The Sevan Podcast - #706 - Alex Landot, Building Climbing Phenom

Episode Date: December 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I'm frustrated. At what? Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Normally, I don't read people's texts. I don't know if I should even start with this. So, I don't know if I should even start with this but so I don't like to do I used to listen to Howard Stern and I thought he was I thought he was great I basically just stopped I stopped watching him because he went woke
Starting point is 00:00:59 he just started playing the victim role and I didn't want to be a part of that which sucks because I just I thought he I really enjoyed the show playing the victim role and I didn't want to be a part of that. Which sucks. Because I just, I thought he, I really enjoyed the show. But when he started spreading lies about the forced injections, he was already a germaphobe.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Do you know about that? Yeah. Like crazy germaphobe. Yeah. And I'm not a germaphobe. Like I don't use ass gaskets. I walk around everywhere barefoot i like to shower a lot just because i like the experience and i like clean underwear that's a good feeling yeah and i and i change my kids clothes a lot too because of that so let's say let's say i just take them out like like a two-mile walk, right? Let's say we would go for a walk.
Starting point is 00:01:51 By the way, you have to walk your kids. I think that's having dogs. You have to walk them. Good morning, Sarah. Good morning, Newport Beach. What's up, dude? Morning, Sarah. Good morning, Newport Beach. What's up, dude? Morning, Caleb. Oh, Sarah, I got my same complaint about Newport Beach. We'll get to that in a second.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That I had last time. I thought, I think Sarah knows the mayor. I think maybe she even directly told him my complaint. But we'll get to that. We'll get to that in a second okay good morning michelle shanks magnus good good to see you brother cory kenneth chase brian so but but whenever whenever stern would go on other shows i couldn't stand him like if he went on like jay leno or whenever he'd be interviewed by other people because he seemed so fake to me when he was interviewed by other people. And like the reason why I liked him is because I felt like on his show, he was so vulnerable and so real. And so I noticed when I go on podcast i started having that same um uh critique oh wait till you see what i saw yesterday sarah wait till you see what i saw yesterday crazy these are the nicest
Starting point is 00:03:14 beaches in the world people i probably shouldn't share this with anyone but but i'm staying in this insane place that um that california hormones has it sits right on the biggest beach and every morning there's the most beautiful waves um for beginner surfers it's nuts and the people here there's no gum on the ground here everything's clean it is so awesome um there's little shops and bars and it's especially cool now because it's winter and there's no tourists here it's so crazy it's so nice all the people are nice lots of lots of um like just chill old men here too which i kind of like just you know by old i mean like my age to 80 you know what i mean like on rollerblades and like on those weird like instead of riding
Starting point is 00:04:05 bikes they ride like recumbents and those elliptical bikes shit like that just a cool a little grumpy towards my kids but just cool and even the homeless people here are chill yesterday i sat next to like i i don't even know if they're homeless but uh the lower class yesterday i sat next to a guy because i heard him talking about how his family was from like a six foot six black guy, skinny shit, maybe probably 150 pounds. And I heard him telling another guy about how he was from South Carolina. So I just sat down next to him and started listening. Just like hearing people's stories, just eavesdrop. It was a cool story.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Anyway, so there's this one podcast that I i do people ask me to come on their podcast and there's one podcast i do it's with a gentleman named eddie if he's a uh comedian been on rogan uh crossfitter cool dude i like him lives in malibu um and and i i i think maybe he wouldn't describe himself like this but but he has, he, I think he's like a lefty, but I like him a lot. I like a lot of lefties a lot. And, um, he, he invited me to come on the show and, and I didn't want to do it not because I just feel fake on, on other people's podcasts.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Fake's not the right word, but I feel like I have to perform. Like they're inviting me on there and I should keep the energy super high. Like kind of like I'm doing right now with this show. It's got the energy through the roof. Crazy. Crazy energy. And Oh man.
Starting point is 00:05:41 So, so here you go. We're texting now. So not today. Oh. So, so, man. So here you go. We're texting now. So not today. Oh. So. Oh, no. And then the other thing is I'm like a real baby about my time. I'm crazy selfish with my time.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I have no problem just like. I have no problem saying no to people. It happened to me in my late 40s like none zero yeah gary roberts level energy now i know i'm sorry i know it's annoying i'm just out of trouble again well this yes or no motherfucker yes or no, motherfucker? Yes or no, motherfucker? Yes or no, motherfucker? So. And in your defense, usually there's so much stuff scheduled. No show today then.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Jesus. I don't know what the H is, but Jesus H Christ. Peace and love. Okay. All right. So I agree to do this text on December 13th because I think it's good practice for me, and he is a really good host. Eddie is a really good host. Like, if I don't carry the show show he'll run with that shit by the
Starting point is 00:07:05 way alexis is coming on at uh alexis uh landot's coming on at 7 a.m yep and so so i agreed to do the show this morning and then he sends me a text and he says, oh, cool. Eddie's doing a live show. That's cool. He's a stand-up comedian, a busy one. And probably his podcast has been around forever. Maybe the oldest CrossFit podcast, WODcast podcast. Anyway, so he says, he sends me this uh last thursday i double booked you on december 13th at 9 a.m that's today right yes and i said he said can you do 1 p.m i said i can't then he he wrote like something nasty
Starting point is 00:08:02 to me but but that's funny right right? He called me some names. I don't want to say what because maybe he's not comfortable with people knowing what he called me. And then I go, fair. But I still assume at that point that then he's keeping me for that spot and he's getting rid of the other dude. Not because I'm better, not because I deserve it, but because he didn't tell me otherwise.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Right. So then if you get booked on this show, we bug you up to the point that you come on. Like we keep reminding you. Nothing's left to chance. Yeah. Oh, Melissa, Melissa Odie are saying, thank you, Sarah. Amanda has been so nice. Amanda's the lady. If you sign up for California hormones, use the code Sevan. You'll, you'll eventually end up speaking to a woman, Amanda, who will help you schedule, you know, your doctor's consultation and your blood work and stuff like that. If you live in California and she'll, and she'll walk you through, she can, she's just like the, the, the docent or the ombudsman for California Hormones. Great lady.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Pretty lady, too. Great and pretty. Yeah, met her for like a quick second. She kind of looks like – she kind of reminds me – this is like Tanya Roberts. Do you remember Tanya Roberts? She was like the Charlie's Angels that came on late in the 80s. I don't think so. She was hot viet sevan is that because i'm acting like a grumpy uh uh pick a younger picture that's the
Starting point is 00:09:35 first one that popped up when i saw it looks like she's had too much work on it looks like she's had too much work on her face and like picture pick that one with her boobs out let's say let's say amanda looks like her in the black dress in the middle there that's kind of how i imagine amanda to look okay where was i fuck this story's all over i don't want to hear shit about my adhd or anything i'm just flowing shut your pie hole you don't say that to rappers california homeruns awesome experience awesome cory I'll send you a check tomorrow um so so so then he says so I assume I'm going on and then and then he doesn't all day yesterday I don't hear from him so if you're coming on our show the day before you come on the show Susan
Starting point is 00:10:21 will start bugging you to remind you because we're a professional outfit with a multi-million dollar budget well that's what we act like everyone fucking has fucking five jobs who works here and we get that done so then last night at 9 12 i said are we doing this tomorrow at 9 a.m no response 5 30 a.m i text him again today i go today question mark i still don't know i got shit i gotta do i gotta i pushed off a meeting with california hormones i have this morning to do this fucking podcast with this dude and arrange the schedule got up earlier too
Starting point is 00:10:56 yes correct so then he says to me finally at 5 31 he or no no at at 6 30 an hour later at 6 30 a.m this morning nine minutes ago he texts me and he says i have shows at 7 9 11 and 9 30 i still don't know am i that 9 a.m show i said so not today he said it would be tough I wrote yes or no motherfucker still incredibly vague so then finally he just writes back
Starting point is 00:11:37 I'm in the South Bay this weekend doing stand up comedy which is cool I'm envious of that say that again Calebaleb said big love yeah yeah do a show with me or don't yeah anyway uh so i might as well plug it um eddie if has been on joe rogan nbc uh last comic standing showtime um 97.3 alice i guess that's a big LA radio station. And he is performing tonight. No, no, December 15th through 18th at, I think, at a place called Roosters in the South Bay. Oh, in Sunnyvale.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Oh, that's cool. All right. He's French. You think he's French? Eddie's French? I had to find it. So this place I'm staying at is on the beach. And if I go outside and walk to the right, I just walk down this row of, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:39 $4 million to $20 million homes as far as the eye can see. You've never seen so many awesome places sitting on the sand. If I walk to the left, there's an ice cream shop, and then it just turns into a row of coffee shops and bars and places you can buy surfboards and skateboards and shit like that. And that's like a block of that. And then there's like a pier with like a cool little circle where people like hang out and sip their lattes and shit. And then after that, there's another row of houses as far as your eye can see it feels like it goes to the mexican border afford a million to 20 million dollar homes that just keep going and along this beach peppered throughout about every half a mile there's a bathroom and it's a nice building it's this awesome concrete building looks like it could handle hurricane. And there's men's and women's bathrooms with the cool entrances from both sides. And last time I was here, I went in there and there's no doors on the stalls. And I get it. That's some sort of thing so that homeless people don't turn those stalls into their homes, I guess.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Or like do drugs in there. into their homes i guess or like do drugs in there oh yes and and yesterday it was it was pouring rain but still warm you know 68 degrees pouring and me and my kids are the only ones out on the uh on the walk we're just walking god my kids have been there's this uh there's this what's crazy is even right on the beach there there's this one spot where there's all this workout equipment, like pull-up bars. There's a shitload of grass that no one uses. I don't even know if it's grass. It's this really short stuff. It's green.
Starting point is 00:14:17 It kind of looks like grass. Crabgrass? Is it crabgrass? I don't know. They keep it – and you can do all sorts of crazy shit on it. You can – anyway, my boys have been wrestling like crazy there. We go there and we just do just rounds of fighting. So awesome. And they call it the fight lawn. uh asphalted that's huge which has like guys playing on rollerblades people on one wheels the shit loads of basketball games going on it's so cool and nothing ghetto about it all the parking spots they're like filled with like either these fancy electric carts that
Starting point is 00:14:59 everyone drives around here or g wagons you know and rovers god they love their rovers here in uh or g wagons you know and rovers god they love their rovers here in uh in newport anyway so we go into the bathroom with my son my son says he has to go to the bathroom it's pouring rain we're having a blast super lighthearted we just accept the fact that we got caught in a shitload of rain we're just walking we're playing we're fooling around everyone's drenched and we walk into the bathroom because he has to take a piss with my two two of my sons and right in front of us is a stall that's opened and there's a fucking guy sitting there i don't know what ethnicity he was he was some like just mix of shit look more asian than anything probably 100 pounds overweight with his legs wide open with his cock and balls he had like this little tiny cock like this big pointed right at us and he's taking a shit just looking at me did he make eye contact yeah i stared at him
Starting point is 00:15:52 it's like caleb and his buddies taking community shits first of all there's five other stalls he could have gone to that weren't like the one pointing at the door when i walk in yeah you probably just want to choose the one farthest away from the door. Trish. I, yeah, I never closed the stall door. I know. I know you don't Trish. I know. Call you Trish Epstein. Go ahead. What were you going to say, Caleb? You take the one farthest. Yeah. Caleb's an expert of no stalls. Tell us, what's the protocol buddy? What's the protocol? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean like usually you keep at least a stall between everybody you know you give yourself
Starting point is 00:16:28 a little bit of space and like if there's one that's you don't pick the one that's closest to the door because then if it opens and they're like you start from the one farthest from the door actually yeah yeah back to front you feel like handicap the handicap yeah it's just like sitting in a bus yes and then you just go fill in back to front every other and then if you really need to you fill in the one in the middle like if you really gotta take the shit in there you don't want to run to the next fucking toilet yeah the only reason why you don't choose a stall if there's no toilet paper yeah right right yeah then you transfer and if it's easy maybe you could even just grab a roll and take it to the stall.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. Yes. Like when they got the Maxxons. You give each other their privacy, man. And I just sit there and stare at him. I mean, I stared at him for like three seconds. That's uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah. I just stared at him. You let it linger. I even had the thought if he says anything or stands up and my boys were there i would just kick him in the chest and like sit him back down they got weird like we just got squirrely yeah i just thought okay if this guy i just thought that this guy stands out and can kick him yes yes exactly yeah get a little distance sit him back down i'm okay with pinching a loaf in front of people, too.
Starting point is 00:17:46 It doesn't mean I just fucking, like, it's not a pastime of mine. I don't shut the door at my own house. Turn the fan on. Fucking A. And this place is so nice, and they can't get stalls on the door. I'm surprised they don't do, like, like short stall, you know, to where you could still very clearly see kind of what's happening underneath it. But you could still cover majority of what's happening to you. Oh, you guys aren't tall enough for this.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Have you ever been to a bathroom that like the walls are like neck level or like chest level? Yeah, I can't see over, but I'm aware of people like you and you. Okay. I'm aware of that. Yeah. You like, you would just be sitting on the throne and you just look up and like, yeah, I mean, he's watching you take a shit kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. The guy next to you is pulling up his pants and now you see him. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That, that shit's like, I'm like, no, I'll just,
Starting point is 00:18:43 I'll hold it. Because then my head's poking out of the top of the walls too, you know? I stand up straight. This guy's coming on the show today. He's been on the show before. His name is Alexis Landau. We've had him on the show before. I started having this feeling this morning that it's really cool what he does. He's a beautiful young man, crazy physique,
Starting point is 00:19:07 very well-spoken out of France. France. France. France. And, but I was thinking, man, maybe we shouldn't be giving dudes like this attention
Starting point is 00:19:15 for their behavior. Why? Because it's just so scary what he's doing. No ropes, climbing skyscrapers. It's so unique to me and crazy that it it's like something you're drawn to and maybe that's just me because i could look at that and like it it evokes fear like my palms will start to get sweaty and shit you know it was nuts too so the building that um go ahead what do you say no no you go ahead go ahead so there's a there's a really big
Starting point is 00:19:44 building in barcelona and uh i was like oh i think i've seen one of those because there's a couple guys that do this and there's an older guy i think he's also french and i think he calls himself like the spider-man but he was one of the original guys that was yeah yeah he's taking pictures with this guy yeah and so um we went on this open bus tour and we went by the building and i was like that looks like one of the buildings that these guys would like climb because you could see how you could climb it. You know what I mean? Like it didn't look too difficult the way that it was positioned. And the next day I saw on Instagram that he and him and his son climbed it.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And I was so pissed that I missed it because we must have missed them by like hours of him climbing that building in Barcelona. And I would have loved to seen that real life. Nuts. Oh, Sarah, remind me to tell you about, um, Travis
Starting point is 00:20:31 this morning. I spoke to him last night. He got offered to go to, uh, Istanbul to arm wrestle. And, and I gotta tell you something about that. gotta tell you a story so so my my boys my boys um so so i stared at the guy my boys are just flanked beside me and we just walked out
Starting point is 00:20:54 and we just peed right there on the beach then i go just pee right there they're like really why aren't we going bathroom i'm, we're not going in there. It's always so difficult to explain that to kids, too. They're like, why are we not doing that? There's a creepy man. Stranger danger. Stranger danger, yeah. Speaking of shit you don't explain to your kids, I want to show you this.
Starting point is 00:21:19 It's 300.5. We're going to play this like three times in a row here for you. This is, if you don't know, if you're having trouble getting your head around what indoctrination is, what it looks like to indoctrinate kids, and that's kind of a new idea to you, this is what it looks like to indoctrinate kids. This is how you spread racism. And this is, so, you know, yesterday we talked about reparations, and we all know what that is.
Starting point is 00:21:45 That's to keep the black folk on the plantation. It's exactly what it is. It's to buy their votes and keep them on the plantation. And oh, no, sorry, not that one. Sorry. Sorry. 300. We'll do 300 first and then we'll go to Elon's tweet. You indoctrination is when you tell a kid kids what to think instead of how to think that's, that's called indoctrination. What to think instead of how to think. And a lot of people do it.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I've been guilty of it, but it is a huge, huge mistake. Most of the time there may be some important places to tell them how to think. Like when they're little, you explain to them the dangers of dogs. Like, Hey, like, like you see these dumb people, you're at a dog park and there's 300 dogs walking around and some fucking dumb parent has their kid in there. Who's three years old, whose head's lower than most of the dogs and the kid's eating a hamburger like someone needs to indoctrinate those parents into fucking how dogs work three dogs come over there at the same time and they tear your kid apart to fight over the hamburger
Starting point is 00:22:58 you fucking dumb fucks Dumb fucks. Letting your kids, bringing toys to the park and putting down the slides so the toys fly off and hit the kid in the face. Ten out of ten times I see that shit. But look at this. This is just mind-boggling that someone thought that this was okay to teach their kid. And I know the Jews and blacks are so guilty of this as a whole i know i'm speaking a bit in uh sweeping generalizations and but i but i don't think it's hyperbole but look at this shit right here this is just
Starting point is 00:23:39 batshit crazy people are not treated fairly as white people it's not fair are we white people yes black people are not treated fairly as white people it's not fair are we white people yes you black people are not treated fairly as white people. It's not fair. Are we white people? Yes. Okay. You see how clear cut that is? One kid is saying black people aren't as treated as fairly as white people,
Starting point is 00:24:15 and it's not fair. The kid next to him is asking, are we white? And the kid goes, yeah. And he goes, phew. That's how the sickness spreads. So what do you think that kid thinks about black people now? People with colored skin. Why weren't they?
Starting point is 00:24:34 If your kid asks about the color of people's skin, you pull up fucking a biology website. And you show them the biology of different color skins and what it means and what the belief is on it relative to their biology not not not some made-up shit that you think is real those are the same people who let their kids choose their gender why are you even why are you even making something imaginary you don't ask your why is something imaginary real you don't ask your kid you don't explain to your kid that bigfoot has fur and not hair and how and how it's known because they've never found shedding of the of the uh or the bigfoot has hair and not fur and how do we know that well because we've never seen
Starting point is 00:25:21 the fur from bigfoot stuck on trees and hair doesn't shed you don't i mean what are you doing leave your kids alone that that's fucking abuse yeah what kind of parent even films that yeah they're they're basically great question travis what what kind of parent even films that shit so they can post it on social media? They are virtue signaling using their kids. You got your kid to think of skin color. What they did is they taught their kid that skin color is a social status. You have to always go deeper instead of some sort of biological piece i i have the feeling that you just don't even talk about skin color or treat it as any different to anything and you just treat each individual as they are and judge them by the character not their skin color and you don't even bring it up to your kids yeah well remember that
Starting point is 00:26:18 kids will ask kids will ask they yeah they might ask and it's it's important just to say everybody look at our you could put your skin up next to your boys and it's it's important just to say everybody look at our you could put your skin up next to your boys and it's going to be slightly different your daily is it slightly different and i have done that i've on look at me look how much darker i am than you fucking choose yeah so then you just say like there's different variations of it it's weird how much stuff that people go we have to stop this and it it's like, you could just stop it. You created it. Yeah, you created it.
Starting point is 00:26:48 You're keeping so much life into it. You're breathing. It's like it could be a little flame somewhere and you're just doing this. It starts just billowing and then raging. And then you're like, why are people hating each other? Under the guise of thinking
Starting point is 00:27:00 you're doing something well. It's always that. But you're indoctrinating your kids. Corey, hi. What's up that but you're indoctrinating your kids cory hi what's up can you remember um your first experience with racism growing up as a child yes what was it my my my best friend in the seventh grade so i used to have to write my mom both my parents were workaholics and i and my mom sent me to the good school which was like i don't know let's say five miles from the house because the cool school next to me had all the bad
Starting point is 00:27:34 white kids in it because i lived in this neighborhood that was all just like it was basically the hell's angels fucking capital of fucking um uh of the bay area it was a little town called pacheco right outside of martinez the county seat big big big motorcycle gang problem all the you know gnarly fucking white dudes with all the crazy tattoos my neighbors would be out front fighting with chainsaws i shit you not um one of my other neighbors got busted for being a huge cocaine dealer um and so my mom sent me to the me to the school like five miles away. And I would have to fuck. My mom would drive me there in the morning with my bike on the back of her car if I was lucky.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And then I would ride my bike home. And so all my friends there lived really far away from me. And my best friend was this kid named James Lee. And I fucking loved him. So it was actually sixth grade he's my best friend in seventh grade he's my best friend and he kept inviting me to stay the night at his house and I couldn't because I knew that if I would have to ride my bike there and I just didn't want to do that on the weekend so finally one day he comes to school and he says to me hey my my parents think that you might not
Starting point is 00:28:41 want to spend the night because you're racist so I had to go home and fucking ask my mom what that meant. And my friend James was black. So then I was like, fuck. So he thought I didn't want to spend the night at his house because of the color of skin. So then I ended up saying, okay, I'll spend the night at your house because I just wanted to. I'm a people pleaser. and i had the time of my life of course and i started spending the night at his house at least a couple nights uh uh a month and uh what ended up being cool they they were they were wealthy well they were wealthy compared to us his dad was an airline pilot that used to be like a pretty prestigious job and uh james was
Starting point is 00:29:20 like the smartest kid in our school i fucking loved hanging out with him he was so fucking smart but basically we would just go into his room and sing rap songs from the second I got there to the second I left, like for two days straight. We were big into this rap group called UTFO at the time. Their big song was Sally, That Girl. Oh, yeah. Sally, That Girl. Yeah, I remember that. And,
Starting point is 00:29:45 and, so, so that, that was my first, that was my first, but I didn't even understand it. I thought it was just completely preposterous. I thought it was just fucking bad.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Like I seriously thought like they were damaged goods in my head a little bit. Like, wow, that I remember to think like that. I remember thinking that already in the seventh grade. I don't that i remember to think like that i remember thinking that already in the seventh grade i don't i think what it was i remember growing up um and the last thing i wanted to be was white um i'm mexican oh you did not want to be white yeah which is going to bring me to my next question my dad his first language was spanish but we never spoke it in the house.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I think that's why I was always jealous. I wanted to be different. Growing up, the last thing I wanted to be was white. I always wore Mexican stuff. I have a Mexican flag in my gym. Something about it, I wanted to be different. My parents never talked about race, color. My sister actually married a black guy.
Starting point is 00:30:52 She she's got a hat. That's a different story. He ended up beating her. Not race related. Because he was black? No, no, not race related. But we never saw color growing up, never saw race growing up until I was about 15, 16. And I started realizing that I wasn't invited to these tables at lunch.
Starting point is 00:31:14 And I started noticing that there were colors at tables. Oh, the black kids wouldn't invite you. Yeah. And I didn't understand why. Cause I grew up listening to hip hop, grew up listening to rap. And when I got married—
Starting point is 00:31:28 What city was this? What city was this? I lived in Japan for six years. There were black kids in Japan? It was on a military base. Ah, okay, okay. And they wouldn't invite me to these tables, and they would always hang out. And I would always try to go hang out and follow along with them.
Starting point is 00:31:44 But, you know, I didn't play basketball Brandon's saying that um Gucci crew sung Sally I know the song I don't remember who's saying it U-T-F-O Sally that girl better not be fucking with me oh shit Gucci crew too okay well that's we listened to them too maybe maybe utfo sung something like oh let me see what utfo sung because i know we listened to a lot of utfo well thank you that's embarrassing i always tell my wife that virginia wolf wrote a yellow wallpaper and she fucking gets so angry at me because she says that's not true either the only other time i oh utfo son roxanne roxanne roxanne roxanne you guys know that's an even older song yeah right or is it rock man no no no that's the police
Starting point is 00:32:42 yeah hold on i i i i want to hear that story but although i think our guests could come on man. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:32:45 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:32:46 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:32:46 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:32:52 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:32:54 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:32:56 no, no, no, I thought you had a plan with that. I was like, oh, yes. Seven seconds. Eight, nine, ten, eleven. There was this other song that they sung. I thought it was... Oh, no. And we used to listen to a lot of Too Short.
Starting point is 00:33:27 By the way, we listened to them on cassette tapes. There was no video back then. Okay, sorry, go on. So you weren't invited to the black table at the military base. But the second time I experienced racism, I feel, was when I met my current wife. And I remember her. Sorry, go back a second. Were you making that up? Like met my current wife and I remember her. Sorry, go back a second. Were you making that up? Like that's the thing I always wonder, like maybe they weren't,
Starting point is 00:33:52 maybe they weren't inviting you to the table. Not because like I didn't invite kids to the table either. I didn't invite black kids to the table. So did they think that I was racist? We had no, we had no similar interests. I think it was making up the narrative in my, my head. Like they went and played basketball after school and I'm a five white kid, Mexican kid. And the last thing I wanted to do was play basketball. So like I just wanted to be around the loud, funny, popular kid. Right. But you were aware that, hey, all those kids are black and they hang together.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And for some reason, I don't feel comfortable going over there for whatever reason. But I want to. But i wanted to hang with the black kids too actually if you're cool that's what you wanted to do but that's when i realized yeah it as long as i felt cool and was comfortable in my own skin it didn't really matter i was always in the cool group just with my certain level of confidence. And I think you've talked about it before. My biggest defensive mechanism was humor. So, you know, I had to go to five or six different schools growing up in the military. And every single time I went to a new school, instead of punching the biggest kid, I would just make fun of the biggest kid. And then, then you know everybody would start laughing and then boom i would immediately start and get sucked into the cool group um because i would i would
Starting point is 00:35:12 heidi's saying this caller's voice this caller's testosterone is 215 but you had your testosterone checked right it was like over 700 900 yeah so california hormones is badass yeah sorry my my voice isn't high enough that's why i said looking at me or talking to me you wouldn't assume that i have that testosterone but maybe maybe it was tainted if you if you saw me with my shirt off you'd think my estrogen was 1100 yeah for some reason california hormone try to breastfeed off me i sent a sperm sample i don't know if I sent the right stuff. That was tested.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Hey, that's how you cheat your testosterone levels. When they draw blood, you just shoot a little load in there and mix it in there. Yeah. Might have said the wrong thing. My wife's family is... Let's get to the second time you experienced racism. How about that? My wife's family is aristocrat type.
Starting point is 00:36:13 You know, grew up all in East Coast, prominent names type family. Play tennis, play tennis. Yeah, members of the country club, all of that stuff. And I remember dating her in the beginning and word got around that her family was not fond of our relationship because I wasn't a white guy. And so that really stunned. But instead of letting that allow me break up with her and being like, oh, I guess I'm not going to be accepted.
Starting point is 00:36:44 It was a chip on the shoulder. And because I had never been in a situation like that, and I didn't understand how that would have any correlation as to why I wouldn't be a successful person or a good husband. I use that as fuel to be like, oh, you don't think I'm going to blank? All right, I'll prove y'all wrong. And then I just started using that towards my own advantage. So I just find it interesting that that video that you showed already, some. They're going to see – I mean there's definitely cultural things that get attributed to people's color, and you're going to fucking figure it out, especially if you live somewhere like fucking the Bay Area or New York or Los Angeles. Los Angeles you're going to start to figure it out but you're also going to figure out that you can't put people in these giant buckets but but I'll tell you like I just I just watched a video with Alex Stein as he went to Barstool Sports I don't know if you guys have seen that video and there's these two girls that attack them yeah and they're and they happen to have melanated skin and that is the gross part about that That is the fucked up part about black culture that's being promoted on TV.
Starting point is 00:38:06 And those women are actually living it out. And that is the reason why how racism seeps in. Right there. The behavior of these two melanated women. Not this guy. This guy is melanated, but he doesn't promote. You don't even think of him as that because he's not embodying what we call a black culture in the united states which is this fucking look at you look at so what the
Starting point is 00:38:33 irony there that's white guys pushing down a black man who's not being violent at all and then these two these two melanated women this woman this other woman come out and start fucking hitting alex ste. It's fucking nuts. And the way they talk to them, like English is their fifth language. It's fucking disgusting. By the way, Alex is coming on the show.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'm pretty excited. All right. Sorry. My voice isn't deep enough for Heidi, but have a great show. Thanks brother. Talk to you soon. This is a crazy clip this is a
Starting point is 00:39:06 crazy you see her just slap alex stein across the face after six white dudes push down a black guy all of a sudden to those girls i bet you those girls are full blm girls but all of a sudden fucking color doesn't matter to them one of their um fellow um melanated people gets pushed down by the white dudes they're with by the way that dude right there looks like he's juiced out of his mind you see how red that guy's skin is it's about ideology it's not about race right thank you yeah ideology what you and what part of uh culture you embrace it really clicked him oh dude it's so it's so sad it's so stupid it's so it's so obvious alex stein is like no physical even though he is a really big man it's so obvious by his body language and the way he talks that he's no there's no reason to hit him he was on california hormones maybe it'd be more intimidating uh does liver king use california hormones i hope i'm really hoping that uh as he
Starting point is 00:40:10 tapers dog the booty hunter uh he will um he is uh i that would be awesome if I really was the liver king. Sebon really the liver king. God, that would be so awesome. Oh, God, that would be awesome if big media owned me. Fuck, that would be dope. Watching that thing with Alex made me hate Barstool. I already started disliking it because all their stuff on Instagram was just trash. It was like that dude on the podcast and they keep running these porn stars through it. it's like overly sexualized it has nothing to do with sports it's just it's literally it's it's trash so i stopped following it and after i saw that what they did to alex like
Starting point is 00:40:53 obviously i'm partial because i really like alex but after seeing the way that they like treated them and how they handled themselves i'm on like fuck screw barstool fuck barstool i'm not ever with barstool i know ever and that's that i unfollowed him for that that was my yeah yeah well i unfollowed him when you know i'm talking about just the big dude with the hat he's kind of funny the podcast guy i don't i don't i know i just i just followed him because i just wanted to know what was up with pop culture oh yeah it's trash so i want hookers on the show i'm trying i think that's the one element this show is missing is like porn stars and hookers that's it that's the last i mean not the last but we need it sorry go on go on suza sorry porn always takes front seat in this show no i was just
Starting point is 00:41:40 saying i just it's just a really bad look for them and that's going to be tough to recover from that image like whether you like alex stein or not like watching the way that that was handled and I was just saying, I just, it's just a really bad look for them. And that's going to be tough to recover from that image. Like whether you like Alex Stein or not, like watching the way that that was handled and how he was treated is definitely not going to do well for him. Alexis is trying to send his receptions tough. We were in chat back and forth a little bit. Maybe he's on top of a building. That would be dope.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Like he just joins live and it's just the GoPro. He's like climbing. Hey Hunter, I'd like to do a whole show about your experience in the modeling industry. And if you ever got diddled, that's a, a curiosity of mine. Don't teach your kids to be racist.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Don't teach them not to be racist. That's, that's how you, that's how you end up teaching him on accident how to be racist just just let them be kids just let them let them be kids well we may have a reception here as you hear as we just got a spinning circle right now yeah the now the thing is is even if he does come in i know it's gonna be so chopped it's gonna be so shitty but by the way so if you
Starting point is 00:42:53 haven't seen the thomas de lauer interview i did you really have to see that interview you have to see that interview and and the reason why is he was really moved by the liver King stuff. It brought up a lot of memories for him about what it was like for him to be a kid. Yeah. That dude had a tough life. Like all the successful people. Look at Hunter Biden. Look how tough his life is.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Alexis, you're frozen brother. You look like you're like in in some star wars spacecraft later hunter uh a lot yeah yeah yeah there are a lot of predatory people in the modeling industry so much in hollywood there's so many predatory Oh, you guys want to hear a crazy story? I have this in my notes. Yeah, we're not going to get them. Will you ask them if we need...
Starting point is 00:43:51 I have no idea why my connection is so bad. Do you want to reschedule? I always say WhatsApp is taking like five minutes. When you're on your couch at home, that spot was money. You think that's too much slang, that spot was money for a French guy? No. I think the context makes sense there. Get Hunter on.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I know, we need to reschedule Hunter. I was actually really impressed with Hunter and Hiller when we had Gary Roberts on. That show was hilarious. There were so many times that I literally was just laughing so hard watching that and the dynamic between them. The thing is that Hunter and Hiller and myself are showmen like like we know how to get on stage and do and like juggle balls and like hop around on one foot and like you know what i mean to turn a fucking paper towel into an airplane and we got tricks uh gary is like more like when you go to the circus and uh to the county fair and there's the bearded woman. He can't turn his
Starting point is 00:45:06 shit off. He's like the three-legged dog. It just is that way. It's not a show. It's just, you know what I mean? It's just like, I can't take my beard off. So many people DM'd me about him just saying how crazy he is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Oh! Oh! I'm so sorry. my connection was so bad my whatsapp wasn't even working so I could not tell you guys oh it's not working Alexis last time we interviewed you I think you were at your parents house
Starting point is 00:45:38 sitting on the couch with your girlfriend next to you this looks like a different location yeah I'm on my other home which is the climbing gym'm on my other home which is the climbing gym which is my other home hey congratulations by the way um you're you've you've you're finally getting the notoriety and the views that your um adventure and your accomplishments deserve? Oh, thanks. That really means a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I keep working for this, but my next goal is to now get more views and subscribers on YouTube. But that's a whole other story, to be able to really make people like your content on youtube so they watch longer videos that's harder than on instagram you know i had this i had this thought this morning this is i'm gonna be this is pretty aggressive of me i apologize for usually i lube people up a little bit but i'm gonna be pretty aggressive for you this morning i i had this i had this thought
Starting point is 00:46:42 this morning that what you're doing is so intense right no safety ropes climbing skyscrapers i was wondering i was like shoot am i am i if like i know from the interview i did for you that that you would do this regardless yeah like like we we penetrated pretty deeply into your mind and this is something that you do for your own reasons. By the way, if you haven't seen the first interview I did with Alexis, it's fantastic. Um, and he really explains the, um, the nature of his mind and why he's, why he's doing this and what it fulfills for him. But some, but I was thinking this morning, I was like, because I have kids, I was like, man, we're giving them all of this attention to this thing that requires you to take such well what appears to us as is the biggest risk probably any human being could take right i mean the risks you're taking to the outsider to the layman like me seem absolutely insane
Starting point is 00:47:38 yeah it's true that it's a big risk but the good thing is that if i when you asked me that i think you meant like do i get pressure from other people to do some stuff yeah like should we not be watching you because it supports your um your smoking habit you know what i mean yeah i'm climbing skyscrapers well the good thing about that is that actually the hardest challenge I set, the easiest it looks. So if I want to impress people, I can just climb the easiest building I can find. So that's a good thing about what I do is that. So, for example, I have a goal now to do really, really hard and dangerous challenge you know but the good thing is that i know that i'm doing this for me for a simple reason that it doesn't even look good on the
Starting point is 00:48:31 camera it doesn't even look impressive on the camera so i know that i'm doing this for me because this particular skyscraper it won't impress anyone except myself right and on the other hand if i get pressure to do like more and more uh crazy and uh beautiful image dangerous image then i know i can just do the easy climbing you know the easy skyscrapers i mean easy the one i've already done in the past who represents a less bigger risk than what i'm doing now and what I have for the future as plans. What is there a building that you've climbed the most? Is there like, is there a skyscraper? I think last time we discussed there, there is a skyscraper you've done at least twice, right?
Starting point is 00:49:15 Yeah. So I've done the Montparnasse tower three times. And I've done also the total tower two times, twice. And those ones, when you, when you do it multiple times, I got the impression that part of the reason you do it is to do it with different people. Is that correct? So someone else will want to do it and you'll say, okay, I'll do it with you?
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah. So that's one of the reasons. Because even if it's the same skyscraper, it's the same route, it's always cool to have different experience from it. So sometimes I climb a skyscraper by myself, alone. And then I'll climb with somebody else so I can get other memories, you know. Other, yeah, memories.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Different experience. is there a rule that you that um you should each have your own lane in case the guy on top falls he doesn't knock the guy on the bottom off is there a rule like that well that would be the the most secure uh that would be the good idea but for example when we climbed the montparnasse tower for the second time uh with um tito my friend tito he climbed just on top of me so if he fell i would have fell with him i had to trust him 100 on this one but usually we're trying to not climb on top of each other but sometimes we don't have a choice uh heidi says um does it freak you guys out to talk to alexis keeping in mind that every time we talk to him could be the last time because of how dangerous his craft is well he got about how about his parents
Starting point is 00:50:56 i think you guys trust me right absolutely i 100 trust you i can't i i um you're from what we get the little we can see on instagram it looks like you take this extremely seriously and that you have, you do not live a balanced life. You're 100% in. You don't have distractions. I never see you like at the bar. I never see you doing anything that looks like it's not part of honing your craft. Your whole life is, realizes the importance the um importance of of i mean your body is your tool and it looks like you treat your body like the most important tool that there is
Starting point is 00:51:33 exactly so it's true that like my whole life is dedicated to this so i'm trying to get nothing to be like in my way uh mentally and physically and also I've, you know, before in my life, I've saw my, my life, my body, like as a tool that I can use to perform, which, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:53 works pretty well on short term, but it's not the best idea on longterm, you know, because when you think short term, you think like your body as a tool that you can use. But when you think longterm, your body and your as a tool that you can use but when you think long term your body and your goals your health everything becomes like a whole and i think it's much safer and much healthier on the long run and it will lead to ultimately on the wrong run
Starting point is 00:52:16 better health better progress better motivation so i'm trying to keep my body as the number one priority in my life but not trying to see it as a tool that i can just use and you know break if i need to because that's on the long run it's just unhealthy and now that this is my main job i don't have a choice but to think on the long term have you um i don't think we talked about this in the last show you know there's these wim hof breathing methods methods ice baths have become very popular yeah i'm rolling out do you have a in regards to your body a protocol that you are growing as you get older that helps you take care of your body better um i'm trying to eat well um i haven't been eating too well those last few this last month but i'm trying to eat well um we don't which doesn't mean uh eat salad and uh you know just salad because people
Starting point is 00:53:20 often mistaken what eating well means by the way sorry if my english isn't the best dude you're amazing you're amazing that's great that's great i i don't even know if mistaken is a word yes but a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that eating salad and you know like uh not eating meat not eating eggs eating fats is good, but it's not healthy. I'm trying to eat not too much sugar, not too much carbs, some fats, some protein. I'm trying to, you know, eat well. And I avoid refined products. This is like my number one rule.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Awesome. You know, I'm trying to incorporate that too. Just no processed – try to eat as little processed food as possible. Just eat whole foods. And we on the show are also a huge proponent of eating healthy fats and healthy meat. Meat that's prepared properly. Yeah. The good stick.
Starting point is 00:54:30 prepared properly yeah we had a guy on recently who said this and i've known this but he said it really well his name's tanner shuck he's a trainer out of dubai and he said when when um he was speaking about crossfit athletes but i know it has to be the same for you it's the same with marathon runners that you have to when you're about to execute at the highest level, you need to be basically as lean as you possibly can be while still being healthy. And you see that in marathons, everyone always, the guy who wins a marathon is always dehydrated. When you watch the CrossFit games, these guys are skin and bones, right? Like you can see every muscle on them. And I'm guessing it's, it's to be crazy important to you too right when if you're five pounds heavier than you're used to in climbing that's a lot of wear and tear
Starting point is 00:55:10 in a building that's you know 600 feet tall yeah so you got everything right it's exactly it's a big uh it's a big subject actually for my life for my training is that i'm trying so my goal is to have to make the smallest changes as I can for each climb because I think it's healthier to just keep one body and maybe lose one kilogram or two kilograms if not more but sometimes I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:55:35 have in the future to lose more weight than that How tall are you? I'm 1 meter and 70 centimeters and and uh caleb can you do the translation on that for us and um uh and how much do you weigh i weighed uh 65 kilograms and what's the most you've ever weighed alexis oh so i've weighed i've weighed um 72 kilograms when i was uh trying to gain uh more mass you know trying to get stronger
Starting point is 00:56:17 i was hurt from climbing so i decided to just go full bulk mode. Okay, so you're 5'9", so you're not short. Well, I am short. You're normal. Oh, no, no, no. I'm 1 meter and 70, not 76. So you are short. Yeah, I'm short. That would be awesome if you were shorter than me.
Starting point is 00:56:42 That would be awesome if you were shorter than me. Oh, 5'7". Okay, I'm still shorter than me. That would be awesome if you were shorter than me. Oh, 5'7". Okay, I'm still shorter than you. Damn. Oh, wow. You don't need to say, oh, wow, when I tell you I'm shorter than you, Alexis. And how much do you weigh? I'm probably 160.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I'm probably 165. I weigh more than you. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Almost 10 kilograms more than me. Yeah. I'm a chubby old man, though. I'm a chubby old man.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Don't say that. Alexis, there's this clip of you that I thought was fascinating. It's the one on the very bottom, Caleb. And when you're climbing, I can hear you breathing and kind of making noises when you breathe. Like the way a martial artist makes noises when he strikes or when my kids play tennis, when they hit the ball, I hear them. Can you explain this to us? We're going to play the clip for people at home real quick. All right. and so there's these you sound like an air compressor like you
Starting point is 00:57:59 yeah so there are a few reasons yeah there are there are a few reasons uh the first one is it's almost like a reflex when you do like a hard movement to just push air out of your mouth so you can contract your your um core muscles that's something i do when i train especially because i train a lot on roof, which you need basically all the time to get your core stabilized. So that's the first reason. The second reason is because, you know, it's important to have a good breathing, to push air as you train so you don't run out of oxygen for your muscle. Otherwise, I would, you know, my muscle would like dry and you know i will start my fingers will start to open so i have to use my breathing correctly so just you know breathing in and out always all the time to be oxygenated and but that's that's being said i don't need to make
Starting point is 00:58:59 noise when i uh breathe but i'm choosing to make noise so it sounds good on the camera because I know the viewers like to hear what's happening I know the viewers like to hear what's happening so most of the time I'm breathing I'm like but you don't really hear it and one percent of the time I'm like okay I'm gonna you know make a bit more noise when I do that so people can hear what I'm doing because like if I had a mic like really close up to my mouth people would always hear like but the fact that it's only a GoPro you don't really hear what's going on so I'm I'm pushing a little bit more my the noise of my mouth so people can really see what's going on when I'm climbing because I know people like that it works going on when I'm climbing. Because I know people like that.
Starting point is 00:59:49 It works really well when I'm either explaining to the people something or when I'm just, you know, like they see what's going on. Like they get more context behind the climb than just seeing, you know, an impressive stunt. The GoPro sits on your forehead always? Yeah. That's always the spot? Yeah, it's on my forehead. Have you ever forgot to get to the top and you realized you forgot to hit record?
Starting point is 01:00:11 Or you ran out of card space? It has happened? So something similar happened. So a few times my GoPro just shut down. It shuts off before the end for no reasons. So that's pretty annoying. Uh, there's another thing is that one day I climbed in Barcelona and I realized
Starting point is 01:00:29 when I started climbing that I forgot to put my GoPro on, uh, I actually with me, you know, on my forehead. So I just climbed without the GoPro, but that's okay. It's an easy,
Starting point is 01:00:38 it's a really easy climb. Not really interesting, especially for the GoPro shots. Not pretty interesting. So no regrets um how high up were you when you realized you forgot to put the gopro on something like 20 meters but it wasn't a big problem like i was like oh i didn't bring my gopro but i i just did this climb for fun not for you know get footage of the gopro so it would be much bigger problems
Starting point is 01:01:03 in the future or like for my most recent climb where I really need my GoPro. Are you sponsored by GoPro? No, I wish. I think what I'm doing is way too dangerous for GoPro to sponsor, I guess.
Starting point is 01:01:22 It's not even official. It's not an official sport. What I do is it can be seen as you know just reckless and just dangerous for nothing for big brands but you know maybe one day i would love to you know it would be a huge mistake to call it reckless because if it were if it were reckless you'd be dead already yes i i agree of course i can't call it reckless no it's actually exact i think it's like it's it's perfect it has to be it's so precise yeah it's kind of the opposite of that yeah yeah it's i have to do always... Every movement has to be thought of before the climb.
Starting point is 01:02:09 I have to think of everything, I have to plan everything. For example, on my last climb, I knew there was a part that I could not train beforehand. So I had to do it in my mind and think and get what I thought about what i would do up there and i just learned it by heart without even doing it before and what was that can you tell us what the exact was it a transition yeah so it's a place where i normally uh when i finish the climb you know the top is like this so i oh yeah this one right here in the climb, you know, the top is like this.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Oh yeah. This one right here in the video where you have to transition there. The pose here is perfect. The pose is perfect. It's exactly on this movement. I have to put my feet where my hands are and just push with my hands and feet at the same time while trying to not lose balance because otherwise I would just fall backwards. So it's,
Starting point is 01:03:03 and plus we don't see it from here but there's no the the holes are different the holes are not something you can put your fingers on you can just pinch like this you know yeah you can just pinch on the sides so it's that's part of the climb was way more extreme than all the other floors before let's talk about this for in more detail for a second so you're telling me that you transitioned there from vertical to a slight angle and you could not practice that anywhere else there wasn't somewhere lower on a lower building did you even know what it was going to look like did you even know what it was going to look like so yeah i knew how it would look like because I sent a drone up there.
Starting point is 01:03:46 I saw that the finger holes were gone on the second part of the building, you know, where it goes like this. But I knew that I could get the pinch, you know, on either on both sides of the windows and bring my toes where my feet are so i can push and pinch at the same time you know get my body up and you know clear this uh movement uh even if i didn't train it like i knew exactly what to do even if i hadn't trained before i had um so i'm picturing like five of your friends sitting around in a living room in front of a TV set. And you guys are looking at this drone footage and you guys are sitting there starting it, stopping it, pausing it. And basically you guys are studying, okay, what's it going to look like here? Yeah, that's pretty much it.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Except we were, I remember that I was my friend leo and we were thinking about doing this climb and in the end he wasn't really interested he was uh he didn't like same as me the fact that we couldn't train for opera part of the building but after a few months i thought a lot about it and i you know i thought to myself i'm gonna try it it should be fine and if it's not fine i will just go down oh you would have gone down you would have gone down yeah i trained on this one enough so that if i needed to go down i was i'm able to do it but it would have been hard it would have been a real real problem you know to be polite but but it's it was still a possibility um oh barefoot too we got to talk about that too oh yeah so so when you
Starting point is 01:05:36 do that you you get up there for people who don't know we talked about this in the other show one of the one of the training regimens that alexis does is he'll just go to a building and he'll go up a couple floors or just one floor and back down and he'll do that forever and so that way he's developing even though he doesn't have to take a lot of risk he may be only 20 feet off the ground he just goes up and down up and down up and down up and down exactly yeah we can see that on my i I create a story, a highlight story that says urban training. And we can see that I go down, up, down, up, down. And it seems like ridiculous from the outside, but it works pretty well because nothing prepares you more to do a specific task than doing this task. And just putting yourself, you know, constraints, you know, like until you can't, you know, until you're too tired to continue.
Starting point is 01:06:33 And in that, what are you doing up there at the top? You move your hands around up there too, like you're getting in some extra training, like you were lowering your hand. Like when you get to the top before you went down, you did something with your hand. What are you doing there? See that thing you do there oh is that you're just readjusting it for the descent yeah i'm letting go one hand to just uh getting some uh how do you say to getting some rest in one hand so the good thing is that i can let go one hand and rest it and then grab my other hand and let go the other one, etc. Something you want to practice when you're not 500 feet off the ground.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yeah, but it's also important to practice when you're a bit higher because sometimes you can feel confident when you're down there because you're like, okay, I'm good. I can let go one hand, easy, no problem. But as soon as you go up, you realize that you're slipping a little bit from the skyscraper and that you actually can't let go one hand really safely so when you up there the feelings are so different because each drop of sweats on your feet or on your hands anything you get this feeling but
Starting point is 01:07:42 multiplied by 100 you know everything is multiplied everything is bigger is so it's important to also go up so i can see how it feels to be there and if i'm really okay letting go letting go one hand at 10 meters because to do that at two meters is something but to do this at 10 meters is something else. So it's important to have physical training for each building like this, but also a mental training and just, you know, knowing how your body and your mind respond to this particular skyscraper. So for this, it's important to go high up and just see how it feels. Not necessarily a little height, you know, a little height, but, you know, a height that is enough to, you know, bring you to the hospital.
Starting point is 01:08:32 So you're sure that you don't want to fall at all. sense that there becomes a point on the climb that you have a self-awareness that's elevated beyond what could ever be experienced because somehow intuitively your body knows that now you know you're you're 200 feet off the ground and even though you didn't tell yourself to become this aware you're hyper aware. Oh, yeah. And you have to practice that ability to be that hyper aware that that itself can become maybe disorienting. Of course. Yeah. I think it's something really important for me to separate feelings from emotions.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Once I'm up there. You mean feelings like tactile feelings versus emotions? Okay. Exactly. emotions once i'm up there feelings like tactile feelings versus emotions okay exactly so especially in english it's feelings can mean what you feel like and if i do this i'm gonna be hurt okay feel hurt and feelings like emotions i feel sad i feel good etc once i'm up there i have absolutely no emotions zero emotions you know like i said on the previous episode there's there's no room for emotions basically no room for anything except pure what if i yelled at you from the bottom alexis you have a tiny dick you know you won't basically you won't you
Starting point is 01:09:56 won't get it hey asshole shut up you won't get you won't get angry i won't hear it if i have to be focused enough i will not hear it i It's crazy. I won't hear it. If I have to be focused enough, I will not hear it. I can promise you that. But at the same time, I have no emotions. But I will have a really big sense. All my sense will be multiplied. My sense of touch, my sense of hearing, my sense of anything. Any feelings is multiplied.
Starting point is 01:10:27 You know, the wind that comes on your face, you feel it's like a lot. Single drop of sweat that comes in my hand, I will feel it. Anything I will feel it. So it's a really weird sensation, you know? It sounds like it's like being on psychedelics. Yeah. It's like all my sensations are multiplied and it feels like meditating. It's like I see myself on the third perspective almost.
Starting point is 01:10:54 I mean I'm exaggerating a little bit but yeah. Hey, I fully get it. There's times where I'm sitting still and I can actually feel a bead of sweat come out of a pore i i'll cultivate so much awareness yeah that i'll feel a bead of sweat come out of a pore and it's nuts it's absolutely nuts but it takes a long time to get there and a lot of practice and what you're saying is you go up that high and you get it induces that state yeah yeah that's pretty much it i go i go up there and like even like my forearm that would start to burn or start to get tired i will feel it before uh it actually gets tired whereas if i'm next to the ground i mean i will not listen to my body as well as if
Starting point is 01:11:44 i'm up there because it's crucial for me to anticipate anything that could come along. Like my forearm burning or my sweats that would start to make me feel slippery. All those things I have to anticipate. Caleb, can you pull up the word addicted i want to see what the definition is see um before i use it on you my question is going to be do you think that you're forming some sort of addiction to this sensation let me read addiction is physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance and unable
Starting point is 01:12:25 to stop taking it without occurring adverse effects do you think that maybe if you weren't able to do this you would it would it would uh severely bother you oh yeah if i was not a lot i don't know if for some reason like if they got rid of all the buildings in the world. I would be pretty pissed off. Yeah, for sure. I mean, I also love rock climbing outside, but it would make me really sad. Yeah, for sure. And yeah, I think it's not like I'm not addicted,
Starting point is 01:13:02 but I just love feeling this control. You know, I love it too much to stop. And maybe I'm addicted on one particular climb, actually, which is the Montparnasse Tower. Like I talked about it earlier. The one you've done three times. Yeah. I want to do it again and again and again and again. I mean, it's so perfect.
Starting point is 01:13:21 It feels like it has been made to be climbed because it's not too hard, but it's not too easy. You know, it's it's really high. It's beautiful. There's no other skyscrapers that even come close in terms of being like massive like this and high. It's in the center of Paris. I mean, it's it's in it's in the center of paris i mean it's it's just beautiful and the climb is amazing you know it feels amazing i want to do this again and again and i think i'm addicted to this specific climb actually what's the um what's the closest are there rules for the drone operator like hey don't bring the drone within 30 feet of me or um i mean i i like to actually i like to live my life um based on trust you know i mean i either trust someone or i don't uh for example i don't trust
Starting point is 01:14:16 anyone to belay me on rock climbing i don't trust i don't trust any equipment i don't trust being in a car with somebody else but i trust trust when my friend is climbing below me. And when I'm climbing below my friend, I mean, you get it. And I trust in this particular case, I trust because I'm OK with letting go 100 percent. The thing is that I either have to not let go at all or absolutely let go everything and put my whole life in somebody else's hand so this is why i think i i love also this sport so much because when i'm doing this it's i'm the one controlling my life you know i'm the one i don't have to trust anybody else except me or my friend on which i trust. Same, same as me.
Starting point is 01:15:06 I trust him as much as me, you know? So, yeah. Are you still with the same, do you still have the same girlfriend you had last time? Yeah. It's interesting you said that about complete loss of control or complete control. Are you difficult to get along with?
Starting point is 01:15:22 Loss of control or complete control? Are you difficult to get along with? I think I'm pretty introvert, you know, as a lot of people are. I'm trying to be more extrovert, especially for YouTube, for podcasts like these ones. I'm trying to show more of my personality, be more exciting to be with. But I think I'm hard to get along with. I think I'm – my girlfriend – Like if she took the trash out instead of you and she put the trash can on the curb in the wrong spot, would that be something that you would be like, no, no, no? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:16:01 I don't put importance in my head on these things in life. So you're not a control freak? Because I was starting to picture you as like a control freak. Like if she overcooked your eggs, you might flip out. Or if she made the bed, but you have to make the bed, you would be like, no, no, I do that. Oh, she has to make the bed. Oh, so she's the control freak.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Perfect. But only about the bed. She asked you. Oh, so she's the control freak. Perfect. But only about the bed. Okay. On the other stuff, she's not. But about the bed, it's like religious. You know, the bed has to be made this way, this way, this way. Not like this. So I'm not allowed to touch our bed, you know.
Starting point is 01:16:38 I'm not allowed to make our bed. But the thing is that I think I'm getting bored a lot with a lot of people. Some people talk to me about their stuff. And I know it's a really mean thing to say that. But I'm just being honest. Most people, when they talk about their life, it's just extremely boring. It's absolutely boring. Oh, my God. My post only got 37 likes oh my god
Starting point is 01:17:08 yeah but and recently i talked with a friend and i know that it's possible to talk with like i i know i'm not a dick because i when somebody your english is great by the way when you can say i know i'm not a dick that's some good ass yeah that's good you can say, I know I'm not a dick, that's some good-ass English. Yeah, that's good. I know I'm not a dick because if somebody has an interesting story about them, I can listen for three hours straight without even saying a word. I had some guy recently. He's a journalist, independent journalist, and he went to Ukraine to film like you know the horror and the war and he told me the most extreme and interesting at the same time
Starting point is 01:17:52 things and he was one of the first journalists and he saw things absolutely like that you didn't even see the media because like he couldn't even take some of these things in pictures because you know when you reach some level of gore you can't like take pictures it's just too horrible but he told me like some insane stuff that he saw that he lived like anecdotes uh even some some things are not too depressing yeah sorry i just uh the whole podcast now just took another turn but yeah he told me like even some funny anecdotes, you know, like some Ukrainians, a soldier like beat him, beats like a punch him
Starting point is 01:18:31 because he thought he was a spy and stuff like this. So he has a lot of stories to tell. And that was extremely interesting. And I just listened to him for like three hours. But when- Should I have him on the podcast? Should I have him on the podcast should i have him on the podcast well i i can i can give you his contact like perfect a lot of stuff to talk about i'll bug you in whatsapp afterwards and he's a really interesting person like like he has a lot of
Starting point is 01:18:57 things to say and uh we can talk hours with this guy so yeah it's really cool but when somebody talks about their dogs and how their dogs are cute, like, I don't know how to say this, but I really could not give like, you know, I don't know if I'm allowed to drop the F-bomb here, but I don't care at all. I don't care at all.
Starting point is 01:19:19 And I don't know, like I feel like I'm hard to live with because a lot of the time when people will talk to me, if it's not interesting, I'm not going to pretend. I think that's my biggest... Oh, how do you say in English? The opposite of quality is... A flaw.
Starting point is 01:19:39 A flaw, thanks. So yeah, my biggest flaw is that if I'm bored, I'll be like that. Thanks. So, yeah, my biggest flaw is that if I'm bored, I'll be like that. And I will not pretend to be interested. So that's why I'm hard to live with. That's called having integrity and being sincere also. Yeah, well, thanks.
Starting point is 01:19:59 I just interrupt people when they're boring. Yo. I just interrupt them. Oh, great. What does that say for for me i interrupt it all the time i'll interrupt people even when they're not boring how's that okay so no rules no rules about how close the drone gets to you you trust the guy has he ever flown it too close to you has he ever flown it too close to you yeah once once he had a problem with the drone and the drone almost uh you know crashed into me but everything uh was fine you know i i just decide that i'm not thinking
Starting point is 01:20:32 about this you know it's it's like i said it's binary in my head i either think about it or i don't and in this case i decide to trust him but now the he's getting more and more professional, so my most recent drone shots are really good, so now I know I can trust him. He's not gonna go on me and he's buying a lot of really good quality drones, so I'm good now. But what I don't like is when some guy shows up a few hours before my climb and comes to me and says, hey can I film with my FPV drone? And, you know, just it makes noise. It makes all the drone shots less beautiful because there's always something in a way, like it's annoying because when I climb,
Starting point is 01:21:15 I know it can seem a lot very egocentric, but it's my project. Yeah. Hey, dude, anyone, there's my project. Yeah. Hey dude, anyone did, there's a, there's a, a bit of presumptuous and asshole-ness to actually think that you're going to,
Starting point is 01:21:31 you're going to send a drone up with a guy who's putting his life at risk that you've never met before. I mean, it's already shows a little bit of a bad character trait. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Cause well,
Starting point is 01:21:41 it's also because people don't understand like that. What I'm doing is sports. I'm putting my life in danger because some of those people are... I mean, the people that film me are from urban exploration, which there are really nice people. But some of those people that I actually don't know, they don't understand that what I'm doing is not the same as they do. So it's actually a chance that I fall and I just die. same as they do i'm there's actually a chance that i fall and i i just die so they they just for them it's just another day of urban exploring and flying drones everywhere but for me my life is on the line so i don't even blame them they just don't understand that you know so that's why
Starting point is 01:22:21 when i climb in especially for my next climbs i I want only my drone operator in the sky, in the air, you know, in the air traffic. Nothing else. Because, you know, first one, I don't trust somebody else than my drone operator. The second one, you know, come on. It's my day. You'll be doing that later. But let me climb, you know, bro. How many urban climbers are
Starting point is 01:22:45 there uh less than a dozen is there i think there's a lot of urban climbers in a way that a lot of people do like urban bouldering or urban i mean guys who go over 10 10 floors on the outside of a building yeah how many guys are there urban uh people that do urban climbing, free solo. So like urban free solo, especially now like five, four, five in the world. Yeah. Four or five. Because like there's two guy in the UK,
Starting point is 01:23:14 but they're not specialized in urban climbing. And to be honest, like I'm not being mean and I respect them for what they do, but they, they've never climbed like a hard skyscraper or like a real you know like a real challenge you know so i don't know if we can consider them like a skyscraper climber but even if we even if we took take them in those five just robert me leo those two guys my friend titian so like between four and six in the world, you know.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Are there always police waiting for you at the top? I know I asked you that before, but I know people like to hear the answer to that. Well, not always. The thing is that if security sees me climbing, starting to climb, then they will call the police because they have no other choice.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Otherwise, they might get in trouble. But if the police because they have no other choice otherwise they might get in trouble but if the police come it's not their problem anymore they're out of trouble so this happens but the thing is that the security and the police they always say almost always say say on my last climbs it's always the case they say wow this is great um i hope you're gonna not get in trouble that's that was so cool like bro can we take a selfie like i've taken a few selfie with the police officers and security guys it's like they always say to me that's really cool alexis don't you need to get caught because what if you're on the roof and you don't get caught how do you get the door open to go down? That's exactly what I was going to ask.
Starting point is 01:24:46 That's a good question. The last time I climbed, it was two buildings that are less famous. Really interesting climbs with less famous buildings. So nobody actually saw me climb, except the security. On the first one, nobody saw me climbing. Some people saw me from the ground. They took pictures and stuff, but nobody saw me climbing. Some people saw me from the ground.
Starting point is 01:25:08 They took pictures and stuff, but nobody saw me climb. So I reached up the top and I entered in the building. The door was open. Yeah, the door was open from the inside. And I triggered a silent alarm. So the security was looking at me from inside the building. And they had no idea how I came in. They thought I was like a thief.
Starting point is 01:25:33 And I had to, when they caught me, because they almost didn't caught me. I could have escaped, but they locked the door from the inside on the first floor. I was thinking about exit on the first floor, you know, like the ground floor. Like a regular person? Like a regular person, you were going to exit on the first floor, you know, like the ground floor. I mean, like a regular person, like a regular person, you were going to exit on the first floor. Yeah. So I could have done that and it would have worked, but it wasn't a Sunday. So it was closed.
Starting point is 01:25:53 So like, no, it's closed. And I took a look at the ceiling and I saw that there was a red light doing this. So I understood that I triggered a silent alarm. doing this so i understood that i triggered a silent alarm so i thought i'm either going to sleep here and there's nobody inside or there's a security inside and i'm gonna have to find a way to you know either escape or you know explain to them how i'm got inside and when i saw them they weren't even like looking at me because i i because I tried to exit from the back, which was really hard. It took me half an hour in this maze with no lights. Yeah, I forgot to say, absolutely no lights.
Starting point is 01:26:34 I was almost blind, touching the walls, trying to understand where I was. to understand why I was. And when I saw a guy from the security, I immediately told him, hey, hey, I'm cool. I climbed. I'm cool. I didn't steal anything.
Starting point is 01:26:54 And he didn't believe me that I climbed. He thought I was a thief. Can't he tell by looking at you? I mean, it's kind of odd. I mean, you have weird hands. You're covered in chalk and shit. Yeah, chalk and shit. You look like you've just been in a fight. You're all
Starting point is 01:27:05 sweating your clothes are all jacked and that's true that's true but he he like he couldn't believe that i freesoloed the skyscraper from the inside because and also the a lot of urban explorers they go inside and then they go to the roof they take pictures and then they live from the inside okay but those are urban explorers. Right, right. And we've seen those guys. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And they thought I was one of them because they couldn't believe that I climbed from the outside. You know, I just climbed the building. So, at first, they tried to lock me in. So, that was pretty weird. They tried to lock me. One guy tried to lock me inside a closet. So, I immediately told him that's uh illegal i mean you're not even like police officer you can't like lock me uh inside of a closet
Starting point is 01:27:51 that's uh in france we say sequestration which means like yes i'm familiar yeah like when you lock somebody uh inside a room or lock somebody inside something against its will so it's a big uh you know crime yeah kidnapping or something yeah so i told him hey don't do that uh plus i got a gopro i'll be filming myself from the inside don't do that we're both adults let's just talk let me explain and i i told him like hey you know type my name on google uh because uh this way you can believe me you'll find like articles and video so he he he left two minutes after he comes back and he shakes my hands like bro you're amazing you really climbed this building we're in like you climb for the outside and then he believed me and he saw like videos and he asked me for a selfie
Starting point is 01:28:46 so funny story that when he looked at the camera he was like hey it's not cool etc and he said come on follow me and we went in we went in another room where there's no like security camera and then he said wow bro you're amazing he shaked my hand he asked for a selfie and when he left and he passed by this camera he was all professional again because I think he was scared of His boss looking at him taking a selfie with me like who's like hey what the fuck you're doing, you know? Yeah, you're you're taking a selfie with the guy that break break in, you know But so he called the police the police was I was like, hey, that's cool You know follow us and when I left
Starting point is 01:29:26 They just told me, hey, have a good night. And I asked them, hey, you're not bringing me to the police station or anything? What's happening now? He's like, hey, it's in a sensitive neighborhood. So he told me, you know,
Starting point is 01:29:42 we're in this neighborhood who got other stuff to do. So we just left because it's a place with a lot of crackheads and stuff like that. Yeah, we know what those are. We have a lot of those here. So you don't take a cell phone on the climb? No, I don't know. I try to be as light as possible.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Before a climb, I try to lose a few weights, lose water weights. So no, I don't take any cell phones. I'm trying to be really light. Right. No headlamp? No, nothing. Nothing. You have your bag of chalk, the tape on your fingers and your minimal clothes.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Yeah. Sometimes climbing shoes. Sometimes I don't have climbing shoes. Wearing shoes, barefoot. When did you start going barefoot? How did that start? Were you doing that last time we talked? Were you going barefoot?
Starting point is 01:30:38 Yeah. Oh, you were. Okay. But it depends. Sometimes it's easier to climb a building barefoot. Sometimes it's harder. For example, if the horizontal ledges are really small, I can't go barefoot because I can't use my toes to grab the thin ledges.
Starting point is 01:31:03 But if I'm okay with being barefoot for some reason, like on this one, there is no horizontal ledges. There is just a few, how do you say, like a few cracks like this. And I can't put my shoes in it. Like the crack is too small. It's like this, you know. So I can barely put my big toe in it. So this is why.
Starting point is 01:31:21 I cannot believe these pictures. It's unfathomable that you're actually holding on by there. And all the people who listen to my podcast are pretty fucking strong people. And this is just nuts. Yeah, this is just nuts. Like a regular person can't even go up one floor, right? Like that's just not enough, right? You just can't. It's fucking thick.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Yeah. It's like everything is training like i think it's it's a it's a beautiful uh expression of how we work you know as humans even as the hasimals you know it's like we our body and our mind adapt to a specific environment and yeah you can see on this on this screenshot that can put, I can barely put my big toe in this really small track. And I was not able to fit my shoes. Like I seriously, I tried, it didn't fit. I, and I realized when I was barefoot, I could really like fit my big toe.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Plus, uh, the, um, the climb was easier. Like, you know, when I actually climb, when I'm barefoot, when I'm barefoot, I can use my feet on the glass. You stick more?'s more creepy so it's it's better on this one is better to be barefoot same as on the Franklin Tower which is another skyscraper I climbed it's pretty it's maybe even my hardest challenge yet the bird the Franklin Tower it's the the scratch where I climbed with really wide ledges and so I was barefoot on this one because the same problem, it was not grippy enough with shoes and even like if I tried to extend my feet as much as I could, it was not possible.
Starting point is 01:33:06 It was not grippy enough. There's a video I want to show. It's down at the bottom, Caleb. It says, when did you decide to climb down to the hook? You climbed a crane here. Oh, yeah. And then you lowered down to the hook. Was that the plan all along yeah when
Starting point is 01:33:27 did when did you decide to do that so that's actually rather that's pretty easy to be honest it doesn't require much strength but i i had fun like going back up on the cable without using my feet so just my hands oh my god and um that actually was the idea of my friend Leo. I got to give credit to him. It was his idea. So you knew when you climbed up there, you were going to lower onto the hook. That wasn't like a last minute idea.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Yeah, that was our idea. But the thing is that before, I did something much harder on this crane, but it was positioned differently. It was more like this. And I was able to go down the whole crane using the cable, not just five meters, like the whole 30 or 40 meters crane with the cable. Like Mission Impossible style, with both of my feet on the cable and both of my hands on the cable, just going down like this. And then I was frustrated because the crane moved.
Starting point is 01:34:31 So this was not possible. I mean, it was still possible, but it became much easier. The crane was much smaller, so it was not much interesting. So Leo had the idea of doing this instead which is you know it's money shots so it's pretty cool yeah that's incredible thanks alexis have you have you done any climbs and just you see something you see something weird like on a ledge somewhere there's like a gold watch or a bracelet or an earring or a bird's nest or have you ever seen some shit and you're like how did this get here yeah yeah so i i've i think i've seen a coca-cola bottle of course they're everywhere
Starting point is 01:35:16 i was climbing the sky milia in barcelona which is a hotel. 100 meters and 20, 120 meters. And in the middle, there's a Coke bottle that's been here maybe like, who knows, for like years, maybe. Window cleaner? I don't know, maybe 10 years, maybe 20 years. And you can see it's no bottle
Starting point is 01:35:39 too. And I have no idea how we end up here. Do you think the window cleaner left it there? Maybe. That's a big possibility because I know that it's not going to get out. It's like it has been placed there. Because basically, the SkyMiller is like this. You climb big, you pinch big piece of metal,
Starting point is 01:36:01 and it's behind those piece of metal. So it's not here like by mistake somebody right put it here it's not it's actually not easy to put it here you know and it's not going to go out so i don't know is it still there i think yeah you left it i didn't touch it but maybe wow and i've seen also bird nests around the middle like 100 meters high when I was around the middle of the NG tower it's really easy to climb
Starting point is 01:36:31 skyscrapers and sometimes there are big places where you can find like three pieces of metal like this and it's every three meters a bird built a nest on the thing, on the top of this thing.
Starting point is 01:36:48 And it's a clever idea because it's not moving. Have you been in any movies? Have you been asked to do any commercials? Is there any work that's come out of this? So I wish. I wish. I would love to do stands for movies
Starting point is 01:37:05 because I'm I mean I could do climb stuff but I could could also do like parkour stuff you know jumping from a rooftop
Starting point is 01:37:14 to another stuff like that so I would love to for now I'm doing a movie documentary that will be out
Starting point is 01:37:23 maybe in 2023 or 2024 we're shooting this with a company that will be out maybe in 2023 or 2024. We're shooting this with a company that's called Vladar Company. Now we're not... We have a few sequences to shoot, but I can't wait for this movie to be made
Starting point is 01:37:38 and to be out. And there's also another documentary, a vice documentary, that should be out in February or March. Okay. Don't get too close to those guys, the Vice guys. Why? They have a virus in their mind.
Starting point is 01:37:54 They're sick people. They're what we call in the United States, woke. Be very careful around those guys. Don't let that disease catch you. Don't let that disease catch you. No disease can catch me. But the thing about Vice is that there's a lot of – like, Vice is a huge company. Like, there's a lot of – there's Vice News, Vice.
Starting point is 01:38:14 And they have a lot of stuff, you know, that you talk about on social media. But they also have, like, really good documentaries about, like, cartel. I hear you. I didn't mean to shit on your documentary. I just wanted you to know. I don't want you to get sick. I don't want you spreading across the United States now. We're waiting for it to go away. Yeah, I'm not getting sick.
Starting point is 01:38:34 Good, good. Next thing you know, you'll be feeling sorry for yourself. Is there a building that you're afraid even to think of, but you want to think of it? Is there a building you that that that you're afraid even to think of but you want to think of it is there a building you're like fuck that thing has to be done like what about this transamerica building in san francisco this one that's like pointy like this so yeah i have a building that i have in mind but the thing is that i it's i i know i can do it but now the question is how much effort am i going to put in this
Starting point is 01:39:10 project so i'm sure to survive you know now that that's the question and and and this building when you think of a building um give me an i'm sure there's more than you can talk about but give me some of the ideas like what are the things you have to think about like um you're obviously not worried about the police so we'll just scratch that but is it it's the windows it's the weather it's the what what is it that would what would make a building so hard that like oh shit this one's going to take a special um so i would say uh there are three things that could uh change a building's difficulty the first one is the movements by themselves you know are they difficult do they require a lot of energy are they hard are they technical so that's the first thing is that
Starting point is 01:40:02 are the movements hard are the movements meaning and to give an example of that for people i see in some climbs you're pushing your feet out as opposed to some climbs you're not so that's a different technical move like it's almost like i never do that movement in my life i never push my legs out yeah i actually see you doing that in some in some climbs i'm like holy, that looks scary. Not on this one, but on other climbs, yeah. Okay, so that's what you mean by the technicality or the difficulty. Like that.
Starting point is 01:40:34 That one, it's almost like you're wedging out, right? On this one, the handholds are really small. Same for the feet. So that's the main difficulty. Okay. Okay, sorry, I interrupted. So there's three things. No problem. So there's that. difficulty. Okay. Okay. Sorry, I interrupted. So there's three things. No problem.
Starting point is 01:40:46 So there's that. Is it hard? For example, on my last climb, the climb itself was not too hard, but the final part was really sketchy. Like I said, I have to push with my feet and my hands at the same time, try to get up and not lose balance. And plus, I didn't have the occasion to train this beforehand. So that was really sketchy. So that's one of the factors that can make a building hard. The second one is how can I rest? How can I deal with my energy levels?
Starting point is 01:41:16 So for example, my last climb was not, the movements on my last climb was not hard by themselves, especially when I was barefoot, I had a good grip, it was okay. But I had almost no opportunity to rest. I was able to let go one hand for a quick moment just to chalk up, you know, in my chalk bag behind my back and then had to go back to climbing again.
Starting point is 01:41:38 So the climb was not too hard, not too tiring, but I had almost no opportunity to rest. Still have an opportunity to let go one hand, which is already really good. So if it's a tall building, muscular fatigue. Yeah, exactly. That's where muscular fatigue can be a problem, especially if the movements are hard and it requires a lot of energy. And the last factor is the height of the building. So for example, it would be okay for me to climb a building that is really
Starting point is 01:42:05 high if the movements are medium hard and there's pretty good rest. It will be okay for me to climb a building that is not too high if the movements are not too hard and if I don't have any rest. What would be really hard is to climb a building that is really high that have absolutely no um no opportunity to rest and the movements within this climb being hard so that that would be like the hardest challenge and there's this building in france that i want to do that is really high it's 200 meters uh there's absolutely no rest whatsoever you can't even like stop just you just have to start and keep going until you reach the top plus uh the climb by itself is pretty technical pretty sketchy and pretty pretty energy required uh requiring you know so yeah that's that when you say rest how long is rest
Starting point is 01:42:59 like a place where you like you can stand for a minute, 60 seconds? No, no. But I mean, that would be a pretty good rest. But for example, on the Montparnasse Tower or Total Tower, I can let go one hand and stay one minute with one hand like this and one hand that is being, you know, being like… Let the blood get back in there. Rest, you know. In and out, yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Exactly. So I can just, you know, rest a little bit with my hands. On my last climb i was able to let go one hand but only for 10 seconds not more crazy alexis thank you so much for your time i have one one question one final question these these these these um climbers who've become really famous like you know doing this stuff at yosemite in the united states are the ones who are doing these three times how do they um do doing these street climbs. How do they... Do you know them?
Starting point is 01:43:47 What is your interaction like with these guys? What do they think about what you're doing? I don't know too much about what Arnold thinks about what I'm doing. I know he's not hostile to urban climbing because he had thought about doing Taipei 101 free solo.
Starting point is 01:44:07 So that was a possibility for him to do so. That's a building? Yeah. And I think it's a building in Asia. And I think he's open-minded. But maybe the fact that I'm only doing this, not in my training, of course. fact that i'm only doing this not in my training of course in my training like 80 percent of my training is rock climbing regular classic old school rock climbing but the the fact that i only show urban climbing would make me like not a real climber for some people so i i don't know if
Starting point is 01:44:41 uh arnold would be like uh cool with me for this or not, but I know there's a famous climber called Magnus Midbo, and he really likes what I'm doing. And we actually made a video together. So I know a lot of climbers are open-minded. I'm cool. They are cool with that because they also understand that I'm doing this because I'm training
Starting point is 01:45:06 regular climber you know i'm a climber like them so that's cool there's a bunch of people uh like you know champions in france uh boulder and champions that blocked me on instagram because oh oh almost right to the end someone blocked him on. Why would you block that dude? I remembered him talking about, I can't remember if, if I was blocked, what I was watching with it or if it was even him, but they were talking about the difference between the rock climbers and why they're saying like, why they kind of hate on those guys is because those guys just have repetition. So like the window is always the same window, right? Right. So you climb the first two and then it's just basically repeat rinse and repeat all the way up as opposed to the rock climbing is much more dynamic because
Starting point is 01:45:49 it's not there's no one area that's exactly alike i want to i want to i was going to ask him one more question too i wonder if every bit he sees every building is climbable like what like is is is that building the the burj khalif that one that the CrossFitters ran up the other day, is that the crown jewel? Right. I'm going to tell them what's up. Dude, that one on the crane was gnarly. Brother, can't wait. We will stay in touch
Starting point is 01:46:25 talk to you soon oh alright we will talk to you sooner than I thought hey okay last question last question sorry I said that was last question here's the real last oh so you were saying someone blocked you on Instagram like some rock
Starting point is 01:46:43 climber dude blocked you Alexis can you hear me Oh, so you were saying someone blocked you on Instagram, like some rock climber dude blocked you? Alexis, can you hear me? Alexis Landolt. Landolt. Alexis. No. I heard, I heard, yeah, it's lagging.
Starting point is 01:47:01 It's lagging. Okay. Hey, thank you so much for your interview. I don't know what's going on with my connection. Don interview don't worry you were fantastic and we will be in touch hope to talk to you again in another six months thank you so much for your time you're fascinating human being peace and love that what's the background music i know this picture dude's in there in france like rock climbing smoking little sick little skinny cigarettes and like sipping their espressos they probably that's probably like a record player
Starting point is 01:47:34 uh the chinese shut down his whatsapp if they've heard enough the bird doesn't have anything to grab. Oh, come on. Come on. All of a sudden, Tyler, you're an expert. Come on. Everything's got something to grab. That's what your wife said to you, Tyler. Just because your wife said, Tyler, you got nothing to grab. Don't project that on the bird,
Starting point is 01:47:57 Tyler. I gotta run to you guys. You're the man. Later, brother. That was awesome. He's awesome. Yeah, he's great oh who do we have anyone on tomorrow no oh i don't even have to do a fucking i'm done i have to hang out with caleb and then uh i don't have a podcast today yeah oh that worked out hey have you noticed the thumbnails i'm making on canva they're fucking awesome i haven't taught me how to do one of them caught my eye this is when i
Starting point is 01:48:25 this is what i knew it was uh it was it was working because one of them caught my eye and i didn't know it was it was the show oh now the obesity one i was scrolling and i saw it and i i was like oh wait what is this and i looked and i was like oh shit this is a clip from the show so that's when you know it's effective like i didn't even i don't even know but yeah the thumbnails you've been making have been off the hook. Hey, I want to say, I want to say one thing to you real quick.
Starting point is 01:48:49 Yeah. Um, so, uh, Susan and I were hanging out here in Newport last time and I do this workout all the time. I tell you guys about, I do 10 burpees on the minute,
Starting point is 01:48:56 um, for 10 minutes and fucking Susan's like, I'll do it with you. And then, so Susan did 10 minutes. He did the 10 burpees. And then while I would rest, he did 10 air squats. So at the end of it, I'm dying.. He did the 10 burpees. And then while I would rest, he did 10 air squats.
Starting point is 01:49:05 So at the end of it, I'm dying. And I did 100 burpees. But he had done 100 burpees and 100 air squats. So yesterday, I don't know if you saw this workout that Hiller put up the other day. But he did max air squats in 10 minutes. And I just played the video. He actually suggested it to me. He goes, just play the video and you can do it with me.
Starting point is 01:49:23 And I was like, oh, that's kind of cool. And then my wife came in here. i got 274 without stopping and she took breaks and she got 301 yeah sometimes that works out better that way if you could just move with a little bit quicker shake it out take your break move a little bit quicker it ends up being uh overall better sometimes than just a consistent steady movement yeah i was just i was steady and i would look over and i would try to keep up with her and i would start feeling some crazy burn i'm like okay back off anyway what do you think about that workout good workout i'm pretty sore i did it last night before i went to bed 10 minutes max air squats yeah yeah it's a great
Starting point is 01:49:59 workout yeah i'm pretty sorry it's probably gonna jack you up you might even be more sore tomorrow yeah i will probably your butt and your hamstring meet? Yeah. Yeah. That always gets me there, too. Right where my butt and my hamstring meet. Yeah, that's the official anatomy terms there. All right, guys, I got to run to the fire department.
Starting point is 01:50:17 Okay, do that workout. I want to know what you get. He got 329. Do that workout. He got 329? Yeah. Okay, so now I just got gotta game it and get three 330 yeah all right cool later guys okay bye holy shit i did 10 burpees every minute on the minute for an hour Oh my God, dude. I would die. I would die. I wouldn't be sore if I was on TRT. Good point.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Yeah, man. Oh, the bear crawls. Yeah. Hey, I wasn't making fun of bear crawls are an amazing um uh amazing workout i think crawling is is is a fantastic workout what i was saying is is that like if you're competing if the if you have a choice if caleb has to do handstand walk and i get to do bear crawls and we're competing we're now not competing you know if there's a thousand dollars on the line, um, yeah, there I am. I had done that two days before and I was so sore and I'm like, I'm just going to try to do it again. Yeah. That's at the end. It's probably, I'm guessing it's probably 60 yards. That looks rough. Oh, there was one time when I was, uh, I was trying out for the soccer team in high school. The, we had like these, um, We had these spec op guys come in and do a training with us.
Starting point is 01:51:50 One day, they just showed up and were like, you're bear crawling everywhere you go. This was a freshman in high school. They're like, you're bear crawling everywhere you go. We bear crawl from one field to the next, and then from that field to the next field. Then they're like, all right, bear crawl around one field to the next and then from that field to the next field and then
Starting point is 01:52:05 they're like all right and bear crawl around the around the field and then there was a track and he barefell crawled on the track and they're like all right you need to do a 400 meter bear crawl for time it was like probably three hours of bear crawls it was miserable uh i that's funny i told hillar i'm like dude i'm fucking such a badass. I bear crawled 60 yards. He's like, dude, I what? He's like,
Starting point is 01:52:27 I've bear crawled 400 yards in a workout. That was an hour long. And that was just a piece of it. I was like, fuck me. It's hard, dude. Oh,
Starting point is 01:52:36 it's so hard. My traps are so sore to the touch. Damn. Oh man. But I just made sure I didn't stop. I was you can do it just go just one one step at a time i'm sometimes i get so uh so oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Not that red, but a... Sorry. I'm speaking to a fellow father about kid sickness. Gross.
Starting point is 01:53:39 Kid sickness is probably the worst to deal with. When I raised to teach some lessons, kids would just show up to the pool, just snotty and sneezing and coughing. And I was like, can you just take your kid home? Cause I didn't want to teach that kid. Are you using warm compress? Two hours. warm compress solves everything if there was anything i ever had wrong with me my mom would just be like did you use a warm compress warm compress warm compress okay um so tomorrow we have a show. I'm pretty proud of the, I'm pretty proud of the,
Starting point is 01:54:29 what happens if I click on a show that's past live streams? Oh yeah. So, oh yeah. So this is, I made this, I think this is tomorrow's show.
Starting point is 01:54:43 Oh dude, we're going to get Alex Stein on again. I'm so excited. I saw that. I was going to start tomorrow. Look at this. So it says, what's going on at the morning chalk up? And it shows Justin LaFranco sitting in a toilet bowl with Dave Castro reaching his hand out to him.
Starting point is 01:54:58 And then it shows Lauren Khalil as the queen of the morning chalk up. And then it shows Brian, Tommy, and Patrick because know because they left yeah we cut off yeah that's pretty that's dope yeah oh and in Canva it's kind of ghetto it's like you feel like you're a little kid just like drawing with crayons it's just like oh yeah but it's so easy it's so easy so easy i just throw a bunch of shit on there and i'm like yes yeah oh so you've been using it too you've been fooling with it too yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm pretty uh i'm pretty proud of that let me see what what um i was pretty proud of that one with the uh who gets reparations and i put the black and white reel let me see what other ones i've made oh i made this one last night uh too uh this is alex stein and then it's like a dumpster fire with dave portnoy and aoc's head coming out that's amazing i love that i'm getting pretty excited i
Starting point is 01:55:59 will kill anyone who sends me designs in canada i'm sure, I'm sure it is ghetto, but man, is it fun? It is fun. Uh, it looks like you could make like videos in there too. Like stuff that's animated. I haven't, I haven't fooled around with it.
Starting point is 01:56:18 Oh yeah. Okay. So tomorrow, um, is tomorrow is Thursday. I don't see. Oh. Is tomorrow Thursday? Tomorrow's Wednesday. Tomorrow's Wednesday. Tomorrow's Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Okay. So we have a live calling show in the morning and then Thursday, I don't know what we're doing in the morning, but in the evening I'm doing a show with, uh, J. R. Howell and, um,
Starting point is 01:56:51 Taylor self from SMTP programming. We're going to just take a look at the, uh, legends programming that just went on over there. Um, how was the talk at the boy school? Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:57:02 So awesome. I'm going to try to get you links. So awesome. What a, what a cool honor to speak to those boys. What a cool thing. It was through Matt Boudreau. He owns a bunch of acting academies. I think he's partners with who's the guy, the, the, like the, the, the Ranger fighter, UFC fighter, Tim Kennedy, Tim Kennedy, Tim Kennedy's his partner over there. Um, Boudreaux is so hooked up. God, man, he, what a great dude, what a fulfilling life. And yeah, he, he invited me to speak to a group of kids, uh, ages 10 through maybe 18. Wow. And, uh, I,
Starting point is 01:57:46 I, I, I tried to leave them with, uh, some, some, some practices that they could practice on their own to cultivate, you know, a more self-awareness and talk to him about,
Starting point is 01:57:56 you know, keeping it real. And it was cool. And I think I only said the word shit like three times. I was really trying not to swear. I was pretty proud. A new record. Wow. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I didn't drop a single F bomb. I'm going to try to get a, uh, shit like three times i was really trying not to swear that's pretty proud a new record wow
Starting point is 01:58:05 yeah i'm pretty sure i didn't drop a single f-bomb i'm gonna try to get a uh i'm gonna try to get a i'm gonna try to get a copy of that i'd love to publish that on my own site if i could so i'm gonna tell you if you guys want you guys up for one more story? You got time? Always. Yep. So I saw this on Corey's Instagram account, and it brought back some memories. I'll tell you about it in a second. You don't have to play this whole thing. It's number 299.
Starting point is 01:58:44 And we'll just play the beginning of it. When we get to the part that's relevant to my story, we'll just hit pause. But it's about pedophilia and shit like that in Hollywood. But it's a pretty – this is a trip. This first thing is a trip. This is Demi Moore kissing some little kid, which is – it looks like a little kid to me. I mean, I don't know. Maybe that dude's Benjamin Button, but I don't know. But here we here
Starting point is 01:59:05 we go tell you that the number one problem in hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia it's the biggest problem for children in this industry nobody talks about pedophilia it's a big secret so i don't know if you guys know that when i was a kid that was like one of the most famous kids in hollywood i forget his name like cory feldman or cory something haynes and uh i think he was in the movie lost boys and he was he was everywhere but anyway go on widespread oh yeah i was surrounded by them when i was 14 years video surfaced in 2017 of actor Demi Moore kissing a 15-year-old boy. I don't know. Maybe just because I love them all and I hope they all love me.
Starting point is 01:59:50 We do love him. And I love them. Here's Hollywood movie producer Victor Salva, who produced movies like Jeepers Creepers 3, Powder, and Clown House. During the making of Clown House, Victor Salva asked 12-year-old Nathan Forrest Winters to stay after filming for extra rehearsals. Salva then forced Nathan to receive and give oral sex while he filmed it. Salva served 15 months, then went on to produce Powder. Okay, pause. 15 months they went on to produce powder okay pause so that movie clown house i was an extra in and they set up a carnival in uh conquered california and i went there with a friend and
Starting point is 02:00:34 we were extras and i'll never forget victor salve that was the director of the movie and he would always gather all the kids around and he would always like be like do you want a talking part do you want a talking part do you want a talking part and like he would like like and we were i was i was super excited and i was probably in the seventh or eighth grade probably wasn't even firing loads at the time and it would for those you don't know what that is for us guys there's a point where you masturbate and there no semen comes out but it's but then that pre-masturbation pre-firing loads and then your life's ruined when you start firing loads you got to deal with that but but um i'll never forget he gathered he gathered like three
Starting point is 02:01:15 of us boys around and he started telling us now listen if you boys are going to masturbate you should always masturbate into a sock and i remember hearing that story and him telling me and my buddy, my buddy's name was Patrick. And it was the star, that kid that was molested. He was there too. And I don't think that movie ever got released by the way. But anyway, um, he ended up getting in, he ended up getting in trouble. And when I would tell, when I would come home and tell my stepmother stories about being on the set of the movie, she would say to me – because there were a bunch of stories I told. She would say – and I don't even think I told her the masturbate in the sock one. I told her less graphic ones, yes. And I don't know.
Starting point is 02:02:02 I don't know why not a sock. A different discussion. We'll get back to why you met Jack off in a sock anyway it was new to me I'd never even heard of that but I'm assuming just so you don't have to clean the mess up you know just like you don't have to get out of bed just jerk off into a sock and then just
Starting point is 02:02:18 throw it off to the side and go to sleep but she told me she's like hey stay away from that guy don't be alone with that guy and i got really angry at her i'm like don't tell me what the fuck to do fucking six months later go go figure that adult was right my stepmom was right and that dude uh went to jail for 15 months and then he made the movie powder which i ended up actually seeing, which was actually kind of an amazing movie. I don't know if you ever saw Powder. But, yeah, so I was like, wow, small world. I crossed paths with that pedophile.
Starting point is 02:02:55 Ah, see, Jiggy, all you needed is a little explanation. You're like, ah, I see. Yes, of course. Vindicate has never used a sock. there you go. Uh, uh, vindicate has never used a sock. He doesn't have to, because he has so many extra t-shirts laying around,
Starting point is 02:03:12 um, the house. Uh, my chest is tightening so bad talking about this stuff. I understand. Uh, anyway, that is the show for today.
Starting point is 02:03:23 I hope you guys enjoyed it. Um, that is the show for today. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Um, that's it. Nothing else. Uh, we will see you tomorrow for the, uh, live call-in show. And, uh, thanks for, um, basically we're doing so many live call-in shows cause it takes a little bit of stress off of me. Not that I'm stressed when we have guests, but it requires more work on my end. And I'm, you know, on vacation. One more story. Do you want there to be masturbation in it? What's the topic?
Starting point is 02:04:01 Okay, here's one more. Let's play 301. okay here's one more let's play let's play 301 do you guys remember when there was that footage going around where they were showing all those dead bodies from covid in india and then someone came over and pushed one of the bags and they were just body bags filled like with straw and it was all a fucking publicity stunt do you remember that shit don't forget that shit and here's another publicity stunt don't this is just kind of like don't forget what a fucking scam this whole thing was i'm not saying it's you idiots who are telling me oh seven things covid's a hoax i don't think it's a hoax i think the remedy was a scam
Starting point is 02:04:38 i think the way of calling it a pandemic was a scam. I think the propaganda around it was a scam. Do I think that there's actually a virus that they've called COVID? Yeah, I suspect that that's 100% accurate. Would I bet my kid's life on it? No. Absolutely not. Google around and try to find the virus, by the way. You know, one of the reasons I heard before we play this is that they can never show you the virus is that the virus is so small that it has no color.
Starting point is 02:05:07 And I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I think it's obviously has to do with something about how it reflects light. But there is actually no way of actually seeing that virus. Yeah, the scamdemic. Yeah. That's different than thinking COVID is a hoax. You idiots who say stuff like that or being anti-vax you idiots no you are you are pro-drug extremists insisting that kids take drugs okay action watch this this is pretty funny what you kovid cleaner kovid cleaner Are you for real? What the fuck? That's something out of fucking...
Starting point is 02:05:46 Do you really have to wear that? Do you really have to wear that? What are you doing? Why are you taking photos? You're not even doing it. You're just doing that for paparazzi. Why are you doing this? You're not even cleaning. That guy's posing in a suit. You're not even cleaning. you're just doing that for paparazzi why are you doing this you're not even cleaning that guy's posing and you're not even cleaning you're just taking
Starting point is 02:06:09 photos what are you doing what are you doing you're not even cleaning what are you doing is it is this is this for the media is this for the media who are you what are you doing you're taking photos for the media propaganda why areanda. Why are you dressed like that? Why are you dressed like that? You're taking photos for the media. What? Helping. She's not doing nothing.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Get on here to make fear in people's. Yeah. They're creating fear, but people are considering it helping. You're just saying that as a pastor by his name and watch this, what just happened. Pandemic influencer. Oh, that's a good term. That's a great, that's a great term.
Starting point is 02:06:59 I don't know what's going on with Gucci over there, but I'm hearing that a Gucci is now ending is going ending, is going to take the way of, you know, that other company that started with the B, Balenciaga or whatever that one is. Balenciaga. Yeah. I don't know if you guys are following that story. That story just gets creepier and creepier. But I guess Gucci is going down the same path. I heard it yesterday on the news and then I started googling around about gucci and holy shit
Starting point is 02:07:26 sell your gucci shit switch to prada or something it's not buying designer bullshit oh my goodness poor gucci buh-bye oh that's why i like a strong American brand like CrossFit. All right, guys. Oh, Balenciaga. Yeah, that one. Yes, everyone go listen to Sally by Gucci Crew. Brandon Waddell corrected me on that.
Starting point is 02:08:00 Roxanne Roxanne was by UTFO. I appreciate that. Okay. Love you guys. See you guys tomorrow. thanks for joining in thank you alexis land land lot land dot for coming on the show uh matt souza thank you caleb beaver thank you

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