The Sevan Podcast - #801 - Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 17, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 fireplace there's a fireplace at this rental and i was in the other room and i smelled gas and i come in and no no one of my sons came and said hey obby's fucking with the fireplace i went in there and the whole living room smelled like gas and he had the gas turned all the way up i'd never seen him do anything i'm like dude what are you doing you got to turn the heat on like dude what it's probably a bunch of propane in your house then that was two days ago so so you know what i did bam we're live you know what i did is i i just taught him how to use it i'm like dude look you gotta have a lighter and you can't just turn it on and you gotta light the you know the little ring in the fireplace yeah you got a light yeah you got a light there is that what it's called pilot yeah pilot light uh yeah oh yes pilot yes um just letting you know that i know
Starting point is 00:00:55 too see how that works i sent someone something and they're like, yeah, I've already seen this. And I go, I know you've already seen this. I'm just letting you know that I know too. You know, like I sent them something that they thought they only had access to, but just like to flex on. I'm like, Hey, I got eyeballs over there too. You're on the inside.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah. Yeah. You know, is my internet okay? Yeah. You look great. Super choppy. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:28 If I saw... Good morning, everyone. Hi, Laura. Steven, Christine. Hi, Natalie. Hi, good morning, everyone. How been 23.1? Is that today?
Starting point is 00:01:41 It is. Means no morning drinking today since I have a show tonight I didn't say that out loud did I so if I saw someone who was walking around with handcuffs behind their back
Starting point is 00:01:58 fuck the handcuffs can be in the front I don't care where they are they're wearing handcuffs and there's keys everywhere on the ground okay and i see this person walking around with handcuffs for like fucking six months at some point i say to them hey you know there's keys on the ground and you can just unshackle yourself right let's say it's not just handcuffs let's say it's handcuffs in a steel ball that weighs 40 pounds and they're dragging it and let's say that i see the ball bump into them every once in a while so
Starting point is 00:02:32 they're covered in bruises and one day i see them and the balls bumped into them and it's broken their ankle and they're on crutches and so they're handcuffed there's a ball chain to them and it's just fucking ruining their life they can't get anything done they look fucking miserable and yet there's keys everywhere on the ground at some point i say to you right no you just let them suffer yeah i looked at one i looked at one of my um uh favorite words words one of the words i've heard more than any other word in my entire youth. It's because I listen to rap music. The word starts with an end and ends in eager. And I looked
Starting point is 00:03:11 up that word this morning because I was like, what the fuck does that word even mean? And that word means first of all, it says it's the most offensive word in the English language. That's in the English language. That's what the definition was. And I'm like, wow.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And that should fucking matter, right? Like that's like some objective, it's like there's some objective metric for that. But whatever. And then I look up the definition of it. And the definition is when you have, you call that to someone you have contempt against so i'm like what the fuck does contempt mean and contempt is when you think you're better than someone so if you think you're better than someone you call them that word and then i started thinking we don't have a society that's like hey we can set you free from that word we have a society that demands we we live, we can set you free from that word. We have a society that demands, we live with people, all of you listening, all of you listening, I'm the only one.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I'm the only one. I know, very arrogant of me, but I'm just calling it the way I see it. I'm the only one willing to say, hey, you don't have to be offended by that word. It's just a word. And write down, if you look down, is a key and you can pick it up and set yourself free and never be offended by any words ever again. You can set yourself free. You don't have to wear the handcuffs. You don't have to drag the ball around. You can set yourself free. A narcissist, maybe. Yeah, maybe a narcissist. Or maybe that's just an easy thing to call me to distract from the fact that I'm the only around you can set yourself free a narcissist maybe yeah maybe a narcissist or maybe or maybe that's just an easy thing to call me to distract from the fact that i'm the only fucking one willing to tell you the truth it's kind of irrelevant yeah yeah it's a narcissist it's
Starting point is 00:04:55 irrelevant that i'm the only one you're right you do not have to be offended by the word that starts with a ch and ends in ink you don't have to be offended by the word that starts with a ch and ends in ink. You don't have to be offended by the word that starts with sp and ends in ik. You don't have to be offended by any of these words. The key's right there. The thing is, what's so crazy is if I pick up the key and hand it to you, the world will turn on me. If I try to set you free from that word, the world will try to fucking kill me.
Starting point is 00:05:27 You do not have – yeah, that's a bad word. Don't ever say that word. That one is truly bad. Thank you, Mr. Hiller. Sorry. I'm almost bulletproof. You do not have to be shackled. You can set – and you know what's interesting?
Starting point is 00:05:43 There's one for Armenians. It's called – it's Armo. But I didn't learn it until I was like in my 30s. Armo? Armo, yeah. It's like you're in LA and you call someone an Armo. That's like a derogatory. But I didn't learn it until I was late.
Starting point is 00:05:55 So that word doesn't even work on me because I didn't learn it young enough. But not only do we not tell our fellow man, hey, you can set yourself free. But not only do we not tell our fellow man, hey, you can set yourself free. But if we did, I mean, you know what made me think of this? Is there's this group of girls right now complaining that there's men in their locker rooms who are changing. They're complaining that Leah Thompson is changing in their locker room and that leah thompson's 6-4 with a huge dong i made up the huge dong part but but has a dong i just assumed it was confirmed yeah isn't that weird i just assumed leah has a huge dong it would only make sense it would only make sense it would only be fair yeah um justice
Starting point is 00:06:42 and i'm thinking where where's all the people like where's these chicks dads and brothers where where where where where are all these like just to to like if you're someone's dad and there's a boy in your daughter's locker room don't you go in there and drag them out? I'm tripping. I'm so, um, Hey, there was a guy, uh, when I was in elementary school who it would happen every couple of years. I remember K through six, a guy would pull up in a car at the crosswalks where the kids like walk across with the stop signs, you know, like the sixth graders do it. And he'd pull down his pants and show his dick to the kids happened every couple years and it was like terrifying right wait what nobody just stopped nobody was like there's that well it'd be like a street or no they're like no one knew who what you know would be like i'm not the same well fuck i don't
Starting point is 00:07:38 know if it's the same guy or not you would just hear about it you know what i mean like you hear the parents being like well someone showed their penis to one of the girl cross guards the other day. And now and they're like pictures up. If you see this man, you know what I mean? And like you're being like some sort of fucked up like Chevelle. People are so weird. That's probably the car that like most military guys want to like young military guys, old Chevelle. Is that true, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:08:01 I don't mean to say that young military guys master, but show their in public but just seems like a anyway i i digress uh those people were bad now it's okay now now you can go not only you can just show your penis to you can just go into women's locker room and show your penis not only only that, while they undress. This is a bizarre world. Not only that, but you'll be protected by the law. A trans swimmer, Leah Thomas, dropped her pants and exposed her male genitalia. That's a penis and balls. I think that's about the summation.
Starting point is 00:08:41 In a woman's locker room after a meet, acclaims University of Kentucky athlete Riley Gaines. Dude, you gotta snap a photo of that. Apparently she has like a secret Instagram. And he's like touting this like the relationships that he has with other women like his girlfriend or his partner whatever is a a dude transition or a female transitioning to be a male i think so i was thinking how how are there not oh so, so he – oh. Do you have that Instagram account? I'm trying to look for it right now.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I saw it yesterday. So I was just thinking. I was like, yeah, dads won't stand up for their daughters and – Well, what would they do? I don't know, but something. I'll come back to that in one second. Let me connect this thought, and I'll tell you, but some something. I'll come back to that one second. Let me connect this thought and I'll tell you, I'll tell you what I would do. And that there's parents not only not setting their little black and brown and Asian kids free from these words, but they're demanding, they're putting extra shackles on them.
Starting point is 00:09:57 When the kids are born, they're putting the shackles on them. It is truly fucking bizarre how stupid we are as human beings for how smart we are. Imagine, I just can't get over it. It's just so fun for me to think about all the different ways of how stupid we are. We're just, kids are born and we're just putting them on the train track, shackled, knowing that a train's going to come and hit them eventually. Why even put them there? So I was thinking today would i would suggest to all
Starting point is 00:10:26 of you and and myself because there's things that you know if you're a sophomore in high school and someone calls you a pimple face or pizza face that shit hurts i get it but those of you who are adults pick something today and make sure it never bothers you again. Something so stupid that you're holding on to. Set yourself free. Don't do it. Official Ben Shapiro. Insane to think people want guys like this in the locker room with actual women. Leah Thompson appears to have two penises.
Starting point is 00:11:00 No, sorry. Leah Thompson appears to have two Instagram accounts. His public account, Leah K. Thomas, featuring a small handful of generic photos promoting messages like, Let trans kids play. Then a private account, Leah Timmis. Anyway, that poor dude. That can't be fun, whatever he's going through. I think what you're asking for is is something
Starting point is 00:11:26 that everybody's capable of but nobody wants to actually take the time to do which is like choose their response right or they and what's weird is this whole this whole list of things is on the democrat side too like all of these fucked up things that we just keep bringing up are democrats that's the weird part like like i'm sorry how many girls have to get raped in high school by a transgender person before you're like i'm not a democrat anymore i don't i don't get it okay i don't believe in god but i'm gonna accept that because i just don't want girls to get raped like how about we just god your hair looks good and you used a razor with a blade on it too me yeah shaved it yeah i just did it myself at home but clean you didn't use electric on your face that's oh i did i have the same
Starting point is 00:12:13 when you do that green one the phillips one that you try to save your balls with and got minced meat do not do that with yeah i'm surprised you took that risk that was bold dude like 600 paper cuts on my scrotum in like two seconds flat you would have been eligible to go into any locker room with that leisure so I don't know
Starting point is 00:12:37 maybe I should run for president in I should move to all like Chinese community or black community or i even saw someone i respected the other day call um uh she's asian and um she said something about how there's asian hate like she believed that i'm just like holy fuck and this chick's smart like dude set yourself free from that shit it's always the invisible though like if you look at those people like those people i hate to categorize that but like no i like it i like it do it
Starting point is 00:13:12 we could do that we could do that we could do the the the democrat deal right it's like you have to you have to sit with your thoughts for a little bit and if you if you're somebody who's going to sit with your thoughts you'll be non-reactive and everything kind of slows down. But most people are reacting to not exactly what's right in front of them, but some sort of insecurities or feelings that they're harboring from deep down. And I think half the time they don't even know it, you know, like, so there was somebody on the plane on the way here and they were like, ma'am, you can't have your bag down at the side. Like you could pick it up and strap it into the seat next to you. And she just got mad right away. That has nothing to do with that interaction. That's either the habit of that woman always
Starting point is 00:13:53 getting broke up. And then underneath that habit is a layer of whatever the hell she's never dealt with. Right. And so I just think we have a ton of people that just haven't dealt with their own shit or their traumas for their past or something like that. And so they're waiting for that moment. And some of the people that get offended by those words are like waiting for it to happen so they could have an excuse to outlaw it. Don't tell me that that word doesn't mean anything. You don't know the struggle of my people. You don't know the history of that word. And they just go down this litany of reasons to stay offended.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Exactly. I'm sorry. Here's the key to your handcuffs. I'm sorry I even showed just go down this litany of reasons to stay offended. Exactly. I'm sorry. Here's the key to your handcuffs. I'm sorry I even showed them to you. I'm just going to set them – never mind. It's not a key to your handcuff. You're right. You are a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Let me just throw that away. Stay locked up for the rest of your life. Exactly. Yes. They would kill you over you trying to free them from that because it's so much easier to stay alive. Hey, that's a great animation, me trying to set – or just some character trying to set someone free, and they get killed. Hey, it's like trying to get a cat out of barbed wire. There was this cat one time stuck in barbed wire and I tried to set it free.
Starting point is 00:14:52 I was it was going to fucking kill. And it would just go crazy itself and continue to get itself worse. I would rather fucking work on a running lawnmower than try to free a cat from fucking. Yeah. Yeah. And so I just think you have and I don't even know if it's a republican democrat i just think you basically have well right now it's the democrats if we've unfucked the democrats and i'm sure then the republic then next thing we know the christians will be fucking
Starting point is 00:15:15 like burning people for being naked i mean but right now it's the democrats right sure i mean i just think it's it's because you, I, I hate the label of like this or that black or white, you know, Democrat, Republican, blah, blah, because it doesn't allow for all the gray area and the nuance in between that, that is the world we live in. I mean, how many things are actually just binary? We could come up with, well, I killed somebody. You're a terrible person. Well, they broke into my house and they were coming after your kids. Oh, you're a hero. Yeah. Same act, different context. And so every time, you know, it's hard to go back and forth and say, well, this is right and this is wrong,
Starting point is 00:15:52 because it just depends on the context of the situation. And mostly as human beings, we just don't enact upon the thing that separates from every single living thing on this planet, which is our ability to choose the response, to sit down, slow down and say, Hey, do I really even want to react to this? And it's hard. Like you've had somebody like cut you off on the freeway or do something right in front of you. Some dude changing in your girl's locker room at 13, 13 year old boy changing. Yeah. To the extreme. Okay. And so, you know, how do you, how do you process that and then choose whatever response that you want to have? But that goes back to the question that I originally had. So if they were at your school with your daughter, like what is the appropriate response?
Starting point is 00:16:36 And you get a video camera and just go start talking to everyone. So just expose the way that you talk to the principal. Yeah. Talk to the principal like like so if my daughter goes to that university, I go outside the university, and when the dean comes out, I'm like, hey, are you cool? Do you have a daughter? I found this picture of you and your family on the internet. Are you okay with Leah Thompson? This isn't actually Leah Thompson, but this is a man who's 6'4", who's naked. Are you okay with – and I put the pictures together.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Are you okay with your daughter and Leah Thompson being in the same locker room together and i i fucking grind on them and i do the same thing with the pro the provost of the school the dean of the school the president school i find leah thompson's parents i just start going around if i anyone who i can talk to and i do a full full uh full campaign i start look i start finding out maybe i hire my daughter a bodyguard and i find out what the laws are of a men changing a penis and the um here's the thing they think that they're tricking us by calling it well they are tricking us by calling it um a transgender like they've made up this word like it's just we should we just need to stop using they've they've completely tricked the
Starting point is 00:17:44 fuck i just see every day, this word gender being used. Stop using it. There's no such thing. It's imaginary shit. I own the definition. I own the word. Yeah, just say that's a dude. Stop, like, that's a dude.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And it's a mental illness. Just call it what you want. Don't be afraid. You have a fucking mental illness. And you're a fuck, I believe, I should be free to think, and it shouldn't be offensive, that you have a fucking mental illness and you're a i believe i should be free to think and it shouldn't be offensive that you have a mental illness if you have a penis and you wish you didn't and um and you're a dude no matter what you're a boy and a story if you want to call yourself transgender that's fine but but you're and for some reason that gets you a pass into that locker room without the police
Starting point is 00:18:25 coming i it's so weird to me and no one can explain it all they can do is call you names like transphobic or something no one's like actually savon when you cut off your penis you know what i mean or actually when you think you're a girl you become a girl oh can i think myself into being a dolphin? Like, where does that – Hey, you said something earlier about, like, I believe in God, but then I allow these things to exist or whatever. Like, there's no pushback against it from different religious communities, at least not in the masses, right? Was that kind of the claim that you had made earlier?
Starting point is 00:19:03 I don't remember, but keep going. right? Was that kind of the claim that you had made earlier? I don't remember, but keep going. Well, it was, I forget where the stat was, but it was something like how, like, we're completely devoid of religion, like in our country. And that, that, when that foundation left, you could tell how weak it is because when things like this are ushered in, there is no, and like, there's no religious groups or anything like that, that are pushing back against it, saying that it's against that it's against my religion. But if you were to try to do this even 30 years ago, you probably would have had more of them. So does that mean that we're just completely in the absence of religion as a society in total in the United States? Or whatever – yes, or whatever religion comes with, values, morals, social pressures.
Starting point is 00:19:45 You know what I mean? Yeah. You know what I mean? Like there's a – on the other side of it, right, there was like if a woman cheated on a man in the height of the Christian era, they stoned her. I mean like we can't have that. Right. uh sebon i appreciate it that you're not only just focused on the dude um uh uh uh the girl seeing the dude but i also appreciate it that you're sensitive to the fact that we don't want the dude looking at our naked daughter you're welcome adam
Starting point is 00:20:14 yes it's both we don't we don't want the did you like how i edited that we don't we don't want like oh yeah i don't need the guy seeing my daughter naked either or my wife or yeah they don't and why is that why don't i want a bunch of dudes because i know how dudes work we all know how dudes work we all know how dudes work we don't we don't want dudes having unfettered access to our naked women. Wait, so you mean – Not even the best dudes. Not even the best dudes. So if I were to transition, you mean that switch doesn't flip off?
Starting point is 00:20:52 No. That – no. Dude, what's crazy is all those dudes, the vast majority of those dudes who are in the women's prison who are – or in the women's prison who are still men who are claiming that they're women those dudes also claim lesbian meaning they're straight they're claiming that they're women but they're lesbian and then they go to the women's prison and then they fuck these chicks with their penises it's crazy i know i was just reading this whole thing on it it's fucking nuts sometimes i have a really hard time wrapping my head around all of this. It takes me like probably an extra 30 seconds to just dissect what was just said. I know someone who's transitioned in 2011 and has been – I don't even know what that means, by the way.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Transition, does it still have a penis? And has been living her life in her new community, more just fucking bullshit. Like what do you mean her new community? Mars? And being a productive citizen okay fine works volunteers a ton where at the children's library and is an advocate for women's shelter i don't understand honestly i don't believe anything the church says so i can't go all or nothing on the yeah yeah, I, I'm not all or nothing. I'm all, well, I am all or nothing. I don't want men with penises near naked girls.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah. Unless the girls have approved it. Yeah. I was going to say the only thing that you've stayed like, not the only thing, the one thing that you're really consistent on with this is do whatever you want. If it doesn't affect anybody else, but once it affects the schools,
Starting point is 00:22:23 and once you're allowing legally allowing men in locker room with women's in locking them up in prison together that's where the line has just been pushed too far uh seven i want to push you because you just flippantly said in the height of the christian era women were stoned for cheating on their husbands when did that i i apologize i completely made that up that was a complete fantasy of mine of me me having a bias towards what I think is my bias towards religious people. I apologize. I'm slowly working on that. Thank you. Bear with me. Someone find me one Christian Stone. Caleb, find that article.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I'm looking it up um uh both of my parents are correctional officers in prison told me a story that uh they would take inmates to the hospital for sex changes that's your tax dollars at work people yeah a cop the other days a friend of mine was trying to explain to me it's not like that it's not really as bad as they make
Starting point is 00:23:21 it seem and I'm like dude you only need one you only need one dude in the women's prison raping women for it to be as bad as they make it seem and i'm like dude you only need one you only need one dude in the women's prison raping women for it to be as bad as i think it seems yeah then it shows that that doesn't work and it's not going to uh 4 uh 49 anyway um now you know you you can you can set yourself free and not be offended by stuff. Just pick up the key. Unshackle yourself. Anytime you're offended, let's try to take the opportunity to set ourselves free from that offense. Let's add texture and meaning and relativity to our life elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Oh, okay. Yeah, here we go. Samantha or whatever your name was with the cool red hair. They bring in a woman accusing her of committing adultery, claiming she caught, which was caught in the very act of taking the D. They tell Jesus that the punishment for someone like her should be stoning and prescribed by Mosaic law. Jesus begins to write something on the ground using his finger. Huh, that wasn't his finger. When the women's accusers continue their challenge, he states that the one who is without sin is the one who should cast the first stone.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Oh, that's awesome. All right, fine. Fuck it. Christians are good. They never fucking stoned anyone. Bad example. Even their leader doesn't think that you should stone women for anything they did. That little side piece action. And then what if Jesus just started throwing rocks at her?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Because like he's like, I'm without sin. Fuck this bitch. Yeah, that is always the case, by the way. Seven-year-old girl who was transitioning to a boy. Her parents had crazy psych issues. Yeah. So the two, I know two families, one that changed their boy to a boy, parents had crazy psych issues. Yeah. So the two, I know two families, one that changed their boy to a girl. I don't know if they did it medically, but they, but they,
Starting point is 00:25:11 they walked their boy into allowing him to do what he wants. And I just watched them walk their boy into being a girl. And then I watched another parent that has two girls walk their girls into being boys and i just sat i did well i tried to push back i tried to explain to them that you know what it was with the one that had girls they didn't want their girls to be girly girls and they pushed so hard in that direction that they turned them into boys and it's like dude what do you mean girly girls? They didn't like the toe pointing in gymnastics. They didn't want their kids wearing pink. They pushed so hard that they pushed the boys to boys. Oh, so they just pushed their...
Starting point is 00:25:56 Let their girls cut their own hair. So they just put their shit onto their kids. Projected all that. Yes, yes, yes. It's always like that. Yes. put their shit on to their kids projected yes yes yes it's always like that yes projection there's a there's a great there's some great uh stuff coming out also i just saw this thing of this these uh this lesbian couple that has two boys and how they basically turned one of their boys into a girl because they felt the social pressure but they knew in their hearts all along
Starting point is 00:26:20 whatever that means their hearts that it was wrong and now they're trying to fix it hey i want to tell you this as a parent if you allow your child under your watch to uh do genital mutilation um you will eventually wake up and live the worst possible fucking horror um you will feel a guilt that will be so bad that you will probably end up having to kill yourself i'm just i'm that's i'm not even like saying it like in a mean way i'm giving you free public service message if you interfere with your child's sexual direction and push a boy to be a girl and and advocate for it and become a docent of their genital mutilation at some point you will wake up we all get red pilled it's not no one goes from red pill to blue pill you ding dongs figure that out think about that for a second that's the first time i heard that but i think that that by and large is pretty true
Starting point is 00:27:15 there's this um this thing in the bible don't uh don't be a dog and return to your vomit you know like don't don't go back once you're red pill don't go back thank you brought to you by california hormones so you will feel horrible it's the thing that's the thing with the abortion thing too like don't don't do that just don't do abortion don't do heroin and don't transition your kid because in the end like and if you so believe that your kid is a boy, your boy child is a girl, just wait till they're 18 and let them do it. Do not put any of those things on your conscience. Your conscience, you sleep with your conscience. It's there behind your eyeballs.
Starting point is 00:27:56 You don't want stuff on your mind. A dog returns to his vomit so a fool repeats his folly. God, you're good today, Caleb. It's an aphorism? Aphorism? What does that mean? Aphorism. I'll look it up.
Starting point is 00:28:09 It's an aphorism which appears in the book of Proverbs in the Bible. Proverbs 26.11. Oh, I'm going to use that next time Froning's on. Rich, Proverbs 26.11. Just a little flex on him? Yeah, yeah, yeah. As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. Is that why you're not going to ever enter the games
Starting point is 00:28:26 as an individual again? I don't know if that works. Smooth transition. That's a good segue there. Oh, of course. A lot of queer people I know were abused by same-sex adults when they were, of course, by any, but not even same-sex, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:44 If you fucking, that's why you can't have sex with kids because you'll fuck them up they're not made for that they're not made for that at all you'll fuck them up and they will uh that that's what exactly what happens that's the that's the 50 cent psychoanalysis that's true anywhere from 51 to 100 of the time um uncle buck touches seven when he's four uh and um then seven uh either becomes hyper sexualized or wants to become a woman or wants to do something to compensate for those horrors of having uncle buck make me blown from when i was four to twelve by the way i should use it i'm armenian 100 it should be a different uncle uh like um like uncle hodach you know what i mean they have some fucking yeah you
Starting point is 00:29:32 have some fucking armenian name and i'd always be picking pubes out of my mouth i'm just trying to keep the story realistic. Uncle Haraj, where's your penis? It's in there. Keep looking. There's crumbs from your baklava down here. Don't worry about it. Oh, yeah, he'd probably sprinkle baklava down there on his pubes, so I'd go down there and blow.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I don't know what baklava is, but that makes it hilarious. It's great. He's just ruined baklava for me, honestly. I spiegel Savanskording sponsors again. But anyway, after I blow Uncle Hudod for eight years, I'm not, you're right, I'm not the same. My sexuality is all fucked up. I just into dudes who look like Caleb after that.
Starting point is 00:30:23 You know what I mean? Just throw some leather chaps on Caleb and I'm raring to go. Assless chaps. Thank you. I think the other thing too is like not necessarily like always stemming from abuse, but it stems from a lot, at least the two examples that I'm thinking of with people that I know, is it stems from the fact that like they expect the reality to change to suit them and the parents are aiding in that so like it starts with something small like hey the coach hasn't let me play on the
Starting point is 00:30:52 soccer team like i haven't got any game time so rather than cracking that net open and saying like well hey we know that we missed a bunch of practices you're not as into it as some of the other kids maybe we gotta work maybe we'll get you some private lessons to to bring you up to speed or to get you noticed they the, the parents go, you're right. I pay too much money. I'm going to go talk to that coach. And so they go over to the coach and they say, Hey, you need to let Johnny pay. We play a bunch. We, we play, we, we pay a bunch of money for this and you need to allow that, or we're going to come down and we're going to get you in trouble for your job. So the next thing you know, Johnny's on the field playing. And each time that kind of escalates, Hey, I'm getting bad grades. Well,
Starting point is 00:31:29 it must be because of the teacher, that teacher has singled you out because that time you, you dyed your hair blue and you came into the class and the teacher made a comment. I know so many parents like that. Yeah. So I think a lot of time too, it's stemming more from that where the parents are saying it's not little johnny they're perfect reality needs to bend to whatever is fitting into johnny's head at the time and you do that when they're young and that just escalates as they come up i know somebody who in in this parents who are in denial or it's fucking crazy i saw nine times out of ten it started it happens with parents that have a lot more resources.
Starting point is 00:32:05 They're rich. Or really poor and buff and strong and juiced to the gills like Travis Bajan. Yeah, but he was the coach of the team. He said he was the coach of the team and made sure the other parents wouldn't speak up or he'd kick their kids off the team. Well, then it's like then you're hiring tutors. Then you're sending them to a different private school. Then there's issues in that private school, the same one that happened in the other school.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Oh, yeah, they always, the bad parents, the parents start, that's another thing. You nailed it. Those parents also, as soon as, will switch their kid from school to school to school to school, keep blaming the schools. By the fourth school, I'm looking at my friend like, dude. Yeah, hey, if I came to work for you and you go,
Starting point is 00:32:43 hey, Matt, so tell me about the last two jobs. We see that you were at Kmart and you're at bird king before that and every time you i don't know why i picked those two places but i like him i like him is kmart still around is kmart still around no and then so every single time i you know i say oh well this boss was an asshole you know they didn't do that and every single time it's a problem with the boss you're sitting there listening oh okay yeah we're starting that but in your head you're sitting there listening. Oh, okay. Yeah. We're starting that. But in your head, you're thinking, I'm not hiring this dude. Cause I'm just going to be the next guy.
Starting point is 00:33:08 You had an issue with all my ex-girlfriends are crazy. They do this shit. They're nuts. And you should see the way they act. And you're like all of them. Okay. Either you're just, I'm sorry. Where do you meet most of your girlfriends at the strip club?
Starting point is 00:33:21 Ah, I see. And then all of a sudden you start to think, well, maybe it's not them. Maybe it's you. But when you're grown up through that time and you're raised to believe that it's not you, it's everything else around you, and your parents keep throwing money at you, maybe because they don't want to deal with their shit or maybe they can't deal with their own shit or whatever the issue is. Those parents can't deal with their kids' shit. I think a lot of them, the ones that I'm thinking of directly, can't deal with their kids shit i think a lot of them the ones that i'm thinking of directly can't deal with their own shit about both yeah you know like they're just constantly projecting and they think oh i had it so bad growing up and that's not gonna happen to my to my kids so i'm doing this this this and the other thing and really you're just thinking yeah
Starting point is 00:33:58 you're just bending reality creating a false reality that they're living in and then once they go out into the real world they're're just going to get fucking smashed because nobody is going to be making those same arrangements for them that you have. I started telling this story the other day. I went to the skate park, and I was there with my three boys, and then four of Greg's kids were there with me, and Greg's wife was there, and my wife was there. And then Greg's wife called one of her friends who brought her two kids and um one of one of this lady brought her boy there who's like the same age as avi really good skater and within we had already been there an hour and the kid gets there climbs up onto it's an outdoor uh venue climbs up onto the ramp where avi is at the top starts talking to Avi and some other kid
Starting point is 00:34:45 then I see him push Avi off the bucket from the back off the skate ramp right while he's while he has his board there then he grabs Avi's board and throws it off the ramp then he grabs the board from um uh Maggie's kid and throws the board like 15 feet so I stand up and I turn to the mom I'm like yo your boy's flipping out over there i'm going over there so she starts walking over there too and i said hey why i go hey why did you why did you throw the why why'd you push him off the ramp i've been in skate parks three years i've never seen anyone get pushed off a ramp like that and he goes he starts mocking me like going oh you know like doing like that kind of shit right and then the
Starting point is 00:35:25 mom comes over and he quickly goes and she and i go hey your son just threw um uh pushed avi off the ramp and threw both their skateboards in opposite directions and she goes did you do that and he goes no and she goes no he didn't do that i'm like uh and i said her name i'm like your son's lying to you i just saw it like i like i just like she's like no you're wrong too he's right and so then uh if you and then and then the kids came over and they're like hey this happens every time he's he's a bad kid so then the um so just rock him in the fucking face and just boom i told her i told the boy i told the boy right in front of the mom i said hey dude i just want you to know that at some point you're gonna i seems like a nice boy, but at some point, you're probably going to push him too far.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I'm giving you a heads up. Yeah, he's going to be really tired of you. And Avi started laughing. And this kid's bigger than Avi, like two inches taller than Avi. Then, I don't know, 10 minutes pass, and my six-year-old comes over and says to all the parents, hey, that boy over there is calling us all fuckfaces and says all these words he's saying. And the mom stands up and starts yelling at my kid and the other kids, my son would never use those words. And at that point, me and the other parents are like, oh, no. I mean, she was pissed she was pissed at her son
Starting point is 00:36:47 she was at that point I kind of felt sorry for her at that point like now you're dealing with like a like some crazy yeah you stepped in it right there you're like oh whoa we need to back out of this room call her hi we left we left we left the park call her hi
Starting point is 00:37:02 hey Siobhan and Caleb and Matt my My name is Rob. I'm in Canada. I've called once before, but I was going to say to Matt's point, I think that being in Canada, the biggest challenge with sports is lack of communication and lack of knowledge. So it's real simple. I've seen it because I'll use soccer in my community. There's community soccer where everyone's going to play equal, but there's a level up.
Starting point is 00:37:27 There's the next level up. And the coaches tell the parents at the beginning, this is not community soccer. It's not going to be fair. If your kid misses practice and they're the best kid, they're not playing the start of the next game. If they lay out the ground rules, so you as a parent have to know what you're getting your kid into and make a decision if that's the environment you want them to be in.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Good. You know in advance. It may not always be equal, but that's part of it. You have to just know what you're getting yourself into. Sally is on the swim team. It doesn't mean we necessarily have to put her in every event. It says that here in Section 7.4. Even though you pay $500 a year, it doesn't mean we have to put her in every event. It says that here in section 7.4. Even though you pay $500 a year,
Starting point is 00:38:06 it doesn't mean we have to put her in. But she will also, free of charge, get to watch men in her locker room change and they will also watch her. Thank you for your participation in the Canadian Swim League. Thank you. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, that's cool. Well, it's no different than buying a dog. You think you want a dog and you think, I'll get this cute little Jack Russell Terry and search a small dog. And then you realize someone says and you think I'll get to this cute little Jack Russell Terrier, such a small dog. And then you realize someone says, you watch your dog.
Starting point is 00:38:28 What's walking your dog. I didn't know they need to be walked. Yeah. You know, just, you have a Russell Terrier. I do not have, I know I had,
Starting point is 00:38:37 no, I had a golden retriever. Yeah. Jack Russell. I know people do not get a fucking Jack Russell Terrier unless you hate yourself. Three. Don't get a,
Starting point is 00:38:50 don't get a pit bull, a Jack Russell Terrier, a Boxer, or one of those things that people claim aren't Pitbulls. They're like a something Terrier, a Stafford Terrier. Those five dogs, do not get those unless you hate yourself. Yeah. So you agree with me, caller? You agree with me? Yeah. I agree with you because hey because too many because unfortunately how you those dogs get treated like these kids are talking about because they're not being treated the way they're
Starting point is 00:39:10 designed to be treated yeah yeah you're right jack girls terrier should be just outside hunting all day killing neighbors cats squirrels skunks you're right and if you do anything else with them yeah yeah you're well said yes those dogs are fucking savages if you especially if you do anything else with them, yeah, yeah, well said, yes. Those dogs are fucking savages. Especially if you get like three of them together, nothing can escape. Your house will be destroyed. No, your house is going to be, every couch you have is destroyed. They're amazing. You're right.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I like the way you said it. Yeah, in the right environment, they're fucking fantastic. You got a rabbit problem in your yard? Get four of those. Exactly. So, but that's, you know what? and there's no difference in, you know, fitness. Like you can, you know, obviously you guys focus around the, you know, the CrossFit world, but I mean, it's like anything else. Like, you know, I think, you know, we talk about all the problems that are out there with people that are obese and so forth. I think step one is them understanding that there's things you can simply do, cut
Starting point is 00:40:05 out your sugars, maybe reduce your stop eating carbs by 2 p.m. each day, and function three, four, five times a week where you're getting your heart rate up. And that's the starting point. I mean, yes, there's levels we'd like to see higher, but for a lot of people, they're not even at that minimum that they're functioning walking getting 10 000 steps a day and uh moving your body challenging your body easy we're getting to the you know you know easy easy oh yeah so anyways i'll let you guys go but thanks for the show excellent stuff you need your own podcast all
Starting point is 00:40:38 right thank you for calling love you hey too is uh where was that going to go? Was he going to tell us about the transportation issues? If we would have just let him go. Natalie, this convo is weird. No, you're weird. Don't call Natalie weird. With your silky soft hair, Natalie. This convo is weird to start the day. Have to go to work now. I'm sorry, J-O-B.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Thank you for all the good work, boys. Thank you. Don't call us boys. We're not boys. We're men. Me, sorry, J-O-B. Thank you for all the good work, boys. Thank you. Don't call us boys. We're not boys. We're men. Me, me, me, me, me. To the college boys. I know.
Starting point is 00:41:10 How did he go there? He's like, yeah, stop eating carbs after two. It's like, fuck. It's part of his monologue. With the sports thing, though, that's like, it's interesting doing the youth conditioning program that we started like a few months back. So, for example, with the parents getting way too over involved in setting bad examples for their kids is we made a joke. And the kids are like, they see the rings hanging at the gym. It's like, hey, can you do one of the muscle ups, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And so I kept telling them like, no, no, no, just stay focused here. So in the last week, I was like, okay, you guys want to see a muscle up? And they're like, yeah. And they get all crazy. So I get up there and I do a few. And somebody goes, hey, if I get one, what will you give us? And I go, you're going to get nothing. And earlier at the beginning, I told them that if they could beat me in a handstand,
Starting point is 00:42:01 walk across the gym, that I'd give them a hundred bucks. Right. So then one of the kids goes, well, what about the hundred i tongue-in-cheek i'm like yeah sure and then so they made this joke that each week it goes on and somebody doesn't get it it adds up right so then it was at some astronomical rate of like 800 bucks well one kid fucking gets it like literally practices every single time ethnicity what ethnicity is the kid? White, black, or other? I don't see color in my gym. I'm Matt Souza. Yeah, it doesn't happen in the walls of my
Starting point is 00:42:31 sanctuary. Anyhow, he's practicing. I'm guessing it's an Asian kid who weighs like 81 pounds and is 12 years old. Good guess, but no. He gets closer and closer, and finally
Starting point is 00:42:47 Grace looks at me and she goes, hey, you better set those kids straight. He's going to fucking get it, and then they're going to hold you to your word on it, right? And I'm like, oh, no. So anyhow, he gets it, and he gets the muscle up, and he gets up. The whole place goes nuts. All of us are over the top, celebrating, high-fiving. Money fell from the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:43:03 You pulled a string and dough and built a board. And so, so anyhow, he, he gets it. So then the next time he comes into class, we'd always do our whiteboard debrief. So they all come up, they take a knee and I go, hey, I just want to recognize this individual. And I, and I based the whole thing around the fact that he was no different than any of the other kids.
Starting point is 00:43:23 The one exception was that he continuously worked at it each time, right? Trying to show the value of like- It was the kid who was like- Continuously worked at it each time. He took it in like there was multiple attempts. He would make his dad stay after so he could do it. So I do this big recognition thing. And then I told him that if he thought he was going to get $800, there was another lesson hitting and it's never trust the government. And I told him in this case, I'm the government. So you were promised something and you're not going to get it.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And then, you know, they kind of just sat there. And so I go, I didn't get that. They're like, that's dumb. Yeah. And so I go, okay. So anyhow, I do want to give you some award though. So we do a bunch of the stuff and I give them 20 bucks and I go, but, but by the way, I do think you or something. So, so, but by the way, I do think you
Starting point is 00:44:05 or something. So, so here's a 20, I can't give you $800. And so he's like pumped and everybody's cheering and we go back and forth. And then, um, later we get an email from the parent saying, Hey, you know, so-and-so was kind of bummed when, uh, when they got picked up. And, um, it was because a challenge was set out by one of the coaches and and i think that he should have got some sort of recognition maybe a certificate or something and i'm like reading this email like what the fuck like first off did you even did what happened inside the building versus what was relayed to you by your kid has like there was there are two different spectrums i'm like well maybe he fucking didn't want to tell his dad he got 20 bucks or something right and so i can't
Starting point is 00:44:50 believe this is a true story i can't story so then he writes this whole entire thing and was like in any ways and then he kind of ends it with a good note goes anyways uh it's really great stuff he's super pumped i'm love i'm love what you're doing right there and i'm like wow like you completely screw this up this individual that got that muscle up was my favorite fucking kid in the class i would always make time to go up especially after it the dad made me want to just avoid it yeah yeah avoid the kid yeah avoid the kid and then second and then on top of that what he just did was way more harmful than that because what he said is hey son it's not important intrinsic value is not important you made that accomplishment and rather than feeling really
Starting point is 00:45:31 good about your work and inside that nobody else could take away from you reminded me of avi with the gray belt that was his he worked on it he got that muscle up he owned that he could he could be proud of himself with it but the dad diminished all that and basically it was like there was no intrinsic value you didn't get the outside recognition that and by the way he did but clearly not enough of it or something was translated the message dude the fact that the other kids think he's the coolest kid in the class now it should be enough any guy complete recognition for me we brought him up i like showed him i gave him the money in front of it and i literally turned and was was like, we're recognizing so-and-so because of their hard work and dedication to accomplishing something that seemed impossible when you guys left at the beginning of the last. uh matt i'm um because i still think he's asian i'm uh one uh kim's uh kim's kym i'm kim's father
Starting point is 00:46:30 and i just want to let you know that um i'm so we feel so fortunate and thankful that we have a coach like you who's giving our kids uh lifelong skills um in sport. But my kids have been going to a jujitsu class here, courtesy of the Glassmans. Very generous. Taking my kids to this private lesson with this fucking gnarly Brazilian dude almost every day that we've been here. And I take pictures and I send it back to the jujitsu and striking instructors back in my homeland, California. And I say,
Starting point is 00:47:05 you guys make me so proud to take these boys everywhere. Thank you for everything you've done. They can hold their own at any gym. That's the only thing you should be telling your... Or just take it... If you didn't like this, Susan didn't pay your kid 800 bucks and you only got a muscle-up, then take your kid out of the fucking event.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And then save that in the email. Like, hey, dude like hey dude my kid's all about benjamins yeah and by the way if you would have said that but like you should not like run your mouth around these kids because they hold you to a high standard of what's your word i would have accepted that oh shit jamie fucked up my story clearly not asian because the asian parents wouldn't have had that response you're right they would have never played the victim yeah i don't know it's 2023 we're gonna get the asians to play the victims too soon just give it time kim yeah thank you kim yes kym but yeah it was crazy and it had such a negative effect for such a positive thing that
Starting point is 00:47:56 should have been uh celebrated and we had a plan to because they get certificates when they complete it uh complete the course the six-week course and we give them little badges so if they do certain thing really well they get like the back squat badge well he was going to get the rings on his and that was going to be like coveted like you know and whatever nobody's ever going to get the rings and stuff but it just completely diminished all that i was just like i like what are you doing you just took that whole thing away from us. Yeah. Now, it could be the case that the kid didn't tell. Do you think they're parents listening to this right now? Now you're going to freak me out. Well, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:48:35 You didn't say anything bad. You didn't say anything bad. No, no, no. I don't say anything bad. I try to keep them as vague so we could just hear the philosophical point of it. But no, I don't think. But it's kind of interesting because some of the kids that are in there were know, the philosophical point of it. But no, I don't, I don't think, but it's kind of interesting because some of the kids that are in there were like, Hey, wait a minute. We saw that you make videos.
Starting point is 00:48:51 You're on Instagram. And then one of them had said something about like YouTube and those, that age group is like super into that. So I think once that that happens, who knows how that'll change like once they see the podcast and stuff. How much shit you can talk about your clients. Yeah, not a lot. It's getting, it's getting lower each time.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I'll tell you that. That's good. It makes me happy. Yeah. And a couple of one time too, we're not anymore, but one time too, a member comes up to me and goes,
Starting point is 00:49:15 Hey, we're moving buildings. And I snap and I go, no, wait, why do you say that? Oh, I heard it on this long podcast he said you were moving buildings
Starting point is 00:49:26 oh he did did he uh maybe i mean we've talked about you you moving locations haven't we oh shit you and i on the phone publicly oh oh maybe it was live and i didn't tell you call her that's what i thought okay bye uh 449 dolphin teeth jake chapman uh question uh do who do who do we now think that kid respects more as a result of that incident uh 449 oh we'll get to that in one second let's listen to this really quick la for the past two years there's a different type of white person out there that i've never met before the white people that are so woke that they've become racist you know what i mean this guy said this to my face i'm white dude he goes i'm very careful with my words around black people because they're very sensitive i was like sensitive i'm like you didn't go to public
Starting point is 00:50:24 school did you i'm like because you would't go to public school, did you? I'm like, because you would know, black kids are the best roasters in the world, right? Like, a black roast will scar you for life. I got scarred bad by one, because I don't know if you could tell, I got little teeth, and this kid goes, hey, yo, why you got dolphin teeth? And I haven't smiled in a picture to this day. I was an elf. We needed a little humor. Yeah, that was Jeff Bako. What happened to Jeff Bako?
Starting point is 00:50:54 He was just here this morning. Oh, he was? He was? Yeah. It's like one of the first messages. I haven't seen him in six months, I feel like. I know. Hi, Clive. Hi, Melissaissa hi heidi uh but the parents
Starting point is 00:51:08 really didn't take it away suza can push that down and still celebrate the kid with the no but here's the problem with that yeah yeah heidi don't take this away from suza no sure i could push that down but the problem is i don't know oh there he is i don't know i don't know how what i do is going to be perceived now so all that makes me want to do is just none of it because I don't want to deal with either end of that aspect. So that's all it did is it just it just it just basically stifled that part of the class. So why would I. So somebody tells me like what to do and I no longer want to do that. That's how that's how I feel. It's like you're damned if you do damned if you don't in this situation right so like if i did it and it went and it worked well it probably would have pursued more of that but now i'm just like well how are these other kids parents going
Starting point is 00:51:53 to react like now i just won't even bother 448 somebody's dad or brother somebody's dad or brother oh this is this is just going back we'll go through this one really quick this is this is the girl like i'm like why isn't someone's dad or brother or someone doing something like i don't i'm not sure i get this let's see here we go where's this chick's boyfriend asked us how we felt where we exist to validate a male's identity um but the ivy league leah thomas's teammates actually when they were concerned about the locker room situation and they sent an email to the Ivy League and the NCAA, their response was, here are some counseling resources you should seek if you feel comfortable seeing Mel Genitalia in your locker room. And then they were referred to the LGBTQ Education Center to educate themselves on the oppression that these athletes are dealing with.
Starting point is 00:52:47 So no one within the NCAA is willing to acknowledge us, our feelings, our safety, our privacy. I've really tried. I feel like it's really only happened like past couple weeks where I get emotional talking about the locker room scene. Because it is just so wild that you can turn around and see a 6'4 biological man pull his pants down watching you undress. And no one is willing to stick up for you. No one. No one. No one. Imagine what we're – this is just nuts uh by the way what
Starting point is 00:53:27 she said it's not true what she said but it is it is 100 valid that women are call it young naked beautiful college women in their locker rooms are being used to validate mentally ill men it's not true but it's 100 valid the the the algebra is there the calculus is there they're validating these psychos in female locker rooms but by by the scene in the female locker room it's bizarre i don't know um yeah six four no wonder he's so dominant i know it's crazy right big dude long long neck dominant against the females yeah yeah i'd actually Yeah, 6'4", no wonder he's so dominant. I know, it's crazy, right? Big dude. Long fucking neck. I'd be actually curious to see what he looks like naked myself, to be honest. Hey, you could do it.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Just transition, go to the locker room, say you identify as a college athlete, female college athlete. You've still got four years of eligibility. You didn't even use your athletics for your seven years of college. You're good you're good dude yeah you're in there like swimwear yeah yeah they take you on a swim team at five five where's her dad i know he's a huge bitch why and then she thinks she said no one's gonna stick up for us the fuck band together and stick up for yourselves i think the only people that could really push back against us in an effective way would be women get the fuck out of here with that giant dong peace and love yeah they all band together and say hey guess what we're not gonna fucking swim because we're not gonna change out because you guys allowed a male in our locker room so guess what we're
Starting point is 00:54:59 fine i'm out hashtag i'm out hey if you to do that, make sure you call media ahead of time. That'll be awesome. Like just go up there on the diving board at the Olympics and then just stand up there. Where's the next Summer Olympics at? What country? Let me look. I think the Olympics actually don't let dudes in the women's class. God, we live in a weird world.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I can't believe I just said that out loud. God, we live in a weird world. I can't believe I just said that out loud. Okay, let's go to 447. What? Tokyo? Oh, yeah, the Japanese aren't going to tolerate that shit. They ain't playing that game. Caleb, bring Leah Thomas post again. It's not as clean cut as believing you're the wrong sex.
Starting point is 00:55:47 It's a weird kink. He liked posts that indicate keeping the dick is – oh, we don't need to bring it back. But what Clive is saying is that Leah Thompson is admitting that as a tranny, he prefers to keep his penis. Yeah, who wouldn't? I mean, you'd be fucking crazy to ditch the penis. Hey, is there a joke here, too, with Clock Cutter?
Starting point is 00:56:10 Anytime you guys see, is this one, is this like Barry, a talker? Is there one there, too? You assholes. I don't think so. If it is, I'll get it in about another year. I still laugh about that, honestly. Paris 2024. instead of tokyo paris will definitely allow it paris will definitely allow i mean their dudes have almost been girls for a long time anyway since i've been a kid
Starting point is 00:56:38 uh 447 that language doesn't seem to produce a lot of i think just speaking french reduces your testosterone levels. I don't know why I think that. I always felt like it was the opposite. I felt like the French were, like, super sexual. Oh, yeah, that's interesting. I think of them as super sexual, too. But I just think of their men as...
Starting point is 00:56:56 That language is just too silky smooth. Feminine. So, in a nutshell, I'm gonna... This is fucking crazy. So they're saying that the people convicted and punished under current gun laws in the state of Michigan, that it was disproportionately affecting black people, people with melanated skin. Imagine how stupid you have to be to think that that's a relevant statistic in terms of stopping gun violence. So what they did, because you scroll to the next one, I'll read it for you. It's not relative to charging people with a felony firearms offense was supposed to dissuade people from carrying guns.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But all it did was just disproportionately impact black people in Michigan. That's because people, by some circumstance, who have melanated skin are disproportionately using guns. But they never even mentioned that in the article do you understand the difference like if if um uh jaywalking tickets are disproportionately affecting people who cross the street well of course it is because if you don't cross the street it can't fucking affect you but they're saying that that gun laws are disproportionately affecting people with melanated skin. That's because melanated people are disproportionately involved in gun violence. It has nothing to do – that's the only reason.
Starting point is 00:58:40 While this law was enacted in 1976 to deter gun violence, it has never lived up to its promise of keeping the public safer. They're conflating these two data points. It's fucking batshit crazy. I don't even know how people write this stuff but here's what's so fucking crazy listen here it is in Michigan 82% of the people serving a sentence for a felony firearm are black despite black people making up just 14% of the state's population it's not the state's population that's relevant
Starting point is 00:59:02 what's relevant is the number of people regardless of their color who are involved in gun violence it's like this they say that um uh they say that um melanated people are disproportionately charged with gun crimes, let's say, or disproportionately represented in jail. Well, you first have to realize that 51% of all murders that happen in the United States happen by 6% of the population, and those are black men. If you want to use those demographics by genitalia and skin color and murder. And if you don't say that, you're not giving a fair representation. If you want to manipulate people, then at least give them a fair representation. We'll go into that more about men and women here in wage disparities very soon, the same way they tricked people.
Starting point is 00:59:56 But here's where it gets really crazy. Bear with me, people. You ready? They want gun laws just because that's what the democrats want they want more gun laws to stop gun violence and yet here they want to they're pulling back the gun laws because they're disproportionately affecting people with melanated skin so now they have two struggles how do they how do they reconcile those two things they don't they don't care because their constituency is fucking morons just ignore them so now they're going to pull back this law and then and then go to the next slide and then look at guess who got off on those gun laws this guy the michigan state shooter was convicted and sentenced for firearm charges for which he only served 24 hours in jail because they pulled those laws back because they were disproportionately affecting people with melanated skin.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And look, this guy has melanated skin. I don't know if you were able to follow that. You might have to rewind that. But basically, they have gun laws. They didn't like the gun laws because they were disproportionately affecting people with melanin skin. But the only reason why they were disproportionately affecting people with melanin skin is because people who have melanin skin were significantly more involved in gun violence. It had nothing to do with anything else. And then so then they pulled back the law.
Starting point is 01:01:18 And so this guy only did 24 hours in jail so that we wouldn't appear racist. And now three kids died on campus in michigan state it's it's um fucking clown world we live in yeah crazy town banana pants yeah uh uh jamie uh latimer they had done a welfare check on the man one week prior to the shooting how nothing came of that is beyond me play stupid games win stupid prizes Done a welfare check on the man one week prior to the shooting. How nothing came of that is beyond me. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But he's not dead.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Nobody killed him. Didn't this guy kill himself? No, they let him off. No, no, no. But since then, this is the Michigan State shooter. I think he died in that. I think he died. The thing is, is is is that yeah that's what i'm saying they put him in jail for 24 hours and then he got out and he killed three people a year later because of the color of his skin well that same scenario i don't know if it has to do with skin
Starting point is 01:02:21 color but it's happening out here in californ the time. I mean how many people have they have like arrested for heinous crimes and then let them back out, and then they just escalate it and somebody dies, and they're like, oh, well, shit. Who would have thought? The child molester came back and molested more kids and then killed one. So I guess they're taking it seriously. So Democrats, do you want more gun laws but only the ones that affect white and black people the same? Don't worry about white and black people. Just worry about bad people. Stop trying to figure it out.
Starting point is 01:02:51 They're trying to figure out a gun law that equally affects white people and black people. You're not going to find one because white people aren't shooting each other as often as black people relative to how many there are. as often as black people relative to how many there are. Don't worry. Don't obviously people in Porsches are getting more speeding tickets than people in fucking Ford focuses. Don't worry about that. Just set a fucking speed limit law. Don't be like,
Starting point is 01:03:16 well, that's unfair to the people in Porsches. Just shut up. Just set a speed limit law and just stick to it. Stop conflating the fact that Porsches and Ford Focuses have anything to do with the safety at what speed you're at. Whatever happened to the only
Starting point is 01:03:34 guarantee in life was death and taxes? 446, James Townsend. We gotta get James Townsend on. I love these kind of videos.. I love these kind of videos. I absolutely love these kind of videos. When I see videos like this, I kind of imagine James Townsend sitting on the toilet editing this
Starting point is 01:03:54 on Instagram. This is nuts. You're an athlete, huh? That's cool. Are you this athlete unreal so unreal wow dude hey that steppity step thing that he has right there i want one of those those are expensive huh yeah that's too expensive to be using as a prop like that if that fall off and probably oh that one elevates as i say we made a bunch of one of the coaches at my gym made a bunch of them just out of scrap wood
Starting point is 01:04:33 that we use they were great that's wild i'm so messed up like when i see that i'm not like god i wish i could do that i'm like oh god i hope my boys can do that like i'm just completely like living my life vicariously through them i'm doing everything you're not supposed to do even that little kid at the park i want to slap the shit out of him but i'm like oh you'll do it he will too but he's so like so give it a few years, and I feel like Avi and Joseph will be way more even-keeled. The next time those kids get pushed in about five years, they're going to have to deal with Ari. Yeah, yeah, Ari. I feel like he's going to come up and be like, did you just push my brother? He's like, what?
Starting point is 01:05:18 Bam! Hey, dude, so at the end of jiu-jitsu class the other day, Greg has this girl. She's a savage. She's so good at jiu- jujitsu and she's really aggressive. And Avi loves her to death. And she's probably like a little more than a year older than Avi. So after class was over, I said to Tiago that the Brazilian fucking black belt, I can barely understand his English. I'm like, hey, can the kids get three minutes on the clock and fucking go at it?
Starting point is 01:05:42 And he goes, yeah. And so Avi and Greg's kid go at it, this girl and they war, they're warring. And I'd seen this girl had a couple of tournaments previously had gone four and oh, and won the gold. And,
Starting point is 01:05:56 but she's a white belt. Avi's been doing jujitsu probably two years longer. And they're warring dude. And finally, I think Avi's going to get her back and she's pissed and she's just big and strong and but skinny you know and she fucking gets off takes obby's back reverses it gets obby's back and chokes him out and he doesn't want to tap until finally me and tiago are like it's over it's over and she lets go and there's tears pouring out of obby's eyes
Starting point is 01:06:21 really finding that competitive side it was fucking it was it was crazy hey not to spit it off too much but have you been seeing the uh uh Gordon Ryan and and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's hard for me to watch because I really liked Gordon Ryan but like obviously Nicky's our dude he's on the show and stuff I love Nicky I'm like don't say that shit Jordan Gordon I do like I do like how the comments are getting crazy too, like with Craig Jones in there. Yep. Yes, that's 60 inches.
Starting point is 01:06:53 It's crazy. I know. He is a special – that James Townsend is a special creature. He is a man. Tonight, Andrew Hiller will be uh on the podcast i mean the goal is i can't guarantee anything um i don't want to be like susan not give that kid 800 bucks oh damn but hey can you imagine like how are you supposed to give him 800 like i'm sorry this is gonna be all the money i made off of all the kids here all year and I'm gonna have to shut
Starting point is 01:07:26 The gym down Here you go my wife and I aren't gonna eat But we're glad fucking little Johnny's got 800 bucks I'm paying Andrew Hiller $800 to come on and do the Open today I'll watch the new Mayhem Nation video that dropped yesterday There was zero Haley Adams and yesterday
Starting point is 01:07:41 She posted her story it's better to be alone Oh Oh Nelly, Nelly. Drama. Oh, Nelly. Do you think those camp things are going to be like here to stay, or do you think they're all going to crumble after a period of time? No, no, here to stay.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Interesting. Here to stay. Bye. Bye, guys. Have fun. Hey, it's only 7, and the CrossFitfit class is 8 30 it's eight oh all right fine say bye bye i love you you guys i have to go into crossfit yeah this um this uh girl that used to live in santa cruz uh rocky teaches now lives here and teaches a uh at a crossfit gym here in
Starting point is 01:08:23 arizona oh yeah you're here too in arizona and so hayley uh hayley and maggie greg's wife are going over to it oddly enough i know rocky not no no but i worked out there a couple times at crossfit actos oh no shit yeah yeah that's her yeah yeah tall pretty skinny chick yeah yeah she probably doesn't know me but every time someone calls me washed up donate $2 to the live stream a newsflash $0 will be made oh nice nice
Starting point is 01:08:50 damn yeah Adam fucked me up too he's absolutely right should have listened to Grace it's Grace's birthday today by the way happy birthday Grace commitment to the commitment to the show not the uh birthday um 445 uh maybe i should be more clear i'm not joking there's a couple of
Starting point is 01:09:13 these today i i really am not joking guys i know it might seem like i'm joking but um i am not joking disneyland is just a place to eat sugar you have to know that that's all it's not it's not like poetic license it's not like that's uh 99 like if you go there and you and you think you're going there to ride the rides what you're going to end up doing is you're going to end up watching people it's like going to a park and thinking you're going to play frisbee but you get there and just people shooting up heroin everywhere. It is literally just a place to go and watch people eat sugar. That's it.
Starting point is 01:09:52 I mean, they have rides there, but action. That's it, yes. It's just a place to eat adults that are super into disney weird me out yeah dude they should they should it weird me i wouldn't say it's conclusive but it should it should definitely be a i have a couple family members that went to disney for like their honeymoon i only like going to raves because of the drugs and the girls I was never into electronic music or the lights and all that
Starting point is 01:10:32 shit yeah when people go to Disney for sugar and uh sugar it's fucking weird dude there was nothing else there's some people, dude. There was nothing else. There's some people that are super into Disney or like were. I used to know them.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Don't currently associate now. It's horrible what happened at Michigan State University. What bothers me is politicians using it as a platform for their narrative and agenda. How about punishment was that different ring i was trying to read a text message that came in uh caller hi hey what's up dudes come on i got a good uh a good affiliate story so our affiliate just had a jethro it's j's Jethro. It's Jethro. Yes, yes. Hello, hello. Hey, guys. So, your affiliate had a fundraiser and one of the local affiliate owners came down to be a part of it
Starting point is 01:11:33 and this person was actually on your affiliate series and that person partnered up with someone who was brand new, never did CrossFit, just came down to the workout and that person totally catered to them, showed them every single movement. That person could have really just went with one of their members and blasted out,
Starting point is 01:11:52 but that's what CrossFit's all about. They really took the time, got a new member, and really showed them what it was about. Let me tell you what I hear. I hear not that this affiliate owner was being nice, but they were being a pussy and didn't want to go hard in the workout. So they hid behind this newbie. No, it was, it was really cool to see. And, uh, it was really appreciated. Uh, Jethro has high T yes. He has very high T. At 49. I hope I am.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Everyone knows that dude, his name's fucking Jethro. He fucking walks around with a steel rake. How did your parents name you Jethro? Well, my Puerto Rican parents were probably smoking dope and got Jethro, so. Wasn't there someone on the Beverly Hillbillies named Jethro? Do you remember that show? There was. Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah. John, Jonathan Ortega says he fucks for sure. For sure. Jonathan takes one to no one. Oh my goodness. All right, brother. Thank you. I'd love to hear good stories like that.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Good luck. Good luck, everyone in the open, guys. Set yourself free, Jethro. Don't be offended. No, I love it. I love it. good stories like that. Good luck. Good luck, everyone in the open, guys. Set yourself free, Jethro. Don't be offended. No, I love it. I love it. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Later. I wonder if Puerto Ricans probably have some crazy derogatory terms slaying their way. Okay. So 445. Okay. Okay. So 445. Okay. So the other day, I don't know if you guys saw, but we pulled up the LinkedIn profile of the lady who's on the DEI, who, Matt believes – a little piece of Matt wants you guys to keep your handcuffs on because your dollar is the greatest way to vote. You have to know that. A little piece.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Hey, I just want – I'm only smiling because I feel uncomfortable saying this right now to Matt's face. But I really want to show my teeth and be angry right now. But I'm trying to be cool. Hey, I pay for it because when you type in CrossFit gym near me and show up, it's worth the $250 a month. You guys all pay because you hate change. You're like, oh, I'm loyal to Greg Glassman and the methodology. I know I have the word high intensity on my sign. I like the word CrossFit. Hey, you know, the other reason why I paid is because last year i i pushed it like i wasn't going to like i was really contemplating
Starting point is 01:14:28 not going to and they basically like enough time had lapsed that they were like hey you're gonna lose your name and so i have crossfit livermore right and so i was like my first thought was like damn i don't want somebody else to open an affiliate like take that take that name look it comes down to an ultimatum crossfit's like um can you pay and you're like i don't want somebody else to open an affiliate and like, take that, take that name. Look at it comes down to an ultimatum. CrossFit's like, um, can you pay? And you're like, I don't know. And then they grab your hand. Can you pay? Like, I don't know. And then they bend your wrist like maybe, and then they put your behind your back and you're like, yeah, I'll pay. Well, the 250 bucks in marketing alone, just by, cause if we look at the searches and talk about the people that come into the gym, I would say a lot of them, it's either, it's either one thing. It's either word of mouth. I heard it from a friend. They
Starting point is 01:15:07 won't shut up about this place. So they drug me in here to come check it out. Or I don't know. I've been seeing CrossFit a lot. I had done in the past. So I typed in CrossFit gym near me. You guys popped up. There either way back to my story. I love you, Mr. Sousa. Elaine Marino. Elaine Marino. When you pay your open fees, you keep the DEI council. There she is. Thank you. college before a yeah uh crossfit llc um a global head of diversity equity and inclusion at crossfit that means she gives head to everyone globally and equally you how does she take herself seriously that is so fucking ridiculous. But anyway, I, she has this whole list of, of things that you, of words that if you say them,
Starting point is 01:16:10 like I'm a straight shooter, um, you switch it to like, Hey, I'm, um, she's asking people like to change their, the way they speak in a way that's just woke.
Starting point is 01:16:18 It's like, it's taking the fun out of talking. She, she's the word police. She's the thought police. I mean, it's full 1984 with her police. Yeah. Please word police. She's the thought police. I mean, it's full 1984 with her. The thought police, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:27 And by the way, what ends up happening eventually with thought police is very, very bad, especially if you're quote-unquote marginalized. That's already what they do in a lot of third-world countries. The thought police is basically you kill
Starting point is 01:16:43 gay people just for thinking about being gay. Shit gets really weird and that's actually a big problem around the world thought police but but she wants to bring thought police to the um to crossfit into the united states and i just wanted you to know that as an affiliate and as a participant in the open you're paying for that so while i'll be doing the open on the side and not giving a fucking cent uh you guys will be because i don't want to support that i'm just lying i've never been big into the open i'm just now i'm just acting trying to act cool um but uh but just know that's where your money's going and i still think that maybe you should pay your affiliate fees and pay your open fees but maybe you should sign an open like hey get fiery elaine or or not not even fire elaine elaine needs to put food on her table too that's too harsh can you um i'd be laying a
Starting point is 01:17:30 different job like why not just make elaine do all the fucking open workouts on video and videotape it and i mean that would add value to her it would well that would be even better if she doesn't do crossfit take that money say hey we we want to see Elaine do all that. We prefer Elaine. We think Elaine will think more clearly and be a kinder, more gentler soul who believes in freedom. If she and will stop enforcing people to wear handcuffs so that they're not offended by words. You understand? She's the person who will attack you if you set someone free from their shackles. Yeah, she's putting the handcuffs so that they're not offended by words that you have you understand she's the person who will attack you if you if you set someone free from their shackles yeah she's putting the handcuffs
Starting point is 01:18:08 on people yeah exactly here we yeah exactly thank you susan she's put she puts handcuffs on people um and she doesn't even know it either but but i bet you she started working out and understanding personal responsibility and personal accountability she realized it give elaine a job that's real and add value to the place yeah you're right being getting fired sucks i want to take that back she doesn't have to do a pistol she could do a pistol the way i do pistols i hold on to each side of the squat rack and i just do one and then the other yeah i like to do pistols like that look at caleb i thank you for nodding and giving me the yeah i yeah my arthritic knees can't do that anymore. So we're just doing assisted pistols.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I could do it. It just looks crappy. I come onto my toe and my kneecaps about to explode. I did it good. Hey, and by the way, for the record, when I send my check into a CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:18:58 I put, please only send my money to people that I've worked there from 2014. And before, thank you. Oh, that's good. Starting, Send my money to people that have worked there from 2014 and before. Thank you. They do. Oh. That's good. Start a gym and call it CrossFit Sevan.
Starting point is 01:19:11 I don't think you're allowed to have it after your name, but it is a lake in Armenia. I guess I could get a secure location there. Quick side tangent. I have a new member, and her name is seven no shit yes and i did her intro class and everything super awesome but it was so weird to call her seven while we were like doing stuff is she armenian possibly yeah it's not spelled like yours at all how's it spelled fuck i'm gonna have to a 48 years old uh t count of 980 no supplements eat healthy morning sex and lift heavy shit i'm a morning sex guy too it's which is a disaster if you have kids it's spelled s-a-u-v-a-n-n-e
Starting point is 01:20:01 and she actually said wow yeah because i and I was like, how do you pronounce your name? And my coach, Alva, was standing right behind me and she goes, it's Sevan. It's kind of hard. And then Alva goes, no, we're familiar with it. How you doing? Oh, shit. That's
Starting point is 01:20:20 awesome, dude. Yeah, yeah. She did great, too. 444. So this is going, this is uh i think this is elaine's husband here uh or or elaine if you are single this is uh if you and That's 444. Oh, my bad. Excuse me. Standby. Speaking of ethnic, Ms. Perez. Hi. Hello. Hi.
Starting point is 01:20:57 How you doing? Good. I'm having fun. No, I think one of these days we should get together and talk about this council hey are you in Arizona no but I will be in the morning oh perfect well we'll talk tomorrow
Starting point is 01:21:13 tomorrow morning our vlog series you're on the DEI council I am is that a paid position yes oh well everyone make sure you enter the open I approve of Athena getting a paid position? Yes. Oh, well, everyone, make sure you enter the open. I approve of Athena getting a small portion of your...
Starting point is 01:21:30 It's a very modest stipend, but... But what I was going to say is it hasn't been active since last summer. Meaning, what does that mean? You guys haven't done any BLM marches or anything like that since last summer? You guys aren't in force? No. No. So she comes onto the meeting and she tells everybody that we aren't going to be meeting anymore because CrossFit doesn't know who they are.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Oh, no. That's what happens. So, I mean, I'm not exaggerating. If they want to get mad, that's fine, but I'm going to set the record straight. We haven't met. Is that why they hired that company in New York to, like, try to figure out their identity? I don't know if they're still with them, but I know going back a few months they had hired like a PR firm to and started interviewing all the employees there and they were trying to like figure out who they who they are yeah well I mean
Starting point is 01:22:35 that's what we were told they'd say no no hold on hold on I don't want to mess this up okay so they said that not everybody's playing on the same team. Not everybody's playing in the pool nicely together. We don't know who we are. We're not going to be meeting until further notice. Wow. Wow. So that's what happened. God, that makes me happy.
Starting point is 01:22:59 So happy. Maybe they'll disband you guys. Maybe they'll disband you guys. What were you hoping to accomplish by being on that council? A lot of people ask me that. I thought I was going to go in and try to attack issues like getting the closed captions working for that part of the community. And I thought I was going to be involved in just things that were going to help make the community better and more accessible. Um, but
Starting point is 01:23:31 you're with, you're with, you're with some, the, the problem is, is that, that, I don't know if the word is moniker, those letters attract mentally ill people. It's like that, that's, I wish there was, I wish that you, we could just start like, like I like what you're doing with your seminar. Like, Hey, like, like Chris Cooper, like, you know, there's a seminar how to work with kids, how to work with large body people.
Starting point is 01:23:58 I love the fact that you're doing that. I can't get behind that enough. There's a, a Chris Cooper started a program, how to work with people with autism. there's there's all this there's nuances to all of this that people who really want to get into certain communities and teach stuff i fully get behind uh you want closed captioning so fucking deaf old people and just deaf people in general can see it i'd love it make this shit more accessible to people but this group this dei group wants to harm wants to harm people it's like the person it's like you know like when a business wants um the city demands a business put in a handicap ramp you know for people in wheelchairs and the business can't
Starting point is 01:24:35 afford to put it in and so they get put out of business like that shit ain't right there are some great people that are part of that group. I mean, you, you know, Amy, she's amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Love her. Lots of good people on the council. And I, I truly believe that, I don't know all of them, but I would have to imagine that everybody joined for the same reasons. I, I just wanted to make CrossFit more accessible to every group there was.
Starting point is 01:25:02 And it definitely was a different atmosphere than I was coming on, for sure. Well, it does give me some solace knowing that people like you and Amy are on the council. I'm very curious to see what happens to it. I do think that they should redistribute your guys' talents. Yeah, I have no idea what they're going to do. Like just, I mean, I know you and I have talked about this before, but I'll just use this as just an example. Instead of having affiliate managers get rid of all of those guys and reallocate that money to send um
Starting point is 01:25:47 uh affiliate owners um to the uh large body seminar right i mean we know that i mean we're headed towards a fucking population that's 50 large bodies you want to do you want to do something good for affiliate owners tell them hey we're going to do uh one of these in every state over the next three years and everyone can it can come for free that would be like do that that i would much and then then what you're doing is is you're helping a and i'm putting my fingers up in quotes a marginalized community you want to you want to get more black people into fucking crossfit go fucking build a gym in fucking compton or wherever all the black people are like just do just attack the fucking issue i mean use that money like that.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Unity and CrossFit. But I mean, let's look at the numbers, right? We are not, we're the average. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Right. All right. Well, thank you for calling and thank you for the insight. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't say. Never. Okay. Later.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Bye. See you tomorrow. That's cool. I get to see her tomorrow. by the way what she had said about the uh uh council and like her aim as to why she joined that was really cool that was the first time i've because i always thought the whole thing was fluff but as she was like explaining there and just creating like accessibility and making sure that every base is like covered in that way without going too far out to the, to the deep end with it. Yeah. That's awesome because I do have a deaf member.
Starting point is 01:27:11 And so I put like captions to a lot of the stuff that, that we do and stuff and he champions CrossFit like no other. And he's like a vice principal of a deaf school. And he was unable to complete the L1 because he was left on his own to get a translator. And they were like, okay. So he found somebody who understood CrossFit and could translate for him. But then the second day they had to get somebody else. And this new translator came in.
Starting point is 01:27:42 And I forget how the curriculum goes but i think it's like programming and stuff like that on the second day and she had no familiarity with crossfit so trying to figure out how to sign the certain crossfit specific things she she like couldn't and essentially freaked out in mid-lecture just left hey oh that's hilarious. Hey, I just got this fucking brilliant idea for Don. Dear Don. Dear Don. No, never mind. Dear Nicole. Dear, who the fuck runs the training department? Dear Board of Directors at Berkshire Partners. Yeah, I don't know. Dear CrossFit HQ, thank you. Anyone who, never mind. I'm just doing this on my own as the CEO. Hold on a second here. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Hold on. Dear CrossFit community, as the CEO, any deaf person – that's like you motherfuckers who can't hear and do this sign language shit. If you come to a level one and you bring your translator with you, we will allow your translator to take the level one for free. You come, you bring a translator. They do it for the entire class. You pay the thousand bucks. Your translator gets to take the test and do the entire class for free. They get to be in the breakout groups.
Starting point is 01:29:17 They get to take the test. They get the certificate for free. And if they can't do it while they're translating, they can sign up for another one later and do it for free. Thank you. And what I want you to know as CEO, excuse me, don't, I'm a CEO. Excuse me. Sorry. Sorry. Text me something. If you have something you think I should add to that. Hold on a sec. Let me check with my counsel. What should I add to that, Susan? Anything else? No, I was just going to say that when the translator left, he wasn't able to properly take the test because he didn't have kind of the back half information.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Did you witness that? He was a member of my gym. Still is today. Hey, that would be odd. That's like a Will Ferrell movie. Oh, I didn't witness the person walking out. I'm sorry. I didn't witness that part.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Like running out. Ah, snatch. I refuse to do snatch. And he reached back out and was like, hey, this is what happened. This is my situation um is it possible to come to retake the test or or to to get that back half election like how could you guys kind of work with me on it and and essentially nobody ever got back to him yeah hey that is a really good idea crossfit run with that shit yeah what sucks is that that that
Starting point is 01:30:24 probably there's like some red tape and some like but but i mean that seems like a no brand dude that that right there like that's the kind of shit the dei council should be coming up with yeah hey can we at least have looked at his situation up though and the thing is is too is he was like a high value person to have because yeah the principal of a fucking school yeah super yeah and i'm not sure if that's the exact title but yeah he would have literally been he he does all the time but would have taken to the next level and really pushed it in his school yeah and so they fumbled the ball now so two two good ideas uh uh i think elaine will truly enjoy her job better if she is just a um have her do one WOD demo a month.
Starting point is 01:31:05 And then I don't know how much you guys pay her, two, three, a hundred thousand a year. All she has to do is one WOD demo a month. She has to participate in an affiliate five days a week. And that should be her job. Don't worry about any of the other, like censoring people's language or being the thought police. Elaine, I think that you represent a good demographic
Starting point is 01:31:23 of the lady who wears her red lipstick way too bright. Bangs are out. But I think slowly, as you take more pride in your movement and in your physical appearance through CrossFit, you will change and you'll see that you'll be a more accepting person. But in the meantime, I found you a husband. 444. Elaine Moreno. We'll be really quick. a more accepting person. But in the meantime, I found you a husband, 444. Delane Marino. It will be really quick. There's some terms in the automotive industry that we're just no longer allowed to use. I'm going to run down the list so we're very clear what we cannot say. We cannot
Starting point is 01:31:56 say male connectors, female connectors, dykes, foreman, manager, hose, circlip, stud, still waiting to see if we can say bunghole, helicoil, nuts, nipples, jugs, shaft, jack, chuck, rear end, undercarriage, skirt, and for now on, tranny fluid will be known as gender neutral shift juice. Thanks, guys. This meeting will be really quick. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Daniel
Starting point is 01:32:31 Arnson, welcome to the show, buddy. Good to have you. Good to have you live. What's a CCC? Something. What is it? Adam Blakeslee.
Starting point is 01:32:46 I had an unscheduled guy. Susan nailed this or Caleb nailed this one time. I don't read the comments before I pull them up, just so you know. They're not vetted. They're not because we don't have time to vet them. So I just see your name. There's some pattern of something I see that just makes me want to pull it up. Adam Blakeslee, I had an unscheduled guy from Cubs sit right behind me at my L1 with a friend translating.
Starting point is 01:33:11 It was so damn hard to concentrate. Unscheduled guy from Cubs. Cubs, Cubans. And I don't know. Wait, it was hard to concentrate? Because there was someone translating, maybe in a different language or doing – Yeah, yeah, yeah. I see. A civilian conservation corp.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Okay, so, I mean, that's supposed to be a comedy skit, but that's what – that's Elaine. That's her job at CrossFit Inc. And it's not – they don't take it as funny. I don't think she's like, oh, this is so good. I'm going to get rid of the word straight shooter. I don't think. What is she doing then? If there's not a DEI council.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Dude, they're just terrified to fire her because she'll sue all those people. They hired a guy because of his sexual preference in a very high executive position at crossfit inc and the um and it didn't work out with him and now he's suing because he thinks he was discriminated against because of that but the only discrimination i get really against him was the fact that he was hired because of that. I mean, the irony is crazy.
Starting point is 01:34:29 You can't get hired because you suck dick and have a dick and then get fired because you suck dick and have a dick and be upset. Like, you can't do both. I don't think. I mean, he is. What do I know? It would be crazy if they just hired him based off, like, his talent and his ability to bring value to the company and the team. Remarkable.
Starting point is 01:34:48 Unreal. Even just if it's Fran time. How about, how about this? These, these are the words. These are the, I mean,
Starting point is 01:34:53 it's more valid. These are the words that Elaine wants. The phrases Elaine wants to get rid of. Blown away. Pull the trigger. Take a stab at it. Jump the gun. Bite the bullet.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Kicking and screaming. Kill two birds with one stone. There's a deadline on that paper. Pick your own battles. Shoot me an email. This is overkill. They totally bombed this show. I love a straight shooter.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Let's roll with the punches. Can we soften the blow? Take a shot in the dark. And that's a bad idea. Those are the phrases she'd like to get the staff at. You forgot the proper trigger warning before you went into those, so we'll have to. Oh, yes, yes. Trigger warning, guys.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Here's the thing. If someone, if I, like, I think it's a great practice if I find other ways to say things. I had an English teacher that said whatever word you want to start a paragraph with, don't use it. Use a different word as a practice. Go ahead. But to start policing people and judging people. Or to say that those phrases harm anybody.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Yeah, like you said, you're the shackler. She wants to put handcuffs on people. Don't let her do it to you. Yeah, she's walking around handcuffed at motherfuckers. Yeah, she's mentally, that's a mental illness, by the way. handcuffed, motherfuckers. Joe is not necessarily for me to be right, but for me to try to figure out what the truth is. At least that's what I hope. And that's the problem with mainstream media, I guess, even though I feel pretty mainstream myself right now. They don't want, they're not interested in the truth.
Starting point is 01:36:37 They're interested in defending their position. Action. This country still makes 77 cents on the dollar for what men make. So if women don't make less than that. Actually, if you start looking at the numbers, Rachel, there are lots of reasons for that. Wait, wait, wait. Don't tell me the reasons. Don't tell me the reasons. Do women make less than men for doing the same work?
Starting point is 01:36:58 No, because. Wow. Okay. Well, for example, men work an average of 44 hours a week. Women work 41 hours a week. Men go into professions like engineering, science and math that earn more. Women want more. This is not a math is hard. No, no, no. Yes, it is. I wish you were as right about what you're saying as you are passionate about it. I really do. Women in this country still. Women in this country still – It is the – it's the same argument that I brought up a million times on this show when they say that the average Jew makes $100,000 in the United States and the average Puerto Rican makes $25,000.
Starting point is 01:37:34 And then they forget to tell you that the average Jew is 50 years old and the average Puerto Rican is 25 years old. it's what we talked about earlier about referencing that um gun laws uh adversely affect people with melanated skin without first mentioning the fact that 51 of all murders are committed by melanated males i mean you can't these are just uh we're dealing with morons just morons uh there's a there if you want to read see a whole whole entire book about this kind of stuff uh look into the author his name is fuck i forget what what souls for thomas soul am i saying his name right thomas so well thomas so well uh from the hoover institute um there's a a book that I read his most recent book. I've talked about a lot on the show. Civil rights versus what's the Thomas so well book civil rights book. It's got all sorts of amazing facts in it. Hey, the Bay Area side of me, just from being born out here in California in the Bay Area, every time you said the fact about melanated skin people and the crime rate, it makes me feel a little weird inside.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Yeah, it should. You shouldn't say that, right? But it's just a factual thing, right? You're not implying anything by it. You're just stating a factual thing. I'll reiterate this too. You would be crazy if you thought skin color was even a factor. No one's born with a certain skin color that makes them anything other than better suited to live closer or further than the equator. That's all it means. I'm just using their breakdown of the demographic for them. It has nothing to do. of the book is civil rights a rhetoric or reality and there's some crazy shit in there that you'll see
Starting point is 01:39:29 and he happens to be a black dude 93 you'll see some crazy shit in that book some numbers that like you'll struggle to get your head wrapped around about who actually makes more money who actually you'll be you'll be blown away you'll be blown away one of the numbers in there i can't remember the exact stats but if you if you take a single black woman who doesn't have kids and compared her earnings to um and then he shows a whole comparison you'll be like oh shit like i get it like the the biggest factor was uh women having kids had nothing to do with skin color obviously duh hey all these all these people who are defending um rihanna um wiping or she didn't just wipe her
Starting point is 01:40:20 vagina she did this this for those of you who have ever been with a girl especially girls who can orgasm they have they have a stroke like they rub the root or something they're rubbing the root like they rub the root and they have this like thing that they do with their fingers and she did that thing that's what the thing she was doing i've seen a bunch of girls do that like personally i've been in the room with them i've been like right next to him what's going on why is the bed and they did she did that and then she smelt her finger it's the super bowl dude please don't call me there's a station for that porn hub why is she doing Pornhub gesticulations on the Super Bowl I don't want to be a prude
Starting point is 01:41:08 I really don't she was flicking the bean yeah I don't think I never they don't really flick the bean there's like they're hitting like the root of it they kind of stay away from the bean they get over stemmed by the bean the beans the clit man in the canoe they're getting like the root
Starting point is 01:41:24 they're getting like the root. They're getting the root. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, the root. Yeah, the root. Yeah, you guys got to go after the root. The root. When I was in basic training, we had like bunk beds.
Starting point is 01:41:41 This is so good. Take your time with this story. All right. You heard basic training. It was all in. Yeah, yeah. I heard bunk beds. Yeah your time with this story. Your basic training was all in. I heard bunk beds. Yeah, yeah, bunk beds. So when I was in basic training, we had bunk beds. And I ended up on the top bunk. And this other guy ended up on the bottom bunk. And he's probably like 6'5", 6'6", skinny guy, super awkward, couldn't hold a conversation type person. His brain was moving significantly slower than the rest. You would say something, and then he'd laugh about it a minute later.
Starting point is 01:42:19 And then we would be well along in the conversation. But it was like the first couple of weeks that we were there and I was like, I was trying to be, I usually I could just fall asleep. Like no, no issue. Just pass out. But one night I was like laying in bed and I just felt like a, like the bunk was like shaking. And I was like, what the fuck is that? Like what is going on here? Like I was like, what the fuck? And so I just figured he was like. And that's not where you're supposed to jack off, right? There's places to do it.
Starting point is 01:42:49 That's not why. Yeah, yeah. You could definitely do it somewhere else. Right. Yeah. But so I didn't figure out what was going on. And I was like, gave him the benefit of the doubt. Like, maybe he just was restless and couldn't sleep, whatever.
Starting point is 01:43:01 And so I was like, dude, you got to stop shaking the bed. I like leaned over. It was like the middle of the night. I leaned over the bunk. And I'm like, dude, stop shaking the bed i like leaned over it was like the middle of the night i leaned over the bunk and i'm like dude stop shaking the bed like i need i cannot fucking sleep because of this shit so i told my buddies about it and i was like dude this guy look my bunk mate he just fucking keeps shaking the bed and i cannot sleep like i don't know what the fuck was up so later those my buddies went and talked to him and they were like yeah uh beaver said he couldn't sleep the other night or like maybe they were talking about how the he's like uh they're talking about laundry day like how you
Starting point is 01:43:36 have to like we had to strip all of our beds and like do laundry and shit come to find out he was jacking off on the bottom bunk and he would do it on like the night before laundry night. So he would just jack off. Oh, that's genius. I do give him credit for that. Jack off into the sheets and then every,
Starting point is 01:43:55 and then we would like do put all of our fucking bed sheets together and then do laundry. so someone got his somebody else. Yes, dude. So he was beaten off into sheets and then he would bundle it up and then somebody else would do the laundry and then those sheets would just go somewhere else and he was and i was like and they didn't i found out about it later i was
Starting point is 01:44:16 like this motherfucker's been beaten off into his sheets i'll write underneath me for days. Hey, not saying shit about it. Hey, Hey, I, I, I just an idea for practically speaking, you should have just laid on your stomach and let the shaking of the bed,
Starting point is 01:44:36 rub one out for you. Like a, you know what? Honestly, I should have done that. It's only gay if you're touching, right? Hey, if you're hanging out with all dudes, everyone's got nut on them.
Starting point is 01:44:48 That's what I was going to say. Because one time I was with a bunch of buddies. They're Marines, Caleb. So you know where this is going. And we got on to Camp Pendleton. At least I did. I wasn't allowed. And one of my other friends.
Starting point is 01:44:59 And so we go on there. And everybody's out drinking. And we go back to Camp Pendleton because that's where they're staying. And we go back into the guy's, like guys like whatever the dorm that he's sharing and freaking homeboy came home early drunk and decided to get a little pornhub going to rub one out but passed out midway so you go on and there's just porn playing in the room everybody's like what the fuck is happening and then you open the door and he's just asked out D in hand with a computer still playing.
Starting point is 01:45:28 No way. Yeah, my buddy Joe was like, we're not doing it. He's like, fuck, do I have to wake him up? We're like, we're not just going to go in there and hang out around this dude. Wow. Hey, that's the kind of shit in the cell phone era you pay for
Starting point is 01:45:42 for the rest of your life. Someone take a photo. Oh, yeah. I mean, that probably would have been like yeah like 2009 oh my god that's amazing oh it was it was rough that was rough and they don't my buddy was like yeah it's actually not that uncommon it's like like it was like another day at the office for him and everybody else. Oh, yeah. I do that sometimes. Sorry. What the hell? Too much. That's awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 01:46:11 I wonder if jacking off is suitable for Elaine's owner jacking off. Seems safe. Instead of firing the gun. Shooting a load. She doesn't do shooting a load. Could be harmful to some communities. Honey, can you help me take one out of the chamber? No, no, I cannot.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Can you milk the sausage? No, that's abuse to animals. Blackbusters enter new territory. That's funny. I didn't even think about that story for the longest time until caleb said that anyway i i just i don't see i if i told you that hey if i told you five years ago hey during the or 10 years ago hey during the super bowl uh well uh someone is going to be doing simulated porn scene and and people are going to be like debating on whether that was okay or not i mean i've never even seen anyone smell their fingers in porn she kind of
Starting point is 01:47:10 took it to a whole new level that's like the thing though right everybody wants the moment and i think that's what it i wouldn't even be surprised if that whole stunt was like hey where could we i mean remember the whole like well it was planned for sure because they had a close-up shot on her someone explained that to me well exactly remember the whole like well it was planned for sure because they had a close-up shot on her someone explained that to me well exactly remember the whole like when Justin Timberlake like ripped off fucking Janet Jackson's top and like the nipple showed or something like that like there's all these little like moments that happen and who knows what happened like what goes on behind the scenes for that but to me that just looked planned it was like how do we push the envelope here how
Starting point is 01:47:45 do we make it risque like how do we get people really talking about this halftime show and everything else but also still kind of ride that line to where like you're still gonna get half the crowd that's gonna defend it go get over it you're just being a prude so it seems very strategic to me it seems very planned i mean how many times do you think they rehearsed that with the fucking the whole lifts and the people i heard none i heard none none no way they at least move that shit up and down with people on it and stuff like that they have the whole thing like mapped out somebody fell off really all that clip yeah there's somebody that was like right on the edge they like they were like further back on the platform, and they kind of stumbled and fell backwards. You're dead, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:28 Wow. I'd like to see that. Is that easy to pull up? Let me see. How – yeah. Okay, guys. We're going to have Rihanna on. She's pregnant.
Starting point is 01:48:43 She just had a baby, and she's pregnant. How can we sexualize her? Well, then then they'll spin it they'll say this is a feminine thing this is feminism like guys will do it you had Elvis shaking his hips you had Michael Jackson grabbing his crotch but now that a woman does it oh here we go is it is the actual video
Starting point is 01:48:58 oh wow wow that's scary well he just would have been caught by the harness in a cable because oh they were wearing harnesses yeah everybody on there was harness so there was a metal or a cable that came up from behind underneath them and they were wearing a harness i thought when when they were dancing underneath those platforms i thought holy shit if one of those drops on rihanna and flatt her like a pancake, that would be incredible. Or would it just be considered an abortion? Ah, good question.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Very good question. That is a very good question. That is a very good question. We aborted her at 33 years old. We aborted two babies at once. Bogo. Oh, shit. Rihanna was on the platform.
Starting point is 01:49:51 No, no, but at some point she was underneath the platform. Don't tell me what to do. Yeah, they took her off. You don't know. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Hey, by the way, too, we took this – sorry, one last piece about this. We took a fun bet at the gym. Grace always makes these little games
Starting point is 01:50:05 and so one of the one of the bets was uh for the nutrition challenge team was like what is rihanna what's the song rihanna's gonna open with and then everybody got a list of her hits and then each team got the pick and then whatever they all had to like do burpees if they're the winner and everybody agreed that there is no way and i made the joke because at the top i was like oh rihanna such family favorites such as bitch better have my money and like was joking about the name of this song right and so everybody was like there's no way that's even an option they're not going to start with the first words coming in with that beat and then her going bitch better have my and they did that was it that's literally the opening song yeah so right from then i was kind
Starting point is 01:50:43 of shaking my head and i was like man like that, that's funny because, again, that was all planned. Hey, and I remember when I was a kid and on The Simpsons, Bart Simpson said, bitch, and it was like the whole world stopped. Kill two birds with one stage. Thank you, Stephen. Okay. Elaine, I'm sorry. Not sorry. That was a joke, people. Okay, Stephen Flores. It just makes me happy that Stephen's listening to the show with being that astute.
Starting point is 01:51:18 442, once again, some of you thought I was joking. I am not joking. When I say these cities are full of zombies, I'm not saying that to be cute or because of poetic license. I really think that they are zombies. I don't know if you guys remember, but a couple months ago, one of the zombies bit a guy's ear off, and they said you could see his fucking brain or something on a subway platform in Portland. Do you remember that? The fuck? No. Yeah. I do remember that.
Starting point is 01:51:46 It was a fentanyl guy. A fentanyl guy attacked an old man on the subway. I mean, literally, if you go to these towns, the people are just like, it's like that. Rocky? Yeah, yes. Sylvester Stallone.
Starting point is 01:52:03 It's nuts. And there's thousands of them yes seattle is a shithole that is true uh oh that is a new sorry elaine that's that could be that's a good shirt okay uh let's go ahead and play this this is uh this is fun here we go if you've ever wondered what could make fentanyl, probably the most lethal street drug in modern history, any worse, tonight we have the answer. Trank. Drug users turned into real life zombies right down to the rotten flesh. We didn't want to believe it either, but it is real and it is here. All documented in this DEA report, the growing threat of xylosine mixing with illicit
Starting point is 01:52:46 drugs. Xylosine is an animal tranquilizer. Trank is what you get when you mix it with fentanyl. Lab hits for xylosine are up 112% in the West. Deaths are rising, too, into the triple digits. Xylosine has been confirmed in overdose deaths in Snohomish and King Counties, at least 12 that we know of. And those most familiar with the drug fear, it will get much worse. As if fentanyl wasn't deadly enough, suppliers are mixing in a new ingredient and creating a new drug crisis from the East Coast to Puget Sound. It goes by many names. Fetty powder, Trank Dope is the big one. Everyone seems to kind of know what Trank Dope is.
Starting point is 01:53:25 It's strong enough for big animals like horses. When it's mixed with fentanyl, it gives users a brand new kind of high. What it does to the human body is so terrible, it looks like a film effect. Sarah and her team are treating Trank addicts every day, doing their best with bandages, compassion, and Narcan. But while it still remedies fentanyl overdoses, Narcan doesn't block the ill effects of xylosine in the body. It's all dead. Necrotic skin.
Starting point is 01:53:52 It honestly makes my skin crawl. When I hear about this stuff, it's disgusting. Hey, those people need to be put in hyperbaric chambers immediately, by the way. That's their only chance. So don't think i'm joking when there's um there's uh oh getting high is
Starting point is 01:54:09 fun don't don't i i don't understand get off that shit though god okay um 441 you're not allowed to ask uh the definition of words this is this is uh politically correct is such a weird thing i can't believe i used to buy this shit.
Starting point is 01:54:25 By the way, I said to – when I was having lunch with Greg the other day, he said something about certain people being hopeless and never waking up, getting red-pilled. And I said, what are you talking about? I go, I woke up. And he goes, dude, it took me 10 years to wake you up. I was like, all right, asshole. But he's not lying. All right. 4.41.
Starting point is 01:54:54 This is just nuts again. Here we go. You said that you're a trans woman. A trans female. Yes, sir. Do you have a penis? Yes, sir. Oh.
Starting point is 01:55:03 woman a trans female yes sir do you have a penis that's horrible you're the one you're the one that brought that into the discussion you said that you're a trans woman wait trans female yes all he's doing is asking for a definition there's nothing offensive there he's like you are so when you say you're a trans woman that's so so if what i point to my um my sister and i say that's my sister everyone knows that what i'm saying is is that girl is a product of my dad's penis going into my mom and then my mom birthing that girl out of her vagina or C-section. I don't mean to be close-minded. That's what I'm saying. That's what the word sister means, right? But instead of saying all of that, we use the word sister as the signifier, but that's a hundred percent what it means. I mean, sister with an
Starting point is 01:56:04 A is something different, but sister with an ER means that you came from the same vagina i did in the same dude boned your mom or for elaine hermana hermana thank you hermana hey yeah hermana now if this person sits down and they say i'm a trans. And you just want to be clear because there are some times when, when someone might, I might say, um, uh, someone might say, that's my sister. And I'll be like, Oh, you look nothing alike and be like, Oh, well we have different dads or, well, she's not really my sister. Um, but we were raised together. Like we were neighbors. And so we just call each other sister. Right. And so you're trying to figure out. And so first, if you're
Starting point is 01:56:45 not allowed to ask if this thing has a penis, by the way, I love that look on women, um, like where the shirts, uh, the tits are compromising the integrity of the buttons there. You see that just pulling on it, checking the checking it. What's it, what's it called? The Tinder strength? The tinsel strength of the thread used on the buttons? It's just – how are you not allowed to ask that? I don't understand even how that's remotely offensive. offensive do you have you just said you're a fucking you're by saying you're a trans woman that is what you're pointing what you're trying to say is i had a p i have a penis i was born with a penis but i want to be considered someone with a vagina and i may have chopped off my penis or not i mean you're opening the door. Why not just say you're a woman or you're a man?
Starting point is 01:57:51 I just don't get why you can't ask that. It just seems like now you're not even allowed to ask the definitions of words. By the way, what is that thing sitting in the back there? That's like, is that Humpty Dumpty? It's a basketball it looks like a south park character i don't mean to be mean it just it is it is what it is but my favorite part is the fact that whatever that is has to like is is resting her hands on the stomach.
Starting point is 01:58:29 The phone is just used as a platform. Oh my gosh. Hey, if that is a dude, that's the most attractive transgender person I've ever seen. That thing's got Monica Lewinsky vibe. It's scary. I honestly thought it was a chick he's hot i like it looks thick that looks like just like a thick girl sorry this is what it is i cannot lie i don't like i don't like the i don't necessarily like those kind of
Starting point is 01:59:00 haircuts that are like that she's getting close to the mentally ill haircut i like parted in the middle i'm a 70s charlie's angels kind of guy uh seven you nailed it well it's just i just hide uh if they want to be a woman so bad then why not say then why say i'm trans just say i'm a woman and yeah and then and then i think it's okay to ask do you have a cock i mean it's a little weird but that's where i mean it's a little dude we just saw rihanna fucking finger gesticulate fingering her vagina and smelling it on the biggest tv show that we do in this country right you it's asking someone if they have a cock is somehow i think it's right in line where yeah big old double standard there yeah get with the times
Starting point is 01:59:46 hey what if rihanna would have gone like this instead of like this cancel cancel yeah yeah yeah and then everybody say no she's rolling dice she's playing shoot the craps table that's racist shoot the craps table that's racist shoot the craps table okay uh 440 we're about to get to some juicy shit people brace yourself so we're just getting warmed up how are we on time everyone good i think i was hoping that you'd take me out to breakfast after this. Oh, yeah. Let's do that. You want to do that? Yeah. Okay. Okay. This is from Jay Neasy's Instagram account. It's been on the show a couple times.
Starting point is 02:00:33 I need to have him on again. And so here we go. I forget. I forget. This is called a red pill. Oh, this is someone getting red pilled. Okay. Here we go. You want to know what waking up is like? Pause. Pause. She says, you know what uh you want to know what waking up is like so this is i guess a scene from um uh aaron brockovich so uh we may even get in trouble for showing this
Starting point is 02:00:59 but but we'll just cut it out afterwards okay here we here we go. You ever watch Erin Brockovich? You remember that part where she's sitting in the living room with that woman that had all those cancers and stuff, and she's telling them, you know, about what's going on, and the woman says, well, that just can't be true because the doctor said that none of this is connected. Our doctors told us that. And then Erin Brockovich looks at her and says, but GE paid for that doctor, didn't they?
Starting point is 02:01:26 And all of a sudden, the woman realizes that GE paid that doctor to lie to her to cover their own ass from the hexavalent chromium that was in their water that was causing all their cancer. That was a true story, okay? And in that moment, when that woman realizes what's going on, she immediately runs out and grabs her daughters out of the pool, out of the water, full of that hexavalent chromium that was giving her multiple cancers. That is what waking up is like. You realize that everything that you've been told is a complete and total lie, that you have been manipulated by the people that you were supposed to trust. That's why we fight.
Starting point is 02:01:58 That's why we start. You have been completely manipulated by the people you trust to take offense to words that mean nothing. The doctors fucking, oh my God. Hey, i had an old person tell me that one time about about three years ago um create heart most hardcore liberal person i know it really influenced me in becoming a fucking libtard my whole life from when i was five years old to 35 and i was telling her i was like hey man this is all bullshit none of this shit the doctors are saying is true they don't even know they're just pushers for the pharmacies and i was telling her i was like hey man this is all bullshit none of this shit the doctors are saying is true they don't even know they're just pushers for the pharmacies and i was showing her all the stuff about statins and about the vasovasorum and about blood clots and just all
Starting point is 02:02:53 this shit this is like maybe five years ago i'm telling her this and she goes i can't even listen to you and i go why that she felt because i have so much trust in doctors this scares the shit out of me that's the thing right steven uh is it okay to ask a tranny if they're pre or post-op i mean it should all be okay it should all be okay we've we've we're in this weird political correctness it's like when you see a fucking dwarf and we all just want to stare because it's totally fair we're just completely blown away no at least i'm not i don't know anyone who's in their head is like making fun of them you're just tripping because
Starting point is 02:03:28 you've never seen a small person like that it's like well we all like watching logan logan uh colin what's his name logan collins uh work out we're tripping on the dude with one arm fucking doing a fucking 200 pound clean it's okay stare away ask away it's okay to ask a door um it's okay to ask a dwarf hey i'm five five and i have trouble getting my cock and balls up with some of the urinals in a fancy restaurant what do you do i mean you're two foot five that's just sharing techniques right there uh tyler thank you tyler watkins waking up for a lot of people we'll see a fish floating belly up in the kentucky river here in about a month from the Ohio train it's all good now they won't
Starting point is 02:04:08 that's not gonna wake them up but I appreciate your Christian Leon having a penis is embarrassing for a woman that is a fucking weird sentence Logan Aldridge sorry Logan Aldridge sorry thank you Logan Aldridge. Sorry. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:04:26 Jedediah Snelson. That is a very weird sentence. Wait, where was that sentence? God, I can't even get my head wrapped around it. Having a penis is embarrassing for a woman. Let me try. Having a vagina is embarrassing for a woman. Let me try. Having a vagina is embarrassing for a man. Okay.
Starting point is 02:04:51 Sorry, I had to selfishly work it so I could. Yeah, I like that. I am not a Noah Olsen hater. You have to know that. Uh-oh. That's a tough way to start the next bit, right? I am not a Noah Olson hater. You have to know that. Uh-oh. That's a tough way to start the next bit, right? I am not a Noah Olson hater. But –
Starting point is 02:05:11 And – And I do feel bad that Noah has lost his hearing in one of his ears. So that's like 100% true. He totally can't hear out of his right ear? That's what he's reporting on his Instagram. I actually didn't see it on his Instagram. I was looking at
Starting point is 02:05:35 Scott Schweitzer's Instagram. Could you pull up or maybe it's... I don't know if he has his own Instagram or if I was on Clydesdale Media's Instagram. But Schweitzer reported that Noah can't hear. And, uh, if you do look up,
Starting point is 02:05:52 unfortunately, if you do look up COVID vaccine, uh, hearing loss, you will find several studies that show there is a direct connection. And I don't know if Noah is vaccinated, but I highly suspect he is. He is a man of the people. God, I'd like you, Noah.
Starting point is 02:06:17 I'm so nice to you. I'm back. Don't worry. Yeah. Noah Olsen reports in an IG reel that he lost his hearing in the right ear. How come his shit looks so much nicer than our shit? God, we need Will Branstadter back. Look how nice that post is.
Starting point is 02:06:34 The yellow and black. And if you click 439, the Bleacher Report. Okay, life happens. Sometimes you've got to do what you can with what you've got. So he's lost his hearing in one ear if you just i ask if you want to just look up um studies just type in covid vaccine uh hearing loss and you will see fucking 10 studies pop up all of them showing that there's a significant increase and uh hearing loss for people who get the vaccine.
Starting point is 02:07:05 And here's the thing. I was talking to a doctor yesterday, and I was like, hey, what's your thought on that? He goes, dude, the vaccine causes clotting, and anytime you have clotting, it's going to fuck with all – it's going to manifest in all sorts of places. He said something about thrombosis. Is thrombosis clotting? But here you go. This is also a few days ago. Celtics,
Starting point is 02:07:25 Derek white to see ear specialist after having trouble hearing, you know, he's vaccinated. He's in the NBA. Now it's just, that's just a quick look. Thrombosis is coagulation or clotting of blood. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:37 So, um, you're going to, we're going to see, you're going to just see all sorts of weird stuff because that's what it causes. That's what the vaccine causes. I think that that's what that,. That's what the vaccine causes, I think.
Starting point is 02:07:46 That's my... But I'm pretty open-minded. Yes, thrombosis is clotting. Thank you, Mr. Ortega. So, Noah, I hope you have speedy recovery and get unclotted. On that note, let's just go hard now that we're going to go hard in the paint.
Starting point is 02:08:12 Damar Hamlin has spoken up about his injury. And here on the Sevan podcast, for the 18th millionth time posted on the Internet, I wish I could say we were first with this or not even close you will hear in damar uh hamlin's own words how do you name your kid damar uh seven is taken uh damar hamlin uh has now spoken about what caused his blood clot and uh you will be um well go ahead listen we'll talk about it afterwards listen here we go people the question on so many minds what caused his heart to stop beating you're 24 peak physical condition,
Starting point is 02:09:06 can run circles around me right now. How did doctor describe what happened to you? That's something I want to stay away from i know from my experience the nfl they do more tests he wants to stay away from that topic right now did anybody ever come and then it goes on to say he asked him hey did you have any signs of ill health and damar says no i'm a fucking perfect human being with no fucking issues so you had a heart issue or anything that was abnormal uh honestly no um i've always been a a healthy young fit energetic uh you know human being let alone athlete um so it was something that was just,
Starting point is 02:10:06 that we're still processing and I'm still talking through with my doctors just to see what everything was. So. It's interesting. Vindicate goes, you know, they told him don't say shit. I go pending lawsuit. He doesn't want to say anything. Oh, oh. That's right where I go to.
Starting point is 02:10:32 Oh, oh. So it's funny. He was like, well, they told him not to say anything, and he's going with the agenda. I'm thinking he's going to fucking sue the shit out of all of them, and he can't say anything because it might jeopardize the case you're 100 right and at that point i do want to say this in defense of pfizer maybe maybe there is maybe there i can't even say this with a straight face maybe maybe there is nothing wrong with the vaccine but he's just in case he can get some money out of it he wants thanks brought to you by Pfizer. He's in the NFL for fuck's sake. They're scrutinized and checked multiple times a year.
Starting point is 02:11:15 Next level athletes. Yeah. I mean, they're, they invest so much time and money into them, right? Fuck. Wow.
Starting point is 02:11:31 So, I mean, once again, i think it's totally fair just to completely run wild with that and um and and you know what happened to him is this true pfizer is the nfl's seventh largest sponsor at 120 million per year coming in just under bill gates bill gates part of it up hey did you are do you uh do you want me to look that up uh caleb did you see that sponsors yeah is pfizer really holy shit i wonder if you can just copy and paste that no i mean there's something ridiculous, too, that like a huge percentage of the money that comes into the major networks is all from Pfizer. Isn't it something ridiculous? Like more than 60 percent of all the major networks? I was going to say more than 40, but it's something huge. OK, so if I pay you more than 60 percent, what does that make you? Right, right. They make you? Right.
Starting point is 02:12:25 Right. They own me. Right. I don't see Pfizer on here. Pfizer, Saks, Pharma competition, early NFL advertising.
Starting point is 02:12:37 Wait, but they got like head and shoulders, but like AWS, could it be Microsoft? I guess it could be. I don't know how, like who owns what but it could i mean i think head and shoulders is owned by a larger company johnson and johnson probably like a procter procter procter procter and more than 175 million impressions with 9.5 million
Starting point is 02:12:59 dollars in media spending put pfizer in the top spot with 65% share of voice across NFL pharma spending. According to the real time TV ad tracker, this is a, from, um, September of 2022. I mean, they're somehow involved,
Starting point is 02:13:15 right? Always. Well, if they sponsor all the networks that is coming through right there, it's like, I just got a message. This next one's going to blow you guys away. This show,
Starting point is 02:13:33 this show that's on TV, this, this view show with Whoopi Goldberg is fucking nuts. I do not know how that show is still on. How are, how are those people just not completely, I don't know how those people are allowed to, how do those people just not completely is that abc i don't know how those people are allowed how do those people even walk around on the streets with the shit that they say i don't think they do oh i can't say blown away sorry
Starting point is 02:13:58 mind blown blown what network is the view on abc i'm not sure it's great i don't even know if it's the view maybe it's the voice i don't know Mind blown? Blown? What network is The View on? ABC? I'm not sure. I don't even know if it's The View. Maybe it's The Voice. I don't know what show it's on, but it's some show where the girls stand around. It's just women with eating disorders, either obese women or women who are too skinny. It's kind of a trip, that table of women. And isn't ABCc owned by disney yes yes yeah disney espn and uh abc are all the same no fox is separate no fox is separate that's rupert murdoch shit okay uh 437 this one is um this is this is you can let's start at the top and we'll go down the topic is i'm going to show you four clips and the topic is uh this is this is you can let's start at the top and we'll go down the topic is i'm going to show you four clips and the topic is uh this is a continuously using skin color to manipulate the
Starting point is 02:14:51 masses uh uh here here we go i have a quote from you here it says i think that they're they're meaning the black lives matter movement whole existence is just a liberal progressive socialist movement to make sure they keep the black community on the 21st century economic plantation that's been created by the left. Would you like to clarify that? I can clarify it very easily. You can follow the money and the money of Black Lives Matter goes back to a guy, George Soros. So that tells you one thing. And let me tell you, all lives matter. It's not just about Black Lives Matter. OK, now, if you really are concerned, start talking about school choice in the black community. If you really are concerned,
Starting point is 02:15:31 start talking about the decimation of the black family, which I don't hear. Do not be manipulated by people that are using you as a political tool so that you can keep your own people suppressed. Get off the plantation and think on your own so i have a quote number two keep going school choice there you go school choice by the way that's not just for black people white people need to start focusing on that too in the exact same fucking spot i think american people need to focus on that yeah thank you here we go doesn't want to let you play no here you go Here we go. He doesn't want to let you play?
Starting point is 02:16:09 No, here we go. Violent and oppressive people. That's what you said in your film. And if you're going to go back to statistics, can statistics point that out too? Really? Well, the Chinese were massacring Chinese and other races long before they'd ever met a white person. Attila the Hun wasn't white.
Starting point is 02:16:28 It's the same in the subcontinent if you go back hundreds of years as well. The genocide in Rwanda was black on black. So is the Congo, which is the rape capital of the world. When it comes to education, the whole system needs to change. Let me look at education. Let's look at the figures on education. Thirty-three percent of white kids go to university or further education. Thirty-seven percent of black kids go to university or further education.
Starting point is 02:16:57 Sixty-seven percent of Indian kids go to university or further education. Seventy-six percent of Chinese kids go to university or further education 76 percent of chinese kids go to university said whites are the most violent so there you go more just crazy shit right just just lies so that if if you it's basically it's once again it's the left it's the white people on the left who are just manipulating the data and using skin color to beat it up. And melanated people are eating this shit up. It's great. Well, and rich white people.
Starting point is 02:17:37 Not this rich white person. First black elected office in America in 1641. First black elected office in America, 1641. First black elected office in Great Britain is 1987. First black elected office in Russia is 2010. 1641? And we're the bad guys in this? No, we weren't perfect. Who was that person?
Starting point is 02:17:56 Matthias de Souza, who was elected in Maryland. Do you think that that stuff is not being taught today because it lends credence to the stuff that these guys did? It's combined and inseparable? Well, it's not taught today because it doesn't help other agendas get where they want to. Part of Marxism is you have to have conflict. And if black and white relations aren't as bad as they tell us, then it's harder for them to get the conflict they want. So if they can make people angry by not teaching history, they will.
Starting point is 02:18:22 And they don't care whether it's race or gender or age or they're going to find something to create friction on but the better we know our history that harder it is for us to be led astray into something that's destructive america okay and finally this is the one that's fucking completely nuts you know it's funny so i watched the super bowl um for the first time and i don't know how long. And I used to be a huge football fan back in the day. And I remember Philadelphia, when I used to watch football, they had a quarterback and his name was Randall Cunningham. And he was a black dude. And I also remember the Houston Oilers had a black dude as a quarterback too.
Starting point is 02:19:02 I don't even think that's a football team anymore. The Houston Oilers. No, I forget his name, but, but they never referred to them as, as a black quarterbacks. They, but,
Starting point is 02:19:13 but I remember Randall honey Cunningham, I think was like the best running quarterback and the NFL at the time. And, um, uh, I just found it fascinating that people like this can get away with saying this shit. I mean, this shit is just fucking nuts what I'm about to show you. I can't believe how – this is just – oh, Warren Moon.
Starting point is 02:19:37 Thank you, Cobra. Warren Moon. Yeah, I don't think Warren was so fast, though. I think Warren was built – Warren wasn't so fast. Great quarterback, though. I think Warren wasn't so fast. Great quarterback, though. And I just can't fucking believe this shit is like this. It's just fucking nuts.
Starting point is 02:19:53 What would have made it better for me is, you know, finally, we know that black quarterbacks can lead teams. And are smart enough to lead teams. I always knew that. That wasiculates. I always knew that. That was never a question. We knew that.
Starting point is 02:20:07 But, you know, it takes people a minute to catch up. The only thing that would have made it better for me. Takes you a fucking lifetime to catch up. Yeah, it takes you fucking go eat a Big Mac. Why aren't people shitting on her for eating on the show? Oh, is she eating on the show? Yes. Who? Who was? Whoopi was? Yes, Whoopi's eating on the show Yes Who was Whoopi was Yes Whoopi's eating on the show
Starting point is 02:20:28 What sucks is Whoopi used to be so cool Or at least I used to be so stupid I liked her as a kid She like lives inside that That bubble That Hollywood bubble You can't be cool and stay inside that Hollywood bubble Because two things are going to happen
Starting point is 02:20:43 You're either going to morph and conform 100% or you're going to be outcasted. Got a piece of cake. Yeah, what the hell? And I get lit up. It's weird that Ted Danson used to put it to her. I don't know who Ted Danson is. The guy from Cheers. I've never heard of that show I'm just messing with you about the show
Starting point is 02:21:09 it's fine it's when there were like four channels or five channels where everybody knows your name right 436 I used to love Whoopi as a kid yeah you did too yeah
Starting point is 02:21:24 yeah it's like that old Batman movie saying you either 36. I used to love Whoopi as a kid. Yeah, you did too? Yeah. Yeah, it's like that old Batman movie saying you either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain. This is the trippiest Instagram post. Have you seen this one? Yes, I hate it. It's fucking remarkable. It's called... What's it called?
Starting point is 02:21:43 Oh, Things That Are Not So Satisfying. This was made back in 2016 when we made the Unsatisfying Remarkable. It's called, um, sad. What's it called? Oh, things that are not so satisfying. This was made back in 2016 when we made the unsatisfying video short about little frustrations of everyday life. It's a, this is an amazing video. I've never seen this. You already see the theme, right? No. No.
Starting point is 02:22:17 Oh, jeez. I like the keyboard strokes Oh this one is horrible Oh fuck Oh jeez So many memories Horrible. Oh, fuck. Oh, jeez. So many memories. It's like my whole childhood. It's good, right?
Starting point is 02:23:05 Yeah, that one's scary because you go to pick up that firework to check what happened and then it goes off in your hand. She was never cool, Seve. All right, fine. I'm open to that. Anyway. Caleb, you can bring yourself back when you come back. Oh, he's gone. I think he's probably using the restroom.
Starting point is 02:23:25 Maybe he's going to go. Caleb, you should have left one at the beginning of that video. Then you'd be back to pull up the next. He's back. Oh, he's back. Okay. Stop bad mouthing him. Did you pee?
Starting point is 02:23:42 That was fast. No, my dog was barking. Let's see. Do you want to, we could go to the top and get some of these top ones just to like, just because it's kind of fun getting rid of these old ones oh hey i don't know if i want to tell you guys about tyson beige and travis's son really quick
Starting point is 02:24:09 if i haven't told you guys already i know a bunch he's been on the show twice i know people have joked like i thought it was fun to take the piss out of me because i think he's such i don't know shit about football and i think he's going to be the greatest quarterback who ever lived but let me tell you something uh tyson just played at the senior bowl, which is the most prestigious, uh, college football game that you can be invited to. Um, and, uh, he was the quarterback there. Obviously he is also, uh, has the most touchdown passes in the history of college football. He has recently graduated. He will be eligible for the draft this year. He, I, I suspect he will be drafted very, very high. But at the Senior Bowl where he just played, he threw 17 completions. And that number means nothing until you realize that the next most amount of completions by a quarterback who played in that game was 11.
Starting point is 02:25:00 And those were five of the best quarterbacks in college football today who he played against, which is a huge, significant margin. And then also all the players voted for who was like the coolest dude there. And guess who won? Tyson. Yeah, Tyson. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:25:17 And the implication of that is that he's a good leader. He's a good person. People want to follow him. Yeah. And that's what you want to be as a quarterback. I just had this premonition of you standing on the sideline of an NFL game watching him play. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:33 I mean, I want Tyson to do well because he's my friend's son. But first and foremost, I want him to do well so I can say I had him on my show twice. First and foremost, I want him to do well so I can say I had him on my show twice. I can save you up to 50% on your electricity bill. Oh, Shepard's first Senior Bowl invitee and participant, Bajent, completed 17 of 22 passes for 138 yards in the game. And he was only allowed to play like a little at the end of the third quarter and fourth quarter.
Starting point is 02:26:03 So pretty damn good. Former... All right, pretty damn good. Uh, former, uh, all right, that's it. Yeah, that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 02:26:13 Let's bet $800 on the draft. There's somebody at my door. Uh, did Tyson work out with, uh, Danielle Brandon? No, but I,
Starting point is 02:26:21 I, you know, I'm on this text thread. They probably pulled me off, but I sent a text you know, I'm on this text thread. They probably pulled me off, but I sent a text to Danielle and to Tyson and I introduced them. Spiegel, Sevan, he had a good showing, but you are drinking Drano if you think he's getting drafted high. I know he's going to make a shit ton of money.
Starting point is 02:26:52 I'll tell you that. Give me a sponsor. David, you don't even live in the United States. How about you blow me? Or even better, why don't you go to your CrossFit gym and get blown by someone i did yeah cobra i saw travis on the nfl network i know that was cool of course i did he sends that to all of us right cobra the second travis was on that he said he starts sending out the clip yeah it's the same i know he you know it's crazy too is he um you and i have seen that him do that shtick a thousand times.
Starting point is 02:27:26 It never gets old, right? And he's just perfected it. They think he's going to be all gentle and shit and humble, and he will just go up against one of the commentators and just fucking smash them and be like, hey, you have no chance against me. I mean, he just goes the total opposite way of how other people would do it. It's cool. Okay. Okay. way of how other people would do it it's cool uh okay um uh but i follow football more than you do you ding dong david um um though how about this 22 i just can't believe this i don't even know what it is 22 i just can't
Starting point is 02:28:10 believe this it's gone it is okay um uh 23 you're a world-class clown how about that is that gone making fun of joe after you preach mask wearing and vaccines under your bullshit doctor's degree. Uh-oh. Oh, here we go. That's Steffi Cohen. Best way to get something done. If you hold near and dear to you, would you like to be able to...
Starting point is 02:28:46 Oh my gosh. So inspirational. It's so crazy because she's a full proponent of all the dumb shit that that guy does. She's as fucking as... She's as blue-pilled as they get. It's always weird when someone that's hard-working as blue pilled as they get. It's always weird when, when someone that's hardworking is blue pilled to me, like has worked so hard to get what they want.
Starting point is 02:29:11 Uh, how about this one? 25. This one looks old. This is, um, something, uh,
Starting point is 02:29:17 it says Charlemagne. So what? Let's see what this, um, this might be some Kanye stuff from back in the day. I'm digging. I've switched sides of the list. I have two sides of my list.
Starting point is 02:29:28 This old side needs to be hacked on a bit. That's what we're doing here. Black people, we don't have no power. No matter what we do, we can all click up. We don't have no organization that holds any weight. NAACP don't hold no weight.
Starting point is 02:29:44 We don't have no organization that holds no weight. NAACP don't hold no weight. We don't have no organization that holds no weight. You can't speak bad about a Jewish person because they have organizations and they're a close-knit group of people in power who will bring you down. Same thing with gays. You can't say nothing bad about gays because they move as a unit. Black people don't have that. I mean, if you do a racist comment about black people, there are repercussions. When? Who?
Starting point is 02:30:08 You don't just walk away from that. Who? Give me an example. I mean, you know, Kramer. That's because he was white. And nothing really bad happened to him. You know why nothing bad happened to him? I never really heard from him again.
Starting point is 02:30:22 I think because he got so rich that he was just cool. Nah, Kramer got whacked. Hey, and then play the one right below that. I don't even, you have to go, the presupposition there, by the way, is that there's a difference between black people and Jewish people and Chinese people. Like, first you have to categorize people. It's like, so what? So if there's a lot of Jews
Starting point is 02:30:40 who work in Hollywood, who gives a shit? Okay, here we go. Charlamagne, you got something explaining to do. You recently said this about Kanye West. You know, that's an excuse, you know, them being Nazis. And, you know, if you attack Black people and Jewish people within the span of a week,
Starting point is 02:30:58 then you are indeed a Nazi. But wait, you don't remember you said this? Roll the clip. You know why there's not a lot of Jewish rappers? Because there's Jewish owners and Jewish CEOs. They run these labels. They're the bosses. That's why I'm uncomfortable.
Starting point is 02:31:19 What did Kanye say? I'm uncomfortable too. As soon as it was uncomfortable earlier. It's the truth. I'm uncomfortable too. Suze was uncomfortable earlier. It's the truth. I get it, though. You prove a Kanye point. They cut your checks. You're afraid. You expressed your fear in the interview. It's cool.
Starting point is 02:31:36 We got you. We know you, bro. Charlamagne, you got something to explain? I don't even... I beat that horse to death. But it's just all just idiot talk. 28. This gym wants people to get better themselves. This is what a CrossFit gym looks like.
Starting point is 02:31:57 Now look at this gym. Okay, 28. Let's play 28. I think this is a CrossFit gym that I saw something that I really like. Okay, so this is a blue cord CrossFit. Ways to beat the coronavirus. Have we already looked at this? I think so.
Starting point is 02:32:11 Yeah, we have. We had the owner of this gym on. Oh, and that's why we looked at it. Okay. Ways to beat the coronavirus. Run one mile. Back squat your own body weight. If you can't do one and two, walk in and join.
Starting point is 02:32:25 Like that, that to me screams CrossFit. Like that's us as a people. That's it. That's all you need. But I'm a trainee. It's okay. Come on in. But I'm a dwarf.
Starting point is 02:32:40 It's okay. It's okay. You can come in. But my BLM sign won't fit through the front door. That's okay.'s okay you gotta come in but but my blm sign won't uh fit through the front door that's okay just leave it outside no one will steal it you can get it on the way out now here now now here here's a gym um uh and and that's and that's what it looks like when you want to share now here's a gym a gym. It's called the Foundation Gym. And, oh, look, I commented here. Oh, gym who says you have to have a minimum level of CrossFit experience clearly shows their lack of coaching expertise.
Starting point is 02:33:13 Yeah. I mean, this fucking gym. I think I've already done this bit, right? Yeah, it's where they drop into how to be vaccinated or whatever. Yeah, fine. I'll leave them alone. Okay, fine. Sorry, guys, wasted your time there.
Starting point is 02:33:25 We do need to have Adam Klink on, fine. I'll leave them alone. OK, fine. Sorry, guys. Waste your time there. We do need to have Adam Klink on, though. What did you say? I said we do need to have Adam Klink on, though. Oh, yeah, we do. He did make that comment. Yeah, that's a good dude. Did you see Colton Merton's reel?
Starting point is 02:33:40 Oh, yeah. It's so funny. I I I don't ever realize how stupid I sound until... Thank you, Caleb. I am so manly. My fingers are so rough that when I touch my face, it hurts my face. Did you just say, I am so manly? Yeah, that's how manly my hands are. My hands are like wallpaper.
Starting point is 02:34:09 Get through this. Let's do it. let's not dilly dally you know and i that popped up in my feed and i'm and i'm like oh that sounds like me that's a really weird thing to say that was a fucking trip. Oh my goodness. They're not very rough this morning. 73, Sean G. Been a while since we've heard from Sean G. Let's hear from Sean G. Been a long while. Long while.
Starting point is 02:34:40 I'm surprised I haven't met him yet or had him on the show. Sean G. I'm surprised I haven't met him yet or had him on the show. Sean G. I love you. What's up, man? You're all by yourself, kid. You're all by yourself.
Starting point is 02:34:56 Ain't nobody coming. Ain't nobody coming. All they're going to do is talk about you and talk about your fall and how stupid you was and the bad decision you made. You understand? They're not going to say it to your face. They're going to be saying that shit behind your back. But at the end of the day, that shit don't matter. Fuck them. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:16 That below parallel. Below parallel. Good job, dude. You're on your own and you're going to have to make your own comeback. You're going to have to look in the mirror and ask yourself, yo, Sean, what I'm doing? You understand? I got to get up out of this. You're going to have to make your own comeback. You're going to have to look in the mirror and ask yourself, yo, Sean, what I'm doing? You understand? I got to get up out of this. You're going to have to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.
Starting point is 02:35:33 It's going to be something you never did. This is going to probably be the worst situation you've ever been in your life. But you're on your own. Nobody's coming. Stop waiting. Get up out the bed. You're going to have to come up out of that depression. You're going to have to come up out of that depression. That shit is necessary, right? But you can't stay there too long. That shit will fuck you up.
Starting point is 02:35:56 You got to get up out of that. And remember, you on your own. And listen, I've been there right where you at. And you can do do it and you better do it sean g all my links in the bio sean g uh i i want to say you know he's just walks he's like there right like buying condoms or a razor or something and then or i don't know what he's buying what he buys and then he's inspired right like that's what i think and then he's buying, what he buys. And then he's inspired, right? Like, that's what I think. And then he's inspired. Like that just popped in his head. He's not like, I'm going to go to CVS today and make a video.
Starting point is 02:36:29 He just, he's in there and he's inspired. So he posts his camera up on like a fucking, like in between a box of douches and some Pete's coffee that they sell. You know what I mean? And, and then, and then hits record on that shit.
Starting point is 02:36:48 Is that how you see it yeah 100 percent hops around those goblins squats and yeah yeah and i think the whole thing is impromptu yeah i think the whole thing is impromptu i'd love to see what if people have stopped him before because i always watch the people in the background like as he's doing it they're terrified of like think like what was this guy doing or something like that but i've seen him interact with people where he's like doing his thing and then he like turns and he's like what's up how we doing today he's back into his video because they're like staring at him no no one no one fucks with if like once you start talking to yourself in public people just leave you alone he i don't think anyone
Starting point is 02:37:25 says shit to him unless they recognize him Sean G I try to get a cameo um did did anyone see Steph getting destroyed on IG for saying she would never get an OnlyFans no but what's so funny about that is I mean
Starting point is 02:37:41 her her Instagram account is like an OnlyFans um one of my account is like an OnlyFans. One of my friends who has an OnlyFans page told me that, I don't know if I should reveal the business secrets. But basically, Steph Cohen could make a huge amount of money by just taking her Instagram posts where she's exploring being a woman. And she could just put those behind a paywall and people would pay money for them thinking that they were. Yeah. There's women who are not showing nipple or beef or labia majora and making a killing on OnlyFans. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:38:23 Here we go. Let's see. I mean, she already got big fake titties right you're at the 51 yard line for only fans uh i'm not judging you but it ain't honest work come on with the double speech oh okay let's hear i just don't feel comfortable doing that i don't feel like uh it's it's come on with the double speech. Huh? Oh, okay. Never do all the defense. I just don't feel comfortable doing that. I don't feel like it's, it doesn't make me feel like I'm a valuable contributing member to society to be selling my body on a page and essentially profiting from vulnerable men. I don't feel comfortable doing that.
Starting point is 02:39:06 Now, I don't have anything against a woman who would choose to do that it's just not what i consider an honest making an honest living personally no um i i i fuck if i had a hat i'd take it off to her that i'd like all that fine i get it it's not all men are vulnerable by the way that that's we're all like um there's always a dude jacking off uh in a bed under you yeah you never know never know on laundry night uh yeah i think that was a good answer by the way i like that look for her that was a speaking of, that was a good answer. By the way, I like that look for her. Speaking of vulnerable, that was a vulnerable look for her. That's the best I've ever seen her look. Just kind of just like that rolled out of bed, no makeup.
Starting point is 02:39:53 That was cool. Thanks for showing me that. I like that. 76. Whoa, we're going to YouTube. This is gangster. James Toland, finally. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:40:10 I've been waiting for your money. Video's not available anymore. Matt's comment at 203 section is basically this. Oh, I don't know if we can. Oh, that video on YouTube, isn't that funny? That video is you don't get your own pronouns, and it's gone. Figures. I don't know how we would take this guy do you know how we would take that you do how what how okay fine here we go what else is fault you ever hear the saying you run
Starting point is 02:40:39 into an asshole in the morning you ran into an asshole you run into assholes all day you're the asshole i don't get that i was like when i was saying to you like you go from one job to the other then we asked why you left and you're like oh my boss was an asshole like they didn't get me or all my exes so if you're always seeing assholes throughout the day maybe you're the asshole i'm so literal i was actually like picturing someone's like head bumping up against the giant like cheerio like an asshole that's why i couldn't get that isn't that weird like i didn't i didn't know he was talking about assholes figuratively that's weird i have issues this room is freezing mine's freezing too mine is so cold i'm so
Starting point is 02:41:26 tempted to run a one-minute commercial make a cup of coffee i am so fucking cold and we're in the desert yeah uh franco uh dubac franco dubac but using already established athletes to pretend to program in your platform is a noble way of making money you've seen already established yeah i mean uh what if what if there was a i'll give you an example there was a there was a book publisher uh named i cannot believe i can't remember his name but there was a book publisher and he published a shit ton of books on marijuana and how to grow marijuana. And then I had a book on how to grow marijuana and I went to them and they're like, yeah. And they, they, I leveraged their, um, their skills in publishing books and their audience to, um, make money. Hey, it's just like anyone who comes on this show,
Starting point is 02:42:24 like someone, someone like Taylor self, for comes on this show, like someone like Taylor Self, for example. I'm not interested in paying Taylor money to come on the show and work for me. I don't have that kind of money. I don't have those kind of resources. But what I can offer is I can offer him the ability to leverage this platform in order to make money. And so he made some commercials and I ran them. We talk about his SMTP programming. And yeah, I think that that's, I think that's, I feel like I'm doing those people a service. I'm helping them. They're lucky.
Starting point is 02:42:52 They get to leverage my 20 years of interviewing experience and my 15 years of CrossFit relationships. Excuse me. Still waiting on that call. Look, he has to, Cobra has to pay me $5 to call him. Text me, bug me, Cobra. Sorry. Brother, I love talking to you, and I'm always just in a... What's that called? Our buddy Collins taught me this word, Cobra.
Starting point is 02:43:18 It's this phrase. I'm a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. What's Collins' first name? How come I can't remember it? Is it Logan? No. No, thank you, though. Yeah, this guy is an arm-wrestling referee.
Starting point is 02:43:38 Fucking Chris, Mike, John. Savon, are you getting my texts? Now I know. That's awesome. Now I have Trisha's phone number. You're fucked. No, this is not. No, I'm not getting your texts.
Starting point is 02:44:01 Oh. Dude, do you know how much spam I've been getting from PayPal to fucking hack my account? Oh, they got you. You're hooked in the claws. I'm a one-legged woman in an ass-licking contest. Hey, so here's the thing. I think Trish really is a woman. Do you think Trish is really a woman?
Starting point is 02:44:28 She's an incredibly crass woman. Yeah, and creative. No, okay, fair. I'm going dude. I'm pretty sure he, she, Trish outed themselves yesterday. They've gone back and forth a bunch of times, though. Why did we pick that one as the outing and the mistake and not like...
Starting point is 02:44:50 Sometimes I feel like I can tell when she's being honest or not. Really? What was the word she used? Fisher woman. Trish called herself Fisher woman. Franco. That's the fucking big spoiler. She's gone back and forth all the time
Starting point is 02:45:06 we don't even know what she's like it's like for all we know she's an AI bot it's an AI bot oh I would be so stoked if Trish was a tranny Franco Dubac example Noah doesn't program for himself training think tank does
Starting point is 02:45:22 yet hybrid was selling Noah as the person who programmed for their crossfit program he doesn't even program for himself oh maybe there's well maybe he's better at programming for other but that's i don't see the um issue there because i definitely would if i was a well-rounded athlete or if i was a person, I would need someone to program for me. I don't think I could do what like Miko or Fraser or what Rich do is just focus on their weaknesses.
Starting point is 02:45:53 So maybe just Noah needs someone to point out his weaknesses, but he's still great at programming. I don't know. Do you guys see what he's saying there? Is that bad? Like, why not? If someone was going to pay me to program for them, I would do it. it someone wanted to buy my programming which you can by the way you can buy my kids programming the 50 videos i made
Starting point is 02:46:10 i know it's gonna make money somehow too on sugar star sugar sugar sugar what sugar what sugar star don't go to sugar He's not going to be the sponsor. Uh, 79. Um, Hey, you know who I haven't seen in a long time? I haven't seen Jiggy Josh.
Starting point is 02:46:34 Oh yeah. The page isn't there anymore. Uh, Kenya Clark, uh, programming for yourself is rough. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 02:46:41 it's easy for me cause I don't, uh, which one is a 79 is gone yep oh that was i think that was a cool video too about canceling the word race uh okay you want to do uh here's some more vaccines stuff let's do 91 god that lady walensky that head of the cdc is a monster dude i saw a video on her a couple days ago about making kids wear masks she's she's not a good person uh cdc walks back covid guidance again finding lasting uh post-vaccine heart problems in young adults that's all you need to know we all know that by now right it could even affect your
Starting point is 02:47:25 hearing how come what's crazy is that there's like 110 comments in noah's post and not one person suggests that it could be thrombosis that it could be clotting caused by the vaccine whose comment is still there no i think noah would leave it he's he i think he'd leave it you think so i mean i i could leave one he'll leave yours he'll leave yours i could leave one trish go leave a comment see if he leaves yours the thing is this people will want to respond right away oh you take you you're gonna say that about everything oh the tinfoil hat all that but like that's where we are that because there is so lack there's the studies have been so poor and there's there's no transparency what can't this vaccine do
Starting point is 02:48:19 yeah anything anything yeah right anything that has to do with clotting you can point at it uh 96 john stossel gets schooled by jordan peterson 96 stossel is a pretty hardcore libertarian i've seen him and greg get into a uh altercation one time i i thought greg might kick his ass to be honest i thought might come up and punch him. Wait, this dude and Greg? Yeah. You know who this is? You recognize this guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:48:49 That's hilarious. That should have been on film. We were at a... It might be. I might have it on film somewhere, actually, to be honest. Dude, if you had a bunch of old stuff that we could repurpose that was never before seen, that would be fucking amazing. Call her, you're live.
Starting point is 02:49:08 Oh, hello. Hi. I'm on the way home oh okay i wrapped the show up then okay okay hey um and then and then we're and then we're going oh can i go out to breakfast with suza i don't don't no no i'll do both. I'll take him to jujitsu. I'll just bring Susan with me to jujitsu and then we'll go eat when the kids are doing jits. Yeah. Okay. How was, how was the class?
Starting point is 02:49:38 How was the class? It was great. It was harder than I thought. A lot of running. How are the kids? Were they behaved? Very well behaved. Avi did the first round with us.
Starting point is 02:49:51 Oh, that's cool. Yeah. And we stretched at the end. A little meditating. They represented. All right. You've been on the show for one minute bye 1999
Starting point is 02:50:07 um okay john stossel uh versus jordan peterson here we go by dangerous that implies i should be ready to threaten someone to hurt someone no you should be capable of it but that doesn't mean you should use it. There's nothing to you otherwise. Like if you're not a formidable force, there's no morality in your self-control. If you're incapable of violence, not being violent isn't a virtue. People who teach martial arts know this full well, right? If you learn a martial art, you learn to be dangerous, but simultaneously, you learn to control it. Both of those come together. And the combination of that capacity for danger and the
Starting point is 02:50:45 capacity for control is what brings about the virtue. Otherwise you confuse weakness with, with moral virtue. I'm harmless. Therefore I'm good. It's like, no, that isn't how it works. That isn't how it works at all. If you're harmless, you're just weak. And if you're weak, you're not going to be good. You can't be because it takes strength to be good it's very difficult to be good by danger you guys do you guys this is like fucking very easy to grasp and yet super high horsepower red pill thinking this is all context and relativity the reason why it's the same people that want to get kids vaccinated, even though the chances of a kid dying from COVID are one in 10 gabillion,
Starting point is 02:51:31 they can't put things in context or relativity. This is, I mean, can we play that again? It's so fucking good. You can't be moral or virtuous as a peaceful person and a kind person unless you have the ability to not be. That implies I should be ready to threaten someone, to hurt someone. No, you should be capable of it. But that doesn't mean you should use it.
Starting point is 02:52:01 There's nothing to you otherwise. If you're not a formidable force, there's no morality in your self-control. If you're incapable of violence, not being violent isn't a virtue. People who teach martial arts know this full well, right? If you learn a martial art, you learn to be dangerous, but simultaneously you learn to control it. Both of those come together. And the combination of that capacity for danger and the capacity for control is what brings about the virtue. Otherwise, you confuse weakness with moral virtue. I'm harmless, therefore I'm good. It's like, no, that isn't how it works.
Starting point is 02:52:32 That isn't how it works at all. If you're harmless, you're just weak. And if you're weak, you're not going to be good. You can't be because it takes strength to be good. It's very difficult to be good. And this is why language is so important. This is the exact fucking cousin of confusing skin color for black people. It's so fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:52:57 Weakness. If you're just fucking weak, you're just fucking weak. fucking weak. There is no weakness without strong. There is no peaceful without violence. You have to have fucking both. I can smell the Sbarro. Sbarro's pizza?
Starting point is 02:53:23 I'll probably say something that I shouldn't say but my mom did their divorce i don't think i was yeah the sabaro pizza empire the the in the mall in the food court mall yeah yeah i mean she didn't do the divorce in the mall but yes but yeah those people. The boys, the boys, the Sbarro brothers, maybe they were even twins. I think I went to junior high with them now that I actually think about it. I think they lived in my area. I think I was scared of them.
Starting point is 02:54:02 I think they were like pretty aggressive kids. Okay, so is this a trick name Mike McCaskey no now you're just expecting anything that has a K okay how about this Hal Roberts that can't be someone's real name right that's a joke
Starting point is 02:54:19 Hal Roberts Hal Roberts I think that's his real name I think that's his real name okay how about this Bob Jerome Roberts. How Roberts. I think that's his real name. I think that's his real name. How about this? Bob Jerome. Not real.
Starting point is 02:54:33 Yeah, yeah. You're right. That's right. Okay. Bob is right there. Bob is right. Correct. That is true.
Starting point is 02:54:41 Yeah. He wasn't. I just. You're right. That was my bias because I don't like Stossel because he got into it with Greg. But you're right. That was him. Right. He wasn't. I just, you're right. That was my bias. Cause I don't like Stossel. Cause he got into it with Greg, but you're right. That was him. Soft.
Starting point is 02:54:48 Right. Okay, fine. I don't know if softballing is the right word, but I, but I hear you. Uh, uh,
Starting point is 02:54:53 Peterson triggered. How about this clock cutter? We talked about that. That's some sort of. Seve is named paranoid. I don't think it is. Uh, is named Paranoid. I don't think it is. Joel said, check this out and put nothing. Maybe refer to his icon photo.
Starting point is 02:55:18 Devesh Maharaj. The Hammer and Wrench. My name is a fake name. What about, could we do 97? This is why you should watch the show the hammer and wrench. My name is a fake name. Um, uh, what about, um, uh, could we do,
Starting point is 02:55:27 um, 97? This is why you should watch the show on YouTube. Yep. Thank you. Oh, so you could watch videos like this. Because if you're listening to the podcast, you can't see this. What's happening right now?
Starting point is 02:55:57 Oh, that's kind of satisfying, right? It's way better than the last one. Oh, I'd be so stressed out if i was doing that that i was gonna fuck that up he's so far in wow oh shit that was unnecessary but okay i'll take it i completed it. Oh look, he's already got the points plotted out. I didn't see that the first time.
Starting point is 02:56:36 Alright, well that's why. You have no idea what we're talking about. What number was that, 97? Yeah, 97. What the fuck is this comment? What? is that 97 what suza when does your manager let you go on break to go that's not true but that's solid guess i definitely do not vape i do not vape i used i've smoked hookah before which is only similar in the sense of the capacity of smoke in which you exhale. There were dudes on deployment that would do it morning to night. Just vape? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:57:17 I had a roommate who I would wake up probably 6.30 in the morning, 6 a.m., and I could hear up probably 6.30 in the morning, 6 a.m., and I could hear like the coil engage. And then like probably 10 seconds later, I could smell it. I was like – he literally just woke – like alarm went off, the first thing he did. And then same thing right before he went to bed at like 10.30, 11 o'clock at night. Same thing. I was like, damn, dude. I know people who put a chew in when they go to sleep, and in the middle of the dude i know people who chew who put a chew in uh when
Starting point is 02:57:46 they go to sleep and in the middle of the night they take it out and put another chew in uh i used to just i used to wake up and immediately just from bed just do bong rips jesus in your bed yeah just like i would have the bong i would have the bong next to my bed and I would just lean over. Dude, day would be done. I wouldn't even like. My day was done. My life was done. My life was done.
Starting point is 02:58:17 You're not doing shit. I do people. We'd go on like vacation to your cabin. Everybody be like, wake and bake. And I'd be like, ah, we're not going to fucking do shit if we do this. You know? You'd be somewhere cool like Tahoe and want to go out and walk and everybody would be like, wake and bake. And then everybody just sits there.
Starting point is 02:58:34 I was that dude who always smoked. If you shared a room with me in college, I smoked every morning right when I woke up. And then I always had a girl at the house too. Or like in our room. Like always. It would suck to have been my roommate. I always had a girl at the house too. Or like in our room. Like always. It would suck to have been my roommate. I always had a girl in there.
Starting point is 02:58:49 That's kind of cool. I don't know how you did that with the bong rip in the morning. That's impressive actually. They were all nice girls. All my girlfriends were always nice. Bong rips in the morning, MDMA at night. Okay, 99, scumbag in the Wild. Oh, look, we're going to make it to the three-hour mark.
Starting point is 02:59:08 I thought that's what you were doing. Trying to make it right. Yeah, I think we got to that. I really like this title, this Scumbag in the Wild. We've seen this one before. Oh, yeah, okay. The gentleman from Indiana, Mr. Hollingsworth,
Starting point is 02:59:24 is now recognized. Well, good afternoon. I'm excited to be here with each of you. Before I get to my questions, Mr. Moynihan, I wanted to let you know, Saruthi, raise your hand, Saruthi. She has been my team member for a couple of years now, but on Monday, she becomes a Bank of America team member, about which she is very, very excited. So I hope you'll take good care of her and know and recognize the talent that she has shown already in our office. I'm sure she'll do the same at Bank of America. How are you floating your resume to big banks? I mean, you're supposed to be the ones, you know, policing the big banks.
Starting point is 02:59:55 Grow up, Jamie. There must be some kind of law against working for a financial institution right after you've been working in financial regulation, right? No. No. financial institution right after you've been working in financial regulation right no no hey doggy hey come over here what are you doing he's a goldman uh that was a true representative trey hollingsworth of the bank oversight committee flirting with fucking bank of America, JP Morgan and the others that, that, that wasn't a movie. That's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 03:00:31 Yeah. We have looked at that one before. Okay. Oh, the one Oh three, let's finish with something that at least it's not a repeat. God, my list sucks today.
Starting point is 03:00:37 Uh, libtard humor and not to use that word libtard. It's like it alienates people That's definitely an alienating word It's a harmful label Have we done this one? These are racist Mexican jokes I don't know
Starting point is 03:00:55 We've done this one too? There's some guys on my balcony Okay, here we go Hey Joaquin what's up i went to this liberal bookstore yesterday and i asked them do you guys have that book on how to report illegals and get them deported and the guy goes get the fuck out of here and never come back and i said yeah that's the one. You got it in paperback? Okay.
Starting point is 03:01:32 One more. One more. Try one more. We've seen that one already. God, I'm so sorry, guys. That's why I'm never going to be big time. Fucking show. Because we have super old clips out here.
Starting point is 03:01:46 I use Google, email, Gmail to keep my fucking show in tech a 105 a sorry maddie rogers we've definitely seen that one too okay okay i'll try not to use that word too i don't want to use that g hate is a strong word i agree i would stop using it i don't like that word see we made full circle in the show talking about don't give words power and now i'm at the end of the show i'm completely soft look at trish's comment about me here oh suza looks like he spends a lot of time around the 18 year old girl's cubicle where's my birthday hug oh shit where's my birthday hug hey trish is suppressing some serious love for you and it's bubbling out in some weird way. It's awesome because they're so damn funny.
Starting point is 03:02:29 105. Sorry, Maddie Rogers. Is this the Maddie Rogers one? Where my hug at, girl? Okay. Here we go. Now, all this is conspiracy and not true. We're not.
Starting point is 03:02:40 Between the suspicious surge in the pox of the monkey, an unusual outbreak in liver inflammation among kids, an alarming number of attacks on the heart, inflammation of the heart, cardiovascular disease, and strokes, it would appear these arm cocktails they force on the population are causing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS. Remember, all adverse effects from these drafts you see on VAERS are grossly underreported. Maybe 1-10% of adverse events are actually reported. The total number of acquired immune disorders from 2000 to 2020 was 21. That number just went up to 386 in 2021, a 1,145 percent increase. Cephas, being a life-threatening organ dysfunction triggered by infection, had 75 cases totaling from 2,000 to 2,020 due to jabs. In 2021 alone, it had 1,593 cases with the overwhelming majority due to the Fauci-Auchi. That's a 2,024% increase.
Starting point is 03:03:34 Same for herpes, which had a rise of 18,336 cases in 2021 compared to 926 combined in the last 20 years. So it would make sense that the predictive programming is used like this article I found in Fortune, predicting a rise in human immune viruses. Evidence coming out that there's a mammoth rise in STDs and HIV with 1.6 million cases
Starting point is 03:03:52 reported in 2021. If only we knew what else happened in 2021, we can tie this to. Happy Thursday, savages, except you, people that push for this. I would have a battle
Starting point is 03:04:01 of wits with you, but it would appear that you are unarmed. Yeah. Okay, how about about 112 weightlifting accident don't get that thing people i'm not a doctor i cannot give medical advice but uh there's mounting evidence okay how did this happen oh this might be my favorite is this my favorite one? Is this when the bar goes over the girl's head? I don't know. Okay, let's see.
Starting point is 03:04:29 Come on, James. Go! Go! Go, James! Go! Oh, my God. I didn't see that coming.
Starting point is 03:04:52 Go, James! Go! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I didn't see that coming. I like how Caleb tried to freeze it, right? I wanted to see where his head went. Oh, my God. Mason Mitchell. No rep. Weightlifting accident. How did I think that was going to play out? I have it titled weightlifting accident.
Starting point is 03:05:15 So good. Oh man. Okay. Can you tell if this dude is filming me or the landscape. Are you on the first floor or something? Weird. Yes. Somebody rappelled into your balcony. Those two dudes out there was weird.
Starting point is 03:05:40 I should have spun. Okay. I should have said let's see okay this guy stole my joke okay let's do this 193 this guy stole my joke god these are so old this is the last one I swear here's my one problem with the body positive movement though why is it that you can't make fat jokes anymore because that's body shaming mr five seven up here still hear short jokes all the time i think short jokes are way more offensive than fat jokes. I really do. Because I get made fun of for something that I have had not an ounce of control over my entire life.
Starting point is 03:06:31 Do you understand what I'm saying? Like, I didn't get short. It wasn't like I was 6'3", and then I just let myself go. Nobody's ever been like, that Thomas Sulo kid could have played in the NBA. Then he lost all that height. Look at him now. Here's my one problem. All right.
Starting point is 03:07:03 Guys, thank you so much. We do have another show today that I'm dreading. And it will be I do. Do we even have a time for this? Do we have a time? Oh, it's late. It was p.m. Yeah, 70 of our time. But we could probably adjust that. I think we just put that out there. I think we need to move that up. Let's ask J and taylor and hillary so today the open announcement is going to be announced what time is that happening at noon pacific santa time 1 p.m our time here in az okay so 1 p.m that will be announced so and then and then i think laura and gabby are going to go head to head they'll be done by two and then i'm guessing it between two and three is when taylor will do it then he should be done at four so then maybe even at 4 p.m i'll we'll keep you guys posted check the times uh
Starting point is 03:07:51 will change i don't hate crossfit i just i you want to be just completely honest is there anyone still watching no we're fine it's just us i just want to just go party now like i like i really i want to go to like a coffee shop and get so jacked on espresso and then i want to go somewhere and have a mixed drink and then maybe like take a nap and then work out and then drink some more and then how about i film the whole thing and we make a video out of it yeah that's exactly that's that's what i want to do but i can't drink if i'm gonna have a podcast today but i'm kind of like yeah yeah we will be uh we will be premiering our a brand new commercial today from smtp um i think we'll already put it on the back end they asked if taylor asked me if he could go back there
Starting point is 03:08:37 is it back there can we see it yeah i put it up there yesterday oh oh you did okay awesome so we'll be premiering a new little commercial from smtp uh programming today i'm excited about that and thanks uh for hanging in there today long show today hope you guys had fun i had a blast uh caleb suza thank you uh paper street coffee in california hormones um california hormones is sounds like they're opening up a new lab in Northern California. Get ready. Use code seven. Get your free shit. All right. Oh,
Starting point is 03:09:15 and you can use the code word seven on a paper street coffee also and get a discount. I believe on shipping and the California hormones get the free doctor's consult. Okay, fine, fine. We're done.

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