The Sevan Podcast - #702 - Britney Griner's Return? Live Call In Show

Episode Date: December 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 So is it gone? Bam, we're live. When's it going to be in Russia's teeth we're live oh good that's good i'm gonna have to pee soon too uh i in a few minutes um in five minutes we're gonna have jason grubb and jamie latimer on for a few minutes they're over at the legends competition over in cookville tennessee i don't know who i don't know who runs that um they're using the mayhem headquarters but i'm not sure who the people are who throw it, but it's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:01:28 that they're doing it. And I really like Jamie and I really like Jason, both. Um, I don't know if Jason listens to the show, but he's come on a bunch and I appreciate him as a, as a human and a man. I, um, I want to tell you a story just, um, I thought it was interesting. Um, there's this listener in the, um, of the show named Trish and Trish made a comment on one of, uh, Andrew Hiller's videos. You can see it. Uh, you, you can see it if you go, well, uh, I think Caleb will pull it up. I put it in the private chat. So I want to go back for a second. I know I've told this story at least five times. And you guys know that Liver King did sponsor Waterpalooza last year.
Starting point is 00:02:13 But I want to go back and tell you a story that I've told many times. I used to have a podcast called Meet the Parents. It's still up. You guys can check it out. And I had heard about a guy. And at the time, I was doing the carnivore diet and i started losing some circulate not circulation but my feet my hands were getting cold so i came across um these and at the time i was following uh paul saladino and i had come across um they told me that if i take organ meat if i eat organ meat they didn't even
Starting point is 00:02:42 suggest the pills paul basically said if you eat organ meat that will I eat organ meat, they didn't even suggest the pills. Paul basically said, if you eat organ meat, that will go away. That will get the nutrition you need. I think that's what he said. It's not that, that part's not important. But anyway, so I started taking these pills, these heart and soil pills and these ancestral supplement pills. And within hours, and I've told this story many times, the, uh, my hands and feet felt better and I never had that feeling ever again. So yeah, the one that Julian and Miranda were in. i never had that feeling ever again so yeah the one that julian and miranda were in so i had paul on the show and uh you're welcome peter peter from coffee pods and wads just sent me a text and said thank you um i don't know what for but you're welcome so so basically then so then i started investigating into the owner of this company, Ancestral Supplements, and I realized that he had started this company because he had found that the carnivore diet and organ meat basically reversed autoimmune disease for his son and for thousands and millions of people all over the fucking planet.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And that was one of the things he was pushing. And I wanted to have him on my podcast, but he didn't do any media. And he basically, and so I couldn't even really get like more than just a few minutes with him on the phone or on text. And that was cool. And so I just had Paul Saladino on a few times. And then flash forward one time we were doing Wadapalooza. And since I take those, those pills, I don't even know if I feel comfortable calling them supplements. It's just desiccated – desiccated? Desiccated.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Dried, thank you. Desiccated organ meat, yeah. I reached out to him because I thought it would be a good sponsor because I could speak authentically about it. That's the whole thing. I've told you the story about Gabe, too, from Paper Street. I told him I can't speak authentically about it. That's, that's the whole thing. I've told you the story about Gabe too, from paper street. I told him I can't speak authentically about it. You can't fucking sponsor. And I've told you clearly that I don't take,
Starting point is 00:04:30 uh, um, uh, TRT. I don't do California hormones and I don't want to have to do needles on a regular basis. Like I've been completely transparent anyway. So this is,
Starting point is 00:04:40 this is, it brings me to this, this person, Trish, who listens to the show every single fucking day and is in the comments every single fucking day, writes this as one of the comments to Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Honey, I'm worried we're supposed to look cockeyed at Brooke having sponsor and simply endorsing her sponsor. Already, you're missing the point. Already, Trish has opened up that she misses the point. That is not the point at all the point is it's not it's about a sponsor it's about the fact that those people can be bought they'll say anything for any reason and the point is is that this guy liver king is actually pushing his own stuff and he's always had this message for years so trish
Starting point is 00:05:22 first of all you're a retard because he's made and i mean that in the most loving in this way you are a fucking complete retard because he's already told you in three videos minimum that it has nothing to do with the fact he lied but because you're such a simpleton moron and you listen to the show every day you still can't figure that out everyone accepts the fact that he lied about his drugs. Everyone's we're we're we're we accept it. We accept it. We completely accept it. Hi, Jason. I see one second.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I don't want any of this diarrhea to get on you. So I don't want to bring you on until I'm back into my peace and love mode because you're such a good dude. Then he goes, then Trish goes on to say, should we also be so skeptical as skeptical of your take on this? Because ancestral ancestral supplement sponsored sevon are you being way too soft on liver king because he wrote a check to you guys so now you're just a speculating douchebag you listen to this show every single day and you don't even you're not even being honest why don't you know the whole story i've only told it five times, Trish, 10 times, 30 times. You assume Tia was on roids, her face, her shape, she acted different, but this man admits to roids and we infantilize and simp for him.
Starting point is 00:06:36 God, you're such a scumbag, Trish. It's like you can't even be honest in your approach. And you know, and then Kate, and then some, and then some ass clown down here named Kate Foster writes, Sevan, that means you are not independent and unbiased when you profit from him. Okay. Okay. Hey, I guarantee you Kate Foster, Trish, Daddy issues. I promise you.
Starting point is 00:07:09 On Jason Grubb taking first place at this event, I promise you. I'm willing to trade Jason's trophy at this next event. Oh, we have an echo. Someone's got the YouTube open. It's Jamie. I'm blaming Jamie. Look at her scrambling on the keyboard. Is that better? Oh, you're perfect.
Starting point is 00:07:32 We lost Jason. Maybe it was Jason. That's what I was going to say. That's right. So quick to blame Jamie. Don't turn into Trish. Okay. So you got a four two fourths yesterday
Starting point is 00:07:47 no uh thursday two fourths it's a thursday and oh yeah because today's saturday and then yesterday you got a uh a seventh and a second yep yeah that's good right out of 32 people? Yeah. I think I have 30 in mine. Where does that put you in the standings? Third. Oh, dude. Congratulations. Did you go there to win it, Jamie? No. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Wow. Wow. Even better. Even better. Yeah, I'm doing better than I thought I would. Yeah. Awesome. And Mr. Grubb, how are you doing?
Starting point is 00:08:22 We only care about the superficial shit. What place are you in? First right now. You're in first right now. I'm tied for first. Yeah, but I'm in first. Who's the other guy? He's another Jason.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Jason Lukerman. But there's we've got four events to go and they're all very good. So I feel good. Yesterday was nice day of building some momentum. I won last night's event and it was just a little bit longer. I like slightly longer events, you know, the events that are like three minutes or one minute. Those are really tight, really, really tight. So just give me enough time and I will, uh, I'll push through.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And I think then the next couple of days events are going to be good. Um, Jason and Jamie are both competing this weekend. They're mid competition. The competition is over in Cookville, Tennessee at, um, the Mayhem Empire. And it is a, it is actually the legends event. They're actually not affiliated with mayhem right they're just using the uh facility correct it's it's a athlete so i know that they've done a bit of a partnership on this one this year okay um jamie do you know who these girls are these gals
Starting point is 00:09:40 are uh amy and allison like you know them from the from the from competitions you saw them there and you're like oh shit this is gonna be tough yeah well so i don't know amy at all but she crushed the qualifier so i fully expect her to come in hot um and i think she's newly 35 um and allison is the one i was very worried about um she was at master's fitness collective with me so i like just in october just competed against her um so i beat her there but that programming was pretty favorable for me so i had a feeling she had a good shot here depending on the programming is it is it 9 a.m there for you guys right now or 10 a.m 9 and and when do you go on uh jamie 106 i believe is my first event okay and you jason 11 30 and and there's a ton of athletes there right i mean it's uh it could be is it chaos or
Starting point is 00:10:37 it could be chaos but they're holding it together i'd say they've got it together uh there are a lot of athletes i think there's 300 athletes. But they break us up into two major sections. The 50 and over go early morning, and then 49 and under go in the afternoon. So it keeps the overall crowd and athletes to a smaller time, smaller time in each of those time frames. But, man, they run it so smooth. And Legends has always,
Starting point is 00:11:06 it's always felt as an athlete to me that Legends has been a really smooth competition. This is my third year. But this year at Mayhem, I feel like they've stepped it up. It is a stage. The live stream, which is not up yet, but the camera gear,
Starting point is 00:11:23 everything they have put into it, this isn't someone walking around with an iphone for coverage on this book ouch i take that as a personal attack i'm the dude with the iphone in the dude oh wait we just wait wait we just lost jason grubb from the stream what happened where'd he go what a bummer. Maybe his iPhone's not working. Yeah. Yeah. I've got terrible internet here. But yeah, there are, I mean, it looks like an NFL broadcast booth is there.
Starting point is 00:11:54 It's a big, big thing. When they get that live stream going, I think it's going to look great. When is it going? Is it going up today? Yeah, it should be on right now. I can't find it. So they must be having some issues. So you're saying it's so good we're going to see every rink on every one of these damn old masters' faces. That's how good the shit is.
Starting point is 00:12:12 That's correct. We're going to moisturize today. Yeah, you guys better moisturize today. Who's here, Jamie? Are these gals all – is this a tune-up for the games? Is that who's here? Is this you guys getting ready to fight for those five spots or however many spots?
Starting point is 00:12:28 How many people do get to go to the Masters, compete actually at the venue? At the games? Yeah, at the games. Is it five? Well, it was 10 this year. Okay. Let's say it's going to be four this year.
Starting point is 00:12:40 They need to go back to 20 in the younger bracket. It's a little ridiculous. Is this the tune-up for that i don't know i actually like i thought maybe china would be here um there's a there's a couple people from the games that aren't here so i don't know if i'd quite say that but there's some very stiff competition jason how about for you for how about your guys is this the tune-up are these the guys you're going to be tussling with here in a few months? Absolutely. It's a repeat from the games this year. It'll be a repeat going into the open quarter semis this year.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Same field. Maybe one or two guys missing, but the podium from the games the past couple years, we're all here. years we're all here okay um jamie anything you've seen there that just um that you you were like wow really impressed with like did you see someone competing who's 90 or um is the is did you eat the best sandwich you ever had in vendor village or is there anything there that it's has grabbed your attention yet there's not much of a vendor village it's um basically the mayhem stuff um basically the mayhem stuff um my my athlete move rich yeah yeah my my athlete jim who was at the crossfit games is in the 65 plus so i've been there for most of the try to make it for the morning sessions i'm obviously gonna miss today but um i mean it's that's pretty standard in that age bracket um although there's only three in his bracket two of them with drew i think i told you that hip and steel with drew and matt bell didn't make the
Starting point is 00:14:11 what happened steel we don't killer uh you don't want me to yeah i think i do think oh no really just like oh that sucks that sucks you could say i hope that's not the reason i mean he's an hour away that i don't know why he wouldn't have shown up. Is he, is he walking around? Is he there walking around? No, he's not here at all. Yeah. His name's David, right?
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yeah. David, don't let Hillary get to you. He's not even trying to get to you. He's just that he's just like, you know, how rats chew on cables. That's all Hillary's doing. That's like, it's just what's like what he, it's like that guy Derek plates and dates who, who went after the liver King.
Starting point is 00:14:50 It's just what they do. You have to just accept it and lean into it. Watch Jason grubs going to get his turn. You just wait. We'll see how Jason handles it. Honestly, though, that does make me sad. He pulled out regardless of it's for injury or just for the fact that, um, maybe that, that tussle he's had with Hiller publicly
Starting point is 00:15:10 has taken some of the steam out of him. No one should, I don't know. I have no ill will towards the guy. Come, come, come get it. It's okay. You know, come, come get some, like whether, whether people like you or don't like you, they watching you they're enjoying you you're adding value to their life just think big picture um yeah at least at least i hope um jason uh how about how about you anything anything crazy you see you see 80 year old dude do a rope climb there are you inspired by the guys uh ahead of you um what anything you've seen there that you're like wow this is this is nuts? I am surprised at how fit everyone is. I know it shouldn't be a shocker. At the Games, I expect everyone to be incredibly fit. But even at a competition like this
Starting point is 00:15:56 midstream, this is the best of the best in the Masters category. And I'm blown away. I'm blown away by my own guys. While I'm thinking like all right i'm just gonna i'm gonna go in there and i'm gonna crush this one workout you know and 11 of us finished within 10 seconds like man oh shit everything is paper thin or razor thin these some of these finishes um so my even my own guys that i'm competing with, I never underestimate them. I know they're all amazing, but then when I actually see how fast they are, it, I don't know, it stirs something up in me.
Starting point is 00:16:34 It reminds me, like, hey, these guys are all really, really good. There's never a time for me to let my foot off the gas. So I'm super impressed by even my, my own age group is, is stacked and they're, they're really amazing athletes. How do you guys think you're going to do today? Jamie,
Starting point is 00:16:51 how do you think you're going to do today when you look at the workouts? I like the workout today. I don't Jason. I feel like that. Yeah, man, that second workout with the 90 GHD 12 rope climb, 150 wobble is honestly of the like yesterday's total bar workout
Starting point is 00:17:07 same kind of thing like jason went unbroken on four rounds and when i'm broken on three rounds like i feel like that was like the people that got went unbroken the longest or like the stellar athletes out there i'm super curious to see who finishes the workout today because i feel like that's going to be your top of the top what do you think jason i completely agree uh they we've got a couple of kind of sprinty workouts but this yeah it starts with nice hds into rope climbs into ball balls is long enough um it's going to be absolute an absolute bloodbath of of movement out there um but i feel good about it I feel really good about it. I like it. I love it. This is straight mayhem stuff. I've been
Starting point is 00:17:51 training mayhem for a couple of years. So I feel like I know what this is going to be like. And it's going to suck, but my body's ready for this kind of stuff. Home cooking for Jason. You just heard it. Jeff Baco, always with the insults. Home cooking for Jason You just heard it Jeff Bako Always with the insults So insulting to people that he has to He has to tell us when he's giving a compliment Because it's so rare
Starting point is 00:18:14 I'm complimenting Jamie her arms are insane Yeah I sure heard Okay guys Thank you Hopefully we can grab you guys for 15 minutes tomorrow Get an update see what's going on. If you see David hip and steel, please give him a hug.
Starting point is 00:18:29 You guys can compete today with no stress because Brittany Greiner is home and safe. Taking a bong hit. Within a few hours, she'll be taking a bong hit and beating her wife. Thank you so much, you guys, for coming on.
Starting point is 00:18:46 We'll see you guys tomorrow good luck bye awesome bye bye good luck good luck we're pulling this off jason and jamie i can't believe this is cool they're good people so cool oh they're great people awesome okay britney grainer What a fuck. I know. I slept good. Have you seen? Yeah, me too. For sure. Hey, Caleb, did you get all the way to 784?
Starting point is 00:19:17 No. He didn't send it to me at all. So I have zero. Okay, good. I was like, I didn't get anything. I was left out. Seriously? Yeah. Dead. Jeff Baker. so i have zero okay good i was like i didn't get anything i was left out seriously yeah dead jeff baker what happened to you call it in buddy i know that it's no it says i it says i sent it
Starting point is 00:19:32 to caleb will and matt is it in your drafts uh 40 43 minutes ago weird i refreshed it just a couple times yeah i'm not seeing it. Oh, you know why you can only see to 196? Do you ever click those? Do you have the thing that says view entire message at the bottom? Yeah. Is that what's happening? Am I not clicking view entire message like an idiot?
Starting point is 00:19:59 I think so. Maybe. I think I tried to tell you that, but you said you didn't have it last time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I don't have it. That's what I mean. I to tell you that, but you said you didn't have it last time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I don't have it. I don't have that. Hey, look, I'm Caleb Matt Souza. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I'm going to title it Boobs. Nice. Okay, sent. Sent. Okay. Send. Listen, guys. Tons of people have on the show have given me money. I can tell you, you can only, I guess, take my word for it. My feelings about the liver King are strictly this.
Starting point is 00:20:47 And for some reason, so many people can't get it yes he lied 100 yes he came clean i've told you guys many stories of my neighbor who robbed me and came clean and all my other fucking roommates wanted to call the police on them and like i saw no point of that i'm a very it's not even that i'm a forgiving person i know how the i know how the brain works i talk shit about someone today and sometime between now and I go on my deathbed, I'm going to have to forgive myself for being mean to another human being. That's the way it works. Freedom comes from not holding shit on other people. You want to trade a little piece of your freedom for being judgmental to your other fellow man?
Starting point is 00:21:17 Go ahead. I have my battles. I keep them to fucking hurting children. And pretty much that's it. To hurting children. That's where I draw the line. You want to draw the line. Hurting.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Hurting. The fact isn't whether he lied. Stop saying that. We've heard you a million times. And now you're trying to attack me. Because he sponsored one of my things years ago. By the way. he didn't and the last few times we've asked him to sponsor our events he said no just so you know that's that's
Starting point is 00:21:51 true yeah and he's never given any money to hillar he's never even talked to him and if um it's just i draw the line it hurting kids, but I don't have daddy issues. I'm not looking for to another man to to hold something against because for some reason he he lied to me or didn't lie to me. I'm the first person you can ask any of my friends. If we had an appointment to go to the bar at two o'clock and you didn't show up and you didn't I wouldn't even be mad at you. It's not it's not work being my friend. It's not work. You're free. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't do that. And, and I, and I, I don't think I know the true power lays in being compassionate and looking at myself. If I was mad at the liver King, if I was mad at Susie for not showing up to the bar at two,
Starting point is 00:22:42 like we were supposed to, I would ask myself, why why am i mad that doesn't mean i wouldn't change course it wouldn't mean that like next time when i invited him so i used to have these two friends who never showed up so i always invited both of them to everything i did and when one of them would always show up it was great you hedged your bet yeah it's not even i i i um so trish and kate like i i get it i get it daddy hurts you and now you're you refuse to look at yourself and you're just trying to find people to repeat being offended by i totally normal it's it's how 99 of the public works yeah not not Yeah, not today. Like two days ago, I had this Bloody Mary in the morning, and then it just didn't – I just realized I'm not enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:23:34 So yesterday I just chilled. Even though I'm on vacation, I just worked out all day yesterday with the kids. Sprints. I went in the ocean yesterday. We were the only person who went in. I was going to say, did you wash your hair? Dude, it was cold. No, that's ocean water. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Do I look like I've been in prison? No, no, no, no. It looks good. It's my prison cut? It looks good. You know what else is funny about the liver king thing? It's like, dude just took steroids, right? Think of all the crazy shit that people do in the world that are lying and how much it's harming.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Especially politicians, other people that are like lying and how much it's harming especially like you know politicians other people that are like doing stuff and yet we're all like hyper focused on one dude that that took steroids and then said no i didn't take steroids like who the fuck cares like put it put it in context of all the things too like but just that that's why so many people took the fucking vaccine. That's also the same reason because they can't put anything in context. Yeah. They can't put – what's that called? Context perspective.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Content perspective. What's funny is half these people who are probably attacking them are against the woke crowd, and yet they're doing the exact same thing. They're just acting woke. And they don't even notice it. I'm way more concerned about Newsom shutting down all the small businesses here, killing a bunch of them, hanging out with his buddies at freaking wherever the hell he was, French Kitchen or whatever it was, without his mask on, throwing parties or French laundry. Fine. Reelected here. No big deal. State states going to complete shit
Starting point is 00:25:07 but yet you cannot look at the internet right now without seeing somebody's opinion on liver king we are so fucked and i want and i want to say this i realize i'm pivoting when i do that when i'm saying but that's i can only do that because I already accept the fact that he lied. You have to understand that. I accept that. No one is pushing back there. Nobody. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah. Nobody is pushing back there. No one's justifying it. None of that. But if I have the cure for cancer, but I also hate Jews, are you going to let your mom die because you don't want to take anything from me because I hate you? Like, come on, man. Yeah. You're not a fucking monkey.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Have you seen this video on Instagram? I couldn't even pull it up. I couldn't even put a link to it. Hey, those notes never came through too, by the way. Are you kidding me? No. To me or to Caleb. How do you know?
Starting point is 00:26:13 You're looking at Caleb's email? Yeah, he is. I just checked the private chat. What is going on? Oh, by the way, Travis said he would give $50 per event win to Jamie and Jason. Conveniently after they've left.
Starting point is 00:26:32 To be fair, he said that while they were on, but I missed it. That's my fault. I'm just giving it to him. I'm just giving it to him. That's not... But Jason's going to win every event. Well, I hope so.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He's going to get a massive payout. Wow. And then Travis, he messaged me and said the same thing. to win every event well i hope so he's gonna get a massive payout wow wow and then travis met he messaged me and said the same thing i was like i don't know if you're being serious but uh you may be giving away a lot of money i don't get why this isn't coming to you guys got it oh you did yeah i just got it hey so there's this video there's this video of the police going into a house on instagram what number is it i did i could i couldn't even fucking do it okay fine but basically the video shows cops going into a house and taking a woman's baby because the the mom doesn't want the the baby needs heart surgery
Starting point is 00:27:26 but she doesn't want the baby to take blood during the surgery a blood transfusion from people who've had the vaccine so she got her own blood from people who were pure bloods who weren't vaccinated but they didn't like that so the cops went to her house and took her baby from her and it's the footage of it oh Oh, yeah. I did see that. And I don't know how that... How do you, like, justify... I don't know how someone doesn't die. I don't know how someone doesn't die from that.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Like, if you came and tried to take my kid, it would... shit would get... I have to guess shit would get... As a police officer, how do you justify that? Yeah, how do you do that? Yeah, how do you do that? I would not do that if I was a cop. Yes, I would not do that. You can't just – you can't – like, this is so weird, but I watched Home Alone the other day, and, like, there's a scene where the – dude, we're on a kick, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:17 It's Home Alone. No judgment. No judgment. Come on. We only watched the first two because the third one is not with the same fucking kid so it's not they're not first not the same but we started watching it and like the mom is like going through chicago or some shit like trying to like ask where her kid is and she like goes up to a cop and is like dude where's my kid and the cop's like we'll find him don't worry about it like just fuck off leave me alone and then she's like dude do you have kids
Starting point is 00:28:46 and he's like yeah he's like well what the hell would you be doing if you had kids and he's like probably the same thing it's like how do you like if you have kids and you're a cop how do you not put those two together you're like shit maybe this is probably not a good idea like let the mom do the mom thing it's not like she's like abusing her kid she's not like flocking them in a closet and not feeding them for like hours it's insane this is gonna be so harsh to say but if you touch someone's kid or take someone's kid you should expect to be um have your life ended hey you would in the wild if you fucking came upon some cub bears or something and you went over and you wanted to play with them or screw with them and the mom bear came over and just destroyed you.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Oh, everybody would be like, well, what were you doing? Oh, you're fucking with the cubs. You see those fish and you run like. Come on, man. You should expect to have your life snuffed out. And all of those cops who did that should. And any man or woman, anyone who was involved in it, anyone who signed the court papers, anyone who didn't speak up against that, who was part of that,
Starting point is 00:29:49 you should expect the worst to happen to you. I'm sorry to say that. You should never interfere. Unless the parent is the one killing the child, then you better stay away. The crazy thing is they've convinced themselves. And even then, you better think twice. They've convinced themselves so much that they're on the side of good and that they're helping that they're willing to go to that far of an extreme. Because I think once you get a group of people that are willing to go that extreme, nobody thinks they're the bad guy.
Starting point is 00:30:24 They could. Clive, this is right. This is. But wait wait how did she get this other non-vax blood i agree with the parents in theory but we can't surely just hand doctors blood we sourced or so yeah i i mean you i'm you're right i am taking some um liberty and and believing what i what what I want to believe. I'll accept that. I accept that for sure. Jethro Cardona, you bring an obese child to a pediatrician. They will assign drugs, do the same with an anorexic child. Cops get called. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Interesting. Interesting. Yeah. Right. Hey, it's so, it's so, did you see that twitter uh elon kicked off 44 000 44 000 child pornography accounts oh my gosh how have they not done that before yeah that's what i wanted to know 44 000 those don't just happen overnight 44 000 hey you know what's crazy too is i i think if i if I heard it right too,
Starting point is 00:31:27 is the vast majority of them were out of India. Oh shit. Now I can't even find my notes. Because I sent them all to you guys. I don't even have them. I'm glad Caleb got them. Although it makes me nervous because I like to read the subtitles
Starting point is 00:31:43 before we go into them. All right. Now I'm blind now i'm blind we're flying okay shall we do this okay uh you if 301 this is just a quick look this is a russian tv making fun of the britney griner i don't know what this is if this is a new show or or what it is or if it's just some sort of talk show but it's basically a um three russian television hosts making fun of the united states they're basically saying that we offered them their spy we offered them their marine and instead we chose to free because the marine was heterosexual white and male um we him. And instead we took someone based on the fact that they were lesbian, um, black and a woman. So I don't know if this is true,
Starting point is 00:32:35 but if it is true, it's kind of, um, God, it's, it's not a good look for us. Caleb, can you say anything? Are people on the base or wherever you're at talking about it? Well, a little bit. I don't know. So I've been trying to look at it from like both perspectives, right? Like, oh, it's really cool. Or like, it's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Like, sweet. We like return somebody to their, to us, to our home country. Right. She got to go home to it. She's a person. She got to go home to loving family and friends. Awesome. Yep. Right. And I think the other thing is, is people are hung up on the fact that we left like a Marine over there.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I'm not saying like, that that guy should take priority or not take priority, whatever. But if you look into the guy, he's not the straightest shooter. Who, the Marine? Yeah. So he was dishonorably discharged for larceny. So like theft of government goods, which I don't know what he stole, but I haven't like read the whole.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Okay. Brittany Griner beat her wife. Brittany Griner beat her wife. So let's give that a watch. One in one. Okay. One in one. Yeah. Let's yeah yeah yeah let's do it here yeah um and he the guy is the Marine he was only in for like a few years or something I think and then they kicked him out left early and then he's just yeah yeah for sure fuck that guy about Brittany so let let me bring up britney griner said that they shouldn't sing the national anthem at wmba games so let's go with another wash is that back is that
Starting point is 00:34:09 back yeah yeah yeah yeah i got a link to it yeah that's awesome yeah um and the guy's just like a he's he just like owns a company that like um trades goods i think like he doesn't like he's just like a market trader of sorts he just sells things i got nothing else on britney she wins bring her home honestly like it was like it was like it's like a talk though you're like okay well uh i just hate it what yeah it's not helping what cnn's saying about her they're saying she's a superstar she's not they're saying all this shit about her that's just not true. It's like, dude, no one knows who she is. Everybody knows that she's not that. I hope that they know that because it's like, dude, you came out.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Hey, dude, the vast majority of people who are 60 years and older who watch CNN, well, God, they think that because CNN says she's a superstar, she's a superstar. Perception is reality. Yeah. That's a J.R. J.R. used that a couple times. Yeah. I think they were just trying to, like, grab a few points at the polls or something to be like, hey, we brought home this, like, American icon.
Starting point is 00:35:18 You're like – because, I mean, yeah, I don't know. It's shitty both ways. They released the warlord back into society and brought him as being only for voting stuff. That doesn't sound like the U.S. government at all. Hey, just a thought here. Just a thought. I'm just throwing it out there. Adam wants to say she was famous for a heartbeat when she was coming out of college. God, I don't even think that's true, but I'll give it to you, Adam. You're saying because she was the only girl who could dunk in the world or something or because
Starting point is 00:35:48 yeah no that's exactly what it was she could she was like the first person who just like blew up women's basketball because she could dunk and then like everybody's like oh sweet women can dunk and then they just started and then she went to the wmba and everybody stopped watching so right right i don't you should have gone to the Harlem Globetrotters. Yeah. Okay, so Kenneth is saying, well, yeah, now it's the most pressed the WNBA has ever seen. Yeah, as I said, this is the breakout moment is what we're saying here.
Starting point is 00:36:13 This is it. What's embarrassing, though, is I kind of like, I wish, like, it sucks that, it's funny that the Russians are like, yeah, like they know too. Like, for some reason, I'm so naive. I thought the whole world didn't know that we hate white straight men. I thought we were like keeping that a secret.
Starting point is 00:36:31 But they know they're counting on it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're counting on it. They're like, yeah, yeah. Lower those testosterone levels. Get those guys out of there.
Starting point is 00:36:40 It's just it's so funny because, you know, like people who are military or ex-military are just going to be so offended because they see like people who are military or ex-military are just going to be so offended because they see the word ex-marine left in russia or something like it's some some headline like that and they're like what the fuck they're just gonna leave these people like buddy now here's not everybody's great not everybody's great stuff over there here's the thing if she comes back and spends time trying to get other people out of russia fucking i'll exalt her if she comes back and she's like holy shit that sucked i'm that's i fuck that was a mistake i made about hating on america this shit is awesome um i will exalt her
Starting point is 00:37:21 i'll go down on her even fucking fucking whatever i'll put on a wig and tuck my penis between my legs like i but let's see let's see what she does let's see what she does hey i wonder if the same people you know how we had xavier deruso on i wonder if the same people who um like i'm so glad he woke up and got red pilled like me like do those same people treat him the same way they treat the liver king no fuck you you you you were with blm for a while you can't come over here yeah like as soon as somebody changes side they're like fuck you you're not part of our team anymore it's like yeah dude maybe listen yeah and that could be it philip and she could end up just going the full nike way nike could fucking shove her just right up kaepernick's asshole and uh she's gonna write
Starting point is 00:38:12 a book about it i guarantee it yeah she'll be on a bunch of podcasts they'll do a whole media circuit there'll be a book what's it like in a gulag oh my god yeah um do you want to watch this video at all no it's just it sucks it's like we've been caught like they know they know yeah it's so embarrassing they know we're we're pussies okay david harrison this morning is claiming that like it wasn't even britney grinder now oh really like there's some sort of like weird switch up yeah i don't know how far down the rabbit hole you want to give but like five minutes before this show started he posted something about it not being her or something i honestly feel we should not play the national anthem during our season yeah i honestly feel that they should have gotten
Starting point is 00:39:03 the people who serve the fucking u.s military out before feel that they should have gotten the people who serve the fucking u.s military out before you yeah they should play the russian russian national anthem before she plays yeah what are you the fuck are we talking about here philip says she'll be on the view i want to read you this this is fucking unbelievable but it was in my dm so it must be true you guys ready to hear this crazy story? Yes. I'm recently trying to slowly fix my diet and my nutrition. I had a funny recent story that I think you will hate. I'm a college rower at a school with a Gatorade sponsorship.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Our boathouse is a long drive away, and even if we we pack water it gets warm by the time we arrive we only have gatorade products in the team fridge i asked my coaches if they could get water for the team fridge and the response i received was the gatorade doesn't allow any non-products served to their athletes including water the amount of fluids i intake during the practice are insane and the idea of drinking three or four bottles of gatorade plus some protein um drink that they offer is so shocking to me and especially since they think this is okay to provide to their young athletes you should be shocked this is insane you can't drink water dude this is idiocracy holy sugar i remember when we when i used to teach some lessons we had like a fridge of just like stuff like it was a fridge and it was i think
Starting point is 00:40:35 it was like a labeled coca-cola fridge and i had like went to go get some stuff just just like stock it and i think i had like i went and like bought it myself and it was just like, whatever. I don't drink soda. So I had no idea what I was getting. So I just threw it in there until we had like a delivery to come in and like drop off stuff. Like a few days pass.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And the guy comes in to deliver all of his stuff. And he goes like, what is this? I'm like, you guys took forever to show up like we didn't have any product so i just fucking bought a bunch of stuff and dropped it off in the fridge he's like you can't have x product in here because it's not coke or whatever i was like you're telling me i can't have like water it's working water like whatever the fuck else in
Starting point is 00:41:20 there and it has to be coke that's a stipulation because they gave you the fridge for free or something like that right yeah exactly it's they own the fridge for their products and so you can't put it in their fridge yeah exactly uh personal opinion I think she should have to pay some sort of fine or have some sort of legal consequence for her actions here in the US
Starting point is 00:41:38 what I just really like to see her do Crystal is try to get the other dude out and like show all of us that we're wrong like like I've been there for like four years I just really like to see her do crystal is try to get the other dude out and like show all of us that we're wrong. Like, like I've been there for like four years. I just would like her like to do something that like truly helps someone else. Like I like her to be like,
Starting point is 00:41:55 Holy shit. This transcends fucking anything that I had ever thought before. Fuck. It sucks being over there. I'd like to help anyone else get out. Like, uh, Putin,
Starting point is 00:42:04 uh, how about I give your kids free basketball lessons for six months and you let this guy out or some shit how about i i'll play you one-on-one i'll dunk on your ass um you ever slept with a wmba player you can sleep with me if you let this guy just something like to like pay it forward that that that would give me hope in humanity do you know what i mean hey dude let me tell you something there's fucking 20 million men in this country that would sleep with the ugliest fucking girl in russia to fucking get that marine out regardless of what a piece of shit he is i I'm telling you. Don't act all crazy. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:42:48 That's how dedicated these men are. I'd get a pass from my wife and fuck a goat if I could get that guy out. I'm telling you, I would. Some people would do it out here for nothing. They would fuck a goat for nothing. I need something.
Starting point is 00:43:01 The goat's brought a syphilis. Come on. to fuck a goat for nothing i need something i need to get the guy to jail the goats brought a syphilis come on yeah um that would be that would be good to pay it forward yeah right yeah just pay it forward just help get someone else out her emoji says that yeah it would not be a good way to pay it forward i don't think i'd let a goat fuck me though so i do unfortunately have my boundaries dude did you see the video of the guy, like, trying to get a dog to, like, fuck him? Oh, no. Oh, where did you see this?
Starting point is 00:43:32 Caleb, where are you seeing this? Where did you see this? I'm sorry. I'm going to... I know I should stay on subject, but now I'm hating on the messenger. I don't know where I stopped it. I have no idea where I stopped it. It was, like, on...
Starting point is 00:43:43 It was, like, on Instagram feed or something. You saw it on The View? Yeah, it was like an Instagram feed or something. You said on the view. Yeah. It's probably on the view. Uh, he's like, I don't even,
Starting point is 00:43:51 it's so fucking gross. Good. Good answer. Good answer. And, uh, just as an update, the notes just came through and you're correct. You sent them right the whole time.
Starting point is 00:44:01 There's a click view, a whole message at the bottom. Right. Hey, you don't have to admit that it's okay hey dude I've ever since the liver king thing I've changed my ways I just admit to anything yeah smart you know I want
Starting point is 00:44:16 to own I want to own it and use this opportunity to elevate myself and the nine ancestral supplements I mean uh okay uh 299 soccer They're not ancestral supplements. I mean, penance. Uh, okay. Uh,
Starting point is 00:44:29 this two 99 soccer, soccer. I hardly know her, uh, bring Kayla back home stat. Yeah. Fucking. There we go. That's something I can get behind.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I get behind the goat to get Kayla back home. That's it. I don't think I'd come home. I just stay out here forever. No, no, it's fine. I'll fuck the goat. Don't worry. Oh, this is, this is good. I don't think I'd come home. I'd just stay out here forever. No, no, it's fine. I'll fuck the goat. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Oh, this is good. I don't know if you guys follow this Instagram account, but it is out of control. This guy is a piece of work. You need audio. And obviously a team meeting. Boop! Interrupted by the finger blast.
Starting point is 00:44:58 2000, number five just fucking starts euchering. Look at the replay here. Soccer's a little weird to me. They flop around me they flop around they fuck around and now they're starting to finger each other's assholes during the huddle i don't know about this sport we're going to continue to commentate on it and obviously a team meeting oh god how is that even real i watched uh watching the World Cup, and I think it was England. They scored a goal, and I swear to you, the dude who scored and his teammate were this close to each other, nose touching, and they were just eye-fucking each other.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I'm like, you guys need to get a room. Just sub out, get a room, leave. I don't need you. It was bizarre. And they weren't even French. Philip Kelly, they weren't even French. I heard that Froney's signature move on Mayhem Freedom. Yeah, at least though he's got then a 33, 66% chance of it being a woman.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Hey, that's a dominant position there. You come up and you just insert your dominants can't do that boys will be boys insert i'm okay with a lot of boy stuff i i couldn't have that i'd try to suit in the relationship would you be okay with that yeah i like if i came over here i don't let my wife do stuff like that to me no one can i don't do stuff like that to me have you had friends though that do that have you had those friends like those guys in the group that do that no touch my hands no the ball punch i don't even like ball ball punching shit no the ball punching shit's fucked up like the nutsack like smack and not have hx i was at a networking thing that i got invited to by people
Starting point is 00:46:43 from like that manage or run really large companies and it was like this prestigious like whole thing and i was getting out of a van after everybody had been like drinking as we're going back to our hotel and the ceo of the company like smacks my butt and was like yeah like ripped it as i was like getting out of it it was kind of like yes dude met him that night i'd slap an ass although it's not i'd slap an ass although it's not really my move i probably can yeah i was i was little i was like wow oh this is it's one of those things that if i did slap another guy's ass i would be shocked to see myself do it like in real time i'd be like whoa that's weird i don't know i've never given somebody a good game a handy a good game what no no no no i wasn't a sports guy dude i was in the fucking i
Starting point is 00:47:34 was at the uh i was at the candy shack fucking calif cc berkeley i forgot i was at the candy shack stuffing down coca-cola and twizzlers while the rest of you kids were getting fucking strong play grab ass out there on the field yeah yeah were you experimenting with your sexuality i was getting fat sometimes people be like i think you guys are just gay i'm like no we're just very comfortable very oh man okay so that's soccer uh 298 um more more woke insanity this should be fun oh the washington post how is the washington post and cnn even in business who reads those this has got a lot of funding this you can't even believe i'll just do this really quick basically um shark week lacks diversity it's
Starting point is 00:48:25 over represented by white males that's a real article this is the kind of thing by the way and they make you pay for it this is the kind of thing that if you send to one of your liberal friends they won't believe it they'll immediately be like that's not true. Because they can't even believe this is happening now. Shark Week? Dude, Shark Week is fantastic. I love Shark Week. There's too many sharks in Shark Week, too. There's too many white males and there's too many sharks.
Starting point is 00:48:59 They've got sharks and dolphins. Let's get a Filipino guy to host a show and call it dog week how about that you guys okay with that that's fucked up i know but shit and they cover great white they're gonna they're gonna pigeonhole the white guy with the great white they cover great rights it's supremacy everywhere it's just fucking called the great diversity like hey you know what like i could see i could see doing this you have shark week and you just have a ton of dudes doing it and you're like i really can't see this and you're like hey man you know um it really is we should get someone else to talk about sharks to introduce more people into like
Starting point is 00:49:43 liking sharks more. So what if we got a young female host, and then people could relate to her, and then people wouldn't hate on sharks as much, and it could be part of our campaign to help introduce people more to the fact that sharks shouldn't be just slaughtered out in the sea and help this endangered species? Like some logic behind it. Hey, let's do a show. Pretty great host. Yeah, let's do a show on swimming. Let's – you're right perfect let's say the leading cause of um of death of of melanated children is is uh drowning let's say under five years old which which actually might be or something like that then i understand taking someone who's black as a as a two black parents or someone and teaching some sort of swimming show
Starting point is 00:50:24 but other than that for any other reason like if you don't have some logical step for it to Who's black as a, as a two black parents or someone in teaching some sort of swimming show. But other than that, for any other reason, like if you don't have some logical step for it to like try to help someone or help something be benevolent. And even then that's a stretch. I'm really just trying to grab my ankles. Yeah. Cesar Milan can host. Yeah. And then all Mexicans think they can talk to dogs now.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I mean, I'm okay with that. But just for the sake of it being too many white guys, like, come on, man. Someone's got to keep that narrative perpetuating. Hey, that's got to be a waste of newspaper. Do they actually print that paper? What a waste. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It's probably just a blog. It's just one of those blogs i have in washington post patty pimblitt fights today i hope he gets knocked the fuck out i agree um okay uh 297 i think this is a replete dope smoker gets traded for the merchant of death. It's amazing how you can't find the full story anywhere. Like you have to piece it together. A Brittany Griner arrives in the U S following her release by Russian by Russia and a prisoner swap for arms dealer, Victor bout. Anyway, we've talked about this enough it's just pathetic
Starting point is 00:51:46 you really want to see something crazy go over to cnn and watch don lemon talk about it he's so excited because she's he says lgbt fucking 20 times had to be had to reach that quota. He had to reach that quota. Twitter bans 44,000 accounts based – this is 296 – 44,000 accounts because of child pornographers. Companies like Mazda, Dyson, PBS, Kids have all pulled their ad spending from Twitter after their ads appeared next to solicitations for child pornography. Oh, damn. Let me repeat that again. Mazda, Dyson, and PBS Kids. You know what PBS Kids is, right? Does everyone know what that is?
Starting point is 00:52:38 Public broadcasting. You pay for that with your tax dollars? Mm-hmm. tax dollars. They pulled their, they pulled their funding from Twitter because Twitter got rid of the child pornography accounts. Elton John said he's going to stop using Twitter too because of the misinformation.
Starting point is 00:53:01 The problem is one Musk inherited. Twitter says that between July and December 2021, it suspended nearly 600,000 accounts for posting explicit content of children, a 31% increase from the previous six months. What have they been doing this whole time? They've been going after fucking the people who post hunter biden shit yeah that's crazy right right ceo elon musk repeatedly tweeted the company's top priorities to address issues of child sexual abuse material appearing on its platform i mean that just seems like a no-brainer i don't even want to hear about it i just want just all that shit just thrown away you know what's crazy is is that i
Starting point is 00:53:45 had i've had over 50 posts pulled down because i show kids exercise and it fell under the uh on instagram it fell under the child pornography because my boys were exercising with their shirts off crazy that's because people assholes reported me yeah deviance uh what remains to be seen is how anyway it doesn't matter no that's okay i'm done with it i'm done with it but anyway here we go um point elon okay brace yourself people this one is going to uh be uh a lot for some of you. Caleb in particular may hit the deck. He could have some PTSD flashbacks. Something could happen to Caleb that's not good.
Starting point is 00:54:34 If he goes down, let's see. We've been talking about boobs quite a bit on the show. This is the other day, someone, after we talked about boobs on the show, and this is the other day someone after we talked about boobs on the show bunch someone sent me this as before and after pics for plastic surgery as a justification for oh no not i'm struggling to believe this photo i am just gonna get us in
Starting point is 00:54:58 trouble i don't think so this sometimes guys listen listen let me read this to you sometimes just sometimes a breast lift uh and reduction is very necessary wowzer this case is mind-blowing this woman must feel like she was reborn this may be the most drastic change i've seen in my entire career for breast lift and reduction you truly can't help but to feel relieved for her. These type of cases usually have to be done in the hospital as opposed to where like in the backyard, don't lose hope. Anything is possible. Now I resent that. I go back to the titties again.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Like this guy's basically saying something's wrong with those titties on the, on the, on the left dude what do you mean what i mean what do i mean what do you mean what do i mean yeah they're just low hangers yeah david you want to take those things that get caught in the door listen as you're walking through listen these are the same people who hate on dogs with really long tails like it's just no so what hey you would never you would never know hey if that was your penis you would never have it fucking the 80 of it removed like she did yeah i know victor i'm wondering the same thing look Look at the collarbone.
Starting point is 00:56:25 It's not the same person. I know. Oh, yeah, you're right. Yeah, yeah. The collarbone is like downward as opposed to this one looks like up. Also, the skin looks so much nicer on the right. I could put... Look how positive Clive is.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I could put those around me like a scarf. Yeah. That's a... No. Yeah. Caleb's more of a half the glass is half full or half empty. See, even Melissa agrees. Of course, something is wrong, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:56:53 She's the first one. I mean, I would just work on just your diet a little bit, tighten up that gut. Look how funny it is how they cover the nipples. Anyway, I appreciate you guys sending me stuff. I say that to sort of displace any blame for showing it. Okay, this one is, we're going to skip 294. We're going to go, that's more Liver King shit.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I want to go to 293. This is just a fascinating turn of events. Over at project Veritas. There was, they went into a, they got video from the Dean of students at a school. I forget the name of the school part. We'll,
Starting point is 00:57:40 we'll, we'll get it here in a second, but basically they got a camera into this school that charges between 36 000 and 44 000 a year it's a high school parker high school in chicago illinois and they took a fucking camera in there and the dean of students is talking about yeah there it is kindergarten 36 000 a year 12th grade, 42,300. But basically they took a camera in there and the Dean of students is talking about how he brought in a transvestite.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I think that's what they're called to teach his class. The difference between spitting and lubricant when they use dildos and anal plugs and he passed her and he was celebrating the fact that he passed around dildos and anal plugs in this class it's fucking mind-boggling that's maybe this is real this is a real i'm not familiar with this story you haven't seen this this is so real this is the videos that james o'keefe is God. He is a fucking legend. That's insane. Can we go to their project Veritas?
Starting point is 00:58:49 Yeah. I'm pulling it up right now. Instagram account. So let's start with the first one. It is. I almost feel bad. This is just, I'm just stealing from him,
Starting point is 00:59:02 but, but I think James is okay with it in order to get the story out. The first video you're going to see is someone is talking to this dean of students. His name's Joseph Bruno. Oh, it was you, Katie, who went in there? Well, good job. Yeah, Project Veritas is doing the Lord's work, yes.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Okay, so here we go. Here's the first video. Listen closely. Health center come in. They were passing around butt plugs and dildos to my students, talking about queer sex, using glue versus using spit. Meet Joe Bruno, Dean of Students at the prestigious Francis W. Parker Private School in Chicago. They're just like passing on dildos, butt plugs. The kids are just playing with them. They're looking at them. In the school? in Chicago. Pass out cookies and brownies and do photos. It's amazing. And everybody's cool with that.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Like the plugs and the dildos. Nobody complains. I mean, if the parents found out, would they? No. It's queer sex. This is the drag queen that came in. Look at his nails. Alexis Bevels.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Alexis Bevels. And just hung out in my classroom. And was there. Hung out in my office. You have so much freedom. So much. Wiggle grill. So much freedom. So much money. I mean, really big.
Starting point is 01:00:34 The trustees are okay with that too? They don't know. I wouldn't even run it by them. Wait, pause this. Who did he say? Do they know? Do the other teachers know? No, the trustees. Oh, okay. I always miss that part. Okay, go on. Yeah, all of the kids
Starting point is 01:00:51 with the classroom. 14, 18. So yeah, that's a really part of my job. I don't have to worry about stuff like that. Okay. Pull up the whole Instagram account. Oh, it gets better. It gets so fucking good i would i i have to guess this isn't an isolated incident i have to guess this isn't isolated
Starting point is 01:01:13 okay so here is outside the school i want you to really look at this guy's body language here when james o'keefe walks up to him this is the dean of students i'm guessing this is early in the morning right before school starts and it's probably so early that, um, I think they're leaving. Oh, you think it's an afternoon? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Cause one of the ladies, one of the ladies is like trying to get people out. You'll see it. Okay. All right. Uh, more like the Dean of groomers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Holy shit. Okay. Here we go. Hi there. I'm James O'Keefe with Project Veritas. You're on camera here talking about giving anal sex toys and butt plugs to little children. They're just like passing around dildos, butt plugs. The kids are just playing with them.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Sir, why are you running? Why are you running away? Why are you running? Sir, anal butt plugs and toys. Excuse me? Bruno, just excuse me. This guy, this teacher is talking about giving sex toys to your children. This is the space where we're distancing children. Right, but he was giving sex toys to the children. This is the stage where we're distancing children. You actually evacuate the patio. Right, but he was giving sex toys to the children.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I have children here. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? We're leaving. But he was talking about giving sex toys to children. Thank you, we're leaving. We understand. Reporter is asking someone a question.
Starting point is 01:02:44 We are leaving, you bet. We understand. Reporter is asking someone a question. We are leaving. You bet. As you can see, he ran into the building as quickly as possible. Are we allowed to stand on the sidewalk, sir? Thank you. We're going to stand on the sidewalk right here. Do you know a Joseph Bruno?
Starting point is 01:03:03 Bruno? Bueller? Bueller? Yes. and joseph bruno bruno bueller bueller yes you're filming me we're filming you too joe bruno dean of students talking about giving sex toys to children like soon as he says that the guy runs away wow joe go to go to the main instagram account i mean how so i i went to that parker high's um website to see if the guy still teaches there like if i'm running that school i pull his name off the website yeah immediately yeah but let me see the let me see the most recent um uh okay okay go to go to um that one too with uh the guy from fox what's that guy's name hannity is that his name yeah go play this one too here this this is pretty i think this is
Starting point is 01:03:53 now a sickening story out of chicago tonight where project veritas caught the dean of students at an elite private school bragging about exposing his teenage students to sex toys. We've got to warn you, this is all pretty graphic. The William F. Parker School is actually defending the dean, saying in a statement in part, quote, he was filmed without his knowledge or permission while describing one example of our inclusive LGBTQ plus affirming and comprehensive approach to sex education. We're also learning more about the far left indoctrination going on inside of the school. For example, the school has what is called affinity groups for students as young as four years old that white students are not permitted to attend. You can't make that up. It was reaction. Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Bottom line is, these are minors. Many of the audience know this. Many do not. I'm a gay woman. I've been a gay woman for a long time. And let me tell you something. We hear all the time about how the gays want to get the children. No, we don't.
Starting point is 01:04:59 This has nothing to do with sex education or homosexuality or transgenderism. It is obscene. It's unacceptable. And for everyone, every parent, many of whom are being misled by activists and others who are interested in cultivating minors into a certain framework. Now, a sickening story out of Chicago. So I want to tell you something just real quick along the lines of compassion do you guys know why joseph bruno is like that we all know why he's like we could take a couple guesses yeah yeah yeah because no one stood up for him no one fucking stood up for him and he fucking got diddled and the cycle fucking continues no one stood up for
Starting point is 01:05:48 him what daddy issues well or uncle buck could be could be anybody showed him the butt plug could have been another teacher just like him he was introduced to the butt plug early hey that that kid wasn't raised with the mom and dad at at home and he woke up every morning and fucking milked the cows and then fucking went and played in the field with his brothers and sisters and then came home and ate dinner and went to sleep and repeat like that's not that's not that that's not that kid that kid didn't live that life no his mom and dad went away to work every day and fucking uncle chuck next door in the in the court in the cul-de-sac fucking diddled his ass like we saw that soccer player do from the age of, you know, 12 to 18. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:37 The woman in that last clip. Worse than that. Yeah. He was sexually abused child. Yeah, of course. The woman in that last clip was like clearly like angry and like passionate about this because as her getting like sucked into this whole thing yeah you know just by being a gay woman and she's like no we're not dealing with that crap and so it's fucking tough man it's it's it's a there's got to be a line of uh compassion but also like straight honest talk.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Crazy. But in the meantime, in the meantime, uh, fucking man, watch your kids. It's a fine line between protecting your kids and hovering over them. Um,
Starting point is 01:07:15 this guy, by the way, has been the Dean of students from 2019 to 2000. Oh, he started in 2019. Oh, fucking big surprise there. Oh, and prior to that,
Starting point is 01:07:28 he was the associate director of alumni engagement. Did you see the guy who was on Biden's staff who keeps stealing people's luggage? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's another transvestite, right? The guy who's in charge of nuclear codes or some shit? Something ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Nuclear official. Hey, Trish, thank you for the money. You are a world-class douchebag. You are a douchebag. You watch this show so often, and then you make that comment on Hiller's video without painting the full picture.
Starting point is 01:07:59 You douche. But thank you for the $4.99. If you want to be my friend, you're going to have to give me $20,000. Just ask Kate. It costs $20,000 for me to defend you. You shit bird. Trish. It's actually Angela Merkel.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Oh, yeah. Sorry. Angela Merkel. You guys better start building nuclear reactors. You're running out of energy. France is going to own your shit. Yeah, this is the guy. Yeah, those guys are smart. they didn't get rid of the um they didn't get rid of their nuclear reactors oh shit he didn't steal the luggage he just identifies as the bag owner fair enough hey let me see the headline let me see the headline so you guys know what a fucking joke this is non-binary biden nuclear official sam brighton accused in second luggage heist second one how do you get caught stealing luggage luggage twice that's i just like
Starting point is 01:08:58 how obvious are you making it you're taking somebody else's luggage oh what the fuck is happening these days i had a friend i i had an acquaintance go to the white house recently butt plugged butt plugged in the white house or i'm just not sure how much i should say okay did they take down photos of old uh presidents because they were very close to they were very close to joe biden they're a huge Joe Biden fan. They love Joe. So this is a skilled nurse. Okay, we're lowering it down. We're narrowing it down.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Facility nurse worker. And this person said that Joe's a thousand times worse than you could ever imagine. That it's like a fucking full-blown train wreck. And this person loves Joe. Yeah, yeah. Look at what they're showing us. They said it's so fucking bad they said no they said no one's home completely fucking toast yeah i mean you could tell that from what they are saying
Starting point is 01:09:52 okay this is good enough to show to the public you know what i mean like if the stuff he's doing is how many times hey if you know that the president is incapable of running the country and yet you support him like like his wife, his wife looks sharp put together. When does it become like treason or like why don't why can't someone just who's there be like, hey, I just want to come out and say that our president isn't fit to run. And it's a national security issue. And I would be remiss or treason for not coming forward. Like how is no one in the white house coming forward i mean that i'm not trying to say that in some like hateful fucking like rush you let him watch your boys would you let him watch your boys for like two hours while you went and ran to do something fucking i wouldn't let half my relatives watch my boys yeah but but
Starting point is 01:10:39 they're but he's in charge of the country but don't worry about that guys be upset about liver king steroid use that's where our real attention needs to be drawn. Well, I would seriously, if Joe Biden came on and said, hey, guys, I'm not capable of running for office, I would fucking love him for that. I remember when they asked him if he was going to run again, and he was like, I don't think my wife would like that. He just turned and he's like, Jill? Yeah. I don't think I've ever stolen luggage. I don't think I've ever stolen luggage.
Starting point is 01:11:12 We've all stolen luggage. I've never stolen luggage. I've probably taken someone's mail. I mean, think about the – I've never taken anyone's luggage. Think about stealing the luggage though, right? Because you're assuming the risk of being caught and going to jail but you don't know what you're getting in return so like at least if you're robbing a bank
Starting point is 01:11:30 you're like okay well i'm gonna try to rob this bank i'm gonna get some money it's a mystery box okay yeah this you're just like you know what fuck it let's just take the risk and see oh it was maybe he's hoping he gets the bag with all the bump plugs in it yeah like what do you what a value you're gonna find oh cool i found some electronics that i just realized they're tracking me now with yay yeah um what's worse than people that who can't who you wouldn't want to watch your kids is people that would take offense to that so let's say you tell someone no i'm letting you watch my kids and they get offended like oh yeah i would never get offended you can't even run a fucking 15 minute mile. I can't carry,
Starting point is 01:12:09 you can't carry one of my kids, let alone all three of them down a flight of stairs. Yeah. The fuck you mean? You're insulted that I'm not going to let you watch my kids. It's funny. Cause I, I have a,
Starting point is 01:12:18 I take that as like, like the highest regard. Like, so let's say there, there's like a member of the gym or something and they bring in their, their boys or a little girl or something like that and they're working out and they're in the play thing and they gotta run the 800 or something when they turn and they're like hey can you keep an eye on them real quick i'm like fuck yeah you know i'm like the kid that
Starting point is 01:12:34 got a hall monitor badge and just takes it way too seriously you're like they're gonna be back in two minutes and i'm like i'm like if someone walks in this room i'm fucking them up if they get around that kid you're like relax, relax. You did it one time. We were leaving the point, and you stepped inside just to pay, and the boys are right there on their skateboards. And you're like, hey, just watch them for a minute. I'm going to go pay for this. And I was like, yes. Yeah, you watch your fucking gun.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I have reached pinnacle. Yeah. And I'm like, nothing is happening on my watch. Nothing. Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it. So I take that like, yeah, when everybody does that, I take that out of high regard. I appreciate it so i take that like yeah when everybody does i take that out of high regard i appreciate it uh and 292 aoc uh there's i maybe you maybe you should type in um even fuck that link caleb just go type in aoc and put news maybe something's been updated
Starting point is 01:13:21 but basically it sounds like the house ethics committee is put her under investigation i don't know enough about the frequency of these events to know if that's a big deal or not but i shamefully um it's business insider what a shit rag the worst of the worst don't ever believe anything in their people that is what they are they are worse than not worse than cnn but they're pretty bad uh click on one of those and like on one of the most recent one 18 hours ago maybe the hill or fox news yeah let's see um let's see what it says here uh aoc hits uh cinema for leaving democratic party registering as an oh okay that's not it okay oh yeah and then a democrat left aoc mocks christian samet's announcement changing a party affiliation aoc rips uh okay uh aoc's ethics okay there it is probe uh new york's on fox news one
Starting point is 01:14:19 day ago sorry so i guess that is the most recent one aoc ethics probe and new york democrats latest brush with scandal but they don't tell us what it is so uh the congressional ethics investigation into representative alexander acasio cortez's latest pressure scandal for 33 so we don't know but it'll be fun to find out what it is if it's anything it's funny too because that article goes on to say it's a non-partisan group but like i don't ever believe that uh kenneth delab someone you're starting to sound
Starting point is 01:15:03 like a guy who yells at the sky for having clouds dude honestly we got clouds the other day like the first time i just about lost it it was amazing so sorry that sorry i read that wrong sorry sorry sorry sorry caleb you're starting to sound like a guy who yells at the sky for having clouds calm down sorry i was excited i'm so selfish i see my name instead of anyone else's name oh have you guys seen that instagram handle about like birds aren't real in new york yeah the birds aren't real yeah birds are not real and there's this whole like account explaining how all the pigeons in new y York are actually drones. Surveillance-ing.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I forgot. I thought I sent that to you because I was going to be like, do we get this dude on? Well, yes. Birds are not real. They have a lot of followers. I can't tell if it's a parody account or if it's real. Real insanity?
Starting point is 01:16:04 Yeah. 291, it's not a joke oh shit how are we doing on time oh we got plenty of time we're good wow chill it a north philadelphia gas station owner hired armed security for his store. This is nuts. These guys are walking around with AR-15s in front of the fucking gas station. But watch what the customers say. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Fully armed security guards now stand at this Carco gas station in North Philadelphia along Broad Street near Allegheny. What do you got there? This is an AR-15 shotgun. Broad Street near Allegheny. What do you got there? This is an AR-15 shotgun. Armed with long rifles and tactical gear, the owner of the gas station hired a security after mounting problems in and around the store.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Lately, we are completely tired from this all nuisance, scaling, robbery, ATM missing. Neil Patel is the gas station manager who showed us what Vandals even did to his own car. Three weeks ago, they cut my tire. I fixed that. Then they broke my bumper. I fixed that. Then they broke my bumper. I fixed that.
Starting point is 01:17:06 I fixed that. Next thing, did this. Vandal's breaking his windshield. In the store, bags of food thrown on the floor. He says people selling drugs
Starting point is 01:17:13 on the property are a constant threat. Many times, calls to police go unanswered. In the middle of the night, nobody feels safe. And we are completely
Starting point is 01:17:22 losing a lot of customers. It's out of control. Hey, listen. Will you pause a second? This guy fucking probably makes $12 a fucking hour being the manager, and you put a flat tire, and he lost a day's worth of work. Then you hurt his bumper, and he lost a week's worth of work. And then you put on a windshield, and he's lost another week's worth of work.
Starting point is 01:17:38 That's how much it costs to replace those. Those people, I swear there should be fucking a place where those people have to go do some crazy shit, like the desert in Nevada for a year and just run in circles. It is crazy to attack a fucking business like that. You know that guy right there from Pakistan or wherever the fuck he's from. He's got like five kids at home he's trying to put through school and a wife. And they fucking live off of worse food than Kayla Beats.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Green beans and rice every day with a little bit of dog probably worse it's like fucking a dude anyway keep playing so this guy this guy's the the the new enforcer i like this dude we have now going on in the city of philadelphia is chaos the criminals have the keys to the city andre boyer heads PA site agency security. He says since they started security detail here three weeks ago, customers have expressed their gratitude and the manager says problems have gone away. People want change. People deserve it. And I'm telling you, the people are very grateful to the owner for doing this. I already feel like that's the very best thing they could ever do. You feel safer here with an armed security guard
Starting point is 01:18:45 at the gas station? Yeah. You can't pump gas. You can't run in the store to get a bag of chips. Your mom can't get off the bus stop and just go home at night. Heavily armed security. Hey, was that guy the owner? Matt's saying he's the owner. I thought I heard him say he's the
Starting point is 01:19:01 manager. He's the owner? Neil, I thought he said he was the owner of the store. Okay, so he doesn't eat dog. I apologize. Just rice and beans and he gets some chicken or cow. Yeah, and I mean you were mentioning about the damage to the car, but did you see all the inventory in the store? How it was trashed? And like half of that might have to be tossed
Starting point is 01:19:17 out. He's got to rebuild all those stands. He might have to build a new shelf. You might even want to get some new security because I don't think that guy knows what he's talking about. Because the AR-15 shotgun? Yeah. Okay, so I don't know anything about guns, but I heard that instantly.
Starting point is 01:19:32 I was like, is that a thing? And I was going to ask you afterwards. Someone's going to get blasted. Yes, somebody. It may not be the guy. Yeah. Yeah, someone someone's gonna get killed there hey so that's anarchy yeah you just witnessed that's where all of it that's where paul's centralized and everybody is just you essentially buy your own security buy your own police force
Starting point is 01:20:00 that there's no central government and we're witnessing that real time like people think it's like shit burning and everybody running through the street. And it's not, it's basically just a decentralization where the government is not securing your property or your person. So you have to go out now and buy that security force. Now they're the, become the law enforcement of that particular small little property right there. And then he just basically kind of makes the own rules because there's no accountability and there's no law within that to secure his liberties. Hey, no joke. Philly's been like that for fucking 10 years.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Fucking insane. Yeah. That's where Paul's from. He was telling us about it. Paul who? Alchemy. The guy we had on the other day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Worst city ever. Yeah. It's so bad. It's crazy. People are like, oh, it's going to be anarchy and chaos when it happens. It's like, dude, it's like go to some places. It's already here. It is.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Yeah. The New York city subway. You cannot ride the subway in New York city without having an encounter. That's a, you would not want your daughter to have even Bart here, dude. You know how bad Bart is now? Oh,
Starting point is 01:20:58 it is it? I've been on Bart in years. Is it bad? No, you could go to this whole entire Instagram account. That's just about crazy shit on Bart. And when I wrote it a lot back in like 2006, 2007, it was pretty bad. It was just kind of gnarly and gritty.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Like when you were on that last train coming back. It was always safe, though. It was still safe. It was always safe, but it was always a little sketchy. And now it's like there's no law enforcement and shit in there. I mean, you have – it's nuts. Hey, do you know what they did Hey, you know what they did? Do you know what Bart did?
Starting point is 01:21:26 They stopped releasing its crime footage because they thought it would make people racist with no explanation. That's just what they said. So let your imagination play with that a little bit. San Francisco decides and Bart authorities decide not to release footage because it will make people racist. It's crazy. You racist pieces of shit. Allison nyc san francisco is the absolute shit show so fucking gross she lives just outside of the city by the way way worse than anything i've seen in the shittiest neighborhoods in new york city in my life yeah i believe it and it's
Starting point is 01:21:56 crazy too grace and i used to go to uh union square every year for christmas time because they put up that big christmas tree and like they have um the theater that's there so we would go see a play or something like that and we well grace is a scaredy cat but we haven't gone there in years now because like she doesn't even want to park at like fifth and harrison and walk up four or five blocks to uh market and golden gate because it's just so crazy down that i heard your car gets broken into 100 if you leave in the city 100 every time yeah absolutely uh bart sim no BART is an acronym for Bay Area Rapid Transit. Bay Area Rapid Transit. It's our subway in the Bay Area.
Starting point is 01:22:32 San Francisco is a human shithole. It is. I wonder what's going to happen. Drugs. Drugs. Drugs. It's all drugs. Just look to Detroitroit chicago and you could see what's gonna happen i remember when i was for the legalization of drugs now i don't know what
Starting point is 01:22:51 i'm now i don't even know uh 290 i want to know uh do you guys forgive these people do you guys forgive these people i just want to know where you stand let me know you forgive uh these ladies how about these ladies you have compassion for these ladies do you wish these ladies just kept doing what they were doing or are you thankful for them how about thankful for them for speaking out action my name is dr noreen johnson dr beverly mcmillan dr kathy altman dr patty gibank i'm a board certified obstetrician gynecologist and i've completed over 1 000000 abortions. Around 500 abortions. Over 500 abortions. Thousands of abortions. At the time, I truly believed I was
Starting point is 01:23:30 helping women. Over time, however, I realized that abortion doesn't just end a pregnancy, it kills an innocent human being. I came to recognize the inherent value and dignity of all human life and I was totally oblivious to the life of a child. I stopped doing abortions because I could no longer kill babies just because they were unwanted. No, I am a pro-life advocate. Now, I am a pro-life advocate. I am now a pro-life advocate. I stopped doing abortions and I became a pro-life advocate.
Starting point is 01:23:59 I am proof. I am proof. I am proof. I am proof that anyone can change. I invite you to join me and make a decision to protect the freeborn. My name is Dr. Noreen. Trish, you need to shut the fuck up, and I'll make the good comments for now. And you don't get to do any more jokes.
Starting point is 01:24:17 You just shut the fuck up. Yeah, I agree with you 100%. That porn music in the background was ridiculous. Trish, you shut the fuck up i said especially don't take any good one-liners like that i was i was gonna say that right when it was over wait so i don't what do you think happened that changed those doctors minds like do you think they felt something the whole time do you think they like expose themselves to more you know literature around it like what do you think what do you think they expose themselves to more literature around it? What do you think ultimately changed their mind?
Starting point is 01:24:47 People think they're looking at something, right? Yeah. But they're not really looking. So every time they did an abortion, they were like, this is to reduce – they had just the narrative going on in their head. This is to reduce crime. This is a woman's right to do this. This is – the woman's life was endangered. They have a narrative that you spin in front of you instead of seeing what really is.
Starting point is 01:25:10 We all do it 24 hours a day. Yeah. I hate to say it. Even I'm guilty of it. We all do it. We have a narrative which prohibits us from seeing. Because if we really saw, we would really see something more like just light everywhere. We would see the good in everything we would see the the the not good's not the right word the world would look more like a clock everything would be functioning in in a in a cohesion that
Starting point is 01:25:36 would fucking blow us away we're not ready we're not ready to see what's really going on but in little pieces we pull the veil down we drop our narrative and we start to see the truth and that's what happened these bitches fucking one day were like holy shit i'm killing babies and and and you know for some people who it's just so obvious they can't like they're like what you just saw that now but like dude i was in that same fucking boat i still haven't made the journey as far as them but i don't actually have to kill the babies i'm still pro-choice and i know and i know what they're saying is right i just still can't make them yeah it's always interesting like who goes from like 49 it gets something to like that 51 on the other side and like what is that tipping point yeah i'm totally pro-choice i'm totally
Starting point is 01:26:21 pro-choice i'm a fucking I'm stuck with the baby killers camp. It's fucked. We talked about this earlier, and I was like – It's so fucked. I don't want to be, but I can't. I'm still – give me time, maybe. I hate things that are, like, super complex, and we could come up with a bunch of arguments as to, like, why or why not on both sides. That would sound really good. And you're always just trying to be bucketed into this binary decision.
Starting point is 01:26:42 So you have this really complex issue like abortion, right? Really complex. And then you're like, okay, well, are you A or are you B? You got to choose. You're A or are you B? And it's like, what? That's not really how these kind of social things function. And so anytime I feel like you're being pushed to a binary decision when very clearly the issue isn't set up that way, it's more complex, and there's a lot of context that needs to be involved in making those decisions. I can't help but think all this we're doing is just propagating something that's fueling something else that isn't even really about the issue at hand. Democrat or Republican, choose your side. I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 01:27:20 There's things that – I would never want to have to decide whether to kill someone or not. There's things that like I would never want to have to decide whether to kill someone or not. And I would never like. This is going to be fucking harsh, but it's the reality, I guess. I would never want to. Be in that position after I had an abortion like. Yeah, like I'm so glad I was never involved in anything like that. I was so glad like I never had a girlfriend that I got pregnant and i had to take her to get an abortion like i wouldn't
Starting point is 01:27:48 want to like in hindsight i wouldn't have to want to deal with any of that that alone is reason why that should give it's like smoking or it's like when women ask is it okay to drink coffee while i'm pregnant no motherfucker that's why you ask that because you already know. Is it okay to drink some coffee, caffeine while breastfeeding? No, it's not. How do you know? Because you asked it because you know. And abortion is like that, but on a much larger scale. Let me tell you, if you drink coffee all throughout your pregnancy and then your baby comes out and has like some ADHD issues, you'll be like, you'll you'll start thinking, oh shit, did I cause that?
Starting point is 01:28:26 I'm not saying whether it's true or not, but when you can, walk the straight and narrow. Talking about ours, it's not complex. I know, I kind of agree with that statement, but at the same time, I try to put myself- That's how complex it is. It's not complex. I try to put myself as like, what if I was a father and your 15-year-old girl just got raped and now we're going to sit there for nine months as she has a baby and has to kind of relive this all the time?
Starting point is 01:28:52 I mean, maybe she would anyways, but there wouldn't be like a physical attribute that we're all looking at, watching and growing. And then it's such a weird thing that's happening because then she's going to be ostracized at school for being pregnant that young. Her whole entire life will have to completely change. Then she has this baby. And then there's no way to know that there's going to be some sort of like lifelong resentment against that child, whether it be her, whether it be the family, you know, how do you navigate that situation? I'm not saying just like terminating it is also the easy, there's going to be repercussions from that that happen as well, too. But I'm just saying, like, when you look at an issue, and you could pick it up and move it
Starting point is 01:29:23 around, or we could all stare at it and start to say, OK, I could see on the other side of the fence. I could see this as opposed to some issues. You can't, you know, butt plugs and dildos inside elementary schools are never OK for any reason. Unless the school's like everyone is 40 and over. OK. And has a nose ring. But yeah, but it's tough because you're like because there's no good decision in that complex issue. Do you leave it?
Starting point is 01:29:48 Does the daughter continue to be tortured by it? How does that play in the long run? And then by terminating that pregnancy and killing that baby, what type of repercussions does that have too? Still a life, right, Sousa? I agree. It is, yeah. Hey, how about that Tanner Shuck guy? What a cool dude. And then he had to go and get a nose ring
Starting point is 01:30:06 And fuck me all up I was like oh brother why Why you not into the nose ring No Isn't he young Punch a hole in your nose He's 35 Oh okay
Starting point is 01:30:22 That's the perfect time for plan B or very, very early abortion. Right, but it's still abortion, right? Plan B is the pill you take and it drops the egg off the morning after. It's also why I get weird looks whenever I wear my No Plan B t-shirt sometimes. Yes. I don't even think about it. I just really like the way it fits. I like the message behind it that people are like, is that an anti-abortion shirt? And I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:30:49 If you read the fine print, it says The Settlement Podcast. where you weren't allowed to say that someone with melanated skin was articulate because it because it insinuated that they generally weren't articulate because of melanated skin which is another perfect example that's why that's why everyone on the left is racist and they don't know it because they're looking through the world through that lens insinuating stuff that's just not even there and so you know the the woke coach will be like you can never say a black man's articulate because what you're insinuating is is that black people aren't articulate now it's just like what the fuck like every and i would and i would say this on the show several times every single person knows who's ever had any melanated friends that they're the most articulate people on the planet no one thinks that they're not articulate who knows melanated people
Starting point is 01:31:48 rap music is the most art is the pinnacle of articulation and of that they've taken poetry to a whole nother fucking level they are the most articulate that's the that's one of the best things that comes out of melanated culture black culture in the united states is fucking uh the linguistic semantic vernacular articulation of fondling of the alph the american alphabet like you have to be a fucking every fucking idiot knows that but not the woke crowd and so for some reason if you gave that compliment to a melanated person. Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at It was insinuating the opposite i mean that's how fucking that is at its root systemic racism once again they're demanding that you be insulted for something that's in their imagination anyway what made me think of that is uh 289 um yeah 280 289. Por favor. Por favor. No one's like, Lil Wayne's not articulate. Like, shut the fuck up. Anyway, I thought this was really good right here.
Starting point is 01:33:14 You said that a harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control. How should people become more dangerous? Oh, becoming more articulate is definitely, that's the primary array of weapons. This is one thing that isn't taught well, especially to boys. It's more important to teach it to boys, I would say, because they're more skeptical of such, the educational enterprise in general. Partly because they're less obedient. Partly because they're less agreeable.
Starting point is 01:33:42 And agreeable boys get higher grades independent of their IQ and their and their academic achievement because they're easier to deal with so what do you tell disagreeable boys there's nothing that makes you more formidable than verbal competence and being able to articulate be able to think to marshal your arguments right get everything in order all your information straight I mean that's part of the reason that rap artists are so popular because they're unbelievably articulate they have this incredible verbal prowess it's unbelievably attractive you said that yeah at least the old rap not this new age shit there's some incredible rap out there there is there is i just wanted to you know how it is and you start to get older you're like all this new music sounds like trash
Starting point is 01:34:34 even though even though i think jay-z's a complete douchebag i um i went through a phase where i listened to just every one of his albums probably 10 times in a row bought all his albums same with naz i started really getting into the east coast rappers it's it's there's so much incredible rap music well the other thing about jay-z too is it was all in his head yeah yes that shit down it was like one takes he would like oh i see what you mean yeah and there was a rick rubin interview i think it was on rogan where he would say like you would watch him and he would listen to a beat and he would do this thing where he would like go into the zone and almost like do this like and it would like sit there for him and everybody kind of let him and then he would stop and he'd be like okay let's
Starting point is 01:35:11 hit it and he'd walk into the recording thing and just lay it down i used to not like him i used to not be able to like um hang with that style of rap like i had to learn to appreciate it. Same with Nas. I had to be, I had to be like, uh, uh, seduced by some of his more, um, commercial shit before I got into like the other stuff.
Starting point is 01:35:36 Uh, two 88. I don't know if it went, it's a, it says breast removed. Great. Again. Again.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Uh, I think, removed great again again uh i think i think some of these need to be erased no breast should ever be removed oh detransitioner i'm suing the doctors who removed my healthy breasts yeah this is this is kind of a trippy story, right? She had her breasts removed, and now she's doing something. Sometimes in the shower, I realize they're gone. I just have these scars. Camille Kiefel, 32, had her healthy breasts removed in 2020 to align with her non-binary gender identity. She says her doctors approved the surgery after two Zoom meetings breezing past a whole host of mental health issues. Two meetings to get part of your body taken off. Now that Camille is in a better place mentally, she realizes her surgery was a mistake.
Starting point is 01:36:33 No shit. So two and a half years later, she's suing her social worker therapist and gender clinics they work for. Imagine a gender clinic. That's an imaginary clinic. Clinic for your imagination, where it can thrive. Brave Space Oregon and Quest Center for Integrative Health. Of course, that's what it's called, the gender identity clinic. It's Brave Space Oregon and Quest Center for Integrative Health.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Also, I appreciate online um doctor's appointments because it's made my life like significantly easier like you just call over the phone and shit or just like various things but if you're gonna get surgery and your initial consults are over the phone, do not get that surgery. You've absolutely lost your mind. Caleb has spoken. If I, if I, I know for sure in years to come, I'm going to need both my knees surgery and surgery in both my knees.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Knees over toes guy. I've been doing, I've been using it. It's, it's, I've never seen those slight drags on those videos of yours. Nobody wants to see accessory work. It's only highlights, only highlights. And I'm not going to, I will meet, sit down and meet with the doctor before I have any of those surgeries done. There's no way I'm going to just, and he's, I want him to physically evaluate my knees. I want to like, I'm going to get MRIs on them again. There's no way in hell.
Starting point is 01:38:03 I'm just going to call a dude and be like, hey man, do you mind just cleaning up my knees real quick? He's like, do they hurt? I say, yes. He goes, okay. I'm not doing that.
Starting point is 01:38:19 I've heard enough. We're good. Come on in. Yeah, right. Crazy. They're starting to prescribe anti-anxiety meds over the phone absolutely insane no no i'll tell you what's insane is that post you made on hillar's account leaving all sorts of holes in it by all that biased shit when you watch the show like it's fucking like you watch your cock and balls you spend more time on this show than you do on the fucking working on yourself and then you make a post that's just fucking attacking when you know better trish god i hope you shoot
Starting point is 01:38:53 a load in your eye this shouldn't she be running the running a country or something in the fleas of a thousand camels and fester armpits trish uh as a child camille never gave her gender identity a thought but when her best friend was raped by a relative in the sixth grade she said she became acutely aware of her femininity around that time and her father also imparted well-meaning advice that backfired no shit so this is really this is really interesting so you were avoiding being raped by men and that's why you wanted to turn yourself into a man. That's really novel. I've never heard that before.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Everyone. And so it was a fear-induced thing. It's all of them. It's all of them. It's all fear-induced. Okay. And then, which is okay. That happens to us.
Starting point is 01:39:35 It's a fucking dark and scary world, but you need fucking mentors who help you work through those problems instead of suggest you get your tits cut off. Yeah, via Zoom. You have to have a fucking mentor you have to protect these children do not do not take these kids and start getting them on meds you're you're seriously better off just getting into a fucking sports program they just need five or six years to process this you don't take a girl in the sixth grade who's afraid of being raped or who is raped and take her down the horrific path of turning into a boy so she doesn't get raped again, you fucking idiots. You fucking start her down the path of fucking being protected and safe and make it through the next fucking ten years of her life so she can start to have the fucking brain capacity to to comprehend
Starting point is 01:40:25 the horror that was put upon her. And then hopefully she can get through it and have a fucking healthy life, not put her under a knife and start cutting off body parts. It wasn't an attack. It was pure fucking ignorance. Trish wrote a bunch of bullshit and left shit out on purpose. Same with that fucking jackass Kate. Kate's upset because I fucked her mom. I know what's going on. I like how the lyric king has just like ran. There's like a thread through this whole show too.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Kate, Kate, the lyric king paid me $20,000 in order to sponsor Wadapalooza. You know what else he told me too? He goes, hey, please don't push my pills. Do you remember that, Sousa? Yeah. And I go, go well then what do you want me to push he goes just push the ancestral way of living yeah because really I just want people remember maybe maybe it was his operations officer we really just want to push people's way to eating organ meat the pills are just kind of like in the back we want to push this way of life and it's like and then and then Kate you say that I can't be independent or honest or whatever fair because I took money.
Starting point is 01:41:29 It's like I went out of my way to get money from him because I believed in his product. How about that? And how about the fact that you can't be independent or honest because you're upset about the fucking dollop of semen I left on your mom's back? Oh. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, we swerve around. We swerve around we swerve around bruce anywhere i just i just just like to practice seven you're so upset what about forgiveness hey i'm just just just practicing i'm just swerving around can we hook a heart rate monitor up to someone? Yeah. Where's the whoop? Only if they pay me. Only if you get me a sponsor.
Starting point is 01:42:09 A little whoop being high at the bottom. We need one in the corner. Trish's comments come up. You just see it rising. David, we need... It'll rise like a minute later. A whole dollop? Might want to get that checked out.
Starting point is 01:42:24 Did you see The Liver King on the PBD podcast? Did you watch that yet? No. How is it? It's not bad. I don't, I'm starting to really not like Adam though. I liked him at first and I really don't like Adam.
Starting point is 01:42:34 You know, he did that whole thing and talked about Tate's personal life and then had to come on and apologize because Adam's the Jewish kid. Yeah. So it's Nick. And, uh, and then he,
Starting point is 01:42:44 he started, he does this like weird thing where he, this weird thing where he's trying to articulate a question, but then he just talks so much that when you're finished, you're like, was there a question in there? What the fuck just happened? And basically he had this weird roundabout. You know what I'm talking about, Caleb? Do you watch that podcast at all? No, but I know exactly the kind of person you're talking about.
Starting point is 01:43:02 I hate it when I do that. I'm guilty of that. It was just like, well, yeah, but sometimes if you're like hold on that was lost let me just now just give you the question after the context he's like loses himself so much that he doesn't even have like the question anymore um but he started bringing up stuff about his wife and even like it showed a clip of like pbd and he's sitting there and he's like kind of letting adam finish and he wasn't going to do anything like during the show and then right afterwards he's like he's like look anybody that would have liver king's wife would be fucking lucky that she would
Starting point is 01:43:29 that she would stand by him and and have that loyalty and just go to the fucking grave with whatever was between the two of them and he like turns and he's like that's that's their business we're not even really going to get into all that and it was like patrick bet david interrupted and said that he didn't interrupt he like kind of let him finish and then just was like, boom, put a hard stop to it and was like, don't, don't, but what they do between them and their household, him and his wife, that is their business. And we'd all be grateful, lucky to have a wife. Even Gabe knew exactly where you were going. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:56 Yeah. You better shut the fuck up about his wife. He would fucking reach over and fucking. Yeah. Kenneth, what's up brother? Good to hear you. Not much. How are you doing so long? Just fucking partying, having fun. Kenneth, welcome to hear you. Good to hear you. Not much. How you doing, Siobhan? Just fucking partying, having fun. Kenneth, welcome to the show. Big call. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Long time coming. I just wanted to boost up Wadzami's Fit Wars tomorrow. Oh, tell me. Tell me. What about... I don't know Jack about it. Tell me. Tell me.
Starting point is 01:44:19 It's going to be on Hiller's YouTube Live. It's going to be Colton versus Scott Petbo, I believe. I could be wrong. No shit. How come no one tells me this shit? When I take a shit, I text Hiller. Dad. That'd be a fun phone call to listen in on.
Starting point is 01:44:35 Hi, Kenneth Jr. How are you? I heard this, Dad. I heard that, too. Yeah, we're outside. We're grounding. We're getting sun. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Hey, so what time tomorrow? Where can we watch it? Why isn't Hiller promoting it? How come Nick hasn't reached out to me? How come no one's... Oh, shit. Brian and Hiller are commentating. Yep. It's going to be awesome. I didn't even know they were friends. They're not.
Starting point is 01:44:59 I got to go. He's playing with an anthill right now. Have a good one. Good luck. Mertens versus Tetlo. Wow, that's actually, God, that's actually. They're doing it from their own, like, gyms, I think, too. That should actually be pretty funny. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 01:45:21 Yeah, that should be entertaining. It should be good. And this is something that Wad Zombie hasn't worked on for, like, a should be entertaining. It should be good. And this is something that Wad Zombie has worked on for a while, too. Hey, I did see Wad Zombie reposted on his Instagram account, the Origins. Oh, it's not tomorrow. It's next week.
Starting point is 01:45:37 18th. Wow, shit. Can you go to Wad Zombie uh is that wad zombies instagram account you could go over with a camera and just knock on justin maderos's house he answers the door we say hey dude tomorrow at noon we go there at noon that's 24 hours from now you fucking mullet wearing motherfucker we're gonna meet we're gonna meet here in the front yard there's gonna be a truck and we're gonna film this and it's gonna be three fucking workouts me against you and then you'll look at the camera and be like and if you want to watch
Starting point is 01:46:12 this shit pony up 10 bucks you have 24 hours this will be tomorrow dude holy shit brian would you pay to watch that jason and Justin? Yeah, $10. Just have Jason go over and call fucking Justin out in his front yard. Probably not. Oh, you're a dickhead. You ruined my idea. You wouldn't pay for that, Brian? I'd pay for that shit.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Brian, you wouldn't pay for that? God damn, he would. He just hates it that it's my idea. Me and you. I like it that I didn't realize I was so aggressive towards... I always thought that I was nicer to Brian, but that made me... I was actually kind of proud how I slapped Brian around there. it's my idea me and you i like it that i i didn't realize i was so aggressive towards i always thought that i was nicer to brian but that made me i was actually kind of proud oh i slapped brian around there i think you hit it on the head he just he was upset it wasn't his idea hey listen
Starting point is 01:46:54 jason hopper you jackass you fucking ding dong why aren't you coming on this show? Daddy won't let me. Yeah. Get your ass over on the show. Quit being a fucking ding dong. Because we don't use the same filter as an Instagram. Take a vote from all your daddies. Let Matt Fraser, J.R. Howell, and Taylor Self, I know they're all your daddies, let them vote on whether you can come on the show or not. We got two out of three.R. Howell and Taylor Self I know they're all your daddies Let them vote on whether you can come on the show or not We got two out of three
Starting point is 01:47:27 I love that J.R. just Shit on Jason after he did that I can't believe Hopper doesn't come on here anymore What a ding dong Come on Hopper we love you Get your ass on here You don't think he wants to he wants you you're the you're the you're the worst guest that's most wanted on here you're the you're the
Starting point is 01:47:50 for the for the worst you are what'd you say daniel brandon's a close second is she really you don't think she's a good guest she's a good guest but she never comes on oh right right right she's the inverse she's the inverse of jason yeah yeah yeah she comes on just it takes a little bit to coach her you got to kind of like the timing's got to be right you know i i i mean it as a um i mean it as a uh note to self never getting five so i mean it as a compliment if i'm talking about you even if i'm talking about you being a ding-dong i love you oh okay um 287 birth control he'll hurt his brand i will i will hurt his brand but whatever detail shmeetails this is me comically laughing at a brand uh if you are at the legends okay a paper street copy if you're at the legends comp
Starting point is 01:48:46 go grab yourself a buffalo brew nitro can look at the back oh okay uh i was on this guy's podcast by the way many years ago or a year ago okay many moons ago and i'm actually gonna go ahead sorry mine who is a mostly lesbian bisexual and she usually sleeps with women that's a thing but she also sometimes sleeps with men and she said it's really interesting thinking about the way that coming off the pill changed but then she said one other thing that i noticed when i came off the pill was that for one week out of every month i was straight again have you ever come across that before i can't even begin to tell you how many women i've heard that from i've heard from a lot of bisexual women who get nudged one way or the other,
Starting point is 01:49:27 depending on where they are in the cycle. I've heard from women who thought that they were bisexual and then went on or off the birth control pill and then had that change where they were either completely straight or thought that they were completely lesbian. Did you manage to find a significant swing in one way or the other? The thing I've heard most frequently is that they become a little more straight when they're off the pill. Researchers have long suspected a role of steroid hormones in terms of sexual preference. And the story that you just told and the stories I've heard from women are very much consistent with sort of hormonal nudges. A girl friend of are you fucking hearing that it's like it's crazy you yeah
Starting point is 01:50:12 i don't know which direction to run with that there's so many you don't think it matters giving your kids sugar when they're little what do you think would cause your kids to have the largest fucking hormonal swing that you could possibly do to your child feed them a fucking glass of kool-aid drink the kool-aid give them a fucking snickers bar it's fucking crazy we're bit we're these it's crazy how powerful hormones are i want to look real quick uh what uh how many people take the pill in the united states um we're not allowed to talk about i know i know how many uh women in the usa are on the pill so it makes you uh most common contraceptive currently used in the overall age range of 15 to 49 is 18.6. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:51:11 Is that the pill? 18.6% of the women? I actually thought it would be higher than that. Oh, no. March 28, 2021. In 2018, 65% of U.S. women aged 15 to 49 were using a contraceptive method. Oh, a contraceptive method. Do you see what the numbers are, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:51:32 Do you by any chance see them? No. No. Let me look. Let me see. Have you guys seen the stuff out, too, about, like, some women being on birth control and, like, coming off of birth control to have a child with their husband and then no longer be attracted to their husband or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:51:48 Yeah. Yeah. I've seen that one too. Yeah, this shit's. In 2019. Oh, thank you. 23.7% of women who are currently using contraception that is 219 million uh women rely on the female sterilization okay wait that's not that is that oh that's
Starting point is 01:52:12 worldwide oh that's worldwide so 219 million women worldwide rely on they call it female sterilization i had a so i had a discussion with some ladies that i work with um back home just about like taking birth control versus the uh uh versus what is it called when a man gets sterilized yes the sex me sorry um and i was like why would i like i don't that's a like for me i was like i was just playing double that because i'm like well it's I, like, I don't, that's like, for me, I was like, I was just playing double dab. And I'm like, well, it's a procedure. Like, I don't want somebody like going around and snipping my balls. Like that was my argument. And I guess with the counter argument is at least like a vasectomy is
Starting point is 01:52:59 reversible, like 99% of the time. Um, but like when you take birth control, you're like at higher risk for like your blood clots and your like heart attacks and all the other things that go along with um taking medications in general and it kind of snubbed out my argument i think so you got it so you got a vasectomy so that your wife wouldn't have to be on the pill oh oh it wasn't i was it was not for me to make the decision it was just like in general like because i think there's like an aversion for men like oh absolutely not like i'm not gonna get a vasectomy because that's like a
Starting point is 01:53:36 procedure and then i'll never be able to do the same but i don't think it's as true as people think it is have you ever like taken a shovel and accidentally like split a line in your garden on accident it's so easy to split your line and water shoots out everywhere but it's such a fucking pain in the ass and you got to go to home depot and buy the connector and connect it back together and pull them into it and that's how i feel about vasectomy the doctor just like snipped and then i just imagine like oh fuck this guy wants his shit back at least when you get the vasectomy too i guess that your body still makes sperm it just fires them out the end of the hose and they just spill into
Starting point is 01:54:10 just wherever yeah i'd be curious what happened what happens to this sperm where's it go like when my tube gets cut in my yard the water just waters the wrong plant so wait you're saying that being attracted to mate to males to to a mate you can't have kids with may in fact not be the natural way clive i'm sure i need i might need to uh uh trish uh my daughter's friend had an iud got it removed and she was suddenly sleeping with every man who looked at her is that your justification for banging your daughter's friend trish yeah if i was a guy i'd never do it yeah i would never do it either there's no way i know a person who did it and then um immediately after got his wife pregnant oh wow i know that's why they do the test afterwards. You're supposed to.
Starting point is 01:55:05 So once you get a vasectomy, you're supposed to do a sperm sample immediate, like within like three weeks of it happening to make sure that it worked. I'm not sure if they went through all the due diligence. I just know that he like went through it and then it was a period of time and then he came back and was like, yeah, so she's my wife's pregnant. We're like, what?
Starting point is 01:55:22 And he's like, yep. That's why it's not a hundred percent. You silly goose. Hey, but I bet you, I bet you the doctor missed it. Like snip the wrong line. Oh no. It's very obvious. It is. Oh, it's yes.
Starting point is 01:55:37 It's incredible. You've been in the room when one's done. Yeah. You have? Yes. Numerous times. You've been in. Yeah. tell me.
Starting point is 01:55:47 So part of my job is I can work in like... You hold the balls up? Yeah, for sure. While you're just eating like a Twizzler? Yeah, usually I have like snacks and, you know, other things. And I'm just like, sorry, dude, this sucks, but you chose to do it. So here we are. It's my break yeah so i like part of our job is to like help assist on like minor surgeries and stuff and uh we had to it was like the urology clinic that i had to work in and so we like help
Starting point is 01:56:18 them set up the sterile field and you're like getting everything set up essentially you're donning gloves and then you're just like passing instruments while the urologist is like so the urologist basically they'll you have to numb it with lidocaine so then like your testicles are completely numb and then but like that's like the worst part because that's what you're like feeling like a burning sensation and uh once that's done you shouldn't really feel anything else but you can still feel like the pressure of like having your ball snipped open but they'll like find the vas deferens which is like this literally like a white
Starting point is 01:56:56 tube and like have you ever seen a um isn't the vas deferens isn't the vas deferens that thing that's just that that runs on the underside of your penis is this gonna get us a couple on youtube uh well we already have a lot as long as they're not erect they're cool it's anatomy pictures it's fine um but so then like the urologist will like find the vas deferents and bring it all the way up to the surface like as superficial as possible to the skin and then they'll make an incision so that you can like get to the vas deferens and then they'll pull it out so that there's a loop coming out of the skin and then they snip the vas i see it right here this is it yes this is it right here oh gosh yeah yeah yeah just like that and then they just snip
Starting point is 01:57:50 it it's like it's an outpatient surgery like look at those hemorrhoids right there those are crazy that's someone's asshole that's great thanks for that hey what if what if they nick your vas deference while they're doing that, Caleb? And then will you just have pee just going everywhere? That is not what the vas deferens does. So, no, you're good. It only transports sperm up? It's only for sperm.
Starting point is 01:58:16 Yeah. All right. But, yeah, then they snip it. And then they have to do both sides. So, you have to do one testicle and then the other testicle. Yeah. And then the dude, you just put it back together. I think it's like a one suture.
Starting point is 01:58:35 You suture it back up. What's the tube that the P comes down called? Urethra? Urethra. God, what if they nick that thing? It's not even close. They won't nick it. They won't? Okay. Catast okay catastrophic mistake if that happens that'd be pretty fucked up they might as well just drop your nuts off at this i've heard i've heard of these dudes who get like the hole in their penis
Starting point is 01:58:55 like get it pierced and then they're like and then the worst thing the worst thing that can happen to you as a dude is when your penis isn't in one stream it's like up there with like dude you'd rather have that guy on the soccer team diddle your butt for a minute than have a penis that shoots more than one stream you don't want that i'm gonna and you saw a guy with the piercing come in no um i'll save this story for later. All right. It's a really good story. I can't wait to tell it. Are you going to make a note?
Starting point is 01:59:32 Okay, I'm going to make a note. Yeah, please make a note because now it's going to be left hanging. This is going to be like when I come back, I can tell the story. Oh, perfect. 295. What's a clue about it? Caleb penis story Yeah that works Is that enough
Starting point is 01:59:48 Do I have to say multiple stream No it's perfect It sounds like he's not forgetting this story Anytime soon Absolutely not I went to medical school I snipped people's fucking Vaz deference.
Starting point is 02:00:06 Someone's got to do it. Dirty jobs. Yeah. All right. You guys know Anthony? Oh, 233. Anthony Rumble Johnson died. Pretty sad.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Oh. UFC fighter. Yeah, he died a couple weeks ago, I think. Yeah, no need for him to die one time at work a guy on PCP ran from us hopped a spike fence and got half of his dick ripped off on the top
Starting point is 02:00:33 of the fence wow couple lessons in there for people Matthew R congrats on the 20,000 subscribers thanks dude that's really cool I was actually it was one of those things I was surprised. I didn't think I would give a shit. And when I, and I actually do give a shit. Like when I saw that, I didn't think it was ever going to happen. I was like, dude, how can we be this close?
Starting point is 02:00:57 Um, two, what's this? Uh, two 29, not even remotely attractive. 229, not even remotely attractive. By the way, there's a quote here, 230, real difficulties can be overcome. It's only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. Think about that. I'm going to say it one more time. Real difficulties can be overcome because they're real, but imaginary ones that are unconquerable. And that's what the woke crowd has done.
Starting point is 02:01:28 They've given us a whole slew of imaginary conflicts that will never go away. And that's why when you hear these people, when they talk about racism, they don't even know what it is. Because 99.9999999% to infinity of what people think is racism is in their imagination. You can't see it out here in the real world. Like my nose you could see racist policy written down on a sheet of paper we will not hire white men for this job that's a racist policy but you won't actually see racism out here in the real world and until you can see that and you stop conflating your ideas with what is, you will have an imaginary problem you'll never overcome.
Starting point is 02:02:09 I'm not saying this to convince anyone. I'm just telling you you can take what I'm saying and run with it and live happily ever after like me. Or you can continue to live in a delusion with unconquerable problems. Okay, sorry. So speaking, not even remotely remotely attractive here's the thing i was sitting with my with one of my friends at a wine and cheese festival in san francisco and we were totally checking out this chick i've told this story before and just checking her out she was so fucking hot it was crazy and this cop walks over to us and goes hey boys and we're like what
Starting point is 02:02:44 and he's like even though we were probably like 40 at the time this is probably 10 years ago he goes that's a dude and i look at chad and i go i don't give a fuck i do care about this this isn't even pretty how did this win miss anything this this i don't know the word systemic racism but this is systemic promotion of a shitty lifestyle this is a this person's on medication this is a very unhealthy person if you were to do one of those tests that like dana white hadn't checked out how many years this thing has to live it doesn't have very many years this is not healthy this is not a happy person i promise
Starting point is 02:03:28 you this is a person who's on probably type 2 diabetes medication this is a person who lives a very difficult life should not be rewarded as as miss america miss america the woman that you choose is miss america should be the one that all the boys want to marry. End of story. That's why she's Miss America. Because at the end of the day, boys and girls should want to get married, have kids, and live happily ever after. You should strive for the impossible. It's okay.
Starting point is 02:04:01 It's okay that it's impossible. We should all strive for impossible things. It's a fucking... This impossible We should all strive for impossible things It's a fucking This is nuts Absolutely nuts There's nothing remotely attractive about this thing I say this thing not to be derogatory I don't know if it's a man or a woman
Starting point is 02:04:15 I need a cup check Cup check 224 Pfizer press conference oh this should be fun i always want to show you the catrin doppelganger no that wasn't a joke that was like miss that was like a miss america contestant winner like that now is going like to the big show like you know what i mean like out of some fucking liberal strong hub like in massachusetts or some shit new hampshire new hampshire yeah same thing new england yeah it's not it's not cool i'm not hating on that person at all it's just not cool like that
Starting point is 02:05:03 person should not be winning a miss america president that could be like um i'm fine with a miss fat um obese uh transgender competition that was a fucking a plus candidate winner give her the check for 50k but not for miss america okay pfizer press conference here we go pfizer was holding a press conference today i don't think it went exactly as planned. The guy that found out, he's lucky he did it with somebody with a little restraint. Ma'am, I have a question. So Pfizer has the biggest criminal fine in history. So how is it not anti-science to not trust them?
Starting point is 02:05:40 If they're on record bribing, conditioning, and bugging with test results, $2.3 billion fine. So how is it that anti-science is simply questionable? Can you explain that, please? So I appreciate your comment. I'd like to finish my presentation, and you can hold your questions. I mean, it's not going to be answered. I have four questions.
Starting point is 02:05:58 I have four questions that didn't get answered. Oh, my God. What? No, no, no, no, please. No, no, no, no, please. Your ring just rolled. It's right here. It's right here. Your ring just rolled.
Starting point is 02:06:15 Got it? Oh my gosh. I was, oh my god, that was amazing. He's just like, dude, you're like 70 years old. What are you trying to do? Choke guys twice your size. You're 70 years old and that guy's on TRT. It's because they all live in a fucking delusional world.
Starting point is 02:06:33 I have superpowers because I think I do. Delusional world. Met by reality of somebody just bigger and stronger. Perfectly okay to address a conference like that that's trying to force your kids to get drugs. But, Sevan, that's not very compassionate of you. Why are you so one-sided on the issue? I just am. I admit it.
Starting point is 02:06:54 Anytime someone's trying to hurt kids, force them to take drugs, my acceptance of civility changes. Although the irony is that's a man speaking out, and it's the fucking other person who attacked him like instead of that person just being like yo i get it this might not be the i get what you're saying this might not be the time place he fucking attacks that guy it's unprovoked essentially yeah yeah i didn't like what you said so i'm gonna choke you out with one hand and they get tossed like a fly just get chucked to the side you must have the force or something uh so dude seven i forgot to mention this uh a dude that takes my class is one of the
Starting point is 02:07:39 big wigs behind the shot at pfizer super smart fit, nice dude who loves CrossFit. It's super ironic. Yeah, money. I ain't hating. Money. Isn't it ironic? I was at a friend's house the other day and he goes, hey, look over the fence at my neighbor's yard. And I looked over the fence at his neighbor's yard and I go, what is that? And it was like the biggest building I'd ever seen being built on someone's personal property. It looks like they're building like a CVS in this dude's backyard all made out of wood i go what is that he goes that's a basketball fucking arena that my neighbor's building i'm like holy shit on their property he goes yeah indoor basketball crazy facility with seats and everything i'm like fuck what's that dude dude for a living
Starting point is 02:08:19 pharma pharma lib lib lib pharma riches shit sell them drugs okay 216 pfizer is a billion dollar franchise darn it i gotta go in two minutes did we even talk about griner yeah we did numerous times uh slap in the face pfizer chief boasts to investors that covid will continue to be a multi-billion dollar franchise for many years to come as firm prepares to stick 10 000 markup on its vaccine if you guys want to really dig into like the main root of what what happened the vaccine, one of the main reasons why it went sideways, besides all the other stuff that's like all the hype train shit that shows the myocarditis and the people getting sick and it backfiring and it not working, start looking into the fact, and we used to talk about this in the early days when it was first released, but start looking into the fact that no vaccine has ever been released ever in the history of man during a pandemic. That there is a timing that you have to release the vaccine. And all scientists know it, real scientists.
Starting point is 02:09:35 And you can look on the CDC website. They knew it. What you do is you fuck with the ability. Basically, what you do is when you do that, you put – there's a couple mechanisms that they think happen when you release a vaccine during the actual pandemic instead of before or after. But one of them is that you put pressure on the virus to mutate at a quicker pace. And that pressure then exacerbates the problem instead of makes the problem better. So but go ahead and look into it. It's not very
Starting point is 02:10:05 complicated there's several reasons you don't do it but the most fascinating thing is that it had never been done before and now you can see why there's such a huge problem i mean there's i think we're uh gonna see um i don't know what they're gonna call it whether they're gonna call it the flu or covid but i think we're about to see a shitload of more deaths here coming down the pipe i've never i've never been i've never seen so many sick people i've heard of so many sick people as this year have you guys i'm 50 i can't ever remember anything like this i don't know i don't know if i'm here just hearing more about it people more aware of it people are more just sharing it or people think that the cold or flu that they had are just like should be talked about a more severe now because
Starting point is 02:10:49 of the covid thing than it was the years before i can't really like differentiate okay so you think that uh let me ask you this are there less people coming to your gym during cold season than ever before like you noticing like yeah that's for sure and what you're saying is it might not necessarily be that they're sicker but that the fear has gripped them more. So people are being more cautious. And it's way less like socially acceptable, especially here in the Bay Area where we are. Like if you're out and you're like visibly sick or like coughing or sneezing, like people are just like, yeah, away from you like the black plague. And so people know that.
Starting point is 02:11:19 So they stay home more. But I will say, yeah, I have definitely agree with the sense that like I've heard more people being sick, like the youth program that we run. Um, we've had like, it's like 50% of the kids show up each time because we have 50% of them for a week or two. And then all those kids kind of push out as being sick. And like all the ones that were sick are kind of like back, like we've never had like the full house of all of them at one time and definitely seen it with the regular adult classes too caleb have you ever gotten an iv bag like a vitamins like a health bag oh no i just i mean we've never done that to yourself no if i do that it's usually just saline and i'm just like training somebody to do ivs
Starting point is 02:11:57 you did it right suza with hillar yeah because hayley just did it two days ago and she fucking went from sick to great and got rid of 90 of her sickness in 24 hours it was nuts whenever i give them to people it's like night and day like they come in like like basically look like death not really but like pale and just like hurting groggy and look like shit and as soon as you give them like probably some zofran or a bunch of vitamins and just fluids in general like it's night and day within probably i'd say 20 minutes they're up and talking and they're good to go back and do whatever they want the rest of the day
Starting point is 02:12:37 she took um vitamin c zinc uh glutathione. Okay. I don't know what that is. Vitamin B complex, B12, and magnesium. Was the bag like a bright green? It looked like piss. It was yellow. Yeah, that's the one that I picked too.
Starting point is 02:12:59 That's the one that I picked. Wait a minute. Bruce, did you get your L1? You should go get your L1. It's all about the nutrition. CrossFit is a plus. Nutrition is the base of CrossFit Pyramid. It's should go get your L1. It's all about the nutrition. CrossFit is a plus. Nutrition is the base of CrossFit Pyramid. It's one and the same, baby.
Starting point is 02:13:09 It's one and the same. I get so demotivated when I have to work out at home. What the hell is wrong with you? I'm kind of like that too. It's like the best place to work out. No, I don't. Obviously, I've had the affiliate. Actually, it's been nine years to the week. I got a little happy birthday happy gym birthday thing but um i've had spaces where i have home gym and stuff like that and for me it's it i do so much better with a
Starting point is 02:13:37 group around me like going to a place like i'll still work out by myself or like if grace and i just go to the gym together and just like work out together but um it's i get far more out of my uh workouts when i have a small group like even when it was just sevan and avi and i doing our burpees for time in um newport a while back like i push harder there for sure than i would have done doing that same exact workout just kind of like by myself oh yeah yeah i push way harder when there's people around yeah i'm like i can't let av like beat me and then when he started to beat me i just switched up i started doing squats after i finished my burpees i'm like oh you're already done we're doing squats too you gotta slow it down sounds like an excuse kind of um that's all i have for a long time yeah that's plenty we we uh california hormones is giving away a free level one.
Starting point is 02:14:29 And we're going to do the drawing, I think, on either on Christmas Day. We'll probably do it on Christmas Day for a free level one. So if you sign up between now and December 24th, and when I mean sign up, you go over to the website. And you put in the code SEVON and you get a doctor's consultation. If you live in California, I think you can get your blood work for free. I always say you can. That's what they told me. And if you live out of state, you have to pay for it yourself or you have your insurance pay for it. And for the most part, it sounds like it's not California Hormones fault. It's like either something went to your trash and your spam or you sent it to the wrong email. But no,
Starting point is 02:15:14 just if any of you are having issues, go ahead and DM me and I will get you your ball rolling. Oh, you just took your California Hormones. Yeah have philip kelly on very soon to talk about his experience i'm so far with california hormones uh philip was on the show if you haven't seen the podcast i did with him he had uh covet and and went to la la land for i don't know 45 or 90 days check out the podcast pretty gnarly gnarly story and he's uh basically rehabbing himself back to fit and he's also taking california hormones so it'll be cool to hear his story and how he just started how that's affecting him i don't know if you guys saw but gary roberts just ran a 632 mile which is crazy um dude i would get juiced up but fuck that's a commitment yeah me too yeah yeah yeah i can't do
Starting point is 02:16:02 it for the rest of my life either that's that's the only thing like yeah i have commitment issues for sure i'm not i can't but yeah you're absolutely right another guy who listens to the show 78 year old guy told you fucking completely changed his life told me he was suicidal got on california hormones all that shit went away he said he can't even believe it but when i asked him should i do it he's like it's pretty gnarly commitment. Am I getting like a fro? Yeah, I thought it just looked a little bit more. What? It looked a little bit more free flowing when I first saw it.
Starting point is 02:16:33 That's why I asked about it. It's looking like mine now. How are you guys on time? I'm about to piss my pants, but it's okay. Oh, okay. Me too. Do you want to run that? Do you want to, can we run the commercial and then we'll come back?
Starting point is 02:16:49 Yeah. Okay. Okay. What number did we just do? 229. Okay. Cause I won't, I want to erase. Okay.
Starting point is 02:16:57 Yeah. Run the commercial. I'll take a quick piss. We'll take it. You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer. If you just want the operating manual to your body, it's not just Forging Elite Fitness.
Starting point is 02:17:10 It's the operating manual to the human genome. You'll take this CrossFit Level 1 seminar and you will walk away inspired. From the second you leave, your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet. You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift. For some people, it'll be massive.
Starting point is 02:17:38 For some people, it'll be a little bit. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. Everyone is going to sense it in you that you are more accountable, more personally responsible, happier, more helpful, more thoughtful human being. And you'll be nicer to look at. You might talk too much shit about CrossFit, but... Yeah, you'll be nicer to look at. Nailed it.
Starting point is 02:18:11 Hey, before we go any further, I just wanted to send a quick thank you. We got these socks that are actually sent to you there, so I'll get them to you when you get back home. What size are you? Do they fit me or do they fit you? They'll fit you. Can you see? Hold them up again. This size will fit you. Did the maker of those send them to us?
Starting point is 02:18:32 Or just someone who likes us bought them for us? No, that's a great question. Lisa sent them to us. So thank you, Lisa. We got it. And your wonderful letter is very nice. I heard at some point that Tavon was talking about socks. I hate it when people let their kids come on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:18:51 What's up? Who's that? That's Avi. He can't hear you. Hey man, I'm fucking doing a job. You think other kids come to their dad's work and you stick their head in? I'm cute. You're not.
Starting point is 02:19:02 You're not as cute as me. Step, boy. Be done in five minutes. Skateboarding? It's related with features. Supportive socks and lifetime guarantee in the holes. I feel like CrossFit would have been more expensive. 227, Nancy Pelosi.
Starting point is 02:19:21 Thank you for the socks. Bye, Allison. I think it's socks. Bye, Allison. I think it's gone. Oh, it is? There's two links. Yeah. You want the second one? Sure. Let's see. Maybe it's super old.
Starting point is 02:19:42 Maybe it's just her husband shit. Oh, no. Here we go. What's up, guys? quick update and some bad news unfortunately the nancy pelosi video that i posted the other day with samson i know you guys were super looking forward to that song happening but it keeps getting taken down from tiktok it got like over six million views and went viral but we can't seem to keep the video up for more than 24 hours. So unfortunately, I think because it's too controversial, we can't make a song out of it. We'll have to make it up to you guys at a later time with a different song.
Starting point is 02:20:16 Yeah, right. Hey, Kato, you want to know who I would fuck? Nancy Pelosi. Someone tell that granny to blow me. I'd take out her dentures, put them on the dresser, slide off her panties and proceed. I'd whip out her knockers fast as art, throw them in the percussive like a boxing match. I'd grab her by the nipples and flip her over down until the tap into the wind and let it spin them all around and go. Yo, what's up? Oh my God. How good is that?
Starting point is 02:20:50 Fucking amazing. how good is that fucking amazing that whole there's a whole video so that other link is down yeah go can you go to that guy's instagram account his name is samson he is so good oh it's so good thank you david i'm glad i'm glad i always like it when i i think of david is just a fucking like a dude who listens to the show sharpening two knives should i kill seven on today should i not so when he's like in a good mood i'm like yeah you got a pad yeah i'm good that's funny let's see um see if you can find uh god can you see any? Well, maybe it's that one on the right there when he's in the street.
Starting point is 02:21:28 I think maybe that's the Nancy Pelosi song right there. Let's see. Fellow Americans, good morning. Certain dates echo throughout history. The January 6th insurrection. January 6th attack on the United States Capitol. The January 6th Capitol insurrection. January 6th. January 6th. January 6th. January 6th attack on the United States Capitol. The January 6th Capitol insurrection. January 6th. January 6th. January 6th. Including dates that instantly remind all who have lived
Starting point is 02:21:52 through them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. These clear acts of sedition and violence and terrorism. A violent terrorist attack on the Capitol. Such an attack on our democracy. Violent attack to overthrow an election. Ted Cruz said it too? What a douche. If I can't have it my way, I'll burn the whole country down. Dates that occupy not only
Starting point is 02:22:17 a place on our calendars, but a place in our collective memory. Not mine. December 7th, 1941. September 11th. She's comparing to Pearl Harbor in the World Trade Center. And January 6th, 2021. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:22:36 That's fucking insulting. News flash. Nobody gives a fuck about it. We all admit that shit was pretty dumb, but that's about it. When we saw the news, we were shocked and we were kind of tense. Like, damn. Then we forgot about it we all admit that shit was pretty dumb but that's about it when we saw the news we were shocked and we were kind of tense like damn then we forgot about it by the 10th nobody's walking around stressing over jan 6 it happened and that was it we haven't gave a damn sense it's all good when riots are kept in the hood but now you're freaking out because this was in the neck of your woods now it's a big deal now it gets real now it's important to us
Starting point is 02:23:03 not back then in 2020 When stores were boarded up Not back then when goods were looted And folks were brutalized Not then, but right now Cause it happened to the suit and ties That shit's way above my head We were fucking shit up all year With demonstrations that left dozens dead
Starting point is 02:23:17 But people like Nancy didn't flinch In fact, they loved it then People will do what they do Bitch, ain't that what you said? There's literally compilation videos Of you and all your colleagues inciting this kind of crap. So it's very fascinating to watch you swallow your word. You put your own foot in your mouth and now you're forced to dial it back. It's fine when you encourage it in my town, in his town, in her town, when the whole fucking city's being burnt down.
Starting point is 02:23:39 You smile as you give the green light for mobs to rob shit, but as soon as it comes close to you, then it's a problem. Got it. I don't condone what happened on that day especially the officers that were assaulted i would never dare but as for all the politicians that were there you fuck us over all the time so don't expect us to care i care more about the store owner that's getting beat down in front of his shop just for trying to anyway great this guy's awesome yeah that's amazing this guy's awesome i think i've i think i've invited him to come on the show. What's his name, kid? Samson?
Starting point is 02:24:09 The real Samson. You follow him, so I'm guessing you probably asked him. The real... Oh, we have another show today at 5 o'clock, by the way. Yep. Thomas, let me invite him on again brother gotta get you on the show um thomas delauer's coming on the show today i don't know if you guys know who he is but he's kind of the king of keto uh and all things nutrition and fitness he's pretty fucking amazing he's extremely open-minded he explores
Starting point is 02:24:45 all the avenues of movement and um and and health you know every vegan carnivore his youtube account is insane it's got so many resources on i want to say he has over i want to say maybe he's closer to 4 million than 3 million. He's your 3.2 or 3.7 YouTube subscribers. Anyway, he's coming on today. Finally. Yeah. He's coming on today at,
Starting point is 02:25:10 uh, 3.27, 3.27. Okay. He's coming on today at 5. PM. I, I think,
Starting point is 02:25:17 um, I, I've known him for quite a while. I think he's been a bit tentative of coming on because of uh i'll ask him i don't think he's on anything but i can ask him um i think he's been a bit tentative he he looks huge in these pictures but when you're around him in person he's not like he's not a giant man he's just extremely lean i mean he's don't get me wrong. He's yoked as shit and fit as shit.
Starting point is 02:25:47 I'm not saying he's weak. I was going to say, when you see him in person, it's one of those times that you get closer to him. And as you get closer to him, you're like, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This guy's yoked. We had been flirting with the fact of coming on, and I think he a little he didn't want to um he doesn't want to do anything to hurt his brand not his brand i don't think i don't think he cares i don't i don't think it's yeah algorithm yeah yeah he doesn't want to be um but i from the little bit i've talked to him i think he had a pretty tough upbringing as a kid i think being a kid wasn't easy for him. And I think that what happened was,
Starting point is 02:26:28 is when the liver King's story came out, I think it resonated with, uh, Thomas quite a bit. What's, what's fascinating is obviously, you know, as it comes more and more, I don't know if you guys saw the Andrew Schultz thing, but more and more of these guys are coming out who have these like significant body issues. I think they're probably more significant than like the fact that I don't want to take my shirt off at the pool and it takes me one beer. These guys need more than a beer. They're needing to get jacked on steroids or whatever. They got they got some serious issues.
Starting point is 02:27:01 And I think that it's probably there's way more guys like this than we could ever imagine and i'm not doing the poor me guy thing either like i don't give a fuck like figure it out each dude has to figure that shit out for themselves quit being a pussy and get over it but that being said it is a significant um handicap that a lot of men impose on themselves and uh some people aren't as comfortable talking about it maybe as i am because i can make fun of it i i you know use comedy and alcohol but it's clear that the liver king had that issue i suspect thomas is going to talk about that himself i think andrew schultz talked about it i think it's uh is going to talk about that himself i think andrew schultz talked about it i think it's uh it's it's it's interesting if it were a woman who were saying those things
Starting point is 02:27:50 it would have put the broke brakes on what crowd would have came out and defended her but no one no one's gonna do that for uh man yeah and i agree with that too too many pussies in the world like hey you're kind of lucky you have a problem get over it and take your shirt off and face your problem and take your licking and that's kind of what the liver king did right he faced it i'm juiced up and now he's taking his licking yeah and i mean he went on some tough pot like to go on andrew schultz after that you know those guys are fucking bullies yes like you get them in that room they're just that group of all those guys were pussies in high school yes yes that's why you put them on that's why they're all in one group yes they're like four of them. Yes, yes. That's why they're all in one group.
Starting point is 02:28:25 They're like four of them. They're just like, they're just confident. They're just like fucking sharks, dude. But to steal a Jay-Z line, they wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight. Wow. I know those type. I know those type. I know.
Starting point is 02:28:38 It is too much. It is too much. It's funny. I actually, on that note, I was actually thinking, oh, I should invite Andrew on the show with Thomas DeLauer. I'm sure he'd have some insightful questions for Thomas. But the truth is, is I want to have an intimate one on one with Thomas. Yeah. And like there's no reason like the more boys in the room, the less likely we're to get intimate and take our clothes off. Yeah. So my favorite is the first interviews that you do with like people that already are have a have a big following and stuff like that because you could be almost
Starting point is 02:29:06 oversaturated with their content. I use this example with Rich a lot. And then you get Rich on here with you. And it's like you've never seen anything that he's done before. Because you guys go places that just most interviews won't. And not like in like a... You just go deeper. You go when you figure it out. We go over origin stories and you get to kind of the root of some of the reasons why they think the way they do. And those interviews are the best because even if they have a lot of media coverage, you always pull nuggets out of them that I've never before heard. Why, thank you, Sousa. Yeah. Why, thank you.
Starting point is 02:29:40 Thank you. Thank you. All right. Quit jerking each other off. Thanks. Why, thank you, you all right quit jerking each other off thanks well thank you caleb thank you uh 208 dies of natural causes oh this should be good i suspect that sarcasm on my part uh 208 208 former Purdue University standout Caleb oh sorry Caleb
Starting point is 02:30:10 Caleb Swannigan dies at 25 June 21st 2022 is it just me or more why am I seeing so many of these the world lost a dental soul last night. Where's my coffee?
Starting point is 02:30:29 You jackasses. All right. 205, death, pro-athlete death. Fuck it. Well, we're on a we're on a roll god how about matt o'keefe standing up for fucking what's right that was crazy think he was uh no he doesn't drink huh doesn't drink where's my coffee boy okay well someone will you go put my cup up with coffee? That's all I'm asking.
Starting point is 02:31:07 I'm sorry for calling you guys jackasses. You call us jackasses. Just get me a coffee. You kids are great. Easy, Archie Bunker. Wow. Buddy. No, I'm drunk.
Starting point is 02:31:22 I have three boys. Data compiled by International Olympic Committee now shows 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under the age of 35 between 1966 and 2004. Average annual rate of 29 across all sports. Okay. Fair enough. March 20. Oh, sorry. March 2021 to March 2022, at least 769 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest, collapsed, and or have died. Okay, well, they're comparing apples and oranges there because they said and or have died. Let's go to the next slide.
Starting point is 02:31:56 That one's not. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Among the EU, the soccer player athletes, sudden death has increased 420% in 2021. Historically, about five soccer players died while playing the game each year. Why is that? Yeah, that's interesting. Coffee now, you little shit. Yeah, it's not me. It's now. Oh, OK. Thank you. now you little shits yes oh
Starting point is 02:32:27 okay thank you oh thank you they said your mom's heating it up awesome would rather he got Eddie Bravo on oh I don't know
Starting point is 02:32:43 rather but I would like to get eddie bravo on too yeah eddie bravo be cool i bought his first book oh it's not it's not here now that's the guy he's a flat earther right that's the jiu-jitsu he's a jiu-jitsu dude yeah yeah but his book is hilarious because he has like all these different like uh stretches and poses and they're like named after like weed names and stuff at first because he was like one of those first dudes that was like smoking a bunch of weed and then like rolling and there's like a bunch of photos in there where he's in some like stretcher pose and then he's just got a joint hanging out of his mouth and you're like
Starting point is 02:33:17 and also to the person who he uses as the uh demo person for demonstrations in that book like who's his buddy that he's showing the moves on is joe rogan oh before joe rogan was like huge i think the book was like wow like 2002 maybe 2003 yeah it's cool no no one's watching the show anymore right we're down to the end of the day for sure no okay oh like the past that two two hour mark or something yeah okay okay go to 198 it's called i just have it titled n word great it should be fun down at the end just keep it fucking real i shouldn't make these notes when i'm drunk when i've like grown a set okay here we go no wait hold on you have african-american rappers saying n-word this and n-word that but caucasians can't oh yeah this is fucking hilarious this is old as shit i'm sure you guys have all seen this this is awesome here we go african-american rappers saying n-word this and n-word that but a caucasian can't so say it
Starting point is 02:34:19 say what say the word you want to say i'm not saying that I want to say it I'm just saying that I can't Say it right now I will say it with you Freaking American rapper Is that real or is that a Saturday Night Live skit? I don't know I feel like Saturday Night Live is pretty discernible I will say it with you
Starting point is 02:34:44 Say it. That's great. Okay, 193, this guy stole my joke. I'm claiming this guy, whoever this guy is, stole my shit. I thought I had to go. I don't have to go. I have another five minutes. Do you guys cool? Yeah, I'm good. I don't have to go. I have another five minutes. Do you guys cool? Yeah, I'm good.
Starting point is 02:35:12 Here's my one problem with the body positive movement, though. Why is it that you can't make fat jokes anymore? Because that's body shaming. Mr. Five, seven up here still hear short jokes all the time. I think short jokes are way more offensive than fat jokes. I really do. Because I get made fun of for something that I have had not an ounce of control over my entire life. Do you understand what I'm saying? Like, I didn't get short. It wasn't like I was 6'3", and then I just let myself go. Nobody's ever been like, that Thomas Sulo kid could have played in the NBA, but then he lost all that height.
Starting point is 02:35:55 Look at him now. Here's my one. And it's funny. It is. It's all context. Again, it's all context. That's why it's like all the people who are offended for dumb shit that you have control over i mean even if you don't have control over it you can knock it up but shit you do have control over shut the fuck up
Starting point is 02:36:12 yeah seriously that was that i love that bit right there that was good uh 191 hating america he was six three that he let himself go yeah fuck He was 6'3", then he let himself go. Yeah. Fuck. 20 years ago, if you wanted to openly hate America with a group of people, you had to join Al-Qaeda. Now you move to Portland, you get all the friends you ever wanted. The same interview questions that would get you in the Taliban will get you a one bedroom off craigslist in south korea my roommates they're all on the far left they're easy to piss off i just come home in all nike eating chick-fil-a like have you guys seen my amazon package they're like fucking hate you man like oh there it is. 1,000 plastic straws.
Starting point is 02:37:07 A weekly subscription. 20 years ago, if you want... What has happened to this fucking planet? That's fucking amazing. That's so good. 155 robber gets shot and dies.
Starting point is 02:37:24 Uh, 155 robber, uh, gets shot and dies. We, we, yeah, but we're, we're actually cruising through these. You can get some shit done if you stick to it. I'm committed. Somebody breaks in your house in Santa Rosa County and you shoot and kill them. The chances of them reoffending after that are zero. And we like those odds. Oh, shit. Santa Rosa County, if you break into a house, you roll the dice. If somebody breaks into your house in Santa Rosa County and you shoot and kill them,
Starting point is 02:37:55 the chances of them reoffending after that are zero. And we like those odds. So in Santa Rosa County, if you break into a house, you roll the dice. I don't let the world know that if you break into a house, you roll the dice. I don't let the world know that if you break into my house, I immediately assume that you're there to hurt my kids and I shoot you dead. You don't break into fucking people's houses. Yeah. And I feel bad. Yeah. With my AR-15 shotgun. And I feel bad. Like I don't want to kill you, but like I, but I sleep okay.
Starting point is 02:38:22 Knowing that for, Hey, it wasn't your choice. Yeah. It wasn't your choice yeah it wasn't your choice it wasn't your choice it wasn't my fault it wasn't your fault you know you got to do what you got to do for the family they chose to break into your house the robber identified that house is his so my commitment on on this planet one of my commitments is not to hurt other people but it comes comes after protecting my kids. There's a lot of space in between them. It has to. Yeah. It's not an option.
Starting point is 02:38:53 Okay, 154, speaking of hurting kids, abortions for black babies. 154, melanated babies. No idea what this is. Good justice. Planned Parenthood. But the group is under fire these days for agreeing to take money from people who want to abort African-American babies. Good afternoon, this is Autumn. I'm interested in making a donation today.
Starting point is 02:39:14 Fantastic. What about abortions for the underprivileged minority groups? Certainly. So the abortion could be, you know, I could give money specifically for a black baby. That would be the purpose. Yeah, absolutely. If you wanted to designate that you wanted your gift to be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that that gift was earmarked specifically for that purpose.
Starting point is 02:39:37 And we just think, you know, the less black kids out there, the better. Understandable, understandable. If you specifically wanted to underwrite an abortion for a minority person you can target it that way you can you can specify that that's how you want to spend okay yeah because there's there's definitely way too many black people in ohio so i'm just trying to do my part okay whatever well blacks especially need abortions too so that's what i'm trying to do well for whatever reason we we'll accept the money. Planned Parenthood. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 02:40:10 Dude, if you're on a call with someone and they do that to you, tell them to fuck off and you're going to beat their ass. What the fuck? Oh, but you're worried about me because Liver King sponsored Wadapalooza. I get it. Fucking jackass. A year ago. I begged him. worried about me because liver king sponsored wadapalooza fucking jackass a year ago i begged him i begged him to sponsor
Starting point is 02:40:31 i will beg him now and i'll beg him again so i could pay my fucking mortgage and so that suza could go there and fucking order order fucking room service get some berries to his room i begged him. I begged the liver king to sponsor it.
Starting point is 02:40:50 It was so cool, by the way. I know I've told you guys a story, but when I asked him, he said yes. And then he just asked for my PayPal account and just put the 20,000 in. Didn't ask for like anything in return, except that I just didn't force the supplements. I keep remembering more and more. Like you can't make this shit up. He purposely said, hey, i want to push the lifestyle yeah and he was like seven's a badass seven's a badass and i want to support whatever i'm getting behind whatever he's doing yeah like was and that was it and then when they you were like cool how can we add value what we
Starting point is 02:41:19 do to help he's like okay i'll put you in touch with people like it wasn't like you could have just said like thank you at that point and he probably would have just been completely cool with that like there was zero obligation like we really really wanted to add value so we like sought it we chased it down we had will do all the stuff like everything that you saw through waterpalooza was not suggested by their their people was not requested by liver right like he literally once he hit send on that paypal and his mind, it was done. He just wanted to put support what we were doing. And that was it.
Starting point is 02:41:48 All the rest of that stuff was us trying to add value. And I hope that all the nice things that I'm saying about him do get me another 20,000 this year for water. Pluza. Thank you. It's not going to. Yeah. But I mean,
Starting point is 02:42:00 that's, that's just was the truth. He was like, fuck. I think the specific thing with that he said was iron sharpens iron brother yeah i will not accept i will not accept money to fucking kill kids yeah it's not especially based on their color is my point you couldn't you could i wouldn't accept money i wouldn't accept money for no matter how much money i wouldn't expect 10 million i wouldn't accept money. I wouldn't accept money no matter how much money. I wouldn't accept $10 million to have to promote abortion on my fucking podcast.
Starting point is 02:42:29 How's that? I would not. Yeah. I know. I just like to. It's just content. Thank you, Matthew. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 02:42:40 But content. It's fun. And I just felt like we were giving context to the situation because we are, you know, that's what we do. Yeah. How? That's a great question. Do you remember how much I asked for? Did you ask for a specific amount?
Starting point is 02:42:51 Do you remember how much I asked for? About half of what we. Yeah. Right. I think I said 10 and he just sent 20. Yeah. Which is another crazy thing. I was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 02:43:02 Yeah. We were tripping. And you want to know the truth of this, you want to even know more true story we didn't get the fucking money for like five months because i you needed a social security number proof of uh i needed three forms of fucking id to get the fucking money out of paypal and i didn't have them i didn't even have a driver's license during the entire pandemic i couldn't get the fucking money out i remember that that was fucking hilarious i'm not a whore but i'll do a lot for 20 yeah i mean we didn't need and do you remember that i'm like i used to i used to tell you guys that i'm like hey i'm going to share some of this money with you guys i'm probably going to send you guys each a 50 gift certificate and fucking uh cheesecake
Starting point is 02:43:43 factory yeah but but i can't get the money out i'm like god caleb and susan must think i'm send you guys each a $50 gift certificate at fucking Cheesecake Factory. Yeah. But I can't get the money out. I'm like, God, Caleb and Susan must think I'm fucking lying. I remember that. I'm like, fuck, it's been now five or six months. I was like, well... Looks like no Chili's, Cheesecake Factory, Applebee's for us.
Starting point is 02:44:01 At least we all stayed at the same conglomerate there. I spent $12 to mail a twenty five dollar gift certificate to caleb for cheesecake factory and then since there isn't one where he's at he spent another twelve dollars to send it back to his wife at home it was a net loss at the end of the day uh i'll have her a bunch of swarm on stand here well you're spending twelve thousand dollars a month on growth hormone what's twenty thousand hey i don't think of it that way at all because that twenty thousand is coming to me yeah he gets nothing that's coming to
Starting point is 02:44:33 me looking hilarious good stuff my my i'll never forget this was a great light lesson life lesson for me my mom gave gave me would give me like 20 bucks to go to the arcade, which was so much money. And I'd ride my bike over there and I would get quarters and I would pay for all my friends. I'd have like three friends with me. And one time this guy said, hey, can I have more quarters? And I go, dude, I already gave you the same amount as I gave everyone else. He goes, what's it matter to you? It's your mom's money. the same amount as I gave everyone else. He goes, what's it matter to you? It's your mom's money. And I was like, this motherfucker don't get it. Nope. And that guy never got quarters again.
Starting point is 02:45:12 Am I joking? I'm like, fuck you. My mom gave me the power. That shit's mine. There was always a couple of kids that were like that. I wonder if that was like the narrative going on in the family or something. You know, like that's not theirs. It's theirs and theirs. And like, that's a the narrative going on in the family or something you know like that's not theirs it's theirs and theirs and like that's that's a weird way to look at the possession
Starting point is 02:45:29 it's your mom's what do you care it's your mom's yeah no it's mine right now motherfucker i used to when i was a kid my mom used to work late my mom was an attorney so it was was very common that my mom would work at the dinner table late at night. And I struggled to go to bed knowing my mom was still working. Like it hurt my heart. And I would try to stay up. You know, like when you use your skin on your forehead to keep your eyes open. When you're doing your 12,000th vasectomy of the day.
Starting point is 02:46:06 Shit's hard, dude. Your nut lift of the day. Nut lift. All those surgeons who do all of that, fragments of that stuff gets into their mouth. So if you're around another dude's cock and balls, there's fragments of that. I don't care if you're wearing an N99.
Starting point is 02:46:26 We all basically suck like every dick that walked in that door. So yeah, same, same. Uh, one Oh six. Uh, Oh,
Starting point is 02:46:35 I don't know if I want to, do I want to, uh, one Oh three. What's one Oh three. This, this is titled libtard humor. What's funny is all the urologists that I worked with were women.
Starting point is 02:46:48 Oh, wow. I mean, I'm not saying that every urologist is a woman, but yeah. You guys have some like daddy issues or something. So they've, they would hold God. So they would hold penises. Oh yeah. Yeah. Got to get weight to it. I am not going to lie.
Starting point is 02:47:10 I would so do my darndest to get an erection of a female doctor. I don't care what she looked like. Fuck it. I would do everything in my power to get an erection. Just to make it uncomfortable. Agra, just take it. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 02:47:24 I used to ask them about what they they what they do and like when because i mean the urologist was pretty attractive i was like what do you do because i guarantee you you've had to deal with an erect penis whenever you've had to do this and she's like yeah uh-huh i just ignore it we just take some tape and like tape it up to his belly button basically. And then you just, and then you proceed with the procedure. Yeah. To keep that out of the way. Wow.
Starting point is 02:47:50 I wasn't even thinking for that procedure. I'm just thinking like anything. Like I would just walk in there and be like, you want to hold my penis? So you're not even on our list today. How'd you get in here? Just want somebody to hold my penis i'm so desperate that's the fine line between that indecent exposure okay uh telling racist jokes
Starting point is 02:48:12 to my mexican friends part one hey joaquin what's up i went to this liberal bookstore yesterday and i asked them do you guys have that book on how to report illegals and get them deported? And the guy goes, get the fuck out of here and never come back. And I said, yeah, that's the one. You got it in paperback? I like how Joaquin is dressed as if he's in witness protection there.
Starting point is 02:48:44 He's got that low hat with like that high hat. Are you going to rob someone? Yeah. What the fuck was that? The bad day out around the space. So weird. 99, Scumbag in the Wild. What a great juxtaposition of words, scumbag.
Starting point is 02:49:03 Oh, I just found that Eddie Bravo book. It's on that shelf up there on that island. Oh, I saw you look up there. I thought your wife walked in the room naked. No, mastering the rubber guard is what it's called. Okay, scumbags in the wild. Let's see. The gentleman from Indiana, Mr. Hollingsworth, is now recognized for five minutes. Well, good afternoon. I'm excited to be here with each of you. Before I get started on my questions, Mr. Moynihan, I wanted to let you know, Saruthi, raise your hand, Saruthi.
Starting point is 02:49:32 She has been my team member for a couple of years now, but on Monday, she becomes a Bank of America team member, about which she is very, very excited. So I hope you'll take good care of her and know and recognize the talent that she has shown already in our office. I'm sure she'll do the same at Bank of America. How are you floating your resume to big banks? I mean, you're supposed to be the ones, you know, policing the big banks. Grow up, Jamie. There must be some kind of law against working for a financial institution right after you've been working in financial regulation, right? No, no.
Starting point is 02:50:11 right no no hey doggy hey come over here what are you doing he's a cold man we will do that and her father already works for us so he'll take care of it you should have called us we will do that and her father already works for us so he'll take care of it you should have called us um we're good well i appreciate the opportunity to chat about some of these issues today. What I'm really interested in is the state of the economy. You just like expose the whole thing right there or what? I mean, do they have no shame? That's crazy. I don't even get it.
Starting point is 02:50:43 I don't think they do get it. I don't think they do get it. think that i don't think they do get it no not even at all yeah wow like you're there to testify for some fucking corrupt shit you're already fucking doing and now okay uh 98 killed a teenager on purpose god i hope this isn't real oh 96 might be good too 98 41 year old suspected killer shannon brandt who admitted to hitting 18 year old kaylor ellings ellingson with his car over the teen's conservative views, was released
Starting point is 02:51:28 yesterday on a $50,000 bond. Brandt has been charged with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident. This guy admits to fucking running someone over because they're a conservative. It's crazy you notice that kid fake bake yeah he does look like he fake bakes good eye a little off subject but fair enough i i i respect it.
Starting point is 02:52:06 95. Is that say medicinal? No, medical. Medical news today. Oh, shit. Here we go. Here we go. Yes.
Starting point is 02:52:17 Yes. My kind of article. Sex and gender. What is the difference? People often use the term sex and gender interchangeably but this is incorrect sex and sex and gender are different and it is crucial to understand why sex refers to the physical differences between people who are male and female or intersex a person typically has their sex assigned at birth based on a physiological characteristics characteristics including genitalia chromosome composition This assigned sex is called a person's natal sex. Gender,
Starting point is 02:52:46 on the other hand, involves how a person identifies. Unlike natal sex, gender is not made up of binary forms. Instead, gender is on a broad spectrum. A person may identify as any point with this spectrum, meaning it's your imagination. People may identify with genders that are different from their natal sex or with none at all. That's me. None at all Why why would I I don't I don't I don't believe in any kind of sasquatch These identities may include transgender non-binary or gender neutral There are many other ways in which a person may define their own gender There's many ways you can be crazy and make shit up about yourself
Starting point is 02:53:20 I think it's enough that i'm armenian. I've made that shit up I've not made up that i'm only five five that part sucks and it's true like my giant cock and balls gender also exists as a social construct as gender role only also exists as a social gender is this fucking social construct stop i i i i seriously i go to these fucking websites like like even the crossfit games one it's like what's your gender like you fucking morons and then they give you two choices like that in itself is offensive like you're not making anyone happy at this point either ask what your sex is you fucking retards or if you ask gender give me a list of 12 000 to choose from like you're you're you're not doing anything right
Starting point is 02:54:14 but seven it doesn't matter you're just playing semantics oh it does matter that's because you don't you don't see the magic going on here you don't see how you're just playing semantics. Oh, it does matter. That's because you don't, you don't see the magic going on here. You don't see how you're being tricked, how everyone's being tricked. If the battle isn't one right there, it'll never be one anywhere. That's the root. Or some people say the root. That's the root. You ever, you ever had a, um, bamboo in your yard. if you don't get the root the root you're screwed it will be there forever you must tear the root out no one ever does you know you can be sued for planting bamboo in your yard in california next to your neighbor's yard if you don't put up a barrier that's how it grows that's how invasive it is wow you can be sued and lot and lose i think oh this is a friendly 193 you fucking liar god i hope my mom and my sister stop listening
Starting point is 02:55:18 i'm just i get more and more comfortable as the show goes on. Oh, man. Here we go. In 41 states plus the District of Columbia, the average gasoline price is less than $2.99. Huh? And in 41 states plus the District of Columbia, the average gasoline price is less than $2.99. Cent. Cent.
Starting point is 02:55:48 Cent. 83, porn stars fighting. So what was that? He just was lying about that? Even if for some reason you were to pick 41 states and you could find that, I'd love to know what 41 states 41 states are i'd argue that the other nine states remaining have the vast majority of the population either way yeah he's lying yeah uh two porn stars and jujitsu and wow is that danny spiegel is it no what is this oh my gosh
Starting point is 02:56:28 oh gosh what is that other woman's plan when she was they'll do anything in Russia holy shit probably that is Russia right yeah
Starting point is 02:56:42 what the fuck okay if you're if you're tired of the ufc yeah why were they in a car that's so weird uh i don't know okay 81 last one oh another doppelganger god oh really you think that looked like catrin maybe a doppelganger of any okay oh i think we've seen this one oh this is a good one let's do it Okay. Oh, I think we've seen this one. This is a good one. Let's do it. I am absolutely ashamed to call myself a psychologist in the aftermath of the... Let's just say what it is. What exactly did they say? Well, they said it was guidelines for the psychological treatment of boys and men. That isn't what it is.
Starting point is 02:57:37 And that social justice treatise on how you better think if you're a psychologist if you don't want to be pursued. That's exactly what it is. But what they actually said was that traditional masculinity was harmful. better think if you're a psychologist if you don't want to be pursued that's exactly what it is but what they actually said was that traditional masculinity was harmful and one of the arguments they said made two reasons two reasons compromised the mental health of boys and men and presented the social danger and it's an absolute bloody lie and here's here's how you know it's very straightforward biggest risk factor for long-term delinquency antisocial behavior and violent criminality in boys fatherlessness that article is just it's absolutely scandalous what they've done
Starting point is 02:58:13 they've inverted it's not even it's not even wrong it's anti-truth it's worse than wrong he should have known better anyway psychology is a joke uh guys thanks for checking in we will be back today at five o'clock um we'll get that on the schedule and uh we will be here with thomas delauer we'll learn all about him i'm gonna ask him about uh i don't know how much we'll get into the all of his knowledge and wisdom but i am very curious about his backstory how he got started how he became so popular on youtube um what what drives his passion um and uh i'm excited to have him on we'll see you guys today at 5 p.m are you
Starting point is 02:58:58 making that show suza yeah i will be here for like the first hour then i'll have to take off for my um holiday party we're having at the gym tonight awesome i'm assuming you will be here for like the first hour. Then I'll have to take off for my holiday party we're having at the gym tonight. Awesome. I'm assuming you will be asleep, Caleb. Probably. Okay, guys. We'll see you at 5 o'clock. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:59:14 And then don't forget, 7 p.m. tonight, UFC. It's going to be a good one. Bye-bye. Adios.

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