The Sevan Podcast - #707 - Morning Chalk Up... Whaaaat Happppened? Live Call In Show

Episode Date: December 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Maybe I'll start the show today standing. Bam, we're live. This mic, if I'm not close to this mic, you can't hear me good, huh? Right?
Starting point is 00:00:37 As soon as I back away. Yeah. The one at home in my studio is not like that. I think I kind of like it. That you're that close? Okay. Good morning. Jessica, Vindicate, Corey, Bruce, good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Sorry, I just started jamming in with you, dude. I just started jamming in with you, dude. I just... What's up? Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. The Circle, part five. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:19 If I told you... If I tell you that Avi and Ari and Joseph are my sons, what I'm telling you is that I put my penis inside of a girl and I ejaculated in her and that semen mixed with her eggs and then she gave birth to those kids. That's what it means that those are my sons. It's a signifier. That word is a signifier for that.
Starting point is 00:01:55 If I told you Caleb was my brother, you would assume that the same man, by definition, if that word has a definition, you would assume that the same man and woman had intercourse, penis, vaginal intercourse, and that him and I were both birthed from that woman. Those are what words do. do. And then if later on you found out that Caleb wasn't my brother, that actually he was maybe adopted or that maybe he has a different father or a different mother, you would know that I lied to you. And you would spin a story that made it so that you could accept that lie. But for some reason, some lies bother you and other lies don't. And so when you take the stand that you don't like people who are lying
Starting point is 00:03:04 and yet you have wiggle room in what it means when someone lies to like people who are lying and yet you have wiggle room and what it means when someone lies to you and when it doesn't you have you have wiggle room for it the truth is is that you don't care if someone lies to you or not based you shouldn't be upset at them it's something inside of yourself for some reason some lies bother you and some lies don't because of some other story you're telling yourself. And that story comes from a false sense of yourself, of who you think you are, of who you think of what you deserve. Of who you think I is, I, when you use the word I. I'll give you another example.
Starting point is 00:03:47 the word I. I'll give you another example. If Sousa were to tell you a story today about how his car broke down, it wouldn't bother you too much. On a one to 10, you might feel a little bad for Sousa. It might be a one or a two. But if it was your car, all of a sudden it would go up to an eight or a nine because for some reason that word matters that matters because it's happening to you and so when you think you're mad at the liver king because he lied you are lying to yourself you are a liar i know that you're not using words correctly and you're lying to yourself and so now you are the liar because the truth is you've told yourself that story for some reason,
Starting point is 00:04:32 you are so important. You've decided when it's okay that people lie to you and who they don't lie to you. And so then you spin another story. Oh, but it's because he was selling stuff. And you keep spinning stories around that so that you don't have to look at yourself. I knew you were going to pick that comment. For some reason reason it matters you spin the story when when i decided when you want the world to be funny, you spin stories that are funny. The truth is that when I walked into that bathroom the other day and I saw that guy sitting on the stall with his legs wide open in Newport Beach, the truth, you want to know the truth?
Starting point is 00:05:36 I was ecstatic. I was fucking tickled. Got a little excited? Yeah, because it's a story for my podcast where i get to pretend like i give a shit we're not on we're not on lk we're we're we're trying we're trying to we're trying to get to the truth i'm going to show you a clip later on today where candace owens calls something evil and it's just words like that they're just lazy words you don't want to get to the truth it's when you want you trying to convince you're trying to get on a team to spin a reality that's not true that other people on so it holds more merit we all do it all the time
Starting point is 00:06:17 just spinning stories to try to hold down our identity. No, it wasn't hard, but I was like, oh, this is going to be some good shit. This will give me 10 minutes of chatter on my podcast. Oh, wait, that's the thing, Riley. We never had to be over it because we were never on it. See, like, whatever, right? It just is. It's just stories.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Good morning, Corey. That's what I did when you dropped off. Look how wide that stance is, Corey has. There's those people that do that. You know that off look how wide that stance is cory has there's those people that do that you know that look how wide that is i don't um i don't i don't squat that wide oh it's different for everybody sometimes i wonder if that's when my back is my i think my back might prefer that, a wider squat. You have a great squat, though. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Seen it. At my very first L1, I remember Nicole Carroll coming over to me and going, holy cow, and then she went over and grabbed Greg. It was when Greg did all the lectures. She's like, look at his squat. I didn't chub up, but I felt good. You know what I mean? Yeah. The same thing happened at my L but I, but I felt good. Like, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, the same thing happened at mile one, but it was the reverse. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Who cares? You put a hundred pounds more over your head than I did. I wish I had a shittier squat and I could put over 300 pounds over my head. And it was funny. Cause I thought like I moved really well just cause I was like the fastest one at the gym at the time. And I had like just started the journey, my journey of like crossfit from the evolution from like the backyard into an actual affiliate yeah and i was like saved my tax return when it got me all one i was like i'm gonna be the star when i walk in they're gonna be like look at this talent and then i get there and it was trash and i was at the center every time for every movement. What year was that? When did you do your L1? 2013. I had Jason Kalipa, Neil Maddox, Pat Barber, and Miranda as my staff.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Talk about an awesome group. Jason was funny when he taught the L1s. Oh, he was awesome. And that was when they still allowed Fran. Yeah, that was going to be allowed uh fran yeah that was gonna be one of my questions yeah in the beer social i don't know if they do the beer wow anymore wow i do remember the beer uh social yep um i have good news for you guys if you go to california hormones ca and you put punch in the code seven you'll get a free doctor's
Starting point is 00:09:04 consultation if you're in california you can get your the code seven, you'll get a free doctor's consultation. If you were in California, you can get your blood work for free. You can. And if you are out of state, you can get your insurance to get your blood work. Um, the, um, bad news is, and it's not bad, but there's been a temporary hiatus on those, um, beautiful boxes that they would send out that had the needles fully loaded. Um, there's just been a stop on those beautiful boxes that they would send out that had the needles fully loaded. There's just been a stop on those for some production reason. They're still sending out, obviously, the medication, but it just comes in a different form. But they will get back to those boxes.
Starting point is 00:09:36 So if you sign up now, be patient. You'll go the old school way, I think the way Gary Roberts got it, where it's just in a vial with the needles. And then eventually they'll get back to the boxes. They just had a production issue. So they're just doing some quality control QC. There you go. QC on it. They still have the beer social at the L1.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Oh, they do. Awesome. Yeah. Sevan, are you ever going to send me that mouse pad with uh probably not and that was actually my fault because last time i was at your house i was like oh i'm taking all these so i could mail them to the right people and then i forgot them on the couch but when i when you get back from newport i'll come over and i'll grab them and i'll mail them out to everybody along with hunter's gimbal i gotta mail that out today sorry sorry hillar so hunter was telling the truth it's an
Starting point is 00:10:24 old shoebox now yeah maybe hunter when hunter got it he didn't get the shoebox maybe that's how he knows oh oh oh no i saw ryan fisher yesterday oh you did yeah you go like hang out with him was it accidental no i was it was on purpose i had called him to uh one of our mutual uh friends needed some gym equipment and i called him and i knew he was in the area and he has um that gym out here called chalk sexy gym very sexy gym yeah it's a cool question um where's lauren khalil i don't know in bed i don't know not my bed but i mean someone's bed, her bed. Hustling queen of hustle. Yeah. She's probably making a video.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Uh, and, uh, it was cool. I really enjoyed hanging out with him. We hung out for about an hour, hour and a half. And then he said he has an indoor trampoline at his house. And he said, it's, it's really remarkable. It's worth seeing. He said, I could bring my kids over to jump on it. So I might try, I might try to do that today. Oh, that's awesome. Not that kind of chalk. C-H-A-L-K. What were you going to say, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:11:33 I was going to ask, is he close by? Dude, he rode his bike over. I met him at Dory's. Ah, Dory's. Ah, Dory's. I told you about that time I went to Dory's wearing the CEO shirt when I was just when it was just Hillary and I got I got up early and walked and walked down there and then the guy was like oh where's our buddy referring to you like recognized me from the shirt and then realized
Starting point is 00:11:57 that I was with you last time we were there I'm starting I feel almost like a regular there like there's guys you sit at the bar in the morning who say hi to me. They get going early down there at that bar. Yeah. A guy named Mark. I've chatted with him a bit and we always fist bump. It's kind of nice. I like community.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Yeah. The, the, the thumbnail I made that had like Dave Castro reaching his hand to to help Justin LaFranco out of the toilet, or depending on how you look at it, setting him gently into the toilet. I'm waiting to see what's up with the headline so I can continue hustling. How did I know she was listening? It's a great photo of her. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 00:12:42 That would be like LinkedIn status if it was just tilted the right way. And then it shows – and then the picture continues to show – oh, by the way, someone – I'm assuming it's Will Branstetter. I'm spending all this time on Canva making thumbnails that I think are fucking amazing. And then I go back and look, my thumbnails are down and it will, will is very particular. He's very particular. I tried to do the same thing. That's,
Starting point is 00:13:12 that's the problem when you have an all. Oh, really? You make them and we'll just, just stomps on them. Yeah. Every time the kid, the youngest guy in the group,
Starting point is 00:13:20 the most opinionated, that's the problem. You don't pay anyone. You can't like, I can't be like, well, why'd you take my shit down? there it is so here you have what's going on at the morning chalk up and i went over and like i went on google and i i pulled the morning chalk up logo and then that was a show lauren did with patrick tommy and brian and i thought that was funny and i just put
Starting point is 00:13:40 x's through them because they're gone and then i I put the crown over Lauren's head because to me, she's the king and the queen over there, all of it. She's the entire fucking monarchy at the morning chalk up. And then I just found a picture of Justin LaFranco shaking. He was sitting down and shaking hands with Dave, and I just thought it would be funny to put that in the toilet bowl you know what i almost didn't do that because i thought it was mean but then i was like you know what i i had a an advisor tell me andrew hiller tell me just go with it just go with your first idea don't be afraid don't be a pussy andrew's like don't overthink it just make it um here's here's here's what i'm tripping on
Starting point is 00:14:27 and i and i have not i i actually um was thinking about calling lauren to ask her what and brian yesterday what they think is going on because i'm sure that they know but i i see that um and those i think those are the only two people I guess I could have called Patrick Clark. I don't think I know anyone else who works there. I'm not a fan of the guy who's taken over over there. I think he's, I think he's woke. And for those of you who don't know what that means, just go back and watch the last hundred shows we've done.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Good definition there. I'm tripping because Justin's vanished from the scene. First of all, first, first, first, I think Tommy left. I think that's I think the proper order is Tommy Marquez left. And I thought he was like, really, I thought he was the guy over there like the most senior guy like basically he was their kind of their tucker carlson right their don lemon yeah let's use don lemon he was their don lemon okay he was their token mexican and uh then he then he left and and probably not not even probably i think it's fair to say that he was the most forward-facing person that they had meaning everyone knows who he is in the community i mean uh he probably is one of the most senior guys or one of the guys who's worked on the crossfit games more than than anything
Starting point is 00:16:05 than anyone um he has the talking elite fitness uh show i don't know if i would call it a podcast but it's definitely a show podcast like you know one-stop shop for things crossfit a lot of game stuff he's with sean woodland who i think it's more than fair to say is the voice at crossfit and he left and i i don't ever remember getting a reason why he left, but he left. Right. And there's this saying in the business that people don't leave jobs, they leave people. And it's, yeah, I think it's pretty fair. It's at least at the 51% line of truth and maybe 99, 99%. And I don't think Tommy got pregnant and left. Although the woke crowd is capable of anything.
Starting point is 00:16:54 These things, they transcend all of the, they're like sorcerers. They can do whatever they want. So Tommy leaves or is fired or something happens. And I don't know what happened i heard that his podcast was purchased by another company called hamilton road for those of you don't know hamilton road what hamilton road is hamilton road is the production company that is contracted to do a lot of events i believe they just did the legends event it's owned by a gentleman named charlie duby who i used to work with i could do a whole i wonder if charlie would come on this
Starting point is 00:17:32 show no relation to the duby brothers no but i truly one of the nicest human beings i've ever met like really really i always i they're not one can't try. I can't think of one negative interaction I ever had with Charlie or even okay. Interaction. They were all like positive. He's the kind of person you talk to and you walk away and you feel better. He's a cool dude. He's a good people. And I, he may have even started at CrossFit Inc as an intern and then ended up just being a powerhouse. I mean, the guy is eminently capable, reliable. Everyone likes him. I've never heard anyone say anything bad about him ever, ever, ever, ever. Everyone loves him. And so, um, uh, I heard that, uh, I actually heard that,
Starting point is 00:18:21 I don't know if this is true, but I heard that Talking Elite Fitness was actually purchased and folded up into that company. So maybe it went something like maybe. Listen, maybe. Ding-dongs. Maybe. Maybe it went something like, hey, I'm going to hire Tommy and Sean, bring them on as employees,
Starting point is 00:18:38 and in that deal I now own Talking Elite Fitness. Something like that. Lauren is always up then then um the rising star and and and arguably one of the biggest needle movers that comes on this podcast um when he comes on that those game shows do fantastic uh brian friend came on uh brian friend left the Morning Chalk Up. And he had been going, he was, he was pulling off something kind of remarkable, because he could go anywhere, right? He was the reporter. He, I mean, he was, which was cool. He could go anywhere. He could come on my show. He could come on the Morning Chalk Up. He could come on Talking League Fitness. He could go on Chase's show and Bill Grundler's show, Get With The Programming. Chase's show and Bill Grundler's show, Get With The Programming. And I know Brian, and I don't think I'm revealing too much when I say this, but he consciously wanted to maintain a status where he was in good graces with everyone because he put his desire to speak about the games and speak about crossfit ahead of everything right so he if you ever asked brian hey
Starting point is 00:19:53 what's going on over here he'd be like hey dude i'm purposely trying not to know like if it was some sort of drama like i would be like hey i heard uh so and so i heard lauren khalil's pregnant over at the morning chalk up. He'd be like, I'm purposely trying not to know. I just made that up. I never heard that she was pregnant. Also a rumor. Yeah, also a rumor.
Starting point is 00:20:13 An example, an IE. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Example, example. Maybe. Brian leaves, and in the space of us being get with the programming, talking to Elite Fitness, the Sevan podcast, the morning chalk up, bar bend, barbell spin, anyone, Brian was, it would be an understatement to say he was a superstar and eminently capable.
Starting point is 00:20:43 You could just have him on and just roll with him. So he leaves, which is really weird. Why would you let that guy go? Let me back up. Let me back up a little bit. There was one other thing, the interesting thing that happened in there i think it was probably after tommy left and i had started courting lauren khalil to come on to the sevan podcast i was trying to figure out i had her on this show pretending like i wanted her as a guest but really i just wanted to meet her and see if uh how we get along and it was awesome it was like
Starting point is 00:21:24 it was like uh with Andrew Hiller. I basically just tried to haze her a little bit, see how she'd hang, and it was like nothing. You know what I mean? It was just like, oh, shit, this chick's cool. She's awesome. I've been lucky to spend time with her. She's great.
Starting point is 00:21:38 And I even remember I got the team together. There's like six of us, and I said, hey, what do you guys think about if i try to get lauren to start making not take her from the morning caught chalk up not by no means but just have her make content uh for us somehow figure out a way where it would be beneficial to her to make content on the savon podcast that was what was going through my mind and the team said hey we're not sure if she's the right fit. And then we decided that's why she is the right fit after we talked it out, because she is so different than us.
Starting point is 00:22:12 That it's basically like it's like Suze's beanie. It doesn't work, but it adds texture to the show. But it adds texture to the show. It adds texture to the show, but it adds texture to the show. No, I'm out of the courting phase. I'm just in a holding pattern with Lauren. I'm watching from afar. I've gone up to like – I'm like a turkey vulture now.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I'm just circling now, just circling. Where does it host? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just circling. She's one of many I'm hoping will fall dead in the field so i can eat like i'm just i'm just a turkey bulger circling over the field now back at the 30 000 foot view lauren's just another uh squirrel in the field running around i'm wondering if she's going to go down so i can get the cadet hey she was different the one thing she did have in common was the discipline and hard work aspect of it no one can deny that that. Yes. Thank you, Allison.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, yeah. Thank you. I love that. Well, dude, I don't know if I've ever seen her husband without a beanie, just so you know. Oh, so it's a biased opinion you're saying? Extremely biased. Okay, I'll take it either way.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yeah, yeah. And obviously that was the thing with Lauren. I never saw her seem – I mean, her in front of the camera work was amazing, and I never see her – it just seemed flawless. And I know she's interviewed some people who are really hard to interview, and I watched a bunch of her stuff, shitloads of her stuff, and I basically plagiarized off of her. And then her cadence was insane. I was like – and that's really what I look for. I'm just looking for people who have insane cadence all i want is just work ethic i just want people who want to be here and grind i was like oh this chick obviously just wants to create crossfit shit yeah sure
Starting point is 00:23:54 is fucking doing it for the money super passionate about it yeah and i was hoping this is getting in too much into the details but that if she came over here, I could lure her into doing other stuff too outside of CrossFit so she could interview anyone. You know what I mean? Just obviously she's eminently capable. Okay. So that didn't work, and I almost felt that after that courtship process, if she was a 10 already, that she went to a 12. Like something happened over there. I don't know the details,
Starting point is 00:24:27 but all of a sudden her cadence even picked up more and she became even more dedicated. And maybe I could be wrong. Maybe it's just because I was watching so closely, but all of a sudden she was in more places than ever. And so some, I feel like something happened over there where she was even given more resources,
Starting point is 00:24:48 maybe more resources. I was going to say like more authority but once again i'm making that up too i don't know i don't know i didn't like i didn't do a i didn't write down how many videos she made before i talked to her and after i'm just just just off of her um my own bias perception okay so where were we so so tommy tommy gets absorbed into hamilton road to charlie duby's amazing company that's the company that does all the games broadcasts they did the legends event i think this week they're the ones with all the fancy cameras beautiful you know 4k shots all the cool shit right uh uh they got Sean Woodland and just everyone just killing it. I'm doing a podcast. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Hey, I'm doing a podcast now. I'm doing a podcast. All right, well, I'm in Newport. Oh, okay. I'll call you right when I'm done. Bye. Hunter McIntyre making a guest appearance. Is he in Newport? He said he was. was he's not tom cruise but i'll take it um so then uh so so then hunter mcintyre started working for the morning chalk
Starting point is 00:25:59 up no no that's not what happened where was i okay? Okay, so Tommy's gone, courting Lauren, failed courtship. It wasn't failed. We got a friendship out of it. Yeah, we got a friendship out of it. Yeah. Then. Her and I are besties. Then.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Then. Brian Friend, this. then uh brian friend this uh i'm just gonna say it he he's he's the most prized piece on he's the he's the queen on the chessboard there's lots of good pieces you know it sucks that other everyone else has to be tossed into the fucking when you compare things you know like when when when you let um when you compare things you know like when when when you let um when you compare things obviously some things rise to the top and it implies that some things are worse but
Starting point is 00:26:52 i guess that's just the way it is we're big boys and girls here he was the queen on the chessboard he was he was a great he's a great asset to any show any anything in the crossfit space by the way which on another term you should wonder anyone who's not courting brian you have to know it's for ego reasons you have to fucking know that he's cheap he's easy and he's available and he's the best and so if you're not using brian it's for ego reasons come by 100 it's fucking asinine insane and he is a talent he's quirky as a motherfucker i'll tell you that he is quirky but all the talent all the good talent is if he's quirky then i'm quirky too they're all they're all um quirky
Starting point is 00:27:40 and or you could get talent that's stuck in equity and just like Caleb, they have just no choice. They're stuck. All you get. OK, so so Brian leaves and goes to this this this rag called Barben that's actually quite huge. Very, very big. Oh, nice shirt. that's actually quite huge um very very big oh nice shirt and barbend is if you go to their account you can see they're huge and you might be like how come i've never heard of them and it's because they just haven't i guess they that's not their thing crossfit their primary thing is like
Starting point is 00:28:16 bodybuilding and power lifting and other stuff in the fitness space or in the strength space and so obviously they someone over there was fucking smart and grabbed brian so now you have their most forward-facing guy tommy gone you have lauren doubling down on shit and then you have brian friend leave and go to what obviously is going to be a competitor barbend is not obviously going to fuck around, and their goal is just to put everyone else, not out of business, but make everyone else irrelevant. When you grab Brian, that's basically what you're trying to do. And probably Bar Bend doesn't have this pseudo, my opinion,
Starting point is 00:29:00 insincere responsibility to the community. They can just pick the big stories. They don't have to be like, oh my God, look over here at CrossFit, la, la, la, 65-year-old Sally got her first pull-up the way Morning Chalk Up does. I feel like that they kind of think
Starting point is 00:29:14 that they have to do that stuff. CrossFit, la, la, la. Then, so that basically left Patrick Clark over there as the next big name. And Patrick wasn't a big name over there, but clearly rising more and more and more. And by big name, ironically, you get, if you want to have a big name at Morning Chalk Up, in my opinion, you have to go on Lauren's podcast. It's like, if you want to be uh a a reporter that gets
Starting point is 00:29:48 a lot of attention field reporter you have to go on don lemon show or you have to go on tucker carlson's show if you want to be a bit if you want to be a big and so if you want to start getting out there and build and become a person in the crossfit space via morning chocob you got to go through lauren khalil show and I think she has a couple of shows. The only one that stands out to me is the one called bottom line, but I think she has a bunch of different shows, but that one's branded as like the bottom line. So this guy,
Starting point is 00:30:16 Patrick Clark, who is already coming up, coming up on more and more and more shows. He, I don't know how long he'd been over there. He may have been over there for all I know, 10 fucking years, but all of a sudden he starts becoming more forward facing
Starting point is 00:30:27 and um and and then that guy leaves that guy goes to barbend where brian went which makes me even more convinced that barbend and i don't know who else has gone to barbend but that makes me even think, oh shit, Barben's trying to make a move. Patrick Clark's a good dude. I know a lot of people like him. I know I like him. I put him in the top three of best contributors in the comments section for sure. At all times,
Starting point is 00:31:05 always like it's like by that, I mean, just adds value to the show, makes my job easier. I fuck top one, top best one. I can one, I can't even think I said top three cause I was trying to give wiggle room,
Starting point is 00:31:17 but I can't even think of who the other two are. I mean, don't get me wrong. A lot of you guys make great comments in the comment section, but his kind of just like make my job easier, especially when we're doing game shit. How about when he was in the stairwell at the Khalil Burj and he's just telling us shit? That was dope.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Now, so, okay, so just to shake up, Barben maybe had more money, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Maybe that's just move things change but this is the part why this is what pushed me over the top this is why i'm wondering what the fuck is going on at the morning chaka ready for this i haven't even told you guys yet oh awesome caleb looks interested like he may have perked up from like a three to a four in his attention. Burj Khalifa. I thought you were just calling it like the Khalil or something there. You just renamed the building after.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I noticed that Justin LaFranco was on a pretty, I went back and looked at, I typed his name into the morning chalk up and I looked at how often he was publishing himself, you know, editorials, doing articles, just whatever he does over there. And all of a sudden it's come to a stop. And it's come to a stop. And this guy, Patrick, who's the new guy over there, his star has risen. His cadence has risen. So basically LaFranco is gone.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Go on the morning chalk up and just go over there and look and be like, dude, when's the last time that dude published? That dude's gone. Did he just arm and hammer us? Yeah, he's just left the building. He's gone. I don't think, I think he owns it. I don't even know that for, I've always just made the assumption he owns it. Maybe he sold it.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I don't know what the fuck's going on over there but it looks like lauren khalil owns the fucking place and if she doesn't she should and that there's some other guy over there named patrick the woke guy who came from outside magazine just ridiculous anything you read from that guy you have to know that anyone in the know of what's going on at crossfit is like what the fuck is this guy even talking about i think he wrote an article i think he wrote it where he said that crossfit should basically um genericize itself basically get rid of the like let the trademark go i think he said that oh i hope not. That's a terrible idea.
Starting point is 00:33:46 That would be a horrible idea. That would be the end of everything. Yeah. No, Sevan, the community is really strong. It's not about one person or CrossFit. Yeah. When's the last time Justin published something? I thought I saw it was in November.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Maybe. I just typed in his name and that's what came up. This was Lauren. Click Justin's name. See if you can find an article Justin's in and click his name. It'll go to everything he's ever done. All right. And then we can see, God,
Starting point is 00:34:31 I hope he didn't commit suicide. That would suck. No, I think they're talking about somebody else. Oh, so the question is how bad is it over there? What the fuck is going on over there are they falling apart someone sent me a link this morning that showed uh was was showing me that the number of comments on their instagram account are just completely dwindling too maybe they've been shadow banned like me uh it will be very interesting to see what happens. I think I do smell something.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Hence the toilet bowl in the incredible thumbnail that I made, Will Branstetter. I love that term, circling the bowl. Okay, November 12th. Yeah, that is a – and what's today? December 14th. December 14th. Okay, yeah. So something's up.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Something's up. Send me a DM, someone. Someone tell me what the fuck's going on. Something's up. And Bar Bend and Barbell Spin are skyrocketing. Hiller's skyrocketing. and barbell spin are uh skyrocketing hillers skyrocketing um something is uh oh justin was it just okay so that's even that's even interesting too so if he's at that event and he's not publishing content something's up yeah i'm going home i'm going home tomorrow i leave
Starting point is 00:36:03 tomorrow morning i'm packing seven are you ever going home yes and i need to shave i'm going home i'm going home tomorrow i leave tomorrow morning i'm packing seven are you ever going home yes and i need to shave i'm just like i'm just i'm just i need to i need to co-off or whatever that's called i need to do some tend to myself uh bailey walker because their content isn't good anymore one in 10 stories i'm slightly interested in and i'm one of the biggest CrossFit fans. Yeah, something's going on. Someone's getting savvy with the Canva. I had a good teacher, Andrew Hiller. Soccer mom, I dropped my subscription to Morning Choco,
Starting point is 00:36:36 but I don't even look at their articles anymore. You need to queef? Probably. Quaff, queef, same time. We dropped below 20,000. It's 19, nine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:49 We have like 19, nine 98. I just looked at it. Made me angry. Damn it. Fucking YouTube. No. Well,
Starting point is 00:36:58 I, um, well, I think that we put on a lot of people during the events we cover and then people hear the live calling show and they're like, fuck this dude. Coggin balls for two and a half hours god damn it it's all those bots so basically that's where we're at. I'll keep you posted.
Starting point is 00:37:28 When I do shows like this, it's always a little bit of a fishing expedition. I think people will send me some DMs. We'll figure out what's going on over there. I don't think it's good if anyone goes away. I don't wish ill on them. I think it's good that everyone, I think the more fish we have swimming around in the bowl, the better it is.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Well, there's only three people that I think that are publicly like facing from that team that I know of that are still there, which is obviously Lauren. We talked about Presley who does a lot of the writing stuff. And then Katie Gannon, who I think does her, does a Instagram.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah. And outside of those three. And then Emily beers does all the pieces. That's like, um, Hey, where, you know, she does the articles like, Hey, what should you do with your tampon at a CrossFit box? Or, you know what I mean? Or is it, is it okay to be 600 pounds? Are you still hot when you're 600 pounds? Yes, you are. I think she likes to do, you know, she does those kinds of pieces.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Emily Beers does smear jobs. Yeah. That too. There was a, okay. Emily smears... Okay. Emily smears. Okay. That's good. Maybe they will hire Sporty Beth.
Starting point is 00:38:56 She would be an incredible fit over there. Sporty Beth would be an incredible fit over there. Lauren, get her. She would be an incredible fit over there. I'm telling you. I'm not even joking. You know I'm not joking, right? She would add incredible value.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Hey, dude, and she makes content. Yeah, and she's got some talent. Also, can I say one thing? I was looking over some of our analytics, and half you fuckers that are listening to this right now aren't even subscribed to this show. And I've never said it before before but subscribe to the damn show i could see the analytics and like 50 of the people that watch are subscribed so that means we could double our audience if you guys just pony it up it takes one fucking second it costs you nothing do it for me you
Starting point is 00:39:38 don't even have the notifications and hit that bell that makes it so you get your notifications why would you subscribe to a channel where you haven't hit the bell? Like, add you that to every channel. Really? A lot of notifications. Oh, it is? I don't want this to go unnoticed. Caleb just made up a line here that I just love where anytime someone disappears, we're just going to say they got arm and hammered from now on.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Why? He just went, though. He was doing pretty well in the space. It seemed like everything was growing now why he just remember he was he was like he was doing pretty well in the space it seemed like everything was growing that he just disappeared like literally had a kid and then just stopped yeah i think he had i think he had a kid and i think he was fed up with the politics in the space this is what i think i think he had a kid he was fed up with the politics in the space um but he he i would say he was um the last closest thing that the the space had to a brian friend he did he had some really good content i like yeah he knew his he knew his shit that's for him and barbell shrugged were probably my two favorite that's the one where the dudes all stood around on
Starting point is 00:40:40 microphones like they would go to rich's house and they all stood set up the microphone standing barbell shrug was great i used to listen to that podcast religiously when like way back in the day i'd be cleaning the floors of the gym always throw that thing in good shit so um me off and we'll get more subscribers done i'll do anything so yes and i apologize for any any of the uh the the um um media that i left out in the space clydesdale media i apologize who else did i leave out barbell spin there's jason cf media there's clydesdale media there's the coffee wads and pods podcast with uh pedro over in the UK. There's Craig Ritchie. There's Nate Edwardson. There's the Buttery Bros. All these people just on a regular basis harvesting the evening wipe down great it's great all that good stuff just a constant flow of um of content coming out of the space
Starting point is 00:41:52 okay all right that's so those are my thoughts something's going on over there justin's gone mia lauren's taken over taken over. Maybe there's just an anti-mail campaign. What is going on over there? They're just getting rid of all the cock. I hope so. Hey, one thing I'll note about all the people that we've kind of like chatted about. Hey, that's all I talk about. Y'all know I plagiarize like a motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:42:22 We don't need to mention Nate. He literally just talks about Morning Chalk. I plagiarize like a motherfucker. We don't need to mention Nate. He literally just talks about Morning Chalk. I plagiarize like a motherfucker. He's a good credit. I've been lucky enough to spend some time with the people that we've just talked about that were on Morning Chalk. And all of them are super fucking great people. And they've been really cool and nice to me in the space when I show up at these events. Because a lot of them have been in the space for a long time.
Starting point is 00:42:42 And obviously, I'm in the media. I'm the new guy in the space with my iPhone there. And everybody's just been really cool. So thank you guys for that. So accepting. Meaning Presley, Katie, and Lauren. Lauren, yeah, Patrick Clark, like just everybody. That is good to hear because sometimes when media goes to events, they can be assholes to each other. Media space has a lot of assholes in it, a lot of assholes in it.
Starting point is 00:43:07 There's some of them too. They'll remain nameless, but I would say a majority of them have been really cool with me. Anti-male, are you suggesting there's males at Morning Chalkup assuming their sex? Shame on you, Savan. Fair. I agree. I like that picture story. I have not seen Tommy or Brian or Patrick Clark's penises,
Starting point is 00:43:29 so I did make that assumption. I should put an asterisk at the bottom of the show. Yeah, I enjoyed Heber Marston's content whenever I watch it. And the tamer they are, the more I enjoy that also. I heard Hiller's going to do a Natty or Not on Hebert. Is it serious? Yeah, did you hear about that? No, that would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yeah. I guarantee you. I got some good. He's got some good photos. And I think the growth there is a little extreme. What? No. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I just made all that up right now. I thought it would be good. He looks the same as he's looked in the past right now. But here's the thing. When he started working, he put in the work when he first started working at CrossFit, he was a wet rag. If you go look at some of the ones, he had short hair,
Starting point is 00:44:15 like back when he first started at CrossFit HQ and he's just kind of a camera guy in the background. Yeah. He's really not. Andrew's commenting. But yeah, he looks great. He was the kind of guy literally he would he would uh show up to work work out then be working all day then work out again and then and then work work till fucking the last person in the building all those fucking guys were animals tommy heber marsden all the all those guys would just fucking get at it mariah moore like you those guys that was a cool
Starting point is 00:44:53 place to work man i know i was i wanted to be close to hq so i mean i literally just showed up at dbc's until people like who the fuck is this guy yeah it was like the mecca like people would come you would come out this way and if you were a crossfit and you're anywhere in the santa cruz area it was like oh you got to go drive by the original gym you got to go drive by hq see if there's people working out like stop and be like oh there's seven filming somebody doing something yeah i would always be filming not working out so cool how about this uh heber endorses a coffee company and he doesn't drink coffee well Well, that brings up a good point. Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Do not write the word street. Paper ST Coffee. Use 7 code to get 10% off. I don't know. No, no, no. It'll never, it'll never, ever, ever even be remotely close to that again. No, unfortunately not. No. Someone, the only way that would happen is if one person bought the company and owned it again and and uh and made it kind of their hobby
Starting point is 00:45:52 but but there's no no fucking oh it's still 15 off holy shit okay use the code step on and get 15 off at paper street coffee p-a-p-e-r-s-t coffee i don't even think you put that dot in there what's what's up with his logo i can't it's got the miami vice like yeah it's a miami vice like um my mom bought a bunch of coffee from the wrong paper street like a year ago she was like look at all the coffee i got i bought it to support you guys and i was like that's really nice mom and then i went looked at i was like that's not all the coffee I got. I bought it to support you guys. And I was like, that's really nice, mom. And then I went and looked at it. I was like, that's not it. She was all pissed off.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Not as pissed off as you are. I'm trying to get that tax-free payday. Corey, hi. Just a reminder, Ken. Do you want to lose some listeners and talk about cock and balls? No, we need those subscribers. Yes. Cock and balls. Okay. Okay. Let's do a Natty or not on some unsuspecting victim. That's how we get subscribers.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Natty or not on. Where do you want my, where do you want door number two? I'm curious how you hire people for your team. I don't, I don't. You know, it's crazy. So yesterday I was on this long ass walk with my wife and my kids and i think my wife said um or someone asked me maybe someone asked me they said hey how did you meet caleb said i have no fucking idea i think i asked him to buy his motorcycle and then oh really that's what it was yeah i asked to buy your motorcycle and then, Oh really? That's what it was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I asked to buy your motorcycle. It was the electric one that you had a long time. It was like years ago. Yeah. And then I like, because you were taking offers on it, I think I ended up in your like primary DM box or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 And then whenever you were like, you were started doing more podcasts, I was like, hey, you need somebody to fucking make your shit. And then you were like, yeah, I do. I was like, I'll figure it out and send it to you. And then you sent me your email address and then I just kept making videos
Starting point is 00:47:58 for you. So you're like a stray cat. Basically. Your stray cat fed you a little bit and now he can't get rid of you when did you start working the back end of the show when did you do that um probably a couple months after that it was like around uh like halloween time i think yeah i mean that's how desperate we are and then then one of the one of the only reasons why i might believe in god is because then caleb was deployed and forced to stay in that room all day
Starting point is 00:48:32 so now we have that buys us a bought us fucking six months of runway to try to figure out how we're gonna make money would people describe you as hard to work with caleb or me you i don't know no not at all if you bring up any idea he's willing to discuss it and then it you just agree or disagree and then we move on like it's not like if it's a good idea then it's like and you can say it's a good idea and he'll agree with you then i'll say like yeah let's fucking do it then it's like we don't have enough money for me to be an asshole yet i don't think you can because the hardest people to work with are the ones that aren't straight and like honest with you because then you it's like the communication and shit gets weird and so the best people that i like to work with and savon qualifies
Starting point is 00:49:23 underneath this for sure is the fact of just like if if you're like, hey, I'm going to do this, that is like, you know, I don't know if I agree with that. And then we have a discussion about it. Otherwise, just kind of like being nice or kind of telling what you want to hear and then doing something different and shit like that. That's when people get tough to work with. Everybody's just straight up and is comfortable with just honest feedback. And it's done respectfully as it is with the team here. Then it's good it's easy everybody knows where their place is and and how to continue to move forward i've said it before
Starting point is 00:49:50 cory i'll say this real quick the weird thing is is that i couldn't pay people enough to do what people do on the shows specifically matt and caleb and will Will. That's the irony of it. So like if I were to put out, if I were to try to hire people for these jobs, I couldn't get these people. It's so weird. Does that make sense to you? Do you see what happened here? Like I somehow have stumbled across other people who are willing to contribute on the level that I'm willing to contribute. And I found out in these three guys jumped on, there's a couple other people who contribute to, they don't have their, and they're great contributors, but these three are like, I can just bug them. I mean, to tell you the truth, even as like an advisor consultant, I can bug Hiller 24
Starting point is 00:50:38 hours a day too. I've just somehow fallen into this group of people that, um mean even if i paid let's say i paid these guys 250 000 a year which which i i hope to do but how would i because now i know they're tried and true but there was no other better way to find these people than the way we did it it's it is really crazy it's and i'm not i'm not i'm trying to give lauren a handy but that's what you see that's happening over there with lauren khalil over at the morning chaka somehow they found someone and and that is just a fucking powerhouse it doesn't give a fuck it just has their head down and it's like someone who has a lawnmower and they just
Starting point is 00:51:20 start mowing all the the the lawns in the neighborhood they don't care well i don't yeah i don't know if you can't tell but i'm attempting to slut myself out to you i appreciate it i appreciate it but that's how it happens but i i'm curious the only reason i asked that question is trying to stay on topic is as you build out the team and as you compare yourself to some of these rags do you look for diamonds in the rough or do you look for people who have already made a name for themselves i i i don't even i'm willing to invest in anyone it's it's like the same thing with travis from vindicate i had he just came out and was like hey let me get a shot at the t-shirts and at first i was loyal to the other company and then matt's like no we got to try this dude same with gabe same with california hormones all the the people in that tight ecosystem um i i i didn't i i can't look
Starting point is 00:52:13 because i'm too busy doing my job does that even make does that make sense a little bit yeah i'll have to kind of force their way in and just be here i didn't i didn't ever ask caleb hey can you be here every morning i mean i have i have you know now i ask him when we get off the show when the show's over it'll usually just be caleb and i on here and i'll be like hey what are you doing tomorrow and we shoot this shit for a few minutes but um he he just starts showing up every morning kind of like how you've called in the last five mornings in a row all of a sudden there's just someone's just around a lot. And then all of a sudden, you're like, you give them a password to your Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:52:52 And, you know, it just grew like that. Never anything formal that I can't think of anything formal. All the formal shit we've tried has failed. Across the board 100 meaning i kind of formal sponsors all all our formal shit has uh failed i'm not a big believer in faith um but i'm a i'm a big believer in giving myself up to something that's bigger than myself and i've always done that to, unfortunately, like corporations or relationships or to people or to other people who have a bigger vision or
Starting point is 00:53:31 mission than myself. And so that's something that's attracted me here to this podcast. I feel, and I think the community in the chat would agree that you're on to something incredible. And so that's what I've gravitated and latched onto is I'm giving myself over to something bigger than myself. And so it's almost like I have faith in this podcast and that's, that's what I'm attracted to. Heidi, Heidi, thanks for calling by. Um, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Chill for a second. Corey, uh, Travis from vindicate wrote the epitome of the show is bringing solutions to the table.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Don't bring up a problem or idea with no input on how to handle it. Yeah. And that's the thing. There are a core group of people who send me clips and I've never formally said to them, thank you. But they must know because they watch the show that they drive the show because those are the clips that i show so it's like that or it's like yesterday you sent me a google doc you know i have this issue with my notes and so you you took you know i have this kind of problem and so you sent me a google doc that i could start up that caleb and suza would all be on and so i could just have my notes there and everyone could see my notes live. Like, yeah, that's just basically how the whole show has been going. All right. I'll keep trying.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I'll call him next time. Thank you. Have an awesome day, Corey. You're a man, brother. Hey, you did give me an idea though.
Starting point is 00:54:56 What if we were like one of these live calls, we're going to just do interviews. So if anybody wants to like join the team or work on part of the show, they call in and we just interview them live. We just come up with funny interview questions and see how they respond to it that's a fucking horrible idea how would you respond to that question if you were on the team right right how would you respond to that yeah i'm out of here caleb you get to stay uh jay mackie it's been awesome watching the evolution of the show and anne hillers you guys are crushing it thank you thanks we're trying okay uh 317 for all of you
Starting point is 00:55:31 who don't get it here it is if you see it any other way then color is just a correlation not a cause or effect what what did i just say watch this this is the part if you can walk around knowing this and you stopped calling black people black people and putting them all into one bucket is at this source the fucked up thing color means nothing we have conflated black culture with black people we have conflated those those are not one in the same i know a thousand white people who fucking live black culture. But you but but that has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Here it is, this guy, Bill Nye. I don't know who sent me this, but thank you. Bill Nye breaks down the science of skin color and shows why racism is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I don't even think that that's what he wasn't trying to show why racism is ridiculous. But if you see this and don't get it, fuck, you're fucked. You're a fucking snail at that point. By snail, I mean you have snail consciousness. You only see the ground. All right, here we go. Action. This is a map of the continents of the Earth showing how much ultraviolet light lands in each latitude.
Starting point is 00:56:43 It turns out the closer you are to the equator, the more intense the ultraviolet. These are reds and purples. But then as you move away from the equator, we change the colors to orange, yellow, greens, and grays. Now here's the same map of the same continent with just one color. And it turns out that everybody on Earth is descended from people that live here in Africa. And then as groups of us move around the world, the color of our skin had to change. And here's why. Our skin is where we make vitamin D. If you don't get enough ultraviolet, you don't get enough vitamin D. But if you get too much ultraviolet, then you break down your folates. You have to have it in perfect balance.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And because the ultraviolet varies, the color of our skin varies. And that's it, everybody. That's why we have different colored skin. But we're all one species. But we're not treating each other fairly. Not everybody's getting an even shake. So it's time to change things. And really what they're saying, if you care about the truth, they're giving money to people who would better be suited to live at the equator. That's it. That's all they're doing. It's fucking idiot world.
Starting point is 00:57:59 There we go. We just solved it. It's fucking idiot world we live in. You want to pay reparations to people. Oh, I just. We've been following the Twitter. It's okay to mess up. Just catch yourself and walk it back.
Starting point is 00:58:21 I mess up all the time. I just catch yourself and try to walk it back. Jiggy Josh, I think there's a little more to it than that. You got like a, is that a pen you got there? Yeah, I'm just tapping. Yeah. Okay. I think I know what you're saying, Jiggy, and there is a little more to it than that. But until we get to that, the problem doesn't go away.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Because all the other problems are – until we get to that, until everyone's like at least can establish – like you don't have to live that. You can do – I do stuff every day that I know is wrong. W-R-O-N-G, wrong. I do stuff every day that i know is wrong w-r-o-n-g wrong i do stuff every day that i know is wrong but until we get to the part that at least we know that we we don't get we we don't get um yes if you move to the equator you won't be racist you understood it perfectly eric thank you won't be racist you understood it perfectly eric thank you oh my gosh i was raised in oh 316 i was raised in a community like this this is how i was raised this isn't to dig at my mom was raised this isn't to dig at my mom yeah like hey like let's first let's first like i i understand that this country was built on the backbone of slaves who were brought over from from africa i
Starting point is 00:59:56 understand that this company was built on the backbone of uh chinese people who were had to were treated like shit here and forced to build railroads and shit i fully get that we can we can talk about that maybe maybe there's a better way to talk about it maybe we shouldn't call them black people maybe we should call them like sudanese or or talk about exactly where they're from on the continent but there's just this conflation of people's colors of skin with everything else it's at the root of fucking racism that conflation that people it's imaginary world it's gender world uh dear santa i'm vaccinated so i don't need presence i wish for equality and for elon musk to stop destroying the world thank you it's so sad when you see kids like this is just pumped
Starting point is 01:00:39 this is just indoctrination this is exactly how i was brought up i was just indoctrinated by my school my community this is a little kid writing this is it though well she says our son jasper wrote this letter to santa yesterday and filled us with hope i mean it's all the kids just repeating what they were indoctrinated with yeah this is this is how this is this is why this is like you saw the clip i showed you yesterday where the the little kids talking about um uh skin color and the other white kid asked the other kid am i black and he goes am i white and the kid goes yeah and he goes oh yeah the three-year-old kid is happy that he's white but he didn't know he was white i don't get how people think elon's like destroying the world this is also fake you think that's just fake either way hey it doesn't to be honest with you doesn't even matter if this is fake there's
Starting point is 01:01:37 kids like this shit loads of them i was like this i was indoctrinated to say stupid shit like this oh going off your theory of where all this mirror is even if this one was fake now there's 10 real ones right right because everybody's like oh yeah i want to be like jasper i want to teach my kid yeah there's parents out there who are like oh i want my kid to write that letter now yeah don't indoctrinate your kids yeah yeah try not to okay 315 uh so i want to tell you this before we start seeing this um stop eating anything i'll tell it afterwards i'll say it here we go i have the solution to this that oh wow look at travis is saying wow hold on uh we'll you can leave that up this will be really quick um travis is saying that's a fucking on. You can leave that up. This will be really quick.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Travis is saying that's a fucking font on a computer that is a screenshot. That's awesome, says the graphics guy who has attention to detail like that. Yeah. This is a go ahead. Let's go. 47% of African-Americans right now have been diagnosed with some level of heart disease. 17% struggle with mental illness. So for our culture, we are in double digits in pretty much all of the negative health conditions that we have.
Starting point is 01:03:00 The largest percentage of uninsured Americans are African-American. So what are the reasons? Multiple reasons. One, there's a lot of stigma within the African-American community against mental health. And there's also a well-earned distrust of the medical community from African-Americans. When you're talking about the Tuskegee study, 47%. Okay. So here we go. There's two things here. There's two things that are being done here. The two biggest things, I don't know if you call call it a psyop or what, but she's basically saying she's enforcing the fact that somehow having insurance would be the solution. By saying and they're the lowest African-Americans are the lowest insured.
Starting point is 01:03:38 So she's she's made she's pushed. That's the agenda. That's what the human brain hears, that you need insurance in in order to get healthy in order to cure yourself of your mental illness and your chronic disease and then the second but we all know the solution stop eating anything with added sugar and exercise daily problem solved done gone that's gone everything she said is just gone she never mentioned that once obama didn't say it trump didn't say it biden didn't say it stop eating added sugar and exercise daily problem gone i've just given you the solution and guess what you don't need help you can do it yourself oh but i need help okay great fine i have a place you can go it's in every state it's on every continent it's called the crossfit fucking affiliate you will go there they'll tell you what to eat how to exercise and they'll surround you with
Starting point is 01:04:35 a group of people who will support you through it there i just gave you the solution. Yep. Would you rather be 100 pounds overweight and have the best medical insurance in the world or have access to a CrossFit gym and the people in the CrossFit gym? I know we can have both. I know you can have both I know you can have both I know you can go to a CrossFit gym And then also get good insurance Hey, you know what would be cool for those insurance companies But they won't do it
Starting point is 01:05:15 Because really what we're talking about here is personal responsibility Like that's what it all boils down to And if we all took personal responsibility for our situations And we're really attacked You know, what we eat What what we hear, what we watch, and then what we do, how we move, what we exercise. If we all had personal responsibility, you'd have a bunch of independent people that only had to rely on themselves and their communities to make massive change. Not so good when it comes to the government. Yeah, exactly. They don't like that.
Starting point is 01:05:44 They need dependence. And so that's why I think that when that lady was bringing up all these things that could be, and I'm not going to say solved, but by definition, you could have some sort of cure to, or at least mitigate significantly by managing your diet, not consuming sugar or processed carbohydrates and working out with a group of people, having a community and moving that you wouldn't need anything else really. So that's why if you-
Starting point is 01:06:09 The stuff you would need would be reduced drastically. Drastically. The services you need, yeah. And so that's why if you just plug that little piece in about insurance, again, it's not on you, but it's on what you're missing from the outside. It's what you need to be dependent on that currently isn't within those communities. And so I think when we're listening to those things, we have to really be cautious of saying, is this person promoting personal responsibility at the highest level that they can? Or are they promoting something that's going to allow more dependence onto that entity, whether that be insurance, whether that be government?
Starting point is 01:06:39 And that's what she's pushing. That's what she's pushing. Pretending like she gives a fuck. She doesn't even know what she's pushing. No, exactly. But she's pushing. That's what she's pushing. Pretending like she gives a fuck. She doesn't even know what she's pushing. No, exactly. But she's pushing dependence. And so anytime you guys are looking at something, and this is something that I've started to do, I just started breaking it into two buckets. And now this is oversimplifying a lot of issues. But if you just look at it, is this advocating for personal responsibility or is this advocating for dependence? dependents. And once you could start bucketing those two, one, advocating personal responsibility is an added value to you and those around you. Because once you take personal responsibility, that starts to show, right? It's a mirror. So everybody else around you starts to see what
Starting point is 01:07:13 you're doing. They get motivated by that personal responsibility. They think, hey, I'm capable of that too. But if you're preaching dependence, what that actually is doing is only adding value to whatever you're leaning on for that dependence, whether that be an institution or whether that be a government or whether that be some sort of victimization, because the problem's out there and I'm dependent on that problem to stay the victim. Because if I'm no longer dependent on that problem... That's what keeps that lady's job too. A hundred percent. So that's why that system or that archetype is set up. And so if you're dependent, you don't have the personal responsibility. If you don't
Starting point is 01:07:46 have the personal responsibility, you have to be dependent. So as you guys read stuff and look at things today, use it as a little challenge. I've been doing it too. Is it go personal responsibility or is it more towards dependence? Along that same line, let's go back 30 years. And if I were to tell you this, I were to be like, hey, there's this place you can go they're CrossFit affiliates and you will be at the 99 yard line of all all your health needs you'll be fit you'll be around great people who will support you smart people including doctors lawyers plumbers teachers um artists and they'll all be um helping you learn how to eat right and move right and they'll be on the same journey as you and then you could say well i can't afford it so then i'm like okay don't worry don't worry it's not a problem i'm going to invent this thing called the internet and i'm going to give everything away to you for
Starting point is 01:08:32 free and now you can have it on your fucking phone right here with you at all times yeah no shit problem solves again it's just we just become we just the people who blame just keep pushing the blame further and further down instead of accepting just the millions of solutions that are around us uh several michelle obama um did start a program with school lunches healthier uh michelle obama did start a program to make school lunches healthier by certain there's this thing with that though i used to kind of have a lot of knowledge about that maybe i'll rattle my brain look it up she ended up partnering with coke i think it was either coke or pepsi yeah and that that program got really fucking squirrely and ended up hurting kids it
Starting point is 01:09:15 wasn't at the move 30 or something like that because they were trying to say it's not caloric it's not the value of the caloric intake it's just you just need to move because movement is medicine yes which is wrong food it ended up i i i was pretty excited about that program at first too and then she got involved with uh soda pop with it and the whole thing got so fucked up also uh i went to the clinton library in arkansas once that entire that's the coca-cola library that entire thing's been paid for by coca-cola they own they own they own those people uh dude uh seven i tell people all the time about what the solution is and i hear nothing but crickets i know it's okay we got it we got yeah we do have a caller we got to just
Starting point is 01:09:58 keep saying it we got to just keep saying it i'm gonna make a bunch i got a uh while i've been over here in newport i got this idea for like a dozen more affiliate commercials of stuff I want to make. And I don't know. I just think that hopefully I can give some tools. with the idea we're going to put up a website where people can download these affiliate commercials because we got so many requests for the affiliate commercials that people wanted to use and i'm just going to make all these little commercials simple commercials um that affiliates can use that hopefully will inspire people basically as crossfitters we have to we have to kind of make it our obligation like set a small goal to bring one friend to the affiliate, you know, every year, you know, start small, something like that. You just have to, you have to tell at least one person with type two diabetes, like, Hey, I can, I can bring you into the gym, go to your gym owner and
Starting point is 01:10:58 be like, Hey, can I bring a friend in free for a week who has type two diabetes? We need, we need to start, start thinking, um, just not, not need we need to start start thinking um just not not because we have to but because it's fun well that's you'll be so ecstatic if you were to grab someone in your family who had type 2 diabetes and then and then bring them to the gym go to your gym owner and be like hey i want to bring my aunt in free for a week i don't give a fuck ask for a month and then the gym owner will be like, okay. And then you bring them in and see if you can do that. And make sure you let them beat you in all the workouts.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Wait, is there still a caller on? Oh, yeah. Caller, hi. Sorry. Thanks for hanging in there, caller. Brandon, hi. All good. All good. For a little bit, I forgot exactly what I called it. That's okay. I forgot a little bit. I forgot what the show was about. We're all good.
Starting point is 01:11:52 I think in regard to bringing it back to the personal responsibility bit that Susan was mentioning earlier, I just think it's really interesting. People in power, you know, all these leaders that are preaching the wrong message in so many ways. And, but yeah, when you tell someone what to do, and it comes back to them, it's such don't know, what do you guys think of the best tactic? Is it's more just to you know how you start a show hey today i i was on the salt bike for 10 minutes and this and that like i think we just need a person in power to just display that lifestyle rather than enforce those lifestyles because then it gives the people i don't know a bit more of an option i know that's not necessarily going to solve any problems when you're giving people that option but if the president of the fucking president of the united states sort of went out on the fucking front lawn
Starting point is 01:13:16 every single fucking morning of the white house and did a workout of the white house and did a workout 15 minute workout we could all get to see him work out make fun of him for not getting depth on his squats hillary making videos fucking derrick from more plates more dates be accused of being juiced up it would be a fucking net positive to the fucking up millionth degree if that fucking orange haired guy fucking would have said, started working out and said, Hey, it's time that we fucking get our country to lose some weight. It would, and stuck with it. It would have had a tremendous impact on the fucking nation.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Huge, massive. And you know what else too? And I agree. Like even if it didn't work, even if it didn't work, it would give us all hope. It would work. It would work. It would give, yeah. And so instead of people, like, making fun of Chris Cuomo or Marjorie Taylor Greene,
Starting point is 01:14:13 like, those things, like, even Cuomo, who's a complete fucking douchebag, those things need to be supported. And, yeah, people need to be showing that and showing their vulnerability i it's i totally agree with you people just need to be setting an example it's so i mean kennedy did it i mean he didn't work out but he really pushed the fitness thing it would be it would be no problem for a president to do that for him to start showing us his workout and the impact it would have would be massive yeah carrot top not carrot top donald i was talking about donald i was so bummed when one uh that neither trump or biden talked about exercise what how what a sad state of affairs we're in that that could happen but yeah i could care less i could care less about
Starting point is 01:15:03 political platforms of people and this and that. I'm Canadian, so I didn't know some of the names that you were mentioning there. Were the country below you those were presidents? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We try to ignore
Starting point is 01:15:19 you as much as possible. I understand. I could care less about political platforms sometimes. as much as possible these days. But we, yeah, like I don't, I could care less about political platforms sometimes if I just saw, you know, just some simple signs of just being a good person and that being preaching health and wellness, just being a good example,
Starting point is 01:15:39 showing that you love your family, just kind of basic human shit like that. I do think that there's a lot of people who do want to go to the gym and for whatever reason, whatever they've, they've spun up some narrative in their head that they, that they can do it tomorrow or they're scared or it's not for them or it's too hard or, and I do think that we can fish those people out. And that's why I think it's so important. That's why on this show,
Starting point is 01:16:04 it's so important to me to do weight loss stories because I feel like it's, it's showing, I mean, my, my wife didn't do CrossFit. I think it's perfect. Go ahead. I don't know. I think it's great. It's from a, a showcasing standpoint. Like I think like I'm a, I'm a Christian and I think the best way to show Christianity and share the gospel is not from being the preacher on the corner, the evangelist
Starting point is 01:16:32 telling you who, where, and why about the whole situation. The best compliment that I've ever received is I didn't look at the splangs. I didn't have a shirt that said I love Jesus on it. People, someone to say i i think you're probably a christian hey they said uh yeah why would you say that i could
Starting point is 01:16:51 just tell you know you're you're a good person you can just just by my moral just by my standing right right i think that comes through in in fitness right it's just like you don't have to look at rich he doesn't scream it and everyone knows. Anybody you have on the show, they talk about their God moments. They talk about those things. That's the best way. They don't have to come on here with some sort of checklist of things they have to say and prayer they have to pray
Starting point is 01:17:19 in order to get your viewers to love Jesus. It's cool, regardless of your situation to hear like about, about Scott Panchick's member taking them and giving them the Bible. Like those, those are cool stories. And that, and those are the kinds of things that make a difference. It's not the shoving it down people's throats. And I think that carries over to politics, but it carries over to health and wellness. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Interesting. Do you think that, okay, uh, okay. Do you think that I'm shoving it down people's throats? No, I think, I think you side the line. Like, I think from my, from my perspective, so like, I'll be completely honest. Like there's some, there, you have changed. Um, um i want to say changed my thinking but jostled jostled my standing and jostled my thinking um with some of your your rants and some of your standings and take something um which i think is healthy for anybody right whether people or your listeners agree with some of the stuff you say or not, it at least brings a little bit of a freshness to, to the conversation. Do you think you shove it down people's throats? Uh, no,
Starting point is 01:18:31 I think people are tuning into your podcast because they want to listen to you. And if they really didn't want to have it shoved down their throats, then they would, they would leave. I guess I just don't want to, I guess I just don't want to. Are you aligning your line sometimes? Yeah. Okay. No, I, I think you're, I think you're doing a great job and I think that's why you have the following. That's why it keeps you in line every so often. That's great.
Starting point is 01:18:55 That's why we, that's why we can't stay over 20,000 subscribers. It's because those people won't just subscribe that other half. I, I, I appreciate you calling in. It's a, it's a, it's a very, um, it's a, it's a. It's a very – it's a great point. It's a – to be the example is more important than preaching the word. Yep. Yeah, that is a great point. All right. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Awesome. Thanks so much for everything you do. Yep. You sound like a nice Christian man. You know what I was thinking about when – after we chatted about that little personal responsibility bit that I did? Imagine if everybody did take personal responsibility, how much advancements we actually would have in the medicines and science and stuff. Because right now we're kind of on this hamster wheel of just managing the sick population and then keeping them alive and running and in all our institutions are, are profiting greatly from that. But if that went away and cause what, what is it
Starting point is 01:19:52 like 80 cents of every dollar in healthcare is spent on chronic disease? I think that's like the current metric. At least, at least. So that means let's just, let's just translate that to 80% of the time and research and development and everything else is just going to managing chronic disease a little bit better than the guy before, right? Or the medicine before. So if all that went away, essentially you would have 80% of research and development and the focus back on advancing medicines and science for things outside of the chronic disease, which is obviously just lifestyle choices, and then would drastically help those in need that are suffering from different issues that aren't because of their complacency. That is actually because of, for whatever reason, whether it be an accident or
Starting point is 01:20:35 whether it be something that happened when they were born or they were born with, but you would be able to, we would be able to really attack and then advance society in ways that would be crazy, that would just propel everything forward, almost like the Romans did back in the day. Because until then, you just, I mean, like, what was it? Like 6,000 years, 6,000 years, we just had people killing each other for resources. And then the Romans came along and developed like the virtue and kind of what they're like a culture of Christianity, which put it more on personal responsibility to serve something greater than yourself, just like Corey had said before, whether that be some sort of divine or, or, or Christ or whatever
Starting point is 01:21:14 that is personally to you, but you were, you were serving something greater than you in taking responsibility for yourself. And that's how that society after 6,000 years was able to advance super far. And in fact, we have everything the way we have now is because of that change in civilization by switching it rather than being multiple different gods and everybody fighting for each other underneath one kind of divine and taking personal responsibility for yourself.
Starting point is 01:21:36 That's how easy it is to contribute today to the world. Just take care of yourself. Just take care of yourself. And you're an example, right? Don't be a burden on others. Yeah. That's how fucking easy it is to contribute, to be a mass contributor. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:56 314. It's not only the left that indoctrinates people, but it's the right. And I really like Candace Owens, but this is what indoctrates people, but it's the right. And I really like Candace Owens, but this is what indoctrination from the right sounds like. Here we go. There's this weird thing where I have parents that write to me and they say, I know this is wrong, but I don't want to be that parent, right? My children, they learned that they can pick their gender, but I don't want to be the parent that is angry and at the administration because then the other parents look at me weird. I'm not being accepting of children.
Starting point is 01:22:34 And the truth is that you – So she's saying that parents contact her, and this is – it's weird. She uses the word weird. And I get it. She's just free flowing. And that they contact her because they don't want to take a stand in these organizations
Starting point is 01:22:58 like the kids' elementary school and stand up for their kids. Everyone, let me start over again. You send your kid to elementary school and all the parents are like, yes, let your kid choose their gender. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And that there's one parent who's contacting Candace and saying, I don't want to partake in that, but I also don't want to stand out
Starting point is 01:23:17 because it makes me uncomfortable. And Candace says that you should never be accepting, and then she says the reason why. You should never be accepting of an ecosystem of evil. The children are victims. There it is. There's the indoctrination. It's lazy.
Starting point is 01:23:39 You shouldn't be accepting because it's evil. That means nothing to me. That's just pure manipulation, indoctrination. The word evil is lazy talk. It's rhetoric. That doesn't help anyone stand up for themselves and intellectually and logically understand why you don't let your kid pick their fucking gender. The reason why you don't let them pick their fucking gender is because it's not fucking real because that that whole process is indoctrination i don't know maybe it's too deep for people and people have to be manipulated by words like evil
Starting point is 01:24:16 when i say the word evil you can't point to it you have to go inside your head and start making shit up oh what hitler did to the jews was evil what jeffrey dahmer did is evil you can't point to it you have to go inside your head and start making shit up oh what hitler did to the jews was evil what jeffrey domner did is evil you have to you have this you have to start you have to build this cadre of just fucking swirling gross shit when she could just explain very very well why you don't let your kids pick their gender and it goes And it goes much deeper than that. You help your child form an identity. You're the docent of them helping them form their identity by just things like discipline, making their bed, teaching them how to clean themselves, teaching them to walk up straight. Now they have an identity.
Starting point is 01:25:05 They're in a person who has a habit of making their bed every morning. They know how to bathe themselves. They walk straight. They know their identity is built around the fact that you taught them how to smile and shake hands and be nice. It's the same thing with the racism thing. Candace wants to fight them on the level that gender is real you can fuck around with that shit later when you're in fucking a drama class and your sophomore year in high school and the teacher says i want you to be a big strong man
Starting point is 01:25:38 then you're like okay what's a big strong man look like okay pull your shirt in pull your sleeves in a little tighter then then then you do then you do the uh the theatrics your kid just needs to build a fucking identity and not even be worried about that shit at all nothing no how there's so much time in life to for them just to wrestle with that and struggle with that and go through their whole entire sexual like development of orientation whatever they teach your kid their fucking phone number. Enroll them in a fucking sewing class so they know how to sew. Yeah. Let them build their identity
Starting point is 01:26:10 just on some fucking capabilities. They have grandparents that love them. Every morning they have eggs. Yeah, focus on making them contributors to society. Contributors. Just that. At least Jiggy Josh, this is good.
Starting point is 01:26:26 This is good. I like this. Evil is profoundly immoral and wicked. Yeah. And so if you wanted to go down that path, then teach your kid. If you want to indoctrinate your kid, indoctrinate your kid in some sort of like really basic moralities. But I don't know about wicked.
Starting point is 01:26:43 I don't know about wicked. By indoctrinating them with immorals morals treat people the way you want to be treated that's a good one to give your kid have your kid build his identity in that treat others how you want to be treated the golden rule anyway not hating on candace at all lover she's a fucking powerhouse she's in my book she's a 10 out of 10 still but but i but that that doesn't what you're doing is is you're speaking you're trying to rally the base using those types of words and you're not giving people the tools to defend themselves basically she's telling people who are listening to that you're right don't worry i got your back but they still
Starting point is 01:27:18 don't walk away with any tools yeah yeah it's just kind of spinning the hamster wheel. The other thing too, I was just, um, I was just thinking about others. Thank you. Thank you. Doing that's prettier. Do unto others as you would like them to do to you. Is that it? And I think it should go one step beyond that because sometimes we get caught up in this moral thing of just how we should behave towards others, but then there's also an, and how we should behave to ourselves. So if you're going to be a morally like correct person or a virtuous person, I also think that it shouldn't just stop of how I treat or what I do with other people, but it should also be like, how am I continuing to advance myself in logic and reason and mathematics and understanding scientific method and all that,
Starting point is 01:28:02 because then you're, you could continue to be a contributor to others around you. If it just stops by being a good person, that's when we conflate all this other shit and we could do really harmful things to people under the guise of being a morally good person. But then if you look one step deeper and say, well, how does this logically make sense? And how are these people that were helping, how is this going to contribute to society as a whole? And how is this going to contribute to making them more personal responsibility and be able to contribute to themselves in those same subjects? Not just I'm doing it because we're a good person. Right, just regurgitating.
Starting point is 01:28:35 It's just, yeah. And I'm having so much fun, but I have to go to Hayward now. Let's do 313. Let me just do this last one. Do you have two minutes? Yeah, yeah, yeah. As I recall, this one, I didn't even me just do this last one. Do you have two minutes? Yeah, yeah, yeah. As I recall, this one, I didn't even know how to process this one. A rare moment in my life.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Okay. Oh, shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I need you to see this. I don't know what to say about this. This is from Get With The Programming. That's a podcast that Chase Ingram and Bill Grunler do. This was posted on their Instagram yesterday.
Starting point is 01:29:07 These are two extremely powerful, talented, athletic human beings. But I don't know how to process this. We have the medic, Caleb, and the affiliate owner, Matthew Souza, to give us their analysis. 319 pounds. Oh, my God. 406 pounds. 440, 440, 440 pounds. 440, 440 pounds.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Yeah, the way Susan touched his face says it all. That's, yeah, okay. Caleb, you go first. What do you got? What comes off the top of your head? Super impressed. When I watched it the first time, I don't think I watched it with audio.
Starting point is 01:30:08 And I was really impressed that they didn't have, like, any, it didn't look like they were making any like they weren't mouthing any like countdown now watching it again i noticed that the guy was like one two three go but also impressive that somebody else is telling them to go and they're like yeah okay let's let them do it uh i would not do that myself but yeah that's where's where I'm stuck. I'm stuck. I want to call them fucking idiots, but, but I can't because I'm so fucking profoundly impressed with them. I mean, people juggle riding unicycles across a juggle, riding a unicycle, crossing a fucking slack line, 50 feet off the ground. I mean, I don't know, man. I saw Susan grab his face. Would you allow that in your affiliate no not at all it's not it's i'm not uh it is very impressive but just like you said i wouldn't allow somebody to throw
Starting point is 01:30:52 a slack line up and start to you know do their strict press while standing on a slack line i think that stuff is is cool in the sense that like they obviously are very uh advanced in their lifting and could make that happen. But no, I'm not even a fan of partner deadlifts at all. Yeah, I don't like it. I'm not a fan of partner deadlifts at the gym. I mean, I could get it why you would program it for a team workout in a competition. But at the gym, it's like, what are you really here to do?
Starting point is 01:31:20 You know, is it a circus act? Are you just here to just get a nice sweat on and go about your day your day without they that was so fucking impressive look at what katie singer says this is good uh the next time my dad says i'm gonna hurt get hurt lifting i'm gonna show him this ah yeah oh my goodness yeah uh those ladies are impressive i don't know who they are but i didn't see any flaws in their shit either. They looked explosive and aggressive as all get out. It's crazy how it's, I think they were like, it was almost identical reps on both sides.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Yeah. I mean, I got to add to me, but like it was, they were both moving in sync the entire time. Yeah. It's super impressive, but no way is that happening at my gym.
Starting point is 01:32:00 All right. Thank you, Susan. All right. Thanks guys. I'll call you later. How long is your drive right now? Uh, it should be about 30 minutes. Okay. i'll call you later how long is your drive right now uh it should be about 30 minutes okay i'll call you when we get off the show okay adios bye
Starting point is 01:32:09 guys call her hi subscribe hey what's up hi was that you in the video did what was that you in the video yeah no you look strong um i just have a random observation about the show that something that I think makes the quality of conversation higher or more elevated than other conversations is that you guys, you see everything as a case study. So you bring up all these different scenarios. Everything is a case study. So you bring up all these different scenarios. It could be the smallest situation in life from your own life, or maybe you pull it up from Instagram and then you kind of enter the situation and you're a fly on the wall and you, you ask good questions about it and like,
Starting point is 01:32:56 should have that person have done that or how would you react to that? And it just, I think you seeing everything as a case study is just like a really good way to gain wisdom in life is what I found and I end up doing this with my friends all the time where I like make every conversation a case study and it probably annoys them sometimes but um just something I heard one time was like if to define wisdom or whatever is the whole if you're holding two things in both hands they could be opposing things um but then you try to see you look at them both and you're evaluating them both at the same time and i see this show do that a lot and it just elevates the conversation
Starting point is 01:33:37 um just to make everything a case study you're you get to like you get to see a situation through like an experimental lens. And so next time you encounter a situation that's similar, you have all that in your tool belt the next time. And you're like, oh, I've thought about this. I've thought through this. And the other thing is cool. And just an observation I had, I was thinking about it the other day. And I was like, you know what? The best conversations are ones that make everything a case study. So just a random observation for you guys.
Starting point is 01:34:11 I like what you're saying. I also don't want to be one of those people who plays devil's advocate just for the sake of being devil's advocate. kid yeah that can be problematic sometimes or just kind of annoying but i think it's fun just to like just to see just to enter situations and kind of explore you know what is right and wrong or what's the best best action because every situation is different we always tend to want to move towards black and white solutions that it's like oh i can implement this like a formula for everything moving forward and it's like it rarely works like this like a formula for everything moving forward and it's like it rarely works like that in life you have to kind of take every situation differently and and and i don't know figure out how you're gonna make choices in each unique situation i don't know i i i kind of um be, I like what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:35:05 I would be really happy if people after they were done listening to the show, um, felt that their life got a little bit lighter after every show. So that like we were able to talk about things and be like, you know what? That doesn't, that doesn't have to be so important. Like to be freed from some sort of judgment. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's related for sure all right well cool thank you very very nice observation i'll probably ride that one out for a few hours thank you yeah i wanted to give you the ride out okay thank you i thought she was gonna say i, you three are so handsome.
Starting point is 01:35:47 And it's just like my, I just turned the volume off and stare at you guys. Seriously thought she was going to say that. I don't think anybody would want to do that to me. I live in a delusional world. Oh my goodness. Seve Tetler Mertens this weekend. I don't know anything about that. I don't know shit. I heard, I heard about that last week. I thought it was happening last week.
Starting point is 01:36:07 These guys don't tell me shit. They're doing their live streaming. They're live streaming an event, but like Mertens and Tetlow are going to compete in their own respective gyms. Yeah. And they're going to live stream it. And Hiller and Brian are going to commentate it.
Starting point is 01:36:26 And they're just going to announce the workout right as they all get on. And then they'll just do it. And then whoever wins gets money. It's going to be shown on who? I think it's going to be on Hiller's YouTube channel. Okay. I can't wait to see. What time?
Starting point is 01:36:44 I don't know shit. I talk to Hiller five times a day. I don't know shit about this. Ryan hasn't told me. This is Wadzombie? Nick's doing this? Wadzombie's doing this? Yeah, he's setting it all up. I do know about it? Come on, Sevan. I don't know. I heard once something about it.
Starting point is 01:37:00 I saw a post you made where you talked about the inspiration for it i never see anyone's posts because i because i because i don't i can't scroll i'm too busy in my dms fucking around my dms uh wad zombie today i can finally announce something i've been working towards for a while fit wars it will be live online youtube streamed event featuring two athletes from their home affiliates similar to the open announcements they will find out the workout they will they will find out what the workout is on the spot and go head to head to see who wins
Starting point is 01:37:36 i'm very fortunate to have some amazing people so many amazing people bringing this together and making it a reality andrew hiller and b Brian Friend have programmed the workout and will be doing the live commentary. Colton has always been on board with any type of challenge and it was a delight to get to know Scott and find out he is the same way. I am hoping that this will showcase athletes in a more personal setting and offer more opportunities for them to earn money. I can't wait to see you all in the chat on the live show. I hope you enjoy the event. What's what was, Oh, and then the dates over there, Sunday, December 18th, Sunday, Sunday. Yes. So it's four days away and it's, um,
Starting point is 01:38:18 two athletes go head to head one unknown workout. And, uh, wow, that's a horrible picture of Andrew Hiller. That's cool. That's awesome. I really, uh, he looks, uh,
Starting point is 01:38:33 Andrew Hiller doesn't, does he have a shirt on in that photo? Maybe that's why I thought it was bad. Cause he's a shirt on. Yeah. Oh, 10 AM for the West coast crew. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Oh, you called in about it last week. Uh, Oh, and we have a leak for the west coast crew okay oh you called in about it last week uh oh and we have a leak for the workout the workout's been leaked uh workout is first person to touch a six foot target wins wow um hey i will maybe um i can call jr and taylor and we can commentate it and uh compete with those two who are commentating it you know what i mean on my channel so you just turn the volume off on that one and uh yeah that's cool wow that's gonna be really cool hey i couldn't i can't think of that that's two great athletes they chose mertens and tetlow yeah i know right yeah that's gonna be fun we haven't seen much from colton other than his pig farm and beagle uh thing so it'll be interesting to see what he's been up
Starting point is 01:39:34 to all right yeah i'm pumped uh i pick colton mertens for the way too sorry you know not only for the win, but easy. Travis, hi. Going on, dude. I'm going to speak for Wads on me because I know he won't call in. So Fit Wars was all
Starting point is 01:40:00 inspired by you had Hopper on the show. Who? You had Hopper on the show. Who? You had Hopper on the show. I don't even know who that is, but okay. I don't remember him. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:40:14 A guy formerly known as Jason Hopper. Oh, him. Yes, I remember when he used to come on the show and return my texts, yes. Yeah, wasn't that a long time ago? Yes. No, you had him on and you said wouldn't it be hilarious it's colton merton or you just showed up at colton merton's house or colton showed up at his house
Starting point is 01:40:31 or something and threw down so that inspired this uh whole fit worse thing yeah that was it that was a fucking i that was a um i liked that clip i when i watched that, I actually thought I was funny in it. I was like, oh, fuck, I'm funny. I saw what a curmudgeon Brian was. The whole thing made me so happy. And now Brian's commentating it. Son of a bitch. I had commented yesterday.
Starting point is 01:41:00 We were talking about it in the chat. It would be hilarious for the Sevan crew to do live commentary on top of the live stream that's going on. I would just like to comment on Hiller and Brian. We'll do an evaluation. Maybe, maybe Taylor and JR and I will do an evaluation of Hiller and Brian's commentary. You can do a recap show.
Starting point is 01:41:19 There you go. Go on right after it and do a whole recap. Okay. I will definitely be watching maybe Sunday morning prior to, I'll and do a whole recap okay i will definitely be watching maybe um sunday morning prior to uh i'll even do a maybe i'll have to figure it out i'll talk to the boys and we'll figure out maybe we will do a pre-show and have scott and colton on and uh find out that'd be fun yeah what it's at 10 a.m so maybe like maybe sunday let me see if we have anyone scheduled for uh sunday morning So maybe like maybe Sunday, let me see if we have anyone scheduled for a Sunday morning.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're good. Yeah. Nothing on Sunday, maybe Sunday morning. Uh, yeah, I'll do a pre-show with Hiller, Brian, Jr. Taylor, John. Oh, maybe just me and John Young. That would be fun. Just talk to Taylor and John Young. That would be fun. How about just Taylor and John Young
Starting point is 01:42:08 and we just destroy Colton and Tetlo? There you go. All right. Thank you. Yeah. If you need to get your CEO shirts over at, uh, vindicate,, Hi caller. Hey, um, so I was just calling in about the fit war stuff. Cause I think it's a really cool idea.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Um, and I actually found CrossFit because of Hunter McIntyre. I've been following him since his Spartan race. And kind of what propelled him to fame, so to speak, in the OCR world is just how he basically just trash talk everybody. I mean, he'd call people out. He was just this kind of large room life character, a lot like Conor McGregor for the UFC. And I was wondering, do know, do you foresee, or could you see this Fit War idea propelling CrossFit to the next level,
Starting point is 01:43:14 kind of like Zalos? Because it would really just bring some of the characters into the spotlight a little bit more and maybe give them a chance for their individuality, I'm not sure that's a word, um, to shine. And which is also what your show kind of does and started up long question, but no, no, I hear, I hear you. And it's funny. That's what I thought. Um, you know,
Starting point is 01:43:36 a two hour podcast doesn't have the reach of a, of a 30 second clip. If, if a Colton were to say, talk talk some if he were to post something saying you know um i this is this is a fun event but let's get real tetlo's not a games athlete and i am and so this is really fucking just a walk in the park for me like if you were to say that and make that a 30 second clip uh yeah that would that would fire up the that would fire shit up right that would definitely that would definitely fire shit up as opposed to a two-hour podcast where we don't even really talk shit but you find out that you know what you get there is you get the emotional appeal of the character you realize holy fuck
Starting point is 01:44:16 colton works 10 hours a day and trains on either end of those hard days fucking working in pig shit and that's obviously the appeal to him um now right or how well he handles the short jokes like that basically all of that is is him making himself more appealing to us um but uh yeah it i i don't think anyone will do that but fuck there's opportunity for it for sure and and i and it would be it would be interesting i wouldn't be opposed to it this community is a trip though they might get really yeah in the beginning it would be really hard for someone to break that but once they did because you know people would be like that's not what crossfit's about crossfit's about community and this and that
Starting point is 01:44:58 right it would get it's interesting yeah it's a it's a valid point i would like to see um i would like to see uh see someone try it especially if it comes to them i don't think i don't think conor mcgregor's uh putting on a show i mean he's putting on a show but i think that's who he is yeah and i mean same for hunter yeah yeah that is your hunter is either i don't think hunter's putting on like all those silly I mean, Hunter's Instagram is killing it now. And I don't, even though it's an act, I think, like, he really enjoys that, like, he feels comfortable. He's himself most when he's acting. And so there's an authenticity you feel from it. Yeah, kind of a follow-up to that is, you know ricky gerard already kind of has this like villain
Starting point is 01:45:45 persona in the community and i was wondering do you think it's a good idea or a bad idea for his brand to like if he just leaned into that and started becoming that guy or maybe you know it's a horrible idea but he's so not a villain though oh yeah yeah i know i don't think i don't think it would be sincere from him I mean he's like that dude's cool as shit like if I if someone be like what games do you want to go to the beach with and play Frisbee I'd be like Ricky Garrard you know what I mean
Starting point is 01:46:14 be like listening to Aljamain Sterling yeah I I yeah if someone let me think who would be a good shit talker um velner yeah velner could do it without the shit getting stuck to him he's good at talking shit without seeming nasty but i'm trying to think of what athlete if there's any athletes i know that just really do have a kind of a chip i I could see it more coming from the girls.
Starting point is 01:46:47 Yeah, like Danielle Brandon. Everyone would kind of think of. I could see Danielle Brandon saying something like, hey, it's time for Sarah Sigmund's daughter to step down. Let's get fucking real. You know? And then boom, then we come on Fit Wars. Maybe even Laura.
Starting point is 01:47:04 Let's just say it to Laura. Danielle Brandon. No, I think Laura would be good at it too if you just quick quick maybe yeah yeah i um what guys what guy is there any guys out there in the group who are just nasty i'd have to see their i bet hopper's pretty good talking shit yeah but nobody will let him he's a right he's a puppy dog i mean fuck if taylor makes it to the big stage taylor talks some nasty shit taylor's self is nasty yeah i mean taylor i could see taylor being a winning an event you know at the crossfit games and someone being like hey uh good job and he's like i fucking compete against idiots i don't know how much of that had to do
Starting point is 01:47:45 with me i mean i could totally see him saying that you know no ben yeah ben smith doesn't have a dark side these guys we haven't seen these guys dark i don't know oh i i like lazar jukic slamming his belt down the other day lazar jukic he's a nice guy but i appreciate that belt slam i could see maybe a little john McEnroe kicking shit around. I could have seen like maybe Lazar when, when he got waved in earlier or whatever happened with the bike event at the games and just pick up his bike and fucking throw it at the Zeus. I'm down with that little John McEnroe.
Starting point is 01:48:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you're right. It would be great for the sport. It would be great for it. it would be great for it cool well appreciate you guys taking my call i i hung out with ryan fisher yesterday great dude fucking love him really it was a sincere heartfelt uh deep talk we talked for an hour is good and he even said that you know that that incident that he had at the 2017 and he's very successful now very very very very very very successful training program and he said that that that incident that he had at the 2017 regional where he got into it with that ref um he said that that catapulted him he said you know like in hindsight
Starting point is 01:48:56 maybe that was you know that got me more followers than i would have gotten if i just would have went to the game so maybe travis mayor needs to be caught walking out of a brothel. Who knows? Yeah, I mean, Liver King's kind of – I feel like he's just getting talked about everywhere. So, yeah, and, you know, maybe, like, the supposedly, like, bad media or whatever is actually good because it's still attention. So, yeah, I don't know. It was just something I was thinking about, and you guys know the players in the game better than anyone.
Starting point is 01:49:26 So I just want to call in and ask. But I think the Fit Wars is awesome. And, yeah, thanks for what you all do. Are you doing High Rocks? I've thought about it, but I am not. I have two kids. So I just, so I just time management how old are you?
Starting point is 01:49:47 I'm relatively young I'm 27 are you still married? oh yeah I'm married she's incredible you're a Christian yeah how'd you get you sound nice and you're a christian you're a christian ah yeah how'd you get
Starting point is 01:50:05 it's so easy it's not the two kids by 27 yeah awesome well keep doing the right thing brother you sound like a great guy i appreciate it we all yell are great. And yeah, thanks again. So take care. Have a good one, brother. Someone wanted to know what I think about, someone in the comments said, what do you think about maybe play 307? Then we'll call it a show. I don't know what the obsession is with drag queens. I don't know what the obsession is with drag queens.
Starting point is 01:50:51 I do not know why the left has chosen drag queens. Joe Biden invited this drag queen to the White House to witness his signing of the new gay marriage bill. Hey, dude, that just shows how fucking dumb they are. Gay people do not want to be a fucking affiliated with, for the most gay people do not want to be affiliated with this stuff. I bet you to tell you the truth. I bet you most drag Queens don't want to be affiliated with this stuff. Their whole shit's been turned upside down.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Drag Queens. Everyone knows what a drag queen is for, right? It's like you go somewhere and they, and it's a dude who's dressed up as a woman who's like got you know makes it kind of it's it's a um it's a vaudeville act and they do stuff that's like only for adults like show their ass maybe show their ass, maybe show their penis, dance around. It's, it has nothing to do with, has nothing to do with marriage.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Dude, marriage is a, I don't even know what non-binary means. What the fuck does that word even mean? More, More bullshit. Marriage is a... My biased opinion, but marriage is like trying to win the Super Bowl of relationships. Marriage is the pinnacle of relationships. And there's a ton of value in of relationships. Marriage is the pinnacle of relationships.
Starting point is 01:52:26 And there's a ton of value in having relationships. Strong, healthy relationships. Basically what you're doing is you're forcing yourself into a situation to go as deep as you can with another human being by getting along with them. By always facing them. It's like always looking in the mirror with another human being. by always facing them. It's like always looking in the mirror with another human being.
Starting point is 01:53:00 And it has nothing to do with drag queens or being fake or being gay or straight. or being gay or straight. It's the pinnacle of what you can do with another human being. It's stepping into the game. A lot of people fail, don't get me wrong. It's not easy. But it's like the ultimate relationship game if you're up for it. And then if you have kids, you even have more on the line.
Starting point is 01:53:34 So do you want to, do you want to don't, don't get into the relationship for the wrong reasons. Cause you want to, you don't want to die alone or, or you're afraid to be by yourself or because your parents think you should get married or because you want to have kids or, or because your parents think you should get married, or because you want to have kids, or that's not why you get in a relationship. That's not why you get married. You get in a relationship at that level
Starting point is 01:53:56 because you're up for the biggest game of relationships. And then you have to figure out, and relationships are very, very deep. The deepest thing that you can do while you're here on planet Earth, face-to-face with another human being, would you want to be trapped on an island with that person? Can you do it? What can you let go?
Starting point is 01:54:21 Anyway, I don't get the obsession with drag queens. I almost think it's just to say fuck you i feel like it's just me it's just a temper tantrum that they're having i don't see i don't understand it at all i really i really don't maybe we'll just put the word um i mean if we use candace's word evil it's just it's not a pro it's not, it doesn't fit. It's like, it's like selling soda pop at the hospital. It's as dumb as fucking, having drag Queens be celebrating something like that is as dumb as serving soda pop at the hospital cafeteria and chips and shit. It's just, and I'm not saying the drag Queens can't get married. They can, but,
Starting point is 01:55:01 but that's not, they're not, they can but but that's not they're not they're not it's not going together a drag queen is is a is a kind of a celebration in the opposite direction a drag queen is like the the one time a year you get drunk on your birthday the drag queen is that i'm not saying it's wrong, but it's way out on an extreme. I don't understand it. It sucks that kids are being drug into it. It really sucks that kids are being drug into it.
Starting point is 01:55:40 It sucks that gay people are being drug into it. It just sucks all those people getting their shit twisted up for someone's bizarre fucking agenda okay well if you want to talk about drag queens oh sorry one more thing you got one more thing this is fucking absolutely nuts i know you guys have heard this story i can tell you again this drag queen was put in charge of our nuclear waste and worked for the Biden administration. This dude, gender fluid Biden, that means nothing to me, gender fluid. Everyone's gender fluid, you jackass. Gender fluid Biden officials, Sam Brinton in second luggage theft allegation this fucking guy
Starting point is 01:56:27 fucking looks like matt damon oh wow wow caleb wow holy shit that's fucked me up now wow wow wow that is matt damon oh my god that is matt is Matt Damon, dude. That is Matt Damon. Let me read that story. Let me see. Can you go back up again? I need to read it. Yeah, sorry. Second luggage theft allegation. This. So the reason why you have the reason why people who are in power have to like they can't cheat on their wives or they can't be like thieves or like they they have to be on this moral high ground. Your officials is because then if anyone finds out they're doing something fucked up, they can leverage that against them. So, you have a guy who obviously has a ton of fucking weird shit going on with a ton of weird shit in his closet. By closet, I mean stuff he's hidden away that he doesn't want the world to know about.
Starting point is 01:57:33 And these dresses. Clearly some mental issues, right? Starved for some kind of weird attention. Something's going on. But is also a thief at airports. Dude, if, let me tell you something, if you've been caught twice stealing luggage and it's expensive luggage, he stole, I saw like, it was like a $3,500 piece of luggage you stole. If you get caught stealing luggage twice at the airport, do you know how many times you've stolen luggage? I mean, dude, this guy's stolen 100 fucking pieces of luggage. Matt Damon.
Starting point is 01:58:11 Easily. Easily. Yeah, I agree. I don't want to be mean, but yeah, it just screams mental illness. I would go into it. God, his mom hated him as a kid, for sure. For sure. No doubt. for sure for sure 100 probably wishes he had a daughter hey and what's crazy is she may have expressed it as in love do you know what i mean like as she's beating him she's telling him how much she loves him or some shit yeah something
Starting point is 01:58:38 yeah all this uh is a trauma response. Yeah. Crazy. Yes. Yes. It's not yet true. Good, good point. That's, uh, um, this is, this is this guy's a second time stealing and he only steals women's
Starting point is 01:58:56 luggage. And, uh, he's in charge of our nuclear waste, the country's nuclear waste. He is nuclear waste. What's that bottom? Was that, was that look at the Instagram the instagram was that did you pull up both clips oh yeah biden's nuclear waste guru out of oh so he lost his job ladies i gotta tell you something i have to tell you something
Starting point is 01:59:18 it looks like patrick or david from the bottom of my fucking heart And I haven't talked to any other men about this Don't overdo the red lipstick We do not find it attractive It's more attractive on this guy Than it is on you guys And I'm not even lying Dear ladies out there Please go easy on the red lipstick What we really like
Starting point is 01:59:42 Is just some lip gloss That makes your lips kind of uh shine like when the light hits it we love the original color of your lips we love your lips maybe just some lip gloss to highlight it a little eyeliner you don't got to do no crazy shit you put that red shit on we start thinking we're staring at a bamboos uh uh uh bamboo uh what's that what's the name of that monkey not a bam baboon we think we're standing at baboon's ass you know like those red shiny asses they got yeah okay we're we got our subject there a second back to the uh fucking wingnut who's in charge of our nuclear waste um i don't
Starting point is 02:00:18 know i i don't like any anything that if i notice you've done something to yourself i don't i don't like it so like um god i'm gonna get in trouble for this so hillers put out some videos of his girlfriend and i think she has breast implants and i don't notice them i'm not like oh look there's her breast implants so i don't care they look nice to me but if you got breast implants and they're so fucking taut that they look like I look at them and they're like hurting me, no. If I see your lips and I think you look like the Joker from Batman, like I don't want to hear my brain turn on. It's like I don't want to look at you like I looked at – like you know when you see a who only has one arm and you you look back again or you see those people who had that like what's that called phil what's that the thing where people only have like a little hand hanging out of their
Starting point is 02:01:10 elbow they got their they took an injection their mom took an injection when she was pregnant oh yeah like an extra limb or something yeah what's that called they gave it to women in the uh it was some injection they gave women and deformed their babies. It starts with an F or a PH. What is that? Polymelia? No. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 02:01:33 Thank you, Kat. Yes. God, you're smart as shit. Thamaldamide. Thamaldamide? Thalidomide. Thalidomide. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:01:41 Thalidomide. Yes. Thalidomide babies. Yes. Yes. I knew I'd get it. It's a little help from many people um when i see a thalidomide baby i get it my brain sees you you have no arm but you have a hand coming out of your shoulder and i look twice i don't if you're doing something that's cosmetic that's causing jolting me like that. I, I, I, I, I don't like it.
Starting point is 02:02:08 Who cares how you spelled it? Fuck it. You're genius. You can do what it was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You still get a 10 out of 10. You get to keep your job. Oh shit. I saw, I saw a note from my boss. Uh, Oh, um, uh oh um oh oh oh no are we going to meet sarah okay um oh shit already already i'm getting intel about morning chocolate. Wow. No shit. No shit.
Starting point is 02:02:53 Wow. Thank you. I'm going to have to confirm. Get a second source on that. I'll tell you when we're off there that's good good news i got fired not again no i'm going to uh i'm supposed to hang out with sarah at uh 9 15 and i'm going with our mutual friend Paul, who is on the show. It's 9.02. Yeah, you can't – I don't know what's going on with our government.
Starting point is 02:03:32 How did that guy get in charge of nuclear waste? I'm trying to get Phil Toon to come on the show. I think now is a good time for Phil Toon to come on the show, don't you? Yeah. Okay, so don't steal women's luggage. Our government officials have to be good people. That's the thing. That's the thing.
Starting point is 02:03:50 That's the thing. Like, we need good people. Okay. I don't think. South Susan. Oh. Okay. You guys want to finish on something strong?
Starting point is 02:04:09 This is Southernan's president so those of you who feel bad that we have um joe biden as our president i want you to see southern sudan's president uh he's the guy with the cowboy hat and i want you to look look at his pants this is during his fucking inauguration this is his inauguration that's him right there now look at him he's getting sworn into the office of the president of southern Sudan look at his pants
Starting point is 02:04:42 oh look down by his left leg oh buddy look he looked down at it oh no and then the camera pans away that guy just fucking wet himself at his own. And look at the beautiful sky. Salva. Salva Kira is his name or something. Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:05:18 So there's that. That should make you feel better about, I mean, to be honest, he probably doesn't, but he's got a diaper. I don't see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:30 Biden probably does it, but they just never show him on camera anymore. Uh, didn't Joe Biden crab his pants in front of the Pope or is that a baseless rumor? Anything's possible. Well, Putin pooped his pants too. Poopy Putin.
Starting point is 02:05:43 Did he? Yeah, supposedly. I'm pretty sure he has like cancer or too. Poopy Putin. Did he? Yeah, supposedly. I'm pretty sure he has cancer or something. Putin? Yeah, or has some illness. Oh, no. Wow.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Biden recently pissed his pants too. No shit. Yeah, me too, actually. You did too recently? Yeah, it's such a far walk to get to the bathroom. Oh, he shit his pants in front of the queen. So, one of you never been close to pop your pants when DC been wrote to you. No.
Starting point is 02:06:23 No, I, I, the last time I shit my pants, I've shit my pants twice in my life. One time I was living in my car and it was like five in the morning. I'd take a shit. I didn't make it. And then the time before that was like when I was five or six or four.
Starting point is 02:06:38 Those are my only two. All right. Great show. Thank you guys. Caleb, thank you. Matt Souza, thank you. Will Branstetter, thank you guys uh caleb thank you matt souza thank you will brandstetter thank you cory on the fringe of the team hanging out he's like he's like he's like we're the camp and he's like one of the wolves circling trying to get our scraps cory you demand uh thanks for calling in every morning jay mcdonald thank you glidesdale media thank you am i forgetting someone paper street coffee vindicate
Starting point is 02:07:12 and of course california hormones california hormones okay guys uh we will see you oh tomorrow so tomorrow i'm traveling all day and then tomorrow night i'm going to after sitting in the car for seven hours i'm going to uh do a show in the evening with jr howell and uh mr taylor self himself we'll be talking about the legends uh programming save it jeremy don't forget don't forget your story do not forget it

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