The Sevan Podcast - #803 - The Show You've Been Waiting For | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Text thread's going off this morning, huh? Jesus.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Yeah. It's kind of fun. I don't know how to phrase it. It's kind of like going to like a – I imagine like you're watching NASCAR and a car crashes and you're bummed but not so bummed that you don't watch it 600 times in slow motion yeah i agree somebody says somebody said that they like felt bad about it i was like i on i don't i don't really feel too bad about it i think it's one it's kind of funny i mean it's not like anybody got hurt well it's yeah right good i like that It's not like anyone got hurt. Hey, if you do, if you do, I mean, this is, I say this with peace and love. If you do DEI hires, you get DEI results. I remember, I don't know, in the last year, someone over there made a video. Maybe I can even find it.
Starting point is 00:01:55 It was something like 13 of the 17 people on the CrossFit Games media team are women. And they did like a whole expose on it. I knew at that point it was like, yeah, I knew it was Baba Booey. It was, and then I know, you know, I've been telling you guys for two years there. Wait, poor Adrian. Oh, today, yeah, nice, good job. Today, 13 of the 17 CrossFit Games media team members are women, and one of their leaders is CrossFit Games content operations manager Emily O'Hearn. And someone over there also, I also fucked their way to the top of the – from what I hear, fucked their way to the top of the totem pole too.
Starting point is 00:02:36 So how's that? And if there's one, you know what they say, where there's smoke. There's fire. Yeah. I mean it's just absolutely hilarious boy who's that let me see who that is what's that girl's name lindsey miller i don't know her so they're celebrating uh dei hi that that chick's cool shit i worked with her i worked like very close with her that's's Lillian Fuentes. None of those other people I worked with. Let me see. Oh, I worked with that other dude too. Really tall guy.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah. What the fuck's his name? Oh, it's too early. Yeah. I would consider him a friend even. Michael. Yeah. Oh yeah. Michael Dalton. Sorry, Mr. Dalton. Yeah. I enjoyed working with him a lot. I went to China with him. He's a cool dude. Crazy team player. Crazy team player. But, boy, I wonder how he tolerates all that.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I don't think I've ever seen him talk. Lidia, I'm the only chick at my job, and I hate when people are like, oh, you're a woman in this field. Wow. I prefer them to treat me like everyone else and be like, wow, you're so good at your job. My wife's the same way. She's a firefighter, obviously. And so whenever we hang out with people who are not in our career fields, like working in a hospital, working in the fire department, they're like, oh, my gosh, you're a firefighter and you're you're a female firefighter what is that like oh my gosh it's
Starting point is 00:04:09 she's like i'm a fucking firefighter like i do the job just like everybody else on on some there is like this component like oh shit you're like this like this chick right here like she has long hair lydia and if you were like hey you're're, you have long hair and you work around all that heavy machinery, you know, like I, like I can, um, Hey, what's it like being surrounded by penises all day? I mean, I think that there's some, I don't know, merit to the question, but I, but I see what you're saying. I remember, uh, one time Greg told told me that um the reason why he never talks about his limp ever is because you know you grow up with people saying oh that you that's really that guy that kid's really good for a kid with a limp or a kid with
Starting point is 00:04:53 polio and he hated that shit right like fuck you it's a handicap yeah they place a handicap on them yeah and i he hated that shit he told me and i was like wow no one's ever said i know it's funny there's levels to this shit right because i can't remember anyone ever saying it's god someone's really good at that uh but but but they really uh they got um they got basically adrian bosman there and then i'm trying to think and then they got i mean i mean literally that girl emily They got basically Adrian Bosman there. And then, I'm trying to think. And then they got, I mean, literally, that girl, Emily O'Hearn, was a fucking intern. When I, I think when I got fired even.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And she was dating the dude. She had a husband, and I think what I heard is she had a husband, and she was dating a dude she had a husband and i think she what i heard is she had a husband and she was dating a dude on our team and then somehow her and that dude are now at the top of the food chain both i mean i wonder how i wonder who's head of the marketing department today and if they i think um no no it's it's a girl not mike o'hearn emily o'hearn i wonder wonder if, I wonder what happens. I want Matt that the lady in charge is her name, Alison. I don't know who even who's in charge there anymore, but I wonder, she must've sent out the nastiest email.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I wonder if anyone's going to get fired. Their Instagram was a complete disaster. They're getting destroyed on Twitter too. Poor Adrian. Yeah. Adrian's like a fucking uh god he's so effective and he's such a high-powered tool surrounded by people who have like little hands that can't operate the machinery i mean he's it's weird i wonder how he's doing
Starting point is 00:06:39 this morning i may even call him after the show hey adrian uh i'm sorry everything got fucked up it was great for my podcast and i'm sorry you got stuck with uh douche nozzles i'll start using that word that's the nozzle on the end of a douche i think yeah douche nozzle no i don't think it's boz's fault either. Can you pull up the CrossFit Games post? You know, I'll tell you one more thing that I think is going on here. So, Bill and Katie take tremendous pride in everything that they do. And I think that they had someone, yeah, good morning, Mr. Halpin. I think that they had someone at the event last night. For those of you who don't know, those of you who aren't CrossFitters, last night was the beginning. crossfit has this thing called the crossfit games and they choose
Starting point is 00:07:28 the fittest person in the world and yesterday they had these two insanely fit women got superstars in our little community laura horvat and gabby magawa i mean laura is like a i would say she's already like hall of fame legend material wouldn't you yeah and uh she went out to um spain to do this and it's supposed to be a big launch and our community rallies behind it it's supposed to be fun and there was just like a dozen errors that we went over yesterday but one of the major errors is they put the wrong weights on the barbells so these ladies imagine like an nfl football game and they played a whole game with the wrong size football and they had to run the Superbowl back. It's a little bit exaggeration, but, but, but it's close.
Starting point is 00:08:10 There's something in there. There's some spirit of what I'm saying. That's true. The yard markers were marked out improperly. It was like two instead of three feet. Yeah. Cause cause there's, there isn't one boss there anymore that's the thing adam so it used to be if this was dave this would be dave's fault but it's not like that anymore the whole thing's like fractured and and boss is surrounded by dei hires he's surrounded by
Starting point is 00:08:40 woketopia you have to understand that like people like are on his team and just think of how they got rid. Dude, they got rid of so many great people. The guy they just recently fired the head of publishing did all the programming and publishing for CrossFit for fucking as long as I was there almost. He, Adrian would have even run the workouts by this guy. This guy would have probably sent a note hey make sure you check kilos to pounds i mean this thing it's nuts it is nuts um but uh they wrote look at i want you to see this comment uh what they wrote here it says it's a picture of laura horvat which is pretty funny
Starting point is 00:09:25 uh the the women's uh the women's barbells were misloaded during the live announcement of open test 23.1 which resulted in them lifting a weight that was lighter than prescribed the barbells weighed 38 kilograms instead of the prescribed 43 kilograms i'm going to get back to this rogue thing and bill and Katie here. Here we go. Despite an incredible effort in front of a global audience, I'm not sure if they're talking about their team or the, by the way, that girl should be wearing a CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Despite, what? Definitely. Yeah. Despite an incredible effort in front of a global audience, unfortunately, due to CrossFit's mistake, Gabby and Laura, oh, a mistake. Who's Kami Granze? Anyway's mistake, Gabby and Laura – oh, a mistake.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Who's Kami Granzino? Anyway, Laura and Gabby. This girl. Oh, she did it too? Well, she was like in the initial like the normal people workout. Oh. Is she really normal or does she – are they like – does she have AIDS or blind or some shit? No, she's normal.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Oh. Seven people with AIDS and who are blind are normal okay fine it's sorry i guess i don't know if she has aids but she presents as normal you're really such a you're such a real journalist and then here we go then for a second time it was solely crossfit's responsibility well that's that's a weird that's a weird line. To load the barbell to the correct weight, and we apologize for the error. By the way, if you see this post on Twitter, CrossFit gets destroyed on Twitter. But the thing is this. Bill and Katie don't want any of this falling on them, and I think they have someone there that's called like a equipment manager and I guarantee I can't guarantee
Starting point is 00:11:09 I would be willing to bet that they were so angry because they don't even want to be affiliated with shit shows and and I bet you that was for them I bet you they doubled down on taking responsibility, and I bet you they even ran this post by Bill and Katie.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I think it was pretty similar when the semifinals had the issues last year. Like with the brope that Scott got hurt on? Yeah. And then the other part too. Yeah, I remember seeing that rep just fuming. Dudley Walden. Don Fall needs to hop on the YouTube channel, take full responsibility, and say it won't happen again. Or just fire those people. Demote those people. Those people are horrible at their job. I didn't think Don Fall had anything to do with the games, though.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I don't think he's a gamesista. That was a term that we used internally. He's not a gamesista. Gamesista were people who just thought CrossFit were the games and they worked with us. We'd call them gamesistas. I feel bad for this lady. She had basically nothing to do with it. She even did the workout scale, I think.
Starting point is 00:12:21 They just lumped her in with this whole mistake. Click on her thing. Let's see. She has nice skin. Nice nose. Nice nostrils. She's got a nice butt.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Oh, yeah. She's normal as all get out. Oh, don't feel sorry for her. She's stoked. Let me see how many followers she has. Yeah, she's good. She's good she's good uh fuck it let them slide there's no way they don't make quarterfinals anyway no need to mess up their training cycle um you know what i was thinking like the other option would be to change the weights
Starting point is 00:12:59 i remember at the crossfit games one year, Dave, I don't remember what it, what we were out on the soccer. No, not the soccer field or not the indoor stadium. It was in Carson. It was that whatever that other field is. And there was a rep scheme, Caleb. It was like 50 bar muscle ups and 75 thrusters. And then he, he announced it. He said, 75 bar muscle ups, 50 thrusters. He announced it backwards and we ran it. We went announced it. He said, 75 bar muscle-ups, 50 thrusters. He announced it backwards. And we ran it.
Starting point is 00:13:28 We went with it. The whole event went backwards. Oh, that's weird. Huh. I suppose you could do that. Does anybody else know that it's wrong? You're just like, fuck it. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I mean, the thing is, Adrian was yelling at Dave, as I recall, now that I think about it. It was either Adrian or Chuck was yelling at Dave, and I was right there. It's wrong. It's wrong. And Dave was like, shut the fuck up. You know what I mean? Like, don't talk to me now. Don't talk to me now.
Starting point is 00:14:04 It's like, I know it's wrong. And it just went. And I got it. I think it might even now. Don't talk to me now. It's like, I know it's wrong. And it just went. And I got it. I think it might even be in one of the behind the scenes. It was so funny. That'd be fucking hilarious to watch. I'm starting to fall in love with Mike Halpin.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah. Yeah. If they take a last place, they don't qualify. It's only three events and it would impact their uh worldwide ranking there's a lot counting on the test being done correctly so i guess those are those they're only three options give them a pass have them do it again change the workout i'm so for voting for changing the workout but then the ladies weight would be lighter and the men's weight would stay the same yeah yeah exactly hey it would be like if um i mean now it's too late they would have to do that on the fly but it's like if like a team
Starting point is 00:15:01 kicked a field goal and then you realize the posts were too low but it was the first field goal of the game so then you just fucking lowered a field goal and then you realized the posts were too low, but it was the first field goal of the game. So then you just fucking lowered the field goal on the other side. Everybody gets lower field goals. Yeah, we're good. Roll with it. Yeah, so the open does matter now. You're right.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Oh, my goodness. I think that they're at 270,000 registrants. This Dan Bailey had to redo the workout when they miscounted his. Yeah, I remember that. That was in someone's garage at their house and it was cold. That's an error but for some reason maybe someone can articulate it better than me
Starting point is 00:15:49 that feels more like a stupid human error and not just fucking negligence I mean this is just hardcore negligence it's the same thing with all these like they posted that the scaled weight of the wall ball was 24 pounds they put up gabby magawa's wrong placement finishing i mean their media is just completely falling apart isn't the woman's weight too light to start with according to brian
Starting point is 00:16:22 because of the evolution of the women's uh i don't know yeah i guess that's what they say it's not too late for me i'm just getting older and weaker i think that's a jr question i just redo the workout it's only uh 15 minutes i mean 14 minutes yeah that right minutes i mean 14 minutes yeah that's right right when you when you when you when you post the wrong thing and then correct it around things like the time domain for the amrap or the weights it just fucks everything up like it would be so much better if you did your are instead of you are, like grammatical mistakes. Those little tiny things are the things that matter the most are the things that they're fucking up on. But don't worry, 13 of their 17 people on their media team are female.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I'm sure it was the males, the four males who fucked it up. I'm sure. A CrossFit searching for 23.1 volunteer responsible for loading the women's barbell oh that's awesome a man named dante castro i wonder uh crossfit currently looking for this man who went by the name dante castro other volunteers say he insisted they call him the dante castro if any of you recognize this man who went by the name Dante Castro. Other volunteers say he insisted they call him the Dante Castro. If any of you recognize this man, please tag him. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You should tag him for sure. Paper Street Coffee. Hot take. BKG is a jinx. He was at both announcements that were fucked up. Fair. Or he's just been around the sport for so long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Man. Think about all the people that were involved in setting that up. I'm surprised Chase and who was the other commentator? Was it Sean? Yeah. I'm so surprised one of them didn't spot it. Well, I... Imagine the first person who spotted it.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Like, they probably... They were probably excited, but also had this crazy pit in their stomach. Oh, I started feeling a pit in my stomach. I'm an empath. Oh, I didn't like that. Yeah, I don't know. Well, usually...
Starting point is 00:18:41 I don't know. At the semifinals and stuff, they have a whole team of volunteers that just take care of that for them. And then they have one guy headed up all those volunteers saying, hey, these are the barbells. This is what needs to be set up. But I mean, they're also doing it on a much larger scale. So I wonder if they just, I don't know how they do it for open announcements. Do they have a group of volunteers that do it? Or do they just have people that are part of like game staff like they're paid people
Starting point is 00:19:07 it would it would be fun to find out how it happened just to hear the whole story it's cool maybe they'll make a video on it yeah maybe maybe it's only four barbells it's only four barbells oh it wouldn't someone in the crowd yell wrong weights dude no one in no one outside the bathroom yells that's a dude with a penis in the girl's bathroom like no one's even willing to do that dude how do you expect uh excuse me there's an eight-year-old girl in there and a man with a penis uh Can someone do something? No one even does that. You think anyone's going to be like, those weights are wrong? Come on. Yeah, that's pretty wild.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Such fucking pussies. Everybody in the crowd probably works out in kilos. They're in Spain. Not to mention they were both wrong. Yeah, that's interesting. Both bars were wrong. I didn't even think of that. Oh, shit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Hey, dude, you're not going to like this, Mr. Cost. Oh, there's Dante. You're not going to like this, Dante. I think they were 12 pounds off. I think they were supposed to be 95 pounds, and they were… 83 or something? Yeah, I think Caleb got it. Oh, good times
Starting point is 00:20:30 just love it I I I'm gonna be honest I am enjoying it a hundred percent I was always this is horrible to say but I was very happy with the very me personally I'm very happy with how the event turned out. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:51 It was cool. Hey, Lucas. There's a guy, Lucas, who works there. He was the guy who kept all the journal for Dave with all the workouts in it. I seriously doubt that was his fault too hey i would so i wonder if i don't ever even remember there being someone who's like it's your job to i wonder if in the future they're going to weigh the weights if they'll have a scale out there like hey we don't give a fuck if you uh what we loaded we're weighing these
Starting point is 00:21:23 with a scale yeah i wonder how nuclear you get like how specific do you start doing things now like you can't really trust anybody to do anything at this point scott's whites like yeah like rogue sent you the wrong weights they painted the wrong number on there yeah the wrong end gap on the barbell yeah you have been you have been very giddy. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, I'm Lucas. I thought you were Barry Mike Cochraner. I can't even say his name right anymore. You see, somebody else said that they didn't realize that until yesterday or today. Good. Oh, was it someone in our text thread? Yeah. Oh, here we go had to weigh the plates before the rogue
Starting point is 00:22:08 invitational qualifier well that's well that's because rogue was running the event yeah I'm telling you Bill and Katie are crazy focused on making sure the right shit they get the turnout that they want I wonder how many dei i wonder if they do that if they do if they if rogue did dei hires can you do dei hires in ohio i don't know you have to ask for those you don't know what dei hires are dei hires when you hire someone based on their uh
Starting point is 00:22:43 color of their skin or their sexual orientation i think those are the two like biggest things meaning like they would hire like if i loved having cock in my mouth and i also had a penis i i could get like hired for a job over someone who just has a penis and likes vagina or or if they had like too many white guys they would hire like a black girl or something like that that's what and there's so much of that going on i mean it's it's openly it's openly i know people openly who've told me stories of they've been told that specifically at uh crossfit inc and and like like like um when greg sold the company i was in charge of the media department, and they never fucking acknowledged me as in charge of the media department. And they put a black dude and a woman in charge.
Starting point is 00:23:31 It went straight to them. People are completely incompetent compared to me. I'm not even saying – I don't even – and I'm a short Armenian man, old. I should have gotten like some – old should count for something. Geriatric position. Yeah, thank you. Look at our president. Somebody asked him a question if China is –
Starting point is 00:23:58 Oh, maybe that is affirmative. Well, affirmative action is when it's like specifically racist like and you do it specifically on on skin color man uh you know um i don't know her but elizabeth akum wally just made a post about how saying she's the most decorated black female or maybe just the most decorated black skinned like crossford athlete and you know what like i could give two fucks i you know what i would be interested in though is what her ethnicity is I'd be way more interested in what someone's ethnicity is than the color of their skin way more like what is she what's her ethnicity she sure as fuck doesn't look
Starting point is 00:24:32 Ethiopian maybe what is she like Kenyan and Ugandan like what is she I'd be way more interested in that I don't know what she is if you go to Africa people the people don't look anything alike there. It's not like it's just all black people and they all look the same.
Starting point is 00:24:50 It's nothing like that. The Ethiopians look nothing like the fucking Kenyans. Nothing. It would be like comparing Caleb to Annie Thor's daughter. I wish I could be compared to Annie Thor's daughter. She's pretty incredible,, Hawken Wally. But I'd be way more curious. Like, you know, it's interesting that she says that.
Starting point is 00:25:14 She's announcing herself as the most successful black athlete. There was that famous guy recently, the actor from the UK, who was in The Wire just announced, hey, stop calling me a black actor. I just want to be an actor. Like, I get what she's doing, but it's just the easy path. It's like microwaving food. It's going to backfire
Starting point is 00:25:40 on you. A rogue hires all on-site only in Columbus. They don't cast a wide net and want everyone in the building. See? Why I like Halpin so much? Because he knows everything? Yeah, he's just... Caleb
Starting point is 00:25:58 comma Annie looks better. Oh, then her jeans are better than Caleb's jeans? All right. i'll allow it her her gene pool looks small though i'm gonna tell you that the narrow it's a narrow bandwidth if there was like some sort of like virus going around i'd take i'd pick fucking caleb's genes it seems like there'd be a greater variable of him fighting off some shit.
Starting point is 00:26:26 That's cute. Black, blackter, blackter. Yeah. You're a blacker, black actor. I know.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Cause I tried to apply from Cincinnati about time. We'll change the subject. Now that we're, we got $10 Corey Leonard to fully get into the spirit of 23.1. I'm loading my barbell with 123 pounds and using a 17 pound wall ball tonight. Inclusive. Well, there is that. I do. Honestly, it seems no joke.
Starting point is 00:26:55 It does seem right up their alley of like, hey, you know, I really don't want to be so narrow minded because, you know, math and numbers are actually racist. so narrow-minded because you know math and numbers are actually racist you can find school board members saying that on the pacific uh on the west coast of the united states math is hard for for women apparently hey if you're good i i would love it i so want a man to enter the women's division i so it's so good for my show do you think think somebody already has and they just haven't said anything about it? Yes. I know on the team for sure they have. Really? There's for sure been a dude who's competed at the CrossFit Games as a woman on the team.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Rogue may not pick their employees by skin color, but there's a reason they just put Blacksmith on their giant billboard. Well, he has a great body. So you can see his missing finger better? Because the background they wanted to use was white. And they knew that you would never see Vellner if you put him on a white backdrop. if you put them on a white backdrop. Then you'd be Barry or cock and knee.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Can't do that one. Sounds like Caleb is broadcasting from the space station. He is. I feel like it. Wow. That's kind of dope. Wow. Dude, kind of dope. Wow. Dude, they didn't – I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they didn't choose him because he's black.
Starting point is 00:28:30 He won that event. That's that special bar. Austrian Oak or whatever? My god. That's an incredible photo. That's fucking cool as shit. That's on the side of a building in columbus yeah it's like right out i think it's like as you enter columbus it's just like this massive probably that's not a rogue building that's on some other building yeah it's like attached to
Starting point is 00:29:00 this building but they have two sides of it one side is is this billboard that Roke just like has monopolized. And then the other side is something else. I don't think that Roke has that side. Exercise is white supremacy in action. This is like the main side of the building though. So everybody sees it. Oh, look at this. Look at, okay, Caleb, I'm going to show you how smart I am.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Please get this right. This is a man with an ethnic name for sure. Hugh Jazzle. And he says CrossFit is a happiness platform, Savant. I understand. And he obviously misses eric rosa wow good morning uh jessica uh ronnie eaton i hate that such merit-based sport is heading the direction of equity no no
Starting point is 00:29:59 here's the truth i think ronnie though, though. Ronnie Eaton, is that one? No, I don't think so. It could be. Equity produces equal outcome, which is the exact opposite of what competition. So, yeah, it's so stupid to be focused on outcome like that. But here's the thing. I think that it's actually going the other way, to be fair. I'm going to run out of shit to talk about because don's gonna unfuck all that shit they
Starting point is 00:30:25 gotta start by getting rid of that chick in the their their cfo chick and then all those people in the media department they gotta whack those idiots they'd be better off just not just someone text me i'll tell you who to keep and bring bring leaf edmondson back don't be stupid you need hard people you have a small team. You want like really fucking hard people. Everyone who flew out who works for CrossFit Inc. who flew out to Spain for this should have to
Starting point is 00:30:58 whatever their cost was CrossFit Inc.'s cost was for sending them out there should be deducted from their paycheck. You didn't do the bare minimum. What would you call the importance of lifting the correct weights? The foundation? The cornerstone? That's the workout.
Starting point is 00:31:18 It's like breathing for humans. It's like the most essential part. Excuse me. Give five people $100 each to put in the stock market. They will each have a different outcome. That's equity. Hey, there's this dog. Have you ever seen this porn sniffing dog?
Starting point is 00:31:36 No. Let's start going through some of these. You guys are going to like today's show, I think. It's fun. Do I sound different today? Do I sound funny this morning? Maybe just a little scratchy. Yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night and something was in my throat. His name was Todd.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Okay, 457. I was thinking this. What can you comment on in the workplace i don't know because i can't remember ever having a real job but like can you say like like at crossfit like i could totally just be like walk up to heber and be like fuck dude you have the nicest hamstrings you know what i mean or dang dang dude dave you have no calves or holy shit everyone look at my lats god my lats are amazing yeah do that pretty regularly dang chop tot i woke up in seven months throat oh disgusting um okay let's let's i i'm so curious what you can say.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I was on this guy's podcast, Chris Willicks, and I like him a lot, but I didn't enjoy being on his podcast because he would ask questions like, what are your five biggest tips for parenting? He wanted just bullet points and lists and shit, and I wasn't capable, so I blame him for that. I didn't do a good job on this podcast okay action man bald counts as sexual harassment uk judge rules argued that the
Starting point is 00:33:11 use of the word bald as an insult related to a protected characteristic three members of the tribunal who decided on the ruling and alluded to their own experience of hair loss said that baldness was more prevalent in men than women. The tribunal compared calling a man bald to commenting on the size of a woman's breasts. The ruling published Wednesday was made on a case where the insult was alleged to have been used against Tony Finn, who was fired last year, and the circumstances around his dismissal were also part of the case. Finn claimed that he was called a bald. The tribunal determined that using this insult was a violation against the claimant's dignity intimidating environment it was done for that purpose and it related to the claimants
Starting point is 00:33:49 ladies and gentlemen do not call a man bald it would be it would be so weird to be like well can you say could you tell someone that they're they're zippers down you think that's legit oh yeah so this happened like last week a couple maybe it was like it was a little bit ago a guy sat down like next to me and his buddy was sitting across from him we're like this is at work this is in the air force yeah yeah we're at work so we're like basically like sit down so i can see if oh i can do it what am i i can do it i see Go ahead. So we had like, it was like a set of couches, like set up like this, kind of like a, like a U shape. And dude was sitting on one side of the U and another was on the other side of the U.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And then I was like, kind of like in between the two of them. And I like looked down and I'm like, and I don't know this guy, but I looked down and I saw his zipper was down. And so I was like, I just kind of like waited. Cause it was like early in down. And so I was like, I just kind of like waited because it was like early in the morning. And I was like, I don't want to like be weird about this. So I just kind of let him sit. And then almost instantaneously, as soon as he sat down, his buddy across the, across the way was like, Hey dude, your zipper's down. And he's like, why are you looking at my dick, bro? Oh, instead of a thank you, instead of a thank you instead of a thank you yes i'm like you've been walking around for at least three or four hours with your zipper down buddy
Starting point is 00:35:10 i can't stand that you're lucky somebody even said something you're gonna look around walk around looking like an idiot all day when i did the crossfit podcast matt bischel sat across from me in the chair and uh there were these pants that i would wear these corduroy pants that were like they were like 800 fucking pants and they were so nice, but, and they were kind of stretchy and they were, they were a little too small on me. And finally he had to be like, Hey dude, don't wear those pants. And he goes, why? He goes, cause I just keep staring at your moose knuckle the whole time.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Cause like my cock and balls would be like off on one side of the pants. And like, I was glad he told me, I'm like, they were my favorite pants. I loved them so much. I felt like such a pimp in them. told me i'm like they were my favorite pants i loved them so much i felt like such a pimp in them i was just because they were expensive i felt like a shell i was so shallow i am shallow but um yeah i didn't wear them anymore i still haven't i haven't worn them since bishel told me that that's hilarious yeah so but but you couldn't say to a girl you couldn't say to a girl at work uh god like if she was showing a little cleavage and you worked at like CVS, like a pharmacy, you couldn't be like, she's a cashier. You couldn't be like, oh, I love it when you show cleavage. Yeah. I don't think, I don't think you could say that. Or like, or like what, what if you saw a tattoo on her chest? You couldn't be like,
Starting point is 00:36:25 like just like here and it vanished under a shirt. You couldn't be like, Hey, does that get close to your nipples? No. If I, if I were going to address that, I would probably find a different way to do it.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Uh, you should be slapped for wearing $800 pants. I want to say they were actually like 1200. There's this crazy fancy store in San Francisco. If I could remember the fucking name of it. It's a department store. It's like six stories. They have an open bar in there.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And when I mean open bar, they, it's a legit bar. And then you can go back there and make your own drinks. And it's a really narrow department store, even though it's like six or eight stories. Um, so maybe someone will know the name.
Starting point is 00:37:02 It's really narrow. The floors are small. Not like, not like, you it's really narrow the floors are small not like not like you know no no no not like that like way i'm telling you this place is so fucking expensive uh best best compliment i ever got was damn that shirt looks painted on yeah i don't think um i don't think i could handle that is it uh you should be slapped twice for 1200 pants i know you can go to vindicate and get some rest day pants rest day joggers i mean you see what nikki rod's doing you can see nikki and nikki rodriguez you can see his penis flopping around in a lot of his videos yeah i don't think that dude wears sliders what are sliders like the compression
Starting point is 00:37:46 shorts sorry oh oh um yeah if i i mean do you think it's if you have if if a guy can see the shape of your boobs he's looked at him like if you're a woman every guy at some every day every man you've seen has tried to see the shape of your boobs even if he doesn't know he has yeah and if there's something true if there's something trippy about him he'll like them like you're not wearing a bra and they're moving differently than the other boobs or they're abnormally large or they could see side boob or bottom boob or something that just comes out of the natural characteristic of just generally how you just see just a normal woman every day, he'll pause. Like, he'll just pause.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I'm not, with no, I mean, it's just like, I don't know, like if you saw praying mantis in your yard. Like, I don't see that a lot, so I'd stop and pause. Dudes are, yeah, dudes are, they just notice stuff like that. Never be weirded out by compliments. Anyway, it's weird what you can get away with and what you probably can't, what you can and can't say. God, you have a beautiful neck, Caleb. Thanks. Yeah, I think it depends on the, like, the relationship you have with some of the people you work with too.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Well, that's the problem. Some people think that they have a relationship that they can say that. I think that's the problem with dudes, right? Yeah. They think they can say that. And then the problem with women is that they're taught to be offended by that. Oh my god, I can't believe how black your skin is. Imagine if you said that to someone, but you meant it as a compliment.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Yeah. You'd be toast. Probably get an EO complaint. Oh my god, I fucking have never slept with a black woman. Can we fuck? And then you're toast. Definitely toast. Toast.
Starting point is 00:39:45 That's not true, by the way. I've always believed in equity with who I sleep with. Yeah, I saw Haley's post. I want to reach out to her. I'm kind of like so like I'm sad and proud of her at the same time. Like I'm like, hey, dude dude it's a girl it's crazy right here's the girl who wears the baggy clothes and she constantly does met cons and she probably wasn't eating enough to get strong and now she's taking a year off because she's saying she has an eating disorder like fuck go
Starting point is 00:40:17 get it girl i'm trying to figure out who doesn't have an eating disorder i definitely have an eating disorder i can't have an eating disorder. I don't make myself vomit and shit, but I can't be left alone in a hotel room with a bag of caramels and a fucking can of fucking Pringles. I cannot. You can't leave me alone with a can of Pringles, period. I will eat all of them in one sitting. And then I will hate myself for it too like maybe a like maybe i'll go in the garage and ride the bike for an hour that's got to be some sort of like pathology
Starting point is 00:40:49 so i want to probably mean a ton if you reach out to hayley i know i need to text her i don't know what to say um because the truth is i want her on the i want to talk to her on the podcast but i also want her like i feel like this um like i want to give her a hug and an attagirl and go get it. Yeah, I think she just needs to be a kid for a while, go to college, hang out, do whatever. It is crazy too because she's crazy attractive, right? So she's probably – it's like – and she's in the limelight. She's a special – she doesn't look like a normal human being. I mean she looks angelic.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I think she's kind of been dealing with that for a really long time too. Before she moved to Mayhem, I think a lot of people were bullying her as a kid because she was different. Because she looks like a hot alien? Yeah. Just super fat. She does. Oh, I didn't know it was because of that. But her face, she almost looks – she looks out of this world.
Starting point is 00:41:42 She looks angelic. That's not the only thing Calebaleb does with the pringle can somebody was telling me a story about how uh their roommate took pringles cans and sponges and then put the like put the sponges in the Pringle can and used it as a pocket pussy. Someone when you were deployed? Yeah. Wow. I've never considered that.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Wow. It seems a little overkill. It seems like a lot of can. Yeah, I know. kill i don't want i well because it seems like a lot it seems like a lot of can buddy you need it's probably why you can't get anybody uh seven hey did you see the canadian jtf2 sniper that was fired for not getting the jab he was on sean ryan show and canadian government sent a takedown order for the video um i he's coming uh i think he's coming on my show i i was texting with him uh yesterday if it's who i think it is his name is dallas i think i think susan scheduled him i'm so stoked okay okay so just be careful on like you know what you say to bald guys, I guess. You know what I was thinking recently?
Starting point is 00:43:11 And I'm not – political parties are kind of dumb. They're like gender, right? That's just made-up shit that kind of – but you might have your values or your thoughts all clumped up in one or the other. But I was thinking, how could you identify with being a Democrat anymore? All the crazy shit is Democrat shit. Start going through, when we go through these posts today, just be like, do you think any,
Starting point is 00:43:36 I was telling my wife, I'm like, not a single Republican would tolerate this. And she's like, well, you don't know that. But it's like in 1860, every slave in the United States was owned by a Democrat, not one Republican owned a slave. It wasn't in their values. It's not what they did. Do you think that there's any Republican anywhere that thinks it's OK for men to masturbate in a woman's bathroom? Well, maybe I'm a – I don't know what I am, but I'd way rather have Caleb be jerking off underneath me in a bunk than me jerking off in a bathroom with girls. What happens if you're an 8-year-old – well, we'll get to it.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Let's get – there's some crazy shit. Okay, 456. I wonder where the political parties stand on this. So this is a teacher who doesn teacher who doesn't want. Well, you listen. Listen what she says. Here we go. My name is Jess and I have a story that I think every parent needs to hear. I'm a teacher in Southern California and I was just fired for vocalizing to my district that I would not let male genitals into the female locker room. that I would not let male genitals into the female locker room. How is that safe? Where do we draw the line? Most of all, where are the fired up mothers and fathers who don't want this corruption coming upon their children?
Starting point is 00:44:58 Okay, pause. So Bill says both parties are crazy. Fine. I don't want to argue or not argue that. But do you think that there's any republicans who are okay with that because i know tons of democrats are you know our president's okay with that and i and i for the life of me i cannot fucking get my head wrapped around it i would if someone wants to explain it to me i'm i'd be so stoked
Starting point is 00:45:23 for someone to come on here some tranny to come on here and just unfuck me. So I could be like, oh, I get it. So, oh my god, all my friends and family aren't fucking idiots and retarded. I would love that. But yeah, she probably still does vote for Dems. I know. I know. You're probably fucking right.
Starting point is 00:45:45 That's the part I don't understand. I don't care how much shit you hate about the Republicans. How is that just right there not a deal breaker for you? I just don't get it. Okay, let's go on. Maybe someone in the comments is going to unfuck me and explain this to me. Okay, 450, fine. By the way, I finally found a man in Canada.
Starting point is 00:46:03 By the way, I finally found a man in Canada. So this is kind of this is at 4535 on February 17th, 2023 on the Sevan podcast. I found a real man in Canada. This is crazy. Here we go. I went beyond the classroom and I took it to the office and I said, OK, this is an issue. There's female students that are uncomfortable. Something needs to be done.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And I was ignored um a female student did the made the same complaint i did and they ignored her as well so at that point i decided to organize a protest outside my school and two days before the protest they suspended me indefinitely and then they permanently banned me from two of my classes um and uh when i attended those classes they suspended me again and then excluded me twice and at the end of the semester on the first day of the new semester I decided to return to school and try to recover my credits and actually get an education and yeah they arrested me. I had teachers telling me and the entire classroom that male breastfeeding is okay and it's normal and it's natural. And actually, one of the allegations that's being held against me up until this day is that I said male breastfeeding is pedophilia.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I went beyond the classroom. Hey, there's got to be that. Boy, that's an interesting thought. Male breastfeeding is pedophilia. Boy, that's an interesting thought. Male breastfeeding is pedophilia. Boy. If I saw some dude, if my wife was like, hey, can you hold my baby?
Starting point is 00:47:33 And I saw some guy like trying to. That one's weird. I mean, I've held my kid naked before sitting there and he tried to fucking lip up on my tit. And I started laughing. But if Caleb would have done it, I would have fucking put it. Sorry, I'll use someone else. Fucking John Doe would have done it. He'd have fucking got hit with a bat.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And I got big old titties. That's fucking weird, dude. Yeah, that's a man, a Canadian man fucking stood up. That kid's probably 15 years old, and he fucking is like, fuck that, I'm not letting dudes in the women's bathroom at my fucking high school. There's one man in Canada. That man's DMs are full right now, I guarantee it, because he stood up for a bunch of women.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Oh, it's crazy that there's one, that there's one man in Canada. I thought there were none. It's nuts. I hate it when I'm wrong. So, so, so just so you know, let's go, let's go there again. Do you think, do you think that like, like the parties the democrats like they're the ones arguing because they think they believe that trannies really are the opposite sex they think if you just say it you switch they don't believe in science or biology i mean that's where we're stuck right call her hi just wanted to flag the first detail you noticed about that kid it was that he was catholic and all of this will come crashing down
Starting point is 00:49:05 at some point. And there will be a system, a system oriented to truth that replaces it. And it will be what is actually true in Jesus Christ and his church on earth, or it will be a continued manifestation of this ideology that's infecting our individual souls and our collective, our collective common good. And. Why can't it just be biology? Why do you got to bring Jesus into it? Why can't it just be like, well, uh, it's biology. And do you think I could still have a place? Let's say I'm not a Jesus follower. Could I just like sweep shit up on the front porch of the church until I am saved?
Starting point is 00:49:47 You will. I mean, I would invite you inside. Of course. Um, it's not, it's not a, it's not a forced conversion, but it's just a question of by what system of beliefs do you want? How do you want our world to be organized? And there is a binary sanity. Yeah. With sanity. Well, right. And, And what is sanity based on? And, you know, we've talked about this before. Some basic components of reality. That's grass. We're going to agree that's the word that signifies grass.
Starting point is 00:50:15 That's a dude because it has a penis. A dude signifies a penis. And chromosomes, like stuff you see under the microscope. Just some simple. And if you want to dress up like a girl, you can, but you're still a guy. Yep. Canada's scary. There's another story of a veteran, 73 years old, PTSD with a catheter.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And he asked for health services to help clean his catheter, and they offered him euthanasia instead. Holy shit. Holy shit. We're just going to test this one out a little bit we'll just we'll run one test over here yeah well hey did you say the rumors are that the the epstein list is coming out and trudeau's on there well i mean there's that's also a reason why weird things seem to be accelerating trains Trains spilling chemicals throughout the Ohio River Valley. You know, escalation in the Ukraine, North Korea even getting antsy. I think they'll do a lot to hide that list.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Well, thank you. Do you have anything positive to say? Take care, guys. Do you have anything good going to happen? I like the part with the church taking over. That's kind of cool. Well, I mean, this kid, right, that you pointed out, he's the source of hope. In the end, Christ establishes church, and it will prevail.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Thank you. We don't know what happens in the end, but victory is assured. Well, let's get a circumcision, too. Thank you. All right. See you guys. Seven. I went to a clothing optional hot spring in Colorado last week, naked men and women, people brought their children. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:52:09 That's tough. I don't know. That's tough. I i don't i don't have a problem um uh um i have no shame around my kids like like i like i'm showering and they're fucking in my bedroom on my bed playing with fucking action figures right and i come out and i'm talking to them and i get dressed in front of them and they're making fun of me and asking me if they're gonna be hairy like that. They said, there's no way that could be a penis. Why do you have three arms? Shit like that. Okay. But I, but I don't know. I, I, I, I really,
Starting point is 00:52:40 I really like it better when they fucking judge my wife's body. That shit's fucking awesome. I'll let her start a podcast and tell you about how that goes. I don't know how to answer that. I think that's up to the individual, I think. I don't know how to answer that. I don't want to put... Can we confirm someone understands Hugh Jazzle's name?
Starting point is 00:53:01 Yeah, it's just a listener for the show, $1.99. What do you mean, understand it? How about about this name is this a fucked up name i don't think so christopher gorney is that like i am horny like when i read it or something i don't think so i think it's just christopher gorney christopher maybe christopher'sny. I bet you he's gotten a lot. Savon, don't hang up. You have a crazy caller. Really? That guy was crazy? That guy's just really passionate. That guy was intense. He came out guns blazing. Magnus Holmgren.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Mag. Is it some anus joke? My anus hole? I don't know. No. You're fucking some dude who lives in Mexico. Who's like Norwegian or some shit. You come from a weird country and you've gone to another weird country. I know that.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I know. I'm off. I'm jacked up. I have PTSD'm off. I'm jacked up. I have PTSD. Okay. I want to, I want to talk to you about this real quick about, uh, uh, Denar Hamlin really quick. Someone brought this up to me yesterday and I thought it was really back in the day when I used to watch football, there would be some really serious injuries. And as I recall one game, some guy did get paralyzed and wasn't able to walk off the field
Starting point is 00:54:26 and never walked again. I think it was Jack Tatum from the Oakland Raiders hit him or something, something like that. Maybe I'm getting my stories twisted up. But they didn't stop the game. And when I went back
Starting point is 00:54:38 and looked at the footage yesterday of them stopping the game, you know what I think? I think when he went down, everyone knew. I want to propose to you that everyone knew and everyone was scared shitless.
Starting point is 00:54:54 This wasn't just a dude that went down. Why did they stop and cancel that fucking game? So what? A guy fucking got hurt. It's one of the most violent sports in the world.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Got hit in the chest and went down down take him away and fucking heal him up dude there was something else people were fucking terrified oh shit that European soccer shit is here just think about it a little bit it's really it's really imagine being on the field and being a player there 95 of those players got the jab and one of your homies goes down and you know all those black dudes they those black dudes know shit you know what i mean they're not sitting
Starting point is 00:55:40 around watching fucking cnn brainwash black dudes are like checking out social media. They know, Oh, something's wrong with the shot. Yeah. They're not, they don't just sit in a bubble and do nothing but play football. He died on the field and they brought him back. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:56 So, so maybe you're suggesting that, that it wasn't, they were scared of just like the little narratives that were turning in their head. Like that. I'm proposing that like everyone there was like, Oh shit, the shot shot and they got terrified and it was a wave of like fucking terror that
Starting point is 00:56:11 fucking overtook all those people palatable on the field i think during uh the the rutgers football player that was paralyzed from the neck down eric legrand i think it was that was that recently no it was it was a while back but he was like he got it was like actual traumatic impact and he was paralyzed but he they didn't stop that game back in like 2010 uh that's exactly it's the one they had no idea if he was going to live and they were like oh fuck it's happening to us yeah there hey so there was this there was this crossfit games in madison one year and i was on the field and tia won and all the girls except two cried like in the final event like carrie peace and like carrie peace carrie pierce and like one other girl didn't cry maybe it was like bethany shadburn or something it was the final heat and everywhere you
Starting point is 00:57:00 looked every fucking chick out there was bawling. And I was a camera operator out there on the field. And I started crying. I don't even fucking know why. It was because I was – they were like giving – it was like I got shockwaves of their emotion that overtook me. i don't know but but um i i i don't like this when i don't even like to hold a fishing pole like when you pull a fish i don't think i don't know if you learned that i mean craig harrison said it's not natural to kill i don't like to see a fish out of water i don't think anyone likes to um yeah i got filled with estrogen whatever something, something. But I'm telling you, there was palatable fear on that field that we can't understand at home. I don't know if it's conspiratorial. It's my psychological mindset thinking. Your neighbor wins the lotto and you're like, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:10 He's going to do fucking $3 million improvements on the house and it's going to make my property value go up. I'm just thinking. Just thinking. Just thinking. just thinking just thinking hey this is always bible chatter going on um you should kill your inner bitch uh every i mean your period here it is um those girls like their periods line up right like you get 10 you
Starting point is 00:58:37 bitches in a house and your shit lines up right take some time but yeah i think so so uh you get 10 dudes together and three of them want to fight and the other seven are like ready to jump in and beat someone too just run outside and do it there's just stuff i don't know what do you think scott why where do you think we learned uh the bible dude oh the basics of morality i mean i i just don't like to see shit die but but hey you know what though i don't avoid it.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I'm not one of those people that sees a fucking dog on the side of the road dead and doesn't like look at it. I look at it and feel it. And I even think, Oh shit, that's someone's dog. And I'll even let a tear fall out if it wants to. I remember watching a deer run across the street one time when I was like super young.
Starting point is 00:59:21 This was before like I knew anything about killing or death or whatever. And I watched it run across the street and like in the middle of traffic and the car just fucking nailed it head on, like just crushed it from like the back hips. And it went flying through the air, probably about 30 feet, like diagonal down the road into the ditch. I remember just being like,
Starting point is 00:59:44 I just, I think I cried for like the next hour. I remember just being like, I just, I think I cried for like the next hour. I was like, holy shit. That thing's like dead. Yeah. Uh, I hit a,
Starting point is 00:59:52 I've hit a few birds and I didn't like it. I saw a squirrel get run over once. I didn't like it at all. I think tears came out. Yeah. It's hard. Just seeing something die. How do you think Craig Harrison processed all those fucking God?
Starting point is 01:00:06 I fucked that interview up. Do you think so? Yeah, I did. I did. Well, we are going to bum me out if I start talking about it. Um,
Starting point is 01:00:17 uh, is this the born? Is this the born of the woke vegan seven? I'm maybe I was vegan for a little while. One summer, I only ate fruit that I picked off of trees in the neighborhood. That was fucking hard. Okay, 453, Twitter idiots. Oh, see, yeah, I can see this.
Starting point is 01:00:44 My woman and I almost broke up because i ran over a squirrel yeah one time i hit a bird and i was joking like i floored it on the freeway like just joking to hit it and i fucking hit it i wasn't even 16 at the time i was a kid and i was driving on a freeway like in kansas or something and i fucking hit it and killed it and i cried my dad like was cool to me oh this is crazy okay so once again like do you think that this twitter person is a republican or a democrat like how how how your team is just fucking up like it's like it's like the crossfit media team or the whoever's in charge of like getting the right information out to us at what point point do you stop complimenting them? And just be like, dude, you guys suck.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Interns, out. People who slept their way to the top, out. DEI hires, out. Look at, watch this. This is so fucking weird. Thank God for Elon. We're not just about Hunter Biden's laptop. Twitter worked overtime to suppress
Starting point is 01:01:45 accurate COVID information. Apparently, the views of a Stanford doctor are disinformation to you people. I, along with many Americans, have long-term effects from COVID. Not only was I a long hauler, but I have effects from the vaccine. It wasn't the first shot, but it was the second shot that I now developed asthma that has never gone away since I had the second shot. I have tremors in my left hand and I have the occasional heart pain that no doctor can explain. And I've had a battery of tests. I have great regrets about getting the shot because of the health issues that I now have that I don't think are ever going to go away. Where did you go to medical school? I did not go to medical school. I'm sorry. I did not go to medical school. That's what I thought. Why do you think you or anyone else at Twitter have the medical expertise to
Starting point is 01:02:28 censor a doctor's expert opinion? Our policies regarding COVID were designed to protect individuals. We were seeing you guys censored Harvard educated doctors, Stanford educated doctors, doctors that are educated in the best places in the world. And you silence those voices. You're not a doctor, right? No, I'm not. Okay. What makes you think you or anyone else at Twitter have the medical expertise to censor actual accurate CDC data? I'm not familiar with these particular situations. Yeah, I'm sure you're not. It's not just about the laptop. This is about medical advice and expert doctors. We're trying to give Americans. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Miss Gaddy. She has nothing to say, but they're such losers. They're such bad people. bad people. Uh, so, so once again, I ask you, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:28 is that the D team or the R team? Was it the D team that was, uh, restricting speech? How, how, how, how,
Starting point is 01:03:35 at what point are you like, okay, I, I, um, yeah, 40 million babies have been aborted since 1970. And it's all because of the D team.
Starting point is 01:03:46 This is getting a little weird. At what point are you like, yeah, the D team said that they weren't going to take the vaccine if it was made under Trump, but now that he's gone, we're going to take it. At what point, like if you're on that team, do you just be like, I can't be on that team anymore? Oh, sorry, 63 million babies since 1970.
Starting point is 01:04:07 60. Imagine that. A pile of babies. 63 million babies. Let's say they're small babies on average the size of an egg. Well, thank you, Mitchell. I just felt like I could have got so much more out of them. I'm fucking such a bitch. Oh, don't get me started. I just felt like I could have got so much more out of him. That's fucking such a bitch.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Oh, don't get me started. I fucking hated myself all day. I don't think you wanted to give much up either, though. What? Didn't sound like you really wanted to give much up either. Just get off the D team, guys. I don't care where you go. Had a suffering Robin on our front porch the other day.
Starting point is 01:04:47 I needed to kill it to end the suffering. Didn't want to. Then Osprey that wounded came back, grabbed it and saved me. Oh, that's awesome. Hey, Jedediah,
Starting point is 01:04:56 my, my three, I went outside my bedroom. That guy's been on the show, right? Jedediah S. Nelson. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Uh, um, I went outside my, uh, bedroom door bedroom door. My three boys were there. I have a bedroom doors that double doors that open up into the backyard. And I see my three boys out there and they got a bird in their hand and they're petting it. Right. And it's dead. And it's next all fucked up. And I'm like, I'm like, what do you think happened? They're like, yo, it flew into your door.
Starting point is 01:05:25 And I looked at the glass and there's a smudge where he hit, right? And then we're just sitting there and I'm sitting on the ground with him just like in my head wondering whether they should be holding a bird in their hand and petting it and shit. And they got it close to their face like this. And then all of a sudden, like two minutes later, the bird flew and flew away. So he must have just knocked himself out but i but i told my wife and i told avi that he had magic hands and that he can bring things back to life and i think to this day he believes it because if like if one of his brothers gets hurt he'll come over and be like magic hands and he'll put the hands on him it's crazy i made a little you guys aren't gonna like this i made a little You guys aren't going to like this
Starting point is 01:06:06 I made a little Jesus Some of you aren't going to like that Okay Jedediah Monson Oh what am I Please tell me this is a fucked up name Please tell me this is a joke name And I don't get this one
Starting point is 01:06:22 Libby Boudak No I think that she's she's always been in the comments libby budak i know but but uh barry my cockner is always in the comments and i didn't get that one i mean how can that be someone's real name libby budak i think it's her real name and look at this is code for something too i fell off the bar of course like libby's a real i'm not saying she's not real i'm just saying her name is a joke name right like it means something like like you you fell in my ass crack or something it's some sort of joke name i think it's a real name uh kyle landis uh with what a great positive attitude maybe
Starting point is 01:07:09 his magic hands could have fixed the weight on the women's bar yesterday fair okay so after the show i need i'm gonna text uh i need to say i want to say something i want to text uh adrian bosman and um hayley adams yeah i i'm gonna and so here's the thing i'm gonna ask And, um, Hayley Adams. Yeah. I'm going to, so here's the thing. I'm going to ask God to help me write those. That's sometimes I do that. You're God. Um, please give me the wisdom and inspire me to, uh, write something meaningful that will help me connect with Adrian and Haley and get them on my podcast for selfish reasons. Thank you. And may the Catholic church take over planet earth.
Starting point is 01:07:56 I want him to get something to may, may your church win the war. 452. this is crazy what has happened to golf so first at the Super Bowl Rihanna fucking fingers for the man in the boat and then smells her hand she gesticulates it right she does a presentation of that
Starting point is 01:08:17 and people are like saying it's cool it's a it's a reenactment of something you see on Pornhub what's's that game when I do something and then you have to guess what I'm doing but I'm not allowed to talk? Oh, fuck. Charades.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Charades. Charades. Yeah, it was like she was doing charades. Stinky pussy. Kids, can you leave the room i know we're watching the halftime super bowl show and and and now look what's happened to fucking golf golf is just i don't know what the fuck is thank god i hope golf dies okay golf this is great i would be friends with this guy, by the way. This guy's cool as shit. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Can you explain what happened at the Waste Management Phoenix Open this year? I'm assuming you want to get to my taking off my shirt. Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Oh, can you pause this? This is going nuts. So you couldn't say that to it?
Starting point is 01:09:24 Like, you couldn't be at the women's volleyball event and chant that take it off no way so all you motherfuckers that want equity and equality you cannot shout that at the women's volleyball fucking tournament take it up take it up mom my mom said that i should be funny more and less cynical it's like dude mom this is some funny shit oh this is some of my best shit this morning. I hope she's watching. This is funny. I know she probably doesn't like crass humor. She wishes I was more like Bill Cosby.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Well, before he drugged me. Specify. Oh, okay. Here we go. So the crowd's yelling, take it off to a dude.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Harry Higgs and I are paired together. And we're in last place. And all of a sudden. That's a joke name for sure Jeremy Rihanna was playing charades and the answer was not allowed to say that word and people are like Harry take your shirt off if this goes in
Starting point is 01:10:32 beer cans are flying it's loud and i kind of got caught up in the moment myself I regret it. Yeah, but maybe one of these days I will. And then the tour calls and yells at you. Because you're not supposed to take your shirt off on a golf course, which makes sense. Oh, man. So the tour. Hey, do you think?
Starting point is 01:10:59 Do you think Don called Justin? Justin? Yeah, Don Fall. Yeah, Don Fall. Yeah, Whitey. Listen, you fucked up the open. You hear me? Put the wrong weights on. Mr. Berg.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Change your fucking name too. Keep your shirt on. Couldn't you take your shirt off like that guy at the open? Go to your room. Go to your room room go fuck one of the DEI hires I know what you're doing with those 13 of the 17 media girls Justin this guy fucking lifts his shirt up and he gets a call from the fucking PGA people but I
Starting point is 01:11:45 guarantee you that someone not Don is a fucking marine reconnaissance but I guarantee you some executive there like is like I know you guys tried your hardest keep your head up guys everyone gets a fucking a medal today at CrossFit we all did our best I would be so amazing as a dei person oh my goodness hey i'm totally for it i wish you were more like i wish you were
Starting point is 01:12:14 wish you were more like donald yeah oh see there there she is there you go okay this show's over'm going to go cry in the bathroom. How did you find that? It came up while we were ranting a little bit. Thank you, Chris. Tell my mom how funny I am. My God. Yeah, we talked about Haley.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I do want to say something to Haley. I don't know what to say i really like her like i like i think she i really like her a lot she's cool shit i love adrian too i like i really like adrian bosman i want to i want to find some something i want to be inspired to say something sincere to them i just don't know what yet um yeah it's uh this this golf thing i mean that that's a the golf is i mean they're not rubbing their private parts now i know my mom's listening show's fucked everyone just go now the show's ruined look at seven is the fool don is the king i know trust me i know i'm the court jester just be you oh yeah yeah great thanks hey that's what someone said to jeffrey epstein how did that turn out for him well he's dead now so uh hey that would that is going to be a funny show when talking elite
Starting point is 01:13:41 fitness and like and they talk about the the mess up how they'll be so tactful and i think they'll be like try to be mature about it you know my mom can i'm semi savvy are you gonna tell your mom she needs a picture no my mom could do whatever she wants i'm so like still i'm 50 i'm still like in my mom's uh like i'll call her and apologize right when we get off and she'll be like you said it she'll she'll audit like shit i said that maybe wasn't true i'm like mom trying to be funny and then i'll sorry i didn't mean to ruin your show. I'll leave now. Just say something nice. Be like, I'm the best son you ever had or something.
Starting point is 01:14:34 How about just that? You can stay. I want you to stay. Now, see that? I'm all fucked up. My mom should have been a Jew. Look at that guilt. Now I'm crying.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Oh, my goodness. Okay. 451 doesn't have a – i don't know what it even is oh did you guys know you want to hear something crazy my mom's my mom's my mom's somehow doing something for the games this year like if you look at like the the the old people weights or something my mom oh look at i cannot lie fine i understand great i'm not talking to you anymore i'll call you after the show i asked i called my mom yesterday i'm the kind of son that panics i called my mom twice in the morning yesterday and she didn't
Starting point is 01:15:15 answer went straight to voicemail and i start to get like a little panicky and then finally i called her at night she doesn't even call me back like, hey, do you think you could teach my sons how to sew? I want to my mom knows how to work a sewing machine. I was just thinking yesterday. Fuck, it'd be awesome. I want to get a sewing machine for them. OK. OK, oh, this is cool. I like this girl. I'm attracted to this kind of woman here. You know, I remember the days when men used to drink whiskey straight and smoke Marlboro Reds. Now they sip kombucha and cry if they lose their blueberry vape. Welcome to 2023, fucking pussies. Her dad would hate me if she brought me home.
Starting point is 01:16:04 I'm not going to say that. Never mind. Her dad would hate me. Oh, that's a lesbian? I'm fine with that. I just... I don't know why. Yeah, I like her. Let me see. What other stuff does she do?
Starting point is 01:16:22 Oh, yeah, she is. Do you think she drives? Oh oh she is a lesbian gotta be i don't know i guess something this hot don't stay on the shelf too long because i got a girlfriend baby i'm dating jenna jameson what the oh shit wow let me see scroll down a little more let me see what else she does a crochet and knitting yeah my mom so that's funny my mom said that they should do knitting i i just feel like knitting is um it's too slow something happened to this girl right she got a she got a story. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:11 I dated this girl one time for like a week who was completely covered in tat. She was kind of like this kind of girl. Dreads too? No. But she was like, she was pretty wild. And the whole relationship was her telling me she can't believe she's with a guy like me. I knew exactly what she meant. Short? No, just a bitch.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Oh. Yeah, no. But thank you. Thank you for offering up a suggestion. Next time, just say what. What did she mean by that? I need your fucking suggestion. All right, all right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 01:17:40 4.50. So here we go again. Now, you have to know this guy Fetterman was running against a Turk, and I'm supposed to hate Turkish people because I'm Armenian and they killed all my people. But I still wouldn't have voted for him because he's a D. You can't vote for Ds. Douche nozzles? Yeah. he's a d you can't vote for d's douche nozzles yeah and the reason you can't vote for d's is they have this whole list of things that's fucked up that hurts women for starters hurts kids it's just the d's and i know what you're gonna say well there's republicans who do that molest and
Starting point is 01:18:19 hurt kids too yeah but they're not openly trying to make it they're trying to push that shit down they're not openly trying to make it a conducive environment for for letting girls get raped in prisons is fetterman rooming with rosa probably i'm armenian and i voted for oz yeah like at some point you just got to be okay i'm taking i'm voting trump so that kids don't get fucking molested. Like you can't do – who can't say that? I want to reduce the number of kids that get molested by 1%, 80%. I don't care what the fucking percentage is. I want to reduce the amount of fentanyl coming across the southern border.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Just don't – like – no, you did not fucking get 297 reps line psych is shit froney got 277 in 2014 royce done he's saying royce done oh he did wow so this guy fetterman has checked himself into this guy's a u.s senator i think there's only a hundred of those guys. They're pretty important. And this guy is, um, I say this with peace and love. He's a complete shoot. My mom's listening. He's a tragic character. I got one 60.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Good job, Heidi. Uh, Republicans are not, uh, passing legislation to help, uh, molest children and kill babies. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Yeah, exactly. I mean, can't that just be enough for you to be like, okay, fine. I don't agree with fracking and cutting down trees somewhere that whatever bullshit you have that you hate the Republicans for and just let it go and just be like, fine. Cut down some trees. Just don't diddle Tommy. Why? Why can't we do that? 449. And I'm totally – I want you to know I want to be fixed.
Starting point is 01:20:19 If you think I'm wrong, tell me. Someone in the comments will be like, no, no, actually. It's just that I think that I'm becoming like, oh, this is insane. Here we go. This. So remember, once again, do you think that these are D's or R's? How do you think R's would handle this? The Portland Street response, $4 million a year. And here's how they're helping the community. In Northwest Portland this week, next to McClay Park, a street addict embedded himself like a tick in an alcove underneath three stories of residences in a condominium community. His daily existence was smoking fentanyl, defecating, leaving it there, and pulling out his dick and staring through the window at a woman across the way who happens to be a rape survivor. After several calls
Starting point is 01:21:06 to non-emergency, they finally sent out the Portland street response. Residents were mortified when they heard Portland street response ask the man if he would like hot coffee or crackers. She also offered him a cigarette, reached into her fanny pack, and put it in his mouth. She told the exacerbated neighbors that they just needed to give him space. And with that, she wished him a good day. As they were leaving, he threatened the woman he had been watching through the window, telling her four times he wished her dead. It was only at that point that Portland Street Response decided to call the police and help the man move from the site. He goes by
Starting point is 01:21:48 Popeye, and he's now 10 blocks away with a new tent and new clothes, ready to terrorize someone else. Thanks, Portland Street Response. It's the Portland Street Response. Really? Bro.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Really? Bro. Really? Come on, man. Because Joe would say, come on, man. Come on, man. We need to get that, we need to get that like... An Asanio clip of that? Come on, man. How? to get that like come on man how so that's just a drug addict
Starting point is 01:22:31 living the only part of that reporting I didn't like is when she said he was wedged in there like a tick unnecessary what a bitch even if it is true Jacqueline any other mommies out there
Starting point is 01:22:44 D's and R's have a whole different meaning well that's that's true yeah uh if you were born as a child here's let me ask you this if you were born a child let's say you were born a child oh wait we all were born children would you rather have been born to an R or a D? Republican. An R. Yeah, right. And why is that? Because even if you're a D, you have to say that. Because they raised their kids. She still votes for a Dem.
Starting point is 01:23:20 I know. There you go again. And you're right. That bitch just... You're right. That's what's crazy when when i'm telling you i had to be pushed so far before i voted for trump i had to be pushed so fucking far i whispered it into my dad's ear at my house i voted for trump and he just he walked from my kitchen he just walked into the backyard do you just scream into the into the no he i could tell he wasn't he was not it was weird shit got weird i don't think my parents ever told me who they voted for oh i wonder that's kind of cool they just never told they never discussed any of that with me
Starting point is 01:24:09 ever discussed any of that with me like you know you're not going to see that in fucking um uh where rich people are or uh where um republicans are what you just saw right there i don't know if you guys are following the story with nikki rodriguez and uh gordon ryan they're both uh jujitsu uh jujitsu practitioners gordon ryan's kind of like the top of the food chain. Not kind of. He is the top of the food chain. And he used to train with this guy named Nicky Rodriguez, who's been on the show, I want to say three times, and his brother's been on the show. And I really like Nicky Rod. I've never I've never met Gordon Ryan. Rod was in Gordon and Gordon Ryan is notorious for going to war with people on social media and he is really really good at it and so oh look look did you see who posted on that Chris Chris Willicks that's the guy whose podcast we played in the beginning that guy knows that there's a story here so he's starting to be seen here and you can probably try to get these dudes on this podcast. Smart move. King being on steroids. And this guy in this video, his name is Zoolander, Zach T. Lander. Zach T. Lander, he helped edit that piece that outed the Liver King. Anyway, so now Gordon and Nikki Rodriguez are going at it, accusing each other of doing steroids. And Gordon is like,
Starting point is 01:25:37 basically, yeah, I do a shitload of steroids. I don't lie about it. And it's the truth. He never has lied about it. And he says, I'm a winner and i want to win blah blah blah blah blah and uh nicky rod's like hey i'm completely natural and in our last uh meet a few months ago i fucking broke your foot quit being a pussy anyway so uh i'm probably going to start showing more and more clips from this altercation between them just it's a fun drama to follow but here we go more dates hey you know who nikki rod said he's a rival of gordon ryan getting americ health impromptu blood test tomorrow in austin texas and sema posted a clip of nikki roberiguez basically saying that it's a really understated thing that gordon ryan does steroids gordon has come back going after nikki roberiguez on one of gordon has come back going after nikki rodriguez on one of gordon's posts
Starting point is 01:26:26 derrick commented merrick health will cover an impromptu blood test nikki rod if you're in and i'm just going to be there to film the thing yeah you good i'm good how about you man a little snug on that arm i'm good to go anything to say to uh gordon to gordon no but i have something to say to derrick thanks for letting me do this prove my 90 status on your platform and just like a physique check for this quick right derrick uh yeah here we go. I want you to know ahead of time, so jackholes don't get upset at me later. If for some reason I find out that Nicky Rodriguez is on steroids, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:27:15 I don't care if he is. I don't care if he isn't. I don't care if he's telling the truth. I don't care if he's not. Other than I just like following the story. That's it. That's their own personal thing, And I'm just enjoying it. Same way I enjoyed the weights being put on wrong at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:27:33 I don't think I can say that to Adrian, right? Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I really enjoyed the fact that you guys, the girls did the wrong weights. God, that's the thing. I want to say something honest to him and sincere, but it has to be. Can't be. I can't be a douche nozzle. A 447. Oh, how about this name? Justin Harden.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Just in time. Justin Harden. He started a podcast called The Lift Companion. Give that a shout out. Give what a shout out? Who started that? Okay, here we go. Oh, okay. So here we go. This is the kid we already spoke about. Canadian high school student arrested at school for saying there are only two genders. Well, it is a lie. There's infinite genders, but he shouldn't have been arrested for it. 446. I'm curious. I don't even remember what this is. I think I have to go. Darn it. Are you guys having fun? Oh, my goodness goodness this is great so here's the thing with all the incompetence going on at crossfit hq and i mean incompetence with the most kindest peaceful love embrace sorry guys i'm sorry that your 13 of 17 female hires wasn't able to pull off an event without completely fucking it up in every nook and cranny.
Starting point is 01:29:10 I wonder what they did do successfully. I guess Chase and Sean did a good job. Camera angles were good. Workout was cool. Got to see the whole thing. Got to see the whole thing. Got good superstars there. Got to see the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Got good superstars there. But anyway, with all the fucking jackasses who work there, look at this. This is from Peak Fitness CrossFit. At Peak Fitness CrossFit, we don't just leave you to your own devices. Once you're part of the family, we check in every three months to make sure we're making progress and keep things moving in the right direction. See how they said we? In CrossFit, everything we do is measurable. It's how we can track our success. Whether it's getting stronger or lifts or more reps or gymnastics or faster in workouts, everything is tracked and measured. And one of our goals is a change in body composition, be it lose weight, reduce body fat, tone up, build muscle. We'll track that
Starting point is 01:30:05 too. That way we can accurately measure your success and keep you on your journey year after year. Here it is. Ready for this, guys? Lorraine wanted to do just that and in her first three months with us has seen some great progress. In fitness, the movement she is now able to do, her mobility has massive improvements as well as her body composition after 12 weeks check-in she has a huge 18 pound loss uh and and change some of her measurements the biggest change this has made to her life you ready she is no longer a type 2 diabetic i would be willing to throw the games in the garbage like this to cure the world of type 2 diabetes.
Starting point is 01:30:57 We get every single person in the world. Why can't we have both? We can. I'm just saying even with the shit show that is the fucking crossfit games right now can you scroll down this gym right here where is this gym uh north uh our shire what's the name of the gym again peak scroll down just peak something uh peak fitness crossfit peak fitness crossfit dairy north a shire something is that in the uk where is that is that in the united states
Starting point is 01:31:27 scotland is it scotland dude go cure yourself go tell someone today that you know that has type 2 diabetes to get into an affiliate just do it who gives a fuck if they get upset? Scotland, thank you. Oh, look at this name. I win. I win. Poo-ya. Eating my ass. Yeah! I guarantee you if my mom's listening,
Starting point is 01:32:03 she even laughed at that. Eating my ass. Mom, come over and look at the screen. That is good. And I caught it. I'm so proud of you, Savant. Thank you. Jim Cleese, if you saw her walking around Disneyland, her picture would have been on the Disneyland podcast, convinced to stop judging people by how they look at.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Ooh. No. But that hurt but that got me that hurt there that's good jim oh oh what do you mean judging by the way they look i still like let me tell you something that chick but if that chick doesn't stop, if she doesn't keep going down the same path she is, that type 2 diabetes is coming back. But that hurt. You're a good dude. Jay Hartle, I mean, I started CrossFit from watching the games and I've been coaching since 2014. Yeah, great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:59 And here's the truth too. How about this? It doesn't matter if you did the wrong weights in the workout. the truth too how about this it doesn't matter if you did the wrong weights in the workout the effectiveness of that workout to help cure you of type 2 diabetes and to and to get the community support and love and and to improve your fitness and just be a better person overall does not matter regardless of the weights that were on there and that's another difference about the games right they advertise snicker bars no fucking uh um affiliates should be doing that or probably would ever do that. And it wouldn't matter if you put the wrong weights in your affiliate.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Who gives a shit? Right. Yeah. And if the games can get you to that point, kudos, right? What will it take for CrossFit to pay for an ad or commercial during sporting events? Eating my ass.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Damn, y'all are still going. Hello from 30,000 feet over Spain. Oh, shit. Chase is on his way home. Safe travels, buddy. Okay, Chase. How did you not notice the weights wrong? Tell us.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Tell us. Did you notice and you just couldn't say anything tell us chase anyway it doesn't matter it doesn't matter as long as none of it matters it's just me being a dickhead none of it matters i want to congratulate Don Fall training department all the affiliates out there Gary Gaines amazing job at continuing the
Starting point is 01:34:33 the stories supporting a community that's curing people of type 2 diabetes who gives a shit if they use the wrong weights that story trumps it with that lady
Starting point is 01:34:41 those people and think of all the people in that community who witnessed that journey that she went on it's awesome it's really cool uh 445 uh what's going on here ouch what's going on here if I want to read it exactly from my notes. Oh, dude. Oh, dude. Oh, dude. So. OK, OK. Play this like five. Have you seen this? No, I haven't.
Starting point is 01:35:19 OK, so maybe play this four or five times and then stop it. And then I have a question for you, Mr. Beaver. Study it. Donaver. Study it. Don't just enjoy it. Study it. She's going to fall again. Damn! She's going to fall again. Damn!
Starting point is 01:35:35 She's going to fall again. Damn! Okay, so pause that. So there's a guy saying she's going to fall again. Yeah. So she's already fallen once. Do you think she's – there's someone in that car she's mad at? Or like what narrative – like when I see that, I'm like, oh shit, that's like her boyfriend's in that car and she's pissed at him and she's running at the car.
Starting point is 01:35:57 Or I can't tell what's going on here. Do you have a story that you see that's going on here? Yeah, I guess. story that you see that's going on here yeah i guess i wonder if they're sometimes i just i see videos of people just running through or like running through the street like trying to like chase after a car like beat on it yeah and then that car like drives away a little bit and then they get out of the car and then they like start yelling at each other and then they get back in the car they start driving off again i wonder if that's what happened like the first time look at look at look at chase is chiming in they do that to get a settlement uh yeah i think play play it one more time i mean she's already she's a professional faller wow i don't know dude that i don't know people trip on
Starting point is 01:36:40 flat ground before like that i've seen people do it it's before like that. I've seen people do it. It's not like – and they're doing it on accident. Hey, if you – that guy Romanov, the Russian running expert, like basically he says you can only run as fast as you can lean forward and catch yourself and that there's a certain angle that's the maximum you can lean over. Basically, she crosses that point, that pose position. Well, Bob says she's a professional faller too. No shit. Okay, let me see this again. Damn! Oh, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:37:15 You think that's – wouldn't she be wearing pants and she would have different gear if she's a professional faller? Oh, dude, does her hand go under the wheel in the back oh god dude it does oh god dude here's the thing here's what I think I think her tits are just so fucking big and she's leaned over
Starting point is 01:37:40 so far that there becomes a like some sort of physics experiment that it's a failed physics experiment. I think that's what it is too. Yeah, the banner of Chandler is dope. I've seen drunk people fall further trying to get a flip-flop back on the foot.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Yeah. Anyway, that's pretty remarkable i saw comments up there that's what you should say to adrian yeah that's interesting hey adrian don't worry people are still getting cured of type 2 diabetes uh okay um excuse me uh hayley do i how much more time do I have okay so 10 more minutes I have to leave okay are you good with time Caleb
Starting point is 01:38:33 yeah I'm good okay no because I got to get dressed well I at least want to put shoes on maybe drink a glass of water blow my nose some shit like that. Some basic hygiene. I can't believe Chase gets to watch this in the airplane. International flights.
Starting point is 01:38:54 He must not be flying Lufthansa. No, I don't think that Castro is answering Hiller, but it is a really weird situation. I don't know. Sevan is whipped by his mother and his wife. Cannot confirm or deny. I'm taking care of that for sure.
Starting point is 01:39:15 I am like I am taking care. I'm like a big little kid. All my 401k stuff and all that stuff like i never look at any of my bank statements i just put all those envelopes either give them to my wife or to my mom still like some of my mom's mail comes to my house and before she moved to santa cruz where i live and there's just like this spot in my house where i put all her mail but if i get stuff like from vanguard or like like mutual fund companies, I don't even open it.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Just stick it and let my mom do it. Anyway, it's the truth. I just want to do podcasts and play with my kids. Someone else to work out. Okay, 444. Caleb's close to his family too. I bet you he's got some of that shit going on with his mom yeah especially my in-laws too they're really helpful and he was in the military he's supposed to like be like a real man and shit he had to do like boot camp get yelled at well with when you uh grow up in the same circle of four people for a long time, you just kind of rely on them and nobody else.
Starting point is 01:40:28 No shit. When I bought my brand new Sienna, it's the only brand new car I ever had except one my mom bought me when I was in high school. But I took my mom with me to the Toyota dealership. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I put the car in her name and everything. I didn't even – I just sat there as a 45 year old man i was like my mom got this oh i did the same thing when my volvo got totaled just take your mom to the
Starting point is 01:40:54 dealership oh yeah dude let's go mom uh uh okay fair enough air force doesn't count unless you're pj all right okay eat a dick, Jay Hartle. There you go. Sevan, really interesting article today in the Wall Street Journal today about California eliminating honors English classes in high school because minorities are not represented. Did you all see that? Yeah, so there's this weird thing that they're doing now all over. It's the same with gun laws. They're repealing gun laws and all this stuff if it disproportionately affects black people or minorities, which is funny because then they're conflating the issue.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Can you imagine that there's a gun law that disproportionately affects black people even though they disproportionately use guns? And I'm so sorry for saying that because it has nothing to do with being black. I feel like I need to say that every time. And so they repeal the law that the law was working just fine and they're doing the same thing with the schools once again a debt like no republican would do that a republican would fucking put more money into the fucking school or hire tutor for those kids you don't dumb everything down to help the black kids or to help the mexican kids to help the Mexican kids. And you know what's so crazy?
Starting point is 01:42:07 Five years ago, if you would have said that, that would have been considered racist. And now the Democrats are just openly like, yeah, black people are dumber, so we're going to get rid of that program. Like, what the fuck is going – how are you still voting D? It's okay. Let them frack. I swear to God, let them frack i swear to god let him frack okay uh 444 this is the if you know anyone who is a democrat please have them watch this this guy has fucking dreads and he knows this is just the most bizarre story yet here we go good evening wow here we are trying to figure out what a woman is it's such a strange time to be alive um so on social media if you haven't seen
Starting point is 01:42:51 today there is a video kind of going viral there is this alleged woman that is masturbating in a women's bathroom so let me clarify sorry this woman has a penis and she is stroking it in a woman's bathroom. And there's a woman here. If you haven't seen it, guys, just it's on Twitter. There's a woman here washing her hands. So if you can make sense of this for me, would you be OK with this? Would you be OK with a man – Is anyone okay with that? And you have to know this. You have to understand this. Like Caleb had a dude jacking off in a bed below him.
Starting point is 01:43:38 Caleb, did you report that guy to any military HR or anything like that? No, because we don't do that because we have a certain understanding about each other as men. Just like none of us would be shocked if at an airport we found out that every hour two guys jack off in a public restroom at an airport. it sucks um i wish it didn't happen but no one's like um uh if you're i guarantee you that there's someone some man masturbating in the international airport in chicago o'hare 24 hours a day at least one guy in those 75 bathrooms there it's what fucking dudes do you cannot leave them fucking alone with their penis how the fuck so so so in in yesterday caleb told us about the guy jerking off in the bed below him in the military you get that right like everyone knows that does anyone want to fight back on that okay let's go let's go on so once we know that we're dealing with this fucking man creature thing you have to accept some certain things with it it throws rocks it likes women and it can't be left alone with its penis. Okay, action.
Starting point is 01:44:47 And dressed as a woman, masturbating in the mirror in a bathroom, in a women's bathroom, and call that man a woman? Because this is where we are right now. We, as people, are starting to recognize you are falling for a ploy within political correctness, and we are urging you to stand for truth. Because if you don't, my children, our children are subject to your failure. I have an eight-year-old. If this woman was my eight-year-old, if by chance
Starting point is 01:45:22 my eight-year-old went into this restroom while I was patiently waiting outside for her, and there's a grown man stroking his penis. Pause, pause. There it is. There it is. What do you do? Your eight-year-old daughter comes out of the bathroom, and she says there's a dude in there stroking his penis.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Your eight-year-old daughter, dude. Somebody's dead. What has happened? Am I a prude? Am I a prude? Tell me. let me know eight-year-old girls using the bathroom at at the movie theater and there's a guy in there masturbating i think there's even a lot like i think this like in general you can't masturbate in public and i want to tell you that you can or can't. Cannot. You cannot. Oh, OK. Yeah. Yeah. So once again, do you think that Republicans are more tolerant of this or Democrats?
Starting point is 01:46:34 I'm not saying those are the only two choices. I'm just saying, does anyone have any question? Not only not only are Democrats tolerant of that, they support that. They have it wrapped up in some sort of we're closed-minded and not accepting their hardships. Dude, do you know how hard it is to fucking walk around all day with a penis and stay focused on the task at hand? I – oh, here we go. I, I, I, uh, uh, oh, here we go. Um, a gym class, uh, put it, put its penis in a vice, give it a knife, light the room on fire. Now it has choice. This is the guy that doesn't want me to judge obese people at Disneyland. See, I mean, I, I, I, I, I, I, I don't, um, I can't convict anything that happens. I can't, I can – anything that happened to that man who was masturbating in the girl's bathroom that an 8-year-old girl saw, I can't – whatever the parent did to him, I have to let them off the hook.
Starting point is 01:47:35 I don't care what it is. I have no – I cannot lie. I don't – my wife would hate me if I told you what I was really thinking right now, so I'm not going to say it. But you can't have that. And once again, you have to understand it's not just that the Democrats are tolerant of this. They support this behavior. They encourage this behavior. They have a – in this fake kindness and compassion, they have this sympathy to push this forward. It's at the cost of rest of society, at the cost of someone's eight-year-old daughter. It's nuts. Jailed. Yes. But here's the problem. Well, we'll get to that too. Anyway, that's woke, by the way. That's a manifestation
Starting point is 01:48:21 of the woke mindset. We cannot allow that to be acceptable. I know. And to be honest with you, I'm so glad I don't have girls because of that. Because that would put my life in jeopardy. I may be a pussy, but that would cure me.
Starting point is 01:48:42 That would give me a momentary cure for my pussiness. Okay. Speaking of pussies. 443. Oh, wait. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:48:53 In 2006, a guy exposed himself to me in the hospital parking lot. He was later arrested for rape. Back then, you got in trouble for that. They were looking for him for the exposure, which led to worse. that they were looking for him for the exposure, which led to worse. Yeah, that's the thing. That's what I'm concerned about. The parent could go in the bathroom to confront this mental person and he would go to jail. That's where we are. Yeah. How about just how about give him a sidewalk smiley? There I said it. That would be my go to move for that guy.
Starting point is 01:49:23 that would be my go-to move for that guy speaking of just complete idiots i this is so fun enjoy this this is cnn you have to understand that these these are fake these are all women haters here everyone here hates women what do i mean by that they all wish to oppress women these are all people that support men and women's sports another thing that democrats support encourage these are all on so many these people um are all pro uh choicers like myself they all have but they're in denial i at least acknowledge that um it's baby killing these are all deniers. These people think it's a woman's health issue. These are all, yeah, curb stomping effect. Yeah, I mean, this is going to blow you away.
Starting point is 01:50:13 And what's crazy is it's fun to see these, and this is the woke crew. They live this crazy lie, but watch this shithole. Did you notice Don Lemons reinvented himself gayer than ever? Which is fine. But now, like three years ago, he wasn't flamboyant. Now he's going for flamboyant. OK, action.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Watch this shit. Enjoy this. Talk about age makes me uncomfortable. I think that I think it's the wrong road to go down. She says people, you know, politicians or something are not in their prime. Nikki Haley is in her prime. Sorry. When a woman is considered being a prime in prime in her twenties and thirties and maybe forties. That's not according to me. It depends. And it's just like prime. If you look it up, it'll say, if you look, if you Google, when is a woman in her prime, it'll say twenties,
Starting point is 01:50:59 thirties and forties. I don't necessarily agree with that. So I think she has to be careful about saying that, you know, politicians aren't in their prime. I need to qualify. Are you talking about prime for like child? I'm just saying what the facts are. Google it. Everybody at home. When is a woman in her prime? It says 20s, 30s and 40s. And I'm just saying Nikki Haley should be careful about saying that politicians are not in their prime and they need to be in their prime when they serve because she wouldn't be in her prime, according to Google or whatever it is. This whole talk about it. The thing is, is first of all, I'll tell you when the girl's in her prime, a girl's in her prime when she finds me attractive.
Starting point is 01:51:40 It's so it's so crazy. It's so crazy because this is a subject. I mean, this has got to be some taboo shit for the left to talk about right oh can we google that girl girl girl women when are women in their prime he is i just love the fact that they got stuck talking about shit that's like politically incorrect it's so great oh my Because in their world, a woman is perfect. Whether it's a man who's turned into a woman, anything that calls itself a woman, the left is just like a woman is perfect from the second that they're born to the second that they die. There's no like you can't even talk about women having a baby after what age is a woman prime a woman's peak reproductive years are between the late teens and late 20s by age 30 fertility the ability to get pregnant starts to decline this decline happens faster once you reach out your mid-30s by 45 fertility has declined so much that getting pregnant is naturally unlikely hey that seems like a good time for a lady to become a politician by the way you shouldn't be allowed to run for office unless you have kids there i said it
Starting point is 01:52:42 By the way, you shouldn't be allowed to run for office unless you have kids. There, I said it. What is a woman? Yeah, how about we fucking start there, Don? Great call, Bruce. How about we start there? You jackasses don't even know what a woman is. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:53:06 Yeah, how can you be one of those Ds? Okay, one more. 442. I'm starting to realize it's because Republicans just have different values. They weren't slave owners. They just have different values. And you know what's crazy is their normal human values that even all the Democrats have. That's why the Democrats are so miserable. Like if you did a,
Starting point is 01:53:28 I think there are some actual studies you can look at, like the number of people who go to see psychiatrists or who are on meds or antidepressants. Like there's this huge disparity between the political parties. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Oh, Matt Burns. Savon, remember men age like fine wine, women age like milk. All right. Okay, here we go. This is great. How many people so far have been transferred to this female prison? Approximately 40. And how many people have gone from the female to the male prison? Zero.
Starting point is 01:53:56 And how many more are there? There are 287 pending applications. To go from the male prison to female prison. 33.8% of that 287 are registered sex offenders, meaning this is not their first offense or a sex crime. So you think some of these people are doing this on purpose, come to the female prison? Yes, with bad intentions. Do you think this number will grow over the next few years
Starting point is 01:54:23 as more people find out that they can have this option to go into the female prison? Absolutely. There are very few reasons why someone wouldn't want to take advantage of that. To be forcefully housed with a serial rapist is extremely callous and abusive. What it's done is provided the same privileges, the same opportunities to predator and victim. So no one is safe, just made the victim pool bigger. So how many people so far? Okay, so here, I'm going to give it to you guys. Ready? Zero women. I think this is California. Zero women in California have asked to be put in the male prison. But 200, sorry, 327 men have been asked to be put in the women's prison.
Starting point is 01:55:08 And so far, 40 of them have been put in there. And of those 40, 33% are sexual offenders. how how what guys stop stop stop voting d why are you doing that to women they hate women hey dude what's crazy is this thing if they're if i don't know how many female prisoners there are in California. Let's say there's 100,000. I wonder how many female prisons there are. Let's say there's 40 female prisons in California, and you have one of these fucking sexual predators in each one just fucking tormenting these women. It's like a fucking movie.
Starting point is 01:55:59 It's like a fucking crazy horror porn movie. It's fucking don't 29 facilities that's more than one a fucking dude per facility oh nelly it's never been better okay last one last one okay one more one more one more this one this one's good this one's good this one's fun oh darn it the next one was the porn sniffing dog just died there was a dog that could sniff uh we'll start with that tomorrow maybe okay 441 uh this how do you support hollywood please just let's just stop supporting anything in hollywood or the schools just please just stop here we go this is nuts patrick bed david former guest on the show hollywood or the schools just just stop here we go this is nuts patrick bed david former guest on the show hollywood you think votes democrat 90 it's exactly 90 10 what percentage of professors
Starting point is 01:56:55 in universities are democrat to republican 90 90 democrats i would say more than every one conservative how many democrats are there? 13. 12. 12? It's 1 to 12. It used to be, it's 1 to 12, 1 to 13. So you're talking 94%. Exactly. So 1 to 12 is, that's a full-on monopoly. All these people are worried about monopoly.
Starting point is 01:57:15 There's no bigger monopoly than this one. But watch this one here. So when you think about Gen Z, who do they spend the most time with? English teachers. What percentage of English teachers are Democrats? English teachers in K through of English teachers are Democrats? English teachers in K-12? 99%. 97%. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:57:29 What percentage of health teachers are Democrats? Health teachers in school. Health and guidance. I'm going to say 95%. 99%. Dude. Dude. Dude. I love you guys. Great show. See you guys tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 01:57:46 I'm headed off to the skate park. Mr. Beaver, you're the man like always. Thank you, everyone. The shows are really getting big. And I'd be lying if I didn't tell you I'm tickled. I should get him back on. And Sousa is working at Greg's house this morning on the Broken Science Project. It's going to be big weekend.
Starting point is 01:58:09 Hopefully they can get some pictures and show you guys the next couple of days. And I will say goodbye and yes to homeschool. Fuck the NBA. Fuck the NFL. Fuck Hollywood movies. Definitely know to Disney and pull your kids out of school and don't.

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