The Sevan Podcast - #791 - The Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 if he's working today for some reason i thought he'd be here today bam we're live i thought so too honestly i think he said he would be here want me to call him yeah let's give him a ring give him it's a good idea let's see uh oh he's in my favorites let's see matt suza good morning everyone christine hi good morning juicy spiegel good morning amanda amanda stack good morning jeremy good morning rb emily was an incredible guest why do you say that i'm curious why you say that a lot of people really liked her i thought it was just uh maybe you guys were uh titillated by the uh conversation like the the subject matter you guys are really into the whole crossfit scene and liked all the juicy crossfit stuff i mean granted she's smart as shit
Starting point is 00:00:56 um finally made it to a rob show robin great to have you here surf's up you reach matt no no no i wonder what's going on with suza Robin, great to have you here. Surf's up. You reached Matt. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. No, no. I wonder what's going on with Suza. Must be sleeping in. More airtime. You can now say six words in this show. More airtime for you, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I've got two more. Angela Martinez, Alex Mallard. Mike, the sour. Bam, it's 10 a.m. Bam, it's 10 a.m. Oh, that's 7 a.m. Greg C, amazing show yesterday. Subject matter was amazing. I was concerned that she was one of those guests that's so smart that I was concerned she was leaving a bunch of people in the dust.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Or like she was connecting too many dots too fast. But she was cool when I would kind of like stop it and try to bring it all back together. So because she knows a lot. She knows a lot, a lot of pieces, a lot of pieces. Thank you to Paper Street Coffee. Cheers. Cheers. You're on the paper street too of course do you want do you want one of these cups caleb yeah it'd be kind of dope oh okay i'll get you one uh i will send gabe a text
Starting point is 00:02:17 and then i forgot um i wanted to show you something um can you bring me the grenade soap oh dude grenade yes go uh oh it's grenade it's grenade not grenade no is it grenade g-r-e-n-a-d-e oh yeah it's funny i'm still learning how to speak the english language so when i was going through so we have to like for we fly through military air we uh like we still have to go through like a tsa type thing like we have to check our bags and oh i like this i like this stuff i like this so i i've like packed a few things in my luggage that I was concerned. I was trying to bring them home, bring things home. But they sent it through an X-ray. Sentinel, grenade, handgun.
Starting point is 00:03:16 All this stuff. Souvenirs, just souvenirs. Right. So they sent it through the X-ray. And I'm like like we need to check your bag i was like oh shit like i'm gonna be in some serious trouble and they like dig through and uh they like pull out this box it's like a cardboard box and uh they open it up and they're like what is this i was like like, oh, it's soap.
Starting point is 00:03:48 And it was the fucking grenade soap from Doc Spartan. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. They were like, they were like just holding me. They weren't going to let me go. They made like a whole stink about it. They're like, what are you doing? You're bringing it.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Like, it was fucking hilarious. Oh, they were probably so excited. They probably thought they had you they were like oh shit this dumb idiot's bringing a grenade back yes but would you gotten how much trouble would you get in for that that's a good question um i probably would have gotten like at least some paperwork like like something that's written in my record but probably not not kicked out of the air Force. No, I don't think so. Hey, Victor Brown, she kept you on track.
Starting point is 00:04:30 She kept me on track? And kept you from getting too emotional. Is that bad? I don't think anyone keeps me on track. But I don't think I was... Is that a bad thing if I'm emotional? I don't think anyone keeps me on track, but I don't think, um, I don't think I was, uh, I don't, is that a bad thing if I'm emotional? Well, Jeremy says I get an article 15.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That's pretty bad. What's that? Is that bad? Yeah. It's like a career killer. Like if you get article 15, usually you're fucked. Can you still stay in for, uh, 20 years and get money? Yeah. I think you can stay in, but you're never going to make more than an NCO-level job.
Starting point is 00:05:12 So, I don't know. You kind of get fucked. Okay. Oh, yeah. Well, that's not good. It's not good to be someone knowing that you can't get elevated. Not a girl or woman, yeah. Yeah, that one hit me like a
Starting point is 00:05:25 brick shithouse that hit like i think of myself as an egoless angel oh thank you i think of myself as an egoless angel and that one hit direct that was a direct shot to my ego like just a oh sure. Yeah, that one. That man made me realize I'm not egoless. Tell me what to say. Like, I give up. But it's cool. So this is the soap, by the way, that Caleb's talking about.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah. And Dale King makes this, and the name of the company is Spartan. Doc Spartan. Doc Spartan. Doc Spartan. Oh, yeah, it says right here. No, it doesn't say right here. Manufactured in Portsmouth, Ohio. Contents, Grenade.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Someone said it's not an English word. I guess it's French. And it says, so,, just like it sounds. I want to find out what's in this soap. Oh, could you look at the ingredients? A life-size grenade? Because what's crazy is I'm looking for a soap sponsor because I want to represent a soap that doesn't, like,
Starting point is 00:06:44 chemically castrate me, right? I want to use a soap that doesn't chemically castrate me on my body. And I want to use one in my, for my clothes. My wife is, my wife and I have a serious problem at the washing machine. I've been doing the wash our whole like career together. And now she doesn't want me doing it because she says i use uh chemical soaps like that um high protein snicker bar soap uh coconut oil palm oil south safflower oil glycerine shea butter purified water lye sorbitol i don't know what that is sorbiton ole yeah oh those two in there i wonder if those reduce my um sperm count titanium dioxide i don't know what that is. Sorbitan. Oh, yeah. Oh, those two in there. I wonder if those reduce my sperm count. Titanium dioxide. I don't care about my sperm. It's my kids. Chlorell power proprietary blend of essential oils.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It smells good. It smells really good. Did you use any or do you feel bad using it because it's such a cool shape? It does smell really good. Did you use any or do you feel bad using it? Cause it's such a cool shape. Yeah. I like, I didn't use it because I thought it was kind of cool, but also like,
Starting point is 00:07:51 I didn't really have like, you know how you usually have like a place to store yourself. Yeah. Like what do you mean? Like in the shower, like it sits on a ledge. Yeah. Yeah. Since we had like community showers,
Starting point is 00:07:59 I didn't really want to use it. Cause I would have to like store it on a shelf in my room. Oh, what if you leave the soap in there? We will just other people use it to wash their ass and stuff definitely god i love your cat i hey i'm gonna tell you something really fucked up please and please don't well i don't care if you judge me too harshly i'm totally that person like i would go in there yeah i would go in there. Yeah, I would go in there. I would take your soap. I'd lather it in my hands, theoretically taking off a layer of your whatever poop and semen and whatever's on there.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Then I would use it to soak my body. And then when I put it back, I would roll it in my hands a bunch again to make sure I took off all the pubes and put it back. I'm totally that person yeah there's definitely definitely a few of those usually people would just like leave it on like a ledge somewhere like just kind of like if they didn't need it anymore they were leaving they would just leave their leftover on a shelf and then people just grab it i always felt weird doing that too oh it's gross i have to like put on like a serious mental block, but I'd still do it. Yeah. Like if it was a necessity, yeah, I'd use it. Oh, you would too?
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah, probably. I wonder if women are like that too. Women in the military definitely do that shit. Is lye okay? My dad says a fuck ton on wood ash and I've considered making my own. Oh, so I need a soap sponsor and i really want uh what if you drop the soap well we have our individual showers so it was okay all right uh you were fine some were happy
Starting point is 00:09:37 she was calling you out on your terms like woke it's hard for some to stray from their progressive roots triggered the libs whenever possible i i liked it i like it though when people call me i won't because it lets me rework the uh rework my definition to let people know it's real man did you see that preview that disney put out um uh in one of their movies they have a whole song and dance that's three out three minutes long uh asking for reparations it's's amazing. What? No one is responsible for what their parents did. Just so you know, you don't owe debt.
Starting point is 00:10:15 You don't owe debt for what your parents did. I hate to use this as an example, but Matt Schindeldecker doesn't owe debt because his mom killed the bus driver. No one owes debt to anyone because of what their relatives did or didn't do. And don't forget, they keep saying that this country is built on the backs of slaves. It's built on the backs of shitloads of people. And where did those slaves come from? We know where those slaves came from. It came from other melanated people selling those melanated people to pigmently deprive people.
Starting point is 00:10:47 You know, who has to pay for what their parents did. You, if you think that that's going to, if you think that's going to help the country be a better place, you're crazy. That is going to cause some serious fucking heartache and headache. There's nothing, there's nothing fair about it.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And there's nothing, there's nothing fair in life either. North Korea has whole camps that do that. Say that again? North Korea has whole camps where the people are paying for what their parents did. Yeah. They're forcing generations into indentured servitude just because of something that their parents did. And I'm not suggesting that that's a good argument for why
Starting point is 00:11:26 why there should those people also shouldn't get reparations it's not like two rights make a wrong or two wrongs make a right it's just completely fucking illogical it really bums me out that they're pushing that I feel like that the only thing that that causes is
Starting point is 00:11:44 um more more divisiveness they're pushing that i i feel like that the only thing that that causes is um um more more divisiveness it pains me uh the um we had philip kelly also on the other morning the live calling show that was really cool uh he's eight if you didn't that, you might want to catch up on that. He's eight. The reason why that's so cool is he got COVID. He got really sick, spent a bunch of time in the hospital. He's in recovery.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I think that's going to be a fun thread to follow just over the next, you know, year, two years, five years, however long the show lasts, however long we can keep him coming on. And then for the last eight weeks,
Starting point is 00:12:20 he's been doing a small dose of TRT through California hormones. He's also a sponsor. And I just really like hearing his um his journey yeah disney disney pushing agendas into children is maddening yeah if i was i was also thinking if i was a child what i would take away from that there's this thing, there's this thing, there's an idea around these words that I think is the root of the entire problem that we're currently stuck in. And it sucks because I don't think that even 1% of the population is smart enough to acknowledge it. And even when you're smart enough to acknowledge it, like I am, I'm still not able to always see through it. It's weird. But the issue is the conflation of black people, black culture, melanated skin. There's all of these words that are being conf culture but there's a culture surrounding this melanated persona that's just conflated with the actual human being and it's it's so fucked up it's so fucked up and and there's just as many people who are white who've embraced that
Starting point is 00:13:40 culture if not more than there are people with melanated skin and i think at the root that culture has done some really um unhelpful things to to society i was just looking at a list i don't know if i put a link to it but it was it was the wealthiest people in the United States. I don't know if I put a link to it at the bottom. It was a Twitter link. But basically, I've shown it before on the show, but it showed the wealthiest people in the United States by ethnic demographic. And like whites are at 56,000 a year.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Oh, here it is. Oh, wow, you're quick. Did I have a link to that? Yeah, it was a number. What number is. Oh, wow. You're quick. Did I have a link to that? Yeah, it was. What number is that? It was 407. Oh, yeah. 407. So look at this. We've looked at this before. So what made me think of this is I took my kids to Fremont the other day for the jujitsu tournament. When I was a kid, Fremont was all just white and black people, no other people. And now when I took my kids to Ohlone college,
Starting point is 00:14:48 all the buildings there, everything's written in. I think it's Chinese. It's some writing that I don't recognize. Maybe it's Japanese, but it's some Asian language. It's those characters, right? And look at,
Starting point is 00:14:57 these are the wealthiest people in the United States, Indian Americans, then Filipino Americans and Taiwanese Americans and Sri Lankan Americans and Japanese Americans and Malaysian Americans and Chinese Americans and Pakistani Americans. And that that has that's all because of their culture. That's my take on it, all because of their culture, all because of how they're raised, all because they have tight families. I bet you that their divorce rates are lower than all the people below them, too. I bet you that their divorce rates are lower than all the people below them too.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I think it's like 50%. It's all a – yeah, they make twice as much as basically your average American. Yeah, it's all a cultural thing. But the whole Bay Area is shifting to that. Anywhere near the mothership like Apple, Amazon, Facebook, all those. I mean, I went to a high school, I think in Los Gatos with Greg and Dave and Haley, my wife, one time Haley had made a video on the high school and there was a teacher there and the teacher was white. And the teacher said, Hey, when I started teaching here 15 years ago, this entire school is white. Now the only white person, the only white person at this high school is me. And it was the high school PE teacher and all the other kids were either Indian or some sort of Asian, like Indian.
Starting point is 00:16:11 When I say Indian, I mean like those people who live on the, like the second biggest country in the world, the dark skin people. Like they're like, they're really black, but we call them Indian packet, the Pakistani Indian. And then the Asians, I just lump lump them all in is like Chinese Japanese Korean and it those those people's culture is just fucking rock-solid if your goal is to keep your head down grind and make money so okay that's that as excited about the fights this weekend if you're a usc fan man this weekend
Starting point is 00:16:48 is gonna be amazing yeah but if you if you are interested say it again they just keep promoting the slap fighting yeah the slap man that's getting a lot of i'm kind of i'm torn i like the slap fighting but like i like to think of it as like a russian. I don't like to think of it as something we do in the States. You know what I mean? Like just something that pops on my IgE once every two months. I've lumped it into like, uh, that car jujitsu match. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Front seats and they just play jujitsu with each other. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:18 That's, that's how I've seen it. And that's just bizarre to me that they're promoting it so much. Like I just don't see the appeal. It's cool. Yeah. Just like if you're flipping through your IG and you see one like clip of it, it's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:36 So if you are interested in learning more about your blood work, you can go to, type in the password Sevan and you'll get a free doctor's consultation. And if you're in California, especially if you're near Southern California, you can get your blood work done for free. You can get all that shit checked out for free. Oh, anyone who has any show name ideas for shows or like the morning live call-in shows
Starting point is 00:18:01 or anyone who sees clips in here that need to be clipped in any of our shows please put it in the comments you would save me so much uh you would save us so much work oh shit hillar just sent me a uh oh hillar i don't go to reddit someone wrote someone wrote uh started by the way did you know someone started a seven podcast reddit thread and the moderators at reddit pulled it down it pulled it down yeah but you are not a thread i guess i guess that there's like forums or this was when we first started the podcast i guess guess there's sub-forums or forums or groups or someone tried to be a... Thank you, Corbano. Anything that you think would be a good clip that I should go back, that you think that I should turn into anything from a one-minute to ten-minute clip, if you guys put it in the comments, then I can go back and clip it. If not, I just, by the time nighttime comes around, I'm already prepping for the next show and I missed that opportunity. I think the subclips would help the show grow.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I definitely think it'll make me a few more dollars. Free labor. And I won't be paying reparations to you once I become rich. But it would be awesome to be so rich to throw a party for us. A bombshell confirmation that even Glassman doesn't know who owns CrossFit now and other major dirt. I'm only halfway through, but it's a doozy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I didn't think really is, is, uh, was that show that doozy? I thought it was just normal. Morning glory with seven gun gun foo. I like it. How most of the people in here have profile pictures too comments not chat yes judy sorry did i say chat yeah comments whatever i said listen to judy um i want to thank bruce wayne for all the thumbnails and uh there's a
Starting point is 00:20:00 couple other people who've been sending me thumbnails i don't know their name but thank you all that stuff like even if i don't respond to you and I just start using them, you have to know that I try to see everything. I'm so far behind on my DMs. It's a mess. I'm going to read this to you. This came in my DMs last week. Hi, Stefan. I'm a regular listener to your podcast from the Philippines.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I don't always catch it live because of the time difference, but I always listen to the replays while I run. I don't do CrossFit, but I'm a big fan of the methodology in the sport. I just use YouTube and Instagram to do workouts because the CrossFit box membership here in my country is too expensive. That being said, I'm grateful for your podcast for opening my eyes on a lot of issues. You freed my mind, and now I see the world through a different lens. Keep it up. You freed my mind, and now I see the world through a different lens. Keep it up. The homeless thing that people were tripping on is people want – this is the total – I apologize in advance.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Libtard response is, well, a lot of the homeless people are mentally ill. It doesn't matter. Stop saying that. That's just an excuse. That's it, to get some sort of emotional plea from you. All homeless people are mentally ill. It doesn't matter It's it's completely fucking irrelevant The reason why they're in mentally ill is because uncle buck touched them when they were little they didn't address it
Starting point is 00:21:14 They started getting into fentanyl and drugs. They started selling their pussy They started sucking dick and now they live on the streets doing drugs and they're caught in a horrible cycle and they Here it is. You ready? Here it is. They don't need you making excuses for them that keep them down. You're calling them mentally ill with this bullshit pseudo compassion that you should feel sorry for them. And that's what's keeping them down. Oh, let's start a free, a free needle program. Let's block off these three blocks and let them sleep here. You are being a codependent. Just imagine you were one of those people. Nobody wants to be a heroin addict, a meth addict, a homeless person, mentally ill.
Starting point is 00:22:02 But here's the thing. And especially with mental illness, mental illness, mental illness is like obesity. Not one person is going to come and save you. It's only going to be you. Only you are going to be able to get off those streets. And do you know how you do that? Do you know how you stop being fat and how you get off the streets? You hit rock bottom. So stop saying that mental illness, when you call them mentally ill, what you're doing is you're making an emotional appeal to continue to be a codependent for them.
Starting point is 00:22:42 So what? Yeah, they're mentally ill. So what? You think giving them housing is going to help no no you're giving them a warm place to shoot up more heroin to meet more heroin addicts it's not the way i'm telling you anyone who's pulled themselves up by the what is it called bootstraps is that the bootstraps yeah what is it called bootstraps is that the bootstraps yeah can't say that though she aoc said it was a racist bootstraps is yeah i don't know i got a i got a funny one today there's this um i'll get to in a second there's a there's a There was a school that served watermelon, waffles, and chicken on the first day of Black History Month. And they told the kids there that it was racist and they made the black kids feel bad for that.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And that's like, do they not know that they're enforcing racism by telling the kids there that that's racist? How the fuck are waffles and watermelon and chicken racist is rice racist is baklava racist towards greeks what if they would have served baklava during greek history month or taboo what shawarma yeah yeah what's wrong with fried chicken what's wrong with fried chicken and watermelon do is that something do is that like something culturally melanated people don't like they don't like that like no no like what is stereotypically what they eat just fried chicken waffles and watermelon yeah then why wouldn't you make that why wouldn't you serve that all 30 days if it was
Starting point is 00:24:19 chinese history month i'd expect it to be fucking fried rice the whole month kung pao chicken every day yeah it's we we live in bizarro world yeah i love shawarma too i ate so much fucking shawarma the past six months hey that's that thing that's on the tube right yeah it spins they're like wrapping a little tortilla looking thing uh yeah grape sodas is that is that who eats that which people the asians no that's people other black people thing uh yeah that sucks that's probably that sounds like something white people gave him to kill them like abortion here's your grape soda with every abortion you get you get a six-pack grape soda brought to you by whitey fucking margaret sanger can i get a live react for the Daniel Brandon video I sent on IG?
Starting point is 00:25:10 Josh Lothes. I don't remember that. We can go to Daniel Brandon's account. Let me say this one thing and then we'll go look at how hot Daniel Brandon is. Brandon is. In total, the national money supply stands at $21.2 trillion, which is still more than 37%
Starting point is 00:25:32 above the pre-pandemic level. Okay, fuck, Jeremy. Alright, fine. Hi, Jeremy. I want to talk about money. What are you doing? Jeremy? Jeremy. Did you say Jeremy fuck money. What are you doing? Jeremy? Jeremy. Did you say Jeremy fucks?
Starting point is 00:25:48 I said Jeremy fucks, yes. Hey, I'll keep this one short, I promise. What you were talking about. That's what I said to my wife. My melanated. What's that? That's what I said to my wife last night. Oh, I used to say that all the time when I was married.
Starting point is 00:26:05 You're talking about my melanated people. And I wake up this morning. Remember, I'm in Milwaukee. I wake up this morning. To gunshots. No, I actually live in a good part of the city,
Starting point is 00:26:19 believe it or not. And I wake up to a story. MPD officer shot and killed overnight. And way up on the in the hood. And I mean, it's not too surprising. I mean, an officer isn't killed every day, but shit like that is happening pretty regularly. So it got me thinking about, you know, a lot of the things people are saying, like, these officers need more training, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:26:49 And I'm wondering how, okay, so let's say in this perfect world that the, as you call them, libtards want to... Hey, how come they don't tell us the color of the officer that was shot or the color of the person who shot him? So what does that tell you right away sorry to interrupt what so that tells you that it's a black officer shot by a black uh sorry i'm not i really don't want to say black anymore
Starting point is 00:27:14 it's a melanated officer shot by a melanated citizen right right exactly the story the story does not give details that's what i would. That's what I have to assume. Right. Cause they're not trying to piss me off. Right. For sure. 100%. 100%.
Starting point is 00:27:30 So it got me thinking like, let's say that that officer in his unit and you know, his department went through extensive de-escalation training, um, was super, uh, burst inch, you know, things like jujitsu, self-defense, et cetera, et cetera. What one of those skills, when it comes to what it sounded like, uh, like an armed robbery situation, and he has to, he has to confront this criminal. What one of those skills is going to work to get that criminal, who's clearly a piece of shit, has probably raised in a fatherless home. You know, he's all enamored in the hip hop culture and drugs and all this. What skill is that officer going to use to get that kid not to do what he did? that officer going to use to get that kid not to do what he did?
Starting point is 00:28:29 Why not what you recommend and what most logical thinkers, let's improve us as society, you know, let's get better at not doing dumb shit. Or if an officer does confront you about something, pulls you over, just, you know, comply and do what you're told. Why, why, why is it not that that why don't we hear more of that why are we hearing so much of officers need more training i never hear that jeremy i this show is the first time the first time i ever heard that maybe society needs more training as opposed to um the police was on this show when it came out of my mouth thank you
Starting point is 00:29:03 the police was on this show when it came out of my mouth. Thank you. Do we have a clap? Do we have a clap? Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. I'll do it for you. I'm clapping right now while I'm holding my phone, but no, you're right. I mean, I, you'll hear it depending on your circles of friends or, you know, you talk to you like you'll hear it, but you, I mean, that's not the only time you said something we all think quite regularly. But, yeah, I think I could give you credit for being the first voice out there to say it for sure. It's it's it's absolutely. I mean, we've talked about it before with the with the with the garbage man. Right. We all put our trash cans out and separate them so that that machine can get.
Starting point is 00:29:42 And we don't park our cars in front of our mailboxes. When the police pull you over, just be cool. Just be cool. Put your hands on the steering wheel, turn your dome light on, turn the car off. I mean, every one of these videos where the cop gets shot or something, or the guy getting pulled over gets shot, for some reason the dude can't keep his hands on his steering wheel or his hands out of the glove box. I mean, obviously they're strung out most of these people
Starting point is 00:30:05 sure sure what if we started a massive campaign Jeremy showing that all these cops are people's sons and daughters and fathers so that's another thing people don't realize these are just real people yeah these are they don't
Starting point is 00:30:22 yeah they're not like cyborgs that go plug in overnight no they they're humans they they have families they have stuff going on yeah seriously i mean jay hardell wants me to ask you a question he wants to say this is keeping it short suck it jay hardell yeah yeah i'm black it's black history month man i get my 15 minutes of fame here. Come on. Jeez. Yeah. Sorry. I apologize. No, but like that situation you're talking about, even if you feel like you're being treated unjustly by the cop, there is a legal system. So you can, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:58 you have your day in court or whatever, you know, it's acting in the moment when you, if, if you feel like you're being unjustly treated, it's not going to lead to anything good. And you're not going to be that one person on the news that, Oh, this guy, you know, changed the officer's mind or did something really, you know, it's, it's, it's foolish. So a bunch of foolishness. I appreciate you calling in always.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Absolutely. I love talking to you guys. Caleb, don't get any Article 15s, okay? Those aren't good. I'll do my best. Thanks. Peace and love. And don't think when you get pulled over.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Here's the thing. I used to get pulled over a lot. I have to guess I've been pulled over 100 times in my life. And I never once thought. I did. Well, I guess here's where I could empathize. I did think that i was pulled over because i was young and a male but i always was doing something fucking wrong
Starting point is 00:31:51 going too fast had my radio on too loud in a neighborhood at a weird time of night that i probably shouldn't have been in just just shit like that i don't ever they're not stupid cops aren't cops aren't stupid and here's the thing too cops don't the the cops i know don't want to pull people over and get into fucking uh squabbles everything running you know i was thinking the other day there i was just had this thought there was this one time i i there was a stop there, I stuck behind this guy in a single lane road and he was going so slow. He was going 20, 20 and a 25. And I,
Starting point is 00:32:31 I sped around him. I was in my Volkswagen rabbit. I was probably 16. And I, and I, he stopped at a stop sign and I just blew the stop sign and went right by him. And a cop pulled me over. He goes,
Starting point is 00:32:40 dude, what are you doing? I'm like, that guy was going so fucking slow. And the cop goes, yeah, of course he's going slow. That's the fire cat chief. So our fire captain's son, he'll be in big trouble if he gets a ticket doing i'm like that guy was going so fucking slow and the cop goes yeah of course he's going slow that's the fire cat chiefs or fire captain's son he'll be in big trouble if
Starting point is 00:32:48 he gets a ticket i'm like yeah and he gave me a ticket i pulled over probably 20 times for my radio being too loud i had four 15s in the back of my rabbit nowadays if fire captain's son was driving around they'd probably be speeding and they'd get away with it just show the card i'm the fire captain son yeah one time i got pulled over i was doing 90 in a 65 on the 101 and i had a whole fucking chest full of weed probably like 10 pounds of weed and it was in the back of my truck and i have a patrol officer pulled me over on a motorcycle and my dog was in the back. My dog was barking like crazy. And so the guy couldn't get close enough to it, I guess, to smell it.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And I quickly said, officer, can I get out of the car and come to your car so that I could hear you? Cause I can't hear you with the dog barking. It's just crazy. And he said, absolutely. And he took me. And that was just my way of getting away from my car. I was so nervous. He was going to smell it. Cop was so cool. So freaking cool. He gave me a ticket, but he was so chill. In total, the national money supply stands at more than $21.2 trillion. I guess that means all the greenbacks, all the dollar bills, all the that like we have in our wallet right now, I guess there's 21 point. Here we go. Caller. Hi.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Hey guys, it's Plummer. How's it going? Hi Plummer. How are you? How much money do you have in your wallet? Zero. I don't have any cash. Oh, is that something you're at your, your age? People don't carry cash. Yeah. I only pull it out when I go to the barbershop because they only take cash. Because he makes you. Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:33 You only pull it out. Someone clip that. He only pulls it out at the barbershop. Oh. That's Heidi. I always have a $100 bill in my wallet amongst other things. I always keep a hunji. What do you keep in your wallet? Caleb, do you keep any cash? Always have a $20 or in my wallet amongst other things. I always keep a hunji. What do you keep in your wallet?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Caleb, do you keep any cash? Always have a 20 or a 50 or a hunji? Yeah, usually. Usually a couple 20s, a bunch of singles. Just depends on where I'm going. I feel naked. I feel naked if I don't have something. I agree.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It's weird if I don't have cash on me. Did you keep cash on you when you were doing the equity experiment? Absolutely. Welcome back. Oh, you did? Even there you had cash on you? Oh, yeah. Not American cash, but yeah, Jordanian dinar. I mean, because that's where everything's basically cash over there. And especially if you're going to barter with people.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So, like, if you're out in the shop or doing like talking to cops and stuff like a cop's bully over and asking for money plumber quit rubbing your penis on your on your microphone sorry i'm driving hey uh will my dad used to always give me 20 bucks when i left the house pretty much no matter what anytime i left the house my dad would be like hey here's a 20 it was cool like you know just being's a 20. It was cool. Like, you know, just being like a nine-year-old kid and I'm going to my friend's house. He's like, here's a 20. I was like, my mom would give me a five. And that I thought that was cool. Cause a lot of parents didn't do that for their kids, but my dad would give me a 20. He was a boss. I remember I'd get cash. If like I was going over to sleep over and then my dad would be like,
Starting point is 00:36:03 pick up a meal, like pick up a meal for the family or something like that. And it was like the most, it was the most uncomfortable thing as a little kid, but like, still like such a nice gesture, right? Like if you're like spending a weekend with a family, it's like buy a gas tank or something. I don't know. It was cool. My parents would, I wouldn't go over to anyone's house empty handed. I always would take like a two liter of Coke or like a candle or just something.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You know what I mean? A snicker bar. Yeah. Just go over there with something. A couple of chicken McNuggets left in my box. Offer it to the dog. Something. Not in the sixties, you dickhead.
Starting point is 00:36:42 In the eighties, you jackass. My $5 was good in the eighties. This guy's trying to act like I was born alive in the 80s you jackass my five dollars was good in the 80s this guy's trying to act like i was born alive in the 60s all right well well nice talking to you your sound is horrible but you're still a beautiful young man thank you see you guys happy thank you i agree i guess i don't know i like them i take that back. Not happy Caleb's back. I like him just as much when he was gone. I think his muffler is dragging. In total, the national money supply stands at more than $21.2 trillion, which is still more than 37% above the pre-pandemic level of about $15 trillion. So in two years, they printed an extra $6 trillion, which was like 37% of the total money we had flowing around in the economy.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Now, this is the part you need to listen to. I'm not sure what the implications are, but there's some economics major out there that will understand this. The U.S. money supply has contracted for the first time since the federal reserve started publishing the data in January of 1960. I think what they're telling us is that they've started pulling money off the, out of the system, which is really weird because normally every year since 1960, I think that they've printed some money. There's always a little bit of money that they're printing and adding into the
Starting point is 00:38:02 cashflow, but you have to understand that they're not doing that right now. The opposite is happening. They're pulling money out. And I have a feeling that's going to make some shit really weird for some people. It might ruin my story that all homeless people... Here's another reason thing that you have to understand about why homeless people are all criminals. They have to steal.
Starting point is 00:38:22 That's their job. That's how they get their drugs you understand so like in berkeley i had a really nice home little 866 square foot million 866 square foot home on a 2 000 square foot lot million dollar home dope next to all the coolest bars and coffee shops and the whole foods and parks but about six big blocks from my house was a massive homeless encampment so every night at 11 p.m to 4 a.m they scurry out like little rats and they come to your house and they check your doors and you can see them with your cameras you know your your nest cameras and they come to your house and they check your doors and you can see them with your cameras you know your your nest cameras and they check your doors and they come inside your yard and they steal bicycles because when you drive by those homeless encampments you ever wonder why
Starting point is 00:39:14 those people those things are so massive where do they get those uh marmot tents at all those bikes and sleeping bags and fucking pillows and shit. Yeah. It's, um, okay. Send it to you. Want me, why can't you send it to Caleb?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Hey, should I, uh, Hiller, should I look at that IgE thread or should you and I look at it when, um, you, you come on?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Where's, um, you want me to say that again? What did you say? Um, Oh, you want me to say that again? What did you say? Oh, I'm not watching that. I don't even think that's funny. I don't even, do you know how many people sent me that? I don't even think that's funny.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It's the Daniel Brandon one with that guy, the English guy. I watched that 10 times. I don't even think that's funny. I didn't even, I didn't enjoy that in the slightest. I think of Danieliel brandon as my daughter i don't want some guy with a fucking hard-on pointed at her it's fucking disgusting i thought that shit was hilarious i have daddy issues i'm i'm reaching that age where like all those people i feel like i'm their dad i don't i didn't yeah caleb loved it he's 27
Starting point is 00:40:22 i thought that was great. Yeah. I understand. Everyone likes to point their penis at Danielle. I understand. That is the one right at the end. He's got like a boner and his sweats and it's pointed at her. Yeah. He like doesn't know what to do with himself. Uh, Seve then came in and our town has a cop station so that the homeless people behave. Yeah. Right. Hey, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:40:45 That cop's job is horrible. And it's not about – it's not so that they behave. He just kind of mitigates the behavior. Hey, one of the worst places you can go if you're a homeless person, and unfortunately this part really sucks, is shelters in new york where they're safe are so dangerous what are you you'll get fucking robbed in there stabbed in there raped in there think of it as just jail you have to be in there by like six o'clock every night or whatever at the homeless, big homeless shelters in the big cities. And you can't leave until like, I don't know, till the morning it's,
Starting point is 00:41:28 it's, um, it's a, yeah, Jess, you laughed at that. Yeah. I thought it was stupid,
Starting point is 00:41:33 but I think most people did. 20 people sent me that. So I'm in the, I'm in the minority. I need reparations. Anyway, something weird is happening. It's going to weird. It is about to happen with our money.
Starting point is 00:41:48 So brace yourself. I don't know what. But stop looking at that Chinese balloon and watch your wallet. Watch that money disappear. Something weird is about to happen. That is a weird, bizarre thing for what's going to happen. Will you play 408? This is called Seeing the Future or Manifesting the Future or Just Cultivating Belief.
Starting point is 00:42:14 The Time Collapse. This is Aubrey Marcus. Here we go part of a ceremony where a you know kind of mid-ranked ufc fighter who had no title shot you know planned or anything like that goes into a dmt ceremony in the dmt ceremony he sees himself holding the belt the championship belt he's like i fucking saw it bro like i saw it i saw i could feel it i felt how heavy it was i felt it i saw it so bro. Like, I saw it. I saw it. I could feel it. I felt how heavy it was. I felt it. I saw it. So the person who was fighting the champion in his division got injured, had to pull out of a fight. He gets last minute called up. He's like a 9-to-1 underdog, has the fight of his life, you know, as an underdog, and wins the championship. And he fought unbelievable. And so there's so many interesting things that are happening that are not medical related, but performance related.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And he credits a lot of that. Of course, he's a great fighter. He trained hard and he busted his ass. All those things are all true. But he had such unwavering belief because he'd already felt himself with the belt. T.J. Dillashaw is the champion. I was a part of it. So basically he's saying this guy did some sort of drug DMT.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I was, I don't know what it is. And through that process, he saw himself holding the belt. Was it that he saw the future? Was it that he thought, saw it in his head and then manifested it. Both would have the same outcome.
Starting point is 00:43:38 That would be something very hard to be able to distinguish what's going on, whether you can see the future or whether you're manifesting the future. Because if you see, if you claim, Hey, I see the the future then someone could be like no you saw that and then you manifested it that's what caused it so so you see that there's a problem distinguishing between those two or it could be this other thing that he just created that with his imagination and because he created in his head and his imagination it made it even more possible to then create it outside out here out here when you start under you'll never understand this stuff if you don't know the difference between what's real and what's not real if you still think like racism is real and
Starting point is 00:44:15 you don't understand it's an idea then you'll never even under come close to understanding what i'm talking about so go to the crossfit games channel now if that if you're stuck there like you have to to even begin to understand what i'm saying you have to be able to distinguish So go to the CrossFit Games channel now if you're stuck there. You have to even begin to understand what I'm saying. You have to be able to distinguish between the fact of what's an idea and what's real. Like this grenade soap is real. You have this cardboard box. God, I hope there's nothing in there that destroys my sperm.
Starting point is 00:44:48 So when I saw this video, it reminded me of two stories. I was, I don't know, I was probably 25 years old and I'd taken some mushrooms and I'd gone up on a solo hike in the Santa Barbara mountains. I didn't do mushrooms a lot. I probably did like acid less than five times and I probably did mushrooms less than 10 times in my life. Anyway, and I did these mushrooms and I went on a long hike. And on the way back, on the way back, I got in my life anyway and i did these mushrooms and i went on a long hike and on the way back on the way back i got in my car and i'm driving back to isla vista which is like 10 miles north and i'm driving on the freeway and there's listen to this there's a car in the fast lane and it's probably going 55 too slow and there's a car behind it that's tailgating this car that's in the fast lane and it's tailgating and tailgating and tailgating.
Starting point is 00:45:27 And I'm watching this from behind. And then this car and the car in the fast lane can't move over because there's a car next to it. Right. So he's sandwiched in there. So his only option to get out of there and get out of the way of the guy behind him is to speed up or to slow down but instead this guy starts to go into the lane next to him not seeing that there's a car there to get out of the way of the guy who's tailgating and the guy that he's turning turning into in that lane sees him coming and jerks his steering wheel and i see that car lose control turn on side and start rolling down the freeway
Starting point is 00:46:06 and i just drive by i can't stop and help anyone i'm fucking on mushrooms but i saw it happen before it happened like five seconds before it happened i saw it happen and i was and that really freaked me out and then another time completely sober 15 years, I was driving on a freeway behind a truck that was a huge semi carrying huge sheets of glass, bigger than four by eight, maybe eight by 12, huge pieces of glass that looked like they went into a skyscraper. And this truck's pulling on, it's going probably 60 miles an hour and it's going around a bend and it's getting onto this huge bridge, like a small Golden Gate bridge that we have in the Bay Area. It's called the, uh, Carquinez bridge. It's going northbound and I'm behind it. And I didn't see it this time, but I thought, oh shit, a piece of glass is going to blow
Starting point is 00:46:59 off that truck and flying to the air. I better not be right here. And I, and I moved out of the lane and lo and behold, the largest piece of glass I've ever seen flying through the air, you know, eight by 12 or eight by 16 giant huge goes flying through the air and shatters on the freeway. Truck driver didn't even notice it. And if I wouldn't have moved, if I wouldn't have like thought that before that thing would have fucking landed on my 1990 Toyota pickup truck, I'd probably be dead. So I just remember those two uh i remember those two stories when i saw that uh clip i'm sure i'm sure a ton of people have those stories too
Starting point is 00:47:33 it's a weird um it's it's it's weird it's weird stuff uh 406 the future uh clive mclaughlin I thought I made a comment. Now I don't see it. Let's see. Do you see what's happening here? You thought you made it, but you didn't. Hey, where'd my comment go? I didn't see him make one at all, honestly.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Yeah. So you saw the future, but you didn't see the future or something. You saw the future, but then you didn't make the comment. Okay, action. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Jimmy Carr. It's great to be with you here this evening. I'll tell you why it's great to be here. We're drinking, my friends, in the Last Chance Saloon. What I'm saying on stage tonight is barely acceptable now. In 10 years' time, fucking forget about it. You're going to be able to tell your grandchildren about seeing this show. You will say, I saw a man and he stood on stage and he
Starting point is 00:48:35 made light of serious situations. We used to call them jokes and people would laugh. jokes and people would laugh and your grandchildren will ask they'll say non-binary elder non-binary elder what's a joke and you'll say you are well good evening hey why do english people say saw her why how where did you know how they put that r in there i think southern people might do it too and what word so so play this a little bit again he's going to say the word i saw but but there's an r go ahead there's an r and i'm jimmy. It's great to be with you here this evening. I'll tell you why it's great to be here. We're drinking, my friends, in the Last Chance Saloon.
Starting point is 00:49:32 What I'm saying on stage tonight is barely acceptable now. In 10 years' time, fucking forget about it. You're going to be able to tell your grandchildren about seeing this show. There it comes. You will say, i saw a man i saw her i saw her man what i think maybe australian people might do that too how come they how come those people put an r in there how do they do that i can't even do that it's like uh when tia says no she'll be like, nerr. She throws an R in there? Yeah, anytime there's like a long O or like an A-W sound, it's like an er. They always add R's between vowels.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Hey, do we do any weird shit like that, like Americans? I mean, I know the difference between grenade and gurnade, but at least if someone points it out to me, I could fix it. Perform, perform. Yeah, wars. People in the South say wars. Yeah, it's a trip. There.
Starting point is 00:50:36 405, this is so true. Here's another problem with Sevan. It's because of incest. Oh, shit. Okay's because of incest. Oh shit. Okay. I'll buy that. I'll use that as a placeholder. Cause you know, they're stuck on an Island and they did,
Starting point is 00:50:51 Hey, all those Island people too. If you go there like to Ireland or England, or I don't remember in Iceland so much, but definitely iron in Ireland and England. I remember their dogs look like they've been just fucking each other's moms and dads and sisters and brothers too. Like their golden retriever does not look like ours like dude your dog's cross-eyed
Starting point is 00:51:08 yeah their their purebreds are not do not look right in some of those island countries uh this is so true you this i i'm guessing this is venice beach this is exactly how i was brought up this is how everyone is brought up in california's it is this is crazy. Now that I look at this as a 50 year old man. But this is true. This is here. This is California for you. It's bizarro world. Be a person with an American flag on their shirt. Do you form any kind of opinion about them or no? Yes, 100%. Yes, definitely. And what is that? Republican. Yeah, probably like a Trumpy.
Starting point is 00:51:49 They'd be the only ones like brave enough to wear it in public. Brave enough to wear the American flag in public? Yeah, like proud. Can you pause this? Wearing an American flag on their shirt. The underlying thing here is that I could understand why young people might not be uh for their flag but the second you have fucking two brain cells together and you want a safe place to raise your kids it makes absolutely no fucking sense to me but you have to like there's this piece of a
Starting point is 00:52:20 california culture where you just kind of want everything to go bad and you're kind of like you want anarchy and and you can tell by the way look at these people the way they're dressed the way they take care of themselves but there's this complete hatred for anything that looks like pride or self-belief or self-love in california it's It's completely vapid and missing here. And it's all projected on this flag with these stars and stripes that people should actually like and be like, yeah, we're contributing to this to make a better place to live. We're just taught from a young age to hate that flag. It's so bizarre to hate ourselves, to feel guilty, to feel bad. every to hate ourselves to feel guilty to feel bad it is it is such an unhealthy uh way that these people are raised i was raised like that too okay and here i am uh today here we go sure do you do you racist yes yeah it's very racist patriotic for me i think it's like more of like a lot of
Starting point is 00:53:22 people are correlated with like racist racism and stuff like that. It could be someone that's super patriotic. And usually I think that it's a little too much. Too much? Too much. I mean, like, f*** America. I would just walk away. We come from Kansas, so we are around that a lot.
Starting point is 00:53:41 So you guys are around a lot of American flags? Yeah. When you see a person yeah fuck america that really is the that really is the attitude here oh my god it's so sad dude i'm sorry to say that to you as a soldier too it's so fucking sad i can't believe that people just associate it with all those things like i know me me neither, except I used to be like that. It's like they're... It's like the new Confederate flag. That's what it sounds like
Starting point is 00:54:09 they're conflating it with. It's crazy. Do you remember the rapper we had on, Lika Veli? Yeah. I texted him like 10 times to see if he'd come back on, and he never responded to me,
Starting point is 00:54:20 and he texted me the other day saying he has a new album coming out. Weird. So I'm excited. We'll have him back on. responded to me and he texted me the other day saying he has a new album coming out weird so i'm excited we'll have him back yeah that'll be cool yeah i didn't get enough love for that show i had on you remember his song his one his big song right his one his one hit yeah that was a good one i mean he had a lot of good songs, but that one song was pretty amazing. It was good shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:49 He was on like a year ago, wasn't he? It was a long time ago. It seems like he was one of our first guests. He definitely was. Here's the thing. These people don't vote. These people let their parents vote for them like I used to, or they sell their votes, or these people don't actually vote. They don't realize the, they don't realize that if they just thought differently, that
Starting point is 00:55:14 it would change like that. That's what I mean. That's another thing that makes them so dumb. And that's why it's important to know the difference between your thoughts and reality. Those people don't realize that they're the ones making the flag racist or they're the ones that are making it. Like there's no truth to it. They're just making it that way and they believe their own thoughts. They're retarded. They're not retarded. They're normal humans.
Starting point is 00:55:38 They're the normal zombie crowd. Anyone – God, were any of those people sober either uh melanated and by sober i just mean not those were all mentally ill people but they can fix that no one's gonna fix that for them there's no reason to feel sorry for them feeling sorry for them is called is fake compassion when you feel sorry for someone it's because you think you're better than them don't forget that also but seven i saw this child dying on the side of the street and i feel sorry for them choose some other word because when you feel sorry for them you think you're better than them that that is you're alive and they're not yeah
Starting point is 00:56:18 there there's some every everything everything has um every every almost everything has duality. Or feel sorry for them and then don't act on it. Don't act from the place of feeling sorry for them. Act from the place that they're your equal. Don't ever feel sorry for anyone. No one wants that. And the people who do want that, what you're doing is you're falling in line of the place of their abuser. There's something else.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I'll come up with it. There's a different place that you should act from. You should always help people if you can, if you know what helping is. Suza! Hi. I'm not suggesting – that's where the mistake is. People think that libertarians or conservatives aren't compassionate or nice. They're the most compassionate, giving, nicest people I've ever met. You knock on the door of some conservative person's house at 6 o'clock, and you don't know them. I bet you they let you in 9 out of 10 times more to have dinner with them than some sort of liberal who's terrified of you.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Unless you're taking their guns. Yeah. Thank you. some sort of liberal who's terrified of you unless you're taking their guns yeah thank you susan what's happening with the money supply i don't know what you're talking about okay i need more context uh if the the money supply went from 12 trillion to 20 trillion dollars in the last two years floating around the United States. And it's increased a little bit. That's a 37% increase of the total money supply in two years. And they've been increasing the money supply, I think, if I read the article right, every year since the 1960s by some amount.
Starting point is 00:57:57 And this is the first year now we're heading into months where we're actually the money supply is getting smaller. Yeah, I think we're fucked. Yeah. That's not good. Right. That's weird. Right. It's a, well, I mean, you heard the statistic like we printed more money in the last, whatever it was in 2020 than I'd been printed in like the last 40, you know, 40% of all the money that was in was printed then.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Or something crazy like that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this, this article says it was 37 37 of the money that's in circulation was printed in the last two years and now if they're just gonna not only are they stop printing money but they're taking money out of the uh circulation yeah but it's also kind of weird because it's just a keystroke right like it's not attached to anything which is crazy to think about it too it's because we're trying to combat inflation i like that word combat combat the inflation they created hey what what's the root of the word is grenade a french word doesn't look french grenade grenade um home granite everybody in the comments saying i'm alive why am i were you at work yeah
Starting point is 00:59:10 oh you forgot didn't you i did okay i remember when i called you the other day and i said hey i got the uh live more pleasanton fire recruits coming into the gym from 7 to 7 40 i was like did you want to move the show back and oh yes you were like no no no i'll start it it's fine you just come in whenever and then i like go and check my phone and i see that you called right at seven and i was like oh shit i didn't have my phone on me when i'm when i'm coaching that class and so then i said i was like panicked like trying to get over here as quick as i could it was a good show it's been a good show i knew i should have texted i got it this morning and i was like i should text him a rinder and be knew I should have texted you. I got up this morning and I was like,
Starting point is 00:59:45 I should text him a reminder and be like, hey, from 7740. And then I didn't and I should have. So I apologize. We missed you, but it's been a good show.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I said one of the best words, so. Yeah, that is, that's exactly where I was going to go, Caleb. They, so, you know, we have that, we have a debt ceiling in this country
Starting point is 01:00:04 and we also have like a Caleb word maximum. And so I just took that off. I took the top off. Caleb, I'm opening the door. You can now stand up and say as many words as you want today. No, I can't say anything for like the next month. Yeah. You've used them all up.
Starting point is 01:00:24 See, this is why you have indian guys in the in the fucking chat so someone with a fucking two brain cells can explain some shit to us okay divesh maharaj oh no no hammer you're not the hammer anymore money is always being taken out and added but the net change is usually positive okay yep i'm with you in there perhaps they reduce the amount being added to the to counteract the huge influx of previous years causing yes so that is yes i agree that is what's happening i'm just wondering what the implications are going to be i have a feeling it's going to uh it's going to be really weird for some people like all those people who they have only 400 to their name i'm guessing shit's going to get weird for them did you pull up statistics on like
Starting point is 01:01:06 how much Americans have saved because it's pretty bad our money is worth us right now because it's not backed by anything here's the thing this is kind of like the slavery thing bear with me here it's never been backed by anything
Starting point is 01:01:19 even when it was backed by gold it's still just made up it's all just made up so now it's not backed up by anything that like bars of soap bars of gold but it is there is a um a relativity piece still to it by that i mean there's still the supply and demand factor. There's still the more money we have, the less valuable it is. So,
Starting point is 01:01:54 so there are going to be some pieces there that just work off the way off of psychology. But I know what you mean. It's not backed by any like a tangible item by any tangible item. I hear you. And we have some pretty good things in place that, that actually protect that get me pretty excited, like the petrodollar, like that thing where basically – like I was reading the other day to you guys, 80% of all money that's used in international trade, regardless of what country is doing it, is the American dollar. I mean that gives us a big, huge to fuck off to you know to fool around yeah i think i saw 70 of the hundred dollar bills are in circulation outside the united states wow that's crazy yeah that is crazy right what what does this mean uh jeffrey uh i had a 13 minute cap i went over by
Starting point is 01:02:42 123 probably could have used 35s and gotten there. Oh, some workout he did. Some workout they're talking about, yeah. Hey, oh, go ahead. I want to ask you about a workout. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say money is such a weird and interesting thing, right, because it does three things for us. It's a unit of exchange that we could move around relatively easily because I can't exchange a house and carry that with me. carry that with me. It's a, it's a unit to store value, which that's another fancy word of also saying like storing kind of built up time for majority of us. That's what that means.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Human, yeah. Human energy, human energy. Sure. Yeah. Because like if you spend $30,000 a year and then you save $90,000, technically off your same rate there, you have saved three years where you could work and you kind of bought in that time for yourself. Right. Or for a hundred bucks, I give to a guy, I can buy an hour of his human energy to teach my kids how to skateboard. Exactly. And then you're, you're taking that stored value of however you created that in exchanging it. Right. So those are the two things happening. So exchange exchange, we can exchange it. It could store value and then it's a ledger. So it just keeps a record. How's it do that? I don't get that.
Starting point is 01:03:52 In accounting. So each business will have an accounting. Savan makes an income. Savan has expenses. We need to have a ledger of all that because now I, the government could look at that and say, okay, what's, what's going on in your business? How much do you owe the taxes and everything else? I just keep my money in a drawer that's still a ledger he still gets to do it all of it you gotta write down how much you had right or at least think about it uh uh mr uh pinup uh poster says a great book called the value of nothing uh book goes on to say time is the only valuable thing everything is made up yeah i think that's yeah it's all faith back you talk about it all the time like the only reason we stop at red lights is because we're trusting the other person that they're going to stop at the
Starting point is 01:04:28 red light the only reason our money works is because I trust that someone's going to take it and he trusts that wherever he's going to go with that money they're going to take it as well too and now we have an agreed upon unit of exchange uh the stat that Caleb just pulled up is interesting I remember hearing a while ago that some percentage less than 50 percent of people have only a small amount uh in savings i i've heard it's more than 50 percent of the people in the united states don't have 400 to their name yeah that's true and i think there's we've even seen uh savings drop i think the number was in the trillions it might have been like and i'm making this up like four trillion and then
Starting point is 01:05:03 recently over this last year, it dropped to like $3.5 trillion in savings, which also means too now people are reaching more than ever into their credit cards for groceries and everyday essential items. And once that happens- I'm using my savings. I use my savings to live on. Oh, well, I meant credit cards. So you're lucky you have a savings. I don't use my credit card, but I just started using my savings two months ago. So whenever we see the savings rate start to go down, we already knew it was trash. Even when the economy was great, people weren't saving.
Starting point is 01:05:31 People weren't being financially responsible with their money. But then once you see that savings drop down and then the credit card usage on essentials go up, that's when we know we're in big trouble. Because what happens when you tap your savings and you got to buy got to buy groceries a lot of people reach into their wallet grab a credit card or now that's becoming even more of an issue because how are you going to get yourself out of that debt you when you don't have a savings or anything else it's been it's going to be bad like buying a credit card like what did we see the other day someone bought a couch a couch finance the couch financed a couch. That broke my heart.
Starting point is 01:06:08 That's crazy, dude. I was trying to think. There was probably a time in my life I would have done that. Now, I would just not have a couch. Oh, perfect. Yeah. Great stat, Caleb. So American households had a median balance of $5,300 and an average balance of $41,600 in their transaction bank accounts in 2019, according to the data collected by – what does that mean? They're saying that people have saved that much money?
Starting point is 01:06:36 There's no way. No, no, no. That much money had come in and out of their account transactions. So over the year, it was probably an expenditure of $41,600. Yeah, I don't even understand. Caller, hi. You're going to have to explain that to me. What up?
Starting point is 01:06:49 Hey. Devon. Hi. Yesterday's podcast was dope. Yeah, why? With Emily, dude. Tell me. Man, it brought back so many good memories of hearing Greg talk.
Starting point is 01:07:04 It was just like a breath of fresh air. Oh, that's cool. Like, like she, she invoked his, um, his spirit. For sure, dude. For sure. Do you like to see her as the CEO of CrossFit? Oh man, that would be interesting, wouldn't it? Yeah, that'd be a trip.
Starting point is 01:07:19 How many, how many people would start bitching and complaining on their social media page if that happened? Well, every, every, everyone's going to bitch about everything, right? For sure. Hey, you know what I heard? You know what I heard? I heard Nicole Carroll's not the head of CrossFit training anymore. Like they switched her title or they gave it to somebody else.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I heard she got a promotion. I heard she got a promotion to… Chairman? No. So who's in the role now someone who i don't even that's the fast that's actually more interesting to me than what happened to nicole i think nicole got a promotion i think nicole got promoted promoted to a um an executive position meaning that she'll stand closer to don meaning like if don don now has her in his favorites. That's what that means. It's just like, you know what I mean? Like there'll be dinners
Starting point is 01:08:09 that certain people go to in the company, like tiers. And she's in that she gets to go to dinner with like the second highest tier, the tier right below the board. And then Don is the liaison between the board and the company, right. There's the CEO, But Nicole now is like sits next to Don and they keep each other's phone number in their favorites. I want to, there's, I think that I don't know what the, I don't know how they're organizing or what they plan on doing there. I'm fascinated by watching it. But I think she's something called like the brand director or executive brand officer, but is that different than chief marketing officer? And is that different than a media director? Like, I don't know what they're doing over there, but it's going to be she definitely is in the last month taking a way more forward facing role in all of these videos.
Starting point is 01:08:52 It's her voice. I'm seeing her picture. So. But the corporate that's the corporate work structure, right? Everybody's the chief. Everybody's a VC. see yes uh but but they're they're not going to do anything stupid with her they're going to be whatever the to move that you know like she's like the queen or the king on the board they're not going to move that piece without um being very sure or like like you know those being you know like when you want to remodel your kitchen and there's this one beam right in the middle and you're like tell the contractor like hey take that thing out he's like i can't and you're like why it's in a horrible spot he's like because it's holding up your second and third and you're like tell the contractor like hey take that thing out he's like i can't and you're like why it's in a horrible spot he's like because it's holding up your second and third floor you're like what from the middle of my kitchen fuck you uh it's like that i think nicole is like one of those beams that you you need a lot of people to architects to come in
Starting point is 01:09:38 and tell you before you move it like yeah she's load-bearing for sure yeah yeah she's load the thank you seriously yes and so whatever they're doing're doing there, but here's the part I'm tripping on. That department she left from is everything. I always talk about affiliates being everything. They are not everything. The whole company, you could abandon all the affiliates and just go back to doing training, and someone could still be rich at the top of that food chain. Like CrossFit could just do seminars, and they still would be the best seminars in the world.
Starting point is 01:10:09 So whoever's taking that over – and I've heard some names, and the names I've heard completely perplex me, the name I've heard, because it's not an OG. It's not Chuck Carswell. It's not Todd Widman. It's not Lisa Rae. It's not Curtis Bowler. It's not Stefan Roche. There's these eminently capable people who've been there forever who actually live the L1 kernel. I mean, fuck, bring Russell Berger back. But it's a guy that's only been there two and a half years, or two years. That's a really bold move. You could have mutiny. Why won't they make that public? And that's a, uh, or two years, that's a really bold move. You could have mutiny. You could have, why won't they make that public? Well, I mean, well,
Starting point is 01:10:49 maybe they did. Maybe they did. Maybe there's a Reddit thread. Maybe they did. I mean, they sent out a company wide, uh, email.
Starting point is 01:10:55 So, so it's, it's been, it's been, it's been known. I've heard about it for like a couple months, but I heard like yesterday it was announced or something. If it's on Reddit, it's gospel. So it was announced or something. It's on Reddit.
Starting point is 01:11:06 It's gospel. So I'll go check there. It's got to be the truth. Yeah, Sousa sent me a Reddit thread. I told him I don't like to go there. It's weird. It's a weird place. Yeah, so I had a Greg story.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Do you remember in 2012, the CrossFit Tour when they went around to the open workouts in several different states across the u.s you remember that yeah wait wait before you i want to read something this is why i don't go to reddit glassman has the business this is from reddit glassman has the business acumen of a rock crossfit succeeded in spite of his ownership not because of it and it has 12 likes now imagine a guy writing a journal in a coffee shop with no car only a bicycle putting it online at the just as the internet's actually becoming something launching a blog posting to it every single day and becoming the fastest growing business in the planet in the history of the planet faster than starbucks and uh subway combined it spread to all seven continents including antarctica to uh 15 000 locations and people say he is the business acumen of rock how how how am i supposed
Starting point is 01:12:18 to and 12 people liked it how am i like let's say let's say Greg's snuffle-uffagus. Let's say he's a complete retard. Let's say you still can't say that about him. There's like a mountain of predictable evidence. Like this person who wrote this is probably wearing a mask when they wrote this. Like there's so much evidence against you that that's true. How am I ever supposed to believe anything on this?
Starting point is 01:12:42 And the guy's icon looks like he jerks off to anime. I apologize if any of you do that, but you're stupid. Caleb sometimes gets a little frustrated that I love all the kinds of boobs. But if you jerk off to anime, you are a complete douche. We're pretty sure my neighbor loves that. I'm not even in the same world as you. Nice. Pull that up Caleb So the listeners know what we're talking about
Starting point is 01:13:09 I mean it's just Complete I hate Hiller for the rest Today's National I Hate Hiller Day for sending that to me February 7th, 2023 How dare you send me something on fucking Reddit Makes me hate humanity. I can't believe he goes on there as much as he does.
Starting point is 01:13:28 It's a weird place. It's a cesspool. Like, dude, it doesn't even if what they said is true, you can't say it. No. Black people are actually not black. Do you know that? Because the way the light spectrum works is it only reflects the opposite of what you're seeing. So they're white and white people are actually black. OKdit thank you thank you we're all enlightened now yeah shut up
Starting point is 01:13:51 yeah so so uh in 2012 greg was i love hillar by the way i love hillar okay last time he's a good dude he's good i'm sorry you're good you're good in 2012 uh greg was chatting to you know just local athletes affiliates what have you and was was given the spiel. Of course, we drink the Kool-Aid. We didn't need the spiel. But there was a lady that spoke up. She was a PE teacher at elementary school. What state was this? What state was this, brother? And a lady raised her hand at the end and was like, hey, I'm a PE teacher at elementary school. How can I get involved? How can I start feeding this? How can I teach this?
Starting point is 01:14:32 How can I get teachers on board and feed into our youth? And Greg right there on the spot said, well, come talk to me afterwards and I'll put you through a level one for free. And I'll give you all the information you need to get this started in your school. And I was like, dude, dude, what a guy. I mean, just to give that give that to her you know she's like really really you'll do that he's like well of course why wouldn't i anyway just wanted to tag on to what emily was saying yesterday bro i would be with greg he would be working all fucking day he had this little apartment building in in uh san luis obispo and we would go there and he'd be working all day on the fucking whiteboard and this motherfucker wouldn't eat he'd just be drinking black iced
Starting point is 01:15:07 teas writing like articles and doing shit and it's like six o'clock at night i'm like dude i gotta go out and eat like we gotta walk into town and eat he's like okay fine so we he's because he's just a fucking maniacal workaholic like worse than me so we go out into town and we're standing in front of a fucking hamburger place and i'm like going to fucking die. I'm so hungry. I'm starting to salivate like a dog. And he starts up a fucking conversation with a fucking homeless guy out front the last 45 fucking minutes. Oh my God. I think the fucking hamburger place closed while he's talking to the guy. He gives the guy 50 bucks and tells the guy better buy a fucking sleeping bag and not more drugs. So we have to go to another fucking hamburger place another three blocks away this is that fucking guy i'm telling you what emily said he's generous to a fault is
Starting point is 01:15:50 is is beyond true yeah it was and i have a thousand stories like that i'm like dude yeah can we save the homeless guy tomorrow yeah let's get it can we go in and buy him a hammer can we get hamburgers and come outside and eat them with him anything dude sequencing matters yeah yeah sequencing fuck greg but but to say that there's no business acumen is just like last last question hey and rich froning knows nothing about fitness um because he just does crossfit just wins the crossfit games but he's when it comes to fitness he's a fucking rock yeah never heard never heard of her yeah caleb i uh how uh how weird was it pooping alone when she got home dude great question best question in the show i honestly i still leave the door open yeah yeah uh honey i'm gonna need you to just stand outside the door and make grunting sounds or else I won't have the Pavlovian response to shit.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Oh, my gosh. That's such a good answer. He's easing into it. You got to leave the door open. Take some time. Plays a video on his phone so there's other noise. Yeah, white noise. I can see white noise.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Glassman exiting without a fight is slowly paying off. His supporters are standing tall and promoting his message. It all circles back around. I feel like, you know, the pendulum swings the other way. Hey, they're doing a, this is a last ditch effort. What they're doing now. Now they're so smart. What they're doing at CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 01:17:19 is they're going to circle back around and they're going to pump his message so fucking hard and they're going to, it looks like they're going to have Nicole do it and be like the new mouthpiece. If this is this is the only hope. Hey, well, I'm kind of bummed that they found it so fast. I wanted to see it take more more cannon fire before. This is the only hope we need more content. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Or else it's going to turn into fucking curves. Is Nicole's new title general manager of Education or was that her old title? They did so much stupid stuff under Rosa. They changed all the names of the departments like thinking like it would clean like the toxic environment. But all I know is it used to be called training. Then I started hearing people call it EDU, education. Okay. So are you looking on the site
Starting point is 01:18:05 to see if there's any oh well i couldn't find anything on the site but i'm on linkedin i don't i don't know she doesn't at least seem like incredibly active on linkedin but it has general manager of education crossfitting um seven what did you mean by people only have 400 to their name meaning if your car broke like like i got flat tire the other day and i had to change all four of my tires and it's 1500 bucks and then six months later i got another flat tire the other day and I had to change all four of my tires and it was 1500 bucks. And then six months later, I got another flat tire and you had to change all four tires again because I have these special like any, any time flat tires or something. And it cost me another 1500 bucks. And although I cried openly and dropped to one knee and looked up to the heavens, I was
Starting point is 01:18:38 able to pay for it cash without using my credit card. Well, I used my credit card, but I just paid it off. I'm saying most people I don't think can do that. No. Yeah, you're right i think that was a statistic is like four hundred dollars is the max that people have their name and if you guys like dave ramsey he's like the personal finance guru he's basically black guy no who's the black guy i read the black guy's book i thought it was dave ramsey uh christian guy chris hogan like maybe millionaire next door or whatever oh yeah
Starting point is 01:19:06 yeah was he dames or dave ramsey uh disciple he was and then he got caught having an affair with somebody else i read his book and i really liked it and uh so they went their separate ways why does it have to be the black guy has an affair suza why it's not i mean i just uh well he was the best looking dude there. So it was only obvious. Why the malignated guy? Why do you got to be like that? I think when they find stuff out there, they cut that pretty quick out of that organization.
Starting point is 01:19:35 You can't be rich and fucking people. But Dave Ramsey always says the first place to start is your $1,000 emergency fund savings. Like before you start to tackle your debt, you got to save $1,000. Just put. Before you start to tackle your debt, you've got to save $1,000. Just put it aside and make that number happen. So that way you have a little bit of breathing room if something comes up in terms of an emergency. And even now, you think about $1,000. You said how much were your tires? $1,200 each pop?
Starting point is 01:20:00 $1,500 for all four tires. Yeah. So $1,500. uh 1500 for all for all four tires yeah so 1500 so it wouldn't even mean which which hurt me the first time but two times in six months like broke my fucking like yeah broke my heart hey do you do that hey my kids just broke a tv in the house this tv i'm gonna make a video on it i have a tv in their playroom it's i have a tv and a chandelier in their playroom how stupid am i oh here's the love. And I'll come back to the slide a minute. I have a TV and a chandelier in their jujitsu room. And I knew that it's only
Starting point is 01:20:31 a matter of time before they both break. And now the kids are six. They've been, we've lived in this house six years. The chandelier is never broken. And after six years, um, they are like, Hey, the TV's broken. I'm like, how did it happen? They're like, we're not really sure. Like, what do you mean? You're not really sure. They're like, well, I threw a hot wheel at it. I'm like, you're only supposed to throw stuff towards that wall happen they're like we're not really sure like what do you mean you're not really sure they're like well i threw a hot wheel at it i'm like you're only supposed to throw stuff towards that wall they're like here's the problem like they're fucking detectives they're like all three of them are surrounding here's the problem i'm like yeah tell me it's like when the hot wheel hit the tv it hit it in the center but the crack's down in the bottom corner so we're pretty sure it's not the hot wheel i'm like you jackasses that checks out yeah that checks out
Starting point is 01:21:03 hot wheel hit the tv but it was in a different spot than the crack is like you saw where it happened like you were in the matrix it's just happened we happen to walk in here and see it i don't know hey so so i went to buy a tv on amazon do you know how cheap a tv is i bought a 50 inch tv for like 329 dollars yeah yeah i mean it's expensive but it's like, I thought I was like, I thought they'd never have a TV again.
Starting point is 01:21:27 You go to Sam's Club and get like a 72 inch one for like a grand. Yeah. Awesome. It's insane. I'm taking the TV out of my garage
Starting point is 01:21:36 that's a 42 incher and putting it in their room and then when the 50 incher comes, I'm putting it in the garage. There you go. A little swoop around. I'm wondering,
Starting point is 01:21:44 Courtney says, love Dave Ranzi, so out of touch. He has some good principles, but some of his advice is garbage. I'm curious to think, garage there you go a little swoop around yeah i'm wondering courtney says uh love david ranz are you so out of touch he has some good principles but some of his advice is garbage i'm curious to think uh what what what exactly do you think is uh garbage from his did we lose the collar we just ditched the collar no he hung up after he made his statement sorry caller i think some people are hung up on his like college, like paying for college stuff. They're like, what the hell do you want me to do? Oh yeah, those people are bitches.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Grace and I paid for her master's degree cash. You know what you do? You fucking don't spend your money on anything else but that. And you buy it cash. Join the military. Or join the military. And there's lots of grants and different things out there that people could, like, apply for if you're really, like, resourceful in figuring it out. But most people, especially this younger generation, thinks that, like, they don't need to work while they go to college.
Starting point is 01:22:36 I itch. That's your scratch post? Jethro Cardona, you have TVs in your kids' rooms. No, I have this pretty crazy, amazing layout of my house. I have a big room here that's like the adult room. I mean, they're in, but no toys are allowed in. And then I have my little office and UFC fights and guests and all in one big room. Then I have a kitchen attached to it that's wide open.
Starting point is 01:23:01 And then attached to the other end of the kitchen is another big room. And you can see back and forth through the two that other big room also has a tv a smaller tv and the whole floor in there is covered with jujitsu mats and it's got shelves and in you in the little trampoline thing on the wall and basically it's just it's just a a thick it's their kids room there's where all their toys and where they take all their jujitsu and striking classes that are privates and they just do shit in there and that opens up to a garage gym which is crazy dope for kids too and then that opens up into a backyard that goes with the hundred fruit trees and a big old rig and all that so that tv is in the no they don't have tvs in their room but i but
Starting point is 01:23:40 i have tvs in all the other rooms my bedroom the living room, their playroom in the garage. And it's most, it, I'm, I'm, we only allow the TV on, on Friday and Saturday nights after the sun has gone down. But I'm hoping that someday I'll just walk in there and the boys will have YouTube videos on a practicing jujitsu moves. And I think we're very close to that so there there's that uh can we i want to see if we can get what time i want to see if we can get through a shitload of these starting from the top this i want to just start erasing these so you see it says pole vault could we play that pole vault i'm out here to take my kids roller skating i I'm erasing that. I need to go rollers.
Starting point is 01:24:25 I tell my kids if they went roller skating like once a week, five weeks, I'd buy them all roller skates. Fruit booters. I think we've shown this before, but anything with a pole vault is good, right? Definitely. Okay, we're showing. Here we go. I don't think there's any audio. It's one of those things where it breaks?
Starting point is 01:24:48 I cannot believe it. Who came up with this idea? This is amazing. Didn't they do it to try to get over walls in ancient Rome or something? Like breach castles? Yeah, literally. This part right here is the crazy part. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:02 So much of his body is below the pole. No. No. No. Yeah. It's going to. Oh, uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:25:16 I don't like that. I hope he's going to time this. I don't like that. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, it worked. Wow. That's incredible i watched one the other day where like literally just fucking skewered him up the butthole i saw that i saw one the other day too this is really remarkable psychology evolution science author of the ape that understood the
Starting point is 01:25:40 universe uh unrelated okay yeah this is um so basically he's pushed why not use a longer pole is there is there a limit how long regulation yeah there's probably a regulation i don't think i think there are different lengths of poles but i'm not sure i think you it also matters how much you're willing you can carry. You can actually handle the pull at a certain amount, at a certain length. You know what I mean? Yeah. James, why would you replace all four tires in six months? I would fly to California, change your flat for $1,500.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Here's the thing. I'll give you my answer, and then I'll give you the real answer. The tires are called anytime flats or something like that i can't remember and basically if you get a flat tire i can still like you don't even know when you get a flat tire in this car i can still go 70 miles an hour for a for 100 miles you don't even know that's what's they're kind of cool tires and i and i got those tires because i i justified it because i have kids in the car if i break down somewhere i want to be able just to go somewhere it's but the truth is i probably get those tires because i'm too much
Starting point is 01:26:48 of a pussy to and i don't know how to change a tire myself i'm not even like a real man i'm like it's a 60 yard line of a man and um they i take my car to get it worked on at the toyota dealership so i believe all the bullshit they tell me so when they tell me hey you can't replace just one of these tires because they're special anytime flat tires i grab my ankles and lube up my asshole and let the guy just drill me and so i so you choose which story like i want to defend it and be like no it has to be that way it's those special tires and blah blah blah blah but the truth is is that i'm a bitch that doesn't know how to change a tire so i get these really expensive tires and then they have me by the balls and they say these are kind of kind of tires where you can't just replace one.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Oh man, I was going to bail you out of there and be like, oh, the wife and kids, they drive around a lot without you and you don't want any issues with that. No, I'm the van guy. I don't even like my wife driving the van. My wife has a four, like the forerunners. Every time I wipe my wife thinks she'll say to me like, yes, she's like, I'm going to take the forerunner. Is that okay? I'm like, no, you're not taking the van. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:46 I'm the van guy. Oh, Devesh Maharaj, a 1500 for four run flats is cheap. Oh, good. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:27:53 No shit. Good to know. Some people are paying like 300 bucks for just like one normal tire. A tire change should be required in high school. And you know, what's funny about that too, Jethro, that you say that is I've, I've seen like someone with their tire flat on the side of the road and stopped
Starting point is 01:28:08 and then gotten out and changed the form but but i'm scared to change my own but i've actually changed other people's it's weird like all of a sudden i like man up get all puffy chested i got this start yeah that that that thing what's that thing the tire iron that thing looks like a cross i'm like yeah you got the you got'm like, you got to lug lock for this? Check your ashtray. I didn't have ashtrays. You throwing a fat dip or something? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Kid, stay in the car. I'm going to be out here with your mom for a few minutes. Just lug nuts. Oh, shit. What chain brand has the most minority business owners? I don't know why I have that. I bet you it's like Kumon. Chick-fil-A.
Starting point is 01:28:51 What is it? No, Chick-fil-A is owned by white people. Oh, you mean like minority? I just have that in my notes. Just as a question, what chain brand? Like a franchise? Yeah, I bet you it's like asian people own the most cumans panda express racist i can't tell if you're looking up any uh facts in front of you
Starting point is 01:29:11 caleb just like shooting in the dark over there because he was like until he looked at his computer he's like panda express and i was like oh that's an interesting fact let's go um that's racist 7-eleven subway oh 7-eleven okay uh i'll change your tires and oil and windshield wipers and fill up all your fluids for you thank you that's awesome miss redow fill my fluids okay uh this one is called two weeks before floyd 19 the bat my favorite part that is the way she explained the floyd 19 i mean i feel like i've explained it a hundred times but i feel like she was really concise and succinct and she was once she did it like one percent
Starting point is 01:29:55 better than i've ever done it yeah that was such a great episode yesterday you don't have to agree with that so so this is this is a i just i don't know why i have this in my notes i don't even really want to talk about but i'm going to because i'm going to erase it but this is cory from uh a bat cave crossfit uh basically he was in jail he opened a crossfit gym um i'm hearing he's not affiliated anymore i didn't even mean to say that but i need to call him and ask him if that's true but basically uh the irony was is this guy was on the crossfit podcast two weeks before greg got uh the the cancel crowd came after him and this is just a guy that greg helped who was in jail and uh got him an l1 and affiliated my wife did it
Starting point is 01:30:39 but with greg's blessing um obviously obviously. And, uh, no, no, it wasn't convenient to mention that he's melanated, uh, ego instead of what's best for the company. Oh, what's this YouTube video. We're just cruising now.
Starting point is 01:30:55 I need to call Corey. I actually text him up, uh, a couple of months ago. I want to find out if it's true. If he de-affiliated, he was on our show too. Wasn't he?
Starting point is 01:31:04 Probably. He was on this podcast, I think, twice. I can't. Ego instead of what's best. Oh. Yeah, okay, so that's my video. They should have shown this. They're stupid. Have you seen the Spanish version? No, there's a Spanish version?
Starting point is 01:31:17 Hey, I think this is equally as good to anything Nicole's put out, and this we made in three minutes for 87 cents. But it's exactly what we were talking to javier jaime about okay the best thing you can do is just get a crossfit gym membership uh every school should have a transgender oh that's cool number one fair enough i'd love to cruise through these uh seven um seth Seth Gruber said your name wrong the whole time. I have no idea how you didn't correct him. No, someone called in and corrected him halfway through.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Okay, here we go. This is Michigan's, this is the state of Michigan. By the way, Michigan, California, and Illinois, the states that have the most people leaving. Drag queens, not only are they not hurting our kids, drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun. Drag queens are entertainment.
Starting point is 01:32:15 And you know what I'll say that was totally not poll tested? I say this, a drag queen for every school. That is what would be fun for kids and lift them up when they're having emotional issues. Yeah, when a kid's having a bad day, let's just send them to the office and have a drag queen spread eagle in front of them. All kids should be exposed to fishnets and a nutsack. So I think people need to stop voting blue you know i think that might be a good idea because these people are getting real crazy let me say this drag everyone here understands
Starting point is 01:32:54 what a drag queen is yes it's a it's a man that's confused about his sexuality the strongest force on planet earth is a man's sexuality if you retard or pervert or try to manipulate a man's sexuality you will get some very weird and hurtful things even a super duper healthy man can do some of the most outrageous things with his sexuality it is an uncontrolled unmitigated uh or when this force is uncontrolled or unmitigated or not given direction or allowed to do whatever it wants or if it's distorted by some sort of trauma that happens to his child it can wreak havoc on everyone and everything these these movies where you see like the kid fucking a pillowcase or a cantaloupe and we all laugh at them like these band camp movies and stuff this shit actually has things that are so fucking bad that happen to people
Starting point is 01:33:56 every day while this show is going on there's tons of kids and people out there being tormented by men whose sexuality is fucked up. And drag queens are a manifestation of that fucked up sexuality. Like something happened that knocked it off, of course, and it's starting to go into the danger zone. That's okay if it's in a bar and you fucking sequester it or a prison or on mars where it's not okay is in schools around kids you are you are just if why don't you just take a blow dryer and plug it in and fill your bathtub up and get in your bathtub and then hold the blow dryer underwater and see if you live. That's the same.
Starting point is 01:34:47 That's what you're doing. That's what you're doing by allowing drag queens to be some sort of fucking counselor at a fucking junior high. There's no drag queen out there who doesn't have some molestation story, whether they were molested or they molested someone. There isn't one. Show it to me. Show me the homeless 25-year-old male who's either not Jesus Christ or a drug addict. These are just facts, guys. This is a fucking governor, Michigan's Democratic.
Starting point is 01:35:27 Oh, this is the attorney general of a state. She sat, she talked. You can tell something's happened to her. Do you hear how high pitched her voice is and how fake her voice is? That's because something has happened to her and kind of got her stuck in that. That's always a giveaway when someone has a weird voice like that. Something has happened to them. And this is unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:35:52 You're concerned about the mental illness of the people on the streets? This is the Attorney General. The state of Michigan. There's a little silver lining to all that craziness in the schools. Oh, thank you, Sousa. Please tell us.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Thank you. Drag kings are normally really happy. No, I'm just kidding. I was going to try to defend that. But what I was going to say is at least the craziness is coming to the surface, which is going to allow that system to slowly break down like we're seeing now. You're saying more homeschooling. Yeah, homeschooling is exploding. More homeschooling, more private schools, more people that wouldn't have necessarily gotten involved in education are now standing up and being like, fuck this. We need to start our own system. And to be honest, the progressive agenda has such a lock hold over that school system.
Starting point is 01:36:44 program last night. He's in seventh grade. And he goes, yeah, one of the coaches, my dad won't let me play over there. I want to play football. I won't let me go to this high school because we know the coach is really bad. And I said, what does that mean really bad? And he goes, well, he cusses at the kids. He grabbed a kid by his head one time and yanked him down by his face mask and everything else. And I go, parents don't complain about that. And they go, they do. And he goes, and my uncle is actually a principal of another school, not the same school. And he said, the problem is, is that the school district is actually in charge of firing or hiring those teachers and are making the final call on that. And since it's really hard to be fired at one of those teacher unions, like, I mean, you got to do some crazy shit for them to actually fire you to have repercussion or being held accountable for your actions. Even at his level, you could see that they're being protected by for your actions um even at his level you could
Starting point is 01:37:25 see that they're being protected by that bureaucratic system of the school district so the only way you're gonna you're never gonna change that it's only gonna go further and further down looney tuneville you're just gonna have to create and start something new god i would so rather have a teacher that hits kids than some of this shit that we have today. But that's a slippery slope, right? It's like – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't give that much power. I grew up with teachers that hit kids. Yeah, you can't – and really what everybody needs is just accountability.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Never women. It was always men teachers, by the way. And what we need is accountability, right? You don't necessarily – like hitting, I guess, could be one form of accountability. I don't think we should yield that power to our teachers because, frankly, people aren't even smart enough to save a dollar, let alone be responsible to discipline your kids physically. I don't believe that people have that line of intelligence or can process thought enough for me to trust another person to do that with inside the current school system. But we do need to be able to have some control and and look into some things investigate stuff and then fire the appropriate teachers that need to be fired some old drunk guy the other day road was riding his bike um down the the beach boardwalk where where we go and this section of
Starting point is 01:38:39 the beach boardwalk there's a bike lane and there's a walking path but but this particular section that's a mile long, it's completely blurred. Like nobody follows those rules. And it doesn't even say bike and pedestrian. You just know because of the different colors of the paths, but it's not written anywhere. Right? You know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:59 And so it's not written anywhere that one's bike and one's walking. It's just kind of just known. But no one follows the rules there, and understandably so. There's just too many people walking there for there to be a bike path. If you're a biker there, you just got to be cool. It's just one of those things where you just have to be cool if you're a biker. There's just too many. And this guy rides by on a bike.
Starting point is 01:39:16 It's raining. There's no one out. It's just me and my kids. It's usually crowded. And this guy rides by on the bike and he's drunk and he says he he tells he has to slam on his brakes because one of my kids runs out into the bike lane and he says he yelled at my kids he said hey are you guys not paying attention and he's like all slurring and shit and i just let i didn't even get defensive at all i was like my wife and the other mom who was with
Starting point is 01:39:44 us was getting a little defensive. I'm like, nah, it's cool. I mean, he wasn't physically threatening at all. He was old as shit. You know, he's probably my age, but looked like he was 30 years older. He was drunk, looked like he weighed 102 pounds. He wasn't within five feet of the kids when he's yelling at them. But he's like, you guys aren't paying attention.
Starting point is 01:40:01 And I was just like, yeah, take that, little fuckers. Probably a better lesson from coming from that guy because it scared him and took him off guard than it would have been from you yeah right like you'd be like guys you're not paying attention like oh onto the next right but when that happens from another adult they're like oh crap like but if he would have gotten physical you're right i would have had to and that's the fine line right so he said hey you guys pay attention or if he said hey little fuck Yeah. He got off his bike and stepped towards him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:27 And then it's a completely different scenario. Right. And so it's like, you have to trust the individual to make that call on that line. Travis Smith, seven. Weren't you homeless at 25? I was homeless at 25. And when I was homeless, the reason why I became homeless is I wanted to see what it was like to live the aesthetic lifestyle. I wanted to see what it would be to live the ascetic lifestyle. I wanted to see what
Starting point is 01:40:46 it would be like to just have nothing. And I was the, it was just in, in, in my five years or whatever, seven years of being homeless. I don't remember except one other guy, a guy named Raymond was, I don't remember one other person who wasn't a drug addict besides me and him not one of thousands not one even even even the kids who kind of had it together mostly the people who were homeless were much older than me i was 25 they were usually like 35 or older but even when i would come across other homeless kids like these hippie types who would like live in vans and travel around like in a stolen ups truck or something all of them were drug addicts they were so into fucking hardcore hallucinogenics and shit so yeah i was i was pretending to be jesus or the buddha and yeah every every single every single one was uh fucked up
Starting point is 01:41:41 uh so someone just uh texted oh this is good i've never gotten a text during a show on the on the call in line that was like a sharp beep that was different than the normal text beep uh this is from michigan i love this date but it's getting harder every day with people in political power like you just show um it's from a 63 year old crossFitter. And thank you. Great show. So on keep the real talk. Thank you. Armenian Jesus. Yeah. That was trying to be the Armenian Jesus. I think with all the resources that we have in the U S if you're not a drug addict, you can't be homeless for very long unless it's by choice. Say that again.
Starting point is 01:42:22 If with all the resources and abundance we have in america yeah i don't think you could be homeless for very long if you're not on drugs unless it's a choice oh right right meaning eventually yeah yeah and you know what ended up happening is that that is what happened i kept walking by this place over and over and over this home for disabled adults and one day after walking by there every day for two years barefoot i just walked in and got a job application yeah next thing i know i had money and i had a motor home yeah i didn't even try next thing i know i just like shit like i if you're right if you took there's such an abundance wow that's a crazy thing you're saying i'm just starting to get it yeah if you're not a fucking drug addict wow you'll solve that that's crazy
Starting point is 01:43:04 that's true susan that i bet you most people can't even get their head wrapped around it that is absolutely true there's such an abundance here that it will rain fucking a tv set on your fucking head a carpet a couch and some shelter if you're just not a piece of shit if you're not you're not a crook if you're not a crook yep the universe will conspire and get you indoors i i um i know it sounds crazy to most nincompoops, but I'm telling you, I think Sousa's on to something. Because think about how quickly you could go to one of those donations. Oh, shit. Someone just sent me another text on this phone and says, you should have never mentioned you get texts on this phone.
Starting point is 01:43:38 Great show. Now they're going to pour in. Fuck me. Okay, go ahead, Sousa. Sorry. I was just saying, if you really think about it for a second, you could go down to, especially in California, so let's say the Bay Area specifically, they have all those donation
Starting point is 01:43:50 drop box things, or you could go down to the Salvation Army, and you could probably find something either free or cheap that would give you respectable clothing enough to where you could go into a place to get a job, right? And let's just say you just start going down to the local commercial shopping center, and you mean to tell me that if you presented yourself in a somewhat decent manner
Starting point is 01:44:09 and went into every single one of those shops and then grabbed application, returned it back in by the end of that fucking day, I bet you, you would have an interview. That's like, that's how abundant the United States is. You know, what's funny is I did apply for a job at the video store and I went for like three interviews and I didn't get it. I mean, I was, I mean,
Starting point is 01:44:30 I was homeless. I did all the interviews barefoot and shit, but might've been a red flag for some three interviews. I get off the bench and get in the game, join us in the classroom and make, and then make assumptions about teachers and schools. You have no clue what we actually have to deal with at times. Oh dude.
Starting point is 01:44:48 If you're talking to me, I apologize. I i ever say anything i know teachers have it horrible if you talk to me i don't apologize the kids kids um the kids that they send you are atrocious atrocious what is the rule who has daughters why do you guys let your daughters go to school wearing some of the shit they're wearing? I cannot fucking believe what I see around my house. I can only imagine how cantankerous the kids are. Did you know that 65% of the Food and Drug Administration budget in 2016 was paid by user fees from pharma companies? So you guys hear this word all the time, this phrase regulatory capture. What that means is when a business has captured, they own the regulatory process. And so that's what's happened to our drugs. Do not think differently. There's no exceptions. There's
Starting point is 01:45:37 nothing. Pharma owns the FDA. They own it. They own it own it they've captured it they pay for it it's their people they own it the whole process everything yes and nine of at least 10 fda commissioners for the fda went on to land big jobs at major pharma companies the european equivalent is the ema it has 89 of its budget paid by pharma companies it's it's it's all smoke screen it's all a joke it's all it's it's putting um uh it's putting it's putting fox in charge of the um uh hen house is that is that the term yep uh the medicine's regulatory agency is 86 percent funded by pharma and it's these agency and it's these agencies who are supposed to be trusted and are working with social platforms and guiding them in combat batting misinformation so the fda which is owned by pfizer is getting is the official mouthpiece for facebook twitter and instagram i mean you see it's
Starting point is 01:46:47 just absolutely yeah these fucking idiots these people are owned by the chinese that's why trump didn't want to um be in bed with these jackasses yeah what a joke that was the link there uh caleb yeah that was the link uh number three what is sexual harassment oh by the way some of this stuff is so old these are things that have been on my list for probably a year i don't even know what they are oh shit come on guys come on you guys gotta chill with the text don't stop texting me they'll probably start doing just to hear the beep 30 seconds later on youtube leah thomas who was a male this is uh huckabee he's a trip um multi-record four-time sec championship gold medal college swimmer who tied for fifth at the ncaa women's championship against trans swimmer leah thomas okay here we go who was a male and competed was a mediocre swimmer.
Starting point is 01:47:45 I mean, I'm not being unkind, but he was like ranked four hundred and thirty second or something. But he then transitions and says he's a woman. He's still physically a man, but says he's a woman. And now he's like top ranked. Right. Yeah. So this is someone who's gone from four hundred five hundred ranking in the nation as a male to a national champion as a female. The fastest collegiate female in all of the country, beating out Olympians and American record holders and people who have accomplished things that no other American female has after just one year. And in an interview Thomas did, Thomas blamed this on being able to compete happy. I can promise you, you don't jump that much in the rankings from being happy.
Starting point is 01:48:30 That's interesting. What a great perspective. Now, it also means that he insisted that he go into the women's locker room and he dress with all the women swimmers, right? Right. That's exactly what that is. And that's the reaction that my parents had. I would think. My husband has.
Starting point is 01:48:49 He doesn't want me changing in a locker room with someone who has full male parts, who still is attracted to females. How uncomfortable. Five years ago, this would have been some form of sexual harassment or sexual assault. Male exposing themselves to a female and watching a female as they undress. But now this is something we're celebrating and we're encouraging. Leah Thomas. I want to tell you something, by the way, when Democrats see this, these are their three responses. They say it's not true. They'll turn it off right away because they can't handle it that's the real that's the most common response
Starting point is 01:49:25 they just um because they want it just it's it's they don't agree with it but they're still democrats they don't really they don't they'll take no ownership for it that's like 90 of them those are the ones with the flag and all that you know those people right suza like you can't even bring this up at dinner it's it's hurtful language it's harmful language and they don't want a part of the discussion like yeah yeah yeah even though they would never allow it they would freak out if it came into their neighborhood it's it's the same people that like the melanated people they have the black lives matter sign is like like steph curry as long as it's not in my neighborhood and but then the third thing is is um they somehow justify it but the justifying it crowd and the it's not true crowd are very small the vast majority
Starting point is 01:50:07 i'd say it's like i'm gonna just say 90 they just they won't even listen to this they're like the people who are like vegan or carnivore who just refuse to listen to the other side and uh that's the vast majority of democrats that's how i was Like, just, you're not even allowed to bring it up. No, we won't have the discussion. That's crazy, right? Because, like, how could you... It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:50:32 I always tell, like, I've been trying to really... They're letting dudes in the girls' locker room. And he was hitting on them. And the girls are getting raped. And then they're moving the boy to a different school, and he's raping another girl. Like, I'm not making this up this happened in high school yeah it's fucking insane i want to have that dad on see if that one makes me cry oh guaranteed that's awful okay number five this is what happened what a bizarro world colleges these are big colleges allowing this
Starting point is 01:51:08 yeah it's violence it is violence uh the phrase we're in this together 15 days to flatten the curve uh where phrases used by government to love bomb future fake us and we're manipulation to get us to comply and if we didn't they went straight to devaluing us as any abusive relationship would. Yeah. Uh, now the devaluing stage is where it gets rough. The abuser will get ahead of you on their false narrative and make other people think you're crazy. They will smear you and try to censor you and triangulate with you. Uh, there are other victims who still believe them that you are the dangerous one wow so this is she's describing the abusive relationship that um so many of our friends have had with the with the government the government's just to fucking got them completely bamboozled the more you protest the crazier you look which
Starting point is 01:51:57 fits their narrative the more you try to point out their lies the more unhinged you look the current victim is brainwashed just as you once were and couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Now all you can do is move on. The brainwashing, i.e. love bombing for trusting our government goes back to early childhood and elementary school. This is where the bulk of our programming takes place and why it's so hard for people to wake up to the fact that their government is a cold hearted killer. I don't know if that's true, but it can't hurt to postulate that, to give that a good spin around the brain. I found out that people who've experienced this type of abuse in personal relationships, as I have, wake up to the fact sooner that not everyone
Starting point is 01:52:37 you trust should be trusted and that the most dangerous of people to you may be standing right next to you telling you to trust them of course yes yes yes and just like anyone inside of an abusive relationship people will make excuses rationalizations oh but we didn't know we didn't have all the information i thought it was okay to force kids to take drugs rationalizations and perform exorbitant mental gymnastics to protect the lie the abuser has them in they are just not willing yet to walk through the door of truth because if they do, it's painful. Hey, I just heard a story from someone very close to me. This really sucked. And someone, a friend of theirs died and they blamed it on COVID when it
Starting point is 01:53:20 was clearly the injection. And they somehow got it twisted. Hopefully I can tell you guys the whole story. It's someone pretty close to me and I've been told to keep it on the down low. It means a loss of innocence, a loss of all you believe to be true. Yeah, that happened to me. Yep.
Starting point is 01:53:36 I wouldn't say it was a loss of innocence. I got my innocence back when I relieved everything I thought to be true. It just took a while. It was scary. A loss of security, of family and friends, true, who are still in the lie, correct. To step into
Starting point is 01:53:47 the truth takes a painful split to admit you were wrong, that you got played, that you participated in it. It is an ego death. Yeah. All that's true. I do want to tell you, though, that I got my innocence back. Everything she said there, I agree with. It fucking hurt. It hurt to wake up.
Starting point is 01:54:04 It wasn't fun. It feels like it keeps happening wake up it wasn't fun it feels like it keeps happening to me too it's not like it just happens once so what do you mean you were like that attached to those beliefs as like part of your identity yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm armenian who believes that the armenian genocide happened you know what i mean like that's part of my identity how would i ever and i still believe to this day that it happened, but what if it didn't happen? What if the Jews weren't killed in the Holocaust? How would all those Jews change their identity? What if the American flag really wasn't about white supremacy and it was actually about freedom and being benevolent and loving?
Starting point is 01:54:38 That's a hard fucking shift, dude. That's the way I was fucking programmed. All through my youth. That's how all the kids are programmed inifornia even if they don't know it seven did you see what happened to mark bell you mean like a couple weeks ago he got uh it's really hard to make that shift and here's the thing don't anyone think you're above it or that it hasn't happened to you because there's – like I've told all you religious people, your God, for most of you, your God is the left's gender. Now, there's some of you who are opening your mouth, and God is using you as a vehicle.
Starting point is 01:55:15 But I think the vast majority of you are fucking in la-la delusion land. You're stuck in the word. You haven't transcended the word. Did you see what happened no i what did happen is he okay i hope he's okay i think he got rabdo i was just talking to him he did i was just talking about him yesterday to suza we were saying about how he was one of our record um length um podcast i think i can't i I really like Mark Bell. Like I really, I love my, I really like Mark Bell.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Yeah. I think you got, you got a rhabdo. Do you have it on his Instagram there? It's so fucking long. Like when I, when I, uh, when I,
Starting point is 01:55:55 Mark Bell is the kind of guy, when I see him, I want to hug him. Oh, he looks good. Oh shit. He wrote a novel to go with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Right. Okay. Yeah. That's probably a little too much but okay i'll read this and i'll bring it up in the next um oh in the next one we'll chat about it yeah yeah i've been trying to really get into a place and i feel like uh maybe it's just because i was never that like involved in in politics like growing up through like high school and like that type of stuff like way more people are i think embedded in it now like growing up through like high school and like that type of stuff, like way more people are, I think, embedded in it now. Like it's just a really popular discussion. It wasn't as much when I was in high school, at least it just didn't interest me. But I've been
Starting point is 01:56:33 trying to get into a place where I'm just way more curious about how people are landing on their beliefs to be true than what the actual belief is. So if you tell me, you know, this wall is white, I'm trying to really get myself into a place to say, okay, I'm not going to argue that the wall we're looking at, like you say, it's why I'm not going to argue like, no, it's not white. I'm just going to be like, how do you know that to be true? But like, try to phrase it in a way that doesn't seem like it's, um, accusatory. Right. Right. It's like, yeah, it does look white. How did you land on that thought? And then how I Like, just be sincere about it.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Yeah, just be curious. You know, I believe in X, Y, Z. Okay, how do you know that to be true? And then why do you believe that? And that's far more interesting and indicative of like conversation where people might be actually open to new ideas than just arguing, hey, that's white. No, it's not. It's black.
Starting point is 01:57:23 You know, it is white. And then you get into a place where like, nobody's really gonna give up any ground i know the person who died shortly after getting the vaccine all symptoms you would think were linked to the vaccine turned out he died from rabies fair enough dude that fucking sucks yeah that does people who die from rabies it's like so fucking painful hey would you say that would you say that's a medical error a misdiagnosis and a medical error uh because you don't have to buy from rabies no no like yeah so whenever so we had just like a bunch of fucking random cats that just frolic around on our installation and they would uh not all of them were vaccinated like with their rabies and their whatever
Starting point is 01:58:05 other animal vaccines that they get. Anti-vax cats. There's anti-vax cats. Anti-vax cats. They're just roaming around. We have signs everywhere that say, don't touch animals. Don't touch any of the cats. Don't touch the dogs.
Starting point is 01:58:20 Nothing. This is on the base or in your neighborhood? Or both? In the desert, in your neighborhood or both uh on in the desert in jordan and uh so the problem the problem is is like we can't catch them all like there are just so many of them that you just can't catch them all and vaccinate them all um but people would like pet them and like feed them like leftovers and shit like that so they would just come around and hang out with the people well some of the new kittens would come around and they would be petting them and they would just get like scratched or bit or
Starting point is 01:58:52 whatever and they come and be like oh uh i just went to like tie my shoes and the cat came up and bit me on the finger and like since you don't know if they have rabies or not, you have to vaccinate the individual for like, uh, for rabies, essentially just for, uh, prophylactically. Yeah. And it takes like, it's always the fucking fat people who would touch the cats and the vaccine is based on weight. So depending on how heavy you are, depends on how much fucking vaccine you have to administrate to this person. So this person, this chick comes in,
Starting point is 01:59:31 she's easily like 220, 225, some fucking bullshit like that. Six, eight, six, eight. No, five, five or some shit. Just a fucking bowling ball of a woman. Yeah. And she comes in, she's like's like oh yeah i got bit by the cat and it's like literally like two spots like in the middle of her finger like literally she
Starting point is 01:59:51 had to put the finger in the fucking cat's mouth and the cat fucking bit it straight on i was like you're so stupid so we had to administer uh i want to say i had to draw 12 to 15 files of this vaccine. And what's even worse is you have to reconstitute it. So when you drop a vaccine, you like where that has to be reconstituted, you draw like a saline solution and then you put it into a tab of dissolvable, like into another file that has a dissolvable tab in it.
Starting point is 02:00:21 And then you have to like roll it up and then pull it out again so i i fucking sat there for like 40 minutes drawing up vaccines for this chick to administer into her because she decided she wanted to get bit by a fucking kid and that wasn't vaccinated hey how many times does she have to come back in is there a whole like uh yeah call rabies protocol yes so we give her the one day like the first day we give her the fucking 15 shots and then she has to come in three days later and seven days later and 14 days later like so and then you should start a trt program with california hormones dude might as well she needs it but yeah that shit pissed me off tell her give it call her and give her the number please i'll let her know someone said how uh
Starting point is 02:01:05 someone said um oh uh i've never no woman has ever said this to me oh shit my mouse is not working no woman has ever said this to me how long y'all going for today how long y'all going for today savvy savvy how long i how long i gotta be here on On my back, Seve. Just one second more, dear. One. Give me one second. Okay. Thank you. Number six, getting old.
Starting point is 02:01:33 I don't know how long we're going today. Is everyone cool? We got at least a couple more minutes. Yeah, I'm good for whatever. Just save yourself time because we got to do something after this, remember? Oh, that's right. That's right. Just don't butt it up against the right when you have to leave.
Starting point is 02:01:44 Okay. As you age, it's ridiculous how fast birdwatching creeps up on you. You spend your whole life being 100% indifferent to birds, and then one day you're like, damn, is that a yellow rump warbler? Yep. True. Yep. You start wearing hats.
Starting point is 02:01:59 You start wearing hats that you made fun of old people for wearing that block the sun from your face, and you start liking birds. And, yep, all true. and you start liking birds and, um, yep. All true. And you start reading history books all of a sudden, like you're, you're 89 and you want to read all of a sudden,
Starting point is 02:02:12 no George Washington's history. It's like, uh, number seven, primo, primo, uh, when they uh nba star josh primo sued for indecent exposure by former san francisco antonio spurs doctor josh primo was surprisingly released by the san antonio spurs last week this
Starting point is 02:02:41 is probably a couple months old before news emerged that the 19 year old was accused of indecent exposure by the team's former doctor emerging nba star josh primo was being sued for indecent exposure by former san antonio spurs psychologist dr hillary cawthon who has sued the team and player whilst filing a criminal complaint over the alleged incidents primo's first round draft pick from the 2021 nba draft had been one of the youngest players to enter the league uh just having turned 18 uh he was released surprisingly last week as details emerged that he would be accused of multiple allegations of indecent exposure i think this dude like pulled his dick out let's see it's i think it's uh that she accuses primo
Starting point is 02:03:20 of exposing his penis to her a ge, Georgia reporter, Maddie Roy stated. Um, and I think that the team, um, press conference held in Houston today, saw attorneys for both parties issued statements on the Primo, allegedly exposing himself to Dr. Uh, Cawthon with Primo strongly denying the accusations.
Starting point is 02:03:39 What's crazy is I think she reported this to the team several times. And, uh, they didn't do. And they didn't do shit. They didn't do shit. Yeah. Keep scrolling down. Shocker. Hey, at that point, move her to something else, at least if you're going. He is now being victimized by his former team appointed sports psychologist who is playing to ugly stereotypes and racial charge fears for her own financial benefit.
Starting point is 02:04:05 Oh, shit. Now it's become something racial. In an act of betrayal against her young client, Dr. Cawthon, who is 40 years old, falsely claims Josh Primo exposed himself to her during the course of numerous therapy sessions. What makes allegations even less credible is that Dr. Cawthon never informed her patient of the purported exposure. It's baffling why she did not bother to tell her patient that his private parts were visible underneath his shorts oh so it's like he was sitting there without fucking underwear and his dick was just hanging out i'm not sure but it reminds me there's this there's this kind of this fad on instagram now you saw nikki rod was doing
Starting point is 02:04:39 it where he wears shorts and you can see his dick like bouncing around underneath his shorts yeah it's pretty funny i like it and of course i found uh this so we could all see what she looks like let's hold on it's like a regular i think they'd make a cute couple oh she was she on a podcast with uh with uh so she's hot and he's young and she's hot and smart and he's young and buff and talented and horny especially that last one i don't know anyway welcome to the nba hey dude if you're an nba star don't be alone in a fucking room i guess with a woman period unless you have a kid go to therapy uh shove it down deep i mean she's a sports psychologist i don't know exactly how many childhood traumas they were unearthing there
Starting point is 02:05:37 well he said that in that article it said that he was dealing with a bunch of childhood trauma but yes i agree and he slipped it out here's my childhood trauma right here yesterday i was driving through uh santa cruz and i in a car next to me i saw the former chief operating officer of crossfit inc i hadn't seen him in years and i called him and said hey what's up what are you doing in town and he said he was moving back to town and uh i'm kind of excited about that that was when when greg hired this guy he was like the only adult who worked at crossfit like the rest of us were just like there were no adults there zero which is okay you want a company that's
Starting point is 02:06:17 mostly not adults you only need like one or two adults like someone like in finance all the other adults ruin a company ruin a fucking company because adults don't want to work they don't want to like most adults don't want to work jeff birchfield's kind of an adult and he probably wants to work but but it's a rare but it was cool seeing him i remember i remember when greg hired him uh i was nervous because he was an adult but he ended up being cool he uh he was a early hire at west marine he was like their second or third employee and that he grew there to it grew to a billion dollar company 800 billion dollar company he was operations officer over there too and then he was a crossfitter the world's best sailors an amazing
Starting point is 02:07:02 sailor world-renowned sailor so clearly he likes to work this guy likes to work yeah yeah this guy was this guy like this guy didn't have any kids though either well i think he had an adopted daughter but he didn't have any like young kids so he was like people who don't have kids like and are healthy crossfitter type like they'll work their ass off don't i know it yeah there you go, you're not old though yet. Number nine. Could this be true? Number nine. We've earned the right not to work as hard.
Starting point is 02:07:33 Fine. I saw that. Fine. Fine. Fine. I don't want to fight with you. Don't work as hard. He made this very simple.
Starting point is 02:07:41 Okay, here we go. One, never cut the eye off the onion. If you cut the eye off, it starts to bleed, and that's what makes it crack. Two, sharp knife. So when you cut it, go down the middle. Keep the eye off so it won't bleed. Quick little rainbow cut. There you go.
Starting point is 02:08:08 If that is fucking true, if that is true, you should be taught that when you're taught like how to swim, how to tie your shoes, how to like dab your penis with a piece of toilet paper. Like, like you uncircumcised guys don't are you circumcised guys don't do that uh that makes sense like there's this like how the fuck do we not all
Starting point is 02:08:31 know that is that true what that guy just said about the onion doesn't that seem like just oh i told myself i have a note here stay calm did i stay pretty calm in today how do we all not know that don't cut the eye off an onion and your eyes don't water i literally bought goggles just so i could fucking stop yes i cut onions yeah i understand i'm gonna have to try that today oh it's not true shit says the man who banged nine chicks at the crossfit gym isn't it funny what sticks what i remember about people yeah that is funny i'm not gonna lie i would be so uh proud of the if i was young if i did that in the complicated
Starting point is 02:09:15 mess hey david please were they all um not one night stands too like did you try like to i would totally try to you know like those people that walk like 10 dogs at a time and you're like fuck how do you do that i have three dogs at home and i can't keep them from fighting and they're like walking nine dogs picking up poop and shit they got it yeah did you did you try to keep the relationship with like please tell me they were none of them were one night stands yeah what was the timeline on that yeah did you have them all in your favorites did you ever text the wrong one like thinking you were like hey kelly do you want to come over tonight and then you it was really for but and you sent it to sarah like the real question is is did you
Starting point is 02:09:54 have so many different commas going that you were just copy pasting because that's when you know you got that copy paste game on deck oh you say that's not true about the onion either? That's a bummer. Oh, I'm bummed. Okay, well, cool. It's not really about seeing the onion. It's the smell that gets you crying. Yeah, but Alan, what he's saying is that if you don't cut the eye,
Starting point is 02:10:18 he was referencing that, meaning the, I guess, where it's attached before you pick it. He's saying that it won't bleed. He says once you cut that eye off, it starts bleeding. And that's where the scent or whatever, the aroma, the juice, whatever, the splatter. All one-timers. Oh, that sucks. That's lame. Just one time?
Starting point is 02:10:43 I'm not impressed. They didn't come back for a repeat? on david come on david were you not laying it down come on maybe he was just running and gunning i'm only talking to each other yeah uh put the onion philip kelly here uh put the onion in the freezer for a few minutes before you cut the onion oh alan said the same thing. Wow. Just for a few minutes, huh? Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 02:11:13 Of course there's different kinds of onions. Miss Renata. I love how resourceful our comment section is. Like when I dropped that King of the Hill reference the other night, you still laughed even though you had no idea. So I really appreciate that. You're welcome. I forgot. Caleb, did you ever that king of the hill reference the other night you still laughed even though you had no idea so i really appreciate that by the way i forgot did you ever watch king of the hill you seem like a king of the hill guy he does he does i don't mean that in a nice way either there is a so just to give you the quick reference super short they bobby was getting
Starting point is 02:11:39 picked on by a bully at school he was the kid one of the main characters uh the the kid of the character and so they go oh we're gonna take him to the the ymca so we can learn boxing lessons to give him some self-confidence so he doesn't get picked on and the boxing lessons kind of scared him they ended up being full so he went to a women's self-defense class and the one move that they learned was to yell that's my purse i don't know you and then kick him in the nuts and the joke was is uh because uh javier's son came on and said i'm a black belt and stefan clicked on it's like that's my purse. I don't know you. And then kick them in the nuts. And the joke was, is, uh, because, uh,
Starting point is 02:12:06 Javier's son came on and said, I'm a black belt. And so Vaughn clicked it. I was like, you're not a fucking black belt. You went, you got trained by women in Taekwondo. And so right after he said that,
Starting point is 02:12:14 I said, Mike, that's my purse. I don't know you. And a couple of the people from the comments got that, uh, that's my purse. I don't know you.
Starting point is 02:12:24 And I was so happy that a couple people got the reference i got it i got it caleb i got it i got it it's hilarious we have to we have to get in trouble today this is all suze's fault, it's a women's self-defense. Okay, here we go. Give me your purse! Now! Is that a long enough pause? I don't know. My purse.
Starting point is 02:12:56 Don't be afraid to shout it. That's my purse! That's my purse! I don't know you oh shit hey the next scene it's a black kid beating him up racist get away from me get away from me oh my goodness oh yeah actually that might be just a Pakistani kid. Come on, eat some dirt. Let go of my purse! Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 02:13:38 Fucking great. I don't know you! Oh shit, it works. Who's next? It works. Who's next? It works. Who's next? I'll be beautiful. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:13:51 So, anyhow, now you get the reference there, which fit perfectly with what you're talking about. That's so good. Hey, that's the problem with Taekwondo. That's the whole thing. You can earn a black belt. It doesn't work like that in jiu-jitsu. No. At some earn you can earn a black belt like like it doesn't work like that in jujitsu no like at some point you're a brown belt and like but it kind of like you basically
Starting point is 02:14:13 got to beat someone up to get a black belt i think and i'm not even joking some schools will have you like compete in a few tournaments before you could be given a black belt. Not even tournaments, but you gotta go hard with someone against the class. No good dojo has given you a black belt unless you're gonna get beat up. Someone's gonna fucking beat you up. Like a pretty bad... I think a friend of mine got a
Starting point is 02:14:40 black belt in karate one time, and he's like, well, what if I ever get into a fight? He was asking his master, and his master's like, you just don't get into fights it's all good man yeah yeah yeah why am i learning this i can't even use it in a fucking fight and it may not be official like someone beats you up but like you're gonna have to go no no good gym is gonna give you a black belt in jujitsu probably even a brown belt until they see you like really some you go through some really adverse shit like almost like you know in crossfit we're trying not to get injured like you probably have to be injured like you have to shoot like i think it just happens something has to happen to you yeah like they're not trying to
Starting point is 02:15:18 do it to you but there's no um it's just the time on the mats like it's just inevitable a little bit because like i mean even if you did it expedited, so let's say you were dedicated, like how you and the boys are five days a week, jujitsu, didn't miss a session. It's still going to take you a year more to get that blue belt. Then when you're at your blue belt, it's going to take like three years to get your purple. Then when you're at your purple, another three to four, then when you're at your brown, another three to four, like if you're fast track to the black belt, it's 10 years. And here's the, I will, i did see one exception to the rule and i heard i think i saw it happen to nikki rod and i and i heard it being taught i heard the coaches talking about it with
Starting point is 02:15:55 my kids if you go to tournaments and you just start especially as a kid so like my kids not ready for a yellow belt but the i heard the instructor saying if we keep going to tournaments and he's just destroying everyone everyone they might skip there's three gray belts they may skip one of the gray belts and take them straight to yellow you can't just go somewhere and just let your kid just destroy all the lower belts yeah yeah they could go there with your white belt even though your yellow belt just beat on kids yeah it's like the same thing if you enter a scaled competition in crossfit and you're a clean and jerk one or at max is like yeah 15 on that you're like what and you're doing all these bar muscles it's like come on but but you but you did see nicki rod you know you know they called
Starting point is 02:16:38 him the black belt slayer and he was a fucking blue belt hey i think nicki rod's gonna be out here in california i think he's gonna i think he's going to sacramento and he's doing something at uh with like charlie zamora or something like that like who's that is that ufc fighter no charlie uh he used to own caffeine and kilos i think he actually works with mark bell he owns a gym out here called uh uh warriors e-fitness oh someone said we should have him on the show. Someone keeps sending me his contact info, caffeine kilos. And the only reason why I haven't had him on is I'm just like,
Starting point is 02:17:09 uh, we're paper street guys. Oh, he, I mean, well, that's a clothing. And I mean,
Starting point is 02:17:14 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're right.
Starting point is 02:17:16 They do sell, they do sell coffee now too, but it's most, I, I associate it mostly with apparel than I do coffee, but you are right. They do it, but he's not associated with them anymore.
Starting point is 02:17:25 He's not. No. And he started doing pretty, uh, producing for like driven, uh, golf show. Oh,
Starting point is 02:17:32 anybody, let's get him. Can we get him on? Yeah, we could get, I would love to, I've been meaning to have a chat with him because he does a bunch of wellness stuff for the firefighters and for the city out in Oak Grove.
Starting point is 02:17:40 So I want to kind of compare notes and chat with him, but, um, yeah, I'll reach out to him and we'll, and we'll get him on. Okay. I like it and i do believe yeah yeah yeah is that charlie yep charlie's morning hey you know what else is interesting charlie and i share the same uh birthday charlie is charlie is very proud to
Starting point is 02:17:59 get this done thank you jason clipa and barked one for your help uh which is the is barked one is is bart is bart bart bart kwan is he the caffeine and kilos guy no no no bart kwan no charlie you're on charlie's page but i know what i think is probably a jujitsu guy no barbell per grade that's what it is oh okay i think he was caffeine kilos for a little bit but oh was he okay okay i'm not there's a long time ago i forgot this guy existed until like just now so cool okay yeah let me see go back february 12th oh for the event i'm gonna text nikki right now do you know i last time i texted him he didn't even respond to us did you see that i guess he doesn't respond a lot
Starting point is 02:18:51 yeah but that was just one text it wasn't too far so i wouldn't pay too much into that nick nikki nikki uh nikki rod what did i say that was interesting that you guys are saying is not interesting? I don't even remember. Oh. You guys have the same birthday. Oh. Fucking rude. You guys are just rude sometimes. But yeah, it'll be... It'll be...
Starting point is 02:19:19 Yeah. This hurt my feelings. I need to... I respond eventually, Jeremy. I respond eventually. It just takes me a long time because I have too many texts. And it also depends on the importance of what you're bringing to the table. And I have too many people.
Starting point is 02:19:37 My bandwidth has gotten too narrow. I just don't have too much going on. What's this? Like during the show, four people have called that i really want to talk to and how and and and now and i'm now i'm not stopping the show because i'm stressed out because i know i have to do something with suza so i'm avoiding stopping the show because i'm gonna have to do that but really it's just making it worse because now i'm running out of more time on the other end seven didn't you get my text? This is a different phone.
Starting point is 02:20:05 I love you guys. Oh, yeah, I got it. Thank you. Okay, well, let's do number 10, birthday. Now we'll do forgive and forget, and then we'll get off. Oh, maybe we'll do Monty Python. Tomorrow we have Chris Cooper on, you guys.
Starting point is 02:20:22 That's going to be a great show. We're going to basically talk about what it takes to run a CrossFit gym And we're going to look at like the actual money I don't know if it's going to go according to plan But it's going to be a cool show We're going to be like I think it will go according to plan I think you'll like what I have set up for the back end of it
Starting point is 02:20:37 I'm either going to be like holy shit I was wrong CrossFit gyms are charging too much Or I'm going to be like yep I knew I was right Like stop being a baby Either do this shit for free at home or shut up and make uh and pay your money okay here we go dear the atlantic well well how the tables have turned okay so this is some uh looks like someone dressed in woke gear the face mask the purple hair and the free Brittany Griner shirt. Action. Hey, yeah, it turns out, yeah,
Starting point is 02:21:09 it turns out that this was all a lie. Yep. I was really just kind of hoping we could put all this behind us and move on. Is that like, is that an apology? Because it doesn't really sound like one. I know that I called you a grandma killer, but I really just wanted what was best for you. I actually couldn't visit my grandma in the hospital
Starting point is 02:21:24 or even attend her funeral, but my heart was in the right place. I also lost my business and my job. I had good intentions and my kids' social, mental, and physical development was also hurt. Listen, we just didn't know. I knew, lots of people knew,
Starting point is 02:21:38 but you refused to listen. Instead, you called us names and wished death upon us. Let's just call a truce, okay? But according to your hat, you care about social justice. What does that have to do with anything? Why don't you care about justice here? I don't hear you demanding apologies or reparation because that would have to come from me and we just need to move on. So you don't believe in accountability for systemic injustices when you're the one guilty. Can't we just build back and move forward? And I want to build back a system that allowed this to occur. Don't you
Starting point is 02:22:09 want peace? I found this sign on the ground. Maybe you recognize it. Hey, yeah. That's amazing. Was that forgive and forget yeah the birthday one got taken down oh okay number 12 uh monty python hey do you guys do you get any satisfaction watching these uh go away suza have them cross off the list yeah no because it's never ending so it's always like i don't even see them go away. Maybe I would if I saw them go away. Okay. I've been real, to be honest, I've been super annoyed about the top, like, one through 300.
Starting point is 02:22:52 Yeah, me too. Because I know they've been there forever. Yeah, I know. At least we got rid of 10 of those 300. Here we go. Yeah, thanks for that. You're welcome. Why are you always on about women, Stan?
Starting point is 02:23:05 I want to be one. What? I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me Loretta. What? It's my right as a man. Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan? I want to have babies.
Starting point is 02:23:26 You want to have babies? It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them. But you can't have babies. Don't you oppress me. I'm not oppressing you, Stan. I've got a wound. Where's the fetus going to gestate? You're going to keep it in a box?
Starting point is 02:23:45 Here, I've got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can't actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans, but that he can have the right to have babies. Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister, sorry.
Starting point is 02:24:02 What's the point? What? What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry. What's the point? What? What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies? We're going to get in trouble for this. It's symbolic of our struggle against oppression. Symbolic of his struggle against reality. Oh, there it is. Symbolic against the struggle of his understanding of reality.
Starting point is 02:24:25 Hey, dude, that's 60 years ago. 60 fucking years ago. Hey, that says it all, man. Like they're struggling to hold reality together. Don't worry about the mental health of homeless people. Listen, they can recover. Be worried about the mental health of the people in power. All your friends who are Democrats.
Starting point is 02:24:47 It's getting so fucking weird. Immorality pharmacy, preying on the mentally ill. Oh, perfect. Here we go. Number 13. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:02 The truth is scary. What is this? Here we go. my question to you is what specifically about medically transitioning do you think is so immoral oh if you are struggling to accept who who you were born as what your actual body even even sorry my question to you is, what specifically is so immoral? If you are struggling to accept who you were born as, what your actual biological identity is, I have all the compassion in the world for that. I mean, I can't imagine having that disconnect in my head. It has to be a source of immense despair.
Starting point is 02:25:46 But what I hate is the medical professionals who, instead of helping you with that, and instead of helping you to accept who you really are and find joy and fulfillment in it, they're trying to make a quick buck. And they're selling you false promises. And they're telling you that this stuff is based on long-term studies. And they're lying to you because it's not. There have never been any reliable long-term studies on almost all of this stuff because the fact is the medical industry only started doing this at such a large scale recently so they couldn't have the data they're pretending that they do they're lying and that's what i hate that's that's the immorality my question there you go they're treating a fucking mental illness with a fucking knife.
Starting point is 02:26:27 How does that work? Hi, caller. Hi. Thank you for waiting. Hey, how's it going, guys? Good. You're a fucking champ for not saying a peep during that. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:26:38 No worries. No worries at all. That was interesting. Yeah, I just had two quick questions. By the way, I'm shocked all. That was interesting. Um, yeah, I just had a two quick question, by the way, I, I'm shocked you guys are still going. I, I had a meeting and I had to hop off and I was super disappointed and then hop back on and was happy to see y'all are still going. So here we are. It should be really a three hour show. It really should.
Starting point is 02:27:00 In the name of like Caleb almost fucking died. in the name of like caleb almost fucking died uh yeah i i said on why didn't you push back more hey i think i i did a great job of kind of i thought she did a great job of questioning me on the word woke and then i think i did a great job of unfucking her a little bit i think she well she threw me an alley oop it's not even against her i think she she i think she set me up but anyway we'll get back to that call her hi sorry i'm glad we're here for you guys had a great you guys had a great back and forth emily um she was a little more aggressive than i would have imagined um but it was awesome hey that's a tame version of her i'm telling you that's a tame version she's very aggressive like to the point where in certain circumstances i
Starting point is 02:27:42 would just avoid her well that, that like when I first. Awesome. Dang. When I first jumped on the call, that little statue behind her, like I thought there was a kid behind the curtain, like for real. One of her kids just has to stand back there. No, I think as a parent, she's probably a pushover. She's a very loving person. But man, she is a she's a she's a she's a smarty pants and she's a
Starting point is 02:28:05 hard ass and she comes from a family of just really smart people yeah yeah you definitely tell she got a little bit of that feminist she's stuck she's in a stuck tough spot too because she's got a little bit of that feminist fucking chip on her shoulder but she's a fucking libertarian so that really fucks with you because a piece she got some libtard in her too. You could see it leak out like you see it leak out with me sometimes. Leaks out of all of us. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it could be a dangerous combination channeled the right
Starting point is 02:28:34 direction. Yeah, so I just wanted to ask real quick. You want my ass real quick? No. Sorry. No, no, no, no. I wanted to ask real quick. Two quick questions one um did you already address the uh lauren khalil leaving the morning chalk up like that whole story because i may have missed it we talked about it the other day i don't think there's anything new on it but basically she says she's she's splitting i think suza spoke to her um she
Starting point is 02:29:02 or text with her she's she looks like she's leaving the morning chocolate we know something weird's going on in the morning chalk up um i think that there were two um either open lawsuits against them or two people threatening to sue them one of them was uh uh something having to do with sexual harassment over there i think is what i'm hearing i don't know that for a fact and the the other one was from, uh, uh, the editor over there. I think his name is Patrick. And I think he came from Canada and had something to do with his, I don't know, but, but basically two of his top people were, were in conflict with him. And I think that there were lawyers involved is what I heard. And and so, you know, people were jumping off the ship, you know, Tommy Marquez, then Brian Friend, then Patrick Clark. I think that there was another guy who jumped the ship who is a pretty important person over there.
Starting point is 02:29:54 I don't know his name. And now Lauren Khalil has jumped ship. And basically we saw her running the YouTube station. And so we don't know. The only people I know still over there and I don't know them. I just know them from the comments or just from Sousa telling me about them are a young lady named presley and another lady named katie gannon i think presley and katie have some pretty significant roles there but it's being it's weird being in a on a boat when people are just jumping off the ship and then and then what's her name uh lauren says she's not going anywhere which makes me think she's either going to go to bar bend or to maybe Brian spin,
Starting point is 02:30:26 uh, pulled together some coin and hired her, or she's going to come here to the seven on podcast, or she's going to go on empire. Yeah. Yeah. The seven on empire. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:30:36 Or she's going to go to, um, uh, Charlie Doobie's company, um, uh, back horse roads, Hamilton roads,
Starting point is 02:30:44 Hamilton roads. I always want there to be a horse in that company's name but something she's i think she'll land somewhere else i my my i have no i i i have to assume she's going to go with the people who she's a little more square you know those that group is more square than us so i, you know, like Tommy and Shawnee. And then Brian's kind of the middle of the road. And then there's us, just the cool fucking kids. And so I have to, she's a little more square. She's a little less cool.
Starting point is 02:31:17 So I'm guessing she's going to go more towards Hamilton Road, which isn't bad. You need adults. You need not cool people. I don't mean it as a bad thing. She's like a paladin or a monk. And y'all are kind of the rogues or bandits in the forest. But yes. Yes. You need those.
Starting point is 02:31:30 Oh yeah. There it is. Lauren isn't coming to barbell spin. Okay. Oh, or maybe she's going to CrossFit HQ. That would be fucking hilarious. I would,
Starting point is 02:31:39 that would be fucking amazing. Yeah. Oh, I don't know. CrossFit HQ does not need any adult, more adults. They need fucking
Starting point is 02:31:52 they need people like Tommy G. CrossFit needs young people who just are set free to create whatever the fuck they want. The last thing HQ needs is more shit that looks... Because Lauren's stuff looks like TV news.
Starting point is 02:32:11 You know what I mean? The CrossFit doesn't need that. That's absolutely not what they need. Even their magic thing, I'm even tired of it. The color scheme, I'm already done with it. And the splatter paint look on everything you know have you guys seen this thing that they're doing i'm done stew
Starting point is 02:32:29 i'm already done with it i'm already like okay i'm next yeah she oh she could do that okay i'm down with that if they promoted her to a high enough position there maybe she'd be great i'm just yeah i don't know if she's too yeah she's too good for hq that's another way of saying it yeah hq needs people who are just super creative yeah they need super creatives they need fucking way less adult way less polished and what's funny is even this look that they're going with this magic of crossfit it's supposed to look unpolished and it's so it but but when you do that 20 times now we know it's polished you get what i'm saying do you guys know what look at what you know what i'm saying
Starting point is 02:33:15 they made this like every photo look like it's old yeah that's like i feel like noble kind of did some of that in their marketing too say that again who did noble i feel kind of did some of that in their marketing too. Say that again. Who did? Noble. I feel like Noble did some of that in their marketing too. Yeah. A while there. What do you think is going to happen to Lauren? Do you have any insights? Hey, could you text her?
Starting point is 02:33:37 Could you DM her and kind of trick her into telling you stuff and then come back and report to us? I'm not joking. I'm not joking. I might. Yeah, I'll do it. I'll let you guys know tomorrow. I have some guesses, but I, you know, who knows? What are your guesses? What are your guesses? Uh, well, one of, one of the guesses was that she'd go work for HQ. Um, I like that. But I don't, yeah, I just, I don't, I don't think that'll happen.
Starting point is 02:34:10 Um, and then I, another thought I had was, uh, it's more of a, why don't you think that would happen? You know, what's crazy about her too is, um, she can, she's good at playing both sides she can do the woke and not woke so she might she might be the she's kind of a hybrid yeah yeah she's she's pretty neutral like i've noticed like she's she's good at kind of like you know she doesn't get too far into it that's not really her her thing um i i think that uh sorry what was the question you asked? Why, why I think it'd be good or why I think they won't hire her. Yeah. I don't know. I have too many questions I've asked you.
Starting point is 02:34:51 Let's go back to where else do you think she might go? HQ? And where's the other place? Oh, this is more of a wish, but it's, um, I thought it'd be really cool. Uh, it seems like a CrossFit mayhem is kind of snapping up anybody with talent who, um, you know, has worked in the CrossFit space. And, uh, I thought it'd be super cool if they brought her on. Um, and then, you know, but it would, it would kind of like narrow the number of athletes she'd she'd work with and
Starting point is 02:35:19 stuff. But I, I don't know. I thought she could do some really cool things like just for their, um, you know, she's the one announcing their programming or stuff like that. Um, I could see her going to Cookville and meeting a guy there in the gym and getting pregnant. I could see that. Nope. No comment. Oh, she's not moving. She ain't moving to Cookville says, uh, Juicy Spiegel. Where's Patrick Clark when you need him? I guarantee you he knows exactly what's going on. No. Devesh, Maharaj,
Starting point is 02:35:50 the hammer, and the wrench. Jeez, you're really mixing up. She would kill it going out on her. No one's killing it going out on their own, buddy. Wait, what do you mean by killing it? No one's going to kill it going out on their own. I don't think. Only us.
Starting point is 02:36:07 We're the only ones. We're the only ones who are going to do it. Everyone else is going to. No one else is going to do it. There's not room for everyone to do it. Only one person can do it. What? I'm not.
Starting point is 02:36:21 I'm not. Am I telling the truth? I mean, yeah, I was going to suggest that she goes out and does something on her own. Like, I think there's room for everybody. Who's going to pay the fucking bills? Okay, yeah, I'm fine with her doing it too, but she's not going to kill it on her own. There's no fucking way. I know other people have told me that too, but I'm just being honest.
Starting point is 02:36:37 Where does the Khaleesi go? Oh, this is in real time. CFHQ, the bar bend, freelance. Wow, look at this shit elsewhere elsewhere is popping up hey dale um over at spartan the spartan doc doc spartan if can you tell me if this soap is going to reduce my sperm camp like this is sperm camp sperm camp it's gonna it's gonna reduce the sperm i it might have to take down my tent is this gonna reduce my sperm count like dove and tide and all and ivory and all those soaps do or is this are
Starting point is 02:37:13 you guys is this the soap that i'm gonna land on because if it is smells good i don't want to give you any more free uh i'm gonna shower just now after the show just to try this. You got that alignment? It'd be cool if you guys got a sponsorship from... Well, I'll tell their name later if this one doesn't work out. Who is it? Is it a soap company? I just need a soap company.
Starting point is 02:37:38 And I want them to make detergent. Could you make a... Go ahead. Who? Dr. Softbox. Yeah. They make a soap hey maybe we can make a sebon podcast clothing detergent i need a clothing detergent i'm telling you me and my wife have this my wife has just stopped letting me fucking do the wash it's crazy and i love doing the wash i love carrying like hampers through the house and taking the lint out of the dryer i live for that shit she doesn't know what she's taking from me is that weird a little bit gonna be honest
Starting point is 02:38:17 i was really attached to those things part of my thing. Like, it's what I do, like, when I'm talking on the phone or, like. I just like the soap because it's a grenade. I took it out of my luggage. Oh, you have one, too. I should have handed it to you. We should have pretended in the middle.
Starting point is 02:38:37 And here's the thing that's weird, too. I also am concerned that I could use this whole thing in one shower. This stuff feels soft. We got to get that down. Have you used any, Caleb? Have you used it? Yeah, I've used that. And then I used the ointment that they sent me to because somebody may or may not have had a tattoo gun while we were deployed.
Starting point is 02:39:03 Did you get a tattoo out there? Yeah, a couple. Oh my, there you go. It worked really well. What was the thought you had right before you got the tattoo? Just a bunch of fucking dudes just hanging out doing absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 02:39:17 I would probably do that too. Fuck yeah. Did you get one by your asshole? No. All good then. then says no girls allowed well hey i i had another question but i'm gonna save it for another day it's a you know i've already taken up a uh too much okay yeah we need people to call so it looks like we have real listeners so that i appreciate you saving it yeah it's uh related to real estate
Starting point is 02:39:44 so that'll be a good one. I'll ask another time. Okay, thank you. Good deal. Okay. Thanks, guys. Bye. Later, dude.
Starting point is 02:39:52 Number 14, the gay patriot. You knew that guy's name? That was Plummer. No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't. That wasn't Plummer? No, Plummer called in earlier. That makes me feel weird
Starting point is 02:40:03 because I was all like familiar with it It wasn't who I thought it was Oh, shit Well Put your pants back on, Sousa Yes, I need to fucking pay attention tomorrow Kenneth DeLapp
Starting point is 02:40:22 You should have been reading the Bible instead of getting tattoos young man shut up who says he can't do both he's still can't do both i got time for all kenneth has given some good advice he got a bible verse tatted so yeah how dare you judge the lord says kenneth the lord says uh shut the fuck up I got it tattooed right here. Caleb 316. Yes. Hey, is there a Caleb in the Bible? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 02:40:51 Is that one of the brothers that gets killed early in the book? Like, aren't there two brothers and one brother kills another brother? No, that's Cain and Abel. Oh, all right. Good for you. Close, though. He's got that down. This is the best way to start, man.
Starting point is 02:41:04 Wait, Cain and Abel is like Caleb.. Wait, Cain and Abel is like a Caleb. It's like Cain and Abel. Caleb. Yeah. That's what, that's why I think you got it. Oh, hold on.
Starting point is 02:41:11 Standby. Call her. Hi. Hola. Como esta? Hi. Hi. How are you?
Starting point is 02:41:17 I'm very good. How are you? It's called, it's a call from Spain. It's a call from spain damn it i'm sorry i was doing a chinese accent and i was trying to do a spanish accent hello how are you but i was trying to it's not even a chinese accent yeah that was it was weird it got weird oh i was trying to do some foreigner accent because I saw the number was from Spain. I think Spain is like, ¿qué tal? Is there more?
Starting point is 02:41:48 Rather than like... ¿Cómo está? ¿Qué tal? Yeah, I think it's ¿qué tal? He probably, when I say ¿cómo está? I sounded so authentic he thought he had the wrong number. Definitely. I mean, Caleb and I were confused for a second. That's not Chinese.
Starting point is 02:42:00 I thought it was in the... Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, God. Someone's accents are as good as his name pronunciation. Okay, let's hear this guy. Let's see. The Gay Patriot. Half the country really loves gay people
Starting point is 02:42:18 and half the country really loves troops. Those are the two sides. Half of America is like, I fucking wish I was gay. I want my kids to be gay. And the other half's like, I'll fucking suck a troop's dick. Nothing gay about that. That's a Patriot's cock in your mouth.
Starting point is 02:42:37 Dick sucks for America. I don't know if you've noticed, but a lot of the gay clubs in New York don't let veterans into the club just because they have a dress code and they're homeless, which makes it difficult. But I don't know which one this guy is. Hates gays, this guy. That's fucking amazing. Okay, the gay patriot.
Starting point is 02:43:03 That's good. Okay, last one. Only because I hope the guy from Spain calls back um he's just buying some time for him yeah uh number 15 he's getting he's running we had to run back to his car and get changed he's using a pay phone um number 15
Starting point is 02:43:20 yelling oh here we go. A three-year-old is being yelled at by her mother. The mother thinks she's right. So the mother is putting all her effort to fix this child's bad behavior. And the mother sees right before her eyes that this child's light begins to diminish. That mother was me. I knew that my mothering was in desperate trouble
Starting point is 02:43:54 and the brutal, transparent, honest truth was that it was. It was me. And when I confronted this in myself, there was the birth of my mission here in conscious parenting. Because I realized what no one had told me. No one had told me that I would not be raising my child. I would be reenacting all my emotional crap. That parents are not told that until they raise themselves, all they will be doing is projecting their unmet needs, expectations, fantasies onto their children. I knew right then in that moment that if I did not take my ego in charge and tame it,
Starting point is 02:44:43 and tame it and tame it. I would do unto my child what had been done to me. There you go. It is okay to not say anything. It is actually the right path 99% of the time with your kids. Just stay quiet. It's funny that that actually hurt me more than I thought. I yelled at Ari yesterday and i saw i diminished his light he wasn't even doing anything that was
Starting point is 02:45:09 a big deal he was straight he had his shirt on and a tank top on and he was stretching it out and i was looked at him in the rearview mirror and i yelled at him to knock that shit off and i saw it fucking didn't land well with him and it it was as soon as I said it, I knew. Shut the fuck up. You get out of the car, walk over to him, give him a kiss and whisper in his ear. Hey, buddy, don't stretch out your shirts. I'm trying to keep you. I want you to look nice when you get out of the car. I love you to death.
Starting point is 02:45:36 You're so handsome. That had been more than enough. Not, hey, knock that shit off. I mean, there is a time for that. To punching each other in the shower. But, yeah. My six-year-old balls if I cry. I can't do it anymore.
Starting point is 02:45:56 Yeah, I forced you to like, yeah, just stay quiet. Okay, 15 more minutes? No, I can't. I would love to. Do you mean till 10? That'd be cool where's heidi who knows great question um tomorrow we have tomorrow we have chris cooper on um and uh i think the day after that we have the world's greatest handball player coming on handball or racquetball
Starting point is 02:46:15 or softball yep and then we got raw the earth coming back oh we do have raw on friday paul cole is new zealand's number one squash player or number one in the world yeah i think he might be like the only white guy in the top 10 of squash players i don't like someone's taken like shootings been taken over by filipinos i don't know who's taken over squash but but it's pretty cool it's pretty cool i like it when like ethnicity is just marching and just take over a fucking sport and then we got a live call with Robert on Friday. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 02:46:47 Another affiliate series. Oh, so if you have any questions for raw, yeah. Friday's the day. That's awesome. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:46:54 Susan, what about the affiliate series? just, uh, just given the rundown that we got an affiliate series on Saturday. And then we got, um, Craig Harrison.
Starting point is 02:47:02 I don't see anyone on Saturday. I don't see anyone on Saturday. Did I not include you? It would help if I Craig Harrison on Sunday. I don't see anyone on Saturday. I don't see anyone on Saturday. Did I not include you? It would help if I included you on these, I think. You'd a man. It would probably be. Oh, my God. Sunday show is going to be nuts, you guys.
Starting point is 02:47:15 You have to get this book. If you haven't read this, get this audio book and start listening to it right now. I'm telling you, you will be so happy you did. and start listening to it right now. I'm telling you, you will be so happy you did. Even if you just listen to two hours of it between now and then, it is called The Longest Shot or something. The Longest Kill.
Starting point is 02:47:36 The Longest Kill by Craig Harrison. I was listening to it a couple weeks ago. Did you like it? Yeah, it's pretty good. It's pretty good. Don't you think the reading's amazing, all the different voices and characters and characters and shit yeah i like when they can put a really good audiobook together the story itself is actually pretty incredible as well it's pretty uh how about when he runs away and tries to join the foreign legion did you get to that yeah yeah yeah and
Starting point is 02:48:02 then like the guy that he met in the trailer that like just housed him for a day he's like who's your dick like what oh that's right like yeah that's just crazy oh something happened to caleb's audio do you hear that yeah like something's super rough vibrating table or something like gravelly no don't worry it won't spoil it for you the movie has so many the book has so many twists and turns you can't even believe it i'm three hours in and he's not even when i was three hours in he's not even in the military yet i'm like into the good part and i'm like wow this book's fucking nuts i was so bummed when it stopped i wish he'd write a part two this guy has real mental illness too,
Starting point is 02:48:45 and he's got his shit together. Yeah, I imagine he's pretty fucked up. What happened? You know what it sounds like when you talk? It sounds like there's a quarter vibrating on a wooden table. I wonder if maybe his headphones are just losing power. Someone in Jordan sold him fake AirPods. Solid guess, by the way.
Starting point is 02:49:05 Solid. Solid guess, by the way. Solid. Solid, right? That was a good guess. Comment section sometimes. Hey, what about, don't we have to do a UFC show on Friday? What do you mean by that? We had Raw. We've had Raw on the calendar for like three weeks.
Starting point is 02:49:25 Okay. So even though we just got on that UFC kick, I don't think we should shift him. No, no, but maybe, Oh, I'm scratching my butt. Um, maybe we can do, um, man, my butt's been getting meaty. Oh, this is what I wanted to ask you. Why do people in CrossFit do that thing in the front squat or the back squat where they stay at the bottom so yesterday i did this workout i held a 60 pound d ball which is kind of crazy in the frontal plane it's huge it's bigger than even like the 100 pound d ball i held this i held a 60 pound d ball at the bottom of a squat for 20 seconds and then stood up and rested 40 seconds and i did that for 10 rounds
Starting point is 02:50:05 and i'm like why am i doing this that's a great workout but why the only why because because you never spend time in that bottom position and it's important for your range of motion it's also important because why waited because the isometric exercise so you're you're doing you're hanging on that bottom position and creating a bunch of time under tension, which is strengthening that position. I don't know though. Maybe my core. And your legs, everything.
Starting point is 02:50:29 I mean, unless you were, unless you were huddled over the ball to where nothing was being like, you weren't purposely postured in your squat. So everything was tight and remained in a good position. Then. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 02:50:40 I like the time under tension. I prescribed that a ton to my firefighters because I can't do it here. None of them. It ends up building strength in a different way than having just because a lot of times we think when we're building strength, we just need to add an increased load. I don't know if I don't know, man. I wasn't keeping any tension in my legs. I had my I had my chest up, you know, and I think I had lumbar curve, maybe even too much because I'm so fucking flexible. I'm like a Gumby.
Starting point is 02:51:05 I should have been a gay porn star um but uh but but um i was i can just rest in a squat and sit up right so i wouldn't have i wouldn't have let you rest in it i would have made you work in that position the whole entire time like stay a little like stay out of the tension like like like you don't let it get into a relax just go barely below parallel just like they do in the l1 so i'm gonna get you right into that position everything's firing up everything's working nothing's just along for the ride and then we just hold that position for whatever the time is that you want then you come up out of it that's what helps my and let this be a note to any coaches that are out there that's what really really helps a lot of my firefighters that are older that are like i I can't squat or do that with weight. It's going to fuck my backup.
Starting point is 02:51:47 And I strip it down to just the barbell and I make them go three count down. So they're just being awareness in their position as their hips come back, as they're sitting into the squat. And then it make them hold that bottom position for five to 10 second count. Then they come up at normal speed. And what we're doing is we're just retraining and relearning that position, the slow down, the pause at the bottom. And that pause at the bottom is allowing them to sit safely into the end range of motion of their squat underneath a little bit of tension with the barbell, which forces the good posture so they don't just get relaxed in that bottom position. Well, I was relaxed down there. And I'll tell you what, because I was using such a huge med ball, it was definitely working my midline, right?'s pulling me forward right i'll also say this after during
Starting point is 02:52:29 those 40 seconds in between each round i went into child's pose because my back did not like it didn't hurt but it just didn't like it because that's probably because i was lazy down there right that's right yeah because you were just huddled over the ball so i guarantee you what ended up happening was you probably got not huddled over the ball don't get carried away okay well either way you probably just have really good depth and range of motion but there's no squat low there's no way you didn't lean forward and round your back and lose your lumbar curve and be relaxed it's it's the opposite that you couldn't have been relaxed at the bottom position of your squat and keep your back into a really good solid position i'll take a picture for you you're probably right but maybe not the thing is is like my glutes and
Starting point is 02:53:08 my hams and my quads were not activated exactly i was so that's the bottom link to the chain so if this starts to round in and roll in what do you think that affects well you're right i can arch my back so much that well i'll show you i'll take a picture but you're right over extending the shit out of your back that's not creating the midline stability. And that's probably why I had to do child's pose in between because I was just hurting myself. So I should use a lighter ball, like a 40-pound ball. Well, you could start with that, yes. But then you should also just hold a good bottom position like they would hold you at the L1.
Starting point is 02:53:37 Yeah. And I was doing crazy stomach breathing too. It was awesome. Yeah, that's great. Diaphragmic breathing is really important down there. It helps you learn how to breathe. And I make, I relate that back to the firefighters and then being in a smaller position, having to conserve air into their bottle. So we'll get them down into that position, into that squat, and I'll have them do a couple of big diaphragmic breaths
Starting point is 02:53:57 from there. So that way they learn to hold the tension. They can hold in the spot, but they can still slow their breathing down and get in big, full, you know, calming breaths from the diaphragm. I like it. At your age, would you rather be super strong or super flexible? I want to be in the middle, but I'm definitely willing to give up strength for flexibility. Yeah. I don't want to lose any more flexibility. I can already tell I'm losing it.
Starting point is 02:54:19 Okay. Thank you, everyone. We'll see you tomorrow with Chris Cooper. I think on Friday sometime we're going to try to get Darian on and do a UFC show. Those shows have been great. And we will talk to you soon. Mr. Beaver, thank you. Tell your cat thank you.
Starting point is 02:54:34 Sousa, thank you. Say your pussies.

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