The Sevan Podcast - #754 - Wodapalooza 2023 2023 Indy Event 5

Episode Date: January 14, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Damn it. Bam, we're live. I wonder if my wife's watching. She can bring me my schedule. What's up, JR? What's up, Taylor? What's up? Mr. Sousa, hi. Good morning. Oh, Sousa's muted. I can't hear you. Good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Good morning. How are you, Sousa? How are you, Sousa? I'm great. Who do we got here? Oh, Annie and Patrick. Oh, they're doing their podcast live it's a few more people than hiller like a hundred times more it's because there's no events going on right now they're getting the prime time slot so basically what you guys are looking at right now is matt susza is at a Wadapalooza and it's an outside event,
Starting point is 00:00:46 a 2023 Wadapalooza. The second day is about to start for the individual competition and they have all these little areas set up. And here's an area that's set up that has a Katrin, David's daughter and Annie Thor's daughter who have a podcast who are also doing a live Q and a, uh, for the,
Starting point is 00:01:07 uh, people there. And so it's just one of the many things that they support over there at, uh, a lot of blues. Wow. What's their podcast about? Um,
Starting point is 00:01:19 I don't know. He's getting a second. Like, uh, uh, to be honest with you, Taylor, I think they've only done two. And I think the first one was huge. And then the second one was about just a fragment of that in size. And I think that they'll quickly realize that they're going to run out of things to talk about.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So I think that they'll have to reinvent the podcast quickly. I think it's a pretty common event that happens to a lot of people who get into the space. Yeah. So Barry McCockner, it's a podcast. It's a podcast. It's nothing. I think he means about nothing. But the first one is like really packed, but they just, you know, they say it all in one podcast, right?
Starting point is 00:02:02 In two hours, they talk about what it's like being a girl and competing and everything in between. And then they run out of shit. You know what I mean? So what it's like being a girl podcast? Being a little cheeky. Crass? Not crass, but a little cheeky. But I watched a little bit of it.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Watching their podcast is what inspired me to change my camera though. I'm like, all right, if these ding dongs can do a shallow depth of field, so can I, someone said, why is Jr in a high school bathroom? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:02:32 exactly. Right. I told him when he came on, I got, I hope the fans on in there, dude, I hope some high schoolers are watching this. Cause the best prank you could ever do in a high school bathroom is you take
Starting point is 00:02:41 little ketchup packets from the lunchroom. You can just make a little split in them and you put them underneath the toilet seat facing out so when somebody sits down to take a shit ketchup squirts all over the back of their legs oh that's nice yeah it's a good one that is a good one and it's not really harmful it's just like no no it's just like damn i got ketchup on my legs uh this is matt susan walking through fender village matt it looks yesterday it looked crowded. Now it looks a thousand times more crowded. Yeah, and it's early still,
Starting point is 00:03:09 so this place is going to get nuts in the next couple hours. Hey, have you seen anyone else who's live streaming the event like you? Negative. Nope. Interesting. All right. Well, that makes me happy. We're unique and one of a kind. How many vendors do you think are there? A hundred?
Starting point is 00:03:28 Two? Oh, look, a kid on a leash. I don't really approve. That's ridiculous. Vendors wise? Yeah. Yeah, probably like a hundred. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:03:41 We got a guest on the podcast here. Where's that? Where's the DJ F in? Oh, no shit. How you doing, buddy? Wow. Yeah, it is not a... Wow, crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Yeah, I'd probably say about 100 vendors between food and everything else. Hey, what's that? The Mia Classic. What's that to your left where all those people were gathered around? What was that? I started off to spin it to make everybody too sick.
Starting point is 00:04:19 A magician? Looks like a really strong guy. Oh, that's Martin Lysix. Martins Lysix. Oh, that's Martin Lissix. Lissix? Martins Lissis. Oh, it's the Swat University guy. Swat University, yeah. Doctor, forget his name.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Orsic? I don't know. Smart shit, I love it. Okay, so that sound, Sousa, from your camera is not the motor from the gimbal. It has something to do with the way the iPhone is having to manage all the audio. Is it pretty bad?
Starting point is 00:04:54 It's bad. It's bad. Oh, shit. We'll deal with it. You think I can switch from an AirPod to a plug-in? Is that a wife- beater, John? I don't know. It's just worth noting.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Something to fix later. I'm a wife beater kind of guy. I don't think you intended that to sound the way it sounded. Dude, he had them on all Rogue Weekend underneath his t-shirt. I can see the outline. That's so funny. omar cornejo y'all's killing it gents thank you thank you omar appreciate it hey guys listen uh i don't know when the first event happens because i forgot my schedule in the other room uh can someone tell
Starting point is 00:05:38 me what time it starts 11 20 is when the first event starts okay 12 20 eastern 11 20 central yeah 12 20 yeah okay so we have an hour 9 20 that makes sense that's why we started the show at uh oh that's cool suza that's really cool inflatable log oh look you got some cops over there god imagine being a cop and having to work wadapalooza that'd be awesome uh niall uh john looks like a 12 year old girl not exactly what i was thinking but he'll take it damn that's a weird looking 12 year old girl i would say for being 12 and a girl john has those caps on his shoulders
Starting point is 00:06:16 that hillar tells me are indicative of uh steroid use uh john is wearing uh his little sister's wife beater uh jr looking extra ripped today yeah everyone's tightening their shit up for the show okay i haven't shaved hold on i'll get my wife to bring me a shirt that way no no don't don't listen to them keep stay naked john when, when the comments go on you, you just got to tell them all to fuck off. Yeah, this is, uh, uh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Uh, that is absolutely a woman's next line. Yeah. Keep it coming. John loves it guys. Keep it coming. A woman's like John Young is grinder ready. Natty,
Starting point is 00:06:59 you're not John Young. I know. I'm looking, look at his shoulders, dude. That is fucking so obvious. Uh, I bet you he's got a needle in there now iv bag in there now geez look at that arch terrible hollow insane arch
Starting point is 00:07:13 got a little bit of work to do oh she's at the crossfit booth though they'll take care of her yeah just being super mean to keep trying to do things no no i'm just look this guy better tighten her up real quick he's uh what's seminar hey listen she's a cute girl with a great body shut your pie hole she's fine she can do pull-ups any way she wants fantastic job young lady there look at that there we go look at that hollow she's gonna learn today brother wow who is that is that donnie forbis no donnie forbis is a little bit thick around the middle. About half as tall and bald. He's thick in the core, Donnie Forbus? He's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Insane trainer. God, this is good. That was good, Sousa. I learned more from Donnie in one weekend than I have learned from any other coach besides my coach and Andy. Besides who? My coach and Andy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Essentially, of all the CrossFit coaches I've ever taken a class from, taken several classes from, Donnie taught me more in the span of like an hour than, yeah, he's just an unbelievable trainer. Good news. I love hearing that. L1 trainer. He's a level four now. Yeah, but he's on the, I don't know if he's a flow master. I think he's just on the L1 staff, or he was.
Starting point is 00:08:23 That's what everyone says about the L1. That's correct uh okay uh that vein in uh jr's arm needs its own window uh cory leonard good comment i like that don't walk down the streets of la you'll get jabbed jabbed good good point another good funny one uh how is andy doing full fully recovered yeah he did uh fuck he did some workout the other day that was just he's working out every day six packs back looking nice and back to 195 pounds uh that's good to hear um wife beater and eating on the show who does john young think he is yeah i just got back from the gym and I haven't eaten anything. I'll mute myself every single time I take a bite of cereal. What was your workout? A bunch of sprints and then tempo front squats.
Starting point is 00:09:14 30 seconds max thrusters, 30 seconds max burpees, 30 seconds max cow on the bike. Rest seven minutes, four sets of that. Wow, that's serious, dude. And then three seconds down two second pause uh build up to 365 for two reps on front squat was the 30 seconds back to back to back yeah yeah so like at the 29th second i've started uh uh burping burpees over the dumbbells hey uh how long were the sprints a minute and a half total yeah oh
Starting point is 00:09:47 who does your programming uh coach l uh elkanah sink of four i think that's what he's last name brood brood okay okay okay yeah so they were for time not for uh distance they were for reps yeah uh jacklyn robinson uh 10 canadian dollars i apologize for not listening john looks like a debt collector in the movie taken john young ain't playing i tell you what those uh tempo front squats like with a pause are just god awful they i feel they they improve your front squat so fast like to go three seconds on the way down and then two second pause. And then if you do that for three reps, it's almost a minute on your set. It's only five reps.
Starting point is 00:10:32 One thing I learned from Andy, from one of his strength coaches from the NFL, they did this a lot with guys who would plateau or would just have trouble breaking through on some of their numbers. And they would do every three minutes until failure a 30 second front squat hold you can do with any lift like they did with deadlift and front squat a lot 30 second front squat holding the bottom adding weight until you fail you can't do 30 and then you go on like six weeks of subsequently from there once a week every three minutes for five sets 30 second hold at 90 of that failure or of that max set and then you increase each week and it's pretty nasty just just i just i just saw us lose 100 i just saw us lose 100 followers oh fuck you you gained 600 actually
Starting point is 00:11:17 uh jr john taylor what a good looking group of men. And Sevan. We'll add this guy to the group too. Andrew Hiller, what's up dude? You sore from yesterday buddy? Are you sore from yesterday? Oh, look at the hat. Nah. My chest.
Starting point is 00:11:42 What'd he say? Only his chest? We can't hear shit. He said only his chest. He said't hear shit uh what'd he say only his chest only his chest little story said those dumbbells are gonna be harder than people think okay cool uh what's he doing today is he jumping is he gonna get on his phone with us yeah yeah he's coaching right now and then uh during the little coaching he'll be uh hanging out awesome uh baz will run for brownies 899 thank you uh very much uh tell uh hillar ask hillar how he slept last night he looks a little tired how'd you sleep last night as well he did okay he got he got a little like raccoon eyes he got little raccoon eyes
Starting point is 00:12:18 maybe because it's so bright maybe because it's so bright yeah yeah it's the brightness that's it he just looks like he's... He looks great in that hat. He looks awesome. How old is Miller? 31. 31. Nailed it. He doesn't look tired in a bad way. Just a little
Starting point is 00:12:37 puffy. He looks freaking jacked. Yeah, he does look jacked. How much is he in the way right now? 205? Just hanging. He looks freaking jacked. Yeah, he does look jacked. Let's see right here. How much is he pulling away right now? 205. Just hanging. Why not Alexa?
Starting point is 00:12:51 He looks better than I do. Oh, look. Isn't it? Oh, so now we can hear Hiller when he goes over to the eyes. Yeah, so if he's on the side next to my ear, you guys can hear it. The only problem is framing it up so you can see them, but then also leaning in so you can hear them. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the next workout that will be going live at 9.20 on Loud and Live, 9.20 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 00:13:16 So that would be 12.20 local time. The workout is a max load in four minutes, one rep clean and jerk, is a max load in four minutes, one rep, uh, clean and jerk. Uh, and then you get a two minute rest. And then at the six minute Mark, uh, you get one attempt for a max time, parallette freestanding handstand hold. So that one attempt is scary. So what does that mean? So you get four. So you walk out there, you have four minutes to do a max clean and jerk, and then you get a two minute rest. And how long do you have before you have to get up?
Starting point is 00:13:57 There must be some window for that, right? I mean, I feel like they just say three, two, one, go. And then you just go. They just say three, two, one, go, and then you just go. JR, wasn't it according to Brian that it was like a two-minute window and they had 30 seconds-ish to begin their first attempt? I think that's what he was saying. He was hopeful that it was going to be, where there would be some kind of way to prevent a bunch of ties
Starting point is 00:14:17 and a bunch of people that just slip on the parallettes or kick up and come down immediately, that maybe if they were up by the 32nd mark at that point, whatever they get, that's their score. But I haven't heard anything to suggest that that's the case. And as far as we know, it's just one attempt period.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Brendan LeCocq, GoFundMe for John's wardrobe. Thank you, Mr. LeCocq. When, when they say three, two,
Starting point is 00:14:43 one go, will the bar already be loaded or do they have does that four minutes include loading the bar the video showed them loading the bar but i would be hard pressed to believe that they have to start with an empty bar in a four minute window that wouldn't be that we might have them start at like 225 like just have 225 pre-loaded am i right in making the assumption that the goal oh good morning caleb what's up dude good morning uh is the is it is the right thing to assume that soon as that clock starts you want to get your first lift in within the first few seconds yes if possible uh you agree jr and john like
Starting point is 00:15:18 clock starts you want to get your first lift in because you're just cutting into your rest time if you can really go on the front end two warm-ups go ahead yeah i was gonna say i haven't read any of the any more detailed standards like within that four minute window they only have three attempts or they only have four attempts if there's a limited number of attempts yeah you want to groove and get a couple easy ones in before you actually start to hit the weights that you're hopeful to hit. Yeah, I mean, I think you need, what, like two warm-ups and then one heavy lift that you think you can hit at any time, and then one kind of, one you think you should hit, but it's a little bit going for it.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Jesse Major, great coverage. Keep it up. Thanks. Hey, what an awesome donation thank you that's legit legit loot legit loot uh seven have you tried getting mertens on or talked to the goat uh you mean um rich froning and cold mertens no i haven't actually i did reach out to rich and tried to get rich on uh are we going to – what are we going to see from Guy here? Do you think we're – do you guys still believe that he can win this, even though we've seen some really bizarre performances from him, performances that don't match his character?
Starting point is 00:16:39 I mean, not even a little bit, right? We've seen him basically need medical. We've seen him need medical every time we've seen him. I think he's still going to win this. Yeah, I think 85% of Guy is still the strongest person at the games. Okay. I think he'll probably do pretty well on the hold as well. I mean, I expect him to do well on both parts.
Starting point is 00:17:01 He was able to do the parallette to handstand walk on the first try right i'm less confident who do you have winning then i don't uh i don't know that i have a good pick to win it outside of him i just don't know he's going to do as well as we think he's going to do yeah tutor tutor's pretty strong tutor extremely strong. That's a good pick. Nick Matthew. Luke is strong. Luke, not that strong. Luke Parker. Let's look where
Starting point is 00:17:33 Guy is here really quick, guys. Dallin's got a good clean and jerk. He's not like that, though. Look at this. This is really weird, right? Guy has a 20th. It's weird based on the past year or the past games or two games performances from him, but it's not uncharacteristic of an earlier Guy. He used to be so unfit in terms of just classic CrossFit and longer endurance workouts,
Starting point is 00:18:00 and he just looks really reminiscent of that former self of his. All righty. Brian, good timing. Good to see you, buddy. Good morning. Megan Madigan at $25. Wow, that's another legit donation. Great coverage as always.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Thanks for all you do. You're very welcome. And for your $25, we bring you Mr. Brian Friend. Brian, did you tighten up the beard this morning? I think direct deposit. Did you tighten up the beard this morning i take direct deposit uh did you did you tighten up your beard this morning yeah i had five square minutes that's all i was working on yeah it looks good hey any changes in the leaderboard from last night to this morning i know often at events there's some changes that we're unaware of did they make any tweaks
Starting point is 00:18:41 any protests anything like that they were pretty quick on appeals. Um, I didn't see any, but I didn't really look too closely because I was mostly just waiting until I saw this morning to start planning for today. Can we look up the leaderboard and see Cole Grayshaper's score on event one? Uh, I know I have the answer to that Taylor. They, they gave credit him eight seconds, but it made no difference. He was like, there was at least 30 seconds buffer on both the person who finished ahead and behind him.
Starting point is 00:19:08 They did credit him for the fact that he had to miss the trains. Why, though? Why? A chain fell off on him, and all of a sudden you get credited like eight seconds? Why? It's the amount of time that it took to get him to move him from the lane he was in to the lane that he was going to.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I don't know. What do you think about that? I thought it was the right call. Okay. It didn't end up mattering anyway. Okay, fine. Okay. Parker, 1999. God, you guys are being so generous this morning.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Great coverage, guys. We'll donate another 50 if Mr. Self shaves his mustache on the stream. Looks like Sevan and Susan aren't getting that other 50. Actually, I'll match that for everyone's sake. Wow. Wow. Hanji. Hanji.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I'll match that 50 too. Brian, so basically, can you tell us what happened? So people who don't follow him. Basically, there were chains dangling from the ropes in order to keep them from blowing around in the wind. And his chain came loose and interfered with his ability to do muscle-ups. And he had to switch lanes. And it's, and it's that simple, right? Yeah. Okay. Brian, can you, can you give us any more details either on the lifting window?
Starting point is 00:20:20 Like, do they have a set number of attempts or is it as many as they want? And is it a true one attempt on the freestanding hold? Great question. I can answer all of those questions. Yes. The lifts in each 20 second window, you get one attempt. Once it's off the ground, that's your attempt. You must complete the lift within 20 seconds. If you start, if you don't finish it, but in 20 seconds it's up, it doesn't count. Okay, I'm really confused. I thought it was four minutes. In the four-minute time window, it's going to go like this.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Zero to 20 seconds, you get one attempt. Between 120 and 150, you change your weight. From 150 to 210, you get a second attempt. From 210 to 340, another 90 seconds, you change your weight. From 340 to four minutes, you get a second attempt. From 210 to 340, another 90 seconds, you change your weights. From 340 to 4 minutes, you get your final attempt. So in the 4-minute window, there's 60 total seconds that they'll
Starting point is 00:21:14 be lifting. The first 20, the middle 20, and the last 20 seconds. Okay, I want to talk about this. Has this ever been done before? I've never seen this before with a mass group of lifters uh save that question for jr after i'm off okay um and what about the uh parallette uh hold what are the rules on that the jr was asking about yeah there were a lot of conversations about this this morning in the athlete brief
Starting point is 00:21:42 so there's a 10 second grace period. 3, 2, 1, go. If you kick up and you don't feel good, you can come back down and reattempt. By 10 seconds, you must establish your position and start your one and only attempt. In terms of what qualifies as an attempt, there is, I would admit, there's a little gray area there, but basically they're using – I don't know exactly what qualifies the event in that first 10 seconds, but if you don't establish a position within that time, you'll get a zero – or a DNF that will count as zero points. So in the case that 10 athletes all get a zero, zero seconds,
Starting point is 00:22:20 they won't just get the 26 points. They'll all get zero points. I thought that was a good decision and an important one to clarify because we've seen that happen before. These guys can give you some references from the past and how it's affected competitions. Once you've kicked up, there was a big question about do you have to have lockout the entire time?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Can you break at the elbows? Can you rest your knees on your elbows? What classifies? In the 2020 CrossFit Games, if your head hit the floor, you are done. They're basically using the parallettes, the plane of the top of the parallettes, as the floor. So if your head breaks below the plane of the parallettes, your time stops. But if your arms break and you're, like, trying to save an attempt, but your head doesn't go below there, then you're still allowed to stay up. And can you
Starting point is 00:23:06 rest your knees on your elbows like in a tripod position? That'd be very hard for his head not breaking the parallettes to do that. Yeah. I don't think so, but I would also be impressed if someone was able to do that while also going down. It'd be very
Starting point is 00:23:21 difficult. Brian, and what about the lift lift you just have to start the lift before the time expired no you have to finish it okay i'd be uh so basically there's seven or eight athletes in every heat and when every time it says three two one lift they should all be starting that lift within three to five seconds of the window opening okay boys remember that i want to talk about that i think it's better to do it the other way, and I want to discuss that topic. I think it's always better just to make sure they get it off the ground.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I completely disagree, but I'll let you guys have the conversation. Okay, cool. And then, Brian, any word on Emma Carey and that was on her final workout yesterday. Any injury? No, none at all i spoke to matt torres this morning
Starting point is 00:24:07 uh he was kind of joking around the only thing that was hurt was her pride is what he said it was you know she was having a hard time gripping the d ball it was very slippery very sweaty was but there's no injury to be reported oh i good fuck yeah i love it eric weiss 499 thank you uh brian and what are we seeing in gi is It's just a few times now, at least twice, we've seen him after a workout need medical attention. What's going on? I've heard a ton of speculation, but I'm hoping to be able to talk to him at some point and give you something that's more than speculation. Otherwise, I don't know what I'm going to comment on. Sean Pippert, $9.99.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Thanks, brother. $99. There's another. I appreciate it. Aaron Fraser, $99.99. Thanks for all the great coverage. Holy shit. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Sevan, would you shave your beard on the show if they offered $360? Yeah, shave my beard for $6. What the fuck? It goes back in six minutes. Yeah. Shave my beard for $6. Hey, um, it goes, it goes back in six minutes. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:08 If they make it 500, I'll shave my mustache on the show. Um, Brian, what's the biggest surprise that we've seen so far on the men and women? Anything that's just, uh, shocking to you?
Starting point is 00:25:21 I mean, I would say the biggest surprise is the guy, uh, Lago Giraldis, in 11th place. But I don't think he's going to do so well today. As of relevant contenders for podium positions, etc., I was really impressed with both Cole Greavesaber and Elisa Fuliano yesterday. I think Cole will stay in the top 10.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I think Elisa is going to struggle a little bit on some of the events today. This guy, number 11, that you've mentioned, Lago, how big is he? He looks huge when we watch him. He's listed at 6'1". I would say he's at least 6'5". 6'5 to 6'7 is my guess. I'm going to ask him if I talk to him today. Okay, so he's significantly taller than
Starting point is 00:25:57 Dallin. We were saying that Dallin's 5'11". He's taller than everyone. When he was doing muscle-ups on the highest wing setting they had, he still had a fan both feet out to the side to Mr. Dahlem around his downs okay so have you seen him stand next to Fikowski? Taller he's taller than
Starting point is 00:26:13 DeLugos okay tell me about Ricky Garrard have you got to stand next to him have you got to like just feel his aura are we looking at he's the real deal huh we? We're looking at champion. Yeah. Yeah. After he won the work, the first workout yesterday, he was right in the lane in front of me.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And since everyone else was messing around for so long, I just was massaging his muscles for a while. They're very nice. Nice. Good. You're a good dude. Uh, any, any prediction for this, uh, next, uh, workout, uh, in the, in the women Kerstetter or, uh, Danny Spiegel? Uh, I will take Spiegel. But, um, so just to be clear, I'm the competition corner. This will show up as two separate sport events. There are a hundred points available.
Starting point is 00:27:00 It is 60 for the lift. It is 40 for the parallel handstand hold. It is 60 for the lift. It is 40 for the parallel handstand hold. They're changing the scoring systems that they were going to use when the field was over 40 to accommodate a field that's under 40. You can see the scoring systems on Competition Corner. But what they showed an hour ago might be different than what they're showing now, which depending on where they're at in that process might be different than what they show at the time of the event. But for the 40, it's very easy. It's just 40 points down to, by one point,
Starting point is 00:27:27 all the way to however many people there are, 36 or 37. For the 60 points, there'll be, you know, there's more points to play with. So there'll be a sliding scale of, I think, three, two, and one point gaps working your way down towards zero. So what this creates is very much a scoring system similar to shuttle, shuttle to overhead A and B, where you can have someone, well, the Supernext would be a good example, that had a win, 100 points, basically a last four points, got 104 points total.
Starting point is 00:27:55 In this scenario, let's just assume it's Guimaero. If he gets 60 for the left and last for the hold, he'll have 64 points. Someone who does middle and middle is going to get less than 64 points. So still you will, you will be rewarded for winning one of these two events and especially the lift. Brian, would you prefer both of these be worth a hundred points or how it is currently set up?
Starting point is 00:28:22 I think I would probably prefer both of you were a fifth. Absolutely. That's what Taylor's been saying all day. Vincent Paul, Paul Romero, six bucks for 70 shave his mustache. You can Venmo back the coverage. Great coverage guys.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Brian, give us someone to watch in this man who could surprise us and beat Guy. Give us a, give us someone. Yes. I mean, big lifts in the field on the list.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Nick Matthews got a list at 375, Ben Gutierrez has a list at 365. I'm not, like I said to you last week, I'm not buying that until I see it, but I'm going to watch him for sure. And, you know, like these guys have been talking about, Guy doesn't look like the guy that we're used to seeing at most high-level competitions he's showed up to the last two two years i still feel like he's going to lift a big number but i do feel
Starting point is 00:29:08 like there's a little bit more of an open opportunity for that than i was expecting there to be how about tudor tudor magda tudor tudor the young guys tudor cole dallin i'm watching all of them on this event i just want to see you know how the other strength numbers are coming along early in your career. That is something that you can put on 5-10 pounds in a 6-month period potentially. I would expect one of those three guys to
Starting point is 00:29:33 PR today. Will we know as soon as we see Guy do his first lift that it's all good or all bad? It depends how conservative he chooses to be. That probably depends on how much time they spend in the corrals beforehand because he might want to make 10 pound jumps or he might want to make 20 pound jumps based on how he's feeling so we might see him open at something conservative or something a little more aggressive i would say by the second lift we'll know
Starting point is 00:29:58 okay uh we have emily rolf uh in first place um The boys and I were speculating that day one will be better for her than day two. What do you think? I think the critical components of day two for her are the jerk and the bench press. I think everything else actually lines up really well for her. She was third on the swim here last year. I think fitness will prevail on the snatch and burpee workout, and she's one of the fittest here. I think she'll do fine on the hold and the clean. So it's just upper body pressing that I'm watching for her today. Any thoughts on Sydney Wells?
Starting point is 00:30:36 She has a third-place finish amongst these savages. Well, I projected her to be a dark horse for both of the events last night. She had two top ten finishes there. I am looking for her this morning to see how strong she's getting because upper end strength is one of the things that has been holding her back relative to the women she's trying to be in the same caliber as. So we'll see her strength today and then take it from there. But I think those will probably still end up being her two best finishes
Starting point is 00:31:04 of the week. Any thoughts on Rebecca Fuselier? Fuselier currently sitting in 12th place from CrossFit Bolt. Yeah, I mean, she's, you know, for her body size, she's incredibly strong and incredibly impressive. I got a chance to talk to her briefly after the chipper, I think, yesterday. And I just saw that I was really impressed with her. And it was fun to see her out here. You know there's there's a lot of stuff in the i think she's gonna crush the handstand hold everything else today i think is a really good check-in for us to kind of see
Starting point is 00:31:35 where she's at i mean we just don't have a ton of information on her uh and i was i want to see her swim today i want to see her bench press i want to see her on the bike and see how she holds up against some big, strong women in this field. Oyana Moya, any chance she could surprise us with the clean and jerk and win this thing? I'd say she's definitely a good bet for a top five finish
Starting point is 00:31:58 on it. I mean, I don't think anyone's beating Danny, but Oyana should have a good win. Spiegel is like he as far as how much better she is than everybody else out of Maxfield. Any other questions? Which is unlike me in the fact that she actually
Starting point is 00:32:14 looked good yesterday. Good point. Anyone else? Oh, here we go. A little lipstick and Taylor, I'd mistaken him for Biden's nuclear waste director who stole women's luggage. Wow. Wow. Caleb, can you bring that photo up of that? I got to go. I got to go. Okay. Bye, Brian. That's an incredible, incredible observation. Do you know who that person looks like, Taylor? Oh, you're muted, buddy.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Well, at least I don't look like the secretary of health. What's that? What's the that guy's name i don't know i don't know but someone's got a guy is it a guy what's a it's a it's a it's a guy yeah wow oh my goodness so this i don't know if you guys know this this guy was on the uh great so this guy was on the uh appointed by biden to be in charge of nuclear waste for the united States of America and was caught twice now stealing luggage. That's not real. Is that actually the person? Bro. Can you zoom out a little bit, Caleb? That person was appointed to be in charge of nuclear waste?
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yes. Why? Yes. Joe Biden's head of nuclear waste? I don't know. But here's what's crazy. Does he not look like an expert on that, Taylor? What's their educational background? He's role playing fetish for nuclear waste post.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Hey, listen, the fuck is wrong with our country? Listen, this guy got caught stealing luggage twice at fucking airports. And most recently, like a month ago. And do you think they were actually stealing luggage or they're just like oh that's what my suitcase looks like i'm gonna take it definitely stealing he's admitted to stealing uh dark lord rev on ten dollars for brian and suza and the gang providing the stellar coverage live oh here we go here we go make that shit oh uh here we go uh let's hear it mr uh fran what do you got brother that was the head judge a couple things i said earlier have changed
Starting point is 00:34:12 the main can you hear me yes the main change everything that we talked about was confirmed except uh jr no knees on elbows that's. And you can actually do multiple attempts on the clean and jerk, but you just have to be done within 20 seconds. If you fail the jerk and re-rack, you can attempt another jerk. Oh, wow. If you go off the ground and decide you want to go again, you can. Why are they limiting an attempt to 20 seconds? I don't have answers to why.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Do you agree with that? The reason why I okay, fine. The reason why I like it in competition is because of the logistics of the flow for the entire day. It's a little bit of a safety thing. 20 seconds is a hard stop. All the athletes are going to be changing their weights after that. If you're behind me and you're still lifting into that window and I'm changing my plates and my back's to you and you drop your bar forward, that's dangerous. So it also throws off the timing of things for the MCs, the broadcast. So I'm actually completely in favor of having a hard stop on the lifting window as opposed to what they did at Rogue. And we saw all the complications when you allow them to lift past
Starting point is 00:35:18 the fixed time. So they each get as many attempts as long as it's done in a 20 second window and they have three 20 second windows. Correct. Okay right okay no but there was some elements in there where they have to get the bar off the ground in 10 seconds no the 10 seconds is for the handstand oh okay okay my bad okay that is so complicated it's not that complicated we'll see okay hey uh brian while we have you why not just why not just let people, um, as long as you get the lift off the ground before the time expires, let them go.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Because doesn't that make it way easier to judge? Way easier to judge. I just, safety, safety. No, there's no safety piece. You can run into the next list.
Starting point is 00:36:01 No, you just leave a window. You just leave a window open. Look, I'm on, logistics. Come on. Judging. All I care about is judging. Make it easy on the judges. It is easy. If you haven't, if I haven't given you the good rep by 20 seconds, it's not a good rep. The MCs will probably be counting that down to like three, two, one.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I'm sure they'll do that. And it's more spectator friendly. Also, it's better that and it's more spectator friendly also it's better for the judges and more spectator friendly if you let them wait as long as they get the bar off the ground okay i'm gonna go we're getting ready to set up but that's what i got for you guys enjoy the show okay come back on if you want to argue i'm in favor of of athlete safety i just think that's super complicated i'm not in favor of athlete safety this isn't the this isn't ufc if you want to watch people go get fucking concussed and die go watch ufc dude do whatever you want as long as it's done within 20 seconds it sounds
Starting point is 00:36:57 like my wife okay uh ron is a good dude who's r Ron? Is Ron the nuclear waste guy? Ron. Jesus. Hey, dude. I'll give you $3. Oh, look at that. There's a little fucking barcode with my little symbol. Savon podcast symbol.
Starting point is 00:37:15 That's awesome. Hey, Savon. I got a Coach 12. I got a bounce. You got a Catch 12? See you, dude. Coach. Coach 12.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Oh, Coach. All right. Hey, JR. Thank you. All right. See you. Thank you. Have a good one, JR. catch 12 see you dude coach coach all right hey jr thank you thank you how's it going jr jr the humble uh version of uh brian friend i was gonna ask oh yeah that's what i was gonna ask brian what is his ethnic background his beard looks very like he's not a normal white guy you know what i mean it's thick i think he's english and uh taliban he's a mix he's not a normal white guy you know what i mean thick i think he's english and uh taliban he's a mix he's got some middle eastern yeah his beard is so thick he's he's but he's definitely
Starting point is 00:37:51 english too he's like proper like an english guy but aggressive like the taliban do english people have thick beards no he's it's it's yeah that's he's got a middle eastern beard for sure that thing grows like seven's beard or like us uh from spain i could see spain what's your ethnic background john i am uh scottish and um viking i don't think you get to call viking a ethnic background but scandinavian what like however you want to those guys up there there's a mix of them do you remember that toby keith song about the taliban no oh dude don't play it okay definitely play it i'm already ready for my third cup of coffee are you are you 100 armenian
Starting point is 00:38:39 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wow whatever that means i'm a mutt i don't even know what i am magnus beowulf was short he said no viking is under six feet my dad my dad has uh blue eyes which is always trips me out some of toby heath is garbage like i watched he was the first concert i ever went to and he just got fucking shit faced on stage and it was the worst concert ever like he's drinking on stage oh he was yeah he was drinking and getting fucked up so you pay money and then you watch a guy go on stage and sing and get drunk exactly it was terrible but he does have a lot of good songs hey aren't them half the uh people who listen to country music like uh AA? Yeah, I think that's a real statistic. Yeah, I mean, it's kind of an easy guess.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Half the people who listen to rap music have a BB gun that they show off as a real gun, and half the people who... Dude, that was me on fucking... What was the pre-thing? Oh, MySpace. Dude, I had a BB gun pistol MySpace profile pic. Oh, God. Dear parents of Taylor Self. Parent.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Come on, man. Parent, sorry. Look at that. Look at Matt Souza's shot down there on the left. There's some sort of structure. Doesn't that look like a dog whistle? It does. Like a giant should pick that up and blow into that yep okay uh we are 19 minutes away well who's that look at just dudes with great bodies everywhere god that's what i should look like that guy was that guy 50 how old was that guy suza how old was that guy yeah i would i would guess mid 50s to 60s i also think he had a ca hormones tattoo on him too so don't forget to go to ca hormones use code seven code seven for your pre-consultation
Starting point is 00:40:37 blood work if you're in california uh three things i'm glad that uh suza brought that up three things uh you guys have really jumped on the subscriber button in the last three days. We had like a rough month where fucking, we were just losing subscribers and now in the last couple of days we put on over 200 subscribers. So thank you for that. Uh, that means a lot. All that shit commenting in the comments, I guess, and subscribing and liking, I guess that all affects, um, that thing they call the algorithm. And that's why everyone says that. So thank you
Starting point is 00:41:05 so much everyone for, uh, subscribing a second of all, none of the show would be possible without California hormones. They've been a loyal sponsor ever since the beginning or pretty early on over a year. And, uh, what they offer, uh, the listeners is if you live in California, you get free blood work and a free doctor's consultation. And if you live outside of California, um, you can get the free doctor's consultation and you can have your insurance pay for the, uh, blood work. And we have a, uh, a show that we do or Andrew Hiller does called testosterone Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, he posts a video talking about his journey, taking a T R T. And then of course, if you drink coffee, if you want caffeine, use code SEVON, Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Oh, look at Brian. John's trying to show us that he's heterosexual. We believe you, buddy. We believe you. And so get your coffee at Paper Street Coffee. If the code doesn't work, SEVON, you're at the wrong Paper Street Coffee. Don't go to the wrong Paper Street Coffee. Peace. Okay. don't use go to the wrong paper street coffee peace okay uh yesterday the stream was down uh at wadapalooza periodically it looked like they were having some uh troubles uh we looked into it and what we found out is i guess uh one of
Starting point is 00:42:19 amazon's um server farms had uh like some sort of explosion and they lost a bunch of their servers. So while they were down, we were told we could go up. And so we were playing that dance with trying to service the event while their service was spotty. So I think we're going to be trying to do that delicate dance again today. So I wish I could tell you exactly what we're going to be covering and not covering but i um i can't uh off to the oh can we go to the leaderboard mr beaver sorry i keep doing i keep forgetting you're here for some reason well we got 16 minutes out yes we got 16 minutes out. Yes, we're 16 minutes out.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Okay. Currently sitting, we're halfway through. Is that correct, guys? So half the points are still available? Yep. And today is set up exactly like yesterday, two sort of individual events, and then one hybrid event, like AB event? We're assuming so. Okay. Oh, and that's not true because we know. No we know the final it's four events yep but this first event is kind of like a ab is the last
Starting point is 00:43:34 event also an ab no they're two separate events that are a hundred points each they're just separated by a minute or two minute rest in between them. Okay. It's like last night's last event. Okay. So this one that we have next is the only one that's split a 60 pointer for the lift and 40 points for the parallette handstand hold. Correct. Okay. Hey,
Starting point is 00:43:56 let me ask you guys this real quick before we go into the leaderboard. Sorry, Caleb, this has this ever been done. I know at the games we had the handstand hold where you had to stay inside of the box right or at the semi-finals that was 2020 online games portion okay and basically it was a handstand hold for time but you had to stay within an area and they had a 20 minute window so they had multiple tries at it they had as many attempts as they wanted in 20 minutes once i mean i'm not sure how the format worked in terms of because they had judges on site that
Starting point is 00:44:30 were like i'm sure they couldn't do multiple 20 minute attempts but you get a 20 minute window and your longest attempt was your score and most people like after their first try they never beat Never beat it. Different regions of AWS can go down. Barry McTuckner blaming AWS is always bullshit. It was not AWS. I agree. Anytime you just fucking flake the blame on somebody else. Do we think that John Cereal has semen or whole milk in it? Totally inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:45:02 It's got no milk in it. They didn't comment that obviously aws wasn't down as a whole uh he drinks two percent oh that's mean that's mean what's wrong with two percent you don't drink two percent do you what's wrong with two percent uh virginity rocks like two percent are you fucking kidding me dude what's up with all you fuckers and whole milk? It's fucking gross to drink. Mixed with Ovaltine
Starting point is 00:45:29 is like the greatest thing ever. The problem with AWS is that Jeff Bezos got mad because Taylor was a better looking bald guy. Thank you, Magnus. It's not saying much, but thank you. Fight for the fittest. I'll text Sevan. I hope it's nudes. You can get uh fight for the fittest i will i'll text seven i hope it's
Starting point is 00:45:46 nudes you can get all the ceo gear at the paper street coffee booth yeah why is john always eating because that's what makes him so likable he's drinking ovaltine hey isn't it over the quickest way by the way john i just want to let you know not that you give a fuck but the quickest way, by the way, John, I just want to let you know, not that you give a fuck, but the quickest way to get people to hate you on a podcast is to eat. So just so you know. Is that really true? I mute it every time, though. People hate it. People hate it.
Starting point is 00:46:15 The second thing you could do to get people to hate you is call yourself Taylor's self. Yeah, that's a quick way. Yes. I'm trying to get done before the event. Can't please everybody but you can piss everyone off oh someone just told me someone just texted me the coverage you're making is sensational i chubbed up sending back a heart okay uh so so what do we think about this easier harder to be uh stuck on the on the parallettes you can't move your hands as much. So I don't know that it's,
Starting point is 00:46:48 you can like in a four by four square, you can move your hands around and adjust and adjust and adjust. And you can't, you don't have that on the parallettes. So in that sense, it's more challenging, but in the sense that you can grip the parallettes and control your body a little more, it's a little easier. I would say still the parallettes are likely to body a little more it's a little easier i would say still the parallettes are likely to be a little bit harder you can counteract your balance really good in the parallettes though but i agree if you can't move around it's harder yeah harder than a four by four square for sure 100 um and do you think we're gonna see people doing this thing like when i saw the demo girl doing it she was doing the the legs in the air yeah letting the legs open up i think some girls will not like this they weren't letting their
Starting point is 00:47:28 legs open like this they were letting them open like this yep i know what you're talking about okay um i think a scissor yeah i think we'll see that not out of the man i think that's gonna be the dominant form with the men and the women the scissor split well the thing about a handstand you don't need tension in your lower body and a lot of people kind of have a misconception that you have to be tight everywhere in the handstand you really don't you don't need tension in your lower body you can actually relax your lower body it's all about your forearms and your point of balance so that helps you know how many people you just pissed off with that it's it's true and anyone who any gymnast, you know, will agree.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It does not need to be a tight. It can't be a hollow position because then you're off balance. It can't be an arch position. Again, you're off balance. You just need to be stacked over your midline and the lower body can relax. John, are you agreeing with this? With the split, yeah. This is some gymnastic sacrilege i don't i don't do a split i let my heels just kind of sit on my butt like that like my knees both bent and kind of have
Starting point is 00:48:33 my knees forward a little bit it's hard to explain um but i keep my lower body completely relaxed yeah i mean if you're really good at it then you for sure can do that i'm not as good as that stuff as the elite guys are. So, like, I have to stay tight to hold it for any amount of time. Trish really wants to see me do things. But if you are, like, extremely good at hand-sticking me on your hands and just staying in one spot, then, yeah, you can relax and just kind of stay tight through the shoulders, and then you're good to go. You control your point of balance with your fingers and your grip i don't know why all of a sudden i believe you when some
Starting point is 00:49:08 uh girl named jennifer pacheco chimes in he speaks the truth yeah i know mason i know god damn it john swallow your food he sounds like a pig dude one time i was pig hunting and that's all i heard at night was just that sound like right under my tree sandwich i'm sorry stevan wants me on the show like non-stop i don't have time to yeah that is true that is true and i told him i don't give a shit if he eats so you just don't eat okay look at hold on we're getting a beautiful shot for matt suza here uh suza what are you seeing buddy what are you seeing unmute us what are you seeing just trying? What are you seeing? Unmute us. What are you seeing? Just trying to get artistic, or did someone dose you?
Starting point is 00:49:46 He might be having a heart attack. You think? He just fell over. You think he had a sudden collapse? Sudden collapse. A Dolph? It's POV. He's about to whip it out.
Starting point is 00:49:57 What's the longest we're going to see? Handstand hold. Probably near 50 seconds. I think we'll see a minute from the women on the parallettes i don't know i mean we'll see around a minute though like that'll be the longest and you think the women are gonna be concerned guys oh his gimbal lost its uh rigidity or something and it flipped up that's what happens hey i had a sudden collapse happens to me all the time sudden collapse uh why why will the women uh be better than the men lighter more more athletic they just typically are better at gymnastics uh i would say
Starting point is 00:50:39 they are they are typically higher skilled in gymnastics i don't think that like the women aren't better than the men at muscle-ups the women aren't better than the men at muscle ups. Oftentimes women aren't better than the men at handstand pushups, but they have a higher skill and a better balance point. I think it was, they play in that position more growing up. Let me change what I said. I mean,
Starting point is 00:50:55 there are more gymnasts in the women's field than the men's field. Is that fair to say? Yeah, for sure. I think Pat will do very well. He's a former gymnast. Hey, I think Nick Matthew will win it as totality. We'll win it. fair to say yeah for sure i think pat will do very well he's a former gymnast hey um yeah i think mcmatthew will win it as totality will win it uh libby budok nick fucking what a great name libby
Starting point is 00:51:14 budok um oh yeah definitely over a minute that's what i'm thinking too guys why are you guys saying so 50 seconds and stuff why not three minutes mine was based on the 2020 game scoring and out of the people in that field there were a handful that got over a minute in a 20 minute window in a four by four square. And this is harder. That being said, the field is a lot bigger and there's a lot more room for specialists here. There are more specialists here than there are at the 2020 games online field.
Starting point is 00:51:40 So I could see there being over a minute. I don't think over a minute 15. We'll see. I could be wrong. Kind of an interesting correlation there what taylor is saying let me see if i understand what you're saying is is it's not the absolute best field of crossfitters and when you don't have the absolute best field of crossfitters not that there's not a lot of great ones here that's when you start seeing outliers super strong people people who are super good at gymnastic people who've slipped through the qualifier because they have some specialty
Starting point is 00:52:02 yeah i think fusile will murder the hold she's probably my pick to win that out of the women we'll see she has that elbow thing going on i don't know that's that's true hey and once again that's why taylor you like would prefer a 50 50 split uh in the scoring because someone like fusile might struggle in the clean and jerk but she deserves to be able to make it up in the handstand hold. Just answer. It's just such a simple question. Why is barbell strength more important than body weight skill? Why? I don't know. Maybe because it transfers to more other skills. I don't know if that's true. Think about that. Think about that for a second in life. Do you think barbell strength transfers more to body weight skill in life? I think barbell strength, we apply more
Starting point is 00:52:46 than being on our hands. Where? In life? Yes. Maybe in today, but think about human movement for thousands of years. What's more important, body weight skill or barbell strength? Body weight skill for sure, but just being on your hand like it's a specialty within a modality right but i don't think again i don't think i'm my argument is just that they should be weighted equally because all 10 general physical skills are weighted equally hey who do you think who here's the interesting thing who would you rather be that giant thor guy or the guy who wins the tag world championships have you ever seen that tag game yeah that's funny i'd be that i'd be that tag dude any day of the week or the or the fucker you had on your podcast who climbs the buildings in France.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yes, yes. Fuck. I would much rather be him. That's crazy. So the handstand hold, Katrin got three minutes, almost three minutes. And then there were about seven girls who got over two minutes. And then there were about seven girls who had over a minute to two minutes. Out of the guys, there was only like three guys who got over a minute.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Yeah. Okay. Okay. Magnus would rather be Thor. I'm not convinced Thor can wipe his own ass. I would have to see that to believe that. If Thor Bjornsson now or when he was like in fighting shape, that's a good argument to be made that you'd want to be like him because he was fucking ripped. Hey, dude. 6'8", 240. That's a lot argument to be made that you'd want to be like him because he was fucking ripped hey dude i 68 240 that's a lot of weight yeah and you got to imagine that your life expectancy is a little bit lower if at that size and is that okay okay taylor glassman no no no i i don't
Starting point is 00:54:18 and i'm not saying that barbell strength isn't important i just think they're weighted equally i i mean being strong is incredibly important hey i don't know if barbells i watched i got caught watching that tag game for like 30 seconds on youtube the other day that shit's incredible put these guys in a fucking ring and make them wrestle and it'll be more fun to watch that than barbells yeah yeah exactly uh okay but some guys just want to be just huge and strong and i i get it the stream started apparently allegedly can we uh do you want to be just huge and strong, and I get it. The stream started, apparently, allegedly. Do you want to commentate while the stream's going on another window? Sure.
Starting point is 00:54:50 I'd like a cup of coffee. All right. My 16th cup of coffee. Make a pee break? Oh, Talking Elite Fitness is doing the intro to the – oh, let's see this. Oh, no, I'm on the stream. Tina Hill's venue. I'm not up yet.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Let me – new window. Okay. I refreshed it. Let me head over to, uh, I like, I like Corey Leonard's comment. He said,
Starting point is 00:55:20 ideally, I like to be able to squat 500 and then do 45 unbroken ring muscle-ups. Ah, yeah, like to be able to squat 500 and then do 45 unbroken ring muscle-ups. Ah, yeah. That would be nice. I went over to Talking Elite Fitness. I don't see anything either. But you know what I think happens is what's going on here is that I think Hamilton Road, the company that's doing the production for Wadapalooza. Wow, that's an incredible crowd shot, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:55:44 That's beautiful i think i think go ahead caleb tommy's just doing the intro on the loud and live youtube channel oh yeah all right i got him up now it's hard to find i i see it i don't see i don't hear him he's just doing like a he's yapping his beak in front of the tier booth is it the is it well which link should i click the one with 2.8 000 watching or the one with 1.9 000 watching it's elite broadcast day two is what it's oh okay i see tommy okay all right i'm taking a quick pee break okay let's let's listen to it.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Oh, I can't. Oh, here we go. And then in start fast, finish strong part B, it was all the Roman Krennikoff show. So Tommy is in the tier booth doing a quick little recap of yesterday, and it looks like they're two minutes away from starting. Sousa, what's up? Where are you at, buddy? I'm right at the bottom of the Tita Hill stage.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I'm going to see if I can get somewhere. I look pretty crowded. This place is packed already. Is it hot? It of this place. It's hot already. Is it hot? It is hot. The sun's beating down. It's not as humid, though. There's a slight breeze, but I'm already sweaty.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Okay, so it's overflowing, right? There's people on the right or out of the stadium. Yeah, it ends, like, right here. And then if you guys look, none of these are actually shared. This banister is just all grass. And it just spills completely over. Hey, is there plenty of food there and drinks? And it's a good scene? Oh, yeah, plenty of food.
Starting point is 00:57:37 They got a whole entire food court, which is, I think, new to this year. I don't remember seeing that last year. And yeah, there's drinks everywhere. Hey, does it smell like weed everywhere, like you're in California? No, not out here, not out here. But I'm telling the truth, right? If that were in California, there'd just be clouds
Starting point is 00:57:54 of weed everywhere. Oh, yeah. You would think a skunk got ran over the parking lot every day. If you're not baked, that's probably crazy, bro. Jackson, uh jackson uh mash mash off uh waddle palooza really brings the best vibes and crowds unmatched yeah that's cool is there a media what's going on right now? Why is it so loud? It's just loud music and them setting up the bars?
Starting point is 00:58:29 Yeah, I mean, why is that? I'm trying to get a shot. I don't know if this is a media pit area or what. Oh, so this is a scale division that's going. Yeah, this is a elite mission. All right. Elite of elite men. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:51 All right. Yeah, two of them. See the guy kicking his legs? So he would just relax his legs towards his butt and let his knees come towards. Oh, wow. He did a little breakdown. That was an interesting fail. He warred.
Starting point is 00:59:09 So, so what were you going to say, Taylor? What advice would you give him? So he had his heels kicked over his back, like in a scorpion position. And what I do is I relax my legs like fully to where my heels are pretty much resting on my butt. But my knees come forward towards my abs so that the weight's more balanced okay it's very similar to the split but i don't have the groin flexibility to do the front splits like that so i just do that instead uh someone said why is it so loud i cannot ever uh nick pinjero look at he's got his all his pants pulled up so high his ass is hanging out i have never i've
Starting point is 00:59:42 never been to an event where the volume is appropriate i've never been to a bar i've never been to a club a concert like whoever's in charge of the music is the biggest fucking it's like that's what like when you apply for that job it's like are you fucking idiot and you're like yeah and they're like you're hired taylor thought you meant workout volume i have a uh, we were at a sushi dinner last year for Christmas, me and Andy and his wife and my mom. And the music was really loud. And he's just such a fucking brutally blunt person. And the waiter comes up and he's like, Andy had been complaining about it.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And the waiter comes up to take his order and Andy tells him his order. And the waiter goes, what? And he goes, yeah, fucking exactly. Did you turn the music down? Yeah. Right. So funny. what and he goes yeah fucking exactly did you turn the music down yeah right so funny there's there's a there's a smoothie place in town and it's fucking like that i go in there it's so loud and the lady keeps going what what and i keep going what what and i'm like like it's just me
Starting point is 01:00:38 and you in here in the volume on 10 turn it down and six pieces of glass between us so that so that i don't accidentally give you COVID. What's that? Knucklehead. Just something here in California. It's a California talk. I'm an idiot. True.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Stop eating on camera, John. Listen, Jason. Listen. For 20 bucks, he'll stop eating. Hey, he's only been eating for an hour and 61 minutes. Look at him. Look at him. He scared him.
Starting point is 01:01:03 He turned his camera off. Jesus Christ. John, him. Look at him. He scared him. He turned his camera off. Jesus Christ. John, don't listen to them. You've only been eating for 61 minutes. You get to eat for another five minutes before we cut you off. Savon made me spit my coffee out with that comment. Are you an idiot?
Starting point is 01:01:18 Yeah, you're hired. Thank you. That's amazing. Can you imagine? I'm going to get a shirt that says that. I made him spit his coffee out. I, we had a guy, a guy came in like a few weeks ago, like telling Andy he had his level one, if he needed a coach.
Starting point is 01:01:33 And he's like, well, are you a good coach? I don't need shitty coaches. He's just so brutal. I love it. Hey, Susan, this is nice. It looks like you have a little breathing room here hey get that that guy in the wheelchair pull him back a little bit he's probably in your spot can you roll that guy back a bit send him down the hill and and and listen you fucking crossfit fucking camera operators why do you have to be so buff why does that guy have to in the front there have to be as big as dave lips that's like hey that's dex my god yeah yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:02:09 beat it oh there you go yeah yeah dylan get him how about you lose 30 how about dex you get off the juice so we can shoot around you he's a big guy yeah he looks like a big guy we have the same coach is he cool He seems cool too. Dex? Yeah. I don't know. I've never met him. Why do you think that is? Look at Will's comment.
Starting point is 01:02:30 It's crazy to think that there are this many people who come to Wadapalooza, but no one else can get one-fifth of the amount of people to show up or the audience. Why do you think that is? I would contend that some of the Australian and Brazilian events get a lot of people, but still not as many as Wadapalooza. I think it's the party like people come for the festival combine like a uh fucking edm show and a cross event and it would blow up hey some people disagree with this but i'm i'm willing to bet two inches of
Starting point is 01:02:58 off the top of my penis uh on this i think that the more sun there is the less clothes people wear and the more pressure there is to have a nice body you go to fucking saudi arabia or dubai and it's the largest amount of type 2 diabetes in the world and why because those bitches over there are covered up and can get fat no one has to see their bodies and that's why they eat like fucking animals over there and same with the middle of the country in the united states you go to the coast to santa cruz or miami and you turn the sun on full blast and motherfuckers take their clothes off and fucking people get really really good bodies because they want it they feel the social pressure to have a good body and be naked now of course it gets weird in miami half the women there have some sort of crazy plastic surgery and i can't even recognize them or make eye contact
Starting point is 01:03:38 with them they look like saltwater fish you know what i mean like those crazy ones in the tank and you're just like you know what i mean those ones with ones in the tank and you're just like you know what i mean those ones are crazy lips and shit and like they turn they have all these weird angles and shit and you don't even want to look at them there's a couple crossfitters who have podcasts where it's like that i'm like what the fuck am i looking at but um uh that being said i think that's what's going on to answer will's question you have the sun and you have a ton of people with beautiful bodies oh and yeah and and it's the sunniest place in the winter is john saying i think it all is because of the weather that's what i think the weather we'll see it's just if you're into fitness there's probably
Starting point is 01:04:14 no better vacation than waterpalooza because it's in the middle of the winter and it's nice in miami and it's a festival and you get to see typically the fittest people in the world do show up. Some of them, you know? Um, and then the ones that aren't competing, like Medeiros is there. Fraser's there.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Like all the, you see it, you get to see all the people. And there's always, yeah, this is a great point, Robbie. I appreciate this.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Someone hasn't been to the South. It gets hot as fuck here, but they fried chicken, drink sweet tea. And it's not good to look at. You just screwed up. My, my theory is right. i was thinking it the whole time oh shut it fuck you guys fuck you guys but there's no beach so people aren't naked all the time and the chicks don't look like saltwater fish there yeah they look like land animals they look like farm animals bro i think to your point though i i i think yes this is true
Starting point is 01:05:09 by the way too sorry john in the south women go yeah the women in in college in the south are the most beautiful women you've ever seen you go to kansas but their fucking uh shelf life is 12 months after they graduate that's totally true that's it's it's Okay, go ahead, John. It's over. I think the semifinals has the ability to grow into a lot of people because there's two semifinals now, and they're kind of like conference finals for the big show. But it's not a festival. No, I know.
Starting point is 01:05:39 But if CrossFit plays their cards right, those competitions are elite competitions now since there's only two in north america but think about the amount let me throw athletes 60 versus a thousand let me let me throw this out there too so the reason why the semi-finals or what we called the regionals were so big is because they were affiliate events and so shit loads of affiliates went there you know what i mean invictus or brick would show up with a hundred fucking people right and the reason let's not forget that um this miami thing although it may not be an affiliate event it's a community event i mean they have 32 000 athletes competing and if each of them brings their mom and their dad you know what i mean i mean this the registration must be bigger for
Starting point is 01:06:19 wadapalooza than any other what is the registration you know that's your point over a thousand yeah so you have a thousand athletes each person brings their mom and their dad and their brother and sister and so now you have uh you know uh and then and then every fucking wannabe junkie fitness enthusiast comes to this thing too right like so so like i guarantee you that like dave lipson is walking around this place i bet you know what i mean like it's like uh didn't we pull up to a booth and there was a guy who like fixed his backs or something i mean this is a um wow look pink teal hair you get it all that means something totally different in california oh okay no oh she missed her first clean i don't know who that was
Starting point is 01:07:06 but oh yep saw that page simenza nails it is that page simenza in the white and brown i think so 216 is a big opener isn't it whoa not pretty the lift yeah that hey that girl on that girl who the camera's on right now with the blue top looks like it's the end of the day for that was like the laziest lift i've ever seen that should hurt there's nothing explosive about that who was that i don't think that's page oh shit casper bauer look at this shit the one in the white let's go but oh shit casper he asked if you were just sitting there eating chips at home just shoveling the food in baby good to see him
Starting point is 01:07:50 former affiliate liaison country manager now recently fired from CrossFit joined the club alright here we go. Is this how we have it normally set up?
Starting point is 01:08:07 They have eight people going at the same time, right? It's not just these two? Why are we just looking at these two? I don't know. Maybe we need to send Suze over there. I haven't heard from Heidi or any of the other camera people this morning. Do we have other camera people? Man, we've taken a step back from last year. Hey, I don't
Starting point is 01:08:24 even know if they could get in there either because that stadium was pretty much filled like that when I got here. Plummer's in front. Let's get Plummer and Spin. They have links. Let me text them.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I just saw a girl walking around in a bikini on Suzy's shot. Yeah, there's a lot of them. Yeah, it's a different vibe. It's Miami. Miami. I think there was just a swim event, too. There's literally a lot of them.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Andrew Groninger making a very good point. Volume level tolerance is proportional to the level of toxication. That's a good point. That was a much better lift by the blue shirt girl. Hey, should she not be laughing and shit like that and losing tension? Why the fuck are they only showing two
Starting point is 01:09:18 people? I guess they're just showing the heaviest lifts. Fuck, that's annoying. This broadcast these camera shots are terrible right now. Back up. We got Will Plummer in the house. Will. How you doing?
Starting point is 01:09:37 Turn it around. Turn it around. We got to see the stage. Oh, you the man, Willie. Will Plummer, you the man. Oh, look, he even got it right. right okay nice there it's a little better yeah there we go i wonder what spins looks like he's got to go to lte you think will's on cellular that's better that's okay oh they're they. Oh, their feed just went down.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Dope. Will knocked them off. Too much bandwidth. Okay, it's back up. Will, can you hear me? Mr. Plummer? No, he can't hear me mr plumber no he can't hear me okay so whatever's going on uh i guess i guess brian explained this for those of you who are just tuning in they they all it's they have a four minute window to set a max lift but it's not a free-for-all like we're used to in most competitions.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Is that correct, Taylor and John? Correct. In most competitions, we're used to just like you have four minutes and you can get as many lifts as you want. And all the descriptions we've heard for tactics and strategies around this were with that assumption, but that's not what's going on. Basically, they have – once the clock starts, they all have to lift together. They have to get their first lift. They're giving this woman multiple tries though, that woman in the red. You get as many attempts within the 20-second window as you can fit,
Starting point is 01:11:12 and you have to be finished with your lift within the 20-second window. No, no, no, no, no, no. The handstand hold, the one we're looking at right now. Yeah, they get as many attempts as they want until the 10-second mark, I believe. And at the 10-second mark, it's a wrap. Uh, I'm not this girl in blue right here, Taylor, that we're looking at. You see her, you see her. Yeah. That's how I hold a handstand. Wow. She could squeeze her, she could squeeze her butt a little more,
Starting point is 01:11:36 let her heels fall back and her knees come towards her abdomen. Now that wasn't very long. It was longer than all the other girls. No, I'm saying just all of them. That wasn't very long it was longer than all the other girls no i'm saying just all of them that wasn't very no it wasn't and i wasn't expecting it to be but who knows we'll see this is that short though like that that was that was maybe 25 30 seconds hey plumber can you hear us yeah no i can't i hear my headphones on. Oh, you da man, buddy. Hey, was that Paige Powers up there? Who's the girl who made three attempts in the first 20 seconds? I have no idea. That wasn't Paige, though. Okay, and have they really...
Starting point is 01:12:16 Have they reseated the athletes based on their scores yesterday, Will? Oh, it sounds like someone just dropped a nuclear bomb on. Yeah, it is so loud. Okay, brother. Thank you. Let's see, Caleb, on that text thread, could you ask Brian if they've reseated the athletes? We believe that they most certainly have. 28 seconds was the longest.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yeah. Okay. It just changes things so much when you don't have a square to move around in your hands are fixed. You can move front and back, but it's just not the same. Okay. Let's see what,
Starting point is 01:12:55 uh, what's where, where is Sousa? Uh, Sousa, can you unmute yourself? Sousa, where are you,
Starting point is 01:13:00 buddy? I wonder, are you in the warmup area? Oh, it's so quiet there. That's nice. Yeah, it is nice. Sousa, so point the camera at the direction of the venue from where you're standing right now. Okay, so I'm going to spin us around.
Starting point is 01:13:23 It's right past the big dog whistle. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. it's right past the big dog whistle okay oh okay okay so before they go they walk down that concrete path that's just in the right of your shot yeah that's right so they'll come down here right out through there they have to go all the way through the uh the whole entire venue to get to the trina hill spot okay and uh, and only athletes and like certain people are allowed where you are. Yeah, that's right. And they got it. They got a much more regulated today than yesterday.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Okay. And they said that Thursday was pretty lax. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the crowd is probably two X from yesterday. The security is the same. They don't allow outside drinks and stuff now.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Okay. Yeah, that's a good test for it. They don't allow outside drinks. Okay. Yeah, that's when you know it's there. Yeah, typical. That's like at regular sporting events. Like if you go see the padres
Starting point is 01:14:25 at the call at the petco they don't allow you to bring in a fucking drink got it it's now real okay uh any signs let us know if you see any signs of Guy or Emma Carey. Would you, Sousa? Yeah, yeah. That's why I figured I'd hang out here. I'll follow the last female heat out to the venue, and then I'll come back into here to see if we can see any of the guys starting to warm up after these women finish up. Okay, cool. All right. Thanks, brother. I better keep my phone on and make sure everything is going according to plan here. We got a bunch of big storms coming in. Oh, thank you, Caleb. I see that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Thank you. Oh, thank you, Caleb. I see that. Okay. Thank you. What is the amount of time they've allocated for this event? Do you guys know? It's on the Google Doc. Let me pull it up. I mean, it was supposed to be four minutes. No, total. You're talking about total, right? Oh, so Will just said something interesting. Did you hear that? He said four minutes for each lift.
Starting point is 01:15:54 They were supposed to get four attempts, but now they're getting four minutes? I wonder what he meant by that. So this event started at 12. and it goes until 221 PM. So it starts at 830 for you and goes until 1030. Okay. So another 53 minutes, including the men. We're sorry. Not, not 830 to 1030, 930 to 1130.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Oh, you're killing me. Hey, just a quick update. I just saw Guy just arrived right now, actually. Okay, to the venue? To the warm-up. He just came in. He looks a little bit better than he did at the end of yesterday, that's for sure. But after my award-winning question...
Starting point is 01:16:43 No, no, no, no, no. He just cruised in looks like his uh fiance is with him okay and uh they're just getting over to the little may little mayhem's got a corner they took over over there so he's going over to the hideout yeah the mayhem hideout that was an easy 235 for that girl is Paige Powers over there warming up? Yeah, she was. She actually, I don't know if it was part of her warm up, but she just, oh, there she is right there. She just went on a little run.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Now she's walking back in. Second final call, heat warm. About 47. So there's four heats. I see Freya Moose Bruger getting ready to do a lift a lift i don't know who this is who's in the shot is this uh that is so sketchy she has the change plates underneath her weight so it doesn't roll but if you drop them on that bounces back into you good times not good times good times that's what i have to do in my garage yep me too fuck that put the little ones down and that looks like a snow that looks like a full-length bar
Starting point is 01:17:51 yeah it's a yeah hey she's getting her game face on she's like 247 is a lot 247 is a good weight okay so they're not controlling when they lift clearly it's being dictated yes they are they are controlling when they lift yes the the staff the judges right they have one window oh will we're we're agreeing a little shaky shake oh oh uh will we're agreeing you're saying that the staff are controlling it and that's what I was saying, too. Yes. Yeah, I believe it's like a 10 or a 20-step window. Okay. That's about how every single jerk I ever do looks like, Taylor. It's never clean.
Starting point is 01:18:41 That looked good, this girl. That's Moose Kruger. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. that looked good this girl that's yeah oh my goodness i always have a stanky leg like she did like she did everything about it gets bad what did will say she's showing a replay and they're missing what they've loaded on the bar. Would you stop with the replay? They need to fucking miss it. 256. Oh. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:19:10 256. Wow. I don't think she hits it. I think she does. That last one was easy. She's just wobbly, wobbly. Yeah, but her elbow started to collapse, and I don't think she's going to be able to handle that again.
Starting point is 01:19:22 We will see. Unreal. Why aren't they using a wide shot? Because they're stupid. They're saying the weak people don't matter. There's people lifting. We can see on our shot that there's people lifting all over the place. I think we're ahead of them.
Starting point is 01:19:42 No, we're behind them, I think. No, there's no way ahead of them. Yeah, we're ahead of them. No, we're behind them, I think. No, there's no way ahead of them. Yeah, we're ahead. Zoom the fuck out. Man, that's annoying. Here we go. Okay, so they're being told when to lift. Freya and CeCe Cronin both go.
Starting point is 01:20:01 CeCe with 256. Great job. That was better than the second jerk it was oh my goodness they both got it 235 for freya and 256 for cc cronin there will be a i mean 256 is good that is did you see her judge her her coach is like uh or her boyfriend or someone's like 12 inches from her. She got to high five him. That's pretty cool. I like it when it's like that. It's a good setup.
Starting point is 01:20:35 I'm surprised that stage can handle that. Yeah, they're showing replays of it. If you guys want to watch this, open up another window and watch it. just have to go to just type in loud and live in youtube and it's a wadapalooza elite day two it's the stream it's kind of hard to figure out what stream to watch but it's the stream that has 10 000 people watching yeah her boyfriend's more excited than she is it's not a set uh distance they have to do the parallettes right they can adjust it however far or near they want not sure they're at rogue they didn't let the athletes adjust the width of the parallettes and that makes a huge difference a huge difference for the handstand hold i don't know that it makes a massive difference
Starting point is 01:21:45 i mean ideally you want to stay stacked on you know joints stacked underneath the midline it is going to be more favorable to whoever that fits whatever that setting is that's a good point there's a split someone someone in the comments on their stream said what category is this someone someone in the comments on their stream said what category is this elite see the girl doing the splits and who has a bigger nose nikki or uh or seven moving she's not moving at all no she's locked in both of those girls look like they're doing the splits oh they got a oh you see the clouds going over and fucking with the exposure on the cameras see that who is the girl oh freya's out one second for freya dude that girl is stone cold statue right now who's lane five is that emma tall no no we're not to them yet hey it's crazy
Starting point is 01:22:40 that all these other girls lifted and we never saw one of their lifts why is that hey we should be able to just show that entire right side of the stage if they're not gonna wow i think is that that may be chloe carano she competed at crossfit crash the crucible earlier this year it might be any final athlete they'd put a fucking name up on the stream they can't get anything right 109 on that oh thank you well do we know what athlete that is uh oh oh wow good job Wow. Good job. Dude.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Savage. Hey, that was only 69 seconds? God, it seemed longer than that. Well, he said 109. Oh, no, no, no. They were done over here. Yeah, 109. Oh, so you think it's a minute and 39? Yeah, see how those are a little bit wider? It's almost like a minute and 39. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:46 See how those are a little bit wider. It's almost one minute and nine seconds. Oh, okay. So you were right, John. It's 99 seconds. Whoa. One minute and nine seconds.
Starting point is 01:23:56 69 seconds. 69 seconds. Oh, okay. All right. That's going to be tough to beat there's gonna be some girl who kills it that might be the girl they're showing the replay i'm trying to figure out what collapses on her what what finally gives way shoulder endurance
Starting point is 01:24:17 yeah she starts to lean back towards her abs okay yeah because uh her left elbow started collapsing so that means her shoulder was getting tired yeah just muscle fatigue damn it's packed there hey is it hot in the screen the crowd will yeah there's no shade covered everyone's just on a grass hill just baking in the sun yeah you're lucky you have a hat. If you don't have a hat, you're toast. So Spiegel held 131 on free handstanding.
Starting point is 01:24:56 That's good. Nistler held 119. I don't think either of them are beating that. No, I'm saying they should hold that free handstand longer than they would the parallettes and then i'm just looking for names sarah held 103 then let's see for the guys i think that's fusli there on uh suza's camera okay so suza looks like he's basically we're in the corral area. Like these guys are just getting ready to enter the stadium. It's the next group of people.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Look how good Heidi's shot looks in terms of the quality. It's crazy. Veltner was 119 on free handstanding. Roman was 119. They tied. At what event? At the free handstand. For 2020 games.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Oh, okay. I think Pat probably has the edge on parallettes just from experience. Hey, do you see on their live stream there's some kid riding a shark in a swimming pool oh yeah that's the podium yeah that's weird it looks like he's riding a poop yeah it's uh it's one of those like mechanical bull type things but it's a shark ride the shark okay suza is walking with the next group of ladies it looks like over to the uh venue here they go through a little bit of security okay so they actually have to walk through the entire uh area i guess people know not to stop and talk to them hey are those ladies in pink like security like to make sure no one like stops the
Starting point is 01:26:54 athletes yeah that's right that's right this guy's like a little queer and they kind of keep them in clothes you see us all pink all the way across them right okay so no one can come in and ask for an autograph or fuck with them while they walk over yeah that's cool are those their judges that walk with them no no okay judges are already in place. It looks like the next heat is getting ready. Oh, we're going to have Kerstetter. Yeah, I think it's more than four heats. Maybe not. Alexia Williams, Lexi Neely, Caitlin VanZeele, Wunger, Amy Kringle, John Young's girl, and Olivia Kerstetter,
Starting point is 01:27:42 and Victoria Campos. Okay, Heidi and and will if for some reason oh i guess just heidi's the only one who's up they don't have uh kerstetter on the live stream we got to get her looks like she's got a nasty rip she's got her hand all taped up who kerstetter yeah that shouldn't affect her on this event yeah you tell her oh look i saw a guy with a mask on god can you imagine how hot it is there and to be wearing a mask i confess that i still get pissed when i see people that wear masks oh suza look at that shot i don't blame you they're just spreading fear hey suza look at that uh shoot that uh shot of the of the group look at that crowd wow to the right
Starting point is 01:28:26 a little bit yeah that's amazing dude this comment makes it so you guys look the stadium ends like right here and then it just spilt all the way over to that one to the grass god that's a beautiful shot god that looks fun i'm actually seeing that. I want to be there. So this salty high CrossFit makes a good comment. He said. I don't understand it. Explain that to me. I don't get it.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Yeah, it's I see his point, but it's incorrect. So he says different point of view. This strength event is more balanced than any other strength event ever because it's not 100 points to strength alone. It's 60 40. That's correct. An event that just has one single modality test and it's a a hundred points to strength alone at 60, 40. That's correct. An event that just has one single modality test. And it's a strength test. It's not correct at something like the games where they have the CrossFit total, and then they have the swim paddle or they have the 550 meter sprint. Those are balanced evenly, or they have 30 muscle ups for time. Those are balanced evenly because there are several single modality tests and it's not just a single modality
Starting point is 01:29:23 strength. They have a single modality strength, single modality, monostructural, single modality tests and it's not just a single modality strength they have a single modality strength single modality monostructural single modality gymnastics etc you think about the 2021 games when they had that handstand walk event um so to his point if it's something like a regional like like last year's semifinals and they had that one lifting event and that's single modality this is more balanced than that but this is not more balanced than that the test at the games um so not more balanced than any other strength event ever but more balanced than most okay i still don't get it the reason the reason you get mad at the the strength being too weighty heavily is because there's too many competitions where there's always a strength event in the competition. And there's always some heavy max out of some kind, but there's not always a 30 ring muscle-ups for time. Correct.
Starting point is 01:30:12 So at most – Gymnastics. Yeah. Like at most events like this, they're like, all right, we're going to max out this. But then they don't have a single modality gymnastic or monostructural test. Guys, they've started lifting, and there's no camera on Kerstetter. If anyone could get their camera up so we could see that,
Starting point is 01:30:28 that would be awesome. So fucking annoying. They got a girl who looks like Emma Lawson on the juice. I don't know, some young looking girl who looks like a yoked Emma Lawson. But where the fuck is Kerstetter? Is that Campos? No.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Campos. I don't think Campos is that. Oh, there's Kerstetter? No. Campos. There's Kerstetter in the back left of that shot. Why are they not showing everything? She's in the teal pants. Is that Jared Grabiel on the old sideline right there? It looks like him. Yep. Ben, Unicycle
Starting point is 01:31:01 Ben from Australia. Good morning. You guys are killing it. Thank you, brother. Thank you. Here we go. It's Heidi. Is that a good view? Wide angle POV on their YouTube page. You're saying that there's another shot? We can't find that.
Starting point is 01:31:16 You're saying that there's another shot besides that shot? They're showing Olivia now. I think Olivia was just conservative. Tina Hill is here. I got it. There we go. Okay, here got it. There we go. Okay, here they go. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:31:29 There's Kerstetter. Okay, so they're both doing Kerstetter and this girl here on the right with the Born Primitive. 241. 241, okay. What did that other girl hit for her second attempt? Was it 245? 245. 256. Oh did that other girl hit for her second attempt? Was it 245? 256. Oh.
Starting point is 01:31:48 That was her third attempt. Her first second attempt. Okay. Maybe it was 247, 256. Solid. Kerstetter, slow on the way out of the squat. Yeah, but the jerk is beautiful. Yep.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Great jerk. She hit 270 apparently recently and the girl next to her much better clean and of course better at jerk than she is cleaning yeah jessica valenzuela yes she got it i'm 90 minutes behind what did i miss yeah jessica valenzuela yes she got it i'm 90 minutes behind what did i miss everything you missed us talking about uh biden's bald lipstick wearing yeah we now know that uh taylor uh has a doppelganger out there let's go hey caleb always leave that window.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Oh, Caleb's gone. Caleb's gone. He's gone to sleep. No, it's too early. Will's iPhone got too hot. But this POV view from Tina Hills is good. The wide angle. Oh, you see it?
Starting point is 01:33:01 Yeah, there's another YouTube stream, and the title of it is Wadapalooza-Day 2, Tina Hills Venue POV. It's frustrating that they give you so many different tabs of streams to pull up. Just give one stream with the best shot. Oh, wow. You see it? That's much better. Wow, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah to this stream
Starting point is 01:33:27 that the title of it again wadapalooza dash day two tina hill's venue pov is by far the best camera angle i'm not sure if there's commentary let me mute myself and turn it up yeah i'm not sure if they're gonna check it out too's no commentary, which is fine by me. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay, guys. Here we go. I'll put a link here.
Starting point is 01:33:49 I'm going to put it. Drop that link into the comments. If you want a link to a stream with no commentary, here it is. Although I'm sure Grundler and Bill are killing it. Grundler and Sean. But they just can't do much with the camera angles that those people offer them. And this is much, much better. Grundler and Bill. Come on, man.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Oh, I'm slipping. I'm slipping. Oh, Kerstetter's down. So that was their last attempt then, that cleaning dirt? Yeah, 241. Oh, the girl in the orange. Kerstetter can't do it. She's struggling.
Starting point is 01:34:31 I don't want to say she can't do it.'s got to find a base of support yes wow now they're done wow okay what was kerstetter's max lift 241 241 we believe two splits on the left side of the screen one on the right it looks like the one on the right is extremely steady and the one on the far left as well the one second to the left is shaking a little bit the girl standing tall looks great oh wow on the right is down we got two girls on the left still up and oh yeah oh far left is going to take it in this heat she went to a split oh and we have no camera of our own anymore. We lost all of our cameras. Oh, it came down at the same time. Wow. You're ahead, John.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Am I? Yeah, slightly. No idea. Just refresh. Hey, for those of you just tuning in, this is the first event of Day 2, Wadapalooza Elite Women the elite men have not gone yet so the day is just starting here for the uh elite athletes two heats have gone the event is a max clean and jerk and then a max handstand uh hold uh you get four minutes uh with
Starting point is 01:35:39 some other guidelines to set the max uh clean and jerk and then you have a one attempt in a 10 second window to set a max hold for the parallette handstand hold. Only two heats have gone. And the max that we have seen on the clean and jerk is 256 pounds. And the max hold we've seen is 69 seconds, a minute, one minute and nine seconds. And that's where we're at there's two streams to
Starting point is 01:36:07 choose from that you can watch on the loud and live youtube station one is a wide angle of tina hills which is where we what we are watching myself taylor and john young and then there is a another uh thread another channel on loud and live where you can hear a bill grunler and shawnee woodland also uh commentate and do an amazing job but the problem is is that there's no wide shots so you can't see what's going on so there's that elise car redow can taylor put uh can taylor but his black tank back can taylor put his black tank back on so the stream looks like Gramps and his ex-cons? I like that. That was dirty.
Starting point is 01:36:52 I like that. Someone's showing his broadcasting skills. You're the man. I'm glad I fucked that up. Okay. Fuselier in the upcoming heat. Thank you, Mr. Fus mr is my pick to win the hands destroyed in the clean jerk well yes that but they're blocking the suza cam is jared
Starting point is 01:37:15 graybiel send your hate messages to him uh dm him at zellos games uh he is blocking our shot so they they rolled away the guy in the wheelchair and now jared's in the way games. He is blocking our shot. So they rolled away the guy in the wheelchair, and now Jared's in the way. Did it say who was in this heat, guys? Barry, I haven't seen that yet. Oh, we'd have to check over on the other stream, I bet.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Barry McCockner. Cockiner. Barry McCockner just bought a CEO shirt and coffee from Paper Street Coffee. Thank you. Prove it. Send me a photo. Post it.
Starting point is 01:37:54 So Ricky held 122 in the free handstand hold. So Ricky, Roman, and Belner were all within three seconds. Hey, and if they're smart smart they'll have them all by each other this time so we can yeah yeah but are they smart well they fucked that up yesterday not reseeding the guys they should have and they what's crazy is they had velner and roman kredikoff in the same heat but one on lane one and one on lane 18 like the two worst spots you could have they didn't reseed yet somehow ricky and roman were right next to another in the event prior to that. They were right next to each other in the chipper workout.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Yeah, they changed the seeding. Anyways, to assume if they're smart, maybe not so smart. Or just limited resources. The Heidi Kroom cam. Oh, Heidi got a good spot. Is that the opposite side of Sousa? It's the same side. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:38:55 All right, you're a good dude. Oh, but we hear Heidi good. Hey, Heidi, how hot is it? It's definitely heating up. It felt pretty good this morning, and now the sun is glaring and there's no shade at all. Is it getting intolerable for the fans? I don't think so. I think people are pretty much expecting it being down here in Miami.
Starting point is 01:39:19 It's pretty typical, and actually there's a cool breeze. So I think it's pretty good. Okay, the athletes you are about to see take the stage are the strong Oihana Moya Oliver in lane one. Number two, Brittany Weiss from CrossFit Invictus. The former Mayhem champion teams athlete, Andrea Nistler, lane three. Paige Semenza on – they're not lanes what are they lifting platforms on platform four page simenza platform five sydney wells platform six rebecca
Starting point is 01:39:54 fusli a a favorite of this show and uh platform seven elizabeth wish art and platform eight will be open so some really strong girls and some girls that like i wonder what you're going to be able to do here right with sydney wells and rebecca fusli i expect oyana and nistler to probably take the heat but they both had more conservative openings than the girl in the center lane at 225 and what is that girl down on the end is that 237 or 207 in the green pants yeah 207 i believe who is that is that that's not is that page simenza who is that no not page simenza and where's fuseli ah she just opened at 202. All right. Not bad, right? She's going to make a jump to 212, which is not great. Who has 190?
Starting point is 01:40:51 Is that Brittany Weiss? Correct. And she just jumped to 200. It's also not great. Both going to take a big hit in this event. 225, 215, 22 225 and center lane 235 who's this girl 30 not sure who center lane is 237 is the highest attempt so far for their second it looks it looks like uh we're back on the heidi cam it looks like nistler is going to go for 225
Starting point is 01:41:25 right yep nistler's at 225 oyana is at 215 center lane is 236 and we're not sure who that is right now wow who is that who did i say who is there who is strong like that another athlete at 225 you think that's page simenza that is page simenza in the center yeah it's got to be okay here we go they they basically all have to lift at the same time 236 is going to go up for the middle lane. Nistler hits 225. This is the second lift, correct?
Starting point is 01:42:12 Easy 236 for the center lane. In the comments, who is the center lane? Oh, so they're behind. Is that Paige Semenza? Yeah, it is Paige. is i zoomed in i looked at it okay okay and sydney wells looked like she got her lift off too sydney wells is just to the left of rebecca she was 225 okay so we have nistler in the left center lane page simenza directly in the center lane and to the right of page simenza sydney And to the right of Paige Semenza is Sydney Wells. To the right of Sydney Wells is Rebecca Fuselier. And on the far left is Oyana.
Starting point is 01:42:55 We are not sure who. Oh, Nisla's going 237. Is that just a fuck with Paige Semenza who's going 236? Well, if Paige misses. Paige Semenza already hit 236. Yeah, so she's banking that Paige is going to miss. Okay, I see what you're saying. She's banking that Paige is going to miss her next lift.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Well, or conceding if Paige hits it. No. 247 would be second place hey i love it that they have fractional plates that allow them to play that game yep me too 218 for fuselier and 207 for britney wise okay nistler hit her 237 good job did simenza hit hers her 240 hold on You're ahead again. What the fuck, man? 247? Oh yeah, Semenza hit her 247. She's pumped. She's pumped. I didn't see her hit it.
Starting point is 01:43:52 I saw her celebration. Okay, here we go. Oh, no. Semenza did not. You must... No, she went for it again. Okay, Nis... Yep, I'm behind slightly. She got it on the second try. Giselle hits 218.
Starting point is 01:44:09 Semenza hits 247. Moya missed her lift, so what did she do the second time? No, Moya hit 225. On the second lift? I don't know. Could be wrong. Oh, and now Nistler's adjusting her weights again. You think she's going to go for 248?
Starting point is 01:44:25 No, they're done lifting. Oh, they are? Okay. Why adjusting her weights again. You think she's going to go for 248? No, they're done lifting. Oh, they are? Okay. Why is she screwing with the weights? Why is she taking the collars off then? I guess they're shooting at the bar. I'm surprised Nistler didn't go for more.
Starting point is 01:44:35 Oh, they are. They're responsible for taking the weight off the bar? Good for Wadapalooza for making them do that. I don't know. Well, they have a two-minute transition who's like making the horses at the at the track pick up their own shit it's like come on they fucking kill them when they're done racing yeah will branstetter 231 is good for sydney i agree incredible lift uh nistler can easily do 240 uh page 236 okay these are all old numbers uh what did uh and and fusli i didn't miss a single lift right that's gotta be good yes you went 205 212 218 great for a headspace i would make my kids
Starting point is 01:45:15 take off my weights yeah that's smart okay missler was 119 in 2020 great shot Heidi. Look at your shot. Great shot. Nice. Time to beat is 109, correct? 109 is the time to beat. If you want to go over, you can go over to Loud and Live to their YouTube page and you get a different camera angle.
Starting point is 01:45:44 You can open up a bunch of windows. Oh, Nistler's down. Brittany Wise is up and looks the most stable of the group. Hard to see if you sell it from Heidi's angle. Nistler's having trouble. The person in the green pants doesn't even want to get up. Nistler's done. Oh, she's pissed.
Starting point is 01:46:01 Or she's not. She just high-fives somebody. Moya's done, too. Brittany Wise is up. Nisler got nothing. That's Moya with the dyed blonde hair closest to us? Nisler got nothing. Yes.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Oh, my gosh. And she did 119 in the free handstand. Yep. It's totally different. Brittany Wise is up. Fuselier looks to be up. The girl just to the right of Fuselier, I believe Sydney Wells is up. Fuselier looks to be up. The girl just to the right of Fuselier, I believe Sydney Wells is up. Now, how do they do a tiebreaker for all the girls that got nothing?
Starting point is 01:46:33 Not sure. Weiss is down. Fuselier is still up. It looks to me that Sydney Wells is still up. Yep, Sydney Wells is down. Fuselier is still up. Now, Brooke was very, very good at this brooke got like two and a half minutes so if sydney's anywhere as good as her so sydney's down though the water palooza stream is way behind but i'm just watching now to see how long fuseli stands up on the hidey cam on the hidey cam it's updated yeah there she is guys right in the center cam. On the Heidi cam, it's updated. Yeah. There she is, guys. Right in the center.
Starting point is 01:47:06 She's still going and she beat it because she's at a minute on the Waterpalooza broadcast. She is. Wow. Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. I told you Fusile was going. I don't. Did she beat 69 seconds?
Starting point is 01:47:23 Yeah. She's a rock. she's currently at uh minute 19 oh wow minute 20 that's and uh and there's some the the commentator talks while she's up there minute 26 is what she did yeah bella martin wow she just dismounted and then waved to the crowd a slight collapse in her elbows ever so slight so she beat nistler then in this workout because this at least she at one two seven 87 seconds beat her by a lot right no we're not sure yet we don't know we don't make we don't know how bad 218 is Nistler hit 237 um oh no no I mean in the handstand I mean in the handstand
Starting point is 01:48:18 Nistler got no points zero points so if Musawe gets 40 and then takes like 10 points which she will take like 20 points but we don't know how good this is going to be relative to the field it's not gonna win yes but it's still weighted heavier so i don't think overall fuseli is going to beat nistler by a lot but she no no yeah it'll be close, for sure. Hey, guys, just so you know, I just saw Sarah Sigmund's daughter, Paige Powers, and those are the only two that I recognized with my eyeballs. There's Sarah waving to the crowd.
Starting point is 01:48:55 Crowd's losing its shit. Can't believe they're seeing Sarah Sigmund's daughter. That's Kyle Greenlee. That's a good time for a hold uh should be almost a lock uh jessica valenzuela rebecca did exactly what she needed to do get a decent lift and kick ass in the handstand hold yeah that was a decent lift for her too right i'm waiting for wadapalooza unless i missed it on their stream to put up the names of all of the athletes, and then I will get it to you. All right.
Starting point is 01:49:33 We've got the big girls now, yeah? What do you mean? Just like we're getting closer and closer? The better girls getting closer and closer, like top 10? There's only three heats? There's five. This is the fifth group we've seen go yeah god that went fast i just assume this is the top heat because i see i feel like we've seen okay so then it would be emily rolf would be in um Fuliano I'll go over to the uh give me one second here
Starting point is 01:50:10 Emma Tall Danny Spiegel oh shit my score my okay uh Emily Rolfe Emma Carey Paige Powers. Fuliano. Sydney McEllish. Emma Tall.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Danny Spiegel. Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Those would be the top eight. OK. You're right. OK. This is going to be fun, people. This will be a fun.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Yeah. This is going to be fun. It looks like the ladies get to load their bar. question looks like it's being answered before the uh first lift right before the four minute window starts is that what you guys are seeing correct loading the bar to start uh rebecca had a great uh ig tutorial series on handstands a while back well there you go uh kyle greenlee uh canadian uh five dollar five dollar finally get to watch live thanks for all the content and i enjoy everything seven and the crew do thank you brother appreciate it
Starting point is 01:51:18 jiggy josh the tina hills pov is just showing a Danny. I'm a, I'm over there. Do I see that? No, no, they're on the wrong stream. Oh no,
Starting point is 01:51:33 no, no, no. I refreshed it. It is just Danny. It is. Okay. Let me refresh mine. It is just Danny.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Okay. Yep. What the fuck? Why do they keep changing? Oh, he got both streams. Holy shit. They got both streams on Danny. The fuck is wrong with they keep changing it? Oh, he got both streams. Holy shit, they got both streams on Danny.
Starting point is 01:51:46 What the fuck is wrong with them? I don't know, but I'm glad we have the Heidi cam. Fuckers. Zoom out. There we go. There we go. Tina Hills is zooming out. Oh, she changed her shirt.
Starting point is 01:51:57 Now, instead of girls who eat, now it is I like girls who eat. Oh, cool. Does she swing that way? Do we know? That's what I asked y'all. She swings every way. she does she swing that way do we know that's what i asked she swings every way yes she swings every way wow i know she swings at seven one so sarah looks serious as a heart attack sarah and emma taking the deep breaths uh how did it look like everyone had a successful lift from the heidi camp they're a little behind on the, uh, what a Palooza camp. They are a couple seconds.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Page powers opening with two 20. Wow. I think the only heavier opener we had was two 25 and that was 25 for Danny. Yeah. And two 25 in the prior as well. Two 20 for Emma. Carrie page. The men's opened at two 25 in the prior heat that's what um cc cronin opened up with as well yeah yeah okay so i'm like no she was 235 because she went 235 247 yeah 247 256
Starting point is 01:53:01 yeah there we go. Nice, Sarah. Okay, Spiegel to 245. Wow. They're not lifting yet. What's the issue with zooming in between? Nothing. But if you have two different YouTube channels and you're using the same shot on both, maybe it's not so good. Nice job, Emma.
Starting point is 01:53:19 220 for Emma. Emma's. for emma emma's just so you guys know in the first heat uh cc cronin i believe is the name cecil cronin cc cronin 256 256 right now danny spiegel's at 245 loaded page powers has 235 loaded emma's got 230 230 um athlete next emma's got 235 loaded. Oh, Emma missed. Athlete next to Emma's got 235 loaded. Is Sidney McElishan wearing a dress? What is that? Is Sidney McElishan in the blue shirt?
Starting point is 01:53:54 It's a big shirt. Oh, that's a shirt. Okay, I thought that was just a short. Okay, just a really big shirt. Yeah, same with Danny. That does not look fun to wear a giant shirt when you're trying to do something explosive and athletic. Paige Powers is wearing a fucking basketball jersey. Yeah, it's a little better. Sleeveless. Oh!
Starting point is 01:54:12 Emily Rolfe was at 212. Yeah, Carrie had a bad jerk. Paige Powers' jerk looked textbook. I'm watching the Tina Hills. It's just a better angle than Heidi's. You can't see all the athletes. Don't let it get to you, Heidi. You're doing great. It's not her fault. Yeah, it's just a product of. Here we go. The athletes are preparing to go for their last lift here,
Starting point is 01:54:41 unless they're done. No, they've got one more page power mickalician is going to 241 page powers 245 and danny has loaded good job heidi keep it to the right like that or 257 let's see okay the athletes are approaching their bars for the final lift here we go everyone's chalked up get the hidey cam on so there's a stock in velner in the warm-up area daniel gertie normally you have to pay $20 a month to get the Heidi can. Spiegel's going for $255.
Starting point is 01:55:28 Mikalyshin's up. Spiegel's up. Spiegel's up, yep. Emma's good. Mikalyshin hits. Powers hits. Spiegel hits. And we just don't know how much Spiegel did, right?
Starting point is 01:55:41 Spiegel did $255. Why? Mikalyshin did $241. Paige Powers did $245. how much spiegel did right spiegel did 255 uh mick alician did 241 page powers did 245 emma carrie is attempting 230 again or attempted did she hit it i'm watching the water she hit it let's see why did she go one pound short she i don't think maybe knew that's terrible on her coach's part then so the shirts are part of the lifting. They immediately took their shirts off after they were done lifting. Just to, just to catch the bar on the rack.
Starting point is 01:56:09 It's nice to have something covering the shoulders, shoulders or collarbone. Both. The bar hits my shoulders. It doesn't hit my collarbone. Um, but some athletes, it hits collarbone just to not,
Starting point is 01:56:20 not to cushion, but to keep it from slipping. Um, who does coach Danny Spiegel? Do we even know that she has a coach? John? Might be Ben Smith. Hasn't she been hanging out with Alex Smith?
Starting point is 01:56:36 They do their own thing. Don't they all work out at Krypton? That's a good point. Krypton. Does Spiegel work out there? I think Spiegel works out there, but I wouldn't call Ben Smith her coach. Uh-uh. Ben Smith doesn't associate with her. Dash Spiegel. Oh, my God. So matter of fact, Josh.
Starting point is 01:56:54 So matter of fact. He doesn't associate. They don't associate. Trust me, I know. Wow, Paige got that easy. Hey, because of the lighting, I couldn't tell what her lift was. What was it, 240 what? I think just 240. God, she looks strong.
Starting point is 01:57:10 She's going to be a handful, guys. Michelish in 241. It looks like Danny Spiegel is no longer an Innovate athlete. She's wearing TYR shoes. I've never seen them together in the same room. Who was wearing TYR shoes? Who were you talking about? Danny Spiegel. Hey, who have you never seen
Starting point is 01:57:30 in the same room together, John? Ben Smith and Danny Spiegel. I have. Have you? Maybe he's your coach. I don't know, but I like how rumors start. Hey, Paige Powers and Cindy McElishan are fucking impressive. What did
Starting point is 01:57:44 Emily hit? Oh, powers is cindy mcclellan are fucking impressive what did uh what did emily hit oh uh plumber's phone overheated phones back up if you need me link in the same i'm uh if you need me let me know okay thank you does anybody know what role fit i i haven't seen. They're all up. Is that Emma who's missed out? Hold on. I'm going to watch the team. That's terrible if it is for her.
Starting point is 01:58:16 That's Fuliano right there? Yeah, Emma Carey. Hold on. I'll give you the confirmation. Okay, Sarah's already got a problem sydney mccallition it looks like emma carrie got maybe five to seven seconds of a hold oh my goodness geez maybe i mean this might be emily's to win then this would be like the go ahead so so uh mcgillician and powers are both down right and emma carry's down i don't see emily oh emily roth was directly to the right of emma carry
Starting point is 01:58:52 correct yeah okay danny spiegel spiegel is down oh my god if fuliano is the one that had uh is like the the the chick who made the games last year, who like does a graphic design for living out of Italy, who's not even a full-time games athlete. God, she's a savage. Just to be clear, Savon, probably 50% of the field of the games are not full-time games athletes. They all have. Fair, fair.
Starting point is 01:59:20 Good point. And she had something else. She has like arthritis or something, some debilitating arthritis. Like her, her days are numbered or some shit. I guess everyone has arthritis too. Yeah, fucking everyone has it. Dude, that's like a – you go to any doctor and get an MRI on any joint. Just call it a little bit of arthritis.
Starting point is 01:59:35 Quit your sob story. Everyone works and everyone has arthritis. Yeah, shut the fuck up. Yeah, thank you. Oh, man, they're at 118 right now. It looks like Fuliano and Emily Rolfe tied. Yeah. Melton John just says Danny just won.
Starting point is 01:59:49 Just won what? I don't think so. She didn't have the max lift or the max hold. But she had the best cumulative of both. Oh, how do you know? She was second on the lift and... Probably fifth on the handstand hold. Probably fifth.
Starting point is 02:00:02 Yeah, fifth to sixth on the... She was fifth to sixth in her heat. How could fifth yeah fifth to sixth on the uh she was fifth to six in her heat how could she be fifth to six or overall wasn't she the only two girls fell like third oh uh rolf was like 119 foliano was 121 it's kind of an irrelevant statement about danny though because she's so far down the leaderboard at this point sarah got no rep 20 times but she did not kick down oh that's awesome like fuck you i'm staying up sarah didn't listen to judge that's great emma carrie just no no this is important um she was past the 10 second mark and then oh wow anyway and she held it for 30 seconds and the judge no repped her so those 30 seconds do not count good she gets she gets nothing even though she was holding you get nothing you get nothing
Starting point is 02:00:53 that's how it should be how are you guys getting the rules how are you guys getting this information uh you are in yeah oh uh does dan thank you will does danny have fake eyelashes no no they've uh no they're just uh on trt that yeah she's three sets of fake eyelashes on there those things are crazy when she snatches the bar hits her eyelashes all right do we know how much of a rest it is until the men? How much time in between? A little coffee break? Here's what I think we should do.
Starting point is 02:01:34 I think we should... The question is, do we keep this... Let me ask Sousa real quick. Sousa. Yo. We need a five-minute break to re-coffee and uh pee and stuff like that should i keep this stream up or should i start a new stream and then we'll just take it to the end of the men's event if you keep the same one yeah yeah is that going to be too long of a stream no you guys can drop your screens off drop my make my screen bigger we'll just have a wide shot of all these warming up.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Take your five minutes and then we'll stay on the same stream. Love it. Okay. All right, cool. Uh, Heidi, uh, you can go ahead and take a five girl. Oh, it looks like the men are already loading up. Okay. Let's just drop, uh, Taylor, uh, John and, uh, we'll drop me too.
Starting point is 02:02:23 And, uh, we'll and guys, we're going to run an ad real quick and then, uh, some love for Taylor. And then, uh, we'll be back in like three.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Being self-made just really means that you want to put in the work that other people don't want to put in smtp 60 is plug and play for your class workout and i'm as passionate about that as i am anything else it's a fun workout it's not a crazy workout it's not a stupid workout but it's going to be fun and it's going to be super challenging and you're 100 going to get fitter stronger better at your gymnastic skills all the above. SMTP Compete is a training program geared towards people that are qualifying for quarterfinals and want to make it to semifinals. And it's the training methodology and the workouts that I've been doing in my career. So when you subscribe to Self Made Training Program, our general track, you get access to
Starting point is 02:03:18 SMTP Compete and SMTP60. So you'll have a tab where you click workouts and you see all the training, warmups, pulldowns. And then you'll have another tab that says notes60 so you'll have a tab where you click workouts and you see all the training warm-ups cool downs and you'll have another tab that says notes and you'll have extreme detail on each workout what you're shooting for the time domains equipment substitutes scaling options volume and rep scaling you can check out our website self-made training and sign up for a free seven day trial of training you can buy a 30 rack of Bush Lite for 20 bucks. Come on. Sign up for self-made training program. Thank you. What do you guys in the comments section think? Should we roam around the warm-up area a little bit more,
Starting point is 02:04:39 or should we just keep the stagnant shot? Maybe we can find out if we can chat with an athlete or something. Roam. Meet some people. All right, we'll roam up. Give me a second. Let me just set up my... You guys want to chat with maybe Roman's translator?
Starting point is 02:05:21 All right, let's see. No, some of them are warming up, so I don't want to disrupt anybody's in the middle of their warm-up. But let's see. Now, some of them are warming up, so I don't want to disrupt anybody's in the middle of their warm up, but let's see. We'll chat. Hi, would you mind if I ask you a couple questions? You're Roman's translator, correct? Yeah. Okay. My name's Matt. Wonderful to meet you. So, what time did you guys... How long have you guys been in the States for? Myself?
Starting point is 02:05:48 2009. And do you know when Roman, how long Roman's been in for? Four. Awesome. And did you know him before you guys came in together? Or like, no? Oh, you do? Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 02:06:08 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I got myself these. Oh. So I was like, what kind of Jesus? No way. So I like, he was like, he was like, yeah. So we started talking. I've never met him before. No way. We just started talking over like, Instagram and FaceTime,
Starting point is 02:06:50 you know? And then we gathered all the paperwork and like, we just proved to the United States that he's an athlete and legitimate. Everybody knows him.
Starting point is 02:06:57 And then, I worked his easy life super quick. So you were the one that actually helped him get the visa? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. My husband owns,
Starting point is 02:07:04 me and my husband go in the gym, so my husband kind of plays the V-Stay. But I was like, I just talked to the lawyers. Wow, that's so good. How long have you guys owned the gym for? Since 2011. That's awesome. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:07:19 Are you enjoying yourself out here so far? Yeah. What a great weather. It's currently like 40 degrees in Madison. First call. So it's really nice here. Is it hard to translate the interviews? Because when people ask like really long questions,
Starting point is 02:07:31 are you like freaking out that you'll forget? No, my family is from Uzbekistan. My family is speaking English and my husband is American, right? Been doing this for like nine years. Wow. I translate word to word exactly like he says. And that's so wise.
Starting point is 02:07:48 I do this really quick because that's how my family communicate, you know. So I don't think about it. When I'm in front of the camera and have to talk, when he speaks, like I get nervous. Because there's like so many people. I'm like, oh my God, I'm so nervous. I'm like, I'm trying not to forget. But so far, everybody keeps on saying I'm doing a good job. You're doing awesome. That's really cool. I'm glad we found out that you were the one that actually uh helped
Starting point is 02:08:09 them get the visa that's awesome i mean i i'm faster than the fitness is just if you can do something nice every day yeah do it it's worth it that's that's so cool we're eventually going to try to get them on the podcast that i help out with so maybe we'll get you on the same time you can help translate that might be the most challenging one so far though 90 minutes of translation I took my whole entire parents-in-law on a trip for two weeks and I was translating every single second of it so that was the longest you're ready you've been prepping for this the whole life awesome awesome well thank you so much for your time I really
Starting point is 02:08:43 appreciate it have a good rest of the weekend. All right, we'll see who else wants to chat. Did you guys hear that okay? Was the audio better? Let's see who we get, who's out here. See, they're all pretty focused. Way better? Okay, cool.
Starting point is 02:09:08 I took my earphones out and there's no music back here so it makes it a little bit easier. Let's see. Yeah, especially you. So how's Ricky feeling today? He's doing great. Yeah? What did you guys do last night? Went, had some food, and then he went home. What time did you guys get to bed?
Starting point is 02:09:52 9.30. 9.30? 10 of the latest. When did you guys get in? How long have you been in the Statesport? We got in on Sunday night to Miami. We had 24 hours in LA before that. Is that transition hard with the time change and everything to acclimate to this?
Starting point is 02:10:07 Travels are crazy. Crazy, right? How long was the flight out? It's about 20 hours, but we went via Hawaii, via LA, so it's about a couple of days. Is there a certain protocol that you have him do, Justin, as far as warming up to get a night? Honestly, if I could get him to warm up. He's one of those. Yeah, yeah. A couple arm circles and he's like,
Starting point is 02:10:31 ah, let's go. He's doing much better with warm ups than me. For this event, honestly, it's more about what he's comfortable with as far as warm up. But for the rest of the weekend, I've been riding warm ups for him. It's kind of like, he's usually pretty self-sufficient with that stuff, but it's there if he needs it.
Starting point is 02:10:50 I just remind him to make sure that you're doing this, make sure you're doing that. But a lot more just in a strategy talk and mindset talk with him. Every athlete's in the right zone. That's awesome. Is it nerve-wracking to watch? Are you a little bit used to it now that you've done the competition floor so far? Don't lie.
Starting point is 02:11:08 I don't know if you ever get used to it. It's pretty nerve-wracking. Especially because three, two, one, they get to go. We have to just sit there and watch and wait for the event to finish. What's it like when you guys get back in the room? Like if he has a great thing, like a great showing on the first day,
Starting point is 02:11:22 is it just a big celebration, you guys are feeling good? Or does that fluctuate as the booth fluctuates? Just one at a time. Obviously, it's always pretty stokey after the day, but just take it one at a time. Oh, hey, tell Ricky. How come I can't text Ricky?
Starting point is 02:11:36 What's going on? He said he blocked you. Ha ha ha ha! I believe it. How come I can't get a hold of this guy? He's right here in front of you now. I believe it. Yeah. How come I can't get a hold of this guy? He's right here in front of you now. Hey, ask Ricky if he's... Ricky, how long are you staying in the States after this?
Starting point is 02:11:57 Not very long. I head home on Tuesday. When are we going to get you on the show? Are you avoiding me? I miss you. Yeah, I'm scared of you. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. I'm a scary man.
Starting point is 02:12:09 Nah, whatever. You let me know. I miss you. Let's do it. It'll be fun. My US number only works when I'm here, so you got until Tuesday. Okay. Maybe I have the wrong number. Maybe I have the wrong number. Hey, are you wearing eyeshadow? Look how sparkly your eyes are you are you wearing eye shadow look how
Starting point is 02:12:25 sparkly your eyes look you wear an eyeliner yeah i am hey how good does it feel well done hey um are you just feeling it are you just feeling it celia feeling it feeling it? Feeling it. Feeling it. Feeling good. It's my first time water polluting this. Loving it. Any nerves?
Starting point is 02:12:54 I know last year when he came on the floor here, his nerves were out of control. How are the nerves this year? Always the same. Just getting better at managing them. Awesome. What about the team comp? Are you regretting signing up for that? Don't you want to just win this thing and then sail off into the sunset with your lady?
Starting point is 02:13:12 Win this thing and then just have some fun. All right. Looking good. Huge fan. I'm a huge fan, Ricky. Damn, Susie to check-in. First call, Pete Moore, mail. Damn, Susie, you killed it. Ray Romanek is coming up, and he's got the biggest attempt on the bar so far, 345.
Starting point is 02:13:33 It looks like there is a guy, Pistol Mason, Pistol Pete, I want to say, is Pete Mason, 345 as well. Okay, so two 345s, three 345s. Hey, all I see is a Ferris wheel. I'm on the Tina Hills. Am I behind again? Jeez, Louise, I'm way behind. What the fuck is up with this shit? It's okay.
Starting point is 02:13:59 What happens? Hey, Susan, great work, buddy. An exclusive with Ricky Garrard. That was crazy. Hey, I got an interview with, great work, buddy. And exclusive with Ricky Garrard. That was crazy. Hey, I got a interview with Roman's translator too. She was actually the one that got him the visa and her and her husband own a affiliate in Madison.
Starting point is 02:14:14 And that's how they connected. Wow. Yeah. I also asked her if she would come on the show, uh, to do a big translation, you know, a piece for like 90 minutes.
Starting point is 02:14:24 She's like, Oh, no problem. I do it all the time for my family.'s like let me know whenever oh that's fantastic okay great great great great uh what's the name of her gym in madison that is uh my amateur side of the interview i didn't ask okay we'll figure it out someone will say in the comments i'll run i'll see you again i'll run back so trayvon benton has the high score at 360 and raymond romanik has the high score of 40 seconds
Starting point is 02:14:53 from the handstand hold the women's leaderboard is up if you guys want to talk about it uh hold on a second gee has taken the floor oh we should watch him then yeah and uh let me see um we got gee just so you know the next heat that's on the floor right now platform one uh gee platform two uh henrik three leonel franco platform four cam crockett platform five keelan henry six fernando yanza and seven, Agustin Raquelme. This is going to be good stuff. And look at this. We got the Heidi cam right on. We got the Heidi cam.
Starting point is 02:15:39 I can't change the perspective here. Right on Guy. Is that Guy right in the foreground there? No, that's Keelan Henry. No, that is ghee. That's ghee. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 02:15:48 People got three 50 loaded. No. On his first one. Oh my goodness. I believe so. Hey, was, did he have that overhead long enough?
Starting point is 02:16:01 God, why is this? It's 360. 360 is his first attempt and he nailed it is that confirmed taylor uh he's going for three no it's 346 three no three 327 367 367 yes it's his first attempt. Hey, dude, the judge was still adjusting his numbers. Holy fuck. Hey, that's 100 pounds more than someone else who was on the platform. I don't know who, but it was 100 pounds more.
Starting point is 02:16:34 Leo Franco was at 275, and so was another athlete. Well, then he's fine if he can open up with 367. 57. They are still fucking it up. Yeah, they just dialed it back to 357 okay now he just now he just oh yeah oh shit oh yeah the guy's confused what the fuck his judge is really confused freaking out he's flipping to the moon man well you got 245 and then 315 and then tens that'd be 335 345 347 i think he did is what it looks like he had on the bar uh chase i think it was 357 i think we're wrong here i think yeah i think it was 35 And now the placard says 382. Well, let's make sure it's right on the second one while we have time.
Starting point is 02:17:33 Here we go. Good job, Heidi. Thank you. Hold that camera steady, girl. 382. Gee. Out of the hole. And it looks
Starting point is 02:17:45 good. 382. He should never touch a weight again and just forever run. He should just run all year. Good luck telling him that. People like to do what they like to do. If he did that though, Taylor, do you think that would make a serious
Starting point is 02:18:04 difference and make him a podium threat in that next you know tier if he's no pun intended if he spent a lot of time off of the barbell and spent most of his time conditioning and i truly just never touched it but ran three miles every single day i don't think he should never touch it. I think that if he had a barbell session twice a week and all of his other training was dedicated to CrossFit and conditioning, then he would for sure be a podium threat. He has all the skills assuming I don't know much about his mental game. And that's a huge component. But physically, as an athlete, if he did a barbell session twice a week, I mean, he can afford to lose some big ground in the barbell
Starting point is 02:18:51 and still be at the top of the field and make a lot of gains elsewhere. Why is he lifting again? They have one more attempt. He's going to do 400. But why? Because he's a fucking showman, dude. Well, and he's 30th place right now, Sevan. He might as well.
Starting point is 02:19:06 We're seeing what he's going for. It looks like he's got 395 on the bar. Fuck, dude. No way he just does 395. That's what the placard says. His judge is a bonehead. Hey, let me tell you something. This would make for a great fucking fail.
Starting point is 02:19:23 If I'm standing next to him, if I'm close to him, I'm like those people. Apple Lions got 366. Those people who are stage right, like where Heidi's standing, be careful. 395, he's got it up. Overhead. Wow. Easy. That makes me upset.
Starting point is 02:19:44 That he wouldn't just hit. Yeah, like melters 595 like just do it bro you can do it it's a historic like milestone kind of kilos jiggy josh has changed his profile pic from holding a cell phone to running i like it god the clean was so smooth as well Holding a cell phone to running. I like it. God, the clean was so smooth as well. Alan Kestenbaum, biggest clean and jerk at a CrossFit comp ever if he makes it.
Starting point is 02:20:16 Is that true? Not sure. 395 is big. I wonder if Anthony Davis has ever been in an event with a clean and jerk. He's never been in an event with a clean and jerk. It's always been a snatch. He can clean and jerk like 425. He's just never been
Starting point is 02:20:30 in a competition. Same for Tola. Tola's done like a single clean or a single jerk. Hey, I don't... Go ahead. Sorry, John. His heaviest clean and jerking competition was like 376, but it was because he won with that and he didn't go for more.
Starting point is 02:20:50 I don't want to hear anyone ever talk about safety ever again. Look out when he's got 395 over his head. If he dumps that off to the right, someone dies. Dies. Did Hapalining hit 366? Yes. That's huge for Hapalining hit 366? Yes. That's huge for Hapalining. I know Guy just did 395, but 365 Clean and Jerk is still a pretty good Clean and Jerk.
Starting point is 02:21:18 It's interesting when you have guys in competitions like this who are just always going to win it, right? you have guys in competitions like this who are just always going to win it. Right. And, and like, but you can almost kind of like Yana Koski in the swim and, uh, and like Ricky Gerard and a bike event. And right.
Starting point is 02:21:34 I mean, yeah, I mean, I'll, I'll inverse it though. We can always bank on Koski not doing well in a lifting event. We can always bank on Guy not doing well in a cardio event, a long endurance event.
Starting point is 02:21:44 Um, okay. And that's the cost of being a long endurance event. Right. Okay. And that's the cost of being a specialist. It's cool. And I think like what Taylor said, people care about the barbell more. So Guy gets more attention than Yonah Koski. People don't give a shit about being good at endurance events. No.
Starting point is 02:22:00 No, they don't. Or Hayley Adams. Hayley Adams is the best runner. And it's way more applicable to being a fit human being. Well, she's the fifth fittest woman in the world. Just by being a good runner because she's trash at lifting. You know what I mean? But people want to give Guy mad attention.
Starting point is 02:22:15 He's, you know, 10th or 15th. Hey, so Guy could have won the handstand too. He just had a bad rap. They haven't started. No, they did. He's toast. He's too. He just had a bad wrap here. They haven't started. No, they did. He's toast. He's down. He's out.
Starting point is 02:22:27 He's out. Hop a line in. Looks the most steady. This one attempt, does this make it very difficult, even for people that are very good at it, Taylor? Yes. Just because the execution pressure is so hard on you? Absolutely. I don't know about the execution pressure is so hard on you? Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:22:47 I don't know about the execution pressure. It's more just about doing it right the first time. And that's hard for people. Man, that's Hapalainen. Who would have thought? Crazy. Probably. He's going to have a better score than Guy if that holds up. Depends on how long he holds.
Starting point is 02:23:05 Yeah, he held over a minute. I can't tell you how cold it is here in California right now. It is cold and rainy. Shut the fuck up. What, like 50 degrees? Yeah, probably like 50. 111. He held 111.
Starting point is 02:23:20 Maybe 49. That's impressive considering Vellner's free hand standing was 119 hey what did you eat during the break i had two pints of smoothie i look at daniel brandon i'm guessing it someone tap her on the shoulder is that daniel brandon with the blue hair? No, she's shaking her head no. Oh, nope, it's not. Oh, good. Like she heard.
Starting point is 02:23:49 No, it's not. Good job, Heidi. Okay, what did you eat? What did you eat? Emma Carey dropped to sixth overall. Yeah, do we want to look at the leaderboard? Okay, I'll pull up the leaderboard while you tell me what you guys ate in our break. I had eggs and chicken and apples.
Starting point is 02:24:08 Wow. John, John, did you just keep eating? I finished my cocoa pebbles. I fucked this all up. This is going to be interesting to see if I had a bowl of cocoa pebbles and then two fair life little 30 gram milks i had two pints of wild beast uh liver king smoothie i'm fucking gonna smell so bad in this room in a minute okay mccalkin himself said he had a liver for lunch
Starting point is 02:24:39 there you go mccalkin himself oh and he had some some of that other stuff that i'm not allowed to say the word There you go. It cocked himself. And he had some of that other stuff that I'm not allowed to say the word. You're not allowed to say Badosi? Why? No, because my mom doesn't like that word. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:57 And I say a lot of fucked up shit on this show, and she's never told me not to say a word. But that one, she didn't like that one. Emily did herself a huge favor getting second in the hold. That saved this event for her. She's going to be hard to beat. Yeah, she's going to be hard to beat. It is. It's 100% up to date. Okay, guys, here we go.
Starting point is 02:25:15 We are going to update you on the scores. There is a long, long day left. This is just the first event, and there are 300 more points to get, so three more events. But the boys are still saying that Emily Rolfe has put herself in a great position in first place with 396. Paige Powers, I think she's going to win it, with 374 points in second place.
Starting point is 02:25:39 Danny Spiegel, the beacon of moral authority, 367 points. I did that just they like it when i do that she loves it uh fourth place uh cindy mccallishan uh who i have always have a lot of faith in who's going to be a top 10 games athlete someday very soon and number five the uh italian uh graphic designer elise fuliano with 34 43 and only two points behind her. Emma Carey, who a lot of people predicted to win this, who's still having a fabulous, fabulous showing.
Starting point is 02:26:13 And you know, what's impressive here is Sydney Wells right after the strength event, still hanging in there in eighth place with three 32, probably nowhere to go, but up for her. She did very well at the hole as well. Thoughts boys. It's exciting, right the hole as well. Thoughts, boys? It's exciting, right?
Starting point is 02:26:26 This is good. This is a tight race. We've got something fun to watch here the rest of the day. Yeah, I think between third and seventh or maybe sixth, there's a lot of movement to be had. I don't know. Also, potentially Danny Spiegel and Paige Powers. I don't expect Danny to do well in the swim wall ball workout.
Starting point is 02:26:45 That's going to hurt a lot of people yeah i mean i think two through seven is anybody's game because i think mickalician has got a good chance to jump to second overall after the swim wall ball workout not sure oh i'd like that she's a swimmer right i thought she's a volleyball player uh then i'm wrong if she's not a swimmer then she's fucked fucked. If you're not a swimmer, then everybody's fucked. I could see Emma Carey winning this swim event. She got like seventh. I don't think Emily Rolfe is going to relinquish it to anyone. Do you have those?
Starting point is 02:27:16 I don't know. I like Rolfe. I like Rolfe. I love a seasoned vet, but man, if Paige Powers win, I'd be so tickled. I think Rolfe would be hard to beat in the whole competition. So you guys both agree this is Rolf's to lose. You guys say Rolf got this. She got to hang tough.
Starting point is 02:27:31 I don't think she has it in the bag because I'm a little worried about her on the dumbbell bench press workout. Yeah, I mean, I just think she'll be hard to beat because all the women under her, I don't think will beat her by enough. under her i don't think we'll beat her by enough uh danny uh says uh magnus holmgren says danny's behind is like a floaty like a floaty or is a floaty big difference okay uh rolf will win elise car redow says okay uh are the men are the men still going oh we got shit we're missing out what are we doing over here? We're just fucking around over here. Okay, here we go. I think Tudor's in this seat.
Starting point is 02:28:09 Is that Lucas Parker? No. Jesus says let him in. Oh, yes. His cam is down. Yeah, your cam's down. Luke Parker's in this one. Oh, that's just because.
Starting point is 02:28:22 Okay, here he is. 332 opener for. Is that Kaike Cervantes? Yeah. Kaike Cervantes in lane one. Nate Ackerman. Oh, and he just boofed the pull. Luke Parker, Daniel Akai, Damian Martinez.
Starting point is 02:28:35 No. Wow. Arthur Siminoff. Kaike missed his clean at 3.32. Looks like his attempt is fucked. He's going to have to wait for the next one. That's a miss. Can't be having that brother.
Starting point is 02:28:50 Looks like a three 25 is the highest opener across the board. Aside from Kaique Cervini, who opened at three 32, but missed both. Parker looks solid. Yeah. Luke looks great, man.
Starting point is 02:29:03 Three 25 for Luke. We got the Heidiidi krum cam on uh kaike in the foreground here the big man with the long arms and the white t-shirt uh right next to him looks like some kid is that nate ackerman who's that kid yeah nate ackerman is lane two yeah it's awesome There he is, the 13-year-old. And then next to him, the porn star. No, a reality show star, Luke Parker with the sunglasses on. And I can't tell who everyone else is.
Starting point is 02:29:38 Oh, and that's Enola Kai just a little bit further than him with the sunglasses on and the black all-black gear. 337 for anal. 332 for K.K KK Cervini three 45 for Luke Parker and three 64, the tall guy, the really, really big guy. What's his name? Kaike.
Starting point is 02:29:56 No, no. Uh, that guy's out there. ER day. Is it? Yeah. Three 60.
Starting point is 02:30:04 Wow. No. Uh, ER Day, is it? Yeah. 360. Guerrero? Wow. No. We need a leaderboard up so we can read his name properly. Okay. Let me see if I can find it for you here. Wow. He powered 360.
Starting point is 02:30:20 He did? He fucking powered and push jerked it. What lane is he in? Goodness. Seven. Good. Lego Gialdis. That's Archer Seminoff. he did he fucking power and push jerked it what lane is he in goodness seven good lego are you no it's not it's that's what it says uh in the heat that's not going on on the live stream well that would make sense if it's seminar that's there's no way that that is i don't see that liardo guy out there dude i don't dude i don't think that's semen off semen off is not that tall not semen off semen off this guy is like fucking six four no i don't see liardo out there dude you're talking about uh this guy lago
Starting point is 02:31:01 guiades from jump fitness i don't see him out there. The guy in lane 7 has got 370 on his bar and he power cleaned and pushed your 360. Yeah, that's Russian shit. If I'm lying, I'm dying. Luke Parker's got 365 loaded on the bar. I'm glad Guy showed out.
Starting point is 02:31:33 I'm glad he wasn't. Well, no shit. It doesn't take any conditioning to hit a heavy barbell. Yeah, I know. I'm just saying like nothing's wrong with him. Seriously. He's just out of shape. Yeah. Oh my goodness!
Starting point is 02:31:53 Did y'all see Luke Parker? Yeah, did he fall down? Oh no, it was bad. Is he on the screen right now? Watch him on the live stream. It's bad. He's fine, but it looked bad. They're not going to show it on their live stream.
Starting point is 02:32:15 Arthur Simenov missed the power play in 375. Was it the jerk that he got spit out of? Yeah. Oh, my God. Holy shit, people. How am I that far ahead of y'all? Holy shit, people. Let me pull that that up for you guys here watching our stream. Extremely scary. Holy shit. Here we go. We're going to share this. It's going to be quick, people. It's over here. Do you see where the arrow is circling?
Starting point is 02:32:39 Can you zoom in on your page? I'm going to go full screen for you here. It's right here. We go right there. Lukeke parker 365 something doesn't go so good here he goes for the jerk he gets pushed down oh my goodness with the bar going behind him yeah that is crazy it didn't hurt him too bad it didn't hurt him he's fine so he's up and then he drops to one knee he gets out of it fine and then it lands behind him holy fuck that looks really scary oh my god how did that land
Starting point is 02:33:15 behind him hit him in the back a little bit and skimmed onto the ground now I'm assuming his back foot slipped and that's why he landed on the knee oh one more time oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness well we just learned and that's why he landed on the knee. One more time. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Well, we just learned something.
Starting point is 02:33:29 That's a good way to do replays if we ever need to, is have a second camera shooting and streaming to YouTube and pull back for replays. Very interesting. Make a note of that, Susan. That was crazy. All right. Let's get back to the Heidi cam.
Starting point is 02:33:47 We're at the handstand holds. Luke's demanding that the crowd get on their feet as he should he has his shirt off yeah i don't see lego out there i think i think uh john's right Yeah, I don't see Lego out there. I think John's right. Anyola Kai is down. Luke Parker's down. Kaike is down. They're all down.
Starting point is 02:34:21 No, one guy. Oh, no, there's a couple guys over there. Some other dude's down. Nate Ackerman's down. Some guy over there doing the scissor, the scissor hold. Oh, that is a big dude. Lane 8, or you're talking about Lane 7, Seminoff? I think it's Seminoff, yeah. Did you play him for this event, Semenov?
Starting point is 02:34:50 I didn't play anyone for any event. Good for you. JR, that's JR's job. I think he's going to win this event. Semenov? Yeah. Between the handstand hold and the 365? He hit a 365 jerk, a cleaning jerk. Semenov? Yeah. Between the handstand hold and the 365?
Starting point is 02:35:08 He hit a 365 jerk, cleaning jerk. And he held that very, very long. Him and Hapalainen. I mean, Hapalainen's going to be right there, too. Yeah, because Hapalainen hit 366 or 365. I think Hapalainen wins it. He had the high score on the handstand. Oh, you're right. That is Semenov.
Starting point is 02:35:22 Geez, that's a tall guy. When's the next event damn i keep forgetting my schedule it's the swim um you got the schedule don't you i do but it's not it's i left it keep leaving it in the other house and we don't have an update on the leaderboard but hopefully we will get one very soon here uh going into this event just so everyone knows oh there's still one more heat we haven't seen uh correct there's selner and ricky go okay hold on i'm gonna run into the house and get it i think there's two more i'm gonna run rent the house and get my schedule. Let me see. If you have anything fun, we can play you.
Starting point is 02:36:20 What is this? Why am I living rent-free in your head? It's only five seconds. Maybe I need to grow a mustache out again and start wearing product in my hair. Hmm. What should I play? Hey, I have two videos from you, Taylor.
Starting point is 02:36:46 Do you know that? Yeah. Play the 57 second one. Okay. I've never played. I don't know if I've ever played that one. Run it. Uh,
Starting point is 02:36:59 it's not any nudity or profanity. I don't know what's going on here. Water please. Oh, there we go. Okay. Uh, I we go. Okay. I think you should play my 385 clean and jerk. Oh, I should play that. Is that on Instagram?
Starting point is 02:37:13 Yeah. Okay. In a second. I got to go get my schedule. SMTP affiliate essentially takes SMTP 60 and compete. The way I program is I start with compete. I program for them. I take elements from compete and I program for SMTP 60. And then I take elements from both and I program for a class setting. When you're programming for an affiliate, it can't be the same as SMTP 60 because now you have to view things through the lens of a coach. There are different things to account for equipment-wise and coaching-wise. And so SMTP affiliate takes what I view as the best programming and with SMTP Compete in 60 and it
Starting point is 02:37:45 adapts that to a class setting where you have well thought out balance and variance, structured progression in the weightlifting and the skill work. So with SMTP Affiliate, you get access to the best training. You also get access to me. We do weekly calls. We make adaptations to your gym, adjustments on the fly and anything you need to make sure that your classes are running in tip top shape. If you're interested in the affiliate programming, go to our website,, click the link and send me an email so we can schedule a consultation and a call. And how is self-made going, Taylor? It's good, man. It's been crazy. Just kind of starting it on the fly in June. Man, it's taken off in a good way. That's the plan is own an affiliate, take SMTP to the moon, and just become a bigger name in the CrossFit space, a bigger program. I really believe in it. The people who do it really believe in it. So I think it's just a matter of getting the eyes on and getting people to give it a try.
Starting point is 02:38:50 And once they give it a try, people fall in love. It's been amazing. I feel like it's probably shooting through the roof right now from this. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm excited to see what happens after the weekend. Somebody in the comments is it better than cap programming we switched from cap programming to my programming at my affiliate cap is crossfit affiliate programming okay what i miss what i miss give it a try wyatt if you want
Starting point is 02:39:18 to get your gym owners to schedule a call with me and i'll walk them through it and if they like it great if they don't i'll fuck off but it's good uh where are we what did we see there's been a lift yet no nothing's happened trish trish needs a workout she said give me a workout right now i'll do it hey uh trish isn't a she just so you know i'm not saying it's a he but i'm just saying careful with your pronoun are you really sure no we have A Tudor Magna opening with three 36 people. Yep. Here he goes. He stands it up.
Starting point is 02:39:52 It's up. Yeah. He looks good. Uh, guy in the witch shirt was adjusting his balls. Okay. So this still isn't the final heat. Nope.
Starting point is 02:40:05 At least we do some percentage work but not a ton it's better for crossfit athletes that aren't at the games to avoid percentages because you have so much other training to take into context along with your weight lifting do you bias it any sort of way no it's not's not. Uh, no. For your mom. It's, it's, it's very varied in the best way, but there are progressions, which is a little different programming. Um, but most people like that.
Starting point is 02:40:34 And most people see a lot of improvement based off of that. Uh, packed house. Still. Let's hear from, uh, let's ask Matt what's going on here uh mr uh mr suza yes sir how are things buddy um it looks like the clouds have come over and
Starting point is 02:40:54 it might have cooled down a bit uh there at guadalupalooza this uh early morning yeah it's welcome too because that's sunday time it's perfect now. And I ran back into Roman's translator. It's Pat's Gym in Madison is what it's called. Pat's Gym. Pat's like P-A-T-S? Like ambiguous Pat from Saturday Night Live? Yeah, that's right. Pat's Gym.
Starting point is 02:41:16 All right. Ambiguous Pat. It's in the later fluid, Jim. What is your camera pointed at right now? That's the corral? Yeah, so that's the corral yeah so it's a corral swing over in front of it a bit the yame brian's got 363 or 373 loaded tutor magda 366 loaded we still have another heat after these guys yeah and i think we were looking at him. We'll go back to Susie here in a minute. Looks like potentially three set.
Starting point is 02:41:48 Get out of the way. Spuckers are standing right in front of the placard. So he nailed, Tudor nailed 366. And we don't know if... He's 70 for Guillaume Briand. He nailed it? Let's wait. I'm watching the Tina Hill stream
Starting point is 02:42:03 so I can see all the athletes. Tudor Magda, beautiful 366. Giammi Briant, relatively easy clean at 370. And he misses the jerk, yep. Hey, he looks like Facundo if Facundo was all juiced up. Yeah, for sure. Okay, so we're back with the Suzicam. These are the guys getting uh briefed there's
Starting point is 02:42:26 the giant man in red oh uh fukowski there in the red shorts uh i don't know who that is right in front of us nick pepper okay uh okay hold on i think i'm you got them all roman ricky hey Roman, Ricky, Alan. Brent. Did he mute himself? Barry, it depends on your equipment limitations on street parking versus SMTP. I have a lot more variants, but they do a really good job of giving you a workout with whatever you have on hand. Better than anyone else. And I don't program per se for a garage setting or limited equipment. I do give equipment substitutes, but street parking takes that to the next level.
Starting point is 02:43:24 Tudor's going for 386. Heidi, we can't have that camera pointed there anymore i apologize you've been doing an amazing job it's not directed at you heidi we have point the camera somewhere else we got the fucking boot man that's okay that's a great shot too heidi that's a great shot their live stream's a great shot Their live stream is going to start going down now Y'all know that right Tudor Mag does it 386 Clean is good George is good
Starting point is 02:43:52 I'm going to put a link to the camera That we are watching in our chat I think we've been very clear that we are watching Their stream I don't want to suggest that anyone not watch Their stream The only Brionne hits 3 hits 370 tutor at 386 is big but pull the leaderboard up man it's the same situation it's a similar situation as gee he just takes such a big hit in the long workout yeah conditioning
Starting point is 02:44:19 workouts no no i agree i'm i fully agree okay so it looks like Patrick Vellner, Fikowski, Nick Matthew, Roman Krennikoff, Ricky Garrard. There's two guys in there I don't recognize. Who's the guy? I thought that was Kaike. Is that Kaike right in front of us? No, Kaike already went. Who's that then? Who? Straight ahead? Yeah. It's Dallin.
Starting point is 02:44:41 Oh, sorry. Yeah, you already said that. And then who's that behind Dallin Pepper who we can barely see? Ricky? Nope. That is... Fabian. Fabian Benito. Benito.
Starting point is 02:44:53 Okay. Then Brent's next to him, and then Balner. Roman is the huge guy over by the tree. Nick Matthew. Okay, so the token brown guy and then a bunch of other guys. All right. Who's the token brown guy? Fabian, I'm joking.
Starting point is 02:45:08 Isn't he South American or something? I thought he was from Spain. Spain. They don't get to be lumped up with the brown people because they're not south of San Diego? I'd be surprised. I'm excited to see what Roman goes for. 360, one.
Starting point is 02:45:29 I'm excited to see what they are alexander coron as well i think that is that's who that is that's not fabian benito that's alexander coron yeah i think roman ricky and velner will all go for around the exact same thing and it'll just be whoever hits it that is carone oh okay all right the parallette hold on tina hill's stream let's see how tutor does amazing handstand walker oh good point speed is not holding but even faster than daniel brandon right he's the king of way faster yeah okay he runs on his hands it's's unreal. It's a great skill. He reminds, you know, he's very reminiscent of like Guy. He has some things where he is so skilled at, so strong. He's moving a lot. But the thing that to me is the easiest to develop, which is the engine and your motor eludes both of them, which is just crazy to me.
Starting point is 02:46:20 Hey, he's running on the parallettes. He can't, I've never seen anyone do the parallettes. He's not going to hold very long. He's doing really well though, for as much as he's running on the parallettes he can't i've never seen anyone do the yeah he's not gonna hold very long he's doing really well though for as much as he's moving he's slowed down a little bit he's uh nah he's gonna come down and what what did what did that guy to his left that's the giant guy to his left right who came down first lego oh dude amanda's down yep seminole nope seminole's not in the team. Yeah. It's like, Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:48 I, who is lane one? Phillip Muscarella. I think that's a, that's James Townsend's athlete, right? Yeah. Or was not sure if they still work together.
Starting point is 02:47:01 I think, I believe he coaches at his gym. Not sure. Who picked him in the Fantasy League, Philip Muscarella? Definitely not me. I didn't play the Fantasy. Sousa, can you unmute yourself? I'm curious what's going on here.
Starting point is 02:47:18 Yeah, what's up? I just want to hear some diegetic sound Muscarella is down that was a long hold Chad Schrader he's on Chad's team alright here they go
Starting point is 02:47:41 Dallin Pepper, Nick Matthew Patrick Bellner, Ricky Garrard Roman Krennikoff Here they go. Dallin Pepper, Nick Matthew, Patrick Bellner, Ricky Garrard, Roman Krennikoff. The U.S. Army guy in the previous heat or the heat that just went was Jack Rozema. Bukowski and Alexander Caron. That's cool how they walk through the crowd like that.
Starting point is 02:48:01 God, that's cool. Good job, Susan. Keep going. Go on stage with him susan we already got in trouble for streaming it fucking snitch hey don't forget i want to be very clear snitches do get stitches just know there is a person for sure that dylan has working for him. That's just fucking hawking our page. Just to say,
Starting point is 02:48:29 no, no, that person doesn't work for him. Those are just haters. There's people who are just fucking full blown haters that fucking follow this show. Dude, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:48:36 At rogue, the media people were watching our show. Yeah, but I don't think it's because they're haters. I think it's because they like to show. There were some people that were watching because they like to show. And there are some people that were watching that told me that I need to stop swearing so much.
Starting point is 02:48:49 Oh, but is that because it was like their job? J O B. They were, they were, yeah, they were media. I don't think like they assign anyone to watch the job.
Starting point is 02:48:58 I think someone just gets a hard on watching our show and trying to tattle. Like, I don't think a water palooza is using resources to worry about god hot matt that's a great shot wow that's insane god that's awesome what an amazing event holy shit dude oh my god how much does it cost to get in there god that looks fun it does not you know to point out in terms of how water palooza runs in terms of smoothness or logistics yeah when you get that many people it's pretty much fucking impossible to keep things perfect impossible
Starting point is 02:49:30 i mean can you imagine yeah and you know it's crazy this is the way the games is like too right this looks more crowded than the games yeah the games is more organized this is more like woodstock yeah this i mean that just i can't believe there's not just big clouds of fucking dank blowing around see i think and they can't do it i mean that's the way it'd be in california there'd just be a cloud of dank just going around joints being passed around if there was just one platform and everybody went up and wait it would be insane true you need to send me that bag of weed seven so i can sell it it's done done uh okay uh oh that was a cool sign there they have a nice
Starting point is 02:50:18 led sign on the right of the stage with the workout and the athletes. Hey, so that means someone basically, you know, you got Heidi and Sousa showing a shot like this, and someone's like calling. Can you imagine bugging the head of the VP of Sport of Loud and Live and being like, hey, they're streaming it? It's like, no.
Starting point is 02:50:40 Why don't you tell them that we're posting links to their show and pushing people to their show? Yeah, well, there are some people that hate the show and hate me, hate you, and fuck them. That's all I have to say. It's like, dude, well, all they're doing is hurting the athletes in the show. That's all they're hurting. Yep. If you think we're taking away from the event, you're fucking smoking crack.
Starting point is 02:51:00 Well, this is the thing. People think when I make a comment like, oh, Tudor's burpees are so slow. They think that I'm damaging him as an athlete, but you covering him all weekend and us talking about him to any respect has people clicking on his bio and like, oh, who's Tudor? Who's Tudor? Those are the same people that hate it. Good things. That's the one thing. Just saying, oh, everybody's great. Everybody's awesome. He worked really hard like i hate that i want yeah objectivity to its fullest it's why peep it's why retards like paul feinbaum and stephen a smith are so popular because people like the hot takes and i hope that people don't see me in the same light as paul feinbaum because i fucking hate him or steve i don't know who that is but stephen a smith is a he's so annoying.
Starting point is 02:51:46 He's such a goofball. I'm sure some people think I'm just as annoying. People like opinions. Yeah, that's a good way of putting it. People like opinions. People like opinions, absolutely. And just being honest. I think most people in day-to-day life realize or recognize that oftentimes they're wrong, and they see a lot of these commentators or people that try to always be right or be so mellow or middle of the road
Starting point is 02:52:10 that they can never be wrong and it's fucking boring standby uh just like uh we predicted uh nick matthew has the most weight on the bar at 335 along with ricky has opened with 335. Ricky Gerard also. And Fekowski. Fekowski also opened with 335. There's a lot of 335s in this heat. Who's in the far right lane in the white t-shirt? Who is that? That's Dallin Pepper.
Starting point is 02:52:37 Okay, and we can't see. The cameraman is blocking. Rick has a 335 look clean. So Dallin may have opened with 336, people. We can see a 3 and a 6. That's all we can see. It's either a 320 or a 326 he opened with. Okay.
Starting point is 02:52:58 The most weight on the bar now is 345. It's in lane one. Oh, no. Dang, Ricky is going to 355. I don't believe that's Ricky's lane, is it? It's Roman's. It's Roman who's got 355. No, no, Roman's got 340. No, Pat Vellner's at 335 now.
Starting point is 02:53:14 God, this camera. Zoom out. Hey, I think John's right. I think Roman just happened to be in his lane for a second. I think that the platform that says 355 might actually be ricky garrett gosh he's been working on his strength man if he's all of a sudden really strong oh no it's back down to 345 it's back down to 345 judgment error okay so we got just so we know uh we got uh it looks like nick matthew has a three and a five on his placard yep 3. 340 for Roman, 345 for Ricky, 335 for Patrick Vellner,
Starting point is 02:53:49 345 for Fikowski, 355 for Nick Matthew, 345 for Dallin Pepper. So the heaviest one is Nick Matthew now at 355. Pat's good, Ricky's good, Roman's good. Nick Matthew's good. Down's good. They all hit. Oh, that isn't Fikowski. I have Fikowski and Caron mixed up. Fikowski's in the pink shorts, right?
Starting point is 02:54:18 In lane two? Correct. Fikowski's lane two and Caron's lane one okay uh so the heaviest lift we have now is nick matthew at 355 it looks like everyone's reassessing and reloading weight on their bars it does look like coron has stepped up to 355 fakowski has stepped up to 355 we are waiting to see what roman puts on uh and roman is also going to 355. Fikowski has stepped up to 355. We are waiting to see what Roman puts on. And Roman is also going to 355. Ricky Garrard, we're still waiting. Hey, are you surprised at this bottleneck here at 355? No, I thought they'd all be at the same weight. They're all about the same strong
Starting point is 02:55:01 on the clean and jerk. Some are better at jerk. Some are better at clean. But those three individually, they're all about the same strength. And then Vellner's a little bit better at snatch. I'm surprised we don't see any fractionals. Yeah, Ricky Garrard at 355. Vellner's doing something trippy here. He's 346. Put a fucking one-pound plate on. And we see someone who's next to to velner has a 352 i'm not sure who that is
Starting point is 02:55:30 that's uh uh the guy that we thought was fabian benito who did that end up being no no the guy we thought was fabian was alex caran oh are on oh yeah who is that roman's at 356 oh nick matthew 370 matthew 375 oh this clean looks so hard roman and ricky are both good pat's good nick is still holding yeah that was he's not making that did you see that clean yeah no fucking way and all the time under tension him resting in the rack oh and ricky tied on the clean and jerk and pat was 10 pounds underneath wow nick gave it a real shot though he didn't fake it oh we got a standing ovation we got a girl whose uh butt is hungry standing in the middle
Starting point is 02:56:20 Standing ovation. We got a girl whose butt is hungry standing in the middle clapping. Her butt is hungry. Yeah. I mean, it was hungry. It was full course. She's chomping away. Wow.
Starting point is 02:56:33 First standing ovation. How do you not give these guys a standing ovation? He didn't catch that very good. Who, Nick? Yeah. When he received it, it was so bad. So tozy. Nick left it all out on the clean clean we could feel the pain fair fair thank you yep uh nick was so close yeah i mean the jerk he went for it it wasn't like some bullshit jerk where he'd already given up before he tried
Starting point is 02:56:57 uh craig paisley uh feeling fomo feeling often my, what the fuck is FOMO? You feel something about feeling left out? Fear of missing out. Oh, fear of missing out. God damn it. Never can remember that. Fear of my orifices. Hey, don't fear it.
Starting point is 02:57:14 We are missing out. Look at all those people there. I'm just surprised I don't see like more alcohol and weed. I'm so Californian. I just can't believe it. So Ricky and Roman were ahead of Nick because Nick missed his 375. Nick ended up at 355.
Starting point is 02:57:41 Pat needs to win this hole. pat needs to win this whole the girls are coming at two what girls looks like 335 to 510 is going to be our next event 335 to 510 eastern So 1235 to And that's the 210 Pacific. That's the swim. So we got an hour. Oh, okay. They're up for the handstand now. Fikowski
Starting point is 02:58:17 is down and he got back up just in the nick of time. They're all up. They're all holding. Wow. all up. They're all holding. Wow. Fikowski with that little frog booty pump pose. Dang. Yeah, that is impressive.
Starting point is 02:58:35 Okay, so now we know why these guys are in the final heat. This has been the most impressive group, I think, out of the men or women. Downs down. Very impressive. The crowd is clapping. Roman is down. Brent's down. Oh, Vellner's shaky.
Starting point is 02:58:56 Oh, Pat's down. Ricky is going to have a commanding lead now. Wow. Ricky's twitching. Ricky's twitching. Look at him. He's holding that. Oh, mying. Look at him. He's holding that. Oh my God. Pat landed on his back.
Starting point is 02:59:08 Dude, he has the most ungraceful dismounts of any person I've ever seen. Oh my goodness. I'm going to break a rule and replay that here for you guys. Everyone can eat this right here. Who is the guy next to Nick Matthew? He's holding strong.
Starting point is 02:59:25 Are they still up? You give us the play by play, John. And I'm going to rewind this so everyone can see a pass. This guy's cold. Oh, that's who it is. Cold gray shaver.
Starting point is 02:59:39 Okay. Watch dead center people. Bam. Wow. Can you play one more time? Wow. center this is pat velner to his left is ricky garrard to his right i don't know whop damn that's crazy that's a meme uh and he's down okay looks like the crowd is storming off
Starting point is 03:00:08 storming Matthew Suzanne your son's awesome he's helped out so much really appreciate it yeah thank you thank you thank you
Starting point is 03:00:23 awesome Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Awesome. That's good. Look at all these people giving Sousa love. It's a fountain of youth, you know. Perfect. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 03:00:36 Cancel that. Got it. Okay, I'm going over to the leaderboard. Yeah. Good luck, brother. Go get it uh susan just mute himself susan what's up uh when's the next event buddy i have uh i have 1130 a.m., which would be double shot with a splash, which is eight minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:12 Over on Bayside. They changed the schedule for their Instagram. Oh, they did? They're out. Okay, hold on a second. Hold on one second, Matt. Go ahead, Taylor. What schedule has been changed?
Starting point is 03:01:28 According to the schedule, that double shot with the splash is starting at 3.35 Eastern and 12.35 your time. So it's been pushed an hour. That's what it looks like. Unless that's a typo on their, on their graphic. Okay. Let's ask. Okay,
Starting point is 03:01:53 go ahead. It says 1535 to 1710 Eastern time. Okay. I'm pushing that show regardless to, uh, I have today at 12 on our schedule. I have, I'm pushing it to, to till till noon regardless.
Starting point is 03:02:09 OK, so we'll get on it. Three o'clock. Thirty five minutes. OK, or should I push it even further? Should I push it to 1230? I say push it to the start of the event time. Yeah, yeah. OK, so I'll push it to 1225.
Starting point is 03:02:27 OK. OK, so I'm that uh event pre-show six okay now let's go back to susan see if we can get a clarification uh matthew um i'm hearing um that they're on their app that it says the event doesn't start for another um 68 minutes okay did it Okay. Do they get pushed back? Well, there's also speculation on Taylor's part that it could be a typo. Okay. Well, that would make sense because they're so close together that it's a little tight, right? Okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 03:02:57 We have an update. Okay. Go ahead. Do you have an update for us, Mr. Self? Someone in the comments is saying Bayside, 335 p.m. Eastern. Okay, so that means it's starting. That's when it starts, 335. Okay, so it's only been pushed five minutes.
Starting point is 03:03:21 That's an hour. Thank you. No, no. Oh, yes, yes, yes. been pushed five minutes okay that's an hour thank you no no oh yes yes hey susan we're gonna look at the leaderboard if you hear any information will you unmute yourself and talk to us yeah absolutely okay thank you all right uh okay uh justin h says an hour and five minutes heidi says no one hour okay so you had it right taylor okay so like 50 minutes from now yeah okay uh if you have to go john we're just gonna feel free we're gonna uh taylor and
Starting point is 03:03:49 i are gonna hang out for a little bit and uh discuss uh the we discussed the women's leader board already right we need to just decide dissect the hands a little bit okay i'll come back at the start or is it gonna be a new link yeah it'll be a new link in an hour. Okay. Exactly an hour from now. It's 1125 now. It'll be 1225. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 03:04:10 Yeah. Okay. What a show. Great stuff. Yeah. How long normally till the leaderboard gets updated. Let me pull it up. I have it too, by the way. Let me see if we can get
Starting point is 03:04:35 if Brian's around. we are six events in to uh wadapalooza. We've completed... No, not true. Five events. We've completed five events with three more to go after... There's cuts, right, Taylor? There are cuts after this event. Sorry, after the next event. Okay.
Starting point is 03:05:21 So yesterday there were four events, and today there will be four events. We've only done one event, so there's three events left. And just a quick – Yep, we have – After the next two events, there will be cuts. After the next event, there will be a cut. Okay, so after the next event, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:05:40 Okay, so – And there was an update on the men's – Yes, go ahead. There was an update on the men's. Yes, go ahead. There was an update on the men's leaderboard. And initially this morning, it said Ricky Garrard had 360 points. Pat had 350. Now Ricky has 365 and Pat has 350. So there's a five point adjustment added to Ricky's initial score.
Starting point is 03:06:00 And we are still waiting on all the scores. Do you know why? Can you tell us why not sure we have weights for every we have weights and scores for event four a and b for everyone except for that final heat so we're just waiting on that final heat to get at it and then we'll be all adjusted okay so let's go over to the women and let's look over here uh so right now uh it looks like uh there's a lot of women who could not who could not make the cut there's all these women down here right becca merrick chloe carano uh freya moose bruger uh caitlin van ziel lexi neil uh neely
Starting point is 03:06:41 ohana moya oliver but dude the it could be all the way nistler could not make the cut theoretically she's in 10th and she's still not safe right i mean it's only has 321 no i don't know i i think nistler's safe i would say olivia kerstetter from 15 and back or 16 and back, they're not safe. I think more than a 15-point lead, and maybe you're not safe, but you are. Okay, because it's only one event. And what is this next event? It's two rounds for time, 50 heavy wall balls, 30 pounds for guys, 20 pounds for ladies, open water swim, 150 drag rope double unders two rounds for time the open water
Starting point is 03:07:27 swim we're judging is based most likely going to be 200 to 300 meters so 50 wall balls swim jump some rope do it again two rounds yep 20 minute time cap i believe okay so there could be some big moves here. Either you shit the bed or you're a world-class swimmer. Yeah, the thing that I feel like is going to happen is that majority of the field is not going to be a good enough swimmer to do well. And so there are going to be a lot of people that don't get hurt because everyone does poorly. Meaning there are going to be a few people that just destroy the field. And there's going to be a big cluster of people that are all pretty similar time. And then there are going to be some people who really, really suck. Okay. And we're hearing that Nistler's a good swimmer. It'll be interesting to see how Fusli does in the water. We know Sarah Sigmund's daughter can swim.
Starting point is 03:08:28 Brittany Weiss lives in San Diego that, you know, she's probably in the water a bit. Um, heavy wall balls though. I worry about Fuseli and Brittany Weiss both on the heavy wall balls. And maybe Kringle too. She's, she's a slight woman. I think Emily Rolfe is going to do really well with the swim and the heavy wall ball. Not sure about Paige Powers. Elisa Fuliano, I don't think will do swim and the heavy wall ball. Not sure about Paige Powers. Elisa Fuliano, I don't think will do well with the heavy wall ball.
Starting point is 03:08:48 She's shorter. Danny Spiegel, I don't think will do well with the swim and the drag rope. We'll see. Do they have any bad swimmers at Mayhem where Paige competes? Trains? I think they're all comfortable in the water. I wouldn't call any of them good swimmers. Right, but no bad.
Starting point is 03:09:05 No bad. No drowners. Not that I'm aware of. People who are, yeah, they swim too much for them to have any drowners. The shiz, I don't think Brent got no repped on that handstand. I think he made it up within the 10-second window and actually was able to get a score. Still no update on the lift. That's what you're referencing.
Starting point is 03:09:28 It's almost updated. It looks like Ricky and Roman both tied for eighth in the clean and jerk. All right, let's go over there. Tudor Magda took second with 386. Why can't I find it? We have liftoff? Yeah. So, Guillermo Marietos. 386. Why can't I find it? We have liftoff? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:09:49 So, Guilherme Marietos at 395. Wait a second. Look at my screen. How come I can't see the weights? Okay. Oh. Look at when I go over here, I can see the see the weight yeah to the right of your screen those are the weights and i'll click just click the title we have liftoff but i can't see the weights and the um why did it scroll you backward that's i don't know it's here let me share my screen um
Starting point is 03:10:21 oh here we go now i have both now i have both okay you got it yeah but the points still aren't adjusted i don't believe so gee in first it should be well anyway let's look at it uh 395 gee tutor 386 Rian Kian, 370. Jack Rosema, 367. Heinrich, 366. Arthur Semenov with a power clean and push jerk at 365. Unreal. Trayvon Benton, 360 for seventh. And then 350 looked to be middle of the pack.
Starting point is 03:11:02 Ricky got a 356 along with Roman Krenniknikoff why are there asterisks by him not sure that's good there's an asterisk by every single number uh anthony tpa great job uh today boys keep up the great work okay so if ricky or roman would have gone 357 if they had that, they would have only still pushed up one spot. Wow, it looks like Ricky, they have an incorrect score for him on part B because it's saying one second. 1.01 second is what his time is saying,
Starting point is 03:11:40 and that is not correct. Ah, okay. Okay. so they're still working on scores it appears uh cole gray shaber 128 brian guillen uh 111 nick matthew 110 wow so hey were they doing this by stopwatch by hand for sure okay so so just so you know the importance of uh for sure okay so so just so you know the importance of uh finger speed of every second of every so why every second counts i mean between uh fifth second and fifth place was just uh someone's stubby fingers uh patrick bellner 52 seconds he was the favorite and uh he took sixth place. Let's go over and just go by total points. They haven't updated it yet. Okay.
Starting point is 03:12:30 I'm going to cruise over to the women and compare some of the women's times until we have liftoff with the men. Okay. I think what was the longest man? 128. 128. And then there were a few people over a minute there was only one woman over a minute emily rolf and then when you get to second place page powers oh no i don't have
Starting point is 03:12:52 them organized correctly sorry rebecca fusli at 127 okay so they're pretty equal because sixth place was um nat velner with 52 seconds and they got got sixth place here with Paige Powers with 54 seconds. There were five men over a minute and five women over a minute. Okay. And then, yeah, pretty equal. The strongest woman in the field, 256, CeCe Cronin. The weakest woman in the field, Valentina Magliotti, 190. Sending JR a link.
Starting point is 03:13:35 Is he around? Yeah, he just asked for it. Oh, nice. All righty. It'll always be guys who are on that thread anytime you want to jump on it will always be the last link in the broadcast thread um ashley hubble thank you for this info they said on the live stream ricky got over one minute ah and he made it past pat uh he made it past what pat did and pat was 52 seconds okay so i think we
Starting point is 03:14:06 just figured out what the problem is right they uh this should be um down here for ricky should be where's his time uh ricky should be a minute not one second uh hey justin how are you be a minute not one second uh hey justin how are you what's up someone what's up taylor what's up um i just wanted to bring up that comment i made earlier about the balance of the strength test i want to hear you and jr talk about it a little bit more um i think it's a really creative way of um oh you were the one that said it's the most even uh test ever okay okay yeah and when i said test or i said event i meant like the specific yeah i don't like to use the word workout like the the single event i think it's really creative to test the one rep strength element and not reward that person a hundred points in a in an eight test event because they like like i i agree with what you were saying taylor in terms of when the when the
Starting point is 03:15:15 crossfit games have 15 and they're testing 30 muscles for time as a solo 100 point event but then they're testing a one rep snatch as a single but these guys only have eight so i think guido did a really good job of still letting us watch them do a one rep max but not rewarding 100 points for it and mixing in something else like i've seen like a buy-in on a bike or whatever like you got four minutes you got to do 30 calories off bike and then you have the rest of the time to find a one rep clean and jerk. I just think that this is, this is pretty creative with only eight scores to balance it out. And I think, I think the 60, 40, I don't know.
Starting point is 03:15:59 I haven't looked at it that closely, but he could have made a very conscious decision. Like we've got plenty of other gymnastic pieces that are being tested throughout the weekend that i i want it to be distributed 60 points for the strength piece here and just 40 here for the handstand so i think it's really i think it's really creative i think we could see this um scoring element used in semi-finals or like six to eight event competitions moving forward i just want to say one thing real quick i do not think this current scoreboard is uh correct uh they they still have a one second time for rickyard. I do not think that that is correct. I think that someone guessed it's probably a minute and 10 seconds.
Starting point is 03:16:49 And I think that's probably more likely. Were you guys able to understand the question? JR, I don't know if you were, there was a comment earlier when you weren't on basically discussing the value and how important it is that the handstand and the weightlifting were mixed together so that it became a more, uh, more appropriate to the, uh, picking the fittest that it was more conducive to picking the fittest. It's better than just a pure one rep max event for sure. But I still think that it's even better if it's 50 50. And if you look at the spread of weightlifting and gymnastics across the weekend, I think that the weightlifting is at 11 instances and the gymnastics are at nine um so i i just don't know interesting i don't yeah
Starting point is 03:17:32 i don't get it yeah no i hear you 100 with it should just be 50 50 but i think that comment it doesn't give the credit to like he's at least they didn't reward 100 for the cleaning sure right out of an 800 point it's better than that so it might not be perfect but i think it's way better than any other one rep max event that we've ever seen because we're still seeing a one rep max but great if you can lift 400 pounds how long can you stand on your hands it's got it it's gonna it's gonna equal out and basically we saw oh go ahead i was just gonna jump in and say the the only time i think that it's been done better is the year dave had one rep max i'm'm sorry, max hang snatch transition,
Starting point is 03:18:26 two minutes, I believe, into 30 burpee muscle-ups for time. Yeah. And those were a combined score? I think those were 50-50 that year, but I could be wrong. And that was a regional? That was a regional. That was a regional. So that was really the only other time I can remember someone doing something like this and splitting it.
Starting point is 03:18:47 Was that 2012 or 2013? Rich was still individual, so it had to have been 2012 or 2013. I don't recall that regional. Spence for that hang snatch. I think it's cool. I think it's a great way to balance it out and still see these athletes throw up one rep um weight but not correct not have the end result be too strength biased so anyway just thought i'd confirm i love what you guys are doing i love the
Starting point is 03:19:21 addition of taylor and jr i think that this trio, Taylor, JR, Savan, is the best podcast in CrossFit. Thank you. I agree. I think it's the best podcast in the world. Agreed. Okay, thank you. Peace and love, my friend. Peace and love.
Starting point is 03:19:35 And sorry for what Trish said about you. I don't care what Trish said. Well, he, she, whatever the person is, is funny as fuck. All right, bye. Peace the person is. All right. Bye. Peace. It wasn't even mean. Trish just says, sounds like a classic AM.
Starting point is 03:19:51 This guy calling, this guy has calling into an AM sports talk show energy. All right. We're almost like a real show when people are comparing us to uh am radio um we are still waiting there's no way that they could have given ricky just one second right this has got to be wrong right i think the comment said he should be at 427 yeah i saw that too uh let's before we take a break uh let's uh utilize um jr jr were you able to watch any of this uh lifting stuff yeah a lot of it uh i think all but maybe the first couple female heats uh any any observations or anything that screamed out on you that's at the top of your head
Starting point is 03:20:36 that you want to mention just how especially in that last heat it was cool that um it appeared like six people were going to go for the same weights. And then who like took the bait and just decided to go heavier. So they wouldn't tie that many people and who ended up missing the lift possibly because of that. And who just kind of stayed strong to what they were doing. It was,
Starting point is 03:20:58 it was interesting just to see at the very end of the loading window, how some people change their minds at the last minute and who did it for better and who did it for worse. I see another change to Miami meat market, part a of event six. Remember how prior when we discussed the programming, it was three rounds for time of 25 chest of bars, 15 Nobel pinch presses and 30 slash 21 echo by calories. nabelle pinch presses and 30 21 echo bike calories now on competition corner it says part a nine minute cap three rounds of 25 chest to bar pull-ups and 15 bench presses directly into a 30 slash 21 calorie echo bike to finish then start dirty isabel at the 10 minute mark so maybe just the way it was written previously was no i think they changed it again no they changed it again because when i yeah when i talked after it was announced and i talked to
Starting point is 03:21:49 brian it was three rounds of 25 15 30 calories and it's been changed again go to miami meat market seven yeah they changed it yeah because it says now. Yeah, the way previously it was just read as a triplet, 25, 15, 30, three rounds for time. And we were talking that the people who can really push the bike look like they're going to really be able to pull away on this workout. And now what is it? Now it seems to be a lot more dependent on upper body push and pull. Yeah, it's just a couplet of the chest to bar and the dumbbell bench press and when you finish those three rounds you finish on the bike which i don't see i don't see couplet i still see triplet it's a it's three rounds of the
Starting point is 03:22:34 couplet and once they finish the three rounds oh one oh one effort on the bike okay previously written as a triplet okay standby uh standby. Thank you for the clarity. Will Plummer, hi. I'm getting reports that it's raining on the ground there. Uh-oh. Well, that doesn't make any fucking difference for the swim workout. That's good for us, though. Will, hi. How we doing?
Starting point is 03:23:00 Good. Thanks for checking in, dude. Hey, is it raining on the ground there? Yeah, it literally just started to sprinkle. So we'll see. And when you look at the skies, does it look like it's going to be more than a sprinkle? Like, are we going to get a long rain here? It doesn't look great here. I'll flip my camera.
Starting point is 03:23:22 Hey, Will, originally the event was supposed to start at 11 30 and now they've pushed it to 12 30 do you think that's because they know that there were showers coming in for an hour and they would come and go probably for flagler yes for all the outdoor ones okay so maybe that is why the time changed uh occurred uh chris carter, there were dark clouds at the Bayside venue. Yeah. Do you think the temp has dropped 20 degrees? Probably like 15, 20, yeah, I'd say. Are you going to put long sleeves on? Is it getting cold like that?
Starting point is 03:23:54 No. I'm from Minnesota, so this is still... Miami's a bunch of bitches. Okay. Any delays announced? I haven't heard anything yet. Okay. You the man, Will. Thanks for jumping on, buddy. Yep. See you guys. Okay. Any delays announced? I haven't heard anything yet. Okay. You the man, Will. Thanks for jumping on, buddy. Yeah. See you guys. Okay. Okay. So no one wandered too far away from their...
Starting point is 03:24:15 Look at John Young couldn't even stay away till 1225. He's back. We have 40 minutes. Yeah. Until have 40 minutes. Yeah. Until the event starts. Okay, let's finish this up, and then let's look at the scoreboard, and then we'll all take a break. You guys ready?
Starting point is 03:24:33 Yeah. And get some thoughts from JR. Okay, so the big news here that Taylor and JR are just talking about is this workout, the Miami Meat Market. Is this what's next? No, no. Apparently, according to some people in the comments comments it's always read like that when released and what we were talking about was something else okay either way uh so we just wanted to clarify yeah it's you don't do the echo bike every round it's just uh the echo bike. It's one echo bike. Echo bike. Every round was a previous iteration.
Starting point is 03:25:06 Correct. Okay. Uh, we are back over here at the men's leaderboard. I will refresh the page. We believe it's wrong. Um, uh,
Starting point is 03:25:16 Ricky Gerard, we believe has four 27, uh, that we believe that the, his handstand hold, they have the times wrong. Are we all in agreement on that? That it can't possibly be one second.
Starting point is 03:25:32 Yeah. He beat, he beat Belner beat velner yeah he's he was up a little bit longer than pat i believe okay uh how did you like the uh format uh jr in terms of just instead of letting all the athletes just lift whenever they wanted uh forcing them in that four minute window to lift and kind of synchronization? I think it's a little easier to watch if they just have a four minute window and just say, go. And you say, oh, look, lane number two, they've got 337. Okay. Then the next in lane number six, they've got 345. But also too, there isn't as much pressure. There isn't as much strategy involved. And maybe for just the flow of the competition for the MCs and everyone else, the broadcast, it might be just easier this way. What I did like that it was that they had the 20 second window and everyone was loading at the same time. And they had a 20 second window and everyone was loading at the same time. So you could at least look around
Starting point is 03:26:25 and see within the camera angle of who had won on the bar. Hey, I'm gonna predict here that I don't ever remember seeing so many guys lift in such a close proximity to each other. And I'm gonna guess just, I'm gonna say that because of that stage, they should have all the athletes come out
Starting point is 03:26:42 and they should do it just in the traditional way that there's a bar and it goes up 10 pounds every lift and they all take turns at it and it's king of the mountain and you eliminate them the way the sandbag was i think that stage with the tight schedule though i don't how can they that would because they well they had five heats at four minutes of heat plus a two minute transition that's just one heat with everybody yeah do one heat with everyone It gives you 30 minutes moving fast. I just think for safety, trust me, I love the way it looked. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 03:27:07 I love the way it looked. But someone on one of those ends is going to drop the bar out of the stage or come out of the venue. I mean, it's cool, but it feels more like that's as close as you get to people when they're break dancing, not when they're holding 357 pounds over their head. That's my favorite way to if you pull up the bayside venue pov you can see the swim course yeah and it looks like it's gonna be maybe 200 meters probably about 200 meters we can see you're telling me to go to you're telling me to go to the youtube station yeah the youtube it's water blues a day to bayside venue pov and you can see other divisions swimming You're telling me to go to the YouTube station? Yeah, the YouTube. It's Water Palooza Day 2 Bayside Venue POV. And you can see other divisions swimming as of right now.
Starting point is 03:27:51 And it looks to be about 200 meters. If you account for where they're entering the water to the first buoy, second buoy, third buoy, and then fourth back to the entrance, it looks like it's going to take them on about a 200-meter course. it looks like it's going to take them on about a 200-meter course. Ladies and gentlemen, you are currently looking at the first and last place Taylor Self will ever and has ever competed as a professional CrossFitter. Okay, sorry, JR. Go ahead. I'm going to write that down on a sticky note, dude. What?
Starting point is 03:28:21 Let it piss him off. That's the last time I ever saw you compete was somewhere in there. That's like the only time I ever thought you were a good CrossFitter. I was like, yeah, that's what you said. You said in person last time that was the, that was,
Starting point is 03:28:32 that was, I was competing at 75%. Yeah. Well, you looked good. It was fun. Well, it lasted.
Starting point is 03:28:39 Hey, so Taylor, where the ramp is, they're going to, they're going to jump in at pink and swim around blue and then swim back to pink and get out or blue to pink. No, I think they're going to jump in at pink and swim around blue and then swim back to pink and get out or blue to pink? No, I think they're going to jump in at pink, swim all the way to blue, exit, and get back onto the stage. So there's going to be an entrance and an exit ramp.
Starting point is 03:28:56 They're just going to do it like that? I believe so. I don't know, man. They may swim around blue and come back. And they may swim around blue and come back. For those of you guys who aren't following, over here where the arrow is circling, I believe, is the ramp. And the boys are suggesting that they're going to get off the runner, come down here, jump in, swim around. Follow my arrow.
Starting point is 03:29:16 Swim around that pink buoy. I think you're right, JR, because they're swimming back towards the right. So maybe they enter on pink side, go to the right of the pink buoy, turn left, go all the way around to the right side of the right, right side of the blue circle back around blue. And now they're swimming back towards the pink and they enter back into the, I'm not sure. And you guys, the reason why this is important is it's not, it's happened before here and other places where, uh, swimmers follow the leader and the leader takes them on the wrong
Starting point is 03:29:45 swim path i'm pretty sure that's what happened last year uh here at wadapalooza so once again the boys are speculating you're going to swim out you're going to run down a ramp here go around this uh this pink buoy sorry i'm sure i gotta bring suza in i go around this pink buoy around this white buoy and around this white buoy, and around the blue over here. Susan, what do you got for us? Raining? Yeah, it just picked up. Sorry, my power supply kind of died out for a minute.
Starting point is 03:30:20 But, yeah, the rain just started to pick up, and it's blowing in pretty quick. I ran into Dow and Pepper. They said the men were going to go at four, but they warned all of them, like of them like hey we're probably gonna have to push this back because it's showing thunderstorms are coming in okay hey look either way we'll come back on in 40 minutes don't take the gimbal out the iphone is waterproof the gimbal is not waterproof roger that i'll drop it off and um i'll uh i'll switch up what time are we coming back? In 40 minutes. Okay, cool. Okay. JR, will you be able to come on?
Starting point is 03:30:47 Because I have to be at the gym 3 to 7. I've got to be back at the gym at 4. Don't worry, guys. Low stress. Yeah, we'll figure it out. It looks like the swim, they're actually exiting the stage dead center, taking a left, going around the blue buoy, going all the way around the pink buoy and coming back to the center stage.
Starting point is 03:31:06 So that actually seems like it may, I don't know, J.R., would you call that 200? Maybe 150. I don't know. I think it's probably closer to 200. I mean, that time cap to me when you're saying two minutes for wall ball two minutes for double under times two and then you've got another what 14 minutes in the time cap that they want everyone to finish but that maybe the swim is going to take longer than we think and it's going to take longer than we
Starting point is 03:31:38 think the majority it is but not because of the, because of how fucked up people are going to be. It is going to be a slow swim for people. That'll just make the better swimmers even more advantage. Absolutely. They're going to be swimming under such a high state of fatigue and panic. People are going to be moving just in survival mode, and that's it. And then of the really good swimmers, who's going to be able to get through the 150 the quickest at the end? Yeah. it and then of the really good swimmers who's going to be able to get through the 150 the quickest at the end yeah uh any uh going back to going back to the leaderboard any surprises here from any leaderboard updated oh okay this all seems like it's playing out quite nicely very close race and there are no uh major surprises right? Ricky's got a comfortable lead.
Starting point is 03:32:27 Wow, 440 for Ricky. I don't think it's insurmountable. Second place, fourth, fourth, eighth, sixth. He's got all top tens. If Vellner doesn't do – if he has a very bad event in the swim, I think it's improbable for Vellner to catch Ricky. But if he has it in the middle, I think he could still catch him. I don't think Vellner is going to catch Ricky and win the competition just because of this next workout.
Starting point is 03:32:59 I don't think he has a chance. No, I'm saying depending on this next workout. think he has a chance no i'm saying depending on this next workout and those last two though i mean they're not they're not as fast as the one last night part a last night was but they're both fast enough to where if you have a mistake or you blow up on the bench press pull up or on the burpee snatch and you finish 20 seconds slower than you should that could be lots and lots of spots on those and it'll be between 20 people so the point spread will be more so uh if it's distributed that after the cuts right yeah hey you know what my takeaway is here is krennikoff is human well roman going to do pretty good in these next three events.
Starting point is 03:33:45 I don't know if you guys listened to the interview yesterday that he did after the chipper when he won, but his translator was there and saying that he was pretty frustrated after rings and squats because his feet were brushing the ground on a lot of his muscle-ups. So it really kind of slowed him down, but he was like, hey, things happen. You just got to go. so it really kind of slowed him down, but he was like, hey, things happen. You just got to go. So, yeah, I mean, maybe his placement wouldn't have changed had he had a set of higher rings, but just something to keep in mind
Starting point is 03:34:11 because it still looks like he's very well-rounded. I'm interested to see how he swims. Ricky's going to do great in the swim. As an Aussie, we have to assume that Ricky is going to be a good swimmer. Absolutely, he's a good swimmer. I think the drag rope is going to have more of an effect than people think the drag rope lights you up and 150 is not anything to it's not easy yeah yeah once you get going that workout I mean Taylor has said before too I mean after that set of 50 which is the only time you're doing a movement not under
Starting point is 03:34:41 fatigue and the rest of the workout after the first 50 your heart rate's going to be high and it's going to have to stay high the entire time or you're going to be forced to swim very slowly and it's it's heavy wall balls correct yeah 30 yes yeah like roman and pat will get through that better than that will affect roman and pat less than ricky ricky will take more pain in those heavy wall balls than they will and you just never know i mean you have to think guys like gian brian and fikowski there may be a couple other outliers i want to say someone said pool and has a swimming background there are going to be some people that can get in between those guys which will be interesting because any kind of swimming workout you always see some outliers no matter what else is coupled with it uh 300 points still up uh left for grabs uh
Starting point is 03:35:28 although it feels like we're more than uh significantly more than halfway we're really not we're just one event beyond the halfway point three uh big events left today in individual correct i feel bad because jr just got on here and i feel like we should be milking him but i also feel like we should be taking a break and uh licking our wounds yeah can you come back on tonight jr later um i'm planning on coming back on at eight because i've got you got plans i got a pretty cool question for guido oh great awesome great. Awesome. Good. I love it. Okay. Uh, listen, everybody, uh, the plan is to come on in 30 minutes, regardless of the, um, weather there in Miami to come back on, uh, that may change. Uh, how much time do you need to work out Taylor?
Starting point is 03:36:19 To get a quick, nice to have 45 minutes, but 30 you'll do if necessary. Okay. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's give ourselves that. Give me 45 minutes, too, and I could shower again, too. Okay. I probably won't come back on then because I have to be at the gym at 3, okay? Okay, no problem. I am going to change the time here because of the rain. I'm going to switch it to 1250.
Starting point is 03:36:42 That's 3.50 p.m. eastern standard time 12 50 uh 12 50 pacific standard time it has been changed uh taylor and i will get a quick workout in and uh we will see you guys soon jr thanks for jumping on uh john young you're a fucking rock thank you brother i'll see you tonight i'll be able to do the one tonight okay bye

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