The Sevan Podcast - #779 - Hiller went to Texas & chilled w/ the Liver King | Live Call In

Episode Date: January 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 here's the part that I, um, I like it that she signed with snicker bar. Bam. We're live. Can you go deeper on that? Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:00:11 I'll just tell you why. I mean, two reasons. I'm, I'm, my two immediate reasons when I see that she signed up for snicker bar that, uh, Brookwell signed with snicker bar that make me really happy is,
Starting point is 00:00:21 um, money for her. Good. Right. Good. Good. And, uh, with snicker bar that make me really happy is um money for her good right good good and uh and to let people know that like yes the crossfit games is not crossfit like the worst thing that you could probably like the worst thing you could probably do um if you're a true crossfitters eat processed food and and i know I know most of us do it. I'm guilty of eating processed food. And when I mean processed food, I mean ultra-processed food. I'm not talking about when you buy hamburger meat and it's wrapped in the package.
Starting point is 00:00:57 That's also been processed also. But ultra-processed foods, Snicker Bar,'s like the fucking worst thing you could fucking possibly do. And the games is out of that scope. The games is totally, the games are, um, the, uh,
Starting point is 00:01:13 then along the lines of monster as well. You kind of say whatever, let them be the sponsor of the games. Or is that incorrect on your end? In a perfect world. I wish the cross. It was so pure that it could just keep away from all that stuff. Here's the thing I would want to know.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Here's the thing I want to know from Raquel. Can she say whatever she wants, or did they buy her mouth? Like we know LeBron – like anyone who believes anything LeBron James says is batshit crazy. Zero – it makes more sense that LeBronames would want to line little black boys up and put a gun to their head and shoot them all than he would to save them like if you just looked at the logic logic logic logic here's your brookwell's protein bar yeah i mean dude like i'm a fucking pig and i would not eat that i don't eat snicker bars i just i just don't do it gatorade had a protein bar for a while that i ate when i was in college and then oh i made a thousand protein bars as a
Starting point is 00:02:09 kid right are there are there any that you eat these days or no a protein bar yeah anything yeah there's processed there's processed no there's processed foods I'll take a bite of. Like I was at Woodward yesterday, and there was absolute garbage to eat here at Boreal. I mean garbage. It's just poison for your kids. It's all the worst shit, like stuff like Cheetos, right? So I went up and down every aisle of their completely disgusting cafeteria. Like 7-Eleven is a good cafeteria. It's clean. They have have hot dogs the condiments are
Starting point is 00:02:47 nice they got all the creams in one spot the cups are organized these this ski resort is like the only cool thing are the brazilians who work there they're they're cool as shit their accents and shit and they smile resort are cool okay but um you go yesterday did you fall i didn't ski actually i'm gonna ski today though you said you were you. Did you fall? I didn't ski. Actually, I'm going to ski today though. You said you were going to ski. I am. I'm going to ski today. But,
Starting point is 00:03:08 um, uh, so I got my kids a cliff bar and it's full of sugar and all sorts of shit. And it's processed, but they skied for three hours and then went straight to the skate park and they skated for three hours. Okay. And,
Starting point is 00:03:19 and I'm like, yeah, they need some sugar. They need some, they need some food. And, you know, and I had brought a bunch of like nuts and shit like that dried fruit but they ended up with a clip so so so i'm
Starting point is 00:03:32 guilty i'm guilty of it but to have brooke wells who's a games athlete pushing a snicker bar like it's um it's not a snicker bar it's a protein bar oh dude it's a 45 billion dollar company that sells poison that kills people that's probably i bet you uh i bet you i'm just making this up but i bet you mars or whoever owns them is responsible for five percent of the deaths more more deaths every year than um covet by far you know what i was thinking about the other day actually i heard greg say something like this it was it was it was such simple math, the way he said it. I go, dude, you got to come on my podcast and say this. So let's say 3 million, I'm just making this up. Let's say 3 million people die every year, right? And in the United
Starting point is 00:04:16 States, I think it's 2.6, but let's say 3 million people die every year in the United States. They just expire for whatever reason. But we know 80% of those people who die die from chronic disease right right and so that's uh 800 000 times three that's 2.4 million of the three million people who die die from chronic disease that means when when covid came it's the number should and it was like that means the number should have gone up to like four million people and because it didn't right there you have a problem you just have you just have you just have a mathematical problem you have a mathematical problem because you know that the number hadn't increased yeah someone's lying either people aren't dying from chronic disease or they're not dying well you know it's that they weren't dying from covid they were dying with covid i mean you
Starting point is 00:05:04 just know that because it's been consistent. It's just we live with such mourns. Did you see what Project Veritas did yesterday? No. Do you know who that is, Project Veritas? I've heard you say it, but that's about – I'll probably connect it once you tell me what it is. Oh, bro, I got to show this to you. Hey, I'm looking at your YouTube page.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Did you really think that that video with Adrian sucked? I haven't watched the video yet. No, you got to watch it. That's why. Man, because that's really think that that video with um adrian sucked i haven't watched the video no you gotta watch it that's why okay man because that's i enjoyed that video i did too but the entire video is basically me giving crossfit a hard time because it's their best content in years and they didn't create it yeah they didn't make it i know isn't that awesome so so no the video is great and are you kidding me was you guys didn't even make this fucking thing? Yeah. That's what that was all about.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Hey, did you get it at the end? Like, it took me a second to get it, and I was thinking most people wouldn't get it. Which part? Just the- The Wookiee-looking thing? The bear? Yeah, yeah. How about it? I don't know if I want to ruin it for people, but like the Sasquatch is a, that they're a Washington, they're based in Washington.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I did not get that. No. Okay. Okay. Cause I told her, I said, Hey, I don't think most people are going to get that joke.
Starting point is 00:06:12 She thought they would. No. She said she basically didn't give a fuck. It'd be, it's for her community. The people at street parking will get it because it's for, and I was like, yep.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Well, that's the best answer you could ever given. Yeah. I had no fricking idea. Yeah. That's like an inside joke with their, you know 000 members but i got it because i because i talk about bigfoot every once in a while so hardell it's you say clickbait but is there any part of the video that doesn't align with the things that i said oh wrong button oh but that's good oh you're
Starting point is 00:06:43 working the back end today i really like you i i brought the snickers thing i like the look of the comments i try you're doing i just don't want to overstep i don't want to pull up something you're like get that thing off the fucking screen bro that snickers bar that candy bar off of my pop uh-oh oh i'm so glad hiller frozen not me. Whose connection is worse, mine or Hiller's? Because he froze. And I'm in some cabin. Am I back? Yeah, you're back.
Starting point is 00:07:10 That's never happened before. I just upgraded my internet. What the fuck? I want my money back. Okay, cool. And you have the, I was the worst gym owner. You have a do not sign up for the 2023 CrossFit Open. That one would also be considered clickbait because i end up saying do sign up and i give all of my reasons why
Starting point is 00:07:30 did a hedge you try to suck people what i try to suck people into the video oh as opposed to suck them off uh head judge screams at my wife that is also entirely true and not clickbait it happened it's nuts it's bad have it on video oh yeah i got a couple different angles of it wow it was during the three rep overhead squat a lot of palooza so there's two attempts at that and during her second attempt she unracks it you can see that the first overhead squat is the depth at least you can see from the sky cam it's like yeah that's good and when i'm walking on At least you can see from the sky cam. It's like, yeah, that's good. And when I'm walking on my GoPro, someone gets in the way at the exact time where she would be hitting depth.
Starting point is 00:08:10 The head judge turns and comes right up over her as she's going into her second lift and just starts screaming, lower, as she's descending into the squat. Like, over her, like a freaking statue, like a gargoyle. And it's like, how in the fuck are you supposed to concentrate when someone's screaming at you to go lower before you've even gotten like this the squat had barely even started is it the chick in the white shirt i don't remember the color here i'll pull it up i'll pull up hey um maybe that isn't there like an excuse there though
Starting point is 00:08:41 hillar like it could be because it was um because it was noisy because it's so noisy there? People get this all fucked up and say, Hiller's just defending his freaking fiance here. Yeah, yeah. No, I'm not. You can take it that way, but in my head, I look at it. Yeah, it's the chick in the white shirt. Look, she's running around.
Starting point is 00:09:00 She's doing it to everybody. She's screaming at the chick in the blue. Watch. She's screaming, and she barely even started and while i see it and i go yeah she probably needs to go lower looking at that angle looking at the other angle i've got you make her do a fourth rep if it's a three rep overhead squat and this one doesn't end up counting look at this shit it's terrible just screaming you can see her mouth moving. That looked like my wife's hair that came in front of your camera. That was a redhead. Was she there?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Look how big Alexis' boobs look in that shot. Yeah, they're huge. They're awesome. Hey, but maybe she has to yell because it's so noisy. Well, no. In a perfect world, you just say nothing and say do another rep no rep and then alexis is like well i probably didn't go low enough you just do a fourth overhead squat that's the that's the punishment you get you don't did alexis here lift there's you could hear it on the camera if you play that video from that that one far far away you can hear the ah hey does alexis here does alexis
Starting point is 00:10:08 did alexis here oh that's why she says she dropped it and then of course i'll come back at her it's like well you should be you're in a competition you should be ready for something like that and i guess now you could yell at her to help her train for that. You could yell at her. Yeah. And throw dirt on her. Throw dirt on her in the middle of her burpees. Digging your thumbnails. Graham asked, annoyed when the judges don't do their job and then annoyed when they do it.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I'm annoyed at the way that it was done. I have to show you something. You're going to trip. Every good enough for Hiller, I'm convinced. Well, here's the thing. I went and I did it at the Zellos games. When you answer the comments, will you bring them up just in case? Because some people listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Cool. There it is. Nobody will ever be good enough for Hiller, I'm convinced. Philip Kelly. The only reason that I felt as if I had any justification in putting any of this out was because, as at the Zellos games, there wasn't a part of me that felt as if I should go up to the athlete and start demeaning their movement or saying what they should be doing as they're doing it. I went and I addressed the judge. So I'd go up to the judge and I'd give him a tap and I'd tell them to go lower right now. Or I'd say they're not hitting the wall ball target. Or I said,
Starting point is 00:11:23 they're not locking out their elbows, but never would I go up to the athlete especially in an event like that and deter their attention from what it is they're doing that looked like some sort of head judge too right that would like the hat on backwards walking around handling business there goes seven defending the judge again that's right You're a good dude. I know. I'm sure it was really loud there. It had to have been really loud there. I don't know what the protocol is for judges, but it had to have been crazy loud there.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And we had a camera down. We had Heidi in the audience. I mean, we know it was loud there. We had Heidi in the audience and we had Sousa off to the side. And I've seen some footage from Brian a brian spin and the barbell spin it was rather loud but again head judge go talk to judge of athlete not scream at athlete in my opinion you were you were um in texas yes and you met back and you met with uh brian i met brian johnson i
Starting point is 00:12:29 met the liver king and but that's why you went there you didn't go you didn't just run into him you went there i went there to go meet brian johnson and his team correct wow that dude he's so cool hi i want to offer promotion of your channel, viewers, followers, view chatbots. The price is lower than any competitor. The quality is guaranteed. Does that actually work? You spam my chat and you think I'm going to buy something from you?
Starting point is 00:13:01 Seve, how was Boz when he was the head judge of the games? Strict. Did he ever scream at an athlete? No, that's not his style. I don't know if he never did, but I never saw it. Well, tell me that. He's like one of, if not the pinnacle of head judges. If it's not his style, isn't it just not the style?
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah. I'm trying to think. I never heard. I can't remember ever hearing any judge yell like i never heard um todd or chuck or adrian or not even dave i've never yeah i've never seen a head judge screaming at an athlete like that it one number one like here here's how this goes there's athlete there's judge there's a head judge if the head judge goes directly at the judge the end or no sorry if the head judge goes directly at the athlete all of a sudden you cut this person out and then they feel as if they're
Starting point is 00:13:53 not doing their job they might overcompensate they might undercompensate but in either way there's a world where you're saying they're not adequate right right you're just overstepping them it'd be i'm sure you can have examples of this in your kids too it's like are you going to They're not adequate. Right, right. You're just overstepping them. I'm sure you can have examples of this in your kids, too. It's like, are you going to teach them how to do something? You're going to do it for them. Yeah, yelling is usually not the best thing. Here's what I figure.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I figure if you're an athlete and you need to do something to fix what you're doing. Well, here's the example I give. I'm running towards the edge of a cliff and i'm about to run off and someone screams at me hey you fucking midget armenian stop running and if i'm upset with the way that they um uh address me i have a big problem because the real issue is that they just saved my life from running off the edge of a cliff so i need to shut the fuck up and quit being a woke pussy and And so if you're competing at the, at an event and a judge yells at you, you need to go deeper. My thought is a super high emotional IQ would be like,
Starting point is 00:14:52 thank you. Just saying, go ahead. What you got in the comments, motherfucker. I'm thinking, I'm not saying, I'm not saying, I'm not saying i'm not saying i'm not saying what that logic is infallible i'm like i got nothing damn that's good i'm not saying
Starting point is 00:15:12 maybe it's just because i'm so selfish and i just pick out the good shit for and and uh i mean i can't i can't argue with that too much i don't know if at all i just don't think it's good well the only way that i can come at you with that is you have a head judge and an athlete in the middle and every athlete likely deserves a little bit of that screaming then you can't do that at which point that's why you tell your team what the standard is and they can all do it just no rep them yeah and if you are that judge that does that maybe you tell you could tell people hey i'll be going around yelling at you guys giving you guys a courtesy yell if you don't go deep enough like you could say that or or let's
Starting point is 00:15:55 say let's say that was boz's thing and we just knew that he had been yelling at people for 15 years then we would just accept it right but they do do this fucking thing that thing with the arms that to me that's like that's intense that's like when someone rolls their eyes at you if i was an athlete and i saw that i'd be like start like twitching squatting the judges rolls their eyes at you you're like oh yeah like the no rep sign is fucking brutal um if i were in alexis's position i would just want the no rep and it's like all right well fuck i didn't go low enough i gotta go lower on the next one now i gotta do two or three more squats because i didn't do it on that one that's how i envisioned that having it should have been played out and that's all this is this is a little this is a little um more reps is worse
Starting point is 00:16:43 than three so off subject off subject here but look look subject but look at Olympic weightlifters they're doing snatches on the platform and they don't want anyone walking in front of them when they do the snatch and yet in basketball they got the whole fucking you're trying to shoot three free throws there's no curtain
Starting point is 00:17:00 it's the exact opposite everyone's trying to fuck you up it's like i'm more for the basketballs i i like the more the basketball thing deal with it yeah but that's not the it's like the fucking referee stand up there yeah right right right fuck you right right is he right is it the referee you're supposed to be doing that or the fans you're right yeah it's a good point yeah it's a great point could you okay it's fine if someone if you ever saw okay people that movie basketball that's exactly what you're talking about like the the opposing team just stands there and they like stick their butthole in their face while they're
Starting point is 00:17:33 shooting their shots oh my god it's fun is that a will ferrell movie or something i don't know who's in it and it's not good it's a really shitty movie but there's these two dudes who are really good at shooting the basketball at playing horse yeah and they'll say hey i'll take this shot and then they make their entire game off of they can't play basketball they can shoot so they just start fucking with one another and then it goes global everyone's like doing more and more outrageous shit to try to make them miss their shots show your show your cheerio listen for anyone also you have to understand this uh this video um uh the judge yelled at my wife hold on um it has 10 000 views in four days uh the big picture is andrew wouldn't have it any other way and that he probably is going to send a thank you
Starting point is 00:18:23 note to that judge for giving him content you have to understand the big picture at all times you got it right they will probably get a can of c4 with a like a uh hiller has a stamp when he sends thank you letters it's like those kiss lips if i get 20 you get a case 20 000 views you get a case yeah and it says hiller fit right on the lips and it's like that's that's how you know you gotta thank you well here's the thing it's like just like you said if you get yelled at for being saved jumping off of a cliff it's just the way you want to look at it this judge can get upset but also there's a world where there's a realization it's like well maybe i shouldn't have screamed and right right right future perhaps this judge and every other judge goes right we don't scream at athletes we talk to judges and
Starting point is 00:19:10 i don't know if i'm fucking right but it gives them the conversation to at least make that choice via or they lean into it hillary and they start wearing they get shirts i'm the i'm the screaming judge hey there's the judge at rogue it's like i'm the i'm the i don't know what you call them same same different or something the judge in lane five remember the judge in the middle like if you got the middle judge you were fucked it rose damn like we all knew it that was kind of fun in hindsight that was really fun and to parallel those conversations what i said in that one was that judge is there every other judge needs to be as on their fucking game as that judge was the same way where there needs to now be 20 judges in 20 lanes all screaming yeah yeah all about making it the same across the board and in this case
Starting point is 00:19:58 alexis had the screamer that no lane had the screamer that's no good and we've also heard athletes say hey i couldn't hear my judge it's no good while it's also good it's good to be like doing that sort of thing because there's a certain thing you're going for how are you going about it uh but yeah this is what we were talking about maybe they scream because the music was so i mean dude that that that event was uh a probably 3 000 people smashed into a sitting area that was only meant to hold a thousand it was so beautiful it was so fucking cool it was like a concert and then the athletes were on top of each other i don't know how cool that was i mean i liked watching it but if i was one of those athletes or judges it was some scary shit for a max lift and um so it was cool and uh yeah i just really like is alexis's screamer
Starting point is 00:20:49 jay hardell wants to know she's not i don't think he asked that but no no he didn't i just i i hate that so holy shit that's the worst first of all i'm like uh-uh no way not me that ain't from me so hey i'm i can't possibly be that good that's right it makes you all of a sudden it just detracts from where you're at you're like i'm no longer in the moment this fucking sucks i'm glad and maybe i'm all fucked up maybe i'm wrong maybe it's great screamer's not bad once i however yes hartman am a screamer i just kind of felt like being yelled over scream screamer's a little excessive god there's something i want to show i want to show you this project veritas thing so basically i want to this guy okay so so what subjects we have
Starting point is 00:21:38 so you went to texas to meet with brian johnson liver king and project veritas okay we'll try to talk about both these things i didn't i didn't meet these veritasers no no no you didn't i'm just two different stories going on oh wait shit we have this is we have another bianco again if the snicker okay how do you feel about if the snickers protein bar gets at least some people to switch from a normal bar to a higher protein content it's beneficial for it to exist i can't i don't agree with that at all uh but but i see your point um hillar what do you think about her signing with snickers i think the crossfit games athlete until she switches from snickers to another company that offers her some more money okay so what you're saying is is like hey just as long as you know that they're all just sell
Starting point is 00:22:23 they'll do anything for a dollar like none of it means anything be aware of that i had a couple of conversations not maybe within the past week or so you realize why it is they're doing what they're doing because otherwise they can't do what they're doing so brooke wells is a crossfit games athlete and she needs to live a lifestyle to do those things and without companies maybe like mars or that's who owns snickers right give her that money to do so maybe she can't so you understand to an extent that and and i guess you could also parallel with what you just said about separating the crossfit games from the crossfit affiliates that doesn't really make it right but it gives you a level of understanding and i made a video on that recently too or just once
Starting point is 00:23:08 you oh the wadapalooza ones like i made my top five issues video like once you understand why the issues are there you can understand and maybe they're also possible it'd be great if some vegetable company was going to give her a shitload of money but they're not for those of you who who have trouble like contextualizing things or who don't i just you have to understand that that's a 45 billion dollar company and that for all we know they own crossfit and the affiliates are paying money every year to mars like that's not far-fetched that's not conspiracy. That could all be going on and no one would know.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Dawn wouldn't know. No one would know. I remember looking at one time, Gatorade spent $300 million a year just on advertising. So just to be kind of with a little poetic license or to be kitschy,
Starting point is 00:24:01 is that the word? Gatorade spends $300 million a year on billboards just to advertise their sugar, their sugar water. That's horrible for you. And they had a drink, they had a drinking protocol that would actually kill you. If you looked at their drinking protocol from like two or three years ago, the amount of water that they told you to drink or Gatorade to drink, um, would actually call cause, uh, encephalopathy, encephalopathy. That's brain swelling. That's brain swelling.
Starting point is 00:24:26 That's what happens when you drink too much water. Your brain starts to swell. And people actually have died from that, from following water drinking protocols. And so for Gatorade, to think that Gatorade or Snickers hasn't bought CrossFit when we don't know who the owner is, you're crazy. What a great thing to buy. What did you say? I love hearing you say this stuff because even when i was just a listener of your show i would hear you say this sort of stuff you pulled that down i want to oh sorry sorry
Starting point is 00:24:53 sorry sorry sorry sorry go ahead yes um look at that hillary like putting a smack down on me on my own show i love it well i i want to talk about that a little bit but i want to finish that thought which was you say that stuff. And I know, you know, some things. And I always wonder if there's more to the things that you're saying than what, you know, and I wonder if you really know who owns CrossFit. There's never really any great concreteness to it. I'll ask you later. But when I watch right now, ask them on does Coke really own CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:25:23 Who owns CrossFit? Does he know? Fucking, you know, he's being all like abstract yeah yeah yeah yeah as far as sponsors go and my biggest issue and the reasons i've made the videos on brooke wells from sleeping from mattress company to mattress company and shit like that is she never said that she eats snickers bar and if right and you don't see it and you don't see it well and she did in the write-up say she eats it I think this is my Gatorade thing right here and every time I do a really hard workout I'll slug down a bunch of sugar I've been doing that since I was fucking 16 okay Gatorade
Starting point is 00:25:55 goes Andrew we want to sponsor you I'd be like hey guys I've been doing this for almost 15 years same way Fraser and the issue with Brooke is while she does need to make money it'd be in my opinion better and for there's people like the bianco guy the new bianco who are saying stuff like no way i would push that if i were brooke but what if you actually do it right right right what if it's like your secret right hey she says she says here in the write-up it's a kyle i did not say brooks leaves her out hey listen listen listen she does say on days i'm wanting some chocolate post-workout i'm so glad i discovered the new snickers so so although she doesn't oh it helps me hit my protein goals while also satisfying my desire for chocolate i mean she doesn't say explicitly she eats it but
Starting point is 00:26:41 it's pretty damn close. Hey, how about this, though? What about this, Hiller? I never even thought of this before. It would have been so much smarter, so much smarter for Snickers to just do what they did with Fraser. What's that? Nothing?
Starting point is 00:27:00 No. Pay him to say it without advertising it. Are you sure they did that? No, I just made that up. Ah, I just made that up. Yeah. But listen, what if you had her walk out on the floor and take a bite of a Snickers bar? Like, we see this and we know she's just a fucking sellout. And I don't mean that with any negative connotation.
Starting point is 00:27:21 But we know her mouth has been bought. We can assume that she could never really tell the truth. She switches from one watch to another. Like she's just doing, she's sold out. Like, like all the other athletes, Serena Williams,
Starting point is 00:27:33 like they just don't give a fuck about making money and, and keeping the lights on in their house is, is more important to them than being honest. And you, I was about to say, you can't blame. I'm not't i'm not hating on him for that no no i'm like ah fuck oh dude i mean that's policy homie dude like but like there's there's millions of people out there doing that yeah my saying's right right okay good but what if they would have just said, hey, we're going to give you $300,000, and we just need you to get caught taking a bite of a Snicker bar three different times publicly?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Dude, it would be so much more powerful. I bet you Matt Fraser's Snicker bar leak sells way more than Brooke Wells'. It's like his beta leak, the beta melanin, how it's sold out because he said he uses it. Yes. Unlike posting a said he uses it. Yes. Unlike posting a fucking thing on it. This, if you were assigned by Cromwell cookie, it's really a zillion times better than Brookwell signing with the fucking,
Starting point is 00:28:35 and it's a fucking cookie company. Yeah. But the bitch eats them. He said it, not me. And I think he means a bitch in an endearing way, the way I, just so you know, I want to defend Hiller or get ahead of this. He means in the during way, the way rappers say it, not me. And I think he means bitch in an endearing way the way – just so you know, I want to defend Hiller or get ahead of this.
Starting point is 00:28:47 He means in an endearing way the way rappers say it. I love my bitch. She scratched that itch. It's a positive adjective, all right? Alexa Kowalski, behind – I have a giant behind I want to tell you about. No, no. She says behind on this, I could hear my own judge telling me to get lower on the next one hey does hillar ever tell you to get lower uh it's really not that loud the bitch you screamed in my face was not necessary and she and she does mean bitch in
Starting point is 00:29:14 a negative way by the way she does it is not in the friendly rap vernacular uh alexa kowalski continues i will say 215 was too heavy even for my giant caboose uh it it it wreaked havoc on my hip and shoulder so it's not the weight i should have attempted i think they paraphrased a little bit and i liked it thank you she does have a giant caboose yeah all right it's awesome my my giant tits and caboose could not handle the 215 god she's good looking she is thank you i'll tell her that too and she has skin like a like a porcelain toilet perfect she takes a lot of good she takes great care of her skin every night 30 fucking minutes uh okay uh i wish rich uh would have handled the rogan appearance instead of matt you know rich is getting close to Rogan.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Hey, did you see I have Sarah Schellenberg? I saw that this morning. Sarah Sigmundsdottir. Sarah Schellenberg was my girlfriend in college. One of them. One of the two. Yeah, remind me to tell you a story about her. She was cool.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Okay. Imagine I was a homeless guy guy and she's a you were homeless in high school shoot no college college she was super smart she was in college i wasn't in college and she was a super smarty pants her dad was like had this engineering company he had all these private contracts with nasa she was she was this crazy pristine blonde chick and her parents come to visit her in isla vista and she's like this is my boyfriend and it's this fucking homeless barefoot guy i sent her daughter to college what a mess have you seen the movie why him no fuck you would like that movie. Because it's a situation. Okay, well you remind me of that.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It's James Franco. And it's exactly what you just described. But in this case, you're homeless and shit looking. And he ends up being loaded. I ended up being loaded. But she kicked me into the curb. Right. Fuck, that's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Hey, do you know what this girl told me? You know when people tell you stuff that sticks? she told me when she broke up with me she goes man seven and i go what and she's you know she's this fucking 20 year old girl and i'm probably 25 she goes and you have such great earning potential and when she said and yeah that really stuck with me my whole life i was like oh i wonder if she led with that with her parents when she introduced hey yeah that really stuck with me my whole life i was like oh i wonder if she led with that with her parents when she introduced hey this i know he's homeless but he's got great earning potential man i remember guy i remember guys who were like in did you ever have guys like try to take your girlfriend from you i have guys who have still try to take your fiance from you well i have a history of
Starting point is 00:32:07 people who have been with the people i've been with as soon as i'm no longer with them meaning that oh every girl you broke and i'm with one of your friends swoops in to fucking pound it wow that's fucking wow just what do you do for a living how do you get chicks i just wait for hillers hand-me-downs it's always something god i hope they don't fucking watch this show but maybe they should like what the fuck guys but i also wasn't mad i was like it's a compliment like the whole time you wanted a banger like really hey when you're when you're a homeless dude and you have a girlfriend every dude thinks he can just take your chick from you they just think oh fuck if he can
Starting point is 00:32:44 banger anyone well if you look like me every every dude thinks that they just take your chick from you they just think oh fuck if he can bang her anyone well if you look like me every every dude thinks that they can bang your chick i don't know about that it doesn't work no it doesn't work out so good for them but i but it but it's funny there's got to be something about you that's just so awesome that even considering your situation that's what's with you and they don't get it yes they're stuck in the mate they hate their parents hey they hate their parents and they don't get it. Yes. They're stuck in the maze. They hate their parents. They hate their parents and they want to punish their parents by dating a guy like me. If there's something else,
Starting point is 00:33:10 if that's the thing that's keeping her with you, they can't, they have no chance. Hiller's buddy is anxiously awaiting. Yes, he is. He is. He's outside right now.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I gotta, I gotta go check in on something real quick. Oh, that would be candid i'm currently banking my ex-best friends the ex-girlfriend like wow wow best friends okay wow all right oh austin god i'm gonna think about someone you're way more handsome than you give yourself credit for. Oh, that stuck. Some guy who looks like he has Down syndrome. He looks like the karate kid with Down syndrome in his profile picture told me I'm handsome.
Starting point is 00:33:55 My goodness. I remember when I met you in person for the first time. I'm like, God, he's got nice hair. Thank you. It's probably because he never washes it. Thank you. Yes, it is. And I wash my hair
Starting point is 00:34:05 every day and this shit's thin it's gone to shit in lake tahoe your hair if you mentioned in that no don't move to tahoe so there's a guy there's a guy who works at pfizer his name is jordan tristan and he's he's a doctor he's an md and i think he went to yale or harvard he's got he's got a shitload of fucking like letters by his name right phd md all this shit right and project veritas looks what they do is they they i think what they do what it looks like harvard trish says harvard is they basically find these guys at these places that they want to infiltrate, and they find them like on Tinder and Grindr, and they ask them out on dates. So this guy's basically – I don't remember exactly what his title is, but it's something – basically, he's a marketing director executive at Pfizer. He basically helps market the drugs, which is just crazy anyway, right? And they take him out on a date, Hiller,
Starting point is 00:35:07 and I think it's with a guy. And this guy looks like he's drunk, and he gets this fucking guy at Pfizer to fucking admit that they are mutating the virus on purpose
Starting point is 00:35:24 so that they can start building vaccines for future mutations. This is the whole, didn't you or no? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I started to show yesterday.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Project Veritas are the people who do their own media. I know. I know. Once I knew. Yeah, I got you. And dude, it is fucking great.
Starting point is 00:35:39 The video is so like every news outlet in the world should be talking about this in any, I'm so sorry if you took the injection. I, I bottom of my heart i am so sorry i am so sometimes don't you just ask yourself what it's going to take for people to i am so sorry hey but i i'm starting to realize what it is as i do this show and I hang out with all these people in the comments and with my guests. These people really do have a religion, and their religion is Joe Biden and CNN and all these things. They're letting them tell them what's right. Like that's like – they're letting them tell what's right.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And it's instead of like – so I have friends who are crazy religious and family members who are crazy religious. And so they'll be like, hey, that caller on your that guest you had said that they don't eat Brussels sprouts. And it says in the Bible here that God made all plants for us to eat. So like they're there. That's their manual. Right. That's like their book. I've seen it. And then there's other people who Don Lemon is their fucking God, but they don't know. But they don't even know it. At least the religious fucking wing nuts. They're like, well, this guy on CNN.
Starting point is 00:36:54 OK, OK. Who thinks it's OK? He thinks he thinks that yesterday Don Lemon said that it's completely closed-minded to vet your kid's curriculum. In Florida, they're vetting kids' curriculum now, meaning that everything that gets put in the school's library, someone has to read it first and make sure there's not stuff in there showing five-year-old boys blowing old men. Like Harry Potter. Is that in a Harry Potter book? He sucks off in a – oh. No, but it was one of those banned books, wasn't it? Like you can't have wizards for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I don't know. There you go. Philip Kelly knows. I can only have CrossFit and movies. But – Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Yes, that's where Hiller – yeah. Hiller has some other, though, deep motivation to do shit.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And I got another one. Yeah. Have you ever seen Jersey Shore? I'm going to wrap it into what you were just talking about. Yeah, no, but I wanted to – that show with the and where they all talked funny in new jersey right right and there was a pookie a pookie snoop snookie snookie i watched a couple of scenes of that in high school is what everyone would get together to watch and there's a theme to it there's these couples one of them would cheat and then there'd be a an instance where the guy
Starting point is 00:38:04 would get pissed at the girl and the person the dude that she was cheating on him with he'd like beat the shit out of the dude and then get all upset with the girl and maybe even take it personally and i always was wondering like why does the guy get mad at the other guy only get mad at the chick like what and when you're talking about you feeling bad for the people who got the injection yeah what i when i said was when are they going to figure it out like i would always think like when is this guy going to figure out that it's not the other guy it's the chick who's doing it like whoa and it was like fucking 10 seasons long and the guy never learns he's still with freaking jwoww and she just and she kept hooking up with other dudes.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yeah. And pissing off Ronnie and Ronnie was the man. He was like the juiced up motherfucker. Like when are they, when is he going to, when are they going to figure it out? Savant Google, the Pfizer director's name.
Starting point is 00:38:56 He's been completely wiped off the internet. Yeah. What's in the, in the piece that Tucker did on it last night, it says Google's trying to hide even project Veritas. Anyway, if you don't know by now, just so you know, too, also, everyone knows. So, like, all your favorite people who refuse to talk about it, they know. Like, all the doctors on this show, all your favorite CrossFit games, everyone knows.
Starting point is 00:39:23 They're all sellouts, and they're all afraid to tell you the truth. Everyone knows now, except for those, except for those who are just completely in the dark and ignorant. But everyone knows that if you took that, I mean, I don't know if you guys saw, yes, it's, it's every day. I don't bring it up to you guys, but every day I get five messages of five different people who died suddenly under the age of 45. Yesterday, and I just don't bring them up on my show anymore, but yesterday, I think a linebacker for the Detroit Lions at 25 years old suddenly died. I mean, it's like there's just so. Hamlin is on the bills. This guy actually got let go in the 2022 season uh caller hi cory hi
Starting point is 00:40:06 hey good morning i'm not muted this time am i not yet you're not there's cory then hey before i ask my question um can i tell you hillar everybody in the chat something real quick please i hate it when people say that just say it just like you remind me of those 6,000 Asian girls that DM me every single day. I was like, can I ask you a question? I was going to say I love you guys. I love you too. That means you want to be abused. You're like the kind of guy that hugs a cactus if you love us.
Starting point is 00:40:44 That means you need some abuse in your life. Or a porcupine. I'm already abused. You're like the kind of guy that hugs a cactus if you love us. That means you need some abuse in your life. Or a porcupine. I'm already abused. You should meet my wife. So, I got door number one and door number two. What do you want to talk about real quick? Can you somehow combine them and we'll just talk about how...
Starting point is 00:41:01 Does door number two have a Cheerio in it? I don't. That's my question. I don't know what his or her cheerio is okay door number one yeah yeah yeah me too door number two sounds like it stinks kenneth you're disgusting you're gross all right so i was having pillow talk with my wife the other night and i want y'all to take why don't we shit our pants when we sleep i do so as an adult as an adult i've probably pissed my pants at least you know five to ten times yeah yeah catching myself having to go to the bathroom but how can we always do you always have every time you peed your pants in as an adult is it you're having a dream you're peeing and then you're like yeah wake up and you're like yeah damn it yes i always catch myself but that never happens when i shit
Starting point is 00:41:49 but i shit like four to five times in one day but never when i sleep what's going on the next time we have a doctor on you have to ask that question that is a great question dude okay you got two sphincters the internal one doesn't let you do, and by the time it gets to door number two, your brain wakes you up to use the bathroom. Okay. Taylor's a doctor? Yeah. Taylor's a doctor? And a therapist.
Starting point is 00:42:15 He's a doctor. He's a therapist. And a drug user. And a user. And a pharmaceutical user. You're woken up to use the bathroom like, oh, shit, I got to shit. Your brain just wakes you up. Oh, alright. Okay, door number two. Door number two.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Alright, what do you call a person when you don't know what their sex is? I'm teaching 250 students this semester and I've got one individual in my class that I legitimately have no idea. Usually because I have so many students, it's like, Hey bro, or Hey, how are you? And I can't say bro to this person. Oh, so you don't know there. You don't know which pronoun
Starting point is 00:42:55 to use. I just take a stab at it. And then when they correct you, just act totally cool and fix it. That's what I did last time. I said, I said, Hey man i said hey man and uh its face got completely like it's all a ghost and so i don't i don't know if i like change it and say hey girl or just keep saying hey so you're gonna i'm headed to that class you're gonna get reported hey this is totally biased on my part but if i was a guy i would rather be confused as a guy than a girl and if i was a girl i'd rather be confused as a guy than a girl. And if I was a girl, I'd rather be confused as a guy than a girl. I think girls who look like guys know that they look like guys. Yeah, I would just go with it.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I would always default to the dude. But I mean, that's totally biased on my part. I am aware of my bias. Here's the deal. All right. Well, I'm right on track. And you could ejaculate in your sleep, too. Johnny said that in the comments I saw. yeah you're a teacher yeah i teach at a university you're
Starting point is 00:43:51 gonna get canceled so you're in trouble i'm so i'm surprised i haven't been i didn't wear a mask the entire covid that's awesome i'm surprised nobody took a picture and sent it in somewhere but i usually just go with homie say hey homie hey do you think do you think there's a single fucking crossfit gym on planet earth that sells a snicker bar no neither do i yeah yeah you do yeah yeah yeah you think that there's a crossfit gym somewhere that sells snicker bars yeah there's gotta they were there were crossfit gyms making you wear mats saying you couldn't i mean there's gotta be so you think were CrossFit gyms making you wear masks. Good point. Good point. There's got to be.
Starting point is 00:44:26 So you think Ben Bergeron's gym sells snicker bars? Because they had the plastic and the masks. You can get a snicker bar and a Gatorade there because they got the plastic and the masks? I'm not going to shit on Ben Bergeron. Me neither. I'm just curious. Come on. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Not. I like Ben. Oh, my goodness. Not him. I thought CrossFit. Yeah, not him, but somebody out there Snickers bars Look at Trish
Starting point is 00:44:49 Trish is part of the great censorship You're a teacher and you don't know why You don't shit in your sleep God our education system is hopeless Look at him judging you It's disgusting I didn't say I teach because I'm smart I teach because I love what I do
Starting point is 00:45:03 I like changing young say I teach because I'm smart. I teach because I love what I do. I like changing young minds. Okay. I still had no Trish. I teach entrepreneurship. So I like the recent shows. Oh, yeah. I teach entrepreneurship. That is good.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And entrepreneurs, you should always question. Don't let Trish intimidate you. I'm not. Okay. All right. I still love y'all. Love you. Have a good Friday.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Bye, Corey. Adios. Hey. This is like the head guy in France, Macron. Okay? Okay. This is a hardcore socialist country. This is like crazy liberal.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Like, these guys borderline on fascism. Like, this guy, these are people who, like, everyone should take the injection. Everyone should use the same cell phone. Zero this is like france is fucked it's as bad as australia by the way we should talk about gun control too but listen listen to what this guy said really in my favorite topics listen to what this guy well the thing with gun control is this they're saying like 1300 people have died in the United States already this year from gun violence. Okay, fine. But I'm totally willing to outlaw all guns in the United States after you can give me 10 cons.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I know what the pros are. Give me 10 cons because you also released a vaccine that you forced everyone in the world to take. And you only talked about the cons of the pros and you didn't talk about the cons. And now we have a real big problem on our hand. You collapse the U S fucking economy. Well, you remember I live in Chicago where they just did all those law adjustments as of January.
Starting point is 00:46:38 I haven't seen the negative repercussions. Oh no, they, they didn't do them. They didn't do them. Hiller. They didn't do them. The great purge.
Starting point is 00:46:44 No, they stopped. It's postponed. That sounds all. That's probably why I didn't notice anything. They didn't do them, Hiller. They didn't do them. The Great Purge. No, they stopped. It's postponed. That's probably why I didn't notice anything. I don't pay attention to shit. You want to know about Hiller's trip to Liver King? Okay, hold on. Let me just listen.
Starting point is 00:46:54 If you can, look at the swastika. This is real, by the way. Look at the swastika on this guy's podium. And listen to what he talks about. I can't even on this guy's podium. This is, look, watch as he, and listen what he talks about. This is just, I can't even believe this is real life. We are in a jungle and we have two big elephants trying to become more and more nervous. If they become very nervous and start war, it will be a big problem for the rest of the jungle.
Starting point is 00:47:22 You need cooperation of a lot of other animals. Cooperation? Yeah. Tigers, monkeys, and so on. Oh, you're so funny. Are you on the US or the Chinese side? Because now, progressively, a lot of people would like to see
Starting point is 00:47:41 there are two orders in this world. This is a huge mistake. Even for both the US and China. We need a single global order. Holy shit. I can't even fucking believe. Are we the elephants? Who's an elephant?
Starting point is 00:48:05 It doesn't matter who the elephant is. This guy wants a fucking one world government. He wants zero fucking competition. He wants it so that like – so like basically the government says take your injection, take your injection. Here's the thing. If they get rid of guns in the United States, no one wants to say what the repercussions are. How many guns do you have? Would you say?
Starting point is 00:48:27 I have like 30 guns. I have an, I have enough. And if you get rid of guns, what happens in the world, if you get rid of guns in the United States, the rest of the world suffers in the worst way. And stuff's going to happen,
Starting point is 00:48:42 like happened in Australia and what's happening inia and what's happening in france and what's happening in canada it's bad and so until you can um yeah there's never enough guns that that's and that's the thing that people don't understand it remember in 1952 every fucking kid who went to fucking elementary school in certain parts of the country brought a fucking 22 rifle to school and there were no shootings. And I know why you guys hate people who hate guns. They're just emotionally fucking lost in their ankle grabbers. And those are the people who do shoot their shit,
Starting point is 00:49:17 their bed at night because your anuses are loose because you just can't think clearly. You do not want to talk about the repercussions of what will happen if we get rid of guns in this country. It's the man, Mike McCaskey also has 30 plus guns yeah so until you're until you're willing to tell me what the side effects would be because in no fucking way can we live in a world order where one person can say hey everyone take this injection and we all take it and if you don't think guns are stopping that from happening in the
Starting point is 00:49:42 united states you're crazy well and you're also crazy if by any means you thought it was smart for anyone to take that injection of any age at this point. There's no proof anywhere. I'm so tired of doctors coming on the show and saying, even Aaron Ginn said it, well, old people are high risk. There still isn't even a study on that. I've heard this my whole life, Trish. Hitler equals Hitler. you tell me the truth i'm also german as shit so hey the hill at least hitler the thing with hitler though is he he was doing what if he was he was overt about it and and the rest of these hitlers
Starting point is 00:50:23 walking around amongst us they're not overt about it that they're worse than hitler that's the scary part uh seven is one of the only dudes i've ever heard uh heard who has never said anything i can strongly disagree with oh jacob logsden i wanted i wanted you to read that out loud and hear what you're going to say about it something's wrong with my headset it's like echoing okay andrew you went to texas and you met with how did you did so you went out there and did a video on them you contacted them and you're like hey uh uh i have this much this much video of my trip to texas do you have any pictures did you take any pictures no you didn't put your arm around so we don't even know if it's true
Starting point is 00:51:00 you won't even know if it's true you have to't even know if it's true. You have to take my word for it. Are you going to make a video about your trip there? I'm going to make a video on my trip there. Okay. What can you tell us about your trip there? I can tell you that it's incredible that it happened because I started making YouTube videos. That's the only reason it happened. I can tell you that I was there because of a subset of beliefs that I have that align with the beliefs of the people over there. And they wanted to know more about myself. And so I got to know more about them.
Starting point is 00:51:39 It stems from a couple of the videos that I made in relation to him. About the liver king. Johnson the liver king yeah johnson the liver yeah right yeah so he had seen it his team had seen his family had seen the couple of videos that i made and it was just so different at the time and it was so in alignment with what is actually the truth and what i saw was you wouldn't freaking believe it all i could say is that i scour the comment sections i scour the whatever you can hear podcast about him and the things that people are saying about the entire accusations when it comes to the revelation that he was using performance enhancing drugs and he's a sleazy car salesman what was the word that everyone was throwing around charlatan yes yeah it couldn't be further from the truth considering when you're there the only thing you'll ever get is belief in the message
Starting point is 00:52:41 which is incredible to me considering where we stand right now with the thing that we have the most thought and love for, which is CrossFit. And I tweeted this the other day. I'm big on Twitter. Love it. What is the vision of CrossFit? Where are we going? What is it? Who's up there?
Starting point is 00:52:58 It's Don Fall, right? Or Adrian in that video where he's pushing the open and why it's so cool. I think that his conversation with Miranda the other day at street parking was really good. You hear it there from him. Wait, where did you see that? Street parking is YouTube channel as a podcast for him.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Miranda are talking and no shit. Yeah, it's good. It's got, I think it had 3000 views when I saw it. Okay. But in that conversation between the two of them, you'll hear Adrian talking in a way where it's like this
Starting point is 00:53:25 is he should be the one at the top the same way where dave was there and greg was there because he gets what everyone really believes in and what's cool about the liver king brian johnson and everybody there and the reason that i went there is because they all are in alignment with one common goal and that is the betterment of humanity wait sorry let me interrupt you here real quick miranda didn't speak with don fall she spoke with adrian bosman correct yes okay wow that has 6 000 views now okay i don't know what the fuck this means but if you weren't there david you don't know I don't know what the fuck this means, but if you weren't there, David, you don't know. I'm also not sponsored.
Starting point is 00:54:10 No, I have not accepted a single dollar from the liver king. I did not hook – by the way, I saw in the comments. I ate testicles. I did. Someone asked if I hooked him up. There is a – I did not hook liver king up with Andrew. I do uh someone over there did ask me for his phone number six months ago i don't know a long time ago three months ago i did not get him on ca hormones he is not taking anything he's not taking anything he's eating a pound of testicle a day i
Starting point is 00:54:40 witnessed it and he offered me some of his testicle that he's been eating and there's there's like some tabasco on it wait he wait isn't that not safe that he doesn't take anything uh he put something today on his instagram story about how he feels he feels the effects of coming off of it it's about the right time where it's been 20 24 days since he stopped yeah it's gonna be harsh and he said he's set up to do it for 90 days no matter what so you so he's gonna experiment if he has to get back on he's gonna at least wait 90 days correct oh god there was nothing telling me that he was going to go back on just that no matter what there's a 90 day i will do it for this long and there's another one i wanted to if the testicles were not cooked no i don't is it uh is it the one where i see the one
Starting point is 00:55:34 where he's eating the cockroach off the ground trish you can say it's they're in his stories so he's putting stories up okay you can trust him because he's got blood work done. He's got people coming out there to do his blood work. He's got videos of it, and he's going to be releasing that when he gets the blood results back. You'll be able to see. But, hey, you can't trust or not trust anyone. I think just the concept of trust is a –
Starting point is 00:55:59 Well, and here's the thing behind the entire deal is whether or not you believe him, it's about what he's got. I've got a couple of testicles. Other than the liver, this is Leverking's favorite part, especially these days. That's exactly what he looked like when I first met him. He never put a shirt on. He put a shirt on at one point. Say that again? Hey, is that a cock?
Starting point is 00:56:30 What was that? Those dogs? Yeah. They're cool? The nicest dogs you'll ever meet. Hey, did you meet his wife? So nice. This is my first weekly confessional to tell all about my
Starting point is 00:56:48 natty journey. If you give a shit, let me know. If you don't give a shit, let me know. If enough people don't give a shit, trust me, I'm not going to be making these confessionals because I don't look forward to sharing that I'm not doing well. I feel like I've lost my drive, my determination, the fire that I've always had inside of me, the excitement that I have. Oh, this is intense. It's not there right now. And it kind of scares me because I don't know if I'm going to get it back. And I need that back to express my highest and most dominant form as a husband, as a father, as a CEO of the ancestral lifestyle, to do the things that I know that I'm meant to do, to fulfill my obligation, my purpose in life. And now I'm finding that it's my team pulling
Starting point is 00:57:24 me forward. My family is pulling me forward. You I'm finding that it's my team pulling me forward. My family is pulling me forward. You primals in the DMs, you are pulling me forward. I absolutely appreciate it, and I absolutely need it. If you want to hear more confessionals, let me know. If you don't, let me know. 24 days, Maddie. No sign of slowing down. Primal's out here at Liver King Ranch. And look at what we brought home today.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Prizes. Oh, that looks fun. Primal's want to know if Liver King. Liver King is getting his blood work drawn. There you go, Trish. Out here at Liber King Ranch to document my daddy journey so that I can tell all,
Starting point is 00:58:12 reveal all. I don't know what that... Oh, there you go. Alright. Okay. There's a video in there, too, where you can actually see it taking it out of him. Because here's the thing. Everybody's going to think that he's a lion charlatan dude.
Starting point is 00:58:32 I don't. I don't. I never have. You can get that in a couple of videos I made, but it comes down to he has this thing he's going for. It's 10,000 miles down the road and at some point somebody asks him whether or not you're taking something and the off-the-cuff answer if you're not prepared for it was just no and i'm sure there's how many people in the fucking fitness community in particular who are caught behind a lie like that once you say it once you gotta own it
Starting point is 00:59:01 and and then the every single time you own it it gets harder to go back on it and he just got caught up in it and it really fucked with the the message considering that's the only reason he kept it going these are my words not his it's it's all just uh what i've what i've pulled out of the situation hey let me throw this in there hillar so um trish says this is like believing that pfizer was vaccine people because it was the right thing to do after they created opioid crisis no trish actually it's like if the ceo of pfizer came out and took his shirt off and fucking apologized and said he's sorry for misleading you that's the point you'll never see this you'll never like we're witnessing a journey
Starting point is 00:59:46 that we've never seen before let's say you say it's all fake kind of irrelevant because you'll never see this from a fucking big corporation you're never going to see the ceo of fucking um uh coca-cola come out and be like oh my god i'm so fucking sorry that i've sold coke and that 6% of the chronic disease on the planet is caused by us. I'm so sorry that Mexico, 55% of the calories in Mexico are consumed from soda pop. Like, this is a whole different...
Starting point is 01:00:14 You guys are missing the point. This is... The difference between Pfizer and the liver king is the same difference between the liver king and the rock. Pfizer's never going to be exposed because they have the money to stay away stay away or if they do yeah well they're being exposed but they still can't be honest about it they can't be a reporter and you go up to the rock and you ask the rock if he's taking steroids number one he'll you'll
Starting point is 01:00:36 never get in that position to ask him that question number two if you do you're fired forever because you ruined the rock for putting him in that position. That's not the case for somebody of the liver king stature. But if anybody wants to compare a couple of people, it's Hemsworth. It's the rock. It's Schwarzenegger, who for a long time was everyone's favorite person in the fucking world. Did he take steroids? He never said it.
Starting point is 01:01:00 No, really? Arnold came clean, didn't he? Didn't he eventually say he was taking 100 of those D-ball pills? Eventually, yeah. Eventually, right? But yeah, he actually Arnold came clean. Didn't he? Didn't eventually say he was taking a hundred of those D ball pills eventually. Right. But yeah, he actually did come clean. Who knows? Maybe he would have at some point, but he wasn't. How come Arnold's not dead Hiller genetics
Starting point is 01:01:15 great genetics and also I think he stopped. I mean, he stopped taking shit at a certain point. Seven, you should have gone to Texas and said, dude, you have no idea how amazing this is in Tahoe. Fuck your freedom, the lab says. Yeah, they really screwed him.
Starting point is 01:01:34 I've seen plenty of politicians, pastors, et cetera, lose their grace and have to crawl back on the hero journey. He still has to complete the journey. Yeah, I hear you. I just, I'm impressed. I honestly think like he is i think we're seeing a great experiment play out in front of us emotionally intellectually and chemically and i and i fucking appreciate the liver king for letting us do it okay sorry
Starting point is 01:01:57 so you went there you met the you met the wife you saw the him eating the testicles like so if it was an act it's like holy shit i'm just some jackass YouTuber who's stuck in some CrossFit niche, and they had me out there. And boy, they put a lot of effort into pulling the wolves over my eye. Correct. But that's not the case. Oh, I know. It would be stupid. I know.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I had that thought. I'm like, what if this is just a ploy? Dude, they would pick someone way bigger than you if they were to do that they would be right here sitting like i'm talking about it but i didn't tell them that i was going to and they didn't tell me not to and i don't even know if i'm supposed to be talking about it right part of their plan too like there's no fucking plans there's there aren't any it's just sincerity he's he's just he's now he's just like fuck it i'm gonna hey he even said wait here's i met him i met his boys oh that's cool when you meet his boys his kids
Starting point is 01:02:54 yeah you know there's no fucking ways not being honest about everything else and that's about as far as i can go with that one that's all okay okay i feel like dude and that's where it came from too that video that i made initially it was from your podcast with him right a year or so ago maybe a year and a half and i pulled a whole bunch of stuff out of there about why he was doing it in the first place and it was because of his boys and then when you meet him in person you could there's no fucking way everyone who's ever said anything bad about the entire reason he's doing anything it goes away when you've had conversations with those two there was um so for those just to catch those you up before i had the seven podcast i had
Starting point is 01:03:35 this podcast it was called meet the parents and it was just parents i was going to interview and there was this story about a guy named brian johnson in in Texas, whose kids had some autoimmune diseases and he changed everything in their life, like the environment and the food they eat and changed everything in their life to save his kids' lives. And it supposedly worked. And so I was, I wanted to interview Brian Johnson. So I started bugging. I started using whatever contacts I had to try to interview this guy, Brian Johnson. And I got the message back saying, Hey, I'm really not a good speaker. I don't want to be on camera maybe someday, but I'm really kind of shy and introverted.
Starting point is 01:04:10 And like, that's not my thing. And that was him. That was the fucking liver King. And that was before I had the seven podcast, any of that. And so, yeah,
Starting point is 01:04:19 I mean, and that was before that there were ancestral supplements. I was, you know, didn't Froney used to say that sort of stuff. Wasn't a good public speaker and now he's one of the best. At least I think he's great. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Not only not a good public speaker, didn't want for him Crowded was being around Five Buffalo. He did not want to be... He looked like he was having a panic attack in Santa Cruz when he got stuck on the stage and there were fucking a thousand people asking for his autograph. I mean, yeah, he didn't, he didn't like that shit.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Yeah. I don't think he still likes it, but he does it. And all the athletes should do it. You'll like the video I put out today in relation to that. I'm hoping it, I'm hoping it does something to you. Oh, good. Oh, like makes me come out of my hole. I'm here.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I'm out of my hole. You're in a fucking different hole somewhere else. I'm staring at Donner Lake. It's fucking crazy. I'm staring at Donner. I wonder if I could show you guys what I'm looking at. You're on your brand new loaded laptop. I heard you say you got.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I wonder if. No, that hasn't come yet. But that's coming any day now. What can I look at? Oh, here. Maybe I can do this. Let me show you. We have to hear more liver King stuff, but let me show you this.
Starting point is 01:05:28 I wonder if I can get onto StreamYard with my phone. Allow mic and camera access. Allow. This list is officially official. Enter the studio. Rich is greater than Tia is greater than Matt with one T. Oh, you're using this new feature. You got to pull the screen up, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I did it. Okay, thank you. Oh, maybe mute that guy. Yep. That's cool. That's awesome. Hey, I see.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Look at this setup. You brought all this stuff with, how many bags did I take? Oh God. It's so bad, dude. I thought for sure Greg was going to kill me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:26 So you go out there, you meet the kids, you meet the wife, you meet the dogs, you eat the balls, and you hang out with them. And the reason why you're brought out there is because of YouTube videos. And was it just they wanted to meet you and didn't thank you for your support? Or did they offer you a sponsorship?
Starting point is 01:06:42 Is your show sponsored by Liver King now? Zero sponsorship. Oh, I'm sorry. It's okay. they offer you a sponsorship is your show sponsored by liver king now did zero sponsorship oh that's i'm sorry it's okay it was never the pitch it was never the idea but they know i want to be sponsored by them so bad though because i believe in their shit well yeah if i were to get sponsored that'd be a good one to be sponsored by because i am yeah in alignment with the goals over there at least they parallel crossfits in my opinion or at least where we came from with right for sure i mean he is a crossfitter in my mind the more and more i learn about him he used to compete in crossfit competitions his workouts are very crossfit-esque talk to him a
Starting point is 01:07:14 little bit about that too he used to be extremely competitive with it and it was cool to hear him talk about that like doing 150 muscle-ups and stuff like that on a certain like random days of the week did you meet alan did you go to the crossfit gym out there did you meet alan kester bone i met alan he's cool he's been you know what's nuts is i i do what i can with and yesterday hunter and you were giving me a hard time for the way i operate my cell phone but when i do something i'm doing it like that's the only thing i'm doing hunter was i like it because you put me in your favorite so i get i get security clearance but hunter was complaining right so every once in a while i've seen this profile pop up on my instagram and it's someone who's tagging me and doing burpees and in the background there's a no rep flag and it's a green wall and when i showed up i'm like holy shit i've seen you tagging me and stuff you're doing 100 burpees a day so i did it with him oh that's cool and how long is he doing 100 burpees
Starting point is 01:08:11 a day for he's 142 days in this is alan he's doing 100 burpees a day well and he's also got a tiktok and i went to his tiktok and he's got day one versus day 110 or something crazy difference in his body or in his quality of movement well both both now that you bring it up i was going to say body but his quality movement's way better too alan kester bomb uh tiktok i think it's that burpee guy okay. And he's got a lot of burpees. Trish did 100 burpees this morning. How's that 100 burpees, Simon? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I think this is one you've got to do. Oh, is it okay on your arm? Yeah, it actually is. Give it a go. Let's go. It actually is. I want to tell you guys oh that burpee dude that's him i want to say i could do it in five minutes but i bet you it's more like seven
Starting point is 01:09:13 or eight here he is he's here oh still kind of thick though crazy difference though oh shit he had pink hair i didn't know kester bomb was woke is that is there a direct correlate there yeah yeah pink hair yeah pink hair is woke good job dude he's not gonna like that standby comments in incoming comment you could do 100 seven 100 burpees live oh god i don't want to be here for 30 minutes oh god oh god you're probably doing seven minutes god i want to say i can i want to say if i did it live i would push into some really dark horrible area here's what here's the rude awakening i had the other day i think it was you who explained it to me i had no idea that elite athletes get slowed down by burpees by uh muscular fatigue i asked my wife that yesterday on the ski
Starting point is 01:10:11 slope have you ever had muscular fatigue from burpees and she's like no it's always metabolic and i was like god i can't even imagine it being the other way around it's well my chest is sore as fuck from those burpees. Right. How fast did you do them? Did you get them under seven? Four thirty nine. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:10:32 And I wonder like what. So, I mean, they did it in the last chance qualifier not long ago, but we didn't use a similar standard. The standard there was the reach and touch. Yeah. To the six foot target. And they do a 50 facing one way and 50 facing the other way. You did or didn't use that. I did not use that standard.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Yeah. You just did like a little, your feet come off the ground and get your hands over your head. I think that's your hips. You get your shoulders over your hips and you touch your hands like right behind your head. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:59 That's right. Yeah. Hey, I think that's more than, I think that's more than valid for for speed burpees i think that there's a great i think that stimulus is fantastic standard that alan's been using so i i asked him before i mean what have you been doing for a hundred some days now do it live on that oh two bucks how much money is it going to take for you to 100 burpees live
Starting point is 01:11:20 right now i cannot do it live right now i cannot not even for a thousand dollars i'm not doing 11 dude if you like damn i really wish there was a number like someone dropped a hundred a dollar burpee you you do it for a hundred hey uh do you live on that porch outside no i'm just here i'm just here visiting hey okay so you so when you were invited out you were invited out there, you didn't ask to go out there? Correct. Yes. And so then you went out there and you met with them. And how long were you out there?
Starting point is 01:11:53 Just one day? One day. I showed up. Actually, the flight was delayed here from the snow. I have an entire story. I'll probably turn it into a video of my own. But I showed up, got the car late, went directly to the place, went to the wrong place at first because I don't understand Texas and travel.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Rolled up and then you see, here's that burpee guy. Rolled up and you see everything that you've seen on the internet and just continued to, it's so hard to put it. And I wish I... Here's the thing. No cell phones. Oh, really? Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:31 So you get there and he's like, Hey, can you... Oh, that guy's wearing a CEO shirt. Sweatshirt. He is. Yeah. Is that Alan? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:12:41 All these guys do them fast. That huge guy did it in 507 dude he's so big that's mike he's huge wow this isn't these are some intense times dude every time i hear the word intense i think of it in two separate words in tents you know you're camping every time i'm like dude these are some intense burpees i'm like fuck no i'm gonna i'm gonna crossfit affiliate man i'm not in a tent huh so i'm on the omar martinez in 2021 to the standard with the wall for 11 for a hundred. That's what you got somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Hey, okay. So, so no, but they tell you that you get there and they're like, Hey, leave your cell phone in your car. No, there, there, there was a process where you're talking to somebody who sets everything up and it said turned on the airplane mode. Okay. So I just left it in the car. Okay. Yeah. nice on airplane mode and then you'll see that not one point in time is there a screen or anything and there were points where there the other day you were talking about having left the house accidentally without having grabbed your
Starting point is 01:13:57 phone and turning back to get it and there were moments where i was in the liver king ranch and there was conversation being had. And I had thoughts where I want to show this, but I didn't even have my phone, but I almost had like reached for my pocket to show something. Right. I've done that.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I've done that. And like, even if I had had at that point, it's part of the, it's one of those things where you realize that this is the way that they are, which is, which is something that everyone across the way that they are which is which is something
Starting point is 01:14:25 that everyone across the world doesn't really believe oh he's a charlatan he's a liar he's only doing it to make money uh-uh and stuff like another instance was we're sitting we're sitting there we're eating there's eight of us or so there his kids his wife and then a couple of the other guys from the order sitting there eating food 30 minutes passes and I'm like all right I'm thirsty and I look at my cup and the cup has raw liver in it to which I was going to eat that later but then I was like wait a minute where's the water and they don't drink water when they eat they're just it's just there's no water and in my head i go thirsty i'm not gonna fucking ask for water i understand that there's a reason that they're likely not having water here to do with digestion and this is just the way that it is yeah yeah i go there was no
Starting point is 01:15:15 water at dinner oh yeah we don't have water at dinner and we make fun of people who ask for a dinner and i'm like i fucking knew it i wasn't gonna do it but i thought about it the same way i thought about my phone at that did you almost throw up from anything you ate there i i'm pretty good with eating whatever i picked that up from wrestling like you even enjoyment for whatever it is that you eat yeah and he's always drinking protein so so that's not something that's a fucking lie either he believes in his products he first thing i saw when i got there and oh he did this on purpose was he freaking had finished a workout and he's eating protein and then he goes and he eats the
Starting point is 01:15:55 fucking pound of testicle and as we're sitting on his porch he's more protein and then we went downstairs and we were talking more and more protein just protein protein protein and every single time it's he's got one of those stick blenders which i hadn't seen in a while and i thought it was cool it's like a frothing like it's a blender stick what are those called i don't know so people keep telling me i need one of those um is it a frother it Yeah, it's probably a frother. Barry, stop. No. No, Barry. $10 for $10. How about you do it later? No.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Hey, dude, when I walk up the stairs here, I'm high. I bet you I'm at the summit. I bet you I'm at 7,000 feet. Yeah. I did have a shit a weird shit after being there jay hartle i did make the bed this morning oh shit okay sorry sorry go ahead hey so so what was the was is there any conclusion so you went out there was there any goal was it was they were they just feeling you out were they like like he just wanted to meet you
Starting point is 01:17:05 was there um 61 i believe it was just a get to know me and we'll talk later sort of deal that's where i left i there's there's a little was there a chaperone there the whole time or were you left alone no we left alone no no there's a there is parts i'm leaving out just because number one like privacy and number two i'm actually dude it's so weird i told alexis i go i'm going to texas to meet brian johnson she goes who's that i go it's the liver king she goes what how did that happen i go i made the videos on him and i talked to a couple people and now i'm going out there she was why i go i don't know why i don't know and and then and then i knew and then i told her i told her and i've told you but i can't tell everybody right fair and then the entire thing went down i came back and so
Starting point is 01:18:00 how do you well you could tell everyone you're not out of respect out of not that that's anything good or bad you're not sharing with people out of um correct it's it's just it's not a good or bad why you went there it's just it's just something you just well let's put it this way it could be incredible yeah it could be yeah yeah yeah it could be good it could be amazing yeah right right and it's and at the very bare minimum it's cool to have been thought of that way right and that's about as far and it's a net positive it sounds like you're really stoked hey are you going to change do you think you'll change anything about your life from meeting him like what like you know like you go somewhere like you like you go to mexico and everyone wears sombreros and you're like fuck what a great way to protect yourself from the sun i'm going to
Starting point is 01:18:44 incorporate those you know you take from cultures what you um what you want to Mexico and everyone wears sombreros and you're like, fuck, what a great way to protect yourself from the sun. I'm going to incorporate those. You know, you take from cultures what you want to help improve your life. Did you go there and like, yeah, I'm going to do that? Anything you take away? One thing I said to Alexis is that this is the way to live. They seemed so happy. It was so calm. It was so smooth.
Starting point is 01:19:03 They seemed so happy. It was so calm. It was so smooth. It seemed the only thing is that you're giving up stuff that you've become so comfortable with, like the phone in the pocket, like having water at dinner. Is it right? Is it wrong? I don't know. But as soon as you accept the fact that that is what you're doing, and it's all for the betterment of yourself. What is it that I told Alexis isis is in the skincare right and i mentioned that their skin is also pristine she goes it's because they don't eat sugar and i go you know where else you hear that freaking crossfit level one no sugar yeah and
Starting point is 01:19:35 alexis is like i know the answer you know the answer and yet we'll still eat like a fucking cookie because it's just something that we do we like it but at what point are you willing to just shut that off yeah that point for them is what they do right it's just they've hit that point they don't do it highly motivated by the uh health and safety for their kids there it is sugar ages you yeah geez hillary you live in a liberal shithole of chicago of course it's great down there i want to pull this one up from judy i uh judy reed hillary's also very humble most people would be announcing it and bragging but he's not like that that's true last night you asked me if i could if you if i want to talk about it i said no and then at one point i'm like you know what i think i should i just need to go about it in a certain way. Right. So I think it's worth hearing because I think it's good.
Starting point is 01:20:30 It's accomplishing the goal, which is the nine ancestral tenants. And it sounds cheesy, but it's just clear. And when you hear that, that's the message. When I see it, you see that there's no facade behind it it is what it is it's the way they live and it's why i always wrap it back to the thing that we know which is crossfit we know or we think we have known the message but that was pushed by glassman and present day what the fuck is it who's saying we don't know it's now it's snicker bars the biggest the biggest the biggest instagram uh account in the space, you know, there's five of them is, is, is selling snicker bars on it.
Starting point is 01:21:11 And I'm not saying that in a negative way. I don't, I'm just saying that as a fact. So that's, that's what, that's what I keep on trying to wrap my head around. And that was something that I'll take away from there is that how cool is it to meet someone who has a company, a brand, and a lifestyle that is actually believed in? Hey, let me go back to this thing with Coca-Cola. Let's say we find out that 80% of Crossfit is owned by mars and that all the affiliates when
Starting point is 01:21:47 they pay their affiliate fees it goes to mars wait where are you going with this it's it's just it's fascinating tim it's it's uh there's these people who don't want to accept there's these people who don't want to accept. There's these people who don't want to accept the liver King and his, in his, in his journey as being authentic or real or, or, or somehow that it's misleading. Cause he's doing it all for money or for whatever the, whatever the reason that they're not happy with.
Starting point is 01:22:19 They're so angry. He lied. What do you do when you like, what does, what do we do? If the whole world says if you were it's like saying it's like the world finding out that coke owns uh crossfit and then everyone hating every crossfitter who ever lived it's just it's just just big picture to small
Starting point is 01:22:38 picture just trying to draw some relativity and contextualizing it you're gonna flush the whole community away because you find out coke owns it um i mean it's uh well it's weird do you feel like there's a different if there's 2018 crossfit and then there's 2018 to 2023 crossfit do you yes yes for sure but i'm so biased though but i for sure feel that way but i'm so biased oh yeah clearly you're biased but i don't know i feel like the liver king is 2018 crossfit that's just what i got there right oh i like that and maybe that's why i like it so much i think that's why people listen to us they're currently in crossfit but you i mean i know i feel like i'm stuck then that was and it's not because of the regionals the regionals were great we can talk about how
Starting point is 01:23:32 great it was and the people at the top were incredible movers and they're of course there was there the place where people were doing reps that weren't the cleanest but you look at a lot of the instances and it isn't the same and it starts right right and it starts with whomever's pushing the message um basically in a nutshell what i think what andrew's saying correct me if i'm wrong andrew you don't care whether he was taking steroids or not because what you're into with the liver king is the is the ancestral tenants how do you feel about this comment uh the sport cannot grow without bringing in partners who have money what sport what sport are you talking about what sport are you talking about when i when i got a let go from crossfit eric rosa sent me a
Starting point is 01:24:23 text message that says thank you for everything you contributed to the sport. I worked there 15 years. I never once thought of CrossFit as a fucking sport. I never referred to it as a sport. I never referred to CrossFitters as athletes. Like they said athlete on the back of some CrossFit gym. That's fucking crazy. That's like thinking that the vaccine is medication.
Starting point is 01:24:43 It's like, what? Are you fucking crazy? I hear what you're saying and i understand how they can i'm not belittling you shots what i'm saying is like i don't even think of it like that that's not that's not what it is to me it's not brookwell selling snicker bars what crossfit is to me is it's a lifestyle where the foundation is nutrition to optimize the expression of my DNA on planet Earth. I think that's why Greg created it or that's what it evolved to after he created it. But I think that that's what it is. And I think the sport is just like the competing of it is just part of the – I don't know if it's nuance or super explicit nature of the brain that when you put a stopwatch on something,
Starting point is 01:25:25 people are going to race. That's just all... If you think that's what it is, you're just completely fucking lost and missing the point. I knew that would get you going. Which is okay if you're 17 or 18 years old. I get it.
Starting point is 01:25:43 But man, I'm telling you, it's not going to be like that for anyone with a fucking healthy head on their shoulders who's fitty. There's no fucking way. All the shit that I think about CrossFit every day is how to make it another day stronger and healthier because I've crossed over the halfway mark to my death. It has nothing fucking to do with sport. That's just asinine and and just saying the sport does not fucking exist without the other at all grow the sport like i give two fucks if the sport grows that's fucking crazy like like do you think anything bad happens in the world today if the NFL goes away and the NBA goes away? What do you think? If you really care, you want to outlaw guns, how about you outlaw basketball?
Starting point is 01:26:37 How much Sprite do you think fucking the NBA sells every year and how many kids do you think it kills? We live with idiots. If you compete with yourself, is it a sport? I mean, we get into semantics and I'm okay. Once we define it, I'll talk about whatever you want to talk about,
Starting point is 01:26:55 but it has to be defined. Money talks as long as the prize money is big. I don't even agree with that. I don't even agree with that. People do the dumb. Look at, look at the UFC. People fight for fucking peanuts,
Starting point is 01:27:06 dude. Peanuts, peanuts. So when's your next meeting with the liver King? Do you have his phone number? Did you have a, did you get his phone number? I did not know.
Starting point is 01:27:17 You've got his phone number. I talked, I talked with his people and, and I met up with him. Spent like five hours with him, which i thought was cool on my holy shit did you bring him a gift no oh andrew fucking not even you should have brought him a can of c4 and then he could have shot it with a gun or something dude that fuck i missed that you're right oh god it's like you're that's you I want you to call your dad after the show and apologize to him.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Dad, I know you brought me up better than that. It's like Christmas was yesterday. I just woke up. Fuck! I missed my shot. It's cooler to walk into an affiliate and watch someone get their first pull-up than it is to watch Noah Olsen do sub-two-minute Fran.
Starting point is 01:28:04 I mean, God, it's so it's so true i mean i love a sub two minute fran don't get me wrong but my my mom well here's the irony my mom went to a crossfit gym and they had a local they had a competition and she entered the competition i don't know why and one of the movements there I don't know why. And one of the movements there was a pistol, and my mom thought she could never do a pistol, and I was standing next to her the whole time. And I was telling her just to do negatives, just lower on one foot, land on your butt, and stand up like candlesticks. And on one of those negatives she was doing, she stood up, and at 70 years old, she did her first pistol in her life. My mom's only 5 feet tall, 100 and and don't degrade her accomplishment i sorry so 70 years old she gets
Starting point is 01:28:53 her first pistol and so there's that competition component of it but yeah that was greater to me than anything i ever filmed at the crossfit games by a thousand all right i gotta show you something okay i gotta do it i'm gonna pull it up hey by the way it's so cool that you went out and visited him and so i'm so i feel i'm proud to know you and honored to know you and it's just cool what a cool little world we live in it was cool yeah it's so cool ready yes this is the intro to my video today i'm kind of excited that's all okay i mean did you you do you know how to do it so it plays the audio? Well, I don't know, but you're going to let me know if you can hear it.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Is that okay? Okay. That's cool, guys. Is that cool? It's okay. I'm mic'd up, so he hears everything I say. Okay. I am leaving the house to make a video. I'm going to the affiliate CrossFit Solaire, getting in the freaking car.
Starting point is 01:29:56 You live in a log cabin. You're so weird. Is that a gun? It's a camera. Let's do it. So that's all i just wanted i made a video on going to an affiliate and i did the entire thing i told you to do this right yes yes yes you want to show not too long ago that i was going to go and just i recorded a class of the affiliate that i attended i just kind of gave the breakdown of the whole thing and i did you did anyone because you were there did anyone like get a first of something
Starting point is 01:30:29 you know like in the open like they'll do double unders and someone will get their first double under because it's no i tried to make it about as fly on the wall as possible or i wasn't okay there i didn't want to make it a big deal but i wanted to get what an hour at the affiliate looked like when is that coming out? As soon as we're done, I'm going to put it up. Oh, that's cool. But it's weird. In 2020 or so, Alexis and I went to Florida,
Starting point is 01:30:57 and she knows a couple of gyms down there, and she knows a photographer down there, and we just kind of gym hopped, and I thought how cool would it be if I could just, you know, promote these places somehow? And that's kind of where I'm trying to start with this. Because there's a lot of, I mean, fuck, everyone who's into an affiliate anywhere knows that they all have their own little flavor to it and how awesome they are. And you just wish that more people knew about them. When Hiller walks in, everyone starts breaking budak budak if only it were that easy miss budak you know what i was thinking i was watching
Starting point is 01:31:33 it and i i had an hour and a half of footage from the time and i and i cut it down to like 18 minutes the video and did you hate yourself for shooting an hour and a half were you like damn well no i was able to do it on the plane so i basically did on the plane there the point back and i finished it when i got home it probably took eight to ten hours to do it all yeah and i'm pretty proud of the way it's been put together and you'll have to let me know if it's decent but uh i was trying to make sure that not one thing i had shown on there was not the standard because of how i've been about content creators making people look fucking stupid yeah i appreciate that and gas prices suck jay hartle fucking terrible
Starting point is 01:32:21 and yes this is what i think castro should do instead of putting up pictures he should have videos in the affiliate but then again he doesn't want to listen to my advice on how to run a youtube channel this uh this is a big show we're doing right now what how there's just a lot that we went through a lot of viewers trish i turned this into like a t bar so on rogue they sell something like this i think t actually had one but that's a that's like my that's a bar and i have it set up in an axe or a landmine so i bring that into the middle sorry i'm moving my mouse so you can see it i bring that into the middle and you just do rows with it wait can you show us i don't get it yeah give me a minute i don't get it
Starting point is 01:33:05 oh shit wow wow oh that's killer dude are those bicycle handlebars uh no i got that for 20 bucks at a garage sale oh that is cool it's cool though right yeah so it's one of my favorite things and they sell one of them at rogue but it just it's like a ring row but you can weight them you don't get very much heavy horizontal pulling and i hate doing with a straight bar and i guess you can do them with dumbbells. You have a nice garage. Yes, I built it. Juicy Spiegel gets the last word today. Hillers joggers are not ball crushing enough. All right, Andrew, I'm going to, I'm going to slopes.
Starting point is 01:34:00 I'm skiing today. I was seeing if I could pull up that, that, that, that platform really quick so I could show everybody what I was talking about on a rogue, but I'm not, I'm going to slopes. I'm skiing today. I was seeing if I could pull up that, that, that, that platform really quick so I could show everybody what I was talking about on a rogue, but I'm not, I'm no Caleb. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Cause I, cause I have to get my kids dressed. This is going to be 26 minutes of patience on my part. I have to take a huge deep breath and I have to get them dressed three little boys in all their ski gear. And then when I get them all dressed, someone will say, I have to go pee and I have to stay crazy calm oh let me see some other pictures that scroll through
Starting point is 01:34:30 that dear bill and katie this is so this is this the 400 version of my little pieces of wood on the floor yeah look at how white those shoes are i have those shoes they don't look like that for long but i really like those shoes i really like that uh setup that guy has right this is this is the super setup mine is the the 99 cent setup here's the 20 right hey that whole that whole setup right there was probably like three grand four grand the one that the guy or my yeah because you got you need the rig and the all the shit you know what i can't wait to do a walk around video the way i did t is where i just kind of walk around and say not how much everything cost but i could do it but when i got it and where i got it oh for your gym because
Starting point is 01:35:22 like i just told you i got this at a garage sale yeah i got these blocks from somebody i had met in an affiliate in 2014 just wasn't using them anymore my kids are on skis present my kids are on skis this place is crazy because basically they'll ski right now they'll ski from uh 9 a.m to probably noon or one and then they'll we'll go into the cafeteria, and they'll eat, and then at 2 o'clock, they'll skate for another four hours, and they got a big mega ramp here and crazy shit.
Starting point is 01:35:54 It's pretty crazy. All right, guys. Thank you very much. Andrew Hiller, you the man for coming on. I know it's early as shit. Andrew Hiller out. Bye-bye.

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