The Sevan Podcast - #639 - Danielle Brandon & Patrick Vellner

Episode Date: October 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 uh bam we're live jr thanks for coming on dude always you the man daniel brandon thanks for coming on hello hey so much great conversation all the episodes i think won't get much out of always seem to be so awesome yeah hey man that guy we had on published 123 books in three years and some of his books he wrote in two days you should check out his books actually no one has any excuse to do like if you if you have some he he basically cracked the code on how to use tiktok instagram and amazon and youtube on how to make a shitload of money without having to do thrusters. I have to do thrusters.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'm going to send you that episode, Danielle. Danielle, we have J.R. Howell on the show. If you have any questions on what the events are going to be at Rogue or at the games next year, anything he can answer any of those questions. He doesn't sound like he he's nodding. Like he doesn't want to share,
Starting point is 00:01:09 but that's okay. He knows, he knows broken clocks, right? Twice a day. That's it. No. Do you know,
Starting point is 00:01:15 do you know about, do you know, do you know about what happened at the games, Danielle? What do you mean? JR did you, JR basically predicted all these events that were going to be at the games and he was just fucking hitting them out of the park. i want to say he was like all that video eight for
Starting point is 00:01:28 yeah it's nuts right yeah i started following him right after that yeah right hey it is it's it's kind of like it's kind of like as hillar would say i don't believe in coincidences it's like something's wrong like he cheated like he he hacked into bosman's email or something it is really weird which do you believe more that or that she actually started following me? Because one of them is definitely false. Maybe two of them. Your name is J.R.? Howell.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, J.R. J.R. is your name? It's my initials, but yeah, that's what I go by. Oh, cool. And you own Jasonason hopper's no just stop there he owns jason hopper that's it you got it he owns jason yes he owned crossfit crash which is where jason hopper goes correct crossfit crash is where jason hopper goes yeah, not the other way around. Does he really go there?
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah. Every day. Yeah. Do you go to an affiliate, Danielle? Um, kind of it's CrossFit Naples. I don't know if it's like, or I mean the brute gym, which is literally a couple doors down from CrossFit Naples, which is Matt's gym. Matt who? Torres. Oh, is Matt's gym. Matt who?
Starting point is 00:02:46 Torres. Oh, he owns that gym. Yes. Did he buy it from a lady who had cancer and did CrossFit and got all better? Her and her son ran the gym. I think I did a story on CrossFit Naples for CrossFit like a gazillion years ago. Whoa. I actually don't know. Do you know how long he's owned that gym could you search that suza crossfit naples and youtube
Starting point is 00:03:12 maybe it'll be from 2000 whoa nine or ten wow uh why are you ghosting dave me yeah yeah just ambush just ambush daniel brandon ladies gentlemen right away dave castro am i he said i mean shit he says you are i'm ghosting a lot of people then are you are you mad at him no no no It's just how many text messages did you get today? More than I've even opened more. I haven't. I don't even know. More than I can keep up with. Is it weird that that there's a medium like that kind of happens with Instagram, right?
Starting point is 00:04:04 There's a point in your life where you can answer your DMS and then it's just, when do you tap? Because there's this, there's this tug and pull, right? Like at least for me. So, so Taylor was started texting me before the show just now, do you know who Taylor self is? The bald guy looks like a thumb. He's on the show sometimes he texts me, he's texting me like three hours ago and I purposely didn't open it so that i would answer it when i have more time then he texts me again question mark like what's up asshole i'm like listen dick wad i have 500 unopened texts i'm
Starting point is 00:04:34 getting ready to do a show yeah i think yeah that's what's really tough is i think a lot of people think i'm on instagram all the time but but really I go on there, open my messages, try to answer as many as possible. And then by the time I get to like my feed, um, and try to like regularly scroll Instagram, like a normal person, I just like, I'm so sick of Instagram that I'll get off of it. And then I go to like my messages and I'm like, Oh, like, I don't want to, I don't want to look at these. And then I do make the mistake of opening it in hopes that I'll see it later. And I never do. What I just saw. Unread factor like they do on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yeah. You can now do that on text messages. At least I just discovered it a couple of days ago. If you swipe to the right, you can now make it unread. Wow. You probably shouldn't know that. It's just going to make your shit even more complicated. No, it would be so helpful.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Wow. I don't even have that. Yeah, I need to update mine. I hate it on Instagram too when someone sends me something really thoughtful, but I don't have time to open it and i knew i shouldn't have opened it and then i'm just like i just double hearted like i i saw it but like i don't know what like i don't have time to like i don't have three minutes for you or or you lose it and you're like i'm never finding this again i can find mine my shit's not as chaotic as yours it's not that
Starting point is 00:06:00 deep i wasn't able to find the start date on CrossFit Naples. How many followers do you have now? I think like 560K, I think. Something like that. After the show, will you – and people think I have ADHD. After the show, will you look for Dave? If you remember, will you look for Dave's text and be like, I'm not ghosting you? I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'll look for it. And you know what's worse is I have my red receipts on right now. Oh, shit. Did you get a new phone and forget to turn that off? No. You know when you turn it on in hopes that it'll make you respond more? Wow, that's discipline and it it doesn't always work like that wow i was hoping it would but it doesn't i want to see if if when we text if it says that it probably does no it doesn't well not in a group chat in a group chat it won't say that
Starting point is 00:07:04 oh all right i always text you with the witness i ain't fucking texting you alone with the witness fucking go to jail oh my gosh uh some some some simple questions are you a brute strength athlete now i train with the brute squad yeah brute squad you train with the brute squad words are important right and um and is uh matt torres your coach yeah that would be a good word okay yeah coach wasn't assuming anything i was hoping i could get her i was fishing i was fishing
Starting point is 00:07:52 yeah i'm gonna say only coach is matt torres your coach yeah and dom and dom you said something um i was watching the interview you did with Invictus Mindset, and you were saying a couple of times in there, you said that you weren't prepared. For the 2021 CrossFit Games. Correct. What does that I mean, obviously, everything was just thrown to shit, right? You're in a car with two people who tested positive for COVID. I mean, everything was just thrown to shit right you're in a car with two people who tested positive for covid i mean everything from there goes sideways but was was it was any of it your fault like what did you do you take responsibility for it or is it like
Starting point is 00:08:35 should you have done something different of course like i don't think there's one person to blame, but I definitely have a lot more perspective now on what a coach not necessarily should do, but what, what coaches can do for their athletes, right? Like the significant difference between like tour brute, the brute camp and underdogs camp is just, I mean, the level of discussion that goes on about workouts and how to approach workouts and breaking down workouts. It's just like, it's drastically different.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I think a lot of times with underdogs, with me and Justin, and not that there's anybody to blame for that. I think that's just naturally how it happened but me and Justin before a workout it would be more of like a oh I think I can do this or maybe I should do this and Justin would be like okay yeah like yeah like let's try it you know you're capable let's see what happens whereas like with Torres if I kind of say something like that, he's like, well, no, like, let's break it up here. Like, you know, let's approach it this way and just see what happens. Um, it's much more like being coached rather than like collaborative. And you like that more. It's not that I like it more. It just works better. I would think that maybe you were the personality that might even be like,
Starting point is 00:10:06 Hey, mind your own fucking business that you would have preferred the, uh, the Kotler method better. If I would have just like, just looking at you for the little bit that I know you, I think it, um,
Starting point is 00:10:18 not shitting on anyone, but I think it comes down to a lot of respecting your coach. Oh, right. Okay. Okay. Like I, I really respect, um, Matt and Dom and I think they're really knowledgeable and it makes it easier to listen to a person like that. Right. So like you wouldn't take advice on me from me on how to grow your Instagram account, but you would from Tia. meet from me on how to grow your instagram account but you would from tia i don't think either of you okay good all right insert insert anyone's name besides me
Starting point is 00:10:54 no but jr were you gonna say something yeah maybe hans hans oh haunt from uh yes hans that's what he does That's what he does. That's what he does. How is Hans? Are you still working with Monster? Yeah, I am. Do you like that? Yeah, I love it. And do you work with that guy directly, Hans? We haven't chatted in a minute, but I enjoy Hans. He's a very unique individual what do you mean he just has like
Starting point is 00:11:27 a different kind of energy to him that not a lot of people have yeah good energy thank you stuza good good energy i mean not a bad energy okay i just know him from the ufc scene and he had a really fun instagram account he was always playing with the athletes kicking stuff out of their hands he just seemed like he just and he seems like he's into it he like he knows his he knows his brand. He knows what he's doing. He's into it. Yeah. What is it? Nice motor. That motorcycle is too small for him. It's too small. So I want to go back for a second.
Starting point is 00:12:17 So you're at Underdog. You have an abrupt departure a month before the games um and you couldn't have been 100 certain what was going to happen right when at that time during that month you had to be like i'm guessing you had to be like okay i have to just get my fucking bed down and i have to be able to find a gym and i have to train and go to the games and then unpack the mess. Oh, yeah. This year? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So the games finish. Do you have a good cry? Do you cry after the games? I don't think I did cry. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:12:58 No. You don't just go up to your hotel room and just let out a cathartic cry? No. What did I do? No. I was having some good beers. Got home. It was just a happy ending. It really was.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It was awesome. Yeah. It was a happy ending. I wasn't insinuating that crying is a bad ending. I would ask that to anyone. I would think that maybe even to you. I didn't have a happy cry. No, I didn't have a happy cry or just or just some sort of release was there any moment where you were like fuck like you like now there's 364 days until this shit comes back like oh fuck you
Starting point is 00:13:37 know what it wasn't which i think is a good thing it wasn't like this dreadful, like sigh of relief because the games was not, I mean, the games was so fun. It was the most fun I've ever had competing because I just trust Matt and Dom so much and they coached me so well through the games. Um, and I just stayed, I, for the most part, very level-headed and, um, it, yeah, it was just fun. I enjoyed competing. I enjoyed working out and doing fitness and, um, I loved the people that I was there with. You, you talked about other times when there were like, if there were mental hiccups or breakdowns, or if you, if you got too in your head you could turn to bethany or carrie and and chat it out with them yeah and i i'm guessing kind of maybe this is it's
Starting point is 00:14:31 like a fighter and you look to your corner and those are your homies and then when you said in that interview um who uh that when they didn't come to the games in 2021 that was grow up time it was like oh shit i'm here by myself yeah i i lacked a lot of confidence in my fitness and in my abilities that year so essentially like i felt like i had to rely on them right because i didn't feel like i could rely on my fitness or anything but when you're when you're at the games, do you, do you, um, you know, there's a lot of eyes on you and I, I haven't ever been anywhere. I have no type of, um, uh, fame where like yours, but there's times when you're in crowds where so many fucking people know you and you're just looking for a pair of eyes that you recognize. So you can kind of lock on because you're,
Starting point is 00:15:20 you're almost concerned that if you look out, it's going to get too much engagement. Are Torres and Dom those guys? Like after you finish a workout, are you looking for them? Are you looking to like go back to your cave or your – I don't really look for anyone. I think like what I enjoy most is like when I am competing, you get a weird feeling of – when I am competing, it's you get a weird feeling of, I mean, for me, anyways, I don't really ever think about how many people are like watching me, you can just kind of get in this like zone, when you're on the floor, and you're working out, like you where you almost feel alone,
Starting point is 00:15:58 you know, until like, of course, until you like, have moments where you're like, okay, I'm competing, right? So you're like okay i'm competing right so you're like noticing what's going on next to you or if you literally look right because i'm trying to race somebody um but you get into like a very like flow state which is it's like a it's a cool feeling and it's a good feeling so but i don't really look for anyone after. I mean, like, after if I do well or whatever, usually Cooper's there. Ah, Coop. Yeah. Usually Cooper's always there.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Coop. Which is awesome. Did your mom attend the games this year? No, she didn't this year. Any family? No. So the team is you, Cooper, Dom, and Torres. Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Do you see yourself staying? Did you like the move? Do you think outside of the fact of whatever, outside of who Underdogs and Kotler is and outside of Brute and Torres, are you invigorated by the move, just something new? Yeah. I love Florida. I love my house. And I love Naples which like I feel like Vegas it was it was like just I knew it was a business move I didn't ever love Vegas truly
Starting point is 00:17:18 it was just something that I had to do it was somewhere that I needed to be for that time. How far are you from the beach? I think if I go five, 10 minutes. Do you have a beach that's like your beach? Like, hey, that's the beach I go to. I did. Yeah. The hurricane sucked it up, but. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Oh, yeah. Tell me about the hurricane. Oh, my God. Where were you? We were at the Power Monkey Camp. Which is? Which was in somewhere in Tennessee. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Was it at Mayhem? No, but it's right near Cookville. I want to say it's like a half hour or hour from Cookville. In Gainesville or something like that. Do you know JR? Yeah. Do you guys? Where is it?
Starting point is 00:18:04 Someone will say in the comments, Crossville. It's like, it's like weirdly, it's a bill. It's a Gainesville, a cook bill. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:18:14 Crossfit Danielle. Okay. Yeah. We were at the power monkey camp, Dallin, Emma Torres and I, and I think Tuesday was when it kind of started. And we're just getting information from Dallin's wife, Corinne, who luckily she was staying at my
Starting point is 00:18:34 house because she was with Cash My Dog. And I think Tuesday she was like, OK, I think I went over to our friend Pat's house who has just, he has a really nice house. He has like backup generators. Like it's a house you'd want to be at for a hurricane. Yeah. Okay. In Crossville. Gotta eat a sock.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Yeah. Crossville. Danielle for the win. So yeah, we were at this camp. Corinne, we're getting updates from her. I think she's texting Torres and Dallin mainly.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And I think Wednesday. And this is crazy. I don't know where she was staying. It was this house right on the water across the way was where Matt's house was. Like you could see his condo oh i like this story please tell me the hurricane just swept it away and they got to watch it they literally just insane like it was like i mean that's like so sad it's fucking nuts like it was just like rising and rising and rising they saw the waterline go up over matt's house they were just like it's getting fucked
Starting point is 00:19:45 yeah oh shit because where he lived like the water like they were staying on the water and then like his house and then the beach was like right there louder milk beach hey what happened to all those amazing homes where did the hurricane land did it land land in Naples? I mean, it hit Naples, but I, what's the, uh. What was the name of the hurricane? Hurricane Ian. Ian, maybe you could look that up, Susan, where it took land. Hey, um, so what happened to all those fucking gazillion dollar homes that are on the beach? Nuts, like insane.
Starting point is 00:20:20 So a couple of weekends ago, we went to, I want to say Sanibel Island. I forget, or Marco Island. One of those, we went to, some of Matt's friends were basically just going through and helping people clean up their houses because not a ton of people have renter's insurance because they didn't think anything like this would ever happen. It's very sad, actually. A lot of older folks, they have these amazing beautiful homes and they're just destroyed so we just went through and they're right by the right on the beach and um there was this one older man and he was on his honeymoon and came home and and his house was just
Starting point is 00:20:56 a mess so basically the home's filled with water and then drained. And sand and their shit's broken, everything. All your belongings toast. Yep. Cars totaled everywhere. I think everybody in my neighborhood, their car was totaled. Wow. How about your house where you live? Was your shit fucked up? My car was totaled. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Oh damn. Yeah. And my garage flooded like four or five feet, but luck, like my house was built for that. So my whole bottom story is garage. Oh, which,
Starting point is 00:21:35 which is crazy because like my house and then the house next to me are like built very sturdy. And I think this is like a very up and coming area. And not many of the homes around me were built very sturdy. And I think this is like a very up and coming area. And not many of the homes around me were built for this. So they all got like fucked. Like just today, somebody came through and picked up all the stuff because everybody just put all their belongings in front of their house. So like you drive by and people's couches, I mean, everything. And what's even more nuts is they had to put a curfew because people were coming and looting people's couches, I mean, everything. And what's even more nuts is they had to put a curfew
Starting point is 00:22:06 because people were coming and looting people's stuff. Damn. Like I ask people coming in the neighborhood all the time. I'm like, you don't live here. The Ikea by your house is killing it. We don't even have an Ikea, but it would be. So that's what it was like. Did you see it like that?
Starting point is 00:22:26 Or by the time you got there, the water had gone? The water had gone by the time we got back. But what's like crazy is, um, Holy shit. I think, I wonder if that's Sanibel Island. Cause I think that's what got hit like the worst. So I guess I don't understand a hurricane. It's just basically so much water and wind. It's just, water's just, it's like basically, I guess I don't understand it.
Starting point is 00:22:51 It's crazy because you're just like, how, like, you know, I look outside and I'm like, how would water just be four or five feet up? I mean, Corinne got to my neighborhood because she was trying to check on my house. She walked through like way steep water in my neighborhood to try to check on it. Wow. Which is nuts because there's like gators, fish, sharks, all the sea life now. Yeah. Just stuck in people's front yards. Just stuck in people's front yards. Are you playing pickleball? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:27 No shit. Yeah. Who are you playing with? Today it was Torres, Corinne, and I, and we played singles against each other because all the other boys were golfing. Wow. Have you played with them? Yeah, they're pros. I live like five minutes from a pickleball court, and they're legit pros. Does Emma play pickleball? When we were legit for us um does does emma play pickleball
Starting point is 00:23:45 um when we were at power monkey she played one game against who it was torres and her versus me and this italian guy and we beat them of course it's a water tornado i guess so that's what it seems like it's not it's just like it's a it tornado. I guess so. That's what it seems like. It's just like it's crazy because when you just hear about it, but then when it affects the place where you're living, it's wild. Yeah. But you're staying. You're happy. Do you own your house?
Starting point is 00:24:21 No, I rent. Are you thinking about buying a house down there? I am. Actually actually i think i want to buy this one actually oh because it survived yeah i love it it's like yeah yeah that was the test um i heard uh someone told me a couple days ago an athlete, not Tia, who is making a million who made a million dollars last year across it. Yeah. Oh, so that is a while for you. Does that seem. But I don't know if it's true. Right. It's hearsay. I mean, yeah, I mean, I could throw a name out there who I would think. Who do you think?
Starting point is 00:25:06 Is that rude? I don't know. I'm going to try not to flinch if it's the same person that i heard that's a compliment it's not rude it's called brooke wells or like maybe maybe cat but i don't know because she kind of had a weird year weird year you were years years oh shit i would think I will tell you this. It was, that was not the name I heard. Really? No, but that, but isn't that that's fascinating. I, I seriously had no idea that any of the athletes were making that much money except for maybe, I mean, I thought maybe Tia is, and I think for sure, Matt is with this program. I'm sure for sure. Rich is,
Starting point is 00:25:48 but, but I had no idea. Yeah. This person doesn't have anything. Eagle. Yes. I heard her Instagram subscription is bringing in a 800,000 a month. No,
Starting point is 00:26:04 no, I just made that that's a lot of crumble cookies no no no no no i i heard she has a um i think danny has a andrew doesn't danny have a uh it's a subscription thing on instagram here we go patrick with a little bit of information. Noble contracts are no joke. Yes, that's... Their shoes are, though. What is the deal? They must know that by now.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Must be trying to do something about it, right? They must know. I mean, you can't find.... Anyone says anything nice about them on the internet, you click on their account and it's like, Oh, it's obviously a fake account. It's like, you're like, Oh yeah, this fake account. Who runs the Instagram? Who? Noble's Instagram? Yeah. My marketing team, probably. I don't know. JR, did Noble sponsor CrossFit crash? Is that why you sat back no all right you train in nobles much not a big no i wear nikes you're in all right same pair that you wore in college i don't think they make those anymore what are they i usually hoop
Starting point is 00:27:22 in hirachis back in the day i'm sure you could find some Harachis now, but probably lifestyle, not like people actually don't hoop in them anymore. No one hooped in them probably back then either. He did. You'd be surprised. Danielle, what do you wear? What shoes do you wear? The Rads? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And you're stoked on them. Oh, I love them. How how are they doing how's rad doing amazing really good i actually was just in new york two weekends ago with um with the rad crew i mean they're doing so good i mean i went on their website two nights ago to get some shoes for me and my wife just to try them out. And both of our sizes were sold out in every color. Wow. Like they, they just know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And Benji is just so smart. They're honestly legends and they're all from the UK. So they're on another level of really cool people. And they got you. Yeah. Which, which it makes me sick to think if I didn't choose them, like if I didn't sign with them, like maybe if you would have gone somewhere with more money instead of,
Starting point is 00:28:40 yeah. Which like I had people offer more money. Wow. Yeah. I like. I had people. Offer more money. Wow. Yeah. I would guess. All right. Hey. I know.
Starting point is 00:28:50 You probably don't want to. Float your own boat. But. What is. What is your team. Does your team tell you like. Holy fuck. Danielle.
Starting point is 00:28:56 You're the ultimate needle mover. Um. I think it's more of like. A collective thing. Like it's a group effort right but who else does rad sponsor i'll be we'll be the judge of that like me and the rad group and cooper you know like it's a we all do it together which is really cool i'm just the one with the platform say cool. I'm just the one with the platform. Say that again?
Starting point is 00:29:27 I'm just the one with the platform. Right, right. Well, I think people like you, and then I think people trust you because you have the no bullshit thing rolling. Yeah, I like to think out. I was thinking about this today, actually. I was I think one of the qualities that I really like about myself is I think when people are around me, they truly feel like they can be themselves. And I really like that. Yeah. You set people free. Yeah. I want people to feel like they can be themselves.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And do you know why that's hard? Why that would be hard around you? I, yeah. Which then I was like, you know, a lot of people probably feel scared to be themselves around me. Well, the thing, the thing is this, you're so incredibly good looking that it's, it's, um, it's a, it's a, uh, turnoff's not the right word. It's, um, it's hard. It's a – turnoff is not the right word. It's hard – people aren't going to be comfortable around it. So then to be on the other end of that and be – you're good-looking, but you're also fascinating. You're this enigma, right? You're like a weird bird. You're like a peacock. They're beautiful, but they're also fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:30:42 You're like, dude, that's a fucking weird bird. peacock you know they're they're beautiful but they're also fucking weird you're like that's a fucking weird bird yeah um but then on top of that then to feel free around a peacock it's uh it's super cool i think it it'll it takes a little bit which is fine i get it when i'm around attractive people when i'm around people that i find attractive i get a little weird too yeah everyone does right yeah yeah um and i'm sorry. That's why JR is on here to make you feel uncomfortable. I know. I couldn't even look at him when I said that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Just so you know, you're the only guest that we have a backup for at all times. We had Patrick Clark as the backup. Who was my backup? This guy, Patrick Clark. Rad is the best shoe for running workouts. Patrick Clark? That's my backup? Yeah, that's your backup. Patrick... I'm not going to defend it. Why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:34 It wasn't a replacement. It was a backup. Backup. Backup's a backup for a reason. Yeah, backup. Patrick should be taken as a huge compliment. We were like Joee biden or patrick clark patrick oh my goodness are you um are you getting better seriously yeah and and how where are you getting better in the gym so so you're you're, you, you show up on time now.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I show up when I want to, but okay. I'll be more specific. Are you getting, um, is your overhead getting stronger? Yeah. And it doesn't even, it's not even something we're trying to do. Can you give me an example of that? Like what you've seen recently in your overhead work and my overhead work? What do you mean? I mean, I mean, when the bars over your head like this. Oh yeah. Well, we've been doing a lot of, um, like just upper body strength. Um, a lot of bodybuilding with like wall facing handstand pushups, strict handstand pushups, um, lap pull downs, strict pull ups, um,
Starting point is 00:32:49 a lot of tempo stuff, a lot of like ring holds, parallette holds, parallette tempo work. I feel like I just spilled a lot of secrets, but whatever. I did. When you said bodybuilding, I was like,
Starting point is 00:32:59 holy fuck, I've been interviewing people. I've been interviewing people for fucking 16 years in the CrossFit space. I've never heard anyone say that. You give people the secrets, they still won't use it. That's true. Mike, the sauce. I like always when Mike comments, I like to put the sauce in there.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Danielle, you're beautiful. Please join HWPO. You have so much potential to unleash. For $5? That's all you're offering? Mike, don't listen to her. Mike, I love you. you have so much potential to unleash for $5. That's all you're Mike. Don't listen to her, Mike.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I love you. That's all. And she pushed her two 65 for reps, Andrew Hiller. For reps two 65. I don't know if I've ever done that for reps. I think I've done like two 45 or two 50 for reps. And that's where you get it overhead and you lower it and it goes back up again without going and getting a drink of water or chalk in your hands. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:52 My God. Sometimes without breathing. Elise Carr, Radao, Sevan headed to the garage after this workout to work on his overhead. I'm going to have to go to the garage afterwards and prepare for all the shows we're doing tomorrow. That's for sure. You're happy and you're getting better and you're invigorated with the crew. What about Emma Carey over there? Tell me about your relationship with her.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Do you see her? I do see her. We, we don't really, we don't interact as much. We don't interact that much. So there's actually two separate sessions. There's a morning session and then like a mid morning session. So groups one and two, the group one has Trish, Nate, Emma. I don't think I'm missing anyone. And then the second group is Dallin, me, James Sprague. When Fi gets here, she'll be part of it. So we kind of have separate sessions. So we'll see each other when we are like, like when we come in and we start warming up. Um, but because it is like a tight space, um, essentially we, we hope when we show up, they're kind of like making their way
Starting point is 00:35:12 out. But, but a couple of times we've had to be in the same session because people will, um, flip flop if they have something to do. Um, Emma though, she, I, i'm curious to see her growth in just in life in general um couldn't you take couldn't you take a mentor role with her you know it's that's so funny we i've been like i've talked to somebody about this yesterday and a little bit today i don't know i know i talk with them they're good they're You probably do. Maybe, maybe it's the same people. Um, as much as I would possibly enjoy that, I really don't know if I'm the person for that. She's just very, um, in like, right. She's young. She's just very naive to the world. She's very young, has a lot of perspective that she still needs to get. And I don't know that my approach is the best approach.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You think you're too much. You would be like a hurricane. Yeah. Yeah. High winds. You're high winds. Because I'm like, you know, but maybe it'd be good for me. Maybe it'd be something where I could develop a little bit of patience and like... Tacked. Yeah. Can you look that word up for me, Susan?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Tacked. Did I use that right? Tacked. Yeah. Yeah, you used it right. JR, do athletes need mentors? I don't know that everyone needs one, but I think that they come in handy. Yeah. Did you have a come in handy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Did you have a mentor, Daniel? Yeah. Oh, you did too, JR? Yeah. Daniel, who was your attack? Oh, shit, another word I don't know. Adroitness. Jesus, now you've got to look that word up.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. I'll just forget adroitness and sensitivity and dealing with others with dealing with others or with difficult issues. I'll just forget adroitness sensitivity and dealing with others. I like that. Yeah. And you're saying you if you did work with Emma, you would have to cultivate some of that sensitivity. Yeah. Were Bethany orrie mentors to you i don't think we i don't think we interacted enough i think they i think they would they
Starting point is 00:37:33 were more of silent leaders like a okay a silent like carrie was a very silent leader to me anyways uh uh c hill danielle got a bad bitch vibe emma's just the angel floating around the living and around and living like cleverness or skill okay yeah so some some a little bit of sophistication in your approach and maybe you don't maybe you don't want to even have the patience for that because it's um it's danielle's time to go in there and murder exactly as much as i would enjoy it maybe yeah maybe maybe there will be time later on uh i it must be fabulous to see you and james sprague interact it's it must be just fucking fireworks huh it's it's pretty funny he is definitely growing growing on me. He's a lot of energy.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Yeah. Actually, I think yesterday. What was it yesterday? Yeah, yesterday. It was kind of the first day in a while that I felt like my CNS was just really tired. And so I wasn't able to hit some of the percentages that I wanted to. And I kind of started throwing. I was pissed.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I wasn't expecting it and so i kind of you know was kicking shit a little bit um yeah not yeah i was getting a little aggressive and james started kind of mocking me and started like throwing his shoes he's like okay phil start calling me phil toon it was pretty good it was pretty good but he made me laugh so it was good um and i think the music shut off and he started singing and that was it was pretty funny he's full of energy it was good so whereas some people may have given you space oh shit uh danielle's having a little bit of a fucking meltdown temper tantrum. He leaned into it. Yeah. Yeah. He wasn't intimidated. Maybe he was, and that's just his way of dealing with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:34 On it. Probably. Phil tune. What's up with Phil? You see Phil around. I don't, I don't, I don't follow him. I think he moved back home to Arizona and I believe he owns a gym now. Oh, shit. Good. Do you know anything about that? I want to say it was in his family. JR, have you heard anything about that? Did he open an affiliate?
Starting point is 00:39:56 It was a friend's gym. I don't know anything about that. I think I've seen a few videos of him backlifting really heavy. There you go. In Arizona? Yeah, Phil. Oh, shit. He moved him back lifting really heavy. There you go. In Arizona? Yeah, Phil. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:40:07 He moved to fucking steel weights. He's out. That's a tell sign right there. Wow. He gone. Wow. He was seriously into power lifting before he started CrossFit. Yeah, he was.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Sevan is my daddy. That's Giannis. Giannis? Giannis. Wow, 575. Sevan is my daddy. That's Giannis. Giannis? Giannis. Wow, 575. Holy shit. When my CNS is tired, I start peeing my pants, but I'm 50. I would too.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I don't blame you. My central nervous system is working on other things. That's fine. Is Alexis Raptus down there? No, she's training Think Tank. Oh, okay. So when you named off those eight athletes, I haven't heard of these other people you mentioned, Trish and Nate.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Do I know them? Did they go to the games? No. Trish is, I want to say, 19. And I think her real name is Olivia. But you don't know? Olivia. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Does Emma train with any games athletes no but we all have different um programming usually and except Fridays we'll have the same workout like last Friday it was James Dallin and I we had the same workout is there who did you was there a fourth person in your group did was there another female when she moved. Oh. Is that weird for Emma that you guys are all? No, I think it's great for her. I think she would get too wrapped up in what we're all doing.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Okay. Yes, Olivia Sulik. Oh, okay. Okay. Why do you call her Trish? So Matt kept calling her Trish. And I was like, does he know her name? And I was like, maybe he just doesn't know her name. And I was like, honestly, that's such a Matt thing that I just let it go. And then I realized her gymnastics nickname was Trish and she told him that once. And so he just calls her Trish and there there's
Starting point is 00:42:01 another Olivia, um, Dom's wife. Okay. olivia sulik's a games athlete or she's she's done something i've heard her name i've heard brian she was at syndicate i believe but i don't maybe in the teens yeah i think teens games okay yeah teens game and then nate i don't know nate ackerman yep he's i don't. It kind of sounded like that first session is the younger of the young bucks. It's like Emma and Olivia and Nate are all like, what, 19 or younger maybe? Yeah. And that's kind of the more religious squad. Well, I guess Dallin is Mormon.
Starting point is 00:42:48 religious squad well i guess down down and down is mormon but james sprague doesn't he ride in on jesus's back every day for for uh when he shows up at the gym what do you mean religion james sprague i think is religious as all get out is he i actually don't know oh we'll have to get to the bottom she's not in the yeah she's not in the religious session that's why james isn't ours i was gonna say that's like the religion but then i realized i'm probably the like main one that's not as open about my religious views so i guess really i'm the odd man out okay that makes sense again you're the odd man out again actually okay so that's it is okay thank you patrick so it is so it is all pipe hitters what we should have had no nate nate did not oh nate was with david bradley i think that's his name that's a
Starting point is 00:43:37 different division but james dallin james and dallin competed together i'm on the emma train too harry harry j harry j you should be harry um do you have a boyfriend danielle no i don't someone's feelings just got hurt someone's someone is that is that is that intentional no no you're not like okay this year i'm gonna this year i'm gonna go full full uh tilt into the games here's a couple things i need to remove from my life uh uh getting rid of my dog i'm not gonna let I'm going to put a wall up and not let any courtship enter my world. And I'm going, it works. It works. But also I've never been that. I mean, you know, the, you know, the girl, no, no, no shame on them. But I just feel like the women
Starting point is 00:44:41 or men, you know, that are like, I'm looking for a relationship. I've just never resonated with that. I don't understand how you can be like searching for someone. Right. Right. Or like you want someone so badly. Like, you know, I'm just chilling and I'm like, dang, I just wish I had a boyfriend. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Right. Yours is more like you're pumping gas and you look across and you make eye contact with the guy and then he asks you out. Yours is more just like opportunistic. You're not looking for it. Whatever. If it happens, it happens, but I don't, it's really hard. I don't really communicate very well. So it's really hard to get past that talking stage. Past the gas pump. Usually we don't even start the talking stage. What's your name? And then you're just like, what are you looking at? Usually we don't even start the talking stage.
Starting point is 00:45:23 What's your name? And then you're just like, what are you looking at? Yeah. I mean, actually props to, I won't name names, but some guy FaceTime me today, which was like, I was like, wow. Like he caught me at a good time. Like to chat you up. Yeah. It's part of like a courtship process.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yeah. It was like, good for you. Yeah. So that's what your generation does. They FaceTime. Well, um, on, I think on on my profile it says i hate texting so it's like a pickup line too more like uh like are you a facetime gal and i'm like not really but if you can't catch me at the right time maybe wow and and you didn't you saw so so a guy talked to you in your dms asked if you're
Starting point is 00:46:06 if he could talk with you you checked his profile you're like okay i would talk to this guy and then you gave me your phone number and he facetimed you and how quickly from when you saw that so when you saw the number you didn't recognize it correct oh man you live life on the edge yeah yeah not answering that i don't mean it's a facetime she's i was like you know i was i was feeling feeling wild feeling risky usually i just ignore it oh that guy was shitting his pants dick butter what'd you say jr maybe he said good for you for picking up like you're saying that you said good for you for facetiming me no no he was scared to death jr i appreciate you standing up for the boys yeah but that dude was scared shitless he's probably he's like man he's probably going back
Starting point is 00:47:03 to his homies like yo she answered oh for sure he took 12 000 screenshots of that this is real this is real was it weird how'd it go was it weird when he answered did it feel bad no it was actually it was very it was good i was like yo we could be homies. Oh, all right. Hey, dude, if you're watching this show, she's never going to fucking answer again. It has nothing to do with you, so don't have your feelings hurt. You should see me and Matt tag team fucking Danielle in the text.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Matt's like, okay, I'm going to tag her two hours before the show. Text her. I'm like, okay, I'll text her an hour before the show. Matt's like, okay, I'll text her half hour. I'm like, all right, let's just tag team her and then maybe she'll... Four minutes four minutes it is now we're just gonna facetime you i really want to do this i really want to do this dating show with you where people can call in and ask you for dating advice and me and you just field their questions and just tear them up i mean uh talk to them with sensitivity and adroitness me No. Me? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:05 It would be so fun. Yeah. Oh, I would do it. Yeah, I would do that. Matt, did you think she was actually going to make it to tonight's show? I was confident tonight. I'm confident every night. I always believe in Danielle.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Yeah, always. Always. I'm here to get hurt as many times as it takes. Any closure with Mr. Cotler? Since none. Since you never drank too many beers and called him one night and was like, yo, motherfucker, let's bury the hat. Nothing. No, actually not.
Starting point is 00:48:40 With no one. No closure over there. No, there wasn't really any necessary though. No, no closure necessary. I mean, you did what you did, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:54 it happened. I'm in a, um, I'm in a way better environment. Really good coaches, you know, James Sprague. Yeah. James Dallin. Yeah. I can't,
Starting point is 00:49:09 I can't wait for fee to get here. Honestly. I, I realize like, um, I'm surrounded by a lot of men all the time, like Dallin, James, Matt, you know? And I'm like, sometimes I just, I'm in the gym and I'm like, man, I really need like another woman here. Will you play that? Will you pull up her Instagram? That brings up a good question. About a year ago, you made a post.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I can't remember what it was, but you made a joke about maybe dating girls and people were talking shit to you. And they're like, hey, that's nothing to joke about. But then you did this a couple of days ago or a week ago. I think. Why would I joke? joke okay you weren't joking uh what what's the way i think it's on tick it's the tiktok one with the gray oh the third from the left okay the one with the boob would you be my girlfriend yeah would you play that um suza it was a hair hair transformation okay here we go because i'm over boys
Starting point is 00:50:09 would you be my girlfriend baby something turned me how did you come up with so did you hear that song and you're like, I'm doing this. Yeah. And that's it. Were you like, were you literally like just in your car and you heard it and five minutes later you're making that.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Yeah. Damn. Not much thought, not much thought behind it. It's, it's such a fucking, um, it's such a great, it was such a great it was such a great post
Starting point is 00:50:46 yeah i loved it um do you have a favorite training partner i i guess those guys all have to be your favorite training partners i would say dallin like he's just i i really enjoyed training for the games last year with him. In the month prior? Yeah. Is he going to Rogue? No. Or is he disappointed? Is that something that everyone...
Starting point is 00:51:14 Yeah, I think he wanted to. Everyone wants to go. Yeah, I think he really did want to go. I think it was like, what, 20, top 20 men got invited and like almost just about every one of them accepted yeah i don't know i think they started with the top 15 and they let five get filled through the qualifier i don't know how far down they oh okay yeah but i think all that top 15 i think they all accepted or like most of them. I think 14 of the 15 is what I heard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Which I, the girls that wasn't, that's not true. And those girls who didn't accept, you think that they didn't, you don't think that they need that money? No. You think they're injured?
Starting point is 00:52:00 No. I mean, I mean, no, no, I don't think, who knows. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Are you feeling good for rogue? I feel, yeah. I mean, I don't have any, um, any like huge injuries right now, but like Matt is really good. We're really good at training around that and like rehab. And I mean, it's crazy. It's next level what they do. Like when I was at underdogs if i were to say oh my back hurts right it's like okay well are you going to pt are you seeing
Starting point is 00:52:32 getting body work are you doing this that you know whatever here it's like they they program pt for me i mean like it's it's like. It's crazy. So there's more awareness of what you need and they're taking responsibility to make sure that it's a more, I guess, holistic approach, everything around you. Yeah. I mean like, Oh, your elbows hurt. Okay. Every day or however many times a week, we're going to do this elbow rehab. We're going to do this, that, Oh, this hurts it. Okay. Instead, let's do this. Um, which I just like, wasn't used to, which I didn't know that's what a coach could, should do for you. And is it like that with nutrition also? There's a nutrition guy.
Starting point is 00:53:18 There's the PT guy. We all have our, um, I work with Mike Malloy. I want to say we all do in the gym. I think most of us do. Like I'm pretty sure Dallin works with M2. I'm sure Emma does. After 2021 when you said that you were having – my words, not yours – negative self-talk out there, what did you do – Oh, let's see what this guy has to say. Finally.
Starting point is 00:53:46 I thought it was broken. He hung up. He said, Oh wow. They really answered. Scared to death. Oh shit. After. So, so what did you do in the year after to make sure that didn't happen again? Did you pick up any practices?
Starting point is 00:54:04 No, no, I, I don't find, I haven't found that I necessarily, um, like do well with cheesy self-talk, you know, like words of affirmation and stuff like that. I don't find that that necessarily works for me, but I think for me, it was like, if I can train, um, if I can like train and put in all the work and leave no doubt and no questions there, then like the mental side should follow. Right. I think there was a lot of things that were lacking in my training and, you know, I wouldn't push as hard or I would make a lot of excuses. So then of course it was easy to be mentally weak. Whereas like now I train and leave kind of leave no doubt, you know, I don't know whose slogan that is, but it's very
Starting point is 00:54:57 true, um, to leave no doubt in training so that I kind of have no room to make excuses. I would almost think that you could, you could prepare, um, like, so when I kind of have no room to make excuses. I would almost think though you could prepare, like so when I used to have, when I would be on a plane and there would be turbulence, I had like these things that I would say to myself to get me through it. Yeah. And I would think that like,
Starting point is 00:55:16 maybe you would just have, just in case a fire extinguisher on hand so that if something crept in, you would have these three words you said, I love you, Danielle. I love you, Danielle these three words you said i love you danielle i love you danielle i mean for training maybe but in competition like if you're having those thoughts you probably didn't prepare well enough okay like even if i mean like right when we're at the games and when those wall facing handstand push-ups came, it was just like, yeah, I could throw a fit about this,
Starting point is 00:55:47 but like essentially like there's nothing else I can do. Like I am going to not be good at these. And like, I have to accept that right now. Um, And 2021, you said you went into an event. Uh, I forget which event it was, but like you didn't warm up and you were like, fuck it. I don't care. Did you, did you have any of that in 2022 did you ever approach no i think uh maybe
Starting point is 00:56:10 the the last workout the row one i was kind of freaking out i was like oh my god because they put a um you had to make the row in a certain amount of time the 1k and i was like oh fuck i was like what if i can't do this i was like i don't know if i can and like right they didn't know me as well as an athlete so like of course in the moment they're like you can do this right they're not gonna be like no danielle you can't but like i mean they didn't really know i think at one point matt was like, fuck, like, can she? But because I was just like, I don't know if I can. He's like, you can hold that pace for, you know, a one can. I was like, can I?
Starting point is 00:56:53 I don't know. And so I'm freaking out. And then I was like, they were like, okay, you need to go do this, like warm up for bar muscle ups. But in the back, you couldn't do bar muscle ups because like the pull-up bar was like really close to the ceiling and so you would like you would like hit the ceiling and i think i was like guys i was like i don't need to warm up my bar i was like i don't need to warm that up fuck it and dom's like he's like you need to make the choice right now and like you
Starting point is 00:57:20 need to do this like you know like let's not leave any regrets we've come this far just do it and i'm like okay and yeah i feel like i'm just like delirious like i'm like i just want to do this. Like, you know, like let's not leave any regrets. We've come this far. Just do it. And I'm like, okay. And yeah, I feel like I'm just like delirious. Like, I'm like, I just want to get this workout over with. And I go over there and I like do a pull up and like hit my head on like, Oh shit. Oh my God. I'm just like dead. I'm done. I'm like, Oh no. That was probably like one of the funniest moments in the back didn't you brawl with one of your did you brawl with one of your refs at the games think jump rope think jump rope oh my god yeah yeah i said get a fucking head judge over here
Starting point is 00:58:00 because they just like because uh danielle you still mad at me i don't even know who that is yeah well there you go thank you for the five dollars so yes she is i mean yeah probably for 15 for 15 she won't be mad yeah yeah yeah and so you did the judge wasn't counting your, your reps, right. And you were like, Hey, what the fuck? Yeah. Because they told us in the back when Boz announced the workout and was going over standards, the double,
Starting point is 00:58:34 the crossover double unders, you could cross over on the first loop. We'll call it or the second loop. Right. So it could be here then cross. I think it's called cross open or i i hear you though it could either be you could either jump before or cross before yeah any order first turn or the second turn right and i think a lot of people were crossing right away whereas i
Starting point is 00:58:57 would go over then cross so i would end like with the cross at the end which is which is just different i think that's just how I picked it up. JR, is that true what she's saying? You could do either way? Yeah. Oh. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Not that I didn't believe you, Danielle. I just wanted a second opinion. That's fine. We're not allowed to get second opinions in California from our doctors. That's what I was going to say. You can just trust what I say. Should the athletes have gotten at least a couple hours a day, a week's notice on the crossover
Starting point is 00:59:26 should they have been given a little bit of a heads up so you could practice i would say no because i was able to pick it up in the back i mean that i love that stuff because if you're an athlete you'll pick it up yeah and it's an even playing field. Unknown to everybody. Just figure it out on the floor. There are so many videos on Instagram about those things. JR, would you say that Danielle is one of the better athletes, if not maybe the best, on the women's side? 100%. Is there anyone who's a better athlete than her that you see out there?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Well, the way I kind of think about athleticism maybe a little bit differently, just coming from like an actual sport background with like a ball, that I think about someone like Danielle or any athlete going out and throwing a Frisbee, playing basketball, doing something like that and i've if i feel like they're fluid enough doing everything else to do that and make it look like the way it's supposed to look even if they have no experience doing it that's athleticism it's not just plyometrics or being flexible or being mobile or whatever like i think athleticism is completely different than working out in a four by six stall mat.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Like if you were to play a sport, and you had to pick from the CrossFit athletes, she'd be like one of your, and we didn't tell you what the sport was, you'd pick her maybe over someone who finished better at the games because she's probably a better athlete. Oh yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Like I think if you look at a movement like a, maybe like a burpee get over something just super like super basic but something that kids probably did when they were running and jumping over fences and you watched her do it at mac it looked like the way it was supposed to look right oh that right that was going over the yeah yeah that was incredible yeah she stood out from the rest of them almost like she was doing a different movement it was so much different fluid even though they're all doing the same thing well she was one over the, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was incredible. Yeah. She stood out from the rest of them, almost like she was doing a different movement. It was so much different fluid, even though they're all doing the same thing. Well, she was one of the people that probably thought that she was going to get no rep if she let the feet go outside of the box,
Starting point is 01:01:36 but she's also able to keep her feet close together and her hips underneath her on top of the box, which is not something many other people could do at all. Yeah. so is she the best athlete out there at the games yeah i mean i i would love to i would love to like see her and tia just do a lot of stuff that they've never done at the games before pickleball i would i would say they're two of the most athletic sure could you be could you well what's interesting is you say that, but we saw T I mean, you see Haley Adams or Danielle run next to T and T it looks like a robot
Starting point is 01:02:09 compared to them. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's a different, it's a, it's a different way of running. Okay. Fine.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I like that. It's a different way. Kyle Torres. I'll pay $20 to get Danielle to be mad at me. Wow. It's getting, going to get weird after that one. Danielle, thank you so much for coming on.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Hell yeah. You're the man. I love it. You're the woman. I miss you guys. You're both. Thank you. You're the man and the woman.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I hope you're doing good. We're going to start scheduling. We're doing great. We're going to start scheduling the next podcast with you tomorrow morning. We'll start sending you texts first thing in the morning. Love it. FaceTime. All right. Awesome talking to you. first thing in the morning love it face time all right awesome talking you tell mr torres and emma and james sprague and dallin i said hi and fee oh i will okay thank you guys bye bye thank you
Starting point is 01:02:57 so one hot girl and now the obligatory athlete hi patrick hello oh shit this looks serious he's got notes he's got and now the obligatory athlete. Hi, Patrick. Hello. Oh, shit. This looks serious. He's got notes. He's got... Force of habit. I always keep a pen and paper around just in case. I find that ideas enter and leave my head pretty quickly sometimes.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Sometimes you got to jot something down just to leave yourself a note. When the games... You've been to the games eight patrick that's uh jr i don't know if you guys have met before yeah i know jr okay um you've been to the games eight times uh yeah something like that that's what they said on the morning chalk up when um uh lauren khalil was interviewing you on the bottom and said eight times games athlete i didn't fact check it i'm just running with it yeah i just ran the numbers it's accurate one of those is team is team though so it depends uh how you consider team some people don't count those and so so how many of them are individual seven um when in two of the games you finished and you've had a baby waiting uh yeah i like the last two yeah yeah okay i don't know what you mean by baby waiting
Starting point is 01:04:16 meaning they're like like like like danielle got to finish the games and go to the bar but like you're going over and hugging your like you you're not grabbing a beer you you have a child waiting i mean you can do both but you can't you can't maybe bad example he's got two hands yeah that's right yeah i mean yeah i have some some responsibility that some athletes don't that's for sure um does that make the um end of the games different and significantly significantly different finishing when you like no matter what happens on the floor at the games you see your baby and it's just like all that shit kind of just like it might be something you would have hung on to for a week um three years ago but now that you're done and you go back to your hotel room and you're holding your baby just the fucking whole world vanishes i don't know if it's that different from everybody i think everyone has a thing though like for me even before we had the baby like you leave
Starting point is 01:05:17 and you put a lot of things on hold to train and try to perform your best at the games so you like now is the time to go back to those things and give them some time and energy that you've been you haven't been doing you've been not neglecting what you've just been putting that energy elsewhere right so whether it's you know your your kid or just your girlfriend or your family or your friends that you've been you know you've been not picking up calls for two months uh i think everybody's got it in some shape so but yeah i mean it definitely is nice it's i think we put pressure on ourselves too like you don't the end of the day like my family's pumped when i'm successful but if i'm not they don't
Starting point is 01:05:58 really like it doesn't weigh that much to them um so you know it's nice to it's always a sense of relief to finish and then go back to something else and not have to think about training or competing for a period of time and just sort of immerse yourself in a different reality. And then you kind of get back to whatever you need to do to be successful after the fact, like, you know, give it a couple of weeks to sink in and then go back to the drawing board. But I don't think I'm unique in that. I think everybody has a thing. And if they don't, they should, or else you're weeks to sink in and then go back to the drawing board. But I don't think I'm unique in that. I think everybody has a thing. And if they don't, they should or else you're going to go nuts and you're not going to last too long.
Starting point is 01:06:30 I just – oops. Oh, I accidentally sent Pat away. I didn't like your answer. I think of it like this. I used to think about my parents dying, and it was a really powerful thought. It would come in, and it would be really intense with me. I couldn't imagine a world with my parents not being there. And then once I had a kid, something happened to that thought. It lost its – don't get me wrong. It's still going to be a painful moment, but I was kind of comparing that like to the games.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Like there's nothing that could happen at the games that staring into your bait. Like it's like, I heard you say that you were, I don't know what the words were. Let me see if I wrote it down here. It's like, it's a part of your life, right? Like the competing and like, that's part of my job. Right. And I, it's a big part of your life. So when things don't go well, you feel that for sure. But I think to me, what's important is that it's only a part of your life, right? Like there is life beyond those walls of the arena, right? And you need to be able to remove yourself from that and, and not just live there. Cause
Starting point is 01:07:40 I think it's, that's no way to live. And, uh, yeah, there's nice to have when you just, you can walk out the doors and let them close behind you and be like, okay, yeah, hug your wife, kiss your baby and be like, cool. This is like, this is something else that's super duper important, more important. They just have so much, there's so much power. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:57 It's such a potent relief to just everything. You know what I mean? Like I could do a bad interview, leave the podcast room and see my kids. And like, if I didn't have kids, it would have stayed with me but because i have kids it's like it's like almost like they burn it away no kids have a way of consuming everything that's for sure there's yeah they can be a hell of a distraction yeah that's right there's a they run over and give you a kiss and you're like i could give two fucks about the podcast that is
Starting point is 01:08:22 true there's something like you know your kid laughs about whatever, and it's, it's pretty intoxicating and, and that can definitely reverse any feelings that you had before that. So, um, yeah, there is something about it. That's for sure. It's, uh, there's nothing like the love of an infant or a young kid. You were scaring me, Pat. I was gonna, I was about to write sociopath at the top of my paper. Thank you for bringing that one home for me, Mike. Ah, yeah. Yeah. You know, it know it's interesting too like you you ask someone who they are and just who are you and those with kids it's really easy for them a lot of times they can't think of anything they just say well i'm a dad or i'm a mom so like coming off the field of the crossfit games and trying to make sense of the fact that this is what I do,
Starting point is 01:09:05 not who I am. Who I am is a father to this kid. So this is just a part of my life. This is just what I do for money to feed my kids, but it's not who I am. Who I am is not a CrossFit athlete. It's everything else that's happening when I'm not there. And maybe Pat's experience both is kind of, I guess, yeah, well said JR, right? So a lot of athletes they might not have kids until they're done but you had one like in your prime yeah i mean i think to jr's statement like i think we've we haven't tried to put our lives on hold because of you know anything really like myself and my wife have done a good job of kind of plowing forward
Starting point is 01:09:45 and making a plan and living our lives the way we want to in making everything work uh and it's just sometimes it's very very busy and very stressful but you know the plans were yeah we wanted to start a family we want to do these things and like are we going to really put it on hold for you know an indefinite amount of time until I decide I'm done competing. Like, not really, that that's not really fair, uh, to her or to like, you know, we want to make sure that our plans can work together. Right. And so you do the things that you want to do to live the life you want to live. And, you know, you kind of, if you care enough, you make it work.
Starting point is 01:10:20 And so that's kind of how we've approached almost everything. And I'll, I'll tell you straight up,, it has been very challenging a lot of times. And there are times where I think you just like, you wish you had three more days in the week to get the things done that you want to get done. But, you know, we make it happen. And we're, people are very resilient. And I've always kind of lived that way. Like, if it matters enough to you, you find a way to make it happen.
Starting point is 01:10:46 You don't make excuses. You make, you make decisions that are going to make it work. Why are, why are you still, why are you working? Well, because there's life after CrossFit. Why not? What, what, what if I, let me propose this to you. I know it's really presumptuous, but it's kind of, sometimes I do that. We know each other. Why not? What if I let me propose this to you? I know it's really presumptuous, but it's kind of sometimes I do that. We know each other. Why not? Why not take this year off from work? And and reorganize your time management. Would that would that help? Like maybe, but I think it's a big maybe to just to do that. You can afford it, right? Can you afford it?
Starting point is 01:11:29 Yeah. But I mean, I have goals outside of that. Like, I mean, we're, you can't buy your third, second or third house. If you do that, you're trying to like, it's got to keep it chill. That's not a dig at you. That's not a dig at you. Yeah. And it's not that either. Like I think that the way I've always kind of worked best is when I can, I can turn away from things from periods of time. I've always felt like, you know, kudos to people that go full-time athlete and make it work, but there are just as many people who go full-time and it doesn't work. And I think that there's probably even more, there's probably
Starting point is 01:12:02 even more who go full-time and we're really quick to quick to point out people and say, well, if you did what they did, then you'd be successful. And everybody's a little different. And I have for many, many years been going to school and competing, working and competing. I've always kind of had a couple of things going on at once. And I don't think it's by accident. You learn how to manage time and you learn how to manage yourself. And I think to me, it's always accident. Like you, you learn how to manage time and you learn how to, how to manage yourself. And I think there's, to me, it's always been a, an advantage to have something else that you can do. So if a bad day happens in the gym or you have a bad competition, it isn't like all encompassing or like the walls are falling down because you've got other stuff to focus on
Starting point is 01:12:40 and other things to work on. And well, you know, that sucked, but got to go to work tomorrow. And there's other people with problems that I need to address. I know I've got my family at home and I need to try to do my best to be there for them. And having more things to do, isn't necessarily a, you know, a hampering your performance or it's not a detriment. Like if I had more time to train, I would waste more time. You know, I think that you just do. I'm still training my like four or five hours in a day and doing some mobility and things like that.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Like, what else would I do? Like sleep four more hours in a day? Like, I'm still getting all the sleep I need. Just at a certain point, we have enough time. And I think that, yeah, I don't know. It just. i think that yeah i don't know it just the answer is because you don't want to the answer i don't i don't want to and i don't think it's gonna it's necessarily going to improve me uh and it might for some people that's for them to decide but um i've seen the story enough times where people have a good year and then they make it to the games for the first time.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Then they go full-time athlete and they don't qualify the next year. I just want you to know that this guy in the comments is the biggest dick who watches the show. I've never heard him say anything positive. And he loves you. That's fucking incredible. Yeah. Fucking incredible. Couple compliments in there from Jeff already.
Starting point is 01:14:01 This guy spends an hour just ass-pounding me every day. And he loves Pat. Great. Good. Jeff, that makes me realize that your soul hasn't completely rotten that's awesome yeah but i think that those are just i mean you gotta just try to figure out what works best for you we're really quick to put like a box and say like you know a successful athlete does it this way or a successful person does things this way and And it's just not, that's just not how the world is. Everybody's a little different. We work a little different. We thrive in different environments.
Starting point is 01:14:30 So the best thing you can do as any, like a, you know, somebody working or going to school or training is figure out what works for you, trial and error. And then once you figure it out, don't turn your back on it. Because I think people will always try to sway you one way or another or tell you this works or that works and they're not you so figure out what works with your experience and then stick to it because you know you're the only person who can feel what what you feel and and you know have your experience so um there's a lot out there but i don't know i'm sorry what did you say did you just cry no damn that's a big trying to climb me that's a how old hi hi he's uh 16 months and a half
Starting point is 01:15:18 fish um so when you say do your own thing that means you don't have one of those clocks um with the light that turns on to let you know it's daytime like Matt Fraser has. You didn't run out and buy one when he said he uses that? I should have, though. Do you know what I'm talking about? I always try to get things that whatever Matt says because I think he gets a kickback. So I like to support my friends. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:15:41 What did you think about Matt's VersaClimber? I got it, man. I had a good laugh about that. Hey, I mean, good for him. I think, I think it's actually like pretty cool that he's willing to put himself into all kinds of areas of the fitness space and, you know, put himself out there. He's not like too big to say like, well, this is lame or whatever. Like putting it, putting his program out there for mass appeal is great. I mean, you're going to help a lot more people.
Starting point is 01:16:07 So I think there are some critics who say like, Oh, what a sellout, blah, blah, blah. I just think it's funny because those things frankly just look funny to operate. And Matt's quite a stout dude and watching him on the Versa timer. And with his little like Britney Spears mic on, I just, I just had a laugh. Like I was just like, as a friend who was happy to take the piss out of the mic i just had a laugh like i was just like as a friend
Starting point is 01:16:25 who was happy to take the piss out of matt i just had a laugh about it i here here's here's my thought of all the machines that are out there it's got to be probably one of the absolute worst it was just yeah i've used them like once it's just the setting that they put them in you're right with those lights behind them and the earpiece and the way he was set. Yeah. It looked like a late night infomercial, right? Yeah. It's great, right? So I just – I had a laugh about the whole image.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Yeah. For sure. I've used those once. Oh, don't do that. I mean that machine is not for sellouts. Sellouts don't use VersaClimbers. That's a hardcore machine. I did like a Tabata on it once or something, and it messed me up pretty good.
Starting point is 01:17:09 A Tabata. Just like hammer it for 20 seconds. While you were listening to Nirvana? Yeah. Are you moving? I heard you're moving to Idaho. Is that true? To Idaho? Yeah. Sure. I heard you say in the podcast with Laurenuren khalil i'm trying to enjoy my freedom you can't possibly thinking think you're going to do that in canada
Starting point is 01:17:32 oh so idaho is the only place it's the freest of the free yes yes gotcha i didn't know that cool thank you i wasn't sure if i was going to use that joke i had to feel i had to feel pat out a little bit. I can tell you one thing about Idaho. So yeah, they like the corn state, isn't it? The second they talk about Idaho and Canada,
Starting point is 01:17:53 they just censor it. They just block it out. They don't want you to know about it. Yeah, basically. How, um, on September 13th,
Starting point is 01:18:01 you did that interview with Lauren Khalil and you, and you hadn't started um god i hope that baby calls 9-1-1 and we watch you get thrown to the ground and you're there but i don't know what he was trying to do when did you start training for rogue be honest pat don't say you haven't yet or anything like that no i would have started doing something probably a month ago month ish i had a wedding at like end of september so yeah probably like late september um before i started like really but i was doing like some strength progressions and some things i just wasn't doing like competition style prep or workouts but um
Starting point is 01:18:42 yeah i'd put like a reasonable month in when you take the month off from the games did you take a month off hey uh yeah probably about what do we end in the uh beginning of august so yeah probably a month and a half month now two months when you say you took a month off, does that mean you really took it off? I probably took a good two to three of like off, off, probably two off, off. And then did like worked out in my garage gym, like getting a biker for like 30 minutes. And then that's it for like a week. Mostly doing like rehab stuff and
Starting point is 01:19:26 mobility rehab whatever like that kind of just low impact stuff and then i think probably after a month i was back to doing like basic stuff of limited strength progressions and like a conditioning piece of some kind i actually remember like the first real workout i had to do because it was just like it was such an affront i just i couldn't i felt so uh just uh i don't know taken advantage of it was brutal i wasn't ready for it um what could you tilt your camera your eyes are almost cut off i do sorry people really like your face there it is kind of safe though um what what wanes what where where do you see the um loss of fitness when you take a month off where do you see it the most is there anywhere where it's just obvious you're like oh shit interesting question um i think if you if you're like coming back too early
Starting point is 01:20:26 you just don't want to do it like you're just will to do anything so the mental piece it's not even physical okay it's just like you get fed up quickly like you could be doing a emom and just like a few minutes and you're like ah forget it or you just a couple intervals and you're like nah i don't know no and do you actually tap do you actually stop no i never have but i can i can feel it like you can feel where you're like this isn't that hard and it's feeling hard because i'm like i'm not into it okay i'm like thinking about 30 other things i want to be doing right now and like i'd rather be sticking needles in my eyes like this is just not where I want to be.
Starting point is 01:21:08 So you can like, yeah, if you're checked out mentally, it's, it makes it hard. Weights feel heavy for sure. It depends how you start. Like if you come in and just try to blast yourself into like a Fran type workout, like it's going to suck. But we did a lot of just like lower intensity engine building for a period so it's like a bit more palatable and then the first time you start doing some like four or five minute workouts it really kicks your teeth back into the back of your head but uh yeah i think that just things feel a little heavier you just feel a little slower your joints are a little less loose
Starting point is 01:21:40 you're like you're creaking into positions and you just you know you're not quite there yet or maybe that's just my age showing is are you chomping at the bit to get back out on the field is there part of you that loves that part and you're like like i can't wait to be back out there yeah i think it's funny like you're still i I still am nervous about it. So I think that that means something good. So it's exciting still, which is nice. It hasn't lost its allure. So I think that there's, I still am into it, obviously. And yeah, just like all of it, the like the sights and smells and the like being on the
Starting point is 01:22:21 turf and things like that is just fun. Like I caught myself the other day what were we in uh we had like a new mat or a new piece of equipment that came into the gym and you know the smell of just new equipment and that's what that's called off gas that's called yeah like a lot a lot of competition floors smell like that fresh rubber because it's all the fresh stuff gets laid so like, just like that smell, you're like, you just like feel it like your heart rate kind of jump.
Starting point is 01:22:49 And I'm like, Oh shit, that was, that was sweet. Like that was a little hit of just like what a competition is like. Um, and it gets you excited. So those sorts of things,
Starting point is 01:22:56 you know, you get like, I still really like that, but you know, I have my days where I'm at, you know, day five of the week training before my rest days. And you're on your like 10th set of intervals for the week.
Starting point is 01:23:08 And you're like, boy, boy, oh boy, I could be having a weekend. Are you training alone, Pat? Yes. Yeah. I don't know. It's getting harder. I will. I'll say. I've never really minded it, but it's getting, it's getting harder i will i'll say um i've never really minded it but it's getting it's getting harder some days i feel like i rush through things sometimes to try to get home and uh we're juggling the baby a lot of days and i'm trying to get i have to make some time so my wife can get to work and things like that so sometimes it gets it feels a little rushed and i think it would be a little nicer to have somebody there with you but um you know it is what it is it's the realities
Starting point is 01:23:45 i chose to live on an island so he's not completely alone he's still he's got his cameraman there making that sick content for him that's true there's a lot of sick content but we had a few like younger people who were starting to get competitive kind of around our gym too so i try to i try to trick them into coming into workouts every now and then i got one of the young guys the other day. Pretty good. It was nice. Um, you know, um, as a, as a, as a fighter, like you can't go into the ring unprepared,
Starting point is 01:24:15 right? I mean, I mean, I guess you could, but it would be nasty. Bad shit would happen, right? Um, if you gas out, the other dude will just pummel you. Did you ever, do you ever feel ever do you ever feel have you ever felt like you're out on the floor and you and they're like oh fuck i'm unprepared yeah i have i think it's rare in our space to be like completely useless um you know probably what happens to people now and then is a certain type of test comes up where you're like, oh, right.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Or, you know, my running's not where it needs to be. Or I've just finished like a big weightlifting phase and I'm like, I'm slow or whatever it might be. Like you maybe have just focused on one thing because in the off season, the pendulum's got to swing a little bit. So these kind of times a year, Rogue, Guadalupalalooza dubai like people are starting to build some foundation again so occasionally you might get caught with your pants down in like a specific uh type of modality or type of time domain where you're just like oh like i can go long right now but like i'm not i don't have that quickness i don't have that strength and it just depends uh so it's not a good feeling feeling
Starting point is 01:25:26 on the floor to be honest with you the question came because when i hear you say that you're leaving early i'm like oh fuck are you going to get on the floor at rogue and take a second place in an event and be kicking yourself because you came home early it's hard to kick yourself over a second place and when i say i'm rushing out it's not that I'm coming home early. It's that I'm, uh, I'm getting everything done, but I'm not exactly resting very much in between things sometimes. So, uh, I probably haven't skipped a piece of training in like eight years, but it just, it gets done,
Starting point is 01:25:58 but sometimes it gets done in awkward times. And, you know, sometimes it, uh, things have to just go the way they go in order to make the rest of your life work but pat is by far my favorite athlete so well spoken and intelligente i learned something new every time he talks can pat just win rogue to shut up all his doubters i can't have that many doubters, do I? Yeah, shut up.
Starting point is 01:26:27 What are you talking about, Jesse? Sure. I mean, look, I'm going to try. It's going to be a fun year at Rogue, I think, though. Again, it's a bit weird because you never know where people are at. I know last year I was a bit surprised with certain athletes there just based on how people are treating their offseason. And it is what it is but rogues won that because they're paying our travel and it's kind of guaranteed uh income regardless even if you're at like 85 percent of what you're
Starting point is 01:26:57 you think you should be like you can go maybe you win an event you get paid out like it's a it's a really good exposure event a really good money event and it's just like it's fun uh so it'll be interesting to see what what people are working with this time of year but uh there's a good crew and it's fun to have like guys like roman and now uh and like able to come to events like that i think he'll be awesome like see what ricky does at an event like rogue i think it's just gonna be cool like it's fun to see, see how guys do it in that style of competition where it's not, it's a bit shorter. There's just like, there's going to be strong man stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:32 It's very specific in what it tests. And it's not, it's not necessarily saying, Oh, we're going to find the fittest person. It's just like, this is the Rogue Invitational. It's an invitational show up,
Starting point is 01:27:42 show us what you got and then go home. And it's, so it's a fun one jr will will pat uh win an event at at rogue and what will that event what will and what will that event look like uh historically does really really good with any type of rope climb but you know in years past we've seen a lot of weighted rope climbs there was a ruck last year um that they were doing them with i think it was with that that over under the log event and stuff like that. Usually any kind of chipper. I mean, I know Brent usually gets a lot of love with chippers, but I would say Pat's just as good
Starting point is 01:28:13 or better historically at any kind of a chipper workout. I think it's a really good conversation though. From a programming standpoint, starting to talk about these off-season events, a lot of people are getting into this conversation now of what should the goal of these off-season events, you know, a lot of people are getting into this conversation now of what should the goal of these off-season events be and what should their responsibility be to like showing who the fittest person is. And that's just not the case right now. It's, you have the CrossFit Games and they're making the claim that it's the fittest person on earth. Every event is not that. And it's almost impossible to test for that in six to eight tests. So yeah, sometimes it works out where the fittest person on earth from the games wins Rogue or wins Waterpalooza or wins Dubai. But just because Pat goes to Rogue and beats Justin
Starting point is 01:28:56 or anyone else, that doesn't mean that the test was flawed and it doesn't mean it wasn't good. It was just what it was. I think it's okay for people to come out or not come out and say things like, Hey, this is just what we think is entertaining. And these are just a collection of workouts that we think are really good workouts. That's it. And whoever performs the best is going to win. Same at Wadapalooza, same at Dubai. It's no different than a golf course that you know if you're long on the tee, you're going to do better. And the number one player in the world isn't long on the tee. They're probably not going to win that at that event. It's no different. So I think, I hope that some different blood wins some of these big majors off season so that that talk
Starting point is 01:29:41 from a programming standpoint can really come to fruition and come to the forefront of what the sport is and what it isn't. So not only do you think it's OK, you like it. For sure. Pat, do you do if one, do you agree with J.R. and two, if so, where does how would you describe Rogue the event? I actually do agree with jr i think we've been a bit trained because historically the big competitions you know from my era say like the regional era that kind of um even the sanctionals all those things were they were meant to filter you through to the games so they were meant to be a well-rounded test. And in those situations, that is important. It's important to
Starting point is 01:30:27 have some type of filter that is either even across all athletes or is extremely well-rounded. And it is challenging to do with a limited number of tests for sure. But when it comes to invitational competitions, like it's kind of anything goes and it's a bit their prerogative to do whatever they want and if if competitions want to showcase interesting things about where they are or add some flavor like rogue is kind of uniquely placed in the fact that they build equipment for strongman and power lifting and all this stuff like they can just make a version of a competition that's heavily influenced by those things that they also take part in and that seems totally acceptable to me and maybe because it's an invitational maybe it ends up being like who knows three years down the road it's like okay well we'll invite the top
Starting point is 01:31:16 10 from the games and we're going to invite like a couple like power lifters or strongmen or whatever and you can like make it a medley of some kind and it's just entertainment. And you're testing people in fitness spheres and whatever. And same like water polo has changed its format this year to have this two day individual and two day team format where, you know, if you've got two days, like five or six tests, probably what can you really expect? Like somebody misses hard on one and they're out like out of podium contention maybe right so it it's kind of fine and it's okay and it kind of
Starting point is 01:31:52 makes the narrative more exciting we've also kind of had this repeat champion thing that's gone on for like 10 years where like the same people just win everything all the time until they retire and that kind of a style where there's, there's a more obvious influence that skews something in one direction over another, those really well-balanced athletes will always do well, but you might have people who are just stronger, like strength specialist type people who are also really fit shine in certain positions. And that's great. It gives them some exposure.
Starting point is 01:32:23 It may create some excitement. It creates some storylines when those people that meet later in the season, uh, in the actual semifinals and things like that. So I think it's totally fine. Um, and I'll admit like as an athlete who is pretty well-rounded and has been successful in a,
Starting point is 01:32:39 in the past system, you know, if I lose in competitions like that, I'll be annoyed, but I get it. Like, I, I, I don't think that means they shouldn't exist. Um, it just means that like, I'm a competitive guy that wants to also win all the other stuff. So it just, it's, it's totally okay. And I think that the, it just creates different storylines. It creates a different look. It probably creates
Starting point is 01:33:01 visibility for different athletes. Um, and that's awesome. If that's awesome if if if um if it's fair to say that rogue has a strength bias what would you say about dubai and wadapalooza um that's a good question dubai has a bit of an endurance bias i'd say historically and not even just because they they tend to run some long events but also because the recovery component is heavily tested where they'll test they'll test back-to-back workouts they'll test uh um scores that happen in parallel where you're you're like finishing one score and then you're doing another one simultaneously. Like we had with the run and the shoulder overhead this year at the games, they've been doing that format for years.
Starting point is 01:33:53 And usually in an endurance context, like with machine. So, you know in the swimming mice they had running he's breaking up pretty bad for me
Starting point is 01:34:15 me too under kind of new conditions uh wadapalooza i'd say that they're like, they'd be more gymnastics biased than anybody else. Probably most of the big cruxes, um, how,
Starting point is 01:34:32 and those workouts have usually been gymnastics. Like I've been there three years and like the one year we had rock bag muscle ups. Uh, we've had like lots of rope climbs, legless rope climbs, always there's muscle ups. There's usually like one or two workouts of muscle ups uh we've had like lots of rope climbs legless rope climbs always there's muscle ups there's usually like one or two workouts with muscle ups like we might have bar and ring uh there's lots always handstand push-ups there's always so i don't know and they have a swim workout so in a shorter competition that skews things a little bit but uh was is okay i think
Starting point is 01:35:02 that it's usually not too bad but it'll'll be interesting when now that it's shorter. I just don't know what that means. Um, so when you rarely has a really long workout though. So what a Palooza is going to do like teams one day, then individual, then teams and individual. No, I think it's gonna be two and two. So they'll do like two days back to back of one and then two days back to back of the other wow that's awesome if you're a team competitor you got to love that because you'll get a lot more attention that way well i think it also maybe i think
Starting point is 01:35:36 say that again exactly jr i think that it might entice some big names to do both oh shit wow are you going to wadapalooza are you going to wadapalooza patrick yeah i will and you'll will you go to dubai uh no i'm not going to do dubai and and how about rogue and then wadapalooza how do you decide that? Partly because I didn't want to do the Dubai qualifier. They were only going through qualifications this year. They weren't sending any invites, which is new this year. But yeah, I was just training for Rogue and I couldn't have been bothered to do the qualifier.
Starting point is 01:36:21 So I just didn't. And it's a lot of travel. And if I'm going to leave and go all the way there like do we plan that trip and do i bring the baby and my wife or you know does she just stay home with the baby and then am i rushing all the way to dubai and back to anyway it's a long trip i've done it once uh i would maybe do it again another time if she could come and we'd make a holiday out of it but yeah i'm like not i've got enough stuff on my plate of what didn't seem super important where where are you in your career twilight and what and what does that mean how how twilight well i don't know how twilight but i would
Starting point is 01:37:01 say the sun isn't rising it's's probably starting to set, you know, where's my pad. I'm past, I'm past noon. I'm past high noon. You know, get your, get your, uh, Patrick Velner, uh, Canada card. Yeah, do it. Um, Oh Pat, how good are you to your athlete uh yeah how how is that is that toe box wide it's wider than most of the other shoes i think i've actually never worn the nike shoe but from what i hear it's pretty narrow and uh the gradual decline gradual decline gradual see gradual um but yeah the lifter is definitely really wide the normal shoes wider than some shoes but i don't think it's like crazy crazy wide
Starting point is 01:37:55 is this why is it nano maybe a little bit wider but no no shit. Not like crazy. I would say just like maybe the, the lifter for sure is wider. Um, but the, the training shoe probably comparable to the nano. Okay. I love the name. I love the nano,
Starting point is 01:38:16 especially the nano too. I can't, I, I, the Met cons, I don't, I can't only get like four. I can't even put them on.
Starting point is 01:38:20 My toes won't even go down there. Oh yeah. I've never, I've never worn the Nike. So they're, they're like this narrow okay so you are wow you weren't lying you like being with them do you like sponsors do you like dealing with all that oh keith's your manager right yeah keith and daniel robbins works with uh matt as well um they've been tears been great actually they've been really really. Do I like dealing with sponsors?
Starting point is 01:38:47 Yeah. Sometimes it's more work than others. It just depends how busy you are. Occasionally, when you're looking down the barrel of a competition, it's always a complicated relationship because that's when you're really visible.
Starting point is 01:39:02 That's when you're most marketable. It's also when you're trying to perform. The whole reason that you're really visible that's when you're most marketable but it's also when you're trying to perform and uh you know the whole reason that you're marketable and they want you to be visible is because you perform well so there's like this dance that nobody wants to really get in your way too much because they want you to be as good as you can be but at the same time they all want you to show up at the booth or do whatever you can or post for this or that right so as i in general i've i've tried uh for years to be like you know be organized on that front if i know i have a competition coming up at the end of the month you try to talk to everybody and be like hey what can we do leading up to this to
Starting point is 01:39:40 service this relationship and then try to block it out like a couple weeks ahead just to be like i know what i need to do and it's kind of preordained and i can post it and i know what's going on but you don't need to put any extra thought into it at that point because it's just like that like doing a tiktok dance yeah yeah yeah like i don't need to be in events trying to like figure out what i'm going to post for this or that like it should be generally during competition it's pretty free uh but leading up to or following sometimes you got to do a little bit of stuff but yeah so nobody manages your instagram or anything nobody manages that during competition for you at all no not really that's also you okay yeah do you know any athletes
Starting point is 01:40:19 do you know any athletes who have their instagram accounts managed i know some do i couldn't tell you who like offhand interesting i i don't have a problem with that what i mean by the way whatever whatever makes you just curious who's actually answering your dm well it's it's just kind of like what whatever whatever so you can get the job done i do remember rich in the early days when he first signed with Reebok, there was like the first request, I think, or something, you know, they want him to go to like 20 places in one year. And he's like, in fucking possible, you know, or whatever they had asked him to do,
Starting point is 01:40:54 it was going to be impossible to fulfill those obligations and then compete at the CrossFit games. Yeah. You gotta be careful because everybody wants some of your time and, and everybody only wants a little bit of it. The more kind of partners stack up, you realize really quickly, you've got no free weekends for like the rest of your life. So you gotta be a little careful about it and try to manage it as well as you can. But at the same time, like you want to, yeah, you want to,
Starting point is 01:41:20 like I want to be in a value add to anybody who's trying to partner with me. Like I don't want a free ride. I'm trying to do stuff with them and perform as well as I can for myself. But it's all like, yeah, it's just you got to be a little careful. And I think you have to draw boundaries. And that's a big thing when you're starting those partnerships or you're negotiating is like, where's the limit? And it was the same when I was in school. It was like, hey hey if i'm in exams
Starting point is 01:41:45 don't ask i'll let you know when those periods are and just like don't talk to me and then you know this period that period throughout the year like these are blackout periods and just like the answer is no so don't ask um and then that's fine most people are will respect that as long as you you're up front about it well you told us you were blacked out during this period and we didn't respect it we still kept bugging you we saw on the calendar like fuck that just push through it just push through it no i'm not not blacked out till monday um pat um in that interview uh with lauren you said that um you underperformed at the games and that you made some mistakes um i really like the way you said that you underperformed at the games and that you made some mistakes.
Starting point is 01:42:27 I really liked the way you said that. Like you weren't giving any of the power away. Like it's all you. Like I can fix it. It was my fault. It's all me. Like there was no finger pointing, which I was pretty impressed. What was your biggest mistake?
Starting point is 01:42:41 Was there anything that you didn't think about to this day? biggest mistake was there anything that you didn't think about to this day you really are a salty veteran now that's it that's that was the one last comment that pushed you over the edge so much for gradual trying to like make excuses or whatever is like you can't i can't take away from anything that the other athletes did, right? Like the, if I start lining up excuses, everybody's got a reason why they could have been a little better here or there. And, um, that's just like a slippery slope. And the people who, who outperformed me, they just straight up outperform me. It was, they were great that weekend. Right. Um,
Starting point is 01:43:18 and I fell short in a few places, but I don't know if I had to point at one thing that really made things difficult. I had big heat issues on that capital workout and it, it messed me up pretty good for about a day and a half. And so I had a few, that sort of day and a half that event and the next, the rest of that day and half the next day is a bit, a bit blurry where things were not exactly going
Starting point is 01:43:45 well um so i was like and you know you do what you can and you stay you try to just like keep it between the lines but there was a couple events where i just like the one right after the capital we had a very short turnaround and it was the ring muscle-up workout that i probably should have done very well at and i I, I was like a corpse. I was just like, I need to just put it on the fairway and get off the field and then start to like rebuild for, cause we had a longer break after that. And those are just like things,
Starting point is 01:44:14 like I just pushed too hard. I hadn't been doing enough, like longer distance running clearly. I wasn't acclimatized as well as I should have been. And I just fully like overheated quite badly and was dealing with pretty bad heat injury for a little while. And yeah, it's just like lack of preparation and not reading the situation. Well, not slowing down when you maybe should have.
Starting point is 01:44:34 Like I had my watch on checking my heart rate, watching it just go like red zone with like 10 minutes left and being like, yeah, this is going to be really bad. And then just like not being able this is going to be really bad. Uh, and then just like not being able to regulate for like a long time. So those are just this things that happen. Right. And I should have known better. And I tried to just push through it and, you know, uh, where did you realize that on the Capitol run? Were you in the middle of the run and you're in, and you just hear this, the self-diagnostic pop-up like oh dude you're you're
Starting point is 01:45:05 like sweating a lot i was probably when we were running by the water and we hadn't quite turned across the street and like start running like in the city um i remember like looking at my heart rate on my watch and i only wore my watch to keep a rough eye on my my running pace but it had the heart rate going and then I was looking at it and it was just like too high for how much we had to go I was at like one like 178 or something like that and I was like huh like you probably have like a mile left to run plus then the strongman stuff at the end and I was like yeah well this sucks and then the last bunch of the run end. And I was like, yeah, well, this sucks. And then the last bunch of the run was a bit uphill.
Starting point is 01:45:48 So as I finished the run, at that point, I remember just being like, you should slow down. And then saying, nah, you can't afford to slow down. But when you get to the sandbags, like the farmer's carry, just break it up into small chunks. And because you're like, you're moving slower, your heart rate will come down. And same with the sandbag, because you're walking slower your your heart rate will come down and same with the sandbag because you're walking slower your heart rate's going to come down
Starting point is 01:46:07 and getting there and that just like i had tipped over the edge like it just was not happening at that point my heart rate was like 190 and i just like gutted it out to the end of the run and was like cool now you're gonna start to recover and just like not a chance right wow and then even like after we finished i got like pulled off the line and was like laying down for like 20 minutes and was still heart rate at like, just like I was trying to just kick heat off. Right. And I just couldn't like my body was not, it was no good. So anyway, it was just, that was a problem, right? That was just a big mistake. And I, I read the situation poorly. I made the wrong call and uh suffered for it so and
Starting point is 01:46:46 then it took me yeah it took me a little while at by the end of saturday i was feeling okay like that that sandbag clean event that was probably kind of mostly back for that oh no i was not doing that was the same night that was a bit weird i was a bit weak probably there but the after the swim on the wall ball workout i was starting to feel like I was okay again. Has that ever happened to you before? Have you ever experienced that before? Uh, there was one year, 2019. I think I also had a heat problem on like the very first event, uh, which again, it was just a bad read.
Starting point is 01:47:21 I like tried to push really hard, uh, to try to win that workout in the last round. And I just touched the sun and exploded. And then like had, you know, just when your body's just malfunctioning, you're like throwing up and having diarrhea for like a half a day. And you're just like, it's not good. You can't keep any food down. So it's not, that's not the path forward. You know, that's not the way to succeed. So that makes for some rough. You want to stay a little below that. Uh, so, you know, you make mistakes, you live and you learn, but, uh, it wasn't for lack of effort, but, uh, yeah, you know,
Starting point is 01:47:56 Pat, what, what about the, um, the run, uh, press event, the, the, what you did to jerk the 300 pounds over off the blocks what happened there uh probably a little bit of just panic um i was like my legs were quite beat up from the bike to be honest and i was like feeling heavy on the run but also the way that the workout was with two scores and the run also being a tie break for the jerks the run was more valuable than the shoulder to overhead by a lot it was like you could almost look at the the shoulder or the run as being like 150 points to 50 points for the shoulder to overhead so if you were gonna go after anything the run was more valuable the jerk looked a lot cooler and you looked a lot better if you
Starting point is 01:48:41 were just nailing the jerks, but the run was more valuable. So I was just like, oh, I'm going to, I'm going to push hard on the run. And my legs were a bit heavy and I just made it happen. And in the second round, I missed a couple jerks. And then you just, I think I was just here in the footsteps and being like, man, you got to start hitting some jerks, rushing into the next one. And it's the kind of one where I think if it goes smooth, it goes great. And you hit all your lifts and you're feeling confident but as soon as there's one miss it's like a little bit of panic that little bit of rush can just really make a difference and i just i had really poor composure and i made a lot of i just was rushing into it and uh i couldn't get the legs to work again what was your best performance at the games
Starting point is 01:49:22 elizabeth elevated right yeah i mean that's an easy answer i'm trying to think if there's What was your best performance at the games? Elizabeth elevated, right? Yeah. I mean, that's an easy answer. I'm trying to think if there's anything that I was like more proud of than that. Cause that was an easy win. That was a bit like. Really? You weren't intimidated at all by that many dips.
Starting point is 01:49:39 You're just a dip. No, not tipping like that. And not on a static bar. I don't know i i actually thought going into that workout that people were going to be much better than they were i i completely overestimated the the uh field of athletes because and it just is classic like you don't know you don't appreciate or know what your background is worth sometimes. Cause to me, I looked at that parallette traverse cause we didn't get to touch the
Starting point is 01:50:08 parallettes at all in the briefing and we didn't have any in the back. So you couldn't see what people were like on them, but that's such a basic skill that I've been doing since I was like five that I was just like, Oh, this is everybody here is really fit and good at, you know, everybody can walk on their hands. They can this and that like surely a support on a static bar is not going to present any issues for anybody. Um, so I picture that the people who are really strong pressers or endurance pressers, we're just going to like not hesitate and be super great on that. But the coordination was just more valuable than I realized. And after watching couple heats i was like oh people are are not as as good on this
Starting point is 01:50:50 as i as i thought they might be so um it was a hard workout to know where you were because of a descending uh rep scheme it wasn't like obvious looking at the clock at the end of every round where you were but i knew what the time to beat was. And I think when I finished the, when I got to the last round, I had like two minutes or something like that to beat the time to beat. So it was like, yeah, at that point I was,
Starting point is 01:51:15 I was new. I was going to win it by a lot, but, uh, Pat, this guy's asking how far, how far did you take gymnastics as a kid? Uh,
Starting point is 01:51:23 I was a Dickie junior national. Wow. Um, so you were consumed as a kid? I was a Dickie junior national. Wow. Um, so you were consumed by it, that it was, it was full time for you. Wow. Five days.
Starting point is 01:51:33 I've done well with full time as you might imagine. So when I was in school, I was in like high school. I was doing, I was probably doing like five days, six days a week for like four hours. But I was still playing lacrosse and playing rugby and doing all kinds of stuff. Who's this busy?
Starting point is 01:51:52 Are there levels to it? This guy's saying L10. This is the guy that loves you. It's different systems. I couldn't tell you. Oh, okay. I couldn't tell you. How many less people do you think would have finished it had they done it in the succession
Starting point is 01:52:05 that they were supposed to do without having to move that event wait wait what do you mean oh good question explain that to me jr what happened yeah so they had to move shuttle to overhead because of the rain oh they were saying they were supposed to do that uh before correct elizabeth yeah not so many people finished it right so it was it was gonna be shuttle overhead and then i think the the gymnastics like pegboard workout and then the elizabeth workout right so i don't know i don't think it would have impacted it that much to be honest because it was squatting which we wouldn't we hadn't squatted really other than the pistols which we did anyway um i don't I don't think the overhead wasn't a really high impact workout.
Starting point is 01:52:49 Like it was hard if you, when you were there, it was like fast and whatever, but it's like doing an assault bike sprint or something where like 10 minutes afterwards, you're just kind of like, fine. I don't think it was a, like that hard on your body. Um, but I don't know. Yeah. Anyway, it was, it was, uh, I was surprised. Not that many people finished the Elizabeth one. It was a tight time cap, but, um, I think it was just,
Starting point is 01:53:11 yeah, I don't think people are going to be fooled by that twice though. I think that a lot of people are going to be doing more of that. Uh, and it's like I said, it's not that complicated of a skill. I think you practice it a few times and you develop a little better coordination and people will be a much, much better at it next time around around so that was like a freebie that i don't think i'll get again which whatever yeah because yeah because you know next time you see something like that i mean it's similar to like a handstand walk if they can have you guys do 360 pirouettes and then walk then it's not speaking up i was actually very impressed by how good people were on the pirouette
Starting point is 01:53:45 uh i thought like i was like i don't know how many people are going to be able to do a fast tight pirouette i'm like i'm glad that i can but i was very impressed by how good people were at that like a lot of people were looked very good people are just good at the on their hands now uh yeah it's it's very impressive um but i think other than that i don't think i had any like exceptional standout performances on the weekend that oh the alpaca workout i wish we got to do it with the rope climbs because uh that would have been a very good workout for me but without the rope climbs just the sled push and the kettlebells i thought that that was just going to be a big man workout and all the big dudes were going to smoke everybody um so i was very happy with how that one
Starting point is 01:54:29 went that was like a surprising finish for me that i thought was uh really good yeah and you were like running into lazar the whole time right yeah pretty much that was a tight field i ran actually ran my sled into his foot once oh shit during the competition yeah and i had to like move my i was by one of those pylons because it was lazar on my right and sam on my left but sam and i had a pylon between us and in order to have enough space for me and lazar and my sled i had to move the the pylon out of the way so every time we'd advance i would just throw the pylon behind me like 10 feet and then i'd have space to like actually stand wide and do kettlebell clean and jerk so it was tight like i think had we done the rope climbs the field would have separated more and it would
Starting point is 01:55:14 have been less of an issue but it was uh a very tight field did uh crossfit cory did pat slap ricky on the ass and welcome him back or give him Danielle Brandon energy? I don't know. I didn't, I wasn't uncivil to Ricky. I don't think we're like, we're not best friends,
Starting point is 01:55:34 but it was fine. I wasn't trying to get in his way. Um, so he's all right. He's all right. We're good. He's good. Um,
Starting point is 01:55:43 should the athletes have gotten a couple hours notice or a day's notice or a month's notice about the crossovers you think should there have been like a little notification for them no they should have gave us ropes for it though ah explain that to me so to do a crossover unless you're very very, very skilled at it. Wait, wait, before you go, Pat, hold on one second.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Sorry. Hold on. So are you saying that everyone came out there with their own rope at the CrossFit games? Do people bring their own ropes? Yeah. Okay. Except generally speaking,
Starting point is 01:56:18 when CrossFit programs, something specific on the double unders, like heavy double unders, whatever they provide the rope for it um and you get a chance to just like try a couple lengths you pick the length you want and then it's on the floor for you when you get there um for a crossover you want probably for like less experienced jumpers you want a slightly longer slightly heavier rope because you can feel it more for the crossover um and the ropes that we generally speaking use are really light and really thin because you want less resistance you want no weight when you're doing double unders to be
Starting point is 01:56:55 really fast and efficient so everybody was walking out with these like super tiny speed cables and they're just really bad for doing crossovers. So we looked a lot worse than we were. Like I have a rope at home that I can do them with fine. But I'm not going to travel with like five different ropes just in case something comes up. Like it's getting a bit like I would assume that if they were going to program something like that, they would have been like, hey, or like at check-in been like, hey up a couple of these ropes pick a length that you want whatever um or even just had some in the back after the announcement or right when they announced the workout be like hey you have five minutes to pick a rope length you want and you can try like you'll get like three attempts it would have been really easy to do it would have made all the athletes look a lot better but it was funny because there were some athletes who just happened to have
Starting point is 01:57:45 extra ropes that sitting around that were like beaded ropes or a little bit weighted that were better for that so i don't know who was getting some insider information but um there was a lot seemed to be a few too many of those kicking around to be accidental so i couldn't tell you the last time i saw an athlete show up to a competition with a beaded rope for no reason so you had never seen that before um no no coincidence so wait wait a second let me ask you at the crossroads games you've never seen beaded ropes before but at this at this games you saw beaded ropes at that event yeah probably a quarter of the field just happened to have and ironically did did did any of the field just happened to have and ironically did
Starting point is 01:58:25 did did any of the people with beaded ropes make the the top five for either male or female i remember seeing two out of the five of them did who was it i was using beaded and uh ricky gerard this this is fucking this is this is a scandal well it's not like maybe they just had or maybe they announced it and somebody just went and bought them but i i like i don't know how long did you have before it was all that i'm saying is i think that they they probably should have just like had ropes for us they for sure should have but it's obviously it frankly would have just like made it a little bit like it honestly would have just made the athletes look better. I think that that event got a little
Starting point is 01:59:06 criticism just because none of the women got past that movement and whatever. It just was a bit anticlimactic. Part of the problem with that is that there was no filter for crossover. In the second round, we had to do just normal crossovers.
Starting point is 01:59:22 You filter for that hand skill because there's a lot of guys probably who didn't make it to the top five who could do it but you just end up with you know maybe the wrong people in that top five because there was no filter for that so it was just like it was an interesting setup for an event it was like very very trip yeah yeah yeah i mean it was similar to though i don't know it was similar to to pedal to the metal one and two think about how much more exciting those would have been to watch if they would have had two days to know about the pegboard beforehand yeah and i mean i guess part of the the equation is that it's not necessarily like that's not the point like it's not necessarily
Starting point is 02:00:01 meant to be with heads up who can be the best. Like that was meant to be a really surprise element, uh, to see who can figure it out really, really fast. Uh, but yeah, anyway, it was just, I think that that, that was probably the heaviest criticism that that event got is that the last heat just like, wasn't as successful as they were hoping for. I think they had two out of 10 people finish, but, uh, God, you saved the day a little better than that yeah and nick didn't nick had a normal rope right like he just crushed it like no problem so but he had that special shirt that's right
Starting point is 02:00:36 it's dynamic aerodynamic i gotta ask you a couple more questions about this how long before how the event was announced and then how long before, after it was announced, did you guys go live? Did you guys perform the duties? For the. That event. The skill method. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:57 Do you remember? I don't remember if it was same day. I think it was same day. I think when we had the rain out for the shuttle overhead, we just ended up waiting around for a couple hours and then they brought us to the Coliseum and they announced it. And then we like had a couple hours to kill. Is Michelle still your coach? Is Michelle your coach?
Starting point is 02:01:15 Yeah. What was there? Was there any, like, like maybe people ran out to like the Dick's sporting goods and bottom. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. It could be like,
Starting point is 02:01:24 or their coaches or whoever, like they had like texted their mom and dad and they ran out to like the dick sporting goods and bottom yeah that's what i'm saying it could be like or their coaches or whoever like they had like texted their mom and dad and they ran out to grab something different uh totally could be but okay last question um it was just like yeah it was one of those things too i probably wouldn't have done it just because only five people are making it to that last round anyways right you gotta like hope you're gonna get there i'm not gonna go spend money on a rope just so that hopefully i can make that last round holy shit pat you never cease to amaze me i love it pat um after the games do you ever do you have a good cry do you ever just like not just just just to release you have any like emotional release you do ayahuasca cry go out in the woods
Starting point is 02:02:05 and fucking oh man maybe i'll do ayahuasca next year yeah yeah yeah whenever i choose to retire i'll go and just have a vision quest i would just think that you would just go up to your bedroom and just fucking like win or lose um you go up there and you just have just an emotional just release i mean there's got to be something i mean there's got to be something tight on everyone yeah oh yeah and it's not like you i don't know if it's just like a nice big scheduled cry or you like scream into your pillow but it's just a uh i think even when you finish and you're just done the last workout and you're on the floor and they're like announcing the winners and whatever you kind of like sit and there's just like a wave over you like oh like okay it's done like that was you know seven eight months in the making um and then all right like you kind of it's funny like
Starting point is 02:02:58 for the first time in a bit you like don't have to think about the next workout or the next piece you're going to do or the next bit of training. And you just kind of get to not for a little bit. And most of the year we don't really get to do that. So there definitely is a moment of like relief of not just like, oh, thank God it's over. But just like, you know, okay, this is the end of this chapter. And, you know, we got some time now to figure out the next step and um and take the time and just like not not think about it for a bit uh so there's definitely it's a big sense of accomplishment and a big sense of relief and part of it's like thank god i don't have to warm up for
Starting point is 02:03:35 another goddamn event i don't have to like move this body again for a little bit i can just regroup and uh so it's fine you know i usually go have a few drinks and hang out with my family for a bit maybe go see some friends but the other the other fun thing at the end of the games is if you can go like actually have some fun time with some of the other athletes who are around like a lot of people have lots of family and you don't really see them out but i'll always just go spend some time with some friends who are there because we see each other like once maybe twice a year and you're there trying to beat the other guy senseless right and then you kind of finish and it's like hey like we're actually super close a lot of the athletes and it's you don't get to spend time just hanging out together so even that last the award
Starting point is 02:04:21 ceremony where everybody's just on the floor and you like have a drink and some pizza and just chat with the guy next to you like those moments are really nice because it's just like there's no animosity and no weird energy it's just like kind of done and like you both you did whatever you could and like now there's no point in harboring any weird feelings like it's just like it's done and we'll do it night we'll do it again next year. But those moments are really fun. You like the new format? I think it doesn't make a big difference. I don't think it makes a big difference in North America. I like the standardized programming. I think that makes a bigger difference
Starting point is 02:05:01 to outside of North America and Europe because CrossFit's running the semif outside of North America and Europe because CrossFit's running this, the semifinals in North America and Europe. And they're still, I think they're like commissioning other planners to run the events and, you know, Oceania and places like that. So if that's tough for them to swallow,
Starting point is 02:05:22 I think if you're an event organizer and you're going to run this event and take on a lot of the duties, but CrossFit is still going to call the shots. That's maybe a bit tougher, but in North America and in Europe, it doesn't matter if CrossFit is going to run it and they do all the planning and they do all the whatever, then great. For us, you know, it means a few less podiums, right? A few less people get to be winners. podiums right a few less people get to be winners but uh a big event you know that if we're running an event for like say north america east and there's 60 competitors and we're running heats of 10 that means that everybody in that last heat is holding a game spot going into that last event and so those last two you know lane lane nine and ten that are uh maybe a little bit on the bubble there's guys in this heat before that are going to be stealing spots and so it'll be exciting but that last heat
Starting point is 02:06:10 is going to be really high caliber like everybody in that last heat of those events their games so um it's going to mean that like the caliber of competition is going to be high uh and there's going to be so it'll be fun and i i like the standardized thing i think it's just going to be um you know it's going to be pretty similar it's going to speed up the semi-final section of the year though which i kind of like uh it felt long it was like five weeks this year and it was just like i was the last week so i was just kind of sitting on my hands for way too long yeah i think it'll be nice yeah i want to say i looked at the dates and it's almost two full months from the end of semis to the beginning of the games. Yeah, so that's great.
Starting point is 02:06:48 Yeah. And a little less disparity between like being week one and being last week. So that's kind of nice. And so I think from the athlete side, it's good. I think it's overwhelmingly positive. From an event organizer standpoint, there might be some other feelings there, but I don't know. I can only speak for what I know, and I'm not too concerned about it. Are you going to keep trying to go to the games until you don't make it, or do you plan on retiring?
Starting point is 02:07:19 Until I die. All right. We'll see. A few more rides. I'll have a few more rides I'll have a few more rides alright till I die I might be a bit out of dishes alright hey
Starting point is 02:07:33 thank you so much dude great seeing you been a while my pleasure guys we'll see you later yep yeah I'll
Starting point is 02:07:40 see everybody at Rogue tell your wife thank you yep we'll see you at Rogue we'll do you at Rogue. We'll do it. Give me a kiss, baby. Okay, bye. Thanks, Patrick.
Starting point is 02:07:48 Bye, dude. See you. I always love Pat's attitude towards competition and everything else. I don't. I know you don't, but I just like how he's stoic and he's casual. He's like, ah, it's just one part of my life. I wouldn't go buy a jump rope. I'm not wasting money on a rope yeah and he did make top five he did make the last heat yeah and oh right oh he did right so maybe that rope would have came in handy he just didn't want to risk it that's funny because you know other athletes just like
Starting point is 02:08:22 we're calling people right away and we're like, go to vendor village. Get me another rope. Go here. You know, and he was just like, oh, fuck it. I'm not spending the 20 bucks. It seems like it would be really hard to do crossovers with one of those like cable ropes or one of those. Do all the athletes pretty much use the same rope or no? I'd say the same like three. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:42 And what are those? What are the brands? I would say like a RX, or Evo Rope, or RPM. And there's probably another brand. But I would say those are probably the two most popular. The RX and RPM? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:01 Have you seen any athletes that have shown up and just didn't bring their jump rope? Like, we got double-unders here and some athlete just like looked through the bag and they're like shit i forgot to pack my jump rope oh yeah for sure but there's got to be somebody that have backups they just get more at you fuck there's someone in there jr you um i can't even open the text you sent me on my fucking computer. And what's crazy is I don't see it on my phone. My shit's all fucked up. No, I think it was just that group text.
Starting point is 02:09:33 Hitler sent that video of her doing 240 for three. Yeah. It's insane. But that was in the, that was a while ago too. She was still training in Vegas then. Yeah. Yeah, see Kate knows knows that's my stress nightmare yeah i'd be freaked out as athlete headed to the games because you know like whenever you leave your house like okay what did i forget it's like such a big weekend do you remember that year that chick took a picture of all the
Starting point is 02:09:59 shit she was bringing to the games on her bed and there was a dildo in there remember that yes that was crazy and then she did and then someone pointed it out and she deleted it like oh no yeah yeah she should just let it play like it was a joke like don't delete it now we know it was an accident i wish i could remember who that was it's like emily abb No. I don't think it was. JR, don't we have... You and Taylor and I have a show to discuss the Rogue programming? Yeah, next Wednesday.
Starting point is 02:10:36 That's the 26th? Yeah, and hopefully they'll all be out by then. We'll get to really get into them. And... Okay, yeah. yeah god i hope so god i hope so i guess if not what you'll just you you'll just hack bill henniger's email and just tell us like the same way you have yeah we'll just do reckless speculation can we go over to
Starting point is 02:11:01 bill henniger's um uh instagram account real quick let's just see what's going on over there and then let's check out katie's and then let's check out the rogue invitational just to see if there's anything have you been checking them out are you standing top of all that chair yeah i look every day it's crazy you're a good dude all right here's bill uh oh wow okay roga coaster All right, here's Bill. Oh, wow, okay. The Roga coaster. Okay. So that's the thing that they saw building.
Starting point is 02:11:32 I don't think that incline does it justice. You think that that's the same angle, that that ratio of steepness is to scale? No, I think the cart is a lot smaller than the actual frame right thank you i mean the incline and that dude won't be in there either okay let's go over to katie's and see what's going on over there okay you guys already oh here's that incline just to give context on what you were saying. Yeah, that's probably close.
Starting point is 02:12:08 Yeah, that's pretty damn steep. But you were correct, JR. That platform's a lot smaller. Who knows? There's time. There's time to put a big old box on there. JR's tired. It's past his bedtime.
Starting point is 02:12:19 See you, Hill. We'll cruise over to Katie's's real quick take a peek is it making me feel too much pressure as i'm spelling the name wrong because there's not to scale you think it's you think that it's steeper in real life patrick hang tight jr we're almost done you can make it i'm trying to get the correct spelling for her uh instagram handle here she's louise yeah i got it yeah don't you do that to me don't you do that don't you do that my palms are all sweaty my heart rate's out 180 180. Okay. I don't, I don't need it. I don't need it. Oh,
Starting point is 02:13:06 uh, Magnus is saying it's just for the strong men. I don't believe you. Uh, okay. And we saw this already. This is Christie Aramo. Is that a new piece of equipment to that,
Starting point is 02:13:17 that log? Hmm. It's not new to strong, man. It might be new to some of the competitors in the crossfit division if they've ever played with one but i'm sure they all i'm sure they all have in the last however many days this was put out where is she lifting this look how nice that barn is that's like the secret lab there's a bar back there you see that yeah and you just got your bar next to the pull up bar and uh how about rogue
Starting point is 02:13:46 invitational r okay okay I actually went there earlier and there wasn't anything you don't even follow Katie jackass this isn't that's not I do follow Katie I do follow Katie okay that's that's the
Starting point is 02:14:00 generic IG hadn't signed in yeah there you go. Tickets now on sale. This is old. This is old. 21 weeks. Oh, interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:16 Yeah. Oh, but this was new. It's just an old pinned comment. Sorry about that. Quick thoughts, JR, on where Patrick's going to place at the Rogue Invitational? Yeah, easily top three. Daniel Brandon? I think top five.
Starting point is 02:14:41 All right. Guys, thank you. Thanks, everyone. JR, thank you. Matt, guys. Thank you. Thanks everyone. JR. Thank you, Matt. Susan. Thank you. We will see you guys tomorrow at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 02:14:50 For the UFC show. That's going to be a great show for tomorrow. And then tomorrow evening, we have the Hiller fit review show. Bye.

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