The Sevan Podcast - #705 - Where do the reparations begin? Live Call In Show

Episode Date: December 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Travel better with Air Canada. You can enjoy free beer, wine, and premium snacks in economy class. Now extended to flights within Canada and the U.S. Cheers to taking off this summer. More details at Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news.
Starting point is 00:00:22 We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. apply bam we're live good morning five minutes early today heidi good morning eric good morning kenneth good morning travis from vindicate good morning chase brian good morning as all of you already know go to if you you live in California, you can get free blood work
Starting point is 00:01:06 and a free doctor's consultation if you use the code word SEVON. If you live out of California, get your blood work, have your insurance pay for it, send that blood work over to, use the code word SEVON, and you can get your free doctor's consultation. Good morning, Alan. Buenos dias, senor. We're starting a few minutes early this morning. We are going to start the morning again with Jason Grubb and Jamie Latimer. I forgot my pen. Also, you can go over to Paper Street Coffee. They have supported the show from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It's the only coffee I drink. You guys know the story. It's a cool story, our relationship. Crystal Baca, good morning. Austin Hartman, good morning. And the way it works with Paper Street Coffee is you use the code word SEVON and you get 10% off. And Gabe is a great guy. And he is a small business that has just started up inside this community. He is a diehard CrossFitter and an incredible supporter of this podcast. And he told me from the beginning, I don't even care if you drink my coffee, Savant. I just want to support the podcast. Dang, Jamie did get second.
Starting point is 00:02:18 You are looking at a lady, by the way. We're going to get to why she's on the screen in just one second. Her name is Anne-Marie Fuse, F-E-U-S-S. Fuck it. Make it 15%. Holy cow. Make it 15%. I don't know how long that's going to last.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Go to Paper Street Coffee. Don't spell out street. It's P-A-P-E-R-S-T, coffee. Use code word seven and get 15% off. I suspect that won't last much longer than midnight tonight. Paper Street is ridiculous. It's delicious. Yes, it's delicious and ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:02:50 It's very strong. It is very strong. Beautiful little brown beans that you'll like to look at and smell. Also, if you sign up for California Hormones between now and December 24th or 23rd, either way, I don't know what the date is. But on the 25th, on Christmas morning, we will give away a free Level 1, courtesy of California Hormones, a Level 1 to a CrossFit Level 1 seminar. Because there's really not too many things better you can do for your life. So, I, gabe is the man eric that's right at least car redow good morning paper street is so dang good best coffee in the
Starting point is 00:03:32 game vindicate if you want to get a ceo shirt um that fits very nicely makes even your mediocre bodies look good. I look in the mirror, I'm like, damn, I got a nice body. You go over to Pick out a shirt. You can also go to Life is RX. The sweatshirts are thick and yummy and good, and I wear them every single day. That is truth.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Even on the hottest days, I wear them. I work out in them. I usually do my first 20 minutes of workout always in long sleeves to get extra hot because i'm fitty because i'm fitty i need to get sweaty jeez louise so britney griner's family must be ecstatic they got her home imagine your daughter being kidnapped kidnapped imagine your daughter breaking the law for drug use in a foreign country and going to jail and getting sentenced for nine years. That would really suck.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And she got to come home and her family must be ecstatic. So happy. So happy. I don't know how George Floyd's parents feel. Probably devastated. Their son got caught up in drugs and violence. He hurt a lot of innocent people. He did a home invasion, put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach.
Starting point is 00:04:58 He drove around on the streets where little boys and girls in this country play, high on drugs. streets where little boys and girls in this country play high on drugs. He's been accused often of, you know, being involved with counterfeiting money. He was, did a lot of pornography. You can go to YouTube and watch it. And it's sad that he died because he's someone's son. It's sad that he lived that life. No one wants to be a drug addict. It sucks. Just like no one wants to get arrested and taken away by the Russians, regardless of what you did. You don't want that to happen to your daughter. But those are not national heroes I'm describing to you.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Those are just people. Those are just souls. I know a lot of you are Christians out there. I know a lot of you believe love is the way. A lot of you believe love is the way. And those are just people who went down a wrong path and couldn't pull out. But they are not American heroes. They're not heroes of the planet. They're not role models.
Starting point is 00:06:05 They're people who lived a life who their circumstances probably hurt a lot of people around them and i'm really happy for britney's family that they got her back exceedingly happy but i wanted i do want to show you a real american hero i don't even know who this is never met her before don't know shit about her her name is ann marie fuse and you're looking at her right there a-n-n-m-a-r-e-E-F-E-U-S-S. If you want to show your support for this country, if you want to show a real American hero, you want to show someone who's done something amazing, go over to this lady's Instagram account and say something positive about her. I talk a lot about how great dads are and how important it is to have a good dad. This lady right here that you're looking at, look at her.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Look at her, a muscle up. I bet you she's doing this for herself. She's making herself fit. So she's not a drag on the rest of the world. So she's an inspiration to other people. She's taking care of herself. But this is why she's a hero. I'm going to show you right here.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Not because she pushes a shitty torque tank. No one's perfect. But because she's a mom. I came across this account today, this morning. This is someone's mom. I came across this account today, this morning. This is someone's mom. This is higher level hero shit.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Those two kids are so proud and what their mom is doing is going to change their life forever. They're going to remember their mom as someone who took control of her own life. Who made her life better. Don't even know who she is. I just know. I can just tell. That's got to be her dad there, right? That can't be her husband. He can't be that lucky.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Two kids. Lady who works her butt off. Shows up at competitions and gets at it i think she was at the legends comp i just ran across her account because i've been fooling around so much with the legends looking at jason and jamie's accounts and so the search gave me this lady but this is someone who's really contributing to america this is someone who deserves a statue in central park this is this is what makes me. This is what should make all of us happy. This is someone who's a high-level contributor to society, and she's not playing basketball.
Starting point is 00:08:34 All she's doing is taking care of herself and being a good role model for her kids. I wanted to share that with you guys this morning. If you want to do something really cool today, you want to feel better about yourself, go over to her account. It's A-N-N-M-A-R-E-E-1-0-0-8 and tell her thank you for her contribution to the role model that she is for everyone around her, her husband, her kids, and everyone. What a cool lady. And she's hot. It's just a plus. It's always nice. Maybe she wasn't hot before she did CrossFit. I don't know. Anyway, okay. Good morning. Good morning. Hi, guys. Hey, man. Jason, Jamie's trying to steal the show from you. He's trying to steal the show from me. Look at this. Second place. You're a boss. How stoked are you, Jamie? I'm really happy. Are you like beside yourself? Yeah, I totally shocked myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:46 you went to yesterday when we talked to you you were in third place and jason was in second place and um basically you were starting to feel the pressure i think we could say yesterday from your interview um and how many competitions have you done um let's see i don't know like six i did granite games in 2019 i've done masters fitness collective twice legends now twice and i've done a lot of local comps so i guess a lot but nothing big like five big ones uh congratulations amy from allison yeah crazy and and this was you would say this is some of the highest level competition you've ever gone against i would say so i mean last year was really strong competition too but yeah i would say it's probably the strongest and um you went in and there were two events yesterday correct yeah a back-to-back two-parter and you were um and you
Starting point is 00:10:38 were how many points behind second place 30 i think like 42 42 points who's counting i wasn't i didn't i i just like i told you i just didn't want to implode and not get third so that's all i was worried about like finish the workout and stay in third and and what place were you in after you did the first workout yesterday the second to last workout i was 12 points out of second wow and then and then how many points did you beat um the second place lady by in the final workout do you know i think 10 or beat her in the i don't i'm not sure but i think the final standings was i was 10 points above so 20 about 20 points in the final workout crazy did. Did you see her during the comp? Like in that final heat, did you know where she was? Um, not, not really. Although I, I think I knew
Starting point is 00:11:34 I was like in like top two or three of that heat. Um, so I felt like I was, and I love handstand pushups. Like that wasn't the one I was that nervous about. It was the front squat. How old are you? 39. You're in the 35 to 39 category. You're the old lady in the bunch. Jason, should she have been watching her?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Are you like Jamie? You should have been watching her. Tell her, Jason. Let the CrossFit Games chance give her some advice. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. Nice job. tell her Jason let the CrossFit Games chance give her some advice absolutely yeah nice job I mean 39 when I'm 49 if I can get uh if I can hang in there with these guys I'll be absolutely ecstatic so that's just amazing yeah congratulations um what's next for you, Jamie? What do you do next? We immediately just start. Is the open next for you? Yeah. I mean, I had kind of told myself that I was going to spend this year trying to get
Starting point is 00:12:32 stronger. Strength is like my biggest weakness, like especially like the snatch. And I really feel like, I mean, going into this, I was like, I don't really have a whole shot and I don't have a shot at the games this year. So I was going to spend this year getting strong so that when I'm 40, I can try to really make a run of it. But I don't know. Yeah. I'll just, we'll just go through the open like normal. See how it goes.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Awesome. But games aspirations. Yeah. Like real, like serious, like you're going to go, this is it. You're awesome. Uh, Jason, how did you finish? I won first place. How, how close was it? It was really close. Um, you know, Jason, uh, the other Jason, he was four points ahead of me going into the last two events. And I had to beat him in both events. Just the way the points were, let's say I win event one and then he wins event two, he wins.
Starting point is 00:13:36 So I needed, I really just needed to beat him in both or just win both events, which I did. I won both events. which I did. I won both events. You know, there was a, there was a point in there as I was jumping into the bar muscle ups and the front squats, I saw him cycle front squats during warmup and I realized I can't beat that. And I was nervous. I can't beat that. So my strategy focus was really fast transitions running from the bar to bar muscle ups and
Starting point is 00:14:05 and not taking any breaks just absolute all-out effort um and i knew i could do that it just made i might catch on fire like i may actually implode at some point um but at a certain point he realized on the front squats i got him i him. And so I got through that first one. And I thought he might be fast on, uh, on the sandbags and Andy Sakamoto in the commentary or, um, in a live stream thought the same thing. They thought, you know, even if I win the first one, uh, the other Jason could catch me on those sandbags. And if he beats me, he wins. So I tore it up. Um, I went all uh all out on that thing um on the second set of handstand push-ups he broke uh and i that was it i actually so i was running to the sandbag at that point um i was i was smiling at my cheering section just in front of me because i knew like that's it
Starting point is 00:15:00 i've got i've got it uh and that's a damn good feeling, Savant, when it hits. Like, okay, I'm in the middle of this thing. It's pure chaos around you, but I got this. All I have to do is pick this sandbag up a bunch of times and not let him catch me. It was battle. It's absolute battle, like primal. My body was able to do things that um i was able to recruit more from my body than i can ever have imagined in eight minutes without feeling a thing i mean almost blackout like i i remember gasping for oxygen but i don't remember feeling anything like feeling wow yeah um so you so basically you knew you were going to have to flirt with disaster. You were like, okay, I'm just going to – I'm not going to – although you did have a strategy, your strategy was to let – it was okay.
Starting point is 00:15:53 If the wheels came off the bus, I can go home knowing I gave it my all. It's kind of a weird strategy, right? It is. It is a weird strategy. And it's so fast. It's such a short max effort. And it was. If – I'm going to ride the lightning.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I'm going to ride right on that line. And if I fall off, my mistake. But I'm not. And for me, if I just imploded, I was almost guaranteed second place. So it was sell out or take second. And fall off and take second. That's okay. So I took the sell it route.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And, man, it was nice. The feeling of winning that, having been so, for me, you know, this doesn't matter in the whole scheme of the world in any way whatsoever. But for four days, I could be nervous. I could be stressed. You know, my Garmin tracks my, like, stress level. It was through the roof for four days, beyond anything, beyond the games, actually, because this was just so tight. And my competition was so relentless that on the last day, as I was driving to Mayhem, I remember just thinking to myself.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I was kind of trying to get my head in the right place because I was pretty nervous in the morning. I'm driving to Mayhem, I remember just thinking to myself, I was kind of trying to get my head in the right place because I was pretty nervous in the morning. I'm going to win. I'm going to Mayhem to seal this deal. And I was just dead focused and my body did what it needed to do. I'm so sore today. I can't tell you. I actually came to Mayhem this morning to help unpack and they're putting the gym back together just so that I could move and get some blood flow, you know. So I actually feel much better now than I did two hours ago. This guy, Jason Lukanen, are you pretty stoked? He was there. Like, would you like in hindsight, you're like, what? I'm glad I went into the last day in second place. This, like, it was, it was kind of like getting another free kind of experience to
Starting point is 00:17:58 test yourself. Right. Like he puts you in a place that you didn't want to be that you can't get in training and you got to like like have to deal with that. Very much. Very much. I, I, I could not go into the last day, which I'm used to going into a last day for a final victory lap. I've done that a few times at the games and at legends where by the last day, I just wake up, I'm having a nice breakfast. It's nice and easy because I, I don't have pressure.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And he applied max pressure. So having him here was great. I thought my competitors were, you know, Mike Kern and Vlad. That's who I was competing with at the games. This was all that. But Jason came and just circumvented those guys, came at it full force. He had some of the workouts were definitely favored a very fast athlete, a lot of short workouts, super high intensity, and he is just unbeatable in a couple of those events. So to have that pressure to experience that, I mean, it just, it adds another rep of experience to my resume, which I really appreciate. I appreciate more having won it.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I don't know how I would feel if I was sitting here and having gotten second place. I'd have a different demeanor, a different feel. I'd be trying to learn from it and keep a positive attitude, but I would have been pretty disappointed in myself, just reevaluating. What is it? The Monday morning coach or whatever they call that work. Just thinking, what could I have done? What could I have done? What mistakes did I make in my training? I would have overdone all of that. Now I'm just going to take some of the experience of like, oh, what was that like to have someone that I couldn't catch? I've got to process that in my head for when it comes to the open quarters, semis, and the games this year, because that's just going to happen more and more as i age up in this age group
Starting point is 00:19:45 so yes to answer your question good reps got got done this weekend in that fashion the mental fashion yeah good training for you jamie i'm guessing when you go into the final day in third place you i'm guessing and tell me if i'm wrong you can't help but um instead of being focused on winning you it creeps in that like oh shit, shit, I don't want to fall to fourth. Yeah, that's – yeah. How surprised are – not surprised. Maybe the word is proud. How proud are you of yourself that not only did you not fall to fourth, but you were able to even push further and get in the second?
Starting point is 00:20:22 What are some of the things people are saying around you? Do people around you believe in you more than you believe in yourself? You're so soft-spoken. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know if it's because I mostly have to train by myself and you just, you're just always questioned.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Like, yeah, of course people in my gym are like, you're so fit. You're the fittest person I know. Well, yeah. I, and you don't't you don't know how fit these people are and like I like I do because I and especially like I've gone to I went to the games with Jim my 65 year old athlete so like I'm constantly seeing these like top top level athletes so it's like you just don't know you don't know your fitness until you get to like be on the floor with some of these people so yeah I I definitely shocked myself um I know I'm good at CrossFit and so like I just it was really it was a really good week weekend to test um some of my strengths with some of my weaknesses and cause almost every workout was paired with both. And so I,
Starting point is 00:21:29 I didn't have a finish lower than seven. So I feel like I'm fairly well-rounded. I mean, if we would have seen a one rep max pop up, I probably would have gotten like 25th. So thank goodness. But I guess, I mean, I, I guess I'm more well-rounded than I thought. But I guess I mean, I guess I'm more well-rounded than I thought. Do you leverage that uncertainty? Do you think it's good for you or do you think that it would be better if you switch your mindset? Meaning, you know, maybe you use that sort of that insecurities, not the perfect word, but do you think you leverage that to be better and to try harder? Or do you think it would be better if you went in thinking,
Starting point is 00:22:09 Hey, I'm going to kill all these women? Yeah. I don't know if it would be great if I went in confident. So I feel like I, with the rope climb one, I felt pretty confident in that workout. And I think I overpaced the rope climbs. So that's where yeah I think that's that I mean and I lost that by two wall balls um and I went unbroken for over a minute in the last I mean I threw like I don't know if you ended up watching that one but like I was gaining at the end if it would have been
Starting point is 00:22:43 10 seconds longer I probably would have caught her in the end um but so I was gaining at the end if it would have been 10 seconds longer I probably would have caught her in the end um but so I don't know I just think I over I think I I think when I'm confident same with the total bar workout I'm just confident in that workout and I told them I was like I'm sick of like having to push to pass like 100% like I just want I want one that's good for me that I can just coast in. And that one I did, like my husband's on the video, like, you got to run to the transit. And it's like, and I'm like, nah, I'm just walking between transits and staying calm. So it's probably better when I'm unsure of myself and make myself get even more out of my comfort zone. Jason, for those of us who don't know, like myself, how is, is masters programming?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Is there anything different about it than regular programming other than reps and weight? Or is there other things that the programmers need to be cognizant of? It's a good question. Um, so it is reps and weight, uh, overall volume. Uh, so yes, reps and weight and rounds so think of that as well in the end and volume um you know an appropriate amount of volume for a master's athlete is going to be less than your 25 year old athletes and i've really noticed that having spent a couple of months here at mayhem training with 20 year old games athletes we have similar programming my my reps and my volume is a little less than theirs and the temptation for me is to just if i'm working out with them i'll just do what they're doing and i've done that a few times and i've discovered it's not better and i
Starting point is 00:24:16 know this i know it's not better but i'm like i'll be fine no it's it's the volume is intense but what i think programmers don't um take into account for masters athletes and i think it becomes more and more and more important into our late 30s 40s and 50s is the elements of recovery um the emphasis of mobility and warm-up and and how important that is we all know that but it's not it's not programmed generally it's not programmed like okay tonight you know let's do a recovery, hot therapy in some form or fashion, you know, or I think what I pay attention to the most, in addition to what's on the list of things I need to accomplish today is how, how to take care of my
Starting point is 00:24:59 body so that I can continue at as much volume as I should be doing as a master. No more than that. But even with that volume, it's a lot of volume. So I have nutrition, sleep, recovery are huge elements for me. And when I calculate how much time do I spend training, I include the 40 minutes a day I spend on recovery, the 30 minutes a day I spend on a first warm-up um before i start warming up does that make sense yes those are huge huge factors right what about what about what about movements um jamie and jason i um you know there was that event in the games that one year where the masters athletes were blowing their bicep tendons because the bar was too thick they were using that axle bar but i always wonder about stuff like as you get older um i don't know i'm just making this up like ring dips uh um are there certain movements too that like significantly become difficult more difficult as you become older like running may not
Starting point is 00:25:56 be one of them right but there might be some sort of movements in some in some uh you know that those are some pretty crazy ranges of motion ring dips where you, where you can get really low or muscle ups. Is there anything like that? Any movements that you have to be like, okay, I need to make sure I double down on the warmup for these movements. Yes. I'll just, I'll jump in it. Yes, absolutely. Um, you know, any, any kind of Olympic lifting or high skill, high skill gymnastics or anything, anything, we've got to spend a very decent amount, uh, making sure we're really warm for, but, but no, in particular, heavy lifting, um, high skill, um, you know, high skill movements and Olympic lifting. But I also think, uh, that no,
Starting point is 00:26:39 we should be able to do any of the movements well into our sixties, you know, maybe 65 plus they're doing burpee bar muscle-ups i don't know or burpee pull-ups bar muscle-ups but i don't know jamie i'll let you chime in for sure and i'll stop but i want to see us doing all the movements at appropriate weights but as far as skills and dress i want to see us be doing that well into our 60s handstand walk at 65 yes 65 just enough absolutely absolutely i think i want yeah you're a good dude yeah no one can say different if you think that you know jamie any any where are you compared to what jason's saying here i i so i find the way you're a young you're a young girl compared to
Starting point is 00:27:18 jason so i know i think i'm i think i'm 22 all the time so um I think currently they like I think there's kind of no business for them to be like 65 plus to be programming handstand walk or muscle ups or pistols but I do think in the next probably five years so like the 60 year olds now when they get to be 65 I do think some of those people will maintain those skills that they have but I think they need I or I don't know like right now when they program it I just shake my head and I'm like this isn't this isn't highlighting their fitness they don't half of them look silly out there um and I'd say that I I have a 66 year old that went to the games and I do there's just times where I'm like, I don't,
Starting point is 00:28:05 I don't think that was an appropriate programming piece, but. So, so you're saying the opposite way of kind of the way my question was biased is that maybe we should take it easier. What you're saying is, is like, Hey, just because they can't, you don't have to dumb it down. There's other ways you can change the program besides dumbing it down. You're saying that it feels almost like dumbed down. Like, hey, if they can't do 100 pistols in a row, still give them some pistols. Let them showcase their skills.
Starting point is 00:28:37 So, yeah, I mean, I feel like it sucks for someone like Hip and Steel who had certain movements, has the skill. When they do, when they, there's like at Masters Fitness Collective, they had the option to bear crawl or handstand walk. And I think if somebody has the skill, then, and if they choose to do it, they should be rewarded for that. You're saying someone competes, someone doing bear crawl competes against someone who does handstand walk? That's fucking insane. That's completely, that's insane. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Yeah. And of course the bear crawler is gonna win so i think the only way to progress the sport is to if you want to push those people to start earning those movements is to reward like automatically if you if you handstand walk and you get the distance that was the requirement like if you only get five feet then you didn't meet it that you just took a risk that you didn't make but if you can walk the whole 25 feet even if that's five five five foot increments um i think you should beat the person who bear crawled that's going to push the people to keep learning those skills and maintain them through their 60s so that when they get 65 they they have them so that's how i feel and you could fix the programming let's say you wanted handstand walks in there but you knew only half the field could do it feel and you could fix the programming let's say you wanted handstand walks in there but you knew only half the field could do it so what you could do is you could put
Starting point is 00:29:48 you know three rope climbs 50 cows on the echo bike and then max handstand walk for the remaining remaining minute and then and then the winners determined there everyone gets to work out but some people are just screwed and instead of making them do it unbroken you could just have the judge there so people who could only walk five feet at a time, you could just keep putting them back, you know, five feet instead of 25 feet. Yeah, it seems right. I totally agree with you. There seems a way to do it. That's what you said to me is just crazy. That doesn't even make any sense to have people competing again. I mean, even if you could do handstand walk, why would you if you could agree? Well, people chose to because they want to show that skill, but they finished lower.
Starting point is 00:30:23 And I was like, that's silly. Yeah, that doesn't make that. At that point, you're not doing a competition. Now you're at the Special Olympics. That's not a dig. It just is. It just is. Well, I think that idea about doing more high skill movements. It's Jamie. I like your point that right now, 65 year olds,
Starting point is 00:30:50 maybe shouldn't be doing a decent volume of ring muscle ups, or maybe they shouldn't do ring muscle ups. And I think I agree with that. Right. Cause it does look silly. We want, we don't move into look good. We want to showcase 65 year olds doing amazing things. And I think the other part of that, and I think you are kind of hinting at this is that in 20 20 years, 65-year-olds will probably be doing pretty clean muscle-ups or that skill level. It's like over the last 10 years, we're doing what individuals did 10 years ago, and we're in our 40s or we're in our late 30s, right? And so this sport evolves, and we all get a bit better at this whole thing. We get smarter.
Starting point is 00:31:22 We get better at movement. We're more safe when we move. So I'll revise what I said earlier. I guess I want to see all the skills when we're all ready to do all the skills. We're making sure we're all ready to do all the skills and not make a, we want to highlight masters and our achievements and our strengths
Starting point is 00:31:39 and what we can do, not be silly and not look appropriate when we're doing it or look like we're putting ourselves in huge amounts of danger. Right? Yeah. Awesome. Yep. Well, congratulations to the both of you. Thanks for doing this every day. It's the most interested I've ever been in a master's comp. I'm stoked for you, I give all the credit for Jason for last time he was on or for DMing me and, and, you know, nudging me. And, uh, I can, I hope to continue to build a relationship with both of you guys and keep having you guys on and talk about it. Um, more important, I'm realizing the importance of it, the inspiration, uh, that you guys bring, uh, to the world. So thank you so much for coming on. Thanks, Siobhan. Appreciate you, man. Yeah. I love you guys. Bye, Jamie. I'll see you around. See you on the internet.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Thank you. Jason, you're a great dude. You're a great ambassador for the sport. Such a positive man. It's always a pleasure interacting with you. Thank you. Appreciate it. All right, guys. Ciao. Bye. Thank you, Jamie's husband, for parking the car and hanging out. We cut into his shaving time
Starting point is 00:32:45 all righty where's caleb where's matt suza where's caleb where's matt suza how am i supposed to do a show without those guys just me today just me today? Just me today? Came shot out of a cannon today. I'm ready to rock and roll. Okay, number 317.
Starting point is 00:33:13 We talked about that, right? About that Anna Marie lady. I have this, for some of you who've seen on Instagram, I haven't posted in a long time, but in my backyard, I have this huge, huge rig made out of wood. It's made out of 16-foot 6x6 pieces of lumber. And it's huge, and it has monkey bars, and it has loads of rope climbs dangling from it and rings. It's pretty massive. I want to say it's probably
Starting point is 00:33:45 30 feet long. It was quite the ordeal to build this thing and it's massive. And one of the things I wanted on that rig that I still don't have today was a climbing pole. I don't know if you guys had those poles in elementary school, but I remember this was probably 1978. My elementary school had a skinny steel pole and it went really high and it attached to a, uh, there were four of them. It was basically a pole in the middle with a, with a cross on the top and then four climbing poles down the side. And the climbing poles were attached to the ground with a little chain to the top to a little chain. So they move just a little bit. And the reason why I never got a climbing pole at my house is all the climbing poles, all the poles that I found that would be, you know, 13 or 14 feet tall,
Starting point is 00:34:35 we're all galvanized. And I did a little research and you don't want to, uh, climb a galvanized pole. I guess there's something on there that's not good for you but i saw this today i think this is the wall between mexico and the um and the united states and you can see here i don't even know how to make this stuff bigger i don't know how caleb does that stuff oh just pinch and pull okay and you see here that there's these two guys scaling the wall, carrying ladders. And then they throw the ladders up over the wall. They hook it on the top of the wall. And I guess it's so everyone can just climb over. And I'm assuming they're coming into the United States, not going from the United States into Mexico.
Starting point is 00:35:22 That's just an assumption on my part. Yeah, fireman's pole if anyone knows where i can get one of those that's not galvanized let me know i don't even know how i would get that to my house i don't know if it comes in pieces and you screw it together or you order it and have it sent to home depot but i need a uh i need it no i'm not retired from i thought you were retired from working the pole not at all this this this seems more functional to me than climbing a rope this seems like this should be at the games this is some functional shit being able to scale this wall could change the life for millions and millions of people
Starting point is 00:36:07 good and bad so i saw that today i thought that was fascinating i think that's it that's the wall that i think that's the wall that that trump wanted to build right or built obviously he built some of it uh there was one of these at the games in 2017. There was a steel pole? I don't remember that. Really? There was a climbing pole? Oh, maybe at Camp Pendleton? Yeah, Dear Bill and Katie.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I agree. I totally agree. Dear Bill and Katie. I think Katie's with the C. C-A-I-T-Y. It's fine. Not that what you did is wrong. I'm not a spelling or grammar person.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And I'm not proud of that either. Dear Bill and Katie, how about a climbing pole for my backyard? Anywhere from 13 to 16 feet would be fantastic actually let's play it safe 14 feet to 20 feet thank you all right i'm on my own today guys there'll be lots of ums and uhs to try to fill the uh time in between pulling things up. Okay. I saw this on Instagram today. There's an Instagram account called Gays Against Groomers. One of my favorite accounts.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I love it. It's exactly what needs to be done. We need obese people speaking up against the pharma and nonsense pandemic talk. We need melanated people talking about the insanity behind BLM. All of these people, both the pandemic people and the BLM people are people who demand, and we'll get to that today. I have some great clips for you. They demand that these things exist in the world so that they can justify their issues, not because they're real. And so there's this organization out there that now has refused to do any printing for gays against groomers.
Starting point is 00:38:19 And so if you use this company, please stop using this company. And so if you use this company, please stop using this company. You know I'm not a big fan of cancel culture, but this company is called Printful. And anyone who's in the fight to protect kids is doing the right thing. And I'm not suggesting that this company get canceled just because they're against the fight to protect kids. But I wouldn't want anyone I know or myself to ever send them money and allow them to continue what they're doing, even though they don't put the priority around kids to not sexualize kids. If you are going to print any shirts, if you do want to print something, who I do recommend you go to is Travis Bellinghausen at Vindicate. Travis, hi.
Starting point is 00:39:11 How's it going, man? Good. So do not use Printful. Hi. Yeah, I'm actually very interested in this because I have used them before. So what do we know about Gays against groomers? Are they for sure legit? Uh, no, I, I don't know if they're for sure legit. I just know them from their Instagram account. And I know that they have a lot of people who check the boxes that they're gay when I go to their account. Okay. You i mean they they have the yeah the gay affect or
Starting point is 00:39:47 the the gay culture oozing from them the same way maybe a rapper has black culture or a middle east a middle eastern guy working in a liquor shop has um you know i assuming he's middle eastern because he works in a liquor shop and his skin's dark and he and he talks like my dad um he's against groomers i'll go to the post they check all the box yeah so so he's on the site and i and i appreciate them because they're at the front lines and they can say stuff without someone saying that um they're anti-gay or that they're homophobic right and so because because of i i appreciate um i appreciate them putting their ass on the line it's kind of like they're going against uh they're good they're going against what culture and what's supposed to be said yeah and that's what i mean if they are for sure legit
Starting point is 00:40:38 and they're not just a you know like i I would to cancel people just because, um, I'm very interested because I have used printful before and they provide some really cool shit, but why are they can't, I don't, I don't understand why they're canceling the skis against groomers. Let me, I'm going to read the whole thing to you.
Starting point is 00:41:00 I have it pulled up on the screen here. Printful has suspended our account for not representing their values why did they why did they a non-profit organization of lgbt people fighting the sexualization indoctrination sterilization and mutilation of children are they in favor of those things um but you know what uh now that you've called you know an angle that i've thought maybe maybe these printful people't, don't want to work with gay people. Maybe it's not that they're against, um, uh, diddling kids.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Maybe it's that they don't want to work with gay people. Maybe that's it. Yeah. I mean, that's what I would like to know. Is it a, is it a overarching, we're just not working with anybody who does anything LGBT related,
Starting point is 00:41:43 or is it this group individually? Yeah. Very interesting. does anything lgbt related or is it this group individually yeah very interesting i made the assumption that it was that they were awoke and that they were uh but maybe they're just bigots yeah like the person who won't make that's an even bigger issue like the people well i would take a big i'll take a bigot and a racist any day over a diddler 10 out of 10 times yeah yeah like one because well for a variety of reasons but let me read this to you what what um the letter that they wrote um this is from linda m at printful support hi we've made the decision to discontinue our business relationship with your store this is ultimately a decision to mitigate the risk of being affiliated with a store that
Starting point is 00:42:23 doesn't represent our company values. Printful serves customers from all backgrounds, and there are differences in opinions and life experiences among our store owners. We do our best to remain neutral and respect freedom of speech, yet we draw the line at content that foments hatred towards any person or group. Oh, okay. So at that point, they're upset because this gaze against groomer does spew hate against people who are pedophiles.
Starting point is 00:42:53 And although my heart, I don't even have a heart take two, although my being is filled with compassion for other people, I do draw the line a hundred percent at pedophiles. I don't, I don't, um, I have – I have a hard stop there. Maybe I need to work on that, but as a result, your account has been suspended. You will still have access for five business days, but no payments will go through, and all existing orders are on hold. This should give you time to retrieve your design files. retrieve your design files so it sounds like without them saying that they're upset because gays against groomers um are uh don't like groomers people who listen no no one find i know i'm preaching to the choir no one fought no one no no kids find adults attractive my kids are
Starting point is 00:43:40 disgusted by my body i'm not even a hairy man believe it or not but but kids are disgusted by my body. I'm not even a hairy man, believe it or not. But kids are disgusted by the adult anatomy. They don't like pubic hair. They don't like big penises. They don't like balls. They don't like your teeth. They're pure. And for adults in any way to think that they have any business being intimate with children is is uh completely absurd vile disgusting and i think that that's what they're saying because the gays against groomers are i mean they are
Starting point is 00:44:13 heavy-handed oh my god there is a god there is a god gays against groomers are heavy-handed against um against groomers against people who who approach little kids and coax them into doing performing sexual activities with them and so i think that should be yeah yeah exactly and and i appreciate that so much what they're doing i swear to god if these people were selling coca-cola i'd fucking buy some i so appreciate what these people are doing i chug a fucking two liter of Coke on the air and put on a pair of nobles. I mean, these, maybe they sell one of those poles you can get for your backyard.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yes. That too. Yes. And so I think that's, that's what's going. I think that's, what's going on. You could,
Starting point is 00:44:57 you could write them and ask them. Okay. Their Instagram is getting destroyed by the way. They're getting destroyed on Instagram. I don't use them for a lot. I tell you what I did use them for, and I spent a fuckload of money, was the no rep flags. Before I found a different vendor, that's where I got all the no rep flags. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I thought you were going to say the CEO shit. I'm so glad it's Hiller shit that's tainted. No, no, no. God damn it, Hiller. This is the company right here. I'll be digging into that yeah i'll check out their instagram but yeah they're not getting my business anymore i saw jim uh jim in the comments used him before also and he's like nope i'm done so jim will chat listen if you're a gay man you might think I have a nice body I'm not I'm not gonna lie I got big old titties they're they're kind of firm I got broad shoulders I got a little gunt if you're if you were gay and you needed a small little Armenian man
Starting point is 00:45:57 whatever live out your dreams I might be cute but for anyone else you'd have to be my wife California hormones yeah not yet not yet not yet give me 10 more years 10 more years from you there you go all right travis thanks for calling thanks for having me dig down a little deeper you bet bye oh dude suza were you at the gym yeah and then i couldn't get into my car the like thing to like unlock it the key going into the door to unlock it, just stopped. You think someone put a screwdriver in it last night? No, it was getting sticky and it's been having issues with it. And so it just took a little bit longer.
Starting point is 00:46:36 You know what would be worse if that was your wife's vagina? All of a sudden it just closed down and didn't work and got sticky. Just did not work i'm glad it was just your car did you get how did you finally get in i didn't you spit on it no i i i lubed it up i got some wd-40 i watched the whole entire thing on youtube of how to do it and my car is at the gym wow it's not like you have some fancy car with some crazy power locks and shit it's just it's an old civic right no it's an 07 07 honda civic and you examine the key did you try both sides there's only one side on that model oh how classy car manufacturers gotten we're only going
Starting point is 00:47:17 to put the key lock on one side yeah and it still works for that to open the trunk like no problem slides in pops the trunk open so there's nothing wrong with like the key, but I'm going to, I'll go back and try to try to fiddle with it. Luckily, my parents don't live too far away. So I literally just jogged to their house, grabbed a truck that my dad doesn't use as often because he has a work truck and hopped in it and cruised here. Here we are. I wish someone would pay me to go around the country and beat the dog shit out of every
Starting point is 00:47:42 pedophile. So, So hostile. What about – so what will you do? You'll call a locksmith now and he'll come out? Or you'll take it – or you'll have it towed to Honda? I'm not sure. I haven't really thought through that. I think I'm going to try to first just maybe if I could switch out the key fob battery and see if it'll electronically work again. Cause that battery just like recently died.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Not that long ago. Okay. Okay. That doesn't work. Then we'll see. Okay. That's plan. That's the first plan.
Starting point is 00:48:11 That will only cost you $1,200 to get a new key fob for your $800 car. Yeah. I'll be time to get a new one soon. Um, do you have access to the list or should I pull this? I got it. Oh, you demand okay uh 314 uh this this story here is is what it was like for me growing up in the bay area by the way i just i wanted to let you know so if you wonder what my my perspective is the bay area is like
Starting point is 00:48:37 you know san francisco fremont hayward berkeley oakland uh benicia uh conquered um you know i They were at Berkeley, Oakland, Benicia, Concord. The only part of the Bay Area I'd never hung really was Sausalito. I never hung in Sausalito. But this is the Tate man who I suspect we're going to be having on the show here maybe in January. This is a great story he tells here. And I have a handful of stories like this also. Very important story. Like fries and fried chicken.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And there's a long line. And the Audi with tinted windows pulls up. These three big black guys get out. Pushes straight in front of the whole line. Goes straight up to the front. Cut in front of five people. Start ordering. My girl goes to me.
Starting point is 00:49:23 We've been waiting here ages. I said, shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. She goes, are you just going to let them push in shut the fuck up shut the fuck up she was you're just gonna let them push it so shut the fuck up anyway two in front of me he couldn't tell this bitch she shut up she's excuse me excuse me there's a line and the guy turns around goes you think i don't see the fucking line i don't care about a fucking line so she starts running her mouth bro this dude knocked her the fuck out clean out cold by the time her man looked at her and looked back up boom sparked done and i stood there and watched both of them just laid out clean the three dudes who ordered the chicken and chips didn't even take the food they started laughing walked back out on the car
Starting point is 00:49:54 and i turned around and said to my girl you see some people are just ready to fucking go to jail some people are ready to kill people over fucking nothing it's four in the morning and i tell you i've seen i've seen something very similar that happened probably i don't know how many times growing up from the age of 16 to 20 i'm sure suze has seen that too three black dudes get out of a car and walk up to the front of the line at mcdonald's and you don't say shit if they tell you to wait outside while they order you go wait outside and order the truth is if it's three white guys doesn't matter it just so happened for me it was mostly black guys there's no there's no point at that point it's just your ego go outside hang out scroll your instagram pull your if you're a guy unstick your balls from the side of your leg
Starting point is 00:50:40 clean the lint out of the bottom of your pockets don't get the ego involved yeah drop to one knee and pray to the heavens and thank god that you're bound for glory and greatness and in wealth what a great opportunity to chill were you ever around any any girls you were dating girls that would be like that that would just start mouthing off no i i avoided those bitches like the plague i did not if if any girls who were like that but i had a lot of friends who had girlfriends like that you had a girlfriend like that no but like two or three it's funny because grace is the anti that so about two about two years ago we were going to actually see joe rogan live at the shoreline
Starting point is 00:51:19 and almost the same exact situation there's a big line to get in through will call it's moving steadily so it's not like a huge deal but you know the show's getting ready to start and these two dudes just walked right in and they were about one person in front of us and just cut big dudes and uh and right as they cut i look i'm watching them and um i mean you've been with me in public usually i'm like my head's always on a swivel that's just how i kind of go so i saw him coming from a little bit of ways and grace saw me watching them as they kind of walked up and she's like, don't say anything. Don't say anything. Don't say anything to him. And I was like, I'm not going to say anything to him. And so they cut right in front and the guy
Starting point is 00:51:53 right in front goes to say something and she looks back, she goes, don't say anything. Don't say anything. Do the opposite. Let them in. Yeah. Brother, let me pay for that for you. I mean, dude. Hey, by the way, that's those people aren't destined for greatness. Those people don't those people are living minute to minute because someone eventually bigger than them or someone's going to pull out a knife or something. Those dudes, it doesn't end well for those guys. Oh, never, never, ever does. All I knew guys that did that shit i knew guys that did that shit i didn't know any girls do that but i knew who um but i knew girls that i didn't date him but you knew guys who did that too right oh you know what and you know what happened to them right they're like in jail or they get stabbed or they show up to school one day with a broken arm or just a matter
Starting point is 00:52:39 of time because all they're going to do is one day they will find their equal or somebody else who's willing to go a little bit further yeah they're going to run into fucking jim one day they're going to run into fucking jim and two of his cop buddies and they're going to fucking end up in the back of a cop car yeah yeah no uh hey there's a whole state if you like girls like that there's a whole state of girls like that it's called new jersey just go there and get those girls you want to fight those girls will find fights for you my grandpa always had a saying that he he would say he'd always say the the fish always loses through the mouth i need help oh because he gets hooked every time yeah
Starting point is 00:53:18 so that that was the deal just keep your house i why i saw a girl one time a friend uh we're with a group allison i bet you you could walk up to the front of any line i bet you you could walk up to the front of any line no one says shit to you and it would be the most non-aggressive they'd be if he's stoked but yeah she uh a girl ran over and grabbed like a cowboy hat off of her like boyfriend or something this was years back in tahoe and the girl got mouthy with her the other girl didn't even exchange anywhere she just turned and punched her right in the mouth and it pushed back her two front teeth and everything it was gnarly and it was just like that's that you know and the difference between the has and the have and have nots now is huge like oh yeah places like newport or the bay area there's
Starting point is 00:53:59 los angeles i don't know how it is in other states but there's some people here who can really fight now there's like there's fucking 15 year old kids who are killers now who like my kids are going to be like that. Yeah. You had a chance when a jujitsu and MMA wasn't so popular, but yeah, there's dudes now who are fucking killers just walking amongst us and they will do something to you. It's fucking speaking to killers. Allison's husband will fucking mash you. I don't know if you've ever met that. met that dude right yeah yeah that dude will fucking mash someone yeah there's a lot it's especially too you just spend a little bit of time at a jiu-jitsu place and you're gonna watch and you'll see these guys come in that you would never expect don't
Starting point is 00:54:38 look the part at all nothing and all of a sudden you see them on the mats and they're just killers and you're like holy shit if you would have gotten entangled with that dude he would have broken your arm or choked you out super quick and it would have been some old dude like that you would never suspect you know quiet nice all all my friends in santa cruz now that i think about it i got this other friend donovan 170 pound dude you fucking nicest guy ever longest fuse ever god forbid anyone were to ever fuck with him those are the real shit those are the real killers people like donovan holy shit nice super unassuming he will tie you in a knot and fucking knock out your teeth and he would probably
Starting point is 00:55:15 let you go for a little bit if you started running yes you know he would let you go and go and go and you'd build that confidence and ego and then he would snap you like a toy nice guy nice guy um okay uh 313 this is uh from patrick bet david who is a guest on the podcast but i hope we're going to get back on again soon uh this is these are these um these are uh, the kind of the shortest, quickest summation of the evolution of consciousness that I've ever heard. Uh, we'll check, check it out and then we'll, then we'll shoot the shit about it.
Starting point is 00:55:57 One time told me this, it says every kid and a parent, specifically father, son relationship goes through three phases. First, they idolize, which you just use the word, they idolize dad. Oh, my God, I love the liver king.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I can't believe you did this, dad. I can't believe you did steroids. They have your back. And the last one is humanize. Daddy's a human. He's not a machine. He's not perfect. Okay?
Starting point is 00:56:17 So that level of, and that lifts weight off our back to become looser parent, having funds. You still have high standards and expectation, but I'm not here to be perfect. A guy one time told me this. He says every kid and a parent, specifically father-son relationship, goes through three phases. First, they idolize, which you just used the word,
Starting point is 00:56:36 they idolize dad. Then they demonize. I can't believe you did this, dad, which you haven't gone through. Your sons are, they have your back. And the last one is humanize. Dad is a human. He's not a machine he's not perfect okay so that level of him and that lifts weight off our back to become you never rarely you rarely go backwards in your evolution
Starting point is 00:56:56 that's what and i'm not saying it doesn't happen but that's that last piece is what you want to cultivate not because it's the right thing to do but it's where all your happiness is so first we idolize people oh my god the liver king is the greatest fucking dude ever i want to be like him then we demonize the first second he falls to the ground drops to one knee and then the more evolved human being is like, he's just human. He's just human. And so the only, the only, for those of us who are at the last part of consciousness, who are swimming in that last end, and I don't know if it's the last end, I don't know what happens next. Maybe we turn into aliens and fly away. Fuck, I'm open to it. Maybe I'm going to turn into a butterfly and beam, beam me up, Scotty. But the only trick now for us who are at the end of this journey is when we see people who are further back from us, those are the hardest people to have compassion
Starting point is 00:57:55 for. Those are the hardest people for me to have compassion for, the people who are kicking the man who's down. You see that? Well, it is a good parallel. And you know, what's interesting here, I'm only seeing what I want to see because it's in the mindset I'm in these days, right? I'm in the mindset now of trying to use the liver king as an example of what's going on. So I'm in this mindset. So when I see this, I'm like, fuck, this works perfect. Maybe if I wasn't in this mindset, I wouldn't have seen it. But yeah, you're, even if you, let's say you're convinced that I'm wrong and you're right. What I would ask you to do though, is eventually, if you want to be a higher order thinker and a higher order human being, and I know that's self-serving, you will get to where I'm at and you will look back and be like, oh, I was wrong. I'll never look back and say you were right because I can already see what you're saying. I agree with you already he's a liar. I agree with you that people were manipulated
Starting point is 00:58:53 either intentionally or unintentionally. I agree with you. But you can't see what the rest of us are seeing, which is the next step. That's the hardest part about evolving past the group, that you can always see them and you just want to fucking stoop to their level which is the next step. That's the hardest part about evolving past the group. That you can always see them and you just want to fucking stoop to their level and slap the shit out of them.
Starting point is 00:59:10 But if you do, then you're down back to where they are. Love you guys. Love you guys too. Love you guys too. Love you, Matt. Bye. Have a good weekend. Yeah, take us with you.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Put YouTube on the phone. What are you doing? What do you got to go for? Even if you're leaving, let it play so we get the news. Yeah, don't ever – don't turn it off. Just leave it there. I want to show you one more thing along kind of this same line. Another angle on this is 312. This lady almost has it perfect, I think, but I think she's missing one piece.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Alan Kesterbaum, Kenneth DeLapp, David Weed. Caller, hi. Stefan, what's up, dude? What's up, dude? Thanks for taking us in the car. No problem. Is it fucked up? Can you hear me dude? Thanks for taking us in the car. No problem. Is it fucked up? Can you hear me okay? It sounds great.
Starting point is 01:00:07 I'm just trying to show my listening skills off. That was just like me bragging that I pay attention to the nuances. Ah. How you sound? Thanks, buddy. It's Jim, by the way. Jim, hi. Good, man.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Jim, what's up? So, what's up, brother? How you doing? Great. Great. good man um so what's up brother how you doing great um so i was just thinking about what you're just saying about that father-son relationship and this is something that i've been kind of struggling with lately and i said it in the group chat like or the live chat like dude i was fucking terrified of my father probably until i was like i don't't know, 19 or 20. Um, and looking back on it, I'm like, man, I can't, I couldn't stand the shit, blah, blah, blah. And now I'm looking back on it. I'm like, wow, I'm like really appreciative that he had, you know, he put that fear in me and taught me the
Starting point is 01:00:55 right shit because if not, I'd probably be a big piece of shit. And I've been struggling with this back and forth with my kid. It's like, I hear people say like, um, you know, I'm not friends. We're not friends. I'm your parent, blah, blah, blah. And like, dude, it's like i hear people say like um you know i'm not friends we're not friends i'm your parent blah blah and like dude it's tough because i want my kids to like me but also like i don't want to raise a piece of shit so there's a fine line of like how to discipline them how to how to push them you know what you know where do you think that that relationship is like you think it's a happy balance or do you think they're like you know what it is what it is you got to suck it up for the better part of 15 years and be a hard ass on the kids, on males in particular.
Starting point is 01:01:29 The thing that my mom and my mom and my wife keep telling me is I can be as tough on the kids as I want, but don't disrespect them. Don't disrespect them. And, you know, there's two different ways you can say shut the fuck up and there's a way you can say like calling someone stupid is disrespecting them like don't don't disrespect your kids um what the fuck is wrong with you you know we've all at least i've been guilty of being like i can't believe you did that that's i'm disrespecting my kids at that point i'm not taking the time but being being a hard ass. No. Like, uh, the other day I was asking, we were in line, um, just a couple of days ago,
Starting point is 01:02:09 we're in Newport beach and we're at a coffee shop and we're in line. And I asked the kids four times what they want and they won't listen to me. So I took them outside. I said, you guys want to eat? They go, yeah. I go, well, you're going to have to pay the price for making me repeat myself four times. And I made him run laps around to a palm tree and back. And of course they had a blast, right right they cried a little bit at first and then after like five or six laps they were stoked they were high on endorphins and dopamine and they're wrestling and they even forgot that we were going inside to get a croissant and a glass of milk and we went in and got that and guess what they said when we're done can we go
Starting point is 01:02:37 back and run sprints again around the palm tree i said hell yeah i'll run them with you but but but but i'm distressed but you know what also wants to cut them out of my mouth and there's like hey dipshits you're not listening to me right and it's like why that that's i'm not that's not respectful like right i'm not uh yeah so that's the thing they always remind me and it's a tough balance it's a tough balance for me yeah and i think it's i think it's tougher the more that you love your kids too like i'm listening to JR's podcast which I love like I identify with pretty much everything that he said I mean it's almost like similar like we were parallel lives um you know I remember like having the best game of football in my life and coming home after the game and my dad being like
Starting point is 01:03:19 let's watch film you missed five tackles and it's like I try to think about that when I'm being a father and if you went through it it's probably a lot tougher to do that with your kids because you know what you personally went through but at the same time you're looking back on it like fuck that made me the man that I am but in the moment it's probably really really hard to instill those lessons on a kid and I'm having trouble thinking about acting that way towards my kids. But I know in the long run, like the benefit that plays out to it. Yeah. I heard, I heard one time that the best you can hope for with your kids is to be their parent when they're young. And when you're older, if everything goes perfect, they'll be your siblings. if everything goes perfect they'll be your siblings and my relationship with my mom is so freaking awesome and uh i would say more and more it feels like she's my sister than my mom now
Starting point is 01:04:14 don't get me wrong she's still like i i i probably still have some like like i still probably i i idolize my mom still i haven't let her down completely off of the uh the pedestal but um but but but now it's like we're better than friends we're like siblings and it's it's it's fucking cool it's really cool i call my mom every day like i'll call my mom just to like even if i got nothing to say hey what are you doing she's like why are you calling me i'm like i don't know it's just one of my homeboys like like if i were to call susan i'm like he'll be like what's up what you need i'm like i got nothing just called yeah that's dope do you have that relationship with your dad too
Starting point is 01:04:54 or no no i don't uh my mom i don't have that relationship with my dad i love my dad to death i love being with him but my dad's not a um if i'm alone with my dad to death. I love being with him, but my dad's not a, um, if I'm alone with my dad, we have that relationship, but we don't get a lot of alone time. I get so much alone time with my mom. I get alone time with my mom every day because she lives just down the street from me. So she comes over to my house and we'll fiddle around. But second, there's anyone else around. I don't have that relationship with my dad.
Starting point is 01:05:21 It's, it's really weird. So dude, I mean, I'm'm in i'm in the exact same situation as you like i idolize my mother i'm you know love her to death can have those conversations with her and like yeah don't get me wrong i love my dad but there's just not that relationship probably because of the way that i was raised with him it just doesn't feel like that could possibly you know that could be a possibility which i'm it scares me because i want to have that relationship i have with my mom with my kids but then i'm also like i'm like dude this kind of made me the man that i am and i'm appreciative of all the shit that he did um that kind of in turn made this relationship the way it is so it's
Starting point is 01:05:58 like fuck man what do you do tough it's tough uh thing that. But yeah, I'll just call it and say that. Thanks, guys. Have a great rest of the show. Enjoy listening to it, as always. And I'll talk to you guys later. Awesome. Thanks for calling, Jim. Thanks, Jim.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Bye. See you, bud. No, I think there's room for like an evolution, though, right? And I'm not a parent, so take the advice. But you have parents. I do. I have two parents. I'm lucky enough to have two really awesome parents.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Four. You have four now. Yeah. Yes. True. And one of the things that I think too is like the evolution of that. So like using the example that Jim just gave, like, hey, he played an awesome game. And first thing that was said from dad was like, hey, let's watch some tape.
Starting point is 01:06:40 You missed five tackles. Period. But if that was just framed a little bit differently you could still have the same outcome and you could still have the same meaning just by giving some some more right so you could be like ask questions instead of tell them how do you how do you feel about that game you know it's awesome i thought you did great too i think we should watch some film why it was a great game yeah but there's five tackles that means there's room for us to get better you want to watch that film you don't even have to be that foot. Like with my kid, I can just pull up a jujitsu match
Starting point is 01:07:08 and be like, Hey, so what do you see? Exactly. What, what, and I'll, and I'll even start with this. What, what could that other kid done better? Right. And then kind of seep into, yeah, you've done better. So you're, yeah. Yeah. And then it's, you're just bringing them more on the process with you. Cause obviously the intent and everything was there. Very well meaning. But if you just kind of have that stark, you know, old school kind of mentality of like, you know, could have been better. And then that's kind of it as a child, especially now the age matters a lot. Right. As they get older, you could be a little bit more like that with them. But I feel like especially in the younger, it's probably better to just give a little bit more and if they're not your kid you can be more
Starting point is 01:07:48 straight with them right so you'll take that shit you'll take that shit from someone else that you never take from your parents right like if the coach pulls you aside and then like quit being a pussy and if i see you walk one more time on the field you're out push harder you're like yes sir right and you and you like it yeah like for me that's meant that meant that if a stranger said that to me that meant they cared right if your pants if your parents said it to you it means you let them down cory hi not hi hi not hello so do you do you want to hear my take on how I'm a mama's boy, or do you want to hear my hot take on how I think we might be wrong on Brittany Griner?
Starting point is 01:08:28 Oh, behind door number one, door number two. Let's do Griner first. And I'd also like to hear the story the first time you undid a girl's bra. Okay. It was one-handed. It was one-handed. Yeah, I think I did that too, just because. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 01:08:46 I mean, it felt I knew I was supposed to be there. Was it the one with the hooks that have to go into the cloth or was it the one where you had to like fold it in half and then it came open? Yeah, and there was like second mates. I knew how to do it even as I was
Starting point is 01:09:01 doing it with one hand and like then I got to the boob and that was that was unordinary for me it felt unnatural but unclipping the bra was I was home how old were you um I was an early adopter I was maybe like 13 wow wow wow yeah wow yeah but I early adopted everything Wow. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. But I early adopted everything, which is why, like y'all know now, I don't drink anymore. Are you still friends with her? No, I don't talk to anybody from my childhood. I'm not friends with that. My, the first bra I ended either.
Starting point is 01:09:42 I think I was probably 16 or something, but I, but I would be, if I would be friends with her. Yeah, she's a great girl, I'm sure, but no, I don't talk to anybody from my childhood. I had to let all those people go. Okay. I can't even unclip a bra. That shit is tricky. It's crazy how we don't need that
Starting point is 01:10:03 skill anymore. Yeah, now I just pulled it up off the top of my wife's head. I don't, it's crazy how we don't need that skill anymore. Yeah. It's like we had, now I just pull it up off the top of my wife's head. Yeah. Now, now, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:09 That's a good point. Or I snap my thumb and I'm just like, hey, can you take a roll for me? Oh no, I don't let anyone open my presents. How could I get pissed if someone opens my presents? That's a good point. So, so here's my take on Brittany Grant. I was thinking about this
Starting point is 01:10:26 from a show i was trying to catch up to earlier what if we're what if we're not seeing the big picture oh hold on wait one second wait one second crypto dog boy bro i tried to use the code savanna at paper street coffee and it didn't work i still bought a shit here's the thing dude you're gonna fucking hate me for this crypto dog. You were probably at the wrong site. You probably spelled. You probably, there's another paper street coffee website. That's not this paper street coffee.
Starting point is 01:10:53 I'm so sorry. So sorry. Did it look, did you go to this place? Crypto dog? Yeah. God, that bums me out.
Starting point is 01:11:04 That's my mom. You should be working with both companies. Yeah, Gabe. We should be working with both companies. I think Gabe is going to try to get that website so that shit doesn't happen anymore. Okay, sorry. Go on.
Starting point is 01:11:18 You go, Devon, on either paper street. So I'm probably wrong, but at least hear this perspective. What if Tim Kennedy's on a plane right now? And because they released this, was it bout guy? Because they released the bout, um,
Starting point is 01:11:38 arms dealer. What if that's a part of the bigger plan? What if they, they set him free knowing that we're just going to get him eventually and just going to bring him back home is is that a possibility i mean what if we're not seeing the big picture he's pondering i tell myself that every day about this podcast don't worry about the fact that you're running out of runway and dipping into your savings to pay for shit the big picture is one day this podcast. Don't worry about the fact that you're running out of runway and dipping into your savings to pay for shit.
Starting point is 01:12:05 The big picture is one day this podcast is going to make me rich. I agree. Fuck. I hope one of us is right, dude, and I hope it's not you. Well, I mean, that's the fear. I mean, seeing what's happened over the last... I don't know how you can even say that, Corey. Let me just be really
Starting point is 01:12:21 harsh with you. I can make that shit up about anything. Sure. Right? Yeah. I'm just be really harsh with you. I can make that shit up about anything. Sure. I'm just trying to see the positive. The positive is that her mom and dad got her home. The positive is that it's some young girl, hopefully.
Starting point is 01:12:37 I did see on ESPN, even though they said a bunch of shit that was lies, so who knows if this is true. They said that she's already said that one of the things she's going to push for is to get wheeling out that she's going to work on that herself and so that that i think is a positive but if you think that they let this arms dealer out on purpose so for whatever reason they can track him to his next deal or they know we're going to get him again or catch him again i don't know i i um i broke up with i'm going to divorce my wife today knowing that i'll get another girl next week i don't know it just sounds i don't know I I broke up with I'm gonna divorce my wife today Knowing that
Starting point is 01:13:06 I'll get another girl next week I don't know It just sounds I don't know I mean I I don't believe it Coming out of my mouth But I just had to shed some light
Starting point is 01:13:14 And be like Maybe Maybe there's a positive To some of this You gotta see the light side Of everything So Yeah David Weed
Starting point is 01:13:22 Brittany Griner's a good dude Yeah I agree I don't know I don't know her but She's is a good dude. Yeah, I agree. I don't know her, but she's probably a good dude. Yeah, I tried to. I don't know if you heard the beginning of the show, but I tried to, like. I didn't try. I do recognize that everyone is someone's kid and that we're all human beings and that we're all moving around in this world and some of us get some fucked up shit happen to us.
Starting point is 01:13:44 That being said, she should just be released. She's no fucking hero. Any mom that competed in the Legends competition this weekend is a fucking hero. There should be a statue of those women. But that's not an excuse to do equally fucked up shit or just or just to not take account of. I've had some really fucked up shit happen in my life. Right. But I take accountability for it.
Starting point is 01:14:07 And in my head, I've always said, all right, you know, I've seen people die. Friends have died from drug overdoses. I've been touched. You know, some really fucked up shit. And in my head, I'm like, all right, now I can either use that as an excuse or I can learn from this and become a better version of myself. This can be the story or the catalyst on why I'm not the way that I am. Or I can be a slave to that story and make excuses my entire life. And I choose to do the former instead of the latter.
Starting point is 01:14:40 The arms dealer that's out has already said he's going straight to the front lines of the Ukrainian war. Eric wise, totally worth the trade. I haven't seen that, but, uh, what was the other, what was the other story you were going to tell us? So, so we got a bra story. We got your, um, take on Britain. I'm a mama. Oh, mama's boy. I mean, I was, I was listening. I, I tuned in just in time to hear about, um, you hear about the female kids and having that
Starting point is 01:15:08 I'm a mama's boy I only remember my dad for about half of my life growing up because he was in the military and yeah I think it's a curious perspective because now I have a daughter and
Starting point is 01:15:24 all I remember my dad was being that fearful figure like you know anytime I got a whip and it was always my dad that did it anytime I was getting yelled at my mom always put it on my dad and so there was um there was importance of having that fatherly figure and as soon as I was old enough and started taking responsibility for my own stuff and eventually moved out of the house, my dad couldn't be more softer. Like he is the softest individual that I know in our family. He is such a pansy, always wanted to take care of everybody. But in the house, he played that fatherly figure. So I think now being a father myself, I'm having to, I guess, just, you know, wade these waters and learn what are the right things to do. But I think that's natural
Starting point is 01:16:11 for every parent. And I don't think, as you know, you know, there's no right way to do that thing. I think there are some definitely- It's also different with a dad and a daughter than dad and boys. It's gotta be. Oh yeah. It's gotta be so. Oh yeah. Yeah. with the dad and the daughter than dad and boys it's got to be oh yeah it's got to be so yeah yeah yeah the dad still needs to be tough on the daughter though he still is the the lion still bites the female cubs too you know we had amanda levy on the show for those of you who don't know um who that is uh she beat gabrielle garcia um in a jujitsu tournament gabby garcia's you know juice to the gills six five three hundred pounds and she beat her in jiu-jitsu she was like the first girl ever to do it in like 200 matches or some shit
Starting point is 01:16:49 and amanda levy said that her dad used to take her to jiu-jitsu tournaments and sign her up for like five fucking weight classes and she'd lose 13 matches in a row and her dad would be like and do it repeat the next week over and over and over and it's like yeah and look what happened to her now amanda levy's one of the greatest female jiu-jitsu stars on the planet it's like hey there's all the great people have stories like that some parent was like fucking sacrificed the the quick part of the relationship with their kid to make their kid great hey if my wife doesn't tell me um hey you're being too hard on the boys then i know i'm not doing my job when she tells me i'm being too hard on the boys i know 51 of the time i'm right do you think that's equally so for a
Starting point is 01:17:37 father with his daughter because my wife i probably do yes probably do. Because they're supposed to protect the kid. Yeah, you should definitely be hearing that. Dude, I saw this fucking – my boys do jiu-jitsu with these two Mexican chicks that just came from Watsonville. That's kind of – in my area, that's like the ghetto. And they just came from Watsonville. The dad's fucking – wears the flat bill hat, and he's fucking tatted from his forehead to down to his toes, right? Mexican dude. And he brings his kids to jiu-jitsu every day, the coolest fucking girls. And they fucking beat up on my boys, and my boys love them.
Starting point is 01:18:12 They're like – one of the girls is the same age as Avi and probably outweighs him by 20 pounds, and she's skinny and tall. And she's got huge, beautiful eyes and a crazy smile. She smiles the whole time she's putting it to Avi. And Avi loves her too. And the other day I always go, they, they showed up at the pool after jujitsu where we went and I watched the dad
Starting point is 01:18:31 play with his 10 year old and eight year old daughter in the pool. Fuck dude. I wouldn't do that shit to my boys. He was mashing them and the girl loved it. They loved it. He was mashing them, throwing them, tossing them, holding them under doing shit.
Starting point is 01:18:46 If I did to my boys, I'd be afraid to make them cry. So. You know, maybe they maybe the bottles do it different, but fuck these kids, these girls are awesome. And, you know, I do that. I don't do it like like seriousness, but I look around when I'm when my kids are with other kids and I'm like, OK, can my boys marry those girls? Could that be my father in law? You know, and i'm like okay can my boys marry those girls could that be my father-in-law you know and i and i'm like fuck yeah when i see that yeah i think i think everybody's environment is is adaptable and i'll go after this let somebody else call in but i think everybody's environment is adaptable i i'm naturally tough on my daughter just because i try to be tough on myself and i want her to you know the world is going to kick her ass enough and so I'm trying to develop her skin so she can
Starting point is 01:19:29 take some of those ass whoopings when she gets out there in the real world but we we have a hill in our backyard and I at two years old she would run up and down the hill and she would fall guaranteed almost every single time flat on her face would never cry and the first day at school i put her up there on the the monkey bars and she's she's three years old i put her up there on the monkey bars and i'm standing back about 15 to 20 feet just watching her grinning from ear to ear super excited because she's trying some new scary stuff yeah and this this dad comes running up 100 miles an hour reaches his arms out and is trying to hold her in case she falls yeah and he's he's he's screaming and he's like whose
Starting point is 01:20:12 daughter is this whose daughter is this yes and i come i come like walking strolling up behind him and i'm like i'm like dude it's my daughter and he's like oh my god i thought she was gonna fall my my child would never try that and his five-year-old boy comes walking up behind him and i'm like you've got to be kidding me you're that soft on your kid they have to fall they have to fail um bro story of my life you said it right there just happened two days ago my wife told me that my son was climbing on the outside of this slide you know instead of in the slide it was one of those tube slides yeah and a parent came up to him and goes oh that and my wife's right there and goes uh that's not safe and i want to be like like you're not safe yeah
Starting point is 01:20:56 it's so funny it's so funny but i kind of you know what i do i i yeah you handled it perfectly right i just casually walk up to it's like you're not going to convince them those people in that moment but also it's a good opportunity for your kid to like deal with like a weird stranger situation so I always kind of just watch yeah I love it all right brother thanks for calling congratulations keep letting your daughter push the limits I appreciate it yeah hey people don't realize either that shit's not easy on us either i'm not like watching my kid climb up the slide and like just comfortable with it i'm uncomfortable with it too i hear you i mean if you're gonna do it that'd be the place though the playground with the bark and everything else like it's a little bit it's made for that or at with me there, so if he falls and breaks his arm, I can take him somewhere.
Starting point is 01:21:46 That's true. Or I can quit being a bitch. Okay, Trish is back in the comments. Any select words for Trish? I was going to comment on that. Have you laid that to bed? No, I've not laid that to bed. I'm not done with Trish. Yeah, they're working on a decaf now, Trish.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Great question. Okay, they do. They're working on a decaf now, Trish. Great question. OK, that photo. Emma Wines, I had my daughter at 21. We've grown up together. I had no clue what I was doing. Gave me so much compassion for my parents. I admit my mistakes and apologize to her often humanizes me. Word. Twenty one. Yeah, that's that's the big thing that happens, right? You start to really respect your parents after you have kids. You're like, wow, you really loved me this much. Savon, were you that easygoing when it was just obvious or did it take some time to be so chill? That's a great question because I see it all the time with parents at the gym.
Starting point is 01:22:44 They'll have their first kid and it's like, you know, they want to build a whole thing around them like Tony. And then by the time they stroll in with like the second one, they're like over in the corner, like dealing with some big weight. And they're like, they're fine. You know, it's a different tolerance between kid one and kid two. What we call it in my house is like benign neglect. So basically what happens is it happened with our dog right so we had this dog and we always had it by our side as soon as we had avi the dog just started getting neglected and it was so much better for the dog the dog just was like escape out of the house he
Starting point is 01:23:15 got to explore the neighborhood we weren't always riding the dog's jock i i don't know i don't think i was ever easy on avi i always let him fall a lot and I made him do hard shit. The thing that, the thing that where I handicapped Avi is that I still do so much shit for him, right? Like he's eight. He just learned how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And when I was eight, I could make a full breakfast, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, eggs, omelets, grade the cheese, cut the garlic, like because I just could, because my mom just let me do that. I was the second child. I don't know if my sister could do that. So in that regard, what happens is, is you have three kids. So this is going to be crazy to say my kids, like at eight
Starting point is 01:24:00 years old, obviously one of the only kids I know, like he always demands I go to the bathroom with him still. The other day he went to a public restroom without me, and I couldn't even fucking believe it. I mean, I have so babied him on that level. And so, yeah, probably it's not so much that – but I've always let him do – I've always let him fall. I've always let him hurt himself. I always let him hang from rings. He's pretty, um, I convinced myself, this is how I did it with Avi. I can, I always had rings hanging in my house and I convinced myself that, that all my kids have the greatest grip in the world. world and so basically once they get their hands on something they're good to go i have such confidence in their their staying power so i always let them climb climb high fences and yeah i've always been i'm an athlete to it they're trained yeah yeah they're trained for that they're really they're really uh they're they're really good kids too that um they're, they're really good kids too. They, um, they, I, I,
Starting point is 01:25:09 everything that's wrong with them, I for sure created. Yeah. Like all their shortcomings. I like, uh, Trish's question about the, um, yeah. What is the line between having a wild child and having a rude kid? I find that a delicate balance. I think it, it all depends on how the, they respond when the behavior either needs to be slowed down, stopped, or corrected. From my point of view, it's not being a parent because I'll have kids in the gym. And sometimes we have a little play area and sometimes they go nuts and it starts to get a little overboard.
Starting point is 01:25:33 They throw the toys out of the room or something like that or they'll come out of there and do stuff. And if I come over, kind of like the stranger adult, and I'm like, hey, guys, I need you to keep the toys in the room. Please don't throw the stuff. This is my stuff. Please don't throw it. And you guys can hang out there and, uh, and have a good time. Or you come sit here on the couch. And then the kids that are good and that are, you know, they just stopped. They're like, Oh shit, we just got in trouble with that adult. Okay. And they'll like grab it and they'll claim, they'll kind of sit down. And the ones that are just being wild
Starting point is 01:25:59 will kind of give you this look, wait for a second, and then go right back to the behavior or not even just completely not acknowledge you at all. And that's when you know that it hasn't been, because kids are going to be kids, right? Yeah, I spot. It's all about how they respond. Yeah, I spot all the time. And I always try to use words that are action words, like not be careful or are you okay? I always use words like squeeze tighter.
Starting point is 01:26:22 You're so strong. Wow, your skills. Yeah, I use affirming. I cannot stand rude kids. I have no tolerance for kids. I'm a kid should be seen and not heard kind of guy 51% of the time. My kids should never, if I'm talking to Matt Susan, we're at the beach. My kids should never come over and interrupt.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I have fucking my kids. I want my kids to be that perfect dog. When a friend comes over to your house and they bring their dog and you're upset. And next thing you know, you realize the dog just sits there. It doesn't move. And you're like, wow, that's a great dog. You end up loving the dog. Yeah. And you end up loving the dog. That's what you want for your kids. I have told the story a million times. My friend brings my friend who I hadn't seen in a while comes over to my house. He brings his kids with him. Um, I think I forget how old the kid was he's probably 10 years old and I bought him some
Starting point is 01:27:08 some gifts so when he came over they were staying for three days you know I wanted to schmooze the kid right away so I had some gifts for him I had these really cool like steel spinners expensive spinners and I gave it to him and he took it from me and he didn't say thank you and the dad asked him to say thank you like 20 times and he wouldn't and then the dad turns to me and I love this guy and he says hey don't worry he'll say thank you later if that's asked him to say thank you like 20 times and he wouldn't. And then the dad turns to me and I love this guy. And he says, Hey, don't worry. He'll say thank you later. If that was my fucking kid, I'd take that fucking spinner from him. And I would tell him that he can't have it. If I was calm, I would tell him he can't have it until he says, thank you now. And writes a letter and he can sit over there and do it. And part of that's like, could be
Starting point is 01:27:42 humiliating for the kid, but, but uh it could be done tactfully there is no i don't give my kids any wiggle room when it comes to being around other adults throwing toys yesterday i went to the fucking park parents do not let your kids bring toys to the park first of all remember everyone hates your kids you have to know that your baseline everyone hates your kids everyone except your grandparents and you do not bring toys to the park i would go to the park uh two days ago in newport beach and there's three or four slides there and a kid has is sliding his uh eight-year-old kid and a three-year-old kid their brothers are sliding tractors down the slide i tell my kids out loud
Starting point is 01:28:23 so the other dad can hear, stay away from the slide. Don't go over there until those kids leave. One of my, my Ari goes, cause someone's going to get hurt, right? I go a hundred percent, not more than 30 seconds later, the eight year old slides the fucking tractor down the slide and fucking hits the fucking three-year-old in the face. What did you think was going to happen? You're not even a new parent. You have an eight-year-old and a three-year-old. Have you never been to the park?
Starting point is 01:28:51 Dude, the park has plenty of toys. Leave your kids' toys at home. No one wants your kids' toys at the park with their kids. Don't let your kid – my kids aren't allowed – there's always one jackass kid running around with a stick in the park. Now the parents hate you and your kid. Well aren't a lot there's always one jackass kid running around with a stick in the park now the parents hate you and your kid well the intelligent parents the one on their phone doesn't give a shit working on her tiktok i mean just use some fucking common sense that so you don't have to be a dick to your kid but you have to have very strict discipline it just just has to be just constant, constant discipline. If your kid's not fucking polite, they need to pay the fucking consequences.
Starting point is 01:29:30 And the only reason why is because you want people to like your kid. When people like you, your life's easy. When people don't like you, your life sucks. And I'm not saying you have to sell out and become woke. I'm saying you have to have some common decency. I saw a video with the liver King the other day, and he was like celebrating that his kids were burping at the dinner table. I,
Starting point is 01:29:51 I, I draw the line there. You don't, you don't burp at the dinner table. You try not to say, excuse me. No one wants your air coming out onto them, especially smelly air.
Starting point is 01:30:10 And, uh, Hey, um, yeah um my son's autistic uh we even though he doesn't quite grasp social cues he knows when to say please and thank you oh yeah that's huge please thank you eye contact shake hands hey there's this kid he he it's actually right by allison's house allison nyc's house on the beach there there's this autistic kid. And when I say kid, I mean, he's 20 and he comes down there with his father a couple of times a week and he puts cones up around him so no one can get close to him. And he makes bubbles and they are the craziest bubbles you've ever seen. Bubbles as big as cars, little bubbles. He has all these different wands that he dips into a bucket and makes different kinds of bubbles. He'll make like a thousand little bubbles at one time. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:30:51 It is. It is so cool. Okay. Number 312. 312. 312. And then maybe we'll get to Emma's comment. Yeah. Bubbles. Dude, get him into bubbles. Bubbles are amazing. Yeah, bubbles.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Dude, get him into bubbles. Bubbles are amazing. People love bubbles. He gets reward. I always give him 20 bucks. People always give him money. It's such a pleasant experience. Discover more value than ever
Starting point is 01:31:19 at Loblaws. Like Fresh Promise. Produce is carefully selected and checked for freshness. And if it's not fresh, it's free. Yes, you heard that right. From the crispest lettuce
Starting point is 01:31:31 to the juiciest apples, Loblaws is committed to fresh. So you get the best fruits and veggies. Look for new value programs when you shop at Loblaws in-store and online. Conditions may apply. See in-store for details. Attracted to the person who recreates the emotional experience we have as children.
Starting point is 01:31:58 It is the emotional experience that is our addiction. We think that we get attracted to a person who resembles our father or our mother if it only was so clear. No. Now, if you go back to your childhood and how you predominantly felt and now go, okay, I attracted that person to awaken and evoke the same emotional experience. Go to the next intimate relationship. Same emotional experience. Till, of course, you change course and awaken. So, I don't know if you guys caught that. Sorry about the call.
Starting point is 01:32:41 But basically what happened is she's saying that you're attracted to people so that you can keep reliving your emotional experiences through them through pain that was created by your parents and that was sort of the analysis that i was giving you what's going on with liver king but i want to say this she almost has it right there is a caveat to that there's an exception to that you could find the perfect person and then sabotage the relationship because they won't give you what you want. They won't give you the pain that you're looking for. They won't betray you. So you'll set them up for betrayal. And you have to also realize that at some point you can use that person and forgive them for how they betray you to help overcome the the hurt that you received previously in your life it's not quite as quite cut and clear as she's making it it's not that you keep running
Starting point is 01:33:33 away from those people or you may have found someone who actually is the right person and you may set them up for failure and i see that all the fucking time and in essence and i know you guys have heard me say this a lot before, in essence, that's what's going on today with sexism and racism. There's people out there who see racism. The vast majority of racist things that people claim that they're seeing, they're not seeing and they're demanding that they see it because they believe it's out there and your beliefs are your identity. So anything that you think you are or that is real, you will start demanding to see it in your world. And there's a quote that I've been reading. I've read it a few times on the show.
Starting point is 01:34:22 The last couple of shows I've read it. If you have imaginary problems, you will never solve them. Only real problems can be solved. And so if you demand there's sexism and been hurt in the past. So it's a little more tricky than what she's saying. The mind wants to validate its identity. That's always what it's doing. That's why you get up and move or else you would never get up and move. You would never get out of bed. It's trying to validate its existence.
Starting point is 01:35:15 It's all fake. It's all fake. That's why we move. That's why we move. That's a good attempt. you uh 311 i this is one of those videos i watched like 20 times this is i can't even tell what's going on here uh obesity in america wait was that the right 311 okay yeah i'm actually fascinated by this woman's body. It looks like a caricature. Is it the same one, this Twitter one here, this one?
Starting point is 01:35:49 Oh, no. Sorry. Wrong one. This one's interesting too, though. Let's look at this. Oh, we clicked the map. Sorry. Sorry. Clicked the map. Okay. On the left is 1990, obesity in the United States. On the left is 1990 obesity in the United States. I'm looking at the states and I'm seeing that the most obese state in 1990 is 20 to 24.9 percent of its residents are obese. And I don't know what state that is. I don't know if that's like Mississippi. It's the one next to Alabama. Is that Mississippi? I'm so terrible at geography.
Starting point is 01:36:30 I'm going to give it an attempt. Yeah, I think it's Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana. I think that's Mississippi. Now look in 2018. That's crazy. Oh, no, no, sorry. Mississippi is 15 to 20 percent of the people were obese and uh in mississippi in 1990 now today in 2018 it's over 35 percent and the whole map has
Starting point is 01:36:53 completely changed colors yeah every everywhere i mean majority of it's in the yeah it wasn't even in the yellow red or purple in 1990 and now the whole thing is the orange is yellow red and purple and just to draw this connection here because there we are crossfitters look at the skinniest state in the country now it's colorado it's also the whitest state in the country and yet these fucking morons thought that eric rosa was going to move crop by crossfit and move it to boulder boulder colorado the whitest fucking town in the united The whitest fucking town in the United States. Whitest richest town in the United States. And the woke crowd was like.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Yay he's our savior. Let me tell you where you move. Fucking CrossFit headquarters. If you truly believe in the woke idea. Atlanta. Atlanta. Atlanta. Home of Chuck carswell ding dongs like still in colorado will always be white and skinny boulder rich tech people god if you guys have not been to boulder
Starting point is 01:37:58 you you would not believe the way the men look there i've never been to boulder hey you know what else this is like the healthy version of portland it's all like skinny like beta dudes like with pants that are way too tight and like they have the north face jacket on that's so fucking tight everyone there like running 50 miles is like nothing for him this map should also say a percentage of sick adults because like if you're obese it's only a matter of time right your body's always in overdrive your hyper chronic disease tons of information yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's like this is how sick the country is too yeah and um you get you you know that uh iowa missouri arkansas louisiana mississippi alabama kentucky west virginia and north dakota all have
Starting point is 01:38:45 the highest rates of chronic disease and premature death all wear patagonia yeah shit like that yes yes it's so crazy they're not even dudes it's like the weirdest manifestation of a man. Same in Portland. Imagine being born a man and trying to swim against that. Yes, they are harmless men. Yes. Yeah, they're harmless men. Yes. Harmless. They're not even.'re harmless men. Yes. Harmless. They're not even, they're men. They have penises. They're, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:39:32 I need to go check it out. Such a weird, I mean, you can, it's weird these different cities you go in and you see these different manifestations. Portland's another one. Like they're, they're swimming against. one like they're they're swimming against i mean i'm all for swimming against stuff but not against your biology like just that can't be fun have you seen this um heidi um croon doppelganger did i send you that i show you that we checked out last time. Is it in the notes here? It's in the notes somewhere, yeah. Someone sent me a Heidi doppelganger.
Starting point is 01:40:11 It's crazy. It's actually just Heidi's other account. She just doesn't want us to know. I wonder, I bet you that... I'm not going to say that. That's mean. I bet that those relationships would be fascinating to watch, those relationships between men and women in boulder heidi has aggressive tea yeah
Starting point is 01:40:33 uh emma wines my crossfit teens coach had a rule for us that we couldn't date guys who couldn't deadlift more than us dating pool is small in colorado yeah well that sucks i'm glad that would be bad for me too i can't i had a year jump start on my wife in crossfit and although i think yeah still i think i could always deadlift more than her even but nothing else. She crushes me. Yeah, but I don't really picture Haley as like the shit-talking type after she wins a workout. No. She feels bad for me. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Stomps on my dick and then feels bad for me. Oh, you're doing great. Good job. Come work out with Gray. She's going to talk shit. Yeah. She'll beat some of these guys. She'll come down and work out with the Firefighter Academy, and she'll be crushing them in a workout and she's like you guys are pathetic come on
Starting point is 01:41:29 oh awesome and they're just like uh and then she'll go to the leaderboard and there's like a small group of us that are somewhat competitive at the gym we kind of look at each other's scores and stuff and she'll just get on there and just talk trash and one of the other guys is like this isn't fair because every single time you beat us, you talk all this shit. And the second you get beat, you're like, well, yeah, this was – I'm the girl in the workout. So she plays the double standard. This is a – you should be able to overhead press your girlfriend's weight. Well, I'm screwed. My strict press is pathetic.
Starting point is 01:42:02 You could probably out-strict press me, I bet. What's your strict press 135 yeah we're dating you know like the the same i mean i haven't tried it in years when i first came into crossfit it was 135 and after doing crossfit for fucking 10 years it was 135 one time i didn't go shoulder overhead for a year because my shoulder was so fucked up and by shoulder overhead i mean just nothing you know no snatches or jerks or shit like that i mean some my hand would go over my head and uh and then i and then i did and then i maxed out my strict press again it was 135 yeah i think the best i ever had was 150 but i but i behind the neck push jerk three or split jerk 335.
Starting point is 01:42:48 You took 335 off the rack? It's in the box. And got it overhead? In vans and sweatpants. Wow. That's crazy. Were you tripping? Yeah, but I was like, this is when I was like working out like a lot and like, you know,
Starting point is 01:43:04 straight training quite a bit and stuff like that. So it wasn't it was like a slow, you know, like evolution. But yeah, that was seeing if I could. Hey, if I Alan, if I knew what I knew now, you're kind of fucked values that I had when I was 20 I would have made it a goal to sleep with 20 women who were double my body weight 100 oh 315 I would have loved to have just had that in my resume wow wow that's 315 yeah wow I think I've had 215 over I think I clean and jerk 215 once. And that's the most I ever did. Wow.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Yeah. See, I used to be strong. You're not anymore? You're not strong anymore? 220 snatch off the low blocks. Did you get hurt? Why aren't you strong anymore? You got hurt or busy?
Starting point is 01:44:00 No, just don't, don't train the same like I used to. I mean, I could still – I'm still good. Basically, you bought those blocks and you felt obligated to use them. That's it. That's right. I know that feeling. Trained on them, got a 315 behind the neck, called it a day. I had this girlfriend in college. I want to remember her name so bad.
Starting point is 01:44:25 She was – I can't even describe her to you. She was over six feet tall and she was this blonde girl. She was 18. I was probably like 23. And she came up to me one day and said, I really like you. It was at a coffee shop. And I was like, wow, this is fucking weird. I was homeless at the time i'm sure
Starting point is 01:44:46 and she and i go yeah and we start talking and she goes yeah you remind me of those little uh jars of jam you know those little tiny ones yes i like those though and i went out with her for uh i don't know a couple weeks and then eventually you know she moved on and i and i was kind it actually hurt that actually hurt me a little bit i actually really liked her it was crazy it was crazy i'm five nine i was at the girl's six two yeah this girl was her this girl's dad this girl's dad slept on on on just like wooden planks i went to their house one time he didn't sleep in the house he slept in the backyard in a little shed on wooden planks do you do you know the story behind that like well he was just he was just like you know
Starting point is 01:45:43 he's like a krishna dude he wasn't like the liver king he wasn't all jack he did the ancestral tenants he did nine of the ten ancestral tenants oh i couldn't do anything with her but man it was it was it's like dating a jungle gym. Fucking crazy. Okay. So we know America is getting fat. Stop it. Stop. Just go work out and move.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Just stop. Take someone to a CrossFit gym. Just find someone and take them to a CrossFit gym today. Take them to an affiliate. Introduce them to the affiliate owner. Pay for their class. You know what? here's the deal any just take someone who's into an affiliate and just be like seven says that um your first three classes are free i promise you all affiliates will yeah little j seven little jam mitos use code seven for your first three uh classes at crossfit
Starting point is 01:46:42 livermore or your nearest crossfit affiliate? I had an, I had a, so I had another girlfriend that was actually six feet tall who I dated for a long time for probably over a year. One of those girls, the first girl I told you about was like flat, like a board. Like she just had nipples. This other girl that I dated had these, the biggest boobs you've ever seen in the world. had these the biggest boobs you've ever seen in the world i forgot about that homeless then too homeless then too i'm telling you it was a
Starting point is 01:47:15 yeah that's the secret yeah oh that's so funny i was like i was pretty sure i was like that girl hates me now too that sucks that girl hates me i think i broke her heart that second girl with the giant boobs i think she fucking hates my guts now which really sucks i really like like still to this day though still to this day we have mutual friends she i think she felt like i i i wasn't honest with her or something did you ever have a Facebook group made about you, though? God, I don't know. I do not go on Facebook or TikTok.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Maybe once a year on accident if I click a link too fast. Did you have a Facebook group made about you? Some girl, you hurt some girl, or she got hurt by you, and she made a Facebook group? Was it a whole bunch of girls that were hurt by you, and they just commiserated? Kind of. Wow. it was like so this was years back but uh it was like right out of high school and when i first got the job at a restaurant i worked at i didn't even have facebook when i was dating this girl by the way there wasn't even internet but go on yeah this this like just started to get like popular and uh i was talking to this one girl that i was like
Starting point is 01:48:26 working with and then i was talking to this other girl who was like friends of uh like our friend group or whatever and um and they both like wanted to be in a relationship and stuff like that and i was always just kind of like you know i was like the cool dude like oh yeah i know i don't put labels on it stuff like that yeah yeah i feel you. I feel you. And I always use this excuse. I'm like, you guys are going off to college because they're going to school, you know? And then fucking they end up being roommates, dude. Oh, my goodness. And they concocted the idea to do a Facebook group on you after that?
Starting point is 01:49:03 I didn't have Facebook for like, I didn't even have Facebook until like a year or two after I owned an affiliate. Like I was anti-social media. My social media was That was it. Wow. And it was just fucking hilarious because they're like, yeah, you know, there's a Facebook group about you, right?
Starting point is 01:49:18 And I was like, no. They're like, yeah. Showed me and it was just them being like, this guy's an asshole and blah, blah, blah. Oh, that sucks. Yeah. yeah yeah i have a reddit i have a reddit thread like i have a reddit thread like that every once in a while someone sends to me it's 150 comments of people telling me that i'm a misogynistic yeah creepy pedophile all the craziest shit you could ever do 20 i'm sure i'm sure it's my 20 of my closest friends on there i always used
Starting point is 01:49:46 to make the joke too like because i never really played video games that much like there's still you like even some of the like these adults that are like oh i'm into like gaming like whatever that's cool but i always made the same joke i was like what video games i play bitches i don't play station yeah oh that's good that'll help your reputation so yeah uh 310 the court has spoken it's weird it's weird that someone at least your facebook group like the people knew you i don't think any of these people like like like sporty beth like i don't know her i think i've only i think i was actually running the media department and i sent someone else someone out to film with her and celebrate her successes isn't it ironic okay uh you can't prove one valid source saying that the vaccine doesn't greatly reduce your risk of catching and spreading COVID or being hospitalized or dying. This is this guy's response.
Starting point is 01:50:56 This guy is a great smile. A beautiful man. You can't provide one valid source that said New York Supreme Court decision. The vaccine doesn't prevent transmission, stop you from getting it or prevent you from ending up in the hospital and dying. Back pay was ordered. I don't know what other information you need. Supreme Court said the jab doesn't work. Regardless of what your doctor tells you, the Supreme Court ordered back pay for thousands of workers. But I know MSM didn't want to tell you that.
Starting point is 01:51:32 And I know where you get all your information from is the idiot box that's in your living room. But when you look for things yourself or when you open up your algorithm and stop listening to people who listen and think exactly the same way you do, that's called an echo chamber. And when you're in an echo chamber, no new facts come in. That's why you leave comments like this, and that's why I have to make you look uninformed and silly. Well, you still look handsome. You have great skin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Paper Street Coffee, I respect you so much more now. You have some texture to the character. The nice man has spilled some some female jiggy josh but oh you're that guy no to be clear i wasn't a total douche i was still a good dude i like i wasn't mean to girls but i wanted a lot of girlfriends i'm just you know jiggy when you a high-value man such as I was in my spry young 20s, some people are going to be let down. I'm just kidding, by the way. 309, get your booster. Get your booster.
Starting point is 01:52:39 I can't wait to get home and get my headphones that don't hurt my head. Now, we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are two heart inflammation conditions well associated with the COVID mRNA injections. Even the Therapeutics Association admits that. Yet, despite this well-established fact, the injections were mandated to thousands of Australians. And speaking out about these incursions on freedom, got one labelled an anti-vaxxer or Yet, despite this well-established fact, the injections were mandated to thousands of Australians. And speaking out about these incursions on freedom, got one labelled an anti-vaxxer or a peddler of dangerous misinformation. Now, I've obtained data through Freedom of Information from SA Health in South Australia regarding the number of cardiac presentations per month in South Australian public hospitals since 2018. in South Australian public hospitals since 2018. The data reveals that cardiac-related presentations for 15 to 44-year-olds remain steady at 1,100 per month
Starting point is 01:53:31 from January 2018, but drastically spiked in July 2021 through November 2021, peaking at 2,172 per month just as these injections were rolled out. They almost doubled. Then there was another spike in February of this year, right around the time when the boosters were being mandated. These injections are harming and in many instances killing our young people. So what does SA Health have to say about this? Nothing. They continue to roll out the injections. They continue to push the injection narrative. This injection campaign is going to go down as the greatest scandal in medical history.
Starting point is 01:54:09 None of you said a single thing. Why would he have to use the Freedom of Information Act to get the numbers? Did you hear that? So basically he's saying when the injection was rolled out in South Australia, the number of uh cardiac incidents doubled and i forget what he said like 15 to 45 or something but he had to use the freedom of information act to get that damn oi oi oi oi it's not looking good hey this guy? Well, we'll get to it.
Starting point is 01:54:49 I saw that the guy who died over in Qatar, Qatar, Qatar. Oh, the soccer player, right? No, no. He was a reporter. He was a reporter reporting on soccer, and he had a heart attack there. He was like 45 or 47. But I saw recently that he had posted something on instagram i think i have a link to it that basically says hey jackasses get your vaccine and then of course he ends up dying he also tried to wear what the irony is too is he also tried to bring a lgbt
Starting point is 01:55:15 uh flag into the stadium even though they were told not to um number uh okay so this is 308 we kind of talked about this already but i said i know i'm doing a good job when my wife says you're being too hard on the boys 308 and boys grow up to be undisciplined men do you know the problem you're gonna have yes undisciplined men end up in the hospital or in a prison or they end up in a grave now i got four daughters and three sons i have raised my sons entirely different than i raised them girl because i had to because it's a different set of expectations on the boys.
Starting point is 01:56:06 Now, do I want my girls to be successful? Yes. Do I want them to get equal pay? Yes. Do I want them to be treated fairly? Yes. Do I let men run over them? Ain't no way.
Starting point is 01:56:17 I've raised my daughters to be strong, independent, and all of that. All my daughters got college degrees, but them sons of a bitch. A white man wouldn't be having a whole bunch of men. And they know that these boys. But them sons of white men wouldn't be at all. I ain't over here trying to turn the girls into women because I don't know how. I know nothing. But I know about these boys and I know what it takes to be a man. So I got him. Now, my wife has told me you too hard on them boys. Discipline.
Starting point is 01:56:45 That, by the way, you cropped off the writing so we couldn't read it. But that was someone who called in. That was going to be a that was someone who called in who just spewing hate. Yeah. Was that a that was a cranky there? Yeah, that was a crank call. You know, I can call you back to write. Or I could use this. I have this software where i can review reverse the uh the call and find out who you are and then release your name you know that right
Starting point is 01:57:13 like if you call on the show and do shit like that i can just put plug it into the internet and i have that service where i pay 79 a year and they find me the names of anyone's and you know there's shit loads of people who listen to this show who are also in Secret Service, right? CrossFitters? Don't be stupid. Don't set yourself up for that. I'm not interested in doing that to you, but don't be dumb. Well, that happened then because I couldn't even really hear anything.
Starting point is 01:57:35 It sounded like something, and then I couldn't tell if it was, like, something else playing on my computer, like what the hell was going on. And then when I started to hear what it was saying, I was like, oh, yeah, cut that off. That's something. Fucking caller. going on and then when i started to hear what it was saying i was like oh yeah cut that off that's something fucking caller hey dude you better check yourself there i hung up on him yeah he called again um it's always dudes there's no there's no women who call in and just start screaming racial shit on the phone why is it always some guy and i always feel like it's the same people that would be on that reddit thing
Starting point is 01:58:09 that would like write stuff bad you know oh this that this that then comes on here and fucking calls um i want to play a game with you okay guys you guys ready for the game i'm gonna show you a video uh yeah exactly jay you definitely heard a certain word and he is a turd You guys ready for the game? I'm going to show you a video. Yeah, exactly, Jay. You definitely heard a certain word. He is a turd. 307, I'm going to show you a video, and this game is called Democrat or Republican. I want you to decide.
Starting point is 01:58:39 You can write in the comments here. Is this a Democrat or a Republican? You decide. Now, I'm going to paint this picture for you. It's guys at a band practice, and two of them have masks on, and they're sharing a beer. So that's all you're seeing here. So if you could zoom in a little, it's dark.
Starting point is 01:58:59 I want you to know, are these Democrats or Republicans? No, sound doesn't need the sound. No, you can play the sound. Go ahead. You can hear how shitty this band is I'm like, these guys are wearing. Colorado. Yeah, it's Colorado. These guys are wearing masks in someone's living room, drinking a fucking beer.
Starting point is 01:59:39 First of all, if you wear a mask, you don't get to drink a beer. You don't get to do anything that hurts your health. And then he's sharing the beer with the singer do you know where singer's mouth has been that's so weird democrat or republican you decide what those guys are hey did you say did i get this from you did you say that the the mask was the democrat uh maga hat no i've heard that before i don't think that was mine though okay i wish i could take ownership of it so true it's the same dude again go find something else to do buddy uh okay um what what's interesting about that too is is that it's consistent with the the whole premise of all
Starting point is 02:00:25 the premises the democrats have there's just no logic it's it's all it's just all just virtue signaling shit it's just hey i got the mask on i'm sharing a beer like there's no logic to it i'm checking all the boxes just you know what i mean it's just like yeah yeah it was about as smart as the you could go into the restaurant and wear your mask, but once you sit down, you could take your mask off. Yeah, yeah. That was just the – I wear the chaps. I have the spurs.
Starting point is 02:00:50 I own a horse. I have a hat. I don't ride the horse, but I'm a cowboy. You know what's going to be crazy? As time goes on and people are going to look back at that period as it's further, further distance from us, and we're going to be like, they're going to be like, how did all those people fall for that? Like how in the world did anybody go along with that? It was so blatantly like made no sense and there was no logic to it whatsoever. But yet here we all are mask on when I go into the restaurant.
Starting point is 02:01:16 Well, the people, I don't think the people who already like, I know a lot of liberals and they have no idea what's going on because they refuse to look at any outside media they refuse yeah so strange hold on i'm dealing with your mom right now is that really the same dude yeah it's fucking persistent um i've uh i want to let you know that i've changed my mind about something i was adamantly against men participating in women's sports, but I was so close-minded. 306. My whole perspective has changed. I wasn't looking at the situation clearly, and I want you to know that I've changed my position, and I have found an exception where men should not only participate in women's sports,
Starting point is 02:02:05 but they should be encouraged to participate in women's sports. Is this your sister's phone you're using? Yeah. Yeah? You switched phones? You tricky little devil? Yeah. He was just clearing his throat.
Starting point is 02:02:26 Yeah, he's going to say something. I forgot that I used to get super nervous when the phone rang, and now I'm like, I snapped back. I had like PTSD, and when it went off and he answered, I was like, oh, I'm nervous again. Okay. Action. I'm okay with trans women competing in women's sporting events.
Starting point is 02:02:46 As long as I'm allowed to bet. Yes, I would like to put all my money on the lady with the size 11 sneaker, please. I've got a feeling about her. I'm okay. There you go. When betting's involved. That's pretty funny. You are allowed and encouraged to compete against the women.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Oh, my goodness. 305. Whoa. I wonder if this is a typo. Nuns? It just says nuns. Oh, this is a nasty joke. Listen, if you have kids listening to the show,
Starting point is 02:03:40 now is where you send them to the bathroom or something, have them grab you a beer or something. This one, this is a long joke, and it's long. I could probably go to the bathroom even, but this one is not for children unless they're boys over 14. Nuns drives off the edge of a cliff and they all die, but they arrive at the pearly gates and they are greeted by St. Peter. Sisters, welcome to heaven. Now, please line up. I've got to ask you each a single question before I can let you in. So St. Peter turns to the first nun and says, I need to know, have you ever touched a penis? And Sister Margaret coyly responds, well, there was this one time I might've touched one with just the tip of my pinky finger.
Starting point is 02:04:19 No problem, Sister Margaret. Go ahead and dip that pinky in this holy water and I'll let you in. And then he turns to the second nun. I need to know, have you ever touched a pinky? Well, there was one time I held one in the palm of my hand. No problem. Dip your hand in this holy water and I'll let you in. About this time, there's a ruckus towards the middle of the line. So St. Peter heads back to see what's happening. One nun is trying to cut in front of another nun. Sister Susan, back to see what's happening. One nun is trying to cut in front of another nun. Sister Susan, Sister Susan, what's the rush? Everybody's gonna
Starting point is 02:04:47 get in, just wait your turn. And Sister Susan says, well, if I'm gonna have to gargle this stuff, I'd rather do it before Sister Mary puts her ass in it. A bus full of nuns drives up. Ha ha ha ha ha! Uh. I'm sorry, the
Starting point is 02:05:03 dirt bag over is over. Okay. So now you know. If you're in line to get in, you want to be at the front of the line before the holy water gets tainted. Someone gets an enema. 304. Oh, three Oh four. Oh, you know what I should skip to?
Starting point is 02:05:26 I want to skip to this real quick. Uh, the other day I talked to you about guys about what the Petro dollar is. Petro dollar, Petro dollar. And I wasn't sure if I told you guys correctly, but I actually did tell you correctly. I'm going to tell you guys one more time,
Starting point is 02:05:38 just so you know, but it's not as bad as I originally said it was, even though it's not good, at least from, I researched it further. So I'm going to tell you guys again what the petrodollar is. Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon went to Saudi Arabia, or at least Kissinger did, and they made a deal with the Saudis. They said the United States will protect you forever from getting your ass whipped by anyone. Like if the
Starting point is 02:06:00 Jews came over and wanted to light you up or something, or the Russians or some shit, Like if the Jews came over and wanted to light you up or something or the Russians or some shit. We'll protect you as long as everyone you sell oil to, you make them buy with dollar bills, with the dollar. How cool is that? So the Saudis said, awesome. So when you do that, you supercharge our economy. Because now everyone, whether you're China, Finland fucking belgium australia south africa whatever if you're buying oil from the saudis you gotta first buy our dollar and that supercharges our economy recently and when i say recently in the last six years china has been
Starting point is 02:06:39 in negotiations with saudi arabia to allow them to start taking their money. We would like you to take our, I think it's called the yawn or something. I forget what it's called, but whatever they have in China. And then here's just some numbers to contextualize what's going on here. 26% of the oil the Saudis sell every year goes to China. 7% of their oil comes to the United States. Worldwide sales, okay, this is interesting. Worldwide sales total in the oil exchange worldwide for 2022, not just Saudi Arabia, but worldwide, will be $2.2 trillion of oil will be purchased in 2022 in the world. This is to help contextualize why I don't think it's as big of a deal. It's not good if China gets this deal with Saudi Arabia
Starting point is 02:07:32 because it could be a slippery slope, but it's not as bad as I thought. China buys $8.2 billion worth of oil a year from Saudi Arabia. $8.2 billion. But now listen to this. 80% of all transactions around the world that involve money, involve the U.S. dollar, and I can't even fucking believe this number, at $6.6 trillion a day. A day? Yeah, a day. That's basically 8% of the world's economy switches hands every single day.
Starting point is 02:08:20 It's some shit like that. And so, which, I mean, mean i guess i kind of believe and i come up with that number eight percent because i think there's about a hundred trillion dollars almost in circulation before the pandemic i heard there was only 66 trillion but so so this 8.2 billion is like nothing is what i'm trying to say to you relative to whatever 80% of 6.6 trillion is because every single, because 80% of all the transactions, not just in oil, but 80% of all transactions around the world are done in the U S dollar. So this helps you kind of contextualize it if it's only 8.2 billion. But the problem is this, if China gets that deal with Saudi Arabia, does it turn
Starting point is 02:09:01 into a slippery slope? And so we want, I never even knew this. It shows how little I know about the economy. That's got to be the biggest reason why one of our economies are so strong. And by the way, when you put that in perspective to what privilege is, there's no privilege that transcends that. Not the color of your skin, not if you're a man, not if women get paid less than men, nothing. The fact that all of us live in a country where 80% of the transactions happen in our money for the entire planet
Starting point is 02:09:35 separates us as a group from the rest of the world like no other. And the fact that anyone could complain about anything while we have that privilege. I wouldn't use the word privilege. But for the sake of the woke crowd. You're fucking nuts. You are absolutely fucking nuts. And I know it's a lot of numbers.
Starting point is 02:10:00 But the big takeaway is that we should be very thankful we live here. We should take advantage of what we have and we should put our heads down and work hard and be good ambassadors of this leadership role that we have. And we shouldn't fucking ruin it by being social justice warriors. We should either be farmers, innovators, inventors. You should be working hard. innovators, inventors. You should be working hard. And that's the greatest way to make a statement too. Like we started the show with too, that we should not be honoring Brittany Griner. We should be glad she got home, but she's not to be celebrated as a hero. Any mom that competed today in the legends competition is a fucking hero because she's sending a strong message to her kids. All right. The Petrodollar. Another interesting thing I saw, if you go to 302, I want to show you the reparations task force in the state of California. These people have been appointed by Gavin Newsom to try and figure out how much money should be given to black people.
Starting point is 02:11:05 There are some serious concerns about this project because they're scared that some white people might actually qualify. How are they? I can't make that up. Newsweek posted an article, concerns that white people might get reparations money. It's so fucking amazing. But I want to tell you what's so scary about this.
Starting point is 02:11:26 Look at the task force. Look who they are. The task force. So the task force has already assumed that it's the right thing to do. Right. That the presupposition is that it's the right thing to do. The task force isn't to find out like, hey, will this actually help black people? By the way, the. The worst thing you could do to a group of people is give every group, every person in that group, $200,000 they didn't earn. I'm telling you that will be the quickest demise of those people who get that money. Dirt bag, go away. So, I, but anyway, look at the task force.
Starting point is 02:12:07 Look how many white people are on the task force. They got a Japanese guy. Looks like none. Yeah. It's crazy. And if you go through, I'll go down to this girl. I went to that.
Starting point is 02:12:23 The girl down in the bottom left, I went to her Instagram, but with the blue and red dress. Her name is Camila Moore. Her Instagram is exactly what you think it would be. Does the link take it? Does it take you there? Oh, no. But but it's crazy. It's a mix of like bathing suit pictures and Malcolm X shit, which is crazy because Malcolm X would never.
Starting point is 02:12:44 This is so far off the beaten path of what Malcolm X would be supporting. Yeah, you would get if you lived in California, you'd get reparations. Hey, and you know, it's crazy is what it would do to the fucking economy. So I figured it out. They're talking about giving five hundred. It's like five hundred and sixty nine billion dollars. So to put that into perspective, that's one third of the tax revenue. I think California brings in like 1.7 trillion a year in tax revenue or something like that. But anyway, I looked up how many taxpayers there were in California and there were 19,000 people,
Starting point is 02:13:18 19 million people who had filed tax returns, 19 million. And I divided 19 million into that $589 billion that they wanted for reparations, and that would be every single taxpayer would have to pay $31,000 to someone else because of the color of their skin. people um with that colored skin their heritage and what was and and what was built on the back of their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents um was net was was taken as free labor and was never given back to them and if that's the logic it sure as fuck doesn't seem like 222 000 per person is enough but i'm gonna tell you that this will fucking backfire on us as a civilization because once you give those people that money based on the color of their skin now everything has changed there's no such thing as like racism you can't point you can't point to it i could point to a kkk mask i can point to a swastika i could point to a KKK mask. I can point to a swastika. I could point to a man screaming and beating someone, calling them racial slurs. But it's an idea that we put on that behavior.
Starting point is 02:14:47 this group of people, you will have now entangled the dependence on that existence of racism so fucking tight and the resentment, it will tear at the fabric of our society. I'm not sure exactly what the solution is, but reparations are not fucking it. You're basically, you're really ponying up on making something real. That's not real. I know people hate to hear that. There are racist policies. There's things that are written down. I went to meet with the vice president of a major bank in Southern California with my wife. And that vice president told me that they had a policy at the branches in the Glendale area, not to lend money to people with the last name of IAN. That's Armenians.
Starting point is 02:15:32 I recognize that there's racist policy. But just keep asking yourself, what is racism? Where does it come from stop looking out here stop looking out here the answer is not out here it'd be hard to sort that out too right like how do you tell where the family like line is now oh it'll be a giant scam dude yeah the whole thing will be a giant scam and none of that money half that money isn't even gonna go where it needs to go. It's all going to end up in rich white people's hands. That's the fucking, at the end of the road. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:12 All of that money ends up back in Jeff Bezos' hands and Bill Gates' hands. It's just a scam to take more money from the people and funnel it to the top. It's how it always works. Look at any of the lotto winners. It all ends up back in bezos's hands yeah it ends up being in the hands of people who work can i get my money from turkey word that bus has passed uh okay um okay that was good How are you on time? I'm all right.
Starting point is 02:16:47 Let's go to 300. This is the reporter who had a heart attack at the World Cup. And prior to him having this heart attack at the World Cup, he wrote on his Twitter, if you're unvaccinated at this point, you're asking to be hospitalized or worse. So he's a huge proponent. He's what we call a pro-drug user. He's an extremist pro-drug user, an extremist in the sense that he believes that kids should be forced to do take drugs um grant wall longtime u.s soccer writer best known for his work at sports illustrated collapsed during a world cup match friday in qatar cater i don't know what the fuck you call it and later was pronounced dead at the hospital in Qatar. Caller, hi. This is Spam.
Starting point is 02:17:50 He's from San Francisco. Hi. Hi. My name's Fred Herbert. Hi, Fred. Are we entertaining this? It's a bot. Yeah. This is Fred.
Starting point is 02:18:09 Okay. It's hard to compete with me. I'm fucking good. If you're going to call, have some shit to tell. Have some shit to tell. It's hard to compete with me. I'm the man.
Starting point is 02:18:19 Caller, hi. Spam again. You know, there's a whole long list of them. It is. It's just like recordings that are being played when it's answered uh 2023 i'm getting back into it though the only reason i could hang with the distance oh okay i thought oh you're running okay sorry next caller next caller yes next caller one thing i'm not that stoked about though is kind of like these
Starting point is 02:18:43 like comments what do they say they're being mean yeah it's like literally did not age well Next caller, yes. Next caller. One thing I'm not that stoked about, though, is kind of like these comments. What do they say? They're being mean? Yeah, it's like, literally did not age well. I'd rather be hospitalized than dead. I shouldn't laugh, but I did. I mean, we're still talking. Just because he was on the wrong side of the fence, so to speak, to certain viewpoints, nobody would die because of that.
Starting point is 02:19:04 There's no coming back from that. I agree. Like, he's already, he's already gone. But, he's an accomplice. Aren't we all? He's an accomplice.
Starting point is 02:19:19 And, um, Hey, man. Taking, taking, man, taking, getting behind a drug, let this be whatever the drug is, is getting behind a forced injection, it's an extreme position. It is an extreme, extreme position. Yeah, don't get me wrong, Victor. I'm not glad the guy died. But I'm also not surprised. I'm not like, oh, my God, I can't believe he died.
Starting point is 02:20:01 Yeah. Jethro, my endocrinologist just told me I'm lucky i haven't died yet since i'm not vaxxed oh my goodness oh my goodness hey i hope they're right i i hope we're all wrong that would be best case scenario. No one denies that. No one denies that. At the end of the day, just don't force us who are too scared to take it. Or whatever you want to say is the reason. At the end of the day, that's what it comes down to. Just experiment on yourself. You guys believe in it so heavenly or uh
Starting point is 02:20:45 heavily take it and let us watch okay so yeah and and and he fit the woke the woke mold he's also the guy that tried to carry the lgbtq flag into the right i mean he fits the the zombie the zombie mold like he was he was asleep he was following towing the party line take the jews to the auschwitz in the train you know what i mean whatever uh the boss says we do it i'm just doing my job like he he was yeah he's a company man so uh 304 totally common i've heard of being referred to as bots these days oh i heard a lot of people are like like oh you're just a bot you're just a bot you're just kind of proceeding with your marching orders like i don't know i just thought that was kind of funny
Starting point is 02:21:37 have you ever run a marathon i've never ran uh no but i've run – when the shutdown first happened, the gym was closed, I ran four miles every four hours for 24 hours. Oh, wow. So it's like covered the distance but not all at one time. Wow. That might be even harder. It was tough. I don't know what you're talking about. The most I've ever run I think is 10 miles.
Starting point is 02:22:03 I've definitely walked 30 miles in a day. Yeah. The furthest, I think I've only ran on one time is like maybe seven or eight or something like that. Um, but yeah, that, that run was broken up over a couple of things. The hard part about that was like getting up at those times throughout them. You're like, I ran once at one and then I ran again at five in the morning.
Starting point is 02:22:19 So like you're constantly having to like get yourself up and like play that game in your head. And then I totally screwed up a gig that I would have had with a, like, get yourself up and, like, play that game in your head. And then I totally screwed up a gig that I would have had with another firefighter thing at the local college here with their academy. Because, like, we met, like, via Zoom to, like, have this talk. And I was, like, right at the end of it. And it was not going well. I was, like, brain dead trying to, like, explain what I do. David Weed, I only run to the toilet.
Starting point is 02:22:46 Will you zoom in on this? So I think what this lady's body just absolutely fascinates me. It looks like it can't even be real. Her skin is so taut. She looks like she's filled with air. Do you know what I mean? And it looks like she's filming a raccoon in the street okay action i like the music you want me to keep it okay sorry
Starting point is 02:23:17 she came out of her shoes. Did you see that? Yeah. She's wearing flip flops or something. Is she wearing a CEO shirt? Hey, I want you to watch one more time and tell me if you can figure out why she fell. I was trying to figure out what she did. Is it her thighs are rubbing together? Is that why she fell false?
Starting point is 02:23:43 Okay, let's see here. She tilts to the left. And, uh. Okay. I'm trying to see if I can. I wonder if her calf breaks. I wonder if something breaks. I think she fell because
Starting point is 02:24:05 um she hasn't ran in a while and she's a bit bit top heavy so i think the center line is going to be off your center balance is going to be off like hers you have to practice running more it looks like she's breaking into a full sprint let's say she's running in slides too so it probably just like slipped off and rolled her ankle and hit the dust. Yeah, he said, Jiggy Josh saying I think she rolled her ankle. Yeah, it kind of looked like that to me too, but...
Starting point is 02:24:34 It's crazy. I wonder, that's like probably the fastest she's probably running. She just broke off into a full sprint. The locomotion of watching a body run like that, I like to see that in like crazy slow motion i don't think that that's an uncommon scene by the way i bet you that happens
Starting point is 02:24:53 every five minutes someone in the u.s someone who's so large goes into a sprint and falls down it could be a whole show bloopers reel goes into a sprint um uh this is just a quick one no surprise here uh navy seal is detransitioning there was a navy seal who did 13 deployments it's number 303 uh he when he came back he wasn't in the right headspace he became the poster child for transitioning. CNN basically propped him up as like a hero because he wanted to be a man that turns into a woman. And now after a few years of being a woman, he's like, holy fuck, what did I do to myself? And he's not blaming anyone. He's taking full responsibility as he transitions back to a man. But he is saying like he's sounding the siren like hey there's
Starting point is 02:25:45 no escape over there there's no happiness over there like i totally now i've really destroyed my life i've really really really fucked myself up no one goes through these transitions who who hasn't had trauma caller hi siobhan what's up jeremy jeremy world what's going on what's up brother Caller, hi. Siobhan. What's up, Jeremy? Jeremy, the world. What's going on?
Starting point is 02:26:09 What's up, brother? Hey, when can I... And Matt, what's up? I didn't want to be like the caller yesterday to say hi to everybody. What's going on? What's up, brother? When can I move out there, you guys, and get these reparations?
Starting point is 02:26:22 Anytime, brother. Hey, listen, listen. I'm a little short on cash these days, so you could actually stay at my house for $2,000 a month, and you could join the podcast. I'm down with all of that. I mean, with the reparations that I'm going to get, I can definitely afford $2,000 a month.
Starting point is 02:26:42 I appreciate you letting it trickle down to the white man. That's a good, that's very nice of you. That's awesome. I am super late to this because I had a, uh, I work for social security and we have all these people that want free money. So I have to take disability claims and all that crap. So I was on the, um, I was about to call for the dad talk, the dad stuff talk. And then I had to do an appointment. So I'm on the, I was about to call for the dad talk, the dad stuff talk. And then I had to do an appointment. So I'm a little late to this, but so super fast with my situation growing up, I grew up in like a super religious household, like unhealthy. It was like little house on the Prairie in modern times.
Starting point is 02:27:23 It was nuts. It was like Little House on the Prairie in modern times. It was nuts. And with that came tons of strict stuff, you know. No dating, literally ever. No school dances, nothing. It was like, go to school, come home. We're going to read the Bible, go to church. Were you a Jehovah's Witness?
Starting point is 02:27:42 What were you? No, it was just Pentecostal Christian. Okay. So like the people you see like falling out in the church, like from the Holy Ghost and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tongues, tongues. It was like that. That was my whole childhood, like watching people in church, like speaking in tongues, falling out.
Starting point is 02:28:00 It was pretty wild. And yeah, I can have a whole nother conversation about that but I won't um but with that like yeah all the strictness all the you know all that came with that um it sucked I'll be honest when I look back on it it sucked and when I got 18 you know I did my own thing and you know made decisions that weren't the greatest, but it was kind of like trying to make up for all that time. But my point with all of it is my relationship with my dad, my brothers and I, our relationship sucked. He was just this authority figure who was completely disassociated with reality and the world and and the effect that this stuff can have on people. And it was terrible.
Starting point is 02:28:48 I mean, he even admitted when we became adults, he was verbally and physically abusive. So when we got bigger than him, he asked us not to retaliate on him. I'm not even making that up. Yeah, he straight up asked us not to retaliate on him. Wow. But then finally, I'm 37 now, so I was probably like mid-21, 22, kind of getting my shit together, and he apologized.
Starting point is 02:29:16 He basically apologized. And it was a little bit easier to forgive him. But I could say one good thing that came out of it is instead of getting caught up in a lot of trouble, like, I mean, you see Milwaukee, like it's not good. Instead of getting in a lot of trouble, it did motivate me to make better decisions. motivate me to make better decisions uh joined the military served served in the military and then got married had three kids you know and I I would say because I always try to pull the good out of everything and if I if I could say one good thing is that it kind of motivated me to, like, make good decisions and also not do to my kids what he did to us. Hey, how is he as a grandfather? This is wild, too.
Starting point is 02:30:17 Like, first of all, picture my dad's from down south Georgia. He's, like, purple black. He's so dark. So he's, like, an intimidating so dark so he's like an intimidating guy now he is a absolute cupcake um i think someone else called in earlier and was there was in the comments talking about it i mean if i even raised my voice to my kids he's telling me to calm down and and go out of my greatest granddad who ever lived, too. Isn't that fascinating? It is incredible how that works. My dad is an insane grandfather, yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:47 Yeah. You think they're trying to make up? I mean, my dad didn't do anything bad to me. My dad was just a workaholic. He was actually fucking amazing to me. I 100% think my dad is trying to make up because, like I said, he's not a guy to, like, apologize or admit when he's wrong or anything ever. And for him to even admit that, you know, much later in life, you know, I think he's, you know, 60 something years old now.
Starting point is 02:31:16 And he's not in the greatest of health, type 2 diabetic. He doesn't listen to a damn word I tell him about CrossFit and fitness and health. So I think it's like the writing's on the wall he realizes he f's up and like real bad and um there's also so many effects with my brothers and sisters my older brother my younger brother like 34 still lives in their basement my oldest sister 42 she just had her third kid out of wedlock 42 years old third kid with guys we don't even know who they are um my older brother's kind of all jacked up like he he sees that he he effed up and set us on a bad trajectory and i was like the only one out of four kids to get my shit together and
Starting point is 02:32:01 and uh yeah it's pretty wild. It's a wild story. Where's your dad? Is your dad, is your dad born in the country? Yeah. It's from a Warner Robins, Georgia by Atlanta. And where,
Starting point is 02:32:13 where are his parents from? Do you know? Well, he had a really rough upbringing too. His, uh, can you see your screen? Can you see your screen?
Starting point is 02:32:23 Is your dad black? Well, I got it on pause. Oh, all right. Fuck it. Oh, no, I do see it. Yeah. Is he that black? Yeah, he's like, if he's standing by a black wall,
Starting point is 02:32:38 you'll only see his teeth and shirt and clothes. That's it. God, that's fucking awesome. Yeah, I mean, going down to visit his family when we were kids it was it was wild like his grandmother's darkest i couldn't even we were like scared to say hi to her wild man it is uh it it's it's so amazing how far we are from that now in the united states and yet we're still hung up on color i i don't it's so fucking crazy i wonder how many i wonder i would love to see a dna test on that lady like to see
Starting point is 02:33:13 what she is yeah that would be amazing like what her yeah and her hand wow um well that that's interesting about the whole the whole religious thing that shit will man if you if you got crazy religious parents you want them to like be 20 years into the religion i wonder how long you don't want them to like to the worst the worst kind of person that like is someone is like they just found god like an hour ago you know like that shit's like that shit's hard to be around it's like like being around a CrossFitter who just found CrossFit. Like. Seriously, you can't talk about anything.
Starting point is 02:33:49 Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, you got to chill. Come to, you know, I wonder how soon your dad got in, became a Pentecostal.
Starting point is 02:33:57 Were his parents Pentecostal? No, man, his parents were drunk. They gave him up. He was raised by his grandparents in like the same town as them. But then he moved up here to Milwaukee met my mom and they they got in some trouble in high school they had kids they had my sister at 18 they they were really young and it was right after having my sister my mom started going to this Pentecostal church and my dad followed her and then they they
Starting point is 02:34:23 drank the Kool-Aid to say the least. And it wasn't until, like I said, later in life that they kind of were like, all right, we were a little too crazy, too fanatic. And like you said, like a person that just finds religion, uh, or CrossFit, they just, that's it. You know, it's not, there's nothing else in their life. And yeah. I'm not saying that there's not worse people, but part of the part about, um, about preaching good to people is a lot of time you end up teaching them about
Starting point is 02:34:52 bad. So you really want to fuck up a six year old boy, start explaining to him at a young age that he shouldn't masturbate. Oh my God. And that shit, let me tell you something. You will fuck a kid up. Like that's too old.
Starting point is 02:35:04 Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. And that's what I mean. Like you something, you will fuck a kid up. Like that's too early. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. And that's what I mean. Like you got to like, you're so excited because you just found God. And if you start preaching that shit too early to a fucking kid and in the wrong way, every time you say no to a child, it's the same as saying yes. And you're really fucking with a kid. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:35:21 I totally agree. I really think that like some of the most messed up people out there are the people that had my type of an upbringing where it was just God, God, God, God, God in your face. Just it was, and I have friends like that, that, that still deal with it. And they're, they're, they're not healthy people. I'll just say that mentally. They are effed up. You say it really well when you say the Bible is meant, it's not meant to be pointed at others. It's meant to be pointed at you.
Starting point is 02:35:54 And, you know, good things can happen if you do that. But if you're like my parents or all these people, they pointed at everybody else. Yeah, that's how you drive people away. Or if they're your kids, you just tap them up and drive them away at the same time. Well, thank you. Always good to hear your voice. And when you get in, let me know about the reparations and moving in. I'll clean up, I'll clean up the office where the podcast is.
Starting point is 02:36:20 You have to pee outside, but my kids pee outside too. You get to sleep on that couch. That's there that everybody sees too you get to sleep on that couch that's there that everybody sees that yeah i don't know i get to sleep on rosemary's couch that's a good day all right thanks guys all right brother later later man jeremy the pentecostal calling in um so this navy seal basically uh 13 13 deployments um if you scroll down a little bit i'll read some of this but basically he's saying hey this is it's exactly we've talked about this show a ton of times i needed help and instead of getting help when i was saying crazy shit people catered me down the alley of more crazy shit so like he's flipping out about his identity
Starting point is 02:37:05 and instead of someone helping him work on it and solve it himself they started making external changes to him and they started telling him that he was fucking transgender and they started god it's the closest thing i can think of to fucking if i were to define evil um a retired navy seal who became famous nearly 10 years ago after coming out as transgender announced uh he is detransitioning meaning he's switching back to becoming a man and called americans to wake up about how transgender health services are hurting children everything you see on cnn with my face do not even believe a word of it chris beck formerly known as kristin beck told conservative influencer influencer Robbie Starbuck in an interview published earlier this month. Everything that happened to me.
Starting point is 02:37:48 Can you imagine being called a conservative influencer? I would hate that title. Everything that happened to me for the last 10 years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I'm not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help. I take full responsibility. I went on CNN and everything else, and that's why I'm here right now.
Starting point is 02:38:07 I'm trying to correct that. And you know exactly what happened. Listen, I've seen, I unfortunately have so many friends who've done this too. It's such a delicate, it's such a delicate job dealing with people's brains. You don't have to react. When your boy says, hey, I want to be Elsa for Christmas, you don't have to say anything. When your daughter says, hey, I want to be a boy, you don't have to say anything.
Starting point is 02:38:39 You don't have to remember it. You can just take a deep breath. have to remember it you can just take a deep breath i was steve austin the six million dollar man every single day in the second grade at lunchtime and when i ran i made that sound and i would run in slow motion with my buddy chad chad cola and you know what if someone would have said to me hey seven we're gonna cut you open and turn you into the six million dollar man do you know what i would have said fuck yeah let's do it do you get it do you get it a guy was deployed 13 times you want to know how fucked up someone is who's deployed 13 times read craig harris craig harrison's book the longest shot he'll be a guest on this show soon i'm not super familiar with this story but did this person transition
Starting point is 02:39:40 after the military yeah yeah yeah well i don't know the exact details but the way i'm perceiving the story is that 13 deployments came back fucked up scrambled mess um it was like i can't get in touch with my feminine side or some shit right said some shit like that people are like oh my god and then he went to some shrinks and they fucking talked him down the avenue that he's really a woman and he's strong and he can make this change and we'll stand by your side and they started transition surgery on him wow that's what they they treat that's exactly what's happening to our kids it's not lost on me that in a different reality, a dress could be the most masculine piece of clothing that exists. I know it's all fabricated and made up.
Starting point is 02:40:32 What I'm saying is you want to make, you have to go poop? What? You're hungry. Oh, where's mom? Is mom home? Okay, do you want a hug? You think you're going to throw up? There's no parent here? There's no parental figure in the house? Hold her. You're six.
Starting point is 02:40:57 Come let me look at you. I'll make that peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Yeah, I did that shit too. I wore my mom's heels around the house. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. No one thought I was gay either except Uncle Buck. No, I'm joking.
Starting point is 02:41:18 I was having the transgender discussion yesterday with my mother-in-law, actually, because her book club read a book. I don't what it which one it was i wish i i wish i knew but it was a story about his life as a boy then transitioning to a girl and kind of like just whatever his story and um we were just having an open discussion about it and i said yeah at some like at some point where does that end though and like you know is there a balance between kind of buying into something into something like that and feeding into it or giving them the right help that these people actually need? She kept going, well, you don't know because he went to this all-boys school. They beat the shit out of him. I was really stuck on that.
Starting point is 02:41:57 I was like, yeah, well, it's easy to be sympathetic for somebody. That's not what I'm asking. Are you calling me, Haley? Yeah, I tried to and um and uh she was telling me more about it then she goes and goes yeah then you know the mom was always being supportive of and said hey you could do this at the house but people are going to judge you if you do it outside and then he started to do it outside and then she got the doctor technical difficulties i uh i i recognize who was calling and it was coming in on the studio phone.
Starting point is 02:42:49 But I can't imagine this person calling the studio phone. Person, if you meant to call the studio phone, call again. If they were meant to call the studio phone, I would definitely answer. I just don't think this person meant to call it. Well, maybe they'll call again if they're watching it then we'll then we'll know go help him seve susan can handle the show oh fuck no well thanks heidi i guess you got your uh i guess that that that got answered i don't even know where to go with this. So anyways, I'll finish
Starting point is 02:43:26 telling you guys the story. And she kept talking about being sympathetic towards this person. And I was all about the sympathetic part. But then when she goes, then the doctors got involved. So we got them on puberty blockers. I stopped and I said, well, isn't that interesting? Because you could go on puberty blockers before you're 18. After you're 18, do whatever the hell you want. I got no problem with it. But while you're a kid, it's like if you go on the puberty blockers, that shit's permanent. And so there's a reason why you can't get a tattoo until you're 18, because you're not developed to make those decisions yet. So at some point, you have to ask yourself, hey, are we just participating too much in this? Do we just need to give it some time to see how this person
Starting point is 02:44:05 will react into the future? And then if you're also participating into it too, and then bringing medical stuff into it, I don't know. I just, I feel that, that, that you're really kind of guiding them down the path rather than, um, just giving them the space to kind of go through whatever it is they're going through. Then after 18, they're an adult and they want to decide to go down that and complete their nothing. Go for it. And you're an adult.
Starting point is 02:44:27 You do whatever you want with your body now. Yeah. That was a good learning experience for me. I just kept going with my story that I was partly telling you and just kept it going with them. Good learning experience to be on the show by yourself or to tell, or the actual story that you told. The,
Starting point is 02:44:45 to be here by myself and to keep talking and try not to let the 40 viewers that dropped off when you left this is uh this is a 299 this is applying for a job that you don't have the credentials for. This reminded me of the CrossFit marketing team, the people who work on the media team at CrossFit Inc. This reminded me of them after what we said yesterday. Never forget the woman who got arrested for – oh, yeah. So this is a lady. How would you be arrested for oh yeah so so this is a lady i don't how would you be arrested for this
Starting point is 02:45:25 this lady on the left here doing the sign language they're saying that she's faking it that she's not really doing sign language it's pretty fucking funny i don't know why you'd fucking go to jail for that i can't hear you susie you muted yourself and but that didn't that happen with Obama, too? Did it? Yes, I think it did. I'll search it when we play this here.
Starting point is 02:45:49 But I'm pretty sure that then all of Secret Service and shit freaked out because they were like, how did this person get this close to the president, make it through all of this? And he was just like pretending to like sign the whole entire time. Yeah, so I'm pretty sure that was it. This is like the marketing team. This is like who's running media over it across it's just like a such it's a scam but this basically i i don't i don't agree that she should have been arrested if i fucking apply for a job doing sign language and on my first day i'm just like fucking i'm i only know one word i have a limited vocabulary it's all the job training the whole time give me a learning curve here
Starting point is 02:46:31 okay go ahead and hit play it's so awesome i mean she's at one point she just does this with her hands it's so fucking awesome if you can zoom in on her a little it was so great to the side apparently translating every word this woman we received over 5 000 tips in this case but it turns out much of what she was signing was nonsense she waved her arms around like she was singing jingle bells says one outraged sign language expert the woman identified as derlin rober Roberts has a string of arrests for fraud. So how did she come to be translating at last week's high-profile police news conference?
Starting point is 02:47:11 I just didn't ask enough questions. Tampa Police Public Information Officer... Dear Don Fall, do you want me to interview your entire media team and marketing team for you? I will do it free of fucking charge, and I promise you I will ask enough questions oh my gosh that's so good question number one is crossfit for white people black people or c i know this one's out there everyone Hey, what would the charges be that you applied for a fucking signing job?
Starting point is 02:47:56 You lied on your resume. I bet you half the people working. And hey, I want to say this too as a default. I'm projecting onto crossfit i know crossfit doesn't have a media team anymore they've shifted it and called it a marketing team and so by that i'm kind of being disingenuous and it's a misnomer because basically and i'm struggling to accept this we used to have four departments there we used to actually be a media company that's what greg would tell us but now they've lost their way and they're they're i was told
Starting point is 02:48:21 that at an l1 yeah everyone was, it was what we did. And, and now they focus, the focus is on training affiliate and games. Those are the three departments they have. And so they're basically going to outsource all their shit. You cannot outsource CrossFit. It's like,
Starting point is 02:48:35 it's like outsourcing Christianity to fucking, um, uh, Satan worshipers. Like you just cannot do it. You cannot outsource what this thing is. They'll start doing stupid shit, like woke shit,
Starting point is 02:48:45 like using rainbow colored jump ropes or like trying to like appeal to like people for the wrong reason. This is a person that we're selling personal accountability and responsibility. We're like, I work there still so fucking delusional. So lost. Hey,
Starting point is 02:48:59 I'm participating in it anyway. So, but I bet you have to people there don't even couldn't fucking edit with fucking adobe or final cut pro or like they they even i bet you half the people there have no no creative skills no they don't even know they cannot create any space in their mind to pull down uh creativity i know it i know it for a. I know that the person who runs the company probably doesn't have a creative bone, not the company, the department probably doesn't have a creative bone in their body, which isn't a bad thing. Which isn't a bad thing unless you're
Starting point is 02:49:35 running that department. Would you hire me to run the track and field department at UCLA? I'd have to ask some questions first. department at ucla i'd have to ask some questions first uh yeah yeah well i they they they exist already buddy the rainbow rope exists already fucking knuckleheads uh okay so that lady didn't have the credentials for the job and when I saw that I was like so what that's right I either did this dude so what oh that's him that was the guy
Starting point is 02:50:12 yeah I would love for Sevan to run the track and field department you know what I would do this is how stupid I am I wouldn't choose people using a fucking stopwatch I would just pick the people with the longest legs. Because that's all, because I don't know. And.
Starting point is 02:50:43 I shouldn't even go here because I shouldn't give people the ammunition okay, 296 do you want to see Heidi's doppelganger? oh, we're going for it? yeah, here, the thing is the thing is when you show this, you have to pause it right away
Starting point is 02:51:00 because it's only for that one split second okay, okay, okay it's right at the beginning, right? yeah, it's right at the beginning you can even okay you know it's like it's right at the beginning right yeah it's right at the beginning you can even pull it up and like fuck with it on the side if you want and get it lined up i'm trying i'm doing it right now i'm just gonna let this like thing like uh play through for a second and i'm gonna try to hit it right at the right time on this next one it's remarkable oh oh yeah fuck it's Fuck. It's quick. Yeah. It's quick.
Starting point is 02:51:27 I think I got it. It's close, but it's not like the perfect angle. Hold on. I'm going to try to do it too. Okay. See if you get a... How long does it play? A while. Oh, darn it. Did you miss it?
Starting point is 02:51:46 I'm so close. You do yours, and I'll see. And if it's no good, I'll do mine. Did you get it right at the beginning? Let's see. Kind of. Yeah, there it is. There it is. Oakley Reels.
Starting point is 02:51:58 Heidi's Doppelganger. There you go, people. Everyone will be exposed. Oh, Lord, what am I doing? Oakley Reels. There she is. Someone checked your DMs. Did you send me Hayley Adams?
Starting point is 02:52:13 Someone sent me Hayley Adams. I didn't see it. I didn't see it. I'm sorry, Alan. On her, she looks like Hayley Adams? No, no, no, a different one. I think Alan sent me a Hayley Adams doppelganger, and I didn't see it. Anyway, there you go.
Starting point is 02:52:27 Oakley Reels. We've now found Heidi Krum's doppelganger. I'm glad we got to that. I wasn't sure if we were going to get to that today. Okay, 296. Chop it off the list. Doppelbanger? Yeah, she is a doppel. That is a doppelbanger. she has a doppel that is a doppelbanger you're right trish scumbag trish you piece of shit hate it when you're right heidi doesn't see it nobody ever does
Starting point is 02:52:56 i don't see it whoever it is oh fuck you don't just keep playing that video over and over. Freeze it right at the beginning. It's so you. Yeah, if you just watch that beginning portion, you want to see something funny. Did I tell you this? When I used to bartend,
Starting point is 02:53:12 I used to get told all the time that I looked like... Steve-O? Yeah, and Ben Stiller. But Robbie Benson. I've gotten Ben Stiller before. No, I've gotten Ben Stiller and I get Steven Spielberg. Look at this. Now that my hair is longer too now.
Starting point is 02:53:32 This is who I always got told that I look like. I don't recognize that guy. Who is he? Is he famous? Oh, yes. That's you. Hey, hey dude you've got to grow your hair out like that there's so much material there if you do that you just rip on you non-stop that is a look at that hair is that how your shit would grow just a thick helmet yep oh dude yeah
Starting point is 02:54:02 try that that's intense now it's just all over the place because i just threw the beanie on the morning i especially have to go out of the shower but yeah it gets super you could have an insane mohawk thick that's funny that you mentioned that because i'm for sure cutting one when i cut it oh that's awesome yeah mohawk could be dope look at this number going on you could You could even do a pretty wide one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know. He's Steve-O, but that doesn't look like he has, I don't know, AIDS or something. Far less whippets in my life.
Starting point is 02:54:36 Yeah, something. There's something about Mary hair stick-up action here. Okay, I'd like to get... Can we get through two more, you think? 298 and 297? Yeah. Okay, Fathers and Mothers. The show started with a tribute to mothers today.
Starting point is 02:54:55 Okay, got it. 298, sorry. I'm just going up. I think we did this one. Oh, we did? Yeah. Because then the chick right away is like, don't put that on women okay okay good okay uh tune uh tune two two two two two oh a long time ago okay yeah excuse me 297 griner or wheelan oh i think this might be like i said griner has uh espn reported that griner is going
Starting point is 02:55:21 to britney griner is going to uh focus on helping getting wheeling out that's going to be one of the uh charities she works towards yeah his hair is great you can't have okay here we go oh this is fascinating this is fascinating okay listen to this this is i don't know if what he's saying is true well what he's saying is true i don't know if the implications of it are true but either way it's worth's worth hearing. Today, Andrea Mitchell of NBC, this is someone who's been in Washington covering news for more than 50 years, someone who is deeply supportive of the Joe Biden administration, contributed to a story that contained this line, quote, the Kremlin gave the White House the choice of either Griner or Whelan or none. So Mitchell's piece attributed this fact to a, quote, senior U.S. official. It was not a guess. It was sourced.
Starting point is 02:56:11 And then, as with the early reporting on Paul Pelosi last month, that account was scrubbed and sanitized. And the new version of the NBC story assures us that, quote, the Kremlin ultimately gave the White House the choice of either Greiner or Noh. So basically, and the Russians have already reported this, it's come out of Russia that they gave us a choice. You can have Whelan or Greiner, and they chose Greiner. So do you pick a young woman who has a long life ahead of her who got busted for
Starting point is 02:56:50 um drugs in a foreign country broke the law in a foreign country was that an accident that she took that vape pen too was like just in her stuff or something like that and she realized that's what it was right one of those little like i can only tell you that she looks like she smokes weed weed based on my prejudice discrimination and judgment of her age and hairstyle and demeanor she looks like a stoner to me so you're saying it's not oh bro i'm telling you listen to me if trump gets elected i guarantee you they let wheelan out on day one garren garren fucking teed i don't know if you remember the probably most you don't remember the iran hostage crisis we had but uh the way the story went is reagan was running against carter
Starting point is 02:57:37 ronald reagan was running against jimmy carter and the day that reagan took office they let out the hostages the day the same day they knew he wasn't fucking around well also during the carter administration bush senior who later became president united states was head of the cia and he made a deal with the iranians don't let the hostages out until reagan's elected because he didn't want Carter to get the the love for it kudos for it yeah
Starting point is 02:58:09 interesting but I guarantee you Trump just calls Putin is like yo let that dude out Putin's like yeah right on see you next week in Vegas yeah
Starting point is 02:58:19 cool guarantee it Putin loves loves Trump he's entertained by him he loves it I know that makes me just as much as uncomfortable as the other side of it Trump had the chance to get him out
Starting point is 02:58:40 says David Weed that's Russian disinformation maybe i'm open to it i'm a oh it was a cbd pen seriously it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't even thc what'd she get busted for yeah that's kind of well that's bullshit that changes my mind about everything welcome home grinder i'm glad she's home i'm glad i i feel for her i'm glad for her parents more than her you hear that uh they were saying that she was she was in a labor camp where they were sewing sewing i think military uniforms or something they were sewing, I think, military uniforms or something. They were sewing some sort of uniforms.
Starting point is 02:59:28 And she was too big to fit in the chair where the sewing machine was. And her hands were too big to work the mechanisms of the machine. So instead, they gave her the job of carrying fabric. So that was what she was. She was kind of like just a pack mule. Wasn't that one kid that is, I think he's still in North Korea, right? Didn't he go to like North Korea or something, tried to steal a poster? And ended up with like 70 years in a hard labor camp or something?
Starting point is 02:59:59 Fuck, and he's still there? Yeah. Libby Budak. Budak. Libby Budak. Budak. Libby Budak. Budak. It's a nice last name. It's close to that word that I'm not allowed to say.
Starting point is 03:00:14 They said it was hashish oil. Not sure which molecule that is. Yeah, hashish is definitely not CBD. Oh, the dude from North Korea is. No no he's dead trumbled trump fumbled that one no trump got that guy out i'm going with libby we like libby's answer i'll pay my own boo dack i thought that kid from north korea came back libby boo dack yeah i don't know much about the story from north korea just remember that being I thought that kid from North Korea came back. Budak. Libby Budak. Yeah, I don't know much about the story from North Korea. I just remember that being a thing.
Starting point is 03:00:51 Wow, Brittany Griner does kind of look like an elf. You're right. Oh, at first I thought I was going to turn around and be like, is there one on my shelf? I want to be surprised. The snowflake made an appearance as part of the... Otto Warmbier. They got him out, but he had extensive brain damage he died immediately oh that's right that's right i do remember that remember wasn't he didn't he steal like wasn't it a poster did he try to like take it off the wall and like roll it up and take it home or
Starting point is 03:01:19 something like that yeah what yeah that's right i can't i I can't remember the details around it, but yeah. I mean, just nuts. You just don't fuck around. We don't realize how much in the U.S. we actually get away with, you know what I mean, in terms of what we could do and adjust. You can shoot heroin on the streets of fucking Philadelphia. No one will say anything to you. San Francisco, yeah, good point.
Starting point is 03:01:44 Yeah, yeah. Not one person one person not two people hundreds of people just laying around needles hanging out of them and shit yeah try to act that way and they if you want to see that stuff we had the guy on the show that made those documentaries his name's tommy g his youtube channel is amazing she's definitely in with him again soon too. He's a good dude. I'm two 95.5. Uh, this is,
Starting point is 03:02:11 um, a pretty trippy story. This is Chris. Christie's niece was on an airplane. She must be crazy. It must be a, um, Oh shit. We've hit the algorithm.
Starting point is 03:02:22 We're crushing it. We're crushing it. a, oh, shit, we've hit the algorithm. We're crushing it. We're crushing it. She, Chris Christie's niece was on an airplane, and there was a, they said it's a Latino family. I just, I think that means Mexican or something, or Brazilian, or just anything south of San Diego is Latino, I i think and she was on that she was on the airplane and i want to read the exact quote will you will you scroll down she said something crazy to them i mean it's funny but it's but it's also a little crazy uh a woman who claimed to be uh related to former new jersey governor chris christie injured six deputies after she was kicked off of the
Starting point is 03:03:02 spirit airlines flight on thanks Day, according to authorities. Shannon Epstein, 25, was asked to leave the New Jersey bound flight at Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans in the morning of November 24th. Here it is. You guys ready? After she asked the family seated next to her who she believed were latino if they were smuggling cocaine hey dude you can't go to jail for that you can't go to jail for that what if there's a black guy sitting next to me and i'm like yo were your grandparents slaves or what if there were some jews sitting next to me i said yo you know anyone, you got anyone related to you who died in Auschwitz?
Starting point is 03:03:45 It could just be that, though, right? Like, she clearly had to, like, act up, and she ended up being, like, super defiant. Like, her six deputies are injured then or something like that. Some guy sits down next to me in the plane. He's like, yo, is that your real nose, or is that attached to your glasses? I mean, you don't get kicked off the flight for that. I mean, you're an asshole, but,'re not gonna escort you out i know isn't that crazy too epstein i know it's a fucking epstein yeah but what's funny is so the article basically is like speculating and in some portions she it's saying she claimed to be chris christie's niece
Starting point is 03:04:22 and so but i dug around and it's actually been confirmed. It actually was. And when they went to arrest her and pull her off the plane, I guess she started screaming some shit. You can't do this to me. I'm Chris Christie's niece. Yeah. Try to see if there's like more on it, but.
Starting point is 03:04:39 Plus two, you can't like fuck around on an airplane like that either. Yeah, exactly. Adam, what if they were smuggling cocaine? if they were red so you could fucking great point excuse me do you have a penis in your pants what if she would have said that to the dude are you smuggling some cock and balls on the plane that'd be the weirdest encounter you've flown a lot did you ever have any weird encounters with people that you sat next to? Bro.
Starting point is 03:05:09 Bro. One time, I was landing in Chicago O'Hare. And I was in the old days when I used to fly coach. And I was in the emergency door lane.
Starting point is 03:05:28 Yeah. And the plane is, is we've all gone through the landing protocol. Everyone's got their seat belts on seat upright. And there's a phone there and the three stewardesses are there and their jump seats are there. They're not up in the front. They're in the middle of the plane. It's a huge fucking plane. I can't remember what kind of plane. And she picks up the phone, and I hear her fighting with the fucking pilot. She's fighting with the fucking pilot. They're yelling at each other. I can't hear what they're saying because the plane is so fucking loud because it's doing all that shit right before it lands, you know?
Starting point is 03:06:00 And she fucking puts the phone down. The three stewardesses look at each other. They get in their jump seats, and they close their eyes and hold hands. Oh, what the fuck? I'm just like... And the plane landed, and she stormed to the fucking front of the plane. That would be terrifying. Ever since I told you about my non-enjoyment of flying i'd
Starting point is 03:06:28 learned more about planes to learn and watch some stuff and it's um it's pretty interesting all like the different protocols they go to through but that would have me very oh bro i was just like i was tripping balls i was true they closed it for you to ask him uh he does not even want to know but you just like i don't it was really loud she was vibing so hard you know when someone's just fucking she was off her rocker yeah but the fact that all three of them held their hands and closed their eyes i was like this is fucking horrible yeah they're like a group prayer as the plane's going down yeah my asshole tightened for sure or it released i can't remember it did one
Starting point is 03:07:10 of the two man man oh man i barfed i barfed my one one flight coming back from africa one time i was just vomiting my fucking brains out and uh they the person sitting next to me got moved and i was like pouring sweat and i was just puking i guess i had food poisoning and there were four kids flying alone in front of me and uh they were leaning over the seats and they would go every time i throw up they'd go they'd lean over seats look at me go what fucking asshole i actually liked it i actually liked it just four kids making fun of me and by the time i landed my water broke fucking i was like i was good you know what i mean like i was i was completely drenched yeah like just sweated the whole thing out yeah it was crazy but i was actually
Starting point is 03:08:08 pretty pretty uh i can't remember some guy in custom said something funny to me like you handled those kids well they kind of were keeping me company do you know what i mean like even though i was probably like a 30 year old man i was probably still scared by myself fucking dying on an airplane like at least these kids can tell my mom they saw me gosh that's a miserable flight okay um tomorrow do we have a show tomorrow another live calling show we're just on a roll with live
Starting point is 03:08:45 calling shows i'm loving it oh no that was basically the ramp up until you um take off from newport but uh oh did you see i started making thumbnails yeah i did they're awesome so last night i got on last night i um this is how silly we are me and andrew hiller and suza got on um stream yard we did we don. We don't air it, but we all got on StreamYard and we just hung out. And Sousa just set his phone up and he was cleaning his gym after the Christmas party. And we were all just talking. We were watching Sousa climb the rope to get the lights down and we were just brainstorming ideas for future shows. And Hiller's like, hey, do you want me to show you how to make thumbnails and so last night for an hour hillar just took me through uh the software called canva
Starting point is 03:09:30 the app and and so and he just taught me how to make thumbnails it was so fucking sweet of him it was so cool it was like i felt like my little kids when they play with crayons yeah that was like no do this no do this he's so playful he's so fucking playful yeah and he has a good he has like a good time with it too like cracking up the whole time and like that was nice that was actually a really nice surprise just to be able to uh clean the gym and have us hang out with you oh yeah we got to we got to watch suza do his uh what's that machine called like canvas the best canvas the worst what's it called that the zamboni we got to look at his hidden dude zamboni that was cool it's funny
Starting point is 03:10:12 all right guys so um tomorrow morning we'll be on a live call and show at 7 a.m and then at 9 a.m i'm doing a show with eddie if on his podcast um and I think that's called the WOD cast podcast. And I'm excited for that. I don't know if he goes live. If he does go live, I will, um, post something and,
Starting point is 03:10:34 uh, let you guys know why it was. So, okay. I guess I'll hear from Kenneth about why you think it's the worst. I really enjoyed it. Um, I have Photoshop.
Starting point is 03:10:44 I, I, I use photoshop i'm just not good at it i mean hillary's like why don't you just use photoshop just because i'm not good okay okay okay okay 1999 love you guys see you tomorrow bye

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