The Sevan Podcast - #649 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: October 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Bam, we're live. Is the commercial uploaded? It is. P-break in place? Let me double check.
Starting point is 00:00:26 We're set. You can go pee right now. Who? Was that Justin Kotler's wife who text us? Mm-hmm. Talk about thoughtful. Talk about thoughtful. What's her name?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Yeah. Ashley, I think. Oh, I hope I didn't screw that up by just shooting off the hip. Ashley, I think. Oh, I hope I didn't screw that up by just shooting off the hip. Underdog Athletics, where Ricky Garrard gets his training, periodically pops in throughout the year and trains with Justin Kotler and the former home of Bethany, Shadburn, Gary Pierce, Daniel Brandon, DeLugos. Did, did, did Annika Greer ever
Starting point is 00:01:09 end up going there? No, I think she's in Florida now. Annika Greer. Um, anyway, uh, so that's where Ricky, that's Ricky's home base. That's his team. And I guess, um, they knew that he was coming on the show today and they saw that, saw that he was having some airline issues. And she was kind enough to hit the podcast up, give us a heads up. Hashtag crazy thoughtful. Yeah, thank you, Ashley. Thank God some people have the confidence and wherewithal to swerve out of their lane and go the extra mile. Yeah, that was super cool.
Starting point is 00:01:41 It is crazy. No, I was going to jerk myself off. It's too early in the show to do that. We had Jared Graybiel on this morning to talk about the Zello Games. I'm more confused than ever, but I will say this about it. The event, what I learned today, and when he said it, I know he's explained it to me several times. And I was glad he was patient to explain it to me again. But they're going to announce the workouts.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Then they're going to have the event, and the event isn't like the culmination or the climax to crown the champion. The event is at the beginning, so you can see badasses do the workout, and then you can jump in. And there's 11 classes, and we will be trying to cover that event and it will be experimental. And even if it's a shit show, um, excuse me, you will love it. And it'll be fun because Brian will have a meltdown and we'll all get to see it. Right. Victor. Thank you. I'm trying to crush it. You know, uh, uh, I called Susan. I said, Hey, I got tons of live calling notes. And he goes, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:02:45 And I go, do you think we should do it? He goes, I'm not weighing in. I go, you ready? He's all, I'm fucking ready. I said, all right, I'm fucking ready too. Let's rock and roll. I don't think we're gonna get to a live calling show for at least four or five, six days.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I panic when there's no live calling shows lined up because my notes just keep building and building. Also, after the last live calling show, Matt Souza pulled me aside by my ear and said hey that one was a little dark a little i don't know if you use the word dark what do you remember what word you used i i just said you know every time we have a heavy uh topic or two we got to make some comedy in there a little heavy that's all yeah so we had the show with the with the lady screaming at the kids and like that was the first time I saw people in the comments go, I'm out.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Topics have been heavy. And thank you. I love the shirt too. Oh, you know what else I love? But we'll get to that in a minute. My hard copy has arrived. Our very own Heidi Kroon. Holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Awesome. And so then we did that show and then the next show you know i just get on my high horse and i just freak out about um i start obsessing on uh sexualization of kids the the the basically this i don't know any other way to put it, but this fascist movement being driven by the left to just convince people that they're doing the right thing in the name of hurting people. Like it somehow helps pushing racism, the hatred towards just all the different people out there, the delusion of gender. So I kind of get crazy. Content has been crazy good today, killing it. Jason, thank you. I i appreciate the the the canadian uh loot uh tremendously i appreciate all the money you guys have donated tremendously it really really does
Starting point is 00:04:33 help it really really really really does help you guys um yeah i i i don't want to go into details because i want you guys to think i'm a super baller but um it uh it really does you you guys uh everyone's been very generous and uh the support from just from the locals that hang out here bruce wayne jb jamey latmir uh miss riddow ken uh walters kenneth de lapp i don't see him in here now. Shame on him. He better be doing burpees. Oh, I see a new dude in here. Have I seen you before? Ah, then Macau. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:13 You guys are dope. I just caught up last night watching six hours plus crying for two more after Kim's show and now six more hours behind it looks like from today. Yeah, today was a wild ride. Now six more hours behind it looks like from today. Yeah, today was a wild ride. I got pretty fired up that Ariel Rich and Nick Matthew came on. And there was a comment today, I cannot believe how masculine Rich is, from Jeff Baco. And that kind of made my day.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I'm going to give that the comment of the week. He kind of transcends even masculinity. I'm looking at our numbers. The numbers are off the hook. Oh, I'm going to turn a monetization on for Ricky Garrard while I'm here. Oh, I'm going to turn it on for the live call-in show while I'm here. Oh, boy. What a mess.
Starting point is 00:05:59 What a mess. 12 likes already. Thank you. And we are off to the races. is gonna be wild show some of you who maybe were turning in for games stuff and uh have not heard the live colin show before brace yourself uh we this is show is not for the um this is for the enlightened unoffendable love bugs of the world. I'll pull up my draft of today's notes. I got my 32 pages here. Holy cow. I'm burning through paper like crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:31 You got a book going now. I do. And Heidi, I want to tell you, you have inspired me. You have inspired me. You have truly inspired me. We will get to that. Q Jeff finally caught alive. Awesome awesome glad you're here okay uh let's go with um number 12 number 12 i swear i tried to put so listen if this show does not have a lot of
Starting point is 00:07:04 comedy in it that means i'm just like like i'm one of those people who just can't like um i'm like one of those people that eat seven donuts and you're like how many do you eat i'm like one like i just i don't have the uh yeah mike the sauce oh mike sour mike the sourauer. OK. Here we go. And here we go. Echo, echo. I just preemptive echo attack. Preemptive echo attack. if money stop you from speaking from your heart you're not you're not a real man you part man part puppy if you got something on your heart that you feel right but you can't see because you think somebody gonna harness you whatever you got going in some kind of way but that's not a real man i'm struggling with this what this guy is saying is
Starting point is 00:08:08 that if you have something on your heart you don't express it you're not a real man i'm surrounded by a lot of people who are really close to me uh all people that i think you guys know who know the truth they know what's going on uh in so many ways and they're avoiding talking about it so that they don't get kicked off of platforms. And I'm, I'm, I'm processing it. You know, I go back and forth that you guys have heard it before. Are you an accomplice or are you a victim? And you know, the dogmatic side of me is like, Hey, you're a victim a victim you're you're an accomplice because um you can't blame other people uh but uh i i it's hard it's hard i have really close friends um you know the the schooling thing is just a perfect example of just the my friends who i know who know are still
Starting point is 00:09:03 continuing to send their kids to schools where they're, where they're being indoctrinated, sexualized, and taught to hate people based on the color of their skin. It's a stuff. Um, yeah, it's, it's a trip. It's a trip, but, but, but I, but I wanted to give you that guy's that guy's basically saying like, if you have something heavy on your heart, um, wait,van, do you know who that guy is? Oh, the guy saying that? No. But the guy whose Instagram account that's on, why, is he some famous rapper or something?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Racist. Racist. Basketball player. Racist. Racist. The guy who, that's a rapper whose Instagram account that is, and I think that guy's coming on the show November 3rd. Yep. Who is that bam?
Starting point is 00:09:48 Do we know who that, you want to tell me, we pull that up again and see if there's a link to who that artist is. He's a rapper. Bruce Wayne says he's a rapper. I could tell by his vernacular. There's not a, nothing's tagged.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And it doesn't seem like there's anything obvious as to who that is, but he's on drink, drink tramps. That's that's drink champs podcast. So he's, so he's on Drink Tramps. That's Drink Tramps podcast. So he's a rapper. Yeah, Bruce. Bryson is coming on. But that wasn't Bryson who was talking.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Oh, here we go. No, that wasn't Bryson who was talking. No. Boozy. Oh. Boozy. Boozy badass. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Oh, he did get banned from ig well shit good on him well there you go so he's he's already been banned he so he's in the same camp as me you know what's funny is two years ago i would tell people in my circle who that i was getting shadow banned and and behind my back there was like a group of my homies who were like hey someone's losing his shit like he's gone off the deep end because they thought i was making that up they thought shadow band was fake and now anyone you know now 20 of you and it's fine i'm not complaining about this at all but 20 of you day a day send me a picture of how you tried to tag me and you couldn't so kenneth de lapp i said hi to you before you were here. Bam. Okay. Number 13. I don't know what politician this is.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I apologize. Maybe Susan will tell us. But here we go. About our friend Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. Echo. Echo. You mean to tell me that Joe Biden, who was then was a former vice president of the United States, then candidate for the presidency of the United States, now president of the United States, had no idea that his son was engaged in the sale of a cobalt mine to a Chinese company at the same time when the centerpiece of Joe Biden's energy policy is electric cars in the United States and more green technology. I mean, come on, folks. That is just crazy. Hunter Biden was readily involved in the transactions, dealing with Chinese companies for a mineral that is critical to the Democrat agenda respect with respect to the green new if congress
Starting point is 00:12:07 should not investigate what's going on between hunter biden and joe biden then i don't even know what we're doing here folks might as well just wait till the midterms are over i yield back i i want to i want to point something out no one is denying this they're just not covering it. No one is denying this. It is crazy. I also recommend you read the book, A Laptop from Hell. It is freakish. As you guys know, some of you know, when Trump was running against Biden and they found Hunter Biden's laptop, a stack of them was dropped off at a computer store. And they found Hunter Biden's laptop. A stack of them was dropped off at a computer store. Hunter dropped them off to be repaired. The guy who was repairing them turned them into the FBI. The FBI said that they were not real laptops, that they were created by the Russians to try to affect the election. And then about six months ago – and even the New York Times was saying shit like that. And then six months ago, everyone said, yep, those are the real laptops. I mean obviously they were the real laptops. Interesting. uh everyone said yep those are the real laptops i mean obviously they were the real laptops interesting yes so and and the stuff on there is just is just the most corrupt shit you could ever imagine please if you want to read something just get the audiobook and listen to it it's it's nuts okay anything funny yet i i don't think so that's all right that's all right these haven't been these are these are
Starting point is 00:13:27 informative here they're not that heavy okay good not too uh okay as we go as we go through instagram news uh-oh i don't know if you guys saw this today but new york city made a mistake. They are going to have to pay back pay. New York City ordered by court to reinstate all those fired over COVID vaccine mandates. Holy shit. And then look, there's an asterisk. Though vaccination should be encouraged by public employees, should not have – here we go.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Here we go. Let's get busy. Let's get busy. Yes, caller, hi. Hello. Hello. Okay. Thank you very much for calling, and you should see a dentist.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Oh, look, my phone still says drop and cover. Did you see this you were on that show earlier when the earthquake hit yeah i saw it i saw it shaking your studio but i didn't feel it out here uh scroll down a little and you're not even that far from me you're 70 miles away yeah 50 yeah close yeah yeah i'm surprised you didn't feel it feel it you're only 50 miles door to door yeah i think that's what it said last time when I bought up on GPS. But it feels like 200 because of traffic? On Tuesday, the New York Supreme Court ruled that New York City must reinstate all employees that were fired because of their vaccination status. The order also states that for those fired, back pay must be issued. Scroll down a little bit more, please.
Starting point is 00:15:03 There's something pretty cool down in here keep going that's good uh based upon the petitioners let me try to see if i can get it in tighter hello caller yo savon what up my guy just doing my thing just doing my thing yes yes indeed my guy i'm just showing some love, man. Love the podcast. Love what you're doing out here, man. You are a good freaking dude. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I felt that in my heart that I'm not even really aware that I have. Side note, I live in Utah now. And you taught me what soaking was, which I didn't know before. And yeah, major laugh. Oh, good. I can't stop messing with people now. I'm glad I was able to enlighten you about your local citizens in your state. Soaking.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Oh, yeah, man. Appreciate you, bro. You're killing it, man. Cheers. Thank you. See ya. The shiz all are scared
Starting point is 00:16:07 should watch the clip of Biden getting his 10th booster and telling others to do the same after he declared it's over really? his 10th? please tell me hey that seems aggressive. I'm a pussy. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:16:26 We already established that. I enjoy keeping it racist. Keep it racist, that we said? Yeah, they like me. Yeah, they like me. I can't hear him. Why'd you hang up on me?
Starting point is 00:16:44 I didn't hang up that time Um Ken, Sevan can definitely bench 175 Please Of course I got tatitos Tatitos Okay
Starting point is 00:16:55 Let's go back to The New York City made a mistake On Oh, here we go Back again Okay Add to your story Oh You're good, bro You're good I love you so much, bro I love you too back again. Okay. Add to your story.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Oh, you're good, bro. You're good. I love you so much, bro. I love you too. Have a good day, bro. Thank you. We'll go live together. Okay. I love you. Okay. Uh-huh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Call me later after the show. Thank you. Bye. Okay. 14. New York made a mistake. There was something in here I wanted to read to you guys. Based upon the petitioner's vague denials of their exemptions,
Starting point is 00:17:41 the fact that they were kept at full duty for several months while their exemptions were pending, the mayor's executive order granting exemptions to certain classes of people, and the lifting of the private sector mandate. This court finds the commissioner's order of October 20, 2021, and December 13, 2021, as well as the mayor's executive order number 62 to be arbitrary and capricious. Capricious? That's a new one. Yeah, please. Can we? Yes. Thank you. Here weious that's a new one yeah please can we yes thank you here we go learning a new word capricious i have not seen the uh katie perry uh video going around she's the one that she did the one that sung the song she wants to kiss a girl i want to kiss a girl or something she she kissed the girl and she liked it oh she kissed the girl and she liked it that's how i remember her uh capricious given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior yeah so i mean here's
Starting point is 00:18:37 the here's the part that's scary who cares about the vaccine or not the vaccine how are our leaders putting into action things that they know go go against our constitutional rights like they know better hey dude if you keep calling i'm going to start using your name don't do that don't do that because i can see your name my phone tells me your name want your name out there he He's like, oh, shit. These listeners are vicious. Sevan, I actually get to see some of your IG posts on my feed again. Maybe that's the sign the blue checkmark might come back.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Oh, that would be interesting. I ordered you to take part in an experimental drug treatment. Yes, I ordered you to take part in an experimental drug treatment. For your own good. i did it i tomorrow's tomorrow's guest is going to be dope you guys are going to love him he's a he's a he's like a mini uh greg glassman when it comes to some of the awareness about the replication crisis and uh he's fascinating. Okay, number 15, Kanye. Oh, boy. There's a lot there, huh? Kanye.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Here we go. It's titled it's titled i have a question for black folk this video wait is that the right one was that the right one yes yes yes yes okay okay okay sorry i apologize did you hear that text just come in? I did. Okay. Wondering what phone that is. Okay, action. In American history, one of the largest Hollywood talent agencies just cut ties with Kanye West. Def Jam just cut ties with Kanye West. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And the craziest one of all, Adidas is planning to cut ties with Kanye West. So for all y'all pro-Black people, I have a question. Are y'all seriously about to allow an industry of non-Black people cancel not only a Black man, but one of the most successful Black men in the country that they can't control
Starting point is 00:21:03 because he said something y'all don't like. So y'all siding with the... Okay, okay. We're watching one of the craziest hijabs in American history. Who are the three companies? Adidas? I wonder what talent agency
Starting point is 00:21:19 he's talking about. Is he talking about WME? Yeah, I don't know. I'm not familiar with it but yeah his def jam records adidas and i didn't catch that third one to type it i wonder what the ceo of def jam looks like i think death row used to be suge knight right that was him and def jam used to be uh god i can't believe i forget his name wait is that really him oh interesting the ceo of def jam i think got in trouble for paul rosenberg Yeah, that's the guy that Eminem makes, like, has some skits about.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Oh, man. This guy. This guy is trying to cancel Kanye. Best known as the agent and manager of American rapper Eminem. Paul Rosenberg is an American racist. Oh.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Well, isn't that interesting? Def Jam got Whitey at the helm. Okay, let's look at the CEO of Adidas. Not that I give a fuck about his color, but just fact checking. Mr. Um,
Starting point is 00:22:47 Bryson, that's the guy that's coming on the show, by the way, gap also dropped him. Well, gaps just crazy. Oh, Casper Rorsted,
Starting point is 00:23:00 Admiral Casper Rorsted, uh, Danish business executive who's been the CEO of German sportswear firm Adidas and whose parents got to throw the inaugural Jews in the oven at Auschwitz. Wow. Oh, shit. Wow. Russell Simmons. Yes, Russell. Russell Simmons.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yep. Thank you. And I think he got me too or something canceled crazy we're watching oh oh boy okay uh that was interesting that one came from a spam risk the first two had had names oh you went back and was like oh shit i gotta get rid of the name yeah yeah uh no that's what took him so long to call back um number 16 call her tell your wife nicole that i know where she lives nicole gibson Tell your wife, Nicole, that I know where she lives. Nicole Gibson.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Number 16. Here we go. Oh, this one's good. Here we go. Echo. Enjoy. Enjoy. You're sitting on a fence. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:18 How many beats they got on? I mean, what? Beats. What? Yeah. How many wings? Wings? Eight? Yeah. How many feet? Eight. Okay, you got a white cat. He's looking up at them roosters. How many teeth that cat got? I don't know know I see you know more about black cock your inaugural
Starting point is 00:24:54 joke that depends on I mean you don't even have to they don't have to be black roosters that's just that's just a doesn't have to be a white cat you tell the joke how you want i give you free carte blanche use the setup replace the characters use that joke any way you want depending on your audience uh i killed a guy
Starting point is 00:25:19 i killed a guy in front of his wife and his two-year-old son. I'm about to show you a man who killed a man while his two-year-old son watched and then picked his two-year-old son up and set him on his wife's lap. What the fuck? Yeah. That's crazy. No, there'll be some Jew jokes and Chinese jokes. Stand by. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Kill people in front of their kids? Yeah. I killed Osama Bin Laden in front of his son. And I thought, and we'll get into that mission, but I just killed Osama Bin Laden and I saw his two-year-old kid and as mission, but I just killed Osama bin Laden, and I saw his two-year-old
Starting point is 00:26:06 kid, and as a father, I just killed the number one terrorist in the world, and I looked down at him, and I thought, this poor kid has nothing to do with this. And I actually picked him up. You know, it's like... And took him where? Put him over next to his mom on the bed. Two years old,
Starting point is 00:26:22 nothing to do with this. He didn't even know how to speak yet. That'll fuck you up probably more than him. Stuff like that comes in waves. Did you sleep well that night? No.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I have a great day. I'm a positive person. You can have a minute. I can close my eyes and see Ben Lonn's bedroom anytime I want. I think about that dude that I talk about killing in his bedroom I think about him every day did you ever kill people that dude I killed in his bedroom meaning Osama he thinks about him every single day it's the side of it you don't see uh can vindicate make a dear bill and katie shirt wow um wow i'm gonna write that down i want to write that down uh on my i have this i have this notepad here and usually my coffee sits on it but i'm actually for the first time ever i'm gonna um uh dear bill and katie shirt let me let me let me let me let me mull that one over for a little bit yeah let me talk
Starting point is 00:27:36 to the team about that and see uh uh yeah hey i'm not a fan of the crop top i'm not a fan of the crop top at all at at like just in general or for dudes uh just for dudes it's like one of those haircuts that that's asymmetrical haircuts i i just i just not i i don't want to get into it people okay here we go uh seven we are still using gmail drafts for the show notes. Oh, you're killing me. This guy fucking, I think it's that guy blasted me in my DMs. Tell me he'd be more than happy to unfuck me. Mike wants to come on the show and argue. No, he's right.
Starting point is 00:28:22 He's like, dude, use Google Docs. Hey, when running, uh, when I was big time executive at CrossFit, the greatest, uh, chief marketing officer of the planet's ever seen. I still never could like did Google drive. And I think it drove my team crazy. I think it drives some of the guys here on the sub on podcast team. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I just can't, I just can't do it. I need someone to like sit down with me, like an old person, like push this button, push this button. And then it downloads to iPhoto, and then you're good. I'll make instructions for you. We were lucky enough to have a private tour in the Vatican, so it was Grace and I and one other guy.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And he told us this story about how frustrating it was when he got his iPhone because his light turned on. And he goes, and for the life of me, I couldn't turn my light off. And he goes, and then I took it to the store to get it taken off. And the guy looked at me and he's like, is this a joke? And he's like, no, I don't know how to turn the light off. Every time I do this, the brightness just goes up and down. And then he clicked the one button. He goes, there you go. And he goes, I never felt like more of an idiot in my life. Hey, they've seen all that shit at the Apple store, right? Oh, for sure. Yeah. I had a member who had a PhD in computer science and she works
Starting point is 00:29:25 over at the Lawrence Livermore lab, which is super close to the gym. And she goes, yeah, you would really be surprised the amount of money that they pay me to unplug stuff, wait, and then plug it back in. Oh, she's like, that's 50% of my job. Like, Hey, this computer's not working. No problem. I got it. Yeah. It's more like, Hey, this multimillion dollar machine is having an issue. We need to go in the back end and look at the coding. And she goes, hey, this computer's not working. No problem. I got it. Yeah, it's more like, hey, this multi-million dollar machine is having an issue. We need to go in the back end and look at the coding. And she goes, well, have you just unplugged it first? And then we'll plug it back in and it fires back up. Listen, you jackass.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Listen to me, Jesse. the way it was the way it was written you couldn't do the work you couldn't replicate the workout i don't remember exactly what it was but there was like there was a part in there where it's like it should have said push the sled 200 meters and then do jumping jacks push the sled 200 meters and they left that part out whoa whoa whoa what's happening over there that's got to be senior douchebag is it what's happening that's got to be see the dude i just i muted my phone he's just watching being like god i'm fucking their show up tonight oh my goodness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Mike, Mike was gentle, was gentle, but harsh. Let's see. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Hi. He wrote a high sexy man and then just sent shit loads of hyphens. Oh, he tried to FaceTime me.
Starting point is 00:31:01 How dare you? Weird. Okay. Did you see this this comment here seven did you watch uh dave's week in review no um i i someone sent me i did not get a chance to watch it yet i'm so i'm so overwhelmed i thought i would be able to watch all of those um but uh someone did send me a clip where they asked if I would ever be hired back. But then if, I think if you see, well, I think it shows like this that make it. So I'm unhirable. He didn't say that. I know Dave didn't say that. I'm just saying that because, because I'm, I'm telling the truth. Like I, I see affirmative, I see affirmative action for what
Starting point is 00:31:42 it is. It's like, okay, let's feel sorry for people who didn't have it as well as these people based on the color of their skin, and let's judge them and let them in. And in essence, that's racist. No, Sevan, you can't – well, it just is racist. it again. Hey, we do think we need a little bit of racism in order to help some people out who have lesser circumstances. And the only way we can think to do it is by color of skin. We're going to hold up a piece of paper. It's going to be white on one side and black on the other. And if your skin's dark enough to one section, we're going to let you into college with a lower score. And for some reason, people just don't want to hear it like explained like that. But that's what they're doing. And for some reason because of that honesty you you you you can't get a job these days in places sad truth if you say if you yeah if you say that we need to stick where i'm happy i'm happy to use the word transgender
Starting point is 00:32:41 they can't have the word woman. It's already taken. It's someone with a vagina who has babies and titties that milk feed babies. I mean, they're already, but I'm happy to say that you're a man who you were, you, you were a man and now you're a woman. And so you're a transgender man or you're a transgender woman or whatever the right term is. I'm happy to learn that. I'm not giving you this other word. I'm not partaking in your delusion. I'm not going to, you can't, I can't call someone who's anorexic a track star or a world-class marathoner just because they're skinny. That's what you want me to do? I can't do that. It's a fucking eating disorder. You're fucking vomiting after you eat.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I can't do that. It's a fucking eating disorder. You're fucking vomiting after you eat. I'm like, I can't partake in the delusion because of that. I just don't, I don't know. Well, he had some really nice things to say about you. Well, that's cool. And I, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:33:37 If someone like that did hire me, I would tone it down. I would stay off of, I would, I would, I would more than tone it down. If someone hired me to cook, if I went and got a job at McDonaldcdonald's and i worked behind the register i can keep my opinion to myself yeah you're there to do a job just like if you were hired for a media job you would do the media job yeah i would and i and i never i never fight back with um i i used to be a checker and and i i was i'm great with the customers always right fine i i have fucking no ego. I can turn that fucking thing off. I can take a fucking ass pounding.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Clip that. Yeah, that's the thank you for whoever said that. Yeah. Anti-white. You have to remember, if I tell you Jews are the smartest people in the world, I'm also telling you that they're smarter than black people and Chinese people. So if you say something – so when you say something like affirmative action, you're also saying that those people aren't as smart. And anti-white just happens out of affirmative action, you're also saying that those people aren't as smart. And anti-white just happens out of affirmative action. That's what just happens. That's the byproduct of it in a world of duality. It becomes anti-white because some white,
Starting point is 00:34:56 some people don't get into the school because they're white. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. Everyone decide for yourself. I'm just saying just honest talk. Okay. Matt Walsh, number 18. Isn't there some jokes in here? Ain't nothing funny these days. Ain't nothing funny. I thought I put some jokes in here.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Oh, yeah. This is home of the CrossFit Games, I think. Someone tell me if I'm wrong. This is University of Madison. Go ahead and scroll on down. This is a graffiti that says, Fuck Matt Walsh. Trans women are women.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Here we go. Like they want to – no, trans is trans women are women here we have like they want to know they're trans they're trans women otherwise you wouldn't need the first word yeah yeah and and then and then it's fuck matt walsh they just and then uh here they're fuck off by the way none of these people in all of history end up being the good guys okay go on uh and and then this is this is dear uh madison community we are aware that a speaker is coming to campus on monday whose viewpoints we believe are harmful towards our trans community harmful. That's like saying, hey, I'm against coal. And then being like, oh, I can't say that because that's harmful towards the coal miners community because then they can't work and put food on their plate. Telling the truth about trans people is harmful to the community. You mean harmful to the delusion?
Starting point is 00:36:48 We feel the impact. We feel the impact this is having on our campus and we wanted to reach out. That shit crazy. I wonder what the, like reaching out for what? So you have like a place you could write in and say that you're upset? These are codependents right here. Someone's crying victim and they're even though they've chosen to be the victim and they're and they are uh acknowledging it and
Starting point is 00:37:10 supporting it this is just bad human behavior okay uh number 19 the great state of california god it's a good place surfing every day. Empty skate parks. It's a good place. Sunny. Sunny. $7 gas. Oh, yeah. $7 gas. Susan and I spent a day at the beach the other day. That was fun. Lots of hot moms there with their kids. Okay. And action. California's like a woman, a beautiful woman who used to blow you.
Starting point is 00:37:54 But she hasn't blown you in, like, forever. And she's still spending all your fucking money. And she won't let anybody else blow you. And now she has homeless people living in her twat. California's like a woman. Mr. Schneider, thank you. Oh, boy. Number 20, a frequent guest of the show who will be on again soon. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I do think, I'll tell you a story. You can see my comment. You commented on it? Yeah. Oh, you want to pull it up? Alex and I might go on a double date soon. Double date. Dark Lord Revon.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yes, Ricky is coming on. Not tonight. not right now but very soon uh dude i take this seven dollar gas to wear flip-flops every day yeah i mean careful jim it'd be easier it'd be easier for you to run your heater in your house and rock them inside. Jim, every morning I wake up to roosters and all the cool shit and sounds. And I step outside and I look at my magnolia trees and my hundred fruit trees. And I let the dog run around and I breathe the crazy fresh air. And I look up and I go back inside, the podcast come out and i tell the boys get in the car get the surfboards we're going to the beach it is and it's just right down i just i could coast there from my house i could put my car in neutral and just coast there it's not what it's like where i live no that's true um and uh thank you for the loot dark lord you deserve a better answer he will be coming on
Starting point is 00:39:47 tomorrow i believe at 12 30 p.m central standard time as 10 30 a.m pacific standard time yes thank you uh i was at a pizza place um with uh one of the most generous men i have ever known in my life greg glassman And when I say that, I really mean that like crazy generous, like walk down the street and like stop and talk to a homeless guy and make eye contact with them for 15 minutes is not normal. Ask him what he's addicted to, why he's doing it, pull out a 50, tell him not to buy drugs, get a new sleeping bag, give away a car to a staff member who needs needs it i mean just just crazy shit it goes on and on and it was every day these weren't isolated incidents incidents this was every single fucking
Starting point is 00:40:33 day he i mean uh he he was a man of he is a man of tremendous wealth but crazy generosity no no one it would be interesting relative to someone like me i consider myself jealous i consider myself um generous but i still think even if you were to take our incomes he would be exceedingly generous and the things that he does put his money to um are to help the world so while other people are just fucking throwing their money away he's bringing he's meeting with top science he's using his money to meet with top scientists around the world who see the truth the numbers guys um but he make a cameo in your capable child video dog he did i was very embarrassed he didn't he didn't have a choice so if you guys want to go check that out you can see see him. I was at a pizza place in San Diego.
Starting point is 00:41:27 It was kind of a trendy pizza place, jam-packed, standing room only, people eating pizza standing. Probably a place that holds 200 people that had like 300 people in it, people overflowing outside. And there were probably 15 of us there eating pizza. And Greg was just ordering pizza after pizza and strangers reading the pizza and everything was fine and it didn't even matter it was and uh so travis bajan was there the professional arm wrestler doing some bodyguard work for greg and this guy comes in and drunk and just kind of slams in and grabs a piece of pizza and travis just coolly says hey hey buddy what's up or something and he goes i'm i'll take what i want and he grabs the pizza and
Starting point is 00:42:10 then at that point travis like hey you got to go and the guy turns around and spits on the pizza what a fucking asshole yeah and travis gave me a talking to after that after he tossed the dude out that that's that's like a no no like of all the hierarchy of no-nos like you call someone a racial slur push someone slap them whatever spitting's like at the top yeah it's like the ultimate it's the ultimate it transcends in his mind it transcended all like he didn't and travis is a patient man patient patient patient man i hope he was uh firm with the toss out of the pizza place oh the home homie got tossed uh so so so when i saw this this is um and i think maybe I'd be curious to get your guys' opinion. This lady is quite embarrassed after this incident.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Action. How come Lauren Khalil can make hers big? Okay. Cool. Thank you. Action. You're my baron. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Thank you. Action. Hey, that's a great comeback. That turns me on. Yeah, he crushed it with that one. That's funny. Man. Her facial expression and demeanor changed quite quickly after that do you notice that hers yeah like yeah like when he just turned it was like oh my god she spit i'll be like it almost seemed like she came conscience for a second like she was like back to like a higher level of thought
Starting point is 00:44:16 like oh white you know and i wonder too i wonder if alex did but that's i think that's considered assault isn't it like if you spit on on somebody, is that categorized as assault? Hey, dude. Maybe one of the officers. Let's put a little logic to it. In the era of COVID, it's attempted murder. Yeah. I'm not joking.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I know. With the same logic. God. And it's crazy. Once once again it's the analogy they're the guys riding with the posse looking for the criminal but they are the criminals they're calling him a fascist yeah there you go jim said it that's assault it's unreal that's why i think when her demeanor changed when she like did it i wonder for that split moment before she just went back to yelling like if she was like oh shit i'm the bad guy here like i wonder if she realized it like it just popped up and was like kazab kazab yon kazab yon that's the only way i'd turn violent
Starting point is 00:45:20 is someone spit on me i mean it would be hard not to it's uh that's a tough one that's a weird one um 21 is interesting i posted this on my instagram and i thought about maybe not posting it um the floor is yours my friend speak your mind what is up savan is it a salt if I spit into my wife's mouth? God, this show. Not if it's consensual. I always forget who the audience is. I'd have to ask her.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I need more information. More context. No. I need more information. More context. No, I just wanted to see how y'all are doing. I just popped up, just got done with CrossFit, and I've been listening to you for a while.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I mean, you know this. You always fucking call me Shamwell, even though it's for my name. But got hired at a CrossFit gym, so I'll be doing that while working for the fire department. And I'm going through OPEC CCP. fire department so and i'm going through opec ccp oh say that again you're going through what opec ccp oh good on you that that's the that's the training program yep awesome james fitzgerald stuff yeah good on you and uh what one last thing fuck dan bailey word goodbye bye fire department i wonder what he does i wanted to ask what he did at the fire department uh 21 um uh nazi fit and jeff thought jeff tried to talk some sense into me here and i
Starting point is 00:46:54 appreciate it i expect that from him um i what i when i think of nazis i think of people who are extremely intolerant i was watching some history on them the other day on some video. And it's interesting. When I went to Germany, I spent a lot of time there in 1997. I spent a couple of weeks there in Stuttgart with a family. Before I went off to the University of London for six months. I think it was 97, I don't know. And I asked his family over and over, hey, how did that happen?
Starting point is 00:47:30 How did Germany just start gathering the Jews and just throwing them in ovens? Like, why didn't anyone speak up and stop that? And I didn't think I would ever be able to understand that myself. And now I've seen two things. That lady who's going around, the North Korean lady who's going around doing all the talks, the really pretty one, she was on Joe Rogan, and she basically said – What's her name? I think it's Yami Park. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:55 She basically said that they were promised that in order to reach equality, everyone had to give up all their land. And that led to starvation. By the way, I've said this a million times on this show, the only place in the United States where there's equity is in prison. Everyone has the same sheets, same toilet, same room. There's levels of the decrepitude in there and the patheticness, but basically that's what they're trying to do there, just crazy equity. And that's what it looks like. That's what equity and the kind of equality that these people want looks like. It's lowest common denominator shit.
Starting point is 00:48:39 It's no one can think for themselves. It's bad. There would be no iphones they don't no one's using iphones in north korea when all the homeless people you know have them um and and don't let anyone trick you about the the different levels of the discrepancy of wealth is higher than it's ever been that means nothing if you don't look at the fact that the poorest people have more than they've ever had in the history of humanity yeah and today it's everything is better than it was 10 years ago but by fault yeah 20 years ago there weren't airbags in cars now every tom dick and harry has an airbag yeah well that's why it's
Starting point is 00:49:16 the uh freedom of speech is the first amendment because that's more powerful than force and anything else right right? Right. Yeah, because think about it. That's why it's number one. For dissemination of information, right? For dissemination of information. Yeah, because if we start to censor people or do stuff like this, you're easily could get caught up
Starting point is 00:49:34 in the collective consciousness of groupthink and you can't see your way out of it, then horrific things happen like the Holocaust because people didn't have the ability to speak out against it and things like that once people maybe woke up to it or what they were too afraid like here it's like you know you can't speak out because you'll lose your job you can't you can't have an opinion on certain things because you'll be fired or you'll be unhirable or different things like that so that's where it starts and that's that's more powerful than if they came up and shot you because
Starting point is 00:50:01 they came up and shot you they'd be like wait there's the bad guys holding the gun But when we go into this linguist and whoever controls the language and the definitions controls the power, it gets pretty sketchy. And in this research that I was doing, or I don't know if maybe that's misspeaking, in this story that I stumbled upon, that would be probably better. stumbled upon that would be probably better um the the there was a movement uh before uh against the jews in germany calling them dirty and sick and that basically they were spreading disease and that was step one to to get everyone in society to think a certain way about them like the unvaccinated yes so this is a crossfit gym they're more than free to post this kind of stuff free country uh it says we love visitors but no walk-ins please we we love black people but we don't want them living next door to us you have to understand this is this isn't like a one-off.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Like I don't just – I'm just not nice to one person. I'm like nice to everyone. I'm not just mean to like one person one time. There's a certain kind of person that I'm mean to. Do you see this? I have patterns. This is a pattern. This is precedent that they set. You can see how this group thinks, the owners of this gym, the people who attend this gym.
Starting point is 00:51:29 We love visitors, but no walk-ins, please. You can put anything in there. And you're probably pretty close to being accurate. I would guess that would be my, that would be my educated guess just based on simple human psychology. We require, require an email with proof of your COVID vaccination. They insist on a government experimental mandated drug for you to walk into their facility. A minimum of six months CrossFit experience, pre-registration for all classes. We love visitors, except for blacks, Jews, and Chinese, unless you're married to a white guy. Next slide, please.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Hey, they don't even know. They don't even know. They've made up a story, a narrative to justify this. In every situation that they can express this. Oh, but Sevan, they have a child. The owners of that gym have three children who have autoimmune diseases, and they can't risk. Then fucking say that. I'm terrified because my – there was another slide, Mr. Susan.
Starting point is 00:52:45 There wasn't, it doesn't, it wasn't on here. It looks like, it looks like they edited it a day ago. Oh, well, well,
Starting point is 00:52:54 well, no more. Oh, it's a different post. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. Go to their URL,
Starting point is 00:52:59 go to the URL. Sorry. Sorry. It's to their homepage. You're my bad. They did their homepage on Instagram, correct? Yeah. Let's look at their homepage of their, of their, to their home page you're my bad they did their home page on instagram correct yeah let's look at their home page of their of their and i'll give you one guess where it is matthew are i'll give you one guess you can get it you can get it right you get two guesses
Starting point is 00:53:13 actually there's uh it's they have they them is their pronouns so they participate in the delusion although of all the delusions to participate they them is probably the the the least least offensive technically there's a gym so you would refer to it as like they respect inclusion and community i mean no you don't you just told us you don't in this in this slide god i i wonder if the owners of this... Oh, NC Fit Pleasanton follows them. I wonder if there's any patrons there who know that they're in the hive.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Hive of hate uh seattle uh what's up with all this jew talk with kanye i i the little bit i saw that i couldn't even i couldn't even make sense of but it reminded me recently i saw a headline like in the new york times washington post somewhere and it says um uh Trump takes aim at Jews in the United States or something like that. And then I read the article, and all he said was, hey, Jews, which is kind of funny. He was actually helping Jews out. He's like, if the Jews in the United States don't stand up for the Jews in Israel, Israel could be on its last leg. For the Jews in Israel, Israel could be on its last leg. And of course, the Jews in the United States who hate Israel and are crazy pro-Palestinian, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:54:51 It's up to them. They're just looking for a reason to bite on the racism thing. But once again, it wasn't racist at all. No, that's a great question, Cody, and you know they're not. Are all the members vaxxed? Absolutely not. You, they're not. Are all the members of Vax? Absolutely not. You know, they're not. He got drunk on a podcast and said, no, that wasn't Trump. That was gone.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Yeah, but it was actually a tweet that originally started it. Oh, I thought he was talking about the guy who. Oh, here we go. This is going to be good yes caller hi hello let's go hi katie hi katie hi katie welcome to the show um so do you remember you were talking to roger spark uh yes i will for our podcast yes yeah i'm sure you do um no no it's good to check no it's good to check it's good to check i'm still trying to remember alexis that that was like the one i feel really bad for but go on all right um there was a comment made um i think you guys are talking about how the stuff that he had to do leaves
Starting point is 00:56:07 mental scars, understandably. A comment was made about that drone operators don't have that same issue. Trust me if I'm wrong. Nope. I'm with you. You're making complete sense. I'm with you. I'm following you're making complete sense i'm with you i'm following you i'm tracking you i think i know where you're going okay so it might not be to the same extent but so my workplace directly works with and supports
Starting point is 00:56:37 drone operators and both the operators and us like the support staff had to attend what's called like moral injury training so even though like they see the stuff through a television screen there's still
Starting point is 00:56:59 that same sort of trauma although probably not the same extent and it's slightly different and then even the support people that same sort of trauma, although probably not the same extent, and it's slightly different. And even the support people have that same sort of trauma. I'm going to go back a step. So when you say you support those people, like you make catheters for them so that they can just sit there and never have to move, or you bring food to them, or what do you mean you support them? That's not my – we give them information, tell them where to go,
Starting point is 00:57:29 tell them when their aircraft is threatened. Oh, wow. Uh, six dudes on turbines and camels, uh, 3000 feet below you like stuff like that. Um, sort of not, not dark. I mean, the operator can see that yeah hey i i could i could i could argue that maybe they even have more trauma because they know but they don't get to process it well yes because the operators are not necessarily deployed so they'll go and like execute someone or you know push the button shoot somebody and then they'll go home and like kiss their wife and child i mean if they're married so they can they can go right home after you know possibly
Starting point is 00:58:23 killing another father and they're a father themselves. And we go home and see their child. So it's different. And that really messes. It's a different kind of trauma than the trauma that that guy who killed bin Laden, who we had on just a second ago, he said he killed bin Laden while the son looked and he said, you know, it sticks with them. And the guy said, do you sleep well? And he's like, no. And you're saying it's just, it might not be the same kind of trauma, but it's, there's, there's serious trauma still. Right. And I'm
Starting point is 00:58:52 not saying more or less either. Um, like you said, different. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you for bringing that up. That's probably the best contribution we've ever had from a caller. Thank you. Yeah. Plus, you have that t-shirt idea that I put in the chat earlier. Oh, the Dear Bill and Katie. That's you? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Well, good. All right. Yeah. All right. All right. Thanks, guys. Yeah, thank you. Thanks, Katie.
Starting point is 00:59:22 High-level contributor to the marketing and to the stories, Miss Kate. Wow. Okay. Good night. Bye. Bye. What do you think about her voice? What do you think about her voice? What I think about her voice?
Starting point is 00:59:41 Yeah. She sounded like a nice person. Yeah, very nice. she she's she treads lightly yeah she seems like she would be kind of like a mom yeah you know she had that kind of vibe sorry if you're much younger or not but it was just very calming and soothing i guess is what i'm looking for there the trauma after the trauma after killing a person gets easier after the eighth or ninth kill after After 50, you don't feel anything else. Okay, Susan, what were you going to have?
Starting point is 01:00:10 I know that's a fucking handful, right? Should we have Magnus on the show to talk about some things? I was just going to say that's interesting because when people go off to war, you're in a complete and different environment. So part of you, even though that trauma is still going to live with you, like, I wonder if there's some sort of something to be said about leaving that environment and then like having that time to go home and then like being in a new environment, like as opposed to just a day at the office, blew some people up. Now, you know, 10 minutes later, I'm in my commute to my car back. Like there's got to be some different, not saying one's easier unless i have experienced
Starting point is 01:00:45 neither but that is an interesting thought i i was uh i was filming one time and the only experience i have kind of long well i did stumble upon those people getting killed by that driver one time that i've talked about on here but i was in africa filming out in the middle of fucking nowhere like nowhere like no running water no toilets no homes no nothing just tribes living in in teepees they were in teepees like how like like teepees you'd see like at an amusement park but they were like made of mud and like hides and shit it was way off the beaten path uh probably right in the, probably a hundred miles west of Mombasa. Mombasa is the city on the Eastern seaboard of Africa on the Indian ocean. And we took the Mombasa highway
Starting point is 01:01:34 in about probably 70 miles and then went off that on a dirt road for 30 miles. And I made a documentary there and I was out there for about two weeks. And every day that I would wake up to film there were these five kids that I hung out with the most and every day that I would film with them I would wonder if they were going to be alive the next day and I remember one day it fucking hit me so hard that I had to go behind one of the teepees and I I dropped to one knee and I just started saying why god why god I don't even know why I was saying that it was kind of like I was having an out-of-body experience and I was just bawling i just couldn't fucking believe the
Starting point is 01:02:08 hardship here and um but then four days later i was at home in california just you know eating a snow cone yeah just get on a jet and you're in your back home it's like what the fuck so i could only imagine what it's like for these guys right like like roger sparks he's in some place fucking saved killing people in hand-to-hand combat through 11 of his dead buddies into a helicopter save 49 others and then a week later he's in berlin nuts were you tripping when you were out there uh well it's kind of like what – I saw a lot of – I went to probably – I probably went to 40 countries that were all struck with famine all over the globe where there were malnourished children in all of them on African continent, Asian continent, South America. And I don't want to say I got used to it, but I knew my place. I started knowing my role.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Like I was there to film and to make it so that this company could make money to bring more vitamin A there. That's basically what they were doing. Vitamin A is the leading cause of – vitamin A malnutrition is the leading cause of blindness in these areas. So that's what this company did, Vitamin Angels. I think they're the largest distributor of free vitamins anywhere in the world. Did you feel guilty when you came back home? No. Was it because you were helping a company that was helping them? Uh, I don't know. I just don't have that. Um, you know, my dad, my dad came from a very, my dad had a crazy upbringing, right? 10 brothers and sisters living in a concrete hut, no water, no electricity. Basically, they were refugees who escaped the genocide in 1915. And my dad, my grandparents, they were put in this village. And that's how my dad was raised. And then eventually he got out of there and got a scholarship to a seminary school in Chicago and maybe in Evanston, Illinois at 18 and got out of there. And my dad and then my dad ended up getting becoming guilty. My whole life, my dad's had guilt for his success.
Starting point is 01:04:40 And it's like, that's no way to live. And when I saw that, I was like, I will never, ever, ever live like that. no way to live and when i saw that i was like i will never ever ever live like that interesting you know yeah because the truth is is it leads to bad things you end up being a codependent for other people guilt so guilt yeah he he he felt he felt guilty anyway another story. I ended up going back there. I spent a couple months in that town, and I actually stayed in the house. Yeah, they had built out bigger than the original concrete block. Not much bigger, but my aunt lived there, and I stayed out there for like a month.
Starting point is 01:05:22 This was in the 90s maybe or early 2000 thousands. I went out there in nineties, maybe. Yeah. They still didn't even have phones. And, and a lot of the homes still there, you had to go outside to go to the bathroom. Uh, my dad just sent me out there. I hadn't talked to my dad in a year. I came home for Christmas one year after not talking to him for a year, I was like in my Jesus phase. I was like barefoot and just like wanting to be an aesthetic. I was homeless. And I came home to see my dad. This is pre cell phone. Right. And I was only home my Jesus phase. I was like barefoot and just like wanting to be an aesthetic. I was homeless. And I came home to see my dad. This is pre cell phone. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:48 And I was only home for two days. And he's like, Hey, I'm going to send you to Beirut so you can see your relatives there. I was like, what the fuck? It's on like donkey Kong, not highest on.
Starting point is 01:05:56 No, no, this is, this is a, a town called Anjar, A N J A R in Lebanon by the Syrian border. I think, yeah. I did not go to Afghanistan. I have not been to Turkey. Maybe twice. Seven, what are you and your kids going to be for Halloween?
Starting point is 01:06:32 Nice segue, Kate. I'm going to be a podcaster. Okay, number 22. This is just such a funny story. I find this story just so fucking comical we just click these links and we'll just go through them i don't female high school players suffer serious head injury after transgender players spikes ball abnormally fast so there there's a dude playing on this volleyball team and um and he spiked the ball against the opposing team it's girls volleyball but there was
Starting point is 01:07:07 a guy playing and he spiked the ball i don't know why they let him play but they let him play and he spiked the ball and injured the girl okay next link fucking crazy crazy crazy crazy at point, you should have to – This one we could do the big screen here. Oh, thank you. Oh, here. Look, here's video where you get to actually see – you get to see the spike. Okay, action.
Starting point is 01:07:52 There's the person. that's the dude oh so choppy you don't get to see it anyway that guy jumps up and spikes the ball and it hits that girl in the head and there was a clip the other yesterday i saw where venus williams serena williams is saying that men's tennis and women's tennis isn't even the same sport in her mind and that there's no chance she could be a professional male tennis players none at all and that they're not she doesn't even consider she considers them so different that she doesn't consider them both tennis even like they're they're different she didn't name them okay click the third link it's just what did they think was going to happen what did you what did they think was going to happen? What did you what did you think was going to happen? And action.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Carolina School District assaulted all competition for one of its female volleyball teams after a transgender athlete was deemed a safety concern when he spiked a volleyball into another player's face at 70 miles an hour. volleyball into another player's face at 70 miles an hour. This young girl sustained severe head and neck injuries and is suffering long-term concussion symptoms like vision problems. School board was right to halt all future competition, but why did it take a young girl sustaining severe injury for adults to realize the simple biological fact that men have an advantage over women in sports? This is why the slippery slope of the radical gender ideology is so dangerous they don't just want you to use their pronouns they don't just want you to let them choose which bathroom they use they want you to acknowledge that gender is something you can change and isn't based on anatomy going along with this idea is intellectually the word gender and is literally putting people in harm's way but because some people don't want
Starting point is 01:09:21 to hurt the feelings of he's fucking up like. Like, first, it's not gender. And who cares? In this instant, who cares about morals? Like, now he's bringing in the God talk. That's why I don't fucking like the God talk. Morals so ambiguous. Call her high. Hey, Sivan.
Starting point is 01:09:38 I had a quick… I had two questions for you. Okay. First, in regards to the Armenian genocide, what was the leading reason why that occurred? Why did they genocide your people? So they say – and it's a very interesting point, and I don't hear Armenians talk about it. They say that they were at war with Russia, and Armenians were siding with the Russians, and so they wanted to cleanse the Armenians out of there.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Okay. The other reason is just the Armenians were very successful. It was – their stories are very similar to – I can't remember which city it is. But it's basically how the Rothschild started. These Jewish families, they were in these cities. God, what was the capital? And they were told that they couldn't live inside the cities, so they were pushed to the outside of the cities in the slums. And the Jews were so creative that even from the outside, they started lending people money.
Starting point is 01:10:37 And lending money inside the city walls was legal, but they lent the money outside the city walls. And from there, they became just fucking rich as shit. They ended up lending money to the queen of England. And so I think it was something very similar to that. Basically, the Armenians were a very creative entrepreneurial class, and it was time for them to go. Their land needed to be taken from them, and they were fucking up the Turkish bloodline. And so – and the world knew this was going on in 1915. And I think it was the French who had lent – which is kind of funny.
Starting point is 01:11:22 It's such little money now – $70 million to Turkey, to the Ottoman Empire. And so the British were like, hey, we're going to go in and fucking attack turkey and the french said if you do that we won't get our money back and we'll have to attack you and so that shit just went on and on and on and uh there's an amazing book written by the ambassador of the united kingdom to turkey at that time describing what happened it's brutal it's brutal what do you know the name of that book uh it might just be called um here let me i'll look at it might just be called um i think the name of the book is armenia and let me put UK ambassador genocide book.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Genocide book. Let me just put that in Google real quick. Oh, I think I found it. Ooh, this doesn't – I read the book a long time ago. This doesn't – Henry Morgenthau? Okay. If you just – if that's the author's if you have the author's name that's enough i'll be able to find it no problem okay i'm not sure if that's the right
Starting point is 01:12:30 book there's one called ambassador morganthal's story god that doesn't look right i wonder if my mom's watching and she knows if i have the book okay well i don't want to you know i don't want to take up airtime but you know i heard jocko willick did it but i heard jocko willick did a podcast on the armenian genocide and i heard it's absolutely insane i heard it's like this best podcast he's ever done i'll have to look that up now here's another thing though yes weren't so the turks are muslim what wasn't their religious implications too? Because aren't Armenians not typically Muslim?
Starting point is 01:13:07 So Armenia is the first country on planet Earth to take Christianity as its national religion. No country had ever done that before. And, of course, shitloads of the Bible takes place there. That mountain there, Mount Adadad, is supposedly where Noah's Ark is. The place is covered in churches. So, yeah, I'm sure you're probably right. There was probably some religious like boogeyman shit. Yeah, for sure. Okay. Interesting. And then actually I had, I guess I had a statement, maybe it leads to a question
Starting point is 01:13:36 in regards to the volleyball player being assaulted by the dude in the competition. I, I'm a soccer player. I love playing soccer. And I have a cousin, and he married a girl who played professional soccer in the UK for like Brighton and Hove, who I think they're in the Premier League now. Not sure. But she's a female soccer player. She tried out for the English national team. I think she even made the team.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Anyways, top level, like as far as female athletes in soccer, like super high level. And I was playing, when she first came to America, she had just left the sport. She was still in her best shape possible. And when she came with my cousin, they were engaged at the time, they came to America and we went out and played some pickup sports. And I was about 15 years old at the time so I was not fully developed I was a late bloomer I didn't really hit my stride as far as puberty
Starting point is 01:14:32 until I was about 16 17 at the time I was 15 anyways we were playing sports and like soccer I think we might even play some you know two-hand touch football or something. Anyways, one of the things that just would shock me when I was playing against her is that physically speaking, I was far more superior than her as far as speed and agility. Like it wasn't even a competition. And this girl played at the highest level of soccer. And she was known for her speed. That was her like main weapon in women's sports how fast
Starting point is 01:15:05 she was and i'm not like anything i'm not some speedy mingalas type guy i'm five foot seven you know i'm not super super fast and i was still just leaps and bounds more athletic than her and and that's when i realized i was like wow like guys and girls just do not belong on the same could you imagine women playing professional football? Could you imagine women, all women's team in the NFL? Oh, it'd be a bloodbath. It'd be a bloodbath. Like everyone on the team would be killed.
Starting point is 01:15:35 So I'm not joking. They would be, they would, they would be dead. Right. Right. Yeah. And I think that, I think that when people hear the term equality, they get really mixed up and they get confused. And there's a lot of buzzwords and a lot of propaganda behind it. But I think when we talk about equality, what people need to focus on is the quality of treatment. And by that, I mean, like, you need to understand where somebody's coming from and what they're capable of and then treat them like a decent human being and treat them nicely. But that's not the same as being like we can all do the same thing.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Would you rather would you rather birth a baby out of your ass collar like a woman can do, but out of her vagina? But since you or would you rather be a woman who plays in the NFL? Oh, the choices. Yeah. Both are bad. Both sound horrible. Like life ending. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I don't want to prolapse Dana because I pushed the baby out of my rear. That sounds terrible. You probably would die. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. So, uh, you know, I, but it's, I guess this leads to the question is, is that in, we're kind of in this postmodern era in our country. standards that people adhered to that were driven by, basically driven by like a, what would you call it?
Starting point is 01:17:10 It's not church and state, but the morals in the country, and I'm not saying this was entirely good, but everybody kind of was on the same page that people were, the vast majority of Americans were very religious, mostly Christian, Catholic or Protestant. Okay. So they had this idea and it kind of drove morality up in the country in, in a certain direction up until basically, you know, the postmodern era started, which is like late fifties, fifties, and then it just rapidly progressed through the seventies, eighties. And then now careful, careful, buddy. You're going into eight minutes. You're eight minutes and 19 seconds.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Okay, okay. My simple question is, do you think that the departure from belief in God has led to people being like, you know what? Maybe a man is a woman, and maybe men can have babies, and maybe we should let a man – Bro, they threw out the moral – we threw out the moral code that the God-fearing people – I was going to call them wackadoodles, but I'm trying to be cool. We threw out the moral code. You can call them wackadoodles. We threw out the moral code of this Christian – of these Christians, these Catholics, these Muslims, whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:22 We threw out their moral code, and we didn't replace it with anything. And that moral code was the fucking glue of this civilization. Right. And fucking jackasses like me that fucking haven't found Jesus yet need to fucking wake up and realize that. Well,
Starting point is 01:18:39 would you rather have everything closed on Sunday or would you rather have them sexualizing your fucking kids you choose right i choose with closing shit down on sunday right fucking jackasses yeah we fucked up we fucked up and i'm guilty of that i was part of that kind of hatred and detest for those people oh fuck it let everyone be free no that we're stupid we're stupid we can't we need a moral code i was in the 60s baby we do but here's the thing here's the thing though is that people are all not me by the way i'm exempt from that i'm a good person like just through and through but since a lot of the ding-dongs need a moral code good
Starting point is 01:19:21 well let me let me let me let me just quickly say something, though. The thing is that I believe that humans are all inherently religious and that you will adhere to something. You remember the Bob Dylan song from one of his 80s albums? He says, you got to serve somebody. Sure. So no matter what,
Starting point is 01:19:36 everybody's inherently religious. They're going to believe in something. They're going to have some degree of moral, some type of moral code. The problem is what you have right now is you have some degree of moral, some type of moral code. The problem is, is what you have right now is you have a church of woke, right? Which is pushing all this type of stuff that we're complaining about right now. Um, that's one option. There's some lactose, you know, weak, weak, weak sauce, Christian groups out there. And then there's obviously
Starting point is 01:20:01 the deeply conservative folks that are being maligned quite a bit right now in the in the media but the thing is is that like everybody is religious and they are replacing the former code of ethics with the new code of ethics the problem with the new code of ethics is that it's established entirely by men they're not trusting in some sort of higher power even if it's mysterious and sounds stupid or whatever, whatever you might want to say about it, it works as far as making people be a better person. It just works. Whereas what we currently have is just like people kind of go, you know, listening to their favorite politician or pundit. And they're all those politicians and pundits are united in this dumb ass, ridiculous standard for morality. And then they're just pushing these massive amounts of people toward it. But the problem is, is that when you have just just men leading the way with no idea
Starting point is 01:20:53 of a figurehead of God, then what happens is, is that the goalposts constantly change. Things get more extreme and more extreme. Like it used to be. It was like, OK, 2012. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. You can't what? I can't keep going. Okay. You got to
Starting point is 01:21:11 let me go? I do. All right, man. You were great. You were great. But you used up your time. Hey, fair enough. Fair enough. Thank you. Please call back.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Tomorrow. Bye. Hey, fair enough. Fair enough. Thank you. Please call back. Will do. Tomorrow. Bye. Paideia is the word that, what he's looking for. That guy? What's that mean? Yeah, I'm on this new kick with this theory because of the book that I'm reading, which is leading me to look up a lot of the words and stuff that happened in the past. But essentially, have you ever heard the thing from like the,
Starting point is 01:21:48 I forget who said it, but they said like, give me your kid from the age of zero to seven, and then you could have them back because I've already done the programming. Maybe it was somebody in the audience knows who exactly said that. But essentially what they're saying is, and what he was saying is they stripped that moral code kind of out of the school system, and then therefore it's never kind of been programmed back in.
Starting point is 01:22:11 This is why we're seeing this kind of descent into chaos now, societal chaos. What's the book? Everything's up. Everything's down. The Battle for the American Mind. The Battle for the American mind. The battle for the American mind. He made a lot of sense, said some stuff. I, uh, I learned, uh, I learned taking LSD. I agree. Karina rain. You're an amazing woman. Thank you. I would love to be just to hear what's going on at home with you right now. What type of insights you have?
Starting point is 01:22:42 I know you know some stuff that I'm curious about. You know who that is, Sousa? No. I'll tell you afterwards. She knows stuff. Oh, exciting. Yeah, she got some juicy gossip, tabloid shit. I know. Big, big, of the biggest stories out there right now.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Look it, look it. Yeah, I know. I know. I've been thinking about you. I've been thinking what you must know. I've been thinking. Tell. I've been thinking what you must know. I've been thinking. Tell the old man I said hi. Number 23, I am officially old.
Starting point is 01:23:12 You don't recognize your name yet, Sousa? Do you recognize your name? I'll tell you in the private chat. Hey, anyone who watches the show, though, by the way, anyone who watches the show would know the way anyone who watches the show uh would know who she is like if you like if you're diehard and like you have a better memory than me oh what now i feel like i'm up on something or behind on something i should be on a honeymoon or something your shit got all fucking dude that was it Haven't been the same since.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Got it. Okay. Okay. Got it. Right. Does she know some shit or what? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.. so i'm done all right fine i'm done i'm done good i feel like i i knew i knew don't worry guys i knew uh it's not a secret it's not a secret it's not a secret it really isn't it's just just like it's whispered stuff it's it's your my inside voice um number 23 i'm officially old the caller was good i just i just couldn't anymore
Starting point is 01:24:23 it was like what kenneth said like if you're more than three minutes and now you're a guest the caller was good. I just, I just couldn't anymore. It was like what Kenneth said, like if you more than three minutes and now you're a guest and it's like, Hey, this, this is a live call. Uh, what'd you like?
Starting point is 01:24:35 Okay. You like the full screen. You want to keep rocking this day? Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it. That's it. So this was a guest, a guest on the show.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Corey was on the show and, uh, got a great Instagram account. Here we go. As rappers, we got to stop perpetuating our own genocide. There's a war going on inside and outside. No man to stay from. How y'all rappers call yourselves real?
Starting point is 01:24:55 Turn around, tell these kids to kill each other. You see, the problem is we are big as ops. Don't point the fingers at the judges and the cops. It's time to take accountability. From Scott to Rock, Big L, Biggie and Pot, I can't believe they allowed this to be said at the BET Awards, but I'm happy that it was said. Many of us have been saying for a while now that rappers need to take accountability and realize that their music is perpetuating the death and destruction that we see in our communities and whether they like it or not they are role models and have a responsibility to guide the young people in our communities in
Starting point is 01:25:35 the right direction rapper joey badass is no longer woke he's awake uh so what's interesting here is i titled this I'm Officially Old. I don't want there to be censorship. I want people to sing gangster rap. I love gangster rap. But that's a strong message that whatever his name is, Joey Badass or whatever. He said, stop pointing fingers at the judges and the cops. Yeah, it doesn't matter, as Hiller would say.
Starting point is 01:26:02 It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. as hillary would say it doesn't matter it doesn't matter like like like no matter how true your story is that road that's road's a dead end when you point your finger at the cops and the judges you don't you don't you don't you don't achieve happiness wealth um love in your life if you go down that road wasn't that like a dr cashy thing of like the different layers of uh blame like first it's circumstance then it's like other people, and then finally you're left with yourself. I could be wrong. I like it.
Starting point is 01:26:31 I like it. It's good. Yes, the great Dr. Cashy we had on the show. We should have him on again too. Yeah. A dear friend of ours told me that we should never have him on, that he was boring, and that just made me want to have him on more. The comments when he's on are fucking off the hook on YouTube. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:48 I said that the face noises thing still sticks with me pretty good. Like when I hear people talk or something like that and they're trying to whatever, communicate something and it's just all over the place. And you're like, just say what you want to say. Wow. They're,
Starting point is 01:27:01 they're bending wind with their tongue. Yeah. Number 25 white guys. Oh oh my god can we get through five of these in the next 10 minutes number 25 white guys please be funny please be funny please be funny please be funny please be funny please be funny oh yes here we go oh here we go look at um uh the black man got slammed in the um uh first part of the show and here here's balance the book end to it here white guys here we go tina over there the blacks the scariest gay whites why are they the scariest because you know they got a fair trial
Starting point is 01:27:38 so those dudes are real criminals they yeah that is scary but you got the latinos over there the blacks the scariest gay whites why are they the scariest because you know they got a fair trial so those dudes are real criminals today how perfect is the timing on that the last bit was going point the fingers at the judges and the cops and then now this one i'm an artist. That was pretty funny. Bayer. Oh, this isn't funny. Bayer Aspirin.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Bayer. Number 26. Oh, I like this lady. Talk about Bayer. Well, Bayer, everyone thinks they began starting with Bayer. Well, Bayer, everyone thinks they began starting with aspirin. They began, for Hitler's Germany, making Xylon B, the gas that was used to kill millions in the concentration camps. They were part of R.G. Farben. R.G. Farben was the cartel that was tried at Nuremberg. One of Bayer's inventions is heroin.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Heroin. Heroin. And it was called heroin because it made you feel like a hero. Nothing one future program you could do, Amy, is how the devastation of our societies, how the destruction of the economy of Mexico has created the drug trade, how the devastation of rural America, as well as the unemployment in the industrial belt, has created the opiate crisis. How Punjab, the land of the Green Revolution, 75 percent youth are now drug addicts. So Bayer bought out Monsanto.
Starting point is 01:29:19 So Monsanto today is Bayer. And it's a German company. But these are global companies. They have no home. They have no loyalty. They are accountable to no citizens. All of them work through tax havens. So Monsanto was bought out by Bayer for the simple reason that they wanted to erase the name of Monsanto, which has become such a dirty name.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Talk about crazy. Massive Bayer plant, massive Bayer plant in Berkeley that I used to go by every day. Wow. Home of the Jews. Berkeley is just like the Jew capital of fucking Northern California. And the irony that Bayer's fucking has a massive plant there. california and the irony that bayers fucking has a massive plant there and and uh and and ironically it's the uh it's the ultimate form of segregation if you want to see how if you want to see covet in full bloom if you miss it uh berkeley california is waiting for
Starting point is 01:30:17 you you can it's like an amusement park do you want to know what it was like oh you could go there in 20 years if you feel like you lived in let's say arizona in 20 years you could go be like to your kids do you want to see what it was like to live through the pandemic there's a trap in california i was just thinking what what would be scarier to you like pulling over at a sketchy gas station in the hood to have to fill up or putting on your uh i don't say i say you're i know you don't have them but putting on a maga hat walking through uc berkeley campus odds of being violently attached far stronger on campus uh there's a city in india i've been there uh uh i think it's called the punja or it's a region it's punjabi region um and let's say drug addiction kids let's see what it is uh
Starting point is 01:31:03 And let's say drug addiction kids. Let's see what it is. Punjab is infamous for its high incidence of drug trafficking and drug abuse. Implement to prevent drug abuse amongst kids in Punjab. Oh, okay. Here it is. Wow. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:31:23 It is in the Times of India. And it's called the how Punjab will lose a generation to drugs. Drug business brings a turnover of 500 billion only next to petroleum arms trade, petroleum and arms trade. And I saw the number in here, it said 75 over 75 percent of the Punjab youth are hooked to drugs, and going by estimates, every third family has one addict. And at least 30% of the jail inmates have been booked and arrested for illegal possession of drugs. Oh, here we go. And HIV is super prevalent among this group. They're just sharing needles, right? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:32:04 That follows right after it doesn't it india's a trip india is a trip wow uh okay okay number 27 uh dear democrats i have taken over your party oh what no link oh really yeah sorry this page isn't available wow okay that was a good one uh 27 gone yeah 27 gone uh 28 guns oh 29 is look at this ass wow 28 guns standby forby for 29. Look at this ass. I think I found. Oh, I have the world's greatest ass.
Starting point is 01:32:49 And look at this ass. I wonder if that's the same post. Okay. Guns. Many kids have to die before you give up your guns. Interesting question. Counterpoint. How many kids have to be sexually molested abducted sold into sex trafficking or killed
Starting point is 01:33:05 before you'll pick up a gun and start defending them how many kids there you go guns uh number 29 look at this ass am i in trouble is it different than the world's greatest ass I don't know is it a girl standing up looking at her ass in the mirror no oh oh shit oh okay
Starting point is 01:33:40 so this is taking Susan's not sure if he wants to bring this up. I can tell he's like, Oh fuck. Have we crossed the boundary? Let me pull this. Oh no, this is great. This is okay.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I need to, I need to preface. You have to see this. This is crazy. You have to see this. Listen, listen, this is,
Starting point is 01:34:03 this is just look at this ass. This is, this is a girl who's going to be facing the camera and she jiggles her pelvic, right? She, she's like rotating her pelvis. So with such force that her ass is coming down and you could see it between her legs from the front. Are you guys, so picture you're looking at someone, doesn't matter, man or woman, and you could see it between her legs from the front. Are you guys, so picture you're looking at someone, doesn't matter, man or woman, and you're looking at them from the front and their legs are like parted a little bit, not a lot, like 12 inches,
Starting point is 01:34:31 but their ass, when they dance, jiggles down so you could see it between their legs. Can you guys, I mean, it is, and then there's a little bit of commentary afterwards. 29, action. Here we go. May have to play this twice. Oh, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Before you go, you see it? You see her butt already? You could see her butt behind her, between her legs. Oh, maybe her feet are two feet apart. I can't do that. I can't. I can't. Okay, action.
Starting point is 01:35:00 Here we go. It'll be over before you know it, Susan. Okay, action. Here we go. It'll be over before you know it, Susie. I'm constantly impressed with the new ways ass and chesticles are delivered. Like underneath from the front. I've never seen that before. That's revolutionary. It looked like someone squeezing a Jell-O cup and it was just constantly popping out. God bless the internet and follow me, you fucking idiots. Oh, you think those are testicles, maybe, just attached onto her back? That's where I went immediately when I saw that.
Starting point is 01:35:39 You thought it was her butt from the front with that much movement? Let me tell you, it's her butt. Easy. It can be uncomfortable um there is a you've heard me say it on the show a million fucking times since i started the show but there are no it's not there i want to say there are no homeless people but there are some homeless people but the vast majority of them, 99.9% to infinity, are drug addicts who've chosen – their hierarchy got out of space. So it got out of whack. So you have this hierarchy. Let's say it's breathe, eat, shelter, fuck.
Starting point is 01:36:18 And procreate can be altered with shelter, but you definitely need to breathe and eat. And then when I was homeless, I still was procreating a lot, but, but those two could be flipped back and forth. But if anything gets in those four in that hierarchy right there, it screws everything up. So if you get drugs in there, um, after like breathing, everything else gets just so messed up. It sends you haywire. You're now not a participant in the experiment of humanity by the rules that offer the greatest success. So I just want to be clear that when someone does get that out of whack, you have to also remember that these drug addicts that people are called homeless, they're thieves before they're homeless. These people don't have jobs and they're taking and they're robbing you, me and other people in order to get their drugs. That's how it works. That's how that economy works. They breathe and then they steal and
Starting point is 01:37:18 get drugs. And that's the loop they're in at our expense. They're thieves. So you can't say that about everyone. What do you say? OK, fine. It's not everyone. But I'm telling you, that's how that works. It's like I'm telling you that people bicycle with their legs and you're like, no, I saw a guy biking down the street like this in a recumbent. Yeah, there are dudes without legs who use their hands. There are.
Starting point is 01:37:49 hands there are but i'm telling you the vast majority of these people they're breathers they're drug addicts and thieves and that and they just stay in that loop yeah i don't want to they have to steal to support their habit have you ever seen this guy's page before this might be somebody we consider to uh shellenberg no uh tales from the streets like here let me bring us uh, Schellenberg. No. Uh, tales from the streets. Like here, let me bring us into this. You want to see what drugs will do.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Dude, you were uncomfortable with, uh, that ass. And now you're bringing up a random Instagram account. And I feel like my butt pucker. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Oh no, no, no, no. It just, this guy makes, uh, he interviews a bunch of drug addicts that live on the streets in arizona in particular and it's like it's just insane and so it just it just goes along like if you look at some of
Starting point is 01:38:31 the people and especially if you clear if you guys go through his instagram and you listen to some of the stories and the way they talk and stuff like that it just completely highlights what you were just talking about like and they're all women god that's depressing yeah and the stories and it's crazy too because he'll go into this whole thing about like hey like what were you doing before this like did you come from a family did you have this that or the other thing right and like you'd be surprised how many of them say hey i just i had an injury i was prescribed oxycontin i became addicted to oxycontin and now a year later, everybody in my
Starting point is 01:39:07 family has kicked me out because I've stolen from all of them. I've wronged all of them and they, they can't be enablers of my addiction anymore. And I've been on the streets for six months, a year or whatever. And it's just, it's crazy how fast their lifestyles, but you'd be surprised how many of them started by just going into the doctor's office with some sort of injury. I heard it's one in 10. I heard it's one. And I don't know. I need to check that, but I heard it's one in 10 people get addicted. Who that's fucking nuts. If that's true. Yeah. You guys can check that out.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Okay. 31, the world's greatest ass. Someone sent me this and I just, I spent probably three minutes on this Instagram account for me, which is just crazy long time. This butt is fucking nuts. She's, I think she has like 600 or 800,000 followers. And her whole thing is her ass. Do you think that's real?
Starting point is 01:39:55 That she trans, she did that? Yeah, I do. You could see the, like, so this is going to be back to my Academy of Art, University Academy of Art days here with analysis of form. But you could see the indentation of the muscles. Yeah. And how they're moving and how they're formed like that. And it looks natural. Now, she might be using a filter to maybe like smoothen it out or something.
Starting point is 01:40:18 But yeah, that looks 100% real. It is. That's like just like, it's like one of those Dynamax balls. Scroll through. that real it is that's like just like it's like one of those dynamax balls scroll through scroll through and just look at go to her home page and just look at uh the shit she does i mean she's she's like the she's like the booty expert keep going there's like a whole um like these workout routines you want to play one on yeah hold yeah yeah go ahead and play one they're crazy oh that's her dancing yeah no you'll see you'll see one when you see it you'll you'll you'll know when you see one
Starting point is 01:40:49 oh she's got a whole keep going there's some movement there's some movement she does it like i've just never even seen before keep going keep going oh no no how do you want me to keep going keep going oh there it is my top saving boot uh seven favorite booty exercises look at that one i'm not seeing it in the purple shorts on the left hand side me got it this one this one yeah here we go okay let's see if we can see some of these without the stutter donkey kicks with the ankle. You approve of that for making your butt bigger? Yeah. How about that?
Starting point is 01:41:29 Yeah. It also does strengthen your hips. Great warm-ups, too, before squatting. Same with that. A little lateral movement. Not enough of it in CrossFit. God, I cannot believe her butt. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:43 I like that one, too. It's almost like a hip airplane and it's cool that she shows it before because you would you would just be like she was born with that there's no way and she's got a great squat look at that yeah yeah this so i started doing these but without weight hey maybe that's why your back's feeling better oh maybe yeah after i i saw this about a month ago and i started doing those without but with i don't use any weight i just bring my hips up and squeeze my butt that's kind of like a reverse hyper a little bit right there yeah fucking outstanding how many
Starting point is 01:42:15 followers does she have oh yeah keep going let's look at about one more time uh one where you can see your whole ass go to that one i wish i had more muscle top right top right top right yeah q sir mix a lot of course the the pictures like i should probably do those too yep bulgarian split squats jenna delon delion crazy uh how many followers does she have seven why did you have 30 minute segment on women's but no my mom's cool like that my mom i think my mom's like me she appreciates all that the body stuff i think she's out to dinner with my kids okay world's greatest ass i know there's a thousand world's greatest asses, but that's one of them that's tied for that.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Oh, let's do number 32, and then we'll do 33. 33 is fun. 32 is a college debt and taxes. Oh, I think this is crazy right here. Oh yeah, this is great. Here we go. Action. I spend more time working on these cars than with my own family. I spend my days digging holes, cutting grass, and sweating.
Starting point is 01:43:36 This is job number two today. So my customers aren't the only ones drinking coffee. I'm breaking my back out here for one reason. I want to pay off some other guy's debt. Biden's plan to pay other people's college loans using my tax dollars is a great idea. Biden's right. You should take my tax dollars to pay off your debts. My family will figure out how to get by with less. What's most important is we spare college graduates from any extra stress. Want to be a struggling artist? College is on me. My kids don't need fancy things like school supplies or new shoes.
Starting point is 01:44:12 I work for you, theater major. This shift is for you, business major. Go buy yourself that new car. Enjoy your free ride. College is on me. Tell Congress, stop Biden's bailout for rich kids uh trina from australia are any more earth tremors earth tremors earth tremors no none that i felt uh so someone said i i don't i don't know anything really about the bailout program but i did the math on it real real quick using google it's a 1.6 trillion dollars in outstanding debt i divided why do i
Starting point is 01:44:52 have an echo because i'm talking here 1.6 trillion dollars in debt and then i looked up how many taxpayers there were in the united states i can't remember how much it was it was like 148 000 so i divided 148 000 to 1.6 trillion and I got like $10,600 per person to pay. Now, earlier in a previous show, I showed you that the average white guy in the United States makes like $60,000 a year and the average black guy or woman in the United States makes like $39,000 a year and the average black guy or woman in the in the United States makes like $39,000 a year. So that just to give you an idea of how much money people make. So they want you to give up 20. That's before taxes. They want they want people with black skin on average to give up 25% of their income and white people to give up 20% of their income. If you like, if you like doing colored math fucking jackasses it's always funny how many people think that the government will pay for stuff not realizing
Starting point is 01:45:55 that the government doesn't actually have any money right it's just tax dollars and debts borrowed from the future uh number three world record eye stuff so this is a youtube station uh we can only place we can only place uh seven seconds at a time um this guy has set the world record you're not even going to believe this until you see it for making his eyes pop out of his head so they measure from like the corner of his eye to like i guess the tip tip of his pupil i don't know but if your eyes round to the furthest tip away and they measure that distance and that's who sets the world record and they show to the contestants i i would love to know how they did to do this. I wonder if everyone can do this and we just don't know how.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Do we need sound for it? No. Okay. Absolutely not. At the 14 second mark, even if you can get one. Okay. Let's see here. At the three minute mark, it's just a guy shooting.
Starting point is 01:47:02 A guy shoots milk out of his eye. He drinks milk or shoves it up his nose and then he can squirt it out of his eye, and he can squirt it far. Oh. Yeah, human beings are amazing. Tomorrow we're going to have a guy on who's cured himself of cancer, but these people, look what they can do. Let's bring this up here. Let's see what we got. Okay, look at this guy.
Starting point is 01:47:25 So go to 14 seconds. Here we go. That was at 14. Okay. Action. Oh my goodness. That's real. Oh. Is he pushing his eyeballs out or is he retracting his face? Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:47:53 That's crazy. So that's the world record holder. That's the furthest. I guess a bunch of people can do that. That can't be good for you though, right? I don't know. It doesn't look like it's good for you. What happens if he does that one time and it just doesn't go back to normal like one of his eyes
Starting point is 01:48:08 is still just stuck out there like that's not i don't like this show anymore yikes uh he had to have had some tendons cut okay that's enough of that the eyeball thing uh okay 34 uh got it our friend common topic common topic on this show um uh mr uh jorge jorge floyd oh check it no george floyd damn two of two of those posts that you put up there were taken down uh number 35 um how can this possibly be real oh look at spiegel's like okay i've had enough that's that's the gong from spiegel 1999 bring some masculinity we need Rich to save this show. Rich has long gone to bed.
Starting point is 01:49:07 This show cannot be saved. I appreciate you. Oh, bringing the bats. Oh, my goodness. The bats. Okay. This is Project Veritas. And the irony is because we started this show saying how the city of New York has been told that they have to give everyone their jobs back for not getting the vaccine and, uh, and, and pay their back pay.
Starting point is 01:49:28 And yet this is the like, uh, main assistant to the mayor of New York city. This is what they think of you. That that's why all of you out there who are still Democrats, this, these are your people. You have to get away from them, start your own party. I don't care, but you have to get away from these people. These are horrible human beings. Wait till you hear what this guy says. I never say anything this bad, ever. Action. 1400 people voluntarily quit their jobs rather than get vaccinated they don't serve their jobs back they chose not to do a very very harmless thing that protects the rest of society
Starting point is 01:50:12 I don't give a shit this is unfair pause 1400 people voluntarily quit their job because they refused to get the vaccine not true it's a very safe thing, he said. Not true. And then he said, fuck them. They made
Starting point is 01:50:27 that decision. Play on, please. We're allowed to set the terms of employment. Period. We're allowed to set the terms of employment. These are the fascists running with the gang looking for the fascists. This is the same group that spit on Alex Stein, calling Alex Stein a fascist. That's these people.
Starting point is 01:50:56 This guy, this guy's in public office. In a second, you're going to hear him say, fuck those people. They had Cush government jobs and they should have just taken the vaccine please play on he said they quit why do they why should they get their jobs back they quit he's like the city is out of control it is not safe but i'm like you're right He did a lot of stuff as a police captain. He was one of the loudest voices, like, calling out various elements of the PD. Like, the police captain's union didn't endorse him in the primary because he, like, had been really aggressive against them.
Starting point is 01:51:36 The cops are mad at us, though, because we rolled back the private sector mandate but are rolling back the public sector mandate. Like, public service employees still have to be vaccinated. But we were requiring all private employers to mandate vaccines as well. And we've stopped doing that. Why? Who gives a shit? COVID's over.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Pause. Pause. The chick he met on Tinder said, why do the government employees still have to get vaccines and the private sector don't? And he said, who gives a shit? COVID's over is the short answer. This is, was, the mayor's main assistant of the city of New York. Play. Action.
Starting point is 01:52:24 By the way, I know this should actually make some of the canadians in the audience makes you wet sorry but but not me go on action why are we still doing it for the public sector that was the rule you had a very cushy government job you can always go not work for the government. No one was required to get back. You have a cushy government job. Who cares why you had to get the vaccine? Just get it. No one was required to get the vaccine. God.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Oh man. I'm having bad thoughts about this man that I'm not proud of. Yes. I know it makes you Aussies moist too. It's fine. You're a good dude. Hey, did you see that? Trina, did you see that clip? I don't know if you saw the clip
Starting point is 01:53:17 that Kim pulled of me crying. Posted. I was crazy. I was a mess i love how uh savon is directing a film on his own podcast it does does this i i titled this how is this real are do you what what do you suza are you struggling with this like can you believe this unfortunately i can i can. I mean, we lived through it and we witnessed it. I was just hoping it would be like just more idiocy and less calculation.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Every system is designed perfectly how it's functioning. You sound like Andrew Hiller. There are no coincidences. Rarely. functioning oh you sound like andrew hiller there are no coincidences i rarely especially when it comes to uh things of the government nature and everything else he cried he cries he cries to his tinder dates that i don't that i only call them 20 times today and he wishes i would have called him 25 times dude it, it's hard being Sousa. Let me tell you, I call him like nonstop. I enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:54:33 Okay, this will be the last thing. Then it's time for bed. There's two 36s. Let's do the second 36. This is Are You Old? Yeah, that was a Project Veritas thing, project veritas yes is this the subscription thing what do you got me going on here oh is it yeah it's all like it's like opening up like my apple news and stuff here oh that's okay i think it's free i think you can see it okay turn on personalized ads? Sure. I'll do anything.
Starting point is 01:55:08 What that means is we turn on your microphone and are going to listen to you talk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right. Tim and I are buddies. Simon Aguilar. They shouldn't rehire those. No, you know what they should do? They should fire 1,400 of the people who got the vaccine and bring those people in for standing their ground this is um not letting me share it okay fine because it's on it's on plus feed it was a fun it was a fun piece it was i'm fuck because i'll i'll finish all i got is that oh i'll finish it doesn't matter it was like it was like stuff from the 70s like in 80s like all of our tvs used to have switch boxes on them like so you switch it from like atari to back to the tv and you had to go back there and slide this thing and it was like these cups that everyone has i think my mom probably still has them we had those couches
Starting point is 01:56:03 i mean it's just it's crazy i had the alarm clock that was in there it's like everyone had this if you had this alarm clock i was like no shit i had that i remember that tv at my grandpa's house what say that again i said that i remember that tv at my grandpa's house the one where you slide the thing back and forth yeah and then And then it only had a few knobs and it would just click over to a few couple of channels. I'll leave you with this. The smallest minority on Earth
Starting point is 01:56:34 is the individual. Those who deny the individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand. Second time I read it on the show. Victoria Stump. I quit before I got fired, but don't think I would ever go back. The way they treated me as an unvaccinated nurse was horrible. Not to mention the patients.
Starting point is 01:57:03 I remember that. I recommend everyone who tells me should i quit my job when they're at a company that's failing and i say no very few people get to survive a sinking ship stay on spiegel chill chill buddy chill there's one chill and run out of money okay guys Beagle, chill. Chill, buddy. Chill. I think we're fair to win. Chill. And run out of money. Okay, guys. Tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., Chris Wark, he cured himself of cancer 18 years ago. Author of five or six books.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Big, massive YouTube station. Great following on Instagram. A spreader of just good lifestyle choices. What's interesting is I think he might be a vegan which would be fun uh fun discussion um and uh after that at 7 a.m oh we didn't even get to run our commercial oh damn that's okay oh what what are you looking at now oh i was just looking at my kids uh Jiu Jitsu tournament Just moved location
Starting point is 01:58:06 Oh is it closer to me? Are you in Stockton or something now? No god if it is I'm dropping out Too far I would go to your town I'd go to Livermore I'm not going to Stockton though Too far it's too far
Starting point is 01:58:20 You gotta stay the night 45 minutes away from me Chris Wark at 7am Ricky Garrard at 10.30 a.m., and then the Rogue Programming Show with J.R. Howell, Taylor Self, and Ben Smith will be joining us. That was my drum roll. Did you like that there? I did like it. We don't mess around. Yeah. Do that was my drum roll did you like that there? I did like it
Starting point is 01:58:45 we don't mess around yeah do I have a drum roll here? let me see no we need to load that back up no
Starting point is 01:58:55 I don't have a drum I just have some you just have a bunch of hip hop in there just rap okay guys thank you for tuning in I apologize that we had to move Ricky. Once again, I want to thank
Starting point is 01:59:08 Ashley. What's Justin's wife's name? Ashley? Ashley, yep. I want to thank Ashley for giving us a heads up about Ricky's plane. We do run an incredibly tight ship here, contrary to what you guys might think,
Starting point is 01:59:24 and timing's tight and everything. So anyone who gives us insights into that, I get my time is so crazy valuable to me. So I appreciate it. Uh, hopefully we can get Justin Kotler on, tell your husband, I said,
Starting point is 01:59:33 hi. And to the rest of you, uh, good night. See you in the morning. Buenas tardes.

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