The Sevan Podcast - #627 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: October 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sending to you now damn we're live it is I wonder what happened Bruce, Jesus, Louise, David, Weed, Adam, Heidi, Michelle Michelle I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:00:21 something that could be taken as extremely offensive and I apologize are you new to the show? Vindicate. CrossFit Joe. Calvin's a top guy from the UK. Clive McLaughlin. No Church of England is Protestant. Hal Roberts.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Melissa. Where is the guest? Oh, shit. Then I wrote to him, I said, Alvin. Fuck. Good start. What a mess. What a mess.
Starting point is 00:01:02 This morning, oh, that was... You know the saddest part about guests not showing up is just how much fucking preparation I do. It all goes out the window. Yeah. Maybe work can't... Maybe work can't wait for the...
Starting point is 00:01:19 Maybe work... Wouldn't it be great if Daniel Brandon makes a surprise appearance instead? Shit, where is he? Did you get the notes? Wouldn't it be great if Daniel Brandon makes a surprise appearance instead? Shit, where is he? Did you get the notes? I don't. Look at number... Look at the very last one.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Have you seen this lady running for governor? I wanted to show... No, no, this is just a shirt. I might shirt this is i may i might be getting chubby i might be getting chubby still working out like a madman okay here um this is the lady what's what's this lady's name carrie something let's see can i see the top her yeah is that her name care like okay listen to this. The lady she's running against for Arizona won't debate her, which is so weird. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Just look at this disturbing curriculum being forced on them at school. Think about it. If any one of us were to talk about sex at work, that would be sexual discrimination. You'd be fired from your job. But twice convicted racist Hobbes sponsored legislation to start sex education in kindergarten. Any adult who feels the need to talk about sex with five-year-olds should be nowhere near a school and nowhere near the governor's office. Why did she call her a twice convicted racist? I don't know. Is that not, how do you convict somebody of that?
Starting point is 00:03:11 I keep seeing all of these people um i mean that just makes sense right why did they why don't they change the name of it from sex education to like reproductive why can't it be just thrown in with science i don't want to be a prude either like i don't want to be that guy who's like put explicitly lyric tags on all DVDs or whatever they did when I was a kid. CDs. But why can't it just be, hey, this is how seahorses do it. The dude carries the shit around. This is how zebras do it. He gets erect and they only do.
Starting point is 00:03:44 This is how he puts the semen in the other zebra this is how and just show just how this is how amoebas do it they're single you know that they're asexual or whatever the fuck they are they just why can't it just be like that doesn't that make does that make sense or do you think i'm being approved i'm open caleb am i being approved no i mean i don't know whenever it was taught to me they called it sex ed when i was yeah me too they were for me too yeah and i don't i don't know if that was like just to be do you remember what it was to all the craziest thing i remember is the teacher brought a banana and showed how to put a condom on and and really yeah to be honest i don't even think we even discussed like the action of sex it was like the
Starting point is 00:04:33 process of it like after the after intercourse yeah tons like tons of time on venereal diseases right i remember that oh yeah oh so many and they would just like flash like these super obscene pictures up on the screen. Like it was a lot of bloody like scabs on the ends of penises. I think there were shankers, right? A lot of that. Yeah, lots. And then they were showing. What grade were you in?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Oh, I think it was like fifth grade. Like fifth grade. That's when they kind of taught us. And like instead they gave us all the dudes like they separated the dudes and the chicks and they all gave us deodorant and so when we got out of the class all the guys went up to the chicks were like what'd you guys get you guys get any like what'd you get in your package or whatever it was like a little goodie bag of shit and then none of the girls wanted to tell us but then eventually we found out that they all got
Starting point is 00:05:23 like tampons or something and so it was like that's public school public school yeah yeah and uh hey you know even that is weird right i i know people are gonna say it's fucked up but if i have a daughter i'm not i don't want someone giving her anything to put on her vagina any chemicals any any talking to her about pushing anything up inside of her to the protocol um of whatever the west is doing to stop to protect you know women from bleeding through their clothes i i i would rather like my fucking hippie wife tell her what to do it was really funny because we all got deodorant and so it was like that too a reprieve from the teachers because we probably all smelled like shit fucking vo
Starting point is 00:06:09 i would take that deodorant and i would have written on the wall with it and then lit it on fire is deodorant flammable yeah it's so great that's awesome great yeah that was fifth grade so that was super i felt like i was really young when i learned that stuff and then it was funny because i don't think like my parents talked to me about it until probably three years later or two or three years later my mom i'm gonna tell you this my mom is gonna so deny this but i think the only thing my mom really talked to me about sex, and she made it very clear in a bunch of – at least once she told me explicitly. And I was too young to even understand what the fuck she was talking about. I was probably in the eighth grade or something, maybe even younger.
Starting point is 00:06:59 But never leverage – I remember one time she said, never tell someone if you want me to love you you'll do this and and she just left it blank like you'll give me a bite of your cookie or if you loved me you do this and i always took it that when she said that i even remember where she told me that um and i always took it i think my sister was there too and as i got older i i i'm like oh i think she was talking about like don't don't use that against women for anything like you'll date me you'll kiss me you'll sleep with me i suppose yeah then it's not natural because you know you're the woman feels like they need to be giving something or whatever something out of what they are i i i there was no way in
Starting point is 00:07:45 fucking hell i know this isn't true for a lot of people but there was no way in hell i was gonna have sex in the eighth grade yeah no way not a chance not me not in the slightest uh-oh do i have to remove you oh i saw that you gave him the stink eye they don't knock no not sometimes they do but i think he has a he's got a patient next door so he's trying to get stuff together has anyone figured out what you do uh what do you mean like on the show or like as like me actual job no on the show oh uh just about everybody knows that oh now oh now they figured it out what's going on yeah after a while they started asking like why i'm in this room like why i close the door like that kind of thing so yeah they kind of figured it out there was this
Starting point is 00:08:46 there was this girl she was so fucking cool her name was amy napierski she was in my woodshop class nip nip persky or napiersky and she had boobs and she's and she sat oh man and she and she was in my um a3 woodshop class there were two guys, and we were just obsessed with her. And she just let us just be totally frank with her, like whatever. I swear the first chick that gets boobs in middle and high school, that's it. Every dude's lost his shit. 100%. Look it, look it.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Sousa, what the fuck? Where's Calvin Robinson Robinson I have no idea in the UK I guarantee you it's a time thing I sent him my I know but like somehow he got confused but I sent him the I know it happens every 100 shows hey did you see I accidentally sent him my notes? Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I didn't see that. I'm a jackass. I was like, uh-oh. Oh, that's cool. That's cool, Roxanne. Massive fan of... What's FR? Is that some sort of...
Starting point is 00:09:59 Father. Oh, nice. Father Calvin Robinson, going to hear him speak in Manchester. He seems like a good dude. It seems like a pretty easy – politics are kind of easy these days. Follow the agenda. How come no one just explains to these people – so it seems like it would be so easy to get on the same page with someone. Why doesn't someone just explain to these people – like when you ask, is there a man or a woman or what's the difference?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Why don't they just – like someone who's a linguist or epistemologist or – not oncologist, ontologist, like just explain to them, hey, this is the truth. oncologist ontologist like just explain to him hey this is the truth why doesn't a philosopher come on just be like okay words signify different things and he and she signify and they point to the and they put up something on the screen that says genitalia and and and that's what's going on and then there's other things that that signify imaginary things like red means stop we've talked about that endlessly on the show that signifies that but that's imaginary i can't i can't point to stop right um why doesn't someone just i don't understand why someone just doesn't explain that hey you're trapped you're trapped in your head that's your truth that's your truth you don't understand gender identity i want to find well then i would start with
Starting point is 00:11:21 can you show me then then then someone from this from our side of our truth needs to just be like, hey, I'm completely ignorant. Can you explain to me – I want to see gender. But you can't see it because that's up to the individual to decide. Well, then we're talking about two different things because I can show you he. Caleb, pull your cock out. Oh, that's limiting his choices in his gender identity that's biology i hear you i hear you i'm having a hard time playing the devil's advocate of it too but i want to see their um and then once we know that once we can get on the same page with that we can get on with it like i'm i'm totally okay if you the implications if i start debating with you that bigfoot has fur or hair is that i think bigfoot is real and that's the part i'm concerned with is that there's people on our
Starting point is 00:12:17 side who are living in reality who start debating with them about gender but and all you're doing, no matter what you say about whether Superman or Batman is stronger, once you get into the debate, you have at bare minimum implicitly agreed to the delusion that they are real. Yeah, you have to start with that if you need to have a discussion. real yeah you have to start with i think it's a discussion yeah and i just uh i don't understand why we can't just um uh i don't understand oh that's funny you should say that jeff greg just text me um should we meet you guys at the skate park oh yeah i would love that he's him and my and i are meeting at the skate park today with our kids. No, that sounds fun. I will call you when podcast is over. By the way, the thing with Danielle Brandon is not a joke. She texts us like,
Starting point is 00:13:21 like, like she texts us. I i talk to her i have her phone number she's coming on she's just not she just gets busy she's got a lot of rad gigs to do hey i'm i'm so happy she like when she texts back that says fuck off stop texting me i'm stoked i'm like yeah yeah she texts she's texting she's a good dude ron i'm like hey i call suza right away suza speaking of calling you i called you yesterday and i called you back we got so much to go over i was surprised that it took you that long to call me i was just i know it did take me a long time yeah oh shit oh shit i wrote this whole thing out i got this whole dude i was on fire. Did you see all the texts I was getting through and what I was setting up?
Starting point is 00:14:06 I saw. I saw. Dude, I woke up at like 7 a.m. Mandatory. Mandatory. 70 texts every morning. This show's over at 8.30. 7.05.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And then the boys have... Class... Then the boys have class until 10 a.m. Okay. Fuck it. Let's just do a live show. Fuck it. We're going live. We're going live.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Okay. We can do a recap of suza's trip let's let's start with um it might be fun to look at his instagram though i like that let's um let's start with uh tulsi uh what's her name tulsi gabber get gabber let's go over to her instagram i don't think i put a link sorry um and i just saw this this morning while on the shitter i thought this was interesting i'd never i don't know if i'd ever seen this in my life oh my mom's awake i wonder if she's watching the show she texts me good morning okay yeah click on that one that uh that yeah that most recent one. Let's see. I can no longer remain in today's Democratic Party that's under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers who are driven by cowardly wokeness.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Pause, pause, pause. Who divide us by racializing everything. It got a new meaning. Can you pull up what cabal means? Or I can do that if you don't want to lose this thread um i found i have a new definition of woke you ready i was going to read it to calvin and see what he thought woke means people woke means making people oh you should bring this up okay we'll come back to this i have proof that the US military is woke.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Sorry, Caleb. Please, do tell. And they give you the definition while they say they're not woke. It's fantastic. Okay, first I need to look up the word cabal because every time I hear that word, I think it's… A secret political clique or faction. Is it – I always think of – when I think of cabal, I think it's like anti-Semitic. is it jew is it i always think of when i think of cabal i think it's like anti-semitic the archaic definition is a secret intrigue oh there's nothing secret that i think that's all wrong i don't think any anything secret people meeting in dark rooms with crystals
Starting point is 00:16:41 that dude it's it's all it's all out in the open just like everything was out in the open about covet from the beginning just people refuse to listen you got to break it down before you could build it up in a new way i am a black man do you remember in steve martin the jerk he said i was born into a young poor black family do you remember that you don't know it's so funny that people will believe here we we go. This show is already a mess. People will believe what they hear while the truth is right in front of them. Hold on. I got to play this. The jerk, Steve Martin.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I know most of you don't even know who the fuck Steve Martin is. Born a poor black. born a poor black uh and the gas cans are let me see if i can oh fuck i can't find it okay so kabal so so she doesn't like woke and she doesn't like cabal okay let's go back to tulsi sorry let's go back yeah yeah and stoking anti-white racism who actively work to undermine our god-given freedoms that are enshrined in our constitution. Oh, pause, pause.
Starting point is 00:18:07 They're stoking anti-white racism. I've never heard that. She shouldn't even say anti. The left is stoking white racism. And so, you know, when someone says, hey, it's biweekly and you're like, I wonder what that means. And you look it up in the dictionary and it means either it means either uh every two weeks or it means twice a week it's really interesting bi-weekly it's it's fucked up so you never know if like they just want to fuck you every two weeks or twice twice a week but but um it's just they're stoking white racism
Starting point is 00:18:42 and what that means is they're stoking whites to be racist, but they're also stoking the world to be racist against whites. It's both. That's what the left is doing. I mean, give you the perfect example. I was going to talk to Calvin about this. There are medical schools that are lowering the standard for people based on the color of their skin. I think there's 10 that have acknowledged that now in the United States, meaning if you're black, it's easier for you to get into the medical school. So now when I say I don't want a black doctor, it's no longer racist. It's now scientific because I have mathematical proof based on their test scores that they weren't as good as students and therefore i don't want one it's it's it's just science it big the and they that is what systemic racism is that is how okay here's here's
Starting point is 00:19:35 my new word i've never used this word not that it's a big word i just never use it that's how insidious systemic racism is that it comes with the accusation of systemic racism the people who are accusing that their systemic racism are the ones inserting it with that word it's like if i said you look you got stung by a bee you're like where and then i just stuck the stinger in you right there that's what that shit is you now you. You now know that blacks are not mathematically – just like there's 365 days in a year, just like Calvin was supposed to be here on October 11th using numbers, signifiers, things at a 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. It's the same logic thought process, objectifying things, pointing at things so that we can get on the same page. We now know that if you see a doctor who's black, that there's a very good chance that they're not as good as the other doctors because they didn't do as well in school and they were let in just by the color of their skin. We never knew that before.
Starting point is 00:20:42 We never knew that before because it wasn't true before. But the people who are demanding it's true when it was never true, all doctors were equal. The people who demand true, they've actually created a reality where they're setting black people up, people with black skin, to be seen as doctors and and we'll have the proof in the name of equity yeah it's fucking bizarre and equality do you not see that they're what they're doing do you how is if i had black skin i mean i have white skin i'm losing my fucking mind if i had black skin i'd be losing my fucking mind right now especially if i had kids you could say the same thing about females and like law enforcement and fire yeah all that well the thing is there you know that they're inferior physical standards are lower yeah there but but you know what i mean by yes i'm a sweeping broad
Starting point is 00:21:39 generalization obviously there's shit loads of female athletes that are the fittest female cop is fitter than 99 of all the all the cops but what i'm saying is is you take a man and a woman you have to drag a 200 pound person out of a burning building you you go with the man a hundred out of a hundred times not even the most woke fuck would be like you're like hey you're in a burning building you um you get to choose a man or a woman to pull you out no no one's like a woman no he had i had to recruit that from that was coming through with the one and if you do say that you i'm stoked for you because you'll be dead and that kind of idiocy will be done because i sure as fuck don't want you picking the person to pick to pull my kid out a hundred out of a hundred times i picked the fucking man and it's
Starting point is 00:22:20 not sexist well maybe in the most raw form sorry go ahead susan and also too some of the stuff that you would look at like if you were to take a crossfit athlete or you know people that did crossfit and we had a female that exceeded a lot of the stuff i mean she was fit and then as time went on she was unable to breach the door so even though like normal stuff and that we would consider that would be fat joe can breach the door right so it's like back squats and like running and we have these burpee box rooms all this stuff she i mean she absolutely crushed it she was top of the class no problem but then when it came to just being able to break open and breach the door the guy who was less fit just because it was more muscle mass and when it just came down to pure brute
Starting point is 00:23:03 strength was able to be to breach it and she wasn't we had a case out here i forget which department it was forgot that they were super happy because it was the first all women firehouse and what happened was i don't want that i do not want that near my house and well what ended up happening was is they got a call i know and again they were unable to breach the door and that's a true story this is true and they were unable to breach the door and they were worried about trying to call for backup as to how that would look and has that ever happened to an all-male firehouse where they couldn't breach a door not that i know of i'm sure i'm sure it has but it's not going to be like the bank vault door and and there is an issue of not wanting to make it look like they weren't able to do it and unfortunately the
Starting point is 00:23:52 the people inside perish because of it uh sam briggs will drag your dead ass out of fire like a champ word i understand yeah but you're talking about one at the very very top and even then what's the time on her being able to reach the door versus just somebody like Caleb who's 6'4 and maybe isn't as fit? 6'2, 6'2, 6'2. I was going to give him an extra two inches. Give it to him. But what would the time be on him reaching a door versus her? Now, obviously, if they were at the CrossFit Games, she would crush Caleb.
Starting point is 00:24:26 No offense to Caleb. I don't see he's working out and he's looking jacked, but at the same time, I still think he'd be able to get through the door faster than she would. I don't think even Tia Toomey's kicking a door down faster than Caleb. I do think, though, that Danny Spiegel
Starting point is 00:24:42 could back that ass up and knock down two doors faster than Caleb could fucking pick up his ass. Not everybody has the autonomy for that as she does. Oh, Sebi, did you say that she has a giant strong ass? I did. Libby Budak, speaking of Badoci. Did you see the students who complained that the organic chemistry was too hard at an Ivy League school and the prof got fired? Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:25:06 No shit. That happened. The guy had been a professor for like 20 years at the university and no problems. Fucking crazy. It's the dark ages. We're going backwards. It's actually slowing the progress of society as we descend everybody into chaos and be able to censor and limit people's discussion because nobody wants to be seen as racist or misogynist or anything else. So they put up these constructs that if you even just question it or ask about it as you are, all of a sudden you become labeled by people and then therefore it takes away your voice without them having to do anything. They don't have to worry about censorship. Misogyny is another one.
Starting point is 00:25:41 without them having to do anything. They don't have to worry about censorship. Misogyny is another one. They're creating the misogyny by their hatred towards the woman's body when people show appreciation. You're not allowed to show appreciation for a woman's body. Can't question it.
Starting point is 00:25:55 They're so backwards. Yeah. It's so bizarre. We want the same thing, but they're actually creating it. Savant, this is old news. Everyone knows you want an Indian doctor. Even our fucking in-house libtard, Jeff B news. Everyone knows you want an Indian doctor. Even our fucking in-house libtard,
Starting point is 00:26:06 Jeff Bako knows that you want an Indian doctor. It's like, yeah, duh. What's the, what's the most venomous snake in the world? The puff adder. What's the best doctor in the world?
Starting point is 00:26:18 Uh, I am come to my office. I am your best doctor. Come over here. Let me, let me see the shank around your penis. Oh yeah. Thank you. Thank abu it's a fucking nuts it's fucking nuts you know there was this thing calvin was saying i really like calvin's bomb bunnies not on but there's this thing where
Starting point is 00:26:36 people say racism is evil there's nothing evil about racism racism is 100 retard and it's it's just it's pure stupidity it's like this um we and and and what's crazy is the people on the right are just as stupid about it too because they keep they keep talking about it as a skin color thing and i'm guilty of it too but it has nothing to do with skin color it's all culture it's all fucking culture there's something that's been twisted up i don't know what you would call the culture you call it black culture but for some reason it's being projected onto everyone with black skin and it doesn't work that way yeah and politics is downstream of culture so once you see things happening culture rather than yeah politics is where all the real retards hang out yeah then they just go oh look these are the things that are becoming popular in this culture let's just continue to stoke this fire then the and then the
Starting point is 00:27:34 media exacerbates it and the problem too is usually religion a culture is downstream of religion but we've seen that completely go away say that politics is downstream from oh oh right right right well there's another it sucks that calvin's not on here the the church is becoming woke and does the doesn't the church know that the democrats hate them and want them to go away i'm tripping that the church would ever be woke they're losing out on donations man they're from being from going woke no like from people just leaving the church yeah it's no longer oh well yeah yeah and that's from going woke maybe i would what do you think it is what do you think it is i think that the churches were
Starting point is 00:28:24 super conservative for a really long time and like just had like hard lines on a lot of things i would what do you think it is what do you think it is i think that the churches were super conservative for a really long time and like just had like hard lines on a lot of things and then people were like i don't want to do that anymore and then they branched out to being more woke and then they lost a lot a lot of their congregation so they can't like fund their church anymore and i think they're going to be woke and get those people back yeah that's what i think yeah try to play to it to get more people into the church or accepting of your guys's ideologies please come back right there's there's places where there should be um okay so tulsi switching parties can you play this um. Can you play this clip?
Starting point is 00:29:07 I don't have your live call-in notes. No, no, it's not live call-in. It's from Calvin. Sorry. Okay. It says woke means people – making people feel included over getting the job done to its highest standard. Listen, I made this up last night. Woke means making people feel included over getting in and out as fast as we can or whatever my metric is for grocery shopping. I get it. I totally get it. Playing kickball on the yard, I totally get it.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I want all the people to feel included and know the rules, and we'll slow it down a little bit so that everyone can play. The church should never do that. little bit so that everyone can play the church should never do that the church has this thing and it's supposed to be a moral uh about a more and i'm not a church guy you guys know that i'm not a fucking god guy in the slides but the church has should have a a moral um baseline that's so fucking strong that it never drops below we don't tolerate the killing of babies period we don't tolerate abortion but yeah i get it that it. That's it. It needs to have a moral. The US military, there should never, ever, ever be a time that the machine that's supposed to protect me and my kids and my family should ever do anything to make people feel included over the goal of making sure they're protecting my country so um someone goes to the u.s military and they're a man and they want to become a woman that should never happen but
Starting point is 00:31:01 seven we need to make them feel good and include them i i don't care that military is not for that that money needs to be spent on more guns to protect my family or maybe those people are also not deployable by the way which is they're not deployable yeah so i think i've encountered probably a hand like five of them five transgender individuals and none of them are deployed. So they're essentially useless. Fucking amazing. How, how, like there's so many things I would rather do.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I'd rather send a care package to the Ukraine than let someone in the U S military. How is there any priority for that? Oh, someone in the u.s military how is there any priority for that oh my god all in the sake of numbers i'm telling you okay listen to this fucking lying bitch sorry mom listen i would emphasize this i think um more broadly in terms of you know soldiers coming from um marginalized communities marginalized communities or demographics that are not widely represented in the Army. That's part of why we've got to emphasize- Pause, pause, pause. Did you hear that quote quoted? Marginalized communities
Starting point is 00:32:14 or people who aren't widely represented in the military. First of all, the marginalized communities are overrepresented in the US military if you believe in marginalized communities. So right there, she's conflated some crazy shit that's woke talk that's nonsense fucking gibberish that's like talking about food droughts you have no fucking idea what you're talking about and i don't don't point to the one fucking liquor store that's fucking out in the middle of fucking alaska
Starting point is 00:32:40 okay go go on fucking idiots. Go on. Command climates and inclusion. We get criticized, frankly, sometimes for being woke. I'm not sure what woke means. I think woke means a lot of different things to different people. She defines it right here. First of all, I would say if woke means we are not focused on war fighting, we are not focused on readiness, that doesn't reflect what I see at installations all around the country or overseas when I go and visit. But I think we do have a wide range of soldiers in our army, and we've got to make them all feel included. Oh, she just said they're woke.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Why? Why? Why program you can pause this caleb why why why is the u.s military worried about making people feel included well why isn't it just worried about making the best soldiers she just said she said she's not woke and she's woke as fuck she doesn't she doesn't have the right like my job is to bag groceries and make sure that they fit in there nicely and that when you carry your fucking bag this is what the joke is it's such when you carry your bag you can put it in your car so when when someone's like hey i filled your bag up be careful how you carry it you should have doubled the bag fucked hard you should have used two bags what is your mission what your mission is to help me unload these groceries from the cart into my car and then get home not to make me fucking
Starting point is 00:34:15 like set me up for fucking failure knowing that the fucking bad's gonna break it's it's um she just fucking defined what woke is the woke is when you when your priorities are all fucked up and people are getting hurt for it at the cost of some imaginary bullshit you made up in your head you don't you don't have your priorities straight there's a place to make people feel good the playground at the elementary school if you're a fucking restaurant owner may make your patrons feel good the people that we try to be black and you don't dear black people if you're black and you don't feel good in a restaurant don't go there because guess what there's tons of fucking white people
Starting point is 00:34:58 that don't go to all black establishments because they don't fucking feel safe or good there's tons of chinese people who don't go into that there's tons of white people who don't go into chinese establishments because they don't feel safe or good it's all over the place you're not you're never going to stop that yeah i won't go to france because of that yeah fuck those guys sorry melissa but french people are fucking terrible at least my experience with them they're not all but that airport is every time i've gone through there the french people there can suck a cock but but you could say that about americans too in our airports our airports bring the worst okay sorry caleb go ahead the people that we try to the people that we try to like make feel good in the military don't make it i'm just like none of those
Starting point is 00:35:39 the people who we try to cater to in the military either don't get anything that they're trying to get out of it they're never going to deploy they're never going to get the job that they want all those things are there there's a guard at every stop essentially and so if you have bullshit happening like if you're if you're trying to if you're being some type of way you're not going to make it you're not going to make it to the top of leadership you're not going to make it you're not going to make it to the top of leadership you're not going to make it to any sort of like jayleb that bitch did christine did sure but she's an elected she's not she's elected okay she's like she's she's elected by the president or whoever the fuck so you don't think that chick was ever a soldier we never put her there fuck no we never put her there she's never been in the army we're just that's not
Starting point is 00:36:24 that's not us essentially if you look at anybody's never been in the army. That's not us, essentially. If you look at anybody in leadership positions in the military, they've all made it from the bottom levels of leader of wherever the fuck they started all the way to the top. And not once have they had any sort of snag. They've always – all the people at the top are considering warfighting. They're not considering anything else um uh listen to this idiocy if people feel excluded they won't fight hard the opposite of making someone feel first of all the opposite of making someone feel included is not making them feel excluded so you're and there there it is that that's the tardation that's the tardation
Starting point is 00:37:02 nobody nobody makes you feel included jeff and you're fucking here every day actually i was gonna say um i'm kind of disappointed in comments there he's like he's grasping at stars that used to be a little bit more thoughtful and now they're just kind of like labeling it's fun it's good it's good fodder i'm glad he said it because it lets you see that it's it's not a this or that and that's the problem with lift that's what they think it's not a this or that you're never ever ever going to stop people from being racist and it has nothing to do with evil it's the same fucking mechanism if everything that you if every doctor you ever fucking see on tv is an asian guy
Starting point is 00:37:42 you think doctors are asian now just think about how black skin people are represented on tv just think just think i mean i never missed the cosby show but that show's not on anymore i never ever ever this thing that has become like um black culture in this country i i guarantee you half the black skinned people in the fucking country can't stand it they don't want they don't want it for their fucking kids i partook in it for fucking ever i fucking loved rap music hip-hop all that shit but there just reaches a point where you just you can't do it anymore you got you got to get on with your life you got to raise your kids you got you got to contribute to society you got to stop blaming people you got to stop hating you can't be fucked
Starting point is 00:38:28 the police your whole life you get two years you know when you're fucking 15 to 17 there's a you remember drink you know drink champs we had dj effing on he's a co-host of drink champs yeah noria yeah they had a snoop doggone a couple of months back. That podcast was amazing. And the way that that Snoop like talks about his evolution and progression is almost exactly what you said, but articulated from somebody who was very close in my industry and how he wants to feel like the next generation of it and how he was talking about people, the communities coming together. And it was really good you should you should check it out i think you i think you would dig it and it makes me feel happy because snoop dogg's got some woke ass shit matt burns what's up player what's up chase what's up why do you think the military is going that way what do you mean like what's going away go like like bending a knee to all the woke stuff and falling in line with the narrative dude it's a hundred percent because of numbers so here's what's happening our leadership like in the middle essentially so like you have like the generals and then you have like the officers in the middle and then like the ncos non-commissioned officers kind of in the
Starting point is 00:39:40 middle as well all of this like middle fucking ground leadership, not all of them, but a good amount of them are just not intelligent people. The way that they've got their rank is likely based off of a test that they took. And it has nothing to do with whether or not they were a good leader. So what's happening is you have these not so great leaders in this middle ground here, and they're shitting on everybody below them. So the people below them are like, I'm out of here i don't want to do this anymore so what's that all of those people are leaving so all of your population in the military is it's mass ag to this they want to go and so you can't keep up with everybody like
Starting point is 00:40:17 you can't fill spots you can't fill jobs like people are like manning is super low basically everywhere and so they think that to get people to join the military they're gonna give bonuses which is awesome it's a great way to get people in or they're gonna start allowing people to do things that they weren't previously allowed to so like you're gonna start getting people like the people who want to transition if they want to transition transition therapy or they want to have like whatever fucking surgery then the military will pay for that um same thing with like i think they're starting to consider like allowing people who have been on drugs in the past like they're like openly allowing it
Starting point is 00:40:56 because before it was like people would say that they'd never tried never been on drugs never done drugs anything like that and they would just they would get in but like now they're openly saying you can you can say that you've done drugs and you're gonna get in kind of thing um so they're just opening the door to people who want who are a little bit i don't know more fucked up than the people did you see did you see that did you see the father? I think he's a deacon in the UK saying that Jesus was a tranny. What? Yeah. It was like a real debate. It was like with a bunch of people. By the way, can you look up the word tranny? Is that derogatory? I don't want to say it if it's derogatory.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Also, too, I think one of the biggest things is that we've taken away the sense of like the heroism, right? I think one of the biggest things is that we've taken away the sense of like the heroism. Right. So you would have these war movies and you would see it and they would portray this like courageous, like male, like Rambo, you know, knife in his teeth. And he takes out the whole entire fort by himself. And we used to put that type of person on a pedestal. Do you want to read that? For sure.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Oh, it says offensive. Well, there you go. Wow. It's even got a label for it. Look, look it up in Webster's. I want to see. I want to see look it up in websters i want to see i want to see what it says in websters fuck this this guy um they said he was a tranny because um he washed i guess in one of the stories he washes people's feet and that was a woman's job
Starting point is 00:42:17 and so it's his way of showing that he wanted to be a woman what i washed the dishes once i wash the dishes all the time i knew i didn't want to be a train i knew i didn't want to be a tranny even on webster it says it's offensive it does where right here oh slang disparaging offensive oh or less commonly what if i use it if i use the y it's not offensive What if I use it? If I use the Y, it's not offensive. Or if I use the IE, it's offensive. Please clarify when you're using it. Please clarify so I can determine my level of offensive.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Trainee with a Y. Trainee with a Y. Hey, scroll down. Let me see B. Let me see B. It's such a fun word to say. It sucks if it's offensive. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Transvestite? Is tranny. No a just a short term like hey like jew like like if i say hey i got jew kids like if you're a jew you can say that i guess but if you're a non-jew they say it's offensive which is crazy because it's so fun saying that word jew it's like be, you know... Oh, here, shit. Wikipedia is really, like... Tranny's offensive and derogatory term or slur for transgender. What do you mean, a derogatory...
Starting point is 00:43:33 What does that mean? Like... Oh, during the early 2000s, there was a confusion and debate over whether the term was pejorative, was considered acceptable, or a reappropriated term of unity and pride several major media style books consider it hate speech i don't even believe in hate speech i don't
Starting point is 00:43:54 hate speech is like gender uh tranny oh tranny has recently appeared to be undergoing reappropriation to be used with pride okay i'm gonna go with that there we go reappropriation that suits you yeah if you just wait long enough the word won't mean anything and you can use it whenever you want yeah so in 2010 before 2010 it was negative. Now it's been reappropriated. Good, good, good. Just like. Hey, why don't if they're if they have like, why don't they have like a.
Starting point is 00:44:35 It's kind of funny that transgender could be dude to girl or girl to dude that they don't have a. That trend gen do or trend gen da. What about transgen dex the the that's you just go back and forth hey it's it's it's astonishing that she doesn't she defined woke she said she's not woke and then defined woke it's basically making people feel good over the objective of the mission yeah well first she tried to show you that she knows she knows what it means and that they're not trying to be cool hey it's like trying to eat before you breathe you have to breathe if you like if you can chew if you never thought of that not in my way but if there's this hierarchy of shit you need and breathing is like if you'd be like hey if you
Starting point is 00:45:25 could have all the food if i could give you food right now or or air to breathe what should you take air the second someone chooses food they're toast and and so the hierarchies her hierarchies all fucked up did you see the lady um probably it's in my life calling no shows it's pretty fucking amazing this guy had so this guy calvin robinson um he's a black preacher out of the uk he's got his own and he's got his own new show our like weekly piece uh in on um in australia and it looks like he has his own new show, our weekly piece in Australia, and it looks like he has his own new show in the UK on the GBN network, whatever that is. And some white chick called him a house negro.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And she runs a company called The Race Trust to help stop racism. runs a company called the race trust. Like the health to stop racism. Angelic, Angelic and D. Anglican. Anglican. Oh,
Starting point is 00:46:37 my mom and my sister are going to pound me for that. Anglican Deacon. Couldn't you just send that in the private chat or something? What do you want me to write that? Phonetically in the private chat? Yes, yes, phonetically. Or how about dude learn how to read? What?
Starting point is 00:46:57 Isn't your sister religious the fuck? So some chick a year ago who runs some company called the Race Trust. Made a racist comment towards. Yeah, comment. And that's what i've been saying since the beginning the republican dude that fucking hates on fucking homos that's the dude that gets his dick sucked in the bathroom at the airport and the fucking the left that fucking is like anti-racist those are the fucking racist you have to see that there's millions of examples just hang out with those people long enough you'll see it within minutes you'll be seeing that they think that they're smarter than black people and that's why they're doing this to help them i mean the whole
Starting point is 00:47:35 so it's so fucking simple to see all right i i i don't know if i should keep going through my note that chick was fired though that was kind of cool from her i think she had a job at a university when she did that she was fired and now she's suing the university saying that she took the term house negro from malcolm from malcolm x and therefore it's okay that's her of course isn't it funny too that the people i personally don't care that she called him that either though by the way i don't even i don't even i don't care that she called him that but but but but but i sure as fuck don't want her um i think she needs to be slapped around for it i mean she's just showing her true colors sorry go ahead matt no i just say it's funny that the people that are always like saying like to be more inclusive
Starting point is 00:48:26 and love is love are some of the most hateful people. And if you listen to a lot of the stuff that we talked about at the end of the day, we're like, Hey, people could do adults could do whatever the hell they want to do. It's just when it starts to bleed into all these policies and it starts to become state funded and they're trying to push it into the education system and they're trying to lower standards, which are going to be actually harmful in certain fields, like you were discussing the medical field. And it's harmful for those, to those individuals that work there as hard as they could to get up to those standards, to be able to be qualified for it. You've completely diminished any merit that they have. And it just, it's, it's backwards, but it's, it's really weird because if you talk to somebody who's really,
Starting point is 00:49:08 um, assumed that ideology, it's, it's literally impossible to have them see it any other way because usually the defense mechanism of protecting their ego kicks in and they're too angry. She called him a house Negro. She's basically, she's being racist. She's basically saying because you have white friends i'm gonna call you names yeah i mean it's just so obvious who the racist one there is not because she said that word but because of what that phrase means and does it not shame you that most people see you as a house negro yeah the race trust that's supposed to be an anti-racist organization that's the chick that's she's hot you should just keep her mouth it's a filter it's a filter that doesn't say you could the more filters are used the less you should
Starting point is 00:49:58 she should give that calvin give calvin a cold one or a warm one she's probably got a fat ass forehead don't even think about it a five head i don't know i don't i can't judge someone by their looks just because they're racist and the funniest still open to letting my eyes tell me that they're hot and and not maybe not funny but the ironic part about it is if we were actually ever to see true harmful discrimination where somebody comes up and and maybe it's a man that whatever is out and wearing women's clothing and people go over there and they want to actually like do violence to that individual because of the way that they chose to to dress we'd be some of the first people that'd
Starting point is 00:50:34 be like dude back off they're not hurting you or doing anything more than back off you can't beat that person exactly exactly but the problem is is then you're taking you're you're not even giving those individuals a chance to to defend somebody else's right to just be able to do whatever that they want to do, because that's inflated so much of the shit and ideology. That's the irony of the U.S. military. The U.S. military is there to fucking protect your right to fucking put on high heels and fucking walk around New York City. That's right. As a dude. And now you want to be a part of the fucking U.S. military?
Starting point is 00:51:06 You're welcome. You're welcome. You want to be a part of the fucking U.S. military and fuck it up and not let them do that by being the weak link? Crazy. I can't watch Django. I couldn't watch Django. I couldn't watch it.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I couldn't watch it. Yeah, not Django. Django, whatever. I can't stand Quentin Tarantino's writing. I can't stand him. Yeah, that's Django. Django, whatever. I couldn't. I thought. I can't stand Quentin Tarantino's writing. I can't stand him. Hi, Will. Hi. How we doing, guys?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Fucking pumped. I drank strong coffee two days in a row because it's fucking great. And my coffee maker needed to be descaled. And I couldn't. It wouldn't grind my. I like one where you put the beans in and it grinds them. And then, and so for two days I drank strong coffee and I loved it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Fuck yeah. I messed up. I didn't drink my strong coffee yesterday. I drank Starbucks and then I broke my finger. Oh, no shit. You idiot. You idiot. Here, here.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Are you guys on the Savon podcast Instagram instagram right now is that what we're doing live like no i'm here i just i just did you send him i didn't send you the video caleb yeah i just dm'd it to you i failed a lift what the hell fail to lift and broke your finger so I was trying to split jerk it behind the neck and I caught it with my neck forward and then I smashed my finger between the rig
Starting point is 00:52:36 is there a video of it hold on I'm pulling it up right now oh that's cool it's pretty funny I like it when there's video that's cool. It's pretty funny. I like it when there's video. I like it when there's video. That's when I dropped my phone and shit the other day. I was kind of – I was happy that there was social media because if there wasn't –
Starting point is 00:52:56 like if I couldn't have made content out of it, I would have been pissed. But because I could make content out of it, I actually enjoyed it. Exactly. You're going to feel positive. Okay, here we go. Here's the great Will Plummer with 95 pounds on the bar. Oh!
Starting point is 00:53:11 Oh! Oh! My guy. Oh my God. That's cool you just shared that, Will. Let me see that again. Let me see that. Nice cock shot. You know you can trim that before you put your cock in the –
Starting point is 00:53:30 let me see what happens to your finger here. How did your finger – I don't see where the finger gets broken. It rolled right into the leg on the viewer's left-hand side. The looker's left. The looker's left. Do you want a picture of the finger? No. Is it gnarly?
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yes, please. Yes, please. Yeah. Watch his left. Can you mute this? Oh, oh, oh. It's the pinky? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:02 It's my right pinky. God, I love your expression. expression hey how's everything going at strong coffee dude it's good we're uh we're just slowly collecting athletes and then we're working on getting some college athletes also yeah i love it yep i will call you when I am done I love when you narrate your text should be 35 minutes makes us feel included
Starting point is 00:54:34 easy day when I'm texting Greg when I was in the ER yesterday the dude behind me was wearing a Sevan podcast shirt Was wearing a Sevan podcast shirt. Was wearing a Sevan podcast shirt. Comes in. Holding his.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Comes in Heidi. Comes in Heidi. Holding his leg limping in. And they're like, what happened to you? And he goes, my vape exploded in my pocket. And they go, vapors? Like steam? And he goes, no, my vape.
Starting point is 00:55:04 His vape exploded in his pocket. while he was taking the groceries out. He said, he goes, yeah, I felt some heat. So I looked down and there was a ring of fire on my leg. I fucking love it. I fucking love it. He tried taking his pants off and it exploded. I love it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Oh, that's hilarious. That's great. Oh my God. Oh, that's hilarious. That's great. Oh yeah. And then I showed him the video to make him feel better. And he laughed. Oh, that was nice of you. That was actually really nice of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Like yours was an accident. Mine was semi on purpose. Caleb, I am sending you over my notes. I'm going to see if I can get through 10 things right now. Okay. I got a question. Yeah. What did Greg always used to say about if you want to,
Starting point is 00:55:55 is it, if you want to fight metabolic disease, you have to risk orthopedic calamity. How'd that go? What was that line? Every, every time you want to address cardiovascular health, you have to take a risk with orthopedic calamity how'd that go what was that line every every time you want to address cardiovascular health you have to take um a risk with orthopedic calamity meaning every time you get off the couch there is a chance that you're going to injure yourself there's that's what
Starting point is 00:56:15 happened yesterday yeah and and here's the thing what's. It goes up like 10 million percent. Like this, like it's like if you if you if you believe the science, you would never get off the couch. Because the second you get off the couch, there's billions injured. Everyone. It's everyone. Everyone gets injured who gets up. it's everyone everyone gets injured who gets up but but on the on the other side everyone who stays on the couch dies being a disgusting unenjoyable life by the way too i want to say one more thing about making yourself transgender any of those things you will never be happy there's not a single person who changes anything on the outside who finds happiness not one there's no girl who got tits and then ends up being happy from it you will not find one you won't find someone who got a transgender you will only find people who are happy who've done inner work it is a shit ton of
Starting point is 00:57:14 work it's really easy but it's fucking hard and i'll tell you how hard it is the vast majority of people on this planet can't take 10 deep breaths and stay concentrated on those 10 deep breaths for the whole time. They'll get to three and stop. They'll get to five and stop. Their brain will wander somewhere else. And that is why you will never be happy. There is no outside solution. That shit's hard, man.
Starting point is 00:57:43 It is. I agree. no outside solution that's just hard man it is i agree but if you want happiness it's there for all of us right in front of us i agree it's hard as shit but there's no going to home depot and buying a sledgehammer matter of fact if you go down the path of being a transgender or getting the fake tits or any of that stuff in the end it will bite you in the ass and you will lose chunks of your life and you use chunks of happiness well no seven tits the fake tits or any of that stuff in the end, it will bite you in the ass and you will lose chunks of your life and you use chunks of happiness. Well, no, seven on tits. The fake tits are great. Trust me when every year you have to spend three days getting those things operated on and wiggled on those three days will never match. And you've done that for 10 years in a row
Starting point is 00:58:18 and you spent 30 days in doctor's offices, getting your tits worked on remember i had 30 days at the beach with my kids looking at some other dude's wife's tits so uh and and and and you won't you can't get those you can't get you can't get those back you can't get those days back ever i'm just telling you the truth just telling you the truth oh shit that's so annoying so that's good that's great what about this crystal i saw this crystal on my instagram that you're supposed to that you could rub on yourself and it takes the hair off your body but i'm scared i'm scared like it's it's bullshit how about the lady you had on the other day that was talking about the crystals for the covid shot was, what was she talking about? The, the school board lady, the one who fought the school board. Oh, Tracy Henderson. Yeah. Like the,
Starting point is 00:59:10 the treatment with the acupuncture. That seems a little bit out there for me. I don't know. I don't remember that, but I did. Someone did tell me the other day that they got oxygen therapy and then they got the vaccine and then they got oxygen therapy right again thinking that somehow it it mitigated the damage the oxygen therapy oh suzy please tell me you didn't please tell me you didn't you fucking please tell me you didn't please please tell me you didn't maybe she's having back issues i don't care I don't give a fuck. Okay. My two friends who had breast reduction surgery, I want to fucking, like, what did you do? Susie.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Okay, fine. You said she did. I forgive you. All right, fine. Damn it, Susie. See, I you alright fine damn it Susie see I knew it she was yeah I was back issues
Starting point is 01:00:10 you could have just done CrossFit yeah and they'd have just taken your titties right away they'd have just done CrossFit
Starting point is 01:00:15 Will thanks for being on the show you're a good dude love you hope your finger gets better yeah I hope your finger gets better
Starting point is 01:00:23 I wonder if it was the one he I want x-rays with what hey some of my best meditation is when a plane is taking off and landing me too i have to i have to go internal i can't like and it's crazy because i know all the statistics i know all the statistics i know it's the safest form of travel i know everything but i'm stressed as fuck because we're in the air floating in this fucking tube. And I have zero idea if it's cool in the cockpit or if they're freaking out. You don't fucking know. You're just in fucking seat 30B next to the smelly dude just sitting there with your palms just sweating.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And all I'm doing is trying to just focus on breathing through my belly and clearing my mind of all those thoughts. And it works because I have no other option. And once it starts to wander, I could feel my heart rate like start to elevate. And so I have to like bring it back in. And then I don't even think like, oh, okay, statistics. Okay. It's good. Okay. We've been flying since the 40, like none of that. I just, I only just try to focus on my breath and just try to slow everything down and inside my head you're not worried about turbulence bouncing your wings and flapping them off and folding them off in half and now because i'm gonna get through the sky and so no i wouldn't do it don't fly with caleb he's not gonna help you i went into a deep dive on the plane statistics and i went into like understanding a little bit of like the turbulence and how it stays up so statistically i know that if anything's going to happen it's most likely going to happen during landing or during takeoff once you're in the air it's okay
Starting point is 01:01:52 and very if not ever has there been anything with turbulence unless there was a mechanical problem with the plane prior to the turbulence in which case in 2009 air france had some hard turbulence in the little uh altitude odometer you've done your research fuck yeah i have i'm not playing around i also know most those wings will drop in pure uh up to 50 feet and losing altitude it could bounce and they have the flexibility even on the big ones to stay intact so the chance of the the wings breaking off is basically zero but everything else meditating right now this is meditating right now trying not to stress about and i'm like and i potentially have to get on a plane relatively
Starting point is 01:02:29 soon again and everything else and we had to do a bunch of them over in europe and i'm just like sean's doing science hey you know what i do um when i get nervous i i just start saying i love you to whosoever's name pops up in my head and it's crazy too because like crazy shit will happen i'll be in there i'll be like i love you tommy marquez i love you like just anyone yeah i love you joe biden like it doesn't matter i'm in just full like i love you mode and i just do that until i calm down and it works yeah uh okay canada go ahead hey savon how's it going how's it going boys good great um i'm the one that sent you that video on your dms and instagram about the woke food video with the black nutritionist
Starting point is 01:03:21 oh yeah i got that in my notes that is crazy so there there it is there's the racism she's saying can i may i yeah yeah go ahead it's this lady she's the black nutritionist and she's saying that it's crazy for when white people project on to black people that their food is unhealthy like so if you're like hey you shouldn't eat those donuts and they're like but that's part of our black culture you're being racist and this dude fucking sent me the lady who made this video that went viral and is getting all this fucking attention and praise she works for fucking oreos she's the chief's nutritional science officer for fucking the company that makes Oreos. And it's a black woman. And you're just like, dude, I mean, you can't make this shit up.
Starting point is 01:04:10 I'll eventually pull this up on the show. I actually went down a rabbit hole with that. It's fucking nuts. Dear people with black skin and retarded white people. Do not be tricked by do not be tricked by anyone who is claiming
Starting point is 01:04:32 racism do not take their anything that they're saying is true she's trying to sell oreo cookies to fucking black people and she's black and that's gotta be the leading correlate for what's killing black people besides and white people ironically besides abortion which is another white run fucking
Starting point is 01:04:52 organization the whole thing is is doesn't make any sense and i'm pro-choice as a motherfucker don't get me wrong but if you're black and you don't see that white people are killing your babies you're you're fucked up. Her official title was nutritionist. She fucking – okay, fuck it. I'm bringing it up. Because if it's nutritionist, anybody can be a nutritionist. That doesn't – I can say nutritionist.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Caleb's a sports nutritionist. You're a – Can I – Do you have anything else to add? No, I'm just going to make a comment. I really appreciate all your content. I'm hoping you're putting out more three-brother stuff. I have an 18-month-old. I'm a 47-year-old dad.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And I can't wait to get my kid into Kumon soon. And, yeah, I know my kid's becoming a beast and helpful through your videos and all that stuff. Did you see the Capable Child Consulting page I started on YouTube? Yes, I did. Okay. And I'm hoping you're going to be putting out a little bit more stuff like your older videos, like the potty training one. You did a couple of ones because the one thing I'm having issues with is, say, you know, just some feeding stuff. Like he's loving fruit right now, but I'm trying to get him to eat some more proteins, but he's 18 months.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Yeah. Is he on the titties? Is he, is he breastfeeding? Yes, sir. Wow. It's a good life.
Starting point is 01:06:10 All right. You demand. Yeah. Thanks. Bye. Damn. I missed a caller. I wanted to try to take every caller.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Where, where have we gotten through one thing? I know. I can't believe people are calling calling we're like a real show today awesome you got them fired up now caller hi hey um yeah so I guess I'll just uh
Starting point is 01:06:35 I won't cut any corners and I'll just get into it because it's a better late than never uh and I don't want to beat around the bush but um so I was here yeah right yeah so um let me get back to the drawing board so i guess just hang in there so i guess i wanted to say like that it's not really rocket science um when you consider like the fact that sometimes you might pull somebody's leg or it
Starting point is 01:07:00 might be the last straw but i think like the the best of both worlds when you don't get you know bent out of shape for example wow is this a joke call the best of both worlds don't get bent out of shape beating around the bush you're going this is good if it is i hope please be a prank call please be a prank call go on all right well let me just let me break the ice before you bite off more than you can chew because like it's like, I don't, I don't, hold on. I don't really know why you're laughing.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Like you're counting your chickens before they hatch. And I don't want you to cry over spilled milk. So like, hold on. I'll be quiet. I'm sorry. I keep interrupting. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Yeah. Well, let me just give you a taste of your own medicine. Uh, you know, because like, I don't want to go on a wild goose chase or anything in my pops. like he refers to me as like a chip off the old block but you know he usually has bigger fish to fry so let me just hit the nail on the head or better yet let me put the
Starting point is 01:07:54 ball in your court um so one my my mom i don't know about your guys parents but my mom she mentioned to me like with these types of conversations that we just need to take it with a grain of salt or like go for a rain check and you know I don't want to spill the beans or anything but if I address the elephant in the room it's just the
Starting point is 01:08:20 fact that you know there's other fish in the sea and I know I might sound a little crazy here but there's a method in the sea. And I know I might sound a little crazy here, but there's a method to my madness. And so like, I don't want everybody to judge a book by a cover. So I'll let them have their cake and eat it too. Please don't just rain on my parade
Starting point is 01:08:39 or let the cat out of the bag because it's not over till the fat lady sings. I don't know if you guys will wear that. My mom is loving this. My mom probably is loving this. Dude, this is awesome. I think actions speak louder than words. I was just curious if I could get a penny
Starting point is 01:08:55 of your thoughts. Thank you. I think I see your point. Yes. We need to clap. I think I see your point and I agree with we need to clap. I think I see your point. And I agree with you on most, I couldn't nothing off the top of my head.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Um, I'm not, I'm not barking up the wrong tree or anything. I'm not comparing. I'm not comparing apples to oranges. I wouldn't say you've uncovered any needles in the haystack, but it's still, okay. As long as I didn't put
Starting point is 01:09:26 all my eggs in one basket. Okay. Yeah, because sometimes ignorance is bliss. Well, thank you. I know I'm probably on thin ice, so I'll let you guys get going. And I look forward to speaking with you again. Thank you. Dude, well done.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Yeah, hopefully I gave you guys the whole nine yards and the devil was in the details. Thank you, caller. All right, no such thing as a free lunch. All right, bye. Oh, bye. Look it, look it. Heidi, you're fucking brilliant, Heidi.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Is he single? Shit. Oh, my God. That was good this girl that I'm friends with who like is one of the most beautiful human beings I've ever seen has the most ridiculous body she texted me she said what did she say if a man makes me laugh he can have me forever and I of course I'm just like like I seen all our boyfriends and like that's not true like all our boyfriends are big fucking strong just studs but i thought it was a nice gesture no she's not a horn dog she wants his cash i feel like that gold digger that dude could be a
Starting point is 01:10:41 politician last caller i wonder do you know we're on the air? Taylor, do you know we're on the air before you say something racist? Who are you on with? Just Susan, Caleb. The guest didn't show up today. No way.
Starting point is 01:11:04 I know. You and JR would never do that to me except for all the times that you did uh calvin robinson he's in he's in the uk so it could have been just a um scheduling thing yeah it could have just been a scheduling thing i was just calling because me and jr want to do a show show tonight about some of the stuff potentially coming out about the new semifinal format and then also Z-Score and some of that stuff. I do want to do it. I just have some friends in town that I've been neglecting. Yeah, yeah, no worries. But I do really want to do that show because then it gives me – do it i just have some friends in town that i've been neglecting but i don't worry but i do i do
Starting point is 01:11:46 really want to do that show um because then it gives me and my other shows gives me shit to make fun of you and jr i need to do those shows so i can make fun of those shows well i'm good i'm pretty open but uh in terms of what about what about this the 14th oh we, we're doing a UFC show. Okay. Can we talk later today? Let me just feel out. Let me see what's going on with my schedule. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:12:19 And then I also wanted to talk about, dude, we got to start pumping up that we're going to be covering Rogue. I don't even think anybody knows that yet. Okay. Okay. I agree. I agree. Maybe we'll block off. Let's block off um a couple days when is rogue it's it's halloween weekend right yeah i have us blocked yeah
Starting point is 01:12:33 that field is fucking insane on the men's side good okay good okay so there's stuff to talk about good yeah and you and jr and brian are all going to be on the ground and i think we um which will be fantastic and uh it's going to be great yeah we're staying in the same house oh you're okay cool all right we're bunking up we're not and remember what the goal there is is not to do good reporting, but to kiss Bill and Katie's ass. So we get invited. Just like we each get a free med ball and invited back. My breath is going to smell like Bill and Katie's ass.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Oh my God. I love it. I love it. God, Taylor, you speak my language. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:21 I'll see you guys. Okay. Bye. It's good. Fucking love it I'll see you guys. Okay. Bye. It's good. Fucking love it. That needs to happen. Where are we? Did you see,
Starting point is 01:13:32 did you see, have you, are you watching what's going on with Dana white? No. So I noticed he'd lost a bunch of weight and his skin wasn't, uh, Oh, red anymore.
Starting point is 01:13:47 You want to play the clip from his instagram yeah the ad that ad for whatever company it was oh you're breaking my fucking heart caleb really you're gonna call it an ad i'm so naive i'm so naive it's not an ad it's not an ad it's a real true story uh definitely data is definitely not natty but but basically dana said that he went to this doctor and the doctor said he was going to die in 10 years and he said i don't want to die in 10 years he goes do everything i say for the next 10 weeks and dana is a fucking new man yeah that's it melissa exactly his body looks fucking great i what's crazy is i thought he was i thought he was older than is i thought he was i thought he was older than 53 i thought he was like okay so uh yeah can we place this is pretty crazy
Starting point is 01:14:31 and they know when you're gonna die and they're right within a month so i'm like wait a minute this guy can tell me when i'm gonna die and be right within a month that was your hook i became obsessed so i went down there they did my blood He said, if you keep doing what you're doing right now and you stay on this trajectory, you got 10.4 years. I said, Dana, I can see that you can't sleep through the night. I would wake up in the middle of the night and throw up almost every night. And I said, I'd be very surprised if it's not painful for you to bend down entire shoes right now.
Starting point is 01:15:01 And he went no fucking way, slammed the table down. He's like, you gotta be kidding me. You're starting to freak me out. My legs were so fucked up that I couldn't put my socks on in the morning. I was like a 10th of a point away from being diabetic. He said, you do exactly what I tell you to do for 10 weeks. And I guarantee you, I'll change your life. So I was in, you have to understand, I don't fall into all this hippie bullshit. You know, I don't do any of this shit. I'm like average Joe real guy. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:31 This guy has changed my life in 10 weeks. I don't snore anymore. And I sleep seven, eight hours a night now. How much weight have you lost? If you don't mind me asking. 30 pounds. I feel like I'm 35 years old. There's somebody who's listening right now who are going through the same things that I did. Horrible sleeping at night, snoring, sleep apnea, borderline diabetes.
Starting point is 01:15:49 I invested in them for 10 weeks and this guy changed my life. It's about not getting the right information. I think that this podcast is going to help a lot of people. They do these. Oh, click on that guy, Gary. Sorry, Caleb. Could you go back to real quick? There's a guy who did that form, Gary something or another. And I immediately DM them. I said, hey, did you come on my podcast? Look at this guy. Everyone should just you know what's cool about you guys?
Starting point is 01:16:14 The listeners, what's really crazy is every time we have a guest on, they're like, holy fuck, your audience is ravenous. And I go, what do you mean? They're like, I've been on podcasts, you know, bigger than yours. And I never get this type of feedback. And I just want to say thank you to all of you that you guys reach out to people and tell them how great they were on the podcast, because it really does. It's a huge help. Because then those people tell other people it was a great experience to come
Starting point is 01:16:38 on the podcast. But this guy has said he'll go anywhere on any podcast. And I'd love to fucking pick his brain, right? What do you think?'s got on him? Is it just a nutrition thing that he's got on him? It's all the stuff we know. I think he's pretty focused on ice baths and breathing, but then I have to guess the rest is food and diet. And if it's not, it's bullshit. I was surprised that Dana posted something about it.
Starting point is 01:17:02 He's got to be so stressed out. Dana White, say that again, Caleb. But I was surprised that Dana posted something about it. So, I mean, he doesn't, he's not like an advertiser of things. So I felt like it,
Starting point is 01:17:12 it must be a little, a little legit or somewhat legit. If Dana White's going to like share it on his own. Right. Right. Hey, did I send you the notes to the live call-in show? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:24 I did. Yes. Okay. Here we go. Let's do 3-0. Holy shit. Did we schedule Blade again, Sousa? Not yet.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Okay. Let's do that. Yeah, we need to – we got to check because our schedule is filling up, and we got a couple of things coming down. I want him to be a regular. Yeah, he definitely needs to be a regular. He did so good. That was an awesome podcast. Did you like Lisa, the identity doctor?
Starting point is 01:17:53 Have you heard that one yet? I haven't heard it in totality, but from checking out her Instagram and then listening to little bits of it on the show. I was going to say something, but I'll tell it to you after. I liked her a lot yeah i thought i thought she was good some people love her and some people it's just everything she said like and i get what their point it just doesn't stick with them they're like what did she say did you have an opinion caleb um it felt like a lot of information like there was just a lot to digest okay like which i mean it's not in a bad way but like i was having to like pause because i listened to it later and i was like just pausing and like
Starting point is 01:18:29 like i had to kind of like i don't know calculate what was being said but she's interesting was any of it like hey this isn't grounded enough for me? This is like Emily Abbott shit? Like, just, like... Some of it felt like that. But it wasn't, like, so out there. And she kind of, she acknowledged that that can happen with her talk. Yeah, I imagine. Four hours yesterday.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Dude. I, like, sat outside for, like, 30 minutes. Just fucking, like like mind melted spiegel didn't uh i mean yesterday's was a lot to digest yeah yeah yesterday's was a lot to digest did you have to sit outside for 30 minutes like caleb it was crazy how we didn't get someone needs to take a clip where i ask them oh tell me about the hand-to-hand combat i said tell me about the hand-to-hand combat oh you don't want to talk about the hand-to-hand combat can you tell me about the hand-to-hand combat and then just put it on our insta tell put it on our instagram and then people will think that they're going to hear about hand-to-hand combat but they'll watch all four hours
Starting point is 01:19:41 was that the longest podcast we've done? Yes. I think it was. I think we've done. The second longest was like two and a half, two fifty. No, no. I've seen that thing go to three before. We've done three hours, but that was past four, wasn't it?
Starting point is 01:19:57 Wasn't it like four hours and a couple minutes or something like that? Here's the thing. You ask. Someone talks about killing someone, looking in someone's eyes and fucking killing them with your bare hands and and when you're at the two hour and 20 minute mark and you're like okay and then at three hours you ask them again and you're like okay and by the way i'm not hating on them like fuck it's probably a crazy thing to talk about but it was kind of like some girl going like this like she's topless and she's about to unsnap her bra and
Starting point is 01:20:25 like you sit there for an hour or two hours you know what i mean i mean he had us on the he had us on the hook i mean i'm not suggesting he was doing it on purpose at all but i'm suggesting we use it i'm suggesting we do it on purpose to manipulate people to watch that yeah that would make a good clip. OK, 301 racism towards Whitey. I don't know what this one is. I hope it's comedy. I need some comedy in my life.
Starting point is 01:20:58 I would love to get through like 10 of these right now. Can we do that in 10 minutes? Oh, yeah. I think this is comedy. This looks like comedy, right? Anytime you see an Asian guy in racism, it's comedy. This is very comedy. Okay. Look, look.
Starting point is 01:21:07 I'm American. I think I'll use my credit card. Do you guys have anything non-dairy? Anything gluten-free? Bobby, look, look. I'm American. I think I'll use my credit card. Do you guys have anything non-dairy?
Starting point is 01:21:27 Anything gluten-free you're welcome you're welcome it's so amazing it's it's kind of amazing that um which um ethnicities haven't gotten into the um racism game isn't it asians aren't like the highest paid people in the on the United States by far, like double what whites make, like Asians and Indians. They're like, yeah, we're good. They're staying out of politics. They're just like – Dude, when the bullets are flying, you don't look up out of the foxhole. They're just killing it.
Starting point is 01:21:59 We're going to stay down here. One of the things that people are complaining about in in the uk is that there's not enough black teachers three percent of the united kingdom is black it's like dude just fucking put your head down and fucking work like i bet i wonder if there's more armenians than there are blacks in the uk probably not uh people on my show that don't uh people on my show that don't see the value in defining words and make fun of that people who think my show is political this is for you this is the harm you support okay 297 god these are some old ones visit with oh yeah this is crazy you're one thing up professor bridges you said several times
Starting point is 01:22:42 you've used a phrase i want to make sure I understand what you mean by it. You've referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy. Would that be women? Many women, cis women, have the capacity for pregnancy. Many cis women do not have the capacity for pregnancy. There are also trans men who are capable of pregnancy, as well as non-binary people who are capable of pregnancy. So this isn't really a women's... Okay, pause. So that's the thing that needs to be explained right there.
Starting point is 01:23:09 She's talking about something in her head, and he's talking about something out here in the real world. Okay, listen. Bear with me here, Susan and Caleb. I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Go ahead, guess, boys. 7. Wow. No, both you're wrong how come you guys can't see it though what's wrong with you are you guys racist well we see it we're the majority now so i swear to you i was trying my hardest to picture a five and she she's saying she's saying that we have to know what people are fucking thinking.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Wow, that couldn't have played out better. That was a great response. How are we supposed to fucking know what these fucking maniacs are thinking? We cannot allow anything that's in someone's head to become – that's not real to lie to the rest of us that it's real. We have to at least be honest that red means stop, and it's not true, and we've just agreed upon it. Money doesn't really have value. We've just agreed upon it to make commerce work. But Susan, I can read into those minds. Wow. Okay okay good go on this is fucking nuts right here this
Starting point is 01:24:30 lady's nuts we can recognize that this or pause sorry sorry or she's got to be able to explain it to me please someone tell me where i'm missing it i'm open to that too no actually seven it is on the outside oh it is i just show it to me i just need to see it i need help or those people have to be fucking like we have to stop allowing these people to to to bring their delusion it is some sort of reality like like like like gatorade did that making you think it adds electrolytes to people. It does. It does not. OK, go on. Recognizing that it impacts other groups, those things are not mutually exclusive. Senator Hawley. So your view is, is that the core of this this right then is about what?
Starting point is 01:25:29 So I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic, and it opens up trans people to violence by not recognizing it. Okay, pause. Pause. So what that is, that's ad hominem in the guise of being virtue signaling. So they're talking about whether the apple is red or green, and he said it's red and she's then said your language is violent yep conversation yeah that she doesn't like the word red it's this is the bat shit crazy part yeah and he's a bad guy now and so what do you think we should do with these people what do you think we should do with these people who can't have a conversation and just attack she basically it's basically um to use their terms it's basically violent what she's doing. She's engaging him now in a place of combat, verbal combat, as opposed to debate. Who cares? Who cares if it was transphobic what he said?
Starting point is 01:26:19 It doesn't even matter if she's right or wrong, which she's not. But you've completely left the playing field and i'm opening up people to violence by asking whether or not women are the folks who have pregnancies so i'm one i want to note that one out of five transgender persons have attempted suicide so i think it's important because of my line of questioning because we can't talk about Note that one out of five transgender persons have attempted suicide. So I think it's important. Because of my line of questioning? Because we can't talk about it?
Starting point is 01:26:49 Because denying that trans people exist and pretending not to know that they exist. I'm denying that trans people exist by asking you if you're talking about. Pause. So now she conflated again. Now she pivoted again. She doesn't even know how to answer the questions yeah exactly she can't she doesn't know it yeah
Starting point is 01:27:13 so you don't think Caleb you don't think she knows she's doing that you think well I don't I think whenever like she's so lost in her delusion she doesn't know yeah she just doesn't have an answer for them like she any so lost in her delusion she doesn't know yeah she just doesn't have an answer for them like she any question that's been asked yeah she just doesn't even know so she's she's she's spouting out whatever she's known she's figured out from before the problem also is he's
Starting point is 01:27:35 playing into it because she's saying he's trying to go down this into this door door number one and then she's stopping and saying and pointing at door number two and then instead of staying focused on door number one to allow her to start to become in circulatory he also goes down door number two with her and then when she goes from door number two to door number three he follows so that's that's the main issue with this back and forth as well too because if he just kept staying on the name on the same question then it would force her to have to come back to door number one each time, which would unravel her argument a little bit more. Just escalating the calamity. Say it again?
Starting point is 01:28:13 Just escalating the calamity. Yeah. Chaos. And if she just would have said, hey, you're a fucking asshole, or I fucking hate your suit, he could have just fucking ignored it and stayed on point. Yep. That's what he stayed on point. Yep. But that's what he should have done.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Yeah. But, but, but because she says, um, for, for, because she changes the entire subject and wants to like,
Starting point is 01:28:38 I want to make a note that you're being transphobic. He bites. Yes. And you should have ignored that and stayed because by him validating that statement, the people that are in the same might be on the fence of that ideology are now are now falling back in line with her. Yeah. And the people that were already not in line with that ideology are continuing to go with
Starting point is 01:29:00 him. He's sort of in a lose lose situation. Exactly. But yeah. But if he just would have stayed with the original question of essentially like can you then define the woman for me because i'm confused here and then just kept bringing it back to to the definition of what what if he would have said suza um ma'am please don't attack me uh uh your name calling if later on i i would set time aside for you and have you i don't want to be transphobic and i'll set time aside for you so you can explain it can we stay on can we stay on
Starting point is 01:29:32 subject here without the name calling and then repeat it as original question that's what yeah yeah okay yeah keep the main thing the main thing. Are you? Do you believe that men can get pregnant? No, I don't think men can get pregnant. So you are denying that trans people are the thing? Is this how you run your classroom? Are students allowed to question you? Or are they also treated like this? They're told that they're opening up people
Starting point is 01:29:59 to violence by questioning. We have a good time in my class. You should join. You might learn a lot. I would learn a lot. I've learned a lot time in my class. You should join. I bet. You might learn a lot. It's completely lost. I would learn a lot. I've learned a lot. I know. Absolutely. Extraordinary.
Starting point is 01:30:12 So she thinks that – so basically what it comes down to is she's conflating a transgender person. conflating a transgender person she's basically believes that you can switch your body from man to woman and now you are actually a woman or you can switch your body from woman to man and then you are actually a man she actually thinks that and then there's the rest of us who are like no that's not the way it works actually so but there are some things that that does happen to right you can put some things under so much pressure that they change you could you could change that i don't know if this is true but you know like the you can change a coal to diamonds right pressure you could put you could put you could put these things from the periodic chart of elements, whatever carbon is, and put it under so much pressure that it changes into another element. But just removing the penis off of a man and putting vagina on it and then re-changing its hormonal makeup through injections and changing its name it's still it's yeah it's like putting it's
Starting point is 01:31:28 like putting big tires on your on your um on your toyota pickup truck and then just saying it's a monster truck it doesn't work like that yeah and your dick is bigger now and you could validate you could validate that point by if you were to take that individual that transition fully and then you buried them. And then a thousand years later, somebody dug up their bones. Yeah. It would still be able to identify their sex. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:52 No matter what was going on in here, no matter the transitions that happened outside. Your body is your body that you're born with. I, I'm going to tell you this. I'm going to tell you this. I don't know if this is true what I'm about to say, but I would guess the vast majority of people aren't 100% happy with the body they're born with. Who is? Yeah, and the vast majority of us are at some point become wise enough to just accept that, to deal with that to and then to try to keep moving the needle to more you know if you're 51 52 53 and then you know at some point you know in your life you'd be you're happy with it yeah they should be grateful that they have the vessel that they're
Starting point is 01:32:36 moving around in rather than trying to change it because at least you guys touched on it with or i guess with roger touched on it where like first world countries are so lucky to be able to have these problems essentially because and and it was funny because he almost reverted back on he like kind of doubled back on that i think he's a liberal by the way i i i watched a bunch of his interviews i think roger's got some woke in him he thinks like blm is good and shit he doesn't realize it's hurting black people. Yeah, I think so too. He was, yeah. There are a number of things that I'm anyway. Um, but he, the, like the United States and like first world countries essentially are like lucky that they can even have these problems essentially.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Like lucky that they can think about other things except for like, Hey, where the fuck am I going to get clean water? Where am I going to get my food? When am I going to like fucking sleep? When can I like, how am I going to have any source of income how what can i trade like yep you come out here and it's like people are worried about such less shit because would you rather live in the fucking capital it's all it's all it's all relative would you rather live in the capital of fucking somalia or would you rather be a mexican a venezuelan crossing the border into texas right now i'll i'll do the i'll do the venezuelan crossing into the border uh into texas right now yeah not even there's not even a fucking it's not even like a question no way you know what i mean it's like yeah yeah you have people out here who are born into like their their life is nothing
Starting point is 01:34:02 from here as soon as they're born they have nothing would you rather be born in the fucking ghetto in the fucking bronx fucking worst place ever or would you rather fucking be hunter biden one of the most privileged kids on the planet privilege i use in quotes bronx bronx all day all day would you rather be poor or a rich drug addict poor being a drug addict sucks dude i'm sure though it sucks but you got so much money and you can get rid of the thing is the thing is here's the thing with doing a drug being a drug addict why it sucks so bad because very quickly you do damage to the brain that you can never come back from and the relationships and that's really the only bad thing about being a human being that's what's
Starting point is 01:34:54 so hard about being mentally disabled like by mentally disabled i mean having down syndrome or autism or those types of things you become aware that you have that shit and, and it, that shit sucks. And drugs will do that to you. Drugs will make you fucking just straight up retarded. I don't know if you guys have, I'm sure you guys know people who've done meth for 10 years. You're like,
Starting point is 01:35:16 wow, you fucked your fucking, it's, it's like totally in your car. You don't know anyone like that? No. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:23 And so Susan, you know, a lot you know what fuck your shit up you the speech this speech on holidays when you have uh addicts in your family is okay go hide your valuables and make sure you put your cash in the special spot because this side of the family's coming over oh shit Yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty insulated. Imagine how fucking confident that woman is to go there and talk that nonsense. Is she a teacher?
Starting point is 01:35:52 I think she's a teacher. Yeah. Does she wake up one day and then be like, holy fuck, I can't believe I can't – I spoke in Congress or wherever the fuck she is, and I showed that I don't know the difference between my imagination and reality no I think she's so wrapped up in that ideology that she feels like she's done well she walks out holding her head high and she's proud like I repped she represented
Starting point is 01:36:18 do you guys have a little more time yeah 290. Democrats, it's just the – they're just enforcing racism now. Hi, hello. been thinking today and I'm curious. Do you think Black Lives Matter is upset by the fact that the Caucasian son of the president of the United States is able to film himself repeatedly committing the same crimes that his daddy threw black men and women in jail for for the past 30 years without even so much as getting a slap on the wrist? In fact, evidence actually suggests that daddy
Starting point is 01:36:59 weaponized the full force of the FBI to cover it up. do you think they're upset because they're awfully quiet yes if you guys don't know it's i mean it's been everywhere on instagram and basically there's just tons and tons of videos of hunter biden as recently as you know i don't know fucking this year sitting in bed with the shirt off smoking crack and it's been going on forever and ever and ever and if you go back and look at the history, you'll see that, like he said all this harsh shit and now for 10 years his son's been smoking crack banging his dead brother's wife just all the crazy shit and none of that secret by the way that's not none of that's tinfoil hat shit there's it's it's fucking nuts yeah and basically if you read hunter biden's or i think it's called laptop from hell you hear about just deals hunters doing with china and the Ukraine and shit like that just so he can get his hands on money to buy more drugs.
Starting point is 01:38:11 And I know a guy. Who has hundreds of millions of dollars that you've never you guys have never heard me talk about. Who is a hardcore fucking drug addict. who is a hardcore fucking drug addict. And he rolls with Hunter. So I didn't see them smoking drugs together, but I know they're friends. And I know they're both hardcore drug addicts.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Hardcore. Like smoking crack, shooting heroin, all that shit. And this guy's fucking richer than God. You guys don't know who this guy is either, I don't think. But you could find out very easily. Yeah, well, remember the good line. Instead of a war on poverty, they have a war on drugs so the police could bother me. Say that one more time. Do you that's a do you recognize that one
Starting point is 01:39:07 yeah what song is it instead of it's i forget exactly which song it is maybe maybe changes by tupac but instead of the war on poverty they have a war on drugs so the police could bother me oh i i god i don't know here's what here's why I don't like that. They legal in a town in Michigan, they legalize defecating in public because they, they use that same line. They said it just gives the police an excuse to, um, go after, uh, black people. But I do like the fact that he says it's a war on poverty and not a war on black people because it has nothing to do with skin color. And anyone who hasn't figured out it's a fucking idiot it's all culture and all culture at that time too especially during like the the 80s and all that the the government was in bed with the cartel and there's a whole entire black market right still happening today with the fentanyl and everything else that's coming through so it's just a big facade because they're not out actually trying to change or help those communities they just put in different policies that allow the drug trade to continue to happen,
Starting point is 01:40:07 but it just kind of manages it a little bit, but also creates more money for the state at the same time. Like Jorge Ventura is showing basically the California is just being taken over by the cartel. It's fucking crazy. Cocaine is a hell of a drug. Okay. 289 Uncle Joe. The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has something he wants to share with the Savon podcast.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Joe Biden has done for this country, bro. So he's fighting America's number one health problem, which is obesity. And he did that by raising the gas prices so we could get more exercise. Although we weren't getting more exercise, he raised the price of food. When he saw that people were still eating badly or poorly,
Starting point is 01:41:03 he decided to go ahead and have food shortages so we could fast. And fast is not only good for our physical health, but our spiritual and mental health also. So he's fighting obesity in some extreme ways. And it's just really good for us. And he's just doing an amazing job. And I just think, let's go, Brandon, you know? doing an amazing job and i just think let's go brandon you know that's uh that's a sarcasm right that would be that yes yes get skinny raise gas prices um number 286 do you want the federal government to have the power to make abortion illegal here we go where to support and defend the constitution and a country that treats its women second class citizens how am i supposed to do that how am i supposed to do that with pride how am i supposed to do that? How am I supposed to do that with pride?
Starting point is 01:42:09 How am I supposed to do that with love and honor? How am I supposed to wake up every day and put on a freaking uniform that says United States Army when the United States doesn't even give a rat's about me? It gives more of a rat's about the guns they're allowed to buy that kill the children that i'm forced to give birth to think about that oh that's so funny how am i to be fair the military didn't give a shit about you to begin with so it's fine uh it's crazy i i i would need that explained to me how any woman's ever forced to have a baby uh clearly everyone has the the choice to have sex well seven what if someone's raped fine that's less than one percent of all the abortions fall into all your butts so we'll do we'll make some exception but uh it's funny that she puts her rights over the baby's rights.
Starting point is 01:43:07 I think something's wrong with you if you do that. The selfie generation. I think something's wrong with you. Yeah. If you think that women's rights are more important than baby's rights, especially since there's a lot of female babies. More important than babies rights. Especially since there's a lot of. Female babies.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Like she couldn't even. She couldn't even have the life to be offended. If someone would have aborted her. It's fucking. I don't get it. And I want to get it. I want to get it. But I just don't. You're not treating women like second class citizens.
Starting point is 01:43:43 You're fighting for a country that wants to protect all life, whether it be a baby or you or a tranny – sorry, transgender. I'm going to try to switch to transgender. Good on you. Thank you. You're evolving. Let's see. they're evolving let's see well Seve if you
Starting point is 01:44:06 do it in the butt abortions wouldn't be right I mean that's some science that's science that should work they are against the death penalty for an individual who did a heinous act
Starting point is 01:44:21 but they want to kill an innocent baby just because they think it's women's health. Get the fuck out of here. Oh, man. Interesting. Yeah. Okay. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:44:41 No leadership when this is allowed. Oh, 280. So whatever this is, I'm suggesting that the leadership is completely shit the bed. Please don't be anything CrossFit because Don Falls coming on. You got it. Oh, son of a bitch. This is an attack on CrossFit. Okay. Let's hear. I'm struggling off the floor at the end of the day yesterday. What was your recovery like getting into this morning?
Starting point is 01:45:04 Uh, lots of carbs. pause pause why would you show that crossfit what was your recovery like this morning and our first answer is lots of carbs why would you show that well it doesn't matter carbs are good for you okay fine upholding the methodology why would you say that you the foundation of this company of this methodology is nutrition the entire foundation there's no movement there's no exercise the founder said that if he could only do one exercise or eat right, he would eat right. This is no hatred towards Danielle, by the way. Good honor.
Starting point is 01:45:57 We just had – people come on the show all the time and say there's a difference between performance and eating right for your health. By the way, there's not a lot of difference, but there's just more wiggle room if you're eating for performance., there's some things that you, you could probably do to get a little more out of the system. That might not be good for your health. And look at that asshole down here. Liked it. That's Susie. Scumbag.
Starting point is 01:46:19 You didn't even, you just stared at her shoulders and her neck the whole time. You're like me. I never, I haven't heard a thing she's said in a year. Yeah, I love your neck. You smell so good. Do you notice how good Danielle Brandon smells in her post?
Starting point is 01:46:34 What did you say? I said I got a hug from her at the CrossFit Games. You did? Did you get any of her sweat on you? A little bit. That's awesome. Tried to capture and sell it but evaporated it's like it's just nuts it just but but but it does show that there's no leadership that there's no this
Starting point is 01:46:52 that would never if there was lead because the leadership would have there'd be a strong vision like hey guys this is there wouldn't you don't need to lie yeah right the neck yeah her she's so i mean there's something who knows someone like some anatomy guy needs to just look at her and be like this is why you can't this is why we all lose your shit around danielle brandon guess what it has to do with the fact that she's a fucking hot woman it's one of the pieces of it guys yeah her her dna is expressing but but this just shows no leadership you don't even have to hate carbs you can be totally pro-carb you just don't do that you don't do that when the foundation of your you don't let you don't just be loose like that with those type of statements from one of your biggest brand ambassadors on one of the biggest platforms
Starting point is 01:47:41 the company has it just shows yeah and if that works for her post that's a fucking idiot of the biggest platforms the company has. It just shows... Yeah, and if that works for her... That's a fucking idiot of the highest order. Yeah, and if it works for her... Or it was inside job, or they're smart, and they're trying to sink the company. I mean, they're trying to fuck with it. What'd you say, Sousa? I was just saying, if it works for her
Starting point is 01:47:57 and her competitive state, that's fine, and it's one thing, but like you said, there's just no reason for them to clip that and then – Contextualize it. Yeah. Contextualize it. Let her do that on her own platform.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Are you excited for Don to come on? I'm very excited. I have to – I wouldn't say – I'm not more excited than I was Calvin Robinson today. That was going to fucking be – I mean I'm excited about all our guests. I mean tomorrow we got some fucking – this dude tomorrow is going to be awesome. I think this kid might have a million YouTube subscribers or something. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:48:29 I think he does. I have a list of questions for Dawn that I all have to, you have to pass through me first. Of course, of course, of course. You're going to fuck us. You're going to be like,
Starting point is 01:48:42 you're going to fuck us. I don't know if i'm more worried about taylor self at the rogue invitational are you on with dawnfall i just have a couple of questions that's all but i don't think they're gonna be the ones he's used to like are you part of what the katie what the fuck i can't believe we have to sit in these seats We're media No Taylor no No Taylor Taylor's a savage Okay 278 happy 4th of July
Starting point is 01:49:16 I'm glad you're here I'm just busting your balls you know that I'm excited you're going to be on the show with me Okay Not after you see my questions You won't click me in I'm excited you're going to be on the show with me. Okay. Not after you see my questions. You won't click me in. Happy 4th of July, 278.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Thank you. Rumor has it. Isn't that amazing? And we're flagged. Isn't that amazing? It's a firework. Come on. Total firework come on total firework i think that's how i'm going to start the show at dawn fall dawn what do you see
Starting point is 01:49:52 hemorrhoids happy fourth of july there's people who's still at home watching that and they don't understand they're like what there was a tree climbing competition in denmark i don't know why this is in my notes but i was wondering if you needed a vaccine to go there okay 273 man shit god i hope this really isn't poop i hope that's just like mansion it's like a chainsaw i saw somewhere that i want to buy okay oh here we go. Won't take creatine, protein shake, none of that crap. You know what I do? I smoke cigars,
Starting point is 01:50:31 I drink booze, I have threesomes, and I hit the gym. And I look like a G. That's it. Keep going. Won't take creatine. Oh, that's awesome. I take creatine i pedal testosterone i hit the gym and i have foursomes like a g are you familiar with this stuff no but i but i like i've seen a little bit i like him
Starting point is 01:51:02 oh my goodness i like him he reminds me of um that guy we had on the show uh a lesser kind of version than that elliot hustle elliot nestle the guy who had the millionth uh youtube subscribers the fitness guy who was like explained to me why women should um didn't vote or maybe shouldn't vote that was a fascinating conversation shit yeah it should be and before anyone gets their panties in a twist, it was basically that the family should have a vote. Right. And he was great.
Starting point is 01:51:33 And to address Will, put a comment up here. And he said, but politics is upstream of culture. See gay marriage, public opinion. No, no, no. The only thing that changed was the culture, which then demanded the politics to switch because the people put in demand to switch it so then therefore the politics had to comply with the culture i well i would like to hear his thought on what what public
Starting point is 01:51:56 opinion only switch once the law changed i'd be curious what he means but i would be curious what law is referencing yeah but like politics didn't say like hey, we should change this. And then culture followed suit. There was already a culture and then a demand for it. And then politics wanted to sway that way for whatever reason. So then, therefore, it changed. And then after it changed, it became more widely spread. But it first had to start with a cultural change. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 01:52:22 Something's going on. I don't know if you have youtube on or what but go ahead oh i'm calling for my phone i'm actually heading to the gym right now my bad oh good so many people call when they're heading to the gym that's nice it's cool yeah well you know you're getting motivated you're getting motivated i actually have a question for you uh cool by the way sorry real quick sorry call it interrupt elliot holst uh andrew hiller chimes in hillary with his head he knows our show better than we do okay go ahead caller sorry hey i hear even savannah says this you guys talk about how like crossfit is the
Starting point is 01:53:01 the cure to a lot of things, you know, with the obesity and the world, especially the United States and all that. I've been doing CrossFit for nine years. And here's my question, I guess. Where do you find the balance between knowing that CrossFit is the cure and can help a lot of people, but as a gym owner, you know uh finding the right price for a membership because like it's like there's got to be balance because i have a lot of friends that when they are interested and need crossfit but i tell them the price and they're like immediately turned off and
Starting point is 01:53:36 they're like well i can go to planet fitness and i can do that for ten dollars or fifteen dollars a month and i'm like you can't it's not the same you're not going to get the same thing but at the same time on the other hand you have to be able to make money for your gym. And I get that. And where do you find that balance, I guess? I would just put it into context. If you just quickly ask them how much a night out costs for drinks and dinner quickly, that's a one-time thing that you're just eating, drinking, and shitting out as opposed to investing into your health. So the real thing is just they need to understand
Starting point is 01:54:05 the value of what they're actually receiving. So potentially they don't necessarily understand it. So they should go into an affiliate that would be able to really explain what they're getting for that price and why it's more expensive than just a rent model, because that's the biggest difference. You get a coach who's going to lead community, who's going to help them out, who's going to personalize it for them within the class, as opposed to going to a Planet Fitness, you're just showing up to use their equipment. So it's completely different, a different model in that sense. But then the other thing too, is just understand, like quickly look at, like I said, go out to dinner, have two drinks each, two cocktails each and a meal. And that damn near is the price of the monthly membership that you
Starting point is 01:54:44 just spent in one dinner. So the thing is, is they're just not valuing the investment in their health as much as they're valuing other things outside of that. That's true. I do feel like though, that is a, that's a hard, that's a hard switch for people. Like if they're not already already invested in their health to try to convince one of that i'm not saying you're wrong i'm just saying in general that's that's a tough
Starting point is 01:55:09 conversation i think they're just gonna tell you to fuck off and you know i'm gonna go plan fitness yeah and then you can ask them how that's working out for them because most of the people in in planet fitness in 24 hours fitness they count on this they count on selling you a membership and they've done the research on it to figure out exactly how much money money you'll spend a month that you won't use the product that you'll just let it sit on your credit card in the hopes of using it they've done the research on that and that's their whole entire model if 24 hour fitness had everybody who was at membership show up like if they had the same percentage of people show up every single day like we do at the affiliate the gym couldn't function it'd be way too busy so basically they're just throwing their money away to make themselves
Starting point is 01:55:49 feel good as if they have a gym membership but they're not actually utilizing it caller could could i chime in here i don't have an answer for you but i just wanted to put some perspective i'm not justifying either way but let's say you had a gym and without paying your coaches your overhead was 17 000 a month without paying your coaches, your overhead was $17,000 a month without paying your coaches. So that's like rent for the place to keep the electricity on, have internet, pay for some sort of music service, maintain the equipment, have insurance in case someone injures themselves, whatever. Let's say it's $17,000 a month. I think that seems pretty fair. And you haven't paid any coaches yet, not a single coach. And your membership is $200 a month. You would need 85 clients to break
Starting point is 01:56:32 even. So that means that $200 a month, you need 85 clients to break even. So that would mean you need 170 clients to make double that, which would be 408,8 000 but that still would only give you 204 000 to split between you as the owner and whatever trainers you have who are teaching the classes and then your overhead might go up even more because now you have 170 clients who are fucking up your gym right you're using twice as much toilet paper they're breaking the equipment twice fast it's a fucking tricky situation and that's why that's why the vast majority of us started just online for free the vast majority of crossfitters do and it's sad that people don't see that it's it's like one of the coolest things about the internet but then there are people like
Starting point is 01:57:17 my wife who just really prefer going to an affiliate it's like a great, and my mom, it's awesome for them. And so it becomes to the fact of like, you know, I guess you kind of have to have the hard talk with them. Like, Hey man, this is, this is for anyone, but it's not for everyone. Like I want to meet cool people and I want to live a long time and I want to be the strongest person when I go into Starbucks or Walmart. It's kind of like those have to be your – you want to meet cool people. You want to be super healthy, and you want to live longer. Yeah, and that's a hard sell because you're selling them personal accountability, so it's always going to be really tough. I would go anywhere for chicks, though, if I was 20, especially for those kind of chicks. Do you know what I mean? Like chicks who are like putting that putting themselves first well as someone that's been in the affiliate for like i've been like i said i've been doing this for like almost 10 years and um
Starting point is 01:58:16 thanks oh i'm sorry i was getting into the gate uh i mean i just moved to san antonio and uh the gyms here are like super expensive but i'm in the military look sorry oh we had 158 live viewers simultaneously and it was 158 sorry sorry i met my meth head years getting into me sorry okay go ahead you're in san antonio so yeah and the gym so i'm moving i'm coming from Mississippi. I've just moved to San Antonio. The gyms are just so much more expensive, and I love being an affiliate. Like, I love the community. I love everything that CrossFit is and the affiliates.
Starting point is 01:58:56 But, like, right now, I just, like, I can't. I can't afford it. Like, $210 a month on average is, like, for these gyms. And I get it. They got to do what they got to do. But, like, so right now, I have to use the gym. They have to do these things called BeaverFit. average is like for these gyms and i get it they gotta do what they gotta do to you know well like so right now i just i have to use the gym they have to do these things called beaver fit it's like a little connex with like uh equipment and so i mean that's nice but it's tough i i mean i miss the i miss the community but i just how did they choose that name yeah some British company
Starting point is 01:59:22 no idea well that's the best part about CrossFit because you could still have access to it if you have a gym and you've obviously been doing it for 10 years and I mean it is it is tough but also too this is the same thing that I talk to people depending on your personal finance situation like crack the nut ditch the Netflix don't eat out as many you know what I mean like so there's just in obviously using condoms i obviously i'm wait i mean that they make sacrifice for them to invest in that else suza froze caller thank you for calling appreciate it
Starting point is 01:59:59 uh let me know if you need anything. I'm done. Why? Do you live down there? I used to. David says, CrossFitters ain't strong. That's what's even crazier, that I'm the strongest person wherever I go.
Starting point is 02:00:17 Yeah, compared to what? From doing CrossFit. CrossFitters ain't strong. Nowhere I go is anyone stronger than me. Okay, 267 japan locking people down for online comments that can't be true you have any japanese listeners did you see what paypal put out and then they immediately reversed crazy japan will begin locking people up for online comments. Can you scroll down a little bit?
Starting point is 02:00:46 Let me see what the fuck they're doing here. In Japan, posting online insults will be punishable up to one year in prison. From today, the new law was passed earlier this summer. Individuals guilty of internet insults may be fined up to 300,000 yen, $2,200. Previously, the penalty consisted of less than 30 days in prison, maximum fine of $10,075. In three years, the law will be reexamined to determine if it affects freedom of expression. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Of course it affects freedom of expression, you jackass. Like, you need a study for that. Cyber bullying. All obese people are on medications is that is that is that um hate speech is that to me and so do i go to jail for that am i fine for that is that's violence to certain groups you've just opened them up to violence and i want you to know that people that are obese die faster than people that are not and you're you're being harmful to those communities i've hurt their feelings when they hear that it stresses them out yeah crazy um
Starting point is 02:01:55 daniel did you hear about the stabbings in vegas by someone who was here illegally from guatemala and already had a criminal record in california I'm actually surprised I haven't heard more about it. Hey, dude, because that's happening every day. Every single... Nobody wants to hear about what's going on in Philly because it happens every day. Yeah. It doesn't support the agenda, so you've got to keep that
Starting point is 02:02:17 quiet. Daniel's picture was cool, though. He's lifted that big stone. 266 voter fraud I'm pretty happy with this I think we get through 266 and I'm fucking good let's see voter fraud oh this should be fun Veritas
Starting point is 02:02:41 that's illegal I'm a little apprehensive to tell somebody I guess Trump was right Veritas. He said he was legit. Oh, hell no, he's not. It's true. Yeah. Because you're not supposed to do that. If I have a bunch of them, I'll take 20 here, 30 here, 40 here. Oh, to mix it up. Not the same post office. Of course not. Yeah. How many ballots do you think that you can do that with?
Starting point is 02:03:15 I've already done, I don't know, probably like 1,800. That's a lot of trips to the post office. It's a lot of everything. Look at the shawl. Oh! Motto allowed me $2,500 to buy gifts. I do shawls. I do diabetic socks. I do wallets.
Starting point is 02:03:39 I do rosaries. I do Loteria down here. Loteria's big. Loteria's big. Bingo is big down here i do bingo markers and i put their stickers on it you can do you can go to wherever you want but our conversation that we have you said you were voting for a hanger because you were going straight democrat so you're going to they're going to dot that in and the line goes like this oh they're buying votes so here's the deal guys here's what's crazy this is i mean you can find this shit just everywhere on the internet and you can find it
Starting point is 02:04:12 let uh they just sent out 30 000 absentee ballots uh in colorado by mistake yeah fine uh um and and and you could say what's happening on the right and left the the thing is is the vast majority of evidence is always coming from the left. And that's not to say it's not happening on the right even more. We just haven't caught them yet. I don't, I don't know, but the vast majority, it seems like 95% of the shit I see. And the judges are saying it's not happening. They're like, Oh, the judges say it didn't happen.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Or William Barr says it didn't happen, dude, that there's so much fucking evidence that it fucking happened yeah but they're terrified because if they start to admit it everybody loses faith in the system that could get pretty shaky quickly the crazy thing is is that they haven't done it electronically where you have to go in and you have to show your id you got to put in the stuff they got to verify who you are i mean like you have higher security on signing in on your Google email than you do with our voting who our elected officials are. It's fucking insane. Why hasn't that caught up? Because they're.
Starting point is 02:05:18 I don't know. That's a good question. I can do one rep at 225. So that's really strong for me. So you're telling me that 224 is a two-ton? Very, very, very strong, David, yes. I mean, compared to what? And, David, if you don't think that's strong, you's a troll.
Starting point is 02:05:35 Or he's trying to be like, well, I did 25, so 24 is nothing. Okay, fine, one more, more 265 COVID is from a lab COVID COVID one of my dear friends is like I'm really sick and I don't have COVID I'm like how do you know they're like I got tested and I just made me hate them
Starting point is 02:06:02 go ahead why are you getting tested why was anyone getting tested? You get a pass, Caleb. Okay, go ahead. Play. It may shock you or not shock you. Or you may say, I already know that professor sacks, but I chaired the commission for the Lancet for two years on COVID.
Starting point is 02:06:21 I'm pretty convinced. Do you guys know what the Lancet is? He chaired a commission on the Lancet. It's the one that all the people from the left are always like, well, I follow the Lancet. Well, I follow the Lancet. Well, I follow the Lancet. I'm going to look up the Lancet real quick.
Starting point is 02:06:35 Medical journal that all the doctors follow. The Lancet, the best science for better lives. The best science. You fucking idiots. Oh, they had something about monkey pox. Yeah, they're just trendy. It's basically the New York Times.
Starting point is 02:06:55 The Lancet. Jack asses. Big data on all pandemic preparedness. You don't got big nothing except big fucking pharma money. Okay, go on. So this guy was the COVID task force for the Lancet. Listen to what he says. The U.S. lab of biotechnology, not out of nature.
Starting point is 02:07:13 Just to mention, after two years of intensive work on this. So it's a blunder, in my view, of biotech, not an accident of a natural spillover. We don't know for sure. I should be absolutely clear. But there's enough evidence that it should be looked into, and it's not being investigated, not in the United States, not anywhere. And I think for real reasons that they don't want to look underneath the rug. I'll add. Inside the Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens, February 2017. Nature.
Starting point is 02:08:02 The expansion of BSL for lab networks in the United States and Europe over the past 15 years, with more than a dozen now in operation or under construction in each region, also met with resistance, including questions about the need for so many facilities. This guy's basically saying that, hey, they fucking made this thing in a lab. A laboratory in Wuhan is on the cusp of being cleared to work with the world's most dangerous pathogens. The move is part of a plan to build between 5 and seven biosafety level for BSL-4 labs across the Chinese mainland by 2025 and has generated much excitement as well as some concerns. The Wuhan lab cost 300 million yuan, $44 million, and to allay safety concerns concerns it was built far above the flood plain the safety concerns are the flood
Starting point is 02:08:51 that's like if you're in a hurricane your safety concern should be covid look they had look at the poison plants worried about hurricanes and the hurricane people are worried about covid did you see joe biden say that last year a couple years ago yeah by the way uh um i think it uh all did you see the media coming out about hurricanes are at an all-time low 10-year all-time low this year so what about global warming i know it's weird. Weird. Crossfitters, Mance, and family. Crossfitters, and that should be your mom on the other side. When my argument doesn't work, label.
Starting point is 02:09:39 David, you're a good dude. Every show needs a tater. Oh. Yum. Yum. every show needs a tater uh oh yum fight for the fittest sent us their new um advertisement for their new uh promo so you want to call it promo holy shit someone just sent me the text the craziest text
Starting point is 02:10:10 can I read this hmm alright um if this person doesn't respond soon we get it off great show thank you guys i'm sorry about calvin robinson guys i don't know what happened um that's the price we pay for dealing with big wigs in the uk and uh having different time zones on the planet. Four hours yesterday.
Starting point is 02:10:53 Oh, okay. Here. I can read this on the air. Ready? Okay. This is from a friend of mine. I won't say their name. Yes.
Starting point is 02:11:09 In 2007, this happened in 2017 and 18 uh with when trump was in charge i cannot thank you enough for taking on the woke military during the show it's worse than you can imagine and it's been bad for years even during the trump administration i had an instructor chop his cock off and change his pronouns during a training course. My commander of an army ranger special operations unit explained he was going out of his way to hire fewer white officers so he could have more black and woman officers. You need to look into like the first female special tactics officer in the air force. That's just fucking hilarious. It's,
Starting point is 02:11:51 it's happening for sure, but they all get put in. I mean, I just saw that. I just, I just started following this lady who, who's, who's a seal.
Starting point is 02:12:01 And I sent it to a friend of mine who's a SEAL, who's a male. I'm like, this is a SEAL? They just wrote back, I guess. A SEALette. Oh, a SEALette. Yeah, sure. I need to get her on the podcast. Oh, I would love to be on that.
Starting point is 02:12:21 Yeah. I want to hear how many times you tried to quit. Please, please send your questions in to be approved before that, Caleb. I'm being censored. The Army, I don't know if this is true. The Army recruited 28 people this last May. It's usually 8,000. Could it really be that low?
Starting point is 02:12:47 Oh, like in a month? I didn't see that. You could? Yeah, sure. It could go down from fucking army recruitment news. There's also like nothing going on.
Starting point is 02:13:03 Well, it says the Marine hit all its recruitment goals for 2022 Army to expand recruiting programs excuse me it says for the fiscal year ended September 30th the Army has reached 75% of its goals
Starting point is 02:13:28 Caller, you're the last caller Hi Caller Are you still doing your thing? Oh yeah, sorry, sorry I'll call you back later Anytime, bye Did you pick up the wrong line?
Starting point is 02:13:44 I picked up the wrong line? I picked up the wrong line. Awesome. Okay. I got to go on that note. Yep. Bye.

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