The Sevan Podcast - #738 - Rich Froning | The Peoples Champ

Episode Date: January 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We'll do a little house cleaning before Rich comes on. Bam! We're live! 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Straight off the set of Grease. The remake. Don Travolta ain't got shit on, Sousa. Oh, boy. Sousa, you got a Switchblade? You got a Switchblade?
Starting point is 00:00:21 Oh, damn it. I just had... She needs a Switchblade comb. She needs a Switchblade? Oh, damn it. I just had. Shooting the Switchblade comb. Yeah. Switchblade comb. Coming home back. Those were cool as a kid. I really liked that video.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Are we going to post that, the CEO video? Are we going to post that on the Savant Podcast Instagram? Yeah, I was actually just in the middle of trying to get it set. Awesome. When I was like, hey, let's go on early. Yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Guys, we are getting ready for Wadapalooza. I guess for us, Wadapalooza already started.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We've been having some great phone calls with Dylan. And is her name Shana over there? Sasha. Sasha. Sorry, Sasha. It seems like once again this year we're going to be uh welcome with open arms I'm super excited about that we have a great uh sponsorship with uh California Hormones and Paper Street Coffee working together if you are an athlete if you have registered for Wadapalooza
Starting point is 00:01:16 and you would like a free shirt while supplies last you can have one of those CEO shirts I don't know if it's this one I think it's more like this one you'll get than that one, but I'm not sure. But you go to the Paper Street Coffee booth. He will be next to Vindicate where other people can buy the booths. The logic was this. Wadapalooza has been so nice to us by letting us go there with our media and open arms. And so we decided, hey, what can we do to contribute to the ecosystem? I mean, we, they didn't ask us to do that. We just thought, okay, let's do that. So I am back in Kashmir. I am not showered, but it is the glow of Kashmir. I think Kashmir comes from a rabbit, right? There's a Kashmir rabbit. Oh, I don't have no idea, but it looks great. Rabbit something. When I used to stay frequently in the Beverly Hills montage, they sold these in the lobby.
Starting point is 00:02:15 So I got one of every color, blue, black. Of course you did. So it's so soft. It looks soft from here. I wanted to say this real quick while I have five minutes left. There was a comment in the YouTube video we did this morning, the interview we did with James Spragues and Brian Friend. And it said that eating is so unprofessional. And James was having like a bagelel with peanut butter and i thought that that
Starting point is 00:02:47 was interesting i don't even know what that means unprofessional and i was gonna like get on my high horse and poo-poo all over that comment but then i thought when you do speak um we we have an obligation to be socially conscious, I guess. I'll give you an example of someone who might not be socially conscious. A friend rides over to your house on their motorcycle and your mom walks over to him and goes, you know you're going to die on that,
Starting point is 00:03:21 and they ride over on their motorcycle and your mom goes, you know you're going to die on that thing. And it's just, I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but it pushes the boundaries of what I think of like – I'm more interested in being socially responsible than professional. I don't even really know what professional means. Professional sounds like wokeism to me. Actually, James Sprague is one of the fittest human beings on the planet today. There's no hyperbole there.
Starting point is 00:03:50 And obviously, fueling is a major part of being one of the fittest people on the planet. And if he has to eat while he fits us in to talk to us, then I think that's absolutely professional. Like, it's just it's so it's such an egotistical term. It really got highlighted to me when I thought of the fact when people would call Dave Castro unprofessional. And I'm just like, wow, he's like the most professional person I've ever met. And if you're trying to win the hearts and minds of the public, I think wearing a tie, in my opinion, is if you're a politician. I would rather see a politician in a sheet with nothing else on to show that his mind is transparent he is transparent and there's no
Starting point is 00:04:31 ego rather than the suit and tie and all that shit like you guys have i just i just don't see it the way i guess other people um see it we have tons and tons of censorship already of what we can say and can't say on this show i i have no issue with um i think it's a misnomer a mischaracterization i think when someone says it's not professional professional when someone eats on the show i mean if you want to say hey grosses me out when you eat on the show that's you're at least then now you're talking about what it does to you but just saying unprofessional it's like go fuck yourself you know like i i i'm notessional, it's like, go fuck yourself. I'm not buying it.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I'm not buying it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. I'm buying that. I'm buying that. It's fine. Yeah, some people don't like to share a tent with a guy who farts a lot. Yeah, I get it. I don't say it like it's unprofessional.
Starting point is 00:05:26 It's probably one of the most professional things that uh please ask rich to take his shirt off okay that's unprofessional hey if he comes on with this shirt on he's being unprofessional so uh thanks joel by the way for the uh buck 99 thank you i'm going to predict that rich is uh in his uh truck somewhere on the property um sort of he's sequestered himself i don't know if it was a hater i just i just thought i appreciated the comment because then it gives me an opportunity to speak on it um i in the same way like when that when uh denar demar hamlin denar demar hamlin went down the nfl uh guy i don't expect the commentator to just be like to it would be socially irresponsible if the commentator said hey that's clearly the vaccine or that's clearly like made a diagnosis
Starting point is 00:06:19 right there i think that would have been socially irresponsible do i think twitter and instagram and pundits like me who want to postulate about it? I think it's totally fine. I do think it was very unprofessional. I showed you guys the article and we'll talk about it again on the live Colin show we'll do this weekend sometime that Suza doesn't know about yet. know about yet. I do think it was very unprofessional for that doctor to come on that say, hey, anyone who's speculating that it's a vaccine is the worst of humanity and should climb under the rock that they came out from under. And then three hours later, he went on CNN and started speculating what happened. It's like, what gives you the right to speculate? Yeah, holier than thou. Yeah, being a doctor definitely doesn't make you an expert at all you're you're so biased in your opinion as a doctor you're the furthest thing from an expert the furthest thing from an expert if you're a doctor you're by you you are a biased at best you're a hyper biased expert nothing against
Starting point is 00:07:19 doctors it's just like i'm a i'm a hyper by i'm not an expert in podcasting i'm at best i'm a hyper biased um talkaholic talkaholic how are you i'm great one thing i would like to say real quick before rich gets on because i know these shows catch a lot of attention if you guys have ever received one ounce of value from this show whether you agree with the live call-ins and like, or whether you're simply here because you're a fan of Rich or some of the other athletes. Like if you enjoy trolling us even. Even if you enjoy trolling us. Even if you enjoy sending someone nasty DMs, just do us a favor. It costs you absolutely nothing. But if you just subscribe to the channel, it means a world to us. And I will never come out here and kind of say this stuff, but this is where I feel I'm responsible for it because we know that if we drive a call to action you guys subscribe it costs you nothing it takes
Starting point is 00:08:07 1.5 seconds out of your life just hit the button already do it now and we'll keep bringing you awesome stuff like this someone told me that uh they're frustrated with how many um notifications they get boy the notifications for youtube channels i subscribe to don't bug me at all just delete imagine a world when you watch we produce so much awesome content people are frustrated by the amount of content we're producing wow wow what a life you guys are doing too much it was a regular listener it was cool uh cannot lose to hill or too late hill or one i concede i can see i don't view them as the same thing i view our channel so separately that it's not even that's like you know i i'm mostly joking we're yin and yang we love each other and compliment he's got a he's got a great
Starting point is 00:08:51 uh 10 minute format i was just when i was looking at do's and don'ts when i saw that there was that comment of someone eating on the podcast i was looking at the um do i looked up the do's and don'ts of podcasting and one of them was never to go over 22 minutes. I was like, well, well, well, Rich just text me and said he's not coming to the show. Just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding, guys. Settle down. Like like 10 people were tried to close their window already. Anthony, TPA, $5. If I get a COVID vaccine between my toes,
Starting point is 00:09:28 does that qualify me as a medical expert? Keep up the work boys. Don't let rich off easy today. Always let rich off easy. Rich. Always easy. Always let rich off easy. I think he's going to be a mayhem.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Go ahead. Sorry. I, I titled this podcast. One of the things I wrote in the thumbnail oh by the way anyone who wants to help us uh we will take help but but but it's not easy helping us it is a fucking lot of work and you do it for free just ask rich just ask rich do everything for free Yeah. What a good dude. Formerly. Or are you bringing the heat? Rich, my sister called me today and she said, why is Rich coming on the show?
Starting point is 00:10:21 What is he promoting? Old news, right? Old news. She said, what is he promoting? I'm like, I think it's, I think you have the needle in the wrong spot. She goes, what do you mean? I go, I think it's charity. Yeah. I said, it's more of a charity to the show. And she said, Oh, why do you think he does that? And I said, I think he does it to a hundred percent to have some okay i can say tax write-off but yeah i have some tax write-off i made up some really egotistical shit go ahead so to have this is fun for you oh yeah yeah it's good to catch up
Starting point is 00:11:01 okay yeah awesome you're not anti-? You're not kind of antisocial? Depends on the day. Some days I am. Yeah. You know, I get, I would say that it's something that I've grown into. I tell people that all the time. There's days that, yeah, I don't want to, I'm not a, I don't want to say I'm an introvert. I'm not an extrovert. I'm a little bit probably somewhere in the middle, more, a little bit more introverted. Um, stuff like this won't burn me out, but if I get in front of a large group and speak or hang out or whatever, have to interact with a bunch of people, I enjoy it. But when I'm done, uh, it takes me a, uh, some rebound time
Starting point is 00:11:40 for sure. Uh, Jacqueline Robinson. Uh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So, for example, in Santa Cruz, early in your career, you did a performance in front of several thousand people and there was no security and you finished the workout on the stage and then the stage got surrounded and you couldn't get off the stage. Full panic. Yeah, that was – and you basically had to sign your way out of there. Yes. It was kind of nuts. I mean, it was a great photo op. No one from HQ came to save you.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I just took photos. I mean, you were surrounded by a thousand people and you were on a stage. There was nowhere to dismount or anything. Nope, nope. I was stuck. I was completely trapped, full-on panic. It wore me out worse doing that than doing the actual workout. Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And early in your career. Yeah. I was, like I said, it's something that I've grown into over the years. Early on, you know, speaking in public, anything like that was really hard for me. And now it doesn't really bother me, but it'll drain me for sure. This is what I told her. I said, I think he does it because we have a history, and he sees I'm a father with three kids, and it's his way of supporting me. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And hanging. I like to hang. We have a talk every couple months. It's good. Good to keep up. We haven't talked every couple months. It's good. Good to keep up. And then I said – we established a really good friendship in the beginning, and then we got distant for a while. No real drama, but just – Kids, man. Kids are hard to –
Starting point is 00:13:15 And some work stuff. There was some work stuff around the film. There was some work stuff around the film, but nothing bad. No hatred. No words ever got back to me. You were saying bad shit about me. I never said any bad shit about you just some distance and so i said maybe he's um uh because he's a good christian he's just like i'm doing it like to uh maybe he hates me and he's just doing it to like uh to be nice to someone he hates and my sister said my sister said this to me she goes um uh christians can't have hate in their heart and i said how come and she said because it interferes with their communication with god i can see that i just you know god says love people and gotta love people even you know
Starting point is 00:13:56 is what it is but we've no we're good we're friends it's good i feel like we're catching up yeah um i feel very close to you now by the way i, by the way. I don't mean to rehash that every show. Yeah, no, I've got no problems. No problems. Yeah, I love you. I'd swing by your house unannounced. Welcome anytime. Welcome anytime.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Donations for Rich's CrossFit Open Fees for the Masters Division. Thank you, Anthony. Thank you, Anthony. I appreciate that. What is the demand on your time from outside groups? Is there a steady drumbeat? Rich, will you come to this charity? Rich, will you do my podcast?
Starting point is 00:14:36 Rich, will you come enter the Zealous Games? Is there a steady drumbeat? It just depends on the time of year, really. Right now, since I'm a murderer and a killer i've been doing a lot of hunting podcasts i really enjoy um you know because because i'm a killer uh so that's why is that what people is that what people are saying on the on the internet yeah yeah i love it i love it wow but yeah so i've been doing a couple of those recently it's been a ton of of fun to just kind of check out that community and be a part of that. And it's fun. It's been it's been cool. Well, when it's funny because I typed in your name into the browser on Chrome and I was looking around for any podcast you've done. I didn't see any of the hunting ones. They're just, they should, I guess, soon start, um, coming out, I guess. I
Starting point is 00:15:29 just did one with, uh, elk, elk fit elk. Oh man. Uh, elk shake. Okay. Um, so that one should be cool. And then, uh, I'm actually gonna go out. Do you guys know who Cam Haynes is? Yeah. Supposed to go out and hang out with Cam Haynes for a couple of days. Because he's seems like a cool dude and really into fitness and hunting and, uh, something that, you know, I'm pretty passionate about both of those. What's the learning curve on hunting? Uh, very steep and metaphorically and in real life climbing mountains. There's a, it's's it's been good for me
Starting point is 00:16:07 it's been fun uh to fail at something that's not public you know if that makes sense granted we're making youtube videos out of it so it's pretty public when you fail but um there's a challenge to it uh there's something just natural to it being out in the woods disconnecting from everything chasing a ghost a little bit of competition and then now to have some success at it to have some meat and the reward of some really clean really good healthy food for me for my family well my family minus hillary she won't eat it but my kids love it your wife won't eat your kills she will not she does not eat she does not like things that don't come from the store interesting okay you know she's she's got her her food things she just likes you know spaghetti she loves spaghetti that's her deal i want to send her the video of, the, the, the 24 minute video they have on how cows are harvested from
Starting point is 00:17:06 farms. It's absolutely fucking brutal. It's, it's pretty crazy. So, um, yeah, tearjerker shit for sure. That's my kind of rebuttal to anybody that is, is anti-hunting. Like I get vegan, vegetarian, that's your, that's your choice your choice. I can respect your opinion on me being a hunter and not supporting that. But people that eat meat and are against hunting, not if you eat meat and don't hunt, but if you're against hunting, that's where I got a problem. James Hobart II, I also donate towards Rick's. Rick. Rick. Rick. Old Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:17:48 That's the first time in 700 shows Hobart listens to everyone like a religious nut. I'm his cult leader, and this is the first time he's donated money. Old whale skin Hobart. Hey, if every man in the United States and every woman in the United States was a hunter, can you imagine the environmental movement that would fucking get behind that to preserve the land and the animals for hunting? I'm just making this up off the top of my head, but the last thing you want to see is land be turned into cities and skyscrapers and be ruined, right? Yeah, for sure. is land be turned into cities and skyscrapers and being ruined, right? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yeah, no, I mean, that's what's kind of cool about it too is the more I've gotten into hunting, the more conservation stuff is important to me. You know, there's things that, you know, I mean, with our farm, you just look at bison and what we did to them, what, you know, decimated them from, they say anywhere from 40 to 60 million down to less than 1,000 and to see kind of the conservation behind that. And then really look at conserving their habitat. You know, people, a lot of people I think look and look at hunting and, Oh, it's just a bunch of killers that are going out there for trophy hunters and, you know, that type of thing where I did keep,
Starting point is 00:18:58 keep the rack on my bowl and it's, it's in my living room, but it's more of a memory of the, the time, the sacrifice, the brotherhood, and then the meats in my freezer that I get to eat and have that as well. So there's a huge conservation side of hunting. Like, yeah, we want to preserve and keep, um, keep the herds and I'm speaking to the elk side of it, but you want to make sure the animal's there because if you just decimate it and go out there and are an idiot, then, yeah, you're not going to have anything left to hunt.
Starting point is 00:19:32 So I don't think people, when they see the negatives or think of the negative side of hunting, they don't think about that. I mean, you're not out there to shoot the last white rhino. No, exactly. We're going out there and doing it the right way. So I don't have i yeah no no rhinos i haven't found one yet uh donation to get hobart back on the show you that's way too much he'd come back on for 50 cent yeah
Starting point is 00:19:55 uh what's it what's uh um what's the give me an example an example of a a failed mission that was your fault have you ever been like the only thing i can think of you ever been too noisy you drop something you talk when you're not supposed to you farted there's a phone call from hillary that's how i say the phone goes off usually there's no phone reception where we're at i mean there's there's so much uh to it there's you know it's very tactical. You're playing wind. You're playing, obviously, sound is something that you're doing. Wind is the main thing, really. You know, if you get.
Starting point is 00:20:32 The nose. They got the nose. Dude, yeah. The just the defense mechanism. You're in their home. They're, you know, everybody thinks it's some defenseless animal. But these things are, they're hard to find and then i guarantee we've walked past you know probably hundreds because of the their nose their
Starting point is 00:20:51 smell um they're not defenseless animals out here in the wild so it's uh i mean multiple times we've but what we call would call bumping animals where you the wind is you know kind of at your back and as you're walking around um you you see them just off. There's no way they saw you, but they for sure smelled you. So there's too many probably to count times that we've, we've screwed it up. Um, when you go out on a hunt, if you're, let's say you're going for one animal, let's say you're going for a deer, but you see an elk. Can you pivot? Is that? Uh, it depends if you have a license for it. So when we go out west i i'm speaking mainly to elk hunt i i can't sit still enough uh to hunt whitetail here in tennessee that's more of a sit and wait type game i i like
Starting point is 00:21:36 to get out and move you know me i can't sit still for more than you know 30 minutes to an hour if i am sitting and so elk hunting is something that I've really gotten into because of the kind of the tactical side of it and moving around. And so you have to buy a tag and there's only a certain amount of tags that are given depending on the state and everything's kind of different, but I'll speak to Colorado. You buy an elk tag and over the counter tag with a bow and you can get either sex elk and they are male and female.
Starting point is 00:22:07 There are no in-betweens there. Thank you. There's not the non-binary tag where you can just shoot anyone? Those are off-limits, yeah. Now everybody hates me. No, it's important these days. You're being courteous. Yeah, you identified them correctly.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yeah, I think so. That's a good thing. Identified them correctly. Yeah, I think so. That's a good thing. And so from there, depending on what unit, a lot of the places are – Let me go back to that real quick for a second. Could you buy a tag that's just for a male elk? Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:36 You can buy a bull tag or a cow tag. So like the second hunt that I went on this year in Colorado, since I already killed a bull, I could only get a cow tag. Oh, wow. Okay. in Colorado since I already killed a bull I could only get a cow tag oh wow okay and you can tell what the difference between man and woman uh or female male elk from 50 feet pretty far away yeah okay what's the difference horns okay all right yeah antlers antlers all right antlers I guess all right I'm ready for my first hunt CrossFitFit Riverside, 20 bucks. Oh, my God, we've got to have Rich on more often. This podcast might succeed. So I don't even remember where we were at. The tags.
Starting point is 00:23:11 So you buy an elk tag. Depending on the unit, you could also purchase a mule deer tag or whatever. Or like the unit we were in, you could purchase for an extra $100 a black bear tag. But it was only good in a certain amount of units because they keep track of the herd numbers or size of the population. And it's just, it's different no matter where, depending on where you go. So, um, if you have a legal tag, yes, you could do that. If you poach, then that's up to you, but somebody finds out you're going to be in big trouble. Have you ever like got back to your car or you're out there and a forest
Starting point is 00:23:48 ranger, whoever it is, comes up to you and says, Hey, can I see your tags? We have not. Where, where we hunt or where we hunted this last time, we were pretty close to some, so we hunt public land. It was where we killed this last bull and you're really close to private land and people frown upon you even stepping foot on their land. So you've got to be pretty smart. It was a weird encounter we had with a guy that said he was hunting public land but was watching us very closely to make sure we never stepped foot on some private land. So very defensive on their property, which rightfully so.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Interesting. Okay, and so you could see him. You just ran into him out in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, well, we were carrying back about 400 pounds of meat on our back, and this guy's like, oh, where'd you kill that at? And he was, oh, that's great, good job. You know, and investigating a little too much. Too friendly, like friendly to the point where it was like manipulative.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yeah, and then like kind of followed us to make sure we were staying because we were close, like I said, coming back out. We were making sure to stay on public land, even carrying this thing out, which was the most miserable experience of my life, carrying this thing out. But yeah, it was just a little weird. How much of the weight were you carrying? I had the back straps, the loins, and I think a couple organs plus the head, which head and cape, which I'd say around maybe 100 pounds around there. But it was just really awkward.
Starting point is 00:25:17 It was about two miles if you went in a straight line. But we went up over, around, and it was it took uh two two hours we took uh i think it was three or four or five minute breaks and my heart rate through that whole time averaged 140 and were you just soaking wet when you got off yes just mad it was probably 60 70 degrees but you're just full of sweat and it was like i said it was top three most miserable things i've ever done so when this guy starts talking to you you don't even it was snowing no no it was like i said it was top three most miserable things i've ever done so when this guy starts talking to you you don't even it was snowing no no it was like 60 70 but you're just ready to be done mentally physically emotionally it was it was hard luis lemos one of the biggest
Starting point is 00:25:56 contributors to the show fifty dollars man hey when day was on he gave a hundred don't get too excited don't get too excited um do you um that guy when he starts talking to you because you're carrying so much weight do you stop or do you just keep walking and he's got to keep up if he wants to talk to you i want to say we maybe stop for like two seconds put our hands on our knees and then we're just kind of like we're on bro you know like there's uh surely there's an understood that we're not being dicks but we're carrying a pretty good amount you would the only time you would really stop is if you found a good tree that had fallen over, and I could set my pack weight on that tree.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And you're not really sitting on anything, but the pack weight is off of your shoulders and back. And it was a grind for sure. Is that dude carrying a gun? Does any part of you think, hey, this guy might shoot us and take our meat? He didn't have a gun. It was a bow season. Uh, he said he was scouting for rifle season,
Starting point is 00:26:49 which was a couple months after. So that's, that was the weird part. Like I said, um, a couple, you know, you're carrying a side,
Starting point is 00:26:57 sidearm as well. So hopefully it doesn't come to that, but you never know with some people, some people get crazy. Yeah. I would just think it's just crazy out there. Holy shit, guys. This is nuts.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Josh. Josh. Thanks, Josh. Sounded out. Lehrman. Lehrman? Lehrman? From the reader in the group, Rich Froning, Josh Lehrman, 99, 99.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Love, Rich. Who doesn't? Thank you. Thank you. Wait, do people actually. Love Rich. Who doesn't? Thank you. Wait, do people actually jack other people for meat out there? No. Someone just roll up and like. I'm just thinking, I just, because of that Idaho murder, I got murder on my mind. Don't even get going.
Starting point is 00:27:37 My wife has been obsessed with that shit. It's crazy. It's nuts. I get the Alpha David updates and everything. I've been keeping up with that Daymar Hamlin stuff with the football uh did you watch that that was crazy i watched it live it was uh man that was bizarre i got like 20 text messages uh hey dude i know you don't watch football but turn on your tv right now man it was uh i'm glad to hear this he's making from everything that i've read he's making some pretty big improvements.
Starting point is 00:28:07 First question he asked when he woke up was, did they win? Oh, did he? Yeah, that's what they said. I don't know how true that is. They said he was writing on a notepad and asked if they won. Hey, and what ended up happening? I saw that they – They've postponed the game indefinitely. I don't even think they're going to play it.
Starting point is 00:28:21 They've talked about – because it it was there's kind of a weird they need they don't need the game to figure out who makes the playoffs but they need to get the game to see if um they need the game to see who's the number one seed in the afc and so i think for the afc championship they may plan at a neutral site i was really hoping they were going to add an eighth seed uh so my lions might have a chance to to win it in and not have to worry about seahawks but we'll see you're a detroit uh lions fan i am unfortunately my entire life have you ever met barry no my childhood hero though i had a fat head of barry in my office when i had an office but i don't even have an office anymore josh took that from me so
Starting point is 00:29:00 you know that guy um you know travis's son tyson i was i've been oh man yeah you i've kept up with him he's uh an athlete dude um he uh when when the agent was trying to get him to sign with when a particular agent was trying to get tyson to sign with him yeah they sent dan marino over to his house and dan marino had dinner with the family and then barry sanders called him oh Oh, man. Barry Sanders. I'm telling you. Is that crazy or what? My childhood hero.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Like the day he retired was one of the hardest days of my life. Hey, you deserve it. That's what you did to us. You deserve it. Someone who retires early, you deserve it. I know the feeling, Rich. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Hey, I'm still here. I'm still here. So everyone knows it's Barry Sanders' fault that we didn't get another year out of Rich. Honestly, it might have been. He did that to me. I was like, you know what? He didn't need to keep playing, and I don't blame him. He kind of lost that fight.
Starting point is 00:29:55 I don't hold it against him. As a child, I held it against him. Now, as an adult, I see it. But, man, that was hard for me as a kid. Maybe one of the greatest football players who ever lived, which is bizarre to say about a running back. I mean, he was true. I would say he is. I mean, you gave him the ball and you never knew what was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:30:13 You just never fucking knew. And then, um, but on one of the worst teams that ever was ever, ever, I would argue and I'm, I'm 1000% in support of the Lions every year, always have been. It's the worst franchise in all of sports, and I can argue that to a T because they've won one playoff game. I'm talking Super Bowl era. They've won one playoff game in the Super Bowl era. And then everybody wants to say the Browns, but the Browns are technically an expansion team.
Starting point is 00:30:42 The Browns franchise is the Baltimore Ravens who have won a Super Bowl. So Lions, every other team is an expansion team. The Lions have been there since the Super Bowl started and won one playoff game. Worst franchise in all sports. Done. Drop. I love them. I've watched every game.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I've watched every game for the past seven or eight years. When I was a kid, since the addition of nfl sunday ticket i've watched every single game um but man it's the worst no bueno no josh holton 999 we just changed to mayhem affiliate for our gym loving the mayhem mentality and of course love rich peace and love savon and matthew souza, too. Thanks, Josh. Man, Darren does an incredible job with that, with the programming, and then the rest of the team was kind of the back of the house stuff. So that's Darren's. I'm happy to see Darren do a really good job with that.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Tell me about this other guy, Jake. Lockert? Yeah, Lockert. Is he the most unknown guy who's doing the most maybe in maybe the games community? Finally, I reached out to him. I think we're going to get him to come on the show. I'm super excited. Is he the guy?
Starting point is 00:31:54 Man, Jake's great. He's been with us really since – I mean, Jake was behind What's Rich Doing and kind of he, when we started doing online programming, Jake, uh, me and Jake would go back and forth. Jake's literally every workout that I've ever done. He's seen or, you know, typed it out or whatever. And Jake's in charge of online programming and kind of the mastermind behind that. And, um, has basically taken it, you know, from where it was in its infancy day one from what's rich doing to what mayhem athlete is now you know i'm just i'm just the ceremonial leader and and uh come up with some
Starting point is 00:32:31 bad ideas every once in a while but jake's usually the guy that refines it and uh makes it good so yeah we've got your trust rich how did he earn your trust he was just here you know like one of those guys that was just here and always there always always there and um from the beginning you know he went to Tennessee Tech started at the original Mayhem not the original the second original Mayhem um back by the donut shop and uh was just there and kind of trained with us and then um started coaching a little bit at Mayhem and then um finished his undergrad and then went to PT school and wanted to kind of stay involved and stay with us and so we decided to he was our first person that worked remote and like I said just kind of kept doing what's rich doing and kept growing it and
Starting point is 00:33:17 then we took took on you know compete and then just as forged all these partnerships with all the you know what I would call SMEs to take an acronym from CrossFit and forge all these kind of partnerships within the training community and taking it to the next level. And so, you know, we talk a ton about programming and I mean, it's been fun. It's been good. How long was the relationship informal before it became formal? Probably two or three years, if I had to guess. He was just kind of training at the gym, but then also training with the group when we had the team, one of the teams, one of the years. So he's good? He CrossFit's good?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yeah, he's really fit. We always joke that he doesn't really, in the last couple of years, he's kind of um we always joke that you know he he doesn't really in the last couple years he's kind of given up the competition um the he's you know trying to compete and make the games like he won beach brawl in the rx division but um he's he's a good athlete and and well-rounded he's uh right now their goal is um to do anman, I think in August or September, something like that. They're trying to get me on that, but I feel like my left knee would turn to dust on the marathon part.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I'm on the podcast with Rich right now. Can you call me back later? Ask him if he's coming to Georgia. He's going to come with me to see the three-star general. Are you coming with Dave to see the three-star general? I'm going to try to, Dave, and I heard you were trash-talking me yesterday. He's going to come with me to see the three-star general. Are you coming with Dave to see the three-star general? I'm going to try to, Dave, and I heard you were trash-talking me yesterday. Dave's like that.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Oh, he said he's going to. Dave, you might need a link, buddy. He says he was going to, but he heard you were trash-talking him yesterday on the podcast. Dave's like that girlfriend that you broke up with but you're still friends with, and they still need more attention than they deserve, you know? Oh, he's fucking you up, Dave.
Starting point is 00:35:05 He's fucking you up. He says, like, you're like the ex-girlfriend that you still stay friends with. But what did you say? He needs more attention than he deserves? He needs more attention than he deserves. Like, it's... Yeah. We're still friends, but, you know...
Starting point is 00:35:15 Oh, that hurt. That really hurt. I love you, Dave. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. He says he loves you, but he's not in love with you. You need to fucking embrace that. I need to feel – I need to see if I'm going to survive through water pollution first. I might not be able to walk.
Starting point is 00:35:32 All right. All right. Bye. He's inviting you to go see a three-star general? I know. I know. I need to. I need to.
Starting point is 00:35:40 But, man, it's the hard part. He's not even – he doesn't even run the games anymore. He doesn't even know what his position is over there. don't got your shit from you don't even got a podcast hey i don't want it like that's not it i got three kids i gotta figure out schedules i'm gonna be gone for four days from guadalupalooza my wife's gonna kill me anyway like four star general four star general call me when there's a four star general yeah yeah so no i mean it's that's the hard part is logistics you know hey, hey, Hill, I'm going to leave one day after I got back from Guadalupalooza, and you've got the kids by yourself again.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Oh, yeah, that'd be a good conversation. How does that go for anyone? Senior got it. Senior got it. Yeah. My hubby, my hubby. Oh, so Trish is, Trish does have a vagina? We don't know. We don't know. That's throwing us off. My hubby eats I always thought this was a guy.
Starting point is 00:36:26 My hubby eats powdered elk antler to stay virile. Thanks for the tip, Rich. Oh, he's just fucking with you. You need the antler to get your dick hard is what he said. I haven't tried it. AZZ1999 Love watching all of your growth in the sport of CrossFit. All you do with your
Starting point is 00:36:43 multiple businesses, your support for first responders, military, and police, and thank you for sharing your faith and your many videos of your life. Thanks. A-Z-Z. I thought that was for me. Wad Zombie, I started CrossFit because of Rich. Thank you for everything you've done for the community. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Holy shit, this is just endless. Uh-oh. I'm not complaining. Julian Iford, hope your team wins next weekend. How is Haley progressing in her strength gains? Haley's doing awesome. That's a $20 question. You don't got to answer it.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Haley's doing awesome. She's got her head right. She's having fun. She's fun to be around. So I'm looking forward to letting everybody see kind of what she's having fun uh she's fun to be around so i'm i'm looking forward to uh seeing letting everybody see kind of what she's she's put in the hard work so it's been uh it's been good been real good going back to to jake here this this programming piece has to be i mean it's it's got to be one of the most important pieces right right? Uh, for the mayhem empire brand, right? I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:46 this is, uh, I mean, it's the most forward facing thing that people interact with, right? Yeah. It's, I mean, it's, it's definitely the largest part of our business. Um, you know, it's something that I enjoy probably the most as well. Um, just sitting down and writing workouts or torture or whatever it is. And so Jake, like like i said he's kind of been since the beginning really you know the beginning of i guess our growth there's we're it's been such a different over the last i don't know eight or ten years um you know in the beginning there was you know we always joke we was joking about to these kids like i keep thinking that i'm the same age as most of these kids that are around here and they're all 10 12 years younger than me and I'm like back in my day you
Starting point is 00:38:29 know the only cardio we had was a rower and a barbell and your body weight and so you know it's trying to learn and stay ahead of or at least caught up with you know the changes in the sport the demands of the sport and um you um, you know, cause we learned kind of the hard way of what not to do, but I probably wouldn't change that. And so, um, it's been cool to, you know, Jake's a PT, so physical therapist, he doesn't practice anymore, but he still has the schooling and a couple of years of, I think he practiced for two or three years before we were like, Hey, we really need you to kind of let that go and and be the face or you know take on more of man athlete and so he's he's done that but he can see it from a different angle
Starting point is 00:39:11 where i'm you know just hey we need to keep doing this and i get stuck in my tendency so it's good to have somebody with a 30 000 foot view that can you know i invite the guys and girls i work for to kind of challenge um what i'm saying or what I'm doing. Hey, we need to do something different. And, you know, I may not always agree, but I try to be pretty objective with that. It's just, I don't mean to just keep jerking Jake off, but just there's... Jake's a smart guy. Jake's very, very smart. It would be hard to argue against that the programming he's doing is not the most prestigious and most used programming in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Him and Darren. I don't want to leave Darren out. Obviously, he's been there with you since the beginning. But it's just crazy that he's so under the radar. You know what I mean? You have Ben Bergeron, Max Elhaj, Matt Fraser. You have all of these people with programming, you know, for sale. But here's the guy doing mayhems.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I mean, I mean, I don't know how many fucking athletes did you guys have at the games last year? Over 60, right? There's a bunch of us. Yeah. And it's just it's amazing that he's got under the radar when i was like when someone's like told me yeah this is the guy that did the mayhem program like i thought for sure he would say no i thought like maybe he was avoiding any spotlight yeah no jake uh yeah i don't know i think you know it's jake does a ton of it um but kind of the beauty of
Starting point is 00:40:42 what we have around here is we've got a bunch of really good athletes that, you know, Hey, here's a workout I've done. Hey, here's something that I've done. We've got, so he'll come in there and get stuff off the board.
Starting point is 00:40:50 You're saying if you write something on the board, he'll walk in there and take some notes. Yeah, for sure. There's very, it's a very kind of programming by committee, you know, Hey,
Starting point is 00:40:58 I did this workout, Jake, you know, he might something that we've done that wasn't necessarily a compete workout or whatever, and we might change it a little bit post. It's a pretty collective kind of table committee programming. Jake definitely puts it into a package, if that makes sense. At the end of the day, when it goes out forward facing to the world. Jake's making sure that it's, hey, we're not doubling up on squats and, you know, whatever it is. We're trying to keep it varied as much as possible. But, yeah, it's a very, I mean, you got a bunch of people around here and a bunch of different kind of weaknesses and different things to work on. So you have a pretty good pool to test your workouts in.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And so it's very committee-based and like i said jake is definitely the one that's making sure it all uh looks right when it goes out the door but there's a lot of people around here that are doing a lot of things as well uh rich better stop by the sea and get a ceo shirt at wadapalooza if If you go by the... What size are you, Rich? We're only making large. XL. XL, sorry. Oh, he's screwed. We'll make him a specialty. We got to rephrase that.
Starting point is 00:42:09 If Rich would please grace us with his presence, not better. Not he better come? Not he better come. That's what we're going to ask him. Yeah, he better come. He better. Jen G, I think he answered the question.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I don't know what kind of money this is. MX, are you involved in the program or just sign it? I think he answered that, but you, I don't know what kind of money this is. MX, uh, are you involved in the program or just, uh, sign it? I think he answered that, but you want to take another swing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm very involved. Um, you know, it's not like, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:32 like I said, I, me Jake, and then kind of the group of athletes, we all, like I said, are, are testing and making sure,
Starting point is 00:42:40 um, everything, like I said, Jake is definitely the one kind of packaging it and making sure it all, uh, comes out the door the right way. But it it's like what's rich doing is literally what i'm doing so um you might see some some tendencies there for sure but like i said jake's seen 10 years of my programming and so we have very similar um tendencies of very similar ideas and things uh but you know that's the trust things. That's the trust piece.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Yeah. That's the trust piece. Jake's very analytical and kind of dives into, all right, what did we see this year? What do we need to change? And it's good. Like I said, I have my tendencies. He has his. Everybody does.
Starting point is 00:43:19 You've got the things you like or things you think that work. And you have to be very objective and make sure that hey those those things don't always work would you in these videos that i watch of you in every video there's uh inevitably a scene where it's like you and and gee and tyler um christophe all standing around a board and you're writing some stuff and then you look to someone who's maybe off camera and you're like three or six and then they say six and you write six and then someone else next to you says no i think it's four and then you guys talk after one of those is up would it be uncharacteristic of you to take a picture and just send it over to jake like this stuff like that happened oh here's the picture of the board today i just wanted you here you go
Starting point is 00:43:56 so we have a shared note and everything we do goes into that note uh that's something that's an app like an app okay it's just on your, you know, like a note that's shared with six or eight of us and that's what goes on there. And so, um, yeah, every workout comes from that. And, uh, yeah. So it truly is collaborative. That's really cool. And Jake is here, you know, he'll walk in from time to time. He's his office is just down the hall. He trains here, you know here once in the morning, once in the afternoon. He's doing that 75 hard, so he's here all day too. And so, yeah, it's kind of the way it goes. What are you guys doing? That's what happens.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Stefan Myers, $5. Thank you, Stefan. $5. Thanks, Stefan. You're a great dude. Guadalupalooza with, uh, Samuel Cornway. Sam and Tyler and Tyler goal is to not be the weakest link on the team. Um, I've tried to get out of it 35 times and to no avail. I even tried a couple of weeks ago to be like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:45:01 I really think Angelo should do this. Um, and Angelo couldn't get off work and then it was too late to switch him out so yep you're gonna see you know i was dealing with the shoulder thing uh for yeah i i rehabbed pretty good pretty hard for about eight weeks and just you know fitness general fitness kind of went to the wayside for a little while and nothing super heavy and so uh we'll see you you know, I'm going to, I'm going to try not to make a jackass out of myself and, you know, ruin my legacy and the, the mayhem name. That's the goal here. So it's a bit of a testing ground. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's going to be for fun. Uh, as much as it can be a water palooza for me, man, it's such a toss
Starting point is 00:45:40 up. Um, it's an incredible atmosphere.'s an incredible the fans are awesome the you know the stages and stuff but with the programming and the stuff like that at times it gets a little you know quirky at times and so try to have as much fun up water polo's has never notably never been a really good competition for me i think we've been there four or five times we did win once um but it's just been uh so try and have some fun with it and uh but we all know i don't have a ton of fun unless we're winning so can you do that can you actually turn off the competitive side and legitimately in your mind be like i'm having fun and completely ignore it because i find it impossible for you like you
Starting point is 00:46:18 would still you'd say that and it would still kind of irk you at the end yeah yeah i mean like i said i'm trying to go into it to have a little bit more fun um but we'll see you know it's uh i'll look like i look back on last year and luke with luke and angela you know i'm like that was a good time in the in the midst of it it sucked and i hated it and i wanted to kill everyone but it uh it's fun now like so that's what i'm trying to remember you know i don't know how many more, um, big moments on the floor I'll have. So, you know, try to cherish those as long as I can. Uh, have you given Brent a key to the barn yet? Uh, I talked to the mat, but I haven't told him which mat.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Right. Okay. Good. Fair enough. That he's a smart guy. He's the smartest guy in the business. He will figure it out. Professor, right? Yes. Of what? Of everything. Life. Of CrossFit. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Gotcha. So you had a couple tears in your rotator cuff. When I think of what the rotator cuff is, I'm just thinking it's like a like a something that's under your shoulder i guess you've got four muscles in your shoulder that basically help stabilize work you know there's just a lot of things in there so i i had a couple tears in my supraspinatus and then i can't remember subscap or infraspinatus one of them had a tear and then one was uh had tendinosis in it and so. Which just means it's irritated? Yeah, it's basically beyond tendinitis. And so the supraspinatus, it wasn't fully detached from the bone, but there's some near full thickness tear. If you read the MRI, but I guarantee you look at anything in anybody's shoulder and they're going to be all jacked up.
Starting point is 00:47:59 So basically you talk to a PT and they're like, yeah, I can fix it. You talk to a surgeon and they're like, yeah, we can fix that. basically you talk to a PT and they're like, yeah, I can fix it. You talk to a surgeon and they're like, yeah, we can fix that. And so I tried to go the route of, of, of, of PT and it's, it's, I'd say 90%. You know, today we were, we, we'd kind of picked the movements that we were doing for the one rep or the max event that's come out for teams. That's the only thing we really know. And so I, like I said, I'm trying tried to hit an overhead squat which i haven't in a while and i'm hitting i think around 300 so it's still relatively there um you know overhead squat used to be one of my stronger movements so for three if i can get above 300 and not like i said look like some kind of jackass on the floor
Starting point is 00:48:40 i'll be all right wow uh i someone asked you in one of those videos, you can barely hear, but someone says, Hey, rich, when was the last time you were healthy and you're lying on the ground doing some stretch and you say 2010. Yeah. Is that the last time you've competed without a ding? Yeah. I mean, you know, I, I think CrossFit, you know, as general physical preparedness in an affiliate, uh, can and is safe. Obviously you've got inherent risks, no matter what you do, but it's a pretty safe if you can let go of your ego and stuff. Um, but any competition, if you're doing anything professionally, if you're pushing the limits of anything, it's not safe. And what we do is, you know, I've gambled with my body for
Starting point is 00:49:21 14 years and paying the price and it is what it is. And that was on me. And, um, yeah, so that's where we're at. Uh, Sevan's deadlift isn't even 300. That's, that is correct. That is a hundred percent. What do you give a camera in my garage? How would you possibly know that? But that's, uh, that's weird that he knows that. Um, Rich, uh, this is really concerning and I heard this a video, and I'm sorry to bring it up to you. This is really – I'll save it. I have had you for – I've already made a couple hundred bucks off you, so I'll ask you the hard question. You've reached an age where you don't like roller coasters.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I was like, oh, fuck. No, no, no. I do like roller coasters. I love roller coasters. Okay, I can't stand them. I'm 50, So I'm with you. I'm glad you're here. I love the thrill, but I, my stomach is just like, no, we can't do this anymore. And I went on one with Lakeland two years ago and it was like a loop.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I came out of the loop and I blacked out for a second, like full on, like night, night, wake back up. And so at that moment, I knew I was old. That's how I felt since I've been 13. I mean, I like, I don't, so I don't have that switch, like the, that you shouldn't do that. My body's like, or my mind is like, no, no, you can do that no matter what. Like I don't get any rush from skydiving, any of that. Like I enjoy, i need that adrenaline and so i like that side of roller coasters but my stomach is just like hey now we're done here you can't do this you're old and so it's very disheartening any signs of like vertigo or
Starting point is 00:50:56 anything like that like like where your head doesn't feel good like for 20 minutes after you ride one no it's just the stomach it's just like uneasy like car sickness type deal um or i guess i don't know if i've. It's just like uneasy, like car sickness type deal. Um, or I guess, I don't know if I've really had, I would assume this is what car sickness would feel like, but it's just kind of uneasy. You know,
Starting point is 00:51:12 well, I threw up on a ride, a fair ride when I was 13. I threw up on my buddy who then threw up on my other buddy who then threw up. It was like that scene in, uh, family guy. Yup.
Starting point is 00:51:23 It's a train reaction of throwing up. Oh, it was just puke on puke on puke so uh audrey um who is probably four foot uh 11 and 98 pounds says her deadlift isn't 300 pounds either well thank you okay i feel better okay so roller coasters um you're still doing crossfit but roller coasters are on their way out yeah off limits um this is a serious question it may not be it seems serious but why not um find another what like uh um uh hunter mcintyre is like yeah well uh hear me hear me out here not just a hobby something that you can obsess about um hunter mcintyre is doing that narrow well not not just hunting. I got a sport.
Starting point is 00:52:06 No, no. I got another one. I got another one. Keep going. Oh, you do? Okay. What is it? Tell me.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Mountain biking. Mountain biking. Yeah, no, I'm in mountain biking. So I'm going to do the Leadville 100 this year. With the intention of like a good time. I want one of the big belt buckles. Oh, shit. The problem is it's the week after the games.
Starting point is 00:52:24 And if I do decide and if i am healthy and do the masters competition i'm gonna have to simultaneously train for landfill which is no easy task um and the crossfit games at the same time so we'll see um can you pull up that um oh here we go it's the mountain bike version not the run my knee would just turn into dust i'd look like the guy the the t1000 on terminator 2 when he goes through the nitrogen that would be me if i had to run 100 miles uh is this it the the the stages cycling leadville trail 100 uh mtb august 12 2023 this is it the race of all races 100 miles across the high altitude extreme terrain of colorado rockies this event was created
Starting point is 00:53:05 for only the most determined athletes is that you yeah yeah okay so i think i qualify there starting at 10 152 feet are you fucking kidding me climbing to 12 424 feet you'll be challenged to catch your breath yeah so we're gonna the idea is to kind of do a simultaneous training for that training for the games at the same time video series um we're looking at there's a four or a five day or four day stage race in north carolina in april and then there's the 24 hour mountain bike that we do in amarillo in june and then culminating with that at the end. This is totally different than what I was thinking. I was thinking, have you already, um, uh, qualified for the event and a lot of it? So we've, uh, we're partnering with a charity, a mission.
Starting point is 00:53:55 And so that's the plan is to, to do it with that charity. And I need to look up the charity, but we're partnering with may have mission. And how many competitors? I honestly, I'm not sure. There's three of us that are going to do it. One of my buddies, Dave Curtis, who I elk hunt with, and then Michael Arthur, who's on our board with Mayhem Mission. Crazy. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Let me see what they have. They have Coca-Cola at the aid stations. Let me see that. Let me see that. Let me see what they've got at the aid stations. They have water. Oh, Guy will be at the weigh stations cheering you on. Coca-Cola products, fruit, cookies, potato chips, and salty snacks.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Good to go. What else did he do? If any of the riders want a boost in their testosterone or a salty snack, you can just lick Rich's neck. There will be plenty of both. There will be plenty of both there'll be plenty of sweat on that neck on that neck um i i was i was seriously gonna say why not this this sport pickleball has exploded i do like pickleball pickleball is pretty fun we've got uh i haven't like went full into it but i enjoy it um you know i still like to play flag football uh kids are
Starting point is 00:55:04 getting to the age where they're gonna start playing sports though so i still like to play flag football uh kids are getting to the age where they're going to start playing sports though so trice wants to play baseball this year um lakeland is she's really into gymnastics uh via but also wants to like cheer and i told her she she could do any tumbling any prep to get ready for cheer but i will not do any cheer competitions until she gets to when she can make that decision in high school. But I'm not putting my daughter in some outfit and makeup at eight years old. I won't do it. Dude, that stuff is intense too. We have a cheerleading gym across the street from my gym directly across the street. And it's the best one I think in the state. And they are out there till like 10 o'clock and it is nuts it also costs around 40 grand a year to
Starting point is 00:55:45 go to that i'll support her to like have the base that she needs when she gets there but we're not doing that to where you're going to these shows and all that stuff i just don't do it because it's a premium put on aesthetics because of that whole makeup and all that shit yeah 100 she's incredibly athletic like the kid she went to two or three tumbling, um, like classes and she came out, could do backhand spring to back tuck. And she's eight, you know, like with, within one or two, the instructor was like, Hey, we want her to cheer. And I was like, sorry, kid, not happening. She'll cheer for the cheer team.
Starting point is 00:56:18 That's right. Cheer on. Yeah. So, and she'll be riding her motorcycle over there. That's right. She can ride her dirt bike. She's got her dirt bike and uh so it's fun uh manny serrano uh ten dollars just joined the mayhams masters program if i win the 10k i will be donating a percentage to this podcast there you go talking about oh manny love it love it manny that's uh don't they uh don't they wear uh makeup for gymnastics competition don't question. She's not doing gymnastics. She's not even doing the competitions.
Starting point is 00:56:47 She's going to the classes. Yeah, just the classes. Physical activity. I saw this when I was Googling your name this morning. Uh-oh. I saw this. Is this people just selling shit that they shouldn't be selling? It's the theme this week of stealing trademarks.
Starting point is 00:57:04 It's on a website called red bubble and uh i'm guessing i'm guessing no it's not you that's not us so that's just someone taking your they can't do that right i can't you do anything nowadays right okay don't buy from them haven't we figured out in 2023 that you can do whatever the hell you want? Literally. Literally. That's crazy, though. They took that thing and then, man, I remember the first time someone ripped off one of my images and made a shirt. It just really dried my gears.
Starting point is 00:57:40 That was John Travolta when he was a kid. That wasn't you, Sousa. For Rich's PT so he can win Masters, Michelle Shanks. Oh, hey, thanks. Rich, when you have someone like Guy who is – well, let me ask you this. Is Guy an amazing Olympic lifter? Guy is an amazing athlete all around, but yeah. And do you glean – when you see someone in there like that and you're watching them,
Starting point is 00:58:07 do you glean things from them? Like if you see something about his foot position or where he pulls, or do you sense yourself like, okay, I need to plagiarize that or I'm going to try that? I think my body's too old to get into those positions that he can get into. I mean, I would love to be as, you know, mobile. I mean, I'm still decently mobile, I guess, for a 35 year old that has no cartilage in their knees, but, um, he's an impressive, like, there's just, it's just, you just watch him and you're like, damn, you know, like, that's all I got, you know, like I can't even, it's just looks so effortless.
Starting point is 00:58:40 It's so fluid. It's just, it's awesome. Not like fluid back and forth. It's just, you know, so when you now, when you refine movement, it's probably more for sustainability and longevity and not performance. You're like, Hey, that hurts. I need to figure out a way to fix that. Not hanging to fix that so I can lift more weight. No, definitely. I mean, there's still like, I'm, my problem is I'm really good at compensating. That's kind of what's happened over the years of like, all right, you know, my body is good at trying to figure out a way around an injury where I should just attack the injury in a kind of a healthy way where I'm like, oh, shoulder hurts. Now I'm going to put it in this position and go around for a press and then, you know, put too much pressure much pressure on super spinatus or whatever it is so
Starting point is 00:59:25 i'm i'm trying to do a little bit more accessory type stuff we still do it i still do a ton of efficiency how can i you know speed something up do it you know on the minute touch and go type 135 movements i brought those back in recently just build some fitness back and build a base and some volume but um i don't know why you know hillary the other day was like why are you still why are you doing this and i'm like it's what i know how to do you know like i don't feel like i need to do it but i just just it's the only thing i'm good at so uh just keep doing it aaron thank you oh aaron i think oh i think we started the show with your youtube comment super is that yours yeah i don't know what that is but that's canadian money that's good shit
Starting point is 01:00:10 oh wow is it what is that like 80 i don't know it's good though what's trudeau done to that right well it's it's uh it's uh virus free that money oh yeah that is it's yeah it's been washed uh it's interesting to me that you and hillary have those um conversations did you hear uh one of the things and i believe this wholeheartedly um uh liver king was saying that hey he was working out all the time we know he was a crossfitter he did a bunch of crossfit competitions he said basically he was working out for his mental health, that basically insecure guy, and he even said that he was concerned that he had a little back fat.
Starting point is 01:00:52 When you hear shit like that from a guy like that, you're like, okay, there's some sort of image issue. Yeah, something's going on. And he was getting so juiced up and so big that he didn't even look human anymore. I think the vast majority of people probably don't find that attractive or except maybe other men who have those, those, maybe those mental issues. And then he said that he wanted to get on steroids. He was working out twice a day, as hard as he could. And he got on steroids so that he could maintain working that out. And that makes sense to me, like around that mental illness. Right. But instead of then dealing with the mental illness, he started working out three times a day. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:30 He just he just he just he's basically self-medicating. Yeah. By no means am I suggesting you have a mental illness, but it is. I mean, at least for me and most of the people I know who do CrossFit, it is a form of self-medication. Right. Yeah. I 1000 percent think, you know, I have an addictive personality. Um, there's some substance abuse issues in my, that run in my family. And I just think that I found a different substance to abuse. Uh, I mean, the last couple of years I've kind of come to terms with that. Um, yeah, it's, it's, um, I've not fixed it, but you know, uh, you're aware of it. That's the first step.
Starting point is 01:02:08 At least it's made me, uh, it's, it's, it's made me successful. One could say I picked something to have a good, so, I mean, you look, I mean, I look back at the more and more I've, you know, the older you get, the more introspective you get and you're like, all right. So when I was a kid, it was sports. And whatever sport I was playing, that was kind of my obsession. And then I moved on to firefighting. And then from there, CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:02:32 And so it's, you know, plug in whatever you want to. But yeah, there's definitely, I think all probably high-end athletes have some type of substance abuse. And that's kind of how we medicate. have some type of substance abuse, and that's kind of how we medicate. When you did four years of varsity baseball in high school, so that means as a freshman you were on the varsity baseball team. So my freshman year, the head coach at that time would not allow freshmen on varsity, so he shipped us off, and we had our own freshman league, which was incredible. We got to play every single game game and it wasn't even jb it was like a completely separate league and uh so i got a ton
Starting point is 01:03:09 of playing time and did that but yeah the next three years were all varsity and when and what was the were you obsessed with baseball then a thousand percent yeah like that's all i thought about you know i would stay after and and that's kind of where i found working out too was like all right how do i get better at baseball i work out and you know you're in high school and i think everybody every guy and girl in high school has some type of body image issue and you you start working out to let's be honest everybody starts working out because you want to look better like right right you're trying to track me exactly and so in that i would i would still say and argue that i have some body issue. Like we look at each other or you look at yourself in the mirror, like, damn, like that's not, you know, that's kind of what keeps you motivated. It is what it is. You don't need to tell me that Rich, I live in that space. I can't even, I don't even see you guys when I look at the computer screen.
Starting point is 01:03:58 You're just looking at yourself. Yes. The whole time yes yeah and i mean it's it's it is what it is and uh as long as you know i'm i'm not like hyper critical of myself to where i'm gonna go like you know but i guess you could say my working out is my way to deal with that as well well also your your um vocation yeah is to is is is you and and to be honest i think everyone has appreciated i mean let's face it before there was a liver king you never wore a shirt i mean you never wear a fucking shirt i sweat a lot i have to go through i have to go through like eight shirts if i wore a shirt all day it's just too much laundry it's really just it's really an economic thing i'm being a
Starting point is 01:04:41 conservationist you know that's right i'm stopping it's not global warming, what is it now? Climate change You're doing your part Lowering his footprint That's right I have to say this along those lines I saw this article recently that there's 14% more vegetation on planet Earth today
Starting point is 01:05:00 than there was 10 years ago because of the increase in CO2 which sounds like a good thing to me. Makes sense to me. I'm not a scientist. More O2. Thank God. That means you can think clearly. You got that? Rich, what about— I'm not a scientist.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Years ago, there was this kind of—I don't want to say it was a movement, but there were these gyms, there were these things popping up where Christians didn't want to work out with their shirt on. I don't want to say it was – Shirt on or shirt off? Sorry, shirt off. Graham Holberg's gym? Maybe it was – I'm okay with the gym maybe. But did you ever have any conflict with working out with your shirt off in your faith to anything that it said in the Bible?
Starting point is 01:05:42 No. Okay, fuck that. Don't even let me plant that seed in your head. God forbid I do something that causes you to put your shirt back on. What about any fitness goals in CrossFit? Are those at 35? Those days are gone, bro. They are.
Starting point is 01:05:59 So you're in – John Brzezink, the world's greatest arm wrestler, told me this one time when he was about 35. He goes, hey, dude, I'm in maintenance mode. Maintenance. So you're not going for a max deadlift, a new PR in your mile time. There's no – you have none of those. No, I mean each day is different. How the programming or what I'm doing, whatever workout I'm doing is affecting me differently than I was in 2014. I look back and I'm like, how the hell did I snatch 300 plus pounds in 2014? It seems so foreign to me. I don't ever touch anything more than
Starting point is 01:06:34 245, 255. Then at whatever, it's not regionals. What was it? Semifinals last year, I hit 275, fine. I'm like, all right, maybe I could if I needed to, but I just don't need to. fine fine I'm like all right maybe I could if I needed to but I just don't need to like it's it's it's almost in a weird state of like I hate I almost hate the the place I'm in where I'm like okay with that but it's also like I think I have to be in that place or I will wreck myself like I can't at some point like yeah I want to keep hanging out with these kids and working out the same rate but at some point it's like hey I can't lift a heavy barbell multiple times a day because it beats me up way different than it does you know gee who's you know a different athlete one a different athlete and then way younger and way less miles like even if i'm 35 i've got i'm a high mileage one or high mileage so it's uh it's a little different so i'm just trying to man and it's
Starting point is 01:07:27 hard it is hard to like i'd be lying if i was you know okay with it like there's days where i'm like you're a bitch you know like and there's days where i'm like hey you did pretty good today so it's it's been tough and that's that's the hard part with with competing with tyler and sam like um i'm i'm the old man on the team and, and, uh, I just don't want to, don't want to hold everybody back. Well, you said something really smart in the video. I don't think you're holding anyone back. You said something really smart in the video.
Starting point is 01:07:53 And I like your videos too, because you got to be really listening to catch these, but. I'm not sure how much you're about to lift, but you say, Hey, I'm not about to fuck up. You don't use fuck up. You said, I'm not about to mess up my last't use fuck up you said i'm not about to mess up uh my last 10 weeks of work meaning then i can figure out from there okay he's obviously been healing yeah and he's not about to do something stupid in training yeah to derail the train so it sounds like you're smart i'm you know the older you get a little smarter you get but it also is
Starting point is 01:08:20 with you know i know what's going to happen to my body if i keep you know trying to push it in certain ways right i don't need to push uh trish i don't know if this is a boy or a girl by the way rich do you feel that fans still think of you as 2014 rich when you meet them is that i am still 2014 rich i don't know you're done hey here's the thing trish here's the thing i was tripping on these fucking people these new athletes don't even know Rich the way we know him. Yeah, I know. It is so – I'm just a shell of a human being at this point. Here's why.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Like think of Olivia Kerstetter, Emma Lawson. They're 17. They were seven. Seven. Haley was – yeah. I'm like – do you uh the movie angels in the outfield where the um it's got like danny glover in it it has old school movie old school movie i can see the poster i can see the poster you need to see the poster but there's a scene in there
Starting point is 01:09:17 where like this pitcher got traded to them and he can't pitch anymore his shoulders all jacked up or whatever and the kid walks up to him and he's like that's mel clark and the other kid goes you used to be mel clark that's what i feel like like you used to be rich froning i'm like yeah kid i used to be joseph gordon levitt like matthew mcconaughey's in that movie but yeah it's definitely like i i used to be rich froning you know i hope hillar sees this and uses it in a video trolling you. He should. He should. Because it's real.
Starting point is 01:09:48 You know, I'm like, man, I used to be. Beat it, kid. Beat it, kid. Hey, when I was doing the podcast for a second with Matt and Josh, I saw a comment on YouTube once. It said, why are Matt and Josh doing this podcast with this old guy? Who is this? And it's because I haven't been around in three years and i'm like holy shit in three years they just fucking oh dude it's what can you do for me lately that's that's i mean that's that's the
Starting point is 01:10:13 world we live in so 100 yeah yep yeah i'm not hating it's okay i get it is what it is man that's where we're at um it is it is pretty crazy though. I titled in the, um, thumbnail for this podcast, I said, the last needle mover. I, it is really nuts how much you move the needle. I mean, you, I don't think that there's anyone close to what you do. Are you, are you aware of that? Like how much, I mean, you can't get a podcast with more than 10,000 views. We made a clip with you and it shot up over 100,000. I'm like, what the fuck is going on here? I think I just hit it at the right time, honestly.
Starting point is 01:10:50 You know, like it was about perfect. You know, one thing that's, I was probably one of the last, you know, there's still some of us that hang around, like Panchik and Smith, that were gym owners, are gym owners, and grew up with the community, if that makes sense. We're in a spot now with the sport, and there's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. It's a sport. But none of these kids go to a gym, really. They're part of their training camp, or they train in their garage, or train by themselves.
Starting point is 01:11:19 I do miss a little bit of that. But it has to be different. If you want it to be a professional sport, you've got to treat it like a professional sport. But I think back in my day, we were part of the community. Not to say that these athletes aren't part of the community. It's just a different time. We're in a different time. It's just different.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Were you going to say anything about Dave? Yeah, go ahead. No, I was going to say, Dave just brought up a really great point. I've made the joke a couple times, and I call it to the people's champ. so yeah um were you gonna say anything about dave yeah yeah go ahead go ahead go ahead no i was gonna say dave just brought up a really great point like i've made the joke a couple times and i called you the people's champ it's because you were so invested in everything like you you had you were at the l1s you had the red shirt you were showing up at other gyms you were involved in a lot of the charity stuff and you were still competing at the highest free videos on dot com endless free videos on dot com own the affiliate i mean just all the shit you did it all as cheesy
Starting point is 01:12:06 as it sounds crossfit is the community like that's that's what makes what's what's different like if we're one we we trim it down like crossfit just stole a bunch of other good shit put it together but it's the community that makes it so good and the you know how awesome it is and i'm and i want to see that continue even even with what happened with the mothership or whatever you want to call it. Now that it's like, we still can, even if they're going to keep shitting it up, then we can still, as the community,
Starting point is 01:12:38 can still keep it together. No matter where I go, different country, different place, it's the same type of people. And for me, I want to try to maintain that as long as we can. CrossFit, the methodology, I think is incredible, but the community side of it is what makes it and what brings people back. Would you ever take a leadership position on the mothership? I don't know. Maybe like a charge of growth or something like that hey let me ask you
Starting point is 01:13:06 this let me ask you if i would have asked you this five years ago yes probably would have said no oh well if you go back like i don't even know what five years ago probably seven or eight years ago absolutely one thousand percent and then now the way we are and kind of the way they are like i don't want to say we're on parallels whatsoever like everybody knows what crossfit is ahead of what mayhem is but i have an incredible team here that have common you know values and we can change our community which is part of the greater crossfit community and i don't want to sound like oh i have control like i've got a good team that they have just as much i hear i'm hearing you loud and clear you know what i mean like i i i don't and not not to say it cross it's too far gone it's not i don't think that but it's just i'm happy where i'm at i'm 100 um with with where we're at i i do think
Starting point is 01:13:58 that um what the what the company is missing is a figurehead and that they need someone who's like repeating what the vision is right you know saying constantly very functional i just don't know what the vision is at this point you know that's the hard part uh you do you do you're doing it you're doing it at mayhem i mean you've had you have the people who've lost 100 pounds you've had the guy who has a heart attack in the gym and you've had the champs i mean we have 83 year olds at the gym 84 year old at this point you know like that's crossfit to me. We have this life class. We have this longevity and functional efficiency. It's not as scary as CrossFit, but it is CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:14:30 And they're all 50 plus and they're grinding just as hard as some of these athletes in here and they freaking love it. That to me is awesome. I guess what I think the company needs is someone who really believes in it, just speaking nonstop to the base. Right. So and not worried about what anyone else thinks. And I think we had that in Greg and I think we had that in Dave. And Dave was never really given the opportunity to completely open his wings. But but but but yeah, we got we got to be OK with ourself. We got to be OK with, hey, like CrossFit is for everybody, but not everybody is for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:15:07 If that makes sense. Like, hey, yes. You know, like I one thousand think one thousand percent think that everybody out on the street would have would benefit from doing CrossFit. But they're not all going to do CrossFit and that's OK. We've got to be OK and stop fighting everybody and be like, hey you're doing some type of fitness then let's go you know that's that's what matters right so and and when they say it's for white supremacists we have to just let it bounce off let it go i saw that article too saw that article too what is going on what is going on in this world that same newspaper said that uh that same newspaper the new york times said that uh if you want to help the environment you should breed with shorter men uh to in order because we we consume less resources yes yes giving some love to the short kings out there touche 2022 rich is so chilled we all watched the lions game at legends championships instead of watching CrossFit couch froning now?
Starting point is 01:16:06 We did. We watched the Lions Vikings game. It was a big time, you know? Like, we don't get to play meaningful games in November. Chill out. Steve Flores, which year would you say you were the fittest? Probably 2019. 2019, 2019,
Starting point is 01:16:25 2000. Yeah. Oh, that breaks my fucking heart. You were team already. God damn it. Yeah. I would say 15,
Starting point is 01:16:32 16. I had a little issue in 17 with my knee, 17, 18 with my knee. And then 19, I was, I was pretty fit in 19 all around, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:41 like everybody wants to complain and talk about my swimming and running but back then you didn't really specialize in swimming and running to that point almost like the team competition wasn't enough for you like you were like waiting for the team just like no no heck no i loved it no i'm just saying at that point that was probably my healthiest slash fittest year we we worked hard that was the me dre tasia and then probably the last two years i've been been healthy ish and pretty fit uh he's still 2014 rich to me oh come on let him get old don't hold don't hold don't hold i still eat in uncrustables with the kids you know those out of the freezer are good are you talking about the peanut butter jelly sandwiches that are like
Starting point is 01:17:20 already made oh that's horrible it is horrible but it goes right through like it is not staying long that is uh you know like it's not staying long enough to really defile my intestines or go through my body like it can't do much damage no i'm like the the metabolism is just going straight through that do you think you are you good at pickleball do you think you could uh become great at pickleball i think i'm a pretty decent athlete my hard part is like i'm really good cutting to my right but this left knee depending on the day is pretty achy and so cutting to my left is is the hard part at this point like it's some days are touch and go you think you could be like world class i don't know i don't even know what world class pickleball looks like yeah neither do i but it seems to be all the hype. It is all the hype, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:18:06 Do you have a favorite machine? Do you use a lat pull-down machine or a leg press, or do you have any machines you fool around on? Oh, yeah, we use lat pull-down, seated row, that type of stuff. Not leg extension? Not leg extension. I stay away. I heard you say it. That's the only reason why I know.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I got corrected in the YouTube comments. Apparently, the studies have found that that is not true, that that does not cause more shear on the knee. So maybe I might start doing this. I don't know. We'll see. There should be another Instagram comment. Not what would Rich do, but trust Rich.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Trust Rich. Hey, Rich, advice to stop chasing for game spots being super competitive in the sport is addictive but some people just can't make it chasing a spot for five or six years for example and then masters and so on i'm not sure have fun i don't really know what the question is in there like yeah you're getting caught up and you know chasing the game spot i think it's just enjoy enjoy the process if you enjoy working out, start out with it, have being fun. Like if you're not doing it for a profession, then, then don't stress about it. But like, that's, you know, I think Pat Sherwood or yeah, Pat Sherwood said it best that it was like, it should be the best hour of your day, not an added
Starting point is 01:19:19 stress and something you're like not looking forward to. So I think a lot of people get caught up in that. And I'm not saying don't have goals and don't, you know, strive towards something. Um, but it should be fun. CrossFit's fun. Like if you really get back to it and, and do it, um, and have that mentality, then it's pretty fun. There's a lot of things to get good at and there's a lot of different things that, you know, you can change up and, um, I enjoy it. Yeah. And that mentality too is great just have fun with it because you see so many people i'm sure you've seen it especially at mayhem where they come in and they have all these aspirations to compete and they just dive in everybody wants to do oh dude and then they burn out like three or four months later they hate it and then they don't
Starting point is 01:20:00 even do it anymore and they put all this pressure for double sessions and getting in all their work and you're like dude just have and i tell people all the time i'm like for the first year just have a good time just have a good time and learn how to move well and then after that as you start to develop your skills and everything else you can advance it but until then just have a good time just lay that foundation for sure god there's so many freaking people watching can you come on every day uh they wouldn't watch it wouldn't watch as much if i came on every day right right uh patrick thompson favorite early crossfit games moment the mc of the games was travis bajan hyping out the crowd when rich was about to finish first in the event
Starting point is 01:20:36 heat the good old days right yeah i i do i do, um, figure out a way to, to get you and Tyson together. I do want to get Tyson out there to Cookville. Um, I'll send you a text later on and tell you some of the crazy stuff. Cause you know, he's thrown his last pass. So any sign with an agent and there's already just crazy shit happening. NIL is insane. I don't, I it's, I love that the players are getting to make some money off their name. I do not like the current state of college football at the moment
Starting point is 01:21:09 where kids can transfer on a whim and they're making – I did not like it before that where they were not making any money off their name. That was wrong, but we've got to figure something out. Well, he's done now. He's going to the draft. He's going to the senior world. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Gotcha. Okay, cool. Thank you. He's going, he's going to the draft. He's going to the senior. Okay. Gotcha. Okay, cool. Yeah. So he's ready to go, but it's crazy because he's division two. The last time a division two quarterback got drafted into the NFL was 1996. The last time an NFL player was drafted from his high school, from his college was 1960. But I think this kid's going to go in the first round, man. That's awesome. Yeah. And he is really, uh, God, he reminds me of the 2014 version of you just in his
Starting point is 01:21:46 in his and it's just his demeanor he's so he's so well put together he's not worried about um uh winning he's interested in showcasing his talents you said he's a good kid so i like i said it's always open for good kids yeah Yeah, and a true CrossFitter. I love it. Yeah, a true CrossFitter through and through. And obviously, yeah, yeah, his dad is our friend. I'm so happy for Travis. I've rekindled the friendship with Travis just to get his son on my show.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Did I say that out loud? He is special, though. That's for sure. That's awesome. Two things left. You have to pee. I noticed you're wiggling around in your chair. No, that's for sure. That's awesome. Two things left. You have to pee? I noticed you're wiggling around in your chair. No, I got about 10. Yeah, my hour limit.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Yeah, he's getting movies. I always assumed that the tattoo with the scripture, the Galatians 614 was in regards to the loss of your cousins when you were a young man. And recently I heard on a podcast that that came about because of the rope climb incident.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Yep. And I, it's so fucking crazy that I didn't know that. Well, I've got the other two. Um, you know, the one on my tricep is for my, my cousin, man, who's just the other day was, uh, 15 years to be fast. And then my, my grandma, and then the other one on my shoulder was from my other cousin, his Donnie's brother. And then in 2011, that's where the side tattoo came from. And yeah, it was basically just like, hey, it doesn't matter what you do. It's not about you. And so
Starting point is 01:23:31 it's a daily reminder to keep me humble and that it's about Christ. And for me, you know, my faith is such a huge part of why I do what I do. And over the years, you know, my faith is always going to be first and foremost. And now adding in having the kids and what they see and making sure that they can see that, as they say, hard work pays off. I've heard that. And so it's a reminder to, hey, you're not that cool. Oh, shit. We just got a text from the lawyers. Trademark.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Yeah, cut that part. Sorry. Sorry, O' got a text from the lawyers. Trademark. Yeah, cut that part. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, O'Keefe. I took my phone out. I was like, what? Hey, and what is it? What is the—
Starting point is 01:24:14 May I never boast in anything except for the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, which has been crucified to me and I to the world. meaning that you should be celebrating the only thing you should be celebrating or or or take if you have to take pride in something take pride in the fact yeah like for me i been so long you know i was talking about baseball and firefighting for me those things had become identity to me and who i was and which is cool as a kid right that? That's OK. And and well, identity. And you put so much so much for me and what I believe you put so much into worldly things and things of this world. And they're always going to kind of let you down. And so for me, it's about faith and what what I believe Jesus did for us and for our souls. And it's really about that and not about like you can, I can fail. You know, I'm not going to enjoy the failure and being a part of that, but knowing that
Starting point is 01:25:10 I'm going to be okay because I believe that, you know, there's a better place after this. Right. What was harder? So, so going back to the baseball thing, when you didn't go after your senior year, did you want to become a professional baseball player? 100%. Yeah, that's what I wanted to do. And then I had a girlfriend back here.
Starting point is 01:25:30 And if we're being 100% honest, I was like, you know, got homesick and came back here after being up there for a couple weeks. Oh, that's interesting. I think that happened to Hopper, basically. I think Hopper went to Clemson and had some issues being away from the Nets. Heidi Kroom, $4.99. Does Rich have any single friends? I think everybody's about taken now with Luke finally getting his rose, you know? Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Heidi, we'll put you on the list. Right at the very top. You got that, right? A little reality show uh yeah hey did she actually do that to him just to fuck with him ah he must have got a phone call or a text or something came in wife's calling okay okay okay uh last thing uh rich refused to come on the show unless uh the deal was he would come on the show if i plugged his uh new nano um and he said i had to do it do it in the first 90 minutes so let's get that
Starting point is 01:26:31 shit out of the way hey is that you know i didn't know dave was such as uh dave called rory and asked for some shoes i'm like buy your own he's like no no i'm getting mine i'm getting mine that get mine from the source it's not my not. I wish it was a little bit more red, white, and blue for being 100% us. I like the black and red. I like the black and red. But the red, white, and blue is supposed to be red, white, and blue. That looks more like a bomb pop, you know, one of those ice cream things. So I'll wear the black and red.
Starting point is 01:26:58 So white and pink and blue is not my – Yeah, that looks like a girl shoe. That's my first choice. Yes. Is that – I just, that looks like a girl. My first choice. Yes. Is that, I just assumed that was the female one. I, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:27:11 I think they're, um, I, I think they're gender neutral shoes. I think you can get both sizes. Okay. What about, uh,
Starting point is 01:27:20 Oh yeah, you can look at that. What about, um, what are you going to wear at water? Please? Will you wear the new ones? Do you wear some ones that you like you're addicted to, or that's like a, man, yeah, you can. Look at that. What are you going to wear at Wadapalooza? Will you wear the new ones? Do you wear some ones that you're addicted to or that's like a superstition? Man, I do love this shoe, that black and red shoe, but man, I always come back to the X1 with this one. It's my favorite shoe.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Oh, okay, and they still have that on there too. That shoe's actually on sale on there right now, by the way. Yeah, but you can't get my size ever, so I don't even have any more of them. So I'm just hanging on to them barely. How many shoes do you have in a box? I don't know if I have many in the box. Honestly, I just wear shoes until they die. And then I asked for more. Wow.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Oh shit. They only have two sizes left. Yeah, I know. I know. I try to get them to make more colors of those, but they wouldn't. How many more years left with Reebok? Two? One, two, two. Yeah. 2024, 10 years.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Rich Froning, Nike athlete. Rich, can you help bring back? Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. Sorry, Rich. This is true. That's twice. I got to go.
Starting point is 01:28:24 This is truly the final question then. Can you help bring back the Nano 2? That Yeah, yeah. Sorry, Rich. This is true. That's twice. I got to go. This is truly the final question then. Can you help bring back the Nano 2? That's a great question. I'm trying. I'm trying. I've tried. We'll see. All right.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Brother. All right. Love you. Bye. Thank you. Yeah, I love you too. Thank you for everything. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 01:28:37 See you next week. Love you back. See you next week. Yeah. Caleb from the undisclosed location yeah what happened your hat dude that's getting hot you don't wear you don't wear it after midnight yeah yeah indestructible that's why i have a feeling that's why they'll never bring those back yeah they last too long too good of a shoe look at this fucking basking in it right now oh dude look at this we started the week with uh with uh uh spencer and laura horvat who did we have olivia oh olivia kerstetter olivia kerstetter
Starting point is 01:29:22 and and spencer panch. We started the week. Then we switched to the Affiliate Series, which was way better than I was expecting from Trish Evangelista at Babylon CrossFit. Then we did. We had the ex-Games director on in-house, popping the hymen of the show.'s a medical term caleb you may not be you may not be familiar with that hymen i'll have to google that one later okay uh uh dave
Starting point is 01:29:55 castro oh no before i missed how could i miss we had daniel brandon that was a great show it's a lot of fun and then we after a hard week of climaxing with Dave, we just sat back on the couch and smoked a cigarette with Rich Froning Jr. Crazy. Awesome. I probably need some scripture. I'm like, I'm not putting, I'm putting like, I'm so proud of us and I'm not putting Jesus first and I feel a little bad for
Starting point is 01:30:23 it, but. There's never too you to change. You understand. Don't worry. He does? Yeah. He's going to slap me down now. The rock's going to hit the windshield of my minivan, and it's going to bring me back to earth.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Don't get too high. Oh, shit. It's more of a double climax. I know. I know. That's a woman talking. That's how you guys do it. We don't do that one so much. We of a double climax i know i know that that's a woman talking that's how you guys do it we don't we don't do that one so much we don't double climax yeah i know double climax around here we're a we're a one and done and then uh smoke a cigarette go to the fridge
Starting point is 01:30:56 that could be a solid 60 seconds but i appreciate you heidi uh extending the metaphor to include both sexes. Very inclusive. What a week. Can someone pay me just to watch your podcasts all day? Yeah. Can someone pay us to do them all day? Vindicate. Get all your CEO clothes there. Froning brought double the viewers in the middle of the day.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Then Daniel. Let's not do that. But good point. But good point. Crazy. The Daniel Brandon show was really good i i i felt like she got the best version of me she brought out the best version of me it was worth getting jacked up on espresso and being up until midnight that night yeah she was uh i'm looking to see how well the um oh i can't oh hey you think that rich froning hanging out with Cam Haynes is going to lead to him being on Rogan?
Starting point is 01:31:50 Oh, because Cam's been on Rogan? Well, they're buddies, right? He's like in that little group of little group. I don't know why I fucking said it like that. They're way cooler than I am. But he's in that group. Well, tight, tight. Elite.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Yeah, the tight group. That's what I meant. And so I feel like once Cam hangs out with Rich, he's going to be like, dude, this guy's awesome. And then somehow he'll connect up with Joe. And then next thing you know, we'll have the champ on the podcast. The thing is, right? I mean, say that again, Caleb. Cam's going to be at that race he's going to do too, I bet.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Correct me if I'm wrong. Rich, though, is like, Rich is the double whammy i mean we all love him because he's the champ in in our in our community but he's like actually really cool right i'm not stupid he's like the coolest dude ever right yeah definitely you just hang out with him especially i bet uh we get we get the unfiltered rich when there's no cameras on too probably having even a little more fun yeah but you know what he's this he he brings it to this show he does here he fucking brings us here i mean i i mean i knew a younger rich when i used to see him in person but this i mean that this yeah he's yeah and i didn't mean
Starting point is 01:33:00 like he was holding a thing back but you know how it is everybody when you're on the camera there's this yeah but when you're just hanging out, the shit I say to you about Caleb, as soon as I call you and we're done with the show, I don't stay on the show. Right. He's the people's champ, baby.
Starting point is 01:33:13 God. I just feel like if we stay on longer, he might come back. Like, do you think he'll come back? He'll be like, Oh, my wife didn't need me.
Starting point is 01:33:19 I'm back for 10 more. I got, I got 15. Let's get some more questions. Uh, killing it as usual, fellas. Victor Brown. Thanks, Victor.
Starting point is 01:33:29 You know what talking to Rich makes me want to do too? Makes me want to text Josh Bridges. You should. See what he's doing next weekend. Maybe he'll stop it and say hi. Let me see. You know what? I should text Hobart too. Do you think we could do another series with Hobart?
Starting point is 01:33:50 You think he's ready? I fucking hope so. I really missed James on the show. Podcast soon? I'd like to know what your apostrophe are you up to. And Hobart was a fun guest. He was more than a guest. He was like.
Starting point is 01:34:16 He was great. Yeah. How many shows did he do with us on that Sunday? I'll text Hobart too. Can you come on soon? Can you come on soon? Please. Oh, I didn't say please to Josh, please. Excuse me. Oh shit. I know. I know. Wow.
Starting point is 01:34:44 But one of the biggest names. I can't tell you who this text is from, but one of the biggest names. Biggest names. And that's crazy to say that with Rich's being on. Yeah. Just text me. It says it looks like Seuss is auditioning for a movie. He is.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Grease. Grease 17. Pull up John Travolta. This fucking hair is crazy. Or what was the movie? Outsiders. You look like you're from Outsiders. Oh, I know. Grundler 2. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what? That show with Grundler
Starting point is 01:35:14 was really good. People always ask me what some of my favorite shows are, but yeah, Grundler was easy. We tear shit up. We never even got... I had a whole list of shit to talk with Grundler about about i didn't get to one of them that was a really good show with him you guys did yeah i'll fuck up a social yeah you look i would just stuff i would i would just stuff suza in there between uh smokes roll up a
Starting point is 01:35:40 pack of smokes in my stuff i'm in there between there between Matt Dillon and what's the guy from Young Guns there with the Mickey Mouse shirt? I have no idea. God, Patrick Swayze, Ralph Macchio, fucking Matt Dillon. Who's this guy? He was in Young Guns. Billy the Kid. Who is that? Someone tell me.
Starting point is 01:35:59 My God, how could I not remember that? Emilio Estevez. Emilio Estevez, yes. and who's the guy on the left the far left the little pinner hey if you want to see something crazy that looks exactly like your long hair look up robbie benson robbie benson robbie benson was a famous actor in the 70s look it up there's one of him like shirtless playing a guitar and something else when i used to bartend and my hair was like oh wow it looked exactly like me and people gave it said it all the time this was probably like 15 years ago but they'd say it all the time all the time
Starting point is 01:36:33 and uh not 15 years ago you're so young looking still it's crazy how old are you 35 i just turned 35 in november yeah you're the same age Rich. I guess you guys look the same age. Yeah. We got the same size arms too, I think. Pretty close, yeah. Let me look up John Travolta. You know what you also look like? You kind of look like Lou Ferrigno if you just got juiced to the gills. Yes, you do. So much steroids that your nose grew.
Starting point is 01:37:05 I, I, if I could, if I wouldn't pass out for needles and a scaredy cat, I'd get juice to the gills and just be yoked. I mean, look at this. This is,
Starting point is 01:37:14 I mean, this is you dude right here with Olivia Newton, John. I'll take it. Hey, you should put gel in your hair for one of the shows. Fuck. Just for shits and giggles. Just so we can rip on you i was gonna shave save it back before wadapalooza because i don't want
Starting point is 01:37:31 to have to deal with it did you shampoo it today uh no i don't know i was wearing a beanie earlier before this actually because i coached all the morning classes it really does look good it's so poofy it is i always get that people always think that i'm what's your wife saying about it and your family saying about what are you getting from the the pundits in your life uh the ones that have known me for a really long time it's not a surprise because my hair used to be super long back in my art school days and shit so a lot of them are just like oh it looks like it did when you were much younger and everybody else just is like oh my gosh your hair is crazy also dude it's funny that people are like oh my
Starting point is 01:38:11 god there it is turn to the side a little bit turn to the side no other way oh my god and do your lips like this and pucker your lips up yeah yeah yeah oh my god oh shit oh shit careful sebi careful careful careful gotta remember what the fuck yeah it's funny like a lot of the a lot of my friends that are my age now because 35 and someone you probably test this you see a couple people that like you used to be friends with maybe in high school your early 20s yeah half of them you look at you're like oh shit you're getting fat yeah and like you could look at some of my stuff from when i was in my early 20s when i first started crossfit till now and relatively look the same tribute oh that's
Starting point is 01:39:04 cool how i eat and the workouts that i do every day my mouth stopped working oh here we go uh someone asked in here will matt frazier come back on so here's where i am at with matt frazier i would fucking love oh yeah uh i would love to have matt uh on um and it would be awesome i just don't think that for whatever reason, nothing bad, nothing good. I don't think he wants to come on every once in a while, chat with him.
Starting point is 01:39:32 And I don't want to make it awkward. If he ever wanted to come on, I would be like, yeah, what took you so long? But I don't want to keep... I've bugged him. He hates your guts. No, I don't think that that's true i don't think that's true at all um but uh i just don't want to um i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to you know i fuck with them already i fuck with
Starting point is 01:39:59 everyone from my little office here and at the three plane brothers empire and and you know i'll still fuck with them a little bit just like i fuck with everyone and if he wants to come on little office here and at the three plane brothers empire and and you know i'll still fuck with them a little bit just like i fuck with everyone and if he wants to come on i would just love on him but uh but i don't know i'm not gonna bug him anymore i've bugged him enough i'm now moved on to hopper i'll fuck with hopper a little bit that's the problem you know i don't these people who do shows with me and then and then kind of ghost me part of me is like seven don't fucking like like i've been fucking with hopper if i really thought he didn't like me or they didn't like me i wouldn't fuck with them like exactly no uh i don't think that's true at all i
Starting point is 01:40:35 don't think uh fraser's woke at all if you want to know the truth i think he's the opposite of woke and he's navigating a very tricky landscape uh the same with sam dancer and i would respect that you know what i mean like i'm not i know sam dancer's uh ecosystem but i think me and sam dancer see eye to eye on a lot of shit and i'm not here to like i'm not here to fuck with anyone like if you don't if you're not on the live call-in show i'm not gonna um if you're not on the live calling show, if you're someone in the CrossFit community, I don't care. Everyone in the community is welcome on here. I don't care if you want to come on this show and say that you think I'm transphobic or that I'm misogynist. You can can still come on the show and we can, I can be your friend because I, because the truth is I probably think you're misogynist and I think you're transphobic. So, I mean, it's okay. It's perfectly okay. So, so, but that, that's my deal with Matt. I just, I bugged him enough.
Starting point is 01:41:38 He knows I would love to have him on. I think the world of Hopper and O'Keefe and all those guys, they're cool. Fucking Trisha's comments. I can't get a hold of Brooke Enns. Someone tell her I want her to come on. I watched her podcast with Sam Dancer the other day. Oh, good. What are we laughing at here?
Starting point is 01:42:01 I'm just laughing at Trisha's comments. They're just so ridiculous. Rip the cast apart. Beaver looks like a volunteer fighter with two divorces under his belt. That's fair. That's fair. That's totally fair. SZA looks like he teaches women about their bodies at a local holiday in-suites con.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Holy shit. Holy shit. You gotta stop. You gotta stop. I do not. This one's not accurate. Those other ones are good. Those other ones are good. Only because it's you.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Those other ones are good. I don't sell anything at a gas station. Oh, shit. Trish is bringing some heat. Oh, my goodness. Beaver looks like the assistant girl volleyball coach who gets all the girls snapchat oh shit uh trish want a job at the fake seven podcast is that thing still going that thing doesn't pop up in my feed anymore i think it's been posted on a while. Yeah. Yeah. Tell Brooks that I tell Brooks that I'd love to have her on.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Um, uh, yeah, I'm curious. Um, I actually watched the podcast that her and Sam dancer on and you know, what's interesting. She was so calm on that podcast.
Starting point is 01:43:17 I mean, she was the host, but she was so calm. She still have a pretty big following, right? Look up antisocial. It's used wrong. used wrong okay fuck you then let me look it up because because i asked if rich was antisocial you're saying i use antisocial is a personality disorder it's particularly challenging type of personality disorder characterized by like there's any personality disorders that aren't
Starting point is 01:43:41 particularly challenged by uh challenging it's a particularly challenging type of personality disorder characterized by impulsive, irresponsible, and often criminal behavior. Oh yeah, I did use it wrong. Oh, fuck me. Oh shit, did you see the text we got? No. You're gonna love it. You're gonna be giddy. Good.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Oh my God. Oh my God. they're gonna be giddy good uh oh my god oh my god okay i'm gonna go out and do some blow it was nice hanging with you guys holy shit hey you know what's crazy um i will tell you guys this about exciting news that that is two pretty incredible texts we got i I mean, that's what I mean. He's a fucking needle mover. You have rich on and just good shit rains. Someone did say the other day that they think that they may have a, a sponsor and it's, and they told me who the sponsor was and it would be absolutely a perfect
Starting point is 01:44:37 sponsor for a, a love line show with Daniel Brandon. That's all we need. A little incentive, baby. Oh my God. Great. It would be nuts. You guys show would be crazy, dude. show with daniel brandon that's all we need a little incentive baby oh my god great it would be nuts you guys that show would be crazy dude especially too like if we really got some good graphics and and she was like you know fully invested in it to where she posted a ton of
Starting point is 01:44:56 on her instagram was like come call me for advice like holy shit we might then have to actually start vetting those calls fuck that like i'm gonna have to sit on that couch hey oh yeah people will say some crazy shit yeah you you love talking about drugs too much to not do any drink i don't do any drugs i mean you used to do some drugs not a lot fleshlight sponsored that would be cool but not them maybe it's them it's more than no not viagra oh that would be oh yeah heidi could get the calls that'd be cool forward to her then she oh that would be an amazing sponsor tony tony tony oh bumble or tinder bumble is this one oh my goodness i'm gonna reach out to him right now uh pedro hi there buddy good to see you dude um said no i don't even do a little bit of cannabis none i do caffeine um
Starting point is 01:45:54 i don't do boner pills i've taken boner pills once or twice it's for a guy like me it's a complete fucking train wreck it is it says more than four hours i was like hard for like a week and if you have a dick like mine you basically are stuck you just can't you can't do anything it's just crazy the wind blows have you ever taken one of those either you guys recreationally no yeah no dude uh it is a fucking recreationally just like just pop one just to see what it'd be like oh my god speedo just you can't think about anything for a fucking week you got to be just so on point focused like if anything like you see a bird fly by and you get hard you're like what yeah it's a fucking wiping the frother of the coffee machine. Is there... Katie, is there
Starting point is 01:46:45 a non-recreational... Oh, shit. Medicinal for some. It's medicinal. Yeah, it's definitely... Yeah, it's... No, I'm not trying anything else that does anything to my...
Starting point is 01:47:00 Yeah. Oh, yeah. I did... Arginine was crazy, too. In college, I used to take a lot of arginine you had to be careful with that shit too that shit'll make your dick so hard it'll it'll hurt you got to be so careful od on arginine uh uh viagra is good to take on high altitude oh no i'm good i'm good i've reached a point like if I don't want to,
Starting point is 01:47:25 I'm happy when I don't want to have sex. Like I'm taking, it's good to have the time off. I sent you a thumbnail for the Daniel Brandon show, Savant. Oh, that's cool. What was wrong with my thumbnail? Thumbnails have been great. Thank you. Merry Armenian Christmas.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Oh, is it January 6th? It is. Yeah. Merry Christmas to everyone. Savon, do you play chess? If so, what's your... No, I don't. I mean, I do, but I don't.
Starting point is 01:47:53 I mean, I play with my kids. Oh, for altitude sickness. Oh, interesting. Yeah, I was like, I figured he was... It was like another use. A lot of dudes take Viagra during Hell Week and Buds. No shit. Hey, I didn't like the way it made my head feel.
Starting point is 01:48:09 I felt I didn't enjoy it. And it's so deadly powerful. It's so powerful. It wasn't fun. It felt like I was a sophomore in high school again in Spanish class, and I was stuck there. Coming up the waistline. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:48:28 You're like, oh, fuck, where am I going to put this? I saw a homeless dude with a CEO shirt on in Santa Monica this past weekend. Fuck off, Franco. I swear to God you did not. Unless it was me. If that is true, you definitely need to send in a photo. We need a video of it. We'll post it on our Instagram.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Hey, Sevan, do you have a business email? I have a few questions about homeschooling. I don't have social media. I just have sevanmatosian at Gmail. Don't anyone think you can ever bug me? Because if you start to bug me, I just block you. Anyone can text me or do whatever they want as much. I pin the people I want to talk to at the top and the rest.
Starting point is 01:49:08 I just, I wore, I tried to, I tried, I try. So seven on Matosian at Gmail. All right. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Yeah. They just died. The Navy is getting investigated because of Viagra. No shit. Wow. Crazy. And Viagra is one of those like accident drugs, right? Like they intended it for something else.
Starting point is 01:49:28 And then when they started doing the trials, they're like, wait a minute. Oh, yeah. Right there. Jesse just put it. It was another use for hypertension. Viagra deaths. I'm just Googling it. Wow.
Starting point is 01:49:42 There's been 41 deaths from. oh there's been 41 deaths from uh of the 41 viagra deaths for which the food drug administration had information regarding time of ingestion 25 patients died or had onset symptoms leading to the death four to five hours after the use of the drug uh the other uh The other 16 were found in their mate. Wow. All right. It's a good place to die. You know, you don't tuck it in your waistband.
Starting point is 01:50:20 It comes up over your waistband, and there's nowhere to put it. Yeah, it goes from six to noon. You have your pants pulled up to your nipples, and your shirt down to your knees and your penis is still coming out it's like what do you like what do you like and spanish class is over and you're like what am i gonna do i gotta stand up yeah there's an issue no don't text me throughout the day. Alright, guys. I will see you guys tomorrow. Tomorrow morning
Starting point is 01:50:54 we have Page Powers. That's going to be fun. I think sometime tomorrow night I'd like to do a live call-in show. I'll talk to Susan and Caleb about that. Don't forget I'm coming over tomorrow. I got to get all our stuff together. Oh, that means I need to prep tonight.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, because I got to get our stuff. Will you bring all the stuff anyway so we can see what we have? Yep. Yeah, I'll bring everything. Okay.
Starting point is 01:51:19 All right, guys. Thank you very much. Thank you, Rich Froning. Thank you, Rich. What an amazing show. Great guy. Always nice that he does that charity work for us. Caleb, bye.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Mr. Sousa, bye-bye. Bye.

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