The Sevan Podcast - #704 - We tried to warn you! Live Call In Show

Episode Date: December 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Discover more value than ever at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh. So you get the best fruits and veggies.
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Starting point is 00:00:37 Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Excited. You know why I'm so excited? Why? Not because we had the King of Keto on yesterday.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Not because he has 3.2 million YouTube subscribers. Because I feel like we've done our tiny little part to allow people to start making the shift. Waking up and speaking the fucking truth and not be scared. I mean, he basically told us yesterday, hey, I'm afraid to speak on my own platform, but I'll come over here and tell you exactly what's going on.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I can be honest over here. Yep. I was in YouTube. So fucking proud of this show. It's a fantastic compliment. Yeah. And then this dude, the champ wants to come on. This is amazing.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Where are you, Jason? Still in Cookville. But I mean, are you at Mayhem right now? Are you in a coffee shop? I just saw Grubb in the background. So I was just wondering, like, you put that up at. I mean, are you, are you at Mayhem right now? Are you in a coffee shop? I just saw grub in the background. So I was just wondering, like, you put that up at a Starbucks, just right behind you. I carry it around.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I should do that. Do carry a stuff on podcast banner and go to Starbucks and do my show live from there. So it covers a window in the RV. Here's the the this is the back door and there's a window behind me and i get too much light spewing uh through it so i have a banner covering a window gotcha you're in the rv now right now yeah yeah yeah i guess i recognize those blinds when i used to have an rv but those back doors look like um doors, like out of like a gymnasium. Yeah, it's all glass.
Starting point is 00:02:27 It's amazing. So it's I like a sliding glass door right here that opens all the way. And there's there's a big door like a garage, like this big door that pops down into a deck on the back of this thing. Or if I had an ATV, it would go to the ground and I could roll an ATV back into this garage area. Crazy. Your podcast studio. So cool.
Starting point is 00:02:50 That's my podcast studio. I've got the bike erg, like sticking up right there. Do you have a generator on right now? Cause I don't, I don't hear anything either. It's quiet or no, you're playing.
Starting point is 00:03:01 No generator. We're connected to shore power. So we've got all the power oh good good jamie you got the apparel uh requirements for the show today i didn't know he's got the uniform on solid uh you're jason your studio is much nicer some someone someone wrote yesterday in the comments boy that was a weird start to the show and i was offended because the entire show should be always weird. And the beginning should have been normal with the CrossFit athletes on.
Starting point is 00:03:30 That should have been the normal part. Not the weird part. We are one day away from it being over. Jamie, I did see that you are in third place. You're still on the podium. How tough is it getting? Tough. I'm extremely, extremely nervous.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Tell me why. Why? I don't know. I just, I don't know. I just constantly question my fitness. And I don't, like everything this, like, something I'm great at paired with something I'm not great at. So it's, like, how well can you hold on?
Starting point is 00:04:12 I don't know. Today's front squats are heavy for me. But I'm pretty good at bar muscle-ups, so we'll see how those pair together. And same with strict handstand push-ups. Good movement for me. I want to tell you guys at home how amazing jamie's doing the fourth place uh who colette casey great athlete 496 points and jamie's holding down third with 604 with over 100 points um does any part of this make you want to like okay i got it and you won't push as hard or are you still gonna like i gotta go i'm like terrified of imploding out there and just i'm i'm super nervous
Starting point is 00:04:53 so now i'm on morning we're like tomorrow morning after you get off the show we're like damn jamie imploded right that's the last thing I want to do with you guys. Jason, what what what is she do you recognize this this sort of this mode she's in these thoughts she's having? Oh, yeah, absolutely. And I'm I feel the same level of nervousness this morning. Everybody's going much faster than anticipated. You know, I normally go into workouts with a pretty set like strategy and game plan in my head on pacing, but the workouts have been fairly short and fast. So really the strategy has just been go as fast as possible and maybe, maybe not die. And I don't know, Jamie, if that's how you felt, but yesterday was, except for the GHD workout, yesterday was just set your hair on fire and let's see what happens.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Because there's just no wiggle room on these things. And the final event today, it's two back-to-back events in really tight time frames. So it's just, again, two sprints that could determine everything by seconds or a single rep. And that's nerve-wracking. For me, I'm sitting in, I was, something I was scoring last night, I was tied for first when I went to bed. When I woke up this morning, I'm in by four points.
Starting point is 00:06:14 So it doesn't matter. You're what, you're in second by four points? By four points, yeah. Do you know what happened? I don't know what happened. I just know that when I went to bed, I had to win these events to win the whole thing. And I'm still in that spot. So it doesn't know what happened. I just know that when I went to bed, I had to win these events to win the whole thing, and I'm still in that spot.
Starting point is 00:06:27 So it doesn't really change anything. I just have to win today. That's it. Jason, do you think this guy is more motivated than you because he gets to beat you? I mean, I don't know. I'm as motivated to not let him beat me okay probably as he is motivated to beat me he's a good athlete he was at the games with me in 2021 he better be good
Starting point is 00:06:52 yeah he's good when i saw his his name um sneaking up the leader i knew he was going to be here so i was like okay this could be interesting and then seeing him move up the leaderboard, we've done workouts. He's a fast guy. He's really, really fast. And he has crushed these short workouts. And that's been a bit surprising. You know, when I'm in the middle of, I don't know, a three and a half minute workout yesterday, thinking, how is he going faster? This makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'm going at lightning speed. And he's just a smidge faster so um yeah he's legitimate contender and uh very very nice guy but we are um we are we are currently uh enemies until we finish this thing and then we can be friends again jason you're in the 45 to 49 category and jamie you're in the 35 to 39 correct um and uh jamie are you sick at all is your voice a little scratchy i don't yeah i don't know good i feel i feel great i feel like a million bucks yeah just cough on the lane next to you just talk biological warfare um jamie when when you get out there and they say three, two, one go,
Starting point is 00:08:06 I have to assume that you will turn any of that, um, uh, anxiety you have into fuel. Yeah. Hopefully it's just adrenaline, any form of it. Right. Is there a best way to be at the starting line? Is that how you kind of want to be? You kind of want to be a little wound a little too tight um i guess because i i also don't like if i'm calm and like immediately my heart rate spikes and then it's like you feel like you're redlined immediately so if it's already high then whatever you're just hanging out there um how how close are you guys so where you guys are at it's uh 11 05 a.m.?
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yep, 10.05. Okay, two hours ahead. Did your times get changed last minute today, Jamie? And if so, how does that affect you? Well, I would have stayed at the room longer and been more comfortable. Yeah, I got the email last night that heats were finalized and went back on and checked and had all my things written down. And then I don't know why I didn't check this morning before I left. I just was in my mode and packed up and left. And then my husband's like, like half your girls are walking out. You should check out, like check this out.
Starting point is 00:09:16 And he's like, oh yeah, you go, you don't go till later. So I don't know. Because originally you couldn't come on the show because you were supposed to be competing right now. Well, I thought it was, I was going at 11.06, so I would have been starting to warm up right now. Okay. And Jason, how's your schedule going? Good, good. It didn't change for me.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I think it was, I don't know what jumbled, but I started 3.46, something like that. So it's a nice late afternoon workout. I'll get there a couple of hours early to watch some earlier heats, and I'll take plenty of time to get warm today. On a four-day event like this, you know, at the Games, we competed for three days, and on the third day, you felt beat up, but you just get through it. I felt that yesterday, and although today we're only we're only moving for seven minutes um it's i feel i feel every bit 47 today and i'm gonna need to to grease or lubricate all the joints and get that stuff just smoothed out uh to go out there and and and try to crush it uh jason has won the crossfit games three times two how many three times three times i apologize three times
Starting point is 00:10:27 um and jamie what's that have you been to the crossfit games nope and so is this the if you finish third here will this be the highest you've ever finished in retrospect to the size of this event besides like a local comp yeah dude it's crazy yeah i don't love crazy i don't love online stuff um i pride myself on moving really really well and and i really am trying to trust the judges to hold everyone to the standard um but i feel like i need i was very frustrated with semifinals this year um in the video review process if any um so i'm thankful to be live and seeing people head to head awesome uh we're rooting for both of you hopefully we can have you uh tomorrow we'll try to schedule it so it's um after the event We can talk to you after the event.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I'll text you guys this evening. Good luck today. Jamie, we're all so freaking proud of you. And thanks for doing this. And I know you're a regular listener. I see you in the comments, and it's cool to sneak a peep at you and pump for you. And Jason, thank you very much for doing this. I know this was your idea to come on. You proposed it, and I'm so glad we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:11:45 It's cool touching base with you guys every morning and every day. Thank you, guys. Appreciate it. All right. Cheers, guys. Good luck. Good luck, guys. Oh, and one more thing.
Starting point is 00:11:53 So people can watch this live now? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We'll put a link in the comments so people can watch. Okay. Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:02 That's cool. The Mayhem guys are letting you guys stream it to their channel they are streaming to their channel it's it's a big production they've got uh annie suck them uh i saw annie and sean yeah lots of cameras no i know shitty iphones no brain friend like they've got the live action like the live count on top they know the reps um so it's they they really went out on production it's amazing yeah it looks fantastic all right guys all right y'all peace and love cheers thank you for coming on uh good good good sweater jamie good sweater thanks good luck wow it's weird i'm i'm in a um condo in the rain on the beach and these guys are getting ready to go live at Mayhem.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Excuse me. Yoel Roth. Yoel Roth. You guys know who that is? No, you don't. But you should. No, I don't. Yoel Roth was the head at twitter of trust and safety trust and safety yes and when you look at yoel roth um i'm not going to if you were to judge
Starting point is 00:13:15 him you would say that he does he's not a very manly looking man he looks very uh um he looks like he spends a lot of times worried about things that like I'm not worried about that I think are irrelevant to be worried about if you are a man. To be quite frank, I'm starting to realize that. Yesterday, I walked someone who was visiting us to their car and I walked barefoot. And this was an older gentleman, probably 75 years old. And he goes, you know what? I can't remember the last time I walked outside barefoot. And I just thought, think of how much time those people waste putting on their shoes that I never have to put on. My life is so free and so good for just the dumb little things that I don't do that other people do. If you, if you spend five minutes a day putting on and off your shoes and i don't do that
Starting point is 00:14:07 that's um uh let's say there's let's say there's four just to make it easy that's two thousand minutes a year wait did you say five minutes yeah five minutes because you take your shoes on and off let's say four times a day three times a day let's say you put boots on this guy was wearing boots that looked like they were there was a lot to lace up you have to put your socks on you have to find your socks you have to wash your socks you have to buy new shoes just all that shit i'm just you know whatever the the uh the cost of shoes five minutes a day that's 2 000 minutes a year times that by uh uh 20 years and now you're at um uh 40 000 minutes what is what is what is 40 000 minutes divided by 60 where's my phone 40 000 minutes calculator 666 666 hours 660 oh that's the devil's sign right isn't that what people think so your shoes are the devil uh no we just proved it 666 uh divided by 24 i get i get one more month
Starting point is 00:15:20 of i get one more month of life every 20 years than someone who wears shoes and i bet you i do i bet you i do 12 things like that so i get a year more of life every 20 years than uh the the coiffed and those that are coiffed i'll take it you go barefoot out here i'll take it oh wait where you're. We'll see how long that lasts. The ground is just on fire. It's all hot. Hey, will it melt your shoes? Like hot?
Starting point is 00:15:57 No, I don't think. I mean, like, it's just dry heat. Like, it's not like a... No. Let's do an egg cooking video if you can. On the side it's about it's about uh probably four months too late for that i like your recent post what'd you call this the circle the circle dude it's like groundhog day i swear to god i'm like this you're going to the same uh i have like the same four places, same four destinations every day. So see Beaver. I'm not. Yeah. Read that first one.
Starting point is 00:16:31 The circle part to the circle part one. Every morning starts with this closet at the end of my bunk. Put on shoes, pick up a shaving kit and towel, trudge wearily to the bathroom trailer at the other end of the complex. Oh, man. Trailers. I just picture just a bunch of trailers connected to each other. trudge wearily to the bathroom trailer at the other end of the complex oh man trailers i just pictured just a bunch of trailers connected to each other greet the usual with enough energy to muster a good morning or how are you knowing well neither of us care for the answers put in contacts brush teeth shave trudge back to the closet at the fight bunk don the same outfit as every other day hey so do you wash your clothes like every day no i have like a i have like multiple of the same the same uniform oh so i just do so i just like
Starting point is 00:17:14 put on a new one or i just wear the same one that i wore yesterday because i'm too lazy to put all the take off all the patches and put the patches on a new set. Sling my backpack. Hold on. I'm going to pull up the post. Give me a second. See Beaver Instagram. It's just like a perpetual Groundhog Day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And then occasionally you see us. Well, not occasionally. Every day you see us. this closet okay i see the outfits i see the water i don't recognize that brand of water one person did i'm guessing they were deployed so it makes sense you got tide pods in case you want to get crazy you need a type somebody said i don't think you should be eating those and i was like well i am so they taste good sorry what is uh what's in those jars like that bvn flight or something those just supplements like creatine and shit yeah so the one on the left the left the that's creatine and the one in the middle is pre-workout. And then the black one on the end is that Cirrus Flow stuff. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Jeff Evans Company.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah. Yeah, that's good stuff. I've been using that stuff for a while. I really like it. You have the spicy cayenne pepper one? Yeah. That shit's good. I would drink that shit.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Is that an apple? It is an apple. Somebody thought it was a donut. I was like, it's an apple filled with jelly. I'm just kidding. No, it's just an apple just in case I get hungry. So you take that from the chow hall and then just bring it back? That comes back with you as a backup food?
Starting point is 00:18:58 I usually try to grab a couple snacks every time just because there's stuff there during the meal period. So that isn't there like all day where's your dildo i don't see your dildo in your oh i crossed that out good that uh caleb um is that are those local brands of uh supplements or you brought those with you um i i uh i ordered them i got them mailed to me. Oh, is Caleb in the air force? Yes. Yeah. Oh yeah. Bruce. Right. Under the pillow. How did I, right. Hey, that shit must happen there. Right? Like someone finds someone else's dildo and then just everyone knows, Oh,
Starting point is 00:19:40 yep. We found John's dildo. Yep. Yeah. It's like the only excitement there right exactly yeah anytime somebody like obviously we get all of the nonsense in the hospital so like people with stds or like scares or wait wait stds yeah how'd they get how'd that happen well sometimes you go a goat was it a goat yeah yeah um usually so everybody gets screened before you leave but it's possible like you get like a false positive or like a false negative so somebody could have like had one and then brought it into the amr and um then like people just get bored and they've got to find something to do and then it just turns into a big old sleep fest with everybody wow place to place yeah hey can you get in trouble can you get in trouble for that
Starting point is 00:20:41 um it depends on how severe it is so i know there's like a rule in the military if you cause too much harm to your body where you can't do your job then you can get paperwork for it or like you can get like an article or something like that like somebody got a sunburn so bad that they like literally couldn't do their job but it was because they were like super fucking drunk on a beach somewhere and they just got fried and they're like third degree burns or something that's i mean this i'm assuming you guys aren't supposed to have sex with each other is that a rule um no oh it's not a rule okay no so if some dude in like sector five um gets chlamydia okay that's why i'm doing sector five gets chlamydia and then all of a why we do sector five gets chlamydia.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And then all of a sudden, two days later, some girl comes in from sector 12 with chlamydia. They're not in trouble. You guys don't like be like, okay, we're putting together the pieces here. No,
Starting point is 00:21:35 but sometimes like if somebody gets like an STD, like now you have to do contact tracing. And so then you have to go, you do, you do have to do. Wow. That's embarrassing. So you like, you have to like basically do you do have to do yes wow that's embarrassing shit so you like you have to like basically get in contact with everybody that person's ever had
Starting point is 00:21:50 some sort of like physical interaction with going how far back going how far back like as far as long as they've like started experiencing symptoms and then like a little bit further back so like even if i just talk to you even if i just talk to you, even if I just talk to you, I have to be like, no, no, no. Physical. Oh, what if they're like touching themselves or like genitalia? Yeah. What could you just lie and be like, no one, I don't know where this came from. Um, that's when you probably get in trouble. If you start to like deny and be like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:22:22 there's no way you didn't get like, you didn't just happen upon this. You know, like some people will come in and they and be like, it's like, there's no way you didn't get, like, you didn't just happen upon this, you know? Like some people will come in and they'll be like, um, I think I just like touched, I touched my, my penis to the shower curtain or like the toilet seat or something. And we're like, that's not really how it works. Toilet seat excuse. Yeah, exactly. I'm pregnant. How? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah. It's like, uh, I'm the virgin Mary. I've never had intercourse before. You. Yeah, exactly. I'm pregnant. How? I have no idea. Yeah. It's like, I'm the virgin Mary. I've never had intercourse before. You're like, hmm, interesting. How many people since you've been there have gotten pregnant? Any? Um, I think we had one. And then they just set her up.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You just get to the home. Wow. Even if like, like you're only like 14 weeks pregnant, you're, you're. Yeah. It doesn't matter. Like if you're, if you're pregnant, like home station, then you get to ask for deployment. You can't go. You're basically, if you're pregnant, you can't go anywhere, uh, for basically like almost two years, like a year and a half to two years. Wow. Because of how, because of all the, like the follow-up care and the, like, do you get put on, um, uh, maternity leave and like postpartum profiles and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:23:32 God, that would suck if you, if you went home pregnant, but your husband wasn't, wasn't there. Oh, that's an awkward call. Well, then it happens vice versa too. So like the dude will come out here and they'll come back and they'll be like, Oh, I'm pregnant. I'm like three months pregnant. And you're like, I've been gone for six. Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 00:23:52 Oh, It doesn't really add up. It's that damn toilet seat again. Yeah. I don't think, yeah. I don't think you get fired. You don't get kicked out of the military. You just got to do a different job, right? No.
Starting point is 00:24:08 She doesn't even change her job. Basically, she just goes home and does the same job just at home. All dude infantry here as well, but I got out in 98. Meaning he was only with dudes. There were no girls where he was? Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Jay McKay put boys and girls together in a stressful situation for long periods of time and shit happens. How about even just not stressful situations? Yeah, literally if you just throw them in the same vicinity, eventually they're just going to – they all come together. It's like this. did high rocks yesterday such a cool event and i got to see hunter in person wow that's where was that at uh like wisconsin or something no because that was the one heidi just did so there's this guy yoel roth i'm looking at 299 and he was the trust and safety guy over at Twitter and he was talking shit about Elon basically saying how Twitter's not as safe as it used to
Starting point is 00:25:17 be now under Elon's rule so Elon released some of his tweets no shit let's look at this guy this guy is speculating can high school students ever have meaningful consent to to sex with their teachers meaningfully can high school students ever meaningfully consent to sex with their teachers this is the former head of trust and safety over twitter this is the guy who helped kick off donald trump hey he there's another post you you can't you probably won't be able to read it but i'll sum it up for you he he he says because there's kids already underage kids on grinder that we need to learn how to make grinder safe for underage kids wow oh here it is yeah are you guys familiar with fucking what grinder is it's where dudes go to ejaculate on each other find other dudes to ejaculate on yeah
Starting point is 00:26:12 listen listen uh for team but the fact that people under 18 are on those services already indicates that we can't readily dismiss these platforms out of hand as low key as location for queer youth culture, rather than merely trying to absolve themselves of legal responsibility or worse, trying to drive out teenagers entirely. He's saying it would be bad to drive teenagers out of Grindr. The service provider should instead focus on crafting safety strategies that can accommodate a wide variety of use cases for platforms like Grindr. Are you out of your fucking mind? That's nuts. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Where do you draw the line on that? So we have this group of seven-year-old girls who's using Tinder, and we can't get them off, so we're going to make Tinder safe for them. Hey, let's just be honest, too. Let's just be honest too let's just be honest it has nothing to do with gay men or or straight men you'd never want to leave boys alone on a site with shit loads of men looking to have sex ever it's the worst place men are men men already we already i mean i bet you, I bet you 99% of all rapists are men, right? We already have established that our insurance is more because we drive like idiots. We do all the killing.
Starting point is 00:27:32 We do all the fucking weird shit with our penises. We fuck a cantaloupe, a hump of pillow. And we get, we watch porn instead of like go to bars and get girls. I mean, and yet you, you want to somehow find a safe way to have underage boys mixed with gay men who are who i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that they're the most hyper sexualized kind of man with no no insinuation whether that's negative or positive you fucking maniac yoel roth on twitter and by the way, last week, Twitter did remove 44,000 child pornography sites that
Starting point is 00:28:07 were coming out of India. And yet this guy is saying Twitter is a less safe spot. The article went on to say somewhere in there, it said that Twitter had, I don't know if they still have, 2,200 people around the world who were sort of the people who scoured Twitter looking for shit to, to ban, kick off, delete. Nuts. Nuts. The scumbags that were out there.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Hey, once again, do you think that guy is a Democrat or a Republican? Just ask yourself. So whatever you don't like about Republicans, whatever you don't like about Republicans, I just put it up against that. Cause there's like, just put it up against that. Because there's like,
Starting point is 00:28:46 just put it up against that. Are you watching this shit going on with China and Saudi Arabia? No. It's just some really, really scary shit. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:59 So there's something called the petrodollar. I didn't really understand it. But we made a deal from the, and feel free for anyone to unfuck me, but we basically made it, Nixon made a deal and Kissinger made a deal that there would be something called the petrodollar, meaning that every bit of oil that's bought out of Saudi Arabia has to be bought with the dollar, no matter who buys it.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Thus giving our, what's a petrodrodollar petrodollars are crude oil export revenues denominated in u.s dollars the term gained currency in the 1970s when oil prices generated large trade and current accounts uh surpluses for oil exporting countries then as now oil sales and the resulting current account surpluses were denominated in dollars because the u.s dollar was and remains by far the most widely used currency. It's not only the most widely used. They said that Saudi Arabia would require anybody who bought oil from them to buy it in dollars, thus making our money relevant. And just to give you an idea of how important that is, 70% of all $100 bills are not in the united states they're elsewhere say that again
Starting point is 00:30:08 70 of all 100 bills are elsewhere they're not in the united states oh well now china is that is trying to strike a deal with uh saudi arabia to accept their currency that they will actually instead of give you the dollar, they're exploring other currencies, a digital currency and gold. Actual gold. If that happens, our economy collapses. Well, the dollar definitely weakens. That's for damn sure.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It will go away. It will go away. Hey, don't forget, we were energy independent under Trump. Once again, not even Trump supporter. I'm just stating the facts, guys. It's. So it's like circular. You're not even going to be able to fight about pronouns when we don't have energy.
Starting point is 00:31:04 You're not even going to get to like talk about how important it is to offer, allow 12 year old boys to chop their penises off behind their parents' back. You're not even going to get to discuss it because we're not going to have any energy because we're going to be ruled by these idiots. Yeah. Yeah. I think if you would have bought gold and silver probably a year ago, you'd be
Starting point is 00:31:25 in good shape right now i think they both have fucking skyrocketed so it has to be backed by something tangible it's like circulating it's like circling back around crypto they're dipping into that or gold they showed uh they showed gg ping landing in saudi arabia and they the fanfare for him was nuts nuts did you like did you really look at it though is it real fanfare is it like north korea like ah the fearless yes yes that no that's what i mean it's like that but still it does it's but i mean it's the biggest fucking purple carpet you ever seen that's like a mile long rolled up to his jet to his um uh navy navy you know like whatever the saudi arabia's blue angels flying all around i mean like like they're jerking them off you know what i mean yeah damn anyway good good news good news that uh elon's um just keeps kicking ass over twitter i did see a rapper say that he was his Twitter account was suspended
Starting point is 00:32:26 and that no one wants to talk shit about Elon, but they're actually suspending more accounts than ever now. Like, I'll kind of just watch that. Yoel Roth goes on to admit this is the former trust and safety guy over at Twitter. He goes on to admit that covering covering the biden laptop was a mistake and that he met with the fbi weekly but but it they did do the right thing by kicking trump off because of how many people died on january 6th hey you know what's crazy too is like meanwhile i think like the taliban is still on twitter even
Starting point is 00:33:06 though like they fucking took down the world trade center i mean shut the fuck up dude more people probably die every year at the new york city marathon than died in january 6th just shut your fucking pie hole they're really pushing that to be a thing the january 6th thing yeah that's idiot yeah yeah hey dude the fact that no one lit a fire means the whole thing was a joke have you seen this it's the go-to and riots 100 of time just light the fucking building on fire always yeah have you seen this thing about the fbi agents being involved yes it's complete that video is trippy it's true too it's true on some level it's true whether it was one or two or ten there's definitely there's definitely government agencies involved uh 298 in my most wealthiest moments, I would never do this.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Call me cheap. Call me frugal. Call me smart. I'll accept any of them. But I saw this and I can't even believe. I was just wondering how wealthy this woman is. I would never in a million years spend like this. Check this video out.
Starting point is 00:34:23 This just makes me show how retarded my cohort is. Or this bitch is fucking rich as fuck. OK, here we go. So here's how much we spent at Disney Day two or five. A mediocre breakfast at Hollywood and Vine cost us two hundred and twenty three dollars. What? Then we headed over to Toy Story Land and even with Lightning Lane, we still only got to ride one ride. Ice cream was twenty five and popcorn was $16. Then over at Galaxy's Edge, three lightsabers cost us a whopping $800. They also no longer hold them for you until the end of the day, plus different airlines have different restrictions when flying home, so we opted to ship them to us for an additional cost. Every ride had 120 minute wait times, so we only got to ride one
Starting point is 00:35:04 ride in this section of the park as well we tried the infamous blue and green milk and had lunch at back lot and funnel cakes at epi eats photo pass was an extra 170 for cell phone quality pictures and finally we had dinner at planet hollywood factoring in our 90 hotel rate of997 brings our total to $3,758 for the day. Holy shit. And you don't even get to do the fun stuff. One ride they went on? Yeah, that's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Hey, dude, so basically she spent four grand. I'm guessing there's some shit she didn't tell us she spent. She spent four grand at Disneyland, what it looked like for a day. And one ride. ride yeah let me tell you something if my kid wants the lightsaber and it's 120 bucks well i got three kids maybe if i had one kid but i like are you kidding me that's dude i went big and fucking bought like a 27 bag of macadamia nuts and brought it into the park and told my kids hey this was your lucky day some dried mango for 25 bucks wow are you kidding me that's super fucked up that's like trying to go to a movie theater yeah this is the thing i might need to cash in my 401k so that's the whole
Starting point is 00:36:25 thing i thought so if she if she if that was four thousand dollars so that means that for like if you make a half a million dollars a year that's really she had to make eight thousand dollars because the government took half of it and i'm just start thinking about like what could i have done with that four thousand dollars that would make my kids life so much better that rather than going to disneyland you do not i mean disneyland is expensive i think for my family just to go there with like parking and and the tickets and everything in the fast pass was like 900 bucks that didn't include like that was a credit card too right that that lady was using yeah oh it may be yeah i'm assuming she didn't have a big fat bankroll of cash so if you have like a if the average is like 18.8 percent right apr off that
Starting point is 00:37:14 credit card let's just call it even 15 and she doesn't she decides that she's gonna let it ride for a couple of months she's gonna pay another additional 555 dollars oh5 each month that it sits on that credit card. And that's only at 15%. And it's saying right now, if you have really good credit, it would be closer to 18%. Or you can think of it this way too. Maybe she paid it off in one month
Starting point is 00:37:37 and got like some sort of like $100 credit from Amazon. Well, I mean, you were making a great commitment. Yeah, yeah. She got cash back. 1%. Points. Points. God, that's just brutal. I have a cousin, the sister of the one that
Starting point is 00:37:53 kept the dead cat in the freezer. And their family goes to Disney every single year and they do a whole purchase it on almost layaway because Disney allows that that so you could buy it a year out and then pay it as you go to the trip and then they wait for the husband's bonus and then they'll all go she has she has six kids too and they live in this uh house over here almost
Starting point is 00:38:19 in oakland it's like san leandro oakland border and it's a um two bedroom one bath and every year they save so that was three kids double that it's almost 10 grand and they go for a weekend to to disneyland to disneyland yeah they probably don't do it so much smarter i mean they have the whole thing they got like they're like like they're like disney you can't buy like you can't buy the your kids can't get the lightsabers or like the 30 bubble gun that like breaks in a day or like you just gotta just be able to say no to your kids when you're there i think i mean unless you're just rich as shit then go for it someone asked about trees i could buy um for four thousand dollars i could probably buy 30 fruit trees and all the soil I need for them.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Dude, for $4,000, you could invest that in the S&P 500 and let it ride out for 20 years and make a bunch off your money. Shitload of money, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I will say this, though. And I'm not saying don't have fun and take your kids to Disneyland one time, but four grand? Come on, man. Yeah, it's ridiculous. My uncle, the one that's very well off, years back for my birthday, because my cousin and I share the same birthday. We were born on the same day. that's very well off years back for my birthday because my cousin and i
Starting point is 00:39:26 share the same birthday we're born on the same day it's kind of crazy but uh he took us to disneyland and we got like a full like we stayed at the disneyland hotel and then this is a wealthy uncle yeah and then we got to go in the park an hour early before it opened and it was really fucking cool it was dude it was just us in there it was like just cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was really cool. Dude, it was just us in there. It was just the people from the hotel, but most of them didn't really let go.
Starting point is 00:39:52 We were like, doors open. We were in there an hour early. You got just like, there's nobody there. You could run all around. It was nuts. Yeah, don't get me wrong. You got the rich uncle. Go do that shit. I had some.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yeah. I've done some fucking shit that I can't even fucking believe i've done with other people's money but uh not my own money not my own money well the bns and p 520 years bruce if there is not there is no america god is he serious i mean that's that's the the s&p 500 is the sum of like the american economy so if that is gone so is the u.s uh jessica uh valenzuela i went to disneyland with my band back in high school my mom gave me 700 spend i came back with 640 wow wow yeah you're a good kid i know yeah that's the way i would have been. I can't believe they gave you 700 bucks. I can't believe you weren't banned.
Starting point is 00:40:49 One instrument. Just kidding, Jessica. Just kidding. Oh, if I could give my mom all the money that I use to smoke weed with, I would be. I should have never. Isn't that crazy? Because you literally lit it on fire. So stupid.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Like it literally just went in the air. That's one way to do it. Do you, do you, I, it's so, it's so interesting when I think of project Veritas, I just think of them as like the new 60 minutes. I think of them as like the new, the new like high end journalists. Like they're the only ones out there who are like doing real journalism. And like, I I've been around a couple of 60 minute shoots and they're definitely not, um, doing journalism. They're, they're definitely sloppy and they have no problem lying. But when I, but I don't think of like, um, like when I think of Alex Jones, maybe I still
Starting point is 00:41:44 like, maybe I think more right-wing media, maybe I don't even know like, like when I think of Alex Jones, maybe I still like, maybe I think more right wing media. Maybe. I don't even know if I think that anymore. I guess I've really fucking shifted. But play 297. Play this clip on 297. So bizarre to me. This is the, I guess I accept it because this is the same media that was telling you to go out and get the shot that doesn't work, that actually kills people, kills young men.
Starting point is 00:42:08 But now look at this. This is incredible. This is James O'Keefe commentating on a local news station. It's kind of sad. A private school in Chicago is facing online criticism after a dean was apparently recorded by a right-wing activist group. You mean journalism group. Talking about the school's sex ed programming. Francis Parker School in Lincoln Park is the latest target of Project Veritas. You mean news subject. One of its contributors recorded a video that appears to show the school dean saying sex toys were shown to students as part of a discussion. He says appears to show. It didn't appear to show.
Starting point is 00:42:53 We saw the dean of students. Run away. We saw him. We saw him celebrating the fact that they give the kids dildos and butt plugs and talk about the difference of using spit and lube with 14 to 18- old kids. It's so crazy. Anyway, sorry, go on. You mean passing around butt plugs. The school released a statement saying Parker's board of trustees supports the inclusivity of its curriculum. A school spokesperson said the dean was filmed without his knowledge or permission you mean he's being honest while describing one example of our inclusive lgbtq plus affirming and comprehensive approach to sex
Starting point is 00:43:33 education project veritas deceptively edited video even this anchor doesn't believe that bullshit project veritas deceptively edited the video with malicious intent. An elite private school in Chicago. There's no editing in the first cut. In the first release of it, there's no editing. It's just one straight fucking take. Even if you did take that out of context, why are you saying those things? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:00 And why are you applauding them? And why are you celebrating? It's unbelievable to me. And so the school covered it up by saying inclusive. So imagine you molested a kid and your defense was you were being inclusive. You just didn't want to have sex with adults. I mean, that's basically what they're saying. There's justifying passing around butt plugs and dildos to 14 year old kids and telling them how to use them properly as being inclusive hey if i wonder i don't even know if i should go here so weird they'll go there why do they even need toys why can't you just like why does everyone need toys do gay people have to have toys like
Starting point is 00:44:45 i mean it's variety right i don't know i don't know i don't have any toys i don't have any toys in my house my wife is my toy that's the only toy i have i don't have like whips or lingerie or i hear the shower go on and i fucking run in there that means my wife's naked like i don't need like much more it's like yeah it's like pavlovian you know what i mean she's naked she's nice she's vulnerable nice boobs yeah boobs yeah that was good crazy thank you but but for some reason for some reason if you're gay or queer or transgender or whatever you the the i mean i guess i mean i'm not saying that straight people aren't fucking spend billions on toys but for some reason but like part of my there was no toys in my
Starting point is 00:45:37 sex ed in school seems a little advanced i think they gave us deodorant when they gave us a sex ed doctor that's cool puberty deodorant even though i don't wear that shit imagine you wonder should we do the math on the time you guys spend buying i don't fuck with any of that shit oh i'm like a partial deodorant wearer i don't really wear it at all so if you buy a couple the pack off costco you're good to go for like a lifetime. Right. And that's probably more true with me too. I probably wear deodorant once every like three months or something.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Do you smell the deodorant before you put it on? No, but I do like the smell of it. You mean do this? Yeah. Like I do that with markers. With markers? Yeah, like my kids' markers. Like if i'm putting them away i'll just get a little just a little little some yeah okay well bob
Starting point is 00:46:31 it's the same since they're non-toxin hey if someone wears a camera into your kid's school to catch them promoting butt plugs and dildos that's not right-wing journalism that's i don't know what that is but it's not right-wing journalism it's and what do you think that news anchor thinks at night i don't know but like when he's sitting there on the toilet by himself and like he's kind of thinking about the job and like if his kids went to that school and what he has to say and how it's framed. Well, I know James O'Keefe's sitting in camp. Sorry. It looked like he wasn't even sure that he even took a pause.
Starting point is 00:47:17 He's like, no, I don't think this is legit. Like, I just I mean, look at that guy. That guy eats Twinkies while James O o'keefe is doing crossfit i mean you know james o'keefe trains hard he's strong he's released some deadlift videos some workout videos i mean well that yeah meanwhile that anchor is just a tub of shit just like collecting his his his pay who knows that guy's just you know i was i was tripping i was tripping um in in the did you guys watch any ufc last night no uh a little bit i watched like the last couple fights i think they a dude can have like a broken arm or like a shoulder dislocated or a broken foot or a broken nose and they just let
Starting point is 00:48:06 the fight go like a dude be getting arm barred and his arms hyper extended and they don't stop the fight they just like if the dude doesn't tap the shit goes but if a girl's top comes down and her boob falls out they fucking stop the fight it's was trying to figure out the rationale behind that. I'm like, wait a second. This dude has a broken foot, a broken nose, and his arm's going the wrong direction, and he's getting punched in the face, and you don't stop the fight.
Starting point is 00:48:34 But this girl had a fucking, they're in the middle of a brawl, no one's getting hurt, and her fucking tit's out, and they stop the fight. I'm like, this is some, something's not right here. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:43 They need to work on their priorities let the tit hang stop the fight when the guy's arm goes the wrong way no one actually wants to see beyond that no no the no boob fell out by the way you didn't miss anything i just i i just came up with that last night and i wanted to try wrote that in my notes try that i thought it was funny that's no janet jackson um it's weird because you could go on instagram and you could have like like randomly in my uh it's because i watched one of them when it popped up in my explore page but i watched this like fight inside of a uh phone booth no have you seen those they have a phone booth fighting league it's i have but no this was just like at a bad uh like a football game like two dudes were just
Starting point is 00:49:31 like drunk and yelling at each other and they got in a fight and then all of a sudden my whole explore page was just populating all these fights and then it escalated to like shootouts i might have run down rabbit hole for a minute sitting there but the crazy part about it is is like all that will populate like just fine but if you go on there and you're like hey if you want to take power of your health exercise and eat right cut out sugar and everything then it'll put some if you want to guard yourself the best you can against covet 19 exercise and cut out sugar out of your diet misinformation look at look it's downplayed. Look at my search. Hey, none of your Instagram?
Starting point is 00:50:09 My search is just all beaver. This is my search. It's just all chicks with tits. It's because you look at chicks with tits. I refuse to click on any of those. I do not even... I never click on that shit. Maybe once a month I'll click on one if I think I recognize it.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Dude, here's the trip. Ready? It doesn't matter. It's following your eyes. You think that little face recognition when you open up your phone doesn't track everything you do when you look at your screen? It isn't tracking where you stare? Wow. Like, look, it gives me
Starting point is 00:50:40 girls in this. At least it drops some quality there yeah you don't even need to click it dude you just that's amazing i never even thought of that yeah you just have to hang out and watch it for a little bit the whole goal remember if a product is free you are what they're what the product is product yeah yeah you yeah. Yeah, you are the product. Yeah, I mean, it's crazy. You think it's following my eyes? It's just all Liverton, Tucker, Carlson, and tits.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I mean, I definitely look at all the tits. Okay, look it. I'm going to click this one right here. Okay, click it. Out of all, you chose that one? Yeah. I've got issues and it's crazy too i used to get like alligators like eating shit yeah well because here's a guy fighting a fish
Starting point is 00:51:38 quality content jesus swordfish he's got it by the by the sword Quality content. Jesus. Swordfish? He's got it by the sword? God. But yeah, you don't even need to... You think that's really true? Are you fucking with me? You think that thing's tracking where my eyes... Like it just sees me scanning over all the titties and I'm doomed? Yeah, guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Guaranteed. The whole entire purpose of that app is just to keep you on the app. What they need to do is they need to have their average viewer time of that app is just to keep you on the app what they need to do is they need to have their average viewer time on that app up because then they could sell ads at a higher price hey then if they want to give me like a filter really to use i want to put like i don't want anything in my search with tits like with cleavage you know you could trick it right how so just find something on that just start staring at a ton of cock i mean whatever you You know you could trick it, right? How? Just start looking a lot cock? Just start staring at a ton of cock?
Starting point is 00:52:28 I mean, whatever you want to take. How would they even know? Are there any girls' accounts that are just full of shots of dudes when they go to their search? No. Probably not, no. It's all funny memes and quotes and holiday decorations. Here's what I think. Don't forget what you were going to tell me, how to fix it, how to trick it. Here's what I think.
Starting point is 00:52:44 I think everyone's looks like that i might just forget i think if i look at my mom's search it looks like that it's just all beaver no your mom followed me on by the way i keep forgetting to tell you that speaking of beaver weird but hi hi yeah that's not even tiktok i don't even do tiktok i'm like i'm like i feel like i'm supporting china if i do that i don't do that yeah i'm not a fan tiktok but yeah that's that's absolutely what it does i don't TikTok. I don't even do TikTok. I'm like, I feel like I'm supporting China if I do that. I don't do that. Yeah, I'm not a fan of TikTok. But yeah, that's absolutely what it does. I don't think, no. I don't do Facebook either, by the way.
Starting point is 00:53:10 If you send me a link to Facebook or TikTok, I don't even click it. I just avoid it. Allison just said, mine are all animals and hairstyles. No shit? I don't believe that. There's no fucking way. I bet you my wife says the same thing. Fergie's got firefighters and dudes chopping wood we all
Starting point is 00:53:25 got our thing that's awesome so you could trick it and you could see that it's true by going on your explore page finding something random as oh there's a caller i'll be quiet but tell me tell me tell me i want to hear this so just find a random find a random thing that you're whatever that you don't normally look at which it's just putting in front of you to test it click that random thing once you click the random thing like the first picture that you were on and then spend a minute scrolling pausing at each uh at each you know whatever i just want to populate pause for a moment so it's like you're looking at it. Hang out there for a minute and then close the app. And then when you reopen your
Starting point is 00:54:09 Explorer page, you'll get more of that in it. And then keep doing that. They just need a button that says no beaver. No beaver. And here's the fucked up thing. You put in male, whatever your age is, whatever, it's going to automatically populate that to you
Starting point is 00:54:26 so if i choose my sex on there yeah yeah oh that's actually not a bad idea call her hi hi how you doing uh i wanted to fill you in a little bit i have some insight onto the conversation so suza is 100 right that's how it works it's about how long you're viewing something even if you don't like it or whatnot but i'm assuming all of you have seen the what is it called the social i never i never saw that yeah i never saw that i've seen that yeah but but so i read a book i forget what it's called um the habit loop or one of those books um and they talked about target specifically company, you know, the retail brand. And they said that the way that they target their clients or their customers is that basically everything is linked to your credit card.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Yes. And basically they can track all your packages or all your purchases. Excuse me. Yes. And basically they can track all your packages or all your purchases. Excuse me. And the really fascinating story about that was that there was a 16-year-old girl that was getting that. That were getting diaper coupons.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Because essentially, from what I understand, I don't know if they still do it, but say me, you, and Suze all get a Target flyer in the mail, right? And 70% of it might just kind of be the same but then 30 of it will be different based off of your purchasing history right and so this girl kept getting diapers and different i think the different like you know uh mom sort of items and the dad like stormed into target or you know corporate whatever it was a lot and was basically like why are you okay follow lawsuit? And that they said, well, no,
Starting point is 00:56:07 we're just basically targeting her based off of the fact that she's pregnant. And then that was how he found out that his 16 year old daughter was pregnant. He had to drop the suit because he realized that targets predictive algorithm for the mailing at the time was correct. And the daughter was pregnant. Yeah. And it's why I created the largest database in the world that runs that um credit card operation you know who it is tying your credit card to uh to what ads are sent to you zucky i don't know closer than that closer
Starting point is 00:56:39 than that he was the ceo of crossfit for a minute he sold his company that was the largest database of that information to Oracle Rosa Rosa what do you think his plans were for CrossFit well I mean again it's all about the data that they can mine from you
Starting point is 00:57:00 and like the predictive value of a CrossFitter you know is probably pretty high because if they're going to be someone who's committed and who's really into something, they're going to be way more willing to probably purchase an item, a food plan, grip, whatever it may be, a health subscription, especially how avid they are in that capacity. So, yeah, so they're just mining your data. Like what Susan says is 100% right. If you're not paying for it, you are the product. But also my brother-in-law is in e-commerce. They sell like fireplaces and nothing crazy.
Starting point is 00:57:36 And he talks about how well that they can understand and market their clients based off the technology. So that's why when someone always says, I was just talking about this random company and then I get an ad for it five seconds later, it's like, well, the reason why you're talking about it is because you fit their profile completely in terms of who they're trying to sell to. So you don't think it's their listening. You don't think it's their listening.
Starting point is 00:57:58 You think to just, they haven't figured out the pattern so well that they're, that they're on it. For sure. I mean, you know, I have, I have three kids, newborn, um, all that good stuff. And it's like, when I get an ad for a new baby product, it's like, I'm literally their target client base. Uh, and it's just also, like you said, what kind of apps you have, how much time you spend on your phone, what are you purchasing, you know, all those sorts of things. And that's why when people say, you know, you can, you know, do not track. I feel like most people either don't have an idea of how to turn off those
Starting point is 00:58:34 certain things. Um, and then also, I don't know if you know, the, the setting on Alexa, how they can be listening into you unless you're, unless you turn that setting off in the listen to all my shit i haven't turned off any of that yeah so i mean they can listen and and it was actually i think it was in arizona there was a murder case it was like the one time where i'm like okay there's actually the technology worked out there was a murder in a house and i think it was a man murdered his wife or girlfriend, and they used the recording from Alexa to determine that he actually did it because there was, like, screams and there was some conversation in the back.
Starting point is 00:59:13 And a lot of times before we turned that setting off, they would be like, do you need something? Or whatever the saying was, like, you would be like, hold on, I'm not talking to you. Why are you trying to respond to me? Yeah, yeah, I get that all the time like my siri or my lecture says something i'm like shut the fuck up no one's talking yeah and then so i i turn that off and you know and then even too uh i don't there was an edward snowden he did like a 60 minutes a while ago or some interview and you can look at his on his computer like he has the piece of tape over his um over his camera
Starting point is 00:59:47 on his computer yeah yeah yeah like built in and it's like so there's definitely ability to like i only do that once in a while i only put tape over my computer once in a while for certain activities yeah and even rarely but it does it has happened or you know what i like to do i'd like to take like a business like my like the the car with the card that your hotel room key comes in and I would just fold it in half and drape it over my camera. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's real life and you think about it too. There's a couple of things which, which I was freaked out about obviously having kids. And if you have a camera in the room, some folks will say that there are certain cameras that have gone hacked and people are looking at their children no cameras in my kids room no fucking way the one thing that
Starting point is 01:00:30 i am well we have like a not a closed circuit but like one that's on a uh it's not internet based so like no one could hack it uh but the one thing our local police department had said they said that people can participate in this program where that basically you tell them that you have a camera and that they can basically have free reign of it. Yes, it's supposed to be for outdoor cameras. Yes. It's a very dangerous precedent. Yes. And so if a police officer came to me and said, hey, there was a murder in front of your house. Can we see the see the footage?
Starting point is 01:01:03 I would nine out of 10 times or whatever. I'd be like, fine, there was a murder in front of your house. Can we see the footage? I would, nine out of ten times or whatever, I'd be like, fine, here it is. Hey, get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Always get a lawyer. Like, these motherfuckers don't care who they take down. They don't. But I'm saying, that's a lot different
Starting point is 01:01:16 than just giving them free car wash to your, because then they can use it however they want. They can paint a picture. I remember Sociology sociology 101 the first thing the teacher started criminology 101 in college they said the teacher said he said two things he said never talk to the police even if you're innocent and he said if you're going to commit a murder drink a lot of alcohol before um those are the two things he said and it always stuck with me and now it's like there's no benefit for you talking to the police even if you're innocent
Starting point is 01:01:44 there's just no benefit. I had a teacher tell me one time, don't ever let anyone put anything in your ass stuck with me. Well, I mean, right. Yeah. But don't ever, and don't ever get drunk around someone who wants to put something in your ass. So those are the two things that. There was a, there was a story a couple of weeks ago. I, I just heard it.
Starting point is 01:02:03 It was like a man had something up his,um, and he had to go to the ER, and it was like a plastic bunny or something. And his wife, when she got there, he was like— Yeah, it's weird how that's always men and never women, isn't it? I'm telling you. They always, always say they fell on it. That happens way more often well i don't know there was it was the jackass skit i don't know if you remember that from one of the jackass movies where he went he put like a matchbox car up his ass and then he went to the doctor and he was like i have
Starting point is 01:02:37 no idea sir i just i have no idea and the guy was so confused it was it was hilarious so okay thank you guys thank you okay bye hey listen so during that call i went to a fishing website right a fishing and i just fucking watched like i don't know 10 minutes or i don't know two minutes of fishing content yeah and then i closed the app and i opened it up and here's my new searches it's less beaver but still no fish but it's putting stuff that other people like the fish on it up and here's my new searches. It's less beaver, but still no fish. But it's putting stuff that other people like the fish on it, right? So it's changing. Tell me when you see a fish.
Starting point is 01:03:18 No fish. Still beaver. Still beaver and buff dudes. Nice phone case. Thank you. It's so that... we kind of almost the same one it's so that i can find it just distinct from my wife's uh okay so uh you can break your arm and keep fighting we got okay uh 295 caleb's penis story we we have to wait till you you come home for that right yeah can't tell them.
Starting point is 01:03:46 That's fine. I like how aggressive Heidi is with the callers. They barely speak and she's like, okay, next caller, thank you. Okay, thanks for calling. All of the comments is just like, show up. As soon as they come on, she goes, why are you yelling?
Starting point is 01:04:04 Oh, man. I was so... I don't know if I should show you guys this side of me. I know you guys just think I'm a sweet, humble monk. But I was so excited yesterday after the Thomas DeLauer show. You kicking? I was just flattered that here's a guy he has he has lots of lots of options for outlets to to have that conversation and the fact that he chose the seven podcast is pretty fucking crazy yeah it's cool pretty
Starting point is 01:04:38 fucking flattering i was so giddy on the show someone wrote in the comments I'm so happy I mean I was so um I was so just gelling with him I loved his stories except his blood work thing can we turn it off so other motherfuckers who are on here can't share their screen well I mean I actually think that was good
Starting point is 01:05:00 you know why because when he was speaking he was like talking in a way that the people that watch his show and like follow him we're gonna come here and watch that piece okay so for me i liked it because every time i don't care if you're on roids or not or what your fucking testosterone is i want to know about like how you like i don't know about your childhood but okay good that makes sense to me that makes me feel better yeah that makes me feel better because i guess a lot of people do give a shit yeah man uh i was surprised to see him on a on on good podcast i listened this morning on a good podcast yeah he's good dude is a wealth of
Starting point is 01:05:39 knowledge holy shit but i we didn't even get to we didn't even get to like really um ask him much like uh we didn't get to dip into his't even get to like really um ask him much like uh we didn't get to dip into his knowledge we got to know him a little bit better cool as shit man he he in person his arms are so big that like you just can't stop staring do you remember that suza yeah even when i met him it was funny because we were like walking down this hill and then grace turns and she's like hi do you know why we're here and his arms just like massive and he's like massive and he like turns and you're just like oh that's a that's a man yeah his his waist is tiny
Starting point is 01:06:17 and his his biceps are massive yeah him and um him and i thought it was funny the few times he made those jokes that he wonders if his if his show is going to get dinged because he came on my show that's how toxic he knows the seven podcast is but what was funny also about that is he him and dave had invited me to do a a ruck with them, a 35-mile ruck run with a 35-pound pack. For some reason, I didn't go. I was going to do it, but I wasn't going to carry the 35-pound pack. And he had a film crew there. Bye.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Film crew. Dang. Okay, so what do we think happened? Do you think his laptop died or he accidentally closed the screen there he is okay i assume i assume um i assume that uh they wouldn't if i would have gone they would have made sure they didn't film me for that piece which is kind of funny uh but but i really but i really like thomas i hope he'll come back on again i really am um uh patrick anderson thomas on california hormones no but that was one of the interesting things he said yesterday he said that he doesn't think it's
Starting point is 01:07:29 if it's when he does get on and what's funny is is i immediately called the lady over uh sarah cox who owns california hormones and i said yo girl maybe this is our guy like maybe this guy needs to get some i mean three million youtube company million YouTube company. Yeah. It's like, yeah, he knows his shit. I mean, he knows his shit. Heidi cut seven. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:51 maybe she did. She just pushed a button and everything. But actually I do. That reminds me, I do need to call Sarah and talk. And I actually think it would be a fucking brilliant idea if, and who cares what anyone thinks it would be a fucking brilliant idea if liver king got into open to trt business or got fucking i should hook him up with sarah he
Starting point is 01:08:11 should get involved because it's going to be hard to get off what he's on and you know what's weird too is like have you seen in a couple of them he was saying um yeah i'm going to do it natural you know they're like so are you done with the steroids and he's like yeah i'm done i'm gonna do it natural i'm like why yeah like i like do some shit for your health like whatever the fuck you were doing that was making you so red and shit and like me i mean his arms got too big dude he doesn't look like a functional human he looks like okay yeah i mean you know you think he should just keep juicing is that what i don't think he should publicly i don't think he should publicly say he's gonna do it it or he's not going to do it. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Like, I just think he should just do whatever he, what's best for him. Who fucking cares? But I do, I agree with you, but I do think it's cool now that his story could be that he's just honest about it. Like, hey, this is what I take every month. Yeah. I still am in the camp of that, like. None of your fucking business? Number one, that, but also too i just i
Starting point is 01:09:05 just think that it i don't know it seemed almost like purposeful oh oh oh wow yeah i'm in the there's no coincidences with a hiller camp okay i think there's very few in life. There are some, but very few. If you go to, use the code SEVON, you can get a free doctor's consultation. If you live in California, you can get free blood work. If you live outside of California, you have to get your own blood work and your insurance will probably pay for it. Then you can get the free doctor's consultation if you use the code word SEVON at You can find out if you're eligible to be as strong as Gary Roberts or Andrew Hiller. And we have two more listeners who will be coming on here very soon, shortly. Do we have Phillip scheduled?
Starting point is 01:09:56 Phillip Kelly rescheduled? Not yet. Not yet, but he is on our calendar. He pops up at the very end of the month, so we'll get him squared away. What do I think about Dave Lipson and Hiller? Are they dating? They're having sex? They're gay lovers. I weirdly like that
Starting point is 01:10:11 her icon. I don't think Andrew Hiller will ever leave Alexis. He even said if he found out she was a tranny, he wouldn't leave her. You weren't eligible. Oh, really? You weren't eligible oh really you weren't eligible because your testosterone was too high good that makes me happy just kissing for now yeah
Starting point is 01:10:32 okay um let's look at this 281. There's two links. I'm not sure I understand that. One is PubMed and one is a vigilant fox. It says read the abstract from the NIH. This must be some COVID shit. You were 900.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Wow. You are not eligible. covid shit you were 900 wow you were not eligible um let me let me see the covid19 vaccines and the misinterpretation of perceived side effects uh clarity on the safety of vaccines scroll down a little bit i wish i knew how to highlight this better for when i pops up I wish I knew how to highlight this better for when I pops up. Oh, yeah, this is crazy. This is fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:11:33 This is one of those pieces. I'm going to get into it here. But they're basically blaming people's stress levels and possibility of having myocarditis on the unvaccinated that it's the unvaccinated that are stressing out the vaccinated and that's what's causing them uh issues therefore if subjects are panic concern stress or scared of the vaccination their arteries will constrict and become smaller in the in and around the time oh no no sorry sorry this is a different one there's two studies this one is saying that anti, okay, here we go. This brief review of the offer of data that may demonstrate that misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine. So what they're suggesting in this paper,
Starting point is 01:12:32 So what they're suggesting in this paper, this is from the NIH, is that shows like this that aren't even anti-vaccine. By no means is this show anti-vaccine. By no means. We just have questions. We just have fucking questions. We just want to know what the fuck is going on they're saying shows like this that that ask questions are actually leading to the stress of people who don't want to ask questions leading stress to the people who who just want to get vaccinated it's crazy therefore if subjects are panic concern stressed or scared of the vaccination their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine this biological mechanism the constriction of veins and arteries and vessels under mental stress is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clot strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision,
Starting point is 01:13:12 loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after the vaccine administration. So if you listen to the show and for some reason I stress you out because I'm concerned about the overeating of sugar. And then you go eat a lollipop. It's really my concern that I placed on the lollipop that's causing the problems and not the fucking 62 grams of sugar you just took in. This is from Fauci. What a concept.
Starting point is 01:13:42 This is from Fauci's company. This is Fauci's company. This is Fauci's cohort. It's so weird that like, how can something write this? Like the last line that you have highlighted, the extreme mental stress of the patient could most likely be attributed to the fear-mongering and scare tactics used by various anti-vaccination groups. As if the news cycle for the past two fucking years wasn't fear-mongering okay go to the top guys look where this is from these are the same fucking people who told you
Starting point is 01:14:13 go to the top this is from pub med well no no no no but but the pub med uh got this from um the nih i'm pretty sure uh see where this was actually published free uh i think this is published in september of the nih but i think pub med is just pub med is just like um uh it's where all the articles are are you know what i mean it's basically just a place to look up yeah yeah yeah let me see bullshit go to that other link down there right below the nih i think this is from the national institute of health this was published there first by the nih this this no no no sorry sorry in my notes under 281 underneath NIH. I'm pretty sure this is from the NIH because it says in my notes. This is unrelated.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Oh, it is. Okay. Is it any good? Anyway, we're done with this. Just, just, oh, a secondary student suddenly. Oh yeah. Great. Just another fucking random death so many we don't even have to look at it there's so many of those i don't want to stress anyone out who's going to get the vaccine we need to cause any side effects by us talking about it here um what's this 286 nobody in san francisco cares oh another one oh oh yeah this is fucking great this is fucking great so this is a two-year-old um
Starting point is 01:16:02 dad reveals horrific details can you block the can you undo the cock walker yeah maybe i can pull it up and just start data reveals horrific details of babies reportedly fentanyl overdose that was here that was at san francisco park basically a kid got fucking ate a pill at a fucking park in san francisco yeah i think he was a livermore resident making me subscribe so i'm not at that point why don't you just bring a bulldozer out and just scoop up all the fucking homeless people all the drug addicts and take them away they have bulldozers they can do that why not like how i i honestly how many um how many uh drug addicts are you concerned about in order to what's the ratio of how many drug addicts we can kill to babies
Starting point is 01:16:57 if you had to make a choice it's come down to that that's what it's come down to i know i know no one wants to face that question but how many is it one to one is it a hundred to one how many passed out people with a needle hanging out of their arm do we get to throw in the garbage in order to save that kid who's 10 months old you give them all a chance and you say hey this side of the line you live that side of line you could do your drugs but we're gonna kill you i would assume probably 99 would go to the side of the drugs i mean that's what it's coming down to he to the side of the drugs. I mean, that's what it's coming down to. He credited the nanny,
Starting point is 01:17:28 the San Francisco fire department's rapid response and Narcan for saving his baby's life. Dude, you took your kid to a fucking park that you pay fucking taxes for. That wasn't the one because the, the one that I know of the story that I know that the child actually passed. Oh, there were two,
Starting point is 01:17:44 I think. Yeah. Cause that the child actually passed. Oh, there were two, I think. Yeah, because that one was locally here. Two! So I know a couple of Livermore police officers. And you're right. Hey, that's more than babies died from COVID in the world, just so you know. Yep.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Just so you know. And it's so fucked up that I got them mixed up. I was like, oh, no, it's not that kid that OD'd off its parents' fentanyl. It was another kid I was thinking about. So I know a couple of Livermore police officers, and one of them came to me. We were roughly the same age, and we were talking about some people because he went to the spot in the creek. Because there's a lot of homeless in Livermore, but they're just kind of in the shadows almost, right? You definitely see them if you know where to go.
Starting point is 01:18:26 And he was like, yeah, I was talking to so-and-so and we both knew him. It was a mutual person I went to school with. And he goes, I told him, I said, all bullshit aside, he goes, you leave this creek right now with me. I'll give you a place to stay. I'll get you back on your feet. You could stay at my house, but I'm going to drug test you every single week. And the second you fail, I'm going to kick you out. And he goes, but I'm offering you right now. If single week. And the second you fail, I'm going to kick you out. And he goes, but I'm offering you right now. If you leave with me, you could change your whole entire life. And he goes, the dude thought about it for a minute and was like, no, fuck it. I'd rather live in the creek.
Starting point is 01:18:57 It's just amazing. We live in a society that's willing to risk the life of young kids to save 83 year olds with dementia by the thousands, by the millions. I'm talking about the response that was called the pandemic. And yet. There's no urgency. To protect 10 month olds. Who who who the parents are paying taxes to have these parks. And then a kid can just eat a fentanyl, a piece of fentanyl and die.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Yeah. It's crazy. The firefighters that I work with say that that's the hardest thing is like, they'll get a call two, three in the morning and you go in there and you know, somebody OD'd and they walk into the house and it's just a drug house so the place is just a fucking wreck. There's just random people.
Starting point is 01:19:48 You got the one dude passed out who they called 911 for and they'll hit him with Narcan and they'll pop back up and then everybody's kind of like whatever and there's just a kid or two walking around. Three in the morning, two in the morning, three-year-old, four-year-old, five-year-old,
Starting point is 01:20:10 almost the age of your boys walking around in this house in that scene where they just had to call 9-1-1 because somebody almost died of a drug overdose and they go they leave that place and they'll do the proper paperwork and say hey this is what we came positive there's kids in the house is what we saw and um they always say that that's the hardest shit that they have to it doesn't matter they'll roll up in some fucking the fact that they leave the kids there right like there's like there's there's no resources to like do anything and they're completely innocent the kids didn't make any of those decisions they can't choose who their fucking parents are they can't choose you know anything and yeah they gotta leave them there is there any proof of that that pelosi and her husband were having threesomes i would love to see that i'd love to see that video oh yeah yeah the tent i don't mind the i don't mind the drug addicts but it's the tents on the
Starting point is 01:20:54 sidewalks and the needles and just like it just became too much and the stealing from small businesses and i really i really like this business that's that with the guns outside the gas station in Philadelphia. I'm so curious how long it's going to take before someone gets killed. Will Smith. Before my grad program, I worked in a clinic in Portland. We had homeless patients who told me they wouldn't go to a shelter because they didn't want to follow the shelter's rules. Hey, I knew some guys who stayed in a shelter in new york city and
Starting point is 01:21:26 they said it was the most violent craziest place ever they said there was just people getting raped and beat up and robbed all the time in new york city and this is fucking 15 years ago when new york was safe homeless shelters are a joke uh wherever you're going you better believe american Uh... to settle in enjoy your room upgrade wherever you go we'll go together that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply i almost thought about doing um so the guy that comes out to film some stuff at the for the gym and stuff with me this guy trevor has filmed a lot of the stuff um and uh i pitched him this idea and i was like hey what if we go down there with just a little bit of cash nothing else on us you bring your camera and let's just start interviewing all the homeless people live
Starting point is 01:22:34 more and just see where just see where the film takes us we'll just go down there and be like hey what's your story if you give us your story if you give us 20 minutes of your time, we'll give you $10, $20. And just start building this collection of interviews from all these people that are living on the streets. Start here in Livermore and then eventually make your way to Oakland, San Francisco. Savon, do you follow the 10 ancestral tenets of the 10th one being an asshole of steroids? The 10th one's fun, Nate. We know it's fun. The 11th one is putting a mouthful of cum in your mom's mouth.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Oh, my gosh. So aggressive. This is why these live call-in shows have been good for us. It's funny. There's certain people that, like Jeffrey Birffrey birchfield like i know like if he's listening like i feel bad that i said because he's listening like there's like i've categorized people into like classy and not classy like jeffrey's kind of like classy and like i always feel like fuck i hope like he went to the bathroom or his dead lifting or something
Starting point is 01:23:39 when that one came out of my mouth like how often i follow that uh it's gonna handle tales of the streets in the youtube you follow humans of new york no that i already said it's it was huge for a while right ended i think it ended up just being woke as fuck right it's still pretty big um i don't i think he's still pretty like open i guess he got he's got there's some interesting people that he's still pretty open, I guess. There's some interesting people that he's interviewed. Not all of them are great, but he's got some interesting people he talks to. 12.3 million. Yeah, it's massive.
Starting point is 01:24:17 I hope that guy got rich doing that. 280, Ireland loses its way. I feel like all the stuff from 10 years ago on instagram is like i don't follow any of that stuff anymore humans of new york dan blaserian it's like i just assumed that they just like fell off the map i like how you put them into like dan blaserian to that group because that's what they are humans of new york dan blaserian it's the same shit it's like just so 10 year old instagram pages yeah uh department advises against bleep testing in primary schools. So for those of you don't know what this bleep test is,
Starting point is 01:24:49 it's basically you run, they, you, you set a distance, let's say it's 10 yards and the kids have eight seconds to cross 10 yards. And they do that for a minute. And then after a minute, they have seven and a half seconds to do it.
Starting point is 01:25:00 And they go back to go back and forth. It's basically the time domain becomes shorter and shorter to cross the same amount of terrain until finally the kids are just sprinting back and forth as fast as they can right it's an amazing it's an amazing test because through progressions it gets people who wouldn't work hard to work really really hard and it becomes really just um because the the distance the domain is so short um the physical domain the modal domain um you can really trick people quickly into putting out a shitload of effort and it's competitive because you know there's a bunch of kids doing it so it's kind of like um uh what's a musical chairs each round there's someone like kind of dropping
Starting point is 01:25:45 out as they get as they fatigue right so so scroll down here that um maybe i can even open it on my own screen these jackasses in ireland are suggesting that they don't use this type of activity anymore the department of education is advised against using the use of aerobic fitness tests including bleep tests in primary school the use of whole class physical fitness testing to assess who is the fastest or strongest is strongly discouraged the new guidelines say these type of activities are demotivating for students whose physical fitness levels are low and so the great country of ireland is getting rid of the bleep test i don't necessarily disagree with that though okay tell me i think that when they're at a young age that there should not be an emphasis placed on uh winners and losers there shouldn't be a leaderboard
Starting point is 01:26:43 it should just be it should just be effort-based and made, like for all of us CrossFitters here, made those like an AMRAP style where you can't really tell who's a winner, who's not until they end. And then don't keep score. And the reason for this is because you're going to get this big divide.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Like the rich are going to stay rich, the poor are going to get poor. So the kids that don't really believe in themselves or didn't really have parents that were physical or did anything in the gym or something like they weren't exposed to it, they're going to continue this belief that they're not good at that, that it's not for them. And then that belief is going to be affirmed by these, uh, beep tests or different things like that. Right.
Starting point is 01:27:21 And then the ones that do well, that have parents that did 10 minutes of burpees with them, even on vacation and everything else are gonna do really well. They're gonna be affirmed by that. So they're just gonna get better. And the ones that weren't into it and that didn't have exposure to it are gonna get worse. And what they're essentially gonna do
Starting point is 01:27:36 is you're gonna plant this seed that fitness is not for you. It's not fun. You're not good at it. The other kids are, and you shouldn't do it. And then that belief is gonna stick with them through everything they do. And as soon as PE is done in sophomore year, whatever the fuck it is, they're never going to do anything physical ever again. So I don't think that there should be a leaderboard for kids that are that age outside of sports.
Starting point is 01:27:59 If you play a sport, it is what it is, right? But inside PE, it should literally be physical education. You should be exposing them to different modalities. You're basically talking about my life, too. That's the way it was for my life. I was the worst at every sport, and I just assumed that I wasn't good. And how good do you feel about sports or getting physical? Not until you're 35.
Starting point is 01:28:20 But I still don't agree with you. I want to fight a little bit. Hello? We can argue. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, Siobhan. Hey, Matt. I want to fight a little bit. Hello. Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, uh, Siobhan. Hey Matt, I want to fight too. Um, I think, I think that Matt is makes a really, really good point. However, he just told the story of my life. Yeah. He said that way. He described my life right there. Yeah. But, but this is the thing.
Starting point is 01:28:44 It is that um and i had some experiences by the way a little bit when i was a kid that were similar to that but everything changed after i went through puberty then like i got really athletic and all that stuff but um but i had i come from a big family so there's a lot of competition when i was a kid and you know i got pushed down a lot but here's the thing that I realized after I became an adult is that that is how life is. And it was actually very helpful for me to have competition at a young age and lose. And now the difference is I have great parents and they showed me how to lose. They trained me about, hey, you don't always win, but you always have to keep trying and you can always get better. And so, but you'll never get that if you don't have harsh competition where you lose and you lose ruthlessly. So I think Matt is right in some ways, but then at the same time, I got so much value in my life by losing, by getting beaten.
Starting point is 01:29:44 But you have the privilege of having parents in a support system can you not use the word privilege that's a different word i wanted to use that just to check you i was going to say it earlier but no and that's making a really good point though having good parents that makes an enormous difference so for me it was good but yeah it's a huge advantage but it was a huge advantage that your mom wasn't a whore and your dad wasn't a fucking deadbeat. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:30:12 And the problem is that most moms are whores and most dads are deadbeats. It's just the way it is. So it's true. It's like people are awful. God, your parents suck. So, you know, that's the reality. But, but yeah, I mean, I don't know, man. Hey, so do you get rid of the bleep test or not? I want you to weigh in. I want you to make a tough decision.
Starting point is 01:30:35 You're sitting on the council of all schools worldwide. Do you get rid of it or not? I would keep it. Thank you. I would keep it. Thank you. Two to one. Yeah. Yeah. It's just that there's it. Thank you. Two to one. Yeah. There's just so much value in losing.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Obviously, there's even more value in winning. There's a famous quote that Tom Cruise has where he says, I don't know why people say you learn a lot from losing. I don't think that's the case at all. I think you learn way more from winning. Hey, how about this? And there's actually a lot of truth in that. How about this? How about this? So me, you,
Starting point is 01:31:07 and Caleb, and Matt, we do the bleep test. And I lose. I would crush all of you, by the way. It would not be a competition. Not a chance. Not a fucking chance. Caleb's already fired up because he didn't say hi. So the next time
Starting point is 01:31:23 you guys all have to the next time you guys all have to put on four pound vests you'd have to put like a 30 pound vest on me dude i play soccer i'm like extremely bad oh i love the call it would be a bloodbath boys it would be a bloodbath, boys. It would be a bloodbath. Listen, and we just keep, you guys just keep having to put on fucking weight vests until fucking I win. Yeah, I mean, if you want to be a pussy, we can do that. And then basically, as the time,
Starting point is 01:31:58 and so now we've leveled the playing field a little bit. Now you guys are getting more fit. And I'm also building some self-esteem and I'm seeing where i'm capable and now the goal for me is is like hey can i finally beat one of you as you guys as we take weight off your weight weight vest you guys are all doing 30 pound vest i'm doing no vest by the way i did bear crawl yesterday 100 yards without stopping in the sand did you get the sand yeah fuck nut soccer player what's your name i dare you to fucking try that judah my judah my traps are so fucking sore i didn't even fucking expect it no dude i spend a lot of time i spend a lot of time in the weight room you spend a lot of time on your hands and knees is that what you're gonna say judah
Starting point is 01:32:37 oh but i'm with you we're not getting rid of the bleep test we're not getting rid of the bleep test fuck suza suza can work with the fucking well cards and in the fucking really good somewhere she was just making some really good points i'm just a cutthroat person so i mean he described my life to a t i fucking hated sports and i just embraced the fact that i sucked instead of ever trying to get better and i just found ways to cheat the system and like not do shit, not sweat. Well, but here's the thing. There's value even in that. Even in that, there's value.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Because I know a lot of people where they suck at everything when they were young. But through them learning that and still having a competitive nature, they learn loopholes in life. And they learn how to outthink other people. And they became very successful and very intelligent because they realized, okay, I'm not good at this, and I've got to figure out how to cheat the system. And there's tons of value in that, too. I think there's just a lot of value in people being exposed to harsh competition at a young age. But, again, this is not to say that Suze is
Starting point is 01:33:46 full of baloney. I think that he's a good point. We've got to put more parameters on it. Like, when is it... So, if we're going to make the argument that everybody should be exposed to harsh competitions because they're going to learn loopholes and they're going to learn what defeat is.
Starting point is 01:34:03 So, when does that start? What what age you don't get a swimming you don't you don't get rid of swimming pools because people started fucking drowning so so i like this i like this conversation i like this conversation let's figure out how we can use the bleach test instead of get rid of it well here's the thing here's the thing is that i i think that uh kids become as various when kids become competitive i did not i was not a competitive person until i hit puberty so testosterone started flowing i just wasn't competitive i mean i was in the sense that i didn't want to lose but i didn't have the will power to like overcome my obstacle yeah and that that point right you got the taste of some winning
Starting point is 01:34:41 and so you wanted to win but yeah me i never got the taste of winning winning, and so you wanted to win. But for me, I never got the taste of winning, and I just fucking circled the bowl until I got flushed away. I would say that we already have done the studies. We know when kids need to start formal education, and I think that when formal education starts, that's when the competition should start because it's already there. They're already getting graded for their intellectual capabilities at a very young age. Right. And so it's already it already exists. So we're already there. And so I think immediately, pretty much kids should start being involved in doing the bleed test, if we want to say that, or whatever physical competition there is. Like it should it should begin immediately. I entered a crawling competition at 10 months old there you go and maybe i'm gonna tell you all about it so so sorry call you're going too long then i gotta cut you off listen
Starting point is 01:35:38 i entered a crawling competition when he was 10 months old and they said ready set fucking go and he was winning it was probably like 20 feet he had to go and he was winning he was 10 months old and they said, ready, set, fucking go. And he was winning. It was probably like 20 feet he had to go. And he was winning. He was like at the 12-foot mark. And there were no other kids even close to him. And the crowd started screaming. It was probably like 60 people. And he stopped and started crying.
Starting point is 01:35:58 And a fucking black kid just fucking crawled right past him. And when he came over, I go that that right there sums up your track and field career dude for the next fucking 20 years you're gonna be crying and some black kid's gonna crawl past you true story my good story i probably have the video somewhere i fucking loved it i was dying i'm like oh you got smoked by the black kid crawl past you that's hysterical he was privileged because he's black, Sousa. He was privileged. I'm just thinking that you're projecting your winnings and losings on
Starting point is 01:36:32 Avi so young. That's true. Yeah. Damn it. Sousa for the win. Oh, that's good. That's really funny. Well, thank you, caller.
Starting point is 01:36:42 I appreciate you siding with me. You're welcome, boys. Have a really funny. Well, thank you, caller. I appreciate you siding with me. You're welcome, boys. Have a good one. Thank you. I'm still holding my position firm. I think that there's so many things that we're comparing to. There's so many ways to experience disappointment. There's going to be so much stuff that happens in your life.
Starting point is 01:37:02 But I just think that if we could set a really good seed of health and fitness and kids young and when they look back on PE and they're like, this is something I enjoy doing. This is something that I got a lot out of. And I want to continue that for the rest of my life because people that come into the affiliate all the time, you know, especially people that haven't done anything their whole life and they're like, well, I was just never good. I was never good at PE. I never did this.
Starting point is 01:37:24 So you're kind of like reinforcing certain behaviors in there that can be. Yeah, that should be the goal for PE. You're onto something. So you could have to help kids enjoy physical activity and sweating not to actually get them fit. Yes. And let me just clarify the argument. When you have sport, we could have winners and losers. When we're talking about physical education, physical fitness, it should just be effort-based. Relative intensity. Thank you for coming to my tech talk. You can join at CrossFit Livermore today.
Starting point is 01:38:00 This is the wokest. Get out of here, Daniel. Equity. Equity. this is the wokest get out of here Daniel equity Matt Souza bridging the gap between assholes and woke people on the podcast today it was a pleasant experience it wasn't just talk about cum and being a dick and beating up on lip cards
Starting point is 01:38:22 Souza represented them well and showed the I went down and worked at the elementary school one time and I had it like common being a dick and beating up on lip cards susan represented them well and showed the uh elementary school one time and i had it like that i was discussing with a small group of teachers about that and um i felt very on my my soapbox so i wanted to bring it here to the show everything you said made sense and actually it so that's the thing you basically shifted the subject a little bit but what you're basically saying is revamp the whole fucking program so that the goal is that people fucking take away a long life appreciation
Starting point is 01:38:51 and love for movement. We don't need to teach them the fucking order of the fucking planets in that class, or you don't have to become the best soccer player, but we want to teach you how to enjoy moving your body. Caller, hi. Corey, hi. What's up, dude? Hey. If it wasn't for me kicking ass in middle school PE, I wouldn't have grown the love for soccer.
Starting point is 01:39:11 So I think there's something to the competition level. Conflating. Conflating. Conflating. I said sports still have winners and losers, and then I said PE is effort-based. But he did PE, but he did soccer in PE. Yeah, but the effort that I put in in middle school gave me the spirit to be like,
Starting point is 01:39:31 hey, maybe there's something here because I can kick these kids at them. And it's the effort. So, again, you agreed with me because you put in the effort. It wasn't about winning or losing at the time. It was that you put in the effort. You got rewarded because you did well. And then you moved it to soccer. Teachers just don't.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Oh, no. I enjoyed seeing those kids cry when I scored 10 on them. Hey, they did that at my, I remember being in junior high and there was one kid in my class that was so good at soccer that eventually he would just play the whole, he would play the whole fucking class. Andy.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Yeah, that was me. Andy Hamp. There'd be like 12 of us against him. He didn't even have a goalie and he would just come down the field and score on us. I think so. You have to be slightly concerned. I think, you know,
Starting point is 01:40:17 could this be a catalyst for them just removing more soft ass shit in school? Well, that's the problem. That's only giving them adversity. That's and that's why Suze is wrong. That's why Suze is wrong because you just nailed it because they're not going to fix it. They're just going to take that shit out. And it's going to continue.
Starting point is 01:40:35 So I do, I teach the entrepreneurship that I pitched on your show. And thank you for that. By the way, I've got like 15 people reached out and I got at least two or three businesses who are going to work with me this semester. But anyways, I teach that class to high school students and middle school students in the summertime so they can see what entrepreneurship and starting a business is like. And to show them what building a team is like, I do a correlation and we play dodgeball. So how do correlation and we play dodgeball. How do you pick a good dodgeball team?
Starting point is 01:41:09 You need people who are fast, athletic, the caller who just called and said they picked what Caleb Beaver's at. You pick it by random. Yeah, or you pick your best friends and that's the losing team. Yeah, or you pick your friends. But we played dodgeball and one of the girls got hit in the face with a ball.
Starting point is 01:41:24 And that was five years ago. And because of that. That's a lesson that's going to follow her the rest of her life, getting hit in the face with balls. This is why we need butt plugs and not balls. Yeah, her mom was a doctor, got in contact with our dean, and I'm not allowed to play dodgeball on campus anymore. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:41:41 I swear to God. I swear to God. Oh, shit. Careful, Sousa. What a fun story. Yeah, careful, Sousa What a fun Yeah careful Sousa Hey Yeah You know what's gonna happen
Starting point is 01:41:49 That That That That Was it That girl's gonna get hit in the face With a lot of balls Her whole life
Starting point is 01:41:54 And her mom's not gonna be there To protect her Well until she loses those braces There's no No chance of that Yeah She wasn't a wicker Patrick
Starting point is 01:42:02 Patrick Bet David's been going hard Did you see him fucking tear into hillary clinton yeah i love it yeah that isn't that's crazy that that's a guy of sound mind basically saying hillary clinton kills people yep that's not um that's not uh some fucking right-wing nut job That's a normal guy. Sounds like PBD had effort based PE. All right, Corey,
Starting point is 01:42:30 thank you. I appreciate it. Okay. Bye. I couldn't believe that clip I saw yesterday of Patrick bed. David was a commercial. I don't think I, I,
Starting point is 01:42:40 it's from a show. He basically says he pulls up all these articles. It's saying like, Hey, 57 people or 77 people i can't remember and then he goes let's say only half of these are true no one has this many people around them kill themselves nobody percent yeah even if 25 were true yeah yeah yeah sorry jeff i know i i
Starting point is 01:43:00 there's these people on the show that are kind of my, I don't know, moral compass or like the people I keep around me to oppress me. You're my oppressor. Oh shit. Uh, what, what, uh,
Starting point is 01:43:18 something interesting. I was, it was something else interesting. I thought about the Thomas DeLauer podcast yesterday. What did he say? He said something that was so fascinating to me about, I should have wrote it down. It's in my mind.
Starting point is 01:43:28 It'll come back. It'll come back. Okay. 276. How are you on time, Caleb? You good? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:33 No, 276 supplements. By the way, there's a massive storm here today. In Newport. Yeah. I guess it came down from you. Did you guys have a storm two days ago?
Starting point is 01:43:42 Yesterday. Yeah. Was it fun? Was it crazy? It just rains. Streets flooded. Yeah. It was pretty good. Yeah. That's nothing like super nuts, down from you did you guys have a storm two days ago yesterday yeah was it fun was it crazy it just rain streets flooded yeah it was pretty good nothing like super nuts but just consistently rain the whole day yeah it's pouring here okay oh you only lift me up jeff don't worry you only lift me up i'm just busting your balls
Starting point is 01:44:00 mississippi tested 30 supplements found on to see if what was in the supplement actually matched the label. Of the 30 supplements tested, 13 of them found no trace of the ingredients listed on the label. Zero trace. And nine had additional ingredients that were found nowhere on the label, whether it be fillers or things that just were not accounted for. There's nothing really regulating that these have to match unless they get third party tested,
Starting point is 01:44:30 which is so, so important. University of Mississippi tested 30. Hey, if you're into that stuff, watch that episode we did with Andy Holmes. I guess I'm preaching to the choir, the people who watch the live call-in show, watch all that. But that supplement show we did did was cool we're getting a lot of good feedback from it i still don't want licensure around that stuff i don't know what the thing is uh 275 i'm very curious what you think about this suza i am this one i'm tripping on a little bit high rocks has opened an affiliate they actually have a high rocks affiliate now i don't think it's like they've had gyms that are like you know like hey we can train you to do high rocks here like i think you
Starting point is 01:45:10 could even do that here but look at someone's oh maybe i read it wrong let me see this drop out crossfit is that what that is drop out crossfit okay scratch that thought maybe i put the wrong link to it someone just told me that this was someone sent me this and they're like hey this is the first ever high rocks affiliate okay circle back to that idea we'll have to ask hunter if that's true if there's a high rock stand yeah yeah oh it is yeah you're right the first oh okay oh in milwaukee oh okay so it's in milwaukee the first one in milwaukee okay so they already have shit loads of them interesting what does that even mean to be a high rocks affiliate it means you specialize it's it's a it's a crossfit gym that specializes in rowing and broad jump and running yeah it would just be like this specific
Starting point is 01:46:08 training right okay so it's not the first one it's the first one in milwaukee well fuck if you can if you have one in milwaukee you've kind of made it that's bottom of the barrel shit um it's so crazy to me that we don't see more media coming out of CrossFit. It'd have been nuts to see what CrossFit would have done through the last two years if Greg didn't sell. Oh, even before then. It was too late, dude. Greg and the fucking retard CEO that they had in fucked up when they fired. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:47 You want to see how stupid they are over there? I don't know if you guys care about this stuff. I watch all their media over there. You want to see how stupid they are? You mean the recycled media that you did that they just repost now? Like it's fucking new? Well, that too. It's so pathetic.
Starting point is 01:47:02 I was actually going to show someone this over at crossfit hq i put this together the other day you guys want to see it okay i'm going to show you this i don't i don't know if you guys will i don't know if you guys are going to appreciate this but let me um so this is the kind of stupid shit I see over there. If you're in a field, I guess if you're an affiliate owner, you might care about this. I'm sending this, uh, Oh, I shall send this in the private chat. Okay. So, um, this is a video that popped on my, um, radar, I don't know, five months ago, whenever it was posted, six months ago, eight months ago. I don't know how old this is.
Starting point is 01:47:49 But I feel bad. I was actually, I wanted to show Don this. I wanted to actually, but maybe he'll watch this and just all you guys can see it. So can you tell me the date that this was published and how many views this has? can see it so um what can you tell me the date that this was published and how many views this has so this was published four months ago and has 53 000 views okay so this is i think this was published at the time that the games were going on now look at this video right here look watch watch just like 30 seconds of this video right here in cross, we define strength as productive application of force. Oh, you might want to pause this shit.
Starting point is 01:48:30 I'm sorry. Are they going to ding us for this? They might. Those assholes going to report us? You go like seven seconds and then talk and then play. Okay. So basically, I just want to show you this. This is a video that probably cost $100 to make.
Starting point is 01:48:44 And it's so fucking authentic. And the music is fucking amazing. And this was made at the CrossFit games and published there, like almost like in real time. Right. And it's just got, um, scroll up to where you see James Hobart and it's got James Hobart, like so endearing, just fucking like, oh, there it is. Yeah. Yeah. Watch this. So this is clearly just filmed on the spot. No production value. This is just camera guys who know how to do their shit this is probably i'm guessing some fucking 22 year old kid with a fucking camera that they hired and paid him 300 bucks a day to make shit look watch this i'm guessing i don't know that for a simple when everything is balanced nicely on a shiny floor
Starting point is 01:49:20 so anyone can do that that shot you you can do that with a $3,000 camera. Shallow depth of field, good audio, cut it with some B-roll of them lifting. And then this was probably turned around really quick because this came out during the games, right? Awesome. This is when Don was on. I was telling him like, hey, you should be making fucking five of these a day. You can pay kids to make the fucking greatest content ever. Now this, and I used to see this shit all the time when I worked at CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:49:51 and I would just slam my foot down on these idiots. This is what happens when your team is plagiarizing from itself. I'm going to show you what's in the chat. Watch this garbage. It's so frustrating. Do we know who made this one here? I have no idea. I have no idea who made any of these.
Starting point is 01:50:11 I have no idea. I just recognize the time domain that it was – or the time that it was published and that I recognize this. This is the kind of stuff you do where just shit's being turned out really quick. I can tell by the production value. I can tell by the way James Hobart is set up. I watch that video, and I'm like, fuck yeah. I'm moved by it. I'm like, wow, this is incredible.
Starting point is 01:50:30 This next video I'm going to show you is what happens when you have too much money and you have fucking idiots making videos. Watch this next video. This is the exact same video made three months later by a fucking production team that probably cost $30,000. Okay? Three months later by a fucking production team that probably cost $30,000. Okay. They've graded the film. So you can see they've graded it, meaning everything pops a little more. They spend a little more time grading it. And let me see if you can hear the guy's voice.
Starting point is 01:50:56 Go ahead and hit play. Strength is the productive application of force. Shut the fuck up already like like like you you like it's a but feel free i want can you drop both of these videos i wish i could show you the whole thing but i know crossfit like those assholes over there will reach out and fucking ding me those pieces of shit that i fucking helped them every day and they still can't fucking embrace me basically what i'm what i'm showing you here i'm gonna post both of these links now you guys got me fired up i really didn't want you guys to see this side of me but you guys all know it's there this this this second video is the one um that they spent the
Starting point is 01:51:41 first one i did well you you can decide you can decide which one's better i won't even i won't even influence you you tell me which one makes you want to work out more which one one of those videos cost 100 bucks one of those videos cost 30 000 bucks one of them is plagiarized off of the other one basically what you have there is you have just a uh you have a uh you have two factions that are not communicating with each other, and you have just world-class idiots in charge. The leadership is so fucking bad in the media department. It must be – and it's just continuing to fucking get worse, and when I see shit like this, I'm just like, wow. Someone's actually even – and what actually – what first got me on this train well i don't know what
Starting point is 01:52:27 this first but recently you saw that chase ingram i ever talked about this on the podcast and let's see you saw chase ingram interview don fall yeah and you can't find that video i challenge i challenge anyone to try to find that video has 1200 views the youtube fucking channel doesn't have a profile picture for where the ceo is published that's like youtube 101 it's so clear someone's trying to that there's such uh and that's the affiliate dollars being spent that's all i think oh you you pay money to the mothership and all they have to do is make content for you and send out lawyers to make sure no one's stealing the name and they can't and instead they have these egotistical maniacs working in the media department
Starting point is 01:53:14 that can't figure out how to push forward and put their problems aside with each other and instead they do shit i mean someone yeah you have james hobart talking about strength in real time with a video that cost fucking 100 bucks it's so beautiful and then you have this other team plagiarizing that video three and a half months later with one third the views and you're using todd widman adrian bosman and justin berg and you've done the whole thing down and made it shit made me want to walk away that's your affiliate dollars yeah it's pathetic and why would they even fucking pathetic why would they even open another channel called crossfit podcasts because someone hates trying to read someone hates don or someone hates something over there yeah it seems very self-destructive because... The people they have in charge of the games are
Starting point is 01:54:06 horrendous. You have to know... Dear Don, they're holding you back, dude. Your own team is holding you back. Set them free.
Starting point is 01:54:22 Stop spending any money on any fucking corporate fucking media no one is excelling that way how does thomas de laura a one-man band dropping more health information than crossfit hq oh it kills me and don't get me wrong thomas is no fucking slouch, but he's an entrepreneur. And you don't have entrepreneurs inside of CrossFit anymore. You've killed them all. You've stifled them all.
Starting point is 01:54:52 That's a joke. That's real. CrossFit podcast has 663 subscribers. Yeah. And the majority of them are finding out that this exists right now because we're pointing to it. We've just shown more people on this show than the than the cross it's it's it's so bad hey like it's beyond ridiculous
Starting point is 01:55:11 crossfit hq is like spending your money with the government and thomas delure is like spending your money with elon musk yes like one of it just propels and does way more with your dollar than anybody else could and one of it just does nothing and i want to tell you i i don't put any of this on don this shit is like i like don i like don too i'm not putting any of this on him this is like um this is like in the engine room of the uh of the boat it's a super important room but it's fucking way down there at the bottom a bunch of dirty scumbags in there with oil all over them. Great analogy, Susan,
Starting point is 01:55:47 regarding government and DeLauer. Oh, one more time. Say it one more time for me. I was just saying that CrossFit HQ is like, it's basically taxing all the affiliates and then wasting our money as opposed to somebody like if, if you were to ask and say, Hey,
Starting point is 01:55:57 you guys want to fund Matt? I mean, Matt, if you guys want to fund a Thomas DeLure and see what his media does, or do you just want to keep dumping your money into what Crossfit's doing with your money which is which is nothing yeah thomas delure maybe he'll start up a affiliate program no i'm not asking for a fucking coup i just i just wish that they could see um it's not a hey can you see can you see how many times um our affiliate uh can you do you have access to our instagram account either of you guys i don't have access
Starting point is 01:56:33 to the seven podcast can you see how many times that that that thing's been uh that that thing's been uh reposted the affiliate video do you have a candle you want me to grab it they they redid a 100 video for thousands of dollars and ruined it but they didn't repost i know this is just jerking myself off the greatest piece of affiliate content in fucking four years that would have been free to repost. It's been shared 1,200 times on our Instagram. And it has almost 15,000 or no. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:17 Wait. 141,000 views. Jesus Christ. Yep. Yeah. Crazy. Yep. Crazy. They don't even go live yet they don't even go live yet how how is it that yeah they'll never go live they'll never go live because
Starting point is 01:57:35 they're scared never go live yes because it has to be curated and they're missing the envelope like like crossfit's trying to crossfit's closer to noble than it is to where we are. CrossFit wants to be like noble and it doesn't want to be like... Let me see that CrossFit podcast while Sousa talks. Go, Sousa. I want to see who they've had on,
Starting point is 01:57:57 what guests they've had on. I brought it up when Don was on the podcast and I said, hey, are you guys willing like push a message that is the crossword methodology and take attacks from mainstream media and everything else and i just don't think they are like i don't even need to be the head of media for fucking 15.95 i could help them so quick so fucking quick i know exactly what the problem is yeah you know exactly what the problem is and i know how to fix it and i know how to just set i
Starting point is 01:58:30 would just set goals and uh and expectations from people and we that we would just start the media machine would start churning out the one thing that they do need me for is as if they i can do a couple interviews and some l1 content that i think would fucking um move the needle for them they would sell nothing crazy but they'd sell 20 more l1s a day they would sell 6 000 more l1s a year if they brought me on to just and i could do that shit for them for free with with a butt plug in crossfit changed the health and fitness landscape landscape and it brought definitions 200 so sorry 213 views on the one before dawn go to popular caleb scroll up and go and click popular see what the most popular one is crossfit changed what the uh health and the health and
Starting point is 01:59:20 fitness industry how it looked in in everything It changed everything about it. And now CrossFit and the HQ seems like they want to move more towards just another orange theory or do what these people do and moving away from what made it so awesome and popular in the first place. Just gritty and real. That's what that video was. That's what that first video with Hobart was. That was like just real, just a, just you caught, it looks like they just caught him outside the venue of the swimming event is what that was like just real just a just you caught it looks like they just caught him outside the venue of the swimming event is what that looked like didn't that look like he was out in
Starting point is 01:59:49 front of the swimming event yeah at the games and they and there's and then I'm guessing it's someone just like hey can I ask you some questions yeah actually that was right outside the stadium I know exactly where that was because when you have your the media pass you get oh so it wasn't a swimming event it was but it was like back behind where you would come in with a with a media pass but it's yeah it's it's nuts it's like i don't understand what the issue is like why can't they just start talking about the methodology put a camera in front of all the l1 trainers just start doing it like i don't understand the only reason why these other ones by the way that they're even getting
Starting point is 02:00:25 even slightly more views is because people are trying to figure out what the events are at the game so when you say when you see programming of the crossfit games or or noble crossfit games those are people like athletes trying to get clues and the testing is because all the crossfit games athletes are juiced up and they're wondering if they've been caught yet uh that is probably that is probably the problem that there's that every that is so every i don't know who you're referring to but every single person in there has to be fucking sold on the methodology yeah like it's fucking scripture and if you have anyone who's who's not in there like that and doesn't see the importance of it and by methodology also i mean also its placement in the world and its importance then what they do is they start putting their ego in the way of
Starting point is 02:01:09 disseminating the information and by the way that is exactly what happened why crossfit had its downfall in 2018 uh people's ego got in the way of disseminating the information hey you think if you took all the decision makers at crossfit hq like the real decision makers and you separated all of them into their own separate rooms and you said write down the definition of crossfit and its importance to the world what do you think because you get some crazy shit you would get some crazy shit you know how like they said it's important that guy um that guy at that charter school said it's important inclusivity involves teaching kids how to use butt plugs and dildos there would be people like
Starting point is 02:01:46 there's people there who work like that yeah people in the media department who think that it's more important to share the message of that this is for everyone and that you can save your life it's more important to show that hey this film was made by a female camera operator
Starting point is 02:02:02 right that it is yeah they have fucking ding dong like that in their ranks. Yeah. High level, high level. And if you were to go back to get where they're at, I'm not joking. We all have our roles.
Starting point is 02:02:15 Not a metaphor. If you were to take all the decision makers, how did we end up on this? I don't know. But if you would take all the decision makers from 2016 or whatever, you know, before 20 before 2018, and you separated everybody down to the lowest level, the guy that came to HQ and cleaned the
Starting point is 02:02:32 place up, which I volunteered to do, by the way. I have receipts. I offered to come down there and clean that place up multiple times. And you separated all of them and you said, hey, write down the methodology of CrossFit. Whatfit you would all they would all have the thread of the same exact answer because those type of people that were there before and you've already said it like they don't they would do what they're doing already even if they weren't part of crossfit hq because they were just so bought in on the message so true daniel garrity i was at work happy hour last week hitting on my boss's girlfriend as he was throwing up in the bathroom and i started a rant about crossfit being the cheat code for
Starting point is 02:03:12 the human genome i'd be watching this podcast too much just sucking the old cock yes kenneth cock my kids my kids love it when i caulk the garage we have to use black caulk because our flooring is black i want it to be seen who are the real anyway that's i it's just i don't i don't know sometimes i wonder why i care but maybe i don't care maybe it's just all I know and it's um just a chance for me to talk about what I know and brag and whatever I don't I don't feel like I'm bragging but I just it's like I just feel like I could fix it so easily and I think that anyone could go back and look at my credentials especially my last two years there 2016 17 18 see what we did with the media and put it next to the metrics of the growth of
Starting point is 02:04:05 affiliate seminar sales and games i've told this before the only issue where i think we were struggling a little bit was affiliate retention we hadn't quite quite cracked the code on that you know what's interesting is when i affiliated and this i don't know if this would if anybody else felt like this who owned an affiliate i was waiting for something to show up in the mail. Like I wrote my little thing. I went back and forth like with my point of contact and, you know,
Starting point is 02:04:33 which I think was like Roy McKernan's wife. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Angie. I think she worked at the affiliate department. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:42 She did. I know she did. Yeah. And so anyways, I went back and forth with her, got all my affiliates set up, and then I was like all stoked. And I like kept checking the mail, which is like weird as shit. But I kept checking the mail, and I was like, it would be cool if like some sort of package showed up. Like, congratulations, you're part of the family.
Starting point is 02:05:00 Like, here's a fucking sticker and like, you know, something like this. An inclusivity poster showing like all the people from all the colors of this oh oh and said hey you know welcome to the family here is this here is here's uh here's the state of the industry this is the numbers this is what you're up against these are some resources these are some great things that you could go to check out a cute welcome packet yes heidi that's what i was expecting i got nothing which was fine it was fine because i got my gym and my affiliate if i started opening but it was just i don't know it was just it was interesting at the time and i wonder like you know are they thinking about that now um so uh you know what's interesting is
Starting point is 02:05:43 you just reminded me of something, by the way, that we hold that up again, that, that, uh, um, that just reminded me of something. So I, so we're trying to do that. This is from two brain business, by the way, guys, this is called the state of the industry. If you were an affiliate owner and you don't have your hands on this, you have to get your hands on this you have to you have to this is this will be porn to you this will be candy to you you will love every single page of this this is from two brain two brain business it was just released it's called state of the industry it's a it's a beautiful magazine yeah there's no ads in it every single page is um uh graphics and writing and stuff that you
Starting point is 02:06:28 want to see in order to educate yourself about what's going on inside the fitness industry in regards to just hardcore metrics no fluff not like hey you should hang your bands over there or i mean this it's like all shit that you can act on with application to your business, every single piece. Go ahead. Yeah, the first page starts with like where did the data come from? And it tells you exactly where they source their information, which is awesome. God, it's so good. There's a whole like write-up.
Starting point is 02:06:56 Yeah. It's so good. You have to get this. I don't know how you get it, by the way. I wish I could tell you. I don't know if you've got to like go to Two Brain Business website. I don't know if you can. Can you go there, Caleb, and see? I don't know if you gotta like go to two brain business website i don't know if you can can you go there caleb and see i don't know if like if you go to their website and get this i do fuck owning a crossfit gym if you want any gym if you want a
Starting point is 02:07:12 business if you want a small business you probably want this thing you probably want this thing anyway so um it's not an mlm welcome aboard packet no no, no, no, this isn't. No, I don't know what this, I don't know what that means. Oh, what's that like? Okay. A year ago, we published the first of its kind analytical breakdown of the fitness industry. It gave readers an unprecedented look into how Jim and their owners were actually performing the business as entrepreneurs at the time.
Starting point is 02:07:38 It represented the largest set of data ever gathered on the topic. Yeah. You want to know how much you should charge, blah, blah, blah, all, what the average gym, it's, it's got, it's so good. But anyway, so Susan and I are trying to put together a show, uh, and Caleb, three of us are trying to put together a show where we're going to review, we're going to go over how much it costs to run a gym and we're going to pick 10 different cities around the world or whatever, five different cities. And anyway, it just reminded me that I was asking Chris Cooper if he would help us. And he sent me a text saying, no, yeah, of course he'd help us. So I can't wait.
Starting point is 02:08:11 Hopefully in the next week or two, we'll get that, that show launched. Caller. Hi. Hey, what's going on guys? Sorry. Sorry. Interrupt you caller. So you're saying that this to me, Caleb,
Starting point is 02:08:22 you can just go on here and order one of these. Yeah, it looks like it. Just put in all your information and then just say get access and then it'll it looks like it's just like a download so it's like noble you just have to trade your email and they'll give you whatever you want yeah and just yeah sell your soul and everything else you get okay caller hi hey no worries hey you guys are continuing to be the sugar of the podcast industry. Once I started listening to you guys, I couldn't go back to regular conversation. You guys just make it so much more interesting. But I hope you guys are doing well.
Starting point is 02:08:55 Hey, you guys were talking about the affiliates. Thank you. How often, yeah, no problem. How often, it's a good kind of sugar. I can listen to it all day and not get fat. You know what I mean? My brain is absorbing good information, something I can think about, not going to a comatose on Instagram or whatever. But you guys were talking about, yeah, it's weird how you look at one picture on Instagram and then your wife will get you scrolling on the Discover page
Starting point is 02:09:25 and it's like 50 things you don't want her to see. It can be a real struggle sometimes. But the affiliates. Yes. How often does HQ do something for the affiliates? I was listening to a podcast a long time ago and, Sivan, you said something. You have renters and one month out of the year, you would forego their rent for some kind of project or whatever they want to
Starting point is 02:09:52 do the apartment or the house. I would, I would have all the windows clean screens taken off window seals, cleaned all of that shit. Bathroom re-cocked skylights, cocked just basically just a walkthrough of checked. I would spend, I spend about one month of rent just doing like repairs, like touch-up paints whatever yeah what is hq did
Starting point is 02:10:12 something like that how often do they do things basic things like that maybe you need a rower maybe you need to send a coach well it's usually a fucking brilliant idea the other day it seems like a fucking absolutely no-brainer you know they just fired 16 people over there they just fired their team that was like the the united states affiliate reps you know people like um uh dale king were fired right and but what they should do is they should get rid of that whole fucking team who's ever left over there sorry chase they should get rid of all those people and they should use that money to offer free continuing education to affiliates. So basically, so build one course every single year that can be taken online or just take a pay Chris Hinshaw to do, you know, four courses a year that are free to affiliates or something like that. They should offer some sort of thing where it adds value to not only the, not a discount at FitAid,
Starting point is 02:11:08 but just they should, they should offer continued education courses for free. And what's crazy is that would also then promote those courses to,
Starting point is 02:11:16 they could probably get Hinshaw to teach that shit for free because it would be crazy promotion for Hinshaw. Imagine getting 40 affiliates in a room together to fucking take an Hinshaw course. Imagine how much media you can make out of that oh it'd be insane fuck dude
Starting point is 02:11:29 while i was there like what i like me personally what i could do for them i could do a million dollars worth of work for them if you've got 40 affiliates together and made them take chris hinshaw's class for two days the shit that i could get from them just doing interviews with them of why they affiliated would be content crossfit could use for a fucking year that wasn't even related to chris hinshaw do you know i mean just give me those 40 people in one room together where they can't run away for two days and i would extract enough content from them to change the trajectory of crossfitting forever just by myself with the camera so yeah it'd be so cheap well i wouldn't be cheap but everything else would be cheap of crossfitting forever. Just by myself with the camera. So yeah, it'd be so cheap.
Starting point is 02:12:08 Well, I wouldn't be cheap, but everything else would be cheap, super cheap relative to what they'd get out of it. I ain't doing none of that well. Actually, I'd probably do anything Don asked me to be honest. And just to comment on the way CrossFit is going in general, it's much like the rest of the world. There's an analogy.
Starting point is 02:12:25 The leadership there is going in general. It's much like the rest of the world. There's an allergy. The leadership there is losing its members. And just as the United States, a bad leadership has caused us to lose petrodollar. I think you were talking about that before. It's almost like a poison. A poison that's going to spread until someone like you or anybody goes and stops that nonsense
Starting point is 02:12:42 because it won't stop. Well, what they need to do is they need to stop worrying about people. So like the perfect example is like the brand. Instead of being concerned that people might think this is an American brand, we need to double down on the fact that it's an American brand. Just like Gucci should double down on the fact that it's an Italian brand. It's OK. Instead of worrying about hurting people's feelings, like in the ideal situation when Greg did Floyd 19 and people called called him racist and the ideal situation had been like, fuck you, you're racist. He would have explained one time why they're racist, you know, because they think that what he said is
Starting point is 02:13:13 racist and they're projecting their racism onto him. And then he should have cut all those affiliates off. The thing is, is in a trees are like this and it's a perfect fucking metaphor. Everyone knows you got to prune back the trees and they go come back faster and stronger. Those fucking idiots weren't made for CrossFit. And do you know what? Half of them would have come crawling back. Imagine how strong the brand would be right now if it would have raised its middle finger at that. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:13:39 Gangster. They have to. Gangster. More gangster than Tupac. And so it's not too late. Yeah, it's not too late. The brand needs to just stay true to the truth we are a fitness program that even a pygmy midget albino will fucking floor sean it's made for your dna lesbian jew i sorry i should have put those in there earlier like that's what the fucking message is.
Starting point is 02:14:08 Any fucking human being, this is for you. That's it. We don't get into any of the other details falling to the weeds. Fuck off. This is for the Taliban. This is for pedophiles. This is for NFL players. This is, like, this, we, we, sorry, but I've seen the Taliban doing overhead squats with their rifles. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:14:26 I don't care. Let them do it. Let them look like jackasses. That's how inclusive this shit is. Sorry. I agree. Hey, Mr. Bieber, thank you for your service. You look like you're living like a king over there in the Air Force.
Starting point is 02:14:42 I was in the Navy. I was just laughing how you can bring food back to where you sleep at. I was on a ship and we could never ever take food out of the galley. You're like, you scared a little bitch, Caleb, with your apple. Absolutely. You got like a whole jelly-filled apple over there
Starting point is 02:14:57 and in your little bunk, everything's all lined up nice. I couldn't believe it. Well, I'm glad you're doing okay over there. It just seems like the Navy was a lot different. Thanks, man. Very compact.
Starting point is 02:15:14 Alright, guys. I appreciate your time. Keep on killing it. Thank you for the call. Thanks for the sober voice. Bye. Did you see the thing I put in the private chat? No, Caleb saw it oh I think you should wait
Starting point is 02:15:33 Roger that thanks for asking I think that's the courteous thing to do yeah we're not keeping any secrets from you just Susa has some information. I just think he should wait before he shares it.
Starting point is 02:15:48 I mean, he's going to share it. He'll share it. You guys will even know before he shares it. You guys will find out. I think it's appropriate that, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 02:15:57 we should definitely have a discussion about it afterwards. Hey, so I just got an email from YouTube. I just got a fucking email from YouTube, and it says it came two hours ago. But on the screen grab, the picture is the image that Caleb just put up 10 minutes ago of the form you fill out on Chris Cooper's. Oh, did he enter your email? Two brain. No, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:16:34 no. This is a YouTube notification that came two hours ago saying the show is live, but the image it's using is from 10 minutes ago. It updates periodically. No shit in my email? Maybe. It's all Google.
Starting point is 02:16:49 It's all connected. Email YouTube. Son of a bitch. Search. Son of a bitch. Nobody notices the emails that I use. I'm kind of disappointed. I saw it. I love rosemary at gmail
Starting point is 02:17:05 oh i don't like katie's comment to go unnoticed here you're a good dude uh the crossfit ethos is a good reflection of the early american ethos personal responsibility hard work middle finger to the government that's what made the crossfit yeah exactly exactly well said oh no glassman hasn't well he has been booked but I don't ever tell you when he's booked because it always falls through but he's been booked a few times my email tracks my eyes
Starting point is 02:17:34 I know Sousa popped my I lost my virginity to Sousa today's eye tracking service okay two hours and sixteen minutes uh, as soon as the, today's eye tracking service. Um, okay. Uh,
Starting point is 02:17:47 two hours and 16 minutes. Um, okay. How about number 34? Don't eat Popeye's. Oh, this is a Patrick bed, David.
Starting point is 02:18:00 Which one? What number? Don't eat Popeye's. Uh, 34, 34. Sorry. Somebody in the chat said pbd like talks about himself a lot and i was like oh shit what do you mean patrick but david talks about himself a lot yeah like he uses he uses his like i don't know it was just interesting it was a
Starting point is 02:18:20 different perspective that i hadn't thought about before, but he really does. Not a bad one. Like his youth, like growing up, like how he relates to shit. Yeah. Yeah. I think I do that a lot too. I try to do that. I like that because I think it like humanizes it, but I could see how someone think it's negative.
Starting point is 02:18:36 I'm trying to share stories that are amusing. I just want to be funny. Okay, let's go. Action. Ant was just telling us that he puts a lot of this on him and he's got to be better in back-to-backs, that he has not done that so far. Can you help him through that? Or just is that a young player trying to figure out what to do in this league
Starting point is 02:18:54 and how to answer the bell two nights in a row? You know, maybe I could do a better job of teaching him how to take care of his body, you know, diet and everything. So I'll be on me. I know. Yeah. I think it's funny up here when he talks about Popeye's and all that,
Starting point is 02:19:12 you know, that, that doesn't, that doesn't make me happy to hear, you know, we're high level athletes. So, um,
Starting point is 02:19:19 Ant was just telling us that. Oh, interesting. I don't know who this guy is. I don't know. I don't know if this is a soccer player or what, but he's basically basketball. Okay. So. I don't know who this guy is. I don't know if he's a soccer player or what, but he's basically... Basketball.
Starting point is 02:19:26 Basketball, okay. So basically, I guess what he's saying, I guess I pulled a clip because he's saying it's kind of refreshing to see, right? He's like, well, he has the Gatorade up there, but he's like... Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:35 I don't think it's funny that when they say professional athletes, he Popeyes. What's that next clip down? It says that didn't have a number. Do you see it? Yeah. What's that one?
Starting point is 02:19:47 I can open it too and see. Oh, CNN destroys Biden. Okay. Yeah. Play that. You just wrote essentially saying this is Joe Biden doing what Joe Biden does. Yeah. Well, he, he he I never imagined how quickly this would all unfold. The person they sold on the campaign, the nice old, you know, moderate grandpa who just wanted to help everybody get along and compromise is not what we got over the last year. He has no mandate really to do much of anything. It's amazing that he got a couple of things done when the mandate was really pretty clear. Fifty fifty Senate and near fifty fifty House and a pretty close presidential election. The mandate was really pretty clear. 50-50 Senate, a near 50-50 House, and a pretty
Starting point is 02:20:25 close presidential election. The mandate was simply replace Donald Trump and don't do anything drastic or stupid. And everything about this agenda is extremely drastic. And he's been angrier than I think people expected. He's been more divisive. He's been more partisan. You look at the issues. We built five years of coverage on Trump out of Russia, COVID, and democracy. The president at his press conference invites Russia to invade the Ukraine. We got more deaths under Biden than Trump. And now we have the president and vice president and leading Democrats questioning the legitimacy of the 2022 election.
Starting point is 02:20:56 Are we any better off? You just wrote. How is anyone still fucking voting democrat okay uh oh here's another project veritas one can we do that right below it it it's what's going on at CNN. This is from the right-wing conspiracy organization Project Veritas attacking the poor people at CNN. Action. Chris?
Starting point is 02:21:42 I'm James Lalino, Project Veritas Action. The woman that you've been meeting with is actually an undercover journalist for Project Veritas Action. So we have you on undercover camera talking about... Well, see, you're mocking cops, firefighters, and police here about the vaccine mandate. Are they going to get their jobs back? I'm not talking to you at all. You're talking to me right now, sir. So we have you on... I'm not talking to you. Well, sir, we're talking to me right now, sir. So we have you on. I'm not talking to you.
Starting point is 02:22:06 Well, sir, we're talking to you right now. I'm showing you the footage. That's you sitting there. Would you like to see? That was taken without my permission. I'm not talking to you. You said Republican governors flooded our system, quote, flooded our system. How long until New York City's pro-migrant policies become unsustainable, sir?
Starting point is 02:22:29 Chris, you also said you don't know if Adams is capable enough to navigate the crisis that's going on right now. What else do New Yorkers need to know about Mayor Adams' incapabilities? When will Adams demand action from the federal government, Chris? You mocked cops and firefighters and nurses. Do you have the courage to do what they do? This is corrupt. You did say that. What is he doing that's corrupt?
Starting point is 02:22:57 I mean, you got to know where the bodies are buried. You're like one of his top aides. James Longino, Project Veritas Action. We drop the iPad down on the table and their eyes pop out of their heads. Oh, jeez. That's the, I think that's pretty old. I think since then that guy's been fired. That was one of the top aides to the garbage mayor of New York City.
Starting point is 02:23:26 There's so much dirt on that guy. It looks like Elon's about to go after Fauci. Did you see that, what he tweeted this morning? Prosecute Fauci, something like that. My pronouns are prosecute Fauci. Going to get crazy, I think. No, no one in New York has a car. That's the crazy. I think no, no one in,
Starting point is 02:23:45 no one in New York has a car. That's the thing. Everyone just walks. My pronouns are prosecute Fauci. Savage. So savage. That's so good. Um, So savage. That's so good. And for anyone who thinks that that's dangerous or wrong or mean or a person in power shouldn't do that, here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:24:13 He hasn't kicked Fauci off of Twitter. Right. He hasn't kicked Fauci off of Twitter. Number 42. Don't try this at home. Fauci or 41. You want to do 41 instead, Caleb?
Starting point is 02:24:37 Are you a 40? Can you do 41? I'll do either. Okay. Let's do 41. It just seems more appropriate since we were just talking about Fauci. Hey, for all of you out there who's like parents and friends believe Fauci, don't you? Doesn't that just make you just like. Here we go. Action.
Starting point is 02:24:57 In so many states and so many localities to see schools closed as long as they were. to see schools closed as long as they were. I think in some cases, I don't want to use the word mistake, John, because if I do, it gets taken out of the context that you're asking me the question on. It was too high a price. Yeah, I would say that what we should realize and have realized that there will be deleterious collateral consequences when you do something like that. This idea that this virus doesn't afflict children is not so. It does. We've lost close to 1,500 kids so far. But much less than the older population, obviously.
Starting point is 02:25:37 Oh, of course. But you shouldn't discount that it does afflict children. So it isn't without consequences. If you go back, and I ask anybody to go back over the number of times that I've said we've got to do everything we can to keep the schools open. No one plays that clip. They always come back and say Fauci was responsible for closing schools. I had nothing to do. I mean, let's get down to the facts. Lost 1,500 kids from myocarditis, Mr. Fauci. Is that what you mean?
Starting point is 02:26:10 Yeah, well, that's so... It's frustrating that he doesn't press him. 1,500 kids from what? Yeah, I know. You know, like, doesn't clarify there. Yeah, I hear you, Kenneth. Elon gives me Antichrist vibes sometimes. I hear you.
Starting point is 02:26:24 Wait, wait, wait. Why? How? uh yeah i hear you kenneth elon gives me antichrist vibes sometimes i hear you why how he's got this whole fucking turn us into robots vibe going too with the neural link yeah i think that he sees around the corner and knows that that there's gonna be the rich are gonna become a different form of human they're gonna have abilities and capabilities that are going to be much further reaching than people who can't afford to have that technology. You mean, you mean like how rich people had in the eighties had airbags, but the poor people didn't.
Starting point is 02:26:52 Yeah. And now you're going to have access to languages, information, the ability to do math quicker. My friends have a cars that park by themselves. Exactly. Poor me doesn't have that capability. And if he sees around the corner and says, hey, if I'm going to do Neuralink and we could do it, so a robot does the implant.
Starting point is 02:27:12 Did you guys watch that? Did you watch the Neuralink presentation? No. Kenneth, I hope you watched it if you're making comments like that. Yeah, Kenneth. Yeah, Kenneth, come on. But if you watch it, he's trying to create something much like the rockets where it's reusable and sustainable because that's going to be the fastest way to mass production. It was the same game plan that he used with Tesla. So he created this roadster.
Starting point is 02:27:34 It was a sports car that was for the rich, but they were also conscious of the planet because they were going to drive the electric car. So once he sold enough of those, that proof of concept didn't get the thing rolling. So once he sold enough of those, that proof of concept didn't get the thing rolling. Then he was able to go back to make something more affordable, like the $60,000, whatever the stock model Tesla is. That's how everything works. That's how everything works. That's right. So he could see around the bend and he's getting out in front of it with Neuralink and creating this, like the robot does the implant. The robot puts it into the skull and then makes all the insertions into the brain. So that way too, you're not having
Starting point is 02:28:08 to use surgeons and everything else. So it'll make it available for mass production. It'll make it much easier, much more accessible because at some point- You don't have to get it. You don't have to get it, Katie. No, you're just going to fall really far behind everybody who has it. You can still be really rich. I'm really far behind people who wear shoes and I'm kicking ass. So don't worry. But I mean, think about it. If you, if someone has the ability to tap into, like right now, if we're having a conversation, I have the ability to tap into the internet of things and pull all that information out faster than I'm even knowing that I'm thinking about it. What advantage do I have over you guys?
Starting point is 02:28:44 Um, I don't, i pee outside a lot and it gives me an advantage of people who use to waste their time going into the bathroom yeah see look i'm so much more advanced than caleb i just fucking pee wherever i want and i don't waste the world's water by flushing it back out into the ocean but yeah i don't know so i'm not making a claim that it's like good or bad either way i'm just uh do you remember when suzo was human and now he's a robot god i like human suzo so much better with my super i'm telling you you gotta get that book i don't know where it is do you have those books organized like dewey decimal system style no no but these two are together and this is it
Starting point is 02:29:33 homo deuce that's my favorite book i yeah i reminded me to read that is that author I only want to read books with the author still alive so I can have him on the show. Is that author still alive? Yes, and he's awesome. This is the first one I've mentioned a couple of times. I know. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:29:53 Okay. Someone just texted me. He's watching the show. Straight partners like using toys together too. I hear you. I hear you. But I think that toys are a requisite if you're a gay dude. I think every gay dude probably has toys.
Starting point is 02:30:09 Correct me if I'm wrong. Whereas I think a lot of straight people like me, we don't. I don't have any toys. I don't have any toys. No toys. I am the toy. Okay. I am the toy.
Starting point is 02:30:29 46. This one's already making me uncomfortable. It says, do you know Wilma? 46. I swear to God. Do you know this one? No, but I just have a feeling I know where it's going. Do you know? Oh, yeah, yeah, just have a feeling I know where it's going. Do you know?
Starting point is 02:30:46 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is so good. This is so good. This is what I want my Instagram search to be full of, just this stuff. You know Wilma? Wilma who? Wilma balls in your mouth, bitch. You know Wilma? Wilma who?
Starting point is 02:31:04 Wilma balls in your mouth bitch everyone has to use that today on someone do you know wilma wilma who will my balls fit in your mouth bitch sound like justin unley no i don't underestimate it i i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure i think a lot of people probably i've been to your, I've been to people's houses and open up their drawers and seeing that just the whole variety of vibrators and dildos girls have. I'm just saying. Or Austin has,
Starting point is 02:31:35 I don't know. Maybe. Watch out, Heidi. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I'm trying to think if there's any of my guy friends that I know that have toys.
Starting point is 02:31:47 I don't know anyone who owns one of those things like a pocket pussy or that thing I've seen on Instagram where it's like just sucking off the hot dog. Have you seen that thing? No? I should pull up a clip. What? There's this machine you can buy, and I've seen it demoed on Instagram, and it goes on a hot dog, and it just pulls up and down on it. I mean, it's obviously not for a hot dog. I don't know any dudes who actually own any of those.
Starting point is 02:32:13 I don't like the fact that we call them toys. I don't know. Let me go with another word. It has a weird connotation to it. Yeah. I think it's like Legos, you know? Like, not a weird thing i found my parent i found my parents uh box under the bed looking for christmas presents
Starting point is 02:32:35 when you're traumatized yeah yeah yeah hey dude i bet you that's a really common story oh it's gotta be. Yeah. Oh, Caleb was going to share a story. I did not have a story like that, thankfully. Sexual accessory from now on. I like that one better. Okay. Yeah. That's accessory.
Starting point is 02:33:00 And we could like, like a, like a, I got nothing. I was going gonna say something where it doesn't get better when you shorten it yeah i would yeah uh 53 equality sex toys for everybody sex accessories for everybody kenneth you just made it worse the old box under the bed we've got quite a large pay dispute happening with our australian women's soccer team at the moment um is it frustrating for you as someone who's so prominent in your sport and we heard the other day you are the richest fighter in UFC, that that sort of thing is still going on.
Starting point is 02:33:50 I think that how much you get paid should have something to do with how much money you bring in. I'm the highest paid fighter, not because Dina Lorenzo wanted to do something nice to the ladies. They do it because I bring in the highest numbers. They do it because I bring in the highest numbers. They do it because I make them the most money. And I think that the money that they make should be proportionate to the money that
Starting point is 02:34:11 they bring in. Fight inequality not by whining. I didn't get to see the rest of it, but that's pretty good, right? By being the absolute best at what you do. Yeah. Rhonda Rousey speaks. Hey,
Starting point is 02:34:33 the truth is, and people aren't going to, don't want to look at this. If you do that, you only end up hurting women. You only end up hurting everyone. All the people that you drag along and give them something before they've earned it, you only end up hurting them.
Starting point is 02:34:48 There's endless examples of that. You're only hurting those people. You want to know the absolute perfect example. You want to see a crazy woman. Find a the absolute, uh, perfect example. You want to see, you want to see a crazy woman, find a woman who's married a rich man and hasn't earned any of the money, but is living like she did earn the money. I, there's not one saying I've not met one, one single. And I, and I, and I know some of you are going to be like, well, what about, does it go the other way with guys? Probably. I just haven't met any guys who are, I don't know any guys who are living off of rich women, but every single
Starting point is 02:35:28 woman I know who's fucking wealthy because her husband was wealthy and she didn't earn the money and she doesn't have purpose in her life is fucking bat shit. Crazy. All of them. A hundred percent. Something's wrong with them. When my wife was the breadwinner for a while, I was a total dirtbag. I didn't do shit, dude. I'm okay with the wife being the breadwinner. I'm just saying if your wife's got $100 million and you haven't fucking made a fucking dime in your life and you're part of that spending, you're crazy.
Starting point is 02:35:59 Everyone looks at you crazy. We all know you're crazy. The shit you do, the way you think, the logic, you're fucked up. And you're not happy. Crazy is never happy. I felt pretty shitty about it. You did?
Starting point is 02:36:11 Yeah. How did you know you were a dirtbag? Like, what did you do? Oh, dude. I just, like, I just sat at home. Like, I went to the gym. I came back, and I just went to play video games. I would, like, read some books.
Starting point is 02:36:24 And then I would go visit her at work. I'd bring her coffee and I would just go back. I'm liking all that. I'm liking all that, Caleb. I'm liking all that. I'm talking about going and getting your pussy waxed,
Starting point is 02:36:37 trading in your fucking car, not taking care of the fucking kids, comparing your fucking G-W another fucking chicks G wagon. And then slowly you start hanging out with them and you're like, Oh, they're fucking crazy. They completely less touch with touch with themselves and with humanity. And you're like,
Starting point is 02:36:56 wow, these people's lives have become just horrible. Yeah. You don't sound like you did any of that. No, it's like I took care of myself i brought her stuff like i read books i improved i just felt like a piece of shit man i was like mental and physical health it's like she's making so much money think of all the stuff some people have
Starting point is 02:37:17 to do to leave the house i just i just can't even fucking believe it your life is so hard. It does not have to be hard. You know, I was looking at Grant Cardone's wife the other day. And she was making these videos of how great her fucking life is. And I'm looking at her. I'm like, there's no fucking way. Interesting, right?
Starting point is 02:37:37 There's no fucking way. If you had to go on Instagram and your hair had to look like that before you were willing to film, your life is not good. I know what fucking makes a good life. A good life is having a healthy fucking fit body. A good life is having clothes you like to put on, something very simple. A good life is not having to prepare a lot of shit just to move and exist in the world. Not having expectations, not having to think about yourself. Every bit of makeup you put on, the hair you do, all the shit where you're thinking about yourself is all misery shit. It's all misery shit.
Starting point is 02:38:10 It falls on that side of the line of misery. All the freedom and happiness and growth is when you're not thinking about yourself. That's where all the success is in every metric. And it's, man, I don't mean to take a shot at her either. I mean, kudos on their success. But I'm just like, fuck, I didn't believe in it. You got to wake up in the morning. You can't just run down.
Starting point is 02:38:33 Like, this is a really happy life. I'm going to tell you a really happy life, what it looks like. You wake up in the morning, and you're confident enough to just pull on whatever's sitting on the floor and your shirt and grab your iPhone and walk to the coffee shop. That's it. Buy a cup of coffee and you, and there's some people there. You see your friends that's living your best life. You don't have to worry about your hair. You don't have to put shoes on. You didn't have to do
Starting point is 02:38:58 nothing. You got your fucking cool iPhone and you're sitting at the coffee shop. And I see Susan walk by. I'm like, Hey, what's up dude dude you want to go play some frisbee that's a fucking good life on your way walking there there's some little kid who's like sewing little booties and trying to make money you give him a couple dollars this is a fucking good life how far did that spectrum go because i will admit so i actually changed shirts it's right here one of them's here yeah shirt i slept in yeah and then i put this i put the beanie on yes these are all these i give you pass just see my hair put that fucking thing back on i'm just saying i'm just saying that like and i bought two shirts in case we wore the same one i could switch it yeah you're a good dude
Starting point is 02:39:41 i'm not these are all things that are. These are all things that are different. These are all things that are different. Let's say you can find exceptions to every rule. Let's say that as you put on your makeup every day and it's a 15-minute process, you have some sort of mantra you use that you've used to get yourself in the right spirit to take over the day.
Starting point is 02:40:00 I'm not saying that these are like, these aren't dogmatic rules, but they're strong correlates to where happiness is they're very very strong happiness where correlates to where happiness is i'm not saying that there isn't a time to fucking put on a fucking tuxedo and yeah and sometimes too you do it you do it to um out of respect for the other people right so like you dress nice at a wedding not because like you feel the need people right so like you dress nice at a wedding not because like you feel the need to have that acceptance because it's at a ceremony and you want to put your best foot forward for your family i have a sick armani suit with those fucking
Starting point is 02:40:32 horrible shoes that like you feel like you're gonna slide around on all at any moment i love putting that thing on once every four years yeah i'm gonna try to grab them before i leave yeah it's gonna be fake though see caleb can't even like like he's such a good dude he's like i was a dirtbag i went to the gym i read books i brought my wife coffee he's like i want to buy this life it is good i go ahead go ahead i'd fucking i'd live rent free off my wife for uh years let me give you an example of a of a dirtbag i had a friend who would drop his girlfriend off in her car drive around on her gas use her money to buy himself lunch and then would show up and offer nothing more than a blunt wrap in the car to smoke in and try to find people who had weed so he so you could smoke he's like i got the blunt i got a car and then his girlfriend didn't even smoke and hated when her car smelled
Starting point is 02:41:37 like weed and it would be a blunt and he would offer that up as like what he had and then he would go back and like and then he would be late picking her up she'd be texting like where are you i was off 15 minutes ago he's like oh i'm on my way and he's like sitting there on the sofa yeah if you're not the breadwinner you should at least be inspiring your you got to inspire your mate you better fucking you better figure out a way to get some money to put gas in that car and you show up with that car pristine you cleaned it you went into the web you know what i mean like and you show up with the coffee too like caleb be a good dude that you go down on her a lot caleb during those times yeah for sure to wash thanks honey yes to wash sometimes i'd make dinner if i really felt like
Starting point is 02:42:20 it you don't even have to do that. You're good. I said sometimes. Sometimes. Otherwise, I'll set the fire alarms off. My wife would never let me make dinner. She knows what that means. That means a rotisserie chicken with sliced cucumber. Yes. Dinner's ready.
Starting point is 02:42:35 Raw meat. That's great. Come and get it. Look, tonight's special. I got cottage cheese all right and yeah she did stay with him besides all that he didn't even call her by her name he called her third what do you mean that's like called her third third and he introduced her as third because she was the third place in his life and her his life oh shit i'm fucking dead serious all right i feel better yeah you should that's a different jake the fact you said you were reading gives you a pass to
Starting point is 02:43:12 eating pussy and you're a good dude uh does anyone remember the video sebon showed recently of the woman who met glassman at a health conference trying to find it to further to convince my unhealthy parents oh you know what's crazy jake um uh go to it's a it's on's youtube page it's a crossfit health video i'll see if i can find it but do you know what's crazy on this show i talked about how greg used to pay for people to go to affiliates and since then my dms have filled up with people asking me if greg still is paying for people to go to affiliates or if I would pay for them to go to an affiliate. Like out of your personal like. Are you fucking out of your fucking mind?
Starting point is 02:43:57 Are you the same people who got the injection? You can't contextualize or put anything in relativity. You know, they fired me, right? You know, my wife has been paying my mortgage for the last four months yeah yeah speaking of how i pays the bills you know you know that you know that greg doesn't work there anymore right he sold the fucking company and the whole point of that skit was the fact that that shit's not being done at CrossFit anymore. Not to fucking ask me. My kids are six. They've had their hair cut twice.
Starting point is 02:44:34 We're on a budget, motherfuckers. So just be clear. That's a no, you're not paying for. No. Okay. Cause mine's coming up in a couple of days.
Starting point is 02:44:44 So I just, is this the one? Yeah, this is the for? No. Okay, because mine's coming up in a couple of days. Is this the one? Yeah, this is the one. Great video. Okay, I'll put it in the chat. You should get free membership when you sign up for this podcast. Yeah, free membership to my gym. Just go ahead and do it over here.
Starting point is 02:44:58 But you should know that California Hormones is giving away. You know what's crazy? We don't even ask that. She just says, hey, do you guys want to give something away for Christmas? And we say, yeah. And she's like, what do you think about no one?
Starting point is 02:45:09 And we're like, yeah, absolutely. Level one, once again, promoting this company. And here's the other thing too, you fucking jackass,
Starting point is 02:45:16 Trish and you other people who tried to pile on, like, because the liver King fucking sponsored water Palooza. Like, how about all the street cred I get for fucking promoting crossfit even though they're ding dongs you'll never please the people yeah we'll never please all right love you guys uh two hours and 44 minutes caleb you demand suzy you demand today's my fasting day i think i just ran just hit a wall and and i and the day's barely started i gotta go back to the gym fuck i heard the moderators were getting paid uh and the l1 paid for wouldn't that be awesome yeah rumor has it
Starting point is 02:45:59 checks in the mail bruce salty seven uh jessica thank you elaine thank you kenneth the lap always thank you jake schmitty thank you kayla beaver thank you the crocodile huntress just give her lots of sex the keto woman's heart the stash is a sex accessory matthew suza suza thank thank you. I think basically Sousa has let his foot off the schedule to give me... The next couple of days while you're in Newport, yeah. Yeah, okay. And then I'm driving...
Starting point is 02:46:34 Thursday. Yeah, and then I'm driving back home. Okay, I can't wait to get back in the studio. All right, guys. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Right? Yep. Pacific Standard Time? All right. Bye-bye. Yep, yep, yep.

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