The Sevan Podcast - #652 - HillerFit Review Show & Sevan Riffs on HQ Firing

Episode Date: October 28, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Yes. Bam. Looking forward to this since you said you wanted to do one.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Did you, I noticed in one of your videos this week you were wearing a shirt. Is that because it's getting cold there? You're wearing a white T-shirt. It's 43 degrees here right now. Yeah, I had to plug in my heater there it is i have a wow i have a dehumidifier in my office because i about a year and a half ago i noticed some mold growing in the corner because it's detached from my house so i have a dehumidifier but now i unplug it when i do the show and turn on the heater is that detached from the house uh it will uh it shares a wall with the house but i have to go outside to come in here oh that's interesting yeah it must be a california nook well my house
Starting point is 00:01:17 is ghetto as shit it's like um it's like an estate you have like an entire vineyard out there yeah kind of basically it used to be how. Basically, it used to be two houses. How is that ghetto? Well, it used to be two houses, and they turned it into one house. That's super ghetto. So wait, what you're at right now is house number two? No, no. The main house is still the two houses combined. I don't know. I don't even know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:01:43 But I just know that there's some weird shit going on with my house is it bruce wayne's birthday happy birthday bruce wayne if it is yesterday something happened at hq that um whoo i don't know how to do this story what you got i don't know i don't know how to even start it so feed feed so it'd be interesting what you think of this and if there's if there's a video here for you for this but uh something big really really big happened at hq yesterday when when when when you're when you're the executive producer when you're the manager of something big when you're at the top of the food chain and you're trying to run an organization um your job i'll give you an example for a movie so if you have a director of a movie
Starting point is 00:02:38 and tom cruise is your talent i think i've said this before on here um and tom cruise is thinking about walking off because he's fighting with the director you don't uh let tom cruise walk off you you go talk to the director the executive producer's job is to make sure that the director can keep the talent there the talent is what's important up until up until an extent right um if if if? The goal is to get to the end of the movie and have Tom Cruise star in it. And the director's job is to make sure that that happens. And if the director can't get along with the talent, that's part of his job, to get along with the talent. It doesn't matter if the talent's right or wrong. The goal is to get what you need out of the talent.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Up until the point if the talent were like a drug addict or just wasn't showing up to the set or shit like that. Shelby, hi, good morning. Thank you. Shout out to Jason Weiland, she says. Thank you. Who's Jason Weiland? I don't know, your biggest fan.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Awesome. Jason, what's up, dude? Oh, Jason puts it to Shelby. That must be Shelby's husband. Nice gift, by the way. Jason, you demand. You got a good one. Keeper. And so when I worked at HQ, I was very lucky because the 70 or 100 people, depending on how you categorize them, that worked for me, they were all really, really hard workers, but they were hard as fuck to manage. Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 00:04:13 A whole bunch of Tom Cruises. Well, I don't know. I don't want to bitch about Tom Cruise, but so many different personalities and so many crazy talented people and so many moods and behaviors. Some of the people that I would have who would work there, their, their method for getting their job done was to come into my office every day and complain. But, but I knew that that was their, their method. Like that was part of their, the method to their madness, to their creativity. They needed to come in and complain about something. When they took a break from editing creativity. They needed to come in and complain about something.
Starting point is 00:04:47 When they took a break from editing or shooting, they would come in and complain about something. And I dealt with it. All right. So I see you're the director. No, I was the executive producer. Got it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Dealing with the talent. You're just dealing with the talent. And so there was a guy who worked at CrossFit Inc. who started there a couple years after I got there. He's been there forever. And yesterday he was fired. You don't care to I should say his name. This guy has done the programming.
Starting point is 00:05:31 This guy has done the programming almost exclusively for over 12 years. Oh, I love programming. This guy was the go-to guy for everyone to go to if you needed a second opinion on something. From the general counsel to me, to Greg Glassman, he was Greg Glassman's go-to guy. This guy worked directly underneath me. He was my five-star general. He was my rock. He knew everything that was in the journal. We, I called him the guardian basically when I would introduce him to people and people would be like, what do you do? Anything that was forward facing that the world saw may have been my responsibility but still had to pass through this guy this guy pushed the button on his keyboard for every journal article you ever saw every video you ever saw everything
Starting point is 00:06:18 you're saying there's a new guy joining the team he's This guy is not replaceable. James Hobart, yes. James Hobart probably called this guy every fucking week to run something by him. I bet you Austin Maliolo did the same thing. I bet you fucking this guy. This guy. There was another guy. There was another guy there who had the similar capabilities capabilities but we didn't use him to that extent it was mike warkington he now works for chris
Starting point is 00:06:50 cooper just just savages these guys could greg could say to either of these guys hey write something up for me in my voice and great and they could do it and greg would hand it to him and greg would like fix it he's like that guy in school, the nerd. This dude – Do my homework. This dude started probably working there when he's 27. He's 40 years old now. He has two daughters. He was a rock.
Starting point is 00:07:16 He was very blunt. You could just walk – I would tell him to do stuff, and it wouldn't get done, and he would call me and be like, hey, we can't do this, this, and this because I think it goes against the ethos or the ideology or the methodology. And we would talk it out, and 99% of the time he'd be right. He'd stand up to Greg. He'd stand up to anyone. He would be so calm. He had more institutional knowledge, I think, than anyone who works there, currently working there, including Dave and Nicole. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yes. Yes. He was the center where all the spokes came into. All the spokes. Basically, just these are the kind of people in the company that. That new people would never understand. He was the culture. He used to own CrossFit Santa Cruz, the very first gym. This guy. With his wife.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Who fired him? His boss. His who fired him his boss his boss fired him okay this guy if you don't know this guy if you don't know how to manage tremendous talent this guy was never rude by the way i want to also say this about this guy this is also the guy if anyone from the janitor to greg were in the parking lot and they couldn't get their car started and he walked by, he'd come over and be like, oh, let me look under your hood. And he'd fix that shit. He was an engineer. He dealt with all the streams for the games. He dealt with the journal, with all the training video, everything. This guy was the fucking hub.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Good morning, Athena. I just saw the title of this show. It says, I warned you. Well, this is, I mean, that's a whole different issue. That's a whole different issue. Oh, shit. Two very interesting things. I'm sorry to hijack your show, Mr. Hiller.
Starting point is 00:09:24 No, no, no. Get going. I want to hear the name. I cannot sorry to hijack your show, Mr. Hiller. I don't know. No, get going. I want to, I want to hear the name. I cannot, one of the comments section. I cannot believe they let the programming,
Starting point is 00:09:32 uh, Bruce Wayne, $5. You guys are the best. Thank you, Sebi. Thanks for the community you've assembled here. Love you,
Starting point is 00:09:37 brother. Bruce, you're the best. Thanks for always supporting the show, dude. Always, always, always.
Starting point is 00:09:42 You're one of the guys I think about during the day when I'm not even doing the show how you says that you're edging right now i am edging i don't want to do anything to um i don't want to i don't know i don't know how this guy feels about me me talking about this uh but but i guarantee you like are you buddies with him i would i'm very close with them you should have him on send'm very close with him. You should have him on. Send him a link. He's not even that kind of guy who would never come on. He's not going to want any attention.
Starting point is 00:10:13 He never wanted attention. No one knew who he was. I could be in the room with him, and he would deny. He worked for me. I could be in the room with him and talk to him about the programming, and he'll be like, okay, I'll tell the guy. He would never even admit that he did the programming ever to anyone. How many people know he does the programming? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:33 10, 20. Oh, just, just the P I mean, who's going to do it now? Wait, who the fuck knows?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Who the fuck knows? Cause today looks typical. Bill do a heavy overhead squat. That's something I've seen for the past 10 years. He probably built it out a month in advance. He probably built it out. Okay. That'll be interesting to see.
Starting point is 00:10:57 The person who fired him obviously has no idea how to manage talent. No, it's not Hollis. It's not Hollis. Full circle. I get it. But you're getting close. You guys will never guess who it is. You don't know who he is. He just went under the name pukey,
Starting point is 00:11:11 but everyone at HQ knows who he is. Everybody, everybody. And I'm telling you, it's like the kind of thing that's going to rattle the L one team, the seminar staff, nobody who needs, no one who's a fucking A-level top-tier worker at CrossFit HQ is happy that this guy is gone. There's people who hate him who are like, what the fuck? You cannot fire this guy. Do you know why he got fired?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yeah. I know why he got fired? Yeah, I know why he got fired. So you're going to say along with his name? I don't want to get into the details, but I'll surmise it like this. It's because his leadership couldn't manage him. It's because his leadership had an enormous ego. This guy is just very blunt. This guy is just very blunt this guy's just very very blunt not rude never rude give an example of what you mean by blunt um i can assume but i don't like doing that um uh you could say let me see i i yeah it's a totally fair question. You would be in a meeting, and everyone would be praising a video, let's say, and he would right away say – I'm trying to think.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You could probably even give an example if you know him that well and then no one would know who you're talking about. I just have some examples that just involve too many people that I don't – recently that I don't want to reveal how much I know. Would it be like everyone says that your hair looks great, and I go, I think it's thinning? Yes, yes, yes. And he would say with a very – We love that you don't use shampoo, Seth. I'd be like, well, I think it's thinning, dude. And he would say with a very stoic – he was always very stoic.
Starting point is 00:13:08 He was never rude. He never missed a fucking days of work ever the whole time i was there he worked 365 days a year he was always available he he he has to be the guy with the greatest institutional knowledge who works there there's people who've worked there longer like n like Nicole and Dave, but they're in their silos. Dave and Nicole are in their silos. They're in their, they're in their lanes. This guy was in everyone's lane. I guarantee you,
Starting point is 00:13:35 James Hobart is not happy that this guy got fired. It's nuts. It really concerns me. He's a hardcore worker bee. The last, what's missing at CrossFit HQ right now. So to give you an idea, if you're an affiliate owner, to give you an idea of what's going on at HQ, when I was working there, my photo department, my photo department had four employees. Now there's no photo department. What does a photo department do? So, hey, Andrew Hiller is doing – Andrew Hiller has an affiliate, and he's doing a – and that doesn't include contractors. When I say my photo department had four people, it had 30 people including contractors.
Starting point is 00:14:16 But Andrew Hiller is doing an event at his gym to raise money for people who can't afford their uh, um, uh, their affiliate fees. And, um, so we're going to send out a photographer there to take pictures. Um, there's an event at the, uh, there's semifinals. You send a photo guy there to, uh, take pictures and make sure that we have pictures for the front end. Um, the games needs, um, let's say pictures for, uh, the open movement standards. We send someone out there for the photo department Greg's doing a speaking engagement in Berlin we send a photographer there and then come back and edit them make sure we have a library make sure we have his like a historical you know all the photos from the history of CrossFit by the way all that's gone to shit these massive fucking million dollar hard drives we used to have we have no there's no team there
Starting point is 00:15:11 to manage any of that now it's gone yeah he sounds like yeah yeah kenya yeah exactly i used to make fun of him all the time for being autistic i used to make fun of him all the time for being autistic. I used to make fun of him all the time. Oh, you got out of the home for mentally disabled adults. Good job, buddy. I used to tease him all the time. You said he's been there that long. How many people have been there that long? Dave and Nicole still, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:38 This guy leaving, this guy's got to be one of the longest working employees there. I guarantee you the person who fired him too the person who fired him has no idea what he does none no idea what he does no idea oh i guarantee you i guarantee you todd widman is is bummed that this guy was fired i'm telling you everyone knows this guy they have a massive shortage of worker bees they're massive so so when i had don on he wanted to grow the company that's his thing you can't grow the company by firing people like that you cannot you cannot grow the company by firing a guy like this this this guy was this guy bait was in charge of all the publication in the journal after mark mark mike workington would approve something then it would go to leaf and then leaf would watch it this
Starting point is 00:16:39 guy watched every fucking video i disagree i don't think Don's an empty suit at all. I disagree 100%. I actually have great hope for Don. I'm actually really impressed by Don. I think the only thing we saw from Don that troubling is too strong of a word, but he knows corporate talk. He knows how to say a bunch of shit without saying anything but but but but look where he came from but but i do believe don's landed in his dream job and he has more energy and passion to run hq than than anyone um than anyone who's been in that position since you know he's got equal to anyone i think he this guy fucking is
Starting point is 00:17:23 is uh i think if you cut this guy open, he bleeds CrossFit. The big test with Don is going to be, are we going to get him for 10 years? If he's only there for four years, then you know, it was all a lie and a joke. We need a guy in there for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:17:36 That's a, that's a permanent position. Interesting. I'll keep you guys up to speed on what happens, but a huge, huge loss for the entire community huge loss for the affiliates massive loss for the affiliates today i used to do dot-com workouts every sunday we would like choose two or three of them from the week and just kind of do them back to back or with a 10 minute break in between them there was a point in time in there where they were different uh 2019 or so
Starting point is 00:18:11 maybe 2018 late it seemed as if they'd changed there was things called slips in there yeah yeah ring progression yes there was a um a time in there in 2018 where greg took over the programming for two months and basically makes sense yeah and greg basically said hey i want to do some adjustments leaf let me show you what i want to do and he ran it for two months and leave would go over to greg's house and i remember i used to have to sit there i didn't hate i you know how much i love programming and i would have to fucking sit there for day in and day out and they'd be on the whiteboard tinkering with workouts for hours and i'd be like ugh gross they'd be like they've always
Starting point is 00:18:46 been it was like being with art it was like being with artists they'd be like appreciating the painting on the wall and i i couldn't i didn't i just like can i just do some burpees so if i go to dot com like this one 21 15 9 push jerks and chest to bar pull-ups it's friend a little heavier but no squatting 15 med ball cleans 10 toes bar, as many rounds in 10 minutes as possible. They're just like really great workouts, and you're telling me we're never going to see that ever again. I'm telling you that something is really amiss with the leadership at HQ. If you have a manager who can't manage this guy and get the work out of this guy,
Starting point is 00:19:28 you don't fire this guy, you address the manager. This is a massive shortcoming on the manager side. Massive. I have no idea if Don approved it. How the fuck would I know that? I have no idea if Don approved it. How the fuck would I know that? The people, there are people there at HQ, the new people.
Starting point is 00:19:57 They come from places where they put systems in place and they think everyone is replaceable. That is not what can happen at CrossFit hq that is not this that is not this kind of business that is not this kind of business you guys have fucking lost your mind this will be huge this this will be fucking massive and here's here's one of the biggest things it's going to do. It's completely demoralized everyone who works there. And if you find someone who says it hasn't demoralized them, they're either new or they're lying to you. You cannot get rid of this guy. You have to talk to the manager and figure out a way to keep this guy. You guys are out of your fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:20:49 He's so fucking loyal to CrossFit. He's owned an affiliate. He's been there forever. He worked directly under Greg, Tony, me. Everyone there respects him. Dave respects the shit out of him. Nicole Carroll respects the shit out of him. I guarantee you the general counsel, Marshall Brenner, respects the shit out of him. Dave respects the shit out of him. Nicole Carroll respects the shit out of him. I guarantee you the general counsel, Marshall
Starting point is 00:21:06 Brenner, respects the shit out of him. Those of you that were involved in his firing, you're pathetic. You are fucking pathetic. You should be taken to managerial school. You have no fucking idea what that guy did and what he brought
Starting point is 00:21:23 to the table. Nicole's been there from the beginning just forever. I think Nicole and Dave are the only two people there who have been there longer than I was there. I wouldn't be surprised if Chris Cooper swooped him up. This guy can do it all. He can run the front end. He can do programming. He can program websites. He can tweak websites.
Starting point is 00:21:49 There's so much shit he did behind the scenes, saving days when the game stream would go down live and he'd get it back up on his own because he's in there fucking Sunday at 3 in the morning. No. Huh. He was the go-to guy You're telling me
Starting point is 00:22:08 You should bring him on This guy would never come on He's way too humble No, no, not on the show, on the team Oh, if I could afford it, I would Except on podcast team He basically just probably Set the journal from ever coming back it's so sad on a secondary note just as vague
Starting point is 00:22:37 someone yesterday i've told you guys so many times there's this group of you who works at HQ who fucking hate me to death, and I get it. I totally get it. You think it's cool to call a 20-week-old baby a clump of cells, and I don't. I think it's a baby. You think it's okay to say that black people are stupid and that's why we should help them out. I get it. I don't. I don't think anyone should be judged by the color of their skin. I get it. But I warned you. I gently warned you several times not to say my fucking name. And a couple days ago,
Starting point is 00:23:25 you thought it would be funny to say my name to someone, to tell a story, make up a story and say something about me. Oh, fuck. Yeah. That again.
Starting point is 00:23:34 That again. I know you didn't sleep last night. I know you're shit in your pants. But don't think I didn't warn you. I'm just over here minding my own business doing my own shit and you think it's cool just to tell stories of bullshit lie stories about me hi good morning good morning how are you I'm wound up I'm wound up I'm stealing Hiller's show I feel horrible for it Hiller's got so many great videos on we're We're good. We're good. We're good. I'm here all day.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Well, I don't want to keep you because I'm going to watch the show. I just want to phone in and say thanks for the coverage that we are going to get for the Rogan rotational and also Dan Bailey. Thank you. Fuck Dan Bailey. Thank you. I appreciate it. You're welcome. Cheers, LeVon. Cheers. Cheers. Oh, Oh sorry I didn't mean to hang up on you
Starting point is 00:24:28 From the UK sorry I didn't mean to hang up on you sorry I will keep you guys updated on both of these stories Yeah keep my name out of your fucking mouth You just stay on your big ass corporate shit But you better I mean it's too late now. You lit the fuse again.
Starting point is 00:24:50 You got any more? I don't want, I don't want, I don't want, I don't, honestly I don't want you to lose your job. It sucks losing your job. It really sucks. Me and my wife were fired on the same day. It sucks. My, my, my, my buddy here who, uh, who got fired yesterday, but you, you know who you are who who
Starting point is 00:25:08 you know who you are you feel the axe dropping on you you shouldn't you should you should forget those lies that you're telling people about me you should keep my name and greg's name out of your mouth always at all times oh yeah yeah and I want to tell you yes and I want to you did make a video on this and I'll tell you one more thing those you're hurting all the other haters too
Starting point is 00:25:38 your whole little posse of haters you're gonna get fished out good morning good morning I have a question I've been you're going to get fished out. Good morning. Good morning. Hi. I have a question. I've been kind of waiting for a live call-in show, but I kind of want your opinion on this too.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I was wondering what you guys think about requiring CrossFit coaches, like if you're going to coach an affiliate, to have a level one. I think I've been thinking about it a lot, and I feel like it would just give some more incentive to get more people to get their L1 and also just I've been in some gyms like my girlfriend's at school right now and her CrossFit gym some of the coaches just they just say some retarded shit I'm like I think you have to have a level one to coach no you don't you do not have to have one no to coach at a CrossFit gym you don't. You do not have to have one, no.
Starting point is 00:26:27 To coach at a CrossFit gym, you don't? From what I understand through a lot of insurance companies, you have to have somebody in the building at the time of classes being coached. Someone has to have a level one at that point in time. But that's like the minimum. And I know that's how it works through insurance. I'm glad you used the word retarded caller. Because retarded I'll look up the definition of retarded.
Starting point is 00:26:52 It's it's less advanced in mental, physical or social development than is usual for one's age. And I think the way you're using it is less advanced in mental, physical or social development than someone who should be teaching in L1. And I think it's okay to use it like that. And according to Google, it's an offensive word, but it's not offensive. No words are offensive. Only people make them offensive. So we'll scratch that.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I have a really good shtick on that later, but I got something. But in relation to the question, you said it's retarded, some people. I think it's the ideals they're putting in. So, yes, of course, it's better if you have a level one. That being said, somebody can have a level one and still be spewing garbage. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah. I think you should have it, of course. I think that it should be something where you should have it i mean i think that it should be something where you should be even in the pursuit of it so let's say somebody doesn't have it but somebody in the pursuit of their level one let's say they've signed up for or they're saving up for it or they've just become like into the crossfit community they're a lot of the times in a better headspace than some people who have been in it for some time. I guess I could even point to the Simply Mander girl who's been in the community since what looks
Starting point is 00:28:07 like 2014, but at this point is saying shit like CrossFit Ruined Her. I'd much rather have somebody who's pursuing a level 2, level 3, or even their level 1 and not having had it yet. That said, of course, you should have it because you learn quite a bit. You should take it again and again.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Get the level 2. i just some of the some of the things like i've been there a couple times and then she'll she'll call me like i have my level one and um i take it pretty seriously and stuff so she'll call me and ask me about some of these things coaches tell her and i'm in some of these stories just sound like horror stories. I'm like, this is why people – Can you give us one? Can you give us one? That makes me strongly opinionated on this. So one time she was working on her toes to bar,
Starting point is 00:28:54 or she was trying to get toes to bar to be able to train them together, and she was doing some hip flexor exercise because she just has really weak hip flexors from a lot of horse riding her whole life. And one of the coaches came up to her and he was like, Hey, what are you trying to do? And she was like, well, I'm trying to get my toes to bar. Um, so I'm just working on my hip flexors and stuff like that. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:29:16 Oh, that has nothing to do with those bar. You just need to do like shit ups and work on like course thing. I'm like, well, that guy's a fucking idiot. Yeah.'s the same The same dude it's like terrible at double Before I say that you also Have to ask where he's coming from with that Statement like what gives him the Right to just say that it's a blanket statement Because she could very well be right
Starting point is 00:29:36 And he could have a point But like where how well does he know her where is he Coming from what's her goal what's the stimulus Of the workout right Uh was she she was Just training like after class because she doesn't know her where is he coming from what's her goal what's the stimulus of the workout right uh was she she was just training like after a class because she doesn't have toes to bar and that's like kind of like her uh like little extra goal right now to just try to work on those and be able to do them in workouts and stuff like that but and then the same dude like has terrible double
Starting point is 00:30:01 unders and stuff and then she said that some girl was trying to learn them next to her the other day. And she was, she asked him for advice and he was like, well, just, just keep trying harder. And like his double unders look terrible. She's,
Starting point is 00:30:13 uh, not doing them right. Obviously. Cause she's trying to learn them. And he's just like, Oh, just, just,
Starting point is 00:30:18 just do it fast. Like spin, just go harder. And I'm like, that's not really coaching. That's just like, like shitty encouragement. Truly. I'm okay, that's not really coaching. That's just like, like shitty encouragement. Cheerleading.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. I always told my coaches not to be cheerleaders. You can do it, whatever you want. Just don't cheer people on unless it's like, absolutely unless there's nothing else on the table. There's usually something that somebody could be coached up on. Yeah, I agree. I mean, I'm, I coach and I think cheerleading is the worst part for me. Like I'm, that's the part I'm the worst at and I dislike the most.
Starting point is 00:30:55 There's always like a, uh, uh, interaction you can have with separate people. Some people totally require it. So if you're looking for a stimulus on a workout and someone is just not quite there and there are that person who likes a little bit of uh pick me up i like cheerleading that's up to the coach and the person i like it when someone looks across me across the gym and tells me dude you you're moving like a bitch that works for me i've always liked that don't pick up the equipment until everyone's done with the workout is that usually means that the class is being well run. There's a time cap in mind or like time in mind. It's like, there's not somebody who finishes in 20 minutes and somebody 40 minutes
Starting point is 00:31:33 later, everyone should be around 18 minutes, give or take a couple. And it means that usually if you are done quicker, the people around you are the ones supporting you, not the coach. Yeah. It's not, if the coach's job is to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to be doing and progressing, and then at which rate the community could be the people who are propping you up, not the cheerleading coach. I like cheerleaders, especially college ones. Scott Summers. I just wonder if you think it would
Starting point is 00:32:06 drive more people to level one or if it would if it would take away from it since uh you should definitely have a level one if you're coaching in a gym i mean that i mean i agree i i think it i i honestly i thought it was required when i got my level one i thought it was required when I got my level one. I thought it was required too. I thought it was, I remember people calling HQ and complaining, Hey, there's someone here teaching. There's someone here teaching who doesn't have their L1. And I remember that being a no, no.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Are you sure that that's not a requirement for an affiliate? 99%. I, yeah, I, I had like this. Owning an affiliate. I know. Level one. yeah i i had like this and that's the kind of question that i could just run over to my buddy's office who they fired and ask him and he'd know yeah yeah well there you go all right thank you caller
Starting point is 00:32:57 yeah of course uh ladies and gentlemen we are here with and Andrew Hiller this morning who has – when is your one-year anniversary, Andrew? Have you crossed your – Trish has it. L1 to be present while coaching, while people are in the building, and L1 to own. She's got it. Oh, okay. Trish, I left a message for you over on Andrew Hiller's YouTube page. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:33:21 How the fuck do you have time to watch Hiller's videos If you're If you have You're watching mine Trish is the bomb One year anniversary Is sometime I think it's February 23rd Hey February 23rd This year will be
Starting point is 00:33:36 Or 2023 Will be your one year anniversary Some I can check really quick It's somewhere around February Hey look at Right around there I think Trish And we figured out who Trish is.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Trish is Mark because look how perfect these two come together. An L1 to be present, and then the next comment says L1 to own. I think that's just two different keyboards working. She's got two monitors, two keyboards, two PCs. I'm going to check. Have you missed a day, Hiller i'm on it it's amazing it is so i made the one yesterday about where the event was for rogue yeah and that one didn't take me that long it almost makes me feel guilty because i was able to put that together in about 60 to 90 minutes out the door on YouTube. And I was like, ah, I don't feel like I did my due diligence today,
Starting point is 00:34:31 but it still counts because it fills the slot on that day. And it was also good because this weekend we'll do a bunch of shows. I think, so here, here's the deal. I think that it totally counts. And I don't think you should feel guilty because I think as people like me who are like just diehards and watch all your stuff, I like – sometimes I'm like in a hurry and I'm like, oh, fuck, this one's 14 minutes and I really only want it to be seven minutes. And then there's other times like when I see that two-minute one, I'm bummed. I'm like, oh, it's too short. And I kind of like that emotional rollercoaster with it, right? Okay. It's good because then
Starting point is 00:35:06 they're like okay i hope he gives another one or it gives me time when i see this one to go back and watch one that i've missed so i watch both so i think it's great i think you could even uh this is self-serving as fuck but i think you could even take clips from the show this weekend where you're talking and just make my own show out of Yeah, and just fucking put it up and be like, hey, this is what I said on the Sebon podcast. Maybe we're on 23rd. I found my date. February 23rd was the first video of the series.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Sebon, will you buy me an L2 for Christmas? Maybe. Maybe. Have you spoken about Travis and Vindicateicate giving away an l1 if you pick up one of those shirts during a drawing to pick up an l1 i have i think that closed was it closed yesterday i don't know but close uh he was in the comments earlier i wonder if you can comment oh shit i didn't watch this shark tank to bankrupt oh dude that's like my favorite one ever okay i'll watch that next i'll watch that today i have to go back and get about it because uh that has to do with ice age
Starting point is 00:36:10 meals okay tell me okay so i said so alexis has been getting ice age meals since she opened up her business because this is funny play that okay uh oh from the beginning okay i love that that okay uh from the beginning okay i love that so some things i'm proud of like and i'll talk about in a second here we go if it's gonna pop up here we go okay uh if you can't hear it good tell me i got a dream what is your dream have a dream this is a billion dollar business i say yeah why because it's i mean Are you worth $10 million? Hell no. That's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:52 How similar to those guys. I got a dream. What is your dream? To have a dream. Hey, what is that guy's name? The Ice Age Meals guy? Nick Massey. Yeah, have you ever met him?
Starting point is 00:37:03 S-I-E. No. He's one of the nicest human beings. I've never spoken to him. Nick Massey. Yeah. Have you ever met him? S-I-E. No. He's one of the nicest human beings. I've never spoken to him. You know him? Yeah. He's one of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. He is so nice. So there was a night where- Does he get destroyed in your video? No. Oh, okay. Good. Everyone's pretty supportive. Actually, a handful of people. He reached out to me and he said that he can correlate, I think he said 20 to 30 orders coming from my video, which is awesome. Oh, that is awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Yeah. Yeah, that makes me happy to hear that. He's a great guy. He's a great guy. He's so fun to be around. I haven't spent much time with him, you know, probably like four or five times, 10 minutes each, but he's great. Okay, go on. Where did you run into him?
Starting point is 00:37:44 Just at HQ. He would come there and make videos or I talked to him on the phone or just shit like that. So been through a handful of prepared meal companies and not any of them kind of can even come anywhere near stacking up to ice age meals. There's just something about the amount of food that they have in there. That's usually my biggest critique is that there's not enough food. I need to eat two or three of them in order to feel like I can walk away. The Ice Age meals comes with a good amount of food. Sure, they're frozen, whatever, but it's essentially just meat and rice or meat and potatoes. It's simple. They have more intricate options as well. And then since I made the video, everyone goes, yeah, I've had this
Starting point is 00:38:20 forever. I can't believe that they're not doing so hot. Alexis tells me she got an email from the company saying that they filed their taxes and they were like five hundred thousand dollars in the hole oh no and that if they didn't offload a handful of prepared meals which was i think sixty thousand of them then they were gonna have to close up shop and i was like fuck it i'm gonna make a video and see if we can help unload sixty thousand of their meals oh shit that's awesome and then i had never spoken to him it was just like i like the meals alexis has been using them because we don't have time to make food because she's at work and i'm doing my shit all day and uh she likes i'm like okay let's see if
Starting point is 00:38:56 we can keep them going and a handful of people have helped so this so you crazy support this guy yeah he's the man okay was that Was that Colton Mertens? Yeah, he's an Ice Age Meals athlete. I think he's like one of the only people he sponsors. But they don't even really sponsor people, he said, because the margins are so low. Like I already told you, there's so much food in there that it decreases the margins. I spoke to him a little bit. So he's trying to do a good thing for everybody and uh it's hard for him to keep
Starting point is 00:39:26 up with some of these other hogwash prepared food companies uh uh good good luck nick if there's anything we can do to help uh let us know nick massey that's right okay uh can fit productions you made a video uh is that the is Is this one the CrossFit Ponzi scheme? Yeah. This video, you talk about how CanFit was not able to pay its athletes. I had someone on who took first place and didn't get the $10,000. Do you know who that was? I can't remember who it was.
Starting point is 00:40:03 It was a couple of days ago. I think Anika won the females. And was it Chandler Smith who won the males? How about, how about, was there another one? Jack Farlow. Jack Farlow. Oh, Jack, it was Jack Farlow. He didn't win.
Starting point is 00:40:13 I think he competed at both. And he won a hand, like a thousand or like, it was a 10,000 total between the two of them. Okay. Okay. I could be wrong about that, but that's why. No, no, I think you're right. Cause I remember being like, Jack, can't you just suck it up and he's like i could but basically
Starting point is 00:40:27 it's 10 grand and i was like oh shit i didn't realize it's jeff jeff is so funny well i'll do inject more synthol into my neck uh he won the east and second in the West. Oh, he did win the East. Okay. Wait, did he finish that high in the West? The West was stacked, I thought. I think Chandler won. Didn't James Sprague get second in the West?
Starting point is 00:40:57 Never mind. Sorry. In this video, you talk about how they're throwing another event that's coming up, and's in vancouver also in canada and that you're speculating that because it says um for this is a great uh competition for first-time competitors that they're not going to be giving away prize money free protein for everybody and that they're utilizing the registration sales to raise money to pay the athletes from the other two events that they didn't have money. You don't poo poo it. You're not you're not you don't talk shit about it. You're just you don't know that for a fact. Right. You're just speculating. No, that's speculation. OK, I'm glad you picked up on the fact that didn't poo poo it because it is about how long is that video?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Ten minutes. Yeah, it's about seven minutes of me explaining everything. I on the back end of it i go you don't you can't really blame them because they're trying like you can't blame them for trying it'd be like asking everyone to go to carson everyone wants to go compete right you might not win any money but you're going to go compete where the crossfit games were for a handful of years it'd be cool for a bunch of people so it's just like a cool event possibly however it's just weird the transparency maybe they don't have to be transparent about it hey why don't you enter that why don't you put your money where your mouth is and just enter that i would love to see that well that brings up another whole like handful of things we could talk about which is all these athletes who've
Starting point is 00:42:20 popped for peds this past season that are now competing in competitions yeah just enter it let's see what happens just to see i think you should enter a bunch of competitions and see how they deal with you being all juice to the gills okay i'm in i'm going i'm going to vancouver and god you're easy i don't think you have to go there right won't they have an online qualifier? Yeah, I suppose you're right. That's where I'll extend my $20 and then I won't go to the competition. But I'll be skewing the leaderboard, which is part of the issue. Just try to win the leaderboard and then get kicked out. I'll get the endurance up just in time.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I wonder, yeah. God, that's so good. What's that? Just for you to start entering. I just like it if you just start entering shitloads of competitions. Yeah, that would get the whole world riled up, wouldn't it? Oh, it's so fun. It's like you can do whatever you want. It's like people being upset at Sam Well for doing the qualifier and then not going to the event. Hey, dude, it's up to him.
Starting point is 00:43:29 It's up to him. Yeah, that one I didn't really understand too much. So you think that they're going to throw this event, that they're going to get a bunch of people signing up, and they're going to use that? And you even say at the end of the video, hey, I totally believe in second chances. And the video ends up kind of being more of a promo for these guys than a dig i'd say yeah you could say that because i don't know like how many views did that get eight thousand i mean if ten percent of the people said that's a huge percent but if one percent sign up that's 80 more people who sign up than hadn't they They'd be like, oh, hey, a competition.
Starting point is 00:44:06 There's thousands of guys who travel all over the United States entering Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitions, and all they get are medals. There you go. And those are cheap. You can get them on Amazon. Yeah. So I don't think there's any problem with a CrossFit event just throwing competitions and just giving away medals. I have no issue with that. There's people who just want to go and compete and get that sensation of competing, that rush.
Starting point is 00:44:32 How do you feel about the – did you see – I know you see the YouTube videos, but I don't assume you see anything. I put up the little bit from the barbell spin where the adaptive athlete got popped for taking GW. Oh, I – What's your opinion on that i'm stoked for that guy i would love to interview that guy what was that was on your was that on your i wonder if it was a tainted yeah i just kind of covered it and like made faces at it i think i think it spoke i think it spoke for itself. It's like, holy shit. If there was one person that I would believe or at least hope that it was a contaminated supplement, it would be from the adaptive division. Oh, please.
Starting point is 00:45:16 That's racist. Who gives a shit? Adaptive people are no different. You caught me. I'm red-handed. Adaptive people are no fucking different than regular people. They're just missing an arm or something uh is it this one with your big head on it big head right there yeah i just uh
Starting point is 00:45:35 god i fucking love it hey what's that mean neuromuscular meaning like something's not firing right like he can't control his arm good or something or i did a handful of videos with or on morgan johnson and she had neuromuscular she had uh uh tourette's syndrome so tourette's classified her to compete in the neuromuscular, but it's, yeah, basically impulses that keep them from performing things that they might be performing. Like everyone in the open division.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I, some people might think I have Tourette's. And you're an adaptive athlete. Had an uptick in GW 501, 516. Wonder why. Muscle control. Did that guy win the division?
Starting point is 00:46:30 He finished fourth. What did he pop for? GW501516. That was it. Has he come out and said, yeah, I'm putting it in my ass? No. You would do it orally. I think there's pills. Has he taken responsibility for it? I'm putting it in my ass or no. Well, if you would, you would do it orally.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Has he, has he taken a responsibility for it? I have not seen that. No. Does he have an Instagram account? Uh, we're, we're checking Bart. I don't think Bart will just pop up.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I mean, he should get a, he should, do you think he should get a pass? Why would I think you should get a pass? I don't know. Because you already think – No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:10 I don't think he should get a pass. Bart Walsh. Bart Walsh is his name. Okay, let me see. Bart Walsh. Are you Googling it? Yeah. I don't see an account.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I see Taco Bart. No, that's not him. No, no account. No. No. It's probably something like the neuro crossfitter or something. He probably has some like cute thing like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah. The adaptive crossfitter or something like that. No, he doesn't get a pass. Bart, you get a pass from me. No, he doesn't get a pass. Bart, you get a pass from me. All right. You're, you're one for,
Starting point is 00:47:49 you're one on one. I'm going to call it. Well, the comment section says no, no, it's like, it's like affirmative action. If you,
Starting point is 00:47:57 if you're an adaptive class, you can juice. How, all right. And if we're on hot topics now, how about the people who you're, you're on board with people who have popped positive and then compete in the offseason competitions yeah i here's i'm not i'm not down with that uh i if you're not giving away money
Starting point is 00:48:18 so remember uh you're not giving away money i think I think it's cool. I was going to make a video on this. Hey, dude, there's – let me ask you this, Hiller. You would love to compete against Phil Toon, wouldn't you, at a competition? Yeah. I mean there's – and I think if you ask Justin Medeiros, he'd love to compete against Phil Toon. I don't think anyone's like – I think they would be upset if there's money on the line maybe because they want the money. But I think a lot of people would love to just fucking just let phil toon come let's just see him fucking like we want to see him do crossfit i want to see like how about he just tell us what he did and and we get to see
Starting point is 00:48:57 him go it's like yeah that's what i think so and if there is money involved then then not so much and not so much not not not sears doing it the morning chocolate posted about that he finished first in a competition and the competition came out and said that they believe in second chances but he was also holding he was the dude who won, what was it? I don't remember. It was over in Asia. I think they sent Roman over there. He didn't win.
Starting point is 00:49:30 He finished second or third. It was the dude. I remember a vivid spot where you go, that dude's juicing. Because he put his arms over his head, and there was a vein going from his thumb to his dick. And you're like, damn. And you're like, that guy's in a pop and then he did but it was for gw as well uh someone told me that clip and make a video on it someone the other day told me that none of the stuff like hey if you're gonna do it you got to get on trt or human growth hormone all the other shit is just bullshit that like no that's untrue that's very untrue
Starting point is 00:50:06 like that the song that really the shit well by the other stuff i mean um not the drugs that you always talk about like with the the all in their in their suffix but um like like all the sarms and the someone told me sarms and peptides they all just bullshit. I'd like to know where they're grabbing that from. That's kind of stuff you'll see on a whole bunch of forums, but it also is very individualistic. Some will work better for some people than others. If I take a red 140 versus you taking a red 140, maybe you get cancer and I don't. Maybe you blow up and get cancer and I stay small and don't get cancer. Like maybe it just has different effects on different people.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Right. I hate any story where I get cancer. That's why you didn't buy it that one time. Redwood 40 is the thing you're talking about. Test alone. Yes. Yes. Um,
Starting point is 00:51:01 do you have, do you have that box with you that California hormone sent you? Oh, no, I don't. We have to do a show where you have that box. Okay. Um, he, uh, Andrew did a video. It's called testosterone. I'll probably get one. What is the date today? I'll get one soon. Uh, November. I'll get one in November. This show everyone should watch. It says six weeks on it, testosterone replacement Tuesday. And this is like the first that I've seen where you really, the most in-depth one you've done with what's going on with you and your testosterone replacement. And behind you in that video is a barbell that's loaded and i was so hoping why didn't you lift that
Starting point is 00:51:46 in the video uh but i have a video i haven't released yet and it's a workout that i've done in relation to like all of this stuff so i started with california hormones if you don't remember like for a large part because my elbow didn't work and something that the owner and i talked about is that she would get me some sort of injections into my elbow to help with the recovery process and yeah so i used to put my arms over my head and like it's still not quite as good as the one on the right but it gives me the ability to now do this i've had this workout right here on this board for a long time i called it the Batman. And I've been wanting to do it since April 26th or 16th. I wanted the sixes and I was just able to do it. And I said, the second
Starting point is 00:52:32 that I could, I would. And it's a handful of stuff that I wasn't able to do for five, six months and pulled it out of my butt and did it. Can you give me just a little bit, can you tell me a little bit of what that workout is? You don't have to reveal the whole thing it starts at a 495 pound deadlift which is the bar that you saw on the ground right there okay so this thursday i could say what it is so it's you're ready yeah it's a 495 wait wait before you go before you go in this video, Andrew talks about his journey so far since September taking testosterone replacement therapy. He talks about the whole process, the blood work. You get to see videos.
Starting point is 00:53:12 He shows you the needles, everything, the whole protocol. He goes through it. And in that he says, Hey, and there's a workout that I've been wanting to do that. I wrote a while back called the Batman. And this upcoming Thursday, I'm going to show you the workout and I'm going to show you me doing it. And that Thursday is going to be, well, it was supposed to be yesterday,
Starting point is 00:53:32 but then I had to make that fucking manner video. Oh, so it was last Thursday. So when is that video coming? Yeah. Um, it depends on how it's ready. It's prepared to be done.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And it just kind of depends. Okay. Okay. So any day now any day maybe it could be your next testosterone replacement tuesday video yeah i was already thinking that i'll probably put it out on tuesday okay so november 1st let's say tentatively okay and but he doesn't tell you in the video what the workout is and now he's going to tell us he's going to give us a sneak peek at it okay action deadlift at 495 one one back squat at 405 one bench press at 315 one power snatch at 225 10 unbroken ring muscle ups and 100 unbroken double unders for three rounds uh the 315 was bench 315 was bench 225 on the snatch and then broken ring muscle ups and 100 and broken double unders three rounds at a time uh how many rounds three and you that? And I was able to do it finally, yeah. The big thing is the big hold, the bench press, the muscle ups, and the snatch because of the elbow.
Starting point is 00:54:51 And did you do that fast? Like, were you just moving or did you take breaks? Just moving. It wasn't quite as fast as I would hope for, but everyone's been clamoring for a test. It's like, you're doing all this stuff. You need a test. I'm like, guys, I really can't test myself because of my elbow.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I could, but I think I told you even. My tests, to me, have been the benchmarks, like the girl workouts, Helen and Karen and Grace and Isabel and all of those. This, I guess, would be my test because I'm not in the greatest shape. I think everything is starting to kick
Starting point is 00:55:24 in pretty hardcore right now. I feel larger. And in that video, there's a couple of pictures where I have the dates as well as my body weights. And I think you can see a pretty big difference. But along with all that stuff, here's what it looks like right now. And I'm also going to do it in two months and see how much time I can take off of it. In this video, Andrew also tells you some of his previous, he tells you about his CrossFit journey very quickly in, from this perspective, he tells you that the most ring muscle ups he's done on broken was 35. He tells you that his highest snatch ever was two 91. He lets you know that he's tinkered with all the different sleep
Starting point is 00:55:59 options. Um, eight hours a day, 10 hours a day day he talks to you about the different amounts of food he tells you that he does training regimens at 185 and then compares them to getting up to 195 he lets you know that he's tinkered with everything that he started in 2014 he treated himself like a lab rat and he worked on everything trying to maximize um his his output and his performance when he drank his caffeine when he didn't drink his caffeine. It's really cool. What I liked about that is it lets you know that he's not a guy who started CrossFit
Starting point is 00:56:32 and after six months goes, I want to get better faster and just started taking TRT. That he's tried it all. He did everything first. I need to bring on somebody that's known me in the past. Even Alexis would be a pretty good person to talk to about this but i was a fucking nutcase in relation to this stuff it was insane um the the whoop actually part of the reason why i'm so hard on it is because i used it for a handful of stuff and i thought it was such a great tool. And because I was so attuned
Starting point is 00:57:05 to what the whoop would tell me, I can wake up and go, my HRV will be around 80 this morning. It'll be around 85 this morning. And every single time I was smack dab on it, just based on how, like when I went to bed, when I woke up, how much water I had the day before, how much food I had that day. Be like, did I hit my amount of protein? Did I have enough carbs? How many carbs I had in relation to how much I worked out? How was my, how are my fat levels? It's like, did I hit my amount of protein? Did I have enough carbs? How many carbs did I have in relation to how much I worked out? How are my fat levels? It's like, all right, and then how much did I sleep? When did I, how many times did I wake up over the course of the night?
Starting point is 00:57:31 I'd wake up, I'd look at the whoop and I'd go, you should be recovered. Your HRV should be this. Your resting heart rate should be below or above 40. I'd say, okay, here we go. Ready for the day. Rinse, recycle, repeat by five to six years. here we go ready for the day rinse recycle repeat by five to six years and none of that chalks up to an ejection twice a week which is fucking nuts the only the only feedback that i have for you and you were very transparent about this was you talk about how you wake up in the
Starting point is 00:58:00 morning and you take two scoops of pre-workout. There we go. Yeah. I, what time do you, do you work out at the same time every day? I try to, I try to get done. I worked out this morning. Oh, you did. Okay. Because, um, I had this guy on, he's a doctor from San Diego. He's called the fittest doc. Do you know who that is? Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, wait a minute. He's from San Diego. I think so. F fittest doc do you know who that is uh yeah yeah yeah uh wait a minute he's from san diego i think so fittest doc is he ejected shit yes yeah you yeah that guy yeah yep 500 pound back squat yep yeah amazing bianco i appreciate that poor man's Ben Greenfield. Let me. And there was a comment here.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Yeah, I got a video of the Batman. I'm not sure who asked it, but I had it. And I'll MLK 5240. So this guy. What do you say? Yeah, this guy's great. I need to have this guy on again. I love that thing with the fist right over his dick.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Yeah, it's good, right? Yeah. He doesn't want anyone to know how big it is he doesn't want to make everyone feel bad i mean this shit doesn't even i've got one of those and it just looks yeah he's jack what about him uh by the way uh just a little plug to this guy this guy does do telemedicine anyone can contact this guy and start working with them if his clientele isn't full i think he's pretty fucking fool but um but you say fool fool i know everyone makes fun i'm fucking with you yeah yeah yeah i like it i deserve it um 345 this um this guy told me that he uses caffeine as a performance enhancing drug. Yep.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And that basically- I remember listening to this. He doesn't drink coffee in the morning. He drinks coffee, a shot of espresso before he works out. And he even, I think the metric he gave is he says he thinks it helps him 1%. Yeah, which is something that only people who are super attuned can say, right? Is that what you're getting at?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Right, yeah. And so, but it sounds like if you're taking that in the morning, do you take more before you work out more of that pre-workout? Unfortunately, this is something I'm not too proud of is I have it kind of figured out to the point where I'll take it in the morning. And then ideally I work out with that two scoops of pre-workout and then I'll have something around two 3030 as well. And if it's 4 or 4.30 and I need to have more caffeine, then I'll be up until 11 to 11.45 without a doubt. But typically I've been up late anyway, so that doesn't fucking matter.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Right. He'll make a run at the game, see how far you get before you test positive. I know. I totally think so. I agree with all of that. That is if I do test positive. Right. Because it's just testosterone at a dose that shouldn't really pop me.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Yeah, I think he should totally do that. It would be so great. It would be so fun. Magnus Holmgren. By the way, Magnus, this is how much I like you. I don't even read your shit before I post it because you're such a good poster. You talk such great shit seven would it not be more scientific if you as a non-trt user also had the shirt off so we could see asshole take it off that was the that was one
Starting point is 01:01:16 of my favorite things in recent memories bill and chase just like taking their shirts off for that show that i did with them did you you see that? I did. They started off. It's like one second. We had to do something. They take their shirts off. It was good. Um, in the, uh, in this video, uh, from testosterone Tuesday that Andrew made, there is a, uh, part in there where he, he goes over something. Lucas Parker said about programming. Could you share that here, Andrew? This is fascinating to me. I looked so hard for this clip. I don't know where it was probably one of your games back back behind the scenes things. And he talked about how what performance enhancing drugs do. And he's almost speaking pretty close to the bodybuilding community is it's going to
Starting point is 01:01:59 volitify a shitty training program. Meaning let's say someone's at the CrossFit games. They look great. They're performing well. They at the CrossFit games. They look great. They're performing well. They finished in the top 10. They pass all the drug tests, but the way that they got there was because they used some shit and everything you throw is going to stick. You got a dart every single time. It's a bullseye. That's how I feel right now with what I'm doing. You throw a dart and it's like, oh shit, I feel great. No matter what I do wrong, I'm progressing. And it's what he was alluding to with that is it's like, maybe i feel great no matter what i do wrong i'm progressing and it's what he was alluding to with that is it's like maybe you're doing german volume training and it's going to
Starting point is 01:02:29 work for you maybe you're doing they'll do heavy five and it's something you've seen through starting strength or maybe you're doing uh crossfit football sort of training program everything works for you no matter what you have no idea why but you're still putting out a program that a whole bunch of people are buying because you finished in the top 10 of the crossfit games and that's something lucas parker was saying is that he was very regimented he wanted to make sure that if he was doing something he was productive he was his own lab rat and he knew of people who were uh using the system in that way but it's tale as old as time so so basically if the programmer is juiced to the gills everything everything is going to have he's going to think that his programming is amazing
Starting point is 01:03:13 as opposed to jeff is jeff jeff thank you for keeping that validate and certify equal well hey listen i thought it was a bullshit word too when he said it I'm like oh he meant validate but I looked it up it's good to make legally valid validify point Hillers it's not a word is it I totally
Starting point is 01:03:37 saw that wow yeah done it's done he did it that was pretty funny just making up words and then they're in Google. What? Yeah. Urban dictionary is usually where they're at. It makes sense, right? I'm glad you brought that up because it's something more people need to remember or think of.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Sometimes it's not doing a whole bunch of random shit that worked for you. It's that no matter what you do, it's going to work. It also happens with people with great genetics. It's that no matter what you do, it's going to work. It also happens with people with great genetics. So Tom Brady would probably be a really shitty coach because he's got a way. But if he puts that way on a whole bunch of people, it's probably not going to work. It's going to spit them out the other end.
Starting point is 01:04:18 It'll work for some people, but it's not going to work for everybody. But name one coach. You asked Froning the other day on his show if he's going to get into coaching. He has a method. He has a a way and it works for some people but he also says that usually after two to three years people get spat out the other end because they just don't work with his way which because the his way is the volume right it's the volume from rich correct yes now the best coaches ever were never really the best athletes because they were always looking for every single thing they could get. Then they can take
Starting point is 01:04:48 that puzzle and throw it at whatever athlete they bring in. If you're thinking of a football team, Lovie Smith on the Bears, is he a great football player? No, but he brought him to the World Series, the Super Bowl. He can just piece the puzzle together because he's got so many
Starting point is 01:05:04 pieces. How's that that gonna affect your programming how's that gonna affect you what's the name of your program about that it's just hillar fit hillar fit program so you have a lot of people who do your programming how are how are how are you gonna do that how are you gonna mitigate that have you thought about having two different tracks now having the trt track and the non-trt track for everyone in the world who's on trt and wants the optimized only the thing is the one program would also work for them i had a workout today with 150 front squats in it and i was like oh this may have been a bit aggressive uh it was at 95 pounds so that wasn't anything crazy. That's crazy. Like doing a bunch of wall balls. Did you do that? Did you do the workout?
Starting point is 01:05:47 Yeah. For anyone who's bored with the show, you're welcome to go to Have you ever gone to one of those? No, I don't even, I wouldn't even know how to go to that. Do I type that into my URL? I don't even know how to go to that. I don't know if you should go to sexfind.xy shouldn't i'm not i'm not doing anything do it no i'm putting the i'm i just blocked the user how's that that works it said an error occurred i can't even block them
Starting point is 01:06:21 hillary your programming has gotten more aggressive since you started CA Hormones. Not kidding. He has been following. Today was 150 front squats. That's what I said. Wow. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Okay. Interesting. Second track coming up. Yeah. I mean, it could be just called Hiller Fit TRT. TRT Fit. TRT Fit. TRT fit. Steroid fit.
Starting point is 01:06:51 You're, you're not, you're recovering faster too. Oh yeah. I haven't been sore in some time. You won't be sore from doing a workout with 150 front squats at 95 pounds. That won't make you sore tomorrow. Well, usually when I stand up, I'd be able to tell, but like, no, I'll be good. Workout with 150 front squats at 95 pounds. That won't make you sore tomorrow. Well, usually when I stand up, I'd be able to tell, but like, no, I'll be good. Wow.
Starting point is 01:07:11 I'll be good. Yeah. What was I going to say? Fuck. I don't remember. Does Dick Butter have a wrench? If you have a wrench, Dick, could you try? I don't know if I gave you a wrench, but if you do, could you try to block?
Starting point is 01:07:24 I'm just curious to see if anyone else can block. mean the xyz the xyz this this x one yeah i'm just i i could or maybe heidi has trtpo trt pays off wow wow there's a shirt yeah trtpo wow i like it uh and um so so everything's going well you're happy you basically said in the video that you cannot believe oh here's something else in the video in the video you reveal that your dad's on trt did you ask him before you said that no he's cool he's having the time of his life he is you said that basically it's before you said that? No, he's cool. He's having the time of his life. He is. You said that basically you said it's the happiest you've seen your dad in 25 years since he started TRT. I'm glad you brought this up, too.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Have I never talked about this? You have. He's like he's like one of my largest insights into it. It's incredible. He's been out of shape before. He's been big. So right now he's right now he's about 185 and he's 6'1". I'm 5'9". So he's taller out of shape before he's been big so right now he's he right now he's about 185 and he's 6'1 i'm 5'9 so he's taller than i am um he's been as heavy as 255 260 and he had a gut
Starting point is 01:08:34 he when he started doing all of this he had a back surgery he had uh what was the issue he was digging a hole he's an electrician he was digging a hole and he threw his back out really bad and it was like a two-year process to get it fixed he had three surgeries on it after his third surgery it was fixed up but he was basically a stick uh 180 pounds because he couldn't do anything yeah there he's you ever have you seen uh dumb and dumber yeah but i don't remember it. There's a scene where they're wearing a blue and an orange jacket, and they walk into a party, and he hits him in the back of the leg with a stick, his cane. And he's like, ah!
Starting point is 01:09:18 And my dad would do that all the time because he had sciatica along with his back injury. He'd fall over, keel over in pain. And it wasn't funny, but it's funny now because he would do it all the time from the pain. Because of that pain, he couldn't work out and he became a stick, no muscle mass. That was when he was in his mid-50s. Now at 61, he's got more muscle and he's better. This is it. This is it. I would pause it every once in a while A little more right there Here we go Probably a little bit towards the end How do you remember shit like this
Starting point is 01:09:58 I got a Oh man That's what you're referencing? A one-second clip out of a two-hour movie from 2013? Jeff, how do you remember this? What is wrong with you guys? Why do you guys have your brains filled with this stuff? Or what's wrong with me
Starting point is 01:10:16 that I can't remember this? It's probably about 54 minutes into the movie if I had to guess, too. Oh, that's crazy. Anywhere from 54 to an hour and a half into the movie if i had to guess too oh that's crazy anywhere from 54 to an hour so my dad would be like bringing the garbage out and he'd turn around and he would go down to the curb like that from the pain he was in from the sciatica and his back injury from digging that hole and the trt saved his life because he dude he was in a bad spot because he couldn't do, he's my dad. I'm an athletic dude.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I like to work out. I'm always trying to do stuff. He's my dad and he's very similar. Like he likes to golf. He played tennis five times a week. He had done CrossFit for a little while and his body is his tool to work as well. He's an electrician. He's always on ladders and he couldn't do anything.
Starting point is 01:11:06 He, the surgery fixed him up, but then he also like, didn't, he didn't have a path back. And when he started taking that, it just gave him his life back. It was amazing.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Incredible. TRT. Have you tried to get him to, have you tried to get him to switch to California hormones since they, the needles come in the box, all preloaded and all that? We've been chatting about it, yeah. Because it seems like the easy way to go. In that video, you show the box.
Starting point is 01:11:33 It's awesome. That's something that some people are just afraid of the entire process. So it's cool that California hormones is doing that, outlining the process and loading the syringes. Some people have no idea how to do that. People go to med school for four years to figure out how to load a syringe and give an injection. How does California Hormones coordinate your other health issues? Like I have AFIB. Can I use AFIB?
Starting point is 01:11:57 Yeah, I can't give information on that. I'm unsure. I don't like to speak on things I don't know about. What the hell is AFIB? AFib? I know people call it afib a trickular i don't know oh atrial fibrillation that means his heart's doing something fucked up yeah i can't speak on that sorry jeff uh heart arrhythmia heartbeats too slow and too fast in any regular way i don't like to give any medical information but i certainly won't speak if i have no fucking clue uh you know this guy jeff uh birchfield i think he's a professor somewhere i think he teaches like
Starting point is 01:12:39 maybe okim somewhere like something fucking hard at a college what's funny is is like when we were talking about the comedy he even he even oh that's slapstick comedy he's such a professor such a professor slapstick comedy they got they got patches they got lotion it's the stuff that makes the children turn into men when they sit with their fathers with testosterone on them. Right. People do that, yeah. They just use an insulin pen, and they give themselves a daily injection. You can do that, too.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Oh, Miss Riddow. Miss Riddow. Miss Riddow. Miss Riddow. Oh, not. I'll probably do an episode with my dad at some point. Oh, that'll be cool. Because that's cool.
Starting point is 01:13:33 His story. I mean, just probably because I know him so closely. But 30 years. And then all of a sudden he's the best ever version of himself every time I see him. the best ever version of himself every time i see him uh finally we come to this what's turned into kind of a bizarre oh here we go set of videos um there's this chick who clearly has some sort of uh mental illness named simply mander and part of me feels bad that she's gotten intertangled with um uh hillar because something is definitely wrong with her um i talked about her before she she made this video and hillar was pretty nice to her it was 10 days ago she made a video said crossfit ruined me it's a total you
Starting point is 01:14:20 know it's part of the victocracy culture she She clearly has no idea what CrossFit even is. She lives in this really narrow bandwidth. Her whole story, I would say sums up as she went to a gym and she wanted to be the fittest person there. And she wanted to be a games athlete and she fell short. And because of that, she's feeling sorry for herself and she's blaming other people for, um, uh, giving her goals that she couldn't achieve. Wouldn't you say that sums her up? Imagine if you wanted to go to college she was trying to be a games athlete probably just a high level crossfit athlete whatever she wanted she wanted she expected more than she was able to to do in crossfit and instead of being like yeah i fell short of my goals she's dustin i've never once
Starting point is 01:14:59 picked on the neuromuscular community get out of here sorry i had to address that no he did pick on him he did pick on him he wanted he did pick on him he wanted to give them a pass he wanted to give them a pass he was saying i if there's anyone i want to believe of course he was picking on them i i'm disgusted by him picking on too he wanted to give that guy a pass and say hey i want to believe this guy because he's a neuromuscular. He saw them as less, and I'm disgusted by it. Come on, come on, come on. I'm sorry for cutting you off.
Starting point is 01:15:31 You were on a roll with Mander. I don't want to cut you off from Mander. This is important, but I had to interrupt. Mander is – why is Sevan talking about himself, referring to himself as a she? I can use whatever pronoun I want. I don't even know what youvan talking about himself, referring to himself as a she? I can use whatever pronoun I want. I don't even know what you're talking about. But yeah, I know you're trying to say something funny, but it kind of went over my head.
Starting point is 01:15:53 She had goals. Oh, I had goals too. You're right. I did want to, I thought that I could be a CrossFit Games athlete when I was 34 years old and started CrossFit. I'm like, I can do everything they can do. Until 2010, I couldn't even do some of the workouts. But I never blamed crossfit and
Starting point is 01:16:06 that's what this chick did she blamed the people she blames the people around her for being so good it reminds me of a friend of mine who is dating this girl and she got so angry at him because he would eat healthy and she said it made him feel bad when they went to restaurants it's like what i thought dude oh fuck it's worst. Are you batshit crazy? Ironically enough, the person that I'm thinking of in this situation, also batshit crazy. Right, right. She would get mad at him. This is a guy and a girl that I know.
Starting point is 01:16:38 They were dating. They were living together. And they were both entered into this competition to lose weight. And he was taking it very seriously. He lost a whole bunch of weight. And then she would always complain that this competition to lose weight. And he would, he was taking it very seriously. He lost a whole bunch of weight. And then she would always complain that she wasn't losing weight. And it would be shit. Like he'd do a fucking 10 mile run, come home and goes, why didn't you invite me?
Starting point is 01:16:55 It's like, well, I did. You didn't get that. And then they'd go out to dinner and she'd want Panda Express. And be like, wait a minute. You've been complaining all day about the fact that you can lose weight. to express and be like, wait a minute, you've been complaining all day about the fact that you can lose weight. And then it says a lot when you complain about your other trying to make themselves better. I, so this is a common thing in the back of my car. I give my kid one apple and my other kid an apple and my other kid an apple, three apples. And the one that got the
Starting point is 01:17:20 smallest apple will complain. It's not fair. They got the bigger apple. And it's not fair they got the bigger apple and i go hey i want you to look at your brother's big apple and i want you to say awesome i'm so happy you got a huge apple you scored i want you to be happy for other people i want you to be happy for other people stop playing the victim god it sucks being my kid so so so this chick's a classic just classic and hillar to be in all fairness hiller went way too easier in the first video but but whatever like he's not an asshole so he goes easy on her he lets her off the hook but he basically explains to her um crossfit didn't ruin you and and the tragedy is is that you know the day after i have hilleron and we talk about this video, I had Kim on, the blind CrossFitter, and you see what CrossFit really is. It's a protocol that people use and it changes their whole life dramatically.
Starting point is 01:18:12 And all of a sudden, she wasn't embarrassed to be blind anymore. But these fucking ding-dongs are like focused. So then over here, she makes another video or she makes a comment in YouTube. Instagram. Everybody. Oh, in Instagram. Where she says that. You work out further.
Starting point is 01:18:37 I think it's right around there. That's it. Oh, no. That's it. Back a little bit. It's right there, though. Yeah, back a little bit. That's it. She makes this video, and she says – or she makes a post on Instagram, and it says, Wadapalooza, we know people are cheating because you literally don't care. First of all, anyone who says shit like that, you literally – like, okay, Valley girl, but we won't be gentle on it. We know people are cheating because you literally don't care. And then two laughing emojis, whatever the, what, what does that even mean?
Starting point is 01:19:19 Look, is it, you're trying to take some like. It's condescending. Or, or is it like, Hey, you're, you're trying, you're being mean, but, hey, you're being mean, but you're feigning to be a nice guy. I laugh when I call you a fucking asshole, so it's not really that bad. Look at the leaderboard. First of all, she has no idea if people are cheating, and she has no idea if Wadapalooza cares, which puts her strictly in the camp of hater. Strictly in the camp of hater.
Starting point is 01:19:54 You don't know if they don't care. You have no idea what's going on at Wadapalooza. They just lost Matt O'Keefe, and they got a new guy at the helm who's fucking eminently capable, Dylan. Who I spoke to. Yeah. And I spoke to him after i made the video and he goes i'm glad you made that video and i go what do you mean he goes in hindsight we see that there could have been some issues possibly we're gonna get better but also they're doing everything they can every single time they can do it. I may have misquoted that.
Starting point is 01:20:27 That might have been my own verbiage, not his. But the other thing is they ask for the workouts. She says that everyone's cheating and that the score is out of control. She made a follow-up, and I think I covered this in the video. Maybe it's the one from today or from a couple days ago she blocked me from seeing her stories and then she makes a giant post on her instagram about how the only reason that they're doing anything is because she with her following was giving them shit yeah yeah she says that wadapalooza changed their course of action
Starting point is 01:21:02 because of her massive following. She has 100,000 followers on Instagram probably and 100,000 on YouTube and I guarantee you that they're less active than the 20,000 followers that Hiller has. Way less active. We are warriors. She's been a YouTuber since
Starting point is 01:21:20 2014. Yeah, she blocked them. She's just a goofball. She blocked me from seeing her stories. She thought that I wouldn't be like go to another account to check those things out. Gabe from Paper Street Coffee. Dylan from Guadalupalooza came up to me at the Masters Fitness Collaborative and introduced himself to me out of the blue awesome dude yeah he is a gentleman he is another kind of reminds me of dick massey in that sense just a gentleman of the highest order always sweet always uh courteous looks you straight in the eyes dope i'm so excited that he's running wadapalooza actually i'm super excited about it it's the most excited i've ever been about wadapalooza
Starting point is 01:22:01 uh we're talking about this chick simply mander just some goofball who runs this youtube station that's a that's like a beehive for mentally ill of uh victims uh of that have vaginas go to my comment section it's the most negative they've ever been towards me it'll be a comment and then it'll also have like 50 likes all from the same people who just hive it's this it's this group of women who don't realize that using the word mansplaining is sexist like they hide behind these these uh these one-liners that are just overtly like screaming hey i'm a fucking sexist i fucking hate myself and hate men it's the one of those comments and put them on my instagram which was that did, did you see, uh, what was it? It's like, I like how, when you say something,
Starting point is 01:22:50 it's okay. But when a strong, powerful woman says something, it's not okay. And I'm like, I never, I never brought me being a guy into this at all. I just looked at what she said and said that it wasn't accurate. Like why, why, why does it, why, why does a woman have to have anything to do with it? Yeah, they conflate everything. They can't stay on the subject because they'll lose. They get upset because Hiller used the word retard, or that Hiller used the word idiot,
Starting point is 01:23:13 or that Hiller's a man. I mean, they do everything except focus on the fact that she's a fucking hater, and she plays the victim. You called her triggered, yet you were the one making a 17-minute video bullying her. When a woman hit you with facts, in capital letters, you got triggered, plus proceeded to insult her. You should be embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:23:33 The 17-minute video is a byproduct of just the content at hand. It's not like I was triggered. I didn't go. By the way, the feedback I gave Hiller for this is, if I wasn't – these are the kind of videos – and maybe I'm wrong. I'd be curious to hear what you guys think. These are the kind of videos that I – because I follow Andrew, I'm interested in because it's fun drama. But if I'm an outsider, I would just skip past it. You have to already be kind of invested in andrew and be like hey oh who's who
Starting point is 01:24:06 andrew got into a fender bender with someone like i don't care if if someone i doesn't know got into a fender bender but if andrew called me and been like hey i was just driving my car and someone bumped into me on the freeway i'd be like oh tell me about it i'd be curious like randos i don't give a fuck so it's kind of like one of those videos that was driving by he's like oh that sucks yeah i i like it because i'm a fan of hiller but um but if i wasn't if i if i had never seen a station before and i wasn't invested in him i wouldn't give a shit that being said those of you who are this this was kind of the nail in the coffin and of course uh of course we were going to this was going to come out when you have someone who's uh mentally ill there's obviously going to be other people
Starting point is 01:24:46 that they've burned in their life and have seen weird behaviors from these people. And here it is right here. Read by Beth Setter. Mander is not an intermediate athlete. She never qualified for Wadapalooza. When she went to intermediate in 2019, she filled in when I got injured and never told them she cheated and never got told a soul that she wasn't the one who qualified in the first place all of which would have been cool if she then didn't treat me like the hired help shooing me out of her photos so that no one would ask why I was there
Starting point is 01:25:11 and respond here they come and slowly and we've seen a lot of Andrew Hiller's videos finished like this uh people are coming out of the woodwork being like yeah this chick's a fucking nut job and uh I don't want to go too far into it but if uh andrew this morning and i andrew has uncovered um a whole uh and so then so let me say this one more thing here real quick so then andrew made a follow-up video to uh this one uh and it's over here and he kind of he's i think you're pretty nice to her uh in this one it's kind of closure to the whole thing the fight with her um i think if she pushes him further um he has some stuff that she definitely doesn't want to come out um but if you dig around you'll
Starting point is 01:25:56 see that uh every couple years there is a um reset yeah there's a there's a basically a nervous breakdown uh where she has to uh get a haircut change the color of her hair fix her necklaces move states yeah so uh anyway it was some pretty it was some i i enjoyed the drama um i think killer is extremely courteous to her and i have this thing with people who talk about stuff. It's probably because I think I already said it in this show. I think it was Jeff who asked about AFib. I'm like, I can't talk about that. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:34 I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to say something wrong. She's talking about me. She's posting stuff to her Instagram. She pulled some information about the Open in 2021, which I've made two videos on talking about it. It's like, there you go. It's out for everyone to see. She posted her story like it's new news.
Starting point is 01:26:51 It's like, he's making a video on you because he's just a clout chasing douchebag. And it's like, all right, that's how you want to chalk that up in your head. That's cool. It means that you haven't done your homework. Just like she didn't do her homework with Wadapalooza making a comment about how they are asking for scores because of her. But if you rewind one month ago, they were asking
Starting point is 01:27:11 for all of the extraneous scores from the individuals as well. So the individual scores are out. I made a video on what's his face, Garrett Sager, and his score gets taken out, not because they were looking for that workout, but because he had a score that was outrageous. They've been doing this. They are also doing it with the team workouts, not because of her, but because Dylan's doing the right thing. My thing with people like her is that they just talk blindly and they don't know what the fuck they're talking about it makes it very easy to you know not be angry but just you know throw stuff right back at them make videos about them point out the facts that they missed and it makes it also easier to look at the comment section go you guys are out of control
Starting point is 01:27:54 yeah at one point she's at one point she's like they're just doing what like other big companies do and i'm like oh you simply mander knows what big companies do isn't it funny that she takes credit for the changes wadapalooza makes but doesn't take responsibility and says crossfit ruined me so when it's convenient for she takes credit for it but but when it really comes down to what she truly has power and control of. Should we send her a link? Should we send her a link? I can just DM it to her. And have her come in? That'd be nuts. Are you scared?
Starting point is 01:28:32 Well, maybe a little. No, we're approaching 90 minutes, and we have a lot of shows today. We have four more shows today. At 12pm, we'll be going live uh which is an hour before event two of the rogue invitation will start and then uh 1.3 000 people watching the live stream but it's not even started yet uh watching the live stream where over at rogue
Starting point is 01:29:02 yeah but it's not even started yet I wonder what would happen if I I'm probably gonna get in trouble for this let me see you just pull it up and pause it every six seconds okay Rogue Invitational Marissa Flowers 145 holy
Starting point is 01:29:20 fuck what happened there was just a loud sound to my computer oh hey a 145 friend you want to should i send you this link this looks pretty good okay hold on one second let me just see show you guys this real quick so uh this is day one of the live stream this hasn't started yet okay there's 1300 people waiting people waiting. I see. I see. I see what you're saying. I got to send you this.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Oh, it gets a little bit hairier. All right. Noel Wilson thinks he has a freaking record for a friend. I'm going to send you this if you can pull it up. Okay. Are you sending me a link to it? I sent you a private chat. Oh, okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:30:03 You'll like this i think uh am i gonna get in trouble for playing this or do i do i have to stop this just just just just no just silence it so there's no sound in the background the first comment hillary will find this great job there's the bad signal we're here we're here we found it so it, make it full screen, and hit play. Marissa Flowers, 145 Fran. It says call the bet. Oh, fuck. It's right there.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Okay. Have you seen this before? No, first time. Look at that. Tell me if you see anything that looks suspect. I haven't seen anything. Maybe at the bottom. Maybe at the bottom. No, not not at the bottom she's bottomed out
Starting point is 01:30:49 dude her lockout is savage snap snap snap dude and her left arm locks out harder than her her right arm locks out harder than her left arm I know Olsen you're going to retract your world record yet look at that tip it's tight it has to be
Starting point is 01:31:12 to go that quick be cool to have a second angle why does it say tear wadapalooza Miami on it because that's on the app the we time app there's an option to plug that in. Oh, okay. They're like... Dude, she's savage. It doesn't even look like she's pulling the bar down. Is she?
Starting point is 01:31:36 She has to be. I mean, she's going quick. I mean, 65 pounds isn't falling that hard on her. She has to be pulling it down. Max straight pull-ups I've ever done is 36. Someone asked that question. Pounds of justice. Are you trying to pause above the bar?
Starting point is 01:31:56 She's good. Yeah, that looks good, right? What she needs to do is put the camera higher. It's like four feet off the ground is ideal. But even from here, you can tell they're good. It looks like her lip's hitting the bar. Last set of nine. Look at that lockout snap.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Would this be the world record? From what I know, she beat Henry Sales. Hey, let's look at that real quick. Look how she starts to come forward on those last. Just pushing through as her form breaks down. Yep. What a savage. Marissa Flowers.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Unofficial world record. Oh, and she looks at someone and says something right there. What is she saying? What is she saying? Someone yells at her or something. Right? She asked someone something. I right she asked someone i couldn't tell you're seeing something i couldn't see is it stuttering for you oh my goodness good shit turn the camera off look at her her runs out over it's like the scene in warrior re punches the dude in the face and runs out of the freaking stadium she just walks over to the camera done i saw zero noah reps that's good hell
Starting point is 01:33:14 that was badass marissa flowers awesome uh. Good shit. Marissa Flowers. Oh, she even said call the bat. Yeah, it's right there. It's cool. She's calling you. Holy shit. Holy shit. This video deserves some more love.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Maybe I'll just screen record it and post it on my YouTube. Wow. How do I direct her? I'll just share it to my story. People should go tell her how awesome that is. Everyone go comment on Marissa Flowers' video and tell her how awesome she did. The title, you can just type in Marissa, M-A-R-I-S-A, Flowers, 145, 1,45, Fran. Badass.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Wow. Give that a like. Yeah, that's crazy. Give it a like. Everyone go like Marissa Flowers' video. This is something that there's YouTube channels that do that, Sevan. They just sit here and they're like, all right, we're going to pull this video up. All right, everyone, open your separate browser, go on over to this video, and comment in the comment section.
Starting point is 01:34:18 It's just like a freaking shitstorm comment. Oh, wow. And they're like, holy shit. And then they'll go back on later and they'll go hey i'm set on a podcast that was cool uh she's got a huge swinging dick for that badass uh hillar's laugh like woody woodpecker when he sped up listening to hillar 1.75 is crazy there's a there's a guy that i talk to and he'll always listen to things he listens to i think every piece of crossfit content there is and i go how do you do that because i listen at two times speed except for you i can't do it because i chop it up so tight uh okay let's look let's look we don't
Starting point is 01:34:56 fuck around here you want to look at our last thruster let's do it pull it back we don't fuck around here I don't know buddy bottom or the top looks pretty good to me yeah that looked fucking if we were to stop it like I did with Noah's a thousand times good to me it's called a raid dick butter yeah
Starting point is 01:35:24 it's called a raid that's when people times good to me it's called a raid dick butter yeah it's called a raid that's when people all go to the someone else's youtube channel and just either destroy it or praise it hey that's her at the top of her last this is her at the top of the last uh thruster well and at which rate the left elbow doesn't look so hot but i bet you could pause it in a slightly quicker segment about a quarter of a second earlier and it'd look even better uh good point yeah she's already looking down uh vindicate crazy generous donation buddy uh travis thank you today and this weekend is going to be glorious so much streaming thank you guys uh to our people who supported us gabe
Starting point is 01:36:03 uh at paper street coffee, uh, vindicate and California hormones. Thank you. I can't say thank you enough for letting us do this this weekend. And to Katie and bill over at rogue, uh, for giving us,
Starting point is 01:36:16 uh, access and, uh, for Katie, for coming on the show. It's kind of nuts. Wait, that's not the last thruster.
Starting point is 01:36:22 Will brand said is right. This is the end of the round of 15. Oh, all right. Let's go go let's get back at it then all right here we go thanks will okay we're back how about that yeah well
Starting point is 01:36:43 also if you bring it back again half a second it looks good but but that's but but that's that's good move forward yeah uh that that's could be better which means it's not good but hey you're saying it could be better not because she's not locked out but because you don't think her head's pushed through right right? No, because her elbow looks soft. The bar's in front of her hips, and the bar is not over the top of her shoulders. It's just a touch in front of. You can see she pushes it forward, though.
Starting point is 01:37:15 So she'll lock it out. Hey. Like that. Yeah. Where is this last one? So see, it's good, and then she tips it forward. Like, even this frame is better than the one you had before. Let's look at the bottom now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:33 Good by me. She can't go much lower. Do you know her? Is she a games athlete? I believe she's a semi-final athlete. I wonder what she's saying right there. Can you hear the sound? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Or is she just like, fuck you, Noah. Five. Can you guys hear that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Pause it. Turn it on. 45. Morissa Flowers. Turn 39. 45. Norris of flowers.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Closet. How can she even talk there? Thank you, by the way. How can she even talk there in her cotton mouth? Holy shit. She is. Yeah, I think it's good, too. We're on the same page.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Workout one. That's a Wadapalooza qualifier, Fran Yeah Dude, where have you been? I don't follow any of that shit The first workout was Fran One person did Fran, one person did Karen And one person did Jackie
Starting point is 01:38:39 You know all those workouts Karen's the wall balls jackie's yeah i do know that uh you guys are going way too hard in this particular rep overall she solid solidly hit the reps for the speed if you were judging this live i doubt you'd be worrying about that one rep i got perfect feedback yes i agree we're going way too hard that's what we should also say that although we went hard, it was still good. Yeah. It's not like we were going hard and then shitting on her because of it.
Starting point is 01:39:09 That was what I did on Noah's video. And we went hard and then gave her more praise because we went so hard. I'm telling you. So, Karina, just so you know, you're saying, did you say who got fired? Matt Chan. I'm telling you, this person is like a thousand times more this is not a dig at matt chan at all zero awesome guy fucking great contributor to crossfit thousand times more relevant than matt chan there's people on the i'm telling the the seminar staff who i adore more than anyone on the planet, their contribution.
Starting point is 01:39:47 This guy's in that mix, if not higher than the highest seminar staff. This guy is the fucking shit that they fucking let go. Just in terms of his, not as, I'm not even talking about his character and his authenticity and his integrity,
Starting point is 01:40:04 which is second to none i throw it in there lump it in there with the integrity no you guys this did not not hobart i'm talking about a god sorry hobart i fucking love you to death you're just a titan hobart's the movement god okay this guy is like you don't know who he is but everyone in the company knows who he is. Everybody. He's the shoulder that everyone and anyone could go lean on. He knows it all. And he has crazy integrity and he's super easy to work with. If you can get your fucking ego out of the way, he's amazing to work with.
Starting point is 01:40:44 I turned before this guy worked for me. I basically worked for him and I turned videos into him for seven years I know the worst of them the hardest parts to deal with them because he would push back on me it's nuts that they fired this guy it shows of it screams of the incompetence of the leadership at hq that he couldn't be managed he's he's it's like it's like firing tom cruise in the middle of making uh one of the possible yeah mission impossible you just don't do it you go okay tom's having a breakdown let's get him some help you stick with yeah you stick with this guy you make sure you figure out what's not working for this guy and you stick with him and you try to, you try to help him get through these hard times. No, there is no, he was not fired for a good reason.
Starting point is 01:41:36 He was fired because someone that someone above him was unable to manage him. him. And, and because the people in leadership there believe that everyone is replaceable because they come from, they come from a place where jobs are all replaceable and that they come from a corporate environment where they're not real CrossFitters. They're basically, they come from a place where there's just systems systems in place they see people as cogs they don't realize about the wealth of knowledge that you need and what we're doing here at crossfit i want to know just as badly i don't want to say his i don't want to say his name because i don't know if he like he this guy's so low profile you guys don't know who he is well some of you know who he is a couple of you guys have figured out who he is he did all the programming for
Starting point is 01:42:31 crossfit um uh he did all the programming for for the last 13 years he was the go-to guy for just about everyone in the company to go to when you came in a pinch about programming the journal any of that stuff anything forward, anything that stuck to the brand. Like if you were concerned, hey, I'm going to do this, how does this work with the brand? He would give you his feedback, and it was always spot on. Dan Bailey got fired. I don't even know who that is.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Rudy said that. It's funny. You have to watch Justin Nunley's newest video don't be sad just yeah well okay be a little sad stump I don't know who that is either isn't he gone yeah guys thank you everyone for tuning in great show huge show uh andrew hillard thank you for putting out so much content and letting me piggyback off of your uh hard work uh and andrew and i will be back i'll see you in an hour right uh yes uh actually it's three hours right three hours and 20 minutes something like that uh andrew and i will be holding down the desk this week for the Rogue Invitational.
Starting point is 01:43:45 We will have people on throughout the week. John Young, Tyler Watkins, Brian Friend, Taylor Self, and the ever charismatic J.R. Howell. Brian from Arbel Spin. And then, of course, we will be pulling into the rolodex that seven has in dragging superstars on like yesterday we had lazar jukic and the most powerful woman in crossfit katie henniger okay guys i will see you guys in three hours and 17 minutes have fun get a workout in love you guys thanks guys

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