The Sevan Podcast - #769 - Tommy GMcGee | The Road To 500k

Episode Date: January 20, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You were on with Chafee yesterday. Bam, we're live. Was that yesterday? Yes. Jesus Christ. It's the circle, dude. Hey, dude, you want to hear something I realized? It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:12 You probably already realized this. It's just weird it took me so long to realize this. Maybe we already talked about this on the show, too, me and you. But if you're a girl, if you're a girl if you're a girl you can uh hey what's up tommy hey how you guys doing oh that's my fault caleb my fault uh if you're a girl caleb and tommy you can like let's say you get a job at mcdonald's and um then like if you if your manager is a dude and you if you have sex with them once, like your whole job is changed. So whether it's like you, you're you don't even have to have sex with them. You just have to show interest in your boss.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Well, if you have sex with them, you just get crazy leverage. So let's say let's say Kamala Harris, like it goes all the way to the top. Let's say Kamala Harris, like it goes all the way to the top. Like, let's say Kamala, like, fuck Joe Biden or or the lady who just got hired at McDonald's. Fuck the manager there. Once you do that, everything changes. Like now I'm just realizing that my whole life there's been all these people having sex in the workplace. And then I realized, oh, shit, soon as these women do this and I'm sure it could go the other way, too, with men. I don't know if it can go the other way well just men just don't get this opportunity just because of the nature of the way
Starting point is 00:01:28 men and women are set up but um maybe a stud like tommy g could pull it off but when when you when you fuck the ceo or or someone who's high ranking your your job just changes everything changes you can't get fired all you have to do is fuck them once i know a male sales rep that yes sex with his manager and then she just got demoted to a regular salesperson so sex change they found out yes wow well i well hey if that would have been a girl who had sex with a guy, the guy would have been fired, I bet. Probably. It just gives a woman incredible leverage. Like, if you're a guy, do not bang people lower on the totem pole than you.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Don't bang anyone at work. I mean, unless you like having that being held over your neck. What? Say that again? Or just have sex with people you trust and love. Well, that is... That's a great point. That's the problem with dudes. We'll convince ourselves that, like, you'll be 60 pounds overweight and the girl will be 30 years younger than you. And for some reason, you're still stupid and think that the girl actually cares about you.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Is this a therapy session for you? Yeah, I guess. I was – well, you know what? You know what connected all the dots to me i watched all your uh i watched so many of your shows last night i cannot believe how prolific you are congratulations and your youtube's exploding thank you it's currently under i'm in youtube jail for a week they've banned me from posting for a week because a clip a video i wasn't even gonna post i was just seeing what i can get away with on the on the platform and then when i see their feedback i delete the clips i re-upload it
Starting point is 00:03:09 a video i had no intention of posting got flagged for a strike it was me sipping lean the houston rap rapper drug the cough syrup scissor as they say in the streets yeah i watched that piece i watched that piece yeah so anyways it's's they flagged it from another. I did a best of 22 video and that clip made it into there. Yet it's sitting out on the Internet and another video just fine. All that to say it's a little scary when YouTube can just take away your career. If I get two more strikes, they permanently delete my channel, which is. Hey, I got a copyright strike and I got to go to like copyright school and get the strike taken away.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah. And of course there's such a behemoth that, you know, if I, I'm a, I won't even make a dent. I won't even make a decimal place in their bottom line. So if I disappear, there's 500 other people that are going to take my spot. And, um, man, I just, it it was interesting it was a good learning lesson that uh old tommy isn't a big dog and he just has to follow the rules and you know march straight yeah they they made they uh they bent what's his name over one of those nelk boys they just fucking just scooped his shit up and people do it this other guy sneeko and what happened to sneeko how many subscribers did he have a couple i mean he was doing six figures a month off youtube so i don't know i don't know the depths of his story because
Starting point is 00:04:34 i think he said some he was he was playing the red pill guy where basically andrew he was following the andrew tate playbook where you say i'm purposely inflammatory things that you probably don't believe but you know it's going to get clicks. And I think that caught up to him, but the idea that you can just take somebody and then you try, even if that kid were trying to make a new platform, they ban that too. Hey,
Starting point is 00:04:55 can you say, could you say on YouTube, for those of you who don't know the website, the YouTube account is Tommy G. I had him on a couple of months ago and we're really lucky to have him again. Uh, he came on and I don't usually keep in contact with people who come on the show, just so you guys know.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I mean, I, I just can't, there's too many fucking people, but Tommy and I stayed in touch. I like, we, I think we actually like each other.
Starting point is 00:05:18 So, um, so, so, so I've been excited to have him back on Tommy. Can you say, um, uh, I don't think women should have the right to vote? Can you say that on YouTube or do you get in trouble for that? You know, I don't know if you get a strike from YouTube, but I certainly would imagine my audience.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I mean, that would be a pretty shitty thing to say. So I think I think my audience would be like, what the fuck, dude, and stop watching me. I think it would be punishment by my my audience not wanting to well as it should be you it's capitalism right you should attract like like i i don't i'm not into sex toys so i never go into a sex toy shop but i don't think they should all be shut down i just don't vote on my i just don't go there with my i just don't go there and spend money yeah and i'm on the other side of the coin where i definitely believe in the capitalism where the crowd goes where it wants but um sex toys have become a good friend in the bedroom i learned something i learned something on your show the other day um one of the shows you visit an insane asylum or a closed insane asylum a massive one
Starting point is 00:06:24 where they did lobotomies and all shit and they and one and one of the things you share in that is that the the vibrator was invented um to uh stimulate uh crazy women to help them uh regulate their hysteria yeah that is to think about this dude for how much of history have men just been such higher status than women that they can just you know basically they're just birthing machines and they don't care if their wife they're married to this woman they don't care if she ever comes in her entire life and it got so bad that doctors literally had to invent a vibrator to give her them an orgasm and give them some relief like imagine if you had to go your whole life without coming
Starting point is 00:07:04 how crazy you would be i'm just trying to make it an afternoon i'm just trying to make it past lap nap time yeah hey we're the opposite well i mean i i know this is a sweeping generalization but we're opposites as men and women like that dudes are like hey you need to jack off less and women it's like hey can i just get one can i just get one orgasm and dudes are like, Hey, you need to jack off less. And women it's like, Hey, can I just get one? Can I just get one orgasm? And dudes are like, you know, I'm trying to cut it back. I'm trying to cut back on my porn. I was also tripping on this Tommy. I'm 50.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And the first time I ever, the first time I ever saw sex, it was me having sex. Wow. That's now there's that you're very unique. Well, now there's all like at 11 years old, the boys already see like now people have seen because of their phones. They've seen 600 people have sex before the first time they ever had sex. And when I say I saw it, I mean, like I was just like looking down. You know what I mean? Like, I can't believe that I'm lucky enough. I'm 18 and I'm finally having sex. I couldn't even fucking believe it.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I was not the girl. it must've been like mother Teresa that have sex with me. Go ahead. I was thinking a lot about that too, which is the age that most kids are exposed to porn and sex. I mean, I was, I still remember. So I was a triplet
Starting point is 00:08:16 and then me and my triplet brother, Ben, the family computer. And he's like, what happens if I type in naked ladies? And he did. And I think it was like Britney Spears boobs or something like that popped up a week. We couldn't get enough of it. We were like, holy shit, this is a whole new world out there. Yeah. And we were hooked. And, and then all it takes is like, if you're in elementary school or middle school, you have one of the friends that has an older brother that's seen more than you have. So it's like am i gonna teach my own kids about sex and how am i gonna let them surf the internet because there's unbelievable things out there like you can i remember when i was a kid also two girls one cup was circulating there was a video where a guy was
Starting point is 00:08:54 that that was someone pooped in a cup and ate it two people pooped in a cup and started rubbing it i didn't watch the whole video so i can't give you the whole description but where was that that made it on youtube no that's so some backyard website that okay but the kids remember that but i never saw it either yeah i guess all this to say the world that if you're raising kids now the online world that you have to help them navigate and stay safe from because some of those things are seared into your brain you see that once and you're never forgetting some of that stuff like there's there's brutal horrible things on the internet and there's also like like dude if you show an 11 year old boy a penis in an in a girl's mouth or in a fuck man in a guy's mouth that's all he's going to want to he's going to become singularly focused on trying to
Starting point is 00:09:40 get that done until he's dead it's an it's a instantaneous yeah it would have ruined me yeah ruined me to see that okay yes crazy anyway uh the the takeaway from all the videos i watched of yours first of all those guys lied to you those guys in the uh la um in the las vegas tunnels they lied to you they're like in the LA, in the Las Vegas tunnels, they lied to you. They're like, how many people are on drugs? And he's like, oh, like 10%. Oh, no, I'm at 20%. Maybe like 40%.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Okay, 50%. I'm like, you lying motherfuckers. If you want to know what happens if you do drugs, go watch a bunch of Tommy's videos. And then if you want to know what it's like to work hard and not give a shit about like anything except working hard go watch his videos because tommy's in all these videos and he's working his ass off and then he he followed a guy around who's worth a hundred million dollars not not worth a hundred million like like this guy made a hundred million in cash premise yeah yeah and this dude still like
Starting point is 00:10:47 buys shitty homes and goes in there with a shovel and cleans them out but all the people who are fucked up in his videos can we pull up his youtube they're all have one thing in common they're all addicted to drugs it's fascinating yeah the poll that it's amazing because i'm not i don't have an addictive personality, I don't think. So to think that there's a substance that would take me away from my family or doing the things I love or being able to live a proper life, like own a house and enjoy myself. It's amazing the pole drugs can have on somebody. Another thing I think about, if I ran skid row or if i ran the las vegas tunnels if i was a mayor governor like what do you do and i think a lot of it i don't know if
Starting point is 00:11:30 a government is gonna they can do some things but it's a personal journey in a lot of ways too if if if if my kids became addicted to drugs the the way what I would like to think that I would do is I would kidnap them and take them out into the middle of Kenya and encamp with them out in the middle of Africa for three months. That's what I would like to think that I would do. I was looking at those drug addicts. Basically, there's a video in there where he hangs out with pimps and prostitutes it's really really good it's crazy good journalism man and it's and it's really raw meaning it's not um you don't feel like you're being manipulated this one yeah so this guy's a pimp this guy's not even addicted to drugs, right? Just as chick is. Yeah. I think a really interesting thing I'm learning is the line of good and evil. Like initially I almost pussied out of this idea, dude. I was halfway back to Milwaukee thinking this is,
Starting point is 00:12:34 we're not doing this at night. This is too scary. This is too dumb. We're in the worst neighborhood of Chicago. I'm going home. And then you actually meet these guys and he's not a stone cold pimp. Like he's really he's a poor man. And the way they make money as a couple is she goes out and she gives condom blowjobs for one hundred fifty bucks a pop. They are condom blowjobs. I was wondering that. Yeah, that's what they say. And they were pretty upfront about things. And I think it's a lot of just like economic opportunity. It's a lot of just being stuck in a kind of a
Starting point is 00:13:07 drug addicted trap his woman's addicted to drugs and like he wasn't like i thought he was gonna be an evil person to speak to he's a guy that if i was sitting on a porch with him sharing a beer i wouldn't it's not i'm not you know he wouldn't be a bad guy right not all. I didn't get any, I didn't get bad guy vibes from anyone. Yeah. Even the guy that sold fentanyl that I talked to is like, I could hang out with him, which is weird to think like initially I would have gone going into that. I'm like, this guy is such a piece of shit. He's a trash human being. I don't know, man. Good and evil is a tough question to answer sometimes. I don't know, man. Good and evil is a tough question to answer sometimes. You meet her in New Orleans. She's 20 years old. She's got some problems at home. Maybe she's been molested. No, she has been molested.
Starting point is 00:14:06 You meet her. Maybe she's 17. You tell her, hey, let's go to Chicago. On the way to Chicago, you get her addicted to meth. Then when you get there, you tell her if she wants more meth, she has to suck some guys off. And then I couldn't believe that's just like the classic. There's probably 10,000 girls who have that story in the United States. That's just simple story. they have the code to correct you just get someone who's been molested addicted
Starting point is 00:14:29 to drugs and those two things come together and you gotta you gotta hoe and a highly manipulative man that that stuns the relationship that he holds all the power he has the access to the bank accounts access to the money he's the protector but then also the abuser which makes it a weird dynamic and milwaukee's actually a hub we're in between minneapolis and chicago so um that's a story i'm gonna start chasing down in milwaukee is sex traffic like the thing that sex trafficking happens probably 10 minutes well five minutes 10 minutes away from my house at a high level it's just it kind of blows my mind that that stuff goes on. And what happened to those guys? Those guys, something bad happened to them for them to think that that's a way.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Do you know what I mean? Like how are they raised to think that that's a proper way to be with a woman? Yeah. How do they manage their conscience? Let's say even you could do that. How would you manage your conscience? And another thing is, is you're when cops arrest prostitutes they're basically arresting people who don't like not
Starting point is 00:15:32 one prostitute wants to be doing her job yeah that was another thing that was not one yeah none of them are like this is a great career path i'm really the 401k here is pretty good you know did you almost cry in that one interview tommy yeah with baby she was that was intense it was just oh like and knowing that again like another like a pretty cool like innocent soul you know like someone that you're like wow like you want to just want to hug her and like pick her up and be like okay i'm gonna help you but then i guarantee that's what she then I guarantee, that's what she knows. So she, it's what she knows right now.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So to make the whole transition to do something else with her life would be enormous for her. I want to see if I can show. And for reference, for people that haven't watched the video, Baby is probably the main character, the main prostitute of the video. And the people in the comments just fell in love with her. Like
Starting point is 00:16:27 everyone was just rooting for and wishing the best for. And, um, it just, it's tough to see a woman that has like, she's charming. She's fun. She's personable. She's cute. Yeah. Great. And what's crazy is even a a great body like not even just like a schlep yeah and here she is fast for a little bit yeah there she is yeah she wanted her face blurred out so we did that for her and uh in a transition period of course so it's just heartbreaking seeing people like this because everyone then to think so she here she's just walked away sorry i keep interrupting you here she's just walked away sorry i keep interrupting you here she's just walked away from blowing a guy in that alley and then and then
Starting point is 00:17:11 you interview her yeah that to me was the wildest part like to be able to zoom in on her customer and like he was uh waving at the camera to watch her step out of a car that she just got picked up in is like wow and then that and then that other lady basically i don't know if it was subtle but she basically lets lets you know that for the right price she'll blow you too yeah she as tempting as that offer was i was able to say no thank you her this girl yeah she came back and was like look look, let's set up a time. She's like, I can date you. If you want to date, we can date. And dating is slain for driving around in that old car or going to a seedy motel.
Starting point is 00:17:55 But you look at this woman, just the way she's talking, she's slurring a little bit. She's on something. Oh, she didn't open her eyes once. The whole time she talked to you, her eyes were fucking closed. But one thing that was also remarkable about speaking with her she said she was a mother of four and all of her kids had gotten scholarships and whether that's true or not i mean i don't think i i felt like everyone was kind of giving me uh an honest perspective i know sometimes drug addicts can just make up their own reality but um to think her kids are sleeping at home somewhere potentially
Starting point is 00:18:25 and she's just out making money and paying the rent yes yep hey drugs are fucking addicting if you if you you'll do anything to people would do that for uh nicotine people would suck dick for nicotine put a stranger's penis in your mouth for a cigarette. I guarantee you it has happened. Imagine what people would do for just if we cut off coffee supplies to this country. Yes. I feel like if you wanted to cripple a country without any violence, just cut off the coffee supply and watch what happens. I think you have to scoop these people up and then try to take them to a rehab and let them sober up for like a week and then let them go.
Starting point is 00:19:08 I think you also because there was a very fascinating interview. I think it was an old vice reporter. It's basically like what he's found is if people have meaning and purpose and then they have a community that oftentimes the drugs stop. And it's like if you can get them sober for a little bit and then put them in a position where they're doing something they find meaningful and then have people around them that love them, that's the recipe, but it's a very hard recipe to cook up.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Did you, I wanna say the last time I had you on, your YouTube station had like 289,000 and now you're about to crest over 500,000. Did you have a big explosion? We've been having steady growth of anywhere from 50,000 to 90,000 subscribers a month. So we just keep hammering away and we're growing. Who's we? My team.
Starting point is 00:19:56 I got – so I do editing and then I also – so let's say I go to – I'm going to L.A. and you guys are in L.A., right? No, Santa Cruz. I'm 300 miles north. And Caleb's deployed overseas. He's somewhere in LA, right? No, Santa Cruz. I'm 300 miles north. And Caleb's deployed overseas. He's somewhere in the Middle East. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:14 So when we go to LA in two weeks, I'm going to probably come home with about six videos. So I'll edit two of them. My guy Miguel will edit two of them, and my guy Jack will edit two of them. That way we stay ahead of the curve. My guy Keegan is kind of the utility guy. He's the second camera. He's always thinking of ideas. He's booking. We're doing a podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:28 We're launching that soon. So he's trying to book guests in all the places that we're visiting so that we can do in-person podcasts. And then I have my buddy, Kristen. She does my merch designs. She does my thumbnails. And Sarah, my wife, she just put in her letter of resignation. She's going to be handling my merch and then also helping me in our real estate portfolio. She's a lot more detail-oriented than I am.
Starting point is 00:20:49 So I got a little team. So when I say we, it's definitely a team effort. We're always brainstorming, thinking how to get better, thinking how we can advance this. Is one of your videographers a girl? My friend Kristen has filmed a couple older videos, but no, most of them are – they're all men. Because I thought I saw a girl follow you out of a building one time, brunette, in one of those videos. I don't think so. Jay Hartle, that doesn't work, Stefan.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I used to work in a rehab. Here's the thing. It doesn't have to work. Here's the thing with addicts, I think. Every time they quit, when they start up, the only thing that stops them from starting up again is the thought of how hard it is to quit. And they're like, do I want to go through that again? So maybe you have to quit something 20 times before you're like, fuck, I'm not doing that loop again. you're like fuck i'm not doing that that loop again but arresting prostitutes and taking them to jail is just uh it's just idiocy because especially kids like my my wife used to work
Starting point is 00:21:53 in a juvenile hall teaching breathing classes and yoga to the kids and she says there were 15 year old girls in there who were arrested for prostitution like you can't arrest a fucking kid for having sex who's been taking advantage of their whole yeah it makes no fucking sense so so going back to this team um uh how does that how does that work so like i can't find like, I can't find people, like, I can't find people to help me that I got that, that I think are maybe I'm just too uptight, but like, I feel like everyone who helps me just, there's, there's just shortcomings to it. I know. Well, one, um, like I, these are guys that I've spent, like when we go on a trip, we might have 14 hour days where we're just grinding, grinding, grinding, filming,
Starting point is 00:22:43 always brainstorming, always come up with ideas. Might have 14 hour days. Don't just grinding grinding grinding filming yeah always brainstorming always come up with ideas might have 14 hour days don't lie to me i can tell all your days are 14 hour days i like i like to get after but i also um i want to make a life for myself and my family that um is is remarkable so um yeah when these guys grind man i, I try and pay them well. I try to, like, bring them on experiences. Okay, so I don't pay my guys. Maybe that's the problem because we don't have any money. Yeah. Yeah, okay. That's a huge thing.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Okay, so you can yell at your guys. You can be like, dude, I've told you three times not to fucking walk in between me and Camera B. No, I'll never. We always flow well. That's the other thing. We flow very well. And that's the other thing we flow very well and um that's the thing i think the because like if i was just by myself there's no way i'd scale to the point
Starting point is 00:23:29 that i am and so like it's kind of ours like yes i'm the the head guy of the channel and it's my face on it but it does feel like a we a team effort and people feel like they have ownership in the brand they feel like um we're charting in a special direction. So we have that really special buy-in. Yeah, that's cool. How was your wedding? You got married since the last time I talked to you. Yeah, it was beautiful. It was a pinkies up occasion at the Pfister hotel in Milwaukee. So it was very nice.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And that's a tough name for a place Pfister. I know I can imagine hardly know it's been made from from that but just having all the people i love in the same room and um being able to say my vows publicly was very special to me and give a toast to my my pop that passed away when i was in high school and just have every everyone there that i love and want to hug and it's very special have every everyone there that i love and want to hug and it's very special what's pinkies up mean i'm not a fancy guy but pinkies up is like you know the fister was her parents went all out for this wedding her mom planned it and um they footed the bill for it and it was fancy it was nice it was remarkable so it was just uh we're very lucky that they treated us to that event.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Navy Vet 09, Fisters is gorgeous. It sure is. Sorry, I just can't get past the name. Sorry. You walk in there and you feel like if you don't have a butler with you, you feel like, oh gosh, am I the one peasant in here? Hey, did Sergio Pettis congratulated you on your wedding? Let me see that again.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah, we trained together for a long time. We were at the same gym in Rufusport. um unfortunately have split wow that's pretty fucking cool he's a really cool down-to-earth guy yeah wow uh the pettis brothers the world famous uh fighters i mean if you're if you like fighting fuck these guys are the shit yeah sergio pettis is like a ballerina assassin because he's so light on his feet but like his spinning stuff his he just is um very surgical and technical and beautiful to watch when he fights did did it was it him or his brother who i said did him or his brother just win the bare knuckle million dollar uh or at least fight in the final either him or his brother just win the bare-knuckle million-dollar, or at least fight in the final? Either him or his brother?
Starting point is 00:25:47 I think his brother. Wow. Crazy. So this team goes out, and then do you fly with them? So you'll fly with them places? Mm-hmm. So I travel in a group of three, me, Keegan, and Miguel. And between the three of us, we get it done and so like we got
Starting point is 00:26:06 la in february we're looking at phoenix in march we're looking at houston in april we're looking at brazil in june i'm lining up the cards for that but um so we're gonna be moving heavy these next few months yeah i feel like your state i went when, when I went to your station, I feel like there were like all of a sudden eight videos I hadn't seen. What we tried, our goal for this year is without a doubt, every Tuesday of the year, you'll get a new video. That's top notch somewhere you haven't been before. Some are interesting, some were dangerous. And so it's going to be a hard pace to keep but i'm confident we can do it guys so last night i was in the uh garage uh 10 o'clock at night you know getting my swole on and watching these videos and my nephew rolls in there and my nephew's the
Starting point is 00:26:59 coolest fucking kid ever from texas grew up on a gaming ranch like he's like a normal human he's not like regular 20 year old like he can talk to people and shit and uh make eye contact and all the shit that a lot of 20 year olds can't do and um we're watching these and i'm like look at these videos and he's like yeah he's like i know this guy from the kia boys video i go this is all compelling content no crazy stupid editing with stupid sound effects and like no fucking clickbait no hype no this is just compelling uh journalism this is just like it was nuts and he's like yeah because he he comes from that tiktok world where it's are you on tikt I am, but I'm like one video away from being permanently banned there too. God, I don't see anything you're doing that's controversial.
Starting point is 00:27:52 It's so fucking crazy. Like you don't pop on my radar at all. I would have never thought that for anything controversial. I guess it's for like anything, any drugs that are illegal, like sipping that lean is technically illegal, but why wouldn't you just age restricted or demonetize it? Why is that a strike to me? That is what is lean. Isn't it just diluted cough syrup? If you want the good stuff, it's not diluted homeboy. It's, it's got that little pizzazz to it when you, so you just,
Starting point is 00:28:21 it's just drinking Robitussin like what Lil Wayne does does or no it's the next level it's a codeine i think coding in your cup and um how do you get it is it for just from a pharmacy you have to have a doctor that can hook it up and these games to rappers do and it's it's that that drink it's that purple drink they mix it with sprite they mix with other stuff but rappers are obsessed with it like little wayne was addicted or still is addicted to it and um it's a big deal i mean you can get any like any drug if you do i do it too much too long it's not good for you but um hold on it sounds like someone's running a vibrator listen oh yeah i've guys working in my my basement right now we're sure sure you do yeah that was that was either an electric toothbrush or a vibrator if you guys can excuse me i have to give me 30 seconds i'll be back and i'll be finished
Starting point is 00:29:08 hey isn't it crazy that so big pharma can prescribe that but you can't show people drinking diluted You can't show people drinking diluted. God, we live in such a weird world. Like who are these pussies in these offices that are like watching it and being like, yep. And also knowing like that's, that's the majority of my portfolio is all income streams from YouTube, the sponsorships, the ad revenue, the merch. And my YouTube doesn't go, most of my income goes away. And it's like, I have a lot riding on this.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I have people that their biggest paycheck comes from me and my wife's joining the team. And to think that arbitrarily, and like, of course, I have a rep at YouTube and I'm like, you know, what's going on here? And she's like, well, unfortunately, there's nothing we can do because of policy. And it's like, what do you mean there's nothing we can do. Like, this is my
Starting point is 00:30:08 life. This is what I've, I've literally spent four years in this game trying to get really good at this. And I'm not, I'm putting myself in dangerous positions. I'm putting my team in dangerous positions. I'm like, I have so much riding on this. Why don't you get redemption? You're a documentary station. It's so obvious. You're obvious your documentary station my goal this year is to sell some episodes to a streaming platform and so i'm if you have any connections we can talk offline about that but um i'm floating my ideas out to some people but i love youtube there's i don't i there's a lot i love about YouTube, and so I want to just be able to be prosperous and keep growing there. But it is scary that they want to yank your chain. They can, and there's not really any recourse you have.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Yeah, it's fucking nuts. um, releasing, uh, on iTunes, uh, uh, episodes for a dollar 99 an episode or two 99 episode. Even a tiny paywall will, will drastically decrease the amount. No, no,
Starting point is 00:31:15 no, both. No, no. You still give it away free on YouTube. So when I used to run the media for CrossFit, we had all our media free on YouTube, but then we also started moving it to Amazon where you had to pay for it.
Starting point is 00:31:27 People don't care if they have to pay for it or if they, if, if you can get it free, people will still pay for it if you put it on their favorite platform. Yeah. Um, I know what I'm saying. So season,
Starting point is 00:31:37 season one with Tommy G 52 episodes for 1499. And now I have it in my iTunes folder. Yes, please. Thank you. Yeah. I guess part of it is there's- You still give it away free though on YouTube. Yeah, I do have a Patreon that people can subscribe to and I want to keep building that
Starting point is 00:31:54 based up. But to me, there's only so many asks you can have of a person like, hey, buy my merch, you know, check out the sponsor. Like there's only, they're only going to take action on a few things. And so I don't want to dilute it by get like hey you can get this for free or you can leave the platform that you are enjoying go log in put your credit card information right but there's old idiots like me that will do that that's all i'm saying i'm not saying that like you even advertise it i'm just thinking like then at least it exists somewhere else hey do you automatically publish to rumble too like all my like soon as we're done here i have something set up in the back on youtube that automatically publishes to rumble no but i'm now i'm considering it the thing is rumble doesn't
Starting point is 00:32:35 have the critical mass that youtube does i get six views a video there yeah so it's like i've made 10 cents there last year. Whoa. But I'm just saying for backup. It might not. It might not. That's probably a good idea. So now your library is over there. So if you do get shut down on YouTube, your library is over there.
Starting point is 00:32:57 That's a good point. Anyway, just ideas. Just shooting a shit with you. I don't. I'm just just shooting a shit with you. You you speak to uh that rapper in um murder creek it may have been the murder creek one yes it was the murder creek one is that izzy 93 and he says something that really disappoints me i or was it him or was it the guy uh at the house that you got busted at when the cops came?
Starting point is 00:33:29 By the way, crazy story. We got to hear that story. What are the chances that you're filming with a fucking – Anyway, one of these guys says – You said, how would you change the world? And he says, I'd lower the price of education. And I felt so bad for him because he's so, he's so blue pilled still. Like he wants to lower the, the entry level to indoctrination camp. Like that's the, he, he doesn't realize he's free.
Starting point is 00:34:07 he he doesn't realize he's free he's free it's like the same thing when the other guy said the guy um hangover no hostage he's like i don't have an education like they have like i'm looking i'm like you're free motherfucker like you believe you think that you think you want to get on the other side of the fence the other side of the fence is the prison. I agree with you partially. If he's talking about getting kids to go out for gender studies degrees or sociology degrees, yeah, I get what you're saying. But if kids can go be engineers or doctors or – But you could learn that on YouTube now. Everything you can learn.
Starting point is 00:34:44 You could learn how to do open-heart that on YouTube now. Everything you can learn. You could learn how to do open heart surgery on YouTube now. And it's like – and look at your other friend. Isn't it the irony that your other friend made over $100 million, owns hundreds of homes, just bought a fucking resort? That was dope way to end that video. and 123 acre resort and uh and his life was miserable he has a good life but he was gangster as a kid oh he was yeah he was and he flipped the script yeah i think if there's one mentor by the way is that your dude i wouldn't say so i mean i like the guy he's he's a he's a buddy but um you don't roll you don't see him every day that's not the guy you see every day at the jiu-jitsu gym okay okay um but i do agree that the like the blueprint is new there's endless amounts of free information online and if you have the will and the hunger to learn that you'll be successful i'm actually doing a class now every Tuesday for eighth graders in Milwaukee. And one of the toughest parts of Milwaukee,
Starting point is 00:35:50 we're doing an entrepreneurship, like branding, marketing, entrepreneurship, and where the culmination is going to be a shark tank pitch where three of the kids are going to win, you know, $2,500, $1,500 and $1 thousand bucks for their ideas. And I just want to like, I just want to keep reiterating to these kids, any one of you can be happy. Any one of you can be rich. Any one of you can build a life that you love, but you have to be aware and you have to know the toolbox to, to get there. Tell me more about this program. Tell me more. So I, I, um, a friend of mine got me connected to a principal. It's a little private religious school, but it's not like a snooty private.
Starting point is 00:36:31 It's a, we, we help kids. And so anyways, I'm, I go there every Tuesday. The kids have to show up an hour early to school and, and be committed to this. And so we're going to be teaching them a lot of different life skills that i think will set them apart because there's no reason that these kids couldn't start their own lawn mowing shoveling nail hair t-shirt any sort of business um and i want i'm really hopeful that i like and what i tell all these kids when i was pitching them to join the course i'm like anyone it's entirely possible that one of you could be the
Starting point is 00:37:05 next big entrepreneur in Milwaukee, or one of you could be the one that changes the game in Milwaukee. And any of you can become a millionaire and happy. And I just want to give them a little bit of that fire and motivation that they could, and the knowledge that it could happen to them too. Why are you doing it? Is the school paying you to do it? it can happen to them too. Why are you doing it? Is the school paying you to do it? No,
Starting point is 00:37:26 because I want to be, uh, I love working with kids and I want to see Milwaukee become a better place. So I can't boil the whole ocean, but if I can work with 15 kids every Tuesday, that to me is something. And it's your money. Partially me and the principal's money. And also a chunk of it was
Starting point is 00:37:45 donated by people on youtube so probably like i put in all that probably putting in two to three grand and then people donated about a grand maybe a grand and a half and then the principal put in the rest and so it will be some kid who like hey this is my my plan is i'm going to uh use my bar mitzvah money to buy a lawnmower, and I'm going to start a lawnmower service. None of these kids are bar mitzvah money. I've actually owned condos. It's a bunch of condos, but you can buy these condos. I think we bought them for $25,000 a pop, and we flipped them.
Starting point is 00:38:23 These are tough neighborhoods. 5k a pop and we flipped them and but like these are tough neighborhoods actually when i when we when i was um in the process of selling these condos that these kids live a lot of them live in is there was a a blue piece of paper on all the doors duct tape saying um from domino's pizza saying if you have information on our delivery driver that got um kidnapped and held at gunpoint uh we'll give you a five thousand dollar reward reward. So, I mean, this is a tough area. So, but is that, okay, sorry. I'm going to take the money that my, I'm going to sell crack in my neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And once I've saved up $800, I'm going to buy a lawnmower and start mowing lawns. Is that, they're basically coming up to you with business plans? No, dog. These guys are not teaching kids how to sell crack cocaine. I'm trying to, no, no, Tom. I'm trying to figure out, I'm trying to figure out the model of what, what, how it works, what you're teaching them.
Starting point is 00:39:20 So like what the, what the curriculum is. Yeah. Like, like what, what's the goal? Like, I know, I know like Shark Tank is like, I tell you, Hey, look, I have this wallet and it's a waterproof and you give me $10,000 and we'll market it together. Right. Yeah. So like, so like, well, here's some of the structure of the class. Like one of the classes can be known your audience. So, um, Hey, if you want to get in front, if your job is to sell to, uh, daycare owners, how do you go about finding them?
Starting point is 00:39:46 How do you get further connections? What does the ideal customer look like to you? How do you reach your ideal customer? Then teach them how to do a door-to-door pitch. Okay. Things like that. Giving them the mentality that, hey, you don't need a million people to be, a million customers to be rich following the 1000 true fans model where it's like if you have a thousand people paying you a hundred dollars a year that you're a six-figure
Starting point is 00:40:09 earner and then showing them how to budget um building a business plan um doing cold calls different things like that okay and then at the end is there some like final and that's how they win the 2500 at the end the top three people will win some money to go towards their venture god that's cool and and that wow that's really cool you're doing that i feel really lucky to to be doing that and it's just exciting to me too like i just want to see what can because i think a lot of the message these kids hear is like, either you can't like, you know, you can't really do it or like society doesn't want you to win. And I think for them to be like, man, maybe like to let them know that, hey, I know a friend of mine who's a bank robber. That's a millionaire.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I know, I know a friend that lost his basketball scholarship for selling weed. And now he's a bank robber that's a millionaire i know i know a friend that um lost his basketball scholarship for selling weed and now he's a millionaire like i see people of all shades that are doing very well and it's just if you follow the like getting rich is just a game if you follow the principles anyone can do it uh and that's what i want to kind of impart on them god that's cool that is is cool. And is that really true? What you just said? Getting rich is just a game. If you follow the principles, you can do it. I think so, dude, because it starts with like, let's say, let's say the most common vehicle for getting rich other than like owning a big, huge company, which is a lot of work is real estate.
Starting point is 00:41:42 And especially like these kids that are living in these places that you can buy for 25, 50K, they have to save up five grand, six grand, seven grand with the FHA loan to get their first property. And then when that starts rolling, then maybe two years from then they can get their second property. And then all of a sudden they're getting a property every six months, every three months. And all of a sudden they're getting a property every six months, every three months. And all of a sudden they are financially independent off of real estate. You know, like anybody can do that. It's just, are you disciplined? Can you, are you going to go to the club and buy, you know, luxury alcohol like Hennessy or get that little Gucci bag? Are you going to
Starting point is 00:42:19 save that money and buy a property with it. I really think the hundred million dollar man doesn't even drink alcohol. I think we're seeing one thing I see from a lot of people now that's kind of a cool movement in some ways is a movement towards sobriety. And while I smoke a little bit of weed and I enjoy it and maybe I'll do mushrooms every couple of years or who knows, I do like the idea of largely being sober. And I think alcohol is a big killer. Like I think there's people that can enjoy it moderately and that's cool. I'm fine with that. But I think a lot of people are low key alcoholics and it doesn't, it's not like talked about how much of a poison it can be if you use it the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:43:06 You were a Division I wrestler at Iowa? No, I was a D3 wrestler at Wisconsin Whitewater. And how many years did you do that? Four years from freshman to senior year. Yeah. God, it shows. You have such confidence in all these scenarios. You're so chill.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And by confidence, I mean, I don't mean the kind of bravado that people think is confidence. But you stand close to people, and you're very chill. You're so chill. I appreciate it. I like it when you tell the camera guys, hey, everyone be chill. When we were going through the underground tunnels, like if we honor a homeless guy with a knife everyone just be relaxed so uh i want to show uh i want to go to the most dangerous city in america but before i do that i want to talk about uh one more piece of business so the shorts game
Starting point is 00:44:00 uh is now alive on youtube meaning um in february i think they're they're letting us monetize shorts yeah and there's this game you play where you walk out in the um uh streets of the world and you hold up a sign and you say hey if you can take me down i'll pay you a thousand dollars and so that might be like a 13 minute video where you wrestle like i don't know between five and ten dudes and now you've broken those into shorts and i'm like this guy's brilliant so now you got the main video and then you got it can also be 10 little videos is that is that working i mean i just saw that i'm like this is so good yeah well especially when they officially monetize it february i'm going to be putting heavy effort into the short game.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Okay, so it's not monetized yet. I saw they sent me something, but I just assumed it started. Yeah, it starts February 1st. So it's good to gear up for it now. And I think they're going to heavily push it in the algorithm that, because they're going to, it's a kind of a rival to TikTok. They're going to use the same model as TikTok as far as how they do the sponsorships. Every four or five videos you scroll past will be an ad. And I think it's going to be a huge opportunity. And again, I love, if you talk about the entrepreneur side, it's like you want to have a few different revenue streams. All of a sudden, this just became another revenue stream.
Starting point is 00:45:20 What about putting shorts? I'm asking you. I'm not suggesting to you. What about putting shorts on a different channel you i'm not suggesting to you what about putting shorts on a different channel in case this channel gets shut down you have your shorts on another channel yeah i mean if my this channel gets shut down i'll have bigger fish to fry but certainly i think the strategy of having a backup place for my content is probably something i should be thinking about and doing hey as youtubers are we allowed to publish the same? What's the policy on publishing
Starting point is 00:45:46 the same content to two separate channels? I think as long as we wouldn't copyright strike each other, then we're fine. Yeah, maybe. So since I do all these shows live, I get to determine where they go. Maybe I should start another channel that's just all unlisted so that it's just sending a duplicate to that channel and that's your insurance policy yeah so if this channel ever gets shut down i just pull off the video that got that got me shut down and turn that one on yeah god what a stupid game it's just what a stupid game even even when you imitated the lady there who's your rep i'm sorry i can't do anything it's just policy i was just want to throw up like i anytime you hear someone talk about policy you know you know you're fucked and you know that like you're done dealing
Starting point is 00:46:41 with a not that she's not a person but you're dealing with the book now you done dealing with, not that she's not a person, but you're dealing with a book now. You're dealing with a rule book, and the rule book always wins. She just wants to get home to her vibrator and watch the new season of Yellowstone and eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Non-creators in a creative space are trouble. They're such trouble for us. They're such fucking trouble for us there's such fucking trouble for us i think she is just a part of the like she's doing the best she can and just that she can't override the machine if she was if she could pull the trigger for me i'm sure she would do it but i think it's it's out of her
Starting point is 00:47:16 control and so she's basically she's a liaison that doesn't have as much, uh, like she can't override the YouTube machine, I guess. So it's just, I think she's an all right person, but it just is frustrating to have. Like it's when you call an 800 number and you just know you're not going to get anything solved. It's like,
Starting point is 00:47:36 fuck. Like, I appreciate that you're nice to me and I appreciate your encouraging me. And I do think like you're helping me to an extent, but like, let's make the, just like, let's, can you put, can, let's give you you i wish you had the power to make the decision you know
Starting point is 00:47:48 um i when i worked at crossfit inc um i had 100 people who worked for me and i only had one producer one producer meaning uh so um yeah i had tommy g the director editor shooter and i had 70 of those right so like the way you started and so so let's say you work for let's say you were a director uh editor uh and i'm simplifying let's say you were a director editor and shooter at crossfit inc you would and i was the media director. You would say to my producer, Hey, there's this blind lady who does CrossFit in Milwaukee. And I want to go do a piece on her. And the producer would say, okay, cool. And then you'd say, Hey, I'm taking my own camera gear, my own computer, but like a one, I'd like to get a new lens for this. And he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:48:40 all right, cool. Just expense it and send it over or no dickhead. I just got you two new lenses, you know? And then you'd be off. And then, or maybe he'd be like, another right, cool. Just expense it and send it over or no dickhead. I just got you two new lenses, you know, and then you'd be off. And then, or maybe he'd be like, uh, another guy would come to you and be like, Hey, I'm going to this town anyway, to visit my family who lives there. All I want you to do is pay for airfare for me, split the difference with me. And that way I don't have to pay to visit my family, but I'll come, I'll go to this CrossFit gym. I don't know what I'm going to make, but I'll make some shit. And you know that the guy's reliable. He's worked for you for five years and that's how we worked. And the company was just owned by one dude.
Starting point is 00:49:06 So you could do that, right? Then one time, 60 Minutes came out to film with my fucking boss, Tommy. And they had like eight producers. They had more producers than they had fucking camera guys. Yeah. And I'm like, you fucking idiots. And that's what happens when you get corporate and that's what i meant when it's like you have non-creatives in the creative space and they're
Starting point is 00:49:31 just dirtbag shit balls who create work sorry for being so negative but that's for my wife she doesn't like me name calling i take that back they're cogs in the system they're not shitbag dirtballs they're just people and they've turned into cogs in the system who are trying to make their job relevant by signing off on shit. You only need one producer. You don't need eight producers for one creative. You need just one producer and overwork him. He's a non-creative, and just let him. He's basically just your manager, making sure you have everything you need.
Starting point is 00:50:02 And that's what basically, that's what me and you want. We just want people to get out of our way so we can make shit. Yeah, I get that there's a yin and yang. Like you need people that can uphold some sort of structure so that the world doesn't burn down. Sure.
Starting point is 00:50:14 At the same point, when there's people that are actively, like when it feels like there's just been hurdles thrown in your path and it's like, please just let me. You're not, you're never glorifying any of this shit in your videos
Starting point is 00:50:25 i feel like every video i start and i'm like oh goody prostitutes this is gonna be fun i love this is gonna be cool this is gonna show how people make money sucking dick and three minutes in i'm like god this fucking is not what i expected yeah life is tough oh wow no one really wants a dick in their mouth fuck of course not seven not, Sevan. You know what I mean? It's like, you're not like, hey, drinking cough syrup is cool. Like, not even close, not even a little bit. When in Rome, do the Romans. That was really my thought was just, okay, if these fellows are doing it, I'll take a couple of sips and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:50:57 The dirt bike squad, I don't watch that and I'm like, hey, I want to do that. The whole time I'm like in your boat. I'm like, God, I hope none of these boys get killed because i'm sure especially as young men um and i think probably especially caleb you with all the guys that are using that that money from the military to get a new car new um bike like i think we probably know all know someone that's either hurt themselves or killed themselves on a motorcycle before like just young men just get into it. You know, I think they're invincible.
Starting point is 00:51:27 They just want to, they're like, this is the coolest thing ever. And I have money, so I'm going to buy it. I'm going to be in a big boy toy and I'm just going to go crazy with it. And they don't really think of the consequences. My,
Starting point is 00:51:39 my wife's a firefighter and I can't tell you how many times she's responded to motorcycle accidents. And so I've asked her, I was't tell you how many times she's responded to motorcycle accidents. And so I've asked her, I was like, you should let me get a motorcycle. And then she's like, no. Absolutely not. He's like, I just saw one today. And the guy's not going to, he's going to be on a breathing tube for the rest of his life. If somebody doesn't pull the plug on him.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Yeah. And I was thinking about this too, is like, imagine, imagine okay let's just say you're the best driver in the world you know that everyone else on the road is like like hey uh you know they're they're driving you're gonna get smashed it's just a matter of time yeah absolutely yeah you can drive a motorcycle as safely as you want but when you're when you're driving around four-wheeled vehicles and semi-trucks and shit like that, you can't really trust anybody else. Look at this. Audrey's dude's only got one leg.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Caleb, no. Oh, my friend has no leg because of a motorcycle accident. I usually do it just to fuck with her, but I know that she won't. As you know from last time, I have a small bladder. Give me just 30 seconds. I'll be right back. I love a small bladder. Go pee away.
Starting point is 00:52:44 God, I love him. Maybe that's why we right back. I love a small bladder. Go pee pee away. God, I love him. Maybe that's why we bonded. He just got a small bladder. Maybe that's why. Hey, there's this video. Um, it's,
Starting point is 00:52:55 uh, called, um, there's two videos. There's a, there's a video where he, he's rest wrestling dudes and a seven foot dude comes up to him to win the thousand bucks i don't want to show the whole video so that people will go i don't see it on his youtube
Starting point is 00:53:13 station it's weird i think it's the most recent one is it yeah it's oh yeah yeah yeah sorry it is you're right you're absolutely right Yeah. Maybe you could pull that clip up. And just show where the guy walks up. It's fucking nuts. Absolutely nuts. I'm being forced to get the vaccine for paramedic school in California. I don't think so. Coley, push. I don't think so. California I don't think so Coley push I don't think so my uh it's really funny he says that because my home station just sent out a text message saying that you're it's mandatory to wear masks throughout the um installation starting tomorrow where you're at no no back yeah you oh and that was one of the things you, you didn't wear the mask last time, right? There was mandatory. No. And you would get talked to?
Starting point is 00:54:09 All the time. Yeah. Coley, don't do it. Push back. See what happens. Hey, I swear to God, if you take a job where they're demanding, you take the injection, look at the doctor in the eye and be like, Hey, can you, can you let me inject myself and just take the needle and shoot it on the floor?
Starting point is 00:54:26 Just turn your back to him. Like there's nothing that can hurt from you being bold in this situation. Just turn your back to the doctor. He knows what you're going to be doing. Take it and shoot it on the floor. Just shoot the load on the floor. Shoot it into your pants. Just open up your pants and shoot the fucking vaccine just down in there with your gack and balls.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Bye-bye. Do not let them put that needle in you. I'm telling you, you're going to be so bummed. Even if nothing happens to you, even if you're perfectly healthy and you're fine, your whole life you're going to be wondering, fuck, do I got a clot? Don't do it. Yeah, I think we're just having the freedom to choose i think like even if nothing happens to you i think i get people like if they're they got a family of four and they're the sole bread winner and it's either get it or don't have a job i get like right right right yeah i would hate i
Starting point is 00:55:20 would be so bummed right now with all the information coming out about it. I mean, even the CDC has now opened up an investigation. Those fucking lying knuckleheads. Wait, our government lies to us? Are you sure? On accident. It's an accident. Hey, have you, do you watch Rebel News? What?
Starting point is 00:55:38 I said, we just didn't know. I'm sorry. Just forget about everything we did to you for the past three years. Do you watch Rebel News sometimes? Doesn't ring a bell. Do you know the guy Avi? He's in Australia. Handsome, like Egyptian-looking cat.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Maybe 25, 30. They're in fucking Davos right now where all those corrupt motherfuckers are meeting. And they fucking find the CEO of of pfizer on the street it's on twitter and they walk with him for seven minutes it's i'll send you the clip it's such and dudes just i can't believe that dude doesn't isn't covered in security but uh but they they just work him they're just asking him non-stop questions and it's so fucking good i just saw something yesterday that was so infuriating it was like the um the the dose from moderna costs like two dollars and 97 cents and then they're selling it for 130 but wasn't it our tax money that went into funding
Starting point is 00:56:36 it yes yes yes so we fund the creation of it but then the the profit of it is privatized just to them it's like yes like how can you fuck us with our own money that you only did this because of our money? The CDC is going to investigate themselves. I love it. Yes, they are. OK, so Tommy does this thing where he walks around. Has anyone ever won the thousand dollars from you? Not yet. And, and, and it used to be people could punch you, but this most recent one,
Starting point is 00:57:10 they don't get to punch you. Yeah, it was a little different. So my first challenge I did was for $200, you get to wear boxing gloves and try and knock me out. I can't hit you, but I can wrestle you. This one was just pure wrestling. A thousand dollars. If you can take me down just to prove that wrestling is one of the most dominant combat arts and you can control people without hurting them yeah and you're so nice to people it's crazy
Starting point is 00:57:33 the singlet's hilarious does that freak people out? I just started slamming people on their heads on the beach you know does the singlet freak people out? yeah especially the brothers brothers are like what the fuck yeah they think they're gonna you're gonna rub their junk on them which you which you are going to okay so then so you're you're you're fucking with those guys and then this giant dude
Starting point is 00:57:59 walks up so they go get him right like one of the guys admits at the end that he saw that guy earlier in the day a giant dude who's seven feet tall and and they went and got him to get you yeah now this guy walking i see him in your thumbnail this guy um did you at that point are you like hey i'm not doing it no i was just like i mean he's 300 pounds right of course it's this guy yeah you're seven two he's at three i think he's in 320 330 so he's big boy a big boy and then um and then crazy anyway you should go see this it's it's pretty remarkable how come he does how about one of your camera guys are they like hey dude does anyone be like tommy don't do this no because i think we talked about before like i'm like what if we find khabib on the beach they're like dude it's still gonna be a good show so it's
Starting point is 00:58:55 like plus i can't say no to somebody i can't be like oh yeah come like thousand bucks come take me down and then back out for you know for anybody so it's just different when like if at least if it was like let's say you come across another uh like a kid who is like let's say you come across the guy who is the fucking number one wrestler in college and he's on the beach with his girlfriend he's like yeah i'll do this uh that's different than a guy who's seven two three hundred pounds i mean it's just yeah i'd rather face the guy at seven too. Right. Well, right.
Starting point is 00:59:28 But the guy who's seven, two shit can go weird. Like he could fall on you and break your arm. Yeah. Like there's all sorts of bad shit that can happen with a giant person. Yeah. Wrestling or grappling with big guys is definitely more of a liability. Like, Oh man. Anyway. If someone doesn't know how to move their body properly
Starting point is 00:59:45 like you just end up in positions that you don't normally encounter so you got to be careful uh and then and then a fascinating thing happens that i hadn't seen in any of your other videos uh and i don't want to reveal too much but someone ends up wanting a rematch and you say no sorry and i think that that's so brilliant that you don't do rematches because i'm thinking the second time especially with people who've been drinking they might do something stupid yeah and you gotta draw the line in the sand somewhere yeah like how many shots does he get at the thousand bucks what if he what if that guy who wanted to rematch and I don't want to reveal too much. What if he would have said,
Starting point is 01:00:29 Hey, I'll put up a thousand against your thousand. Okay. Then you would have done it. Yeah. Hey. And, and one of you and who carries the thousand bucks,
Starting point is 01:00:40 I guess one of the camera guys got it on. Yeah. My guy Keegan had it on him. Yeah. Anyone ever tried to get you guys at gunpoint for it? No, we weren't at public beach. What do you think about this guy who's tackling deadbeat dads?
Starting point is 01:00:56 Oh, I think I've seen that guy. It's a, it's a crazy Instagram account. It's crazy. What is he? what is he called uh maybe caleb can find it i don't know it's a private account it has 800 000 followers i'll have to check that out because i'm that's of interest to me i definitely think like
Starting point is 01:01:18 how can you be a dad and not want to be in your kid's life the thing is is all of those i watch i'm like are these really dead beat dads so dude he just goes like someone will be like hey this dude the deadbeat dad's in in 7-eleven right now so he goes in there and he's in all football pads and then like his friend is like yo you bitch ass nigga i'll come out here i'll fuck you up come out here you bitch ass nigga and he's like doing that and so the dude's's like, yeah, you want some? And then he comes out, and this football player just blindsides him. Levels him? Yeah. So it would be like me calling people out to fight,
Starting point is 01:01:50 and then they got to fight you. You know what I mean? And it's crazy. I'm trying to find this guy's. Oh, here it is, dude. It's so crazy. Oh. Come on.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Look at him easy come on come on come on so he said he said something like hey is your name winstrom or whatever and then the guy goes yeah who's asking he goes so and so says you're a bitch ass nigga they're not paying your bills and then he goes oh you want some and then he just drills them big prime time that's his name oh it's crazy wow i think i watch i think it's the only instagram account i think i watch all of his videos three times i mean i i just i and they have the obvious they put sound effects with it like like a garage door slamming every time he hits the guy um uh jeremy tommy where can we meet up i could use a thousand oh damn jeremy
Starting point is 01:02:54 jeremy you don't want none of this dude i'm telling you just find me the next time i do the challenge somewhere random in the united states so that's that's what i would say hey is that a pretty um impromptu bit i knew i was gonna do it on a miami trip i knew oh you did okay yeah and you have to get pretty uh like those i was thinking um it's equivalent to like those guys who ride the motorcycles. You must get a pretty crazy adrenaline rush walking around just letting anyone in the world say, yeah, I'll wrestle you. Yeah, the nerves definitely creep in a little bit because you don't know who you're going to encounter, what you're going to walk into. And $1,000 is a nice chunk of change. And you must have been pretty excited when a guy who's 7 feet 2, 300 approaches you, because at least now, you know, well, at least I mean, I mean, it's better than, you know, 2016 year old kids would do rags.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Right. Because they're obviously going to be easier for you. I mean, yeah. Look at this dude. Oh, Nelly. And he's drinking a Gatorade. He's honestly the best person that could have walked out, though. Like, yes, that's ideal YouTube content right there. That's when you know you've chosen the right profession.
Starting point is 01:04:13 That is something that's fun about the path. It's like when you're on the path and like little doors open up that you're like, hmm, like that's interesting. That's cool. And it feels like the universe is patting you on the back a little bit but then it's also like like when you get the strike or you get some different things that put hurdles in your path they just it's just all part of the journey and you have to take both of them in stride and move forward the best you can so tell me about the uh real estate
Starting point is 01:04:43 uh business that that's what really excited me last time I talked to you. So you're in Milwaukee. Ever since then, I've been like Trulia on going crazy. Yeah, I'd use Trulia, but for Milwaukee. So can you tell me a I have one portfolio of just my own and then one portfolio of me and my partner. And so what we look for is to try and get the 2% rule. So we'll get a property and I'll break this down for people. And this is how crazy the market is in Milwaukee. So we can get a property, a duplex and a really tough area for about 50, 52 K. Then we're going to put about 25, 28 into it, be all in at 80 K and then we'll charge 800 for a two bedroom unit. That's nice. And that's the other, that's the other big key on our business plan is there's a lot of terrible properties. I've been in properties where the roof has a leak, the upstairs ceiling is caved in, and then the downstairs ceiling is caved in, and then the downstairs ceiling is
Starting point is 01:05:45 caved in. And it's been like that for four years and the landlord hasn't done anything. Like that stuff is all over the place. But we, so we're all in an 80K, we're bringing in 1600 a month per unit. We really take time to find good people. We make sure the place is good. And then we keep growing from there. And like, I have a building right now that this is absurd, but I bought it for $6,700. I put $5,500 into it to get the floors refinished. And I'm going to have a person that's going to pay $2,000 a month in rent because she's running kind of a business operation, like a home health care-ish type operation out of there. And so that's going to be a 3% rule property, which is going to be absurd.
Starting point is 01:06:27 And so let me ask you a question. So let's say you'll find a place and do you do diligence on it? Or is it just Milwaukee? Like you just get what you can that's cheap and then you just have contractors come in and basically there's no, like, do you have to deal with the city with code?
Starting point is 01:06:46 Let's say you buy a place and the roof is collapsing. Do you just fix it on the down low? Well, one, so I walk every place with my contractor first. If he, if we get the green light, we'll put the offer. And then if we get the offer, we always have an inspection contingency. So I have my guy walk it, you know, 24 or 48 hours after we sign to make sure that it's okay. And as long as the foundation's okay, the electric's okay, the plumbing's okay, and that our rehab budget is factored into our 2% rule, then we pull the trigger and do it.
Starting point is 01:07:14 But anything that's terrible, we stay away from. We want solid bones. We want a lot of cosmetic work. We don't want to have to deal with nonsense. Because yeah, sometimes the city can be on your ass. Like we inherited a building that we didn't know the city had on its list, but we literally, we bought this four unit building for $60,000, but we probably put, but it was on the city shit list.
Starting point is 01:07:36 So we inherited that, but we, since then we've put about a hundred into it, the roofs, the gutters, every single unit redone new furnaces new water here's everything from top to bottom and yet the city is still like they wanted us they tried writing us up for window screens and i'm like dude we're the every house on this entire block for like a few block radius name one house that a hundred thousand dollars has been invested to make it better how are you coming after us for 15 window screens like bitch like it says i don't know if it's like they think that we have these guys have money so we're gonna go after them or what raised their their flag about us but i'm like we're actively improving the place like it's visibly happening in front of your eyes how
Starting point is 01:08:19 are you going to come at us for cheap nonsense like a window screen. And the, the guy who's in charge of the, do you have a finance guy? Meaning like, do you work strictly with just one bank? Uh, let's see. We, so like they do all your loans with, so yeah, my partner is, um, the money behind the portfolio we share. And so, um, we go through, we do a lot of our off-market deals. So it's all cash. And then we refinance through one specific company. But then for me, like the single families I'm buying are on market. And I go through a particular mortgage lender for that.
Starting point is 01:09:01 But if I go on market, I can buy four properties or the same money that if I go off market, I can buy one property. Explain. I don't know what that means, on market versus off market. Okay. So on market is the normal real estate world. If you're looking for a house, you buy a property that's listed on Zillow, on Trulia, but 20 to 25% down. Off market are these cash deals that usually require a lot more work because if they didn't require work, they would just sell it on market and get top dollar for it. But it's like depressed properties that need work. Like let's say I can get a duplex that's normally worth $80K. I'll buy it off-market for $60K, $65K.
Starting point is 01:09:38 How do you find that? There's off-market Facebook pages. I can invite you to the Milwaukee one. There's always deals running through that Facebook page. Tomorrow at 10.30, I'm walking a property with my contractor that might be a good fit for what we're doing. That's the deal source. that's kind of the deal source neighbors and stuff too like my wife and i are looking for property and like just family members you know family members who are trying to sell properties but they don't want to sell it on a zillow or whatever they just tell us like hey we're going to sell this like person to person do you want to take it a couple things um i want to get to bruce wayne's question do you teach do you have a course you teach or do you take a, do you do any mentoring? Eventually I would like to do seminars for YouTube growth and I would love to present
Starting point is 01:10:33 at a real estate seminar. I don't think people, most people don't know I do real estate. I don't think they would take me seriously until they heard me talk about it. But so I don't really have anything. One of the questions was, do I burr everything? Yeah. What does that mean? What does that mean? Basically you cash out, refinance everything. Like you buy a property and then after six months you can refinance it. So you pull out 70 or 80% of the value and then you can use that to buy your next property. Right. Basically you're continually using what you buy one house and you keep getting the leveraging them with that same money. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Yeah, that's that's more or less part of our strategy as well. So but here's the part I don't understand about that. So you buy a place for 40. You put 40 into it. It's now 80. You rent it out for 2000 a month. You've now completed the 2% rule. You're pretty fucking stoked.
Starting point is 01:11:27 But if you, if you then want to pull the money out of that, isn't it just, Oh, I have a mortgage now. Okay. So when you buy it for 40, originally you buy it with cash yes okay and
Starting point is 01:11:46 then maybe it gets evaled at a hundred thousand since you've refined if you're lucky exactly okay and then hopefully you can pull all the money out of it and how have the interest have the interest rates fucked with your whole plan they're bad but but like some of the people that teach you how to be wealthy say it's not timing the market, it's time in the market. So if the numbers still make sense, even though the interest rates are 7% right now, if the mortgage, the insurance, the property taxes is 450 a month and I'm bringing in 1200 a month yeah i'm gonna cash flow in and appreciate so it's just it's always a numbers game if the numbers make sense then you go for it and this is exciting shit i think that's and when we talk about you were saying way earlier like
Starting point is 01:12:40 people talk about getting education there that's the the wrong idea. You want to be free. Like this is the easiest way I know of to be free is real estate. It's going to take time. Like people think landlords make tons and tons of money and yes, it's possible, but like you might buy a property. Um, like my first property I ever bought, I bought it for 157. Um, my mortgage is about 1300 a month and it brings brings in I've renovated it. So I put more into it than what I initially purchased. I probably profit about fifteen hundred a month for a four unit building. And that's that's a pretty good deal. But think about how many of those I have to have to be making a six figure income. I have to have five of those properties to be making six figures so and that's
Starting point is 01:13:25 a full-time job now and then when you have that you have to hire someone to manage those properties unless you want to do it yeah i manage it so like hey it's christmas it's christmas eve the furnace went out who's making the phone calls me and some of that can be stressful so it's like definitely could be you're i just watched a video where you were fucking in Mexico where the police raided a spot and you're like, excuse me. I know I'm at gunpoint, but yeah. Oh, okay. The roof is leaking. All right.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I just got to get out of Mexico alive and then I'll be over there to fix it. Yeah. So real estate is lucrative. Yeah. So real estate is lucrative. It's a good game if you know how to look at numbers and you know, you have good relationships with contractors and different people that you need on your team, but it's not a headache free occupation, especially if you care about your tenants,
Starting point is 01:14:17 you care about your buildings. Like you, you gotta stay on your, your P's and Q's. Imagine how crazy it is for that dude that you had the hundred million dollar guy. He has hundreds of properties. Yeah. He, he has a management company for all of it. So he doesn't answer anything. He just cruises, which maybe one day will be a good strategy, but I just know that any management company that will touch the hood in Milwaukee is usually dog shit. So it's like, I don't want my tenants to have a terrible experience. So at the moment I'm going to manage it, even though it takes a disproportionate amount of my time compared to income. Um, when I first got this job at CrossFit, I bought this house and the real estate agent told me that I was, uh, I told him I wanted a 15 year loan. And he's like,
Starting point is 01:15:04 Hey dude, the interest rates are so low. There's no reason to do that. You don't save that much money on a, on a 15 year loan at the time. This was in 2011. And I was like, I don't care. I'm getting, give me a 15 year loan. He's like, Hey, it's just not smart. Use your money. I'm like that. I don't, I don't care about smart use of my money. I just know myself. And then, so, and I had like had like uh i had three houses at the time and i would pay with every paycheck i i'd never saved a penny i paid all my mortgages twice a month on 15-year loans so that i'd paid may 24 payments a year and i would always be fucking broke. But I didn't care. Low. 3.25.
Starting point is 01:15:47 So do you want the counterpoint or do you want to just keep going? Well, I'll tell you the rest of the story and then you tell me. And the day I got fucking fired from my job, I paid off two of my houses. And fuck, dude, that was a huge relief. Like, you know what I mean? I would definitely say this. I agree with you on the idea of being free and clear and not having debt
Starting point is 01:16:14 under your name. It's definitely nice. But the way, and this is how rich people get way richer, is like, look, you're using the bank's money at 3%. Even if I just put it in the S&P 500, I'm going to 10 a year that right seven percent i could be or i can sink it all into the property right so i needed to meet you back and i didn't even have kids when i was doing that in the beginning so it was like even dumber but it worked out for me but i but i wish i would have
Starting point is 01:16:42 known you but you were in fucking diapers then. Yeah, I was still pooping my pants probably. Yeah, you were. And now you're – how old are you now, Tommy? 29. God, I have a 29. Stefan, what do you do? Well, I'm kind of retired, but I have this 29-year-old real estate mentor who's helping me slowly.
Starting point is 01:17:04 What about managing other people's property? I'm open to it, but I think there's an up and coming property manager that only has 40 doors, which means he can definitely, he has the bandwidth to keep adding. I don't know. For the amount I would charge you. You mean the guy you know that that you like. Yeah. Okay. Yes. I'm still have to experiment with him, but from what I hear is really solid. I got good referrals on him. Basically this, um, cause I have a couple of people now, like there's another YouTube guy that wants to go into Milwaukee and, and cause he can just get so much more than what he has out in Arizona. But, um, because of the time management takes,
Starting point is 01:17:45 and also I'm going to charge you almost double what a normal property manager would charge you just because it'd be worth my time. It still isn't even that, it's not that. What's lucrative is back end. If I get equity on the back end, that makes it more worth my time to manage a place. Right. And you should, you should should you're saying so like hey and then and then also i think the person person
Starting point is 01:18:13 who's investing would like that too because then you actually give a shit about the place exactly you're 10 owner in every house you're managing like all of a sudden you give it is i own equity on the um on the profit so when you the place, let's say we sell it 10 years from now and we have a 40K profit, maybe I say I'll be a 20% stakeholder. If you want me to answer every furnace call, oh, we have roaches. I'll clean your kitchen. Like all those little things that you have to encounter. Oh, wait, you have to encounter oh wait you have three dogs at the property right now what are you doing dude and um so it's definitely
Starting point is 01:18:51 something worth thinking about yeah um so are our kids in the um are you using a contraception? I've always been a raw dogger, boy. Oh, okay. And what's going to happen if you get your wife? Making one documentary every week, and it looks like a lot of your documentaries are getting a million views on average, some significantly more. What happens? How are you going to maintain that schedule? God, Kensington, the city of zombies. I watched that one too.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Three million views. What's going to happen? How are you going to raise a kid and do one video a week? Yeah, so here's my thoughts on it one is i want to be in a position that i can have a part-time or full-time nanny help my wife yeah yeah two is i do pita lupita you want a lupita yes i do racist i travel probably five to seven days a month but otherwise i'm home so i want to be heavily involved in in helping raise my kids but also like this is the machine that funds our existence so i'm gonna have to keep going you know so i want to so the model isn't okay and that helped you help me understand the
Starting point is 01:20:19 model isn't um uh four documentaries a month four different different cities. The model is go to LA, have four, have do like maybe a brothel one, a rave one, LA's, the border town one with Tijuana and San Diego. And then the, the,
Starting point is 01:20:36 the wealthiest homeless guy you ever met. And it's like a millionaire who lives homeless in Venice beach, film all that shit. And then for five or six days and then flee back to the uh milwaukee uh tommy g empire and start the editing yes okay yeah that sounds smart it just i think it's the best way to have the best of both worlds like i do i am a homebody by nature i love my wife i love my dog i love being home so i don't want to travel too much but this is the way to get it done and be prolific and still
Starting point is 01:21:10 um put numbers up on the board so um like the other the other goal though is to is to build enough of a portfolio that if i am not interested in youtube anymore or youtube deletes my channel that i'm still okay. Cause I never want to have to go back and get a job I hate. And that's, I just refuse. So I'm going to, what was the last job you had?
Starting point is 01:21:31 You hated. Oh my gosh, dude. I worked. It was nice company. As far as the company is going, you weren't blowing guys for $180. Were you?
Starting point is 01:21:38 No, it was a company called BI worldwide. And I was a very young hire there. So basically my job was to – I was calling on Fortune 500 companies, and I was supposed to pitch their C-suite executives on ideas that were going to increase sales or increase – it was a very consultant-type job. But it was so boring, like the amount of nonsense meetings, the amount of times the last straw for them is they sent me out to an HVAC conference in Las Vegas because I was supposed to be calling on Johnson Controls. And I always have to talk to people about chillers and boilers and acting like I was excited about it. And it was killing me. I would go back to my hotel
Starting point is 01:22:20 room and just not be happy. And they were also expecting me to like on the floor of this trade show to like find my way into a meeting with the CEO and sell them on a $2 million whatever. And I just, I couldn't do it. I just could hardly bring myself to do anything there. And so once they heard about my report from the las vegas trip i was let go shortly after and um why what was the report by the way when i hear about an hvac convention in vegas i just picture it being uh 10 000 guys who are 60 pounds overweight um looking for an excuse to bang whores like i I just don't buy it. Or drink heavily.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yes, yes. Escape their life a little bit. So what happened to your report? When I just told them who all I talked to and where that led, because they wanted me to take people out for dinner on the spot there. And I didn't bring anyone out to dinner. So it's like, I just, I, and I didn't bring anyone out to dinner. So it's like, I just like the idea, everything about that job was just,
Starting point is 01:23:33 it was a difficult job. And so once they heard, I didn't make much progress. They're like, yeah, his heart's not in it. And I was like, yeah, it's not. And I had been journaling, I've been journaling every morning for like the last three or four months before that. Like, so this was in February. They fired me on february 15th my goal was by um i think it was march 15th of 2022 i will quit my job so the it was gonna happen but they just helped me out the door quicker and i kind of didn't have the nuts even some it felt like at some times i do it myself i'm like them firing me was like the coolest thing
Starting point is 01:24:03 that ever happened to me it was so like it was so much relief i just felt so free and i just chased youtube and real estate full time and i'm never going back i'm never going back uh uh manny uh serrano uh i actually met manny in newport we had lunch together a very impressed with tommy very inspirational to our younger generation. Well, thank you, Manny. Yeah, he's so inspirational to me. I love this dude. Hey, what about more content where you hang out with more wealthy people?
Starting point is 01:24:42 Is that fun content to make? I'm trying to look at the numbers on this $100 million guy. Yeah, that video kind of bombed. more wealthy where you hang out with more wealthy people is that is that fun content to make and is that i'm trying to look at the numbers on this 100 million dollar guy yeah that video kind of bombed i thought compared to what it should have done but hey when he says bombed it's 250 000 views but you think like the chance to see a hundred million dollars man's life i thought that would be like like just skyrocketing but um yes i'm actively trying to find a billionaire to spend a day with yeah um and as i grow to uh the thing is anyone that has like an hr handbook like they say no to me like you i was gonna film with a doctor about a ketamine experience he's like upon further
Starting point is 01:25:18 checking out your channel it's too risky to associate our business with you and it's like okay like i'm not doing anything crazy i just happen to the fact that i'll talk to anybody scares like the proper people away of course of course dude you're real no one else is oh that's why your stories are all like this your only deal you're real no one none of those people can afford to be real. Being real opens up lawsuits. You have a guy like me asking him any. So this is, well, this isn't going to be. So under the radar, I have a meeting,
Starting point is 01:25:57 a off the record meeting with a US Senator next week. And if his team likes me and they, whatever, I don't know what we have to talk about, but just if they get the feel for me, the pitch is to take me to the u.s capital building and be able to ask people any question i want and part of me wants to say to this guy like look unless you're afraid of telling the truth i can see no reason why this isn't a good idea for both of us and but will they let me in and i don't know that'll be but i feel like any place like that that has like oh we have our public image representative like those places usually
Starting point is 01:26:32 don't let me in uh um what about the the the republican kid who's in a wheelchair madison crawley uh yeah i guess i'd speak with him didn't he go down for some weird shit i don't know what i heard about him um did he well i he did go down for some weird shit yeah it was some stupid let me look like there's a swastika tattooed on the small of his back it was he was i think he slept with a russian spy or something oh that's not that's fine that's fine oh it's not fine oh that's a national security risk yeah right right sorry well if you're married it's not good that's for sure oh yeah i'm a and i'm a dedicated man i i uh i don't i won't bite the apple of temptation
Starting point is 01:27:20 yeah me neither because this is the thing just don't get married if you want to fuck other chicks it's totally cool but don't get married if you want to fuck don't once you're married just just put it away it's okay well also there's nothing better than having a woman that has your back and that is yes like best pal and you can like they're helping you build the empire and um so i think that's something that i wish was more stated in the culture but i think obviously things that sell are things that are short-term pleasure but it's like the dudes i knew that were banging everyone were depressed and um so i love you never went through a phase where you banged everyone i did i was not depressed i thought it was fine i went through
Starting point is 01:28:01 one like one tinder phase where i would i was averaging about a chick a month for a year and I got, Oh, I didn't do Tinder. I had to earn them. Like I had to like go out and eat lunch with these girls. And I'm not talking about one night stands. I'm talking about like, just like have like 10 girlfriends. Well, I never, I never got to that place in my life. I don't think I ever will. But, um, no, the door's closed for you now.
Starting point is 01:28:25 I guess Tinder fucks all of that up because you can have one night stands plus you're tall and good looking and strong and stuff like i have to earn beaver there's no like i don't go somewhere and just like some chick be like oh you're cute let's go i think realizing that it's all overrated or if my if my wife ever like develops an interest for females i'll encourage it but at the moment i don't think it's gonna be ever happening right the grass is never is always greener on the other side well there's no sorry it's never greener on the other side this guy is saying that it was eric solwell i remember he banged the chinese spy um apparently this madison cawthorne guy is talking about being
Starting point is 01:29:10 invited to cocaine fueled orgies held by fellow lawmakers in washington dc and i don't know how else are you supposed to fuel an orgy fair question fair question I don't know. How else are you supposed to fuel an orgy? Fair question. Fair question. I just want to ask those people, like, I want to bump into Nancy Post and be like, Nancy, congratulations on your $100 million portfolio of your husband that's not even a hedge fund trader but is somehow out trading hedge funds. Can you tell me more about that? Please. husband that's not even a hedge fund trader but somehow out trading hedge funds can you tell me more about that please oh like you guys are like what do you think about uh when americans just don't trust you and like we keep noticing the military industrial complex going crazy like i just saw this story about um black rock the big financial firm that they own all these big huge
Starting point is 01:30:01 interests in lockheed martin and all these weapon manufacturers oh black i think there's i think black rock i think blackstone is the blackstone yeah and black rock is the other one i don't know if they're affiliated but they're the ones who like that work like where caleb's working like they basically kill people for money but here's the part that was kind of oh no no that's the mercenary group that's the mercenary group no this is they're legal but they're legal but they're yeah but um the fact that black rock they can so they're going to provide the bullets and the bombs to ukraine and make large amounts of money off of that which also our taxpayer money is funding that and then but they also just made a deal with zelensky that they're going to help rebuild and it's like oh so
Starting point is 01:30:40 you get to like destroy and profit from the rebuilding of it. Like what? Oh, that's cool. We're going to bomb the fuck out of you, but don't worry. We're going to send contractors in and fix you. And all the senators that help that bill pass are going to be, have some great deposits in an offshore account.
Starting point is 01:30:58 It's like, I have to, I have to call my wife for one second real quick. Sorry. I'll go. Do you want us to stop talking? No, no. Well, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Just because then I can't listen. Let's listen. Yeah, you guys can listen if you want. I'm supposed to be in the car at 830. Hello? Hi. Am I taking the kids skateboarding still? Well, I texted Josh asking if it was dry, and he hasn't responded.
Starting point is 01:31:24 So I'm just getting them ready to go. Okay. Okay. I'll be there in four minutes. Okay. Hello? Haley? Oh.
Starting point is 01:31:39 I'll be there in four minutes. Okay. Okay. Okay. Say you love me so they think we have a good relationship. Say, tell, okay. Say you love me. So they think we have a good relationship. I love you so much. I can't wait to see you in four minutes.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Thank you. I love you too. Bye. There you go. My wife loves me. It sounds like, uh, I know the Irish goodbye is about to happen and it's time to move on with the
Starting point is 01:32:01 next part of the day. Oh, what's an Irish goodbye. Like when you go, sneak part of the day oh what's an irish goodbye like when you go you kind of sneak out of the party and no one says you're gone dude i would need to have you on regularly let's do it man yeah every couple months yeah you the man i want to go through these videos uh for just really quick with you guys uh there's one where he fights the seven foot giant uh there's a mexican uh border one i think uh we talked about maybe that one last time but what's weird is it says two weeks ago no no i watched it that one's great too uh the mexican police raid is fantastic
Starting point is 01:32:35 he was actually at the house uh interviewing a uh gangster rapper which is needs its own story on its own this kid was born in Mexico, but raised in the US, and then ICE got him and deported him. But he's clearly in Mexico. No, he got deported because of all the felonies he committed in the United States. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:32:54 Okay. But either way, it's fucked up because he's clearly an American. He's been in the country for too long to deport back to Mexico. Then Murder Creek rappers, pimps and prostitutes. The pimps and prostitutes is really good. If you want to have your whole image like especially if you got a
Starting point is 01:33:08 problem like fucking prostitutes watch that one you'll stop doing it i think that's probably one of my the best pieces we've come out with is the pimps and prostitutes one yeah uh the only fans girl was uh it was good because it just showed you, it just reminded me just how pathetic people were. Like in the sense that like, I never, I never, the whole time you were watching that video was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:33:35 I wish I was at that party. I was like, Oh, that life just looks glamorous and it sucks. So I was like, uh, this most dangerous hood in Philly, uh,
Starting point is 01:33:43 must watch it because really tommy meets two other just cool dudes oh that one guy sounds just like chris rock that's what everyone said i gotta get that guy on my podcast dude you should definitely get some of these um like i wonder if i can get you the the a trapper or anyone like that if you'd be interested we can i would i would love to. And, and, and,
Starting point is 01:34:06 uh, I reached out to what's his name? The guy, uh, in the dirt bike video, what's his name? Leaka Valley, Leaka,
Starting point is 01:34:11 the bike star, Leaky, the bike star, uh, the mole people way better than I thought. It's 27 minutes long. I'm like, fuck,
Starting point is 01:34:20 I don't want to watch this. I was fucking captivated, captivated, uh, insane asylum. I didn't watch graveyard ceremony at. I was fucking captivated, captivated, uh, insane asylum. I didn't watch graveyard ceremony at the a hundred million dollar one. If, if you don't watch this a hundred million dollar one,
Starting point is 01:34:32 you're fucking nuts. You have to watch this. I know. I can't believe that one. I guess no one wants to make a hundred million. Or maybe that's not a big enough number these days. I don't know. Oh, it's big. Yeah oh it's big yeah it's big
Starting point is 01:34:46 all right uh mr tommy thanks for your morning dude thank you guys have a wonderful day okay yeah your wealth and knowledge and uh we'll talk soon sounds good thanks all right oh he's gone just like that bye i like it how he had to go to the bathroom. That was awesome. I don't think we've had a guest do that before. Maybe we have. I just can't remember.
Starting point is 01:35:14 I'm looking at my... Oh. Okay, the park is mostly dry. Okay, I guess I'll bring a blower and a broom uh guys a brian friend not that kind of blower like a leaf blower okay a brian friend is at uh mayhem i don't know what he's doing there like i guess some investigative uh reporting for uh the bar bend but um so i want to see he's been there for two days uh facundo is hosting him he's at the mayhem empire you know that's the place that uh the
Starting point is 01:35:51 rich froning compound and i guess there's a shitload of athletes in town and so i just wanted to uh try to get him on the show this evening and talk to him and find out what's going on there and so we might i'm going to try to do a show this evening. But now I must take off and play with my kids for the next nine hours. Thank you for checking in. Love you guys. Tommy G, you're the man. And we will see you guys tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Oh, you know who we have on tomorrow? We have, we have Aaron Ginn on tomorrow. Aaron Ginn was one of the first guys. Uh, he's a, he's a, uh,
Starting point is 01:36:35 entrepreneur and he's a tech guy, Silicon Valley tech guy. And he, oh, that's not till 9am tomorrow. Well well that sucks yeah it's a late morning one he was one of the first guys to openly publish an article about about hey something's not right with the covid numbers and he published it to uh medium and it got pulled down and he got he got a lot of fucking heat for it.
Starting point is 01:37:05 But he was one of the first guys I want to say around January of. 2020. Was like, hey, something's not right. This is bullshit. These COVID numbers are bullshit. And he crunched the math. And of course, he's a tech geek. And anyway, we have him on tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:37:24 I think he's a very successful man too by the way in terms of uh financially business tech so it'll be cool to have him on and see where the conversation goes um all right guys i will uh his name is aaron gin anyone who wants to check him out i think he's got a pretty uh solid twitter uh presence ciao mfs yes oh bye

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