The Sevan Podcast - #651 - Rogue Invitational Programming w/ J.R. Howell and Taylor Self

Episode Date: October 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live you almost got me almost uh yes the famous heidi krum is in the house seven i'm putting in the work this weekend loving it thank you uh aaron tell uh matt i said hi uh teddy no oh clapping yeah okay that's good uh teddy williams uh bruce things are good big week uh yeah heidi you should be on the show show us yes we need to hear she does we have our schedule for 2023 uh making and packing shirts bruce bruce wayne this is my entertainment oh good i'm glad we can keep you busy mlk martin luther king 52 40 trina i tell everyone i know heidi me too uh sean says hello ronada novantana uh was there another show after chris this morning which was superb thank you uh um we had to reschedule several times with taylor he made it uh your mic's not working
Starting point is 00:01:07 we had to schedule with ricky a few times uh because oh no susan you can stay on a little bit stay on stay on a little bit till we get the show rolling please i'm back anyone know why they're closing event one to uh media can we even watch um we spoke to the head of media there who's uh darling uh amazing lady and she told us that there would be more information tomorrow there will be no outside media allowed there i'm guessing because it's at mr and mrs henniger's ranch that's my guess it definitely doesn't involve nudity all right no rec i don't want to rule that out katie and bill are wild i tried to be like seven on a snatch 100 pound dumbbell but i got scared after the 90 i understand hey i'm i i only own up to a 60 i'm i'm not there yet so um but i have in my day snatched a 100
Starting point is 00:01:55 many bullshit is there a video of that no really so that's good i need to do that again you that would that would impress you i would love to impress yeah if you snatch the 100 pound dumbbell yeah yeah okay there we go let the sausage feast begin oh feast i like that that's way better than fest that's my imagination i actually just had some hot italian sausage yum um a very senior person, one of the wisest in analytics, who actually has been on this show in the CrossFit space, sent me a text today, a little while ago, a few minutes ago. And he said, I like assholes. Douchebags are assholes without morals. You're an asshole.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Well, thank you. Susan was on the third. I was like, wow, it called them up. I'm like, that could be one of the nicest compliments I've ever gotten.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I'd love to, I'd love to announce. i'd love to do that vindicate is giving a free l1 away with the purchase of uh one of the shirts on their website now is the time to go purchase i don't think is it just any shirt you can buy you buy you get entered or does it have to be the one with the greg glassman. JR, what's that in your window? Someone just called. I answered. Someone was calling from the UK and I answered. Oh shit, what is that, JR?
Starting point is 00:03:32 So I move out of the room that has blinds and now everyone gives me... Earthquake. Big one, big one, big one. That's the question. How far Georgiana Brain. Really? Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:48 We have a Brian friend and a Georgiana Brain. How far is Henniger's from Round Rock? They have a ranch in Texas. A nice one. He's posted tons of photos of it. Hold on. I think that so what I
Starting point is 00:04:02 was told is that tomorrow morning they're traveling. Oh oh can you hold that thought for jr sorry i want i'm sorry i hate to interrupt you because who knows when you're going to start talking again um uh can we go to the rich froning podcast that um jr and i did the other day and and can you pull up the comments and and put them in the order of most frequent i have a favor to ask you guys who are watching the show right now there was a comment made on that not a favor because i'm not going to repay it you have to repay a favor yes oh so this isn't a favor just asking you to do something Yes. constructive criticism don't have nobody lurkers on your podcast that go on two minute rants and talk over your guests i didn't click on the video to hear their takes i click to hear
Starting point is 00:05:13 from the guests and from you fucking lurkers hey where's ben smith so can can you hit the reply button jr that's about you by the way yeah? JR, that's about you, by the way. Yeah, I gathered that. Thank you. I responded, that's my homosexual, autistic, African-American, Jewish cousin that I invite on the show for DEI points. You will probably burn in hell. Peace and love. If you guys could go on there and explain to James Hill that. Howell has no peer in the space. None. Nobody. And if he does, they have not shown their head. That guy should be embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Oh, he's talking about the Daniel Brandon episode? I only thought about watching it because J.R. was on it. No, no, not the Daniel Brandon episode. He's talking about the show with Rich Froning. JR asked a fucking great question. The comments light up fucking basically saying this show is nothing without JR. And I can totally take that. I agree.
Starting point is 00:06:15 JR fucking made that show. It was Rich Froning, then JR, and I was a distant fucking third. It was Rich's masculinity, then Rich, then you, then me. Thank you as masculinity then rich then you then me thank you no then you then me uh i i would love to see you guys help james hill understand the intelligence that jr has in his contribution to this show and then at the end of the show i'd like to read some of your comments to see how well you guys did at helping this guy understand who JR is. Yeah, JR is the Gandalf of CrossFit. Thank you, Teddy.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Gandalf the white, too. I don't know what that means, but that's what I'm talking about. You don't know what that means? All right, well, probably no one else does, and now I just look like a fucking racist, dude. Yes, that's what I thought. All those trigger words, Se seven's account will get banned for that single comment uh jr reading the seven live chat with his deep voices the way the seven breaks into only fans thank you yes has this guy even seen jr shoulders what a dumb fuck heidi
Starting point is 00:07:19 croon look at height look at heidi she can't even write put the U in CK. God, you're so square. You're such a Madison mom. Someone posted an Instagram caption the other day, someone well-known, and it was like F-C-K-I-N-G. And I was like, what? That's sick fucking, dude. Well, maybe their thumb slipped or maybe that's just like no millennial talk it was bullshit yeah whatever anyway it would i thought it would be fun if you guys went over
Starting point is 00:07:53 there and helped james hill understand uh that we're lucky when we get jr jr's a busy man running uh i invite him on the show often he's a busy man he prioritizes his gym and his kids always he has no problem doing that to me if you're on on the phone with JR and you're in the middle of a conversation and one of his kids wakes up, he's like, got to go bye kids. And yet when he's on the show, he gives his 100% and I just thought, wow, this could be a really fun bit to have you guys go over there and explain to him. That guy obviously didn't listen to a word JR said. Taylor, good to see you, buddy. I was excited to see you. Man, I miss you guys. I'm really jazzed up for this weekend. It's going to be an incredible four days.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Okay, back to Mr. – what's your name? J.R. Howell, Mr. Howell from Crash Crucible, Crash CrossFit. Event number one, we were discussing is it going to be at his ranch? And you started in on something. No, please tell me you didn't forget. No, I didn't forget. Okay, here we go. Yeah, I think they had a brief tonight.
Starting point is 00:08:54 They were told that they needed to be there pretty early tomorrow morning and that their trek on a bus would be anywhere from one to two hours. And the great Brian Friend sent me a map of what is about an hour away wow which is pretty cool thank you brian there and might explain why media and spectators are not allowed okay can we pull up can we pull up the map and you point taylor's about to taylor's about to get geeked because well i just sent i mean sent, I mean, I, I mean, if that's, I wouldn't, I, I don't know. I feel like if that, I feel like if that's actually their ranch, don't pull up the fucking Google maps, bro. No, no, no, no, not, not that it's their ranch.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Just that if they're, if they're going to do some stuff there along endurance running with, with, or without weight with opticals and stuff mixed in. I think that'd be awesome. I wish we could watch it. I suspect it's a large ranch. We talked about it before bill does a lot of running there himself. I know guests who've been there, who've done the trail that bill runs and bill's posted tons of pictures of the gym there, of the kitchen. It looks like it's a professional kitchen there. It's made to cook for shitloads of people. There are some ranches in Texas that are fucking unreal huge, like millions of acres. Anyways, sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Sevan, did you read my email with the Google Docs instructions? No. anyways seven did you read my email with the google docs instructions uh no but not because uh mike the sauce it's not because i don't want to i just haven't seen it yet i got my emails um i haven't i haven't looked today we've tried that googled i will but i will give it a try because you put in the effort um what does this mean does self have his in the sludge sign my invagilant what is that oh what else can you tell us jr so so one to two hour away bus ride i guess that means it's one hour with no traffic two hour with traffic do we know exactly what time they're meeting and where
Starting point is 00:11:03 they're meeting i think they're leaving at about 7 a.m. Are all the athletes at the same hotel? No clue. I did see a video of Annie prepping, and it was like a 40-second video on the Rogue Invitational YouTube, I think, and she was swinging a bat that said Rogue on it, and she was dressed like a baseball player. So I'm guessing that might be the theme this year.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I think it only means one thing, and that's that either event six or ten is the softball toss. Dude, if they're going to hit a ball with a bat, I'm going to fucking leave this. He's joking for sure, dude. They're going to hit a ball off a tee for distance. That'd be hilarious. We would see some funny shit.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Both right and left-handed? No, you would see terrible. Oh, it would be fucking so bad. Okay, so can we click on that picture? By the way, this show, we are going to get into looking at the exact events. That's pretty cool. And discuss them. We'll be talking about the programming.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Maybe Jason Hopper picked the wrong sport. He took the home run record on day one athlete check-in. Wow. He's got a pretty crappy swing too. I'm surprised. God, he makes that bat look little. That's a crappy swing.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Got too much weight in his front foot. He doesn't sit back enough. Let's have rich on talk about his swing. Oh, that way he lifted up his front foot there that's a good transfer back to back to front i don't know he watches some baseball he might be all right ah i see it okay uh look look can i see that picture of the crowd in the room uh is that is that at their briefing you Jer? Tonight, individuals were briefed about event one taking place tomorrow morning. They were told to report for the off-site event at 6.45 a.m. and to bring trail shoes.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Once they arrive, they will receive workout details. Event one will be closed to spectators and to media. The 7-1 Podcast commented. Let's go, Olivia Kerstetter. I concur. Can we pull up the picture of that map, that Google map that I sent? to media. The seven podcast commented. Let's go. Olivia Kerstetter. I concur. Can we pull up the picture of that map? That Google map that I sent?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Do you even know what he's talking about? Sousa? Oh, okay. Uh, nevermind. They won't, they won't let,
Starting point is 00:13:19 uh, Bruce Wayne says that sucks. I, they'll do a good job at getting information to us. They're going to, they're going to do a good job. Something will be there. We'll get something. Maybe it'll be from rogues,
Starting point is 00:13:28 uh, Instagram. If you're not, uh, you know, following rogue and rogue, I think rogue invitational has their own Instagram account. And,
Starting point is 00:13:37 uh, I'm sure, I'm sure we'll be getting something. They don't, they don't, they don't go light on the media. Bill and Katie, aren't going to put this event on and just let it be not seen.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Or maybe it'll be something that comes out in post. No, no, we'll get some insights there. I wonder if in the briefing they're told that they can't stream from there. The athletes? Yeah. I wonder what type of social media rules that they have. Don't bring your phones. Uh,
Starting point is 00:14:08 Cody Wilson. Uh, I don't know where else he saw the other athletes swinging, but hopper swing was miles better than the other athletes. I'd like to see Daniel Brandon swing it. I believe that it's so, I bet you take 40 of the CrossFit games athletes and have them participate in a bald sport or a field sport. And it would be like the softball toss.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Savon, how are you covering the Rogue event? The same way we cover everything, we wing it. But the JR and Taylor will be on site. So will Brian Friend, myself and Hiller. And John Young will also be on site in the spectator section. And we will be, myself and Hiller and maybe Tyler Watkins will be running the desk here and Matt Souza will be talking before every event and after every event. Okay. So what are we looking at?
Starting point is 00:15:04 What's that red dot, JR? It's a good question because that's not the picture that I sent. That's Del Diamond. Ah. Is that the venue? That's the venue. And then if you zoom out, zoom out, Sousa. And then scroll up just past this body of water up to the north.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Keep going, keep going, keep going. Do you see something? Do you see any Fort Hood? No, you've got to probably zoom out even more. Look up Fort Hood from Dell Diamond. That's what I would Google search. Why do we think Fort Hood? Because it's within an hour from the venue. that where it could be like a camp pendleton
Starting point is 00:15:49 type no no just like a like a like a place for them to do some kind of military um that's the screenshot that's the shot brian sent you the the pen is in Fort Hood. Sousa just dropped a bead of sweat. Strictly speculation. That just could be where they're going. But also, too, you probably have to drive an hour or two just to get an elevation change. Fort Hood is a shit hole. Well, perfect.
Starting point is 00:16:17 A lot of military. So many are. That's funny. Good night, guys. I'll definitely going this time. Catch you in the chat tomorrow thanks thanks john yawn john uh fort hood's an army base awesome thank you will uh is it an active army base it's there's dude still there okay that means it has to be some sort of ruck
Starting point is 00:16:39 from will plumber uh what do you think jr's your guess? I would think just probably just a long monostructural ruck. A long cuck. I would say with a, with weight, with a pack. Right. I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 00:16:59 I feel like they, they've done a ruck several times. Why? I mean, they may, I think that's a safe prediction but i wouldn't be surprised if they did it without that i also long trail run yeah and i also wouldn't be surprised if they did go to fort hood and they had a long run with some obstacle in it that would be really cool i'm gonna type in here uh fort hood texas obstacle yeah let's check this out that whatever they oh oh remember when they had
Starting point is 00:17:28 the uh fucking the ski and uh shooting event the ski biathlon in 20 was that 2018 uh it was it was in person annie thorzdar did really well for the women i remember that i can't remember much other than that i think matt maybe won that event for the men it must have been 2018 the first rogue invitational they shot the air guns or 20 yeah i believe it was air guns there's no way they let these fucking idiots shoot that'd be awesome but no too much like oh my god oh that confidence course looks cool that thing that ladder that goes up and then down right man texas i cannot wait um if it's a run um is that just in the bag for uh laura horvath it's a done deal i think gabby would probably be the favorite on that no kidding what has she done that makes you say that
Starting point is 00:18:33 do you know who won the capital at the games this year uh hayley adams no i know she got stuck on the steps um no was it Gabby Magawa? Yep. Yeah. Totally different event. And with Haley and Tia not in the field and Christy Aramo and anyone else, a perennial great runner like Sam Briggs, there are none of those. So I think someone like Gabby would be.
Starting point is 00:19:00 But that event wasn't one on the run, was it? No. I don't think so. I mean, it was a don't think so i mean it was a lot but it was it was a big chunk of running maybe if it wasn't maybe it's better to say it wasn't lost on the run maybe that's a better way to say it oh video of her running with the sandbag yeah she's winning this event uh it really when i when i isn't that one of laura's what about the other run events what about the event that they had in the stadium that year where you had to do the snatches or the cleans they did the cleans and then you had to run uh in madison not in the
Starting point is 00:19:40 stadium but there was one of the venues there remember they ran outside they changed the length of the run yeah that was in 2021 they ended up who won that between laura and gabby well that's a good question because that was more about could you hit the load once you got to the weight and then and then straight run and then and then what about that event wasn't there an event where they had to do like 50 of something and then run and then do toes to bar and then cross the finish line? Toes to bar, mile and a half run, toes to bar, mile and a half run. Okay. And I think it was Emily Rolfe who won that event. And she's also not at Rogue.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And who took second between Gabby and Laura? We don't know. This is a Brian friend question. Can we pull up? I want to, let's pull up the athlete field and then the workouts. We got it. John,
Starting point is 00:20:31 if John's listening, he'll probably know who won between the two of them. Yeah. John Young. Whose poster do you have in your wall? Laura Horvath or Gabby Magala. And, and who do you have in second in
Starting point is 00:20:45 this event uh jr daniel brandon's got some wheels you like her for shorter distances yeah i like her for more for short runs i mean she did really good the back mile there was a lot going on in that workout this is a this is just if this is just a trail run then you kind of have to go with the people who are just the most aerobic oh then let me throw this out there uh uh how about uh ellie turner no but she can run don't don't go by the way that she can run i guess we'll find out i think probably gabby magala and laura and one and two in either order and i think more so they are both really good aerobically but i think they're
Starting point is 00:21:31 also very mentally tough and to a point when you get in a long run like that it's very mental especially with the rock especially on a trail can we see the list of the female athletes matt i think historically historically ellie turner turner is not the runner that gabby and laura is or are i i was just crazy impressed by running at the games and at the end at the end at the semi-finals so so on event 10 in 2021 gabby And Laura was 15. Oh, no shit. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:08 The run toast bar. Fair. Okay. I don't think this guy asked what if it's not a trail run, what if it's mountain biking. I highly doubt they're going to bike twice. I doubt they're going to echo bike and then ride a mountain bike. I also don't think i also don't think that's brilliant though taylor because um they've built a bike manufacturing plant in the united states i think i think rogue is is making
Starting point is 00:22:32 bikes in the united states they might be one of the only people well that'd be really cool if they i don't think it would be a single modality bike i think they'd run and bike and something else yeah um what about kerstetter by the way we won't be predicting the other events just event one and then we'll be actually talking about the programming for the rest of the show um but what about emma lawson and olivia kerstetter i don't think either of them i don't know enough about emma lawson's running i don't think kerstetter is at the top of the pack running-wise. She's amazing at crossfit and really strong. Who's going to take last?
Starting point is 00:23:10 I think Ariel Lone would surprise everyone on the run. Yeah, she's solid pretty much all around. I think she'll do well. And I think Annie is still someone that can, we'll talk about it, but finish top 10 on everything. I mean, I don't think that she's going to do poorly on anything. Scroll down a little on the women's field. I'm just trying to see all the women. I don't know that she's going to do poorly on anything. Scroll down a little on the women's field. I'm just trying to see all the women.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I don't know anything about Bailey Rogers. Yeah. I don't know. If it's a ruck, I don't think Amanda Barnhart does poorly. Emma Lawson was 11th on the Capitol, and that's really the only thing from the games this past year with a longer run. Did she compete at the West Coast Classic last year? Emma Lawson? No.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yeah, the first year? No. Okay. All right. Who do you got, Taylor? Who do you got winning this? Are you going with Gabby? Winning this theoretical event that we just came up with? Yep, yep. This running event. This Ruck Run. Who did he say? Gabby. Gabby, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:11 I'm going with Laura. Good choice. And if you go to Bar Bend and pull up that article. I don't like this graph. This does really well too, but I'll shut up. Yeah, that's a good call too. Pull up that article Brian wrote today. It's got some maybe people to watch out for dark horses stuff
Starting point is 00:24:25 like that short explanations on it for for event one for all of them okay we'll just look at event one yeah and then we and then we'll get into the programming uh matt um will you pull up the men if anyone wants to dig into this deeper, the article is on Bar Bend, Brian Friend wrote it today, and I think he gives predictions for all of the events based on what he knows. Okay, let's say it's a ruck run. Let's say it's at Fort Hood.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Who wins it here? Oh, we all know who wins this. Easily. I would say i would say roman uh i don't know chandler chandler's i think up there too come on guys come on guys i mean ricky's a great runner yes running yeah but here's the deal running a long distance body weight and running a long distance with 50 pounds if they load you up on a ruck are two completely different things so different i don't think roman does poorly he's a big guy but i think chandler probably surprised a lot of people they do so much fucking rucking in the army i i don't i don't think roman does badly either i think it's either roman or Ricky, but I think Ricky's got this. I think Ricky's the better runner without a doubt.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I don't know enough about either of them to call him on the ruck. What about Hopper? How's Hopper do with the ruck? How's his running? He should do well in this. If what we think is going to come out comes out. And I guess we won't really know until either Rogue makes an announcement
Starting point is 00:26:06 or the workout's over and then they let people post about it. I think that as soon as they tell the athletes, the second it comes out of the dude's mouth, there's someone there who hits post. And we find out. Any clues on Bill's Instagram or on Rogue Invitational Instagram?
Starting point is 00:26:26 No, I haven't seen any on Event 1. Lazar is actually a really good runner, too. Oh, good point. Nick Matthew is not, from what I understand about him, at the top of that pack in running. I'm calling him a bad runner. I'm a bad runner. It's fine. Looking through here.
Starting point is 00:26:45 All right. Let's go take a peek at the workouts and start digging in. Oh, they got tons of stuff on the Rogue Invitational Instagram. Tons of people with bats. Do they even have bats from where Roman's from? Oh, shit. Roman's lassoing. This is their story are those Yeti bags
Starting point is 00:27:11 oh those are Go Rucks yeah that was all Go Ruck and so they're all getting outfitted with Go Ruck bags there so would they ride with the ruck no a bicycle yeah you for sure could would it make any sense i mean they wouldn't just bike with a ruck oh hey oh that's fluent affluent people like you never had to ride their bike to school today
Starting point is 00:27:41 i rode my bike to pick up weed hey he wasn't talking he said affluent a little wheeling pot buyer on my bicycle delivered some weed on there oh i know her yeah look at asking for the crowd to nice nice danielle what's what crowd whatever crowd who cares you know that people clapped people clapped i'll stop okay whistled they whistled all right let's go uh suza let's go over and take a look at the events and start digging in here.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yes. Thank you, Jesse. Affluent people is only something affluent people say. Taylor riding his bike with the sack. Yes. 60 sack. The quarter sack. The eighth sack.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Wow. Savon. Yes. What sack do you have in that office? Yes. I have the big sack. Is that the O sack? The eighth sack? Wow, Savon. Yes, yes. What sack do you have in that office? Yes, I have the big sack. Is that the O sack? Yes, that's the 2-0 sack. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:53 On Friday morning, Pacific Standard Time, so 1-10 p.m. Central Standard Time, they will begin an event called Ski Bar. Central Standard Time, they will begin an event called Ski Bar. 20-bar muscle-ups, 40-cal on the skier, 80 GHD, 40-cal skier, 20-bar muscle-ups. Have at it, gentlemen. You like it? Is this typical Rogue? Dope.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I mean, Josh, do we know for certain that Josh Bridges programmed? Josh and Chris. They nailed it. And Katie. They nailed it. And Katie. They nailed it. And Katie also nailed it. How come? I love the workout.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I mean, it's going to be an assault on the midline. I think the first set of 20 bar muscle-ups is going to lure some athletes into taking a big chunk. And then the last 20 are going to show you who's good at bar muscle-ups. And of the released workouts, just the ones that we we know so not counting event one and then obviously six and ten this is the only workout without a weight lifting element which is pretty cool to look at if there's going to be another one or is this going to be the only one that lacks some kind of object moving uh taylor what was the second point you said you said it's an assault on the midline then you said something else it would show who's good at bar muscle ups i think the people who do you're not going to do well in this event if you're not the top of the pack and bar muscle ups doing 20 after 80 ghts and 80 calories on the skier
Starting point is 00:30:15 and a 20 to start i mean i almost think the 20 to start are not necessarily too relevant they make the workout really pretty but the workout is the 40 ski 80 ghd 40 ski and in the back 20 bar muscle ups for sure and explain to me why it's an assault on looking at the movements why it's an assault on the midline skiing in the ghd is a really similar movement pattern hinging at the hip uh and using the core and then you're hanging on to the skier candles the whole time for those 80 calories you're going to make the bar muscle ups hard but you need your core to kip and get over the bar for the bar muscle up too it's a ton of midline so the skier is basically just a crunch you're just you're crunching down that you're activating your core ish i would say it's more hip flexor than abdominal base but when you mix it with the
Starting point is 00:31:00 jhd jhd is really hip flexor dominant too, if you do them correctly. And then you need that hip flexor to kip on the bar muscle-up. Yeah. Nasty. Okay. Anything else you guys want to add to this? What are the fastest times we're going to see on here? I mean, I would say with transitions, this is pretty generous, but one minute, two minute, three minute, two minute, one minute.
Starting point is 00:31:27 But people should be able to do that faster. The 80 GHDs for the people that do it on broken are definitely going to be faster than three minutes. But I don't know how many people will be able to do that. Patrick Clark thinks Mayhem athletes are going to win this. Do you want to take the over-under on that? Because I don't think they have a chance with the field that's there. I think actually someone like Noah Saxon has a really good chance to crush this i think pat or justin win this event and i don't think it's and potentially ricky i don't know how good he is on the ghc i know he's good at bottom muscle ups and monostructural but
Starting point is 00:31:57 i think pat justin and ricky are the top picks for this workout oh shit we're just going into predictions sorry i can't help myself. Patrick Clark dropped my fucking bomb. It's fine. It's fine. Yeah. And I do agree with Taylor that the back half bar muscle ups are going to separate some people, but I don't think there's going to be too much movement on either ski.
Starting point is 00:32:19 But like what I would ask Taylor is if you have someone that is fast at GHDs like he is comparatively to someone that is fast at GHDs like he is, comparatively to someone who goes slow and steady, you could make up 15 reps on them on the GHD. So I think that's where all the separation is going to be in that workout. And I think Justin Medeiros is probably the best in the field at GHD sit-ups. So what's the total time? I didn't do the math when you said that. Will you say it one more time a little bit slower, JR? Like what's the total time i didn't do the math when you said that will you say it one more time a little bit slower jr like what's it i mean roughly 20 unbroken bar muscle ups it doesn't
Starting point is 00:32:50 take a minute but let's just say a minute for the bar muscle ups two minutes is a two minutes is like a 1300 on the ski so not anything that any of those athletes can't do 80 ghd's let's say they break once that's about three minutes with transition and then two minutes one minute again so if you go off of that you're looking at nine i would say the fastest times are what taylor eight and a half i think there are some athletes that are probably right depending on how long the transitions are but i think there'll be some athletes that crack sub eight brandon waddle wow he changed his uh picture again uh don't sleep on saxon either uh rich is mike halpin rich is great oh mike's changed his look up a little bit saxon's not a mayhem athlete you can't change your pick rich is great at ghds and does a lot that doesn't mean all mayhem
Starting point is 00:33:40 athletes not in cookville is doing 200 a week uh anything else you want to say about this workout i would just say it's one of two up and back chippers and we'll we'll get to that okay uh event number three so we know event three okay event three uh is called the back attack and it's uh back squats from the rack 405 pounds five four three two one and then box jump overs 25 20 15 10 5 to a 24 inch box so it's it's it's five back squats than 25 back box jump overs you go back and forth yeah okay uh time domain for this one they don't they don't they don't tell us if there's a cap on these no fucking idea time demand this workout it is so dependent on the athlete and i also have questions here about the box jump over. Me and Taylor kind of talked
Starting point is 00:34:45 about this too. If, if they're regular box jump over and you have to touch the top of the box and you're able to bound, that makes all 75 of those reps really, really fast. And it makes everything in the workout, depending on, depending on squat speed for a lot of those guys. And if it's not, and you have to clear the box in the air, that kind of balances the workout a little bit more. And it gives a little bit more back and forth to the people that may be able to move through the box jump overs faster, but squat slower. So until we know that detail, I think it's hard. I think with, with a standard box jump over where you just touch the top of the box and bound on either side that moves makes the workout maybe i don't know two minutes faster 275 for the women and a 20 inch box for the uh for the women i'm not
Starting point is 00:35:30 understanding the the give me a couple examples of the different kind of but when it's when you see box jump over explain that to me again the two different two different kinds or three different kinds what he's talking about is if they standardize not being able to touch the top of the box so they have to jump all the way over or they can bounce off the top of the box and rebound which is way quicker yeah or or if they did it the way they required you this year in the open and they made you do step down yeah which is a lot more demanding on the legs and it's a slower movement and so you would step what the step down would be the only one that wouldn't be an over what would you step down on the other side of the box yeah well they would say you couldn't rebound but you had to step off the box and in that case like
Starting point is 00:36:10 in the open they said you could clear the box in the air if you wanted to but no one did does every um does can every guy in the uh in the roster squat 405 back squat 405, back squat 405? Yeah. Yeah. Can every guy in the roster back squat 405 for a set of five? To start the workout? I don't know. Some may break on purpose, but I think all of them can. Can we see the roster again, Sousa, for the men? What do you think the weakest max back squat is in this group of dudes here probably around 440 yeah okay i was gonna say 450 so yeah right around there okay
Starting point is 00:36:53 and and what about some of the unknown like are you familiar jorge hernandez he's just crossed over into uh he does not have a weak back squat i think I think he front squatted 400 at the games this year on a team. Okay. And what about Lazar Jukic? I mean, he's probably around 460, between that and 500. And then someone like Nick Matthew or Jeffrey Adler and Jack Farlow, they just… They're racing.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, Nick Matthew's got a great squat. Chandler, too, though. Chandler, too? Yeah. Of those guys, so where is this one won or lost? Is it the back squat or the box jump over? Back squat, without a doubt. Speed, cycle speed.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Back squat. And I have another question about this one i mean if they're going from the rack and they fail and they bail what do they have to do does their judge get to help them um strip and do they have to strip the weight get it back into the rack and then load it back to 405 that's what i would imagine do they assign every athlete a strongman competitor and they get to just clean it up there for them how are they doing it because you know people will they're pushing the pace people will fail a rep they might have a spare bar and a rack in front of them i don't know uh how about yannikovsky on the back squat i don't think he'll struggle with 405 uh tet, really short range of motion? And strong squatter.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Strong squatter. Yeah. Who is going to be the fastest squatter there? Probably Nick Matthew. I would say him or Adler. Jack Farlow is really strong. Okay, so 405, 275, one are lost on the the back squat let's take a look at the women is to what do you think the uh the weakest woman's back squat is in the in the herd
Starting point is 00:38:52 i what 300 taylor uh i don't know i i i'm reluctant to go even that high no shit so you think we may see some people that can't squat it at all no i think they're i think everyone there can squat it but i think we're gonna see i don't know what the time cap is going to be but i would be really surprised if we didn't see a lot of athletes time cap i don't think they're going to give a big enough cap for this workout to allow most people to finish kind of like the mule in the first iteration when they first did it time cap was super tight um i would not yeah i wouldn't be surprised if a half the field capped on the workout in both the men's and women's field and not because of strength but because of confidence and able to move that bar consistently in a short time period
Starting point is 00:39:47 everyone there's gonna be able to squat the weight but are they squatting here for singles and taking big rests i think daniel brandon kills this i think they're both in her wheelhouse do you remember her the final workout at the games no second to last workout sorry second oh what was it it was a heavy workout and she did very poorly ah i do remember seeing her jump over a box though and she got box jumping skills i don't think she's the strongest squatter she typically tends to power and i'm not sure if that's due to injury or because she's not a strong squatter super light on the reps though really light on the reps, though. Really light on the reps. What do you mean? Five, four, three, two, one. I mean, yeah, but the the loading is that's I mean, I don't know that we've ever seen a 405 275 back squatting competition.
Starting point is 00:40:37 So they're breaking ground. Have we seen that? The only other time I can remember seeing a back squat from Iraq in in a Metconcon was in a 2019 sanctional someone in the comments gonna know it it was one of the ones in europe and it was bar muscle up back squat from the floor and i believe the weight was like 210 it was from the floor 21 15 9 yes not from the rack no there's a back squat from the floor at the crossfit games uh what was it it was a back squat, burpee, overhead squat, burpee, front squat, burpee. With the ring handstand pushup? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:10 So the separator. Does that work out? Yeah, so that's the only times I can remember back squat being just in a Metcon. In a Metcon, yeah. So people just clean it and then just jerk it up over their head real quick? Yeah, but it's a lot lighter than 405. They're not taking 405 yeah right right this is a sick uh this is a sick workout i didn't ariel say she pr to 275 i know she said that her deadlift was 315 she'd pr that recently i don't remember
Starting point is 00:41:41 her talking about her back squat if her back squat PR is two 75 and we can potentially assume that there are a few athletes in the field who are probably around there and that there's going to be half the people cap depending on the cap. Uh, what about Kerstetter? She is strong as shit. And I don't know what a back squat is, but unbelievably strong word.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Okay. Uh, anything else on this workout? It's going to be one or lost on the back squat so we think event number three back attack i fucking love it jr me and jr said this on the phone earlier he's like that's how you test strength in a fucking workout awesome and why is that you you just like you like the big numbers no i like it's an it's it's a back squat and a workout it's just so fucking cool and it's not like a 225 back squat which is irrelevant it's an, it's, it's a back squat and a workout. It's just so fucking cool. And it's not like a 225 back squat, which is irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:42:27 It's 405, 275. They are standardizing a weight that a lot of people are really nervous about. And that's fucking cool. It's not this, you know, vague or general one rep max lift and people who can't lift anything, you know, do poorly and people who can lift a lot do well it's you've all got to lift this weight and who can move it the fastest wins and it's crossfit but it's heavy it tests strength why why don't we see back squats and more events heavy back squats and crossfit events i don't know no one's got the balls that rogue does i love this this
Starting point is 00:43:01 workout is fucking so cool is it balls what's the risk jr why people not being able to do it yeah i think too much equipment risky what do you mean by balls no i i think it's it's not as aesthetically pleasing to watch someone fail a weight and then have to struggle to even get it back onto the rack to start again but i think what taylor's saying and what i've said several times before is that you don't have to always test strength in a rested state. And you can test it like this with something else involved, but it's still going to show who the strongest people are. So like in this workout, we have 10 scored events. So you have a place for heavy workouts and a one rep max if you choose to.
Starting point is 00:43:42 But if they didn't even have the one rep max here, I would still say this was a well-rounded test and that this is the strength workout of the 10. There's other heavy elements in other workouts as well. And because they have the one rep max log lift, I think it's safer to assume that that first event has the potential to be single modality as well. And if not, it's going to be heavy on the monostructural. And we haven't finished day one yet, but when we get done with our day two, technically, but man, people are going to feel that for the rest of the weekend.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Oh, my God. People are going to feel event one. And yeah, it's going to be nasty. I was going to ask you something. It slipped my mind about that back squat about it being 405 i mean oh yeah are we gonna see any issues with depth here how bad is a no rep here does a no rep here really is that just horrible fucks you for sure but i don't to me on like a max lift i i don't ever have an issue with depth but for for me, I see the biggest issues on depth, at least in the elite athlete, when they're at a lighter loading and trying to go really fast and they're trying to control the range of motion.
Starting point is 00:44:54 A lot of for the really, really strong athletes, males and females. I think what you might see is people flirting with the opening the hip at the top to try to drop faster versus depth wow yeah wow but you're also going to see the stretch reflex utilized so much and so it's going to be very clear they don't have an issue with depth people are going to be bouncing out of the bottom a little bit uh jared grape jared graybill said event one was a trail run i'm morning chalk i'm not sure if he has insider info i think that's just because they were asked to bring trail running shoes uh john young uh suzy could you bring up the weather report have you all talked about the rain on friday yet what city it's in austin actually i can do it suzy too if you want to keep this up um so you don't have to go back and forth austin
Starting point is 00:45:41 uh weather uh friday rain interesting sure they'll be okay if they can build a fucking hill they can probably drape a tarp over the event yeah uh 10 day forecast for austin uh 11 mile an hour winds, thunderstorms, 98% chance. How come Hunter, the sheriff, is not invited to the Rogue Invitational? Because not even the 21st best CrossFit athlete in the world is invited. And he would get his ass clapped. Be nice to Hunter. I had a nice talk with with hunter today he's a cool guy he's a badass
Starting point is 00:46:28 uh it's isn't this an opportunity to showcase people from other modality no no no no no no no this isn't fucking only fans where everyone can just participate this is the rogue invitational uh okay uh gentlemen anything else here on this one uh that that looks like it could be done uh in the rain okay let's move on to event four so hold one more second could we just is could could someone like danny spiegel be just so far ahead of the pack in that one? Have you seen anyone? Is there anyone you think is just going to blow everyone away in that workout in event number three?
Starting point is 00:47:12 On the women's side? Yeah. I don't think Danny Spiegel is it, again, because it appeared that at the games this year she had an issue squatting heavy. She's extremely powerful. I would say it's Danny or Amanda. Yeah. No, not's extremely powerful. I would say it's, I would say it's, it's Danny or Amanda. Yeah. Uh, no, not Danny or Amanda. I would say maybe Mal or Amanda.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Wow. Mal's not competing either. What am I thinking? Yeah. I'm like, wait a second. How is she going to do that? Uh, I think this, this is what I think too. Ellie. I think this yeah i think
Starting point is 00:47:45 danny ellie amanda yeah those are good laura laura will do well or bath is a really good squatter yeah mal's gonna be doing it at home and it will be on the big screen javier i'll go kill myself javier sorry i wonder what those girls think who didn't uh didn't do this you know something to bring up here um i heard uh ricky say that he's going to do this event and the down under event. He's doing both, which is interesting because I thought Tia didn't do this event because she was doing the down under event. I just, for some reason,
Starting point is 00:48:16 I assumed they were on the same weekend, but I guess they're not. Jeremy E world. Sorry, I'm late. I just finished dragging my ass off the floor from today's SMTP training. Damn you, Taylor. Looking forward to this event the most.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I'm really looking forward to this event too. I haven't looked this closely at the events, but this one's going to be killer. And JR brings up a good point. It'll be interesting to see what they do when someone fails. What do you think is going to happen? You think that they're going to have to take the weights off and put the bar back or there'll be someone there to assist them to get it back on the rack? No, I think the athlete will have to do it.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Yeah. Wow. So you're toast. If you fail, you're toast. Right. If you fail, you're done. Yeah. If you fail, you're not winning the event for sure. I don't think you're, you're, you're in last, you're in the bottom three. you fail, you're not winning the event for sure.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I don't think you can. You're in last. You're in the bottom three. There's no way, if you fail, there's no way you're beating someone who doesn't fail. I bet five guys fail. Wow. A rep.
Starting point is 00:49:15 And I bet even more get capped. Yeah, I mean, and if the rain is there, like if the rain is there like it's forecasted to be, I don't really see them squatting on a platform with 405 and 275. And I don't know if I see him jumping. Yeah. Is Andre Houdet there? No.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Oh, okay. Yeah, Houdet would probably do good at this too. Okay, event number four, DT with a spin. I do remember DT very well. It's CrossFit Games. I remember Sam. I think it was Sam Quant. That was maybe his rookie year.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I saw him. Destroyed this. He won double DT. Double DT. Okay. Is this identical to DT, but just with the 15 cal echo bike? Yeah, same, same, but different. Same, same, but the weights are the same.
Starting point is 00:50:03 The reps are the same. Right. Yeah, it's the exact same workout. You've just got 15 Galico bike in front of each round. Uh, you guys like it. I've seen it. Yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I've seen a lot of, I've seen workouts similar to it, but I love it. Yeah. I think it's good. I think like a lot of these workouts there, there's, there's going to be a sneaky grip element to it for the guys that are really trying to get after it and race and go unbroken um because if you bike aggressively there's there's a lot of grip there involved um i mean me and taylor can talk about it it's gonna again it's like kind of like that event two time domain wise it's sub 10 it's probably somewhere between eight and a half and 10 minutes if you emom the
Starting point is 00:50:46 bike and the round of dt that's a 10 minute workout and these guys can be biking harder than that were you at that event in 2020 in myrtle beach they are they had a workout that was similar to this it reminded me of this but i think it was 12 deadlifts, nine front squats, six shoulder overhead. Does Quant win this? Is he here at this event? Yeah, he's there. No, he does not win that. Taylor, what do you think on this kind of a workout? You think it's more going to be about the actual cycle speed per rep on the 60, 45, and 30 reps more than anything else i think the bike matters
Starting point is 00:51:29 i 60 calories on the bike slow in a workout like this or at a moderate pace is three minutes and 60 calories 75 75 sorry 75 yeah wow, by three and a half then. And I think, I think after round three, the bike's going to really either start falling off for people or the people that really know themselves and know how to pace it properly. That's where they're going to start to make some ground up on the bike. Yeah. I think the bike is probably a bit more, I don't, there's no part of the workout that's unimportant but none of these guys are going to cycle 155 slow i think they're going to be some guys that cycle 155 a bit too fast for their capacity on the bike and go slow on the bike and they're going to be guys who can cycle
Starting point is 00:52:17 the bar fast and go really fast on the bike of those lifts is it the hang power clean where you'll feel the bike the most uh it's probably your last couple hang power cleans in the shoulder overhead where you're going to feel that bike yeah like that's something else too you look at the from the female side one they have them doing 15 which i love they're they're not scaling the calories for them but we kind of all come to the realization that when there's barbell centric workouts program, the females tend to do a lot better as in they go a lot faster than the guys. I think any daughter's daughter will smash this workout at a one 55, one Oh five. So if they're doing the same amount of calories as the guys, the bike matters.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I would say way more for the females than for the males. They're doing this same 75. And where does this play into the day one in terms of the fatigue of the athletes? How are the bodies feeling now? What about the, the, the workout or are they feeling their midline?
Starting point is 00:53:14 Like you were talking about earlier? I think they'll be feeling their legs more than their midline at this point. I don't think there's a ton of hinging going into this workout, nor a ton of overhead without knowing what event one is um i don't know i think of the events announced on day one this is probably i think this one probably hurts the most metabolically i think event one is probably the most muscle fatigue event sorry yeah event two is the most muscle fatigue event three is going to be probably more yeah i don't know i don't know how that's going
Starting point is 00:53:50 to feel for athletes that can hit that fast um we know all the events up to this point except for a one i mean i think except for six and six and ten are not announced no no we know three we just did three go scroll back down. Nope. Three events total. Event six and event 10, we do not know. And then event one. Right. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:13 What I meant is we know all the events on day two, Taylor. Yes, two, three, and four. Two, three, and four. And I think it's very safe to assume that event one's a run. Trail running shoes. I think so. Taylor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah. Safe to assume you will invent the bank on it. I don't have much of a bank, but sure. Uh, with the, with the, um,
Starting point is 00:54:40 with the females, um, one Oh five, they'll be doing it faster. So you think that the top female times will be faster than the men timed on this? No, I don't think that because they have to do the same amount of calories. Oh, okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Okay. So I think it levels it out a little bit more, and the times are probably going to be pretty similar. No time caps or event breakdown logistics seen so far? I think Annie or Ellie Turner probably take this event for the women. Ellie's really good on the bike and a monster on the barbell. Ellie Turner and who else? Who'd you say? Annie Thor's daughter.
Starting point is 00:55:12 And the reason I said Annie was her old school DT time, doing it unbroken and just flying. And she's also a bigger gal. It's going to hammer the bike. Laura too. I don't know. I think Laura, Annie and Ellie are probably the top three on this workout
Starting point is 00:55:25 it's gonna be a great competition okay uh anything else on this one no great workout another great workout and it fits in so far you like you guys like everything you're seeing it fits in everything's being touched on yeah it's good i mean you'll probably if it is a trail run you'll have some general leg fatigue, quads, hamstrings, low back, everything. And then this is the first workout with a hinge from the floor. Then you have 60 hinging deadlifts and then you have the 45 hang cleans. So yeah, we're starting to now move into the next day of seeing some of those same movement patterns repeated. So I think it's a good way to finish the day. Patrick clark olivia kerstetter as well i appreciate that never want to forget her uh could could this be her um coming out could she win an event here if she was going to win
Starting point is 00:56:14 an event up to this point is this the one for olivia yeah yeah this for the back squad i would say should both be good for her but this one i mean and taylor will probably agree this is going to be a lot more just about base capacity once they get into the rounds four and five not gonna be about strength it's not i don't think this is a strength workout at all you read dt and you think barbell barbell barbell but it's 155 for these guys and that is so light i think more than anything this workout's gonna feel like helen it's just like it's that helen type of stimulus all righty uh five event five so now we are moving to saturday they don't ever have to start bright and early the turtle uh 10 a.m central time the turtle
Starting point is 00:57:03 okay so right off the bat they go with the axle bar i guess it's a lunge their grips are toast 10 a.m. Central Time, The Turtle. Okay, so right off the bat, they go with the Axel Bar. I guess it's a lunge. Their grips are toast now, right, from that DT? Their grips toast from DT and the Bar Muscle Up workout. But this is no big deal. It's the Axel Bar because they're going to be resting it on their shoulders anyway, right? No grip issue?
Starting point is 00:57:22 No. Well, that's a good question. Monkey Bar Traverse? I mean, I have questions about the back squat workout, just details. This one, we have the most questions on, we have no distances for the lunge. We have no distances for the traverse and we have no distances for the bag pull, which is cool. And it, it, it can lead into a lot of cool conversations. Like, is it going to be an overhead lunge? Is it going to be a front rack lunge? Is it going to be, um, an unbroken, is it going to be an unbroken requirement for you to do the distance unbroken on the lunge for you to do the monkey bars unbroken every time? All that kind of stuff is, is cool. And I think maybe the coolest thing about it is the last workout on Friday, the prescribed weights are the same as
Starting point is 00:58:05 the first workout on Saturday. And the bag pull is the same weight as the axle bar, which is just cool that they figured out a way to do that. Yeah, absolutely. It would be interesting to see if they pull this bag up that hill. It's AstroTurf, right? It'd be cool if you let go of the bag if it slid down do you remember last year uh when they did the hill run workout with the go ruck um they they carried implements down the length of play before they got to the hill and then they just ran up the hill i wouldn't be surprised if we saw something like that here i could just see i don't know and i'm not sure that athletes are going to be pulling anything up the hill.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I was going to say this graphic here is a little bit different than the actual Instagram post with the workouts on Rogue Invitational, because in that one it says he'll run backslash bag pull. Yep. So like, are they going to run the hill and then hold the bag, drag something and just do that every time. Or is it an actual dragging a bag up a hill?
Starting point is 00:59:10 You know, it's a little different. Let me see where that's at. If you go to Annie. Yeah. It's like the third slot, I guess. Yep. Click over. Arrow.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Okay. Okay. I'm like, hey, I don't see it uh back attack okay you see he'll run slash bag pull so it's a little bit different the way it reads versus just reading it all as one thing that would indicate yeah that would indicate you know delineation between the two what do you think it is what do you think it is you pull the bag up up the hill and then you run back down no i think it's i think it's you run up the hill and then you drag the bag across the field of play like the outfield to the infield i don't think they're
Starting point is 00:59:54 going to be pulling a bag up the hill but i could be wrong oh oh oh sorry sorry i'm not listening very well great i i hear you okay so you go across the monkey bars you run up the hill and you run down the hill there's the bag you drag the bag back to the monkey bars you jump on the monkey bars you go okay oh shit okay gotcha he'll run bag pull okay and can you go back to that workout it's just two axle bar lunges there's not a third one um yeah oh nice nice yeah yeah sorry let us look at that real quick sorry taylor to interrupt um let us look at that real quick sorry taylor to interrupt let's look at that real quick and then we'll get back to the axle bar great that's a great picture to pull up suza yeah so they were pulling i don't see them pulling anything up that it's
Starting point is 01:00:35 pretty steep okay so they're gonna run up that uh run down because if they pull a bag up that how are they getting the bag down are they going to pull the bag back down and potentially let smack them in the back of the legs and send them flying down that hill hey so what's the deal with this hill i remember last year before the event i wasn't impressed by it and then when i watched the event i was like holy shit and now i'm back to not being impressed by it again like how like that is that really fatiguing to run up that thing that that's a that bites you we've got a hill like that right adjacent to our gym and we do a lot of class workouts on it and it's pretty nasty it just spikes your heart rate what's the length of that
Starting point is 01:01:14 it's probably no longer than 30 yards 20 yards not 30 it's definitely not 30 20 yards you think that's 20 yards i think that's yeah I think it's probably like 50 feet. 15 yards, 50 feet. Yeah, I keep changing my mind. It looks about exactly like our hill at the gym. JR, you know the hill I'm talking about right behind the tent? Okay. If you think back to last year, like the workout with the med ball GHDs
Starting point is 01:01:39 and the ski with the hill run, there were moves made on the hill runs, whether running up it fast, running down fast, before you got to it, after it, accelerating out of it. There were some lead changes there. And we'll get to the workout later in the weekend. But when you're talking about something like maybe running up a hill and then doing goblet squats, I mean, that changes it completely than just running. Right. And I do remember thinking that I had severely underestimated its impact. I thought maybe when I first saw it like this, it might've been gimmicky. And then I remember watching the event being saying what you're saying,
Starting point is 01:02:13 Jr. Like, Oh shit, this is people are changing places here. Yeah. And the transition back onto the field and they're goofy when they come down, they're goofy when they come down. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:24 They kind of look like they got that baby giraffe thing going some of the athletes from their legs being so fatigued right all right uh back to the workout you were going to say something taylor about the uh axle bar that it's only in there uh twice yeah i was just wondering if they would potentially switch variations like they did to finish the games in 2021. But there's only two axle bar lunges, so I don't see them going back rack, front rack overhead. You like this? Yeah. This is super detailed too, but if you think of the way workouts are written, generally if it's the same movement again, they won't write it again.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Well, they write the weight in the beginning and at the end of the workout so it could be just a different lunge variation yeah i don't know i mean how are we supposed to determine if this is good programming when you can look at the you look at the crossfit games and you're like okay we we know the goal is to pick the fittest human being in the world and you guys in all of our previous shows all all the pundits are saying, Hey, we give more wiggle room to rogue and to water Palooza and to Dubai because they need, they're not necessarily to pick the fittest person in the world. So how do you determine if that you, how do you get, how are you guys saying what criteria you're using to say you like it? Uh, I would disagree. I think they are trying to find the fittest person at their event. I just also think they have other things in mind.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Rogue wants to showcase their unique ability to build equipment and use new things that other venues don't have access to. And they want to put their own twist on things. But no one programming this event is thinking, eh, I don't really care if the person who's not fittest wins this event. Fuck no. Especially between Josh and Spieler. is not fittest wins this event. Fuck no. Especially between Josh and Spieler. Looking at the program in its totality without knowing three events, it's impossible to say how complete it is. But based off of seven of the 10, it looks pretty complete. With the assumption on event one, it looks even more complete. I think if events six and 10 involve some sort of rope climb,
Starting point is 01:04:22 JR was talking about some carrying a horizontal displacement. And then in my mind, a thruster or some sort of high volume squat and a burpee, I think it would be 100% complete programming for 10 events or close to it. Maybe a handstand walk. Looking back at event one, what would the time domain you guys would like to see on that? Hour or more.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Wow. If events 6 and 10 are not going to be over 12 minutes, which I think is a good assumption, then I think the first one has to be long. Would that be the long – sorry, go ahead, Taylor. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say I think we probably see something around 45 to 50 minutes and then i think between event i think probably event six is something that's over 15 minutes i don't think it's longer than 20 uh but i think it's somewhere between the 15 and 20 minute time domain and then i think event 10 is probably pretty short uh john young it's crazy that the two of the weakest all-time great successful
Starting point is 01:05:21 program and strength biased event that is still well balanced because it's a fuck is that a sentence someone decipher that for me he he's saying because chris spieler and josh bridges were weak and it's crazy that they could program an event that has the funny part about look at how look at dave dave castro just oh my god sorry john you brought out the inner dickhead and taylor don't do that uh wow wow okay i approve of that um i approve of all of those comments uh what is the longest event we have in the history of rogue do we know time domain and let me give you the follow-up to that while you guys think about that if if it did go an hour or more like jr is saying um would that change the perception of what rogue tests going forward
Starting point is 01:06:11 i think i think like i think that's a really good point because what people have been talking about until these workouts were released and until it was released to the public that there was going to be a fourth day it's been been three days. It's been six to eight workouts. And people have just said, well, yeah, it's rogue. They have a lot of strongman influence. They have a lot of strength bias. And we kind of know that that's what it's going to be. You're probably not going to see the triple threes at rogue. But I think this year having 10 scored events, having something on a day, that's an extra day standalone that we know is probably going to be an endurance test. I think it's okay to start talking about this as a, like Taylor said, no, if we get a
Starting point is 01:06:52 test like this, the fittest is probably going to win. Yeah. And I also think that probably Rogue is looking to change the notion that people can guess their programming just because they're going to Rogue. If I'm Bill Henninger and Katie, I don't like athletes thinking that they can do that or pundits especially thinking they can do that. So I'm probably looking to throw some twists into the event, and it looks like they've done so. I mean, I for sure wasn't expecting 10 events. I was expecting seven again,
Starting point is 01:07:16 and 10 is a completely different beast than seven. It's an additional day of competition. Lauren Khalil had Jason Kalipa on, uh, I don't know if it was today or yesterday and I was watching the show and J and I know this is, he was referencing legends, but he said in the first year he went to legends, it was serious as a heart attack. Like they gave a trophy, they had a trophy ceremony. Then he said the second year he went, it was all fun and games. Like you just teamed up and, and, and, and I do remember people like, um, uh, taking the piss out of Jason and making fun of him because he was trying to take that year seriously when the rest of the athletes were just
Starting point is 01:07:54 like fooling around and even rich, like I think went home after day one. So he could go coach his daughter or something in some sports or for his kid's birthday or something. And so then they asked him, well, what do you think it's going to be this year? And Jason's like, I have no idea. So even someone like, he doesn't know if he's going to a serious, he says he's prepared for a serious competition. He's going to take it seriously, but he doesn't even know.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Which makes me think that along your lines, Taylor, that Bill and Katie are very comfortable just switching it up and surprising people. Like they may go out there and run a marathon. Who knows? This is an interesting comment. This girl, Kate, asks, what's better program, the games
Starting point is 01:08:28 or the Rogue Invitational? Fun question to ask. At initial glance, I like most of the CrossFit workouts at the Rogue Invitational better than I liked a lot of the CrossFit workouts at the games this year, personally. But a lot of that's opinion.
Starting point is 01:08:42 I will say this about this group of people and the people who come on this show that includes brian friend andrew hiller tyler watkins john young i would i can't remember a time where we after seeing the event we didn't like the workouts even more like like even workouts that people are critical of i feel like after the events were like well shit that actually worked out. Hmm. I, uh, I would disagree. I think there are times where I see an event on paper and I think it sucks. And then I watch it and I also think it sucks, but I don't think any of these.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Oh my goodness. Fair enough. This has, this has probably two of two. Ah, I disagree with you. You like the game's programming better at a glance? No, no, no. I don't have a preference for the – I think, to be honest, when I saw the question,
Starting point is 01:09:32 I think it's suckering us into comparing apples and oranges. Which is high marks for Rogue. Right. I agree it is high marks for Rogue, but I think it's apples and oranges. But I do think it's worth talking about. Okay. Anything else you want to talk about this uh time domain um for this one we don't know because we don't know the lengths yeah no idea um i mean you know the way it's written here similarly to event two which was an up and back chipper this is the same type format this looks like it should be faster it looks like it's probably going to be maybe
Starting point is 01:10:06 half the time domain so maybe like five to seven minutes uh i am hop throws a dagger into taylor's heart how is the knee doing it's doing good that that threw a threw a kiss on my cheek not a dagger to my heart all right kiss on the cheek uh get with the programming i I think Taylor should make a new shirt and have it just read, I would disagree. That's funny. Patrick Clark with nonstop good information, like usual. By the way, coaches are not allowed to go with athletes to off-site location for event one. What are they going to do? Taylor just wishes he could afford a coach.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Fuck you. I can, dude. Taylor's got a good coach. Are Taylor and JR attending Rogue? We are. Yes. Sent with love and respect. Magnus Holmgren.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Did you meet my mom? He asked how my mom was doing. Magnus is just, depending on how many drinks he's had. Hey, you're doing great, man. There's a guy who watches the show the other day, David, David Weed, David Wide. I don't know if you guys, I forgot to mention this in the comments. Did you guys see this? Like someone's, I always, me and him fight a little bit in the comments.
Starting point is 01:11:18 He's a good dude though, but he comes hard. He comes really hard, harder than Jeff Baco. And then the other day he said yeah that's what happens when you do 10 years in jail and then 10 years in the military was like holy 10 years in jail then 10 years in the military or it was the other way or it was 10 years in the military and 10 years in jail but 10 different things brother yeah wow uh cody wilson no he just loves moms fair enough um let's scroll down we're done with axle bar monkey traverse okay i'm excited to watch that though thank you me too uh event number six to be
Starting point is 01:11:52 announced uh any speculation uh jr um nostradamus well i think if we want to talk about predictions there there are some things that we think of with rogue is like staples like you think rope climbs you think some sort of carry i mean they've had some pretty epic carry events i would say you still think when you think carry you think sandbag you think farmers you think yoke um i mean the sandbag load event last year with the final was pretty epic i i kind of hope they bring back that movement if that's where they put it on the pedestal right yeah that was dope um and then when you look at some of the movements that that are have already been out and then ones that we already know are going to happen on sunday we have one unknown event as the
Starting point is 01:12:40 final but there there hasn't been a ton of hinging there hasn't been a ton of hinging. There hasn't been a ton of light squatting. We get some squats on 92 squats total without, right. We get some squats on Friday that we don't have any squats until Sunday morning. So maybe we still have a light squat variation. I still think we'll have some kind of climb. We haven't seen tones toes to bar. We probably won't see a pull up or a chest to bar i wouldn't think with bar muscle ups and ring muscle ups but it could be wrong there i think it's more likely you see toes to bar for a hanging movement and we have the monkey bars which is still a gymnastics hang i've got 89 89 muscle ups in the event which i am a big proponent of um really it's 89 89 to it well they've got 40 bar muscle ups in that um
Starting point is 01:13:27 ski bar event and then they've got 49 ring muscle ups on day three which i that's one of my favorite favorite workouts i've ever read i can't wait to watch it but like to me if you look at event six and you're thinking okay this is rogue what are they going to do? Well, you don't think of Rogue as doing a 40 to 60-minute long event either. So when you look at Event 6 and you look what's before it, there's some grunt work. There's kind of some odd objects there. And then you've got a one-rep max lift. If you're thinking about a really balanced day,
Starting point is 01:13:59 what are you kind of looking at? They built the Zeus rig. Are there any rope climbs doing are there any rope climbs yet that's what i'm saying what if what if they do like a rope climb handstand walk you know they have you said that or i said that he said that that they were we said we had ours like what you talking to me we said we haven't seen rope climbs or carries toe toe i didn't say that already all right but i mean like possibly a handstand walk yes they're doing parallel handstand push-ups and just because rogue typically doesn't have handstand walks doesn't mean they won't yeah we talked about that earlier
Starting point is 01:14:32 and jr brought that up and i thought that if they went out at a handstand walk either in this event or the final that they'd have a really good balance of inversion and pulling assuming we get some rope climbs do do any of the events we've seen on here at all that they've announced already have rope or no? No, they don't. But I do think with the potential... So with the Zeus rig, it's got to be there. With that Zeus rig, there's going to be a rope climb.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I think rope climbs are common. Unless they choose to do pegboard, which I think outside would be awesome to do. It would be pretty cool. To do it somewhere other than the games and crash crucible but i like i don't know i like i still like rope climb better in this format and i think they get away with a longer workout with a rope climb but to to that point it would be cool to have a longer 15 to 20 minute workout with pegboards as well
Starting point is 01:15:19 no but can you name the only three events in CrossFit competitions that have had pegboards? The CrossFit Games, Crash Crucible, and I can't think of any other event other than those two. Oh, okay, fine. What's the third? I was going to say one of the Rogue events, but maybe they've never had a pegboard. I think it's only— It's about time? Yeah, it is for sure about time. And I would be very surprised if a semifinal coming up this year,
Starting point is 01:15:48 doesn't have them in their event. You mean all of them? You mean all the, you mean all the, all of them should. Yeah. Oh yeah. If the games are programming them,
Starting point is 01:15:54 they without a doubt should. And anything in of anything innovative that could be done with the rope that you would see Jr. Or am I barking up the wrong tree? We talked about Taylor. You go for it. Yeah. I was going to say, we talked about unbroken rope climbs uh on the phone earlier today where
Starting point is 01:16:09 an athlete maybe has the stip or they have the um stipulation of coming down to a certain length on the rope or a certain mark and going back up without breaking if you think about something like the muscle-up biathlon from the crossfit Games, where if you break a rope climb, you have a 200-meter penalty run. I programmed the workout that was 9-7-5-3 unbroken rope climbs and then 100-meter farmer's carry after each round. And if you broke, you had a 100-meter farmer's carry penalty. And I thought maybe something like that would be pretty cool. I'm falling into the weeds here,
Starting point is 01:16:40 but you know how they'll do that movement where it's um uh pull up chest to bar pull up no our bar muscle up the the grid no no no no no i'm just saying you'll see this at the you saw it at the games it's been done at the games where it's just and you see it in programming all the time it's like it's um do uh five strict pull-ups, four chest-to-bar pull-ups, three-bar muscle-ups. So you could do that with a rope. You could do a legless rope climb. And then a rope climb. And then a rope climb without coming off.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Yeah, that'd be awesome. Yeah. I wonder if there's a third version of a rope climb. Seated legless, legless, regular. L-sit legless, legless, regular. Stupid-sit legless, legless, regular. Stupid JR? I think that's dumb. No, I think if they had a line you had to descend to and they said, all right, you're going to climb the first one legless.
Starting point is 01:17:36 And then you can use your legs on the second. And then you have to climb the third one legless or something like that. I think it would be cool and it would be progressive. I don't know if there is a way to do it i know bill would figure it out but like that picture i sent you the other day of on the rogue website of different climbing pegs that you can attach to a rig that would be the only other type climb but in that sense you would have to climb and move horizontally across the rig in this way instead of up and down just because you're not attached to anything they've got the monkey bar traverse already yeah they'd never they'd never do this right this now we're in gimmick land the old climb the old pinch uh
Starting point is 01:18:18 rope climb holding a wall ball in the legs no they would never do that you'll see last year they did the what the over the over under log with the like wheelbarrow and then the rope climbs with a ruck that was all with a ruck correct and and the climbs were like to 20 feet right yeah how high is the zeus how high is the zeus is it 20 feet 15 feet at least no it's taller than 15 yeah with those big red pads i would say it's like 18 19 all right uh event six we don't know what it is uh but we're speculating uh event seven it's called the texas oak it is the last It's the last workout on Saturday. It's event number seven. It starts at 5.10 p.m. Central Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:19:11 One rep max, max log lift. That's the thing we saw Christy Aramo doing, for sure? Yes. Is that a new version? Is that new or is that something they've had around for a while i mean of course there's been log lifts forever but i mean that particular one it's not new to the fitness world but it's new to crossfit competition but i mean that particular one is that is that rogues newish like they did just release that
Starting point is 01:19:41 that beauty because that big ass fucking wooden log. Yeah. With the, no, no, not even a log. It's metal with rope wrapped around it. Yeah. It looks like, it looks like it's kind of, kind of like the Slater logs. They've used that. They've used that, the invitational in years past.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I'm pretty sure. Okay. Any thoughts on it? Is this, is this, is this, is this the strength event? Is this, what is this? This is a strength event. It's not the strength event. I think the back squat is just as equally a strength event as this is. And this is basically a clean and jerk. This is a clean and jerk, right? Right. And I think emphasis on the jerk. I don't think a lot of athletes will struggle to get it to the front rack. But once it's there, the amount of time and attention and the position it's going to put them in arching in a
Starting point is 01:20:25 way that they're not used to arching with a barbell. I think the people with the most stable and sure overhead position, I would say you, you bet on in this workout, two belts, two belts. There's going to be a lot of upright bench pressing. Something else to think about too, for those of you that have never seen the inside of like a a log it's a neutral grip so you're not holding the bar yeah you're doing it like seven you're you're it think of it like a parallel handstand push-up which is the first workout on sunday morning it's that position it's that grip so it is a lot different than the position they're used to having oh my god that guy's leaning so far back you
Starting point is 01:21:06 couldn't even see his head from the front oh wow she's got she moves so well it'll be it'll it'll be really interesting to see if they'll use momentum like that and do a push press or if they'll all jerk i would say they all jerk i don't think they'll be using that uh wooden log either because why aren't the strong men jerking why are the strong men because they they can't they're they're forced to press look at that guy that guy's in a back bend yeah christy stays very stacked oh and jr to your point uh christy's not fucking around like soon as she gets it up it's going up she's not hanging around in that in that in that time under tension spot that you're talking about look at boom yep one quick adjustment and bam oh maybe there's an edit there there might be your head's got to be
Starting point is 01:21:53 so far back but and you have to have a r last name. Is this Nick Matthew? Does this have Nick Matthew written all over it? Because he did well in the sandbag event? I don't think so. And he's a power lifter. I'm guessing he's dabbled in some strongman. He was into bodybuilding. I mean, this is probably a cop-out answer,
Starting point is 01:22:23 but I would say in a nuanced movement like this, whoever has been most trained on it is probably going to do well. You wouldn't have thought Justin would have done great on the max sandbag to shoulder, but he used a technique that looked like the correct way to do it. He had been shown how to do that and maybe touched it once or twice before. And I think even if you have that kind of experience on a movement like this, it's a big advantage. I guarantee you Adam Neifer has had him doing that stuff. In general, though, I don't think it's smart to bet against someone like Adler on something like this.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I think the strongest guys will still probably be in the top five to six and the ladies yeah same i would think i mean amanda figures it out yeah i think she could probably get away with not figuring it out and still get it read how much does it weigh it's a max they're different logs so i'm not sure what this one weighs unloaded oh gotcha so you can put weights on the end of it it's got it's got little nubs to add weight to it yeah this is interesting too like we don't know how it's going to be presented
Starting point is 01:23:34 i mean i haven't seen any details is it going to be three attempts is it going to be elimination style like hey we're going to start at 200 pounds and we're just going to go up and when you miss you're out like i don't know how they're going gonna do it oh how do you how do you drop that if your hands are deep in the bellows of the beast how do you how do you how do you fail one of those you just throw it you only see i don't know you i feel like you only see strongmen like control everything down to the pads but oh this one's've never seen someone let go. Get your failed CrossFit videos ready. This one's going to be fun.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I don't think this is going to have as exciting of some fails as the sandbag. The sandbag literally tackled some people. I don't think we're going to see that with this. Okay, we like this. We like the orchestra that's being put together this isn't out of place you're not just giving rogue a pass on this because uh it's uh you love bill and katie and and they have to be do strong man shit you like this no there's there's clear influence there and people who have watched this before i mean people who are crossfit fans you
Starting point is 01:24:42 don't watch it and say oh i think they'd be cool if they had CrossFitters do something like that. I mean, it is cool. It's just a different way. It just so happens to come shortly after we see a max event at the games that didn't involve a barbell. Right. I agree. It looks dangerous as fuck.
Starting point is 01:24:57 I fucked around with those things a little bit back in the day, and they're nasty. What JR said is right. They take you so far out of a comfortable position they're horrible have you have you messed around with those taylor no have you messed around with them jr yeah but like just unloaded yeah me too yeah i didn't i think the one i had was less than 100 pounds and it was it's a mess and you hit yourself in the face with it all sorts of bad shit and it's you're really low down here this is down here it's
Starting point is 01:25:26 it's it's way more awkward than you would think it's very awkward you you're jerk the whole thing the whole thing's a mess okay uh it'll be fun to watch i hope we see some uh some stuff that's uh makes me laugh uh we go into sunday uh half this half the men have dropped out because of allergies how many people dropped out last year one two three really because of allergies in texas i don't know i just remember people dropping out oh the allergies were serious there last year that that was that real thing. People were saying they would walk out onto the field and be just completely fucked. Okay, we get to Sunday. You think everyone's still in the game here?
Starting point is 01:26:16 I don't. I think one or two people have gone. I don't know. If they start with a really long grind trail run, it's possible that some people break down a little bit because this time of year, most of everybody isn't trained to be at their peak. This guy's got an answer for everything. That's a good point, Patrick.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Don't hate. Don't hate, Taylor. I'm a lover. He's a contributor. A contributor. They basically strict pressed it, though, though magnus so that's not even you know don't talk to anyone but me john and then we come back on day three four and we've got more overhead i hope they wear uh mouthpieces mouth guards uh kate chimes in way more painful than a barbell. Strongman record, 504 pounds.
Starting point is 01:27:06 So I would say maybe 200 pounds for men. Wow. 504 pounds is the strongman record. I think over 200 pounds for sure. I think probably closer to 300 pounds for the men. Event number eight starts Sunday morning early. It's called Laura Horvath's nightmare well that's cool that they named a workout after her that's sweet um it is three rounds 20 dumbbell
Starting point is 01:27:33 snatches 100 pound for men 70 pound for women i can do that and nine parallel handstand push-ups to a four-inch and two-inch deficit. Can you, Sousa, can you pull up the 2019 Rogue Invitational and find the women's leaderboard for this event? How's Ellie Turner's deficit handstand push-ups? These will be strict. Because if they're good. who finished third on this might surprise you wow patrick actually loves funnel cakes he's he's gonna buy me i'll buy you a funnel cake patrick i haven't had one in like six years and i've been wanting one forever uh noah did 281 reps in this video today. Oh, 281 on the log.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Oh, oh, oh. Anyways, can we pull up? This is a repeat from 2019. What were you saying? I'm going to be surprised who won it in 2019. Is that what you said? No, no, you're going to be surprised who got third on it in 2019 for the females. So this is a repeat workout.
Starting point is 01:28:47 You've seen this before. It's a the games 2019 that's what you're saying i'm slow to the rogue invitational oh slow i'm slow slow what do you want him to pull up taylor the 2019 rogue invitation i'm looking i'm looking for it i'm looking for it oh it's tough to find uh while you uh while while he looks for it uh jr tells who it is who took third um miss spiegel wow and she's good at the hands the deficit handstand push-ups yeah i mean she was then so if she's still good at that movement i mean she's gonna go touch and go on the dumbbell pretty easily i'm sure and that is in a 60 reps at those loads on a sunday is not something to you know to take for granted but someone as strong as she is it's not going to matter i think how do you know it's strict taylor uh because 2019 was strict so that's the assumption and i would i would be uh shocked
Starting point is 01:29:47 if they made it easier three years later and were they on parallettes that year yes it was the same exact deficit and strict and you know out of all the workouts that have been announced this is the only one i have one gripe with and i just i prefer a full depth parallette handstand push-up with a kit at least for visual or as a spectator than kind of the four inch deficit with the strict i think to me the difficulty of both are pretty comparable um a 14 inch deficit with a kip is pretty similar to a four inch deficit strict for me i just like the way the full depth looks it looks it just looks a lot cooler on camera so if i were programming which i'm not but i would have just made a regular parallel handstand push
Starting point is 01:30:30 ups with no riser maybe an ab mat for women uh alexis raptus i would say at this point she's the best in crossfit inverted on in on pretty much anything she's taking the helm from carrie pierce now that carrie's gone she's the she's the undisputed champ of that is carrie gone i heard a rumor tell me tell me please tell me teams going team oh yeah it doesn't count she that's gone that's the same as gone uh you think they would do a squat snatch with the dumbbell and then goblet squat right after it? I don't think they would do 60 squat snatches with the 100-pound dumbbell in a workout.
Starting point is 01:31:15 And I just don't think they're going to use the exact same name and do something with the same rep scheme and the same movements and not just make it an exact repeat. Are we going to see anyone start squat snatching it in the third round? and do something with the same rep scheme and the same movements and not just make it an exact repeat. Are we going to see anyone start squat snatching it in the third round? No. That's not heavy enough to force a squat snatch, and it's also just way dumber to do that.
Starting point is 01:31:37 I was talking to an athlete earlier today that competed in 2019, and they said the standard on the parallel handstand push-ups was very odd, and he wondered if they would do it again this year. And the standard was the parallettes at the foot. So the footprint of the parallettes were only six inches apart and they could not adjust that width, which is very narrow. Oh, I think I remember that. I think I remember that. If you have really long arms, that already kind of makes it more like a tricep extension.
Starting point is 01:32:06 And then the feet could not come outside of that width, which is pretty aggressive for those with more anthropometric limitations. Hey, that can't be right six inches. You wouldn't be able to get your head in there. No, not six inches from parallette to parallette. So you know how there's the bar in the middle and they have the base? Yeah. That base is going to be six inches from the edge of the other parallette's base. I'm not explaining that well.
Starting point is 01:32:34 So add like four inches on either side and that's where the parallettes would be. The parallettes are essentially like 18 inches apart, probably closer to 20. I remember either there at the games, the parallettes being fixed one year and it being weird. I wish they would give them fucking competition plates as their head rest like they did back in, what was that? 2013.
Starting point is 01:32:56 With the med ball, med ball handstand. Just bloody heads everywhere. Do you, do you have any, this, we have our first gripe from Taylor self around event number eight, JR. Do you have any um this we have our first gripe uh from taylor self around event number eight uh jr um do you have any gripes with this one uh no i mean i i actually really
Starting point is 01:33:12 like that they're blending in the the modalities of ending the saturday with a really dynamic slash grunt work strength test. And then they follow it up the very next morning with a body weight strength test, because that's what the 27 ended up being a time, time for this fastest times between six and seven. That's, that's maybe, I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:33:44 I don't remember what Matt got. I know he was way ahead on this. Yeah. Him Chandler Smith and Colton. I think all three did really well in this workout. And I want to say Matt was probably. I want to say under or around six minutes. Any DNS.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Tons. Tons. Just with 18 handstand pushups? It was 27. And remember, 60 snatches with the 100 is nothing to scoff at. No one's going to have trouble with that, right?
Starting point is 01:34:16 I'm not going to say no one's going to have trouble with it, but there are going to be athletes who can move the 100-pound dumbbell well, and there are going to be other athletes who it buries and who it caps, for sure. But this will be won or lost on the handstand handstand push-ups yeah john young said matt got 609 in 2019 um good spectator event yeah i was going to watch snatches are fun to watch dumbbell snatches and and like i don't know to taylor's point when you have the pad almost to the very top of the parallette you know at that point you know he's kind of when i just do them when i just do them to the floor like a straight can't stand push up yeah i think the pair i think the parallette itself is almost two inches like
Starting point is 01:35:02 that was at rogue that was theational? Yeah, it was 2019. Oh, I don't remember that at all. And that was in Rogue. It was at their headquarters in Ohio that year. Yeah, and to me, a neutral grip, anytime you can grab onto something makes it a little bit easier than on the floor. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:35:20 That's why I would have preferred seeing it as just a full-depth parallette handstand push-up. This is in their warehouse, I believe. Yeah, we kind of disagree because like I said, you know, they're both neutral grips, but this is a straight gymnastics neutral grip. And the other one is a dynamic weightlifting neutral grip. So I kind of like it in that respect. Colton had a drop the ball in one of the workouts. There were some rules around it and he didn't follow it precisely.
Starting point is 01:35:45 My abs are so sore. I would have loved to have seen him do this workout. Anything else you guys want to say about this workout? Tiatumi 616. That's fucking crazy. Mike Halpin, I would love it if they came back to Columbus.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Carrie Pierce did not win that event. Fun fact. She was there that year. Fun fact. Where was Laura? She was there that year, if I recall. Do we think Laura has a chance of taking the W if she's eliminated by that workout, if she takes a dead last in that? I don't think Laura has the chance to win this event with this workout in the weekend. Do you think that this is the one that takes her out of contention? She does.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Oh, wow, look it. So she took 20th. She took last place in that event in 2019. Is that what we're looking at, Sousa? Yeah, and I'd be surprised if she did more than a couple seconds. Maybe not seconds, but I'd be surprised if she does more than a couple places better this year i would probably put her 16th or worse one so back then i mean john will probably know or someone else in the comment so if she got cat plus 67 that means she did the first 20 snatches and then did not get another rep and the minimum work requirement was i think one handstand
Starting point is 01:37:00 push-up or you don't continue the competition oh shit so i don't she's looking at this workout right now in her hotel room shitting herself i don't think so i think in i think in three years i'm sure she's made a lot of strides in strict pressing i don't know so there you go patrick that's what that's what happened so when he says eliminated what do you mean? Like literally like... Did not continue the competition. Oh, shit. But that year, Patrick may know, was there an eighth workout or was there a ninth? Like was there... This was event seven. So how many events were there that year?
Starting point is 01:37:35 Were there just eight? I don't have the balls to call her. Oh, sorry, Taylor. Did we interrupt you? Oh. Thank you. Thank you. I wouldn't dare call her i did i tell you the last time i text text laura horvath she's responded with how did you get my phone number i only go in her dms now i don't fuck with her phone number yeah i ain't fucking with that
Starting point is 01:37:59 how did you get my phone number uh That would make me feel pretty awkward. Oh, dude. Miss Sousa loved it. He was on the thread. He loved it. He texts me on the side right away. Damn. And with laughing.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Who is this? 2019. She had a back injury. Yeah, I don't. Who is this? And how'd you get my number? Yeah, it's brutal. Next workout.
Starting point is 01:38:24 One of my favorite workouts ever. Event number nine. I think this is the last one we know this is sunday second to last event um jason hopper will be in first place and uh from here on out madaris will smoke his ass uh seven rounds. It's cool. Seven muscle ups, hill sprint, 11, uh, goblet squats. Uh, that, that's a lot of rounds. That's a lot of rounds. It's a lot of rounds and holding the kettlebell in the goblet position, whether, and me and JR talked about this on the phone earlier as well, whether you're holding it by the bell or the horns, low your biceps up
Starting point is 01:39:05 it's just gonna make the muscle up so fucking hard and make them incredibly hard if you hold them by the horns but still so much tension in your upper back holding it by the bell just that kettlebell in the goblet position and it's and it's and it's hard to tell the way it's written but i'm so hopeful there was room for a pylon up there last year i'm so hopeful that they run up the hill and that's where they do their squats immediately after the hill run. They don't run up the hill and then back down. They run up the hill. They do their squats.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Then they run down. Oh, I don't see that happening. I just think, I think it would be so, so dope. I, it probably would be hard to see from a viewership standpoint,
Starting point is 01:39:41 but I just think that would be really cool to have. Dude, it's brilliant. Have the kettlebell waiting for him up there when we saw them come down if they did that we would laugh our asses off in the in the fourth fifth sixth seventh round when we saw them try to come down the hill they would be so goofy it would be awesome i feel like holding a kettlebell up there in the gauntlet is a risk what if somebody dumps the kettlebell and it just rolls down the hill yeah hey let's take somebody out like a cannonball from the patriot let's see that hill you like that suza suza let's see that hill again there's room for it there's room for a
Starting point is 01:40:17 judge and a pylon up there so there's room for it oh you think that like there's like a two or three foot strip at the top that's a parallel plane to the ground? Yeah, because they had to run around the pylon at the top of the hill. And there were judges standing up there. God, that's brilliant. That's such a good idea, JR. It would be so funny to see him run down the hill after that. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Oh, dude, there's plenty of room up there. I don't know. Oh, dude, there's plenty of room. They would have to make an egregious penalty for dropping to make sure none of those fuckers drop the kettlebell. There's plenty of room. Let's see how this workout is written again. It's hard to tell because—
Starting point is 01:40:56 It doesn't seem like that's going to be the case the way it's written. Don't ruin dreams. Don't shit on dreams, Taylor. Don't shit on— Everything you're saying is shitting on the dream. Seven rounds, so they do the seven muscle-ups. Then then they run up the hill then they do the goblet squat and then they run back down that's how i see it and i know how to read a workout it doesn't say hill sprint up it says hill sprint so it could be sprint up and down then the your goblet squats i don't
Starting point is 01:41:18 know it could it's wishful thinking i think it's probably just going to be down on the flat surface and we're going to see plenty of goofy shit anyway. That's a fucking awesome event, though. 49 muscle-ups. I love it. The goblet squats are so quad-dominant and running up that hill, it's going to fucking annihilate people. Beautiful image, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:41:37 It's just managing fatigue with the muscle-ups. Taylor, anyone do seven unbroken for seven? Absolutely. I think more importantly is how fast they're going to transition from the bell to the rings. I think there are plenty of athletes that can do seven unbroken for seven. I mean, I for sure could. I think what's more likely though, is you're going to have athletes to get their heart rates really blown up by the goblet squats and a ring muscle up is not a movement that you can lower your heart rate on. So yeah, it's Yeah, it's like if you put down the 11th squat, if the kettlebells are right by the rig,
Starting point is 01:42:08 do you take a 3-2-1 and jump up? Yeah. That's another thing too. If the kettlebells are on the top of the hill, you get that run back to the rig. Yeah. Going from the goblet squat into the ring muscle up is savage. For that many rounds, it's going to fucking obliterate people.
Starting point is 01:42:25 I think it's one I lost on the hill sprint. I do. It's one and lost on the dip out after all those strict parallel handstand push-ups. I think it's more probably a combination. I mean, for the men, I don't think 49 muscle-ups are going to be terrible. I think more than anything,
Starting point is 01:42:44 it's probably confidence and capacity getting back up to the rings after the goblet squats. I think we're going to see people struggle getting up that hill towards the end. I think we're going to see some weird, weird shit in those last two rounds, and we're going to see people lose 10 seconds on the hill. At this point, who knows how many hills they may run up tomorrow and down. Texas is flat, though, isn't it? Yeah, and that's what I was saying.
Starting point is 01:43:07 Maybe you have to drive two hours just to find some elevation changes. John Young's got a good pick. Ricky loves to squat on his toes, so this goblet squat should favor him really well. Oh, wow. I just think, too, if you look, you do the 80 GHDs, you do the 40-bar muscle-ups, we're assuming that they're probably going to have some kind of rope climb
Starting point is 01:43:27 unless it's in the final. It's going to be before this workout. You have the parallette. I think the 49 muscle ups are going to be a lot harder than obviously what they would be under no fatigue. I bet Velner's watching right now. Wad zombie. Can we get a comment?
Starting point is 01:43:42 Hope so. He's, he's, he's, he's the guy that told me about the parallette standard into the 2019 uh kenya clark did something similar a few weeks ago five rounds six muscle ups 200 meters run 12 overhead squats 95 pounds and that fucking suck they are going to be hurting kenya clark kenya is the host of a podcast that's called not black and white or it's black and white.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Something I forget. I forget. Sorry, Kenya. I apologize. At least I remembered you had a podcast halfway there. Uh, event number 10,
Starting point is 01:44:15 uh, rogue likes to go out with a bang. Um, are we going to, is this where we're going to see the new implement in event 10? I'd like to see another elimination style like last year. I mean, maybe some people would find that kind of cheesy doing it two years in a row, but I loved the format.
Starting point is 01:44:31 It was so cool. Oh, yes. Explain that format again. It was like an elimination, right, or a round robin, or what was that? They had heats of five, and they went head-to-head. So it would be all five people go, three, two, one, go. I think there was three rounds of the workout you went and all whatever all four heats of five went and the top 10 times advanced to round two and they had two heats of five and the top five times from those
Starting point is 01:44:59 two heats went to the final round and then the top five went the winner won and the place they got after it would be cool if that became a staple for rogue how they finished their their events that was great and hey what's also cool about that is you can have crazy big movement because if the first place guy gets eliminated for some reason in the first round he just has to sit there with his thumb in his ass yep and i think the coolest thing about doing something like that as a final is it's not like you get punished for doing more work and then you have to do the rest of the weekend yeah right so like if
Starting point is 01:45:31 you if you make it to the fourth round of elimination and you end up doing however many more thrusters or rope climbs or whatever and then you have to do the whole weekend when everyone else is like no i'm good because i get eliminated first uh great point uh javier's asking um right on atlas stone ladder let's see it that's what they did last year right it was basically i mean not the ladder but you had to pick the stone up put it on the pedestal and then run run somewhere or something you had to do something it was a 250 pound bag 250 pound bag that was the one where annie got it stuck under the table under the pedestal right a couple people got it stuck under the pedestal like they lifted the bag up too close to the pedestal remember that yeah and i think something like that we've seen just be really exciting to
Starting point is 01:46:13 watch is is really any kind of carry so like if they do something like you know a yoke and a rope climb and a yoke they do like a some kind of a sprint i think we've seen that i mean dave kind of started it with the regionals finales but the thruster and rope climb variations a yoke. They do like some kind of a sprint. I think we've seen that. I mean, Dave kind of started it with the regionals finales, but the thruster and rope climb variations. And then he had the one year with the overhead squat and the pull up that you, you, you end a competition with a workout under five minutes. That's how you do it. And it's just really exciting. And I think to Taylor's point, doing it with elimination just makes it even more exciting. What's the longest event we looked at that we know for sure there are no time caps i would say it's that one right there it's event it's event nine that's the longest one on paper
Starting point is 01:46:51 uh the seven rounder right i think that's the like whatever 15 minute workout yeah that's that's the 12 to 15 time domain and and so and so we can be almost certain that the 10th workout will be a sprint. It's going to be a spectacle. Yeah. I would think it's, I would think it's going to be short. Nothing that we've seen so far is like sub three.
Starting point is 01:47:17 What, what's missing in this. It's hard programming. And these, in these 10 events we've looked at burpees. Well, we only saw seven, right?
Starting point is 01:47:29 Seven events, burpees, high rep squatting, some sort of carrying horizontal displacement sled. Wait, you said high rep squatting, high rep squatting, high volume,
Starting point is 01:47:39 lightweight, like, like in that workout, 77 squats wouldn't be considered high volume. You think high volume, you think 150 reps or more. Okay. Moderate volume is like 80 to 150 or we haven't seen, we didn't see sled, right? No sled, no carrying, no rope climb.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Deadlifts are already in event four. No thruster, no burpee. And I think to Taylor's point when he's talking about total repetitions, even if you're adding the volume in with it where you're doing like the reps, time to weight, there are 120 pulls from the floor. Not counting how many attempts they're going to get on the log. So there's 60 deadlifts and then 60 dumbbell snatches. And right now there's 77 squats in that workout and there's and there's 15 back squats that are really heavy if you finish all of them which a lot of them probably won't yeah i i i don't think there'll be more squatting i think there will you do i think there's one i think one single
Starting point is 01:48:43 leg movement i mean i don't think we'll'll do a pistol or a weighted pistol just because they have the lunge. I think it's still possible, though. I think it's possible, though, you still see possibly a burpee step-up or a grinder-type movement, but maybe presented in such a small rep scheme, then you can sprint it. I want to ask a question here. I found an inconsistency between what taylor said and you said a pull-up i'm just writing these down so we can go over in a second so but i think that there's enough squatting in there what do i know but you're saying that we
Starting point is 01:49:14 wouldn't see pistols because we saw some lunges uh yeah i'm having trouble like yeah i just think of them as a single leg single leg movements well and, and so then we've had plenty of squatting too with that logic, no? Lunges and a squat. I understand a lunge is in a squat, but what I'm saying is if the actual lunge is adequate for the – or tantamount to the pistol or close enough, then the squatting we've seen is close enough to high reps. Well, think about this. 77 squats, 88 pounds is, then the squatting we've seen is close enough to high reps. 77, 77 squats, 88 pounds is a lot of squatting. My dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:49 My dude. I would just say heavy back squats and lunges. Listen, you have 89 muscle ups and 92 squats. Okay. Fair. I see your point.
Starting point is 01:50:03 I see your point. I see your point. Uh, your point. I see your point. Okay, so burpees, squatting, rope climbs, sled, push-pull, carry, thrusters, pull-ups, toes-to-bar. Those are some of the things we have missing. Wall ball could be a heavy wall ball, maybe an overhead. I don't see them using a barbell again. I think it's likely a wall ball or a overhead i don't see them using i don't see them using a barbell again i think it's likely a wall ball um or a dumbbell thruster potentially um yeah thruster anything crazy jr anything crazy you want to throw out there 50 pound wall ball some sort of weird
Starting point is 01:50:39 implement they'd have to carry somewhere in some form that they've never had to carry before so i so one of the things that i've been thinking about a lot and and i don't know if it'll it'll ever really come up at the games or come up anywhere but since we're seeing a lot of crossover and a lot of blending between the strongman community and and into crossfit you know weightlifting and throwing and throwing and throwing and we've only had throwing come up in competition, but so many times in CrossFit, right? Like you could say the med ball GHD was a throw. People can say a wall ball is a throw. Sure. You're throwing something to a target. You had the softball toss, but there's something that they do. And like they do it in strongman.
Starting point is 01:51:19 They, they, they sell it on the rogue website. They do it in Highland competitions where they have a bag or they have a keg or they have something. Rogue makes bags with a squat snatch and a heavy double under last year then they could do something like hey there's a beam or there's something and you have these sandbags and this is how much it weighs and you got to get it up and over that three times and then go do a rope climb or something like that i think helping i think helping said that the helping also mentioned earlier in the show keg toss it's the keg toss right kind of yeah it's not yeah i'm similar kind of the pussified version of the keg but but i would say of? Yeah, it's not. Yeah, I'm similar. It's kind of the pussified version of the keg toss. But I would say that's like a... No, affluent.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Sorry, affluent. This is the affluent version, not pussified. Affluent. Sorry, go ahead. Sorry, Taylor. Sorry, JR. No, so yeah, something like this. I mean, those are probably as big as a really big kettlebell.
Starting point is 01:52:19 And that actually would be a fun thing to watch because let's see, as they go up in... I think so. I mean, some people would look really goofy doing it um, let's see as they go up in, I think so. I mean, some people would look really goofy doing it, but it's just, it's just something different and it's really core to CrossFit methodology. And Chris and Josh are about as core to CrossFit methodology as you can get. Look,
Starting point is 01:52:39 this is how they sell them. Oh, look at that. Look at that fingernail polished. My goodness. Okay. they sew them oh look at that look at that fingernail polished my goodness okay that's a stretch i mean it is a stretch for sure hey it does it does check to to there's a carry component and there's a and there's a throwing component uh do you think we're gonna see burpees we got this we got the zeus uh burpees or you think we're gonna see pull-pees? We got the Zeus burpees. Do you think we're going to see pull-ups or toes-to-bar?
Starting point is 01:53:07 We got the Zeus rig out there. I think toes-to-bar potentially, but I don't, like JR said earlier, I don't think either a pull or a chest-to-bar. We do not have an official schedule for the remainder of the week. We will be going live tomorrow at some point at least once. And then from there on out, you can expect us to go live prior to every event with predictions and then do a post show after every show. And we will do that throughout the weekend. We will have special guests join us throughout the week. Uh, we will have special guests, uh, join us throughout the week. Uh, Andrew Hiller and I will be here managing the desk. Uh, maybe we'll get Taylor, uh, Tyler Watkins on here also Matt Sousa.
Starting point is 01:53:57 And, uh, on the ground, we'll have tons of, tons of eyeballs of fans who have offered to call in. And then of course our official people, which would be, uh, Mr. Self and J.R. Howell. Mr. Self and J.R. Howell. So, any, will the rest of the events, so are they going to announce the athletes just prior to them happening, you think? What's the traditional protocol for Rogue?
Starting point is 01:54:15 I mean, I think traditionally they've known most of them before the competition started. This is kind of congruent to what they did at the games where they released them the day of on some occasion. Last year they had about a week to what they did at the games where they released them the day of on some occasion. Last year, they had about a week to play with some of the events.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Mr. Susick, could we go over to the comments on YouTube and see if the listeners, the viewers, were able to explain to James Hill who J.R. Howell is.
Starting point is 01:54:46 I apologize if I talked over Rich or Stefan. You don't have to apologize to anyone for anything. Some good comments tonight. Except for all the women you rile up on the show. They have a trial run with the legends for the judges and could announce closer to it. They have a trial run with the legends for the judges. could announce closer to that they have a trial run with the legends for the judges i think it's also kind of cool too that none of the legends workouts were revealed because maybe they have some elements in them that we'll see for the individuals that's
Starting point is 01:55:15 what the yeah that's what i think that comment mike posted was alluding to is that the legends events will be kind of announcements or almost de facto demos for the individuals oh okay i like it um chase brian 918 don't small jr i see you holding back yes jr please don't smile uh james hill uh said constructive criticism don't have nobody don't have nobody lurkers on your podcast they go on two minute rants and talk over your guests i don't click on the video to hear their takes. I click to hear from guests and from you. These are the 10 replies.
Starting point is 01:55:49 I've already read one of them. Um, uh, count me in the seven army. I am hopped 2024. Thank you. Okay. Uh,
Starting point is 01:55:56 J uh, a C yee haw. Jr is God. Uh, a C yee haw. Again, Jr is God. I think that's maybe making him feel a little uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Spiegel. JR Howell owns the finest affiliate on the East Coast, CrossFit Crash, and has a wealth of competition knowledge. His insights are spot on, and his opinion is highly respected. Well, thank you. That's enough. That's good. That's JR Mah-fucking-Howell. Oh, I like that. That's nice.R. Maha fucking Howell.
Starting point is 01:56:25 Oh, I like that. That's nice. Alex B. Maha fucking Howell, dog. I like it. It's good. Alex B. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:35 James Hill from the whole stuff on podcast crew. Kick rocks and get fucked. We like to say kick rocks and get fucked, bro. J.R. is the man and we love his opinions unlike the comment of yours that's crossfit cory oh and then he gives the peace sign fuck bro james welcome to the club by the way i hope you keep listening but this is just uh just just like a welcoming party just hazing you a little bit um hask from one hour dear james hill get fucked jr hashtag dear get fucked is my favorite.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Okay. James, you should take this as flattery. These people took time to write to you. They're telling this guy to get fucked for you, man. Alyssa, Jr was amazing on this podcast and all the others he has been on. You're nuts, dude. Okay. Jr couldn't be more uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:57:22 Will Branstetter, that's accurate. Teddy Williams, just criticism. You're talking about Jr who is CrossFit, what Gandalf was for Middle Earth. Wisest of wizards, which would make you Gollum. Muttering nonsense comments and the ultimate lurker. Teddy Williams, please don't be a serial killer with all your Gandalf, but thank you. Very nice.
Starting point is 01:57:40 Elise Carr-Ridau. JR Howell is far from a lurker. What's the opposite of a lurker, but there's a lurker in his window behind him. Thank you team. Jr. Appreciates the love. He's going to like giggle and laugh with his wife after the show.
Starting point is 01:58:03 He will look at it. He gave a little like okay cool thanks guys all right that's about all i got uh we will all see you tomorrow uh jr taylor thanks for staying up late tonight to do this all of you thanks for watching um all you guys are dope uh and we will see you all tomorrow bye

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