The Sevan Podcast - #784 - The Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. How many days were you not on the show? Bam, we're live. From the 25th until today, so almost a week.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Wow. Was it weird coming back? Oh, I think you might have to move your microphone closer to your mouth. All right. Closer? How's that? Closer? Closer? How's that? Closer? How about this?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Now you sound like a pilot. Hey, was it weird coming back on this morning? Yeah, like I was telling my wife I was like kind of stressed. I was like freaking out a little bit. Yeah, that's healthy. Awesome. Awesome. That's awesome. back in the seat uh awesome seeing you dude yeah it's good to be back and in a normal room too
Starting point is 00:01:15 not like i don't know i'm not saying i like that part i was perfectly happy with you in that you like the doctor's office yeah that shit was great i knew you couldn't go anywhere damn we should have we should have screenshot it and had him like be on green screen like that and then that way he just like hits the background he's like i'm back bitches and it just falls away and he's back so so caleb you left where you were at and how many hours was the flight to uh germany uh flight to germany was i think it was six or seven hours, six, probably. Yeah. Six, seven hours. Were you with your homeboys or just by yourself? I was with everybody. Yeah. So my, all everybody that I was with, we just clambered into a commercial airliner and. Oh, you did with like real seats. You didn't sit on the ground or those weird netted seats. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Shit. Was that a surprise for you? No, we we had flown it we had flown the same airline to get there okay and uh so i mean it's like a just a contracted airliner with like a just a shitload of seats that they pack everybody in together is it a familiar name on the side of the plane like do we know it is it like i mean obviously no no it's not okay no it doesn't say like Southwest on the side. It would still be there. It'd be delayed in case. Yeah, it would just be fucking stuck there probably. No, it's like, I don't even know. It's called Omni Air.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Omni Air. I think they literally just contract for the military, but yeah. Hey, what does this mean? That's what I thought too. The fact that Caleb is a cat person makes me inexcusably horny. Yeah, I think that's horny. To be honest, I'm not really a cat person. This cat just kind of got pawned off on us by a family member.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And now we just have a cat. She actually acts more like a dog. She'll like shake and like sit. No, he said that's a word. What's horned someone needs to look that up i got it uh oh it's an urban dictionary great oh great oh yeah okay yeah that's good what's it mean here i'll pull it up oh you got it got it too, though? Wait, did my screen freeze? Oh, there it is. There it is. I don't do that very often. I just adjusted my nuts. Usually, I don't need to do that.
Starting point is 00:03:31 This is 702. A type of meme or photo that's like porn but usually posted in an unwanted, awkward place for attention. Yeah, well, that cat does look placed, right? But it's obviously watching something outside. But that cat totally looks like it's staged. Like, I'm home. I'm a cat person. Yeah, she's watching some birds, I think.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Jethro says there's a dick story that you mentioned you were going to tell. Oh, God. Already? It's been three minutes. I know. I thought everybody was's gonna forget about that honestly just ease into it we can we can we can save it we don't have to wait wait a little bit warm up a little bit yeah we'll wait i need to find a good way to like articulate that story
Starting point is 00:04:16 still so just give me a bit jethro it's kind of um stories on here it's kind of like there's like a bit it's like foreplay. Like someone has to tell a story about how they fell down the stairs. And someone else talks about how one time they choked. They gagged on their toothbrush. And next thing you know, someone's talking about a time their penis touched their friend's penis. I mean, let us warm up to that. I'm going to ease into it. There's a playbook to these things.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah. I'll tell you, though, I think how the story goes is uh he had to check a guy's penis and there were no gloves and he had to bare hand it that's my guess i don't know what that caleb story is knuckle side though knuckle side nine nine that's pretty tame because i think compared to the actual story oh good guys i wanted to I was thinking about this this morning in the shower. So this show what this show does and I and I stole this from Greg Glassman. This this show sells the truth. So that's all we have. All we have is the truth. And so we may not get it right. but that's what we're trying to do. And what I mean sells the truth. Not only are we trying to tell you the truth about everything, but we're also trying to give you insights on how we think about it. So two plus two is four. And how we think about it is I look at myself and Sousa and then I look, oh, let's do two plus one.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It's easier. I look at myself and Sousa and then there's Caleb and that's plus one. And then I can count one, two, three. We try to actually tell you how we came to our conclusions on things. Like why I think it's silly that you talk about gun control without talking about the ramifications of outlying guns. We talk about, hey, you talk about, or not you, but people talk about police need more training. We talk about, hey, well, what's the other side of the equation? The other side of the equation is that the public needs more training and i think that that would be vastly more useful in conquering whatever the problem is and it's just an emotional response to say the police need more training because we've been trying that bullshit for 30 years etc but i'm just trying to say that like whether we're right or wrong we're
Starting point is 00:06:21 trying to tell you how we think not only the truth but and if we if we detract from that at all what we're doing is is we're spending our our equity our um our our show's equity and we never want to do that we never ever ever we would never like want to lie to you on purpose even if it were around a sponsor. So, you know, that thing that Hiller does, he, he says, um, uh, you know, uh, Brookwell's is selling mattress a today and then tomorrow she's selling mattress B and what are we all supposed to do? Throw away mattress a, and then go buy mattress B if we're supposed, but her, but she's not selling the truth. And I was talking with a friend yesterday and he says he doesn't care when athletes do that because we all know. Actually, I still care. And what I mean by that is, is my friends tell me, hey, it's just an unspoken thing that we all know. It's the white elephant
Starting point is 00:07:14 in the room. Everyone knows it. Don't take these people seriously when it comes to the products they sell. But I don't think I think it still speaks volumes to their character that they don't acknowledge this behavior, right? So when we take on a sponsor, I can't let them buy the truth at all or else I'm selling the show's equity. I can't have Gabe come on here and be like, hey, I have a new tea coming out. Will you tell people you drink tea all the time? I just – I can't do that because it would be spending the only thing that I'm, that I have for you guys. I don't have a nice butt. I'm not really good at CrossFit, but, but, but Brooke Wells and these other people are selling something else to you. Here's where it gets weird and
Starting point is 00:07:57 interesting. They consider themselves influencers, right? And so that they know that they're influencing people. So then when they influence people in a bad way, they know they have to go to bed. At some point, they're going to have to answer to that in their life. Anytime you lie, it's going to reduce the fidelity of your ability to interact with the world and elicit happiness from it, excitement, pleasure from it. So where I go with this, if you can connect the dots with me, is that then you have a company like CrossFit Mayhem, and this is where all this thought is, you know, there's been so much fun stimulus that's allowed Susan to have all these cool talks throughout the day. Mayhem says something really interesting because they're trying to do both,
Starting point is 00:08:44 right? They have their values up front. They think that the Bible is real and that Jesus is the Savior, and they're trying to live to that while also selling things. So they even have put other rules. They're like the Amish. They put other rules on themselves while they're playing by different rules than the rest of the uh community right so the amish have to sell to stuff they have to sell fruits and vegetables at the market but and go against uh other companies but they're not allowed to use gas powered you know uh or electric power whatever the fuck their rules are to uh harvest that stuff right so there's all these interesting – it's just interesting games.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I don't mean that in a bad way, but interesting techniques going on within the ecosystem. With all of that being said, my specific thing with Brooke Wells was and with all of these guys, and I'm going to probably – there will be no end to this because it's such great content. content is the fact that she made a post saying about her morals and her ethics and her values regarding greg glassman even though we have her post made absolutely gave you no idea what the fuck she was talking about and you know in a full-length post um the part that's weird is is that now you sell poison to kids and so whatever greg did must have been pretty fucking bad if you're willing to now if you if you can somehow think that selling poison to kids is less bad. She's part of the matrix. Is that giving her a pass?
Starting point is 00:10:13 Is that your way of giving her a pass? No, I'm just saying. She's just flowing down the river, baby. Flowing down the river. Well, if you do that, you're burning – don't think that you're not burning some equity somewhere. You are. 100%. You're losing – every time she does that or switches a sponsor that was sponsor A to sponsor B and they're the same exact product and stuff like that, you lose trust with your audience.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And it will take her a while to figure that out because she has such a massive audience. I don't necessarily know why we're picking on her. I don't think we mean to. No, no, not at all. I'm not trying to pick on her at all. Example, yeah. I'm not trying to pick on her at all example. Yeah. But if you have a person and they're selling you product day, and then immediately they switched to product B within a couple of months. And like seven was saying, like, now all of a sudden you're like, wait, we bought a, now you're on B it's you lose trust each time with your audience like that.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And slowly you diminish, not only like you were saying the equity of the show, but you're diminishing that relationship with your audience. Because if you're not endorsing products that you solely actually use and believe in and truly back, then it's only a limited time to where people just look at you as like, oh, they're just peddling something else this time. They're not really going to ask. And no one buys that a snicker bar is a good way to meet your macros and get your 20 grams of protein. No one buys that. Yeah, and that shit isn't that yeah and that's well actually people do buy that a lot a lot of people buy it but but i don't buy that and everybody's always looking for like shortcuts so when these athletes sell different things like that they think oh it's the reason why i'm not going to the games
Starting point is 00:11:40 because i need to mimic matt's routine or i need to make Brooke Wells's routine and they're eating this product. And so maybe if I eat that product, that'll help me get closer to my goals. And, and that's maybe, maybe she'll be a guest. I'm surprised at who comes on. Maybe she'll be a guest.
Starting point is 00:11:55 We had a moment at water Palooza, like we locked eyes and she gave me a nod and I like her. I like her. I'd like to help her sell snicker. I'd like to help her sell snicker bars I'd like to help her sell Snicker bars. Like if that's if I can help her do that. We'll even set up the little fucking logo here. I'll throw the Snicker bar logo on there.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Like I'd like to have her on. I think I'd be here. I think it would be a great value to have her on. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Not a lot. Just once a week. Just as a once a week.
Starting point is 00:12:24 And then we could talk about what's inside the snicker isn't actually real food. I wouldn't even do that to her. Not to her, but then once she was gone. So anyway, so that's the difference, right? I mean she has a talent and a skill and a body that she is selling, and I am just trying to sell the truth. And so when she does stuff like that, it's she made i should actually thank her she she's made a um she's made content for me she set me up so thank you i appreciate it um so how roberts i still won't buy snickers milky way so much better is milky way soft is Is Milky Way softer and Snickers is harder?
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah. He likes the limp flaccid, and Brooke likes the more hard. The nutty ones. The nutty, yeah. Okay. Fair. Fair enough. My mom used to take me to clarinet lessons, and she would always get this bar at the liquor store next door.
Starting point is 00:13:22 It was, I think it's called a $ thousand dollar bar hundred grand hundred grand or maybe she would get a baby ruth fuck i don't remember i should just keep my mouth shut i don't know uh scott perkins someone would eat a snickers bar off that ass there's definitely a time in my life – Specific. That's very specific. I don't even eat my kids. I do bad stuff, but I don't think I would – I don't think – I can't ever see myself ever eating a Snickers bar the rest of my life. I just wouldn't choose to do that for my bad stuff. You know what's crazy is a lot of the parents that are like – that have gone through – Cookie dough.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I'd eat cookie dough sorry go ahead cookie do this good a lot of the parents that um have uh done nutrition stuff or done our like nutrition reset that we do every year they have to fill out this food log and then um halfway through grace will like look at it and we'll be like well i have all your food logs here and then we just did your weight and it doesn't seem to match up with what was on your food log which is the results you're getting and uh often what does that mean you look fat and your food doesn't show that you should still be fat yeah your body fat percentage hasn't moved skeletal muscle mass hasn't moved body weight hasn't moved but yet you seem to have a perfect food log every
Starting point is 00:14:36 single week for the last six weeks yeah but yeah as soon as we actually measure those it's like nothing moves right what ends up happening is a lot of time it's parents and what they don't realize is they're like picking off of all their kids food as they make it you know so like they'll make oh and the thing is too like that always gets me that i always like stop to think about is half the time the food that they're like picking off and like eating isn't even food they're like oh well i'm i you know i buy that stuff for the kids it's i have the mac and cheese and they didn the kids it's i have the mac and cheese and they didn't finish it so i finished the mac and cheese and then i made them this stuff with the crackers they didn't eat that so i ate the crackers and they're also not logging that on
Starting point is 00:15:12 their food log and a lot of times i don't even go i don't even order food when i go to fancy restaurants i just eat my kids leftovers so i go to some restaurant where the hamburgers are 27 dollars each and they each get a hamburger and i don't i just i just sit there i get like a sparkling water and then when they're done i eat their shit all of it yeah the garnish like the garnish and it's it's always interesting to me because the parents will say that and then they'll they'll be like oh well the kid that kid that's for the the food is for the kids like you get those snacks for the kids and then i kind of think and i'm like well why the hell are you buying all that much junk for the kids in the first place? I never...
Starting point is 00:15:47 I take my kids to buy smoothies, like juice smoothies. I've never ordered one for myself, but I think I drink more than they do every time. Because they never finish their shit, and then they pass their cups forward. Yeah. Exactly. Dad tax. What is it? It's a dad tax.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah, dad tax. Dad tax. Oh, Atlanta. It's a dad tax. Yeah, dad tax. Oh, Atlanta. Hey, you like my shirt? CrossFit 2023. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. It's a free shirt I got at the event.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Caleb, when – it's a cool shirt. When can – I guess at some point we can start asking you questions. When can we start knowing about where you were at and stuff? You have to be out. Probably now. I don't really – it's not like it was – it was more of a – I guess a secret while I was there because I didn't really want anybody to know. But – so do you want to know? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:39 What country were you in? I was in Jordan. That's a country? Apparently, yeah, yeah. It's a kind of like – It's a country? Apparently, yeah. It's a kingdom, right? Isn't that the guy who's married to a white girl, American girl? Yeah, it's like the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. So there's like a prince who runs it, I think, and then a prince and a general.
Starting point is 00:16:59 The king passed away the past couple years or something like that. So now it's kind of run by the prince and the general of the military does he keep um uh that american girl there against her will um i'm not super keen on their like on them in general so i don't i feel like there was some king over there that was um not allowing the chick to leave or something. I think that they're very westernized, so I don't think that that would be the case. Can you tell us why you were there? I mean, to work.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I know, but why is the American government there? Why do we have people? Are we dropping on someone? But why is the, why is the American government there? Why do we have, are we dropping on someone? Um, I'm not a hundred percent sure on that. We have like a pretty good, pretty good working relationship with the local government and the military. Like, and I think that's kind of been ongoing for a long time. Pull out a little bit. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:17:59 So we got Israel, Lebanon, Iraq. Is that Iran in the South? No, that's Saudi Arabia. Next to Jordan. Saudi Arabia is that big. Okay. Yep. And then Syria is right north of them.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Okay. And then right there is Africa. So it just butts right up against the dark continent. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It's kind of just a good central spot. Does Jordan have a CrossFit gym?
Starting point is 00:18:25 They do, actually. There's two affiliates in that central city. I think it's Amman. I think I knew that. I think that we one time – when I was working at CrossFit, we did a piece where we taught – we did a piece. Kerry Peterson and Russell Berger did a piece on Israeli and Jordanian affili affiliates and their relationship was part of the piece yeah i think there's two of them in the whole country probably because uh amman's like the only city based the like the biggest and only city in the country did jesus do any shit in jordan uh yeah so right along the what's called? Because everywhere he went is fucked. Like the Dead Sea or the Red Sea? Like if he walked through your backyard, it was a mess.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah. Oh, for sure. So like the Dead Sea is kind of bordering Israel to the left. And then there's some river over there that he was baptized in. Go to the left a little bit. Wait. You passed right over the the dead sea i know you were looking at the crossfit gyms thank you there was a the uh pull out just a little bit yeah and that body water down there's the dead sea that so jesus was down there so everyone's like fighting over that place everyone wants to like have a spot where he took his first deuce or whatever yeah i mean that's the way it is
Starting point is 00:19:44 wherever that dude went it's like here he knelt down and said hi to god here's where some chick tried to touch his penis over here so like every spot's got like uh you know what i mean right here's where he here's where we think he's buried so they uh there's a a spot in israel that some people went and visited and there's like just so many different things that they just try to, uh, enshrine of Jesus, like from Jesus, like, Oh, this is, there's a drop of blood that he, uh, dropped in this, in this bowl right here. And so now that's like a relic, like everything isn't like there's walls around it. You can't get to like within 10 feet of it. And then there's
Starting point is 00:20:21 another spot where like, supposedly likeesus fell on his walk to be crucified so like his hand there's like a handprint essentially of like where he touched the wall and so that's like a whole relic in itself and everybody goes over there and they're like touching it and they think it's like a whole fucking thing and the wailing wall and yeah it's it's kind of bizarre jesus isn't buried my man fair fine he is risen right of course sorry mark's got you he's got you take care he isn't uh buried fine i apologize where he was hey where how about where he was buried oh now what snap oh reversal two points just change the verb on that booyah oh shit not cool pat velner is a relic not cool damn yikes dude uh jet throw uh cardona giving
Starting point is 00:21:14 the orders hit the like button and for caleb's return yes please don't hit smash it oh he was never buried? I think he was put in a tomb, but then he escaped the tomb. All right. Well, then I'm schooled. Then I'm schooled. Oh, Jeff got me. Booyah.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Fucking up. I'm trying to sell the truth here, and Jeff's fucking it up. He's helping out. He's helping out. He's helping out. Oh, my goodness $3.95 this one is interesting this lady at MSNBC
Starting point is 00:21:54 a hot Armenian lady she has a bunch of here she is celebrating this is not what you want to be celebrating your husband for, by the way. Oh, that's what it brought you to? No, there's two links associated with it, so I wasn't sure which one. Okay, let's play this one first. Either one, either one.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah, fine. Fuck it. Let's do it uh when is sebi taking c beaver for white claws to celebrate his homecoming maybe the next show maybe we do a white claw show white show although i'm an influencer and i don't want you guys seeing me partaking in alcoholic beverages uh okay here we go i know from my twitter feed that many of you have wondered why i have been off the air for a little while well i have been dealing with a little bit of a health scare on december 20th i began to feel chest pains and they waxed and waned over a period of 10 days
Starting point is 00:22:59 i wasn't quite sure what to make of it but But as they continued to get worse, I started to think something was actually wrong. It was December 30th when I finally went to an urgent care and was told I had reflux. I didn't really buy it, but I was relieved it wasn't my heart. My body though, was pretty certain not to believe the reflux. The next day on December 30th, I woke up with severe pains, both in my chest and my left shoulder. Oh, pause, pause. Caleb, watch her mouth. Did she have a stroke? What the fuck's going on with her face? Watch her mouth, please. Okay. I took deep breaths that got worse when I was laying flat. I knew enough at that moment to understand that it could mean, could is the key word here, that I was having a heart attack, especially because it was happening in the left part of my shoulder. I want to remind you, I run seven miles three to
Starting point is 00:23:53 four times a week, or I did. I do yoga. I don't eat meat. I don't smoke. I drink occasionally. Not right now, though, because my doctor tells me I can't. Aside from probably not getting enough sleep and working too much, I'm a pretty healthy person. But on that day, I was anything but. My husband drove me to the emergency room. And from there, the nightmare that has been my January began. I was diagnosed with pericarditis, inflammation of the lining of my heart, brought on by a virus, a literal common cold. I also had fluid around my heart that had to be drained or else it
Starting point is 00:24:27 could hinder the beating of my heart. I was hospitalized for four nights and transferred from a local hospital to NYU Langone here in New York City. On January 4th, I was finally- Pause. Is something up with her mouth? I think Trish might see it too. Why is she talking like this? Did she have plastic surgery or did she have a stroke? Something's wrong with the way she's talking. Yeah, the right side of her mouth is drooping as she speaks sometimes. I noticed that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:53 That might just be the way that she talks. And look at that nose. She's Armenian. That is not an Armenian nose really. That thing is so skinny. Maybe she got a nose job. Maybe. Yeah, and then it just kept growing.
Starting point is 00:25:07 She doesn't eat meat. meat well there's the problem i i take drugs that are not tested i god this crowd is just like so smart here's the thing let's say it was just a chick who had a heart attack how do you not um how do you not wonder what's going on oh could you click the other link? And this this is kind of the creme de la creme. Man, dude, do not marry women like this. What the fuck are you doing? This is her husband. And it says Happy Father's Day to a guy who will wait eight hours in the cold for a vaccine. He celebrate.
Starting point is 00:25:39 She's celebrating that her husband's a cunt. Right. Oh, my God. I've married such a bitch. Celebrating that her husband's a cunt. Right? Oh, my God. I've married such a bitch. She was falling in line, making the obligatory vaccine. Sports a man bun for solidarity. Solidarity for what? Like, why does it have to be?
Starting point is 00:26:01 My kids sported man buns to pull their hair out of their face. Why does it have to be solidarity? It just screams ideological idiocy. Why does it have to be – my kids sported man buns to pull their hair out of their face. Why does it have to be solidarity? It just screams ideological idiocy. Everything has to be for this chick part of – as Matt said, part of the matrix, just a tool. Sport the man bun for solidarity. I don't even know what that means. And wear a costume to make his kids laugh.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Can't anyone just do that stuff just for fun? Hey, I stood in eight lines to get fentanyl. I wear my hair up in a man bun so it's not in my face. And I love playing with my kids. Peace out. Yeah, but there's no virtue signaling in there. So I'm confused as to what it is you're supporting. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:26:42 You're right. I'm sorry. What do you stand for, Sevan? What do you stand for, Sevan? What do you – I stood in line for fucking two hours to fucking get a drink at the bar. Such a fucking hero. And it would have only been an hour and 50 minutes, but I'm so short that when I get close to the front, two people still got ahead of me. Sevan, did you already do your obligatory happy first day of Black History Month? No, I don't fucking do Black History Month.
Starting point is 00:27:08 It's fucking it's racist at its core. Women want men, not a man bun for solidarity. Yeah. Should I stop growing mine? Because I was growing mine. No, man buns are fine if you just want to do a man bun. Well, I don't. I want to represent solidarity. And i'm now you're conscious about it like as if like i can't be supportive of the thing with my man bun
Starting point is 00:27:30 hey i i think like if um uh i don't know like like like let's say caleb had to shave his head because he got cancer and we shaved our our heads to support him so we look like fucking weirdos too. I'm totally cool with that. I'd do that. Yeah, I'd totally do that. I'd definitely do that. Fucking in a second. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:27:58 But I'm not using – and if Caleb wanted me to start calling him Chuck, I would do that. Or if he said, hey, when you call me Beaver, that really fucking – I got made fun of a lot and said, great, can you not call me Beaver? I couldn't stop that. Sorry, Caleb. God damn it. I tried. I tried. It's like 10% of your value is your name, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Hey, when you first came, when I first met you, it was 90%. So it's like – That's a good switch. Totally a good sign. Nice. Anyway, I'm sorry about your heart condition, my Armenian sister, and you're hot. And I saw you wearing tight clothes in some of your videos, and you have a great body. But don't lie.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Like we already know your network is just paid and bought for by Pfizer. Just be cool. What did she say at the end of that video? Was there anything like she made a claim towards the vaccine? Or that was it? She just outlaid it and said she didn't eat meat, and then we all moved on? Yeah. She should at least say, hey, I know a lot of you fucking people are going to think it's myocardial.
Starting point is 00:28:58 It's from the vaccine, and I did get the vaccine. And I understand why you think that, because of the lack of transparency. I mean, just something, just something fair, just something genuine, just something that's not disingenuous. I was going to try to get a, I just ran out of time last night. I was going to put in a little sound bit that said brought to you by Pfizer. And then every time I would just hit the sound bit bit but i figured if we did that too much it would ding all of our episodes i don't know maybe that would give us a pass on a ton of shit but it's like
Starting point is 00:29:33 i assume it's the news starting each time so they don't even really like ding us like oh no it must be a news station starting i got these three when i came back from tahoe i have these new wrinkles ever since i went to tahoe i just swallowed it in the microphone sorry no you can swallow away she got all mad last time why do you think that the snow that just dry my skin my skin is so dry still my nose is so dry still it's weird yeah it's super dry up there um uh you see the jim brewer bit about conspiracy theory and vaccines maybe uh 394 i need this explained to me i so need this explained to me so there's a company called crossfit and um their health and fitness company and they're a health and fitness company, and they're selling these shirts.
Starting point is 00:30:29 This is the picture they use for the shirts they're selling. It's a guy I know. He's the owner of CrossFit Malibu. Cool dude, Mike. This year, we've created a version of the official 2023 open t-shirt design that's available. So that's what they open with. Now, look at that shirt. So that's what they open with. Now look at that shirt.
Starting point is 00:30:52 They're selling a shirt that says enjoy CrossFit, but it looks like Coca-Cola. They can't sell that. You're going to get sued into fucking oblivion for that. Coca-Cola is not going to allow that unless Coca-Cola owns you. Does Coca-Cola own CrossFit? Who chose this photo? Oh, how – what the fuck is going on here? I need this explained to me by someone.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Am I stupid? I can't do Twitter, so I'm open to being stupid. I really am open to being stupid. Yes, why is the Coca-Cola logo – who runs this account, CrossFit affiliate account? are you retarded or am i retarded caleb matt unfuck me slap me around i don't i don't even think they noticed the shirt i bet you they didn't notice the shirt no no wait it's an ad about selling a shirt how do you post a photo and it's not and it's and you don't notice the shirt the guy's wearing they need to hire a new pr firm i, is the issue.
Starting point is 00:31:45 But here's where it gets crazy. Yeah, exactly. You click over. Click over. Hey, imagine – go back to that. Imagine if I said, do you want to see the most beautiful pair of tits ever? And in the shot, I had a guy, a close-up of Sam Dancer's banana hammock. That wouldn't make any sense. I'm here for the boobs, I had a guy, a close-up of Sam Dancer's banana hammock. That wouldn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I'm here for the boobs, man. Yeah. Why are they selling a Coca-Cola shirt? I could see this being a picture Are you suggesting it's a little messy? Like saying, hey, the bar muscle-up is one of the foundational movements for experienced CrossFitters. I could – like that would be great. It's a cool picture, cool hair, a funny shirt.
Starting point is 00:32:30 But you're selling a shirt, but that shirt's not the shirt. Now, look. You click over, and you get to finally see the shirt you're selling. You click over, and you get to see the boobs. It's not even nice boobs. It's not. It's not. It's interesting. I don't really have an opinion on the.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Vindicate says, I would be beyond pissed if I was an affiliate and this was the design they were offering. I don't know. I don't have a problem with it. What's wrong? It looks kind of. Look at. Click over. I'm forcing you to buy it, so it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I like that. Look at. You can have your logo in there and its color and i like that open thing it looks kind of like an olympian you know old greek i'm i'm cool you why don't you like it travis i appreciate when gyms like create their own shirts for the open or like whenever they have like open like your teams they have like they're like four or five teams within the gym and then they create their own shirts yeah i like that way better but i like this idea too
Starting point is 00:33:26 because it shows you you're um with all the other crossfit gyms because you have something similar but yours is still different because your logo is different in the center and i like the fact that crossfit offers the service um i would love to know if fully amped is a um is a good company that they're using or if they're woke, they're part of the wokeocracy. Is this equivalent to that group of companies that were giving discounts to affiliates? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:54 All those are good questions. But I don't understand that opening picture. It's once again, it's a good idea completely ruined by an idiotic post. I guess you could say it's good because it got me to talk about it. Yep. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Because I'm an influencer in this space. I mean, I don't disagree with it. I'm fine with it. I like it. I mean, they're just trying to offer a service that like – and that's the biggest thing you hear from – I mean, people aren't going to get it for the $20. But a lot of times they go, I'm not going to pay for the open it costs 20 bucks at least i should get a shirt no it should be 50 bucks if you get a shirt hey um maybe listerine could sponsor me since i put listerine strips in my mouth during the show it's a good call hey oh did i i sent you i want a
Starting point is 00:34:41 um i probably shouldn't say this without getting his approval, but I was talking to Hiller the other day. I was like, hey, I really want a sponsor that's like a soap company, a shampoo company, a detergent company that doesn't have stuff in there that hurts my balls. You know what I mean? That doesn't reduce my testosterone. You know how there's all this negative – they just outlawed Tide in the state of New York. Like please, someone, if you know a detergent company, if you're a mom and pop, like you don't have to pay me shit. I just want to push your shit. Well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:35:16 So then Hiller told me he doesn't – he hasn't used soap in 15 years. What does he use? Nothing. He just rinses off? In in the shower he doesn't use anything i kind of need soap to lather my ass and is it even a shower at that point it's just they're not to rinse it's a rinse yeah hey i'm down with that i'm kind of but i love i love suds i'm down with that i just i kind i feel like i do need a bar of soap to wash my ass and my armpits and my pubes i just like there's hair there and i just like to suds them up
Starting point is 00:35:50 i have no here's the thing someone i i have this sucks i have no interest in doing the open me personally oh yeah zero i didn't do it last year it was the first year i didn't do it maybe i'm scared maybe but i've never had interest in doing the open i don't know why yeah i've done it every year for the past like yeah do it 2014 probably do go away do you not go away go away. Go away. Go, go. Get your open bell out of here. That didn't come out right. I mean, like, my son, go away and fetch the open and bring it to us. Yeah, do the open.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Like, I'm not against it by any means. I just have no – I think it's a cool thing. My mom always used to do it, and I liked it that she did it, and I have no issue with – that whole thing, don't give $20 to CrossFit is just stupid. Yeah, that's dumb. The $20 isn't the differentiator. Come on. Yeah. I don't, I don't like that excuse either. I just don't, I just am not doing it this year just cause I just don't really have an,
Starting point is 00:36:52 an interest in it. I mean, I, you, we usually still do the workouts because it's a scheduled workout at the gym. Like when we do it for our Friday night lights or whatever, and we have people at the gym do it, but I just don't have any desire. Do people shit on you for not doing it any desire to people on you for not doing it did they shit on me for not doing it yeah uh well i still do the workouts oh you just don't log them i just don't pay to be on the scoreboard yeah and it's just for me it's just an ego thing because then i get caught up i wanted to put my best foot forward and if i can't then i'm just like
Starting point is 00:37:21 hey here's the thing too i would never do here's the thing too i would never do the open scaled no soon as dave started doing that i hated it i would never ever do the open scaled i'm not interested in doing the open scale i don't i don't appreciate all the different categories i don't like any of it i don't like i don't like any of that it should be one fucking open it should be five workouts i know people that have says people it should be programmed so basically it gets harder as it goes along and i use the word harder for just lack of a better word everyone should be able to do the first workout then there's the second then there's the third and like if there's stuff i can't do i can't do it's reflected in my score and i'm not
Starting point is 00:37:56 interested in being in some scaled category i'm just not fuck off i'm just the whole thing is ruined for me and and so you need the mayhem. No, I can do almost all the movements. I can do double unders and muscle ups. And I can do CrossFit. I can do all the stuff. But I'm not, I'd rather just get stopped and it just ranked me down there at 38,000 or 127,000.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I'm not interested in. Now, you should be able to break it down into categories i like that like i should be able to look at just my 50 group or people in california yeah that's just leaderboard filters you'd prefer over scaling trish tried to say i'm afraid of uh failure so i don't do a typical libtard stance do you understand my fucking life trish my whole entire life is one big goddamn gamble into the dark. Everything I do, I fetch all my income every single month. So afraid of failure?
Starting point is 00:38:49 Definitely not. Elizabeth Michael agrees, Seve. Yeah. I mean, I'm trying to think of what I would be afraid of failure. I'm sure there's something in my life. No, I never. The only reason I don't do certain stuff is either laziness or I don't want to. Just the laziness.
Starting point is 00:39:07 There's only one reason I don't do things, laziness. That's it. For me, if I just can't lean into it and give it the attention it deserves, I just, I don't want to. Yeah, laziness is a cousin of that, yeah. Yeah, exactly. You can't fail. You do one rep and you're on the leaderboard. So you can't fail. You do one rep and you're on the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:39:27 So just make one giant inclusive open and, uh, and it would be at least more, uh, appealing to me. Well, as an affiliate owner, three weeks is great. I hear you. Yeah. And you know what? I, that's how all the affiliate owners still, it still doesn't it's because you guys are lazy. Fucking lazy. Definitely not. You put on five. How many events have you ran? I can't win. So I've never, I've none. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Tell me more. Tell me more. How many events have you ran? I can't win, so listen, I've never... None. Yeah, tell me more.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Hey, I can't win, so I won't play. Dude. Trish just likes that. At this point, she's just doing that, so I get triggered and yell back into the microphone. I'm trying to think of anything that I've won ever in my life. I'm going to win this podcast game. I don't think I've won anything either.
Starting point is 00:40:06 One time, I won an Xbox and and a drawing and that's it well that's fuck yeah tell me about that tell me about that drawing what were the chances uh so it was like it was i think it was probably like 12 or 13 years old and it was at my dad's like work party basically and so like his whole unit was there which is probably probably 500 600 people and like that was like one of the that was like the big prize was to get an xbox it was it was like the like the very first xbox came out so it was like everybody was super stoked about it and they wanted one and uh i think we put like you can like buy like individual tickets or you can get like five for 10 bucks or some shit like that and so then we i think we just did like 10 bucks so we had five tickets in there and you know you have to have to like uh fill out the
Starting point is 00:40:56 ticket with like your name and like your phone number and all that shit's so lame but yes i know what you're talking about yeah so so like we did all that for like all five or six of our tickets or whatever and then we turned them in and uh like my dad just kept getting like phone calls and he's like it's fucking spam like wouldn't answer it wouldn't answer it finally he answers it and they're like uh hey this was like days later like hey uh you you guys won the xbox uh it's been waiting here for like the past week. Do you want to come pick it up? You guys didn't stay for the drawing? No. Like my dad's not...
Starting point is 00:41:30 Well, all of us were just kind of like over it. I was a kid, so I was like, fuck this. I want to go home and like play around with my fucking G.I. Joes or whatever. You had G.I. Joe? Yeah, dude. And then you went into the military crazy. Brainwashed. I used to take the side story i used to take the gi joes and like throw
Starting point is 00:41:50 them up as high as i could and just let them fucking crash and break it was a lot of fun and then you put it back together that was foreshadowing your job yeah what do you know here i am fucking doing the same shit um but yeah then they called him my dad finally picked up and then we had to like drive over to this place they They kept it in a safe for us for the whole week, and then they gave it to us. I think we kept that Xbox for another decade. You played it to death? Oh, for sure. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:16 So it was a death box? Yeah, basically. 393, Mr. Gavin Newsom. It is unbelievable anyone voted for him this is stupid on so many levels you have to understand how bad the drug problem is in california to to realize how stupid this is this is so stupid first of all there are no homeless people here. You have to understand that that's a homeless has this insinuation, explicit, implicit. I don't know that these people don't want to be in a that these people want to be inside living in homes. And that and that it needs to be fixed. That is not the fucking problem in California.
Starting point is 00:43:06 There are no homeless people under that. It's a total, they're totally misleading everyone. The homeless problem is not what needs to be fixed in California. It would be totally fine if everyone who was homeless was like me and my kids. You understand that, right? Like if it was Sevan and Haley and Ari, Avi and Joseph, and we were living in a cardboard box in front of your Whole Foods, you guys would like that. My kids would be doing backflips and entertaining you. You could leave your family there and I would watch them when you went into Whole Foods. You understand that, right? Like I could live in a tent in front of Whole Foods and all of you guys would be happy to see me there. I'd put your carts
Starting point is 00:43:42 away. I'd help some of you carry your shit to your car. You guys would be so to see me there. I'd put your carts away. I'd help some of you carry your shit to your car. You guys would be so stoked to see me. And I would be homeless. It has nothing to do with homeless people. Zero. There's nowhere on planet earth where you wouldn't want me to be homeless in front of any store with my family. You would love it. And you'd be like, wow, homeless people are great.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I love that Matosian homeless family. There's something else. And when you go into fucking JC pennies, you can just leave your kids there. And when your kids, when you come back, pick your kids up, they're a little bit smarter.
Starting point is 00:44:17 They play a little bit better and they learned how to say please. And thank you. And that Mr. Matosian, man, he, he's so cool to kids and he's always helping. He's always, he can stand a little close to my wife, but that's it.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I did catch him staring at my tits, but, you know, I mean, I was showing four inches of cleavage. What do you expect? Yeah, what are you going to do, huh? Has nothing to do with homeless. Here's the truth again. This is all I'm trying to sell to you guys is the truth. The unhoused aren't bothering you at all. Unhoused, that is not what's bothering anyone.
Starting point is 00:44:52 No one cares if you're unhoused. That is not the problem at all. Zero. Stop fucking lying. The problem is the millions of drug addicts who their full-time job is stealing and doing drugs that's the problem end of fucking story every single person that you see holding a sign that says i need money at a freeway exit is a fucking criminal. Stefan, you don't know that I'm willing to bet so much money on that.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Homeless, the people that you call homeless are drug addicts and their job is to steal and then sell what they sold or trade it for drugs. That's 99% of them. Yeah, mental health, right. Right, mental health. Just another fucking detour. Sorry, Olivia, I don't mean to pick on you. Do they have mental health issues because they've done meth every day for two months and haven't slept or for two years or for six years?
Starting point is 00:46:11 Do you think anybody's ever we all have mental health issues it's just it's such bullshit it's all such bullshit sorry go ahead i was wondering if there's any i wonder if there's like a catalog that we could actually go and look and like somebody at one point in san francisco did you know walk the streets and categorize each one like this person had a mental health issue oh they all schizophrenic or something like every single person has a mental health issue on the street but it's but it's just another conflation of it doesn't matter it's irrelevant because drugs because of the drugs and alcohol yeah it's it's completely irrelevant i know most you know this already but I was homeless for five years. And you worked at a home for mentally disabled adults for five years.
Starting point is 00:46:54 So technically, you would be a subject matter expert over this than Gavin Newsom over here, huh? Oh, my goodness. You're fucking crazy. This guy's a fucking – and not only was I homeless for five years, but you have to – I spent 10 years just hanging out with homeless people before i walked the streets of completely completely fuck where i was the only white person in the fucking neighborhood for years with tons of fucking crackheads and all just crazy shit tommy g shit okay not as cool as tommy g but uh damien castro have you given a solution to the drug addiction how do we get them off the street with the fucking tractor with the tractor with a big shovel and then behind it and a big dump truck and you scoop them up and throw them in there
Starting point is 00:47:39 and the ones that survive you fucking throw out into the desert nevada with just a fucking drinking fountain and you leave them out there for a fucking month or san francisco could just not give away needles and uh money for drugs on the first every month like maybe that would a safe place a safe place to shoot your heroin probably hey but but the worst thing you can do is treat them like they're homeless that's for starters how about that damien for starters the worst thing you could do is start trying to spending money to try to give them shelter and free needles and that shit that that's like the worst thing you could do they're enabling it a hundred percent and they're trying to do it in the same thing of like well guys are gonna do it anyway so let's just give them a safe space to do it in it's like fine fine nevada nevada i'm totally for vegas
Starting point is 00:48:22 vegas these aren't even solutions, you know? They're exacerbating the problem. What they're doing is exacerbating the problem. Okay, let's hit play. This guy, I cannot fucking believe how dumb my loved ones are that they think this guy, this guy's hurting people right before our fucking eyes and people vote for him like it's the solution. It's so weird to me. What's wrong with the way you people think? Okay, go action.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Here we go. We believe fundamentally that food solves hunger, that shelters solve sleep, and that housing solves homelessness. And if we're going to solve the problem of those that are out on the streets that we define as homeless, we better solve the housing problem if we're going to have an impact. And that's why we established this framework, what we call a 10 year plan to end chronic homeless in San Francisco. Hey, that was, that was in 2008, just so you know and it's it's it's um you cannot believe how much worse it is and of course it's worse because that's the last thing you should do is give drug addicts shelter yeah but you could also tell the government funded
Starting point is 00:49:37 program he's pitching you have to hit rock bottom guys everyone knows that oh steph curry's such a joke steph curry's such a joke how does anyone watch i don't understand how anyone watches any fucking football or basketball or you support any of those fucking scumbags he is a world-class scumbag steph curry so sad god what a piece of shit he's fucking he he's building a 30 million dollar home in atherton and he and he wants to make sure that there's uh that you know that there's no way anyone can get to him but but he's woke when you're woke you can't have it both ways god he's such a piece of shit i'm so sorry steph you have such potential please wake the fuck up where's the where's it being built that it's in the bay atherton a up. Where's it being built at? It's in the Bay Area.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Atherton. Atherton. Oh, that's the nicest town in fucking... That's nicer than Woodside. That's nicer than... Really? Oh, dude. It's the shit. I used to fucking date this chick there. Wow. For two weeks while her parents were out of town, I dated her.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Dated? Her mom had a fucking pharmaceutical fucking laboratory in her bathroom drawers it was crazy the drugs we had access to my goodness typical my goodness oh there hey atherton might not even have a police force they just have private security yeah yeah they may have fired their police force it's like bellevue in washington you go to this certain spot and you're just under cement it's 100 of the time with the private security force yeah her her neighbor her neighbor was like the president of sony or something it was like and this was it was they were all 30 million dollar homes and this was fucking 30 years ago but yet he'll harm all those same low-income residents with the virtue signaling and this and that, and it doesn't benefit them at all.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And then really when push comes to shove and you look at their actions, he goes and fucking builds a house on the hill and puts a fucking moat around it and says, stay out, all you people, but I'm here to help. Steph Curry, Black Lives Matter, but I don't want any black people living by me. Yeah, put a fence around it. It's him 100%. It is him 100%. but I'm here to help. Steph Curry, black lives matter, but I don't want any black people living by me. Yeah. Put a fence around it. It's him. It's him. A hundred percent is him. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:51:50 That's crazy, man. And he's only racist because of, uh, because of the white people that programmed him to be racist. Have you ever heard about that? Like, and you know, what's funny is certain things never really go talked about.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Cause you know, uh, have you heard about Snoop Dogg building that youth football league? I just want to say this too, by the way i have no problem with steph curry wanting to keep out the scum and build a fence around his house no don't get it confused just like i have no problem with brooke brooke and uh brooke wells one of the brooks selling candy bars it's just like you can't have it both ways though you can't play the woke game yeah who the fuck is steph curry don't even worry then he's a douche hey you know why he's a douche
Starting point is 00:52:26 because he has such potential to speak up um i heard this line the other day we'll bring talk about it again tomorrow but courage and cowardice are both contagious hyper contagious and his cowardice is fucking so contagious he's a bitch uh sorry go ahead asuza i'm saying snoop dog has a whole entire youth league football youth league that he created that gives away basically free scholarships to the kids in that area to give them an opportunity chance and he fills it with a bunch of mentors that either grew up in the uh oh it was a netflix show too okay because i read it in a um autobiography not about snoop dogg about somebody who worked for him but he was talking about how much stuff he actually
Starting point is 00:53:09 does in those neighborhoods and it it's not like he's promoting it or putting it up on a pedestal with any virtual singing he just does it because he's just giving back to his community well that's good because yeah that's some dumb shit too in his life. In his life? Well, in the last five years with the woke-ocracy. I'm telling you, it's like they're with inside of the system. I heard this thing. I think Russell Brand said it, but he said we're living in a time where you're seeing the curtain slowly fall. You're seeing it's like Terminator where the face is slowly coming off, and you're seeing the workings of the system or the machine and more and more of it is being exposed over time. And that's really what I feel like we're, we're living in like, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:53 20 years ago, all this stuff wouldn't have even, you wouldn't have even had the option to expose it because we wouldn't have had the internet and all in multiple different media sources. Anybody with a cell phone is a media source now, right? And so now that that's happening in the decentralization of communication between everybody with social medias, you're seeing in real time, the system that we've lived in for a long period of time slowly start to deteriorate and it's trying to hold itself together as much as it can. I mean, look at all the bullshit that they're selling us now, right? Like wear a mask, but then when you sit down, you could take it off, but then you have to wear it, but only in certain parts of the country. And there's all this bunch of bullshit, you know, oh, Black Lives Matter, and they're there to support the communities that are underserved, but then they burn down all those neighborhoods and never come back, and none of that money ever goes, and most of those shops are black-owned. goes and most of those shops are black owned so it's starting you're starting to really see this whole entire facade the political theater like fall away and they're being exposed every
Starting point is 00:54:51 day someone every day and this is an understatement someone sends me a dm saying holy shit i'm waking up every single foot holy shit some of your favorite guests on this show send me thank you notes all the time. Pretty cool. Yeah, it's super cool. And, you know, Scott Schweitzer, Clydesdale Media, he probably doesn't know he affected me like this, but he sent me a couple notes that have made me. affected me like this but he sent me a couple notes that have made me uh he's gently nudged me to be more compassionate to people who are who are turning the corner and and to not and and he i don't even know if he knows this but to not alienate people who want
Starting point is 00:55:38 who are trying to wake up and that it is and that it is scary and And it's been good. He's given me some good feedback. I don't even know if he knows he's doing that. But he's definitely influenced me. And this comment right here, that's no longer true. That was when the machine was held together. Now, Republicans are conspiracy serious, white supremacists, fascists. Oh, Republicans buy sneakers too
Starting point is 00:56:05 Sneakers, sneakers, sneakers No, no, he means He means Snickers He does It's that line It's that line that He's doing the Michael Jordan line Right
Starting point is 00:56:14 Oh, okay You see what I'm saying? Like before They would have tried to find a balance So that way they can just sell the product Now It doesn't matter You're the other side
Starting point is 00:56:22 You're completely the enemy They have to push really hard against that. So they don't care to sell Republican sneakers anymore. Now they're labeled. If I – dude, if I wrote a book, it would be – I would tell you about the years that I had a harem. When I was a homeless guy who had a harem, it was crazy. It was such a good life. It was such a good life it was such a good life
Starting point is 00:56:45 there was no such things as influencers then or there was there's no social media yeah there's these stories that i want to tell you about the harem days that are so unbelievable that i i don't even know if i can tell them with a straight face they're just like like i would i think i would have to have like raw on here ronnie teased dale they're just like, like I would have, I think I would have to have like raw on here. Ronnie Teasdale. Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:11 well you're in luck. He's coming. He's coming on. Yeah. It was such a good life. Just barefoot and homeless and no money. And, and, and just me and my,
Starting point is 00:57:22 my dog and a Frisbee. Lots. So many girlfriends. It's crazy. do you think a lot of that time too was it really that good or is it better in like retrospect oh no it was so good it really was oh so good hey um when my alarm goes off at 6 a.m i am my life's pretty good right now i'm so excited so today i was like i this is these my alarm went off. I jump up. I'm like, I run to go turn it on. It's on my phone and I don't keep my phone next to me. So I hear it. And even though I have the volume turned down all the way, I jump up. I turn it off. Then I sit still for a few minutes. Then I start the coffee machine. And then I thought today, Oh my God, this is gonna be so fun with Matt. Oh, I wonder if Caleb's going to be there. I look for any last minute stories. I feed the dog and then the show starts
Starting point is 00:58:06 and I'm so excited. And then the show's over and I go out there and my kids dive on me. And my life now is good. I'm so excited to do this show. But fuck, dude. That other life. Man, oh man.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Nothing. You have nothing. You just wake up and you just wake up. Yeah. It's almost the equivalent of the other than the spectrum of having, like you woke up right now and there's a hundred mil in the bank account. Like when you're homeless and you're like that, there's only a couple of things you're, you're thinking about, right? Like probably where are you going to get your next meal? Who am I to go hang out with? And then maybe can I sleep there at the end of the night? Right. Yeah. I didn't even think for me, it was mostly, out with and then maybe can i sleep there at the end of the night right yeah i didn't even think for me it was mostly i uh and then it probably settled in and it wasn't even that get a cup of coffee and just sit down yeah you got i was literally like i wonder what life's
Starting point is 00:58:53 gonna bring me today right and so on the other than that spectrum if you had you know 100 mil in the bank tour you weren't worried about having to make any decisions to make any money and you just got to think about what you wanted to think about not what you need to stress about to accomplish it's probably the same but just on the opposite end but you're still completely free uh yeah it was it was literally watching the the magic of the universe bring things to me as i just stood still i did not sleep from 1972 to 1975. I weighed 116 pounds. Trish, we have to see what you fucking actually look like. So curious. Is it a dude?
Starting point is 00:59:34 Is it a girl? You need to display your heart rate on the screen during controversial topics. I think it would stay the same. 391. I think it would stay the same. jail you know for something if you've written a letter to your congressman and you can prove that in the past asking for change and this was just like you know a last ditch effort i'll let you go but if you're at one of these protests and we put take you to jail and this is you've never written a letter to your congressman you've never run for office you've never done anything to change try to change the world any other way and your protest is way. I want to take you out back and beat the – my wife doesn't want me to say this. And give you the dog shit out of you?
Starting point is 01:00:33 Thank you. I won't even beat you. My wife doesn't like the beating thing, the hurting people. I want to dunk you in a vile, boiling shit, diarrhea. How about that? My wife doesn't like violence. That's a good, I mean,
Starting point is 01:00:45 that's kind of, can I be your anger translator sometimes? Yes. Thank you. I like that. That sounds like a lot of fun. And the same thing is like, I don't want to hear shit about your understanding of what police,
Starting point is 01:00:56 how police should behave. If you've never done a ride along. Oh, I really don't want, I really don't give a fuck about your opinion. This, this, what you are about to see. So I went on a ride along in the Bay Area and this was the majority of the stops were like this.
Starting point is 01:01:13 This is it. Watch this. This is this. This is a normal. And please, police officers, if I'm if I'm saying this wrong, what my ass in the comments. This is normal. And I guarantee you the vast majority of people couldn't hang for five seconds with this chick. This is completely normal for a cop interaction every single day. Action. Completely normal. Maybe 10 of these. Maybe this is all you see.
Starting point is 01:01:39 And this might even be tame for most cops. Here we go. Action. Not action. Because my eyes can't go that far that's why you're fucking docking me fool fool will you have that shit wait the fuck out here fool go go instructions because it's not up to your part that's why you're pissed up to your par. That's why you're pissed. Up to your what, par? Par. Follow my pen.
Starting point is 01:02:12 She's fucked up. I learned how to follow instructions because of my man. He used to beat the fuck out of me. I didn't think. That's a sad girl. I learned how to follow instructions because my man used to beat the fuck out of me is what she said. Wow.
Starting point is 01:02:30 All right. Fix your hair. Fix your hair. There is no straight line. Where the fuck am I supposed to follow? I naturally walk crooked. But could you imagine a straight line? No, I can't because I i just said the same thing i
Starting point is 01:02:45 imagine the link hey don't touch me damn that's it imagine imagine that's your job hey so so steph curry can so steph curry uh wants to give this girl free drugs and free housing but he wants cops to deal with her so that she can still go to find a place to sleep at night um so during the day she can steal shit from you and do drugs this is no this is this isn't i'm not showing you something like uh bro that's mild yeah that's yeah this is i bet you um i could find something like that within an hour um from right now if i got it from my desk in my town. Actually, I know I can. Taser.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I know. Isn't that right? Yeah. I know. Just Taser and take her away. Hey, Taser, take her away, throw her in jail, and let her sober up. Just put her in a tank for like, I don't know, 48 hours. Her face looks like a caricature.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Hey, dude, let me ask you this in all honesty let's say that's one of you guys okay and the cop tases you and they put you in a holding tank for a week seven days and they just bring you food and water for seven days wouldn't you be so fucking thankful i think of all the bad shit that like if that was my son and the cops found him like that and they tased him and took him and put him in a holding tank for seven days by himself and let him sober up do you know how thankful i would be what kind of fucking problem is she gonna get into today she's gonna get gang raped skull fuck do more drugs od on fentanyl sell her pussy Like that is a train wreck
Starting point is 01:04:25 Get in a fight get killed walk out Into the street No one no one who Am I lying like if that was your daughter wouldn't you Want her just to get taken away She could have like if she was driving that's a She could just kill somebody in herself probably Head-on collision like yeah
Starting point is 01:04:41 Oh yeah and she was driving right that was her car Yeah yeah that's why she was But right that was her car yeah yeah that's why she was but dude even walking on the street would you want your daughter in public like that no she's a harm to herself and people would you want to be in public like that no no yeah me neither no that's embarrassing yeah seller but seller yeah jessica we don't use that word on the show my mom that's the thing that's the so so you're like hey that word on the show. That's the thing. So you're like, hey, that's against the law. The cops can't do that.
Starting point is 01:05:09 We have to have rules. I hear you. I'm just telling you the truth of what I would want for me, for Matt, for Caleb, for my wife, for my kids. If any of them were out in public like that, I would want them to be fucking tased, fucking a cargo net thrown around them and then drag the fucking and put in a room for a week that's why you go to college you just knock all that shit right out or you go to the military and then you do it in the dorms and fuck around you're not in public yeah look at look at i've been there with my son and daughter you know i think my parents have probably been there with me like that too like i've i've gone off the deep end a few times well the interesting thing is actually how she's interacting with the officer you don't like people that aren't constantly in that uh position aren't interacting
Starting point is 01:05:50 like with officers like that you know what i mean right right well but yes but what i'm saying is this is a typical behavior this is a tip what what what happened somebody this is is a bar downtown, a local dive bar downtown. Oh, so that person – do you know that person? I don't know that. I might know that person. Hey, so here's – so she naturally walks away. So here's the thing. That's the thing that's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah, you have to – you have to be compassionate for cops and you have to like be like but dude even if i was that okay so let's say i was that drunk and i was whatever and i was blacked out just because of my past interaction with officers and everything else i still wouldn't act that way you know what i mean like i would yeah i wouldn't mean either like oh fuck like me neither i'd be doing my best yeah you like try to sober your ass up and at some point they're like you're drunk and you're like fuck well she's and they're like okay let's take you away like we're gonna go through this process now she's such a nor i don't know where this is but this looks like she's like a norcal vato oh hey fool
Starting point is 01:06:59 this is like stockton or some shit you know yeah yeah yeah and yeah she's probably not she's probably tweaking too you could tell that by her like face movements and everything else and then her big anyway i don't want to hear i don't want to hear jack out of you guys and anybody i don't want to hear anyone say anything about any fucking cops unless you've done a ride along shut your pie hole this is normal you could not hang you would be scared to death listen if you went along on a ride-along and a cop pulled someone over like this you think you think um uh you have no idea how scared you would be because the whole time in your head you'd be thinking what if this chick pulls
Starting point is 01:07:35 out a gun and kills the cops and runs over to the car and kills me i'm just here doing a ride-along and you're gonna have all these crazy thoughts that you never had before i'm telling you what try riding in the trunk of a car one time i rode in the trunk of a car to go film a drug operation and they didn't want me to see how to get there i'm like yeah no problem i'll get in the trunk scariest fucking five minutes of my life there's things that you just can't imagine and when i went on the ride along i realized oh shit every time the cop pulls someone over i'm having a little mild panic attack right heart rate's elevated i think that yeah and I'm not even going up to the car.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Right. You're just sitting inside the bulletproof car. I think that that should, now that you're saying it, when you were going to the cops don't need training, society needs training. When I was a server and like a bartender, I'd always say people shouldn't be allowed to work at a restaurant unless they've at least served for like six months. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:22 And I, uh, I think that it should be the same with what you said, a ride along, like you could make that in a curriculum of a high school and be like, all right, we're going to take all you guys and we're going to go through and you're going to learn this process. You're going to learn how to interact with the police. You're going to learn how the police interact with society. You'll just have a basic understanding because they did that with the Pleasanton city, with the city council people that were claiming, oh, we don't need the cops should have guns and all this to fund the police should happen. And they said, well, yeah, let's take you through a little scenario. We're going to give you this fake gun.
Starting point is 01:08:51 We're going to run this simulation. And all of them immediately freaked out and fucking shot the person. And it didn't deserve it. Of course they did. Because all of you think about when you're in that conflict. But they're trained. But they chose that job, Susan. They're trained.
Starting point is 01:09:02 They chose that job. I mean, shut up. I agree. But it still doesn't it still doesn't take away from the point, right that job, Sousa. They're trained. They chose that job. Shut up. I agree, but it still doesn't take away from the point, right? Yes, it doesn't. You're right. It doesn't take away from the point. It doesn't take away from the fact how hard it is, and it doesn't take away from the fact that they're still human. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Yeah, I swear make everyone do a ride-along. Hey, you shouldn't be able to get a driver's license until you do a ride-along. I like what Mason Mitchell said. I've done over 10 ride-s from the back seat done a few handful of those myself hey my my interactions with the cops have been that where i've gone to jail have been less stressful than doing the ride along i'm telling you a ride along is crazy you'll be in the car you will not believe the way the public treats cops you will be like you'll be blown away they deal with the worst scumbags
Starting point is 01:09:52 the most simple stops you'll see people just treat the cops like total shit uh 390 wintership how are we for time oh we're good yeah I do have to run at 830 though FYI okay me too I figured you did but uh Selma PD officer killed yesterday by 20 uh by 23 year old
Starting point is 01:10:17 convicted felon in California sad he was trespassing in the yard he went to tell him to leave immediately shot several times Selma PD yeah killed by 23 convicted 23 year old convicted felon yeah it sucks yard he went to tell him to leave immediately shot several times selma selma pd yeah crazy killed by 23 convicted 23 year old convicted felon yeah it sucks oh this so many people keep telling me that i should um reach out to this girl and interview her anyway do you know her who the one we're showing her the comment you got pulled up? No, the girl in the video.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Oh, no. Okay, so I just really like this. I thought this is like – I feel like this is how I operate too. This is what I would do. If I do something dumb, I punish myself for it. Or if I miss an opportunity or if something happens, I don't use it like to celebrate and avoid the next hurdle like i try to face things right on so she says i've always had a fear of swimming in the ocean okay action i've always had a fear of swimming in the ocean she says just one leg by the way the swim event in my last competition got canceled, and I wanted to feel relief.
Starting point is 01:11:26 But instead, I made myself swim the following day after the competition. So she found out she didn't have to swim in the competition. I'm assuming it's Waterpalooza. I wasn't the best at it. I felt awkward and panicked at first, and I still did it. Awesome. Yeah. Hey, somebody did recommend her for the show.
Starting point is 01:11:44 I'm sorry. Somebody did send her out just recently. I didn't realize from the angle that she was standing out that she had one leg and I didn't read her thing. Sometimes the only way to get over fear is to face it head on no matter how you feel. Anyway, it's such a badass. You know, in the early days even of this podcast, when a guest wouldn't call in or wouldn't show up um you know susan would have that talk like hey just do the show anyway i remember hobart said that hey just do it by yourself just get over that fear just do a show by yourself then
Starting point is 01:12:14 i said and it will bring scott switzer up again i think i i had a chat with him about those shows he does by himself and i was like that's your best shit and he goes yeah it's so nerve-wracking though yeah he's just you're just facing your fears oh influencers look at there's an influencer who commented matt fraser influencer these people know they're influencers that's the other thing too so someone else asked me in the comments these people know they're influencers So when they sell you shit, they know they're influencers. Well, seven likes, that's weak. Seven people just sucking him off. They know they're – these people know they're influencers.
Starting point is 01:12:56 They know they're influencers. Hey, is the HWPO gym an affiliate? There's a gym? No, I don't think so. I didn't even think there was a gym. Is the Proven gym an affiliate? I think the Proven – isn't it? The one in Nashville?
Starting point is 01:13:16 Let's find out. Because I think that they train at like a – Those are the ones I was referring to in Misfits and shit like that, people who leverage the community but that aren't maybe contributing to the community like the way CrossFit Mayhem is. CrossFit Mayhem uses the term CrossFit Mayhem. They're selling stuff that's within the ideology of CrossFit, coffee and meat. you know the ideology of crossfit coffee and meat um they say you know what's funny is i i thought mike haplin was posting something to support the show the other day when we were talking about the snicker bar thing but and i reposted it and then someone else said no he was attacking the show um but either way it's pretty funny because i think what mike haplin i don't actually know
Starting point is 01:14:02 what he's saying it was in shorthand uh i didn't understand what he's saying but i think what he was saying is that athletes don't uh games athletes training for the games is different than doing crossfit but if you talk to anyone at mayhem it's not different at all rich says all we do is crossfit jake lockard says all we do is crossfit and so you got people out there who are who are saying shit like that like i think that hapland was and i'm sorry if i'm misrepresenting you mike but uh you have this guy who sent 50 to 100 people to the games every single year there's no there's no second place and they say all they do is crossfit yeah so that that isn't a proven gym that's crossfit nashville that's where it actually works out of though and actually what i think is that well well, that's cool actually.
Starting point is 01:14:45 And what I think happening is happening. Happening is, is that you're believing the hype from these other people who are trying to like differentiate themselves from CrossFit and say that maybe they're better. Um, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:14:57 that is true. I Austin Hartman, I'm convinced someone takes everything as a compliment until someone says otherwise. That is probably pretty true. Hey, someone called me a dumb fuck. I'd'd be like does that mean i'm good in bed i would be like wow that's awesome spin it hey one thing i wrote i just i just took a couple notes to your point because i had a really cool conversation with becca voy after the norcal affiliate gathering on saturday 10 times crossfit games athlete gym owner affiliate owner
Starting point is 01:15:21 yeah and that was basically the point that we were talking about. And as the conversation was happening, I realized that when a lot of people say the CrossFit Games is like the loudspeaker for CrossFit or CrossFit the affiliates. And in the past, I agreed with that. And here's why. We had basically a straight line system to the affiliate. So you are flipping through your channels. You go to ESPN. You see the CrossFit games on there, right? And then you see they highlight an athlete that they're, um, whoever's
Starting point is 01:15:49 going to be up in the competition. Let's say it's Becca Voyer. Let's say it's Chris Clever, right? You remember the, uh, CrossFit Valley girls. Yeah. And when they would come up, it'd be like, hi, I'm Becca Voight and I'm, and I'm out of CrossFit, you know, so-and-so, and I'm a coach there. And then later on, she would open her own gym, or he would highlight Rich Froning, and I'm from CrossFit Miami. So then they were either coaches or they were affiliate owners, or they were part of the L1 staff. And within that, it threaded back directly to the affiliate that they associated with,
Starting point is 01:16:18 which helped the affiliates. Because then if you were an aspiring competitor, you would go to that gym. That was what was so amazing about that Rich Froning era because they completely gave back. CrossFit was in the name. Era, era, era, era. Rich Froning era. What did I say?
Starting point is 01:16:32 I don't know. It sounded like error, error. Okay. So what you guys said. And what ended up changing from that is then you had the Frazier time. I'm not going to re-screw it up. And he was the guy that – The Frasier era.
Starting point is 01:16:47 The Frasier era. Thank you. And not to pick on me. Era. E-R-A. What the fuck? Am I saying it wrong? Fuck that.
Starting point is 01:16:54 We'll keep it moving forward. It's like your Mexican roots. You want to roll your R. I don't think you roll the R there. Yeah, you're going to get me on word pronunciation. Okay. Asshole. So he was in the corner, corner right that he only wanted to use
Starting point is 01:17:07 the weightlifting space and somebody kind of drug him out and then after that he mostly trained in his parents basement alone and then so when there was the highlight which is cool which is cool fine i like the highlight of them that would come across the thing he'd be like i'm matt frazier out of whatever and that was it there was no tie to the affiliate there was no tie to l1 it didn't trace back to the root of the well and then look at his podcast on rogan it was i mean well that's just even on full display right there directly out of his mouth i mean then then he just shit all over uh the affiliates but um i i i yeah it's it's bizarre it's it is it's it it's bizarre that these people, I think we'll come back around though.
Starting point is 01:17:50 There's a, there's definitely a leveraging of CrossFit that's going on by people without contributing back to the whole. It's like, it's like almost like this thing, you know, how they say, Hey, you don't have to put other people down to make yourselves be better. It's not quite that bad, but it's, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:18:08 what did he say on Rogan? Go listen to it. Go listen to it. And imagine you're an affiliate owner the whole time. Imagine that you are Matt Sousa, who's given your life and have all your eggs in one basket to run an affiliate in Livermore, California.
Starting point is 01:18:23 And to you have CrossFit Livermore. That's pretty crazy. I wonder if they'd give you that today. No way. And I got it in 2013. So that was even really crazy for that time. CrossFit Livermore. And he's has all his eggs in one basket,
Starting point is 01:18:35 works his fucking ass off there. And all he wants to do is help people. And then imagine someone like Matt Fraser, who's the mouthpiece on the biggest platform, the planet's ever seen saying what he said it's not um it's not it's not just not giving it's just not giving back and they and they kind of island themselves off meaning like the hwpo or the provens or stuff like that they don't have crossfit in the name and they're not at a crossfit and they're not putting in a ton of media and saying crossfit and crossfit and crossfit and hyping it back up or saying, go to your local affiliate or go do any of this. So there's just
Starting point is 01:19:07 not the same give back that there was. And I worry that if the same strategy is to use the games as a loudspeaker, there's a lot more people that are there just to be competitive, to run the competition, to get their money and then get out than there was people that are threading it back to the affiliate. So CrossFit just needs to be careful in terms of using that as a loudspeaker because it doesn't have the same effect. It's not the same straighting it back to the affiliate. So CrossFit just needs to be careful in terms of using that as a loudspeaker because it doesn't have the same effect. It's not the same straight line system back to the affiliate. Especially when you have people saying, hey, they don't even do CrossFit. Or you see these videos coming out saying there's a difference in – I mean I wouldn't even acknowledge any of that if I was CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:19:41 I think they did that recently for some broadcast. There's some video CrossFit put out. There's a difference in think they did that recently for some broadcast there's some video crossfit put out there's difference in training for the games as there is like they're they're trying to make crossfit gyms more accessible and not scare people away don't worry about that having babies is fucking must be the most terrifying thing a woman can ever think of and and yet they take the cock and have babies like Like, like don't, it'll happen. Don't worry. Like you don't, why are we demanding the games?
Starting point is 01:20:08 Athletes be associated with us. We aren't even the same things as those guys. That's actually a great point. And it kind of goes on. We're not, we're I, they are the same things. They are the same things.
Starting point is 01:20:17 And we're not demanding. What we're demanding is, is that they don't damage the ecosystem by saying dumb shit. Or I think is what Sousa was saying. If we know they are going to say dumb shit, let's not leverage them. Yeah, that's the big thing. Because some of these athletes are just leveraging the community
Starting point is 01:20:33 without returning to it, without giving back to it. They're not even acknowledging that it's CrossFit. I kind of had my eyes opened by this whole fucking... I mean, I've been just falling in love with the Mayhem Empire more and more and more and more. And I was going to note it yesterday too, but there's a certain culture that you feel within Mayhem. And like having a lot of the Mayhem people on the show and our relationship with Rich and stuff, like this time coming back to Wadapalooza. I'm biased.
Starting point is 01:21:02 I'm biased. This time coming back to Wadapalooza, like running and scott and carlos and the whole media team and even the athletes oh yeah ben smith i would love to ask him let's ask him i bet you he fucking says he does crossfit yeah well of course he's part of that were you referring to that ben or ben on their media team no ben on the media team oh yeah but i bet you ben smith says he does crossfit i bet you scott panchik says he does crossfit and uh the point that i was making there is just that the culture of mayhem they they've it feels really familiar like uh familia from the fuck yeah you could do that you're norcal you got your brown you're brown and proud you can be familiar so once you once you get to know them
Starting point is 01:21:38 and stuff like that they just are really upset accepting and like you come in and they're super nice and everything else so i could see that going there and training underneath that umbrella would just just the culture of it alone draws you to it so i want to dress up as jesus and go to cookbook i could have done that a few years ago i think jesus died at 33 i'm 50 i can't play jesus anymore hello caller hi hey what's up dude what's going on hey what's up oh okay okay hold on hold on jethro oh nice got it gabe good for you nice you got he said he got it yeah you're okay hi jethro hi welcome back welcome back caleb we missed you bro thanks dude it's good to be here yeah it was great to see you back uh while suze is still on before you left uh nicole Thanks, dude. It's good to be here. Well, the one about efficacy was great, but she just put one out in the last two days about coaching.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Phenomenal. I think everyone needs to read it. No, I didn't read it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw the video. I read one that came out like on January 3rd, and then I heard one again recently where she talks about efficacy. Yes. I haven't seen either of these. No, they're great.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Yeah, they are great. I agree. They're fantastic. Everything that I agree, there's been so much good stuff been put out yes so my question is do you think she's getting set up to have a bigger role other than the education piece uh if they keep this up she's going to be the glassman of crossfit if they keep this up they're going to she's going to end up being here's the thing crossfit needs the vision just pounded endlessly nonstop at a crazy cadence. It just needs the, so that the people who start to know it are like tired of hearing it. And that's the only way the
Starting point is 01:23:36 company is going to succeed. And there's been no vision coming out of there for over two and a half years. And so now she's, she's speaking and she's speaking directly to the affiliate owners. The question is, is there the employees who work there getting this too but yeah i think she i don't know if that's the goal but that is what's going to happen i agree with you that will be the byproduct well i think she's the one i think she's the one yeah she i mean she would be she would be fantastic at it there are there would there is, she'd be fantastic at it. There'll be more to come on that.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Thanks, guys. Thank you. See you later, dude. We went through some tumultuous times. Everyone at CrossFit had to go through sexual harassment training, I think, in the last couple weeks. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:24:25 They do that to us every year. In the Air Force? Yeah. It doesn't. How interesting. You guys don't do that all the time? You guys don't have a… For the podcast?
Starting point is 01:24:38 Yeah, Siobhan makes me go through it like every week. It's so ridiculous. every week it's so ridiculous uh mark moth i'm going to convince my wife that the only l2 that i can attend is where seve lives and then i'll camp i'll come camp out in the front yard sevan i'll be the best front yard attendant you ever had that's awesome let's do it mark sounds unhoused my my my my yard would be awesome to set up a tent in uh yeah you do camping trips out there the boys have you done that yet? No, but I should. Yeah, that'll happen soon. They're getting close to that age.
Starting point is 01:25:10 It's very interesting that CrossFit is doing sexual harassment training right now, don't you think, Sousa, with the insider knowledge that we have? Well, usually, yeah. Usually there's, you know. Did you hear JP left, by the way? Did you hear JP, the owner of, so the owner of Jared Perlmutter.
Starting point is 01:25:25 You know who that is? I know who that is. Yeah, Brick, the guy from Brick. And I think he wrote the affiliate handbook. Okay. And then you remember the guy who was the president of CrossFit? Jason Dunlap. Yeah, that woke fucking ding-dong.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Yeah. Excuse me. That guy ended up going to orange theory shocker and i think i think it was orange theory or f45 and now whatever whichever one it was now jp has gone there interesting yeah it's it's it's a trip and what's crazy is i didn't see what um what jp i don't i haven't seen what jp has written or if he did a press release but when that dumb lap guy did a press release it was like so obvious why he wasn't a fit for crossfit like it wasn't like i can't wait to push um health and wellness and save people from the fears of covid
Starting point is 01:26:16 and we have a cure for the world's most vexing problems like i can't wait to take the brand and elevate it and make more money i mean it was you know what i mean it was uh hundred thousand new crossfitters a day not yeah it wasn't pursuing excellence right no definitely not but i will tell you i noticed that nicole carroll likes all the project veritas videos she should be careful if she wants a ceo position hey like like you trish yeah that that chick ain't that chick ain't woke i'll tell you that nope yeah that's a tough girl that's a smart girl yeah she ain't woke yeah i ran into her on saturday you did yep just very quick briefly by the time i kind of made my way over to her i was actually completely dead from the workout i got crushed everybody that walked by me my face was like pale like i was on the verge of throwing up that's cool yeah well i
Starting point is 01:27:03 was lucky enough to have neil maddox as my in that workout. And so, um, let's just say he, he kept going, Hey dude, don't worry. I'm going easy. You know, he goes, I'm, I'm, I'm not here to prove anything to anybody or whatever. And let me just let, let you know, by the way, he wasn't lying. He did go easy. Like he definitely didn't like sell his soul in any way, but his easy is on a whole different spectrum than my easy so and uh we were close to getting the score they made it kind of fun they put awesome aliallo and don together in a workout and then basically we're like okay no everybody try to beat them and if you beat them you're gonna that's that's fucking cool really don did that yeah and then they're like if you win whoever beats them too like depending if there's multiple
Starting point is 01:27:45 people that beat them they'll put a name in a hat they're going to draw it out afterwards and they gave away a free like l1 or l2 that's fucking way cool i want to ask you a question here uh real quick after uh seven seven does greg glassman have some type of non-compete after selling crossfit yes and it's going to expire soon uh so when i talked to suza i said how was the uh i'm paraphrasing then we'll see what suze thing i said hey how was the affiliate gathering and and secretly i wanted it to be a fucking train wreck and he said um hey dude they don won my heart and i go what do you mean he goes like he fucking rocked me he opened up with some shit that was fucking amazing and I go what was that
Starting point is 01:28:28 he goes it was something I hadn't heard since Greg Glassman has been around and I guess and we'll see what Sousa thinks of my interpretation of this but he basically opened to these fucking affiliates in Northern California and said hey I know we have the cure for fucking COVID I know we have the cure for the world's most vexing problem it's
Starting point is 01:28:44 a travesty that we had to go through what we did the last two years knowing all along that our gyms have the cure for fucking covet i know we have the cure for the world's most vexing problem it's a travesty that we had to go through what we did the last two years knowing all along that our gyms have the cure for the problem dude we that needs to be screened from the mountaintops but finally to get someone at crossfit inc to say that yeah it was it was interesting he did open up with that it was one thing in particular i do want to note though is he didn't use the word cure. And I think that's for a legal reason. But he did basically open it up and say, and he started and he was like, hey, look, we know that we have the solution to a represented in front of a group of affiliates by the CEO of CrossFit. So we very much spoke in that same exact tonality with that same exact passion towards what we have. And it was great. His whole speech, I thought, was really good.
Starting point is 01:29:36 So far, they've been able to kind of do everything in small buckets that he said that he's going to do. So we still got to give it some time to really see how it's going to play out overall. But I was happy with it. Well, at least we know the captain knows what kind of ship he's going to do. So we still got to give it some time to really see how it's going to play out overall. But I was, uh, I was happy with at least we know the captain knows what kind of ship he's driving a hundred percent. And he's got a good action plan that wasn't, I heard he's not a games Easter, like Rosa. I've never got the vibe that Don was a games Easter. No, no, not even close. And in fact, he made himself completely accessible the whole entire Saturday. And when we did the Q and A for the
Starting point is 01:30:05 questions back and forth, it was open. Like everything was on the table. I asked if any of the sponsors were going to be able to, if they were going to own any pieces of the company and if they take any money, if that'll change the messaging or sway what we do. He said, no. Craig Howard asked who owns CrossFit and what's their intent. We had somebody who asked, Hey, you said you're going to be branding and you have a goal of 30 million new CrossFitters within the next seven years. What exactly does that mean? He got specific about what he was going to do. I made an interesting note because somebody in the crowd shouted out Superbowl commercial, which I thought Hitler would appreciate. But yeah, it, that event on Saturday ran and it was Katie Hogan and Jordan Hall that put that
Starting point is 01:30:46 whole thing together. And CrossFit obviously supported it in a major way. Awesome Aliella was there. Adrian Bosman was there. Dave Castro was there. Don was there. Nicole was there. And for the first time in three years, it felt like how CrossFit was back in the day.
Starting point is 01:31:00 And more importantly, with the affiliate owners, it finally felt that we weren't isolated and alone and you felt that the the community was coming back and it was coming back in a good way and strong so hopefully everything that they presented and they talk about keeps moving forward in the direction that it does because i i have a feeling that it's going in a good way a game zista is thinking that matt fraser and katrin david's daughter are going to save crossfit that's what rosa thought i'm not paraphrasing that's what he thought 100 he thought they were going to save crossfit that's what rosa thought i'm not paraphrasing that's what he thought a hundred percent he thought they were going to save crossfit and that's fucking that's in the clinical sense completely retarded if any that they're they're the they're the um they they're the furthest things that from what can save crossfit and set and so and so this guy don
Starting point is 01:31:38 isn't obsessed with the games and not the affiliates and that's what rose was don't forget yeah i could go no i to say, to your point, he never once mentioned the games. At the affiliate gathering. Not even close. No, it was very like the whole conversation, his whole presentation and everything that they did there, the sales stuff that Jordan Hall laid out,
Starting point is 01:31:57 Michelle Moots was there that she talked about becoming a professional coach. There was really good, great open discussion. Nobody shied away from anything. It felt like all the instructors and everybody there was free to talk how they wanted to and i will guarantee that um don well there wasn't even any talk of the games that wasn't even the focus at all it was all about the affiliates it's all about making more professional coaches and it was awesome uh sean sullivan did austin check your vaccinations status before he would work next to you? East Coast bitches. I do want to say this.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Someone said Nicole is woke because she has yoga. You have to understand Greg beat the fucking woke out of us. If you worked with Greg, he is so fucking smart and articulate. And he, David Boaz, libertarianism, read the book. If you haven't, you couldn't last. Greg was the light of truth on so many subjects. And if you said some dumb shit around him,
Starting point is 01:32:56 he would unfuck you quick. There were not too many woke people around him. There were fucking scumbags, that's for sure. And there were people, there were victim people, but they could at least think clearly. Should we finish with one more thing? Before Suze has to go. 387, this one is called Casino Life.
Starting point is 01:33:17 I picture this is happening, this exact scene is happening in a casino near every minute of the day, 24 hours a day. Somewhere in the world, this has to be happening. Here we go. out a long time ago. This goes on for several minutes. The lady showed a lot of self-restraint, especially with Karen in her hot, sour breath up in her face. Throws another shot and booyah right to the cheek. And Karen gets a runaway first class ticket to Goo Goo Gaga Land. My God, she is out. Let's take a look at the replay. She wanted to find out, so she found
Starting point is 01:34:00 out real quickly. And right here, you just don't mess with people, especially with people that have self-restraint, asking questions like i hit her can i hit her now is this the time she was so respectful care and disrespectful once again legend has it she's still there involuntarily making out with the ground great job oh my goodness hey i guarantee you that nicole one final thing let me tell you something uh i guarantee you, Nicole Carroll did not get the fucking vaccine. There's no fucking way. And it is a long trip between liberal and libertarian. I don't know if I agree with you, Trish. I she she there's no fucking way. She's too smart to have gotten the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:34:47 She lives out in the fucking middle of nowhere in Colorado. She has a land. And no one would – if you were in Nicole Carroll's presence, she's a different kind of human being. I don't want to – hopefully one day we'll have her on the show. She's not a normal human being. That is not a normal woman. So that is a powerhouse of a human uh she is very special and you would uh feel your whole being change in her presence
Starting point is 01:35:13 i don't know i don't know what else to tell you that she's uh and everyone knows that i wouldn't say that like about dave or about greg or about, but if you are in Nicole's presence, you will feel something and you will come to attention. She's, she's a beautiful and powerful as fuck. Okay. That's it. That's all I'm saying about her. Um,
Starting point is 01:35:37 all right. Uh, thank you everyone. Uh, tomorrow we have Seth Gruber on tomorrow's show is going to be crazy. If you don't know who Seth Gruber is, you should look up some of his videos. S-E-T-H-G-R-U-B-E-R. He is a very religious guy, Christian dude.
Starting point is 01:35:55 He's made it, I think, his life calling to bring an end to baby killing. It's going to be – yeah, Chuck's great too. Chuck's great too. But Nicole – yeah yeah there's something about nicole has some crazy presence man i'm telling you it's a it's a she's opening up a different vortex of energy something's coming through this guy is something else this is going to be weird talking to him i'm excited could get squirrely uh no i've never jerked it to that is not true i can i've never i've never done that hey here's i don't drink it to anyone but my wife i it's my wife is everything to me
Starting point is 01:36:36 i want to be clear on that that's how i know okay but i appreciate the uh i appreciate it i appreciate the thought. Maybe that was just a way of complimenting Nicole. Another Christian, step on, invite me to your baptism. Look at that photo he's got there. Yeah. Hey, I know what kind of Republican you are. You go to the airport, don't you? And go to the bathrooms at the airport. You know that that kind of Republican? And Seve invite. What are you doing? What are you doing in that photo?
Starting point is 01:37:23 Tried to seduce you. Caleb Caleb good to have you back glad to be back buh-bye

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