The Sevan Podcast - #773 - The Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: January 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are they on Starlink? No, they're not on Starlink. Jeremy E. World, good morning. Mike, when you sign up, when you schedule these, you don't even have to schedule Rumble anymore. It was working for a while. Oh, it was? Yeah. You remember it was, and then something was up i think i think it needs to be refreshed all the time or something it does go over there automatically
Starting point is 00:00:31 which is nice i think they're all just they just post over there which is pretty cool yeah yeah they still work even with that pop-up oh they do yeah all of our shows have still been there oh i know but is it streaming live over there? Oh, great question. I don't know. Does anybody use Rumble? How many Rumble views do we get? One of the Nelk boys, someone told me just signed it.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Was it maybe you told me just signed a big contract over there after he got kicked off of YouTube? Oh, Steve will do it maybe? Yeah, yeah. He's right here. Yeah, 318,000 views from a day ago that's like everybody on rumble all right yeah he's got the whole audience him and russell dude i saw this thing last night that i started researching and it kept me up too late
Starting point is 00:01:18 i couldn't find any truth to it well i found some truth to it but not not the whole kit and caboodle about mosquitoes that are being released in Texas and Florida. Being released? Yeah. The first article I saw is that basically what these mosquitoes had the vaccine in them. So if they bite you, you get the vaccine. And when I researched the story, it wasn't quite like that there was it was like it was like 50 true that but it was weird i thought i spent too much time on it but but i but not but i never got
Starting point is 00:01:56 anything that i could report i never found anything like i was like okay this is the truth yeah definitely some mosquitoes were released in florida and in texas that were experimental that were injected with something how it affects us humans i'm not sure that seems sketch yeah very right back mosquitoes yeah yeah yeah isn't that crazy yeah did you get those dms that were talking about all the kids that were on prescription drugs that went suicidal or killed their families? Yes. What the fuck was that about? Is that true?
Starting point is 00:02:29 I was just reading it before we came on, and I was going to ask Caleb, has he heard of this or anything? What is happening? You have heard it, Caleb? No, no. I didn't do much research after what I read, but I can pull it up. I didn't do much research after what I read, but I can pull it up. So when I was going to UC Santa Barbara and I was making that show, Ivy TV, there was that one night that I was filming. And that guy, while I was there, a guy pulled up in his fucking Audi or Saab, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And he just drove his car into the crowd and he killed five people, dead bodies. And when he jumped out of the car, he said, the angel of death i did this on purpose i mean that kid was like on all sorts of fucking uh anti-psychotics and shit like this yeah so like there becomes a like if if if 80 of the people on the road are stoned, it's so easy just to blame weed for accidents, right? There's no good baseline. And so it's like I think there's so many people on drugs these days, pharmaceutical drugs. I mean, yeah, I think this is – I suspect this is true, but what does it mean? I don't know. Yeah, like it doesn't – it's just like everybody's on drugs.
Starting point is 00:03:44 So anytime I ask for a minute, you could easily point out their prescriptions, right? Yeah. I mean you know what someone told me the other day? In 1952, there were like zero killings. There were zero mass shootings. And yet at that point was the largest amount of guns in people under the age of 18's hands because there was uh it was kids were allowed in 1952 there was there were shooting classes in schools and kids would bring their 22 rifles to school i'm oversimplifying the story yeah so there everything's gotten i don't want to say complex it's easy i think there are some really strong correlates out there that are pretty easy to
Starting point is 00:04:23 understand but i'm just not sure which they are right now i mean obviously you need parents who fucking love you yeah for sure and who i mean this is only looking at their prescription drugs like what's their family-like life did they experience trauma early on like there's so much missing information from this that it just seems a little weird yeah like it's like oh favorite haunt or whatever it's like yeah i'm sure that's part of it but you can't just say like oh prescription drugs are the reason um it's like uh also it's like i feel like i don't know what the number is but probably like 90 of the people send their kids away from them eight hours a day yeah i believe that did you see that um
Starting point is 00:05:19 posts about what's happening out for eight to ten hours a day no what you mean like away from the parents yeah for like like we never outsourced anything until recently and now we have this problem with outsourcing things no i'd love to see it uh i i it's funny you say that i will i got six hours of uninterrupted sleep last night i think one time i woke up in the middle of the night because i had my arm in a bad position my shoulders started hurting but i had like some of the best sleep i ever had last night i think one time i woke up in the middle of the night because i had my arm in a bad position my shoulders started hurting but i had like some of the best sleep i ever had last night not enough but fuck i slept good yes i enjoyed this 7 a.m start i was i was liking it i feel awake this morning as opposed to 6 30 yeah i don't know why it's just a little extra well i
Starting point is 00:05:59 was up super late on friday nights last night i went to bed real early so okay let's see this my kids about this right about the trip um because we're going from a six-star resort in dubai to a zero-star city you know no running water nothing about going out you know what a great education for your kids exactly you know because uh homeschool is something that was just invented this is brand new shit right i mean from from the inception of our being we never outsourced eight to 10 hours a day of our kids going to learn values. We never did this thing, right? We brought them along with us to hunt, to build, to protect, to fight, to persevere, to model, right? And so we recently started outsourcing this job. And so I'm like, okay, if I can take my kids to the Amazon, to Africa, to New York, to Las Vegas, and I really wish they
Starting point is 00:06:44 were here today yeah right because i always say what we do is far more important than what we say i want to show you guys how to do this stuff yeah that's how they get an education it is you ask my kids yeah it's so weird i was just thinking this morning just as we came on the show, there was a time when I didn't understand homeschooling. And I know I'm a bit of a, you know, as Mr. Vellner says, absolutist, but the thought of sending my kids away now to let someone else teach them, I just, what was I thinking? And I know so many people still do it. I need to talk to someone who homeschooled their kids and then like two years later started sending them to school how they do it. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It depends on the school. You got to vet the school. I don't think the problem is outsourcing, quote unquote. I think the problem is parents just aren't fucking paying attention. They aren't doing their due diligence. I don't know, dude. It sounds like why did you have – don't know why did you have but matt why did you have kids if you didn't want to raise them because dude it cost a fucking lot of money
Starting point is 00:07:49 to live here i agree but they don't have too many stakes like their mortgage and their payments to their credit cards and their cars and i seem to have one parent at home so that i just view it as a luxury i don't think it's something that we should like blast people on because you could still vet a school system thoroughly. You could still be thoroughly involved. I agree. But why? So like I want another dog so bad. I want a Great Dane so bad.
Starting point is 00:08:15 But a Great Dane to raise rights like a thousand bucks a month probably. You got it. You put more poop bags, all the raw food you're going to feed him. And then the eventual pet vet bills that are coming because they're such fucked up genetic dogs. So I'm not getting one. What, like, why have a kid like what's your motivation to have a child? If you're not going to raise it, if you're going to send them to someone else to educate, I mean,
Starting point is 00:08:43 wouldn't it be the same motivation as everybody else who has kids to progress their lineage and progress society i mean you may not have everything to be able to teach them yourself or keep them around you or all those other things like right a lot of people i went to high school with, all of their parents were working two, three jobs every day and no other opportunity. So they have to go to school. They have no opportunity to be with their parents while they work at fucking Waffle House all day. They have to send them somewhere to be babysat and learn things and just hope that whenever they come home that they can spend as much time as they can with it. So you just want to – you're so determined. Like so I had kids just because my wife wanted them.
Starting point is 00:09:29 That was like – it was that simple. And I assumed that we would just send our kids to school and just do everything that everyone else did. I just assumed that – I don't know. I just never thought of it. So I guess what Caleb is saying is people have kids because they want to continue the family name, the Matosian name. So you have kids and you don't want to give them something that they say that they as the parent didn't have. They want to give them the education that they didn't have or they don't want to give them a future that they can lower to. He broke up. What did he say? I don't know. give them a future that they can lower to i i'm he broke up what did he say i don't know i couldn't catch that either he wants to give them a like a new future like
Starting point is 00:10:12 something to look forward to the parents want to give the adults yeah give the kids something to look forward to here's the thing and this is pretty uh self-righteous of me to say but i don't think any of you out there who send your kids away to school, I think if you homeschooled your kids, you would have the same awakening that I had like, oh shit, what was I doing? Because we sent Avi to school for two years. And now that we're homeschooling, it's kind of like you just wake up one day. And you're just like, from that, you're like, how the fuck did I do that? It's the same thing with having babies at home. You think it's absolutely batshit crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And then you have the baby at home. And one of the first things my wife said is, holy shit, people thought I was brave. The brave people are the people who really go to the hospital. That's actually that's what the bravery is. Because after you have the kid at home, like you just stay there. You're just you're just there you're done the thought of going somewhere after you have a baby like getting in a car is fucking repulsive get you know what i mean it's like you know when you're on mushrooms and you got to go
Starting point is 00:11:15 to 7-eleven to get something and you're like what the fuck it's just you feel disgusting when you go in there you know what i'm talking about i actually do yes you're like what is this place this is so gross yeah i can't be in here yeah that's what it's like after you have a kid the thought of putting your kid in a car a baby seat well i will you're like what the fuck this about the homeschooling the total like perception of it has changed dramatically since i was in school you were always the homeschooled weirdo trying to simulate you of it has changed dramatically since I was in school. You were always the homeschooled weirdo trying to assimilate. You think it has changed or you think we're just getting old? Like, cause I agree with you. I, but I think I,
Starting point is 00:11:51 I just got old and weird myself. I just feel like in the gym and everything else, like you hear so many parents doing like a homeschool or like a hybrid or looking for alternatives, especially when the, when the COVID, like when all those what do you want to call them? Mandates and all that stuff started to come down the pipeline. And then people realized how little control over what their kids do they had. And so I think that was a scary wake up call when they're like, oh, wait, we sent them to this place to get educated. We think it's all good. Now all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:12:17 they're putting all these regulations and different things that we don't necessarily agree with. And they're like, you either agree with them and do it or figure something else out. And so I think that was a little bit of a wake up call. But I think that those now that those have gone away, it's it's coming back down again. And people are a little bit more comfortable with it than they were when there was a mask policy. Oh, right. A little more comfortable with homeschooling. The thing is also you kind of have to change your perspective on how kids learn too. At this point, you can just protect your kids from shit and they'll be fine more than like actually. You were in public school, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And did you go to like daycares and stuff like that? All that. Your mom was a lawyer and your dad was yeah yeah i was i was not raised yeah i was i was go to school uh i was walk a mile to school from a young age on a first kindergarten first grade walk a mile home go straight to my babysitter's house stay there until it was dark my mom comes and picks me up feeds me and go to bed yeah that was my life and then finally when i was like seven or eight i think my mom even we stopped the babysitter and i would just go home i had an older sister a couple years older that shit was crazy yeah in hindsight it was crazy crazy i mean yeah you were at home and you guys are responsible for yourselves but yeah my i was
Starting point is 00:13:39 the same way but my parents were like really involved like they knew knew all the teachers, they spent time there. Like even though they, I mean, they had to work and they both had full-time jobs to make it out here in the Bay area. Like I see a lot of people in the comments like, Oh, we make it work.
Starting point is 00:13:52 We make it work. Yeah. In the middle of fuck nowhere, Kansas, you're going to make it work. Of course. Yeah. No problem,
Starting point is 00:13:58 bro. But you come out here to the Bay area when it's, you know, your whole entire annual salary just to stay in some small apartment. It changes quite a bit, but my parents always stayed super involved. My mom knew all the teachers. We had parent-teacher conferences outside of what was the norm. She really invested her time into understanding what was going on at the daycare. Same with my dad. So there still is a level of involvement and control you can have, even if you're
Starting point is 00:14:21 outsourcing your children being raised. Home is not for everyone i had a friend lose their baby during a home birth if they had gone to the scary hospital their baby would be alive no actually uh home birth is for everyone you have it backwards home birth is for everyone the hospital is not for uh everyone i want to tell you i bet you uh 90 i'm just making this up completely out of nowhere 90 of the babies that don't breastfeed or that are born through cesarean section their or their life is short that the opportunities of their life uh in the first week of their life where so much good shit can happen is shorted is because of bad advice from doctors. Giving the baby Pitocin, giving the woman the epidural, cesarean section, taking, I mean, you know what would have happened to one of my babies? One of my babies was born not breathing. I thought it was dead. If that would have been
Starting point is 00:15:17 at the hospital, my baby would have been taken away from my wife and the baby would have never been allowed to breastfeed. Instead, they resuscitated my baby at home and my baby was breastfeeding in 90 seconds dude the baby died dude tons of babies die in hospitals too that that's my my point like you um uh jody lynn easy sevan remember we're all trying to do the best we can with our kids uh don't school shame your audience i'm absolutely not i'm i'm um i i'm a hundred percent not i mean you have to i just told you i sent my kids to school i just i i went to school it's not like that at all it's just a sensitive conversation it's like it's like uh giving um it's just like the home birth thing or the breastfeeding thing or all those things i can't help it it's just it's just it's just the
Starting point is 00:16:14 right way to do things and if you want to argue that it's not or that you know someone who died or hey there's people who got in car accidents who wearing the seatbelt killed them you know that right and that if they wouldn't have been wearing a seatbelt it would have saved their lives it's just not the vast majority i'm just i'm just telling you um i'm just telling you what it what it looks like whenever you're gonna break uh breastfeeding doesn't matter if there isn't a baby yeah but what i'm saying is is like anyone can say any like i had a baby in a hospital in california and there was an earthquake and it killed the baby like okay so don't have babies in california i don't i don't know what you're saying that's all i'm saying yeah outliers that that yeah and you know what is eventually going to happen probably
Starting point is 00:16:58 is there's going to be so many c-sections so many cesareans that eventually we're going to start breeding for women who who can't give birth i'm just i'm just there's i know i know it's sensitive there's no i'm not shaming anyone send your kids to school i sent my kids to school i went to school i bet you those two guys next to me all went to school i'm not shaming my mom for it i think it's whenever you push back not like you but whenever anybody pushes back against like a societal norm that a lot of people may be in the back of their mind like agree with you with but they don't have the circumstances to do it or they're just or maybe they do and they just want to keep saying they don't they just don't want to like it's not um even more so they're going to get more sensitive about it because you're tapping a nerve right like they know it's they know it's true or maybe
Starting point is 00:17:40 they agree with you but they can't or they won't whatever the situation may be so then that then that comes out as to like this is well it's your fault it's your fault like you could see how quickly like people have uh taken it not not personally but obviously the comment section is a little bit more sensitive towards this issue than we have before like someone's like it's not our fault you live in california it's like it's not it's no one's fault there's no fault there i'm just i'm just relaying the situation in the circumstance that's all and hey my kids might turn out like shit tom pain said in the comments yesterday like hey dude you haven't you don't know shit basically your kids are still young uh dick butter attacking my character but there's no hiding stevan loves the smell of it smelling his own farts that is true and the worst and the worst they smell the more i like him i
Starting point is 00:18:23 know it's fucked I don't know. Yeah. Take that into consideration when you think that I also, you know. And I don't even give birth. Why is vaginal birth better? Like mucus or something? Curious because I have a shit back. They always say that, by the way.
Starting point is 00:18:54 They always say you need a C-section. They always say that. They always say that. It's illegal in the state of California for women to give birth to twins at home. California for women to give birth to twins at home. It's illegal in the state of California to give birth to babies who are two weeks past their gestation date.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Did I use that word right? Gestation. Why is it illegal? Baby safety, dude. If you damage the baby, if you damage the baby when it's 12, you can't chop off its penis. Hey, do you think that I didn't enjoy shitting in the van?
Starting point is 00:19:30 I did not enjoy. Hey, you want to know what's crazy, Jay? One of my kids told I heard one of my kids tell some other kids that story. Oh, our dad shit in the van once. And I did not like that. I did not like that at all. Been watching CrossFit for years and never thought I could get involved. Thanks to you guys making it seem so accessible to average people.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I signed up to my affiliate and did my first class yesterday. Holy shit, wow. Oh, that's awesome. That is crazy awesome. That is crazy awesome. is crazy awesome oh my goodness uh correct yeah can you keep us posted on that i want to know how that goes did you use code seven when you signed up there did you get off your first month hey do you think that uh by not sending because we talked about this last time and you were like hey like didn't really – up to a certain point, I learned shit in public school.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I just learned how to manipulate the system. The first four or five years were great. The first four or five years were great. I really learned a lot, kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth grade. And then it just became just fucked up. I mean I still had fun because you don't – it's like getting beaten or molested by your parents you don't know it's bad until it's like it's until like you know you can just ignore it yeah this isn't normal well do you think that there's a certain thing that a certain piece that uh the boys will be missing without understanding how to kind of game the
Starting point is 00:20:58 system and work their way through it because that's what i wonder because i because so i was the same way i was i had settled a little bit at school at the beginning and then i just completely fell off the cliff and they kept telling oh well he's got adhd and he they kept testing me again and again and tried to put me on meds but my dad was adamant he was like yeah it's not fucking happening like it doesn't matter what the tests say and i would always like straighten up be like okay i gotta pay attention to this because they're testing me here then i would do well but i ended up going to uh like the solvent learning center where they have one it's like it's one teacher for three kids yeah and all of a sudden my learning started to accelerate a lot and then they had to talk my parents are like hey he's
Starting point is 00:21:35 well above multiple grade levels where he should be now like we're just you guys could continue but we feel that he's gonna so then i had like just enough information to, to, to like go back to not doing much because I kind of already knew it, you know? So then it kind of went back to like gaming the system. So how long were you in that solvent learning center? Like a year. Wow. So I was able to go from like,
Starting point is 00:21:57 you know, behind my class at around like seventh grade, I think, or so to up to a sophomore level of what I would be doing in math and stuff like that. But according to the public school, they were still putting me in all the remedial, like the beginning classes. Right. And so it was kind of funny because then I just learned, oh, well, I could just kind of downshift because I already know all this material. So the second I get in class and I get away and like, hey, you got to be serious to pass the test. I could just sit down and pass it and hand it back and then go, oh, wait, go wait this is off okay maybe he is where he's supposed to be but really it was just because
Starting point is 00:22:28 i already kind of front loaded all my education through solvent but anyhow the purpose of the of the conversation say i just learned how to manipulate the system and i saw it as a game and so that was extremely helpful once i did i didn't see it as a game i didn't see it as a game i saw it as a nightmare and I saw it as a nightmare. And I learned how to sell, dude. I would show up to my teacher, like whatever class it was that I was getting the non-passing grade. And it would, hi, hi, Mrs. So-and-so. Like, can I come in for a minute?
Starting point is 00:22:57 See, the situation was this. And like, you know, you're just a manipulating little shit. I'm kind of like talking out of my ass just trying. So if I could just take a minute to redo the paper, I'll have it in this week. And little did they know, I already had somebody lined up who had done the paper and given me their shit. So I was just going to go home, copy it, come back there. See, when I really buckled down, it was just that situation. It wasn't anything crazy. And then they'd be like, okay, you're right. We'll go ahead and let you pass. And it was the same thing with even getting out of school. I learned that my mom's signature was the same way
Starting point is 00:23:22 every time. So I would just fill it in whenever I'd be late or whatever. And so I'd get out of school i learned that my mom's signature was the same way every time so i would just fill it in whenever i'd be late or whatever and so i'd get out of getting in trouble until we had a parent-teacher conference and the teacher said well as you know matt's missed a couple classes and my mom's like he has she didn't snitch me out but we both knew at that moment that something was off but anyhow i learned how great was that what grade was that that was like my that would have been my senior year oh yeah good morning that would have been my senior year yeah she didn't stitch me out but she both knew we both knew at that point like something was up uh chris uh chris thompson our twins had uh our twins had twin to twin transfusion due to shared placenta
Starting point is 00:24:02 mono d twins were born 13 weeks early. Thank God Boston Children's Hospital was able to keep them alive. An open mind is a treasure. I'm not sure I see the connection between an open mind is a treasure. I'd also – that's awesome, by the way. Congratulations. And twins are awesome. I'd be curious if you had in vitro.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Because if you had in vitro, it nullifies this whole story. I'm guessing you did not, by the way. But if you did, this story has no value except that if you interfere, shit can happen. But Chris, I bet you 99% of all C-sections were not necessary. And what are the implications of that? And I wonder if you agree with me. So, but I am very glad. Twins are awesome, and I'm very glad your twins are okay.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And there's a huge importance for people to be as healthy and as strong as they can and to take care of themselves so that modern medicine, when people are in need, people can go to the hospital and get care. Like yesterday, that railing that broke, that was a shame. And I'm sure that girl was injured and I'm sure she needs to go to the hospital to get repaired. And it would suck if someone, the hospital was too busy to help her because there were some drug addicts there who voluntarily hurt themselves.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So as opposed to somebody who just did it over the course of 20 years yeah so so um yeah i i i'm not against uh i'm not against hospitals god man speaking of other crazy things so i just would chris uh the guy we had on the vegetarian guy uh who secured himself of cancer he just released a video saying like hey just drilling like if you just eat meat and broccoli you're making a huge mistake and that it's a huge under it's a huge misnomer basically to say that sugar uh if you just stop eating sugar you'll be safe from cancer he said it doesn't work that way it doesn't explain why but he's pretty adamant about it. And I value what he says. 99%, that's not absolutist, but close.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Thank you. Thank you. Not if it's 99%. He's a big player. It's just crazy that you – I've been to two other women's births besides my wife's in the hospital. And both times, the shit the doctor says to them is just so fucking batshit crazy. You can't – they say – the first time I went to a woman's birth, it was in San Diego, and the doctor came in, and he goes, oh my god. I've been here two months, and I'm still yet to see a live birth. I hope you're the first.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Meaning they had all been c-sections oh like dude like dude you fucking idiot you just said that to a fucking pregnant woman like that's not good and not that long ago you were having birth inside the log cabin next to the fire while they boil a little water right they have they have a machine on you yeah they have a machine on you at all times so you can audibly hear the baby's heartbeat i wonder what that how if that's good for the mom they have lines and pics all over the mom they have people coming in and out of the room constantly and all these things hooked up to the mom then they come in there like uh like at some point and they're like, um, and they're like, Hey, if you don't, if you don't, uh, you know, dilate to 12,000 centimeters in the next 20 minutes, we're going to give you drugs. I mean, the whole thing is just,
Starting point is 00:27:34 it's, it's not conducive to, to, to what it takes to have a baby. And then I've been at three live births and it's, it's a totally different scene the last thing the mom i'm i'm not doing it i'm not it's not a pregnancy show but anyway do what you want to do i'm just saying that i i'm just saying um it's just interesting hey fuck it if i sent my kids back to school maybe i'd be like holy shit i can't believe i ever homeschooled them i'm open to that maybe i'd be like, holy shit, I can't believe I ever homeschooled him. I'm open to that. Maybe I'd be like, what a mistake that was to homeschool. I mean, dude, the other day, Avi had, I walked away, he was playing tennis and he couldn't find me in the middle of a tennis match. And all of a sudden the instructor comes and finds me. I was on the other side of the facility and the instructor's like, Hey, your son's having a complete fucking meltdown in the
Starting point is 00:28:22 corner. I'd never seen him do that. I've never seen him cry. He doesn't even really cry in public ever. So I walk over, and he's playing again. I'm like, what happened? I guess I missed it. And they said he said he couldn't find you, and he was having trouble breathing, and he ran into the corner and turtled up.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And so after class, he's like, dude, you left me, and I fucking panicked. I'm like, well, check that out, dude. Send your kids to public school, or else they'll be pussies like my kids. I was like that send your kids to public school or else they'll be pussy i was like that and i went to public school he's eight and i can't if i'm not there when he when he plays there you know why i was like that because at the daycare i went to there was like a 2020 special on kids getting kidnapped and she had it playing and i forget i was probably like probably obby's age like between seven and eight.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And I freaked the fuck out. Like that was it. Like I couldn't ride my bike off the block anymore. Like my dad had to pay inside the gas station. Oh, shit. I was stressing. Sitting in the car like one of those motherfuckers in the van is going to offer me candy. I could know it.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I know it. Isn't it crazy? Yeah. Isn't it? Mm-hmm. It took me a while to like. No, I wasn't. I wasn't in the van taking a dump you know what i was doing i was looking for one of my other kids that had run off probably are he's a little no it was joseph joseph had run off with some girl and i found him and they were like climbing a palm tree. I'm like, guys. Okay, right. Matt Burns. Back to farts and vaginas.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Right. Okay. 348. Breaking shit. Back to vaginas. I feel like every day I'm in a different mood when the show starts. That's good. Take us on the journey with you.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I like it. After the show today, I'm driving my car to toyota and then walking home kind of excited about that and then i got some new chairs and i think dave might be coming over today to test them out oh okay so we already saw this let's skip this okay at least if you if you um have if you if you guys see a link to someone who who accidentally break something um let me know i i, I, I mean, you know, like some people are into certain kinds of porn. I'm just into like, just people breaking shit right now on accident. Start scouring the Instagrams and, uh, please send it. Maybe send
Starting point is 00:30:35 it to me not to set up on his DMS are full, uh, uh, Travis, uh, Bellingham, three daughters born in hospital, went to private and public school and are all thriving. Parenting plays a role in how they turn out. That's the strongest. That's the strongest correlate, right? Yeah. That's going to be it. Your involvement with your own kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:54 There you go. You guys win. I'm sorry. I don't know if there's a winner or a loser, right? Just a discussion. Thank you. Until I have kids and then I have a very strong opinion on however i did it chris chris thompson we did not have uh in vitro okay good i'm glad your kids are good okay uh
Starting point is 00:31:13 some kid when i was in preschool told me that monsters were coming and it fucking ruined my recess for like a year i hid hid every recess. Little asshole. 347. I'm sorry. This one might get you guys a little twisted up too. This one is titled, and this is why Republicans are so stupid. Sorry. I'm really sorry. Tough morning. Graciano Rubio. Public school suck. Yeah. I mean, absolutely
Starting point is 00:31:38 they suck. I think we all agree on that regardless. But send your kids there. It's okay because I know you're too busy to homeschool them. But just send them there. Hey, that's my excuse. Hey, it's okay because i know you're too busy to homeschool them don't but just hey that's my excuse hey it's gonna make them stronger yeah manipulation they'll know the system so this is why republicans are so fucking stupid i'm not hangry yet but chris i'm not hangry yet i'm actually pretty happy i'm not hangry yet it's so crazy how stupid people are but i get it people don't understand the importance of words. They just don't get it.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And Republicans want to conflate the use of the word gender and sex, and it is at the root of the entire problem. The entire problem goes away, or at least the discussion can be had when we use the same words. It's an Abbott and Costello skit, Who's on First. Do you guys know that skit? No, but I know what you're pointing. The third baseman's name is I don't know. The first baseman's name is who? Who's on first?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Yes. No, no. Who's on first? Uh-huh. I'm asking you who's on first. Yes. I don't know. No, he's on third base. What?
Starting point is 00:32:47 You know, it's the whole. Yeah, thank you. Here we go. Here we go. Maybe start in the middle somewhere. Here we go. Who? Who is on first? What are you asking me for? I don't know. I'm asking you who's on first.
Starting point is 00:33:02 That's his name. Go ahead and tell me. Who? The guy on first. That's it. That's his name. You ain't said nothing. I ain't asking nothing. You did. So this is what it's this is this is the conversation that Republicans are having around debt with Democrats in regard. They're so fucking dumb. They're so fucking dumb.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You give me a great idea. That would be an awesome thing to splice together with that. Like do a reel where it cuts to something like that where it's just this word fuckery confusion and then it cuts back to something like this. Yeah. To show that. Listen, you fucking ding dong. If we can't agree on what the word gender means and what sex means, then how can we argue about what the fuck how they're applied are plastic bags food eating plastic bags is that a food i would say it's not a food no and i'd have to look up the definition of food uh so sorry can you pull that back up i'm gonna read this fucking idiocy that fucking and i like
Starting point is 00:34:09 i like donald trump jr but just the it's just idiot world we live in just idiot world having a period is not a feminine thing and people of all genders menstruate that is a hundred percent That is 100% true. You know that, right? And yet he's posting this like it's not true and that he's making fun of the left. And it's a whistle call to all the morons in the comments. Dude, only one sex has menstruates. Yeah, thank you, Chris. Thank you. Yeah, it's something that female bodies do. And female – you guys get it.
Starting point is 00:34:57 It's just – it's just so bad. And it's like it's not just important to say because it's right. It's the root of all the problems in the entire world. It all comes down to language. It's like 99 percent. It's all just shit tons of miscommunication. Yeah, exactly. Tyler, gender doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Yeah, it can be that having a period is not not a feminine thing and people of all genders menstruate yeah people of all genders do menstruate that you can be any fucking gender you want the the female soft squash menstruates how do i know i who cares how i know every time you bring this up it always reminds me of the old Glassman talk when he's like, in intensity, we need to define it because by the bodybuilders, they say how much they can lift and how much their face turns red. To the endurance people, they say how, you know, how far they're running and whatever. And you go to the yoga people and they're like, how hard is the stretch that they're
Starting point is 00:35:59 doing? And then to them, all of it was intensity, but to also them, all of them were talking about three different things. Yeah. And so until he put a definition to it that exists for everybody to understand and then work from, it was just a bunch of people talking in a circle. That's why those same people call transgender people by the wrong sex. So for me, if you're a dude and you dress like a woman, you're still a dude. For me, if you have a penis
Starting point is 00:36:28 and you chop it off, you're still a dude. Like, it doesn't matter to me. For me, I just go by what sex you were born with and that's what you are. If you want me to call you something different, I have no issue with that, but in the back of my mind, I know what you really are. The trans thing means nothing to me other than, like, you probably have some sort of mental illness. i know what you really are like the transgender the trans thing means
Starting point is 00:36:45 nothing to me other than like you probably have some sort of mental illness uncle buck got you or something and why because i i just want to be accurate with my words i don't want to live in delusion i do not want to live in delusion it's not fun it's not happy it's not cool it's funny go ahead oh i just say it's funny because then people will take what you're saying which is basically like hey we're just not going to involve the truth of this we're just going to separate that but i'm still going to respect whatever you do and be cool with it like it's fine it's not hurting anybody else in this situation so we're totally cool but then people will immediately take what you had said earlier
Starting point is 00:37:20 and be like see see look he's against it he's this or he's that and you're just like no dude i'm just we're not conflating the truth, but I'll still support whatever you want as a person. Like you got your shit you're dealing with, or, or this is what makes you happier. This is how you express yourself. It's not hurting anybody else. And you're not asking any more importantly, you're not asking the world to change around you. That's I think is the important part where people start to get upset about. As long as you're not asking for any of that, do your own thing. We'll support you.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It's all good. There's clear evidence that people who go through adversity can come out stronger. There's clear evidence that kids who are introduced to honey and peanuts at a young age don't have allergies to those things. There's clear evidence that people who are born with the pussy goop on them and isn't cleaned off of them are healthier as they get older and stronger. There's clear evidence that if you breastfeed you you're a healthier child there's just clear evidence on that stuff there's it just it like but don't do it i don't it's a fuck i don't care i mean i do care um but Um, but some weird happened yesterday. I was in the backyard with one of my kids.
Starting point is 00:38:30 You know, my kids are barefoot kids and I was in the backyard with one of my kids and one of my kids wanted me to carry him. I go, why? He goes, I don't want to step on the wet grass. Fucking broke my heart. I'm like, fuck that. I didn't carry him. I walked away anyway just use the right word or else you're gonna be in a weird
Starting point is 00:38:51 good morning jeff uh i'm still uh tyler callings i'm i'm uh i'm still not gonna call a tiger a tiger it's if it's a lion that makes me call it a tiger yeah that's fine too and I'm okay with that too if you don't want to call yeah I'm totally fine with that too but I also don't have a problem if someone like some dudes like
Starting point is 00:39:18 hey when you talk to me will you treat me like a girl I'll try I can't even remember fucking half my friends names steven's going what if it was your kid we talked about this extensively and we just said that we give them space what if it's my kid what present they just push that back as far as like the i'm assuming the trans talk that we had oh dude my one, my one of my kids, my dude, my kids ask for all sorts of create. One of my kids wants fucking to live in an Elsa dress, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I just still think the advice that you've given is and it actually works for a ton of stuff, which was just give them space, be present, be supportive, have really thoughtful conversations. be present, be supportive, have really thoughtful conversations. And when something like this first starts to show up, whatever it be in life, don't just immediately respond to it with some over the top thing. Just kind of just let it roll, give them space, be present, discuss things, process it together as a family. And regardless of how the outcome turns, at least you know that you have laid that foundation. You guys have a discussion and hopefully everybody's closer from it. And you've talked about that extensively. So I hate when people try to like throw that back as like a gotcha or something.
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's like, no, it's not gonna work. If I'm walking down an aisle at the grocery store and my kids, and like we walk by cookies or something and my kid says, hey, can I have this? I don't, I don't't I have no obligation to answer I have no obligation to do anything I'll usually turn around at my kid take a deep breath and and start seeing if an answer pops in my head and if no answer pops in my head I just I just don't react I give him my under my complete presence.
Starting point is 00:41:09 But, you know, just now an answer popped in my head. I'll be like, what is that? And he'll be like, it's cookies. And I'll be like, what are cookies? I go, let's read the ingredients. I don't know what I would say, but I'm not obligated. I have so much stillness around my kids and so much presence. I don't feel obligated to lead them down any weird paths that I don't want to
Starting point is 00:41:28 lead them down. Like, so if we're, my wife took them like to the Halloween store, the Goodwill store to look at costumes. And my son will be like, Hey, I want to dress up as Elsa.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And my, and my wife would, she won't say yes or no. She won't give it any fucking energy. It's just like the same thing with those parents. You see those kids who show up to fucking tennis practice with rain boots on and wearing their Halloween costume, which is pajamas. Like the same pajamas that they've been wearing since the last Halloween. They didn't take them off.
Starting point is 00:41:59 That's just horrible, shitty parenting. Do not take your kids outside looking dirty. Do not. Do not take your kids outside looking dirty. Do not. Do not do that. Take your kids out. Let your kids go outside looking like normal, clean people that other people will want to interact with. Well, at a certain age, too, the kids are just only looking for the way you respond to stuff. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I can't remember if I sent it to you, DM, or if I texted it was that dad walking with his like holding his son who was young and he walks by the door and he hits the door with his hand yeah yeah kid never came in contact with it and he turns oh my god oh and starts acting like the kid's head bounced off the door and then the kid responded as if its head bounced off the yeah yeah and I mean, that doesn't change whether you're holding your kid and it's two or whether it's even fricking an adult. The way you respond. This is incredible.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Hey, yeah. So just so you know, I now have two groups of friends. One turned their girls into boys and the other one turned their boys into girls doing this. I witnessed this. I don't ignore my kids, by the way, Christine. I don't ignore them.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I give them presents. But if I don't feel a real, if I don't feel like I have the answer, I don't feel obligated to just say shit. I'm so comfortable just not saying shit. Like just giving my attention like, hmm. My kids asked me what sex is the other day. That was fun i'm not quick to respond here we go bam dad pretends like the big kid's head hit the door are you okay are you okay kid starts bawling
Starting point is 00:43:44 what all i see is an amazing pantry at that house yeah the organization on that thing is crazy too what if they want to take the vaccine my kids oh just go to that one in the comment below it's perfect answer um uh how would they even know what the vaccine is well because you sent them to school because you sent them to school touche I don't want to be hostile with you guys today
Starting point is 00:44:16 why is this getting weird hi that was good hi it's Heidi how's it going chilling oh that's good Hi, it's Heidi. Hi, Heidi. How's it going? Chilling. Oh, that's good. We're wrestling today, me and the posse.
Starting point is 00:44:31 We're wrestling. That's great. Good to hear. Well, I was calling because I went to Matt Schindeldecker's course yesterday that you had on with the trauma and athlete centered.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah. Coaching. Was that in Vegas? No, it wasn't Ohio. Okay. At the rogue, like the old rogue.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Oh, that's right. He told me that. That's right. That's right. Okay. That sounds cool. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:44:58 it was, yeah, it was so good. Like, honestly, I think even if you're just a parent, like even if you have no interest in working with like troubled youth or any special population, it was just so good. Just like,
Starting point is 00:45:13 and it's kind of what you guys were just talking about on how you talk to kids and how you respond to like, if they're acting out, or even if they're saying something that you don't really know how to respond, it's just kind of like holding that space for a little bit, not reacting. It was just really good. And they had a lot of good practical, practical tips and like, this is what you do. This is how you handle that. And it was just like, even for regular coaches, for just general population, I highly recommend it. It was so good. Athlete-centered
Starting point is 00:45:46 mental health trauma awareness, Coach Schindeldecker. Trauma is real. Coaching individuals inside our CrossFit affiliates that have survived trauma is also real. There are probably more trauma survivors in our boxes than we affiliate owners realize. Although the future of seminars like this is unknown, what is known is the need to have trauma informed coaches working to keep athletes that walk in our door safe. You know, it's crazy what you just said to Heidi about, um, even if you just a parent and dealing with kids, my kids will react to things that aren't a big deal to me. Like it's the end of the world. Right. So like that, that girl told me that she doesn't like me. One of my sons told me that yesterday, and he fucking put himself in the room and he started crying for like 20 minutes. And I was like, I wanted to just be like, dude, are you fucking idiots? No big deal. But I remember being eight and if a girl would have said that to me, how it would have rocked me. It's just tons and tons of emotional energy that you just don't know how to process and you're right that like for him that was trauma right like he's gonna remember
Starting point is 00:46:50 that shit his whole life i remember when a girl told me she didn't like yeah and the same tools were the same tools work on that kid who like it's not a big deal at all what happened to him versus some kid who horrible like who witnessed his parents get shot in a bus but right yeah yep it's all the same tools yep so anyways everyone should take it and uh highly recommend i think it should be a two-day course they kind of tucked a lot in in one day but other than that it was great and the link is super hard to find on the crossfit website other than that it was great that's a shocker people are people are really intrigued by your voice yeah they are well it's a pretty severe accent so i'm not surprised uh kenneth de lapp oh that voice jay hartle holy shit heidi is definitely from Ohio or Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:47:46 No, Wisconsin. So same thing. Hey, do you know if they have more courses around available was, or was it just locally where he was at? That's a good question. I think they said that they only have done maybe a couple of those now. It's still maybe in like the launching stage where they're figuring stuff out um they did have online people watching because they were like messing with the microphones and stuff for a little bit so i think they're still hammering out what the plan will be
Starting point is 00:48:18 whether it'll be all over i think if it's popular then maybe they'll increase the number of events yeah interesting um uh will plumber lay off of heidi uh savon matosian lay on heidi wow inappropriate wait hold on i just had a panic attack because we were supposed to bring in uh mr philip kelly for a few minutes and i totally spaced on that oh shit okay hey bring philip okay bye well listen listen this is what we'll do with philip bye uh philip i am going we're gonna do this next week with you then sorry very sorry 700 shows it happens philip we've uh philip wisconsin like jeremy world uh let's bring philip in because i'm gonna be gone for four days next week yeah and that would be a perfect time to bring philip in because i'm going to be gone for four days next week yeah and that would
Starting point is 00:49:06 be a perfect time to bring philip on and talk to him are you cool with that yeah yeah yeah and then he can choose from the 24 25 26 27 philip i hope he didn't wake up early i'm sorry that was on me is she single i don't i don't even know if heidi is single not for long she's definitely single she okay definitely she just i think i'm not never mind hey your internet's working again now hey but but maybe she i always just thought that she says are you single just as like just part of her shtick but i assume she had a dude yeah that's definitely part of her bit okay philip i apologize philip i apologize you deserve a better a better uh a more animated me don't care philip sorry dude two of us are sorry.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Caleb says, get over it. You can't. I'll just kiss everybody's asses. Call her. Hi. It's Philip Kelly. Oh,
Starting point is 00:50:13 Philip Kelly. Great to hear from you, brother. Hey, Caleb. Hey, I just wanted to say, yeah,
Starting point is 00:50:19 what's up, Caleb and Matt. So, okay, I'm going to go take off my CEO shirt now. Oh, you're breaking my heart. Oh, David for shirt now. Oh, you're breaking my heart. Save it for next week. God, you're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Hey, have fun in Tahoe, man. Okay, and we'll after this show, we'll reschedule for in a couple days. Okay, sounds good. Okay, thank you. All right, later. Well, that's good. He sounds strong and healthy. That's what we need to check in on and make sure Philip is strong and healthy.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Philip was on the show. If you didn't see the episode, he had a pretty severe case of COVID. Caller, hi. Hey, how are y'all doing this morning? I'm good, but it appears Caleb is done with this shit. Done with a lot of shit, to be honest. I'm done with a lot of shit, to be honest. Caleb is getting ready for a... He's about to move out of the equity program
Starting point is 00:51:08 into the outside world. It's like when they released that killer whale from Free Willy out into the ocean and it died. Caleb's not sure how he's going to do in the wild. Corey, hi. Hey, Corey, what a great contribution you made yesterday. Well, you want to know how I lost my virginity to Ginger and her grandma's bitch? Yes. Wow. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:33 The HR thing really... I just love the fact that someone showed you their boobs at work. Yeah, it was awesome. I forgot to tell you when she went down on me there was someone else in the room oh my god yeah it was incredible it was the peak of my hooking up career it was all downhill after that then i i stepped it up and got married hey when when she showed you her boobs did she lift her shirt up or open it up? Straight up.
Starting point is 00:52:11 And then, of course, there were like 100 pictures she sent me, but that's natural, right? God, how does anyone send nude photos? I would never, ever. I never had to send one back. I never had to send one back. But like no one should be sending nude photos. Sending a photo sounds like the dumbest thing ever. Why do that to your – no, it's not? No.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Not when you're deployed. Oh, gotcha. Okay, fair. It's all Caleb's. Don't you take it away. It's foreplay. I would just like – He was 10 years older than me.
Starting point is 00:52:42 I would just send up someone else's picture. Like if some chick was like, hey, can you send me a dick pic i guess girls don't say that but if they did i would just go online and pick a dick and send it to them i don't think people yeah i don't think women enjoy get receiving dick pics yeah so so if you're a girl and you want to send some guys some nudes just go online and just like find some bodies that like, and just send, just send some like just a stunt doubles. Hey, the,
Starting point is 00:53:11 uh, the girl that we were hating on yesterday, um, that you said, how could anybody like this girl when she opens her mouth? She's crazy dumpster. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:21 The cum dumpster. She looked a lot like that. If that helps you, you're, you're, uh, you're, Oh, the HR. Yeah. Yeah. The cum dumpster. She looked a lot like that. If that helps. You're you're a, you're Oh, the HR. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:53:31 that's awesome. That is. Yeah. Yeah. The pictures were almost too small to fill out everything she was packing. So it was great. Man, that is so fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:43 That's the other thing about women that I guess they have that power. Like if you – I mean we all know this. You cheat on your girlfriend, and next thing you know, she fucked all your friends. They can do horrible shit to you if they want. Yeah. They can just burn your whole shit down. They can just burn your whole shit down. Hey, Corey, do you think that there was any other guys at work that she started doing that with? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:13 No shit? Oh, yeah. For sure. A hundred percent sure. So there were other just, she kind of had a harem of dudes? Yeah, like she was going through rough times. I think she was looking for the attention. Literally rough times.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And I woke up and smelled it. Yeah, I woke up and smelled the coffee and kind of got rid of that whole situation. But yeah, she was doing it to a lot of people. Yeah, that's what I was going to say, Austin. Sounds like that Tennessee cop. I think Kayla was going to bring that up yesterday at one point. I showed a picture of her. Yeah, it up wait what happened sorry cory hold on one second
Starting point is 00:54:49 what happened with the tennessee basically the hr uh lady but in cop form at a police department and hr girls slept with all the dudes another cop police officer slept with a bunch of other police officers her her um she's married to a guy who's on a police who's a police officer from another department and she was sleeping around with uh detectives and police officers in her department so they would like on shift they would just have like they would go have sex in the back of the car um like she was in like uh threesomes and shit with uh one of the detectives and their wives and here i'll pull it up tennessee cop fired for sex rom face termination after preventable traffic accident uh reported um megan wait let me see if she crashed her car car uh megan unrelated oh okay uh megan
Starting point is 00:55:49 hall was already facing termination after she repeatedly crashed her patrol vehicle during her two years on the force uh before revelation of a wild sex scandal cut her career short isn't it amazing we have all these like like you can abort babies and there's all these like freedom about like free the vagina but like you just can't you could do a lot of stuff slim pickings in tennessee you could you could have your vagina turned into a penis you could kill the baby before it comes out but if you just let if you let people hammer it with the penis you're in big trouble you can't do that you can't you can't let married dudes have a piece of it uh four male officers allegedly involved in the scandal have also been fired god it's so weird so you if you have sex like i get why politicians can't be doing that because they can't be
Starting point is 00:56:39 compromised i guess cops too wild oh man there's an article Mary Chick slept with most of her department told the dude she worked with she was in an open relationship her husband did not know they had an open relationship man oh man there's an article that says a strip club offered
Starting point is 00:57:02 her a new job of course that's cool her only fans hit top 1% last month. She got to keep the uniform. She now makes 10 times as much as she did. Can confirm I am single as a dollar. Okay, Corey, so what about your – you lost your virginity to a redheaded girl? I lost my virginity to a redheaded girl. In her grandma's bedroom?
Starting point is 00:57:24 No. Nope. Was grandma there no was grandma there was grandma there she was in the other bedroom but on her bed not in the same bedroom how old were you uh 17 i think yeah about 17 how old was she she was the same age your girlfriend for a long time uh we dated for a year she was about 100 pounds more than me oh that's cool yeah i'm like pushing yeah like two or three inches taller than me too oh yeah that is awesome wow she carry you around that she would she would throw you around like a rag doll oh yeah. She was so freaky. She gave me head in the back of her car while her brother was driving
Starting point is 00:58:10 on the way to Thanksgiving dinner. Wow. It was amazing. Hey, why did you wait so long? The girl I went out with for three years before we had sex. Why did you guys wait so long? Three years?
Starting point is 00:58:26 Oh, we didn't. Not her and i we we only dated for a year like the first week she uh got straight to the point and just took your virginity yeah but up until that point i had never done anything but i lived in japan for six years so i was afraid of girls when i first landed back in the state you're fucking weeb aren't you wow yeah wow yeah i had my girlfriend was from like 15 to 18 i just i don't know why we didn't have sex well after that i met my now wife and we've been together 17 years so hey that's the way that's the way you want that's kind of the way you want to uh lose your virginity you want like a girl that's the way you want. That's kind of the way you want to lose your virginity. You want a girl that just kind of handles you. 17 or 18 is a good, I think, age.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And a year relationship, you guys can try a lot of weird shit, like titty fucking or head in the back of the car. You know what I mean? You can try doggy stuff. Just go through some of the basics. You know what I mean? you can you can try doggy stuff you just do the just like go through some of the basics you know what i mean yeah yeah we did all that nothing too crazy you know like i i went through a phase like that like every car that once i had sex the first time then every car i ever sat and i needed to have sex in for some reason just i don't know why yeah my dad probably works for hr now now i would never consider having sex in a car like zero interest but for some reason when you're
Starting point is 00:59:50 18 it's like well there's a car here we need to have sex on it in it you guys know what i'm talking about every time what say again no you're just like yeah yeah now I just get on my back and just chill and scroll through your DM I try not to I've actually never been on my phone when I'm having sex thank god hey there's probably people who do that
Starting point is 01:00:18 definitely there's probably people who do that hey have you ever been having sex with cory with someone cory and they're scrolling through their fucking phone they're like on instagram i've scrolled through my phone while doing it with with the red only the redhead though only the redhead just doing the same thing over and over Oh, everything was horrible. You're just doing the same thing over and over.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Seve, no, I've never had sex in this chair. Dude, I'm old now. Like, we either... It hurts back or something. Yeah, we have sex in the bed. That's it. Can't risk injury. Yeah, no. Hey, really?
Starting point is 01:00:59 So, you did scroll? Like, you did a little social media scrolling while that girl rode you, the redheaded girl? It was more like sending messages to my stoner friends. Oh, like, hey, you're never going to believe this, but I'm balls deep in Janet right now. Yeah, and I'll be there in five minutes. Oh, that's Janet. That's my grandma.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Wow. Yeah, stuff like that. Pack a bowl. Yeah, pack a bowl. I'll be there in five when she's done. Did you use contraception with her? Pull and pray. Yeah. I had practice. Oh, I diversified. You did. You did practice safe sex. Yeah. I diversified contraception pull and pray condom spider-man the superman what are those
Starting point is 01:01:53 you don't know what the spider or the dolphin spider-man no is this is this the spider-man i can't see oh the superman is when you pull it out spray it on her back and then stick the the blanket on and it stays like a cape oh okay yeah yeah yeah you've never done that no i i don't think so you're not living brother i know hey uh uh uh susan was afraid to be left alone in a car i was terrified aids was gonna get me i was terrified terrified terrified oh shit all right all right well i was gonna ask a real question but i'll call back with it later i think i'll let somebody else call in okay thank you oh cory hold on yes uh your package came in thank you again the new crew it loves it they're stoked to have some supplies for of a jank weeks yeah no problem glad you like my package thanks all right uh no i i i don't i don't take any i i'm i'm a crossfitter i'm like
Starting point is 01:03:08 when i'm on i'm on i'm like a 17 year old when i'm on nothing has changed it's just it's only 10 hours a day i want it now not 24 oh shit that's hilarious. Okay. I don't know if you guys saw. I don't know why it's not in my notes, but Lori Lightfoot of Chicago has told people that if they want to stop being mugged, city vendors want to stop being mugged. This is true, by the way.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I don't know what I'm about to tell you. They should stop accepting cash. So, think about that for a second this is the mayor of the city is telling the poorest group of people who are hard-working hot dog vendors that they should stop accepting cash do you remember when there was that thing from the left and they were saying that um asking for voter voter ID was racist because black people aren't smart enough to get ID or something like that. So ridiculous. Yeah, or that there weren't enough DMVs in their hood to get fucking IDs. Well, this lady, with that logic, this has got to be the most racist thing ever because the people who eat at fucking vendors have to be the poorest people fucking in society.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Or drunk leaving a bar. Yeah, and the last thing – imagine how much that would cut into business if you didn't accept cash as a street vendor. I thought it was illegal not to accept cash. And maybe it is. Who knows? But with this logic, it's like the most – using their logic, this has got to be the most racist thing ever done to people. Who the fuck do you think sells hot dogs? It's fucking – it's poor-ass immigrants, black people, poor-ass fucking ghetto white people.
Starting point is 01:04:56 There's no fucking PhDs or people who are successful or who have fucking – always keep $74,000 in their ATM account. Or who have fucking, always keep $74,000 in their ATM account. She's, this is, hey, ladies, if you don't want to get raped, I have an idea. Don't go outside. Yay! Ladies, you don't want to get raped? How about you stop wearing clothes that are easy to take off? Yay!
Starting point is 01:05:19 Look at me, how solution-oriented I am. Women, it's your fault if you get raped because you went outside after the sun went down. Yay! Oh my God, that girl totally deserved to get raped because you went outside after the sun went down. Yay. Oh, my God. That girl totally deserved to get raped. Look the way she's dressed. Yay. I solved the rape problem. Yay. Yeah. Little foot is out of her mind. I have an idea. Why not just give away the food for free and not accept plastic or cash? It's about time. I deserve that hot dog anyway yeah just give it to me
Starting point is 01:05:52 if it's just such poor thinking it's just no consistency in no way in hell if that comes out of her mouth does that align with anything else that she suggested? It's just, well, it also shows how much control she's lost over her city. Basically she's saying like, Hey, we are so screwed here and have no control over anything that you're better off just
Starting point is 01:06:16 not even being a vendor anymore. Like that's basically what she's admitting. Like we don't, we don't actually have a viable solution to protect your property and to protect your business. So my solution is just completely eliminate cash from it. It's like, so they're still not We don't actually have a viable solution to protect your property and to protect your business. So my solution is just completely eliminate cash from it. So they're still not going to steal inventory? It's crazy. And the cashless thing kind of scares me because anytime there's a funnel of control, I always get a little weird. Really weird to see that liberal business owners here won't accept cash.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Really? There's places like that? weird really weird to see that liberal business owners here won't accept cash really there's places like that there's a couple places in livermore that don't that are like they call they go by like paperless so they don't do any receipts they don't accept or do any cash it's all done by like card and email norway going cashless next year wow boy that that's got to be the fastest way ever by the way to uh just shackle yourself that's crazy that's got to be the fastest way ever, by the way, to just shackle yourself. That's crazy. That's a crazier equity program than what Caleb's done. I'm telling you, if you take away the ability to use cash, you're done.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Yeah, that's like, it's scary, right? Because let's say that everything's cashless and businesses don't want to accept cash. They don't view it as like a viable exchange. Now you're just subject to like the keystrokes that are in the bank and what happens if those are all of a sudden frozen or you can't access it uh hotel in miami didn't take cash oh it's a hundred percent you'll be 100% owned. No cash. Oh, you're already 100% owned. At least you'll just have less autonomy with your ownership.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Stores and military bases are cashless. The BX itself isn't, I don't think. But the people that sell their own things out of the bases are cashless god what's going to happen to all the homeless people that whole economy uh 346 there by the way there was a thing in here where there was a link in here but i lost it from zeke arkham where he says hey why not just let police do their job but i don't know what i did with it let police do their job and you won't um oh this oh oh yeah this is nuts too you've increased the black murder rate you're giving blacks worse policing
Starting point is 01:08:37 through this transfer of cops and doing it smugly in the name of racial justice. Don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Lieutenant Tracy McRae, who is black, told me Black Lives Matter was talking about putting ambassadors on the streets. Where are they at? Referring to one of San Francisco's most violent neighborhoods, she added. Haven't seen one damn member of the Black Lives Matter patrolling the Bayview, making sure police aren't hunting and killing black people. So basically what's happened all over this country is that with the Black Lives Movement and the defund the police, the United States has become exceedingly more dangerous for people with black skin.
Starting point is 01:09:27 states has become exceedingly more dangerous for people with black skin especially people living in neighborhoods that are predominantly black because the cops aren't going in there they're not engaging people and uh in the violence is just skyrocketed i mean it's it's like the murder rates are just skyrocketing i want to say i've seen numbers as high as like i want to say in portland where there are no black people murder rates are up like 422%. 422. I want to say like Chicago is either 17% or 34%. These are people's lives. I'm fasting today.
Starting point is 01:09:58 I don't eat on, I don't, I won't, I just, uh, black coffee. Anyway, like no duh. black coffee. Anyway. Like, no duh. Hey, that's when you do need a plan B. If you're going to get rid of all the cops, you need a plan B. You can't just get rid of the fucking cops. Only people that want to get rid of cops are those that can afford private security.
Starting point is 01:10:23 The purge is on baby uh okay uh 345 so this article i didn't understand these these police officers are are there's some people arguing that this test for the police academy is too difficult. Oh, yeah. What about the riots in Atlanta? Yeah, that was all Antifa. A sheriff. Unfair rules about fitness tests keep cadets from taking the exam. January 16, 2023.
Starting point is 01:10:57 But here's what's weird. There's a prop. Go down a little bit. Unfair rules. down a little bit uh unfair rules um they're so what they're upset is is that people will take hundreds of hours of training in the cadet program and then they'll get to the very end of the test and they won't be able to pass the fitness test which is wait stop right there the push-ups sit ups in a mile and a half run right it says right there as fans cadets in idaho go through 70 740 plus hours of trainings in curriculum before taking the final exam, but taking that test hinges on passing a fitness test to push up sit-ups in a mile-and-a-half run.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Right. Okay. Perfect. Thank you. And keep going. Well said. Scroll down a little bit more. Here's the part that's really bizarre to me. McGuffey has three cadets that failed the fitness test over the last few years. Three? That's it? One of them a class-valid Victorian. Two of them didn't pass because of injury. Another because he didn't extend his elbows on two push-ups.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Now listen, three people over a couple years? Who wrote this article? How is this even newsworthy? I'm disappointed that it's only three didn't pass. Shouldn't it be 30? But of course we don't know how many took it, but you have to – They probably have 30 people in their class, period. If it's just a local fire department those classes are
Starting point is 01:12:25 fucking tiny i think this is cops police yeah yeah what did i say i think this is cops police oh well either way yeah but but but this is over a couple years so it's got to be at least if there's 30 people per class and it's three years that's 100 people the department my wife works for they had probably 10 of their class of 30 drop out in the first, like before their class was finished. Yeah, it's pretty typical. And they're not changing anything. If you don't change the standard, you get better people. I don't give a shit if it's a valedictorian of the class who didn't pass a PT test.
Starting point is 01:13:03 He's not the valedictorian. Right. Yeah, 100 the valedictorian. Right. Yeah, 100%. Well said, Caleb. But I think most people will just see this and think that it's true. They can't do the math. They don't contextualize it or put it into relativity. And whoever wrote the article, three of how many didn't make it
Starting point is 01:13:25 how do you report on this and just say it's three right that's just horrible reporting right yeah i cannot meet the fitness standard in my age bracket or manipulative again and i ask that you reflect on that as a commission and ask if you can meet the fitness standards in your age bracket oh look at this they got a typo. You shouldn't even have age brackets, dude. I agree. Same thing. Well said. If you can't pass your PT test because you're 50 fucking years old, maybe you need to find a different job and retire.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Right, right. You shouldn't be patrolling the streets. You shouldn't even be in a position where you have to take a PT test. How about a dispatcher for you, you 50-year-old fuck? good shape i said on over there yeah here's the thing though is good of a shape or as bad as shape i'm in i'm still like a shell of the man i used to be i mean look at even froning the other day he said he's happy if he gets 300 up this is a guy who fucking put 400 up it's like and he's 35 it's like dude that like dude what's even fucking able strong able-bodied man or do you would not go ahead what's even worse about this is that they're gonna hold a board at the bottom it says nonetheless mcguffin or
Starting point is 01:14:35 deputies have to wait moving forward there will be a special meeting of the curriculum committee to discuss issues brought up in rules and standard changes i guarantee guarantee you that they're going to have to, they're going to discuss the people who failed out or whoever fails out in the next few months. And you're going to say, Ooh, I wonder if we should let these people continue on. Cause this is exactly what happens is these people just get, they fucking suck on the teeth of whatever city they're working for. And they're saying, Oh, well, I just didn't pass the PT test, but I passed all these other tests. I passed all these written tests that show that I'm smart enough, but because they've attached themselves already to it,
Starting point is 01:15:11 they're like, oh, well, maybe we'll give them a chance. And then they sit around for a year in their fucking training status, not fucking doing PT because they're injured or because they're just not physically capable, and then they never get better, and then they just get fucking washed around into the office. And then they continue to have this job. And taxpayers pay for the whole entire thing.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Exactly. Well, you know who else pays for it is the cops who are healthy, who have to work with them. Exactly. Because now you got some bitch who got your back. I will say the one nice thing about that is, is those people who are pieces of shit they always get treated like pieces of shit i honestly i am i'm really bad about this but if
Starting point is 01:15:53 you're gonna fucking be a piece of shit around me if you're not gonna do work you're not gonna fucking work out you're not gonna like do your uh do your testing and learn new things and like be out in the in the fucking work in the job, do it, trying to do things. I don't give a fuck who you are, dude. I'm not going to give you the time of day. Soldiers who don't work that you're deployed with, who don't train less than the ones who do train.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. You're not trying to do on a regular basis. I don't give a fuck who you are. How are you a soldier? Are there soldiers who just don't work out? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Yeah. That doesn't even make sense. Right. I've asked them multiple times. I said, why do you not, why do you not exercise? just don't work out absolutely yeah that doesn't even make sense right i've asked them multiple times i said why do you not why do you not exercise why don't you he's like well i don't want to get big dude you're fat as fuck i don't want to get big how about just putting your ticker under some fucking stress like do you i don't want to get big either that's why i work out instagram all day and you fucking talk shit to people all the time and you don't take an hour to go to the gym and work out and sweat for a little bit i don't want to get big either. That's why I work out. You fucking scroll through Instagram all day, and you fucking talk shit to people all the time, and you don't take an hour to go to the gym and work out and sweat for a little bit. I don't give a shit if you sit on the fucking Stairmaster for an hour.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Yeah, neither do I. Do something. Hey, do you guys have access to weight vests? Yeah. They issue them to us. So someone could just put on a weight vest and walk an hour every day. Dude, there's a 60-year-old fucking man who does that. He's on his second age waiver.
Starting point is 01:17:10 He's passing PT tests. He's passing his pts no problem this guy walks fucking eight miles every day with a weight vest on yeah he's 60 years old he's on his like third career it's crazy that's awesome they can't still laugh there's thousand i just don't understand how you could be a soldier and not work out it doesn't it's like being a bee that doesn't visit flowers. Like, you're not – you're fucking not a bee. Yeah, and the only thing worse than this, like, testing standard for the PT to get into it is what they require for you to stay. Because a lot of the firefighters that I work with and stuff like they're not an asset to anybody they're gonna show up and then the half their team if there's like a real issue going on the other firefighters will have to stop to save them because they haven't got their heart rate elevated
Starting point is 01:17:55 in 10 years in their 50 pounds plus overweight and so now if there's an issue and they got to pull people out of there they they can't fucking do anything they're gonna go stand by the truck and manage the radio because they're not physically capable of doing it and there's a that's a real issue and what it's doing unfortunately is pushing a lot of very capable people away from it because they're like i don't want to deal with that shit uh patrick clark that's how i found crossfit during my deployment and wanted to be combat ready uh caleb is spitting facts today. Keep it up, Jeremy Garcia. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Okay, so don't believe the headlines. 344, cops like this ruin it for everyone. I hate when I see, I almost didn't want to show this story. ruin it for everyone i hate when i see i i almost didn't want to show this story uh because i just don't want to show anything negative about fucking cops but this fucking irritates the fuck out of me uh this is the guy getting pulled over by the cops here here we go that's uh flashing your lights and everybody didn't let them know that
Starting point is 01:19:05 law enforcement was sitting there running radar is that what i did is that a crime yeah it is i didn't know yeah you got your license registration why would you do that flashing your hot beams that people do in the daytime yeah i didn't know it is legal to have flashing lights on your vehicle uh not being an emergency vehicle huh i said awesome okay and i could take you to jail today for your unsigned registration card but i just wrote you a citation for that that's actually up to six months in jail you think think it's funny, sir? Take the ticket, sir. I know, but do you think this is funny?
Starting point is 01:19:52 I'm allowed to laugh. I should laugh all the time. Go ahead and step out here. How are you doing? Sir, I'm asking you to step out. Am I being detained? Yes, sir, you are. Step out of the vehicle. Hey, can you pause this? Are you serious? This is bad parenting here this is this is such bad parenting here you know when you yell at your kids and they start laughing
Starting point is 01:20:12 and you say to them you think this is funny you're laughing you fucking idiot now you're reacting to your fucking kid your kid reacted to you and now you're reacting to your kid you got your ego involved in disciplining your kid ain't a fucking parent i'm not saying it doesn't happen i'm guilty of it don't get all crazy people stevan don't shame people's parenting they're doing the best they can i know i hear you i hear they are they doing i hear you but for me for me shaming me a little bit helps i i don't i don't mind getting shamed a little bit this is the same fat fucking piece of shit who doesn't work on his job. He doesn't exercise on his time off. He doesn't practice anything.
Starting point is 01:20:49 He doesn't train with his belt. He doesn't do anything. That's exactly what I was going to say. He's the same fucking guy who sits in his fucking cop car, eating his fucking KFC and donuts and drinking his fucking latte. I mean, why do you think he was fucking running speeding tickets because he's a lazy piece of shit hey uh lindsey this is all thank you caleb hold on we're getting back i'm nervous to do a whole fast totally it i i it took me a year every sunday before i stopped being nervous now i don't get nervous anymore here's the deal man um
Starting point is 01:21:26 stop being nervous now i don't get nervous anymore here's the deal man um just do your fucking best i know it's so scary at the first one but if you can just pick a day that you can go to bed early wake up in the morning um don't eat and then and then just try to go to bed early and then that next day when you wake up you'll be like holy shit i did it that's how i used to always do it just try to like i would try it like it's Sunday, so I'd try to go to bed like at 8 if I could. Treat yourself to something you would never let yourself normally do. Like I don't ever watch TV when I'm in bed, but if I was scared to fast, I would turn on the TV and watch TV in bed. I'd watch a movie from like 7 to 9 if you can't, and then just go to bed. from like 7 to 9 if you can't and then just go to bed and you can do all sorts of weird shit that like like uh boil drink hot water you know
Starting point is 01:22:11 squeeze a little lemon in there or some shit tiny bit you'll do it i'm stoked for you that you're even thinking about yeah it's scary yeah it's fucking nuts we should keep playing that video but like like that cop's just being like of course we you know why we're flashing we're trying to warn our fellow man so they don't get a ticket at the end you get the same result people slowing down why are you being an asshole to this guy he's just trying to prevent people from getting a ticket he's so obviously a nice guy right doesn't that guy in the car seem like the coolest dude ever what a waste of time too yeah how does that end i forget how that ends i forget
Starting point is 01:22:51 how they take them away right i forget how that ends put your hands behind your back for me i'm not your brother that was pretty stupid what yeah fucking i'm not your brother that was pretty stupid yeah I'm not your brother please if you're a cop please just please just crack jokes with people like you're
Starting point is 01:23:20 like black people now we need you more than ever to fucking lighten the mood I know that you've been unfairly attacked on so many dear black people and cops I know you've been so unfairly attacked in so many ways and I know that you guys deserve a fucking huge hug for all that you've been through
Starting point is 01:23:42 but the truth is that we can't stop and hug you right now because we need you more than ever dear black people and gay people and fat people we need all of you who are claiming the victim we need you guys to step up more than ever right now and like just really fucking lean into it please don't play the victim we need you so badly right now in fucking society it's like like we need you so fucking bad like that cop should have been like dude you're fucking up my gig you know i gotta quote a bitch and then like hey you good and he's like yeah he's like please don't do that and the guy they'd be like okay i love you brother have a good day cop he's like, yeah. He's like, please don't do that. And the guy, they'd be like, okay. I love you, brother. Have a good day.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Cops shouldn't even pull them over. It's a huge waste of fucking time. You got upset because the way he's having people slow down isn't the way that you're making people slow down. You already said at the end result, people are slowing down. One makes money for the city. One doesn't. Where's the argument there? The end result is the same.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Crazy. Such an asshole and yeah the thing is too is i know cops deal with so many fucking assholes but that guy was not an asshole it's the job dude you don't show up to fucking clean out pig stalls and go man i'm really upset because i gotta shove a lot of shit it smells today in here dude when i went to valamita county sheriff this was probably like six years ago and i had a conversation with them about doing the wellness program that i do with the firefighters into it these guys are standing there and first off i was the crossfit guy so nobody even wanted to talk to me right off the bat which was ironic right they were already like yeah we know you're gonna make us do burpees and like hold the timer like that
Starting point is 01:25:23 was the biggest deal and so so I'm like, no. And I was explaining that, you know, the benefits of it, blah, blah, blah. Don't need to get into it with our audience here. But as I'm explaining it to it, and I could sell CrossFit like a motherfucker. I could sell it really well. And he looked at me and he goes, actually, I'm really glad you came by because you have changed my perception on what I thought it was. And he goes, but here's the truth. We can't do it because of the liability issue. And I looked at him and I said, you carry a gun
Starting point is 01:25:48 for your job. Like that's part, like you're like, check. Yeah, I got my gun. And you're worried about the liability issue for safely doing back squats. So your hips don't hurt because of the belt you're carrying and getting in and out of your car but your your issue is is that some somebody might accidentally get hurt during that it's it made zero sense by the way i never got the job with them but crazy just liability crazy the department that my wife works for is very good about allowing people like giving people time to work out they get every station is outfitted with some sort of like i guess it's like a squat rack and barbells and dumbbells and shit like that and the biggest part is that the guy i don't know if it's called a the the chief or the fire captain like the guy the head of the fire department oh all of them he's a big crossfitter and so is his like next in line so both of those
Starting point is 01:26:45 guys are just there's always they're always at the gym that we used to go to they're always like working out they're checking out on everybody make sure that they're training seeing how everything is and that's like the biggest proponent is that they believe in some sort of physical fitness and they're going to get them the budget to be able to train and to like and start to like set a standard for everybody that they need to pass so that they can fucking save the city dude like yeah save the city it's like they're the other day my wife had a patient that was 500 pounds and they had to like multiple people had to help lift this individual out of their bed to get them out so that they could fucking take them to the hospital. Your wife's a firefighter?
Starting point is 01:27:28 Yeah. Like you can't just have people who never lift weights try to pick up a 500-pound person. Yep. And that's when a lot of them get hurt. They were lucky she was in the bed because usually they're in the weird position like on the side of the bed and you got to get between the wall and the bed and the dresser or they're in the bathroom and they got to deal with like the toilet and in the door and all that stuff exactly and a lot of the uh when i first started working with a lot of the firefighters they go oh no i can't do that my back and i would bring up that scenario hey what happens when this they go oh i just deal with it adrenaline will
Starting point is 01:27:58 kick in or you'll just kind of like manage it and then my back will be hurt for three days and i said wouldn't a better approach be strip everything down on your deadlift retool it from the very get-go learn your foundation again and build a hedge against being hurt because you're properly lifting and then a lot of them think about it they go yeah well these guys they're always putting you know 315 or these and i said yeah yeah that has nothing to do with what we're talking about i just said strip the bar down to 95 pounds yeah and work it perfectly they're like okay yeah i guess that makes sense you're like the hell um uh lindsey york i just don't want to get to the end and freak out pick out and fuck myself worse yeah i've done that before by the way many times get to the end and just just pick out you know what you could do is you can put your first meal in a paper bag
Starting point is 01:28:43 so you could take an apple, chop it up into slices, and then maybe a piece of chicken, and then tell yourself, okay, this is all I can eat when I break my fast. And then I can eat whatever I want four hours after that. Like start just treating yourself like a robot. I would do stuff like that. And then slowly start building some good habits. slowly start building some good habits. Uh, three, uh,
Starting point is 01:29:06 40, uh, two, I'm going to skip three 43. Oh, look, I got the Vajankal in there at three, uh, 41.
Starting point is 01:29:13 The Vajankal's back. Uh, three, uh, 42. This, so this is going back to the school thing, by the way,
Starting point is 01:29:22 I, those of you that put, use the public school system, your kids will believe this. Your kids will. This is what your kids are taught in the public school system. I have a friend who sent his son to Stanford, and Stanford's a pretty conservative school, completely ruined him. The kid is so fucked up now. He got indoctrinated there.
Starting point is 01:29:47 It's crazy. Action. Second, not all students who menstruate are female. We need to make sure that all students have access to these products. There are obviously less non-female menstruating students, and therefore their usage will be much lower. And that was actually calculated into the cost of this and how much we decided to fund it. And so we do not expect that the non-female menstruating students will use these products as much as the students using female bathrooms, but it's important to have them there. And that brings me to just the social
Starting point is 01:30:22 emotional reasons for that. These students who are not female who menstruate face a greater stigma and barrier to asking for these products. And so providing them in an easily accessible place in all student bathrooms is particularly important for those students. Second, not all students who menstruate are female. I don't even know what we just listened to. I don't even know what we just listened to i don't know that's a school district that's a school district required to provide access to menstrual products for students listen if you have a if you need to go to the bathroom that matches your uh the genitalia you're born with and you will get the supplies you need but you have to know that this is what you send your kids to school and this is what you're sending them to but but i raise them
Starting point is 01:31:09 good so on don't parent shame but i'm uh we're doing our i get you i love you jody by the way i love you jody you know i love you jody but i'm just saying i i mean she's not wrong though she said uh non-female menstruating students will use the PodXLS. Yeah, they're not going to use them at all because they're not meant for them, nor do they need them. So technically, she's not wrong. What she's doing, though – I know you're joking, but you know what she's doing. These are the same – these people think that if you're a dude that wants to be called a girl, that that makes you a girl. Or if you're a girl that wants to be called a dude, that makes you a dude.
Starting point is 01:31:44 And it's just a lie it's and like once again it's a lie to a point where like you're gonna provide them tan it doesn't even fucking make sense what are they gonna do with that uh jessica valenzuela an ex-coworker hurt his shoulder picking up a hundred pound five foot one woman was pathetic. I gave him so much shit that maybe if he worked out, he wouldn't hurt himself. That's what you have to do. You have to shame them, shame them. Either they'll quit or they'll actually fix their shit. When I had Hobart on, we had this discussion about shaming people. I guess I don't really understand what shame is, but I'm okay with a little bit of shame.
Starting point is 01:32:29 I'm definitely okay with feeling shame. I should be ashamed. If I'm going through the drive-thru at Burger King, I should be ashamed. I should be looking around, making sure no one sees me. That's not healthy, Savant. No, actually, it is. It is. It's actually a really good – it's the same reason why What's-Her-Name is afraid to fast for a day.
Starting point is 01:32:47 You should be a little afraid the first time you fast. You're going against – your body wants food, and you're going to tell it no. Yeah, it's scary. I get it. You should feel like a dumb shit after you eat ice cream and go back in line and get another ice cream. You should be ashamed of yourself getting up in the middle of the night and eating a bag of licorice. I don't know if you should be ashamed, but you should definitely – if you don't feel ashamed, you should be like something's wrong. And there's nuances to it.
Starting point is 01:33:17 You could provide a little bit of accountability, which some people would view as shaming, and then you could also supply them with the tools. But I completely agree with what Caleb is saying because those communities have to protect their own culture. So you go talk to – Wait, wait, wait. you lost me what how did you jump to what caleb said because he was saying like those people need to be shamed and i was saying yeah that's the community protecting its own culture so if you go to you go talk to dave right hey dave how many of your uh tip of the spear dev group guys fucking didn't work out and were out of shape and couldn't handle it are they were they you guys were cool with that right you're gonna let them come and and do a workup with you and and and go travel and and do some jobs no they could kick the fuck out immediately you haven't worked
Starting point is 01:33:55 out in the last three days you're useless to us because your cardiovascular has taken a certain percentage of a dip and that's unacceptable within this community. Right. And so to Caleb's point, if more departments were like that and also provided help, right. It's not just about bashing people, but, but keeping them accountable, you would have a much, much better result. That's actually what our like nutrition reset at the gym is everybody's in teams. And we put up these big posters publicly in the front room of the gym when you walk in so even you savannah caleb could come halfway around the world and look at it and go oh team so and so this person's the weak link they haven't done any of their stuff it's right there you don't even need to be part of the challenge you can understand what's happening you could just look at the thing and say these people
Starting point is 01:34:38 don't have marks why don't they have marks oh they weren't doing their stuff why aren't you guys doing your stuff look how much it's bringing down your team publicly. As much as I shit on people who aren't doing these things, I'm also giving them the tools. I'm trying to teach them, hey, this is how you – come work out with me. I'm not like the best person to work out with, but if you want to work out with me, you're more than welcome to do it. Yeah, same with me. I send them to my – if I see anyone or if I talk to people about it all the time and it's like hey come work out in my garage i will give them the tools i'll point them in a direction whatever it is but don't like i'm gonna shit on you that's just how it is
Starting point is 01:35:15 you're not asking them to do more than you are you're doing it i see all the videos and you're keeping consistent with it so it's not like you're sitting there from your throne telling people to do stuff you're not willing to do you're basically saying hey come do this with me i will always do my best to leave from the front in any capacity i'm never going to tell you something i'm not going to tell you what i'm not going to do myself if you're just gonna fucking off the floors jessica valenzuela i'm such an asshole with the men i work with but i do it just to get them off their asses and make a move you can't be out of shape being a first responder get on you jessica how about a pound of macadamia nuts yeah i, I feel horrible when I do that. Here's the thing,
Starting point is 01:35:48 though. You know what I really feel bad about when I do that? I've been with my wife forever, and I almost feel worse than eating a pound of macadamia nuts at 10 o'clock at night, even though I've stopped eating after 6 p.m., which is awesome. But I feel bad when I eat something like all the macadamia nuts because I know my wife probably wants one. My wife probably eats like three macadamia nuts a day, but I just ate them all, 400 of them. She's never said anything to me, but I always feel like I just fucking destroyed the batch.
Starting point is 01:36:23 A shaming man I work with my favorite pastime yeah it's fine it's like you know what it kind of does both times uh in the last year when someone called me fat at the beach it was actually a stress relief i was like well we got that out of the way i'm free. God, I love getting caught for shit that I'm – I do remember being young and lying to this girl that I was – I was with other girls. And I was lying to this other girl. And then she found out. Like she read my text or something like that. I can't remember how she found out.
Starting point is 01:37:03 And she confronted me on it. And I was like, oh, she's like, what are you all happy about? I'm like, I'm so tired of lying to you. Oh, so much better now. Well, I'm fucking pissed. I go, I know that part sucks, but I feel great. Oh, my God. You're like, can we just get over this?
Starting point is 01:37:19 I've been dealing with this for months now. Oh, yeah. I'm so glad. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so glad it's on you now fuck all right i'm taking my car to the toyota shield dealership thanks for hanging with me this morning guys we went all over the place today we did good i feel a little out of sorts i slept great i just didn't sleep enough
Starting point is 01:37:45 Caleb pulled his weight though today he like and my weight we touched on topics he's passionate about I liked it if someone's gonna be a pussy today I'll step up I like it my verbiage
Starting point is 01:37:59 you guys need to subscribe if you want to hear Caleb keep putting in his opinion here if you don't hit the like button right now and you don't subscribe, he won't do it anymore, and you guys know you want it. So do it now. Oh, so here's the thing. Here's the problem. I got a new chair. I got two new chairs, and I started assembling them.
Starting point is 01:38:15 But I don't have a table, so I don't know what's going to happen. But, yeah, so I don't know for sure if Dave's coming at noon, but I do think he is coming today. At some point we're gonna do a show we're just gonna hang out we'll just keep moving the show too it's not like it you guys will know right you'll yeah yeah yeah what's happening and we'll kick it down and so my workout today is i'm taking the car to the toyota dealership and then i'm gonna it's like a two mile walk home and i'm gonna walk home with a weight vest on and um only 16 pounds caleb and um and then i'll and then by the time i get back here i'll start like fixing the office office the office to see what it uh what i can do to have dave in here
Starting point is 01:38:55 again i would love it if i could get what if i could get dave in here every couple weeks and we do a show like with someone else and i could use all of his connections to grow the show he's got crazy connections that's the plan all right you guys uh send lots of love to dave go over to his instagram tell him you're excited all right uh and caleb you are um very close to your couple days from making the journey home. Allegedly. We'll see. All right.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Guys, get Greg on very soon, too. You know what? Greg told me, actually, that he was going to come on Monday, last Monday. No, Friday. I don't know. A couple days ago. But he lost his voice, and I was hanging out with him. And so that was a pretty good excuse. Do a show with Dave and Ryan Fisher.
Starting point is 01:39:47 I saw that. I like that. Let's see. We could take him down memory lane when Dave made him apologize because he recently made a video about that and Dave reposted it on his Instagram. Did you see that? Yeah, I did. We'll ask Dave about that.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Victor, hi. Oh, we got a caller. Victor. Seve, what's up, pal? What's up, brother? How you doing? I like your voice and I like it that you call me Seve. We're off to a good start.
Starting point is 01:40:16 You guys are the best. Hey, I put a comment in there. You know what? I don't know if Caleb has L1, but an idea I want to throw out there. Seve on podcast should sponsor Caleb's L1 when but an idea I want to throw out there. Sevan Podcast should sponsor Caleb's L1 when he gets back. I will contribute. Caleb, you don't have your L1? You don't have your
Starting point is 01:40:32 level one, Caleb? It expired a few years back. Do you want to take another one? Sure, I'll take it. Alright, Victor. That's a good idea. I'll figure it out. Hey, I'll ask Dave if he can hook it up for Caleb today on the air. That'd be great. That'd be great. But I'm going out there. You got my number. You got my number. Let me know. 300 or me.
Starting point is 01:40:55 You twist someone. You're going to twist someone's arm if we don't get them an L1. Is that what you're going to do, Victor? You're going to twist someone's arm? I might make a trip down to California. Yeah. You're going to twist someone's arm. I might make a trip down to California. Yeah. Or make me put your wrist behind your back, you know? And then we might drive down to wherever. That's right. I got a bar of soap and a sock, Seve, and you know,
Starting point is 01:41:17 it's a tool. It's a tool. I don't want to use it on you, Seve. You're a little old man, but I got to do what I gots to do. I heard you're pouring some concrete in your backyard. I got to drop off a couple things. All right, all right. I'll see you around noon.
Starting point is 01:41:30 Be here. It'll be dry by 1. Be here by noon, Victor. Take it easy, guys. Okay, I love you. Bring the salami. Bring the salami. Okay.
Starting point is 01:41:48 Oh, what's this? Daniel Garrity. Wasave making fun of fisher in the post or supporting him you can never i was just gonna say that you could never tell what dave yeah who the fuck knows right daniel and he said it's definitely not support did you see when uh yeah he like posted it and then see jason cf media like reposted what Dave did. And he said, official approval. Maybe he didn't say official approval. But he said approval by TDC or whatever. I can't remember the post. But Dave reposted that one. And he was like, just for the record, I'm not approving any posts.
Starting point is 01:42:14 I'm just reposting them. I was like, damn. Shit on you. That happened to me with Greg one time on Twitter. Greg tweeted something about um the nsca case and i tweeted back like yeah like those uh professors that wrote it blah blah and greg fucked me up i like i thought i was like doing him a solid like yeah this is gonna be good he's gonna agree with it and he was like it he started by being by saying like matthew you've completely
Starting point is 01:42:40 missed the point i was like hey so you know what I did though? I cut out the first part when he bashed me and I take the second part. I screenshotted it. I reposted it on my Instagram on a different platform. We had the back and forth. I just cut out the part where he bashed me. Well, he didn't bash me,
Starting point is 01:42:58 but set me right. He, where he set me right. I remember when Dave said, uh, when I was filming the behind the scenes, when that happened with ryan fisher then i had ryan fisher on the pod i hadn't spoke to and then and then the next
Starting point is 01:43:13 year i wanted to do like uh include ryan in the behind the scenes and he didn't want anything to do with me and then i and then i eventually had him on the podcast, and I was really actually impressed by him. I think he's actually a very interesting guy. And then I had lunch with him in Newport a couple – I don't know, a month ago, two weeks ago, and I really enjoyed him. Brian used to be on the show for shit like that? He was on all of them, yeah. What happened? What happened to us?
Starting point is 01:43:43 He just didn't want to do like what i thought he was going to be now that yeah what happened we just we just got 10 000 instagram followers okay that's fair he's big time big time now he just basically went down his own like now he's in his he found his niche yeah he's crushing it at competitions and writing and everything he's not going to be on the shows with the health guys. He doesn't want to hear about Corey losing his virginity. And I think his time is just way more strapped now than it was back then. We don't pay so good.
Starting point is 01:44:16 We don't pay so good. Ours are crazy and the pay is nuts. Okay. Josh Saunders, a great fucking show safe travels beaver all right and what about me i have to walk home and there's no sidewalk oh shit safe travel seven please be careful thank you all right guys buh-bye

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