popular belief, everybody thinks 30, 39 weeks,
Starting point is 01:57:23 you got to get it out or else blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And. Hey, that's illegal in California, by the way. Um, I Avi came past the due date by I can't remember if it's two weeks or three weeks, but at that point it's illegal. You're not allowed to home birth. I mean, we still did, but.
Starting point is 01:57:38 Yeah. Yeah. I think Ohio is a little bit more lax on that, but there are still pretty strict laws with the midwife practice with Pumbers. What did your wife say after she had the baby? I remember my wife, I heard she doesn't even remember saying this, but as soon as the baby came out, I heard her go, I did it. And I was like, I looked at her. I was like, wow, that's a fucking,
Starting point is 01:57:59 what a great thing to say. That's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. I, I caught her and I was, I was sent through what might be described as like a DMT trip immediately. Like, Whoa, like I flashed through the universe. Like it was crazy. It was such a, you know, psychedelic kind of experience in that very moment. And I had her in my hands and I was just like mind blown, huge eyes staring at her. And I handed her to my hands and I was just like mind blown huge eyes staring at her and I handed her my wife and and she just said that's my baby oh that's awesome
Starting point is 01:58:33 and just like embraced her and then we embraced each other and like you know I'm cramped up by the side of the toilet like trying to get a good angle to hug her, you know? And, uh, the midwives were, were amazing. They were, um, they were wonderful and yeah, they, they, they cleaned up like there was a murder scene. They fricking, they wiped down everything and, and, and then packed up and checked on mom and then got out of there. And then it was just us. And, um, we finally, um, let the, let the in-laws up, uh, later on that day but um weird isn't it weird
Starting point is 01:59:08 even seeing people it's kind of like you're like hey dude like i don't know about you but i was so happy i didn't have to go anywhere and i didn't really want to see or talk to anyone like i just wanted to be like just stay like like you're just in the nest. Like, Hey, we're just chilling. Just like everyone show there'll be time. Chill everyone. Chill. Yes, for sure. We, I mean, like you're coming off of mushrooms or something. Like you said, it's like a DMT trip. It's like, Hey dude, we need to fucking like get our shit together for a second. Yeah. It was, it was,
Starting point is 01:59:42 it was pretty close to the in-laws not even being able to be there for a whole day um but you know talking back and forth I was like you know well we'll let them come up you know and um but they were the only ones who came over thankfully and um they were only over for a few hours and um but after like then we experienced a whole day together, just us and this new addition to our family. And it was wonderful. The baby is so well behaved. I mean, no fussing. She's very healthy.
Starting point is 02:00:12 So she doesn't cry. You know, I mean, you just feed her and she sleeps and, you know, that's about it. And I could stare at her all day. It's a beautiful thing hey the best thing that i can think of i totally forgot about this that i invested in is um i think we got it before the baby came but i went i got my wife a leather chair that reclines yeah and she basically just lived in that thing for fucking months so just like, I'm actually going to pick one up today.
Starting point is 02:00:46 Oh, awesome. Yeah. And she fucking loved it. It was a, it was a fucked up yellow color. I liked it, but it was the only one that they had in stock at the baby store.
Starting point is 02:00:55 And it was expensive. I think it was, I mean, it felt, it was like 900 bucks or 1500 bucks, something stupid, but man, it's for the three babies. She had to sit in a chair,
Starting point is 02:01:04 a comfortable chair and be able to breastfeed and throw your feet up. Fuck. Yeah. No kidding. I mean, you're probably going to keep that chair forever too. I think, I think we gave it to someone. We probably should have. We probably should have. Yeah. I told, I told my wife, Hey, look, if we ever move, we're taking that fucking toilet with us.
Starting point is 02:01:27 Yeah. It was incredible. But what I want to tell you about the Paul Saladino heart and soil, she took that through the entire term of her pregnancy, and the midwives were mind-blown about how healthy she was and about how healthy the baby was, but mainly how healthy the amniotic sac was. It was so thick and strong, along with her placenta was incredibly big and healthy and strong.
Starting point is 02:01:52 The umbilical cord was very strong, and they chalked it up to those supplements. Well, you should send him a DM or a text or an email. He would love to hear that. He would love to hear that. He would love to hear that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. I saw, I saw he does that sometimes. I'm like subscribed to him. So I know he, he takes personal stories like that.
Starting point is 02:02:15 So that would be something to do. Definitely. Melissa, you know, what's crazy is it's illegal to have twins at home in California. We also had our twins at home and we had, uh, we had two, we had three midwives for the twins. There's one for the mom and one for each baby.
Starting point is 02:02:31 But then our doula was a Ugandan woman who had done over a hundred fucking births of twins in the villages in Uganda. And she was fucking money. So yeah in the villages in uganda and she was fucking money so yeah the twins came out one of my my second twin came out not breathing um and i thought for sure he was dead he was completely gray ari and um they uh they basically just put this mask on his face with like a turkey baster and fucking basically gave mouth to mouth jump-started him like within 30 seconds he started coughing and crying and he was on the tit and i was thinking if that wouldn't have been a home birth they would have taken the baby from us and it probably would have never breastfed exactly and that would have and that would have been
Starting point is 02:03:19 fucked up for him we got to she got to sit there with the placenta in the in a bowl that's floating in the toilet and the umbilical cord still attached holding our baby skin to skin until that umbilical cord turned gray yeah yeah exactly all that shit's so awesome right they cut that you know they don't let you have 30 45 minutes for that thing to drain. They cut that right away. I mean, everything that the, that the standard of practice is in a hospital, which is basically some dork in a, in a white lab coat, telling you to turn over the room, you know, give them the Pitocin and do some cut them, you know, get out of the room so we can get another body in here.
Starting point is 02:03:59 So we can make more money. It's little regard for the actual baby or, or, or mom, um, at home we got to, well, what you might think, do it the right way, right? I mean, make sure that the baby gets that, the rest of that placenta and, and, and that skin to skin immediately. They're not going to wrap her up right away. You know, it was, um, it was everything that we, we had, the whole reason why we did it was, was to have those kinds of abilities to do so. And without any pressure from, from some doctors saying that, you know, we, we got to move along.
Starting point is 02:04:35 We got to, you know, I was in, I was in, I was in this other, I was in another birth one time, a woman in labor, and it was at a hospital, and the doctor walks in, and he says hi, and he introduces himself, and he says, oh, I've been here a month, and I haven't seen a live birth yet, only C-sections.
Starting point is 02:04:52 I hope you get to make to a live birth. I hope I get to see your live birth. And I was like, what the fuck? That's your opening line? Wow. Yeah. Our midwife told us,
Starting point is 02:05:04 our midwife told us that something like 25 or 30 percent of babies are cut out and she said that 100 if you would have been in the hospital this baby would have been cut out of you yeah it sounds like a long labor they for sure would have yep yeah so all in all as much as the worry that came down the pipeline from all of our family members that we were trying to shut out and keep, you know, keep away because that wasn't our focus. Obviously everyone was worried for, for, for, for no, you know, it was, they were to the uninitiated. Yeah. It seems crazy, but we look at it like, well,
Starting point is 02:05:39 women have been doing this for all of eternity up until like what the 1940s or fifties they've been giving birth in hospitals before that it was at home and then before that I mean maybe you didn't even have a doctor doing it you had you had aunt and mom and grandma and you know it always happened this way so um all in all everything happened perfectly and it was just the most incredible experience of my life. And, um, I was just, I figured I'd call it. I was happy to share. Um, thanks for taking my call. Yeah. Awesome. Thanks brother. Congratulations. Love you guys, man.
Starting point is 02:06:17 Baby. You got a baby. That's awesome. But is what, what's Trish saying here? Trish always says that, uh, I just keep the Vaseline within arm's reach. You brush feeds are 18 year old steps on.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Oh, wow. Jeez. Trish. Do you have any boundaries? Um, all right. Uh,
Starting point is 02:06:44 thank you guys. I, what, what's tomorrow? tomorrow do we have what is tomorrow oh shit oh jamie jenkins tomorrow awesome okay this is gonna be a great show tomorrow i think i think the subject is covid uh and covid deaths um Vaccine deaths should be interesting. This is one's going to get me kicked off of YouTube. I will see you guys tomorrow. 7 a.m. Pacific standard time.
Starting point is 02:07:15 Bye bye.

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