The Sevan Podcast - #777 - It's A Problem | Live Call In

Episode Date: January 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live almost live i'm one minute late no not live from the skate park uh i am in where am i i'm in truckie truckie california i'm gonna take a picture of this setup i have posted to my instagram i wonder if i can do that right now setup I have posted to my Instagram. I wonder if I can do that right now. Let's see. My first ever, uh, live post. Oh, I don't think that's going to show so well. Oh, it's so dark in here.
Starting point is 00:00:43 You guys, maybe I can. That's it. I carried it all to Truckee. Carried it all to Truckee. It is cool, though, that I have this portable system that I can just take everywhere I go. I did not bring Susan and Caleb with me. It is just me. It is very early here. It's dark outside. I purposely kept the lights low, hoping that the sun would come up in front of this window and give me some beautiful lighting.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I'm not drinking out of my normal cup. I'm not drinking my normal coffee. I'm just not in my normal game. My nose is so dry. I took a shower this morning and just the craziest shit was coming out of my nose. Oh, Fergie, good morning. Christine Young, good morning. Wad Zombie, good morning. I'm even talking a little quieter because I don't know who can hear me and where in the house.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Hopefully we get to see Greg walk in butt naked. I can't rule it out. Nice headphones. Thank you. it out nice headphones thank you i'm uh i'm reorganizing my um studio back home so that i can accommodate uh people coming in and doing live shows and just really trying to like up the game add new cameras monitors and this was something that i uncovered this headset actually uncovered a whole bag of headphones looking smooth no well you know what's what happens up here is my um i usually have like a fro i have crazy thick hair and i don't know what's going on up here in tahoe but i got up here yesterday
Starting point is 00:02:11 and my hair just like went limp you know what i saw this morning that scared the shit out of me that the earth's uh core is now uh they think it stopped and started spinning in the other direction but the more i looked into it, I guess it's okay. That shit just happens. Really looking – are you guys kidding me? I look like shit. I look like the fucking Unabomber this morning. Maybe it's the blue shirt.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I'm wearing this – and I always wear the same costume every single day. But today I'm wearing – this is a guest I had on the show. Nice cans. What cans? I got a cup. um this is a guest i had on the show nice cans what cans yeah i got a cup okay so uh where are we what's the name of the show the seven podcast hi the casting bed uh the those red chairs are nice they are nice the casting bed yeah that's where i slept last night yep i made the bed for this show usually my wife makes the bed uh your nose is so dry the sahara is no longer the world's uh largest desert oh my goodness i get it okay all right that's funny seven will you rub one at greg's cabin i'll try not to it's a it's a vrbo well i rub one out
Starting point is 00:03:30 well i'll try not to i'll try to behave dina martinez good morning seve thanks for uh making it happen you're a good man i haven't even done anything yet i'm just like i'm still in nervous mode i'm five minutes into the show i have nothing organized i mean i have all my notes and shit and tabs open i'm ready to go but i'm still the office camera is 1080p casting room cam only 720 that's why we think no no this is uh oh cory to save the day thank god this camera is also um this camera is also 1080. This is a fully loaded 2022 MacBook Pro. And I just ordered the 2023 fully loaded MacBook Pro, 16-inch. Corey, hi. Thank you for saving the day. Hi, good morning. Don't you have to go somewhere this morning? I saw in the comments.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Are you driving right now? Oh, good man. And get some exercise. Wow. Wow. Good on you. How did you do it? Did you alternate like one minute on each back and forth or.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Oh, yes. The best training in the world. I've been I've been trying to do it and I do it on purpose because I'm just a baby, but I do one minute on the runner and one minute on the bike for 30 minutes. And sometimes I do two minutes, but it lets you get your head wrapped around it. Right. It lets you go hard and then like, forget the pain a minute or two minutes later and just go back and forth. It's kind of chicken shit, but, but I, but I like it. uh yeah uh philip kelly this is riveting i want to tell you this workout how much time do you have do you have two minutes okay i'm gonna tell you this workout i did the other day that i was i told myself no matter what don't share this on the podcast because i'm gonna get made fun of but you ready it's my heavy deadlift workout. Oh shit. David Weed said, Corey is much better on mute. Damn. It's tough crowd. Tough crowd. Okay. Ready? So it's a 30
Starting point is 00:05:53 minute workout. It's a heavy deadlift workout. That's 30 minutes long. I'm warmed up adequately. Okay. Can you hear me? Okay. And someone's saying there's no audio. Okay. So the first 10 minutes, I do 245 on the minute for 10 minutes. Then the next 10 minutes, I do 225 on the minute, but I do two reps for 10 minutes. And then on the last 10 minutes, I do three reps with 205, three reps for 10 minutes on the minute. So it ends up being a 30, 40, 30, 50, 60 deadlifts,
Starting point is 00:06:35 with the heaviest one being 245, and I start heavy and go light, which for me, 245 is heavy. So anyway, that's what I did. What do you think? Too much? And I'm doing it just so I can watch TV at the same time so I can listen to podcasts and prepare for no hotline audio. You guys can't hear Corey. We can't hear the caller.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Oh, shit. I have your. How about now? How about now? Why is that? No. What's going on? How about now?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Hey, can you all hear Corey? No. Wait. Oh, no. no what's going on how about now hey okay can you all hear court no wait uh oh no i don't see any mute buttons on everything's turned up uh phone's connected oh what's this no cory count to 10 can you guys hear oh wait what's this let me see can you guys hear him now how about now fuck four minutes later geez sorry uh cory tell us about your hr blow jobs can you guys can't hear him uh cory can you hang up and call back i'm gonna let the phone ring and see if they can hear the phone ringing okay dixie uh nomas oh that sucks at least you guys heard my workout i wonder what's going on i have it all turned up okay can you guys hear the phone ringing the phone's ringing now can you guys hear that
Starting point is 00:07:57 that annoying ring can you guys hear that okay then i then I'm going to come over here. I turn on the Bluetooth. How about now? I can hear you great. No. Is it plugged in, sir? I mean, yeah. I'm not listening to the phone.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I have this plugged into this audio board. No ring, no ringing. Well, shit. All right. Thank you. Bye. My goodness. My. try changing the input it's uh thank you divesh always good advice from the indian guy for the tech support it's um it's bluetooth it's bluetooth i guess i i guess I could turn the phone off and redo it.
Starting point is 00:09:09 What a great show today is. Off to a great, off to a fucking great start. Okay, turn the phone up. TBF, this is entertaining. What's that mean? TBF. The back fucking door? I don't know what that is
Starting point is 00:09:25 no i i swear he was here cory was here i swear okay i'm turning the phone back on just restart just like shut this podcast down and just restart and open up a new one throw this one away away. Is it connecting with the correct Bluetooth? Yeah, I wouldn't be able to hear it if it wasn't. You know what I mean? Because I don't listen directly to the phone. I listen through the soundboard. So it's probably something just so stupid.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I'm pairing it up again. Oh, it's blinking. It says it's blinking. It says it. Yeah, it says it's connected. All right. This would never happen. This would never. Wait, what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:10:14 This would never happen on the morning chalk up. That hurt. It hurt a little bit. Also, check your browser input. Now, stop, stop, stop. You guys, I'm not doing tech support. I appreciate it. Soundboard turned down.
Starting point is 00:10:28 No, all the buttons are up. No mute button on. This is exactly the way I had it in Newport. Should I try calling my mom or something? I've never had my mom on the show. You know, I asked her to come on the show. Okay, here we go. Fuck it. Oh, here we go. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Oh, here we go. Thank you, Jeff. Here we go. Can you guys hear it ringing? Now it's ringing. Can you guys hear it? That annoying ring? Oh, maybe the phone.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Oh, yeah. Shit, the phone was on mute. How about that? Now can you hear it? I wonder if that mattered. The phone was on mute. I wonder if that mattered. No.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Jeff, hi. Jeff. Hello? Now I can't hear you. Jeff. Jeff. Jeffrey Birchfield. Look, I'll call him back. I've never done that. I'm calling you back, Jeff. How about that? Can you guys hear that? How about that? How about that? Dumpster fire. Yeah. I heard a ring. Can't hear Jeff. Okay. So we're in the game. Yes, you can hear it now. It's good. I turned the volume up on the phone. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. can hear it now. It's good. I turned the volume up on the phone. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I knew it was some high tech shit. Yes, yes, you can. Yes, you can. You can hear it now. Well, no, someone needs to call. That's why. Yes, you can. Yeah, stop. Yes, you guys can hear it. It's fine. Someone needs to clip this. You need to clip it. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Should we start with some Black Lives Matter? What should we do this morning? Oh, okay. Here we go. Here we go. You guys hear that? Yeah. Yes, you can. Yes, you can.
Starting point is 00:12:10 You hear it fine. Hello. Good morning. Good morning. I can't hear it either. Good morning. Oh, shit. Now nothing's working.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Now I can't hear anything. Hey, what's up, Travis? How are you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now nothing's working. Now I can't hear anything. Hey, what's up, Travis? How are you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Can you hear me? There we go.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Whew. Look, Daniel Garrity's saying, this show's so bad, I'll even take Aaron Ginn at this point. Ginn. Ginn. Sorry, Ginn. Jesus Christ. Jen, Jen, sorry, Jen. That's good.
Starting point is 00:12:51 That's good. Wadzombie, can't hear called. Nothing. Oh, you guys are breaking my heart today. I don't think this is a Caleb issue. You know, what's funny, too, is yesterday we can't hear Travis. Yesterday, Travis, Sousa said, hey, maybe we should test this shit out. And I'm like, no, we're good. No, we're good. I got it. Okay. So all the levels look good.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Go ahead. Say something. Yeah. When you talk, when you talk, I see the Bluetooth, you know, there's a volume, whatever that thing is called the volume monitor. It's called the volume monitor and I can see it's registering you. Yeah, no, it's on. I'm good. That's on all the buttons on here. Put your phone on what? No, they're yeah, don't listen to them. They there's they come up with some cocky cocking. Oh, I'm sorry. Well, you know what happens?
Starting point is 00:14:13 If you send me a text and I don't respond, you should take that as a positive thing. Yeah, that means I didn't open it because I want to give you my attention. Oh, cool. Oh, I can't wait to hear about it. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what I'm going to do. Nice headphones. Thank you. The number of viewers keeps going up and the show just keeps getting worse. I just this is fantastic. Yeah, it is rich Froning on the line. Yes, it is. Rich, it's too bad. Rich wants to say hi to all of you.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Hang tight. We're going to hear his voice soon. Hey, you know what's funny too, Travis, is Matt's probably listening to this show right now, and he's like driving home to his computer, and he's probably completely freaking out. Yeah, yeah. he's like driving home to his computer and he's probably completely freaking out yeah yeah oh you think it's my someone thinks it's my headphones that might be causing this problem there's there's no oh i know why holy shit holy shit i just fixed it i just fixed it now you guys can hear him that was the clue i needed now you guys can hear him. That was the clue I needed. Now you guys can hear him, right? The fucking cyber headphones. You guys can hear him now.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Travis. It's really too bad. Greg just got off the line. He's busy. Someone just said, take your headphones off. And I fixed it. That was it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yes. Oh, my God. It's fucking orgasmic. 16 minutes. Thank you so much for hanging out with me, guys. I swear to God, the show is starting now. Tech support is faster than any tech support ever. Hey, Travis, those gold CEO shirts you made for my kids.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah. Do you sell that for adults, too, with that gold? Yeah, the gold's on the website. That's the gold that I use on. Those are the ones that I make. Um, so yeah, anything, any gold shirts that are ordered for me that aren't the, uh, game position is just the regular CEO ones. That's the gold that I use. God, that those are so cool. My kids love them. I have, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:24 I just got three more colors in yesterday for them. Oh, that's cool. I'm making them the purple and gold. That's cool. Did anyone buy any CEO shirts when you were at Wadapalooza? Yeah, I bought some, got some for the athletes. Basically, whenever athletes walked by, I just went out and grabbed them. Oh, I love it yeah and then we got on the floor uh that first day um went down on the floor uh after the podium ceremony and handled them out awesome okay good do you want those
Starting point is 00:16:58 i know this is a question probably out there do you want those on the website for sale or do you want to hold on to them the the ones that we were giving away free? Yeah. No, no. Let's just hold on to them for the next event. Just keep giving them away free. Yeah. Oh, and you know who I need to... I'm going to send you their address. Tyson Bajent. We got to get him a bunch of free shit.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That'll be awesome. NFL quarterback wearing the CEO shirt. We got to get him that. Oh, hell yeah. I like that picture with Dave and the dude next to him in the CEO shirt. Like, Oh, okay. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah. Hey, that's a sure way. If you're an affiliate, what a good way. If you want me to read the comment, say my name in the comment, like seven and then write what you're going to say.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And like my ego will just gravitate to it. And that's a way for affiliate owners to get on the show. Like where this, where the CEO shirt. And then I know it's a, um, I just love you and I owners to get on the show. Like wear the CEO shirt. And then I know it's a, I just love you and I'll have you on the show. We know you're serious. Look, Sousa just showed up.
Starting point is 00:17:52 God, 15 minutes early. He said he wouldn't be here for another 15 minutes and he's here. Okay. All right. Thanks, Travis. All right, cool. We'll talk out there.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Okay, bye. For Matt's ticket for racing home to Savon. Thank you. Thank you, Mike. Mike Sauer was right. You suck, but we love it. talk out there okay uh for matt's ticket for racing home to seven thank you thank you mike uh mike sour was right uh you suck but we love it that is exactly what happened i hadn't checked the um the board there's gonna be a lot of nose picking today guys sorry my my nose is so dry it was getting dry back home i promise you i see suza getting dressed in front of his camera now. I'm sure he's going to jump on any second. He already knows. I don't have to tell him.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Hey, all I had to do, it was so weird. All I had to do was click one button here. You know how you have to choose the Rodecaster Pro and the settings? Yeah. I just didn't do that. It was just off. I was listening to it on the way home. You could have been like, Jeff, Jeff. I was like, uh on the way home. You can be like, Jeff,
Starting point is 00:18:46 Jeff. Great show struggle bus this morning. Okay. Thank you. I'm so glad you're here. We're in action. And I don't have like my, I have this little,
Starting point is 00:18:57 Oh God, I'm so glad you're fucking here. Okay, let's go. Uh, three 29 man shit. My goodness. I apologize to to everyone uh 20 minutes of just nonsense uh by the way i heard that uh facebook and instagram are changing so so these are the topics i brought up uh already i tried to bring up how the earth's core has stopped stopped spinning
Starting point is 00:19:18 uh a while ago and then i didn't even know the earth's core spun i don't even know if i understand what that means like this is spinning right i don't is this spinning yeah that's what i would assume yes and then so i don't know how that thing is spinning but i guess the earth's core spins and then it uh it started it stopped spinning and then it started spinning in the other direction and one article i read is it changes its direction of spinning every 70 years and another article i read is it changes every 35 years and every 70 years it spun another article I read is it changes every 35 years, and every 70 years it's spun in both directions. But when you first hear that, oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:52 It's not all black and white. Spins counterclockwise to the rotation of the Earth. Well, here's the thing. If it changes directions, at some point it must be spinning the same direction of the Earth, if what you're saying is true, it's like a magnetic motor. So I guess it stopped. And just the thought of that scares the shit out of me. I don't want it. I don't want the earth doing anything like making any rash decisions. It's not our lifetime. Yeah. Just chill.
Starting point is 00:20:22 And then Jay Loth's. have you ever seen that person comment? My world spins around you, 7 plus Matt. Never seen that person comment. I've never seen that person comment. There's a couple new ones in there. I like them. That's what generates our magnetic field. Hey, do you think that's why people have started acting so differently?
Starting point is 00:20:38 Do you think that's why there's so many mentally ill people around us? Or do you think it's just the vegetable seed oil? I'm joking, not joking. So, okay. So vegetable seed oil, earthspan. So I, so I heard that. And then I also saw this this morning that Instagram and Facebook are going to let people show the nipple, but I've seen nipple now for a year. I see titties all over Instagram. Now I see just tons of nipple. I zoom in and I'm like, nope, I'm looking at it. That's a real nipple.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, it's aggressive. And I guess now, I don't know for sure, but it has to do with some transgender stuff, of course, why they feel like they have to show the nipple. Like dudes that are now girls are going to be allowed to show the nipple. I couldn't even understand it, but it's so crazy. Dudes that are now girls could show the nipple. They had like some sort of symposium where they invited a bunch of trannies. Those are people like who think that they're the opposite sex. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Trannies are. You're a dude and you think you're a girl, and then trend trainees are they transgender dude you think you're a girl and you're then your girl and think you're a dude so they had like a symposium like to have a bunch of those people at facebook over to make sure i guess facebook and instagram was like um safe environment for them no no offense no offense anyone over 18 i don't give a fuck if facebook safe or instagram safe for you yeah you don't give a fuck if Facebook is safe or Instagram is safe for you. Yeah. I don't care if you're black, white, or other.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I don't care if you're Armenian. I don't care if you're Trani. I don't care if you're a fucking pygmy fucking goat. I don't fucking care. I only have a little bit of concern about it being safe for kids, for dumb shit parents that let their kids get on that. Other than that that fuck off but but and and actually part of my concern about my kids being feeling like it's safe on there is is the fact that you're concerned about transgender people being feeling safe on there like that that's not i that concerns me about my
Starting point is 00:22:36 kids safety all of a sudden you want to free their nipples so that they feel safe that doesn't seem like you have your priority straight like you need to breathe before you eat like there's a hierarchy kids before all the other people all the other people not that long ago we were just going around killing each other for our like resources and now we're worried about feeling safe on a voluntary platform that you choose what to look at and what you don't white kids and black kids before uh before any colored uh uh adults any whatever color you are yellow black or whatever just kids that's all just kids okay so yeah so i just uh so the trend the trend that they had this like symposium for transgender people and um i want to say it was in 2019 and that they said that they had concerns right away because facebook didn't have gender neutral bathrooms and right there is
Starting point is 00:23:29 retard world because all bathrooms have always been gender neutral anyone of any gender from the can can pee and poop wherever they want yeah so it's all it's always been like that when you see gender something that says gender neutral bathroom you know you're now in retardville. Especially if it's just one toilet where the door closes behind you. I do. Which is assuming what you're talking about, right? There's not like multiple toilets. I change my gender when I go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I walk in thinking I'm just a bitch. And then every time, as soon as I see my dick, I'm like, wow, you are Superman. Like I just, my gender changes with my pants down gender neutral shut the fuck up give me a break it's a blender bottle but here's the other thing too no no women women can go in any bathroom men cannot there. There's three places men cannot go. Men don't belong in women's sports. Men don't belong in women's bathrooms. And men don't belong in women's prisons.
Starting point is 00:24:35 And it is a double standard. We're not equal. If women want to play men's sports, use our bathroom or go to our jails, they can. End of story. That's it. End of story. But Sevan, it's not fair. It doesn't matter. There's tons of shit. That's not fair. It doesn't. How is that an argument? How is that a valid argument? So women in dressing, no, no, no. You can kind of extrapolate to, you know what I mean? Like
Starting point is 00:25:02 if you can't go into their bathrooms, the dressing room is the cousin of the bathroom, right? Work with me a little bit here, Travis. You know what I mean? It's just – it's the – yeah. All I'm hearing is that we have to in society just protect people from dudes. Yeah, that's it. We just have to protect people from dudes. Just keep the dudes busy.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah. Stop letting dudes just do dumb shit. That's it. And the women can pretty much do what they want. They can, especially they can try to fuck their boss and leverage that as authority in the workplace. More power to them. Why does my local Target only have a dressing room in the women's section
Starting point is 00:25:46 i should start a riot yeah stop letting no stop no dude well dudes can do dude things they just they can't do non-dude this way stop dudes stop letting dudes do dude things no stop letting dudes do non-dude things bad things yeah also known as good morning homies my favorite uh profile what's up okay sorry okay so where were we man shit more man shit 329 3 oh 329 i thought you had 25 okay yeah let's do 325 this show doesn't what the other day someone's like hey don't ever do a show just because you're bored and not that i was bored this morning but i'm like i'm doing a show because i'm i i don't want to miss a day of doing a show and i don't know if i'm qualified to do a show this
Starting point is 00:26:36 morning i was cracking up because i'm gonna go ahead and and uh grace goes so how long do you think before savon does a show and then I go tomorrow morning she's like no he said he was going to be gone for a week I go no watch it'll be tomorrow morning and here we are and about two minutes before the show I came on a minute late
Starting point is 00:26:55 about two minutes before I came on I had a fucking panic attack I'm naked in my room walking around if I would have really known how bad it was going to start i would have fucking jumped out the window and killed myself i'm like it's so glad it this is good this is good you're here you're working for you i'm gonna have to increase your pay now i know how valuable you are somebody said that there i'll give you 51 ownership of the podcast 50 is not enough for you i am the captain now uh somebody said i wasn't fooling anybody with the shaker.
Starting point is 00:27:25 They could see the label at the bottom, but it's just the label of the blender bottle shaker. So I'm, you know what that is right there on the bottom that, that, that is what that is. What is it? That,
Starting point is 00:27:36 that, that label on the bottom, the skill, the QR. No, that's an Ethiopian family portrait. That's a joke. That's a joke from the eighties. That's a joke from the 80s.
Starting point is 00:27:45 That's a joke from the 80s. You know, when they were dying in Ethiopia because they were the famine joke. Is it bad famine joke? It's a bad famine joke. Ethiopian family portrait. Get the barcode. I've actually heard something similar before,
Starting point is 00:27:58 but that was so out of context. That's surprising. Hey, I had this. I had this series of books. It was like 10 books and it was just the world's dirtiest jokes. And there was one that was – and I was a little kid, and I had it. And one of them was just like – I should see if I can find it on Amazon. One of them was just racist jokes. I remember that one. I remember the Armenian one too. What's the shortest book in the world? Armenian War Heroes.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I told that to my dad. He didn't like that. He didn't like that too much. That genocide humor doesn't hit a good at home. Yeah, not appropriate for all audiences. That's for sure. Yeah, that one. Some of them I can't even tell now.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I'd have to be a way bigger comedian. Two people would have to think I'm a comedian before I tell some of those. Some of them are so naughty. There's the chill racist jokes like, what do you call four Mexicans in a canoe? Cuatro Cinco. Right? I mean, that's not – it's just whatever. Everyone knows those.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Okay. Where were we? 325. Of course my – oh. Of course my digestive tract could process a finger. Oh. Is that – no carbonated drinks okay play this i don't even know what this is this is a that's a weird thing to run a journey together here all right here we go drink with a meal neutralizes stomach acid the little fizzy
Starting point is 00:29:40 bubbles carbon dioxide carbon dioxide neutralizes stomach acid. When you're healthy, your stomach acid is so strong that if you chopped your finger off and swallowed it, your stomach would digest it down to the bone. Your body wants- Pause. Pause. That is the worst example I've ever heard for describing how powerful your digestive tract is. Out of the blue, this guy says if you chopped off your finger and ate it, your body would digest it down to the bone. Well, no shit it would. And why do we have to?
Starting point is 00:30:15 Couldn't you just use like a piece of steak? Why does it have to be someone's finger? That was bizarre, right? Sousa? Oh, you're muted. As I said, the dude kind of looks like he just like took like a hit of some crack or something and then came here to do this infomercial okay carbonated drinks have very little value for us that was the name of the post you keep go ahead keep going it's so weird and needs to have strong stomach acid but when you wash down lunch or dinner with a Coke or a Perrier or a beer
Starting point is 00:30:49 or anything that's got bubbles in it, you're inhibiting digestion, and you're going to die, sucka, or you're going to die slowly. So you want to have a carbonated drink, have it between meals, not with a meal. Why don't you know this? Because we don't have a free medical market. Because your medical doctor may be the nicest human being in the world, but they have no training, no respect, no appreciation, and no understanding of medical nutrition. Zero. A carbonated drink with a meal neutralizes stomach acid. The little fizzy bubbles, carbon dioxide.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I buy it. I buy it. But I just think that the finger thing is a necessary example. The audio issue is hilarious. There were 100 comments saying we couldn't hear Corey, and the comments you did read were taken as insults to Corey. Wad zombie. I told you, Corey, a workout I did. I'm going to tell it to you really quick, okay? Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:42 So remember that most of my workouts I do so that i can like watch tv at the same time right so i was adequately warmed up okay okay check and um and then so i and i and i the two weeks earlier i did 100 deadlifts at 135 okay to 10 on the minute and then 10 burpees on the minute for 20 minutes okay right okay okay so so i wanted to do a heavy deadlift workout remember i told you right i'm prepared to share with the audience so okay i did uh 245 okay oh thank you that was good you're not okay so i did a one deadlift on the minute for 10 minutes at 245 okay then the next 10 minutes without taking a break i took 10 pounds off of each side so that took me down to 225 and i did two on the minute for 10 minutes and then the last 10 minutes without taking a break, I took 10 pounds off of each side. So that took me down to 225 and I did two on the minute for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And then the last 10 minutes I took off another 20 pounds. So it was 205 and I did three on the minute for 10 minutes. So it's just 30 minutes of picking heavy shit off the ground. Okay. I like it too much. Um, no, that's like 60 reps total volume, right? Uh, 30 plus 20 plus 10. Yes. Yeah. So that's like 60 reps total volume right uh 30 plus 20 plus 10 yes yeah so that's that's within normal range okay good like when i program for the class i try not to like depending on the weight of the deadlift i try not to exceed 60 to 65 reps in totality but alan did the math
Starting point is 00:33:01 yeah i mean that's when you're programming you always have to look at the total volume of the work because sometimes people especially that are not um well versed in programming well like this workout looks really hard we're gonna do five rounds and then you add it up and you're like you're doing 800 double unders i'm like oh shit i didn't realize that right so you always look at the total volume well and the thing i'm not even sore it's too that was two days ago yeah that's good that was which is kind of cool yeah and you thing i'm not even sore it's too that was two days ago yeah that's good that was which is kind of cool yeah and you and i'm scared to death of deadlifts i'm scared to death and your back's good everything's solid yeah i mean as good as it can be the dollars yeah hey what do you think my hair is doing today you know my hair like you do yeah it looks slicked back oh it's just because
Starting point is 00:33:41 it looks good too oh yeah it's because everything's so dry here. Everything is like. Yeah, Tahoe. You got to love the smell, though. That pine air. Well, maybe not that you're all jacked up, but it's a mess. OK, I'm going to try not to eat today. Why?
Starting point is 00:33:57 I'm just going to have black coffee because I just feel like it would help my sinuses. My elbow is so fucked, Mike. My elbow is so fucked. It's a mess. it's so it's not the elbow stop saying it's the elbow it's the bicep i'm not talking to you about it 321 family guy god suzy you don't know how happy i am you're here 321 this is this is this is doing a show by myself is already scary but um doing it with just on a laptop, we have to get Caleb a big computer. This is crazy that he pulls shit up on a laptop.
Starting point is 00:34:30 It's hard, right, because you lose the screen that you're on. Yeah. And I have another screen here. He did awesome. Oh, you do. You do have another monitor. Yeah. But it's little.
Starting point is 00:34:39 But it's little. Yeah. People don't realize how hard that is. And if you want to try to have like any engagement with the show, it like 10 times harder right yeah way harder it's impossible not torn bicep tendon stop saying that oh it takes three months okay but i keep irritating it like carrying luggage and shit yeah my favorite thing about the comment section is just how certain everybody is i wonder if the dead like confidence yeah i wonder if the deadlift a deadlifts um it didn't hurt when i was doing but i wonder if they
Starting point is 00:35:10 irritated it my arms are straight it depends a lot of people at the top of their deadlift screw the movement up the most and they'll either like have this flight like this bend in their elbow or they'll squeeze their traps up to their ears and do a bunch of weird funky shit at the top of the deadlift not a lot of people teach that or they'll lean back against it yeah which i try not to i try not to do that because my back is i have such crazy mobility in my back it's so easy for me to hyper extend it or i don't know if that's the right term but i can just do weird shit yeah i can like i can like arch my back so it looks like my ass is begging to get pegged you know what i mean like like that that actually i think fucked me up in the l1 you have to know when people give you cues for weightlifting you have to know the mobility of your people like i'm crazy flexible and mobile
Starting point is 00:35:55 and like i can't be like i i i actually should have been taught to i this is gonna sound crazy i think i actually should have not deadlifted the way that it's traditional, and I should have done more strongman style. I should have worked with stuff where I – what's that called? Where I round my back. Like a Jefferson curl? Yeah. Is that what – I should have done more stuff like that early on before I deadlifted and built some strength there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:22 What I always tell the fire department is I say, when we do different movements like that, that isn't necessarily just a compound lift, like a deadlift, but like a Jefferson curl or a hip extension or a good morning or a seated good morning, like you're building a hedge against a potential injury later on, right? Because if you're able to move dynamically through the range of motion more, especially if you're able to do a controlled under load, once you do your compound lift and you set everything up, chances of you being hurt from it are going to start to become minimized because you've strengthened everything else around it. That's also working great. Yeah. The Jefferson curls kind of also like, um,
Starting point is 00:36:56 I guess like when I picked up a heavy D balls, like a hundred pound D ball and I scoop and I force myself to get in proper position and scoop my forearms under it and I'm curled like that should feel so good on my back. Yeah. Yeah. It's also too, because when you get around the ball, even though your back's rounded, like a lot of people will see you with the rounded back, your core is actually braced against the ball you're lifting. So it helps protect your whole spine, right? As opposed to if you do a deadlift and your back starts to come out of flexion into this, the weights down here, you connected to the floor here so the focal point pressure is punching in on your spine right does that make sense yes you're not wrapped around the ball so sometimes people get in these crazy positions with the ball but as long as you're braced against it your but your back's
Starting point is 00:37:39 still in a safe uh position because it's braced yeah and i like that i used to love watching i remember when rob orlando came on the scene. I loved watching him do the stones. I was like, anyway, okay. Family guy. What happened in the media and the black community? Okay, here we go. Wait a minute. Peter didn't shoot my son.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I did. Peter was just taking the blame for me. He's a good friend. Mr. Brown, what exactly are you saying? I'm saying that I, Cleveland Brown, a black man, shot Cleveland Brown Jr., another black man. Wait, where did everybody go? You want to make the media go away?
Starting point is 00:38:24 Just mention black on black crime wait a minute yeah i like it i like the i thank god i love family guy sorry i'm late seven uh trish wouldn't let me out of the shower dude you missed nothing it was a complete fucking train wreck this morning wait trish or matt they're connected yeah yeah yeah matt is uh trish is a sex slave i just made that up i have no idea don't give it any attention don't give it any attention pretend like it's not even okay uh three we build 322 new york city the dummy capital of the world the hive the hive for idiots oh this is god we have some good ones here in the middle 323 i like the family guy one where the the transgender person's watching porn at the bar
Starting point is 00:39:13 and he tells him you got to stop and then he's like i'm transgender he's like oh i'm sorry you can do whatever you want yeah like oh sorry the rules don't apply to you. Sudden cardiac death risk in contact sports increased by myocarditis. Scroll down, I think, a little bit. Oh, these headphones are tweaking out. Did you see I got new headphones, too? Well, they're not new. I found old ones. There was something in here I wanted to read to you guys.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Okay, here it is. Myocarditis is a known cause of sudden cardiac death of the athlete. The impact of direct chest trauma in at-risk sports or activities in patients with a history of myocarditis has never been demonstrated or studied. Okay. And then they go on to tell you, God, there's so many distractions here. Then they go on to tell you – god, there's so many distractions here. Then they go on to tell you in this piece – give me a second. Give me a second. The first patient, a 26-year-old man, described a brief loss of consciousness after having received a blunt impact to the chest. This is – I pulled this up because of the Damar Hamlin incident.
Starting point is 00:40:25 While playing a rugby match, the loss of consciousness was total and preceded by rapid and regular palpations. He had a history of viral myocarditis 10 years prior. Anyway, the study goes on to show the connection between being hit in the chest and it knocking you out and also having myocarditis. Myocarditis may increase the risk of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias caused by blunt impact to the chest, particularly in contact sports. And yet those doctors say we're fucking idiots for asking if he was vaccinated. Did it ever come out if he was vaccinated or not? Not that I know, no.
Starting point is 00:41:08 But even if it did, they're just going to like touch on that point, sweep it on the rug super quick. I just saw a theory that DeMar Hamlin didn't actually survive, but they don't want to tell everyone because it would end the season. Oh, that's crazy. That's great. Really? That that's you know it's funny i think i saw something like that and i just turned past it i'm just like i can't i can't do that i'm not i'm not that i'm not that red pilled yet i mean the nfl does own a day of the week 16 weeks out of the year oh that's a powerful that's a powerful institution uh that was 323 by the way i feel like something's wrong here that was 322 i think you pulled that was 322
Starting point is 00:41:59 okay uh 321 322 i don't know. Okay, 323. That was your one mistake you get for the show. Okay. You only get one for every third. I like how you roll with it, though, and it's completely different than what we're talking about. It's fine. It's fine. The whole show is fine. Just roll with it.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I told you I was flexible, and I need to be careful with my deadlifts. Okay, we already did this one, too. You guys don't need to see this again. This is This is just That's 323 So it's That one you guys have heard before
Starting point is 00:42:33 It's illegal to give your kid a It's illegal to give your kid a tattoo at the age of 10 But a penis removal is Good to go Thumbs up in New York Caller hi Hey Matt what's up man Hey what's going on removal is good to go. Thumbs up in New York. Caller, hi. Mark Savant. Hey, Matt. What's up, man?
Starting point is 00:42:49 Hey. Hey, what's going on? I recognize the voice, but I haven't figured out who it is yet. Oh, he knows who it is. It's Gabe. You are four for four getting it wrong, my friend. Oh, shit. It's Jethro. So, listen. We have a shortage of healthcare have a shortage of health care workers in new york right yeah you have short health care workers or a shortage of them shortage
Starting point is 00:43:12 shortage okay so uh our great governor kathy hokal was asked now that we've gotten this far past the pandemic how about hiring them back you You know what she said? What she said? She doesn't want to risk anybody coming into a hospital or healthcare facility to get the risk of COVID-19 from someone who isn't vaccinated. They're still playing that card, huh? How do they, doesn't someone raise their hand and say, uh, but hold on. It gets transmitted equally by people who are vaccinated and aren't vaccinated. No, the word fuckery just continues and continues.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And no one questioned it, man. Oh man. Hey, well, your last governor killed people and got away with it. And that's no hyperbole or, or that's just fact. No, no. What was his name? Cuomo. Andrew? Cuomo. Andrew Cuomo. Hey, Jethro, what happened to his brother? Did his brother
Starting point is 00:44:11 get booted off of CNN too? Got booted off of CNN because they were conspiring to keep the conspiring to keep the numbers down, hidden, the hostile deaths. He was actually working with the media to keep that down.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And then he got fired. But now he got picked up by somebody else, some small-time outlet. Hey, are you seeing this fucking story? Did you see the FBI agent that got arrested yesterday? Yeah, yeah. Again, more nonsense.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Do you know this story, Susan? No. This shit. The FBI agent that was investigating Trump's collusion with Russia has been arrested for collusion with Russia yesterday. You cannot make this shit up. Perfect. Hey, and guess what? Guess who else has classified documents in their house?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Mike Pence I know I'm sorry but now Adam Schiff Is saying oh well This seems like a spiral Of everyone having all this classified information Yeah as soon as Biden has it It's a spiral
Starting point is 00:45:20 When Trump had it it was an investigation Schiff is a bad human being that's that's a bad man that is a very very bad man it's crazy i know people who really like adam schiff he's a bad man i saw him the other day maybe six months ago and he thought that biden was capable of running again it got awful how hey there's there's supposedly 2 000 pages of documents i guess there's some college in delaware or something that has a biden wing and i guess there's 2 000 boxes of documents in there the whole thing is so weird how they let him go back to his house before the fbi went there the whole thing is a mess but here's let him go back to his house before the FBI went there.
Starting point is 00:46:06 The whole thing is a mess. But here's another thing, too. Every time I hear the word classified documents, I just hear blah, blah, blah. So what? What do they say? What do you mean they're classified? Tell me what they say. Nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:46:19 What is it, my search history on Pornhub? Yeah, like tell me. What's classified? Tell me. They're going to tell you you're being lied to by the media? Jethro, Jethro, when you look at porn, do you acknowledge that there's someone somewhere in the world who's recording it on whatever device you're on? And then you just have to accept the fact that there's someone watching you? Okay, good. Me too.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Yeah, everything's getting recorded at all times. I have that talk. Are you okay with everyone who listens to your podcast, I only care about you guys, finding out that you watch this? Yeah, fine. Just keep the search history clean. Just a missionary with giant tits.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Don't put anything weird in it. You know what I mean? It keeps me on the straight and narrow. You know what I mean? I'm not looking for quad like, quadruple penetration. We're not going to judge you for looking, but we're going to judge what the context you're looking at. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just try to, like, keep it in a narrow – it's like that's how I feel about the classified documents.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Like, let me know what they – tell us what they are. Just don't be a weirdo, right? Just don't be a weirdo. Yeah, and don't, like, give the – don't give the Chinese, like, tell them likes like tell them like where the buttons are like to make our nuclear bomb self-detonate but if it's like something like um gavin newsom has threesomes every week okay yeah let's fine share that yeah i don't have any girls with dick stuff if i even remote i don't what if i what if i and i do it for re i don't want to accidentally enjoy, no, midget porn's fine. There's a, there's a window.
Starting point is 00:47:49 No, but, but midget porn's fine. But yeah, no, I don't do any stuff that I don't want to be aroused, accidentally aroused by something that I don't want to be aroused by. It's like heroin. I don't want to, I'm staying in my lane. You don't have to question it. Yeah, I'm just chill. Just keep it chill. have to question it. Yeah, just chill. Just keep it chill.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Hey, I just want to mention about Dave. What a good friend. He put on social media a picture of you and Greg. Can you imagine? He got fired from CrossFit, got rehired, is working with the affiliates. And he posted a picture of the person who was excommunicated along with a picture of the most toxic podcaster in the space. Yeah. Crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:48:31 It's amazing. What, what a good friend. We should all have friends like that. Yeah. Oh yeah. There it is. The coolest part is I took the picture. You did. Oh, oh, I believed you. I believed you. You were like questioning it like, wait a minute, you were there?
Starting point is 00:48:49 No, I just wanted to fit in. No. God, I look like I've had one too many margaritas. That's a great picture. What a great dude. I don't even remember taking it. I bet you that painting behind you guys was painted by Rico. He does all the mexican
Starting point is 00:49:06 restaurant paintings does he yeah at least here at livermore it's like the same i was like who signed it it's always the same dude hey dave hasn't aged in 15 years i've known him that's true he hasn't he looks good uh gavin newsom's wife was a Harvey Weinstein special. I thought his wife was like Donald Trump Jr.'s ex-wife or something. Anyone? It's not Donald Trump. Oh, yeah. She used to work for Fox. Gilt Foil.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Kimberly Gilt Foil. Kimberly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now it's Donald Trump's juniors. Girl, girlfriend, fiance. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Imagine what you would whisper into her ear. If you were banging Gavin's ex wife, he would be so jammed up about that. Oh my goodness. Uh, Dave is so cool. He's seen some shit, uh, and life and has
Starting point is 00:50:05 been a joke at what triggers and it and dave is so cool he's seen some shit and life after has been a joke at what triggers people oh yeah i see what you're saying relative to what he's been through what a joke like these other people must be to him yeah i agree yeah yeah you see someone fucking you see heads exploding. All of a sudden you think it's ridiculous that someone's concerned about the bathrooms at Netflix. What the sign says on it. It's fucking idiot world. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Thank you, Jethro. I appreciate you calling in and saving the show. You were, I give you a 10 for your contribution today. Thanks. You're a good dude. Thank you. Later guys. today. Thanks. You're a good dude. Later, guys. Later.
Starting point is 00:50:48 324, the pay gap between men and women's sports. That story that I don't know what's going on, but I'm stuck in some pedophile circuit on Instagram. And the stuff that they keep feeding me is fucking horrendous.
Starting point is 00:51:10 This, this, this gay couple that was this gay Christian couple that was like pimping out their kids. I don't know. Like part of me is like, Hey, why isn't that all over the news?
Starting point is 00:51:24 Oh, did you, and we talked about Alanis Morissette coming out too, right? It's just, it's just, it's too much. People need to chill. Okay. Women versus men's pay. Women complaining about the pay gap in sports is like men complaining about the pay gap and
Starting point is 00:51:46 only fans oh yeah i like that that's very simple women complaining about the pay gap in sports is like men complaining about the pay gap and only fans that's perfect right is that isn't that a perfect for a minute yes that is perfect right yeah yeah there's probably four tvs on in this house and like five phones hooked up to the internet have i been choppy a lot no that was the very first time okay it just like paused right there and then i couldn't tell if you were like finishing or if you were back from the center what was happening why don't all the women on only fans share their money with all the men who are on OnlyFans the same way that the – didn't the U.S. World Cup men's team have to share their money with the girls? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Did they actually have to do that? I think that's true. What a crazy world we live in. Have you seen the thing where the guy goes out on the street and he goes – talks to women and he goes, do you think that women should have equal pay for sports as men? And then they say, yes, I agree completely. He goes, awesome. women and he goes um do you think that women should have equal pay for sports as men and then they say yes i agree completely he goes awesome can you name two or three nba uh basketball teams they name it and he goes great can you name two or three women nba basketball sports and then they can't or teams and they can't name them at all and he goes that's why the pay difference is the
Starting point is 00:53:00 way it is they're like okay i see that yeah no one wants to watch women's sports for the most part nobody for the most part depends on there's exceptions yeah call her hi hey that's not it oh i hey ryan that's not a dig at women it's just men don't want to i don't want to watch any men on only fans i don't want to watch um i you knowFans. I don't want to watch – I like women's gymnastics, and I like women's CrossFit. I don't give a fuck about women's basketball. Zero. Women's soccer. Zero.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Sorry. Sold more jerseys and tickets. That's the thing she's referring to, the soccer. I think the women actually sold more jerseys and tickets, and so they were just asking for what they thought was their fair share sure i that's totally fine but don't don't do it relative to what the men get that's just it's just fucking bullshit don't bring the men down don't bring someone else down to elevate yourself and so maybe maybe the women's the women's u.s soccer team made more money than the men's soccer team but i don't think that's the way the World Cup works.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I think it's an aggregate of the entire sport is the way they were paid, meaning the 30 teams that were playing, all that money was pulled together. The same way, kind of like the way they do in the NFL. Caller High. Siobhan, part of the problem, too, is that with the women's sports, I'll just use hockey up here in Canada as an example. The women's hockey team here, they're very good. You're telling me there's women's hockey? There's women's hockey? I've never even heard of that.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I've never heard of that either. I've never even heard of that. It's huge. Oh, yeah, never even heard of it. A lot of your East Coast colleges have big-time women's hockey teams as well. But so the problem is because the way they train, there's obviously not a huge demographic of it. So a lot of those women, women's teams, they train.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And same with the soccer teams. They train and practice with the boys, 15-year-old boys' teams because it's about par. Right. But at the same time, those boys, high school boys smoke like five, nothing, six, nothing, 10, nothing. Those women's teams. It's just, the problem is as soon as that boy turned 16, 17, their testosterone kicks in and they're too big to play with. They're what? They're what?, their testosterone kicks in and they're too big to play with.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Their what kicks in? Their testosterone. What's that? Right? We have testosterone. By the way, women's softball, get on the... Women's softball is cool as shit. You want to push a women's sport? Push that. That underhand pitch shit is fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Get your own fucking sport. Do something else. They had a guy on the street, same thing. The guy was going around asking about the women's sports and that. And he asked the women and he said, you know, about the pay gap and all that stuff. And they all agree. And he said,
Starting point is 00:56:02 okay, cool. Like, how many games have you been to for women's hockey or women's basketball it was nobody said anything hey because they don't go support their own thing oh and women don't support their own sport right women's mma at the highest level is pretty fucking amazing so i'll say that like i uh i would love saying what's her name Who's the chick from like Serbia or whatever She's from some Asian country But she doesn't look Asian Why can't I remember her name
Starting point is 00:56:31 She has a sister The blonde haired lady She's fought Amanda Nunes three times Shevchenko I watch her over most men any day of the week Paige Van Zandt I'm just watching her Because she's hot She sucks but she's hot man any day of the week? Paige Van Zandt. I'm just watching her because she's hot. She sucks,
Starting point is 00:56:48 but she's hot. But you're still watching her. She's one of the top girls, right? I mean, you look at half our CrossFitters, you look at half our CrossFitters, there's very much sex appeal. Like, I remember back in the day... I'm not watching any of that shit if they're in burkas. I'm not watching any CrossFit
Starting point is 00:57:04 if they're in burkas. No, I remember back in the day, you know, nothing against Annie. Annie's very pretty and all that stuff. But when Camille won, she was very marketable. The Reebok sales all went up. All that stuff went up. And that was 2014. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Right? So it's a very sex-appealed sport. Same with MMA. Same with tennis, women's tennis. God, I think Annie is so fucking hot. I think maybe I'm gay. I think Annie's so hot. Oh, she's very beautiful.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I think as she's gotten older, she's gotten very pretty. Yeah. She's a little bit like a robotic, but I just think she's so hot but bill burr's got a there's a stomach could be a backgammon set sorry what if we play backgammon on amy's tummy like she just laid down and like was me and you against each other yeah her eyes are on the reel okay sorry what about bill burr sorry and i'm really pumped i had two bill burr's got a skit on uh Bill's got a clip on it basically saying the same thing. He's like, when it comes to women's sports,
Starting point is 00:58:07 like, I don't want to watch it. That's, if you guys want to watch it, why aren't you guys watching it? There's 50% of the population is women. Why aren't you guys
Starting point is 00:58:14 watching your own sport? Right, right. Hey, we want to watch, here's the thing too. Let's be, let's be clear.
Starting point is 00:58:21 We don't, has nothing to do with the fact that you're girls or boys. We just want to, we just want to see the best shit. And so it's be, let's be clear. We don't, has nothing to do with the fact that your girls are boys. We just want to, we just want to see the best shit. And so it's like the reason why the, uh, the Sequoia national forest is so mind boggling.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Cause that's where the biggest trees are. And so the reason why women's MMA is so good is not because it's fucking women, but because at the highest level, there's some, some of the most world-class fighters that you've ever seen martial artists. And then in the same thing with gymnastics, right? That's why, and same with CrossFit. I mean, no one's Carrie, no one's like, Oh my God,
Starting point is 00:58:51 Carrie Pierce is a woman. Everyone's like, Holy shit. She's an amazing CrossFitter. No one cares if it's like, she's a dude or a chick. And that's the same thing with like, it's only a novelty when girls get in it for the first second, like Danica Patrick and whatever that car racing shit, like it's only a novelty when girls get in it for the first second, like Danica Patrick and, and, and whatever that car racing shit, like it's cool. As the, not like,
Starting point is 00:59:09 uh, what's her name was like that. The, the blonde chick who we all love, um, who came into MMA, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:59:17 Shachanko or, uh, the first one, Ronda Rousey, amazing Olympic civil, silver medalist in judo, but soon as good fighters came in, the novelty of her was over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yeah, like, you know, she revolutionized that sport. She made it entertaining. And a lot of things when it comes to the women in any given sport, and I know this from coaching women, what I loved about coaching women is they're so technical. They analyze something and they can repeat it and they want to perfect that movement. What did you coach, Ryan? Whether it's boxing, whether it's – I coached here CrossFit in Kelowna here.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Oh, okay. Hey, and don't forget our racist, sexist leader elevated women to the highest level in the sport right away. It was always decided that women would be paid equal in CrossFit. Always. Exactly. Two quick things. I would love to round all those people up. Okay, I'm not going to get started.
Starting point is 01:00:20 They don't have opinions. I just, those people, those fucking woke fucking idiots. They don't have opinions. It just, those people, those fucking woke fucking idiots. They don't have opinions. It doesn't matter to them. In our community. I'd like to round all of you up and put you in a ring, like in the center of a ring, like in the old days, like in Rome. Put all of you in there. And we just look at you guys and your fucking mental disorders just writhe in your mental pain until you unfuck yourselves.
Starting point is 01:00:48 You guys would just eat each other. That's the thing with you Woketars. You guys just eat each other. Quick thing, Seth. Yes. I would – so three quick things. And I don't want to respond to this. I'll just let you write it down on your notepad.
Starting point is 01:01:03 I don't even have a pen today. and I don't want to respond to this. I'll just give it, let you write it down on your notepad. I don't even have a pay. I'd love to, I'd love to see a podcast just 20 minutes, 30 minutes with just Sousa and Dave Castro recapping Dave Castro's affiliate talks or whatever he does with the affiliate.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Two, I'd love to see you. And I think I, I sent you a message on this. I'd love to see you – and I think I sent you a message on this. I'd love to see a – if you could find somebody that knows more about the World Economic Forum and discuss whatever went on this last week there. Yes, yes. We totally need to know what happened at the World Economic Forum, yes. I think it would just be interesting, something off-topic. I think it would just be something fun to listen to and just see where our
Starting point is 01:01:46 crazy world leaders are taking us. And the last one is I sent you last night. I don't know if you saw it. Was a drag syndrome. Oh yeah. I started to look at that. Yeah. I started to look at that. Wow. Wow. But I didn't, I didn't, I didn't, what is it? What is it? I didn't, I just, I saw it and I opened it. It's basically, it's basically people with Down syndrome that are encouraged. And I'm going to say they're encouraged because you know that I can't see them kicking it.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Are you on a runway at an airport? Are you at a runway at an airport? Sorry, I'm on a busy street. I'm walking the dog right now. Oh, okay. Just before I hit the seatbelt. i'm on a busy street i'm walking the dog right now oh okay is that code for something you're walking the dog or is that yeah i'm about to sneak in my wife's uh bedroom while she's still sleeping but no so it's down syndrome it's down syndrome people that are that are embracing trans whatever they're in drag. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:02:46 And it is, I went down the rabbit hole and I was just like, wow, this is insane. Yeah. But if you look it up, it's called drag, drag syndrome.
Starting point is 01:03:00 It's a profile on Instagram. Okay. And I'll let you go. And I'll let you go. Thank you. Have a good morning. I'm about to go see him. Thank you. Have a good morning. I'm about to go skiing. Peace and love. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Skiing. Did you say skiing? I think you said skiing. I'm about to go skiing. I'm about to go skiing too. Isn't that weird? No, you're not. Are you really?
Starting point is 01:03:16 Yeah. In 26 minutes. Skiing. Like not just hanging out and watching, but like. Well. You're going to ride the lift up and you're going to actually ski. I think I'm going to have to do a little bit of skiing just to get the boys going.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I see. And then once I get, before I retire to the bar skiing and not snowboarding for him, huh? My, my son wants to, um, uh, what? What's happening i just got a text from someone saying sorry about the exhaust what exhaust i'm in my bedroom in a cabin you'll smell it in a minute when you just yeah um yeah i'm fine with what what are your thoughts uh if women join men's soccer and the rules
Starting point is 01:04:08 require to uh no i know i don't like that i'm okay with women joining any men's sports if they're if they're qualified dude why is it why is the equal pay only around certain things like nobody's like why is the equal pay only around certain things it's only about powerful positions or sports nobody's like hey women should get paid the same as the other trash men that are picking up the trash yeah because there's i've never seen a trash woman women should be paid have you have you ever seen a trash woman have you ever seen one i've never i mean either why are women paid the same as the other framers that are building the houses i've never seen a woman framer either have you ever seen a woman framer that's a good point i've never seen a woman framer and i see people building
Starting point is 01:04:53 houses every day when i'm in santa cruz like i see that shit everywhere why aren't the uh why aren't the um women that are uh the flight attendants on the airplane paid the same as the male flight attendants on the airplane. Oh, wait, they are. Have you ever seen a straight male attendant? Yes. You have? Yeah. You don't see a male attendant?
Starting point is 01:05:13 Really? Every male attendant I see, I'm like, oh, yep, gay. I knew he grabbed a little ass when people were coming down the aisle. No. No, I'm just messing with you, but I'm pretty sure sure he was i've never seen a woman plumber either yeah i mean either yeah well why aren't they why isn't there this big outcry we need to be paid the same as the male the male plumbers yeah i'm i i carry sheetrock and i and i do and i and i hang that inside skyscrapers why aren't i paid the same as the guys that are also carrying up the
Starting point is 01:05:41 sheetrock up the flight of stairs why do you think why do you think um gay men like um i'm not asking this question right but why do you think first of all do you think it's true that like dudes who cut hair and do to like work in airplanes that they're disproportionately gay who cut hair and work in airplanes or do you think that's just like a stereotype? I feel like it's, it's a pilot. Are we including the pilots? Cause I would say no,
Starting point is 01:06:09 not including the pilots are males, right? I'm just talking about the male attendance. So like service industry stuff. Well, this guy's saying, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Just like women are electricians. I just, a ton of women, electricians. Okay. And are they paid the same as the guy? This is bullshit. That's not true. That is fucking not true.
Starting point is 01:06:29 That is not true. Jay Crouch's dad's an electrician. His mom is not an electrician. There's one. My barber's pretty straight. Yeah, if you're, I think if you're black or brown, you're straight, but if you're white, you're gay.
Starting point is 01:06:47 And these are just massive sweeping generalizations. I just find it interesting that – yeah, and probably it goes the other way. Like if you're a straight steward or you're a straight barber, you're probably hyper-masculine or gay. Like you're not just some run-of-the-mill average rando like me. Yeah. masculine or gay like you're not just like just some run-of-the-mill average rando like me yeah although i although i i'm a great cashier i bagged yesterday at uh i bagged all our groceries yesterday it was 26 bags that's how much 26 double bags stuffed you guys are eating good huh yeah yeah yeah yeah it was 1500 worth of food we got it safely. Me and Greg went shopping together. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:26 There's a shit ton of people here. Okay. I didn't know how many people. I just imagine it's just like you. And I was a bagging stud. Double bagged them. Made sure the handles were tight. Packed everything in there tight.
Starting point is 01:07:40 That's our next bit. We're just going to show up. I'm going to film you. You're just going to, we're just going to get an apron, an apron like a generic black apron and you're just gonna walk into grocery stores and just offer to bag people's stuff for free there were there's definitely some carbs let me think of what the shittiest thing that we bought it's gonna be some like microwavable appetizer or oven no i i bought um uh those um they don't like four packs they're mules uh we bought some muffins for the kids for breakfast not muffins but uh biscuits biscuits yeah in a safe way do you gotta buy a biscuit
Starting point is 01:08:15 not like a good blueberry muffin you know vacation does greg get recognized he didn't yesterday um in the safe way up there but often i do go out with him and people will come up to him and in that situation you're wearing like a bunch of like there's a lot more clothing on in the winter you got like the hat you got a sweatshirt but he's so recognizable oh yeah for sure see and it must it must be weird when the two of us are together it's like just two old men walking around with shopping carts if you guys do that at like the whole foods at any like major city next to a crossfit you guys would be recognized yes for sure well whole foods action any whole foods within a 10 mile radius from a crossfit gym is
Starting point is 01:08:56 bound to run into some fellow crossfitters there what number were we on? Unlaced shoes. 3-20... Did we play it? 4, which was just a statement. There wasn't anything to play. And then we've done 3-25. Okay, how about 3-29? More man shit. Let's keep the sexist talk going.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Oh, God. 3-32 is so good also. There's some good ones today. let's keep the sexist talk going. Oh God. Three 32. So good. Also, there's some good ones today. Whole food smells like feet. Oh, comedy.
Starting point is 01:09:33 I like comedy. Here we go. This'll be good. This is for the ladies. A lot of beautiful ladies here tonight. All right, guys, I want you to make some noise.
Starting point is 01:09:40 If you believe that men are trash, okay, you still need them in emergency situations. All right. Did anybody see the airplane video of the guy who tried to get up on the flight? He was coming to Atlanta from LA. It's all on tape if you haven't seen it. He tried to rip the door open on the plane. If you don't know, you're not supposed to do that shit. Okay. But it was a big guy, right? They couldn't't stop him so they had to get on the intercom and call out to the rest of the plane all right life or death situation they say if there are any strong men that can please come forward and help us stop this passenger that's exactly
Starting point is 01:10:14 what they said they did not say is there a strong independent woman that could please come forward and help us stop this passenger okay ladies and gentlemen this is an emergency is there an intersectional feminist that could please come forward and help us soak up some of this toxic masculinity can anybody help us please this is for the ladies not not not not really much to say they. Pretty strong, man. I wonder how many guys are like, can I qualify? I would pick up a small woman
Starting point is 01:10:50 and use her to beat a big man. Like, just pick her up by the legs and just... Fuck, is there any intersectional feminist to soak up the toxic masculinity? Yeah, it's fucking... Any strong women... Quiet,idi any well you know any strong men are tia to me on the flight let me tell you tia to me an average an average jackass fat guy will beat up tia to me that crossfit ain't translating to some fucking dupe 25 year old
Starting point is 01:11:18 yeah i was exactly i was gonna say the same exact thing and heidi of all people should know this she does she does it doesn't matter i could clean and jerk you know whatever tia does 245 275 if you get it if you get it somebody who is in a situation where they're going to be violent towards you all that shit goes out the fucking window you know this she's a blue belt in jujitsu uh and and uh and uh how how about Danny Spiegel? What you have her do is you just have her just start running at full speed towards the guy. And she gets the first hit in, and then you jump on the guy after that. Gosh.
Starting point is 01:11:56 331, police station talk. You know what's weird about the situations like that, like if there was somebody on the plane that was doing that, like that like if there was somebody on the um plane that was doing that is it actually takes a minute for people to realize oh fuck like this isn't supposed to be happening and i should do something and then right when you have that this isn't supposed to be happening i should do something or this this needs to be saved there's like the moment of like am i the one to do it or am i gonna be in trouble for this or am i overreacting to this? And so what you get is like a ton of people that initially just get like paralyzed by like, I don't think I should be. Remember I told you the other day that car crashed and flipped over right in front of my apartment.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Yeah. And I was crazy. Yeah. And there was a couple of people that like, I, we, we heard it and I opened the door and saw it like seconds after it happened. So we ran across the street and there was a couple other people there that saw it kind of right afterwards. By the way, 90% of the people were passing it only wanted to film it on their cell phones. Like nobody wanted to get out and help. When I was crossing the street,
Starting point is 01:12:54 a lady almost hit me because she was filming it. And then she was done before she looked, she just hit the gas and then she turns and I'm like crossing the street. Isn't that crazy? So a car flips over, you're in your house, you hear it, you run across the street, the dude's unconscious in the car you're circling around the car to open the doors and meanwhile someone's trying to film with their cell phone and almost
Starting point is 01:13:11 kills you yeah it's fucking nuts and you know what was crazy so there was this world there was two thoughts that i had when i went up to the car that well three maybe the first one was okay it's white smoke it's not black smoke so hopefully it doesn't blow up right because you're always like is this gonna blow up it's smoking and it's upside down but it was white did you like learn that from like a magnum pi episode or something uh i don't even know if that's true what i just said but that's what i like that was a thought some critical thinking okay i'm gonna just think about this like white smoke not black smoke it's probably just the coolant and the other shit burning off on the engine. And there's not an actual fire.
Starting point is 01:13:48 And then the second thing I did is when I went over, my next thought was because it looked like a small SUV. And I went to go open the back door. You got to remember it's upside down. And the next thought was, oh, fuck, I hope there's not kids in here. And that was like happening as I was like opening the door. Because regardless, even if the kids were in like children's seats and like upside down like that, you know, they're going to be all sorts of fucked up. You know what I mean? And so it's yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Anyhow, open it up. No, no kids in the backseat. And then the third thought was when I looked inside, I was like, this motherfucker ran because I didn't see him because when the car is upside down, he was still stuck in his seatbelt and he was unconscious upside down. And so there was no movement at first. And then when I opened the door and looked in, all of a sudden you saw the kicking of the feet. And I think he came back too, which was immediately followed by, shit, I don't think I'm going to unbuckle the seatbelt to get him out of here.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Because if he were to, and for Bob's comment here, this is another one only in America, because if I were to try to get him out and all of a sudden they're like, hey, he was had this issue and he came down and when you got him out, he put pressure on his neck and it broke his neck. Now he's suing you. Right. So those are like the instant reaction. You did pull him out, right? Well, luckily, right. When we pried that door open, cause it was all smashed, there was a cop walking up. So I just put my foot against the door and pried it open further and then he leaned in and cut him off and cut the seat belt off and i leaned against the back door because what did he cut the seat belt off with a knife or scissors utility knife oh yeah he looked at his partner
Starting point is 01:15:18 first he looks up at me and then he looks at his partner and he's like hey i'm gonna cut him out of here and then the guy was like okay and i was like i'm gonna lean back against the store to give you more space so i pushed against the uh door and then leaned back against the the back passenger door which kind of like opened up because it was all smashed and the doors open so it like opened it up so the cop could to could drag him out and then once the cop started to get him out his foot was kind of stuck so then at that point we jumped in i jumped in and helped him pull him out. Jonathan Ortega, I had a soldier. I had a soldier.
Starting point is 01:15:51 She used to talk mad shit about going to Iraq. When we got there, we got a patient that was shot. She froze, couldn't help me carry this 200-pounder. I was pissed. That happened to me when I went to Amsterdam. The whole time, I thought I going to go there and we were just going to go to the red light district and just get chicks the whole time. And I got there and I froze. I'm like, I can't do this. These are like real people. And all my friends were like, dude, you talked all this shit on the plane and now you're not going to do it? I'm like, nope. all this shit on the plane and now you're not going to do it i'm like nope i went and smoked a little weed and got too high and stayed the rest of the day in my hotel room and and i and i never slept with a prostitute in that window i missed my opportunity well i mean like you're a deep thinker so all of a sudden you're like you're kind of like overthinking it you're like oh this person
Starting point is 01:16:42 like i'm gonna pay this person's got like a family. Like, is this going to be weird? Like, yeah, I just started, I just saw them and I was like, Oh, these are people.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Yeah. Prostitutes. These are people. And now I have to look at it as a person. I was going to try to bring this up. And my friend who was definitely not going to do it. One of the guys who was a hundred percent not going to do it. He did it.
Starting point is 01:17:03 That's weird. Yeah. And, and I'm so and his experience sounded so bad. He told me that he was having sex with a girl, and he wanted to turn her over on her stomach and do it doggy style, and she stopped him and told him there would be more money. I'm like, oh, God, I would never want to be in a situation like that. I like that, just a little upsell. You already got him. Nothing wrong with a little upsell.
Starting point is 01:17:24 I'll show this real quick, and then we'll move on to that next clip. So this is what I came outside to. That's what it looked like. Oh, yeah. Nice. Can you zoom in? Yeah. So that's literally across the street from your house?
Starting point is 01:17:37 Yeah. It's like up the street at the main intersection. Dude, that car is fucked up. So that was the door that went so you could see how the back passenger like swings over and that creates that pinch right between the doors there so i was leaned back against the back door pushing on the front door um to allow space for the officer to get in there and then came in it's very, dude. Bob Jerome! I think this guy accused me of always being hostile towards him
Starting point is 01:18:11 and attacking him in the comments. I like how I made him laugh on my episode. I was going to say, I didn't even know you could laugh, Bob. Good job. I thought you were only good at giving constructive criticism. 331 Police Station Talk.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Someone asked if I have a life-saving kit in my car. No. I always carry a couple hundred bucks with me. That's the only thing I carry. Maybe a gun or a knife. He's got cash. Yeah. From Carson. I don't know who did this
Starting point is 01:18:47 everybody's supposed to get alright sorry guys 332 oh this is good so I know everyone here has already seen this but you probably haven't seen this
Starting point is 01:19:04 in a year. And when I saw it again recently, I just cannot believe. I cannot believe this is real. I seriously cannot believe this is real. When you get vaccinated. I got vaccinated. You're saying I could get this, eat delicious fries? Wait a minute. But there's also a burger element to this?
Starting point is 01:19:38 Let me check with Bill Neatheart. Is it too early in the day to eat a burger? This could be breakfast? Okay. I want you to look at this and think about, again, some people love hamburgers. Some don't really want to respect all ways of life. But if this is appealing to you, just think of this when you think of vaccination. Vaccination. I'm getting a very good feeling about vaccination rate this moment. This is a guy. This is the mayor of one of the greatest cities on planet Earth trying to convince his citizens
Starting point is 01:20:17 to get a drug injection from Pfizer offering them French fries and a hamburger. Let's say for a second you thought that it was a good idea to get the injection. When you saw that, wouldn't that just make you think, uh-oh? Shit's weird. Shit is really, really weird. Uh-oh, I need to rethink this. I need to just take a few deep breaths, maybe sleep on this.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Yeah, it is like a Saturday Night night life skit it is fucking crazy dude people really smart people who went to harvard and stanford and shit got that injection well wasn't who was he referring to the doctor when he was like is it too early to eat this burger the doctor's like no get that in there just take the meat out replace it with lucky charms please so we're higher up on our eating list there's i saw hunter mcintyre in the yeah he misses your beard i miss you let's schedule him seven are you a christian are you at christian sleepover camp i am that is correct uh I got the jab at 77
Starting point is 01:21:34 figured fuck it that's that's how all great things and decisions in life go it ends with I figured fuck it yeah hey you know what that's that that's the most rational that's the most that's the only excuse to get the jab
Starting point is 01:21:49 that is the I swear to God that's the only one I understand I can relate to that one you know what I'm just I just fuck it I'm just doing it yeah and if I would have known you were 77 I would have been way nicer to you. See, Stefan, you got to learn all the points.
Starting point is 01:22:07 I am an ageist for sure. I definitely grab my ankles for older people. I respect older people. Is that your collection of books? It's my collection of books. I just go down to the Goodwill and find ones that i see on other popular instagram posts paul lives life at full send i'll take two viagra give me that that eighth booster fuck it and i'm headed back to vegas yeah
Starting point is 01:22:38 uh uh 3 30 this is what it looks like when retarded people start to wake up it's not pretty I appreciate you guys so much for dealing with me this morning what a morning what a crazy morning uh oh Hunter I put books around me so people I'm smart too have a few more books buddy Oh, Hunter, I put books around me. So people, I'm smart, too.
Starting point is 01:23:11 A few more books, but hey, that's a shorthand. Just use a chat GPT. Be good. That's shorthand. Hunter's doing just stock shorthand. Good shit. You know what? My baby's in the hospital for the second time, so I don't even care if this gets me canceled. I do think that it has something to do with his COVID vaccination. I'm not anti-vax at all. I've had four COVID vaccines, and I believed in it enough to give it to my son. But people do have reactions to these things. these things. My 17-year-old had a medical vaccine reaction to the DTaP vaccine. And two weeks after my six-year-old gets this one, all this is happening with his heart. What's frustrating
Starting point is 01:23:51 about all this, what's so frustrating about it is that nobody will even take that into consideration. The doctor's completely, nope, that's not it. Couldn't be it. Not possible. And it's frustrating to hear that as a mother who had a child who had a legitimate medical reaction to a vaccine even if it's just a small you so she didn't get the french fries and she didn't get the burger but when her kid got the d-tap he had a reaction and he still got the kid the covid booster dude if you go on a roller coaster and you throw up and you have a headache for the rest of the day, do you go back on that roller coaster? Bad example because we do that with CrossFit all the time. Yeah, but it has good outcomes and good side effects.
Starting point is 01:24:38 The thing is, I mean, call me just judgmental as a fucking motherfucker, but I just look at her and I just know, retarded. I don't know if it's the clothes she's wearing, her skin. I just know. I'm like – I have one data point. So someone might look at me and think – there's just things that – like someone might look at me and be like, hey, that's an old man. That might be their first data point. And then their second one might be he's a jew you know and then and then i get to meet me and they can kind of unfuck some data points like
Starting point is 01:25:10 they'd be like oh you know he's old but he can still like run and climb a tree a little bit so maybe but but you know we have our our first judgments we make right so there's shortcuts in our mind i see her and i just know right away i just see her and i'm like yep you're the kind like i don't know what it is She's she's giving off to me. Yeah, but it only gets worse as she opens her mouth. I don't think I think even less of her as she talks because. Thinking less, maybe isn't that right? But you gave your fucking kid.
Starting point is 01:25:36 A vaccine after they already had a fucking bad reaction to another vaccine. Are you out of your fucking mind? She believed in the vaccine. That's the word she used and so you gave your kids drugs because you believed yeah it by the way that's why people do ayahuasca mushrooms and all that stuff they i'm still a pup i know i'm still a pup thank you go ahead susan what do you say i was just gonna say i don't think that i I don't see her and I don't question her. I just see train wreck when I see her.
Starting point is 01:26:09 I'm out of the trailer park, train wreck. I see somebody who wants to be agreeable, so maybe that way they feel like they could fit in and have a sense of belonging. Well, you're a good dude. Well, I see that with a lot of people because – and then once they kind of identify like that they just stay down that rabbit that rabbit hat they just did on that that path that rabbit hole it's like nothing you're gonna say is gonna change any any of their opinions because that's they identify with that and they identify against being the person who you they think you are but i believe everybody's not everybody but i believe most people are are capable of like logic thought if they really spend some times and untangle themselves from like identifying as a
Starting point is 01:26:52 person well that's that god i think that might be true like she's a she's like oh i'm a good person and i believe that good people act this way and they have liberal tendencies and they don't question the authority because the doctors and the scientists know better than I do. And then that's just kind of the, you know, because then unravel it and say, well, now I'm questioning that. Well, then does that mean I'm questioning authority? Does that mean that I'm now a skeptic? And if I'm a skeptic, am I a conspiracy theory? Then if I'm a conspiracy theory person, that means I'm a MAGA.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Boy, why not just just god that's so gnarly just look at the efficacy of the well maybe that's why um maybe that's why you need checks and balances like i'm so embarrassed that i'm a republican i'm so embarrassed that i would have republic yeah i know i'm so embarrassed that i would have republican or libertarian views and that keeps me in check to make sure that every single one that i take on board is legit because i was raised that you're an asshole if you're libertarian or republican so i got this weird like tension in me the only place i feel comfortable coming out of the closet is on this podcast well that's good it's your safe space seven when when seven when he drinks tito's and have suza host this show so you can drink Tito's again before making host decisions.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Before me. I don't know what the fuck that means. I don't like it. I don't know what it means, but I think it's mean towards me and I don't like it. I really enjoy in the chats like confidence in myself to do this show, but we both know that once you go, it's going to turn to shit. They're going to be like, we didn't want Susan to be good. It'll be like, no, it'll quadruple with Susan. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:28:32 I think that I'm not really a Republican. I was joking. I'm joking. Just the first time he's admitted he's a Republican. No, I mean, you've mentioned it a few times, but let's not get carried away. I'm a libertarian. I think people's biggest fear is not being able to like not most people's biggest fear. One of the biggest fears is to not be able to like fit in with the crowd. bigger fear of not being accepted by my group or by my tribe or by the people that kind of think the same way I do. There is against like actually sitting down and putting some like logical thought
Starting point is 01:29:09 into the decisions you're, you're making because you're afraid that if you go against it, which we saw happen, uh, Aaron said something really good about it. And he said, Hey, over these last two years, it was just a big shakeout of like who you're, who your real friends were and who weren't. Right. Because the second you were like, Hey, I don't know if I'm buying the same stuff, guys. Like, have you looked into this, this, and this? And you're just immediately exiled by that group. It's like, all of a sudden you're like, whoa, shit, that got weird.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Like, I thought we were friends and now I'm just like questioning some of this stuff. And all of a sudden you just flip the script on me and you're saying like, I'm an idiot and I don't understand, you know? And so people- That happened to Aaron Ginn, Aaron Ginn. He left San Francisco
Starting point is 01:29:44 because his friends stopped liking him. Yeah, and so that happened to Aaron again, Aaron Jen, he got, he, he left San Francisco cause his friends stopped liking him. Yeah. And so people are more afraid of that than they are of, of the consequences of their decisions most of the time until you're forced to face those consequences of your decision. You're like, Hey, I drive, I drive a hundred miles an hour down the freeway with all my idiot teenage friends and my buddies in the, in the back and he's sparking up a joint we got an open container in the car we all drive fast because because this is a cool thing to do we're the cool kids in high school everybody looks at us we make a scene when we come in this is my belonging this is my tribe i don't want to be the one kid who's really sitting
Starting point is 01:30:16 in the backseat that's fucking terrified because they know the consequence of this car crash is going to result in all of them dying so i don't't say shit. I just roll with my group because I don't want to be pushed out of the cool kid group, even though I'm back there knowing that this is wrong. Now the car fucking crashes and a bunch of the kids in that fucking car die. And you're sitting there going, son of a bitch, why did I go with these decisions? I knew that they were wrong, but I ignored that because it was more important to me to fit in with my group in high school, to stay with the cool kids than it was to to be the one kid in the backseat going, hey, guys, maybe we should slow down. Like, why are we driving this fast on the freeway? And dude in the front seat, maybe you should put your fucking seatbelt on.
Starting point is 01:30:54 You won't say that shit. You'd rather be accepted. I was better at saying that in high school than I was as an adult. Good for you. Because most people don't go out of that high school mentality. So they stay within it. They stay in their tribe and within their group and there's just that same person in the back seat going 100 miles an hour fucking terrified but they don't want to be the one to say turn down the music put your seatbelts on let's slow down like yeah like the like probably
Starting point is 01:31:18 some of those dudes um that i was with got chicks at the brothel they had the same feeling i did and they didn't want to do it right but they did it because they wanted to fit in because all the other guys were doing it. Right. You don't want to be the one dude because then they're going to be like, well, what's wrong with you? Are you going to snitch on us? They probably just called me a faggot. By the way, I think that's the first time I've ever used that word on this show.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Yeah. Intellectually lazy. But I was just quoting someone else. I'm glad I found an analogy to bring my point home there. I was struggling with that one for a minute. I was like, fuck, I got to find something. No, you're good. It's good.
Starting point is 01:31:51 You got it. Just relate it back to high school. Everybody gets it. Be more selfish. Don't worry about what other people think. Just be selfish. Chill. Chill.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Guys, thank you. So what's the plan for tomorrow? Oh, I saw. What's the plan for them oh i saw what's the plan for tomorrow i gotta go to hayward again so i have to leave right around uh between you know 8 15 and 8 30 i gotta jump off to get out to the fire so we can start at 6 30 a.m again tomorrow and i'll be on time because i don't coach 5 30 a.m on yeah you weren't you were on time today you were 15 minutes early today you're fucking a lifesaver god all you guys are lifesavers. There was a Daniel Garrity comment I wanted to post.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Anytime I have a non-liberal or a liberal. God, what did he say? I can't remember. I'm hoping the Republicans on this channel are helping you realize that we are decent people. Seven, at least. We used to not being so far in one i don't know what you're saying but thank you get glassman on i know i will thank you moral spiegel it's happening uh the show is only getting better what we we i i think that we basically had 700 shows of every single one getting better until today and i I thank all of you guys again. I'm starting to really realize how valuable you guys are in the audience today. Really drove the hammer home.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Be lost without all you guys. Thank you. The next three days will also be complete train wrecks like this. It's okay. I'm in Lake Tahoe. I'm having fun. You're welcome to join. They're all going to be live calling shows and love you guys.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Thanks for all your help. And we will see you in less than 24 hours. Bye-bye. Adios.

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