The Sevan Podcast - #764 - Live Call In | Ms Universe

Episode Date: January 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 um damn we're live i think they can they go upwards of a year sometimes sometimes i think usually it's as long as a year like that's the longest like have you ever met anyone who's been like not home for three years it was just like there no but i've heard stories of like contractors who just live out here yeah i think i think i met a guy who was uh he had been he's been deployed deployed for three or four years but he just lives out here like does he have a house and shit um i don't know i didn't know it was like in passing and there's got to be dudes who start second second families out there too if you're a contractor like you have a wife and you have a wife and kids here and a wife and kids there
Starting point is 00:00:45 probably yeah wow that must get complicated yeah the uh what there's i've heard of more than one divorce that's going to be occurring when they get home oh good times holy shit i can't believe how many people are listening 34 incredible what a show this morning. Tom Guerin, Bruce Wayne, Corey. Hi, Heidi. Good morning, Heidi. Heidi, Heidi, Heidi.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Heidi, did you make it home? Colin Lawrence, hi. Welcome back to reality. All you Florida traveling CrossFit junkies. Brandon Waddell. Ken O'Connor, good morning. Morning from the biker. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Jessica Valenzuela. Always nice to see you, Miss Jessica.Connor. Good morning. Morning from the biker. Good morning. Jessica Valenzuela. Always nice to see you, Miss Jessica. Judy Reed. Good morning, friends. Bumped to not have any competition to watch today. No, no, it's fine. We're good. The Moral Spiegel from the Miss Universe pageant.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I almost stopped saying, referring to Danny Spiegel as the beacon of moral authority because I felt like they were trying to take it from me and I was going to let them have it. They were leaning into it and kind of embracing it, and so I was going to stop saying it. And then I was like, it's too good. I can't stop. I can't stop. I won't stop. Austin Martin, Corey Leonard.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Hi, Alan Kestenbaum. Did I fight with you yesterday, Alan? I feel like me and you got into it. I mean, in a good way. Austin Hartman, I'm always fighting with you. Audrey, good morning. Badass Audrey. Mr. Butter.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Dina Miller. Matt Schindeldecker. Hi, Matt. Good morning. Joe Willman. I feel like I'll swear less now that I know Matt's here. Mr. Schindeldecker. Sean Jaws.
Starting point is 00:02:31 What? John Jaws. We are Sean Jaws. We are rich bros. The holy cow. Naeem. This is more than 34 people. I thought I could read everyone's name.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I can't. Sean Sullivan. Naeem. Naeem. hasim uh you gave away caleb's location by saying what time it was by him yesterday still don't think that gives you any information uh gives you an idea i guess go get his autograph jay ruffner hola dina martinez you know what's funny is i don't um it is true i didn't think you guys knew this but one time either you or suza said i love it how you click on them even before you read them
Starting point is 00:03:10 and i do that i don't know why but some just catch me i probably saw that guy's name name and i'm like i just automatically like picture him like in africa somewhere so i'm like oh i wonder what he has to say and then i click it did you know i do that i click them before i even read them yeah sometimes i like you click it and i've already read the comment yeah i'm like oh i get a little worried that you're gonna read oh boy no fights for real in here seve no more uh of fight no more of a fight it was a friendly band yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you, Mr. Keston, Keston, Keston bomb. Guys, I was thinking about this no plan B thing when I put this shirt on this morning and I was thinking about how it is, is that it's really just I, I, you need to have things in your life that are a hundred percent non-negotiable. On Sundays, no matter what, I don't eat. I did not eat yesterday. I even told
Starting point is 00:04:08 myself leading up to last Sunday to yesterday, hey, Sevan, because you've stopped eating at 6 p.m. every day now, you don't have to fast on Sundays. And Sunday came and it's non-negotiable. I didn't eat. It doesn't matter. It's non-negotiable. It's non-negotiable. It's non-negotiable that I do a podcast every morning at 7am. It's non-negotiable. That's the same as no plan B. I'm just putting another spin or perspective on it. And why should you have these non-negotiable things? And some people have non-negotiable things like I'll go to all my kids' sporting events. That's not one of mine. If it comes between this podcast and one of my kids' sporting events, I do this podcast. Not open to discussion or modification. Yeah. If it comes to like my parents will be at my house, my dad will be at
Starting point is 00:04:57 my house, and it'll be Christmas, and they'll be like, oh, come on, Sevan, just eat it Sunday. No, I don't. It's non-negotiable. It's non-negotiable. There is no wiggle room. And here's why. These things that I've chosen that are non-negotiable, that there's no plan B, they only lead to better things. So when I started CrossFit, it wasn't non-negotiable. But because I did CrossFit, I had to quit smoking because the two couldn't coincide together. And so when you have these things that are non-negotiable, no plan B, and you've chosen the right thing, it will push away other things that don't help you get towards your goal. Jorge Fernandez, it's non-negotiable. He does not drink alcohol because he has no plan B in regards to the sport that he's pursuing, which is CrossFit, and the two cannot live together. I just, before the show started, I forgot my socks.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And I ran back in the house to get socks. And while I was in there, I threw down a shot of espresso. And I think I fucking torched my throat. Not bad. Like, it didn't hurt, like, too bad. But I'm like, ooh, I drank that a little too fast. You have to have a no plan B. You have to have some no plan b shit in your life if you want to get better you don't have to what am i saying i'm just telling you it works so well and it's scary i like i i did not want to um there's huge chunks of me that always want to
Starting point is 00:06:39 like quit this podcast but i can't there isn't a there's i can't it would be so stupid it's non-negotiable it's only 7 to 8 30 i'm living a fucking dream life i'm done at 8 30 i have an excuse to look at social media um caleb i forgot to send you this i saw this the other day and um i didn't i haven't actually watched the whole thing i'm going to put it in the private chat i'll watch it with everyone for the first time but i saw this and i was like is this real i can't believe this is almost looks like a joke it says um what let me read it first here it says a police fitness nutrition i don't have much of a backstory to this video but it seems like once again untrained citizens utilizing what seems to be extremely
Starting point is 00:07:32 excessive force making a sensational world star viral video and at times being hailed as heroes in the meantime i'm scratching my head like what let me be the one to scream out this shit is not fucking cool get trained understand circumstances and consequences. Okay. So these are, it looks like these are two guys. I watched about 15 seconds of this and then just saved it over here. And I was like, okay, I got to show Caleb this. This is, this is, and I would love to know what you guys are doing.
Starting point is 00:08:03 That's a no plan B non-negotiable. I would love to know what you guys are doing that's uh no plan b non-negotiable i'd love to know well let me see what audrey frazier quit 9 11 2012 oh smoking yes it's so just you know why smoking so bad because it haunts you you stop being able to enjoy the cigarettes and you just want to start thinking about when you're going to die. What a fucked up habit. Casey Barbour, coverage this weekend was epic. Thank you for all you guys do. Hey, thank God for things like Wadapalooza. No one should.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Thank God, because I was just looking at all our stats this morning and same with Rogue and this event and the CrossFit games. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have a podcast. I mean, let's just face it. Like those just skyrocket my numbers. I mean, it's nuts how, uh, it it's not, it's nuts how unsuccessful this podcast is. And yet in the world of podcasting, it's like one of the biggest podcasts out there. It's bizarre. There are so many times there's so many podcasts that would just like a thousand listeners a month uh victor brown 1999 for all the coverage this past weekend at water palooza thanks dude you've been so generous victor uh seve and the crew keep crushing uh the game thanks okay so it's two guys what where do they're just at a like a bus station yeah it looks like a or it's like in an intersection
Starting point is 00:09:25 maybe and is that one guy barefoot or in socks or is he on his tippy toes what's he doing in the blue shirt he's in socks i think his shoes are right here and there's a bunch of stuff on the ground and this looks like this is being filmed from a oh they're in the street in between a bus and a car someone's filming this from their car. That's a side mirror. Yeah, I think so. Okay, fair enough. Here we go. Man, stop that shit, man. Damn!
Starting point is 00:09:54 Okay. Get your ass on, boy! What is he on? Man, stop that shit, man. Damn! So a security guard with a weightlifting background. Picks this guy up and slams him on the ground. I don't think that guy's head hit the ground, did it? No, it was like the top of his back.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I'm sure his head hit the ground, too, but it looked like it was. What if that's the bus driver no this i think that is the bus driver dude i think that guy who picks him up is the bus driver i think that's it i think that is the bus driver yeah yeah i could see that like he's got the yeah hey you think he's tripping that he just killed that dude maybe like oh shit that wasn't necessary i don't think he killed him think he's tripping that he just killed that dude, maybe? Like, oh, shit, that wasn't necessary. I don't think he killed him, but he's definitely fucked him up pretty good. Yeah. Because the guy looks up from the ground, like he picks his head up. And just from that guy's physique, he looks like a crackhead.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I mean, I'm jumping to a huge conclusion here. But what I'm seeing is that the guy in the blue is just some normal, everyday, regular dude, and some crackheads approached him and uh oh and that guy does the guy in the blue get is he going to walk in front of the bus or is he going to get on the bus i feel like he might be getting on the bus whenever they were fighting on the bus and then finally the driver stopped him and then he got out and was like this is bullshit and then took got out and was like this is bullshit and then took him out god uh victor brown chicago bus drivers are ready so the guy who's watching this is saying like
Starting point is 00:11:32 it's excess oh let's see what ian smith fitness says i asked this guy to come on the show a bunch he never responded to me uh excessive force yes law of the jungle dictates that's bound to happen i find it hard to believe the dude who got dunked like that hadn't done something out of line doesn't make it right to suplex uh city him no but fuck around and find out yeah i'm so many people need uh to learn that lesson fuck around and find out i don't i i don't fuck around i don't fuck around maybe it's because i have kids but like i love when people try to like posture up against somebody else and then they make a fool of themselves like some one
Starting point is 00:12:14 of my buddies was talking about how he was just staring eye to eye with another guy yeah there's a guy just kept looking at him so my buddy just kept staring at him trying to like big dick him yeah and then finally he just he had like a drink in his hand he just kept staring at him trying to like big dick him yeah and then finally he just he had like a drink in his hand he just kept walking and finally he like ran into a pylon and like spilled his drink everywhere your buddy yeah yeah i did that in college i did i tried to stare down like five cops riding by on a bike i was sitting at an outside uh diner 30 minutes later i found myself in the back of a cop car it's like for an unpaid for an unpaid uh what they said was an unpaid uh dog off leash ticket which i had paid but you're right you're right
Starting point is 00:12:51 i fucked around i found out what happened there's no need for that you might as well no like they're leaving you alone you leave them alone yeah exactly but you have the right to stare at them okay cool you have also the right to go to jail, too. Bye, Sevan. He walked – oh, look, here we go, Trish. You want a piece? He walked up behind a guy who weighed 100 pounds and dropped him on his head for words. Stupid. Okay, that's true. Maybe it was just words. That's true.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I don't know what happened before that. I think that exactly that's what you're saying. I think it was an unthreatening, non-threatening crackhead who every six hours steals something. You're right. I think it's a non-physically threatening crackhead who steals something from someone every six hours to maintain. That would be my guess. pounds dropped him on his head for words i agree then i'm also going to add uh if this is like a mad lib story let's also add that uh he's a he's a chronic thief and uh and and chronically talking shit to people uh barry mccawkenner uh remember the gym that ian smith belonged to that he kept open during the pandemic he does not belong there anymore and him and the owner had a falling out well yeah no shit right i mean i don't know what happened but it makes sense every gym gym owners have a falling out hey uh we were supposed to have the cockootery guy on and he texted us late last night we rescheduled for the 23rd by the way i am not sure if this is actually going
Starting point is 00:14:19 to happen but i think possibly from the 24th to the 27th there will not be a podcast i cannot believe that yet because i don't think i've taken a day off in seven million days and or one year to be exact but um by day off i don't mean like a vacation i don't want to take a day off i just i need to reword that i need to figure out a way to word that better but so so but uh it looks like i have this opportunity to take my kids up to tahoe there's a a place there called woodward like a woodward skate camp up in truckee and i'm having an opportunity to take my kids there for four or five days and i don't know what the podcast situation is going to be like up there. Maybe I just take my laptop and just do live calling shows and fuck around. Do you like how I do it?
Starting point is 00:15:10 I know. Shut it. I know. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I hear you. Riley S. Didn't Sevan just go on a wild diatribe about no plan B? Yeah, I hear you. on a wild diatribe about no plan b yeah i hear you but that no plan b has what's made it possible for this uh woodward thing to uh happen maybe i don't know uh woodward is fucking dope yeah and maybe it will happen uh no austin please don't take four days off this show is non-negotiable i knew he knew it i knew it i dropped the soap and ten of you want a piece of my ass i love it you guys are such scumbags it's never safe in here this is not a safe this is not a safe space i should yeah i should space
Starting point is 00:15:55 those stories out a little bit right now fuck a family tell my kids my kids all the time why do you have to do a podcast yeah because i buy you legos dipshit that's why um i i wanted uh 353 i've been really thinking about this donald trump thing when he owned the miss universe pageant and he said that uh yeah uh don't you like grabbing a pussy and it's a trip and And I want to be completely honest with everyone out there. I know most of you guys listening to the show know this, but the truth is this, every good man has that in him. And the problem is, is that every good man has that in him to grab the pussy thing, not to actually do it, but to say that like, like you don't have to grab the pussy thing not to actually do it but to to say that like like you don't have to grab the pussy but i could you know i could caleb and i could be at the bar and a girl could walk
Starting point is 00:16:49 in and you know be like oh god i'd love to motorboat that chick that motorboat by the way for those of you who are old and don't know shit that's when you put the your face in the boot and the the problem is is that none of us want a guy like that for our daughter. Can you please read the quote of exactly what he said? Fine. OK, well, can you pull the Trump? I grabbed the pussy quote up. So so I was thinking about J.R., right? J.R. is a daughter. And like he like you don't want you want a strong, powerful, wealthy man who's kind and loves your daughter to marry your daughter. And yet what makes a man like that is that grab the pussy thing too.
Starting point is 00:17:35 And obviously that thing evolves as you get older. Like I don't have that grab the pussy thing in me anymore. evolves as you get older. Like, I don't have that grab the pussy thing in me anymore. It just, I don't know where it went, but it changes. It's like, grab the pussy is like green fruit on a tree. I'm more of a, I'm a ripe apple now. It's immature.
Starting point is 00:18:14 It's, sure, Jay Hartle, healthy sex drive. Yeah, that could be – thank you guys because I haven't thought this out, so I appreciate the help. Bad take, Sebi. What do you mean bad take? I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there and she was married. I'm automatically attracted to beautiful. This is guy talk. I moved on her like a bitch, so he was making fun automatically attracted to beautiful so this is guy talk i moved on her like a bitch so he was making fun of himself yeah this is guy talk and she was married you know i'm automatically attracted to beautiful um hey that's every that's every healthy human being by the way i've never read this before so i hope i'm not uh going down a dark alley i just started kissing them it's like a magnet well, you can't just kiss anyone you want. That's not the rules.
Starting point is 00:18:49 But that desire could be there. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. And so this is reality. If you take this piece out of men, what you get on the other side of it, the grass is not greener on the other side of the hill.
Starting point is 00:19:21 The grass is not greener. So what you have to do is you have to mitigate this. You have to, you have to a typical, um, a harmless locker room talk. But the thing is, is we don't want to hear it from our president and we don't want to hear it
Starting point is 00:19:34 from the guy who marries our daughter. It's tricky, but, but here's, here's, here's where I'm going with this. If you, you have to mitigate that.
Starting point is 00:19:42 But if you try to stop that or try to cut it out of a man what you will end up is with is the the uh man that just bought the miss america pageant you will go from a man who really is really uh excited about his fame and the opportunities it's open for him to be intimate with women to a man who's turned himself into a woman who is now going to let other men enter your sport, the Miss Universe pageant. Those are the kind of things that happen when you try to fucking stop the world's largest river. You build a dam, and you think you're going to stop the world's largest river from going downstream, and you are not. You are not. And you may think you stopped it.
Starting point is 00:20:28 You may change it for a second. But what you're going to do is you're going to end up with a lot of other problems. Sean Sullivan, he wasn't president when he said it. Fair enough. Yeah, stop it or tame it. Yeah, there has to be – right, right. There has to be some – you just have to be careful trying to retard or stop or plug this thing up that's what he said now you have a man who's bought the miss universe pageant who says he's a woman who's letting men compete in the contest and and i was trying to
Starting point is 00:21:15 figure out what why everyone can't see it and i in caleb i'd love to get your opinion on this is the reason why they i can't see their perspective is because they make the presupposition. They accept the fact that if you're a woman, if you're a man and you transition to a woman, you're now a woman. And that's where we differ. And so they think they're doing something for all women and feminists because they really believe that that man is a woman and I don't. And that's where we go on divergent paths. Yeah, I think you're right. That's it, right? That's where the problem is. Yeah. Because whenever, um, I guess when I've just,
Starting point is 00:21:52 when I've talked with people who are transgender or people who have just like read up about it, they just believe that they now are a woman. If they're, if they were, if they're genetically a man, they will, and they wish to now be addressed as a woman as if they've always been one. That part I'm cool with. It's the part that if they're really a woman. Right. No, that's what I'm saying. They are a woman.
Starting point is 00:22:19 So whatever they're doing is to help progress womankind. Yeah, it's a trip. So it would be the same if I ran a red light and hit a car, but I demanded in court that, hey, for me, red is green, and so it's not my fault. Yeah, okay. Right? I'm like changing. Did that make sense to you it like so so we all we all see a man and then six months later he's a woman but we still know it's a man we know what you can't
Starting point is 00:22:54 change that it's like at home you just you can't no matter what you can't change it but it wants to be called a woman but we're like oh so we can be like, okay. You can't change the definition of the word, but you can change the representation of it I guess. Is that kind of – Well, you can even change the definition of the word, just the – there's – some things are just facts I feel like. Okay, yeah. Like I'm more certain that you're a man than I am the earth is round. If I had to like – one of these is you have to put all your money in one basket of which one's true. Is Caleb a man or is the earth round?
Starting point is 00:23:32 Caleb's a man. Just have more data points for it. Sure. But once I see you're a man, for some reason, I can't get my head wrapped around the fact of ever believing you're actually a woman. I'm willing to just if you dressed up as Batman for Halloween and halloween and you said hey seven can you just call me batman all halloween i really want to get in the character i'd be like no problem buddy yeah i see what you're saying but you're not batman yeah i'm never going to be exactly batman yeah it's i it's like you're you're you're honoring the wishes but you know in the back of your head
Starting point is 00:24:05 like that's never going to be the case like no matter how much speech therapy you go to no matter how much how much hormone blockers or testosterone you're taking like you will always be what was created initially yeah yeah like if you have a basketball and you empty it and you empty it out with air and then you fill it up with sand and make it a slam ball, that's actually more of a slam ball than a man who's turned himself into a woman. Chopping off your penis is a pretty drastic move. I appreciate the effort. Yeah, I don't. It's no plan B. Hey, that's no plan b hey that's no plan b it's like you're you are really selling
Starting point is 00:24:47 yourself out to be a woman if that's what you're doing that nuclear waste guy really does look like uh taylor i agree i i so agree that was perfect yeah so i that's where we differ that that that's why we can't communicate the two sides can't communicate because we don't accept the fact that they're women like that they have women chromosomes and they really and they do so they make that leap and then now they think they're doing they're fighting for women's rights oh this should be this should be interesting okay bill speak to me brother so this is the this is the conversation i'd like to start okay is you know we we like to think oh we can turn the clock back to 2005 or 2011, you know, when it was, you know, Hey, two men could marry
Starting point is 00:25:47 each other, but, uh, you know, we weren't touching the kids yet. Right. But what I want to challenge us is a true reorientation of reality, because once we accepted that a man could be with a man, we could call that marriage, then we were already on the slippery slope. And to answer the question of pretending a male can be a female, we also have to answer the question of two men pretending that they can be married or two women can be married. You can't have one without the other. The pride flag, right? The trans pride flag started with the original pride flag. And that's the, these are the flags that are now flying across our embassies around the
Starting point is 00:26:33 world. Just, just throwing that out there as to how. You think there should be a, you think there should be a different word for people who are gay who get married? I don't think it's marriage. Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Oh, I never thought of it like that. Is that really the definition? Did they change the definition of it? Did they change the definition of it? It used to be that was in the definition, that it has to be a penis and a vagina? Of course, the Defense of Marriage Act in 1995, much less the book of Genesis.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Male and female, he created them. That's definitely a biblical thing. I don't necessarily think that's a government thing. But if it was a death... But first of all, we were a Christian country. have asked anyone before you know the 60s at the very least that um if if there was something the government could rule that the church could not the church could not or or that religion could not defined by google was marriage ever defined by sex hey will this is this is off subject a little bit but i want to tell you one other thing i don't have this isn't scientific proof by the way either but if you think for a
Starting point is 00:27:50 second that straight men are are if you think straight men are like over sexualized or what donald trump has said like grabbing a woman's pussy you can do that when you're famous is over sexualized there's nothing keeping gay men in check i have nothing i have no problem with gay men you have to know that but they're the most over sexualized part of the population by far no doubt what keeps a man in check is being around fucking women the unchecked sexual energy and crazy shit that goes on in the gay community when you just have men is fucking other level so before you start checking straight white men just start checking all gay men if you just have men is fucking other level so before you start checking straight white men just start checking all gay men if you if you want to go down that path of just fucking
Starting point is 00:28:29 people's lives up stay away from straight men gay men are fucking out of fucking control everything is either make money or ejaculate now of course that's a sweeping generalization but relative to us straight men who got girls keeping us in check like let me tell you gay men that is just one giant sex stew at least a non-gay man we got in our sex too we got some other shit like opening doors and crap i'm not fucking i'm not joking i'll take your word for it i i i uh you know that that's and that's my frustration with with donald trump too. Right. Oh, you're right. The original definition is from 1891. OK, so I found it in the dictionary. So they had marriages, the state of the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband and wife is a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. OK, so that is the definition. And just like the mRNA, they now call that a vaccine.
Starting point is 00:29:22 They change the definition. They change the definition of marriage. Okay. Well, and so we have to reorient our calculus because, you know, we've started to grow up. Our kids are now starting to grow up where marriage can be anything. Because if there's no root in what the definition you just read or the book of Genesis, as I would even say, or many parts of the New Testament, then marriage is meaningless. A union has to have a limit in order to have meaning because whatever nature of consent or liberty, that is limitless because you can't then reasonably exclude other kinds of unions based on those definitions.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And so you have to anchor yourself into what is true about man and woman inherently. Do you have an issue then of giving people who like having the same genitalia rubbed in their face as opposed to opposite genitalia? opposite genitalia um do you have an issue giving them a different word but that also allows them to get the benefits by of the law of what us married people get like i don't know what those benefits are i just made that up maybe it's not benefits but but you feel the spirit of what i'm saying right like we'll give them something called marriage x and i understand what you i understand now they get to file their taxes together or whatever the fuck my wife does that makes us married. Well, I would argue there's a lot more that makes you married. And that's why I would not – we cannot affirm something that is contrary to the natural law in our civic law.
Starting point is 00:30:58 And we should – our civic law should be oriented to the moral law. I want to disagree with you so bad, but you're right, because that goes back to what I was saying originally. Anytime we fuck with our natural law, it's worse on the other side. The grass is not greener on the other side of the hill. and respect that anchors public policy and how we treat each other. But that doesn't mean we have any less of an obligation to truth and to, to how society is ordered. And that is man, man and woman having children who propagate the species and make for a properly ordered life, both as a family and as a community. And we have, we have just, we have destroyed that because at the center of society is not that anymore. It can be, it can be the Buddha judges who manufacture a baby with another woman and tear and bring them and take those babies from their mother at the moment of birth
Starting point is 00:31:59 that is legal and acceptable and a moral choice that our society approves of. God, I have issues with dudes owning babies, but without a woman. Exactly. I wish I could explain them. I'm not comfortable talking about them, but I, I, I, I just, for some reason, dudes with babies, just, I don't. Well, I mean, I'll, I'll, I'll keep the, uh, the more perhaps, you know, scandalous metrics and what's, what's true about how that could go wrong. I might, for some reason, maybe it's because I was raised, you know, uh, you know, I only saw my dad on the weekends mostly. I mean, great dad,
Starting point is 00:32:32 but I would, if I, if me, me or my wife has to die and the kids have to be left with someone, even though the stats show it's better to be left with the dad, I leave him with the mom. I don't want, I don't, I leave him with the mom. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know about that, but I mean, I'm, I'm an adult child, a divorce and I, I, I it's, it's destroyed me even though my, you know, my, my parents split when I was 17 or 18. Oh, wow. So, you know, it's, it's, I I'm doing just fine, but it's, it has that effect on people when, when that order, that, that, uh, that order, that core unit is dismantled. And it's dismantled with the approval of the state and of our laws.
Starting point is 00:33:14 So that opens a whole other discussion because it's not just about gay marriage. It's about no-fault divorce. It's about a host of other policies that I think are problematic. hosts of other policies that, uh, I think are problematic. This is relevant because we, we've just accepted things as, as our parlance, um, and, and we should all give it a pause, but, uh, I'll, uh, I'll pause there. Thank you. Have you ever seen that movie? Have you ever seen that movie?
Starting point is 00:33:41 Young guns? No, I haven't from 1990, the nineties. You should watch it with Emilio Estevez. It's about Billy the Kid. Oh, cool. And I'm wondering if you watched it if you'd want to change your name to Billy. Well, there are probably some. It's never stuck, though.
Starting point is 00:33:54 There's a line in there where he looks at a guy and he says, smile, I'll make you famous. Meaning, like, if you draw your gun, I'm going to kill you, but at least you'll be famous.
Starting point is 00:34:03 It's such a good line. Okay. I love you. Thank you for calling, Mr. but at least you'll be famous it's a great it's such a good line okay i love you thank you for calling uh mr william see you guys stay safe bye he didn't get a kiss you just gotta buy uh okay so i just want to show you 353 uh this is speaking of this is this is this is man i'm gonna show you maybe just be very quiet and listen this is man. I'm going to show you. Just be very quiet and listen. This is man in his natural habitat. Just watch. Here's man. Be very careful. Listen.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Look it. There's man. Look it. There he is doing what men do. Watch again. Watch again. Just normal man shit. There it is.
Starting point is 00:34:45 A beer. Maybe that's an orange juice with some vodka. Some guys on a field playing some sport. Other dudes checking out your chick. And you're just chilling. Just chilling. Man in his natural habitat. Enjoy.
Starting point is 00:35:04 If you can't accept that then then this is dude caleb right this is guy yeah it's definitely i mean she's definitely just wanting him to be attached to her yeah she's hitting on and she's hitting on another man while put keeping her hands on her man she just i said how much money do you make a year no i'm joking they ruined a good bit but that's that's just a guy that's just guy and i whether it's right or wrong or it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't matter it's like gravity just just man that's just man do you want one or not you don't have to have one but don't but don't don't try to change the man because i'm telling you it only gets worse
Starting point is 00:35:52 we do shit like turn into women and then we'll take your shit uh bill needs a tug you mean like a handy yeah handy do i think a hand will a handy would do will good he's wound tight yeah my parents are divorced and gays are bad in words. He's just working through some shit. Just like he's – he's got a different kind – he's a no plan B guy. He's unnegotiable on some shit. He's working through it. Hey, maybe that's the kind of guy that like, you know, one day like his car's dangling off the side of a cliff and someone reaches in and gay dude reaches in and grabs him by his penis and saves his life and it changes his whole perspective. But until then, like we need people like Will, clear thinkers towing the line.
Starting point is 00:36:38 He's not out there saying burn gay people. I'm telling you, man, these church people, we fucking need them. I'm not fucking around hey i'm gonna i'm gonna show you something too here in a second it's gonna explain very clearly why we need the church people why they're so fucking important do you think that's just because he like hasn't experienced outside of his little circle or do you think he just was raised that way that's what he like all of us he's just watching life and filtering it through his own eyes and obviously he has some strong convictions on what works and what doesn't
Starting point is 00:37:10 work and he and he part of him is is like fuck some of the shit that i went through doesn't work and so he's right and so and and now he probably embraced the the lord jesus christ his savior and and the apostle dudes and that book. And it's probably helped his life. And so he's like, it's like, you know, it's his CrossFit. He's like, fuck, this shit works. And there's so much bad shit in the world that the Bible clearly stands against. I don't know if stands against is the right word, but doesn't want around. And so it makes that book very, very poignant now. Right. Let's say there's a book that's so fucked up, right? I've never read mind comp, right? But let's say there's a fucking disease that's killing everyone on planet earth. It's a virus. And in mind comp, the cures in there, then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:37:54 it validates all the other shit that's in the book too. You know what I mean? And we have a mental sickness that's ravaging the fucking United States right now. I don't know about the planet. And this book got some answers for us. And so, like, all the people who read that book are like, yeah, the whole book's actually good, right? You should see our dude with long hair. He can turn water into wine. Yeah, it's interesting how whenever you look at, like, the Nazi scientists and the people who are the bad bad guys essentially were, uh, brought over to the United States and helped develop like the nuclear bomb.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Right. Right. Like the, I mean, it's, I'm not, I don't know if it's like a swerving and ethics or a different, just interpreting things differently or, but when somebody is able to help you with your pet project or your whatever it is, then you're able to look at them in a different light. Hey, isn't it? Isn't it? Hi, Corey. Good morning. Isn't it ironic? So we had the guy on the show who wrote that book, Ravenous, the history of Otto Warburg. Otto Warburg was a gay Jewish fucking scientist living in Nazi Germany. He was the only Jew that wasn't killed or killed or kicked out of the country. And fucking Hitler hated homosexuals and hated Jews. But Hitler let him stay in the fucking country because Hitler was terrified of dying of cancer. And this guy was the leading cancer researcher. This guy then
Starting point is 00:39:18 goes out and finds out that cancer is a fucking metabolic disease and wins a couple Nobel prizes for it, one which he wasn't allowed to get. He's also the father of photosynthesis. That's the thing fucking plants do, right? Meanwhile, at that point in time, all of science, oncology, and all of fucking cancer research refuses to look at cancer as a metabolic disease. Refuses to look at cancer as a metabolic disease. And it's not until fucking the biggest movement we've had since then that sees cancer as a metabolic disease is CrossFit. And that's what Greg was saying. Hey, it's a metabolic disease.
Starting point is 00:39:55 It's a lifestyle disease. And that guy wanted to fuck it. And so we spent a trillion dollars going in the wrong direction. And was it because it was funded by Hitler? I don't fucking know. But Hitler hated gays and Jews, but he still kept his fucker around because he knew this dude was on to something i mean the whole thing is and then we did the whole thing with covid by the way i saw an article this morning that fucking oh i'm gonna say it that fucking bitch when who we've seen on cnn the asian lady who talks like a fucking ai robot who was like hey we can't we can can't let people start eating in restaurants and going out in public yet because it incentivizes them too early before.
Starting point is 00:40:30 That's the only thing we have to leverage people getting the vaccine. She is now fucking admitting that between 10 and 30, sorry, between 70 and 90 percent of the people who were in the hospital who were reported to die of covid. Did not die of covid that they were in there and had covid but that they didn't die of covid it's it's we live in that's in the uh that was in the daily mail today by the way if anyone wants to read that article uh hi cory how are you you still taking calls about people who have big dicks always god it's my favorite subject. All right.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Well, I'll save that one for later. I have a question. So first, I think we have to thank our sponsors for this weekend. California Hormones and Paper Street. Awesome coverage. Yes. Yes. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Yeah. California Hormones is awesome. They paid for everything. Sousa's Hotel Room Flight. They're so fucking cool all right well i'm trying to still find you some more i'm i'm trying to get on board um you're a good when when did you start down the path of non-negotiables i want to say one thing for you if you don't think that this podcast will help your business if you're thinking about sponsoring this podcast
Starting point is 00:41:43 and you don't think this podcast will help your business a call call gabe call the guy who owns paper street coffee you fucking idiots that are sponsoring other shit you are fucking yourself let's check at that yeah you're throwing your fucking money away you don't think that it's this is smart money putting into this podcast go ask gabe call gabe paper street coffee Coffee. Gabe Pablo Escobar Maldonado. I don't know his last name. Maldonado? Maldonado? He's the dude with the CEO shirt, and he's cool as shit.
Starting point is 00:42:14 You want to see how a guy leveraged a podcast to make his shit fly? Hi. Okay, go ahead. What were you saying? Oh. I've always just been like that. I was like Forrest Gump, right? So I just didn't care.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I just, for some reason, so it basically went like this. Once I was homeless and I cracked the code on that, then you kind of just don't. So everyone in this world wants to do three or four things. I'm just making this up. Feel me, Corey, on this, though. Everyone in this world wants to do three things. They want to breathe, and they want to eat, and they want shelter, and then they want sex, right? And maybe shelter and sex are interchangeable, right? So once I realized I could be homeless, I freed up something that most people will never free up in their life. Ever, ever, ever. So I freed that up. I freed that up, and I freed sex up. I used to do practice like not ejaculating. And so now all I have to do is breathe and eat and I work on fasting now too. So when I start – when I don't have those – when I don't lean on those things or rely on those things as much as someone else does, I'm freed of so many shackles that come with what other people accept as shackles as as laws that they
Starting point is 00:43:27 must live under as rules i don't have i i've learned to break some of those shackles and what happened is is during them so then if i'm not worried as much about sex and eating and shelter as the next guy and i have this kind of discipline and habits, this Forrest Gump mentality, then I can fucking do anything. So when I was living in my motorhome making shows for ESPN that I directed, wrote, filmed, edited, did the voiceover commentary. And so when I ran into the opportunity with Greg Glassman for a year, I could just work for free. I didn't give a fuck. I didn't worry about all that other dumb shit. I see people worried about how much they're going to get paid what their 401k is um nothing and um and so i was able to just work just just fucking work and turn in a video every single fucking day and just out just out out hustle everyone and and when you do
Starting point is 00:44:21 that and you're with a startup you also i appreciate the question when you do that and you're with a startup, you also – I appreciate the question. When you do that and you're a startup, what you also get is I was getting on-the-job training. So I've been interviewing people now for 30 years on accident. Yes, since I was – yeah, almost 30 years on accident every single day of my fucking life. And so the plan – and then now that I'm older, I don't – I'm not as free. I put the shackles back on me because of these three kids. But I can parlay that mentality of, hey, I can fake it. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, but I think the way you say it too is contextualizing those.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Outside looking in, people would see those maybe as failures, right? Like you give me an example. What do you mean? What do you mean? Oh, like being homeless is a failure. Yeah. Like maybe, maybe having a bad interview or being homeless or not having shoes or all of those things that contextualize as, well, that's not the story of success. And you know, your ability to contextualize that as they're so confused, bro. I'm on my way there. Yeah, they're so confused.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Here's the thing. If you if you if you are not in I'm not preaching you. I know you don't know this. If you're not if you're not drink, if you're not addicted to drinking or any drugs and then you have been there, done that. Yeah. And you're free from all of those things nicotine um like no explode and if you're free from all of that uh you are you are on a there's there's nothing that you're doing that is uh you should consider yourself a fucking winner already and just realize look at what you have holy shit i'm free the most value you have to go caleb yeah love you bye yeah the most valuable thing we have is fucking our freedom by far oh my god where's caleb i miss him already and so people don't um so someone wrote in one of hillar's comments i i said some some guy attacked
Starting point is 00:46:18 hillar in the comments and i said basically i wrote back i don't remember what i wrote but i said who the fuck are you and there he is there's andrew right there someone wrote uh who the fuck are you or i wrote to the guy he attacked andrew and i but I said, who the fuck are you? There he is. There's Andrew right there. Someone wrote, who the fuck are you? I wrote to the guy. He attacked Andrew, and I wrote in his comments, who the fuck are you? Like, shut the fuck up. And I said something to him. And he wrote, hey, fuck you and your washed-up podcast. You're fucking nobody.
Starting point is 00:46:37 You're a guy who 10 years ago asked awkward questions. And the only reason why I didn't respond to him is I thought, I seriously thought this, Corey. I thought if I respond to this guy, it devalues my voice when I talk to people on my podcast. Like I look at all these people like Ryan Stokes, Judy, Barry McCockner, Kevin, Bruce Wayne, Jessica Valenzuela. Like I talk to these people and if I talk to this piece of shit on Instagram, I'm devaluing my voice to them. Like, I want those people to feel happy that they have me and not see me talking to shit birds. Do you know what I mean? But you're also proving your point.
Starting point is 00:47:14 He's a slave to the narrative that he's got in his head. Yes, yes. Thank you for getting me back on track. I fucking am living a life that he couldn't even fucking imagine. You're damn straight. Ten years ago, I was the guy who was asking awkward questions and walking around the games he's trying to make fun of me for something that's like my great one of my greatest successes in life and it's like he didn't get he didn't get it what am i gonna do explain that to him yeah the jokes on him do i
Starting point is 00:47:38 have so many screwed up stories and every time i i I tell people about the journey, the jokes on them, cause they're nowhere near half of where I am right now, because they aren't willing to not be a slave to what they think they're supposed to be and take the risk and fail. Cause that's the way. So I just, I wanted to see what, um, what was some of the catalysts for your non-negotiables, but last question. Did I explain explain it i think that's it i think that i i yeah i was basically just dumb and like forrest gump and focused and then and i had freedom and energy for it and now that i'm older i realized you know that example with crossfit is fucking so good i did crossfit and i quit smoking because it just didn't mix with it so picks
Starting point is 00:48:19 pick valuable things that are non-negotiable so they'll push away bad shit right yeah when's uh when's california hormones the california hormone games happening i feel like this weekend was a test i'm not sure but i will tell you this i i am i i don't want to like i i have to do some like soul searching because something has to change. I need to either allocate more time to spend even more time on the podcast or I just need something to change. I need, I want, there's things I want to do with the podcast, like things like, you know, explore the California hormones games that I'm just, I either don't have the bandwidth for, I've gotten lazy or I've gotten, I don't know, but something has to change. I'm not sure what it is. It's not bad. It's good. Like this is all, it's all good shit, but, but, but I'm, I'm ready to kind of wiggle, um, shed the cocoon I'm in now.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I'm ready to like knock off a layer of whatever, you know, what, what does that thing crayfish do? Mold. I'm ready to mold. Yeah. All right. Hey, call call me we should talk it out okay love you bye thank you all right bye um zoe harcombe is a guest we had on the show she has a website called bear with me here i'm gonna pull it up um and uh this article is way better than I'm even going to do it justice. But basically what this lady does, we had her on the show. She's absolutely brilliant. And we had her on the show, and she basically takes research papers and breaks them down. She basically takes research papers and breaks them down.
Starting point is 00:50:10 So you click on this research paper, and you can read her analysis of it. And, oh, maybe I have a free membership, and that's why I got to see it. Oh, it's so good. Okay, I have to stop sharing this to go to my notes, and then I'll show you. So basically she said in this – she breaks down this study, and these are the takeaways. This was some great takeaways. Real food is mostly water. Fake food is mostly starches, sugar, and vegetable oils. Fruits and vegetables are more than 90% water.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Well, we all know that, right? And so even fish and meat are over 70% water. Well, we all know that, right? And so even fish and meat are over 70% water. So trying to consume eight glasses of water a day on top of real food is non-evidence that drinking eight glasses of water a day is good for you. And then she goes on to say uh if you do drink that much water basically what you're doing is you're diluting your nutrient intake and water soluble vitamins vitamins especially c and b and you're more likely flushing them down the toilet and then the takeaway is is over hydration is more of an issue than under hydration and that's if you so so this eight glasses of water a day
Starting point is 00:51:25 is designed for shit eaters this this this common belief jeremy world she is great total badass yeah she's unbelievable so um so hey don't get me wrong nothing's bad uh paper street coffee take my money and let's open a podcast studio damn it nothing's bad it's a good thing that i want to wiggle out of this uh like maybe it was what dave did by coming over here on the couch i ordered a table by the way and some chairs and i'm and i'm gonna try to twist dave's arm and have him come back um and see if we can do it again with a better setup. Nothing's bad.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I'm just ready. I'm just ready. That was a great question Corey asked me. That really stirred me up. That answer I gave him, I'd never thought of in my life like that. I showed this to my son yesterday. I'll show it to you guys now. He had a very interesting – I showed this to Avi last night.
Starting point is 00:52:32 He had a very interesting response. Okay, so this is a – I think it's a lizard and a praying mantis. And it's pretty gnarly. Here we go and he uh the the lizard put his tongue on the praying mantis like he was going to try to suck him in and eat him and then the praying mantis did some jiu-jitsu on him and then takes his his mandible i think that's a mandible. Look at those teeth on that lizard. And the lizard's still alive, and he snips
Starting point is 00:53:07 his jawline. And then the lizard panics and shakes loose. And then there's a cut in the film, and you basically see then the praying mantis is eating the brain and the inside of the lizard. And that's it for the lizard.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Yeah, it's gnarly, right? This part's crazy. This part's kind of hard to watch. And you know what my son said? And this is the part, this is the part that's the mix of, this is where the juggling act is, is from I want to grab the pussy to I want to treat women right. He said, Haydik – that means father in Armenian. I said, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:58 He said, I kind of feel sorry for the lizard. And there it is, right? Heidi, I kind of feel sorry for the lizard. Damn fucking right you do. Damn fucking right you do. That's the life. But we don't go to switching to eating fucking insects and beyond meat and making fake meat to eat. But that's the dynamic of being a human being.
Starting point is 00:54:40 That's the thing that we're all struggling with. But if you were to force all praying mantis to stop doing that to lizards you don't you don't get something better on the other side yeah the praying mantis and hummingbird yeah crazy shit so i always loved i always loved seeing a praying mantis in the yard i tried to raise him in the backyard a bunch of bought a bunch of eggs and hatched them if you can go to the nursery. I tried to raise him in the backyard. I bought a bunch of eggs and hatched them. If you can go to the nursery and hatch praying mantis, you can go to the nursery and buy praying mantis eggs and hatch them. Your kids will love that.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Fuck your kids. You'll love it. I saw this the other day. crazy shit, like, uh, uh, wanting like piercings in their nose or tattoos on their face or just any crazy shit that I was going to, uh, one up them. Like if my kid's like, Hey, I'm going to get a tattoo. And he comes home with like a tattoo. I'm going to do, I'm going to get a tattoo on my face and anything that they do, I'm going to multiply it by 10 and be like, Hey, so what do you think about this? You know what I mean? You do something crazy. I'm going to multiply it by 10 and be like, hey, so what do you think about this? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:55:48 You do something crazy, I'm going to fucking cheat on your mom. Like, hey, you want to fuck with my life? How about fuck your life up too? You want to lean into some crazy shit? Cool, I'll lean into some crazy shit too. Teach them. You fucking come home with a tattoo and don't tell me. And so I saw this and I just loved this.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I just love this. Yeah, exactly. You do something fucking stupid and come home with a tattoo. And when you come home, I'm going to be on the fucking couch fucking whores. Oh, welcome home, son. Dad, what are you doing? I don't know. I just thought that all the rules were just the shackles were off and we could just do whatever we want now you got a tattoo i just fuck it oh that's awesome oh my god katie oh my god uh my brother went through a baggy pants phase so
Starting point is 00:56:36 my mom did it too that was the end of that oh god i love your mom holy shit uh a daughter says she's trans and in the ninth grade God, I love your mom. Holy shit. A daughter says she's trans and in the ninth grade. I confess to her, I'm trans too, honey. She's confused. The dad says, no, you're not. Stop being a bigot, Charlotte. Let's do this together.
Starting point is 00:57:03 The father wears a dress and makeup the next morning. The daughter is angry and tells him to stop faking. The father says, no, I'm trans, honey. Now get in the car and let's go to school. She's horrified, asks to be dropped off a block away. Nope, the dad says. He walks her in and waves to the people at the front desk of the school. The daughter's fuming.
Starting point is 00:57:23 The wife can't stop laughing. He picks his daughter up from school in a skirt and heels, shitty makeup, glitter on, cheeks. Skips to his daughter and says hi to her and her friends. And the daughter says, Dad, stop. It's not funny. He demands she use his pronouns and calls her a bigot. Right in front of her friends. The next morning, she's done with the whole trans thing and begs her father to stop.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And then it says at the end of this little bit, is being trans now just the 90s version of being goth? Definitely not cool when your parents do it. Lean into it and shame them out of it. I swear to fucking God. I'm up for the fucking war if they fuck around. I will also kidnap them and take them fucking to live in a village in fucking Kenya. I'm not joking about that either. Where were we? Okay. I'm enjoying the show today it's fun even though i drank an extra cup of uh
Starting point is 00:58:30 oh my god this is fantastic it's always the white people who win i find i i concede you're right i concede it's always this this world is so fucking racist and it's so rigged for the uh white people to just win win win i apologize on behalf of all white people uh clearly a blm was just another scam and uh the the white people fuck the black people again by getting the black people to believe in blm and so we have shit like this ex-Virginia Tech soccer player benched for not kneeling well it says allegedly ex-Virginia Tech soccer player allegedly benched for not kneeling for BLM gets a hundred thousand dollar settlement the whole thing was a scam so two years later white people could sue for the insanity that was blm and get money so you had a bunch
Starting point is 00:59:29 of fucking democrats uh white democrats collect all this money so that they could elect more fucking democrats and now girls like this get uh get a hundred grand i I fucking love it. So rigged. So rigged. White people always coming out ahead. Early in December, U.S. District Judge Thomas T. Cullen, former Hokies midfielder. Oh, you guys want me to take a fucking random toll-free
Starting point is 00:59:58 call? Hello? Hello? Hello? No. No? No? No? No? Jackass. Early in December, U. No. No. No. No. Check it. Early in December, U.S. District Judge Tommy T. Collin gave former Hokies midfielder the okay to sue the school and coach after Henning said the coach benched her for refusing to join with the team's kneeling in 2020. the player notes that she was not a bench sitter having played the third most minutes on the team in 2019 and the most minutes in 2020 her junior year she was uh henning was a starter for 18 of the school's 19 games in 2019 yeah i agree she should have gotten a million dollars i agree you didn't you you didn't kneel for a scam
Starting point is 01:00:51 and uh and so your coach benched you chris birchfield seven already has his dress picked out that's right my wife has all sorts of weird hippie shit in the closet I'll fucking rock that shit do any of you guys have a dress that your wife has that you're just not fond of but you say you give it a thumbs up I mean you like it on her
Starting point is 01:01:20 it's not that you hate it but you're just curious how i mean it's not that you it's not that you hate it but you're just curious like how she likes it so much like i would like if my wife wore something that made her body look bad i'd tell her i'd be like dude you got an amazing body why wearing that shit makes you look all fucked up only wear shit that makes your body look good so it's not like the dress makes her body look bad but she got some clothes in there where i'm like dude you like what are you doing you know what else i was after watching wadapalooza and all the people walk around, you know, what's happened in the last 20 years.
Starting point is 01:01:48 There used to be these clothes that women wear under their clothes. And now those are their outside clothes. Isn't that a trip? The women's 20 or 30 years ago, they're under their clothes. Shit is now their outside clothes, at least in our community. And so just, just think about that just like what like like that's that's a bit of a transition for us have some compassion for people like me old people i'm just uh i guess do you mean sports bras just everything like they like you'll even see like around my neighborhood you'll see girls walking around in shorts that are all like lacy that are supposed to look like like that.
Starting point is 01:02:27 That shit that like a sexy woman wear in 1950 and now eighth grade girls are wearing it out in front of the junior high. It's like, what the fuck is going on? Like, what if what a change in fashion? Corey Leonard, please tell me you've seen the updated food pyramid where lucky charms are to be encouraged and steak is limited. I did see that. I, um, what's interesting is there's a lot of pushback on that basically seen as saying it's being taken out of context. And I wanted, I wanted to research that a little bit more before I looked at it. My first pushback is, is if it was taken out of context, it doesn't matter. Like even the fact that they're insinuating that or letting that come out and be interpreted like that is just bullshit That's not an accident, but I need to look more closely at it
Starting point is 01:03:09 You know, I want to say that I saw that like a year ago and for some reason I think joe rogan posted it So it's made its way like back to the front again But yeah absolute idiot world Yes, uh, uh judy reed. Yes, and there are not bottoms to t-shirts everything is cropped we have to go around sucking in our stomach all day yeah that's so what the fuck is going on with this world just keep people well well on the other hand that other the the craig ritchie guys completely flipped the script he's he he's making it so like you should wear just a shirt that goes all the way down to your ankles and cover you completely up i just like shit that fits so i can move around good
Starting point is 01:03:49 there's this guy oh shit of course i didn't write his name down and i can't remember god i'm such an idiot there's this guy he's an armenian guy he's idiot. There's this guy. He's an Armenian guy. He's the, um, oh, and this guy didn't write his name down either. Damn it. I went to this guy's gymnastics gym in Armenia. I actually made a video on it.
Starting point is 01:04:16 It's in the CrossFit Journal. He is the inventor of the Iron Cross. He's an Armenian guy. I actually interviewed him. And, uh, this is a pretty cool story story i'm going to play it for you guys if you guys can't hear it let me know this famous gymnastics move was created as a form of protest and got the gymnast disqualified can you guys hear that oh god why can't i remember this guy's name so someone tell me in the comments anyway i met this guy i went to his gym he was in the comments. Anyway, I met this guy.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I went to his gym. He was in his office. He's older now. Obviously he was like, I don't know. This was like five or 10 years ago. That's how cool it was working for CrossFit. Like I was going to Armenia to visit my dad. Expensive ass trip, right?
Starting point is 01:04:56 And Greg's like, hey, I'll pay for it. Do some CrossFit stuff there. But there were no CrossFit gyms there. And then Greg told me, hey, dude, the inventor of the Iron Cross fucking lives in Armenia. So I did a piece on this. Okay, here we go. Loud and clear. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Thank you, Katie. Albert Azarian was competing for. Oh, there he is. Azarian. And they originally called it the Azarian Cross. Albert Azarian. I'm sure Albert's not. I'm sure it's said differently in Armenian.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Armenia and the USSR championships where his team was reportedly getting heavily underscored on rings. The Russian judges told the Armenian coaches that their athletes weren't holding their strength moves for a full three seconds. Kazarin was upset about this and was last to go for the Armenians, so when he lowered to his iron cross, he held it for four seconds, moved his head to face the judges, and asked, is this long enough? The judges said yes. He pressed up, faced the other panel of judges on the other side, enough the judges said yes he pressed up faced the other panel of judges on the other side asked the same question to which they also replied yes after the routine was over the russian judges disqualified azarian because they said an athlete is not permitted to talk while on the rings but ever since then the move has been named the azarian
Starting point is 01:05:59 cross after albert azarian this famous gymnastics move was created as a form of protest and got the motherfucker i love it hey the kids in this gym the kids in this gymnastics gym there were like probably no shit two or three hundred boys in there it was packed and it was a huge gym and all the boys were doing crazy shit i saw so many legless rope climbs, like boys just going up the huge ropes, 25 feet. And, and there's a lady in there playing the piano the whole time. Like, like, like it's, it's like, like, like I was in a silent movie and all the boys are dressed exactly the same. God, uniforms are so important. I didn't understand uniforms as a kid. Now as an adult, I understand uniforms. Uniforms are so important. That's your whole uniforms as a kid. Now as an adult, I understand uniforms.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Uniforms are so important. That's your whole life. But just for kids, just for part of your day, every day. Kids should have a uniform. Okay, how are we on time? Oh, only an hour six. I feel naked without Caleb. Oh, this one's great.
Starting point is 01:07:01 This is great. This is fucking weird. This is an instagram account that's called bros laughing and um sevan speaking of armenia what about azerbaijan taking over taking over what taking over armenia or taking over uh the territory did they take it over i'm not following it closely uh be sore sevan did you see the graphic posted on CBS Health on January 9th, 2023? It reads as follows. Consider drugs. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:30 We've talked about this, too. Susan made a video for this. That entire 60 Minutes piece, they even say in there that these doctors work for that pharmaceutical company and that that piece and that show is paid for by that pharmaceutical company it's all just one giant ad you know like when you're flipping through a newspaper and there's something that looks like the newspaper writing but in small print it says this is a paid advertisement that's what that 60 minutes piece is it's so sad too because i think my mom and like her generation like respected 60 minutes and like people like leslie stall and barbara walters and just all those people and and we're just
Starting point is 01:08:12 finding out that the vast majority of have turned into just fucking hacks sellouts killers haters evil people not one of my favorite words. I'm thrilled. I'm so thrilled. Hiller's heart is still pumping after seeing watching his video with TNC4. Yeah, I didn't like that. That scared me for him too. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:40 So this is, I can't, is this real? Look at Raven. Is she jerking this horse off? Or is she just scratching its belly? Look at Raven. Crazy, right? look at raven crazy right that's what uh that's what some of you think that's what will needs right the guy you called i bet you that girl doesn't even wear i bet you that girl doesn't wear makeup oh my word what are we watching i don't know that's the thing we we someone needs to move the
Starting point is 01:09:28 camera under the horse but i mean i i make some assumptions i definitely make some assumptions definitely make some assumptions okay uh 346 uh yeah Okay. 346. Yeah. Yeah. This is one of the craziest moments in sports history. And it's nuts to me that a sport like this has such insane, amazing social media. And, oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:10:04 You want to hear something crazy. You want to hear something about that guy? Brian spin the barbell spin guy. Um, Brian's been, uh, this weekend, that guy who spent $250 on an airline ticket and slept on someone's couch at
Starting point is 01:10:24 Guadalupalooza. He comes on the show once in a while, you know, he's, he's the real Brian and then Brian friends, the fake Brian. Um, he did a hundred Instagram posts.
Starting point is 01:10:35 He published more than 40 interviews with 56 different athletes and coaches, 32 athlete reels and 17 athlete posts. Um, and coaches 32 athlete reels and 17 athlete posts i just want to reiterate this is what i was saying to don i said just hire some 17 year old kid and give him a thousand bucks and he'll fucking crush it for you this isn't obviously a 17 year old kid this is a seasoned crossfit journalist but uh dude if if i'm a business owner or i'm crossfit i give this dude a thousand bucks and tell him to fucking put a tag for my business in front of beginning and end of every post why hasn't someone done that if i'm crossfit i just immediately hire this dude hey so he all they had to all so this is how it works this is how easy it is for for you fucking idiots who fucked your way to the top of power at
Starting point is 01:11:35 crossfit this is how easy it is you tell this guy you know he's going to water palooza and you know he's going to make a shitload of content you tell him, here's a thousand bucks. Uh, anytime before you publish anything, send it to us. We want first right of refusal on it. And then, so here's a thousand dollars. Uh, it's basically, uh, just a good faith money. And then for every piece that we want, we'll get, you send us something before you publish it. We'll tell you within 10 minutes, whether we want it or you want it, or you can have it. And then if we want it, we'll it or you can have it and then if we want it we'll pay you an additional 250 for it so then basically you get to just steal his best shit from him and he gets to make some pocket change and get rewarded for his hard work
Starting point is 01:12:15 do you please someone tell me you realize how fucking stupid they are like what the fuck is going on over there that and you have five people like him and you only spent five thousand dollars and you leave the people who fucked their way to the top and power out you just let them stay at home you can still pay them fine i get it a lot of people fucked their way to the top in a lot of companies it's okay if you're not a creative you do not fucking belong at an event let me repeat that free free free service for crossfit if you are not a creative and you are creating you do not belong at an event save your fucking money uh judy reed 19 love this love this happy and positive podcast where we go
Starting point is 01:13:11 from gay marriage trump crop tops to praying manises and happy horses thank you judy i know it's it's well wait till you see this next clip wait till you see this next clip this is this judy wait to see this uh oh dick butter he has your stink on him. CrossFit won't touch him. Kidding, not kidding. Fair. Okay. God, I wish Savant would name names. Hold on. God's talking to me. Oh, Savant, whatever you do, don't name any names sorry dude i tried i tried please god it's me savon stick to uh horse porn okay just stick to horse porn stop grinding your axe with crossfit little bitch okay sorry i tried and i and i cherish i won't give up fuck that god dude uh yawn clark their egos wouldn't allow that. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:14:07 They can just make more money and chill at home. Ray Kroc, that content. Is that the dude who owns McDonald's? Hell yeah, bitch. Okay, here we go. Watch this. And this is just bizarre that this sport has just shit that's better than. I mean, I put this up here with that geek clip.
Starting point is 01:14:26 I mean, this is get your head fucking wrapped around this. I don't even know what fucking sport this is, but get your head wrapped around this. I mean, this makes me want to play this sport. Between the two balls. So there is just three.
Starting point is 01:14:50 The way Greg asked him to play that, you'd think he was three feet away from it. Call it these guys, you wouldn't expect to miss either, to be honest. Well, he's very close to splitting the two red balls and getting to the jack. That's what the target is. Oh, look at this. Oh, that is ridiculous. That is just so good. It is ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Between the two balls, so there is just room. His coach told him to do that, and the dude executed on it. I could so see Chase and Shawnee and Brian Friend commentating that. Oh my goodness. What a shot. He didn't even get excited. What kind of sport is this? It's usually played outside
Starting point is 01:15:39 on the grass. Bowls? It's called bowls. It's awesome. Played for years growing up popular sport for retired in the uk audrey they're literally doing whatever you and hillar say go watch the video ideas recently and they seem oddly familiar well that comic-con shit that weird shit that they're doing on their instagram account that like it's it's like the gateway drug to kiddie porn. It seems like those little fucking characters like Allie, that shit is like,
Starting point is 01:16:11 tell me the sport is dying. What does it, what, how do you say, tell me the sport is dying without telling me the sport is dying. Tell me the company's dying without telling me the company's dying. What, how do you,
Starting point is 01:16:21 what's that? Was that go? There's some like catchy, like millennial line for that. And, and for God's sake, do a live podcast. Oh, I already showed you this. I titled this one
Starting point is 01:16:38 Men's Ingenuity. That's so funny. I thought that clip was so funny where that guy's wife leans over him and he just puts her boob into his mouth. Okay, here's another one. I thought that clip was so funny where that guy's wife leans over him and he just puts her boob into his mouth. Okay, here's another one.
Starting point is 01:16:47 This is just dude stuff. If you're not into dude stuff, it's like pee break time. Here we go. So this is a woman doing the splits, and this is her husband. Let's just say this is her husband. Here we go. Pretty creative, right? I had no idea that you could get your penis up higher. I didn't even know that if you did a handstand walk. Did you know that? So he can't get it like that, so he...
Starting point is 01:17:28 Clever. Dudes, that's how desperate we are. We'll walk on our hands to get it. Don't get carried away. Someone's like telling me pull up dart championships. Don't get... No, no, no, no. See that?
Starting point is 01:17:41 No, no, no. Easy. Easy. I hate the No, no, no. Easy. Easy. I hate the magic of a CrossFit narrative. It's not magic. It's common sense. I know it's, I do like,
Starting point is 01:17:52 I like the message, but the, um, but the, it's just the idea behind it is just low rent, right? It's just, it feels like the same person,
Starting point is 01:18:04 people who made like those kettlebells, like Anxious Alley. I want them to make one that's like Corporate Christy, and it's a kettlebell girl, and she's blowing barbell bob. And then it says, how to climb to the top at CrossFit, and it's just a kettlebell sucking off a blowing barbell Bob. And then it says how to climb to the top at CrossFit. And it's just a kettlebell sucking off a rogue barbell. Call her, hi. What an amazing weekend, Sevan. Oh, Gabe, what's up, brother? It's Jethro.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Oh, shit, not even close. Not even close. Are you, what are you, are you Latin? Puerto Rican. I wonder what Gabe is. Do you live in Jersey? Long Island. Oh. I'm just wondering why I confused you two.
Starting point is 01:19:13 The last time I called, you did the same thing. Oh, that's awesome. Did I really? Yeah, you're two for two. Oh, good. That's good. At least I'm consistent. Gabe's probably Puerto Rican or Dominican. He's got to be one of those two. Yeah, he's something. He's something. Anyway, gotta be one of those two yeah he's something anyway what a great weekend of programming
Starting point is 01:19:28 on your part listen I was just thinking hey do you understand why I can't talk shit about Wadapalooza 2 you understand why it's like I don't give a fuck about like the scoring or any of that shit because I was able to be on the air and put on 400 subscribers like they own me
Starting point is 01:19:43 I'm on the Wadapalooza tip. I don't want to talk shit about them. It makes for good content, though. Yeah, it does, but there's a dance to it, right? Of course. I need to hold Dylan and the Wadapalooza crew up on a pedestal.
Starting point is 01:20:00 It's okay to crack some jokes when I see that they're wearing dirty underwear, but I got to be careful. I still got to hold them up there. Yeah, you got to talk about it afterwards a little debrief I can't talk too much shit I gotta come back next year I fucking loved the event it was the greatest team event
Starting point is 01:20:16 in the sport I believe it okay go ahead sorry Jethro no so I was the correlation oh you broke up you broke up say that again the correlation. Oh, you broke up. You broke up. Say that again. The correlation of what? Between the live chat on your podcast and the live chat going on with the, uh, live stream for Waterpalooza, so much different. And I think when I started CrossFit nine years ago,
Starting point is 01:20:37 it was that community and the community was all in supportive. I even mentioned on the, on the live chat, he had about 10% like rate that, that, that chat had a 1% like rate for water Palooza way ahead, way ahead. So I think between everyone in the live chat is so supportive. I wish CrossFit would embrace the seven on podcast like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:02 I've made it hard for him though though, in their defense, right? I mean, I'm pretty squirrely over here. I just hate that it's so corporate now. Me too. I do like the people, though. I do like the people. I do like Don. I do like Dave.
Starting point is 01:21:16 I like Nicole. I like Daniel Chaffee. I do like the people. And even the people I don't like, I like. I was bummed to see. I really, really was bummed to see gary gaines let go that really sucked like i like i when he came on i just mashed him and then i was just starting to like him and like i was liking the evolution of my feelings towards him and then just to see that dude get whacked that or quit or whatever the fuck happened to him i'm pretending like i don't know by the way i'm pretending like
Starting point is 01:21:44 i don't know but i do know exactly what happened pretending like I don't know, but I do know exactly what happened, just so you know. It's the same correlate as the people as the athletes that come on the show. Those are the fun people. They get it. The people that don't come on, those are the same people that wore masks for two years.
Starting point is 01:21:59 There's also the people who are just trying to make money. True. You're right. I'm not hating on them either, but they are just trying to make money. True. Yep. You're right. Yeah. And I'm not hating on them either, but, but then, but then they,
Starting point is 01:22:08 they're also open to attack also for comedy sake. But that's what I said. Imagine if Danny speak was just leaned into it. You know how many shirts you would have sold? Oh yeah, for sure. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Yes. Maybe, maybe she should have made a shirt that says the beacon of um of oh god she should make a shirt that says the beacon of moral authority i would buy one yeah it's so good all right guys off to work take care okay later good hearing your voice looks like so gabe is puerto rican and ecuadorian that's what uh that so uh So Gabe is Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian. That's what – so Jorge Ventura is Ecuadorian.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I'm an Ecuadorian magnet. Jeremy World said – or someone said – who said that I was getting Stockholm syndrome? Maybe. I had to look that up. Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach athlete abuse, relationship abuse. Well, yeah, we're all just mirrors here. So if you have, if you have love in you, you will eventually express it for the weirdest things. If you're confined to an area where, I mean, you're not going to suppress it
Starting point is 01:23:24 unless you're enlightened, then you won't express it area where, I mean, you're not going to suppress it unless you're enlightened, then you won't suppress it. It will just pass through you unexpressed. But if you are a regular person trapped in the matrix with no skills of cultivating self-awareness and letting things pass through you, then everything will express itself regardless of the horror of the situation. It's funny that they call it Stockholm syndrome, but yeah, mine is more and more than just Stockholm syndrome. I don't know if I have that, but mine is. I appreciate the dance that I do with all of these people like Wadapalooza, Like, uh, um, Wadapalooza, uh, Caleb, uh, Matt Sousa, um, the Shawnees and Tommies, the morning cock ups, the, the, um, uh, my kids.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Like I'm starting to appreciate the dance I do with this whole variety that's in the world. And I, and I like the dance. I'm enjoying it. And I, but, but sometimes it's fun. Like sometimes you you have to you throw glass bottles and people get hurt but it's part of the dance but I don't want to kill anything you know I don't even want to bite the jaw
Starting point is 01:24:34 I didn't even like that part when that praying man has bit the jaw of that lizard yeah not everyone appreciates the dance I agree and there's times I don't appreciate it like you know it's called enlightened i thought it was just emotionally broken i'm fine i got a little positive spin on it
Starting point is 01:24:57 okay where are we 125 i am all alone today 125 I'm all alone today oh here's this is interesting I used to work at a home for developmentally disabled adults and I made a movie called Our House and there's a scene in that movie where two of the
Starting point is 01:25:22 adults are arguing about who's smarter. And one of the staff comes over and goes, are you guys arguing about who's more retarded? And I saw this and it reminded me of it. Here we go. I don't know what's happened to Piers Morgan. I'm not a huge follower of him, but it seems like he's maybe been red-pilled a little bit. Okay, here we go. Right. To put people like yourself into a pop video, celebrating that kind of weight. And I
Starting point is 01:25:57 ask you honestly, to be honest with yourself. We've had all this with Tess Holliday. She's on the cover of Cosmo and it's all celebrated. There's no mention of it being a dangerous weight. Honestly, if you were really concerned about people being obese and representing something bad, you would take yourself off the air because you're not exactly slim yourself. Well, I'm 220 pounds and I'm six foot one. You're five foot four and you're 380 pounds. So there is a difference. I'm not morbidly obese. But you're still fat too. I'm actually reasonably healthy, right? You're five foot four and you're 380 pounds. So there is a difference.
Starting point is 01:26:25 I'm not morbidly obese. Right, but you're still fat too. I'm actually reasonably healthy. You're still fat too. Is it right to put people like yourself? He called her on this show to tell her she doesn't belong in the front because she's fat and she fucking said, you're fatty too.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Oh, what a world. What is red pill? Can you tell me, Mr. a world what is red pill uh can you tell me um uh mr uh caller what red pill is red pill i want to say it's a reference to uh the matrix or whatever pretty much just uh well from what the kids are saying these days getting out of uh i guess nonsense of this society as a whole for For example, like, Homegrown being on the cover of, like, a Sports Illustrated, like, what
Starting point is 01:27:09 exactly is that? Yeah. Or the idea of, like, oh, being, like, like, being some, like, soft, demure, little, like, pucky man is supposed to be, you know, good for society. I guess Reptile would be, be i guess the rebuttal
Starting point is 01:27:26 against that notion uh uh rambler republican pill no no no not republican pill it is a reference to the matrix it's basically uh just a reference to to waking up and seeing things for what they are instead of yeah uh yeah katie says it a big old dose of logic so people will say to you and there's just ass backward logic everywhere and i'll give you this one just it's a it, a big old dose of logic. So people will say to you, and there's just ass backward logic everywhere, and I'll give you this one. It's a simple one. People will say to you, I'll be barefoot, and people will say, where are your shoes? And so basically, automatically, what those people have done is they've made a presupposition that wearing shoes is the right way to go. And they're in their head, and that's how they see the world every and it can be as it can be as nuanced as when someone sees a rose and they
Starting point is 01:28:10 say it's beautiful you automatically know one thing they didn't see they're not looking at the rose anymore anytime you put a filter up between you and the world you're closer to the blue pill every time you don't have a filter up between you and the world you're closer to the red pill the red pill is where all the happiness is when the fewer filters you have and the less noise you have and the more you're just in union with the world the more happiness you have it's like when bob marley sings that song even the nuclear uh don't worry be happy and there's a line there but even the nuclear reactors are perfect. Like you start to see the world in this giant union. You see it for its interconnectedness and the closer you are to that.
Starting point is 01:28:52 But, but for, it could also be as simple as like you, you hear your whole life that Donald Trump is racist. And then you start digging around looking for where he's racist. First, you define racism. Then you figure out, start looking around for where he was ever racist and you can't find it. And then you realize, holy shit, people have been given a narrative. A critical race theory is blue pill because it gives you a narrative to look at the world through that's not true.
Starting point is 01:29:14 You've chosen some fucked up narrative. It gives you an out. Yeah. I mean, I'm not going to sit here and say those things are in society. I'm not going to sit here and say those things are in society. However, it essentially allows you to, hey, I'll just be the victim and let my life go to the wasteland. And if it does go to the wasteland, well, it was your fault because you're the white man.
Starting point is 01:29:35 And you know, white man's the devil. So it's not my fault. I mean, obviously, there are some issues, whatever, fine. Hey, I know plenty of black men devils. I know plenty of black men. Hey, I know plenty of black men devils. I know plenty of black men devils. I know plenty of white men devils. I know plenty of fucking Asian devils. I know a couple.
Starting point is 01:29:51 I know plenty of those too. Yeah. Speaking of devils, have you seen that ridiculous like nutritional chart? I think Stu's posted about it on Instagram about like fruit loops being healthier than like an apple. I was like, who pays for this? Yeah. There's no way that this is actual well i guess that'll be that that's a blue pill sign fruit loops are not healthier than like an actual fruit and i know you have anything with fruit but i mean if we're gonna compare it oh dude eat as much fruit as you want compared i i'm i'm uh i'm okay with fruit. I've lessened up on my aggression towards fruit.
Starting point is 01:30:28 You probably have a banana. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Plenty of bananas with my Liver King protein powder that I'm trying to eat as fast as I can. Yeah. This fucking – did you hear that article that I was reading earlier today from that Zoe Harcombe did that basically, uh, food, uh, fruit and vegetables are 90% water and meat is 70% water. And then if you process food, there's almost no water in it. It's like starch and vegetable oils. And that's why people are always saying to drink eight ounces of, uh, eight glasses of water a day. But she said, if you do eat a drink, eight glasses of water a day, basically what you're doing is you're diluting, uh, uh, the,
Starting point is 01:31:03 uh, vitamins and nutrients in your body, and especially vitamin C and – I forget what the other one was. But it's like, yeah, it all makes sense. Everything is fucking a clusterfuck. If you just eat whole foods, you're good. But whole foods is expensive, man. Have you seen those places? No, no, not whole foods.
Starting point is 01:31:20 No, I'm just messing with you. Okay, good. I was like, oh, shit. No, no, we're not going that route. But, dude, have you seen the eggs? What is it, like, pandemic now or something? Eggs are like a million bucks now or something? Hey, dude, I went to the store the other day, and a piece of beef jerky used to be $1.49, and now it's $4.49.
Starting point is 01:31:38 My kids ask me. I'm like, fuck you. They wanted three pieces of beef jerky. It's going to be $13. I'm like, no fucking way am I buying you that. A year ago, it was $1.49. Is there a reason why? I mean.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Yeah. There is. There's a lot of reasons why, but I'll tell you the one simple reason. Of all years. Feel free to fact check this there in the in 2020 there was 66
Starting point is 01:32:11 trillion dollars circulating in the planet's economy now I think there's a hundred trillion dollars circulating in the economy meaning that 33%, one third of the dollars circulating in the world's economy have now been
Starting point is 01:32:34 printed in the last two years. That's really positive for an economy. I'm sure. And what that's doing, it's just devalued fucking everything and caused massive inflation skyrocketing. So when you do that, and there's so much more money, and basically what's happened is the price of goods have skyrocketed,
Starting point is 01:32:54 but the amount we're paid to work has not gone up in conjunction with the price of goods. They basically just printed too much money. Yeah, the clock cutter said it. It's pure theft. Let me see. I want to see if that's true, what I just said. How much
Starting point is 01:33:09 money circulating in the world's economy? Just Google $66 trillion in planet economy and one should pop up on Google by the visual capitalist. I just saw one that said it's $40 but i did see i just
Starting point is 01:33:27 read i just read uh if you're searching for the total amount of physical money notes and coins you can expect to have around 40 trillion in the world right now yeah what i heard is there were 66 and then it went to a hundred trillion but um whatever whatever it was let's say my numbers are wrong. Maybe no one knows. Maybe no one knows. Basically, the problem is they printed too much money. Of course they did. I saw another crazy stat.
Starting point is 01:33:56 The United Kingdom in the last two years has printed more money than all of the money that they had ever printed in the history of the country. I can't even get my head wrapped around that really i'm not even sure how exactly are we just like buying debt against the future like yeah i guess that's how it works worse than that because i mean at some point you got to pay up i imagine i'm not an economist that's why there economist. That's why there's so many people that just don't work because they live off of the fact of that the money that makes money. That's what the whole fucking government is.
Starting point is 01:34:35 I'm not saying we get rid of all of government, just half of it. At some point, you can't just live off someone else forever. At least I don't want to. Tyler Watkins, the Austrian economists have been talking about this for decades.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Look into Murray Rothbard or Ludwig von Mises. Ludwig von Mises sounds like a James Bond villain. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you for calling. Later, dude. All right. Bye. All right. Well, thank you for calling.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Later, dude. All right. Bye. Seven, buy an Excalibur food dehydrator. Make your own jerky. So easy and tastier and without the added junk. Excalibur food dehydrator. Excalibur. Dehydrate. She knows how to do all that stuff. I should just ask her. Excalibur. Dehydrate.
Starting point is 01:35:26 She knows how to do all that stuff. I should just ask her. Excalibur food dehydrator. Looking at it now. Oh, yeah, that's cool. Oh, God, I would love to have that. Oh, my goodness. The last thing my wife's going to let me do is put something else on the kitchen counter,
Starting point is 01:35:43 but I would love to have that. Oh, my goodness. That thing is crazy. Caller, hi. It's fine. It's Mr. Spin. Hey, what's up, brother? Is that your last name that came in on my phone?
Starting point is 01:36:00 Yeah. No wonder you just let me call you Spin. Holy shit, that's some fucked up bunch of letters. Exactly. Wow. Is that Italian? Dutch.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Dutch. Oh, yeah, of course. I should have known. I thought there was an I at the end. Yeah, the Dutch got all sorts of, they have no, they're reckless with the alphabet. Completely reckless. Yeah. Same with the Germans.
Starting point is 01:36:24 Okay. Hi, how are you hey good i uh landed in nashville already then uh somebody said you were talking about me so i scrolled back a little bit and uh it's interesting you talked about you know collaborating with frostbite or or whoever on my sarah sigmundsdottir reel i actually invited a lot of lizards to collaborate and it's still letting still sitting there saying not accepted yeah and and um i i let me see where is that reel it's on your instagram yeah it's probably about four or five rows down maybe i'll be the judge of what i'll pretend like i am uh sasha and uh and whether i
Starting point is 01:37:06 would want to uh collaborate with that hold on spin and i understand that some people are short on resources or it's hard oh i see one that's three i see one that's three away now go down about four down a true lift uh girl grid squat oh okay Oh, okay, okay, okay. Stand by, people. We will see. Maybe they just didn't see it, but let's see. Is Brian, does Brian,
Starting point is 01:37:31 should Wadapalooza collab on this for free? Okay, everyone pay attention. Get ready to vote, everyone. Action. Oh, shit. That weight belt is tight. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:01 I don't see the offer to collaborate with him, though. I can't see that. You won't know it. You won't see it. It's right on my back end. I invite them to collaborate. They're tagged in it. And then they get a message on it.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Yeah, maybe they just haven't seen it yet. But you're right. Yeah, exactly. Like, that's like a no-brainer. It's easy, right? Yeah. Oh, my God. This is an insane picture of devin kim and
Starting point is 01:38:27 jesse smith yeah wow that's powerful you took that with your iphone yeah i use an iphone and a gopro all weekend long god damn what are you in portrait mode how did you get that depth of field on that yeah portrait wait i'm limited by who's near me but i do what i can my god that's an incredible photo dude uh yeah this is cool man you killed it let's see this one oh come into my Is this the same video? Oh, yeah. Sarah's great, isn't she? Oh, yeah. I mean, he definitely wanted to highlight. I don't want to, like, I don't know what they've seen or haven't seen or who's able to call through their social media, but I do know, and I don't know what resources they do have,
Starting point is 01:39:20 but I know that CrossFit had five or six people on the ground there probably. And the fact that it's just hard. It's just so hard to watch when it's just so... If I was running the show there, I'd have been in the VIP section, drunk as fuck and getting 30 times as much content. And by the way, I envy what you're doing
Starting point is 01:39:40 because you're doing exactly what I used to do and I love doing that. Thank you. Okay. They like my stories when I'm tagging them. So maybe they just missed this one. But again, if I was them, I'd look at the handful of people that are doing media.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Are you in a subway station? They work with us. Just walking outside the airport. Oh, okay. I got to go to real work now okay well have fun thank you for calling and thanks for uh being my friend we're friends right absolutely okay yeah thanks for being my friend okay bye all right all right confirmed friend yeah everyone crushed it this weekend i i only want i only want i watched their stream for about
Starting point is 01:40:27 two hours and i thought it was fucking great people were complaining i thought i just needed some more wide shots but that's my complaint always i'm like a broken record hey how about this okay listen if you if you are an obese person i have an amazing idea for you an amazing idea but you got to be obese you ready for this i got this other amazing idea that i want to do with this friend of mine too but she lives too far away this chick she has the most insane body ever and i want to do this uh i have this too, but she lives too far away. This chick, she has the most insane body ever. And I want to do this. I have this fucking crazy idea. I think it will be bigger than liver king to do with her.
Starting point is 01:41:14 So fucking good. I want to share it with you guys. I just wish I would get off my ass and do it. I just... Oh shit, it's time to play with the kids. Okay, listen, this is it it so if you're obese i have the fucking craziest idea for you and if you only weigh 250 pounds like this idea isn't for you this is what i think you should do if you're if you're like especially if you're an agile
Starting point is 01:41:38 if you're an agile like if you're 6'3 and 450, this idea is for you. And I'm telling you, this shit will go fucking viral. You will be fucking God. And you have to be able to talk and have some funny one-liners like be like 50% as funny as me. 5% as funny as Daniel Tosh. Basically you just go around and, uh, and, and test, test furniture. You just go places and sit on shit. You call it the stress test IG account. You just sit on shit and break shit. Look at this chick right here. That's all you do.
Starting point is 01:42:13 You just sit on shit and break shit. Look at, look at, boom. Look how athletic she is. Look how she grabs her tits, dude. Like a dude would have grabbed his cock and balls. Look how she just holds her tit like that.
Starting point is 01:42:32 I just love it. Look doesn't even doesn't even flinch wasn't even close to falling down oh yeah that's a great that's a great title too uh fat fat fat fuck that would be awesome and you just go around and you test hey you ask someone like Ryan Spinn to come with you. And you just you go into an Ikea and just test shit and just break shit. So they kick you out and then you claim it. You claim it's because of it's like racism. What is it? Like one of those isms. You're an ism on them.
Starting point is 01:43:03 Damn. I honestly think that lady's probably the best to be the candidate for this. That was a fluke that that chair broke. I think you can shut up. I didn't even notice how she grabbed the flute.
Starting point is 01:43:21 It's bringing it home. Like, my God. It's sad. He's bringing it home. Like, my God. You guys see it, right? Gas ovens require a mask now. You guys see the irony she's wearing a mask now. Wouldn't that be a great Instagram account? Stress test? You guys like like it I play those clips
Starting point is 01:43:47 all the time have you guys seen that account where the guy did I show it on here where the guy goes around and tackles deadbeat dad supposedly he's like this football player and he goes into the hood and just drills dudes yeah this she oh really she knew really no no no no i think i don't think obese people
Starting point is 01:44:10 like this i think this is i think every time they sit on a chair they panic they they're they're like concerned they know what i mean that's not the first time it's happened to her to her but to go around and do like if i was obese that i would do that for sure i would just lean into it and just start breaking shit everywhere i go just go straight into an ikea and destroy shit uh anthony hendrick seven uh yesterday the wadapalooza stream kept dying and after the third time it sent us to the podcast coverage. No shit. Like as part of the YouTube algorithm. I did notice every time their stream went down, ours doubled. Yeah, wouldn't that just be so fun to do that?
Starting point is 01:44:57 Hey, you go in there just like with a double scoop of ice cream, and it's just dripping all over you too. And like you sit on beds really hard you just sit on shit hard and just break shit jump up on like um on like on dressers and they're like sir what are you doing be like well when i buy this dresser i know i'm gonna sit on it when it's in my bedroom so i need to test it out in here you know i'm a big man uh she demolished that chair like she would demolish a golden corral buffet i swear if i'm gonna have trish right for me if uh this show ever uh when this show sorry when this show gets huge uh seven yesterday okay you already read that hey i guess that's a um anthony hendrix cracked
Starting point is 01:45:37 the code if you just say seven if you write seven first it gets my attention and i read it i wonder if i'm if it's that easy if you crack the code. Try before you buy. I know. God. Yeah, and that's another thing, Paulina. Good point. For the stuff that doesn't break, you're good to go.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Maybe someone should market a chair like that that's just called fat fuck. The unbreakable chair. Hey, it's gotta be unsettling for people who are like 400 pounds everywhere they go. And they consider sitting somewhere. They have to know that'd be like, like, Oh shit. What if I break it?
Starting point is 01:46:17 Yes. Mr. Butter. Yes. Oh damn it. I see what you did. Uh, I see what you guys are doing.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Damn it. I don't know if it was better, Mr. McCockner. It was different. It was different. Your coverage was better than Wadapalooza coverage. I don't know if it was better. Oh, shit. There's my emails. God damn it. Oh, no. You guys can't see them.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Okay. So the IKEA bit. Just full of good ideas this show's a little more light-hearted than usual oh here we go this is fun okay this is it and i'm leaving um is there a show tonight is there one scheduled i don't think so. Although I do want to have, yeah, should I ask Brian if he wants to come on and talk and just, oh, I have Travis Bajent on tomorrow. I don't have a schedule. I have two shows tomorrow. I could call Brian.
Starting point is 01:47:17 I've never called Brian on the air before. Should I call Brian? Let me see. I don't want to commit to anything yet. I want to play with my kids right now. Okay, look me see. I don't want to commit to anything yet. I want to play with my kids right now. Okay. Look at this, but I, but I do want to do, I would like to do a show. I'm kind of a, I'm, I'm, I'm an addicted mode. Okay, here we go. Look at this. I think we played something like this before,
Starting point is 01:47:38 but I don't know if these are the same girls. Check this shit out. 407 pounds. It's a little unsettling, isn't it? It's kind of like watching someone do a flip on a motorcycle in person. I like watching their breathing. I watch their mouths to see if they breathe the same. Oh, my God, those girls are special. Hey, what about their lockout at the top? Do they need to hold it for just a tiny bit more or no?
Starting point is 01:48:23 Am I tripping? Like, not a lot more like i don't know like one one thousand more god how do they do that that's 407 pounds look at everyone staring except that old guy on the left just wants to die okay okay i'm fine okay fine fine fine it's long enough caller hi what's up what's up dude just uh back at work how's that going after um after this weekend it's been crazy uh what's your job uh hustling coffee and hustling freaking making people listen to the podcast
Starting point is 01:49:17 gabe you there dude you need to drink a cup of coffee you're making me want to take a sip of coffee my god what happened to you did you lose one of your balls why are you so mellow are you just exhausted I'm tired and I took a flight in the morning and now I'm back at work tell me some of the crazy shit that happened
Starting point is 01:49:38 like I saw the line outside the booth and at one point it looked like it was 50 fucking people people are fucking coffee addicts huh I think 50 is an understatement i think i easily had the second longest line there next to like people trying to get into flyway god that is so awesome i easily have the second biggest dick of anyone who's ever been on this podcast who has the first i don't know i just wanted to be second at something hey so did you um how do you know to i was thinking about this on on um on on friday are you like oh shit i didn't bring enough coffee i have two more days to go oh no saturday at like 11 o'clock
Starting point is 01:50:21 in the morning i ran out of cups i brought like 1500 cups and like just for hot coffee plus like another 1500 for cold coffee and i was just i shit the bed and so what do you do just like people put their mouths under the spigot you just give them a shot problem solved i went to a restaurant depot i bought like bigger cups they only had 600 in all of like the county. I was like, all right, give me those. And I just went to a regular grocery store and bought some styrofoam cups from them.
Starting point is 01:50:52 Oh, God. Styrofoam. You're breaking my heart. I got issues with styrofoam. I mean, you got to do what you got to do. Yeah. It's like complaining about snorting Coke through a plastic straw versus a wooden straw, right? It's like, hey, do you want the coffee or not?
Starting point is 01:51:09 Yeah, pretty much. I mean, it worked out. It worked out pretty, pretty good. And it's funny because like you see the videos of like a Daniel Brandon line, like at Rad, I'm like, okay, that was all day for me. Where can I see that line line is that on her Instagram account the line for her
Starting point is 01:51:30 she released it on Cooper's Instagram account I want to see that you can never get enough of Daniel Brandon typing Cooper it's Cooper Marsh yeah yeah good dude okay I follow him now uh, what Cooper typing Cooper it's Cooper Marsh. Yeah. Yeah. Good dude.
Starting point is 01:51:47 Okay. I follow him now. Uh, I see. No, I don't see. Oh, maybe it's in his story.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Let me see. Nope. I don't see it. No. Uh, okay. What if I go to rad? Oh,
Starting point is 01:52:01 no, click on his, click on his thing. And then you have to go to his very last post, his most recent post, and you just click over on the slide and it's the third slide over. Oh, you fucking ninny
Starting point is 01:52:13 Cooper. I thought you said he's a good dude. Cooper, no one wants to see pictures of you. Ding dong. If you go to the third slide, you'll see her for like a split second. Wow. That's awesome, though.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Give me some EBE. She was just a cool person. I was, yeah. She was most specializing in the football. And if you could talk to her. Please tell me, what the fuck is she wearing please tell okay all right it's some water polo colors danielle give me a call send me some photos before you go out give me some outfits to choose from i'll tell you what what what works and what doesn't work uh yeah yeah i know that's it seven
Starting point is 01:53:07 i've never complained about what type of straw i'm snorting coke through yeah well now you know uh excuse me i will only use organic wood grown from trees in northern california when i snort a line of coke i need a wooden straw, please. I'm not uncouth. That'll be organic. Brandon Waddell, that's the new look. You tuck your baggy shirt into your sports bra. I don't get that look. I'm of that age just hearing the word bra excites me.
Starting point is 01:53:41 You know what I mean? Because now it's like sports bra is not a big deal, probably like the new generation. But I'm from the, you know what I mean? I'm like bra that's under clothing. That's, that's like, now it's not. Uh, so, so, uh, all right. Well, I'm, I'm glad you had huge lines. I'm glad it was fun. And do you not want to be at work? Do you want to be back, uh, hustling a coffee and talking to the to the commoners the common man a hundred percent you'd be uh this weekend kind of definitely not surprised me obviously everyone like everyone listens to the podcast every single person whether you're just a regular everyday crossfitter to the highest of high like up on CrossFit like every single person
Starting point is 01:54:26 listening to the podcast there's no ifs ands or buts there's no like again you guys only having 20,000 plus subscribers is crazy in my opinion everyone knows about the podcast it's so crazy
Starting point is 01:54:40 so like this weekend if anything I told tell i told susan that's on you like everyone everyone i can't tell you how happy that makes me a jay hardell a seven used to beat off the jc penny magazine bra section i um honestly didn't do that when i was in wasn't a big beat off person until like i went camping at a cabin one time with my friend, like in the eighth or ninth grade. And there was some playboy magazines left over in the cabin. And I ripped a page out of the magazine and took it home with me. It was some Asian girl.
Starting point is 01:55:13 And that was it for five years. One, one sheet of paper. You got issues, man. I got, well, but I kept it simple. I'm i kept it simple i'm a simple man i'm a simple man i'm gonna head out i just want to say thank you again dude thank you talk to you guys all right thank you thank you thank you thank you gabe you the man thank you
Starting point is 01:55:37 for always uh giving me so much love being of such great support uh yeah you're a wonderful dude like he hung up he doesn't like compliments either no one likes compliments it's hard taking compliments he was talking like this gave like like party too late last night uh patrick bet david raves about miami he does he digs it all right um i got tons more uh but uh it's time to go uh let me i'll call brian and see if i can um maybe we do a recap show tonight and then uh tomorrow morning we'll do another live call-in show and then tomorrow evening we have uh travis bajant on uh he is the father of Tyson Bajent. He's a world champion arm wrestler.
Starting point is 01:56:28 And his son is the, what I think in my, between my little ears is one of the greatest college quarterbacks to ever live and is about to go into the NFL draft. I saw my name somewhere. I saw my name somewhere. I saw my name somewhere. There it is. Jessica Valenzuela.
Starting point is 01:56:48 You did good, Seve. Thank you. Have a great day, Seve. Thank you. Sevan, did you see PBD interview? No. Oh, I saw the 25 minute clip where he fucks Neil up. That's the thing, man.
Starting point is 01:56:59 That's another reason why it's not good to go on other people's podcasts. He makes Neil look like a douche god damn he's he just he just he just gave that kept giving that guy rope i saw that i watched like 15 minutes of that clip it popped up somewhere for me crazy scott summer 69 69 uh mason mitchell said'm going to be jerking him hard already known no no 12 years where do they say that 12 years for what
Starting point is 01:57:33 oh Barry give 12 years of development and you'll like them and tons of money oh I think that AOC said the planets only going to last another 12 years that was a couple years ago oh brian's religious journey i know we need to do that yeah they he fucking made neil look like a douche or or he neil walked into looking like a douche okay uh i will see you guys this evening i i think it's gonna happen okay uh thank you everyone love you guys caleb bummed you had to leave early i won't dock your pay for it i'll
Starting point is 01:58:13 pay you for a full day buh-bye

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