The Sevan Podcast - #676 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: November 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Hey, good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Andrew Hiller. Hello. You're not cold? Shit. Why can't I hear you in here? You're not cold? Time for a haircut. I got you now.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Hello. How many hours did you sleep last night, Caleb? See, I switched that up. I purposely wanted Hiller to think I was asking him. I was going to answer. At the last minute, I pivoted. Good. Oh, you son of a bitch. How many hours did you sleep, Caleb? Yeah. I thought you were going to answer. At the last minute, I pivoted. That's good. Oh, you son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:01:05 How many hours did you sleep, Caleb? Yeah. I thought you were going to ask me. We don't care. Just like you didn't care about me. Five hours, Caleb? Yeah, about that. How many did you sleep, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Just under four. Yeah, I didn't sleep so much last night. very much why did you not sleep very much i just stay up too late i just start like fooling around like i'm it's like 10 o'clock i'm like it's time to go to bed and then i look and it's 11 17 and i'm like you know like all right what did you do with this camera this looks good thank you yeah what did you do with this camera? This looks good. Thank you. Yeah, what'd you do? I have so many real cameras. I just hooked up a real camera to the show and then put a really shallow lens on it with a really shallow depth of field. I like it.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I would like to make it even more shallow, but the problem is I lean back and I'm trying to keep my shit in focus. I think it would be appropriate if uh k seban and caleb go shirtless too you wouldn't say that about me if you actually once i did it caleb i got sent a video of you doing some burpees the other day i know you fucking told me about it how bad are they what he does what what's he fucking up he's not opening his hip at the top? Let's talk about this. We're missing some chest to the ground. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:29 It's a little tight. It's a little tight at the bottom. It's embarrassing for this show. It's embarrassing. What part is tight? It's not tight. My chest is probably about this far off the ground. Isn't it easier to bounce your chest off the ground? As i get to the end i
Starting point is 00:02:45 start fucking like bouncing myself off depends on i think as a wrestler i've always thought so because you basically just sprawl and hit your chest to the floor but i do think that there's a little bit of built-in like breathing that you've learned over time as a wrestler and maybe some people just don't have that knocks the wind out of them over and over again, which is a negative. It could also, because Caleb's six,
Starting point is 00:03:08 two and I'm five, five. So throwing my body on the ground, what's the furthest you've fallen from me? Either of you. One time I was in Poland and I was filming and it was super, it was all snowy and icy outside. And I was outside like a subway terminal. I think I was in Warsaw and there were like six stairs, cement stairs,
Starting point is 00:03:34 and I slipped at the top. And, and I, I immediately just turned to my back to protect my camera and held my camera on my chest. chest and and the camera is currently being used on the show today not no not this that was many years but but that was that when i think of fall i think that's probably one of my so six steps is what it wasn't too bad it scared the shit out of me i would rather do that than do it like froning or fraser or velner did on like froning's fall from the rope would have fucking – I'd be in a wheelchair. How about you, Caleb? I think I've only, like, fallen from standing. And if I've fallen, like, a distance, it's been, like, a couple stairs.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I've never, like, legitimately fallen off of something. Do you have any fear of heights? Either of you? No. Yeah? Not really. Me no likey. Me no likey.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Why do you have – what's your fear from? From that fall from the stairs of six steps no i just i just i just get uneasy like if i'm climbing a tree to get a frisbee out of a tree and it's 20 feet or 30 feet high like a big pine tree or 40 feet shit can start to get weird for me i mean i do it when i was have you seen this movie go ahead go ahead when i was at that ninja gym i got up the warp wall which is the american ninja warrior thing and i looked down i'm like fuck how do i get out of this thing i had every single like tie together of every person that has ever gone up a rope and your crossfit affiliate and then be like oh fuck i never learned how to get down and it's something that as as a coach there for a number of years i
Starting point is 00:05:00 picked up on after a year or so but i'll never forget those first couple of people that got up the rope and they're looking down they're like now what i'm like oh fuck we didn't go over how to get down wow i see that with my little with my kids a lot when they first started climbing ropes like they have a plan to go up but not come down i've fallen hard before though so i'm terrified of heights when i was building this garage i fell and i went to the hospital have you ever seen this scar here no i just i just stare at your left eye the whole time i talked to you i just i know it's wide open yeah i fell on some scaffolding and split my face open building the garage i jumped off a roof in college and broke my back knocked me unconscious that's a fall you idiot but i jumped i jumped oh my dad has a story about
Starting point is 00:05:47 when he was like in his 20s and he jumped off a roof trying to get into a pool and with all his buddies and he was probably drunk and split his mouth open you could like poke his tongue through his chin damn yeah dudes are pretty dumb this um i I concur. This, I watched this trailer, and this trailer made me fucking not, like, I did not, like, this trailer made me never want to see this movie. Can I play this, Hiller, or will I get in trouble? You'll likely get in trouble. Oh. This is sick. Damn it, Hunter, what are you getting us into?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Have you seen this trailer? If you don't confess. Have you seen this trailer? No. Just pause it every once in a while. Every six seconds, and you'll be good. You see the girls in that? I have not seen this trailer if you don't confirm have you seen this trailer no just pause it every once in a while every every six seconds and you'll be good you see the girls no okay the movie's called fall you are always going to be afraid trust me fuck that fuck that i would never fucking watch that movie uh 147 hours where the guy gets stuck under a rock it's something like that it's like a number of hours and he's just stuck under a rock
Starting point is 00:06:54 it's like unfortunate wilderness circumstances where they're just fucked so what happens they're just hanging yeah the whole movie is going to be them at the top but all the trailer makes me want to vomit. Those movies are amazing. It's like Deep Blue Sea where they're just stuck in the ocean or the guy stuck under a rock or these people are stuck in the sky. There's a movie called Frozen. Oh, yeah, my kids love that movie. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:07:25 It's the same name, but this one they get eaten by wolves because they jump out of a ski lift they're stuck it just shuts down on them and they're skiing i'm reading it's one of those d level horror movies that no one's ever seen but it's worth watching i'm reading this book right now by a guy named craig 127 i forget his name his last name no not craig ritchie it's called the longest shot it's it's a um autobiography and there's so much death in it that it makes the roger sparks book look like nothing and it's it's like it's disturbing me when i read kayla harrison's book about how she was molested for when she was 18 what's his name craig harrison craig harrison kayla harrison but when I read,
Starting point is 00:08:05 Oh, same last name. Yeah. I just thought of it. Cause Kayla Harrison's book kind of fucked me up too. I actually asked her when she came on the show, I was like, do you think I'm a better person for reading your book? Cause I it's,
Starting point is 00:08:15 it's eight years of molestation and it's, it's brutal. But this book, this guy goes to the Balkans and he goes to Iraq and his, for some, everywhere he goes, there's just so many dead women and children. And he goes into detail about it. And it's... It's called what?
Starting point is 00:08:33 The Longest Shot. He's going to become on the show soon. Oh, because technically, I think it's The Longest Kill. Is it? Yeah, The Longest Kill. I mean, it's an incredible book.'m oh yeah you're right the longest kill you're right it the reading of it the this audiobook's amazing by the way i can't stop this came out in 1600 is that right january 1st, 1600.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Yeah, look, publication date. Right there. There's no way. That can't be right. It's a modern war story from the past 20 years. A modern war story from 400 years ago. I want to start. J.R. Howell, what's up?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Good morning, brother. Spiegel, good morning. J.T. Watkins, good morning. Bruce Wayne, good morning. Hardell, good morning. Gabe from Paper Street, the guy who keeps the lights on here at the Sebon podcast. Good morning, Roseview Photography. Dick Margerin, Richard Margerin, good morning, Bruce Wayne. It's Heckles TV. Hiller's Eye has not activated yet. No, he was born like that. Maybe when he's 50.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Jay Hardell, Jamie Latimer. JR the Grey is not a great movie uh karina rain good morning helson albert naz seban looking even better with this camera maybe now spiegel won't think he looks like a homeless guy one time i was in san diego california this is like five or six years ago and it was really hot outside 10 years ago this This is 10 years ago. Let's say I was 40, and it was really hot outside, and I had my little Chihuahua Basenji mix with me, tiny little dog that I have, Paramesh. And my wife had to go to the bathroom really bad, and it was one of those days that's so hot that no one's out. No one's walking around. And for California, that's like 100 degrees. And so my wife has to use the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And so she goes into the Starbucks to use the bathroom. And I kneel down behind some newspaper stands to get in the shade, mostly for shade for my dog. And I'm just petting my dog. And this guy walks up to me. You know the story? I've told the story, Kayla. This guy walks up to me and hands me a $5 bill. says like something like, hey, get something to eat for your dog. And I reach up and I take the five and I say, thank you. So, so many people.
Starting point is 00:10:59 When was this? 10 years ago. So while you were that's not the only time that's not the only time people have thought i was homeless i mean i get it this is while you were working at crossfit did i miss that part you were yeah i was working at crossfit yeah had a house all the whole deal you were just hiding in the shade yeah don't give me money and you took it yeah i've always been a very uh you didn't say anything just like thanks yeah just yeah but you know what i did so about about about a hundred feet later a hundred yards later we're walking and i see him this same
Starting point is 00:11:33 guy who gave me the five bucks talking to another homeless guy and so as i walked by i gave that five dollars to that homeless guy he was talking about san diego's filled with homeless people and but i don't even i didn't get the effect I wanted. I wanted that guy to notice and be like, what the fuck? But, but he didn't. But I mean, I, I, I wish that was my only story where someone said this isn't the first time you've been called homeless, dude. Let me tell you something. And I don't, and I don't appreciate it because being homeless was very
Starting point is 00:12:04 dramatic and attacking me in the marginalized, Let me tell you something. And I don't appreciate it because being homeless was very dramatic. And attacking me in the marginalized, disproportionately marginalized community really hurt and brought back a lot of strong memories. See $4 for Hiller. Keep up the good work, boys. Thanks, Tommy Rodriguez. I've crushed at least a dozen of these in two days. Don't roll your eyes at me, Caleb. It's part of the gig.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Oh, shit. I almost explode after one of them. I don't see in my notes what I wanted to... How come... Well, you're talking about being homeless, and I think people knew where you were going to go with that one.
Starting point is 00:12:39 But it's your notes. Thank you. There is a Clydesdale Media video that – Yes, I saw that. That I highly recommend you watch. You know what's crazy? Bomsicle. So I'm putting it in the comments.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I think it's worth watching for so many reasons. it's worth watching for so many reasons but the main reason is is uh this guy who was on the show uh um uh scott switzer who is the host of clydesdale media starts the show by saying hey this isn't i'm not defending sebon at all i just want to look at these clips and he looks at these clips and actually this video i i i cropped a four minute segment of this video and put it on my youtube page it'll premiere today at 9 a.m but what this girl bethany did is is pretty bad i mean i didn't even notice she altered my voice that's the first time i watched such a dickhead thing i've heard this dude talk more than almost my own freaking father at this point in my life. And I'm like, that doesn't sound like him.
Starting point is 00:13:49 What does she do? I thought maybe she listens to it sped up a little bit. And when she was recording, taking the screen grab, maybe it changes the way you sound. I never thought that she did that on purpose, which is possible. We don't know for sure. Every clip, just me? And you can hear it you can hear it how it ramps up when i talk you can see this it ramp up like when someone else is talking in the
Starting point is 00:14:11 same clip their voice is still normal it's easily for sure you're like if i'm such a douchebag why do you have to like um add to my douchebaggery it's a great video i i i highly recommend you look at it just to see what what kind of fucking shenanigans uh everything that people will do on youtube it is it's a very thoughtful video i really appreciated it i wonder what she's doing right because if i leave something out i immediately think shit the entire thing looks bad on me now because I didn't put it together well. It was like a story. I want the story to be most people look at it
Starting point is 00:14:51 and understand that I wasn't trying to fuck with it. If she looks at that and if she did do that and Scott picked up on it, how clear is it that she altered your voice? The only way out would be, I assume, is what I gathered, which is maybe she listens to everything sped up and it changes the way it sounds.
Starting point is 00:15:08 You could pull up a video of you talking and just like click on high speed and see if it does it. This is what she's doing. This is what she's doing. You want to know what she's doing? This is it. I don't know. This is her.
Starting point is 00:15:21 No, I'm just answering your question. Yeah, you said, I wonder what she's doing. Oh, what she did. Oh, what she did to the video. the video you're taking that literally yeah i wonder what she did to it yeah like if she did put a filter on it that changes your voice this is what she's doing she's working out i tried to find this page i think she blocked me oh you can't see it no i even tried it on my other account i can't see it? No. I even tried it on my other account, and I can't see it. She's healthier now, which is good. That makes me happy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I don't think I follow her, but I couldn't imagine she blocked me. I've never had anything negative to say about her, I don't think. Well, neither have I. What was the handle again? Is it just Sporty Beth? Yeah. Oh, no. It's Sporty Beth CF. I think I'm blocked. She's got a checkmark. um what was the handle again is it just sporty beth yeah oh no sporty beth cf i think i'm blocked she's got a check mark this quote she she wrote in this post i have
Starting point is 00:16:14 having a bit of extra body fat will always be heavier than having an active ed is that it sporty beth cf backwards oh yeah maybe you got blocked too she probably can't block me because you can't find me because i because i'm shadow band the only time that's ever come in handy i really hope that i didn't like do that wrong sporty beth c i like triple check to make sure before i say i was blocked i did it on four different browsers. I still can't find it. You got to go over and watch that video
Starting point is 00:16:50 that Clydesdale Media made, that Scott Switzer made. You have to go to the live tab to watch it. It's called Scott Riffs. That was pretty good. It's so good. People were like, he likes it because he's biased, but then there's some very investigative stuff done there.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Like he's a freaking PI. Yes. Oh, shit. One of the best things he brought up in there was the fact that some of the stuff was pulled from Reddit and Wikipedia. And I got in trouble in college for not sourcing something taken out of a book that I used. It's like, you're supposed to source everything taken from everywhere. And I remember she's handing back papers and, you know, it was a 10 page paper walks by and just like drops a fucking book on my desk and everyone turns and looks.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And the book is like the college stance on plagiarizing. And I was like, what the fuck is this? And I opened it and she has a sentence circled. And it's like, you have to cite that. You took it directly out of this. Do it again. You're out of the college. And I was like, okay, next time I'll use Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:17:56 But I also knew that if you used Wikipedia, you were in the wrong. And from then on out, all I ever did was cite literally everything because I didn't want to get kicked out of school. But it was one of those things where it was like, book. What grade was that? That was in college.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Probably my junior year of college. There was a sentence pulled from somewhere that was word for word. I don't know how the fuck else you want me to say it, but in which case, at the end of it, you've got to say exactly where it came from. And they're not wrong. They say it everywhere. I just fucked up. No plagiarizing. Hey.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It was nuts, though, how everyone turned. It's like when you drop a gallon of milk in the grocery store, everyone looks at you, which I've done. You've done that? Oh, jeez. Which I've done. Those boys who had to clean it up, they hate you. Oh, I helped.
Starting point is 00:18:43 You did? Job security. I just fucking dropped it man my bad um uh hillar did go to college he was like uh he was a kinesiology major i think yes sir uh sir so at 9 a.m on my channel that um uh right when this show's over i I'll be showing a six-minute clip from Scott Schweitzer's YouTube page that I clipped out of his video. And then there'll be a link in that video if you want to watch the whole thing. I think you do want to watch the whole thing. I think you'll be entertained. It's very, very, very well done.
Starting point is 00:19:19 There's no dull moments. He just keeps moving through her video. There's no dull moments. He just keeps moving through her video. And I think he says in there even – basically, you can refute everything in there that she said. When I watched it, I watched it twice, and I was like, is any of this true? Is there one thing in here that's true? And I couldn't find it.
Starting point is 00:19:44 It's unfortunate because it was a lot of time.'s the first thing i took away and i think you and i talked about this it's like wow that took some time oh yeah she probably she easily spent 40 hours on it and i actually thought the clips were pretty good but when i saw scott play out some of the clips and like what she did too she didn't just change my voice she edited she did um what's it called she did a lot of word fuckery it's it's it's me it's it's not uh yeah it ended up looking really mean when scott went into it it's not it's not a press it's not a push at all to say it's extremely unethical like if her parents saw that she did that if my kids did that i would be pissed i'd be like that's how i usually put things into perspective
Starting point is 00:20:22 you know you said if your kids did it you'd smack them up yeah and i think like if i did that what would my dad do or say or think or like if this happened to alexis how would i feel yeah i try to put everything into like certain perspectives like i'm sure we'll come back to that at some point i wondered that too i was like does she not know that i have a wife and kids and that lying about me like – anyway. So one thing before we start talking about some of these videos. By the way, congratulations on your video this morning. Once again, it really moved me. It's almost uncomfortable for me to tell you, but we'll get to that. It's almost uncomfortable for me to tell you, but we'll get to that. Hiller, I went to – after watching your video, I went over to Nate Edwards' account, and I looked at his thumbnails again.
Starting point is 00:21:18 And if you look at his thumbnails, I think that you next 15 days, in your thumbnails, you should use Dave, Tia, Danielle, Katrin, Matt, Rich, Brooke, Danny Spiegel, Haley Adams, Mal O'Brien, Noah Olson, Justin Medeiros, and Fikowski. And then just repeat and do that on two cycles. And see if my views go from shit recently to 50,000 every single time. I don't think your views are shit, but it's, so, I mean, it's clear. It's pretty obvious. He has a, it's pretty obvious what's going on there. You know what I've done recently? I've been getting very frustrated with myself because I'll like record something. It'll take 20 or 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I try to get it down as compact as I can, but I'll be doing it. I'll realize it's too long. And I'll realize that the things I'm saying aren't the things that I wanted to really drive across. So I was watching, I was making that whole video and I wanted to give Edwardson a little bit more credit because I know what you're doing with the face. It brings people in, you're driving clicks. And the biggest criticism I've had of him always is that you're left wanting, you want more from it. It's like, I came here to see this and you never fucking said anything. And then I went to my channel and I'm like, I've got some of those too. And I wanted to,
Starting point is 00:22:33 I was like scrolling through while recording. And I'm like, there aren't very many of my videos where I feel like I don't drive something across. And while his are five and mine are upwards of 20 minutes, like if you look at these, pick one of them where you watch it and you're like, he didn't talk about that for one fucking second. Or like, he didn't even say anything. Like he didn't state his opinion. There was not,
Starting point is 00:22:53 there was no takeaway. So look, you use a picture of Danny Spiegel and you get 30,000 views. You use a picture of Brad Pitt and you get 4,000 views, 5,000 views. Uh, CrossFitters don't know who brad pitt is yeah he's just one of the most handsome men in history up there with zach efron but i think i really
Starting point is 00:23:12 think that you should try that experiment look at the hayley adams 21 000 views oh god matt fraser 16 000 views uh daniel brandon 17 000 views so I even admit that when I put Daniel Brandon in that one, it was like the lowest of the low I felt that I've ever gone using her as like quick bait. And while I still address her, it's like 30 seconds with barely anything to it. And this is one of the greatest thumbnails you ever made. You turned Matt Fraser into a duck.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Right here. Scrooge McDuck. That that's him yeah and that's 23 000 i really think you should try it all right all right i'll send you the list of names okay you got them listed uh that's interesting i i had a link to an instagram a clip this is what floyd 19 speaking to, and it's gone. Did you go to the press conference, the CrossFit Games press conference? I was there. I was in. I asked a question. They let me speak.
Starting point is 00:24:14 What did you ask? What was the press conference about? Changes to the rulebook recently, and a lot of the questions were around the strength of field in relation to where it would give spots for this upcoming semi-finals and the question that i asked was why don't you just guys what well the beginning of the entire thing berg and i have the entire thing kind of voice recorded i guess i could put something together on it but the gist of what i picked
Starting point is 00:24:41 up was berg says that they want to use the. And I might be paraphrasing along with the methodology to like drive them together, bring help, help bring people into the affiliates. Right. To which I picked up upon that. And I already had a question that I wanted to ask, which is why don't you use the open as your strength of field? It's like the upcoming season, the biggest critique was people like maybe even Taylor, who everyone knows from the show, was injured last year.
Starting point is 00:25:05 So when he's injured and you're taking the previous two years into consideration with your strength of field, and then you've got people like Ricky, who in previous years were suspended for drug sanctions. It's like, how can they get a strength of field position if they weren't competing? The answer to that is you use the open. It's like everyone has a fair shot to like give their
Starting point is 00:25:25 strength for the upcoming year it's entirely in their ball in their court every year and then also the community sees that the athletes are like kicking ass in the open again it gives it a little bit more priority but what ended up happening was and you'll hear this on the talking leaf at this podcast eubanks and sean are going back and forth, Tommy maybe too, that the games is the most important. And no matter what anyone does anywhere, Tia and Justin having won the games last year will make them the strongest in the field.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Didn't they even go as far as to say it guarantees they go to the quarterfinals no matter how they perform in the Open? Did they say that? I did not pick up on that. Okay. I don't know if it was said in the press conference. I thought someone told me that or I heard it somewhere else. Maybe that's wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:08 But yeah, so like most important is the games, then the semifinals, then the quarterfinals, and the open is like barely important. So again, we're left with, it doesn't matter finishing the top 10%. And if you're an elite athlete, you're like, fuck it. All I got to do is get to the quarterfinals and then fuck it.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I'll get to the semifinals and then I got to gotta perform and it really doesn't matter if i only have five spots because if you're someone like madero stokowski any of the big names you know they'll be like well i don't need an extra spot at the semifinals but someone like taylor who hasn't competed in a couple years who would like more spots it would his strength of field would really play into it oh maybe a couple of extra spots. Wow, that's the first good argument. Now I'm fucking understanding it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Yes. Wow. So these guys, by not needing the spots, actually hurt the entire field by not performing well and adding to the strength, to the power of that field. Because they don't need to because they're already going. Wow. The people who need it are going to fight for it and the people who don't need it are going to make matters worse because they're already taking the spots yeah they still influence the outcome for other people also
Starting point is 00:27:15 say like because they've been there done that and they were at the games and they might not need the help that they'll also it you can make the argument either way but i really like the idea of fighting for it every year i remember uh uh um berg always being obsessed with um golf i think he may have in a previous life he may have worked somehow with the pga just because you hate golf doesn't mean you can hate but he was really into that format he what what this is i bet you somehow related to golf he was really he wanted he wanted the format to be so much. Hey, they've ruined the open. That's as clear as day. They've completely ruined the open.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And it used to be like the fucking best. It was originally ruined when they, before Rosex bought the company, it was ruined already by switching the time of year. That was dumb. In October, yeah. Yeah, that was completely stupid. And then it's just gotten worse and worse and worse. Well, why do you think it's gotten worse other than the switch?
Starting point is 00:28:15 What else you got? From the competitive edge, there's nothing there. They've completely taken the sport out of the open. I shouldn't say completely, but there's a definition of what sport and competition is. They ruined it. I just signed up. That's funny. And they've reduced the value of the competition and the sport. It's less sport and less competition than ever. It's kind of like – the Special Olympics are not a sport if every single fucking person wins. It's an event. Maybe it opens a fantastic community event or something like that.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I'm open to those arguments. But as a sport and competition, it's been neutered. Dude, we saw on Sarah Sigmund's daughter's Instagram, it doesn't matter. We heard Samwell Cornweiss say it. I mean, it's so's so on that clip finally actually and in all in all fairness their coverage of the games is consistent with that their camera angles the the the lack of focus on on the competition how close the times are they don't they don't talk about that thing like it's a competition i'm not blaming uh
Starting point is 00:29:21 sean or chase i'm blaming whoever's drey because i think they only see the cameras but it's a fucking they miss half the shit i'm very appreciative that they let me into that press conference and that they also allowed me to ask that question and the only thing that i wish i could have done was like push but i didn't feel as if having been there given that opportunity and already have i didn't i wanted like a little back and forth and be like why not use the open tell me why not use the open like you realize that in the year 2020 you use it as a direct qualifier for the games and it worked then why and like that was going to the crossfit game maybe it was 20 right 2020 where they took people directly into the second level of the games and then they took the
Starting point is 00:30:06 top five to the ranch i think that was the year i don't remember i just know that it used to matter but either way like every year up until that it mattered quite a bit on different levels but that was a very important year and if you can qualify for the games like what's really the issue with this the strength of fielding in the grand scheme of things like me, like, fuck it. It barely, I mean, it kind of matters,
Starting point is 00:30:26 but it's not that important. If you're going to make the games to win, you're still going to get through the series of things. And your video, you also said that it makes it more true. Sorry, go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:34 No. In my video, I said, what? That it's that you appreciate their transparency. The problem is, is that their transparency just covered up more shit. Like we don't really know how people
Starting point is 00:30:45 qualify for the games now so basically what they did is they held up a blanket and they said hey behind this blanket is how you get to the fucking games and and and it's like okay thanks for being transparent let us know but like we don't know what the what the equation is still and maybe they'll tell us soon we still don't know what the equation is to get to the games. And it's just going to be more complicated. Like, you do the Open, you get certain level height on it, you get to move to the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:31:14 You do certain well at the quarterfinals, you get to move to the semifinals, you get to pass the semifinals, you get to go to the games, and then there's the last chance qualifier. Or, what I think I heard Chase Ingram say, which is fucking brilliant, if you want to get rid of the last chance qualifier or what i think i heard chase ingram say which is fucking brilliant if you want to get rid of the last chance qualifier make the score the people who get to go to the games in the empty spots is the score from the uh open or from the open in the quarterfinals or some mixture of that but
Starting point is 00:31:38 you include that in the open so that everyone really goes hard in the open adding to the value of it. Done deal. And then we could follow it. We could commentate on it. We don't have to be like, Tyler Watkins, can you come on the show and explain the calculus that I got? I don't know. Like when I think this first hit me when I, again, everything, I said this a thousand times this past weekend, like, how do you do this? How do you know how to do that? And I'm like, everything I ever do anywhere, I learned how to do through the affiliate as an affiliate owner.
Starting point is 00:32:07 And along with that, what I learned was if you don't make it extremely clear where things go in the affiliate, people leave their shit out at the end of the class. And what I did is I took green duct tape and every single thing in the gym, I like said, this is where this bike goes. This is where the boxes go.
Starting point is 00:32:25 This is where the dumbbells go. And I would like outline them. And the gym, I said, this is where this bike goes. This is where the boxes go. This is where the dumbbells go. And I would outline them. And the second I did that, everyone put everything right where it should go. And what you're saying is, right now we need Tyler Watkins to explain things. You've got to make it as simple as possible. And they're making it harder every single year. The fact that they're changing things makes it tough, but it used to be so easy, which is why it made such big leaps and bounds. you looked at it and you're like oh i can
Starting point is 00:32:48 get to the top 60 oh easy and competitive which makes it a watchable sport correct and at the end of the day nfl changed the rules on how to make it to the super bowl every year well it's very i mean it's not just the touchdowns if you're running back, actually gets this many yards and your receivers catch this many passes, you can actually. Yeah, beautiful. Jeremy E. World, does TRT from California hormones raise your internal temperature? Hiller is shirtless in a garage and it's 20 degrees outside. I got a heater. Yon Clark.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Good morning, ladies and gents. Great video, Hiller. Thanks. Is that pound? 179 pound? Yeah, that's the British goodies. We need to make things, so I have to explain things. What else would I do if they didn't make it complicated?
Starting point is 00:33:39 Fair enough. Fair. Good, good. Yeah, so keep making it more challenging. I've heard that actually, that Tyler Watkins actually owns CrossFit and that that is why things have gotten so confusing. Press conference. I got that vibe from him. The Whoop.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Ladies and gentlemen, you have to see this video that Andrew Hiller made on Whoop. What a despicable company. Basically, the premise of this video is that they came out with a Whoop 4. And a bunch of people, including Hiller, all over the internet said, hey, this Whoop 4 doesn't work. And the whole world got to see it when Rich Froning was wearing it and working out. And we saw that, hey, something's not right with his heartbeat. And what's funny is Hiller's like an idiot to watch the video actually thought that it was because his heartbeat was so low. Guilty.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I was so sitting there going, oh, my God, I can't believe how fit Rich is. I remember you saying that. No, no. But then I guess in – I don't know this part for a fact, but I guess in response that Whoop has gotten so much hate about their 4.0 that they released a study that shows the accuracy of the Whoop. And Hiller shows that in fine print it says on the bottom – yeah yeah leave that up this is what's so crazy hillar shows that in fine print on the bottom it says they used the 3.0 and hillar's like yeah i loved the 3.0 but watch what happens in the comments instead of saying oh shit you're right they stand their ground like morons look hillarite hillarite's in the comments uh has it been recalibrated i've tested it against longer longer tenured wearables with much more money to put into accuracy. So where is the study? And Whoop actually responds. They don't say, hey, asshole, it was the Whoop 4.0 or oops, sorry, it was the 3.0.
Starting point is 00:35:46 or hey we've done a software upgrade a firmware upgrade it's fixed now they all of those would have been valid answers instead whoop says this the study was conducted from 2020 to 2021 with analysis happening through 2022 4.0 they're trying to say since they did this study when the 4.0 was out that it that it somehow means that it's the 4.0 even though the study clearly says it was done with the 3.0 it's such fuckery now let's leave out the part where i go to the study and not once in there does it mention the 4.0 at all i i did that man i guess technically it says that the study was completed when the 4.0 was out, but it doesn't necessarily specify that it was done. Yeah, that's how they're trying to trick you. That's what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:36:30 They're trying to trick you. And Hiller brings up a great point. Hiller brings up the study and command F's and looks for anywhere they say 4.0 and then he command F's 3.0. And it's like your own study says it was done. Nine instances where they referenced the 3.0 and 0 instances where they referenced the 4.0 that's fantastic and somewhere in there
Starting point is 00:36:51 here it is here's the study it is so unethical what they're doing but it also 3.0 it's like there it is 9 instances there it is I remember that and to be entirely honest this is the fucked up Command 3.0, it's like, there it is, nine instances. There it is, the photograph. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And to be entirely honest, this is the fucked up thing. People will just immediately say, whoop is garbage. It always has been. And then I was like, guys, no, it wasn't. This study is likely accurate, but it was accurate for the 3.0. I loved the thing. It was super accurate. It's only because it was that accurate that I know how fucked up the 4.0 is. And it makes me so mad when people will say that they base things upon it.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Here's the thing, too. Let's say it was inaccurate. Let's say that the heartbeat was off. It wouldn't matter if it was consistent on some level. But the problem is this thing fucking topped out at 155 heartbeats. So if it was off by 20, every single time you worked out, it wouldn't matter. You could still train with it and figure it out because it would be all relative to your other heartbeats. There may be some things that wouldn't be ideal, but for the most part, you could still use it.
Starting point is 00:38:04 But for it to max out, it's useless. relative to your other heartbeats. There may be some things that wouldn't be ideal, but for the most part, you could still use it. But for it to max out, it's useless. It's garbage. I was at the Zellos game this past weekend. Yeah, sorry, one thing. Two separate times. Sorry, one thing. Just scumbags of the highest order. I know that's how I feel about it.
Starting point is 00:38:20 It's so, it's just, it is true scumbaggery if anyone affiliated with that company should get the fuck away from them they're just liars hoop is really mad bad at measuring a heart rate study show the apple watch do the best job yeah not just bad incapable i've spoken with people who work for those companies apple and gar Garmin, speaking about, and I'll ask about the whoop, and they'll go, we have conversations about how laughable that technology is. And I was like, well, how about what it used to be? He's like, well, at least it used to be accurate, but the technology is still laughable. And I'm like, okay, that's funny. The big companies are laughing at him. I didn't say that in that video. But while I was at the Zellos games this past
Starting point is 00:39:00 weekend, there were two instances where I walked up to somebody wearing a whoop and I just basically point at it. And I was like, how's that doing because i want to know and they're like oh i love it it's great and then i get this like oh i don't want to kill santa claus but um i got a video you should check out on that oh and i straight up tell them i was like if you really like it that's that's cool but you might be wasting some money, and here's a video. I don't want to kill Santa. I'm surprised someone hasn't sued him, to be honest. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:37 But the buttery bros promote it, so it must work. Well, I mean, they get paid, right? They do. Well, that's why you're never gonna get a sponsor because we just destroy everything that we should destroy you really want to fuck your workout up put on a pair of nobles and put get a whoop yeah try staying in zone two while you're wearing a fucking whoop dude graciano rubio awesome job on the 11-1 promo video thanks brother on another note in relation to things products i'm a big fan of that salt stuff the lmnt or whatever yeah that's not too good i haven't had it but i i'm a fan of salt
Starting point is 00:40:14 as a supplement so while we're shitting on a couple i thought we could throw out a good one yeah i think i haven't heard one bad thing about it everyone loves that stuff i made a video it's one of my first ones about like supplements that you should take i have like the top five and salt is one of the top three so i saw that and i'm like oh this is good and also the label on the whoop box is way too small huh uh what uh hey that interview no no no what the hell do you mean it's just too small it doesn't fit the label doesn't fit on like the branding of mean? It's just too small. It doesn't fit. The label doesn't fit on the box. Like the branding of it? Yeah, it's just too small.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Okay, okay. On the loot box. It's just too small. Okay. Tiny. Just too small. Same label, just a little bit bigger. Just make the label a little bit bigger, and it would look beautiful on that box.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Just saying. You got that one for free, whoop. on that box just saying you got that one for free whoop uh that that interview you did with your dad did you just film that on the iphone yeah the decent it's fucking it's crazy and those mic and those are just those mics off of amazon you just plug the bottom thing in yeah yeah somewhere i i he's a mumbler he's all he always has been so i in the video i had to like up his voice every single time he talked but the mics work pretty well oh yeah i thought he did great yeah he did good he was he was nervous it was pretty funny he was excited and then he got nervous there he is he wore his shirt i was i showed up to I showed up to do the interview with him, and he's wearing his shirt.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And I was like, that's very cool. Thanks, Dad. Yeah, I was going to add. That's my question. You didn't ask him to wear the No Rep shirt? No, I showed up, and he was just ready to roll wearing it. What a good dude. That's dope.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Yep, there he is. He says he wished he would have started TRT earlier. Yeah. Well, I pushed him into it. Oh, you did? Uh-huh. Wow. You started before him?
Starting point is 00:42:16 No, I did not start before him. But he's been on it for a year and a half or two. And a lot of the stuff that I'll say in my earlier videos in relation to performance enhancing drugs, I'll reference the fact that a lot of the knowledge I've grabbed is either from anecdotal where I view people, ask them questions, or from stuff that I tried to learn in relation to trying to help my dad out with it. Because he was uninformed and unable to find the knowledge himself.
Starting point is 00:42:46 So I wanted to figure out like, if you would die, if he started doing it essentially, like what the negative side effects could possibly be. I think he touches on a little bit in here. Yeah. I think all of his concerns were valid. He was,
Starting point is 00:42:58 yeah, he was, he brings up the fact that he was, uh, he's always been this way. Like he was worried about being short tempered. Yeah. And he told me this story about how he was at a McDonald's and he,
Starting point is 00:43:11 there was this guy that cut him off in like a line really far, like really deep. And he like cuts in front of everybody and he gets out of his car and he walks up to the guy's window and he bangs on it. And he's just like, you can't do that. Was this post TRT or pre TRT? It was in the middle of it. And I say that and everyone's going to go, damn.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And I'm like, no, that's something I remember he would do in his like 40s. He hasn't done it in years, but he's doing it again. And I'm like, that's my dad. That's what he does. And then I'm like, what did you do after that? He goes, I got back in my car, and it was good that I let him know. He was scared. I'm like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Hey, what's he think about the box you get? Is he jealous of how yours comes packaged like that? Yeah. Well, because it was so confusing for him to figure it out, how to do it. And never do they really have all that much instruction on it, on the product. It's like one time it's like, you got it,
Starting point is 00:44:09 you're good. And it's like, I guess so. But you'll also hear about how nurses have entire classes dedicated to figure out how to do that stuff. Yeah. And are you going to switch? Are you going to switch my California hormones? Are you going to switch him to California hormones?
Starting point is 00:44:26 He's got it going pretty good right now, and he wasn't really interested in flipping over. It's streamlined for him. And like I always say, people like the easiest route. I've talked to him about it. Oh, yeah. There's a line in that video where you say no. I think it's in that video where you say no one's going to care about you more than you care about yourself. I say that a lot. Yeah, that's great. What what i say that in reference to though i don't remember but
Starting point is 00:44:48 when i heard that i'm like that's a great line that people need to remember i usually say that in relation to coaching people can really care about you but they can't even get to the 50 yard line they can't even i can't even get if my even even parents who love the shit out of their kids you you cannot get you should care about yourself a million times more than your parents do. There's only you. You should care about your kids more than your parents do? No. You should care about yourself a million times.
Starting point is 00:45:18 You should care about – you should know – no matter how much you think that someone cares about you or no matter how much they try to care about you, they can't even – you have – like the whoop, they can only get to 100, but you can get to 10,000. Like there's – like caring for someone is – our capacity to help other people is so limited relative to the capacity in which you can help yourself. People are so limited relative to the capacity in which you can help yourself. And when I hear that, that's what I – and people really need to understand that. By the way, that's one of the things going to that – it's so funny in that there's this comment. I don't know if we should jump to it now, but there's this comment that someone makes like, hey hey woolly uh he never said anything about her body um so basically you guys are knuckleheads and what will how woolly should have responded and i'm sure we'll pull the comment up but sometimes woolly should have responded oh yeah you're right he didn't say anything about her body i'm so fucking sorry once again we've
Starting point is 00:46:21 mischaracterized him but but can i say something else? And then the guy could respond, yeah. He goes – he did say – make a comment about Danny – a joke about Danny. Did Danny – I wonder if Danny pegs Heber and Marsden. not a vile comment. It's just a childish joke. And it would have even been better if I would have said, I wonder if she uses the same dildo to peg Wooley that she used on Heber and Margin. That would have even been better. But let me tell you what is vile. Perpetuating and feeding into this person that you call your bestie, and instead of saying, hey, it's no big deal, Danny, don't be offended by it, you perpetuate it. You're like the wife whose husband is about to get into a fight in a bar. And instead of stopping the fight,
Starting point is 00:47:17 you tell your husband, yeah, he disrespected me. That motherfucker disrespected me. You're like the drunk housewife. All of you guys are like drunk housewives instead of helping each other not be offended you perpetuate what is the most vile thing a human being can do and that's pray off each other's insecurities that's not that and if you want to call that toxic masculinity that's what that's what we do as boys what's that we help we help each other we take the piss out of each other and play with each other, and we don't support each other's insecurities.
Starting point is 00:47:50 It's okay to lean into your insecurities. You guys are demanding from each other that people are saying offensive things about you instead of saying actually that it wasn't offensive at all. You're demanding – you're fueling people's insecurities. Let's say Hiller – if Hiller was a good – if Hiller would have been in the car with his dad, he would have been like, hey, dad, it's no big deal. Don't worry about the guy who took cut. You know what, dad? It actually gives me and you a little more time in the car to talk and i want to tell you how much i love you dad or you could go the other route like yeah dad
Starting point is 00:48:32 get that motherfucker our burger's gonna be cold now get that bitch and let me tell you who i would want as a friend or as a wife or in my cohort i never call hillar and and and if someone makes a video bad about him or he never calls me and he's like dude let's let's fucking get them i can't fucking believe they said we start laughing we take the piss well actually steve on you actually do look homeless you actually do look homeless i'm like yeah i know i mean we had the thing about beth where we both said it's like wow that took some time what do you want to do nothing yeah nothing yeah there's like just let it go like good a good job like well done i i appreciate the work put into it it is the worst thing you can do to another human being psychologically is support their
Starting point is 00:49:24 insecurities i'm not saying you have to push back. A lot of times you just have to be quiet. You know, I'm standing in the mirror and I'm like, man, I look fat today. I don't need my wife to say, no, you don't. Maybe she has to stay quiet. But it's the same thing. What you guys do to each other is you say you would never you would never say to Danny if she looked in the mirror, Wooley, and you were standing next to her with the dildo hanging out of your ass. You would never say – if she said, oh, I look fat, you would never be like, you do really look fat.
Starting point is 00:49:52 But for some reason on your show when it's couched differently and she's arguing about being offended, you do lean into her insecurity. And you're like, yeah, you should be offended. Isn't it funny how that works? It's because you don't understand the mechanism of how the human brain works and so you do these mental gymnastics it's okay it's a well we both agree that that was offensive so here we're gonna promote our insecurities well stop there's an avenue here where you're saying mental gymnastics to which i hear you think he's doing it actively do you think that there's an no no no they're they're they're ding dong pass it's pass they're
Starting point is 00:50:30 going about it they have no idea what they're doing to each other like you've got three boys and what if they were if they were three girls do you think that you would do this or talk about this any differently like what if someone somewhere goes let's say obvi's a chick and someone's like obvi's getting pegged by the buttery rose would you have any sort of different or like maybe you can't even put that into your sense like it's because like i said earlier in the show it's like if i saw alexis somewhere being talked about like that i would just be like no right no okay let's move on does alexis peg hiller have you been pegged by her that'd be sick like sick like yeah that would be sick i can't wait yeah that'd be different
Starting point is 00:51:14 well well or like well like let's just say someone else said they saw a picture of alexis hanging out with somebody and then they're like oh fuck she must be cheating on hillary with so-and-so and i'd be like no yeah yeah or like she's doing something somewhere and it's like well i know the truth and you know what else is interesting in here is you brought up the thing about my well here's the thing what if you didn't care what if you didn't care if she was sleeping with other guys let's say and but but other people demand that you'd get offended that's the thing i'm pointing. There's this demand that they feel insecure and they don't even realize they're doing it. She says that she, in that video, she says she has this
Starting point is 00:51:55 penchant for feeling like she has to defend all women because of that. She's looking for things for women to be offended by and demand that they all be offended when there's nothing there. At best, it's juvenile humor. At best. But I'm saying – and it's fantastic that he uses those words to call that vile. Well, first of all, he's conflating it with me talking about her body instead of admitting he was wrong and they did it and that he's conflating shit because they're so emotional that happens when you're emotional you start i think maybe the point of that was that i put together a video and also in this entire like 52 minutes i've referenced that i hate when i leave shit out and that's something that i potentially had left out in relation to like the Danny Spiegel back and forth that could have been had with you and her.
Starting point is 00:52:48 And it's totally worth bringing up here. And I guess we're doing it. And it's just like, I wonder what it's like to be over on that side of the world. And then I would try to think, you know, like, what are they thinking about what you said? Like, what's not cool about it? What's going on? you said like what's not cool about it what's going on she she wants and and what and my thing is is that there's three of them she wants to be she admits that she looks she lives in a world where she's looking to save women she's looking in a world she feels this obligation to protect
Starting point is 00:53:20 all women and so she's looking for any of it you know what i mean like she's looking for anything to stick that onto and so she's looking to be offended by something so that she can activate and that and it's and instead of them saying hey danny you what you're actually doing is you're setting women back by demanding that they be offended by shit that's not actually offensive if you're doing the opposite of liberating women you're building a cage around them but the fucking for them to see that would require so much fucking reflection like probably five minutes a day for a month and and people don't do that it's all twisted it's all ass backwards everything that they're doing they are building
Starting point is 00:54:05 the cage and anytime someone opens gives them an opportunity to set themselves free they patch it up and since they can't patch it up themselves this insecurity that they have they get in an echo chamber all three of them and they promote it i think the example i gave was fantastic about the fact that if danny looked in the mirror and wu was standing there and he said and danny said hey i look fat he would never say yeah you do look fat and yet he wants to and yet other insecurities that that she has he is agreeing with and it's nuts it's it's just batshit crazy talk meme guy here helping algorithm while your video is very good it wasn't only clothing
Starting point is 00:54:48 that was the issue okay well you didn't mention that because actually you guys spent 15 minutes and as Andrew Hiller says just pushing shit around you didn't actually say anything I did other than comment on that is fair because if I had heard about the pegging statement I would have included it
Starting point is 00:55:04 in my video. But either I missed it entirely on that, which I don't think I did because I went through it a bunch. But it's something that was brought up after the fact. It wasn't even that good of a joke. But either way, my point is they choose to be offended by it. The vast majority of people will just either be like, hey, that's crass humor or it's funny. You know that's offense by its nature, right? Isn't that like the case?
Starting point is 00:55:30 Like everything is just – you don't need to be offended by it. It's just kind of like what you choose to be offended by. If someone were like – if someone started spreading rumors that you and I were lovers. They have, haven't they? I hope so. Sevan posted a picture on his show of danny and the buttery bros and said i wonder if she pegged heber and mars so now he's pivoting he's conflating it's a vile and huge statement it's
Starting point is 00:55:52 danny deserves better deserves I'll drop the clip in my story to perpetuate it, to give it more energy. I'll drop the clip of my story along with the link to this video. So everyone can get the full story. And then, and then by the way, that video you made is amazing. Which in relation to this.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Yeah. The one you dropped this morning is it's, it's, it's, I wonder if that's one of my biggest things that i actually messaged john and i told him that it's thing number one that i always appreciate is when people know what they're talking about to which i say it in my video he apparently he not evidently did his own research you can tell he says it um and i always appreciate that to which you can tell when the other two are speaking, they haven't.
Starting point is 00:56:46 And Nikki admits it. And Spiegel mentions that he looks homeless. And then that initial bit that I do, it's all about how you are indeed homeless. And I try, I mean, I didn't say anything, but I think the point comes across like the dude was homeless and it's like, well, it's kind of like a poke at her. It's like, it's also likely why a poke at her it's like it's also likely why you are the way you are because most people haven't been there and they don't have the perspective you have on things like why maybe you say some of the stuff you say i thought it was fucking awesome i loved it i was fucking dying i love it once you've lost everything that you're free to do anything pull that sorry caleb Can you pull that back again?
Starting point is 00:57:25 Hi, Susan. What's up, brother? We just coach. Oh, sorry. Were you just coaching at the gym? Yeah, I just, JR nailed it. He said, somebody said, it just looks like I rolled out of bed. That's because I didn't, I took off my beanie.
Starting point is 00:57:36 My hair is crazy. But JR was like, no, I bet he coached two classes. I was like, yep. Here's the, look what Hiller writes. Meme guy again, doing his homework. No, let me, let me, I'm going to edit Hiller's Hiller writes. Meme guy again doing his homework. No. Let me – I'm going to edit Hiller's post here. Meme guy again doing his homework.
Starting point is 00:57:49 No. Meme guy again avoiding the point. Meme guy again avoiding the point. The point is like – then what if we went back and played at meme guy and you realized I said, oh, I wonder if Danny and Heber and Marzen snuggled instead of Peg. What if like you heard it wrong? Then what would you pivot to? All it shows is that you're just looking for shit. You don't even care. I won't even give you the credit that Andrew is that you did your homework because you can't even admit that that was fucking 15 minutes of just saying, what if I came? I can't even admit that that was fucking 15 minutes of just saying – what if I came – what if I did a show and I came on here and I said Andrew is not nice to my dog? That would even be more poignant than what you said. What if I said Andrew – I told you that there's five things I liked about Andrew, and they were all vagaries.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I never gave you an example specifically of what he did. What if I said Andrew's mean to animals. The way he talks to my wife is rude i don't like the way he smells and um when he talks he takes over the room and asshole i i don't know what you i never said i never said what you smell like i never said what was me like why don't you just say um and Andrew came over to my house and gave my wife roses? And I found that is so rude so that the audience could then judge it and be like, oh, why do you think that's rude? They never give any specific. The only specific they give. And I just like this as a lesson. And but he pivoted to that. They never said that on the show. He's pivoting to that.
Starting point is 00:59:22 When you you called him out on one thing, it's like, what if I said to you, Andrew, I hate the color pink? And then you looked in my closet and you're like, Sevan, all your clothes are pink. And I go, oh, sorry. I mean, I hate skirts. It's like, I deal with that with my kids. Well, I learned from the affiliate. You'll learn from your kids. Yeah, right. You're just – you are demanding just hate and insecurity, and all of those things you're saying, it's like 50-cent psychology here. It's like psychology 101 what you're doing. You're not willing to actually say anything that I do because that would expose yourself and make yourself vulnerable. I'm actually making myself vulnerable. I am telling you that that shirt, that size of that shirt, from my opinion as a fashionista, was too small. And that if you would have just worn, not in its material, I like how much skin you're exposing,
Starting point is 01:00:22 but if you would have worn just a size a little bigger, I think it would have fit nicer and been more flattering to your body. If I were to talk about Nick Matthews, I would suggest lowering the shirt to a full-length shirt and maybe cutting off the sleeves. How do you like the bit that I put in where all the NBA basketball players and what's-his-face from Joe Burrow is walking into their respective respective sports games and everyone always talks about what they're wearing. Like, oh, look at Joe Burrow's outfit. It's like, look at this ridiculous thing that Josh Reddick is wearing. NBA basketball player. It's a Lego costume. It's just a Lego costume was crazy. Was that real? It's not fake. It's just like something that happens. People talk about clothes. And so we choose the things we want to be offended by. So let me tell you the things that I'm offended by.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I'm offended by – and I've chosen this. I'm offended by people who demand that kids take experimental drugs, and I'm very vocal about it. And I've chosen that. I've chosen that. I've chosen that. I've chosen that. I've chosen that. I've chosen that. I have chosen to be bothered by people who want to demand that my kids take experimental drugs. mom likes it when i fucking come in her ass doesn't make me a perv julio you know what it is it just makes me a really good dude i don't want to do that i really don't julio barrentos i really don't see i read that sarcastically oh yeah i said it oh then i apologize then I apologize. Then I apologize. Well, good. Then a good Julio.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I apologize. I didn't read that one. No, I don't. I've never done anal. I don't do it. I'm such like a simple fucking dude. No, I don't even like them. I don't like the Cheerio.
Starting point is 01:02:25 I don't go anywhere near it. I don't want anyone touching my Cheerio, or I don't want to touch anyone else's Cheerio. Yeah. 63%. 63% of the Zelos games. This is a fucking crazy stat. Listen, people. Did you watch the video, or are you looking at the thumbnail?
Starting point is 01:02:43 No, I watched the video. Let me give you this stat, too. Okay, so you understand it. Okay, you looking at the thumbnail? No, I watch the video. Let me give you this. Do you understand it? OK, good. Sixty three percent of the people had their scores adjusted. Twenty one percent of the scores were invalid. That means that 21 percent of the people who turned in their video, you're like, you're out. Yes, sir. And what would that be for, like if their top was too small?
Starting point is 01:03:03 and what would that be for like if their top was too small yeah if you were wearing clothes that didn't fit the standard then yeah you're out would you have allowed it could you be naked if someone would have submitted a video and they were naked would you allow that i would have like flipped it open i probably would have done one of these and then i would have been like you could see full range that is disgusting that is this no i don't do anything like the no no oh my goodness the things that were being invalidated for were most oftentimes not showing the work on the bike so the the first workout which is the one that i mostly spoke on and only spoke on in that video it was for men elite, 26 calories per round on the bike. And there were often times where the bike was never shown.
Starting point is 01:03:50 At which rates, like, how do I know if you did it? Wait a second. The bike was never shown. Meaning like, it's not even in the shot. You don't even see them ride it? Correct. It was stated a handful of times that you had to like show the monitor in between your bouts. Oh, the monitor.
Starting point is 01:04:04 So you saw them get on the bike. It wasn't like they left the whole bike out correct yeah you could see the bike you'd see that did work on the bike you just don't know how much and at which rate you can't give them any credit because you don't know how does that make any sense how does that make any sense that someone would make a video and you're supposed to ride some certain metric on the bike but they don't show you the monitor i've i have had perspective thrown into my head like you wouldn't believe through doing this stuff i i i i want to be as vague as possible because i said i wouldn't use anyone's information in the public but please someone please someone post your video just be like look just someone just lean into a bit like i'm the jackass hiller talked about i was judging a video
Starting point is 01:04:51 at 1 a.m last night this morning where they there's an individual who is doing thrusters and you can only like the video starts and then they walk into the view and they cut some off at the neck so you can't see their head. And I'm like, you got to do thrusters. Like when you get anywhere overhead, you're not going to see anything above the neck. And lo and behold, you can't see any single thruster. I'm like, okay, I'm invalid. But I don't care.
Starting point is 01:05:20 By the way, anyone can eat all the ass you want. Like, I don't like I'm all just as long just as long as, like, you do it clean. It's just not for you. Yeah, it's just not for me. It's like, I don't like that shit at restaurants when they scrape mold on the. Well, I didn't say whose name. Yeah. There's a possibility where that person's going to be watching,
Starting point is 01:05:36 and I already sent them a message saying, on the platform, like, just so you know, I can't see any of the top end of your thrusters, which makes the video invalid. I want them to see that. I want them to receive that. But we have, I don't know how many people are watching. I can't see any of the top end of your thrusters, which makes the video invalid. I want them to see that. I want them to receive that. But we have, I don't know how many people are watching. I can't see. If there's that many people be like watching this show, seven people are watching.
Starting point is 01:05:52 All seven of these people are going to go, oh, I didn't know that. And next time I make a video or I'm submitting it, then that's kind of what I was hoping for. I think I stated it in the video, which is if I made 63% of the scores to be adjusted, maybe we can move that number down through having open discussion about what is happening in them. Like, oh, I got to show the fucking bike. I got to show the fucking rower. I got to make sure my whole body. How is that not obvious?
Starting point is 01:06:16 How is that not obvious? Like what individual submitted it? You could only see half the movement or you go out of screen and you're like, yeah, I did the bike cows and you're really just chilling there drinking a water resting and then you come back in the screen like how do you make that mistake as a person competing you're already taking the time to do the workout maybe they just maybe they like killer and they just want to do it to give them fodder to talk about that maybe maybe well to that note there was a there was an individual wearing all black and it's like all right well because of this, I really, really can't see. Well, that's a vile comment.
Starting point is 01:06:49 You just comment on someone's clothing? I will not stand for this. I will not. I will not stand for this. I was in the time I've said. And what's wrong with the color black? What's wrong with that color black? Yeah, Hiller, what is that?
Starting point is 01:07:02 Continuating. Yeah. When you're doing a handle those people are disproportionately marginalized because of their limited wardrobe i'm putting in my stories right now hillary doesn't like so get naked take all your clothes off and then you're good to go right would you watch one if someone was naked that's free would you have watched one if someone's yeah yeah well it's very interesting like even
Starting point is 01:07:22 the crossfit games would not let me just say this PSA real quick. I don't know this for a fact, but I promise you this is what's so amazing about the Zealous Games. There's no judgment except for wearing all black. If you did it naked, you would be fine. But I bet you if you submitted your scores naked at the CrossFit Games, they wouldn't accept it. I'm going to guess. It's always the people you don't want to see naked. The CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:07:45 I want to do it. the one you want to do better say that again hillar philip commented saying they deserve better i'm curious what he means has hillar stumbled upon any of your submission where they looped it like trevor bachman not yet that was the master's guy no not yet you want to see an amazing instagram account. He has like over a million followers, but then like 20 likes per post. Yeah. What, what is going on there?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Bam. Not you, Heidi. I didn't mean you. I meant in general. What comment I'm looking for at Hiller. I can't find it. Oh,
Starting point is 01:08:16 Philip just said they deserve better comma Hiller. And it was a 10 of 6 AM. He followed it up saying, isn't there a clause in the rule book about clothing though? Um, it says you got to wear shoes. Oh, that's a play on Danny deserves deserves better okay okay i got it i thought i was like i don't really i i really think that having discussion about it is a good thing because where have you ever heard anyone saying what goes wrong on the videos on the back end like nobody and it's actually some things i've talked about
Starting point is 01:08:43 some people who look at them a lot and have for a long time. It gets frustrating when you see the pristine, awesome videos from some of these athletes. Then you see athletes who just half-ass it and don't mark the floor or don't show their dumbbells or don't show the calories or face the wrong way when they're doing particular things. It drives you insane that there are people who did it. Perfect. Took the time to figure it out and pay attention to the fine details. And then some people are just like, fuck it. I'll get, I can do this. And it actually makes it even easier to give some penalties. If you ask me, um, what was the longest penalty you gave in
Starting point is 01:09:21 the 63% of the people who got penalties? What was the longest one? Well in the 63 of the people who got penalties what was the longest one well outside of an invalidation yeah on a workout two there was a an individual ah fuck i'm getting a little bit into it here every single thruster missed lockout to which every single thruster deserved a penalty and there there were 21 of them. So that was like 21 seconds. Uh, it ended up being 24 seconds because a couple of them also missed depth. So what? I did this laughing. They should go to a CrossFit affiliate,
Starting point is 01:10:01 get, get some coaching. It's like garage. Oh, speaking of, was it Matilda who uploaded a video in 240p or something? Went wrong on the Zello site? That was not the way that I viewed it. It was much clearer.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Did someone upload their video in slow motion? No. I made a 240p video. Then what's the 240p have to do with it that's just the quality super pixel currently oh not the frame rate not the frame rate okay this okay the smallness of it okay okay 240p chafing on naked burpees no bueno so it sounds like someone's done it that would definitely be a no bueno it's been it's been an experience that's for sure doing the online judging you did 18 strict muscle-ups yeah in the past i wonder how i could do now so you let them rip so you grabbed so you grabbed the rings and your feet were dangling off the
Starting point is 01:11:06 ground and you did 18 strict muscle-ups yes sir i used it's it's actually probably my best movement outside of the pegboard that was recent the what the what probably 2016 2017 whatever year they did strict nate i was like i wonder how many I can do. Then I also remember being on the floor of regionals that year and there were four judges around me because they're like, what the fuck? Nobody can do these. I was in the first heat
Starting point is 01:11:36 because I was shitty. I was in the first heat of regionals and they're like, uh-oh, this guy can really do strict ring muscle. We got to keep an eye on this dude. Then I couldn't do strict handstand push-ups but yeah how many you got seven not not 18 i think the most i ever did strict was probably 10 and i had to i it hurt and it hurt it really hurt that's how many do you think you now? And I'm really good at the pegboard. I thought I was good at the – I don't know how many I can do now.
Starting point is 01:12:07 But I've been practicing a lot of negatives because I'm getting ready to – Yeah, we need another video here. Make a video. Strict muscle-off. Negative on the rings or on the pegboard? I've been doing a lot of negatives on the ring. I do a lot of negative bar muscle-ups, but lately I've switched to doing negative ring muscle-ups because I'm going to get ready to – I want to get ready to see if I can do a muscle-up snatch workout.
Starting point is 01:12:27 I really like that you're going to do a strict ring muscle-up. Me too. I do them from the seated position, but I don't know if that's easier or harder than dangling. I would say it's – well, you got to start in L-sit then, right? Because if you're in a seated position, you basically go to hanging. Yes, yes. And then you got to get yourself up got to start in an L-sit then, right? Because if you're in a seated position, you basically go to hanging. And then you've got to like get yourself up off the floor in an L-sit. I would say that's harder. There's a way when you're doing strict ring muscle-ups,
Starting point is 01:12:54 hanging, that you can essentially lose all tension in your stomach. And while you're not kipping, you're kind of like changing where the weight sits. And if you're in an L-sit, it's always in front of you, which will make it harder. Right. I pee from this seated position fair i mean welcome back patrick clark i think the cell phone has caused a lot seven i bet you could beat 80 of the peeps on here with string i probably i think you're probably right too you got to get yourself some uh some rings in that room i i have rings in the kids in that room oh in this room yeah actually it's not a bad idea thank you um
Starting point is 01:13:32 you uh it's interesting to me that you so your workouts have been really affected you thought you were going to get on trt and from california hormones and just go as hard as you can and instead you're you've fallen into the YouTube world and then the Zealous Games. Zealous Games took a lot out of you, right? It's taken a bit. Oh, yeah. Well, leading up to it, I knew I wouldn't have time to make the videos. So I had to go double time.
Starting point is 01:13:57 So I was either with clients or making videos. And Alexis has been very understanding. It's like I just sit in here all day or I'm like, I'm like either here or there. And, um, now I'm doing the online video review, which is a process in itself.
Starting point is 01:14:14 And I wonder how many people understand how much goes into that online video review. Cause it's a bit like I said, none of us, none of us know or give a shit. I should just hurry up. Just hurry up. I wonder without like showing names,
Starting point is 01:14:29 if you can just like, this is a spreadsheet that I've got going right now. Yeah. And it just like goes and it goes and it goes. Other people highlighted in red. No good. So, so let's do the math real quick.
Starting point is 01:14:41 How many videos have people submitted that you have to look at? That I've had to look at? I've watched every second of so far 45 elite on the first workout, and then there have been 30-something of the second workout. And how long is the first workout? It's 13 minutes, but the thing about it is you're going to kill myself dude sorry let me refine that um it's more like it's just under 30 and it's just about 20 on the second one thus far and i think i chalked it up yeah it's it's a more you're just drinking so
Starting point is 01:15:22 much tea for um i broke these guys out last night again because i was like i'm getting a headache from staring at this screen hey if you were ever to do it if you were ever to do it again would you find other people to help you do the uh i've got people helping the video review you do the same judges at the competition um most of them i think maybe even all of them have been helping. And without them, no way in fuck. Again, they're a godsend because they've allocated time out of their lives as well, upwards of probably two to three hours a piece of them. And the way that we're doing this is it's like there's a workout due.
Starting point is 01:16:01 And then over the course of the next 24 hours it's on us to get everything done so that the graphic can be made and the announcement can be done about who placed where so in a 24-hour period you got to have that two to three hours which they've given jared and i to help out with the validation so what'll happen is on the spreadsheet outside of the elite division there there are people who have things and they'll make notes and then i'll have to go in so i watch every second of the elite i'll look at the notes from these people the judges who i'm working with and i'll like dive into it and see what i think about it have you cried at all uh i almost lost my mind last night yeah if i saw 45 videos that were 13 minutes long and 30
Starting point is 01:16:47 videos are 20 minutes long i would probably shed a tear oh my god especially it's the same shit over and over and over yeah i would i would be like oh wow what did i do to myself have you zoned out and been like shit i have to re-watch the last five minutes oh for sure great question for sure that's happened So what I was going to say that with a 13 minute videos, it'll be like, you'll go through and then the rep count is wrong. So I've had a piece of paper I'll be writing down. I'm like, there's three rounds of muscle ups and it'll be like 12, eight, 12, right? To which point you're like, okay, 32, bring muscle ups. You look at the score and it says 33 and you're like, oh fuck, did I miss a muscle up?
Starting point is 01:17:24 So what you got to do is that wasn't a 15 minute video. You says 33 and you're like, Oh fuck, did I miss a muscle up? So what you got to do is that wasn't a 15 minute video. You go back and you're like, Oh, okay. I, my score was right. Like I, I, I 12, eight, 12 was right. Why does it say 33? Like, I don't want to give this person a penalty. And then Andrew Hiller, the fucking dickhead on the internet, who was like roasting people, look, he took a rep away from me. So I triple check to make sure so i so all of a sudden i watched the video three times over to make sure that the rep
Starting point is 01:17:52 count was correct and i haven't had anything back yet so um i don't want to respond to this uh yeah it's not that i missed that i have to double check a lot of things i don't like the fact that danny acted surprised on who chose to come to your show. My son, Anthony Davis, was on there and maybe I'm biased, but I think he has pretty high morals. Well, thank you. And Anthony Davis is a dope dude. I really enjoyed having him on. I look forward to having him on again.
Starting point is 01:18:15 But here's the thing. In the time that she – that's the playbook out of cancel culture, right? Instead of actually saying anything that i did wrong it's just like helping out put pressure on other people so that they to hurt me that's all it is they're just it's there's nothing constructive they're just trying to hurt and they're not willing to put any of what they actually think on the line so that someone could respond to it in an intelligent way. This is Bethy, Bethy sported their sporty, sporty, sporty Beth girl did that, but her shit got all twisted up and she paid the price for it. Right. And that's why other people don't want to
Starting point is 01:18:57 do it because everything she said was wrong. You can go watch the Clyde at 9am today. I'll play the six minutes of Scott Schweitzer's great video from Clydesdale. If you want to see the whole video, which I really think you would, I think you'll just be entertained by it. It's pretty good. It's actually better than pretty good. You have to click the Live tab to see it, and it's called Scott Riffs on Bethy Sporty.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Did you already talk about, too, why it's interesting how somebody could be that upset or like angered like especially on the podcast when both of them and then it went to shit i forgot her name nikki yes thank you and she was like you could tell she was like almost just like bottled up as if like you like you really did something personally to like offend her and then at some point they had each had said, well, I don't really watch it. And it's like, well, then where's this anger coming from? It's coming from within,
Starting point is 01:19:50 it's coming from who the person you're identifying as. It's coming from the labels that you're using and kind of the narrative that you're spinning in your head, the story that you're spinning ahead. It's not coming from the actuality of what happened, because if you were like, Oh, let's take a minute, let's do some, let's do some research. Let's take and do it. Then you watch and you're like, ah, okay. I could see maybe.
Starting point is 01:20:07 But why would you be that upset by it? There was nothing actually malicious there. Careful, Sousa. They liked you. Careful. That's okay. I can still speak my opinion. I know.
Starting point is 01:20:16 And I just don't know where that anger is coming from. Yeah, just say it. So Wooly pivoted from clothing too small to the pegging comment. Okay. I don't think that that's a big deal at all to say. I don't think – You could say it's immature. It's a joke.
Starting point is 01:20:33 If you were to say, hey, would you say that in front of your kids? No. Why do you think it's okay to say hero? Because it's my podcast. I'm a fan. I've always liked crass humor. Everyone knows that who's on the show. Do you think saying that is nice, what you guys did to Heber and Marsden?
Starting point is 01:20:51 If you think it's bad that I said that about Heber and Marsden, I think it's worse that you're demanding that they be offended. None of my friends would get offended at all if I said something like, hey, I had a dream that I pegged you last night. Heller would be willing to bet that if they had a little counter for each time you said something positive and uplifting for each one of those individuals that you're talking about, it would be 10x a silly joke that you're making. I hear what you're saying, but I hate that defense because then we're doing the same thing they're doing. We're conflating. No, but I'm just saying if you actually took a minute to listen to it if they really listen to it all the way all the way through in the context and
Starting point is 01:21:31 everything else there's no way that you would make the that argument especially with how ambiguous some of the the claims were yeah so selling your body for likes or attention or actual money is fine sure i think so finding bodies sexually gratifying is fine okay check um or but i don't look at these bodies as it's not sexually gratifying for me to look at bodies zero gratification actually but but if you say anything negative but i understand what you're saying clive i i see your point i'm mixing my but if you say anything negative you are hitler i didn't even say i i don't even think it's negative to say your top is too small i talk i love hillar's shorts that i can see the outline of his penis i always
Starting point is 01:22:10 it's like yeah he's told me a couple of times it's one of the most endearing things about him what a generous man so i can be like okay and it wasn't until you said something that i even noticed you can see it right through him. I was like, oh, fuck. Local news just told a story about Tom Rice, who on his 100-year birthday jumped out of a plane and trained at a CrossFit gym for two years to get ready. Wow. That's cool. Tom Rice. Look him up.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Tommy Rice. Good story. Can I play some of that video, Hiller, of the video you made this morning? Yeah, I won't ding you. Okay, thank you. Wow. Hey, so this has got pretty good traction. Two and a half thousand views in three hours?
Starting point is 01:22:55 I think Willie shared it. So it got six more views from him? Dude, his account, there's a couple of followers on it. It's got a good following. Yeah, he has a pretty big following on that account. And it's got all the big faces in the space on it right now so we know that the faces help um that thumbnail do you want to play a little bit uh caleb or do you want me to man it by the way congratulations on your lifetime best clean that's nuts that's also a crazy story for two that was a lifetime best clean and power clean and can you believe that did i tell you that susan oh you know i was yeah
Starting point is 01:23:32 i was filming you uh yeah my best ever clean 350 my best over double was 345 my best over power was 340 and i pr the power by 15 split leg my double by 10 and then all of it was my best by five which was nuts because i just eaten all that hibachi food and you saw how much i warmed up for that i did some cleans to get ready for the cleans uh jet wait uh jethro make wads great again guy said that you do stuff on social media for engagement silence from danny i do stuff on social media so that i can be banned i do have something in relation to the whole spiegel thing which is like i like to always come to a general consensus of things but we're just it the way i look at it is like everything that you're saying it is like everything that you're saying is here and everything that they're saying is here and like this is all that's ever
Starting point is 01:24:30 going to happen right like is there ever going to be anywhere to like meet in the middle like or do you not think so is is there any is there any way to like solve the issue i would like to solve things what's the issue what's the issue that they're offended yeah it's hard to solve what the issue is i just don't see i just don't see any bending or breaking because like i'm trying to see both sides of it and i okay wait a second wait a second so like i'm on your side with just the majority of it but i wonder like what it would take for somebody over there and like with their opinions to you know inch this way i'm completely i'm completely okay with everything that they said in their video like in terms of like just content for youtube the sporty bethy stuff i think it's just outright fucking mean
Starting point is 01:25:15 and unethical and just lies and it's fucked up i agree with that it's just like what the fuck um yeah like like like what if I just started making videos that it, and all they did was question, but, but basically let's say I made videos and all I did was question why sporty Bethany keeps going in and out of childcare centers. What it'd be like, what the fuck seven? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:25:38 Um, I don't care. I, I'm, I, I was, I don't, it's a lot of people think I look homeless. I think
Starting point is 01:25:46 like, it's not, it's not ideal. Did you tell those stories already? Yeah, it's not ideal. Um, but it is the, the, the hand I've been dealt. And I, you know, it, it, it should, if you think I look homeless, then what the fuck could you care about my opinion about your top being too small? I mean, you clearly know that I have no – that I'm a fashionista of the homeless. I don't think what you're saying is right. I don't think I am over there and they're over here. I don't see it like that. I'm waiting for you to bring it back.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Thank you. Yeah, I don't see it like that. I just see it as – Where do you see it? What do you see in – I'm trying to think of how to say it without it being condescending or demeaning. They're trapped in an echo chamber, and they don't know it. It's like I know I'm trapped in the echo chamber of not wanting kids to be forced injections. Got it. forced injection. I understand, but they're trapped in this thing that part
Starting point is 01:26:46 of her identity is needing to see people attacking. Even if they're not attacking, it's like, dude, I've said I never talk about her until this happened unless she's on the sport. I'm never just bringing Danny Spiegel up as just
Starting point is 01:27:02 a subject. She said I'm obsessed with her. I only brought you up because you're on rogue she says i only say things i the i they always say that i say um that i refer to as a beacon of moral authority i've said it like three times and i've heard it come out of your mouth or people sent me clips more times than i've said it there's just all of these things that they're spinning in their own little circle they say that i say stuff that's offensive about women no you demand that things be offensive i can't even i mean i've dm'd her i've dm'd her probably at least once probably twice maybe three times invited her to come on the show i i don't care whether she does or well that's not true
Starting point is 01:27:39 i i think that everything that they're saying is a lie so i can't even like come i can't even approach them until they're saying is a lie. So I can't even like come, I can't even approach them until they're willing to take some responsibility for like, if they would be like, Hey, like if someone writes in the comments, yeah,
Starting point is 01:27:53 I don't like a sexually crass humor. I'd be like, yeah, well then probably my show is not for you. I don't like deep insights into how the human mind works. It makes me feel funny. Then my show is probably not for you i don't like weight loss stories then my show is not probably you pick the thing
Starting point is 01:28:10 and i'll be like yeah my but to say that to just take it and go a step further and say that i was being rude to her or attacking her i i can't even i've said a thousand nice things about her they've never mentioned one of those a thousand maybe much exactly a hundred and they're angry they're not even nice i've made observations that i that that are that like about her performance like wow she's amazing on that workout or i can't believe how strong she is or yeah i'd like her to carry me away like that sandbag like you keyed her car or something like that yeah like you like spray painted on the side of her house or something and now she's pissed yeah she acts like i keyed her fucking car exactly
Starting point is 01:28:48 yeah i got it so i don't know how to answer your question good there's 100 people in the world right let's say 50 people like jello and 50 people like pudding okay yeah what about what what if i like both okay go on you can't not in this example you can't it's not possible but there is a world in which the people can be like oh i i like vanilla i guess yeah i guess this would fit your example i like vanilla a little bit or maybe it's like i like jello the consistency of it and there's always things where you can like understand where they're coming from like i always i could see why you would prefer that but then they're i never have understood why it's like you like jello so fuck you are you like pudding so fuck you it's like there's always an understanding it's like there's a
Starting point is 01:29:32 preference for things and then when you put it in terms of food i think it makes sense or animals or movie taste or something but it just it's just so weird when it comes to topics like this where there's no bang or understanding where it comes from it's because they identify with jello they identify yeah so it's hard you're not going to break from that do you think do you think that um danny likes me uh no do you think she dislikes me i don't think she knows you but do you think she dislikes me someone said do you do you like sebon and she said no and then you said do you i mean knows you. But do you think she dislikes you? Someone said, do you like Sevan? And she said no. And then you said, do you?
Starting point is 01:30:06 I mean, this is just hypothetical. Do you think that Wooley and Nikki and Danny, after watching that video, dislike me? After which video? After the stuff, the content that they've made about me, the way they talk about me. I don't think. I think that Nikki and Danny are offended because of how they identify. I don't really feel that John was as offended. Do you think they dislike me?
Starting point is 01:30:28 They dislike the idea of what they think you are. Yeah. Because I don't dislike them. I think that might be the most fair. Okay. The thing is this, my point was this, is like, I mean, I'm screwing up. I know I wasn't allowed to like both Jell-O and Pudding, but like
Starting point is 01:30:44 I don't, I don't, I don't dislike up. I know I wasn't allowed to like both Jell-O and pudding, but like, I don't, I don't, I don't dislike, they dislike me and I don't dislike them. So you, you, you, you, you, that's why I'm like, they're over here. They've never even tried pudding. They don't even know if they like it or not, but they just, they just don't. Yeah. Maybe, maybe they don't like chocolate. And because like, they think pudding is chocolate. Hey, there's vanilla.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Now, now I'm reaching, but you get the idea. I'm an analogy man. I do. And you know what's funny too is when I think about coming on this. I hate politics, dude. Politics are so stupid. People just fight for the sake of fighting. It's so nuts.
Starting point is 01:31:18 And I'm sure Susan's gone through it at the affiliate, right? It's like, okay, guys, cut it out. I don't want to fucking deal with this shit you guys just want to fight get out of here insecurity is a hard thing to drake webster insecurity is a hard thing to accept the feeling that they feel from you is not because of you it's because you bring their insecurities to light you aren't trying to you just state facts and even if they're even if that like what if she were to come what if she were to come back and say, hey, I know that top is too small, but my sister used to wear this and she died in a car accident. Good question.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Would you have Wooley on the podcast? No. Fuck no. You sure? Yeah. What if what if he asked? No, a lot of people ask. Someone asks me every day.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Oh, okay. No. Fair. You'd go on his, though. No, I would not. I would not. I would not. No, I'm not saying, like, in six months.
Starting point is 01:32:19 How come? That couldn't change. How come? That couldn't change. How come? I'm not… I'm not interested. I'm not… Because I'm not interested in entertaining his antics on my show with him on here. I'm not interested in doing that, even a tiniest little bit. Okay. If you could clone him, I could have his clone on.
Starting point is 01:33:03 If you could clone him, I could have his clone on. I don't appreciate them outside of the fact that they give us something to talk about on this show. But to be honest with you, even the thought about talking about this on the show is way more fun than actually talking about it. I thought it would actually be fun to talk about. I was thinking today, oh, we'll pull up the Let's Go to War video, and we'll read the comments, and we'll have fun. But I don't hate Wooly. I don't hate him at all.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Zero. I don't even dislike the guy. Yeah, I don't even dislike the guy. I don't even dislike the guy. I don't even dislike the guy. I don't – I would need to think about it. I can't – I'm not articulating well why I wouldn't have him on. But that could change in six months. There's people I've wanted on this. You were going to say that before I blatantly asked you why. That could easily change. I'm trying to think of anyone that I hate. There are some people that I'm fucking really mad at that I hope that they get a rude awakening, and I think they are. Basically, you have to do something to basically affect my ability to put food on my table in front of my kids. And if you get in between that and me, then I see you as like pestilence, like gophers in my yard that eat the roots of my
Starting point is 01:34:25 favorite trees and kill them if you start doing that shit like if i if i thought sporty beth was like truly uh a threat to what i'm doing i would fucking unleash holy hell on her but i don't and i actually thought and i'm actually more impressed with how much time she put in that video so i've actually asked myself with how much time she put in that video. I've actually asked myself before whether or not there's anybody that I hate, but when you put it into that spectrum, I usually think that I end up feeling worse for that person. Because there's usually something about them that people don't like, or they'll say that they hate about that person. that people don't like, or they'll say that they hate about that person. And you're like, usually they're just thinking some way about it, that you feel bad that that's the way they view the world.
Starting point is 01:35:13 And it comes back with the red pill, blue pill thing. It's like, when you get it, you get it. And maybe some people look at me that way and that's okay. And maybe some people feel bad for me. Maybe some people hate me for certain things, or maybe they hate you for certain things, but that's just kind of the way anybody, anybody that could harbor like hate for that long needs to get more stuff going on in their life.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Like, I don't even have the bandwidth to hate somebody like that. She just takes too much time. It takes too much mental energy. Like I'm way too fucking focused on moving the ball forward in every facet of my life to slow down, to be like like let me spend energy and hate and now sometimes i've had things that upset me and then i get further upset by the time i spend on it mentally because you know you might see something that really pisses you off and then for the next like day or so you're kind of just replaying the story or multiple stories about it in your head and then at some point you're like damn this is just
Starting point is 01:36:01 taking up so much of my mental bandwidth. I need to just let it go. Okay, can we play a little bit of this video? That's well said. This video is so good. Let's go to war. And the only reason why it's getting so many views is because John Woolley has promoted it. Thanks, John. That was interesting.
Starting point is 01:36:20 Yeah, I didn't think it was flattering. And I'm a bit of a fashionista. Fashionista. But I will say this. It's better than nick matthews crop top here we go during my competition at rogue the one thing you wanted to talk about was that my clothes weren't my paws properly like that's just a fucking blatant lie at your competition first of all it wasn't your at your competition at rogue was everyone's competition at rogue but that wasn't the one thing i wanted to talk about i actually would have preferred not to talk about it but i
Starting point is 01:36:49 think in the context that you're saying is is that that was the only thing i mentioned about you which is just a fucking lie she's a fucking she's fucking lying and why is she lying to stir up dislike about me because i'm guessing because she dislikes me and because there's no – she can't sit with it herself. She's asking for support, and she's demanding that those two knuckleheads above her, Brazier and Wooley, also be offended for her. It's just nuts. That's vile, Wooly. This is vile behavior. Not making a joke about her using the same dildo on Heber and Mars that she uses on you without cleaning it.
Starting point is 01:37:35 That is not vile. Okay, action. Great edit, by the way, Hilary. Demine, take it away. Like, fabulous. You're like, you're looking homeless, but whatever. So then basically when my mom stopped
Starting point is 01:37:47 paying for my college and paying for my rent my rent ran out and there I was I just I remember just walking out of my house and it was just me and my dog and I'm just like holy shit this is seven years into college one class left mom stops paying and now you're just like okay you kind of had just homeless yeah and you know wow okay all right so what no job no job nothing my dog and i leave the house it's summertime all my friends there leave i have no resources i don't know where i'm going to sleep that night and i walk into the center of this park and i sit down and I'm just like my I'm just like holy shit this is it right yeah I got nothing I have no job I don't have I don't have a car this is pre-cell phone there's no cell phones you're not how much money you have in the bank not the car you drive not
Starting point is 01:38:39 the contents from wallets you're not your fucking khakis you're like you're looking homeless but whatever and I'm sitting there and with my dog and I start thinking holy shit I gotta feed my You're not your fucking khakis. You're like, you're looking homeless, but whatever. And I'm sitting there and with my dog and I start thinking, holy shit, I got to feed my dog today. That should be my number one priority. I have no money, no food. What am I going to do to feed my dog? And I have this big great Dane named Caesar. Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat.
Starting point is 01:39:01 It's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go. Let go. You're like, you're looking homeless, but whatever. And through the park, I see walking towards me is that guy I'd kicked out of my house. Oh, really? And he's carrying a big black garbage bag. And as he walks, as he gets up to me, he goes, hey, man, what's up? I go, hey. And he goes, I'm Karmz. I go, hey, I'm Savant. And he goes, do you want one of these? And he opens up this black garbage bag and inside of it's like i don't know 15 or 20 rotisserie chickens you know the kind like you get a whole foods and they're yeah he goes do you want one of
Starting point is 01:39:34 these and i said yeah i'd love one of those thank you and he'd gotten them from behind a supermarket that had like thrown them all out right they were like day old or whatever and at that point and and and i skipped a lot but at that point i knew i was like holy shit if i'm open to it the world will conspire to support me but i really have to be open to it it will give me everything i need and everything i want but i better be fucking open to it it's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything you're like you're looking homeless but whatever i decided okay i have all this free time what am i gonna do what have i okay my penmanship is horrible i'm gonna work on my penmanship every day okay pause i like to play frisbee by the way that was a black guy
Starting point is 01:40:19 carms was a black guy with a black guy the guy with the chicken yeah the guy with the chicken i'd kick that guy out of my house so many times he was just a homeless guy with a black guy with a chicken yeah the guy with the chicken i'd kick that guy out of my house so many times he was just i had to cut something out because it was getting long but yeah in the prior year when i was living in the house and smoking weed and playing video games all day and being a uc student that guy would come onto my yard and like and i was like dude get the fuck out of here blah blah blah like what are you doing or you just walk into my house drunk and then here he is a year later feeding me and my dog it's fucking awesome you see what i'm doing here though right i'm basically showing you what it meant for you to
Starting point is 01:40:54 be homeless in fight club clips like everything anyone ever hears you say ever in my opinion stems from like your experience throughout your life and some of the things that you've been through that others haven't. And you're kind of summarizing it a little bit here. And I think there's been more in other spots, but this is the best thing that I can find while I'm putting it. And then Fight Club, some of these quotes, a lot of people will resonate with,
Starting point is 01:41:16 and they say that they're very empowering to which people don't understand that when she says you like look homeless, it's like, it's because you were, and it's like, I don't know if that's true. I would look homeless. Even if I had never been homeless either way, I guess maybe I fucked that up. It's like,
Starting point is 01:41:32 well, you were homeless and I don't think she knew that. And it's also why you're the way you are, which is in a way empowering. And it's something people don't understand. Dude. Can you imagine if danny spiegel lost her instagram account they would have to put her on fucking suicide watch i know
Starting point is 01:41:50 i'm on i know i'm speculating but for someone like me someone like me i know i had one-tenth the amount of followers as her but but when i lost my instagram account damage to you right zero oh i mean i mean as far as like getting it did more damage getting guests i never i never like i just started a new one i was never like i never went back to it where is it like i'm telling you if she like and and the difference is here and it's well said there's been no i i don't know. I don't want to speculate about what a rock bottom has been. But yeah, I think it's very poignant. Same, same. Different, different. Same, same. That was my favorite thing I've done in a while.
Starting point is 01:42:34 Oh, so funny. So funny. We are the same. We have different faces. And by the way, Nate, you should be very thankful that you got to be a part of that. Anyone who's in that video should be very thankful they got to be a part of it. On behalf of Danny Woosley, Brazer, and Nate Anderson, I want to say thank you, Hiller. I don't know why Nate had to get run over just because he had the truck out. He had to run fucking – I don't know why. I mean while you were running people over, you're like, well, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:43:03 I got the truck out. Nate, get in front and fucking running you over too. It's like, holy shit, Hiller. To be entirely honest, the way the video started, I always have a concept. Yeah, I know. Poor Nate. I know. He seems like a nice guy.
Starting point is 01:43:16 I opened my YouTube on Saturday at some point, and I saw that Daniel Brandon had blocked him. And I clicked on it, and it's like, what the fuck was this about again? And then, of course, I also saw that he brought up the Spiegel thing. And I was like, okay,'s like, what the fuck was this about again? And then of course, I also saw that he brought up the Spiegel thing and I was like, okay, I guess I can relay this over into the entire topic and let's sprinkle in a little bit of Craig Ritchie too. Oh yeah, poor Craig.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Craig didn't get run over, but he definitely got sideswiped. He definitely needs, he got, it's like a- Collateral, collateral damage. Remember Craig Ritchie? You remember when you just ripped fucking morning chalk up articles
Starting point is 01:43:44 and made your own news show? It's like, Jesus Christ. Hey, do you guys remember when Craig Ritchie? You remember when you just ripped fucking morning chalk up articles and made your own news show? It's like, Jesus Christ. Hey, do you guys remember when Craig Ritchie first made his big splash onto the CrossFit scene, how it happened? No. It was with Brooke Wells' video in an open where she had that crazy, shitty angle. You couldn't see it. You couldn't see if her handstand pushups were like locking out and stuff. And it was the same year that Jacob Hefner had to pull himself out because he wasn't able to reach the standard due to the fact that like something was weird with his forearm. And so he made a video similar to the videos that you make, Hiller, and talked about it and it created this big scene.
Starting point is 01:44:17 And then that's what kind of propelled them. Now, he had already been doing videos and like the bodybuilding scene prior to that. So he already built up. Was he ripping Brooke Wells? Was he ripping her? Yeah. I mean, not in the sense of like, you know. Not the way Hiller does it.
Starting point is 01:44:28 He was not the, yeah, not the way Hiller does it. You know what I mean? But she, but he definitely like made a big deal about it. And I think she blocked him and then he made a video about that and stuff. And so it was the same like progression. No way. Look at you giving me a history lesson.
Starting point is 01:44:43 I didn't know any of that. That's good. I just slowly let it leak out. So you're saying that Craig didn't know any of that that's good i just slowly let it leak out you know so you're saying that craig is hillar's dad that's good let's call him daddy magnus gets it he gets it he gets it yeah but yeah that was how and it was like a whole a whole deal for him i remember remember. So what do you think, Hiller? Do you think that there's a way to kiss and make up between the two factions? I am on every single wavelength that you are,
Starting point is 01:45:24 and at which point, it's very hard for me to understand as somebody who, the best way that I could have put this was, I'm on the internet, I see somebody commenting or doing something in relation to Alexis's personal stuff. And let's just say she's taking a picture with you
Starting point is 01:45:43 and they make a comment about how- Anytime, anytime. I'm sure they're fucking behind Diller's back or something like that. Anytime, anytime, anytime. Anytime. There isn't an ounce of me that would take that the wrong way, or let's just say Alexis was- Ask her if she's ever been with a homeless guy.
Starting point is 01:46:03 Ask her if she's ever been with a homeless guy. Ask her if she's ever been with a homeless guy. Just like anything you could do the worst day ever on the internet. And at like no point would I be like, Hmm, stop doing that. It'd be like, Alexis, did you see this coming when you put this on the internet? And she'd be like, yeah, I saw this coming when I put this on the internet. Like this, this, this is like what the nature of what it is.
Starting point is 01:46:23 And there was a point in her life where she'll also say where she made a pivot because she wanted to become something different. And I think the content she started putting out was a little bit different. I mean, I guess you could even go see it, like go look through her profile. It's mostly in relation to her like aesthetics business at this point because it's just like what you're asking everyone to view you as. business at this point because it's just like what you're asking everyone to view you as yeah i don't have a problem i don't have a problem with a single one of uh miss spiegel's posts zero i don't either it's just i i think that whatever you put out there you're it's it's just like the nature of the beast right right it's up to you to take what happens as a result of what you've done if i make all these videos
Starting point is 01:47:05 and i get upset about people like with with my take on certain things or like i can't believe you're so mean to nate it's like well i don't think anything is to his videos it's like i said it and i mean it like what uh but by the way a couple things that i found interesting also was as i scrolled through uh sporty beth's. Wait, I got one more thing. Reddit, which I know you avoid by all means. You say I go directly into Reddit and I'm just like, all right, let's see what people have to say about me today. And I'm like, you don't know me. You don't know me. You don't know me. And I'm like, oh, is this thing even anywhere near close to anything that I could see possibly having crossed my mind or anyone else's mind? Because maybe this
Starting point is 01:47:44 person has an insight like nope or yes and then it's just like a filtering system that I go through. I say some shit. I like looking at comments. You love the abuse. The only people who really know are like myself, Alexis, people close to me. The further away you
Starting point is 01:48:02 are from me, the less you fucking have any idea and they can speculate and it's cool that's i guess that's all that happens it's just um hillary in your video you say that you know me um but i i don't think i'm so different in in person than i am on the show no maybe i wouldn't say so no i'm sure that you guys can say that as well yeah no idea that's the part where i don't even understand that i i did understand your point that obviously nikki and woolly want to stand by their friend like i get it they want to stand by their friend and they know that um that that's just one dimension of her that you see on instagram and i don't blame them for that either.
Starting point is 01:48:45 But dude, like if those people don't like me, I get it. Like it's fine. Anyway, I don't know where I was going with that. I suppose you are a little smaller in real life. Like you're,
Starting point is 01:49:01 I didn't think you were tall by any means, but you're, you're a little shorter than I thought. Like a mid, midget like like no not quite that like i'm in my disproportion you were like like when i walk do people stare at me because i'm so short like i'm walking and people are like what the fuck actually the way you're very well like you're very well postured when you walk oh thank you yeah that that is a certain thing um you're like in person you actually seem incredibly well manicured i don't know what it was about that but it just seemed like uh like uh like a matthew mcconaughey sort of that's his new part look don't let him
Starting point is 01:49:35 fool you that's his new wow it is wow so you see matthew mcconaughey and no one calls him homeless but your hair is very similar it's like the the facial hair, the stature, but you're just probably eight inches shorter. I don't know. How can I be homeless and Matthew McConaughey? Someone tell me. I don't know. Maybe Matthew McConaughey is in a billionaire. What did you say, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:50:01 Matthew McConaughey does look kind of homeless. Hey, somebody. We'll pull have a picture of them somebody good somebody at the games when i was walking by they stopped and they're like susan i turned and they're like you look different in person but kind of gave this weird look and i was like is that a good thing or a bad thing and they're like yeah and then just turned around and kept walking did you shave your head what you shaved your hair is long your hair grew fast you shaved your head recently now your hair's grown back yeah it's like it wasn't long in vegas yeah that's that's long there he is
Starting point is 01:50:32 oh yeah okay i could see i could see that i was kind of rocking um so a few people uh yelled at me this long hair people said i called me sean Penn in Newport a couple of times. You either David Duchovny or Sean Penn or McConaughey. It's all good. I'll take it. I'll tell you even take homeless. Okay. So I guess to wrap up your question towards me,
Starting point is 01:51:04 is there any way to find a middle ground? It's like, I don't know. It's like one, once it's one of those things and i keep on saying the red pill blue pill thing it's once you know you know and unless you're open to figuring it out which i think you said in your little bit about being homeless it's like you got to be open to it if you're not then you're not you think they've gone you think they've gone too far in that position to feel like if they went back? There's never too far. I completely agree with that. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 01:51:27 But if you want another good movie, have you seen The Truman Show? Yeah. Yes. With Jim Carrey? You know the big entire thing with that is he's living in that world. And at the end of it, he's about to walk out. And the guy goes, you can stay here. And it's perfectly good.
Starting point is 01:51:43 And he's like, no, I'm going to leave. And he goes out the door. Like, you can stay here and it's perfectly good and he's like no i'm gonna leave and he goes out the door like you can stay in your in like what you think is cool and that's okay but you could also leave and it's just like up to you it's like how do you want to look at things and we've chosen to look at them this way and they want to look at them that way and i guess on either circle you could decide that you're the one stuck in the room i think uh i don't know i don't think people, I don't think anyone who ever sees the door. Oh, fuck. That's, I don't know if I can say that.
Starting point is 01:52:11 I don't know if anyone ever sees the door stays inside the Truman show, but maybe I'm wrong. Hell no. People totally stay inside. Are you kidding? They take Nike money and then they refuse to get out of the door. Is that what you're saying? If you're talking about like sponsorship, like how about when people say that to me,
Starting point is 01:52:30 how about when that sporty Beth chick says that he'll never get sponsorship. If he keeps talking like that, I'm like, dude, like, did you just admit that what comes out of your mouth is, is paid and bought for? Was that Beth or was that them?
Starting point is 01:52:43 I don't know who said it, but when people say shit like that, I'm like, are you realizing what you're just admitting that you're a whore? You're a whore at that point. I can't even fucking believe. I can't even believe people say stuff like that. Like,
Starting point is 01:52:56 dude, that's your inside voice. Push that down and analyze that later when you're going to bed. What you just said. Yeah, that, that one's deep. I guess that that would be like
Starting point is 01:53:06 you want to stay inside or you want to leave yeah you guys excited about our new whoop sponsorship i was waiting to get on air to tell you about it well yeah how much are they giving you like a dollar hey let me tell you something that's and that's what so that's why the that would be so brilliant if whoop or noble fucking gave us a million bucks that could but they're too stupid plot twist but they're so stupid that they don't it's the same exact thing no one knows how to lean into anything they're that they're so it's all ego okay seven when you saw hillar's first video did you think you would be here today or did you think you guys would be oil and water? I knew that when I saw first saw Hiller's content that I was like, OK, I'm going to dance with this guy. And by dance with this guy is I'm what you say?
Starting point is 01:53:54 It was true love. Yeah. Well, I I wanted I wanted to poke him and see how he responded. And I wanted to give him backhanded compliments and see how he responded. And it's kind of like the bro test. responded and I wanted to give him backhanded compliments and see how he responded. And, um, it's kind of like the bro test. And so I would give him backhanded compliments or I would say, you know, or I would just poke him, you know, make some, you know, comments about him. And then when he embraced that, when he leaned into it, I said, I thought, oh shit. So about a, about a month before we ever did the show together, I said, Hey, I called him.
Starting point is 01:54:28 I said, Hey, can I have your phone number? And I called him or I think that's what happened. I might be fucking this up, but I think the spirit of it's right. I called him after like us dancing on the internet for a couple of months. And I called him, I said, Hey, um, just super quick conversation. You want to keep dancing? He goes, yeah, I go. And then come on my show in six months. And he said, yeah. And that was it. it we basically hung up and then about a month passed and i go hey dude you got to come on the show i might i can't i'm old i can't dance anymore i need to sit down and he said i'm on and then to be honest with you it is a it is one of the deepest um pleasures in my life right now the friendship that i'm building with him it reminds me of like being in the second grade and building like friendships with those. I loved having friends at school. I loved having friends at school. And I feel that way kind of about everyone who comes on the show
Starting point is 01:55:13 in like mine, like mine and Hiller's relationship develops super fast. Like mine and Caleb's is developing really slow and you guys are getting to see it and just all of these different relationships that I'm building with people, just examples. I'm really uh stimulated by it and titillated by it yeah so i mean i'm enjoying um all of it i i thrive i really like being alone but i also thrive on intimacy with human beings and so that's where i'm at so sorry i don't got anything for you susan i'm just trying to do a, and then here they are. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. You want to be on my podcast?
Starting point is 01:55:51 When Hiller makes a video like that, I immediately send it to my mom. And it has nothing to do with the content that he made. It's just that I can't believe – maybe I'm so insecure that I can't believe anyone even gives two shits about me to make that. So I mean maybe he doesn't give two shits. He just needs content, but let me live in my little bubble. Well, I was actually really trying to sit in the middle too, and it was hard to. I don't know. Maybe it's because of my bias.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Your bias. Sevan, do you follow Jordan Peterson? I try to, but anytime I see one of his – it's because of my bias. Your bias. Sevan, do you follow Jordan Peterson? I try to, but anytime I see one of his – I watch some of his content every month. I really like him. I would love to talk with him. I would love to talk with him. Now I'm compelled to watch the podcast that Spiegel is on, but I don't want to give – No, no. Go watch it. It's fine. It's at 54 – start at like 50.
Starting point is 01:56:41 52. 52. Start at 52 or somewhere 50 and then watch. It's basically just 15 minutes of them just pushing shit around. The only thing in there that they say that's of any substance is when they call me out for saying her top was too small. And then they take it out of context and it's not cool, but it maintains their story. But it maintains their story. If they were just be like, hey, Sevan, if she would be like, hey, Sevan. Just me on a personal level, I don't like people talking about my clothes or being critical.
Starting point is 01:57:18 I don't handle criticism about my clothes very much because you just in the future only say positive things about my clothing. I would be instead of like couching it is like this hate towards women or this whatever this whole thing. And I'd been like, OK, I'll do that. One of my friends told me one time i was like which food should i avoid and he goes dude you have it all backwards i go what do you mean he goes you should only focus on the foods you want not the foods you should avoid and i was like oh that's really good great argument so there's just like that's a great argument. I like bringing things to food, like Jell-O and pudding. It's weird that the guy who's so crass has to, it's weird that Hiller and I are the ones who talk about civility when,
Starting point is 01:57:55 when we're the ones, I don't know. There's some irony to it. I've heard that about food diet though. It's like, stop taking things out. What can you have? What is good?
Starting point is 01:58:04 What do you want add in yes like i want for you to stop talking about my clothing please i have this guy coming on who is an expert in the company that crossfit uses for drug testing and i'm trying to schedule a show with him i never gave two shits about uh drug testing or steroids or anything and hillary's giving me the crash course education in our uh short one-year relationship and i mean when we got a guy that we're just going to be able to ask a million questions to and it's going to be it's going to be fantastic that's coming up very soon uh there were there what we have been in contract with uh we have been put in contact
Starting point is 01:58:40 with someone very close to andrew tate And I think he has agreed to come on. And we also have- Andrew Tate. Yeah. And we also have Greg Glassman coming on very soon. I think it will be in the first couple of weeks of December. So, but more importantly, a guy who's been on the show a couple of times already,
Starting point is 01:59:14 Dale Saran, the former general counsel for CrossFit Inc., who is now running, I think, maybe the largest class action suit for military personnel against the U.S. government. He was just on the Brett Weinstein podcast. He's going to come on here on Sunday, and we'll chop shit up. It'll be fun. He's a good dude. Tomorrow. Saturday? Tomorrow, yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:25 That's tomorrow? Yep. Oh, tomorrow. Yeah, that's tomorrow. Yep. Oh, okay. And Danny Spiegel will also be coming on with the dildo that she uses to pay guys. Okay, guys, thank you very much for watching the show.
Starting point is 01:59:37 We will talk to you guys all soon. Love you guys. Bye.

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