The Sevan Podcast - #758 - Wodapalooza 2023 Team Day 1 Event 2

Episode Date: January 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live uh why am i matt burns uh seven is gonna have a nuclear meltdown by the end of this weekend what happened what happened what i missed what i missed uh before i say anything else uh and before you write anything um let me oh yeah this is a good point has uh uh did you did page simenza reach out with uh for any photo tips to Danny Spiegel? Well, I mean, if she wants to increase her followers, she could do that. I want to show you something really quick. I started the last show with this, and I just want to reiterate it a little bit more. There's a guy out there named Brian Spin. He has a website called The the barbell spin he's been an amazing resource for all of us in the space he was around for a while then he vanished and now he's back on the scene and I want to show you this shot he got with his iPhone yesterday of the great the great Guy Malheros there should be 30 shots like this but I think he might be the only one. Okay, action.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Oh, can we get audio? Boom. This is the G. Clean and jerk in 395. And this is the cleaning drink in 395 and this is the camera this is an iphone that shot it in slow-mo without even a media pass and then it's been compressed and put onto instagram and this is a guy who spent 250 bucks to fly to wateradapalooza of his own money sleeping on someone's couch and just i mean can you pull up his whole instagram this instagram is crazy yeah he made that reel himself he's better than like a 16 year old girl he is better than a 16 year old girl you're right it's fucking amazing now what's crazy is and this is kind of what i was trying
Starting point is 00:02:02 to share with don fall the ceo of crossfit uh who i am very very very fond and this is kind of what I was trying to share with Don Falwell, the CEO of CrossFit, who I am very, very, very fond of. This is what I'm trying to share with them. These are people out here making this shit for free, and it's 10 times better than anything that they have at CrossFit Games. And I bet you they have five people on the ground and have spent fucking $20,000 to $50,000 to cover Guadalupalooza. It's absolutely nuts that this guy, no one's reaching out. I mean, they could just ask this guy for his shit. Hey, we're going to give you $10 a photo. I mean, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:02:36 This is the biggest problem, I mean, with the notoriety. The best guys are doing it. I mean, he's doing it because it's passion. Yeah. CrossFit's media department sounds like when you said in that someone came in for an interview and they said, Hey, are you retarded? And they're like, yeah. And you're like, all right, you're, you're hired. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That is exactly how they did the, that is what's going on there. There's a prerequisite to be retarded in order to work. Here's the thing too i i implore
Starting point is 00:03:05 any and all athletes to support this guy the barbell spin this is i'm envious of what he's doing the only thing i have three little boys that's the only thing better in my life than his life and uh uh i don't know maybe he has kids too but it's crazy what he's doing he is really giving uh the athletes a place to showcase their shit look at lucas parker like the sweat off sweat off his forehead okay uh the final heat has started of event two we're back with mr uh beaver and matt souza and mr self of smtp oh we got one more we got more one more fun one that uh caleb insists that you want to watch this too sure sure sure one more fun one oh this is from the crossfit games yeah oh let's see what
Starting point is 00:03:50 they got looks like the boys are out in front yeah that's horrible okay so the crossfit games thinks it's cool to show them jerking with a filter on. They think that this is fucking Comic-Con and some brony shit. My God. Did you see my – have you seen the movie? Is that real? Is that really CrossFit Games? Yes. Look at – even Barbell Spin said, have you all been hacked?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Oh, my God, that's bad. Have you seen the movie Midsommar? No. Savon? No, but I want to. But let's get to this event real quick and then when we're doing some downtime we'll ass pound those guys my goodness what is going on over there the great john young is in the house uh we will switch over and make uh the suza cam as he walks to
Starting point is 00:04:39 the whistle bigger uh but suza do we have anyone in uh the bay bay point bay love bay bay bay whatever stadium uh hopefully somebody got in there but that line never really died down it should stay consistent since we last uh showed everybody on there uh is there any way you can get in there let's go find out yeah why don't you walk can you walk around to the side where they finish remember lat remember where uh right by the tunnel can you walk in the exit way he's first out of the water yeah we'll give it a go okay uh go ahead taylor brent fikowski is in the lead on the triplet portion the d ball clean swim and squat we don't know what the order of lead is on the air runner so it what what I'm assuming is going to
Starting point is 00:05:26 happen is we're not going to really know who wins the 5k until that portion is over. And what we're just going to be watching is essentially a race on the D ball. And Fikowski's got the ball up first and he's got his first squat, second squat, third squat for Fikowski. He's four squats ahead. Now Noah Olson's got the ball up fukowski's five squats in i don't think noah's going to be able to catch him despite a slightly quicker cycle pace on the squat let's see uh and and this is two scored events so theoretically someone could just go on the run or run the 5k and do nothing else and take zero in the other one? Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah, they would have to take zero in the other event. Correct. Okay. And then you could do it the other way too. You could just have your three guys sprint through the other event and not no one even get on the runner. Correct. But that's not a winning strategy. No, no.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Okay. Okay. And are they scored equally? They're both 100-point events? They are scored equally? They're both 100-point events? They are scored equally. You know, there's an interesting technique difference here in the squats. A lot of guys are shouldering the D-ball to squat it. Oh, wow, it looks like Noel Olsen actually beat Brent Fikowski off of the D-ball.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Man, these cleans are tough with the water like that. D-balls are wet. Chandler Smith is in the lead. Pat Vellner is also on the D-ball cleans. A lot of the athletes are bear hug squatting versus squatting the ball on their shoulder. And the thing that makes the bear hug squat slightly easier is when you get the ball in between your legs like that
Starting point is 00:07:01 and you get to the bottom of the squat, you can almost rest part of the weight on your legs. And so it's like you're deloading some of the weight on the squat what is hopper thinks it's hopper looks like hopper's doing touch and go why is he doing that no he's not yeah he did three who is that he just did three shoulder to um that's a that's a guy next to hopper with the white cap oh they're they're, they shoulder it and squat it. Okay. I didn't realize that. That some guys are finishing their first round of the triplet,
Starting point is 00:07:31 which it, so, so it's a, it's basically one round through 21 cleans, open water, swim 15 squats. And so you're seeing some guys finishing their last bit while other guys are starting it.
Starting point is 00:07:42 That's what they call it. They're calling that a clean, a D ball, D ball, clean D ball to shoulder. They're calling that a clean. D-ball clean. D-ball to shoulder. Yeah. Is that the same as shouldering? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah. Okay. Chandler Smith off of the D-ball first entering the water. Pat Vellner is not going to be far behind. Look at that girl pretending not to look at him as he walks by. Do you see that? She's just like, I thought it was just guys who did that. Hey, so you were looking at the other monitor, but
Starting point is 00:08:09 we got blockaded. Yeah, right there. Can you just walk through there? You were watching. I walked through there and I had it on the screen. The gentleman over there told me it was a no-go. Oh, what if you don't have a camera? What if you just want to go back there and smoke a blunt? Oh, what a move by Pat Vellner.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Pat Vellner passed Chandler Smith on the ramp, dove in the water right ahead of him. He just dived right before him. Hey, I'm going to swing around to that opposite side and see if I can get it over there. He's going to chop on that opposite side. Okay. I'm going to give you guys an instant replay of that. Was that good? I missed it.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah, it was a good pass. Chandler Smith walked the whole way from his D ball to the water entrance, and Pat jogged it and dove ahead of him. Okay, let's see. Willie Georges is in third for Team Go Wide. Looks like Chandler's still going to pass Pat on the swim. So this is a couple seconds ago. This is what Taylor was talking about.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Pat just, oh, man. Wow. Wow. I love that. that's solid right chandler caught him on the swim chandler's now ahead they are rounding the buoy what do you think george is in third i believe no that's hopper is it yep willie george is behind him then look at how there's three people talking to Vellner now. Is that necessary? How about just one person talk to him? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:09:28 Because he goes by those judges. He doesn't even acknowledge them. Look how fast the cows he's going. Yeah. Around 14 minutes is when we should be looking for the 5K winner. The leading run right now is 14-15. I don't know that anyone's gonna beat the canadians on this workout just just by being fitter totality no no brent and pat are such
Starting point is 00:09:54 good runners um the good dude i mean hopper and sprague are just as good as runners and sprague's no sprague's not as good i don't't believe sprigs as good of a runner as brent or pat uh ed dos santos uh what are your thoughts on the official water palooza stream it has been a train wreck since the beginning they should contract it out to you you mean just in terms of like i don't know what part of it's been a train wreck just like the um the stutteriness and it going down hopper just passed velner in the water wow pat's on to a to a breaststroke for a second hopper might catch chandler how far left they got to go no i don't think chandler's getting caught in the water look at suza look at suza making a move look at him look at him just act cool act cool act cool yeah good job
Starting point is 00:10:42 yes hey here's the thing i they don't need to contract it out they just should just give us full access and we only add value that's what it comes down to we just fucking add value we love the fucking event we love the athletes we love everything that's going on look at marconi is that jake marconi getting some right in front there yeah or just a dude with the pony? I think that's some other dude with a girl haircut. All right. Mark Coney was in the last team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Sousa, pan to the right just a tiny bit. Is that Travis Mayer? No. Man, Pat really got passed up. He's slowing down on the water. I'm pretty happy. I mean, I haven't watched a lot. I just watched Chase and Shawnee go at it doing the women's events for 40 minutes while I worked out.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And I thought they did a great job. I thought, I mean, for the most part, I liked it. I thought it was kind of a cheese dick move that those girls took a photo together while the event was still going on the floor. You should have a little bit of etiquette. Wait to snap photos until all the athletes are done maybe chandler's gonna be first back to the ramp but hey kudos to the uh to the to the uh video team the broadcast team uh hamilton road for capturing that you know i mean like then that gives us something to talk about he's got a run man he's walking too much he's not going to there we go he's trotting now how steep is that ramp taylor you've climbed out there uh it's not it looks steep it
Starting point is 00:12:10 looks like the last thing you want to do if you're exhausted it's pretty steep but it's how come they all tip to that edge that that's just like susan this view is great last year when they had the ramp it was like at an angle and they were coming and going off of the same side so eventually the ramp was just like falling down to the side and i had to sit on the opposite side to counterbalance it to ruin it from like falling into the water with like with like your feet in the water yeah well i was just like basically like you know how when you know how in sailing that you counterbalance off the side of the boat? That's basically what I was doing on the side of the ramp. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Well, it's definitely tipping over into that one corner now. Hey, those are the kind of things if you have a coach or if you're an athlete, you should be paying attention to, right? Those are the nuances and the details that people always talk about that make the difference between the champions and the non-champions. I think something like that ramp tipping. that's what we're talking about yeah yeah i think that's more something that the best athletes adapt to on the fly i don't think a lot of coaches try to account for those i think more that the things that me and knifer were talking about are like movement efficiency and and small details not like oh the ramps tipping but like are you shifting forward in your squat or are you getting your head through on your shoulder to overhead? Are you jumping the
Starting point is 00:13:27 bar off your shoulders? Things like that. That ramp tipping is just something that a good athlete can adapt to and a bad athlete's going to have an issue with. What if I'm a coach and this year, I noticed that. So I make a note. So I tell my athletes next year, hey, here's 10 things I noticed last year that you may want to just pay attention to. Stay towards the center of the ramp. Yeah. But that's not something they're going to think about in training. It's like, okay, before the event, hey, just make sure you stay in the center of that ramp. Right. What is the demand on Vellner's core, Mr. Young, holding the ball down low there by his cock and balls?
Starting point is 00:13:57 Tough or is it so low that it's not demanding on the core? So it's a little better to squat that way almost because at the bottom of the squat you deload the weight of the ball as it hits your legs does that make sense yes yes it rests on your lap but but young if you hold it too high you'll you'll fuck up that whole concept right if you're like two inches too high you screwed it up correct you got to hold it right on your pubic bone almost. Yes, John? Yeah, yeah. Right on the Mons pubis. There's something for me to add on there.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Mons pubis, baby. There's a little pocket there. All right, hey, hey, Canadian team is almost done with the run. Hand is in the air. They have 40 meters left. I don't know how they do the fingers it's going to be going by 100 i don't know how they do it either okay so it's 400 14 10 14 11 there's a whole bunch of hands in the air off to dinner like and subscribe and hit the bell email and text all your friends just straight out
Starting point is 00:15:03 all out sprinting looks like where do you see that i don't look at his cheek oh yes yes that's ben smith smith bros team just finished no not that guy he just finished though hey are you allowed to hold the rails while you run no no so you get some sort of uh one or two seconds at a time to touch the rail like if you were going to fall or when you first get on or when you get off correct okay and what is that time is it one do they have an official time for that one so all of the teams were behind the winning time of the last seat last seat the winning time was15. So I think team training culture or team training programming won the 5K at 14-15. Yeah, don't bleep that out. Which part?
Starting point is 00:15:54 Any programming where it doesn't come from my mouth or JR's. Adler's entering the water. I'm not sure who's ahead of um is that a young james sprague in the water oh look uh my mom just sent me this i don't know if you can see it you can't see it damn it looks like my six-year-old son's working on the next crossfit games post nudie it's rebecca the rabbit mickey mouse here oh wow those little graphics yeah i don't know what is going on over there uh team panchic and fifth place with only one panchic on it spencer panick. There's two panchicks. No, no, no, you're right, you're right.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Sorry. And we got Tudor Magda on the team, and there's the other guy, Jacob Heppner. Thank you. Rich Froney getting some camera time. He definitely had his hands on the rails for more than two seconds. It's hard to tell who that is. I don't think it's James Sprague.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I think that's Travis Mayer. I think so, too. That is Travis Mayer. Yeah, it's the boys. They're kind of making a statement. They win this one. They won the last one. Travis is a good swimmer.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Whose stroke is that? Someone in the comments wrote, Rich Froning is 56 years old. stroke is that someone in the comments wrote rich froning is 56 years old god it's dickhead central over there you're saying roman is behind him behind travis what's up with that's yeah that's what it looks like it's his stroke he just is up he's a big dude man not sure hey it works for him but it's got a little bit of that frankenstein feel right the way it slaps the water he's probably wasting so much energy reaching his arms all the way back like that like a windmill you see how high he is in the water how upward
Starting point is 00:17:57 angled he looks it just when when you're swimming like that and you're swimming uphill your shoulders get so tired it's almost you're almost flushing them by swinging them like that instead of keeping your elbow up and your arm bent a little more and reaching. So he's just got such a shoulder-dominant, lat-dominant, upper-body-dominant stroke, which is not ideal, but he's so aerobically fit that he does well in the water compared to the field. Put him up against any swimmer, he's going to get destroyed. Hey, could you beat Chase Ingram? Are you against any swimmer he's going to get destroyed hey um would
Starting point is 00:18:25 you could you beat chase ingram and uh are you better swimmer than chase ingram i don't know what kind of background he has he's a swimmer collegiate collegiate well i think he's a swimmer yeah i've beaten some i've beaten some oh chase is saying it's a Russian technique. Racist. Okay, so it looks like pretty much everyone's done except the lift move and faster, heavier, faster lifting team. Lift heavy, move slow? Yes. Oh, and Travis, although Travis may or, ooh,
Starting point is 00:19:03 Travis almost fell making that turn. He's got a few no reps on this D ball right here. Christian Harris has. He should try my program. We spend a lot of time on the ball. There you go. Does Roman have a mayhem tattoo? Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:16 It's not an actual mayhem tattoo. It's just a sticker. Okay, so the boys are hurting here. They got a fresh Travis Mayer, fresh Chandler Smith, fresh Noah. What's okay. So the boys are hurting here. Uh, they got a fresh Travis mayor, fresh Chandler Smith's fresh. No, uh, no,
Starting point is 00:19:29 uh, what's his last name? Olson, Olson, uh, fresh, no Olson. And they are not,
Starting point is 00:19:33 uh, they're not even close to contention for winning the second. It doesn't even look like Tim Paulson swam. Look at his hair. It's fully dry. Where is he? He must've had a swim gap on which video ours or theirs he was on the stream yeah he's off now no the the boys are murdering it yeah
Starting point is 00:19:53 22 13 was the uh winning time to beat so all of these teams are way ahead of them oh they are ahead of them well how come everyone looks like they're done and they're the only ones working? They're that far ahead? Yeah. Oh, so everything I said was the exact opposite of the truth. Well, they're a lot in second. Canadian, wow.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Okay, so they're killing it. They're absolutely unstoppable. Yeah, they're doing phenomenal. I mean, we don't know how their 5K is, but... Jeff Adler passed to James Sprague. Wow. Adler looks so fresh. His squats don't look like anyone else's.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Sprague's having a tough time. Adler's an amazing squatter. I wonder if Team Panchuk will beat him. Oh, they're close. They're closing in. Who's squatting for Team Panchuk? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Oh, they're going to catch up. They're going to pass. Yep, Team Panchuk's going to pass. Maybe. There's three left. Yeah, I don't know. I don't think he did it. He's done.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Oh, fuck. They all did this guy. Hold on. Wow. You wow five seconds sprague almost ddt'd himself his face right into the ground ddt'd ddt'd what does that mean i don't know it's just a wrestling move i remember from a little kid when i used to watch wwf oh shit yeah tim paulson's hair is dry yeah i think he wore a swim cap bkg should just uh put the ball down and say that they finished is that how they did that what happened in that last event he rode for 40 meters
Starting point is 00:21:42 that's fucking unreal instead of 240 you know that that's confirmed yeah the judge said you're good she had her hand in the air like immediately and it was 40 meters and then she said you're good and he ran but how do you know is that king bk and friends yes yeah how do you know that was 40 meters do you know like where'd you get that from the from the comments so i guess not confirmed but but, they're still in first, even with that. Yeah, they haven't fixed it. Or maybe they did fix it. No, because he was behind like the last five teams.
Starting point is 00:22:18 You have to add like 30 seconds to their time. And if they're saying that we can't fix it, it was a judge error. Oh, his bicep's cramping up. You look at Sam Cornarie. Look at his bicep. Is this mayhem? Yeah, look at his bicep cramping up. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Did you see that? I wonder. I mean, he's got eight squats. Oh, shit. Wow. It's cramping up. He's not going to be able to lift it. It's going to cramp as soon as he starts.
Starting point is 00:22:51 His hand, like, turned into a claw. His hand turned into a claw. Bear hug squat it. Oh, you're fine, man. Oh, that was crazy to watch, wasn't it? To watch his arm cramp like that. Well. Tenth place in this heat for mayhem.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Tough. How many times coming to Waterpalooza and losing on a team do you think it takes for Rich before he's just like, all right, I'm fucking done with this place? I mean, how many times is Brian going to rig him first before he realizes Waterpalooza is not the games? It doesn't have it rigged. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Rich has the games rigged? No, no, no, no. He's got the system rigged. Like, Rich will go into whatever category that he's going to be the fittest person in. You know what I mean? And there's not going to be equally as fit people. And, I mean, the team has always been like that oh wow that sounds fucked up but ddt god i can't believe
Starting point is 00:24:12 ken walters knows this uh in professional wrestling a ddt is any move in which the wrestler has the opponent in a front face lock inverted headlock and falls down or backwards to drive the opponent's head into the mat i didn't i haven't heard that term DDT in 30 years. I don't even know where he came from. The double dick takedown, baby. Yeah. The dirty dick takedown. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Did you know it, Caleb? I looked it up, but I know what it is now that I've seen it. It's a wrestling thing. Oh, my God, dude. Yeah. Yeah, there it is. That guy on top is getting the DDT. That's where you get in a guillotine and then go backwards.
Starting point is 00:24:45 When the guy in the comments said professional wrestling, I was thinking like wrestling, not WWE. Collegiate wrestling? I was like, that doesn't sound legal. Is collegiate not the correct word to use, guys? That's not what you said.
Starting point is 00:25:00 You said collegiate. Eat my fucking dick meat Mark Bell flew or Jake the Snake's move maybe it was I can't remember Jake the Snake yeah maybe yeah I guess I can kind of see that yeah I'm gonna give you guys the double dick takedown there was a video game
Starting point is 00:25:18 with the character called the Piranha and that was his move too I think so that was Alex Smith finishing up 15th. Is that Daddy's Angels? No, Smith Brothers. Okay, so they took 14th. No, Daddy's Angels is Chris Harris' team. Well, Chris Harris' team might be in last place, but they sure look good.
Starting point is 00:25:42 It's all about the looks, baby. It is for them chandler smith getting a towel and they smoked it hey did you see that you weren't allowed to use a towel to drive your ball why do you think that was i don't know even level the playing field i feel like they weren't even letting him wipe down the floor either we want to add in as much danger as possible I feel like the later
Starting point is 00:26:16 heats is more of a disadvantage to them yeah because it's so much wetter absolutely I'll show you two funny things right here uh deep take take down i'm gonna show you two funny moves here uh look at this uh athleticism on uh noah olsen's part on this uh there's gonna be a replay here here what man look at this now uh this next thing you're about to see uh tell me which athlete this is right uh here who's that brent for custom okay brent let me tell you somebody don't not run down
Starting point is 00:26:57 the ramp with your hands up like that buddy no way oh brent i love you it's too easy I'm sorry I do like you I'm sorry it's too easy I won't I'll leave you alone I'm why do I do that I can just hear him going he as he runs down the ramp he's never gonna come on the show if I keep doing that has he ever been on no but I like him and we I think yeah he did he was here for Hunter McIntyre Brent Fikowski yeah Brent Fikowski and Hunter McIntyre went at it on his show, and that's why he won't come back. Oh, wow. What?
Starting point is 00:27:30 You're saying that on this show. You mediated it. Okay, hold on a second. Let's see what's going on here with Mr. Smith. I mediated it? No, no, Sevan. Yeah, I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? No, I never had Brent in.
Starting point is 00:27:40 When Hunter McIntyre was at the games. Yeah. You had him and him and brent on oh oh like for the crossfit podcast yes oh shit i don't even remember that wow not not for waterpalooza but he's been on the podcast oh jiggy josh is saying that was armin's show ah ah he's culturally appropriating you with armin you can't tell two armenians apart yeah you can't tell holy shit holy shit this motherfucker picked lucy this motherfucker picked amy crinkle instead of lucy campbell and he picked armin hammer instead of sevamitosian you both look like
Starting point is 00:28:20 you got a gallon of life source in your hair and fucking wear glasses okay uh let's let's eavesdrop on that uh interview that mr spin is doing with matt sousa sorry sousa let us in on this shit who's he interviewing looks like that's my bad guys that's i like it i'm glad uh that is sousa let's hear this shit you guys aren't't going to be able to hear it because the music is so loud. Tell us what we can and can't hear. We can't hear shit. We could have Brian recap what he just did now that they killed the music. Let me see if I can get
Starting point is 00:29:05 can we pull up the leaderboards Mr. Caleb the women's leaderboards updated okay let's cruise on over there and let me see if I can send Ariel Lowen a do they have another event tonight I think there is one more event.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I mean, she's probably getting ready for it then. Let's see if we can get her on. Here we go. Oh, I think. Oh, maybe, maybe, maybe Suza already sent her a link. her link uh maybe i should i said uh you know if she doesn't respond i could always it would be cool to hear from uh rebecca fusli and see uh see how she's doing after the individuals okay uh looks like after uh three scores or, is that third event? Oh, it's in there.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Yeah. It's completely updated. Okay. So it looks like Katrin Mao and Miss Annie are in first place with 280 points. CrossFit Krypton, which I'm guessing is Laura Horvat, Gabby Mag magawa and jamie simmons are in second aka the humble killers is in third with 245 points which is carrie pierce arrow low and alex kazan awesome wow okay and uh well and in fourth place is the go uh no is the all All-American Girls, which is – oh, great. Brookwell's Amanda Barnhart, Christy Arama O'Connell.
Starting point is 00:30:48 So none of these are a surprise. In fifth place, the Go-Wod Girls. That's Jacqueline Dahlstrom, Sola's Sigger Daughter, and Emma McQuaid. Oh, great. I love this. Dennis – oh, he just used the wrong words. John, can you elaborate on your comment that Rich rigs the games? No, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Fine, go ahead. Are you saying that Rich is fucking cheating? He's paid someone off to win the games? No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying typically when Rich enters a competition, there is not anyone that's close to him in our level of fitness or his team. They're always supposed to win. They're never, there's never anybody close to him.
Starting point is 00:31:31 The only time was 2015 in team Invictus and they would have beaten him if their girl didn't tear ACL in an event. 2017, they lost to Wasatch Brute. Wasatch. lost to uh wasatch brute wasatch and then when you said from then on from then on he has basically been as close to we're the best and nobody's even close to us before the competition starts like there's just nobody close john is misconstruing the word rigged with he just only plays when he knows he can win unless it's cherry picks. Yeah. And I mean, every time he's come on water Palooza, there's been people just as fit.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I mean, last year Chandler mayor and Noah Olson, they, I mean the team, they were better than Rich's team and it showed Rich's team got fifth. Yeah. That's what they should be. That's what they should be. But, and I'm at use like in the games, like Rich just always ends up as soon as it gets hard he usually goes to a different category uh i don't think he meant
Starting point is 00:32:31 cherry picked or rigged i think he meant uh crack the code i think he's cracked the code you meant he cracked the code of the game didn't crack this you call it that no no not this code but he's cracked the code of the games he understands the the programming, the length of the event, who's the right people to pick peaking at that point in the season. That's right. That's what I, I, but rig did, uh, was a, uh, makes it seem like he was cheating. And I don't think John, I don't mean that in any way. No riches. Uh, one of the fittest guys in the world. Um, still right now,
Starting point is 00:33:03 he could be individual and he could make a run at top five i don't mean that at all bob jerome rich plays the system like he plays your mom bob and don't think i don't know who you are because i recognize your name from the youtube comments okay uh john always getting it yeah he's just a scapegoat scapegoat buddy scapegoat poor john not not poor he likes it john john is a giant callous and if you don't beat on him he gets soft he needs to be uh he's a big dude big show read him off read kins read kins because that one's that one's great no no ken walters ken walters oh oh okay hold on uh hey oh's gone game footage oh yeah there is none absolutely absolutely savage that's why that one needs to be up there i was really confused
Starting point is 00:33:54 for a second i was like um video games maybe yes and i mean i'm i'm honestly just bitter because i wanted him to stay longer so him and Mac could go against each other I always like real deal go against each other not do you think he knew he was going to lose I think that's why he left and I've always been bitter about it
Starting point is 00:34:16 I mean yes you want to spend more time with your family and all that but he still trains more than ever he still trains all day every day I don't think that's why i don't think that's why he left because the only reason and the only i like your theory but the only reason i say that's because he was talking about it for so long about when his family comes he's splitting absolutely and like and it's it's no you know i don't control anything i don't my opinion
Starting point is 00:34:39 means nothing absolutely nothing i just wish we could have got to see prime matt versus prime rich and he did he beat matt head to head well that's true at 2015 it's not prime matt yeah that's fair 2014 ed dos santos matt got second while eating pizza and going to school he knew what was coming that's my point exactly thank you uh there are a lot of stories about rich eating pizza five minutes before taking the floor uh thank you caleb you the man uh sweet dreams uh maybe we'll see you in 12 hours six hours if it's 12 hours yeah we'll see you in 12, 14 hours, 15 hours. Bye. What a stud.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Type one lifting. Oh, I thought that was Craig Howard for a second. His knees are bad. He might not be able to handle the crazy volume indie athletes do. I'm not talking about right now. Or is he talking about Waterpalooza? No, I think he's talking about, I think he was meant right now.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I think you read that right. Okay, let's take a quick look at uh the oh i guess i have to do it now god damn i'm on the leaderboard i'm on duty yeah let's look at the uh men's leaderboard and then elite team male okay oh no it's not updated is it female elite teams are updated yeah let's talk about the females and hopefully the males will update oh we already did we already talked about them can we go can we go can we go to the next workout yeah okay next workout is sync up in squat this one's gonna be really fun to watch. So I go over here to workouts. Hey, guys, how's the frame rate up in the warm-up area? Is it the same as it was earlier or is it a little bit better?
Starting point is 00:36:35 I can't answer. I'm trying to figure this out. It is a lot better where you're at right now. It looks pretty good. Perfect. Now it's slowing down a little bit that's okay what workout are we on for sync up and squat workout three you're on the are you on the qualifier so i want you're on the qualifier come on man what the fuck dude i can't work this shit i don't know i don't know where do you go to water palooza's
Starting point is 00:37:10 page what go to go to water palooza's page like not comp corner just regular water palooza and then go to athletes you're good dude workouts sync up and squat down down down left left left up up up no no where are you going where are you going right here sync up and squat one more day all right go to the left with your arrow right there holy shit he did it right there holy shit he did it that's it he's pissed at me okay let's do it let's talk about it so this is going to be one of those ones that i'm tripping on this is the one i'm tripping on yeah talk to Talk to me. Talk to me. So the workout is for time.
Starting point is 00:38:05 There's always going to be two athletes working at a time, performing movements in synchronization, and they can tag that third athlete in at any point and alternate. But when the two athletes are on the floor working, everything they're doing is synchro. So at three, two, one, go, they're going to start with 30 synchro muscle-ups. Athlete one is going to be on bar muscle-ups. Athlete two is going to be on ring muscle-ups. And they've got to get 30 total synchronized reps. Meaning at the top, it has to be locked out together.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Exactly. So what's going to happen is you guys are going to see the bar muscle-up athlete lock it out, hold for a second, waiting for the ring athlete. The ring athlete will lock it out, and then they'll come down and go again. After they finish their 30 synchro muscle-ups, one athlete working on the bar, one athlete working on the rings, facing each other, synchronizing at the top, they're going to move to two separate barbells. And remember, they can tag that third athlete in at any time and rotate as needed. And on the two barbells, one athlete's going to be on a squat snatch at 165 pounds for guys, 115 for ladies. And one athlete's going to be on a squat clean,
Starting point is 00:39:12 205 pounds for guys, 145 pounds for ladies. Again, they're synchronizing these two barbell movements. So at the top of every rep, the knees and hips are an extension together. So what's going to happen again is the person that snatches is going to snatch that weight. The person that cleans is going to stand up faster and they're going to wait at the top for the person to stand the snatch all the way up. Then they'll come back down for that next rep. You're most likely going to see singles on these reps with people pausing at the top to show lockout in synchronization. pausing at the top to show lockout in synchronization uh okay and uh when you squat snatch that and you catch it in the deep squat bar overhead and then you stand up you're you are suggesting the way you're describing the guy who did the clean will already be there waiting for you yes okay because it's a faster move okay and then and then what if
Starting point is 00:40:02 there's a failed rep then they have to do that rep over again. Both people. Yeah. I'm like, God, I hope this is a complete shit show. God, I hope I just, I hope I'm laughing and I would really enjoy this if this was just pure chaos. So after the thirties, they're going to go back through that sequence for 20 reps on the muscle ups and the barbell.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And then again, for 10 reps on the muscle ups and the barbell. So there's going to become a point, right? Where there's going to be some athletes who can't do the snatch anymore and they're going to be doing just like some really hardcore onesies so the person who's doing the clean is going to be uh i think it'll be more about the ring muscle barbell the barbell is going to be singles for every team. Yeah. It's just hard. You can't. This workout is incredibly to move fast, incredibly hard to move fast. No one will touch and go those snatches and cleans in those 30 reps. It will all be singles.
Starting point is 00:40:56 It would be a waste of energy to touch and go. Correct. You need it for the muscle-ups. To try to synchronize both of those movements and to hold on to a bar at that weight, sure. All of these athletes can do 10 squat snatches at 165 unbroken they can all do 10 squat cleans at 205 unbroken but to synchronize it with another athlete doing a different movement i don't see that happening in any metaverse or universe 60 muscle-ups too is going to be but it's not 60 per person it's going to be
Starting point is 00:41:23 20 per person if they can allocate the reps correctly. I guess that's fair. So you think the teams will come out there and every single bar will be dropped from the top? Yeah. Yeah. And that's probably going to be a shit show too. Andy, my dear, you jackass. Andy, my dear, you jackass.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I bet you I found that link faster than if I would have been me and Taylor yelling at John or me and John yelling at Taylor. They didn't even give me three fucking seconds. Cockwad. You know, fuck off to Travis. Senior moments. I'm not even a fucking boomer. I'm fitty okay where were we sorry i think this workout will come down to who can strength together the most muscle ups um who could hold the biggest sets and synchronize the most muscle ups because that's where your time is going to be made not so much in the barbell because everybody's going to be reduced to singles
Starting point is 00:42:24 and that in transitions uh the snatch weight uh significantly harder for the men than the uh for the women no i mean no it's about the same what's about the same the muscle up no no the snatch weight the difficulty oh yeah the snatch weight and the clean weight are going to be fine for these ladies if anything easier uh magnus uh holmgren i'm wondering why your search history showed white fat chicks why do you think i lost your mom's phone number okay uh okay so do we want to take a oh let's go let's check in with heidi here for a second let's check in with heidi here for a second
Starting point is 00:43:05 let's check in with heidi i keep forgetting i have to do all this now do you want to do early picks for this event savon do you have a car no no i don't drive myself i can't drive at night uh fuck yeah i have a car i have a Sienna. Don't you watch the show? You know what I drive. Hold on one second before we rip on me. Let's check in with Heidi. Heidi, what's going on here? Hey, so this is the, I believe, RX teams of men going.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I just thought you guys were talking about the sync moment. I just wanted to show kind of how they're doing it here. I don't see but are they sinking? I don't see the people sinking the cleans with those snatches. They are. They're standing up at the same time. Yeah, so the one guy has to hold it until the
Starting point is 00:43:56 other one gets to the top. Okay, so they're one in front of each other. I was picturing them being side by side. That's why I was a little slow to the gun. And how does the guy in the front know someone's One in front of each other. I was picturing them being side by side. That's why I was a little slow to the gun. Okay. And how does the guy in the front know someone's signaling him? He's waiting for the ref to signal? Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:44:17 It seems like the one with the snatch is usually slower than the clean. Okay. So, and that's the guy in the front. So, the guy in the back cleans it, and then he's kind of holding it until the snap is done. Okay, and it looks like they have some sort of system in place, like do five, rotate, do five, rotate. Yeah, and I saw with the women that some women teams were rotating, like they would just do one each and then rotate. Hey, does the person who's doing the clean usually walk forward to the snatch position? Is that how they rotate?
Starting point is 00:44:50 It seems that way. In the scale division, they were doing it the opposite, but I think that's just because they were a little less experienced. But like you see, this came to the left. The guy doing the clean just left, and his partner came in and did the clean. Okay, oh, they both left. Right. Okay, cool. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Yeah. And actually, I just want to say too, the stands are not full, but they're not letting anybody else in. Why do you think that is? I'm not exactly sure because there's a lot of room so like where we're sitting there's plenty of seats at least 20 people could sit just in the small area where we're sitting and they made an announcement like if you leave you're probably not getting back in at this point so okay uh let's uh let's check in with suza real quick uh suza any thoughts on uh matt yes yes i'm here any thoughts on why they wouldn't be letting more people in i have no idea but the line is
Starting point is 00:45:52 great it goes all the way back to where the uh actually like where we're very engaged and then you turn that's the longest i've ever seen anyway okay okay so all right well maybe they're well i don't know i can't think of any good reason they wouldn't let people in not salty not salty i'm having fun i'm just keeping myself and the boys awake not salty in the slightest happy to be here okay uh i don't think we need to uh i don't think we need to make, do you guys want to make picks? I was thinking we take a small. You're making picks when you're back? Yeah, let's make picks when he,
Starting point is 00:46:33 when the Heat won, when he has Heat's going. Okay. Okay, yeah, that's perfect. Okay, so we will, let's come on right when Heat 1 starts and let's wait till 545. Let's give ourselves 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:46:43 The leaderboard will be updated by then too. Okay. Guys, thank you. I know it was a short show. Uh, I know it was a pretty wild and crazy and aggressive and, uh, that's the way we like it. Uh, you have to know that what Taylor and John are doing is fucking insane. They're coming on here every single show of today. It's a, uh, and yesterday and the day before, and it's a shitload of work. Um,
Starting point is 00:47:05 we appreciate you guys being here. We definitely, if we had one viewer would not be doing this. So, so thank you for all chiming in. We love the comments. Uh, keep it fun,
Starting point is 00:47:13 hostile, and, we will see you guys in, uh, 30 minutes. Love you guys. Uh, Susan,
Starting point is 00:47:19 thank you, Heidi. Thank you. Uh, we'll see you guys all back in 30 minutes. Bye. Bye.

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