The Sevan Podcast - #747 - Aniol Ekai | The Spanish Incursion on Miami

Episode Date: January 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live okay am i saying your name right anyola kai yeah finally you're doing it right that we were we were busting on you a little bit on the show here us as dirty americans i know i know i know i remember uh did someone tell you oh i heard it you heard it okay i i i apologize on behalf of myself and all of the uh all of the people who are busting on you i thought after busting on you i'm like okay i gotta meet this guy uh brian told me you were a good sport about it oh yeah yeah yeah it was it was uh it was like uh one year ago when you were like after after the open and you said to me, you called me like anal. That was like, oh wow. That's like the first time someone called me like that.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Hey, did you know, you're a Spaniard, you're from Spain? Yeah, I am. And so Spanish obviously is your first language. Yes, it is. Well, Catalan is, but yeah. Catalan? Yes. And it shows my ignorance. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:01:13 But when you heard that we had called you anal, did you know what that word meant? Yeah, of course. Oh, okay. Okay. Like anal in Spanish, we don't pronounce it the same way, but we write it the same way as you do. A-N-A-L. Yeah, exactly. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Well, look at, someone already in the comments says, good sport, good dude. I don't think it would have gone so well if you were a woman. Women, well, I shouldn't say that. Well, okay, I will say that. I will say that. Men are a little different in their humor They're a little rougher Yeah, I know
Starting point is 00:01:51 And what did your friends think? I heard your friends enjoyed the comedy Yeah, all of us We actually have a lot of fun Between us We all mess with each other So that's like You could be one of us also so that's good perfect thank you hey um where are you now aniel i'm actually uh just in the lobby
Starting point is 00:02:14 of the hotel uh in miami so uh because the upstairs the at my room it's like so small so i think it's better to do it here yeah the audio is great the audio yeah i'm using like the the airports and when did when did you get um when did you leave uh spain to come to uh yesterday actually well yesterday uh we we take the flight to from Bilbao to Lisbon that was like at 6am then we took this Lisbon to Miami at 10am and we get here like
Starting point is 00:02:53 at 2, no at 3pm in local time so that was like actually like 8 hour flight from Lisbon, that was a long one so yeah from yesterday Where 8 hour flight from Lisbon. That was a long one. So yeah, from yesterday. Where is your hometown?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Where were you training? I'm training now in San Sebastian. That's in Basque Country. That's like a city in Basque Country. Not the biggest one, but the cutest one, actually. And we are training there, like, the whole group of training culture. It's like the headquarters of training culture, and all of us train there.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Okay. Tell me where it is again. If I'm looking at this map, I know you're looking at it. Are you looking on a phone right now? I'm sorry. It's so slow. Yeah, it's okay. It's okay. So you have to go, like, farther away. It's so small. Yeah, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. So you have to go farther away.
Starting point is 00:03:47 That's Lisbon. South or north? North. Okay. That's even not Spain. So you have to go farther away. Ah, where's Lisbon? Ah, Lisbon's Portugal.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Okay. So go up. This place? Bilbao? Yeah. Bilbao, it's the capital of basque country okay san sebastian is a little bit on the right okay you might see san sebastian yes so that's that's the place we actually we live there in san sebastian but our
Starting point is 00:04:18 our uh base team is in zarath that it's like a small town spell it for me Zarath this is a Z A you have it over there you see oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:04:32 okay okay that's where we train and we live in San Sebastian that's like a 15 minute road by car
Starting point is 00:04:40 give me in a nutshell Agnol I'm sorry I'm just so ignorant politically tell me the difference between bass country and spain oh it's the same same country i mean yeah yeah we are we uh bass country it's like the like the state like you guys say in the states like it could be like california so uh bass country is one one state of Spain.
Starting point is 00:05:06 We actually had like, well, not now, but there's been like some independent movements in Basque Country also. So most of them, they don't feel like Spaniards. I think I remember that as a kid. There were some attempts for the Basque people to become independents, and there were some pretty good-sized riots and whatnot. Yeah, there was like a terrorist band years ago. It was called ETA, and they actually killed a lot of people in Spain. Hey, are the Basque people and the Spanish people like the Pakistani and're they're are you guys basically the same people but you're but you don't want to be you don't want to be on the same team uh yeah you can say that yeah yeah yeah okay it's kind of like that here though like if i go to louisiana
Starting point is 00:05:56 they don't seem anything like the people in california they talk different they have a different accent they eat crawfish we we don't. Here in Spain, we have that. Like the north of Spain is like really, really different to the south of Spain. Like culturally, we speak like really different. We actually, in Basque country, there's this language. It's Basque. I really don't speak it. But it's really, really difficult to speak it.
Starting point is 00:06:25 You actually, the Basque language is the only one that these philologists don't know where it's coming from. So it's like a really weird place to live. And how old are you? I'm 25. And wow. weird place to live and how old are you i'm 25 and uh wow and uh in in that you're young still you have a chance i was thinking you were going to tell me you're 30 usually when i interview people outside the country they're older okay what does it mean that i have a chance a chance to what you have a chance you have a chance buddy you're young enough to get good enough to
Starting point is 00:07:01 to get to that uh win the crossfit games that's it right uh yeah i hope so yeah maybe not that but i will be happy if i make it to the games uh these uh these next years what is childhood like uh growing up in in spain uh you mom and dad are with Basque? No, actually, my father is Basque. My mother is from Catalonia. There's like another state. I raised in Catalonia from like, I've been there like all my life and I just moved here in Basque country like last year.
Starting point is 00:07:39 But my roots are from, well, not the Basque country, but near to Basque country. It's called Pamplona. You know, San Fermines, the, not the Basque Country, but near to Basque Country. It's called Pamplona. You know the San Fermines, the Running of the Bulls? Oh, yeah. So that's where I'm from. It's like one hour to San Sebastian.
Starting point is 00:07:56 But I actually was raised in a small town near Barcelona. Have you done that, Running of the Bulls? Have you done the Running of the Bulls? Yeah, I've done i've done it a couple of a couple of times yeah tell me tell me yeah it's a it's sick like uh i remember i did it with my father and my sister at the same time and you know like i've seen the bulls like a lot of times uh in this uh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i have to interrupt you uh are you single uh yeah yeah okay heidi he's single but but uh i'm single now yeah okay he's single he's single
Starting point is 00:08:36 okay sorry okay so father with your these are important questions i i don't want to lose them yeah okay okay um i only will ask you the important ones. Okay, so your father and your sister. Yeah, we run all together. But, you know, like, you can't imagine how big they are. Like, the horns are, like, so big. Like, you can stay inside his head and between the horns the horns you know like this is like they are huge they are like six six hundred kilos uh beasts and they're running like uh so fast like for 50 kilometers per hour that that's like well i don't know how easy miles but because uh we we
Starting point is 00:09:20 use like um metric system a lot like 1,200 pounds you're saying. Bigger than 1,200 pounds, I think. 1,200 pounds? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So that's.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah, yeah. Here's a picture like you can see that two people would fit in between the horns. This one. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah. They actually do. Like, so that's. I just did it a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But I'm not doing it anymore because usually when i go there i'm just drunk uh not not not i'm not able to run gotcha gotcha and how is it did you stop drinking since you became a crossfitter no of course not i'm just drinking in uh like when i'm not having i, I usually stop drinking, like, any kind of alcohol, like, one month before any competition, maybe 15 days. It depends on how focused I am. But I don't go for it as I used to.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I interviewed Jorge Fernandez a couple days ago. He's 27. He said he stopped drinking alcohol and coffee for two years. Oh, why? No, he thinks it's the best thing for his performance. Coffee? I mean, I can understand alcohol, but not coffee. I mean, coffee is actually, caffeine, it's like, it's actually a boost.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Like, it's been proved scientifically that it helps performance. I told him that, but he said, he brought up a really good point. He said that it helps him control his emotions better when he's not on caffeine. And he gets a lot of power from emotion. Oh, okay's that's an interesting way to to see it but but yeah um so i'm looking at this so do you go to the starting line where the bulls are and do you have to sign up or anyone can jump in no no you every i mean this is starting like at 8 a.m and people are starting to get in like at seven
Starting point is 00:11:27 kind of everyone like there's a there's like a there's a like uh this is not for the whole city there's like a there's there's like a route you have that the bulls have to go they they start like it's like uh two kilometers kind of uh route okay um and and then uh they start they have like 50 meters or so like they they go by by their own and they they start to uh people are waiting them and they run and you usually when you run you you have like a different uh different um because you cannot hold the pace so you just run like for 10 meters or 15 meters and then you go uh to the like you just run away from them because they are going too fast so you just run from from 70 meters and then you go right or left depends and what are the
Starting point is 00:12:20 origins of this why why do you guys do this? I don't know. I really don't know. I mean, I really don't know. But in Spain, there's like a big culture of running the bulls. It's probably the biggest thing like everyone knows outside of Spain. Hey, don't you guys do that other thing where you build the tower with those people? Is that Spain also where they build those towers? Yeah, that's Catalonia. God, you guys do some wild stuff. Yeah, that's actually weird because it's really difficult.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I tried once or twice, but it's really hard because you need to be strong, but you have to be strong, but you cannot weigh too much because that's like some way that everyone's holding it. So you have to be strong, but not that way. It's like kind of weird. I typed into Google Catalonia people towers. Yeah, you have to look for Castellers. I can spell it. It's OK. I found you have to look for Castellers. I can't spell it. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I found it. I just put in People Towers. Before we switch to this, when you've run with the Bulls, have you ever been stepped on or bumped into them or been gorged? Not me, but my father was once. He was – the horn just touched him on his leg and he had a small injury. He had the horn inside his leg for two centimeters or so, like one inch. How old were you when that happened?
Starting point is 00:14:03 I was not born. Oh, wow. So he's done it a lot. Yeah, he did it since he was 17 or so until he died. So that was like four years or so. Does someone die every year? every year? Not every year, but I think like maybe
Starting point is 00:14:27 like one or two every five years or so. Absolutely wild. But people die, like some people die. It's kind of dangerous. Kind of? Yeah, well, kind of, yeah. It's dangerous, really dangerous.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yeah. And is it just one run, or is it like every hour they send out six bulls? No, no, it's one run every day for eight days. Wow. Okay, yeah, this thing is nuts. And then I've even seen like at the very top, they put like a kid up there with a helmet on. Yeah, exactly, yeah. The smaller kid up there with a helmet on. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yeah. The smaller you are, the higher you go. And is there a limit? Is there a goal to how many people? Like, is there a goal? I'm not really into it, but I know that there are like different. There's like this, like you can try to do like three in the base and then you go three up, two up and then one up.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You can go just like for one up all the time. And this has like different, different and writings and like, it's, I really don't know how is, how is it going? But they say like, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:15:47 There's different levels to it like here exactly here some people have like three people at the base oh like this like this base has like like 15 people then like nine then exactly four three usually the bigger ones are the most with more people you know like you can start like with 10 and then you go like five four three two one one one one and then but i don't know how tall is it i've never i actually never um seen this in in life because it's really popular but uh just like in some certain uh towns we don't do this in all the towns, you know? Yeah, look, this one, I don't know if you can see, but this one has two kids on the top with helmets.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they race, they have to race with the hand, and then they go down. All the ones I see, they just come down on their own. Yeah, exactly. And then now that I think about it, don't you guys have a tomato fight also oh yeah yeah that's uh oh what is that i think that is in la rioja i think yeah that's that's sick yeah that's also like uh you know like we i feel like we put a lot of excuses to get drunk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Like running on the bush. Yeah. And then, like, everything, we actually, we do more things than party in Spain, you know? Seems not, but we actually do. Yeah, I believe you. You guys do some, look at this, the Tomatoes Festival in Valencia, Spain. Yeah, Valencia, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:24 This is La Tomatina they say oh i would want to be in the back of that truck with all the tomatoes that would be so fun you can go there oh my goodness have you done that no never no that's like uh far away from from my life okay and so so you're you're raised by your mom and your dad yes exactly and you have one sister how is she older or younger uh older older sister yeah she's 29 does she do crossfit uh not really like i'm trying to convince her to to train a little bit she's really trying uh but she's just like um she's a little bit lazy but she's trying i'm proud of her she's a little bit lazy, but she's trying. I'm proud of her. She's trying. And how about your mom and your dad? Have you got them to do it?
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah. Well, my dad, uh, used to do it. Uh, uh, but well, she, he died like three years ago. Uh, but my mom, my mom is, I'm actually, um, he's, he's, uh, she's really, well, she's not that old, but she's old now. I'm, I'm just like trying to well she's not that old but she's old now and I'm just like trying to get her into CrossFit because I really think that she needs to be
Starting point is 00:18:50 more healthier she's kind of overweighted to say to say it in that way I'm trying to like keep it to keep her healthy
Starting point is 00:18:59 I'm sending like some exercise to do so she's actually trying but she's far away from me. So she's actually trying, but she's far away from me now. So she's like, she's living in my race town.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It's like a six hour drive from where I live now. And I can't control her. So I don't know if she's training or not. She says that she's training, but I don't know. That means she is. Yeah, okay. She is.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Hey, how did your dad pass? He had cancer twice. First time he got colon cancer, and then six months later he came back and destroyed him, like, all the way. And how has that affected you? Has that caused you to put a premium on your own health, to really focus on your own health? Not really.
Starting point is 00:19:57 It's just, like, I was starting CrossFit back in 2019, so it was, like was kind of hard for me because I was getting closer to them. By that time, we were not really close when I was younger. But when I started doing CrossFit in 2018, I started to get closer to him, but then he passed away so that's it was kind of it was really it is actually like hard but it i think it also helps me to develop myself and to being a man actually i think so so it helped me a lot in in that in some way it helped me um on your but both of my parents are alive, but I sometimes think that there's two things that will make you an adult.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Your parents passing or having kids. Yeah, I think so, yeah. I'm not planning to have kids, so. No, I wasn't planning on it either. But do you have sex sometimes? I do, yeah. Yeah, okay. Well well then it can happen i'm telling you um it's um yeah i guess you start to realize that um with parents when they pass i
Starting point is 00:21:18 guess you start to realize you're alone in the world yeah exactly i mean it's like uh like you are not protected anymore you know like i feel like uh you you realize that life sucks most of the time and then you just have to be wise to pick these uh good moments and and take it for yourself. When you train and things get hard, do you think about your dad? Yeah, a lot. A lot. Someone said, Sevan is going to cry. Not yet. Close, though. I'm close.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Agnol! Agnoli! Agnoli! He's Mr. Wick you know him I do yeah he's
Starting point is 00:22:10 this you can find him on Instagram he's this model he's a friend of mine actually
Starting point is 00:22:19 he's competing with me in my in Wadapalooza this weekend is he on your team yeah he is what's his name he was in the games last year Mr. Wick you can watch He's competing with me in my in Wodabalooza. This is on a weekend. Is he on your team? Yeah, he is. What's his name? He was in the games last year.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Mr. Week. You can watch, you can look for him in Instagram. That's really his name, Mr. Week? No, his name is Alex Anasagasti. Alex Anasagasti. Yeah. I'm going to become a fan of the Spanish guys here soon. How about this Fabian guy guy are you friends with him?
Starting point is 00:22:48 yeah he's really close to me I just saw him pass now in front of me like one minute ago and he's Spanish too? yeah he's from Valencia but we are now training together we both moved to the same place to train together
Starting point is 00:23:04 actually he's been the fittest Spaniard we are now training together. Like we both moved to the same place to train together. Actually. He's been the fittest, fittest Spaniard, uh, three years in a row. And I've been second one, three years in a row. So are you fitter than him? Uh,
Starting point is 00:23:17 not really. I think not. Uh, it depends on the workout, but, um, most of them, he beats me way stronger than I am.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah? Yeah, he's 26, 27. So you have two years to catch him. Yeah. Good. And he won Dubai. Yeah, I know. I was there.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Crazy. Yeah, it was crazy. It was a sick Sunday for him. And is that the highest achievement a Spaniard has achieved in the... Yeah, yeah, yeah. By far. Yeah, I think that's the biggest one. Winning Dubai, it's for sure the biggest one. The second one, I think, is Alex didn't make it to the Games. And then I don't know. Hey, is it inappropriate to call you a Spaniard if you're from Basque?
Starting point is 00:24:19 Some people make that angry. Some like Basque Country, real like they feel it. But I just, I really don't care about politics. I used to be independent about Catalonia, but not anymore. I just feel like it doesn't matter. What would I call you? Like a Basconian? No, you can call me Spanish.
Starting point is 00:24:40 It's okay. You can call me Aniol. Let me hear you say your name annual annual yeah yeah kind of no okay one more time let's do this annual annual yeah annual annual yeah annual and and i was calling you on your annual annual yeah yeah but it's fine you annual annual annual yeah yeah but it's fine and uh what are the um what do like just the regular joes like call it like what do the americans call you like when you when you check into the hotel um annual uh some uh i think i i really feel like it's not a weird name like but i don't know why people like doesn't know how to say it uh i mean not not just
Starting point is 00:25:27 are you americans but like spanish spanish people like a anal like c c yeah yeah but not in this because they they they sometimes they they they made a mistake that they feel like the A is going first before the N. So they say I-nul, but it's annual. It's not a popular name, I know, but I thought it was just like annual. Annual. There's an O, right? Annual. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:00 This guy's saying it's like, look at this guy says like annual. That means like in English, that means every year, annual. Yeah, I know. I speak English. Remember, we are speaking English. You're getting hostile. How good is your English? When I was trying to research you and all of your uh podcasts were um in spanish
Starting point is 00:26:26 except for except for one hippie lady who interviewed you yeah uh well i mean my english is is getting better every day because i'm using it more and more because of these of crossfit actually i was not really good at english at school, but then I started to watch series in English. And then I started to use Instagram and chatting with people outside of Spain. And actually I used to work in a bar and I, in a bar, like it's really like all these people from UK come, they drunk so that's where i learned english uh philip kelly annual annual i think everyone's having fun about my name now so yeah annual yeah it's good it's good i mean shit my name is savon like i mean it's like it's a mess yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:27:22 seven it's like a cool name I don't know about that. He's very sarcastic. I love it. Yes, he does have a very good sense of humor. Thank you. I have to, like you are. If not, this should be boring. So I don't want to be boring.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Thank you. And I appreciate that. I have had some. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day for me. I have Jay Crouch and dylan pepper on i don't think they're that that that much fun right no they're horrible usually usually usually these uh crossfitters they are not fun you know like uh when we you when we we were like us like our group training culture. We, before that, before we went to Dubai
Starting point is 00:28:07 and the games and this stuff, like, we were like, just like regular people with regular life and we went party
Starting point is 00:28:15 and we had fun and we just, but I feel like these crossfitters, these elite crossfitters, they have never known how it's like party and stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Some, last year, we went here, we stayed here in Guadalupaluza and it came a friend of ours. He's not really into CrossFit. And he said, yo, this party is like, like, like, like weird party. You know, like people are dancing weird. Like they are not even drinking alcohol. Hey, Americans are, first of all, if Americans are uptight anyway, like every American who goes to Spain is like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:28:55 it's the greatest place ever. It has the nicest people ever. They have the most fun. So, I mean, you come from a country that's more fun. And then on top of that, you go cross country. I mean, if Dallin gets out, Dallin, you know, if he gets out of line, Daniel Brandon will slap the shit out of him. And if Jay Crouch gets out of line, Rob Forte, his coach, will slap the shit out of him.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Who's Dallin? Dallin Pepper is being coached by Daniel Brandon? No, but they train together. Actually, what program are they doing? They're over there with Matt Torres over at over at uh the brute camp in uh naples florida oh oh that's close yeah yeah so when you train with someone like danielle you're not allowed to like say anything unless she tells you she's like show if you want to talk she points at you and then you can talk i don't think i don't think like i think that's i just think that that's just
Starting point is 00:29:42 if daniel said to me that i cannot talk, I'm just living, you know? Yeah. I'm joking. Yeah, I know. I know. Oh, okay. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I know. But I actually, he was, I met her today. Not me, but he was over there. And I said, hey. Who, Daniel Brandon or Dallin Pepper? Yeah, yeah. No, no, no. Daniel.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Daniel Brandon. I actually don't know how this Dallin Pepper? Yeah, yeah. No, no, no. Daniel. Daniel Brandon. I actually don't know how this Dallin Pepper looks like. Oh, big blonde guy. I know he's really fit. Yeah, he's great. He's great. He's great. Him and Jay are great.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I'm excited to talk to him tomorrow. But they are on the straight and narrow for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not baiting him. I'm just having a good conversation with – except now I wanted to say his name a lot. Now I'm scared to say his name because I was calling him Anyol. Yeah, it's not that bad.
Starting point is 00:30:38 You're getting better every time. Okay. I know it's really difficult for you American people to say my name properly. Yeah, but I want to. And then it's Akai. Yeah, Akai. Akai. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Aniol Akai. Yeah, you got this. It sounds Hawaiian. It's actually a Basque. Basque name. Yeah. Okay, so you're raised, you're being brought up as a young Spaniard, and what is school like for you? Are you into sports at an early age? Are you an active kid? Yeah, I started doing judo at four, Then I started doing football, soccer, sorry,
Starting point is 00:31:26 at eight. And then I was doing, at 10, I did like also tennis. So at some time in my life, I was doing like judo, soccer and tennis two years. Then I quit tennis.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Then I quit judo at 16 because I was too young to get to this black belt and I just like quit then I went full into soccer I actually was playing in this in a semi-professional level before I quit to get into cross Yeah, that was like a sports level. That was all. I mean, I was never, I have never been like this, like so disciplined
Starting point is 00:32:13 or so committed as I've been with CrossFit. And in school, like I have a degree in psychology. I'm studying like a bachelor's bachelor's i think you say here like post degree so yeah that's that's what i do are you still in school no no i mean i'm studying like uh now like a post degree yeah oh so like now you're getting like a master's degree yeah exactly a master yeah but i'm just like chilling all the way like i'm not i'm just like
Starting point is 00:32:45 i have no no no rush no rush um tell me about judo so you start judo at four years old your parents put you into that yeah yeah both my parents yeah my my father used to karate and he thought it would be great for me because i was when i was young i was like uh, I was just like ADHD, you know, like a lot of energy all the way. Like, hey, let's do this, let's run. And my parents thought that it would be great for me to do judo. That actually was. I was kind of good. I won some Catalonian junior and these levels.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I was like really young, like 10 years old. I was really young compared to my other competitors. But I just don't remember a lot of it because I was so young. But I remember that. And so at some point I was trying to get like this black belt. No, it was like the one before belt. No, it was like, uh, the one before black, I think it was like Brown, but I was 14, um, or 15 and I had to be like, uh, uh, at least 16. So I was like, so I have to just do one year more doing the same stuff. And I was like, okay, I'm not doing it. So I quit.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Oh, wow. That's interesting. It's interesting that your teachers weren't able. I mean, that's a long time to be doing judo, 10 years. Yeah. And I don't remember anything about it. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nothing. It's like, it's been another life for me.
Starting point is 00:34:20 It's sick. It's crazy. I find that hard to believe. I think that if you and your friends were were wrestling that they would find themselves on their back very quickly maybe maybe i mean i remember some techniques but not all of them so it's not uh it's just weird if you think about it's kind of weird you don't remember anything that you did for 10 years in a row. It's kind of…
Starting point is 00:34:47 Is judo popular in Spain? I don't know. I don't think so. How about jiu-jitsu? Jiu-jitsu is like taking over America. It's become… I mean, it's still niche and it's small, but it's everywhere. It's like CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Not a lot of people do it, but it's everywhere. Everyone is doing Jiu-Jitsu. Yeah, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, right? The one starting the floor. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's becoming a thing, I think, worldwide. You know, when you mess with someone, you have to look for his ears if you want to fight with him.
Starting point is 00:35:27 I agree. If his ears are fucked up, stay away from him yeah yeah exactly exactly absolutely and and then um and then tennis um how long did you play tennis uh just like two years or so i used to play with my dad twice a week, but I was not really good at it. Not really. I was actually bad, I think. Did you like it? Yeah. I always liked sports, so yeah. And where do you think you built your base of fitness up?
Starting point is 00:36:04 Do you think you built it in judo or in soccer i think uh in soccer i always been this uh this tough guy like uh physical uh in the not not skilled but physical you know always like uh big jumping uh fast a lot of running uh i was running all the way. So I think that was, it actually happened the same in CrossFit. Not really high skill, but a lot of engine and this stuff. It's kind of the same.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I've never been skilled. Hate it, but. And so you're doing all these sports and then you start college with a psychology degree. And what happens to your sporting career when you go to college and you're working at a bar? Do you continue to play sports? No, no. Actually, I started CrossFit when I was 15 because a friend of mine started in my hometown.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And I was doing that just for summer to get used to don't lose the sport because I was doing that uh just for summer to get uh to to get used to to don't lose the sport because I was doing soccer from September to June and then I was doing uh graphic from June to September I did that for like three years then I started um my degree no actually I started this engineering but then I quit then I was like lost like like what like bad but I did you know like I call some kind of drugs and then I just started doing crossfit a little bit like every day and stuff I was actually playing football also between that and then i realized that i was having more fun doing crossfit than playing football because i was competing every day in crossfit and i was just competing once a week in football so i just finished my career in football like when I was 21 then I started doing um doing crossfit uh like a
Starting point is 00:38:10 sick like all day twice twice a day like like all day in the gym like I had nothing to do because I was not studying at the time I was just like going all into CrossFit. And were you coaching also? No, I started coaching one year after I started doing like classes, like having CrossFit like every day. And how old were you? When I started working. Coaching. I was like 20 or 21 and so so i'm not sure if i'm following you when you started crossfit at 15 did you do it for six years straight or was it just on and off on and off
Starting point is 00:38:54 okay always yeah like three months on nine months off kind of uh yeah exactly until i was nine i was it was in 2017 that i started doing it every day and and when you started crossfit were you doing these things did you smoke cigarettes when you started crossfit i've never been smoking cigarettes i was more about weed okay and did you quit smoking weed when you started doing crossfit uh uh not at the beginning but then like six months later i was just like i i was not uh having fun with that lifestyle anymore yeah and i started i i yeah i quit yeah i smoke i found crossfit at 34 years old and i was smoking cigarettes and then basically i had to decide, right? They weren't compatible.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Well, some people do. Yeah. I would guess. I mean, I don't see that in the States, but I'm guessing. One time I went to a regional in the UK. In Spain, people smoke a lot. In Spain, people smoke a lot. Like not like the past, but years ago, everyone was smoking.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Like, it's sick. Everyone is smoking in Spain. Look it, Marco Calderon. That might be a Spanish guy, too. Is that a Spanish last name? Calderon? Yeah, it could be. I quit weed, too, recently.
Starting point is 00:40:20 No, no, he quit a long time ago, Marco. He quit a long time ago. Yeah, I actually smoke weed sometimes. Like how often? I don't know, once a month. Okay, yeah. Maybe twice. Three times?
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah, I like to get high sometimes, yeah. Everyone does. No, I don't like it. I get paranoid. My brain gets too loud yeah i just i'm just like feeling like all the love about everyone i just i like yeah oh that's awesome you turn into bob marley i turn into a fucking unibomber yeah that's you have to take care yeah um did you when did you take so you took your level one yeah uh in 20 20 2018 yeah i'm i'm just uh the crush it sent me an email like hey it's uh it's gonna pass away like uh in October. In like five months, I don't have this.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Six months, I don't have level one anymore. Are you going to re-up it or no, you don't need it anymore? I don't know. I mean, I don't know what to do. But I'm not working anymore, like doing classes a lot. I'm just working once a week or twice a week, like a small group of classes. So I don't know. I don't feel like paying like 1K again.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah, I understand. That's a lot of weed. Look at CrossFit Corey. He smokes weed three times every day before lunch oh yeah keep going mate you got this you're probably high by now right hey do they do they grow good weed in spain is it local weed like here in california it's all it's just growing i don't think i don't think it's as good as as in california but yeah wheat is really good spain yeah actually it's the best one is in morocco and they they they send us the wheat well not me but they send to spanish people the wheat is it legal in spain
Starting point is 00:42:37 no it's not it's not no it's not oh it probably is in miami no it's not in miami i asked and it's not. Oh, it probably is in Miami. No, it's not in Miami. I asked and it's not. Oh, wow. Okay. But it's kind of weird because there's a lot of these coffee shops or like wheat shops that you can buy like a lot of THC things, but not actually wheat. It's kind of weird. Yeah, that is weird.
Starting point is 00:43:03 They sell wheat everywhere in California. Ah, yeah. I know. It's kind of weird. Yeah, that is weird. They sell weed everywhere in California. Ah, yeah. I know. It's everywhere. Have you ever been here to California? No, never. I would like to, but not yet. How long are you staying in Miami? What's your trip look like? We're staying here in Miami until I think on Tuesday. Then on Tuesday, we're going to Austin, Texas for five days. And then we're coming back to Spain.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Who are you visiting in Austin? No one. We have like this, you know, Bella, Bella Martin. We met her in Dubai and she was really nice to all of us and she she said that we actually we wanted to go there after miami and she said hey i'm living there so i we can hang out and we we're going uh like four of us friends and we we meeting her like uh so she can show us the, the,
Starting point is 00:44:06 the place that they say that this, this is like the new place to be right in Texas. It's Austin. It's like, everyone's there, right? Yeah. A lot of people are leaving basically with that.
Starting point is 00:44:15 There's a mass Exodus from California because the, the, the, you know, it's right. Uh, zombies, zombies,
Starting point is 00:44:23 zombies. Oh yeah. You know, it what zombies in california so many you think i'm joking you think i'm joking but i'm not you mean taxes right everything the people are fucking crazy it's nuts here dude okay in the big cities like if you go to san francisco or los angeles it's just taken over with drug addicts. Like literally people on the corner like this, scabs and blood and needles everywhere. I mean, in Portland, this is a true story. Hear me out, Aniol. Yeah. Hear me out, Aniol.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Thank you. I'm hearing you. Aniol hear me out Aniol Aniol Ekai last week at a subway station in Portland a man was attacked the zombie that attacked him bit off his ear and you could see his skull but what are these guys
Starting point is 00:45:22 taking heroin fentanyl yeah all the stuff that's coming from across our border right now our border is wide open was that your wrist cracking yeah you heard that
Starting point is 00:45:37 what is that yeah I don't know my wrist is not you hear it yeah I hear it it sounds like you're cocking a gun yeah it's a gun wow oh what is that does that hurt uh no that's actually my good wrist this is my bad wrist okay um so so who's bella martin i know that name what's her what is she she's the mc of uh she's actually she was the mc in dubai uh well we first oh blonde lady blonde lady yeah yeah she's exactly the blonde lady uh and she's working here in miami also as an mc she's really nice
Starting point is 00:46:23 you you should go carry the podcast she's so nice. You should go to her in the podcast. She's so nice. Let me see if I can find her. Let me see. I'm going to pull up a picture of her and see if this is her. This lady? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Wow, look at this. That looks dangerous. Yeah, I don't know if... Did he fail? Did she fail after that? No. Okay. Well, she's going to make a great...
Starting point is 00:46:54 She's going to make a great host, I think. Yeah, she was really good in Dubai. Like, she knew a lot of... She knew us. We were like, oh, why do you know us? Like, we are no one over here. And then Fabi won and everyone knows us. She did Zelos games too.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Okay. Yeah, Zelos. Hey, that's a smart PR move to make friends with the MC. Yeah, I know. Can she say your name? I think so, yeah. Anio. Anio. She says properly. MC. Yeah, I know. Can she say your name? Uh, I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Yeah. She says, she says properly. I remember she, she's saying it properly. And in lane number three, Anioli Kai. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:47:34 exactly. First, third, the, the young, uh, um, Spain,
Starting point is 00:47:39 uh, in sensation, right? Yes. Does she say that? No, she, she, she's not saying that. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:47:49 In 2017, you're doing CrossFit. You start doing it every day. You embrace it, and you start to shed some of your bad habits. You start to get more focused, and you take your level one, you said in 2018, one year later. Why did you take it? Did you take it so you could coach or just so you could learn more? No, it was the best way so I can train more. Working inside of the gym, it was the best way so I can train more. By that time, I was training in the morning, going to school, then working, then training again.
Starting point is 00:48:27 So it was like two or three years, like difficult years for me, but it was good. Look at what they're saying. So this Bella Martin's the real deal. She did Torian Pro, Wadapalooza, Dubai, and Zelos Games. She's taking over. Yeah. Yeah, she's gaining good money, right?
Starting point is 00:48:51 It seems like she's everywhere. Yeah. She's on it. Okay, so you took the level one because it just fit in perfect. It made sense. Exactly. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:49:02 I wanted... I need to train. I need to get extra money so so that that was the best way to do it i'm late to the party what bad habits did he shed you know just the normal ones sex drugs and rock and roll just the normal ones exactly have you been more disciplined with your relationships also since you've gotten more focused on your athleticism? That's not happening. I try to, but my last relationship, I just fucked it up.
Starting point is 00:49:34 So I feel like for me, it's better to be single so I don't fuck anyone else. Yeah. So maybe I want to fix that, actually. But maybe I need to work on it yeah hey you sound like a crossfitter you sound like someone who takes a lot of personal responsibility you don't blame other people you you take a lot of accountability i i used i used to do it but then i felt like uh that's not the way to to it. Like I'm just like – I watch like – I like to read and stuff. And yeah, I think that the way to be happy is that if you blame the others, that's the way to be happy.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Yeah, for sure. Hey, is the guy who wrote The alchemist spanish what the book the alchemist paulo coel paulo paulo coel uh i think uh he's uh from portugal oh okay this is uh it's next to us but but but he's not one of you guys no no no he's not have you have you read that book the alchemist not not really okay have you yeah i recommend it is it yeah what is what is it about um uh about the how life is conspiring to help you everywhere the answer is right in front of you for everything you need well you recommend it to me i highly recommend it i think you'll love it yeah i think i probably read it maybe when i was 25 uh you know
Starting point is 00:51:13 like uh i'm uh i want to read this uh book that it's it's called uh tan poca vida in spanish i don't know if you have in in english but it's like a really good book. Translated? What's translated for me? Tan poca vida. That means like short life or so short life or something like that. Who's the author? I don't know, but you can watch it in, you can look for it in Spain and then see if it has some translation.
Starting point is 00:51:43 ¿La vida es corta? Tan poca vida. Okay, wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. T-A-N-P-O-C-A-D-U-R-A. D-U-R-A. Tan poca dura. No, sorry, that was my bad. Tan poca vida.
Starting point is 00:52:04 The last word. It's V-I-T-A. Oh, A Little Life, a novel by Hanya Yagihara. Yeah, yeah. That's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. That's the one.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Oh, it's a man crying on the cover. Yeah, yeah. But it's a tough, I think it's a good book. I haven't read it, but my mother recommends it. It's her favorite book. You know, the English version is $15. If I want to read it in Spanish, it's $44. I might buy this English version. buy this Spanish, this English version. Hey, so what did I say? A Little Life.
Starting point is 00:52:51 A Little Life. A Little Life. Okay. Okay, I mean, I just got the audio book. Good. Yeah, thank you. Hey, that guy's not Spanish who wrote it, though, right? No, I think he looks like Indian or Asiatic, right?
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yeah, yeah. They have more philosophical stuff than us. Yes, I like it. I'm going to read it. I can't wait. I'll read it, and then I'll have you back on, and we'll discuss it. When's the last time you read it? I haven't read it. I have to read it. I can't wait. I'll read it and then I'll have you back on and we'll discuss it. When's the last time you read it? I haven't read it.
Starting point is 00:53:29 I have to read it. I can read. I want to read. I'm going to buy it. You can read and you want to read. Yeah, yeah. Do you listen to audiobooks? No, I don't like.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I listen to podcasts I I'm actually listening your podcast when the when actually I listen to podcasts sometimes
Starting point is 00:53:52 but a lot of them I used to in a lot of Spanish podcasts and also like some English podcasts about the NBA and about CrossFit
Starting point is 00:54:02 which which of the podcasts that I do, which ones do you like? I like the ones with when I listen to Facundo because I know him.
Starting point is 00:54:15 And then I like when Brian is in life because he's a nice guy. And then these are about competitions or when the guest is, I know him or i think like he's an interesting guy um when i have facundo and uh and brian on the numbers are really good they draw a lot of people yeah not like me because no one knows me right yeah brian and facundo they are really known in in well brian
Starting point is 00:54:46 he came out of nowhere and no everyone knows him right yeah everyone knows him now he passed me yeah he's okay uh you know you know seven i i know you from long time ago yeah when when you were doing these uh behind the scenes uh in regionals yeah i remember uh when you were doing this behind the scenes in regionals. Yeah. I remember when you had like, it wasn't North Carolina or South Carolina in 2015 or so. The one you interviewed, this guy that plays last, but he was like crazy. Rao Firth, you know him?
Starting point is 00:55:23 Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah that was in uh del mar california yes do you actually um speak to him sometimes or not i do i do i do i need what is what is he doing he's crazy you have to bring him to the podcast he's been on two or two or three times he's the guy that would do the shaking right yeah yeah yeah yeah raw earth um he is he has a business where he sells um uh god i don't know what he sells it's like some sort of powder like vegetables and fruit that's i think mashed up i don't want to misrepresent it yeah you follow him on Instagram, Anil? I don't do that, but I used to do it. And now I don't follow him, I think.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I mean, at least I'm not seeing him posting anything anymore. No, no, I'm not. Elise Carr-Ridau. I am not pressuring him into reading. He was pressuring me into reading. I listen to audiobooks. He's pressuring him into reading. He was pressuring me into reading. I listen to audiobooks. He's pressuring me into reading. To push someone into reading, it's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Okay. But I wasn't doing it. I wasn't doing a good thing. I'm not feeling pressured. Don't worry. Okay. Do you remember who was at your level one, the instructors? Yeah, this Scottish guy.
Starting point is 00:56:48 I don't know his name i'm actually following him uh dave dave or something he's he's from scotland uh he was uh like i don't know i really don't know him i think i know was he a special yeah was he a special forces guy? Yeah, he was an assassin. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I met him at a regional in Manchester, England.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Yeah, probably. And he was so cool, I suggested, I said, hey, you should try out for the level one team. He said, really? I said, absolutely. There's lots of assassins on the level one team. I like the way you call him an assassin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I mean, these people that used to be in special forces and stuff, they are assassins. Yeah. Like, I'm sure they kill someone sometimes. They might never say, but sure they, they kill someone. And sometimes they might never say that it's, it's really, it's probably they kill someone or, or, or, or more than someone or more. Yeah, exactly. Is the, is the annual that I'm looking at now,
Starting point is 00:57:59 the fittest annual that's ever been on planet earth? Not, not right now, but, uh, from the last year, I, I feel like I've, I improved a lot.
Starting point is 00:58:10 I was feeder, uh, um, before Dubai, I think. By just small margins or by a lot? Uh, small,
Starting point is 00:58:21 small, I think small. I just, uh, you know, uh, actually, uh, I felt, I Actually, I fell two weeks ago straight to the floor because I kind of passed. I just like dizzy. Did you say that? Dizzy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:38 So I just took my butt straight to the floor and I'm actually not squatting for two weeks. took my butt straight to the floor and I'm actually not squatting for two weeks. Uh, my butt hurts a lot when I'm squatting. That's, that's why I'm not fitter than, uh, one month ago. Hey, um, we, was it like one of those videos when someone's dead lifting a lot of weight and then they, and they faint? Yeah, it was no, no, it was, it was like the dumbest thing I've, uh, well, not the dumbest thing I've ever done, but one of the dumbest thing. If you have this CCTV recording and then you could see the scene, it was crazy because we were doing like this. Is it on your Instagram?
Starting point is 00:59:15 No, no, no. No one has ever filmed that. Lucky for me. Because I was doing front squats. We were doing one front squat plus one one jerk and we were doing like three three uh seconds uh stop at the bottom and I had I had like 150 I jerked I tried 160 I felt the squat and then I and say like okay don't worry guys i'm just uh cleaning this so you guys can follow so i just take off a lot of um plates off so i just had like one 100 kilos that's like 225 pounds so you
Starting point is 00:59:55 might follow me then i cleaned that and i did like this zombie clean you know i clean it and then i did like this straight so my barber was was over here, like, just like for doing like fun. And I take it in the rack. And I was, as soon as I was leaving it to the rack, I started like, Oh, wow, this is sick. I started this thing. And then I just fell off like from, from my left. And you know, my, my teammates were over there and they didn't help me because they thought that i was joking so i just fell off and my butt hurts a lot i think like i have like a small uh inflammation of these uh coxies yeah but yeah and it hurts like uh squatting is really painful when i'm doing like a lot of squats.
Starting point is 01:00:45 I can do like one rep max, but when I have to do like a lot of squats, the first workout of this Udapalooza is the worst one because it hurts a lot. But as soon as I pass that, it'll be fine. Anil has inflammation of the coccyx. Yeah. That could be totally misunderstood. Yeah. If I hurt, my butt hurts so much you know hey when you did that did you rack it before you fell yeah i rack it luckily yeah if i if i if i did not i was i i've never been here i i probably was dead
Starting point is 01:01:21 hey did you get that kind of that wah, wah, wah, wah, like it was like the world was closing on you? Yeah, and also the sound was kind of distortion, you know? Like, it was sick, you know? Yeah. It's sick. Like, it was crazy for me. Like, it was like, oh, this is dangerous.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Almost like, did you ever do those things like where you go to a concert and they have those balloons i don't know what they're full of and you yeah and your shit gets all weird for 30 seconds yeah it's it's when you do pop it's kind of the same yeah what do you call that pop pop pop Pop it. It's like a drug. I feel like it's short. I thought it was like nitrous. Nitrous? No, no. I don't know. It's like 15 seconds. Right. And they sell them in balloons at parties, right?
Starting point is 01:02:20 There's like a guy walking around with like 20 balloons and he gives you a balloon. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. you a balloon yeah yeah exactly um melissa odier austin european in general have no real appreciation for the military certainly not the way americans do okay what what did she say austin first oh oh oh sorry sorry uh austin look at you're smarter than I am. I'm like, I don't get it, but you knew to see what Austin said first. Do Spaniards appreciate their military as much as the American people? No, actually, not really. Actually, in Spain, it's kind of, we look at that in a bad way. Yeah, half of the Americans look at it in a bad way, too, until they need it. You know what's funny? In this country, the people who look at the military in the bad way are the ones who always send our military out to do bad shit.
Starting point is 01:03:11 It's really weird. In Spain, we don't look in a good way to the militaries. Yeah. This guy, Crystal Baca Duna done following annual oh good one follower thank you mate no not poppers not i don't think he's talking about poppers poppers poppers is a drug right yeah poppers is a drug that was i was talking about oh okay i've never done those uh it's it's not that good yeah uh i think you know in the united states poppers are what are really popular in our gay community
Starting point is 01:03:52 oh yeah yeah and you want to know you know what you don't want to know why is why i heard and i don't know if this is true because supposedly it makes your sphincter uh relax oh yeah okay good to know your sphincter relax? Oh, yeah? Okay. Good to know. Someone tell me if that's true. I have not been watching the Tulsa Kings. I don't even know what that is. Yeah, me neither.
Starting point is 01:04:17 I don't even know what that is, yeah. You watch any TV? I watch a lot of anime. Oh, okay. Anime. Not TV. Yeah, exactly. You know what it is?
Starting point is 01:04:32 Kind of. I only know it because one of the fighters that I like to watch, Israel Adesanya in the UFC. Yeah, I know. The black guy, right? Yeah. And he's big into anime. Yeah, yeah. I'm also big into anime.
Starting point is 01:04:44 That's the Japanese cartoons? Yeah, yeah. I'm also big into anime. That's the Japanese cartoons? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I don't know. They are sick. They are really sick. They are sick. I really love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And where do you watch them? On Netflix? Well, sometimes in Netflix, sometimes in Crunchyroll. There are different ways to watch it. What would you recommend for my first anime, like a series? I think the best one you can see is Demon Slayer. Ten minutes later? Demon Slayer.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Oh, Demon Slayer. Yeah, sorry, Demon Slayer. That's okay. But you have to watch it in uh japanese okay it's mandatory to watch it in japanese with english uh subtitles okay you cannot watch it in english it's it's really sucks it doesn't feel the same way you know okay i'm on it maybe i'll watch that maybe i'll watch that tonight look at someone is's cool. Someone is recommending attack on Titan. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:47 that's, that's also good, but I think it's easier. That could be your second because there is no, some big actions until the last part of the anime and demons, demons layer. It's like sick from the first time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Yeah. I think poppers are for anal sex. That's right. Right. That's why. Yeah. I don't do any do any never tried never tried anal sex so yeah me neither me neither i don't think i'm gonna try it i think i'm gonna die uh with no no anything uh the balloons are filled with nitrous oxide okay all right okay um oh death note look at look at all these anime people death note is a great one to start with yeah definitely that's really good it's a it's a like a interesting uh it's really philosophical uh anime actually that's a really good one
Starting point is 01:06:39 that that one i think it's on Netflix. Or it was, at least. Yeah, everyone is into anime. It's being popular lately. Do girls watch it or it's a boy thing? No, a lot of people, a lot of girls watch it. Yeah. Just got here. What are we talking about?
Starting point is 01:07:06 We're talking about anal sex, anime, and taking your level one and whether you should uh re uh redo your cert or not those are the three you can talk whatever you want audrey audrey how do you say this name audrey oh audrey yeah is that a she name. Look at her. Okay. A she name. And then, Anil, so now it's just been a consistent training now since 2017 to 2022. Have you been derailed at all, or has it just been just a steady ascent? Yeah, I think I was – I felt stuck in 2019, no, in 2020. So that's when, that's when, no, in 2021, sorry, I changed my program in 2021. I joined this training culture team because I was feeling stuck. feeling stuck. I've always been improving a lot. More lately. This past year, it's been sick.
Starting point is 01:08:10 I feel like I've improved a lot in all these branches of CrossFit. On all the ways, CrossFit. Who's the head coach over there? Who's your coach? It's Mike. We call him Coach Mike mike actually he's uh he's he's uh
Starting point is 01:08:29 he's really smart you know like he he has like the uh this uh sports science degree then he did some phds well he has like a phd doing this um concurrent training but it's similar to crossfit PhD doing this concurrent training that it's similar to CrossFit. And then he used to train for rowers in Spain. Oh, wow. From Olympic rowers. And then he turned into CrossFit. He's been training CrossFit 10 years ago. So if he's big into training rowers, he understands the pain cave.
Starting point is 01:09:04 And if he's doing conjugate, he understands strength. He's the best. I think there's no one worldwide that knows more than him about failure, not just crossfit, but also like, how do you say it? Physiology. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's the word I'm looking for, physiology. He's, like like really good.
Starting point is 01:09:31 So through his program, you've your body's gone through some quick adaptations and you're just getting better. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, in one year, I feel like being like top 60, top 50 in Europe and i'm feeling now like top 10 so hey um before you switch to training culture were you basically the best guy wherever you trained and now you train here and there's guys who are like your caliber or better um yeah when i was doing my past program, I was the best in my town. So the group of training, it was like I had like a big, one of my best friends, we used to train together. And then when I went, when I just left, we just,
Starting point is 01:10:22 because I was not feeling good. I was feeling stuck, you know, and yeah, it was the best. Yeah, in my training. But now I'm not feeling good. I was feeling stuck, you know? Yeah, it was the best. Yeah, in my train. But now I'm not, you know? Yeah. It's like we have a lot of people, you know? Like Fabian always wins these. Look, Fabi.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Fabi, you know, you want to meet him? Oh, sure. I'd love to. Fabi. So he's the strongest one. I probably think that he's the strongest one in Europe. Like doing bubble stuff. How's his English?
Starting point is 01:10:51 Does he speak English? Not really, but he's getting used to it. Bavian, how are you? Congratulations on your win, buddy. This is a congratulations. But I want this one. To the left. Two for two.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Hello. Oh, look at those forearms. My goodness. Yeah, he does look strong. You're right. He's strong. He asks how I am. If I have improved. deal here he says that I'm a good training partner awesome okay nice to meet you nice to meet you thank you yeah as soon as his English is improving you can invite him in the podcast
Starting point is 01:11:46 yeah don't ever give it uh don't ever give your headphones to anyone who doesn't speak english again that's one strike against you look at i'm having to but it's your first strike like one strike why not you have to learn spanish i do you're Hey, he looks strong. Yeah, he's, I mean, you know, like his shoulders and just his whole being there. Yeah, but he's not he's not really shredded, you know, like he's like kind of fat. Not fat, you
Starting point is 01:12:15 know. Obviously, he's not fat, but he's like just like big, you know. Big, yeah. Yeah, he's really strong. He's crazy strong. He looks like the Incredible Hulk. Yeah, he's really strong. He's crazy strong. He looks like the Incredible Hulk. Yeah, he has like 440 pounds front squat. So it's great that you're with him now.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Yeah, I feel like I've improved a lot thanks to him, you know? But not just thanks to him. Eric Weiss wants to know if Fabian takes poppers no no no just ignore him uh um oh yes yes that's what you're supposed to say in crossfit we don't call people fat we say they're are you ready for this uh anil if someone's fat you say they're thick in the core thick in the core thick is like tiny like tiny, right? No, no. Thick is like thick. Okay, okay. So he's thick.
Starting point is 01:13:10 He's thick. With a lot of face. Yeah. So like when we joke around when the guys are together, if one of the guys is getting kind of fat, we say, oh, you look thick in the core. Meaning like you're saying your core looks strong. But really you're saying you're fat. Okay, okay, okay. You can try that on Fab that. But really you're saying you're fat. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:13:26 You can try that on Fabian. Oh, you look thick in the core. Yeah, he won't understand me, but I can say that to Pat or Travis. Yes, yes. Yeah, tell Pat Vellner that. He would love that. Next time you see him, be like, Pat, you look thick in the core. Yeah, okay, I will.
Starting point is 01:13:50 What are you – someone was asking what are you most excited about the individual or the team uh individual i did last last year team with uh my two guys uh alex and pablo but this year individual i uh i mean I'm really looking for it. I mean, I like not all the World Cups, but I just want to be... This is like a test, you know? I tried Dubai. Dubai was all of these European good guys. And here it's like... This is like the games, but with more chill. They have no pressure, so you can hang out with them. You can meet them.
Starting point is 01:14:30 It's really exciting to be competing against Roman or Pat Belner. These American guys, I've never met them before. So that's a good feeling. Yeah. Hey, what's the rush to go home? Why not stay for a month and maybe drive from Miami to Cookville, stay a week there, and then meet, train with those guys, and then go to Austin and then go home?
Starting point is 01:15:01 Because the states are expensive, you know? Yeah. We are not, I'm not rich. I would like to be, but I'm not rich. Right. Um, and I'm also, um, have to work a little bit and I also have to go to be a college, but I will, I will love to, I I'm actually, I'm planning to come to the States for, to live here like for one year or two. I don't know when, I don't know where, but I would love to be here like for a while. So resources and commitment over there, job and, but you don't have kids or a girlfriend? No, none of that. So it's just resources. Maybe, well, hey, maybe you'll make some friends at wadapalooza uh girlfriends or boyfriends boyfriends girlfriends too much commitment boyfriends
Starting point is 01:15:54 like guys like you can visit and train with yeah uh actually i met rich last year he's he's been my adult since i've known CrossFit. That was sick. You know, for me, for me, it was like the best. Facundo introduced me to him. Um,
Starting point is 01:16:13 you know, that was, that's, that's the best thing I have ever done in CrossFit to make my rich. Hey, that's the best thing I've done in CrossFit too. Yeah. To meet rich.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Yeah. He's a, he's a nice too. Yeah. To meet Rich. Yeah. He's a nice dude. Yeah. Oh, where did you meet him? Here in Guadalupaluza. Okay. So it's just a brief encounter. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Yeah. We were not close yet. We're not close yet. Not yet. I like it. Would you like to train there? Would you like to train over there in Mayhem? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Who doesn't want to? Right. Cookville can't be that expensive. No, it's cheap. I mean, it's in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, but you know, like, my sponsors are based in Spain, so I don't know if I've moved here to USA are interested in me anymore, you know? Right.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Well, unless they want to branch out of their market, maybe. Maybe, yeah. That would be great. But actually, I'm not feeling to leave my program now. I feel, I mean, I respect Rich and I respect Nahim, but I really think that training culture is the best for me for now. Yeah, it sounds like it's a really great place. Who are the best girls out of there?
Starting point is 01:17:36 Do they have some strong women also? Yeah, there's Ollana Moya. Okay. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Brian was talking about her. Yeah, she's really good. She's also crazy strong. She won this last trans-squad event last year. It's a three-rep deadlift. She did 178 kilos.
Starting point is 01:17:58 That's like almost 400 pounds. Yeah, crazy. Yeah, she's really strong. She's the best one here training with us. Does she deadlift more than you? Does she deadlift more than you? No, no, no. I'm also strong.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Not as heavy, but I'm also strong. It's almost twice what I deadlift. Yeah, she's crazy strong. When you come into this competition and you're saying you're not at you know it's not the fittest annual Akai that's competed does that take any pressure
Starting point is 01:18:41 off of you? not really I never feel pressure I feel pressure Does that take any pressure off of you? Not really. I never feel pressure. I feel pressure. When I started competing in this international competition, just like in 2020 and 2021, I was feeling a lot of pressure. Like, oh, well, I'm here.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Everyone's looking at me, you know? But then I realized, because no one cares you know like the one people the one who cares is just you so the pressure is on you and if i have no pressure i enjoy the most and if i enjoy the most i perform the better so that's that's all i need if i have fun i will perform really good if i am not having fun i will not perform good so If I am not having fun, I will not perform good. So I try to have fun all the time. And when you come somewhere like this, are there goals? Are there aspirations?
Starting point is 01:19:33 Are there thoughts? Yeah, I would like to be in the top 10. Yeah. That would be really good for me, I think. I think I can make it. It's a pretty crazy field I think, I think I can make it. It's a, it's a pretty crazy field. Yeah, I know. But I'm feeling confident. I mean, I like top 10, but that would be best guess scenario, obviously. But before Dubai, I was not feeling doing a top 10 or before
Starting point is 01:20:01 Madrid, I was not feeling to do a like top two. So yeah, I always perform better than I expect. Yeah, that's awesome. There's those six guys, you know, who've been to the games and who've done very well at the games. Wellner, Guy, Fikowski, Janikowski. Who are the other two? Yeah, they are really good, of course. I met Jonay and Brent in Dubai.
Starting point is 01:20:34 They are really fit. They are really good. I really feel that the biggest difference between me and them, it's like they have no holes. You know, like they've been training so hard for so long and they know all the tricks, all the tricks. Um, they just know how to perform always. Um, but I don't feel, obviously they are better than I am, but I don't feel like this is impossible to beat them.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Fabi did, so I can, because I beat Fabi many times. God, what a great space to be in. What a great space to be in. Where did you, you took second to Lazar Djokic somewhere, didn't you? Yeah, in Madrid. In Madrid. Yeah. How was that?
Starting point is 01:21:21 How was that competing with him? With Lazar? Yeah. He's that? How was that competing with him? With Lazar? Yeah. He's a tough guy. He likes to trust talk, but he's nice. He competes in that way. He likes to trust talks. He likes also his brother Luca.
Starting point is 01:21:39 We are kind of close with Luca. They like to trust talk and they like to, if they can make you upset before the workout, they will do. But that doesn't mean that they are not, they are not like good people. They just compete in that way. Once you know that,
Starting point is 01:21:59 they are good people. I hadn't heard that about him. So like at the starting line, he'll look over and say something to you? Not at the starting line, but in the warming up area or so. Yeah. They like to trust him. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:22:17 It's really fun. Yeah. Yeah, it is fun. I think it's fun too. Yeah. Well, I'm very much looking forward to you competing. Hey, I'm going to – when I was trying to text you when you were in Spain for some – oh, sorry, one more question. Were you training in Venice?
Starting point is 01:22:35 In Venice? Yeah, in Italy. Me? Yeah. No, I've never been in Italy actually. Oh, okay. Why? Because I thought I saw in one interview you were training in Venice,
Starting point is 01:22:46 and I said that to Brian, and he said, oh, maybe, I don't think so. So training culture is based in Spain. Yeah, in San Sebastian, yes. Okay. When I tried to text you for some reason, you have an iPhone, right? Yes. Okay. I'm going to try to text you after the show just to see if you get it
Starting point is 01:23:05 okay uh actually i don't think so you can try but i don't think so because here in um in the states i have this uh another uh sim card uh-huh so it's it's not uh i don't have my my sim inside my phone so i don't have this number while I'm in the States. Can I WhatsApp you? Yeah, you can WhatsApp me and you can text me on Instagram. Oh, through Instagram. Okay. You see those?
Starting point is 01:23:36 Yeah, I do. I am not popular. I'm not that popular. Not yet. Okay. Not yet. Brother, great meeting you. You are a cool dude.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Yeah, it was fun. Yeah, I appreciate your time. I was very nervous that your English was going to be not so good and that my Spanish was going to be worse, and we weren't going to be able to talk. It was good. I mean, I feel like in English I need more vocabulary, but all of the other is kind of good oh you talk great dude
Starting point is 01:24:07 you talk great and you know you know some great words even if you even that joke you cracked in the beginning you're like yeah i speak english i was like oh shit he gets it yeah yeah i like to be i like to sharpen yeah me too all right um stay in touch uh you uh i'm glad we connected and i look forward to speaking with you again and uh and maybe maybe throughout the week uh i can bug you and we can have you back on and you can talk to us about how how the events went yeah of course of course yeah we'll be fine yeah whenever you want uh send me a message and we talk okay brother thank you so much. Thank you, Seven. Yeah, hey, are you jet lagged? Not really.
Starting point is 01:24:48 No, okay. I like to sleep, so it's okay. Yeah, you don't seem jet lagged. I was like, wow, he seems pretty coherent. Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. All right. All right, dude. I will talk to you soon.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Okay. Bye, Seven. Bye. Bye, guys. Bye, Anil. Who do I get out of here? uh i'm just gonna kick you out okay okay aniel didn't care about being on the podcast he just wanted to practice his english god i hope so that would be cool he said anal without cracking a smile he's he's he's he's a funny guy uh with a good
Starting point is 01:25:28 deadpan good poker face he's a cool dude holy shit i was stressing someone said that book's that audiobook's 24 hours long. Well, you know, when I said I got it, I actually lied because on the book app, on the audiobook app on Apple, it only says a summary. Let me see how long the summary is. Oh, this says the summary let me see how long the summary is oh this says the summary is uh 30 uh 30 minutes i can't do that i uh i can't do a uh seven your spanish was on point thank you uh i love his take on george's coffee purge yeah of course you do because you drink coffee like me be honest with yourself coffee's ass uh dave castor didn't want to be on the podcast either he just wanted
Starting point is 01:26:30 to practice uh there wow there is some truth to that that that dave podcast is taking off hey um so uh i'll tell you guys a little story. So this thing, this podcast just consumes every freaking second that I have that I'm not with my kids. Right. So I have my day just like so managed out minute by minute by minute. And when things like this come along, like Guadalupalooza and these two a days, my wife just kind of just steps in and takes over all the stuff that I would normally do. Just kind of seamlessly. I don't even have to say anything, but that, uh, that rich froning clip there. So, so we had rich froning on like two or three months ago. I don't remember, but whenever he was on the show and he was sitting in the truck and I was interviewing him
Starting point is 01:27:20 and he said, uh, he talked about, uh, going masters, right. And I don't remember if it was me or Caleb or will, or I don't know who or Matt, but someone made a clip of that and put it on, um, our YouTube channel. And, uh, and that's something I've been wanting to do. I've been wanting to take clips from interviews and just make eight minute clips and put them up just so that they're short little pieces of the highlights of the interviews. Right. Like with this, uh, on the old interview, we could talk about how poppers, uh, relax your anus. That could be like poppers, relax your anus as a sub clip. Right. And, um, that, that, that, but, but we just don't have the manpower. I just don't have the horsepower to do that. I don't have the time in the day, you know, to go back and watch a whole podcast and start
Starting point is 01:28:12 pulling clips and edit them and make a thumbnail for them and all that stuff. And we've had other people try to help us with that. And they just pick just stuff that I don't think is, I don't think is good good but maybe i need to quit being such an uptight a d-bag anyway anyway i'm off track here that clip uh of of rich froning that we took made 600 bucks so the hour and a half podcast with them i don't know how much you make 17 dollars but a freaking sub clip of rich froning made $597, $600 or something. So that's why last night I'm like, I'm making two more subclips from this last interview with Rich, right? And I'm going to make two subclips from the Daniel Brandon interview and two from the Dave Castro.
Starting point is 01:28:59 And I'm just going to suck it up. I'm going to have to try to figure out a way to spend an hour or two every day making sub clips i mean that that's that's that's uh that's real money i'm gonna need money to pay caleb eventually eventually he's not gonna be stuck over there in that box he's gonna get out then i'm screwed so i gotta figure out um oh that's what you've been wanting to tell me to do, huh? Oh, thanks. Thanks, Mr. Kelly. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:29:30 I just fell off a fucking back of a turnip truck. Yeah, I know, Dennis. You guys are a bunch of jackasses. Of course, I know that. I've known that forever. Don't forget who I am. I tell you a story and all of a sudden you guys throw it in my face. I want to hear, Hey, I'll do it for you. Sevan. Not, I wanted to tell you that. Well, that's what the other podcast do. You bunch of ding dongs. playing just having fun but but i do know i do know i have known i know that there should have known from the beginning there should be one minute clips there should be eight minute clips
Starting point is 01:30:10 there should be 10 minute clips i just like telling stories like i'll do it for 5.99 yeah thanks dennis yeah youtube shorts all that yes i got got the email also. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Javier. 109,000 views on that rich clip. Ah,
Starting point is 01:30:35 Ben. Yes. Now this podcast got you to $20. Thank you, Ben. No, this one with Anio will be like a 87 cent one. Uh,
Starting point is 01:30:47 some, uh, now this podcast got you $20. Thank you. But I do appreciate it. I like the unicycle, too. That's pretty cool. Moon, is Sebon old enough to have actually fell off a turnip truck? I hate YouTube shorts. Shorts.
Starting point is 01:31:03 I don't. I just. Shorts hold their. I don't, I just, I just, the shorts hold their 10. I just need, I just wanted to just make more money so that it's just, I would enjoy this more, more resources, be able to do more stuff.
Starting point is 01:31:14 I'm going to put a table back here. I want to get a better webcam. I want to get another camera. I'm going to get that shit anyway, whether the show makes money or not, I don't give a fuck, but I'm just saying it would be cool. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:27 To it's basically just like, it's the ultimate recycling. It's a show that I've already done. I just have to take a clip from it and I can make $600 a clip at 30 clips of fucking month. And that's $18,000. I'm not collecting like, hold on a minute.
Starting point is 01:31:40 That's stupid. Uh, no, be beaver looks good. Bald bald he doesn't need a hair transplant mayhem is being so cool down at wadapalooza they're doing stuff for all of the people on their programming yeah they handle their business tell me what are they doing like a like a breakfast or a dinner or something. Ben. Okay. Wow. Wow. Okay. So you gave me $3 and I told you I liked your unicycle.
Starting point is 01:32:13 I'd like your shirt and your hair. The hell is that green thing in the back? Is that some like European, like station wagon? What is that? Who has a turquoise car? I have two unicycles. I wonder if you could teach me how to ride a unicycle. Should I make a video where I try to learn how to ride a unicycle?
Starting point is 01:32:32 What about that? That make me 600 bucks? Magnus Holmgren. Not hating on the bald head. I'm bald as well, but I'm older than Beaver. Yeah, but hair's overrated. I don't know one bad looking bald dude. That'll look good. They're doing a meetup and providing a free gym to do
Starting point is 01:32:56 wads. The Mayhem Empire. Hey, do you think I coined that term? I did that. Did anyone use that before I started calling it the Mayhem Empire? I feel like I did that uh did anyone use that before i started calling it the mayhem empire i feel like i i did that i keep wanting but and i think i've had mayhem people on and now they refer to it as the mayhem empire you did coin oh thank you good i thought i did i didn't want to overstep my bounds oh Oh, good. Yeah, I like this. This is better than money. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:37 I went off on the Charles de Gaulle airport earlier today, and some people... Listen, when I go off like that, I'm just fooling around. Or when I bring up comments and I attack people in the like that i'm just fooling around or like when i when i bring up comments and i like attack people in the car i'm just fooling around i'm not really upset at just so you guys know don't that you guys got my back and i know that i'm not i just think it's funny to do that stuff it's just for inspiration for um content and i need to ask killer that hillar made a video on nate edwards and it's pretty strong and i was thinking i was trying to pretend like i was nate and if that if like my if i that would
Starting point is 01:34:10 be bummed if someone made a video like that about me but i can't tell i can't tell if hillar's like serious or not i need to ask him or if he's just fooling around thank you ken i appreciate it yeah they're fun they're just like uh you know it's's like I just feel like a teapot sometimes. Just let off some steam. I don't really want to go. My kids won't be home for another 15 minutes. I don't want to go in the house. It's dark in there.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Let me check my live call in show notes oh this is what i need to do this is what i need wanted to share with you guys um okay so we just did on yola kai that was cool that was good right call i make fun of a guy make fun of a guy's name, calling him anal, and then invite him on just because you got to. But he ends up being a cool, handsome, strong Spaniard dude. Okay, so tomorrow, I'm excited. I am excited to have Jay Crouch on and Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 01:35:17 I really do like both those guys. I'm just busting on them. And I think that both those guys are here to stay. And I hope the best for my hope they end up becoming the you know top 10 dudes what perennial is that we say annual annual perennial i hope they regularly make it on the top 10 in the crossfit games i do i i think jay crouch is cool as shit um He's a good old boy. And Down's a rock, you know. He seems like a stable dude, and I like that.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Then, so what's funny, I was just talking to Matt Susan. I was saying the majority of our listeners we can see are on the air between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. every day. 10 a.m and 3 p.m every day so the majority of the people who listen this the stat i saw on my youtube channel is the majority of people who listen to this show are on youtube between 10 a.m and 3 p.m well we don't do shows between 10 a.m and 3 p.m and susan and i were like scratching our head and i don't want to do shows between 10 a.m and 3 p.m and the reason why i don't want to do that is because that's when i'm hanging with the boys But then I started thinking I should do one a week I mean, I like the 7 a.m. Show. It's cool. It's like we all wake up together and it's like the morning show But So so then so I was like hey after wadapalooza, let's start doing a once a week show that's like at 11 a.m
Starting point is 01:36:43 pacific standard time but then tomorrow uh the only time that taylor and jr and i can all be on at the same time is 11 30 a.m so that's awesome right yeah you like the morning shows too paulina i've never even seen you comment oh no you're the runner oh yeah i've seen you comment um uh 6 a.m is rough is that what i don't know where you are but the show starts at 7 a.m. is rough is that what I don't know where you are but the show starts at 7 a.m. that's Pacific Standard Time between 3 and 7 would be good
Starting point is 01:37:13 are you guys if you guys put the times in there say Pacific Standard Time so I don't have to do the math please Eric Weiss you sure that 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. is not Eastern Time I'm not I mean I'm not sure but they usually convert everything for me you know uh pauline i'm here uh at every show i just don't comment laugh my ass off uh your schedule is perfect clock cutter coffee in hand online 6 30 to 7 finish the day and getting back online around 7 okay uh. Uh, the show words. Well, cause I'm works well because I'm in Australia.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Ben let Ben, what was that with your car? What is that thing in the back? Is that a car? Is that something you tow behind a car? Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to give up the 7.
Starting point is 01:37:56 A.M. Um, Oh, okay. 7. A.M. Is hard for us on the East coast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:02 It's 10. A.M. Right. Like you're already up and doing your shit. You don't want to like break off an hour and a half. I mean, can't you just, like, I guess you could take. Yeah, I get it. Anyway, so tomorrow at 1130 a.m., we have the programming show with Taylor Self and J.R. Howell.
Starting point is 01:38:19 And I think it's going to be great. I've been talking with Taylor the last few days and J.R. They both sound pretty pumped. Thank you, Kenneth. You're the dude. Thanks, dude. Hope we get to meet someday. I rewatch the morning shows in the afternoon.
Starting point is 01:38:42 I start my workday with this podcast. Well, that makes me happy okay so then so then Wednesday we have that and then so Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday there's nothing on the schedule and I spoke to Taylor today and he's gonna make the schedule for us and you guys know how this works it'll be a rough schedule but we'll, but we'll lay out all the shows in the beginning of the week or maybe even tomorrow. And I wouldn't be surprised
Starting point is 01:39:08 if it happens tomorrow night, if Susan and Caleb start laying it out tomorrow night after Taylor gives them the schedule. And then that thing will move a little bit, right? Based on what happens at Wadapalooza. But I also think tomorrow night, so I think tomorrow there's going to be three shows. I think it'll be Jay Crouch and Down Pepper in the morning then taylor and jr and then i think in the evening when
Starting point is 01:39:29 suza lands and hillar lands they're going to walk around the venue excuse me and the hotel uh and and we'll get to you know like we did last year we'll get to like look in the lobby of the hotel and see people coming and going and shit like that so that's that. Oh, I reached out to Adam knife or two to see if he would come on and, and, and help us out this week.
Starting point is 01:39:54 And he sounded accommodating. That would be a great addition, right? Have him and Jr and Taylor and Medaris is coach all talking. That'd be fun to eavesdrop on that. I asked Hiller if I could get his Sophie video.
Starting point is 01:40:16 If he would export it for me so I could upload that and use that as a commercial during Wadapalooza 2. If you guys haven't seen that, you should see it. Okay, you guys want to see something funny or should I save it for the live call-in show? I don't know when there's going to be
Starting point is 01:40:32 another live call-in show. Hmm. What was Rob Forte's joke about raining dicks make sure you bring that back up with Jay oh yeah yeah thank you I have nothing to talk to Jay and Dallin about raining dicks okay good good I like it oh shit pencil lead fill up raining shit pencil that fell out raining dicks got it okay all right that's it then show it because it won't be for another week i know right let me see okay i'll show it here we go this this this is pretty funny i like this and
Starting point is 01:41:25 then and then i gotta then we gotta go we've been hanging out too long okay oh here we go it's always good to finish on a on a good note okay here we go oh shit Okay. Here we go. Oh, shit. From Carson, I don't know who did this. We're all, everybody's supposed to get the new gender pronoun tags are here.
Starting point is 01:41:58 I don't know if you have to or if you're allowed to. Can we put it anywhere? Because I want my leg low. Well, I feel like if they're down there, they know your gender probably. I'll put this above or below my big old dick. Ew, we're eating donuts, you pig.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Jesus. I dare you. That's hate speech. All right. Anyway, you don't... At some point, please pick a gender. That's hate speech Alright Anyway you don't At some point please pick a gender He's taking money out of the hate speech They're allowed
Starting point is 01:42:32 Called reparation Good morning What show is that That's Reno 911 I had never seen that That shit is crazy that i someone sent me that clip i couldn't even believe it i couldn't even believe it i was like wow is that show still on should i think i should be watching that show i think
Starting point is 01:43:00 it'd be good for me all right guys uh thank you uh anyola kai thank you uh great show seven play that again next okay okay i will i won't even erase it okay i will thank you philip uh philip i told uh susan we got to get you scheduled uh either sometime in uh late january or um or february yeah I will rest up. I know. I'm turning off. You can tell, huh? I'm just like.
Starting point is 01:43:29 All right. Bye bye.

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