The Sevan Podcast - #630 - Brent Steffensen

Episode Date: October 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live good morning geez louise good morning jeff we've come on a little earlier this morning we got brent steffensen coming on ninja warrior uh from perusing his instagram thoroughly uh he believes in some stuff that I'm very curious to hear him talk about that the earth is flat that we didn't land on the moon that abortion is killing babies oh man there's this
Starting point is 00:00:37 video on his Instagram that is wild he thinks that the Chris Rock slap was hi good morning Jody good morning Christine the Chris Rock slap was – hi, good morning, Jody. Good morning, Christine. The Chris Rock slap was staged. I should have titled this Be Very Careful What You Believe, Be Even More Careful What You Know. Kevin Smith, good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:03 A couple days ago, we had a lady on the Identity Dr. Lisa Maria Del Rio. After the podcast was over, she sent me a text telling me, oh, my God, how fucking amazing it was. Yada, yada, yada. I was very flattered. I'm always flattered. Um, 99% of the people always do tell me that, uh, the feedback on the YouTube station was amazing. Um, uh, people, people loved the podcast, but there were three red flags that I saw when I was interviewing her. One, I think she almost started crying probably like 14, 15, 20. I don't know. She almost started crying many times on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:33 And I was like, that's interesting. That was a red flag. In fact, she had a post that celebrated 100,000 followers. That was a little bit of a red flag. I always think that that's a sign of like some sort of mental illness, but especially coming from someone who calls himself the identity doctor. And the third thing was that she refers to herself as an influencer. That's always a weird thing to me. Anyway, I guess I should have listened to my spider senses. It's a shame. I think that the podcast made her look nothing but amazing
Starting point is 00:02:05 and only bolstered her brand. I'm kind of good at that, at playing the heel. But either way, she had lawyers send me a letter this morning telling me to pull it down. They have no merit, but I pulled it down anyway. I don't want anyone on my podcast who doesn't want to be on it. If you don't want to be on the podcast then i know right those three things should have been anyway i pulled it down um uh so we'll talk more i'll do a live call and show and we'll talk more about it i wish her the best i wish she could have been a little more straightforward and face-to-face with me instead of having lawyers handle it all. Cedric LaPointe also had a podcast pulled down, and we handled it man-to-man.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I obviously don't want to do anything to harm anyone. I just want to make people laugh and love on people. So, anyway. Hi, Brent. Hey, how's it going? Good morning.'s a good ass life it is isn't it yeah it's pretty fun um what do you own chickens I'm sorry do you own chickens I do yeah we have 10 chickens are they awake yet they just woke up hi good morning where are you i'm in a salt lake city utah awesome wow look at that behind you that looks fun uh is that the ramp they walk up to
Starting point is 00:03:34 to go to bed at night what's that is that ramp some well that's actually the the kitty ramp so my cats are on the show they i just have all sorts of weird towers and ramps built all over. So they love perching. They're outdoor cats? Indoor, outdoor. Okay. What about – I was thinking about this recently. You know, in the last – I don't know. I just remember being a kid thinking that there was this push to make all cats indoor cats
Starting point is 00:04:03 and that it's abusive to keep them outdoor and they're not equipped and my whole every time i heard that shit i'm like if i was a cat would i rather spend 20 years inside or whether would i rather spend 10 or 15 years outside i'm like i'm going with outside i'm the same yeah i'm like is this more nonsense like you shouldn't swim after you eat is it or or that the earth is round? Is this just more bullshit? It was kind of like the whole COVID thing. If you want to stay safe, don't leave your house. You're guaranteed not to get hit by a car or something. You put a premium on your health. A premium. Like your health is like one of the things uh in your life that's you you put towards the top of the thing like absolutely yeah started from a young age i was just an athlete
Starting point is 00:04:51 from early on and i just wanted to know how to like perform the best and then kind of later on in life i had some digestive issues so i needed to figure out what to put in my body to make it feel good so i mean i've always, health has been a major priority. And when you say athlete from a kid, what's that look like? I mean, I was climbing around before I could walk. So my parents were like, we got to get this kid in a padded environment. So they got me in gymnastics, about four years old. And it just kind of snowballed from there. Do you think that you were extra active or you you just had astute parents that saw holy shit all kids are super duper active and they need to be involved in stuff you know i think
Starting point is 00:05:33 uh i think i was just very active okay and where was that where did you live when that uh at that point it was spokane was Washington. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. That's a great place. It's a cool – I mean, I only lived there until I was about nine. So I didn't really get to know it as an adult or anything, but I thought it was an awesome spot. How did you settle in Salt Lake City? Well, so my family's been from here for generations, and I was actually born here here and my dad was in the Air Force. So right when I was born, we moved to Texas for a little while, Colorado or California for a while, and then ended up in Washington for about nine years. And then I came back with my family after he
Starting point is 00:06:14 retired from the military and then, uh, was here for a long spurt, most of my formative years, you know? And then when I was about 27, moved to LA uh for stunts that's how I got involved in the ninja stuff and then was there for about six years and then moved to Texas for five with Alpha Warrior and then moved back I was like you know I got to get close to the family again oh wow are those moves scary like Texas to Utah you know um they're definitely you know the unknown is scary so coming back to utah wasn't really scary you know it's very known and you know your family here a lot of friends but when you're going to a new town and you know very few people it's definitely a little scary you know and just kind of financial stability too right i had a friend recently who is financially
Starting point is 00:07:02 successful but he moved from California to Idaho. Oh, yeah. And he's an attorney, and I was just like, holy shit. You got to pick up your family of three kids and get all your shit reorganized up in Idaho. You know what I mean? I mean, it's one thing moving to a different city in the same state, but when you're relocating over several states, it's an ordeal. Yeah. Do you have kids Brent? You know, I just had my first baby girl. Uh, she just turned 10 months, uh, last week. So awesome. It's the best man. I love it. Congratulations. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:38 It's like you always had her, right? The second they come out, it's like you always had her. Oh, there you go. There she is. Yeah. You know yeah you know it's like i mean they're part of you so it's it's wild i mean it's i couldn't imagine my my uh lady emma you know it was growing inside of her so it literally was part of her for so long so but they're awesome man the um you popped on my radar for two reasons someone sent me a dm and they said hey you got to get this guy Brent Stephenson on. He was a ninja warrior, and he has some thoughts about the shape of planet Earth, about it being flat as opposed to round. And in the days – and obviously I come from the CrossFit community, and I think CrossFitters love all that shit, right? Pull-ups, climbing.
Starting point is 00:08:30 They're out of the box. They train in the box, but they're out of the box thinkers. Yeah, and they kind of want to use their fitness for other stuff. So like you've been going to an affiliate for three years. Now you want to test yourself at Tough Mudder, Spartan Race. Obviously, Ninja Warrior a next level but but the crossfitters could probably like at least look at some of the things and be like hey i want it they can get their head wrapped around trying each of those events they're not out of the realm of
Starting point is 00:08:56 possibility maybe not stringing 20 of them together like you guys do but each one of those events is in their own they're like oh i'm gonna put that thing in my garage you know what i mean absolutely yeah crossfitters are definitely very well-rounded, up for a challenge for sure. They love just conquering new stuff. Ninja Warrior, you got to get really specific because you got to start doing a little finger training and those little different things. But yeah, Crossfitters are amazing athletes. They're amazing athletes. And in the days building up to this, I thought we were going to be talking more about your career with being a ninja warrior and training. And as I started looking more and more at your Instagram, there's so many parallels between the things on there and what's happening in society.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Between the things on there and what's happening in society, meaning. You know, you know, someone will say something and someone will be like, well, that's crazy. And I try to contextualize everything I said crazier than locking down planet Earth and telling kids that they have to take an injection. Right. Because that seems really fucking crazy to me crazier than people in the united states congress saying it's okay for 12 year old boys to remove their penises because they feel like girls i'm like all this the whole all of a sudden you having an opinion on the shape of the earth doesn't seem because i don't know what the implications i know what the implications are for thinking it's okay to chop off a 12 year old boy's penis i i believe and i'm open to being wrong but i believe that 100 of those end up in
Starting point is 00:10:28 chaos none of that i don't think any of those end in a happy ending i don't think that person's 60 and be like wow i i'm really happy with the path i chose unfortunately i don't think so but i do think i do think that you could have a different idea on the shape of the earth and die a happy life you could think it's a fucking triangle right i mean i mean so now i'm contextualizing shit and i'm like how is anyone getting so adamant about this guy or i i start i just start contextualizing stuff and i'm like man but people flip out about that shit right oh my goodness i mean i've talked about a lot of i like to talk about things that people don't really like to talk about but a lot of people are thinking but i mean i mean i went you know i've talked about the trump stuff you know abortion when i
Starting point is 00:11:15 dove into to flat earth i got the most hate i've ever had on any topic it was pretty mind-blowing why why is that it seems like such it seems like such a um it seems like such a uh benign topic i don't know what the implication what what are the negative implications of talking about it i understand the negative implication like i don't want to have a conversation with someone justifying pedophilia right i have no interest in that right um but i don't but if like if someone but i think that the shape of the earth is probably more valid than talking about the sasquatch i i think so you know i mean there's definitely more evidence to support it are there any dangers in talking about um are there any implications of us talking about i guess it just scares people because it because it's um they're not comfortable they're so scared of their reality shifting a little bit
Starting point is 00:12:14 and i can relate to that i don't want my shit being shifted either it's uncomfortable yeah i don't want i don't like the thought of aliens like flying around everywhere and we just can't see them i don't like that yeah the unknown and having to change your whole paradigm. People are so attached to their viewpoint these days. It's incredibly hard to get them to even move a little bit toward the other, the other goalpost, you know? But I mean, yeah, if you, if you come to realize or think to realize that we've been lied to about not only the shape of the earth, but going to the moon, it starts to snowball your reality. Cause what else are we
Starting point is 00:12:52 being lied to about? You know, it really breaks down and makes you have to question every single thing, which I think is extremely important. And I guess that's where shit gets starts getting a little weird for me when pete when you say what we were lied to about for i don't think that it's some sentient being that's like controlling the the like i don't think there's like an evil guy like – like I guess the word I hear being thrown around a lot is cabal. I just think it's – there's thoughts that just take hold, and people move with those thoughts like in a herd, and then opportunity to make money, which is sort of the equivalent to human energy starts attaching to these things until they fade out right like a lot like i don't think the covid thing is some sort of i think that the majority of people are pfizer just happy to get rich you know i mean it goes pretty deep there is a huge uh world population control agenda with these elite you you know, if you follow the world,
Starting point is 00:14:05 like the world economic form, they're open about it. And yeah, they're super open, right? They're super open about it. Yeah. I mean, the Georgia Guidestones, that they were the 10 commandments of the new world order. And the first commandment was keep the world's population under 500 million. And to put that in perspective, what that what tell me what that is what is the georgia what's the georgia guidestone um well real quick there's 7 billion people in the world and they want to get rid of 13 out of 15 people but when you say who when you say they who's they um well the people trying to implement the new world order you have uh the world economic forum i'm gonna say the free masons are a big
Starting point is 00:14:45 part of who they are um if you really dive into free masonry and just the history of it and who are free masons it's so many people that are i mean most of the world world leaders are free masons most people in the world economic forum are free masons most of the world leaders are Freemasons. Most people in the World Economic Forum are Freemasons. Most of the people successful in Hollywood are Freemasons. What is that? That's a boys club. Women, you know, mainly it's a boys club, really. You can, I guess, be married to a Freemason. I don't think there's any females allowed to join Freemasonry. But it's a...
Starting point is 00:15:24 I wonder if that shit's getting weird for them now that, now that we don't know what a female is. I wonder if that shit's getting weird for them. Right. Right. I mean, but that's part of what they're doing. They're trying to deconstruct people's, um, morals and reality because they're easier to control. If they, if you can break down their culture and break down the family construct, you can control these people if they if you can break down their culture and break down the family construct you can control these people and if you can change the definitions you know you start to confuse people and they'll cling to people that can provide a solution or an answer do you know what um what your process was in in starting to be a more free thinker in order to be like, hey, what should I believe and what shouldn't I believe?
Starting point is 00:16:11 What do I actually know and what don't I know? You know, I've questioned kind of authority kind of my whole life. Like a contrarian? Like a contrarian? What exactly is a contrarian? like a contrarian what exactly is a contrarian um kayla would have to look at but like basically if you see a sign that says no entry you get triggered by it and you want to enter maybe not so but i'm like why why can't i enter like why mom why can't i stand on this chair well they're not made for standing on but i mean you know like i i said had to know why a person who poses or rejects popular opinion especially in stock exchange dealing.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Oh, I never knew that. Someone who goes against current practices, rejecting popular opinion. And I wouldn't say reject these things, but I like to question things. But I think a huge part of what made me start to see the world differently and realize that we're only seeing a thin slice of, of reality even was, um, psilocybin back in the day, long back in the day that kind of opened my eyes up to, holy crap, we can tune into different frequencies. And this is just one frequency that we're experiencing. And we, we think that it's entire reality. So that was one thing that kind of opened my mind, but you know, I think that actually the, the food industry was my big first rabbit hole.
Starting point is 00:17:34 That would be a conspiracy because I had all these digestive issues and I needed to find out what was going on and doctors didn't know crap about nutrition. I'll tell you that. Um, and so I started reading all these books about nutrition. And then I read this one book called The Food Revolution. And it was by John Robbins, one of the sons of Baskin Robbins, the founders of Baskin Robbins. And he just went into all this stuff about the food industry that they don't show us or tell us, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:04 just how horrible it is the conditions not all the animals but then you go into the the uh plants you know with monsanto all the genetically modified stuff all the pesticides all that stuff so i started to like just be like holy crap we are being lied to manipulated and just poisoned Isn't it crazy that it's the guy from Baskin Robbins? Think if you did some sort of study where you tried to figure out how many days eating ice cream has removed off of planet Earth. So like it's probably in the billions of days of life it's shortened. And yet the guy – and yet no one wants to – you would think that book would be huge. Everyone would be talking about it. It's the same thing when one of the vice presidents from Pfizer came out, and he's like, yo, this isn't a vaccine, people.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Do you remember that? Yeah. One of the former vice presidents came out. He's like, yo, yo, just so you know, I used to work there. This is not a vaccine. But people will reject that. Yeah. With all their livelihood.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And I don't blame you for rejecting it, but how about just put one ear to it be like excuse me what did you say over there right right consider it you know yeah and you know the media is owned and controlled so you can't trust what they say you'll kind of want to do the opposite of what they say do you think that it's controlled on both sides do you think that like um they they purposely have the tucker and the cnn and that it's um it's to keep uh it's to play both sides i do if they don't play both sides that like they understand the psychology of man and if they don't play both sides they'll leave a hole open on one end of the cage and we'll all escape kind of intellectually well i do believe that they are all controlled
Starting point is 00:19:46 most the mainstream ones uh because if you really look at who owns them it's really five entities that own all the major media outlets um but i mean and it's kind of like a script you know you gotta if you have the the uh hero you have to have a villain and you got to write that and play that so i think that it's it's used to control the narrative because if we're talking about all this stuff well whether it's it let's be clear here for everyone who's listening whether it's being used to control the narrative it is the narrative we can all agree on that 100 whether it's free-flowing and there's some honesty to it or whether it's just completely coming from a group's mind so so at least we
Starting point is 00:20:30 we can all agree on that it is the narrative right yeah or there is a narrative mainstream narrative yeah yeah okay so you're busy talking about all that stuff you're not busy looking at what they're actually doing you know i mean t mean, Tucker's really good. I love Tucker. And I love some of the people on Fox, but Fox is definitely, I think, controlled opposition. They do have some good people on there. So it's hard to sift through it all and figure it out. So you're saying it's magic.
Starting point is 00:20:57 By magic, I mean like the kind of magic you see in Las Vegas. You're saying it's like complete sleight of hand. Mind control magic. And in fact, these Freemasons and the elite are literally using black magic on the people. And what is that? What's black magic? Well, it's satanic witchcraft. it's also um predictive programming it's okay so that that i understand predictive programming um i don't understand satanic witchcraft but predictive programming is i ring the bell that's pavlo stuff right i ring the bell i feed you a sandwich now every time i ring the bell you you think a sandwich is coming. So that's conditioning.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Okay. Predictive programming is where they kind of put things, for example, in movies that they're actually doing to get your mind kind of ready for it and to normalize it and to accept it. Oh. even though like you consciously know that this is Hollywood and this is a script subconsciously, they get past, they bypass your, your critical thinking, your faculty. And once they bypass that, they're now in your subconscious mind and you're literally buying into everything they're saying. And then, and then they sneak in the ad and then you're still under this trance and they're like, buy this, buy this, buy this. And then they go back to the story that you're already involved in so herbie the love bug do you remember that guy herbie sounds very clear it was the that
Starting point is 00:22:36 volkswagen bug and he could like talk oh yeah shit and so that was i'm partly joking but that was predictive programming for the Teslas that were coming. There you go, right? Or scary Ebola movies were to prepare us for the COVID nonsense. Yeah, there are a lot of that going on. Or, for example, to get back to kind of flat earth, Game of Thrones. The ice wall. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or Antarctica antarctica yeah yeah things like that disney disney i actually thought of that last night so you think the person who wrote that
Starting point is 00:23:13 um suspects that the earth is flat you know that's a good question um or he just kind of stole from that like he looked into it and he's like oh i like this you know and i mean because it was you know i don't know the the origin of who wrote that actually and when it was written but uh it's written recent it's written recently it's some old guy who looks like he's gonna die at any second he looks like he needs to read the food revolution book okay could you pull up that map of the uh flat earth the entire flat earth that thing was fucking fascinating it reminded me like i used to play dungeons and dragons and it reminded me like a dungeons and dragons map yeah and there are different maps when you when you enter into the flat earth
Starting point is 00:23:54 and i don't consider myself a flat earther i consider myself a non-glober okay i like that i was actually going to ask you about that because i don't consider myself an anti-vaxxer. I'm against forced drug use. There you go. Let me ask, let's talk about this really quick. Do you think we could agree that a lot of the people who believe in this stuff are crazy? By crazy, I mean they have some mental disturbances. I mean, they have some mental disturbances. You know, I wouldn't say a lot of the people. I would say a few of them do.
Starting point is 00:24:30 But I would say that the people that are considering this. A disproportionate amount to. That's what they want you to think. OK. You know, and they push those. They actually have created like, for example, the Flat Earth Society is one of the things that'll pop up on google first when you google this stuff and they've created this to make these crazy answers so that when people start researching it they're like this is nuts i'm done with it right yeah okay but uh you know and and again the the true flat earthers don't claim to know everything they they, they just know that we're being lied to about this, this,
Starting point is 00:25:07 and this, cause they don't, they literally don't add up. Right. And now that big map, you know, there's, there are maps that have been found that have land beyond the known world
Starting point is 00:25:19 outside. Who knows if they're true, but there's something to consider. I just bought two books that that map is in. It's about to consider. I just bought two books that that map is in. It's about one guy. The first book is about one guy that gets through the southern wall at the ice wall, gets through, talks to other society civilizations out there, is on different continents, has a child.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And then the second book is about that child. It's a girl came back and tells about her experience from outside the known world. And I haven't read them yet. What's the name of the book? You know, I could grab them real quick, but there's two of them. I'll post about them soon. So here's the thing, Bruce. This is a very good question.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Here's the thing that people start to struggle with. Is gravity a myth? The answer is yes. Gravity is an idea that we're using to try to explain something. It is not real. Like Brent over there sitting in Utah, he's real. Brent, could you touch yourself like on the forehead or something? I don't know what real is anymore though, you know?
Starting point is 00:26:24 Real is something that's not uh that we understand like i use the name brent as a signifier to point to you and by that i mean by that i mean it's real like we can see the red stoplight and all of us can agree that there's something there but what's not real is that it means stop we've agreed upon that illusion and so grab that that's what's that's where it gets blurred between conflating your reality with your with your thoughts we the the the gravity is just a signifier it once again it once again is not um and that's why um einstein was able to find disprove newton's gravity and come up with a theoretical. What is it?
Starting point is 00:27:09 Anyway, you can look it up. It's no secret. No one's denying that Einstein came up with another theory for gravity. Right. It's just it's fascinating. Right. Say that again. Well, Einstein was a Freemason.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Oh. And, you know, he did. He stole his theory. I believe it was the theory of relativity he stole one of his major theories from somebody else but they put him as the poster boy as the guy that created that invented that like like you do you know that about Rosa Parks uh what exactly about Rosa Parks I mean you can just look it's on wiki too it's what's crazy is no one's hiding this stuff um that was all a setup they had already had a lady the month before that got kicked off the back of the bus but i think she was a single mother or something or she was
Starting point is 00:27:54 pregnant so they didn't want to use her as the poster child so then they set the rosa parks thing up after yeah claudette colvin is an american pioneer of the 50s civil rights movement and retired nurse age on march 2nd 1955 she was arrested at the age of 15 in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give up her seat to a white woman on a crowded segregated bus. And then as you start looking into it, you're like, oh, shit, they like that idea. I mean, the spirit of Rosa Parks is true, but the story is not like actors have been changed. What they're doing is they're manipulating the people. And they've been doing this for a long time i learned this in part by being on a reality show okay tell me now you look at this people look at these reality tv like oh that's
Starting point is 00:28:35 that's unscripted reality tv that's that's actually what they're saying and that's you know but you know even on ninja warrior they're like well you know let's try that again can you and they kind of feed try to feed people lines some people just say, they're like, well, let's try that again. And they kind of try to feed people lines. Some people just say whatever they're told to say. Some people are like, no, that's not really who I am. And I'm going to say it this way. And they try to intimidate you a little bit too, right? It has to be this way.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah, they literally have these story producers that need to fit people in these boxes because they want to get all the demographics in the pie chart down. So viewers are attached to these people. Now, I'm not saying that a lot of it's not real, but I'm just saying a lot of it's skewed. And the more I learn about history, the more I learn we're being completely lied to. You got to check out this stuff called Tartaria. It's pretty deep, but we can Tartaria. Just Google that sometime.
Starting point is 00:29:23 It's pretty wild. It's pretty deep, but we can – Tartaria, just Google that sometime. It's pretty wild. I want to go back to this thing where they're not hiding anything. So during the whole COVID thing, they were never hiding anything. There's this video going around about a guy in the Netherlands now in the parliament who's saying, wait a second, you never did studies on transmission? They never claimed to have done studies on transmission. They were always open that they didn't know about transmission. Since the very first day, I've said it.
Starting point is 00:29:52 You can go back to my podcast. I'm like, hey, guys, they're not claiming it worked. Stop getting mad at them. You're falling for it. They're not hiding any of it. Yeah. Well, they have to get our consent. They have to telegraph what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It's part of the black magic. They have to telegraph what they're doing, and we have to get our consent. They have to telegraph what they're doing. It's part of the black magic. They have to telegraph what they're doing and we have to give them consent. So kind of like they're using our will. 100%. They are channeling our energy to manifest, you know, whatever they're trying to manifest. And we're completely responsible for it. and we're completely responsible for it we are we are i mean unfortunately most people are programmed literally by the tell a vision you know and they're stuck they just want to be wow say that again i've never heard it like that oh they're programmed no the television programming on the television like it's telling you what to do the tell uh it's telling us what life should be tells us what telling our what our vision be. For life to be like it is on the thing.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Let me tell your vision to you. Let me tell you my vision. Holy shit. And that's what storytellers do through the television. But I think people are just so, they're busy working all day. They want to come home. They don't want to critically think about things. They want to live vicariously through game of thrones or whatever you know like they don't have the brain
Starting point is 00:31:10 power to get to the bottom of these things and it's hard to hard to find this information you know sometimes how many roosters do you have you know i don't have any roosters i was hoping to get one so you don't have any roosters that's was hoping to get one. So you don't have any roosters. That's good. Yeah. That's good. They're trouble. That's what I hear. They're trouble.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Have you had some chickens? No, but everyone I know who has is always like, I got a rooster. Do you want them? I got a rooster. Do you want them? My neighbors have a shitload of chickens, and they have one rooster. Yeah. And when they tell me stories about him him he's just a fucking menace
Starting point is 00:31:45 just come clawing behind you just scratching at your heels and well just what he does to the girls what he does to the hens he just wants to pound hand all day all day like you literally have like jackets you can get for your hands to protect them from getting getting pounded all day yeah and and you can't have the wrong ratio of roosters to hens. Yeah. Do you know about the Coolidge effect? No. No?
Starting point is 00:32:11 I've told it on this story before. You should look it up, but it's basically the president. Calvin Coolidge went to a—I'll tell it real quick. Calvin Coolidge went to a farm, like one of the state-run farms, and him and the First Lady were on the farm. And it was like 50 square miles this farm it was massive it had all the animals on it and this is a true story i think i read it like it was a true story and he and they get separated and they show they show the the first lady they said mrs coolidge this is our prize rooster um he has sex uh 50 times a day and the first lady goes
Starting point is 00:32:43 oh please show this to the president. And so later on, they bring Calvin Coolidge through and Calvin Coolidge, they say, Mr. President, the first lady wants to show you our prized rooster. He has sex 50 times a day. And they and the president said with the same hand and they go, no, sir, 50 different hands. And he said, please tell Mrs. Coolidge that. And then since then, there's been a bunch of studies on that that the refractory period of mammals can't even really be tested if you keep bringing in um new females the coolage effect is defined as a decline in the propensity of male to copulate repeatedly with the same female combined with heightened sexual interest in novel females just say new
Starting point is 00:33:21 just say new females why Why novel? Yeah. But it's a pretty crazy effect. I've read some studies about how they've tried to test it on monkeys, and there was like no amount of new female. Like the male monkey can be like dead from having sex, and then you bring a new female in, and he's like, okay. All right. Yeah. I'm not touching that with a 10-foot pole. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Getting me in trouble. No, let's go back to the not hiding things. I don't know if you wanted to go on that one. Oh, yeah, yeah. Please, please, please. Yes. Anything? Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Oh, no. I didn't mean to derail where we were going with that. Oh, so just they're not hiding anything. On the CDC website, I don't know if it still says it, but forever it said 94% of the people who died have four or more comorbidities, 6% of the people we don't have data on. So then I just see that, and I'm like, how many comorbidities do I have? I'm like, none. I'm good. I mean it's pretty – it's pretty – when they say – I'll show you this thing.
Starting point is 00:34:22 This is – these are all over the place on the internet. I want to show you this thing this is this these are all over the place on the internet i want to show you this one and i don't think that this is done on purpose healthy 16 year old boy covid guys cnn i really don't think that by the way i think that this is um By the way, I think that this is – I don't think – first of all, this is the origins of systemic racism. If you want to believe in systemic racism, this is what systemic racism is. It's not what they tell you it is. This is CNN telling us that this boy who's more than 200 – I would say probably 300 pounds overweight. I bet you this is a 400-pound boy who is 16 years old.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Look, his ears are gone, and his eyes are sunk into his head. They have him as a healthy teenager, took precautions. So it's just all lying. He's not healthy, and he didn't take precautions. Because if he took precautions, he would have been on a ketogenic diet and fasting and all sorts of shit to protect him. He would have – you know what I mean? No refined carbohydrates during the COVID years. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:35:30 And so – Yes. And you see his family. I mean he's hiding in the back, right? Yeah. I mean none of them look healthy to me. No. The baby might be.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Not for long. So, so that, that, that, I think that's where a lot of the confusion comes in. So I think people read that and they, and for some reason they're refusing. So they're not hiding to you that they're lying. Well, it's gaslighting. It's like the elephant in the room. Nobody's talking about. It's like, they're lying to you right, right in front of your face this healthy boy yeah you know died and you
Starting point is 00:36:11 know they're all they they select these um why wouldn't they just show you and here's the thing sorry here's the other the red flag why wouldn't they show you a real healthy person well there are over a thousand athletes that have died of sudden adult death i'm talking about people who died from covid not from the solution right right right yeah hey and i yeah go ahead yeah no i was gonna say they're not hiding that but they're not hiding that either. But they don't blast it on the loudspeaker. And that's what people listen to the loudspeaker. Otherwise, it's just a conspiracy because if they don't see it on the news. Because they trust the news.
Starting point is 00:36:55 The news is talking about real information. If you found it on some website or on some YouTube channel, that's a conspiracy. But CNN's okay. Oh, yeah. Like, literally, you can find juxtapositions of the president saying, if there's a hurricane, the best thing you can do is get the COVID vaccine. And then a year later, the the the head of pfizer saying that the the we we now know that the first two shots didn't do anything you have to get the booster i'm just so how do p i mean that's got to put the brakes on
Starting point is 00:37:34 everyone no you would think like you're just like wait wait i can't how do i can't process both of those somewhere somewhere the story and i I'm open. Let's see. No one's even like this either, Brent. No one's like, hey, sorry, we got it wrong. Exercise and eating was – no one's even doing that. Hey, I'm sorry we got it wrong. They're just changing the story. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:58 They don't even – no ownership, nothing. Sweeping under the rug. The CDC did come out and say, hey, we handled this thing really poorly. They posted it for a quick second, and then it was buried by the next big story or whatever you know and people people cling to like the same the flatter thing we were talking about or just beliefs they cling to their belief because if they're wrong they have to first of all their ego has to be enough to be like hey you know what like I was wrong about that. And they even have to probably acknowledge that to some other people. That's a big step for people to
Starting point is 00:38:29 go through. So that makes me feel better what you're saying than it's Freemasons controlling it. I don't like that. Yeah. Well, I mean, yeah, I don't like that either, but people would rather double down and cling to their belief than to admit they've been wrong and have to have a new way of, of maybe even join the other side they were making fun of they would have to be one of them now it's tough psychology is weird and basically they're also telling all um people with melanated skin hey by the way this is what a healthy boy looks like it's okay if you're and that's where the systemic racism part comes in look they're pro someone's they'll let that magazine is programming you on what your healthy
Starting point is 00:39:08 child should look like and and that's a lot that's a lie that's like killing people well you can't fat shame these days you can't point out that he's not healthy you know that's fat shaming you have to accept who he is i mean he was on medications for sure. Absolutely. And I've even heard of doctors that can't tell their clients, like, hey, you're just fat. You need to, like, stop doing what you're doing. You know, and that's not the doctors. It's not in their wheelhouse. It's not in their scope of practice. Nutrition is not their scope of practice.
Starting point is 00:39:38 It's, hey, you know what? Let's get you on all these drugs that will play with your hormones and, you know. I call them the docents of death, and I don't mean that in a mean way, but if you go in there with type two diabetes, they walk you to your grave with using, you know, metformin and whatever, as opposed to walking you back out like, Oh, here's the solution and walk you back this way. They, yeah. They walk you to the dialysis machine and then to your grave.
Starting point is 00:40:03 This is an intentional thing. This ref, if you look back at how Rockefeller back in the early 1900s totally hijacked the medical system, he found he could use petro-based pharmaceutical drugs to treat these people's symptoms. They're immunosuppressant drugs. drugs to treat these people's symptoms. They're immunosuppressant drugs. And he, he went on this huge campaign, dumped a bunch of money into like turning a propaganda campaign into turning plant medicine into witchcraft. Oh, wow. So, I mean, it's a real thing. You can look at, look into that too, but nobody wants to find that. They just want to look at the new thing on Netflix. And that is what they do. They poopoo other thoughts that's the thing with um and that brings me back to the flat earth thing everyone just poo-poos it like if like everyone i've been like oh i'm having this guy brent on um he thinks the earth is flat or he
Starting point is 00:40:56 has suspicions the earth is flat everyone gives me an eye roll right right It's built in because they want to make people – the CIA coined the term conspiracy theory or theorist to make people that were starting to actually talk about things and critically think about things out to be nut jobs. And you don't even have to have the conversation anymore because they're just a nut job. And you don't even have to have the conversation anymore because they're just in that job. Right. And yeah, it's like a hedge against thinking. It's like when I told someone, because I had voted for Hillary and Obama and I towed the party line forever. And when I told someone I voted for Trump, they stormed out of my house, a family member. They got mad at me.
Starting point is 00:41:41 That's wild. That's crazy, isn't it? Or if I would be like, hey, can you show me where Trump was racist? They're like, well, he like well he was racist against mexicans and i go can you show me and then we pull it up on the internet and he wasn't he just said mexico sending in in killers yeah and i'm like that that's not racist just like fat shaming isn't really fat like if you're running towards a cliff and you're about to fall off and i say brent you fucking idiot stop running i'm not i'm not cliff hating right not even brent hating i'm just like trying to get your attention to stop you from running off the cliff yo motherfucker you're fat you're gonna die next like someone just told dana white that do you watch ufc oh yeah well i used to really follow it a lot but i love it but
Starting point is 00:42:18 did you see what just happened to dana no what happened to dana so um someone just um told him if you go to his uh instagram mr beaver someone just told dana yo what happened to dana so um someone just um told him if you go to his uh instagram mr beaver someone just told dana yo dude you're fucking dead in 10 years oh yeah you're fucking toast yep i mean you're gonna fucking die this face gets a little puffier every year you know and red and now look at him he's all skinny and ripped and shit and he did a 12-week program yeah boom uh brent let me what do you think the program involved well probably exercise and diet probably you know keto is good i think keto is great for getting results very quickly i don't know how sustainable it is for for me anyways yeah i agree yeah it's the ball rolling like a
Starting point is 00:43:00 mofo though right and i go through periods like if i'm like feeling like i haven't been eating right and that stuff i'm like oh i'm gonna go keto for a while clean this up you know and then kind of slowly introduce things here and there so this guy right here basically took a test on him and said hey we can predict when you're gonna die up up within a month interesting and i and i don't know whether that's true or not but just dana hearing that um scared the shit out of him and it's cool that he's being so open about it that is now dana's really an open dude and he'll speak his mind i like that about dana did you see a couple weeks ago that he had mark zuckerberg and that they that they had those fights at the apex and they didn't let anyone come in and watch and yet mark zuckerberg and his homeboys were there. Did you see that? I missed that one.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Interesting. Not last week, but the week before, yeah. Man, yeah. And you see Mark's been fighting. Have you seen that? No way. Yeah. I would love to step in the ring with Mark.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I would love an opportunity to do that. Well, it makes me think that maybe mark's uh something's happening to mark this is probably uh some um oh here we go gonna happen they're preparing everybody's minds for this is a campaign this is a pr campaign is what this is wow wow interesting um is it is it healthy to think of everything like that? Should I be suspicious of everything I'm seeing? Can't I just be like, oh, this is fucking great. Mark's getting into a one combat. Maybe he's having an awakening. He's seeing personal responsibility, personal accountability. He's probably because I know that MMA crowd is a more holistic group that probably as a whole, they didn't fall for the COVID shit
Starting point is 00:44:45 because they roll around and spit drops on each other and they have like proof that you're okay. Yeah. They'd much rather have COVID 30 times than staph infection. Do you think that there's, I go the opposite way with it. I go, oh shit, maybe Mark's waking up a little bit. He's seen that he's responsible for his own being. You got to be open to both of those things but when you start to see i mean they don't put stuff on screens for no reason like they just don't put stuff because they own these channels right and they are telling stories for a reason they don't just put things up there because it's fun very rarely you know what i mean and it might be you know if it was on somebody else's organic instagram channel i'd be more likely to be like oh yeah that's wow that's pretty wild but if it's
Starting point is 00:45:31 like some story that's on some mainstream you know extra television show or whatever they're they're pushing hollywood you gotta look into the origins of Hollywood they call it Hollywood because the the wizards would make wands out of Hollywood oh is that really true they're literally casting spells on the people through Hollywood really? Hollywood was
Starting point is 00:45:59 what wands are made of? originally I guess so yeah I don't think people realize how powerful that medium is i mean obviously i mean you i went to film school and it's like whatever the the first five film classes we they they talk about that like like all the propagandists knew hitler knew stalin knew all those guys fucking knew the turn of the century guys yeah and beyond new they're like oh shit we can trick anyone with this fucking projector absolutely i mean because it is it's it's getting bypassing your your critical faculty and entering your subconscious mind and they can
Starting point is 00:46:36 literally plant thoughts ideas um 500 episodes and flat earth is my trigger i make maps for living hang tight sema we're getting there hold on hang tight um do you do you not believe the globe model well so here's the one one of the one things that kept me coming back aside from finding out, diving into this, uh, moon landing and coming to the realization that all that footage. Did you see that the moon isn't really our moon either? Do you know that? No one's even, and no one's refuting that either. Have you seen that? It's not our moon. Yeah. It's not our moon. It doesn't behave like a moon. It's not a moon. It's not, it's circling the sun, not us.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Interesting. I've heard that it shouldn't even be there. You can just look that up. Have you seen that, Caleb? That's done. That's, they're not even, just like they don't teach Pluto's a planet anymore. The moon doesn't circle us. That's done.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Interesting. It circles the sun. Yeah. It was just on like in scientific America or something. Someone sent it to me. Science and facts just change all the time. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:49 It's a trip, right? Yeah. Someone put a link to that or someone tell me i'm right in the comments we just like something just happened with the moon the whole perspective on the moon has changed now okay sorry okay so the globe so so the globe thing yeah so aside from the nasa's bullshit thing um and that is and that's but that's bullshit too we'll get to that we'll get to that yeah so absolutely though but the thing that got me coming back to this uh flatter thing because i'd heard people say oh the flat earth's flat for decades and i'm like yeah you're crazy just like everybody else the observable horizon so according to them the earth is 20 about 25 000 miles in circumference at the equator um it's the same at the equator that i mean the one the one guy okay i see what you're saying and right right anywhere you do it okay you know circumference okay okay but uh according to that uh figure there's what's called an
Starting point is 00:48:39 observable horizon so a point where the horizon drops down and you can no longer see the ground so yeah i live on the pacific ocean yeah like basically there's oil derricks out there some that are closer to us you can see the whole thing and some that are farther away you can only see like the tops of them because of the curvature it's like five feet for every five miles it curves or something right there's an equation for it but uh yeah, so I mean, if you're standing at about 5'8", that's your eyeline and you're looking. I'm 5'5", but that's close enough, right? It might be the observable horizon might be a little smaller for you. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Okay. Okay. But if I'm looking out across an unobscured or whatever water that's flat, the observable horizon is only 2.74 miles according to that figure and you know a lot of people you can't see very far because your eyes are limited first of all but then there's forced perspective where things um compress onto the horizon and you just can't see but with these zoom lenses now you can see things that are like well over 10 miles out and if according to that uh curvature they should be like 50 to 80 feet below the curve you shouldn't be able to see them at all but you can't ah so that's an that's an experiment that you can actually observe on your own that debunks the so for those of us who
Starting point is 00:50:00 live on the west coast i can be i can I can find some points out there. Be like, hey, look up on Wiki how far is that oil, Derek, off the coast of Malibu. And I can start fucking with that. Or if I have a friend who has a boat, I can be like, hey, start driving your boat out there. Yeah. If you got one of those nice Nikon lenses or cameras with the really far zoom, you can recreate that experiment yourself. Or you can, for example yourself or you can for example the great salt lake um the longest section is 12 miles apart two people went out they had a laser and he put it about a foot above the ground and the other guy had a mirror on the other side
Starting point is 00:50:36 and the laser hit the mirror 12 miles out wow there's got gotta be a YouTube video of that. If that's true. There is. Yep. You can observe all this stuff on YouTube or on your own. I really apologize. If I convert anyone to being a flat earther, I'm apologizing. That's turning the show off now.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Right. They're going to probably the, the, the masters are going to cut our conversation off here. No, they like me. They like me. I was kicked off of Instagram.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Were you full blown kicked off? Yeah, I had an account with 90,000 followers and a blue checkmark and I got booted. Isn't that insane? It is kind of crazy. Here's why it's crazy because I don't think I say anything crazy. One of the things I was really pushing for on my Instagram, I want and I'm serious about it. I'm not trying to be a dick. I need to see someone healthy who died from covid. There you go. I need someone to show me. I want to see a healthy person.
Starting point is 00:51:38 They did not like that, but but I don't know, but I don't think it's an irrational. I don't think it's like. It think it's an irrational. I don't think it's like, it's not going to stop anyone. The fat people don't care. The people eating, like shooting heroin aren't going to be like, oh, I'm going to stop because Sevan just showed us the way to not die from COVID. No one cares. I just need to know for myself so that I can continue to just not give a fuck. You had an audience though.
Starting point is 00:52:01 And I mean, if you can start waking people up, that's dangerous for them. So that's audience though. And I mean, if you can start waking people up, that's dangerous for them. So that's wild though. I mean, that's insane that you spent all this time. And I love that. I love the, the, the platform too. I think it's cool. Oh, it's great. It's great.
Starting point is 00:52:14 But it's insane that you built that audience with all your hard work. And I'm sure that that was possibly an even revenue stream for you. No, actually, actually it wasn't that that was another thing too it really freaked out a lot um like people very close to me are like oh my god are you okay are you okay i'm like yeah i'm good yeah but i think a lot of people it is like part of their identity and a revenue stream but it was not for me no but it's it's wild that they just stole that from you just swept it out from under your feet and just yeah well they warned me they warned me a bunch i mean subtly
Starting point is 00:52:50 yeah yeah i'm surprised i haven't i've definitely been buried yeah shadow band you can't mention me stuff like that but i am surprised that they haven't just fully booted me off hey i would talk about being shadow banned on this podcast like every day for a year and and people thought that that was conspiracy and then finally someone would try to tag me and they would send me a screenshot they're like holy shit shadow ban is real i'm like dude like they're not like once again they're not even hiding it it just says you cannot tag because he spreads misinformation uh-huh uh-huh. Austin Hartman. My headband is too tight, and I can't think clearly, but the Earth is 24,000 miles around.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I'm no scientist, but I don't think 12 miles is long enough to make – Hold on, Caleb. Can you pull that up? Let's just – let's look at that for a second. Here's what was tripping me out. Joe Rogan had that jiu-jitsu's the who believes that the earth is flat um famous guy from 10th planet you know i'm talking about i'm sure i do super famous jujitsu guy he started 10th planet eddie bravo eddie bravo thank you and yeah he's got his own podcast and stuff right i think so but he was on joe Rogan's podcast, and Joe started beating him down, being like, you're no scientist.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I don't want to hear any of your flat-earther bullshit, and Joe started beating him down. And then Joe's like – but to use like you're not any scientist as a piece of authority, I don't think that holds any water anymore because we just had – like every scientist that's been talking heads on the news for the last two years has been wrong. Right. Well, science has been hijacked. You got to, you know. Oh, OK. Here we go. Eight inches every mile.
Starting point is 00:54:33 This is great. Yeah. So for four. So four miles is 128 inches, which is. Let's do three miles. Three miles is six feet. It's a squared. so that's not actually accurate there's a an earth curvature calculator there's a few calculators you can go to
Starting point is 00:54:51 and they'll have the whole like equation and then you can actually just enter in like how far the object is what the eye of the line is and then it'll tell you how far down it's gone yeah hey bro there i don't see the reason why you get upset at someone who think well are there any fucked up implications if the earth was flat like um i people might just feel like duped you know fucked up as far as oh five miles is 16. That's what I've heard. I've heard five – oh, no. What did I hear? Okay, I think I had it wrong. I think I heard 15 miles was five feet.
Starting point is 00:55:30 So it's five miles is almost 17 feet. Below the curve, the observable horizon spot on the ground, and then I walked five miles, and then I were to draw a straight line from where that spot I marked on the ground to the new spot I'm standing five miles away, it would cut off a sliver of the earth. It would have to go through the ground to get there in a perfect straight line. Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. in a perfect straight line uh you get what i'm saying yeah yeah you have like yeah exactly it would cut into the into the surface of the earth and in the lowest the deepest depth it would get would be 16 oh actually i don't know i don't know or for example you know if there's a tree
Starting point is 00:56:15 five miles away that's 20 feet tall you'll only be able you should only be able to see about three and a half feet of the top of it. You shouldn't be able to see where it touches the ground. Oh, okay. So exactly. If you were looking at a tree 20 miles away, the tree would have to be over 266 feet tall to see it. Exactly. And that's an experiment anyone can run.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Anyone can run. I mean, so for example, those oil rigs. Except what's kind of weird about that is you kind of have to do the whole fucking experiment at sea level because you don't know the terrain you're on. You absolutely have to do it over water to really get an accurate – Or the salt flats, I guess, like you said, by your house. Yep. There's a few places on Earth that have – there's another place that just has a few inches of water that's perfectly flat.
Starting point is 00:57:01 And you can do stuff there too as well. So it's kind of weird that um uh anyone would argue it when you could just go test it out yourself uh sema has a question um about airplanes that's probably a popular one also i i've been i spent a lot of time in airplanes and i've looked out the window and i've seen what appears to be the curvature of the earth many times right and that's what i used to think as well but since i've kind of well not not you used to observe it you used to observe it also you still observe it well but what we're not observing what we are observing is the horizon disappearing
Starting point is 00:57:37 you know the force perspective so everything compresses into that horizon our eyes can't see for eternity okay so um but eyes can't see for eternity that's a great fucking line for if someone's a musician steal that right yes yes but and i used to think that too i was like because i'd be like yeah i fly all the time i can see the curve you idiot the world's not flat and it would just my thinking would just go boom but now that i've started researching this i look out and what i thought was the curve was i i was thought the horizon disappearing or whatever was the ground going like this but if you look from left to right there is no curve and it should be the same both ways i swear that i did look left to right and it was a curve what you should uh it again because, yeah, give it a shot. This way you're saying?
Starting point is 00:58:29 There was a curve this way? Yeah, like couldn't I look at it and kind of like hold up a ruler like at this distance and mark it and then go to the center and then it should be smaller and then go over here and it would be longer again? You know what I mean? Just using my thumb. If you put the grid on your camera thing on on your iphone yes it'll have that straight line yeah and you can go like this and it's right on that line the whole time there is no curve to my experience yeah sema how's that sema boom um down what about dudes who claim that they flew around the earth? They circumnavigated the globe.
Starting point is 00:59:08 And the thing is, so the flat earth map is that the North Pole is in the center. And then the South Pole or Antarctica is not a continent on the bottom. It's actually an ice wall surrounding us so if you were to go with a compass due east you would go in a circle around the north pole on the same latitudinal line and you would consider that circumnavigating but nobody has ever circumnavigated the globe going from the north pole over the South Pole. No shit. I don't believe that. Look it up. Nobody's ever done it.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Holy fuck. If that's true, that's fucking bizarre. If that's true, I'm going to do that tomorrow. I'm going to start a GoFundMe account and do that. I want to be a part of that. Well, here's another thing, too. We just need like a G5. We'll borrow it from like a Jay-Z or something.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Right. Caleb, is that true no one ever he won't he won't do it okay the transglobal expedition from 1979 it was the first expedition to make the longitudinal north south circumnavigation of the earth you oh using only surface transport yeah that does i'm struggling to how would you do that with only surface transport another thing is to um there are several people that have claimed to have found the south and north pole but then there are different expeditions that will discredit the other one and if you really read into these stories like those are denoted by the way, by by some sort of like electrical force, right?
Starting point is 01:00:46 Or magnetic force. That's what the North and South Pole North Pole is. And you'll never see a video of someone walking around the North Pole with a compass pointing north. You'll never see that video. So another thing is in 1959, I'm watching Caleb in the back. You can't see him. He keeps rubbing his face. He's going to become a flatter. Caleb, I'm impenetrable. I'm close minded.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Fuck. Don't don't let him get to you. I'm going to get to you. Just be close minded. Don't fucking open. So in 1959. Oh, so you'll go with me. OK, so there's a third person.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I can go with you. We're getting people on board. board i like this we'll put a pull-up bar in the g6 or g5 whatever the best jet is and we'll all of us will just that will work out no so in 1959 they made a treaty 50 i think 56 or 54 companies or countries that weren't even getting along made a treaty that there will be no self-exploration on Antarctica. I would guess when I see that – so I'll tell you two things. When I see that, I just – my brain goes to, yeah, of course they did. They don't want anyone going there and getting oil or digging up fucking where Superman lives or any of that shit. Like they don't want anyone – right?
Starting point is 01:01:57 Yeah. But those leaders could have been duped to believe that too. Those leaders could have been duped to believe that too. The other thing is there was a moon – Antarctica Treaty agreement signed by 12 nations in which the Antarctic continent was made a demilitarized zone to be preserved for scientific research. I mean they had to come up with some reason. There's 11 million people on Antarctic? Oh, no. That must be for some country. I was like, wow. Maybe 11 million penguins or something.
Starting point is 01:02:28 I don't know. There's a video you have that shows them staging the moon landing. And the reason why that doesn't hold with me, because once again, then my brain automatically goes, well, yeah, there's been lots of Hollywood movies where they've shown the moon landing. That could just be – that could be any set anywhere. And I actually – you know, I reposted that without really looking into it. Yeah. I've had friends tell me that this is footage from another film that they were trying to do. But you see the actual astronauts that were supposedly on the moon in some of these clips oh which once again of course they've like hired them or they were trying to do a psa or some shit like that right it's kind of misleading the way that they write
Starting point is 01:03:17 that wiki leaks released yeah and that that part up there i didn't even like look into at all but there's a video i'm guilty of that too, by the way. I do that all the time. You pull the trigger a little too soon. But there's a video of a guy. I don't care. Look it up and prove me wrong. I'm open to being wrong.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Right. And that's part of what posting is all about. It's like, hey, guys, here's some information I have. Yeah. What do you guys think about it? Can you shoot it down or does it hold true? think about it can you can you shoot it down or does it does it hold true like i i'm dying for someone to point to me that hey dude uh last year actually 12 000 athletes collapsed and this year it's only 1 000 the vaccine's actually saving people you're an idiot i'm totally open to that
Starting point is 01:03:55 but let's have that conversation yeah let's have that conversation yeah but i suggest that you and all your your viewers go and look at google nasa moon landing footage go look at it for yourself it looks like an amateur hollywood production well you know what the only existing footage of it from what i've heard is a recording of the tv the original footage is nowhere to be found well Well, supposedly they lost it. Yeah. And they only have a recording of the TV that was showing the live landing. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Supposedly back in the 70s, there was a shortage of film for VHS. And so NASA had to record over that. They'll say it's in documents. You can read this yourself. They had to record over that footage for other stuff. That's fucking insane. Isn't it? And I mean, we haven't been back to the moon since then.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Okay. Go ahead. And then I also heard stuff like that the technology that the suits were made from is lost also. Right. Which is, I don't know if any of this is true but it's fucking weird if it is you can hear it straight from the horse's mouth you can hear nasa saying why why haven't we gone back well we've destroyed that technology and it'd be too painstaking to recreate but yet they're they're sending rovers to mars i i did go to uh wherever they i forget it's in texas somewhere florida i
Starting point is 01:05:23 can't remember i went to texas i think to cape canaveral or wherever that is uh oh yeah wherever they launched that fucking the control was and they have the room still preserved yeah yeah and and i and i walked around there and i saw it all and i can't believe that the equipment in that room sent anyone from portland to san francisco let alone to the fucking moon. It's right. I mean, I have my my iPhone is more powerful than a thousand of those rooms. One hundred percent. It was it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Have you seen the footage of Nixon talking to the astronauts on the moon live? On the phone and then they pan out and he's got a picture on his wall of the earth taken from the moon no yeah look at it you can google it real quick it'll it'll be there he's talking to them live back did we ever have a satellite go up there and before the astronauts and maybe take a picture and send it back um that's you know i am unaware of that um but i know that there's no actual photograph of the earth from space there's composite images that have been uh cgi and nasa's uh computer no no i i've seen i i saw this whole portfolio of a guy who's on the space station who posts all his pictures he takes from there of earth the space
Starting point is 01:06:45 station is totally bogus as well it's like green oh my goodness oh my god it's wild dude it takes a lot of time to like go through the footage oh my goodness yeah so these stories that i hear about how the russians would smuggle fucking vodka up in there. Wow. First moon phone call. Can we hear this? I want to hear what he said. He's in his office now and would like to say a few words to you. Over.
Starting point is 01:07:21 That would be an honor. Go ahead, Mr. President. This is Houston out. So wait, pause. that would be an honor all right go ahead mr president this is houston out so wait pause so someone had to go 50 feet away and set up a camera and a tripod to get this shot yeah that's the that's the part i want to hear about it's like when the guy gets to top of everest and there's fucking movie cameras up there i'm like who the fuck how about the guy who did that right wow i never even thought of that that's so funny i i i guess that could be that could be research who set up that camera and can i see that camera i want to own that camera well and watch watch the clip of the the uh uh spatial or whatever taking off from the moon the the camera that they set up
Starting point is 01:08:07 somebody set up pans with it and these cartoon sparks go uh can you find that caitlin easy to find yeah wow now they got shit you can just buy on amazon where you put your iphone in it and you just choose the sub like you could go out surfing right just the thing just follows you around and the drone and stuff too you know yeah yeah i wonder wow amazing and now they have all this technology also stopping drones from going wherever they want have you ever owned a drone and like flown into private airspace or whatever the illegal airspace and your drone just stops it's kind of you know i wish i had a drone but i hear that's a thing yeah yeah it's totally a thing they got it all did you see
Starting point is 01:08:55 that uh shot of the of what's that thing called that took off from the moon saturn 5 or something didn't have a name or apollo 10 i believe it was moon landing moon landing takeoff moon landing takeoff does any party you wish you would never start gone down this rabbit hole oh yeah it's zooming out it's panning up oh my goodness well let me see the title of this video they can't but that's that's that's uh last takeoff from moon Apollo 17th lunar module. Watch it again.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Look at these cartoon sparks and this little model on a wire. First of all, you can't spark in space because there's no oxygen. Oi, oi, oi. I don't know about any of that stuff. Well, I don't even know about space anymore, actually. I don't even know if it's a real thing. Like the space between me and you? Well, there is that space, but outer space where the planets are.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Yeah. So again, when you dive into flat earth, there's different beliefs within that. And one of them is a firmament. So a dome covering the known world. It's in the Bible. They talk about the firmament. It got me reading the Bible, that stuff. Like that movie.
Starting point is 01:10:16 What was the movie with Jim Carrey? There was a dome over it. Truman. Dude, that thing is like predictive programming and telegraphing up the wazoo, dude. It's wild. Watch that movie again with this kind of context. And you're like, oh, my goodness. There's a thing called Operation Fishbowl where the government was trying to shoot blast missiles through the firmament.
Starting point is 01:10:43 It's in the documentation firmament they couldn't do it you can see videos of missiles hitting something and just exploding what about this idea of how i i perceive the earth as um uh this sphere right my understanding of the earth and then around it there's a there's a it's it's it's like there's a layer that's like not i don't know how big not even 70 miles let's say and it's the atmosphere we live in and with it and because of for whatever reason the density of air the the physics of it all that as we spin this outer layer is spinning with us all at the same speed so everything's every time i hear people say, well, if it was spinning, you'd jump or a helicopter would take off and the Earth would go underneath it.
Starting point is 01:11:30 And I'm like, no, I don't see that at all. There's the atmosphere. It's kind of like the atmosphere goes with it. The Earth's atmosphere rotates with it. That's what they think. Right. If it wasn't like that that the only option would be that the earth is flat that has to be well so or the earth is flat i don't i can't think of anything
Starting point is 01:11:51 else that would or else we'd be a fucking we wouldn't be hanging on well for example like say a hot air the earth supposedly rotates at a thousand miles an hour. That works out to be about 1300 feet per second. I thought it was like 12,000 miles per hour at the equator or something. It's a, it's a thousand miles per hour. Okay. Um, Google it. I could be wrong, but that's worked out to be, uh, I think it was about 1400 feet per second.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Okay. Does a, does a plane landing account for any movement of the ground whatsoever but it doesn't you just have to see the earth is bigger than than this than the than the ground you have to matt you have to see that this this atmosphere that you have to think of it as like skin right it would be like i told you i went like this, but my skin didn't come with me. Well, we just don't have the skills to perceive that this outer layer, because we live in it. It's like explaining water to a fish. I see where you're going. That this layer is spinning with the – it's part of it.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Yeah, we have such a small perspective of this larger. But, for example, a hot air balloon. What if it goes up in the air for four hours? It should land thousands of miles away. Or a helicopter, for example. No, not if it goes up in the air for four hours it should be land thousands of miles away or a helicopter for example no not not if it's part it's what i'm saying is is um let me see if i have a cute uh passion fruit here i think you know what i'm saying that basically it's the surface of the earth just because we perceive that as the earth it's it's actually bigger it's actually 70 miles higher and that whole piece is one unit but we don't perceive it that way this thing that you and i call space that's in between us is is is behaves more like matter than it does the way
Starting point is 01:13:38 we perceive it because we're in it oh you're talking about the atmosphere the atmosphere yes it behaves more like matter and it's actually pinned to the earth, the same way your skin is pinned to you. So all those air – and there's something at a certain height. Someone could explain it. I'm sure some astronomer or some physicist could explain it, that there's some distinction between pressure or where oxygen can live or where molecules can live. Like the stratosphere. Everything, yeah. where oxygen can live or where molecules can live stratosphere everything yeah it's the same thing like you know if i dropped you from 600 feet into the ocean you die oh yeah on impact it's it's
Starting point is 01:14:13 right it's it's like fucking hitting concrete but that doesn't make any sense to you when you jump off the diving board into it well and so there's there's forces at play that that um that make that fuck with our perception. Sorry, go ahead. No, I understand what you're saying. The diving board thing is terminal velocity. You're not traveling fast enough to hit the water at a speed that it can disperse at that speed. Where when you come at it at terminal velocity, it's like hitting a cement thing.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Right, right. Right. But for example, just because we move around in here freely in our day to day lives, wiping our ass doesn't mean that this thing is as fluid as we think it is. You're not buying it. I don't know. Well, so gases. Let's talk about gases. They will don't say anything too smart. I'm barely hanging on. You're going to lose. You got OK. They they will go from a high pressure to a low pressure until they equalize. So if you have gas next to a vacuum space, for example, it would totally dissipate into the vacuum. Like when I blow out a match, I see the smoke go. Yes. Yep.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Yep. So, I mean, the vacuum would literally suck the atmosphere into the and so what you're saying is to then to keep that in play there needs to be a glass lid um i'm saying that there's some physics at play that that behave like that but it's not like my computer screen we can we can't we can't escape we can't escape it and that's a possibility that is a possibility there was an example that i had the other day that kind of debunked the atmosphere moving with the earth but i can't remember it might come to me it'll come to you do you ever get to have conversations like this with someone who's like um a great open-minded uh loving sentient being like myself or is it all
Starting point is 01:16:08 it does it does it seem like it's just more contentious very few very few yeah most people just don't want to talk about it they're like dude i just don't want to talk about it it's you know what do i care what the shape the earth is and that's fine too my brother's really good about it we getting some some good discussions about it is he is he open to the idea um they're not there aren't the other planets are in here with us is what he's saying the other planets are inside the dome well there's and there's different theories as well there's supposedly maybe seven firmaments the stars are on one planets are on a different one oh like there's this theory that like the planets are like a stargate and when they line up that was what cern was all about supposedly it was oh stars
Starting point is 01:16:58 winding up and them trying to get through the portal to another dimension possibly you know that thing was a colossal failure right i didn't hear any results from it what happened it was nothing it's a scam it's it's more broken science it's covet it was a so that that is a major fuck up i'll tell you the book to read it's called it's called um lost in math by sabine haasenfelder she's i think she's a german physicist anyone can go watch her videos on youtube, by the way. She's brilliant. Sabine, S-A-B-I-N-E, Hoss and Felder. All those fucking nuclear accelerators have been a fucking colossal pit of billions. I think it's like $50 billion.
Starting point is 01:17:39 No science came out of there. A complete fucking sham. Just funneling money. Yes, yes, yes. A complete fucking sham. Just funneling money. Yes, yes, yes. A complete fucking sham. This is the same people. All these people who believe in like – what happened is science has lost its way, and they're chasing beauty instead of science. And they believe in things like multi-universes, and they've completely fucking lost their shit. The scientists are crazier than the flat earthers.
Starting point is 01:18:06 It really is. At least the flat earth people are trying to point to some facts. These fucking guys have completely fucking gone off the deep end. People believe it. Yeah, the particle accelerator. Anyone who wants to be just freaked out, read the first two chapters of that book. I'm going to for sure. She fucks them up.
Starting point is 01:18:24 I love it i love let me tell you she thinks the earth is round i bet so i would love to talk to her you should have her on your show and just kind of put the put the filler out there seven please ask him about antarctica being a giant ice wall guarded by nasa i will touch on that i wouldn't say nasa but yeah who would you say uh it's militarized by several militaries are down there. There's footage of people trying to go with a boat into an area you're not allowed to, and they get stopped by the military. They turn around. I was in Scottsdale in this really fucking expensive neighborhood the other day.
Starting point is 01:19:06 in this really fucking expensive neighborhood the other day and do you know that um do you know that company that sells cars like through vending machines carver or corvair carver or whatever uh-huh i'm trying to remember what what the name is anyway they own a fucking they own three houses in this cul-de-sac in scottsdale and i'd say each of the homes are between 10 and 20 million dollars apiece and i drove into the cul-de-sac at night with greg each of the homes are between 10 and 20 million dollars a piece and i drove into the cul-de-sac at night with greg glassman the founder of crossfit and just fucking two dudes i'm sure they were fucking x special forces dudes walk up and they're like no boys yeah you're saying antarctica's being guarded the same way as that company oh yeah they're like no boys i'm like but this is public he's like no boys we're not playing this
Starting point is 01:19:45 game yeah we're like okay you're knowing you don't live on this block we own this block yeah we've been watching you for a few miles now all right you gotta go oh carvana yeah carvana there you go yeah carvana yep come on um i gotta go make flat maps of trees you can't see for wildfires. They aren't a SEMA. Why? And that's the stuff. Most people don't want to throw real questions out. They just want to mock you.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Yeah. SEMA. SEMA. SEMA. Speaking about the CERN thing being totally bogus, NASA gets $50 dollars a day in taxpayer money and they're not going to space they're developing technology on
Starting point is 01:20:29 our dime like systems engineering materials AI you know are they open about that which I mean they won't tell you they're not going to space that's for sure but but you can you can follow the funding. Yeah. And once again, yeah, it's just none of it's hidden.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Right. NASA's kind of like probably a really romantic – like if someone said, hey, we're shutting down NASA, probably people like me are like, oh, that sucks. Don't do it. Okay. Don't do it. It's a nostalgia type of thing.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Yeah. I want to go to the electricity as a disease. Oh, yeah. Have you read that book, Invisible Rainbow? I haven't. this cycle of diseases that were that with each kind of evolution of electric technology that comes out it releases diseases in humanity but i've also heard that we have the ability to fight those things off like that eight percent of our dna is made from viruses and you just have to be prepared like like we're mutating inside of ourselves to to fight to we're evolving and we have the ability to evolve to
Starting point is 01:21:45 defend against these things and to coexist with these things. Well, I guess the people that don't die from it will, you know, they survived for a reason. So their genes will pass on. What is this? In a nutshell, can you explain this to me? So I got to be honest, I haven't read this book yet. I have the audio and the hard copy, but I'm on some other books right now. But this is basically the story of the rollout of technologies, for example, like radio, you know, technology. And all the diseases that came with it when it came out. Yep. And then how they explain it, you know.
Starting point is 01:22:18 And these are all correlates. Yeah. Yeah. uh yeah yeah my my uh emma my lady has read some of it and she talks about um just how much how they're actually um changing the electromagnetic field of the earth by how much cable and stuff they've covered the earth in and like transmitting all these electric frequencies through it constantly wow i guess you could experiment with that too i remember there being experiments as a kid where you could wrap wire around a magnet you could fuck with a magnet yeah oh yeah and that's like
Starting point is 01:23:00 free energy right there. Free electricity, magnets and copper. So as you go down, as you start thinking of these things, you have to also, I guess, be aware that like, Hey, I'm going to read this book and it's probably going to, it could accidentally reprogram me.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Like none of this shit could be real, but it could fucking like infiltrate me. That's a total possibility, but you gotta, again, you can't just take anything as truth you gotta be a critical thinker all the way through yeah some things are going to support your current beliefs and so it might reign true more than others but that's what we all do you
Starting point is 01:23:36 know we we contrast new information with information we've had before and we decide if it fits or not and you got to constantly be doing that. What about the alien thing, how that Rogan was running with the alien thing, and then New York Times hit it up, and now there's just fucking footage everywhere all over the internet of the U.S. military seeing these white globes flying around everywhere. I mean, it's kind of like it seems like everyone agrees that they're here, but no one's talking about it. Right. It's like, hey, we got one. Or, hey, they're talking to me.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Or, hey, I got one. I live with one. But there's video footage of it everywhere now. I've seen those a few times. You have? On my own. Yeah, I have posted about it. It's on my Instagram way back.
Starting point is 01:24:23 But I call them ufos because i can't identify them they're not anything i can identify but it could be the government right nothing with technology that they just haven't told us about i want it to be that i mean obviously there's it makes completely no fucking sense that we're the only life out here if this thing's as big as they say it is and definitely not the most intelligent that's for sure and yeah i mean what are the odds of that i mean it did it but but on the other hand like i don't like that i i don't like the thought of them like do you know about your rancher have you ever heard of that your rancher no it was this there was this giant thick fucking book that my um one
Starting point is 01:25:04 of my friends had in college. And it basically said that there was a civilization that we can't see that basically harvests energy off of human beings. This is before the Matrix came out, way before the Matrix came out. And that when we have emotion, we release energy, and that's what they harvest. Like loose energy. Is that what that's called? called feeding off of fear or sadness yeah or any or maybe even happiness who knows but just anytime we have emotion we give off energy and they harvest it and i do have a very strong strong perspective that everything here there's just the macro and micro of everything
Starting point is 01:25:44 right like i've seen ants in my yard harvesting aphids. They collect all the aphids, they put them on one branch and then they keep them alive and they harvest milk from them. And we do that to cows. And like in the cyclical nature of things and in this, you know, level of the way everything is just, we're all made of Legos here. It's just how they were put together. It makes perfect sense to me that there would be some sort of hierarchy like that. Like, what are we feeding that we can't see? Right. And I mean, there's other dimensions we're surrounded by all the time. It's just, we're tuned into this frequency. Literally. It's like radio. You know, if you're listening to X or 96.3,
Starting point is 01:26:21 that's what you're specifically tuned into into but all the other frequencies are all around you all the time simultaneously yeah yeah and so even that as a that if that happens in one place it has to be happening in other places like there's no phenomenon where you're just like hey that's an isolated incident i wish i could think of a word that kind of explains this salt lake city it's tricky to see there's a few of them in there see we were focused on one and then we realized that there were actually uh there was a second and maybe even a third i could spend a while since i've watched it it's going to be tough to sienna hey the the ones where the u.s navy is seeing those things fly
Starting point is 01:27:05 around the the ship or is fucking you know what i'm talking about there's hundreds of them cigar looking thingy yeah and they're and they're everywhere oh hundreds of them like i have not seen that footage no it's just all yes and the guys on the boat are like hey what the fuck's going on it might even be in the mediterranean do you know what i'm talking about caleb have you seen that one i think in the new york times link to it or something it's fucking nuts it seems it seems scary shit or you or you see like the two navy pilots flying and they're talking to each other and they're like hey dude do you see that and they go yeah and they're like let's chase it and they and they fucking can't chase it they can't keep up with it yeah so here's something
Starting point is 01:27:40 interesting have you ever heard of and then that might be made up that might be made up i was just gonna go into that have you ever heard of warner von braun no well he was a scientist that came they snuck into the country after world war ii who headed up the uh helped develop nasa and and uh he came in with missile technology and they snuck him in through operation paperclip you can look at that document but he he worked with NASA because he had the rocket technology. Anyway, he did a show with Disney, a movie with Disney before they launched. Yeah, Wernher von Braun. There's documentaries out there you can see where he tells about these crises that the government is going to set up for different reasons of creating a crisis and solution. And the final card is going to be an alien invasion. And that's how they're going to solidify this one world government because we have to band together to save humanity. The final card, Warner Von Braun. It's kind of interesting.
Starting point is 01:28:47 I mean, that would do it. That would probably do it. I'd probably get on board with that. Yeah. I'd be fucking like, sign me up. Shit. I really just want my boys to find a nice girl and live in Utah and raise chickens. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:04 And help old people. And like, and I want them to invent shit. It's okay. Like if some people want to go to Mars or something, I just want it to be, I just want it to be cool. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:15 I understand some dudes got to fight. I get it. Just let us, let us, you know, enjoy life and build a future. I like technology though. I love my iPhone.
Starting point is 01:29:27 It would be hard to do without these things it's it's it's fun um uh brent i i'm gonna take my boys to um go skateboarding now but why did you um come on when's the last podcast you've done you've done i saw i saw a shitload of podcasts you've done, but I hadn't seen one since like 2018. It's been a while. Yeah. Why did you, why did you come on? Well, you know, I mean, I just love, uh, engaging with people, talking about things, whatever they want to talk about. I love having that conversation. You know, you seem like a, uh, like-minded guy in some, uh, areas and, and you're a family man and you're super into CrossFit and you're very healthy.
Starting point is 01:30:09 So I knew you were somebody that, uh. Did you say I'm very handsome? Is that what you said? Very handsome. Very handsome. That's what I thought I heard you say. Listen up people. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:30:17 I was saving the best for last, but no, you just seem like a good guy and, uh, it'd be just an interesting conversation. And I was down. Cool. I really love it um i i i think we have to have a a part two i'm i'm all about it okay look at like caleb even caleb wow oh no caleb no you're down part two no caleb you're gonna to be awesome. Full flat earth retard by the end of that show. Uh, Brent, very nice meeting you. We, uh, I have your number. Um, maybe I'll text you the next couple of days. Maybe also like I'll find out what you're reading and I'll start reading it too. And we, and we could spice up the next one a little bit.
Starting point is 01:30:59 I'd love it. That's okay, brother. Cool. I'll chat with you soon. Yep. Appreciate it. enjoy skateboarding i i said i i got zero quackadoodle from him he didn't cry he didn't um yeah he had yeah it was interesting i there were some things that he said that i like looked into but didn't pull up on the screen. You didn't want to just like – like that was completely refuting what he said? No, no. That was – like there's things that I've seen before that I couldn't find or things that I pulled up.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Oh. The topic had passed, so I couldn't bring it up. But very interesting. Any – being that the job that you have, does that podcast like this with a cat like that make you nervous at all? Yeah. Okay. I understand.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Um, all right. Uh, thank you everyone for listening. Uh, Brent Stephenson, what a great guest. Cool dude. Uh, we'll be doing a live call-in show soon. I don't know when, and I'll tell you all what happened with Miss – the identity doctor, Lisa Marie Del Rio. I can't read you any of the text because it's just against my policy of reading the text back and forth. But after the podcast, she did say a bunch of very nice things about how much she enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:32:16 I think it was obvious from those of you who saw the podcast that she really enjoyed it, and I really enjoyed her. But something squirrelly happened behind the scenes, and she said this morning i got letters from her lawyer saying pull it down which by the way there's no way they can make me pull that down by the way and you would fucking be stupid i have 20 lawyers who would love to fucking go to war with me for me um but i my goal isn't to win my goal is to be a nice human being and to do what people makes people happy to the point of not compromising myself. And there's a component of I researched her for hours and hours and hours. And I gave her two hours of my time on the show and two hours of Caleb's time. And then the whole entire team works on the show and all of you guys listen.
Starting point is 01:33:03 And then for her to backtrack, there something really um and not tell me why like if she would have been like hey seven a bunch of women uh dm me and said you're a really bad person you're misogynist and i don't want to be on your platform i'd be like okay but just to just all of a sudden just come at me like that it's a um it's pretty unethical it's's immoral. It's not, it's not humane. So anyway, that's, that's the way it goes. Like to open the lines maybe later and get your guys' opinion and thoughts on it.
Starting point is 01:33:33 It's kind of fun in the big picture though. I'm glad these things happen in my life because it's more content as they say that the drama roll.

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