The Sevan Podcast - #662 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: November 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. No, no. If you can somehow start doing that, it might help things out. And yeah, you would like take that little clip and throw your face on it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Dude, I wasn't going to bring this up at all because i don't i don't want to say anything tell tell that whole story tell that whole story again that that's fucking amazing that explains what i was wondering about this morning go tell that story again um we were just talking about how well we were just talking about how well is Danny. We were just talking about how well is Danny Spiegel video is doing. Then he made. Oh, uh, and then you said,
Starting point is 00:01:09 and then you said, Oh, okay, fine. Hey, but that doesn't have your face on it. That doesn't have your face on it. I'll get,
Starting point is 00:01:18 I'll give you my secrets and Caleb. I don't want to give the world my secrets. I don't want to know. I don't want to know what we're up to. Yeah, I understand. To be fair, this doesn't have anything to do with Danny Spiegel. It's got to do with the formatting of the video. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Hey, I don't see that video up here on your YouTube right now. Why is that? I haven't had that with yours, too. I was trying to grab the clips from Rogue, and I had to go to different sections of your subscribe subscribe subscribe page i had to go to your home when i go to your videos it's not there oh and that thumbnail has your okay hey will you go so that explains everything will you go i'm gonna try to be so fucking nice here also i put captions in there cc so that's the first time i've ever done that.
Starting point is 00:02:08 So as I'm talking, it's just on the bottom. There's an option for it to be a scrolling screen. Because sometimes people say they can't keep up with what I'm saying. Hey, something's wrong with your audio right now. Fuck. You got like just a little bit of a robot-y thing going i don't know if you need to reboot all right let me uh well let me do this really quick one sec or it's too loud do you hear that caleb something's off with his audio yeah i can hear it now better let's see better or worse oh much better that's better okay i'll just use this thing that's fine this thing's good
Starting point is 00:02:45 this sounds nice will you go to nate edwardson's account caleb yeah i'm gonna try i i guess i don't need to be nice but i just don't want to be mean at all are you on a streak of uh being so mean that you can't handle the heat or what? No, everyone's so nice to me. I get no heat. Zero. And the heat that I do get is from knuckleheads. And we'll go into that in a second. So look at – I've watched – look at this video here.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Okay, it's time to talk about Danielle Brandon. That actually – so those five videos there oh fuck sorry nate i want to say sorry in advance those five videos right there i've watched all of those and the only one of anything where i walked away like oh thank you was uh that daniel brandon and the other four i was like fuck can i have my time back wait wait wait daniel brandon personally explains what happened that's the one that was good oh yeah yeah yeah that's the one sorry that that one has actually a lot of stuff in it you get to like he's pulled a bunch of her clips all those other ones say zero. I walked away with like, something about the best one.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Well, cause I look at this and I'm like, okay, fucking he's killing it. 50,000 views. Yeah. I see that. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:04:15 what did he do? What did he do? And then I see it. It's what you just told me. I want to tell me what the secret is. You told me what the secret is. And you just, and I'm,
Starting point is 00:04:24 when we're looking at it. Yes. That's annoying. The secret. Isn't it annoying? I was having a conversation with Susan Rupert about this sort of thing. And he's a master at it. If you look at all of his thumbnails, he's doing it on all of them. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:04:43 What is it? Because I was thinking to myself the one of the back squat it was like the last one minute oh yeah it's a heavy back squat that's that's what was said in that video the i think it's the are you filming me 44k i'm like how the fuck did he get 44 000 videos it's like six minutes long and then there's a 30-second clip in there. Good for him. Yeah, here it is. I want to see his retention rates. This is it right here. Some of his day in the life are good, but his current stuff is nine minutes with 10 seconds of news.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah, that's how I feel. And it's all news that I've – I mean, I'm not saying that everyone is like this, but it's all news that I already know. Wow. And when he does have opinions on stuff, it's very wishy-washy. It's not like he has strong opinions. Is this my page or your page? Well, that just— In the last 48 hours, you have 600 more views than I do.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I'm on a residual roll from just um rogue i'm on a residual roll from just rogue yeah so i'm at 27.2 over the last 48 the site just exploded by the way if you're an affiliate owner or you know an affiliate owner and they haven't watched the matt schindeldecker video. You're you're you're batshit crazy. You have to watch if you're an affiliate owner, you have to watch that. He basically is giving you the code to crack the code to give your life even more purpose and to make money. It is nuts. I do not know how that's not a must watch for every single affiliate.
Starting point is 00:06:22 nuts. I do not know how that's not a must watch for every single affiliate. Is that the one from two or three days ago? For Hiller and his next challenge in the Zealous Games. Dark Lord Revon. Thanks for giving Savan and Caleb some money.
Starting point is 00:06:41 No, no. Just Savan. Thanks for the clarification, Caleb. Yeah, thank you, Caleb. I might have to open this door for a second. No, no, no, no, no. Seven on seven's kids. Yeah, let's go one step deeper.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Just for jiu-jitsu lessons. Yeah, all right. That's the final stage of the conversation. It went all the way to jiu-jitsu lessons. It goes all the way to the Garth Taylor jiu-jitsu lessons. It goes all the way to the Garth Taylor jiu-jitsu guy. Garth Taylor? That was the
Starting point is 00:07:11 jiu-jitsu place my kids went to. Actually, they've switched jiu-jitsu places. They went there for three years. It's an amazing place, but we've just switched. How dare you? You're just removing them from their fucking master? Well, kind. No. No.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Their master flows. I'm someone out calling you sven thanks jeff you're a good dude hillary jeff you know what's funny is like jeff will fucking give me the fucking old one two in the comments here but out in the real world he protects me he's one of those people that's like i can i'm like his boy to beat up but no one else can you know what i mean like you can talk shit about your mom and dad but uh yeah yeah i can talk shit on my brother all the time but as soon as somebody else yeah yeah jeff's good like jeff jeff also sees right through everything we do i like the spiegel video but it was a blatant ripoff of West Side vs. The World, which would make Spiegel West Side,
Starting point is 00:08:08 West Side, the Louis Simmons documentary. That's good. Jeff knows me. I feel like he just is in here. He's in my garage. He knows everything I'm doing. We thought he was you for a while. Did you see the video?
Starting point is 00:08:21 No. Hands are here. Did you see the video? Hands are here. Can you pull up that Rob Forte video? Have you seen Rob Forte lately? Not recently. I have to guess within the past six to eight months.
Starting point is 00:08:40 It's on Instagram. I cannot believe how big this dude is. This is a promo for the Down Under Championships, which we still don't know if we're going to do shows about it. And you can turn the music off if you want. This is some stadium in Australia, and they've erected some sort of rope. Erected.
Starting point is 00:08:59 They've erected some sort of rope that hangs over the center of the stadium, and Rob runs out over the center of the stadium. And Rob runs out to the center. He looks like a full-blown rugby player. Dude, he's huge. Is this the fucking... Did they get this idea from me? I don't know. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:09:18 Look how they're pulling up the rope so he doesn't have to deal with the weight of the extra rope. Do you see that? Yeah, holy shit maybe they're worried about him getting tangled in it on the way down if he were to fall that's a nylon rope right i mean that thing will give you splinters if it's splintering like those horrible little plastic ones thank you that's like yoked 38 meters if that's 75 feet they grabbed this from the the pre-show we did on Thursday before Rogue.
Starting point is 00:09:50 He looks huge. Do you remember talking about that? Yeah. We even brought up the American Ninja Warrior platform. He looks about the same as he's always looked. He's a big guy, yeah. Yeah, I didn't realize he was so big. I want to show you what we're on the mind muscle project they used to have this guy who would do
Starting point is 00:10:11 really really well in the country and then all of a sudden he wasn't that great might be rob forte they were talking about you still watch those hairless cats you watch those ding dongs no i just remember what they said i don't watch them anymore i i i haven't watched them in about uh two and a half years and that one popped up on my youtube and i was like oh hey they're talking about crossfitting again it's like oh wait they're shitting on crossfit how how weird they used to love it they made their way through crossfit and fuck these guys reminds me of some games athletes who've done that too use the games to get yeah use the games to fucking get to the top and then shit on crossfit guys. Reminds me of some games athletes who've done that too. Use the games to get yeah, use the games to fucking
Starting point is 00:10:47 get to the top and then shit on CrossFit from up there. Will you play this video? I didn't get this at first. This is so weird. I had to watch this twice. I wonder if you get this, if you understand this video, Hiller. By the way,
Starting point is 00:11:03 we were somewhere the other day and my kid yesterday we went to a friend's house and he was teaching my kids how to throw axes and just at the throwing pardon me how big were the axes they were all different sizes they threw little knives they threw big axes they threw double-sided axes, they threw everything. This guy had like 150 different throwing implements. Cool. 375,000 likes. And one of my kids threw an axe and it hit the wall and bounced out. And my other kid goes, Hiller could throw it through that wall.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And it's so funny i always forget that they like know you but it's but they then they they always talk about how strong you are so we saw this 70 year old guy the other day who was really strong they're like he's the strongest 70 year old we ever saw and then someone's like he's not one of my boys like he's not as strong as Hiller. I'm never in the conversation. They knew me before I started working with California hormones as well. So we got to meet up again. Hey, our girls bring their conversation to the next level. Are women acting differently around you since you've gotten on California hormones? I would have to say no.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Or at least I don't pay attention. Alexis would say that I never pay attention. Yeah, I'm going to say it, or at least I don't pay attention. Alexis would say that I never pay attention. Yeah, I'm going to say it's a combination of you don't pay attention and you're scared to death to tell me the truth because Alexis might be listening. She's probably listening. No, I'm not really afraid to say that. I'm pretty oblivious to that sort of stuff, whether it come from like guys or girls or like i don't know there's certain interactions that i just don't pick up on at all you you don't you don't have your window open to for girls to enter your life do you but like like um uh usually you see that
Starting point is 00:13:00 with women usually you see that with women it was one of the first things i noticed about rich froney he gets so much attention but he kind of doesn't accept he's married he was married and had a girlfriend he doesn't accept a certain kind of female energy he treats everyone the same whether you're a man or a woman whereas you know when a man is kind of on the prowl he treats women a little differently correct yeah well you see with people I don't know. I used to hate going to bars. The entire bar scene is like, hey, we're going out on Friday night. And I'm like, what's the purpose of doing this? Because you spend a bunch of money to meet someone that you met in a place that you probably won't ever want to process that I've ever enjoyed. But with that, it's like, why are people there? They're there for likely the wrong reasons. Maybe people have a purpose in going there and that's cool. They can do whatever they want, but it's not me.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And I think that that kind of bridges. What are the wrong reasons to drink away your insecurities and drink away your life problems? It's just the whole, you work your ass off all week so that you can blow it on the weekend rinse recycle repeat and then usually they're there to pick up chicks and well that there's nothing wrong with that i guess there's nothing wrong with that it depends on what you're what you want out of the girl you're with the woman you're with how long have you been with alexis she'll let you know it's like 2018 and i'll say it's been since 2015 do you would you know how to uh uh let's say aliens captured alexis and took her away and never she never came back would you do you know how to flirt or do you think that that
Starting point is 00:14:40 skill has eroded i've never known how to flirt. Oh, interesting. Okay. No. Do you know how to flirt? I used to be. Yeah, I know how to flirt. That's my job is to flirt with people. I flirt with dudes. I'm flirting with you right now.
Starting point is 00:14:54 You know what? I can say that I can flirt with dudes, but I can like do it on purpose, but I've never, I don't do it on purpose either, but I flirt with dudes all the time. I don't know. Kill him. People will be like, I'm not gay. I'm like, yes, you are. on purpose either, but I flirt with dudes all the time. I don't know. Caleb.
Starting point is 00:15:06 People will be like, I'm not gay. I'm like, yes, you are. They're like, why? I'm like, you're so receptive to my flirting. Oh, dude. And anytime I interact with gay people, we just like get along so much better than anybody else. It's weird. You just start flirting.
Starting point is 00:15:19 We just, yeah. Me and gay dudes just get along. We just, it's weird. But I think my skills, I think my skills of flirting with girls have eroded. Gay dudes are the nicest people. Oh, for sure. I've never met a gay dude that I don't like.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Can you say that about gay women? Actually, I can say the same. Every gay woman I've ever met is just pretty awesome. Nah, I would have in person that is personally i disagree i disagree yeah i can't say that either i could say i can't yeah i could think of fucking 100 mean gay girls i've met not that it's just a correlate i'm not saying there's a cause but um i've got like a tear in my head and there's like a top like a tearing of
Starting point is 00:16:02 people i've known who like aren't the nicest and not one of them in any of the top tiers are gay they're all nice in my book i think it goes i think it goes if you if you had to if you had to group them with their sexual orientation it goes gay guys then guys then straight guys then gay women what's the difference between guys and straight guys gay gay because gay guys they're they're they're guards they're they don't care they're guards down they're like and hillary's got a little bit of that you know what i mean like his guards down he doesn't care i don't really care yeah he took his pants off like you just you don't care was that are you saying caleb doesn't care either that's why they ever have so you don't care. Are you saying Caleb doesn't care either? That's why everyone is doing so well? He doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:16:47 He fucking is in the military. He's fucking surrounded by cock all day. I guarantee you Caleb sees a cock every day. Caleb's seen more cock than all of us. For sure. Especially working on football teams. I don't know, I wrestled. Well, I know, but you saw the same 35 cocks all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You had some stuffed in your face. Fair, all the time you had some stuff in your face you probably had more stuff in your face i probably see a different i probably see a different dick every day somebody's coming did you guys have a sport in high school where you showered like together or no i was homeless i used to shower at fucking public showers and i'd never how old were you weren't you in your 20s yeah it's probably 18 or 19 but up until then i'd never had any experience like that because i didn't play sports and then all of a sudden every day when i'm showering i'm with a different naked dude caleb when was it for you well i was in high school high school high school college and then when i joined the military obviously
Starting point is 00:17:36 in basic training you're just you're just all showering at once for it i would do a three times i think i mentioned it in my video with the danny spiegel video that i had a catholic school upbringing and i remember when i went to high school and started wrestling it's like everyone's just naked in the showers i was like so this is the way the world is huh yeah it was just it was like whoa this is weird all right let's open base showers like the first time that happened you're like what the fuck and then it's just normal there's just one dude who just got completely naked and got in the shower. I'm like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And then everyone else did it. I'm like, okay, so I'm the one who's different here. Okay. Oh, I'm the weird one. I'm the weird one. I thought it was just that one guy. I'm like, well, I guess that shower is fucking huge. So, and then everyone went into it.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I'm like, all right, we're doing it. Here we go. How about when you're in there, in there by yourself and there's a there's a shower tree you know how there's like the shower trees it's like a power it was like this giant like cinder block in area and they all came from the ceiling oh there was no shower tree it was weird yeah it was cool it's like a rain shower for the whole it was a i don't know 20 by 20 square what did you did you have shower trees caleb uh yeah i've had them in the past yeah and there's shower trees and some guy will fucking pull up and like i never had anyone just like pull up to the same tree as me unless there's
Starting point is 00:18:58 like no room in the place i've had obviously i've had that there's you know 10 dudes in there so you're sharing a tree god and you're just like you're soaping your hair and your eyes are closed and you're like god i hope i don't bump into anyone but even if they even if someone came on the tree next to me and there were just two of us in there i'm like dude you know but there were good trees and then there were bad trees there were trees that just you know like the shower heads didn't work so good like i know those okay yeah i'm familiar with those i only had one weird incident do you ever have any weird incidents in the shower no i mean what was there is always like that one person that was part of athletics that was very comfortable with using the showers that way and then there's always a different feel to a gym class right
Starting point is 00:19:45 but that's the same people would also use the showers during gym class where everyone else wouldn't you know so like over the course of the day if there's 500 dudes at the school the 500 dudes that filter in and out of gym class because everyone takes gym but the one guy who's like thought it was okay to shower in between classes yeah it was like there's just one naked dude in the middle of the day it's like okay but he was cool i mean like he's doing his he wasn't thinking twice about it good for him yeah yeah i would i wouldn't do it it's like all right it's in the middle of school day let's get naked in front of everybody i i the one time i was in there and i was in there showering by myself and a dude comes in and he gets on a shower tree that's probably like two shower trees away from me.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And I and I look and I'm showering and I look over at him and he has his arms crossed, legs a little wider than unnecessary. And he's got this and I look and he's got this huge dong, huge, huge. And he's and I look up and we make eye contact and then i'm trying to soap and shower and get out of there but i gotta take one more look at this giant dong when you say giant and also what well maybe it's just like a 10 inch fucking limp dong no this was in college this is i was homeless i was in the shower this is like and but i'm like oh god i need to see it one more time is it really like you know what i mean i'm just like it's fucked up there's when he's standing there staring at you is it like uh intimidation because look at my dog yes yes it was clear that's the way i took it i took it like hey you want to
Starting point is 00:21:23 handle this thing like hey no words no words were said you got out of there no so you're saying he totally dominated you and i probably overcompensated by staying in there longer to show that i was comfortable you know what i mean oh okay you know you should i would have said something like nice dick what is this jeff's why is jeff uh obsessing on my um uh homelessness homeless like you know when you put in words like that the inferring is that you weren't no i was i didn't have a home i didn't have a home or a car for two years and i just had to figure out where to sleep every night i think that's homeless sleeping in parks shit like that so is that does that work i don't know i
Starting point is 00:22:07 don't know maybe we have a different definition asserting his dominance yeah he was he wasn't he was definitely asserting it and and 30 years later i can't i can still see him and his dong he looked like he looked like a foreigner he looked like an italian guy you've probably never seen the movie hall pass where they're taking mental pictures and they're like and they're closing their eyes and they're like i'm gonna store those in the back of my head mental pictures for later throughout the movie they'll just like flash their eyes it's like what do you do it's like just storing those for later isn't um, isn't that called the bomb, the beat off memory bank. I've never heard that,
Starting point is 00:22:47 but sure. The bomb, the beat off memory bank. Right. Yeah. Could you pick his dog out of a lineup? I bet he could. No,
Starting point is 00:22:57 I mean, I don't even know. I, I, it's, it's all my, it's all imagination now, but it's definitely,
Starting point is 00:23:03 I don't like looking at him. I, I, if I were in your position there, there's not a chance in hell i would have stared at his penis not even once you wouldn't even given it the first glance it would have been like a peripheral and been like okay that's probably big but that's about it if it's as big as you're saying it is i probably would have noticed it somehow some way especially if he was just standing there staring at you his arms crossed like something's going on i'm homeless he's homeless something might fucking no he wasn't homeless he's probably like an assistant professor
Starting point is 00:23:34 there some shit is that uc santa barbara he there when i was the only that dude was fucking so many students i bet he was uh he was a psychology professor and he wanted to see what you do homeless men in shower i'm gonna stand facing it with my dick out what's he gonna do take one does andrew hiller have a speculation this is alex this is no speculation who the third person is who failed the drug test at the crossfit games i'm referring to barbell spin sorry for change of subject no it's okay i think we'd exhausted the giant carisiano 100 rep snatches major dunk bigger no but there is a raw spot right where i make hip contact with the barbell i noticed it this morning it's like what the fuck is that it's like i could only be from hitting the barbell against it 100 times more like 115
Starting point is 00:24:25 after warm-up reps and extra snatches i can't believe you did that uh you can't be homeless if you have a fallback which you did what's what was my fallback i definitely wasn't welcome at my mom or my dad's house definitely yeah i don't have a memory bank of dicks like you seem to have that's where I was going with that whole like mental pictures thing it's like I know what mine
Starting point is 00:24:54 looks like and uh zero other people I can't like put a face to a dick what's funny too is that um I tell people that I can't visualize but for some reason the one thing that i can't visualize but for some reason the one thing that i can't see is this guy from the shower when i was 20. visualize an attack maybe it's just consumed my entire all the ram you know like my whole fucking data storage is full of
Starting point is 00:25:18 because that's how big his dick was oh no you're running like the original pc and it's just like that's all i got consumed it okay uh this is i want you to see this video and tell me if you understand this video oh we're back to this okay okay here we go there's nothing to appreciate a man for this is james a dewar the founder of little debbie and the creator of the Twinkie. And these two handsome men are Maurice and Richard McDonald, the original founder of McDonald's. This right here is Ray Kroc, the man most likely who brought a McDonald's to your area through franchising. And this is David Godel.
Starting point is 00:25:59 This man pioneered the way for you to be able to inject a metric ton of insulin into your system to keep your own body breathing since you decided to destroy it to where it can't even function on its own stand by color you think about it okay stand by color hold it do you get do you get that i had to watch it twice i'm like what i don't get this video do you get it what's happening there yeah like those are a bunch of things that she's a little bigger for that. All these men did that helped her get that way. Yeah. And then,
Starting point is 00:26:30 and then also that last one keeps her alive. Yeah. I got it. I didn't get that at all. I'm like, what, how is this a caller? Hi.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Hey, what's up? Hi, I'm good. How are you? You, did you ask if I was good? No,
Starting point is 00:26:44 what's up? I'm just good. how are you you did you ask if i was good no what's up i'm just good awesome awesome nice saturday here in florida hey i got a uh a question for hillar okay what's up hey hillar have you ever thought of doing a uh natty or not with your girl uh danny my next daddy or not is on a male 100 no way the answer is yes he has thought about it well okay he's thought about it more than i've thought about that guy's dong in the shower yeah um the only reason it would be on a male is because um i'm not i, I did one on Tia. I did one on Haley. I've done one on Medeiros and I'm just trying to go back and forth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Just because, I don't know. I know how people view that thing. And no matter like what I can say in a comment section or in a video, people are going to perceive things a certain way. And Sevan's right. It's like, yes, I have thought about doing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:44 He saw right through my wraparound answer so yes is your answer all right i want to show you uh you guys hey stevan you all covered uh for the rogue was great oh thank you my biggest complaint about that whole thing i know you guys are dressed, but holy shit. The watching it as a fan on YouTube, why do you say that? That's how we all watched it. Why do you say that? Um, I just felt like I could never really see what was going on. Like, I mean, the first example that pops up to me is that final, uh, the final five reps of the men's heat and the double, whatever the final workout was. And fucking Belner shit in the bed and you can't even see it unless you're looking up in the top left corner of your screen.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah, the duel was a big problem too. Did you notice in the duel when they were doing the rope climbs, every shot started along the side of the rig? And you're like, dude, it's one rope climb and every single heat we're missing the rope climb it was it was bizarre even the whole thing every time someone crosses the finish line we gotta sit there and watch the person crossing finish line wave to the crowd i'm like get back to the fucking race you're killing me yeah it's just it's not anyway you guys are awesome though i would like to say this the stream oh yeah oh the stream was beautiful the images were beautiful the camera angles were beautiful just couldn't they didn't follow the sport yeah it's acid and you know this better than me
Starting point is 00:29:19 why can't they do and and same with the game what i've seen them do it but they don't do it enough why can't they split the screen in the in the four screens where you're watching kind of four different parts of the workout going on or maybe even a double split hey they that one time they did split the screen in four was amazing right exactly i was like why can't they do that more there was a there was a heat actually we were watching we were watching like the men's comp or the woman's comp and they needed split screens so fucking bad and they didn't use it and then as soon as it switched to the other sex they'd used it and it's like oh thank you i think it was the log lift yeah okay oh yes yes thank you caleb
Starting point is 00:29:57 yes the log lift i do yeah it was a log quick call caleb anyway i mean i i hate the bitch because rogue rogue's amazing, and it's just nice to have something to watch. The thing we got to remember is, number one, it was free, and number two, there's got to be some sort of an answer behind why it was so bad. I wonder if it's because they have all those cameras stationary on those platforms, but when there's a field there, they have people walking around instead. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Hey, where are you from? I'm in Orlando. Yeah, Florida. Yeah. Alright, boys. You guys have a good weekend. I was just driving, so I'll give you a shout. Thanks. Bruce, were you fucking with me because he said
Starting point is 00:30:41 it's a sunny day in Florida? If you were, you'd... It's always a sunny day in Florida? If you were, you'd be dead. It's always a sunny day in Florida. It's a cloudy day in Chicago. And windy. And it's actually warm. It's like 75 and windy as fuck. No way Brian plays Frisbee golf today.
Starting point is 00:30:56 No way. Oh, solid. Information on Brian that you didn't even expect. He can't even play Frisbee golf if he tried. He's probably got a disc for the wind.'t worry you're right special disc there was a games athlete from back in the day named jeremy kinnick it sounds familiar and i can't remember his brother's name but his brother i think is the founder of beyond the whiteboard. Oh, how's that company doing? I think they're fucking murdering it.
Starting point is 00:31:28 You say that about everyone, man. No, the, I think these, well, cause I think a lot of people are murdering. I think they're murdering it.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I, but I, I think they, I think they lost. I need to look into it before I say, before I say what I'm about to say, but, but,
Starting point is 00:31:42 but Jeremy Kinnick was, uh, yeah, he was on the show. Yeah. He's homeschooling his kids now. Kinnick was, yeah, he was on the show. Yeah, he's homeschooling his kids now. Yes, thank you, Kenneth. He was on the show. When?
Starting point is 00:31:54 Two, three months ago? Okay. Anyway, this is a video of his son, his 14-year-old son deadlifting 305 for 2 14 year old son? yeah check this out get it
Starting point is 00:32:14 oh let's go steel weights steel weights kid kid's got great hair oh let's go that's a tall kid too that's a long way to put it that way an impressive lift but it was all back do it again please someone said that in the comments meaning that they didn't like his form is that the insinuation i gotta see that yeah he kind of turns into a little bit of a stiff leg deadlift let me go
Starting point is 00:32:51 through again better than dave's uh yeah and we could we could we could easily turn that into a 345 if he found out how to build some tension off the floor and didn't just rip that bitch and lose all of his lower back tension oh no okay let me see what are the replies to samuel floyd well first of all take off uh those are nanos those are okay but go barefoot don't ever rip the bar don't roll it in like you're getting a dynamic start on a deadlift build tension as you're descending you're 14 years old i am a deadlift build tension as you're descending you're 14 years old i am digging into this kid a little bit i know you wanted to show how heavy it was lifting but there's some things you could be doing that would definitely help him in the
Starting point is 00:33:34 long run it's a max lift it's two reps though all right and he's 14 what's he doing a max lift for oh oh oh uh the um when's the last time pat velner did a max lift for? Oh, Oh, Oh, uh, the, um, when's the last time Pat Belder did a max lift before he pulled 600 of the games? Oh, Oh, Oh, did he pull 600 at the games?
Starting point is 00:33:52 Five 95. Wow. During the total in 2019. Uh, Jeff Baker, he should not be doing a touch and goes. Well, I don't know if I agree with that,
Starting point is 00:34:04 but as he's descending from this rep he should be under a bit more control for his age can it's a lap see those little sticks he's walking around on yeah those things turn into fucking tree trunks if he just puts a little work on the eccentric is it there's some machine that where you just lower deadlifts i forget how it gets it back up isn't there a machine that lowers deadlifts or someone someone device sorry lifts deadlifts for you so all you do oh you put rubber bands going there was a time when i was who does that i saw some training where you did it you sent you only did eccentric deadlifts for training. I forget how they did that.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I've never seen one of those. You just lower it. Anyway, go ahead. There was a time when you were what? I was 17 years old or 18, and I was at just like a regular old gym. And there was a guy who had a squat bar on a power rack. So it had the whole rack set up kind of like this and he had the bands attached to the top right and he would squat down and the bands would help him
Starting point is 00:35:12 come on up and it was the first time i'd ever seen that and it was i was sitting there as a 17 year old trying to figure out why in the fuck somebody would be trying to make it easier as they stood up you know or like or just why he didn't wrap them around the floor right because if you and what was the thought did you did you solve it well because if you think about it the band as it stretches it makes it easier at one part and harder at another part yeah so you're in it makes it harder at the top it makes it eat harder at the top why would you want that isn't that where everyone's strong? Oh, so sorry, so sorry.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I got those a little bit backwards. But if you attach the band to the bottom on the floor and you attach it at the top and the ceiling, it's in theory doing the same thing. As it stretches, it makes it lighter. So it's easier on the bottom. And then if you attach it to the floor, it's also lighter on the bottom. And the guy gave me some answer. I still don't think it makes any sense. I'm sure there's a reason.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Good, because it doesn't make sense to me either. Caleb, did you follow that? Like, why would you attach him to the top when you could just attach him from the bottom like a normal person? It doesn't... No, that's stupid. He had an answer, but... He was a big, massive motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Like, mostly fat, but strong. Hiller, the deadlifts you programmed yesterday hurt because I couldn't go touch and go. Two weeks in a row of those. Dead stop singles. That's a five. You're welcome. You're welcome. Chains are the best for lockout strength.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I like chains. Good for the bench press too and they're good for the strict press if you ask sam dancer i know he likes pressing with uh weird implements on bars the tornado bar hurricane Bamboo and Hurricane and Tsunami and all that crap. Andrew Hiller made a – was it four videos in a back and forth with a young lady named Simply Mander. I wasn't sure what we were going to talk about today, but – And the fourth one is the best one, and it's crazy that it only has 5,000 views. It says, don't watch this either. If you, if you wanted to get some,
Starting point is 00:37:29 it would be a great watch party to watch all four of those. Hang out with some homies, sit in front of the TV and watch it. This last one is fucking incredible. This last one was the first time I actually felt bad for her. You might need to, Oh, is that the one where she's sitting in her car
Starting point is 00:37:45 yes okay yep yeah this thing this thing is nuts she first of all she's lying about hillar she says there's there's several lies in there that she said basically um uh i tried to tag you but i couldn't because you blocked me and hill Hiller explains in the video, no, you couldn't tag me because you blocked me, you knucklehead. I didn't block you. And there's a bunch of things like that. Or at least cease me from viewing her stories, however the hell you do that.
Starting point is 00:38:13 But I couldn't do it, but I could do it from my burner account, which didn't follow her either. She said that Hiller was caught cheating at the CrossFit Games. You knucklehead. He was caught cheating, if you want to use that word, because two years later, he went back and reviewed his video for all of us to see.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Not because they caught him. But because you want to take the word of one person on the internet who likes her and is trying to throw shade. So I'd like you to play this video starting at 3.32. So I'd like you to play this video starting at 3.32. When I watch this, I can't even believe that there's – these words would never come out of my mouth even if I thought this. This is so embarrassing. this is so embarrassing we'll we will review it in one second
Starting point is 00:39:07 once she once you guys all get to hear it it is truly remarkable it says everything that's wrong with society right now you think it's just her age no no I said just an age she explained the bands thing that we were just talking about oh bands from the
Starting point is 00:39:23 bottom give more tension at the top of the lift bands from the top gives more tension at the top of the lift bands from the top gives no tension at the top of the lift assistant on descent no real reason for topless working explosive out of the bottom is it the one in the middle i was looking for any yeah with the dog just a cute just a cute puppy yeah if you could click that and then started at 332 oh by the way this is brilliant too, by the way. Hiller sort of pokes fun at himself about how Lord of the Rings had a trilogy and Godfather had a trilogy and he names all these movies that had trilogies. Oh, you might have to go back a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:39:57 You know what? I really like this one too. I just completely forgot about it because I put her in the back of my head. This is such a good video. Okay, let's let's try playing here let's see so nice try mander about my one comment as a reply to someone that was losing the on the water palooza page i just think that's so weird and like at first i was i just think that's so weird. What I think is weird is that you're an adult woman and you haven't found your own voice yet. And you're still using a TV voice from like mean girls or something.
Starting point is 00:40:36 You know, you don't have to talk like that. You could just you can find your own voice. We all have our own voice. You can find it. Take a few deep breaths and find your own voice. We all have our own voice. You can find it. Take a few deep breaths and find your own voice. Okay. Action. Like actually upset about it, but now I'm just like, okay, we're still talking about this. Like, no, never give up, never surrender. And if I or anybody else with that type of following ever said the R word on a YouTube video? Pause, pause.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Anytime you hear anyone talk about their following, if me or anyone with my following, red flags. Red flags. That's the whole mental illness game. This person lives. This person is already in the metaverse. Completely lost. OK, action. Let alone just ever.
Starting point is 00:41:35 They would be fucking canceled. And I don't understand how he has a platform like this to call people that were. how he has a platform like this to say that, to call people that were. So she's, she's saying that if anyone uses the word retard, that they should be canceled. If they have as many followers as her or Hiller. So A equals B because she said so.
Starting point is 00:41:58 So she's just dictated. She doesn't make any content unless it follows the rules of what the man tells her. Her vocabulary is limited. Careful, careful. When you say the man, you mean like the governing body, whoever that might be. Yes, CNN, Google, the mob outside of the burned-down Ferguson. You are a young lady free in the world. And instead, you're using fake
Starting point is 00:42:30 voice with a fake filter, with fake guidelines on what can and can't come out of your mouth. I would be so disappointed if I raised her as my daughter. I would be so disappointed. She's she's she's not even let's say she would have said hey i have at least if she let's say she would have said hey i have three retarded brothers and i find the the word retard offensive and i know it's not really offensive but i'm really sensitive to it because how it's been mixed with this derogatory term and lost its clinical value if she would have gone even then it's still i would have been like okay she plays the victim if she would have gone even then it's still i would have been like okay she plays the victim but instead it's you can't say that you can't larry page does not allow that bill gates does
Starting point is 00:43:12 not allow that word oh my god who's larry page isn't that the guy that's one of the guys that started google okay uh not zuckerberg no that's facebook oh we can do we can do we should do a little we should finish the show with a little recap of the legends of censorship okay action bird calling people an idiot idiot like all this stuff it was just very like tasteless hot take here this goes back to college in college not a care in the world right most people not a care we're done with this oh my god it's like it's like it's like so tasteless why because uh because mark zuckerberg told you it's tasteless you are this is a completely vapid human being i had said this before vapid do not do not watch stuff like this guys you get
Starting point is 00:44:06 dumber you'll so i got i got two things and like god i don't want to go hard on this chick but you don't have to she's going hard on herself it is it is unbelievable there's one point in there where she goes and i thought it was so funny where I just cut, and I'm going cacking, like a huge exhale. I don't know. I thought it was funny, and I thought it was funny in real time, and I also really liked the never give up, never surrender bits in that. The video is great.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I was clicking through some of her old videos. I was like, how in the fuck did she get 100,000 followers? I want to do that. I'm like, she did something to get there. And she had 100,000 followers. I want to do that. I'm like, she did something to get there. It does appear like she changes what she's doing every two to three years.
Starting point is 00:44:53 And she does try to ride a little bit of momentum. I understand that too. We're going back and forth. Maybe she's going to pick a couple people up. Maybe I'll pick a couple people up. It's all good. Maybe four years ago, she made a video where she's talking for 20 or so minutes. And Alexis and I were watching it on the big screen and she's putting on makeup the whole time while she's talking. And I clicked through and I'm like, holy shit, it's 20 minutes long. So we watched
Starting point is 00:45:17 five minutes of her putting on makeup step-by-step. We skipped forward like 12 to 13 minutes to the end just to see the wrap wrap up and she goes so this was just like an easy makeup tutorial i'm like you just spent 20 minutes straight and i'm like did she do alexis you're an esthetician does she do this every day and she goes yeah probably i was like oh i wake up and i like take a shower and throw some shit in my hair and i'm good to go i'm like i couldn't so hard being her that was just a simple makeup tutorial like it's so hard people that that's simple lee mander i'm like holy fuck she uses the words uh oh she also accused you of deleting a comment which which was never the irony was that you read the comment so how
Starting point is 00:46:01 would you have deleted it you showed it on the show i i love just like throwing no that wasn't the exact one but i've never deleted a comment i look at it and i love comments comments are like my real-time feedback as to how things are going she called you toxic then she said toxic masculinity then she called you a misogynist and then she said the word gaslighting i've heard that before and so my wife was against you today what somebody used that against you today in my comment section on the spiegel video yeah you're a you're a gaslighter but i don't really know what that means i don't know what that means either but i've been explained it like 500 times it just won't stick but caleb you got anything on gaslight lighting you can't um you can't use all
Starting point is 00:46:46 of those words you get you get like how what are you trying to tell us you're woke yeah it's all the buzzwords it was unbelievable my wife heard from the other room and started laughing like what are you laughing at she goes she's just went to like the woke handbook and is just reading out the names. Manipulate by psychological means into questioning their own feelings. Literally everything you just did fits this definition. You know? You spend – I've looked at you, and with your bracelets and your necklaces and your tattoos and the makeup, you spent – I'm not gaslighting you. You have a fucking problem.
Starting point is 00:47:25 You work – I think it's a problem from where i stand i would hate if it took me an hour every day and i had to be worried about how i looked as much as you do it's completely insane it's so hard being you and so you have to defend that i get that when's easy being you, you don't have anything to defend. Someone's like, Sevan, you don't wash your hair? Nope. We need to create a word. That's what we got to do. Because that wasn't a word that was around like a decade ago, right? That's got to be kind of new, gaslighting. Not only did you tangle with Nate Edwards and Craig Ritchie, you tangled with Matt Fraser and Dave Castro. And yet she accuses you of only tangling with girls.
Starting point is 00:48:08 By the way, any time a woman uses the woman card, like you call starts down that avenue, that's because she's insecure about her own womanhood. It doesn't even matter if she's right. It doesn't matter. If someone called me short and I have to defend it in any way, it I'm insecure about my own manhood, my own, my own height. Sorry. Go ahead, Caleb. I looked up gas lighting like a year ago, like when people just started using it kind of like intermittently, it wasn't this prominent.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And I'm pretty sure I got some sort of definition about it being utilized in coal mines. Like the definition was talking about how it was literally used in coal mines for whatever, like whenever there's a gas leak or something like that. And then just now looking at it, it gave the definition of like the metaphorical sense where it's the psychological use. Oh, yes, that is the story. It comes from a guy and a woman who are living in a house together. And the guy was leaking – I'm probably telling the story wrong, but the spirit of it is right. The guy turns on the gas in the house, and somehow it poisons his wife so she thinks she's crazy, and he uses it, but he doesn't tell her he's doing that, and he causes his wife to go crazy. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:22 That's pretty good then. The wife thinks the gas lights in the house are flickering, and the husband says she's crazy. He's trying to get her money. Okay, yeah. That's pretty good then. The wife thinks the gas lights in the house are flickering and the husband says she's crazy. He's trying to get her money. Okay, yeah, something like that. Okay. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:31 You were kicked out of a gym for gas lighting? That's me. What a hollow. Why not just say what you mean? Why not just say, hey, you're calling me. Like she's not even being specific. She's using this broad concept it's like when someone calls you misogynist no just tell me what i did hey caleb could you google dog whistle
Starting point is 00:49:52 and maybe not put on the screen because dick butter recommended it but everyone who thinks probably i think an accurate accurate use of the word misogynist is everyone who thinks that men who who it's okay for men to play in women's sports i think you're a misogynist and why do i think that because you obviously hate women because you want them to lose to men you're trying to and so i think that's a great explanation of what misogyny is i think that um anyone who doesn't like it if if you compliment a woman's body you're a misogynist because you hate women's bodies, but you disguise it as trying to protect them from us complimenting them. You're a misogynist. You obviously hate the female form.
Starting point is 00:50:34 You hate vagina. You hate breasts. You hate everything about women. And so when we compliment women on their bodies – and so that's why you call us that. These are all – it seems so simple to me. It's going to be similar to gaslighting. I think that's what she's doing. Dog whistling is what she did to you, I think, when she said, I can't believe he's not canceled for using the R word.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Oh my god. It's like how is that even possible in this world? Because we don't live in north korea so this might be a good opportunity for you to bring up my comment section on the danny spiegel video because you're kind of on a roll right now with this stuff and this gives you a chance to either dig into or defend yourself on a topic in my comment section if you're interested but there were only two comments that interested me in there but go ahead which one not on the video this is on the danny spiegel i yeah i yeah i went i went through there yesterday oh the one at the top the one at the top yeah because maybe halfway through i think there's 24 replies on
Starting point is 00:51:40 there they they come right back it's you and i'm curious what you think on it at the minimum okay i i thought the people who came to my defense did a pretty good job uh question a woman's morals because she takes pictures oh he addresses this okay i'm not going to read this whole thing but i'm going to tell you what he said he's suggesting that a question a woman's morals because she takes pictures and workout shorts or a bikini. And that's the definition of misogynist. And he's taking it completely out of context. And he explains later.
Starting point is 00:52:14 He goes down there later or she. I don't know. Turn tape. Turn tableable. They. They. Thank you. Basically, there was we had invited Danny to come on the podcast and she responded. No, thank you basically there was we had invited danny to come on the podcast and she responded no
Starting point is 00:52:25 thank you uh she was very polite but she basically said she has a different morals than um click that one right there yeah okay she i want to clarify i'm not talking about anything anybody said during the invitational i have zero problem complimenting someone's body which is not true at all i don't believe that at all i do it all the time i'm talking about a few months ago when danny by the way that's weird if you do it all the time by the way i'm talking about a few months ago when danny refused an invitation to go on the show stating that she didn't agree with the morals of the show or something like that after that happened the host that's me the hosts went on danny's insta and pulled up pictures of her sitting on a box with her legs crossed on her legs put up a picture of her sitting on a box without her legs crossed on her legs put up a picture of her sitting on a box without her
Starting point is 00:53:08 legs crossed you could have just said with her legs wide open you could have said that you could have said with her legs wide open with her vagina dead front and center i mean there's a lot of ways you could have written that that would have been a more articulate uh that's when they came up with the nickname beacon of morality not they not they me you can basically trying to shame danny no not trying to shame danny not trying to shame danny in the slightest and say that she couldn't have high morals no not saying that either not suggesting that at all are you going to tell me that didn't happen no i'm not going to tell you that didn't happen i just told you it did happen aren't you listening i commented in here saying that i would try to bring it up on the show so there's another one if you go down a
Starting point is 00:53:54 little caleb what we did the same turntable what we did try to do is make it fun because it is a interesting and unique juxtaposition of someone. Click the show more right there. Maybe we should define morality. Maybe it's this one. Scroll through. Andrew, the one where it says, Andrew, you are right on a couple of things. And then after two, there you go.
Starting point is 00:54:18 As far as the whole, you're responding to your own feelings, blah, blah, blah, that Stefan says in order to escape from taking responsibility for anything he says. don't think you've seen have you seen that one yet savan what do you think on that yeah yeah yeah i didn't think what do you think about that i'm just curious because i didn't know what to say i'm like i wonder what he thinks this person because there's the word gaslighting that That's why I brought all this up because it was on topic. This person is suggesting because I point out the way the brain works that I'm gaslighting people, that I'm trying to trick people into – that I'm trying to trick people by showing how the brain works. And he's conflating that with gaslighting. They are.
Starting point is 00:55:03 This person is doing the exact same thing that they're accusing me of. They're trying to manipulate the situation. Bingo. Good one. You're right. So we're staring at the number five, and they're like, it's two and three, it's two and three, it's two and three. I would need to think about it a little more. I'm not doing it fair justice to articulate it, but the dead giveaway is you're responding to your
Starting point is 00:55:25 own feelings blah blah blah blah blah this i guess that this person probably doesn't even understand the mechanism of where their thoughts come from and that's what i try to explain to people on this show well wait a minute wait a minute you said something about like responding via your thoughts or your feelings and you just said that you can't do justice to it is that not you kind of backpedaling you read it you've you can't do justice to it is that not you kind of backpedaling you read it you've probably got an initial reaction to it but you want to take a step back before you kind of explode or not explode yeah i want to be able to articulate it because i think it has value to people who are watching the show
Starting point is 00:55:58 i want to be able to articulate – I would need a concrete example. Right now we've fallen into the weeds of just name-calling back and forth. I would need a really specific example of what he said. Hey, you're blaming – I would always go back to the racist thing. You're saying that – let's use affirmative action for the, for the thing. I want to say, I want to say, Hey, affirmative action. Isn't really affirmative action. They changed the name of affirmative action, which really means let's be racist. And I, and I want to drill down into things. And this guy is saying that when I drilled down into things and show them for what they are,
Starting point is 00:56:40 it's just my way of avoiding responsibility. They want to say, someone would say, they are. It's just my way of avoiding responsibility. They want to say, someone would say, Stefan, you're against affirmative action. So you're racist. And I would say, no, affirmative action is racist because what you're doing is you're letting people into college based on the color of their skin. And they're saying, oh, you're just manipulating the situation. They've now they've attacked me and saying, same staying focused on what the subject was. Well, no, let's define what affirmative action is. That's what this guy is doing. He's trying to avoid what we were originally talking about. And I can see where he made the mental leap. We did make a joke.
Starting point is 00:57:12 We did make a joke that when she said she had too high of morality to come on the show, we did make a joke by going to her Instagram and looking at the photos and comparing, do these look like a presentation of someone with high morals? And we showed it yesterday on the Sevan podcast. She's in a Playboy outfit, which is a rag that children or young men jerk off to, talking about her fans wanting an OnlyFans account. account now there is a little incongruity there with someone who is using morality as a basis to not come on this show when i think this show has some of the highest morality on the internet we pride ourselves on integrity this guy also wants to redefine the definition of morality
Starting point is 00:58:02 or misogyny in his original post so does that does that help i follow okay i've lost you but i think i follow okay so yeah ass homonym yes ass homonym exactly it's ass homonym but but that's okay i'm okay with it it's just the comments but at some point i can't um do the comments are the most important part of any video you know that right you get real-time feedback about what you just did and then you can get better or worse and just make adjustments right right and pull up to pull up danny spiegel's uh account and to think i'm by no way am i shaming her actually caleb do you have that video i sent you guys yesterday of her dancing we've got two avenues on this avenue number one is she knows what she's doing
Starting point is 00:58:51 and she likes the fact that we're doing this whole like little bit on her because yeah i hope so and i think i brought that up that's what i hope too like i brought up the girls who eat shirt i did that little bit on how i hope she sells more shirts because of it cool that's the idea i thought it was i speculated it was the idea she said it was the idea we're all good the other avenue is she's got like an agent out there and she's like i told you not to ever talk about them ever again what the fuck were you thinking it's either or do you want that video sure if you have it look at this look at this video i this i watched this 10 times yesterday i must have sent this to fucking 10 people this video is fucking amazing this is amazing
Starting point is 00:59:32 have you seen this hillar um i don't know it's a black yes oh yeah this is unreal will you play the music, too? Art. Hashtag art. Hey, listen. We had that girl on the show. I can't remember her name. The identity lady.
Starting point is 01:00:14 I forget her name. But after we did the show, she sent me a text saying it was fucking like the greatest show ever. And she hadn't talked to a man in so long. And thank you so much. And she was so. And then the next day after that, we got a letter from her saying you have to pull the show down my agent didn't like the way i was represented and i'm like wow what the fuck my point is this that really hurt me that hurts not the right word that really frustrated me because i put so much work into that show i spent three hours preparing for it i spent three hours with her and i had to throw away six hours of my work. Danny Spiegel has put so much work into her body.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I don't care what she, I give her a fucking, like I love everything she does with it. I don't, I respect the game of all the fucking hard work she's to put into that body. And I thought that video was amazing. And I would crown that the greatest ass on planet earth. I'm sort of,
Starting point is 01:01:04 I wouldn't, but that's greatest ass on planet earth. I am sort of, I wouldn't, but that's just preference on asses. You ever see that picture where it's like, which ass do you prefer? And it's like, a, B, C,
Starting point is 01:01:13 D E F G. And I'm like, that one looks like Alexis's ass. I'm into that one. It's like, I asked him as D it's just a bunch of different shapes. There's like a pear shape. And then there's like a watermelon shape. They're all good looking, but then like, everyone's just a bunch of different shapes there's like a pear shape and then there's like a watermelon shape they're all good looking but then like everyone's got a preference
Starting point is 01:01:29 that video would turn a gay man straight yeah they're sure they're all preferences i agree um uh you had to pull the show too i didn't have to like the the bunch of lawyers was like don't war with her but like i don't want to war with her. Oh, yeah. Lisa Marie. She had like three names. And she told me that it triggers her when people don't use all of her names if they just call her Lisa. And she cried like 12 times on the show. It was weird.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Nine? Nine at least. Nine. Kenneth DeLapp, let's try and keep our female five female listeners next topic i mean hillary your girl does have a nice ass she has the best ass and and here's the other thing about the ass chart in the chat here's the other thing how about simply mander um toxic masculinity do you not know that this is the guy who professed his love to his wife on this show saying if he found out she was a man
Starting point is 01:02:32 it wouldn't change anything he'd stay with her oh you fucking ding dong yeah uh jeff bak, I'll admit Danny's body works for me 10,000%. Works what? Here we go. Oh. Oh. Alexis is, well, this was in the ABCD one, but she's probably third down far to the left. The has-beens? No, not hard bubble.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Something between bubble and hot tamale yeah that's alexis oh between bubble and hot tamale where the fuck are you looking on the screen man oh oh oh oh between bubble but oh oh pancake she has pancake butt Between Bubba. Oh, oh, Pancake. She has Pancake butt? No, man. She's between. Not between them. Like, it's either one or the other. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah, those are the two best asses on there. Heidi wants to see Alexis' ass.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Go to her Instagram. It's crazy. I saw it in real life. It's crazy. Yeah, pull up her Instagram. It's crazy. She has, oh, my God. I can't remember who we were with but she used to
Starting point is 01:03:46 be yeah wait what go ahead someone we were with at the beach said holy fuck have you seen hillar's ass i'm like or hillar's ass mine's small i got no ass they said holy fuck have you seen alexis's ass i'm like no i'm just staring at hillar's no i like, yeah, of course I fucking saw her ass. Look at that thing. If you scroll down a little bit, she's got some good photos from a photographer friend of hers. Oh, look at that shirt. Which? Oh, CEO. Yeah, man, she loves that shirt.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Hey, it's a really, really, it's a huge ass, too. There's a photographer in theory. We'll find a picture. You have to see it in person. It doesn't do it justice in photos. I mean, it's a photographer in theory. We'll find a picture. You have to see it in person. It doesn't do it justice in photos. I mean, it's still amazing in photos. No, no, no. We'll find one.
Starting point is 01:04:30 If we scroll a little bit, we'll find one that gets maybe 70% of the way there. It's really big and powerful. She's strong as fuck too. Yeah, she's big. She's big. How tall is she? Not that one. Keep going's five seven that one doesn't do it justice no it doesn't she's got to be when she's in a when
Starting point is 01:04:53 she's in like there you go there you go her her and her friend there you go that's that's danielle danielle alexis that's a good picture it's it's crazy it is a crazy ass even amongst great asses it's still good it's a crazy ass that doesn't do it justice either it's it's wider impression than it looks than it looks in on pictures yeah she's got wider hips than i do she'll make fun of me for that bigger butt and wider hips see i don't know i might have to make a she just opened up a new location she just got uh she just quadrupled her space in her new business so she's doing great i don't want to say i don't want to say eyebrow deal i believe i'm going to need that when I get back. Your eyebrows look great. I don't want to say anything.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I, I hope I've never meant to say a single negative thing about Danny Spiegel. It's all just been, honestly, it's all been just fun and games. It's just all funny. It's a good excuse to go ogle her at her fucking Instagram account. It's fun to just,
Starting point is 01:06:03 you know, go back and forth the i think she would even be embarrassed to be honest that people are defending her the way they are so i think someone that guy tried to redefine misogyny the thing is is that there's 140 comments on there or whatever. And 138 of them are like, yeah, this, this is fucking ridiculous that she,
Starting point is 01:06:27 if she actually thinks we believe she doesn't want people talking about her body. And there's only two people in there that are like, they agree with her. Would you say that's fair? Hiller? I, I try to remember that there's likely people who don't want to get you know ganged up on so
Starting point is 01:06:48 they're they probably do a little bit of background and they look up and down they're like okay if i post something on here it's war and i gotta go up against the freaking army of god over here and some people so so i i don't know you got destroyed on one of your other videos people aren't afraid one of your your Mander video, people came over and fucking... Yeah, you're right about that. Well, well, well. I'm assuming those are all her buddies. She does have 100,000 YouTube followers.
Starting point is 01:07:15 I bet she pointed the horn at me. Coincidentally enough, every single one of those comments also had like 50 likes. It's like they know who each other are and they're liking each other's comments I don't
Starting point is 01:07:30 think we've I don't think we've ever disrespected Danny on this show ever I keep on saying I know that I never have because I don't actually think anything negative ever I think I see what people are up to. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Okay, good. I hope it is that. That would be awesome. Why does everyone take GW151516? 1615-7432. It's the one, it's the, well, probably because of the publicity on it. Like people won't go down the route or don't have the connections to find out anything else
Starting point is 01:08:05 um but when you see things in the headlines they google it like you did with red 140 when ricky popped yeah they're like oh i can take this i just got off the internet it's like news article on morning chalk up google search order done takes it um so there's that there's that and then there's also the fact that it works you get stronger faster smarter no it's endurance endurance it's called fitness in a bottle because it's supposed to make you better aerobically without doing any aerobic work SARMs are so bad for you is that true they're worse for you than any sort of anabolics generally because the only thing I can stand upon with that is that they're less tested.
Starting point is 01:08:51 Most anabolics have been around for quite some time, and while they're not good for you either when you do them in certain ways, these have been around since 2000, 1990s, which isn't anywhere as long. This one, actually, everyone will say that it gives you cancer and then of course there's studies saying that it also doesn't give you cancer but helps you with your prostate enlargement so it just depends on what you read and where you read it that's why i didn't get it i put the rad 140 in the cart and then when i went to check out it gave me a warning saying hey uh this thing could fuck with your prostate i was like i don't need anything fuck with my prostate i already had that doctor fucking with my prostate yeah exactly sarmageddon
Starting point is 01:09:34 uh so yeah i mean and i also believe that that thing kind of sticks around longer than normal so like i always talk about clearance times most the of the anabolics, you know, when they're out, those you don't know when they're out. So they just stay in you. So if you pee ever, you're screwed. This girl, Taylor, who popped Taylor for taking electrolytes. Stride. Taylor Stride.
Starting point is 01:09:56 She didn't pop for taking electrolytes. She popped because her electrolytes were tainted from what we know. And that's a big thing because about four or five months ago, I had this whole skit and everyone got aboard it. There are memes and shit made about it, which is like you have a bottle of supplement, some sort of a supplement in which they're trying to get their margins as big as possible,
Starting point is 01:10:20 right? They want a $10 supplement. They sell it for 40 bucks. They're going to take that $30 and run. And if they can make it a $9 product so they can make 31, good. And then the whole like skit was, yeah, we're going to put a whole bunch of this in there because we want our product to work better. Like, well, that product that you're putting in there is expensive. So you're telling me you want to make the $10 product $20 and you're ruining the margins? It makes no fucking sense. And there's a lot of validity to that.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Unless you look at the Taylor Stride and Stephen Wallace case, which are you up to date on that at all? Or is it just the video you saw on mine? I'm just the video I saw on yours. Oh, and I saw maybe someone else's video on it. Maybe I saw an article that Barbell Spin wrote or something. He's been talking to. Why? What's the update? Just so people know these two athletes,
Starting point is 01:11:07 um, the girl, uh, Taylor says she's never, doesn't take any supplements, zero, except for this one electrolyte. And it was NSF certified.
Starting point is 01:11:17 I don't even know what that means or why that would matter. It's a, it's a body that will just like certify whether I think muscle farm is one of the first big companies that I knew that has NSF certified safer sport. Basically, the level of the college, the college level. When I was a college wrestler, it's like, hey, take muscle farm products because they're NSF certified. It's like you can't test positive. That is the thought. And CrossFit has gone as far to say that take the NSF certified supplements are the only ones that you can't test positive then is the thought and crossfit has gone as far to say that
Starting point is 01:11:45 take the nsf certified supplements they're the only ones that you can for sure take they say somewhere over the course of the past year i heard it on one of those debriefs that they were doing it seemed like they would do once one every three or four weeks with justin adrian i couldn't find it so i got to make sure that I'm like not certain about it, but I do remember that they said it somewhere. Sorry to go back. What Hiller was pointing out that Sevan nailed, calling someone crazy is ad hominem.
Starting point is 01:12:14 It's being done everywhere. If you go down and scroll down to the bottom of those comments, there's someone who basically says Sevan has been in a sex cesspool his whole fucking career whatever just go look at the videos he used to make at crossfit and if you don't believe me google his name like fuck yeah google my name go back and watch andrew hiller's video he breaks it down you can see the part you can see it all but they do that just to smear your name in that paragraph that they wrote that they could have said something to me i caught seven peeping in my mom's bedroom window
Starting point is 01:12:52 if you have something say it say it i'm tired of hearing that kanye was a uh i'm tired of hearing that kanye is anti-semitic every time you write that just say what he said stop smearing people's names every time i hear that i just it's just woke bullshit uh um uh danny spiegel has a beautiful ass okay but what about it makes it beautiful it's gonna put you can tell she's worked on it really hard the the texture of the skin is excellent the way it hangs in the back. I mean, add some value. You might be when I go bird watching with someone like that's a beautiful bird. Shut the fuck up. I don't respect your opinion on what's a beautiful bird or not.
Starting point is 01:13:37 I want to hear about notice the curvature on the beak. That bird is on the endangered list. That bird's the only bird that has three bones in its wing instead of two that's on planet earth give me something it's beautiful shut the fuck up i don't give a fuck about your fucking analysis what are you fucking for okay sorry where was i nsf oh drugs sanitation foundation so so is ns drugs drugs drugs is nsf valid is nsf valid yeah oh yeah it's supposed to be so tell me what's developed in this are you saying that she is innocent can we pull up the instagram post because i don't know what i'm allowed to say and not say oh because you have inside information always and but in here it says something that go ahead do you is she innocent uh everything that i know it appears so which is why i i
Starting point is 01:14:36 wouldn't have made a video contradicting myself if i didn't believe so and basically by contradicting myself i brought up that four months ago period, which was that this is not a fucking thing. There are no fucking tainted supplements, but we're, and then you come to this. And I think it's one of, I think she mentions it in the comment section. She's been right there. She's been working on it for four months, her teammate and her tested positive for Oereen they've been entirely transparent with crossfit now the big now the other big thing in relation to the butt and i know this for i can say this which is you wouldn't do all this stuff if you thought you were innocent which is you wouldn't
Starting point is 01:15:16 spend the money you wouldn't have the back and forth you wouldn't make the post this far after you wouldn't have been quiet this long you would do what jalen franklin did which is you go on a podcast immediately after you test positive and say some stupid shit like uh bag of pills i took a bag of pills and it was tainted like that's some army shit you idiot fucking army shit what you do if you're innocent is you do what these guys are doing which is you get the batch sample, you reach out to the company from which the product you thought was tainted was, you spend the $10,000, you go back and forth across. That's how much?
Starting point is 01:15:52 You think it's expensive to get all these tested? What she's doing is expensive? It's $600 to $1,000 per supplement. Oh, my God. Now, do we go to the comment? She says it in there. We were just there. An unjust full four years.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Right there. So she says there that they haven't brought it down to a two-year, which the barbell spin is brought up a couple of times, that the Nasir guy who tested positive for GW, he had it reduced to two. So the difference is the two years. She's got four four he's got two what did he do to prove his innocence that she did not and there's no word on stephen wallace yet has this company taken responsibility for it the electrolyte company she took no word
Starting point is 01:16:36 let's say why can't she get um completely waived with just a one-year suspension, the current year suspension, if she proves that it's not her fault? The thing with that is that you still did take it, and there's going to be people coming out of the woodwork saying she reaped the benefits of X supplement. And that's probably the biggest argument, but I'm on board with give her the year. I mean, you already didn't. They were kicked out of the games this year because of the tainted supplement that they've been trying to prove for four to five months at this point. And I think it'd be fair to give them a year. Like, okay, you guys are good. You're back in next year.
Starting point is 01:17:18 How will this end? How will this end? Are you disappointed in crossfit right now that's you know how it's going to end is they're going to have four-year bans because it's cross fits where the highway they never fucking bend or break it's ridiculous unless something comes out that i haven't heard of or seen it seems kind of ridiculous that they're they're going through all this and every other t in supplement thing you never hear about them actually spending money and doing the the legwork to prove it in crossfit's defense in
Starting point is 01:17:50 crossfit's defense maybe they know stuff and because of privacy act they can't say anything to where where the person who's being accused can say everything but they can't say is that true i don't know if that's true i'm making that up well i assumed you knew some shit that i didn't know coming from the other end it's like what have you seen on your side over there no i forget that stuff oh it's fair it's possible uh they're they could also i i find that unlikely in this scenario i think we'll find out more in two months or less why do why do you think wada so they use you what do they what does crossfit use usada sport oh drug-free sport which is different than usada and wada correct drug-free
Starting point is 01:18:33 sport is a company that you basically say hey test this for this what do you want us to test it for just test it for whatever they test at the college level and then they test them in ways that we found out last year also subpar with the lisa burns case which they also didn't like work with very much because there was proof saying that they didn't collect the samples properly which completely eviscerates all evidence in any other sort of situation that was the one that she had the wrong, they had the wrong sex of her, the wrong name and the wrong athlete number. Yeah. See,
Starting point is 01:19:09 you're good. You got it. So yeah, they had all that stuff wrong due to an improper sampling and an improper like collection, but she still got a four year ban. And in this case, it looks like Taylor and Steve,
Starting point is 01:19:21 I don't know about Steven are going to get four year bans. And in the case of a WADA, they have it all down. And the big thing with WADA that they'll do is the biological passport, which they'll save samples and they'll be able to check things in the future, which I brought up with you before, right? Yeah. Why don't they use WADA? It's cost prohibitive.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Probably expensive as fuck. I don't know the price. But remember UFC brought it in here. UFC guy. You remember that time period or no? I came in right after that. But I hear it talked about all the time about how the athletes change shape after that. Could you imagine how that would look?
Starting point is 01:19:59 It wouldn't look very good. Did it look? But I guess it didn't matter with UFC, did it? No, it wouldn't matter with CrossFit, too. People would just it would just be part of the story then good make it part of the story so for whatever reason you think wada does a better has a better drug testing protocol and capabilities than whatever what's the other one called that they use drug-free sport drug-free sport better but not perfect if you're good you're going to get around it no matter what. I guess I should also say that if we want to compare it to the other big sports, NFL, MLB,
Starting point is 01:20:32 they don't use like a USADA or a WADA. And in that video that we're talking about, I say they shouldn't use anything. Oh. Free game. Let it fly. Let it roll. Someone sent me a picture of a strong california hormones games someone sent me a picture of uh a strong man just walking around at rogue yeah it's like a
Starting point is 01:20:53 fucking brick shithouse just like and i'm like people seem to be okay with that it's got a pretty big following it's do it they're doing well are they doing well let me what do you mean i don't know i i it would be health wise or because i don't think they're very healthy by any means but i don't think crossfitters at the elite level are either yeah i just think it would be i don't see how it sits in congruence with the brand if you just have these people that don't like if i owned an affiliate i don't think i would want the crossfit game for the affiliates are you kidding let's explain explain the the the the the affiliates should be about health and wellness, no? Yeah. Nobody ever goes and plays a football game expecting to make the NFL. No one plays basketball expecting to go to the fucking NBA.
Starting point is 01:21:58 And I think it might be a very 2012 look at it to say, this is what CrossFit will turn you into if you do enough CrossFit. And it might be one of the biggest issues. That's a hot take. That people think that they're going to turn into games athletes or want to be doing all of this stuff but really they should be doing dot com and focusing on movement and doing a they'll do heavy five back squat as your workout of the day and not trying to throw in that you wouldn't have people like simply mander okay simply mander wouldn't be saying crossfit ruined her because she got all fucked up thinking that crossfit was the sport you know you know what i'm saying no i'll no i don't i i don't i'm not i'm not following
Starting point is 01:22:38 you because this would become the face of crossfit if you if you just opened up the drug door well do i look like that not yet i did this person seven yeah okay you you have to try to look like that right right oh i understand i understand what you're saying is that's a different kind of training we would have some maurice puginowski looking motherfuckers you would not have marius puginowski looking motherfuckers all right you you would have a saquon barkley looking motherfuckers. You would not have Marius Puginowski looking motherfuckers. All right. You would have a Saquon Barkley looking motherfuckers. Saquon Barkley. You would have Zac Efron and Baywatch plus somebody. I got to watch myself here.
Starting point is 01:23:18 So you think it would be good? He started taking steroids too. Have you seen him recently he looks fucking weird yoked zach efron uh yeah it looks like a baby with uh ronnie coleman's body zach efron at one point was the best looking human on the planet earth and he's he has done himself a disservice by how juiced up he got he also had some work done on his face oh but it's apparently because he smacked it on a fucking sink or something he was like running around and broke his jaw open
Starting point is 01:23:52 falling had surgery done but how do you not understand what i'm saying about the the how many times have you been in an affiliate? I don't know. 500. And when you were there, did you not see the, the people that were trying to get to the CrossFit games, but, or maybe were that, that was the Afron picture.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Tell me I'm, I'm patient. Tell me. I know. We have seven minutes. Oh, we have a time cap today. Hour and a half time cap on this podcast. Amrap words. You don't think let me let me put this out there. You don't think that if if that became the imagery of CrossFit, that everyone then who would go into the gym would be like, OK, I need to get juiced up to to look like that. And if it was that
Starting point is 01:24:44 open and that it would it would start pushing it that way instead of to get juiced up to to look like that and if it was that open and that it would it would start pushing it that way instead of to where the brand is to be um uh nutrition health fitness hard work that it would it would start swaying too much into the use of drugs or no you think that i would say i would say it's impossible to know but i also know that there are people who could use bodybuilding to look like them but will never touch drugs but the people who are going to do it did it anyway okay and the same thing happens with power lifting with strongman i know plenty of people who are like they are been doing olympic weightlifting for 40 years and they never had any interest in taking drugs but
Starting point is 01:25:22 they still like watching the olympics right Which I guess would say they are drug tested, but strongman and powerlifting, people love that shit. They do it all the time, naturally. I don't know. So there, let me. It's impossible to say. There's nothing in between CrossFit and strongman. Nothing between CrossFit and strongman. What do you mean as far as so like there's there's there's
Starting point is 01:25:48 there's marathon running then there's there's triathletes right then there's crossfit and then there's strongman those are kind of the that's kind of what would you what would you want to put between the two things uh mauriceinowski, who can actually, who can, you know, run a 5k. I think that's going to be me. All right. It looks like it's going that way. Hunter McIntyre is probably close, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Like a high rocks. Right. He's much bigger in person than he is on the internet. He's big. He's like 220. And he's got an enormous personality and even bigger personality and presence than he does even on the show that i'm gonna tell him he makes himself look small on the internet he won't like
Starting point is 01:26:35 that heidi's doing high rocks today i think she is yeah I saw. Yeah. Wow, that's hardcore. You did the Batman. You finally did it. You wrote a workout on the board. Did you ever think you'd be able to do that? Sometimes you look at it and be like, oh, fuck. I'm fucked. That's going to be there forever. Every bit of my mental lapses Alexis would know about in relation to my elbow rehab.
Starting point is 01:27:04 And there were times where I just didn't think I would ever like try to do any of that shit ever again, for sure. You thought it'd come to an end. And then, so the workout was up on the board and you finally did it a couple of days ago, and then you were able to erase it off the board and you did it in 12, 22. Correct.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Maybe it was 12, 21. One deadlift at four 95, one back squat at four or five, one bench press at three 15, one deadlift at 495 one back squat at 405 one bench press at 315 one power snatch at 225 10 unbroken ring muscle-ups 100 unbroken double unders three rounds and you will repeat it again in two months yeah thank you for liking the intro i was pretty proud of this intro people have seen the batman is just like scoping around and i thought it was kind of neat how i scoped around into the garage i thought it was cool i had people over at my house the other day when we were watching these videos and i don't remember who said it someone's like how the fuck does he have so many movie references this is
Starting point is 01:27:59 amazing uh i was uh well you know how i've said how i was an obese little kid i watched a lot of movies over and over again they're they're stuck in there my my dad growing up used to go to best buy every tuesday and pick up a couple of movies like just the new ones that came out because they were always like five bucks off or six bucks off so he has a wall with like 5 000 dvds movies he used to rent him out we had like a little spy thing going like you thought you were too young for dvds i thought you were too young for dvds no i think i was like right in the hot time of dvds i had the hd dvd player that's like the the good one it was the one that was beat the shit by blu-ray like it was blu-ray versus hd dvd yeah oh yeah 300 hd dvd i couldn't make the transition i've got a
Starting point is 01:28:57 crossfit games athlete doing this workout today oh interesting uh they said that they'd do it and i said that i'd send them a hundred bucks. Can you tell us who it is? Surprise. Colton Mertens. Colton Mertens. No. No.
Starting point is 01:29:17 Did you say JR? No. I wonder if JR could do this. I don't know what JR's best deadlift is. You cannot do this, JR. Kyle Landis, you are the winner. Oh, no shit. Good guess.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Yeah. Nick Matthew. I told him I bet he could do it under 10 minutes, but I bet he could also do it under nine minutes because I think I'd do this first round pretty easily in three. His conditioning is better and he's stronger, so I think he'd be able to do it pretty quick did you listen to the lyrics and go ahead no you go ahead it takes four times as long
Starting point is 01:29:53 to set this workout up as it did to do it hey that's a good warm-up though you were saying you should have a friend come over and help you set it up. Fuck that. I was surprised you have that many plates. That's a lot of plates. I think when I was creating the workout, I had to make sure I had enough. And I didn't think about it since I created it. Because I knew I wanted to do it just like this. This is exactly what I thought, Jessica.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Hiller mentioned the scale version of the Batman. It's the Robin. I know. When I looked at that, I'm like, that's not fucking scaled. It is scaled. It's scaled, but it's not scaled. The deadlift is at 405. These are the bale weights.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Pounds would smash it. Back squat, 405. Bench press, fuck, three dirt. 405 bench press fuck three dirt 405 315 225 and then 185 on the snatch five ring muscle-ups 50 double unders get a hot guy to do it so we can talk about his ass and abs for 45 minutes well you got one right now it's seven take your shirt off talk about your ass and abs nick matthew's gonna be a hot guy he's got he'll wear the crop top that's the next chance yeah bruce it's so heavy that's what we were joking about it is so heavy that even the scale did you did you listen to my commentary on this the whole reason behind my creation of this was I wanted it to be something
Starting point is 01:31:26 where there are people outside of CrossFit who will look at the weights and go, I can do that. Five plates, four plates, three plates, two plates. It's just like the weights on the barbell. It's like the 495. It's just five plates on the bar, 545. It's the way that most people in a gym will look at it. It's like, oh, can you squat four plates?
Starting point is 01:31:44 Can you bench three plates? They're like kind of benchmarks for the guys but they thank you the muscle ups unless they do crossfit thank you lindsey crop top not sexy i agree not you can't be picked can't be picky lindsey whatever you got man come on god the crop top just does something to me. My eyes don't like it. JR and I were saying that we don't know if 50% or more or less could do this at the CrossFit Games, this workout. He says more. Wow. I said less.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Wow. What would stop him, you think? The bench press for some and the ring the ring muscles would be fine it'd be the bench press and the deadlift so i bet he's probably right though it's probably something like 20 25 could not do it shut it caleb damn uh Listen, look at this. The weights are easy. Cazavion.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Hell yeah. Now, what about the muscle-ups? Why no bar muscle-ups for the Robin, Hiller? Some people think ring muscle-ups are easier. Not many people. Yeah, I think ring muscle-ups are easier think i think ring muscle-ups are easier i think ring muscle-ups well thank you it's because you do all those negatives yeah okay so uh thank you no i was just gonna i'm gonna hang up on everyone what do you go ahead you get the last word
Starting point is 01:33:18 i actually don't think i had anything i was just trying to fill the air because you weren't saying shit all right cool guys thank you very much we will see you tomorrow morning tomorrow morning I actually don't think I had anything. I was just trying to fill the air because you weren't saying shit. All right, cool. Guys, thank you very much. We will see you tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning, I think we have Matt DeLugos on. Hiller and I and the team and Caleb and everyone are preparing for the Zello games, which are coming very soon. Zelos?
Starting point is 01:33:35 Zelos. Zelos. And tomorrow we will have Matt DeLugos on in the morning early and then back-to-back with Miss Alex Gazan, two really fun guests we had on before. We'll visit them, find out what they're up to, and then the rest of the week we'll start hard. Bye-bye.

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