The Sevan Podcast - #719 - Can you get pregnant while on steroids? LIVE CALL IN WITH ANDREW HILLER

Episode Date: December 25, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Did you, did you read, did you, you ate too much? Yeah, more live. Yeah, I retitled it.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I wasn't sure how to retitle. I was, I was thinking like if telling it to you to me, can you get pregnant on steroids? Ooh, that would have been wicked you think that's too like too much over the top i don't think she's on steroids i know you don't wait a minute i don't think she is either not right now oh i'm gonna google that right now um someone in the comments someone in the comments wrote tia's pregnant and they spend 10 minutes talking about viscosity coincidence i doubt it when did she uh i think that was this morning guys if i knew she was pregnant i would have talked about it all uh all all show let me let me see what time did she announce it to you to me
Starting point is 00:01:26 um her post went up seven hours ago that was at noon the show was over you dickhead should i just comment dickhead that was that was a long show this morning john did you like it it was one of my favorite shows no it was good it was really good yeah i i listened to most of it if not all of it but i felt like every time i clicked on it was just like whoa they're still going it was good are you getting a vasectomy i thought about it um this guy john mulligan mulligan wrote in the comments i've had a vasectomy and it definitely changes things i kind of regret it now we fuck with god's creation and things happen to the negative wait a minute what happened what happens what's the negatives i don't know but someone else uh someone else uh sent me this too in my um in my uh someone sent me a text. Oh, let me see.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Someone else told me what happened to their semen also. Let me see. It has to get less thick, right? Yeah. They said it was the idea. There's less swimming around in there. Yeah. It's like you're taking out all the fish out of the fish tank.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Wad zombie. Fit Wars 2 is coming to a theater near you. Where have you been, Stephen? I don't want kids. I thought about the Tia thing, and I'm like, I'm going to make a video tomorrow. And it's going to be something like
Starting point is 00:03:00 I don't know which ones you've seen recently, but I ended one with, I talk about how which ones of mine you've seen recently, but I ended one with, I talk about how people need to collaborate more in the fitness space and then the buttery bros go and bring in all these power lifters and stuff and they're running around the track with Alex Kazan and then
Starting point is 00:03:15 Noah Olsen's working out with his gymnast buddies and I make a video collection about how I don't want babies and then Tia Toomey has a baby. You are going to make a Tia Toomey has a baby you are gonna make it to you to stab me in the face uh i don't know thought about it did you watch their video no should we watch it and do a live reaction i mean she looks fucking incredible she looks so fucking good she looks so good yeah she looks so she looks so good she she um women's bodies become really supple when they're uh uh pregnant lucky lucky camera straps australian 30.99 thank you dude thank you so much for the holiday shows can't listen live but they're exactly what we need
Starting point is 00:04:03 uh for our four hours drive today. Happy holidays from the future. Thanks, dude. That's really cool of you. Look at my mouse. Mark Moss. Mark Moss baby won't be natty. Did
Starting point is 00:04:20 anyone speculate TOS Prego for the reason she didn't compete? Clive in the comments. I had a couple of comments. I get email notifications about my YouTube videos in response to older videos. And somebody responded with, I called it. Wait a minute. I'll pull it.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I almost don't trust people who want kids. How about that? What do you mean? Like, I didn't want kids. Kayla. Kayla. I knew she was pregnant. I didn't want kids. Kayla. Kayla. I knew she was pregnant. I called it in the comment section on my YTN withdrew from the Down Under Championship video.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Okay, something's wrong with your audio. Okay, something's wrong with your audio. What? It's like a little choppy. You know what I mean? Like it's windy. You know when you talk to someone and it's windy and the audio is like... You know what's mean like it's windy that you know like when you talk to someone and it's windy and the audio is like you know what's you know what's interesting uh hillary for your shows your audio is always perfect but for my shows it seems like you bring out the b team better or
Starting point is 00:05:14 worse oh much better i'm 100 bringing out the b team look i got this guy my $12 microphone um i got a whole i got like that mic up there i've got this mic here and i like to use these when we do the shows because then i can move around a little more freely that's why they're a little different show to show yeah and i thought they've worked perfect in the past those are the apple ones sorry yeah these are the apple ones i was reading this thing you brought up on the thing from kate but uh yeah these are the apple ones. I was reading this thing you brought up on the thing from Kate. But yeah, these are the Apple ones. Typically, they work. I don't know why they were just choppy.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Yeah, it was weird. Andrew Hiller from Hillerfit. You pointed out Tia posted something that said she was working out down under, but it was actually from the Noble Film Festival. Do you think that was because she was prego? Dude, Alexis and I were just going through her instagram pictures and first of all what i've been noticing about her instagram is that it's ad after ad after ad after ad it's like here now i'm with beam not even beam she was with beam at one point now she's no longer with them but if you go
Starting point is 00:06:16 every single one is just a picture of her doing something with noble or i don't even remember goldie or yeti and they're all pictures from some other time and this is one of them god i can't i can't wait till my i can't wait till my accounts like that yeah i know good for her okay what's this one let's see let's see drink and this is the she's just got a bunch of content from noble noble this one's a goalie goalie this is the next one probably nothing looks like her sister cool that's a good picture her their sister
Starting point is 00:07:03 and you can't see a possible baby bump there this one first form first form creatine rogue fitness i've noticed that it's just been a a highlight reel of brand you think i could pay her enough to so that she'd say she listens to the seven podcast like it's her like running through running through the cost right she's running through the woods and you hear like me and you talking about the viscosity of semen and she's just running and you hear like her and then it's like us talking about i'm gonna go ahead with an unbuyable with that sort of framework.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Do you ever click on who the photographers are? You should. Let's see. That's an outstanding photo. What is that thing in the back right? Is that a pig? BC Visions Media. It doesn't even have his name what what thing so we go back to the picture with
Starting point is 00:08:09 the yeah small cow it looks like a baby cow kind of looks like a naked dog or something like a shaved dog training is where i lay my foundation of hard work grit and determination proven which i don't really know if you can call proven an ad it's just their business which is fine everything is proven just like everything on dave lipson is thunder bro i um she did say some another lmt they're paying the big bucks oh is it maybe it's just in cycles then this one lmnt there it is pliability that's ramwad what do you think about that what them changing their names from ramwad to pliability this is the company formerly known as ramwad did you know that um no and if you didn't what's your first thoughts on it
Starting point is 00:09:02 uh that they're trying to get away from CrossFit? Kind of like whoop? They're branching out? They want to be more... Speaking of whoop, they have a little thing there. They work with whoop. Someone was basically saying that, hey, if you want to... Someone told them, hey, if you want to be, have a greater reach, you should,
Starting point is 00:09:25 um, drop the, the name that, uh, affiliates you with CrossFit. That's what I think. What do you think? God,
Starting point is 00:09:35 look at, look at, uh, car. I think just like what I think with, with, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Wow. Look, pliability celebrating Tia Toomey's pregnancy. So speaking of people leaving the space, how do you feel about Nate Everton leaving the space? Should we just dive right into that? Hold on. I want to know about the Tia and her steroids. Oh, shit. They took out the best picture.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I want to show you what I think the best picture. Which one's that? This one. I like this. I like pregnant Tiaia i like all pregnant women oh this one god this one this one is uh this one i i think that shirt is she do we know does it say anywhere probably i don't know but that's i think that shirt's see through um and she's not wearing anything underneath I think that shirt's see-through.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And she's not wearing anything underneath. That's possible, but you don't see anything either, so it's also not possible. How about that one? That's a cool picture. Yeah. I wonder who took these. The's the real here's the real question when were these taken because all the other ones we know that they weren't taken recently
Starting point is 00:10:51 hey maybe she's already had the baby so someone maybe that's why she pulled out she pulled out of down under because she went into the labor uh this is for the 300 dollar tia video on cameo this is oh you can get towards it she she's on cameo i don't know i've never been to that website uh check um uh so how long do you think she's been pregnant is that is that a you know the first the first thing that happened in relation to i'm not the one to talk to on month bumps and i don't have all that much experience with it and i know it varies person to person some people show quite a bit some people don't show that much and i know i read somewhere talking about how the more abdominal muscle a female has the less likely it is to show as soon but i think that's an s around way to say that
Starting point is 00:11:48 she didn't show because she just wasn't showing pictures of her recently yeah no no she's definitely was not uh she definitely was hiding those are all old pictures you were on to something when you said when you spotted faith said she's doing may faith okay said she's doing may i don't know if we can listen to her but we haven't oh shit you can she is on um uh cameo and her the picture on cameo is fucking amazing too all right what does it look like that's cool look at you could have you do how does this work you can have bailey bailey bailey tia career oh i remember her fuck okay uh let's read the reviews click on it what happens what do you do i would love to film a show here it is here it is
Starting point is 00:12:45 Can you hear it? A little. Oh, you can't see it. Hold on. Hold on. Yeah, I also can't see it. Thank you, Wadzami, for responding because Seven wouldn't tell me what it does. It will really do wonders
Starting point is 00:13:01 and allow you to go out there and exceed your expectations. So good luck, have fun, and get after it. Tina, it's Tina here. I just wanted to wish you good luck with your finals. I hope that you have a really good prep and that you're able to ace everything that you do. I hear you put in a lot of hard work and you are
Starting point is 00:13:26 super determined that's awesome to hear and i can guarantee you'll chase after your dreams and be successful and hey kristin is here here hey alpha you're i believe you i think so so basically you pay. Thank you so much for this. Do you want to do this? Should we do this? What? Pay $300 and tell her to do a shout out to Andrew Hiller. Congratulations on getting married and leaving your wives and finally coming out.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah. Well, wait a minute. What? No. Number one, yeah, we should get her to talk about the viscosity and the running through the woods thing. It's only 300 bucks. I thought it'd be way more. And number two, we should have some of these where we're going to, we're going to do it
Starting point is 00:14:10 for like $1. We'll talk to you for $1. Oh, for $300, I could get her to say, someone could get her to say, Sevan, I love listening to the Sevan podcast. Congratulations on your success. We promise Shane and I will come on between now and 2030. That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I'd be so pissed if I got a dog barking. I'll Venmo you $298 because Wad Zombie sent you the other two and then we'd be right there just so we can do it live. Dude, her ratings are off. Oh, let's see if she has any negative ratings. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:14:51 What could you possibly say bad about to you, Toomey? Jamie. I am five-starring Tia, but one- That's what I'm talking about. Oh, look at this asshole. I'm five-starring Tia, but one-starring The Process as the length of the video or how much you pay is beyond ridiculous. What a dick.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Oh, fuck that guy or girl anonymous for a few days pay for me at least the name was right asked to say thanks for the insta tags and great dogs names to be more identifiable to my partner but only managed to include name jesus cry me disappointing i left a ton of detail in the 250 character limit which she didn't even mention in the video. I got nine seconds of standard BS for $100. Yeah, could you imagine spending $300 and then you have that and a dog barking
Starting point is 00:15:32 in the background? Professional. I'm okay with the dog. Come on. You're okay with too much. Oh, shit. Look at this. Oh. Oh, I thought she was wearing a mask in this one.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I thought maybe you had to pay extra for that. Thank you so much. I wish the lighting had been a bit better and it had been more CrossFit focused, but that's my fault on the complex description. Well, then give her a five star. Oh, shit. listen to this you can you can do a live video call for 900 bucks all right i can't venmo you that much but you can get a text message for five bucks yeah i guarantee you that's not her who's gonna send it to you hey this is tia to me oh my god yeah fucking right
Starting point is 00:16:29 are you logging in are you gonna do this thing no i was trying i'm trying to back out i want to see who else is on here yeah the liver rich rich froning that's rich froning all right i don't think we can see what you're doing. Are you on the wrong tab? Oh, yeah. I'm on the wrong tab. MLK says Hunter's on Cameo. Travis, hi.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Hey, I just want to let you guys know you're doing a great job. You have a wonderful year ahead of you, and I'm not going to charge you anything for this. Thank you. Can you say happy birthday to my mom? Happy birthday, Rosemary. Happy birthday, Rosemary. See, that one's free, too.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Thank you. I got a terrible business model. All right, have fun. Okay, bye. Oh, someone said Dan Bailey's on Cameo, but i don't i don't see hunter hunter biden dan bailey danny spiegel hunter uh mcintyre tell your mom oh yeah i meant to say that but um tra meant to say that, but Travis beat me to it, or you beat me to it by telling him to say it.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You're a good dude, and, Hiller, I'll give you a pass. So Hunter McIntyre's on here. Oh, but he's not doing it anymore. Yeah, he stopped doing it. He must have got overwhelmed. A.K. Hooter, A.K. the Sheriff, Sheriff. A.K.A. The Bulk Pony. Pretty excited to be on Cameo. Hit me up sometime.
Starting point is 00:18:09 What's up, Mike? It's your boy, Hooter. Yeah, I'm taking a walk around the property. Pretty excited. No big deal. Lots of trees. Lots of grass. What up, Keith?
Starting point is 00:18:17 It's your boy, Hoot. Your girl, Laurel, reached out to me and said that I should give you a big thanks and praise. Your girl reached out to me. That's not how I wanted and praise. Your girl reached out to me. That's not how I wanted to start. Your girl reached out to me. Not from Hunter. You know what that means. You know what I heard today?
Starting point is 00:18:36 You want Hunter here? How would you feel if someone came up to you, a female, and said, what cologne do you use? It's my weakness. I want to get it for my husband. Do you follow? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Like, what sort of? I'd give her. I'd just reach into my pants and grab out a handful of pubes and put them in a little Ziploc bag and give them to her. That's a conversation I'm like, wait a minute, that happened to you? Like, yeah, I didn't know what to feel. I'm like, I'm uncomfortable for you. Wait, it happened to you? Not to me.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Someone I was talking to said that that had happened. to said that that had happened they had been gifted a thing of cologne for christmas and they had to get a new one because the other one that they were wearing they could no longer wear because every time they put it out it made them feel uncomfortable because of that situation i don't think i could i don't i when's the last time you wore cologne never do you look at you no no maybe like in the eighth grade happy birthday rosemary jessica valenzuela that's nice my mom's gonna like that she'll appreciate that um jessica valenzuela what the fuck is cameo i'm so out of it i don't even know new social media platforms it's old you charge people to make a video for them and then they pay and then this website takes probably 30 or something oh dang the fit wars champ is in the house that's
Starting point is 00:20:13 right he is sweating jessica was trying to say that it happened to him i believe uh i i did i did wear oh i did wear old spice and uh these these two twin girls, uh, Laura and Lisa Hilly, who, who I thought were so fucking cool, told me one of them, I can't remember which one told me that I smelled like their grandfather. Not quite the same. Not exactly. That's nowhere near the same as it's my weakness not exactly what i wanted to hear hey but you're talking about your scent you were talking about the liver king center
Starting point is 00:20:53 earlier today i wonder what it smells like i don't know but people love making fun of it can you get pregnant on is that just like uh something to do you make fun of people smell because they they're like all dirty and stuff or at least that's what they stand for yes uh using prednisone or prednisolone is not expected to make it harder to get pregnant can steroids affect getting pregnant in addition to prolonged steroid use can lead to pregnancy complications as well as interruptions to a woman's menstrual cycle and overall chances of conceiving. What do you think? It's not birth control.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Are you going to pull that video down? Are you out of your mind? It's got 60,000 views. It's one of the top videos of all time. So it doesn't negate your hypothesis that she's pregnant. No. Let's put it this way. People want to know if I think that any Thor's daughter is used.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And I am going to say no. Straight up. No. And also you'll notice that any Thor's daughter is the physique hasn't changed. At all. Even when she was fully pregnant, go look at her. Arms are the same. Muscle mass is the same.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Body fat is the same. Baby bump, yeah. Abs still there, yep. And can't quite say the same for Tia. Tia did say something interesting in the video. She looks great. She said something in the video where she was like, she said,
Starting point is 00:22:28 it's a little weird not having a six pack. And I was like, I'm 50. That's like my whole fucking life. So you did watch the video. I did watch it. And? That was the only,
Starting point is 00:22:42 that was the only line. I just, that was the only line that stuck out of me and shane orr has such a deep voice it's so deep that like on the wrong speakers you wouldn't be able to understand them it's so deep okay i want to go back five months i didn't know either so it's december we'll go back december november october september august july so the question December, November, October, September, August, July. So the question was, was she pregnant at the games? And the answer is yes.
Starting point is 00:23:14 When are the games? She was pregnant. Weren't the games in August? Yeah. And you know what's crazy is the first text message that i got in relation to all this was guarantee you she was pregnant at the games and it's coming from somebody who would know having gone through it at like a high level of competition of crossfit they would know what it's like to have gone through it and now also having seen that person
Starting point is 00:23:41 go through a high level of crossfit competition while being pregnant, you know, like the beginning stages of having been CrossFit is this person's experience. And I saw it very close. That's a lot like what Tia looked like at the games. So I'd say, yeah, probably. And if, did she not talk about that in their inner video? She didn't say anything on it. No. I'm speculating.
Starting point is 00:24:00 They didn't really say much in the video at all. They were just like, just oozing. Victor. they're they didn't really say much in the video at all they were just uh like just oozing um victor they were just oozing their like their their excitement the the video really didn't say anything it's just a bunch of beautiful shots of the two of them and just showed them as a loving couple okay i want to do one more thing when when did someone say in the comments she was gonna have a baby in may uh i thought it said five months in and i don't know someone said may someone actually gave a date well let me do this july august september october november december in december that's six january february march oh maybe she wasn't pregnant.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Oh, Faith says, look at Jen Dancer's comment in Tia's pregnancy post. It's probably not hard to find considering if you have a bunch of likes and it's Sam's wife. Gives a lot of context. You know what?
Starting point is 00:25:00 I guess I can do that and let you know if we should pull it up or maybe you're on it. Yeah, let's find it. There we go. CrossFit Games. Nice. The media powerhouse that is the CrossFit Games empire doing work commenting.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I'll like some of these. Josh Bridges, James Townsend, Amanda Barnhart. You're not going to like the CrossFit Games? No. I'm a lawson. Amanda Barnhart. You're not going to like the CrossFit games? No. CrossFit. I'm a Lawson. Ricky Garrard. Ariel Lone.
Starting point is 00:25:33 She commented twice. I'm going to like some of these. Saxon. Katie Henninger. Oh, this is the... Oh, yeah. He can get a like. Katieie henniger oh shit hi katie i ain't fucking around press that plus button let's keep going this is good okay okay okay
Starting point is 00:26:09 going this is good okay okay okay brooke wells oh catrin catrin davis like any hi catrin no any cars that are no olsen jason kaliva that that's her oh that's catrin's dude that's right hen Henry colored dog. Is that what that says? What does that say? Danny Spiegel. Hi, Danny. You think I can get you on before Wadapalooza? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Danny, can you come on before? What's the WZA? WZA. Question mark. Please. Nice. No, put PLZ. Just PLZ. I guess you. No, put P-L-Z. Just P-L-Z. I guess you could leave please.
Starting point is 00:26:49 It's more you. Please is like enunciated. Nope. Okay, that works. Now it kind of just looks weird. All right, all right, all right. Craig Ritchie. Is this Craig Ritchie? Sureie sure is oh there it is gen dancer
Starting point is 00:27:09 okay here we go i knew it i called it at the games and then all the questions in boston i'm so happy for you oh she sniffed her out is that how that works yeah some of the gen dancers got she can sniff out shit like that ah gen dancer from tia. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. From Tia. Me too. I was like, I reckon she's pregnant. Everyone was like, nah, just injured. So bloody happy for her and Shane.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Scroll down a little more. There's a lot of good stuff in here. Heather Smith. Camille. Camille. Daniel. And there's your buddy Dan. Chalk Yonk.
Starting point is 00:27:43 This guy's cool. Gary Pierce. He's funny royce all right all right um i was expecting more out of the gen dancer but it's good i guess it was good wow emily bridgers holy shit eber what do you mean what what's what i just i just haven't i just haven't seen. I already forget what I was going to say. Where's my comment? You commented? No. I liked it, though, I think.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Oh, this is your boy, right? Street. Yeah, Street's a good guy. The most handsome man in CrossFit. So, wait a minute, wait a minute. When I read that... So, Street's a proven guy. Works out down in Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Hey, does that mean he has games aspirations? He has games aspirations? He took last year off. Molly Volumar. I don't know what he's up to this year. Adrian Conway. Oh, Rob Forte. Holy shit there.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Hi, Rob. Conway. He's on Twitter. Adrian Conway. How's your Twitter going? I don't know. I keep forgetting to post over there. Lift like Lindsey.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Oh, that's cool. Fuck. This is going to be the biggest post in the history of CrossFit. Sydney Wells. 350,000 likes. I'd like her to come on the podcast too. I really would like to get Sidney Wells on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:28 You should just ask her right there. You've gone too far. I feel like I should DM her. Well, I guess I could ask her there, too. You're probably more likely to get a reaction out of this one, considering you don't have Blue Checkmark anymore. a reaction out of this one, considering you don't have a blue checkmark anymore. You should really just copy and paste this.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Hi. And just go down and just bomb everyone in there? Hi. I would love to have you on my podcast. How do you get people to come on your podcast? Just fucking troll Tia's account?
Starting point is 00:30:05 Troll Tia's comments on her pregnancy post. All right. Where did the babies come from? Julian Cerna. That's funny. Chicken before the egg. I wonder if that's a CrossFit Games analogy. Did it come before or after?
Starting point is 00:30:20 So she said it was a surprise. So I'm guessing it came from having sex. In the video, she says it was a surprise, so I'm guessing it came from having sex. In the video, she says it was a surprise. It was unexpected. There's two things here. Either all of these pictures were taken before, or she's already had the baby. And she's getting ready for next year's CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Wow. Wow. That's's interesting she already had the baby she said in the video she wanted to know dude that's a legit bump she has or someone else is having the baby and she's a surrogate she's got a surrogate and that's a photoshop picture no no okay i gotta take my socks off i accidentally left the heat on in here from this morning's podcast. Kate, wait. Tia and Shane have sex question mark? That's – I assume so.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I always – This isn't the WWE. I always wonder if the athletes have sex. You don't think so? No, I guess they do. I don't know. For some reason, I just think that they don't think so no i guess they do i don't know for some reason i just think that they don't i think like they train and then go to bed maybe it's like a another form of training like breathing pelvic floor uh crossfit cory shane beat that up after she won this year do you need do you need me to explain do you want me to uh translate that for you uh tia has sex with shane not the other way around sex is training uh what about oh it's a fake belly
Starting point is 00:31:59 that's why i saw the video i'm telling you she's she's pregnant. You can tell just by the way her body's changing. Oh, Jeff Ross said the same thing. Oh, no, he said if that's a fake belly. Okay. No, that's... I don't think it's fake. If you pull up the video, her body's already... Look how supple her body's getting. It's like full of all those like girl hormones, baby hormones.
Starting point is 00:32:20 And her neck and her cheek. As opposed to... That is a different Tia Toomey. And she said she's just postponing her seventh win. Did she say that? Yep. Cool. And I bet she's not wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:46 So you think she'll bounce back and excuse me you think she'll bounce back in oh yeah okay uh heller fit review show you don't like the weight loss drugs semaglitude hell no you do what wait a minute you do well there's the smeglutide here's the thing just in the context in the context that you put it in i think it's way smarter than bariatric surgery than going under the knife um what's with what's with not liking going under the knife i just don't think you should i don't think it's a good idea i guess if you put it on that spectrum then yeah but i think anything on that end of the spectrum is just
Starting point is 00:33:35 easy have you ever known anyone you don't learn anything who's head back what have you ever ever known anyone who's had back surgery? My dad. How many times? Three. Was the first one unsuccessful? Wasn't as successful. It could be two.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Either way, the first one wasn't as successful as the final. Because everyone I know who's gotten a back surgery is like, fuck, it didn't work my dad's great now like fantastic so that in conjunction with the trt he's a new man uh-huh and and then and then all these people have very and i think the success rate of bariatric surgery is just fucked well you know why because the fucking people didn't learn anything and their stomach stretches out again right and i think that some of the megalitide you don't learn fucking shit i don't know really so like i said in the video i know a handful of people who have
Starting point is 00:34:39 used it and i know one person who's used it to great success as in i'll hear them say often now i know how much to eat right which is not something that they were very informed on before i could tell them as many times i wanted to like you don't need that much you don't need that much but now that they've lived this lifestyle for that that said they haven't like come tapered off yet. So we'll see what happens with the hunger pangs at that point. Tony Andrews, I work in a hospital. 15 to 20 years, you'll be dead. What, if you have a bariatric surgery? Or if you take some aglutide.
Starting point is 00:35:17 I mean, I'm not suggesting anyone get on it for life. But if you need it to lose weight and then get off of it, yeah, complications galore, crazy complications. Dude, when they cut out a piece of your intestine or cut off your stomach in half, the shit that I hear, you don't really want any surgery anywhere near your stomach because there's so much fucking bacteria down there. Like that's the scary part with hernia surgeries but on top of that i've heard of people who get that shit cut out and then they find out afterwards that they have to take vitamins their whole life because the piece of the stomach or the intestine or whatever that they come out is what absorbs certain minerals or nutrients that you need and that part's gone right so food travels down this tube. This can, that would be so shitty.
Starting point is 00:36:06 You would actually have no reason to be eating in the first place. And if you couldn't absorb the nutrients from the food, there's my favorite verb. Yeah, you can. I looked it up on Google and you can. Yes. Yes,
Starting point is 00:36:22 you can. It's not helping you by any means, but yes, you can yes yes you can it's not helping you by any means but yes you can it's not uh it's not a birth control by any means i wonder what happens to the baby well you stop taking them and you're you should be okay it's like if you if you're an alcoholic and then you stop drinking while you have the baby it's like well stop smoking it's all better you're not supposed to smoke when you're pregnant right or eat sushi and stuff like that i guess the thing is is if you have to ask whether you can be doing something when you're pregnant you shouldn't be doing it can i drink coffee no can i smoke no can i drink wine you can't drink coffee when you're pregnant is that right you
Starting point is 00:37:01 shouldn't you shouldn't if you have to ask you shouldn't no come on is that is that sure is that serious you're 100 no cap i didn't know about coffee you're only gonna make you're making a baby for no caffeine okay oh yeah no okay when i say no coffee i mean no caffeine i don't mean no coffee sorry i mean i figured that i should have figured that much but okay holy damn nice but seven it's okay the doctor told me one glass of wine a week and a little bit of coffee's okay shut the fuck up take your semaglutide and shut the fuck up you're growing a baby definitely not be taking semaglutide when you're fucking pregnant you take it when you're done and then you take all the drugs away from the diabetics uh it's a little surprising to you could get pregnant as lean as she was and as hard as she trained in my experience high level women athletes often have jacked up
Starting point is 00:37:49 cycles canceled you're canceled i should have said you will add 15 to 20 years to your life oh now i'm really confused um hillar would slam c4 c4s before noon while pregnant hey um hillary i heard there was a video on you right now i heard there was a video on youtube of a kid who did like this challenge where he drank like seven of those uh energy seven energy drinks in like an hour he didn't die but uh major major complications. Well, whatever major hospitalized, all something happened.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Two of his organs stopped working. I can't remember which ones. One, I think one of them was his pancreas. My wife had zero caffeine. And the first thing she requested as soon as the baby was in her arms was a tall glass of Diet Coke with lots of ice. He's jacked.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Look at Ken. I know he looks like the old incredible hole. Holy shit. He's jacked. Look at Ken. I know. He looks like the old incredible Hulk. Holy shit. He looks great. Uh, and you definitely shouldn't drink caffeine, uh, after you have the baby.
Starting point is 00:38:55 That's even more. Definitely not. What the hell are you talking about now? Because you're breastfeeding because you're breastfeeding and you'll, you'll fucking, you'll tweak the baby out. I was just informed today that formula is incredibly expensive if you were to go that route dude for me do you want to know what's in formula you want to see what's in baby formula sure i'm sure i'm not gonna like it you will fucking freak out can't you just give the baby like peanut butter and it is absolutely insane to give your baby uh a formula look i'm clicking on this one
Starting point is 00:39:31 all right uh let's hear it i'm ready this is parenting consulting this is free baby organic infant formula starter bundle two cans hey pull it up pull it up starter bundle two cans hey pull it up pull it up okay unless you don't wanna no i will oh god i'm not trying to tell you what to do but i'd like to see just want to fucking throw up already uh soy lectin uh schizo schizotrium SP oil, motorella alpina oil, calcium phosphate, potassium citrate. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:40:11 God damn. Look at this fucking nightmare of shit. Those are just scientific words for vitamins. At least there's no high fructose corn syrup in this. Not yet. Not until Coca-Cola. Oh, wait oh wait sunflower oil you do see sunflower oil at the top of the list no it's all above it ingredients organic lactose non-fat milk oh my god you fucking jackasses and also it says it's got whey protein but it also says it's got two grams per
Starting point is 00:40:45 five fluid ounces like i don't know how much protein a baby needs but that doesn't seem like a very good ratio don't worry it's organic my favorite is the ones that have high fructose corn syrup in them have you ever have you ever drinking formula yourself? No. Have you? No, but I'm willing to try. Look at this stuff. Similac. Simaglutide. Simaglutide. You want your baby to lose weight?
Starting point is 00:41:16 Drink Simaglutide. Vegetable oils. Vegetable oils is the fucking third third ingredient holy shit yeah it is a it is a train wreck oh but seven all women can't breastfeed i i don't i don't care i'm not i'm not how does that work? Is that true? Is that true? No. Well, I mean, doctors will tell you all sorts of shit. Some women can't have the baby.
Starting point is 00:41:52 They're in danger of dying. They'll get, yeah, start them early. Get them addicted. Yeah. The people will say that woman can't have baby. Her hips are too narrow. Just all this shit. All these fucking lies.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Her hips are too narrow so she can't breastfeed. You need an epidural. You need a whatever. There's another drug they give you to induce contractions. It's all just fucking crazy talk to me. Most of the human beings on the planet did not have any of that when they were born yeah it all starts with el pen pen oil penis oil oh boy oh baby my love my wife lost 40 pounds because of breastfeeding plus they say breastfeeding develops the baby's immune system for oh yeah for sure for sure it develops the baby's immune system for sure and all the goo back goo
Starting point is 00:42:49 vaginal goo that gets on them when they come out petosin petosin yes petosin yes thank you petosin yeah more more insanity what what what everyone's saying it's the drug that induces pregnancy it's the drug that induces Pitocin. Yeah, more insanity. What? What? What? Everyone's saying? It's the drug that induces pregnancy. It's the drug that induces pregnancy. It's... What happens if we take that? Pardon me?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Oh, dudes? What if we were to take that? What happens? You could Google that. Just right now. Like, yeah, what would happen if a guy just took Pitocin right now? Just chug a Pitocin for men. chug a um potosin is it a liquid do you drink it i thought it was an injection for men oh it says oxytocin oh but no potosin
Starting point is 00:43:36 this is such a abstract a question no one's ever asked before there's not going to be anything on there about it so we should just have to do it. We'll make a TikTok about it and we'll go viral. Yeah, you know, it's interesting. All that comes up is oxytocin. Former head of media, CrossFit HQ, takes pitocin. This is what happened next. I'm having contractions.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Wait a minute. Those aren't contractions. Yeah, I don't see anything. Pitocin side effects. I don't see anything about what it does to dudes. Interesting. I guess you would need to know the. Oh, oh, what happens if males take Pitocin?
Starting point is 00:44:19 For men, taking oxytocin before or during sex has been shown to increase overall sexual satisfaction. Oh, they don't even talk about Pitocin. You said oxytocin before or during sex has been shown to increase overall sexual satisfaction oh they don't even talk about pitocin you said oxytocin again right there yeah kind of the given 5k he'll do it do do guys get oxytocin from cuddling doesn't uh caleb know quite a bit about this maybe he would know yeah he's here right here, right? He's asleep. All right. Well, maybe J.R. will answer. J.R. will know the answer to this. Central neurotransmitters and hormones need to build up over time before a man or woman falls in love. According to love biologist Don Maslar, the chemicals dopamine and vasopressin are vital for a man to start falling in love.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Whereas it's oxytocin and dopamine for women no wonder when you're fucking on ecstasy you just love everyone I've never done ecstasy let's talk killers video crossfit will die in three years where do you think they will find more water okay fine where
Starting point is 00:45:21 um I said that you can wait wait wait wait before wait, wait, wait, wait. Before you go, before you go, hold on, hold on. Don't get carried away. Also, Amanda Hari made a response video. It was pretty good. Oh, she did? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Better than, oh, CrossFit is dead in three years. Give us the cliff notes of what this video is before you respond to them. Nate Edwardson is making golf videos because he's calling it the dark days and you can see that it's not so much dark days as if what we've talked about recently which is many of the media outlets in crossfit are at an all-time low and he's bringing up the water thing because i made an analogy that is like crossfit is the waterfall feeding into the media and how'd you like this by the way that's kind of funny right so good so good uh and they don't really seem to be it seems as if this the waterfall is dried up like the dam has been shut off they're not they're not really doing anything to help out anymore stations that have been around for three to five plus years are
Starting point is 00:46:31 getting 100 views per video does that make sense to you basically he's saying oh shit now let me ask you this because i think we have a different take on nate edwardson's video i think what nate was saying is just between rogue and wadapalooza is the dead zone i didn't think he was saying that all of them already called it the off season yeah which is about as accurate as you could pin it but you're suggesting that it's more than an off season you're saying it's more than an off season you're saying it's that like the whole fucking ship is taking on water and going down do you see i plugged a couple of arm and hammers things in there and the big distinct distinction is like
Starting point is 00:47:13 you you bring up a video with uh one of the biggest names in this space who have you done that with recently like rich froning got a 100,000 views, right? When he announced his retirement on here. And if he were to have done that four years ago, that video would have 500,000 views. And that's because there's just less people interested. I mean, it's like, he's the greatest guy of all time in the space retiring. After however long, this is where he said it, people want to see it. Whatever they want to say about whatever the hell you and I will talk about, they'll go to that video just to hear him say it. And it got 100,000 views.
Starting point is 00:47:55 But then there's people out there like Craig Ritchie who have 300,000 subscribers, all of which he gathered in the years of 2015 to 2018 where crossfit media was as like pumpiest it was just putting out the best stuff all the time right so that's the difference and like now here we are opening up our youtube channels in the year 2022 albeit they're incredibly different than his we have many less subscribers than that and to my in my opinion i think we've kind of grabbed a lot of them at least the ones that are willing to press that button and and we cover kind of and we cover kind of both um time domains you're making the ones that are 5 to 20 minutes and I'm making the ones that are 1 hour to 3 hour. Correct. I guess the biggest difference would be he went and he was interacting with athletes
Starting point is 00:48:51 oftentimes and that's the big thing we do not do. But even then, I don't think there's too big of a difference. How is that? How is his? 340,000 subscribers. And if you go to click on his videos, click videos, and then sort by most popular.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And they'll all have been from that time timeframe, like three plus years ago. He's all. So his videos have gone down also. They're doing well. Like that's awesome. Like 45, 32, 91,000 views, but go to the top. have gone down also they're doing well like that's awesome like 45 32 91 000 views but go to the top look at this one look at this one hillar these are all about other people like this
Starting point is 00:49:33 one even has fucking matt fraser on it but the one where he says an update on me has 91 000 no shit people want to know about them well those are the... Look it, T and Matt came to my house. 75,000. So all we got to do is get T and Matt to come to our houses. I thought...
Starting point is 00:49:56 You think we can swing that? What is that on the... Whatever the... That website we just had up. I think Matt would... I think T and Matt would come to my house. They probably wouldn't let me film. But I think Matt would come to my house. They probably wouldn't let me film, but I think they'd come to my house. Matt's been to my house.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Okay, now look at this. Now look at this. Now look at this. This is back four months and it's $200,000, $216,000, $116,000, $146,000, $331,000, $300,000. So his, 1,46, 3,31, 300. So his shit has dropped off too.
Starting point is 00:50:26 He's fallen into the dark ages. Really quick, quick, popular, quick, the popular button. You got to do it. This? Yep. 1.4 million. Two years ago. Fraser.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Five years ago, three years ago, four years ago, three, two, three, five. Those are awesome. So he hasn't had a most popular video in... Here's the most recent one, two years ago. He hasn't had a most popular video in... Oh, here's one year ago, CrossFit Games Day 1. That's good. 340? Good job. Okay, he made it. Is this the end of CrossFit as we know it?
Starting point is 00:51:03 Damn, two years ago okay let's look at buttery bros hey so what do you think to answer his question what do you think what do you think the solution is do we give all crossfit did we get CrossFit all the answers just so they don't listen again? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um, I think I,
Starting point is 00:51:30 I said a little bit of it in the video, which is that you've got to start a narrative. Like you got to like draw upon maybe not. Maybe the top athletes in the sport there. I don't know if they're on an, like you can't really go into them as much as you went into the Dan Bailey's back then, but you got to start. I said,
Starting point is 00:51:47 if they could have done what Castro was trying to do and pull upon the Ricky Gerard, like that, that storyline, which is he's coming back and he's going to take down Justin. And then he was even in the lead a little bit at the games. That would have been like an awesome, like series of videos they could have put up leading up to the games. And then the entire goal is always to like speak to the audience outside of crossfit they'd be holy well look at this just just real quick they
Starting point is 00:52:11 could use they could use daniel brandon look at six their third most popular videos from six months ago yeah they're still putting up good stuff but yeah well oh damn besides danielle brandon it's been there in a bit they're headed into the dark ages too although yeah one we're not talking nate edwards in dark ages off season of two months we're talking three years plus wow right so last year so last year was really rough on on crossfit youtube stations maybe we just missed the boat dude maybe we should make golf videos So last year was really rough on CrossFit YouTube stations. Maybe we just missed the boat, dude. Maybe we should make golf videos. How much do you know about golf?
Starting point is 00:52:53 Nothing. You know how to swing a golf club? You could start up like an intro level golf thing. Oh, shit. Did I lose the Hiller Fit page? Damn it. Hey, you were telling me some good stuff about how to pull them out of the dark ages you were you you had some good ideas that i was like wow those would be good ideas i don't know my memory i brought up the ricky thing i said dan
Starting point is 00:53:18 bailey doing workouts draw it like you can create a narrative what else was I telling you? Well, how about they just make... Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute. You see Scott Pantrick's video, Seven Minutes of Burpees? What are the odds that comes out the day after I make that video? Where is that?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Scott Pantrick does Seven Minutes of Burpees. It's on the CrossFit YouTube channel. I don't know if it's CrossFit Games or if it's CrossFit, but I say you need to have elite athletes doing workouts of the day. The next day, Scott Pantrickicked for seven minutes of burpees i couldn't believe it i'm like whoa hey dude i can't even i typed in crossfit and i can't even find their channel yeah see that's fucked 1.7 million followers subscribers crossfit media ideas tanny spiegel's
Starting point is 00:54:01 followers, subscribers. CrossFit Media Ideas, Danny Spiegel's Ursh. Where the fuck is the CrossFit YouTube button? To be honest, I don't know how I found it. I'm just going to go through here. I'm going to go through here.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Where's here? I just went through just like I just went through. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. What? you're right this was your idea you just told them they're nuts
Starting point is 00:54:34 how's it doing shitty number of views or good number of views 6,000 that's not good that's not five million like dan bailey but they did try they're by idea that's nuts what did you get what you're watching if you're trying to show us oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm just letting you know we're watching you watch something yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry sorry sorry uh 148 what did he get the first year he did it when he won it 160 oh shit so he so he beat it i'm not sure how many reps
Starting point is 00:55:26 I can go back and film. But it was hard. Whoever's editing the video put the wrong number in. Here with the workout of the day. Seven minutes of burpees.
Starting point is 00:55:42 This is the perfect holiday. Pause. You don't need a lot of space. If you put a Dan Bailey video, I wonder how they start that. You know the Dan Bailey video? They started with, here's the workout of the day,
Starting point is 00:55:55 Dan Bailey. I wonder if it goes, oh, fuck. Type in Dan Bailey workout. Oh, there it is, Dan Bailey. Oh, there it is. Right there. Five million. That's different.
Starting point is 00:56:13 God, who was running media when they made this? Let me guess. Oh, whose idea was it to put Dan in there talking? That's clever. I finally got that cleared up. You're doing good with the pauses, by the way. I am, thank you. Yeah, good work.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Do you think that if they made you media, did you think you could... Did you record this? What did you do? I was there and it was just my idea. Yeah, okay. I'm just the executive producer. I'm just the boss. Although I may have not... Yeah, I was the and it was just my idea. Yeah, okay. I'm just the executive producer. I'm just the boss. Although I may have not... Yeah, I was the boss then.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Hey, what did... Do you think if you were the... You could unfuck them over there? You could help them? I would listen to people. You know? Yeah. you could help them i would listen to people you know yeah i think i'm an expert at listening to what everybody says that they want and then trying to filter out what would actually work and what is idiotic like you can't listen to everybody but oh you have a pulse yeah jethro can you imagine doing these with drones now i i think that this video was done i think i had just bought an inspire and they borrowed it and used it and heber heber actually flew the
Starting point is 00:57:32 inspire for that maybe or or it was out of the back of a pickup truck i god i can't remember i want to say that they may have had an inspire for that that's a good question yeah dgi uh inspire i wonder what year that came that came around hey do you think that do you think that crossfit could could go away i don't i don't think so but i do think that it's suffering it's kind of it's like uh i don't know. It sucks because we're here talking about it. You know what? I saw it summed up rather well somewhere, and I've also alluded to it a bit. The people or the person at the top no longer have any fucking clue what the idea is.
Starting point is 00:58:24 And they lost that when they lost Glassman. If at anything there was ever a question, it was always, we're going here. This is the guiding light. This is the message. And even do a fault with him where he cut the media out because he was maybe not – he didn't have a pulse. He didn't understand that possibly the thing that was pumping a whole bunch of people in to see what the goal was, was maybe the media and the games.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Like it was a big draw for a whole lot of people, myself being one of them. But now I'm on board with the entire, you can either understand what CrossFit is or you can take fucking some agglutide, like the fricking people who want the easy way out and listen to to doctors but doctors don't know what the fuck they're talking about a lot of the time or maybe they're just isn't a single i shouldn't say that because doctors are smart but they're also i don't know i don't know about that i can't be on board with that hey isn't the single single purpose of the CrossFit Games to –
Starting point is 00:59:25 To pull people in? Yeah, it's just to support CrossFit. It's just a – I mean it started off as just this thing that we did because we had a stopwatch with our workouts. But then eventually as it grew more and more attention, it needed to be leveraged to just push people into affiliates. That's it. And it's not – and it hasn't ever been not and it hasn't ever been used it hasn't ever been used properly like that it hasn't ever been um in any of the years a full-blown frontal assault to carry the message of what crossfit is by that i mean in between every single event
Starting point is 00:59:58 there needs to be a uh every single event and in all day, 24 hours when it's going, there needs to be commercials running around it. They need to never go off the air while it, during that week of the games, they need to be just streaming the whole entire time. And so that people will leave their TVs on. And when it's not people working out at the games and competing, it needs to be just stories about affiliates and the L one and the affiliates and the L1 and the affiliates and the L1 and the affiliates and the L1 and just ad nauseum until people can remember those commercials. And it needs to be just intimately tied with what's going on in every single affiliate. And that's it. It's that simple. And it's come close. We've started marching down that path. There have been some affiliate commercials.
Starting point is 01:00:45 There have been some cool stuff. But then it never went full like, holy shit, let's invest a shitload of time and money into making commercials for this thing. And then that would be it. That's what the games are for. And then basically you have the games as being the dump truck that carries the message to the world. I like that. You like trucks. It's so simple.
Starting point is 01:01:11 It's so fucking simple. It's not easy, but it's simple. So simple. Yeah, just stream that shit. We had a massive deal with Facebook that we didn't take, so we wouldn't have even needed ESPN or CBS or any of that shit.
Starting point is 01:01:34 CrossFit could make endless content about affiliates, lifestyle and games. They don't care. It makes no sense. I think now they're just having some probably having money issues and leadership issues within the marketing department. I'm guessing.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I'm not guessing. I'm just saying, is money really an excuse considering the fact that it came from something that had no money. Great point. It's not an excuse. You're right. I mean,
Starting point is 01:02:01 I showed you, I showed you guys that video, the strength video that was made at the CrossFit Games for the cheap. I really like this video with David Hippenstiel. Yeah, buddy. You mean the guy, the blacked-out figure to the left? Yes. Do you know who that is?
Starting point is 01:02:18 No. Rich? Well, I guessed. Is it Rich? It's the picture. I think you took that picture at the pool right in the black and white picture oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is a great that uh this is a great video has he has anyone from his um team reached out to you and went like oh good job hillar
Starting point is 01:02:35 or for any of his friends real team yeah like did he reach out to you and say thank you? No. I don't think he wants to say much to me other than you're an interesting dude, which is the last words he's ever said to me. Yeah, this was cool. But what's interesting is he's actually not fitter than Mr. Olympia in that particular workout, right? In that particular workout, he would probably not beat him, no. Cool that I found that, right?
Starting point is 01:03:09 Crazy. And I plugged it in, and he's actually doing a CrossFit workout at an affiliate. And you know what else? I was watching this, and I go, God, I could take this entire thing, which I'm trying to make it hip and steel, and I could make it about how the guy who won the Mr. Olympia now for four times in a row is doing more for crossfit than crossfit is doing for crossfit in terms of media he's got him and his however
Starting point is 01:03:30 many followers on his youtube channel are in a crossfit affiliate doing a workout with will tennyson who also has like four million fucking youtube subscribers and where would i where would i find this video what do i type in just go to youtube and type in chris bumstead crossfit uh it's b-u-m-b-s-t-e-a-d i think it's got like two or 300,000 views that video. Yeah. Crazy. How, uh,
Starting point is 01:04:10 he has 2.68 million subscribers, 168,000 views. So, and this is from a while ago, this from a year ago and he exploded recently. So click on one of his videos. Now, if you were to do this again
Starting point is 01:04:25 it would get probably at least four times as many views what's impressive is he finished at that time i can't believe how much better he looks when he's not competing he looks great either way i think he gets up gets up to like 250. He's huge. So he's also collaborated with Noah Olsen. So somewhere in there, you'll see a Noah Olsen video. That might be on Jim Shark's channel. But if you type in Will Tennyson, type in Will Tennyson CrossFit, space Tennyson CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:05:06 He did one with the Liver King actually recently too. That video's good. And they're oh, he did one with Noah Olsen too. Look at that. Another guy who for no reason is doing more for CrossFit and an affiliate than CrossFit is doing for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:05:21 This has kind of been my goal all along. If you have 500 500 000 people seeing this video in an affiliate dude this video has 509 000 views look at this one this video with no olsen has fucking 1.7 million um jim shark is doing more for crossfit than crossfit CrossFit, then CrossFit. What the fuck is going on? You never seen any of these? No. So these guys aren't in an affiliate, though, but you do have Noah Olsen doing bodybuilding stuff with Bumstead.
Starting point is 01:05:56 They pose at the end. You can see them next to one another, shirts off. Wow, crazy. Look how big he is next to noah he's huge look at those veins on his leg yeah legs like dicks so noah i believe is like 190 in that and that's what a 190 jacked male looks like next to a guy who he's probably 230 in that maybe 235 he's getting ready for maybe last year's Olympia in this video
Starting point is 01:06:38 hey when the titties point down like that is that indicative of steroid use yes I don't know if it's just like an A equals B but when the titties point down like that, is that indicative of steroid use? Yes. I don't know if it's just like an A equals B, but I think I'm five years away from mine pointing down and it's not going to be from steroids. It'll be like the orangutan point down.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Damn. Damn, damn, damn. So yeah, lots of, lots of views on those videos uh the dark days of crossfit crossfit will die in three and uh in in three years uh going going back to that one more time so do you think i i think what no what uh nate edwardson meant was just these three weeks but i think if you look at everyone's numbers it meant was just these three weeks, but I think if you look at everyone's numbers, it's not just these three weeks. I think it's been a horrible year for CrossFit media across the board,
Starting point is 01:07:34 internal and external. You would know, right? You got a finger on the pulse. Yeah, but I've just been having my head down in my own little fucking world, and I'm just excited when I see like 172 people watching live cool what's up guys merry christmas and and probably i don't know this for a fact but probably no one over there in the on the media team is working on christmas eve which we used to like when greg owned the company like you just worked your ass off now it's a corporate you know a corporate enterprise and people work nine to five and they take their two weeks off and they have their sick leave and
Starting point is 01:08:08 their pregnancy shit and you know what i mean and the and they don't have a media team anymore yeah i just i keep saying that and that's a misnomer they don't have they don't have one no it's a misnomer to say what's mis misnomer mean? Misnomer. Miss. Hey, Blair. Hey, Blair. That's my buddy Blair. Blair Chapman. A wrong or inaccurate name or designation.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Yeah, it's a misnomer. They have a marketing team now. So we used to have a media team, and then now they have a marketing team. And a marketing team is very different than a media team. They don't have a media team. So, you i mean i know what you mean like mcdonald's mcdonald's it doesn't have a distinction mcdonald's doesn't have a media team they have a marketing team i hear right here that it's what do the people want to see and how do we give them more of that? That's what I hear when I hear media. When I hear marketing, I hear,
Starting point is 01:09:10 how do we twist the people that we've got into doing what we want? That's why you're marketing. You're trying, marketing you're trying to sell something. But, but I will say this was an interesting distinction too. When I worked at CrossFit. People thought that views equated to more potent, and it wasn't like that. A 3 million view games video might not be better than a 64,000 view affiliate video. So you had to also remember the audiences that you were talking to to and you kind of had to figure that shit out Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:09:46 I am hot to both of you when are you doing a Fraser Natty or not maybe I already have it ready I was waiting for like maybe I'm waiting for the dark days to be over because I can't release a video that breaks fucking 20,000 views for the life of me Blair is so hot be over because I can't release a video that breaks fucking 20,000 views for the life of me.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Blair is so hot. Who's Blair? Blair's the guy who... He was going to be on my team this past year until my elbows shat out. He was the male on my team. We want to see the behind the scenes again. Such great insights to the athletes. It got me so hooked when I started seven years ago.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Couldn't get enough. I agree. The behind the scenes were great uh sorry not that would also make you want to watch bailey work out for a day right you see dan there and that's like hey i'm gonna watch him here this is cool i'm sorry not sorry but the shirt sevan has on is my favorite of them all thank you i know i like this one i should wear it more often um sevan uh what are your thoughts on men's chest hair shave or no shave i don't know if i can answer that honestly ideologically i want to say don't shave but yeah like sometimes it's just fucking too much like Like it's just like, like I don't care if other dudes have a ton of chest hair, but sometimes mine in the middle just gets too much. So I just. Did you ever find the CrossFit YouTube page?
Starting point is 01:11:16 Sorry, I cut off your chest hair. I did. I did. I did. You want to I did. You want to look at it? Yeah, kind of. I think it's worth, for the people who are here on Christmas Eve, I think it's worth showing everybody. CrossFit or CrossFit Games? CrossFit, not CrossFit Games. The one with 1.7 million followers. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:11:38 I have to trim or it pokes through my shirt. Yeah. Like, I just like to shave it down a little bit so it's like the center doesn't stick out wider than the con than my tits you know what i mean like i want it below my like if you were to draw a tip pull a string from one nipple to the other the hair can't be sticking out past that uh videos video oh videos here we go hey this scott pancheck one though that's pretty good that could be that could be the beginning of something big that's the idea they have a shitty ass thumbnail though
Starting point is 01:12:14 that's too much going on you can't do that you you could you could uh you can make thumbnails for me. Yeah, I could. I had a guest on the other day, Lauren Connor, and she made a thumbnail for me. How did she do? Which one? It was cool. I'll show it to you after this. Okay, what do you want to look at here? 6,000, 8,000, 4,000, 5,000, 3,000, 4,000, 6,000, 5,000, 1,000, 7,000, 4,000, 6,000, 2,000. That's what I want to look at. We're just auditing people's YouTube pages.
Starting point is 01:12:54 By the way, I do want to tell you this, by the way, about my YouTube page before anyone gets too excited about how great I'm doing. The majority of our listeners are not on YouTube. The vast majority of the listeners of the Savvant podcast still don't watch the show on youtube we're on we're on apple and spotify and that's where we murder okay so also so you see six thousand here to build off of that yeah yeah these videos that we see here that have very similar numbers to some of you and my videos, if all, if not very similar, they don't have these on Apple or Spotify. No, these are straight up videos without the broadcast of the podcast here. Right. So what you see is what you get on these. Right. what you see is what you get on these right where where if you get a thousand or five thousand on a video on youtube it might have fifty thousand on apple right right big right i was gonna say
Starting point is 01:13:55 sometimes it has more on youtube never has more on youtube never never never never uh well you know who's a needle mover for me if they come on the show every time is fucking froning it's like massive it's massive he's cool dude yeah um he is twitter started showing analytics they did yep so now you can see how many times people have seen your tweets. Oh, they didn't do that before? No, it just started happening. So if you go to Twitter, you'll see how many people have flipped over it at least. The majority may be on Spotify, but the family is on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:14:37 I agree. I agree. This is something special that's growing. I definitely... Now, okay okay so we're here we've been here for a bit go to most popular like we did craigs so just click on popular and then look at 12 years ago 18 million i might i have that little plug-in that'll show you how many views per hour videos are getting and that what is crossfit video is still getting like 16 views per hour 12 years later wow yeah so 12 years later it's still getting stuff that's why it's at 18 million but as you scroll through these how many of these did you have your fingers in all of these you had your
Starting point is 01:15:19 fingers in all these all of these at some point it passed through your i don't know if you had a fucking desk yes but it passed this one this one this one right here i was probably this one right here i was probably filming i mean i know i was filming video my third video is on that one right there what does that mean i did uh i did a i did a voiceover on my on my youtube channel my third video where i started talking about crossFit stuff is on big sky. Cause that's such a cool video. And you filmed it. This one.
Starting point is 01:15:50 I for sure filmed. Let me see if you can see me. Yeah. Oh yeah. There, there, I think there, there I am with my glasses on.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I think right there. No, no, no, no. Hold on. Oh, something crazy happened after this after this contest too
Starting point is 01:16:09 but I should be respected with Dan Bailey look there's is that Rich back there I think Garrett Fitcher was there too where the fuck am I there's Heber I filmed it with Heber and Jordan Gravatt and I was the senior film guy but when heber got
Starting point is 01:16:26 there he just fucking took over it was it was pretty funny i think it bugged jordan a little bit i just fucking went with it i was like all right do your thing heber so if you're the one recording oh dave lee's sorry say that again that's cool how you're holding this camera, so how are we going to see you? There I am. There I am. Oh, shit. Let's see. Let's see. That's in Montana. Let's see if you guys see my... There I am.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Look at me. Sunglasses on my head. Look at my fucking squat next to Jordan Gravatt. Kariana's right there yes oh this is yours this is your pov man although that's probably i i used a fixed lens and uh jordan uses a zoom lens so i bet you that wasn't mine oh he almost killed rob that guy's so cool rob orlando he seems like it he did a 300 pound clean jerk 300 pound grace i remember that i did a video on that too i did uh 155 pound grace there one morning in the freezing cold uh it was like 6 a.m it was the only time i could work out i think it took me 15 minutes i basically pasted i did two
Starting point is 01:17:53 cleaning jerks i had to squat clean them on the minute for 15 minutes and i was i was so injured i was so injured i wasn't okay for a month stupid so stupid crossfit ruined me crossfit injured me all right mander did you see rory did you see rory was probably there yeah oh the heyday okay so okay so what were we doing yeah these are all looking at the videos in which you had your fingers in there and they're all from over six years ago for the most part yeah i'm sure i had back when they were actually putting out things that people wanted to click on slash oh here's who are coming in from outside of the space and you see it in the comment sections it's like this made me start cross, this made me start CrossFit. This made me start CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:18:47 You don't see that anymore on any of the CrossFit videos. That's why we were there. What is this? Travis sent me a Buty bros video with, uh, lysis versus Madero's the buttery bros. It's two versus Madero's. His name is lysis.
Starting point is 01:19:14 L I C I S. Actually, one of the guys that I judged with at the Zellos game showed me this video. It's a pretty good video. Oh, hold on one second. Were you andos game showed me this video it's a pretty good video oh hold on one second were you and i just talking about this video which this video oh shit you can't see it oh god keep doing that uh were you and i just talking about this video right here yes i want i want to know what camera was used to shoot it. Pause it. Pause it. Pause it. Pause it.
Starting point is 01:19:49 All right, go. We made a new one after this. So this was done with not a fancy camera. And that's why it's so dark and it's at such a high frame rate. There's a clean and jerk one, too. Yeah, but there should be one where little lines come out and show the points of performance okay what do you want me to pull up tell me what you want me to pull up no i don't i don't want you to pull up anything but i just want to see what you were watching there and i like i look at rick i mean look at this crossfit that's exactly what i said boss food yeah i filmed this with my homeboy rick look at this. Rossfit. That's exactly what I write. I said boss food.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Yeah, I filmed this with my homeboy, Rick. Look at this interview with Rick. I'm a chicken wing lover. Can you hear this? One of the best smokers. Yeah, I flew out to Rick Ross's house with Dave. There was a fucking gun sitting there the whole time. Oh, there's no picture of me smoking weed with him?
Starting point is 01:20:47 No. Damn. No. It used to be in my old Instagram account. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah, that was cool. That was the last time you smoked weed, I bet, too.
Starting point is 01:20:58 It was. False. It was. Looked just behind him on the left. He's got a gun there with the clip that I can't even imagine is legal. It's a handgun with a clip that's fucking sticks out like 18 inches. And he had a side. He would say,
Starting point is 01:21:18 he would say, I'm a boss. Yeah. I'm a, I'm a chicken wing lover. Have it smoke. God, i asked him some great questions he was good he worked hard he worked hard on planes off planes boarding planes i believe me getting in better shape god that would the fuck that was fun doing that.
Starting point is 01:21:46 That's cool. See, that's a good video. And you know what we need? We need CrossFit to go make one of those with Justin Bieber. That would be the modern day roster. Wow. Wow. Hey, Justin Bieber, you want to stop looking like a small little girl? Like, you got to do some CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:22:04 God, look how young Dan. god look at young dan at some points look how young look look how young dan looks holy shit meet christmas abbott i'm actually surprised that these videos have such low numbers the instructional have such low numbers. The instructional content is fucking amazing. Uh-huh. Oh, here. This is the video that got me started.
Starting point is 01:22:35 I've seen this. Yeah, this is what got me addicted to CrossFit. They had to change the song that was in it. Copyright. Yeah. Beaverfish. This girl here on the right, Eva T, she was an Olympic downhill skier. And then this in the center is Annie Sakamoto, and then this is Nicole Carroll.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Annie Sakamoto owns a gym in town that my mom goes to, and she a commentator you know for the crossfit games and nicole carroll heads runs training and then this is eva t and she was an olympic downhill skier and she recently about a year and a half ago she she had a stunt plane and she fucking cartwheeled it in the into landing almost died crazy crazy accident yeah had to have i think piece of her brain fucking reset yeah not good okay sorry i went down a memory lane here uh uh so you're saying that that's what we're doing man i don't see the problem there's no problem you're saying go back and copy this shit and just don't try to reinvent the wheel just do more of this i mean just modern day versions of this right yeah there's grace at 225 and 449 that was huge however yeah i don't know if you can get
Starting point is 01:23:54 athletes like rich froning to do workouts like that for you can you go can you go to justin madaris and say hey we're going to record you we're going to put on no but you know probably you could because but you know what it was back then is the people had relationships so we all heber and mars and me and and jay and we all had um relationships with the athletes they would just do stuff for us and you could still do that you could find people to who had relationships if dave asked any of these people to do it they would for sure fucking do it got it okay they would for sure fucking do it and not only that there's people to fucking exploit colton merton should be exploited to the fucking max well that and there's something about these where you see what you're getting out of it right away
Starting point is 01:24:43 it's like oh i'm gonna watch the big sky event the big sky clean event is like i'm now when you click on some of the stuff it's like i don't know what i'm getting especially i mean maybe not from crossfit so much but from some of the crossfit channels you don't they're they're misleading hey dave could rent crossfit could rent a 30 million dollar fucking home again up at lake tahoe for fucking ten thousand dollars for a week and and and uh invite uh 15 athletes up there to do a fucking competition that dave programs and i fucking guarantee you a shitload of them come up there you know they should do they should turn that into like a big brother like a big brother they're walking around with the camera that would be a good video series they can call it the big crossfit big brother i filmed this this was like at five in the
Starting point is 01:25:33 fucking morning in greg's garage click on it i don't think i've seen this one cariana what's cariana's uh i filmed it and edited it cariana dixon is that her last name look at you can hear you can hear greg counting reps look there's greg right there this is it's dark it's so early in the morning it's like dark outside she ran over there that's's cool. From her hotel. She ran like three miles to the house to do the workout. No way.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Yeah, it's fucking nuts. Cool. What else we got in here? What else do you know? Look at Gary Roberts killing the fat man, episode two. Hey, I know this guy i feel like i've seen him recently yeah well they have there's the there's the template yeah they might need to hire he might need to hire heber and marzen back what'd you say
Starting point is 01:26:42 the youtube 101 is you go and see what so i told you that that video the what is crossing video still getting views 12 years later and it's also the highest performing video you you there's a screen in youtube where you just go and look at whatever videos from however long ago are still getting views like your recent ones are going to get them no matter what but it it's the ones from six months and later, look at those, make more of that. What is CrossFit? What is CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:27:10 What is CrossFit? Maybe make that a series because people want to see what CrossFit is. That's what people are Googling, right? Seban, did you film the video with Rob, Dave, Lipson, and Dave at the Navy seal of course if i do that on mine i wonder what that looks like i i'm sure i did was that the road if it was the road trip we took uh yes yes i did i'm 99 sure i
Starting point is 01:27:37 did i went on that robot that robot that road trip i think hobart was there stevan do you remember rosemary sarka that crossfit just posted about no where would i find that on the um on their instagram what were you gonna say hillary look at me i'm sweating it's so fucking hot in my office um what do you mean i thought it was cold in there all the time i left the heat on on accident today here i shared my screen can you pull it up oh yeah yep so here this this screen right here crossfit needs to go to it it's just like on your analytics and then you see views videos that are still getting views in the last 60 minutes or 48 hours and these are ones from december december december december here's one from August. Oh, look. I should make more of these,
Starting point is 01:28:26 huh? It's like YouTube is telling me to make an Eddie or not on people. It's like, I'd be stupid not to listen. What else do we got in here? Here's one from November. Oh, look. I could make another one of these, you're saying, huh? Wow. February.
Starting point is 01:28:41 There's one from, what are you learning from? Rich Froning. Okay, make one on Rich Froning or make one on a Natty or Not. Here's one from March, Mayhem. Froning's got a following and so do Natty or Nots. The videos that just keep giving. So in the past 48 hours, a video from January of mine is getting 24 views still. Just like the one from CrossFit 12 years ago is still getting. So that one's free CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:29:11 There you go. I don't, I don't, I don't remember that name. Rosemary, uh, Sanka. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:18 That's a, should we, should we, should we do this with yours? You want to do this or no? Fuck no. I don't, I'm so protective over my shit i don't want anyone
Starting point is 01:29:26 crossfit uh santa cruz central member no but i bet you my mom knows her my mom loves that place uh killing a fat man series got me into crossfit say that again someone steven i like the videos like what will it take to beat tia yeah that was a great video video though yeah i like the froning video like that was good uh my son introduced me to crossfit after he watched several of the early games documentaries and behind the scenes stuff while in rehab what else what else in my youtube analytics should i show people oh 21 000 subscribers that's cool thank you guys that's cool oh yeah you love when you thank people for doing stuff i um i can't i can't even stay over merry christmas to me
Starting point is 01:30:19 yeah merry christmas to me yeah that's. If you're not subscribed, subscribe to me now because I'm about to fall below 20,000 again. Are you? Fuck, it's getting close. 20,006. I had a tough day. Lost 12 subscribers on the December 21st. What did you do? Should I see what I posted?
Starting point is 01:30:44 Yeah. Guys, just so you know, I see what I posted yeah guys just so you know this is what we do on the back end after we get off it's like what did you do it's like whoa December December 21st I posted
Starting point is 01:31:00 oh live call and show with primetime Alex Stein and he didn't show he didn't show and I lost I posted, oh, live call-in show with primetime Alex Stein. And he didn't show. You don't like Alex Stein? He didn't show, and I lost. You should let him know that. I lost 12 subscribers.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Hey, who do you think is going to win the games this year with Tia Gaunt? Female? Yeah. She is, right? No. And do you think that there's a reason? Should we bring up the field? Is that worth doing?
Starting point is 01:31:30 We could bring up the games leaderboard from last year. And do you think that she's going to win because – do you think that's why she didn't do Rogue? Do you think she had insight into the fact that Tia wasn't competing? Oh, dude. You're a speculator, and that would be nuts. Leaderboard. you're a speculator and that would be nuts. Uh, leaderboard. I don't think Mel needed the money from rogue as much as she needed to like
Starting point is 01:31:54 put her head down and work on certain things. 2022 games. Uh, okay, here we go. Laura Horvath will not win. An individual who's finished that low at certain points
Starting point is 01:32:14 isn't going to win. What's Laura's worst finish at the games? It's recently and it's in the teens, isn't it? I could be wrong. So our options would be basically one of these females unless someone came out of nowhere. Holy fuck. What if Daniel Brandon won the fucking
Starting point is 01:32:32 CrossFit Games? That would be the biggest thing to happen for CrossFit since Camille. Oh my god. That would be fucking nuts, wouldn't it? That would be nuts. It'd be cool. I like her. I also like, wouldn't it? That would be nuts. It'd be cool. I like her.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Haley, if she gets on trend. I also like, you know what? How did you do it, F. Alkstein? Emma Lawson, I think that she's come a long way and continuously does. Can we scroll a little bit? Let's not pigeonhole it to the top six or seven. Gabby? I like Raptus.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Raptus? But I don't see many other people. God, if you were going to get juiced up This is the year to try to do it Who's the Is it Gabby Magawa I know Brian thinks Highly of her
Starting point is 01:33:37 When did she finish I would put her in the camp Of like Raptors As like dark horses. Hey, you know Mal O'Brien's going to be significantly better than she was last year. Well, you know who's probably no one longer than everybody that the top is open is Brooke.
Starting point is 01:33:55 So maybe Brooke's going to train extra hard knowing that there's a slot there. Yeah. That's speculatory as well. So just like you thought Mal didn't go to Rogue, I'd say Brooke would probably have more of an insight there catrin's comeback hey that would be a massive story that would be insane crossfit's dumb for not following her around right now actually i agree i agree i so agree hey so she didn't even make it to the games last year Unless she's down here at the bottom
Starting point is 01:34:30 Katrin didn't make it to the games And the last time she didn't make it to the games She came back and won the games That'd be sick That would be fucking nuts I hope Katrin wins If there was a DraftKings CrossFit section I'd put money on Katrin to win the games.
Starting point is 01:34:46 Actually, I hope Daniel Brandon wins then Katrin. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. That would be awesome too. Wow. Isn't she? No, she's doing team at Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Wow. There's a video that came out somewhere maybe it was a buttery bros video I'd love to see Sarah but I say that every year yeah who wouldn't love to see her win it I just want to see Sarah compete healthy yeah what's up is she unhealthy is that what's
Starting point is 01:35:17 going on she's tweaked up I know she had knee injury right I think she's beat up she's just different I yawned what is that i don't know man i watched that um i watched well i tried to watch that uh fraser video you mean the five minute thing yeah i didn't make it through it i didn't what do you mean why not what do you mean? Why not? What do you, I don't want to, I, I, I don't want to be mean, but, but,
Starting point is 01:35:48 but, but I, but I watched the, I just want to hear more talking. Like, I don't need to see as much, that much of them working out. I just want to hear more.
Starting point is 01:35:54 I want to hear more what's going on. I want to hear more like talking between them and shit like that. And it's just a, it's just a jerk off real, but, but Katrin looks fucking amazing in it. I mean, amazing. I don't think she's ever really not looked great.
Starting point is 01:36:10 She usually looks pretty good. She didn't look so good at Rogue. It's what's under the hood. She looked like she could have made... She just didn't look like herself at Rogue. I shouldn't say she didn't look good. You're right. She always looks good.
Starting point is 01:36:24 She didn't look like herself at Rogue. I shouldn't say she didn't look good. She's all, you're right. She always looks good. She didn't look like herself. She, she looks like a fucking dog with its ribs showing now. I mean, she's, you know, that, that fucking hungry wolf look.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Did you watch the, uh, Brooke Wells video on the noble film festival? That's one of them. I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:36:44 when I did that little bit on the person who was giving the introduction to Brooke Wells video, we're at the games. Did you see that bit? What video did I make that on? Dude, was that here? It was a dark phase. Yep. Did you, who did you, or I started like chewing into this person speaking right there. I pronounced that right. She can i i how bad is that man like it's like she has no idea where she is who she's talking to or what the hell is going on she looks down every third word for us hey is that cole sager up there is that cole sager
Starting point is 01:37:20 yeah i thought that this was one of my like greatest events or greatest hits of all time is attacking this speaker it i'm such not a fan you don't want to such not a fan of noble that i can't even i can't even uh i can't even address it honestly hey guys we're gonna watch an athlete that all of you guys do this movement and not competitively snap their elbow and we're gonna introduce it with someone who huh is that film on YouTube yeah Brooke Wells
Starting point is 01:37:54 you have to go to her YouTube account wait a minute that film I pulled it from my channel the film that they're watching is that on YouTube I don't know I don't know I pulled it from the film that they're watching. Is that on YouTube? I don't know. I don't,
Starting point is 01:38:07 I don't know. Thank you. Clock cutter. Yeah. I tried to roast her. That was work. That was terrible. I thought it was fine.
Starting point is 01:38:20 You thought that her speech was fine, dude. Oh no, no, no. I thought your roasting was fine. I thought your roasting was fine. Okay. I thought that your roasting was more, dude. Shut up. No, no, no, no. I thought your roasting was fine. I thought your roasting was fine. Okay. I thought that video was... I thought your roasting was more than fine.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Oh, hey, yeah. Wait. The Noble channel. This is good. No. Am I going to get in trouble? A couple seconds at a time, man. Oh, no. This is... No is no this isn't wait a minute i want to see that movie i want to see the movie that they were watching it's not going to be out here i don't think it was just a little collage that they played you you can see bits of it through the brooke wells thing that's about it. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Their most popular video is a 10 second video of a guy on an assault bike. Hammering away. I am noble. Oh yeah. Let's look at there. Okay. So they've had it. They had a tough year too.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Holy shit. They've had a tough year. Yeah. 500,000 really tough. No, this is old. a tough year. Yeah, $500,000 is really tough. No, this is old. These are old. These are old, bro. Do they just not post?
Starting point is 01:39:34 No, I clicked by most popular. Noble, just the Whoop. I think Whoop has a channel. Look at this. Look at this look at this what am i looking at oh wow oh wow these are their videos by most popular do you do you do this is my favorite thing of all time oh no and you want you want me i'm just gonna send you this okay and and that it's one of my favorite things of all time jv team for streaming on christmas eve
Starting point is 01:40:14 no one works harder than the seven podcast crew thank you it was very nice of andrew hiller to come on too we will also be doing a live show tomorrow morning at 7 a.m and then again tomorrow at 7 p.m and i want to be honest with you guys. Today is my mom's birthday and I left her birthday party, but I did spend the day with her. My mom and I ran stairs prior to her coming over and hanging out. But I really wanted to hang out with you guys on Christmas Eve. Who else is getting through wrapping the rest of the presents while listening? Good. Yeah, that's the kind of shit I wanted
Starting point is 01:40:46 to hear, too. That's sick. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah, so cool. Excuse me. Don't worry, Noble. We'll move on. Tear will be the new sponsor of the games, and we can all forget about Noble. Hey, hey, hey, please. Whenever you get a chance, go to the private chat.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Hold that up. Throw throw it on the throw on your screen please that was really nice it's gonna be worth it that was really nice of that person to give that uh money the jv team that was yeah this morning philip kelly was like hey let's everyone give seven on four dollars and people just started loading up that was kind of crazy i gave you 99 cents you did all right i did all right really quick you don't have to play it but what i need you to do is i need you to look at the channel which is whoop step counts don't 19.3 that's how many subscribers oh shit comments are turned off oh shit now look at the views. 17 million.
Starting point is 01:41:45 Where? Oh. Right next to one month ago. One month ago, 17 million views. Now, click on Whoop, the channel. Okay. Now, go to videos at the top. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Just like all of them. Yep. So, first of all, look at how their other videos do. 3.4, 41 41 452 views two months ago 176 got it yeah yeah yeah they basically all right who are the top again please if they don't use someone crazy who's this guy patrick mahomes pro Pro golfer. Quarterback for the Kansas city chiefs. You crazy. He's the, he's like the best quarterback in the NFL right now.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Oh, speaking of which the best quarterback in the NFL, we're having Tyson Bajan back on. Okay. Go on. Okay. I'm back up to the top. Popular,
Starting point is 01:42:39 popular. Okay. Now go to the catcher in video. 678,000. Oh shit. So shit so crossfit was moving the needle for him yeah but click on it okay i'm catching davis otter what the fuck happened to her last name what's up with those letters go ahead go to the comment section oh Oh, shit. You're tripping that there's only six comments? Along with the 17 million that they got on their most recent video with the comments turned off.
Starting point is 01:43:14 Basically, they're liars. Yeah, wow. What the fuck is going on? How can that be? Because they bought those views man you can do that you don't mean uh-huh that's probably a thousand dollars in views they purchased something crazy you could do that
Starting point is 01:43:38 i'm tripping dude i'm fucking tripping 17 million on their most recent for Rosemary's birthday thank you Kat Kat Shear will be a guest on the show I'm very excited to speak to her it'll be the first time I speak to her she's a text buddy it's not oh actually I did think we've had one phone call conversation
Starting point is 01:44:00 I'm tripping on this I'm tripping thank you Kat fucking whoop man conversation. I'm tripping on this. I'm tripping. Thank you, Kat. Fucking whoop, man. Nashkin is much cheaper and can guarantee that they will get more views. No one has any idea how this
Starting point is 01:44:18 thing works. You show us zero iPhone screens, no data. You leave us in the dark on everything. Fire everyone in your marketing department. Why should someone ditch their garment? One of the six comments on their 600,000 view video. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:44:35 It made me just realize, I bet you the comments at Noble are pretty fucked up, too. Let's see. I want to look at one of those. Let's go to one of their no let's look at the white mesh runner two years ago oh no this could be bad
Starting point is 01:44:51 oh shit nope hey my 10,000 view videos get like at least 50 what are they doing okay blue mesh runner well it's only a 14 second video yeah but it's got 152 000 views man i wonder if it's fun oh this and this guy doesn't even work for them anymore jared stevens yeah i think he had a following out with him the other day. Hey, click on that Catron one because the other one,
Starting point is 01:45:25 the whoop one had a Catron. Oh, shit. That's even more proof that those were bought views. Why? Because the Catron one here, you're telling me, only has 4,700 but the one over there has
Starting point is 01:45:41 673? Yeah, man. what a fucking joke should we start buying views for your channel i'm gonna buy views for one of your only we're gonna make a video showing that we're doing it i'm gonna buy views for one of your videos because i think i can just do it without any i wanted to do that for one of my buddies instagram and just like buy v buy freaking followers hey i used to like 70 like what the fuck i've got 20 000 followers 70 of my followers on my instagram account for my last channel were from india who bought them for you? Is that what you think happened?
Starting point is 01:46:26 Someone bought me followers? Did CrossFit do? I know people do that on like the Bachelors, like the show The Bachelor. Like if you go on there, they buy the accounts followers so they become more popular or look more popular
Starting point is 01:46:43 as they're on the show i always thought it was weird when i go to my analytics and just see how much it's like i don't know if it was 70 but like my biggest cities for would be like la new york and like fucking mumbai and i'd be like mumbai mumbai uh fergie fergie sebon noble contracts are no joke yeah so i've heard danielle but their shoes are yes that was a great line Fergie, Sevan, noble contracts are no joke. Yeah, so I've heard. Danielle, but their shoes are. Yes, that was a great line. Sevan, what more do you have to say about Gary Gaines firing or him leaving?
Starting point is 01:47:14 I can't tell you. I cannot. No more? No. I've been asked not to talk about it, and I will honor that. Can I talk about it? No. I was going was gonna say i don't have much to say good even i would just it's a really sad situation i'll just tell you that oh bombay maybe it was bombay mumbai go to popular go to the video bombay is where all your views came from oh shit i got an exposure
Starting point is 01:47:48 notification i've been exposed to covid how the fuck is my dude i i gotta put my mask on over here let me see someone sent me a text who's watching the show who doesn't want to call in bruce um so the mcu put up something on Gary Gaines. We should look at that. Okay. I don't want to call in, but I love you guys. I love you guys, Sevan. You're amazing, and CrossFit has suffered since you've been gone.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Hiller brings up things most of the folks that have been paying attention to agree with. Oh, thank you. Yeah, thank you. It's what I say. You have a finger on the pulse. What do people want to talk about? And then you talk about it. Okay, where am I going to?
Starting point is 01:48:28 Morning Choco? Yeah, that's what Bruce said. You know what's funny is what this show has evolved into is this is usually what we do when we get off the show. That's right. That's pretty funny, right? Yeah. And I'd like to have you on tomorrow. I'd like to have you on
Starting point is 01:48:45 tomorrow I'd like to have you on tomorrow night too if you can yeah where is it don't mess around rep dude put your email in there oh uh no Gary Gaines
Starting point is 01:49:00 uh Gary Gaines general manager of affiliates become six cross sixth CrossFit executive to leave company 2022. Oh, man. It's fucking sad. Is that Austin Maliello? Yeah. Okay, I thought so.
Starting point is 01:49:17 Wait, that's not Gary Gaines. No, this is Gary over here. Hey, Bruce, what are we looking for in here? As tumultuous year grinds to a close for CrossFit HQ, one more C-suite director-level executive will be leaving the company, bringing the total to six in 2022. A December 23, 2022 email to affiliate owners from CrossFit CEO Don Fall stated that, and then it's like the email that went out.
Starting point is 01:49:39 I already read that on the air. One big thing gains the sixth C-suite or director-level executive to transition out of their position in the last year once again signaling a significant amount of uncertainty among crossfit's llc's tops leadership for the future of the company by the way if you want to see some other crazy shit going down go over to apple and see what's happening to their c-suite it's a fucking it's crazy on may 16th 16th, Jeremy Landis, CrossFit's chief technology. Okay. And so this is the list of people.
Starting point is 01:50:08 There's a CTO left. That's basically, you know, the website designer and the guy who makes sure the leaderboard works. Allison Androsi. She was the interim head of CrossFit. She can't really be on the list. She still works there. That's the chick that's running the fucking media department right now that she's the cfo and she's the interim head of their sorry marketing department what a mess um are they saying she left
Starting point is 01:50:36 she was named the interim head of crossfit oh wait a minute jason dunlop left that that guy never that guy came from nike that guy was fucking what a joke he's leaving the company to take a lead role at orange theory he was clueless whoever hired him was it was a absolute retard absolute retard and september chief marketing officer aaron clift another like she was brought from ways i mean these are just people have fucking no idea what crossfit is just a complete incapable nincompoops to be over at crossfit maybe they're good at other shit like good husband good wife good mom good dad good at taking the trash out great at sucking dick whatever but not not Whatever. But not executive at CrossFit material. Gaines was a fucking qualified for the job.
Starting point is 01:51:31 Gaines had previously worked as an operations officer at SoulCycle, came aboard HQ with former CEO Eric Rosa. I think this was Gary's dream job, which really sucks. When someone finds their dream job, they should be exploited, and unfortunately they weren't able to do that like colton mertens he's a fuck he's ready to be exploited by a good media team people's champ he's fucking the 2023 version of fucking dan bailey and josh bridges i'm telling you that's gary gaines no i switched over to colton mertens like you he milked the fuck out of that dude he's he is he's such the fucking underdog
Starting point is 01:52:16 um mally olo is a well-known games veteran uh not true not well known co-founder of the ham plan longtime crossfit seminar staff former affiliate owner most uh i don't think he was ever known he's known for deadlifting really well right i don't know if he was known for being a great deadlifter i don't know if he was an affiliate owner i think he ran reebok CrossFit one. CrossFit New England is Bergeron and CrossFit one. Yeah. I don't know if he owned that. Who did?
Starting point is 01:52:52 Was it Spencer Handel? Because one time I said he was the owner. I fuck in the, in the early days, I fucking went after him pretty hard for something that was said at that affiliate about COVID. And I attacked Maliola pretty hard. And someone's like, dude,
Starting point is 01:53:04 he doesn't even own that gym here's the and they're asking how much turnover is is too much here's the thing if you get rid of all the people who don't love crossfit it doesn't matter it's like what we were saying before crossfit can be run so fucking cheap you just have to have kool-aid drinkers that was the thing we were all i mean well wait they got this person from way that person isn't a kool-aid drinker who who the person from ways oh no are you fucking kidding me yes cat question go ahead put your hand up oh you want to work there yeah you could totally yes yes no she's saying hire me yeah nincompoops yeah it's a it's um is that how you spell nincompoops did i really say nincompoops you've said it a couple of times just hire people who drink the fucking
Starting point is 01:54:05 Kool-Aid don't hire anyone who slept their way to the top make sure the most senior people there running the fucking who've worked there the longest are running the fucking departments make sure they're really high level fucking communicators and that they've drank in the Kool-Aid and you'll be fine
Starting point is 01:54:20 it's so simple fire all the people who are playing politics just fucking kick them to the fucking curb just just you just have to be obsessed with crossfit anyone who like talks this this is gonna really fucking chafe some people but um the the people who the people who the kool-aid drinkers i think oh it really is it a racist term really nincompoop no way no way i'm gonna go check so there was nothing new in that in that article nincompoop i don't think you spelled that right jeff nicole carroll that's good n good. Nicole Carroll should run the company.
Starting point is 01:55:05 That'd work. No, Don can run the company. Keep her. She's killing it where she's at. Okay. Oh, it says, what is the full meaning of nincompoop? Silly or stupid person. Should I ask, is it racist?
Starting point is 01:55:18 Oh, is it from the Bible? Oh, it's from the Old Testament. Eat a dick. It's not racist. oh it's from the old testament eat a dick it's not racist cattywampus another great word means askew i like it when my kid says cockeyed he's like that's cockeyed i start laughing what does he say it about?
Starting point is 01:55:46 I don't know. Like if something's bent or broken or it'll be like, that looks cockeyed. Oh, he's not wrong. No, he's not. No, no. Travis is telling me that Danny Spiegel's girls who eat shirt is being undercut by other companies who are also producing girls who eat shirts. It'd be like people started making whatever shirts girls girls who eat yeah apparently if you google it a bunch of different companies come up because they're all trying to make it and make money off of it
Starting point is 01:56:20 oh girls who eat you think you think you think she came up with that on her own oh wow oh yeah there's a ton let's see i guess there's something she was posting on her instagram story where she was pissed uh girls at 14 that's so much cheaper you know that that that shirt will give you a fucking rash if you wear it a 14 shirt yeah hey i remember when i came out with a 13 t-shirt it doesn't oh yeah that was a good shirt 13 t-shirt girls who eat. Yeah, I don't think Danny Spiegel is the one who's promoting these, but... It says Danny Spiegel on it.
Starting point is 01:57:12 Oh, that one does. See how much that one costs. I bet it... All right, $22. But wait a minute. Hey, go to her Instagram, and I bet that it has the actual link just so we can see if it's the correct one.
Starting point is 01:57:22 Instagram and I bet that it has like the actual link just so we can see if it's the correct one. I don't like that that you can see who I've I don't like that you can see who I've searched. You didn't see anybody weird. Everyone falls in. You don't follow Danny Spiegel? Are you out of your mind? You're going to miss all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:57:44 Holy shit. Holy shit. out of your mind how you're gonna you're gonna miss all this stuff holy shit holy shit you you missed this huh don't worry are you fucking kidding me what did i do to upset her i think you said i don't know what you said said she was the beacon of moral authority okay well sorry go up here to her t-shirt link tree uh oh fuck are they gone where the hell are they is the pre-order over or what what's this noco thing I see everywhere? It's a drink.
Starting point is 01:58:27 It's decent. It's a lot like a Kill Cliff combined with Fit Aid. That's what I think it's like. It's decent. What are the rules about? What are the comments saying here? This lady next to me on the plane just gave me... Damn, I just think he just turned me straight.
Starting point is 01:58:49 Oh, the fittest wizard dude takes dick? I had no idea. Okay, this is too much to me. This is too much to me? That's a big but and that's all I have to say about that I haven't seen any haters dad must be proud time to unfollow
Starting point is 01:59:23 whoa this is not the content i'm looking for 77 likes 51 replies whoa yeah you gotta open that bet bucket i was scared to open it i pulled you right back that dude's just sorry for your kids hey you went too far there's one that said i feel sorry for your kids beat it then karen hey what does this mean if someone just links someone they're just like what are they like yeah or they're responding to somebody from above i'm a patriot i hate people's freedoms where were you jan January 6th? That's a lot of words for I'm a sad and jealous woman.
Starting point is 02:00:08 Holy fuck. Wow. Where's that? Making money and promoting her brand. That's a lot of words for I'm a sad. Oh, referencing the person. Wait, no. Southpaw Sledge.
Starting point is 02:00:21 Making money and promoting her brand. She has a great ass. Why not show it this isn't a PG rated I believe this woman and her cheeks alone oh man you're oh dude hey I'm all
Starting point is 02:00:37 for her posting her butt but I'm also all for this person saying what I seem to be I read as a respectable I'm not going to follow you anymore here's why and saying what I seem to be. I read as a respectable. I'm not going to follow you anymore. Here's why. Just so you know.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Well, these are people who are... Where's the one about the kids? I wanted to see the one about the kids. Something about, I hope your kids... Fuck, I wish you... It was probably in the bottom third. As you were opening it up, I said, I hope you were kids. And I wanted to see what that would say. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 02:01:13 Because the lady, she says. Oh, I saw it again, dude. Listen, listen. I'm going to tell you what it is. It's, um, uh, uh, where's, uh, oh, here it is I feel sorry for kids mom's showing her butt because
Starting point is 02:01:32 this chick he's attacking this lady because he clicked her profile and she says she loved Jesus and she's in a bikini herself in her profile pic that's the weird that's always the weird thing when people attack you and you click in there and it's like Jesus first. And you're like, maybe second. I don't know why that picture makes me.
Starting point is 02:01:58 Bats. Bats. What? Five likes. The bats. You know, the bats. It's right there. wow wow bam hell yeah thanks god
Starting point is 02:02:11 this is everyone's pretty everyone's pretty chill in here and then the one comment that wasn't chill just got obliterated it wasn't even yeah Just got obliterated. It wasn't even. Yeah. What's a pineapple. Um, I don't know. My whole feed is just ass. I wonder if that's a,
Starting point is 02:02:37 it took up the entire feed comment. Post some sexy ass pics like this and expect not to say something. Dang the double standards. She just doesn't need to know people's sexual fantasies about her like you can say respectful things just be nice but then she posts things that people say stop being a bitch
Starting point is 02:02:57 oh my goodness okay well you know you know in my head i just had like that mama mia song going on i'm like here we go again we're just when i see dudes with like meticulously trimmed beard hair or i see pictures like this i just imagine i started thinking about the day they were filming that shit how about the one under the red jacket right there are you where'd you go this thinking about the day they were filming that shit. How about the one under the red jacket right there? Are you,
Starting point is 02:03:26 where'd you go? This one? The bottom, the left. Yeah. That's an intense picture. Yeah. I'm not a fan of makeup.
Starting point is 02:03:34 I prefer like, I prefer just like fell out of bed. I feel like just finished working out. Look. All right. I agree. I feel like just finished working out look alright she's taking a dump in that red jacket Sevan she didn't get mad at you for talking about Sevan didn't I can't remember why
Starting point is 02:03:55 she got mad what what her I think that I made a joke her story's pretty accurate when i hear it basically she um i think susan reached out to her and asked her to come on the podcast or i did maybe i did i can't remember and she responded and said um that she was starting a podcast with um the uh meme guy and that um john woosley and that she had different ethics and morals than me. So I just made the joke she's the beacon of moral authority.
Starting point is 02:04:31 And that was it. And then more recently I said something about her top being too small, and someone got upset at that. I think someone got bent out of shape about that. Like I would tell Hiller if his shirt was too small i didn't i don't understand why that's like inappropriate but then i this this was the one thing that was taken out of context and it's kind of my fault i said someone said i'm like i think her fucking bottle body's beautiful i love fat girls i love foreskin like i was i didn't mean that she was a fat girl and
Starting point is 02:05:05 that she had foreskin i meant like that's how like eclectic i am in my tastes and i think of hers being on that spectrum of being eclectic like i've never said anything bad about the way she looks i mean i don't like her shirt is too small she wears too much makeup i mean there's things i would do to fix her up a bit there's things i do to fix hiller up a bit i think things i do to fix her up a bit there's things i do to fix hiller up a bit i think it's things i do to fix myself up a bit what do i need to do what do you got she's a she's a fantastic specimen of uh of of on the planet of what a human being should look like whoa that's good to know i had no idea oh she's a swinger i don't even know what that means, swinger. Oh, yeah, you do talk about my shorts all the time.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Yeah, Hiller's tight, yeah. Damn, the chats can get lit up about my shorts. Yeah, they're tight. And let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. I only critique 10s. Hiller's a 10, Danny's a 10. I don't critique fucking fives.
Starting point is 02:06:03 Why? I'm above that. I that do good for that um where's the other oh they're talking about fury photography he's cool i like him he took a bunch of pictures of spiegel i think he knows her i have no i have no critique i have no um the bar is rich froning i i like everything about rich there's nothing that needs to be changed i like his fucking bald spot i like i like his shorts his shoes i like his mouthpiece hanging out and just it's perfect oh yeah i punch up not down thank you ken walters says people with huge boulders in their front yard are swingers and then you know i got some huge fucking rocks in my front yard dude i gotta move those things
Starting point is 02:06:51 is that really true then he's like sitting out there like what is a boulder in front look hey you like my sandbag over here you know swingers this thing is i you just hit it? Look at this thing. I've had it, and it just sits there because I can't pick it up. There's a strange urban legend that seems to have popped up as of late that white rocks in front of a house yard means the inhabitants of the house are swingers. Wow. It's unscientific, though. It's a very unscientific survey of the swingers
Starting point is 02:07:28 oh no shit it's accurate then do what you you wow six signs of a swingers house uh uh the pineapple for most folks raising the south pineapple is a symbol of welcome but the tropical fruit has a steamier side Paul M says uh shit it moved as the pictures are loading
Starting point is 02:07:58 so you're telling me that if Alexis and I put up a picture of us holding a pineapple it just it just signals? Here, it says it has to be upside down. Garden gnomes and nail tech with the clients who live in Sun City, Carolina, Lake Development claim there's a lot of whispering about which neighbors have garden gnomes. Traditionally, the playful little figures with the pointy hats have been a whimsical way to add interest to your yard. Now that the gnome is peeking through the rosebush could be telling a tale about debauchery okay so
Starting point is 02:08:28 a gnome through the rosebush uh pompous grass sales of the exotic plant dropped dramatically when pompous grass was linked to wife swapping uh white landscaping rocks around your mailbox is an indicator that you might be into some group action pink flamingos homeowners have been putting plastic pink flamingos in their yards since the 50s fast forward to the 2020s and the kitsy kitsy kitsy birds now lead to uh some to speculate about the sexual activities of the folks who occupy the house. Five-pointed star. If you have one of these symbols at your house, should you expect potential lovers to come knocking
Starting point is 02:09:10 at your door? Where are you reading all of this, by the way? Are we supposed to be seeing this again? The internet? No. Oh, okay. Sorry. I didn't know if we were supposed to see this as well. No, I appreciate it, though. I get lost in the...
Starting point is 02:09:25 Alright, guys. We get lost in the... All right, guys. We are... Not too excited. We are less than 10 hours away from the 7 a.m. podcast. Oh, fuck. What is it? Just a live call-in show.
Starting point is 02:09:42 You playing with yours, dude? Did you know I was playing? No, I just pulled it out the other day. nice oh aren't they fun hey i just sit here and i just do it a signal that two men love each other when they're just fate when they're just streaming with each other playing with their knives this is that's i don't even know what i would do with it it just sits here. It goes through shit. No, it doesn't go through that. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:10:12 In high school, my crew was known as the Flamingo Dynasty. We used to go around and take flamingos from yards. Flamingo Dynasty. We would go neighborhood to neighborhood and pick up old TVs, just like the ones that people were throwing out as they got new ones. And we would take them and put them in our buddy's yards. It was just what we would do. And they would have to then dispose of them. So we'd have like these 40 inch box TVs,
Starting point is 02:10:36 throw them in the back of my Jeep and we just put it in our other friend's yard. We'd stack them up. If we found a couple of them, giant waste of time, just pissed off everyone's parents yeah this thing probably is illegal as fuck
Starting point is 02:10:49 this thing has to have a fucking case because if this thing goes off in your pocket you're toast uh Chase Bryant a little wind up thing on it too I have one like yours too somewhere which one do you prefer I mean this one this one you fucking could kill you could just point this at someone's throat and fire it off and it would just fucking kill them the other one that one shoot it shoot it fire it that that one the other
Starting point is 02:11:17 one i have won't and then look at i have to pull this thing, this whole thing back. Oh yeah. Maybe I'll show you my other one. Yeah. Because yeah. If that, like if you, if you shot that at your hand, that probably wouldn't put a hole in your hand. This thing, this thing. No, it didn't even go into this water bottle. Yeah. So if you had a water bottle and you did it, would it go, would it go like right through it or no do you have one no i don't drink out of plastic my mind is well
Starting point is 02:11:50 here i'll just do it with my hand let's see no i'm not doing that i i've stayed with my hand once like that i was again in high school uh paper that's easy high school i had a buddy who goes you won't staple your hand i just stapled it you're a good dude that's why you read the comments you aim to please i live for it man see here's my own looks fun uh seven when are you doing the podcast with pedro soon the same morning i do when are you doing the podcast with Pedro? Soon. The same morning. I think I have a podcast with Brian Friend at 7 a.m., and I'm going live with Pedro at 9.
Starting point is 02:12:34 Okay. Bye, guys. Oh, yeah. Oh, but then yours doesn't come out all the way, right? It stopped it? No. It gets stuck. Okay, guys. It was fun hanging No. Yeah, it gets stuck. Okay, guys.
Starting point is 02:12:47 It was fun hanging out with you guys on Christmas Eve. I'll see you guys on Christmas morning at 7 a.m. Everyone be good. Be safe. Thanks for hanging out. Sandbags, not slam balls back there. Buh-bye.

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