The Sevan Podcast - #631 - UFC Show

Episode Date: October 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Is he like doing the tour now? Bam, we're live. I was just looking at this podcast with Don Fall and the Kettlebells and Cocktails. How long have they been doing this podcast? Let me go back and see. Sort by date added oldest three years. Oh, shit. Their first podcast is with Greg in the the office i wonder if i was there
Starting point is 00:00:26 standing there when that happened wow seems like he's making his rounds it does seem like he is yeah oh shit hunter's been on their podcast oh i might watch. That sounds like a trick. I want to ask him about that experience. He'd probably give you a pretty honest debrief of it. They've had everyone on. Marquand Jones, Rory, Adrian Conway, Eric Rosa. Have you ever watched this podcast I think I've probably watched a couple minutes of it and then just turned it off
Starting point is 00:01:16 somebody I thought might be interesting oh maybe they've had Rosa on a couple times just gets ruined oh it's fucking crazy when i watch this podcast it is a test for me in um breathing and being comfortable in my skin i cannot fucking believe it's like a slow train wreck it's fucking crazy i wonder if they prepare honestly it just seems like ad lib oh it's crazy it's crazy just like some of them get like stuck
Starting point is 00:01:56 in one spot and then they just they don't know look look someone even wrote here how painful is it yeah it's i whenever i'm because i've watched some of them to if I'm having a guest and they've been on other podcasts, that's when I start going through other podcasts. And holy shit, I honestly, I know I said before, I think it's I think it's bad for their brand, the mean guys brand and that Nikki Brazier's brand and anyone's brand who goes on there. I don't think anyone I've never, I've never watched something and been like, Oh, those P I want to meet those people or why I've never, God, it's fucking tough. I'm never like, it doesn't go the other way either. Like it would even be good for their brand. If I was like, man, I fucking can't stand those people. It's not like that. It's like watching people sleep. I just, I just, I don't want to,
Starting point is 00:02:45 I don't want to be mean, but you guys should pivot to something else. Like not do the podcast game is not for you. Scripted television might be better. And I'm going to watch this Don fall one. I'm sure I think because he's coming on the show Monday. So I'll watch, I'll steal all any ideas, anything that's worth stealing from but wow that that those are tough she's the late that nikki brazier lady that's the lady who
Starting point is 00:03:13 is on the ground at the games like like after the event she runs over and talks to the cats right yeah i think she's really good at that yeah i i don't ever i can't think of anything she think she's really good at that. Yeah, I can't think of anything. I can't think of anything, any critique I've ever had of her in that position. But this podcast, it's not even a podcast. Just like long-form conversations, not super. Don Fall seems like a bit of a tool. Wow, that's tough, Jeff. A bit bit awkward like the guys that claim to be a man of the people but then don't know
Starting point is 00:03:49 how to talk to the supermarket you watched it already I think he was on another show that he probably he he's going to be wait till he's on my show you're going to love him after he's on this show
Starting point is 00:04:03 you'll love everyone after they've been on the show. I turned coal into diamonds, but, and if he's a diamond already, I'll turn them into two diamonds with my magic wand. I still, wow. Jeff,
Starting point is 00:04:18 you are busy this morning. That coffee must be strong. Did I sent the link to a Justin Nunley and Darian, right? You're on the thread. I think you did. Yeah. I sent the link to Justin Nunley and Darian, right? You're on the thread? I think you did. Yeah, you sent it. Do these fucking knuckleheads realize this show is live?
Starting point is 00:04:36 He only reminded them four times. Hey, did you know you saw Candace Owens came out with a new documentary? Yeah, I did. Wow. Fucking nuts. you saw candace owens came out with a new documentary on yeah wow i fucking nuts so basically basically i mean i've been saying this for two years but basically you can go through anyone's instagram account now and go to june 2nd 2020 and if you see that black square that person is complicit in getting black men killed. I mean the data is out. It's two years.
Starting point is 00:05:08 All BLM did was get more black men killed and destroy cities that are in the predominantly black neighborhoods. And none of them have been repaired. You are part of that. All those people, all those people all those crossfit people i want to start naming names that i'm not sure if like who's erased their black squares but all those cross people go back to that noah olsen thread that i posted and i asked told noah don't don't don't do equity oh those kettlebells and cocktail peoples that guy's the guy who started that shit all those people got black men killed.
Starting point is 00:05:46 All of those fucking people. That black square and the support of BLM increased was a major contributor to increasing black on black homicide by 34%. All of those people, those people hate that. Two things. I'll give them an out. They're either blatantly retarded and should never get off social media and never post again. Or they fucking hate black people. And I told you that the whole time.
Starting point is 00:06:14 So did Greg. That's what Floyd 19 was about. That's exactly what Floyd 19 was about. You know, I asked someone the other day to make me a Floyd 19 shirt and they said, no, it's too it's too risky. Floyd 19, you know, supports it's too it's too risky Floyd 19 you know supports people with melanated skin right that was the whole thing that great why Greg Glassman did that don't let the people who made the COVID guidelines make the guidelines for how we deal with racism in the United States they did they let those same people do it yeah like Julie Foucher
Starting point is 00:06:41 yeah she probably posted a black square I don't know that for sure, though. For those of you who aren't following the connection, basically what happened is the BLM movement pushed a deep hatred for police officers and that police officers stopped engaging all black communities. And so there was no police there and black on black crime and all that shit skyrocketed in those neighborhoods tremendously. So it's completely fucking out of control. That's why all over California you see like CVS is closing because no one wants to engage the thieves who go in there and rob and shit. They overcorrected. No, I don't. Here's why I don't say black people, because it has nothing to do with the color of someone's skin with the reason why they behave it's black culture it's American black culture it has nothing to do with skin I know tons of white skin people who've embraced American black culture I used to embrace
Starting point is 00:07:34 it but it has nothing to do with the color of their skin that's the part where that's the part that's being conflated that's the part that the left doesn't get. That's how fucking stupid they are. And I don't mean that in a mean way. It's just the truth. Because I don't use that word. Why not just say negros? Because I don't use that word. The goal isn't to offend anyone. It's to let people free from the confines of judgments of words.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I don't want people to – like I understand that if you see all Chinese people, think a certain way that they're probably good at math like i get it i'm not i see i know if you see a snake with a big mandible you think it has fangs and venoms these are all like wise things to use to discriminate to navigate the earth but the the cause there might be a correlate between people with black skin and certain behaviors or people with slanted eyes and certain behaviors or outcomes. But it's not the cause even in the slightest, zero. And that's why I don't say black people. That's why I avoid that because I'm just – because it's how the libtards were duped Because they actually think that the skin color actually has something to do with something. And it does not.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I've seen the devil. It's white and it's illiberal. And that's what's crazy. Well, yeah. And unfortunately now it's like a shit ton of melanated people too. They were duped too into hurting their own people. But two days after Candace Owens releases this movie that shows – and I really don't – what's funny is that the movies really – the previews are really focused on the misuse of money by BLM. And that really – I don't care about that at all, which is – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Like I don't care. It's her money. It's her movement. I don't care if that at all, which is, I don't know. Like, I don't care. It's her money. It's her movement. I don't care if she bought a mansion. Good for the lady. You want to get whores and like, that's keeping the economy going. Good for it. You want, whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:34 But what's crazy is then Candace Owens was, was the line is what I don't like. And that their, that their ideology and methodology led to the the death of people that they claimed that they were saving that's the only part i care about and then candace owen the ir two days after the movie came out which shows that blm lied about their expenditures i guess uh she's saying that the irs is investigating her, which is just nuts. Investigating Candace Owens? Well, Justin only wears a CEO shirt today. He wore a t-shirt in one of his recent videos,
Starting point is 00:10:13 so I will call his ass out. He wore ATO. Good. Thank you. If he even makes it to the show. Isn't he in Vegas or something? And then I thought, you know, you're from Idaho when... i don't get it but i'm ready to go to idaho i'm ready jeff i actually saw blm on someone's truck yesterday and first thought was wow they
Starting point is 00:10:37 really like the bureau they really like the bureau of land management then i realized that was not what they were representing oh yeah, yeah. Hey, there is actually a pretty funny story. This friend of mine rents out a camper. I guess there's a place where you can rent out your campers. that it was a black woman and she said that she was going to be staying she said something about blm a bunch of times and he's like oh fucking great she's gonna rent this shit and go to some blm rally and then the lady shows up and it's a it's a lady with black skin and then she says okay and then he goes where are you going again he says oh we're camping on the um blm and and she was talking about on the bureau of land management on one of their facilities. And it had nothing to do with Black Lives Matter. And I just love the mix up. I fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So now, you know, and I don't want anyone to say, well, we didn't know. You did know. You did know. We did know. Those of us who have cognitive ability like so those of you claim you don't know. We did know. Those of us who have cognitive ability, like, so those of you who claim you don't know, you're those of you who, if I told you I was running right now, you would believe me because you wouldn't believe your own eyes. No, you're not, Sevan. You're sitting. You're just knowledge. You just hear shit and just suck it down. You don't trust your own eyes. No, actually, Sevan, you're not running. You believe what they told you?
Starting point is 00:12:16 You believe that BLM, as they did $760 million in damage in Ferguson with their fucking riots? You believed because CNN told you that those were valid protests, Watching those people burn down their own town. Because why? Because you're a man of great knowledge and zero cognitive ability. Zero. You're a calculator with numbers, but none of the other buttons work. You can't do the plus, minus, division, multiply, or equal. You're just fucking, you're like that little kid that just bangs on it and puts numbers into it.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Great UFC show. Holy shit. Good start. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny. I repeat, I leave you this one last time. All the people go back to everyone you know's June 2nd posts, and you'll see who the racists are. It's that fucking simple. Oh, did you see the lady on the board of supervisors in L.A. County?
Starting point is 00:13:18 Oh, I can't wait to the live call-in show. I think she's a Mexican. No, no. I think she's like – she looks like a model she looks like like mexican and white and anyway she huge blm huge anti-racist and they just caught all these recordings where she's calling black people monkeys ironically those are the same people who wanted to change the name of monkey pox because they thought it was offensive to black people and what did i say that those are the racist people they outed themselves they fucking outed themselves if you want to change the name of monkey pox because you think
Starting point is 00:13:52 it's offensive to black people all you're screaming is i'm fucking racist and i think black people look like monkeys that's what you're saying i don't understand how everyone doesn't see that. It's not sophisticated psychology. It's not sophisticated, right? No, it's not. She got caught, the white liberal disease. Yeah, it's so trippy. Well, I don't know. I'm a Democrat, but I don't agree with those Democrats. I don't. Those ones and the groomer ones but i don't agree with those democrats i i i don't those
Starting point is 00:14:26 ones and the groomer ones i don't agree with those ones and um and the ones that let homeless shit in front of the starbucks i don't agree with those democrats which ones do you agree with wait i send me a letter uh she's terrible she's arrogant as hell in person too wasn't surprised at all yeah oh yeah i forgot you work in that hood i forgot man she got schooled man she got yeah she is hot she's hot as fuck i will say that yeah and she's probably batshit crazy and fucks like a like a maniac but but she's a racist uh i saw an article saying poor people running in the iron man in california are scared to run because of the homeless in the park near the yeah i'm sure dude it's bad it's bad plus there's a ton of pussies here okay let's talk ufc did you guys see did i send you my notes um yes okay uh let me see so
Starting point is 00:15:28 why i think that i'm pivoting the show a little bit to um uh um kind of a ufc and review week in review as opposed to just uh the fights coming up this weekend oh did you see that mark zuckerberg and dana white are going to strike a deal i guess the ufc is going to go into the meta world there's going to be some sort of event yeah i might actually buy those fucking glasses to watch that to be honest those are really dope i have my my parents have some of those and so we just whenever your parents have some of those yeah there's like vr goggles yeah isn't that a little advanced for parents well the story behind it is my mom got locked out of her facebook account and the only way to get that's another great that's another great uh line in a uh for the
Starting point is 00:16:27 start of a comedy by the way a will ferrell movie my mom got locked up instagram account or facebook account okay go on she got locked out of it and the only way to get and every time she would like submit a service ticket it was just going to like a bot yeah the only way to talk to like a real person is to use those Oculus goggles because they just put the best service people with the new brand. Genius. Genius. Right. So my parents bought them.
Starting point is 00:16:54 And my mom got her Facebook account back. And now we have it. And we do. We have all the games. Do you think if I bought those Oculus glasses, I could get my Instagram account back? Honestly, that's actually not a bad idea. It might work. glasses i could get my instagram account back honestly that's actually not a bad idea it might work um i pulled down that uh lisa maria del rio video um the identity doctor was confused about
Starting point is 00:17:12 how her identity was being represented it's so trippy how this thing is playing out a bunch thank you to all a bunch of lawyers contacted me yesterday who listened to the show and they said put the show back up and uh and we'll defend you and all this shit. The thing is I don't want to hurt her feelings. I don't hate her. I mean I like her. I wonder if it actually bothers her. You mean that she had to ask me to pull it down?
Starting point is 00:17:37 It's just annoying because I did the work. I did all the research. I had her on. She's taking my work away from me. I just wish she would have called me and been like, hey hey there's some stuff on there that i'm uncomfortable with i mean it is so funny that it's the identity doctor that's uncomfortable with her identity how she presented so well it had like 17 positive comments everyone who comes on the show comes off looking great except for james and the following show the following show had like the
Starting point is 00:18:05 following show after the next day yeah i had like four or five negative comments about her right because she we had to take it because she has to take it down yeah it doesn't it's very backward yeah and my ig account's full of um um i don't know if she had fake boobs i don't i didn't i don't know i didn't ask her she has an insane body um but uh um a lot of people ask me hey where is it i only got halfway through it you could always go to the wayback machine everything's on the wayback if you guys don't know about the wayback machine everything's anything you put on the internet's on there forever you just have to go to the wayback machine and get it it's literally called the wayback machine by the way i didn't believe you so i looked it up and and i'm sure it got i'm sure it got pulled onto other platforms that like i have no ability to put it up or down but
Starting point is 00:18:56 she looked great but then it wasn't like hey seven on this one part where i said this i'm uncomfortable with it can you take it down or it was it was so um it became so insincere and so fake the the the communication I kind of know what I kind of know what it's like um it it's kind of like I don't know I don't know how to explain it my you you hurt her feelings when you said um she would be a good wife and a mom oh you think i did i thought i did but she said that was a compliment i don't know i like when she her reaction i thought maybe i heard her but then i go did i just hurt your feelings and she goes no that's the nicest thing anyone said to me i wanted but but i was just i was just trying to lure into being real. Like every show.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Like come to the deep end with me. Let's swim around. Her brand is amazing. I was actually thinking about starting my own brand now just because she kind of fucking irritated me by wanting that pulled down. I'll be the identity nurse. You like that? Yeah, that's good. I'm actually think i'll start an instagram account the identity nurse watch her facial expressions during the show something was off with her lots of fake crying
Starting point is 00:20:14 my spidey senses oh you think that's fake crying i don't i think she's emotionally um some go ahead somebody said that she gave off like amber herd vibes oh okay jeff now you are fuck this dude is smart no i fucking can't stand him she was very careful crafted image and you got her to move outside of that and she doesn't want that that's exactly so she did a copy and paste from a lawyer or a pr firm and that was basically the summation of it in a roundabout way, saying that – and that was the irony that she's the identity doctor. Do you remember when we had the liver king on and he cried? Yeah, dude. That was crazy. Yeah, he just accepted that. He's like, holy fuck. I can't believe I'm on here crying.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Dude, I wanted to cry with him i was like oh my god what i there was one time when i told her you'd be a great mom and a great um wife and she started crying i start i almost started crying i felt my you know that feeling when your tear ducts turn on it's like tear ducts on you're like oh i had roger sparks too oh yeah like giving cpr to his kid that was like fucking intense that was stressful yeah i think she i think she messed up i think she i think she messed up i don't know what's gonna happen i need to just calm down about it my mom told me to quit being a douchebag and just fucking ignore it pull it down and move on the thing is that people don't understand is that this is the kind of news show where people
Starting point is 00:21:46 like her asking to have that pulled down as part of the show the show is its own part of this show is it has a reflective narrative it's always like looking at itself my mom called me ugly this guest doesn't like this um tommy g is going to help me buy a house in Milwaukee. Like there's, we're all, we're crossing the boundaries. It's not, this isn't a normal new show. I know Rosemary knows best. I know. And she was an attorney, a high powered attorney too. And she, she knows, she knows, but, but WAD zombie, one of the greatest donors of the show
Starting point is 00:22:22 next to Sarah Cox. one of the greatest donors of the show next to sarah cox um uh but um my mom it's like asking a cop um if there's any safe places in town and he thinks everywhere's dangerous because he's only called to crimes and so you know what i mean so my mom so my mom is like is that too i mean she's only seen the worst of the courts i agree move on it's her loss so like don't so like don't be a dick and put it back up just because i'm not like because i'm like i'm butthurt it was a great podcast it makes her look great who well i will say this too my mom also said this whoever's giving her advice is giving her back i think my mom said it or one of the attorneys i spoke to said it they said hey i watched the show whoever's giving her advice, giving her horrible advice, makes her look like grounded.
Starting point is 00:23:11 He does other shows that try to expose him and he fucking sticks to his guns about everything he believes. Who's that? Oh, Liver King. Liver King. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nice call. Good job, Caleb. Every single one, dude. I hate to go on that rant again but i don't tell me it's so disappointing it's so fucking
Starting point is 00:23:32 disappointing watching all these other like barstool type shows just oh yeah to make a mockery of them man yeah yeah you know what they are? Those people are jealous. I think they're jealous of how well he's doing. Dude, it's insane. I mean, he's, he has such a massive following. Like he's making a killing just, I mean, yeah, I don't know. It's just, it's frustrating because he's never going to go outside of what he believes and people just find it like obnoxious. It's like dinner for schmucks. It sort of feels like, like dinner for schmucks that's what it feels like like is that a show dinner for schmucks well there's like a movie where like all these
Starting point is 00:24:10 businessmen like come together and they like bring a friend that they found who has like some weird hobby so like one guy makes he does like taxidermy fucking mice is it a documentary no it's just a fucking it's a fictional movie And they make fun of the guys that they bring? Yeah yeah and then like whoever has the wackiest dude Gets the prize or like gets the bonus Or some fucking boys club bullshit And like every time he goes on a show
Starting point is 00:24:37 It's like somebody invited him on to their dinner for schmucks I like it I want to see it It's a good movie Jeff's on a roll today I like it. I want to see it. It's a good movie. Jeff's on a roll today. I want to get on the liver king he's on. I want to get on the liver king.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Well, first you got to get off the bottle, Bruce. He's doing so rocked over. He's probably not even drunk. Only thing I get frustrated with is he shows all the food he's going to eat, but doesn't actually video himself eating it. I only watch him eat ground beef and eggs. What do you mean? Dude, he recently did a contest where he ate a pound of liver against Paulo Costa speaking UFC shows.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Did you see that? Crushed. Fucking crushed. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think the dude had a chance, but... Paulo Costa? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah, and Liver King started slow. Okay, let's... Go ahead, what? Okay, UFC now. Okay, UFC, yeah. But this isn't really UFC. Let's start with the guy from the Hangover Gang. It's a link that's at the very top.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And it... the guy from the hangover gang it's a link that's at the very top and it um how this this guy doesn't seem old enough to be saying what he's saying but but it doesn't matter what he's saying is so fucking cool it doesn't say anything it's a link it's above yuri and glover fighting okay check this out for those you haven't seen this is kind of long but this is good check it out he had a job at 16 and moved out at 17 your generation is still trying to define what a woman is and living in your parents basement until you're 35 my generation grew up on uncensored everything your generation censors everything my generation shot guns rode dirt bikes and went camping for fun your generation stares at your phone all day and dances on the internet your sister's underwear my generation
Starting point is 00:26:24 knew how to make decisions. Important ones. Your generation can't even decide which bathroom to use. My generation wants the truth and the facts, no matter how uncomfortable they are. Your generation is so offended that the truth and the facts don't support whatever outlandish bulls**t is floating around in your f**king imagination that you've started labeling everything that you don't agree with as misinformation. My generation has two genders. Your generation has 89,347 and counting. My generation, whether or not they're in school,
Starting point is 00:26:53 your generation judges people on race, weight, religion, sex, gender, financial standing, something that they tweeted 20 years ago in grade eight when they were drunk for the first time. Your generation cancels everything you don't agree with. My generation is a f*** about the things we don't agree with beat it that's another thing how does the left not understand that they're the one judging everyone by age race gender sexuality like they're the it's it's like the nazis have won and yet they don't know that but tommy g went to a lgbq pride parade and the guys are saying that the republican parties are the fascist i'm like what the are these people confused there might be tons of closed-minded republicans that fucking hate fucking gay people maybe i have no idea i haven't met any but let's say there are that
Starting point is 00:27:45 still doesn't make them fascist that's not that's not and that makes it even harder yeah i don't even know the definitions of the words they're using half the time yeah exactly i started like reading some news articles lately and like there was some other stuff like whatever random shit and i was like what is the difference between these words or what is the word they're using? And the definitions are completely off base with what they're saying. Completely. This guy even uses the word gender wrong. Yeah. Oh, look, you can see my you can see my comment. Small clarification there to sex and sex is gender is made up.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And by the way, you think there's some of you who don't realize how important that is. It's all taking place at the level of words. Okay. Anyway, that guy's pretty cool. You guys, so many of you are like, get that guy on the show. I've been trying. I've been trying for a year now. I've been trying.
Starting point is 00:28:43 You guys text him. Why don't all of you jump into his dms or comment why don't you go over to that guy's account and just be like yo you should go on seven one's podcast wants to take a load off you i saw you have a discussion in the comments a couple episodes ago about fed that's fucking stupid in in what comments in the comments on his page no on the it was on the youtube channel somebody said some shit about uh i can't remember but it was on our page or on his page on ours oh most of the youtube comments are pretty thoughtful every time a retard
Starting point is 00:29:18 will land down there yeah i think that was Yeah, it is a miserable way to live your life. Oh, geez, Luis, you must be getting old saying stuff like that. Okay, so December 10th, I can't believe that they've already rescheduled this. Part of me doesn't want to see this fight again. It's Glover Teixeira versus that guy Yuri who had the ponytail. Pravoshka. Prav the ponytail. Pravoshka. Pravoshka. And this is – it was a brutal fight, and Glover was winning. I want to say he was winning up until the last 30 seconds of the fifth round.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I mean, winning. Isn't that dude like 40-something years old?. I mean, winning. Isn't that dude like 40-something years old? Yeah, exactly. And I think he lost that fight probably in the last 15 to 30 seconds. Those guys warred.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I can't believe he made it that long. That's fucking crazy. Prochazka. Prochazka. Yuri Prochazka versus Glover Teixe clover is it cha or is it like ha pro chaska fine i'll go pro chaska i don't even fucking know uh glover was uh glover i i think you can say he was a crossfitter he used to chain over there at the pit which is i think still an affiliated gym in san luis obispo where chuck liddell trained i think chuck argued uh when he met glover he's like wow this guy's the most promise of any fighter he'd ever met flash forward fucking 15 years or whatever and glover's still fucking fighting
Starting point is 00:30:54 i filmed uh uh allison nyc i think i think i filmed allison nyc who's now a friend of mine who just moved into town who i'm going to hang out with today, her and Brendan Gilliam. I think I saw – I think I filmed Allison NYC doing grace against Glover. Will you go to Allison's account really quick? Yeah, and I think they did grace, and they did it with a bar that doesn't spin and they did it with metal weights those little metal weights so when you touch the ground you had to go down an extra you know three or four inches which i want i want to say i filmed that is it just allison nyc yeah it should just populate automatically since you go there all the time yeah yeah right right i think it's allison myc this one yeah yes go to the one right there where she's doing push-ups on
Starting point is 00:31:52 the beach ah yes yes this one push-ups have never been my strength how many can you do i mean she's clearly cheating her and her husband and her two kids just moved into town. I've been hanging out with him like a shitload. Today, I'm meeting him at 930 a.m. and two hours at the skate park. I'll post. I'll max out PT tests if I ever do that. Allison, NYC. And so I think I filmed back in like 2008.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Her boobs are real, by the way. I don't want to hear any discussion on that. They are. And she's breast. breast i mean she has a kid she has two kids those things are oh melissa says the bounce no rep that's harsh uh chase brian i'm definitely following her now yeah she's uh lumbar must hurt um hanging out with her or her large personality disgusting you guys you guys are an embarrassment is that all you see how dare you judging people by their anatomical makeup her body's crazy absolutely nuts and she's a great crossfitter her husband's a fucking one i've heard greg say he's her husband's one of the best coaches he's ever met and maybe the best coach that ever came out of crossfit santa cruz which is crazy because i don't
Starting point is 00:33:20 want to start naming all the people who've come out of there, but you guys all know 10 of them. Oh, Seve, we're just your best students. Thank you. Thank you. What's bigger, the boobies or Sevan's nose? And what is more important? I would say the big nose. Definitely the nose.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I'll try to get a picture of my nose as close as I can to her boobs and post it to my story today and i will let you guys decide i will start a poll you probably couldn't get your face all the way in there without baking noses uh my mom i'm gonna get in so much trouble for saying this so uh me and allison and my mom and all our kids were hanging out the other day and we were going for a walk along the beach and afterwards when it was done my mom's like oh my god my mom's like 79 i never heard her talk like this i go what's up she's like i really like her i go yeah she's full of shit right she goes but i can't stop staring at her boobs i go mom she goes what i'm like stare away that's what everyone does that like no one no one can stop she's like i keep having to tell myself to look at her eyes
Starting point is 00:34:23 what i never understand like when people get mad at that. It's like, what's the point of you getting them or having them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. A little bit of staring is okay. I mean, it would be weird. Yeah. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I had this girlfriend who was so fucking hot, it was uncomfortable. And I understand it. It was this Greek chick. And one time I went out to dinner with her and some friends, some friends of my dad's. So it's this old guy and this old woman and the entire fucking night. This guy that I had never met before that was 20 years older than me just stared at my girlfriend. 20 years older than me. Maybe he was 30 years older than me and my girlfriend at the time.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah. And when he and he would only talk to her. It was a two-hour fucking dinner. It was fucking weird. It was so fucking weird. Pouring holes into her face? Yeah. Oh, that's fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Those of you – I've been in a couple circumstances like that. Okay, I'm off topic. So can you click on Look at this So there's a guy named Alex Pereira This If you guys like hey I hate the UFC stuff Um Yeah I would
Starting point is 00:35:37 Actually that would be fucking hilarious if I did that Okay mom enough I caught you staring at her boobs like four times. My mom's going to call me after the show and be like, if she's watching, be like, you went too far. Damn it, Rosemary. My wife and I think
Starting point is 00:35:59 my mom have both said to me on a handful of occasions, do not let this go on the show. We'll be talking about something. It's a, it's always like something insignificant to like, Oh, I always forget what they would say. I'd be like, ah,
Starting point is 00:36:11 yeah. And then they'd yell at me probably for it later for saying it. Yeah. Um, so, so there's this guy fighting, uh, there's this guy that trains with Glover, Glover to share.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And his name is Alex Pereira. he's the only guy ever to beat the current ufc light heavyweight champion israel adesanya so the guy in the yellow there is a kickboxing god i want to say i don't know what his record is but it's like i think he's had like 100 fights and he's won like 95 of them or something just like israel and he's knocked out is of them or something, just like Israel. And he's knocked out Israel Adesanya, I don't think just once, but maybe twice. And now he trains with Glover Teixeira. By the way, just to give you an idea of these guys, Glover Teixeira fights in the 205-pound class, and the guy in the yellow shirt fights in the 185-pound class.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Even though the guy in the yellow might look bigger. Look it. Look it. That's their coach. He has to be like, knock it boys you see that shit yeah i think the buzzer went off too and they were just yeah yeah you could say this about a lot of people in the ufc but for this guy it is 100 true i'm gonna tell you two things about these guys. The guy in the yellow, there might be nobody in the UFC who kicks harder than him.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And there's nobody in the UFC who wants to go on the ground with Glover Teixeira. Nobody. Nobody, nobody, nobody. If he gets you on the ground, it is done. I forgot about this guy. He's fucking shredded. this guy is going to fight uh israel adesanya in a couple weeks it's going to be nuts so is he beat israel israel's undefeated uh israel's undefeated in the weight class 185 he went up and lost a yawn but uh israel may be
Starting point is 00:38:18 the greatest fighter in the ufc in the history of the ufc but when he was a kickboxer he did he did get knocked out by this guy alex and that's the big hype around this fight this guy alex does not look like a normal human being i don't know if you could tell his head is weird he is um he's uh yeah it's massive his jaw is massive dude when you see him next to other men this this this space from his ear to his chin is is is bigger than allison's boobs it's absolutely getting knocked out easier if he had a bigger chin it is nuts yeah he's a he's a special creature oh i i don't know i maybe i don't know i didn't think of it
Starting point is 00:39:09 like that i just think of it as like he his chromosomes are all fucked up like he's got too many of whatever the one that makes you a dude i think that makes you autistic yeah neanderthal genes what'd you say yeah look oh no that's is that him yeah on the right that's him wow he looks so young there is that what dominic ray is uh let's see yeah no shit so just so you guys know once again dominic reyes is a 205er Fiverr. Alex Pereira fights at 185. Holy shit. The guy on the right fights in weight class 20 pounds less.
Starting point is 00:39:54 How? Dude, that's crazy. How? How the fuck do you lose that much weight? What happened to Justin Nunley and darian this kind of pisses me off a little bit too because i really wanted to do a live call-in show today but but i'm like nope i'm committed to the maybe i'm gonna throw the ufc shit away
Starting point is 00:40:16 okay don't think about it sebi you're alive don't think about it um the tiny tiny guy uh uh hasbulla i don't know if you guys know who he is. He, I think he has a couple of million followers on, um, uh, I'm worried about Izzy too. Yeah. Uh, here we go. Uh, I don't think there's any guys with two Y chromosomes. There's XX man or XXX women, but I don't think it's possible to have two Ys. I don't know what any of that means, but thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Thank you for the science lesson. You sound smart and i like that and you have nice hair but i know it doesn't always look like it that you were having a good hair day you're like yeah this is gonna be the day i fucking this is gonna be my my profile pic i live on youtube forever yeah nice hair girl uh uh hasbulla so this is this is that that guy he's kind of like a viral sensation i and i think he he's in uh khabib's camp or something um he's he looks like a little kid but i think he's a grown-ass man this dude i think this is a full-grown man i think so too i can't tell if any of the shit i find on him is real i can't tell if he's actually like 30 something years old or whatever
Starting point is 00:41:32 oh type in i i don't even know if this is really his instagram account i don't know why it doesn't have a blue check mark but um he kind of his shit went viral when he was like almost gotten a fight one time oh yeah let's look at that that video of him and dana white let's see is that dana i think it's dana oh no it's not dana isn't it so supposedly this guy signed with the ufc and he's gonna fight so supposedly this guy signed with the UFC and he's going to fight. No, that's not, that's not Dana.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Yeah. I mean, it was released yesterday. The news will be announced in a couple of weeks. What the fuck? He doesn't look very good. Avi would fuck him up, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Dude, he should fight. My kid would fuck him up. He did should fight my kid would fuck him up he did some videos with shack it was scary no shit there was this show when i was a kid it was called webster it was this tiny little dude oh shit oh Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh. Dude, Shaq's championship ring is bigger than his head. Dude, I want to see Shaq put his... Look at... Shaq has to use an iPad because the iPhone's too small. I want to see Shaq put his hand on his fucking torso.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Dude, oh my God. Are there any more videos of them? That's good shit, this collab. I don't see anything. Yeah. Look at him on that car seat. That gives you perspective of how little he is. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Where he was. Yeah, that red one. Yeah. When you can lay on a car seat like that, you're just a smudge. Wow. He's wearing a Rolex, too even my goodness he is oh shit khabib bought that for him or something oh for sure uh we know islam makachev is going to be getting in the ring with uh olivera here in a couple weeks. I heard something yesterday when I was researching for the show that Islam Makachev will walk into the ring at 188 pounds.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Which is fucking crazy because those guys are supposed to weigh. I think those guys are going to weigh in at 155. And they're saying he's going to put on 33 pounds by the time he walks in the ring. He's going to be massive. If that's true. Where's all that come from? I guess a bunch of water weight. It has to be right.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Probably. And I'm guessing they're eating too, but 30 pounds. Look at this next post. It's from Instagram. It says, why is dana white promoting this tennis shoe guy i reached out to this guy by the way i'm gonna try to get him on the show i'm fascinated this guy has a business that's cleaning tennis shoes is travis scott the guy who did that concert in florida where shit got crazy yeah okay so i guess i guess he has a pair
Starting point is 00:45:03 i guess these are called travis scikes, and Dana White owns them. And I'm guessing – I want to see how expensive those are. Let me see. Travis. Those are pretty expensive. They're very – Like $300 or like $3,000? Oh, $500.
Starting point is 00:45:20 $1,260. Okay. Oh, no, $500 at Pacific Sunware. sunwear oh man there's some ugly ones that are made too those ones it looks like are 1260 oh they're the air jordan low og travis scott reverse mocho shoes size 13 uh they're in good condition they're not even new for 1260 bucks what this site i'm looking at okay fine okay so these are expensive shoes anyway um check this out i so after i saw this video i reached out to the tennis shoe guy because i want to know how he got it i mean i have questions what a fucking awesome thing to do Clean people's tennis shoes and get paid for it. We push play on this.
Starting point is 00:46:06 You take a shot and then you smash the shock offs on the floor. So my Travis Scott's the brand new got destroyed. I mean, these things are sticky as can be. And I don't know if you can see in the suede there. Suede looks nasty. This one's all busted up. So I'm going to share this with you guys.
Starting point is 00:46:22 You will not believe what this man, Akeem can do to your shoes out there. and maybe it's expensive shoes or they're your favorite shoes this dude turns them into brand new well i would be so good at that i would be so yesterday at the same time i handed these nasty dirty shoes to him and he came back today. They look like brand new. He's the best. It's unbelievable. Don't worry about wearing your good shoes anywhere anymore. Just call this dude right here. Hey, how cool is that that Dana White did that for him? That's pretty nuts. He's been doing it a few times, especially with that other guy.
Starting point is 00:47:03 He's endorsing these random businesses. Maybe not random, but businesses that he appreciates, I guess. It's cool, right? It's very surprising. Oh, yeah. I feel like he's gained a massive following. I hate to jerk Dave off because he's not my friend anymore, but Dave does that shit. Castro.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah. He's done that there are a couple of businesses that he's like recommended that i've been looking into just like getting backpacks and stuff from them just because they yeah yeah he he endorses people and he doesn't get to i i'm trying to think of anyone i think some of those gun companies might give him like some shit but i think for the most part he's just just loves on people that he wants to yeah it sounds like he's like a lot of the stuff he touts is like he's bought it like he's bought a backpack from them or he's bought some he just does some gear from them he just doesn't call me that's it
Starting point is 00:47:54 he doesn't he just does he we just don't talk and and and so little pools of discontent build up between you you know what i mean like i just don't talk to him a lot. And so I just start building little stories of why I'm pissed at him. Just for why he's just a youth. Oh yeah. Whatever. Yeah. Just, just imaginary.
Starting point is 00:48:12 So, you know, like when you don't talk to someone for a while, like millennials, if you don't, if you don't text your girlfriend for 15 minutes, she's, she,
Starting point is 00:48:18 you start building a story that the football team is banging her. Yeah. Yeah. Well, um, uh, with me from my generation just takes it takes a few weeks maybe if i didn't talk to him he didn't call me he hasn't paid homage to me i'm telling you this fucking guy came over to my house the other day
Starting point is 00:48:34 fucking calls and tells me that my front gate is open i'm like are you at my house he goes yeah and then i see him and he goes you look old as fuck what do you mean what happened to our relationship isn't that like my mom also my mom also said i look old as fuck too but my mom and i bonded over allison's boobs so there me and dave have not bonded over anything we have not repaired our relationship you haven't bonded over boobs yet. Jeez. Dave, meet me at the skate park and let's hang out me, you and Allison and Brendan and everything will be better. Ride your motorcycle. Is it a good thing if he just shits on you though? I always felt like everything with Dave is good.
Starting point is 00:49:18 If my friends shit on me, that means that they like me. Maybe that's just a military thing, man. Yeah, it's, no, it's good. It's boys. Boys understand that. Good boys understand that. If someone sh yeah it's no it's good it's boys boys understand that good boys understand that if someone shits on you it's good uh that's why someone actually one lawyer said hey here's the whole thing one of the things where you can play the lisa marie thing that identity doctor thing is if um they're obvious you should take it as a huge compliment because they they recognize the influence you have but you should also um consider like making it a big
Starting point is 00:49:44 thing just for attention. I was like, wow. I never even thought of that. But like I said, you guys have to understand this show is about being self-reflective. So I kind of like it that she had it pulled down. It gives us just more shit to talk about.
Starting point is 00:49:57 It, you know what I mean? It's like when I dropped my iPhone in the shit the other day, like I was like, okay, this is cool. This is like, I can use it. I can work with this wasn't ideal don't get okay did you like did you like shit
Starting point is 00:50:12 no listen i listen listen i saw what you just did you were about to judge me i saw it in your eyes i saw you know i wore my scott panchuk innovates to my kids t-ball game then had to help coach and now they're dried red from the baseball field saying I need this guy. Hey, dude, Bailey, you should just go get a brush and some spray and some fancy sponges. Use one of those fucking Pumastones that you girls rub all over your body. Pumastone. Yeah, and have a little kit and get one of those little little spray bottles you're supposed to spray the spray on sunglasses you know and like have it and just pretend like you're a professional and clean your shoes and make a video and say you'll clean anyone's shoes for 100 bucks
Starting point is 00:50:53 and then you could be cleaning shoes making 100 bucks while you watch podcast podcasts of people you're going to podcast the following day multitasking killing it getting paid to do research anyway okay listen you judgmental asshole i saw you i was at a fancy club tennis club the i go into one of these bathrooms like a cabana it feels like it's indoor but they try to make it feel like it's outdoor and it's got it's it's cool and i walk in, and the bathroom's completely clean, smells fine, and I'm in a hurry because my fucking family's in the car waiting for me. And it's my fasting day, and on my fasting day, sometimes this particular day, I felt like I needed to fart a little bit, but I thought maybe something was going to come out, like a shart. Right? So I fucking run in there.
Starting point is 00:51:41 The bathroom seems spotless to me. I drop my pants, and my phone's in my back pocket and i'm like and i was right a little a little like a little pellet came out like the fasting pellet with a little little gooey pellet and i fucking looked down and there is a fucking shit that's butted up against the toilet. It's kind of unbelievable I didn't step in it. The fact that I didn't step in it is a one in a million. It was just a shit at the bottom of the bowl.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Like someone just – I don't know how they did that. But they missed the bowl, and it went down the front of the bowl and landed right – it was butted up against the bowl. So my feet and my pants were like four inches from the bowl, so the down the front of the bowl and landed right it was butted up against the bowl so in my in my in my feet my pants were like four inches from the bowl so the shit's sitting there like this close to my shorts and my shoes and my cell phone and and it looks like my cell phone's 80 in my back pocket so i i wipe my ass very gentle and i i grab this and i don't want to put my hand down there to the cell and pick and pull the cell phone out because now i see that there's more and more shit like along the toilet and everything i don't want to bump it and touch it and i slowly pull my pants up and my i defied the laws of physics and the fucking cell phone and what's crazy that's never
Starting point is 00:53:03 i can't ever remember my cell phone falling out of my back pocket when i take a deuce that cell phone was like i just got it that day i was like a brain i just got it that morning iphone 14 pro max thank god there was a case on it thank god i i picked it up i looked around and I noticed there's shit everywhere in the bathroom now you're right I'm guilty my situational awareness is bad and I know it's a pet peeve of mine when people don't have situational awareness sometimes you got shit though
Starting point is 00:53:35 and it's a dramatic event and then I so I cleaned I ran the cell phone under hot water and I cleaned off the case and everything and I soaked it and I soaped it, and then I peeled it off, and then I threw it away. But I had to clean it just in case I accidentally bumped it and had all these paper towels. Now I have a cheap 999 case for my iPhone, which is weird. Here's my old iPhone 13.
Starting point is 00:54:07 weird because here's my old iphone 13 and um you can stick stuff to this one but i got the cheap 9.99 case and you can't stick stuff to the back but it's a really nice case go to amazon and rank the case as cheapest to most expensive this one pops up 9.99 and it's rubberized so it actually feels better than the uh apple one okay okay 100 pound okay where were we a ufc show not a poop show okay so the tennis shoe guy i like him um uh dana white loses 30 pounds i know i've talked about this on the show a few times we might as well bring it up one more time it's really cool can we play this clip this is really cool by the way those of you who are into the ufc if you haven't watched our interview with al jermaine sterling from last week you should go back and watch it al jermaine is also fighting on the card with israel adesanya and alex perera okay here we go
Starting point is 00:54:53 this is kind of a cool story and they know when you're gonna die and they're right within a month so i'm like wait a minute this guy can tell me when i'm gonna die and be right within a month that was your hook. I became obsessed. So I went down there. They did my blood work. He said, if you keep doing what you're doing right now and you stay on this trajectory, you got 10.4 years. I said, Dana, I can see that you can't sleep through the night.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I would wake up in the middle of the night and throw up almost every night. And I said, I'd be very surprised if it's not painful for you to bend down and tie your shoes right now. And he went, no fucking way. He slammed the table down. it's not painful for you to bend down and tie your shoes right now and he went no way he slammed the table down he's like you gotta be kidding me you're starting to freak me out my legs were so up that i couldn't put my socks on in the morning i was like a tenth of a point away from being diabetic he said you do exactly what i tell you to do for 10 weeks and i guarantee you i'll change your life. So I was in, you have to understand, I don't fall into all this hippie bullshit. You know, I don't do any of this shit. I'm like
Starting point is 00:55:51 average Joe real guy. Okay. This guy has changed my life in 10 weeks. I don't snore anymore. And I sleep seven, eight hours a night now. How much weight have you lost? If you don't mind me asking. I feel like I'm 35 years old again. so basically for 10 weeks he did uh changed his diet um changed some of his exercise movements did ice bath saunas and breathing exercises and in 10 weeks he fucking completely transformed and do you know who this is who you know that this is completely accessible to every single human being on the planet even the fucking poorest people in the world could do this everyone can do this everyone can do 90 of what dana did i think the poorest people on the planet that's the only option they have so of course they look great oh well that's a that's a really
Starting point is 00:56:42 good point i mean people who just living in the fishing fishing villages around the what's that lake in um kenya and tans uh tanzania the biggest freshwater lake in the world or in africa the continent yeah i i i went there a few times so that to give vitamin a to those people they were the fittest fucking people i've ever seen just pulling fishing nets in all day it's fucking crazy right what is that lake largest fresh water lake in africa lake victoria yeah oh wow oh it's uganda is in tanzania and uganda and? All three. Some incredible waterfalls there. Like some of them,
Starting point is 00:57:26 like, Oh yeah, no shit. I can't even remember. I've been so many places. I can't even remember if I, where, when I went to Lake Victoria,
Starting point is 00:57:37 I've been there a few times. If I went to the Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda side, Kampala was one of the first cities I was ever in. That's the capital of Uganda where I saw dudes just walking around the streets with machine guns. Fuck, but then
Starting point is 00:57:50 Tommy G showed it to us. Hey, that kid, did you watch the, were you on the Tommy G show? The YouTube star? He made a city, the video is called the most dangerous city in the world. And there's, and he walks up and he's in this neighborhood and there's kids there. There's called The Most Dangerous City in the World. And he walks up, and he's in this neighborhood, and there's kids there.
Starting point is 00:58:08 There's like 15 kids there, and they all have two guns. They all have a pistol and a machine gun. It's broad daylight. They're hanging out in the street. You can't even fucking believe it's the United States. And I asked Tommy G. I said, hey, dude, what the fuck's going to – it was 14 black dudes and one white kid, and they're all fucking under 18. I go, what's going to happen to that white kid? He goes, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:58:26 I go, all these kids are going to go to jail. This white kid hangs out with the homeboys. But when he goes to jail, he's going to have to hang out with the white dudes. He's fucked. Well, guess what? Tommy fucking texted me yesterday and said that dude fucking killed someone who's being charged with first-degree murder and went to jail. I mean, all those dudes are going to jail.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Guaranteed. Fucking nuts. Openly. That dude's YouTube channel is amazing. Tommy G. You know what's amazing? He did this piece in the in the he did this piece in the most dangerous city in the world and it's all it's all it's all black dudes right then he did another piece on the
Starting point is 00:59:12 most drug riddled city in the world and it was all white it's all white dudes just publicly shooting fentanyl that's the way my town is too it's kind of interesting yeah when i lived in well, not that open. They're not open about it like that. But when their police will get you there. But in this town, it was Kensington, Pennsylvania. You can just do drugs openly. But do dozens of people shooting publicly. Dude, he walked up on someone dead and they Narcan them. This is just randomly. That's how often that shit happens. And they Narcan them. This is just randomly. Dude. That's how often that shit happens. When I go through West Virginia, they have billboards. Oh, West Virginia. Dude, billboards.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Every fucking, every mile, every quarter mile, that just say, hey, help a neighbor carry Narcan. Yes. They said people just carry Narcan in this town. Yeah. You're like openly allowed to carry Narcan. you had you're like openly allowed to carry an arcane it's like at least for like for us even like in my work in the hospital whenever we prescribe opiates we have to prescribe an arcane too just in case hey that's kind of how like if you think about it that's kind of how like condoms were condoms were like fucking everywhere for a while like during the AIDS scare like everywhere
Starting point is 01:00:22 someone even told me in an Olympic village one of the first things you walk into is there's a massive bowl of condoms do they have that where you're at like on your base they have just free condoms oh awesome wow does people fuck we just have fucking packages of them
Starting point is 01:00:38 like they're usually gone by the end of the day and we have to restock every day oh that's awesome. You should take those and sell those. Have a side hustle. 25 cents? When I lived in the Bay Area, 99 out of 100 people,
Starting point is 01:01:01 I saw jaywalkers every single day. Jaywalking is just fucking nuts. And 99 out of 100 people I saw jaywalkers every single day jaywalking is just fucking nuts and um and 99 out of 100 people i saw jaywalking were all people with melanated skin and it was and they would just cross the street and just and just stare at you like fuck you what they would even say that to you fuck you what or it would be they would stand in the in the street on so you couldn't make a right hand turn on a red light you can do that in california if you come to a stop at a red light you can make a right turn but they would stand in the street and just look at you so you couldn't and i said every day people every day or they would cross on the red light they didn't care like five just young men just cross and just look at everyone
Starting point is 01:01:36 like just fuck you that's just the way it was in the bay area every home in the town cost one million to five million dollars but um the 99 out of 100 of the people who would jaywalk it was always like fuck you to whitey it was kind it was weird it was weird now i live in a town that's all white and all and i still see a lot of jaywalking but it's all fucking white dudes like talking to themselves with their pants down past their ass with their butthole showing not like gangster style but just like they they just they these these white dudes just look like monkeys that got out of the zoo like do you know what i mean they're just like they're like zombies they're like zombies they're like fucking zombies yeah it's great for sure and i was like oh shit all
Starting point is 01:02:16 right or check that check that off the list it's not just uh melanated people it's white drug addicts too it's not all right fine you've been called out on your discriminatory beliefs i still have not seen a lot of japanese jaywalkers and i've been to japan those motherfuckers follow the rules have you seen those videos of like the time lapse during yeah yeah yeah i've hung out at that crosswalk quite a bit. That's a, um, there,
Starting point is 01:02:49 there are some crazy stats about how many people cross the street there. Some crazy stats. Yeah. Yeah. It's a, it's a specific place. I want to say, believe it or not, I want to say right there is a,
Starting point is 01:02:55 uh, like a virgin records or something. I can't believe one of those places is still in business. That's crazy. If all the rules are get shot. no no no no not em not no no not in this in this town is just you just have to just watch one of those zombie movies and all those white people you see that play the zombies that's how the white people are in my town that the ones that jaywalk they're the i've never seen that is weird it yeah i wonder what the ratio is of people who inject drugs if it's like
Starting point is 01:03:33 significantly more white people like culturally if it's just like some American black culture prefers to smoke and whitey likes to inject. I wonder if there's any truth to that. I'll have to do some research on that. They said the drugs are free. Anyway, I'm off topic. We're doing a UFC show, not a review of old people I interviewed. Okay, so Dana lost weight. That's great.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I'm excited for Dana. You can see it when he stands up at the press conferences. He looks thinner. His ass kind of vanished. I think someone needs to get him to squat a little parallel, but I'm super duper happy for him because I love the UFC and I love what he brings to it. I really, really like what
Starting point is 01:04:18 Dana White brings to the UFC. I might stop watching if he... Right. Joe Rogan needs to do the same thing now joe rogan looks like unhealthy as a motherfucker all red and i saw too much like too much pressure on him and dana has crazy pressure can you imagine throwing up every night that oh no i can't um aljame al aljame sterling is fighting t is fighting TJ Dillashaw in a couple weeks, also on that same card with Alex Pereira and Israel.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And Aljo is really turning up the heat on TJ, saying that TJ is probably still on drugs, which is pretty harsh. But I guess once you do drugs, everyone's going to think you would do drugs. That's going to be a great fight. That's such easy shit. That's gonna be great fight that's such easy shit that's not even right good that's not even good well he's just trying to get in that dude's head right right but at the same time like it's such an easy bird to kill yes like tj is probably so over that shit it's not gonna faze him at all well if you really want to fucking talk some shit
Starting point is 01:05:22 on people you got to be better than that man who do you think's gonna win fuck i hope tj did this honestly okay good i hope aljo does good all right fine uh um uh what's his name um holland what the fuck is holland's first name tom holland no it's not kevin holland Thank you. There's rumors that Kevin Holland got paid $800,000 to take that last-minute fight a couple weeks ago where we saw him fight against Kamzat. That was the fight where everyone switched on the main card. Everyone switched. So there were like three fights on the main card, and all the dudes who were supposed to fight certain dudes 24 hours before switch. It was so weird. That was the one where Nate Diaz ended up fighting,
Starting point is 01:06:11 uh, Tony Ferguson, but he was supposed to fight comms up, but comms that couldn't make weight. So Kevin Holland stepped up and fought him. And supposedly comms got $150,000 for the fight, uh, weighing five pounds or 10 pounds overweight,
Starting point is 01:06:24 and then $150,000 for winning. And the rumors are that Kevin Holland made $800,000 for the fight, weighing 5 pounds or 10 pounds overweight, and then $150,000 for winning. And the rumors are that Kevin Holland made $800,000, which would be a shitload of money for a non-main event for the UFC. But Kevin Holland's denying that. He's saying it's none of your business how much I make. I may have made more. I may have made less.
Starting point is 01:06:40 So he definitely made, he probably made that much. You think? Yeah. That's another thing he said. He goes, and what sucks is now my family thinks I'm rich and everyone's asking for money. Hey, dude, $800,000 is not rich. For anyone, leave people alone.
Starting point is 01:06:58 If you found out someone won a million dollars, leave them alone. They did not get rich. You cannot do anything with a million dollars. You have to put it in the bank. It just creates trouble for you. Yeah. It's like not enough to be like sustainable for the rest of your life, but enough to like be okay. It's like,
Starting point is 01:07:12 Oh, it's enough to make a stupid purchase. You can't afford in three years. You have to sell it and you're poor again. Right. Unless you're like using it for like an investment or something. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Then be otherwise you're fucked for sure uh we talked about my mark zuckerberg uh tai chuvasa has a new fight that was the guy uh i don't know if you guys remember he's from new zealand he's a really cool dude a really really really really cool dude and he fought uh cyril gone a few weeks ago a great uh, it looks like Ty has a fight with a big Russian dude. It'll be nice to see Ty, uh, climb up the ranks again. Um,
Starting point is 01:07:51 he said to return to the Octagon as part of the co-main event at UFC Orlando in December, Sergey Pavlovich. I think, um, Oh shit. So that's interesting. Look below that. It says Steven Thompson and Kevin Holland will fight. So that's interesting. Look below that.
Starting point is 01:08:05 It says Stephen Thompson and Kevin Holland will fight. So Wonderboy and Kevin Holland are going to fight. Holy shit. We could be getting close to the end. Kevin Holland just retired last week, and then he came back, which is a trip, right? He retired and came back, Kevin Holland. Yeah, I thought he was done. But Stephen Thompson got to be towards the end of his career, too.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Like, real close. I bet you he's closer to 40 than 30. Wonder Boy. Let's see. I saw another interesting thing. 39. He is? Wonder Boy?
Starting point is 01:08:36 Yeah. Yeah. Wonder Boy is a trippy fighter. For those of you new to the UFC, he has a karate stance, which is quite unique. It's kind of like O'Malley stance a wonder boy I want to say is one of the most unique fighting styles not that it's unorthodox but it's just not common for the UFC wants to stand up the whole entire time and he's in he acts really big instead of small and he's in he's sideways the whole time. He's great. He's great to watch. I've always been confused by people who do karate.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I've always heard it's not very beneficial in fights, and then I've always heard that karate masters or whatever say that to not get into fights. Like, what happens if I get into a fight, and they just say don't get into a fight? Karate masters? Well, this dude's fucking good, and he's a karate master look at his losses look who he's lost to I mean he's lost to nobody who sucks like look at his losses I bet you it's like people like Jorge yeah
Starting point is 01:09:35 Bell Muhammad Gilbert Burns oh shit Bell Muhammad's fighting uh Anthony Pettis that's kind of crazy darren till yeah yeah yeah tyrone woodley oh shit he had a draw with tyrone woodley wow rory mcdonald's amazing remember when johnny hendricks was hey dude that's kind of like that's right when i was getting into the ufc that's a little bit before my time i think johnny hendricks was he the guy that was like he couldn't figure out which weight class he wanted to be in? 171 or 185? Maybe. I just remember he had like fucking crazy hands and he just knocked the fuck out of everybody he fought. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:16 He reminds me of. He was like a truck. Who's the guy who fights at the 185 class? He's Mexican and he almost beat Israel Adesanya. They went fucking into the fifth round just throwing blows. Do you know what I'm talking about? Johnny Hendricks reminds me of that guy. Who's going to figure it out in the comments?
Starting point is 01:10:37 My poor brain can't remember. Let me look it up. They fought Adesanya? Yeah. It's Adesanya's best fight. It's the guy who took Adesanya yeah it was one of it's Adesanya's best fight it's the guy who took Adesanya the deepest man I thought he was
Starting point is 01:10:51 going to beat Adesanya and become the champion oh shit what's his name here's his fight here's his Marvin Vittori no no it's way down keep going there Kevin Gastelum oh yeah yeah yeah Marvin Vittori? No, no, it's way down. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:11:05 There, Kevin Gastelum. Oh, yeah. I think of Johnny Hendricks and Kevin Gastelum as kind of the same. Their bodies are a little sloppy. Super dangerous hands. Can't figure out exactly what weight class they're in.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Does he have a fight? Wait, let me see. He had a fight scheduled. Let's see who he fights next. Next year. Wow. yeah oh does he have a fight wait let me see he had a fight scheduled let's see who he fights next next year wow nazdereen yeah sure he's mexican yeah yeah gaston's mexican because i've seen some yeah i've seen i've seen some uh um videos on him when they show him at home with his mom his mom's cooking him like you know like tortilla soup and shit chicken tortilla soup spanish right he seems cool as shit yeah gaston or some shit yeah i like him i would love to meet him i'd love to have him on
Starting point is 01:12:06 the show he seems great uh i don't know if we're going to get through all of these but there's some that we have to get through let's go to bryce mitchell i thought this was interesting he says the law can kiss my ass i'm not giving my dog a rabies shot uh i was just telling this story yesterday my dog got i left my dog in my car, parked in the shade, of course. It wasn't dangerous at all. My dog always – it's a little chihuahua. He always spends time in the car, chihuahua, Basenji mix. And this is years ago, and it was some hippie town in northern California.
Starting point is 01:12:35 When I came back, my car was covered in notes telling me what a complete cocksucker piece of shit I am, and my dog was gone. And then there was a note from the police saying, we took your dog to the pound. So I went to the pound to get my dog. And they told me, Hey, do you have proof that your dog's vaccinated? I said, yeah, he has all the shots. And they said, well, prove it. Well, I don't carry my dog's shots with me. And they go, then you have to get all your dog shots again. So I not only did I have to pay to get my dog out of the pound, but they re-injected my dog with all the fucking vaccines that they give dogs right there and i had to pay for all of them it was fucking nuts it's such a fucking con it's such a fucking con my wife went to the doctor the other day
Starting point is 01:13:18 and they said do you have your tetanus shot and she said yes and they said we don't have it on your record she's like well i have it and she goes they go well we can't take your word for it and it's like fuck you like what do you mean like what are you not gonna let me leave if i'm like yeah yeah that's what i mean like okay like why even say that to someone they do that shit when we take my dog to the vet too or like whenever we have to order well with the dog i think they've passed the law I think pharma has even sunk its teeth I think with dogs they've passed the law it's to protect kids I've told this story before too man
Starting point is 01:13:53 I got bit by a dog in India supposedly fucking rabies is a massive problem I was in a ghetto with 3 million people you can't even believe how big this fucking ghetto is even though it's clean and safe as shit but it's massive it's all like fucking uh concrete huts on top of each other and all shit and there's a giant well in the middle of town where all the people come to and pull water out of the ground giant well giant
Starting point is 01:14:19 fucking 20 feet across in diameter kids everywhere with buckets and ropes pulling water out and i'm filming it and i step on a dog and the dog bites me and i'm and and one of the guys helped me go through the town was the local doctor in the town and he said hey dude we have to start the tetanus protocol or the rabies protocol on you i'm like really he goes yeah rabies is a huge problem in india and i go how long have you been a doctor in this town he goes 14 years i go how many rabies cases have you seen he goes zero i go eat a dick they didn't start no fucking protocol on me and whenever i tell this story there's people in the youtube comments will be like oh it's very serious there so on they'll start right no fuck not do the math it's not very serious
Starting point is 01:14:58 go ahead caleb lecture me i can tell you want to lecture me no i'm just gonna say yes it broke the skin fucking broke the skin motherfucker broke the skin i stepped on this fucking dog sleeping dog they're sleeping dogs everywhere i looked right at the dog i told myself don't step on the dog i took four steps back and i fucking stepped on the dog and he fucking bit me through my pants yeah leave those dogs alone it's got to be one of the dumbest things i've done in my life besides start the dog guest they're fucking savages dude the dogs and the cats out here fuck you magnus okay yeah i know but i'm sorry
Starting point is 01:15:39 okay so can we play this bryce mitch't want he don't want his dogs getting rabies shots Bryce Mitchell another guy that should come on this podcast I'm telling you what someone tell these guys that they would have a blast they'll like me they'll like you guys okay let's go so I made a post about Pepe and how I didn't want to give her a rabies shot because she don't have rabies and um how I needed a real doctor and real doctors have come out the woodwork to help me and to help my little doggie that I love. And man, we're not getting no damn rabies vaccine. She don't have rabies and I'm not injecting her with no shit that she don't need. And I just want to thank all of y'all so much. I mean, dozens of people message me instantly
Starting point is 01:16:27 and that's, that's God right there. And so thank you. And all the people criticizing me, y'all remind me of the Pharisees. Cause remember when Jesus healed that guy, he made the blind man see, but it was on the Sabbath and it went against the laws of the Pharisees. I don't want to abide by the laws of these medical institutions, but my dog is going to be healed. And that's all that matters is she will be healed. Hey, CEO hoodies right today. You will be so thank you.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Spoken music. You will be so fucking stoked. I cannot stop. I never wore a pullover sweatshirt now that i have these i cannot stop wearing them i even wear them i know i even wear them when they're it's too hot outside they're so fucking cool i feel so cozy in them and they're dope they're gangster this is why pullovers are better than zip-ups yeah i don't know i don't can't i don't know if i want to go there but but they're awesome hey uh spoken music um kimi post and tell me if you like it i um did you get it from vindicate or did you get it from uh life is rx i'm curious poor dog that dog's stoked dude right local but in a good way i love say that again the dog is chilling it's super relaxed um i love this story of the uh of the jesus and the pharisees i looked
Starting point is 01:17:55 it up because i just thought it was so cool i think i maybe even put a link to it do you see below it says the mountaineer so i get i guess there was a blind dude and jesus healed him on that was supposed to be the day off i guess the sabbath that god said you're not supposed to do shit and so they were going to and they were going to they were going to try to judge jesus for healing this dude well there's a and there's a yeah yeah scroll down scroll down yeah oh after you purchased the uh oh you can't do it? Oh, fuck. I've got to disable my ad blocker.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Give me a second. Anyway, your ad blocker. He's on a PC, guys. He has ad blockers. I'm using the computer you gave me. Come on. Seriously? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:40 You need ad blockers on a Mac? It's Google Chrome. Disgusting. You need ad blockers on a Mac? It's Google Chrome. Disgusting. How is the computer? It's great.
Starting point is 01:18:53 It is? It works really well. Thank you. So scroll down. I think it's highlighted, the part I wanted to read. Apart from Jesus, the Messiah, God. Oh, no, it's not. Shit. In mine, it's highlighted the part i wanted to read apart from jesus the messiah god uh oh no it's not shit in mine it was highlighted maybe it's because i searched it in mine but wait go go to the go uh good god jesus says a cool line here about why it's uh the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath therefore the son of man is also Lord of this. I can't find it anyway.
Starting point is 01:19:26 It's okay. But basically they get, they get, it was made them especially mad when, oh yeah, here it is. It made the Pharisees especially mad when Jesus told them that he was the son of God. And since God's work on, since God worked on the Sabbath,
Starting point is 01:19:40 he could too. There was a better line he said in there, though. For he who has entered his rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from his. Anyway, I can't remember. But that's a cool fucking story. Just because it's your day off doesn't mean you stop fucking doing the right thing. That's how I take it. What am I watching? It's about the bible hour with several metosian
Starting point is 01:20:08 dana white has an ass blocker you mean because his ass is so small he can get he could grow big i know i noticed his pants were a little baggy after he lost all his weight okay for the hardcore ufc fans those you before even i started watching the ufc there was a gentleman named cub swanson he has been around fucking forever and he is a magical fighter and um for me uh he was one of the first guys i ever saw using the uh spinning uh back fist backhand um on a regular basis it was kind of crazy now a bunch of dudes use it a lot but it was nuts when i used to when i first came to the usc and i would watch this dude fight he has dropped from 145 pounds to 135 pounds and he's fighting a kid named jonathan martinez who's
Starting point is 01:20:57 on a three fight win streak and this is going to be the main event uh tomorrow i believe this is the main event and this is going to be cool to watch this is going to be very cool to watch uh it's always interesting when fighters go down wait this guy is skinny can you push play on this and what you know what's interesting he didn't at the press conference he had someone else speak for him oh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on uh jeffrey birchfield jesus didn't actually break an Old Testament command. He violated the interpretations religious leaders had developed around the biblical commands of keeping the Sabbath day holy. Those damn interpretations.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Well, good. Cubs a gangster. Yes. Yes. Shredded at 135. I mean, he shredded at 145 so he didn't speak at the press conference do you guys see how good me and caleb are working together caleb plays a little music he stops i start i mean we're flowing he didn't talk at the fucking press conference he brought his friend out who's also a fighter i didn't recognize him and his
Starting point is 01:22:08 friend answered all the questions and cub just stood there with his glasses on which i think is brilliant if you're fasting brilliant go ahead go ahead caleb that was the guy that was sitting next to him like in yeah yeah super handsome dude with all the hair on his head. Yeah, yeah. Why do you think – why did you like that? When you're fasting and you're starving, when you talk, you feel it drain you. It's a trip. Talking is so fucking hard when you're fucking fasting. Hard isn't the right word.
Starting point is 01:22:42 It's stupid. You feel like you just sense it's a careless use of your energy and so you can keep all of that inside it's nuts and just stay just stay with your breathing and you just feel like a million bucks and and he had this dude just come out and answer all the questions and cub just stared at the crowd i loved it yeah that's crazy uh cub's wife is hot as shit i bet can we can we scroll his instagram and and just whatever yeah spoken got that hoodie from vindicate by the way oh he did okay i i have not got i have not seen that one yet in person so let me know how that is please if it's ass don't tell me publicly
Starting point is 01:23:23 if it's great tell me publicly oh yeah yeah yeah yeah look please. If it's asked, don't tell me publicly. If it's great, tell me publicly. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at her. Perfect. It's like portrait mode. It's like focused on him still. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Yeah. Yeah. That's dope. I wonder if that's what Kamala Harris looked like when she was young and hot. Wait, who's that giant guy he's next to? Let me see in that middle picture. Go.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Oh my God. His wife. Oh shit. Oh, I thought that was guy he's next to? Let me see in that middle picture. Oh, my God. His wife. Oh, shit. Oh, I thought that was Thor. No, Max Crosby. Oh, his wife is crazy. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Damn. Wow. God, nothing better than just a giant. Oh, he's got triplets are they triplets i guess yeah they look all the same age even an anti fake boob guy like me just can't stop the appreciation for that body that's the thing with fake boobs there's nothing you can do to stop the the the man in me not even my own intellect yeah those are beautiful kids beautiful wife he got some giant trophy oh he's in the hall of fame shit so it's been around long enough good ass life i hope it's fun you think those you don't
Starting point is 01:24:41 think those are triplets no i think i would agree that they're probably triplets uh the final thing i'd like to bring up today is um there is a podcast called the full send podcast i think those guys have trademarked the term full send and they sold a bunch of merchandise that says full send and i think they release it all the time and i've heard my nephews use that term full send like full send dude and then you just skate off a ramp or something and it's it's a it's like it's like our generations let's go can't stand all that shit anytime someone are you the one that doesn't like people saying let's go yeah let's go i couldn't think of it yeah why i don't know because i
Starting point is 01:25:22 because maybe because i'm a contrarian. Come up with your own shit. What are they saying? Fuck yeah. Get after it. Get after it. Let's get after it. Balls to the wall. Balls to the wall? Sure. Let's fucking go.
Starting point is 01:25:39 So there was a guy on the Fullstamp podcast and I do like these guys. I watched their interview with Donald Trump. It was fantastic. I watched part of their interview with Elon, and I've watched a couple of all their interviews, I think, with Dana. So that guy on the left there, which is crazy because he's the most douchey guy. These other two guys are pretty real.
Starting point is 01:26:03 This Ethiopian- looking cat and then this other backstreet boy looking dude they're they're they're just normal dudes on the show they're not trying this other guy's really trying he's like an LA type and he kind of doesn't fit in with them and I didn't realize why he was part of them but now I think I get it so since I follow all the UFC stuff, I guess Dana, I guess this guy introduced the full send guys to Dana White. And then Dana came on their podcast, right? Well, I think there's a standard fee when you introduce people to people, which is crazy. I'll tell you an interesting story. So one of my close friends introduced one of my other close friends to two guys the other day.
Starting point is 01:26:50 This is a complicated story. But basically one of my friends introduced one of our other friends to two guys, and they did a business dealing. And my friend who just did the introduction made a small fortune. production it made a small fortune just like check this out when when a car a car uh ran a a crosswalk and hit hit hit my wife she almost lost her leg had to have fucking like six surgeries seven surgeries this years ago my mom introduced my wife, to her lawyer, who's a personal injury lawyer. And my mom got 3% of the settlement just for introducing them. That's just standard business protocol. Just cool shit.
Starting point is 01:27:37 I get a piece. You get a piece. Yeah. Thanks. Thank you. I think it's totally cool. Thanks. Thank you. I think it's totally cool. And so basically – so this guy, the kind of the douchier of the guys introduced the two cooler guys to Dana, and I guess he wanted like a fee, an introductory fee, and that fee was fifty thousand dollars but if someone doesn't pay the fee if someone
Starting point is 01:28:06 doesn't pay the fee so for instance i introduced i shouldn't say this i made a connection between a couple people who made a hundred million dollar deal and i did not get a cut of it which i which i should have um uh but i but i did fine but anyway when you don't get the cut you don't complain and burn the fucking bridge and i guess this guy got super duper pissed that these two dudes uh on the right the backstreet boy and the ethiopian dude didn't pay him like 50 grand and he got pissed and went public with it. And so they kicked him off the podcast. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:28:47 and then Dana, I guess paid this dude $50,000 just to be cool and said, Hey, you're a fucking cry baby. Shut the fuck up. Yeah. What the fuck? And,
Starting point is 01:28:56 uh, paid him a 50 grand. Anyway, this guy lost his gig now on the podcast with these two dudes. I don't think anyone's going to, um, keep, keep watching this guy.
Starting point is 01:29:06 What's his name? Bob Mennery? Isn't Mennery – does that mean your period? Mennery? Menses? Menstruation? Menstruation. Isn't there like a conjugation of menstruation or menses that's Mennery?
Starting point is 01:29:20 Like menstruate? I don't know. It's a trippy name. Anyway, look at this guy saying he has a crybaby yeah so he got pissed just because someone doesn't get don't burn bridges i don't like to burn bridges dear lisa marie del rio i'd love to have you on the show again i don't want to burn any bridges oh mennery it's a nunnery for men thank you good job I know you always come uh
Starting point is 01:29:48 anyway so that's it that's the UFC show no Justin Nunley no Darian I hope I hope I did it justice I hope Caleb did it justice Caleb did his part that's for sure he does the sport voice but cusses
Starting point is 01:30:04 he does the sports voice but cusses he does the sports voice but cusses yeah it was lisa thank you thank you spiegel always coming through with the 1999 every show great work let's just stay on all day uh i i do need to do a hill or fit review show i was thinking about maybe doing it tonight. I have so many friends in town that it's hard that my nights are just like consumed. And I'm normally not a friend guy. That's what's so weird. You say,
Starting point is 01:30:36 I thought you didn't have any friends. I don't, I don't even like to do friend stuff, but Alison just moved to town. So I'm going to do shit with her today. And, uh, and Greg's still here. I want to do shit with her today. And, uh, and Greg's still here.
Starting point is 01:30:45 I want to do shit with him. And Brendan's here. Allison's husband. I'll do shit with him. He surfs and skates and all that shit. So I can take advantage of him to help have him help my, run your kids all around. Yes.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Yes. He actually texted me last night and said, I got a wetsuit. I'll take our kids out. That's awesome. Oh, there's a corn maze. I'm looking at my, that's up and running for Halloween. I should take my kids to the corn maze. You guys have cornfields out there? What the fuck? Yeah, I know. It's weird. I know. It's weird. It's a big, massive one.
Starting point is 01:31:30 if you go four miles north of my house, so I live, for those of you who don't know, I live on the western side of the North American continent, right up against the Pacific Ocean. And 70 miles north of me is San Francisco. But there's a road that runs along the coast of the Pacific Ocean along the North American continent. It's called the One. That road basically goes through my town. If I get on that One basically, I think it's called Soquel Drive or something, and I take it just four miles north of my house, all of a sudden for the next 70 miles until you get to San Francisco, it's just fucking basically farmland. Like weird kind of farmland like i don't know farmland's the right word but it's just coastal land with fucking nothing little tiny cities that might pop up here and there but it's like if you're a motorcycle rider it's a fucking dream it's like that south
Starting point is 01:32:15 too you can just jump on the one and go south fucking 300 miles to get to san luis obispo or some shit and it's just the most beautiful road you could ever fucking imagine with the greatest camping on the planet. We got stuck on the one one time when I was a kid. Oh, shit. Where? Where were you? We were driving from Monterey to Vandenberg.
Starting point is 01:32:39 South. Wow. Yeah, that's bumfuck. I mean, it's beautiful, but there's just nothing there. It was horrible. There's justfuck. I mean, it's beautiful, but there's just nothing there. It was horrible. There's just fucking stuff. What kind of car? A Toyota Camry, I think. I think it was a Toyota Camry.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Cars used to break down. Yeah, yeah. It was me and my mom. I don't even know if my brother was born yet, but I think it was just me and my mom driving down from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. And we were just stuck on the one. We had taken a wrong turn.
Starting point is 01:33:10 So we were already pissed because we had to take that. It was going to take like an extra hour and a half to get down to Lompoc. And then our car like overheated. Lompoc. Holy shit. What a shit hole. How old were you? Probably six. Six years probably six six years old
Starting point is 01:33:27 seven years old it was horrible did not enjoy that where I where I live in California I'm surrounded by farmland where I live Beaver has a brother
Starting point is 01:33:42 yeah I do have a brother is he single yes but he's gay no oh might be too young for you i'm sorry might be what? Too young? Yeah. Actually, he's not that young. I just found this. I haven't watched this, but I'm going to share it with you guys because I know a little bit about this guy. There's this guy who's like a fucking YouTube fucking sensation during the pandemic. If you haven't seen Dr. John Campbell on YouTube, you must like, I don't know what the fuck.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Where you been? He is. He's like, i bet you he made a fucking killing on youtube and he basically would go through and just analyze covid for the last two years and just pull up paper after paper after paper and talk to you in a very calm voice and in the beginning he said a lot of shit that i just was like dude you're missing the point like he was being too nice and too gentle and like he was like he was supposed to be like the grandfatherly um sober voice in the entire uh covid conversation and they never banned him or anything he was fucking everywhere i bet she has millions of subscribers i bet she has millions of subscribers. I bet she has over. Do you see him on YouTube? Uh, uh,
Starting point is 01:35:07 uh, Mr. Beaver. Let me, let me look at his, uh, we'll look him up afterwards, but I've heard, I heard rumors of this,
Starting point is 01:35:15 that he flipped the script. Finally, that now he's seen something and he's like, he wasn't, I wouldn't say before he was pro vaccine, but, but he was okay with the vaccine. Now it looks like Dr.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Seem Malhorta who's coming on the show in a couple of weeks here for the second time. Yeah. Yeah. I pause and explain what the speed of science means. Oh, holy shit. You saw what that lady said that we were moving at the speed of science.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Is she, how do you not wonder when she says that shit, what do people think? Dude, we were moving at the speed of science. Is she? How do you not wonder when she says that? What do people think? Is she a poet laureate bitch? Stay in your lane. I don't even like that line. When she said that, I cackled.
Starting point is 01:36:00 I could not believe that was the term. That was the phrase that she used. OK, here we go. Let's see what what what Dr. John Campbell. Now, this guy's this guy guy i don't want to say he's pro vaccine but he was but i'll say he's pro vaccine but now let's see what he says remember representatives of the uk government who've now been made into dames and knights and all sorts of things emphatically telling us that everything that was normally done in any clinical trial was done during these trials. They gave us their word about this. And let's hope that this doesn't turn out to be
Starting point is 01:36:30 less than accurate. But let's look at some of the information that's now been revealed today. And you can probably tell some of us aren't very happy about this. Yeah, I've never seen them like this. Miss Small. Regarding the question around um did we know about stopping the immunization before i entered the market no and there the word she said the word no now this is my interpretation of this because this is only me um covid phaser vaccine was not tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market this was not done did you guys hear that it was not i mean but but i knew this i was reading the fine print
Starting point is 01:37:13 yes there were people like biden and other people who were saying it stops transmission in the head of the cdc but you could find where they never claimed it would stop transmission that they didn't know and it was funny because that's what i had a conversation with a doctor about it and they were like well that's not what they were they weren't they weren't saying that it was gonna stop transmission i'm like yes that's what they weren't but all the politicians were saying yes everybody was saying it stops transmission but all the politicians were pushing that they were saying it does stop they were just lying that's how it was touted ever since we could create it yeah and now so if it doesn't stop transmission that means that every single person that said you should take this to protect someone else was we're at the 50 yard line i do live off of socal
Starting point is 01:38:07 all right oh that's interesting oh yeah i'll let the gas lighting begin i do live um i live in socal actually believe it or not i live up in the country just right up as soon as you get up off the beach i'm in the country peacocks and donkeys and shit okay here we go before vaccine before the vaccine entered general rollout despite us being assured that everything all the normal stages were carried out as they would be for any new product and yet it turns out now we know what however long it is now later two years later or whatever this wasn't done this really but and those are that that's why i always struggled with him because he he was he was missing that he in in it before he was same thing with joe rogan all those people were talking and they were missing they were missing
Starting point is 01:38:55 that he is i think this is really quite scandalous and i certainly feel personally let down by i'm sure a lot of you do. Ms. Small, again, you know we had to really move at the speed of science. Now, what I'd like to do now is pause and explain to you exactly what the speed of science means. But I haven't got a flipping clue. I do know not what it is. It's just words without meaning. The speed of science is just words without meaning. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:39:27 So what happens there, and this is the mechanism i've been trying to share with you this is the same thing with the racism when she says we moved at the speed of science she's hoping you guys will go into your heads and interpret what she means she wants you to interpret she wants a pass that's what the entire blm movement was that's what the whole george floyd thing was they wanted a pass they wanted you to go into your head and spin a narrative yeah it's just filler and then as human beings this the mechanism of the brain is we go into our head instead of saying she didn't say anything because we lack confidence we interpret what they said and make up our own understanding because we're not humble enough to be like hey that didn't fucking make sense or i didn't understand that it's like saying and stuff yeah like that it's
Starting point is 01:40:10 vague and not specific and doesn't make any sense and that's why i'm the greatest interviewer who ever lived because i'm humble enough to say i don't know because i'm i'm so great because i'm humble huh what's that supposed to mean what's it what's it supposed to convey just has no meaning to me at all unless i'm a bit stupid of course and see that's exactly what i would say too yeah makes no meaning to me unless i'm stupid tell me yeah he's fucking crushing it you've missed more watch come on the channel and explain it then that's absolutely fine of course they want you to go into your head and just make up your own rationale. Because you don't have the balls to say, I'm sorry, what does gender mean?
Starting point is 01:40:49 I don't know what that means. And no matter what they say, you should keep saying, I don't get it. I don't get it. Can you point to it? I see Caleb's hat. What gender is Caleb's hat? Does Caleb's hat have a gender? I don't see it.
Starting point is 01:41:06 Don't make up your own shit unless you're a fucking fiction writer maybe i'm just being a bit thick here and i don't understand what the speed of science is but um i've done two two science degrees and a research degree and i've never heard the term. Anyway, I always need to learn new things. I've only been doing science since I was 18. Let the apologies pour out. It's fucking amazing, right? They're not coming.
Starting point is 01:41:42 They don't give a shit. All right, ladies and gentlemen. On Monday, I know we have Don Fall. I'm excited about that. Tomorrow, we have Philip Kelly. Oh, tomorrow we have Philip Kelly, CrossFitter, Survive from COVID. Oh, we got a bunch of CrossFit stuff coming up.
Starting point is 01:41:57 On the 16th, we have Ricard Long. It's our affiliate show. He's the owner of an affiliate. And then on the 17th we have don fall then the 18th we have the rogue prediction show with brian friend and john young then on um wednesday the 19th we have brad ghost coming on he's the writer of mike hunt yes i can't wait for that show a best-selling author has written over 100 books. Yeah, it's going to be good.
Starting point is 01:42:31 All right. Caleb, thank you. Everyone, thank you. Bailey, Heidi, Eric, Vindicate, Miss Radau, Clock Cutter, all you guys, Eric Weiss, Jeff Bako, I don't know where he went, Kyle Landis, Jeremy World, guys eric weiss jeff bako i don't know where he went kyle landis jeremy world uh buttfucker 3000 buttfucker 3000 oh shit and it's justin berg's photo holy shit wow wow buttfucker 3000 that is amazing i think that that might be a CrossFit HQ employee how does someone know to
Starting point is 01:43:08 do that wow alright Magnus always fun why not have a motorcycle show one day you have several bikes I do but I don't I don't know shit about them I don't even ride them motorcycles are

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