The Sevan Podcast - #780 - The Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: January 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 morning burps i don't know why i burp so much in the morning bam we're live oh yes i'm surprised i get you know for some um uh-oh are you checking your mic uh-oh my this thing's not even hooked up yeah it's gonna say you sound all of a sudden you started sounding real echoey my um i don't even see the Rodecaster as a choice. Uh-oh. Tomorrow I'll be back. Yeah, this microphone. I can't even turn this. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:00:36 What happened? Here we go. It was fine. It was fine. I have no idea. Of course, as soon as we go live. I wish I would have no idea. Of course, as soon as we go live. Flash that. I wish I would have caught it.
Starting point is 00:00:49 It didn't sound like that when we first chatted. I would have said something. I have to reboot the whole thing. God damn it. I can't even turn the Rodecaster off. Wait. I'm going to unplug it. Want me to just run the commercial in perpetuity did you hear something weird
Starting point is 00:01:09 no I just rebooted the roadcaster did you hear any weird popping sounds I did there was like yeah something happened yeah here we go how's that better there you go
Starting point is 00:01:24 there you go much better, yes. Better, right? Yeah, there you go. Much better. Hi, everybody. Bam, we're live. No bam, I guess. Good. No bam today, I guess.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Good. Hey, crazy. I'm on the road in this jacked setup, and the numbers are just no guess, really, unless you can't Hunter and Hiller, and we're killing it. Yeah, people are liking the college shows. Numbers are off the chart. I don't know if the phone's working, but we'll find out soon enough.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Hey, I'm tripping on this thing. I saw Don Lemon and all these people, Stephen King and all these people tripping because of that books, they go into the schools, you know? Okay. Schools.
Starting point is 00:02:08 If like, if your kid goes to a junior high, they don't want books in there. Like that teach the girls, the girls how to suck cock or boys how to suck cock. Right. Makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Or oral copulation, that stuff they're trying to, um, I said cock because i know on youtube will ban it if i said the other word right you think caulk like i'm saying like c-a-l-k because that's not like the stuff you use like you know in your bathroom yeah call not i guess you use both of them in the bathroom the stuff you used to in the corner of like the wall for grout right like i'm not i don't do any man stuff
Starting point is 00:02:45 i don't know what you use caulk for but you use it okay but how are they worried about junior highs vetting books on that kind of stuff but they those same people aren't worried about the vetting that's been going on the internet you know every seventh grader can look up anything on their iphone and now you're worried um oh it's a u lk okay trish uses caulk caulk to seal um my cracks my uh my floor in my um gym at home and my garage is all black so it was so fun because i got to go to home depot and i used to it got to be like hey do you have any black caulk i need i need a lot of black caulk like and like it's so funny because my kids would say that not even knowing what they were saying um uh jessica t savon we love your guests but um you don't need them. We're here for you. Tomorrow's guest is so cool. I'm so excited to have Sarah back. I love Sarah.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah. How – thank you, Jessica. How – I don't understand that thinking. So they think it's worth saying on national news, Don Lemon. That's the gay black guy. He thinks it's okay. I labeled him. He's been on the show forever.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Yeah. He thinks it's wrong for elementary schools and junior highs to vet books let's say even they're vetted wrong right okay i don't know i don't know what that looks like but let's say they don't allow a book in there that shows that um yeah i i don't know let's say they say they vet a book in Florida that disproves global warming or climate change. And the CNN crowd is like, look, they're trying to sway the science or something. Dude, you realize everyone has a phone now. The only real censorship happens on the internet, and you haven't said shit about it in the last two years. You do realize in California, Gavin Newsom just signed a law that makes it illegal for doctors.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I don't know if illegal is the right word, but doctors can lose their license if they express their own opinion about the flu and COVID and shit like that. Mostly COVID, but if it's COVID mixed with the flu, they're not allowed to. They have to read from what the state policy is. That's scary. Yeah, that's crazy scary scary you can't get a second opinion from a doctor how why do you care about censorship in our schools like i want to know i want to know why you care about that when everyone has a um a cell phone that they can look up anything yeah that's weird and and and you kicked me off of instagram how is how does trump get to come back to instagram and facebook but i don't how are they not vetting
Starting point is 00:05:32 books before great question i don't understand that part they're like now we're gonna vet the books i'm just i'm so do these people not know how to think, Hey, the same thing I've been thinking about the gun control stuff, dude, you have to realize it doesn't matter. Let's say 10,000 kids died tomorrow because of guns. Okay. That does not matter until you explain to me what the consequences are of getting rid of guns. If the consequences of getting rid of guns means that 1 million kids take a forced
Starting point is 00:06:06 injection from Pfizer, then I have to go with the 10,000 that got killed by guns. You're not telling me what the consequences are. You didn't tell me what the consequences were for the lockdown. You didn't tell me what the consequences were if I didn't get the injection. You didn't tell me what the consequences were if we forced all eight billion people on the planet to get the injection you just kept saying um that oh we can stop covet you didn't tell me what the balance you didn't tell me that the consequences um for wearing masks was going to lead lead to the largest speech impediment wave of speech impediments of the planets ever seen well we don't even know the full effect, really.
Starting point is 00:06:45 That's going to take like 10 years or more. If we have to have freedom of speech, by the way, a wise man once told me the only gun you bring, the only debate you bring a gun to, the only debate you bring a gun to is the freedom of speech debate. And if you lose the debate, start using that gun. You cannot lose your freedom of speech.. And if you lose the debate, start using that gun. You cannot lose your freedom of speech. You cannot. You cannot. I think the whole, I mean, you just called it gun control. That already right off the top is like,
Starting point is 00:07:13 doesn't make sense, right? Control what? Control the sale of guns? Control the, it's like, they just put that out there as gun control. But like you said, there's not, there's nothing to show what exactly that'll help with how about that guy that hit um uh mr pelosi with the hammer that's crazy he i guess he called into
Starting point is 00:07:36 a tv station and apologize did you see that he called a tv station and apologize yeah i guess i guess from jail yesterday he called into a tv station and apologized? Yeah, I guess from jail yesterday, he called into a TV station and apologized for not being more prepared, basically for not killing him. What? Yeah, it's crazy. But, I mean, that part's messed up, but everything else he got right. He basically said, hey, I'm sorry to everyone out there. I was trying to stop tyranny. I should have been more prepared and basically worked them.
Starting point is 00:08:07 What's weird is why is Paul Pelosi holding a drink when the cops open the door? The whole thing's bizarre. And then they're both holding on to the hammer. And does it in the video? I was trying to see if we could find one. He like opens the door for the cops and then like steps back inside. The yeah. Well, I think it's I think it's because he had one door for the cops and then steps back inside. Yeah. Well, I think it's because he had one hand on the hammer.
Starting point is 00:08:30 It doesn't matter. If you got that door open, I'm letting go of the hammer and I'm stepping between that guy and the cops and letting the cops deal with them. Right, right, right. I mean, if you have the ability to open the door and the exit is right there
Starting point is 00:08:42 and you're being held against your will by some dude with a hammer, you let go of it and you run, you take the chance to maybe get hit in the way out. But the whole, um, Corey says, uh,
Starting point is 00:08:52 um, what did Corey say? Something or no, uh, Oh no. Fitness too. How the cops let him hit him with the hammer. Oh,
Starting point is 00:09:00 but it happens fast. It does happen quickly. The cops just can't enter the house there has to be some sort of protocol there and then as soon as he swung the hammer they do they run in i'm telling you pelosi didn't want to pay for a blow job and that guy went and got a hammer i don't know i'm starting to think because that guy called in that that guy really was a um yeah i don't i'm not he was like some sort of he was like some sort of like uh antifa freedom fighter or something.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Basically, I don't know what you call them. But he basically wanted to stop – I mean, everyone knows how corrupt that guy and his wife are. And I think that guy just had one too many hits of acid and went over there to kill him. But the fact that he's holding a drink is just weird. I need that explained to me. Yeah. Do you want to play the video at all? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Do you guys want to see it? Maybe they've already seen it. I could just fast forward it too. But I'll tell you what. He should have had a gun in his hand, not a drink. Here we have it right here oh okay wow so this is like right when the cops open the door so he's it looks like those are pajamas he's wearing and underwear that that's legit that's legit 2 a.m outfit i prefer not to sleep wait but what's his face pelosi has the
Starting point is 00:10:23 hammer at this point and now this guy is trying to get it away. Well, they both have it. They both have it, right? But why doesn't he put the drink down and use both hands? Okay, so right there. Why don't you just step out? Oh. Let go of it and run.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Again, look at the body language. He's in front of the guy. His shoulders turned out. Well, he's in front of the guy his shoulders turned out well he's got his drink in his hand and he's holding on to that to the hammer still and now the attacker look yeah are they smiling oh my goodness oh my goodness That is some weird shit, huh? The whole thing is so weird. You're doing a great job of playing it, though.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Oh, thanks. I'm trying to, like, stop it on a couple... So let's just make up what happened before then. This guy broke into the house. Okay. He has a hammer. Paul's talking to him. make up what let's just make up what happened before then this guy broke into the house okay he has a hammer paul's talking to him the guy's like hey dude you're a piece of shit we know about your insider trading we know you've made 100 million dollars with your wife we know that your um support uh pedophilia you and your wife support pedophilia and um and and you're fascist and you
Starting point is 00:11:42 and you you're against freedom rights and you don't understand liberty. And he's just going off on him, right? Yeah. And then at some point, Paul figures out that he has to call the cops and is able to call the cops. Well, did you hear this stuff from the phone call? Yeah. The cop calls really weird, too. It is weird.
Starting point is 00:11:59 It's like if I'm sitting here and you're like, are you OK, Matt? And I'm like, yes, fine. And then I start like blinking a bunch of times or something. You're like, OK okay matt and i'm like yes fine and then i start like blinking a bunch of times or something you're like okay well we're gonna start the show this seems weird but he's also really old paul what's really old he's really old he's 82 and he's probably and he looks like he has a drinking problem well he couldn't even put the drink down to be attacked by a hammer. Yeah. Anyway, okay. We'll stay on top of this.
Starting point is 00:12:28 As it unfolds. Yeah. That guy did call into a TV station, though, and say he's sorry he didn't finish the job. And it's weird. Hey, how about this? 374. This is fantastic. I pointed out to you guys yesterday that something doesn't make sense
Starting point is 00:12:45 when you look at the numbers basically if there's three million people died in 2019 and three million people died in 2020 and three million people died in 2021 i think it's a little less than that every year um and 80 of them died from chronic disease where's the covid numbers but but uh scroll to the top of the article this is this is the crazy part this is coming from the uk the daily mail keep going up to the top the headline of the story that is oh that is it yeah massive spike in debt oh maybe go down a little bit okay well yeah yeah sorry massive it just looks different on your there my phone. Massive spike in excess death sparks call for the urgent investigation. NHS crisis is blamed for nearly 3,000 more Brits than usual dying each week.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Each week. So 3,000 more people in the United Kingdom are dying every week this year than they were last year. And what they're blaming this on, you ready for this? Is the collapse of their health care system so basically they're blaming it on the fact that people can't get in to get medical procedures to save their lives hey dude this is all stuff that um greg warned about 20 years ago if we went to social socialized medicine and if the Obamacare came into place, he was basically saying stuff like, hey, now there's never been a better time to take your health into your own hands. Trish, wait, what are the numbers?
Starting point is 00:14:16 Wait, excuse me. What are the numbers? Who cares? Whose care? That's involving covid hey yeah that that might not even those numbers might not even be true trish it's it's what's crazy is that there's even just the article about it it's such a mess just yeah the thing is, is that's the inevitability of socialized medicine. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And once again, free medicine sounds so great, but you don't think about the consequences. Dude, I heard Louis C.K. on fucking – a clip on Louis C.K. on Instagram where he's talking about just leave the borders open. open it's not cool that um uh people in the united states have it so well and that we want to like lock ourselves off from the west of the rest of the world that doesn't have it so well dude are you are you fucking kidding me i don't you have kids that you want to live better than you dude it's not that they don't have kids like like a comment like that you have no idea what you're talking about it's just such a small picture thinking right yeah come on let them all through what's that gonna do it's like what the fuck it's that mentality where if someone has it good what you should do is bring them down no no no that that then everyone's bad. Yeah, if you live in the UK or Canada
Starting point is 00:15:47 or you're poor or you live in Australia or if you live anywhere outside the United States, period, and slash you're poor, you have more reason than ever now to stop eating sugar. Do not go out and buy a Snicker bar. Do not. Your health is totally within your control. You are so empowered.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Well, what if I need 20 grams of protein? I can give you one gram of protein at a time. I can't eat eggs. Those cause blood clots. Okay. And now, 373,
Starting point is 00:16:24 a word from our uh president please a word from our president i haven't seen this clip but i know it's going to be insightful hey just so you know as we start to play this clip this took me a second to get like i didn't understand what was going on you may even have to play this twice okay and i had no idea what was going on the first time i saw this okay Okay. All right. Ready? Yeah. Here we go. Would you say your mental focus is? Oh, it's focused. I think it's, I haven't, look, I have trouble even mentioning, even saying to myself, my own head, the number of years years i no more think of myself as being as old as i am than fly i mean it's just not uh i haven't observed anything in terms of there's not things i
Starting point is 00:17:14 don't do now that i did before whether it's physical or mental how would you say your mental focus is why is lip sync-syncing so cool? It's crazy to me that that was actually something that he said then. Lip-syncing is amazing. Oh my goodness. I don't know what country you live in, but yes, that's your... Listen, if you live anywhere
Starting point is 00:17:40 on planet Earth, that's your ruler. Did you see the pay scale for Dana's new slap league 2k to play 2k to win yeah we played some videos yesterday from it i don't know if i like it i don't uh why don't you like it because it just seems so like i just don't like people watching people get like hit in the face or something like that and at least with an mma fight there's so much skill involved and like if you get hit it's like well something like that. And at least with an MMA fight, there's so much skill involved. And if you get hit, it's like, well, you dropped your hands here.
Starting point is 00:18:09 You did this wrong. You did that. With that, you're just standing there expecting to be hit. That's the point. It just seems cruel. No, don't buy Snickers, but alcohol is okay. Alcohol is not okay either. Listen, if you are concerned, you need to know, David, that your health is under your control.
Starting point is 00:18:30 But if you are going to drink alcohol, have a Tito's and soda. Okay. And tequila straight. It's pure CTE. Yeah, that's the thing, right, Chris? Guaradino. Yeah. I guess that's the part that Sousa doesn't like.
Starting point is 00:18:46 To play, you have to give up some brain cells. It seems a little excessive. The barrier to entry seems a little high. Yeah. A little high. There's no athleticism. There's no skill. It's just like you just take a shot and see who's
Starting point is 00:19:02 going to stand. What's this thing that happened? Someone in the comments wrote there was a brutal Tyrese Nichols video. I tried to watch that video last night on Instagram. I couldn't figure out what was going on. Yeah, you're probably better off watching those type of videos on Twitter too,
Starting point is 00:19:20 but I don't know. I'm not totally caught up on the full story. I think it was something like he ran a stop sign and then who did is this is this i just saw that there's protesters is this another uh is this going to be another george floyd i don't think it's going to have the same effect uh due to oh shit memphis cops beat someone to death oh no yeah and i mean it's bad but i don't think it's gonna have the same effect because all four or five of the cops were black okay that's 370 that's these cops i saw in this look at 370 oh shit so these cops are all black is the dude they be black or white please be white
Starting point is 00:20:04 please be white please no it white. Please. No, it's a black dude. Well, that were 50% of the way there. This is fucking amazing. I'm so sorry. It's one of those videos too. That's hard to watch. Cause they just like one,
Starting point is 00:20:14 one cop comes up and just boots him in the head twice. Really? Yeah. Like walks up, stands there, just stands back and just boots him in the head. More, a little bit more time goes by and he just kicks him again.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Van Jones. Jones says the black cops were racist first of all let me be extremely clear i grew up in the bay area bay area san francisco berkeley oakland concord pleasant hill san jose the most racist people if you want to use that word racist ever that you that i ever met were always my black friends no no no no no white person in the bay area is racist ever that you, that I ever met were always my black friends. No, no, no, no, no white person in the Bay area is racist. If you, you, you're terrified of being racist and all the black dudes for sure were
Starting point is 00:20:50 racist. I don't remember any of the black girls being racist, but just the black dudes were just always racist. It was cool too. It was fine. It was just like, they just fucking like, they just ripped on you for being white.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And you've heard my stories of like, you know, your McDonald's at midnight and four black dudes walk in they're like hey wait outside while we order yeah no problem just the way the bay area was that's the that's why the whole racism accusation works so well on liberals that we're terrified of being called racist so then this whole thing has played out over the last couple years where all the white people are racist and being a bay area kid i'm just so fucking confused i'm like wait a second the white people aren't racist plus the abolitionist one we the good guys won like maybe that maybe maybe we should pay all
Starting point is 00:21:34 the white people reparations in this country too for all the relatives that they lost that fought to free the black people if we're going to start splitting people up by color if your family fought in the fucking civil war on the abolitionist side then you get um then black people when they get their reparations they also have to pay you now their reparation because your family set their family free i mean when does the idiocy stop but anyway this is crazy yeah i thought i thought black people couldn't be racist because they didn't have the power They only had Obama, Oprah, and LeBron Dude, pass it through the CNN filter Anything can be racist
Starting point is 00:22:11 I mean, look at this I mean, you have an issue This is fucking amazing I wish the guy would have been white, I really do I mean, if someone had to die I just wish we could have just flipped the script Wow These look like nice guys.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Don't judge a book by its cover. They actually do look like nice guys. Oh, my God. This is fucking incredible. It looks like the same lineup that beat that woman cop in Nashville. Oh, right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Just the bystander dudes. Just civilians. They beat her differently. Beat her with the black cock. Hey, you're an idiot if you're a boot-licking cop lover. They are pawns of a corrupt power structure. Not true. Not true.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I know. I know a bunch of cops. Listen. Listen. Don't start hating. Don't use this to – don't pivot your hate towards white cops to all cops. OK, so five five melanated cops beat a melanated dude. And now a bunch of white people in Nashville are shutting down freeways.
Starting point is 00:23:21 You fucking idiots. Hey, just shut up and go back to work let let that poor families let that poor family uh what's the guy's name mr nichols let mr nichols um uh let mr nichols just chill uh mrs and mr nichols uh mourn let them sue the city and get money let those cops get in trouble and just chill shut the fuck up you know it's great 99 of cops are great and and even if it's only 80 i'll take it it's still better than the general population but step on they choose that job i don't care there's this there's a daoist saying that says trust people and they become trustworthy we have to work with the best that we have writing anding and hating on cops, we've already did that for two years, and it makes everything worse. It makes everything worse.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And the left wants you to riot and hate on cops if you believe in conspiracy theories because you know who suffers? Black people, melanated people. That's the only people who've suffered in the last two or three years because of the hatred on cops. has not affected me at all in my little white haven in santa cruz california zero because there's no crime in my fucking neighborhood zero like zero zero zero crime in my neighborhood zero but my neighbors are also donkeys and peacocks and fig trees yeah a little bit different when your neighbor's a garden dude stay away from cops they're great people doing fucking horrible shit stay away from them it's always sad whenever I see the press conferences because all I see is the parents who are really hurt and just in this numb state, regardless of their relationship with their kid or regardless of how the kid behaved or the criminal record. They're an emotional bomb, right? They're just emotional, and the waves are coming off and affecting everyone else.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah. Other people have idiot decisions. When I look out, all I see is just human beings, not, you know, human beings with different motives. You see the parents there that are, their whole life is in chaos and they're going through all this hurt. And they're kind of being like ushered down this filter of like, you know, here come all the professionals with this.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Here comes the lawyers. Here comes the activists. Here comes all the people that benefit off of your son's death because now they're gonna turn this into their media outlet to get their message across and everything else and so when you see the press conference i just see like hurt parents and vultures you know it's like tons of vultures well also it's like the liver king thing a lot of people just want to act out emotionally right they have their own demons and they just want to act out. Yeah. Just let the parents. Trish, so are the teachers.
Starting point is 00:26:08 You pick on them quite a bit. Here's the thing. I don't think I do pick on teachers quite a bit, but let's say I do. I only pick on the teachers who have blue hair, 200 pounds overweight, and telling kids it's okay if you're a boy that you want to turn into a girl. And the reason why I pick on them is because in my state of California and in this country, the United States, it's a law. Give me some wiggle room here, please. It's a law that you have to send your kids to school. You have to get them injected with a huge list of drugs, and then you have to put them into the school system. And that's the law. Of course, yes, there are some exceptions like my kids who are homeschooled, but the general law is you have to force your kids down this funnel.
Starting point is 00:26:50 force your kids down this funnel. Kids, K-I-D-S, kids. And so, yeah, the teachers are going to be underneath a little bit more scrutiny. CrossFit Corey, I'm 100% against religion, but Taoism sounds pretty legit. Hell, I'm already in a fitness cult. The thing is religion is important too. We have to have this Christian manifesto, this Bible book. We need a lot of people following the – we need more people following those guidelines. Well, a lot of people conflate religion with church too. So they might not like going to the organization of the church or the corruption that happens within some churches or something. But that's completely separate than you focusing on a religion. Okay. Do you know what I mean by that?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah, I do. Yes. Hey, I'm okay. I need some cops to abuse their power. That's the thing. I,
Starting point is 00:27:38 they, they, I need some clock cops to flirt with the line. That's what's so hard about that job. I need, there, there that job. There are circumstances where we need them to abuse their power. I don't want 116-year-old boys
Starting point is 00:27:59 hanging out on a street corner. I want the cops to be like, hey, what are you doing? Yeah. And you also don't want to... What are you guys doing over here? Say, to defund the police or make the job as terrible as it is now.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I mean, there's a lot of cops that I know that go to the gym or whatever that are just like, I wouldn't have become a cop now. Like, it's too hard to do my job. There's too much scrutiny. Like, the life that we're put under, like, it wouldn't have become a cop now. Like it's too hard to do my job. There's too much scrutiny. Like the life that we're put under, like it just is more stressful than it was before. So whenever we make a job that protects our society that hard and puts them, put them
Starting point is 00:28:35 under that much scrutiny all the time through the media and stuff, like you're going to get the worst of the worst and you're only going to get the worst of the worst highlighted. Like there is, there's probably was a bunch of stories in the U S that same day that that tragedy happened to that poor person that got beat where it was like, cop saves another baby out of, you know, a car for sure. Cops,
Starting point is 00:28:54 cops, a robbery, cops saves a wife from being abused, you know, but you're never going to hear any of that shit. You're never going to hear about the cop that dedicated. They arrested 3000 people, drunk driving who could would have killed, ruined, killed 10 innocent people yesterday also.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah. And out of those 10 to have been under the age of of 10. Right. Like you wouldn't you wouldn't you're not going to hear that. You're not going to hear, hey, that the cop that dedicated 25 years of service to his community that started that charity that visited those kids that helped out that school. Like, you're just never going to hear that in the media. You're always going to hear the worst of the worst. And then, you know know perception becomes reality um i i'm i'm perfectly okay you have to know this uh mr mr smith you have to know this mr smith i am perfectly okay and beyond okay i'm ecstatic for bro Brooke Wells doing the snicker thing.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I hope she makes a lot of money. I hope it invigorates her and inspires her to perform better. I hope it adds value to her life. I'm like so I'm happy for her. I truly am. It's cool. But I have questions. But I have questions. I have questions. you want to know what questions i have yes uh who's her manager i'm i think it's matt o'keefe but i don't know oh yeah uh uh where is okay pull up 369 she made a post on Instagram
Starting point is 00:30:27 that said I'm out so this is the problem with all the people this is a this is crazy this is a problem with all the people I sent out now I don't know I've only met Brooke Wells when I've done the behind the scenes I really like her I really enjoyed my interactions with her
Starting point is 00:30:43 she's always been cool as shit to me. Okay. And she's young. Okay. And she's young. But she wrote this and it says, this is on her Instagram account. It says, I'm out. and it says, this is on her Instagram account, it says, I'm out. And it says, and it goes on to say, I cannot be silent about what is going on in the CrossFit world. And then she goes on and never says what she's upset about.
Starting point is 00:31:11 She's worse than silent in this post. This is just woke-a-razi shit. She claims that Greg did something bad, but never states what it is, like none of those people did. Like none of those people did. Like none of those people did. I bet you if you stop Brooke Wells on the street and be like, hey, what exactly did Greg do that upset you? They don't even know.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And yet she says, and I'm speculating. I don't know for sure. I cannot be silent about what is going on in the CrossFit world. It goes so strongly against my values, beliefs, and morals. What does? What goes against your values, beliefs, and morals. What does? What goes against your values, beliefs, and morals? Can you even define what values, beliefs, and morals are? Us athletes are not sitting idle. Us athletes? I hope you're not sitting idle. If you did, that ass would get huge and all weird looking. We are working hard
Starting point is 00:32:01 together to take the correct action to make change. I will never, ever represent a company under this leadership. It is appalling, disgusting. I want to know what are you talking about? Are you talking about the part that he introduced a fitness and lifestyle methodology that saved fucking probably millions of lives? It's added maybe billions of years to people's lives. What? That's what upsets you? Because I think that is what's upset you's upset you and you know why i think that because now you sell snicker bars to little kids
Starting point is 00:32:30 and you know that's the leading cause of death on planet earth the eating of snicker bars or such like items you do know chronic disease is the leading cause of death on the planet right it shortens people's lives by the largest number of hours, days, whatever metric you want. It stunts people's growth. It causes erectile dysfunction. It causes bad thinking. It makes people fight. You know that, right? And now you're selling that. I want to be very clear with you about what the issue is because you're not clear in your post at all about what Gregreg could have possibly have done to upset you maybe maybe maybe it's greg's fault and crossfit's fault that you sell snickers because it was the creation of that methodology that's led to people like you who are set be able to sell snicker bars
Starting point is 00:33:15 i knew it this whole thing is greg's fault and crossfit's fault right because he gave you a fucking platform to sell sugar to little kids. You fucking have no morals, no values, or no beliefs compared to me. Because for me, kids are the highest. As a baby comes out of a woman's vagina, it is the opening of the portal that connects the heavens to earth. Let me be very clear and say that again. When a woman gives birth to a baby, it is the biggest miracle that happens on planet earth. And yet you are selling poison to babies. Miss Wells.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And that part trips me out. That you have morals, values, and beliefs, and yet you sell poison to babies. You sell, you push a product that kills people. babies you you sell you push a product that kills people that has no value to people's life except some sort of sensory stimulation i guess that's what your instagram account does too oh shit i just had a flashback i had a dream with danny spiegel on it last night we were talking oh oh yeah it was friendly it was friendly it was intense but it was friendly. It was friendly. It was intense, but it was friendly. I was walking down a street on a sidewalk, and she was walking. We were like in a neighborhood walking together.
Starting point is 00:34:54 She was nice. She looked a little different than I imagined her to look in person. I want to read the last paragraph of what Brooke Wells said against Greg and said against greg and crossfit see that's the problem she like um this was one of the hardest decisions i've made i wonder if selling snicker bars was also one of the hardest decisions you ever made i wonder if there was a thought put towards that she says it's so much bigger than the crossfit games we still don't know what you're talking about are you talking about floyd? You're talking about a tweet? What are you talking about, you fucking lunatic?
Starting point is 00:35:28 We are fighting for our community and the affiliates that care so deeply. Not the affiliates. I love the affiliates so much. The only thing that could change for me is if Greg and those who stood by and allowed this to happen – allowed what to happen? You can't say it. because do you know what? If you did say it and we started breaking it down, it would show that all of you who got upset, it was because it exposed probably your racism in your heart and the fact that you actually judge people by the color of their skin. That would be my guess i can only speculate but now you have no problem this i mean i'm dying to know why you think it's okay
Starting point is 00:36:12 to sell snicker bars but you have a problem with something that abstractly that greg did it's fucking absolutely bizarre to me and yet i am sincerely so happy that you got the deal. It's cool. Oh, she gets destroyed in the comments. She gets destroyed in the comments, and there's people in there that – I really want to know what happened. Yeah, don't we all? She gets destroyed in the comments, but there are also people in there who I truly love and think are great people who also agree with her and and i and i don't want to bury them i have to tell you i'm biased there's some people who who all who are on the i'm out committee and uh i like them and um and i and i like brooke wells too i don't dislike her i just please everyone use this as a chance to um uh to to think twice before you jump the gun on people. Yeah. That's what I was going to say. Use it as like a, um, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:08 one of those things that has happened and you could correct in the future by just saying, Hey, next time something like this happens before I make a snap decision, especially publicly, I'm just going to give it some time and let the dust settle and really decide how I feel on it. But you know what happened, right? Like that whole thing happened. One or two of the athletes was probably, you know what happened right like that whole thing happened one or two of the athletes was probably you know deeply offended by it got all upset and the rest of them are making phone
Starting point is 00:37:31 calls hey we're doing this yeah we gotta move we gotta we gotta support this hey we gotta do this and i think that there was a ton of opportunities opportunists that were like hey this is let's let's get greg out of here like i've had an issue with him for whatever reason. Nothing to do with any of these things that are being claimed online, just personal shit, right? And then now all of a sudden they're like, hey, this is our opportunity. I mean, there was a bunch of people that jumped on it. Hey, I've been waiting for this.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Now I sell my own programming. Now I sell, you know, you can come and get on the CrossFit methodology, but underneath my brand, not CrossFit's brand. And so there was a bunch of that of that bullshit and of course they were pissed because greg just took the games in 2018 19 and 20 and kind of just threw them up in the air and let you know what i mean he fucked with them and so of course those people were gonna be pissed but but the games were his he owned them those were you were coming to his house to play right uh if she if seriously if she has an issue say it here in um arden i want to say something most of the people who have an issue don't have the
Starting point is 00:38:29 intellectual capacity to even express it and they don't even know what their issue is because it was given to them their issue was given to them yeah it's the same thing with like the people who are watching don lemon their their their issues are being given to them they don't actually have any of their own they don't know how to think i mean you can just say see by the words that she uses like the athletes and us and we can't like super vague super ambiguous and there's no there there with any of that they think that crossfit's something bigger than it really is there's a self-importance to it that's just like what if it would have been crazy if greg was like came on was like you know what guys you're right i'm just gonna go ahead and shut it down
Starting point is 00:39:10 oh that would have been awesome you guys could take all the athletes you could take all the affiliates start the whole thing up somewhere else you know what we're just fucking we're down you're right we're gonna go ahead and stop and what would happen this reminds me i'm not gonna give a ton of context on the situation but i was inside this big barn one time and there was a bunch of uh weed trimmers and this was up in ukiah right so they bring in like all these people majority of when he says weed he means marijuana this is a typical scene in california he's uh and so you're inside this big farm and all these like mexican dudes are trimming bud right and the guy comes over and the guy was a total lunatic who was in charge of this operation but he looks at him he's like you need to chin
Starting point is 00:39:48 that tighter and the guy's like well it's still you know it's gonna ball on like says some stuff and he's like okay and he walks over and he grabs the whole bag that was just trimmed he dumps it on the ground and he starts like stomping it and he goes this is my fucking weed you don't you don't uh you don't go against what i say if i want to destroy it and do this this is my fucking weed you don't you don't uh say you don't go against what i say if i want to destroy it and do this or mexican hat dance on it i'm going to it starts stomping it wow wow that guy needed some medication yeah he was that was it the owner was it was he the owner of the weed oh yeah yeah it was all john okay it was crazy but that just reminded me of that because that's what great could do all right fine you just want it let's go fucking stomp this out then yes it doesn't even matter
Starting point is 00:40:28 and just held on to the intellectual property let the dust settle then popped back up as something else later don't don't don't make a post telling me you have morals or values or any shit like that like shut the fuck up You sell fucking candy bars. Like, you are at the bottom of the pyramid of what's needed. It's like athletes saying that they're role models for little girls. You are not a fucking role model for fucking anyone. Yeah. You think that there was a discussion about that? Stop it.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Stop it. What? You think that there was a discussion about that? Stop it. Stop it. What? Do you think that there was a discussion about that? Like at all? Like, do you think it was like, Hey, we got presented this offer. Like, okay. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They knew, they knew right away. No, I know. But do you think that they are going to fucking have a field day with this?
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yes. They, they knew. But outside of being shamed about it, do you think that they had the moral discussion and here's where, and I want to loop this into something. No, no, no no because we've had offers with sponsors that have been like hey we'll give you xyz and you peddle our code and you've been like okay well what do our people get and they're like well nothing but you get this or you get that and you're like well is there something we could give our our audience because i'm not going to send them to your site they're not going to use our code unless there's a value exchange there.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Give them 10% off free shipping. They're like, no, we're not going to do that. And we've gone, okay, well, we just won't go with you guys. Thank you. We appreciate it. But if we can't add value to the audience, we'll move on. And so I wonder if there's ever a conversation at that level. Like, hey, Brooke, not that you're going to be crushed by this or that, but like, hey, you know that we're going to be selling this.
Starting point is 00:42:03 You are going to get some pushback, but ultimately at the end of the day, you will be, you know, selling Snickers bars to people that are in the health and fitness space. Maybe they rationalized it like this. Maybe they're like, Hey, you're going to sell poison, but also you're going to draw attention to little girls out there who see you as a role model. Yeah. Yeah. They spun it. I mean, you and I know that now people are going to eat that snicker bar that have no right to eat that snicker bar, meaning that they don't exercise enough. First of all, you can't exercise away bad calories anyway, but. Everybody who was on the fence and maybe were like, ah, I'm not going to do it because it's
Starting point is 00:42:37 a candy bar, whatever. All those people now will. And the people that were already on the candy bar chain just switched their purchase from a regular Snickers to the protein Snickers and are now going to eat two or three throughout the day, justifying the fact that they're getting in their protein. When really there's probably double your daily sugar limit in there and a whole mess of other ingredients that are not going to be – I don't even know if there's actual food in that thing, James, Mr. Ford. That thing just may be made out of plastic bags and chemicals. Like that's my real issue with it. It's just, Will Smith, I agree. Just curious, where do we draw the line
Starting point is 00:43:13 with making money, doing things that encourage things we know are detrimental to society life? So here's the thing. If Brooke, let's say she would have been like, hey, what if she would have been like, hey, I'm sponsored by Snickers, but I wouldn't eat this, just so you know. And then it showed her just bathing in a bathtub full of Snicker bars. Like Dave with Monster that year? Like I'm – man, that's a pretty high bar to set.
Starting point is 00:43:41 That's pretty fucking crazy. bar to set that's pretty fucking crazy or or like if they said they took one of those snicker bars and they had her um and they showed like uh some guy would melt the snicker bar and then just painted her with the chocolate all over her body but she's naked and somehow they did it tastefully and then at the end of the commercial it's just brookwell's naked but you can't really see anything because she's covered in chocolate and then she's like i don't't eat these, but they sure I sure look good in them. Like something like that. Like, hey, dude. That's like a genius. I fuck.
Starting point is 00:44:11 I hope you got. I just. That would be a crazy ad. She's a winner on every level. Then I go out and buy some. But but if they what they what they bought from her, what they buy is they buy your mouth. Right. So you can't LeBron's not going to sell Sprite and then tell the truth like, hey, little black boys, don't drink this shit.
Starting point is 00:44:32 This is the quickest way to kill a black man faster than a gun. Like he can't say that, even though it's the truth. This can of Sprite takes more days off of black people than guns will ever take off like like and so that's that i don't know this for a fact but i'm guessing that she it's that she can't disparage the bar and so they bought her uh they bought her i mean so so so yeah um i you know if snicker said hey can we advertise snicker bars on your podcast for a million dollars? I would hope I would be like, sure, but there's no fucking way I'm going to tell people I eat them. And if people ask me, I'm going to say no fucking way do I eat these.
Starting point is 00:45:16 And I can't remember the last time I've ever had a snicker bar. I don't eat candy bars. Oh, that I was somewhere where they made s'mores like a couple of weeks ago and I had some Hershey's chocolate. The only time that, that a candy bars ever find their way is those little fun size ones. Like after Halloween, what they're just as abundance of them floating everywhere. I try to follow those away, but yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Yes. You're right, Dick. I gave Cliff, Cliff builder bars is, well, you're saying it's better than snicker protein bar. I don't know if it's better.
Starting point is 00:45:44 It's the same. It's just garbage. Um, um i don't eat them i feed them to my kids okay jonathan adams for a million seven would eat them uh live on air yeah but maybe that way i'd be like you guys should do this hey it's the same thing maybe and i'm totally open to that too like no one's offering easy for me to talk shit to brooke wells no one's offering – easy for me to talk shit to Brooke Wells. No one's offering me a snicker bar commercial. It's easy for me to talk shit about Tiger Woods. There aren't 200 of the hottest women in the world trying to fucking bone me in the back of my fucking Ferrari. I get it.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I'm totally – I hear you. For sure, 100% guilty on that. So what's the call- call in number Mr. Watkins do you want me to put the banner up usually you roll with the banner click that's like you opening the call lines you know call lines are now open
Starting point is 00:46:35 928-583-3903 928-583-3903 I like that 928-583-3903 928-583-3903. Hello, Tyler. How are you? Thank you. I don't even know if the phone works.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I don't even know if the phone works. I had to turn some shit off. By the way, I have to go in 12 minutes. Does that suck or what? Oh, damn. Okay. Normally the show starts in 12 minutes. I was going to bring up this real quick so we could just look at it.
Starting point is 00:47:06 But what a crazy. What? okay, yeah, here we go. $37 billion in revenue. Yeah, I saw $54 billion somewhere yesterday. Well, that's probably true because that's 2020. Hey, 130,000 employees. That's a really – that's cool. They employ a lot of people. That's a lot of jobs. That's a lot of jobs.
Starting point is 00:47:25 That is a lot of jobs. 12 years. Been around, uh, color. Hi, Tyler. Hi. How you doing guys? What's up, brother? Thanks.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Well, I'm in, I'm in Texas with John Young, Daniel Brandon. Oh, cool. Getting ready to compete. I think Daniel's coaching somebody. Cause she's just, I just seen her walk around. Oh, cool. We're getting ready to compete. I think Danielle's coaching somebody. Because she's just, I've just seen her walk around. Oh, I did hear she was in, I did hear she was in Austin. You're at some event that you're competing in? Yeah, the fitness experience down here, it's going well.
Starting point is 00:47:58 We've got some problems with the flooring. It's sinking in and stuff, but it's fine. Yeah, constantly varied. Constantly varied. Yeah. Luke it's fine. Yeah, constantly varied. Constantly varied. Yeah. Luke Parker's here. He's doing okay. Talked to him last night.
Starting point is 00:48:13 He feels good. Oh, that's the guy who's been on the show. That's the Mayhem guy. Yeah. Yeah, cool. There's several Mayhem people here competing. John Young's doing well. I think it's his first, like, legit comp.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Oh, wow. um john young's doing well i think it's his first like legit comp so wow but anyway i had thoughts about your sneakers idea i'm cooking getting ready to eat and go to this competition so i was listening my family is from the appalachian mountains right and, heroin is killing everybody. OK. But me, as a good libertarian, I don't want to take the meth out of their mouth. They just shouldn't be in a position where they need or want it and smart enough to know how. So my thing is, I wanted to hop on your thing about Brooke. She's not the one putting the candy bar in their mouth and right my thing is right it's kind of like the michael jordan of uh like republicans buy shoes too like if they're gonna hand me the money my base should be smart enough to not to know not to eat the snicker bar i
Starting point is 00:49:18 couldn't agree with you more money i couldn't agree with you more but when you make a post not sorry i couldn't agree with you more and also when you make a post – sorry. I couldn't agree with you more. And also when you post things on social media like what she did about I'm out and you don't explain why you're out and you use that playbook from the Wokorazzi where you just fucking say dumb shit and hope people fucking agree with you even though you haven't given any there there. And then you say you're doing that based on your high morals and values and beliefs. Then you're also open for me to contextualize. Like, I don't know what her morals, values, and beliefs are. And so I'm going back to that post, and I'm going, well, clearly they're here. They're to sell snicker bars and poison to children. I think that's also very fair to just point that out and contextualize it.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I'm starting to – I just want to understand Brooke Wells, where she's coming from. You see, Tyler? I just want to understand her. I'm a huge fan of the sport. I just wanted to hold you true. Thank you. I agree. I agree. Anyone who eats a snicker bar at the end of the day, it's your fault. It's not Brooke Wells' fault at all. End of story. You dumb, fat
Starting point is 00:50:19 tub of shit. I think Matt did that where he was like you know i need this amount he contextualized why he was eating snicker bars why he was eating or doing like condensed gatorade after training he was like i use this much sugar i need this yeah he did yeah we hillar takes c4 because he doesn't like to breathe when he talks thank you i was pretty proud of that i get it and i don't hate on i don't hate on hillar for that either hey listen how cool would have been from day one if she was eating snicker bars and then she got the sponsorship like like i'm not hating on her i i'm not i'm
Starting point is 00:51:08 not hating on her but uh but i but it is uh it it's it's an e it's it's low-hanging fruit for just idiocy to point out just that that people don't don't believe a fucking word these fucking people say when it comes to morals or values it's just it's con artistry sorry tyler just in breaking news tyler watkins has a huge penis two dollars i'll read anything for two dollars all like i have you know what my values and my morals are i'll read anything for $2. Hey, you hear that, Mars? Anything.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Right, but you're not putting my penis in other people's mouth. Correct. Correct. Well, for the right price, I will. Yeah, yeah. Correct. Don't kept me with it this time. The thing that I hear... Wait, but the irony is Tyler's putting your penis in someone's mouth
Starting point is 00:52:05 is healthier than what she's selling it isn't true no sugar yeah that's that's gospel FDA approved the fear
Starting point is 00:52:20 I hear or what I hear in your argument the thing that I I hear is like okay we're gonna do the food pyramid so we can teach people what is smart to where you're taking the candy bar out of people's mouth. Right. But Matt, someone like Matt might need the candy bar. I'm not saying he needs the candy bar. But what I'm saying is I don't want you going the other direction. things right we just live in a world where there's youtube and old instagram posts and we can also
Starting point is 00:53:06 like contextualize it for the listeners and we've earned that right with our 65 listeners well how do you feel about the menthol cigarette because like they banned just menthol cigarettes right stupid stupid stupid and i never understood that also because I don't know a lot of white people. Oh, look, you're competing with John Young. You're eating while on the air, too. Hey, your accent goes perfect with a fork scratching on a plate. I imagine you sitting over the kitchen sink with a pan and just scraping just the eggs that didn't quite come off with the first serving and eating them before you asked your wife to wash the pan. Maybe you don't even wash the pan. it's just the same way every morning just put it on the stove scrape
Starting point is 00:53:49 off the burnt eggs eat them and throw it back on the stove paper towel it off it's paper we can't afford we can't afford real place to eat a sheet of paper you know uh just just in for a dollar 99 my name is Sevan Matosian and when I'm not licking your wife's twat, I'm eating Snickers. I was going to say, you should have made him pay the full $2. That's $1.99. He's one cent short. If you pay me $2,
Starting point is 00:54:16 I'll read that shit verbatim. $1.99, I get to add my own shit. Anyway, that was it. I like pushing back on you. I wonder if Brookwells would get in trouble if we painted her with a snicker bar for being in blackface. I wonder if that would get
Starting point is 00:54:31 weird for her. It's chocolate. It's not paint. It's chocolate. Because I don't want to get her in any trouble. Because I know she's of high values, morals, and whatever the fuck else she has. I don't want... because it makes so much sense that if you if you dressed up as Kanye for Halloween and paint yourself in black that it's you deserve to be canceled. Well, you don't understand the history.
Starting point is 00:55:02 So back in the day, there was white people who dressed up as black people and painted and it was very derogatory towards them. So now for the next 3000 years, you cannot paint white people black in order to uh shut the fuck up i hope in your next life you're a fucking toucan all of you people who think like that you're stuck on a fucking branch somewhere in the middle of fucking south america with a fucking beak that's so big that it ruins your life but you'll be pretty you'll be attractive all right tyler thank you for calling love you bye thanks tyler hi how we doing boys it's plumber hey plumber plumber i only have four minutes left and usually your calls are pretty rated g and i want to leave the show with a bang okay so you got one all right well i was gonna say fuck you up i'm about to hang up on your ass go ahead does does brook getting the snickers sponsorship legitimize crossfit as the sport
Starting point is 00:55:53 to be professional yeah to most people it does well said yes to most if big sugar yes if big sugar gets their paws into it that means that they see CrossFit as odd. Oh, you're good, Plummer. Yes, it's real. All we need now is a – Yes, we have – Yes. The more garbage that sponsors CrossFit, the more legit it is.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Word. Right? Yes. As sad as that is, that's what it is. Well said, Mr. Plummer. Yep. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Appreciate it. Good point. I didn't even have to hang up on you. Love you. Bye. Later, dude. Damn.
Starting point is 00:56:28 He showed me up every time I talk shit to someone. They show me up. I hate this. You're forcing them to elevate. It's good. Okay. It's not like they're showing you up there. They're rising to the occasion.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I'm a, I had, I was over three and making fun of women for their math skills. I just keep getting tossed up. I thought I found something where a chick was fucking up math. Go ahead. No, you go ahead. I was just going to say, so I'm going to this Northern California affiliate gathering.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Oh, today. It's today. It's in like 7 now, so it starts in an hour and a half. So CrossFit affiliates from all over Northern California will be there? Apparently, it's pretty big. There's like a hundred plus people that are going what are those like or do is it like just like a networking thing you see all the other owners well outside of the everyone wear shirts that are way too small and show off their muscles i usually get in there and i warm up with a handstand lock and bar muscle up
Starting point is 00:57:21 just to insert my dominance into the fucking room it's it's a training day for me guys i had to get my skills in i'm assuming uh don will be there and dave will be there just like the northern california i hope i hope dave's there i don't know i don't have any confirmation on uh dave being there but i do i was gonna actually ask you if you knew his uh geographic location but um uh dawn will be there and it starts off so they gave us a schedule the first one's about like a sales pipeline like understanding i think like a system or a back end for sales like how you get your your you know your future members from the internet into your door to being members and then there's a state of uh crossfit talk with dawn so they're going to talk about the state of crossfit and they're going to open up a q a and which we will be there live for the q a i oh yeah i just started streaming it from your
Starting point is 00:58:17 phone hey listen listen have a comb in your back pocket your hair is perfect for it right now and uh and when you walk in have uh your hot uh wife on your arm you know and have her be chewing gum and smacking it and walk in and stand there and have her in a really short like pink dress from the 50s like with polka dots on it and just be a gum and you're combing your hair back slick hey donnie good to see you and just start calling don donnie good to see you donnie and if dave's they're calling david dav hey donnie good to see you and just start calling don donnie good to see you donnie and if dave's they're calling david david donnie what's up rev your car like 20 times before you turn it off after you park it my civic roll up and rev
Starting point is 00:58:54 hey your civics is a disgrace to civics everywhere it is such a cool car i call it the work truck that's right it is your civic is the work truck oh my goodness uh i want to finish with 366 um this is a uh short clip of a chiropractor uh i saw this and oh this one of those weird also TikTok. Yeah, maybe it is a TikToker. TikTok. David and Donald, what's up? Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:59:33 David, Donald, how you doing? You may have to let this play like two or three times for this one to sink in. This guy's a chiropractor. Okay, here we go. This is an adjustment where you stick your finger in the patient's butt. The idea is to adjust the coccyx bone right here. No, I've never done it. You will not believe what I just found in my chiropractic textbook. This is an adjustment where you stick your finger in the patient's butt.
Starting point is 00:59:59 The idea is to adjust the coccyx bone right here. Hey, how is that? I've never done it. How? So, Susan, that guy's wearing pants in that photo shorts so when he hey i totally uh look at barry mccockner feels amazing all right fine i'm open i'm open i had i've had uh dude stick his finger in my butt twice no and i didn't enjoy it either time i've told the story before but dude stuck his finger on my butt to tell me that my prostate wasn't perfect perfectly round and that he needed a second opinion from a fucking prostate expert
Starting point is 01:00:41 and i'm like listen fuck nut That's illegal in my state. If you have the first dude who sticks his finger in my ass, be the expert. Like, like I don't, I don't, I don't, I'm going to call two of my buddies in here and check this out. I hated it.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I hated it. I didn't, I wanted to enjoy it, but the second he put his finger in my butt, it felt like I had to take a shit, a painful shit. It was, there was nothing. I, I don't know how anyone does enjoys that okay the first guy or second guy was both of them i didn't enjoy either of them the second guy whispered into my ear
Starting point is 01:01:15 okay they're milking the prostate just relax anyway my prostate was fine. Get that in there. Okay. Yeah, pressure. It just felt like crazy pressure. Yeah. One tiny little finger. Okay. I love you guys. I have 28 minutes to pack before I get in the car and start driving back to the three-plane brother's empire.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I have to pack. I'd like to stay on you with you all day. Azusa had to get up crazy early this morning to do this. I appreciate everyone. I love you guys. And tomorrow morning, we have Sarah Sigmund's daughter on. It's going to be so much fun. She's great.
Starting point is 01:01:52 We'll ask her what morals or values she had to compromise to get sponsored by Volkswagen. I used to drive a couple of Volkswagens. And in all honesty, you have to know that I am happy for Brooke. I hope she makes a shit ton of money. I hope she invests it wisely. I hope she lives a happy life. But just be careful of the dumb shit that you say on the fucking internet. Or at least be able to lean into it.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Don't accept money from people that make it so that they own your mouth. Because then we just come back and we have to show just the dumb shit that you said in the past. She can still call Greg and apologize anytime she wants. That would be awesome. She can make a post, an open apology on her Instagram. Hey, I want to say this. You know when I got mad at Greg two years ago? What I meant to say is I love him and thank you for letting me sell snicker bars with the most incredible platform that's helped more people ever. And I actually don't give a shit about marginalized people.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I only care about selling snicker bars. I love you, Bookwells. And I sincerely apologize, Greg Glassman, for being a dumbass. Peace and love. And you can buy now my calendar with nude photos of me. $13.99. Bye-bye.

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