The Sevan Podcast - #794 - CrossFit Affiliate Series | Kristen & Leon of CrossFit Luke

Episode Date: February 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 or yesterday set this up and ran to greg hey i'm alive hey hey hello i'm so happy this works oh you guys sound great i um i i thought it would be cool to drive to arizona yesterday from california super bowl no i'm actually i'm greg's doing some sort of um event here broken science event but But it is right. I mean, they have the Super Bowl here, and then they have some great, crazy golf tournament thing here. But I basically left my house like at 3.30 in the morning and then got here like at 6 in the evening. And then I thought – and then set up my podcast system and then ran out of the house and took my kids swimming – to his house to go swimming. And then I came back, and I'm like, oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:00:42 It's time. And by the way, thank you for switching the time. Of course, I was not prepared for Arizona switching. It's. Oh, that's OK. We totally understand. Where where are you guys? You're in New York.
Starting point is 00:00:54 That's in New York. Yep. Yep. And where is that Hudson? It's about 45 minutes south of Albany. Sorry. One more time. About 45 minutes south of Albany, New York, the capital.
Starting point is 00:01:05 OK. We're in the country oh yeah yeah we live on dirt road so okay yeah yeah yeah yeah good good and so you like you see animals and stuff every day like cow like if you drive around you see cows and fields and things like that that city folk don't see we had a bobcat walking around our house the other day so yeah oh what do you do when that happens i grab my gun they're little though right they're little but they could take out a dog uh they're about the size of a small dog yeah and um do you have kids oh you have an older kid two two older uh 20 and 17 okay so nothing the bobcat would take away with it no just our cats unfortunately yep oh right and i guess a bobcat could take away a uh a baby
Starting point is 00:01:54 yeah i mean if you leave your baby outside that's kind of irresponsible but sure this well yeah i've been known to do that free range baby and you guys are the owners of um lumberjack uh athletics which is also home of uh crossfit luke is the way you guys were correct i love your instagram account by the way thank you thank you so much very cool yeah i see it and i'm like okay that's a cool place that's the kind of place i'd want to work out i dug through it and i'm like these are cool people looks like everyone has fun looks like a pretty like free welcoming environment absolutely yeah everybody's welcome to come in anytime they want we actually just opened our second location over in massachusetts as well yep how far is that
Starting point is 00:02:39 30 minutes it's not too far 30 minutes from gym to gym. God, my geography is so poor. When I think of 45 minutes from Albany, I don't think anywhere near, um, Massachusetts. So the way, uh, Albany sits, um, if you actually look at, if you come down South, it starts to touch on the border of Massachusetts. Like, uh, the Berkshires Catskills years are close to one another. Okay. So it's not that far of, you can hop into Massachusetts from us right now. We could be in Massachusetts in like 20 minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Now that, Caleb, what are the cat, what do you, how do you say the word cat, Catskills? Catskills. Catskills with a G or skills, like they got skills. Skills. You have the Catskill Mountains, correct.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yeah. Okay. It's a mountain range. What's the highest peak there? Do you know? Oh, gosh. It's high. We have a bunch of snowboarding mountains and ski mountains around us.
Starting point is 00:03:36 That's how, you know, so that kind of gives you an idea of what kind of mountains we're dealing with here. A lot of ski resorts and stuff like that. So I think actually can't even give you an honest answer about that it's pretty pretty tall mountain range though i genuinely don't know either okay here goes more of my ignorance and that's those are the appalachian mountains uh do they connect at some point i genuinely don't know the the catskills are a little bit more east the appalachian Mountains are more like actually more south here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:09 What's where? Sevan's pronunciation or Seve's geography? They're definitely in competition with one another. And you guys are born and raised East Coast folks? Correct. Yep. I was born in Boston boston and kristen was born right here in hudson new york and so you kind of went for you that's the country huh
Starting point is 00:04:32 leon well i grew up south of boston uh in fall river dighton area so it's a little it was when i was there it was more country it's definitely developed a lot more now um but i moved up here when i was like 11 into the catskill so i i grew up in the country and it seems like the kind of place you move if like you're in a witness um protection program uh yeah that's pretty accurate we say that to people all the time why did you come here yeah um but hudson itself has grown tremendously over the last 20 years it used to be sort of a ghost town when I was a kid. And now it's sort of like a little Soho, honestly. Like there are a lot of New York City people here now. It's been changed tremendously.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You could take the train and be in the city in two hours. Yeah. So it's becoming a second home place. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, actually, since COVID, a lot of people have moved up here out of the city. So now it's first home. What's the population?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Oh, man. Our county has about 60,000 in it. The county? Yeah. Okay. So it is podunk. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Very much. Classrooms with multiple grades in it. When you went to school, Kristen, you were in there K through six were all in the same classroom. much uh like school um classrooms like with like multiple grades in it like the whole like when you went to school uh kristen like you were in there like k through six were all in the same classroom like small like that like no not that small but i only had like 90 people in my graduating class okay well i went to was like that yeah he was it was okay like like a one room school uh yeah we call them uh um central school so like a bunch of towns would go there and it would be like a one through 12 like a k through 12 situation so like everybody goes to the same
Starting point is 00:06:10 school basically eventually it's separated but it's not like uh it was like that for a while how long have you had um uh lumberjack athletics the crossfit luke location we just hit five years uh january 2. We're starting our fifth year. Fifth year. Was it already a gym? No. No. Started from scratch. From scratch. Yeah, we are in our second location because we outgrew our first one pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And again, with COVID, all that stuff, we decided to get out of the spot that we were in and find a bigger location because we needed it. And Kristen, you're a nurse. I'm a nurse practitioner. What's, what's the difference between a nurse and a nurse practitioner? So nurse practitioner is similar to a doctor. Like I practice, I'm a family medicine provider. So, um, I've been a nurse practitioner for two years. It's the basic, the highest end of nursing, if you will. And actually getting ready to open my own practice right in Lumberjack. Oh, wow. Awesome. Do you do house calls or they come to you?
Starting point is 00:07:15 Mostly they come to me. I am willing to do house calls, but I don't really have that option where I work for somebody right now. Trying to get out of that pretty quickly. And Leon's full-time at the gym yes sir wow you guys are doing it holy cow it's a lot of work people have no appreciation for what it takes to just run an affiliate much less try to do a million other things and open a second one so yeah why the um why the second one was it was it a failing gym and you guys are taking over uh well not that i want to keep spreading this up but kovid basically shut the gym down that was in so the gym is actually in uh sheffield uh massachusetts which
Starting point is 00:07:57 is the town over from great barrington and great barrington they had a huge community and kovid shut them down so So when we were kind of getting things back up and running here, a couple of the athletes that were from Great Barrington started coming over because it's not that far of a drive. And they liked what we were doing. And they were like, hey, we think that you do great over here. And we were like, well, all right, let's do it. Let's get over there. Let's get the community back to it. They had like 120 plus members over there at one time. And then there's just no gym. There was nothing, not even like a plan of fitness or anything for them to go to. So we were like, all right, let's get after it.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Let's do it. And how has it actually opened its doors? Yes. Yeah. We've been open for about a month and a half ish right now. Oh, you guys are wild. Crazy. Very much.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Are you having trouble finding coaches okay well that's interesting we were yeah um good coaches right um but you know something happened nothing you know in another gym near us and we were able to land a very experienced l2 coach um that it was like literally perfect timing. So he's in our Hudson location and our actual, we have another woman that's a partner of ours. She's recently just became a partner of ours and she's running the Sheffield location. And Leon's sort of the up here watching everyone.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And Leon's sort of up here watching everyone. I'm hearing this theme from affiliate owners, and it's just anecdotal, but that they're having trouble finding trainers. And that the trainers that they do have, even the trainers that they love that they've had for a long time, don't care about the gym as much as their clients care about the gym. And that's really an interesting way to put it, right? Because you could have a gym, a coach who really, really cares about the gym. But if more than 50% of the gym owners care more, it becomes out of balance. There's like a relative, there's a relativity piece. And I know that just because of my kids, I take my kids to coaches and I want the, like, so, uh, we were, uh, our kids play tennis and we were leaving for two weeks and my wife felt really uncomfortable telling our tennis coach that we were leaving for two weeks. And the reason why is because we know the coach cares and we like, you want to feel that way.
Starting point is 00:10:20 You want it to feel awkward when you tell your kids coach that you're leaving for two weeks because you know, the coach isn't going to like it. you tell your kids coach that you're leaving for two weeks yeah because you know the coach isn't going to like it like that at least that's the relationship i want because then i know the coach cares more than i do like i want the coach and so it's do you have any thoughts on that about finding i mean it's asking a lot about a coat it's asking a lot uh from a coach it's it's not like it pays you know two hundred thousand dollars a year so other jobs you could get a job at safeway and and care but like who's but still turn it off when you go home i mean you're really asking you're asking for a coach to be emotionally physically
Starting point is 00:10:55 mentally spiritually all just all in i mean it's it's it right it's a people job yeah um so we're actually really fortunate that we don't have that issue. Our coaches are 100% bought into what we do. Which is what? Save people's lives? Yeah. I mean, we are the traditional CrossFit gym, right? We've had people lose 100 pounds. We've gotten people off diabetes medicine. We've gotten people to do things they thought like, hey, I was never gonna be able to do that again, right? Like I got a blown out knee. I'll never squat again. I was in a bad car accident. I'll never do this. And it's like, we've brought, we had a guy who literally had his heart explode and was basically like fucked for the rest of his life. And now we got him moving his body again and living on his own and, and doing the things that you should be able to do as a human being. Right. And that's all because of the coaches that we have. Also, the reason why I even wanted to open up a gym was to create opportunity for coaches because I've been doing this for 13 years now. And I had definitely
Starting point is 00:11:51 been underappreciated in some gyms as far as financially and stuff like that. So I was very much into, we're going to open this gym to create an opportunity for coaches to make a living and, uh, have more of a buy-in. Where did you work before? Where did you coach before CrossFit? Uh, I helped start one of the gyms that's in Hudson right now, uh, railroad CrossFit. And I left there. Uh, then I went up to Albany and I coached at a gym called CrossFit Evita, uh, for two years. And then I was just, you know, let's go open up our own stuff. We can, I can do this. Kristen and I can do this. So. So you were always a CrossFit coach? Not always. I've, I was in construction beforehand and then I was in the military for a
Starting point is 00:12:38 brief stint, United States Coast Guard. And then when I came out, I kind of fell back into like some bad old habits, drugs, drinking, stuff like that. And CrossFit actually pulled me out of that shit pretty quick. And that became my new addiction. And then, yeah, here we are 13 years later. I guess what I meant by always a CrossFit coach, meaning you didn't work at like Planet Fitness or you weren't a football coach. Your coaching career in fitness and health started with as a CrossFit coach. Correct. Yep. 2011. And did you get kicked out of the coast guard yeah yeah oh good good times four drugs in it four drugs and alcohol yes sir yep oh wow can you tell us what happened uh yeah just being a shithead you know uh i was too young we were uh you know just partying all the time easy job and uh yeah just
Starting point is 00:13:28 one day ended up uh we were out and i was uh sleepwalking out on a on a boat and when you do that that's kind of a no-go uh in the coast guard so i had to go and uh see like a psychiatrist with inside of the group and then you take a drug test and then drug test pops, boom. Coast Guard doesn't need you like that. Like they don't care about you like that. Right. I think Caleb can attest to that. Right. Absolutely. They don't give a shit. Actually, the first thing they told me when I left, they were like, Hey, you can go join the army if you want. They'll take you right now. I was like, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:14:03 They would take you too. Yeah. They were like, Hey, you could absolutely shift right over to the army and they'll take you like in a heartbeat. They would take you too. Yeah. They were like, Hey, you could absolutely shift right over to the army and they'll take you like in a heartbeat. I was like, I'm good. Thanks. Wow. Wow. Hey, that's crazy. The sleepwalking thing. Yeah. Yeah. It's something I guess I did back then because I didn't put stress out during when I was awake. So it manifested through sleep. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Is that the root of sleepwalking is that like a sign of like i was something like something's wrong with you like do people who sleepwalk is that like hey you need to learn how to express some shit during the day when you're awake it was it's not a pretty strong correlate like i'm just saying in general you know what i mean like um like like uh people who cut themselves like it's like something happened to you you know what i mean there's a correlate or like kids who are acting out, right? Like all of a sudden you want to put a hole in your fucking ear or you want to start getting tattoos.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Like, like everyone we know who's covered in tattoos and becomes an ultra marathon runner probably had a meth habit. Like, it's just a safe guess. You're at the, you know, 80%. Is there, is there something like that sleepwalkers all that, like, you know what I mean? Like your dad hits you with the belt for five years and you're like now i sleepwalk you know what i mean i definitely didn't have that but uh i mean i'm covered in tattoos as well too so uh and are you an ultra runner and did you have a meth problem uh no meth problems uh no ultra running
Starting point is 00:15:16 either uh but i am a good runner so maybe maybe there's a correlate there. And I'm saying that half joking, but it's pretty common in California. Like, I mean, just that ultra runner who comes from a methamphetamine habit and now they're covered in tattoos. You have a lot of tattoos. You're not totally covered yet. You still have. No, I got some space. Yeah, he's got lots of space. I got some space.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah. And you're young enough that you could pick up a meth habit although i think maybe you've crossed that threshold yeah i'm like i'm hoping that doesn't happen did you did you quit that did you quit um the drugs and alcohol because or or taper them because it just you loved crossfit so much and the two because that's why i quit smoking i found crossfit at 34 and i'm like dude it's not that i wanted I quit smoking. I found CrossFit at 34 and I'm like, dude, it's not that I wanted to quit smoking. I'm just like, Hey, these two aren't working together. Yeah. I was just, uh, so the guy that I actually helped, uh, start the original gym in Hudson, uh, he actually got me into it. And, uh, I realized that I couldn't do both, right? Like
Starting point is 00:16:19 you can't do this and also be, you know, partying and doing all these things. And, uh, so, um, I really wanted to get my shit together because, you know, it's, that was not the best time of my life to get kicked out of something that I, you know, my, my father was very proud of me for going to the coast guard. He was a merchant Marine. Um, so, Oh yeah, that must've sucked facing your friends and family. Yeah. You know, I I'm, I'm lucky that I have good people in me like hey dude you fucked up oh well move on um so you know i was very but you know i didn't it didn't sit well with me so i wanted to change that habit and uh so the only way i thought i could change it was to work on fitness right i was a wrestler in school so i already kind of had like a decent background as
Starting point is 00:17:01 far as like hey i know how to you know get into shape and stuff like that um and uh yeah when i found crossfit i was like this is similar to wrestling it's high output it's you know it's get after it stuff it's the community is very similar it's also a an individual sport but has a community around it similar to wrestling so i fell right into it um and then i was like hey you know what let's just go full tilt into this and here we are uh trish the series rocks well done keep saving the world leon and kristen thank you are you guys um there's this um would you were you guys ever go through any hippie stuff as kids or any hippie stuff in your life i mean i'm christian's i'm kind of a hippie now i mean my whole life i'm just, I'm kind of a hippie now.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I mean, my whole life, I'm just, I have that kind of personality. I don't really enjoy time type of thing. Like I don't like being told I have to be somewhere at a certain time or I have to stay there because you're that part of the reason why I want to have my own practice. Cause I don't want somebody telling me I have to be here at this time and
Starting point is 00:18:01 here at this time. And I have to see this many patients and just much of a free of a spirit for that. This is why I never went into the service. Actually, I wanted to go into the, into the military when I graduated from high school, I thought. And I, my dad was a Marine bought in Vietnam and he, somebody had to sign off on me because I was 17 and he wouldn't do it. He said, absolutely not. He said, I, you, I love you, but you would not make it through bootcamp because you do not listen and you can't tell somebody, uh, no, or fuck off basically, if you don't like what they have to say to you. And, you know, I'm grateful that he
Starting point is 00:18:41 kind of did that because it's just not who I am. This is a Caleb. This one's for you. Every time I see Beav's bearded pie hole, I want to hump it. Nice. That's one of the most crass things I've ever seen in the comments. But I think it's like affectionate. I think it's supposed to be endearing.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I think so, too. Yeah. On other shows, we have another term for that a phrase for that but uh yeah okay or or scissor it or scissor it all right i'm not sure scissor it means cut it or no no no no no you want to know what that you'd rather trust me all right i'll google it later i'll google it later i'll google take the scissor the reason why i ask is because you know in your profile christian it says like um uh holistic uh i think it says holistic nurse practitioner and when i think of the word holistic i think it i right away think okay this person believes that the body can heal itself that you can make lifestyle changes and you can surround yourself with like
Starting point is 00:19:45 a clean air clean food clean movement nice people um you also had reduced stress i think we've had some really we had that guy chris work on who cured himself of stage four colon cancer and although he was like a hardcore vegan he goes really i just want to talk about stress yes if you can remove stress out of your life dude you'll be and uh and we actually had don fall on also who whose wife had he said his wife had cancer and he focused on that too that's the ceo of crossfit he focused on the fact that his he wanted to remove stress out of his wife's um life and yet it's interesting you um you uh your dad was a Marine. You've also married this guy. It's weird. There's this – we have them in Santa Cruz too. There's this weird kind of like – I don't want to know if you want to call them a conservative hippie. Oh, that's me.
Starting point is 00:20:37 That's 100% what she is. OK, because because I was a hardcore hippie, too, and I still want to be a hippie. I enjoy a lot of the tenets of hippie. I don't feel the need to put chemicals on my body. I want to walk around barefoot. But my my clan has abandoned me. My clan. Yeah, they don't want to. They don't want to accept everyone. They like love is with my clan.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Like originally, I thought love was the way and my clan doesn't want to accept everyone. They like love is with my clan. Like originally I thought love was the way and my clan doesn't want to love everyone anymore. I don't know. I don't know what happened to him in the last couple of years, but they want to, and they got scared of stuff. They don't believe the body can heal itself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I mean, I don't know what happened to them, but yeah. Okay. Go ahead. So, so that resonates with you. Cause when I saw your profile i'm like oh
Starting point is 00:21:25 this is i think kristen might be my people like this this might be i am very much your people we actually spoke a lot um on instagram during the the pandemic um beginning times of the pandemic um because i was definitely one of the people right from get-go who didn't buy into the bullshit. Yeah. For two weeks, I, we, when we first shut down and we wouldn't even shut down,
Starting point is 00:21:50 like every gym around us was shutting down saying you need to do the, you, we should all do the right thing. And both of us were like, yeah, no, we're not shutting down. Like even that's a manipulative,
Starting point is 00:22:00 manipulative phrase, right? That's kind of lazy intellectually do the right thing. Sorry. Can you explain who are you? Yeah. Right. Doesn't mean anything. Right. Yeah. And that's how we felt. And like both of us are pretty, um, what's the word? Unwavering individuals. So you can't really bully either of us, which works out really well. So it was a lot of us against our colleagues in the area. Nothing negative, great human beings. They just bought into the fear. Right. So I'm like, all right, I'll take this seriously for a minute. When everything got shut down, I'm an educated woman. I've been, I've been in medicine for 20 years at that point. And I was careful. And then I started to think this doesn't make any fucking sense. None of it. And I just kept telling him, I'm like, this is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:22:45 We're done. And tell me some of the first things you saw that didn't make sense. Like you're like, wait, that doesn't make sense. Like, like, like people like dusting off their food,
Starting point is 00:22:53 their packages that came from Amazon. Just, it's not how any of it worked. Like you're telling me that this is a disease, an airborne, an airborne virus, which it is. And, but you, you got people like wiping off their food with chemicals like just let's add more bullshit to it um we're telling
Starting point is 00:23:14 people that they have all these symptoms to stay home but we're freaking them out telling if you have this you have this you have this but stay home um and i couldn't liquor stores are open and gyms are closed yeah dispensaries can stay open grocery how come everyone on that boat didn't die that was also i spoke to a bunch of doctors who were like hey man that boat off the coast of japan was the perfect test yeah perfect science experiment the scientists couldn't ask for a better experiment and look what happened there it was just like and when they start canceling doctors of like you know high degrees and stuff like that and you know you're getting blocked on social media it just becomes this big uh suspect you got suspect yeah exactly yes very very quickly um and then we started being very vocal about it which irritated
Starting point is 00:24:02 lots of people in our lives, saying that basic telling us that, you know, you're going to end up having to shut down. You're going to lose your your client, your bad leaders. You know, you're not taking this serious. You're going to get people sick. You're going to get people hurt. You know, I mean, none of that happened, but we just stayed the course. And we got tired of of hearing you know stay zoom was the zoom classes were bullshit we opened up our house we're like we told our our community our athletes come come here come come to our house work out at our house and they did i built a rig in our driveway and uh we had classes outside in our driveway uh bailey d-Mena, do other healthcare workers that work
Starting point is 00:24:45 with you, Kristen and Leon, think the same? I'm a nurse and I'd say it's about 50-50. Yeah, I would agree with that. In my practice, I am one of, let's see, there's five docs and four nurse practitioners. We actually were wearing masks up until about, when was that? About three months ago or so. I just stopped. I'm like, I'm not doing this anymore. This is stupid. And everybody in the office was like, what do we do?
Starting point is 00:25:14 What do we do? I'm like, I don't really care what anybody does. I'm done. Yeah. And so we had this big thing. I like that. I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And what happened? She does that a lot, by the way. She changes a lot. If she doesn't like something, it usually stops. I don't care, Leon, if you want hot sauce or not on this lasagna, I'm putting hot sauce on it. Yeah, exactly. But what happened was our whole office adopted the practice of no masks because I proved to them how ridiculous we were being. Right. But I'd say that I might be the only provider in my in my practice who feels the way I feel there. You know, they're all vaccinated. I'm not. And I don't encourage that for my patients.
Starting point is 00:25:57 In fact, my patients who ask me, like, should I get the booster? No. I mean, I got there a little late before they could all. A lot of them are already. Can you say that in this? I don't think you can say that in California. No, really? I don't think so. I don't. I think that I think a law passed in California that if you go again, if a doctor goes against what's the state. This is crazy. I can't believe I'm saying this out loud. If you go against the state guidelines that you that you can lose your uh your license i think newsom passed that i think our governor passed that which is nuts that you can't get a second opinion from a doctor anymore yeah well our state is only uh second to your state your state is far worse than ours but uh so we don't i don't think we have anything like that actually they just removed all the medical mandates for uh medical personnel so they don't think we have anything like that. Actually, they just removed all the medical mandates for medical personnel.
Starting point is 00:26:46 So they don't have to do that shit anymore. Were you working illegally, Kristen? Since you weren't vaccinated? No, I'm in a private practice. So if you have less than 100 employees, it wasn't required. And I was very clear. If that's what you require, I'm out. Like, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:27:04 And that's just how I feel. Like, if somebody has to take a stand, somebody has to do it. Right. Somebody has to say no. And I've always been the if not, if not me, who, if not now, when? Like, let's I'm done. You know, if you would have lost your job, who would have put food on the table for your kids, your two kids? We would have figured it out. Figured it out. Like, I just I know that it would have we when we first opened Lumberjack, that's all we did.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I stopped everything and we focused on Lumberjack. And we lived in those means. And I'd go back to living in those means if that's what it meant. It wasn't. I want to ask you what that means in one second. What means to me. Zachary Kadat's daily CrossFit tip. I watched the five buckets of death video and didn't buy into the bullshit yet and sent amazing yeah actually that's
Starting point is 00:27:50 one of the first things that we watch and when i watched that with greg i'm a huge you know i'm a huge classman fan from the very beginning um uh everything that went down with that was complete bullshit but that's a different story um but yeah that five buckets of death uh was like a real eye-opening experience for me and that's when death was like a real eye opening experience for me. And that's when I was like, fuck it, I'm done. Like this is he just explained it in the simplest way possible. Totally. I'm going to get us back on subject here. But I did an interview recently with one of Greg's business partners in Broken Science. And she was talking she came on the podcast and she was talking about how she's writing a book. And she recently someone wrote in the comments, hey, are you still going to write the book is it going to be a
Starting point is 00:28:27 tell-all and she said yeah and then someone in the comments goes make sure you don't just say tell the good stuff make sure you tell the bad stuff and when people and i put and i wrote back to them like what like the stuff we did with your mom and it's like dude just and it's of course it's a private account trolling and it's like hey dude just say – and of course it's a private account trolling. And it's like, hey, dude, just say what you mean. Like you're just such a pussy. Like just say what you mean. Like this seed planting of negativity and of meanness, it's just such cowardice. Jacqueline Robinson driving to work, but I cannot say how happy this convo is making me.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Way to go. Thanks, Jacqueline. Hey, Jacqueline, were we work, but I cannot say how happy this combo is making me way to go. Thanks, Jacqueline. Hey, Jacqueline, were we DMing this morning? Were you the one who was DMing with Steven Crowder and he was afraid of CrossFit? Someone was DMing me and saying Crowder was scared of CrossFit, saying it wasn't sustainable. It's like, dude, my mom does it. She's almost 80. She's been doing it for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:29:22 What are you talking about? My mom does it too. And she's 74. So it's definitely sustainable. Savon, pretending that the interview wasn't a big deal. It wasn't a big deal. There's no. That was a great interview, Savon. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:35 She was easy. She was easy. Well, I mean, I think the conversation just flowed so easily for both of you. I mean, how is it not hard? You know, Coach Glassman is an amazing human being who basically laid everything on the line for what we're all doing right now. And the way that he was treated was so fucked up that I like, I want to line up the people who like, I can't even look at some of the athletes, even to this day, the ones who like,
Starting point is 00:30:05 I'm going to mention names. Like I have a lot less respect for them as athletes and be honest with you i don't really root for them anymore i'm like kind of pieces of shit as far as i'm concerned and i'm talking the elite athletes oh yeah oh yeah yeah um when you say so i want to go back to this thing because that's the excuse a lot of people use and and I have a lot of sympathy for this excuse. I can't – I'm not going to – I can't afford to homeschool my kids. I had to get the vaccine or else I was going to lose my job. I had to say this or else clients were going to leave my gym. to leave my gym and part of me thinks like hey yeah i don't really practice what i preach because i preach to raise kids you need to keep your mouth shut most of the time but in this in the real world i'm always like just like you know spooing off i wouldn't even say my they're my opinions
Starting point is 00:30:56 they're my they're facts um but you were saying that you would figure out how to make it work and you were using the word means what did you mean by that like means like you would find the means like the money did you mean like in that super food and money or you just adjust right like hey i don't need to do this right i'll get rid of some of these subscriptions like netflix or something not that we have that stuff but you know you start getting rid of the bullshit that you don't need get rid of the excess and right the you know the spot i mean we't really, we're not like excess people to begin with. Um, you know, we live a pretty, uh, you know, simple life for the most part, you know, I get up and go to the gym, spend most of the day there. And, you know, we eat, we focus most
Starting point is 00:31:35 on our health. That's where most of our money goes, uh, quality food, stuff like that. So it wouldn't really be hard for us to be like, Hey, you know, if we're going to lose a hundred thousand dollars in salary, uh, you know, annually annually, then all right, well, we'll figure it out. Right. We're pretty resourceful when it comes to stuff like that. In fact, our one of our coaches who's also our newest partner, her name's Mairead Fogarty. She did lose her job. She was working over in Massachusetts at a rehabilitation center and she lost her job because she working over in massachusetts uh um a rehabilitation rehabilitation center and she lost her job because she wouldn't get vaccinated um yeah yeah what what state massachusetts yes yes very different i just saw a um this is totally off subject but i just saw uh in new
Starting point is 00:32:20 hampshire i'm going to play it on my live calling show, a mom who is speaking to the school board about how there's now boys changing in her 13 year old girl's locker room. And, and with two other boys, there's three boys in there and they watch the girls change and make fun of the girls. And she was asking the board if they could put an end to that. And she doesn't want to be anti transgender. And I'm like, how did all of these issues get conflated like you have boys watching your girl she was being so nice and i'm like how are you being nice no yeah no way like no one can watch your girls change by the way if someone you could if someone is doing that to your 13 year old girl first of all,
Starting point is 00:33:05 pull your daughter out of school and then get a video camera and start going and questioning the principle. Why is letting boys watch girls change? Then go to those kids, parents house and knock on the door and ask those parents why they're letting their boys watch girls change. Like just get a camera and just start addressing these people and make a YouTube station about it. And then tell me about it. And I'll have you on every week and we can get to the bottom of this. I want to have an open conversation with people
Starting point is 00:33:27 who think it's okay for boys to be harassing girls. This is fucking nuts. What has happened? I would absolutely do all of that. We live in a generation of weak men. That's what happened. of weak men that's what happened yeah it's um and the thing yeah i it's not even those 13 year old boys fault either someone someone hasn't explained to them yeah someone somewhere is telling them this is okay and i agree with you 100 if that was my daughter yeah i would be at their houses yeah you got you got you got to stand up you like where are you going to draw the line yeah i mean i have daughters like both are they, you know, but they're older and strong minded. So I don't worry as much. But yeah, I mean, we have these these things called furries. Did you hear of that? I have heard that, but I don't know what it is that where you think you're an animal.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Kids are identifying as animals, cats and's schools that are putting litter boxes in. I want to see one of those pictures of those litter boxes. Caleb, can you find a litter box in a classroom? Caleb, would you let your daughter go into the military? Let's be really sexist here for a minute. I don't think I would let my daughter go into the military. Well, not that I could stop her, but I would do my best to dissuade it. I'd probably be okay with it you would yeah like it would it'd be better if they joined the military than if they
Starting point is 00:34:52 fucking did a lot of other stuff i i hear you but you're surrounded by a bunch of dudes who um second to breathing uh want to just bone well my wife's life in general is that just a woman's life in general yeah i think so woman's life in general yeah i think so my wife works in the fire department so she's surrounded by dudes all the time yeah well if anything she's like she's way cooler because of it okay i agree fair enough yeah fair enough um uh steven flores what will the value of untainted, unvaxxed blood donations in the future for blood banks? Is that real? Or is that just us? I don't know, but we talk about that a lot. Yeah. I have a feeling that Stephen's not too far off when he, when he says that. Or even sperm, like sperm donor, like unvaxxed sperm, like that's going to be a thing.
Starting point is 00:35:40 What do you, what do you think about, um, by the way way i have lots of those on vaxperm subsidize the podcast what do you think about sharing um uh a coffee with someone who's vaccinated and and like just like you know like like my loved ones that i would like you know share a coffee with no problem yeah but now but now i'm getting a little bit of their saliva in my mouth and i'm thinking hey do i I need to do I need to be that paranoid? I mean, I'm the kind of guy who doesn't wash my hands when I leave the bathroom. I don't use ass gaskets. You know what I mean? Like, I don't. I don't I think I think that, you know, there's there is a level of being too paranoid. Right. And that's kind of goes to that stress. We if we do that, we literally might as well put ourselves in a bubble because everything is something um so i i understand how you feel like i'm like i don't
Starting point is 00:36:30 want to get dressed sometimes i'm like what's the material in this you know now you have these these microplastics and polyester like you can't do anything without being my shit off gassing yeah it's just it so you have to almost be okay. Like, you know, I have close friends and family who are vaccinated. Just there's a choice they made. I am like all of mine, by the way. Yeah, there you go. I'm open minded. That's what I say. I it's open minded care. I believe in medical freedom. That's what I believe in. So if that's what your choice is, that's fine. If you ask my opinion, I'm going to give it to you. If you come to me and say, this is what I want, this is what I'm doing, then I'll support you.
Starting point is 00:37:10 That's what I'm here for. I am probably the only provider in my area that will see kids who aren't vaccinated. Scary. Right. Right. I am. OK, so let me get why is that? Why is what what what value does that group think? And this is way off subject is running across the gym. But what value why would a doctor not want to see an unvaccinated child? That doesn't make any sense to me. They I believe that they they consider these kids. What's the word? Risk. Risk. Yeah yeah they're risk to other people in their practice they're a risk to so these people think the vaccine works yeah that it mitigates and i'm talking about i have a very large population of kids who have no vaccines whatsoever their
Starting point is 00:37:58 parents just made that choice they homeschool very lot a very large homeschool population around here and these parents had no christians are these are these religious people yes yeah very much yep and um and we have quite a few of them who are in our community at lumberjack um in the hudson version and so you know for me it's like i'll be honest with you as somebody who's watched over the years my kids are vaccinated um against the basic stuff. That's just what I did back then. If you ask me now, I wouldn't do it. But that's you know, I've learned a lot in 20 years. But just the choices these parents made. And and these kids are actually, in my opinion, again, my opinion, just from seeing there's something about them that are more they're more alert.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I don't know. As the unvaccinated kids, I don't I can't put my finger on. I have no proof. I may want to do research on it someday. I just what about less the thing that I always see in my peer group of other families and kids? And, you know, obviously just anecdotals, all the kids who are vaccinated are the ones that get earaches, sinus congestion, asthma, allergic to shit. My kids don't have any shots or nothing like that. And my kids don't have any of that. And, of course, I'm completely vaccinated to the gills
Starting point is 00:39:16 for whatever a 50-year-old man should have. Right. And you and I are – I'm 47. So when we were young getting vaccinated – You look good. You have nice skin. So when we were young getting vaccinated – I look good. You have nice skin. Thank you. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Congratulations. That's awesome. CrossFit and holistic nutrition. I wonder if Mountain Living does that too. There's a little fresher up here. That is true. Yeah. But our vaccine schedule was much different back then, Siobhan.
Starting point is 00:39:41 What the kids are getting hammered with these days is so much more than what you and I had to do. Like you probably had chicken pox. I know I did. We didn't get, you know. They took us to the persons that we did chicken pox parties. Everyone went there and got it on purpose. Correct.
Starting point is 00:39:56 So, you know, it's just different. But one of our coaches has four kids and her oldest was vaccinated just a couple of things when she was first born. And she ended up in the hospital for, I don't remember the details of it. So she decided right then and there she was not vaccinating her anymore. And then the three kids afterwards, she didn't vaccinate. And she's none of her kids had any issues.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Her oldest, once she got her through that was fine. So it was like, OK, you know, so she could see it. She actually physically saw what happened. And then one of my closest friends, who was also my nurse, her son was vaccine injured and he became, you's, he's basically a normal kid. He's 20 years old now. And she did it all through nutrition. She stopped all the vaccines. She just fed him appropriately. She, she had him exercised like with a priest, like she did everything she possibly could. Yeah. And now he he's he went from somebody who was on he couldn't communicate he didn't he just was he was super autistic and now you wouldn't even know you wouldn't even know right yeah that that's that's uh that's amazing what book whenever people ask me what book i would recommend they're like hey i got new kids um what what should i get them vaccines i always recommend them this book
Starting point is 00:41:25 called Dissolving Illusions. It's the one my wife read. Is there one you recommend for parents? No, I never did that. I was always I didn't ever recommend books. I didn't read them. I just sort of went through and lived. Whatever happened happened. I grew up in a very large family, too. I have three brothers and three sisters so for me it was just you know takes a village and we all just raised each other's kids you know i i used to think that um if you didn't yeah that's the book i used to think that if you didn't get your kids vaccinated that you were like the person who's like okay everyone else is going to stop at stop signs and so i don't need to so i'll just blow through them like there was who's like, okay, everyone else is going to stop at stop signs. And so I don't need to, so I'll just blow through them.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Like there was kind of like a holier than thou. But then as I started looking at the numbers and like, for instance, polio, for example, if you look at the numbers of polio going away versus the release of the vaccine, polio was almost completely gone before the vaccine was even launched. And it was a sanitation issue. And the same with measles. Me measles is a really weird one but the fact that so many kids get the vaccine and then they still get measles is bizarre to me and the fact that so few kids died and then people will respond with what if those you say there's so few kids who died what if it would have been one of your kids but what i'm saying is that the numbers are so low
Starting point is 00:42:42 that you have to start wondering if it was even measles i mean well and also you got to think like you have uh the flu vaccine it's been around since the 70s and most years it's only like 13 effective right yeah it's like the only time i've ever gotten the flu i've only had the flu once in my life and it was the year i got the vaccine i just happened to be in the doctor for something and they gave me the shot and i got so sick yeah so it's like i mean come on yeah oh 100 and i'm not by the way i'm not even suggesting that the flu vaccine compromised me or gave it to me i'm just stating the facts like this is like and i thought and the flu is bad for anyone who's never had it like i i was tapping i was i didn't that night i couldn't even make it to bed i slept on the floor my wife threw the blankets on me i had my teeth were i thought i was gonna chip all the teeth out of my mouth i was i thought i
Starting point is 00:43:32 was dead yeah yeah it's horrible flu is almost like i've had flu and i've had covid and for me the flu was much worse oh yeah much much they're not even kind of the same sickness, right? I think when I had COVID, I mean, I never tested positive for COVID, but everyone around me had it. So I assumed I had it. It's weird. It's a weird one. Like the brain, like I went to go drive and I'm like, I've never been so sick where I thought I shouldn't be driving. I'm like, something's not right with me.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I probably shouldn't be driving my kids in the car. Like my brain wasn't right. It definitely has a brain fog component to it. 100%. And it lasts. That brain fog lasts for, it takes a while to come out of it. Yeah, when I had it,
Starting point is 00:44:11 I didn't really get sick. I had the chills for like a hot second and then the rest of it was just fatigue and brain fog. Yeah, that's the way mine was. Mine was just, I was just, I was an idiot for a little bit. I lost my taste too, my smell, my taste.
Starting point is 00:44:26 But that's it. I usually tell people like some colloidal silver or there's this stuff called zeolite. It's really just a heavy metal detox. But it can usually help kind of clear that out of your body because COVID itself very similar is a spike protein. So, you know, it gets in there, hangs on and you need to sort of find a way to get it out. These heavy metal detox help with that. Did you guys exercise through COVID? Yes. Yep. Still sweat every day. Absolutely. Yep. Yeah. Me too. Almost. I do that for almost every sickness. I couldn't do it during the flu. A couple of days of the flu. I just could, I just couldn't. I would just walk like, even for me, I just take a walk to the end of my driveway and back,
Starting point is 00:45:04 just something, the fresh air, the movement. I always tell people, just go outside. I tell the patients that all the time they look at me like I'm crazy. I'm like, just go outside, go for a walk, walk around your house 20 times. I don't care. You're going to feel better if you do that. Fresh air is that's the other thing. Fresh air is a disinfectant. And we're telling people to put a mask on outside. Are you kidding me? Stay home. Yeah, that's a huge that's a huge. You know, it even says on the CDC website that I mean, this is a complete misunderstanding. And I think a lot of people have they think the cold is somehow tied to the winter. Yeah, but but it's not tied to the winter. The reason why the cold spreads so wildly in the winter is because it's cold outside and people spend time inside where viruses spread. If we spent that time inside during the summer, the cold would spread in the summer, too. It has nothing to do with winter. No. You know what it has to do with?
Starting point is 00:45:53 Monkeys. Low vitamin D. Low vitamin D is huge. And especially here in the Northeast. And I tell my patients, I'm like, this is not. Yes. Yes. Trish.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Sorry. Excuse me. Yes. Come back to that. Go finish that thought. I'll leave this up. Finish your thought about vitamin Trish. Sorry. Excuse me. Yes. Come back to that. Go finish that thought. I'll leave this up. Finish your thought about vitamin D and then we'll come back. So here in the Northeast, I tell my patients from like May to October, if you stand outside for 10 minutes a day, no sunblock, very anti sunblock. Um, your body will synthesize anywhere from 10,000, 25,000 units of vitamin D. But from this time of year,
Starting point is 00:46:26 October to May here in the Northeast, you can stand outside naked all day long. Nothing is happening. Nothing. You have got to supplement with vitamin D 10,000 units every day, as much as you possibly can remember. Especially if you're dark skinned, if you're melanated. Yes. And I tell you, quadruple down on the sun. Correct. The more melanin you have, the longer you have to be outside. Again, no sunblock. And I test all my patients for their vitamin D levels. And the amount of deficient people was astounding when I first got into practice. And I've corrected most of them. And every one of them tells me how much better they feel with their vitamin. That's something they weren't even thinking about. And now, I don't know, 500 people don't have a vitamin D deficiency anymore.
Starting point is 00:47:11 That's a huge thing. It's not just about, you know, not getting sick or your immune system. It's mental health too, big time. What do you think about, my wife just showed me this, taking vitamin C that's, I think, from ascorbic acid versus vitamin C that comes from plants so like my wife doesn't all of a sudden we switched our any like vitamins we have in the house that they only are vitamins now I guess they come from whole plants I don't know how they do that but yeah it's with that yeah I agree completely instead of
Starting point is 00:47:43 synthesizing the vitamins. 100%. I tell I always tell my patients, I'm like, look, I can prescribe it for you. And you can go to the pharmacy and pick up the chemical version of what they have. Or you can go over to the health food store and get the better version. And I show them the better versions. Most opt to go get the better version. Some can't afford it. And they have to, so you have to meet people where they are. Um, but I agree 100% with your wife. In fact, we had a like bad colds back in December and we were doing shots of, um, lemon and lime as our vitamin C intake, like just literal shots of just doing that instead of taking synthetic vitamin C. Uh, Caleb, you can come back and feel free to chime in i just thought i would make us bigger um uh trish should someone um heavy metal detox after covid vax yes what does that even mean
Starting point is 00:48:33 how would you do that ib therapy the best yeah the best way is ib therapy um they have uh detox ib therapy teach um heavy metal detox it expensive. I think it's somewhere around $3,000 for the whole series, but it's worth it. I recommend it. You really do think it's worth it, huh? That's quite the statement for $300,000. Yep, it is. That's what they charge. So part of what I want to do when I open my practice is I'm going to do what I call, like I said, open-minded care.
Starting point is 00:49:03 So a lot of functional medicine meets conventional medicine because there's a lot of people out there that need help and they can't afford it, but they have insurance. So I'm going to find a way to get them healthier and have insurance cover it. But IV therapies, you know, they don't, it doesn't need to cost $200 for an IV therapy. It can be much more affordable for people to the point where I would even be willing to do sliding scale for some people. There's just so many ways out there for people to feel better. Testosterone. We could do a whole. You do do a whole shows on it.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Low testosterone is making men sick and literally sick men coming in feeling like garbage. They can't, I can't sleep. I have no energy. I like they're losing the, no libido. They're, they're damn near divorced because they're just, they don't feel like men anymore. Why? Because some asshole decided that 300 was an acceptable level of testosterone. And so if you go get checked and your testosterone is at a 300, you can't get treated. Your insurance won't pay for it. The hell is that? So much, very much what California Hormones is doing. I'm going to offer that in my practice. I'm going to offer TRT because there's a lot and not just, I mean, yeah, there'll be people doing it for performance and that's their choice um but there are people totally their choice by the way I have
Starting point is 00:50:29 no issue with that yeah me either it's like you know it it's your life it's your body I can help you get just sweat and detox that's like the hippie in me can't I just like can I just exercise for an hour every day it doesn't isn't. Like I always just feel like sweating is just changing my fluids. Yeah. I mean, you can detox to a certain extent, like you're going to detox your daily detox, but some stuff is just stuck in there so badly that you need something more. Now, IV therapy is one way, but like I had said, colloidal silver is just oral and I, you know, you can investigate that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:51:03 But it's a, it's a way to kind of clean your body out. There's a lot of different things out there. I don't know if maybe, there you go. And it's really a really great way to boost your immune system and get a lot of crap. That's actually the, I think my wife, I think we have that. I think my wife does that. I feel like your wife probably does do that just from it's. And so, you know, there's, there's a lot of different ways and not everybody is the same, you know?
Starting point is 00:51:30 So I like to kind of talk to people, get their stories. Some people, you know, they don't need that. Some people are, have parasites, you know, there's, there's, that's a whole lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually, you know, it's crazy. That's a whole lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually, you know what's crazy? My wife just went and my wife had some parasites like recently.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Not like worms or anything, but she went to some holistic doctor and he gave her a test. And it was something that was like, God, I wish I could remember. She's going to kill me for bringing it up without knowing exactly what. It's not like she had like a seven foot worm in her intestine or anything, but she had something. It's about there's 20,000 different types of parasites that you could get. Yeah. Like my kids, my kids are three of those. Well, conventional medicine only tests for like 400 or something. So like, that's the craziness of it all. So people will come in,
Starting point is 00:52:16 they'll have all of these crazy symptoms. They'll, you know, we'll do regular basic blood work. They'll go to GI. GI will say, Oh, it's just this. Oh, it's just that they get prescribed the PPI, which is the worst possible thing you can do. And majority of the time, these people have some sort of parasite. Wait, wait, wait. PPI, that's a kind of insurance? No, PPI is a, it's a proton pump inhibitor that is prescribed for people who have GERD or acid reflux or anything like that. And these drugs destroy your gut, your microbiome completely. But they are given out like candy in the conventional medicine world. I do not prescribe them.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I prescribe my immediate reaction to my patients is let's get on a probiotic. And quite honestly, the best probiotic in the world is sauerkraut. One spoonful of sauerkraut daily. I love sauerkraut. And that's what people say. Oh, I love sauerkraut. I said, then go buy yourself a nice jar of organic sauerkraut and keep it in your fridge and do a spoonful of that every day. Why not just a pickle? I don't think it's fermented enough. It's fermented food. It's similar to kombucha. I always just
Starting point is 00:53:32 think of sauerkraut as the stuff that comes in that glass jar and it's white and it looks like worms and you throw it on your hot dog. That shit's awesome. I always have that in my fridge. It goes on anything, actually. It's really underused. It should be just tossed on everything.
Starting point is 00:53:47 It should. And your, and your gut will thank you as well, but it just tastes like pickles that have been graded like cheese to me. Fantastic. Yeah. It's fantastic. Um,
Starting point is 00:53:56 there's a spicier version of it called kimchi. That's another thing that you could do. And I, like I said, kombucha, um, tempeh it's tempeh is so, yeah, see, it's the, thank you, do. And I like I said, kombucha, tempeh, it's tempeh is so yeah, see, it's the thank you, Mike. Tempeh is a soy and it's the only soy you should eat. Soy is horrible for you. But
Starting point is 00:54:11 if it's fermented, then you can have it and that would be the tempeh. And those are the those are the fermented foods that I recommend to my patients. They're the ones who are just get tired of taking a pill or something like that. Like, there's Whole Foods versions of everything if you want to do that. But you have to you have to focus in. You know, everything's best if it comes from food. But it's almost impossible to get everything from food. So we got to do what we got to do. How did you two meet?
Starting point is 00:54:37 CrossFit. In an affiliate? Yep. Yep. And who approached who? What was the courtship process like i uh you approached her yeah kind of we were we were friends and stuff like that and then uh she went through you know she was with somebody see her significant other they ended up splitting
Starting point is 00:54:58 i was with a significant other we ended up splitting and uh just went together came together pretty did you know even before you guys split up that like that there were uh sparks there uh i i mean there was definitely a mutual like hey i dig you you dig me cool you know what i mean and like uh we were both in relationships that were not great to begin with um uh definitely had some issues inside of it and just like glassman said right you're either gonna get a new job love your job or get a new one right you're gonna love your uh significant other better or you're gonna find a better one right um so we just found better versions of what we were looking for so my my wife uh was with a uh another guy and i was with
Starting point is 00:55:41 the girl and i but i didn't care i was trying to hook up with her and she was with the girl and I, but I didn't care. I was trying to hook up with her. And she was like, I'll never hook up with you as long as I have a boyfriend. And so I courted her for five, five years. And then literally she, she told me, um, one day she's like, Hey, I broke up with my boyfriend. And I, I literally just walked like 60 feet from where I was. And my girlfriend was there and I broke up with my boyfriend and I literally just walked like 60 feet from where I was. And my girlfriend was there and I broke up with her. Nice. Yeah. It was kind of, that's kind of savage.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Right. And I remember my girlfriend, I was, I was, I was like old. I was like 23 or 24. My girlfriend was this like hot 19 year old blonde chick. And I broke up with her and she's like, you're, you're breaking up with me. Yeah. And I was looking at her, I'm like, yeah, it's kind of fucked up. Yeah. That's how it's going to go though. But yes, I am. Get the fuck out of here. Yeah. I think for us, we just, we, we sparked immediately as friends. We just
Starting point is 00:56:41 got along very well. Um, and we were friends for like a few years and then um i was that's important you think that's important i i think it was so the five-year courtship was huge i mean it sucked but holy shit it was a game changer well we weren't really courting each other it's just enjoying each other's company right like yeah yeah well my wife wasn't courting me either yeah i was trying to pretend to enjoy it. Yeah, definitely. I think it helped. You got to know each other a little bit better. And honestly, I mean, I'm 13 years older than him, right?
Starting point is 00:57:11 Oh, shit. Yeah. So, you know, for me, it was always just like, you know, he was my coach and my friend. And like, I didn't think anything of it. Wouldn't have even dreamed in my skull that he would have been attracted to me. You know, it just didn't even dawn on me honestly um and then you know my my ex-husband and i split up and you know we went on a date yep a few and that was it hey if i weren't you like when you sorry sorry leon you could use the bathroom or something if you want. Weren't you like after you and your husband broke up like, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:57:48 I'm going to be a monk. Like the thought – if I sometimes will fantasize that like my wife died or leaves me and I'm like I'm never fucking – like that version of me, the thought of starting a new relationship makes me want to fucking vomit. How did you do that? She says that now about us like if i ever leave you like i'm gonna fucking be by myself yeah i'd be a fucking monk right if my wife left me i would i didn't feel that way um i guess it seems exhausting right just like what really i have to work my way of shitting with the door open with someone else again no fucking way it's so funny that you say that because i felt like we
Starting point is 00:58:26 got very comfortable with each other very quickly and it might have been because we just we were comfortable with each other in general because it did not take long for all of that little stuff to just be okay yeah our relationship was uh tried and true very very quickly very very quick people didn't like us together yeah it was definitely a tough like, we if we could make it through the first, you know, year or two of it, we were basically like, hey, we can make it through anything now. So lost a lot of friends lost a lot of people. So no shit. There were people that really that adamant against it against Oh, heck yeah. Oh, yeah. Yep. Yep. Absolutely. Yep. The age difference for one, you know, they people blamed him for why my husband and I split up. People blame me for why him and his significant other split up. Whatever. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:59:13 Like, you know, everybody's got a viewpoint, right? Like, you know, from the outside looking in, it looks like this. But, you know, when you actually dig a little bit deeper, it's like either one of us were happy. You know what I mean? Neither one of us were thrilled in our other relationships. And I'll be honest with you. As soon as she walked in the door at the gym that I was coaching at, I was immediately attracted to her. She has amazing eyes and stuff like that. And I was like, oh, shit, what's this? And she came in with her yoga pants with the bell-bottom yoga pants and a bandana on her head.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I'm like, oh, you don't know what the hell you're getting yourself into here. This is going to be fun. So, and it was just like the humor and like the, like the easiness of how we can communicate to one another was, was pretty good. Right. So when you have that immediate reaction, it's like almost like that love at first sight thing, but you know, we were both with somebody else and it just developed more and more as we kind of went through this. And, yeah, it's very easy to transition for us. But the rest of the world didn't transition very well with us.
Starting point is 01:00:13 How long have you guys been together? Going on seven years. Are you married? No, no, no. You think you will get married? Yeah, probably eventually. you think you will get married yeah probably eventually yep my wife and i didn't get married either for for till we had she was pregnant with our twins okay and then and then i was kind of i started getting concerned that if one of us died that it would get complicated for the other one but then once i got married have you ever been married um uh leon no nope but but you have kristin right you were married yeah then i got married to my wife and we did it in the courthouse but i kind of i really like being married now like i didn't think i would like it i thought it was just like bullshit government stuff but i
Starting point is 01:00:54 really like uh having a wife that's exactly how she feels about it yeah so i did it already right and i and now i don't want to like it's not like I had a horrible marriage. I didn't. It just towards the end, we just grew apart and we had different interests and what have you. And then my divorce was not good. I had a horrible. Yeah. That sounds horrible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:13 And so it was for me, it's just like, oh, um, and then it became, it was so complicated and I'm like, why does love have to be so complicated falling in and out of it? And then again, the government has to be involved and then you have to pay lawyers complicated falling in and out of it? And then again, the government has to be involved and then you have to pay lawyers. Yeah. Just like, yeah. Why?
Starting point is 01:01:31 I think if my wife divorced me, I would just run away. I would, I would like just leave everything I own and just fucking get on a plane and fly to a different country and start over. I would never want to fight with, but never want to fight with over that shit. Cause it would kill me.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Not that I don't want, I love money and I would want all the shit, but I'd die. No. Yes. Agreed. Agreed. I'm the same way. Lululemon breaks marriages. When my wife and I bought our first house, we weren't married, and I just kept everything in her – we kept everything in her name.
Starting point is 01:02:03 She did all the adult stuff. And then we bought our second house, same thing. And people thought I was fucking crazy. I'm like, look, dude, I hear you. But like if she leaves me or something, fuck it. I'll start. Then you have no responsibility. Yeah, I'm running. It's fresh.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Yeah. Yeah, I agree. How do you guys know how to run your gym? Like the business side of it? Interestingly enough, I have a few master's degrees. Prior to becoming a nurse practitioner, I was administrative healthcare, but master's in health administration. But I mean, running a business is running a business. I ran seven very large departments in a hospital for a very long time. So I know how to run a business is running a business. I ran seven very large departments in a hospital for a
Starting point is 01:02:45 very long time. So I know how to run a business and running the business of healthcare is quite complicated. So running an affiliate is just a way dialed down version of that. And it's different, but the same, I guess is what I'm, what I'm getting at. So just my experience coupled with our experience together and relying on other people, asking questions, great friends who we had great friends who are lawyers, great friends with business savvy, and they helped us. They wanted to see us succeed. Do you guys have that? Do you do all that, Kristen? Do you do all the, is there one of you that does all the paperwork, like the negotiations with the landlord and pays all the bills and like, so that was mostly me, but now we've built this team. So on top of us, we have Maraid and then we have, um,
Starting point is 01:03:46 now we have one of our other members. Her name is Rachel and she's sort of our CFO. Um, she's an accountant. She handles all of that. Now she pays the bills. She, because of having two locations, she monitors everything and we sort of let her have that. What about building a gym and then selling it? Do, do either, um, Leon or Christian, do either of you guys ever think about that? Cause part of me, like, um, we had Chris Cooper on the other day and he kind of mentioned that. And part of that kind of gutted me a little bit when I heard that, like, I felt like, Oh shit, build a community and then sell it. But on the other hand, I'm like, I don't know, maybe, maybe sell it to a member, build it and then sell a turnkey gym to a member. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:04:28 So the thought process with that is, like I said earlier, how we're creating opportunity for coaches and stuff like that. So if we were to ever do it, we have the GM, the general manager of each gym. And I've had these discussions with them. Like basically this would become yours, right? Like this is your opportunity to now have this business. And I'm just going to, you know, step away or we are going to step away and this would be yours. Now that's not the goal, but that is the, you know, the escape plan if you ever needed it, right? Like, Hey, we built this,
Starting point is 01:05:02 you know it, it's your business. You're the one that's in it. Like the woman that we were talking about earlier, Maraid, who runs the Sheffield location, like that's her gym. That's not my gym. Like, yeah, technically it's my name's on it, our name's on it. But at the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:05:16 she's the one that puts in the hours. She's the one that has the one-on-one interactions with the members. I even tell the members like, don't talk to me unless you absolutely need to talk to me, right? Like Maraid is the person that you should be talking to because this is her gym we have another gentleman that just came on board the coach that Kristen was talking about earlier who he's looking for growth opportunity that was one of the reasons why he came to us because he kind of hit the ceiling at the gym that he was at and I am all about opening up more gyms, right? I want to have four, five, six, seven, eight,
Starting point is 01:05:45 keep going, right? And the opportunity for him is that, hey, when we get this going a little bit more, we're going to find a location that you want to be in and then we're going to open up a gym there and that's going to be your gym. It's very Jason Kalipa-esque, right? Like you open up a gym to support a coach, not because you want to open up another gym, right?
Starting point is 01:06:03 So that's the whole thought process behind that, like, open up these things, create an empire. And then it's still a lumberjack athletics, right? It's it never changes. It just becomes theirs and no longer ours. And I think the other thing is, there's a lot of people out there that they want to open an affiliate, they want to do it, they just don't know how they don't know where to begin. So we do, we've done it twice, it's kind of like, we could almost do it for them. But this will do it for ourselves. Put you in charge. Now you have a gym, but you know, we'll keep you in the loop. You'll know how to do it. But we're still here as sort of like, you know, your support system, if you will. if you will. It's amazing how much people don't realize the value of that too, by the way. I know you guys are speaking about it being pretty humbly. People shouldn't forget that what you've done. So when people use your experience, Kristen and Leon's experience, they aren't just like using your time.
Starting point is 01:07:07 They're leveraging your five years of previous experience. And I was talking to my kid skateboarding coach the other day. He charges $100 an hour, one of them. And people don't realize like you're not buying that hundred. You're not buying that hour. No, no. What you're what you're buying is that 20 years of skateboarding experience brought to that one hour it's like um someone the other day said hey were you gonna pay
Starting point is 01:07:31 this person to come on your podcast and i was like are you fucking kidding me i have fucking 20 years of interview fucking experience and 15 years of crossfit relationships that i'm leveraging to bring to every show and you know you fucking pay me to be on my show i was like i'm all for supporting people though don't get me wrong like if someone wants to come on here and like like what taylor self did right he come i don't know if you guys watch those shows but i do this show with okay and um he's like hey um uh can i make a commercial to promote my smtp training i was like, dude, I fucking love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:07 I'll run that all day for you for free. Yeah. Like I'm all for supporting people, but don't charge me to come on here and talk about game shit. Like, fuck. No. Yeah. I mean, I won't do game shows then.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Quite honestly, I feel like people should pay you to be on your show. Good. Thank you. Me too. Like 100%. And it's funny too like you know caleb oh caleb we're even oh caleb i hope we become rich and i can and i can pay you
Starting point is 01:08:36 god you're so awesome uh trish leon is a name oh go ahead say this and then we'll get to leon being a black man no i said i didn't even dream of being that we would get on the show like when i reached out to matt i'm like i'm just gonna take my chances here and see if we can get on there and sure as shit he got back to me and i was like well this was like so awesome i wonder how that worked too because i kind of have a policy that the people anyone who wants to be on is usually like a fuck up. I mean, this is not a fuck up, but I'm like, well, Hey dude, if anyone wants to be on just those are the people we don't want.
Starting point is 01:09:10 How did that work out? What did you say to them? Well, there was a, what's his name from the, um, make wads great again guy was talking about, um, Oh, the John Woolley guy, the bald guy. Yeah. Talking about huge fan of the show. Huge fan of the show. Yeah. Well, that's what, that's what I think that's what piqued Matt's interest because he had posted something about, um, opening an, uh, a doctor being in an affiliate or his affiliate that he just bought or something.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And I sent that to Matt and I was like, you know, if this fucking guy can talk about it like let let us on the show because i'm about to do the same thing in a gym that doesn't cater to that kind of nonsense you know what i mean like okay right oh so this was a long time ago yeah we've been talking for probably towards the end of december not too bad but i didn't assume it was going to be like tomorrow like you're busy every two, you're doing a podcast. I am. Although yesterday, I missed one. Broke my heart.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Leon is the name for a 6'5 black man who sells barbecue in the American South. And yet, here I am. Yeah. A lot of high school parents used to be like, who's Leon? What's he doing? Why do we know this guy? Yeah. Get that one. Really? Is Leon a black guy's name typically typically yeah if you look it up like are either your parents black nope no nope my father is irish and native american and my mother
Starting point is 01:10:37 is portuguese and native american wow did caleb will you google le Leon and hit images and see if black dudes pop up? Leon Sphinx. I remember him. He was awesome. He was awesome. That's the only Leon I can think of today. Captain of the basketball team. Jeez, Trish, you're full of it today. He is. I promise you I'm not the captain of a basketball team. There we go. Okay, so.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Leon the Lion. We're about 50-50. Yeah. It's a French name french name too it's a very french oh leon oh isn't the guy fighting uh isn't the champ uh in the in the welterweight division the ufc isn't that that's leon um or is that his last name what's his first name i don't know but it's something leon yeah le Leon Edwards. Oh, okay. It's funny because Edwards is, uh, Edward is my middle name. There you go. What a trip. So, so you're running these, you're running these two gyms and this, um,
Starting point is 01:11:36 this other gym, um, how long before it breaks? Um, how long before it breaks even, is it stressing you guys out? Open a second gym? how long before it breaks even? Is it stressing you guys out? Open a second gym? No, we did it. So the second gym took a lot longer to get going than we anticipated. We actually started this journey about a year ago and it was just kind of being, you know, again, through COVID, nothing was getting done that should have been getting done. We had a location that was going to go through and then we couldn't get plumbers to come in because there was just all this backup because people were just finally getting back into the world.
Starting point is 01:12:08 So we couldn't get people to put a bathroom in the spot. So eventually we went to a spot that was being completely built. So it was brand new, didn't exist, and now it does. So that took some time too. But while we were doing that, we were collecting first month memberships. So you pay your first month and now, and that'll help us get the business going. Um, so a lot of people took care of that. I think we had like 30 plus people that did that. And then, um, as soon as we opened up, we, again, they had a community of 120 people. Uh, so they were all ready to rock and roll. Now, is it picking up the way that we would like?
Starting point is 01:12:46 It could be a little bit better. But again, we're only a month and a half in. And I think that we have probably like 30 to 40 members already somewhere in there. So it's a weird thing, right? Because everyone's first CrossFit gym is their best, right? It's like the first time you do coke. Like, like, like it's, it's uh it's never better than that and obviously but then once you're around long enough you realize um it can be better but a lot of those people i bet you um it's a nostalgic you're kind of stepping in it's a nostalgic thing for people
Starting point is 01:13:17 and it's very personal so and we do things differently than their old community right so like our community isn't exactly like the one that they came from right we do things differently than their old community. Right. So like our community isn't exactly like the one that they came from. Right. We do things differently. I'm a very different guy compared to the original owner that the gym was over there. So is the current GM over there. She's, but she's from that community originally. So that's cool. They kind of have a familiarity with that. So yeah, I would assume that there's a little bit of a, like, well,
Starting point is 01:13:44 this isn't like home, but it's like when you move houses, right? Like, oh, this isn't home, but it is home now. So you just got to get used to it, right? So I think there's that adjustment period where people are like trying to figure it out, but I've gotten nothing. Every time I walk over there and hear from these people, everyone's like, we're so grateful that you did this. Thank you very much. It was worth the wait. We're very happy we love the programming you know i got a message the other day from one of my athletes like i can see the methods i do all the programming um i have my own competitive program uh similar to taylor self um what's it called jack nation training systems good name yeah thanks um so like i bring that into the community so all of our uh
Starting point is 01:14:27 coaches follow that because most of our coaches are competitive athletes um raid and uh this coach nolan is gonna be going for a team uh in semifinals so they all uh hey there's hannah right there hey there we go that's that's one of our girls uh um so they are um everybody gets to kind of have a taste of that competitive programming and like they really enjoy it right because like our coaches can jump jump in and do it with them right so it's it's just cool uh how welcoming and cool and adaptable these people are being to something that's new so um that was uh uh that's your coach right hannah oh that's just one of our athletes eternally grateful to lumberjack for coming to town sorry say that again she was a big part of the gym getting open uh she came in uh when we were building the space out like when we were
Starting point is 01:15:16 finally able to get in there and she would help us like clean up do things like she was very much involved with it uh and yeah solid solid human being. I want to ask you about, um, home, uh, homeschooling classes in one second. Um, but first let's talk about this. I just rewatched Hiller doing 500 burpees, still better than Craig Ritchie. Did you, uh, Andrew Hiller yesterday, I just turned on my phone and YouTube, he was live on YouTube and he did 500 burpees in 38 minutes and 14 seconds live, uh, weighing over 200 pounds i'm kind of like blown away by that should i be that's fast right that's insane right so back in the day miko
Starting point is 01:15:54 salo did a thousand burpees in like under an hour no shit yeah he was fucked up for like a week but yeah i remember i think interviewing him afterwards and he said that's bad programming i go you would never do it again he goes i wouldn't do it again i wouldn't recommend it so i thought yesterday about doing 500 i don't even know if i could do 550 minutes and i love burpees but 38 14 is nuts right uh it's moving yeah it's definitely moving yeah i mean he's big he's he's 20 pounds bigger than miko right i would assume i think miko at his heaviest was like a 175 or to 180 so he's got so maybe 30 pounds even bigger yeah maybe yeah and i mean let's be real miko is a freaking savage too right right that would like wrestle a bear and go run through the woods and like right in the morning after jumping in a fucking frozen pond so i mean yeah he's that's a gnarly dude to compare somebody to don't tell her that i won't but i just keep
Starting point is 01:16:50 thinking about it i've told like 10 people i could be wrong with that number too i'm pretty sure it was under an hour though that he did it yeah i i believe i'm sure it was fast i just can't believe hillar did it in 38 14 it's nuts i got why does hillar train like that like does he no yeah he doesn't but and he's but he's crazy he's kind of he's got the he's got the switch right like one time on the show he we were just live and he said hey you want to see me do 100 burpees on or 100 pull-ups unbroken and i can't remember what he got or no he's all you want to see me do no you want to see me do pull-ups for 90 seconds and not come off the bar yeah i'm like shut the fuck up he's like i'll do it basically and he went and did it and i forget he got to like 69 and like his hand ripped off or something you know what i mean it
Starting point is 01:17:34 was like and he had to and he got down just for a little bit and then got back on but it was like dude you ripped your hand off or another time He just did heavy grace cold in the middle of that. That was, it's just something's wrong with the guy. He's highly entertaining. Yes. Highly entertaining. Well, he's also, so I know, uh, I knew of Hiller before he was Hiller. Uh, I was, uh, the same time that he was a competitive athlete in CrossFit. So was I.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Um, so I've always heard about him through the regionals and stuff like that and he was no joke he's he's he's a he's a fit dude you know uh i've seen him do like a hundred although he had his ass handed to him at the gauntlet he fucking he he fell apart at water palooza yeah like they were like yeah i mean again does the guy even train though like i don't think he really trains much anymore does i know his elbows jacked up, stuff like that. He has like just three minutes of good loving in him and he's done. I thought that I was actually thinking that I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 01:18:34 this guy's just a fucking, you know, just a football player, just a linebacker or a running back kind of explosiveness. But, but that burpee thing is, is like having me have to rethink him. It's mental fortitude, right? Yeah. I it's and you know we're built to suffer and if you tap into that you can do anything right that's kind of what uh humans are made for um so if you just said it was one i haven't seen yet he said it's one steady pace and he and it's always jump forward he doesn't even step forward oh good for him look at this are you kidding me juliet shoot i've done 537 minutes but i'm small it doesn't yeah but it's crazy yeah still if you
Starting point is 01:19:13 have an engine and like she just said if you're a small person with an engine you probably could do that pretty pretty well there it is right there oh hour 22 all right still not still yeah it's still ridiculous. I'm not doing them anytime. I love burpees, but I'm not going to do 500 or 1,000 of them just to do it. I just don't feel like I need to do that. I think I would probably hurt myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:37 You're definitely going to be feeling it. Yeah, yeah. The rhabdo is real with that, I'm sure. I mean, I do 100 probably at minimum one time a week, minimum. But I'm good at 100. I'm like a sweaty mess. I'm I'm feel great. 200 occasionally I'll do never over 200. What say again? Bar facing burpees are better. I just find them more fun. I don't know why. Probably you probably like the discipline of them. You think that's it? He used to make us warm up with that. Yeah yeah i used to do like 40 bar facing burpees for time 50 for time yeah time you know just i mean you're going to be warm right
Starting point is 01:20:11 everything for sure everything's warm at that point so we had this affiliate owner on the other day javier jaime and he uses his gym. He was doing a, like his wife was doing a bootcamp in the garage and his kids were training CrossFit for football in the garage. And then he was training his garage. He was like, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I'm going to open a gym. Like I have people in my gym, my garage three times a day. And he, and I think he belongs to a large homeschooling community. Oh, Christian dude. And so it sounds like every morning at nine or 10 AM,
Starting point is 01:20:46 he's got this thing going in his gym where it's like basically PE class for homeschooled kids. That's awesome. And I was thinking like, God, why doesn't every, um, CrossFit gym utilize their midday? Like, it seems just like a great opportunity and people will pay a lot of money for their kids to do that stuff. So we actually have a kid who, uh, she is a senior in high school and, uh, she'll come in and she actually does her gym class in our gym. Like it counts as her gym class. So she'll come in in the morning. I think it's actually the only thing that she has going on that day, uh, for that day. So she'll come in in the morning, she'll do and it counts as uh her going to the gym or going to the school for p there there's this um i i'm just talking completely talking out of my ass right now but there's this basically my kids are homeschooled
Starting point is 01:21:35 and we do it through some public program and so our kids get money from the state for doing it right and then basically what you have to do is you have to let someone from the state come and snoop around in your shit like every 20 days right but but but but the person we got's really cool but that money that they give you can only be used with certain vendors which is cool but there's two million more homeschool kids this year than in the united states than there were two years ago oh yeah and will grow keep going too and especially now that they just put the covid vaccine on the the schedule now i'm sure you're gonna see that a lot right and so i'm thinking if you think about that that's uh it just for easy math if there's two million more homeschooled kids and um if each of them were to use that money that they get allocated
Starting point is 01:22:22 from the state uh to get a uh CrossFit membership to do their PE class, those CrossFit gyms would have to get like confirmed or validated, but I don't think it's a hard process. That's 2 million. That's 20 million. That's 200 million more dollars. It could theoretically, I know it's a pie in the sky, be pumped into the CrossFit affiliate ecosystem. That's actually a brilliant idea. It's actually a great idea. Yeah, it's a really cool idea. And the coach that I was telling you about,
Starting point is 01:22:48 her kids are homeschooled. That would actually be something really great for her. And like I said, we have that population in our community. Didn't even think about that. Like, hey, bring your kid here. And I don't know, for parents, a lot of parents who work, dropping your kid off somewhere for an hour doesn't necessarily work. So maybe, you know, because it's too short, you can't do anything.
Starting point is 01:23:12 So maybe it's too, maybe for some reason this is two hours. We had tried this a few, we tried this pre-COVID, so maybe it's different. We wanted to do something like a CrossFit daycare type of situation. You know, we that that open time and like parents drop them off we'll you know they'll work out we'll teach them about nutrition they'll have lunch with us type of thing so it'd be like cooking and crossfit would be awesome and by cooking i mean just fucking cutting up some some apples yeah just showing them yeah quality what what is quality food? You know,
Starting point is 01:23:45 and he was doing a CrossFit teens class for a while. Um, and that's what he would do with them. Like every day they do the, uh, you know, the sickness, wellness, fitness continuum. He would teach them stuff like that. Um, they'd go home, they'd have homework they'd have to do and they'd brought it back and we'd get them gift cards to like things around things that they would like um visa gift cards stuff like that they weigh your weigh your food dude you could do a whole half hour just on weighing apples bananas steak just whatever and just show them grams protein carbs max well you'd be surprised how much kids really don't know right i started off yeah i wouldn't have known any of that yeah i started I started super basic with them. I was like, hey, guys, you know, what's a healthy fat?
Starting point is 01:24:26 And they were just like, steak. I'm like, well, yeah, sure. But that's not, you know, avocado, nuts, seeds, you know, like what are bad things? You know, vegetable oil, stuff like that. And they had no idea. They had no freaking clue. They didn't realize, you know, I took I would bring some stuff in and I would show them how much sugar is in stuff. And they were just like, oh, we didn't we had no idea.
Starting point is 01:24:43 It was like in everything, you know. and I would show them how much sugar is in stuff. And they were just like, oh, we didn't, we had no idea. It was like in everything, you know? And then it was actually funny because parents were like, hey man, you know, you're kind of killing me with this grocery list now. All of a sudden, like my kid's checking everything and like making sure like it doesn't have this in it
Starting point is 01:24:55 and that in it and all that stuff. And yeah, they learned a lot, but it's just so sad that like you go through 12 years of school and you don't know that. Like, how is that right that's terrible um and that just goes back to the glassman and like if we just took a fraction of what he teaches us and brought that into like some type of educational platform we wouldn't have half the shit that we have going on with kids right the mental disorders the the obesity the you know
Starting point is 01:25:20 just all the stuff that we have going on that it's like so easily so right like the journal right journal, right. It's such a bad thing that the journal was taken away from us because there's just so much information that, that like you already have these educators that this, this is their job, right. Teach them, give them this information. Yeah. Give them this information so they can, so they can fix the problems, but that's, you know, there's no money in that. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Like there's just, there's nothing for that. Trish, I was hoping crossfit had the lobbyists to keep the gyms open during the pandemic pandemic that didn't happen i doubt they have the people to take on the education system here's the thing now you just there's so many homeschooled kids you can just start there there's so many and um what the problem was is is that eric Eric Rosa was basically just a shill. And I mean, he's, I'm going to say this is not going to be nice, but he's, he's a tool. And he thought he was going to work with the government. And, uh, that's the exact opposite. Greg would never work with the government. It's two middle fingers up to the government.
Starting point is 01:26:17 When I saw him starting to work with like Chuck Schumer and stuff like that, I was like, this is, this is bad. This isn't going to go well. Uh, Savon liked the vest. If you see me ever wearing a vest, it's because I feel fat. I only wear vests to cover my man boobs and the way a shirt hangs around my – it's the truth. I'm just telling you. A vest is like a security blanket for me. Why – is this second gym you have affiliated? Not yet.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Will you affiliate it it that's the question you know uh when we first opened up they didn't really do a whole like they're doing a lot of great things now with uh how like they're giving all the information on how to run an affiliate and all that stuff um so that's great but you know i didn't have that opportunity when i opened up it was like hey give me your three thousand dollars and now you get to go figure it out on your own, right? So I don't know how much that's that bad taste still sits in my mouth. You know, I'll give you this CrossFit has been very cool with us through the pandemic, you know, there was times where, hey, man, this is getting rough, you know, even right now right now, um, technically my L one or
Starting point is 01:27:26 my L two is, it has been expired, but because we've been focusing so much on rebuilding the gyms, uh, they've given me so many extensions to keep my L two. I mean, it might just be because they want my $3,000 at the end of the year, but, um, they have been very team in general has been pretty good. I mean, mean i i've been always pretty happy i think yeah flexible yeah yeah they're cool with a lot of things man they do the best that they can to help us out although it was a huge mistake to get rid of the dude gary gains they shouldn't have done that yeah that that you know that was a good dude that was a kool-aid drinker yeah that was like that guy that guy was a weirdo like us. Like he lived for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Yeah. I, I, I knew of Gary pretty extensively just because of what one you're talking about him over the years and just knowing CrossFit, like I said, I've been doing this since 2011. So I've been in it for a while. Um, yeah, there's a lot of the story comes out of how he got what happened to him at some point because, um, it's not cool yeah i'm sure it's not you know it's not cool it's a lot of things like i mean even look at what happened to dave that wasn't cool right no none of that was cool um and i i'm a dave castro fan i have been since the beginning i never thought that guy was anything but who he is and i appreciate that right so he's got a little autism he's got a little autism and what's funny is is that anyway that's
Starting point is 01:28:46 a whole nother thing he's just uh he's just he is just who he is you're right he's just who he is yeah it's like it's like not liking him is like yeah it's and that's okay if you don't like sauerkraut but like don't it's just sauerkraut that's just what it is yeah and if you don't like that personality then okay don't deal with it it. But it's not like he's fake. Yeah. No, exactly. Yeah. I was, you know, and don't get me wrong. Like I love Bosman. I followed him for a long time. I was very sad to see Dave kind of have to step out of that role too, because Dave and I have a very similar thought process to programming. Actually, one of our coaches
Starting point is 01:29:21 always says like, Hey man, you always somehow predict what's coming up. It's like, well, because I've learned from this guy, Right. This guy taught me CrossFit. Right. Everything I know is from him. He's the you know, he was the education guy for a long time with Nicole. He's the games guy for ever. Right. He started it, the whole thing. So it's like I've learned how to do this because of him. Right. So Adrian impressed me, though. I mean, I me though i mean i don't know i don't know i thought the games was pretty fucking amazing i thought he killed it do you think he killed it absolutely i don't i don't i don't agree with that um yeah i think there were some
Starting point is 01:29:57 highlights like i love the capital workout that capital workout was like fantastic that was just war that was a war and i love that i didn't like the double under thing i'm sure you've heard that like the thing that was stupid um i i don't i like the idea of it i didn't like the idea of the fact that like if you trip you have to go back to zero like that's not a skill right that's not something that we preach uh in crossfit yeah you can say yeah i didn't like that either you mean the premium put on um execute like being punished it felt it felt it we're racing yeah yeah you know what i mean like and here's the deal right like the 10 general physical it feels more like gymnastics than like like if your toes not pointed you get docked points and like i'm like come on man like he did a triple back flip
Starting point is 01:30:40 he didn't point his toes and you're docking on points it's like and then you got guys like brent fukowski in the back or just ripping these things out who probably would have murdered that. But because he had one trip up, he didn't get a chance to show us. He didn't get to see the fittest people really do what they could do. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:53 So that, that was a little bit, were you glad Justin won? I stoked Justin won. Yeah. I'm a huge Madero's fan. Me too. I,
Starting point is 01:31:00 I, I'm a, you know, I'm a dynasty guy. So, you know, Matt rich, all those guys. Yeah. Me too. I love dynasties. I don't know I'm a, you know, I'm a dynasty guy. So, you know, Matt, Rich, all those guys.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Yeah, me too. I love dynasties. I don't know. You know, it was pretty cool to see Roman, uh, actually show up and do his thing. And, you know, if it wasn't. Why do we like that? He's a fucking Russian. Shouldn't we hate him? Why are we all in love with him?
Starting point is 01:31:17 What's wrong with us? What's wrong with us? We love this underdog shit. I love, we don't. Okay. He's not really an underdog, honestly. He's just. Well, you know what I mean. He's just coming from...
Starting point is 01:31:27 The truth is we don't do the Rocky IV shit in this country. We really love foreigners in this country. Yeah, heck yeah. We want to see people come here and get their... That's what we're based off of, right? We're all technically immigrants, right? Not me, really, because most of my family is Native American. Yeah. off of right yeah we're all technically immigrants right like uh you know not not not me really because most of my family's native american but um yeah speaking of reparations send your check to
Starting point is 01:31:52 me on that i'm good i don't need it thank you okay send it to somebody else uh but yeah like a lot of cool things came from the games i enjoyed watching it uh we're usually out there but we weren't there this year um i'm very happy they're keeping it in madison for another two years so we get an opportunity to go back out but um yeah i think that adrian was uh is a good fit he's just not dave so um uh do you think you'll keep um two things what are your plans to get your um your uh coaching shit like in order and then like will you do the l3 will you do the l2 again will you do the l1 so and and do you think you're gonna what what value is there to um affiliate like all right so um like why even keep the current affiliation i'm hearing that people
Starting point is 01:32:39 like it because of google i mean yeah it does bring a lot of attention to Google CrossFit in your area and you're going to pop right up. Right. So there is that for me to talk about the L1 and L2 stuff. They've given me an extension till March. So I and they're giving me the opportunity to take the L1 online and that will revalidate my L2. I am going to get my L3 just for the simple fact of I once I get my L3, unless I've changed this i once i get my l3 unless i've changed this i won't have to do it again right i'll just have to keep ceus so that's that's very i like that um because again i've been doing this stuff for 13 years like i've got the crossfit methodology down you know what i mean like i don't and i'm not a test taker either i fucking hate taking tests
Starting point is 01:33:21 me too me too i would rather i would literally rather sit in a room with Nicole Carroll and have her judge me on my performance as a coach in person than take a test. I'd rather just sit in a room with Nicole Carroll. Me too. I love Nicole Carroll. But, uh, and as far as the affiliate stuff goes, I'm a loyal, I'm loyal to a fault probably. Uh, so CrossFit gave me a lot, gave me my other. It's given me my life that I have. It's given me my health and my fitness. It's given me a lot of the friendships that I have. So without that, I wouldn't be the guy that I am today.
Starting point is 01:33:56 So I would like to affiliate. I would like to see them do something different with like, hey, you have multiple affiliations like underneath your umbrella. Maybe not every one of them has to be $3,000, right? Like I was listening to that podcast that you did with Greg's girl, Emily, if I'm not mistaken. And like that dude is just like handing out affiliate fees for free basically because it did great for his business, right? It's growing his thing, right? So I think that at a certain point, it's like, hey guys, like we got to start taking some of this down. If I open up five gyms, I'm going to be paying you guys $15,000 a year. it's like hey guys like we got to start like taking some of this down if i open up five gyms i'm going to be paying you guys fifteen thousand dollars a year that's that's that's
Starting point is 01:34:28 aggressive you know what greg told me the other day we were we were talking and he said uh if i were to do it again i would double uh the affiliate fee i would have doubled the affiliate fees and i go how come he goes to slow down the growth and he said he would have weeded out all the woke folk he would just would have made it so you just can't be woke you can't you can't be you go to the gym yeah you just can't you just can't own one yeah but here's the thing a lot of those woke people have a lot of the money right like a lot of those people are like the well endowed they have like they're they're they're a little bit more uh yeah they have a little bit more than they're definitely not well endowed well we don't know that.
Starting point is 01:35:05 No, they're not. But I mean, a lot of that, a lot of that money, those type of people have, you know, had the wealth to, you know, so they I don't know if that would have stopped them. Right. Go ahead. Go ahead, Kristen. I think, too, I, you know, CrossFit does offer a lot of resources and tools and stuff like that. More so now. I don't think we utilize them
Starting point is 01:35:26 to our full advantage. I've looked through them. They definitely have, they want their affiliates to have access to a lot of things. I see it. Like they are constantly trying to get their affiliates to do more, to have more, to be more. So I agree with i think you know i mean i have moments where i'm just like why are we paying this affiliate fee blah blah blah but it's just a moment of irritation um they they have really been very good to us so i think that the the overall plan will be to affiliate in mass yeah once we get to a point where it's like hey that makes sense for us to do that we will financially and honestly too though why why if it like you took the l1 you paid for that you took the l2 you paid for that you're going to take the l3 and pay for that and by the way i've never heard anyone say anything
Starting point is 01:36:12 bad about any of the seminars really i think the only person i can ever think ever say anything bad i remember matt fraser said he he didn't like the l1 because he got into an ego conflict with one of the trainers i think he might be the only person i've ever heard of poo-poo the l1 but um that being said uh but why pay your affiliate fees you already took the class you got it you have the name lumberjack like why why pay this is that the loyalty to a fault thing well uh probably yeah probably and and let me let me let me put this question on there too. And if that is the case, that seems to be the answer I get from every single fucking affiliate I ask this to, that it's basically either the Google search or it's just the fact that, hey, I have values and morals and I'm not going to steal. Like they feel like that there's this stealing component, which there really isn't. But then so if you run CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:37:04 The methodology is Greg's, right? It's like I can sit there and say, hey, we're not going to call this a burpee. We're going to call it a squat thrust. And we're not going to call this a thrust or we're going to call it a squat to press. It's still his thought process, right? Fran was developed in his garage because he wanted to become a better gymnast, right? So it is his. He owns it.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Now, we could steal it, but it's just not that's not my thing. I wouldn't do that, right? That's not something I want to be a part of. And plus, there's a heritage. There's like a thing behind it, but it's just not, that's not my thing. I wouldn't do that, right? That's not something I want to be a part of. And plus there's a heritage, there's like a thing behind it, right? Like when you think of CrossFit, you have like, you have Michael Murphy, right? You have that, that's tied to our community.
Starting point is 01:37:35 We have the five buckets of death, right? There's so many things that come into it that make CrossFit, CrossFit. It's not just a workout program. There's so many different things that it's like, I want to be a part of that. I definitely want to be involved. And my goal is to get as deep into CrossFit as I possibly can. That's why one of the reasons we are so interested in coming onto this podcast, because you're, you know, how deeply rooted are you into it? Right. And if it opens up another door, so I, we can get in more involved in CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:38:04 then absolutely, because we believe in it. Or it might shut some doors. It might shut some doors for you. Well, if it shuts doors that we don't care if it shuts doors that those aren't doors we want to walk through. So,
Starting point is 01:38:14 so my thought, my question is, I wonder knowing that this payment that affiliates pay is a brand loyalty payment. Those were kind of Greg's words more than mine. It's kind of like, hey, you just want to be a part of the Sierra Club because you want to save trees, even though they don't really do that. I wonder how they should lead, how that should affect. How do you find a leader like all of these people who lead? They're like Harvard MBAs or Stanford MBAs or
Starting point is 01:38:44 they think that they're leading something that's totally different than what they're like uh harvard mbas or stanford mbas or the they they think that they're leading something that's totally different than what they're really leading they're leading something that people are already loyal to i wonder how that changes it's it's so much more the church model right yeah um i think the right thing that they did was put somebody like don i agree it's funny actually don's cousin comes to our gym our gym as soon as it was like she lost her mind as soon as she found out that that was him. And he comes from like a pretty normal upbringing, right? Like he grew up in Jersey, went to the military. He got involved with a couple of companies that I don't necessarily think are great companies, but he left that and now is a part of this.
Starting point is 01:39:23 And he has a similar idea and background like Dave did. He's not afraid of hard work, that's for sure. Exactly. And that's what we're based off of. It's based off of hard work. You're going to get what you put into this. You come in and you give the relative intensity each day in the gym, you're going to see the results. So I think that though there is that background group of Harvard, whatever's and stuff like that, they're not the heart of this. They end up leaving anyway. None of those people survive it. They can't figure it out.
Starting point is 01:39:53 They don't get like, oh, well, this doesn't work like Nike or this doesn't work like Orange Theory. It's like, well, because it's not. That's why. This is grassroots. We're going to come in every day. We're going to do our best. We're going to, you know, work hard at everything that we do, which will translate to everything else outside of the gym and your life is going to get better. And no matter how much you do that in any other, uh, you know, gym setting, like it's just not the same, right? Like, cause there's no, the methodology is CrossFit and that's why it works. methodology is CrossFit and that's why it works. Um, if, if, if someone wanted to open a gym, um, is there any, would you try to talk them out of it or would you, or would you talk them into it? What would you ask them to kind of, is there a litmus test question you'd ask them?
Starting point is 01:40:37 Are you, well, yeah. How dedicated are you? Right. Are you going to go in full, full tilt because having a part-time job and, or a full-time job and running a gym, uh, it doesn't work well, right? You're, it's kind of, unless you have somebody who you can put and maybe you're the bank roller of it all. And you have somebody who can run it for you. Um, yeah. And what, why, why do you want to do it? Is it because you just want to be, uh, uh, a coach and you want to have more opportunity to coach. I think it was Jason Kaliba that said that recently. It's like, you got to be a business person first because that's what's going to get you the longevity. If you're somebody who's like, well, I'm a coach and I just want to be able to
Starting point is 01:41:18 coach more and not focus on the backend business stuff, you're not going to be successful. And that's a whole different thing. I wasn't necessarily prepared for that. The guy that I actually worked for beforehand, uh, before I opened up the gym told me straight up, like, I don't know, man, I don't know if that's for you because you are a great coach, but I don't know if you have the, uh, the background knowledge that you're going to need to run a gym. And that fired me up. You know, you tell me I can't do something, I'm going to go do it. Um, but I wasn't prepared. I really wasn't. If it wasn't for Kristen, you know, this may not have worked out, you know. So I think that you have to understand, like, it's not just showing up every day, turning the lights on, cleaning the floors, and coaching, you know, you got to know what an LLC is, you got to know how to pay your taxes, and you know, all that stuff. And what a a triple net lease is and just all this shit that they don't teach you. And that was my big gripe with CrossFit when I started an affiliate because there was no handbook for that.
Starting point is 01:42:14 There is now, but there wasn't when I started one. And I'm sure there wasn't when a lot of affiliate owners started one. So that would probably be my first thing like, hey, man, like or, you know, girl, why are you doing this? And understand that it's not just 2115 nines and starting a clock and all that stuff. I think the other part would be is like how into being an athlete are you? Because once you open an affiliate, your focus needs to be that gym, those people. Which was hard for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:49 That was hard for me. So becoming, you know, taking a step away from wanting to be a competitive athlete or even focusing on your fitness takes a backseat sometimes. Like sometimes you just got to come in, get your workout done, whatever, and move on because everybody needs a piece of you at some point during the day. And you can't be like, well, you have to wait two hours till I'm done with my training because that's just not what it's about. Yeah, somebody comes in that wants to talk about the gym and you're in the middle of a workout. You stop your workout and you make sure you get that. You talk to that person, right? So one of my favorite stories is someone that was their first time going to a crossfit gym and there was a guy working out in the corner when they with his
Starting point is 01:43:28 shirt off and he was working out getting at it hard and they walked in and he looked door and he goes hey welcome good to see you i'm gonna be over there in 30 seconds let me wrap up here i love you go welcome go walk around check place out and i just love that situational awareness yeah big fucking naked guy in the corner who's getting at it. He still keeps enough to watch that. And it was it was, you know, some head coach over there to like to say hi. I just love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:55 What about this? So my whole life, you know, growing up, I lived in a house with either my mom or my dad. And like, we would pull up in our car and like, you know, my dad would walk out to the street and pick up cigarette buds and throw them away. I never did that as a kid. I would, but I would see my dad do that. Right. And then finally I got a house. And if I pull up to my house now, the three plane brothers compound, and I see like someone's throwing something out the window or someone's like emptied out their ashtray near my house, something, I go out there with the broom and I immediately clean it up. I never left any trash or anything around my house. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:30 And when I – but I go to the skate park and I've been going there, you know, let's say every other day for three years. And I've been the only parent I've ever seen pick up trash there. And the only reason why I do it is because my kids skate there. There's this thing where people just don't want to give a hundred percent for some reason unless it's like theirs and yesterday driving from arizona i we stopped and i used the bathroom at a chick-fil-a and the bathroom was super clean and i went to the toilet and in the bottom there was an empty bottle like a vodka bottle like someone had drank vodka and thrown it in the corner behind the toilet now if that bottle would have been not behind the toilet but it would have been like out so i didn't have
Starting point is 01:45:10 to reach behind the toilet i probably would have picked i got a paper towel picked it up and thrown it away but i don't think other people do that and because i never see anyone do that shit and like if i throw some way to public trash can if there's like something easy for that's on the ground they're easy for me to pick up i'll pick up and throw it in the trash. Um, but I don't see other people doing that. So when you tell me that you were going to set people up in these gyms and they're not the owners,
Starting point is 01:45:33 I just don't think they're going to go to the a hundred yard line. I think they're only going to do 99%. Yeah. So we, you know what I mean? And I'm not hating on those people i didn't even pick up the trash in front of my own house but i just sat there and watched my parents do it like a jackass kid yeah so when we opened up uh the second location we made
Starting point is 01:45:56 the um head person 10 owner of the business smart okay now you do have buy-in right like you want this to thrive. You want to make that money. Now, if you walk in after a guy who pissed on the seat, you're going to talk to him. You're not going to be like, oh, that's too uncomfortable. He's going to be like, don't be on the seat anymore. And that's kind of the idea. I like it. Yeah. Make them an owner and give them some buy-in to it where it's like, Hey, this is yours. Like you, you know, if you want it to go the way you want it to you better you know i'm the guy that's in the gym where it's like if i mop the floor with a new mop head and you get like the
Starting point is 01:46:29 little fuzzies that get stuck on the mats like i'm walking behind and i'm picking up the fuzzies off the ground because i don't want people to see that shit on the floor right i'm also and this drives her fucking bonkers but like i'm also the guy that will bring my shopping cart all the way back to the front uh where it's supposed to go and not just leave it in that little cart corral thing wow wow i just kick up the wheels on the curb no way i'll pull it with my car really you'll drive over there with you holding the cart like out your car window you've done is that what you said you do no no i'll walk it like that would be gangster all the way back up put it in there i got three kids in the car i ain't doing shit when people are like you got to push your car back i'm like go fuck yourself I got three kids in the car. I ain't doing shit. When people are like, you got to push your car back.
Starting point is 01:47:05 I'm like, go fuck yourself. I got three kids. I'm pushing this shit up on the closest curb. But I hear you. I bring it to the car corral. I don't bring it back up to the, to the. Here's the deal. I use that car, right?
Starting point is 01:47:14 It's not somebody else's responsibility to come put my shit away. There's a kid that gets paid to do that. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. And I used to be that kid. And let me tell you, I loved it when someone took a car like four blocks away and that took me 40 minutes to get. Because then I was i was like yeah i'm not inside the store today
Starting point is 01:47:28 but i hear you leon you're we're talking about weird shit now you're you're you're a good dude don't let us that's great hey it's all good you know i'm gonna me and kristen are like yeah it's perfectly okay to shit in your neighbor's yard it's fertilizer it's fine yeah kristen and i justify anything if they're assholes and yeah go for it hey i need to backtrack real quick we were talking about please justin maderos and the games and stuff and unpopular opinion but i'd like to see ricky gerard win oh me too would you okay cool i love i love ricky no he doesn't come on the show enough uh i love ricky Uh, yeah, he's, he's great.
Starting point is 01:48:05 I'm a huge Justin fan, but I love Ricky too. I'm really happy with the guys at the top right now. Me too. And I, and I, and I liked the, the,
Starting point is 01:48:13 the, I like Jay Crouch from Australia. I like the male competition. I like Colton Mertens, like the whole cast of fucking weirdos. I'm, I'm, I'm enjoying it myself.
Starting point is 01:48:21 I love the, you know, the growth and mayhem nation and watching all those athletes come. That's so dope. Even Harvard pays off having that crew watching how these, these different groups are going to come up against each other this year. I'm pretty excited about that. It's, it's, it's pretty awesome. Are you going to be out to the games this year? No, never. I mean, someone, I would have to be like financially really uh
Starting point is 01:48:46 uh feasible for me the thing is is if i if i'm out and about then i'm not doing my podcast yeah and so i'm just lucky that i have people who want to help me with the podcast and participate so if they can go to the games and they do that and i can just be at the mothership like tinkering with the computer yeah how do you become an analyst for your team uh oh uh i don't just ask just i mean do it man you can't do it guys all the time oh you do okay all the time i'm like nope that's not right not brian not brian brian's got me but okay uh um uh i don't agree with this shit that's why i don't think you're on the text thread, Leon, but just have Christian give you my phone number
Starting point is 01:49:28 and just start texting me. You have to just chirp in my ear. This thing is basically, this podcast is me just, you know, like when you have something you want to watch on TV and so you go to the laundry to bring the clothes to fold in front of the TV,
Starting point is 01:49:43 but you have too many clothes and they're just like falling out everywhere, but you don't care. You're not being practical. You're just rushing back to the TV. Um, that's the way this show is. I just have, I'm holding onto like so much and shit's just falling off to the wayside. So you have to be that sock. That's like, yo, over here, pick me up. So anything you ever see that like any shows you watch where you're like, um that was wrong or hey i really like that just text me just start bugging me no one could ever bug me text i feel no obligation to anybody so like it might take me 10 days to text someone back never no one can ever bug me
Starting point is 01:50:16 okay i'm un-fucking-buggable because i just am living my life so just get my phone number from kristin and just stay in touch with me and then finally like fuck this dude i'm bringing him on he thinks he knows everything fucking a yeah that's the way we'll do what you wish for okay uh thank you i'm actually going to a um uh watch greg's kids in a jujitsu competition right now i'm in i'm in arizona yeah my kids are so excited to go watch his kids compete so i'm gonna going to do that now. Hey, I really, you guys are easy. Thank you. God, yeah. If you guys were neighbors, if I could build a neighborhood, you guys would be,
Starting point is 01:50:52 I would hang out at your house. You guys are cool as shit. Yeah. Heck yeah. Well, that's helpful. Appreciate that. Thank you. All right. Stay in touch. And I have a feeling our paths are going to cross again. Me too. Okay. Lumberjack Athletics, also known as CrossFit Luke. in touch um and uh i have a feeling our paths are gonna uh cross again me too okay lumberjack cross uh lumberjack athletics also known as crossfit luke kristen and leon thanks
Starting point is 01:51:11 bye bye have a good day hi hey babe are the kids ready you're awesome yeah i didn't hear a peep i'm just doing the podcast in the middle i need to i need to take a picture and show you what i'm doing you're in a podcast in this middle of no and like in the middle of this house it's if it's a four-bedroom house and hayley's like you're doing it right in the middle why don't you do it one of the bedrooms i'm like because there's no the bedrooms don't suit me i feel like i'm doing that right now i'm in like the middle of my house too i i think i saw your wife in the background one time yeah she's bringing me breakfast she's a good dude
Starting point is 01:51:51 oh yeah fights tonight oh shit yeah okay um sorry about all the schedule changes i was up for like 24 hours yesterday it was not a good day for me i was tripping. I will text you at 1 a.m. then not respond for 10 days. Yeah, that's a good point. I do text you at 1 a.m. and not respond for 10. All right, guys. I will see all of you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:52:16 I'll hopefully try to do a show tonight, but I don't know. I'm partying pretty hard. Okay. Want to say bye, Caleb? Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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