The Sevan Podcast - #733 - What if Dana White slapped you? - Danielle Brandon

Episode Date: January 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's like, yeah, he was on them all over. Bam. We're live. Okay. So I cleaned the studio all up. What are all those things sitting on the couch there? Those are just tripods. Dang.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Let me switch my settings. Just like just a stack of crazy tripods. Nice ones. That's that's where a couple of the gimbals are. I picked everything off the floor. I vacuumed preparing for tomorrow. Nice. Hey, that thing I sent you is crazy oh yeah yeah yeah the thing you text me crazy i was cracking up the whole time i don't like the
Starting point is 00:00:35 promotion of that one thing but whatever like beggars can't be choosers i can't wait to show everyone uh i can't wait to show Ken Walters it or Mooney. It's going to be like, I wonder if it'll be like our own monster fiasco. Like what is Sevan doing? So there's like, I have that camera here. Let me show you some other ones. I have some other. Yeah, give us the tour.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Okay. Let me pull that one down and I could do. This is out of hand. Oh, stop extra camera. And then I could do, there's this monitor over here. Um, is it, Oh no,
Starting point is 00:01:13 no, no, not that one. Nothing switching. Uh, and then I got this one, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:21 And that's from the monitor over here on this side. Yeah. And then like, so if I was talking like this to the person on the couch yeah god my nose looks like from the side holy shit nah it looks worse because you're looking at you so that's thanks yeah yeah yeah good dudes everyone needs a susan um i kind of like. That's like the old school over the shoulder 2020 like interview. Yes. Seema, long time no see, girl. Your girlfriend is, well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I can't say it's for real. I want to say it's for real. Let's see. So then I go back to present and I just say stop extra camera. Yeah, there you go. And then when you switch between cameras it's going to be a little awkward uh at first um nose fits the face okay i'll take it um it's gonna be a little awkward at first maybe we'll eventually have to switch software
Starting point is 00:02:19 and find something where you can switch cameras like on the on the fly i just rubbed the genie lamp did you great are you in a hyperbaric chamber no do i look like it no i'm just looking at like the ceiling or something like are you in oh that's a mirror behind a mirror oh that's cool. Miss Danielle Brandon, good to have you on. Hello. Nice to be here. Yeah. I was bragging to some friends. I said, yeah, I'm having Danielle on today. And then tomorrow I have my special guest on.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And then I have Rich Froning on. I'm so fucking cool. I'm so fucking cool. Who's your special guest? Or is it not? I could tell could tell you but i have to kill you wait is it already populated on youtube yeah it is that's true yeah it is who is it it is i don't want to say i don't want to jinx it i don't want to jinx it okay uh while you look it up let me ask you you're you are or you're not competing at wadapalooza i'm not
Starting point is 00:03:26 you're not but you were i was yeah uh hold on let's uh she's really here and really hot are you hot you should you don't look hot you're not sweaty i just turned it down oh i don't think that's what he meant anyway no not the temperature okay let's just get it over with. Naples is so lucky. Go ahead. Yeah, bring him in now, guys. Pile it in. Let's get this fucking out of the way. Somebody said it was just going to be me in a wig showing up.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Is he con? No, not con. Okay, I don't know how to say it then. Not con. Yeah, that's the problem. YouTube doesn't populate our stuff. Well, it doesn't. I don't understand. Hey, Danielle, do you have rules that you've imposed on yourself for your instagram
Starting point is 00:04:09 account what you do and don't post because recently uh we have the seven podcast instagram and uh we're looking for someone to run it and we have someone to run it and they're awesome but i'm concerned they're gonna post shit like i post and it's gonna fuck the account up like in hindsight like i lost my blue check mark account and i wish in hindsight i would have given it to someone and then just like started a new account and they could play the game with that one and i could be me on mine oh yeah i get that you know what i mean just because now i can't like hustle people like like i mean if i dm you that shit's gone like if i didn't already know you i'd be fucked i'd never get into your fucking because you still can't search your account no i'm toast it's going that's crazy yeah you know what since my account got hacked i still can't like they changed my age when they hacked me so i still can't like people send me stuff and i'm like oh
Starting point is 00:05:03 my gosh like that person blocked me and then it's they didn't block me it's just 18 or older content oh i still can't see it oh and i think birthday like i put in a request and instagram like still hasn't changed it uh danielle oh that's not something you can fix in the settings it won't let her she said no i like no i go in and i try to change my birthday in it and i change it and it said oh all right instagram will review this and they like still have i still can't actually even change my profile picture from my phone or change my bio or anything like that oh interesting at least you have an account do you have a blue check mark no no oh shit cooper danielle uh are you doing better with the
Starting point is 00:05:50 me not being all up in your dms why did you get banned jeremy eat world for five dollars i hope he got this trash in my dms he was putting trash in there yeah like like what not dick pics honestly i can't remember there's too many to remember um okay so so going back to the question what about um uh letting someone else do that account and then like you start another account so that like you don't do anything crazy like you know like make an opinion on on something that could get you shadow banned. I don't think you discipline more discipline than me. I don't think there's any opinions out there that I would not want to share with people. I think the only thing that I like limit on my Instagram is my like relationships and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Like you don't show them. Yeah. Like I don't. But you do take pictures of you and Matt Torres at the beach together. Yeah. We all spent Thanksgiving together. Ah, I see.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I see. It's me fishing. I knew. Yeah. She's a seasoned vet now. Uh, Phillip Kelly, Danielle.
Starting point is 00:07:03 It's been great watching these past few years. Creep. Uh, thanks for your message now. Phillip Kelly. Danielle, it's been great watching you these past few years. Creep. Thanks for your message when I was sick. Oh, how sweet. Yeah, so he got COVID really bad and was in the hospital. He went to my gym in Sacramento. Oh, wow. Small world.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah. 40 days plus unconscious. They put him in coma did you know that he when he got covid he was he was on the show i interviewed him and uh he's actually coming on again here and basically he was unconscious for 40 days that's nuts which is crazy because you know he worked out like didn't live like a crazy lifestyle of someone you would think would get fucked up by COVID like that. 40 days, 43 days on the ventilator. Yeah, that's insane. Um, how are you with forgiveness? Are you a forgiving person?
Starting point is 00:08:11 you a forgiving person um am i a forgiving person i yeah i would say so yeah but also i think i have hey i think i have some pretty strong boundaries in my life to where if somebody does cross it they probably cross it um you know like too far to where they're probably out of my life and it's not really like bounds for anything to forgive or something like that like give me like give me an example like i think the people in my life know my boundaries and so they don't really like push them or fuck with them and i don't allow them to so So if you do push those boundaries, you probably like majorly overstepped something and like really messed up to where like, I just like, don't even want you in my life anymore. Okay. Uh, let me give you an example. Yeah. So you have a, you have a housemate, we'll start something easy. Softball for the first one. Softball. You have a, you have a housemate and then you train
Starting point is 00:09:08 every day and you have this disciplined regimen of food and whatnot. Okay. And you go to make your bowl of oatmeal in the morning and the box is empty. Like you need a half cup and there's a quarter cup in there and they ate and then they're sitting down eating oatmeal. They're like, Hey, sorry, I had some of your oatmeal. And like you're 30 minutes away from needing to be over at the uh brute strength matt torres down pepper uh showdown i would probably over something like that i'd be like oh dang like that really sucks but i'll find i'll figure something else out they might be did they get yelled at a little bit? Yeah. If that,
Starting point is 00:09:45 I just be like, dang, like next time, like, you know, food is probably a little more important for what I do. So like, could you just think about me next time?
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah. Yeah. Food is more important for what I do. I like that. Don't mess it up. Okay. I'm trying, but I got to push her a little bit.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I got to push her a little bit. I got to push her a little bit i gotta push her a little bit i push her a little bit okay james is getting desperate here uh these are my special notes over here i don't know if the okay um so oatmeal okay um uh you go to you go to train okay and um it's uh let's say a month out from the games and you get there and your coach isn't there because another engagement came up. He has to, his mom's in town. He's hanging out with his mom and he prioritizes that for coaching with you. Do you, is there grace for that? Yeah, there's grace for that, but I'll let them know about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Not cool. I'll just be like, damn it. Okay. I'll let them know about it depending on what the training piece was and not necessarily if it went poor, but like, for example, yesterday I had a workout, it was like five sets. And I think by the third set, it was just like kind of going a little south. And so we made luckily he walked in and we made an adjustment for sets four and five. Oh, so good question.
Starting point is 00:11:12 So good question. Yeah. So like, you know, there's workouts where Matt will make an adjustment kind of on the fly. But luckily, like he was there to see it at the time he did. But some, like if he was not there to see something like that, like I would have been upset after and been like, I wish you had been there. And I feel like it would have been much better if you were there to help me.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Okay. Danielle is a good dude. Love it. Okay. Next one. We'll ramp it up just a tiny bit Your coach kicks you out of the gym Two weeks before the games No no I'm joking
Starting point is 00:11:50 Sorry that ramped up too fast Okay girls at your house Friends spending the Friends spending the night at your house And she wakes up in the morning You guys are going to work out And she borrows your favorite sports bra okay and then leaves town and takes it with her i'll probably like
Starting point is 00:12:13 does she do it like does she do it on purpose we never know no honestly i'd probably just let her keep it. I'd be like, you can have it. You, you need it more than me. You have a shitload of clothes. I have a lot. Yeah. I've been, I've acquired a lot over the years. I think I saw when I couldn't be with Nike anymore, that was like a big shift. Okay. But I thought I saw recently on some social media post years that you actually have one of those metal things that like that standalone that clothes hang on like that fashion models might have. And I'm guessing that's because your closet's too full. Yeah, I actually use two beds, two bedrooms, and I use both closets.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Awesome. Sounds like my wife. I have this friend that you guys all know, and whenever she would rent a house or move into a house, the first thing she would do is have her husband convert one of the bedrooms into a closet. Oh, my gosh. Pretty cool, right?
Starting point is 00:13:23 She probably puts up all her shoes and everything huh i'm guessing that's like rows and rows of like heels and stuff like that probably something chance thousand thousand pairs of lemon that's for sure um um boyfriend uh cheats on you, but it's New Year's Eve. It's New Year's Eve. You're there. It's just a little tongue in the mouth. Midnight kiss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Toast. Toast. What if you thought it was supposed to be a three-way kiss and just the communication didn't get to you? It's a communication thing. Intentional. Just communication. was supposed to be a three-way kiss and just the communication didn't get to you intentional just what what what about the other way around what if your girlfriend if your girlfriend um uh is sending inappropriate texts to your boyfriend are they both toast not like nude photos but tapping into an emotion yeah because i would never right you wouldn't i would never if you can't see yourself doing it then like why would you allow somebody else to do it
Starting point is 00:14:40 okay so you're standard that's right you know like unless i allow myself to do it then then i'd probably be okay with someone else doing that yeah okay okay that's fair did you did you is uh how old are you 26 did that has that something that's developed was there a time in your life like there was a time in my life where i would have cheated on my girlfriends but like now i would never cheat on my wife like it had i had to develop that oh um no i never would never you never no okay because and i mean it was college relationship but i was cheated on in college and so i I would just would never do that. That shit hurts. I mean, like, I didn't even really like the guy. So like, and, and he told me like months after,
Starting point is 00:15:37 this is actually pretty funny. We were, we were just hanging out. And I dated this guy for like, fuck, like four or five years, like all throughout college like four years and i was like we were having a casual conversation and i was like isn't it crazy that like we're the only people we've like been with for like four years like i was like that's kind of crazy and he's like well and i was like what do you mean he's like a couple months ago at like that rave i went to and i was like oh dang like okay i was like nice and now i did that i did that exact same thing i so regret it when i was 16 i told my girlfriend about the other girl but my girlfriend stayed with me
Starting point is 00:16:22 and the other girl left me it was fucked up in hindsight i should just play a player yeah it was fucking weird it's all over the place and she was that she was a girl on the street too it would have been just so from the streets yeah i mean you know from from my street i mean i was a virgin you know it was it was it was chill but literally lived on the street okay got it lived on your street hey there's a tick there's a tiktok post you have i didn't um i don't think i put a gave you a link did you put no but um the tick in the tiktok video you actually said that you made a tiktok where you're like you say something i forget what it is but you say something about a guy and then you're like yeah and then i looked at you again and you weren't that cute anyway
Starting point is 00:17:08 you were kind of ugly anyway yeah yeah that kind of fits this story of that guy do you remember the tiktok video you can pull up our tiktok yeah oh you know what's funny just to call it out because nobody knows who he is my college boyfriend he actually messaged me like a couple like a month ago and was like smart smart i like this smart he just he just messaged me and he was like i really miss you and i was like wow like it's been like three years and you haven't moved on i just think that's kind of crazy they ever sent you like that i don't i don't i believe him hilarious yeah i believe him who in the comments believes? He misses you. Trust me. He misses you. No way.
Starting point is 00:17:48 He misses you. That's not good. Well, do you follow him on social media? No. He follows you. It doesn't feel necessary.
Starting point is 00:18:10 If you want to, you can just look him up and just uh yeah see look look omar believes it look at matt oh here it is here he is right here matt morrison i've located the tiktok but not the one okay hold on No one. Okay. Hold on. Oh, wow. Maybe a million views. Where? Wow. Oh, let's play that one. Wait,
Starting point is 00:18:33 no, I don't even get that one. How does that one have a million views? I watched that one four times. I don't even understand that one. They all came from you trying to figure it out. So that's me watching it. 900,000 times. I think it was the, the one right after that one. They all came from you trying to figure it out, Sevan. That's me watching it 900,000 times. I think it was
Starting point is 00:18:48 the one right after that one. Maybe. Let's see. Oh, I don't know. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe this is it. Let's see. Let's see. This bitch kind of ugly. Now that I'm really looking at him. this bitch kind of ugly now that i'm really looking at him
Starting point is 00:19:06 this bitch kind of ugly yeah have you ever been there you're friends with someone and then like or you're like talking to someone and then you kind of stop and you like look at them and you have like a fresh view and you're like wait you want all that like from the regular way around for me it's like i'll be working with i was working with people at my job and i thought that i never even considered them and then when my friends started hitting on them i'm like oh shit we work with a hot chick yeah that has happened too like you're like how did i not notice this yeah but i think that's a that's a good thing though because then it's like maybe it's like their personality you start to like really see it
Starting point is 00:19:52 develop and you like them more because of their personality yeah that's true what's the longest relationship you've had like for four years that dude well yeah shit he misses you of course he misses you four years uh were you going to be on a team with um taylor williamson and uh miss nistler yeah yeah i was going to um and then you know i was really all about it but then i was going back and forth with cooper about whether or not I wanted to compete or work a lot that weekend and because of last year I pulled out last minute as well because of a back injury and then I ended up working a lot and got to connect with a lot of sponsors and people and it was just so much fun that I was like I would rather do that again and i have a um big rad event on sunday so um how does that go do you
Starting point is 00:20:48 do you text them and be like hey girls i'm sorry i'm pulling out yeah they they messaged me a lot and i was really going back and forth and then i was like hey i'm not doing this and then like they didn't hit me back i think fuck you bitch yeah uh did did they pick up someone nude you know oh my gosh i think they did i don't know we were talking about this at the gym the other day is it sydney micklelish oh that's right okay cool yeah it is yeah yeah okay that's right i did hear that yeah do you know her i know of her right from the games or from more so from what was our semi mac okay did you get to know her at all uh no not really she's really quiet yeah i had her on the show she's really cool she's young is she like very young wasn't she a swimmer or something i don't know but if she could figure out running she's gonna be a fucking problem like she got a lot of crazy skills does she what's she yeah she's good oh not not so good
Starting point is 00:21:52 she because she i mean she runs like a statue but running at the games well i'm it's she she just she moves differently i will ask brian brian will be on here in 30 minutes i'll be like what's sydney horrible at she had some she had some crazy holes okay but but she's but she's good she's promising okay i know you don't like it when we say nice things about the other competitors fuck i'm like oh my god but you're just i'm not i'm not convinced by what you're saying so yeah you shouldn't be you shouldn't be i'm only an expert in um injections and uh social matters do you know dana white is dana white isn't that like a bodybuilder kinda dana white he runs he runs the ufc sounds so familiar you You'd recognize him if you saw him. And he had an incident happen.
Starting point is 00:22:47 He's huge. In the sport that I follow, UFC, and he's huge. He's like the face of the UFC. He was like the Dave Castro of the UFC, but even bigger. And UFC is this big, huge international sport, and he's turned it into this billion-dollar empire. Oh, yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And so on New Year's Eve, he was uh cabo san lucas with his wife of 30 years wow wow and uh i've only been married a couple years but i've been with my wife for over 20 years we didn't we weren't going to get married or have kids and then we ended up doing it whoa wow yeah getting married's cool I mean cooler than I thought I had really low expectations yeah yeah me too I have low expectations the best expectations to have yeah I was on an airplane one time and there was turbulence and I heard this like it wasn't really like a voice but I had this really strong thought that overwhelmed me that thought oh shit i should have married her whoa yeah crazy right oh and it was like such you know when you have a thought that's so foreign you're like it doesn't even feel like it's you yeah well
Starting point is 00:23:55 it was like it was like that that's cool yeah and i still didn't marry her for another 10 years i only married her in case one of us died the other one could get all their shit right because i didn't want to like die and like and like not anyone else getting it no and but then once i married her i was like pretty happy i was like oh this is cool that she's my wife i'm really enjoying this oh that's cool um are you gonna have kids i think i would like kids i would like some mini me's running around you know i think i i think it would do the world some good to pass on these genetics wow okay and you're up for the challenge too i am and if you did um i enjoy taking care of people
Starting point is 00:24:42 okay and then the husband would you be pretty serious about that relationship too? About, about what's it like in marriage? You have to say, stick through this through thick and thin or something. And then you put your hand on a Bible or something. Yeah. I mean, I'll be pretty serious about it, but I think, I mean, any relationship is a, it's a constant evaluation of whether or not you want to keep continuing the relationship not if you have kids though i think so yeah
Starting point is 00:25:13 i don't under i mean okay i don't know because i'm not married don't have kids any of that but if i'm miserable in my relationship i don't know how I could possibly be a good mother or take care of anyone. Fair. Like when I'm miserable, I can't even take care of like my dog. Like I'm like, I can't even take care of my dog, you know? Yeah, that's true. Listen, asshole. Listen, you don't have to compare us.
Starting point is 00:25:41 It's nicer to watch. It's not even. It's nice to watch Daniel Brandon than someone shut the, shut your pie hole. Hey, you like taking pictures of your profile pictures, your dog spreading its legs. You freak. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Like that's not you. The profile pics get crazy on this channel. See some crazy ones. They want us to notice. this who wants to see it see they're different um okay so so that's fair okay and this is all relevant to dana white i don't want you to think like like some other people that i have like ocd or like i'm off subject that is i'm extremely focused uh individual believe it um okay go. Salty Seve is the best Seve. Thank you. I'm trying to do my
Starting point is 00:26:27 best performance tonight. We have Daniel Brand in here. I even got my cashmere sweater on with my camo CEO shirt. You do look nice. I thought about shaving and I'm like, there's no amount of shaving that's going to make her think that I'm in her age bracket. So like, fuck it. I'm not shaving. I like the facial hair okay thank you approved yeah um am i gonna ask her her pronouns
Starting point is 00:26:51 no i know i know very clearly what her pronouns are okay uh could you pull up this this is from tmz uh we were talking about dana white head of the u UFC. One of the things that he's notorious for is that he, during the pandemic, he said, fuck you, I'm going to keep my business open. Wow, Sousa, you got it queued up. I'm ready. I've had too much espresso. People are actually making fun of me because I'm all laughing at everything. What time is it?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Too late for this. Am I going to be up at 4.45 in the morning tomorrow? It's going to be a hell of a day. Too late for this. So, Danielle, you're on a computer right yeah okay so you have a big it's a grainy photo he's at a nightclub in cabo san lucas in the vip room um he's admitted afterwards that he's so drunk he doesn't remember much and he's with his wife of 30 years that's her on the right and him on the left, like with the bicep flex. Okay. And this happened on the 20th. And he's huge.
Starting point is 00:27:47 People love this guy. Like when he does, like if he didn't do the weigh-ins, I wouldn't watch the weigh-ins at the UFC. You know what I mean? Like he's as important to me as the fighters. I just absolutely adore this man. Okay. And so this happens. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Okay. Action. Action. Action. Action. So they're. Okay. Okay. Action. Action. Action. So they're obviously wasted. That's not his wife, or that is his wife. That is his wife. She has her hands on her face.
Starting point is 00:28:13 He's upset. Okay. Oh. Oh. Okay. So she hits him, and then he hits her back. Oh. So she hits him, and then he hits her back. And he comes on. He comes on.
Starting point is 00:28:31 So this happened, and this got released, I want to say, this morning. I wonder how much TMZ paid for this. Oh, my God. So then. Equal fights. I'm just kidding. Wait, say that again what'd you say equal rights oh my god now listen brendan uh i know people think he slapped her i think that he pushed her and it just his hand came kind of fast i think he pushed her face and his hand just kind of came fast. Do we do a play-by-play here?
Starting point is 00:29:06 Play it again. Okay, here we go. One more time. So she gets handsy, bam. No, he slapped her. And he slapped her again. There's no pushing involved. I think he's going to grab her hand the second time.
Starting point is 00:29:21 The third time? Andrew Hiller, that is not California hormones. Shut your piehole. We're supposed to support them. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead, Danielle. Sorry. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Yeah. That's crazy. Okay. I don't know why. I just don't understand why a girl would even hit a guy. Good, good. We're on a good start. We're on a good start.
Starting point is 00:29:43 People are definitely going to hate on both of us after this show i'm glad okay so they're together 30 years they've known each other since they've been 12 he came he didn't enter since they were 12 wow uh he came on the air uh today he did an interview with tmz saying hey i was completely in the wrong i've told you guys a million times you never lay a hand on a woman. This is the first time it's ever happened. Um, I, everything that everyone's saying about me on the internet is true. I'm a fucking asshole and a piece of shit for doing it. Um, only thing I give a shit about is how my sons are going to react to this. Me and my wife has apologized to each other. We love each other to death. Um, and, and he repeated himself like three times then the
Starting point is 00:30:25 interviewer says to him i'd play you the whole thing but i'm afraid we're going to get it pulled down if i do the interview says to him dana do you remember that incident and he said his response was there's a lot i don't remember about that night wow uh kylie uh anton after 30 years they both probably earned a slap or two from each other i imagine they probably fought like that at like 12 years old any any so how about how about that could you forgive um you and your boyfriend are drunk at the bar um you slap him across the face. He does that. The Daniel Brandon bodyguards jump in, break you apart.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I mean, yeah. Like, do you think you could get over that? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I'd be like, I initiated it. He's a man. He's not supposed to hit you.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I don't think a man's not supposed to hit you. But, like, as a woman, you should probably know like your. Like, why am I going to hit a dude and he's going to hit me back 10 times harder? Just because he's a man, like not because he probably intentionally wants to hit me back as hard, but he's a man. He's just stronger. OK, why would I pick on someone like that right but that couldn't be like something and then maybe you go back and you're like hey we need to cut back on our drinking yeah i'd be like let's not let ourselves get out of control like that yeah i mean like that happens like it happens you know
Starting point is 00:32:02 have you had any relationships where you fight a lot with the guy? Like where there's a lot of fighting? Like with my wife, the first five years, there was a lot of fighting. I don't want to say like, I mean, nothing, nothing where any of us hit each other, but there was like three days out of the month we were fucking at each other's throat. And then the next 10 years were good. And then we had kids and we're back to the old ways. Oh my God. I had a relationship where like we fought a lot and there was like a couple times
Starting point is 00:32:27 it got like kind of aggressive um and even when we were like aggressive towards each other like i never like helped there were times i like swung on him and i was like he didn't necessarily swing back at me but but like, he's not just going to let me fucking, you know, hit him, whatever. Right. But for me, I've run away from my wife. Would you think I was a pussy for that? Like, if you would get like, my wife's come at me and I'm like, I'm fucking out of here. No, not often Haley, but maybe once or twice I've, I've fucking got ran. I start laughing too, which doesn't help. Yes. I feel that.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I will laugh in the arguments. I don't hold grudges though. Like I'm really bad at holding grudges. Um, so typically if I were, if I was like fighting in a relationship, it'd be really hard for it to continue for days or even like longer than what the argument was. Do you think that's a masculine trait? I think that's a masculine trait. So I could get really mad at my wife and it's just like one of those rain clouds in a cartoon You know what? I mean that just like like in a roadrunner but I feel like if my wife gets mad at me like I better brace myself I better be ready for like a day or Two of like yeah attention, you know, what's funny though like all the
Starting point is 00:33:40 fights that i've gotten in with men like They it affects their like attitude and like emotional state for like hours after to where I'm like, dude, like snap out of it. Like it's over, but they like are so like slumpy weenie. And I'm like, Oh, like move on. Yeah. I agree. I'm like, let's like get it out of the way. And then like, why, why be why be miserable? I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I just hate that. I hate that. And fighting is a – I think fighting with your mate is an important skill to have. I think if you don't have it, like know how to tangle with your mate, then your relationship won't last. You have to learn how to fight. You got to be careful what you say. I mean you don't call her a fat bitch when she's on her period and fucking so she brings it up every month for the fucking next 20 years but but you know you could you you could you know to maybe tell her to shut up or something yeah i think your tolerance for fighting is interesting too right because if you came from like a family that's like at each other's throat goes crazy like
Starting point is 00:34:40 that but then they switch gears and they're like best friends again you have this weird perception of what fighting's like so me if i'm my family and there's not a lot of that going on and someone calls me a fat bitch, I'm like, this is a 10 out of 10 for me. Right. But for you, that might just be a normal, like, Hey, I'm leaving the house, you fat bitch. And they're like, okay, I hate you. And then that's it. It's like a one out of 10, right. It doesn't even register. So the ton of that plays into it too. i feel like as far as tolerance for what fighting actually is right yeah i like that the other thing i'd like to make a statement on is i think the biggest deal with the public stuff is guys are our ego is number one especially in public right status and
Starting point is 00:35:17 ego and if your mate like comes over and puts you down in front of the group especially in front of the guys like you would rather just have her walk up behind you and kick you in the balls when you weren't looking than to get the ego harmed in front of a public crowd. Absolutely. I get that even as a girl, like if I'm with my girlfriends, and we're like, you know, hanging out with people, and they like bring up something like shitty about me or like something that I did. I'm like, why? Like, we all know why you're bringing this up right now. Like you're trying to like elevate yourself over me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And that's, it's the worst to do with people you're like friends with. Like, you know, you just kind of pick on that one person cause you're either feeling insecure, like weird about the situation. So you just go after them. It's no good.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And girls, you could reverse that and have any dude you want. If you just come up and start elevating his status in front of a group of other people he'll be like oh shit yes i need her around yes oh my god yeah fucking with your dude is not in front of you in front of his friends or in front of other people is not cool i think his hair is like doing it do you ever do that me yeah no no what would you what can you can you think of an example that wouldn't out someone that a girl has said to you to like that's diminishing if you can't i have some no i mean i have like some good good people in my life like i probably
Starting point is 00:36:37 wouldn't be hanging out with a girl like that yeah like i'd probably dip. I'd be like, I don't want to be around you. Yeah, I don't. I'm totally, if my, any shortcomings I have, if my wife brings up to me alone, any. Yeah. I'll take them. Any. I'll sit there and fucking take it. But in front of other people, I, she would never, she would never do that in a fucking million years. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:03 And why do you see it? Uncomfortable. Oh yeah. It's just awkward though. Yeah. It's very awkward. would never do that in a fucking million years that's amazing and why do you see it uncomfortable oh yeah it's just awkward though yeah it's very awkward it's very awkward i like almost want to like join in and like egg it on like why are we doing this right now so So what happens, what happens to Dana? Do you think I was in, I was in a discussion with my friends. Do you think he gets canceled for that?
Starting point is 00:37:28 You think he loses his job? He's the high profile CEO, president, all that shit of the company. I hope not. I really hope not. Me too. All because why,
Starting point is 00:37:38 like why? Cause some people can't understand the situation. Cause some people, well, there's the spin's going to be like, the spin's going be like the spin's gonna be like hey if you if you if they don't get rid of them that they're condoning hitting women that's gonna be the spin right that's like oh my gosh because people can't look at the situation
Starting point is 00:37:56 as a whole they take the one piece from it that he hit a woman and no other context around it it might have happened at the best time possible for him with this nfl thing though because that's going to take a lot of the spotlight and like ken block like passing as well too in the snowboarding the snowmobile accident like there's a couple of really big news things that are coming up so he just kind of goes out and does his apology like he did and then just flies underneath the radar for the next week or two like i'm sure everybody will be on to the, to the next thing.
Starting point is 00:38:26 And these will be kind of, this will just be overshadowed by everything else. Have they said anything about that player yet? The football dude. Yeah. I haven't, I haven't heard anything, but I've been just watching the battle on,
Starting point is 00:38:41 um, I've been watching the battle on, uh, social media. media hey look at this though i i saw this this is you probably shouldn't do this on this show fuck up the daniel brandon show what i'm gonna i'm gonna bring it up get nervous me get nervous just that all of us just anytime i'm gonna bring it up something we don't know oh i love it i'm not nervous yeah you're not it's not your channel um okay let me uh i'm gonna send this over to you in the uh private chat suza so you could
Starting point is 00:39:22 bring it up. My sister's calling. Mind if I take this real quick? Go ahead. We're good. You would forgive me? Yeah. Hi, I'm doing a podcast. Could I call you back?
Starting point is 00:39:37 Sorry. Yes, bye. I love you. Bye. Bye. Okay. Why isn't my sister watching the podcast it's an unusual time stefan maybe she didn't youtube didn't notify her she didn't know so this guy jonathan reiner uh who's a medical doctor he says the anti-vaxxers who watched a potential lethal injury to a young man and decided that it was the perfect time to blame vaccines are beneath contempt the worst this country has to offer climb back under your rocks so it's like hey dude we just saw a guy go down on the field and now you're trying to intimidate us for thinking of possibly
Starting point is 00:40:19 what could be wrong with him oh my gosh but and then three hours later this is the doctor for cnn three hours later he goes on cnn i'm just like yeah like three hours later you're on cnn speculating why this guy fucking got injured but for those of us who are speculating if we're not speculating the same way you are um we're beneath contempt and the worst this country has to offer by the way for those of you who don't know that's the kind of shit the totalitarian fascist regime say. They just try to intimidate anyone who thinks differently than them. Yes, please fucking like something and subscribe to something, please. I'm so sick of Hiller's station running away from mine.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Please. What do you mean it's running away? Like we were neck and neck and now he's got a thousand more subscribers than me. I don't like it. That's because he uses clickbait yeah we've been taking on fire from youtube too so swimming upstream are you gonna put that up suzer or no oh yeah i was waiting for you to cue it oh yeah yeah yeah i'm sorry you went somewhere else i didn't know if we were if we were there yeah here we go boom that's insane oops oh wait what are we what are we no not that let me see let me send it to you again you just said that probably because i was sending that around last night to all my friends look at this oh my god look at this my comment
Starting point is 00:41:40 got some traction on that one did it what what oh? Oh, the vacuum. That's a nice vacuum. It's a life changer. That's for sure. No, I sent you the same link again. Oh, no. Why does it keep saying Instagram? This is Twitter. What are they into?
Starting point is 00:41:55 What are they into this fucking stream? Don't listen to Hillary. It's got too much attention. There it is. Yeah. Okay. No more attention. I'm putting Hillary on time out oh here we go i get more subscribers yeah one of the wrenches take care of him yeah block hillary oh my gosh okay i got the right one now hey how cool is it that he's on TRT and that he's going to enter the Open? I'm really happy.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yeah, I hope he enters the women's class too. Then he would be my first pick over you, Danielle, if he does that. Oh, my God. That would be so accurate. So this guy, did you saw that? Did you see that in real time, Danielle, when that guy went down? I did. No. Not in real time.
Starting point is 00:42:45 But where did you hear about it? We were that in real time, Danielle, when that guy went down? No, not in real time. But, but you heard, where did you hear about it? Um, we were talking about it at the gym today. And are people tripping? Like are athletes in CrossFit tripping? No,
Starting point is 00:42:55 I mean, weird. I think Dallin said he heard from the, some CrossFit doctor, maybe like the head medical guy said that possibly when he when the guy's like helmet hit his chest, it can cause like a heart. Arrhythmia or something. Yeah, you got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And then like that's what he thought it was from. I learned that word today, too. So I looked it up. They call it commodio. Commodio cordis. Right. They call it commodio cordis. I guess if something hits your chest at the right time and syncs with your heart, your heart can stop. But check this out.
Starting point is 00:43:33 This is what I looked up and found out about it. It's extremely rare. A 2012 paper reported that it occurred fewer than 20 times a year in the United States. It generally occurs in preteen and teen boys, not adult men, and not in football, but in sports that use puck or ball like a hockey or baseball. In 2013, researchers reported that 243 high school and college players had died between 1990 and 2010. Seven of those deaths resulted from commodio cordis, or that arrhythmia you were mentioning for an average of one death in three million oh my gosh so i don't know uh patrick patrick clark was on this morning he always contributes cool stuff and he's like yeah i've seen this happen in sports before and then we pulled up the clip and it was 1998 maybe we're due for one maybe we're due for one. Maybe we're due for one of those. Oh, my – oh, God.
Starting point is 00:44:25 That's crazy. I also want to show you this. This doctor – I'm going to send you this too, Susan, the private chat. This same doctor who said, hey, you're a piece of shit. Go climb under a rock if you're speculating that it's the vaccine that caused that. Two days earlier, posted this. You're going to fucking love this. This is, maybe if you believe this, I know a guy. When you mate, when you mate with short,
Starting point is 00:44:55 have you heard this thing about mating with shorter people? It was in the New York Times a couple days ago. When you mate with shorter people, you're potentially saving the planet by shrinking the needs of the subsequent generations and danielle if you believe this bullshit i know a guy what the fuck this is the new york times the largest paper in the united states is pushing um fucking little dudes to save on resources
Starting point is 00:45:22 is he short who's the guy writing this? No, it was a woman who wrote it. A woman? Is she, what? But this doctor is reposting it. I mean, we live in bizarro world, man. Like, what has to be like, not wrong with someone,
Starting point is 00:45:39 but like, do they just like not think right? Like, do they not know how to think for themselves? I really don't get it. The thing is, is maybe that is true. But then once you extrapolate that, then we have to get rid of all the obese people because they're clearly consuming the most resources. Let's get rid of them first. What? Before short people.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, yeah. Seve, you're back in the game. Thank you. Danielle brings the best out of me thank you that's nuts short people so us taller people we were using more resources you are contributing global warming
Starting point is 00:46:17 yeah reduce your carbon footprint I get it fourth place at the games are you just like yeah reduce her carbon footprint. I get it. Fourth place at the games. Are you just like, yeah, pumped.
Starting point is 00:46:34 It's cool. You know, I think, uh, I don't know. I have this. I don't know if this be honest. No one's listening. Be honest.
Starting point is 00:46:41 No one's listening. You understand it better, but I recently, I think it's, you understand it better. But I recently, I think it's, she announced it, but do you know Olivia Sulik, Trish from the Brute Camp? She recently announced that she's kind of done competing right now and she's 19. And we, I went to coffee with her and she, she was like, Hey, I just wanted to let you know, like I'm no longer competing in CrossFit. You know, I feel like it's like not where I'm supposed to be right now. I'm still going to live in Naples.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And I'm like, honestly, that's amazing. Like, what a tough decision to make. Like, I think you're really brave for making that decision. You're so young. You can always come back to the sport. And somewhere along there in that conversation, I told her, I said, you know, I think a lot of people go to the games and they're like, I'm either here to win or not. And I just think that's so like, I don't know if it's like a front people put on, or maybe I'm just like, think way differently, but I don't go to the games with this like mindset
Starting point is 00:47:41 of like, I'm going to win or like, I mean, I'm here to win or not. It's like, I'm there to show up for every workout, give my best. And if I'm the fittest at the end of the weekend, that's amazing. If not, like I just wasn't the fittest or, you know, whatever it is, but it's like, I think if I do show up to the games with this mindset of like, I'm gonna win. And like, if I don't win, then like, it's the end of the world. Like, I don't know, I just like I don't put my whole life on that. And I think if I did, then like, I'd be very upset at the end of the weekend when I win. And that's not that's not life. And it doesn't fulfill me as as much as I thought it would. not, that's not life. And it doesn't fulfill me as, as much as I thought it would. I don't think it's as fulfilling as people think it is to win. No, definitely not. You can have everything. Even recently, you know, I've been, I have, I have more than enough, right? Like I live like a really great life. I have really good people in my life. And I still go through phases where I'm like sad and upset for who knows whatever reason. And I have everything I need, you know, like it's just I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:52 It's not so forth is amazing. Fourth is really good. But I just I like whatever else has to come with that. You know, the people in my life and everything else around it. The mindset you want to choose though is the mindset that's going to get the best performance absolutely out of you what if you knew that there was a mindset that would get the best performance out of you i think this is the mindset that gets the best performance out of me okay okay i don't i don't think like and i think matt
Starting point is 00:49:20 frazier has even talked about this like Like, and I, I mean, I could be so wrong on this, but I don't think he necessarily showed up to the games with like, you know, I'm going to win. It's like, we don't know what other people are doing. Like how can we possibly know we're the fittest on earth? Like when we show up to the games, we're the fittest for ourself. We can be the fittest version of ourself. And it still does not mean we're going to be the fittest.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Like how can we possibly know that? Right. You can't. You can't. I think Matt was like, he was what he really his mindset. And I may be wrong, too. But his mindset was. I'm really afraid to lose.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah, I really don't want to. I really hate losing. Absolutely. And you like I mean, there's a mindset of like this confidence, like you need a certain level of confidence. And I think confidence will take you a long ways. And, you know, this confidence or this, this fear of failure or losing that will make, you know, make sure you're never going to give up in a in a workout but like it doesn't mean you're
Starting point is 00:50:27 gonna win um what do you do you have any this is a leading question um i apologize for it's a little loaded but are you is there any emotional do you avoid emotional pain or will you just face it will you go into it head on no i enjoy it yeah i'm fuck me too it's like so like i love it like i because that's where you just see the most growth and i just feel like every time i'm like like a better version of myself or like i i learn more about myself maybe heartbreak i fucking love heartbreak like that's, I think, one of the, not the best things to go through, but damn, heartbreak fucking changes someone. Then so maybe it's not that going to the games with the mindset that you're going to win, it's just not practical. It's not even, how are you going to use that it's more it's not it's not practical yeah and so you are going there to win but that's not your mindset
Starting point is 00:51:31 you're going there with the mind it's like a separate thing right right like there's a well there's like a want like i want to win right of course i want to win who doesn't want to win. Right. Of course I want to win. Who doesn't want to win? Right. Who's there and like, does not want to win. Right. But to, but you know, to say like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:51:50 if I win, if, or like, if I don't win, like, then why am I here? You know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 00:51:56 it's not the end all be all like you're just setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment. If your only goal is to go there and win. Um, this isn't the love show. This is a case that wasn't, that's an idea. I still,
Starting point is 00:52:11 I still, we still got to do that. I really, I just maybe think I'm not big enough yet, but I really want to do a show with Danielle. That's like Sunday nights. Like when I was a little kid, I would listen to love line and people would call in with questions.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I so want to do a 10 o'clock show with Danielle, me, Danielle, and like some doctor. Like he's giving practical advice and Danielle and I are like, fuck that. Just go in for the emotional pain. Who cares if she, who cares if it hurts? Just do it. Yeah. And the doctor's like, well, wear a condom.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I mean, you're like, yeah. Oh my gosh. You know what? Do you guys watch Yellowstone? Oh my God. I hate myself for it. I hate myself for it i hate myself for it why i love it i'm only on season two but do you remember um wait till you get to the end wait till you get to the end of this season that's why the last episode i was like this is not good from this is not good for my myocarditis yeah it was it was okay but do you remember this is like so cheesy but the quote in there with what's casey's wife's name i forget her name fucking which one's casey i don't know oh
Starting point is 00:53:14 the indian girl yes the indian girl yeah i forget her name but someone gives her like tells her the guy she was messing around with when her and Casey were like, not really together or whatever. And he says something like, um, like something about killing love, like killing it before you can even have it or something like that. Yeah. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:53:38 No, but I like, but I like the thought of that line. I like where you're going with that. It's a great quote. I saved it i think actually you know danielle maybe um this is a little off subject but going back to what we were talking about before one of the things that happens kind of as as i've been older and i'm
Starting point is 00:53:54 married like before if one of my friends like whether it's a girl or a boy if they cheated on their mate or let's say let's say one of my guy friends like their their wife cheated on them or they're not their yeah their wife or their girlfriend. It didn't phase me. But now that I'm older, like if I'm friends with like a circle of people and you find out one of the husbands is cheating on the wife or vice versa, it kind of rocks the whole circle. Yeah. Or if one couple gets a divorce, you plant the seed for all these other people. Like when you're in a,
Starting point is 00:54:25 do you know what I mean? Like, Hmm, maybe, Oh, Danielle and Danielle and, uh, Joe blow got a divorce and the other girls are thinking, Hmm, maybe I should get the fuck out of my relationship. It rocks people. It's like that at work too. Right? Like if the, if the someone at work, everyone knows this person's cheating on so-and-so with their wife, it kind of rocks the rest of you. Maybe I've just got sensitive and weak as i got old like wake people
Starting point is 00:54:48 up you know it wakes you up okay that's a good positive spin yeah you're like oh shit like maybe i should reevaluate like my my shit like you know you're in this circle and you're like oh i don't want to go through anything i don't want to fuck it up but then someone does and you're like well everything's gonna be okay like good on danielle she's brave i need to grow a sack too and get away from my shit bag man so that's like what you're saying look at this you never see this in the comments oh i saw something oh 100 savvy thank you that guy's usually about like only 51 on my side that's true goodness you guys are all soft because danielle's on the show oh yeah see johnny three people at my job got a divorce in the same year okay go ahead listen to
Starting point is 00:55:34 this quote it says if a thing is gonna die it's gonna die but to kill it so you don't have to go through the pain of watching it die well now it's dead and you're the kill so you suffer twice wow you're the killer killer it says okay you know people are so quick to try to get rid of anything so they just don't even have to go through it have you ever put a dog down no oh when you went um if you did have to put your dog down would you go to the vet and hold your dog in your arms yeah you wouldn't just leave him with the vet and say put him down and go in your car and cry no yeah me neither i would stay there that listen for those people those of you who do that fuck you by the way it's so selfish and people do that because they don't want to go through the emotional pain of watching their dog put down.
Starting point is 00:56:25 They drop it off at the vet and they have it euthanized. Like, listen, motherfucker, you're going to put your dog down. Go in there and pet him and whisper in his ear. That is so selfish. I've done that twice. And you know what? It was very cathartic. Like, if I wouldn't have done that, I would have hated myself.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah. Oh, my gosh. No gandhi that was uh uh it was in yellowstone i don't know maybe they pulled it from somewhere else um fourth place is uh it's a spectacular cast of characters that you're competing with. It was fun, yeah. It was, I mean, yeah. Especially, I think, what's... It was Saturday, end of the day Saturday or Sunday morning when we were like,
Starting point is 00:57:14 dang, like, I'm going to get, like, top five. Even, like, being so close to the podium, it was, like, kind of cool. This is going to happen. With, with uh and who do you have that discussion with that's with matt your coach or just like matt and tom and cooper um with tia gone is there chum in the water i don't know i knew you'd act like that i knew you'd act i knew you would be
Starting point is 00:57:41 like yeah fuck yeah i'm going for the top now. Yeah, whatever. Everything I said before, forget it. I knew it. I mean, how far along is she? How long has she known this? I've since, I don't know, a couple months. I don't know. She got a baby. I mean, unless she ate, she fucked her diet up.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I mean, she got a lump. She got a beautiful little lump. Yeah. ate a she's on her she fucked her diet up i mean she got a lump she got a beautiful little lump yeah i mean she's been it's like she looks quite quite along yeah um no chum in the water just like stay the course you just do you doesn't matter yeah it's not i mean it was crazy like when she announced it i was like oh my god like i was like wow but i i don't know i kind of feel like this has been like led up to for so long like her awkward games retiring thing and then like her pulling out of that australian comp last minute like this has been coming you have you think that you don't like that you think that you're you're are you are you insinuating or speculating that there was something weird like hey you should have told
Starting point is 00:58:48 us sooner or not no i don't think she could tell us whenever but i mean i but you know whether or not she knew at the australian top oh and look at that look at that ceo sweatshirt very nice uh and shane not pulling out yeah shane did not no like he did not i mean i don't know from what i know it doesn't from what i know hey did you ever get the shirt i sent you and i know that was ever mailed to your house i did oh you did okay who did you get who did you give it to? I have it. Oh, good. Oh, we must have missed the post or something. No, there's no post required.
Starting point is 00:59:29 No post required. I can't even flag you guys, can I? No. No. Oh, my goodness. I just thought maybe you didn't get it. It was like lost in Vegas. It was lost, but I did get it.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Awesome. Yes. Thank you guys. Um, there's a, a post here. It says, let's discuss this post. Can,
Starting point is 00:59:51 can you pull, um, that one up? I really, I really liked this post. Can you tell me, do you have help making this? No,
Starting point is 01:00:02 no, no, I did not. All the shots, all of them. Um um is your camera just like lean is your is it all with your phone yeah and like are you is it just leaned up on some books or you got a little tripod for it no i have a little tripod that someone gave me like a year or two ago and do you take like 50 shots and then you're like okay i'm only gonna use like probably 20 of these or you have it actually like storyboarded out in your in your head okay i'm gonna get
Starting point is 01:00:29 dressed i'm gonna plug it walk the dog i'm gonna plug in the tree like is it oh was that a cigarette in your hand what was that that was the straw is that a fucking vape are you vaping what the fuck was that oh my gosh imagine no just the stogie just the more i'm just like ripping one might as well that'd be hilarious oh gosh it's so cute and so you made all this up and where do you edit this on my phone with what software i just put the clips together oh in using the instagram editor oh yeah in instagram yeah so just and this is so this is two hours of work no oh come on that yeah i mean you have to set up all these shots you have to do this stuff you have to get the props you have to this is brilliant so this is like oh my god danielle's just a regular girl that vacuums yeah i vacuum every morning and mop so fucking cool
Starting point is 01:01:32 and take cash to the dog park by yourself yeah by myself what's your ratio of time alone versus with other people? Usually if I'm home, like I'm alone usually. And then sometimes we'll do like Fi, Al, Matt and I, we like, we try to do things together. You do? Yeah. How much, are you good for time? You do. Yeah. Um, uh, how much do you, are you good for time?
Starting point is 01:02:06 Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. Did you, do we, does Brian have a link? Uh, I believe I sent him a link.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Okay. I just had to freak out for a moment cause I knew he was going to jump in. No, I did not send him a link. Please send him a link. Shit. I got it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Hey, um, I'm going, I'm going to run to the, uh, boys room. You're going to play the commercial. Okay. Hey, I'm going to run to the boys' room. Are you going to play the commercial? Yeah, and I'm going to play our commercial. Oh, you guys have a commercial? Kind of.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Whoa. I don't see it. Oh, shit, is it gone? No. Oh, is it in the other studio? Wait, this is so cool. You have a commercial? Let me see. Where do I go the podcast you can tell danielle watches the show a lot i don't spend much time watching videos
Starting point is 01:02:55 you should be listening to this while you're training i should be honestly this is at the top of my goal list okay uh when i come back um I want to talk to you about your interview with the guy at Invictus Mindset. Bryce, I don't think he's a real person. I think he's an AI. And we'll talk about that when I come back. No. Wait, have I hit it or you hit it? Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:19 All right. I'm going to play this. Hold on. Fuck, I can't find it now. All right. I'm going to play this. Hold on. Fuck, I can't find it now.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Would have been better if we had this planned out. I don't think it's in here. Hold on. Let me try something else. We're going to take you through a little mashup of all our backgrounds here. Here we go. Three, two, one, commercial. You don't even have to want to do CrossFit. You don't have to want to be a coach. You don't have to want to be a trainer. If you just want the operating manual to your body, it's not just
Starting point is 01:03:53 Forging Elite Fitness. It's the operating manual to the human genome. You'll take this CrossFit Level 1 seminar and you will walk away inspired. From the second you leave, your entire life will change. You will make significant changes to your life because you are excited. You will start tweaking with your diet. You'll start tweaking with your movement. You'll start tweaking with who you hang out with. Everything will take a shift. For some people, it'll be massive.
Starting point is 01:04:23 For some people, it'll be a little bit. No matter what, you'll move towards a better life. Everyone is going to sense it in you, that you are more accountable, more personally responsible, happier, more helpful, more thoughtful human being. And you'll be nicer to look at. You might talk too much shit about CrossFit, but... Guess how much they paid me for that. Is that for CrossFit? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:57 How much? You jackasses. Swing and a miss. Is it tough should be fucking they should pay me a small fortune but the it was honestly the music that got me the like like it's kind of cheesy but yeah very cheesy i mean look at me i'm a fucking old guy talking about crossfit with fucking mirrored sunglasses on and fucking i look homeless you didn't even know it was for crossfit you're like is that for crossfit what's he selling yeah dang level one is amazing uh seven uh why aren't you making a commercial for this podcast i don't know i just do it was i thought it was like a mid-show thing it's just
Starting point is 01:05:46 when i have to take a pee i had to make something a mid-show i don't know something more fun because no one will fucking sponsor this show because the subjects we've talked about is uh beating women the vaccine and now we're moving on to artificial you're talking to the wrong companies. Oh man. So, so I watched that podcast with Bryce. That was a while ago. And I, I just,
Starting point is 01:06:14 I couldn't figure out his like cadence or his speech pattern or his, I was just tripping on him. And I was just like, so then I watched another podcast with them where he interviewed, I forget who but um did you ever think that when you were talking to him that he might not be a real human that he might be artificial intelligence like uh he does speak like very intentional yes but i've never interacted with him in person so i don't know well danielle i don't think so have you i don't interact i don't think i've never interacted with him in person. So I don't know. Well, Danielle,
Starting point is 01:06:45 I don't think so. Have you, I don't think I've ever interacted with him. I have not Danielle. I was tripping. I was like, stop tripping on this fucking dude and listen to what Danielle is saying. I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Yeah. I agree. Intentional. That's a, that's a better way to say it you're more look at me name calling and you're like uh more astute that's just another that's just how i took it that podcast that you did with him was the biggest podcast invictus mindset has done wow and like probably i forget what it was in two years since they interviewed Matt Fraser most views oh oh that's great yeah you're a needle mover you're a needle mover I mean enormously like they did a podcast with Gabby Reese Olympic volleyball player it has 500 views the one with you has 9400 views or something wow oh that's amazing crazy right yeah
Starting point is 01:07:47 now don't get too excited second place was brian friend with 3400 views why it could be because he's a rising star he's the guy he is honestly i haven't heard much about him brian yeah he's been very he's been very quiet in my world lately that's because you're very focused what is your world tell me what's your world what are the things in your world crossfit the friends and people in my life okay and that's and that's Matt Torres, Fee, Dallin. Dallin. Trish is there. She's been there. My friend's Nicole. Oh, Trish is code for like another girl.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Trish is, what's her name? That's Olivia Sulik. Okay. You know, Nate's up in the gym. But I, you know, I just have been, I actually was traveling quite a bit with like London, Virginia Beach. I just went to Boston to visit my friend Nicole. We have Miami next week.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I leave Monday. So. A lot of traveling. But but a tight core circle. No, not much TV, not much Internet post. Get off social media. Just. Yeah. Yeah. Like I would say, I just, it's really tough for me to like be on my, that's why it's really, I don't keep up with a lot of like current events
Starting point is 01:09:16 because that stuff is so time consuming. That makes me so happy to hear you say this and it, And it kind of cracks the code on your success. Yeah, it's just so time consuming. Even people that follow sports, you know, as much as I would love to be to be one of those girls that can just like talk your ear off about like football, baseball, basketball. The amount of time it takes to keep up with all the players and games. Oh, my God. Like, that's insane. You're constantly on your phone checking. Like I can't even imagine you're watching people in my life are taken care of, you know, like it's already so I feel like with CrossFit and like this athletic lifestyle, it's already
Starting point is 01:10:13 really hard to like put in time elsewhere because the time in the gym is like so much. And then the time outside of the gym between like eating and like recovering and just like taking care of yourself because I enjoy taking care of myself and enjoy taking care of the space that I live in, you know, like that's all a lot of work. And, and then, so then the time after that is like, all right, like how are the people that I love doing? And like, that can be tough because I don't live near them. So it's like FaceTime's here and there, you know, texting,
Starting point is 01:10:48 trying to keep up. And then like the last thing I want to, you know, is being on my phone, reading some article about what's going on in the world about politics. Like wants to have kids, enjoys taking care of the home, extremely loyal
Starting point is 01:11:05 damn uh not distracted by social media and doesn't spend too much time on media yeah god you think there's at least one guy out there that would uh like you uh i feel like there's a few uh did you have an altercation with a uh do we have have are we on a streak of having altercations with referees at events did you have an altercation with a judge at Rogue is that going to be oh yeah let's hear about this this is juicy it's just annoying let's hear
Starting point is 01:11:37 I mean the whole standard whatever I understood it but as I'm what was the movement fill me in I don't know shit without Brian here I i don't know shit deficit strict parallette handstand push-ups okay and the standard was when you go down and then back up your feet could not go like a certain width and i'm literally watching the competitor straight across from me as I'm upside down in a handstand getting reps counted for the same thing that I was doing, which was like splitting their feet. And I know because I'm an athlete, I'm very aware of my body. My feet were not going any wider than
Starting point is 01:12:21 like what was not allowed. Um, so, and like like that's on me too like but i continued to work and tried to you know work through it and yell as well but that remember what you do you remember what you said like do you say something like are you fucking blind i'm just like what the fuck like oh i'm never i and like i do swear a lot, like as, but I'm also like, fuck, like, you know, oh my gosh, like fuck this. And I think people watching and like through the camera, like they very much think I'm yelling, like, fuck you to my judge. And like, never would I like, I would never, because I wouldn't want, I wouldn't want somebody yelling that to me, like, fuck you when like they're frustrated. But when I'm frustrated, like, I'm never going to like, take it out on that person. Like,
Starting point is 01:13:07 I'm always going to take it out on myself first. Yeah. It's yourself. It's yourself. Talk. You're yelling to the heavens, but like, but, and I made sure like, after I apologized, I was like, Hey, like, I want to apologize. You know, I was getting very frustrated and I'm yelling, but I hope, you know, I was never yelling like at at you and being like, fuck you. What did the judge say when you said that? They were just like, we understand it. We get it. They understood it.
Starting point is 01:13:35 They took it well. It's my fault. Sorry, Johnny. It's been 30 minutes. Where's Brian? I didn't send Brian a link. I think Sousa just sent it to him late. I sent it to him for a little bit ago, yeah. That's what happens when – that's my fault. Sorry, Johnny. It's been 30 minutes. Where's Brian? I didn't send Brian a link. I think Sousa just sent it to him late. I sent it to him for a little bit ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:47 That's what happens when that's what happens. That's just that's what happens when you're just focused. Singular focused. And then and then and then the back squat at Rogue. Oh, yeah. That was just me. Like I knew like before that event, we were in the Warwick area. like i knew like before that event we were in the warm-up area i have not back squatted in a while and um you know heavier at all like the way that we're approaching strength this off season you know is the way we're approaching it and you know i'm getting stronger which is amazing but rogue was still very early and whatever we knew before that event that like i wasn't gonna finish it like if i did finish it
Starting point is 01:14:25 that would have been insane we didn't even know if i if i was gonna get one rep and the fact that i got what two whatever i did two or three um was amazing but the camera was like up in my face and i was just like why you gotta be filming me right now like you know i'm like why you gotta kick a girl when she's down but like that was it like i wasn't like get the fuck out of my face it was just like hey i'm chilling here for 12 minutes can i just you know i'm gonna make a silly little comment like why you gotta you know like there's better stuff to film right now no there's not we'll be the judge of that that's how much of a needle mover you are notice danielle brandon standing speculation that really got me was uh it was so funny to read comments of like
Starting point is 01:15:13 she gave up like she failed the first rep and then like gave up and knew she wasn't going to come back from that and i'm like if i could have squatted that, like, I wish I had just had that choice to be like, yeah, I'm just like, not going to try this. I don't think they actually caught you dropping it, to be honest, because I remember I wanted to see. No, I don't think they actually did. Oh, wow. Yeah, I think I like failed the first rep. Like I failed my first attempt. The judge should have apologized to you.
Starting point is 01:15:44 I know I like that, right? I'm sorry that you felt like you had to say sorry. I love it that you told me to fuck off. I can't wait to tell all my friends that I talked to you. Danielle and Haley would be great training partners. Haley would help Danielle's Metcons and Danielle would help Haley get over her awkwardness. Oh, shit. I wish I wouldn't have read that.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Listen. She shit on me, dude. She ain't awkward. Who? Haley Adams? Yeah. We were at the games and she goes like, hey, you seen anyone? You dating anyone?
Starting point is 01:16:17 Like, you got a boyfriend? And I was like, no. And she's like, oh, I do. And started talking about her boyfriend. Hey, that's just her being awkward. That's not even shitting on you. I'm telling you, that's her being awkward. But I was like, dang, like she really wants to talk about him.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I'm like, you don't have to like. Lead up like that. Yeah. Yo, you riding dick? No, not me. Well, I am. We both can or we both can not. Yeah. Can can i you should have been like can i have his phone number no i did tell her though that he lost snapchat and i was like that's a big red flag
Starting point is 01:16:54 oh wow that's high on the list of red flags we're trying to tell her it wasn't i was like it absolutely is i don't know shit about snapchat i think it's like a younger thing it is but i don't know if i i will never talk to somebody that has snapchat wow like ever like if they had it one time it's already it's done you're out there if they i used to have it but like if they still have it now i'm'm like, really? Like, yeah. How old are you? Are you 13? Well, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:17:26 why do you need to be sending? Everybody knows what people use that app for getting drugs and sending new pics. Yeah. Free only fans. That's like every time I had redownloaded it immediately, the amount of like feet pics and just pictures that people will ask me like, Hey, can I buy your feet pics off here? Can I buy your pictures off here?
Starting point is 01:17:50 Absolutely. Yeah. You know what I had this thought today about only fans. Yeah. I had this thought that, um, it's just like anything else. Meaning anyone would do it if they thought they were going to be successful at it so if i knew that someone would pay me 18 million dollars if i jerked off on a hamster that's insane yeah but i'm not willing to go out there and start an only fans page because i don't i just don't have the confidence i think i'm gonna make 85 cents and then everyone's like dude did you know seba matosian had only fans page. But I just don't think that there's –
Starting point is 01:18:25 but if you thought that there was a market that any – like, God, I don't want to use my mom as an example. And you'd be stupid if you didn't do it. Yeah, like – 18 mil, little hamster action. But then it led me to this. That's why it's important to do things that you want to be excellent at because I don't think anyone's like –
Starting point is 01:18:44 do you think anyone on OnlyFans is like, oh, my God, I want to be excellent at because i don't think anyone's like do you think anyone on only fans is like oh my god i want to be so excellent at this really the the mindset is like hey i could make money showing my my well we have a guy on here who's on only fans and he has a giant dong and an amazing body and like he thought well i can make money doing that but but if you start doing stuff for just money you'll do weird shit yeah but but trying to be make a living in crossfit is fucking really really weird it's and it's it's it's probably the odds aren't for you but at least you're chasing excellence you're not chasing money right yeah hey i'm trying to be the fittest person in the world and along the way i could get rich
Starting point is 01:19:21 although it's if that's your reason for doing it you're fucking nuts oh yeah absolutely yeah how many rich people do you think how many rich athletes do you think there are by rich i mean how many athletes do you think who will make five hundred thousand dollars a year for 10 years oh no let's make it easier for five years like how many right now you think are kind of yeah yeah maybe like five five athletes maybe like okay maybe like eight eight to ten like five girls and five boys no i can't even i don't't even, a guy, the only guy, Matt Frazier and Justin. And Rich. Rich. And Rich.
Starting point is 01:20:08 But like current males, like. You don't think Colton's bringing in 500,000 a year? Hey, dude, that New York Times article is going to get him some shit. Yeah, those stickers. It's going to start raining vagina on him. He should, he should hop on that. What's crazy is he probably eats fucking 12 000 calories a day fuck that guy you know what i mean absolutely but you know he's doing some he isn't he like a
Starting point is 01:20:36 farmer boy you know you don't have to use that accent like farmer boy i like it oh okay i love it farmer boy i like it oh okay i love it i think it was a good thing you like a quiet man yeah that tours is pretty quiet i think i mean what do you mean quiet i don't know just seeing if i could see i was just staring right at your picture seeing if i could get any any reaction. He is quiet. This video here was posted on December. Oh, before I go here, what was your Christmas like? God, this could get heavy.
Starting point is 01:21:21 So your family, you have a video. I spent it with Nicole. Pardon me? I spent it with Nicole. Nicole who? One spent it with Nicole. Nicole who? One of my good friends. And you don't spend it with your family because you're just not that close to your family? Yeah. And I just – they spend it with my cousins.
Starting point is 01:21:36 When's the last Christmas you spent with your family? Ooh. Years. Are you one of those people that on the holidays like it's hard because of your you're not spending with your family and other people are no you're not like poor me no never have i been like that i think there was a time in my life uh like around call you know like college high school college when I which I think is very normal thing for people who go through shit they want to blame other people you know I I really blamed like um my aunt and uncle for like a lot of the shit I had to go through and like how they just made my life
Starting point is 01:22:20 difficult because I there was a time in my life where like, I don't know how to explain it, but like, I couldn't just like go do something. Like it was very hard for like me to take action to go do stuff. You know, when you're growing up and you're a kid, like you don't just have access to like go drive somewhere, you know, do whatever to get shit done. Um, but I've realized like when I meet people who have gone through something maybe similar that I have, and they're still blaming like their upbringing and blaming people, like they'll just like never do anything about it. Like, it's just like, I can't, like, I don't blame my aunt and uncles anymore. It's like, I take on
Starting point is 01:23:02 full responsibility of how I'm going to live my life and if I'm going to be successful or not, like I have nobody else to blame, but myself, like you got on full responsibility of how i'm gonna live my life and if i'm gonna be successful or not like i have nobody else to blame but myself like you gotta take control of that shit if you guys don't know what we're talking about go watch the first podcast i did with danielle it's fucking brilliant yeah she was brilliant um makes sense but absolutely makes sense how do you remember and i may have asked you this on the first podcast do you remember was there a moment that you realized that and then it sounds like the reminder for you is when you hear other people doing it you're like okay yeah that can't be like um maybe like a time in college when i was like all right like you know i think i was going through something and i was like all right like this is it like i have everything i like, not everything I need, but I have all the resources to be able to do this. Like, it's up to me whether or not like
Starting point is 01:23:50 I want to be successful or, you know, make more money, whatever it was like, it was on me. And like, I had nobody else to like, I had nobody else to blame, you know? And I totally could have, like, I could have been like, Oh to like, I had nobody else to blame, you know? And I totally could have, like, I could have been like, Oh, like, because my childhood was so shitty. Like, you know, I don't have my mom to rely on, or I don't have like family to rely on. And, you know, it was just like this time where I was like, dude, like if anyone's got to, if anyone's going to do it, it's gotta be you. Like, and luckily because I wasn't like a shit human who like treats people like garbage i had really good people in my life that were there to like help me
Starting point is 01:24:32 you know but like i could have kept blaming my upbringing and blaming everybody else in the world for treating me like this like why me why me but i was just like you can't do that you want to take responsibility i don't know it's interesting that you say all that because um i i always had this plan no matter what always my whole life that if something went wrong i would just move home with my parents like imagine i'm over 30 years old and that's still my plan. And I'm 42 and it's still my fucking plan. And then I'm 43 and I have kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:13 And that is not my plan. Yeah. I mean, I'm 50 now, so I've been out of that plan for seven years, but you didn't even get to, and I loved having that plan. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:25:21 I'm not shitting on myself, but you had to fucking, you had to abandon that plan at't get me wrong i'm not shitting on myself but you had to fucking a bit you had to abandon that planet five yeah yeah like five there was no all of a sudden there was no net i always had this net that could catch me yeah which i think like you know it was true or not i don't know if my mom would have let me but in my head it was like fuck i just moved back home right which i think like you know in my case like it did help that I didn't have that net because it was like you either like fucking you're either gonna drown and die or like you're gonna do something so I I knew you were a good pole vaulter and I knew that you set the record at Sac State what I didn't know and what I learned from the Bryce um podcast podcast is you also showed up there not to be a pole vaulter.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Right. Yeah. It was. Yeah, that was why I'd forgotten that. Yeah, I was recruited for the 400 and I did pole vault a little bit in high school, but I was I was no good. And then it's actually crazy. So I had a different pole vault coach every year. But the coach that I had freshman year in college, in college, I think it was like one of the first
Starting point is 01:26:26 day. It may have been literally the first day of practice. We were doing all these, he was having us do all these drills, you know, and I knew nothing. Like I didn't know any of these pole vault drills. I didn't even know what like a six step was or an eight step or a four step, which is like your approach. It's basically like your whole run up to planting the pole. I knew nothing about that. Um, and he go and I, you know, I was like freaking out. I'm like, dude, I know nothing like this is really frustrating and it's very hard. And he goes, you're going to set the, you're going to set the school record one year. Like you're going to do it. And he like told me that like first day of practice he just like knew it and called it and then i set the record the next year was that the first time in your life anyone had talked to you like that um i mean not no i had i had a really good um
Starting point is 01:27:19 dive coach in high school that like really believed in me. Um, I w I was a filmmaker forever. And then finally I went, I got a job with this company called vitamin angels, where I traveled around the world, making films on malnourished children. And the guy I worked for said to me one time, something like, uh, God, your films are so good. How do you think we should do this one? And just him saying that turned me into a filmmaker, even though I've been making films for 10 years already. Yeah. I never believed it. Yeah. But the way he addressed me, I was like, oh fuck. He's like a magician. He just turned me into a filmmaker. And so it's like, I was wondering, like, was it like that for you when that guy said that to you? Did you believe it when he said it to you i was like oh my god no no i was like what the fuck
Starting point is 01:28:06 like i like get off the drugs you called 911 coach i had a trash practice like i didn't know anything like i didn't know a single drill i did not even know what pole to grab oh like i would but like there's got to be a great joke there i fucked the timing up all on that yeah there's a couple one with the pole in there i was wondering if you're gonna bite fuck me yeah okay go on but no no no no he let me tell you something patrick let me tell you something i was an established fucking filmmaker like in a class of my own because i got final cut pro on the day it was released and I used it every day for 10 years. When I met Heber,
Starting point is 01:28:46 he had 50 times the confidence that I ever had. Whoa. Yeah. He was, he, that boy, I didn't do have to do shit for him except I didn't micromanage him and I gave him all the resources he needed to succeed.
Starting point is 01:28:59 But that motherfucker is that dude can grind and he's, and he's very confident. It's crazy because I've, Oh, Heber. Yesber yes he is yeah heber one of the buttery the buttery dudes yeah he is yeah yeah but yeah that's what all it takes of confidence um and and then and then you and then you went on to be was it in that was it through a track and field event going back to to what you were saying that you have all the resources to do what you need to do? Was it in sports that that came to you? Yeah, I was still in college. But was it during a sporting, like, I'm sort of trying to connect the two pieces.
Starting point is 01:29:35 What was the scenario when you had that aha moment? Like, oh, fuck. I think it was like senior year when it was like, all right, like, what am I going to do? You know, like sports will end, like college will end soon. Like I got to like make money, like do, you know, have a real job, like do all this. And I was like, I think I was like, I forget what I was going through. I think, I don't know, like just everything in my life was just like a mess like I was very clumsy you know very clumsy with my life and I was like all right like I can't keep fucking up like this like like Dana White that was a clumsy move in Cabo yeah exactly just like shit like that you know
Starting point is 01:30:18 um and I was like okay like I just want to make sure I don I just want to make sure I don't, I want to make sure I don't have to rely on anyone else. Like, I want to make sure that like, when I, if I like really ever like, I'm just like crashing, like, I don't want to have to rely on anyone else. So like, you know, even like where I was going to live, like, I wanted to make sure like I could pay my rent, you know, stuff like that. I'm going to do my best Bryson impression. You know, Danielle, I like the way you use the word clumsy there. And you're so good at articulating the challenges that life brings to us. I'm fucking fucking it up. I can't do him. But I tried.
Starting point is 01:31:07 But it was hard for me to try. I want to tell you that made me, I felt at least I was vulnerable. I think so, it's vulnerable. But you know, I just like to use clumsy. Okay, it was good. I liked it. I liked it.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Yeah, it was a great word choice. For that. I think that that's what makes some people very powerful is using words that were not used to being used in certain ways. Like when you said clumsy at first, I'm like, what is she saying? She like tripped a lot? And I'm like, oh, no. She's talking about like from a higher altitude view. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Look, so this is why I brought up the Christmas thing because on December 26, you posted this. And I'm so stupid. I guess I'm just a sucker for social media. But I'm like – someone sent me this and I was like, oh, no. Is everything cool? But now that I talk to you, you're probably just fucking around. You want me to bring it up? Yeah, please.
Starting point is 01:31:55 You're just pulling at the heartstrings of us fanboys. That one? Oh, no. Sorry. Sorry. So it's what you wrote here. Oh, yeah. But it's actually – okay, let me read this, and then we'll show the video.
Starting point is 01:32:11 So what you write here is, no one knows why some things work out and some things don't. Feeling lucky as hell to be where I am today, and more so who I get to do it with, even if it just feels like I'm a lost girl with her dog a lot of days. So I'm like on this yo-yo with you. Like as I read that, I'm like, what the fuck is this? Okay, now play this other one. What are the holidays like for you? This is the one that I was like, okay. Is it on that same clip or is it a different?
Starting point is 01:32:42 No, it's like a, okay. Yeah, it is that same clip or is it a different no it's um it's like uh okay what are the yeah it is that same clip i guess it's further back in there huh oh it is yeah because it keeps bringing that one up that's the one that i had oh darn it um i know it's a really fucked for danielle no they're just photos there's no i don't see a video here yeah what video okay pull up all of them fuck it let me see which one all the photos yeah i know yeah all the tiktok they're the tiktokies the tiktoks oh yeah yeah tiktoks all right hold on if you pull up all the go to her tiktok and i'll show you i got it oh what about this what about this one note i have on here do you see the note that i wrote
Starting point is 01:33:21 on the bottom uh suzaa, you decided to... I'm not sure if I'm going to bring that one up. Is it everything all the way down at the bottom? No. See, it says fangirl for a minute, and there's a clip right above that. I'm not sure if I'm going to bring that one up. I'm kind of scared. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:39 It's this one with 20... No, no. It's this one with 32,000... Okay, this one emoji when he's emotionally unavailable 32 100 this one kind of i was like oh what's going on here 32 000 here we go the music and everything this one's crazy music and all okay this is funny all right and and it says what and it says when he wants to say let me go back to that well the caption it was the tattoos that when he's emotionally unavailable and only likes you for your clout 10 out of 10 gonna add and badly but you almost look like you're crying there like it's real that's just all just your academy award winner you're just acting
Starting point is 01:34:29 yes fuck done with social media he thought it was a moment yeah i'm like what the fuck is going on here with with danny boy damn thought she was crying okay oh my god okay now this next one um can you pull this next one it says you decided that one pull it up i'm gonna go for it here we go okay brace yourself everyone um she had all us dads fooled yeah i know i know i'm not i'm not all of us dads oh that i was crying yeah yeah hey shut it shut it barry shut it okay this one okay so let's play this oh yeah okay i forget what this one says me too i didn't even listen to what you're saying come on here and say it because it's a message that I be needing to hear so if I be needing to hear it I'm sure
Starting point is 01:35:30 somebody else could hear it too and it's the fact that if they do be liking you I promise they will hit you up like I think about it for myself when I be liking someone I hit them up you don't just go from talking to someone all the time.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Every day to not talking at all. They like you. It's because their girlfriend yelled at him. That voice filter kills me. So that really is your voice with the voice filter. It's like, yeah, it's like some TikTok thing. It's just fucking hilarious. So you're about to make this video and you're like i think i'll just pull my shirt up before i make this one no that's how i wear it oh please i swear it's fucking hot it is hot i'm just i'm
Starting point is 01:36:18 i'm just saying i'm just saying that like i was just trying to imagine you in the car being like, I just pull my shirt up for this. Because I think I was maybe coming from the dog park. I was going out in public. Yeah. So I like have to wear a shirt. So I'm projecting my. You have to like wear something. Yeah, I'm just projecting my shit on you. I don't want to the gym like that.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Yeah. That's where the rumors start that you have fake boobs. That's fine. Yeah, it's fine whatever I would rather have that rumor than a different one that's true it's likely to be the nattier not on 7
Starting point is 01:36:53 you'd rather have the rumor of being a piece of it than not exactly I am so pleased with this I think we should get off now this is so fucking good i'm just fucking like yeah fucking boom was there a question with that with that tiktok no i was just like i was like oh just look at um oh okay yeah sure yes of course of course that's the first time i listened to it the whole time just like did she just like she like just like, she like, God, it's like, you were like, did she just pull up her shirt and be like,
Starting point is 01:37:26 yeah, make a Tik TOK. But no, I fucked that whole thing up. So, uh, yes. Um,
Starting point is 01:37:30 was that for, is there someone who's courting you, but can't shit or get off the pot? Like they can't pull the trigger on it. Oh no. Oh, I mean like there have been cases where somebody was, um,
Starting point is 01:37:47 you know, really like showing a lot of interest but something that i've learned recently is i think a lot of people like the idea of me and they put me on this pedestal and they think i'm like this perfect person um like we do here on the show yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know like i'm also a human too and like you know shit like if i i don't know fuck up like hurt someone's feelings like i feel like immediately they're like oh my god like she's not perfect like holy shit you know i i'm learning like dating now is like very much like that like people just really view me as like this this like person that they portray me as on social media yeah look at me i fell for it like five fucking times that was the theme of the show and like not and that guy fergie nailed it perfect
Starting point is 01:38:40 you spoke to the dad in me i was like what the fuck's going on here oh my gosh i mean but like i as i try so hard to like portray who i am um like through instagram like and i think a lot of people will say that like when they meet me like i am very much what you would expect me to be through my Instagram minus like what other platforms try to portray me as, you know, as like this fucking psycho who like walks into rooms and just like yells at everyone. But through my personal page, I think I try to really reflect who I am, but I don't know. But let's also face it to take, to compete at the CrossFit games. We won't even say someone who takes fourth place to compete at the CrossFit Games, you have a threshold for things that are different than 99.99% of the people.
Starting point is 01:39:35 And when you say things like, yeah, you have no issues with just seeing emotional hurt and walking over there and getting some. And you're not going to date someone who takes who's a crossfit games competitor who takes fourth place at the games who is going to be anything like anyone else you've ever met before and the truth is is you better come with your cup fucking empty because if your cup is full it's going to overflow yeah because you have no fucking idea what it takes to fucking be me and to have been here not not that you're saying it as a bragger right but like there's things that you're going to like um you're a fish and i'm a bird and i'll date fish but i fly fucking high and you might not fucking like that shit yeah i i like how you put that yeah it's not even it's not even that they
Starting point is 01:40:20 it's not even that they put you on pistol they can't even go there i mean can you imagine the emotional stability a man has to have to date someone like you who's willing to just like he has to be able to feel it sense it acknowledge it yeah because it's it's it's one of your tools you can't be like just one of those guys it's just a fucking log and like like has everything pushed down like a navy seal or some shit he He's got to, he's got to, he's got to like acknowledge that shit, but, but not get swept away by it. Oh my God. You know,
Starting point is 01:40:50 it's interesting. I imagine that Danielle sends the cadence for every relationship and that probably rubs guys along the wrong way. Like I've heard that. What do you mean? I heard the saying that like women, when you first are getting involved with the woman, she controls when you have sex,
Starting point is 01:41:03 but the guy controls when you get into a relationship oh whoa right like you get let it say what do you mean give me really give me an example of like the controller i understand the sex part because that's like right but tangible to me what do you mean control okay so once that happens and usually the female is saying like hey what are we are we a label and the guy at that point is controlling it ah yeah i would put labels on it babe you know we're just having fun you know that type of you know and so i think what ends up happening is is danielle controls both and so guys all of a sudden get like they're like hey you like what are we and she's like whoa bro getting a little clingy you know like i don't have all the time for you and your text and your emotions like you either got to be there and be chill when i'm ready to rock or this ain't gonna work out
Starting point is 01:41:49 and so i think that's that's probably why a lot of guys end up getting a little little hurt a little sensitive when it comes to the courting process with it is that accurate i think it's very accurate wow that's awesome oh what can i control danielle i don't know the vacuum get to your emotions you can't even touch my vacuum i like to do that no no one touches the dyson son no nobody does you have a dyson i do they're nice they're so nice i love it i got the i had a dyson but i with uh i had the cordless Dyson. I had like four of them, the most expensive ones, but my, we have to go cord because the cordless ones eventually we just chew them.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Yeah. Cause we got two dogs and four kids and we just beat them to death. Yeah. We had to go with the Costco shark. You know the shark? I do. I had a shark before this. It's nice, right? It is. It's's very it's very nice yeah thank you thank you for not poo-pooing me yeah no i think it's very nice one of the best
Starting point is 01:42:52 posts i ever made they got one of the most like attention was i made a dyson post once this is like five years ago about my vacuum cleaner skyrocketed holy shit really what about a dyson sponsor for you i'm telling you i think the best shit is when you're doing domestic shit around the house i my favorite stuff is like you get a long t-shirt on like you're opening a blind on the couch i like when i saw you vacuum i was like this fucking girl you know what's funny you got it all figured out who works for only fans one of the like number one searched things was like women in the kitchen or something like that like very domestic so i don't even know what that black thing was in your
Starting point is 01:43:33 in your kitchen that like you put something in it but as soon as i saw it i wanted one the frother oh yeah i don't even know what that was i was was like, I'd like to have that. And I'm like, God, you're such a sucker. Do they pay you? No. Hey, I know this company that makes steam cleaning products. Really? I was just talking, telling my friend I want like a floor steamer. I didn't like the Clorox on top of your, on your windowsill.
Starting point is 01:44:02 I think you should get something that's more organic like those you know like uh it's just lemon uh orange grinds ground up so it has no chemicals in it and the acid and the orange is what you clean with do you know i'm talking about well you're too pristine to be using shit like i've never heard of that but i would love to look into that yeah look for like natural products it'll just be like it's just like orange rinds ground up and you spray them on shit and it cleans it up well do you use fluoride toothpaste with fluoride in it sensodyne does it have fluoride i don't know i don't know i like the cleaning angle though for the sponsorships that's untapped really yeah that's holy shit dude you could sell more dysons than yeah fucking lucille ball i didn't know who that is but i love it hey one time i did a steam cleaning commercial for a steam cleaner on
Starting point is 01:44:52 a barbecue it's on facebook so i'm sure somebody in the comments will find it yeah and i and i sold one i sold one this is amazing oh my gosh yeah as a company my mom i don't believe you could sell a vacuum cleaner you you sell gym memberships it's a barbecue steam cleaner 1500 watts of steam coming out this right off the grill you'll get all the dads orange grinds do not replace bleach bleach oh my god yes they do we were we weren't trying to bleach nothing all right uh i would buy a db die oh geez fucking brilliant like her own color line my god oh i love it now we're talking yeah yeah like fuck headphones and all that other shit fucking like creatine think outside the box think outside the box hey some of those people become like crazy wealthy like that that uh the the subway pedophile guy like jared from guy was jared yeah like the guy who was selling sandwiches
Starting point is 01:46:00 at subway he ended up being a pedophile that's why i call him that but like he was their guy to sell subway sandwiches really yeah and you could be dyson's vacuum cleaners unreal yeah healthy mind and body and room with uh when i'm not cleaning at the gym i'm cleaning at my house and i only use clorox yeah well that's why you fucking have a meme page because your brain's all fucked up. No one's safe. No one's safe. That was aggressive. No one's safe, Nick. He is.
Starting point is 01:46:29 Actually, like, I want to say it's that meme page, Wadsami, who's messaged me and been like, hey, is this cool? Oh, he's great. Yeah. He's an awesome dude. I love that dude. Yeah. We have this little community here.
Starting point is 01:46:43 It is so cool, Danielle. Really? We have, like, the same, like, probably 200 people who are on every single show in the mornings yeah it's cool that's amazing they're the best hell yeah and if dyson was your sponsor you could probably get a new you know it's like really nice getting a new one like they last like a couple years but if you got a new one every month it would be awesome you never had to touch that filter thing in there and just like, can I get a new one? I would give them away though.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Yeah. There you go. Changing lives, one Dyson at a time. Yeah. You know how many men don't have a vacuum? Losers. That's a mistake.
Starting point is 01:47:20 That's a red flag. It literally is. You wanted a vacuum before i had tools like how can you not i don't know i that's i hate walking around on crumbs because i i'm in no shoes in the house kind of yeah uh california's car pollution is worse than clorox are you sure that i'm not so so is fucking getting you getting ass pounded by Cameron. Cameron's the guy with the giant dick in the chat. But I'm just saying, like, that doesn't mean that Clorox still isn't. Yeah, it doesn't.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Yeah. OK. Oh, I think Patrick Clark made a good joke. Just like her. I wish I knew what it just like her noble jersey sales. I don't know. I would make commission off of the Dyson. Oh, no, they would pay her a fat lump sum and she'd become the spokesperson for the next 10 years. It would be so it would be a brilliant campaign we need that cash advance on that dice oh my god it would be brilliant hey cooper first i saved first i saved sorry oh let
Starting point is 01:48:31 me be a little nicer first i invigorated good dude's coffee with my donkey and now i'm giving you uh the dyson that's it nothing else will be uh free cooper all right that was it that was the last one how come cooper how come there's no agents who've read can you give me oh this is the last thing can you give me some personal advice how come no agents have reached out to me to represent this podcast maybe they don't see it necessary maybe they don't know it's necessary maybe they don't see the value in it maybe no like maybe they don't know it's necessary maybe they don't see the value in it maybe no like maybe they don't know why you need a sponsor i need a sponsor you do everyone needs money i don't know i don't want
Starting point is 01:49:16 to argue that limitation this guy needs money who they're doing the carnegie guy in the cashmere yeah the cash you know maybe they don't they don't know how this is not their realm like how do you sponsor a podcast what does that entail just ads commercials hey listen cooper this is i swear to god this is the last time i'm having danielle on if you don't fucking give me some. Okay. That got ahead of myself. I haven't reached out to a Trojan in a direct for our love line show. Oh, I reached out.
Starting point is 01:49:54 I, yeah, that's I reached out to you. Yeah. Danielle, did you get a new car after the hurricane? I did. Yep.
Starting point is 01:50:01 Insurance covered it. Oh, that's cool. What'd you get? The same car I had. I have a Volkswagen. Oh. Was it new? I had just gotten it before the games, yes.
Starting point is 01:50:12 So you got another new one? Yep. Just a different color. I got a white one. Alright. Thank you. Of course. Thank you. If you had half as much fun as I did, I have a lot of fun. I i have a lot of fun i always have a lot of fun okay good i like that always it's so fun um we will uh be watching you at uh wadapalooza
Starting point is 01:50:34 in the rad booth are you guys gonna be there no i'm just making it up to like plug your sponsors asuza will be there suza will be there we'll be there yeah i'll be there i'll be there. Susan will be there. Susan will be there. Yeah. I'll be there. I'll be there. I'll be there. Oh, I can't wait. I'll be running and gunning again. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:50:52 It's going to be good. Yeah. What are you doing there? Interviewing anybody who won't run away from me this year. So imagine this, Danielle. We do this. So basically, this picture of me right here will actually be his camera and we'll have and then on the side will be four other cameras and they walk around Guadalupalooza and like me and JR and other live and we go to the warm-up area and we just we basically run it like a podcast but it's live but we have like five people swarming wadapalooza so then you can watch
Starting point is 01:51:30 what's going on it's like a behind the scenes yeah so like someone will be like visit you in the rad booth someone will be like following sarah sigman's daughter after she hurts herself and she'll be like get away from me and we like we hear rich yell at the at the uh athlete briefing at the fucking at uh matt o'keefe like you get all that i love that you should get that yeah it's good shit that is like the stuff people want to see yeah it's good they're great shows love it all right uh thank you for uh always being so uh easy to work with um work with thanks for letting us just pry into your life you're fucking awesome aww thank you you guys are
Starting point is 01:52:10 this was so fun say hi to the boys for me Dallin Fee Cooper Matt Torres please do I'll see you in Miami I'll see you guys bye thank I'll see you guys. Bye. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:52:25 Bye. Thanks. She's so much fun. I need a cigarette. Oh, I fucked up. Brian was coaching until 830 anyway. Yeah, he wrote us back. It didn't really work out. It didn't work out for him anyway, so it's all good.
Starting point is 01:52:47 Yeah, he got caught up at the gym and some other stuff, so we're good. I was thinking about it when I was watching the time, and I was like, I never saw it come through. A big storm coming. A friend of mine says, what's the weather like there? I think we had a big storm a couple days ago, and I think a really big – I mean, it's California. I think we had a big storm a couple of days ago and I think a really big,
Starting point is 01:53:04 I mean, I it's California. Well, so the last one we, we had that we talked about with like flood and stuff was supposed to be like, and I don't even know these categories. So don't ask me to elaborate, but that was supposed to be like a three or whatever. And this one coming in tomorrow is supposed to be a five. They're calling it an atmospheric river. Damn.
Starting point is 01:53:23 I don't know. I can't tell. I can't tell what's just made. I mean, I love those words,ospheric river. Damn. I don't know. I can't tell. I can't tell what's just made. I mean, I love those words. Atmospheric river. You just kind of imagine that there's a river overhead and it's just going to dump on you. Nature is flushing San Francisco. Much needed.
Starting point is 01:53:38 That's for sure. Barry McConner. Seven. Go to Waterpalooza. I hear you. I can't, dude.'t dude seriously like what would i do there like me yeah think about it just for like i just uh who do you want as a sponsor a daniel dad and if you can get me people like daniel to come on regularly i'm good i that's like i'll eat my shoe or my sock tonight just to get guests like her as long as i can just keep making it real you know i saw something that someone said the other day it was on the coffee
Starting point is 01:54:11 wads and pods post and someone said that and thank you patrick um someone said uh that sometimes savon is salacious i don't really know what that means uh Audacious, cringe. It was just this list of things that were kind of like – it made me seem like a flamboyant character. Okay. And I read into it, and I thought, oh, these people, the way it was written, they think that I'm trying to be this way. Oh, like it's an act? like it's not just who you are i don't know if act is the right word not like an act but it's like the showman it's like i don't think they're being that harsh yeah
Starting point is 01:54:57 but really it's just i kind of i tap into this thing that's like a place that's like there's a little bit of fear there for me. Not like… Like when you're interviewing people you're referring to. Yeah, or just even in the live call-in shows. I just explore how excited I can get. And I watch it like you guys watch it. I know that sounds so fucking weird, but i'm not sure what's going to come out of my mouth either and so i to think that i i'm not i'm more like i've told you guys
Starting point is 01:55:36 before i'm and i think most of you guys know it but it's just weird to see in the comments i'm more forrest gump than um uh who's the guy who in silence of the lambs that incredible actor um oh uh i'm not uh i don't know i can't understand i'm not tom hanks i i'm like i i'm not acting but i am watching it it's like i'm almost having an out-of-body experience like like like i'm hannibal yeah not but what's his real name something Hopper Dennis Hopper or anyway Anthony Hopkins oh Anthony Hopkins thank you I meant to ask her what she thought about Will Smith and uh Chris Rock I wanted to go there god she has such a good head on her shoulders doesn't she yeah did you think she was gonna go that direction with that with the Dana White question I didn't know I honestly I thought like after I was like we were talking about forgiveness
Starting point is 01:56:24 shit yeah like you kissed the girlfriend it's cool but you slapped me once yeah if I hit you I didn't know. I honestly, I thought like after I was like, we were talking about forgiveness shit. Yeah. Like you kissed the girlfriend at school, but you slapped me once. And if I hit you first, it's cool. I mean, I don't know what to like. Yeah. I, I love the fact when she was talking about just the personal responsibility the whole entire time I was thinking like, yep, that's the CEO brand. That's the shirt. Oh, she needs a shirt. Yes. You nailed it. That was what's in our sponsorship budget?
Starting point is 01:56:46 Can we sponsor an athlete? Yeah. Yeah. We could do that. When will we be like Craig Ritchie? Reach out. Speaking of, speaking of, they're just jealous of you. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:56:59 That's so cool that he does that. I mean, not that he does that, but that he has the money to do that. You know what I'm excited about? And I really hope goes goes through i don't want to put too much expectation on it and also too i totally envision myself coming with you whether you wanted that or not but was going to uh potentially going to alex stein and being on his show oh i know he talked about having people like zoom in or whatever but i think if that opportunity does present itself and there's an option to go i think i think like we should we should venture out there and do that what would we do we would drive you'd come pick me up and we drive to texas fuck we'd have to drive to texas
Starting point is 01:57:34 i don't know i sure i don't want to fly i feel like we could be in and out quicker if we fly i don't know what the flight is to texas like two and a half hours three hours from here oh i can't think about it the the power dynamic is so different between someone like when like that that's why it was so absurd what i said hey cooper if you don't find us a sponsor i won't have danielle i mean i know you guys know this but the thing is is that like like this is fucking charity for i mean she she might as well just stood to fucking write this off she can write that computer off now went on seven yeah went on seven podcast yeah two hours right next to donated to special olympics i mean it's we're one line item away sponsor hopper maybe it'll come on the show then.
Starting point is 01:58:27 Send him some stickers and say they're from me, please. Yes, official sponsorship to send him your stuff. Did you like our new thing? I was surprised you released the – was that intentional to set up the new Wadapalooza one? I didn't switch it back. No, no, no. I just came in here and it was on. Oh, okay. I didn't know if you were dropping it because she was like the Wadapalooza athlete, but we didn't have it back. Oh, no, no, no. I just came in here and it was on. Oh, okay. I didn't know if you were dropping it because she was like the water blues athlete, but we didn't have it earlier this morning.
Starting point is 01:58:48 So I didn't know if there is a protocol with that. It looks great. Can I bring it up again? Yeah. I mean, you couldn't see it because I like the California hormones on the bottom. Yeah. Will did an amazing job. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:01 What's going to happen? What if we do this? Let me see this. Okay. So it'll look like this. We'll all be lined up on the side and then the camera was okay. Yeah. If you see under the background, he actually has a podcast cameras, like no cameras, screen sharing. So he has a couple different, um, placements so that way as the screens move around, we could still see what's happening, like with our sponsors and the labels and stuff. Awesome. I love how big he made CA Hormones.
Starting point is 01:59:26 They're basically – those guys in Gabe, you have to know, are carrying the show. I mean, I'd probably starve to death already. Yeah, they're great people to have on board with us during this build phase of the podcast. Yeah. Yes, California Hormones. That is correct, Kenneth. The one thing that I am excited about is because we reach outside of the space.
Starting point is 01:59:50 Obviously, we have a very strong foothold in the CrossFit space, but as far as I know, I don't know any other podcast that reaches out as far as we do outside of the space from the different guests and stuff that we bring on, which the second we get one of those virality moments and it starts to pick up, and I really feel that we're always like, we're always one show away,
Starting point is 02:00:08 one clip away from that happening. And when it does, like, then it's going to open up a whole other ecosystem for us that most other shows won't, won't be able to touch because they don't reach outside of, of the space. God, I believe you. Is that wrong? Am I crazy? No, dude, you have to, I need, we got to have the universe conspiring for us here. Jesus. This counters your argument. The chat carries the show, Stefan. These are the legends.
Starting point is 02:00:33 I don't disagree with that either. The chat is awesome. And you, Sousa, of course. Thanks, Jesse. The disc golf community. Oh, Spiegel changed his name again? Spiegel the Virtuous. Oh, maybe Spiegel changed his name again. Spiegel, the virtuous. Oh,
Starting point is 02:00:49 maybe Spiegel is a girl because look, they use the girl emoji. Oh, and that would be something that I could fuck up. Yep. Was that a tail? Like actually saying, I can't believe the special guest.
Starting point is 02:00:59 She's going to be here. Oh, and then he screwed up. You know, it's a male or female. Yeah. Magnus. Thank you. Uh, and, and when, a male or a female. Yeah. Magnus, thank you.
Starting point is 02:01:12 And when Jesse Vasquez, oh, Mesquita, says the community, it's people like your comments that I enjoy playing off of. And thanks, Magnus. I always like seeing you and your buddy. Did I send you the DM that we got from Kurt, from that comment that fired you up oh no yeah he sent a dm to the to the to the uh instagram to the you know the the podcast instagram oh what did it say very just very thoughtful just basically being like hey you took that wrong out of context like
Starting point is 02:01:38 he's a true fan of the show he's been watching everything from the beginning even like the early days of crossfit and stuff it was just saying that he wants you to just spread your wings wider on the live call-in shows, the breadth and depth of what experiences and opinions that you're going to bring to the different things that are happening in the world, like outside of just the scope of what we've been talking about. It's fair. I know.
Starting point is 02:01:59 Thank you, Kurt. Thank you. Maybe O'Keefe can sell some ads now that he merged this company or maybe it doesn't it doesn't have time for uh i had a company pay the 250 registration for a competition in vegas and she ended up finishing second won 2500 she wore their shirt for two days it's cool we need like a i need an athlete who's gonna pay me twenty five hundred dollars to wear this shirt doesn't that have a sponsorship we need a betting app that'll just give us half a mil it's like here you go here's a runway speaking of shirts i wonder what patrick thinks of this i think we're gonna have a bunch of shirts we've got two thousand dollars worth of shirts uh i think
Starting point is 02:02:40 gabe's gonna have them uh over at the paper street coffee coffee booth at wadapalooza did him and travis have a separate booth or the same booth do we know i thought you were gonna say did him and travis have a falling out no no no no they didn't just stir it up just for the hell of it anyhow sorry keep going oh mason dear mason dear mason mitchell uh flipped out is a bit strong but i am temperamental at times caught him on his fasting day i see you as a brother that we joust back and forth uh maybe a little sword fighting uh and i accidentally peed on your leg while we were doing that and i apologize you peed on my leg too so there there. He jabbed a little hard. Oh, you're a good dude, Jethro. So basically the shirts, I think what we're going to do, Susan, I still haven't talked about this, but I think we're going to give them to athletes who are competing there.
Starting point is 02:03:39 And the reason why I thought of that is one, it probably gets us more publicity. And the reason why I thought of that is, one, it probably gets us more publicity, but also I thought it was a nice thing because Waterpalooza has been so good to us and given us so much access that if we give it to – it adds value to their registration. And then Gabe's brought so much value to us. It brings the higher-profile people who are so cheap they want a free CEO shirt. I mean such devoted fans to the show who want a free CEO shirt to his booth. So that's kind of what we're going for. Hopefully they pick up something from Vindicate and grab themselves some coffee while they're getting their free
Starting point is 02:04:12 CEO shirt. Yes. Patrick, I have this idea for a show, for an Instagram account. I'm telling you. It would be a 20 million follower TikTok account and a big Instagram account too. And I need a gambling site to sponsor it.
Starting point is 02:04:30 They will go nuts. And I have everything lined up. I just don't have the time to do it unless someone paid me. But everyone I tell is like, holy shit. I cannot believe no one's done it yet. I'm telling you uh hopefully we're gonna have fresh commercials for um crossfit commercials for uh wadapalooza they're nothing like the ones um from before it's actual footage i filmed add an l1 back in the day um i don't even know if i would say they're commercials they're just
Starting point is 02:05:03 things i want to show you that happened in l1 that are just absolutely amazing people I've met at L1s. And, uh, so we'll be showing those. I got like 10, 11 or 12 of them. And hopefully, uh, between getting all this other shit done, um, I can, uh, I can get those done, uh, too. Okay. is done too. Okay. We have to try to figure out how we're going to set up the booth, right? Your spot? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:37 So. Live on air. Oh, shit. Did I just switch my camera? Yeah. It's checking out all the tripods in that carrying case. Oh, so I have to do,
Starting point is 02:05:49 no, no, we won't do it on air. Maybe just for a second. So extra camera and then go. Okay. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 02:05:59 there we go. That shot. And if you could get a wider shot. So then I need like a camera over there that will show the two of us sitting here. Yeah. But then how will I – if I'm looking at him and talking, how will I see the comments? That's going to be the one – you know, it's – How will I see the comments?
Starting point is 02:06:19 Maybe I just let him bring up the comments. There you go. Maybe I make him sit – what if I made him sit here? And I sat in the guest seat because I can set a laptop up over for him. Yeah. I like that your first thought there. Let the guests see the comments and they could fiddle around with it. I mean, he's a special guest.
Starting point is 02:06:40 I wouldn't let other guests do it. Right. It's definitely a temporary solution, but I still think that that would uh that would work that would solve it dude i have a crazy collection of i are you gonna open the phone lines oh right now no no tomorrow yeah yeah open the phone lines tomorrow anyone can call in and uh speak to the guest also yeah if the guest is cool with it um uh the thing is um you guys this is a crazy room i'm in it has just it has so much crazy shit in it it's something i have to give you a tour i'm trying to see like funny i actually have a secondary camera set of mine did you just go to extra camera i just went to present share screen oh yeah check mine out now that my room oh that's
Starting point is 02:07:27 cool that's like the that's the one on my monitor here that i'm looking at when i'm bringing stuff up this is for look at this look at it wait what if i do this god i'm so juvenile what if i do this God, I'm so juvenile. What if I do this? Now that my room is cleaned up, you've been in this room when it was dirty. Tell me, what did you think the first time you came in this room? The first time I came in when it was dirty? Because it wasn't, it's not dirty. You just have like a whole entire radio shack in there. It's like, it's not like, it's not like, it's not like coming.
Starting point is 02:08:09 There's like, you know, trash and stuff around. As a matter of fact, you were like, watch where you step because everything in here is expensive. But I was like, yeah, I think I still stepped on a cord, but yeah, it wasn't, it's just, you just have a ton, a ton, a ton of equipment. It was overwhelming. like you don't even know what to look at right no exactly in that and i know that like as you walk into the to the right you have all that shelving of everything up over there too so you would think that that's already massive enough and then it just kind of like spills out into the into the floor my pants i don't have sausage fingers what are you talking about that just i
Starting point is 02:08:44 just put them no it's just a close-up yeah yeah yeah i got i got little tiny hands little small hands regular regular break i got regular hands i was surprised by the amount of like uh grip trainers you had though yeah you got like fucking 50 of them a lot of grip trainers a lot of grip trainers. A lot of grip trainers from your arm wrestling days. Okay, guys. Good show with Daniel Brandon.
Starting point is 02:09:12 Tell a friend. Subscribe. Don't let me fall. I think I'm already 1,000 subscribers behind Hiller. Don't let that happen to me. Gosh, come on, guys. Like something. Just make more accounts and subscribe from those two. Send it to a friend. Aren't you supposed to say make a comment for the algorithm or do some stuff? Please.
Starting point is 02:09:34 Help us out. Yeah, please. Jessica Valenzuela, thanks, guys. Thank you, Jessica, for always being here. As that one guy said, I don't remember his name, the show is really all about you without you guys. You you, Jessica, for always being here. As that one guy said, but I don't remember his name. The show is really all about you without you guys. You don't even need me. I know I come in here and there's 50 people in the chat already.
Starting point is 02:09:51 I know. Heidi, thank you. Get your go to Amazon, type in Heidi Kroom and get your latest release of her books. Plural. Multiple books. Austin Hartman. The show was fun very fun thank you unsporty beth like and subscribe seven are you going to get greg this next month i hope so i'm trying i mean i'm trying thank you for reminding me keep the pressure on uh daniel brandon broke the algorithm
Starting point is 02:10:20 eat more dick butter i think there's supposed to be a comma in there you guys and uh we will see you guys oh tomorrow morning we have a great show tomorrow morning we have a show with uh zeke he is a police officer and uh who who's the get who's the who's the guest we had on the show montague who was uh worked out at your gym um uh xavier oh xavier delaruso yeah xavier delaruso i saw xavier delaruso on zeke's podcast and so i wanted to meet oh no shit yeah and he was generous enough to come on so i'm going to prepare for that tonight also i'll see you that uh will be at 7 a.m pacific standard time and then at 4 p.m tomorrow we'll have the special guest eric weiss water palooza is going to be awesome can't wait all
Starting point is 02:11:09 right guys buh-bye

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