The Sevan Podcast - #703 - Thomas Delauer

Episode Date: December 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness.
Starting point is 00:00:24 And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh. So you get the best fruits and veggies. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. Do you may apply. See in-store for details. Do you like split time down there?
Starting point is 00:00:48 No, sponsor. A sponsor. California Hormones is one of my sponsors. And so they have a, the owner of California Hormones has a house down here right on the beach and she lets me jump in as much and as long as I want.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And I am beyond, yeah beyond yeah grateful i am like sweet yeah right back there oh no that's the trash back there i forgot what's going on over there i can't you see the beach behind me i'm like no that's staring back at the trash that's a dude you're you're missing a crazy ass storm up here. Oh, that's what I heard. Dude. It's pretty nuts. Yeah. You are, are you in Carmel now? Monterey? Just for, just till tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Then I'm down South tomorrow. I'm down in Thousand Oaks tomorrow for like the next couple of months. I really appreciate you doing this. I know this was pulled together last minute. I know we have been, you are a traveling man and you are a crazy prolific creative. And so I knew that if I was ever to land you, it was going to have to be like, you want to do it now? And you'd be like, yeah, kind of the way it is. I respect it. I'm cool with it. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm cool with it. I titled, I'm, I'm, I'm cool with it. Um, I titled the video king
Starting point is 00:02:06 of keto. What do you think? What do you think? Sure. That'll piss some people off. That's good. Perfect. It's not meant to, um, piss anyone off. You know, it's funny. So for those of you who don't, you have to, you have to know, um, uh, everyone who's in the fitness and nutrition space knows who Thomas, uh, DeLauer is. He has an amazing YouTube station. It's an amazing resource. Um, and it's amazing resource because he takes a lot of complex subjects and even not so
Starting point is 00:02:35 complex subjects and he, and he makes them palatable for the layman, but he also will start at a place that's usually a little bit more sophisticated than as average joes can handle so we're also learning stuff and uh and it's a it's a massive library how many videos is it i went back to your first video seven years ago and i'm guessing you've culled the herd a little bit also yeah i think it's a couple thousand videos on there now i mean it's like i release one to two per day so it's uh a, and it's full production value, man. I mean, it's not like I'm just popping that shit up with an iPhone. I mean, I've got a full production team and it's, uh, we make it happen. I just, dude, I've never been that good at like fucking anything.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I just know how to work hard and do a lot of shit. So it's, uh, when it comes down to, to that, I'm just like, okay, when I started my channel, it was like, okay, like I may not be the small, I don't have a PhD behind my name, but one thing's for sure is I can create a shitload of content and I'm just going to keep going because I love this stuff. And it was like, so yeah, it's, it's a lot of content. It can be a lot for people. So I try to tell people, you know, use it as a resource, use it as sort of a, you know, don't follow like what I say as a coaching system. If you do, you're going to go crazy because it's, it's designed to have practical application for
Starting point is 00:03:51 all kinds of different things. And like, I'm constantly my own end of one experiment on different shit that I'm doing. So I try to another fantastic thing, by the way, yes, you experiment on yourself and you share your experiments, which are cool. Today's video, actually literally that one that says I got weak, the, I ate a hundred grams of carbs daily. Like that is a, uh, that is my experience on a, it's a little bit of a play on words. I mean, obviously you have to have an element of clickbait to a certain degree, but it's, uh, your body does that. Don't worry. You don't need anything else. That's true. I guess. Yeah. So, I mean, messing around with that, it's like, uh, always a level of self-experimentation
Starting point is 00:04:25 and sort of reverse engineering what happened. And yeah, and then I try to put a fair bit of content out there for a lot of my audiences metabolically deranged, right? People that are having metabolic issues. And so even though people look at me and they think, oh, this is going to be a fitness channel. I mean, it's really geared towards the average person that is like maybe a little more into like understanding what's happening in their body. So they're already going to be possibly a little bit more of an educated audience just because they're like people that are, Hey, I want to know the why, like, why is something happening in my body?
Starting point is 00:05:01 They don't just want the, Hey, give me the, give me the answers and go away. Like TikTok's not for me. I'm not that style. I want to explain to people that want to learn. But that being said, it's quick. Like you can go on there. If like, I mean, he's, you have everything on there. I get up in the middle of the night and pee answer questions. What do you think about caffeine? There's questions. I have autoimmune disease. You have questions. Hey, I want to put on a mask. What's the fastest way to do it? I have, I have answers. Um, is it. Can I do keto and carb? Both go back and forth. I mean, it is a full library.
Starting point is 00:05:33 It's comprehensive. No one should get confused and listen to him if he's selling himself short. And I want to tell you something else. He's not trapped in the vernacular or the semantics of the PhD, but he has all of their knowledge and can bring it to you.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And so it's, um, it's really good. I appreciate that, man. Really? That's the highest form of compliment that I could have. Cause like, I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to be a PhD. I'm not trying to be a doctor. I'm not trying to be an expert. I'm really just good at translating complex subject matter. Um, it's only because I'm passionate about it. If I wasn't into it myself and wasn't experimenting this shit on my own, like it would just be lip service and the channel wouldn't grow because the passion wouldn't shine through. You know, this is just, it's fun. Um, how old are you? 34. God. Oh my God. 34. That's when I found CrossFit when I was 34. Oh my God. So there's hope for me. You've, you've, you've surpassed hope. You are, you are
Starting point is 00:06:27 the, you are the hope. And, and, uh, where were you born? I remember I was, uh, well born in Santa Rosa and grew up in Sonoma up in the North Bay. Okay. Oh shit. So you're, you're a bit kind of a, I mean, I was a little more Bay area. I was born in Oakland, California, but so you're home. You, you are, you're, You haven't wandered far. No, I mean, I've been all over the place. I lived in Texas for a while, lived in Southern California, lived in Tahoe before, and I still live part of the time in Tahoe now. So I've kind of bounced around all over the place.
Starting point is 00:06:56 But yeah, my dad's, our family business was in Oakland, 13th and Broadway growing up. So I spent a lot of time there. What was the family business? It's called DeLauer's Super Newsstand. It was like a large, it's still there. It's like a really, it was the world's largest newsstand. So it was newspapers, books, magazines from all over the world. They'd get them like the next day. So the reason it was such a big spot is because, not because it was a newsstand, but because it was the only place in the country that would get newspapers and magazines from all over the world the next day after they were released. So it ended up becoming a sort of a cultural melting pot in Oakland,
Starting point is 00:07:33 where it would just bring like everyone from Palestine, from Nigeria and everything together, because this is where they could read their daily news for what was going on back home. So it was a really cool thing. So I grew up in a very melting pot, culturally diverse background. So it's kind of interesting because I kind of grew up with media and publishing and understanding how it worked. It's kind of funny how I kind of ended up in that anyway. Show me the front. I want to see the place. I know that area very, very, very well.
Starting point is 00:08:04 There was a cap wells down there may have been after your time do you remember the capos yeah it was it was yeah right by jack lennon square like right across the street from where the golden state warriors like head office was um what year were you born 88 oh so you missed the earthquake the earthquake yeah yeah yeah the new stand burnt down in 89 and rebuilt it yeah no shit okay yeah because i remember that area got crushed yeah it was bad yeah wow fantastic okay so um your dad commuted there from santa rosa from sonoma so a little under an hour yeah it was a grind and did you work there as a kid yeah yeah he used to he's still child labor for sure yeah of course
Starting point is 00:08:47 of course and and um and uh you're you're your mom you raised with your mom and your dad or your dad just raised you exclusively that was my mom my dad my uh parents divorced when i was a little before 13 um wasn't the prettiest situation um Um, and then I chose to live with my mom cause I could, um, you know, there's a lot that I can say there, but I, I just, out of respect for my mom, I, I can't, I won't go there, but it was like, you know, I basically kind of raised myself after 13. Um, so it was, it was a lot of, uh, my mom was kind of having some hard times. So I ended up going into kind of homeschooling after 13 or independent study and was working full-time as well. So it was like, cause I really just
Starting point is 00:09:29 needed to kind of help out. So kind of grew up pretty darn quick. But other than that, like before that my childhood was, it was normal as far as the family dynamics concerned, but it was very, very, very different. Otherwise, like the things we did were very, very, very different. My mom would just like just random little things that you wouldn't think are much, but my mom would just come pull me out of school and be like, yeah, you're not going to go to school today. Like we're going to go run a marathon or something like, you know, this is like, Oh shit. Like that. You mean like at 10, even like third grade, I ran my first marathon when I was 11. Um, but they don't usually conduct marathons on school days, but it was like that kind of stuff, right? It was like, Hey, I want to go hiking today. We should
Starting point is 00:10:07 go hike out to the coast. I don't want to go to point raise. I'm going to pull you and your sister out of school. Whereas all the other kids are like, what the heck, you know, Thomas is, you know, I'm sick. Okay. I got to go home. But it's really, my mom was just like, no, like, like kind of to a certain degree. She was like, fuck school. Like you're going to learn more in the real world. Was she a hippie? Is your mom a hippie? Oh God, she was a hippie. Yeah. Yeah. Hardcore hippie. And she, she, she might, she might've denied it when I was a kid. And if she, if somehow this circles around and she finds it, she'll probably get pissed
Starting point is 00:10:31 off at me. But, um, she's, I think a hippie in a cool way. Like she was totally, totally. Yeah. Of course. Of course. It was a cool thing to be back then, especially in that area. How old were you when you did the dipsy?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Do you remember that? Oh shit, man. I, uh. Like I did it when I was 35. Did you do it when you were like seven? No, I didn't do the dipsy do you remember that shit man i uh like i did it when i was 35 when you were like seven no i didn't do the and i walked it i never i did i did the double dipsy but i think i was like i think i was like 14 i think like i didn't do the doubles you walk there and back right that's what i did right yeah up and over yeah and then uh but i mean i used to it was a training run for me all the time but the actual formal race i think i didn't do until i was like 14 or 15 but um that
Starting point is 00:11:09 was like well into my cross-country career uh but other than that like i ran my first 10k when i was five um so it was always i was always a runner like it was just like i still am like i default to if people always ask me i was just uh hanging out with mark bell this week i was filming with uh with derrick more plates more dates and uh oh where was that at where did you film with him is he up there mark is derrickson derrickson uh canada he's up in vancouver oh so he just happened to be down there so you went up there and you're like a little media tour media tour after the uh liver king thing uh so it was like we were talking about that with mark we were like uh mark was like hey well you know because mark's into running right now if you guys you know mark mark's
Starting point is 00:11:49 an interesting cat like honestly people have what they have to say about him but he's probably i love him he's one of the coolest people probably i love him yeah he's like would you rather lift or would you rather run if you had to pick one and it was run i would rather run i mean i think in this world you have runners and you have lifters and i'm a runner that became a lifter and then there's lifters that become runners um but you know it is what it is um yeah i want to go i want to go back to the the dipsy but uh before when i want to ask you this about running and lifting it's all it's all where was that your stomach i just heard or is is that Sousa's stomach? I heard someone's stomach. It might have been like this. Oh, I heard a stomach.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I hope that you get snapped around quick. It's mental health stuff, not in the traditional term that it's used today, like you have mental health issues. But the activity you like is what gives you sort of the peace of mind, right? Oh, 100%. So you like running because it you like sort of the peace of mind, right? So, so you like running because of the, the sort of the, it's, it's, it's more than physical. It's the state it puts you in, right? Where someone who lifts, they like the state that that puts them in. I'm guessing, right? Yeah. It's the state. And if you want to go deep, I mean, you know, me enough to know that I'm
Starting point is 00:12:57 pretty psychoanalytical with this stuff. I feel like when I was a kid running is how I got the attention of my mother running is how I got my love. Right. So for me, when I was a kid, running is how I got the attention of my mother. Running is how I got my love, right? So for me, when I'm not able to run, and it happens with injuries, like an L4, L5, L5S1 ruptured discs. So it's like, yeah, it takes a little bit of willpower sometimes getting myself in the mood to run. But I feel like if I'm not running, I'm not getting the satisfaction. You know, it's like, that was how I earned love. Not that my mom didn't love me, but that was like, that was the love language was going out and running. And so if I'm not running,
Starting point is 00:13:34 I feel like I'm really missing a fundamental part of who I am and what gets me validation. So even though my mom and I don't really talk much now uh pretty much at all it's just it's this interesting situation where it's like i don't feel like i'm earning love if i'm not running so even when i'm lifting and doing all this i could be busting my ass getting killer workouts but there's something fundamentally just wrong that is saying if you're not running it's not a workout if you're not running it's not you're not satisfying this itch that needs to be scratched. And I'm well aware of that. So for me, it's more than just, I get this meditative effect.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I get this effect when I run. I get a high. I get endorphins. I get this. I get that. Sure, I get that. But it's deeply rooted. And I'm well aware that if I lose the ability to run, that I better get my shit together
Starting point is 00:14:22 and figure that out. But in the meantime, while I can run, I'll enjoy it and I'll understand it for what it is. And even though you know this, there's no reason to cure yourself. I use that term loosely because you can leverage this pathology in order to stay healthy. It's as long as it doesn't get crazy where you become like so obsessed with running. Oh yeah. And it's a, it's a safe avenue for me, right? Like it's very addictive personality. Like, so I know that there's a reason I don't drink. I don't touch the stuff at all.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Right. So it's just, I know that if I went down that route, it might not be good. And the same kind of thing with running. Like I understand that I get addicted, I get obsessed and I'm well aware of it. It's one of those things that if it has to turn and I have to pivot to something else, it's fine. But in the interim, I can leverage that. And it's, I'm for a very colloquial way of putting it. It's a good addiction. It's a healthy addiction. As long as I don't take it too far. Um, and what I get out of it at this point is only positive. I'm not getting anything detrimental other than, yeah, maybe it's a little concussive on the joints.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Maybe it's a little too much sometimes, but it's probably better than being sedentary. Right. And I've heard you talk about your running. You, you can get, um, uh, you know, uh, what in my terms, a bit competitive in the shorter distances, but you are also, you've talked about after five, six, seven, eight miles, you'll slow down to a nine minute pace and chill. Yeah. I'm not, I'm not in it to go fast anymore, man. I think my, you know, my fastest half marathon time was a hair over a hair over one 30. It was like, not, I mean, fast, but not that fast. Right. Like I was never a, uh, if you ask Mark Sisson, this is funny. Mark Sisson will say, if you're not running under a two and a half hour marathon, you're not a runner. You're a jogger. Wow. Wow. Okay. Fair enough. You're a jogger. Okay. Fair enough. I love that about Mark Sisson. Like he's,
Starting point is 00:16:05 he's got just this, uh, well-deserved modest ego, a little bit of arrogance that obviously got him where he is. And, but it's, yeah, he told me, he's like, you're a jogger. I know that name, Mark Sisson. What book did he write? He's the, uh, Primal Blueprint. He, uh, yeah, he was like like, Oh, he, um, yeah, he, he created primal kitchen, sold it to Kraft Heinz. Uh, you know, so all the salad dressings, you know, the ketchup primal kitchen is all him. He created that, uh, very inspiring guy. Like he, he was a number seven in the world, top marathoner at one point, but he he and then he was president of the world triathlon association or organization uh dude is a dude is a beast and then he's where's home
Starting point is 00:16:50 miami and they sold the craft hines for 100 million back in i think 16 he looks like a beast it kind of looks like him right here it's what joe biden would look like if he was joe biden on trt holy shit, it is Joe on TRT. Wow. Wow. Fantastic. Wow. That girl's a little old for Joe uncle Joe.
Starting point is 00:17:11 But other than that, this guy looks great. Wow. Oh my goodness. Look at that back fat. What would the liver King say? I'm just joking, Brian.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I'm just joking, Brian. I love my body's beautiful. How old did you say it was? You know, I actually don't know uh he's got to be early 60s mid 60s i don't know dude is that that's about as good as you can look as a human being oh absolutely look he's just impressive man he's just a good dude like and
Starting point is 00:17:37 he's all about like he's so realistic with his approach on everything like you know and what's funny is you met him you interviewed oh yeah he's been a friend of mine for a while but the reason that i went out to film with him because i just i flew out to miami to film with him because i'm like dude you he out angled me in that all right so i mean awesome but look how tight his shorts are too. His junk looks bigger than yours too. He might have, I don't know. Who knows? He was kind of the godfather of paleo. Obviously he didn't create paleo,
Starting point is 00:18:11 but he was really like the loud voice of it, of really that movement. And I've been seeing like, where is diet going? Okay, we've got all these crazy tribes that are now just pissed off at each other and it's fucking hilarious. And I'm like dude watch this like we're gonna make a big circle right back to paleo i think we're heading there i think that's
Starting point is 00:18:29 what's happening like we're going animal based and people are like well animal based plus fruit well animal based maybe a little bit of nuts because it's what we our ancestors would have oh you know eventually it's gonna be like well just live fucking close to the earth well okay okay then eventually it's gonna be just don't eat processed food okay cool why aren't you supposed to eat what's wrong with processed meat why can't i eat packaged turkey i eat packaged turkey i just i have just i just have rules for the ingredients in it right like i try to avoid like try to avoid the nitrites nitrates to try to avoid the sodium phosphate um you know i have indicators right carrageenan if there's uh if you look at it
Starting point is 00:19:00 and there's like potato starch added to the meat it's like fuck you like i don't want that right but it's uh so i want the one that just says turkey and then when i pull it out it's kind of like dry and stuff trader well trader trader joe's has a deli meat that's like only turkey uh the apple gate farm stuff is perfect yes the apple gate okay i don't i don't understand like i caught shit for that because i was like traveling and i posted up what i was eating when i traveled and i was like i ate like a half a pound of good quality Turkey, like as deli meat, people like, Oh my gosh, I can't believe you. Okay. So you want me to eat hotel eggs that have who knows what in them? Like, so you're going to tell me that it would be cooler for me and it would satisfy
Starting point is 00:19:36 like this to, I mean, yeah. So it's, and then what's that? There's one that was sold at Costco, but I think I did so many videos about it at Costco that there's one that was sold at costco but i think i i did so many videos about it at costco that i think they have perpetually been sold out so i'm pissed off i should never mention brands in my videos that i actually personally like to eat because then everyone goes and buys them and thomas is being very humble for those who haven't been over to his youtube station he has over three million um uh subscribers approaching three and a half million. So he's a, he's a needle mover. If he says, buy the meat at Costco, bye-bye. Okay. You can tell me what it is offline. No, it's a, I just can't remember the name of it right offhand. It's like a hill something.
Starting point is 00:20:17 It's not Hillster farms. Of course it's a hill something. It's just like the Turkey that they have there. And it's literally just Turkey. It's Turkey and Rosemary because they use Rosemary as a, they use Rosemary as a preservative. So whenever you see something that has Rosemary in it, it's just like the turkey that they have there. And it's literally just Turkey. It's Turkey and Rosemary. Cause they use Rosemary as a, they use Rosemary as a preservative. So whenever you see something that has Rosemary in it, it's not, and then they were like, Oh, it's a Mediterranean flavor.
Starting point is 00:20:32 That's bullshit. It's not Mediterranean flavor. They add Rosemary in. Cause it's a way that it's a preservative. If you use Rosemary, but Oh, is it this? No.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Let me see. So what about salami? Salami's a no, no. Again, it depends if it's like crappy – Columbus. Yeah, Columbus.
Starting point is 00:20:49 That one with like a pound of it, and it's just in the plastic wrapper, and there's just – I'm trying to find it. I used to do work with Columbus meat. You did CrossFit work? Yeah. I did warm-ups for the whole entire plant. Are they based out of Livermore? No, they're in Hayward.
Starting point is 00:21:08 The far side. Union City, more than Hayward. You're starting to look really ethnic as your hair gets longer, Sousa. Cool. Yeah, you look like the kid on the Monsters who grew up a little bit. Well, I shaved from this morning's show.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Kid from the Monsters. Oh, my gosh. He's got that. So, Thomas, you're... Oh a it's a company called originals like deets and watson i think is like where they had it at at costco and it was if you get it's like the only deli meat it's like says originals um like you know so basically if it's basically you're saying that you think it's okay to eat that stuff every day sorry to be that guy no i guess i guess it'd be fine like this stuff like literally okay i'm pulling it up like it just says turkey and salt on it and that's it literally so yes okay well
Starting point is 00:21:56 is it processed what isn't processed so my definition of process i don't have an actual definition but i'll give you the explanation is like when it has a bunch of freaking frankenfood crap it like when it's you know like everything nowadays is like processed unless you're going out and picking a damn apple off a tree that you harvested from seed it's probably got a level of harvesting to it like even the organic apples will sometimes coat in like the the you know peel with wax right it's like there's processing. So processed foods aren't really a problem. It's when they're processed to become hyper palatable, like crazy ultra processed. Yeah. Or I don't even know. I mean, I just, just whenever it's made to be hyper palatable, like because processed foods are designed to get you to eat more, but then there's like process
Starting point is 00:22:38 where it's like, this is just a reasonable processing. Like when you kill a boar or something out on a ranch and you take it to quote unquote processing, it's still called processing. Like when you kill a boar or something out on a ranch and you take it to quote unquote processing, it's still called processing. So it's technically processed, right? So. Okay. So maybe I'm using the wrong word. We've got to look for fewer ingredients then. If you're, if you, if you're going to eat out of a plastic bag, make sure it just is, it says Turkey and like salt. There's not a bunch of words like that you don't know what they are or this word nitrates. Agreed. Well, I mean, even nitrate, there's nuance there, right? This is, this is where my channel gets frustrating for people is because I try to want to kill myself. Yeah. I try to give
Starting point is 00:23:13 like thoughtful acknowledgement to, to like the proper nuance. Right. And it's in an effort to, as my channel's grown, I'm like, I, okay, I've got a lot of responsibility to not come across one sided on this and really look at both sides, but sometimes that paralyzes people. So sometimes I'm like, I should just go back to being a fucking charlatan and just like- I'm sensitive to that word these days. I know. No, dude, it's overused. It really is. It's like misinformation. There's the only bad part about Derek's video, the charlatan, in my i didn't like that part that was very uh defamatory like i feel like that was i was i was actually expecting i this is gospel truth i was expecting my image to pop up when he was talking charlatans and he was like going through the list because because of my
Starting point is 00:23:56 stance as a proponent not even a dogmatic pusher but a proponent of intermittent fasting and a proponent of a lower carb diet there's i'm called charlatan every day. So I'm like, we have an overuse of that word that is nonsense. If someone disagrees with your way of thinking, you're a charlatan. If someone has sponsors, you're a grifter. It's like, this is bullshit. Like, so I'm being punished because I'm a good business person. A like, wow. When I was growing up, people that had brands knocking on your door, that meant you were a good person to be in bed with. Like what the hell? So I don't understand that. Like how many athletes want to have sponsors? Like just because I'm in a media position. Right. And I'm not going to like turn this on me and like make it me victim but point point is is that the charlatan thing like i agree that is not cool like it's uh but and not even
Starting point is 00:24:51 necessarily with derrick's video it's just just in general like there's just the or just if something you don't agree with you call it misinformation like what like that's just we just can call misinformation on something we don't agree with someone said right someone said it on like my cold plunge reel that i posted say i just deleted the comment i'm like fuck this like like this is misinformation because it's me getting in a cold tub like with no scientific like nothing just me getting in a fucking cold tub like this is misinformation what the like what are we doing yeah i i also think that there's this that you should change the title of this video to Thomas as a charlatan. Thomas DeLauer as a charlatan.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Without, without context, relativity and perspective, so many in recognizing the spirit in which things come out of, you know, I could tell you that running's good for you. And there's a thousand people who could jump down my throat saying, no, it leads to injury. And it's like, well, anytime you take any, you try to change your, um, you know, your metabolic health, you're going to have to take risks for orthopedic calamity. And, and, and like they don't people. Yeah, I do. I do. I do give Derek a pass for making that video on the liver King. I don't give a lot of people a pass for how they attacked him because I think
Starting point is 00:26:07 that that's what he does. Right. He's not an ambulance chaser. Right. That's his niche. I look around. Did he ever do a natty or not on you? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Two years ago. Yep. Is that like a rite of passage or something? Were you insulted? Were you insulted? Well, I had a, I had a,
Starting point is 00:26:24 no, no, no, i wasn't because uh i asked for it because i posted a video on my blood work about it was just talking about cholesterol on my channel like it was people you know the keto thing oh cholesterol isn't like let me show you my cholesterol is under like 150 like so it was a video like i went over my blood work to show my cholesterol and we like scrolled through in my video on my channel, testosterone, my total testosterone was like three 80 on the low end. Right. I'm lean. So I'm not surprised my testosterone is low. Um, but it was like, it wasn't a hormone panel. So there was testosterone, a free, free test and a total test. And, uh, I made a passing comment on that. I asked for it. I was like, and you can see my
Starting point is 00:27:01 testosterone is not that high. Okay. The blah, blah, blah. But it wasn't designed to be a natty or not discussion. So I didn't have luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, IGF, GH, all this stuff. So Derek did a video about me right there being like, this guy's full of shit because look at, he didn't do this. And I, within one day or less than a day, I contacted him and I was like, Derek, like, I'm going to go to the lab tomorrow. Like, and I will give you login credentials to my medical portal. And he was like, no way, bro. And I was like, a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:27:27 So he's like, cool, do it. So two days later, we hopped on live and that video is live. And we went over my blood work and he was like, I'll be damned. He's like, yeah, you're fucking nutty. And what a weird world we live in. What a fucking weird world we live in. So what's weird is, so what's funny is that you guys are gay for sure. I want to tell you that I'm going to do gay or not. And I'm going to do Derek and, and Thomas are gay for sure.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I want to, I want to officiate your wedding. Tell your wife, I'm sorry. I had to come out with this. Jeez Louise. So I, so I knew that I was going to be filming with Derek on Thursday. So on Monday morning, I didn't tell anyone I went out and I got like $700 with the lab work done. And, uh, I was like, I'm just going to have this shit in my pocket because if it comes up, I ended up not getting the results until Friday morning after I filmed with Derek, but I texted him to immediately. I've got them like literally like right here again, testosterone level, even actually even lower than last year.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I guess I'm getting lamer. You know, so it's like, I'm like a 350. You're getting old. Yeah. So I mean, I'll just read it to you. I got 351 last year was 381 the same time of year reference range, two 64 to nine 16, a free testosterone 7.2 on the low end. Uh, last year it was 8.5. Uh, let's see, scrolling down to estradiol was practically non-existent. So I have practically no estrogen,
Starting point is 00:28:42 which is a result of me being so lean. So I do something about that uh and so much for all the shit when people say oh thomas how dare you say that fiber is good or you eat flax flax is estrogenic well it doesn't look like that on my blood work uh igf um igf was 270 uh last year it was 224 on a scale of 95 to 290 so i'm just on the high end of normal there yeah it's like um and then the lutein is recently when you went out to visit him you had this in your pocket monday like monday so and then my luteinizing hormone was 3.4 last year was 2.6 follicle stimulating hormone 4.1 last year was 4.1 as well so is that the first time you met him sorry sorry go ahead sorry go ahead i don't know what any of this stuff you're saying hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are the you know
Starting point is 00:29:23 hypothalamic pituitary adrenal gonadal axis. So what sends from your hypothalamus essentially to your pituitary to your balls. So if I was on gear and I just got off of it, my LH and FSH would be totally messed up. They'd be all out of whack. So the fact that those are like in a normal range and they were also in normal range last year and a normal range two years ago. And I did the video with Derek. last year and a normal range two years ago. And I did the video with Derek.
Starting point is 00:29:43 It's just, it's a fucked up world that like, I feel like I need to share medical information to. That's why you guys are boyfriend and boyfriend. Yeah. You guys are dating. Let me tell you who's seen my medical information. Like my wife.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Hey, but that was, that was perfect. Cause now we could clip that. We're going to title it Thomas the Lord. Now you're not. We have proof. All capital letters. Well, and there's no – can I share my screen?
Starting point is 00:30:10 I think I should. I think so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we'll just bring it up here. I have no problem. So is that the first time you've actually seen him face – like you guys shook hands? Yeah. I mean we've talked a lot though.
Starting point is 00:30:21 We've – I think I – do I go to present? Okay. Share screen. Check this out. You guys are like phone friends. Like you'll actually talk to them. Uh, like we'll text now and then, um, he asked me, you know, questions and stuff on, on the business practices on the YouTube side. He's still just a kid, you know, like he's, he's very mature, but he's, he's a kid and he's just kind of learning, you know, a lot of different practices on the media side and stuff like that. Okay. Okay. You got this? Yeah. And if you want, you could, so you could get out of that tab. And when you go to present, when you click share screen all
Starting point is 00:30:53 the way over to the right, we'll say like Chrome tab. And then you could just share that tab if you don't want to share your whole computer too. Oh, okay. So, okay. So I'll stop that. Okay. So I go present. Yep. And then all the way at the top of that screen you should see one where it just says chrome or the tab it just says slides oh google no it says present slides share screen go to share screen and then look at the top of that screen it should give you three options at the top entire screen window or chrome tab no unfortunately it just says screen sharing is easy with two monitors okay okay so it probably doesn't have that option on your side only on the host side okay so share it up and then we'll pull oh wait yep now we got it okay i get what you're saying okay here we go perfect um
Starting point is 00:31:34 we'll just go through this real quick uh because i'm actually this is a good explanation of how i how things so uh my some of my like urysis, my like bun is usually going to be elevated. So say people would be like, Oh my God, Thomas's glucose is high. Well, that's because I fast and I'm on keto all the time. So it's called peripheral insulin resistance. Uh, anyway, this bun number here, that's not that unusual to be high if you've been training really hard, but additionally, this whole AST, the fact that my AST, which is a liver enzyme is like barely out of range, four points out of range, which nothing, no one would even say anything about that. That's usually indicative of, uh, the fact that I, my kids were sick and I
Starting point is 00:32:15 had a virus. So that's pretty, pretty common there. Which virus did you have? Did you have the good one? The popular one? No, no, the R uh, kids have RSV and I ended up just like picking up in a different way. Right? Like it's like, we don't get the, so this iron is pretty high, but my iron is always not crazy high, but this is, this is where I'm just going to like iron. I don't really have an explanation as to why that's high, but this is what can you just donate blood to get it down? That's what I heard you could do. Yeah, for sure. For sure. But it's like one of those things where it's like, it's not that high. Uh, and I was up in Tahoe for the last three months. So iron and RBC are pretty high. Okay. This is what's awesome. People are going to be like, oh my God, Thomas has high LDL.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Okay. My total cholesterol is 174. Okay. My HDL is fucking high 63. Okay. Last year it was a 32. So it's doubled. My HDL good cholesterol has doubled. My LDL is two points out of reference range or three points out of reference range. So people would say Thomas has high, high LDL cholesterol. Well, I thought ahead. So let me scroll down and I got a different panel called a VLDL. Here we go. VLDL is your very low density lipoprotein. VLDL is the arterial plaque forming one, the bad one. Check out how fucking low that is. Nine on a scale of five to 40. So that means the remainder of my LDL is what's called light, fluffy LDL, which is actually good LDL. So yeah. So when you get a fractionated panel for everyone that ever gets an LDL blood test, like you need to ask for a fractionated panel because LDL does
Starting point is 00:33:35 not mean crap unless you are looking at a fractionated panel and your VLDL and your light, fluffy LDL, uh, red blood cell. Real quick, that plaque thing, five to 40, that's basically just junk that could be stuck on the inside of your um arteries right what's that where the last one you just showed it could be in a range of five to forty years was a nine it was the it was the plaque uh yeah this is vldl low density ldl which is going to when you have high levels of uh inflammation and things like that vldLDL will form what are called- So if that was like 36, it'd be like, shit, you're probably clotting somewhere. Not necessarily. It just means that you're at risk from an inflammatory standpoint
Starting point is 00:34:12 with what are called macrophages. So white blood cells that come in and basically stick to the VLDL. That's a very simple way of putting it. But kind of going down, if we go red blood cell count high in or just outside of normal, but that that's the one I was actually disappointed that it wasn't higher because I've been at altitude at 7,000 feet for the last three months. And I'm like, I only got to 5.91. Like people like kill to get to like, so last year was a little bit higher. So this is also just me. And so you want to know what's funny. The first time I went on Derek's like, this was elevated and people were like bs he doesn't live at altitude
Starting point is 00:34:47 like like it's pretty fucking obvious like i'm spend half my time in tahoe but it's uh people were like no he's on epo so it's like they couldn't they couldn't say something else they couldn't they couldn't that thing so they're like oh he's on you can't win this argument like you can't you can never win like people are gonna say oh he falsified this even though like we're literally logged in to right now um it's okay so meanwhile moving on down by the way if you do want to get on trt i know a guy one of my sponsors use the code sevan and you'll we'll set you up that's what i talked about like with derrick i filmed a video for my channel i'm like i'm totally not opposed to trt i think i'm creeping up on a time where i might be ready for it but But if I did it like damn right, I'd just talk about
Starting point is 00:35:29 it. Like who the fuck cares? Right. It's a, like, it's not like I'm not throwing on a, like if it's something to do to live a healthy life, which we'll talk about in a second, but anyway, here's just what I just talked about. So we'll just show it a luteinizing hormone here. Uh, it's up a little bit from last time. That's actually a good thing follicle stimulating hormones the same testosterone 351 so i'm actually on the low end free testosterone technically considered low what tell me how testosterone works okay so i inject testosterone into me which part of my body grabs it and makes my um muscles big it makes me horny uh it's not so much well there's androgenic components to that so like
Starting point is 00:36:07 how it binds to an androgen receptor um the testosterone testosterone definitely will make you hornier but estrogen plays a pretty strong role in that too so sex drive like it's it's not as simple as people think i had dr ben house on my channel talking about this like circulating testosterone isn't the same as like what you have in the blood as far as testosterone does not necessarily mean that you have literal low testosterone, but also as far as building muscle or as far as anything goes with that, you don't need to have testosterone elevated for massive muscle building. Like testosterone is like the master that breaks down into the various, you know, DHT
Starting point is 00:36:41 and different components in the body. So yes, it does play a role in your sex drive without a doubt, but a lot of the sex driving the libido comes to the results of estradiol coming up to balance with testosterone. So estrogen is actually what gives a sex drive. So, well, I shouldn't say that testosterone gives a sex drive, but estrogen really does enhance that libido piece, which is interesting because my estrogen is like out of range completely. Like it's below five. So it's like, and that's common when you're lean because estrogen libido piece which is interesting because my estrogen is like out of range completely like it's below five so it's like and that's common when you're lean because estrogen is formed from
Starting point is 00:37:10 body fat in a lot of ways it's aromatase so that means you're not horny well that's what's wild is like i have sex like six times a week with my wife so wow like maybe i'm just a like maybe it's this mental horsepower right maybe i'm just like mentally putting through this shit i don't know but i don't but i think sex builds on sex too like have you ever noticed like if you have sex at night you automatically want to have it in the morning yeah and it's just like if you have it in the morning you automatically want to have it at night it's like this it's like this this feedback loop it totally is man and so that's like psychological too you know it's like and also i've just noticed that when i have more sex with my wife like we are just a happier couple and like even if i'm not even if i'm not in the mood sometimes i just make
Starting point is 00:37:50 myself in the mood um blaze through this is pretty much done so insulin like growth factor and you never regret it right you're never like that you're never like oh i wish i wouldn't have done that you're always like i'm glad i fucking ponied up. IGF is nice and low. Sorry, I'm just blazing through this so we can just put this to bed. Vitamin D right in range. In fact, on the right smack in the middle of range, like really, which is interesting because I don't say I've been a big proponent of I don't take vitamin D supplements because I don't feel like it's the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I don't think synthetic vitamin D is the way to get your vitamin D up. Like get out in the sun, eat eggs, eat meat, and then check this out. Especially if you live in California. This is, yeah. My C-reactive protein, which is inflammation. Look how low that shit is. 0.28. This is the shit that intermittent fasting and keto is notorious for in the literature, but I'm a charlatan if I tell you that my CRP is nice and low. And it's probably a result of just my lifestyle, a collective thing of maybe fasting, maybe keto, probably just because I do a lot of cardio and I take care of my body. Homocysteine, right smack in the middle, growth hormone, actually on the
Starting point is 00:38:55 normal range, high end of normal. So I'm not spending $13,000 on growth hormone. Insulin, very, very low. So anyway, that that's that so people will probably grab that do whatever they want with it but i'm kind of i'm happy to have it out there people probably make videos explaining why why that's falsified or something who knows why you're or or just why you're a normal dude yeah discipline and hard work and good habits yeah um so you're you're you're 13 years old and um it's fascinating for people who don't understand what Northern California is like. It's such a trippy place, especially up where you were at. It is such a trippy place. There's a shitload of money there, but there's a shitload of hippies there. It's this
Starting point is 00:39:38 weird mixture of worlds that are meeting. And you start homeschooling yourself. So I went into independent study. So it was technically still through the school. So it means that I was able to still participate in school sports, which was cool. So I wasn't a homeschool homeschooled. I was independent studied. So once I got into my freshman year of high school, I just went into independent study, which means that- What sports did you play? Cross country and rugby. So it was a pretty, now rugby was technically considered a club sport.
Starting point is 00:40:10 So I could have probably done it. It was through the school, but I probably could have done it even if I wasn't independent study or if I was like homeschooled or something. But yeah, no, I was just a runner. I ran track one season, but I just kind of sucked at track. And how was that? How were your high school years? Did you have girlfriends? Did you have good friends? How was that like homes like homeschooling met my wife in high school so uh oh i only had
Starting point is 00:40:30 like one other girlfriend in middle school uh you know it was like puppy love little like sixth seventh grade thing and then uh i met my wife when i was 16 she was 14 a little bit of a cradle robber at the time i guess but um but, um, you know, it worked out cause we got, we're still together, but so yeah. So, uh, but you know, high school wasn't fun for me at all. Like, cause I, because I was independent study and I was only on campus for like a couple electives, like that's how it would work. So like a couple of days a week I'd go, go into electives.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Um, and the rest of the time I was, I was working like 40, 50 hours a week while doing school. So I was just working most of the time. And then I'd go to school and be kind of like, who is this kid? And I was always super skinny and I was skinny, but I was like, people didn't really like, like bully me because I think they knew I was super fit. So they like, we're kind of like, maybe we won't bully this kid. He's skinny, but he's, were you weird? I like i was just weird i was like i was like the shorts and hiking boots kid you know uh so yeah shorts and hiking boots um you just didn't care you didn't know you were just glad to get out of
Starting point is 00:41:37 the house and make it to school and i was like i mean i don't want to sound like a dick but like i was i was kind of like ahead of a lot of the kids. Like I figured out, like I had to work, I had to figure out how to make money. I had to live my life and I kind of didn't have time for the bullshit. I just didn't really care. Um, and I got a lot of stuff out of my system when I was in middle school. Like I was, I was dropping acid when I was in seventh grade. So yeah. So it's like, and that's the thing where we talk about this stuff. People are like, Oh my God. The point is, is that like, I went through weird shit when I was young and got that shit out of my system.
Starting point is 00:42:08 By the time I was in high school, I didn't touch any drugs. Like I may have, I smoked pot a few times, but it was like, I got that shit out when I was like young. And at the time that was like, I was like the fucked up kid. That's like weird. Like, you know, and I was like, are people going to judge me for that now? Like, cause we live in this weird society now where we might judge people for their entire past. Are you going to judge me for what I did when I was like, are people going to judge me for that now? Because we live in this weird society now where we might judge people for their entire past. Are you going to judge me for what I did when I was like 12?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Only if you put it on Twitter. Yeah. And I hope someone takes that clip and is like, here's the truth about Thomas DeLauer. Here's his childhood. He made massive mistakes and learned from them and built a successful career out of it. Like Jay-Z. Like Jay-Z. I just did dumb stuff. mistakes and learn from them and built a successful career out of it like jay-z like jay-z it's i just
Starting point is 00:42:45 did dumps it's not like i was dropping acid on the regular but i mean i'm saying like i was instead it was in the water in santa rosa for fuck's sake i mean you guys have to understand this northern california place is weird yeah and it's not a weird spot where he was grown where he was raised yeah it was just i don't I don't know. Like communes and Buddhist places. Really weird stuff. Hitchhikers everywhere and trucks full of marijuana driving by you. Dude, it really is like that.
Starting point is 00:43:12 It's like people don't understand how weird it is. And Sonoma, you had a winery on every corner. I lived in the east side of Sonoma, like around Bartholomew Park and Buena Vista Winery and Gunlach Banchero. And it was like i had i grew up with like just drunk drivers everywhere and like just because they'd come out of the winery and just like it was alcohol was pushed as like this thing where you're like
Starting point is 00:43:38 you're not normal unless you're hammered all the time like or you're not normal if you're not supporting the wineries and drinking two bottles of wine a night like twisted shit man and people wonder why i'm like pretty anti-alcohol now and i'm like i'm not i'm not like opposed to people drinking but like why i don't touch it i'm like i this shit was crammed down my throat when i was a kid as like you're not normal if you don't do a lot of this uh it's just weird so my dad i grew up uh working in a wine and cheese store so like i have no problem with cheese i was i was around i was surrounded by wine hey what were you doing 50 60 hours a week when you were working you were going to i worked at ralph's oh bag yeah were you good bagger no no no but i think they called that
Starting point is 00:44:21 you weren't like excited like to get the double bags and like get all the items this is seven stream job too by the way so you're stepping into something here i love bagging i i bagged and did register i bagged my i bagged my own groceries now and it irritates people so like i because like i can't go to trader joe's or something and i can't just like if there's not someone bagging gross i can't just stand there and not do something. Like, it just, it feels wrong where I'm just like sitting there with my credit card waiting to pay while this person's got a pile of groceries stacking up that I know they're going to have to bag. So it's like, I'm just like, well, I got to do this. But one thing that I, you know, I was always really good about putting the colds with
Starting point is 00:44:59 the colds. And, but I just like, I hated double bagging because it just was cumbersome. So I hated like putting, like, if I needed to double bag something, putting the bag inside the other bag and then opening it was just like still a bane of my existence. Like I go to Trader Joe's and they're like, you're going to have to carry that from the bottom. Like, I know because I'm not going to double bag this shit. Oh shit. It's like, I can handle it.
Starting point is 00:45:21 It's fine. I can handle it. Did you, did you skate? Who gave you acid the first time in the seventh grade? I had the park rats down at the Sonoma Plaza. We called them the park rats. You could go and get anything you wanted to from them. Were you a skater?
Starting point is 00:45:33 Because it was my skater friend. I was a longboarder. So I was like the bottom of the barrel. Like, you know. Okay. Yeah. And then I was in eighth grade and my, you know, my sector nine longboard that I loved so much got jacked from me. And like when I was under the bridge, probably smoking pot. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:45:50 and like a truck drove by and like it stopped and I knew they took my board and I like ran out and I was like, oh, my board's gone. And that like snapped me out of that phase. It was like, ah, no more skateboard. I guess, you know what? I guess I better get a bike and go to the gym. Is that really when you started going to the gym? actually pretty much I want to hear that story yeah no my skateboard got stolen and then it was like because it was like six miles from my house to the gym and I was I guess what 12 ish and then I yeah I like it would have been a long skateboard ride so I'm like I forget it and it was oh no sorry six miles round trip I butchered that so it's like it's like 3.2 miles or something each way uh when I got the bike I was like, eh, forget it. And it was, oh no, sorry. Six miles round trip. I butchered that. So I was like, it was like 3.2 miles or something each way.
Starting point is 00:46:26 When I got the bike, I was like, oh, now the gym's attainable. So I started going to, started going lifting. And it just was like fun though. I wasn't trying to get huge. But Jim Gold's 24 hour fitness? No, it was a Sonoma fitness factory. Oh, right, right. Sonoma would have mom and pop.
Starting point is 00:46:38 That's right. And it was my best, best friends, best friends, parents, Jim. Yeah. And then they sold it like when i was later in high school wow and then how did you know how to work out how did you like did you do just this normal stuff you did bench press and lap pull down machine and all that you know what's kind of funny man is like when you're a runner you develop a comfortable relationship with pain so it's like when you go out on a run you know you're going to inflict pain upon yourself like
Starting point is 00:47:06 there's no way around it like you just know it's going to happen like especially if you're pushing yourself you always are just embracing pain but there is a there is a necessary evil that you have to get through to finally get to that painful point with lifting i really liked the fact that i could get through that necessary evil much faster and get to that sort of masochistic mode that i wanted to like where i was like inflicting some pain and actually getting some peace out of it after a few reps. Like I would get there fast. Mama does love me. Mama does love me.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Exactly. Any – when did you start noticing your body changing? When did you start like getting kind of into your body? When were you like, okay, shit, I'm putting on muscle or I want my body to look like this or. So it was kind of wild. So, uh, when my parents were starting to go through the divorce and I didn't really, you know, like 12, 13 year old, you don't really know what's going on with your parents. You know, like, you know, shit's not right, but something's going on and something's
Starting point is 00:48:03 going on, but you don't really know what my mom was like, Hey, we're going to go. And, uh, you know, you and your sister, the three of us without your dad, we're going to go move to Italy for a while. And you're going to go to school in Italy and you're going to study art history. Um, and it was like, wow, what a cool opportunity. Why isn't dad coming? That doesn't want to come. Okay. Uh, you know, I'm going to miss dad. miss dad yeah that's fine he'll be fine you know it's like so it's one of those things where it was like weird didn't know the whole story let it know that okay things were starting to not be good at home anymore and that was so we moved to italy and we lived in italy for for half a year for like five six months did a semester of school there so i actually
Starting point is 00:48:41 went through the junior college and studied art history while I was concurrently kind of enrolled in my, um, I guess it was eighth grade. So was it school in English or Italian? It was English. It was through the Santa Rosa junior college. It was like American Institute for foreign studies or whatever. So we went there for a semester and then I, my mom arranged to get me, allow me to homeschool like that back semester, I guess it was, I think it was eighth grade. Uh, and then we go there and candidly, like I fell in love with it because I'm, my dad's like three quarters Italian. So I'm a fair bit Italian anyway. So it was pretty cool. And I just like really enjoyed it. Right. I mean, it's like everything about it. I, our theme was when we were there and I'm getting to the point
Starting point is 00:49:19 here. When we were there, we ran a either half marathon or a marathon in every city in a city every weekend. So each weekend we'd travel to a different place and that's how we saw Europe. It was really cool. That's the kind of crazy shit my mom did. It's just like people would be like, we're calling CPS on your mom. Like she's torturing you guys like this. We're like, no, she's not, she's not forcing us to do anything. Like it was just mama's love. Like this is what I'm doing. It wasn't quite like that, but it was like sort of underscored like that. Whereas it's like, Hey, I'm going to go do this.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Like you guys can sit in the hotel room or something, but we're going to go run and you want to be pansies or do you want to come run together as a family? No, I mean, kind of, but no, a lot of times we ended up just doing our own thing. Um, you know, my favorite was like, there was a cool town called Bergamoamo uh or bergamo potato potato in italy that was like such a cool half marathon to run run the prado ran palermo and uh napoli rome paris uh full marathon and half marathon um bounced all over the place man interlocking uh that was like the only place we went to switzerland that i think i ran a 10K instead of a half marathon. Bottom line was we just did this in Europe. Just weird experiences, right? I guess you took your shirt off and some guy grabbed your ass.
Starting point is 00:50:34 No, but the weird thing is wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in?
Starting point is 00:50:56 Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Italy, that's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Italy, like, that's the weirdest thing. It's the only place I've ever experienced where people will go for a, run a marathon,
Starting point is 00:51:15 stop halfway, smoke a cigarette, and have a cappuccino. Yeah, like at CrossFit events, they used to smoke. The teams would be smoking cigarettes at the break. It was awesome. And they're still running like a sub 230. I'm like, what the hell's going on uh but anyway i actually kind of fell in love with art history a little bit like a like a total cheesy weirdo and i i really liked it and this is gonna sound so lame but i actually at that point realized like it's kind of cool i kind of want to body build a little bit like this is kind of neat like looking at like how this is art and how the human body can actually be art. And I kind of
Starting point is 00:51:46 got into it. Um, so I started statues like through statues, statues, and just their appreciation for like the human body in general, like how they, like how they would look at it from an artistic, um, you know, and just sort of that appreciation. So kind of got into it in sort of a weird way. Then, uh, yeah, we had some other weird, like my mom, when I was the youngest person at the time to ever complete the John Muir trail. So we backpacked from Yosemite to Mount Whitney. So it's 226 miles. So I think I was 11 the first time and 12.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And then we did it again the next year when I was 12. And it's like, that's the kind of shit that my mom was just like, we're going to go do this. And like, people like you guys are insane. Like you're going to take, you're going to go out and backpack for 14 days. And we ran out of food the first time because we didn't know what we were doing. So we just, we went four days without food and you're always supposed to pack. Anyone that backpacks knows that you always pack your emergency food is food that you despise that you would only eat in an emergency. So we had like Vienna sausage as like a couple of our emergency. So we lived on like a
Starting point is 00:52:43 can of Vienna sausages between my sister, my mom and i for like four days bumming food off of other people whenever we could and that was like the coolest experience you know we got caught in like this it was just crazy storms and then the second year my mom was like you guys want to go do it again like fuck yeah let's do it again and we did it in like 10 days or 11 days and cranked it so that was cranking you didn't turn into a drug addict dude this is all like that your life was so extreme that like how are you like i've never talked about this shit publicly you're getting the first and i was like i know that you pull this shit out of people but i'm also like you know what if there's anything that like i just want to like be able to talk about this stuff and my wife's in the process of writing a book just about like our
Starting point is 00:53:22 life and because we both have had crazy just experiences and people just don't. I think I'm at a point where like I've been getting so much hate online just because I've grown so much. And like I've like my brand is big. And I'm just like, you know, people think that I'm just like some pansy ass that creates YouTube videos. Like you don't know me. Like, you know, it's funny as I look at you and I just think everyone loves you.
Starting point is 00:53:42 But I mean, I've also met you in person a couple of times and you're a sweetheart of a man. I mean it's obvious. Same with Mark Bell. I mean when we were all at that party at Greg's house, it was kind of crazy how sweet everyone is, right? Yeah. It's just such sweet, gentle people. I'm probably – Not pansies but gentle souls.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Definitely not pansies. Definitely not pansies. No one would ever meet you in person and think you're a pansy by the way they'd be i may stupid definitely not one of my vices is i'm a like i totally am a people pleaser and i totally like yeah i'm aware of it and it sucks and like i i really do take shit to heart when i'm not like how can i how come i'm not making everybody happy with this content like i'm so nuanced i'm so balanced and someone calls me a charlatan or something like I'm like, this is
Starting point is 00:54:26 bullshit. Like I'm, I'm like as balanced, like the fact of the matter is, is that like, yes, most people appreciate what I do and they really do. And 99% of them do, but it's always the loud minority that you hear. Right. And like for someone that really does take this stuff seriously. And this is like, I put so much heart and so much work into what I do. When someone doesn't take the time to actually consume the content and passes judgment, it irritates me because I'm like, did you watch the fucking video? Like, really? Like, did you, did you see that? I actually meant it.
Starting point is 00:54:54 And then you get guys like, and I, we since have kissed and made up, but you got guys like Lane Norton that like in the beginning, like would just watch a second of my video, turn around, plastered around. So I ended up with like this name from some of the calories in calories out crowd that I was like an unreasonable piece of shit. And it's like, you guys- I don't think he comes across like a very nice man. I don't consume his content.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Well, he's come a long way. Let's put it that way. Like, and he's aware of that. Like Lane is a very smart guy and he's got a lot of history of being bullied and stuff like that. So he comes across- Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah. Well, go figure. When you know him, you realize that this man's been hurt like bad. And like he and I have become, we're actually speaking together, uh, at low carb Denver,
Starting point is 00:55:35 which is fine. Oh God, that makes me so happy to hear. Like, well, it's funny because he's still an anti low carb guy and I'm obviously pro low carb, but we find middle ground where we like,
Starting point is 00:55:44 you know what? The shit that we actually disagree on is like 5%. Most of the stuff we actually do agree on. It's just this loud aspect. So social media is just like everything we've seen with liver keen. And it is a good segue into that. Like, it's so like, it's so weird. There's zero compassion for anything.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Like, and like zero compassion and people fuck up and people do shit. And I'm not condoning what Liver King did at all. Like, he lied bold-faced to people. That's the problem here. I don't, like, the drugs, that fucking sucks. Let me ask this, though. Doesn't every, who hasn't lied? I'm not justifying it, but I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:56:22 So he lied. It's more than he lied, right? What are people really upset about? i'm not justifying it but i don't understand so he lied it's more than he lied right what are they what are people really upset about that they put their faith in someone online and they got hurt right yep or yeah because you literally think like okay because only one of the things he said was a lie the other nine things he says are true like there's like it's good to walk barefoot it's good to get out in the sun it's good to bond with other human beings it's good to exercise i mean all that other shitty saying is true i know it motivates me do you have any problems with organ meat no no yeah no i mean i have i
Starting point is 00:56:53 have scientific like reasons why i think maybe we should eat proportionate amounts to what we would eat with the rest of the animal right like maybe you'll say it's like maybe you'll have just eat just 12 sets of balls i don't know if it's detrimental but it's like okay if you kill the buffalo like you and you your whole tribe ate the buffalo you'd probably divvy up part of the liver or cut the testicle into 30 small pieces or does it just the chief get the balls? Like, I don't know how it works. Okay. So compassion. So people were hurt.
Starting point is 00:57:33 People were hurt. And I think that's what. But they don't have the self-awareness to do that. So they attack him instead. That's the mechanism. They attack him. And it's a lack of compassion in some ways. It's also confusion. And I try, like it's confusion in the sense that people just don't, people don't understand how complicated people can be sometimes. And they don't understand how complicated themselves like they are. And
Starting point is 00:57:57 anyone that's ever been asked about their child. And that's the problem is that a lot of times, like unless you are going to therapy or unless you are in the limelight, people don't really ask you about your childhood a lot. So there's not a lot of people that get an opportunity to articulate how possibly fucked up their childhood was and how they articulate or how they see things. So even the people that are criticizing this whole situation, perhaps people should look in the mirror before they throw stones only because in the world we live in, that can get taken as like, Oh, you're condoning his actions. No, I'm not at all, but I'm not condoning lack of compassion. So that's where people are tripping. Like no matter how many videos Hiller makes people go, but he lied. And it's like the Hiller, I don't know if you know, Andrew Hiller is this guy I hang out with a lot so um but but hillary every video hillary's like yeah i know he lied and but but no
Starting point is 00:58:51 one can get past that it's like people who just can't stop staring at my nose it's like dude i got a mouth and ears and other shit oh shit you do have a big nose dude you look like one of those masks. Like those. It's like a canon scene. Look, I can take it off. I can take my. Yeah. It's, it's bizarre, man. Like. What was your first reaction? Did you get angry at him or did you want to lash out? Did you.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I knew he was on gear. Like I, you know, like. Okay. So you never. I just like. How about when you heard him deny it? Did that anger you or no? Did you just think, Oh, this man's hurting inside? It irritated me, but like it irritated me that he
Starting point is 00:59:29 dug his heels in so much on it. Uh, because like as someone that had given him my platform to share things, he came on my channel, I think right after yours, like you were like the first person. I think I was the second person that he went on air with. He did. First, he did Paul Saladino. Oh, okay. Well, it doesn't count because they know each other. And then us. But yeah, it was like- That's what we said too.
Starting point is 00:59:50 So it was like, I gave him this platform in a very unbiased way. Like I had created a video talking about his tenants a little bit and going into typical Thomas DeLauer biochemistry fashion. I was kind of like explaining the benefits of certain things that he does, but also questioning why someone would eat raw liver because it doesn't seem like you get more nutritional value. You get more nutritional value if it's cooked because there's enzymatic actions and whatever. So I kind of brought that up. I was like, man, that's the part that you don't have to eat a raw guys. Like, um, anyway, so his team reached out and was like, Hey, we think he deserves an opportunity to sort of defend.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I was like, well, there's no defending. Like I like i was very neutral but sure i'd love to have him on um so he came on and it was just you know it was a little bit it felt scripted on his end a little bit because i didn't want to deviate from a certain thing definitely wasn't as deep as yours went um did you ask him if he was on steroids no because i just like so i didn't ask him either because i didn't i don't want to put't, I don't want to put anyone in. I don't want to make people lie. Like I'm already judging you and think you're on steroids. Why would I ask you if you're on steroids?
Starting point is 01:00:52 I think it's mean. It's just, and I don't feel like, and that's why I'm talking about it with you here. Like I am, people are like, Thomas, why aren't you doing a liver King video? Because it's regularly scheduled programming on Thomas DeLauer's channel. And I have shit to do and people to help and content to create right and i'm not gonna like waste like i've got 40 people in their 40s and 50s that are just trying to not die watching my channel and like they don't need that shit so like and people like well uh you know your silence is compliance with this. So you have a platform.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Did you make a Brittany Griner video too? Cause your silence is violence on that. You want to know what's crazy is when I, you know, so I filmed with Derek and people are going to be disappointed, but I didn't do a liver King video with Derek. You know what I did? You know what videos I did with Derek? I did videos about estrogen videos about it. We kind of touched on it with when it's time for men to go on TRT. We did a video about fish oil. People are going to see these videos and they're going to flip that. We didn't talk about liver King. Why? Because I've had these, I've had this content with liver, uh, with Derek scheduled long before this happened. And like, I don't want my content
Starting point is 01:01:58 with Derek to have a timestamp on it. Like, I don't think this is going to come and go. Like it's going to be done. People are gonna be over it in six months. And it's like, do I want to take an opportunity like it's going to be done people are gonna be over it in six months and it's like do i want to take an opportunity is going to survive and flourish too isn't it probably already is doing better it's just people don't realize that like i just i sent liver king like a i'm disappointed i sent him a like a very heartfelt note after after i saw hiller's video actually and i sent him a very heartfelt note after, after I saw Hiller's video actually. And I sent him a, a very heartfelt note. Cause I was just like, uh, like, dude, you and I have similar backgrounds. Your childhood was that fucked. Well, you weren't getting beat up at school. I had weird shit going on. Right. Like there was, you know, and being kind of on my own since I was 13. And like, I just like, I just, I had some empathy on a different level.
Starting point is 01:02:46 You've been exposed to some shit that you, that your kids shouldn't have been exposed to. Definitely. Yeah. And it's, you know, and I've had my fair share of just weird experiences and just, you know, gotten involved with bad people. And I just, you know, as a kid and I just, I just understand people deal with people have weird situations. So I sent him a very like heartfelt note. It was just like, I just understand people deal with, people have weird situations. So I sent him a very heartfelt note.
Starting point is 01:03:12 It was just like, PEDs or not, that discussion aside, I see you. I hear you. I know you're a man on a mission. And sometimes the rules of war kind of get broken when you're just on a mission and you just have your heart set on something. And I sincerely believe that you were doing this to like, because you were on a mission. Like if something happened to your family or your kid, unless people are parents themselves, like they don't know, like if my kid was diagnosed with something and I had an opportunity to fix it, I wouldn't shop in the mountaintops. And I sent him a message. It was like, you know, the reason that I started talking so much about
Starting point is 01:03:40 keto and started talking about fasting saved my wife's life my wife has terrible autoimmune conditions and this shit saved her she was fucking bedridden and like doctors were telling her no it's not going to work like nothing will work like no or it's in your head and she was fucking like practically paralyzed at one point and it was just like no and we found out you know and then you go down the lyme disease route and the lyme disease like it's like is there is a real thing or not? She tests positive for that. But growing up in Sonoma County, it's a viable thing. She did test positive for Lyme disease? Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:04:09 That's scary as shit. But you talk about Lyme disease and you got half the people will say, oh, it's Lyme disease just in your head or whatever. Or did you ever have tics? Fuck, we grew up in Sonoma County. It was like sport pulling tics off of a chair. The point is, I think that's why i get so pissed off when people talk shit on like keto fasting when it's coming from me because i'm like you don't fucking
Starting point is 01:04:32 know like this shit saved my family i wouldn't my kids wouldn't be here today like so really so i want to i want to talk about that really quick i have to pee can you hold on like uh he's gonna run a commercial and I'm going to go pee. We have this commercial. So you know what's funny? I don't know if you know this, but CrossFit fired me, but I made a commercial that sells their L1s. I don't get paid for it.
Starting point is 01:04:55 That's something people are like, you took money from the liver team. Well, fuck you. I got fired from CrossFit and I made a commercial. So you just did. All right, I'll be right back. All right. You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer. If you just want
Starting point is 01:05:07 the operating manual to your body, it's not just forging elite fitness. It's the operating manual to the human genome. You'll take this CrossFit level one seminar and you will walk away inspired from the second you leave. Your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet. You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift. For some people, it'll be massive.
Starting point is 01:05:41 For some people, it'll be a little bit. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life everyone is going to sense it in you that you are more accountable more personally responsible happier more helpful more more thoughtful human being and you'll be nicer to look at you You might talk too much shit about CrossFit, but. Hey, so how fascinating is this? You have Jordan, you have Jordan Peterson and Michaela Peterson. You have the liver king and his son.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And now you got Thomas DeLauer and his wife. Right. These are similar stories, right? I'm assuming you've heard about Jordan Peterson and his wife uh right these are these are these are similar stories right i'm assuming you've heard about jordan peterson and his daughter um so when you meet you're 16 years old and your wife is 14 and you meet her um and you're just two healthy kids yeah we're just we're active healthy kids like we're you know we're hiking all the time we're you know both into horses and we're just you know so it was like all the time. We're, you know, both into horses and we're just, you know, so it was like always horseback ride and always hiking is yeah. Super healthy.
Starting point is 01:06:49 And, you know, it was like, then we just like, you know, everything else we, you know, life kind of happens. And then we moved to Texas. I ended up kind of in a more of a corporate setting and together, you guys moved to together Texas as boyfriend and girlfriend. Yeah. We're just like, screw it. Let's get out of here. Like you know you're not you're not married we got married well we so no we did get married so we got so that's that's an interesting situation in and of itself so i enlisted in the air force and ended up yeah it ended up so we got married prior to that and in boot camp i got medically disqualified out of the air force because i
Starting point is 01:07:23 didn't disclose that I was prescribed an asthma inhaler when I was 12. So it was, it was like, ended up just with a erroneous, what's called an erroneous discharge, basically where they're like, this shouldn't, we shouldn't have ever let you in in the first place because you have asthma. And it wasn't like, it didn't, it only came up because I ended up in a hold squadron because I kind of like, you know, the tuberculosis tests they give you, where they give you a pellet, they inject, put a pellet in your arm. And then if you get a raised bump around it, well, for some reason I got the raised bump, but I never was exposed to TB. So I got kind of quarantined for a second because they're like, oh yeah, TB. But with that, then it
Starting point is 01:07:58 just kind of went into this questioning and they kind of look at medical records and everything. They're like, oh, well you were prescribed Xanax. And so you have anxiety. Yes. And you have asthma. Like those are disqualifying factors. So it was kind of like I was threatened with a fraudulent and I was like, well, this definitely like, no, like guys look, like I, I already have like qualified under Warhawk standards as far as like how many pushups I could do everything like top notch 1%. They're like, it's definitely not enough. And they're like, wait, basically like, well, this is going to just be an erroneous discharge. So I ended up, it basically is like it never happened. So it sucked. I wanted to serve my country and, um, you know, whatever it is, what it is. I mean, had I done that, I probably would have been a lifer. Cause I wanted
Starting point is 01:08:37 to, I wanted to really like do that forever. Um, were you 18 at the time? Um, yeah, yeah. Okay. So my, you know, my wife, so we were prepared to go wherever I was going to go. You know, my sister was Air Force Academy. So she was at the time a second lieutenant. My brother, my brother's officer in the Coast Guard. He's now, I think he's a, he's a commander now. So it's like, yeah, like come from a, you know, like all overachievers, all the kids turned out good. I guess so.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Yeah. So, yeah. So we, yeah. So we were technically married. We eloped. We never had a formal wedding and uh yeah man and then i got out of the air force and or i shouldn't say that i honestly i don't even feel right saying that's why i don't really talk about it much because i'm like i can't call myself a veteran i can't like you know like it would be not let's just say you got kicked out for doing drugs
Starting point is 01:09:20 yes xanax and an inhaler yeah well the biggest one was like i was because like i went to a lot of psychotherapy when i was like 13 my parents divorce and like there's a lot of rough stuff so like i had a couple years of pretty intense psychotherapy um because of that uh do you think that psychotherapy did more damage to you than good i don't think it did anything oh interesting because i like i was just like i i was i don't know like i just felt like i just wasn't really doing i just felt like they were needling all the time trying to put me on meds um you know and i ended up kind of addicted to benzos again when i was like 19 you know so it's like it kind of ended up being just a problem
Starting point is 01:10:00 and it was like then you know i kind of found bodybuilding i'm like i want to gain a bunch of weight so i like tried kind of bodybuilding and that's how i got fat i mean i just ended up like lifting one day a week my whole life went to shit and i was like anxiety all the time so i was popping benzos what are benzos like is annex benzodiazepines like so it was a shit you got up to two so your girlfriend knew you when you were skinny little runner kid and you blew up to 280 yeah dude that was a i was it was a dark time of my life you know it really was there's some pictures in the notes did i send you the notes susan and people are like how come it's only like the same five or six pictures i'm like well because i didn't take a lot of pictures of
Starting point is 01:10:36 myself then like i didn't like myself i didn't like the life i was in i was never um i actually thought it was a lot of pictures i'm like damn there's a lot of fat boy pictures of this guy circulating uh there's like yeah there's like six or something i i just like yeah i mean the thing was it was my life just kind of was weird and then i got into kind of the corporate world kind of started having some success there and kind of started to pull my head out of my ass a little bit and i mean it's a very long long story that was in texas so i kind of i gained a lot of weight actually before we went to Texas. And then by the time I moved to Texas, we were actually started. I was on my way losing weight.
Starting point is 01:11:11 So actually by the time I was in Texas, I was in the process of losing weight. So by the time we were like stable in Texas, I was kind of in that transitional phase. And that was you were using a ketogenic diet to do it? Actually, I started with fasting, believe it or not. And then was, you were using a ketogenic diet to do it. Actually I started with fasting, believe it or not. Uh, and then I went to keto. Yeah. And fasting meaning intermittent fasting. It just worked for me. Yeah. Both for sure. Intermittent fasting on the regular. And then I was doing like two day fasts and say, it just worked. Uh, you know, for anyone that is a, someone that has an addictive personality, fasting is both dangerous, but also works really well
Starting point is 01:11:45 because it's so like, I needed to be put in a box. I'm still that way. Put me in a box. Like tell me there's like, just say here, like, this is what you can do. This is what you can't do. Uh, and it's very clean. Like, I don't like gray areas. I don't like blurred lines. It's just worked really well. So it's like, yeah, I saw like Fergie show commented weight gain or 3000. That was kind of me. It was like the, uh, I always said it was like the, uh, the Cartman thing. It was like, I I'm going to get big. And then I just got really fat and really depressed. And then drink alcohol back then. Not too much. No. Occasionally what I needed to do for, uh, what I needed to do for work, because I was then at that point, like I kind of in the recruiting world. So it was like,
Starting point is 01:12:21 it was very high stress commission only work, you know, in the medical world. And then after I got, I got my life together after I lost weight. And before I started this brand, I was part of a, an ancillary lab services company where I was essentially, my job was selling to doctors, uh, ancillary lab services. So salivary cortisol testing, uh, various fee for service practices within, you know, for people to add into their practices. So I learned having my experience on the executive side of the healthcare world and then going into more of the physician side, I really learned how to articulate biochemistry to physicians.
Starting point is 01:12:57 And that's where I picked all this stuff up. I'm like, I love this stuff. And damn- You even had to dumb it down for them. Well, that's what's interesting is I talk about that and some people give me shit for it. And like physicians are like, they're very, most of them are very open about the fact that like nutrition, like you do have to numb, dumb things down for them. Like they have their Newtonian physics, like kind of look at things. And if you're thinking outside the box, like they're not afraid to admit that you need to explain different things to them and being able to explain how to apply it in a business practice for a physician is difficult too. So with that, it was kind of like, I just learned a lot.
Starting point is 01:13:34 And then that company left that company just because I was kind of bored and they were going through an acquisition. And I was like, so how old is your girlfriend's health at this time? Your wife's health? So this is, yeah. So that's why i want to like it was during this time where i started to change my life and was starting to get healthy while she was going down and she wasn't doing the things that i was doing and that's what i'm saying like intermittent fasting was big for me she didn't want to fast that wasn't a thing for her and then insert keto keto really worked for me and it was like what really the rest of the way just fell off. Like it was just easy at that point. And I don't want to discourage people
Starting point is 01:14:11 because I know a lot of people are motivated by my story, but I think the fact that I was an athlete growing up and I was such a runner, like it wasn't hard for me to lose weight because it just, once my brain was there, it fell off. Like, so I am well aware there are people that struggle really, really hard. And I know sometimes my story gets out there and I don't want it to be misconstrued as like Thomas struggled, struggled, struggled. I got fat because I was stupid and made dumb decisions. And when I finally got my head out of my ass, I fixed it.
Starting point is 01:14:39 And sometimes that's really, sometimes people do need to hear that because they're like, wow, I just seem to pull my head out of my ass. Right. But meanwhile, I think there was so much focus on work and business. I was neglecting my wife and she was getting depressed. And she was getting depressed because she wasn't hitting my attention as much. And her health was deteriorating in the process. And her diet was not good.
Starting point is 01:15:00 And this is what she's working on kind of writing about. And I was like, wow, like what's going on? And then it gets to a point where she's just flat out bedridden and there was a period of time where like she's my wife so i'm gonna you know humor her a little bit but i think a lot of this like might be blown out of proportion what's going on and then it just got to the point where like she physically just could not get out of bed some days any physical manifestations like anything going on with her skin or joints swollen or gained a shitload of weight her joints were super swollen she was uh she's got some pictures up on her instagram from years ago you'd have to dig for them so you probably wouldn't be able to pull them up now
Starting point is 01:15:30 but like great like she looked like she was dying like crazy dark circles under her eyes um poor girl like it was bad and finally just something hit or it's like okay let's do this keto thing right let's let's do it and she And, um, there's a lot of obviously little things that went on in between this. So this is very abbreviated, but keto was the one thing that snapped her out of it in about six months. And what is keto? What is keto? I mean, for us, it was very, very simple. I mean, cause we really did keto in like a whole food form. So it was like keeping carbs under 30 for her. Uh, you know, she had zero gluten whatsoever. It was, you know, higher protein in this,
Starting point is 01:16:05 but this particular time, the research was leaning more towards high fat, lower protein. Now it's kind of shifted a little more towards moderate protein, a little bit lower fat, but either way. So it was very high fat. So lots of macadamia nuts. It was lots of like chicken, lots of olive oil, lots of ground beef, uh, you know, lots of steak, things like that. It was, it wasn't carnivore though. because we ate a shit load of veggies and dude the premise is is that you start using ketones or fat as your primary fuel the cells do as opposed to sugar right yes and it's a hormetic stressor so what ends up happening is when you have these hormetic stressors it it triggers all kinds of different things to happen because it's a stressor and you have to
Starting point is 01:16:45 have adaptations. So people think, Oh, keto, it's just a fad thing where you're cutting out carbs. Like, no, like it is a specific stressor. And that's why it's a, that's why it is a lifestyle for many, but it's also a tool in the toolbox for many to now I've graduated to using it as a tool, right? Because I know it's a stressor. So I treat, keto is like putting a weight vest on. It makes shit harder in some ways, but it also makes you adapt in other ways. So then when you take that weight vest off, you're like, damn, like what happened? So neither my wife nor I are keto full-time now. We cycle in and out of it. And we were just talking about how like I've been on carbs for the last like 90 days. And like, getting to a point now where I'm actually like not feeling as good on carbs, time to go back to keto. Like I cycle that I've listened to my body. And that's for me just being
Starting point is 01:17:34 as a former fatty. But for my wife, it should be she'll have periods where it's like she sits me down. She's like, I have to go back keto. Like I feel little flares coming back of my autoimmune stuff. So for me, it's it's a lifestyle. for me. It's body composition for me. It's mental clarity for me. It's staving off. You know, I was, uh, I made myself diabetic in that short period of time, by the way, so that I didn't wait because I ate so much and was so stressed and sit down. So, uh, I still struggle. Can anyone be a hundred pounds overweight and not be diabetic? Can anyone? It's possible. Yeah. You can be two 80 and supposed to be one 80 and not be diabetic can anyone it's possible yeah you can be 280 and supposed to be 180 and maybe not 280 but yeah i mean it's it's definitely i've seen it i've seen
Starting point is 01:18:10 it for sure okay yeah so not common though so maybe these fat models that i see like on sports illustrated or these ones that they're promoting as being happy that are 200 pounds overweight these 105 pound women who are 310 pounds these are are all, they're all on medications. Okay. So here's, here's the thing. How do I say this without like this looking, sounding bad? If, if, if men have to show that they're natural by showing blood work and whatever,
Starting point is 01:18:38 maybe that's just the future. Maybe that's the way it is. Sure. If someone is obese and portrayed as an athletic model, I don't have a problem with that, but perhaps they should also have to show their blood work to show that they're healthy. Right, right, right. Because you're promoting this lifestyle, but you're taking years off people's lives. Exactly. And it's, I understand the body positivity thing. So when we put body, like I body positivity aside, that is one thing that
Starting point is 01:19:04 is talking about size and that is talking about your body health is a different pillar. So if you can be a hundred pounds overweight and you can have stellar blood work, I will hang my hat on that and I won't whatever, all good. Like it's sure I can point to evidence that says it's bad to be overweight. But if you tell me, if you show me that you're healthy, then who am I to judge if you're a big person, right? But if you are like very, very morbidly obese and your blood work shows that like, you're dangerously, dangerously unhealthy, that's a serious thing, right? So-
Starting point is 01:19:43 And you're promoting it and you're promoting it. And you're promoting it. It can be scary, man. It can be scary. Like, I try to, like, again, when we talk about the world of compassion, like, I try to really be compassionate to that situation. Like, there's some people that really, really, really, really, really struggle, right? So. I want to be compassionate to it, too. But it's like, hey, I recognize a park full of heroin addicts when I walk by and the park's just full of people shooting drugs.
Starting point is 01:20:08 And that's what some of these Instagram accounts have become. They've become a haven of codependency of people supporting each other's, you know, Twinkie habits. And like, hey, dude, like you're shortening your life. And they're doing so much damage to their body at such a young age that they've bent the frame of their car you know you see 12 year olds and you're totaled you'll never have a regular body again you've done you've taken it so so far out of whack and that sucks no totally that's yeah it's definitely it's a tough it's a tough one because it's like i i get what they're trying to do, but it's being done in a, in a way that's promoting something not safe. So, but your wife, how, how quickly did she get better?
Starting point is 01:20:53 It's like, I mean, it was six months to a year and like, I got my wife back, man. It was like, I didn't realize in that time how like, we didn't have the fun we used to have you know like i've been with it's gonna be what i think it's gonna be 18 years that we've been together this january and i'm like man i think my lucky stars every day so it's just because like she's my she's my buddy she's my best friend she's my you know it's like it's just awesome and she's fucking hot yeah she is hot so it's it's like i don't i don't want her to, she is hot. So it's, it's like, I don't, I don't want her to go back to being like that. Like that was, were you scared that you might lose her? I don't think I ever got scared like death wise, but here's the thing. I mean, but
Starting point is 01:21:35 like when she was so unhealthy, like she would go to the dentist and they would give her like the shot of Novocaine and she would get a reaction to the Novocaine because her body couldn't even handle that. And she'd start going into like weird convulsions. So her body was so fragile and messed up. So it's like, that's just an example, right? So like it got to the point where like she would, yeah, she'd just simple things like going to the dentist would scare me because I'm like, is her body so fragile that she can't even handle this? And, uh, you know, so I don't talk about that on YouTube because I get nervous about like the algorithm and like, I don't want to make claims. Right. So I don't say it on my channel because I can't lead people astray and say,
Starting point is 01:22:20 this is going to solve all your problems, you know? And that's what a lot of the carnivore community and stuff will do is they'll get cured everything. But that's a ticking time bomb from a content perspective before that gets taken down or you get shadow banned or something for that. So it's because it's, and I actually understand, like, I know it sounds bad for me to say that I understand that, but like,
Starting point is 01:22:41 you can only like, you can't make crazy claims. Like you just, that's just the life. Even if they're true, even if they're true even if they're that's what's messed up it's like you know so but especially when you have a big platform it it's like if i talk about my experiences and my life experiences and my family's experiences on my platform it's construed as like news media so it's like i that's kind of circles right back to this whole thing is like the compassion piece is like, people forget that we are humans on the other side of this shit. And like, you scroll Instagram, you scroll TikTok, you watch YouTube and you're like, I'm a two dimensional figure. Like, no, like I put my pants on the same way you do every morning,
Starting point is 01:23:23 you know? Um, and, but I guess, you know, flash forwarding to kind of get through all that. It's like, it, it changed our life. And then the fact that I've been able to build a great business for our family off of something that saved our life and made us a happy family. And, um, and now I've gotten to help a crap load of other people. It's pretty darn cool. Did you even have one YouTube video during this? Like, like where's this launch of your YouTube channel and your wife doing keto? No. So I was like 2016, 17 is when we really started talking about it and putting it out there
Starting point is 01:23:58 on YouTube, you know? Cause there was, and when did the healing go on for her? What year was that? Would have been like 2012 ish like it was kind of like your life really is parallel to liver king's life yeah it's like people are gonna be like i knew it thomas thomas they've been in cahoots this whole time um yeah so that's crazy and you know what's funny i said something to someone about i was at first i got really frustrated with paul's how paul reacted and i actually sent paul a text tonight being like hey buddy i hope you're okay uh you know
Starting point is 01:24:29 i'm sorry i didn't reach out sooner because this was probably hard for everyone and he was close to the liver king too and i know that his business um is is tightly intertwined with uh brian's um and i and i don't know if you know my story but in a nutshell i had done carnivore for like four four or five six months and my fingers and uh and toes started getting cold and i started hearing like my heartbeat a little bit and literally within hours of me finding these pills this is before there was even a liver king i got figured this out through paul saladino my shit felt better yeah and i was like okay i need organ meat i'm missing some vitamins something's going on for sure but um then i see i i start seeing all these people piling on and every one of them i find out did has some like when i saw joe pile on i said something i'm like i can't believe joe
Starting point is 01:25:16 rogan's piling on this hard and someone started telling me about his issue growing up yeah and then you said lane norton had some you know experiences. And I'm just like, oh, shit. This is just a shitload of fucking hurt men. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, it's real. I mean, I don't think that people. Yeah. Again, it's.
Starting point is 01:25:35 And I'm the first to say, don't be a pussy. But also, like, these are hurt men who are reliving some of their hurt because the liver king let them down in this way that they like it's just another man who let them down it's kind of like psychology 101 shit well sometimes we get jaded by like we need a david goggins our way through everything you know right and i'm all i'm all for pushing hard seriously like i mean you're talking to someone that like i push it probably way too hard in every aspect of my life, but like, you can also push it hard in your retroactive analysis of your life and understand like why you, like why you make the decisions you make and like, why is no one asking these questions about Leverking? Okay. And I'm
Starting point is 01:26:17 going to go on record and say like, it fucking sucks that he dug his heels in boldface lied. And a lot of people for whatever like the people that are hurt by it i try to look at the same thing like what happened in your life to why you are so hurt by this and i think with social media people hang their hats so much on what on these figures and in liver case of liver king like he's a real person but he's cartoonized this this thing this image so people forget that even that it's a cartoon but it's a real person but they have hung their life on it and you also have to remember that a lot of these people are really hurting from a health perspective and they turn to him and we're we are in an
Starting point is 01:26:59 athletic arena where we are exposed to people that do peds and we're exposed to this and we see it. So we're a little bit more numb to it. Okay. I've been in the fitness industry a long time. Like I've been at dinner tables with people that are juiced to the gills. It doesn't matter. Like as far as like, I still look at Stan, you know, I don't, I shouldn't call people out. Stan Everding's a big dude, right? Like he's such a good friend of mine. Of course he's on gear, but like I look at him in the eyes as the same way I would look you in the eyes the same way i'd look my wife in the eyes you know and it's it frustrates me because people just make decisions but like they were probably just very hurt by the fact that this person is doing doing drugs and lying about it and this is one thing i did talk about der Derek is like, granted, Liver King was on a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:48 But what I don't want to have happen with this is where people start judging good people that are going to doctors and are on testosterone replacement. Because that's happening now, where people that are like good people that aren't necessarily athletes, they're 40s, 50s, and they're going to their doctor and they're getting on TRT to restore hormones to normal levels in a world where testosterone levels are plummeting. And it's, in my opinion, perfectly acceptable to go to a doctor and restore your levels. You wouldn't bitch at someone
Starting point is 01:28:17 for having low thyroid going to the doctor and getting their thyroid levels restored to normal. Again, that's not liver king, but I'm talking about like the fact that now this is the opposite of you thomas i feel like it's more acceptable than ever now well no it's i mean i don't have a good pulse on it though either yeah it's acceptable in our industry but like it's not like it's acceptable as a way to how do i put this it's acceptable as a scapegoat sort of thing to not work hard. Okay. So it's like, it's like people, people want to know they want to hear everyone's on TRT because it helps them understand that this is why maybe they can't do X. But in reality,
Starting point is 01:29:01 anyone that is on TRT knows that it doesn't change the game like that. It puts you at a point where maybe you feel better and you feel more alive than you feel like it can be a catalyst for other things. So yes, it's more acceptable in the sense that it's just more discussed. But I think the problem that people are having mostly with liver King still isn't about the drugs. It's about just the, the outright, you know, lying. And so, I mean, when I go back to like, I'm a little pissed off actually, that he, like I sent them this heartfelt message and he totally read it and
Starting point is 01:29:36 didn't reply, but don't be that guy. You don't care. Whatever. He read it. He's happy. Well, i was like no acknowledgement i guess you're right see that's i need people like that to keep me in check yeah yeah no you're good you did the right thing that's all that matters i was just gonna say that's all like sometimes i'm like i don't i don't need the validation out of this no he didn't respond to me either by the way he didn't respond he's also traveling like a madman right now i know he's on and it's just yeah it's it's a it's a weird situation and you know who knows man like maybe maybe he's damaged dude he's fucking he basically
Starting point is 01:30:13 has said what probably i want to say i'm just making this up i have no proof of this i guess that 50 fucking percent of the dudes who are on fucking the kind of gear that he's on are fucking insecure scared little boys the shit that he did to his body to get that big is some sort of fucking mental delusion and he probably had one of the largest functional bodies around i think a lot of these guys that are this big don't even move as well as him but at some point it becomes fucking crippling and we grew up in this era where every single magazine we looked at when we flipped through them it was pictures of guys and they showed the way protein they took and we all knew there was no way we were going to get that big yeah but but
Starting point is 01:30:48 when we when you read in there that it said that he was concerned about his back fat that's when you knew soon as derrick read that that's when like your heart of compassion form should have like right should have opened up like his back fat i mean like what is he a fucking like a 12 year old girl yes he is actually yeah and and actually 50 of those guys are and uh we it's um yeah it's fucking uh it's it's it's uh it's it's bizarre it's weird yeah and it's but normal but normal right because it's hidden like the vast majority of people the vast majority i think that there's millions of dudes out here like this and women if that if that email was okay i've been like who knows i'm gonna give also who knows like if that like i still have it's still weird that that email like
Starting point is 01:31:43 was like sent from his like company email address and And like, I don't know, sometimes I, some red flags go up, but you mean like it was a setup, like Andrew was saying, like the whole thing is a plan possibly who knows. I mean, liver, he's also a very smart marketer, smart guy. I hope it's not. I don't think it is, but I do think he's very relieved. I do think he's like, it reminds me of when I got caught cheating once as a kid i was so relieved oh you know what's crazy is like if you look at him like a year ago a year and a half ago he looked so much better yes yes yeah he looks like he's aged he looks like he's like he's like kind of bloated and he's bright red and like when his channel and he in like the like the smaller
Starting point is 01:32:21 beard like i was like he was like a handsome dude that was like jacked. And he actually didn't look crazy juice to the gills then. And like the character has, he's gotten so much bigger and that's what kind of like led me. I was like, okay, well, you're getting bigger and let your, yeah, you're doing all this stuff. So, I mean, anyone that's kind of been in the industry knows that he was probably on some stuff. But you know, you just don't judge like, yep, Michael Hearns claim natural forever, like whatever. It's just like, sometimes you just let this stuff go. But when you start digging your heels in, and you start saying and making almost a public statement outward against it, that's where it's just like, I think people question the moral compass. I question the moral compass too. But I also do with an element of compassion
Starting point is 01:33:07 because once again, we come back to like, what happened? Like, so does not make it right. It does not change that. It does not at all. And he should be held accountable for that. But I am, my message out to the internet is like, can everyone just like have a little compassion?
Starting point is 01:33:26 Because like, are you going to like, if someone messes up and says that, you know, they've been on drugs or whatever, if it was, if it was heroin or something, someone would say like, oh man, that poor guy, like he's coming back from this, right? oh man, that poor guy, like he's coming back from this, right? People turn to any drug, PEDs, recreational for similar reasons. So in a lot of ways, Brian could have gone down a much worse route and he could have done something where he really hurt himself, hurt those that are close to him by hurting himself. Fortunately, he went in a way that still used drugs, but he tried to better himself. Now that doesn't absolve him of the issues of, uh, you know, whatever other issues here are like public facing.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Right. But I ask people to just like before throwing stones just stop and breathe and realize that this is a guy that had a fucked up childhood and would you say the same thing to someone that's recovering from heroin you know and i think he's done it it's funny because people want to talk about the net of damage he may have done to little boys who outed him who who followed him but think of it now two ways one contextualize it if he fucked up let's say he fucked up a bunch of people who followed him because they thought they were going to get that big think about all the people he helped like me making me realize
Starting point is 01:34:55 hey if i'm going to eat a shitload of meat i need to incorporate organ meat and i think that that's the vast majority and then on the other hand think how amazing this really is that now we're going to see his journey of a man who claims he's going to try to go natural i think that's going to be really hard for him i think that's going to be extremely hard for him and i don't blame him if he if he also reneges on that reneges is a little strong but if he has to find the balancing act of getting up slowly did you watch the andrew schultz podcast he was great on it those guys yeah okay yeah they were kind of dicks to him in the first 20 minutes and then you could see he won them over yeah yeah he's gonna i i think it just it can end up being a message for
Starting point is 01:35:33 like you know yeah if he goes natural at my you know he might need to just he might need to cruise with trt for a while you know and that might just be you know there's a that is a very that's the reason that i haven't gone the trt route right like it's like i i've told people before like i'm you're too young why would you want to be committed your whole life yeah exactly it's the commitment thing like i just like i am not opposed to it there'll be it's not going to be a matter of if it's when like for me like i'm in this industry where i am i see the benefits of it. The benefits of TRT can largely outweigh not going on TRT and having plummeting hormone levels as you get older.
Starting point is 01:36:11 There's some places where a little medical intervention like that can be very great. But I'm 34. I'm done having kids, but I want to see how far I can push it. Until I'm symptomatic, my testosterone levels are relatively low, but until I'm symptomatic, why? And even if I was symptomatic, I'd probably wait until I'm at least 40. So it's, that's just me though. A friend of mine who many years ago, I'm making this up, but it's at least 20 years ago. I want to say 30 years ago.
Starting point is 01:36:42 He had two children and he had two children and four relatives die in the back of a pickup truck accident. So there were two of his kids and then two kids that were related to him. This guy went on to live a very, very successful life. He's one of the nicest, most brilliant men I've ever met. Became very wealthy. He was a physician. He got on trt recently about a year ago and he said savon it's the greatest thing i've ever done people should be getting on trt instead of taking fucking um uh any kind of uh psychiatric drugs he goes i was fucking suicidal i cannot fucking
Starting point is 01:37:23 believe how much this has changed my entire outlook on life. And it was crazy because I'd never even heard that. Well, I'd heard that from some of my friends who are professional athletes who were doing like anabolic steroids. They're like, dude, the mindset shit is crazy. You think you own the world? Yeah. I mean, dude, that's, that's, it's like rather than self-medicating, right? Like, so that's better than drinking or smoking
Starting point is 01:37:46 weed or or you know yeah like you're saying you know i'm buying uh psychiatrics on the street and you know under the supervision of a you know what i would caution people is if this video blows up and gets lots of views and tons and tons and tons of people say it i guess what i would caution people is like there's a lot of docs that hop on they say like yeah cool, cool. I'll prescribe you, you know, TRT, but that don't know what they're doing, but they're doing it because they know there's a demand. Do the due diligence and get with a real good hormone doctor that can like check, keep things in check because like it's, it's, you're messing with hormones, which can be a cascade of other issues. Um, you know, and it's, yeah, man, rather than going out and drinking rather than like
Starting point is 01:38:25 popping Xanax. I mean, again, like I have no problem. Like I were, yeah. Being someone that was taking a couple of milligrams of Xanax a day, um, at one point just to deal with life, it was like, if I got to a point where I was getting super depressed again, and I looked at my hormone levels and I'm like, well, TRT is an option. I would go to the doctor and I'd hop on TRT before I would ever start popping Xanax. Right. So it's, uh, there's a, there's a, yeah. So you knew that too. You've heard that too. Oh yeah. Oh dude. Yeah. Like tons of people, tons of people. And just because like I'm in a, in an industry, a specific vertical of the industry that sees me as like, okay, Thomas is like this
Starting point is 01:39:05 holistic, super down to earth, eat as much like close to the earth as possible type stuff. For me to say that TRT is okay, seems like a complete like contrast to the kinds of stuff I preach because I do encourage people to do as much with what's available naturally as possible. But I also worked in the medical system. I worked with physicians. I was in healthcare. I was in, I have a vast appreciation for what proper medicine can do. Like Western medicine is effing cool. It's just like, it has to be done right. And it has to be like, there's goods and bads with everything. Like, so anyway, it's just, I'm going to have to wrap up here soon. Cause I got to help give them my, uh, I think I told you that my son's got that RSV crap right now. And I
Starting point is 01:39:51 don't want to leave my wife, uh, dealing with them for too much longer because he's not feeling too great. So I had to hop upstairs, but it's, let me ask you one question real quick. How, um, when did you pivot to, did you already have kids when you pivoted to YouTube? How, um, when did you pivot to, did you already have kids when you pivoted to YouTube? No, no kids were, I have my son's five. So that was a 2000, he was born into 2017. And, and how long did you plug away on YouTube before the first couple of years? Scary, not scary, but like, fuck, I don't know if this shit's going to stick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:19 I got kind of fortunate because it really took off relatively quick because I, I, I had gotten on some magazine covers and stuff and that built a Facebook platform for me. So then it was back when you could link out from Facebook to YouTube without the algorithm, totally squelching everything. So like, I was just, I had a decent Facebook following from all these magazines. So it was like, okay, I started doing videos on YouTube, pumped them out to Facebook. And honestly, some of that was a little bit of luck and timing. So it was like, okay, I started doing videos on YouTube, pumped them out to Facebook. And honestly, some of that was a little bit of luck and timing. So it was like- No, it's because you make good content. You had a good following, but you could have fucked it up. I've seen a lot of people with big followings fuck it up,
Starting point is 01:40:54 and you didn't fuck it up because you make good content. I don't need your help telling me that- Hopefully I didn't fuck it up by being very, very candid in this conversation. No, no, we can even change your name. We can change your name. this conversation we can even change the name we can change your name i think people need to hear this stuff i like i'm i'm i kind of want to go on like a little bit of a more candid podcast tour and let people kind of see i'm just people need to know a little bit more of like my history and stuff like that because i think they just see is the liver king kind of the catalyst for that too like you see that and you're just like okay sorry one more question i more question. I'm sorry. One more question. I know you guys, what do you, I had this one question. I want to talk to you about awareness. I got to have you
Starting point is 01:41:29 back on. Cause I want to talk about cultivating self-awareness. Cause I know you were extremely self-aware. Um, but before, what do you think was the catalyst that made you compassionate? When, when did, was that introduced to you at a young age or was it after you had kids after you had kids maybe? After I had kids. Yeah. I knew it. after kids yeah yeah i was in a bubble man i was like very i had blinders on most of my life lone wolf trainer lone wolf like lifter lone wolf runner business was put me in a dark room and let me just plug away um the world didn't really exist around me except for my immediate family i probably definitely wouldn't call myself a narcissist because I always had a level of like what Chris Voss would call tactical empathy. When you are 13 and kind of forced to just figure shit out on your own, like you learn to understand
Starting point is 01:42:17 tactical empathy and you learn to understand what makes people tick. It's the only way you get through life. It's the only way it's how you cope. You learn, you learn people's body language. You learn people's because that's, you learn how to sell yourself, you know, because you have to kind of just make shit happen for yourself. Right. And survive. And, uh, so with that, I, but I also, this is funny. My wife will attest to this is like, I grew up with 18 horses, right? 46 goats, 160 English Angora rabbits on our property, three dogs, just shit loads of animals. I grew up with animals and I grew up tending to the animals. And anyone that raises animals will tell you that you learn emotion and body language, especially with a horse, because you learn to read that animal that could kill you, right?
Starting point is 01:43:01 So it's like you learn, my wife, we've always been able to like look at someone in the eyes and be able to know exactly where that person stands, even before I had compassion. So the empathy that I had was more so empathy to understand what this person's motives are in a very tactical way. And how do I, how do I navigate that situation to help this person, but to also survive and help myself. And then I had kids and it's like, damn, like this undying, just inexplicable feeling like here of just like, I will do anything for you. And then through meditation and practice with that, I've kind of realized like, dang, I look at other people and I see a four-year-old boy and I look at, you know, men on the street and I see a four-year-old boy talking to his mom, asking for his sippy cup. You know what I mean? And like,
Starting point is 01:43:56 it's just like, it gets me a sense of like, damn, like, dude, like you're just a dude. And like, you were a kid at one point and like, you were just a dude. Like, you were a kid at one point. And, like, you were just a baby. And you were someone's pride and joy, maybe. And it just, like, makes me realize, like, fuck, we are a jaded, angry group of people out here right now. Because, like, people just need to see that shit for what it is. Dude, brilliantly said. I want to tell you that I don't take it lightly that you decided to come on this show. I know you could have gone to a lot of places. I really, really appreciate you taking you decided to come on the show. I know you could have gone to a lot of places. I really,
Starting point is 01:44:25 really appreciate you taking the time to come hang. We got a dedicated crew here, good listeners, and I appreciate you. And I guess from here on out, I'll just start trying to schedule our next podcast for sometime in the next six months. Sounds good,
Starting point is 01:44:40 my man. All right, brother. Thank you. Tell your wife and kids, thank you for sharing you this evening and we shall chat again soon. If there's anything you need, please let me know. All right, brother. Thank you. Tell your wife and kids thank you for sharing you this evening. For sure. And we shall chat again soon. If there's anything you need, please let me know.
Starting point is 01:44:48 All right, brother. Thanks, you guys. Bye-bye. Bye. Bye. Wow. I want to turn the TV on behind me because I want to start watching. The UFC hasn't started yet, right?
Starting point is 01:45:07 It's just the prelims. I want to watch the pay-per-view. Fuck, dude. God. That could have been a four-hour podcast. Could have been a four-hour podcast. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:45:21 I don't get a crying credit. Yeah, I don't get a crying credit. I agree. But it could have been could have been. How about the fact when he started sharing all his blood work? I was like, I thought that was already I was drilling in. I was going to start drilling in looking for some tears. But he started talking about his blood work. He is so I get mesmerized by his stories uh in a good way like like i'm listening to an audiobook but he's kind of like freestyling he's like a freestyle rapper but a freestyle storyteller
Starting point is 01:45:51 yeah he did he knocked it out of the park yeah he's smart yep he's good um seven when are you going to invite me out to cali anytime brother anytime well i should here's the thing like my shit can just change from second to second i never know what i'm doing except for the podcast i'm actually in newport today tonight as you guys know and someone was going to introduce me to this uh new york times like you know best-selling author one of the most politically connected people ever i don't even want to say their name and uh help me get politicians on. And I'm like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:46:26 I can't, I got Thomas DeLauer. Like my podcast. I didn't get to ask him about autophagy. We didn't talk about shit, but, but, but man,
Starting point is 01:46:37 it was good. I mean, we talked about a lot of shit. God, his childhood must've been wild. So I'll come to water Palooza.ooza seven you can stay with me and gabe where's my where am i gonna set up my podcast where my kids gonna stay i'll let you be the big spoon you're good dude you're good dude uh yes yes no you're working you're gonna work for me what are you talking about bruce what are
Starting point is 01:47:06 you talking about you can do it all you can work for both of us okay uh i wish suza didn't have to leave i wish kayla was here uh i appreciate you guys uh what an exciting night oh tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow morning um they don't know it yet but i'm gonna send uh jamie latimer and uh jason grubb a link probably we're gonna start late tomorrow probably like at 8 a.m pacific standard time and then i think at nine o'clock that kid's coming on the kid from uh france who climbs the building the free climber we'll check in with him for like 30 minutes and uh see what he's doing uh oh alan be nice be nice saying i should be quiet uh yeah jamie is killing it yep uh yep i think she's gonna make a podium oh jessica are you there also are you at the legends god i get
Starting point is 01:47:56 everyone so confused jessica you know who you look like in your avatar picture did you see the mom from sons of anarchy just just like that that with that hair i mean i can't see your face too good it's so small uh she was on uh what was she was on that other show too the funny show i never watched that show what was that show i forget no sadly no set oh no no you're not competing okay uh something family i'm asking jason to get on the podcast oh hey i'm at oh you're with him right now mayhem legends just finished oh you mean tonight oh no no i'm watching ufc now i'll talk to him tomorrow tell him i'm gonna bug him tomorrow i actually i'll send him a text when i get off all right uh thomas uh delauer what a stud well we'll try to get him back on again um very generous uh i'm flattered that he came on i'm flattered that all of you guys are here on a
Starting point is 01:48:55 sunday night monday night saturday night saturday night uh alan always good to see you brother uh i'll talk to you send a link no no i'm gonna watch ufc just tell jason i love him and i'll see him in the morning okay mr grubb jamie latimer i'll see you guys in the morning bye

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