The Sevan Podcast - #720 - LIVE CALL IN SHOW - What did you get for Christmas?

Episode Date: December 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I had one drink last night and I don't feel good. Oh, really? Do you know what it truly is? It kind of looks like a white claw.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. I had one of those mixed with at least one can of sparkling water. And I don't feel good. I woke up this morning and I burped alcohol. Oh, that's the worst. How come when you wake up with a sore throat and then you have a cup of coffee, it goes away? That's like the heat from the coffee washing away the mucus in your throat good guess yeah possibly
Starting point is 00:01:09 who gave savon permission to do thumbnails hillary introduced me to this this app called canva oh did you see my one for tomorrow i'm so yeah yeah i'm so proud of it that one was cool it has no meaning to the show i just thought you know what i mean i just thought it just felt like it was like But it just felt like it was like bold. Audrey, the only – you know how I did your thumbnail, Susie, here? This one.
Starting point is 00:02:02 So I basically – I think I'm so clever. I took the picture of you standing there with your wife. Yep. And then I put the bong there, and then I put the exact same picture over it again, but just erased so it looked like your hand would be holding the bong. And then I found this picture of Caleb on some military website giving someone an injection. So I was like, done. website giving someone an injection so i was like done but i i wish i could have kept the needle in there but for some reason i couldn't figure out how to do that oh my goodness at least it's christmas theme he's a little christmas template there i see yeah with oh with the oh with the uh for you with the background yeah yeah. Yeah. High needles and shit.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Oh, my goodness. I almost left it white. The thumbnail's on. Okay, here. Good morning, Chris. Jethro, bam. Is it bad when I start early because you guys are, like to seven, eight, nine or on the hour. And then if I start two minutes early,
Starting point is 00:03:08 you feel like you missed a minute. The creative juices are definitely flowing. Oh, thank you. Thank you. What zombie? The greatest gift of all seven in the morning to my wife. That's what my wife says, too.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I got my wife a pink Bella bar, hot pink and a 511 tack vest. She's stoked. Oh, that's cool. That is cool. Yeah, there he is. There's the man. Hi. Merry Christmas. so uh are you caleb where you're located is that considered a fob no no what's this oh here we go let's just get this out of the way right now
Starting point is 00:04:03 cory hi good morning how are you um I'm you gotta be good 4 shows in 48 hours I usually say I'm amazing but something's not right with me this morning I can't tell what it is exactly
Starting point is 00:04:20 something's not normal too many shows no I think I stayed up too late and i drank a a truly it's like i want to say it's like the the hoods white claw or the artificial sweeteners i don't know what was in it i just saw it at alcohol and i was done with the show and i mixed one with a can of sparkling water and sat on the couch and started preparing for this morning show. And I woke up this morning burping alcohol and I just didn't feel good. Just give it up. Just give alcohol up. It's not worth it anymore. I agree. I seriously agree. It's stupid. All right. Well, I'm happy to hear y'all's voice
Starting point is 00:05:01 this morning. I'm going to go open presents. I just wanted to tell everybody on the call. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. OK. Hey, sorry, I couldn't. 10 o'clock on the East Coast is pretty late when you do your 7 o'clock show. So sorry I couldn't call in last night. I was way asleep. Oh, no problem. And you can go ahead and play the show while you open presents. I promise I'm not going to swear on today's show. Joe, while you open presents, I promise I'm not going to swear on today's show. Okay. All right. And I'll be waiting for the money you're going to send me in the mail. Yes, that checks in the mail also. All right. Have a great show. Merry Christmas, Joe. Merry Christmas, brother.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Merry Christmas, Joe. Merry Christmas, brother. My wife had the boys write letters to Santa, and then she actually was going to try to get them the gifts they asked for. And I just thought that was crazy. She lost her mind? I was like, dude, it doesn't matter what they ask for. Get them whatever. But I guess she's just a better parent than me. They made cookies santa they left them out they did all that cool shit oh that's fun
Starting point is 00:06:10 daniel garrity just here to see if someone's crazy enough to do a podcast christmas morning confirmed merry christmas thank you victor truly uh hoods white claw there was this uh i don't know if you guys remember from yesterday's show, but there was a piece we did on some guy going down the stairs. Oh, I don't feel good. Some guy going down the stairs is one way to put it. And someone in the comments wrote,
Starting point is 00:06:38 I laughed my ass off at 150. And so I went over to see what it was. And it was that bit we did on the guy going down the stairs. And I watched it for like three minutes this morning. Holy shit. That was actually really funny. That was crazy. I don't realize what we do on this show.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Do you understand that? Do you guys realize, have you guys ever gone back and watched the show? It's fucked up. I have. Yeah. I watch it every time. Not the ones ones i'm on i hate when i hear myself talk back but i'm like wow i'm not going back three episodes i'll never watch that
Starting point is 00:07:12 it's great it's just it's just it's just inappropriate worth it we just turned 15 minutes of time of watching a guy twist and turn and undulate down the stairs. And just there's, there's stuff we missed too, that I saw this morning too. There, the guy threw him down the stairs. He actually slips down a stair. And I didn't realize how big the guy who went down the stairs is. If he, if he lost weight. He's like this far from his body
Starting point is 00:07:45 yeah but not only that I think he might be like a six foot three guy wow and I if that guy lost if that guy got into CrossFit and had a year of Jiu Jitsu on him and some California hormones he'd have fucked that other dude up oh it'd be game over
Starting point is 00:08:01 yeah he would have been a little more graceful in that fall, too. Yeah, the Packer fan. Yeah, that guy, Rambler. Good morning. Craig Pussy. Good morning. Paisley. He's huge. Danny Spiegel came up
Starting point is 00:08:21 on the show last night. Surprising. She's got this crazy photo on her instagram oh yeah from like a couple days ago or maybe longer a couple weeks ago she has like her her at it she has like her ass pointed at the camera and but then kind of twisted to the left and she it's it's a trip it looked like it was a but then kind of twisted to the left, and it's a trip. It looked like it was a hard position kind of to get into, like it's some sort of stretch. And the comments, wait, where did we, we went to the comments last night too, on someone's post. Yeah, this one.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Like the butt is pointed at you, but then the torso is like tilted down, but then the head's turned towards you. Like the butt is pointed at you, but then the torso is like tilted down, but then the head's turned towards you. But anyway, so then we went over to, you know, Tia's pregnant, Sousa. Yeah, seen that. And then I noticed Danny Spiegel had commented on the video. So I asked her to come on the podcast in the... Comment section? Comment section, yeah. That was Hiller's advice. Any response? asked her to come on the podcast in the comment section comment section yeah that was that was
Starting point is 00:09:26 hillar's advice any any response what do i do to check to see my responses i push the heart right yeah yeah yeah oh so i commented on rob forte's also he responded merry christmas and uh oh and um bruce wayne commented on the Danny Spiegel. That would be epic. And then someone else liked it that I invited her on. Oh, a bunch of people liked it. Oh, and I asked Sydney Wells to come on the show. I feel like I've DM'd her before. Sydney Wells?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah. I definitely have. I would love to have her on the show. I thought that i thought that blue check mark it's hard to get noticed in that dm yeah oh yeah a bunch of people responded that's cool my uh so you know i still do the jerry news thing right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a couple days ago i got wild with one of them there's like i think like 50 comments or something back to what i had said wow oh yeah i have no i have just asked content for today's show thank you you just saved the show yeah so i still i still rock this off and are you on it
Starting point is 00:10:46 okay perfect arctic freeze oh great i want oh there it is how many likes yeah okay wait four comments now okay oh my god hold on go to the top i want to read this this is epic god you're good suza thank you suza with the great the greatest go to, this is, it says Arctic freeze, December 23rd. About 60% of the U.S. population is currently under winter weather warning or advisory. By the way, not me in California. You guys can all eat a dick. I'm going to the beach again today. On Friday, more than 1 million U.S. customers were without power.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Data from the site Power Outage USA shows about 60% of the U.S. population is currently under winter weather warning or advisory. As a bomb cyclone sends freezing and sub-zero temperatures across the country. More than 4,100 Friday flights have been canceled. Yeah, I heard 10% of all the flights in the United States have been canceled. The freeze will persist through the weekend with parts of the plains and Midwest regions set to record their coldest Christmas in four decades. Now, that's not my fault. That could be the word record too, right? That's not my fault. No, the word record too right that's not my fault
Starting point is 00:12:05 no yeah you get a pass record come on come on not even not even on christmas do you get a pass and the word record would fit nice i mean it wouldn't fit nicely there but like record temperatures like you could see how i would think it was record yeah the freeze will persist through the weekend with parts of the plains and midwest regions set to record their coldest christmas in four decades okay global warming strike oh so matt's response oh this is so good global warming strikes again okay uh 670 uh but it's cold uh so the 60 god 50 comments so nobody remembers the record heat that happened in the summer haven't heard global warming in a decade it's been about that climate change global warming climate change look it up
Starting point is 00:13:03 global warming climate change look it up don't worry they start personally attacking me soon also known as winter that's good it's climate change less stable all around more hurricanes per year less predictable patterns may be hard for you to think in timelines beyond one week of existence it's not global warming anymore it's climate change that's that's the that's the new name strong pivot yeah say i can't read without saying i can't read this this you can't read hey with the irony of the other one that says you can't think back more than a week is amazing yeah yeah yeah yeah look how many people like that many people like that. It doesn't have my replies in there. It should.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Wait till you see. I replied to a couple of them. People have the memory of goldfish. Dude, how old is that person? Click on that dude's account. Dude, I can remember, at least here in California, I can remember when I was 16, we had a Thanksgiving and it fucking snowed everywhere in California. It snowed in the Bay Area. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's the Disneyland pic. Of course. Of course. Hey, listen, if you're one of those people that does that thing right there, go back up to that with the skeleton in the back of the car. Like, you're focused on the wrong shit, dude. Oh, that's a trunk or treat.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Yeah, well. If you own Mickey Mouse ears, jeez louise. You sound like Rick and Morty. Tell me you support pedophilia without telling me you support pedophilia without telling me support pedophilia yeah like 1996 or 97 is it yeah is that what yeah probably maybe yeah i thought it was earlier than that like like maybe 88 or 89 shit okay this is just so good
Starting point is 00:15:05 crazy all these climate experts on instagram you know the weather can't you know the weather just can't is is like one of the you know there's no science also if you if you truly look up the definition of what science is and what the the at its base science is supposed to add predictive. It's whatever the best science is, is what offers the best predictive value. That's it. In a nutshell, that's what science is. And it doesn't matter how you get there. It does not matter how you get there. If you got it through reading tarot cards, then you got it through reading tarot cards.
Starting point is 00:15:39 It doesn't matter. It's what offers the best predictive value. Hold on a sec. Don't get ahead of yourself, Caleb. Oh, sorry. And so there is no – but there is a methodology to science also, and it is not found anywhere in climate science. Weather people don't do science. They do not do science. They do something that's more akin to not quite astrology, but that's why it's so hard to predict the weather.
Starting point is 00:16:09 They can't – the models they – and another thing about science is that the model that you come up with should be able to add – be able to predict the past and the future. And we've talked about this before, but let's use Halley's Comet as an example. Let's use Halley's Comet as an example. If you have a model that predicts the next time Halley's Comet will come into view for planet Earth, it also has to be valid going backwards to let you know when it was last year. And none of that stuff works in climate science. That's why it's not science. That's one of the signs, reasons why it's not science. It has such poor predictive value.
Starting point is 00:16:53 No climate science, global warming, climate change science works going backwards. None. Zero. I don't know if you guys remember, people with short-term memory, but there was a real push. There was like years of push, of panic about overpopulation. And now we're in a population decline. Yeah. It's always the next Armageddon doomsday thing. About once per year, there is this thing that happens here in the Northern Hemisphere known as winter. You may not be familiar with this, however, if you've been subject to the american education system if you boil if you boil water in a container the water will eventually condense and fall
Starting point is 00:17:36 if you boil more water the same will occur with more extremes the implications of some optimal earth temperatures results in more extreme temperature circulation requirements, and sometimes this results in more extreme drops in temperature. Tanner was trying to be helpful. Thank you, Tanner. Thanks, Tanner. Actually, there weren't more hurricanes this year. There were more hurricanes predicted that never came.
Starting point is 00:18:03 The Atlantic hurricane system, which ended November 30, and is one of the largest hurricane systems, only saw two major hurricanes, which is down from the last five years. Then when presented with this information, climate change diehards are saying, oh, it's because the hurricane season have been so bad in recent years, which makes absolutely no sense. Hurricanes don't take a year off because they've been bad for five years, but it's how they justify their beliefs. It's ridiculous. Here's the thing. If you're a climate change diehard, I want the vaccine to work. I really, the greatest thing that could happen is that my thoughts on the vaccine were a hundred percent wrong. And I don't avoid looking for where it could be right. There's just, there isn't one place where that's shown. There's no numbers that show that anywhere.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I'm not, I'm not an, I'm not an anti-vaxxer diehard. I love the thought of vaccines. Who wouldn't? Me too. Yeah, who the fuck wouldn't me too yeah who the fuck wouldn't but if they're not working or they're hurting people then uh did you see did you see the uh thumbnail caleb for today's show yes so i made that comment i i'm surprised you found that picture, honestly. But I mean, it is it's public access. You can Google my name. It's out there.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Dear Matt Souza, global warming creates extremes in any climates. So. So, yeah, it looks like it. Global global colding. Matt Souza in the 60s, it was global colding matt susan in the 60s it was global cooling then it became global warming now it's climate change so literally any change is an excuse for socialism well even when it's not really a change in climate but a weather event it's all a joke now there's a guy with look at that guy's name ebe321 Yeah, that's a burner account for sure. Yeah. That's his social security number.
Starting point is 00:20:13 That guy's old as dirt. That could be a social security number. Yeah. Man, I'm not doing good. Oh, that truly. I'm not doing good oh that truly i am not doing good you literally sound like fucking rick and morty right now come on morty acts like climate change is a is a is a problem all pictures are nothing but travel and big v8 trucks i don't understand that one. He's talking to the
Starting point is 00:20:46 Kay Rydell guy. Oh, okay. This guy. Have you guys seen what's happening in Portland? The city streets froze over and there's just hundreds of videos on Instagram with cars sliding around
Starting point is 00:20:57 and do each other. Yeah. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Go back up. Sorry, go back up. Go back up. I missed one. I love how many triggered people are replying to your joke uh pop i'm eating i'm just here for the comments note society has a
Starting point is 00:21:15 real short-term memory i can't remember if that was based off of real statistical significance or just media fear-mongering it's's hard to tell the difference these days. Boom. Trigger warning. You already know some people are going to get upset by this. Climate change brings both extremes. Weather is more erratic. Delete your account. It's embarrassment. Read the comment. It screams ignorance from the top of your lungs. Okay, let's go see that person. I want to see that person's account. I got to see that person. By the way just you take pictures with the shadow on your face for your profile pic uh oh slackline
Starting point is 00:21:56 hey but uh better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way. You're making your life pretty miserable right now responding to these comments there, Kelly D. Kelly D's nuts. Cool jeans. You can tell a lot by someone's Instagram bio. Cool jeans, man. Cool jeans. Dude.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Oh, look. He's got a Crown Royal shirt. How cool is that? And they're ripped jeans. Come on. This jeans. Oh, look. He's got a Crown Royal shirt. How cool is that? And they're ripped jeans. This guy doesn't get cooler. As JR would say, destroyed denim. Oh, my God. This show's burping has increased quite a bit lately.
Starting point is 00:22:39 What's the diet, Savon? Truly. You knew it was private yeah it's his medicare number oh shit laughing look at Audrey's icon photo there
Starting point is 00:22:55 little thirst pic going on he's on his white girl wasted diet again oh Audrey I wanted to tell you something about kids that swear because my kids swear and you said it was disgusting i just wanted to address that you know what i think is disgusting is um kids with iphones parents that put their kids in high tops you just never take away your kids ankle flexion ever ever ever ever a high top chair no uh the kids who the the the parents who put their kids in um winter boots those rubber things
Starting point is 00:23:35 in california i see that everywhere on playgrounds everywhere they come up to almost they come up to almost their knee reduce all their mobility turn your kid Oh, I can't wait to fucking make my kid look like a jackass on the playground. I'm going to put him in these rubber boots. Kids that don't say please and thank you. Kids that don't make eye contact. Kids that throw trash on the ground. Kids that are mean to other kids. Oh, here
Starting point is 00:24:10 we go. I didn't say disgusting. I don't want them saying, fuck you, dad. Oh, yeah. There's no fuck you, dad. And not that my kids, well, my kids do swear a lot. Yeah, but not like negative intent to like at somebody.
Starting point is 00:24:27 No, not really. But I hear the word douche or jackass. I hear the word douche and jackass quite a bit daily. Seve, did you guys use reusable diapers? No. I did some calculation on diapers because I was so obsessed with not having my kids sit in his own piss or shit. And I think at one point we were going through like 24 diapers a day because we had three kids in diapers.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Damn. Yeah. That gets expensive. I was so rich then. Oh, yeah. Not like now. You weren't even sure did you see patrick that david recently he like went to the grocery store i wish that's so funny that you thought about that i was just thinking that same exact thing tell me tell me i'm just gonna use it after
Starting point is 00:25:16 the comments that we read for more content and tell me tell me real quick yeah yeah go ahead um so i remember david uh he like went to antonio brown's hometown the guy that he had in the show that antonio where oh that crazy guy the crazy guy yeah he was like belligerent essentially well maybe not belligerent but he was crazy he was crazy and uh yeah he just went a little nuts and he's like well where are you from and whatever and he's like okay so i guess he came up with the idea to go to Antonio Brown's hometown and work as a bagger at uh what's the what's it called some grocery store yeah Patrick that David worked as a bagger there yeah yes dude yeah like sat at the edge at the end of the of the checkout line with the bags and was just bagging people's stuff was he good at it i'm so good at that yeah
Starting point is 00:26:02 he was really good at it and then what he did was whenever he finished bagging everybody's stuff he goes do you mind if i pay for your groceries and then he paid for like everybody's groceries that day or however long he was there and he was like i'm paying for your groceries like if you need diapers you need whatever like go get some or i'll go get some for you. And like he went over and grabbed like four fucking things and diapers and just threw them on the conveyor belt and bought them for these families. It was, it was insane. It was super cool. Yeah, it was really cool. And the diapers were expensive.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Oh, diapers are hella expensive for sure. That's funny that I could follow your thought line. And we had the same exact one from Sevan talking about the doctors to PVD grabbing the diapers off the shelf to like him paying for everybody's groceries it's funny it goes pretty well uh did anyone catch the rogan podcast with the guy discussing cobalt slave labor i i went i went and looked at that i went and looked at those minds online after i saw that clip on instagram i don't know if it is slave labor because the average salary for those people a month at other jobs in the country that
Starting point is 00:27:05 i saw it in it was zambia at that mine that at that cobalt mine was um uh sixty dollars a month and those guys were making two hundred dollars a month uh seven steven bonner died crazy dude how that is crazy it is so crazy that he died how about the other guy who died in cancer uh in canada of cancer the other ufc fighter earlier this year that's i think that's the third ufc fighter that's died this year all of that rumble johnson say it again rumble rumble john anthony john no he died also and then there was another guy who is like 35 who died and it was a cancer that's so fucking rare i looked up in the united states and only like four people had died of cancer the cancer that he had under the age of 50 whatever
Starting point is 00:27:50 that cancer was and you know that there's a type there's a lot of speculation about what the uh injections doing to people's immune systems and that it's it's causing uh cancer to skyrocket. Okay. We get diapers are crazy. We get one to two boxes a month at Costco. Forty five bucks. Oh, my good. My kids at home never wear shoes in the summer when outside. Yeah yeah it's not shoes are just just it's idiot shit i love it when people walk up to my kids and they say where are your shoes
Starting point is 00:28:33 they're like in the car this is why other countries laugh at us oh she sunny sunflower oh my god She is sunny sunflower. Oh my God. No, they laugh at us. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Thank you. No, she could, she could say what she wants. Yeah. Nice bait. So many tards that don't get humor or sarcasm. Well done, sir.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Tell me you don't get a joke without telling me you don't get a joke. Yeah. Cause that guy said, tell me you don't get a joke without telling me you don't get a joke yeah because that guy said tell me you don't understand global warming this dude i love that's like the go-to response tell me you don't understand something without telling me you don't understand but they but they do get it they just they do get it tell me you don't uh okay well now we have a record cold so which is it global warming it's just a scam for all sort of things yes i'm sure you were joking for sure uh a quick scroll through my replies would indicate yes it wasn't a joke you must be fun at parties uh was it really though the planet's unpredictable climate that constantly changes strikes again yeah there you go you must be fun at parties. Last time I heard that, I fell off my dinosaur. Dude.
Starting point is 00:29:50 How many times will you laugh at your own jokes? Got to be at least 100 in this thread alone. I love that he keeps responding. This guy's fantastic. He's probably a great boyfriend. He just responds all the time. Yes. Yes. That, too, was global warming striking.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Poor education strikes again. Oh, oh, oh. Let me rephrase that. Poor and, oh, God, you don't deserve to ride a motorcycle. You fucking goofball. No, I actually, I hammered this dude pretty good, and his response was funny. It's peer-reviewed. Sorry, I thought you were one of those rubes who thinks just because it's cold that global warming climate change doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Nope, just one of those people that like to stir the comment section pot with ambiguous sarcastic comments to see what low-level thinkers get offended and attack me. There are not more hurricanes look it up don't waste your time dudes he's a troll um hook line and sinker i know you were being ironic but sadly you aren't wrong thank you jeff things can be true you know like what uh that's a lot of big words to use on someone who can't read a basic google search result of how does climate change produce sub-zero temperatures i bet you only read the first result oh my god these fucking people it's so fucking sad most people choose the media bs which confirms their existing beliefs more they were given to them by the media you really think people
Starting point is 00:31:22 here want to be educated i wish that was the case maybe not but that's one single metric out of thousands the amount of natural disasters has increased dramatically yeah and then at some point i just stopped like uh i think that's the end of it yeah it's like i'll just open and i'll scroll and i'll just pick a few to like get from i knew that was going to go good because right after i posted that comment i put my phone down for like two seconds and i picked it back up and it was already like lit up i was like oh this is gonna be a good fucking awesome i love that man these these people want their shit to be true so fucking bad
Starting point is 00:32:03 so bad these turds still wear masks for sure Man, these people want their shit to be true so fucking bad. So bad. These turds still wear masks. For sure. Man, there's so many masks in town again. Yeah, there is a lot, huh? Yeah. It's been a lot here, too. On kids. So many masks on kids.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Luckily, I haven't seen any on kids. We have some set out just for like just out in the clinic and some people will see them like oh yeah sorry let me put one of those on i'm like look look at the rest of us nobody's wearing one oh goodness like we don't care there's an amazing uh video i hope i link to it um let me see if i can find it uh play 275 this is old but i had forgotten how good it is this is truly remarkable you got to watch it to the end it this is truly remarkable you remember that flea clip we played yesterday where it shows fleas jumping and then if you put a lid on the jar the fleas
Starting point is 00:33:18 stop jumping that high and then the next generation of fleas also won't jump that high this is fucking amazing this is so amazing right here the question would this woman conform to a nonsense rule of standing up at each after just three beeps and without knowing why she's doing it, this woman is now conforming perfectly to the group. It's the woman in the purple. She's the only one who's not in on the joke. The crowd is gone, and nobody is watching her, except our hidden cameras. and nobody is watching her except our hidden cameras she's now conforming to the rules of the group without them even being there watch what happens when we introduce another outsider this guy doesn't know either
Starting point is 00:34:22 why are you standing up? Everybody was doing it. So I thought I was supposed to. What began as a random move. None of these other people know now. Keep going. Keep going. It gets crazy. None of these other people know. But this woman has now become the social norm for everyone in this waiting room. This sort of internalized form of herd behavior is part of what we call social learning. Starting
Starting point is 00:34:53 at a very early age, when we see members of our group perform a task, our brains literally reward us for following in their footsteps. I felt like I needed to join them. Otherwise, I'm like excluded. like I needed to join them. Otherwise, I'm excluded. Fascinating, right? By the way, that's what a PSYOP is, by the way. You guys have heard that term, a PSYOP? That's a PSYOP.
Starting point is 00:35:16 How, as a secretary, do you just not laugh? Start laughing? Yeah. Oh my God, dude. And so, humans are easiest to train like dogs. Yeah. You just saw it. You just get a certain group of people who are in on it and then they convince one person to do it and then take those people away. And that person will train everyone else. You wear a tie, you wear pants, you soap your hair, you use utensils, you inject your kid with drugs. You know nothing
Starting point is 00:35:46 about the drugs you inject your kids with. Nothing. You know nothing about them except the narrative that you accept as fact that was passed down to you from the psyop. And then you defend this retarded behavior so that so now these people it would be fascinating to see what to see people argue um why they're standing well that's what i say because then they'll defend it like you remember the uh stanford prison experiment tell me tell me so they basically they basically just randomly chose out i think I think it was just by random. And Caleb, if you're familiar with it, correct me if any part of it, I'm off. But they basically just took two separate groups
Starting point is 00:36:30 and were like, okay, you guys are the guard keepers, the wardens of the prison. You guys are the prisoners. And within just a super short amount of time, they literally just developed and embodied their whole entire role as what they were. And it then literally started treating the prisoners like they were prisoners. And it got like violent and shit and like the prisoners though they were
Starting point is 00:36:49 prisoners too they just changed the they just had a different set of like a different uniform that's it and they just conformed to their like roles and and uh identities they're super quick you've never seen that i thought you would have seen i've definitely heard of it yeah there's a movie about it and uh yeah they did that at a palo alto high school too and it got i remember back in like the 60s or 70s and it got it got really bad yeah the high school kids started beating the other high school kids that's essentially what happened with this and it's funny because you don't even need to to like you could run the experiment by yourself go somewhere where it's kind of crowded like a mall or something and then just get a few people
Starting point is 00:37:30 to just form a line and you'd be surprised like especially if it's by a store or something people will kind of just like look and they'll just stand in line behind you and they won't know why they're standing in line or they just think it's the line to something else but nobody ever ever asks and even if you could look at it logically see that there's nothing on the other side of the line like they're not standing in front of the teller or anything people will still just stand in line and one time i was at the movie theater with my buddy nick and so he goes out to go get popcorn and stuff and so he's standing in line and he's kind of sitting there and he's like looking around i could tell he's starting to get a little frustrated you know and he's like going side to side and people are kind of getting in line behind him and the guy in front of him isn't
Starting point is 00:38:12 isn't moving and there's probably at least though there's a there's like a family in line and maybe a handful of other people and all of a sudden it dawns on him he goes oh shit this guy's just staring up at a screen watching the previews he's not even in line for the concession stand and nick had just stood behind him and he's getting all frustrated the guy should stop like this watching a tv thing none of the employees and none of the employees have the social awareness or the care of their job didn't say anything to say anything and the people got behind him and then the ironic part was he was on like 100 milligrams of like an edible so he didn't know what the fuck was going on but it just shows you like what idiot is just oblivious to the situation watching a tv somebody who's just completely stoned out of their ass stands
Starting point is 00:38:54 in line behind him and started to get frustrated with that individual and then there's people that stand behind them and all of a sudden the whole situation like becomes this thing i love it it was great yeah uh jethro cardona my dermatologist told me to go home and research dupixent to see if i want to start taking due to side effects but can but i can walk into a pharmacy and get an mrna vaccine no questions asked yeah it's there's books out there there's this book it's called dissolving illusions if you want to see if you want to see the history of vaccines and you want to see the stats and the graphs and what happened to polio and the measles and all of these things relative to um relative to the people's exposure to the, to the injection versus when there was actual a decline in those
Starting point is 00:39:45 diagnoses, those infections, those diseases. And if you just get that book, dissolving illusions and check it out, you will be like, oh shit. I, I, I bet I'm guessing the vast majority of parents who give their kids injections have never done any research that they're just those people in the waiting room and i was that person too i thought my wife was batshit crazy when she was telling me we weren't going to do some of the stuff that i thought was just normal her behavior so um yeah weird yeah 277 uh another ufc fighter dead third one this year i don't ever remember any ufc fighters dying uh by the way maybe they did but i don't remember i've been following for 10 years closely to the ufc i don't remember any ufc fighters dropping dead And now we have three of them. Stefan Bonar,
Starting point is 00:40:48 tough one finalist in UFC Hall of Fame, are dead at 45. What's tough stand for again? Ultimate fighter. He's the very first ultimate fighter at tournament. Scroll down a little bit. I picked this article because it said it was a heart issue, I think.
Starting point is 00:41:04 UFC announced Steven Bonar's death on Saturday and a separate law enforcement source with knowledge of the situation confirmed MMA fighter Bonner died in December of 22. The person declined to be named because they were not authorized to speak. The official cause of Bonner's death is pending, but in the UFC's announcement stated it was due to presumed heart complications. due to presumed heart complications. And, you know, maybe it wasn't. Maybe it wasn't because of the injection. But like I've said a million times on this show, if they're going to ask you for your vaccine verification to buy a hamburger in San Francisco, California at the local McDonald's,
Starting point is 00:41:41 then we sure as hell better be asking on the other end of the spectrum. When people drop dead of myocarditis, heart attack, stroke, anything that involves clotting, anything in the brain, we got to ask. Bonner had demons and did steroids. I'm not surprised. If they did die, Wadzombie said it was concussion issues never medical uh dj reed uh i work at a preschool when mass mandates were lifted a ton of kids insisted on still wearing them it was so sad they'd been so programmed and actually felt more comfortable
Starting point is 00:42:18 having a mask on yeah i saw a bunch of that too yeah they were so scared yeah you don't want to instill fear in a child man you will give them a pathology that will last their whole entire life you do not do not give your kid thing even if you're afraid of shit don't give that shit to your kids man i take my shirt off right when i get to the beach i don't want to have my kid to have my fucking body issues just suck it up you don't want to have my kid to have my fucking body issues. Just suck it up. You don't want to fucking pet the snake at the fucking zoo, but your kid's there. Just fucking bite the inside of your cheeks and pet the fucking snake.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Don't be like, ooh, it's gross. You're a shitty parent if you do that. You're lying to your kid. You're closing their world for them. You're installing a bar in their cage. Don't do that you're lying to your kid you're you're closing their world for them you're you're installing a bar in their cage don't do that uh heidi a 15 year old kid finally stopped wearing his mask at bjj i saw a kid yesterday at the skate park tearing it up kickflips and the whole fucking thing wearing a mask people still drive around in their car with masks on here yep yes sir yeah yeah same here alone the uh some of this some of the um other militaries that we work with will like arrive like other countries you mean like other countries yeah
Starting point is 00:43:45 they'll um show up they'll drive together in a van that's like 10 to 15 people all wearing masks and 95s they'll park come out come talk to us outside in masks go inside wearing masks and it's completely bizarre to me they if we ever have to go over to their side they require us to get covet tested um sometimes we'll do like intramural sports against them and if you're playing against them you have to get tested but if you're just there watching you do not have to get tested can you tell us what country uh no i'll wait it's a european country how about that i know i know i know let me guess it's a socialist country too i don't know sure uh
Starting point is 00:44:39 i uh kenneth the lap uh has a pretty solid take. I heard a rumor. People who wear masks in their car alone also open doors with their mouth on the doorknob. That's that is true. How did he come up with that? I don't know. God, I'm fucking sweating and shit.
Starting point is 00:45:00 What the fuck is going on? I feel like I'm in high school and like i drank too much did you go to bed late so late yeah me too i went to bed super late so i got up so late i actually when i woke up this morning i was like i'm canceling tonight's show like that was like one of my first thoughts that's when you know you're tired like when you do something way later in the day yeah yeah dude i was when we were doing the youth program and i was like i was hardly getting any sleep that starts at 7 30 so i wasn't getting home till like you know close to nine by the time you close it down and i'd wake up the alarm would go off at 4 45 and the first thing i do is like i'm not going
Starting point is 00:45:37 to that fucking youth program today i would always go to it once Once you're awake, it's like, fine. But that's funny that you do that. Yeah, it's the same thing I do. That's so funny. You know, Tia's pregnant. And in their video that they put out, her and Shane basically, specifically Shane, asks for any advice or thoughts on. Oh, perfect. So we're getting them on because obviously who else would they come to besides you and the CrossFit team? On kids. But I don't think he – I was wondering if they really mean that. Fuck no.
Starting point is 00:46:08 They just want engagement on their content. Oh, maybe. Maybe. What's your favorite holiday season? Comment below and tag a friend. There's this – God, she looks fucking good. She looks great. I mean they both do.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Yeah. And also too they both do. Yeah. And also, too, they just seem like – Have you hung out with them, Sevan? Have you had – I've hung out with Shane at the CrossFit Games for a couple years. Tia was very standoffish. She was a very different Tia then. She was very quiet.
Starting point is 00:46:38 She was very to herself. She oozed this intensity and nervousness. You know, like Matt Fraser, right before he would go out onto the floor, he would almost be like he's shaking, right? And like he'd be over in the bushes like vomiting or like, you know, going through gag reflex. And Tia would have that even in the warm-up area. Just I would get a vibe from her that was like, hey, you know, I need to be left alone. Nothing bad, but I always respected it. And so I would just talk to Shane. In hindsight, I wish I i would have engaged her more i wish i would have tried to befriend her
Starting point is 00:47:09 a little more built a relationship with her yeah they seem like they'd be cool to hang out with so cool he's so fucking cool yeah he's so fucking cool he's a gentleman he's he's he's a gentleman like like you know noah or ben smith or chain or is a gentleman yeah there's a gentleman, like Noah or Ben Smith or Shane Orr is a gentleman. Yeah. There's a couple of those athletes and coaches and stuff that are just great people. Yeah. When I get to see them at events and things like that, they always go out of their way to come up to me and say hi and stuff. It's super cool.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I don't remember – the only person I ever remember it being weird with ever was jacob heppner at the regional no at the games at the games one year it got weird between us and then i had him on the show and i had totally misread him he was the coolest dude ever yeah he's yeah i'm a fan of jacob he's cool but everyone else man everyone i can see all these pictures of just hanging out with sam quant and fraser and rich and travis mayor and max el haj and everyone was cool man uh no dan wasn't so cool but dan was really cool when he wasn't there dan wasn't a um a chatty kathy competitions. He was a mess. He was a fucking mess. He didn't, it was not, content didn't, but outside of competition, he was great. Yeah, I remember that story of Shane cleaning up around the venue after the games.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Yeah, I vaguely remember that too. But Dan was my friend outside of the games, but vaguely remember that too but dan was my friend uh outside of the games but then at regionals and games he was always he was a little weird standoffish who was the guy kalipa was great garrett fisher was great who's the other guy god i can't believe i can't remember his name pat barber and neil maddox and neil maddox neil maddox was great too so neil maddox is one of those guys who was so fucking intense and it was a little scary approaching him. But if you crack the seal with him,
Starting point is 00:49:09 I remember we, we had him on the show and you were like, ah, I'm not sure how it's going to go. And then you were like, I freaking loved it. And we didn't speak in a way, which we should consider getting him back on relatively soon.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Yeah. That would be cool. I agree. His story is crazy. He speaks well too until until what you started in on Dan Bailey
Starting point is 00:49:36 being cool and tell me I heard from three or four really great sources that he fucking was supporting my firing after I'd been so fucking good to him and that and i that bothered me a lot not like not like i hate him but like now he's a he's a turd to me like i pick him up with a poop bag and throw him in the trash kind of like he's it's not it's not fucking cool what he did at all during during
Starting point is 00:50:06 the whole yeah he's a bitch he acted like a woke bitch and he knows me he lived with me for months he's a fucking he's not not good and some people very close to both of us are like hey you should just um bury it you should just you know what's that called squash it squash the beef bury the hatchet um you can't say that stanford said so can't say oh you can't that's one of the ones it's like one of the words wrong to indigenous folk hey dude so here's the thing i was i made a shitload of money there i was really good at what i did like the best at what i did and i killed it and i was dedicated to the job and i lost that fucking job and that fucking pieces of shit that fucking contributed to that they're just pieces of shit to me not i mean he could still come over to my house for thanksgiving or christmas or i would
Starting point is 00:51:04 still be nice to him if I saw him. But it doesn't change the fact that he's a complete piece of shit. I remember when somebody asked him if he wanted to be on the show during one of the events. Oh, yeah, that was crazy. That was Will Plummer, right? Will Plummer walked over to his God Country coffee. But he was like, sure. And I don't know what's going on with dan maybe he fell and bumped his head or something or he was on drugs or
Starting point is 00:51:31 but i never did anything i was so good to him i almost lost my job i was told specifically not to let the danny broflex videos be made and i made the executive decision to go against greg on that and i almost lost my job for that that was a good call by the way that character was iconic and it drove a ton of like hyped that that open season with the danny bro reps and stuff yeah so if you take if you take if you take food off my if you take i'm unabashedly uh loyal and good to people around me. And I have a super high tolerance of fucking me. But if you take food off my kid's table, man. Man, oh man.
Starting point is 00:52:18 You are a fucking world-class scumbag. So there's that that that's the category he falls into what's crazy too is is that you know his veneer and what he portrays to the world is he's the nicest coolest guy ever that that was the same thing with katrin i fucking i adored both of them I fucking, I adored both of them. So when you adore someone and you think you're giving that off and then they do that to you, you just, it's, it's, I don't know if painful is the right word. It's definitely a fucking pretty, it's a story i'm passionate about it's definitely a story i'm passionate about i could i could personally make more content and better content by myself than both
Starting point is 00:53:23 and games are putting out now you you know that's true right do you guys believe me i yeah 100 yeah and in some cases like just a single tornado i could just go out and do it today if someone just was like hey here's a pass you can fly anywhere you want and here's one guy to help you i don't even need one guy to help me but if i did that it would be i could fucking completely transform the company in a fucking month you'd probably lose 200 affiliates but what's 200 affiliates hey but there'd be a thousand that would be stronger and more loyal than ever and i bet there'd be a handful that came back yes so it wouldn't necessarily be a net, you know, net loss all the way around. And I'm not, and I'm not upset or bitter or I'm not trying to suck myself off.
Starting point is 00:54:11 It's just the facts. It's just the way it is. It's just the facts that like I could go outside and pick persimmons off my tree right now. It's just is what it is. I mean, uh, CrossFit is so self-destructive. It's gone gone how many years it's been 4 years 6 CEOs
Starting point is 00:54:29 and by the way I could do that for the UFC professional fighting league anything that I was passionate about if someone let me loose on it would just rain shit rain content so that's that but you'd have to pay me so much money to stop doing the podcast
Starting point is 00:54:51 the podcast is like my haven it's like where I've uh holed up now you know that I'm batting like it's my uh what they what are those called Caleb foxholes yeah I guess where you go hide from you like you you if you're alamo your last yeah or my alamo yeah it's my alamo thank you fox yeah yeah good alamo fuck the foxhole i don't like the ending of the alamo though nobody likes the ending of the alamo daniel what well go ahead, Caleb. Speaking of Texas, somebody sent me... Somebody from Texas who now lives in Australia sent me a care package.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Oh, yeah. That thing looked fucked up. What happened? They just kicked it around or something? Well, it's because it got sent from Australia. I guess it got sent all the way to the States and then kicked around the States a bunch of times and then came overseas and then showed up on Christmas Day. Today?
Starting point is 00:55:50 Today, yeah. Oh, that's cool. I wish I would have sent you something. No, it's okay. Don't worry about it. But I still wish I would have. But there's like a whole box of just candy. I think it was from Ernest Autumn. auto candy and she sent a bunch of books and it was awesome so thank you autumn yeah and i should uh i'm trying to compile some things to send out to everybody who sent me things as well so thank you like like like bullets no no no black tar heroin here's a bullet closer along those lines yeah used grenades yeah use grenades maybe some pins fragment grenade fragment yeah oh god people would
Starting point is 00:56:35 love that if you sent them grenade pins that would be crazy i only have one and i threw it so i'm not giving it back you're wearing around not giving it away like a necklace like put it on a chain like a necklace yeah it is why did you throw a grenade caleb why did you throw a grenade it was about to expire so they're like here fucking you want to throw a grenade and so then so we did was it anticlimactic i heard that's pretty anticlimactic if you throw one out in the middle yeah yeah for sure yeah yeah it's like you just throw it and then it just goes bang and then i heard you need to i heard in order to get the full effect you need to throw it into a room full of people jesus that's yes i don't have to agree with that. Yeah. We, um, I do like,
Starting point is 00:57:25 I do coverage with our EOD people. So like the, uh, or the explosive ordinance people. Yeah. And so I'll just go out there and it's way cooler when they like blow something up and then somebody else, the plane comes in and blows it up some more.
Starting point is 00:57:38 And then somebody else comes in and like shoots it with a bunch of 50 calories. But like, it's not that cool when you just put C4 on it and blow it up. They made a fucking armored vehicle
Starting point is 00:57:53 flip end over end. It was incredible. That was probably cool to see. It was awesome. Yeah, that box. When I saw it, saw it I was like yeah that's been that box how did you see it is on his Instagram it's dilapidated
Starting point is 00:58:10 yeah I think it's on your stories right yeah I'm gonna go find it pull it up I got some new information on semen it's so interesting Instagram sent me some semen stuff. It's like they know. They know.
Starting point is 00:58:32 There it is. Wow. Dude. It's literally completely wrapped in tape. It says fragile on it, but every side is just completely caved in it looks like somebody just drop kicked it and like a hundred times and then sent it hey do people do people um are they pretty good with sharing oh yeah yeah so what i'll usually what i'll do is i'll take like a couple of things that i like and then i'll just put the rest in the ever-for-everybody pile, and it's gone within the next day or two.
Starting point is 00:59:08 No shit. Yeah, it's pretty wild. Are there any hoarders in the group? Everybody pretty much hoards a little bit of something. Yeah, but is there anyone you go by their bunk and you're like, fuck, dude, you got a problem? I'm probably that guy. Oh, shit. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:59:26 It's Caleb. Because people just send me so much stuff, and I cherish it. I'm probably not going to eat it or use it, but I just cherish it because somebody sent it to me, and I really appreciate it. So it's hard for me to get rid of some of this stuff. That's awesome. Caleb, I'm not going to ask again if i send a fleshlight will they confiscate it yes oh they will what is that that's a pocket pussy you just it's something you put on your dick to stroke your cock yes yeah they're definitely uh we had a, there was like a sting on those things.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Really? Yeah. Yeah. There was like a bunch of packages that were just, it was like, oh, it's just a curling iron. It's like, well, that's a very vibrating curling iron. Wow. Yeah. So they're just like a bunch of stuff gets taken out for sure.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Cause it has to go through like local mail before it comes to us. And they scan that pretty good one day was deployed i send them three packages and i always put little bottles of alcohol in them and one and one of them didn't make it yeah i would say like it's very feasible to do that like if you just put like shooters in there and you kind of hide them yeah you could do that because i've done it with like electronics where like i'll like i'll have them sent to my house and then my house and then my wife will send them to me yeah and then you can kind of like work around it a little bit does anyone there have a switch is are there any video game just junkies there oh yeah yeah yeah somebody like some people bought like whole like gaming laptops just for
Starting point is 01:01:06 this deployment wow and they uh wow yeah they use it like they use there's we have a switch we've got a playstation they've got xbox like at the end of the year there's just a bunch of funding that we need to get used that we need to use them so oh and so you guys can actually buy that shit with the with our tax dollars yeah that's awesome a switch and a fleshlight yes an 80 inch tv uh vincent ramos i've done eod response on a fleshlight oh shit like so someone thought it was a bomb and he was called there and it's just a jack-off machine yeah wow sometimes they'll be like hey there's there's something suspicious on that mound of dirt over there and they're like which mound of dirt because it's just like everything's about dirt yeah everything everything has a piece of trash stuck in it because it's this place hey did you guys debt did you guys detonate the
Starting point is 01:02:06 the the masturbation tool what a great thing to fill with a bomb we definitely do that like with compensated things like the eod people will like take things that are confiscated from locals who try to like enter our facility and then they take it out and then they just so yeah flashlights shanks uh there was a hammer dude they make tools so crazy here they have i've seen a hammer that was like probably a one inch one and a half inch bolt like welded on to another piece of metal and so that it it the bolt is the hammerhead and the handle is like another piece of metal that they just welded together i'm gonna type in afghani i'm gonna type in afghani hammer and it's like i i imagine it's probably more expensive to put those two
Starting point is 01:03:00 things together than it would be to just go buy a hammer it's funny marijuana comes up afghani hammer oh because you put the afghani yeah afghani let's see yeah it it gets there's just some weird shit man what's the guy to girl ratio where you're at great question oh um it's probably like 80 dudes 85 dudes does it get weird for that 20 yeah like it i try not to make it i try to just make everybody fucking comfortable out here yeah because like the ladies will like literally
Starting point is 01:03:53 walk around with blinders on yeah like they just won't look at anybody i'm like i just leave everybody alone dude yeah yeah yeah it gets weird because everybody you just see people just trying to make advances all the time. And even some of the local contractors, they're just walking around and you just see them do one of these. Yeah. Like they haven't seen a steak in forever. Yeah, just boring holes in them. It's insane.
Starting point is 01:04:19 So, yeah, it gets a little creepy. Dudes. It's just dudes i had a buddy in the air force that said that some of the women at least that he went through basic training with and stuff were like just saying enjoyed that attention with multiple male partners oh hey do they give a talk to the women do they give a talk to the women there like hey um like hey men and women are different you should be aware of that men are um i don't think so um but you're not a woman but all the women that i work with it's just all the women that i work with that they just like know that it's going to happen basically like it we you know how you have like beer goggles yeah or like how like the hottest
Starting point is 01:05:02 chick in a small town is like office hot office yeah yeah yeah exactly that that's what it is that's like it is out here like i call that recalibrating i call that recalibrating yeah yes yeah yeah yeah i can see that the um yeah so so you have like somebody who you look at you're like oh you're a fucking eight out here buddy and then you go home and you're like what is wrong with me yes that was a three or something you know and it's so crazy i work with all dudes at a landscape job they constantly made comments about my ass am i mad nope i worked hard for that shit not the average woman here though here's the thing though too i think by the by the point that the dudes are making comments you're kind of in the safe by the time like the dudes are making the comments to like let steam off yeah you know what i mean like by the time you're talking about a girl's ass you know
Starting point is 01:06:03 like you have no chance with her and you're just like, now it's just, it's the one that got away. You're talking about. Yeah. And I mean, you, you meet some women that you work with and they're just super chill about it.
Starting point is 01:06:15 And like, they'll just talk shit back to you or something. And yeah. So it just depends. Army's okay with 87 genders, but not masturbation. Huh? Well, not masturbation. Huh? Well, not masturbation devices.
Starting point is 01:06:29 That's for sure. Yeah. Well, I honestly think it's like a country thing. I don't think it's an American thing. Like, I think it's, or I don't think it's a military thing. I think it's based on the place that we're. Oh, so if you were deployed in France, butt plugs and fucking fleshlights would
Starting point is 01:06:45 be all the all the rave for sure yeah shit my mouse stopped working motherfucker oh man good thing i always have two i have one that's plugged hardwired into look at this thing from the from the 80s oh my god is that one from the original like max is how like probably three feet deep oh this dude's toast maybe i should recalibrate it and plug it in or something oh so just so you know we we did pick a winner for california hormones we picked a winner and i just don't want to say the guy's name or the girl's name nice save savvy because um i don't know if they want people to know that they we can't give out their medical whatever whatever they're doing so but but i will tell you the win the winner will get a free uh level one um and i know who it is i guess i can tell you no i won't
Starting point is 01:07:39 say anything but um i'm uh california hormones is contacting the person to let me know if it's okay to say their name. So thank you. If you guys don't remember the contest, the contest was if you went to and used the code word SEVON, you'd be entered into a contest to win a free level one. Yeah, HIPAA, I guess. HIPAA. The person is vaccinated, though. You should know. You spelled it wrong.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Odd. H-I-P-A-a-a oh yeah so i got blasted for that you did yes so i like in some of our notes we have to write like hipaa compliant blah blah blah and apparently i've been writing h-i-p- hippa for two years i did two years and then and i probably write that word 20 times a day and finally one of the doctors was like what the fuck is wrong with you oh that's how he said it that's how he said it yeah he's just lit me up he's like i was doing peer reviews of all of your records that you write and i just keep seeing the wrong words oh my gosh i was like wow okay i'm so sorry no and so then they sent post-it notes and wrote h-i-p-p-a on like a hundred post-it notes and covered my desk in it
Starting point is 01:09:00 oh shit yeah did you report them as a hostile workplace yeah yeah immediately yeah that's a that's a dei complaint for sure what what what is it called the place you go do complaints in the military like ombudsman or uh like the inspector general ig like if i touched you inappropriately at work who would you report it to this uh this arc this sexual assault something counselor oh there's there's one of those over there yeah please tell me they have another role that's not their only role they just sit at a desk and wait for that shit please tell me they have another role like fucking making bullets or something yeah no they do other stuff. That's like a certificate that they have.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Like a Boy Scout badge. Yeah. Okay, good. And a safe person. Yeah, safe person. That's right. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Yeah, that one.
Starting point is 01:10:04 What are the five HIPAA rules? Privacy. Boring. Let's not go down that. Okay, fine. Okay, I was like, I broke all those. I'm supposed to renew that every year and i just pull it up on quizlet and then i get all the answers good okay uh 283 speaking of
Starting point is 01:10:32 things that everyone should know 283 100 words 100 words oh this was nice that this came across my uh 100 words. This was nice that this came across my feed. Daily CrossFit tip. Eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train the major lifts.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, clean and jerk in the snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics. The pull-up, the rope climb push-ups sit-up presses to hand to stand pirouettes flips splits and holds bike run swim row etc hard and fast five to six days a week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow because routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports. That is Fitness in 100 Words by Greg Glassman. That is how absolutely anybody can build a world-class fitness.
Starting point is 01:11:38 And that is how absolutely anybody can improve their health. So if you need help with your health, if you need help with your fitness, it makes it... It's nice, right? Pretty good. God, it was so... The shit we take for granted today in the community. Hey, all of it can go away, man.
Starting point is 01:12:01 70 years ago, CrossFit was here also. It was just something different. It was just called the PE. You go back and look at PE in Los Angeles 70 or 80 years ago, and then it all went away. And now it's here again, thanks to capitalism. But it could go away. 282, semen. Semen.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Spelled S-E-M-E-N. I know we're talking a lot about the military, but this isn't those kind of semen. This is semen, like as in the fluid, the ejaculate. Semen. Let's talk about what does healthy semen look like. The color that it can be so that it is healthy has to be clear white or gray. That's considered normal, healthy semen. And the consistency can be like jelly-like and it might smell like bleach.
Starting point is 01:12:56 And the reason why is because of the alkaline substances. Now, if your semen is ever yellowish or green, that is a sign of an infection or maybe an STD. So always look at the color of your semen, guys. And if one day it has the color red or brown, that's nothing to worry about. That's just a burst of blood vessel. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. If it was brown or red, I am going to be worried.
Starting point is 01:13:26 If it's anything besides fucking snow white. What's with her face? I didn't understand that part. I didn't understand that part. It's a weird juxtaposition of topic and facial makeup. uh juxtaposition of topic and facial makeup someone said to me that i i shouldn't someone said to me that i i shouldn't uh i shouldn't be calling black people melanated people because black people i forget what reason they gave me but the answer is is because of this it's a horrible way to it's a horrible way to denote people. It's like going to a restaurant and just asking for fruit.
Starting point is 01:14:07 There's like 3,000 different kinds of fruits. Even I think a tomato is a fruit. And so if you go to Somalia, those black people are nothing like black people in Kenya. And those are nothing like black people in South Africa. And those are nothing like people in fucking East St. Louis. And when I went to high school i remember my senior year when the freshman class came in and i didn't recognize them as because they had embodied black what i call black culture which is significantly different from being black skinned
Starting point is 01:14:41 and uh i i just i just can't do i i do believe at the at the root that is the fucking problem that we're having right now there's this conflation between people with black skin and black culture and and are indians not black because they sure as fuck look black to me indians are blacker than most black people. They're BIPOC. What's that mean, BIPOC? Black Indigenous People of Color, Simon. Come on. Black Indigenous People of Color, BIPOC.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Yeah, so it's just such a stupid term. It's like idiot talk. It's like saying we're having weather today. That tells me nothing. Of course we're having weather today. It's like saying we're having weather today. That tells me nothing. Of course we're having weather today. It's raining. Of course we're having weather. So there's always weather.
Starting point is 01:15:34 So that's why I try to use melanated people because I just – it's not – there's too much baggage that comes with the other things. And it's just a conflation of too many things. Banana is nothing like a grape or a tomato they grow in different climates they behave differently they last longer in the refrigerator some last longer outside some should be washed some should be peeled some are poisonous some are so that that that that's why i do that because i'm the only non-racist person you guys have ever met squeeze that in there only the only no uh 281 instagram beaver uh-oh this makes me nervous why is that titled like that oh okay uh
Starting point is 01:16:32 go to her instagram page and she is half naked all over the page bikini photos this that looking for attention very very attention seeking all the time you know the type you know what i'm talking about i'm not talking about again a bikini photo on fourth of july and one over here i'm talking about the page is inundated with a sex sells mentality. You are going to make a judgment call on that female. You're going to be like, I don't know about this. I don't know if that's what I want to sign up for. I don't know. Guys aren't going to love that. And they're especially not going to love that if they wind up. So let's say they start dating that girl and the behavior continues and continues and continues. It's just not appealing. If a woman, if you go to her Instagram page, she says that, but those girls have like, those are all the accounts that have like millions
Starting point is 01:17:09 of followers. So they, so they're getting the attention. Oh yeah. Let's read some of the comments. Her bio says God first every time, every time. That's so true. I don't know. I don't know. Every time. That's so true. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know, man. Like, I want to believe what she's saying is true, but I think that there's so many jaded men out there. I respectfully disagree. I'm in fitness. I train in a bikini to demo my physique and results. Oh, let's see the replies on. Yeah, but still every like click on that girl's account right there real quick, Lydia Magnoli. I still think that the majority of people there are guys who probably want a banger, right? Yeah. I know it too. It was like when we had the girl that is able to – Leah, remember? She does eat a ton of food and you
Starting point is 01:18:06 asked her about like the hot dog stuff and she's like oh i hate doing them but they're all it's always my best content and then if you go now it's all hot dogs it's all hot dogs and bananas which was funny because when we talked to her it wasn't remember it was like sprinkled in there they trained her they trained her like that like that that Asian girl in that doctor's office. Oh, shit. It's like the allure of, you know. So do you think that they don't know that they were trained? Look at – go to Danny – not Danny Spiegel. Go to Daniel Brandon's Instagram account.
Starting point is 01:18:38 I want to show you something that caught my attention here. I also had a decent comment in that one too that I got early. You did? Yeah. I like had a decent comment in that one too that I got early. You did? Yeah. I like it when people respond to you. It's not very risque. It's funny. It's one that has shitloads of photos.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Keep going down. I didn't even understand. Go back to the go up for a second about 20 of you sent me this clip right here in the middle I don't even understand I don't even understand
Starting point is 01:19:14 I don't even understand this video it's like when the really hot chick asked you to film her and then you just is this good? I didn't think this was good i thought it was hilarious oh you did okay good that makes me feel better you ready yeah yeah go I like it better when I watch it with you guys. Hey. Thanks. I didn't catch your name.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Sam. Sam. Nice to meet you, Simon. And you let her go. Oh, God. Now I know why I don't like it. I didn't know until I watched it with you guys. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 01:20:37 Why don't you like it? Because I feel protective over her. I feel like she's my daughter. I don't like it. I don't like it. I'm fucked up. I just realized that. I feel protective over her. i don't like it i don't like it i'm fucked up i just realized that i feel protective over i don't like it uh you know what i mean i'm sweating i didn't like it take that down caleb i don't want to see that anymore
Starting point is 01:20:54 protective over i didn't like that's why so too many so many of you guys send that to me that's my daniel brandon i didn't like it i don't like it that's funny okay go back to her account that pissed me off that that's so weird it was so different watching it with you guys i watched it alone i was just like i just don't like this i didn't know why now you know why no i know why so no go up higher go up higher. Go up higher. There's one she posted recently, and it's just a shitload of pictures.
Starting point is 01:21:28 It's a photo. Maybe it's that one. Click through that one a little bit. Keep going. Keep going. Now, look at this picture right here. She didn't use that as her cover picture. Isn't that interesting? She hid it in isn't that interesting she hid it in there
Starting point is 01:21:48 yeah she hid it in there like a little gift for Swaggy yeah smart on her part because now you know everybody's going to go through all of them oh really yeah you don't put all the good stuff at the beginning then no one opens the book but I don't know she probably would have gotten
Starting point is 01:22:04 with the logic the other way of logic she would have gotten fucking a thousand more openings of it if she would have started that's a cool photo because of the light in the back um see right there yeah yeah but i don't know she doesn't really necessarily strike me as like that would be her intent right she's she's not doing the um the what are they called flesh pics uh there's there's things yeah i mean like she has like the body for it right so like every photo could be like that if that's what she wanted to do right like if she shows a calf people are happy yeah a lot of her stuff is lifting and it's a good variety of it so i also this is a great gym by the way what gym is it um east coast goldway the thing
Starting point is 01:22:46 it's attached to a crossfit gym i can't remember the name of it what city it's in uh virginia beach norfolk uh keep going click to the this next one's really weird this next photo i didn't get this next one oh yeah i did guy p oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and a pokemon onesie yeah uh okay great all right uh visit to uh danielle brandon's instagram account okay so instagram beaver we uh talked about so so what so do you think that those girls then really don't know that they're doing that and And they were just trained by that from there. Like you put up one bikini pick and you have no clue what you're doing, but you get trained by the likes. So you just go down that road.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I mean like anything you get rewarded for, you want to do more of, right? Yeah. So if they posted a few of those and they get a ton of engagement and likes, and then they post two that aren't and they get nothing, obviously people are going to gravitate towards what, what gets the reaction and what gets them engagement sex sells how naive are you i mean i don't think i'm naive i'm wondering how naive they are i just like when i started writing captions people like really enjoyed those and now i'm like well now i have to fucking write captions
Starting point is 01:24:05 yeah your circle thing was cool the captions for what just my instagram posts oh oh yeah um uh the who what was the captions uh her captions are good too she writes funny shit yeah she does i'll drop no truck uh i think they know a very few stupid few that don't it's crazy that you can't talk about covid or a vaccine or anything but if you want to go completely half naked and uh sell yourself on online instagram will not only not only allow that no problem but they'll promote it and populate it through your support page like fucking crazy it's yeah i get no that's all i talk about um this this friend of mine who has 545 000 followers and maybe has the nicest body i've ever seen in my fucking life.
Starting point is 01:25:05 This girl, you have to type in her whole name because in her story, she talks about COVID. But she didn't, was just half naked. Her body's so fucking crazy. It's, it's fucking absolutely bonkers.
Starting point is 01:25:19 I mean, you've seen some of those girls too, that are dude, that do that. Like either the bikini thing or those half-naked photos and have millions of followers. Yeah. It's insane. Not 545, 545,000.
Starting point is 01:25:32 Are you laughing because I know exactly how many? She's like the only hoochie girl I follow. I mean, her account is that. It's definitely like it's like it's an advertisement for the only fans probably yeah probably someone told me that you could go you could go and watch only fans girls accounts on reddit without paying for it and i went over there to do it but as soon as you try to do that they want you to log in and make a person on reddit like a profile on reddit and there's no fucking way i'm
Starting point is 01:26:11 doing that because you have to be 18 or older to what i don't know what's her name so i can stay far away what's crazy is what's crazy is that i really want to do a i propose this project to her that i want her to do i just can't i just can't do it with her because she lives like like 70 miles from me and i just i just can't but it would fucking kill it'd be so good don't completely roll it out of your mind yet okay if anyone knows a gambling yeah i need a gambling um website some offshore illegal gambling people to sponsor this i'm telling you this this account will grow faster than the liverth the king's account for sure no allison's my friend too and her her she's got crazy pictures of her insane body too this this uh this other girl is mind-boggling.
Starting point is 01:27:07 I don't know. Yeah, this idea I have is pretty clean. The idea is very clean. Very clean, yeah. It's very clean. Patrick Clark, happy holidays, you degenerates. Merry Christmas, Patrick. Yeah, if Tyler wants to sponsor it, if someone gave me like 100 or 200 000 i'd
Starting point is 01:27:29 start doing the podcast only three days a week and i'd run up there and make this the craziest instagram account you've ever seen god it's such a good and i proposed it to her and she said she'd do it but she wants to only do it with me i'm like no just run with it find some people who'll do it with you so good it's clean no no Allison lives right down the street I probably will see her today she has a great family
Starting point is 01:27:56 she's fucking cool as shit she's one of those people you're around and you feel free around which is cool okay 280 art yeah and i didn't mean to say allison's body's not crazy it's it's it's absurd it's and allison's boobs are real for those of you who don't get confused. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Speaking of absurd. It's so cold that no hold on i've never touched her boobs i mean i've hugged her and felt them like that but i've never touched them um hey if you have a fucking kid and you live in a cold area and you haven't done this with your kid you're crazy that's amazing yeah doesn't that look fun isn't there something so satisfying about this yeah yes what other things could you do that with that would be part of the fun right yeah just find anything you could do that with it out yeah yeah that contraption is way too
Starting point is 01:29:27 sophisticated for that project yeah do that do that travis you just need a like a toilet roll stand or whatever god it's so cool yeah dude and post it so we can see you um So I put this shirt on this morning, and my son was asleep, and I walked by his bed, and he goes, what's the plus mean? And that's exactly why you don't have the fucking gay flag up in front of fucking elementary schools. I told him it just meant that I'm a super CEO. I had a talk with a father at the skate park about it the other day about the gay flag. And he's like, no, that's just what it means to you. I'm like, no, that's not just what it means to me. That's, that's, that's, that's what it is. Just like the American flag has a meaning too stands for the 50 states
Starting point is 01:30:27 the constitution, freedom the experiment that is the United States of America the gay flag stands for something too which is cool what it stands for but not in front of a fucking elementary school so that kids are starting to ask what is that but not in front of a fucking elementary school. So the kids are starting to ask, what is that? It's not appropriate.
Starting point is 01:30:53 It's not appropriate. Their minds aren't ready for that. What are you going to put up there next? You don't show a... I can think of a ton of other examples, by the way. You wouldn't put a flat... There's tons of things that you don't talk to kids about or expose kids to. Needles, drugs, shit like that.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Okay, 279, Elon's pronouns. But I do love this shirt. I think it's cool. That's not a big ask. Thank you. I know. Elon's pronouns. But I do love this shirt. I think it's cool. That's not a big ask. Thank you. I know. I don't think it's a big ask either. You want a gay flag? Put it on your garage door. It's cool. And there's no exception there either.
Starting point is 01:31:40 There's no wiggle room for me there. I'm not bending on that. It's not like, okay, it's cool at schools in San Francisco. No, it's not cool anywhere. Flags about genitalia. Okay. Elon Musk says journalists with they, them pronouns in bio will pay $16 monthly fee instead of the standard $8 fee for verification because they identifies as multiple people. So good. 278. Okay. I want you guys to guess before we pull this up uh what is the fastest state
Starting point is 01:32:29 uh fastest growing state in the united states for 2022 florida what do you think is the fast florida suza comes in with the guess of florida anyone anyone want to guess wait till there's 10 guesses in before we do that what is the fastest growing state for 2022? California? Idaho? Oregon? Oregon? Utah? Alabama? Texas? Florida? Maybe Arizona? Arizona? Nebraska? Montana? florida maybe arizona arizona nebraska yes what about oregon aren't people just pouring into portland not so much i think everyone left canada
Starting point is 01:33:15 what is the fastest growing state tennessee i feel like puerto rico man people love puerto rico man americans go there they every everyone i know goes there loves that shit i would have guessed texas would have been my second guess okay ready yep it is roll please i wish i had a let me see if i got a drum roll no drum roll just rap music wow that's cool though you got a little biggie in there yeah a little biggie census names florida fastest growing state in the united states to florida we go people are flocking in droves to florida in 2022 which we saw the fastest growing compared to any state over the last year according to the u.s census for more on the story click the link in the bio news max that's weird should be alaska delaware district of columbia if you want to get raped
Starting point is 01:34:15 ukraine another great guest geez louise ukraine dc is such a shithole great guess patrick i love it uh 276 oh i have to go this is the last one i have to my kid i told my kids we'd open presents at 8 30 okay oh this is crazy. This is fucking crazy. I had never actually, I've never heard this before, what she's going to say at the end. I've never, ever heard this before. If you're a woman, listen closely and spit your venom at me. I'll stick around for three more minutes to hear any pushback on this. No fathers in the home have lower self-esteem.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Okay, fine. That sucks. with no fathers in the home have lower self-esteem okay fine that sucks but also women with low self-esteem are more promiscuous no father family is more likely to be victims of abuse especially with single mothers the more opportunities a child has to interact with biological father the less likely they are to commit a crime or have contact with a juvenile justice system okay another way to say that is men and women who are incarcerated, the population of the prisons mostly encompass fatherless homes. Now, here's something that no one else has mentioned, which I think is cool, and I don't really say this eloquently. If a man and wife raise a child, they're less likely to end up in jail, but have the same statistical chance as children raised by just their father so if we
Starting point is 01:35:47 want to keep children adults out of prison mother father or just father we don't want to hear just father so let's try to keep the families intact i think that just seems that just seems better. Holy shit. So, so I'm going to research that. I've never fucking heard that. Hmm. Statistically, by the way, the statistics aren't even like, it's not like 60,
Starting point is 01:36:15 40, by the way, it's like every fucking metric everywhere is a massive difference. Whether it's prison, obesity, dying of cancer, finished going to college. When you have both parents at home, when you have both, it's prison, obesity, dying of cancer, finished going to college. When you have both parents at home, when you have both, it's not a stance.
Starting point is 01:36:29 It's not a stance, Heidi. It's not a stance. Just so you know, it's not a stance. It might be bullshit. It might be bullshit, but it's not a stance. But what she's saying is, is if you have both parents at home, the kid, those kids, statistically speaking speaking have a far better chance of doing better and avoiding bad shit across the board i'm sure it's less likely to die of covet it's everything but here's the thing what she's saying if you're raised by your father you still and not
Starting point is 01:36:57 your mother you still get all those benefits my mom just got here tell her Merry Christmas Jethro send your mother our love grew up with my dad uh never went to jail true oh my god I I believe in that and that's why she's so cool with dudes that's yeah and that's why she likes this show she feels at home feels at home guys being dudes man oh heidi let me tell you i i know you're you're a fucking wonderful human being by the way i fucking love you to death you're a wonderful human being and you know so many of us were raised by single moms so it's not it's not um it's not uh but but man that needs to be looked into if that's true god that would imagine the hate if i started going down that avenue the hate you'd get 14 uh 14 to 18 with with single dad
Starting point is 01:37:55 oh you from the age of 14 to 18 i wonder if the numbers have something to do with it too. Like there's just far more single mom homes than there are single dad homes. So just by the number lowering and scale, I wonder if that affects what these statistics are showing. Do you understand? Yeah. Very fair. Very fair. You're a good dude,
Starting point is 01:38:20 Sousa. I mean, you just got to kind of look at the context, right? Totality. Okay. One, one more. I'm going to do okay one one more i'm gonna do one more i'm gonna do one more oh wait hold on she audrey still fucked up let's see here i'm still fucked up for being a girl without my mom but i'd have been way worse off with my mom than without her i'm the oldest of her six kids oh shit oh so you got the old kid thing too taking care care of the herd. Wow. God, you're probably – you're strong as shit. She probably got some crazy walls up, right?
Starting point is 01:38:49 My dad was the oldest of nine, man. You got to be tough. Yeah. Okay, another good question. Paulina, I wonder if it affects – if the effects are different on son or daughter, boy or girl, cock or vagina. Yeah, great question. Don't walk it back. All right. All right. I'm just, just don't walk it back. We're just, we're just exploring,
Starting point is 01:39:11 exploring the ideas, but it doesn't address why the parents are not together. It's not better for the kid to be raised in a home with abuse word. I hear you for sure. Yes, ma'am. Uh, no, I was alone with my dad and never saw them except once a year at Christmas. We finally have relationships now that we're all adults. Yes, ma'am. No, I was alone with my dad. I never saw them except once a year at Christmas. We finally have relationships now that we're all adults. Oh, okay. So you're a spoiled little bitch. I get it.
Starting point is 01:39:30 Oh, my gosh. What? Dude, if you're a dad and you got one daughter. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. You spoiled the crap out of that one. You spoiled the fuck out of her. If I had one kid, I'd spoil the fuck out of him.
Starting point is 01:39:44 It's just a mess you need multiple kids to or else you'll ruin your your only child um okay 268 this is the last one i promise trust your doctor if you don't think this is going on today you need to yes spoiled little bitch is right yeah that's awesome i mean i could tell i follow you on instagram you're a badass like you don't take shit okay this oh nope nope we're not doing this one this one needs a lot of time this one needs a lot of time not on christmas yeah that one needs a lot of time that one needs to uh dig into not in our host our wholesome christmas special well let's not ruin it with anything it's i'll tell i'll tell you what it what it what it what it talks about basically yesterday we had a gut we showed you
Starting point is 01:40:32 a clip that basically said this there's no surgeries for psychological disorders the last surgery for psychological disorders was lobotomy and that was fucking rosemary kennedy jfk's fucking cousin or sister and they fucking cut open the front of her head and that was fucking rosemary kennedy jfk's fucking cousin or sister and they fucking cut open the front of her head and took a fucking butter knife and fucking stabbed her brain oh really fucked her up man yeah they really really really fucked her up and so sit there's no they don't do lobotomies anymore but now we have a psychological disorder that they've called gender dysmorphia and they're doing surgeries on those people again not one of those people who have that surgery not one not one will find happiness
Starting point is 01:41:18 not one i know that sounds so fucking harsh and mean. Someone's going to say it's transphobic. It's not, there will be no happiness at the road of chopping off your penis or your breasts. There will be none. That is not you. You will,
Starting point is 01:41:36 there, there will be other problems that service that will surface that will, um, you're choosing the wrong door. You're choosing the wrong door you're choosing the wrong door I know the pain is fucking horrible whatever's causing you to think that that's an option but it won't
Starting point is 01:41:58 it's not going to make it go away yeah JFK sister crazy story man if you are thinking about getting a sex change or any shit like that like you got to look into what happened to rosemary kennedy this is just this is just recently this is in the last you know whatever 50 years 60 years sucks trisha's comments have just been like extra to this show uh So JFK and his sisters both had their brains scrambled.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Oh, fuck. Yeah, she's been... Who's his sister, Maria Shriver? Who's his sister? No, this lady. The clip. The one we just talked about. Do you get the joke?
Starting point is 01:42:43 No. Because he got shot in the back of his head blown out of his arm oh oh oh oh oh oh fucking in this show 1999 uh i am lost but i shall be found by the grace of the promised land yes by Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior okay guys thank you very much Merry Christmas I will see you this evening
Starting point is 01:43:09 I don't know what the fuck I'm going to talk about with Andrew Hiller but we'll find something okay what kind of workouts are we doing today just go run a 5k what are you doing? sled drags 5k sled drags yeah I do a 5k I What are you doing? Sled drags. 5K sled drags?
Starting point is 01:43:25 Yeah, I do a 5K and some other stuff. I like a sled drag because it's like I trick myself into thinking I'm not working out because I don't have to warm up or get any equipment. I just load up the sled, and then I just start walking. And then by the time it really sucks, you can't go back. So you're just in the workout. Hey, fuck you, David. That wasn't a Biden moment.
Starting point is 01:43:43 Fuck off. Too harsh. Too harsh. Even I have feelings. I'm going to do stairs probably. the workout hey fuck you david that wasn't a biden moment fuck off too too harsh too harsh even i have feelings i'm gonna do stairs probably i'm gonna do stairs with the boys i'm gonna take him over to the beach and do stairs oh and audrey does sled drags we're becoming fast friends here i am uh you know what i mason once again yesterday i did fucking 100 pound d balls to the shoulder and 30 in, my fucking arm started screaming again. Fucked myself up again. So I need to – don't – it's you guys putting peer pressure on me.
Starting point is 01:44:16 CrossFit ruined me. All right. Buh-bye. Time to open presents. Buh-bye. Bye. Merry Christmas.

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