The Sevan Podcast - #718 - Live Call in Show | What's Next?- I know everything!

Episode Date: December 25, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. You just go until you can't tolerate it anymore. Bam, we're live. Yeah, pretty much. It used to be long, like way back in the day when I was in high school, but this is the longest it's been since then.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I wonder if there was ever a time like when I said, bam, we're live, and like Caleb would just like hurry up and put his cell phone down so no one saw him on it and now we're just like i don't get it fuck i'm like bam we're live he's like whatever oh where's my fork yeah he's got his foot now what'd you say we're here now yeah time to start it show started time to start eating got my plastics fork and knife we do things different oh do you always eat with plastics yes dude oh my god it's the only option yeah somebody send caleb could someone send you a fork and a knife and a spoon a metal one don't send me anything stop setting it why then you have to wash it just one more thing you have to yes i can just fucking chuck this yeah it's probably raising your estrogen every time you put that in your mouth good i hope it does then i'll get more visibility
Starting point is 00:01:30 he's gave it the system he's been there a while now he's like hey man we know i know how this works um there's this um you know when you see someone you you you love for the first time like that guest we had on yesterday and she saw the back of his head and she knew she was gonna marry him i i think that there's like some sort of um uh so you know you're you're let's say you're in high school and you're a boy and this girl walks by and you see her i think that that love you feel like you don't even know the person and you like them i think somehow it's a interpretation of the brain coming to a standstill do you know what i'm saying so so you hang out with these people i know these people a lot of
Starting point is 00:02:27 people and like you know they'll they'll see a rose and they'll be like oh my god it's so beautiful or they'll see a sunset and they're like you have to see this sunset it's so beautiful but if you see something like a volcano explode and you and it's on the horizon line you don't say shit it's not it transcends all caleb probably experiences this on the base when you see a fucking f-35 fly overhead no one says shit your brain comes to a standstill you go on full alert it's like when you lift up a rock in the yard and you see something you see a rattlesnake you're not like you go to you transcend words you're on full alert it's like awe-inspiring but in like a terrifying way yeah and it's kind of like and and so i think when you see someone who's so who moves you in a way like when that guy saw that um that what was her name the girl who was
Starting point is 00:03:26 on the show lauren lauren her husband saw her moving and he and he and he he he knew he loved her he said you know that at lunch he said he loved her he's trying to express that stillness in his brain. And that's, I think, I think that's what, you know, I think that's kind of what's, when we have, when we experience that stillness in our brain by something we see in the outside world, it comes out differently. You don't, and unfortunately, people are so quick to say, and it breaks their meditative state or the opportunities for them.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Every time you label something, when you see a rose and you say, I turned to my mom and I go, God, look at that rose, it's so beautiful. I've actually taken something away from it. I've missed an opportunity. And I think it's like that with human beings when we interact with each other and this came from a thought where i was trying to think why it's so powerful to have kids
Starting point is 00:04:32 and like when i when i see my kids i experience something that if you don't have kids you i experience it a hundred times a day and if you don't have kids you can't you don't experience that maybe that's what my mom was saying about like i want you to have that experience or last night my um son was sleeping and i laid in bed next to him obvi and i put my hand my bare hand on his chest and i just feel something that I would like, there's nothing, um, there's no equivalent to it anywhere else. It's a completely fucking unique experience. And it's like that when I see him, when I, when I finished the podcast and I think I'm high as fuck and so happy. And I go into the kitchen and I see my three boys, something happens to me that transcends words. It's like I'm staring at a volcano exploding. And I have that at my fingertips constantly. And it's my kids. Yeah, Lauren's saying now imagine breastfeeding. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:43 There is a, and that's what it is. If you want to have that in your life, no, of course, you become extremely vulnerable to that. And I'm going to get into that by talking about a post Pat Barber made. You become extremely vulnerable when you have to protect something like that. You don't have to protect the volcano. At most, you're like, oh, shit, this is a one-time lifetime opportunity. I'm not going to run away and take a piss. I'm not going to take a shit.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I'm not going to. It's like watching the last 30 seconds of a Super Bowl when it's tied. and you're at the final snap and they're at the 20 yard line and the greatest quarterback ever like you're not going to break you're not going to break um but with kids you have that you have that opportunity constantly to – huh? God, this show sucks. You have that opportunity always at you to experience what Alexis Landot experiences when he climbs that building. every single second you're around something that you would give your life for. And it's, I don't know how many different ways I can say it, but it is extremely unique experience. You become preoccupied. If you, if you allow it,
Starting point is 00:07:09 if you don't become a worry wart or overprotective or all the traps that we fall into as parents, you become preoccupied with love. And when you do that, you notice that, and maybe it's this, maybe I'm over-romanticizing it, but when I'm around my kids, I feel like I become a vessel for love to enter into the world, not just for them, but for, for, for everyone, for myself, for everyone around me. Did someone drink some soy milk this morning? What's going on? Thanks for, thanks for making this a safe place for me um there is a um uh there's a video that crossfit training put up of uh pat barber throwing his um baby in the air it's all the way down at the bottom caleb by your scrambled eggs. 290. HQ published this. CrossFit HQ published this on their Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:08:19 It's a repost of what Pat Barber posted. Underestimate the hole your absence would leave okay now pause that now now real quick so that that was jordan peter saying never underestimate the hole your absence would leave there's a crazy double meaning to this pat put this put that sound over it or someone did thinking it meant one thing. But I'm going to show you the irony of that comment in a second. It was Jordan Peterson, and he said, never underestimate the absence. Sorry, never underestimate the – what the fuck did he say never underestimate the hole that would be left in your absence yeah there you go here we go
Starting point is 00:09:13 underestimate the hole your absence would leave you know each of us we're remarkable creatures and we have something to offer to the world, to our people we love, to the world at large. It's our responsibility to make that manifest. And we move a little farther away from paradise every time that doesn't happen. Really, really. Really? Really? along the path, along the beach, I'll say to my kids, move aside. And they'll move aside just a little bit because they're using their perception and their balance to judge how much room this person who's 80 needs. And it's not even near enough. And I see this every single day in hundreds of hundreds of different scenarios. While people think things one way because they're using
Starting point is 00:10:23 their risk assessment and they're using their skills and thinking of their balance and what they're capable of and projecting it onto other people. Another classic example would be there's these two huge bowls at the skate park and there's a narrow pathway that's two and a half feet wide. And when I walk through that pathway, I'm like on hyper alert. I don't want to fall into one of those bowls. If you stop and talk to your kids and then forget where you are and take a step back, you're going down eight feet. My kids don't even think twice about it. It's nothing to them. Two and a half feet is like a mile wide to them. For me, they basically can lay down and their feet
Starting point is 00:11:00 and hands don't hang off either side. But for me, I'm standing there and if I fall over, I know just by the geometry of it that I'm going in. It's the same thing when someone sends a Coke can next to their keyboard and it's so close that if the Coke can falls over, the whole entire fucking thing pours into their keyboard. When if they moved it six inches over, they're in a safe zone and it would just spill on the table. I'm constantly thinking of those types of or assessing those types of things. And so there's just a risk assessment so someone sees what pat barber's doing there and they project onto it their skills and they might panic now there's no doubt
Starting point is 00:11:39 there's no doubt that pat barber is one of the most athletic people I've ever met. I mean, a true fucking freak of nature. Ever since I met him when he was a young man, I mean, just a savage, absolutely unreal CrossFitter back in the day. Just came, just came on the scene as a young boy and putting it to the best in the world. That being said, there's a comment in the comments that says, my daughter died doing that when she was six years old. My ex-husband threw her in the air and she landed on her head and died.
Starting point is 00:12:25 and there's there's a hundred people in there maybe more i don't know defending pat because there becomes a little bit of a uh a back and forth in the comments people saying hey pat you shouldn't do that that's too dangerous and there's people like me saying hey um uh fuck off let people do what they want to do oh quit being a pussy I feel sorry for your kids. Good job, Pat. You're a great dad. And then there's other people saying, Hey, it's not cool. But I did see this comment that said, Hey, my kid died doing that. So I clicked on the ladies link and I DM'd her. And I said, Hey, did your kid really die? Is that true? And she said, yeah, Google her name.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Her name is Raven Goff. And you can play the YouTube video. You can go there and you can hear the story video. You can go there, and you can hear the story. Don't be afraid. And Caleb will pull it up right now. Don't be afraid. And you can start it at 429 or 430, and you can hear the story of a dad.
Starting point is 00:13:42 She's a CrossFitter too, fucking fit as shit, smoked most of us at a workout. And her husband threw their six-year-old daughter up in the air. And I'll play 20 seconds of this story for you. And now you can decide. You can decide. You can make the risk assessment. You better go take a bathroom break, Caleb. You never cried on the show yet. car as she ran into his arms
Starting point is 00:14:31 and he threw her up in the air and she went back and stood up and Shane couldn't, couldn't have caught her. It was just me and Shane and Raven. Very similar to the very first day that we had her. Just us. And all three of us had about two seconds where our life was in midair. Weightless.
Starting point is 00:15:23 All three of them were in the air. And then all three of our lives were over. So. Right now. What do you do? Right now. What do you do? She was sitting in her car, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Tommy Payne. How ironic. And her daughter, she watched from her car as her daughter ran to Shane, the father. He caught her and threw her up in the air like he always does and she went forward instead of up and he couldn't catch her and she landed on her head and died and and and that's that's just that's just the reality man that's one person in the comment said that and and you can verify it and it's it's a it was a reality for someone and yet there's people in there being flippant saying you know fuck off you're ruining your you're ruining your kid's life if you live
Starting point is 00:16:45 in that kind of fear and then there's other people who said in the comments stuff like hey maybe maybe uh you should stick to doing that in the swimming pool i'm not judging pat at all like it's his kid he can do what he wants and he's eminently capable and there's some questions you could ask yourself i sure as fuck wouldn't want anyone doing that to my kid i've done that to my kid by the way don't get me wrong i've done that to my kid um but but i wouldn't want anyone else doing it to my kid no fucking way and so it's just I just saw it this morning I thought
Starting point is 00:17:29 you know when one time I went over and I watched I went over I think it's called the PETA website the people who don't believe the vegan people who don't believe in the abuse of animals
Starting point is 00:17:37 and they got a video on their websites that shows it's like a 24 minute video and I watched it and I didn't eat meat for two weeks after I watched it. And I watched it on purpose because I was so, I thought they were so stupid, but I wanted to at least see what they were talking about. It took me about three hours to get through the video. I have to, I had to keep getting up like every four minutes and just pause the video because it's so
Starting point is 00:18:03 fucking intense. And yet I bet you most of you guys eat meat and you've never been over there and looked at that video, never given it a chance. But maybe I'm just a glutton for emotional punishment. But don't run from this shit. It just allows you to do better risk assessment i mean don't let it scare you yeah you can count die countless ways totally but if you throw your kid in the air and your kid were to die you did something worse than kill yourself you will suffer a a pain that will be um uh it'll put you in the fog for the rest of your life yeah it's gonna be bad it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:18:55 it's gonna be so bad but but but but don't be afraid to go over and watch that video watch that whole video and see what it looks like to a grieving mom who did that before you just pop off and make a uh a fucking comment and once again i'm not saying that that you shouldn't do that i'm just saying that that this is the the the complexities of life this is the full picture this is this is the full picture of life and when you watch that stuff does your whole entire body chemistry change? Like, do you really take yourself there as if it were one of your kids or a situation that you were in? Probably.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I was a wreck this morning when I watched that. When I came across that this morning, I was like, I don't even know if I should share this with the, I don't know if I should start this show with this. Oh, it's a little heavy for the Christmas Eve special here. It's Christmas Eve. Happy birthday, mom. It's my mom's birthday. Happy birthday. Oh, happy birthday, Rosemary. with this oh it's a little it's a little heavy for the christmas eve special here it's christmas eve happy birthday mom it's my mom's birthday happy oh happy birthday rosemary yeah lauren connor i'm in a full sweat yeah you happy birthday rosemary it's a um man so you have this thing
Starting point is 00:19:59 that's like the most powerful drug in the world to you and then yeah it's um pat made a rebuttal video i don't think it was necessary uh that he made it but but um to the comments but uh i i if you don't want to throw your kid in the air don't throw your kid in the air like yeah yeah trust you trust your judgment that everyone has to make their own risk assessment have you ever driven with someone who who well have you ever been driving and someone's tailgating you and you think they're an asshole and then they finally pull up next to you you know when it finally turns into two lanes and it's not the asshole it's someone it's like some fucking like 16 year old kid who's just like doesn't like he's just on autopilot he was just tracking you instead of driving or it's some like old fucking person with coke bottle glasses and like you think that they hate you and you look
Starting point is 00:20:51 at them and they don't even look at you like they don't even know what they that they were i mean there's obviously the guy who passed he's like fuck you you're going too slow there's always those people you're like wow that person's just a fucking idiot they're oblivious to it yeah oblivious oblivious you know it's funny that risk assessment thing it's like what if there was a percentage everywhere like oh if you do this yeah percentage towards death goes up two points you know like in the poker game when they deal the cards and then as everybody folds and they you know you see the like other cards turn over that percentage goes up yeah if you think about it in terms like that because i do the same way as you think the same way you do so i'm always trying to like how could you mitigate mitigate risk you know like do you walk closer to that side of the street well why
Starting point is 00:21:35 do that we could be over here there's an opportunity to be hurt over there there's zero opportunity to be hurt over here so always get it as close to zero as you can yeah i'm not i'm not saying i think i do stuff i do stuff with my kids every day where we pull into big parking lots right and so like there'll be like a parking lot at the beach with like 50 spots and then we'll like be hanging out on the sidewalk as people are piling in and out of the cars or getting sweaters or dressed and i have to tell them every fucking time dude if a car pulls into a spot and you're standing on sidewalk move if we're standing in front of a spot and you're standing on sidewalk move
Starting point is 00:22:05 if we're standing in front of a restaurant and someone gets in their car and they start their car and you're in front of it move the hell out the way yeah some retard there's tons of retards who are going to hit the gas instead of the brake on accident oh don't don't even risk it don't even risk it just move yeah just move it's so it's so easy three steps to the left yeah and if you don't they do hit the gas it's irreparable damage yeah forever is one step my dad used to say when uh we were younger and started riding our bikes around the neighborhood he would pull us in like every friday damn near and he'd be like it's friday you know what that means like no they're like everybody that's driving home doesn't give a
Starting point is 00:22:45 shit about what's going on they just want to get home get away from their work and have a weekend because they probably already had their first drink too and he would say 50 of them are leaving happy hour yep we had this we had this main thoroughfare in my in my town called contra costa boulevard uh and it was like it ran through like concord and pacheco and pleasant hill this is these are three towns that are just like 30 miles inland of san francisco and um this cop told me one time on a friday and saturday night like after 7 p.m 50 of the people on the road are intoxicated i was like holy shit i didn't ever believed it until i got older i'm like yeah everyone and the other 50% are on their fucking cell phones.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Well, yeah, now it's even crazy, right? This was before cell phones, but yeah. Yeah. Every 10 years, you're up for eval. Gotta have a certain amount of points. Asshole, too many times drain on the community. You're gone. Save a lit or get a lift.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Get another 10 years. Is that about drinking? Oh, I don't even. Allison, please. There's no way you watch Black Mirror. There's no way. Have you guys tried to watch that show? I've seen a few episodes. My wife tried to get us into it. I saw two episodes. I was fucked up. I don't sleep so good after that show. Yeah, I sleep so good after that show yeah i sleep fucked up there's no way you watch that allison that that's the cert that's the fastest way to fucking becoming insane there's hailey and all those like uh murder mysteries and shit too she watches some crazy shit there's this thing handmaiden's tale uh yeah i tried watching that fuck that um
Starting point is 00:24:27 you should watch this some dark shit i loved all of them oh you're fucking crazy oh you're fucking nuts i can't do any of that i get so you ever notice on itunes on apple itunes i don't know where you guys see movies but sometimes there'll be like 10 horror movies that are released. Like who is watching this shit? Who's making them? Yeah, that too. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:54 That's funny. Some days we're just like watching horror movies like in our office. They're just like, oh, watch it. It's like it's just nonstop for like the 10-12 hours that we're sitting in here. Horror movies? Yes. That's funny. I have a friend of mine who actually lives super close to you, Simon. He's crazy into horror movies.
Starting point is 00:25:14 It's like his whole... He's the nicest. You would never notice it, but he's just super into them. It's crazy. I drive just about every day. Oh, you do? do yeah what kind of vehicle do you drive it's a beater it's like uh sometimes it's a van sometimes it's a sometimes it's an ambulance sometimes it's a like little kia just depends on what's available
Starting point is 00:25:43 so not not it sounds like savannah's saying horror movies i am saying horror movies like little Kia just depends on what's available. So not, not, it sounds like several on the same horror movies. I am saying horror movies. I mean, it sounds like I grew up in the Bay area. Um, I love horror movies.
Starting point is 00:25:57 They make me feel like the things I stress about in real life. Aren't that bad, but the things in horror movies aren't real. So aren't your real problems worse than unreal problems i was actually when i had asked you earlier seven i said hey when you put yourself in those situations and think about like a loved one or something like that and change your body chemistry yeah i i just it just dawned on me the thought that i was going to say after that i like when i get stressed out especially you know I don't know all the different things that I'm like juggling.
Starting point is 00:26:27 There's like this, there's always feels like there's this cloud of stress that kind of happens. And sometimes it's a little overwhelming. And all I do is I just think of somebody close. It's going to sound fucked up. I think of somebody close. And I think that they're like, I just got a call that they passed. And then I started thinking about how that affects life moving forward. Everybody else.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I'm like, I take myself there and instantly the stress is gone. And then I think today's not that day. And it just like, I get filled with gratitude and it's like, it's one of the most amazing things that I've realized. Did you make that up yourself? You created that for yourself? Unfortunately, we could get into this amazing things that I've realized. Did you make that up yourself? You created that for yourself?
Starting point is 00:27:07 Unfortunately, we could get into this other times. I've experienced a lot of that tragedy. You felt the real-world mechanism of it, and so then you recreate it too. A couple of times. I could put myself back in there, and I think about the sequence of events that happen following that. And it's always a good, it just puts everything into perspective. And you're like, today's not that day. So I could be appreciative because if tomorrow was going to be that day, I would act completely different today. And this little shit that I'm worried about,
Starting point is 00:27:41 especially early when I took the business on and I got kicked out of the building I was in, I didn't know where I was going to put the gym. And there was this whole thing. I would have been in debt a couple hundred thousand dollars at the time. And so every single time that stress just felt overwhelming. Like I said, I just took myself to that situation, but placed it on somebody who is living. And then how that would change my perspective on the things that I thought were problems. And it goes away. And then as I feel with gratitude, I go into like problem solving mode. Okay, well, fuck it. Who needs a building anyways? I'll go to a park. I'm the most badass affiliate in a park. And you start
Starting point is 00:28:14 like appreciating that and what you have right then and there in the problems that you have or the stress that you're feeling because the rest of it isn't going to compare to how heavy that situation would be right i like that i like that cory hi good morning happy birthday rosemary oh thank you i'll tell her i'll tell her you said so and merry christmas everybody thank you merry christmas i'm so excited hey and uh awesome try on the asking the lady about her man's viscosity. I never want to hear another word about this, okay? I'm going to live this embarrassment for the rest of my life. I never want to hear another word. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Caleb looks awkwardly familiar. He might have been the nurse in the room when I got my vasectomy. Oh, shit. I turned 33 today. Happy birthday, Mr. Hartle, my Armenian brother. Happy birthday. You have a good day planned, Corey? You have a good day planned?
Starting point is 00:29:21 It's cold. My gym is not insulated, and so i'm getting ready to work out in this 15 20 degree rather whether it is an smtp oh nice knock out a workout nice taylor self-programming awesome good dude yeah so um yeah and then just cook some cookies with the family and uh hang out at christmas yeah everyone's making cookies today my wife said she's making cookies so they can leave them out for Santa. Yeah, I guess that's what they, I don't eat them,
Starting point is 00:29:49 but, you know, part of the tradition, I guess. You can do some carrots with a reindeer, all that kind of stuff. You're a good dude. There's a bunch of things I could talk about this morning, but I wanted to follow up
Starting point is 00:30:03 with what Sousa was just talking about, how you were mentioning thinking of a bad moment, kind of snapping you back into reality and then reminding yourself that today is not that day. Yep. I don't know if you remember, Siobhan, but I messaged you this summer and I was telling you I had to take a break from the podcast because I was going through some some personal stuff I had come off Adderall after 10 years and it was the second time I had tried to come off and apparently you know it's basically
Starting point is 00:30:39 over-the-counter meth which I didn't realize when I started taking it. And I had some serious, serious depression, and I guess had some, what's it called, forced suicidal thoughts, which was very pretty scary. Yeah, those are scary. Have you ever gone through anything like that? Not me. I mean, I've wanted to end life but i didn't they weren't um i would it would be a stretch to say they were suicidal like i wasn't like uh
Starting point is 00:31:13 i just felt done but it wasn't they weren't bad it wasn't like handing to jump off a bridge or put a gun in my mouth i wasn't depressed yeah well I just tying into what Susan was saying. I now seeing a therapist and trying to talk to some of these issues, it's a very similar mindset, especially with Christmas around the corner. I think we obviously need to be grateful. And, um,
Starting point is 00:31:36 you know, remember even in these darkest times, we've got a lot of people around us who want to see us succeed. And even though today may seem like your worst day, it's not. You're still here. Surround yourself with a positive community. What did you say, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:31:53 You could be in the equity project? Yes. Yeah. It could always be a lot worse. Yeah. You could be in the equity project. When we get off the phone here and go to the show, we'll all go to our families. Caleb will throw his plastic silverware away.
Starting point is 00:32:08 He'll be standing over a trash can. All right. Well, I wanted to tell everybody Merry Christmas and enjoy the show. Okay. Thank you, Corey. Thank you, Corey. Merry Christmas. My takeaway is today is not the day to kill yourself, people.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yes. Yeah. Or any other day for that matter. Today is not the day to kill yourself, people. Yes. Yeah. Or any other day for that matter. Today is not that day. So tomorrow at some point, we will give away a free level one to CrossFit level one, CrossFit level one seminar attendance. And that is courtesy of California Hormones. um, attendance, and that is courtesy of California hormones. But first, before you do that, before you get entered into that contest to win that level one, you need to go to ca, use the code seven on sign up for a free doctor's consultation. And, uh, um, they do the blood work
Starting point is 00:33:00 for free for you. If you are in California, especially if you're close to the orange County, Los Angeles area, very easy for you. And and if not you can have your insurance do it and uh i don't know if you're i don't know if you're eligible outside of the the company i'm going on coffee pods and wads here soon god i hate going on other people's podcasts i do like peter though a lot yeah yeah peter good dude. I would use that cup more, but I need more coffee than that when I'm on the show. That's like a good cup like in the house or driving. That's going to be a drink cup. It's not a coffee cup.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And that cup actually feels nicer than our cups. Our cups are bigger. They're the standard size, but his actually has a nice feel to it. It fits nicely in the cup holder, too. Yeah, very nice. Yeah. I love his little espresso and the headphones and the dumbbell. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:33:55 I wonder how many views. I'll go live if you want, Sevan. Oh, wow. That would be cool. You know, it made me nervous when you said we were gonna we were gonna go live i got nervous i'm game let's do it if you've never gone live before i'm ready to pop your hymen that'd be cool very ready wait can i give can i give a factor right and let the let the chat vote on something not vote but guess real quick sure please earlier you said hayley was making cookies
Starting point is 00:34:25 so that you guys could leave now for Santa. Yeah. What do you think the total dollar amount spent globally is on milk and cookies for Santa? In the comment section, put in your number now. I'll tell you. It's $12 billion. Okay, so that's 12 bill. I'll tell you. It's $12 billion.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Okay, so that's 12 bill. I did six. I did one-fourth of the planet at $6 a pop. No, no, not 12 bill. Eight bill. Eight bill. Eight billion. Because here's the thing. There's houses that have like – there's like four – maybe three billion.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I'm going to divide it by four because I'm going to say the average house has four people, so they only need – yeah. I'm going to say – what was my guess? Twelve billion was your first guess. I'm going to divide it by four. Three billion. Three billion is my new guess. Three billion. Three billion.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Okay. Caleb, you got a guess? I'm just going to go more than seven and say six billion. Six billion. Yeah. Okay. Jeff Baco, thank you. Jeff's that thank you thank you thank you that explains a lot to me dude you're so fucking far off how did you even come up with that number can't you do fucking basic math oh my god fucking ding dong you got a lot of two mil, four mil, 56 billion.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Let me explain to you what that would be. That would be all a billion on the people on the fucking planet. Eight times spending seven dollars on it. Dude, half the fucking planet doesn't have access to milk and fucking cookies. Dingle dork. Oh, my goodness. Collins Collins. Like, yeah, he's probably good
Starting point is 00:36:05 1.1 bill Steve Flores not bad 12.1 bill it's probably going to be some like 576 million dollars or something but I'm going to go 2 I'm sticking with my 2 what did I say 3 3
Starting point is 00:36:16 10 million 10 million 4 million. God, girls. God damn you fucking vaginas. I'll go into a fucking room with my wife and I'll look around and I'll be like, there's 125 people in here. And we get back in the car and I'm like, how many people do you think are in there?
Starting point is 00:36:38 She's like 32, 30. Fuck, 30. We came in with five ourselves. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Oh, my God. Holy shit. Don't ask women shit like that.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Give them more broad questions like, so what was your favorite thing you saw in the room? Don't ask them anything about numbers. What do you think the Patriots game is going to be this weekend? I don't know. 52? 7-1. You know you can't score one point in football, right? Like just by itself?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Oh, shit. No fucking. They thought you meant football. Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne, your estrogen is way too fucking high. 37 million. Somebody got close in here. Yeah, it's Colin. calling okay you ready yeah real answer
Starting point is 00:37:29 our closest guest no shit the answer is 189 million just in the united states globally oh well fuck i take all that back i'm a jackass 50 of the 50 of the globe is Muslim, so you got to at least... Well, good, good, good. The other 10% Jew, gone. Right, right. Merry Christmas to Sevan and the hardworking crew. Jeremy Garcia, thank you. Merry Christmas, Jeremy.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Women are bad at numbers. That's why I became an accountant. She's cooking the books jessica valenzuela yeah just to piss seven off 100 billion i was i wasn't even close myself i wonder if you if i was off by um uh what let's say 200 million and i guessed uh three billion so i was off by five factor of 15 and, um, maybe you guys look closer. Who guessed what? No,
Starting point is 00:38:27 no, no, uh, no. Uh, yeah, you guys were closer. The girls I was ripping on were closer than me. Once again,
Starting point is 00:38:34 I'm wrong. What's the title of the show? I know everything. Not even close. Fuck. Okay. Speaking of knowing everything, you were not close you were not close
Starting point is 00:38:46 you weren't even fucking you weren't even he was 56 bitcoin that's what the b was for and you're making fun of women and i was way close i know i get it i get it i fucked up a bit fucked up it would have been good if i was right i know that bit you have to take risks and i took a risk i didn't drop the baby but i definitely fucking made myself look stupid okay uh maliola let's get to the subject i don't know if i want to do that i don't want to talking about CrossFit right now. It would be like, it's an old man that stumbled out into the middle of the street and, and, and called me a dumb midget Armenian. And like, what am I going to do? Go out there and kick him. Like I can't,
Starting point is 00:39:39 yeah, I can't, I can't just know know it's beyond. It's way worse than beyond anything anyone can put together in their head. It's just a complete fucking train wreck. But they have some fucking rock stars over there. I almost feel sorry for them. Like, what did you do? Man, I could fix it in a month for them. One month. Boy, it really is bad. Hiller and I did another run around the YouTube channels, checked another 10 YouTube channels. Maybe Nate Edwardson really knows what he's talking about. I'm hoping he does, that this is just three weeks of the dark ages,
Starting point is 00:40:22 and then everyone's shit will pop back up. But fuck, man. There's some accounts that are just with dying on the vine out there doesn't it seem like there should be more things watched because there isn't anything so people would be like starved for content and like material to like watch and they tend to follow along well that's the conversation you and i had last night right like hey let's do a show christmas morning and christmas night christmas eve christmas night christmas evening whatever two days morning and night so that when people are driving around they have something to fucking listen to if they want to listen or call in or people who are alone or or they hate their family i went to the beach yesterday. It's not even, it's not even that cold at all.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Um, two 89. Does anyone actually believe this? By the way, the reason why Colin Lawrence said Maliola is Maliola has been put in temporarily, at least to replace, uh, the great Gary Gaines,
Starting point is 00:41:16 who unfortunately has departed from CrossFit, who is head of the affiliate department. But I've told you, um, how many people have you predicted already out of there? That's a great question. Like it's been quite a bit now. I do want to say this.
Starting point is 00:41:33 I have predicted a lot of people who would leave and I've been right about all of them. I had no I thought Gary Gaines was for sure a keeper. Like he's a fucking stud. I mean, that guy really he really had did drink the kool-aid as much as i fucking hate new people like that dude was a keeper like we haze that guy um it sucks it sucks that's a it's a huge loss to the affiliates he's great he's fucking great it sucks that he's gone i hope he's going on to uh bigger and things. You want to know who's next? I can't tell you, but I know.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I'll tell Caleb and Sousa after the show. I know exactly who's next. And then they can tell you if I'm right or not. The reason why I can't tell you is I've been told not to talk about this. And so I'm trying my best to just behave. I've been told not to talk about it. And there are some people – I do listen to some people. I have advisors, mentors, leaders. I don't want morning chalk up to go away or CrossFit to go away. I don't,
Starting point is 00:42:43 I would, it would, I don't want Tommy and Shawnee to go away. I want everyone to fucking thrive. If morning chalk up goes away, it's like, it's gotta be at least 1% of my comment content, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:54 tussling with them, stealing it. And it's another 1% of shit. I steal from them, plagiarize from them. I don't want anyone to go away. Can't let's just wrestle in the yard and then everyone go back and lick their wounds.
Starting point is 00:43:05 This isn't a fucking fight to the death. I hope it's lighthearted like that. I really like that video Hiller made yesterday. Just jerking hip and steel off. Yeah, fucking hip and steel is a stud. Say all the negative shit you want about him, he'll fucking smoke anyone, anyone's grandparents who are in here right fucking now. Not a single one of you knows someone personally who's fitter than hip and steel at his age or 10 years younger or 10 years older. And it's like, yeah, he's a fucking stud.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I just loved it that Hiller did that balance. Okay, does anyone actually believe this? This is nuts. The January 6th thing always perplexes me. Like, this looks like a smart lady, right? Yeah. Listen to what she fucking says. You guys understand that if they would have burned the whole Capitol building down, Trump still wouldn't have been in office, right?
Starting point is 00:44:02 Or that the government was never really in threat. That's a building back there. that's a domicile that's a yeah but but hobart's been neutered hobart all let me just show you okay fine fine you guys hobart he's amazing he's amazing don't get me wrong completely neutered just thrown onto the all dude there's interns that slept their way to the top that have more fucking power than fucking hobart now okay just think about that get your head fucking wrapped around that yeah and they're so lucky that there's people like laura connor and every single other fucking ding dong affiliate owner that i've had on the fucking show when i ask them why they pay their affiliate fees they just they they just do even even susan put them
Starting point is 00:44:55 on the spot a half dozen times yeah mine are actually do oh when are they do i'd like to fucking put you over the spit a little bit turn Turn, give you a few turns over the spit. Is that what it's called? The spit five days ago. Oh shit. Yeah, totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:14 No, no, you cannot. All right. Now the only people I've known who've slept their way to up the ranks have had vaginas. I don't know any dude who's done that yet. Just so you know,
Starting point is 00:45:24 no dudes have done that god that would what a what a does anyone know have you guys know any guys who've slept their way up the fucking food chain at a company nope the guy who keeps uh stealing luggage probably he definitely he definitely slept his good point caleb good fucking i know that's the thing with guys that's why that's the thing with guys there's too many of us that would do i would sleep my way to the top i know that's the thing that's the that's the thing but but the thick gay guys do yeah that's the thing but you need you need another guy yeah you if you're gonna you're gonna sleep your way to the top and it doesn't mean you're not capable of the job
Starting point is 00:46:11 either it's just it's just a weird way to do it and there's a good chance you're not capable of the job also very good chance very very very very very very very good chance you think bill clinton slept his way to the top maybe monica lewinsky did yeah maybe maybe she did uh young guy old chick ceo bruce willis bruce willis has brain damage from the vax wait what they're asking if die hard's a uh christmas christmas movie and bruce willis said that die hard is not a christmas movie which i find completely ridiculous yes it's a fucking Christmas movie.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Shut up, Bruce Willis. You don't even know what you're talking about your own movie. Hey, you're dying from the vax. Is Bruce Willis have a vaccine injury? Bruce Willis vaccine injury. No proven link between. Of course. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Of course. It's just because he's old. link between of course thank you of course it's just because he's old you know here's the thing people for all of you goofballs who think we're conspiracy theorists or whatever once you open the door to making us require a vaccine card to fucking eat at mcdonald's on market street in san francisco then you've opened the door on the other side for every single person who dies of some sort of blood clot for us to want to know if they've taken the vaccine. You see that, right? You created a monster in us. Everyone in your space is going to save CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:48:15 save crossfit okay does anyone actually believe this that this um this uh that there was any threat january 6th does any one person actually believe that the government was at threat yeah they all live here in the bay area next to us, Evan. But even all my liberal friends know that this is a hoax. That this is, like, there was no threat. Okay, let's play this. This is just amazing. All right. You ready?
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yep, I'm ready. Okay. Since the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol, when supporters of Donald Trump stormed this building trying to prevent the election victory of Joe Biden. Pause. Prevent the election victory by fucking walking into that into that building? Does she know how big this fucking country is? We have a state called Alaska that's probably ten times the size of your country.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Okay, go on. These people are fucking nuts, the shit they present. On the anniversary. Yeah, shut the fuck up. Oh my god oh god sam oh hey i will say i will say this i and my dad tried to talk me off of this and my dad's a liberal and he made a lot of sense but i will say this they should have just fucking opened fire on the crowd i don't think you should be able to storm the capital i don't think you should be able to storm a police station i don't think you should be able to storm the fucking the military base caleb's in i think if you attack a
Starting point is 00:49:59 place like that no even fucking bother you would you guys just shoot some any would you guys just fight back immediately they'd all be dead they would be yeah represent yeah like if you attack the u.s embassy anywhere just i i don't care if it's like because you're upset that saint patty's day is on the wrong day in the united states or you think it's cultural appropriation of the irish open fucking you cannot fucking attack one of these buildings i can't not even attack they weren't even attacking you just can't march onto the property you cannot our civil servants are in there i know there was no storming i understand heidi but you see but you officers literally open the gates yeah that's where it gets weird right i i hear you i hear you but didn't they let him in yeah wasn't there like now isn't there suspicion of having like FBI like plants in there and stuff?
Starting point is 00:50:47 Oh, it's clear. It's 100%. There's like a ton of video of the same people like right there as he's like instigating and being like, here, push this gate. You can come in this way and then moves over and does the same thing to somebody else. Like crowd instigator. Yeah. It's so weird. Everyone can't be in. Okay in okay well we'll keep going there there's some matrix shit that i saw that i want to share with you guys okay so no one believes that really right
Starting point is 00:51:14 no not in the way they're trying to frame it no okay not at all i'm trying to frame it like like there was literally a freaking you know a coordinated attack on the Capitol stormed. And Pelosi denied additional security. Yeah, I heard those – that recording, something like that. Welcome to the Sevan Jones Show. We're $56 billion. How much do you think this show is worth, Jeff? He evaluatedates.
Starting point is 00:51:45 You'd be surprised. My woke sister is visiting. I already picked multiple fights she can't finish. She just calls me a fascist. You're just wrong. Ask her if you jerked off a Jew, if she would cut you some slack and drop the fascist term. Ask her about the viscosity
Starting point is 00:52:06 yeah let out some of the viscosity call you a fascist isn't that just amazing i i on the other end i guess you could just call her a codependent more needles this show is worth exactly 75 bags of paper street coffee thank you yeah you should get paper street coffee today with your christmas money we're not allowed to talk about that anymore we're not allowed to talk about that anymore oh that's so good basically anytime caleb wants to say anything he sends me a text and goes can i say this now there has to it has to go through and then i send it to twitter fact checkers and then they there's a process now you might hear caleb talk
Starting point is 00:52:53 a little less than normal he's gonna say four words a show instead of eight that's awesome and bruce wayne it doesn't lose this guy i don't know if you can lose or gain viscosity but something has to change in the formula if you take out the fucking swimmers bruce i think there's five imagine imagine a bay with 500 million swimmers in it and then a bay without 500 million swimmers in it the water is different sorry what were you going to say caleb i think the change in the formula is the loss of the swimmers yeah yeah thank you yes and the swimmers have a a greater density to them than the rest of the objects in the pool and so that's why i chose the term viscosity oh but caleb can you look up viscosity for uh um uh miss allison nyc
Starting point is 00:53:47 viscosity oh shit we're 53 minutes in we haven't done anything i just talked about a baby getting through cried a little bit and then now we're back to semen we're back on yesterday's show dude that was a heavy opener the state of being thick or sticky and semi-fluid inconsistency due to internal friction so i think like the state i think like something with a greater viscosity means it's like thicker like motor oil and a lesser viscosity would be like water is that true correct oh here it is oh oh here's this here's something a little more scientific for you allison the quantity expressing the magnitude of internal friction as measured by the force per unit area resisting a flow in which parallel layers um unit distance okay oh i have an idea we need to take like a
Starting point is 00:54:35 cup full of semen from we have two cups full of semen and one cup of the full of semen has the swimmers in it and one doesn't it's's men who've had vasectomies. And we drop a penny into each one from a foot high and see if the penny takes longer to hit the bottom in the one with semen. Now you're onto something. Perfect. We'll film it with a really nice camera so you can watch it in slow motion and we can get that timing perfect.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah, the baby batter. The baby batter. Oh, Jeff's going to donate. Beautiful. Yeah. He is. What a guy. Oh, you're a good dude. perfect yeah the baby batter the baby batter oh jeff's gonna donate beautiful yeah he is oh although you're a good dude see he's a contributor he's gonna donate 56 billion semen yes um uh use my cup i I sent to California hormones. Totally. Uh, that might be the wrong California hormones. Hormones.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Um, two 88. This one might need to be explained to me a little bit. I kind of see what this guy is saying, but do you guys think this is a stretch 288? I want to see what he's saying, but I can't tell if I'm making a leap of a leap here. They don't want you to think of transgenderism as a psychiatric psychological process that the person is suffering under, but yet they want to bill insurance companies. So it's got to sound like a medical condition. So they came up with gender dysphoria and all the while they're waving their hands going, but this is not a pathology. This is just, you know, it's kind of like a diagnosis, but it's not a pathology. Well, if it's not a pathology, why are we amputating people's genitals and breasts? What's that about? Right? Is it an
Starting point is 00:56:19 objective reality or not? And if it is an objective reality, why are you operating on their genitals? reality or not. And if it is an objective reality, why are you operating on their genitals? Since we stopped doing frontal lobotomies, nobody has done surgery for a psychological problem. They don't want you to think of transplants. That's the part I think I get at the very, is he saying if you have like an occluded artery, it's an objective reality, they can see it, they can go in there and they can take out the whatever the occlusion they can get rid of the the blockage that's objective but that if you have a psychological issue they stop doing any surgeries for psychological issues when they stop doing frontal lobotomies and they're saying so that there's no objective reality to gender dysphoria and so there shouldn't be a surgery for it because that that's at least a correlate that, holy fuck, this is actually some fucking crazy sick experiment cutting off people's penises and breasts.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Am I understanding that right? Is that what he's saying? Yeah, I think the like psychological issues are just reserved for that DSM, that like book of mental health problems, but they shouldn't be utilized in like family practice or like hospital medicine. And it needs to be separated from each other because like, they're not correlated in any way. Like just because you have a mental disorder, it doesn't mean that you need to receive a surgery for it.
Starting point is 00:57:40 It's like, I can receive a surgery for my torn cartilage or my torn meniscus but i'm not going to receive a surgery because like in my head i think that it's torn or i think that it's there's a problem with it like you have to exactly see it so does that mean like ob does that mean that like obesity it kind of is straddles the line because on one hand it is a it is a it is a mental condition right so like when I want to eat it, like last night I fucking ate three persimmons before I went to bed and that was a mental condition. Like I did not fucking need that,
Starting point is 00:58:12 but it was having like some sort of like mental issue. So I fucking ate three persimmons. But once you get so obese, they'll do a surgery on you, like cut out your stuff. So that one's kind of like straddling the line right your mental condition has led to some sort of physical manifestation yes like if you were to eat all those persimmons and be fat then yeah you would have there you could objectively see that you're fat and need something to happen yeah like i would eat in a bag of pretzels last night before i went to bed but we don't have that shit in my house i easily would have yeah but like because you eat those things
Starting point is 00:58:50 but you're not fat it's not it's just like reverts to a mental health thing yeah i need to get be able to check myself okay a dsm yeah the dsm is a weird thing. What a weird book. Do not ever, do not ever flip through that and start self-diagnosing yourself. It's interesting, right? They stopped doing lobotomies. Take off, take off the front of your fucking head. And then they take a knife and just put lines in the,
Starting point is 00:59:18 in your fucking brain. I can't believe that. I mean, of all the, I can't believe any of the things that we did 100 plus years ago. You know they did that to JFK's sister. She died in 2005, Rosemary Kennedy. Do you know that story, Susan?
Starting point is 00:59:34 Uh-uh. I have a link to it here somewhere, I think. If anyone wants to get ahead, if we don't get to it today, look up Rosemary Kennedy. It is a sad, sad, sad story. And you know what's crazy with uh what caleb just said like 100 years ago i can't believe the stuff we're doing we're doing it now too right right right don't anyone ever forget they fucking killed george washington with a fucking medical experiment and they will absolutely fucking they're absolutely killing people today with medical experiment
Starting point is 00:59:59 yeah by the millions by the millions by the way and for those of you who are like um bak like tinfoil hat, just look, the leading cause of third leading cause of death in the United States is medical errors. Yeah. And I always hear when people like do the appeal to authority argument. Well, you're not a doctor. Well, you're not a scientist. It's like everybody's just a person, dude. All they did was study one more subject a little bit more. They might have a little bit more of a grip on it or more experience with it and everything else but they're not a different being right they don't have access to information especially now in 2022 that we don't have and and listen listen the guy who invented the flaws fosbury flop the guy who fucking won the olympics that year was not a fucking track and field star he was a dorky fucking engineer sitting in his fucking lab
Starting point is 01:00:45 who figured out that those Olympians were fucking jumping wrong. And that next year he went to the Olympics and won the fucking gold practicing his fucking turning his back. And he never fucking won again because everyone took his idea and ran with it. But these were professional fucking athletes. And one other guy just thought differently and was like man they're so wrong and there's fucking millions of examples like that yeah uh 287 um uh get your fifth booster oh here we go hold on hold on hold on breaking news kylie the effects of vasectomy on seminal viscosity. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:01:27 The effects of vasectomy on seminal viscosity, volume, and pH have been investigated in freshly emitted semen of 21 healthy men before operation. And three months later, viscosity and pH decreased. I knew it. Now, why does that matter? I don't know. But I'm speculating Kylie maybe you could tell me this too I'm changed significantly god
Starting point is 01:01:50 you're hired you don't pay well but you're hired he's not a doctor yeah Kylie's not a doctor let me help you out that's a she even with that small of a picture I could tell that's a she I have to do a lot of that for uh suza suza gets the sex as well fucking mixed up yeah um we got all jazzed up um uh so so if you change the viscosity then has probably changed bruce did it taste the same ribbed ribbed yeah that would be interesting to
Starting point is 01:02:32 see if they taste the same i think that's dependent on your dietary habits not i'm gonna guess the semen are inert that they don't actually the swimmers don't actually contribute to the taste what do you think they explode no i just think that they're they don't actually, that the swimmers don't actually contribute to the taste. What do you think they explode? No, I just think that they're, I don't think that I don't think by inert, is that not the word I'm looking for? I what's inert mean?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Hold on. Let me. Oh, lacking the ability or strength to move. Okay. No, no, not that lacking chemically inactive.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Maybe is what I meant. Like, I don't, I don't think, I think semen probably just tastes like licking a steel pole. Like they're nothing. I think it's the other shit that makes up that taste. They do not. They do not make up any of the taste. Yeah, see, she knows. Confirmed. There you go.
Starting point is 01:03:21 She's not a doctor. She just Googled it. She's not a doctor. She just Googled it. She's just a professional. Any information you bring to the table is a conspiracy theory, and I know more. Well, let me tell you, Jeff, what semen tastes like. Oh, no. He tricked me. Oh, got you.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Before I eat semen, I have the the fluid drained out i only eat the sperm i said i put them through a sifter centrifuge yeah thank you pull out the swimmers okay 287 get your fifth booster great contribution kylie you're now uh lead in contributions for the christmas show. That's really amazing. I contribute. Oh, this is fascinating. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Yes. So the people of Mundari try to bathe in cow pee due to their belief that it prevents many infections due to their belief and and here it is look at this guy i don't even recognize that as a cow but there you go but don't worry you'll get your fifth booster and you'll be just fine you'll be just fine you tell you think that's yeah it was stronger more water pressure yeah definitely more water pressure it's probably warmer too you think that there's some company out there by the billions making doses of some drug that you believe
Starting point is 01:05:07 in and it's mandatory for your kids to take to go to school is less crass than this or less common sense than this yeah i i disagree i would i would do that a thousand times over if i was there i would try that before i would allow fucking carl schwab or charles barkley or whoever that is that klaus schwab to uh force an injection on my kids no problem what smells worse that guy or the liver king yeah the liver king's getting a lot of bad rap for his odor. Yeah, I've seen that quite a bit. Caleb, is the water still slimy over there? No. We use a lot of bottled water, that's for sure.
Starting point is 01:05:55 From semen to pee, Merry Christmas. What more could you ask for? It's a gift that keeps on giving. Okay. Everyone relax, relax. Turn your ears on and just enjoy a beautiful riff here. It's called Black Skin 286. I would love a guest to come on the show and do this bit.
Starting point is 01:06:17 God, I would love it. This is so amazing. 286. I don't know who this guy is, by the way, but he's so good. No clue. I was dusking until I got here. I got to America and I met some people. And I'm like, he said, you black?
Starting point is 01:06:33 I said, of course we are black. He said, no, you black as shit. I said, what the fuck you mean? One guy told me I look like under the bed. Oh, no. Yo, have you looked under the bed? It's dark as fuck under the bed. They told me I look like I have bed. Oh, no. Yo, have you looked under the bed? It's dark as fuck under the bed. They told me I look like I have no
Starting point is 01:06:48 bright ideas. They said the difference between me and midnight is 11.59. Shut up, man. Shut up. They said when God said, let there be light, I was out of town. They told me I have to wear white gloves
Starting point is 01:07:04 before I eat chocolate. I don't bite my fucking fingers. They told me every time I take a shit, I think my dick fell off. Somebody told me Stevie Wonder sees me every day. That's dark as fuck. That motherfucker don't see shit.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I had no clue I was Dawson until I got here. I got to America. Welcome to America. Holy fuck. Michael Blackson. Is that really that guy's name? Oh, he's so good. God.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Okay. The Washington Post, 285. The Washington Post is now reporting. reporting remember these are the same people who insisted on gym closures were the right way to go all pandemic and now they are reporting that any working out any working out oh this is a different article but it says regular exercise protects against fatal oh okay sorry next another kind of money uh imagine someday this podcast will be big enough to where we'll be able to pay for subscriptions for all the links
Starting point is 01:08:14 that we want to go to anyway the washington post is now reported i think there's another link to it up here coming up is that they reported that any exercise would will uh fights off covet it's so crazy and remember they closed the gyms but my baskin robbins stayed open the entire pandemic the entire so i you you know that if you eat ice cream you're more likely to die but if you go to the gym you're less likely to die but the baskin robbins was left open dude everyone around me is fucking like so sick still this thing is this is the gift that keeps giving it's crazy it is crazy my mom got sick and went and
Starting point is 01:08:54 got one of those bags fluid bags do you have access to those Caleb could you give yourself those vitamin bags do you have access to those oh uh no oh we give straight saline oh because that's like the big thing around here my mom was pretty sick and she did that because my wife did it my wife suggested it to her and my mom said that she felt better like within two days honestly if people come in here and they say that they feel sick we basically just say tough shit homie see you later wash it wash with piss yeah yeah actually piss close the gym or we'll die i know isn't it's fucking great line close the gym or we'll die yeah yeah another wisconsin started to allow yeah i remember that restaurants to sell alcoholic
Starting point is 01:09:45 beverages to go yeah i did that here too biggest win of biggest win of covid margarita buckets to go yeah yeah that's that's funny if only two years ago doctors would have warned us that if we locked down we would have a really bad rebound of sickness after but they're scientists jacqueline but they're scientists they know uh the vitamin uh treatment centers are pretty good make expensive piss yeah it looks like piss i told my kids that when my wife was getting it was just a bag of piss uh military health care right now hey doc i'm feeling sick all right put a mask on go back to work they don't give a shit anymore they used to be like all right 10 days off 14 days off you know just get some rest stay home you know just social distance all that stuff and then they realized how
Starting point is 01:10:39 much work wasn't getting done because they're sending everybody home and they're like, fuck you, get back to work. Yeah. Put that mask on. Is that really policy? Put the mask on? It used to be. I don't know if it is anymore. It's been a while since I've been in the States. We don't do it here. We don't really give a shit. Everybody's going to get sick regardless.
Starting point is 01:11:01 We have a fucking cold that's just shitting on everybody lately. Wow. Wow. It's been a long time since we've had a donation. Philip Kelly, 99.99. Of course, everyone's sick. What did they – of course, everyone's sick.
Starting point is 01:11:17 What did they expect to happen after locking people down for two years? Merry Christmas. Thanks, dude. Thank you. Wow. We're having Philip back on the show soon, right? Yep. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Phillip is making you guys all look bad. Thank you. Not you, though. You look great. Man, I should... You know that brilliant idea I shared with you to take over fucking... for that account, that Instagram account. I shared it with Allison's husband yesterday. I walked on the beach with Allison's husband yesterday.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Oh, what do you think? What do you think? Isn't that great? Yeah. He fucking, his fucking juices started flowing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He was like, he's got a little pep in his step. He's like, holy shit, dude.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Yeah. I'm like, yeah, it's fucking insane, right? Can you not believe it? No one's done it like he's got a little pep in his step he's like holy shit dude yeah i'm like yeah it's fucking insane right i can you not believe in no one's done it such a good idea did you does caleb know no i haven't told oh we gotta tell him afterwards yeah yeah we gotta get his thing too i i really feel like that's uh 284 are you this guy what if we all lived in the same town and we all walked on the beach together that would be cool if we had a studio and the three of us all went there every day
Starting point is 01:12:35 oh this is so good you guys this is so fucking good are you this guy not this guy but you'll know what guy I'm talking about in a second we need audio for this. This is so good. Have you seen this, Caleb? Good. Marry me.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Come on. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. always one good motherfucker in the crowd i did mean all of us it would be awesome if we all walked on the beach together every day there's this beach by my house and it's like i just show up at it at all times and there's like a little community down there i just love it what what you say we don't even have to do a show we just'd just all hang out. No, we'd still do a show. Don't get carried away, Caleb. How great is that, that that random guy just comes up and hugs him?
Starting point is 01:13:54 Yeah, fuck everybody else in that crowd. Yeah. How'd they get the crowd? But it's hard to be that guy. But we all got to do it. We all got to do it. That's pretty wild. It's really cool of him remember people who don't talk to strangers don't talk to angels
Starting point is 01:14:10 run with that run with that that video is weird right are you weirded out by that video you mean like it was a stunt yeah oh i don't know even if it is fake i still like it yeah it just i just don't know how you would get a crowd that big for this oh that's a lot of people that's a lot of people well maybe that guy maybe that guy said can i have your attention can i have your attention or he did like i don't know what the intro to it is yeah how do you you know what i mean or maybe he was juggling balls or how do you think that he got all those? Like, what do you think they said? Maybe they saw a camera come out or.
Starting point is 01:14:48 That could. Yeah. I mean, there was obviously some sort of intro we didn't see, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to manipulate a big crowd. Right. Just by, just by yelling and putting yourself out there. Like people fall in line really quickly.
Starting point is 01:14:59 We were at a graduation for my brother at San Diego state university. And I was pushing my grandpa in the wheelchair and I was with my uncle and like nobody would move and we had to get all the way across and all these families are there and they're taking pictures and it's just flooded with people and you can't even move and my uncle's very mild-mannered so he's kind of just like excuse me excuse me so I literally just stood there for a minute kind of looked and I was like excuse me folks as loud as we could it's like we have a potential emerging emergency here and i was like how many and then everybody just parted and then i just kept doing it and then my uncle like got all embarrassed and kind of did this but just like followed behind because the whole sea of people parted because the crowd control is like
Starting point is 01:15:40 not it's like weird you'd be surprised at how if they're not paying attention it's it's easy to start manipulating and moving people that guy that guy did something obviously to get that crowd yeah like he did i mean he i mean so so but even if it's fake let me tell you like well they do setups like that where two guys will pretend to fight and like gather a crowd and they start like getting pushy and someone's just going behind and stealing all their stuff like pickpocketing. Oh, oh shit. They're like,
Starting point is 01:16:07 and then somebody goes in and does that. That's why anytime I see something like that and I see a crowd for my first thing is like, okay, check your whole entire surrounding. Like, what are you? What's,
Starting point is 01:16:17 why is my attention being focused here? And like, what am I missing? Moses, Moses, Moses, Moses, Sousa. Yeah. Parts to see. It's like this. Yesterday I was at the beach.
Starting point is 01:16:36 I'm cruising along. There's this lady who I had met there. I hadn't seen her in a year. She's a grandmother. And she had. And I actually thought she had died. She has Parkinson's. Is that the thing where you shake? And I saw her and, and she goes, seven. Hi. I'm like, hi, I forget your name. She's like, Julia.
Starting point is 01:16:57 I'm like, hi, Julie, what's up? She's like, Oh, I'm so glad I ran into you. I'm back for the winter visiting my family. I'm like, Oh great. And she gets off her bike and she's like shaking and we talk and she's like i'm so glad to see your kids and i see her eyes like starting to fill with tears you know and there's people everywhere and so we talk we we talk for i don't know five minutes just shoot the shit good to see you back for the winter and then before i leave i don't i i know it's going to be uncomfortable, but I got to give her a big fucking hug. I got to take a deep breath. I got to go over there, and I have to touch this fucking human being and let her touch me and let her know.
Starting point is 01:17:37 You're such a hippie. Yeah. We both have to know. And it was cool. But it's like that. You know what the right thing to do is. You know. That guy, even if that was fake, it's still that guy did the right thing.
Starting point is 01:17:55 You need a guy like that. I am a hugger, but not strangers. Not strangers so much. I didn't grope her. No. But I held her like how I hold my mom. Like when I hold my mom, I really hold my mom. Like so because and I started doing that when after I had kids because I realized how powerful it was when my kids hugged me. So now when I hug my mom, I like I make sure that like she knows, hey, this is your son. It's usually like we will push my fingers into my mom's back. I love it when my boys do that.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Can you give somebody a hug? Can I? No, not my mom. I can't. My most people, I can't. I would hug you. I'd hug everyone in this. I would be so excited.
Starting point is 01:18:37 I kind of made myself sad that we all don't live together and walk on the beach together. It's such a good life. Well, summer's right around the corner. Maybe we could set up a live thing this year. Everyone should just come bring their tents. It's okay in Santa Cruz. Hang it at the ranch. Oh, I'll hug my mom like that today.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Yeah. As a parent, you just love being touched by your kids. There's nothing better. Okay. 283, police. No, I will not shut up i like your new logo by the way much better much better than that one that was all sloppy with the swoosh and shit through it oh i did hug you yeah you're probably one of the few people i've ever hugged that i'm taller than um uh police brutality 283
Starting point is 01:19:27 why don't you say anything about police brutality one last time police didn't kill the nigga it happens a lot oh i'm a guy that's big on statistics. Police shootings, and I want people to really hear me, homie. Police shootings, killing the unarmed n****s is the least of our problems in America. They ain't shot n****s on his way to school. They ain't shot no n****s getting off work. They ain't shot no n****s in a high visibility construction vest. They ain't shot a n***a getting off work. They ain't shot no n***a in a high visibility construction vest. They ain't shot a n***a in no suit.
Starting point is 01:20:13 They ain't shot a n***a with his pants pulled up and his shirt tail tucked in. They ain't shot a... No. Police brutality is small compared to black on black homicide rapes. to black-on-black homicide rates. Police brutality is small to the 73% of households that are headed by single women. Police brutality is small compared to only 33%, 36% of black children can read on or above their grade level. percent of black children can read on or above their grade level oh police brutality is small when you got over two million children in in the united states america who suffer from from from
Starting point is 01:20:55 hunger oh nah homie that's the least of our problem why don't you say how crazy is it that's a fucking shitload of words that dude just put together. And it profound fucking like 99% of America can't put together what that guy just put together. By the way, every time they bleep that word out, I say it in my head. Like how I imagine he would say it. Fucking bleep it out. You fucking idiots. Fucking pussies uh what what a brilliant presentation right like yeah no that that's what i would always say show me the 12 year old uh
Starting point is 01:21:37 kid black kid playing the tube on his front lawn that the kid that the cop shot there isn't one there isn't one and when he said small he meant minuscule he meant minuscule it's nuts that seriously that if joe biden is a one as a president this guy's a fucking 10 this guy's a shoe win for fucking president of the united states have you watched most of his other stuff like did you start looking into him after you found this clip? No, you know who this guy is? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:09 I thought, did I send this to you? Probably. Oh, because I... I want to have this guy on the show. This guy, that's a mouthful he put together, dude. That is a strong, compelling fucking gang of words he put together. Yeah, I found it on like a YouTube Shorts or something.
Starting point is 01:22:31 And I watched like a couple of his uh things and it was pretty good i thought i for some reason i thought i sent it to you as a potential guest but maybe yeah let's get him uh he can't pronounce compared yeah he acts and he compare he yeah he's got his his slang is crazy, but that's what's so hypnotizing for me. That's the – I find it so hypnotizing the way he talks. Did you see that first comment too, which goes by to what Jeff said on the thing? It said don't get caught up in the way he's talking. Like focus on the message. Oh, I love the way he's talking. Yeah, don't get caught up in the speech and miss the message. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Yeah, well, the only people who get caught up in the speech are liberals. Actually, that's not true. Sunil Madwani, I always tell father – I always hear the fatherless argument. What's your solution here? All I hear are complaints about this and never solutions. All I hear are complaints about this and never solutions. The thing is, the main thing is, and a lot of people talk about this podcast. The main argument that I hear is the society rewards single mothers. So basically, probably Susie can speak to it better than I can, but society rewards single mothers, and that needs to stop.
Starting point is 01:23:45 You have to stop rewarding single mothers. And how does that work? It's things like in San Francisco where you get a universal basic income if you're a single black woman. And you have to realize at the core that that is the root of systemic racism. It basically, it's codependency. You're allowing the government, the government has to stop playing the role of husband the government is trying to play the role of husband and it's separating man and women and although it sounds nice and they call you a fascist if you're against it we have to stop it by the way um uh the young lady who said her sister called her a fascist play that video for her called her a fascist. Play that video for her.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Play that video for her. See what she says. Basically, we have to start making people personally accountable. We have to make a society that doesn't have a government that makes us codependent, but that leads us to personal responsibility
Starting point is 01:24:40 and personal accountability. Rewarding single mothers. Such an awful take. I don't know what that means. Reward it, Jeff. Reward it and put it back in the comments. Let's see your take on it. Sunil, so the answer is eliminating welfare if it keeps happening.
Starting point is 01:25:18 It's not eliminating welfare. It's if you're going to reward people, reward people for the whole Democratic Party is based on buying votes. And the poorer people are, the easier it is to buy the votes. So they try to keep people poor and dependent on the government. Our welfare state incentivizes mothers to leave the baby daddy and not marry him. That has to end. And I know you're asking me a yes or no. So you're asking what are other solutions besides changing the welfare state? Reforming education, completely change the way we teach people. Homeschool your kids.
Starting point is 01:26:07 if you really want to dig into it start reading some of Thomas Sowell's stuff start speaking the truth don't let people get away with fucking lies like the lie that cops are fucking killing unarmed black men it's a fucking lie it's a fucking lie if you believe in science and statistics and numbers it was like in 2019 it was 12 unarmed black men were killed by by police and 356 million
Starting point is 01:26:33 traffic stops at that point it's a such it's such an insignificant number you can't even tell if it's true uh it's all about sex it's all started when we broke the link between sex and procreation no don't ban uh don't ban no-fault divorce yeah you you have to be you have to be conscious of people who get into some bad situations too equations too. I wish I could give you a better answer, Sunil. I know I'm not giving you a very good answer. I mean, it's such a complex thing that there's not going to be a one happy thing that you have to slap on it. You just have to look at like where the incentives have been placed and then what was the long-term outcome of that. Then how could you make some adjustments and then kind of watch how that affects the incentives and the outcome and then keep adjusting from there. And one of the things is like, Saman, you already said it.
Starting point is 01:27:33 It's just they just want dependence. So if I lock you in on something and then I'm your paycheck, who are you going to vote for? Who are you going to keep in office? You still want your same benefits. And so the system just keeps feeding itself. It's not actually set up to help people, but set up to help political parties and systems. Caller, just one second. I want to read this. When I was a single parent in the university, I took advantage of subsidized rent and daycare to afford to go to school. I used it for a short time. A lot of people say it's a way of life to live on welfare.
Starting point is 01:28:09 Hey, good on you, by the way. Good job. You're a beast. Okay, caller, go ahead. I'm just going to back up the radical social conservative position. Please. The rates of increased fatherlessness in black homes started when we legalized the pill, when we legalized abortion and Planned Parenthood built clinics in black neighborhoods to build a system of eugenics in the country. And so now people pursue sex with the belief that they can do it without procreation. And it never works like that. And that's why a black child growing up in 1920, 80% of them grew up in a two-parent home. And now it's about 10% grow up in a two-parent home. But you're supposed to believe that we've progressed as a society. We've given people rights, freedom of choice, when in reality it's devastated the lives of the poorest, neediest among us. You can't have this conversation without talking about social issues.
Starting point is 01:29:19 So that's my only plug. And then they would come back with So what are you saying you outlaw the pill You outlaw condoms Right Is that what you're saying That's what I'm saying I can't
Starting point is 01:29:38 Laws should be oriented towards The public good God damn though dude You can't do that because the public good right now, brother. God damn, though, dude. You can't do that because the public good right now is to force injections on kids. Well, that's not, I mean, that's not the public good, right?
Starting point is 01:29:55 It's the same reason. Do you believe in the death penalty? Do you believe in the death penalty? Do you believe in the death penalty? In very, very limited circumstances. Almost often, almost always no but uh and is the reason why because you don't trust they're going to kill the right man because that's the reason why i don't believe in the death penalty for two reasons one i don't believe this i don't believe the system is always going to get it right and then two if you kill someone that
Starting point is 01:30:21 means someone has to be the killer. And I hate creating killers. I agree with you. But I think there is a point where someone is such a threat to themselves or other people where it may be the only option. I don't know if that's the case now. It should almost always not be the option. But the death penalty, people always use it as the parallel to abortion. It's very different because there is a world where someone, you have to kill someone to protect others. But there is no world in which killing the life of an innocent baby is legitimate. But before you go, let me read this to you because this is truth. This is 100% true, whether you're Christian or not. This is like and I'm not a Christian, but here you go. Perhaps the problem is the divergence away from Christian values.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Yeah. If we had an entire country with Christian values, this shit would not be like this. I mean, that's and I'm not a Christian, but I'm telling you the truth. I've always found strange that people call for mothers to stay with the baby daddy, but still encourage casual sex. Yeah. If we had a country with Christian values, we would not be in this position. Well, and what did, what did John Adams say? John Adams said that our system of rights and our bill of rights, our democracy was built for a moral and religious people. And so we have to reevaluate what that means in a world where you're exactly right. We are no longer, we are an unmoored society from any semblance of absolute truth.
Starting point is 01:31:50 And I think we're about to bear the really serious consequences of that. Dude, how about that statistic? I just can't get it out of my fucking head that one for every three babies born melanated, one is killed. Oh yeah. Before it makes it out of the womb.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Before it makes it out of the womb. In New York City, more black babies are aborted than birth. Oh, God. I can't. The greatest city in the world. In the greatest country in the world. Fucking nuts. Absolutely fucking batshit crazy.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Okay, well, thank you for calling with your extremist views. See you guys. Anytime. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. You know what's funny about the comment Clyde made? That book that I just finished up, The Battle for the American Mind, talked about how the underlying Christian values,
Starting point is 01:32:43 traditional Christian values being stripped out of the school system was the seed that planted towards like the uh you know progressive uh mindset or culture that is now involved in the schools that has turned into kind of like this woke ideology as some people would uh say and so they even said that christians do their fucking thing there just let the religious people flourish well the thing was is it wasn't necessarily a religion that they pushed but it was about uh personal responsibility and like personal ethics and morality and so it was like baked into everything we did and it served like a you were serving a
Starting point is 01:33:22 greater purpose beyond you and And that was what the underlying theme was. And if you serve yourself, it's not fulfilling. And eventually that leads to negative things. And if you feel a higher purpose to help others, usually you also find self fulfillment in that journey as well. But you're taking on the responsibility of, hey, I need to do good in the world for everybody else, because there's something I need to work on that's bigger than just myself. And so the claim in the book was, is that once that got stripped out, because even when they were starting a lot of the school system here in the US in the, you know, late 1700s, early 1800s, and that started to come into formation, some of the Christian values and stuff that they
Starting point is 01:34:05 were learning about society then were still already outdated at that time, outdated. But the reason why they kept it in was because they knew that they needed that moral fiber through the culture and through society. Even though you still had freedom of religion, you still had to have that layer of like morality and serving something beyond yourself baked into the culture to be able to have a self-governing people they should teach that in school you don't they should teach morality in school they used to but it got taken out and by that i mean not not not as if it's truth just as just like they should teach the bible in school not as if it's truth but these
Starting point is 01:34:45 are powerful tools yeah um i remember my sophomore year in high school my teacher had us do job and we acted it out and we read it we spent the whole quarter and we all got reading parts in it and it was like one of my most favorite things i ever did in high school and he's like i'm not it was a public school he's like and i don't care if one of you reports me fuck i'm so glad he did that i love that story i don't know if i love it but it. Fuck, I'm so glad he did that. I love that story. I don't know if I love it, but it stuck with me. It was a crazy story. Keith Knapp, thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:11 I really appreciate it, dude. Thank you. Thanks, Keith. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. What are you saying thank you for? I'm going to share it with you. Oh, what? Merry Christmas, Keith.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Going back to Job. The legend uh concerns job a prosperous man of outstanding piety satan acts as an agent provocateur to test whether or not job's piety is rooted merely in his prosperity but faced with the appalling loss of his possessions his children and finally his own health job still refuses to curse god um uh going back to what you were saying about uh serving others and that goes back to the thing about what we started to show when you stop thinking about yourself is when you experience love so when you see that girl from across the room and your brain comes to stillness you're experiencing love and but and you think she's the mechanism for it and so you pursue her in that um to pursue that sensation you got that stillness of mind you might think it's her titties or long hair or what all
Starting point is 01:36:13 this stuff or her smile or how but really it's something that happened inside of you that you experienced when you reacted to her uh should we teach the torah to yeah yeah all of it yeah to all of it all of it absolutely all of it take a story from fucking all of those things that have this tremendous huge impact um on the world and show how they all relate and connect yeah even that too yeah pick all the stories that have a dog in them the dogs of spirituality yeah and the kuran because it has the coolest name oh i'm really gonna trick savvy up and i'm gonna bring up uh science should they do scientology too uh to um trish you do learn about morality that's what the humanities are for the humanities, everyone says we don't need.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Where did the caller find his stats? Are you talking about the stats for 19, 1920, 80% of melanated people were married, and today it's less than 10%? That stat? Start Googlingling around it's everywhere if you really if you allison you want to read a fucking crazy book get this audiobook it will blow your fucking brain two books get get libertarianism by david boaz listen to audiobook it's so fun but there's this guy named thomas so, and he wrote Civil Rights. This book will – Civil Rights, Rhetoric or Reality? Listen to that audiobook.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Civil Rights, Rhetoric or Reality? God, wouldn't it be amazing if we could get that guy on the show? Yeah. He's got to be pushing 100, right? If we had Thomas Sowell on the show, that would be crazy. That would be awesome. he's got to be pushing 100 right thomas so well on the show that'd be crazy that'd be awesome hey if you guys if anyone likes jordan peterson you will do you will do a thousand backflips for thomas so well that libertarian libertarianism book that you suggested yeah that should be
Starting point is 01:38:17 the foundation of teaching of government in schools to really understand what liberty is and yes that that that is protected by the republic and it's not just that democracy if you're confused about the difference yes between liberty and democracy that you have to read that book yeah if you don't know that fundamental difference it's it's going to be tough to like navigate in the political world and i don't think most politicians do know i don't think they know either that person hung up bye caller merry christmas okay uh where were we so well as 92 what zombie said oh perfect oh uh well um i i don't know but you can go to the cd go to the cdc website and start looking
Starting point is 01:39:07 around that's where i got my numbers for every three born ones aborted and so there you from there you could break it down into um uh locations yeah it's it's got to be pretty bad somewhere because somewhere else it's not as bad oh that's not what it looks like on the new york city health website what allison's picture offends me uh it's it's so well as in ow oh-oh. Shut the fuck up. Leave me alone. I don't even know. What do you mean? What offends you about it?
Starting point is 01:39:55 I think he's joking. I don't know how your boobs sit like that. I can't even. When I look at it, it throws my brain off. I think like 50 of what jeff says is just the like because he knows he'll get a reaction out of us i don't know how they sit like that uh okay i'm still stuck oh uh 282 the first but this i just thought was interesting just to uh the first bible ever that was printed in the united states first english bible was called the
Starting point is 01:40:23 um atkin bible in 1782 and it's the only bible that was printed in the United States, first English Bible, was called the Atkin Bible in 1782. And it's the only Bible that was endorsed by Congress. It kind of ties into that whole, yeah, go ahead, play this, yeah. It's called the Atkin Bible. It's a cool wiki link, A-I-T-K-E-N, Bible of 1782. This is a copy of what the first Bible printed in English in America looked like. This Bible was printed by the U.S. Congress in 1782. In the records, it says that this Bible was, quote, a neat addition of the Holy Scriptures for the use of our schools, end quote. So the first Bible printed in America in English was printed by Congress for the use of our schools.
Starting point is 01:41:05 It's worse than that. In the front of the cover, it says that Congress resolved the United States and Congress assembled recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States. So the first Bible printed in English in America was done by the guys who signed the documents, endorsed by Congress and done for the use of schools. And we're going to be told that they don't want any kind of religion and education. They don't of voluntary prayer. That's fucking batshit crazy. By the way, don't want to get excited, and that means that we need to, like, Bibles everywhere. But it's just an interesting fact.
Starting point is 01:41:38 No one run with that. That's the problem with all the fucking Bible beaters. They're like, well, God said. Just shut the fuck up. God said. Carried away. Unless you're with your crew and you need to keep them in check. But when you're not with your crew, when you're with the heathens like myself,
Starting point is 01:41:58 you got to manipulate me a little differently. Just want to say Merry Christmas to the boys in chat. Love you all good conversation always trish oh boy thanks angela merkel oh boy thanks yeah that's stupid that's stupid too the getting rid of that complete i i start doing that with my kids the pledge of allegiance you know it's funny well this is it it's about natural law we should live according to how things are created yeah and that's a personal we It's about natural law. We should live according to how things are created. Yeah, and that's a personal – it's about natural law. We should live according to how things are created to exist.
Starting point is 01:42:28 That's a personal choice if you want your life to be easy and good. Go ahead, Cesar. The Pledge of Allegiance was ushered in by the progressives as the first step to move the schools away from religion. To get rid of the Pledge of Allegiance? No, to input it. I pledge allegiance to the flag. Oh, wow. So you're pledging your allegiance to the country, not to your creator.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Did you read that somewhere? That's really, that was part of the, and then eventually take away the pledge of allegiance. Yeah, and it was saying that a lot of the, I'm trying to get this right, because I really wish I would have prepared for this conversation, because I hate when I fucking want to really really drive home a point from factual stuff. But I don't have the information directly in front of me to recall it exactly. But that's OK. That's a story in my life.
Starting point is 01:43:11 Don't worry. I was ripping on women earlier and then I was the dumbass. So I set the bar low for you. So a lot of the people, one of the guys that was the big pusher of like having a like a uniformed curriculum for schools and stuff like that was actually one of the uh people who studied a lot of german um marxist philosophy and in fact that's where we get the word kindergarten from kinder garden is a german word yeah and uh so when when he came in as they ushered stuff off they started to move it away from the what they're calling like the Western like Christian padilla and moved in this progressive type of thing where they're pledging allegiance to the state. When you hear the word, yeah, so basically we gave you were eating a candy bar.
Starting point is 01:44:01 We switched it with three Pringles and now we're going to take the three Pringles away from you. eating a candy bar we switched it with uh three pringles and now we're going to take the three pringles away from you yeah and so then and then it evolved from there where they wanted to take away like under god after a little bit because they decided that like that was like putting religion in in schools but if you listen to the first art you're pledging allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and for the republican which it stands isn't it the word god is so oh i i don't know i don't know what i'm going to say about it on one hand it's such a powerful word and another word it just means nothing right it's like leave it leave it alone like like what what is but words are the most powerful thing we possess.
Starting point is 01:44:48 That's why the first amendment comes before the second amendment. Right. Is that really true? They're in the order of their importance. I want, I want to say, yes, that's a fact and have people jump on me,
Starting point is 01:44:59 but I would assume that when that document was created, there was a lot of thought put into it. And people know that if I have the power of word to influence the masses, it doesn't matter if you have the right to bear arms if I just come with fucking 200,000 people. I found that it actually looks true. Fuck. In 2012, black women in New York City aborted more than 6,500 pregnancies than they birthed. Let me read that again. 2012, melanated women.
Starting point is 01:45:30 I don't know. I was finding some stats too, but I'm not going to. They look different. So you just read it however you want. Did you find that there were no kids melanated in New York in 2012? Yeah. you want did you find that there were no kids melanated in new york in 2012 yeah no i found it the opposite i think um but
Starting point is 01:45:52 i didn't even know i didn't even know there were black people in fucking new york why is that shocking you know why it's shocking any of us could have that could happen to any of us aren't you glad it didn't uh 281 fetish tv uh-oh how are you guys on time fine hang it what do you guys think about this what do you guys think about this? What do you guys think about the fact about doing two shows in a day? It's a conversation that Susan and I have all the time, and we're not sure. Like, if we do a show this morning, oh, this is so amazing. I feel so bad for liking stuff like this.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Let's play this. This is so good. I don't know why. This is what's wrong with me. Large man gets thrown down upper deck at Bears versus Packers game. I just cannot. I just love watching human bodies move. And I just cannot.
Starting point is 01:46:52 There's so many good angles of this video. Okay. We're going to watch this like five times in a row. So don't worry if you miss it. Don't worry if you miss it. We're going to watch this so many times. Don't worry. And there's another angle you're going to get to.
Starting point is 01:47:12 What the fuck? Was his belt on backwards? Oh, no. No, no, no. I can't even tell what his body's actually doing. Neither can he. You're never going to believe this other angle now hold up before he sees you're never gonna believe this other angle no he wasn't thrown you're gonna i i couldn't it's so weird it's such a violent ending for such not a violent beginning this is and this is kind of why i
Starting point is 01:47:43 decided if it didn't have the second angle i wouldn't have shown you this this other angle is going to um yeah i would never go to a pro football game either you're right idiots everywhere watch this what it's so entertaining watch this crazy shit What is happening? Look, he picked something off his ass or something. Holy shit! Holy shit! How is that guy not dead? Okay, one more time.
Starting point is 01:48:35 This is fucking crazy. Look, and they're just talking. What's he do to his ass? Does he pull a handful of hair off the guy's ass or something? It looks like he was trying to grab by his belt it this is uh i cannot believe that how much does that guy weigh 400 380 easily yeah he's holding his cell phone who is and then look he does something to his the guy who gets thrown down the stairs oh okay he's grabbing his belt there it looked like yeah he's trying to grab his belt
Starting point is 01:49:09 to pull his pants up no probably no to pick him up yeah then just hucks him that's so weird you can tell he kind of feels a little bad about doing that because he's like that was a little bad and then bro you could have killed him. Oh, for sure. That's all concrete, dude. He hits his head and he's fucking braindead. Well, shit, this is hard. See, Sevan? Sugar saved him. Oh, Billy.
Starting point is 01:49:36 Billy. Billy always sees the glass half full. Saved him short term. Kills him long term. Billy always sees the glass half full. him short term kills him long term billy always sees the glass half full he was trying to finger him yeah yeah yeah you know sure could be what if he would have done that man gets sodomized at packers game and then thrown downstairs that would be a great headline and packers get sodomized hey. Imagine some little kid was walking up the stairs
Starting point is 01:50:06 and that dude would have just steamrolled him. Hmm. The fat guy initiated it. Hey, you don't know. Adam, how do you know? Adam's like, I was in the seats three over. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Adam's like, that's me.
Starting point is 01:50:19 He has Down syndrome. Yeah, look at this. Look at, guys. Look at. That is. God, look how high his ass crack is yeah that's dude his body's twisting look at just like
Starting point is 01:50:35 this look how far his stomach hangs down do you know like in a car accident like when it's just about over there's like a last like subtle movement that's like it's settling he's so big it has that too like even when it's over the all that body still has to settle wait wait he's a just look at his face at the end i don't know if that's a clear interpretation because he did just get honked down a flight of stairs so everybody's face is gonna look a little fucked up when they get up from that.
Starting point is 01:51:06 Oh my god. Look at the guy in the left with the blanket over his legs. He's in sheer panic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at the reaction. Oh! Look at him. He's like... Oh, and the person in the front row
Starting point is 01:51:20 grabbed their mouth. They can't even believe what they're seeing. Bear down. row grab their mouth they can't even believe what they're seeing bear down who has more uh cleavage uh that guy's butt cracker allison let me see that let me see that one more time for sure that guy's it's close holy shit oh my goodness okay that's enough butt crack that's called fetish tv that clip i'm afraid you made it mildly turned on who's who's mildly turned on i wrote that. I'm so confused. Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 01:52:11 I think so too, Christine. Allison, yes. I think you're right. Get that guy on the show. Maybe he's down to try California hormones. Yeah, he's probably got to lose a couple LBs first. Every, yes, yes. yes i know you're welcome cleavage is a strange cleavage what a strange word yeah it's weird to me that jeff feels like oddly necessary for this show
Starting point is 01:52:37 like oh my god like the live collins yeah sometimes i get concerned by what i attract to the show because i know that i clearly don't understand what i'm giving off and so i'm like it's like when a gay guy comes up and starts complimenting you you're like oh god oh my ego am i really letting you in my yeah is my alter ego really telling you i need a good i love it yeah yeah i love it too yeah, I love it too. Yeah, listen, if you're a straight dude and a gay guy hits on you, you fucking go buy a lotto ticket. My confidence is through the roof, dude.
Starting point is 01:53:12 We're disgusting to them. Call her hi. But you should be concerned too, Caleb, at the same time. I feel you. Okay, hi. Good morning. Yeah. When's the last time a guy hit on you? Could you tell me?
Starting point is 01:53:28 On me? Yeah. When I was in college. Yeah. How many years ago was that? 1980s. Oh, shit. Come on.
Starting point is 01:53:43 You got to step up your game. You've gone downhill since there. That's the crowning achievement of fucking being a man. Another man hit on you. How can I help you? Well, I'm calling from the 509. Okay. I'm going to look that up.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Do you know where that is? No, but I can look it up really quick. 509 area. It's Jeff. Oh. It's Jeff. Oh. Oh, Washington. Spokane. Washington.
Starting point is 01:54:13 By the way, it's not Spokane. So can we... Is this Jeff? Is this Jeff? Yeah, it is. Jeff, hi. Wow. It is Jeff. You sound it is. Jeff, hi. Wow. It is Jeff. You sound so much cooler than I imagined.
Starting point is 01:54:27 I thought you were going to sound like someone who'd smoked cigarettes their whole life. No, I don't smoke. I don't even drink. But I wanted to prove, number one, I don't sound like Sousa's nerd voice, okay? Although I like the voice, but that is not me. You think Sousa sounds like a nerd? Is that what you're saying? No, when I did the whole...
Starting point is 01:54:51 You're not a doctor. You didn't Google it. That doesn't necessarily direct it directly at Jeff's voice. It's just kind of that comment. I'm nervous talking to Jeff. I was really hoping he was like a bot. Sousa does need a haircut, though. I think today.
Starting point is 01:55:11 Hey, Jeff, what do you do for a living? What do you do for a living? What's your vocation? I'm actually a CPA, believe it or not. That means you do people's taxes and shit? Like you're a math guy? He's cooking the books. No. No. Yeah, I do cook books. I have cookbooks. Um, but that's what you do.
Starting point is 01:55:31 You do tag people's taxes. No, I don't. I'm, I'm, I mean, I can do taxes, but that's not my specialty. Your specialty is commenting on the show. you crossfitter yeah no no i i i like crossfit i wish i could do it but i've had some health issues which has prevented me so i'm actually having a procedure next week so what procedure anyway um not anything major an EGD. Caleb? Endogastric bypass? No, not a bypass. No, it's a, you know, I have gastric reflux. It's pretty severe.
Starting point is 01:56:18 Which, you know, I'm going to regret doing this. 100% I will regret doing this. Hey, do you eat tortilla chips? Because the only time I ever get gastric reflex is when something comes up in your mouth and it burns. Yeah, it's bad. Yeah, I only get that when I eat tortilla chips and drink Moscow Mules.
Starting point is 01:56:40 But I get it immediately when I mix those two. Yeah, so you know what that feels like? Yes. And when you have it, when you have it severely, you can, uh, actually get, I think it's called Barrett syndrome. But anyway, I, I, uh, I like CrossFit, but here's what I want to, here's what I want to say and I'll hang up because I don't want to get absolutely trashed. Um, which, uh, I don't even...
Starting point is 01:57:07 Well... Don't... God damn it, Jeff! He did that on purpose. He did that on purpose. He did that on purpose. Damn it, Jeff. Well, if he did it on purpose, he's good.
Starting point is 01:57:21 If he did that on purpose, that was good. He had me by the balls. I was about to fall out of my chair. Yeah. Damn. Hey, there's – You got nervous, huh? Oh, so nervous.
Starting point is 01:57:34 I was nervous. I remember meeting Christine Young. I was nervous. I get nervous around all you fuckers. If you guys get too close to me, I get nervous. So funny. Hey. nervous so funny hey um uh there's nothing that makes me more happy than someone who listens to the show who's not a um
Starting point is 01:57:51 crossfitter i knew that i knew you're gonna be stoked about that when you're like do crossfit he's like no i was like god it's like the worst thing you can tell me someone the other day they go i was talking with hillary i'm like fuck dude i'm so fucking good at what i do how come this fucking shit i listen to other podcasts that have 50 000 live viewers and fucking i'm better than them i'm like what am i gonna do to fucking get more people he's like and he were brainstorming ideas he's like what percentage of your of your listeners do you think are not crossfitters and i lied to him i told him five percent i think it's like 0.5%. Billy K. You guys are 1069.
Starting point is 01:58:33 You guys are great. Enjoy the time with your families today. Next year, we see Sevan take on others and work out Fit War style live. Holy cow. I don't know. I like my arm is my arm is fucked up dude you know what i did yesterday because it was the only thing i could do i did 600 step ups no i uh or two days ago i'm so sore but i can't do anything with my arms dude my left arm is fucked up someone did the original
Starting point is 01:58:56 fit wars against uh olivia kristetter dude true oh oh i see the original okay yeah and your arm's getting worse does it wake you up no it's because no no no it's not like that it's because i keep doing stuff uh like i try i did a um i did a couple 135 pound uh power cleans the other day and the whole thing got just inflamed out of control you remind me of what mark walberg an old guy i'm around you mark walberg yeah that statement that you made let me see that thing you posted on uh instagram oh what was that i'll show you i posted if i can find it no mark walberg did oh i'm confused i know that's okay i got you check well that was cool that was a kind of a nice Christmas gift to talk to yeah
Starting point is 01:59:46 you guys you know that we're two hours into the show you had two hours to fucking call in and now okay caller go ahead I just woke up Merry Christmas gentlemen Merry Christmas
Starting point is 02:00:03 Merry Christmas I'm just calling in Merry Christmas, gentlemen. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. I'm just calling in. Okay. Maybe I was going to add something to the Green Bay guy getting thrown down. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was incredible, right? Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 02:00:17 So resilient. That dude got right up. Like, you just got through a car wreck, and you got right up and run right back up the stairs. With a smile on his face, not even ready to fight. wow thanks for the ride not quick yeah and uh i think the guy was trying to pull his pants down so he'd trip more down the stairs oh shit wow okay yeah malicious oh yeah okay so these are the options uh pull his pants down so he trips more i thought he was grabbing a handful of hair off his ass and suza thought he was grabbing his belt like to give him like a maybe a toss all right fair enough hey did you hear jeff baco calling yeah i did do you think that really was
Starting point is 02:00:56 him i think it was him i think so sounds like his sense of humor to do what he did. Yeah, that was good. Yeah, that was great. Hey, Siobhan, how's your kid doing in tennis? Oh, hi! Did you send two more rackets? No, I didn't send two more. Did you get somebody from someone else? Someone sent two rackets to my house. Sweet. What kind are those?
Starting point is 02:01:22 Someone sent two rackets and a fucking skateboard to my house oh really oh awesome i didn't even look at the brand i just assumed it was you no i didn't send two more but that's awesome somebody else is sending you stuff now too hey they're killing it um you know what david um uh we went to newport for two weeks i wanted to ask you this we went to newport for two weeks my kids didn't play tennis during those two weeks right and when we came back the tennis instructor who i greatly admire said to me hey um you know at this age it's okay he takes two weeks off but you know as you get older and as you reach the
Starting point is 02:01:54 higher levels you take two weeks off and your skills will start to erode it's a little too much do you have thoughts on that uh yeah it's a very very high level we're dealing with like percentages and tennis is a very very touchy feel a game and you can lose touch in a matter of days for sure crazy right yeah but i think you could argue that the benefit for the mindset might outweigh the loss of skill but if he's talking like pro level, they definitely have to hit every day. Crazy. All right. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for calling.
Starting point is 02:02:30 Hey, wait, I got one more question. Yeah, yeah, yeah, please. You're kind of connected in the, you got some connections still at CrossFit? Yeah. Every, listen, every single person who works at CrossFit wants to talk to me. The people who fucking hate me, the people who love me, everyone over there. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:52 I'm like fucking Godzilla. Everyone wants to be my friend but everyone's fucking terrified of me. I might sneeze and burn the whole fucking place down. Alright, well here's because I'm also a high school teacher and our high school is about to switch like how they run the high school, like we're going to an academy model. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:10 And I was thinking, I want to do like a, uh, uh, school to ready system with CrossFit. So a high schooler comes out of high school with like a level one and they can go into the workforce. And I was just wondering who I could get in contact with CrossFit. Maybe you could set something up like that. Yeah. We could start like a level one and they can go into the workforce. And I was just wondering who I could get in contact with crossing. Maybe you could set something up like that. Yeah. You could start like a, you, you have my phone number, right?
Starting point is 02:03:31 I think I do. Yeah. Okay. Um, send me a text afterwards and I will, um, and I'll call you either, you know,
Starting point is 02:03:38 in the next couple of days or today we'll talk, I'll hear the idea a little more and I'll pitch it over there to someone. They would love to do shit like that. That contract they just got with the army. That's so awesome. They would love to do something where kids coming out of high school would already be like pipelined into the fucking level one and, and sharing that wisdom with the world.
Starting point is 02:03:57 Maybe that's the place to go. It seems to be working for the woke fascist, um, indoctrinate the fucking high school kids. Maybe that's what needs to be happening even more with cross. It to double down on that too yeah we can battle them from that front hey do you know matt schindeldecker did you ever hear that podcast i did with him i didn't hear that one you might want to hear that it's it's it's it's uh as hillary would say it's same same but different basically he's found a way to tap into a vein of the government that
Starting point is 02:04:23 needs crossfit i'm helping kids and uh he and he's killing it his to tap into a vein of the government that needs CrossFit, helping kids. And he's killing it. His program is absolutely, I think it's spread to several states now. Awesome. Cool. Well, thanks for your time, gentlemen. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:04:39 Thank you. Merry Christmas. Bye. Bye, David. Merry Christmas. Bye. Jessica Valenzuela, about time to contribute. 999.
Starting point is 02:04:47 Thank you. That's cool. Thanks, Jessica. Jeremy World, 469 for you, Phillip. Nice. Who's Phillip? Phillip. Phillip. Phillip?
Starting point is 02:05:09 Hold on. Kelly. Why is he giving money to philip kelly because of the comment he made up here earlier um yeah he said something about like if everybody gave 4.99 in the chat or something like that like i'm trying to find the comment right now but oh then i could pay my mortgage this month you know when i was watching fit wars i wanted to donate money but i was only going to donate a dollar and then i thought god i'm so fucking cheap and then i didn't donate at all and then i thought well that's stupid i should have donated a dollar imagine if everyone here sent 4.99 yeah imagine i can't i can't see it like can i play this clip for you now? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Alright, I got an MRI yesterday.
Starting point is 02:05:51 I got a tear. Right here, doc. What's the diagnosis on a tear? Oh, that's good. I got a tear here. I got a tear here. I got a tear in the meniscus. I got some herniated distance. Work through, man. Mind of a man. Stay prayed up.
Starting point is 02:06:04 Father Sousa state Father Sousa Father Sousa yeah he knows he knows I mean I told him not to work out with those beta ass gloves but other than that he's kicking ass he's a good dude so basically you're saying stop being a pussy no he's like doing the same thing
Starting point is 02:06:20 you're doing because you're like it hurts and I'm like does it wake you up when you're sleeping and you're like no it only hurts because I just don't stop doing shit oh thank you so doing because you're like it hurts and i'm like does it wake you up in your sleep when you're like no it only hurts because i just don't stop doing shit oh oh thank you so i'm like mark walberg i like yeah yeah he's like i'll tear here there there it doesn't matter just keep going he got destroyed in the comments about all the weak ass motherfuckers on instagram too uh he was getting destroyed by them yeah people are like that's a good idea see jeff it's not just you that i do the voice that's just the general voice and they're like you know listen to your doctor.
Starting point is 02:06:46 Yeah, work through it until you have to get surgery. Great idea. Like, just that type of bullshit. Damien Fink, $4.99. Call in while it's on me. That's a cool last name. Eric Weiss. Merry Christmas, gentlemen.
Starting point is 02:07:02 Appreciate you all. Thank you. Thank you. Merry Christmas, Eric. Eric's the type of guy that when I look at his profile picture, I think back about some of the subjects we talk about. And I feel bad because he seems like such a proper gentleman in that photo. Who, Eric? Eric, yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:16 Yeah. He's got a backpack on. He's in Yosemite with his girlfriend. He's probably carrying water and a sandwich for her. Yeah, just like a good dude. You find him on a trail, and he's like, you look famished. Here's a bar. He busts it out of his backpack and hands it to you. Is that an Asian girl? His wife's Asian?
Starting point is 02:07:32 I don't know. Because that means he's crazy fastidious too. That means he's beyond super clean. Wad Zombie. What brings this pleasure to the Sevan Podcast to have you call in i i really wasn't gonna call but damien sent the five bucks i figured it'd be kind of a
Starting point is 02:07:51 dick move if i didn't call oh you're like a prostitute and i'm like your pimp they paid me some money and now you have to call in the show and do some tricks yeah yeah you're a good dude i figure i at least come on and say merry christmas and and love all you guys especially everyone in the chat there why don't you why don't you give us a hint um who's gonna be in fit wars too why don't you give us a hint small hint we already know they have we know we know you're going for vaginas this time you've had your philippines one of them is for sure Top 15 from the games last year Nice Americans
Starting point is 02:08:27 And then the other one The other one we don't have confirmed yet But once we do that would be top 20 Americans from the games Last year Wow Wow Wow
Starting point is 02:08:40 It's not Daniel Brandon It's not Daniel Brandon Wow Are you alone It's not Daniel Brandon It's not Daniel Brandon Uh Sean M $5.99 $4.99 Plus an extra dollar So that Sevan can donate To the next fit
Starting point is 02:08:51 Dude You are a good dude Yeah You are a good dude You just made a dollar On the show What zombies Oh right on
Starting point is 02:09:00 But Yeah so it should It should be It'll be the end of January And Yeah it should be pretty good It should be it'll be the end of january and yeah it should be pretty good it should be pretty good the the one person we have locked in you'll get excited for even though you said you wouldn't i know you will i for sure will hey we made it i made a list of people i want to try to get on the show um before uh wadapalooza oh shit did a bolt fall off of this and i i definitely i want to try to get danny spiegel on the show before wadapalooza. Oh shit, did a bolt fall off of this? I definitely want to try
Starting point is 02:09:26 to get Danny Spiegel on the show before Wadapalooza. Do you think that's possible? Danny Spiegel? No. Danny Spiegel? Yeah. You get John William before you get Danny Spiegel on.
Starting point is 02:09:40 No, we get him on every time. Unless you get Logan to call in as Danny Spiegel on. Oh, we can hit him on any time. Unless you get Logan to call in as Danny Spiegel. Oh, what happened to Logan? I used to be friends with him and then he vanished. What, what happened to him? He's,
Starting point is 02:09:55 uh, I think he's mostly just trying to be off social media. Oh, as a personal, I don't want to say health thing, but just as a personal choice. Right. So, well, you know, I'll text him and stuff that he doesn't, he doesn't want to say helping, but just as a personal choice. Right. I'll text him stuff that he doesn't
Starting point is 02:10:08 really go on Instagram or anything really a lot. Does he still listen to the podcast? Does he listen to the podcast? Here and there. Yeah, here and there. Certain episodes, not all of them. Allison NYC $4.99. Thank you, Allison.
Starting point is 02:10:24 Thank you. Maybe I'll see you today and99. Thank you, Allison. Thank you. Maybe I'll see you today and buy you a cup of coffee with that money. Beyond Natal. Natal. Stay safe, Caleb. Thanks, Jethro. $4.99. All right.
Starting point is 02:10:40 Andrew Hiller. Oh, Wadsami, let me ask your professional opinion about something. Yeah, of course. Steven Flores, George Washington. Thank you. Okay, Wads, let me ask you a professional opinion about something. Yeah, of course. Stephen Flores, George Washington. Thank you. Okay, here it is. So I want to do a show. I want to do a show tonight and tomorrow. And then I want to do this morning. I'm doing the show this morning. Then I'm going to do another show tonight. And then on Christmas morning, I'm going to do a show. And then I want to do a show Christmas night.
Starting point is 02:11:02 And we have this debate that maybe if, um, but, but not even a debate because, uh, neither Susan and I are firm on the, on what the answer is, but we're afraid if we do too many shows to close together, that we step on the other shows and kill the numbers on them.
Starting point is 02:11:18 But it's a little more dynamic than that. Like if you do one show and it gets 10,000 views, is it better to do two shows and get 15 000 views like i don't know how to think about it but do you have any thoughts on it's a tough one i i know i know hillary would probably have some good insights on that but i don't know what time he feels like sometimes he'll he just confused me in the morning i asked him he confused me i asked him yesterday no drop all that Just you as the person who listens to the podcast, would you prefer
Starting point is 02:11:48 to have the one show come through or two shows come through when you go to listen? Just as a viewer. Not metrics. None of that. Just as a viewer. Two? Yeah, two. But also, the other thing you've got to consider is that's me being selfish because I like
Starting point is 02:12:04 the live show so much. So do you guys get more off of the non-live clicks? We don't even know the answer. Or do you get more off of people? We don't even know the answer to that. Really, Sousa is saying the truth. I'm misrepresented by getting the views. We just don't want to turn anyone off, like make people feel bad like they're missing shows.
Starting point is 02:12:20 But then on the other hand, we want to – I love doing the shows. We all love doing the shows we all love doing the shows and if we have enough content we want to be available we think it would be fun to do more shows i i think it'd be better to do more or i think i don't think anyone will be feeling like they're missing out i mean because i you know a lot of times you go live when i'm at work and there's times that i can't listen and there's times that I can, but it's not, you know,
Starting point is 02:12:47 you don't take it personally. You just enjoy the ones that you get to catch. All right. Thank you. Another good data point. So yeah. So of course, if you ask anyone in here,
Starting point is 02:12:58 they're all going to say, yeah, two shows. I don't think anyone's going to tell you, no. What about three shows? We're asking the wrong people. What about we just live stream all day?
Starting point is 02:13:06 Why not four? Why not? Why not four? Yeah. What about a 24-hour news cycle? A 24-hour live stream? All right, brother. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:13:19 All right. Yeah. Have a good one. Thanks, dude. Oh, these stickers are starting to stress me out. Susie Tell, thank you. $4. You're awesome. Thank you. Thanks, dude. Oh, these stickers are starting to stress me out. Susie Tell, thank you. $4. You're awesome.
Starting point is 02:13:27 Thank you. Love your shirt. I think I met her in person before. I have. Trish. Oh, my goodness. I'll read it for you. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:13:35 There you go, Caleb. Badussi, badussi, badussi. I'm leaking badussi. I love how you sung it. Jason from Kanata. Merry Christmas, boys. Thank you sung it. Jason from Kanata. Merry Christmas, boys. Thank you, sir. Michael C.
Starting point is 02:13:50 Merry Christmas from Dick Pick Mike, the HR guy. Oh, shit, yeah. It should be Accidental Dick Pick. It was an accident. Accident. I wish he'd send me Accidental Dick Pick. I'm not talking about every day. I'm just talking about occasionally once a week, once a month, or like special Christmas. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm not talking about every day i'm just talking about occasionally once a week
Starting point is 02:14:05 once a month or like special christmas like yeah yeah yeah i'm not i'm not doing two years you know birthdays and and trust me i'll be complaining to susan that i can't do two days once i do a few two days so i i'm i'm an emotional roller coaster paulina look at you out there running thank you 499 mr tony andrews did you hear the marine Corps is going to change that you can't say sir or ma'am anymore because of gender politics? $7.99. It's $9.99. That's insane. Who cares?
Starting point is 02:14:36 I did read that. People are just now calling and supporting, so we'll keep you all alive. Merry Christmas. Thanks for this community and content. My pleasure, Greg. Merry Christmas, for this community and content my pleasure Greg Merry Christmas Greg congrats on the hot chick Merry Christmas Greg
Starting point is 02:14:50 I'm making truffle butter with my son-in-law for the holiday will that be with what is truffle butter god damn it Trish that's an urban dictionary one right there it is yeah here you go oh we haven't met yet okay it's coming suzy uh truffle butter uh the word of the day combination of fluid jesus criminy dude i can't my mom is not gonna like this and on her
Starting point is 02:15:23 birthday pull that down yeah bring that back next live call-in show please there's no way no we're not doing we're not googling big dick either truffle butter we'll have a show hey maybe we should just have a show it's like mom don't watch this one i'll title it that it's like a once a month so my mom knows not to it's not gonna be different than other shows um let me think of the subjects we talked about today alone like i mean she's cool my mom's cool as shit but just like just something she doesn't like the the b word yeah okay um uh back back but you guys still have a few more minutes? My bladder is holding tight a little bit. Okay. 280, there's no link, but there's pictures. I don't know if you have access to those pictures or if I do. Maybe I can pull this up, but someone sent me this. this i can't someone basically sent me a screenshot of a computer and it shows the uh uh morning chalk up christmas party and there is no justin lefranco there and then someone else said hey
Starting point is 02:16:33 watch justin lefranco won't go to wataplooza either and we're kind of on a lefranco watch because i have a feeling um that uh uh they are in big big big big big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big trouble. Very similar, ironically, to the trouble that CrossFit is in over there at the morning chalk up. And I think that there are some bulls, serious bull circling that's going on. Philip Kelly, it's my 40th birthday this Wednesday, the 28th. Happy birthday, all of you. December babies, don't be a victim it's my 40th birthday this weekend happy birthday this wednesday it's my 40th birthday this wednesday the 28th
Starting point is 02:17:12 happy birthday happy birthday all of you december babies don't be a victim yeah 499 uh philip i did a podcast with philip if you haven't heard it it is a wild ride you should check it out and he will be coming back on the show um in a second no no one put you on time out yeah that's what i just i just she messed me saying that i was like no i didn't do it no one did that definitely not definitely not definitely not you can give her a wrench okay i think you have to do it to YouTube. Hey. I'll do it. So here's the thing. Here's the thing. Like I said before, I don't want Morning Chocop to go away. There's definitely something going on over there.
Starting point is 02:17:52 I don't want to speculate on all the rumors I keep hearing, but there's definitely something going on, and the Franco missing is concerning. And whether you like him or don't like him, that ship, he created that thing. That thing is his baby. And for some reason, he's absent of taking control of it. And I don't know. I don't think it gets – I think he's the – maybe he's the right guy to control it. And I don't wish ill on anyone. I don't want to see them die. I don't want to see them die.
Starting point is 02:18:28 I don't want to see them go away. I would like to see him change maybe and revise his woke ways and become more logical and thoughtful and loving. But hopefully that rag can survive what it is going through. And it's taking on fire. Justin V, 1999, Merry Christmas. The Sebon Podcast crew, thank you very much. Thank you, Justin. And I suspect your girlfriend's hot too.
Starting point is 02:19:03 Please put them larger in your uh icon photos crop yourself out next time thank you very much brother that's a very generous donation thank you uh trish uh when will we admit that crossfit is pop culture staple is dead bound to go the way of their i don't think so brother i don't think so you know why there's too many affiliate owners out there keeping the dream alive every time i interview these fucking ding dongs man they believe they know what they got these affiliate owners they know they they know and and and the in the words that greg glassman gave them
Starting point is 02:19:40 to hold the shit together um i i don't think so i don't think so i don't think it's going away like that oh shit i made him i might have made it oh no no no here there's more uh 279 what the fuck portland portland is a city on the north american continent on the west coast way up north for those of you who don't know um it's very cold dreary area 30 years ago it was one of the coolest cities um you know maybe in the world up and coming cities and it's taken a terrible turn because of drugs because of the mass drug addicts there but anyway this guy that um this clip you're about to see this guy uh i've
Starting point is 02:20:26 reached out to this guy to see if i can get him on the show to find out if this story is true but i remember his original post he showed buckets and buckets of needles that they had collected like in a single day off of the streets of portland which is pretty scary and then here he says he was fired from his job for showing all those needles but let's um let's uh let's listen to this this is after he got fired what's up everybody uh my name is sam graziano uh i just wanted to let everybody know that after posting the video of the needles that we pick up off the streets of portland oregon uh rapid response fired me um without any further discussion. I don't know what they're hiding, but I know that Lance Hamill, the owner and president of Rapid Response, in his office, he collects
Starting point is 02:21:12 human body parts and soaks them in formaldehyde. He's got human feet, hands, a man's face. He's got a baby with a placenta, everything, in a jar of formaldehyde. He's got jars of human teeth. What's up, everybody? Lance Hamill. What's the name of the
Starting point is 02:21:36 organization? Oh, yeah. Rapid Response Portland. As soon as you type in his name, it pops up. I wonder if that guy's on um instagram what the fuck either this guy's batshit crazy or something's out of context here yeah that's what i was waiting out to jeremy jeremy asked in the comments is is dude putting his hand in a bit of needles were those like caps or like what caleb do you know what that was they like um that's what they break them down to before they incinerate them so it's like a shredded thing pretty much exactly yeah i wouldn't imagine that there's anything like actually
Starting point is 02:22:15 sharpened there it's just like been processed a little bit before they incinerate it wow chris cordino thanks brother five dollars cordino cordino thank you i just moved out of portland oh this is uh this i can only imagine what this means allison with great power comes great responsibility she's wrenched up oh she. Yeah, took care of her. Yeah. I took it there, too. I thought it was a reference to something else. Don't put a lid on your kid. Okay, 278. Do you guys like it that you haven't seen these before? Do you ever – that it's always a surprise to you guys too?
Starting point is 02:23:08 Oh, yeah. Don't put a lid on your kids. So this is just a little metaphor here. This is kind of crazy that these are fleas. The fleas are placed inside the jar, and the lid is then sealed. They are left undisturbed for three days. Then, when the jar is opened, the fleas will not jump out. In fact, the fleas will never jump higher than the level set by the lid.
Starting point is 02:23:40 Their behaviour is now set for the rest of their lives. their behavior is now set for the rest of their lives. And when these fleas reproduce, their offspring will automatically follow their example. The like seventies porn music is kind of weird with that one. Tony Andrews. She got a wrench only because of her breasts. No,
Starting point is 02:24:06 not only that, not only. Not only. Why can't you just say she got a wrench because of her breasts? Why can't you say that? You're so... And I see her almost every day. And she's a friend of mine. And she watches the show every morning. And she has... watches the show every morning and she has a nice face uh to read into it anything that you thought i was gonna say feel free to run with it
Starting point is 02:24:36 no you're correct okay uh 277, bad or good or bad implications, good or bad implications, question mark. Not even 125 years ago, we didn't have to ask the government permission to collect rainwater, to hunt, to fish, to start a business, to own a property, to build a home, renovate our home, to use a vehicle, to get married, to own a firearm, to grow food on our property, or to sell food. Now we can do virtually nothing without being extorted by the government and asking their permission first. If you still think we're free you're deluding yourself we're free range humans who live on a tax farm not okay it's why are you going to record a duet of the video and not say anything the entire time i hate when people do that
Starting point is 02:25:43 and they just go like this they're just like like just steal it and repost it yeah leave yourself out yeah uh youtube user a gift for you savon even though you're bad with numbers you can't be great at everything merry christmas and the show makes a full loop you think she has red hair do you think yeah yeah i just say definitely especially like where it gets lighter in the sun yeah i'd like to see her instagram account uh free free range animals on a tax farm nice here's the thing man with with all of this fucking great shit we have you can't have people fucking just changing their oil in the street right and just pouring it down the fucking
Starting point is 02:26:29 yeah i have to say there's certain amount of regulation that makes sense because we just live on top of each other so 125 years ago you weren't living on top of each other and there also wasn't these massive corporations that are like doing what they're doing now so it's just it's it's not it's apples to oranges. I'm anti-government. It's tough. I hear her. It's good to hear. Say that again?
Starting point is 02:26:53 I just said anti-government with the quotations because Jeff would probably destroy me if he was still here. Wadzami, does your wife have red hair? Haha, that is me. I used to be my name not sure why it changed oh did we guess your name it sounds like a jessica no but oh maybe it's wad zombie's wife that's why he said she looks hot i mean she does look i'm just a sucker for red hair my wife has red hair it's crazy no his wife's brunette latina latina x wife's a latina x wait did i
Starting point is 02:27:29 guess that right oh shit you did she fucking with me or did i really guess that correct you should guess the next fit words you're probably right um could you interview a globe gym owner and see their take on things all gyms have changed to include functional fitness space instead of just machines what are they doing to give uh back like crossfit that'd be interesting to have a globo gym owner on yeah it's yeah you're crazy redheaded women are so good it's so good that women come in all the different yummies. I feel good about myself. She said I guessed her name right.
Starting point is 02:28:10 Yeah, it's pretty good. And we just can't abolish every – I don't know. I don't know. I want to have someone on who wants to just – like someone who's like flat-earther style but just wants to get rid of government and hear how that would work. I want to hear how that would work hey for real having spent a christmas in the middle east i gotta thank uh uh you to caleb merry christmas my man jeremy world thank you jeremy merry christmas thanks jeremy i always spent home away from christmas so does it bother you to be away from home for christmas for the holidays i've done this a few times so no yeah i always worked on christmas so i could get the double time yeah i wasn't really working i was just never around family i would go back
Starting point is 02:28:56 whenever i could but usually we celebrate like in january or earlier but some people it fucks with them though right to be away like on their birthday or their anniversary or christmas it fucks with them yeah we don't like it's a day like we'll get together at some point and we'll fucking hash out christmas anyway so is is there anyone like if you do show signs of like um like being bothered by it or like you're crying or is this do you console those people or you're like no you're pussy knock it off it depends on who it is right okay good yeah there's some people i would be like i would be a little bit more sensitive about it with them but other people would be like fucking you're a bitch, dude. Yeah, suck it up.
Starting point is 02:29:50 What if I turned off your neighborhood's fire hydrants during a fire? 276. So your neighborhood catches on fire, and then I turned off the fire hydrants in your neighborhood. Would that be a cool thing to do? Oh, yeah. Okay, here we go. Washington Post, a new study found that exercise is – Washington Post, a new study found that exercise in almost any amount reduced people's risk of being hospitalized or dying of COVID. Exercise of any amount.
Starting point is 02:30:18 So probably shouldn't have closed all the gyms while featuring fat people on healthy magazine, health magazine covers. This is, this is tantamount to there's a fire in your neighborhood, but we turned off all the fire hydrants because we don't want kids to drown. I think it's funny that they said it's a new study. I don't know where they're getting their new study from, but I call it that just like science science what's taking people so long my son asked me that why are people still wearing
Starting point is 02:30:54 masks i go why do you think he goes because they're scared because they eat sugar it's crazy uh it's uh austin it's harder being stateside but but not at home than it is to just be overseas for the holidays oh because like caleb's situation is just helpless just embraces it you're stateside you're you know, I'm only a 16 hour drive from home. Caleb's like, no chance. Exactly. You know who knew that?
Starting point is 02:31:32 Greg Glassman. Yeah. Right. Uh, my CrossFit affiliate is closed today and tomorrow. Is that common? Curious what others are experiencing. One of my coaches texted me and said he could do 12 days of Christmas
Starting point is 02:31:42 underground. We could do. Oh, meaning go over there. Yeah. That's a good a good coach yeah go over there and do that shit underground and yeah that is that is common we're closed today and tomorrow too because majority of the coaches are coaching all the freaking time so like we always think that they deserve a break as well so yeah we closed today and tomorrow we did our 12 i mean yeah today and tomorrow we did our 12 days of christmas yesterday but open that shit up yeah i opened that shit up for 5 30 on christmas open that shit up sat it for hey the first two years i owned my affiliate i did that
Starting point is 02:32:16 and fucking it was such a waste of my time i was one of those guys christmas eve we're not changing the hours people want to work out i'm'm staying open. Christmas Day, I'm coming in for three hours in the morning so people get their workout in. No. It's a complete waste of my time. I would have much rather had the time with my family or friends had given the situation than to show up for the two or three people that need to be in the gym.
Starting point is 02:32:37 Guess what the workout is? Water of the day. It's a fucking run of 5K. Get a timer. Run a 5K outside your house. Congratulations. I think James did that like whenever uh pat sherwood like for christmas or whatever he would just be like go run a 5k yeah i mean it's easy
Starting point is 02:32:51 go run a 5k run for 15 run for 30 minutes every five minutes stop and do 20 burpees like there's just so much stuff you could do at the house and you're not going to get everybody in the affiliate for the community like feel maybe on christmas eve you could do a couple morning classes and rock like the 12 days of christmas and just have like a big group of people there whatever but still you're you're that's an event so like so why was it a waste of time people didn't show up people people didn't show up in any of the later classes i probably had two two busy classes like in the morning like that eight like 10 or something like that where you had you know 15 or more people and then i just basically stood there for the rest of the day in these early years and just kind of like waited and like one person would kind of come in and they're like, Oh, I knew it.
Starting point is 02:33:30 I knew it. Do one class. Your, your affiliate owner sucks. Do one class. That's what I'm hearing from Sousa. Do one class. I mean, I didn't do a class today. We did it yesterday. Yeah. That's why you're feeling defensive sure uh what about this suza what about destroy them on the 23rd the fucking work like blow their quads and their glutes out it's you know that workout right yeah uh yeah i forget it but yeah it's horrible so it's 12 movements and you do it like the song so the workout ends up taking between 30 and 45 minutes and you end up accumulating a pretty decent amount of volume. You're pretty dang sore by the next
Starting point is 02:34:10 day after doing that one. I was thinking of just lunges, step-ups, and air squats for an hour so the next two days no one can walk. There you go. Merry Christmas. 275 budget budget god i can't wait to have uh um
Starting point is 02:34:33 jorge ventura on so i don't know if you guys saw what happened but there was a budget given to uh congress to vote on. And it's like I can't remember how – he's going to show you how – well, I'll let him say it. Go ahead. Go ahead, Mr. Paul. I brought with me the Omni, 4,155 pages. When was it produced? In the dead of the night, 1.30 in the morning when it was released. Now, people argue
Starting point is 02:35:05 that it's conservatives' fault. You don't have the Christmas spirit. Somehow you're holding up government. Well, whose job is it to produce this? The people in charge of spending, the people in charge of both of the parties. When did they know that this would be necessary? Well, it's in the law, September 30th. You got nine months, almost 10 months to produce a plan, to have a spending plan. They weren't ready on September 30th, so they voted themselves 90 more days. They weren't ready last week either, so they voted themselves another week. And now we have it at 1.30 in the morning this morning. But what's the clamor? The clamor is to vote. Vote now. Let's get it done. Why are you standing in the way of spending? Well, the real question is this. What is more dangerous? What is more dangerous to the country?
Starting point is 02:35:58 $1.1 trillion in new debt, or as Republican leadership likes to say, oh, but it's a win. It's a big win. We're getting $45 billion for the military. So which is more important? Which threatens the country more? Are we at risk for being invaded by a foreign power if we don't put $45 billion into the military? Or are we more at risk by adding to a $31 trillion debt? I think the greatest risk to our national security is our debt. The process stinks. It's an abomination. It's a no good, rotten way to run your government. $6 trillion entity, and they want 24 hours to process this, and then they want to go forward. I will be demanding two amendments. One, that this goes against the budget rules. The PAYGO rules say you can't do this.
Starting point is 02:36:50 You can't have all this new spending unless it's offset. We will also be demanding that the PAYGO rules are increased. Instead of taking 60 votes to evade the rules, we're going to ask that it be a two-thirds vote to evade the rules. So you see what's happening here that there's two things going here it's it's crazy spending but they're also not giving anyone enough time to fucking read that fucking gigantic stack of papers they want they're giving it to him at fucking 1 30 in the morning asking him to vote on it the next day i know right ran paul president. It seems like such a fucking no-brainer. I think he'd have to go back on a lot of things he said, by the way.
Starting point is 02:37:31 I love how they're just like, you don't need to give the military more money. And like the, I don't know, there's a lot of issues that I think need to be addressed with like lower enlisted housing and like the living conditions of the people in the military. I imagine some of that money is going to go towards revamping those things. At least I hope so.
Starting point is 02:37:50 I think it's all going to the Ukraine, to be honest. Well, that too. And by the Ukraine, I mean just building bombs and guns and weapons and tanks and shit. Sending them fucking rocket launchers and shit. But what you're saying is people in the military need better
Starting point is 02:38:06 housing yeah dude it's not great uh sarah cox thank you so much sarah 49.99 uh don't forget guys tomorrow we are doing the giveaway as i mentioned before you can sign up at get your free doctor's evaluation get your free blood work if you live in California. Very easy to do if you're in Southern California. If not, use your insurance to get the blood work and then sign up using code word SEVON at and get your free doctor eval and they'll let you know whether you are a candidate for hormone replacement therapy. Is that what it's called? TRT? Testoster hormone replacement therapy is that what it's called trt testosterone replacement therapy uh philip look what you started you should be the treasurer do you think our politicians are smart are they our best and brightest no
Starting point is 02:38:58 i don't think i i hey i don't think I, I, Hey, I don't think smart is, uh, wait, I don't mean to be a douchebag, but we have to define smart. I think we were better off like electing a public servants off a lottery, like almost like jury. Like all of a sudden you get a thing in the mail and we're like, Hey,
Starting point is 02:39:19 seven, guess what? You're eligible for these, uh, three jobs. And you're going to find out which one you're going to get. And we'll make the arrangements for you to be successful at them but here you go you've just
Starting point is 02:39:28 been appointed X and then that's it I feel like that would be so much in like intelligence level wouldn't like whatever you could go into that conversation but I just feel like any of the people that are like running for those things are like pushing for them or like wanting to be president or this or that are probably aren't the people that should actually be in charge
Starting point is 02:39:43 Victor Brown 1999 Merry Christmas you filthy animals thanks Victor wanting to be president or this or that are probably aren't the people that should actually be in charge. Uh, Victor Brown, 1999. Merry Christmas. You filthy animals. Thanks Victor. There's this guy, uh,
Starting point is 02:39:51 Michael Schellenberg, who I think ran for governor of California and he didn't win and he ran recently. And he basically talks about how there's not a homeless problem. It's a drug problem. And that homeless is the, uh the side effect of the drug problem. We've talked about it on the show endlessly. You know, you have to have your shit in priority.
Starting point is 02:40:12 You have to want to breathe and then you have to want to eat and then shelter and sex are interchangeable. But basically, those four have to be at the top of your fucking pyramid of existence. If you don't have those four at the top of your existence um then you will be out of whack with the rest of society you can have enlightenment over here and you're going to pop out of the matrix eventually but if drugs gets into one of these four come in if drugs gets into one of these four if you put drugs ahead of sex or food or shelter, then you're now a drug addict, which will then eventually make it so you don't have shelter
Starting point is 02:40:51 and then you'll be on the streets. Until we have people who know how to think clearly about things. And that's why I don't know if smart is the right word because we have so many smart people who don't know how to think clearly. Mm-hmm. So, like, anyone who's taking statins like they are absolutely fucking okay anyone who's taking statins or prescribing statins the vast majority of them are fucking complete fucking idiots because it would take one or two hours of research to see
Starting point is 02:41:22 the tremendous damage that they've done to society and that they're not helping and that they're just a fucking drug industry. For example, and that's like one of the leading drugs being sold in this country today. And so there's these are fucking Harvard, Yale, Stanford grads prescribing the shit and they're not doing the fucking research. I know tons of smart people have taken statins. I know that's going to piss some people off that I said that, but you can do the research. Just look into it. Just get a fucking couple audio books and listen. Get a couple hours in.
Starting point is 02:41:55 So, I mean, that guy, that video of that guy we played in the beginning who talked about cops killing black people, like that's a fucking smart guy to me. cops are killing black people like that's a fucking smart guy to me he was able to fucking organize a compelling argument and perspective and context of a real serious situation that whole cities were burned down around that made no sense up this year i think emotional iq is more important than probably anything else and and you know you see people like nancy pelosi or joe biden or kamala harris they have fucking zero emotional iq they can't even think clearly you have to be able to think clearly so i don't know i i do think michael schellenberg's good i think rand paul's good um yeah these guys down here these are horrible people doing this is just crazy and they're tricking smart people and then the smart people say well what are you going to These are horrible people doing, this is just crazy.
Starting point is 02:42:47 And they're tricking smart people. And then the smart people say, well, what are you going to believe? Someone who's college educated or this guy off the street? Well, the truth is this guy off the street, this guy's lived on the streets for 30 years. He's eminently capable. He's a survivor. Even the abortion thing, like we talked about endlessly on this show these smart people refuse to acknowledge that like hey there's a baby in there there's an embryo there's a fetus there's a baby and they're supposed to be smart uh okay so that was budget um all right straight to sex this is mental illness what
Starting point is 02:43:31 would this happen to on my watch dad skills i wonder if this is true uh if you if you think this is not going on today uh trust your doctors you want to do a doctor thing what do you want to finish Trudeau what do you guys want to finish with I wish I had something funny leave the borders open something funny careful who you okay let's this one might be funny careful who you punch 272 funny and light I don't know if this is funny or light 272 careful who you punch
Starting point is 02:44:00 it's like you do with my ideas you're like that's a great idea I'm gonna do it this way Careful who you punch. It's like you do with my ideas. You're like, that's a great idea. I'm going to do it this way. Oh, yeah. This is good. This is good. So this is some this is this is young people. Before you hit that old gray haired man, consider he might be a Gen Xer.
Starting point is 02:44:20 This is for educational purposes only. I love it. Look at this. This is worth watching twice. You're trying to bully an old man with a slap. This is for educational purposes only. I love it. Look at this. This is worth watching twice. you can see his soul start to leave his body but his windows operating system is about to boot back up after that beat down almost looks like he was gonna rob this old man and the old man said you know what season's beatings asshole and now he is done after four fat bread delivering his five six piece spicy combo in the side of hawaiian punch and it's all over watch watch how he punches this old guy and the old guy just takes it it's crazy
Starting point is 02:45:06 he like slapped him yeah open hand slap yeah what a punk ass bitch now he's about to get served up my favorite part at the end is the guy comes up with a clown nose on like a rodeo clown comes up with a clown nose on like a rodeo clown. We've watched this guy. How did he stand? Oh my goodness. Yeah, what's that dude with the What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:45:37 Oh my goodness. I'm so glad you pointed that out. I didn't even see that the first time. Fucking clown show. It was amazing. Show that retard getting kicked out. I don't know if he's retarded. That was too dangerous.
Starting point is 02:45:57 That was dangerous. That guy looks like he's about your age. That's fucking amazing. All right. Thank you, everyone. Yes, it's been a minute, but yes, I've been in my share. He's a pretty pompous little young man. But I did most of my fights young.
Starting point is 02:46:21 By the time I... I guess I got in a few fights in college, too. It's funny. When you're young, you get in fights and they're all sober. And then as you get older, they're all... I think they were all drunk. There was like a point where there were no more sober fighting. God, it's so stupid to fight when you're drunk.
Starting point is 02:46:44 You'll do some stupid shit way more fun uh so uh tonight we're gonna do a hill of fit review show at uh 7 p.m then we'll be back again tomorrow morning then we'll be back again at night i think we're gonna give it a try and see what happens um i will be uh you guys have been amazing sending me stuff in my dms but please i try to go through all my DMs. Do not overwhelm me. Some of you ding-dongs will send me like 20 things. And when you send me 20 links, I start like doing every third one or something. So pick your best shit for me if you want to be part of the crew.
Starting point is 02:47:20 I shouldn't even probably be announced. I shouldn't have probably even announced that. Okay, so I want to finish the show with where I started. So this lady whose daughter died, she just DM'd me again. And I said, is that true about your daughter? She said, yes, her name is Raven Goff. You can Google it. And I Googled it, and we saw that.
Starting point is 02:47:40 Her daughter fucking died a horrible death right in front of her eyes when the dad threw her up in the air and wasn't able to catch her. And I said, my goodness, I'm so sorry. Thanks for sharing. And she said, I'm sure I'm annoying on that post, but I just can't help it. People who don't understand don't understand. But thank you. And she's right.
Starting point is 02:48:01 There's no there's no one. There's no one who understands until your kid dies. Like, can't you just leave her alone? Like, let Pat Barber do what he wants, but, like, this chick's fucking daughter died with the same thing she's witnessing someone else do on Instagram. with the same thing she's witnessing someone else do on Instagram. Anyway, have a Merry Christmas. Be safe, everyone. Don't drink and drive.
Starting point is 02:48:33 Don't do any of that dumb shit. Don't take any risks other than, you know, I don't know, sleeping naked. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Yeah, don't do anything Caleb wouldn't do. Exactly. We'll see you guys this evening. Thank you so much. Bye. Merry Christmas.

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