The Sevan Podcast - #635 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: October 19, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh fuck bam always live uh you're killing me savvy i understand i just my notes it's too it's too much it's too many notes it's too many notes it's just it's it's it's it's like there's too much shit content for the live calling show i gotta i have to i i i want to be just hanging out chatting with matt on the phone eating popcorn i don talking about how we're going to take over the world. Sometimes you just got to do shit. Soccer Mom, good seeing you in the morning. Awesome. No problem.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Tomorrow's going to be a fun show in the morning. Tony Andrews. WZNick. Wow. Wadzombie. Wadzombie, zombie don't do it it's the downfall of all the meme guys no one likes it no one likes to know who the meme guy is never do it i'm telling you don't do it it was the downfall of our other mean guy you never want to come out we got to get rumble fix mr suza i know i don't know that yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:01:07 we got to get rumble fixed look at you you're about to make an excuse and you're like uh-uh i was because i was i was gonna say that all our shows are on rumble they're just not they're just not live on rumble the setting for whatever reason work but they're on there uh too late for this my fiance and i have to get to fucking all right aust, Austin, you do you, uh, Oh mom, that was not me swearing. He wrote that. Jeff Baker, Ace and Gary, AKA seven and Sousa phone. Um, after we did the show, uh, you said, Oh shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. I didn't even have the number up there i know um uh
Starting point is 00:01:47 shit actually i'm doing a podcast for next two hours um um after after the show you said a question that you were going to ask don that i was like fuck thank god you didn't let ask it but i was thinking today in the shower while i was scrubbing my nuts that if the group it'll make you a hero and people will be like thinking i'm a complete jackass and a pussy so why don't you oh wait hold on hold on this isn't fair because i i asked a ton of them so you're gonna have to add some brand value to the suza off the piggy step on my shoulders suza and i live on your shoulders i live there what do you mean step on my shoulders and and sit that ass on my head and tell them i mean it was really a good
Starting point is 00:02:42 question it just scares the shit out of me just the one about the who owns the company yeah i mean that's pretty much after we went off the air and it's me and and bill and and uh and uh the the commentator guy brian brian and uh and caleb beaver we were on afterwards and suzy goes um suzy had this idea so he's like i wanted to ask who's had a whole shitload of questions he dumped on us and grunler's just egging him on yeah good job suza yeah yeah yeah brian's like he was he was taking me on well let's hear that question well i promise we'll get this question out next time but this shit scares the shit out of me this is like okay go ahead basically it just comes down to a couple of things about the long-term direction of the company.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And the real question is, what is the board going to use to measure Don's success? How much access to capital does the board have? Meaning access to money to do different things. How do they plan to allocate that? And meaning, what are they going to put their money towards? And can Don actually make those decisions? Like does he have autonomy or is he just – is he there as a central – like a forward-facing CEO but really can't pull the trigger on some of these ideas if he wants to execute on them?
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, and that's just the beginning. That's just fucking Mr. Sousa pulling out his chisel and just slowly. And I agree, there's a ton to ask, but I also I want him to come back on the show. I think it's really early to start asking him some fucking like hard questions. That's what I agree with that too. but but but i but i'm doing the 60 like it's your mom um check your dm7 if you tune out of content dude i live in my dms just like you promised a love line with danielle brandon trust me it's coming buddy trust me buddy it's coming she's nice to us in the text she's nice she is she's very nice you can drag it as long. But you always say the questions are scary or the best ones. I agree.
Starting point is 00:04:49 But I need to. That's a great point, Dick. I need to. Great point, Dick. We have to build the trust of them a little bit. We have to give him some time. Yeah. Victor, hi.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Hello. Yo, what's up? What's up, player? Going on, pal. How you doing? I'm good. I was thinking about what a... What a what? I was thinking about what a chicken shit Noriega is. Did you, from that show, drink champs? I just... Do you know that show?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah, I watched the guy that came on your show. I know who Nori is. Yeah, well, the guy who came on my show is cool as shit, but I'm looking at this stuff with Kanye, and this guy Noriega is apologizing, and he's like, when Kanye's on there, he's like, you know me, I'm the realest nigga. You know me, I'm the realest. niggas You know me I'm the realest
Starting point is 00:05:45 I'm real as fuck I love you yay I And he's just slurring And just a fucking mess And now he's apologizing He should apologize For not being the realest
Starting point is 00:05:56 Cause he's not the realest And he should apologize For apologizing He's a fucking Yeah he should apologize For putting on a front Like he did when he was younger. Yeah, he's...
Starting point is 00:06:06 Him and Capone used to put on a front like they were the hardest. I think Capone actually was a hard guy. He was locked up real time. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Sousa probably knows. Here's the thing. You have all sorts of fucking people coming on your show who make a living about fucking hoes and shooting people in the street. You, once you see, like,
Starting point is 00:06:28 you don't get to apologize about anything now. Like nothing. I mean, you're pretty cross for one. Yeah. Forget about it. Yeah. Forget about it. You know, as soon as I heard your accent, it made me all hard. That's why I wanted to bring up Noriega. I just heard your voice and I was like, yeah, you're ready to rock some stuff. Hey, Susan, how was the trip? Did you go to Rome? I did.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah, it was amazing. Beautiful. Get a little cacho or pepe like I told you? That's right. I sure did. Akake and his pepe? Cacho or pepe. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Oh, man. There you go, Seve. That's it. I didn't know. Listen. Listen, Seve. Oh, man. After the show, I told Brian, a friend, I said, hey, I didn't want to be like the rest of the guys and just start slobbing on his knob. And Brian's like, you definitely had your hand in his pants. Yeah, you were stroking a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:33 All right. That's fair. I'll take it. I'll take it. I'll take it. Victor keeps it real. That's all right. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:07:38 All right. Hey, that's all I wanted to call. Great job. Great get. Keep it going. You guys are the best. Okay, bye. Thank you. You're the man. Thank you. All the Rebel Rockers and Gangster Raptors
Starting point is 00:07:49 are now establishment puppets. Mooney. I like the way that guy looks right there. That guy is has a Korean dad and a white mom. I'm good at that ethnicity thing and I'm good at dogs. That's a uh terrier a yorkshire terrier and a great dane and i don't know how they fucked
Starting point is 00:08:11 i fluff for a living i'm a professional fluffer that's for sure well but it's sincere it's sincere i did my research i didn't touch any parts of his dick i didn't want to touch that i wasn't interested in touching. And I don't think you treated him any nicer or welcomed him more than any other guest that we normally have on the show. Like we said all the time, this is our living room and we want our guests to feel comfortable. We want them to feel open in conversation. We want them to have a good time. And we hopefully want to add some value to the listeners and to the viewers. And I think we touched on all those points.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I mean, you remember when Joe Rogan had on the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, at the time? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't see that. But I saw after Jack Dorsey had retired and Jack Dorsey backpedaled and Joe let him backpedal. Well, it was just like that. Like when he came on the first time everybody was like joe you needed to do this and you didn't ask him this and you didn't push the hard questions and he was like he came on and i treated him like every guest that i normally do and i didn't have
Starting point is 00:09:13 some agenda or i didn't want to put him into gotcha questions i'd let the conversation flow and when a couple hard questions popped up during that time um i asked them and sorry it wasn't what everybody you know was hoping we'd pounce on them but that was never the plan anyways and that's never the plan with any of our guests ever thank you uh look at i said he was korean uh and and white but listen native american and mexican and you know native americans are basically asians that just got that just fucking got lost down alaska and through north america into south america are. That is what they are. They're just Chinese people who fucking just went on a long-ass walk. And Mexicans are those people who got raped by Spaniards.
Starting point is 00:09:55 So I'm going to give myself a credit. Ethnicity credit. Thank you. Not even close. Eat a dick. Okay. I already broke the rule of not swearing tonight. know what he means i know what he means like jeffrey birchfield jeffrey birchfield with the double unders show off okay enough of this nonsense uh trevor noah tanks the daily show trevor noah went on the daily show he's
Starting point is 00:10:20 so incredibly woke he's so incredibly racist you guys have all seen it all he's a fucking liar he pushed the propaganda of COVID. He's gone from The Daily Show. Who will they pick? God knows who. But maybe it's time for The Daily Show to go away, go woke, or go broke. He went from being funny to being an idiot, just like his buddy Colbert, who also is tanking. And Bill Maher actually woke up and his audience grew and
Starting point is 00:10:48 Gutfield and Fox are exploding, whether you like them or not. And Tucker Carlson most watched show on on cable. These are just the facts. And don't get me wrong. You have President Trump on one hand, who is morbidly obese and instead and brought introduced us to the injection and instead of saying work out he he he he shows off that all the drugs work insane and then i don't know what to say about this new guy i mean he's just i don't know i have nothing i say he did he also said that you um never mentioned anything about working out ironically uh marjorie taylor green um uh who supposedly who they can't stop lying about on the left she she came out and said hey uh crossfit is is the cure to the world's most vexing problem and and ironically you know who also got beat up for that shit
Starting point is 00:11:39 was cuomo uh um chris cuomo from cnn also a guy who takes care of his health, worked out a lot. He showed himself doing some CrossFit shit. And instead of being the left being like, good job, buddy. And even the right, I saw Fox attack him for working out, like probably on Gutfeld or something or Tucker. And it's just annoying. It's like, it's beyond annoying stuff though. Or was that like before? Before. Before. Okay. Okay. It's weird that they do that.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And that's what goes back to the question that I asked Don, saying like, hey, if we start to, if we, meaning the CrossFit community or CrossFit at HQ, starts to really spread the message of the methodology, the message of the methodology, are they prepared for the pushback that's going to come from the media narrative? Because just saying like, Hey, you need to take care of yourself and eat right. There's a whole, like you're fat shaming, you know, whatever, uh, what do they call it where you're, you know, body shaming and that type of stuff. So there's a lady who has some viral videos that if you say that, um, eating donuts is a bad for you, that you're that you're a racist because that's a that's a that's a food of the black culture, black skin culture. I swear to God, that's like the most violent shit you could say towards melanated people. Justifying. I mean, don't get me wrong. There's tons of people of every color doing that dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:13:01 But OK, now this is probably not the place to go uh dear bill and katie or uh perfect i promise i'll never say anything that's polarizing on my show i need a commercial i need someone who wants to run a 90 second commercial every show or 60 second commercial in the middle so i can take a piss break. You know who else I really want to try their shoes is Tyr. Am I saying them right? T-Y-R? Yeah, Tyr. T-Y-R. Can I bring them up? Yeah. I like
Starting point is 00:13:34 them because Colton likes them. Well, we're already fans of Colton's a fan. Yeah, if Colton's a fan, I'm a fan. That's an easy. Should I bring up the website or do you want to see their Instagram? Oh, can we get Colton on too? Can you add him to the list even though he's not going to Rogue, right? He got like canceled.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Like he did something wrong. I mean, he took responsibility for it. He did something wrong. He didn't like put a collar on a weight or something. No, I just thought it was funny the way you phrased it. He got canceled. Let me bring up the website here. Here's the problem. Yes, I'm fat and black or yes i'm fat and black but that the thing is is it's not we should stop calling people fat
Starting point is 00:14:12 we should call them uh basically drug addicts addicted to refined carbohydrates and killing themselves suicidal you know what you might um you might like that like this i was thinking about an analogy earlier and you know how when you're younger especially like a boy and they say, if you keep hanging out with those boys and doing those things, there's two paths, you're either going to end up dead or in jail. Yeah. Right. And like, you always have those friends that like take it to the extreme, you know, like when they show up and they like throw a rock at something, they like break a window and you know, like they, you, you like talk about beating some kids up and they like bring their parents gun to school. Well, that, that was extreme, but you get the point point like they're always taking it to the next level we've seen that you and i
Starting point is 00:14:47 both seen that with kids bring that yeah i've seen that too i'll move that for a second i don't think that's extreme but i was thinking i was thinking about it and you see people on the same path that are addicted to processed foods and refined carbohydrates in the in the unfortunately they're supported but they're no better than heroin addicts. Well, there's only two paths they're going to end up in. There's two paths. They're going to end up dead for sure. Or you're going to, or you're going to end up in a nursing home, not able to take care of yourself. And unfortunately we're kind of, I, I spoke about my aunt that was going through health issues before when, you know, she had all this fluid buildup and these blisters in her legs because of her diabetes and she wasn't taking care of
Starting point is 00:15:27 herself. And now essentially she's being bought into like comfort care and to like, which is a half step all the way to hospice. And that's the same as like, that's prison, right? And her next step is going to end up pass away. And so when you have people that are going down that path with a sedentary lifestyle, addicted to processed carbohydrates and eating a ton of sugar, the teacher should literally say the same thing. Hey, if you keep doing that, hanging around that group of people, you have two options. You're going to end up in the nursing home or dead. And ultimately they lead to the same place. So same thing when you see those kids hanging out and they're starting to get into
Starting point is 00:16:00 more of their street life or doing things that, you know, selling drugs, doing all this and that, you're going to say, Hey, you got two paths. You're going to end up in jail or you're going to end up dead. It's like, you could see the path that's in front of them just by the, just by their lifestyle in their mid twenties, mid twenties, early thirties. And they're going to spend their life defending their shitty lifestyle and not being happy. Yep. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not condone, nor do I, Ladies and gentlemen, I do not condone, nor do I. What's the opposite of condone?
Starting point is 00:16:28 Caleb? Caleb? Caleb? What's the opposite mean? Antonym? Is that a word? Antonym? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Condone. I don't condone or. Condemn? No. Condemn. Thank you. No, no, no, no. Is that right? That's right. Yeah. I don't condone or condemn. No. Condemn. Thank you. No, no, no, no. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:16:49 That's right. Yeah. Condemn. Condemn. Yeah. I don't condone or. Condemn. What I did today, but I woke up this morning. I slept in an hour because Don came on late.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I did the podcast. When I came out, my kids were finishing their piano lesson with their grandmother double tick piano lesson time with the old folks uh family i mean family members i then then we went out to the garden and we planted some crop that my mom has a plant outside during the winter so that it helps rebuild the soil who cares the kids like it i then took the kids to the skate park where there were three fucking gangster motherfuckers there like just just fucking these white dudes with tats all over their place and a guy who was like probably 20 a guy who's 40 and a guy who's 60 and they're all skateboarding nice as shit to my kids but just ratty motherfuckers darn it this
Starting point is 00:17:41 my vocabulary is out the door today and um, um, and, and they were so nice to my kids and my kids skated and, uh, and, and Joseph made some, uh, really remarkable ground today. Then I went and played, uh, I went to the tennis courts with my kids again, and I played tennis with them for two hours. And then my wife came and played tennis with them for an hour. And I went home. And when I got home, um, I took one of the kids with me and I worked out really, really, really hard. And halfway through the workout, Ari said to me, please pull up my Instagram, uh, father, I want to do something with you. So of course I'm inside. I'm pissed. I hate being interrupted by my workouts. And normally I do not allow it,
Starting point is 00:18:20 but he was the only boy with me. I sucked up took a few deep breaths and i said oh you want to do something with me boy and he said yeah and this is what i did with ari bam sound please sound 589 591 592 593 595 597
Starting point is 00:18:54 598 690 699 600 Now you know Now you know Do not Do not Do not
Starting point is 00:19:08 Interrupt me when I'm working out Taught him Interrupt me when I'm working out We did 300 air squats each That's awesome So at 113 he was done At 113 and I just Ignored him like he complained
Starting point is 00:19:23 And then he, and then he just came back to life and he did the next way. We need the next 450. Like no problem. It was crazy. Yeah. He's a stud. I don't know if you were counting,
Starting point is 00:19:35 but I did over a thousand. Fine. Fine. Of course you did. I think that's from a movie. That's a movie quote. Um, so yeah, I wasn't actually doing air squats.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I was just raising the camera up and down to give the motion like I was doing the air squat. And then after that, I took the boys to jujitsu. And then after that, I took them swimming for free swimming at the pool where I swim with them. There's nothing better than it's a warm pool by my air. It's 88 degrees. The deepest section is five feet. And so the kids just hang all over me for 30 minutes. I just love it. And then I brought them home.
Starting point is 00:20:11 My mom's feeding them, and I'm here talking to you guys. I know. I'm such a boss. I can't even believe it. But good luck. So we want Tira as a sponsor. Beautiful shoes. And I bet you Pat Vellner has really wide feet.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And I have really wide feet. So if they work for Pat, they must work for me. And God knows Colton's feet are probably wider than they are long. Do they not have... Oh, there we go. Footwear. I was going to say, do they not even have the shoes on there? Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Sign up? No, never mind fine tier we love you congratulations on being oh they're sold out all their shit I love it I want shit that's sold out oh those are the ones I like those CXT1 trainers yeah
Starting point is 00:20:58 if they're wide the white and red or the white and gum listen tier or anyone who's gonna send me a free pair of these if they're not wide don't send them to me because i would hate for me to put them on and hate you for it so if they're not why just let me keep just jerking you off and begging for shoes don't send me anything oh my goodness oh my goodness you fucking dickhead i'm 50 i'm 50 my shirt off swimmer i'm 50 i don't let my kids see any of that insecurity you i'm so uncomfortable with my shirt off i take my shirt off and i walk around the pool so everyone can see how fat i am to show my kids that i'm secure you know fat
Starting point is 00:21:42 number 15 flat earth this is bryce mitchell he's ufc fighter i'd love to get him on the show he's a trip i thought it was interesting that we had a flat earther on uh and i don't even want to call him a flat earther because we talked to him and it doesn't sound like he's sold on it we talked to a really open guy the other day brent steffensen a bunch about a bunch of topics but um uh this is this is pretty funny we play like 30 or 40 seconds of this susan the timing's crazy hey i'm here to call out joe rogan for talking crap about me and talking crap about my mama he's been doing it for too long me and my mama will tell you right now this earth is flat it ain't moving around at no 600 something
Starting point is 00:22:25 thousand miles an hour spinning a thousand miles an hour and floating through the universe constantly okay this earth is flat it's fixed and the stars and stuff rotate around us the sun rotates around us okay and i can prove that i would love to debate you joe rogan because i'm tired of you making fun of flat earthers and if you're so confident come on and debate me buddy because i'm tired of this crap you're posting you want to post a video today um about a mathematician that says the universe is local but it ain't real what does that mean? That's a bunch of mumbo jumbo friends, brother. And the guy's holding a trident in the picture.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Okay, okay, enough of this. I'm not doing the devil talk. The devil talk. In denial of the devil. Interesting. Okay, number 16. By the way, great fighter, and he's fighting soon. He is really a fun guy.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I would send you a link, but I could never get you off once I got you on. Chase Ingram. The fact that this guy's accent and attire and argument, the flatter is hilarious to begin with. Don't judge him. I was in the middle of listening to your podcast earlier and I was like, I wonder what's on YouTube. I'm like, Oh, it's Devon and Suza again. I would send you a link, but it would be career, career suicide. You are going to try to host the,
Starting point is 00:24:04 you are going to try to commentate the games this year, right? That's true. I'd like to keep that gig if possible. Yeah, this show is going to get wily. We're just warming up. Yeah, I just want to see if this phone number actually works. Good job today, boys. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Thank you. Thank you. Later. Bye. I'll commit career suicide later. Okay, bye. Bye. Chasing a man amongst boys Okay
Starting point is 00:24:29 Let's go to 16 Ideological fanatics This is really cool And not just the fact that she made sure she showed Two inches of cleavage and has a crazy filter on But Listen to what she says
Starting point is 00:24:45 this is actually pretty cool and and we'll talk about this when she's done the tyrants didn't create the tyranny your obedience did the government wasn't masking your children you were so let's remember that the next time they try to pull some – like who just did with trying to find people for spreading the truth? Do not comply. Vote red. The end. So you've heard me talk about this. There's so much talk now about the victims, the people who were tricked.
Starting point is 00:25:33 We didn't know. Are they victims or are they accomplices? Maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe I should be more like Don Fall and just look forward. I really like how he looks forward. People say that, but it's true, man. Either way, as long as that's, that's some like, uh, um, real hardcore personal accountability and personal responsibility. She's talking about, they didn't, they didn't mask your kids.
Starting point is 00:25:52 You mask them. I would say the most important thing is what are they going to do with that information now? And how will they react next time? Hung up. That was a forward thought there that I just had. Yeah. One more time.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I was just saying what – now what are they going to do with that information and how will they act next time? The information that they just heard from that lady basically no just information in general that you know all the bullshit that was spread by all the media and all the politicians that and then they were you know fired people got lost their jobs due to misinformation's doctor lost their license and it turned out that they were the ones spreading the misinformation the whole entire time and really harmful misinformation very harmful uh beyond harmful disgusting uh spiegel had spiegel no hot topics tonight i guess he won't address gee's removal of rogue no shit it will happen i don't know we'll talk about it tomorrow okay uh number 17, honesty. We're on a roll. Yeah, I'm going to jam. Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Don't spell out street. Just 10% off. Use the code SEVON. And then once you've had your coffee, go over to Code SEVON. Get on the train. don't or don't oh my goodness did you see that there's a fifth booster and they're concerned because only seven percent of the people in los angeles have taken it
Starting point is 00:27:42 it i'm surprised there's that much i I hope I have a clip for it. A fifth booster. Dude. Five shots in two years. Who is taking these shots? Do you know anyone who has all four? No, I don't. I know most people that
Starting point is 00:27:59 got the first two. I think we know a lot and we're just in denial. I think we just don't want to know. I think 80% of the people at your gym dude oh i mean i'm sure yeah i'm sure there's a large portion of them that got it but a lot of the people that at least been vocal about it with me were like hey i got on board with the first two and then they were pushing this third one and now we're finding out those first two didn't even work like i'm fucking done with that why would i believe anything they say i'm not putting it didn't work that's a gentle way of saying it didn't work by the way you we all paid for that by the way oh bruce bruce bruce bruce you're you're uh nice
Starting point is 00:28:36 shirt savvy should have had it on while doll was on will plumber standby okay play this clip i couldn't i can't next time i'll have this next time i'll have this on with don i promise okay i'll fight that what do you think you'd be i'd definitely be a diabetic if you would fight that what do you think you'd be i'd definitely be a diabetic i mean what a great public service message hey dude you're gonna be a diabetic. Yeah. Will Plummer, go ahead, please.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I keep coming back to this question in my head. I remember when you came to like the podcast the first time, all you could wait for is to get the 500 and you're like 500 episodes. I'm done. I'm over it at 500. When did that change? I think, um, I actually have a thing to save you here. Go ahead. Cause it wasn't, it wasn't actually in the discussions that you and I had, it wasn't actually 500 episodes.
Starting point is 00:29:34 That was just kind of like a random carrot we threw out there. It was an, it was an honest metric of let's go all in for three years, then look up and address the situation, see where we are and then make, well, he is, I think, but I did say, I had some temper tantrums. I remember early on, all in for three years then look up and address the situation see where we are and then make well he is i think but i did say i had some temper tantrums i remember early on like when i was finding my way in the show i'm like i'm fucking like and i get i'll still get like this during
Starting point is 00:29:54 a long series of games shit where like it's like uh four days into the games i want to blow my brains out i'm like okay i'm done i cannot well i cannot just watch footage like this and come back here while my wife's taking my kids out i feel like i'm missing out on life but um it's a great question will i i'm sure i think it was just to leverage my ego just to like manipulate myself i don't um i think i do that a lot. Like, like, uh, if I'm going to ride my bike 25 miles, I'll put a something 12 miles away, like a target with coffee. Yeah. And then I can stop and get a car. I think it was kind of like that or like today, you know what I did today? I was, I was, I was going to ride the assault bike for 60 minutes and, um, and hit 90 RPMs every minute.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Right. And then, and then slow down as slow as I want to just hit 90 RPMs every minute, right? And then slow down as slow as I wanted. Just hit 90 RPMs and slow down and do that every minute. But at the 30-minute mark, I had a cup of water with a shitload of creatine and arginine in it. So that at the 30-minute mark, I could drink that as a treat. Oh, God. I heard it. Raw creatine?
Starting point is 00:31:04 I shook it in water. Yeah, it tastes disgusting. Do you do that when you drink those? No, no, no. I shake it up, and someone sent me a shaker, like the Gaines box, or someone sent me a shaker. By the way, I have a small shaker, and a small shaker, it's the first shaker I've ever owned, and it's tiny, and it's plastic, and I fucking hate it. I need someone to suggest me. I need a glass.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I don't use plastic. I'm a fucking dirt twirler i need like a glass thick glass big holds 16 ounces of milk so it needs to be a 20 ounce shaker because you need four ounces of room to fucking jerk that thing off anyway well um now to tell you the truth it's funny i was actually thinking the other day i hear all these things about like people who like like when i was researching don it took pinterest for two years was in the dumps and then it fucking took off and so when i hear like that i start to get really excited about my show and i'm like thinking oh i can't wait to get to a thousand one of the other metrics though that i think susan did say is i was planning on hitting
Starting point is 00:32:09 500 shows in uh susan i figured we would do it in august of 2023 yeah we had no idea we were going to hit 500 that fast i didn't i mean i'd warned him that i'm a bit obsessive compulsive but i didn't it's really gotten out of control. So then stemming that to today's conversation with Don, like, I guess this is for both you and Matt. When when do we need to see change like from CrossFit or when do we need to see this plan start in action? Because I think there was one red flag. There was one red flag in today's show in that regards. When he said, we need to see metrics to make sure what we're doing is working.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Those were the people who said that, who came to CrossFit late in the game, who fucked CrossFit up. It was that mentality. Because when you're fucking running gun gangster media, you just make good. You just have people out there making really good shit and by good i mean compelling i'm not talking about vignettes and and and and um uh shallow depth of field and perfect lighting and color correction i fucking hate this shit my video is done but i haven't color corrected it yet hey you're talking about four iphones filming a competition live stream and you guys are talking over it the whole time yeah i though i am concerned because actually better
Starting point is 00:33:34 than that's too too shitty i'm not talking about that shitty easy will easy i am concerned about the zello games because we do not have the internet speed to pull off what we want to pull off and i am a little concerned either way it'll be funny and fun yeah but i but i know someone like brian's gonna have a fucking meltdown if the video is all like stuttery and shit but um uh i i am i am the the wondering about metrics is not uh he's saying that because that that's the old that that's the new way of thinking or that's the corporate way of thinking um to spend money we never did that at crossfit we did the right things for the right reasons for the right people it's just like and there's
Starting point is 00:34:16 this confusion there was this camp of people like um uh marsden and ian wittenberg who they thought that the most impactful videos that moved the metrics and got people to into CrossFit were the videos that had 5,000 views and were the games. But that wasn't true. It was the video that you did of someone losing a hundred pounds that, and that only got 31,000 views that really moved the needle. Cause though,
Starting point is 00:34:42 look at this, Will, look at this. Will you pull up the games documentary they just released for free? Have you seen the comments on there? That thing, by the way, I watched the first two minutes of it
Starting point is 00:34:53 and it's fucking beautiful. Hats off to Mariah Oldroyd or Mariah Moore. I forget her name. Mariah. Which one is it? I know her name is Mariah But
Starting point is 00:35:06 There's this new YouTube The next gen CrossFit The next gen and if you look at the Fucking comments it just shows you Game shit attracts Retards All the games comment Attracts all the stupidest fucking people
Starting point is 00:35:24 In the world. Yeah. Do you know what it is? All my friends who just strictly married, um, women and were attracted to women strictly for their looks. Everything fucking went sideways. All of them,
Starting point is 00:35:36 a hundred percent. All you fucked up. I see it now. I'm sorry. I hate to call you out. You're fucked. You are. And I see it. I'm sorry about all the
Starting point is 00:35:46 divorces and the fact that you're cheating on her and she's cheating on you. And that, because you should have just looked at maybe one or two other qualities besides just their looks. You shouldn't have worried about what other people thought you should have gone after the girl you wanted. That's what the CrossFit games is. It's just the exterior. It's just a pretty girl it's just a handsome boy in the end all that really matters is earning potential fuck the looks okay start at the top i want to read a couple of these goes this is actually just the trailer oh that i pulled up but okay well the movie the movie's for free now and it's just like it's just negative comment after negative comment. I tried to – hold on. Give me one.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Don't worry about it. I'm over it. Ripping on CrossFit. It's okay. It's okay, Susan. Say that again. Like just ripping on CrossFit? Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:32 People, yes. Just ripping on CrossFit because they have no clue what they're talking about. Someone at the gym that I work at posted a video of a girl getting her first butterfly pull-ups, stringing them together. And some Joe Schmo goes, what are those pull-ups? And I like basically did the whole, well, if you look at it, you're doing it for power and efficiency and like said this long explanation. He goes, oh, okay, well, CrossFit's not for me. I just like tearing myself up in the gym.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Like tone completely changed when you like hit them with like actually the explanation behind it those people are as stupid as like um uh let's let's say let's say if we started making fun of people who threw a ball forward because we only slam a ball on the ground crossfitters would never be like baseball's stupid they throw the ball forward you surely throw the ball up or throw the ball down that's how stupid those people are yeah i mean and and really even if they were that stupid you think they'd have at least a little bit of wisdom to shut the fuck up because obviously something good is happening over there yeah god i don't act like a guy who's just drinking 50 decaf i'm surprised you had a coffee tonight you were saying that you were cutting back to
Starting point is 00:37:44 i really threw in a lot of decaf in the beans in the paper street tonight. I almost had one too, but I couldn't. Hey, my back hasn't been hurting when I wake up in the morning. It's like the first time in years. I'm like probably 20 days without my back hurting. I realized that this morning when I woke up. Probably that strength training you're doing. Oh, maybe.
Starting point is 00:38:04 That's a really good point. I'm trying to think about what it is. I've cut back on the coffee. I have been doing at strength training you're doing. Oh, maybe that's really a good point. I'm trying to think about what it is. I've cut back on the coffee. I have been doing more strength training, more coffee. It's interesting. I've been doing weight, more weighted stuff. Interesting. Hmm. Oh, Will, are you going to be at Rogue? I will. Okay. Oh, you're going with, uh, you're, uh, with, um, a strong coffee. Swinging coffee all weekend. Bitching. Okay. Make, you're going with, uh, you're, uh, with, um, a strong coffee. Swinging coffee all weekend.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Bitching. Okay. Make sure we, make sure we do something live from their booth too, please. If they're up for it, I don't want to fuck up their brand, but if they're up for it, I'd love to, uh, give some love to those kids. We're up for it. Okay. Yeah, for sure. All right. All right, brother. Thanks. Bye. One of my friends told me today super wealthy cat kind woman not not miss hormones uh said you know why people you don't have a hundred thousand subscribers i go not
Starting point is 00:38:54 because we're new and she goes no people are afraid to be seen signed up i don't think we're that gnarly like it's like i'm afraid to wear a maga hat right but i don't think we're that gnarly. It's like I'm afraid to wear a MAGA hat, right? But I don't think the Sebon podcast is that gnarly. Have you watched the Andrew Schultz special yet? No, I need to. Oh, he has a whole bit in there. You're going to love it. Okay. About a MAGA hat.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Number 18, discriminate. Discriminate. Speaking of how to pick a mate, this one's crazy. This one is crazy this one i was laughing at when you're crazy here we go a trans person no honestly think about it for a second don't need to think about it okay got your answer no well if you said no i'm sorry but that's pretty discriminatory need to tell you why but i'll show you why just because I'm a nice person. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Why is it so stuttery tonight? Is it always like that? No, I don't know why, but I feel like my – for some reason, my internet's just been shaky, which is weird because it never had an issue before. Your picture's great. Listen, if you don't want to date someone because of their genitalia, I need to look up the word discriminate. I mean there's things you – I think you should discriminate when you date, right? Isn't that the whole – Is it discrimination or is it preference?
Starting point is 00:40:29 If you don't, then you're – sure. If you don't discriminate, then you're a slut. You're a whore. A recognize – well, even whores discriminate because they need people with money. Recognize a distinction or differentiate. money recognize a distinction or differentiate make and and and and make and adjust or prejudicial distinction and treatment of different category of people especially on the grounds of race sex oh at least they didn't say gender uh yeah i can't believe that. What a stretch.
Starting point is 00:41:09 So if I didn't want to fuck my dog, I'm a doggist? I discriminate? Yep, you should be punished. If I don't want to fuck a cantaloupe? Listen, if I don't want to fuck my wife, it's my prerogative. By the way, that's never happened. That's just strange, though. Like, discriminating, that's like a preference, and everybody has different ones.
Starting point is 00:41:32 So why would, that's not discrimination. It used to be a compliment to say you have discriminating tastes. Yeah. Dogaphobe, cantaloupaphobe. Call me old-fashioned, but i like women without the penis fair old school i'm old school i'm old school motherfucker i like that so good yes i don't want to fuck so yes you are a sevanist. Sevaphobe. Okay, back to the show. Enough of this. Back to serious shit.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Okay, so I don't think that that person is correct. I suspect that was a dude dressed up as a girl. It is not. They're saying it's negative if you don't date someone that you don't want to date based on the fact of their genitalia. And I disagree 100 i think that's fine i think you're you're in the clear with me okay uh germany going out on the streets and just beating the shit out of black people the cops i cannot believe this. The Germans.
Starting point is 00:42:46 What do they have? Six black people over there. Action. Are you going to play this? Oh, no, wait. It's not a black guy. It's a white guy. They're beating the shit out of a white guy they didn't get the memo
Starting point is 00:43:10 please tell me you see the irony in this dude it's so it's so crazy to even look at color of people and they're getting that dude was getting the shit beat out of them right there. I don't know. I, you would have to do something really bad for me to stand on top of you with
Starting point is 00:43:32 two other guys. You'd have to molest it like a girl. Oh, I don't know what phone this is coming in on. Oh, wait, hold on one second. Yeah. You want to mute yourself or I don't think you can't hear this in on. Will you hold on one second? Yeah, do you want to mute yourself?
Starting point is 00:43:46 I don't think, you can't hear this. Can you hear me? Can you hear me talking to this phone? No. We can't hear you. You can't hear me? No, I can hear you. I can't hear the phone.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I'm live on the air right now, but I just picked up my, did you mean to call my personal phone or the, um, but you're not live. You can be live. You probably. Oh, you meant to call in for the live call in show.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Oh, fantastic. God, in for the live call-in show. Oh, fantastic. God, I'm such a douche. God, I'm such a douche. Would you prefer a link? Okay. Here, I'll send you a link. Oh, boy. I'll take you any way I can get you.
Starting point is 00:44:44 It's Daniel Brandon, everybody. Okay. oh boy i i i'll take you any way i can get you it's daniel brandon everybody okay ladies and gentlemen we have daniel brandon um okay so uh if you enjoy i just want you to know that germany is really a cool place uh they will beat you regardless of your skin color it's not like the united states where only um people with uh dark skin are beaten so if you want to get if you feel if you feel too privileged in the united states go over to germany uh and they will fuck you up yeah adrian how do you know when to cut your hair when is your hair going to be one of your one of those guys who's like old who has the longest hair and everyone's like dude you need to cut your hair i was asking my mom that today i mean you know which guy i'm talking about right there are you
Starting point is 00:45:33 seen those guys well yeah but i mean like you got to be that guy at least once in your life right all right damn right new mullet i figured i'd call the bail you guys out you're talking about your fruity sex life and you gotta have something better than that right so thank you for saving us but i don't have anything better to talk about so let me ask you just let me ask you a question um uh or that's of your expert first of all have you met don yet yeah i met him at the games oh and that's it that's the only so so you haven't had a significant discussion with him because you're obviously busy as shit there
Starting point is 00:46:08 yeah i mean like yeah we we chat a little bit at the games but yeah it was pretty cursory and then we've had a few email exchanges but nothing too crazy nothing serious it's above my pay grade i think are you a dick at the games? Let me rephrase that. Oh, man. You ask 10 different people, you're going to get 10 different answers. I'm an authority on the subject. When you were the head judge of the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:46:43 that man was significantly more serious and had less bandwidth for interaction with me than maybe you and I out for a bike ride and hanging out at coffee. You could become serious as a heart attack. There were sides of you I saw when you were on the floor there that I'd never seen anywhere else, even remotely close. Same with Dave too, right? No, I think that's fair. But, uh, and I do think that in that role, like the immediacy of what I'm doing is pretty, well, immediate. And yeah, it's kind of hard to – my wife's laughing at me.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Like you had no problem being like, Sevan, not now. Yeah. I'm the fucking media director of the fucking – I'm fucking like third in charge in the company. And you'd be like, quiet, not now. Don't talk to me. Don't stand company and you'd be like quiet not now don't talk to me don't stand there like this motherfucker i'll say that the role that i had this year was uh interesting in the sense that there was a lot more pressure on the lead up but once the trains left the station like there's only so much i can do right it's like once that horse is out of the stable it's kind of going so you'd be kissing some babies and signing some autographs and taking some selfies more so yeah that's nice glad so so this programming job is kush totally
Starting point is 00:47:51 velner accused me of being an absolutist and there's no gray area it's funny i've been accused of the same thing in the past. As you look over at your wife. She went upstairs. We had Dawn on the show today. Did you by any chance catch any of that? I didn't at the time, but I skimmed through some of it this evening. Do you have any feedback for me? No, I didn't watch the whole thing, so I guess that probably wouldn't be a fair reflection of feedback.
Starting point is 00:48:27 From what I saw, I don't know, it seemed pretty cordial. It was very cordial. I've been accused of making love to him. Oh, yeah? People think you're too easy? There were some crass metaphors being thrown around. Ah, got it. Well, I mean, what's that old Eurythmics song?
Starting point is 00:48:52 You know, everybody's looking for something. Yes. One of my other friends called me and he said he used you. And I was like, I hope he used me. Oh, he could use us again. What? It's another one of my favorite songs man bill withers use me i mean come on use me use me and send me a paycheck don
Starting point is 00:49:10 how about i make some videos for you oh my goodness well thank you for calling adrian i appreciate you saving the show and pulling us out of the gutter i i don't think i did like i said i didn't have much to talk about beyond that but i thought hey it'd be fun to call in. It was pretty funny though. When I called you, cause you thought that I called your personal number and you're like, I'm live.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Do you, are you, are you live? I'm going to turn this, I'm going to turn off my, we've had a few incidents. Yes. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:40 That's pretty good. I clearly labeled the number, you yeah i i turned off my personal phone in the live calling show are connected and i need to um i need to separate them i'm gonna turn this off i'm on a i'm on a roll tonight god i i'm gonna count adrians when i go to sleep tonight one age oh boy wait you had another one there can only be one hold on but i had but i another i chase ingram call and i had dawn fall on this is like yeah i'm just oh but no other adrians no no okay just people that i keep in the same bucket of potentially hostile friendlies on that note i'm gonna i should
Starting point is 00:50:21 hang up right now just yes just to make the bit better all right i'm out hi wait uh goodness i would say i would say at the games like um when i reached a new high hold on hold on okay okay go ahead soak it in uh every time i saw him come by and everything else he always like had the time just to give a quick like what's up or would come over and say something or kind of give me the fist pound which is always cool because then then you get status amongst all the other media people around right when he sees me and comes over and like does a gesture and then i like fist bump and he takes off i was always like yes i even liked it when he him and dave would like yell at me i was even like comfortable with i'll take it look look they're talking to me get the fuck out of here yeah look look they're not gonna make you see that yeah i distinctly remember a shot you kept in where
Starting point is 00:51:08 dave's like talking to somebody he looks over and just goes get the hell out of that like literally shoved the camera like and made it in there which i thought but honestly that's the person you want running the show right like you don't want somebody that's there to like oh no it's fine i'm the boss i'll kick back and do it like no they have somewhere to go they have some fire to put out and they're like on a mission and that's some level of integrity also to maintain some rules that no one can break yeah of course gotta have those uh number 20 um super this is bizarre there this is twice now i've seen this where people super glue their hands look these girls are throwing soup on a Van Gogh. I don't give a fuck about that.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I want to see the video of when someone yanks their hands off the concrete or off the wall. I really want to see someone just walk up and rip their hand off the wall. So it's these girls, and they walk up with a can of soup. God, can you imagine doing this it was some animal activist thing right may i don't even know um it won't play no no oh i thought i was waiting for you to give me the oh yeah yeah play play 50 million views security oh just stop oil is that what their shirt says it's so crazy it's so crazy you think look at all that hair product they got in their hair you think there's any oil It's so crazy. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Look at all that hair product they got in their hair. You think there's any oil used to make that? Anyway, you can turn it off. They then super glue their hand to the wall. And all I want to see is the video of them getting their hands torn off the wall. That's all I want to see. Is that protected by glass? I hope that painting was protected by glass. Yeah, yeah, totally fine.
Starting point is 00:53:08 They said it's totally fine. Because, you know, it was funny. Wad Zombie actually sent me something when I was in Rome, and he was like, Susan, what'd you do? And it was like, it was in a DM, and it said some guy smashed an old statue
Starting point is 00:53:19 with a hammer because the Pope refused to take a meeting with him. And back in the late late 70s another dude jumped jumped the barrier and broke the arm off of a michelangelo um uh statue inside um the vatican and it's just like what why would you do shit like that well i don't get it you know what's kind of cool though is, is in 300 years, those will be like cool stories. Like somebody broke the arm off the statue? Yeah, some psycho broke the arm off or like they'll tell the story.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Like it sucked when Van Gogh cut his ear off, but now it's a cool story. Yeah, but like that's him doing it to himself, not some pink-haired psychos like ruining a painting because they think that they're so virtuous. And the thing is about it is none of those, either of those two girls cannot actually explain anything with the environment or climate change. I think they have a real discussion about it. It's like, did you see that stuff that Newsom said? Like, well, gas prices are high in California because of the certain policies we have in place for environmental change. And it's just going to take the country a little bit longer to catch up. 709 near my house, the gas station Chevron near my house.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I keep seeing these things on TV that the average U.S. gas price is $2.99. Mine is $7.09. Yeah, it's insane. Oh, there will be a human race, my brother. There will be a human race my brother there will be a human race yeah CGI by the way that was
Starting point is 00:54:54 girls throwing what is the name of that painting they were throwing soup on Picasso no that was a Van Gogh that was the vase of sunflowers bruce the rapture will happen by then people been oh eric thank you 389 a minute oh oh oh i thought that was a donation. 329. Are you fucked? 809 in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Yeah, I believe it. I believe it. Yeah. I get some player, man. You guys who do not live in California, Los Angeles is like,
Starting point is 00:55:37 don't like that. That training shit where like, Hey, you're discriminating. If you don't fuck a training, like that shit's like being taught in schools in la i'm being a little maybe over the top but not really like kids will beat you up at school if you don't if you're like yeah i don't want to suck a dick i'm not joking discrimination
Starting point is 00:55:55 it's crazy it's crazy yeah and there's so many boys i don don't know about girls, but I've heard dozens of stories about boys from parents whose kids are in junior high and high school over the last five years who've hooked up with other boys to try to fit in. Yikes. There's this thing, and it's okay. Hook up with boys if you want, but you're going to have to come to terms with it. Do not do anything in your entire life that you wouldn't want published on the cover of the New York Times. Also, too, just don't – like doing stuff to fit in is what my yikes comment was because it's like that's such a slippery slope because it's an insight on your self-worth and your values and everything else. If you're just willing to change with the wind to go with the group think it's like if you're totally happy you just want
Starting point is 00:56:50 to be free if you're totally happy kissing boys then do it kiss boys if you have to hide it from one person don't do it you don't want to have to don't do stuff you're gonna have to hide or you're gonna have to protect later on in life. Wow. Well, come on, Sevan. That's a little much. Which part? 709 for gas or 810 in Hollywood?
Starting point is 00:57:16 Or someone sitting on a 12-inch cock. What's too much? Oh, my goodness. CGI tier number 21. How far? Oh, my God. We're're an hour in we didn't get through shit well we had bazan true true okay uh this is um one of the kardashians uh one of my she's from the same gene pool as me she's ars menian um notice the ian kardashian that's a i'm a matosian uh and this lady's saying this tier is cgi and i'm wondering what oh you guys aren't gonna be able to see this with suza's internet go ahead try suza are you recording
Starting point is 00:57:58 wait you i promise you you'll have everything that you want yeah out of this life because no one just deserves it the way that's a fake tear that's cgi i'm not even kidding that's she doesn't touch it she doesn't touch it she doesn't touch it that's a fake tear okay maybe could you see it did you see it i i i think i mean i i didn't know tears came from right there i thought they came from like one it always fell out of one of the corners i mean i i can can they have tears like isn't it so much like plastic and botox that they just like turned it off oh maybe you just you just get some botox in there and shut the tear ducts down less serious than sucking dick well now you have my attention jeremy i was in cali in july
Starting point is 00:58:49 oh oh what you're about to say is less serious than second day okay i understand uh hearing peeps on the radio asking folks to only water their grass on tuesdays and thursdays was trippy hey and i don't know someone has to to look this up, but California releases a shitload of water into its ocean that it collects as rainwater as part of some way to keep our oceans clean or something. There's some amount of ocean water that we have – that the eco-friendly people have decided has to be released back into the ocean. If I could get through – Well, you know the whole thing get through almonds too right oh yeah yeah we use so much yeah i mean we use so much water for the crops here who's gonna make who's gonna grow rice for china you think i'm joking oh that's the first google search california dumps water into ocean
Starting point is 00:59:39 who is to blame for the drought who cares how fake she is? I know part of me thinks that too. I agree, but it's still a cool find. It's still a cool spot. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:52 like if so cool spot number 22, women, women, I appreciate you trying to look for it. Susa. Yeah. I found something on it, but I don't know how reliable it is.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Here we go. From Chase Ingram. Hey, Chase, you think that Adrian just called in because you called in? You think Don was on the show today and now all you fuckers are like, I'll be on. I'll be on.
Starting point is 01:00:16 It's a safe space. Yeah. I know how you play, Chase. I got this great, I probably shouldn't say this. I got this great text thread with Chase and Bill and Matt Souza. It's so good. Okay, go ahead. 22.
Starting point is 01:00:32 It's so funny. It brings me so much joy when it starts going off. 22. Yeah. This is tricky. I read an article recently. It said Alexa actually listens to everything you say, stores it in a database, could use it against you later. It's like, damn, just like a real woman at alexis go ahead let's hear let's hear one more time this is fucking nuts this is so fucking good this is tricky i read an article
Starting point is 01:00:57 recently it said alex actually listens everything you say stores in the database could use it against you later it's like damn just like a real woman do not do that if you're a man alex is tricky i read please do not do that if you're a man please let women have that please don't bring up what the time she was drunk and fucking said something stupid to your mom if you don't confront your wife in the first 48 hours of her doing some dumb shit, please let it go. Let women have that. Please let women have that. Those fucking ding-dongs.
Starting point is 01:01:37 God, I love you guys. I love the smell of a woman. Seriously. No, I'm serious. serious you guys let women have that we cannot take that from them for all you dudes who are out there doing that bringing up bullshit i don't care if they fucked your friend 10 years ago it's too late close the door on it let it go you're with them it's fine using your thing be twisted to make it good for you i don't know what but do not bring it up over and over and over no matter how drunk you get yeah yeah me too me too brother me too
Starting point is 01:02:11 me too i'm getting hey i have a my wife has a fucking card catalog i get to choose uh i'm about to fuck you up which Which one do you want? Do you want a memory from 94 or 2001? Who has a modern or some contemporary? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you want there to be alcohol in it? Driving? Or other women? Which one? You pick. Either way.
Starting point is 01:02:40 I'm about to fuck you up. I'm in your head. Let's just do a spin and grab. Pull the first one out. And then don't say, you can't say this to him either. Why are you always bringing up old shit? You can't do that either. Hey, man, that was fucking stupid I did that.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Or, actually, I'm still doing that. Actually, I can't. I can't say it. Oh, my oh my goodness it's gonna get too nasty it's gonna get too nasty oh i love women i love that i love that uh uh uh I see it. Someone wrote, is that in the comments? Someone wrote in the comments, if someone had a baby, it would be Matt Sousa.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Get a lap. Oh my God. He does look like a butt baby from one of us who had, who had the baby, me or boss. I want to know. That's all. I take that as a full-on compliment right there oh my goodness thank you okay uh number 23 uh this is uh adrian if you have any fucking balls you'll put this in the
Starting point is 01:04:00 games next year if you have any balls you want to make that money back for berkshire you will put this in the game mr bosman here we go this shit how strong is this dude hey wait wait before you play this before you play this i put a challenge out to alex smith to do this to danny spiegel you guys like making all those videos where he dressed as pumpkins and shit please do this to her have you seen it have you seen alex lately he is yoked yeah yoked i know he's a man child he looks so good yeah he's savage yeah yeah yeah okay does hillar need to do a video on him i hope so just so we can look at them more This is These people are training for the
Starting point is 01:04:47 2020 I wonder what JR would think about this If he thinks this is coming here we go Adrian Listen up I want a big boy to pick me up It's driving me Out of my mind That's why it's
Starting point is 01:05:03 Hard for me I want a big boy I never heard the music before I mean that's dangerous yeah someone wasn't that a WWE wrestling move where they would do that like the
Starting point is 01:05:19 pile driver is that what it was dude someone in the comments will know I don't know much about WWE. That is. Yeah, it was the Piledriver. Yes, you're right. That's right. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:29 That was nasty. Oh, that's funny. Number 24, maybe the most beautiful human alive. This is Integrity. Wow, Sevan. Getting out there. Oh. Oh, my.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Oh, my. Oh, my. Here we go. I don't even know what this is. I don't know what it is. Fan favorite of the show. Okay. Ah! We told you she'd be on, guys.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Oh, no, that's not the right one. That's not the right one. That is... Listen. This one is she's standing over a bone, Susan. Oh, shit. Okay, so this is number 25. Jesus Christ, Matt.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Look at number 25. I apologize. I do not say those words, by the way. It's supposed to be cheese and crackers. Do not take the Lord's name in vain in this show. It's something I've given up in episode 200. I chose this because why is daniel brandon standing over a bone did she do that on purpose do you see that
Starting point is 01:06:30 yeah i do you see that i don't think it was on purpose i think she probably just stood there like i imagine her just walking by and like seeing herself and be like oh this outfit looks good i'm gonna take a shot in the mirror. She's standing on a bone. Anyway, not that I zoomed in on the picture at all. I don't know how I spotted that. Comment there. Comment there. Wait, that was the link.
Starting point is 01:06:55 How did I miss it? Shit, I had it scrolled up. Sorry. Hey, that couldn't have worked out any more perfect, though. Maybe the most beautiful human alive. This is integrity. And Daniel, it's not that you're not beautiful. I just this is you're just not the most beautiful human alive.
Starting point is 01:07:10 This is the most beautiful human alive. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, yeah. This guy. Who the fuck is this guy? This guy is Jonathan Isaac.
Starting point is 01:07:20 This is a beautiful human being. This this is this is incredible beautiful human being. This is incredible. Here we go. At the time, something got formulated called the NBA bubble. And there was a lot of pressure on all the NBA players to kneel for the national anthem and to wear the Black Lives Matter T-shirt. The shirt was just in your locker. We didn't have any other options. So I decided to just go out there without a shirt on, without a warm up on.
Starting point is 01:07:44 You know, players and coaches and the entire organization had been talking about it for a few days before that. And we had a team meeting early on and guys said, you know, this is what we want to do. We want to kneel. And it turned into a team only meeting. And one of my teammates turned towards me and says, Jonathan, what are you going to do? And I said, fellas, I'm not going to put that t-shirt on. I'm not going to kneel. And, you know, chaos broke out. Oh, my gosh, this is going to be crazy. You know, it's going to be everywhere. But I knew what I was staying for was dear to me. I knew I was.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Who doesn't want this dude dating their sister or their daughter? This is the fucking guy. It takes a lot of balls to do that. And the way he says it, listen, fellas. Listen, fellas, I can't do it. This is the guy. This is, that's how you know, that's the litmus test if you didn't know. If your dad died, who would you want your mom to marry?
Starting point is 01:08:40 Can this guy be alone with your daughter? Do you want this guy in your family? This is the guy. Play it again. No, wait, hold on. Hold on. Savan, I say this in all seriousness. I bet if you reached out to the Drink Champs, you could get Kanye West on your podcast.
Starting point is 01:09:02 The guy from Drink Champs. DJ F'n. DJ FN. DJ FN. Thank you. He came on the show. Great. I loved him. His, I don't know if it's his wife or his girlfriend, but she's a regular listener.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Kareen? Kareen. Karen? Kareen. Me and her chop it up in the dms quite a bit um and and i've told him hey i'll take any any any rappers i would love to have rappers on my show um it would be it would be awesome to i think me and kanye could be fucking i'd love to hang out with Kanye and Greg together and just fucking,
Starting point is 01:09:45 Oh, that'd be crazy. Oh my God. It'd be crazy. Hey, Kanye, Greg, and,
Starting point is 01:09:50 um, Jordan Peterson. Nuts. Nuts. That's our, that's our shot to the moon right there. Nuts. Nuts.
Starting point is 01:10:02 And Danielle Brandon. Okay, go ahead. Let's hear more of Jonathan Isaac. Let's hear more Jonathan Isaac. I believe that the gospel was going to be the answer for the world, that all of us saying that we all fall short of God's glory and that if we're throwing stones at anybody else at a different color, at a different individual, we're throwing stones from a glass house because we've done wrong too. We all in need of grace.
Starting point is 01:10:27 we've done wrong too we all in need of grace and this this is during an era when they built bronze statues in new york city of george floyd a man who is driving around the streets all over the fucking united states and texas and in in ferguson wherever the fuck he was on all his different arrests high on fentanyl high High on meth. High on alcohol. Putting guns to pregnant women's stomachs. We live in an era where statues are being built of those guys. And not this guy. How? How?
Starting point is 01:11:00 We live with idiots. And by the way, if the doctor says that George Floyd died from fentanyl and the knee on his neck, then he didn't die from the knee on his neck. You see that, right? I put on my shoe.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I wasn't going to go outside, but I found my shoes and got shot. I didn't get killed because I found my shoes. I know it's a little bit of a stretch, but you have to see that. And even if he did kill George Floyd, it means nothing in terms of building a statue for him. He was not a man of integrity. Am I saying he deserved to die? Absolutely not. Well, he deserved to die as much as all of us deserve everything that's happening to us in our lives, as far as how much you believe in fate. Okay. Proceed. Sorry. But he said to me, you cannot stand for God and God not stand for you. And so we decided that night that I was going to stand. The next day we get into the bubble.
Starting point is 01:12:27 And as everybody else, you know, knees hit the ground, I was standing. Part of the reason why Black Lives Matter became so big is because of that name, the phrase Black Lives Matter. It's around that time. The whole interview is amazing, by the way. This guy is so. Oh, we'll see. That's a great question. We'll see. We don't know yet. Isn't he in jail? Yeah, but it's it's being appealed. And I bet you I think he's going to get out. Hmm. Yes. Not only did he – well, he was saying he can't breathe when he was in the car, and I looked at the footage from his previous two arrests, and he also said he couldn't breathe when he was in the backseat of the car.
Starting point is 01:13:13 So that was his third arrest where he ate the fentanyl. That was his third consecutive – and I don't think – someone can fact-check me on this. I don't think that was permissible as evidence in this case to talk about his previous two arrests. It was it was nuts. Hey, and how about this, Donna? He had covid when he died. How come he didn't get how come he doesn't go down as a covid death? Hey, Spiegel, then you could say no one deserves to die. The word deserves isn't right or wrong.
Starting point is 01:13:46 You got to choose a different word.'ve got to choose a different word. We've got to choose a different word. Deserve. That's just passing judgment. I don't think Greg cares. I don't think Greg cares. I don't know what he thinks on the subject. I don't think he cares.
Starting point is 01:14:08 I think that all he cared about was that someone told the truth. Do something or have or show qualities of worthiness, reward, or punishment. The thing is, in the cosmos, like, do I deserve this podcast? Do I deserve to have Matt Sousa as my friend? Do I deserve to have this pen? I mean, it's just so, it's nothing. Should he have been executed on the spot for his crimes? Nope. No. But if I told you I could see the future and he was two minutes away from running over a kid on a tricycle because he was high on fentanyl, meth, and alcohol, then fuck yeah, then what happened was perfect. But I can't see that shit. shit yeah it's just more idiocy he didn't deserve to be killed though though you don't we don't even know if he was killed
Starting point is 01:14:57 are you gonna go into the conspiracy theory theory with that one no just the doctor said that he had oh he had oh i understand what you're saying okay it was it was it was part cardiac arrest and part the knee on the neck and if it's like part and part then it's like understood you could there's a thousand parts to it we don't deserve anything we earn everything that comes to us bad or indifferent easy for you to say you're white yes it was proven in court uh 20 okay so jonathan isaac most beautiful human being alive. Now you got no, that's been anointed by the seven podcast. Number 26. Nobody is, uh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:16:08 63% of youth suicides are from single mother homes. 90% of homelessness and runaway children are from single mother homes. You can't put that on the mother. 85% of children who show behavioral disorders are from single mother homes. 80% of gray pests with anger problems are from single mother homes. 71% of high school dropouts are from single mother homes. 70% of youths in operated institutions are from single mother homes 71 of high school dropouts are from single mother homes 70 of youths in operated institutions are from single mother homes 80 of all the youths that in prison are from single mother homes this shows that we pause this we're gonna play this twice don't worry we're gonna play this type twice was it choppy no it was perfect here's did you hear
Starting point is 01:16:44 that girl say you can't put it on mothers i mean do you see how she jumped there with their brain no one's putting it on mothers no he's not i don't i don't even know how she i mean now that she says that i can be like oh she went there in her head i put it on fathers if you're gonna place of blame it's crazy that's what we're dealing with by the way this is all because of democrats this is all because of democrats are you obsessed with african-americans i'm obsessed with yes and chinese americans and native americans and people in general and and and and Russians. Obsessed with everything I talk about. I'm obsessed.
Starting point is 01:17:37 His accent sounds fake, like your fucking account, Colin. OK, go ahead. Play, play, play. And girls need both their mother and their father and i will tell you as a father i know from raising my son that he needs both me and his mother in his life 63 of youth suicides are from single mother homes 90 of homelessness and runaway children are from single you can't put that on the mother 85 of children who show behavioral disorders are from single mother homes 80 of great pests with anger problems are from single mother homes 71 of high school dropouts are from single mother homes 70 of youths in operated institutions are from single mother homes 80 of all the youths that in prison good here here we go guys listen this is the part
Starting point is 01:18:23 this is the part where you have a chance to like – and I'm preaching to the choir here. This is why a godless douchebag like myself still appreciates the god culture. Everything – I would say 90% of all those problems are because of the moralist left. Moral-less left. That's all – like these are all Democrat policies that were put in place that pushed this agenda, that pushed this outcome, that rewarded this lifestyle. uh but i might argue the fact that's because there's no man but if you had no woman you'd have the same problem so so i i don't think it matters which one i mean i think it would be worse if you if it was all single fathers i think it would be worse yeah i think every kid fucking i i think it's worse to lose your mom than your dad.
Starting point is 01:19:26 How about that? Like my mom is everything to me. Okay, I felt my tear ducts turn on. I got to chill out. This is not good. This is – you have to realize that even if you – you have to think in terms of stuff that you like or don't like. Hey, I don't go to church every Sunday, but those people are pushing for an agenda that fights this. And so it's okay to support that. It's the same thing with like you may not – I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:59 It's okay to leave the religious people alone. We can leave them alone. They can do their shit. We need morality. We need people who answer to a fucking higher power. No. To be completely... I don't think it's ideal to have two dads or two moms. I don't think so at all.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I don't know if it's better than having just one dad or one mom, but I don't think so at all. I don't know if it's better than having just one dad or one mom, but I don't think it's ideal. I don't. I think the ideal thing is to have a mom and a dad. And that your dad and your mom made love. And they didn't fuck one night and they made love instead. They looked into each other's eyes and they prayed to the heavens for a fucking love child. That's what I think.
Starting point is 01:20:53 That's what I did. I don't even believe in God and that's what I did to my wife and I got Avi. And the reason why I did that is because I asked my mom why her and my dad had me and she said they wanted a love child. And that really, really fucking stuck with me. Okay. No one is blaming the, okay, we talked about that. Okay. So listen, there's tons of people who turn out great.
Starting point is 01:21:22 I don't want to hear, there's tons of people who drive home. listen um there's tons of people who turn out great i don't want to hear there's tons of people who drive home i drove drunk for fucking five years and i my every drive was perfect and but i don't condone drunk driving i think it got lucky because of it yeah i got lucky and i and i have a um i say that i grew up with a single mom but my dad was still my life a shitloads okay 27 pfizer if alex jones pays for lying 965 million if alex if alex jones pays for lying shouldn't every celebrity pushing vaccines pay too no accountability is only on one end of the agenda it's not it's not true accountability it goes back to what that lady was saying are they victims are they accomplices oh we didn't know we didn't know wow wow jeffrey uh yeah you know adoption is something that I poo-pooed until I got later in life. And now it's funny. I flipped a script on that too. It's probably one of the greatest things you can do as a human being probably. It's up there. It's in that list. Was this number 27?
Starting point is 01:22:43 Mm-hmm. Okay. 28. Oh, another Pfizer. that list uh was this number 27 okay 28 oh another pfizer going back to back oh there's 228 let's do the top one first is that this oh i like 29 the bumper dumper here we go here we go is um is an extension of the pharmaceutical industry you know there is 75 percent of advertising revenues now on the mainstream media are now coming from pharma and that ratio is even higher for the evening news, because the evening news is where you see pharmaceuticals advertised. You know, Anderson Cooper has a $12 million a year annual salary. Well, $10 million of that is coming from Pfizer.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Oh, his boss is not CNN. His boss is Pfizer. And, you know, they're unashamed. They're unabashed about it. They say, you know, on his program, brought to boss is Pfizer. And, you know, they're unashamed. They're unabashed about it. They say, you know, on his program, brought to you by Pfizer. Of course, he's not going to tell you the truth about Pfizer's product. He's going to try to sell them to you. He's going to try to scare the hell out of you.
Starting point is 01:23:57 And he's saying, if you don't get this, you're going to die. So nuts that this is still going on and it's out in the open okay uh uh 20 why did they should just be i'm not even gonna go there okay uh pfizer let's take that off 28 next 28 what's 28 i trust me we have some funny stuff coming on Next 28. What's 28? Trust me, we have some funny stuff coming on. It's a clip from Tucker Carlson. Oh, this is 28? Okay, let's see. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:32 What a good guy. God, I used to hate him. Now I like him. It's crazy. This guy used to be at CNN. Don't forget. Tucker woke up too. Okay. The Department of General Affairs of the United States of America, Arlen, has ordered federal agents to investigate parents who dare to complain about their school boards. In particular, parents are no longer allowed to say anything when creepy adults sexualize their children. Come to my van, little girl. I've got some candy. Don't say a word.
Starting point is 01:25:00 But that has not kept some parents quiet. But that has not kept some parents quiet. In San Diego County, California, one mother called Brittany Mayer noticed that her school board was supposed to be educating her children, had instead invited them to a family friendly drag show sponsored by a San Francisco gender reassignment surgery center and a nightclub. Here's what she said at a recent meeting of the Encinitas Union School Board, which promoted the event. this union school board which promoted the event what is it about a grown man costumed in a sparkly bra with augmented boobs busting out a leather miniskirt barely covering his twerking the tuck tape on his front while spreading his fish netted legs as he rides on the ground grinding his groin next to a minor family friendly okay good to go we're good to go it's the same thing over and over when you hear the words of what they're saying it's like dude no one has a problem
Starting point is 01:25:52 at least i don't i don't have a problem with transvestites in the slightest but i need to explain to me why that they're brought into the schools schools because i it it seems no place for it uh 29 the bumper dumper we gotta go into a deep dive on the school stuff i was gonna because that book that i'm reading oh yeah yeah yeah it got a whole bunch of opinions on that now oh the roger gimble book no no no that was what i'm listening to um i forget the name. It's like Peter something. The Battle for the American Mind. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Bumper Dumper. Sometimes, when you're driving the Scottsdale and you got a boat, have no fear, Clint Barrett is here. He's the old bumper dumper. Now, look at the knee angle. You're really pushing it out, you know?
Starting point is 01:26:57 Well, sometimes, when you're driving the Scottsdale and you gotta poop, have no fear. That thing looks really comfortable, huh? Oh, look it. I know, Jeffrey. I could totally see you having one of these dude i could so see you having one of these driving cross-country to uh josh bridge's house crazy the bumper dumper
Starting point is 01:27:21 number 30 this is what racism looks like. And my obsession continues. The bumper dumper. I didn't get in there. This is a serious show. That's a serious product. What are you talking about? Have you guys signed up for the newsletter yet?
Starting point is 01:27:42 How have you not signed up? Oh my goodness. this is so good. Hey, this is kind of crazy. This guy's skin is a trip. I've never seen a black dude who looks like he's in blackface. That looks like it's painted on. I don't know if he's sunburnt or he has really dry skin, but he doesn't even look real.
Starting point is 01:28:02 He looks like CGI or some shit. But anyway, he is a real melanated man this guy's a coach for some team college team oh no tampa bay bucks that's a nfl team right there's a head coach for an nfl team i cannot believe in this someone in the media and the audience outs themselves to people in the media out themselves as racists. I don't understand how they don't know they're doing that. OK, OK, play. You and my Tomlin are two of the few black head coaches in the league. I wonder what your relationship is like with them and your thoughts on Steve Wilks joining that boat.
Starting point is 01:28:45 I have a very good relationship with Tomlin. We don't look at what color we are when we coach against each other. We just know each other. I have a lot of very good white friends that coach in this league as well, and I don't think it's a big deal as far as us being coaching against each other. I think it's normal. Wilkes got an opportunity to do a good job. Hopefully he does it.
Starting point is 01:29:07 And we coach ball. We don't look at color. But you also understand that representation matters too, right? And that when- Pre-supposition. Look at- But pause. That's intimidation.
Starting point is 01:29:18 You see what she's doing? But you do understand the importance of representing black people because you're a coach. Hey, this is the kind of dumb black people because your coach hey this is the kind of dumb shit like just openly racist questions the first guy asked hey isn't it like you guys is it cool playing another black nfl coach he's like uh it doesn't matter this is the kind of shit in 10 years when it's black history month they're gonna be like and the first nfl game where two black guys coached against each other and all is that all is all is that doing all is that doing all that's doing there you go there you go all that's doing
Starting point is 01:29:53 is reinforcing racism you have to see that oh savani so extreme no you don't understand how the brain works. It's all those people out there. Oh, the mask didn't affect me. They didn't affect me. I don't see a mask and think something's wrong. Yes, you do. Yes, you do.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Even if you say you don't, you do. You're lying to yourself or you don't possess enough self-awareness how do you know that because there's certain things where we're all the same we're mirrors here everything you see there's no homeostasis everything you see is sending you a message you well more accurately you're spinning a narrative about it it's not sending you shit okay uh this guy's so fucking cool you can keep playing so this bitch is asking him and i mean that this bitch is asking him uh you do see the importance right you do you do see it right and his answer is great and she's one of those chicks who's trying to pretend like to be a guy oh i'm a sports reporter i'm i'm here
Starting point is 01:31:03 with the with the boys i'm i'm i'm at your level like shut up and just be just be a woman shut up and just be a man we're in a real life black mirror we absolutely are bruce i used to hate that show when my wife would watch it fucking scared the shit out of me it's like the twilight zone okay go ahead well when you say you see you guys and look like them and grow up like them that were eyeballs to begin with and he just called her out you guys start he just called her out she said you guys the fucking white liberal lady is saying you guys guys they're they're openly racist now and they're so cavalier because they hide behind this shield of anti-racism god those people that drink champs that guy is such a douchebag that noriega guy god he's such a douchebag and and the people who comment in this section it's just a horde of racists okay go on sorry i'm gonna i'm gonna stop making a
Starting point is 01:32:17 big deal about it everybody else will as well you you and my time so good uh You and Mike Tomlin. So good. You don't want to play the whole thing. Let me read it to you. So we don't look at color. Tampa Bay Bucs head coach Todd Bowles asked about coaching against Mike Tomlin, another black head coach. You guys, you guys, you say you guys and look like them means we're oddballs to begin with. You know, oddballs is a really nice way of saying you think we're dumb black folk. He's calling her out on that. He's just a real gentleman.
Starting point is 01:32:56 I would love to meet this guy's mom and dad. She's basically saying you guys. Like, she still can't accept the fact that there's a black guy head coach. It's creating the division. Jeff Baco says he they're obsessed with it. Anyway, love this guy, Tom. I might start watching a little football because of this guy, Tom Bowles. I wonder if he kneeled.
Starting point is 01:33:23 OK, so that's what racism looks like in 2022 31 parents have had enough we may have already seen shit we're going late yeah this one is a repeat of the one we just played okay a race 32 tyler fisher ex-guest on the show. Former guest on the show. Ex-guest. This was a tough interview. This was a tough interview. Right?
Starting point is 01:33:57 This was tough. Yeah, he was an interesting cat. He was definitely. Yeah. Okay, here we go. Got some religious folks in here or what? I'm not religious. I stopped going to church when I was eight years old. When I was eight years old, it's a true story. My priest. Blew his brains out at the altar. Yeah, not on a Sunday. It was an off day. So I didn't see it.
Starting point is 01:34:28 But scarred me, though, for a long time. I thought about that. I still think about it, you know, every once in a while, you know, because I'm like, damn. Were my blowjobs that bad? Hey, I like it. I mean, his humor is good. 33, My Generation. Oh, did we play this already, too? We may have played this. This is the guy from that band.
Starting point is 01:35:01 I think we played this. So many people DM me and say, hey, you should have this guy on. It's like, dude, I'm trying. What's his name? Tom McDonald? Yeah, I didn't see his name on there. Go back. Yeah, Tom McDonald.
Starting point is 01:35:15 He's rapping about white folk. Okay, we already played that, right? My generation. Yeah, yeah. Okay, 34, fuck you. Oh, that's interesting. Interesting. We cannot have biological boys with penises changing next to our daughters in locker rooms and then have our daughter scolded by the school this is so backwards so i guess there was a girl this is caitlin jenner saying this
Starting point is 01:35:52 this is this was this was an olympian who's now a male olympian who's now a woman being like hey we can't have dudes with penises i heard caitlin still has a penis too did you hear that i i didn't i did not hear that that is yeah interesting interview to that conversation so this this one of the most famous transgender people on the planet uh says you can't have dudes changing in women's locker rooms and then the women complain and they get in trouble wow if you're all your democratic for all your democrat friends this is them this is what they think they're okay you know what happens to these girls have been raped in those locker rooms even one there's too many right ah it's just one absolutely that's insane you heard about that uh mom that got like a litter box put in the school bathroom for her daughter.
Starting point is 01:36:48 She was a furry. Yeah. Yeah. I keep hearing that's true and then not true. I hear back and forth stories. OK. The Racist Football League primer, Tom Brady is the quarterback and Todd Bowles is the coach. Fine. OK, fine. I'm fine with fine i'm fine with that and they want to and they want to keep racism alive that i do know that about the nfl and i do know i do think less i do judge the fuck out of people who spend their time watching that shit unless they're making money doing it 35 white people and the rest oh this is great this has been going around too i didn't fact check this by the way i'll take full but in california this is great. This has been going around, too. I didn't fact check this, by the way. I'll take full. But in California, this is sure fucking makes sense.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Indian Americans, that neighborhood, by the way. Oh, I should ask Don that. That neighborhood that Don. Woodside. Yeah, Woodside that Don lives in. So it's it's and I think that I'm pretty sure Steve Jobs lives there. Sorry. I'm pretty sure Steve Jobs, his wife Sorry. I'm pretty sure Steve Jobs' wife lives there.
Starting point is 01:37:45 It doesn't say Steve Jobs. He might be buried there. It is. It's the new. That whole area is beyond Ballerville. Yeah. I know some people that live there. Are they filthy rich?
Starting point is 01:37:58 Ballers. Filthy, right? Mm-hmm. They're at my wedding. You could have met them. Oh, I fucked the pooch on that look at look at see suze that's sly that's not my girlfriend that's not my wife but that's sly see how he slid that in there that's a little more subtle that's a little more subtle than hey asshole you
Starting point is 01:38:17 didn't you remember that time you didn't come to my wedding that was more subtle but he definitely broke the 48-hour rule. With your boyfriends, you can go as long as you want, by the way. So, Suze is in the clear. He could bring that up for the next 20 years. It's legit. It's just me. I would never bring it up.
Starting point is 01:38:35 And for the record, there is no issue with that whatsoever. I'm going to bet you $1,000 it comes up again on this show before I retire. Never, never. Ten more times. That's the easiest $1,000 I've ever made. Ten more times before i retire never never 10 more times easy thousand bucks i've ever made 10 more times before i retire okay uh filipino americans i had no idea filipino americans were top of the food chain motherfuckers did you know by the way notice how you don't hear any of these people bitching do you think it's easy being an indian american
Starting point is 01:39:00 do you do you like what do you think it's just raining sports scholarships and pussy on these people but it apparently is cash it's yes so yes i don't think they're worried about it you think they have strong opinions about gender and race and politics and i guarantee that these fuckers have some sort of religious morality and ideology and framework that they work within as a culture oh they can't let that pull you're correct bruce wayne uh filipino americans 83 000 taiwanese americans 82 000 slightly disappointed in that i thought taiwanese would be higher sri lankans, another dude, some of the most disrespected people on the fucking planet.
Starting point is 01:39:49 There's countries you can go to in the middle East where Sri Lankans are like basically slaves in the entire middle East. 74,000 in the U S here, Japanese Americans, disgusting. I cannot believe only 72,000. It makes me think this list is fucked up i thought they'd be didn't you think they'd be higher tap into your race to cite so it's it's the median so
Starting point is 01:40:11 i must have been confused in taiwanese filipinos for japanese people i'm not surprised about indian americans being at the top though and so what i'm saying is that's what i meant i didn't mean to say don lives in a baller neighborhood what i meant to say is that don's neighborhood is like that whole area is becoming indian like if you go there's high schools there that 20 years ago didn't have a single indian kid and now they don't have a single white kid they only have white teachers i'm not joking public schools these fuckers are smart. They work hard. They work hard. They work hard. They work hard. Malaysian-Americans, 70,000. Chinese-Americans, 69,000. Pakistanis, the Pakis, fucking amazing people. off the charts she ended up being woke but um hard workers whoo she's a hard worker or she she pakistani or indian she's pakistani she married an indian guy uh white americans slumming it so you look at white americans and they go all the way down to the bottom. White Americans, 59,000.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Hispanic, 43,000. African Americans, 35,000. Oh, Bangladesh people are treated like shit all over the country too. There's other stuff you need to know before you make any assessments of this. And Thomas Sowell talks about this. For example. I saw a statistic one time was in a Thomas Sowell book. He's an economist over at the Hoover Institute. And he said that the average Jew, I think it was in the United States, I forget what year the book was written, made $100,000 a year.
Starting point is 01:42:04 And in the United States, I forget what year the book was written, made $100,000 a year. And the average Puerto Rican, who is the lowest average, made $25,000 a year or $35,000. But it was a big discrepancy. But the people who were reporting that didn't let the readers know that the average Jew is 64 years old in the United States and the average Puerto Rican was 25 or something like that. Yeah, the other thing that's weird is it just says the average American. I don't. Oh, the average American. Oh, that must mean between that just must be between all all genders.
Starting point is 01:42:39 I mean, all ethnicities. So my point is, is if you're 60 years old and you're comparing your wealth to a 25-year-old, there's no comparison. At 25, I was homeless. Right. Now I have more passion fruit than I know what to do with. Yeah. Remember when the American dream used to be like being patriotic and like owning something and having the opportunity to start your own business. And then it just like converted into like owning a home,
Starting point is 01:43:08 which is like basically owning a mortgage. And then with that, you probably saw the average mean income start to fall rapidly and stuff. So I don't know. I don't know where I was going with that, but it was just a thought that, Oh, I see it though.
Starting point is 01:43:22 I see it. It's a fucking astute observation. You know, it was like but it was just a thought that oh i i see it though i see it it's a fucking astute observation you know it was like it was it was having autonomy over your own life in the pursuit of happiness and then after that it was like hey the banks came up with a product it's called the mortgage now the american dream is owning a home yeah uh white americans slamming it because we're still paying rep no no no that would go to the top the white people aren't paying the reparations let me tell you he's paying the reparations they're at the top there those people higher the america the the tax burden's falling on those cats whitey's still getting away with murder he ain't paying shit it's so funny oh my goodness don't but don't ignore the numbers just listen to the story
Starting point is 01:44:05 covid covid's gonna kill you just listen to this 36 is this true television i have no idea if this is yeah that was good i have no idea if this is true um the boomers did screw it up but don't worry the next generation after us is really gonna fucking they're gonna really do the they're gonna throw the soup on the van go okay here we go maybe not on the pill what you're saying is that you basically your body thinks you're pregnant exactly you know i said that in a podcast and people flipped out it got like four million views no it doesn't and i'm like yes it does. I think that if you are on the pill, obviously not pregnant, you're attracted to different men than you would be if you were
Starting point is 01:44:49 off the pill. Absolutely. The man that I first married, my first horrible marriage, I was on the pill when I met him. And then when I got off the pill after my children, because I was pretty consecutively on it for almost 10 years, Charles is like night and day from him. And I'm like, whoa, this is on the pill. This is off the pill. Yeah. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:45:08 Yeah. No, it's absolutely true. Hey dude. Not only your intern. That's fascinating. She was a drag attracted to a different kind of man. When she was on the pill versus when she was off the pill. Or she just got sick of him and wanted something else.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Yeah, but I don't know, man. I don't know. My friends who are juiced up, it just rained fucking girls on them. Girls just sniffed that testosterone and they just turned like into Lepi Lepiu. They start. He got canceled. Oh, he did? they start he got canceled oh he did leppy got canceled yeah he's too handsy for today's you know he's too aggressive in his approach holy shit the other one wasn't giving enough consent so god this is a classy show it's not exactly what I wanted. Is that a picture of Justin Berg?
Starting point is 01:46:05 Is that a picture of Justin Berg? Yes. Yes. Oh my Atlanta. You guys, I guess I, I guess I, um,
Starting point is 01:46:12 I guess I deserve it. It's like, I'm in denial of who I am and what I represent. And, but, but I guess, I guess I have to just be honest with myself. Uh,
Starting point is 01:46:23 I need to have someone on like hoover everyone wants me to have andrew hooberman on and people like that what am i going to ask i'm going to ask him everything's already been asked to him yeah some people are saturated right and but but on top of that that that would be kind of interesting to find out if the pill um i bet you being on the pill does not attract the right guy to you or does not make you attracted to the right guy interesting we need to get like true commies on here so we could have some discussion about Being on the pill does not attract the right guy to you or does not make you attracted to the right guy. Interesting. We need to get some true commies on here so we can have some discussion about economic ideology. Jeff Baco is a true commie.
Starting point is 01:46:54 37. Keep calling. Oh, did I just see someone log in at the bottom down there? No, you were seeing. I kept the screen up so I could bring it right back up if you wanted to keep playing that. Oh, okay. By the way, what's so interesting is that there's Indians who are darker than black people, but they're not referred to as black people. And they're the ones paying the reparations because they're making the most money a disproportionate amount of the reparations
Starting point is 01:47:25 isn't that fascinating the black people are paying the black people but the black people who are paying it aren't considered black because it's not really about them being black skin color doesn't mean shit zero zero seven represents Trumpers. God, I hope not. My mom will be so disappointed in me. But I would wear a MAGA hat. You would?
Starting point is 01:47:56 I'm disgusted by anything that has... The thing is, and I've told you this from day one on the platform, on the show, you can't sexualize my kids. You can't teach them to hate black people and and so as soon as you start doing that um and and and and but i i wish it was because for some noble reason um but like somehow i had some like love for black people but it's but it's but it's really this it's next it's the jews and then it's the armenians like i know i've seen it before it's already happened the jews and that my my my kids are 50 jewish and 50 armenians are and uh i cannot even believe i'm fucking alive and my kids are
Starting point is 01:48:38 alive and if you don't know the history of what happened to jews and armenians in the last 200 years check it out it's fucking nuts you guys even get to look at me it's nuts i get to be here like for an average human being on planet earth you have a one in 400 trillion chance of being here for me it's probably one in whatever the number is bigger than trillions quadrillions one in 400 quadrillion okay uh 37 keep the pedophile ditch the rapper oh this guy's so good i gotta have this guy on again compare these two headlines jp morgan kept jeffrey epstein as a client despite internal warnings the new york times august 2019 kanye west's yeezy company dropped by jp morgan chase billboard october 13th 2022 why do you think jp morgan would reportedly overlook the jeffrey epstein stuff but can't seem to overlook kanye west tweets and comments let me know what you think
Starting point is 01:49:37 compare the there's just some things there's just some things with trump that are just kind of annoying there's just some things. There's just some things with Trump that are just kind of annoying. There's just some things that are just, you know, there's just some things that are just kind of annoying. There's nothing wrong with keep America great again. There's nothing wrong with it. You're right. You're right, Eric.
Starting point is 01:50:00 I actually take back that what I said about there are some things that are tough to swallow Trump. Fine. You're right. There's nothing wrong with it. I'm just it's pure pressure. It's just that I live in a town where it's like. I just live in a town where you will stand out like a sore thumb if you wear that. More than more than a guy with his five foot five walking around with the three playing brothers. They get they keep Jeffrey Epstein, but they ditch Kanye.
Starting point is 01:50:24 And I know why it's not I don't think it's because they're pedophiles. It's because Epstein, but they ditch Kanye. I know why. I don't think it's because they're pedophiles. It's because Epstein had so much money. So much info. Or he had so much information. Number 38, we already did. This is not a joke. Retard plates for Australians.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Number 39. Nothing's wrong with me. It's just me. It's just me. I'm in security. Thank you for calling me on that. Okay. Australian drivers can now get our plates if they need space and empathy on the road.
Starting point is 01:51:03 Let me read this. A new plate is now available for Australian drivers They need space and empathy on the road. Let me read this. A new plate is now available for Australian drivers returning to the roads after a traumatic experience. My car has launched return or R plates to let motorists know these drivers should be given extra space and consideration on the road. The R plate signifies to other users that the driver is retarded. to other users that the driver is retarded. Retarded drivers can now confidently return to the road knowing that the non-retarded people
Starting point is 01:51:30 will respect them. Shut the... Confidently return. Let me tell you something. If you have that R on your plate and you live in California, the 16-year-old boys here are going to fuck with you. Because that's what 16-year-old boys do. This just reminds me of the baby on board stickers. It used to be mostly just to inform first responders.
Starting point is 01:51:50 That's what I've heard originally the baby on board thing was for. Those were everywhere. Yeah. I don't know if there's any truth to that because if your car was that jacked up and you couldn't see inside, it's like, are you going to check a window for a sticker? It's probably blown out of your car. you falling asleep yep number 40 if she was barefoot this would have never happened i don't know if 16 year old boys can i'm just saying that you're right 60 but all the kids i know here who are 16 years old are driving regardless of the
Starting point is 01:52:21 rules once they get their license they don don't even follow the rules. They just start driving. Oh, shit. This is crazy. You got to watch this like five times. This is fucking nuts. I mean this. If this chick was barefoot right here, this would have never happened. Look at this. Shoes. Hey, shoes did this to her.
Starting point is 01:52:51 I just want to pause it for a sec. I'm going to play it again, but you know what shoe she's wearing? Those Noble Runners. That shit happens in those. I don't know, but I had a pair of those and that happened to me all the time walking. I didn't fall because I'm agile as fuck. Yeah, yeah. Let's hear it susan hey those are those are those souls collapse on her i they she look look at her left foot oh my god the dog was
Starting point is 01:53:16 out he was like there's no way that was like indiana jones hey good honor for letting the leash go because if she wouldn't let the leash go that dog would have fucking flown across the street just like a massive slingshot hey that would not that never happens if you're barefoot at least she hit the grass right there like when she face planted no at least she went all the way across and boom, grass. No. No 400. Oh, okay. Then you weren't calling me out specifically?
Starting point is 01:53:50 Well, then I retract my thank you. No. No. No. It's the shoe. Yeah, they look like Crocs. Either way, the fucking, the sole gets compromised. And it is not the 400 pounds.
Starting point is 01:54:06 The 400 pounds. The 400 pounds is what made the impact. I don't know what the 400 pounds. I'm just telling you. Fine, you're right. I don't know how to four okay made the fall of the four pounds i'm just telling you fine you're right i don't know how to fight you on this melissa but i'm telling you if she wasn't hey so that's the question was it the knee on george floyd's neck that killed him was it the fentanyl was it the uh cardiac arrest was it the alcohol was it the covid was it the methamphetamines definitely wasn't the covid
Starting point is 01:54:45 what do you what do you or what's the analogy or was it the dudes i'm sorry what like what's the net what's the shoes in this one compared to that analogy like it's all the shoes are everything i'm telling you that bitch wouldn't have fallen if she was barefoot like a hundred percent but the 400 pounds does it is huge like melissa could come back and say well if she wasn't 400 pounds the shoes wouldn't have gone down and they i i i there's a top heavy structure too so that's not gonna melissa and i would have to fight i think we'd have to like wrestle to get to the answer she hit the ground hard i know and yeah she did i mean the broken ankle is definitely because of
Starting point is 01:55:27 the 400 pounds i mean her ow i felt bad for her i it's weird i don't hear these clips when i when i watch them i'm always surprised to hear the audio yeah probably okay number 41 run forest run her face mask fell off and tripped her. You almost make me want to go back and look at that to see if you're telling the truth. Got her shit all twisted up. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Oh, this is brilliant.
Starting point is 01:56:03 I would love to have this guy on the podcast this is brilliant this guy's showing running and all sorts of foot gear this is like what the internet's really for it's not for fucking social justice shit it's for this look at this guy's gonna show you how he runs in a sprint and all the different kinds of shoes. This is so good. All right, action. Ski boots. Flippers. Goofy slippers. Those are actually really goofy slippers.
Starting point is 01:56:37 Normal shoes. Size 20 shoes. Flip flops. Clown shoes. Oh, the high heels are dangerous heels yeah that's just dumb pom-poms kleenex boxes rubber chickens ski boots again who what's this guy's name uh uh daniel abella yeah oh my goodness 2.7 million followers
Starting point is 01:57:07 physical comedy wow genius let's see another one of his like a recent yeah let's see what else he's got like is he like really that funny can we hear the audio yeah sorry oh he's like saving people.
Starting point is 01:57:25 Whoa, whoa. Thank you, thank you. Oh, so thirsty. Oh, nice. I think this dude might be yoked as shit. You good? Yeah, thanks, man. No problem.
Starting point is 01:57:42 My smell. Thanks. Thanks man. Appreciate it brother. No problem. Yeah, he is yo. Here you go. Oh, thanks man you go oh appreciate it
Starting point is 01:58:05 he tipped him alright number 42 Australia oh this must be some hate for Australia I'm so sorry I loved Australia before I still love it but it's just so fun just ripping on them for all the COVID shit I'm assuming this is just ripping on you guys i apologize i do i mean that too
Starting point is 01:58:31 oh shit hold on hold on melissa fuck you do want to fight here we go i'm right savvy and you know it oh look at that with the you know it you are fit you trip you have enough balance and agility to stay up oh are you saying that she she i'm gonna argue this she could be fit and she could have balance and agility and be 400 pounds ah it's a stretch i know i know i'm i'm on slippery ground uh okay 42 australia suza hang with me buddy hang with me we got to make it to 50 are you hating me what time you coach tomorrow early and i haven't eaten dinner yet and i've been out since that time i talked to you okay okay let's go let's go just a few more a few more hang with me here okay Oh, this is great. And China authorities will do this to you at an airport. If your QR code is red, then you will get sent off to quarantine camp.
Starting point is 01:59:30 So I don't know what that means if your QR code is red. But look at this quarantine action. I'm guessing this dude tested positive for COVID. Holy shit. Can you see that? And he's just on his phone he's probably texting his mom hey i'm going to quarantine camp so absurd crazy so absurd so sebon is she fit no no she well she wasn't fit enough to handle the attack. Why does it say Australia? That should have been China.
Starting point is 02:00:08 Yeah, that was weird. It wasn't me. My country's fucked up. Sorry, Australia. Most dis... I don't know what that word is that I typed out there.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Typo. I'm out later, you two turds. Wait. I'm out later, you two turds. People of the podcast, have a good evening, and hit that like button. Mwah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:38 Melissa wins. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, let's see. Premier of Alberta, Canada. Oh, let's see. Premier of Alberta, Canada. Oh, Tardville. The unvaxxed are the most discriminated. Oh, this is actually pretty good. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:00:52 Here we go. Community that faced the most restrictions on their freedoms in the last year were those who made a choice not to be vaccinated. I don't think I've ever experienced a situation in my lifetime where a person was fired from their job or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey or not allowed to go visit a loved one in long-term care or hospital or not allowed to go get on a plane to either go across the country to see family or even travel across the border. So they have been the most discriminated against group that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime. That's a pretty extreme level of discrimination. Show me different.
Starting point is 02:01:30 Show me different, any of you. Show me a healthy person who's died from COVID. And show me anyone who's been more discriminated against than me. In my cohort. That I identify with the people who go barefoot refused to wear a mask and didn't take a forced injection by the United States government
Starting point is 02:01:52 besides Indian people they're really discriminated against they don't even get to be black and they're black fucking she nails it it's crazy right that's true something i hope something awesome happens that like my semen really ends up being worth like 12 million dollars a load oh my god that would be fucking oh my god not mine because i'm only five five but someone's maybe how tall are you suza like five nine five ten yeah it's good you're perfect dream crossfitter i think every guy that says
Starting point is 02:02:31 they're like five nine always does that like they say they're the height and then they round up i don't know five nine five ten hell five eleven if i how tall are you seven Sevan? Five foot. I just round down. Number 44. This is what it's like talking to my relatives. Right here. All right, hold on. Let me get this queued up. Oh, yeah. oh yeah so this says this arab customer uh rep got me dead okay so this is like uh uh uh one of my relatives just think of this as an armenian like one of like my uncle
Starting point is 02:03:20 uh talking to a white guy listen this is exactly what it was like when I was a kid. Okay. B as in Peter. What? B as in Peter. You mean B as in boy? No, I mean B as in Peter, not B as in boy. I said B, not B. Huh? I said B, not B. Okay, whatever. Okay, then it's going to be the letter H. What was that? H. H. As in Etch-a-Sketch? H.
Starting point is 02:03:49 H as in Harry. H. Oh, H. Yeah, H. H. H. H. H.
Starting point is 02:03:56 Fine. Okay, then finally going to be the number six. What the hell? The number six. Sir, I cannot understand anything that you are telling me Seconds? Would you like me to repeat that for you? Shit
Starting point is 02:04:10 Hey, even like other people from other countries Who speak English Have you noticed they just throw R's in wherever they want? Like Australians and English people and shit Like the word doesn't have an r in it i wish i could think of an example and they'll just throw an r in it like what oh my goodness i i've told this story before but i live in california and there's shit loads of mexicans here right immigrants and so and i meet them i meet immigrants all the time native mexicans and they'll be and i introduce myself and i'm like hey i'm seven and they're like hey what's up esteban like you fucking racist bastards
Starting point is 02:04:54 like everything to them is mexican every time i bet you i get it once a week i'm esteban i don't know of'm like, hey, what's up? Do I look like a fucking Esteban? Have you ever seen an Esteban that looks like me? No judgment. Esteban can come from anywhere. Only Mexicans. Have you ever met a non-Mexican whose name is Esteban?
Starting point is 02:05:18 I don't even know if I've ever met an Esteban. So no. I rest my case. Yeah. Proved your point. I read this quote the other day in the ultimate bliss, a human is selfless. I repeat to you in the ultimate bliss, a human is selfless. If you want to experience that. Oh no no it's not actually from that book but i like it that you have that there uh and my and my and my next thing is is if you'd like to experience that
Starting point is 02:05:51 um have a child whoo okay uh 46 nazis do they know damn we're killing it susan we're killing it we're killing it the ultimate okay here we go oh no this is nazis do they know here we go patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us. People who are incubators for every variant to come, walking around lawfully unvaccinated, that's psychotic. For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. About this, in a world of threats and tyrants, terror, you know what our biggest enemy is in America? Our fellow Americans.
Starting point is 02:06:52 They are the ones that are propagating this outbreak. Being frustrated that there is still a percentage of the population who are not vaccinated. I wish that he would go further to restrict the activities of the unvaccinated. Vaccinated person having a heart attack, yes, come right on in. We'll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in wheezy. At 25% can cause a lot of damage, and they are.
Starting point is 02:07:18 If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy. among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy. Well, you know, it's my rights. Okay. But I don't care. The pandemic of the unvaccinated. The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated. And they're killing people.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Freedom not to follow the facts, even if your freedom kills. We've been patient, but our patience. Do they know? Do they know that they're Nazis? What's a Nazi? I don't know, but I'll define it here anyway. I have no clue. A Nazi is someone who wants you to do something. and if you don't listen, they kill you. They think you should be fucking dead. And the path that they're pointing you to is more dangerous than the path you're on. They want to take away your freedoms and your rights in the name of benevolence and kindness, but you'll end up dead. Yeah, look it.
Starting point is 02:08:24 They all look like psychos. It's so unreal. I don't know what they fucking look like. I just can't believe I would be so apologetic. I would be so apologetic if I was them. You hate Tucker Carlson because he's a – the guy flipped the script. Do you know anyone who's a Republican who became a democrat i don't know one i know shit loads of democrats who've become republicans i don't know one republican that became a democrat
Starting point is 02:08:52 and and we don't even have to say republican i don't know any republican i know very few republicans who became it's nuts god i'm lucky god we're all lucky we're so lucky we're not tarded so lucky okay thank you suza thank you for people who called in today thank you for don donald donald foulowl he was a gentleman and a scholar tomorrow morning we'll be having Nicole Carol on and then the following morning Gary Gaines and then the
Starting point is 02:09:34 following morning Donald Trump and then the following morning Joe Biden stay tuned yes and I know all of you are just waiting for Daniel Brandon and that's why we're not letting her come on the show. Spiegel.
Starting point is 02:09:49 Thank you for the 1999 everyone. I love you. Peace and love. Susan, you want to say goodnight? Good night.

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