The Sevan Podcast - #802 - The CrossFit Open | Hiller vs 23.1

Episode Date: February 17, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I saw somewhere I saw you and you looked fat. You look good now. What happened?
Starting point is 00:00:35 What do you mean? Where did you see me? And I looked fat. I don't know. You look chubby or something somewhere. I saw you. I do think that you were just I was flexing these bad boys and you said they looked great. Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they look huge but i think that i smoked too much weed growing up and it stunted
Starting point is 00:00:49 like my balls you know how it does that makes your nut smaller no hillar needs to smoke some weed he got crazy saggy balls where is hillar that's crazy saggy balls uh this is uh absolutely crazy i want to start i want to show you i cannot believe what's just happened we're the luckiest podcast in the world what you guys are about to see today is i suspect you're about to see the first person do the crossfit open with the proper weights i don't know if you guys are following the shit show that's occurring here, but Laura Magawa and Gabby Horvat. Oh, you can say anything you want. CrossFit has set the standard for fuck-ups.
Starting point is 00:01:32 They did the wrong weights. Laura Horvat and Gabby Magawa are sleeping right now. And when they wake up, CrossFit's going to have a little note for them. Sorry, we used the wrong weights i can only imagine i can only imagine how pissed off bill and katie are right now so pissed you say why because they fucking give a fuck i would say it's almost well you could spin it and be like well at least the barbells are properly annotated so that somebody watching it on TV would know the weights. But, I mean, they used to be wrong.
Starting point is 00:02:13 I've been telling CrossFit, and I've been telling you – you know who I'm talking about. You're a guest on this show. That you have a significant amount of morons working in the games department and in the media department and the fact that you have 15 or 20 people in madrid who don't need to be there and that you could load the wrong weights the girl said 83 pounds. Taylor's juicing. Yeah, right. You have Taylor and Hiller confused.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I'm fucking eating banana bread. Will someone call fucking Hiller? What the fuck is going on? I know. I think he looks handsome too. He looks great. Let me – I want to pull this up. This is from MBA Workplace, this post here. What makes me feel confident in my job?
Starting point is 00:03:05 A, learning new skills. B, successful delivery of my projects. Or C, other co-workers being absolute morons. That does get me going, dude. Last year, we were able to hack in and get the workout ahead of time.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Well, we weren't able to. Some Italian dude did. Or Spanish. Sorry, you guys are all the same to me over there. And you're the black-haired people. And then this year, they loaded the wrong weights. Can I go through with you guys this list of fucking disasters i know you guys are on the same thread as me can we go through these do you mind jr and taylor no you guys like okay good all right thank you you guys are good dudes uh okay so bill and
Starting point is 00:03:58 katie must be pissed not good to upset bill and katie representing the someone that they're deeply affiliated with i think noble also sponsors that shit right like i wonder how they feel what do they sponsor i think they're the sponsor of all that shit this year not just the games but all the open announcements quoting greg glassman and not and not crediting him they sponsor that yeah that too 38 kilos yes yes okay uh there's a graphic i'd like i'd, it's so crazy. They can't get this shit straight. Someone needs to be, I don't want to say it. Someone's going to say it in the comments. I'll tell you when I see the comment. Go what? Okay. Do you see this graphic I sent you, Caleb, by any chance? Sorry. I know I sent them too late.
Starting point is 00:04:40 It's a wall ball versus what's written. Okay. So look at this picture here, guys. a wall ball versus what's written. Okay. So look at this picture here, guys. It says the rep is credited when the center of the ball hits the target clearly above the specified height. And then the picture shows that the center of the ball hitting above the specified height is a no rep. Am I, can someone help me? Are you guys seeing that too? Yeah, that's correct. And the rule for, I don't know, for forever has been, you know, the rep is credited when the center of the ball hits at or above the target line. And in the judge's course said the same thing,
Starting point is 00:05:23 but this picture isn't consistent with that uh zoe welcome to the show there's a typo in your name it's it's hardwood zoe hardwood is your name h-a-r-d but welcome to the show so we do here we correct things but i mean i feel like you got to go by the picture like i know tomorrow at the gym i messaged all the coaches that said hey this is what we're doing. We're doing what the picture says, because we have, we have targets that mount on the rig,
Starting point is 00:05:48 just like those metal targets. Okay. So don't, don't follow the written word. Follow the picture. Well, because, well,
Starting point is 00:05:55 because if anything, they're just doing a few more inches of work. They're not doing any less. And the wall balls are so such an irrelevant part of the workout. Anyways. Oh, yeah. Well, I, i well i did hear
Starting point is 00:06:06 also that bkg that they that they've changed the judging this year versus when it was done as 14.4 which makes it so it's not a repeat right they've changed the the standards whoa dude john fetterman checked himself into the hospital to be treated for clinical depression did you really just read that yeah dude is that is that old news i'll go no but he had a stroke a couple days ago i think oh what okay yeah another another yeah uh yeah i guess this is equity just throw the ball where you want it to and do 14 or 15 minutes either way uh i i do i did hear this though uh in all seriousness i hear that the uh crossfit dei council is looking into this they say that the spaniards the whole country of spain is a misogynist and that's why the women's bars were loaded wrong because they
Starting point is 00:07:02 didn't think the women were strong enough to actually do the heavier weight. So a time cap. Brian, a friend on his Instagram in his stories, noticed that there's a time cap issue. Is it a 14 minute or 15 minute time cap? Amrap. Yeah. Sorry, Amrap. How how how are the thank you jr how are the authorities getting this wrong am i do you guys think i'm being petty maybe they've got joe biden running their media department i'm not being petty right these are like this is like crazy important details at this time right time cap 15 minutes what the fuck over you guys think i am being petty tell me it's okay no i think it's just
Starting point is 00:07:51 there i can't beat any of you up i can't beat any of you up with five of my best friends tell me am i being petty no there are a lot of little mistakes that like i mean hey this isn't adrian you have to know this is not Adrian. This does not fall under Adrian's. These are media issues. Who does it fall under? Oh, nice of you to show up, Ding Dong. Who does it fall under? I thought I was warming up and coming in later.
Starting point is 00:08:15 No, no, you come in at five with the rest of us. What are you shooting for, Hiller? And let us watch your saggy balls warm up. You don't warm up, dude. The saggiest. Hey, I warmed up a little bit for this. Hey, do you think I'm being petty,
Starting point is 00:08:30 Hiller, when I say that they should make sure that they get the time cap posted right on their Instagram? No way. That's going to confuse so many people. It's kind of my entire shtick. So what is the time cap? Is it 14 or 15 minutes? It's a 14-minute AMRAP. It's kind of my higher shtick. So what is the time cap? Is it 14 or 15 minutes?
Starting point is 00:08:45 It's a 14-minute AMRAP. It's 14 minutes. Sorry, AMRAP. Sorry, 14-minute AMRAP. Look it, I'm going to confuse myself. 14 minutes. Hiller, Hiller, you got to see this. You know, Tyler Watkins is saying he thinks he can beat you.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I want you on a bet. 500 burpees? 1,000 burpees? Respond in the comments, Tyler. You guys are about to see, by the way, the first official person do this workout since CrossFit botched it earlier today. Lauren Gabby scores, although they don't know it yet. Lauren Gabby did the workout, and their scores are invalid because they used the wrong weights. CrossFit gave them the wrong weights.
Starting point is 00:09:21 So have we talked about the wall ball target yet? We did. We can bring it back up do you want to talk about i know the picture states but i also see what the words say and i have it set up i actually i have a separate camera here i'm gonna need to wire in but if you can see my attic over here i have to open it up to do wall balls so i have to move this target over here and i gotta do wall balls into the attic are you doing it against that incredible stud back there with the ceo shirt on oh this is kevin he's my judge i figured it'd be only fitting if i had a judge here so yeah
Starting point is 00:09:55 this is kevin neal come on over kevin say hey kevin what's up dude nice shirt brother nice quads too thanks for doing that wow nice quads nice shirt Thanks for doing that. Wow. Nice quads. Nice shirt. Nice biceps. All right. Uh, so, so what do you want to say? What, what target, where are you going to throw it? Since we don't know what the official, uh, Jr says they're going above the line at his gym. Yeah. I'm just going to go above it. Yeah. I mean, we have, we have a bunch of the metal targets just like you do. And we have it put up to where the bolt in between the 9 and 10 feet is the 10-foot line. So I'm just going to tell them all the bowl has to be completely above the bowl.
Starting point is 00:10:31 So the top of the bolt is 10 feet. Yeah, whatever you want, dude. Just fucking whatever you want. What would you do it to? We're doing what the picture says, not what the words say. We don't have, like, adjustable targets like that. So I taped off. We have them all taped off at 10 and 9 feet.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It's just a tape line, and I threw it way over the tape line. Okay, I'll clear the ball. Kevin, you hear that? We've got to clear the tape line of the ball. And it's a 14-minute AMRAP, even though CrossFit said it's 15. We're going to do this thing official, Hillary. And it's definitely ring muscle-ups, not bar. Did Watkins respond?
Starting point is 00:11:06 He said 500 burpees. He's a pussy. He thinks he can take me down on this? Good fucking luck. Phillip Kelly, $1.99. Let's go. Lucky Camera Straps, $14.99. Go, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I placed and got 181 reps for a spud. Like me, it's great. That must be Australian talk, a spud. I started slow's great that must be australian talk talk us but i started slow and also the right what's the right strategy for i think it's one muscle up oh is it i don't know no starting slow is not the right strategy for elite athletes do you want to talk about your tips jr let's let's go over tips hold on hold on hold on we'll get there one second hold on hold on hold on 50 40 is 150 plus the 30 is 180 plus the muscle up yeah uh okay so um oh i see what you were doing he got one muscle okay so so they they posted on the games instagram that laura was the third uh fittest uh or that laura was the second fittest woman last year when she's actually
Starting point is 00:12:03 the third fittest they fucked that up uh this is a repeat woman last year when she's actually the third fittest. They fucked that up. This is a repeat workout, but they've changed some of the standards. So it's not like leave it alone. They were posting Rich's record from 2014 while the girls were going at the end when they should have posted Sam Briggs record. Correct. God, the media is a shit show. Here we go. Look it.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Guys, you're saying that tonight at, you can watch Laura Horvat, the second fittest woman on earth. Okay, so she's the third fittest. Get that right. And actually, you can't watch Laura do it because you gave her the wrong weights. So you guys, you won't get to see Laura Gabby do it. You'll be stuck seeing Andrew Hill Laura do it because you gave her the wrong weights. So you'll, you guys, you won't get to see Laura Gabby do it. You'll be stuck seeing, um,
Starting point is 00:12:49 Andrew Hiller do it. And our guy's not even legit. He's juiced up. So yeah, you won't. Is that, is that what's more legit to have juiced up Hiller or the wrong weights for the girls?
Starting point is 00:12:59 I got to tilt my camera up. Laura got to the toes to bar. It was great. I was wondering why they were going touching y'all. Yeah, but 12 pounds lighter. I think she would have beaten the guys back to the rower even if she had 10 more pounds. Hiller's bodyguard is Kevin Neely.
Starting point is 00:13:18 That's his judge, Kevin Neely. They were 12 pounds off on the barbell. That is so much weight for women. It's like me doing it at 115, right? At least, yeah. It's like killer doing it at 115, which is a crazy difference. What's the percentage of that, 12 pounds? Crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Crazy, crazy, crazy. Come on, guys. Hey, how did no one notice that? Is that absurd? How did the girls not notice it when they felt it? That's what she said. It's like 10%. They probably just thought, oh, with all this adrenaline the bar feels like.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Fair. The scaled workouts that CrossFit posted were wrong. You guys better double check that. They've since pulled it down and reposted it. I don't know if it's correct now. The website's been down several times. Not a smart workout this is where i think i disagree with taylor a little bit here and agree with a little bit of jr this is not a smart workout to have his workout number one for affiliates this is not an easy workout let me clarify that okay let me clarify that
Starting point is 00:14:17 i think just to set it up and do it is not an issue. But I actually was talking to Chase about this privately. What I mean by that is if you have 20-plus athletes that all want to talk trash and beat each other, and they're all going to be borderline semifinal athletes, team or individual, it would be nice to be able to set it up to where everything is eight feet apart the way you want it and to run more than heats of two or three at a time, which in my gym, the way that the rings are set up with the rig, that's not the case. That was the only thing I was saying. So really it's just dealing with those athletes that are going to be upset when they know that this is not a workout of transitions. They're not going to be in a hurry to jump up on the rings.
Starting point is 00:15:06 They're not going to be in a hurry to start the wall balls after the toes to bar. It's not that kind of a workout. And this is the reality for most affiliates is you're not worried about, okay, my rings are exactly eight feet away from my rower, what JR is just saying. The transitions are going to be massive in most affiliates, but if you can run the filthy 50 in a class or fight gone bad or any workout that's got multiple movements,
Starting point is 00:15:32 I don't think it's an issue to run. What the issue becomes is what JR is saying. If you have multiple competitive athletes, how do you get them all racing each other in the same heat? And you just can't really do that. Anthony, today, CrossFit Inc went to Spain with God knows how many employees and how much fucking money it costs. And they did a live event
Starting point is 00:15:55 for the CrossFit open. And they had, they brought two of the best female athletes in the world there, Laura Horvat and Gabby Magawa. And at 3-2-1-go, they started the workout for the World Wide Open for 2023. And guess what? They had the wrong weight on the bar. It was supposed to be 95 pounds, and it was 83 pounds. Can you believe that, Anthony?
Starting point is 00:16:24 Shit. Can you say shit show hello barry mccockiner oh i wonder if taylor gets that taylor do you get that joke barry mccockiner because i didn't get it i took a while for a slow guy like me so So you didn't get it either? No. Good. Me neither. They were making fun of me the other day because he's been in the comments now for a year, and I just figured it out. I didn't even figure it out. Someone had to explain it to me two nights ago.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Are you kidding me? I wish I was. Okay, so the weights were wrong. They said on the feed that no one could have predicted this workout. They were wrong there uh brian friend was on a couple nights ago and he predicted this um let's also not forget that this is 14.4 for a reason this was the fourth workout in the open for a reason because whoever programmed it nice depth of field hill or whoever programmed it knew that this isn't the kind of workout you have if you want to increase the number of open participants. I think this scares people away.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I don't think this is the lowest barrier to entry. I think they should have chosen something. They should have consulted J.R. Howell. I don't know. I like the workout. Oh, you're biased as fuck. You don't even – you're so biased. You only think like a 19 year old testosterone
Starting point is 00:17:46 filled games athlete seriously you lack empathy for the rest of the world this is arguably the for the for 99 of people this is arguably the most enjoyable open workout ever programmed and the least painful because of all the barriers to entry as you go along with the workout. Oh, so you disagree, but you disagree. You like it. Oh, my gosh. I mean, as far as repeats go, I think this was like the only option that would have been a good option. But you think it should have been?
Starting point is 00:18:18 You agree that it should be 23.1? Like you don't think it should have been 23.4 and they should have had like something like for this one? No, I don't care about that. we talk strategy people want to hear so now that we know that uh crossfit is completely shit the bed we are going to take over and we are going to uh we're going to talk strategy with taylor and then hillar is going to get this hey do you want to talk strategy while hillar is going should we get him started yeah we can do that when he's ready we're going to have about two minutes he's going gonna be off the row in two probably okay uh hillar we're ready when you are taylor go ahead so i was thinking from you know i did the workout a few hours ago and i really think you know giving one general piece of advice for strategy is tough on this one because you have
Starting point is 00:19:01 people that are gonna smash the workout and people that don't have muscle ups i think if you're somebody who expects to get into the muscle ups or finish them, then pacing the row is really important. Small sets on the toes to bar with fast breaks is important. And I think the wall balls are irrelevant enough to me that you should be doing them unbroken or in two sets, uh, at most. And then personally, I'd approach it with singles on the barbell, leaving yourself enough energy to get deep into the muscle ups. If you don't have muscle ups,
Starting point is 00:19:31 then you need to get to the cleans fast and finish them as fast as you can so that you can maximize your tie break time. If you can do 30 cleans at 135 and you don't have a muscle up, you're ding dong. There's a lot of people that can do that, I'm sure. Really?
Starting point is 00:19:47 Yeah, a ton of people, dude. You can't do 30 cleans at 135, but you can do like 30 muscle ups. I know. That's what I mean. Well, maybe I could do 30 cleans at 135. Maybe. Not in this time frame, though. Hey, what do you think about this?
Starting point is 00:19:59 Someone like me, I would just do this whole workout. At the time cap, I would just finish the workout and just take the hour to do it. You have a problem with that? Yeah, Andy would cancel your membership. No shit. It's just too much. No, I think you would say if you get to the 14-minute mark and you can keep going, you didn't do the workout right. What do you think, JR?
Starting point is 00:20:19 You let your clients finish this? You're at the toes to bar it's at 14 minutes are you allowed to just like finish it grind it out for the next 45 minutes and play with it yeah i'll let them continue to try to get through it and if like especially if they're not signed up and they're just in there to get a good workout in if they get to the muscle ups and they're going to do burpee pull-ups or whatever they're going to substitute with ring dips low ring transitions whatever i'll let them finish it just with the caveat of when the when the next class is getting briefed you stop working out until they're done getting briefed and then you can continue fair uh did anyone watch uh this live
Starting point is 00:20:54 how is the judging for this how are the muscle-ups can watch it live anyone team can i mention something please gene who the fuck is gene i said team oh yes yes like the three of you the rules states eight foot separations and i think you guys have already been talking about this it's actually impossible to get it all eight feet apart in here it doesn't make sense where my ring is where the rings are and i'm just stating that right now i can go outside i suppose no i i placed all my stuff like like everything was like eight feet apart from from itself other than the wall ball and the total bar like up against that wall which is eight feet away from the rings and the wall
Starting point is 00:21:37 target i'll be doing toes a bar actually over here which good you can see and that's eight feet apart, but there's no way for me to get perfect, I don't know. Clap it, dude. Just fucking clap it. Yeah, Hiller should have worn his Gaines box shorts and let his cock flop around there. Hey, Hiller,
Starting point is 00:21:57 do you have a strategy you'd like to share with us? I've done this morse, morse, morse, morse, morse, morse, morse, morse, morse, morse, morse, share with us i've done this more more more more more more more more more more more more more you gotta hang up and come back you gotta hang up and come back audio's fucked you just you gotta leave and come back i've never seen that have you ever seen that caleb no that's fucking crazy what was that i think he's gonna say i've done this more times than any other open workout same thing same thing just different words oh my goodness i tried to kick him from the studio.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I couldn't, Caleb. That's because he's got his admin. Admin capabilities. He's got too much power. Yeah, it's too much power. Okay, 60-calorie row, 50 toes to bar, 40. 40. I'm going to kill myself if Hiller beats me.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Guys, a little help here. 60 balls uh 30 what's the 30 cleans cleans at 135 and uh 20 do you want to tell hillary your score so he knows what to shoot for taylor no dude i'm not telling anybody my score it sucked hey uh hillar um do you are you gonna finish this yeah i can't hear him now i can't hear you at all no audio no audio you might have to go back to you might have to take down your fancy camera dude bet you kevin neely's texting uh your wife right now is that better or not yeah we got you oh yeah okay got it over here on my little okay uh so uh ladies and gentlemen this is the first official uh live broadcast of 23.1 anywhere in the world we have a few weird things our guy is on california hormones so that's not necessarily legit and his Some of his equipment is six feet apart instead of eight feet apart.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's eight feet apart, but it's right up next to one another. Has Kevin Neely taken the judges course? He has every single year, yes. No shit. Yeah, he's the man. The one thing that is official is the judge. The athlete
Starting point is 00:24:21 is not official and the... I don't know what's wrong with the setup. Okay, here we go. All right. Uh, what's, what's his,
Starting point is 00:24:29 what do you think, what do you think he's going to get? You think he's going to finish this guys? He's for sure going to finish the 20 muscle ups. I think he gets deep into the row for the, for the second round. Yeah. What's the best anyone's ever done?
Starting point is 00:24:42 What, what, what Lazar did 286 reps already. He's ever done? What? What Lazar did? 286 reps. Already? He's already done that? Yeah, he did the announcement. And did he beat Rich's 14?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Wow. Shit. And how far into the road did he get? He got back into the tow store. 26, maybe? Is that right? 26? 26. This is going to be awesome. 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Andrew Hiller, 23.1. It's a repeat. 14.4. He starts with 60 cows on the row. What does that look like? What are some of the metrics that he'll be holding? Will he hold a steady number? I'd guess around 1400 calories per hour. Yeah, that sounds right. I went out a little hot. Nice touch. Yes, the wall ball was also wrong. It said 24 pounds. Yeah, we talked about that. It about that he's going a bit faster than four all right slowing down so this is something too that like i had a few pretty
Starting point is 00:25:53 high level um guys do this workout because they're going out of town for work this weekend like mike and donald uh he was supposed to but he didn't know. Okay. Um, something that people need to understand on this is unless there's a movement that's literally going to stop you muscularly to where your heart rate is all the way down and you're just to muscle fatigue, you are not going to recover on any of the movements after the workout starts. Like you, like if you're pretty good, you can't say, well, I'm going to row pretty hard. I'm going to be aggressive on toes to bar. And then on the cleans, I'm just gonna let my heart rate come back down before the muscle ups. It's not, that's not going to happen. Like you would have to go so slow on the 30 cleans
Starting point is 00:26:37 that you're just not even going to have time for the muscle ups at the end. People need to know that it's like, you should build into the workout as far as heart rate goes. And sure, the 40 wall balls for a lot of people will not be a difficult reps to achieve, but that doesn't just mean that you're going to be resting during those 40. Yeah. I went out way too hot. I did the row a bit faster than everyone in the announcement. I didn't even watch it. Lucky camera straps. Smash the like button, subscribe, and donate money. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I think he'll get off between 215 and 230. Kevin, what's the rope pace? Can they hear us? Kevin, they're off again. 1,400. 1,400. 1,400. He can only talk if Hiller gives him permission to talk. Kevin, you have permission to speak.
Starting point is 00:27:31 You have permission to speak. On the Toast-A-Bar, I know Hiller's pretty good at those. I would say... You have permission to speak, Kevin, at any time. If you want to drop... 1,400. What's his plan for the Toast-A-Bar? What's that? What's his plan for the toaster bar what's that what's
Starting point is 00:27:46 his plan for the toaster bar i don't know okay cool i think it's going to be something like 2015 10-5 hey can you smell him yeah what's he smell like not good all right not good kevin take off your pants. Is it 220? 225 right now. That's a really good point Mr. Spin has. Did Hiller load the bar with the correct weights? Hiller already lost. Just kidding. Okay, off the rower at uh 240 about
Starting point is 00:28:26 straight to the toes to bar yeah and a couple of the guys that i watched do this workout tonight they're they're really good at toes to bar but i think they came out a little bit too big on their first set and and ended up just kind of blowing them up when they got to the cleans and the muscle ups i think i remember i remember some of the best in the world doing sets of five in 2014 and still getting back to toes to bar uh hillary hillary's got some world-class uh pull-ups in them uh does that translate to probably some amazing toes to bar yeah i mean he said before all hanging gymnastics are a big strength for him uh will he do them on broken, you think? No. No. I'm really good at toes-to-bar,
Starting point is 00:29:08 and what I did was way too aggressive. I did 25, 15, 10, and that was pretty aggressive. Kevin, how many on his first set, Kevin? 30. 30. 30 on his first set. No, I think he's at 30. He's at 30.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Oh, okay. Oh, he was talking to Hiller, not us. 35. Okay, 35. Nice. Thank you for calling those out, Kevin. Thank you. So he did 25, and then 10. And you think he's going to try to finish it here and get to 50?
Starting point is 00:29:45 No. No. He'll go 8-7 probably. Yep, 8-7. And he's using wraps. So what I think we need to watch out for is like the eight-minute mark. Can he be on the rings at eight? With the transitions, probably about 90 seconds for the wall balls into the clean.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And then if he can do those 30 in about two minutes, a little under with a little chalk break. If he's on the rings in eight, he's got a good chance to get pretty deep in the cows. I think. Let's go, Andrew. I think if you get to the rings by eight, you're finishing the cows. If he wrote at a 1400,
Starting point is 00:30:39 unless he was really pacing it to have a lot to give on the second row, you have to think that's going to deteriorate. It's going to be more like to give on the second row, you have to think that's going to deteriorate. It's going to be more like a 13 on the second set. Look, he's got to throw the ball up into the attic. Do you see that? He's got a little cut out in his ceiling. When the ball goes up there. Okay, do you see that?
Starting point is 00:30:59 His target's above his ceiling height. Hey, he's doing great, right? The first 10 cleans would be pretty telling. About where he's at, like, aerobically. Like, how tired he is. Gotcha. Wow, I'm surprised he's breaking the wall ball three times. That's what I did.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Has CrossFit made any announcements that they use the wrong weights in their official uh 23.1 are there any announcements does anyone know uh barry my cock in her uh can It's rare. There's one. Take a screenshot. Draw your dagger, says Lazar. Also split the wall balls up like that. It's just over six, so we're probably thinking rings at nine now and not eight. And this is where it went sideways for Laura and Gabby. Their bar was loaded with 83 pound pianos. It could have been 95. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Correct. Taylor bringing the energy to tonight's open announcement. Dude, I'm watching Taylor's sick body, dude. I'm mesmerized. Well, that TRT gets some. We'll get you some. I'm good. Alright. He's about one every five seconds right now. Is this the pace you want to see?
Starting point is 00:32:48 Yeah, if he keeps that for all 30 that's a good thing what are the muscle-ups gonna look like he's good at muscle-ups he just did 25 unbroken recently fresh i think his best ever is 35 unbroken um taylor's i mean if you guys watch the video of him doing 100 for time he's obviously one of the best in the world. But I think in this workout, it's, uh, could be grip limiting for some people or it could just be heartless. Taylor can probably speak to that a little bit more. I just fucking blew my load in the first part of the workout. One, I haven't been doing a lot of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I've been doing a lot of long conditioning pieces and 14 minute and that is not exactly what i've been doing a lot of and i went out at a pace and i know i should be able to hold and just blew up so yours was heart rate not grip um it's probably a little bit of a pussy good job job, Andrew. Yes, John George, today when they did 22.1 in Spain, even with a live audience and a strip major staff around, Laura Horvat and Gabby Magawa did the wrong way. We don't have an official announcement on it yet.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And as far as we know, Laura and Gabby still don't know that they're sleeping right now. But when they wake up, they will know. Where's he at, Kevin? 22. Wow. 22 reps, and it looks like the clock was at 830.
Starting point is 00:34:19 24. 25. Mad Marv. Thank you, brother. Hope you're enjoying the warm water. So this is a pretty big one this is a pretty big transition so let's see when he finishes the last train all right so 908 there you go so we'll we'll see i don't think he'll take 30 but if he's planning on opening up kind of big and going like 875 he may take a long break if he's not and he's going to do like four sets of five, that's a pretty decent break.
Starting point is 00:35:06 16 sets. Mason Mitchell is a little shit talker. Always, always. He said Hiller's not beating him. You hear that, Hiller? Fuck Mason Mitchell. You're going broken. Oh, Ethan Bowen, no shit.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Lauren Gabby did the wrong weight. Incredible. How many? Five, I think. Kevin? What's up? How many? Seven.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Seven. There's a glitch on the screen for a second. I don't know how many he did. Jessica Valenzuela, our local police officer, giving the lockouts a thumbs up. Oh, he's tired. He's sucking wind. It's still a pretty nice break as far as time goes. 12.
Starting point is 00:36:11 12 reps in at 1025. Shit, he is going to finish it. Taylor. 5'3". I don't know. We'll see. Yeah, Hiller. Oh, he was thinking about it, huh? 3-3-2. 15. Whose stories have the breakdown on the weight issue?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Let us know. I'd like to pull that up. I'd like to know who's. You want me to pull it up for later? Yeah. Who is it? Who's he talking about? I think it's Halpin and Brian.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Okay. When Hiller's done here in another three and a half minutes, we'll bring him over. We'll chat with him, talk about strategy, and then we'll finish the show talking about the train wreck that was open event. How many more? One, two, one. I'd also like to know how many C4s Hiller had.
Starting point is 00:37:23 All right. So. You should get at least 40 calories in. Hey, so he's pumped right now, right? Because he knows he finished a hole. He's stoked, right? He got a little adrenaline rush. He just finished. He probably had in his head
Starting point is 00:37:40 before he started the workout how many cows or whatever he wanted to get. What's the highest Hiller ever got in the Open worldwide? He got like 58, right? Or 50? 48? Yeah, I want to say top 50 one year. Yeah, that's crazy. I think he and Taylor were one spot away from each other.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Something crazy like that. I can't remember which year it was, though. Do you remember, Taylor? Yeah, I was 49th and he was 48. No wonder you weren't speaking up. Listen to him. Get it,
Starting point is 00:38:22 get it. Where's that pace at? What's his pace at, Kevin? He's probably 13. Okay, so he's going to get back to the toes to bar. I know. He had to have been holding about 30 a minute. That's like 17 1800 pace i'm i'm doing the workouts just so that i can speak intelligent
Starting point is 00:38:51 but no i'm not signed up for the open i'm not competing this year let me hear it, Hiller. Ha. There it is. The female bars were 15 kilograms plus two 10-kilogram plates plus two 1.5-kilogram plates at 38 kilograms. That is the correct loading for an only lifting meat to make 43 kilograms because they also have 2.5 kilogram collars on the bar. Mason Mitchell, what did you get on this workout? I bet Hiller beats you. Sean,
Starting point is 00:39:36 are you suggesting that the weights were right on those bars? Are you suggesting that those collars were right? 5 pound collars? Yeah, Hiller. This show brought to you by Lucky Camera Straps out of Australia, $2.99. Thanks, dude. Mason Mitchell, what did you get?
Starting point is 00:39:59 48. Nice. What'd you get? Not that. You beat me. What'd you get? Not that. You beat me. What'd you get? It's bad. 47 pounds.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I called it. Good job, Hiller. You're a beast, dude. Great work. What did Tyler Watkins get? Yeah, what did you get, Tyler Watkins? You definitely pulled out of his butt on that workout. I think he owes me five percent.
Starting point is 00:40:24 He does. of his butt on that workout. He does. Hey, Caleb, can you pull up that picture really quick? I want to see if they have collars on those bars. Wow. Great job, dude. You're a beast. That was good pacing, too.
Starting point is 00:40:39 The muscle-ups were like they got hard. They fucked me. It was like the aluminum oso colors not five pound each colors can you zoom in on that by any chance what'd you get oh i see sean smashed it that was a beautiful live performance $2 because Hiller beat Taylor while
Starting point is 00:41:11 oh sorry I messed that up while oh Dylan Val thank you $20 Mason Mitchell won't tell us what he did now he said he was going to beat you and then I think you smacked him. We're going to give 20 seconds here for Andrew Hiller to relax and get his breath back.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And while we do that, we'd like to give you the SMTP free workout for week one. Here's a workout for you guys to hit next time you're in the gym. This workout is unique format where the priority is both time and load. Pick a weight that's going to challenge you while still remaining manageable. Have fun. Remember to use your hook grip on this one. Tag us if you get a chance to hit it. God, you're looking a little bit like Canelo. God, you're looking a little bit like Canelo. Dope. More grunting, Zoe Harwood.
Starting point is 00:42:11 More grunting, please. Eric Wise, Super Sticker, $4.99. Thanks, dude. Andrew, did you do 14.4? Yeah. And did you beat your score? Oh, yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Congratulations. What did you get? I got 14.4, yeah. What did you beat your score? Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. Congratulations. What did you get? I got about 14-4, yeah. What did you get back then? I was in the final five muscle-ups. I don't remember the exact number, I believe. Shit. Or maybe just barely on the rower.
Starting point is 00:42:36 It wasn't that deep into it, though. You beat him. Was the word was questioned? What did Hiller get? What did Hiller get? What did Hiller get? I think he got 47. So 247. He got 48, right?
Starting point is 00:42:56 248 today. Good job. Good job, Mason, too. Eat a dick, Mason. No, Mason. Good job. Hiller cheated. to use a woman's uh woman's bar oh yeah the shoulder caps are coming in the california hormone shoulder caps holy shit uh what would you what do you think if you wouldn't have done this live you think you'd have done a little bit worse where did you push because you need the cameras around you it's always weird having no
Starting point is 00:43:25 music yeah not that it really matters too much uh probably not the same the muscle to the shit i was telling someone maybe to jr the other day that being 208 instead of 188 really makes a big difference hey um you uh there were some predictions that you would take a uh 30 second break before you hit the muscle-ups, and I think, JR, you counted, you took a 16-second break. Was that hard to grab those, that first set of muscle-ups? That's a good break, I think. 16 seconds is a good break? Too long, too short? No, I mean, I think that's really discipline going from those 30 into it. Like I said, I've done this probably eight times. And typically that's where I make a lot of ground up, but not today.
Starting point is 00:44:12 What do you mean you've done this like eight times? Just since 2014, you think you've repeated this? I'm pretty vocal about it being my favorite overall workout of all time. Wow. I just think it's a – well, everyone's throwing shade at for various reasons but i've always thought the open is the best way to get everybody to do the exact same thing i think this is a very good way to do that everyone can row people do toes tomorrow everywhere the wall ball is doable the things are doable and then if you're a beat you do the muscle ups if
Starting point is 00:44:43 you're super early you do it really fucking fast it hurts really bad hey you needed uh 60 cows to get off the rower how many did you get that that second time 48 okay uh so so basically you were uh another because i'm looking here just to contextualize it for people uh the fittest man in the world uh 2014 got 277. So he got another 12 calories on the rower and then 17 toes to bar. Damn, Hiller, you killed it. Thanks. My best ever I believe is 11 toes to bar. Are you registered for the Open? Yes or no? No? I don't know you don't okay oh oh he's under a you're under a fake name that's brilliant uh so so the best you've gotten is
Starting point is 00:45:39 so the best you've gotten is 11 into the toes to bar. So what would that total be? Shit, you're a beast. Hey, at the top there, are there going to be some ties? How close was the next person? The other one kind of fucked me up too. I was probably six inches over on a lot of them. So I wonder if that
Starting point is 00:46:10 18-inch or it would be more like eight inches per wall ball plays into the fatigue setting and the pressing on the wall ball into the muscle-ups. That and the extra body weight. Did you have a plan to break them either way going into it?
Starting point is 00:46:25 I usually do those in just like 15, 15, 10. What was your all-time best score again? Say that again. 271. 271. And that's what I would do. I did the muscle-ups 12-8 that day. All of these shows are possible because of California hormones. I know most of you guys know that, but for those of you who are new, Sarah Cox has been absolutely crazy generous to both Andrew and I.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Andrew has a show that's called Testosterone Tuesdays on the Hiller Fit YouTube station. And if you are interested, you can go to, and you can get a free doctor's consultation and free blood work if you live in california if you don't live in california your insurance will pay for your blood work and uh the doctor's consultation and find out uh you're eligible to partake in trt how many live viewers are there? I can't see from down here 1152
Starting point is 00:47:28 Holy shit Hi guys If I didn't have a stressful job And three kids wasn't going through a divorce And took TRT I'd have beaten you Well if you haven't seen my videos I've chosen not to have kids
Starting point is 00:47:45 and in the early stages of divorce hey um uh andrew and what you knew that you were going uh was it yesterday or whenever we decided you were going to do this live um what did you do to prepare for it today did you eat anything um different were you more nervous to drink less c4s more c4s on i think i told you on tuesday i was fasting right so i didn't eat anything on tuesday and then about six eight hours ago i had 10 servings of gatorade powder just a bunch of sugar i had my no explode about two hours ago i took my trt shot this morning
Starting point is 00:48:26 and uh wait why your no explode two hours ago why not why not uh 30 minutes later i'm never going to bed oh so i kind of cut myself off at about three o'clock and usually if i do work out it's at four o'clock so i was was messaging everybody like, can we go any earlier? Is there any way to go earlier? Number one, there's going to be more viewers coming out just after the show's over. Number two, that I can ride the pre-workout. I started my TRT. I'm on week five.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Congratulations, Steve. Keep us posted. I'm always interested. Tell Hiller I'm back on. What happened? Did Kat get off for a second? She just got on. She's been going up and down i understand uh if uh hillar a barry mccauchner uh if hillar was vaccinated he would have done uh better i don't think so all true i hear my heart rate would have
Starting point is 00:49:17 been much too high for the entirety of the workout but that's uh if if is this what it looks like when the best guys in the world do it uh taylor i think the score he put up is very reputable absolutely and where will the best guys in the world uh where where will they be better than hillar i think but the main place i think is on the muscle ups and then getting, yeah. Well, I mean, it's weird for me to hear that. I actually think it'll be,
Starting point is 00:49:55 I actually also think it's going to be initial row pace and second row pace. Like instead of rowing 14 and then 13, it's probably going to be 15 or 16 and then 15. What did you hold on the second row? I was at 14, 14, 50 through about 28 calories. And then I kind of got shot.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Oh, 12, 30, 12, 80 until about 35 seconds left. I got it back up to about 14. I did. And then maybe just speed back on the bar on the cleans.
Starting point is 00:50:27 That would be the only thing. But his toes-to-bar, I don't think anyone's getting off the toes-to-bar much faster. And you didn't take big reps on the wall ball at all. They were very, very quick. So I think that was fine. I think mainly you just lost some time on the muscle-ups. Any no reps, Kevin?
Starting point is 00:50:42 I gave myself one on the wall ball at least. Yeah, I thought there'd be more on the wall balls, but there wasn't. Because I fought over the targets. I wish this quarter was longer. I'd show you the wall ball turn and the hole in the wall. Are you going to be sore tomorrow? No. I'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I don't really get too sore. Actually, my butt's really sore. I did a bunch of lunges yesterday with that. Taylor, will the best guys in the world be sore from this tomorrow? I don't think so. Are you sure from the other muscle-ups? I was sore for a day. I was really sore in, like, my biceps and my lats, interestingly. Like, after the workout, it was all forearms.
Starting point is 00:51:22 But I felt okay Monday. How about your chest or your triceps? No, those weren't. My hands are a little beat up. No, my chest wasn't that sore at all. I don't really – like the dip out for me isn't super pressy. I have a pretty efficient like kit. So I think more than anything for me on muscle-ups,
Starting point is 00:51:41 when it gets really deep into the set, it becomes like just blood in my arms and grip. What about the women's scores? Do the women generally do better or worse at this workout than the guys? Generally worse. And it's the same rep scheme? It's the muscle-ups that stops them? Same calis also. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:52:06 So it is those two movements. It's the row and the muscle ups that stops them same cows also oh okay so it is so it is those two movements it's the row and the muscle ups so always they always do worse than the men oh not always i think like the most elite in the world like when you're talking about people like tia you could probably throw some of the other higher level really really good gymnastics athletes in there the muscle ups tend to be kind of a wash but the calorie row is is pretty significant uh sebon is going to dominate the master's neuromuscular no why not sebon doesn't do the open he's above it hey no i'm not above it i i i i seriously would i i'm injured i'm an injured man shut the fuck up i'm an injured man i got a serious problem with my left bicep i'm not joking really what's going on with it it's too small yeah exactly exactly uh kevin were you impressed what did you think you know you know hillar what did you think how do you think he's
Starting point is 00:53:01 gonna do i think he did well i thought he'd get it to the toes of the bar, but... Get to the toes of the bar? Yeah, you motherfucker. That's what beat me. JR, will you go full throttle on this thing? Yeah, I mean, I'll do it as hard as I can. JR will get to the toes of the bar.
Starting point is 00:53:20 On the second round? Yeah, yeah. Maybe. Maybe. What's your best score, JR? Did it a couple years ago, like 37 cows, so maybe. No shit. Yeah, I'm just a lot better
Starting point is 00:53:35 at muscle-ups now than I was two years ago. Alrighty. Anything else anyone want to add? That was awesome, man. Thanks for doing that. It was fun to watch. Yeah, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I'm happy it was that workout. I was very nervous it would be the 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 dumbbell snatch workout. Oh, a three-peat? Or the fucking 10-rounder of snatches and bar-facing burpees. That would have been not as fun. Yeah, that's icky. Any speculation now that you've seen this on what you think next week will be? I think we'll see double-unders.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Really uncomfortable. Like the people who couldn't hurt on this one because they were stuck on the set of 50 toes to bar or caught looking at the rings for a long time. I don't think anyone's going to get that next week. I'll wait for Dave's hint. I'll be able to guess it. Was that, that wasn't a hint though, right?
Starting point is 00:54:37 That, that don't turn left. Are you kidding me? That is any more straightforward. It was directly out of my little open series that i made how is that a hint don't turn derrick zoolander i can't turn left 2014 my i'll tell you later no explain it to us because i don't get it no i got it every every day for 10 or 11 days i did a recap on the year's opens from 2011 through 2022. And I made kind of a
Starting point is 00:55:06 hodgepodge here. I made a hodgepodge. Caleb, could you bring up 2014 by chance? So this is the hint. And in Zoolander, his big thing is he can't turn left. And the only year that I made exclusively from one movie other than Night at the Rock spirit was zoolander and zoolander his big thing is he can't turn left so dave puts up the don't turn left which brings me to my little series here and he picked the best workout from 2014 it's all those zoolander clips hey is that actual a screenshot that left light from zoolander no but his okay turn't turn left. Okay. All right. Wow. It's beautiful. One look. One look.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I don't think so. What is this? A center for ants. Hey, what are the chances? What are the chances that you showed a movie where a guy says don't turn left from 2014 and that's the clue that Dave gave? I pulled a clip in the video I made today of your first interview with him after he was brought back. And he had this tidbit in there about how he wanted – he wishes I was around for a long time so that he could kind of fight with me a bit. And I think this is his way of fighting with me a bit.
Starting point is 00:56:26 When did you post this, right? Two weeks ago? Mm-hmm. Wow. That's crazy. So that's kind of two people. That's two people. I'm going to give Hiller,
Starting point is 00:56:38 I'm giving Hiller credit for that. I'm giving that to you, buddy. So 10 minutes before the open announcement was announced, I put up my video, or I guess that it was from 2014 based upon Dave's hint. I guess the exact workout wrong, but he pulled it from this for sure. Wow. What do you think, JR? Coincidence?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Not at all. You know Dave will deny it in his… Kenneth the Lab is wrong. TDC clue is definitely not related to Zoolander. You know Vindicate. You know Dave will deny it in his video. Shit. Crazy. What? What, Matt? What?
Starting point is 00:57:16 I already know what next week's hint is going to be, but I can't say it. I'll write it down somewhere. Why can't you say it? Because then he's not going to be... I can't believe Dave's even involved in not gonna be i can't believe dave's even involved in the games i i find it hard to did this does he say on that post anywhere that that's a clue when they were announcing it and they said it's from 2014 i almost shat myself because the order
Starting point is 00:57:36 the open is a repeat i go oh fuck and it's from 2014 no fucking way no way but what what but but how do we know that? Does Dave even – what's he put – what's it say on that post? He just posted that? It just says 23.1. Oh, so they did ask him. So someone in the games department did say, hey, will you post a clue? Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Do you think he'll ever get back into working on the games? I mean, fuck, dude. That was a train wreck what they presented this week. do you think I'll ever get back into working on the games? Uh, I mean, fuck dude, that was a train wreck. What they presented this week. I mean, that was,
Starting point is 00:58:11 that is the absolute worst presentation of the CrossFit games open ever. What they did. So too many fucking disasters. How do you load the wrong fucking weights for the, for those athletes along with all the other stuff? My second was with Dan Bailey, right? At least with all the other stuff my second was with dan bailey right at least with dan bailey though was a judge's error that was a rep yeah that i mean that's that's a fucking just straight human error they got when you send a team to fucking spain
Starting point is 00:58:35 when you have people making these mistakes on instagram when you have these people making these mistakes in the rule book this is this isn't this bad. This is really bad. Does someone want to explain to him why it's true? Go back to the beginning of this video. We go over the 13 points. Uh, Heidi, no.
Starting point is 00:58:59 She didn't hear me the first 10 times. What was the, uh, what was the disaster in 2019? I don't remember that. What happened? Anyone? Letting every fucking country send a person to the games hey uh that is uh that may be a disaster but that's a subjective choice when you load the wrong weight on the fucking bars and you have laura horvat and
Starting point is 00:59:20 gabby magawa there when you have in the rule book the wrong marking for the wall ball target when the picture doesn't match the words, when you post on the Instagram that the AMRAP is 15 minutes when it's only 14 minutes, when you have the wrong scaled weights, I mean, it's just endless. Dude, I don't like this guy. Mason Mitchell? Shut up. Yeah, Floyd 19, Mason. Eat a dick.
Starting point is 00:59:48 But are you sure about the callers no no i'm not sure about the callers but uh we have we do or we are hearing reports from people on the ground that crossfit is aware of the problem which makes me think that yes uh it's wrong i don't know if i filmed 14.4 i can't even remember was that in Santa Cruz? I can't even remember Scott Pancic and who else? Josh Bridges no but I was there I think
Starting point is 01:00:15 and I think Scott Pancic won and Josh Bridges went in the back and he took this water bottle and I was filming him in the back it's probably in the video somewhere and it was just a this water bottle, and I was filming him in the back. It's probably in the video somewhere. And it was just a little water bottle, and he threw it at the ground so fucking hard that it bounced over like a 12-foot fence. It was kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:35 I'd never seen anything like that before. Barry, lucky camera strap, $7.99. Again, how much for 70 to do 23.1 live? Ooh. Six hours. Let's start a pot. that do it stop i'm gonna hang up on you guys stop oh bridges did win okay then maybe i'm thinking of it did he do another open announcement maybe i'm confused with the maybe it was the handstand was there a handstand one that uh bridges i'm sure i was there that looks like somewhere i just beat scott nice
Starting point is 01:01:06 what if we fundraise a thousand dollars no two thousand what if i send you a thousand of my dick sarah cox just donates $2,000 right there and you don't have to do it right now. I think Tyler Watkins... In 19, there was no media, so any Joe Bob with an iPhone was able to broadcast a live announcement.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Yeah, that sucked. What's Tyler Watkins say? What did he get? What did Tyler Watkins get? He hasn't done it yet. And there's no fucking chance in hell he beats me. Oh, thanks, man. Oh, please.
Starting point is 01:01:49 $10. $1,990 to go. Hey, stop. You guys, stop. Yeah, it would take me an hour to warm up for that. You're right. No, not an hour. 20 minutes. Hey, tomorrow we have a live call-in show again. take me an hour to warm up for that you're right not an hour 20 minutes hey um tomorrow we have a live call-in show again
Starting point is 01:02:08 I think today was one of our best live call-in shows ever I know it was one of our largest audiences it was fucking nuts you should sign up 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time what did you say Hiller you should sign up scaled Seth I did go yes I am not
Starting point is 01:02:23 I've decided that I am voting with my money and i am not giving crossfit any money uh as long as they have a dei council that is censoring uh words how's that i'll pay for you if you guys want i mean if you guys i'll sign up for someone else's money if you guys want some strategy tips on the workout, we posted a full breakdown of it on our YouTube. What's your YouTube? Self-made training program. Can you pull that up, Caleb? Self-made training program.
Starting point is 01:02:53 What are the tips? What's it look like? Just a video of you saying how you would attack this? Yeah, it's a video of basically me telling you not to be a pussy. Hello from the Gulf Coast of Florida. Five dollars. Oh, not for no, not the twenty three point one. OK, let me hear a little bit.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Let me see how good this is. I like this mural. Let me see. Do the judge. Judge him. Judge him. But judges content. One is a repeat from 2014.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Workout starts with 60 calories on the rower followed by oh start in the middle somewhere then you've got 41 god your graphics are beautiful into 50 toes to bar and if you go out too hot your grip and arms are going to catch up to you during those toes to bar on the toes to bar we recommend smaller sets with quick breaks in between going out big here is not the place to make up time in this world all right maximize your score on 23.1 uh crossfit open workout from smtp training dude you're killing it nice shirt who made this video reppin not me will brandstetter did you watch the video i made on you? I go, if he's making these, this is awesome. Yeah, I was like, no shot.
Starting point is 01:04:05 That mural is on like a fucking shipping container right outside our gym for another business. So we were like, whoa, let's just stand in front of that. It's pretty cool. Yeah, it's good. Hey, Branstetter lives near you? Yeah, he goes to my gym. Shit, I didn't even know that. Tell him I want him to start working for me again for free.
Starting point is 01:04:24 He says you're going to have to spit on his wiener and rub it. That's how he found the shipping container for you. Tell him I'll find Jesus if he comes to work for me. That's exactly what the video... That's why I'm doing the open workouts. Blow my load as hard as I can and learn from it so that I can tell other people what not to do. Really?
Starting point is 01:04:47 Is that seriously? Is that, that's the only reason I'm doing them. Yeah. I'm not competing this year. Oh, so you, oh,
Starting point is 01:04:52 wow. So you're just coming. That is your tactic though. This year, come out hot and see what happens where he breaks down. I don't know that that's my tactic. I'm just like, okay,
Starting point is 01:04:59 I'm going to hit the workout as hard as I can and see what it does to me. And then I can talk about it. All right, guys. I got to get my oldest. What are the odds you beat me? No, no. I have to go. JR.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Bye, JR. I have to go. Give me a percentage. One in ten? Ten in ten? What are the odds you beat me? What is it? Likelihood you take me down.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Oh, not likely. I think it'll be close. Not likely. I think you'll beat me on this jr's fitter than he gives himself credit for but i think it'll be close you did really well you did way better than i was expecting me too fuck you hey well you kind of you've had some impressive performances on the web on this show uh the heavy grace the the pull-up where you stayed on until your hands fell off. But then you kind of shit the bed at the gauntlet.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Yeah, that's what I was remembering. It was 1,000 degrees, and it was an hour long. That's a good point. I think I won the road, though, at the gauntlet. What did you end up taking at the gauntlet, 650th? No, 12th or 13th. Oh, okay. Well, that's not shit.
Starting point is 01:06:02 I just had to cut to make the next round that they wouldn't let me do anyway. So, Taylor, did you ever say what you got? No, I texted it to you. My score prediction? Top 10% score prediction. For the men? Into the row. Yeah, into the row.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Good call. How about the women? Seven muscle-ups? When do we get to know Hiller's secret identity? I don't know, dude. I think a lot of the women will get over 10. I think you need to be over 10 muscle-ups. Top 10%, though.
Starting point is 01:06:36 That's a good point. That's a good point. Maybe seven. I guess, yeah, I like that number. I reckon 2014, there were women who were making the regionals who weren't getting muscle-ups. Wow, that's crazy. Sorry, sorry. They maybe got two or three.
Starting point is 01:06:50 And there were a lot of people out there who didn't get any. We got a Bazinette question. Yeah, how is she? How is she coming along? She's coming along. She's doing well. She's getting more consistent. She's coming off a tough year.
Starting point is 01:07:03 She's trying to build confidence, get her in a crossfit shape. She's so fucking strong and a really good mover. Is there a chance you could have some prior games athletes on doing open workouts live on your stream? Is there a chance? Is that a burn? I think it's a burn. Taylor, what's up on the Timo team.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I think I'm here until the 19th or the 20th. I don't think that's a fake-ass plant. That is a fake plant. Who wins? We'll finish with the prediction. Who wins? Oh, Andy, look at you, a distinguished man. Do you think that's a real profile pic?
Starting point is 01:07:47 Medeiros? This workout? Depends how hard he wants to try. Man, I don't know. Ricky, maybe. Is Hiller taking apps for serious athletes to coach? Always. No.
Starting point is 01:08:02 No. But the bald guy is. SMTP. No, I don't have any more room for roman that's it but the muscle ups yeah i don't know ricky dude yeah but this logan's uh bias is a mofo oh next week announcement next week oh is that who's who who are the superstars who will be doing the wrong weights next year or next week in the open? Who gets screwed next week? Roman and who else? Oh, my wife's home. Vellner.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Oh, shit. Okay. What about James Sprague on this workout? Too big. That's a good pick. I don't know, man. It's only 20, and I think he's such a good rower. Thanks, Will. I think it's Ricky. That's what 20 and I think he's such a good rower. Thanks, Will. I think
Starting point is 01:08:45 it's Ricky. That's what Kevin said. Wow. That's a good pick, Kevin. Kevin has spoken. All right. Caleb, thank you, brother. Kevin, you are now
Starting point is 01:09:01 officially a dear friend of the show. Thank you. Yeah, thanks for letting me join. Hiller, you're a beast. Brave. Brave like a modern-day warrior. Taylor, thank you for always being here. And we will finish the show with a free workout from SMTP Programming. Hi, babe.
Starting point is 01:09:25 We'll see you guys tomorrow at 7 a.m. Pacific. Here's a workout for you guys to hit next time you're in the gym. This workout is a unique format where the priority is both time and load. Pick a weight that's going to challenge you while still remaining manageable. Have fun. Remember to use your hook grip on this one. Tag us if you get a chance to hit it.

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