The Sevan Podcast - #767 - Travis Bagent - Greatness Strikes Twice

Episode Date: January 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We got, you got me? Bam, we're live. Hey, you even know like not to do the phone like this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, man. I can't believe it. Don't hit me with the infamous question, do you think you're aware? So yeah, I am aware of what it looks like if you don't turn the phone.
Starting point is 00:00:30 I just can't believe how many people who do it like this and like they're on my podcast when it should be like, it's like. I never even, I never even correct them. Not anymore. I got you. I told you a long time ago. You can't, you can't blame people for being who they are. Right. Yeah. I'm still learning.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I can only imagine you are all, that was a tough lesson for you yeah i'm still learning now you know i can only imagine you are all that was a tough lesson for you i'm still learning hi how are you doing man fucking living the dream dude dude thanks for having me man now that you're uh now that you're big time i feel like i should make sure that i note and you you know what else that you've done to me that I'm going to do to you soon? Tell me. Please tell me. Just like the other day when I called, right?
Starting point is 00:01:11 You hit me with the, what do you want? Oh, who does? What do you need? It was such a perfect situation where I was like, oh, that is probably like the third time I called. And now he's in this weird space where he kind of feels like he needs to answer and shit. No, listen. No.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Don't worry. I can't wait. I almost did it today, but I was like, oh, I don't want to freak him out. No, freak me out. Listen, I get all that from Boys in the Hood. You remember in Boys in the Hood when the guy would answer the phone, who dis? Of course. So I just like doing that. It's like, I like to prepare. I like to just, who dis? What you need? rise in social class that you have had yeah yeah yeah tell me tell me when you do that
Starting point is 00:02:06 yeah it's that one little for that split second you're like oh that's why i don't like that's why i don't like that this guy's the man yeah right there perfect example hey um 2022 a bizarre turn of events for the show we got got our ratings from Buzzsprout. Like so when we make this podcast, Travis, it gets hosted by a company called Buzzsprout. And then you push a button and then they send it to all the different people. Right. Like Amazon, Apple, Spotify, all the people where people listen to podcasts. And so I do a lot of CrossFit podcasts.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Right. A lot of them. Right. But I'm trying to do more and more not crossfit podcasts and my top five podcasts for 2000 first of all this podcast is in the top one percent of all the podcasts in the world in all categories the weird thing is is there's 2.7 million podcasts so that means there's a lot of really shitty podcasts i mean a lot i possess one of those i'm at the very top of the heap of the shitty podcast. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:03:08 I'm like the, if there's, you know, there's an A, B, A team, B team, C team.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I'm the king of the C team, like the king. And so, but my number one podcast of 2022 was the last podcast I did with you. The most popular one. That's crazy, right? Say it again. You're number one.
Starting point is 00:03:32 My most popular podcast of the entire 2022 year was the last podcast I did with you. Oh, nice. Yes. No. Number one podcast, the seven podcast is done is when we had you on last time I ever act like that. was um that it was tyson's but that's even no no yours yours yeah and you know we have people like it doesn't show on youtube because like on youtube it'll be like dave or like you know you know people in the crossfit community rich froning but the number one podcast that we've the most downloads we've ever had on apple or spotify which crushes our youtube numbers is travis bajan history there you go history of this show crazy right i mean listen i you're not surprised you have to know that in the podcast that i'm on ever i'm always the number one podcast for that person. Right. I get it. I am pumped. I get it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 That you are in that category because you have to know too, our relationship, you know, for the past 10 years, I could see you, you know, every day for a month, or I may not see you for two and a half years span. And during that years that years you know especially the last few years as people hit me with the hey man do you know this cat and i'm like yeah yeah i know this guy they're like dude i think this guy's got a chance right like this could be the dude and i'm like and every time i just kind of look over to whoever's around me, whether it's Casey or Tyson or whoever it is. And I give them that validation like, yeah, I mean, listen, that's the smartest guy I know is that cat right there. And it used to be me and this guy used to walk around
Starting point is 00:05:18 looking for smart dudes because we just were interested. And before long, you know, because we just were interested and uh before long you know kind of realized that you you in fact were one of those smart dudes so congratulations on that you told me the other the other night hey i'm i'm done hanging around normal people i was telling my wife that the normal the normal people the normal people that are are she's like what do you mean i go i'm i'm with travis i'm done hanging around normal people so what's that mean i'm like i don't know what it means and she goes what about the normal people you already know i'm like i asked travis that too he said they get grandfathered in when you were just normal and you were looking for normal people if you no longer if you don't have ambitions of going to mars or or something crazy some
Starting point is 00:06:04 delusional aspirations i'm done. I don't like, I, like I got enough just normal people who in my life, a hundred percent. I just want to create like people have the top floor is only vacancies that we have around here. And yeah, if you're amazing now, listen, I mean, yeah, that there's a broad spectrum of amazing. But I'm in. If you're doing something extraordinary, I want to hear it. I want to see it.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And you can hang with me. Yeah, if you're going to make electric lawnmowers that are the next big thing, you could be my friend. I understand, yes. I did say that. Now, listen, sometimes I have these amazing thoughts there in the middle of the evening. But I think you can catch it. Was that too intimate? Was I not supposed to share that one? I thought it was good.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I love that one. You just have to know that I am kicking these things in different directions during the day. So I may forget when i say something amazing like that yeah i don't yeah i really like that's why you're big time you got this show uh travis um two two main uh avenues i kind of want to uh talk about one what's going on with arm wrestling are you done are you retired are you out of the scene? That's funny. I leave tomorrow to visit the great country of Turkey, and I am headed to Istanbul to join forces with the American team. But that's as a promoter, right?
Starting point is 00:07:37 You're not actually pulling. Yeah, I'm going actually as a commentator. So me and Neil Pickup will be handling all the East First West action, I guess is what we'll call it. So, yeah, you know, I'm wondering. That is a great question. I think that there, from a business standpoint, there is a very good reason for me to strap it, you uh, um, attack arm wrestling, you know, to the best of my abilities. And, um, you know, there's a, I think there's some paychecks. There's really no doubt about that. Um, the problem is, is, you know, if you get out just for a second, it's so
Starting point is 00:08:21 hard, you know, for, for me, like, I know it's easy for you, maybe not for you, but easy for most people to say, Tread, go do two wrist curls and be the champ again, because we love when you're the champ. And it's like, yeah, I got you. But I know what it really takes to be the champ. So a part of me, you know, I don't know if I really, really want to do it, but I think I'm going to do it. Um, meaning I'm going to put my body in that position where, um, you know, I'm going to take some money from a promoter. Um, I just hope that, um, something kicks in because honestly, my competitive fire is nowhere near
Starting point is 00:09:07 where you would want it to be. Sorry, if you were going to embark in this thing. And then as a promoter, it's like there's so much low hanging fruit and it's so easy to just run arm wrestling tournaments and profit from them that I know that I'll never be truly done, but whether I'm ever like the champ champ again, it's, um, hopefully I'm thinking this weekend or this week will kind of light a bigger fire there. Uh, when's the last time you've competed, uh, in an arm wrestling tournament, like a real one. I don't mean like a tournament in Florida about maybe 13 months ago,
Starting point is 00:09:51 11 months ago. So it was last year around this time. I flew down. Who'd you pull? Anyone I know. Say it again. Who'd you pull? Anyone I know.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Um, I pulled Chad Silvers, his whole little crew. Um, so not just one person you pulled to everyone. Well, I pulled Chad Silvers, his whole little crew. Um, so not just one person you pulled to everyone. I ended up winning. I was lucky enough to win the left-handed competition and then competed in the, uh, in the, the overalls where I worked myself from the top to the bottom. Um, and I, I actually, it was, they were giving away a motorcycle. So I won two keys to a, uh, to a used Harley Davidson, um, which was really funny that
Starting point is 00:10:31 it was used, but it was still pretty cool. I think they ended up selling that thing for about $4,500 when the tournament was over. So did your key work? My key did not work. I ended up getting two keys for one in the heavyweights and the overalls. I split my two keys with two other guys. And Chad Silvers and the rest of his team more or less had every key except for me and one other 220 guy that won right-handed. So the kid Hunter Nolts was 154 pound, really strong dude from South Carolina. He ended
Starting point is 00:11:09 up starting the bike up and winning. So, but for me, honestly, I won that tournament because of my name. I set the bracket. I gave myself a good first round. Then we got right into the bye scenario. By the time I got to my semifinal match, the two other guys had had a pretty good match. So I kind of like convinced those guys that second place was the limit for them. And they kind of bowed down and it worked out really well. So really in the finals, they did in the final and the final,
Starting point is 00:11:48 they didn't give you nothing. Yeah, they did, but it was one of those things where they did not know that I was just probably a little bit better than them because of the way it panned out. And my nonverbal and verbal communication as to how awesome I was that day kind of really worked out. And you know what? It can do that in the tournament. You get eight or nine guys, the bracket gets funny. There's a buy in there. And if there's any kind of a tough match
Starting point is 00:12:19 with a guy in the bracket that you haven't faced yet, it's really daunting and it gives a lot of, you know, it gives a lot of, of confidence, I would say to the guy who's unscathed. So I'll take it because I kind of needed it. It was fun to, cause really ultimately when you're there and you're arm wrestling and you
Starting point is 00:12:41 don't have to arm wrestle, you're there and you know, it's one of those things where you're not going to make any more money there's really no prize there that um that's worth you know what's going to happen if in fact you lose from an internet standpoint these days like it's going viral when travis bajan loses it doesn't matter how small the event is. The internet. That sucks. Amazing. That sucks. Yes, Mason, when you say you pulled, pulled means arm wrestle.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It means you arm wrestle him. I pulled a guy. That means you arm wrestle him. The arm wrestlers call arm wrestling pulling, pulling, pulling, pulling. How do you say it? Pulling or pulling? Pulling, yeah. Pulling.
Starting point is 00:13:21 It just depends on how deep you are in west virginia as to how yeah pulling pulling uh my hat so this is a wool hat i just have this i was at my kids tennis and it's freezing here at night so i had i have this wool i was wearing a wool hat for those of you tripping on my hat fine the hat's gone bye-bye explain to me explain to me the level of tennis that your boys are participating straight practice or is this they can beat all they can beat any any uh ethnicity except the asian kids and the indian kids that's are those kids the exact same age as your kid or even an asian yes younger younger two years younger than your kids can still be your kid yeah So my kids can beat the black kids and the white kids who are 12, even though they're like six and eight.
Starting point is 00:14:08 But they can't beat the two year old Asian and Indian kids. Hey, listen, it's important. It's important for someone to know the level. Right. So that you can at least show them one day or you can tell them to watch their mouth when when the right family walks into the court they're basically the best in santa cruz for their age the pound for pound best and my wife took the kids over the hill like 60 miles to a city called lafayette real ritzy town and yeah it was all it was my wife went to the tournament she said there was uh our kids there was one white kid there my kid one black kid black kid there. And then the rest were Asians and Indians. And he said they were just those kids were just on another level. So is there a tennis season for young kids or is there a tournament every weekend?
Starting point is 00:14:54 I think just every weekend. I don't I honestly don't know. Are you are is that is that a goal for the household? Is that a goal for the household? No, no. I think the average height of a professional tennis player is male tennis player. I want to say a six five. It's something crazy like that of the 500. I'll look at I'll look it up real quick. I was speaking with a gentleman not too long ago about about it was an athlete or it was something. And they, with a straight face,
Starting point is 00:15:28 looked at me right and said, well, maybe it's time for growth hormone. And I said, what do you mean? And then for my kids, well, just for any kid, this guy told me that it was OK to feed a pre-puberty kid certain levels of growth hormone. And that's how you end up with with some of these freak athletes. And I think he was more or less talking about overseas athletes. And, of course, that whole myth that, you know, the Russian doping scandal is real. that whole myth that, you know, the Russian doping scandal is real. So I don't know if it was true, but this was a person that I kind of like, whenever they talk, I kind of listen, like, that they have some valid points. But yeah, he said that that's why you'll see every once in a while, you'll see this person and you're wondering, wow, I'd like to see that person's parents.
Starting point is 00:16:22 But when you see the parents parents you don't see what you were looking for and then that's he claims that that uh that there's really no way for that growth hormone to hurt a pre-puberty kid hey do you have any research on that hey uh here a two-year-old shows signs of puberty after he was exposed to his dad's testosterone gel. He developed pubic hair and his height was off the charts. This article goes on to say his penis was huge too. But where's the downside? Where's the downside for feeding this kid juiced up?
Starting point is 00:16:58 I don't know, but I ain't. Oh, yeah. But it was only after she saw pubic hair around his sizable penis that she got seriously worried. Dude, come on, man. Listen, I think testosterone is a little more dangerous than growth hormone. I don't know, but I would not fuck with my kid's process. Yeah, I think that too. You got to be gangster.
Starting point is 00:17:23 You got to be gangster, boy. What would the psychological implications be to get your kid all juiced up? Well, that would definitely be one of those mental illness things that you wouldn't want to give to your kids. There's no doubt about that. Hey, Travis, you know, like you remember when your kids are like one years old and they're walking already or 13 months and they're walking and you're looking at them and like this is fucked up they don't have the intellectual capacity to walk they're not smart enough to walk they should be stuck crawling until they're like three they just do so much dumb shit it's like dude you're not smart enough to walk so it's already too much too soon to be able to walk. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And you think about you forcing them. That's like the first thing that you force your kid to do something because of our society. And then, boom, there they are walking into the fireplace. You're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why did I do that? Well, that's one of them. First time you got to check yourself am i going to raise this kid exactly the way i'm supposed to or maybe not maybe not bruce wayne this dude is a g oh you don't even know you don't even but good you're
Starting point is 00:18:40 good at your your g radar is great perception there young man okay so travis so you haven't arm wrestled in 13 months you're going to turkey to do commentating and um what about uh wrestling this uh giant dude uh that you have mentioned to me on the phone about wrestling uh soon is that yeah we're kind of away from that at the exact moment that level if you're are you talking levon or no dennis dennis yeah so that's funny is that's how ingan works right so there's two special guests which would be me and one dennis chaplankov so i imagine that if Engen's mastermind dream comes true, there will be a conflict caught on video between me and Dennis. And I think Dennis is more or less in the same position I'm in to where he had some past champions,
Starting point is 00:19:49 best champions, championships, I would guess, and that he is being courted and influenced to join Ingen's regime as well. And listen, just so you know, you can imagine how big Ingen Terzi has this event if he's bringing me over to just commentate along with, I mean, there's going to be at least a 40 person guest list of, of airfare tickets and hotel rooms and, and a lot of, of, um, travel and expenses going into this. So it looks from the outside looking in, it looks like about a hundred, $150,000 production. And he's putting these events on now once every eight nine weeks so you know engen tursey is um you know he's like you savon he's um he's figured something out well too little too late he needed to figure out 10 years ago well i mean for you yeah but for him you know this is a life dream. And, you know...
Starting point is 00:20:45 Is he still good? Is he any good? Is he any good still? Is he still a good artist? No, you know what? Totally, strictly a promoter. I think that every once in a while, I think he went through some injuries. And, you know, from an athlete standpoint, this guy is like a psychopath.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Like, I don't think that he would compete unless he was you know at the very top especially I would imagine you're talking about this guy arm wrestling in Turkey amongst his countrymen and you're he would have to be like injury fee injury free like super prepared so um we don't I don't think we're going to see him get arm wrestle much, but somehow he has taken over 100% Igor plus plus when it comes to the event. I know that's crazy, right? Yeah. Hey, uh, Sarah, no, none of these guys are juiced.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Uh, this guy in particular is, um, uh, 100% natural. This is just, uh... This guy is just... He just eats a lot and stays in the gym a lot, right? Exactly, yeah. Hey, listen, here's the deal. If you do neutral grip pull-ups, that's what happens, okay? You people got those hands all flat, no wonder things are the same. No wonder you can't get strong can't get in neutral and all of
Starting point is 00:22:06 a sudden your trunk starts growing right so have you that that guy's uh that guy said he's 300 pounds um have you ever i want to say once or twice you've gone you've personally gone over 300 have you gone over 300 i have never seen the scale say 300 pounds. Always been less than that. The most I've actually seen is like 289. I'm not even in the 290 range. Now, don't tell me that I haven't been 300 pounds and not checked the scale. That's possible.
Starting point is 00:22:47 But usually when I am at my best, my love handles are posted right up here on my shoulder blades. You know, and the traps get bigger. I usually always weigh the same. It's just whether I look. When I'm 285 and guys tell me, hey, you look like you lost some weight, that's when I know that I'm about to go crazy on someone. Because that way I'm kind of small, but I know I'm not small because of the weight. And then there's times where I know I'm like soft 285. Like right now, um, I'm probably way too 70 right now. Um, really you're too 70 right now.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. Probably two 72 somewhere in there. Oh, you look great, dude. And easily then, I could look 250. But I know I'm 270, so that's a soft 270. So it all, I kind of, whenever someone addresses me, I can put in context the last time I seen them. And whatever they say, I can kind of draw a reference that, oh, I can understand. Even though reference that, oh, I can understand. Even though they are completely wrong, I can understand why they said that. You're the one who taught me that if you weigh 300 pounds, you have to have air moving on.
Starting point is 00:23:57 You can't be in a room with still air. Yeah. Like if you're over 300 pounds, there has to be a fan in the room at all times. I remember Greg. over 300 pounds. There has to be a fan in the room at all times. I was talking to Greg Glassman one time and he's like, I mean, Travis, let's just be honest. If you're 400 pounds, you got to go to back of the line. And I said, what do you mean? He's like, listen, you'll walk in. You got, you know, you got your damn arm amputated. If there's a person there with a hangnail,
Starting point is 00:24:25 they get to go first. If you're 400 pounds, I mean, you got your damn arm amputated. If there's a person there with a hangnail, they get to go first. If you're 400 pounds, I mean, you're expendable. And then he, after we were laughing and there were, and then he kind of looked over at me. He's like, Hey, Trav, now you're not anywhere close to 400 pounds. I don't, I don't mind waiting in line anyway, little man. It's all good, man. Jeffrey Berger, how tall is Travis?
Starting point is 00:24:50 6'3 and a half when I was 25. Now, I've had people try to tell me I'm not quite 6'3 at these times. So I try not to pay attention to that guy. six, three at these times. So I try not to pay attention to that guy. To me, I'm six, three and a half until I die, even though I'm probably a little closer to six, two and a half than I am six, three and a half these days. I am looking for something here. Give me one second. one second looking for a oh shit i can't find it it's a link all right hey um uh i'm taking a piss we're taking a one minute break everyone uh relax uh 55 second break and uh travis and i will be right back what is with this guy you know if howard stern and joe rogan had a baby you'd be looking at him remember the people
Starting point is 00:25:45 were live so don't like start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that and this is why this is the greatest show on the internet because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum and then right after there's a comment that says it's so sad let's go back to hand jobs people without their names and they uh no one clipped that and play that on the internet a thumb with a mustache yes listen a guy named johan lopez called you a thumb with a mustache wow man that seven on podcast is dull as shit okay you guys have a great day okay you too Thanks for calling.
Starting point is 00:26:29 No. I was feeling familial like it was my mom I was talking to. That was the soonest I've ever had to take a pee break in an entire show. Yeah, I was thinking. I don't even know if i ever saw that before so no it happens usually around the two hour mark but i just had a huge huge uh jug of uh sparkling water big two liter of sparkling water at the the tennis park treating myself to some sparkling water okay um uh i'm trying to quit sparkling water i hear it's bad for your bones. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not a sparkling water fan.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I don't even know how. They don't have sparkling water in West Virginia. It's a kind of privilege in itself. I mean, to an utmost proportion. I agree. I agree. I don't even know what sparkling water tastes like. I'm afraid to try it and like it.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It tastes horrible. Yeah. Hans Kim is the best. Get him back on. That was the fucking weirdest show ever. What are you talking about? Okay, Travis, tell me about this oldest son of yours, Tyson Bajent. Yeah, so first of all.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's your oldest kid? That's my oldest son, yes. Did you have them on purpose where you're like, I want a kid or were you just fooling around without, uh, um, Oh yeah. 100% unplanned. Every single kid, all four of them, all four of them was a shock, like a heart attack. I mean, Hey, let me tell you this really quick let me tell you the story real quick so about about four months ago my wife tells me she's gone through menopause i'm like really she's like all done i'm like no more chance you're getting pregnant she's like nope like holy shit this is fucking amazing so i just been still waiting for that day so i just is that easy to detect does she know
Starting point is 00:28:27 well well she said she did so i've just been going crazy right just complete belligerence just just whatever i just she's now my playground four days ago she goes hey man i go what she goes i think i might be pregnant what are you talking about you haven't had your period in a year she goes i know but i i i just something feels like i'm pregnant so i played it super cool i'm like awesome awesome and she's like it's not awesome and she's like losing her shit and so she went to yesterday she went to like cvs and peed on one of those sticks she's my wife's like probably 47 years old and she bought one of those sticks and then went into the bathroom at CVS like a 16 year old girl and peed on the stick in the pharmacy. And there, you know, that false negative happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I'll let her know that she'll be happy to know that. Yeah. Now, false positives don't happen. Once that baby accidentally reads positive, you are pregnant. Wow. Well, listen, so I don't happen. Once that baby accidentally reads positive, you are pregnant. Wow. Well, listen, so I don't understand. Oh, I got you. So now my uneducated self just realized that her not having her period would cause her to believe that after a while that she has reached menopause. Yeah, like she's not dropping any more eggs.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Got you. I got you. And then all of a sudden she thinks she's pregnant but yeah anyway no mason we don't she tested negative shut it nice okay so unplanned he's unplanned absolutely unplanned to the most upmost proportion that you could ever ever be be. I mean, I would go on to say that the least tight moment that Casey and I ever had in our existence happened during the conception of our oldest son. So we were right there, whether we were going to be together or not, Thinking about it, bobbing and weaving, you know what I mean? Both of us have been away from each other long enough that, you know, just that small period where, Hey, you know what? I'm really, I may have a different girlfriend before I die. Um, because you know,
Starting point is 00:30:42 for me, how old is he? How old is he? Um, Tyson is 22 years old. And how old are you? I am 46 years old. Okay. So you had him young, 24 years old, 23 years old is when I, when she got pregnant, I guess I was 24 when actually I turned 24, just a few months after he was born. Crazy. Yeah. And here's the thing, too, is you can kind of brag that you had your shit together at 23 back here where I'm at. Where you're at, I might as well have been 12 at that time, right? But you got to know that.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Wait, explain that to me. What do you mean you mean like it's different in california than west virginia or on the east coast or where i'm from your life gets pretty it's pretty much settled around ninth grade okay okay you have uh picked out your bride for the most part. And you, and even listen to this point that if you, if I dated Haley in the ninth grade and ended up marrying Casey and having kids, people would still say, you know, that Beijing kids throwing the football, you know, his son used to date or his dad used to date Haley. And that's how you would, that generation would even discuss your, uh, your, your, who you are. Um, so I met Casey when, um, she was in the 10th grade. I was, we were just starting. I was starting my junior year. She was starting her sophomore year. We were together up until, you know, like a year and a half into college. So now I'm 22, 22 and a half,
Starting point is 00:32:30 and we're totally not together. But we're seeing each other, you know, once or twice a week and hanging out. But, you know, both of us were definitely going in different directions when she says, Hey, yo buddy. And I'm like, Whoa, I even threw up that. Nah,
Starting point is 00:32:50 don't even, don't even try it. And she was like, no, seriously, come over here, bring all your stuff. You're moving into my parents' house.
Starting point is 00:32:59 They have our whole life figured out now. And honestly, like she meant that in her parents thought that I was coming over there and two hours later we were going to get married. And I remember like, you know, cause every, there's a time in every man's life, right? Where it's time for you got to face this on your own. Right. Right. Means that like it's like. Well, for you, that happened when you were seven.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Yeah. Yeah. There's no doubt that I grew up a little. I had some interesting stories growing up that that kind of shaped me into, you know, definitely at a young age going through some crazy, not crazy stuff, but just stuff. I definitely at a young age going through some crazy, not crazy stuff, but just stuff. Right. Because I feel like whenever you think your situation is crazy, it's just because you didn't hear the other person's story. But most of the time people got a good story. So we're not together at this point. And then, bam, this happens. Her family was very frank that they would appreciate it if I would hurry up, marry her, and we could give the illusion that we got married first before the kid, which never really happens, right? Like everybody is thankful that they were invited to the wedding. And then about a week later, they find out, oh, no wonder that weird wedding thing happened so quick. She's pregnant, right?
Starting point is 00:34:25 So to me, it was one of the things where in my household, listen, babe, we don't got to get married. Right, right, right. In my household, you don't even have to have the kid. Right, right. You know what I mean? Let's talk about this stuff. But her household, having the kid was a 100% no,, there is a deal breaker and that we were non-negotiable. They're having the kid, of course. And that, you know, in their opinion, non-negotiable that that we were going to get married immediately.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And so I remember. And did you? I know. So I was talking about those things you got to go through as a man. So I remember driving over to her parents' house where I was going to have a talk with her dad. And her dad was fully expecting that he was to make sure that I did get married to his daughter immediately because that was the wishes of her mom and the way that they wanted to handle this. So I remember I said, I went over there. Look. And I remember getting hyped. Like when I was driving over there, I'm going back and forth. I'm like, man, I'm grown ass, man. Ain't nobody going to tell me. Before long, I got over there. Mr. Humphrey's like, well, son, I mean, are you a, what kind of a man are you going to be? And I was like, you know what what that's interesting that you said that because I have been battling with my manhood for about 20 minutes while I was
Starting point is 00:35:51 driving over here and to tell you the truth the more I think about it there's no way I'm marrying this kid what's the point of getting pregnant for like out of this what is going on do you accept any responsibility for your daughter's behavior so um we got through that talk and i think after that that was the last time did voices get raised there did voices get raised um not no i you know what here's what i realize now is how broken and horrible that that guy felt too. Because listen, man, as a parent, and this goes for everybody listening, every decision that your kid makes, that smart ass person who absorbs the content immediately is going to draw reference to how that kid was raised. Immediately is going to draw reference to how that kid was raised.
Starting point is 00:36:48 So I know that now I didn't realize it then. I thought maybe that, you know, he was worried about his own personal, you know, like the image image, like his daughter got pregnant out of wedlock. These are really good people. Like, yeah. And he's he you're on the other side of the tracks. Let's explain. I mean, his daughter wandered into the wrong neighborhood and met you. No doubt. This is the Lady and the Tramp story, exact story, right?
Starting point is 00:37:13 So, but now that I realize how old I am now and that if, God forbid, that takes place in my house, the first thought is that I personally have failed. You know what I mean? And then you want to fix it so bad as a parent. So for me, it was to find out how far on those wrong side of the tracks was I actually. So, and you know, it kind of, that's one of those things too, that when your in-laws realize that their daughter or son is going to marry another person, it's right away, man. That's terrifying. I mean, absolutely terrifying. So I can only imagine how he felt at that point. So, but there's one thing about Mr. Humphreys that was always on point is every time he told you something, you knew whether it was right then and there or in the near future, that it was definitely probably the well thought out and was a good decision for you to make. And
Starting point is 00:38:19 one thing about him being a lawyer too, is he could kind of talk you into whatever you wanted to, but he always left it at your own, that you could make the decision. So, um, I more or less told him that, listen, I like your daughter. I always have the, I didn't really like her that much during this period of time. Um, I'm a little taken back from it. However, you know, if it was up to me, we probably would have never broke up anyway a year ago. Right. So I am going to do the right thing. And if things work out, then a couple of years from now, your daughter actually will not have a bastard kid. And and they won't be talking about you at church every week. And it'll all work out.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And eventually, a year later, I ended up, you know, you didn't want to get, I didn't want to get married just because I had a kid. So I made sure that even though that's the exact reason I got married, I made it look like there was a two-year span where it was because of our relationship and not just a kid. And then since then, since I've known you for the last, I don't know, 15 years or whatever, however long I've known you, you've always reiterated to me that you're the luckiest guy alive to be married to her. Like in hindsight, you're like, no doubt. Luckiest thing I ever did was knock that rich girl up from Shepherdstown. Yeah. No doubt about it. And you can, and I, you know, here's another thing.
Starting point is 00:39:52 When I see families get divorced and broken up, I am amazed because I know how much I loved Casey before. But when you see your wife take care of your kids, I mean, it gets deep. So, you know, I know that I,
Starting point is 00:40:12 uh, you know, I know I'm where I want to be. There ain't no doubt. And now you have four with her. Yeah. And every one of them, the same thing happened where she's like,
Starting point is 00:40:23 looking at me, like the same way that she did. Like you fucked up. Like it's your fault. Yeah. And I say, well, listen,
Starting point is 00:40:32 you could tell me anything. Just don't fucking tell me that you are pregnant because we can no way, no way afford this. Right. And she's like, are you kidding me? I love kids do it again. And she's like, are you kidding me? I love kids do it again. And I'm like, and you know, are you done? You think you'll have more five? It's funny you say that, um,
Starting point is 00:40:53 there is absolutely not one precaution being taken in this house, nor has there ever been, except for the, you know, just, you know, roll the dice, take a chance. And then the you know just you know roll the dice take a chance and then you know you're living at god's mercy you're living at god's mercy yeah no doubt and every single time that i you know smoke a joint eat a mushroom or drink two jaeger bombs i sometimes think it's a great idea to have another one yeah well that's probably why you only have four because I can't ever remember ever seeing you drink you're not really a drinker yeah not much
Starting point is 00:41:32 not big into that it's always hard work sloppy sloppy hard work hey hey so Casey gets pregnant with Tyson and when do you decide? I don't even know how to describe. I just remember when I met you, I had immediately I just I felt really I felt that every single step that he took. they were going to know that, you know, or at least in my opinion, you know, they were going to judge me by the way he moved, by how good or bad he was. Since she was pregnant with him, you knew that was your legacy? That was your only thing?
Starting point is 00:42:14 Well, not my legacy, but I knew that I was a guy who was always in charge of the sporting event for all my buddies. always in charge of the sporting event for all my buddies. So I knew that I was going to be very good at setting up the situations for him to, you know, play a lot, whether it was football, basketball or baseball, that we were going to play a lot. I remember telling Casey and different people that how much pride that I was going to take in making sure that my son knew how to do, you know, that to play every position and, and really was a student of the game and all the mistakes that young athletes make that I was going to be there to, you know, to hone those skills and make sure that, you know, that that was going to be what we did. Even at one, even at one year old, you knew you were going to do that?
Starting point is 00:43:08 When he was one? Yeah. Did you ever tell him before he could talk, he's in his crib and you're like... Yeah, as soon as we found out it was a boy, then I knew that that was something that we were going to do, that we were going to train really hard to be super coordinated so that I could give him an opportunity that if he did fall in love with something that he would have a big head start. And so you didn't even
Starting point is 00:43:31 know if it would be football? No, probably, you know, probably thinking more. I was a little bit better basketball and baseball player. Football, I was good at football, but it wasn't as fun as our school in high school. It was a baseball town, a baseball county. So baseball was a bigger part of my life. But I also knew that football was a lot funner to watch. So I was totally tickled to death when I when he finally about 11 years old told me that he was going to keep playing baseball and basketball for fun, but that he was going to be a pro football player.
Starting point is 00:44:11 At what age? 11, 12 years old is when he just knew that he was going to be a professional athlete and that he had excluded baseball right away, about nine years old. And then, you know, at 10 and 11, he's having just as much success in basketball that he is in football. So and every kid loves playing basketball, man. It doesn't doesn't hurt as much. And so it took a little while longer, probably 13 years old. He knew that he was never going gonna be able to play college basketball
Starting point is 00:44:45 but that football dream um was super alive um do you do you think that um you've um um i know this is gonna sound bad but fuck it whatever do you think you forced him oh i think like if he's a marble did you drop him down a really tiny, narrow tube and force him down? If anyone ever accuses you or me of forcing Tyson to play football, to play quarterback, they are dead on. I mean, you couldn't be more. He didn't have a choice. He didn't have a choice. No, not even a small choice.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Uh-huh. No. Even though, even when there were times that it was maybe a better choice to play him at different positions, it was not even considered. To the point that you could get fired from our coaching staff by even whispering it to one of the other guys so how do you do that how do you force your kid to do that without breaking his spirit it's very fine line tough tough you know what i don't even advise it when i when i uh when i'm i
Starting point is 00:46:01 coached the kid i gave a session today eight-year-old kid wants to play quarterback. His dad wants me or one of my kids. I tell him my price per hour, which is pretty extraordinary for our area, and then what it would cost for Ezra to do it. And he's like, listen, I can't wait for Ezra to come back. But since Ezra's in Florida, we'll have you do the session. I did the session today. And the whole time, as I'm talking with the kid, the kid's dad is over there in the corner.
Starting point is 00:46:34 And the kid's dad wants to make sure, and he wants to make sure that the kid is being overly coachable. So whenever his dad snaps at him, the kid looks at me in my face and walks closer, right? To listen. And then the kid goes back to being a regular kid again and taking instruction. But the whole time I'm over here and I'm thinking this poor kid, he's got, he got this hover, this helicopter dad over there. That dream is bigger than this kid's dream by 10,000, right? And about 10 minutes into judging this guy, I realized, well, that's me. I am that guy. I just did it personally rather than paying someone a ridiculous amount of money to train
Starting point is 00:47:24 my kids. But honestly, it does not matter which route you take. But I do feel that if that situation doesn't work out and that kid's not as good as the dad wanted him to be and the kid decides to no longer participate in that sport, And the kid decides to no longer participate in that sport that you could imagine that the kid would have a little bit of power or at least an argument as to, man, dad was a psycho. And now we're not even good friends because of it. And then if the kid makes it, then the dad's a genius for pushing the kid and making it work.
Starting point is 00:48:12 So I think our story with me and Tyson, it appears that I'm a genius for pushing him. But one thing I know about these stories is you got to wait till they're over before you can reflect and see if it was good or bad. But as of right now, it's gone pretty good, and he was 100% psychotically pushed into one role, and we pushed it hard. I'm never going to be able to explain it to the viewers on this show because they don't know you, and I've got to hang out with you, God knows, a thousand hours and you have to know that nothing that the way travis deals with people um is is any way uh forceful
Starting point is 00:48:56 so when he says he forced his son to play football it's not in his personality to be forceful that's not how you work he is a deeply deeply manipulative on on the most amazing psychological level meaning uh not like he tricks you but he believes in people around him and he lifts the mood up like he lifts the mood up travis be the perfect person to take to a funeral. There's no, there's no, God, I just remember seeing you around your kids and just what you would get out of them, how they would perform. You get people to want to perform for you. And so it's not, it's not like this story of him, like dragging his kid out of bed at four in the morning to just to run five miles it's it's he convinced his kid he manipulated his kid his kid wanted to do that for his dad wouldn't you say i mean i love that i love that i mean i've never seen i've never seen
Starting point is 00:50:02 you be the asshole dad but man you sure know But, man, you sure know how to conduct an orchestra of human beings. Yeah, no doubt. Let me tell this one story. I've told it on my show many times. Camille Blanc-Bazinet sold out stadium at Carson, completely packed, oversold, final event, final night, whatever. packed oversold um final event final night whatever and she's on a fucking rower or an assault bike or something and the monitor stops working and it's in the middle of an event and she starts crying and travis is the mc he's fucking kiki dixon or just like uh this bella martin he's just an mc and he sees that she's crying and he walks over there and he goes don't worry about it
Starting point is 00:50:47 just keep rowing he puts the mic covers mic and then he looks over and he sees a couple girls get off the bike he's like yep you're done go and he just he just takes control of this fucking live event that's being pushed on to espn and it's like for those it's a crazy story But for those of us know Travis like I seen that Like I'll tell you one other Story That's a great story That's a great story right there I'm in this bar that we don't have In California it's a bar in
Starting point is 00:51:16 Texas Not just a bar it's the biggest Bar in the world Oh is it okay there's 5,000 people In this bar like We have a section in the world oh is it okay there's 5 000 people in this bar like like we have a section in the bar that has 300 people that's our own people and then somewhere else in the bar there's like a famous country music player on the stage yeah luke ryan luke ryan is having a live concert right there and we are once again first class pimp v, but we are not participating in the concert.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah. So Dave Castro and Andy Stumpf get into it in our private section with a U.S. Air Marshal. Do you want me to correct you if there's any part of the story that's wrong? Well, I think mine's perfect. I dare you. It wasn't Andy. Yes, it was. No, it wasn't who was it no who was gone so it was dave and andy no it was not andy it was the branding guy the marine the marine branding guy jimmy letchford jimmy no no no no yeah 100 dude i saw jimmy's face no jimmy jimmy and dave
Starting point is 00:52:28 castro were in the middle of that thing with that guy and i saw hey was andy there tell me was andy there yes okay okay okay andy was there i'll compromise andy was going to andy was going to diffuse the situation first okay and um and was not quite successful enough. And just so you know, right when it started, I looked at Greg and asked him if he was okay with it. And he was, you know, Greg just kind of snickered and said, yeah, yeah, let's see what happens. And then Andy intervened, kind of got a little more heated. Oh, okay, so Andy was. So eventually, because when I went over there, I see Andy and Dave face-to-face like this close with the U.S. Air Marshal, and the shit's getting fucking heated.
Starting point is 00:53:16 So you do agree at one point Andy was in the mix? No doubt, no doubt. Okay. Andy 100% tried to stop it, and you saw was dave explaining to andy no it's okay if me and jimmy smack this shit out this guy we've already worked it out the guy has said enough about the navies that it has to be done and so this guy's a big guy this is this is a big guy dave six foot this guy's a little bigger than Dave. And thick. This guy's thick. Guy's six foot, three and a half, six four, two hundred and eighteen pounds.
Starting point is 00:53:54 But could easily look like he's 240. But because he's a crossfitter, you know, he don't have that extra weight on. weight on it so it's getting heated it looks like it's just about to break into a fight and this there's a wall about 10 feet away that has a sign that says emergency exit correct and it obviously went to the outside so you know this vip area we're in is where you would bring in the big talent and that door is like the backstage door that you open it up and you're in this. You walk in, you're in Studio 51 in New York City. You walk out that door. You didn't even know it was there. And it's just this alley right outside going, you know, some back way there.
Starting point is 00:54:38 So go ahead. So I see Travis walk over there and I'm like, fuck, I'm getting a front row seat to this shit. And I fucking walk. I position myself behind some tables and shit. I'm like, fuck, I'm, I'm getting a front row seat to this shit. And I fucking, well, I positioned myself behind some tables and shit. And I'm like, this is going to get crazy. And Travis literally walks over there. The way I remember it walks right in between Dave and Andy, where there's no fucking room. I mean, these three guys are as close as they can be face to face to face.
Starting point is 00:55:00 They might as well have been kissing. Travis walks in there and kind of just scoops the guy like, uh, like he had a cape on like a Batman cape or something. Scoops. The guy walks with him 10 feet. The guy can't stop Travis. There's no tussle.
Starting point is 00:55:13 There's no exchange of words. It's like the guy doesn't even know what's going on. It's like magic. He walks him to the, uh, emergency exit door. He opens the door, kind of just gently pushes him out and then pulls the door shut.
Starting point is 00:55:24 And the guy was fucking, there's no handle on the outside door. Yeah. And the door, kind of just gently pushes him out, and then pulls the door shut. And the guy was fucking gone. And there's no handle on the outside door. Yeah, and the guy's gone. I'm like, Travis, how did you do that? He's like, I just put my weight on him a little bit. He goes, people don't like to mess with the big guy. I just put my weight on him a little bit or some shit like that. I was like, how the fuck did you do that?
Starting point is 00:55:41 Yeah. That thing could have ended totally different. One good headbutt and that would have never worked for CrossFit. You mean like if you would have headbutted him? No, if he would have headbutted me when I was walking him out there. But that was a, that was a great, you know, here's a, you want to, let's set that story even a little further and know that that was my first day on the job. And I was really just auditioning for the job, if you remember. And when I say the first day, it was the first trip.
Starting point is 00:56:11 We had started off in Memphis, Tennessee. And I was more or less just this kind of hang alonger, but there was nothing set. And then finally, right around the second trip we went, we ended up going to Texas. And that's when it got a little cooler where I would, you know, start, you know, getting Greg checked into the place, doing a little bit of advance work. And then later on, it was like the third night when, um, when that took place. And I remember when I walked back in there, you know, I already knew that I had done something that, that you California guys was going to think was amazing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I thought I walked back in. I knew the more nonchalant that I acted like it was, the more breathtaking it was
Starting point is 00:57:03 going to be to you guys. Yeah. See, that's what I mean. There's the manipulative piece. That's what I mean. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. Super aware. No doubt. So I remember even after that, like later on that night, Greg looked at me, he's like, well, what am I supposed to do if you're not available? And I'm like, listen, Greg, we can always, we'll always make sure someone's available for you, bro. We got you. But that was a good, you know, Bob Harper. I met Bob Harper that night. Oh, the guy from The Biggest Loser.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Exactly. And Casey was a huge Bob Harper fan. So we also FaceTimed Casey right before we were pulling into Billy Bob's that night. So that was a great night. He scored points at home and at work. Yeah, no doubt. Yeah. It was, it was a great night. Yeah. Great. Brad Patty. I met Travis at NOLA. I don't know what that is at the lot, Northern California, North, North LA. I don't know what NOLA is, um, at the live showing of open workout, 14 point through,
Starting point is 00:58:01 he talked on that mic and he would take everyone's attention on him. He's straight savage on that mic and he would take everyone's attention on him he's straight savage on the mic you know that was uh that was a rare um announcing event that i really really enjoyed and you hate doing that shit right oh well it's because it's it's like my job if you like the nothing's worse than being really good at a shitty job. And and what I mean is like people are always like, man, you could you know, you could rock the mic. It was awesome. I had you at the games and you think about the games and it's four days of 13 hours of, you know, repetitive, you know, 20 minute AMRAPs. I mean, just the worst. Yeah. you know, 20 minute AMRAPs. I mean, just the worst.
Starting point is 00:58:46 And you know, and then all, every once in a while you get a gig like the open where it's like, Hey, for the next five weeks, let's go to five cool ass cities and do a really cool three hour event. Where you really only got to rock the mic for 45 minutes. I'm in. And that was a, that was a really really fun experience um when it comes to crossfit that's that's one of my fond memories not so much the crossfit games because of the uh the amount of work and time and the fact that dave was such a soldier that he ate those 18 hour days up like they were nothing you mean
Starting point is 00:59:29 you mean basically he overworked everyone not only that he just worked like this yeah somehow at 5 30 in the morning he looked fresh as a daisy right hair wet like just motherfucker was always in just a morning person it seemed to me like but motherfucker was always just a morning person it seemed to me like but he was always ready and he was always super aware of any way
Starting point is 00:59:56 that any way that you as an announcer could manipulate which you know me there ain't never there's never a situation where I haven't take a little step back and like, oh, okay. If I'm never here again, I know that there's a bathroom here on the left side. You know what I mean? I'm not going to make that same mistake again. So if there's any way to make my life easier, I would try to you know kick it to dave and he had already knew what the pros cons
Starting point is 01:00:29 and why and then he would say stop being a pussy we're doing it like this and i'm like okay he already knows he would never talk like that was a, he was the first guy that I realized that no matter, you know, in the, in the middle of that war, you're not going to really understand the madness, but unfortunately, when you look back at it, you're good. You're always going to be okay with him being the leader. And, uh, that was, uh, that was a tough pill for me to swallow because I was always as an employee or a helper, I was always such, I always went way
Starting point is 01:01:14 above and beyond from a talent standpoint that I would always, um, expect the little privileges that come with being so freaking efficient um and as you entered the greg glassman entourage you just took over you were the leader you ended up you say when we're leaving what car we're taking you would be like if there were three cars you'd be like great like no one even asks you your second job you're like greg you get in that car seve come with me uh girls over there uh driver number two uh be quiet until i'm done talking okay who wants to eat go over there and i'll just be like oh shit i'm done talking okay who wants to eat go over there and i'll just be like oh shit and then we've been in some hairy situations with you where that's
Starting point is 01:01:49 really paid off y'all no doubt yes yeah no doubt we're like we just needed someone to tell us what to do uh leave through that door now it was okay we're gone bye yeah no doubt yeah and that's and that was you know and i always felt like when it came to, like, running the CrossFit Games, like, I kind of understood, you know, when Dave said ABC, I could fill in D for the most part. It was all good. But the fact is, is I realized with Dave, you don't get any special privileges for being aware of D. Just do A, B, and C exactly the way that we told you.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And then we'll reconvene and give you the instructions for D, which is fine too. Now that I think about it, I understand that there's nothing better than expecting and getting exactly what you want from someone who's trying to help you when you're in that war like that. So it's all good. i did god the good old days the dynamics of all the relationships and shit crazy absolutely absolutely okay so um then at what age is tyson when you start to think
Starting point is 01:03:03 that he might actually like do do you think that always think that he'll be a perfect, like you obviously dedicate your whole life after he's born to him. Right. And then the Ezra and then don't get me wrong. I wish like, I think about like business and finance and there's a big part of that missing in my, in my brain, right? In my day. So when someone says that someone like me dedicated their life to, it really, that was just something that I knew that I could do, that I enjoyed doing. Now, if I probably, looking back at it, I probably should have went, back at it, you know, I probably should have went, I probably should have spent a little more time, um, you know, making money and, and doing a, you know, probably working more. Um, so I have to be careful taking a lot of credit for it when really it was one of those deals where, man, you got
Starting point is 01:03:58 plenty of time, the least you could do is make sure that, uh, I get just down i'm the same way too i see you're saying you're the kind of guy you're only going to do what you want to do and you would rather fucking let the bills pile up and spend time and make sure you train your kids and hang out with your kids because you're good at it and you weren't doing dumb shit like smoke you don't get drunk and you don't get high on fentanyl so you didn't have to worry about that shit and so you on one hand it's like hey don't give me too much credit. The reason why I did this shit is because I liked doing it. Like you loved being a part of your kid's life. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. And I think that, you know, I was lucky and I don't want to say, cause I know that I am
Starting point is 01:04:38 selfish too. So when, when those two boys came out and they were boys, I think that that's a blessing when it comes to where I was that point in my life and how much easier it was for my boys to be with me 24-7, even like in places that, you know, like I would take my kids to my dad's bar all the time. Like I did not, didn't matter to me that there was four alcoholics in there and that there was a fight that could pop off any second like i have no problem with my kids seeing two grown men fight i i'm i'm like yo get over here make sure you can see but just get behind me right i'm okay with that right totally okay hey but but what's interesting is now you now when i talk to you, you're starting to do that.
Starting point is 01:05:28 You're on the same train, though, with your girls. Like the other day, you're like, hey, I'm taking over the volleyball training of my girls' volleyball team. And I just feel like that a part of me, too, has to know that I would be a bad person if I couldn't even fake that. Right. So let's just say that I do not enjoy volleyball as much as football or basketball. It is there's a part of me that knows that that is also something that I would never let come to light anyway, because I'm aware enough to know that you'd have to be just a terrible person to act on that feeling. So now lucky for Diem is I really do enjoy volleyball. But I'm glad because I think when I was younger, I was probably even more selfish,
Starting point is 01:06:16 where I would have been okay with my daughter, you know, maybe skipping some sports so that she could get her nails done. But when it came to the boys, there was no missing days at all. We, and we also too, things that they could be involved in became higher priorities. So when CrossFit became a part of our life, the gym and the CrossFit kids class, it was a great way to knock out two birds with one stone. We can actually give something back to the community from a service standpoint and get paid. But also we know now that that class is super mandatory, right? Like it'd be one thing, like you're a dedicated dad and you take your kid to those tennis lessons it's a whole nother situation if you were teaching the class now all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:07:11 it just becomes regular every single day we are going to crossfit kids class and because you guys are my kids three out of the five days it's CrossFit football because we are working this scenario. And then, you know, and even, you know, even getting the gym that had the indoor basketball court in it, just little things like that, that those became like, like yeses when it really didn't matter if the rent was, you know, the building wasn't up to par. It had a couple of things that we could see immediate gains from. Um, so for, for your kids, I think for your kids, eight or nine years old, when I got introduced to CrossFit and then it just continued all the way up until now. So that was, that was another, and that's another beautiful thing. My my CrossFit education was redundant.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Right. To where I don't know, as a as a CrossFit trainer, if I would have got that same education, if it would have just been me paying for a seminar, joining a gym. But I got it to where it was Greg giving tips on how to make the seminar better every day when I'm there. And then us visiting the level ones. Endless seminars. So all of a sudden, even though it wasn't my intention, I became a pretty damn good CrossFit kids coach. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Pretty quickly, right? Because I could already teach youth football. I just had to switch the football techniques to the CrossFit methodology. And all of a sudden, you know, I'm talking and, you know, it's sounding good to all the kids. And then, of course, your kid goes out there and, you know, Tyson was such a beautiful, because he's doing every single thing that I'm telling you and telling your kids that they should do. He's doing them. And he's also doing it in such a respectful manner that they're taken back a little bit by my my confidence. But when it comes to him, they're like, you know, even, you know, he does all that stuff and he's such a good
Starting point is 01:09:25 kid. He never, you know, he never, he never talks a lot of trash or, you know, he doesn't act like his dad. So that, you know, we kind of, we kind of knocked it out. You know, we kind of knocked it out of the park with that kind of duo. We always had tons of kids after we would beat them or compete against them. They would always want to join the class. You know how like if you're, if you go somewhere, you need to be prepared. So let's say, let's say you're going to the movies, you got to bring your glasses, right? You're going to, I don't know, you're going on a date, you got to bring your condoms. You're going camping, you got to bring your tent. You're going to um i don't know you're going on a date you got to bring your condoms uh you're going camping you got to bring your tent you're going to the hotel you should bring your
Starting point is 01:10:10 toothbrush and toothpaste when i take my kids somewhere i bring them prepared so i'm bringing my kids to travis's bayesian's crossfit class i'm gonna have them in the appropriate clothes not pajamas not some stupid fucking weird clothes. They're going to be appropriate clothes. They can move it. Not some stupid shoes, not their rain boots. They're going to be able to listen. They're going to be polite. They're going to be well fed.
Starting point is 01:10:33 And I'm going to bring them there ready for you to sharpen. Yeah. And I feel like that's the thing. Like, if you could do that as a parent, you're at the you're at the fucking 90 yard line. I agree. I agree. to think like if you could do that as a parent you're at the you're at the fucking 90 yard line i agree i agree and and the trainer should know how exceptional you are so that's why for my class yes all the super duper fun stuff happens the first 15 minutes give me give me an example like dodgeball happens in the beginning so as soon as you get to my class, we have 15 footballs, right? Right?
Starting point is 01:11:08 15 of them. So every one of the kids that is there, they'll get in line. And I will throw the ball every five yards, right? So it's a big square, right? So you run 30 yards. Then you go 30 yards across the field. then you come 30 yards back to me in that length of time. Sometimes I can get rid of eight balls, sometimes 13 balls. But every couple yards you're getting fired the football. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:39 That is awesome. Listen, the kids that come prepared, they catch a hundred balls. awesome. Listen, the kids that come prepared, they catch a hundred balls. The jackass kid that gets there and his mom doesn't have his shoes on or he shows up five minutes late, that time gets cut. And you know what I find? The kid tells his mom, yo, I don't want to be late. Yeah. Because really the class isn't even that fun after the first 15 minutes. Yeah. But the first 15 minutes is so much fun that you want them to, because all they can do is ask their parents. Right. And some kids, you know, you got to be careful how you say that to your parents. Yeah. Right. Like there's some, not every kid can say, Hey, pops, you, we are five minutes late. Um, you know, I don't want, you know, I want to make sure I'm on time. They try to be like, Hey, listen, bro. Uh, you don't even want to know
Starting point is 01:12:34 what happened for me to get you there. Just five minutes late. Right. Right. You know what I mean? Watch it. Yeah. I'm not talking about those kids though. Of course not. You're talking about the just regular slapdick parent that um that i thought that i would never you know i would never be right but i realized that i am the minority when it comes to really wanting because i think that it's like part of my responsibility right away is to let the coach know that that kid's parent is serious. Right. And one of the best ways that I can be serious is to make sure I'm there on time and that my kids are ready to work. Yeah. Warmed up, show up 10 minutes early and you even mentioned it. Right. Like, I think
Starting point is 01:13:17 that I even disagree. I think you were talking to someone, you were talking to an affiliate owner and you said to that guy that really the, the clients and the parents, they push the quality of the program. And then I heard that guy kind of be like, well, I would expect my, well, yeah, yeah. You can expect that shit all you want your employees to be on point. But what's best is for that god to know hey the joneses are going to be there today yes the joneses don't fuck around yes the joneses are psychotic they think that little marty's going to be a ski pro well hey you damn right that's what we think and we're hoping that you can help us get there. Hey, can you share? You said something to, so your oldest son, Tyson,
Starting point is 01:14:09 who we've been talking about, for those of you who don't know, he's been on the show a couple of times. He set the all-time collegiate touchdown passing record in all divisions recently. Did he win the second Harlan in a row? He did not. He finished third in the voting. No shit? Yeah, they ended up giving it to the quarterback from Colorado. he's won did he win the second harlan in a row he did not he finished third in the voting no shit
Starting point is 01:14:25 yeah they ended up giving it to the quarterback from colorado and then how could they do that well i mean you know why i'll tell you why so about 10 years ago the greatest division two running back maybe the best division two player of all times. His name is Danny Woodhead. Danny Woodhead had an amazing junior season like Tyson did, and he won the Harlan Hill Award. He came back as a senior, and the sports information directors, which you got to know that there's 170 sports information directors that vote for these awards. There's probably 70 of them don't even have football. Out of the 100 that do have
Starting point is 01:15:16 football, only 40 of them would football be their best sport, right? So you got to know that if you're in Division II in Kentucky, you may have a girls volleyball team that's third in the country. So your sports information director, even though he's in charge of every sport, he spends 85% of his time on that girls volleyball team because that's what makes their Division II sport click, put them on the map. So the voting is not always solid. So this Danny Woodhead guy, even though he had a very average injury-prone senior year, he still won the Harlan Hill Award. So every year now when there's a winner, the next year for the past five, 10 years, all of the media personalities,
Starting point is 01:16:08 they immediately claimed that Tyson would win because that's what Danny Woodhead did, meaning the name recognition would be so prominent that you almost couldn't lose. And in my opinion, they kept that campaign going from the minute the season started. And, um, and finally people were just, um, just, just very, we're not going to do that. And they voted against. So yeah, now because of the Danny Woodhead situation,
Starting point is 01:16:41 it will be a lot harder if not impossible for someone to repeat how i mean what a fuck did are people crazy critical of that like are you guys fucking stupid this i mean yeah yeah there are tyson's a boon to tyson's a boon to division two football what he's done for division two football is crazy yeah yeah it's pretty. But listen, you have to know that sports like that life goes on and right immediately as soon it's, it's, it's cool to us because we love Tyson, but the fact is, is it's division two football. So there's always, it's easy to discredit the situation. Um, and you really can't argue because the more you know about football the easier it is to discredit the situation until you really really know and then you're like okay even with those um
Starting point is 01:17:36 those routine barriers of being division two playing with that competition yeah you still when you put the whole body of work together, and then you realize that the most prominent evaluators in the world are the people that invite you to the number one all-star game and the NFL Combine. And he was invited to both of those, the Senior Bowl and the Combine? Yes, and even if you're a little critical you still wants that once how about the kid how about the kid who won the harlan was he invited say it again how about
Starting point is 01:18:10 the kid who won the harlan trophy was he invited he was not yeah he wasn't invited to any of the games yeah exactly but you know what else hey don't forget that football is the ultimate team sport and if your team is really good it's really hard to show individual accolades. And if you show a lot of individual accolades, it's usually a result of your team not being super well-rounded. So Tyson's back-to-back Final Four appearances, in my opinion, are a way bigger deal
Starting point is 01:18:43 than even the individual quarterback stats. Because the truth is, the ultimate decider of that guy is how his teammates and coaches view him. And it's 50-50 when it comes to the quarterback really getting all the love that it's presumed that he's getting. Because a lot of times, you know, we all know the guy in our friendship that's the best looking, but it don't mean we always agree with the fact that he should get the, you know, the pretty girl. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:18 So a lot of times the quarterback, even though he's loved on the outside, you know, when you really get in the locker room, he's got to be really on point to win that locker room and um i saw guys play harder when tice was in charge than they would have if he wasn't right right uh ken walters my son was a top 10 finalist for uh division one hockey hobie baker award and led the nation in scoring his junior year, but was not a hockey powerhouse. First time nation leading score to get to top three ceremony. That's awesome. Ken.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Super awesome. Crazy. Awesome. Did not get the final three. What a God is, is hockey harder to break into the pros and football or are they pretty equal? Both just in,
Starting point is 01:20:02 I would say they're pretty equal. I'd say they're pretty equal. Pretty damn hard. Yeah. So you said something to so he's he's with a quarterback coach now just making sure he's his skills stay up to snuff as he approaches the senior bowl and combine and you told me something that you said to that coach the other night could you share that or could i share it you can share it yeah let it. Yeah, you basically said to him, you said, hey, either tell me my kid is the best quarterback you've ever seen or tell me what you're doing to make him that. And I was like, holy shit. Yeah, so funny, right?
Starting point is 01:20:37 Because it's so easy, right, for us to, you know, you got to remain humble, right? for us to you know you got to remain humble right like listen if you're not humble the society like really hates you like it really does hate you right so i know that tyson must maintain that status right like he has no choice but i have no time for any of that like as the as the father so he it's good cop, bad cop. You're the bad cop. He's the good cop. Listen, motherfucker, if you're not making my son better, hit the fucking road. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:21:11 And listen, honestly, if you don't believe it, I don't need you to. I need you to lie to me. You must lie to me in order to keep this job. So tell me now, what are you? You must lie to me in order to keep this job. So tell me now, what are you? The only way you can keep the job is if you believe it like I do, right? Because listen, if not, we just need to move on. It's completely okay, but we have one solid opportunity, is that we have been granted this senior bowl invite and the NFL combine invite.
Starting point is 01:21:48 We have this short amount of time. We have purposely checked every box in order to get to this point. You, Mr. Mastroli, his name is Ken Mastroli. His job is to take us to make sure that when we get there, that Tyson is not surprised, not surprised by the verbiage, not surprised by the competition, not surprised by the amount of work and what's expected the outcome. So I was very serious with him. And you know, what was awesome is that he looked at me right in the face and said, listen, Travis, this guy's the best guy I've ever worked with. And listen, I really I don't care. There's no need for me to get to look at him harder to find out if I think he's lying or he's telling the truth. It does not matter to me. He knows what was expected. And and now we'll see if it follows through. But I think a lot of coaches and a lot
Starting point is 01:22:47 of parents would be completely okay with, hey, listen, it's a long shot. We are going to do our best to see how far he can make it. And most people would be totally accepting of that, but not me. We didn't went too far. And there was too many average things that I could check that I went ahead and checked. Like you need him to be over 6'3", check, right? Under 220, needs to run under a 485, check. Needs to be perfectly, I mean, look like a ballerina whenever there's any footwork involved, meaning his legs are moving 100 miles per hour. His body is quiet and soft. He can make every single throw that's needed to be made. I already checked those boxes. Now I'm here with you so that you can polish it all up and put it on that showroom
Starting point is 01:23:46 floor. And listen, don't put it out there if you don't want somebody to take it first. I mean, number one, and if you can't help us, we have a ton of resources over here. Let us go somewhere else where at least if we don't make it, we want to be upset about it. Do not prepare us for a bad outcome. We're not interested. Damn dude. Hey, and just so you know,
Starting point is 01:24:16 and I'm curious how Travis can respond to this. No one taught Travis any of this. So this, everything that Travis knows, no, he didn't go to some school to learn how to play football. He didn't go to a parent raising, uh, academy. He didn't, um, he's not a, uh, a PhD in anything. Um, this is a, uh, a, a culmination of three things. It's a culmination of the way he was brought up up his ability to be hyper aware of everything that's going on around him crazy situational awareness and then the third thing
Starting point is 01:24:50 is to connect the dots that's what i would say they are so he finds things that work and he pushes them forward for what's he want this is like um yeah i mean travis i'm guessing 99 of the shit that comes out of your mouth you're hearing it for the first time, too. Like, are you like, holy fuck. Like, you just seem like a guy who's just in an intellectual flow state whenever I'm with you. Yeah, and I'm experiencing it with you, right? When it hits you and that light bulb goes on. Like you said, when you escorted that guy out, even you were tripping, but you're like, oh, I better act like that was cool.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Act like it was cool, right? And listen, and there's something act like that was cool. Act like it was cool. Right. And listen, and there's something else about that hyper-awareness, right? I think that people imagine that if they were hyper-aware, they would be aware of all the things that are not possible. When really the more hyper-aware you are, you realize that that person's like no different than you and they are where you want them to be like i became hyper aware during the nfl arm wrestling show that these 40 athletes were no
Starting point is 01:25:56 different than the kids at my house oh so so just so you guys know that uh travis did a charity thing where he arm wrestled NFL players. Not even that. Like, we brought 40 NFL players and did a CBS show with 36 NFL players competing against each other. And the Players Association tried to fine and suspend those guys for doing it. It was awesome. Like, it was a real deal, $2 million production with Marshawn Lynch, James Harrison. And I mean, the list just goes on. It was awesome. And when you were around those guys, you were like, shit, my son could be one of these guys.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Not only aware, but not only around those guys, but my son was a junior in high school. One of the big reasons that the project was put together was so that Tyson could be around those guys and that it would be just another check like, hey, you were around that guy. The first thing you're going to realize is they only zero in on the super ripped guys. Most of them dudes are just normal dudes, right? I mean, they're good looking 220 pound athletes, but I think when you're looking on TV at DJ Metcalf, you think that he's the norm when he's the minority, right? This six foot five, 240 pound wide receiver is a weirdo. Most of those wide receivers are just normal guys. And so even there with Tyson and Ezra being around those guys,
Starting point is 01:27:27 and I made sure I brought them to every one of the shoots, every time that there was some intimate settings, right, with those guys, I made sure that my boys were right there and that it was nothing strange that they would be interacting with these type of people. So, you know, I would say that as soon as you feel like, like there's a, that you, you may have a little bit of awareness, just let that sink in that all of your heroes are not that much cooler than you. I mean, just tiny, tiny little bit that I bet if you worked on, let's just say that you could go back in time,
Starting point is 01:28:07 Savan, how many times would you, you know, maybe even be more hyper aware to put yourself in better positions, right? Yes. Well, listen, that's what having kids is. It's your opportunity to go back in time. You have all your experiences. Now you can let them. So my experience with NFL players when I was growing up is that they were Clark Kent. They were Batman. So I made sure that my kids knew that, no, that's just Marshawn and James. Yeah, the same guys we were at breakfast with yesterday.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Oh, hey, that was just like when Travis came to the Bay or Tyson came to the Bay Area to do some like shit with some professional athletes. You're like, dude, you're an idiot for not bringing your kids here and letting them hang out with these people and just make it feel like it's normal. I didn't even get that. You guys, fuck that opportunity up. You don't even say James Harrison or Marshawn Lynch. You say Marshawn and James. The kids already know who he's talking about. Oh yeah, that's my boys from back from Vegas.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Yeah, no doubt. And then also too, think about Marshawn Lynch and James Harrison having to come over here and work in this group because I'm in charge of their arm wrestling knowledge. So now my kids are looking at me like, yo, not only does my pops know who James Harrison and Marshawn is, but he just told one of them, shut the fuck up, that he was talking.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Like, hey, get the fuck over here. The first drill we're going to do is we're going to work on some rising here in the set grip. Pay attention. Like, that's the type. Now, listen, I even was a little more aggressive teaching those guys because I knew my boys were there. Right. Right. Right. I wanted them to know that, listen, your pops ain't intimidated by this room. Like if you think about it, your pops ran the room. Right. Right. So you,
Starting point is 01:30:00 so even in those situations, you know, your son's there and you're giving him a, a, a, a, you know, your son's there and you're giving him a learning learning lesson. I don't even want to say hyper is a good enough analogy for that, for being that aware of what you are doing at this exact moment. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and never I don't have to talk about it anymore. I don't ever have to draw reference to it. It is embedded in their brain. They already know that there was one time where their pops was completely in charge of all their heroes. God, Travis, you're such a cool dude. Dude, you wait and see, dude. If this thing hits, there's going to be a movie.
Starting point is 01:30:50 It's going to be going to be just imagine to like you can hype up all of these situations and make them even bigger than what they was. Because, you know, I know it's pretty big. I was I was there at that football thing. And, you know, I mean, just all these different moments in my life, I was there and I know that they were, you know, there were circumstances that made those things, you know, there was a lot of luck involved in those things, but that does not have to be portrayed in the movie. It could be all. I don't know. I don't believe it's any luck i don't believe it's any luck hey here's the thing every time i went and visited you when i filmed pooling john anytime i ever did any armless any shit with you i feel like whenever i came to your house or whatever
Starting point is 01:31:34 there was always like some kids training going on or or like i was going with you to football practice or that's always been something i'm whenever i'm talking to you on the phone you know it's like hey what are you doing you're like i gotta go i'm getting out of the car i'm taking the kids into practice right so it's to say it's luck is i mean you definitely brought your kids prepared it goes back to had brought them prepared the same way i bring my kids everywhere fucking prepared yeah and i prepared. And I can imagine you without the coach knowing it, you giving him a little pep talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:11 And all the pep talk is, is coach kids are fired up, man. They wanted to come yesterday. I mean, we almost packed it in and I was like, oh shit. You're a, you know, your session is not till tomorrow, but the dudes are ready to come here. They really like that one backhand move. Yeah, they love playing that game. Just wanted to make sure you knew that, Coach.
Starting point is 01:32:31 All of a sudden, Coach knows, hey, my man's here. He's very, very aware of when I'm starting class and how energetic I am. I am. So, I mean, I praise that affiliate guy who wanted his, um, 20 and $30 hourly coaches to train these athletes the way that their hopes and dreams, the way that that trainer in their dreams trains them. I just can't imagine that it's not the, uh, the actual athletes and definitely the parents of the kid athletes that, um, that can 100% help motivate that guy. Cause really we don't need the guy to change his life. We just need the most energetic hour he can give us. That's all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Yeah. I was thinking the other, I was actually talking with matt suza about this today we expect uh we expect from coaches shit that people who make three hundred thousand dollars a year can't do and these people only make between thirty six thousand and forty eight thousand dollars a. And that's to stay present and motivated, but it's like, God, man. Yeah. And also too, like that, you should, you should think about what hour are you getting your coach? Cause that's important too. Like I only want my, you mean like morning or afternoon at the first two hours that he's working.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Cause I know that I'm not the same trainer in the third hour you know one of the things i you know one of the things i've been telling avi my my uh my eight year old i know he doesn't understand it yet but i said hey don't let anyone control the energy in the room you control the energy in the room if someone else is down someone else is uptight you don't ever follow that you you never don't let your coach control the energy no one controls your energy you you you're free as a fucking bird because what's up with those kids are those kids what do you what what is your uh what is your vision for their future Are they athletes or are they just well-rounded freaks? Yeah, probably just well-rounded freaks.
Starting point is 01:34:48 I don't know. What about educationally? Are they smart kids? I think so. I mean, I think so. I mean, they read and write and do math and everyone, and you know, they say hi and please. I mean, they're not even-
Starting point is 01:35:01 Like doctors and lawyers, you think? No, no, no. Fuck that. That's a life of misery. No, no, no. No, no, no. Fuck that. That's a life of misery. No, no, but I'm surrounded by fucking piles of shit. Like, like in the kid and the parents don't even know it. You know, Travis, I, I, yesterday I took my kids, uh, for the, for their last session of the day, their last session of the day, they started at three 30 and they did a one hour striking and kicking class. started at 3 30 and they did a one hour striking and kicking class and they sparred for 30 minutes sparred no head gear with other kids then right after that they get a little snack for five
Starting point is 01:35:52 minutes and they go into an hour of jiu-jitsu that's also that's 30 minutes of technique and then 30 minutes of fighting so you're saying 3 30 to or did that 5 to 5 3 thirty to four thirty four thirty to five thirty then they come home and they're like hey we want to go in the garage and work on our jumping so we go in the garage and we do jumping skills sideways lateral vertical all sorts of just different jumping skills because they want to do it's fun right just jumping crazy jumping one-legged jumps two-legged jumps some of those jumps you were showing me, they're just jumping. Then when they're done with that, it's been raining. And I, I invent a tennis game in the garage.
Starting point is 01:36:31 So now they've been going three hours and I invent a tennis game in the garage that they can play in the garage. And it just has to do with barely tapping the tennis ball. And they play that for an hour. So now four hours they've been going, that's their last session. They've already done a ton of other shit in the morning. Right. Right. And like for, I'm guessing for me, that's just normal for my kids. So now four hours they've been going, that's their last session. They they've already done a ton of other shit in the morning. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:36:46 And like for, I'm guessing for me, that's just normal for my kids. That's just normal. Yeah, exactly. So like, I don't even know, I don't even know what other kids, I don't even know. Yeah. Yeah. That's such listen, man. Like they're pissed. Like I get pissed when they say,
Starting point is 01:37:00 can I drink some water? And I'm like, what the fuck? You only been going four hours, you know? So I don't even know. I don't know how to compare my kids to other kids. Yeah. Yeah. It's not even. Yeah. There's probably no comparison.
Starting point is 01:37:12 And, and honestly, not that there's not other kids getting that work, but they're getting that work because of an obligation that their parents. So in other words, you would have to own that, that jujitsu studio from, for, for, for kids to have the equivalent, I would say. Yeah. So that's awesome. I mean, that is, that is, that is a, that is a genuine blessed day. I would imagine for you. Yeah. Then they woke up this morning, they did an hour of reading and math, and then the jujitsu, the striking coach comes over, they strike for an hour and then straight to the skate park and they skate it for three hours straight come home get something to eat and then
Starting point is 01:37:49 off to tennis practice yeah and you're and you're genuinely fulfilled through that day as well you you personally oh i'm having you mean am i having fun yeah right like there's not like that they ever tell you they're going to the park and you're like, dude, I'd much rather sit and just take a nap. No, I hate myself. Like today I did take a nap for an hour. So my wife's like, hey, I'm taking they go to this thing called Kumon once or twice a week where they sit down with like junior high kids and they do math and reading with them. and they do math and reading with them. And I was like, hey, I'm going to nap for an hour. And I hated myself for it. But I know I needed to take them to tennis. And the best version of me would be if I nap.
Starting point is 01:38:31 I want to spend every fucking second with them. Yeah, that's awesome. And that's what makes, like, dude, that's going to be. And you know what? It's going to be strange for them because they're going to have to luck out in order to live that life that you're living. Well, yeah, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:52 You mean with their kids? You mean to be able to do this with their kids? Exactly. Like Tyson, what we were thinking. Well, or they got to be brave like me and you. I know what you said. I was the same way too. Like I was kind of like, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:39:05 I'm going to do what I want to do. And you're right. I got lucky. It could have turned out fucking bad. While everyone else was telling me to get a job at Starbucks and get health insurance, I was like, fuck you. I ain't doing that. I'm fooling around with this video camera. But on the other hand, like, I mean, here's two guys it worked out for.
Starting point is 01:39:23 I mean, how many people told you to get a job and stop fucking around coaching? Oh man, it was crazy. It was crazy. I mean, people think you're. Even to this day, like I can tell that, that even though it kind of worked out for me, I can still see their face. Like how the hell did you do that?
Starting point is 01:39:42 Because listen, family members tell me I'm lucky and I have family members tell me I'm lucky. I have family members tell me I'm lucky the way my life turned out. When I worked every Christmas for fucking, I mean, you know, you were out in the snow throwing balls with your kids at Christmas, you know. Yeah, yeah, no doubt. And, you know, like, I know that those people really consciously thought that they were making the right decision. Yes. And listen, I'm not saying they're not. I'm
Starting point is 01:40:06 just like, I know that they are looking at their relationships with their kids and they haven't logged. They haven't logged near the time. Like they haven't logged the time that we have. That's why that, you know, me and my kids kids have me and my kids have a relationship about our relationship with you or whoever those people are because that's how much time that we're logging i'm not just seeing my kids for that three-hour window after work until night till the till bedtime like i've been with them we've been we've been together all day you ever had a coach tell you to go away travis yeah um no but i have had coaches um gently try to explain to me that i'm the only guy watching right so yeah i'm starting to get
Starting point is 01:41:01 that talk from some of the coaches like hey hey, you know, there's no other parents here watching their kids like they just drop them off. Yeah. I've been told that I need to walk away. And, you know, but I don't but I don't. I'm like, I hear you. You might be right. But sorry, I'm not doing it. Yeah, exactly. And honestly, I tell the guys all the time, like, listen, I love you to death. It's just I love them more. I just want to make sure that you are killing them, homie. Yeah. But, you know, I thought about that because, listen, you know that I don't miss Tysons.
Starting point is 01:41:33 I don't miss college football practice. Now think about that. Still, I love that. You still go – you went to all his college football practices too? I don't miss – I do not miss practice. Do any other to all his college football practices too i don't miss i do not miss practice do any other parents go to college football practice not no it's not one parent i love this you're fucking crazy hey is that so is that so no girls get him or no one he can't smoke weed or like get on this i am interested in seeing what do i need to add to the list because listen
Starting point is 01:42:08 you can't put your kids in division two athletics and expect them to have the same coaching the same um amount of stress put on them as they are at Alabama and Notre Dame. Right? So I also, too, like we didn't go there under the interpretation that Tyson was not the best player that ever played there. Now, it didn't mean it was true. I'm just telling you that when he came in, are true. I'm just telling you that when he came in, that's the label that I put on his packaging as I delivered it to you, right? So just know that. I gave them guys, this human being, and as I gave it to them, I made sure they knew that this is the best player that ever played here. So right away, I'm checking the coach, right?
Starting point is 01:43:08 I'm checking the coach with the comment. Now, when I show up to practice, what do you think the coach thinks? This guy's crazy, right? Like, this lunatic thinks that his son is an NFL player. Like, and listen, he probably talks about it to the other coaches, says it to two or three of the parents that he's friends with, whether a former players or colleagues at school, when they say, hey, isn't that Bajan boy playing quarterback for you? Man, how's his dad? And listen, you have to know that that guy who asked that question is praying that Coach McCook says that I'm a handful and that it probably won't work out.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Yeah. Right? But here's what you have to know. It's only a matter of time. For Tyson, it was four days. So think about this. Right. For the first day, I'm a lunatic. The second day. Hey, man, that dude's dad is back here again. And then the one guy says, who are you talking about? You're like, the stud quarterback's dad. That's the first strike. The guy says, and the day two, I'm not the crazy guy. I'm the crazy stud quarterback's dad.
Starting point is 01:44:36 Day three, the entire motherfucking team, from every kid to every staff member knows, wow, that crazy ass kid's dad is coming to every practice. And you know why? Because he's the best player that's ever played here. And then the fourth day, the same guy, he runs, the coach runs into the same guy at lunch. And he says, hey, how's it working out with Tyson's dad? And coach says, honestly, I think that Travis and Tyson are the best thing that's ever happened to Shepard football. Do you have any other questions? Was that his freshman year?
Starting point is 01:45:23 Four days. Four days. God, Travis, what a great story. Let's fast forward to the first game. Yeah. The first game, my son throws for more yards than anybody in the history of the conference. Not the team, the whole thing, right? And listen, the next day we get to practice, it's a Sunday. I'm at practice. It's just a walkthrough. The starters ain't even practicing.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Do you know why I'm there? I want to see what kind of energy the football coaches have the day after the first game that my son, who is a true freshman, threw for 518 yards. I want the coaches, I want everybody to know how lucky they are and how accountable I am. I'm so accountable. He is accountable. And listen, Tyson's goal, man, Tyson told me, he's like, listen, I know what my job is. My job is for that coach to think that I'm the hardest worker he's ever been around. And every time it's a new coach, it's a new opportunity. And he knows that. I mean, and he got that because I told him, I'm like, listen, I mean, and he got that because I told him, I'm like, listen, that's your goal.
Starting point is 01:46:51 How many days does it take for the defensive coordinator to know you're the best player? I know the offensive coordinator is going to know you're the best player the first day. How long is it going to take for the guy who doesn't want you to be the best player? How long is it going to take for him to find out? And we're going over those small little goals. I think that a lot of kids are dropping off their kids and they're just thankful the kid doesn't forget their water bottle. Not that the kid is looking for today to be the day that the entire team realizes he's the best player.
Starting point is 01:47:23 Hey, do you have much time left do you have 20 more minutes of course okay i'm gonna run this commercial one more time take another potty break an hour and 27 minutes a cup of coffee later i will be back in 55 uh seconds what is with this guy you know if howard stern and joe rogan had a baby you'd be looking at him remember the people were live so don't like start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that. And this is why this is the greatest show on the internet because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum
Starting point is 01:47:52 and then right after there's a comment that says it's so sad. Let's go back to handjobs. People without their names and they... No one clipped that and played that on the internet a thumb with a mustache yes listen a guy named johan lopez called you a thumb with a mustache wow i'm gonna shit myself man that sebon podcast is dull as shit okay you guys have a great day okay you too Thanks for calling. Mwah. Mwah. No.
Starting point is 01:48:31 I was feeling familial like it was my mom. Okay, here's the question for you. I go to a jiu-jitsu tournament with Avi. There's only one other kid in the weight class. There's Gi and no Gi. In the no Gi, there's not a lot of kids who do it.
Starting point is 01:48:53 That's the one where you're just in your street clothes, right? It's just wrestling. And so he's there, and he wins the first match 11-0. Normally, you just wrestle a kid once and move on to the next kid, but there's only one kid there, so they do a best out of three. The next match they tie 4-4, and since the kid scored the last points, they give the match to him. So now it's tied one match each. And Avi says, hey, I'm not going back out there. I'm like, cool now in that same tournament my son already arm wrestled in in a match and a girl arm barred him and kind of
Starting point is 01:49:34 hyperextended his elbow and they stopped the match and he was crying and they took him off the mat and and uh they said and they said okay he's done for the day and five minutes later he goes hey i want to wrestle my next two matches and he went back in with his arm fucked up and won just like a savage. Right. Even though he didn't have to. So I asked Avi why he, he's training for jujitsu with his instructor. And I say, Hey, we got to work on we got to work on it. Cause he has another tournament coming up in a couple of days. I go, we got to work on something with Avi. And she goes, what? And I go, that last match he wanted to beat the kid 11, zero. And then it was four, four. And he wouldn't go out for the third match.
Starting point is 01:50:26 And he goes, dude, you don't – he tells me. He's eight years old. He tells me and the jiu-jitsu instructor, you don't understand how tired I was. I was so tired. And I said to him, and I don't know if he gets it. I go, I know, dude, but that's your opportunity to test yourself. Like who cares if you fucking lose? You have to go out there and just see what happens, what you're made of. And then the instructor is like, okay, we'll start working on some things called the gauntlet.
Starting point is 01:50:49 And that's basically where you just go out there and they just have 10 people just keep coming at you and just beat your ass and basically make you cry. So you just told a story where Tyson knew he had to be the hardest worker in the room. How did you teach him that? Do you have any advice for me? Yeah, yeah, I do. Yeah, okay. Yeah, okay. Listen, that's a good one right here.
Starting point is 01:51:13 This is advanced. This is like trigonometry when it comes to parenting right here. And he's so moldable. This kid's so moldable. Yeah, no doubt. So you're in a tough situation, right? So this is my recommendation for every dad who has a dream that you know could be slightly unrealistic and you're going to work towards it together.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Your son must be treated as an endurance athlete all the time, because that's going to be the place, that humbling place where they get tired and they can't do it anymore. So I'm not, I'm not a hundred percent sure that he wasn't a genius for knowing that, that there was something there that he didn't want to experience. But the good thing is, is that you, that gauntlet is how he experiences that. So you did that with Tyson. You would push him into the, just, I, all I did was I made Tyson wrestle when he was six and seven years old, because that gauntlet that you're talking about is something that every kid, every kid, you got to look away knowing that they're going to hold him underwater. They're going to hold him underwater.
Starting point is 01:52:31 And you got to know that as hard as that is to watch, that it's going to be a lot harder if you're not there and it's not controlled one of these days. So that now you're in a tough gig when it comes to fighting right i knew that when it came to football that i could put tyson in an endurance very scary situation just by sending him to wrestling practice you got another like i don't even know like oh i see what you're saying you're saying the time domain for wrestling are longer than football so if he could handle wrestling he's going to be able to understand
Starting point is 01:53:09 be able to handle the metabolic needs of football but you're saying for wrestling if you want to swim in the deep end what do you use yeah you got to go to seal training you got i don't know what it is but you have to know that part of your job is to make sure that he reaches this adversity almost accidentally and even better just going through life. So one of the beautiful things about football is that every minute you stop for four minutes. Right. So I knew that the, how they were going to try to humble my kids is during summer conditioning. Right. Because there's always the dudes that don't mind the conditioning. And then there's the athletes that hate the conditioning. They're just the good players. Right. Right. They're just coordinated. So I made sure that my kids went through what I considered worst endurance training with me so that when they got there, because listen, that's going to be the way that the coach can always humble you.
Starting point is 01:54:16 The parent is that he can make your kid tired and make him quit. Right. Right. And you're in a tough game when it comes to that fighting game right because you know there is that like if your kids are not going to be ufc fighters they're not you don't need to let them get choked out right but i'm telling you right now if you have admirations of your kids fighting in the ufc no the motherfuckers got to get choked out right now right yeah no no aspirations no no you know you know i just i but i do think that um it translates to maybe a better tennis player a better skateboarder like no doubt you got three black belts in brazilian jiu-jitsu and some kickboxing kickboxing and striking uh medals under your belt you those three boys walk onto the onto the skate part well
Starting point is 01:55:04 and you talk about you talk about not letting anyone control the energy. Right. I mean, the best way to control the energy is if you are in a tennis situation with a MMA background. Right. I just need that. You need to know, fixing that problem in the MMA world may be a tougher sell than fixing it. If it was in the tennis world. Right.
Starting point is 01:55:28 Great. Great explanation. Yes. With your MMA. And that's why probably there's so many MMA fighters that are like Ironman athletes. Like they do the a hundred mile runs and all that create. And like,
Starting point is 01:55:38 you know, we all know Manny Pacquiao. He's a running machine. Yeah. Even Diaz, like those guys, man. Like once you completely
Starting point is 01:55:46 sell out from an endurance standpoint, now let's go, bro. Like, let's go. Like, I know that you're not gonna, um, you know, you're not going to make me quit that easy, but I do know from experience that once you're tired and that you can't breathe, that is the absolute most humbling thing that you can go through, especially if you're, if someone's asking you to perform under those conditions. So, you know, think about the sport that you're going to, you know, and think about the adversity that your kids, because listen, there's a lot of tennis players that face that same adversity that he went through in that MMA fight, right? But you just want to make sure that you can control that tennis thing, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:38 It's like, dude, we'll play all day. We got no problem making this about art. day. We got no problem making this about art because, you know, I got him over here with Garth Taylor and, um, and Garth is taking care of that, uh, that adversity. Uh, I want to read to you a text message that just came in from a mutual friend of ours, maybe, uh, the smartest living man on the planet. Nice. It says, I love Travis Bajent like I love very few. He's beyond a friend. Travis delivers some globally strong and hard-fought wisdom on basic shit, and it's gold. That this beast was able to hone Tyson to the monster he speaks volumes to all
Starting point is 01:57:17 I hold dear about training and rearing. I am proud of – I'm crazy proud of him. I'm very'm crazy proud of him i'm very very proud of him uh greg glassman nice hey fuel up the jet baby what are we waiting on hey listen i'm gonna be way funner now that i'm not like you know way funner and i know you've always been fun shut the fuck up listen uh wad zombie the last time i had him on when it was the and that was the most popular show we did in 2022 you have to know that and by the way that was right before a big a match between john brzenk and devin lorette and uh travis was giving his two cents on who he thought was going to win so probably a lot of arm wrestlers around the world listen but um the the thing is is right after that
Starting point is 01:58:04 i go travis you're such an awesome guest i'll have you on regularly and he's like listen dipshit i'm not fucking i'm not coming on your show regularly i hate that shit don't call me for six months you know what i mean no i so that i'm not getting i i'll ask him to come on again you know uh tyson's more likely to come on again than this guy yeah and also too also too, man, listen, Tyson, Tyson loves you. And I think that you're going to, this next component in your life is going to be the guys that you really, really respect and love enough to let mentor and be in your kid's life. That's going to be another special thing that happens to you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's listen, hugely fulfilling, right? Like for me to really, really enjoy someone and really tell my kids,
Starting point is 01:58:55 like, listen, I just want you to know that in, in the reason, the reason Tyson thinks so highly of you is because as he was coming up in life, you were doing these great things. And every single time it was one of those where nobody in this household was surprised by it. So whenever, and it's not just you, there's, there's this psychology teacher at Martinsburg high school that, that I was, you know, that I ended up getting CrossFit certified. And this guy's a huge part of Tyson's life. I believe you'll be a part of his life forever. And I'm telling you right now, there is no doubt in my mind that that man is going to become absolutely great. Like, and your relationship with him is going to benefit you tremendously.
Starting point is 01:59:46 I think that I've told you before that being the quarterback is a lot different than any other thing. Right. And there's no reason for you to understand that yet. that you will see as Tyson becomes one of those household figures, one of those five or ten quarterbacks that is on his team and is the starter year in and year out. The benefit that it's going to take place for you will be, it'll just be an amazing circle because I remember thinking to myself how awesome it would be if Tyson could get some knowledge and some understanding from a few guys that have been a part of my life. So I cannot wait until you call me.
Starting point is 02:00:39 And listen, I already know it's going to happen. I just can't wait for you to see the power of being one of those guys. And then here's what I'm hoping, too, that I'm hoping that Tyson was raised that the best part of his life is sharing that platform, right? Just purposely letting the people know that we're there for him or that he enjoys that, hey, all these resources, just like Greg Glassman said, Travis, don't be tight with the resources. They're here. Make sure that all of our people can enjoy them. So I'm really looking forward to the doors that I think Tyson's career is going to open. Not because of the fame and fortune,
Starting point is 02:01:32 just because of the influence. And to me, nothing is bigger than when somebody thinks that you are on this platform, that you could be selfish or maybe too busy for them. And then they realize that, my man, this is one of the main reasons that I got to this platform. It's so all my people, all my people can enjoy it. So I hope that Tyson is that guy. And I'm also hoping that Tyson's aware enough that even if he's not that guy,
Starting point is 02:02:06 that he knows that I am that guy so that I can handle it. If you don't want to be that guy, I would love to be that guy for you. So just hold on. Just wait a little bit longer. Every time I call call answer the phone. You're one sarcastic comment away. Who does what you need? Hey, um, how do you choose Travis?
Starting point is 02:02:34 How do you choose those? Um, how do you choose those guys? Um, I just choose the guys that I know no matter what they didn't do. They did a lot of things for me, not for them. Um, you know, so, and then, you know, also too, I don't really care what put us in a position to where, um, I enjoyed your company. It really doesn't matter. I am, I love I absolutely love being a servant. I love helping people like I love it. I like bringing a lot of people to dinner. I love when my friends are hanging out with my other friends, even if they're not necessarily friends so that they all can feel it. And I mean, I just think that for the most part, our brain just
Starting point is 02:03:28 imagines that you would be very helpful when you needed something. And then the second you didn't, you would forget about the people that got you there. And then I just think that, you know, it comes with being aware is that you really, really remember situations that you were in and how thoughtful and appreciative the other people were and how, if you ever got the, you know, the chance to, to just enhance something, um, that you would do it. And, um, I'm looking forward to, uh, to doing things like that and hopefully it works out. What's the longest, uh, coach besides yourself that, uh, Tyson ever had? I'm looking forward to doing things like that. And hopefully it works out. What's the longest coach besides yourself that Tyson ever had?
Starting point is 02:04:13 I'd say it's his college coach, Ernie McCook. So that's a five-year program with the COVID year. Yeah. So three years of high school, same coach. A couple years of junior high with the same coach. And then me for about the first 10 years. So from six until 13, so seven straight years of me being his football, basketball, baseball coach, and then handing him off to a junior high guy for a couple years, a high school guy for a few years,
Starting point is 02:04:41 and ultimately to Coach McCook at Shepherd University for the last five years. You know, it's crazy. Like when, so my kid played, I signed my kid up for this tennis, uh, academy camp. I don't know what you call it, just where he plays, where he plays tennis. My kids play tennis and I took them there because they didn't require masks for the kids. So everyone in California was fucking freaking out and wearing masks. I don't know if they did that shit in West Virginia, but there was like a year or two years where everyone around here was wearing masks and scared.
Starting point is 02:05:12 You're kidding. That was so weird. They didn't really do that. I saw that on the news, but I thought that was a joke. I swear to God. So this tennis camp didn't require those masks, and so I started taking my kids there there and I had no interest in my kids playing tennis.
Starting point is 02:05:29 And you had none or you had none. I had none. Oh, now I'm a tennis. I'm going to watch the Australian open when I'm done here with you. I got huge fans, huge fans. And now I thought tennis was as stupid as golf and baseball, just throw away sports. Dumb.
Starting point is 02:05:41 And now I'm a huge fan. So, so I take them there there and i after them going there a year and then they start going to like these kind they're not tournaments but they start playing kids at other academies and i start seeing that my kids and the other kids at this academy play so different than those kids they do something they have top spin they do something when they serve they serve like this the racket comes out and like this, like a Tomahawk. And at the last minute you turn it, they don't play what's called tap tennis. That's what all of us idiots play, right? We play tap tennis.
Starting point is 02:06:14 We just hit the ball. They never just hit the ball. Now you're saying everybody or just one team? My kid, where my kids train, they don't play tap tennis. Right. But when you play these other academies, they all play tap tennis. Basically they all do. Okay. Let's say half. I don't know, but a lot like my,
Starting point is 02:06:29 and so I'm like, wait a second, this, this doesn't look like they're playing the same game. It's a nuance I would have never noticed, but now I've been, I go to practice and sit there and watch every, you know,
Starting point is 02:06:37 for a year. And I finally realized how lucky we were. We got this coach who this isn't like he's teaching them the fucking fundamentals. The you know what I mean? Just like. So you're saying that your lack of you, you did you think you were being cheated at first? No, no, I had no idea. But I could have out of the other 10 tennis academies in Santa Cruz County, they probably all teach tap tennis for all I know.
Starting point is 02:07:05 It's just a game to them. It's just babysitting. It's just a place you take your kid to learn to teach your kid to hit the ball back and forth across the net. That is not what's happening with my tennis instructor. He is fucking teaching them. If I take my kids to just a local tennis court, people will gather around just because of the kid's stroke. Nice. And you lucked into that. Yeah and you lucked into that yeah i lucked into that wow and do you uh have you ever found yourself
Starting point is 02:07:32 taking credit for that luck no no not not no never but the weird thing is is like that's the thing with parents and like kids like if you don't and the same so i figured that out with jujitsu too like my kids went to a jujitsu Academy that was really good. They went there for three years, but at the two year mark, I should have known better and pulled them out because they, they'd evolved past what was being like, they, they had passed past where the coach cared enough about them to keep them progressing. So, so it took me about a year to, and then I pulled them out.
Starting point is 02:08:00 Not that that Academy's bad. It was just time for them to move on. I pulled them out and move them to another Academy and they exploded now again. Same with skateboarding. They became better than their skateboarding teacher. Now you think if you'd have went to one of those other tennis Academies, you would have played your Academy and recognized it right away. I doubt it. I fucking,
Starting point is 02:08:19 I don't know. I don't know because I had to sit there and listen to him. This guy tediously teach these kids shit that like i never thought you could teach a four-year-old in a million fucking years yeah so it just so happens that that that badass coaching came with the perception that we wasn't gonna wear masks in here too yeah i was just like, I just need a place for my kids to play outside. And I got lucky. But you weren't going to let that happen.
Starting point is 02:08:49 You knew what good football looked like. Oh, yes, 100%. Yeah, and listen, to a fault, right? Maybe even at the beginning, thought that I knew better football than I really knew. But definitely not just taking anyone's input. That's for sure. Yeah, definitely. So I definitely probably made a few mistakes early, but they were,
Starting point is 02:09:17 it was way better than being set back a few years. Right. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. But you know what though i feel like that no matter what it is like if we're both super amateur and we get introduced to a new activity i immediately skip to the third chapter because you're searching that good i mean it's just like it's like i'm sneaky motherfucker it's like as soon as I get the book, I move on to the third chapter, see one reference. And then before the guy gets done teaching the first five minutes, I make a reference to something I read in chapter three, just to see if maybe I hit a Hail Mary and it worked. So yeah, definitely had a hypersensitive And, you know, I think football, you know, for some reason,
Starting point is 02:10:07 if you're a meathead West Virginia kid over six foot tall, you get introduced to football anyway. And then you realize that when – what I realized is that when I got done playing high school football, I never was fulfilled like that again. Even though I got to play college baseball, I even got to do some really cool arm wrestling stuff. Playing football on Friday nights in high school, for me, was an amazing time in my life.
Starting point is 02:10:40 And it's something that I thought that if my kids could play, they would have to play the two safe positions, which means they could be the quarterback or the kicker. That's it. And then if we really worked on it, it could be a real confidence booster when it came to the rest of their life. So even if it just got them through college or through high school being the homecoming king, it was still a little bit better than not. And then we just got real lucky and kept pushing that envelope and Tyson kept believing. And then it just got to where now he believes it even more than me, which I freaking love. Hold on. Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Some guy in the comments said,
Starting point is 02:11:30 Travis sounds like Grover from Sesame Street. Grover must have a raspy voice. Maybe. Let's hear Grover for a second. Let's hear what he said. This is your old pal Grover. And today I'm going to talk. Not bad. Okay.
Starting point is 02:11:48 I'll take it. Was that, was that guy meaning for me to enjoy that or, or maybe take a face? He doesn't even know. Hey, do you remember when that happened? When he,
Starting point is 02:12:01 when he believed more than you? Yeah, I think it was around, right around 10th grade. He, um, I kept telling him, I'm like, listen, man, you were in this little four month span where I'm like, listen, everything can change. Now, if you get better, you have an opportunity to take this job as a sophomore instead of waiting until you're a junior. And it will change everything. If you can get in the game before you are athletically really enhanced, because usually the 10th grader hasn't hit puberty yet, and that's why he can't play. And the kids that can
Starting point is 02:12:41 play as sophomores, it's because they hit puberty early. So a special category would be pre-puberty, but has enough skill level to play with the puberty kids, right? So that was the first indication for me. It's like, listen, we can separate ourselves. Like to me, if you roll up in the 10th grade with a full beard and you're starting, I'm not that surprised. But when I can clearly look and see that you have not, your balls have not dropped yet, right? Like you're not taking showers after practice with the other players, right? You're coming home dirty, right? Because you're in the 10th grade and you do anything
Starting point is 02:13:26 rather than get naked and go and know in the hospital shower right if you are if you are at that if all that is taking place and you are still the leader and the best player on the team then we have a bright future and that was one of those things where I could just tell Tice, I'm like, listen, do you know how special it is that you're their leader? Like this team has already won the state championship five different times the last seven years. They're not, they're used to winning, right? And they're used to being led by someone that is hit puberty a while ago. Yeah. Yeah. So that was the first indication. And then right after that year, there was never a time where I had to, you know, call him and be like, yo, let's go work out. He had either already done it or was already bugging
Starting point is 02:14:21 me about when we were doing it and who was all coming. And then it became a situation where he took a lot of pride in it. So then he started inviting his guys and all his buddies and the classes got bigger because of him than just because of me. And then all of a sudden, you know, you got something. And then you're just waiting for them to show that they're normal. Right. A normal kid's going to, you know, have trouble at school. A normal kid's going to lash out at, you know, make some excuse as to, you know, because he's not starting in basketball, he's got some big problem. You know, but as Tyson kept growing and kept evolving,
Starting point is 02:15:02 none of those problems existed, right? There was never a problem. There was never an attitude problem. There was never, you know, here's a prime example of a quarterback, right? He goes to practice. The coaches deem him the captain. Right away, one of the star players immediately checks the quarterback by saying something about the program, whether it's about the coach, whether it's about the facilities, whether it's about any of that. You would expect a non-puberty kid, 10th grader, listening to this from a senior to easily hop right on the bandwagon
Starting point is 02:15:45 and be a part of the cancer, right? Yeah, man, coach should be playing Carlos instead of, you know, so-and-so at wide receiver. But with Tyson, it was always – he always had the coach's back, and he would tell the kid. He's like, listen, man, I think coaches, coaches just trying to win the game. I think that, you know, we should we should listen to him because a long time ago I told him I'm like, what's what you want to be a part of the problem or what? Are you here to are you here to really be that liaison between management and the team?
Starting point is 02:16:23 between management and the team. So just know, like I told this eight-year-old kid today, if you want to play quarterback in college, you've got to be the best player on your team, right? You have to be a freak endurance athlete so that they don't try to out-endurance you as to where they can mold you on the team. The next thing is you can be the best player on the team, but you can never talk about it.
Starting point is 02:16:48 You can never talk about yourself if you're the quarterback. Are you sure that you want to be that guy? Now, don't get me wrong. Other people are going to talk about you, good and bad. You are never allowed to talk about your successes, nor are you allowed to accept your failures to a point that the rest of the team loses confidence in you. So just know all of that pressure. Who taught you that?
Starting point is 02:17:15 The quarterback. Who taught you that? How do you know? I mean, that's just I evaluated that. Right. I watched the quarterbacks. I wanted my son to be those guys. And then every time those guys will let you down, you'll see them in some situation where they're throwing the iPad, throwing the helmet, showing off their receivers.
Starting point is 02:17:37 Meaning when the play doesn't go right, it is the quarterback's fault. It does not matter what really happened. You must know that that's the way you have to handle it every single time. And you must downplay all the successes. Every single time, you must distract the attention from yourself to the administration and or your other players. Just know that every time so that we're never caught in a situation where you can show them that you're not the guy, that you're selfish, that you're normal. Can't be any of that stuff, right?
Starting point is 02:18:17 And if you are, tell me now so that you can go be a Navy SEAL. You don't have to be a great NFL quarterback. Just be a Navy SEAL or an Army Green Beret. Be the best high school football coach in the history of the world. It doesn't matter. You have an endless supply of things that you can be pretty damn good at. Just know that this one thing, it requires all of you. It requires you to be present at every situation and hyper, my God, hyper aware, please know that it is, it it's
Starting point is 02:18:58 foundationally a must for us to move on. Uh, this is one of seven on easiest interviews. Just hit play and let the record play with repeat. I mean, yeah, this, hey, and here's what's crazy. It's midnight in West Virginia. Truth be spoken, Travis and I usually don't start talking until about 10 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. So usually at 1 a.m. is when our conversations start. Yeah, no doubt. I do have a 7 a.m. podcast that i haven't prepared uh much for
Starting point is 02:19:26 so i'm about to go work out for two hours in the garage and i love it well listen hey dude dude you demand the bayesian household hey listen i can't wait for us to be able to return this favor things are about to go down in mobile al Alabama. You watch. I can't wait. Midweek. Dave Castro is going to call you. How much longer is Tyson in Fort Myers? Tyson will be in Fort Myers until probably March 1st. Okay, because I did reach out to Danielle Brandon, and she said she'd love to get in a couple training days with him.
Starting point is 02:20:02 So I'm going to push her contact information to you and then you can introduce them and they could get some training days. I watched her perform and what a amazing athlete. And I am super looking forward to, you know, her meeting Tyson and them collaborating and I'd love to be there as well. So keep me informed. Yep informed yep yep i'll put your number all right guys everyone uh all right thank you travis and i will uh i'll probably give you a call later on tonight all right you're the man later brother
Starting point is 02:20:34 wow Wow. I just threw that part at the end there to get you guys excited. Daniel Brandon, that was just like showing off, you know, but it is true. Before a lot of flus, I was like, Hey, I sent, uh, I said, Hey, you want to, my, my, my buddy's down like 40 minutes away from you. We want to train with him. She said, who's your buddy? I said, let's do kid Tyson Bay. She said, fuck. Yeah, let's rock and roll.
Starting point is 02:21:07 She's cool like that. Yeah, no, this is a special human being. Thanks, Miss Redow. Woo, my ears. Trish, god damn it. Thank you, Mr. Kelly. All right, guys.
Starting point is 02:21:26 Tomorrow morning, Savon, go live for workouts. I think you're BS on the two hour. I mean, listen, this is what I'm going to do, Mr. Mason. I'm going to have eight minutes to get ready. So I'm going to go. I think I peed on my pants on that last pee break when I rushed out there, it was dark. So I'm going to change my pants. Obviously I'm going to work out in these pants. And then, um, I'm going to probably going to, uh, wash my hands
Starting point is 02:21:52 and brush my teeth. And then I'm going to rub my kids back for about 30 seconds, 40 seconds each. Kiss my wife, rub her back. Then I'm going to go in the garage. I'm going to ride the assault bike for 10 minutes and I'm going to stay in the garage for two hours and you know 30 minutes of it maybe just doing work on the balance block or the endo board but i'll but i'll stay moving for two hours i won't do shit to make myself look like fucking you i wish uh but i but i will be sweating for yeah the meat doctor tomorrow yeah it's weird when you have two real people on how easy it is to do a uh a podcast no i'm not no i i don't normally pee on myself i don't normally that was uh and i'm not and i know and only i can call myself old i don't normally pee on myself. I was just rushing.
Starting point is 02:22:46 I was so stupid. I was at tennis with my kids right before this and I drank a giant, like, I don't know, a liter of Perrier or two liters of Perrier. I was just indulging in sparkling water because I stopped bringing it in my house and they have like a liquor store there. So. Oh, okay. All right. I think that's it. so um okay alright I think that's it see you guys tomorrow 7am
Starting point is 02:23:14 it's less than 12 hours 10 hours away 10 hours and 6 minutes um who's Ron I always clean up Ron's drippings for him ron your boyfriend that's your husband good night good night ken good night good night
Starting point is 02:23:33 good night bye bye bye guys

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