The Sevan Podcast - #714 - Live Call In | Where's Alex Stein?

Episode Date: December 22, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Good morning, Chase, Jamie, Corey, St. Spiegel, Kyle. Good morning. I was watching Nate, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Hi, Good morning. I was watching yesterday's – or no, yesterday after the show, I was cruising around on YouTube and I was going to different people's accounts. And I noticed Nate Edwards had made a post saying he's taking three weeks off. This is the slow time of year for CrossFit. And he said he was going to focus on his other channel more. And I'm like, I wonder what his other channel is. And I found it, and it's a golf channel.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And he is murdering it. I think it's Nate Edwardson YouTube. He is absolutely killing it. He only has like 15 videos up. It looks like he just started it. but dude, he is killing it. And so no matter what you think of Nate, you get to see what work ethic, habits, practice turn into. abilities and he's editing abilities and he did it in the CrossFit community and he's jumped over to golf and he is slain
Starting point is 00:01:47 so hats off to Mr. Nate Edwardson for doing it fuck this morning Alex Stein is coming on I think he says he is i don't know why certain guests i just think maybe they'll um no show i guess maybe once you once you do a show with me in a car
Starting point is 00:02:15 i'm always suspect of you jim good morning audrey good morning i think it's audrey i started following her uh uh jeffrey birchfield cat good morning looking forward to having you on the show christine young ken walters miss michelle uh god i hope he's not driving i don't like the driving thing for some reason although yesterday's went uh pretty well with Mikkel in the car. I thought yesterday's podcast is very interesting. I thought it was a, I thought it was a, at around the 20 minute mark, he went through some sort of transformation and realized that this was going to be a real conversation and real talk. And the whole podcast just took like, just got it's cool because i think people yeah on the show yeah you saw that too yeah i noticed it too because i think i came in like
Starting point is 00:03:10 10 minutes late or something and then i was like oh this could be tight and then like literally 10 minutes later he was telling stories about riding his bike down Santa Cruz and shit like that. It was really cool. People come on the show. I mean, I'm just making this up, this narrative. I don't know if it's true, but I think people come on the show and they have this expectation that it's just going to be like a normal podcast. And it is a normal podcast. It's just that there's so many people out there who don't get past, guess the veneer of themselves and so then the guests can't get past their own veneer i don't know it doesn't happen every time it happens a lot on this show i think
Starting point is 00:03:53 uh tyler get the soft white underbelly guy sometime he reminds me of you i'm not sure who that is send me a dm uh why is there 2022 u.s election banner on this video do you know what he's talking about um i want to show you this video of uh mr Stein made. We'll play. We'll play. It's with a guy who was scheduled to come on the show a couple of times, but for some reason it keeps falling through. It's so hard scheduling with someone when they'll only communicate with me on Instagram. And this guy, Bryson, won't let it go to email or text. So the scheduling is so difficult to do with them.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Okay. Let's check this out. This is a video Alex Stein was in recently. Bryce and Gray, Ali Stein, let's get it. Ay. Ay, ooh. Ooh, I got everybody mad. Y'all ain't fed up, they got y'all kids watching drag. And it likes triples while them kids give them cash. Teachers tell them they can change genders in class. Ooh, I got everybody mad.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Y'all ain't fed up, they got y'all kids watching drag. And it likes triples while them kids give them cash. Teachers tell them they can change genders in class. They say, why you burn a pride flag in your video? Boy, I'm Bryce and Gray. I'm not La Crea and Diminio. That's not a dish, just the truth. What you tripping for?
Starting point is 00:05:34 I preach the Bible. What else would I be in it for? We talking about them slippery slopes. Not even Disney, whoa. Hate speech to tell them the truth. But they gonna listen, though. Have you ever read Romans 1? We're about to end it, though.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Talking about living, let it live. Y'all let a minute go. This is called righteous judgment. What type of parent let their son dress like a woman? I used to think I was Spider-Man. I wasn't. Y'all think it helpin' a lot, but it doesn't. Ay, it's gon' get worse until we fight back. GOP promoting trainees now. I don't like that. It's kids lost on the wild path. Get on the right track. Proverbs 1715. Go recite that. Ooh, I got everybody mad. Y'all ain't fed up. They got y'all kids watching drag.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And they like strippers. Why them kids give them cash? Teachers tell them they can change genders in class. Ooh, I got everybody mad. Y'all ain't fed up. They got y'all kids watching drag. And they like strippers. Why them kids give them cash?
Starting point is 00:06:23 Teachers tell them they can change genders in class. Yo, Bryce and Gray. Why they gotta turn every kid gay? What's wrong with the people today? And you know a homie don't play. And I'm not going gay. I don't care what the media say. I'm so sick of the dancing.
Starting point is 00:06:42 No, y'all better not be prancing. I've been a thong in front of a kid and his mom You know that it's so wrong That kid should be playing Donkey Kong Not looking at a man in a thong Y'all, this is so sick And you know y'all better quit You know this is the truth
Starting point is 00:07:02 When I spit up in the booth I'm prime time. Number 99. And you know I grind and shine. Bryce and Gray ain't going gay. Not tomorrow. Not today. And homie don't play.
Starting point is 00:07:17 We will call you out. And you know I scream and shout. And you know I got that clout. I'm a pimp. I don't know blame and i can see it from outer space don't do a drag race you are a big disgrace stop all of it right now before i have a cow you making me super sick you know you better quit booyah bryson gray alex stein i think it's alex stein's first rap video although i wouldn't bet my life on it pimp on a blimp uh the the line in there that i'm proud that i know is when he said i'm not lecrae but i'm christian um i i've the craze a rapper the only time i've ever heard that music
Starting point is 00:08:06 play is when i visited uh mayhem a few times that's what the that was the rap music kind of like it's clean uh christian rap music so um yes bruce wayne oh oh really I don't know. I liked it. I'd warm up to that. I'd play that. No? Caleb? Bryson's part was really good. I'd play that in the garage while I warm up. I'd play that.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Why is Alex Stein rapping with his eyes closed? I feel like he's just always when he smiles his eyes are always closed my name is siva matosian i got a big nose in it's really good smelling something oh shit they're still listening yeah that's good thank you thank you i learned from eminem you can make any words rhyme that you want. I got a Victor. I got Tom McDonald vibes too. There you go.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Man. Tom McDonald is getting at it. He is getting at it. Okay. I don't know if you guys have been following Alex. Is Alex coming? Maybe I should ask Alex if he's coming. Should I just call him? I feel like it's that kind of situation.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Let's just call him. Oh, no. Shit, I FaceTimed him. Go over here. Alex Stein. Can you guys hear it when I do this, when I just hold my phone up? Yes. Alex, hi. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I'm here with Caleb. Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system. Well, shit. your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system well shit hey you know what that means if we reschedule them that just means that you guys have to um that means you guys just have to uh listen to that rap video again what do you guys think of the thumbnails i've been doing huh pretty slick i'm like learning i'm learning some shit hey we double scheduled today you put it up on the calendar and i put it up on the um calendar sebon i wish i wish sebon would adopt me i wish i had a tent in the back you could live in. Just live under the fruit trees.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah, you could do that. My dog poops in the backyard. I'm pretty, as you guys know, I'm pretty fastidious about picking it up. Caleb, I'm sending you another email. Guess what it is. Live call-in notes. Damn damn you fucking good you good this used to scare the shit out of me people do you understand that say that again kayla heidi has a tent so she's good oh all right yeah bring it heidi has a kid too right mike that's awesome you would add value to this house. Kids add value.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Live call in. What's today? December 21st. December 21. This used to scare me if a guest didn't show up. I was actually, I'm getting ready to go on a podcast with another person. And I don't, I don't really like to do that,
Starting point is 00:11:48 but I've been on this guy's podcast before and he is a great host. Well, he kind of makes me, this guy actually makes me nervous because he doesn't talk enough. So he gets me to talk a lot. It's the coffee, coffee, coffee,
Starting point is 00:12:01 coffee, pods and wads with Pedro. Oh, Pedro. But I asked him why he doesn't go live. And and he said uh just freaks him out a little bit and i remember that at first when he said that i was like no i shouldn't freak you out but i remember that i really want to hear andy and uh sebon and andy for zella yeah that would be cool i've reached out to him so many times mr rhodes i'm already one of Sevan's dependents.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Rewatch behind-the-scenes 2016 games. How was that? The young Sevan. Okay. If you... We'll do all my friends. Down below, you see a banner for to get all your Sevan podcast gear. I honestly don't understand how I'm not filthy rich because I really do think these shirts are so cool. All the events I go to, all my kids' events that I go to, all throughout the week, all the classes, everyone just thinks this is my uniform, and I guess it is.
Starting point is 00:13:06 That's all I wear. I'm addicted to the show. I hope you're talking about this show. That's all you wear too? Mm-hmm. How many do you have a lot? How many shirts do you have of this? I probably have like five CEO shirts. Oh, good. That makes me happy. And I, so, and the other thing is, is you could, um, I don't know how long this is going to last, but you can go to, um, Gabe's coffee shop, paper street coffee. Don't spell out street and use the code word seven.
Starting point is 00:13:45 uh you know i don't think there is a code for the shirts the shirts we try to gouge as much there is there is a code oh well there shouldn't be we should just be gouging you shirts are too cool and and this this thing has like a cool texture i i really but it's not like stiff um and uh so so you can go over to paper street coffee, P A P E R S T And you can get, I think it was 15% still, which is crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, uh, great supporter. Um, oh, you know what? Are you following that FTX thing? The crypto like downfall.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah. Yeah. A little bit, not super in depth yesterday i watched a commercial that shaquille o'neal did for ftx where he's like we're making bitcoin accessible for everyone we're making cryptocurrency accessible for everyone and i'm all in and so now they're thinking about like um you know drawing him up on charges and the the Clintons and a bunch of other people who may have been supporting FTX. The list of stars that supported her are crazy. And Shaq's saying, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:55 They just paid me to say that stuff. They just paid me to say that stuff. I got into it with one of my friends the other day. And he goes, you do that? You'd say anything for money too no actually i i wouldn't you guys know exactly how i stand on paper street coffee the clothing and my uh ultimate sponsor uh california hormones i'm not i'm not all in with california hormones i'm not taking i'm completely honest with what I say about them. Yeah, but I agree.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Dave Weed, crypto is dead. Buy Lego. It's probably smart. I don't know where Lego is at now, but fuck what a powerful company they are. They've reinvented themselves a couple times and killed it. And why is it okay for Shaquille O'Neal, who stands for nothing, to lie to you, and yet you still watch the NBA but you're upset at the liver king because he stands for something that saved his kids lives
Starting point is 00:15:52 but he also did steroids I think anyone who watches the NBA who thinks that uh that has issues with the liver king needs to rethink themselves I don't know how you guys sleep at night with those inconsistencies going on in your head. How do you, you know what that does? That fractures your personality. It makes it so you can't go deep. You're not being honest with yourself. You're not, you're not, fuck being honest with other people.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Just be honest with yourself. Like the abortion thing. I'm, be very honest. I'm pro pro-choice but yet it's killing babies it's absolutely fucking insane but i cope with it i deal with it i saw a clip of a really young savant and an even younger rory i i think in my mind i could make myself young again just shave off the beard should i just shave it all off so you guys can see what I look like? It would look weird if you throw us back to like a year ago on the show. Comb my hair to the side, put my vest back on.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I still have all my vests. Corey, good morning. Morning, how are you? Good. I appreciate, and I know we don't pay you much, but I appreciate you calling in every single day. That's what it's called, right? A live call-in show?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah. And so we're supposed to call in, right? A live call-in show? Yeah. I want to be completely transparent. We pay Corey $5 for every show he calls in. That's more than Caleb makes. And it comes in on a donkey. But Caleb is part of an equity program.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yes. Yeah. You're talking about the FTX, right right and why we're so stupid um how we can't see it's almost like a double entendre we we let the liver king get away with this until we find out he's on steroids but as soon as somebody talks about ftx we let them slide because they're rich and famous i don't know why we let them slide and And he lied. He's not all in. Now he's like, no, no, I'm not involved with them. They paid me to say that shit. Meaning you could just pay those people to say anything.
Starting point is 00:17:53 The worst is the rock. The worst is the rock. The liver king is talking about organs. The rock is selling you tequila, energy drinks, and ice cream during the pandemic. It's not even good. What did you say? It's not even good te pandemic. It's not even good. What did you say? It's not even good tequila. It's not even good tequila.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It's a fucking nuts. And, and he looks like, and he looks like the people who should be least drinking it. Those melanated folks. He's half Samoan, half melanated. And let's not mention that he's roided up also. Yeah. He is reallyated. And let's not mention that he's roided up also. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:26 He is really cool. But here's my stance and what I wanted to say. But remember I called in like two, well, probably six months ago now, and I told you my daughter was forced to wear a mask, and you were saying to the audience that any parent who made their child put a mask on was fucking stupid yeah yeah i got some i got some i got some heat from yeah but i was pretty harsh about it i felt almost bad for it because i got some heat from some family friends and that's when i called in and i i told you i was like look i i didn't want to put i i refused to wear a mask at ecu the entire time and i was waiting for my time to be canceled somebody to wear a mask at ECU the entire time. And I was waiting for my time to be canceled, somebody to take a picture.
Starting point is 00:19:05 They never did, but I never put a mask on. ECU, that's the college you teach at? Yeah. Okay. And I didn't want to put a mask on my child. And I basically cussed out the principal at her Montessori school. And I felt almost forced. I know I wasn't forced.
Starting point is 00:19:24 But my daughter, when I told her she couldn't go to school for a week, cried saying that she had so much fun at school. And please take me back. And the only way she could go back was wear a mask. But my point is, I think we have to give some of these listeners and some of the people time to wake up. We tune into you because we're trying to get some advice to gain our new narrative, but not all of us are at a point where we already see things clearly. So you're saying my approach should – I should try not to alienate people? Don't just – No, I don't think you have to change your approach and, and I don't
Starting point is 00:20:05 want to tell you, I'm not here to tell you what to do, but I maybe think give a little bit of grace that we are here to try to wake up, um, as, as best as we possibly can. And I think a little bit within our own time, but yeah, don't alienate us, but at the same time, be, be you. That's why we're here. Fair. But we just need a little bit of time to wake up and we, be you. That's why we're here. Fair. But we just need a little bit of time to wake up and we're trying the best that we can, I think. Fair. I love the civility in your thinking.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Well, it boggles me. I went to see my parents this weekend and my dad's 63 years old and he was in the military, we already know, for 30 years. And I was telling him, you know, I don't eat seed oils anymore. I don't eat sugar anymore. Um, I got my CrossFit level one. I don't drink alcohol. I don't smoke. I do a lot of things to be proactive. And I wasn't going to let anybody stick a needle in my body or in my pal's body because I see things more clearly. And my dad at 63 said, yeah, but I don't feel I had the choice. And I was at, um, I was at risk because of my, you know, my previous lifestyle and of my age. And it got me to realize not everybody's going to wake up. Right. Right. Right. Right. It kind of scared me. My dad, my dad scared me. Cause even he doesn't see things clearly, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:21:32 We're trying. I saw this thing yesterday. I've been watching a lot of homeschooling people on Instagram and basically I really do believe, I mean, the way our school system is set up, I'm starting to believe that that really was the indoctrination camp that you're just told, believe this, say this, think like this, remember this. And so we are, we start to learn. It's like if all you ever played was checkers and then now someone's trying to teach you how to play chess and just you, you're struggling. Oh, let's go to something we all know the pull
Starting point is 00:22:05 pull-up people struggle to understand the value of kipping pull-ups when they first come in i'd say 99 of us crossfitters thought the kipping pull-up was completely ridiculous because we just can't make that shift we've somehow put it into our identity and our belief systems that it has to be this slow, strict pool. And they don't see the value in the variance. And I mean, you guys saw I had that guy, Nick Gulo, on the show, and he talked about the importance of being a critical thinker. And six years ago, when he was struggling with the media, he talked about how shitty the media is. And yet he was hook, line and sinker. He's hook, line and sinker with Biden and taking, you know, the five boosters. And so that's even become an automated thing for people
Starting point is 00:22:49 to say, I do critical thinking. I don't even think people know what that means. Critical thinking. Is there, can I see the definition of that, Caleb? But I appreciate your, I appreciate your, your reminding me that, Hey, it's, it's, it's a process to wake up. The hardest part about waking up is letting go of who you thought you were. That's all it is. I mean, at least for me, and I think it's like that for everyone. I think all of our brains are kind of the same. It's really hard realizing that it would be like critical thinking, the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.
Starting point is 00:23:25 The problem is those people – maybe critical thinking is not a good word. The problem is, is people aren't, they don't have the tools to ask how to critically think. If you don't have metrics or measurements or understand the true definition of words, I think people are using their analysis, but they're not using it with information that's um the lowest common denominator that's not grounded like like listen to this one it's uh this one the leading cause of death for kids is uh gun violence now kids dying from guns that's the leading cause of death i read the other day but actually it's not the leading cause of death for kids in the united states is being born and then the second leading cause of death for kids dying in the united states is abortion and furthermore if you were to let's say you were to stop all gun violence right well heart disease and types 2 diabetes deaths would skyrocket they would go up because those
Starting point is 00:24:23 people would then die from those things and so you you have to think, getting rid of guns does nothing. It does nothing. If you really are sincere about fixing the problem of people dying prematurely, what would be a better choice of trying to figure out a way to make it so that couples stay married longer incentivize that figure out how what we could do to support that then we could reduce all the metrics of kids dying early heart disease type 2 diabetes myocarditis it's funny that i say that uh everything you would you would reduce everything abortion deaths all that shit would could go down but no one no one really wants to think and they they don't have the skills to even think like that, to scratch a deeper – But it's just taking an objective look, but you're taking an objective look from your current stance.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah, and to change that stance, you have to contextualize and use relativity and make sure you understand what words mean. Yeah, and no one wants to do that. No, not at all. Unless we wake up, which we're trying to do. Yeah, which means that you have to forget who you are. You have to change. You are just your perception. You are just your perception of the world.
Starting point is 00:25:42 By that, I mean your perception skills. And so that's really hard to let go because it's a little death, right, Corey? It's a little death. And death is scary. Well, it's like admitting the first step to, you know, an alcoholic is admitting that you actually have a problem. Right. No one wants to admit that they're at fault or they're not thinking clearly. Right. Like you say, you're killing a little little bit of yourself and that's one of the hardest things
Starting point is 00:26:08 to do go look at yourself in the mirror and say i have a problem no one wants to do that um but those who do are better off for sure and the people around you want to they have to change if you change and so even though they might not be bad people, they don't want you to change. They don't want their fat friend to lose weight. They don't want their alcoholic friend to get sober. All right. Well,
Starting point is 00:26:34 you got another call and show on Saturday. So I'll call and then Beaver. Thanks for your service. Yep. Talk to you later. Keep making that money. Okay. Good talking to you,
Starting point is 00:26:43 Corey. Bye. Bye. I think it's why it's so hard also for soldiers. Four years in the military, and we had Don on the show, eminently capable fucking human being, right? Super intelligent, super
Starting point is 00:27:00 fit, super good looking, marine recon, but then you get out and you're like fuck what can i do yeah you're so used to like a certain vocabulary of things or like a certain set of skills that only the military allows you to use that when you look at it when you look at jobs on the outside it's very difficult to translate essentially the language to a job somewhere else. So a lot of people have difficulty getting out of the military and just being out of the military and they just end up going back into contracting or something like that.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And they just continue to be under that umbrella of leadership, essentially. I'm reading Craig Harrison's book. God, I can't wait to get him on you guys have to read that you guys will love that book it's called longest shot by craig harrison i highly recommend the audiobook it's read so well and different characters get different voices and uh he's a sniper and the entrepreneurial skills that a sniper must have are nuts. I didn't realize that they had so much leniency, latitude. They're able to make more decisions.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yeah. Yeah, they're individually out there by themselves. They can make the decision. They don't have to usually i mean i don't know too much about it they don't he makes crazy decisions he makes crazy decisions yeah he makes all sorts of fucking decisions when he's out decentralized that's the word he's decentralized okay yeah it's it's um autonomy oh the longest yeah. Oh, my goodness, you guys. This book, this book is so amazing. You will be so happy if you listen to it.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Well, I don't know if happy is the right word, but you will be intrigued. I have 56 minutes left in it, and I so don't want to finish it. It's not good, huh? Oh, my goodness. It's so good. And it starts off with him as a kid, and it's just, it's just, it's so cliche. I don't mean that in a negative way, but you know, the fucked up parents fucked up upbringing.
Starting point is 00:29:14 That's next on my list right now. And what I'm reading, uh, it's called fighter pilot by Robin olds. He's like the OG fighter pilot fighter pilot yeah it's pretty good but is he still alive um i don't think so he was like world war ii uh era into vietnam he died in 2007 okay then i'm uh man i really i really i just want to read books of people alive so that I can get them on the show. I was chat. I don't know who I was chatting with the other day, but everything I do. Like I wouldn't, I wouldn't sit down and watch a sport unless it was somehow going to help this. Everything has to have synergy in my life. Everything, everything has to have synergy. Everything has to have synergy.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I read this article when I was a kid. It was in Smithsonian. It was about a professor at Harvard who was an entomologist. He studied insects. And he was also into marathon running. And he was also an artist. And he had this cabin out in the woods. I think it was in Maine somewhere.
Starting point is 00:30:30 And all he would do, he had one pot that he cooked in and ate out of, and he kept his life so simple. And he would go up to this cabin and he had a little trail that he would run like a, like a 15 mile trail. And every five miles, there was a spot where he'd have some like rotten bananas or, you know, he put something that attracted insects, a dead skunk or something. And he would leave it at those five mile markers. And at those five mile markers, he would stop. He would run there, get his marathon thing in, stop, draw. That's his art. And he would draw the bugs and take notes and study the bugs. And then he would run to the next one.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And eventually he published a book on bugs and he did all the drawings. And I just thought, yeah, that's how I want to live my life. I'm not going to watch the UFC unless there's somehow I can use it in my life. And so this is one of Seve's go-tos. Oh, shut it. How many shows do I get before I get to retell it? shut it. I knew I, I got it. Every, how many, how many shows do I get before I get to retail?
Starting point is 00:31:28 Can I tell a story three times in one year? Is that too much? No, I think that's funny. Too much. No, I think it's a good amount. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Eventually the show will just be just the same stories over and over and over. Uh, a three Oh five5 i saw this story yesterday um man this is a trippy story this is a man who has a wife and kids uh he uh is in the military he was deployed when you're in japan is that considered deployed? No. Okay. He was sent to Japan, and if you scroll down, he went – he drove – on one of his days off, he drove up to, I guess, the top of Mount Fuji, and he got mountain sickness. I think that's when the air gets too thin up there. And he was driving down. If you keep going, I'll read the exact thing um uh alconis was convicted of negligent driving in the deaths of an 85 year old japanese woman
Starting point is 00:32:35 and 55 uh 54 year old son-in-law on may 29 2021 while the family was driving down mount fuji after a day trip he's uh he had fallen asleep at the wheel, lost control of his vehicle, which plowed into pedestrians and parked cars in a restaurant two hours from Yokosuka Naval Base, where he was serving as an anti-submarine warfare officer. U.S. Navy investigations determined that Alcona suffered from acute mountain sickness and lost consciousness. His wife and children said that he was not sleepy and appeared to black out.
Starting point is 00:33:09 They said that once he passed out, he was unresponsive to their screams and one daughter's kicks. He remained unconscious even during the crash itself. So now he's – they could have flown him home. He didn't have to stand trial, but they didn't, they being the U.S. military. He stood trial. He was sentenced to three years in jail. And now the U.S. military wants to cut off payments to him while his family is fucking stuck over there in Japan. That is so not out of the ordinary.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Really? Oh, 100%. So I love telling this story because it's fantastic. So when I first joined the military back in, like, I think it was 2018, I had applied for, like, an officer program where I was going to go to this like selection course basically. And then if I made it, I was going to continue on, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I got hurt during the program and they sent me home and I was still, and they were like, okay, no harm, no foul. Like you just get sent home. Like, would you just like, you're still a civilian. No big deal. I said, cool. I went back a couple of months later, I got a phone call from the finance office at like my local base essentially. And they were like, Hey, we have two paychecks for you for basically, I think I want to say it was like $13,000 total. I like this story. I like this story.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah. I was like, wow, sick. Okay. 13 grand. That's pretty cool. And so I went over and I picked them up and it was like paper checks because they didn't have like a direct deposit for me. So they just gave me the money and then I left. And they said, hey, just be certain.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Like, you're probably not gonna be able to keep all of that. You're just going to get like a quarter of it or half of it or whatever. And I said, okay, no problem. Why is that? Why is that? Because I didn't like finish any sort of service commitment. And then like, I think when you join the military, there's like an automatic, like an automated system that occurs where it's like, Hey, you're going to get paid like your money for uniforms and your equipment and
Starting point is 00:35:30 all that shit. And then, and yeah, so there's like a, so they send you the checks, but you change your trajectory for what the checks were supposed to pay for. The checks were supposed to pay for B, but you went to C. Yeah. And I just, I just ended up like, I was just removed from the military at that point. So it was just like, here's your money for here's two months of pay, because that's what is stated on your DD-214, which is like your discharge paperwork. And so I had the discharge paperwork and I had this like $13,000. So I was like, wow, super cool. majority of it and put it in my savings and the other part i put i just like used essentially for life stuff because i just graduated college my wife was finishing college all that shit
Starting point is 00:36:10 um fast forward like eight or nine months i enlisted the military so then i joined and uh for the first two months so all the way through basic i was not like everybody was starting getting paid like in the probably fifth or sixth week of training and i was getting no paychecks because you're like a month behind essentially like in your pay so but i wasn't getting paid and they're like oh just fill out this form fill this form i was filling out the same form every time. Um, I get out of basic training. I go to my next station for training and I'm like, okay, well, this is insane. I'm still not getting paid. But what would happen is I would go to finance and I would say, Hey, I need money because I'm not, you're, you're not giving me any any and my wife is not working at the
Starting point is 00:37:05 time and like she's living at home like it was a whole fucking mess and they're like oh well how much do you need and i'm like all of my money like give me my paycheck yeah and they're like oh we can only give you like a thousand dollars at a time i said what the shit okay whatever so they would give me a thousand dollars. They were just basically just direct deposit a thousand dollars into my account. And that was, and I had to do that basically once a week because we didn't like, we were there, we had expenses, all that shit. For them, they were trying to catch up on the money they owed you. No, no. They were just giving me money because they couldn't figure out how I wasn't getting
Starting point is 00:37:42 paid yet. Oh, shit. Yeah. So they had no solution. They were just saying, here, we're going to give you an advance on your pay. And so here's $1,000, $1,000, $1,000. And the big worry that I was brought up was the fact that it was just going to accumulate on a debt that had been... It was just going to keep being more debt, essentially. that had been like it was just going to like keep being more debt essentially well eventually i found out from finance that i had this thirteen thousand dollar debt just sitting on my account
Starting point is 00:38:12 and i was like okay well where is that from because i know i'm only supposed to give back that set of money i had like mapped out everything i was like i do not owe fifteen fucking thousand dollars right and i still wasn't getting paid so there was no way for me to like start making payments on that and to make it even worse they were giving me money which was added to that every month to the debt it was like yes so i was just getting it was like another thousand dollars another thousand dollars so that eventually it was like i think it got up to like sixteen thousand dollars something ridiculous and they were not doing anything in the slightest to figure
Starting point is 00:38:45 out what was wrong with it they were just like here's something i tried to go through my chain of command so like the people that i was in tech school with i went to my like instructor i went to like the person that is in charge of our rooms and stuff i went to i tried to email like the officer in charge and she was like she went on vacation to like in gu officer in charge and she was like, she went on vacation to like Guam or something. And she was, and they were like, Oh, well, the person who is in charge while she's gone doesn't know how to do that. So you're just gonna have to wait until she's back. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:39:16 I don't give two fucks. So then this goes on for another, probably, I would say almost a, almost a year where I'm just like battling with these people back and forth finally um my dad being a connected retired air force gentleman he had a friend who has worked for another guy who basically is in charge of the people who run finance and so and that guy's a general so he they we got in contact with this guy with this general and the general calls me is like on my cell phone i was like okay this is terrifying because i'm like a baby like e3 i have no like no rank like basically
Starting point is 00:40:00 no rank like i'm a nobody but this general's calling me saying hey what's going on with the year of your pay so i explained the whole thing he passes me to the like enlisted guy who's in charge of the command chief and i explained my situation he goes okay we'll get this sorted out so for a year they basically had been saying that i was still discharged and for whatever reason they didn't notice that the code was saying that i was discharged they were were just like, oh, I don't know why he's not getting paid. So all they had to do was click a button to change it to say that I was on active service. And then I would start getting paid. I was like, cool. I started getting paid. But then they started taking $400 out of my paycheck every month. And if you look at like the pay chart for an E3, E4, like you're not, you're making like $1,600 a month, like without your, your BAH and all that
Starting point is 00:40:53 shit. So I was making like $1,200, $1,100 a month or every paycheck every two weeks. Minus 400. No, no. That was with like, so 1, 1100 on the first 1115 and so i had to pay back this 400 every month until the 12 000 was paid off i tried to dispute that forever and they were like no it's true no it's true no true. Finally, I'm like, not kidding. Last month on this fucking deployment, I paid it off and now I have no more debt. So, but you're sitting on that, but in your city and now the cash in your savings is yours. Yes. What a fucking shit show.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Hey, that's the whole man. That's why they can't fucking figure out where 60% of the Pentagon budget. They audited the Pentagon and they can't figure out where 60% of the budget went. Yeah, exactly. It's mind-blowing to me how long it took for that shit to – yeah. So that's my finance story. I'm sure if you talk to anybody in the military, they have some finance story. And what's even worse is that they moved from a phone call system to an automated computer system.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Right. But you can never reach somebody in the automated system. worse is that they moved from like a phone call system to an automated like computer system right but you can never reach somebody in the automated system they just kick keep kicking back your request saying that this is wrong this is wrong this is wrong and they never solve they never solve anything and you know most people don't i like i like if i wasn't married my finances would be a disaster if my wife didn't do that yeah sure it's it was insane to me caller hi kenya hi oh what's up how you doing what's up brother nothing much that story is like familiar to dial i just got out last year i think i told you that a minute ago but um yeah i actually went from enlisted to officer. And during that time, they essentially gave me a no-pay due for six months.
Starting point is 00:42:53 So I had two kids to feed. I had a mortgage to pay and all that. They ended up cutting me like $500 checks every week, just like Caleb was saying. But for officers, it's like a little bitty bit different. When something like that happens, they try to blame you for it, and you have to go talk to your battalion or brigade commander. And when that gets involved, it gets kind of weird
Starting point is 00:43:13 and squirrely. But yeah, trying to deal with finance in the Army or in the military in general, fucking sucks. And they don't want to hear that shit either, right? That's the last thing they want to deal with right because then your commander like your leadership has to your leadership has to explain that your they have to explain your situation to somebody else because they then it's like well
Starting point is 00:43:37 i can't like you can't go explain this to somebody because you can't get this meeting with somebody but i'll explain it for you as best as i can. And they have so many other things going on. They're like, hey, this fucking guy's not getting paid. What do you want us to do? Like, that's basically what happens. Yeah. So I was like a fire support officer at one point in time as a first lieutenant.
Starting point is 00:43:59 And I had a kid, an NCO, one of the E5s, get a DUI, right? And this is how stupid this is. Here we go. This is radical. He gets a DUI, right, on a Friday. He gets thrown the drunk pick in Colorado Springs on, like, a Saturday or whatever. And we go get him.
Starting point is 00:44:18 We get notified and everything. Monday morning, the CG, the commanding general of basically 4th ID, 4th Carson, is like, hey, I want all of you guys, this chain of command from you all the way up to come and explain to me what happened. Mind you, I have this kid sitting next to me with my first sergeant,
Starting point is 00:44:37 battalion commander, brigade commander, you know, battery commander. And they look at me and go, hey, why did he get the DUI? And I look at Joe and I'm like, sir, he said it right there. Just ask him. And he was like, no, you know, you're his leadership. You need to know what he's doing and all that stuff. I'm like, sir, I'm not a babysitter. Like, he has, like, rational thinking skills.
Starting point is 00:45:01 He has common sense. And he was like, he looked at me like, why am I, why are you talking to me like this? I'm like, because pretty much I'm showing up to my job and I'll lose it every day because I know something like this is going to happen and I'm going to get fired. So he ended up asking the kids sitting next to me, the NCO. And the NCO was like, yeah, I just made a dumb decision. Like I thought I was okay and apparently I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:45:24 And, you know, he looked at me and he was like, yeah, I just made a dumb decision. Like, I thought I was okay, and apparently I wasn't. And then, you know, he looked at me, and he was like, hey, you know, no one's ever told me that before. I'm like, no one's ever just told you the truth. No one's ever told you to, like, find out the source of the problem from here. And that's kind of how I realized that it's kind of a process problem in the military itself. The whole, like, government itself is now still working for the government as engineers. And we have processes that are flawed.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Like Caleb was saying, the whole automated system for finance now, instead of it being you can go talk to someone, pretty much if you're not an E-6 or above, like a SAS or above, you can't go to finance. You have to have someone go for you. like a task order above, you can't go to finance. You have to have someone go for you. It sounds like just, I just imagine layers and layers and layers of bureaucracy. Exactly. Dude, it's crazy. I know what you're talking about. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I am a firm believer, though, Kenya, in chain of command. I do appreciate the effectiveness of chain of command. I mean but there's a process these problems so let's let's think of it like this you know you're the ceo of of your podcast right yeah there's a there's a chance of man that goes you then um i guess then you know caleb and whomever else on staff, say the lowest guy on your totem pole says, hey, you know, my wife has cancer now. Right. All right, cool. Your lowest guy's wife has cancer or something,
Starting point is 00:46:53 or something bad going on, she's sick. You want to go and give that guy time off. So the only max amount of time you can give him is what's mandated on paper. But in all honesty, the need of that guy to help you run your podcast is very swift. Like he's not he or she is not very well needed
Starting point is 00:47:13 to run the podcast on a day-to-day basis. So he or she's missing three to two days of work a week to take his wife or kids to whatever doctor's appointment is true. like the whole process is someone's going to make you call a lead for them and do this and then you know at the end of the day someone's going to say oh you know i'm a family care plan was going to kick you out and
Starting point is 00:47:37 then that is the exact same problem because now they don't have tri care anymore. I mean, that's just a really far, long, stressed story to go into the whole weed, though. There's no set of possibilities that are defined. I hear you, but I hated it when people above me would go to people below me, or people below me would go to people above me. And here's the reason
Starting point is 00:48:00 why. It was mostly to protect the people below me. And so if the person above me goes and talks to someone below me and gives them a task and and i don't know it it called it just wreaks habit so let's say let's say you're above me and you talk to caleb and you and him have a conversation and you give caleb a task and i've already had caleb on two tasks and now i'm wondering why my two tasks aren't being done and And it's because I wasn't notified that someone above gave him a third task. And so now, so part of me thinks that shouldn't you, let me just push back here a little bit.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Shouldn't you have stood up for your guy? I mean, yeah, 100%. Like you should, you should always communicate at every level what's going on. But at some point, someone that's right above that dude or gal should be fighting to make that exact decision for them to do what's more important for their life. Because at the end of the day, the Army, the military, whomever, it's going to break your heart. I had a battalion commander tell me that once in life. One day, you're either going to break the Army's heart or the Army's going to break your heart. So you've got to commander tell me that once. He's like, one day, you know, you're either going to break the Army's heart or the Army's going to break your heart until you've got to leave.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And you've got to kind of live with that. Because at the end of the day, you are a human being and you've got to take care of yourself. But, yeah, if you don't know what your guys are doing, then you're kind of lost. And that's the whole thing with kind of troops that have matrices. We use them in the Army a lot, like spreadsheets. If you say that this person's here doing gym detail,
Starting point is 00:49:28 or this person holds troops in the field, or this company is here doing this this day, so that everyone knows who's tasked out doing what and where, but the odds of that thing being updated are horrible. Right. Thank you, Kenya.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Have a good one. Caleb, what do you think about this? What do you think about the fact that, you know, the whole Twitter scandal that went down with the FBI working with Twitter and Jack Dorsey of his responsibility. I struggle with that. I don't accept that. It's like the FBI went straight to the operations officer, I think. It was some Indian woman, attractive Indian woman. And it's like she eventually, you know, we know that Elon fired her. But it's kind of like, what the fuck? Like, really, Jack? The FBI was meddling in fucking
Starting point is 00:50:27 the affairs of your company and you didn't know and and that's your excuse i just i'm not okay with it yeah it seems weird like if that's under your your umbrella of command or if you're you're like that's your your business then you should probably be aware of what's going on at all times. And if you're not, it doesn't absolve you. Yeah, no, I agree. Because I mean, it's technically, I mean, it'd be your fault regardless. And I would think the people, your bosses, it's really important that you get your people paid.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I mean, that was a huge part of my job at CrossFit, fighting to make sure people got what they deserved, or what they earned, or what they were they were promised your bosses take it seriously do the bosses take it seriously yeah i mean like the closer you are to them the better they understand your situation but the further you the further you go away from them like right the less likely they are to like i mean it's not that they don't care but it's like hey man i've got everything else to worry about right like your money problem could like probably be solved by somebody else or like they try to use it as like they're like oh we have an open policy, but they really want that door to be open only when it's necessary.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Basically, like if you've you've exhausted all other opportunities, all other options, then yeah, then you need to go to them because then. Right. They're not your secretary. Try to do it yourself. And only when you fucking hit an absolute stop. Exactly. Come to us which is which is why when i got to that general and they came down to my leadership they were like why didn't you not come to us first i was like well for one i i tried but you guys just i mean it's not that i hadn't exhausted all my options but when that opportunity came up i was like yeah no shit i'm gonna take that i haven't been paid in almost a year so right right right i don't know uh who do you guys think i you know who they should they should make me this i was thinking they should make me the ceo or or and i mean that in all
Starting point is 00:52:35 seriousness or they should make greg glassman the ceo of twitter greg would be an amazing ceo of twitter fuck he'd be so good i saw saw Lex Friedman say he would do it. Yeah. You're in that case, dude. Okay, I want to show you this article. So I want to show you two articles. I'm going to read from the second one. This is 304.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I'm going to show you the title of the first article. It's from a news source called The Daily Skeptic. And I'm just going to read you the title of the article and then i'm going to show you an article about the same story from another article this is top australian doctor reveals she is vaccine injured and says doctors are being censored okay now i want to show you this other uh this is the daily mail out of the UK reporting on the same story. This is some fucking crazy reporting right here.
Starting point is 00:53:29 The same story. Anti-vaxxers gloat. So now this one's not even reporting on this lady. It's reporting on the people reacting to the story. Anti-vaxxers gloat that Karen Phillips and her wife suffering horrific COVID vaccine side effects means their wacky conspiracies were right as they make chilling claims about the jab. So this story is admitting that this lady, Karen Phillips, go back down. Sorry, one more second.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Go back the other way. One second, Caleb. This story is admitting that she did suffer horrific COVID vaccine side effects, but they're still wacky conspiracy theories. And that this story is so fucking crazy the way this is written because they're admitting that this lady and her wife were injured by the vaccine and yet it's a wacky still a wacky conspiracy theory keep going down now um let's see here uh karen phillips said she and her wife suffered devastating vaccine side effects claim medical authorities failed to follow up and censor discussion of them anti-vax so
Starting point is 00:54:33 that's true but then it goes on to say anti-vaxxers hijacked her story to claim conspiracy theories are correct dude anti-vaxxers were quickly hijacked dr karen phillips revelation that she and her wife suffered serious covid vaccine side effects what does hijack means the former head of australian medical association detailed the deliberating adverse reactions in her submission to a senate inquiry into long covid by the way there's no such thing as long code that's a more word fuckery that's just shit that's made. By the way, there's no such thing as long COVID. That's more word fuckery. That's just shit that's made up, by the way.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Dr. Phelps also argued far more Australians suffered serious side effects than were reported and doctors were too scared of losing their silence to speak out. They're reporting that as true. This lady said this, and yet they're still saying it's wacky conspiracy theories. However, she still strongly supports covid vaccination as the benefits far outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people. Her and her fucking wife had serious adverse effects, but she's still arguing.
Starting point is 00:55:40 OK, fine. I appreciate that. Fine. still arguing okay fine i appreciate that fine but australians who refuse to get the jab have now used their testimony to declare they were right all along and experts were finally waking up to the vaccine being poisoned they were fucking poisoned from it they were poisoned from it why at this point um the daily mail Why even report on this? I mean, is this just straight? Is this what they call cognitive dissonance? I mean, what the fuck? Keep going, Caleb. It gets crazier.
Starting point is 00:56:16 It gets absolutely crazier. Chief among them was former federal... No, hold on. So one of the MPs said if she'd only listened and followed the real science from the real experts instead of propagating the groupthink from big pharma's marketing brochures. Keep going down. This is absolutely nuts that this lady and her wife were seriously injured and she's still pushing the vaccine. The cult is imploding and the vax
Starting point is 00:56:45 injured cultists are rebelling how many others have been conned and got injured how many regret being conned how many doctors will speak up so this lady admits she was injured and she admits doctors are being censored about the truth and yet this article is saying that it's just still anti-vaccine conspiracy and this lady still wants you to get the shot no mention of eating healthy or any of that stuff uh maybe not long covet but there are some lasting effects yeah yeah i mean but all sicknesses like that if if they've said from the beginning also they've said from the beginning that the more sick you are when you get that, the longer it will be and the more damage it will do to you. So if you're 300 pounds overweight and you get in a car accident, the complications are going to be more significant.
Starting point is 00:57:42 If you're 82 and you fall down the stairs, you're dead. If you're six months old, it's nothing. It was a fun ride. My father-in-law had a stroke back in September. And the doctor even said that vaccine has been linked to blood clots, which resulted in a stroke. Jessica Valenzuela.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Dude, they're every day now. It's, it's. It's nuts. Anyway, crazy reporting, batshit crazy reporting. The reporter, that story should have been she said that, and then the reporter trying to figure out why, how many, the question is, is how many people do you think? So now what they're saying is for every one person who's saved from the – the metrics show that for every one person saved from the vaccine, two die. Well, what does that mean, Sevan? Well, that means they give the vaccine to 100 people in a study, and one dies from COVID and two dies from myocarditis. And the control group – it's one person dies out of
Starting point is 00:58:46 every 200 who did who didn't get the vaccine you guys following that it's pretty it's pretty simple math uh i'm thankful my grandparents didn't even get the vaccine or the rest of my crazy crunchy family wow uh i thought the crunchy people got it. I thought that my impression was the crunchy people did what the government said. What are crunchy people? Hippies, I think. Granola crunchy. I maybe got COVID and recovered in a few days.
Starting point is 00:59:21 I think, oh, let me ask you this, Caleb. My kids were pretty sick on and off for a month. on and off on and off so really bad cold then better then throwing up at night then better and then the last phase when they were one of them was coughing so crazy and his lips were turning purple every night his lips turned purple and someone said that's a uh low that was he probably had pneumonia that was low uh low oxygen levels in the blood that's pretty possible if you're having poor perfusion to your lips it usually means you're something's wrong with your lungs uh no crunchy is like hippie and anti-government yeah that's what i said it's like hippie but hippies aren't anti-government anymore they're totally pro-government rage against the machine that band't anti-government anymore. They're totally pro-government. Rage Against the Machine, that band, totally pro-government.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Crunchy. Used to describe a person who have adjusted or altered their lifestyle for environmental reasons. Crunchy persons tend to be politically strongly left-leaning and maybe additionally but not exclusively categorized as veg. Yeah, they're fascists. I was a fucking liberal fascist. I was headed that way. I knew, though, there were some weird things. When they were making these crazy smoking laws in Berkeley, I was like, man, this is like, this sounds like fascism.
Starting point is 01:00:43 What were the smoking laws? Like where you could and couldn't smoke i couldn't remember like cigarettes i couldn't remember the exact rules but they were crazy and i'm and i don't want anyone like smoking near me but but it was it was over the top i forget exactly what they were when i when i used to live in germany they would just smoke all over the place. It was just all the restaurants, all the patios. Like now it's like nostalgic for me to smell cigarette smoke because it was like, it's like,
Starting point is 01:01:14 oh, I feel like I'm in a restaurant in Germany. Hippies love the CIA. Yeah. They want to be part of the social experiment. 303. What is this manslaughter this this might be a a repeat i don't want to be told where i can smoke but but but but i also if my if i'm smoking in my house and i share a wall with a neighbor and my neighbor can smell my smoke, that's fucked up.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Kalia Tifford, mother admits manslaughter of obese daughter. This is crazy. Okay, scroll down a little bit. I wonder what kind of precedent this is going to set. Sarah Jane Lloyd-Jones, 39, pleaded guilty to the charge when she appeared at Mold Crown Court on December 12th. Kalia Tifford, 16, was found dead at her Poisey's home in October of 2020. It was alleged at an earlier hearing that her parents failed to meet Kalia's dietary needs leading to her obesity. The dad hasn't had a chance to speak up yet.
Starting point is 01:02:23 the dad hasn't had a chance to speak up yet. Alan Tiffert, 44, is due to go on trial in January. He denies manslaughter and causing or allowing the death of a child or vulnerable person. So she's being charged with, oh, shit, I just got an exposure notification from this phone because I'm talking too loud. Jeremy, hi. Hi. Hey. Hi.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Hey, what's up? Hey, what's up dude hey so um funny covid story so i had you know you saw my comment you put my comments up in there about you know lasting effects and everything like that um because yeah you're hearing the term long covid long covid long covid. And I don't know if there's any science behind it or whatever, but I do have a friend who attributes his wife's new brain, what is it called, like brain bleed or something, to having COVID. So I don't know. I'm trying to. Is she vaccinated?
Starting point is 01:03:24 Yeah. Yeah. As a matter of fact, he lives out in portland he just got boosted for like yeah i don't even know how many times yeah well there's a there's there's a ton of evidence showing that um when they put the injection in you i i don't know what the exact um explanation is but if they put the injection in you and it goes into what I think what they call a capillary bed, then the spike proteins will accelerate in their growth and they'll pass through the brain barrier and they'll start causing all sorts of situations by clumping together. All sorts of situations.
Starting point is 01:03:58 I'm trying to explain these things to him. So this is a guy who's, uh, me and, uh, me and Wes Pied and a bunch of guys we have this dad's group and we use this at Marco Polo and, you know, every day you can,
Starting point is 01:04:11 uh, just talk to each other and do videos and, you know, it gets pretty deep and sometimes it's funny or whatever,
Starting point is 01:04:17 but, uh, you have to tread lightly, you know, when you're responding to some of these things that he's bringing up these issues with his wife and he's talking about he's getting boosted and this and that, you know, when you're responding to some of these things. So he's bringing up these issues with his wife
Starting point is 01:04:25 and he's talking about he's getting boosted and this and that, you know, and I'm like, you know, I'm trying to tread lightly with him. Wes Piot's over there at that gym in Hollister, California? He's in Gilroy in the Coastal Range Cross. Yeah, I've seen a lot of fucking bad, I love
Starting point is 01:04:42 Wes, but I've seen a lot of bad thinking coming out of there. A lot of woke, crazy, crazy. I totally agree. And I, and I, and I,
Starting point is 01:04:48 I guess you could say I'm like working on him. Uh, you know, I don't want to like make him some crazy conspiracy nut or anything. I want him to like think, you know, and not, not be so emotional.
Starting point is 01:05:00 That's his thing. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it seems like. It seems very emotional. Yes. Very emotional. For sure.
Starting point is 01:05:05 For sure. But my, my funny like. It seems very emotional. Yes. Very emotional. For sure. For sure. But my, my funny story is I had COVID twice. Uh, I actually got it after the legends last year. And I think the reason that was so bad, you know, it was just like cold,
Starting point is 01:05:15 cold food. It got pretty nasty for like, you know, four days. But I think that was last year. Legends was like four days, 11 events. You you know I'm traveling from Wisconsin all the way to California
Starting point is 01:05:28 California back to you know I just think my body was in such a weak state or whatever you want to say but the time before that this is actually funny I got it in early late late 2020 and you know I lost my taste and smell
Starting point is 01:05:44 which is the weirdest sensation of all time but late, late 2020. And, you know, I lost my taste and smell, which is the weirdest sensation of all time. But the funny part is the taste started to come back. Probably was like two, three weeks. I could start tasting stuff again. But the smell was really weird. Like it was on and off, on and off. And there was actually one thing I couldn't smell, and this is actually not complaining at all.
Starting point is 01:06:06 I could not smell shit. Like I could not smell poop. Like it was, I could put my face right between the butt crack and I would not smell it. It was the weirdest thing in the world. Great visual, great visual. Yeah, I figured you'd appreciate that. But then I remember, so that was like 2020.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I remember spring, summer of 2021. I that was like 2020. I remember spring summer of 2021. I'm doing my business and all of a sudden, boom, I smell it. I was like, Oh my God. Like, like it was like this weird celebration. Like I could, I could know that again, you know, but you know, that was my little funny story about COVID, but no, it wasn't that funny. It wasn't that funny. It wasn about covid but no it wasn't that funny it wasn't that funny it wasn't that funny it wasn't that funny dang it i'll try harder next time um i was maybe if i added a handy oh yeah if there was a handy in there at least yeah i'd give it a i'd
Starting point is 01:06:58 get on the scale of one to ten i'd give it a three as far as funny goes okay next time i'll practice i'll practice a little more. This show is we're here for you to practice. You can rehearse and get a constructional construction on constructive criticism. So feel free to call. Is it a better call than Corey or who's doing
Starting point is 01:07:17 better so far with calling? I don't want to say I don't want to say, I don't want to discourage anyone from calling. Anyway, I appreciate it. Corey is a better call. Thanks for sharing, Jeremy. I appreciate it. Call anytime, brother.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Heidi says you have your voice. It shows if you don't need to get blood work at California Hormones, she assessed your testosterone levels by the sound of your voice. She says you're at 990. Oh, wow. Thank you, Hyder.
Starting point is 01:07:48 I really appreciate that. Yeah, so you're good to go, buddy. All right. You guys have a great, great Wednesday. You too, brother. That was Jeremy with a testosterone level of 990. If you would like to get your blood levels checked, you can go to your insurance company, ask for a blood panel, get your blood work checked, and then you can send it over to California Hormones.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Use code SEVON, and you can speak to a doctor and get a free doctor's consultation. If you are in California, you can go to their Southern California offices and get the free blood work and get the free doctor's consultation. And if you'd like to learn even more about it, check out, uh, Andrew Hiller is currently using their protocol and he has a series called testosterone Tuesday over at the Hiller fit YouTube channel. And he's probably already made like five or six videos and he's doing an absolutely amazing job. I do. I needed to tell you guys this about this guy, Wes Pyatt.
Starting point is 01:08:40 He is maybe he, he, if there's 10 coaches out there that are the best coaches in the world or a hundred, I don't know what it is. He's fucking one of them. And this guy has done so much for fucking people and humanity and given so much of himself. So I don't want anyone to think that I was bagging on him because I was
Starting point is 01:08:57 bagging on him a little, but I love that guy. He's always been nothing but great to me. And I know he, he, he is making the world a better place. Yeah, he's he's he was part of a part of my seminar stuff. Yeah, absolutely. Amazing human being. Top notch coach. And those people over there in Gilroy are pretty damn lucky to have him. And I'm not just saying that he is really a remarkable human. have him and i'm not just saying that he is really a remarkable human okay uh 302 uh there's an instagram account called what the fuck portland and as you can imagine um i love this every the interesting thing is every time i go to new york city i see something like this and i've been to
Starting point is 01:09:37 new york city 50 times but this is this is the kind of i see i see so much crazy shit everywhere i go i feel like but same with Portland. I got to show you guys this video one time. I was at a Starbucks with Greg Glassman, the former owner of CrossFit, and with Dale Saran, who's been on this show, the general counsel. I have the video somewhere because I was filming when it happened. And we just sat down outside this Starbucks in Portland. And it was a nice neighborhood. And Greg had ordered a Trenta black iced tea, no sugar, no water. And we just sat down.
Starting point is 01:10:15 And this guy comes from across the street. And he's carrying a briefcase. And he's wearing a leather jacket. And he looks borderline like between businessman and homeless man, you know, like something's off but he's all dressed fancy and he walks over and he picks up greg's trenta iced tea and he takes a sip of it through the straw and i'm filming and greg and then the guy puts it down and takes a step back and greg picks up the trenta iced tea looks at the guy and goes here have it and throws it at him from fucking four feet away and this trenta iced tea hits this fucking dude's chest uh and just uh yeah it just gets all over him oh Oh, it was crazy. I was dying.
Starting point is 01:11:06 I was dying. The guy just turned around, just completely soaked. Atrenta is massive. And walked away. Starbucks in Portland is not the way to go. I know. I know. We weren't downtown or anything.
Starting point is 01:11:18 We were kind of in one of the suburbs or something. I mean, Portland's not the way to go. But he used to have a house there and uh yeah it was such a boss move it was so oh yeah it escalated so quickly it escalated so quickly i have many many many stories like that with uh with greg great guy too he's the he's the kind of guy that if that guy just would have walked up to him and said hey can i get some money for a fucking trenta greg would have given him can i get some money for an iced tea greg would have given it to him he just made the mistake of drinking greg's drink through his straw caller hi
Starting point is 01:11:51 what's up savon it's philip kelly hi philip what's up brother looking forward to having you on the show yeah man uh i'm just calling because i heard jeremy calling just a few minutes ago and uh so i'm in that men's group with. No, no, you called to talk to Caleb and I, you stand, you stand corrected. I'm sorry. Well, no, I did call to talk to you, but I'm calling in response to, I just want to touch on what Jeremy was referring to. I believe he was referring to one of the gentlemen who lives up in Oregon in
Starting point is 01:12:21 our group who, who uh just recently got gosh i don't even know shit whatever number of booster he just got for his vaccine and uh uh the i i don't know i just came back in from taking my kids to school did jeremy touch on what that guy's wife went through with covid at all uh he just i i the, the, the takeaway for the story was, is that she's having some sort of issues in her brain, like maybe some sort of vessels breaking or some sort of clotting or something. So aneurysms are a common side effect of taking that medicine. Um, not common, but it happens. And so, uh, that I asked, did she take the medicine? And he said, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:05 And so I immediately just went there. And that's where we were at. I know. I know. Yeah. So this is coincidental. Just yesterday, that guy reached out to me because he wanted to ask me and he was trying to be careful not to offend me, which he couldn't possibly do. But he wanted to know.
Starting point is 01:13:23 He said, it seems like you're very like what's the word i want to say like not flippant but he's interested in my opinion on the vaccine with what i have gone through with being sick from covid and why am i why does it seem like i basically why am i not scared to death to get covid again with what it boils down to and i said before i told him i said before i answer your question i want to know more about your wife because she's scared to death now to get covid um he's getting boosted all the time because he wants to protect her and um so i understand where he's coming from and asking me that but i said i want to know more about your story and her stuff first before I respond to you. And so I'm actually getting ready to respond back to him now.
Starting point is 01:14:09 He gave me the whole rundown of her battle with COVID. She's had COVID twice. What makes him think that if she's had COVID twice that the medicine's working? He believes the narrative that it mitigates the uh symptoms he no i would tell you that he is i think he's on the fence but he feels like with what she believes he is willing to just do whatever it takes to make her feel better and more at ease. Okay. And I can understand that. I'd do some crazy shit like that for my wife too. So I get it. But I wouldn't do it for anyone else, by the way.
Starting point is 01:14:55 I would not do it for my parents. I would not do it for my job. I would not do it for my friends. But maybe my wife, I would do some crazy shit if my wife told me like, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, yeah, I,
Starting point is 01:15:09 I just, I'm getting ready to respond to him. Uh, actually today I'm going to do it, but, um, I was just going to, I want it.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I want him. So here's the thing too. You have to, there's even more backstory, I think that where he lies, because obviously this, this has become a political topic too. Yeah. Why? I've been tripping on that lately too we'll get back to that how is this a political topic we'll get back to that too uh so he i can tell from what he told me uh yesterday that
Starting point is 01:15:37 his dad is very conservative in his beliefs and, I think through his upbringing, upbringing, it has pushed this guy away from agreeing with anything that his dad has to say. And so for, for no reason other than just to, you know, be rebellious against his dad, right. So I'm getting ready to tell him, you know, a few things, but one thing I want to just ask him, what research have you done on the vaccine? Have you done any, has your wife done any? Um,
Starting point is 01:16:12 and I'm going to start there with him and I'm going to try to challenge whatever ideas she has. I get with what he's told me, the side effects and everything that she has right now. Um, first of all, they have no way. And I say, they, effects and everything that she has right now. First of all, they have no way. And I say they, I'm talking about him and his wife. They have no way to tell me that what she's going through is only from COVID and not from the vaccine. And so I need him to do his own research in a sense, uh, so that he can figure it out for himself. Kind of like how you just had, um, that guest on last week,
Starting point is 01:16:55 who she says that you read Pilder. Um, same thing. I kind of want him to figure it out for himself. I don't want to push him because he's already had his dad pushing him around and he's just going to rebel against that. Right. So. Show him that article that's in the daily mail where they they're they're just it's just it'd be like hey does this make sense to you here's a couple who's the former head of the medical association her and her fucking wife were fucking had severe adverse reactions to the vaccine they match your fucking reactions probably with blood clots and shit like that and aneurysms and and yet uh and yet the article continues to say it's safe i mean what a mess hey let me can i let me ask you this philip
Starting point is 01:17:36 if you think this is correct do you remember when trump was working on said he was going to use a shitload of resources for the vaccine and there would be all these montages of all these politicians including uh kamala and uh joe biden saying they would never take a vaccine that was made under trump's administration oh yeah do you remember those those juxtapositions of course yeah and it would just be endless politicians say they'd never take it then the second he was out of office they said they would take it doesn't that seem like enough and it was made under his watch whatever the fuck that means and and and then all of a sudden they would take it isn't that enough for someone's critical thinking skills
Starting point is 01:18:18 to be like uh-oh what happened like what did they change did they change the formula did they change what was in the box like it doesn't even make sense to me how did you because what i've seen from democrat uh supporters and liberals is that they will do it will do anything that these people say to do and believe in and unfortunately they claim that's the same way with people that support trump or even just republicans in general and that's not the case. I can have conversations with Democrats and liberals, but those people aren't willing to have a conversation with me. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:18:53 And, and, uh, I, I would, I, I, when you're able to, if and when you're able to have people who might be willing to have discussions about it, the problem is finding those people. I have people in my family who they just dismiss things like they just don't won't have a conversation about anything you know yeah
Starting point is 01:19:10 and I don't know if it's because deep down they know we're right or they just don't want to be wrong they just don't want to see that and well they would have to really unwind a lot of shit that's who they are like for instance if you were to tell me well how was it for you pardon me Well, they would have to really unwind a lot of shit. That's who they are. Like, for instance, if you were to tell me.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Well, how was it for you? Pardon me? For you. Right. Well, I don't know exactly what you said, but yeah, I had to unwind it. But now that I have the thoughts that I have now, I would be so happy if I was wrong. I would be so happy if I found out I was wrong. That's what would be better for society. If I was wrong and the vaccine worked fucking perfectly,
Starting point is 01:19:51 it would be so fucking awesome. And then we found out really it was just UFOs, um, uh, shooting people and giving them myocarditis everywhere with a special laser. That would be fucking awesome. Yeah. everywhere with a special laser that would be fucking awesome yeah but they're doubling down on the stupidity saying stuff like unvaxxed people getting more car accidents unvaxxed people are the cause of myocarditis because they're stressing out the vax people i mean all of these stories
Starting point is 01:20:17 that are coming or that it's the unvaccinated who are causing this return and influx of COVID and all that other bullshit. Yeah. It's nuts. Which makes no sense. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Everybody's freaking out. Philip, I have family that moved 1,200 miles out of a big city to move to a small city. They had the resources to do that, to get away from the big city
Starting point is 01:20:43 so that they could avoid COVID. And now they've all had yeah they've all had covid like bad yeah and they're all fucking quadruple boosted and i'm just like i've had i have there was family members who would not even give my wife a hug when I was on a ventilator in ICU because my wife wasn't vaccinated. Oh, yeah. The most recent shit happening is I heard about a family argument where some fighting about who could go to the party because who was um with the last person who had covid and it just sounded it was just idiot talk i kind of want to tell the story but i also don't it's just like it's just funny hearing them try to figure out well what your chances are it's spreading hey here's another thing let me give something else on the other side to say that
Starting point is 01:21:41 they say that this shit doesn't spread outside shut the fuck up this shit spreads fucking everywhere i went to the fucking crossfit games and everyone fucking got it there or or maybe it was the one after the last one i went to it's like dude that shit yeah every single 2021 yeah i guess it was 2021 every single event that someone goes to is a super spreader event it just is then stay home and the masks just yeah if you don't like it like don't that i don't want the right saying stupid shit either but also i know tons of people who wore masks religiously and they all got it and it's like dude i would not be surprised if the mask exacerbated your conditions because i keep seeing you touch your face more than you ever have or taking it off so you can eat because then you're safe when you're eating
Starting point is 01:22:27 weirdos my my whole family just got really sick for the last month like i was saying and mike i literally my kids would cough into my mouth every single day and i didn't get whatever they had uh so my kids just got over being sick as well. Both of them had fevers. They both developed cough, all these things. I didn't test either one of them. I told my wife. Yeah, we didn't test.
Starting point is 01:22:52 We didn't test either. I'm not testing my kids anymore. And I got a whole shitload of those tests sitting in my medicine cabinet because the school keeps sending them home with our kids uh soon sunil matwani how long do we keep the covid fight going it feels like people don't care anymore here's the thing you just heard philip say they just sent covid test home with the kids i mean they're they're i think the united states is just is is about to launch a free
Starting point is 01:23:22 covid test for everyone in the united states or some shit like that isn't la about to launch a free COVID test for everyone in the United States or some shit like that. Isn't LA about to lock down again and require masks and shit. Jay. I think, I don't know. They think they're getting close. Jay Hartle like racism only exists because we keep talking about it. I have a story for you that Jeremy wants me to talk to you about,
Starting point is 01:23:41 but I think I'll save it for another time. I'm dealing with a, I'm dealing with a woke volunteer down at my kid's school. It was accusing my son of being racist. How old is your son? 10. Holy shit. I know. And I have gone down to the school and spoken with the vice principal and,
Starting point is 01:24:01 and long story short, I get it from him. His hands are basically tied and they won't even say anything to this volunteer and i said the next time she does anything i'm going to the district with this and when i said that his whole tone changed and uh i'm just hoping now that he keeps an eye on this lady, but, um, yeah. Keep your kids out of public school. Right. I, uh, yeah, it's, it's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:24:37 All right. Speaking of nuts. Uh, thank you, Phil, for calling. Uh, looking forward to having you on the show soon. Uh, again, uh, 302, what the fuck Portland Instagram account. And I will be showing clips from this, I think, weekly. This is just, this poor town is completely lost. Here we go. Listen to this guy's. Johan's belt. He was accused of menacing, destroying property at a plaid pantry and threatening employees there two weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:24:59 So he went to jail. Bond set at $250. Paid 10% of that, just $25, then got out. We have some video of him from an employee at one of the stores where he was arrested for threatening employees. Portland police say that this was on Monday after they say he went to the Department of Human Services, that building downtown, and threatened to shoot employees there. Then we're told by police he actually assaulted the security guard in that building before he went over to this toy store on 2nd Street in downtown and threatened an employee there and then stole some stuff. We talked to the employee. Listen to what she told us.
Starting point is 01:25:40 He came in and was speaking in a way that didn't make a lot of sense. He did threaten to kill us. He said that he kills people. He comes over. All right, Dan, Jenny, Johan's belt. He was accused of menacing. This guy got out on $25 bail. You only have to pay 10% of your bail. What kind of fucking idiocy?
Starting point is 01:26:04 Well, you don't have to pay any in Chicago starting Jan 1. My son was also called a racist by his teacher. I would – can you imagine your teacher calling you a racist? First of all, if the kid in the classroom did say something that came out of his mouth that was the most racist thing ever you you don't call the kid the racist you know why you don't call the kid the racist because then you turn him into a racist so someone someone told me they saw me pick my nose and flick a booger uh 126 02 i picked a booger and flick it i don't know if i picked it it was on the rim don't call don't do that to kids you wouldn't call a kid stupid. Explain to them.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Pull them aside if you have something to say to them and just explain to them. So stay away from Portland. Dude, Sunil, way more than stay away. Fence it off and put a padlock on it. She says he makes jokes to the gay children. So he's racist. I'd have to hear what he said to, to, I'd have to hear what he said to know if it's a joke or not.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I'm, I'm sort of the judge. Here's the factor. Yeah. Yeah. I'm the fact checker on what's a joke. Okay. Yeah, I'm the fact checker on what's a joke. Okay. Russian TV 301.
Starting point is 01:27:30 I don't know what this one is. White straight man was left in jail for drug add. Oh, I think we've exhausted this. Is this Brittany Briner? Yeah, we've talked about this one. I'm done with Brittany. Although I did hear her being interviewed the other day and she has the deepest voice of any female woman I've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:27:49 She, her voice is deeper than my voice. I'm not that I have a deep voice. Her voice is deeper than Jeremy's voice. To start from 1000. Okay. Uh, I want to read you this.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Oh, did I read the gate? Did I read the Gatorade thing the girl who's a rower i think i did read this yeah i'll just sum it up really quick a girl who goes to call this girl who's a collegiate rower was telling me that um they're not allowed to have water in their refrigerators there uh because the refrigerator is sponsored by Gatorade and they're only allowed to have Gatorade. But you would have to drink four bottles of Gatorade
Starting point is 01:28:29 to get hydrated. $2.99 soccer. Can we talk about this one too? Oh, we have? Okay. How about $2.98 woke insanity insanity i clicked on that one as well oh okay we've seen it okay uh twitter bands uh we did that one 40 wow maybe we should go to the top what's this one boobs what's this one this one looks fun 295 boobs oh shit we've done that one too yeah i know my notes are so outdated. I apologize.
Starting point is 01:29:06 You got to update the Word doc. Is it in a Word doc? Microsoft docs. Okay. 294. I'm going past that. Joe Bruno. We did that. That's the guy who was passing out dildos and butt plugs at a school in Chicago.
Starting point is 01:29:31 Oh, we talked about Alexander. We'll just say AOC was the ethics committees looking into her. Okay, we talked about that. 291. Oh, what's this? Oh, yeah, yeah, we talked about that. that holy shit this is the worst my notes have ever been what about 274 or 273 okay hold on i'm erasing all of these this is all my liver king stuff okay we talked about rappers being articulate oh we talked about breasts being removed a lot
Starting point is 01:30:05 of people came back at me with that breast being removed thing i was saying that that's fucked up to remove breasts on women's so that they would avoid cancer and i got a bunch of people saying hey there's actually some validity to that it is interesting i wonder i would look to the procedure to see like what they're from what part of it they're removing. I wonder if it's just like the tissue within the breast or if it's like mastectomy. Yeah. Good, good, good question. I'd have to see a set to tell you. What about, what, what about two 86? Nobody in San Francisco cares. I think we've talked about it, but okay it let's skip that one yeah this is the baby the fentanyl baby shit okay what number do you say to go to i'm gonna listen to you 276 supplements
Starting point is 01:30:55 oh yeah i don't think we've played this one i think we have we this one. I think we have. We have? Yeah. Okay, fuck. Okay. How about, oh, yeah, and we did High Rocks Affiliate. I think past or, like, above 272 is where we're back to. What about this one with Pat Sherwood, 274?
Starting point is 01:31:24 Which is the bigger fitness win, hitting 505 deadlift? What about this one with pat sherwood 274 which is the bigger fit fitness win hitting 505 deadlift what about that one we can pull it up okay let me see this what is this let's see let's see what this is pat sherwood used to be cool if you get the beast in your gym who already has a 475 pound deadlift and now it's 505. Fantastic. That's great. They already had a big deadlift. Who cares? You get some, you know, and we had this happen in the program at the old CrossFit office in Scotts Valley.
Starting point is 01:31:59 You know, a senior citizen who they were contemplating selling their house because it had stairs couldn't use the stairs. And now they don't have to sell their home. Like literal stories like that or haven't picked up my grandkid in years. Now I can pick up my grandkid. So much cooler and more. OK, yeah. So basically what Patrick was saying is we had a program downstairs at HQ where we only work with old people and fat people. And there was a lady there who was going to sell her house because she couldn't traverse the stairs and they fixed her there. And that story comes from a trainer named Jenny Lau, an amazing trainer who was also fired from CrossFit before Greg sold the company, which was a fucking shame that she was sued, sued, fired. She was amazing. she has so many 100 pound weight loss stories 273 co2 ironically that gym's not there anymore
Starting point is 01:32:48 i would love to see velner speedo pick i would love to okay uh 273 co2 i think what this article is saying this twitter is saying that there's 14% more vegetation. Rejoice, the earth is becoming greener. Awesome. I love that. I love a greener earth. The amount of vegetation growth on the earth increased every year between 1982 and 2009.
Starting point is 01:33:27 That comes to a total increase of 14%, enough to form a green landmass twice the size of the United States. Really? How? 70% of this increase is attributed to the extra CO2 in the atmosphere. Greening affects all ecosystems, but shows up most strongly in arid regions. That's because high temperatures in the high CO2 concentrations cause plants to retain more water during transpiration. That implies that during periods of low rainfall, ecosystems and farms will be less water stressed at the end of the century than
Starting point is 01:34:14 they are today. Okay, cool. That's just another take. Just another take. Love me some CO2. Love me some CO2. Oh. No, I don't like that. No, I don't like that. Why not? If he was wearing a real Speedo, that would be cool, but he's not. He hiked his shorts up.
Starting point is 01:34:46 speedo that would be cool but he's not he but he hiked his shorts up and i'm well other people aren't really wearing speedos and they're just hiking their shorts up i agree i agree i agree i think he looks great that's good that's this that's why this show is so good it's well-rounded and it's um it's well-rounded in its perspective it is very well-rounded we like uh i like the authenticity that comes with the banana hammock uh okay uh finally uh 268 comp porter has his own speedo line now. Is that true? That would be awesome. Wow, that's awesome. No. Okay. Maybe next show.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Let's save that. 268. Here we go. Farewell message from Dr. Fauci. The infamous Dr. Fauci gave his final message to the American public this week. And in that message was suspiciously missing any information on the importance of living an overall healthy lifestyle. Not one word on the importance of daily exercise, nutrition, sleep, hydration, emotional connections with other people, physical touch, vitamin D, nothing on a healthy lifestyle. Instead, it was very singularly focused on one thing. And while it was not surprising,
Starting point is 01:36:02 it was very disappointing because like it or not, he is one of the leading voices on health and wellness information in this country. It's like almost as if he doesn't believe that your health belongs to you. Almost like he believes your health belongs to Pfizer and Moderna and the CDC and NIH. That is not true. Your health is yours and yours alone. And it's yours to own and take care of. So go out there and crush it that was a great message right pretty good i like that nice voice how about uh 264
Starting point is 01:36:40 oh no i'm not i'm not interested in that story. That story is old. Okay, fine. Fine. 264. 264. I mean, I picked it for a reason. Y'all, a transgender went on CNN and said he is really offended that the Colorado shooter is playing the role of transgender,
Starting point is 01:37:02 and he can tell by the mugshot he is a male and not non-binary i repeat a man dressed as a woman is upset someone is pretending to be what he is the irony oh oh here shit we even got the clip let's do it I think that's complete ludicrous. I believe they're just saying that because they want to have the easy way out on this. That's really, really offending, especially being a transgender woman myself, that a male, which it was obvious with the mugshot, that's a man. That's not a non-binary person because in no way, shape, or form could they appear as a woman the next day. It's really offensive to even hear that, that they're playing that role. And if they're non-binary, why would you go after the club where you feel safe
Starting point is 01:38:05 attorneys are saying do you have any there's no way tar logic if that person woke up the next day and like had undone all their makeup that they would also look like dude you gotta be kidding me hey what i with that same logic with that same logic um you know the original Elmo, I think was busted for like pedophilia a few years ago, the guy who played Elmo. Oh, okay. And so they changed the guy, obviously. Well, I shouldn't say obviously they changed the guy who does Elmo.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Does that mean it's not the real Elmo anymore? Cause it's not the pedophile Elmo. Hmm. If you can just change it like that, like, I think it's not the pedophile elmo if you can just change it like that like i think it's perfect perfectly a perfect uh metaphor for it perfect simile simile like or as how do they let these people how do they let these people on the air yeah how does cnn the point if anyone know if the, if anyone can't follow it, is it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if he decided yesterday, today.
Starting point is 01:39:09 It doesn't matter if he really thinks he's non-binary. It doesn't matter if he's just doing it to get off. It doesn't matter. That's the point that this person's missing. It doesn't matter. They've already established that fact that nothing matters. It doesn't matter. Now, listen, clearly this person's mentally ill
Starting point is 01:39:27 because they killed someone it does they can they can say whatever they want they've already fucking committed the the most heinous crime you can do as a human take the life of other humans something's wrong with them i think that qualifies you to be transgender at any time you want be transgender tomorrow when i wake up if i want yeah and even if you're making it up what if he just wants to try it out what if he just wants to do it so he doesn't have to do as much crime what's wrong with that what if i just want to dabble in it yeah we've already established the rules that it doesn't matter hi savon hi caleb hi jethro what's up dude hey jethro weird time we're in the middle of the show just drop a hi
Starting point is 01:40:11 a little late it's cool i let i let uh i let shit loads of homeless people stay in my backyard throughout college shit loads shit that was 264 yeah the rule i i titled it i like what i titled it i titled it the rules of pretend life there are no rules that's the best part did we do this one about how women need more calories during their period by Rubio Fuerte? Is it 263? Yes. No, I don't think so. This one's good for our three female listeners. This is pretty cool. Calories don't count on your period.
Starting point is 01:41:03 During your period, the basal metabolic rate increases by approximately 10%. Therefore, a woman usually averaging 2,000 calories per day now needs an extra 200 calories. So please don't be too hard on yourself for having a piece of cake. Please support your cycle instead of fighting it and adapt your energy intake according to its phases. cycle instead of fighting it and adapt your energy intake according to its phases from my perspective a period should be a valid reason to stay at home focus on rest and come back with full force afterward let me know your thoughts below calories don't stuff your face during your period no stein no sorry sunil he uh calories not count for dudes? Ain't no show. What if you could eat a...
Starting point is 01:41:46 What if every load you fired was like a hamburger's worth of energy? Dude, the other day I had five burgers. Like between the sun fan of like lunch and dinner. With buns and the whole shebang? Absolutely, dude. That's the start. You're a big man. Where were the burgers from?
Starting point is 01:42:10 Were they from your chow hall or did you go to Shake Shack? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I went to Shake Shack. They're halal, by the way. Sevan, I went to your Sky Daddy body paint chick chick i think that could add value to this show i went i want you i want you i went to i went i went you i said i went you oh and you oh you know i i don't think i could watch that whole thing because my kids were nearby that was the chick with like just her titty painted my kids are starting to say some crazy shit
Starting point is 01:42:45 and I know that they're learning it from me. I'm starting to feel like I need to chill. 262, Mickey Mouse. And Sunil, thanks for all the loot this morning. I might... A lot of questions to ask. Mickey Mouse, 262 i don't know if you guys have ever had a mickey mouse cup you have a cup that has stuff written on the inside a mickey mouse cup specifically has mickey written on the inside
Starting point is 01:43:17 and when you're drinking liquids you can see the reflection on the surface of the liquid and the reflection actually says wicked. You think that was premeditated? Yes. You think that's why Walt named his infamous character Mickey? Yes. Did it catch you off guard? No, I had always known in my gully that Mickey was wicked, just filthy.
Starting point is 01:43:40 You can actually see Mickey in a factory in one of his episodes where he's making swiss cheese and basically what he's doing is there's a conveyor belt and he's taking each one of these blocks of cheese and he's putting it up to his area one and the hole through the cheese with it so he's actually going like this to the cheese and he's making the Swiss. Yeah, he's making holes in the cheese with his mouse. I don't know if you guys have ever had a... I approve of that cartoon. I think that's funny. A funny bit, but I don't know. Maybe it shouldn't have been
Starting point is 01:44:15 Mickey Mouse. Mickey's a snitch and snitches get stitches. Oh, that's amazing. For the longest, I never understood the d of the disney logo my child brain could not process it couldn't either i don't understand what what do you mean jisney oh oh jisney jisney oh shit camel burger that's a look that up we look that up in the urban dictionary i want to see if that hasn't been used to denote something then uh we need to we can come up with
Starting point is 01:44:55 something right now oh my god is it is it in there yes camel burger i knew it that's too good to go unused brace yourself camel burger is an arabian three-way consisting of two females and one male wow why is it arabian now let me ask you something because they they ride uh camels do you think that's racist like a camel burger basically they're saying it's it's because those guys ride camels over there. A Camel Burger is a threesome in the desert. Look up Rice Rocket. Look up Rice Rocket. That's what they used to call, like, the Kawasaki's and the, you know, all the motorcycles that were coming out of Japan.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Is that racist? Because you're, somehow it's connected to what Japanese people eat. Japanese people make rice. Yeah. I'm trying to figure out any member of the front drive, inexpensive, usually four cylinder power class of automobiles that has had extensive appearance and stereo modifications in order to look fast.
Starting point is 01:46:02 But in reality is not fast. A rice rocket is usually characterized by a high sticker to horsepower ratio oh is there are there any other definitions they don't even tell you the origin oh here we go uh oh it's it's derogatory according to somebody who wrote this definition derogatory term once used by domestic motorcycle enthusiasts to deride the new japanese motorcycles that were coming to market. I don't remember it being derogatory at all. Did you see Stanford's list of words that should no longer be used? Fuck those guys are idiots over there.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Fuck those guys are idiots. Something for another show. Yeah, I think. Yeah, I agree. Rice rocket. Yeah, I think maybe a rice burner was the cars like if you had like a tricked out dotson or something and a rice rocket was the motorcycle interesting everything is derogatory hi trish trish you really pissed me off uh last night it's nine o'clock at night and i'm just kicking it with my feet up at my mom's house. I'm on the couch. I'm with my nephew, 18 year old nephews, dope as shit. My sister looking so at my whole family looks fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:47:11 I'm like, my sister brings up, so what's the deal with Trish? I'm like, fuck. Trish has penetrated, penetrated the, has penetrated the inner circle. has penetrated the inner circle even my liberal mother-in-law thinks everything is racist i'm not looking up charizarding jeremy what what's the word if anyone in the in the suggested, don't look it up. That means we're in trouble. That means we're going to get banned.
Starting point is 01:47:55 251, let's be like Chinese Klaus Schwab. China Klaus Schwab. Let's see what this is. Yeah, I remember that too. When Dotson went Nissan. Yeah, that was crazy, right?
Starting point is 01:48:09 Okay, here we go. Look at this. Oh yeah. We've already shown this. Oh yeah. So Klaus Schwab is telling this. We don't need to watch again.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Klaus Schwab is telling this Chinese reporter on Chinese television, fucking how great their government is. And he loves the experiment that they're running and that they're doing a great job. Good for him 239 it's not the vaccine oh this should be fun maybe Philip you should send this to your friends in
Starting point is 01:48:36 Portlandia wherever they are it is not the vaccine It is not the vaccine. Mother's vaccination status excluded. Oh, so what's going on here is people are dying, and they're not asking their vaccination status. So before, if you died with with covid it was a covid death now all these fucking people are dying and you can't see in the fucking articles whether or not they had the vaccine or not so it says sudden death and you type in let's say the guy's name is joe joel schumacher and
Starting point is 01:49:20 says he died suddenly so you type in joel schumacher vaccine you can't find anything where they're talking about it just last year you needed to be vaccinated well even here in my town in santa cruz if you want to go see a play on campus you have to show you're vaccinated is that crazy but yet the news is not reporting on whether people are vaccinated or not who died suddenly hey sebon if you want in on dad's group, just say the word. I'm sure Wes would love to have you. No, thank you.
Starting point is 01:49:50 I appreciate it. I do appreciate it. I hope you're kind of joking. Those guys don't hate me. Then I'm done doing my job. What about all those comporter notes you had? I kind of went over them. Did you watch that podcast?
Starting point is 01:50:08 With Con Porter? Yeah, and Kate Gordon. Did you listen to it? Oh, I don't think so. No, sorry. I have the, where are those notes? I think I erased them
Starting point is 01:50:19 after I went over that show. Am I looking at my wrong live Colin notes? No. over that show am i looking at my wrong live calling notes no i should take my kids roller skating today that'd be cool i would try that but uh well we have a rocks gravel everywhere when's the last time you roller skated gravel everywhere when's the last time you roller skated it's been like probably almost a decade uh yes i do want to be in your mama's group
Starting point is 01:50:51 yeah it had probably been um 35 or 40 years for me i but i but i really enjoyed it hi i'm live on the podcast can i call you back yeah sorry no problem i mean i answered it just to be funny if i answer the phone when i'm live on the podcast i can hang up on you you don't have to say sorry i'm like i'm like proud that was kevin johnson that was my homeboy, Kevin Johnson. What a nice guy. Yeah. Kevin's cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:51:28 My kids went over to Kevin's probably 70 years old. And I went over to his house the other day and he did a workout with my kids. He's super crazy fit. 70 year old dude could do as many legless rope climbs as you want. Nuts. Absolutely nuts. Is that the one with the tire kids about the tire flips and stuff? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:42 And so he made tires. He made my, he texted me recently he said he made all my kids their own tires with ropes on them that we can bring home so each of my kids gets their own tire pull no shit that's awesome seven i saw a new commercial for a new show where they parent swap i thought seven would destroy it if he was on the show he'd create chaos that's that's definitely not a new show and listen listen to me i would i would just drill the new the wife i would just take the wife into the bedroom and just drill her into oblivion
Starting point is 01:52:10 and all the kids would call someone daddy yes leave me with your fucking wife fucking idiots with the coolidge effect we've talked about that on the show several times. You can't put me faking that I have a new wife. Okay, I think that's good. Do you want to do, we could do, um, how about 20, 20?
Starting point is 01:52:40 We live with idiots. I like that 20. We live with idiots. Don't forget to check out Nate Edwardson's golf channel. He's absolutely murdering it. What's so cool about him killing it is that... Here we go. Don't do it.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it, body paint. You don't have to do it. God damn it. Don't do it don't do it don't do a body paint you don't have to do it god damn it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do a body paint you don't have to do it god damn it that's true though great how crazy is it that you can't dress up as Kanye if you're a white guy for fucking Halloween and paint yourself black because there's some rule against that? No, there is something cool about Nate Edwardson. Listen.
Starting point is 01:53:39 You dress up as Kanye and you get the black paint and a swastika kit. you dress up as Kanye and you get, and you get the black paint and a swastika kit. There is something cool about it because basically his, regardless of all the fun we poke at him, his show, dude, I don't know if we have time to go into this.
Starting point is 01:53:56 I don't want to pull up all the accounts. If you go to all the YouTube accounts that are in CrossFit, go in the ecosystem, look at, let's start looking up your favorite CrossFitters. Dude, people's YouTube accounts are hurting right now. Go to the other podcast in the space it is so bad we've done that right caleb after a show we've trolled around a little bit half an hour just dude it is a fucking train wreck everywhere i mean you've heard me make the CrossFit Games podcast doesn't even have a fucking profile pic. Look, everyone who watches this show has a fucking profile pic.
Starting point is 01:54:29 I really want you to think about. I don't want to digress. But anyway, so we went around yesterday. We were looking around the ecosystem and I think killer was with us, too. And we were just staying in the back end here, just all talking for like 30 minutes. And it's a fucking complete disaster. But that guy, Nate Edwardson, has just keep chugging along as much as fucking Hiller and I have poked at him.
Starting point is 01:54:48 And, and he continues to get good numbers. And as much as people say it's clickbait, he's get, keeps getting good numbers. He's consistent. He works hard. He's got the good thumbnails.
Starting point is 01:54:56 I mean, you won't hear me or Hiller say that guy's not putting in the work. Like we know he's putting in the work and he fucking pivoted to fucking golf and he's murdering it. So let's say I was going to think of say something really crass. Let's say you really figured out a way on how to pick apples and you're really, really fucking good at it. And you work your ass off picking apples and selling them on the street every day. But you're only making $15 a day.
Starting point is 01:55:27 And so you're like, hmm, I wonder if I picked oranges and sold them. After honing your skills of selling and setting up your stand and picking apples and you're a master at it. And so you pivot over to fucking oranges. But for some reason, oranges just sell better. But you used all those fucking skills and habit and discipline you got with apples and now he's doing it with oranges and murdering it you're gonna fucking lose him he may not come back to crossfit and so that's what i mean like fuck homeboy cracked the code
Starting point is 01:55:57 he's killing it okay cool yeah can you bring it up look type in nate edwardson uh youtube or nate edwardson go i think it up? Type in Nate Edwardson YouTube. Or Nate Edwardson Golf. I think it's called Nate Edwardson Golf. And what's crazy is he didn't even promote. I never even saw him promoting it. I had to, like, dig around. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:56:23 Yeah, so this is Nate Edwardson Golf. And then go to videos. Just click on all of them. Look 15 hours ago and has 10,000 views, 2000 views, 26,000 views, 76, 3000 views, uh,
Starting point is 01:56:36 23,000, 55, 39, 22. I think his first video he ever made still has 90, 86, 38, 10,
Starting point is 01:56:43 16. And for those of you who don't know in this space oh 50,092 83 77 56 that that's a uh a quick significant metric that's valuable to all of us more views you have more you get an algorithm the more breeze on itself the more money you get from YouTube. So anyway, I'm happy for him. I need to learn. I'm going to watch
Starting point is 01:57:12 a couple of those golf videos and learn from him. How does he pick oranges? Okay, number 17. Do you have time, Caleb? You good? Yeah, I got time. Oblige other people's delusions
Starting point is 01:57:27 oh this one scares me a little bit oh here we go so do you know what it means to oblige other people's delusions
Starting point is 01:57:36 it's it's um I'll use the most severe example I can when Joe Rogan apologized for that uh compilation of racial slurs that and he apologized what he was doing is he was telling people they were right but that but but they were delusional he didn't do he
Starting point is 01:57:57 didn't do anything wrong objectively he did something wrong that he basically validated what people should be offended by. He could have taken the time to maybe explain it to him. Maybe he thought he was going to get completely canceled if he did that. Who knows? But he could have explained to him like, hey, I didn't mean anything by any of that. Like, what are you talking about? You're making that shit up. You're taking all of that out of context, all out of relativity.
Starting point is 01:58:24 But he apologized. And so now we're all back to like, make sure you be offended by those words. And you're obliging other people's, you're adding to other people's delusions. Okay, here we go. Action. Because women are coming, or people with uteruses, I should say, are coming here. How do you know? How do you know how?
Starting point is 01:58:42 Well, first of all, how do you know how? How do you know how I identify? How do you know how I identify? Have you do you know how how do you know how i identify how do you know how i identify have you asked me about my pronouns i haven't actually sorry okay so you assume i don't have a uterus well i'm saying people with uteruses what about me looks like i don't have a uterus i'm just saying if you do you have one do you see how your leftist unbelieving worldview is just collapsed oh how yeah because because your challenge is if people don't have uteruses, they shouldn't have anything to say. No, I'm saying that they...
Starting point is 01:59:11 Let her do what she wants. Do you think I have a uterus? You could. You could be trans. I don't know. This is what happens with unbelieving thoughts, is that you get into such a mixed-up position that you can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl. No, it's just that if you were trans, then I would accept you for that.
Starting point is 01:59:28 Okay, if a person does not have a uterus and yet pretends to have one, you would respect that? Yes. Okay. Because women... Sometimes I watch these and I get very confused myself.
Starting point is 01:59:42 I just don't even know which way is up anymore. What's weird is you're arguing with something that looks like a human being, but it's dumb like a drug addict on the street. If someone's just talking to themselves on the street, just whack-a-doodle out loud, and they're high on heroin and fentanyl and oxycontin you avoid them but this lady kind of looks normal and so you think you're going to engage in conversation with them but they have the they have a mush brain yeah respect the imagination at least then it yeah and i like that at least if they were just to be like hey it's just my imagination
Starting point is 02:00:26 yeah if your kid's got imaginary friend just don't have imaginary friend yeah i guess okay sorry about alex stein it happens this gym wants people who want to get themselves better this is crossfit now look at this gym oh okay let's do that 28 this is nice. I like this. So the top Instagram account I'm claiming, I hope I'm right, is a gym that wants to help people.
Starting point is 02:01:17 Oh, shit. I got to have Suzanne to talk about this other idea. Ways to beat the coronavirus. Run one mile a day. back squat your own body weight if you can't do one and two walk in and join blue cord crossfit we had the owner of that gym on that show yeah that's right that's right so this gym this gym is saying hey come in this gym is basically saying what that other lady was saying someone said that was benny johnson's wife the king of clickbait by the way if you want to talk about clickbait and this this gym blue cord crossfit is saying hey we can help you get control
Starting point is 02:01:55 of your own health and wellness yeah that is fucking awesome right you have coronavirus yeah run a mile back squat your own body weight you can't do this come on in we'll hook you up we'll help you do it okay now let's look at this other gym god i hope this isn't a crossfit gym i'm taking a shot at no oh foundation gym look look what i wrote in there uh i wonder if they let jew Jews melanated people and other people who like to touch same sex genitalia asking for a friend Nazi fit this, this gym is worried about respect, inclusion, and community. Look at that's what they're worried about. And I clicked to the next one. I think I've beat up on this gym before. We love visitors, but no walk-ins, please.
Starting point is 02:02:46 How woke is that? That's the thing. There's the opposites. You're a man, but you're a woman. We love visitors, but there's no walk-ins, please. Everyone's welcome. Unless you don't have email with proof of your COVID vaccination. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 02:03:07 Dude, I'm okay if you want to run a gym that requires that. Just say that. You don't love visitors, though. You don't get to have that. Every time I've walked into a CrossFit gym, even if they're in mid-class, somebody will come and talk to me
Starting point is 02:03:21 and be like, hey, what's up? Are you looking to join or you want to drop in or whatever like somebody's engaging with me every time an affiliate called me the other day which kind of freaked me out and they told me that their members care more about their gym than their staff and i totally fucking know that phenomenon phenomenon. Hey, when you work out an affiliate, if someone walks, uh, if someone walks in, do, um, do any of the clients ever say hi to you too? Yeah. Usually there's like one or two people that'll like, if they're in the middle of the class, they'll say hello or yeah. Those are the people that care. Yeah. Right. And then, and it's usually the ones who have been there the longest
Starting point is 02:04:02 and they realize like, that's what gets people to stay. How like that initial contact, how I'm getting ready to make this another affiliate commercial and it goes along the lines of, hey, if you're if you're a member to an affiliate, don't worry. I've spoken to all the affiliate owners out there in the world and every single affiliate in the world is now, um, we'll give one month free to anyone who comes in with type two diabetes. Like if you know someone with type two diabetes, go to your affiliate owner and be like, Hey, I want to bring someone in with type two diabetes. Can they get a month free membership? Just ask your fucking affiliate owner that. Just do it. I'm gonna make a commercial where I say that.
Starting point is 02:04:53 And then you have to go find someone who needs to come in. And you can be like, when you go in, you can be like, sorry, this person doesn't have type 2 diabetes yet, but they're 100 pounds overweight and they have a heart condition. Good. Really close.
Starting point is 02:05:03 Yeah, really close. Can you make an exception? how are you not dragging people into your affiliate who are unhealthy don't be embarrassed it's uncomfortable but just do it you don't even have to know the person you're riding the subway to work and there's a guy next to you who just looks like shit you're like i bet you this guy's on fucking diabetic just be like hey, you're like, I bet you this guy's on fucking diabetic. Just be like, hey, do you want to come to the gym with me? Get your free one month membership. I don't even belong there.
Starting point is 02:05:32 I just know that this gym is made for you. I would pay someone's way. God, Trish, I love you. You're the best person in the chat. I'd pay someone's way for a month, but the affiliate has to actually do CrossFit. Yeah, I'm not even asking you to pay it. I'm just saying I can't see an affiliate owner not allowing someone to come in who has type 2 diabetes. Well, I guess there is one.
Starting point is 02:06:00 We just saw that. I don't know if that Fitness Mountain Fun Place is a CrossFit affiliate. No, it looks like one. Well, I got fired from CrossFit too. I worked out with my pets. You worked at CrossFit? All right. Yeah, that question, right?
Starting point is 02:06:27 Yeah. Let's see what's going on here. I wonder if she was like a regional rep or something. Oh, nevermind. Oh, wow. Someone just sent me a text about broadcasting one of their events.
Starting point is 02:06:57 That's kind of cool. Which one? I can just, I fall into my phone so easy. I forgot we were doing a podcast oh yeah we're still uh she was a coach i believe oh yeah she was a coach at her at her across the village oh right fair okay guys thank you the takeaway from today is is that we can do a show by ourselves if the guest doesn't show up
Starting point is 02:07:26 and not be nervous. Be careful with your money situation in the US government. Nate Edwardson's fucking killing it. Golf is where it's at, apparently. Thank you, Miss Jessica. Thank you, Mr. Allen. golf is where it's at apparently thank you miss jessica thank you mr allen dropped on one knee look he looks like he's in trouble in his profile pic like you motherfucker you asked me one year too late
Starting point is 02:07:58 she's like that fucking ring that's a you call that a ring that looks like a bottle cap that even gonna fit my finger She's like that fucking ring. That's a, you call that a ring? That looks like a bottle cap. That ain't even going to fit my finger. Thank you, Bruce. Thank you, Bruce. Uh, Mark Moss. If I put frequently live chat with Sevan on my resume, would I be a shoe in for a job? Dude, for sure. Especially in the marketing department. I've determined that I think the training department, I was talking with someone yesterday, I'm not sure what's going on in the training department, but I think it's doing an amazing job. dire dire dire straits philly department has got some serious issues which i have not reported to you guys yet but uh it is coming uh the media team is like i've talked ad nauseum about it
Starting point is 02:08:54 and uh the games we shall we shall see um but their their media and their promoting of the open this whole thing of just showing old content is getting weird okay how do you think crossfit's doing kelly do you think overall it's good and that's another thing i kind of when i see all the other youtube stations their numbers just plummeting these people with like 55 000 fucking subscribers can't get a hundred people to watch a video. 30,000 subscribers been in the space for 15 years. Can't get 500 people to watch a video. I'm like, what the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 02:09:37 They've got to change what they're posting or something. I don't know. Someone asked me the other day, what advice I have for them for podcast. What advice would you give someone? Like I know, know dude you know what i'm doing half the time anyway just say show up every day and talk about something but but there's people who've been doing that now for like years and their shit like not getting any better yeah i don't i need to be careful because i don't want to say anything mean but i don't really know what i didn't know what i don't, I need to be careful cause I don't want to say anything mean, but I don't really know what the,
Starting point is 02:10:07 I didn't know what, I don't know what advice to give someone. My thing is, is like, keep making yourself uncomfortable, have guests, try to go live, come up with better questions.
Starting point is 02:10:20 So weird. I'm tired of recycled content. I know it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a complete disaster. Well, what it also does is it screams sinking ship. Definitely.
Starting point is 02:10:35 Oh, do a podcast only about CrossFitters and their periods. I think that's what Kate Gordon's is. I was going to say, it's probably what that is, yeah. kate gordon's is you say it's probably what that is yeah i know but i think it has to be more that person so i asked the person i said why do you think my podcast is doing so well and they said well because you're free but i don't know i asked suza why he thought it was doing so well and he says because i've had so many life experiences um i've been gone for almost two months Honeymoon and World Cup what did I miss Oh we'll be sending you an invoice Man he's so good at giving money
Starting point is 02:11:12 Don't go woke Tell Alex he owes us Yeah he'll come on Alright guys Be smart be brave Don't eat processed foods And Have fun Be smart, be brave, don't eat processed foods, and have fun.

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