The Sevan Podcast - #805 - The Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Now do you see it? Mm-hmm, yeah. So you don't know until it goes red? Correct.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Bam, we're live. And it says it across the screen, you're live. Like up top in the left-hand corner? No, like in the middle of the screen. Oh, it does? Yeah. I don't see that. Did someone get taller as he got jacked in this version?
Starting point is 00:00:58 Colin Lawrence responded, I saw him yesterday. He's solid, but he's no bigger than Avi. Oh, man. Tom yesterday, he's solid, but he's no bigger than Avi. Freaking Colin. That was nice meeting Colin. He's taller than I thought. It was. I think he's a pretty hardcore runner triathlete too.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I was kind of surprised. But he built like a CrossFitter. Oh, yeah. Definitely not a CrossFitter. Oh, yeah. Definitely not a runner's build. Yeah, AI, Seblon. Wad Zombie made that for me. Dude, I did not sleep so good last night. It sounds like five hours.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I went to the – so for those of you guys who don't know, yesterday – hi, Fergie. Good morning, Jessica. Good morning. Alan, good morning. Yesterday, Greg had his broken science – what do you call it? Symposium? I don't know what that word means. Symposium. Symposium? Symposium. Does that work, Caleb? Symposium? Yeah, that works. Conference? Conference, symposiumosium about the same um uh seven is is the reason i fell in love with crossfit
Starting point is 00:02:12 yeah that actually did make me when i saw that pick i did want to get juiced up a symposium a collection of essays or papers or particular subject by a number of contributors okay yeah it was a symposium kind of the performance version and anyway greg went up there and he well first emily kaplan that that chick i had on the show last week went up there and she kind of like gave like the super big picture and then greg went there and like defined uh what science is and then uh showed where where it got broken which fuck man hopefully that could be turned into like a bunch of animations and shit so we can all show our kids that needs to be like i would show like i want that to be like something i show my kid every day a little piece of that just basically how to think you see something you make an observation
Starting point is 00:03:02 about it and then you measure it and then then those measurements are what turn into facts. And then it goes on from there. It's just like, it would allow you to just always know that a dude's a dude, or that two plus two is four, or a girl's a girl. Allison was there. Yeah, I saw Allison there. Or a girl's a girl. I'm beat. Allison was there. Yeah, I saw Allison there. I saw Gabe there. I hung out with Gabe.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I hung out with Athena. I am beat. Yesterday was incredible. It felt like early CrossFit all over again. Yeah, it was cool. Don Fall was there. I got to say hi to Don again. I did not like, there was parts of it about like personally that I did not like.
Starting point is 00:03:45 It was too many people for me. Too many speakers? No, no, no. Just people in general. Like I prefer, like, you know, like we were in a room with 300 people. I don't like that. And I had like safety nets. Like you and Hiller were kind of like my safety nets.
Starting point is 00:04:01 If I started panicking, I would just go stand by one of you guys. Me in the back quarter. Yeah just i didn't and even after the after party i just did i got overwhelmed i want to talk to people but i can't give people my full attention and so i start to get fucking overwhelmed there's too many people there we knew yeah there's a lot um so so the speaker spoke and this dude spoke thomas seafried who i've heard speak before i don't remember which one he was but he got a standing ovation he basically explained to the crowd that um cancer they've been barking up the wrong tree on trying to cure cancer and he gave all these examples about how cancer is a metabolic disease. We should be focused on the mitochondria. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Oh, look, Chaffee. Oh, he's been on Chaffee's. That's the guy that was on our podcast, the guy that eats a steak. And Thomas was on his podcast. Man, dude, this guy was amazing. Yeah, he is crazy well there it is that shit was crazy impressive here's the thing even if what that guy was saying isn't true like someone like i don't know how it could fucking be ignored
Starting point is 00:05:19 he gave all these crazy examples and showed all these studies and he's written so many papers oh yeah that guy was your favorite allison yeah he was great he got i mean he got a standing ovation that was nuts yeah he had some really powerful stuff too like when he was talking about the cancer research with that young kid yeah yeah yeah that's it was crazy how about the fact that you could take the nucleus of a cancer cell and put it into another cell and the cancer doesn't spread? You take the mitochondria of a cancer cell and put it into another cell and it spreads. It's like, okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I saw Miranda there. I saw Miranda there. I drove to the after party with the doctor, Katina thornton who uh was uh danielle brandon's kind of like bodyguard at the games that year she was the one that like went everywhere with danielle when danielle was toxic she's just so nice isn't she katina yeah oh dude she's dope yeah i've worked with her for the past couple years she's great her husband drove because i had a couple drinks i had six drinks at the six drinks well that i had four and then my wife ordered me a double who orders a double oh the lady goes you won't taste it i go oh i can't drink a double she goes you won't taste it
Starting point is 00:06:44 like i'm not fucking worried about the taste i hate all that shit that's funny and there was this other guy there i'm gonna have to have this guy on um malcolm kendrick thank you that guy malcolm Kendrick. He's a clotting expert. He's been a clotting expert. And that's the whole thing with the jibby-jabby. That's a good way to sneak that in there. Jibby-jabby.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Jibby-jabby. Clotting. That's a clotting issue. I hope Noah's eye gets better. Or his ear. Whatever. Wherever the clot was that made him lose his hearing. Oh, well, you don't know that, Savon. You don't know that.
Starting point is 00:07:28 You're right. They don't. The clot thickens. Yeah. I bought that audio book yesterday. I might listen to that on the way home. My fucking 12-hour ride home tomorrow morning. You could listen to it twice. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It was nice. I hung out with... I hung out with Hiller a lot. I hung out with It was nice. I hung out with, I mostly, I hung out with Hiller a lot. I hung out with Sousa. I hung out with Greg a lot, of course. I think that, I think,
Starting point is 00:07:55 I don't know if I should say this. Uh-oh. I'm pretty sure someone, some people were hitting on me. I'm sorry about that. Caleb turned his head like a dog that like just heard like a car pull up. Are you sure? No, I am not.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I have no way. That's why it's like such a bold thing. I'm afraid Colton Mertens is going to make a fucking, like a video about it. Like the video where he schooled me when I was talking about how rough my hands were. And he fucked me up. I think that was hitting on me.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yeah. I'm going to see him. Colton's going to make a video where it's that audio playing and he's like throwing pigs in the back of a trailer. And he's going to go, no, no, no. I'm sitting on you, dude. That was fucked up that he did that. That was awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah, he was, you asshole. Yes, I mean, he was cute. Was his name Todd? Yeah. He just came at me like this. Goodness. Yeah. I hung out with Athena's mom.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I really liked her. I like affectionate people. I feel safe around people's moms for some reason. You know what I mean? Not that way. Why does everything have to be crass with you? Rick, a lot of your mom jokes. I'm glad you're trying to get serious. I really like hanging out with people's moms.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I do. I like hanging out with people's moms. I'm going to tell you guys a funny story. Allison, you don't listen to this one. Oh, boy. The event's events going on right this there's some serious shit being talked about and allison's there and she's wearing a pink um tank top like the kinds that my like like like a spaghetti strap one like the like the shit like like a like the um the tolo version would be like a wife feeder but it's like the one girls wear, like when they, like they sleep in them and
Starting point is 00:09:47 shit. Spaghetti strap. Yeah. Spaghetti strap. And then, and then you can see, you can see the boobs a little bit, but Allison has huge boobs. And so you can see a lot of boob and she's dressed and she's wearing these black pants. Oh dude, you're not supposed to be in here.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I'm telling a story about you. And she's wearing these black pants like, Lululemons, and she's wearing this top, and it's going, and she's like, the event was kind of long, like over two hours. And I know, I should show pics. I don't think I got a picture with her. There'll be one that turns up.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I'll show you. I don't know what you call it, but like you, you have to, if she walks by you, you try not to stare. It's like that. So there's 300 people sitting down and they're all facing and, and,
Starting point is 00:10:37 and she comes in through this side door, like she's used the bathroom or something. And I, I see like 80% of the heads go like this. I haven't seen Dawn. i was standing behind dawn too and like everyone's trying not to look but you just it's just such a scene it's like a dark room but it's lit over there and she comes in i swear to god it was like that scene and um i heard that music from fast times at ridgemont high when that girl gets out of the pool have we ever played that we have played that right caleb I heard that music from Fast Times at Ridgemont High when that girl gets out of the pool.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Have we ever played that? We have played that, right, Caleb? You know what I'm talking about? No, I'm not lying. I'm not lying. And then you came over and sat where I sat and you made eye contact with me. And the first thing I thought was, does she know that just like 80% of the dudes in here just had their brain scramble for a second? Oh, it was crazy. i love moments like that don looked good didn't he he he's he's the part i'm just regular extremely regular i know me too it's normal just a normal hairy dude
Starting point is 00:11:40 just a dude yeah phoebe kate's her it was i'm telling you it was like that maybe caleb will pull it up i like it would have been awesome it should be a scene in a movie here we go it's like this that was me that was me watching oh we don't get the audio yeah just a little bit here it was yeah this it was like this. I heard that music when Allison walked in. Hi, Brad. I didn't hear that.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Hi, Savon. No. I didn't make it that far. I was too busy watching to see who was staring more, me or Don. Dude, Caleb coming in with the voices. That's great. You're talking about Don playing the part. He is great.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Like when you get around him, he makes you feel like you're kind of the only person there a little bit, you know? Bill Clinton. And every time I see him, he always makes a – like, you know, we have him passing. He always jumps out and says, hi, Matt. Great to see you and puts his hands out. Hand out.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Put his hands out. And he did that at the affiliate gathering too, which was like I could raise my hand and answer a question. Now he's calling on questions. I have my hair down. You asked a pretty aggressive question. Well, it got tamed right away because when he goes to call me he goes oh Matt how you doing
Starting point is 00:13:09 you know in front of the whole entire room and so then all of a sudden you're like oh hey Don what's your question he's a heartthrob for sure is yeah he must be stoked and he sat there and Greg went through the whole NSCA case as an example of scientific misconduct.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah, it was pretty amazing. And Hiller interviewed Don. I'm sure Hiller's going to show it. Hiller had his GoPro there all fancy set up and shit. Yeah, he had his Veritas projects cam up. Yes, thank you. You never know if it's fucking recording or not. What happened to James O'Keefe? Is he back yet? Have they reported? Is anything going on with
Starting point is 00:13:52 him? No idea. Who's Allison talking to? Did we Uh, who's, who's Allison talking to? Hi. Uh, uh, did, did we hug and introduce ourselves? Oh, that must not be me. I hugged you four times. What are you talking about? Every time we get to the room. Girl, where's my hug at? Sorry, I have dementia. I forgot. You can't. They don't.
Starting point is 00:14:26 It's not like that. You can't go near her. It's too much. It'll over fucking overwhelm you. She's cool as shit. And she's easy as shit. But it's a scene. You're not just walking up to her.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You better have like. Unless you're bringing a sandwich or a drink or something and she doesn't drink either or nothing she's just chill and she got mom vibes like all the girls like are over there talking or shit that's when it would be cool to be a tranny so you feel comfortable going over and talking to house oh you headed to the women's bathroom so yeah let's go uh for those who don't like the video having 30 million views ask yourself why I feel comfortable going over and talking to Hal. Oh, you're headed to the women's bathroom? Yeah, let's go. For those who don't like the video having 30 million views, ask yourself, why does Project Veritas even have a mission?
Starting point is 00:15:18 If YouTube weren't taking down our videos and large multinational corps weren't telling journalists not to cover up stories, there wouldn't be a need for people like me. This was two weeks ago. So people are coming out saying he's mean and he won't take pictures with people. And he took a sandwich from a pregnant lady. Better than a gun to the stomach. It's fucking crazy, right? Those are the allegations. He called someone at work,
Starting point is 00:15:36 a pussy. I remember I've told this story many times. I remember when Dave called the fucking people who paid a thousand bucks to go to a level one pussies. Uh, they give me a thousand bucks and you guys are pussies. Thank you for the abuse, Dave. And we'll see ourselves out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I don't know if you guys saw, but also at 23.1 uh simultaneously they ran a um an event it's 454 caleb uh this guy uh ran a um well he thought he ran a 347 mile um and uh this was this was this was a cross would also put this on as kind of like a side show you know because like we appreciate other like events and shit and here he is this is just like in the room right next to where laura and um gabby were going and this guy you know second fastest mile in the history of the world i think yeah exactly that, exactly. Yep, thank you, Paulina, for fucking up my joke. You're a good dude. You saw that coming. Unfortunately, CrossFit won't put him on a 300-meter track.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Oh, my gosh. Well, why'd you pop the comment? You could have just ignored it. I'm an idiot. I drank too much last night because I'm sick. I didn't sleep so good. My nose is closed. Yeah, that track, I think that track was, I'm an idiot. I drank too much last night because I'm sick. I didn't sleep so good. My nose is closed. Yeah. I think that track was... I thought I was
Starting point is 00:17:08 running sub one minute 400s and I think it was a 333 meter track or something. This is pretty crazy. Oh my gosh. He might get it. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Here's the thing when I thought this. So for anyone who's like, oh, it's no big deal, it's no big deal. Like, this guy is impressive. It's great. He has 13,000 followers, blah, blah, whatever metrics of popularity. But it would be so savage if he found out that track wasn't the right length. And you know what? Maybe that track isn't the right length.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I don't know if someone went out and measured it afterwards but it but but i just think it's funny that if it was a crossfit event it would have been 394 meters not quite buddy you look how close second place is i mean that the people were jamming yeah third fourth like they're all right behind isn't it weird that like if you had to like then run a lap at like what this dude right now as he went his fifth lap he'd still beat you oh yeah like fresh like you're fresh but he's not he just ran a 347 and then you're like okay i'm ready i'm gonna get him on this fifth lap oh you're not you even get like a-yard head start and he still beats you probably.
Starting point is 00:18:27 He's going to, yeah. So that's cool, 347. I think it's the fastest American mile. That's pain cave shit, right? I mean, I'm so confused about what I think I know about fitness now that someone told us that elite athletes don't get metabolic fatigue. They get muscle fatigue when doing max burpees. I can't even – that fucked me all up. That flipped the script on me because I can't even think – I can't even –
Starting point is 00:19:02 Why are the woke not canceling dawn for supporting greg i mean greg got canceled so why aren't those supporting him doing the same asking for the woke it's a good question just the woke don't care anymore they moved on to the next thing hey they should protest the hotel they should protest the hotel but anywhere greg goes they it. God, it was such a good event. You're smarter for going to it. It was like just free IQ points. Yeah, for sure. Just, yeah. So Malcolm was your favorite speaker?
Starting point is 00:19:35 They were all good. Malcolm, I guess it was proximity bias too. He was the last speaker, and I felt sorry for him because being the last speaker is hard. Oh, it did switch orders? Yeah, I think they either loaded the slide rod or something. But Steve Freed was supposed to be the last one. Did you see the text I started this morning?
Starting point is 00:19:57 No. I put you and the film crew on it. The irony. There was some crazy irony there yesterday the whole one of the one of the foundations of what you learn you learn from the talk is like hey just because someone says they're an expert or a professional like don't believe that like the people who are like dave castro doesn't act professional like those people are fucking idiots if if someone broke into their house would you want uh dave the professional there or would you want fucking
Starting point is 00:20:22 rose the professional there like shut the fuck. He's as professional as they fucking get. When it's all in the line, that motherfucker is professional. Oh, no, I like the guy with the tie. Well, I'll take the guy with integrity. Jerk off. And that's what you see. Every speaker had an example where as soon as you see expert – I mean whether they meant to or not, as soon as you see expert or professional or I'm from L.A., you should be weary. Emily said when she said, I could come up here and talk about their academic accomplishments or the letters they have in front of their name, but that's not what we're – that doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:21:13 We'll let you listen to their talks and determine for yourself. That was fantastic because any other place they would have went, they would have talked about all their academic accomplishments before they came up. Some jerk-off wrote in the comments on YouTube I saw this morning. He's like, isn't it ironic that Emily says you can't get injured from CrossFit and yet she was injured doing wall balls? You know, it's so crazy. You could make anything true with idiots like that. I go back to the raining thing. If I told you it's going to rain today and you're like, dude, it's sunny. I back to the raining thing if i told you uh it's gonna
Starting point is 00:21:46 rain today and you're like dude it's sunny i'm like well somewhere on the planet and you're like that has no value to you yeah okay thanks savon well then you're welcome i'm a world-class climatologist it's gonna rain tomorrow somewhere on the planet too incredible uh that's what i feel like like dude if you fucking get hurt because you don't catch a wall ball and it hits you in the face that wasn't CrossFit that did that to you. That was gravity, damn it. Yeah, you have to contextualize and put it into relativity. And there's some sort of risk assessment component where you contextualize and put things into relativity.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I need to know where it's raining and at what time for it to be useful to me. One thing that Don mentioned at the affiliate gathering when I was there is he said, you know, because they have the risk retention group that insures a lot of the CrossFit gyms and a couple other insurance companies that CrossFit HQ has relationships with. And he says, and yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:39 we're in the process of collecting all the data to prove that, hey, if this is so harmful then you know as globally as everybody does it and are insured by these companies where's all the where's all the claims where is all the injuries in i mean you could make the argument that greg did that i remember he he shared that data at a lot of meetings i remember where there would be affiliates he i think he said one time like and um like one of the biggest like expenses for the crossfit risk retention group was like dogs biting people you know what i mean like i would believe it because yeah a lot of dogs yeah yeah yeah the uh the ironic thing about it too is if you take like like let's just say like
Starting point is 00:23:21 35 to to 45 and you said what's what's the biggest risk of the gym it's freaking games of pickup basketball acls are blown and issues happen there and if you go from 55 to 75 and you go what's the biggest risk of injury as they are active it's golf and their low backs oh oh so you i mean like you said you could you could make that assumption with anything and you'll find it. Golf is way more dangerous than CrossFit in so many ways. Just doing that one movement as hard as you can. If I swung a golf, that stick that they use, whatever that thing's called,
Starting point is 00:23:55 if I swung that as hard as I could, I'd fucking die. I'm so fucking strong, I would swing that thing and rip my torso off my legs. You think your back's fucked up now? Yeah. That's right. I said it, Colton. that's how fucking strong i am take that clip uh what allison said something cool in here uh that second guy convinced me even more than seven to never touch sugar again amen domicile i gotta have him on the show because you can't read his fucking book unless you're – A genius?
Starting point is 00:24:28 I don't know what the word is. I don't know. I don't know what the word is. I mean I think you just have to be familiar with some of the underlying concepts before you get into kind of the nitty-gritty of it because if you're not kind of understanding where they're all already coming from, then it's tough place all that somewhere if that i don't know if that even made sense yeah well to me it did because i needed some excuse to not understand it without saying i'm an idiot like if i know if i don't know programming i'm not gonna like it'd be difficult for me to look at a program and try to rewrite it yeah if i don't know what olympic lifting is i do 30 snatches and then do some hang snatches and then warm up with some overhead squats what and that was day one of crossfit for me
Starting point is 00:25:09 yeah he was from new york no bullshit yeah or boston yeah everyone there's kind of gangster that's the thing to be in that circle everyone there has a bit a little bit of thug in them like like you want to step outside everyone's got a little bit of fuck you how about that one guy malcolm kendrick has been pulled off of wikipedia yeah that can you imagine there's a fucking mind conf there's hitler's on there osama bin laden's on there this dude's pointing it like uh like don't eat uh this guy's like talking about not eating carbs and about replication crisis and issues in academic science. And they fucking pulled down his wiki page. It's like Gestapo shit.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Like what? There was nothing in there like kill the Jews. Oh, let's round up all the black people and kill them. Love Malcolm 100. No. There was nothing like that. Hey, did you see the... He's telling you how to eat his thoughts on eating
Starting point is 00:26:06 meanwhile there's I bet you Fruit Loops has it's own wiki page his page is back up by the way oh it is? does it have a warning? just kidding could have told me that like 40 seconds earlier it's rational wiki
Starting point is 00:26:20 it takes me time to look this stuff up Caleb's goal is just to fact check me and prove me wrong on the one only right after you make a claim though make a claim i have a 10 inch cock that's as thick as two coke cans it's not actually malcolm kedrick is oh yeah wikipedia deleted my page and all i got was this lousy t-shirt yeah he wore that. He wore that. Yeah. It was great. And that guy,
Starting point is 00:26:47 that guy behind him, Michael Eads and his wife are authors of like one of the best selling books on CrossFit health sweatshirt on protein. What's the name of that book? I think they got rich off that book. It sold like 14 million copies or something. Give who a break. Oh, Caleb. No. Oh, here we go. book it sold like 14 million copies or something give who a break oh caleb no
Starting point is 00:27:05 uh oh here we go allison and the word meat uh trish they had a huge piece of meat and some pudding for dessert no one was eating the dessert i know because i was there i was that's where i posed up yeah someone tried to offer me cake like five times like not around these people fucker take me in the bathroom fuck are you doing like snorting coke in the bathroom yeah oh yeah yeah yeah you're putting oh yeah we were getting saucy choose your poison oh I saw Philip Kelly
Starting point is 00:27:34 there that was great that was really great you know what's crazy is I couldn't place him I couldn't place him like I saw him and I was like I know the guy I just don't know from where even though he's been on the show at least twice
Starting point is 00:27:48 yeah that's six drinks deep I mean I thought oh what was it double so I uh afterwards
Starting point is 00:28:02 when we were yeah he you are pretty jacked he is pretty jacked yeah he's like he's a bigger younger version of me go ahead you're gonna look like me uh in 20 years so probably shrink a little have to wear a vest go ahead Susan I was saying one of the coolest parts for me was actually after the event I was at the uh uh backroom of kings at school that he has in talking with uh dale saran yeah and he was just it was fascinating and he was talking about his
Starting point is 00:28:33 time overseas and stuff like that he had these photos it was just it was really freaking cool you talked to him at greg's house or at the venue? Greg's house. Yeah. Yeah, that was good. Okay. I got to get to this before I forget. There is a new directive coming out of HQ from the
Starting point is 00:28:57 DEI Global Council, Elaine Marino. And she thought there would be no better place than to share this directive here. All CrossFit gyms will now be calling the Himalayas the Themalayas in order to be more inclusive. And here's the official announcement. But just so you know, if you're a CrossFit affiliate owner,
Starting point is 00:29:22 this is from your leader, Elaine Marino. Here we go. The liberals want to turn the Himalayas into the they-themalayas. The liberals want to turn the Himalayas. No, no, he means Elaine. Sorry. Fuck this guy. Let me do it.
Starting point is 00:29:37 This guy fucking didn't get the memo. I don't want to alienate anyone. Elaine, if you're an affiliate owner you are now uh change anything and you do you have like a uh employee manual suza or like rules at your gym or anything posted anywhere like me personally do i post up rules at the gym yeah do you have an employee handbook just an all-gender bathroom all right well make sure anywhere you have the word uh himalaya is written you change it to themalas or you will have your... We got rid of all written signs because it's not inclusive of everybody.
Starting point is 00:30:12 So we took away writing. Oh, because some people can't read. Right. We wouldn't want to harm anybody. Fuck your good. So we just don't have it at all. Oh, yeah. Good. Yeah. Get her, Colin. Allison is shorter than we all expected. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Her personality is bigger than life maybe not bigger than her melons wow Colin's gonna do a write up on me Susan sucks it was uh she's short but like I mean I mean shorter she's shorter than most
Starting point is 00:30:44 people She is short, but, like, I mean, she's shorter than most people. One guy came up to me, and he goes, hey, are you okay? And I'm like, yeah. Isn't it weird? Like, you never knew you were short, and then, like, now we just told you. It's weird. I didn't know until I went to college. Now you're probably 30, 35, and we just let you know you're short.
Starting point is 00:31:03 There you go. You know. Avi already knows. I feel sorry for him. One guy came up to me, and he's like, hey, are you okay? I'm like, yeah. He's like, I love your show. I'm like, thanks.
Starting point is 00:31:14 He's like, but are you okay? I'm like, what do you mean? I'm like, okay, I'm fucking great, living the dream. Are you sure? Because you really make yourself vulnerable on that show, and I worry about you. Thank you so much. i did not like that i was like it was like allison wondering if she's really short i was like wait what am i really okay am i okay yeah yeah yeah i mean it's weird being around allison because i never usually when i talk to people i'm like this with allison i'm like this actually people, I'm like this. With Allison, I'm like this.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Actually, with Allison, I'm like this. I should be like this, but I'm like this. Oh, my goodness. I hope I never meet Allison. She's great. Why is that, Caleb? Because I'm twice her height. You never get used to it. You never get used to it. You never get used to it.
Starting point is 00:32:08 But eventually what happens is, because I go a lot of places with her, like to jiu-jitsu or to the beach or just wherever we take our kids together, skate park. And what ends up happening is you start to really enjoy other people's reaction to her. Because everywhere you go, you're going to get one of those. Seriously, it should be a reality show. It could be an insane Instagram account. Whenever I would walk around Jordan with other women, like people that I worked with, you would just see all the Jordanian men just...
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah, it's like that. But in Jordan, dudes try to hide it around her. Oh, they were not trying to hide it. Yeah, yeah. Middle Eastern men don't hide that shit. I can't wait till we get a picture of the three of us because we could go like Seval, me, and Caleb. And it would just be like a family pic.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And we could be walking across the street where the Beatles walked across the street. Can't deadlift three plates. Okay. Oh, yeah, I can. For sure you can. Didn't you just do a pretty crazy deadlift? Yeah, I mean, we just did a heavy single for the day at the gym before I left. Is that on Instagram?
Starting point is 00:33:13 No. Oh, I saw it. You did 405, right? Yeah. Did you set that camera up for that? I did. Because you look like it's weird. It looks like there's some trick photography on it. You look like you're this tall and the weights are like huge because of the angle
Starting point is 00:33:28 you shot it you know what i mean it looks like some cgi shit that's my post-production to make it look like it's 405 the only place i'm five six is on my driver's license no nowhere else i'm five five but maybe i'm five four because I'm 50. I really don't know. I don't look like, well, I'm looking extra short these days, because I'm wearing baggy and sloppier clothes. But if I wore normal clothes, and I was by myself walking, you wouldn't know I'm short. I'm kind of normal looking.
Starting point is 00:34:00 If you're by yourself, 100 yards away, on the top of a hill. Yes. Climbing upwards, so it's a set of of stairs holding a small banana yeah like one of those miniature bananas i look huge when i hold a little miniature banana anyway that they like don't don't come up to me and i'd be like are you you're worried about me someone else said someone else said um uh what did someone else say to me oh um i listen to podcasts all the time i hope it takes off i didn't like that i didn't like that i didn't like that at all hated that i saw some comment like that the other day, and I was like, damn. I didn't like that. Fuck you. Hey, did you listen to the rest of the show after you got off yesterday?
Starting point is 00:34:51 No. Was it good? Okay. Very good. Okay. Did I get tore up? What happened? No, you didn't get tore up.
Starting point is 00:34:59 It was just people that are out here, and I just struggled. Oh, hey, what if someone would have called in? I didn't even think about that. Someone could have called in and just fucked you guys a shit all up. Cause you couldn't answer the phone. No, I pulled down a little bit. I kept forgetting that we couldn't answer the phone.
Starting point is 00:35:13 So I was like, Oh, Colin. Oh, Oh, look at Audrey. It was so good. They're good.
Starting point is 00:35:23 No, then this is a, no, then, uh, it's no good. They're good. No, then this is a no. It's no. Yes, but no. The start time is always 7 a.m. in Savant's location. Yeah, wherever I'm at. So it shifts.
Starting point is 00:35:40 It's always going to be 7 a.m., but where it goes on the time horizon, we're not sure. Because the kids, they got to be 7 a.m., but where it goes on the time horizon, we're not sure. Because the kids, they got to be done when the kids wake up. 451. I just love this. Oh, dude, I have fucking scientific evidence to show you for 450. Let's do 451. Remember that lady who fell into the car yesterday?
Starting point is 00:36:03 We were trying to figure out whether she was chasing the car or if it was just she came off her midline because her tits were so big? Yeah. Well, I have another data point for us. I think we're going to solve this problem. But first look at this. This is a girls softball team showing up at a tournament. And I just love I love this.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I don't know if you guys can see this. It's kind of little. But all the girls are wearing sunglasses and they're dressed like Secret Service and they're escorting someone. It's so gangster. And one of the girls is dressed like a flag and one of the girls is dressed like,
Starting point is 00:36:42 wait till you see it, here we go. Three, two, one, go! flag and one of the girls is dressed like and wait to see it here we go three two one go welcome to the red king dude that is so gangster that's got to be like Florida, right? Yeah, probably. I'm telling you, Santa Cruz, someone would fucking lose their shit. It was like Hitler who came in.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Look at him. They're all dressed like Secret Service and they're all escorting their coach who got the Donald Trump mask on. Oh my God, it's so great. That's amazing. So gangster. It's like as hard as you could be as a girl softball team jeez i really have turned into a right wing fucking nut job i love it hey they should have had like you know what else they could do they could have had Joe Biden on a stretcher
Starting point is 00:37:46 or in a wheelchair yeah the chick dressed in the American flag should have done that and then someone's holding a drink with a straw on it giving him a sip they could all have been dressed as nurses how corrupt is the government the doctor gave him a clean bill of health
Starting point is 00:38:02 but he has great blood pressure so yeah he's good. No, it's not. It's just how fucking stupid we all are to accept that shit. It's not the doctor. That's the issue. It's us going, okay, well, the guy with the medical degree said it was okay. So you know what?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Now I'm going to argue against anybody else who thinks he has dementia, even though we can clearly fucking see he can't hardly put together two sentences and it ends up going, come on, you know what I'm talking about, guys. Come on now. Hey, hey now. Hey, man. Hey, hey, man. Yeah, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I imagine they probably took his blood pressure, did some blood tests, and they're like, oh yeah, how do you feel? He's like, yeah, I feel good. And then they were like, yeah, and that was it. I doubt there's any sort of like cognitive testing on him after that first uh slide that emily brought up when she showed that it was photoshopped so that the scientists could get the evidence they need i'm convinced now that he didn't even see a fucking doctor yeah oh yeah that's incredible like they were just like oh there's a question of his health okay we'll just go up there and say,
Starting point is 00:39:06 someone, you throw on the white lab coat and the stethoscope, and you walk out onto stage, because clearly all doctors walk around with a lab coat and a stethoscope around their neck, and you tell them, hey, I checked, he's fine. I went to Hawaii one time with Greg. He rented this huge house on the beach in Maui. When he flew the G5?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Yeah. And that whole weekend, I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me. I was there for a week. I only wore board shorts. I didn't wear a shirt, and I wore a stethoscope. I packed a stethoscope, and I put a stethoscope around my neck the whole time. Wait, why? Just because.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I don't know. I don't know why. I still have it. Just accessorizing with a stethoscope? I had a lotethoscope around my neck the whole why just because i don't know i don't know why i still have it just accessorizing with this i had a lot of money and i just went online i always wanted a stethoscope and i just buy whatever i wanted i was rich what did you buy a litman i don't know i don't know i bought two they were fancy shit oh look i still have them at home they're in my kids room they were expensive like a couple hundred bucks yeah those shits are expensive if you got a cardiac one it's even more if you get an expensive one they're like more sensitive
Starting point is 00:40:09 and uh yeah no one says anything to me too like I've done a lot of weird shit around Greg like Greg was like why you got stuff to go on no one no one asked you nope that'd be the first question
Starting point is 00:40:24 what do you do with that I've done all sorts of weird shit if you like if i walked into a room with a stethoscope on they'd think that i was a doctor like no shit and then they just start like spouting off all their issues you're like oh so what do i think i should do i'm like i don't know i'm gonna tell the doctor and he'll let you know oh that's awesome oh my goodness hey so i did have this really fucking weird moment there's a dude there who's a friend of mine who's at this event uh good looking buff dude i'm 10 years younger than me uh the op it looks like an irish it like looks like an irish or scottish dude but not like the scrawny kind on meth like from snatch or Scottish dude, but not like the scrawny kind on meth,
Starting point is 00:41:06 like from Snatch or something, but like a big buff version. Susie, you know what I'm talking about yet? He's probably one of the fittest people there at the place. You're going to know, Routine is the enemy, $1.99. Sean O'Keefe, holy shit. Yeah, I was rich like that. I'd just be throwing cash around like yo
Starting point is 00:41:26 want a stethoscope I got that shit uh did you have to buy your stethoscope Caleb no I just I mean if I want a better one I can buy it but they just gave us a bunch of stethoscopes he's the junk one made of cardboard yeah the disposable one it's like
Starting point is 00:41:42 straight plastic the government issue when you put it on it it, brought to you by Pfizer. Yep, you're good. Checked out. Brought to you by Pfizer. Hey, I wonder if every time we play that, we get some sort of protection from the sensors. Like if we played that in every show, if we get some sort of like, back everyone back if we play the other one we're definitely not getting back satan oh is it like the sheep's blood on our door or whatever yeah yeah it's like no one can
Starting point is 00:42:14 fuck with us no it's the it's the born up theme song the witch song which witch song hold on which, which song? What's that from? Never heard that before. It's the intro to Pornhub. Oh, oh, oh, that's good. Oh shit. We should start using that.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Wow. So, so, so this guy was at the, this guy was at the venue and then i chatted with him a bunch i hung with him a lot at the venue and then he went to greg's house afterwards to the party and at the party he told a story that i had made a joke about him at the venue about him going balding and i was like dude i didn't say that and he's like yeah you did i'm like no i didn't and he goes well i'm just joking anyway it doesn't matter i'm like uh no your reaction to that though is priceless i go it actually does matter i can't even see the fucking top of your head i've never even fucking thought of you as someone who's balding. And there's no, like, I look into your nostrils, dude. I made some nose hair trim comment, but like, there's no fucking way I said you're, he's like, no, you did.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And he's like, it's no big deal. I'm like, listen, motherfucker, it's a big deal because I'm 50. And you're telling me I made a fucking bald joke about you and that I fucking don't even remember making. He's like, well, dude, it's no big deal. Let's just drop it. I'm like, no, i'm fucking dropping it that was fucking losing my shit and i woke up this morning i woke up several times in the middle of the night thinking about it it was like we were in two different realities he's like okay fine maybe i misheard you i'm like
Starting point is 00:43:57 you're just saying that now to get me off your back i'm not getting off your back and you tell me like when i said it he's like dude you said that like i'm going bald and like i know i'm not getting off your back. And you tell me like when I said it, he's like, dude, you said that like, I'm going bald. And like, I know I'm not going bald. I know you said it just to fuck with me. Like, listen,
Starting point is 00:44:09 motherfucker. I don't, I don't make ball jokes ever. We talked about it on the show yesterday, but it was like separate from anything. I don't make fun of the hair loss. Isn't my shit. Otherwise I wouldn't work for this show.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Yeah, exactly. I don't do, this show. Yeah, exactly. I was laughing so hard my cheeks were hurting about that. I don't do hair loss jokes. Listen, I don't even care. I'd be perfectly fine with a bald girl. Brought to you by Pfizer. I ordered the CEO flag.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Oh, you're such a good dude. Barry McConner. McCockner. Barry McCockner. Where's Eaton? I haven't seen Eaton since they last showed up. A dick inside a... Is there one of those? No, it's like, I think we played
Starting point is 00:45:00 it on here. It's like a funny thing where they just get a bunch of different people to say, I know what I like after work. A good dick inside a... And it's like Dickens thing where they just get a bunch of different people to say i know what i like after work a good dick and sada and it's like dickens oh right right right oh we did that one oh that one was good there's so many that i see that i don't know which ones we do which ones like are and that's the thing maybe i didn't know that i called him bald maybe but i just can't see i've never even thought of that dude i never even thought of that dude as his hair thinning it's never even unless i'm unless. I never even thought of that dude as his hair thinning. It's never even, unless I'm,
Starting point is 00:45:26 unless I'm like schizophrenic. What if I'm schizophrenic? Schizo, schizy. Oh, you can't just start dropping them in here. It has to be the actual person. It ruins it then.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah. It has to take us a year. Yeah. Yeah. When you see a hot blue-haired barista with a septum piercing, don't you want to introduce her to CrossFit and save her? Big titty
Starting point is 00:45:54 cock girls do CrossFit. What? What did you say? Oh. Wow. Trisha is claiming that she was at the event. Yeah, apology accepted, Barry. Okay. Yeah, hey, that should be everyone's mission.
Starting point is 00:46:20 We've talked about that, right? That should be your mission, especially if you own an affiliate, to just make sure that you're always on the lookout for someone who you could save their hey hey you come here i save your life uh okay so we i think i'm very curious to get susan caleb's uh perspective on it 450 this is the it's the second um person there's a girl who hits herself with a pickleball racket in the beginning but i'm more interested in the second person because yesterday we were speculating whether this girl was chasing that car that she fell into or whether she was just crossing the street. And we heard the guy say yesterday that, oh, she's going to fall again.
Starting point is 00:46:56 But, but, but here we go. I watched this lady approach the net. I think this is just like a midline issue. Frontal midline shit okay that shit hits herself in the face but look at this it's it now look at it right she just she just let too much of her arm come forward and she reached that pose position that dr romanoff talks about where she's just got too much what too much uh lean too much angle and right there that's it the ball right that's a mistake oh my god hey dude the fact that that net held that that should be a commercial for that net i will see yeah it is i. It's almost like she tripped.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Okay, look at maybe it's her head because she doesn't have big titties like the other lady did. I wonder if that hurt. Then that's a pretty soft. I know, but look how she gets arched i'm concerned she i mean she oh my god there's some crazy music you could play that i don't know if i think it's a chick
Starting point is 00:48:16 how about this chick hits herself in the face yeah that's kind of funny i'm pretty sure that's a dude. Yeah. Yeah. Right there. Zoom it in. That's a dude. Are you sure? Look at Jack Hartle weighing in on this, too. Yeah, that's a dude. That's a manatee. There's no way that's a guy. Guy's way
Starting point is 00:48:41 too skilled. That's not a female. All right, fine. Fuck it, I lose. Thank you, Patrick. Oh, here we go. Our text thread's fired up. It's going. With the guy that fucking told me that I fucking made fun of him for his hair loss, which is just bullshit.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I'm going to tell him that right now. I never mentioned your hair in my fucking life there how about that I don't even know why that's important but
Starting point is 00:49:18 because I don't want to be crazy I don't want to be like I just don't want to be crazy oh my gosh Because I don't want to be crazy. I don't want to be like, I just don't want to be crazy. Oh my gosh. 9-2-8-5-8-3-39-0-3. I don't know that number by heart. 9-2-8-5-8-3-39-0-3. Somebody call in.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Do you guys know that number by heart no not at all I don't even read it when it's down there hey the dude's not even bald the dude has fucking tons of hair oh you asshole he wants to go to war you see this shit laughing laughing
Starting point is 00:49:59 oh god fucking irritated that's so funny um oh good yeah there we go paulina oh yeah i met this girl yesterday someone i was standing next to you when you were talking to him and i can attest you didn't say anything about hair yeah the thing is i stood next to him a lot i really like him so i was like just like i was like just in his aura for a lot of the time just milk and energy off you know who i'm talking about paulina are you just like being a good dude she's got my back yeah how can you even see renee you think she's hot i mean she got fucking
Starting point is 00:50:46 horsetail for hair look at that hair is crazy great hair yeah uh oh fuck you see he wants to battle with me he's not he's not dropping it is he not dropping it or are you not dropping it no he's now texted twice in a row just because I don't have a linesman like you doesn't mean we can't be proud of our you fucking asshole who gives a shit about your hair I'm not talking about your hair with you anymore
Starting point is 00:51:19 shave it all off I only look at your wide shoulders and never even noticed you had hair. Compliment. Compliment. It's good. Yeah, fuck them up, right? Notice.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Manipulate the phone. Oh, and we have a caller. The show is slow today. Caller, hi. Thank you for calling after we all begged for a caller. Yeah, that's why I felt bad. When Caleb asked, I'm like, you know what? See, that's like the people I met yesterday.
Starting point is 00:51:57 That doesn't help. Listen, you can't call and be like, I called because I felt bad. It's worse than no calls. Like, Will Plummer does that every time. Yeah, I called because I felt bad. It's worse than no calls. Like, what plumber does that every time? Yeah, I know. I heard Will. So I guess I kind of got it from Will. Take it back.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I'll call it. Take it back. Take it back. I called in today with a man. I haven't talked to you guys in a while. Who is this? Jim. Jim.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Which Jim? Jim Bob. Jim Broski. Oh, Jim. Oh, yeah. Cop Jim. Which Jim? Jim Bob. Jim Broski. Oh, Jim. Oh yeah. Cop Jim. I can't stop exercising Jim. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, what's up dude? How's life? Dude. Oh, thanks buddy. I appreciate it. Um, life has been a little bit crazy, man. So, um, a lot of new shit. I retired from the police department.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Congratulations. So, I am out. It was like a medical thing, but kind of what I wanted anyways. Was trying to make it work at the affiliate for a really long time, like, I don't know, four months.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Had to take a big boy job recently. Adjusting to that, not getting six hours to work out a day kind of sucked uh and where are you working where are you working so my buddy it's pretty funny my buddy um he owns a environmental construction company and um i don't know a fucking thing about environmental construction, but he brought me on. He was like,
Starting point is 00:53:27 when my interview is like, well, I know you work hard as shit, so I think you can figure the rest out. And are you working hard as shit? Oh dude, yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:53:37 nonstop. And are you learning a lot? Are you learning a lot? Yeah, for sure. To make myself marketable, I was like, look dude,
Starting point is 00:53:44 I'll do all your social media. I'll do all your Google SEO. I'll do everything and i just started watching youtube after youtube after youtube after youtube video um i'm producing his podcast forum doing the podcast forum and doing his youtube everything doing all the filming every you know so trying to learn how to do all that while also doing sales and learning the the industry but you know when you're when you're not um i would say if you're not an experience and you're underqualified for the job if you just work your fucking ass off i think good things happen to you hey you know what i i don't mean to tell you what to do but i think you'd be more valuable and i think heidi would agree with
Starting point is 00:54:19 me if you were just to go on site and take your shirt off and carry a four by eight piece of plywood, that's made out of wheatgrass, like recycled wheatgrass and take some photos of that. And I think fucking business would just start booming. He works at every job. This has definitely been doing well recently. Yeah. I like the marketing thing is like it's pretty
Starting point is 00:54:47 wild and then even like putting together a podcast like a lot of people don't realize like like ripping audio and two different cameras and trying to sync it up and then put it on youtube video it took me like eight hours of like staring at the computer to figure it out i wanted to like oh video editing that's why going live is so great, once we cracked live. Barry, my cockiner, who does the thumbnails for the show? Did you do today's thumbnail, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah, I did today's thumbnail. People are losing their shit. I came up to you at the event. I was like, who's doing the thumbnails? Did you use it? You're like, no. I was like, okay, it's got to be Caleb.
Starting point is 00:55:21 There's some hilarious... I thought it was Bruce Wayne. Well, shit. Yeah, it's crazy work, right, Jim was Bruce Wayne Well shit Yeah it's crazy work Right Jim? What'd you say? It's crazy work Just dealing with Fucking moving pictures
Starting point is 00:55:30 I mean it's fucking A lot of work It's so much work Thumbnails are a lot And that's not even moving Like Yeah When you go to
Starting point is 00:55:36 Video like I mean there's like So many different Video editors too And then trying to like Like killer shit Dude that shit Probably takes fucking forever hey and
Starting point is 00:55:46 think about this too his shit does take forever but with us like fuck ups don't matter because like our whole shit is just crazy right like it doesn't matter like what batman says or like if his dick's in the photo or what but your shit your shit has to be like really specific to your vision you can't have like just like gratuitous tits in there to get some extra clicks right right yes you have to have i think that's part of it is like you have to have a vision of like i mean you know it's not about filming and i'm sure like you people don't realize this but like going into like even shooting an event like you have to have edits and transitions kind of in your mind and see something in your mind before you even start
Starting point is 00:56:24 shooting it and then you got to hope that the thing right and it came together to kind of in your mind and see something in your mind before you even start shooting it. And then you got to hope that the thing, right. And it came together to kind of what you want. Every morning when I come on, I just see Caleb and Matt there. That's like my only vision for the show. Fuck. I hope one of those dudes shows up.
Starting point is 00:56:37 It's pretty simple. So I'm doing all of that. And then I'm doing hero three 65 still regular programming and then coaching two hours at the gym a day. And you should see the shit that you're doing in between Heidi's ears. I don't even know how you have time for all that. Well, Hey,
Starting point is 00:56:59 I appreciate you calling in and letting us catch up with you. You sound great. And I'm stoked for you. New shit's always scary and fun. Yeah, man. Thanks buddy. I appreciate you calling in and letting us catch up with you. You sound great. And I'm stoked for you. New shit's always scary and fun. Yeah, man. Thanks buddy. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Um, I'll talk to you guys. All right. Thank you. See you. See you. Um, if you want to be buff like that,
Starting point is 00:57:21 that seven guy, that dude in the thumbnail is so fucking happy. That's a happy buff seven. You can see if you were eligible for California hormones. What you do is you go to see a hormones dot com. Use the code word seven. If you're in California and get to sleep, but sleep. Take two.
Starting point is 00:57:41 If you live in California, if you live in California, you can get the free blood work. I have to pretend like I'm a rapper. I have to channel my inner shit. That was good, yeah. If you live in California, you can get the free blood work. And if you don't, your insurance will pay for it. And then you get the documents and you sign up on the website. That was good.
Starting point is 00:58:03 That was like a late 90s like dare rap and uh thank you and uh and and they'll give you a um doctor's consult um did you know cat got off them for a minute cat sheer she was uh she said what she said uh i saw her talking to Hiller, and the reason she gave was kind of crazy. Yeah, it was kind of funny. Not really. But I don't really want to talk about it until I talk to her. She put it out there.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I know. It's crazy. I'm in the dark on this one. When I introduced Gabe to Greg yesterday at the event and I was like, this is a, this is one of my favorite sponsors. And Gabe's like, Oh, don't forget California hormones. And you're like, he, he gave CA hormones, love Sarah Cox, love. That was really cool. Awesome. Yeah. Thank you. I did feel, I feel like I was channeling a little UTFO. It was really, I, I was really excited to see Gabe.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Did you guys see this Netflix thing? That movie, White Noise, took place in Palestine, Ohio. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait till you guys hear this. I actually researched this a little bit, and it's at least partially true. You can't even make this stuff up last year netflix released a movie called white noise it's about a small town that had to be evacuated after a train collides with a tanker truck it's full of toxic chemicals creating a massive disaster yeah, and this small town just happens to be East Palestine, Ohio, where it was also shot and filmed. Hey, it's a comedy.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Yeah, I don't know what you knew about it. I looked it up. It's a comedy. It is? Yeah. Yeah, Adam Driver movies are usually comedies. That's fucking wild. It looks like the movie takes place in a fictional town. That's weird.
Starting point is 01:00:11 There's a word for that. They prep us with programming, or is it manifesting, or is it telling the future? Who is the... Shoot, I forgot his name. The flat-earther guy that was talking about that. Oh, yeah. I follow that guy on Instagram, and I really like him. What's his name the flat earther guy that was talking about that oh yeah i follow that guy on instagram and i really like him what's his name kevin he's a non-globist not a flat earther thank you uh brett brett brett stepson or something sometimes he's fucking he made this
Starting point is 01:00:35 post the other day he's all calm and he's like well people i'm just gonna tell you i don't know if i should spread the fear fuck it if you Fuck it. If you get scared easy like me, take a piss right now. People, if you don't know, it's finally here and it's going to happen, so start stocking up on food. I'm like, what the fuck, dude? The hard part about that is
Starting point is 01:00:59 that's happened a hundred times. People saying that? Good, yeah, I feel better already. Don't worry, it's bullshit. Yeah. I feel better already. Yeah. Don't worry. It's bullshit. Get your toilet paper now. Stock up. Not me. I'm right with God.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Trish. I'm ready to go whenever he's ready to take me. Not me. There's some shit I want to do. I want to, I want to see one of those whale sharks in person. I want to get rich off this podcast there's a couple I want to see my kids
Starting point is 01:01:27 do a 540 I want to see my kid beat up Nikki Rodriguez 20 years I want to see some shit Brett Stephenson Brent he was a great guest right yeah he was pretty cool
Starting point is 01:01:42 super chill I would like to learn a couple new magic tricks He was a great guest, right? Yeah, he was pretty cool. Super chill. I would like to learn a couple new magic tricks. I probably won't. But I would like to learn a few magic tricks. But my fucking kids, I have a couple magic tricks. One is I throw a toothpick into the air, and I throw it through the ceiling of the house and then I catch it. And my fucking kids learned it on YouTube this week and they were doing it at the party. Did you see that? Yeah, it's cool because the first two or three
Starting point is 01:02:15 times it's done, you're like, wait, what the hell is happening? How is my kid learned it on like it stole my trick. I don't know if my back can take a horse i'm a bottom guy now maybe you should let a horse ride you yeah i'm a bottom guy uh we have to move to idaho or wyoming like all the people i talked to this weekend everyone lives in the middle of nowhere yeah i know i know uh listen to this i uh do itousa, you own an affiliate, and I want you to watch this second clip here. I think the link will take us to it. I want you to listen closely to this coaching cue. 448.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Is that the second video? Oh, click over one more. I think it's in the second video. There's only one link on here. Oh, but I can see the error on the Instagram.. There's only one link on here. Oh, but see the era on Instagram. Yeah. Okay. Now listen carefully here.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Come on, guys. Breathe. Breathe. Let's go, guys. Let's go, guys. Come on, guys. Back's just try one more. Let's go. Let's try one more.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Squeeze that pussy tight, baby. Come on. Is that real? Yes. What country is that? Australia. So they could just say crazy shit there. I mean, she got it.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Squeeze that pussy tight, baby. Yeah, probably not an effective cue. You ever use that in your affiliate at CrossFit Livermore? Not in the affiliate. You think Nicole Carroll? Oh, she's not on the training team anymore. I don't know who the fuck runs the training team. I don't want to even talk about training if I don't know the guy who runs the training team.
Starting point is 01:04:23 An outside firm. Berkshire this sounds so racist but and sexist and juvenile and egotistical and narcissistic but no one should be in a leadership position at crossfit inc if if if they weren't there when I was there. Thank you. Shit, Don falls under that. That's not good. I like Don. 447. I'm trying to figure out why I'm sharing this.
Starting point is 01:04:55 I don't know. I think I need to do some soul searching for this one. I don't understand the point of sharing this. J. Arnold caught that one. Oh, what did it say? Sousa, not in the affiliate all right yeah thank oh wow nice so that is oh yeah see here's the thing i don't know i don't know if there's any good use in in sharing these anymore i don't know we're happy that something
Starting point is 01:05:19 is being done but this is something that they've been asking for since day one so for them this is about a thousand days too late now nairman i looking at after the day families are pushing feds to pushing the feds to sorry nairman i'm i'm not feeling very well right now, and I'm about to... Okay. We'll come back to you right now, and we'll make sure that, Jessica, you are doing okay. Thank you. We will make sure that Jessica is okay, and we will give you guys an update a little bit later to make sure that she is doing all right. She is not alone.
Starting point is 01:06:04 She is with us. Or inflammation of the heart muscle after receiving an mRNA COVID vaccine. A CDC safety group says the heart condition in adolescent and young adults is linked to the shock. CDC now looking into reports of heart problems in young vaccinated teenagers. Now chest pain, fluttering and heart inflammation are among some of the new side effects announced by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Something's not right, dude. Something's not right.
Starting point is 01:06:33 That scares me a hell of a lot more than people say we need to prep our food. Yeah, something's not right. 5G's got activated on her hardcore. You know what's crazy? I watched that first girl by myself the other day. And, um, I mean, there's just too many and I didn't,
Starting point is 01:06:51 it didn't hit me emotionally like it did just now. Maybe it's cause I was drinking yesterday, but I almost started wanting to cry. Is that real? Yeah. Her that, that broke my heart heart that's just a kid damn i don't know why i don't know why i share it again at this at this point it's just i feel like it's just scaring people uh is it is it the vaccine that made so many high-ranked people in Russia fall
Starting point is 01:07:27 in stairs? You mean fall out of windows? Yeah, that's a good question. That's a great question. Alright, I have to take off to get ready for my flight.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Okay. Just so you know, Sousa, there's a revival going on. I don't know what that is. In Ashbury, Kentucky right now, 20,000 people are there worshiping the good Lord. Yeah, it's been going for, I think they're trying to make it the longest worship session ever. Non-stop. Well, that makes me feel better. Good. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Bye. See ya. No one's ever going to beat me. I'm always worshiping the Lord. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even when I sleep. Trish, latest data says that both covet and the mrna cause the immune system to generate the spike protein only certain cytokines can be produced by certain people not everyone will have the spike huh 446 California Bye Sousa Safe travels Sousa
Starting point is 01:08:46 I have to drive all day tomorrow I'm going to sleep after this show Back to sleep That's a good idea I don't normally do that I don't know if I like the way you said that I don't know what this is It's crazy
Starting point is 01:09:02 New year Five radical laws that go into effect in the golden state in 2020. Oh, five laws. One SB one Oh seven sanctuary state for transgender. Okay. Pause. So,
Starting point is 01:09:13 so now in 2023, if you, if your state won't let you cut off your penis or fear not, you can bring them to California sanctuary state for genital mutilation and chemical castration for children is fine in California. Okay, here we go. AB 2147, decriminalizing
Starting point is 01:09:32 jaywalking because of racism. Okay, pause that. So I lived in the Bay Area for let's say 40 years and 10 years. I live in Santa Cruz. Let's just say whatever.
Starting point is 01:09:47 And I live 10 years. And anyway, I lived in the Bay area for a long time. And the only people there who Jay walked in the Bay area were black people. I never, never, maybe less than 1% of 1% of 1% of people I ever saw Jay walk or white people. Now I live in San and they were in 99% of those black people,
Starting point is 01:10:04 black skin colored people colored people people black skin melanin skin when they would jaywalk they would look at you too like fuck you what are you gonna do about it like it wasn't just like it was never just like there I would never just see like people just running across the street it was always like the light was fucking green
Starting point is 01:10:20 for me to go and they would walk across and and when I lived in Santaanta so i just thought that that was like culturally one of the things like fuck you whitey i just accepted that then i fucking moved to santa cruz there's no black people there black skin people very few now it's every fucking person i see jaywalk now they're the they jaywalk they're like the dangerous jaywalkers like the black cats in the bay area like fuck you i'm like you don't got no control over me whitey these fucking white they're all
Starting point is 01:10:50 white fucking drug addicts like some dude on fentanyl comes or a meth comes running out of a bush across a six-lane road in santa cruz it's fucking crazy it's a totally different kind of jaywalker the white the white do you have do, are you, any of that resonate with you, Caleb? I'm going to be honest. I jaywalk all the time. Oh. Yeah. I did.
Starting point is 01:11:10 If there's lights red and there's nobody like, and I can cross, I'm just going to cross. Oh, you will. At least you use the, at least you use the crosswalk. There's black kids use the crosswalk too. Oh, no, no. I'm like, yeah, sometimes I will, sometimes I won't. Like, it depends on like where i'm in where i am positionally like i could just run across the street and like i don't care on it on is like
Starting point is 01:11:29 from saudi arabia they're like fuck you get your hand chopped off if you jaywalk in saudi arabia uh jaywalking is when you cross the street when you're not supposed to like it's a red light or it's a it's a it's a dangerous practice basically you could you could jaywalk you could run across the street and especially in fucking places like portland another crazy thing about portland if you spend any time in portland people stop for jaywalkers it's so fucking dangerous because they're because they're being nice and it basically causes fucking near accidents all the fucking time it's more just bullshit whenever i was in college they used to have like uh um like it was like a running joke that if you got hit by a canvas vehicle that you
Starting point is 01:12:13 would get free tuition so we would just run across the street all the time yeah that's i'm okay with that if you're fit you can safely jaywalk anytime here's the thing and the thing in fucking new york is there's so many people on the sidewalk that it just kind of pushes people out into the street. But I've also seen a car in New York City, no shit, stop at a fucking red light, and the car behind it was pissed and wanted to run through the red light. It was a BMW. It bumped up against the cab and pushed the cab through the red light and then sped away. Damn. Yeah, I don't think even New York's a good example.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Yeah, when I was in New York a couple weeks ago, it was just a madhouse. People were just walking all over the place. You were in New York a couple weeks ago? Yeah, I went up to visit some family. Oh, that's cool. I didn't even know that. Like New York, New York, like proper, like you walk by the Empire State Building and shit? Yeah. Went to the 11 Museum and all that stuff oh that's fun did you go up in that new building
Starting point is 01:13:10 no i did not i just went to the museum so so basically they're saying that because i don't know i don't know why it's you guys aren't gonna like this i i I don't, I don't, maybe they're saying that, um, um, minorities or people who are being racist towards, let's pick Chinese people just cause I pick on melanated people too much. They're saying Chinese people are too stupid to use sidewalks or crosswalks. And so they're getting rid of the law.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I don't even understand what the fuck they're doing. How is fucking, I know what they're saying. What they're really saying is this is that cops use um jaywalking as an excuse to stop black people and search them it's just fucking nuts it is kind of a dumb rule honestly what what is jay like the fact that jaywalking is illegal no it's not for safety safety reasons safety reasons sure sure sure yeah yeah hey well then that maybe we should get rid of stoplights too then
Starting point is 01:14:10 we should everything should be a roundabout how about that okay we got we compromised i would so much god caleb's so young and free compared to me how old are you am i double your age How old are you? Am I double your age? How old are you? I'm 27. Oh, fuck. Sevan, you also live in a place that has 10 pounds of shit and five pound bag.
Starting point is 01:14:42 I wish I could argue that No I don't I live in a great place My phone is sideways Miss Lynn hi Hey how are you guys Great just realized I'm twice Caleb's age And I didn't like that
Starting point is 01:14:58 Caleb don't judge me Because I drive a Beamer Oh Oh no Caleb, don't judge me because I drive a Beamer. Oh, no. I feel bad. You're judging. You're probably the nicest BMW driver I know. No, I would probably tap that car into the intersection, too.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Put that cab right through. What are you doing? New York is savage. Hey, I've got a huge list of things to talk about, right through. What are you doing? New York is savage. I've got a huge list of things to talk about, but I'll narrow it down to one. Pick the one with nudity. Pick the one with nudity in it.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Well, no nudity, but your former guest, Bethany Hamilton? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The one-armed surfer? Yeah, yeah, she was cool. Yeah, she is up in arms because they're allowed she was cool. She is up in arms because they're allowing transgender... She's up in arms.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Oh, shit! That's terrible. I hope she's not listening. Anyway, she has a couple posts because the surfing association is allowing transgender to surf with the women. She did a great job addressing that. That's about as nice as you can be and address that. is allowing transgender to surf with the women. And she is so upset. You did a great job addressing that.
Starting point is 01:16:06 That's about as nice as you can be and address that. Yeah. How about like, fuck you, take your dick out of the women's competition. That's, I think that's a good. I know. But she was so nice. She's so nice about it.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Yeah. She was nice about it. Okay, so you saw that. Okay, moving on to the next item. Okay. My son has been with me in the car the last week on and off because he's hanging around with me. And he's been forced to listen to your show. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:16:32 And he loves it. He loves it. Oh, good. No, our live listeners have skyrocketed. I don't know what happened. Yeah. Well, you've got your crew. You and your son, I really don't appreciate the fact that you guys are listening on the same device.
Starting point is 01:16:47 That's cheating. What do you mean? I listen on two devices so I can get two views. Jeez Louise. Okay, but I listen to Emily Kaplan about 60 times. Okay, perfect. Listen, when everyone goes to bed at night, just turn your YouTube on and just set down some band.
Starting point is 01:17:00 That's right. I usually turn one on. I'm like, because I keep missing important parts. She was at the event this week. She basically organized this event. She did a fantastic job. She opened it up. She's smart as shit.
Starting point is 01:17:14 She presented nice. She was great. That's great. Hopefully there'll be some good footage out of it. I'm sure there will on the CrossFit book. Instagram site? Or where would that be they have a website a broken science website i actually haven't oh yeah the broken science website yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay well this is boring everybody so you guys all take care all right you can call and bore me whatever you want tell your son i said hi thank you
Starting point is 01:17:42 all right thanks okay bye bye uh i listen on tv and phone are you good yeah that's perfect okay uh let's go back to uh what let's talk about the fucked up shit going on california so no uh if you need your genitalia cut off uh you you can jaywalk all you want here. Okay, number three. AB 2098, COVID misinformation requiring California's medical board to take disciplinary action against doctors who are involved with spreading misinformation related to COVID-19. So if you're happy with Pfizer's description of COVID and how to deal with it, and you really don't want anyone else's perspective, and you think the doctors who do have their own perspective should be punished, California's the place for you. You will only get one opinion here, and it's Pfizer's.
Starting point is 01:18:34 God, I can't even believe I'm saying that with a straight face. That's true. That's fucking insane. Pharma. Pharma. Okay. This is also the same law that makes it illegal for doctors to disagree with politicians for sb 1375 allowing nurses to perform abortions without doctors and five okay okay uh that's cool uh so so we can spread the baby killing around a bit i like that it's gonna be pretty wild though like you you'd have to do some some like significant training i feel like to do that like nurses don't just hey will you tell me if you're asked to do an abortion at at your base yeah sure okay we don't
Starting point is 01:19:17 but i'm pretty sure we i'm pretty sure military health care won't pay for that like you'd have to do out and do it yourself somewhere else. So anyway. Okay. Well tell me if you do. All right. Emily Kaplan seems like an older sister's hot friend who has sex with you when you are back in town visiting for the holidays and never talks to you again.
Starting point is 01:19:39 What? I mean, I see it. I mean, I'm not, I can't, I'm not, I'm not, yeah. You don't see it a little bit, Caleb? Sure, yeah. I don't know Emily well enough. Yeah, but she was on the show. She was cool then.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Someone was even commenting in the show that she has a huge rack, but like in the show you couldn't even, like, she was like up to here. Yeah, I wouldn't have been able to tell. She was like up to here. Yeah, I wouldn't have been able to tell. Is it like big dick energy, but she has big tit energy? I don't want to talk about it. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Let Phillip talk about it. Emily's hot. Let's see if anyone else is going to say anything. That analogy was a little too specific. I want deets. That means it was too specific. I mean deets. That means not specific enough. What the fuck, dick butter? It was like somebody experienced that, and that's what they think. Yeah, that made Seve uncomfy.
Starting point is 01:20:38 That's true. Emily's probably the hottest guest to be on show. I thought Bethany Hamilton. I love a one-armed girl. Nikki Rod? Yeah, Nikki Rod. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, God, Kenneth.
Starting point is 01:20:52 What the fuck is wrong with you? Schooled his ass. SB 357. Decriminalizing loitering in public for the purpose of committing prostitution. So listen.
Starting point is 01:21:14 You can't hang out in front of my house with your homeboys and throw dice against my fence. But if you're selling cock or pussy, it's legal welcome to California oh here we go
Starting point is 01:21:32 okay look Allison she's crazy hot and crazy smart um Savon do you realize Dick But alright butthole Savon do you realize Dick butt alright butthole someone do you realize dick butter isn't his real name no I don't okay huge asshole
Starting point is 01:21:52 yeah um uh Trish wow this has just turned into a whole Emily session Emily fucks you because she wants to have sex not because she likes you she has that vibe sure sex not because she likes you she has that vibe sure i need to trish do i know you i swear you dude start your own podcast and just bury our shit i'll quit my podcast and listen to your shit
Starting point is 01:22:18 the fuck the wrong end the fucking nuts Bruce Wayne Allison is crazy hot too I guess game recognize game oh look at Philip Kelly Trish isn't wrong oh my god we got to move on to a different subject all right I'm getting in trouble here
Starting point is 01:22:41 I'm trying to get those fuckers to be sponsors of the show I mean I guess so far it's good. I guess this is like, we've said she's hot and she controls the sex energy, I guess. Okay. 445, tell me this is wrong. 445. I feel like this is a great show today,
Starting point is 01:23:04 but it's just moving so slow too, which is weird. Okay. Fascism. A way of organizing a society in which a government is ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
Starting point is 01:23:18 What's crazy too is that they can control the media. I'm just wondering, is this Canada? Canada are living in, Canadians are living in fascism. They got Trudeau. They got Hitler. Who's that guy on the right? Is that Stalin or Lenin?
Starting point is 01:23:29 Is that Mussolini next to Hitler? Yeah, Mussolini and then Lenin on the right, I think. Maybe. Man, it's so weird, some of the pressure. I don't know. I'm open to someone telling me that, because if I told my dad that, my dad would be like,
Starting point is 01:23:49 that word fascism and Nazism is just thrown around too lightly. But I don't know. That guy, that Trudeau guy is a piece of work. Christine, Joe Rogan once said, Northern Cali is basically like Kentucky, and that's the best thing I've ever heard about it. It's so beautiful where i live in california so fucking nice um i want to get to uh
Starting point is 01:24:25 can we do 441 just skip up to that i. I thought this was so awesome. So Tiger Woods, I guess, is a really good golfer. And I guess he'd been gone for a while. He hurt himself. And I guess he's back on the tour. And there's two other golfers that I guess are better than him. I don't know their name. Oh, Justin Thomas. And I guess one of the guys who's better than him or
Starting point is 01:24:45 who can hit the ball farther than him is like his best friend and so after Tiger Woods hit a ball farther than him he slipped him a tampon like in his hand and look at look at look at the um it's so good let me read the headline it's so funny Tiger Woods hands a playing partner Justin Thomas a tampon seemingly suggesting he plays like a So good. Let me read the headline. It's so funny. Tiger Woods hands a playing partner, Justin Thomas, a tampon, seemingly suggesting he plays like a woman after outdriving him. Not seemingly. That is what he's saying.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Here's the part I don't get. In a bizarre prank. How the fuck is slipping a tampon to a dude a bizarre prank i'm so curious like what like are you suggesting you you know women need tampons and it's when they're you know like most vulnerable i guess emotionally during the the month it's a powerful moment and but it's a strong thing that only women can do and women hit golf balls shorter than the distance men hit them and so he slipped them being like yeah you're you're fucking uh i'm stronger than you and you're don't get like be emotional about it oh bitch and someone in the comments wrote they're behaving like 14 year olds and and what so what i think that's hilarious oh it's so good it makes me have faith in fucking humanity again
Starting point is 01:26:16 i think it's tight on the ground it's in this one's headed a little left oh do they actually show it nice bounce slip it i see that rough is not very long at all, so no issues. Pretty good lie right there. Oh, there it is. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. That's so good.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Oh, my goodness. Wow. And they both thought it was hilarious maybe he had a nosebleed it would be like handing him a dress yeah it just fits in his pocket but it just fits in his hand
Starting point is 01:26:56 yeah god that's fucking hilarious I don't know Tiger looks different something he just looks different yeah he's fucking old like him and Biden went to the same doctor or something I don't know. Tiger looks different. Something. He just looks different. Yeah. He's fucking old.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Like him and Biden went to the same doctor or something. Let's see. How old is he? 47. Yeah, that's not, I mean, well,
Starting point is 01:27:20 yeah, I mean, yeah, he looks kind of fucked up. You don't talk about your back being fucked up. His is super fucked up. It's been like that for like a decade now. And he's a pro athlete.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Swinging that golf club. Excuse me. Oh, he was doing hookers drugs and alcohol? Yeah, a long time ago, I think. Oh, his wife left him for all that hooker stuff? Yeah. Oh, his wife left him for all that hooker stuff. Yeah. Oh, that sucks. Oh, I ran out of a, is that the kid blood? Oh man. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Okay. Anyway. So that's cool. I'm that made me, I think that's fun. I think that kind of stuff is cool. You're a guy and you don't get that I think you're like you're kind of missing out on like why it's kind of fun to be a guy like we do funny stuff definitely like that guy who said like I can't tell if my friend fucking with me
Starting point is 01:28:18 says that I made fun of him for being bald the thing is or his hair thinning, the thing is, his hair isn't even thinning. Oh my God, you know, you're a mess.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Porn sniffing dog, 440. So this, there was a dog, I guess there's only four of them in the, in the world. It's kind of, this is clickbait.
Starting point is 01:28:44 This is some Hiller shit. Cause he, I mean i mean he does sniff out he sniffs out hard drives a utah utah's police porn sniffing dog named url dies age at age seven and the thing is is i think he just smelled like thumb drives and shit he died just short of his eighth birthday. He was only the fourth dog in the U S to be certified and trained as an electronic storage detection canine over the course of his law enforcement career. The four legged officer took part in an execution of more than 2000 arrest warrants, sniffing out countless pieces of digital evidence,
Starting point is 01:29:16 excuse me, leading to the arrest of suspects often implicated in child sexual abuse and pornography cases. That's a good dog. Yeah. Take that thing good dog. Yeah. Take that thing to Epstein Island. His name is URL. That's a young lab for sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:37 You know what? It's like a pound. Oh, here it is. A URL. Wait, go back the other way just a tiny bit. A URL was not bored to be a police dog and had a rough start in life, having been born a pound puppy and bouncing between animal shelters and foster homes during the first few months of his life. Wow. That's interesting, right?
Starting point is 01:29:53 Yeah, that's really surprising. Usually, I mean, I shouldn't say usually, but there aren't very many dogs that end up in shelters that turn out to be good for police work. Like even the dogs that they breed for it don't end up in police work sometimes. I was homeless and I became head of the media department. Yeah, you're one in a million. It's just a fucking homeless dog. Pound puppy.
Starting point is 01:30:23 Job must have really took a lot out of him. All the stress of all those being around all those pedophiles fucking shortened his life. A 442. This particular segment here, we're going to decide whether we're looking at a Democrat or a Republican. And you get to, here we go.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Oh, this is so good. Let's talk about some history that's happening, this quarterback matchup. The first time two black QBs are facing off in a Super Bowl. Who do you think has the edge here? Wait, can you pause this? Oh, bitch.
Starting point is 01:30:57 I would love it if someone just asked her, what do you mean by black QBs? What do you mean? Anyway, just let's go on. I don't know about the edge. I think Mahomes, you know, he's played in a couple of these. I think you're always going to have the edge because you're going to have more experience that way.
Starting point is 01:31:18 You mentioned the historical part about the two black quarterbacks facing each other. You know, I'm in a place in my life where this is great for sports. It's great for football. But what would even be greater is that going down the road, we don't have to mention that these guys are black quarterbacks. They're just quarterbacks. They're outstanding football players that play on the two best teams
Starting point is 01:31:40 in the national football. So let's talk. Yeah, duh. Thank you. teams in the national football so let's talk yeah duh thank you who is that guy is that someone famous um herm edwards i think the dude yeah i want to say he was a pretty big he's a pretty good football player back in the day but now he's a really he's a pretty good um announcer commentator type yes imagine how fucked all this social justice shit is for blind people.
Starting point is 01:32:08 I just saw some comment. You can't tell what you can and can't say about people because you can't tell what color their skin is. Yeah, literally. This whole... Oh, look at my comments in there. This is what a man with cock and balls sounds like. Hey, stop.
Starting point is 01:32:26 I don't have any likes for that.'s bullshit here i'll give you one thank you yeah that's uh i almost have to guarantee you that that chick is a democrat and that dude the republican okay uh 444 here here's another one this i think this is has to do with emotional maturity the emotional maturity this is crazy god this is crazy have any republican friends no thank god do you have any republican friends no why not i God. Do you have any Republican friends? No. Why not? I wouldn't be friends with someone who's Republican.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Why is that? Um, I don't like that kind of extremism. Why do you think you don't have any Republican friends? Because we're at NYU. We stay away from those people. Nice. He's probably a Republican as well probably not do you guys have any republican friends dude i can so fucking relate to that i know those chicks right there there's 10 000 of those chicks back in my hood in Berkeley right there. Those. The blue hairs. I don't want to out any people,
Starting point is 01:33:49 but I was with some Democrats when they met some Republicans for the first time. Or they couldn't fucking, they couldn't believe how polite and nice Republicans were. You know, it's crazy. It was so weird. It was,
Starting point is 01:34:02 I couldn't believe how polite, nice they were. They're like men like stand up when you walk in the room and shit. Even though I was a Democrat and I was taught that shit. Sorry, go ahead, Caleb. I'm sure they do know people who are Republicans, but they just don't know it. Yeah, their Republican friends are scared to death to say anything to them. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:34:22 They're like, what? So now I'm just going to get disowned because I'm a Republican we're no longer friends just because I decided to make a different choice than you man bizarre world is everyone so
Starting point is 01:34:42 partisan politically or just certain people that's a good question Is everyone so partisan politically or just certain people? That's a good question. I will tell you this. Democrats don't want to engage with... I suspect I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that a significant number of Democrats don't want to engage with Republicans and it's not the other way around.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Oh, my wife just sent me a text. I got some good pictures like that too, babe. If you're listening, uh, my, uh, Rodney Mullen was at the party last night. I hung with Rodney for so long. For some reason I find that so crazy that he's there. It is crazy. He photobombed some, someone took a picture with me and rodney mullen photo bombed it and the person didn't know who it was i was like google that dude you just fuck me
Starting point is 01:35:32 push me out and get a picture with that dude i don't think i would recognize him you would you so would he's a he's a he's a superstar and like you just know when you're around him it's not even nor he's not even he's not a normal person at all there's nothing not the way he moves not the way he stands not the way he talks he's on a whole different like he's done something to himself kind of like being around rich you know what i mean like he's done something for so long something happened to him he changed his dna maybe he's less than us maybe he's more than us i don't know what the right word is but oh great now here we go here we go the hair dude wants a piece of me again he just looks so chill i think he was in that documentary with tony hawk
Starting point is 01:36:23 or the tony hawk documentary he was in it he with Tony Hawk or the Tony Hawk documentary he was in he's in a movie called if you haven't seen it, it's a movie called Bones Brigade and it you will be completely blown away by Tony Hawk everyone should see the movie
Starting point is 01:36:39 yeah, there it is, Russ Stevens the Bones Brigade's doc Mullen is the hero. Such a good story. Yeah, it's crazy. He stole the movie. It was supposed to be about the whole Bones Brigade team, but he stole the movie. And even the other guys, like when they talk about him, you'll be kind of blown away. Yeah, I watched the Tony Hawk documentary, documentary and he was in it and he just was
Starting point is 01:37:07 so interesting like they just kept going back to him because he's so well spoken and who rodney yeah yeah um this girl right here was at the event paulina and um there's things that like old people say when you're young, like, Oh my God, you give me hope for humanity and all that shit. And like the youth are our future. And when I met her all, I started hearing all those things in my head.
Starting point is 01:37:35 She looks like a kid. She is. I mean, she's a big, powerful woman, but she's also a kid. And like, you just,
Starting point is 01:37:43 she's just oozes smart, smart stuff. Like when you're standing by like i just feel her her youthfulness and then she she just came up for texas for the day to hear greg speak it was crazy and then and then she waited in line to talk to greg i kind of like watched the whole thing i'm 20 i know isn't that funny, she thinks like, no, I'm not a kid. Shut the fuck up. Yeah. She, you're a kid. Pipe down. Oh my God. I'm, I feel old now.
Starting point is 01:38:12 She towers over me. She has like impeccable posture. Her skin is like immaculate. She talks to you. She makes eye contact. She's friendly. Made me feel like an insecure dweeb. God, I want to read this text.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Someone sent me so bad. It's so much better when you meet people like her who are 20 than just the kind of shit that I just see on the interwebs. So much. Anyway, back to 444 like the democrats are just so immature we were an we're an immature group of people we're immature in the ability to not even be able to enjoy like the stuff that like the immature stuff we're so mature we can't even enjoy immature stuff like what tiger woods did. I wonder if they just imagine Republicans or everybody that lives in the Midwest.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Yeah, they do. We think it's like all of Texas. Yeah, like all the farmers, all the ranchers. I don't know. I'm not saying that they're… Yeah, they're bad people that carry guns and hate black people. That's what we think. It's like, nah, dude.
Starting point is 01:39:24 They're just trying to farm some land and provide food for all you jackasses right 438 money is money oh i like money oh yeah this is crazy this is fucking nuts okay this is on senator rand paul's instagram it says uncle sam's spa day broward county florida spent 140 million dollars in covid relief funds to construct a luxury hotel and spa when you think of the money that the federal government spent on the covid 19 relief what comes to mind certainly not luxurious spa days i would imagine well put your feet up and get ready for this one broward county florida used 140 million dollars in covid 19 relief funds to construct an 800 room luxury hotel overlooking the atlantic ocean that includes,000 square feet of pool decks, rooftop bar, and even 11,000 square foot spa and fitness center.
Starting point is 01:40:30 The effort is part of a larger $1 billion project to expand Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And while the Treasury Department ostensibly bans businesses from using COVID-19 relief aid on large capital projects, in February 2022, county board meeting officials schemed together to find a way around the rule. The money was transferred to the county's general fund and described as federal payment to cover the lost tax revenue. The money was then returned from the general fund back to the project. The intent of the COVID-19 pandemic relief program was to help struggling businesses endure the financial impact of the bureaucratic government mandated lockdowns, but good intentions aren't enough. The obscene reality is that local politicians in Florida swindled taxpayers for tens of millions for the benefit of luxury hotel and spa.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Is this a bad thing? Think of all the – this is not going to be a popular opinion, but think of all the jobs that created. That took a lot of people to make. Is that a real place? What's the name of that place? Don't you want to go there? It looks beautiful. God, it looks nice.
Starting point is 01:41:30 And what do they mean they built that? I didn't know that, I didn't know governments own luxury hotels. I don't really understand that. It's at the convention center? The convention center's owned by the city? Is that how convention centers work? I'm not sure. It's not like convention center. The convention center is owned by the city. Is that how convention centers work? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:41:47 It's not like they burn the money. Yeah, here we go. Mike McCaskey, at least Broward County has something to show for it. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean, if I lived there and my business was going, forced to close for two years because it was a fruit stand while McDonald's and Baskin Robbins on either side of me stayed open, yeah, I'd be pissed if I could have gotten some of that cash without having to pay it back so I could, I guess, buy clothes for my family and food for them. Are those palm trees on the roof? Great.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Aye. Yeah. They are. Yeah. I'm 24. Like nearly everyone here is 30 plus. It doesn't look like it's really like they're about to build it or something. It's all mock-ups.
Starting point is 01:42:48 I wonder, I wonder what the average age of people who listen to this show is I wonder if we could do a poll I think they're like in our how many choices do you get do you have to do either or do you have to do like an over 30 or over under 30 no you can make a bunch of choices 20s 30s 40s 50s 40s
Starting point is 01:43:05 50s I'm 53 says Russ Stevens especially in the condos especially in the condos on the beach 47 33 33 23 24 36 26 36
Starting point is 01:43:24 Bruce Wayne 40 no shit Bruce 33, 33, 24, 36, 26, 36. Bruce Wayne, 40. No shit, Bruce. Fuck, you look so young. Eric,
Starting point is 01:43:33 69. Mike McCaskey, 51. David, 36. David Weed, 112. Still blows my mind that Department of Defense
Starting point is 01:43:44 can't account for 30% of their budget and it's no big deal. Yeah, bizarre, right? Oh, yeah, everyone's in their 40s. It's a 40s crew. I just joined someone's age bracket. Someone turned 50. Oh, look, there's a 23-year-old.
Starting point is 01:44:01 Someone's still in diapers. Oh, that's so cool how you can see it move around in real time. SEMA, 39. So, yeah, I don't know. I don't know how I feel about that. I obviously don't like the dishonesty. It's a massive facility. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:44:31 I'm going to sleep good this afternoon. Seven. Seven. Seven. Changing a few youth for the future well good how about how about um number 433 or 431 looks fun too it's about oprah i always like oprah 431 oh you're a good dude okay here we go oh you guys remember oprah yeah oprah legitimized the notorious sex criminal
Starting point is 01:45:19 joe tashira aka john of god as a miraculous faith healer, one who could cure cancer, giving him international recognition. Jao Tashira is now serving 19 years in prison for the rape of four women. He is facing additional cases related to several sex crimes, including keeping teenage women as sex slaves in underground mines, keeping teenage women as sex slaves in underground mines, forcing them to have his children, and selling their babies internationally for tens of thousands of dollars. Hey, so
Starting point is 01:45:51 I haven't researched this at all, but if there was a guy out there who was really curing cancer, this is exactly what fucking pharma would say about him. Just think about that. I'm not saying I don't, I, I, I'm not saying I believe that I'm just saying in the world we live in today,
Starting point is 01:46:12 if I'm pharma and I'm selling a trillion dollars worth of drugs to you, and this dude fucking can wave his hand over your fucking cock and balls and cure your fucking colon cancer. I'm a cancer i'm a i'm fucking throwing this dude in the pedophile pile the rape pile okay keep going how about the music this is kind of scary right it's just like got a whole dark vibe to it definitely kind of weird before murdering the women after about 10 years of childbirth. Oprah runs her own Leadership Academy for Girls in Africa, a $40 million school for disadvantaged girls, where in 2007, several children were sexually abused and parents were only allowed to see their children once a month. And I have said
Starting point is 01:47:00 for years, if the abuser is any good, you won't even know it's happened oprah was very close oh that was taken out of context okay uh i'm not a fan of oprah but this is this is a little too much i can't stand her actually she's she's she's not done uh right with the world if oprah knew this shame on her my guess is she didn't hey we all used to love jared from subway too what did jared from subway do i forgot um child porn oh nice that's great um how i didn't i don't know why i should i should have looked into that one more i didn't like that one i don't have to defend oprah but she needed defending on there like dude if you're just giving away money to open schools and shit, then something bad happens at the school.
Starting point is 01:47:48 I don't know if you're responsible for that. I don't know if that's like... Okay, 433. I'm just going to keep doing the show today until I pass out. Like one of those people on the news show. Maybe that's what happened. They're just exhausted. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:13 We live in a society where homosexuals lecture us on morals, transsexuals lecture us on human biology, baby killers lecture us on human rights, communists lecture us on economics, and Satanists lecture us on human rights. Communists lecture us on economics. And Satanists lecture us on religion. Sounds about right. I don't know what homosexuality and morality have in common. I don't know what's immoral about homosexuality.
Starting point is 01:48:42 The rest of those things I can kind of like, I get it. It's fucking tarted. But I don't get why you can't play with someone else's genitalia. It's the same as yours and be moral. I feel like I'm visiting my granddad in a nursing home and he's showing me memes. Well, fuck. It's pretty much what you are doing.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Oh, look at your hair. Yeah. Hey, do you know who, you know, you know someone at the party accused me of teasing them about going bald. Do you think I would do that? Yes? No? How would I even see the top of that dude's head to even know if he's going bald. Do you know who I'm talking about? Yeah, I'm talking to you. She just woke up.
Starting point is 01:49:55 She doesn't want to be part of the show. Swirly for that shit. Sevan Victor Machado. Wow, that's a strong name, huh? strong name huh i bet you he goes by victor look at his jaw he's got a strong jaw too damn that dude probably like coached like some fucking judo team for some some olympic judo team uh someone did you ever address the fact that roman and every other athlete with location exemptions are deemed to compete under the American flag and not their own country flag? Yeah, I think it's stupid. I think it's petty.
Starting point is 01:50:31 Don't be American so bad. Why don't you fucking wear American flag? I'm okay if they want to do it. But if Roman wants a Russian flag, let him have a fucking Russian flag. if uh oh katrin woke doter wants to wear uh irish flag icelandic flag she can do it like i don't i think it's petty you should carry the armenian flag everywhere you go i should i don't know what this has to do with anything put matt Matt Burns on timeout. Never seen a glory hole in the Hooters. No, I'm joking. Don't put him on timeout. I'm taking
Starting point is 01:51:09 a moral stance on that. I'd be curious what Victor thinks. Do you care? About what? Yeah, right. Do you care if Roman has an American flag, a Russian flag? No, I don't really care. I want him to be happy.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Yeah, I mean, he's an athlete. I know everybody thinks it's always Russian, but he's an American. I don't know. There's weird things that go on with Russians that are living in America. I mean, you look at Kap mean you look at the same thing like he wants to wear a russian flag he wants to wear the russian ufc uniform let him do it who cares how did you do someone how did you do on 23.1 i fucking made three or four of the best shows that have ever been made about it and tore those fuckers up you're welcome yeah thank you
Starting point is 01:52:02 yes you're welcome uh are they allowed to fly the gate no it's not it has to be a national flag it can't be like a sex flag i don't think they allow sex flags at the games do they only my kids elementary school that i used to go to do they allow the genitalia i think it's okay to call them morons i i going to push back if my wife says not to call people that. I'm like, the people who fly the gay flag at the kids' school, the sex flag, they have to be morons. And by morons, I mean they don't think anything out. They're fake, fake kindness, fake kindness. It's almost – sorry, I want to go back to the whole Roman thing.
Starting point is 01:52:45 it's almost sorry i want to go back to the whole roman thing it's almost like a middle finger to russia like hey you're gonna you're athletes you're gonna compete under the american flag or what about what about other countries though i feel like what it is is it's it's being petty like hey you better think twice before you switch countries i guess if you're super attached to your country's flag sure and some of those countries are like those people have crazy national pride over there in australia right yeah that's true and iceland they love the fact that they're there's only 300 000 of them and they're inbred like fuck they all have the same last name their family tree is just so connected yeah that's a good point i just think from a russian standpoint i imagine it's like fuck you roman is not the issue it's it's it is mandatory
Starting point is 01:53:34 for every athlete with exemption if ellie was given the exemption she would also be flagged as american yeah i think it's a bit too much too i agree don't they have to have like a cigarette whatever i'm not getting into this i i think it's petty i too much too i agree don't they have to have like a cicket whatever i'm not getting into this i i think it's petty i don't think that i don't know if they personally are doing it i get this vibe that they're doing it like to make people uh okay so if you do switch countries um we're going to you're going to have to uh cut your hair short and not be able to use the flag your country's flag and uh we're going to change your last name. I just feel like they're just,
Starting point is 01:54:07 I feel like they're being punished for that. There's no logical or ethical or moral or value or it being done for. It's just to make you think twice. Are you sure? I just think it's immature. Eric Grant, let the athlete determine the flag. The winner comes from the regional location.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Yeah, I think it's a good point. That's just logical thinking, right? Yeah. You can pick whatever nationality you are. Whatever. Just let them work out and let us watch matt fraser said it best if you really cared about making a point don't just say you are out on social media show up to the games and three two one sounds just sit down yeah but matt also um he had his own version of out
Starting point is 01:54:56 and he's and he basically i think if i recall correctly he pointed at jason kalipa's post and he said yeah what he said i'm pretty sure that's what matt did national pride and flags have always struck me a bit weird i mean i'm british but that's just an accident of birth seems to be a strange thing to be proud of it all i don't know i'm i'm in this part of my life where I'm proud to be an American. I spent my first 45 years thinking it was stupid. I think I'm a pretty wise person that knows it doesn't mean anything, but it means more than being a Raider fan. And I like what we got going on here in this country,
Starting point is 01:55:43 and I want to keep it. I'm doing a pledge allegiance to the flag and that kind of shit. I'm all for a little self-brainwashing. I fucking hit a wall. Epstein Island, the NBA or the NFL? Okay, here, this one's fun. 4 Island, the NBA or the NFL? Okay, here, this one's fun. 435, the NBA or the NFL? You decide.
Starting point is 01:56:13 This one's, most of you probably know this one. This one's been going around quite a bit. Here we go. Guess which is it? Is it NBA or NFL? 36 have been accused of spousal abuse. Seven have been arrested for fraud. Nineteen have been accused of writing bad checks. One hundred and seventeen have directly or indirectly been bankrupted. At least two businesses. Three have done time for assault.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Seventy one. I repeat, 71 cannot get a credit card due to their bad credit. 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges. Eight have been arrested for shoplifting. 21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year. How many of you think NBA? How many of you think NFL? Well, the answer is neither. It's the 435 members of the United States Congress. Oh, there you go. Yikes.
Starting point is 01:57:17 That is scary, right? What are you going to do today, Caleb, the rest of the day? I'll probably hang out with my brother since he's here. Oh, that's cool. And then I'll just maybe go for a run. And then I don't know what else my wife's working. So it's kind of just up to us. How about your brother?
Starting point is 01:57:40 He just turned 21. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. Will he run with you? Probably not. Oh, I knew i was staying on extra long today mike can from canada 20 good morning ceo seven and c beaver have you heard of scott horton he will be speaking at the anti-war protest at the lincoln memorial today check out rage against the war machine ron paul and jimmy door etc will be speaking oh yeah jimmy door school ron paul is cool but check out rage against the war machine oh you i it must be um
Starting point is 01:58:12 is that a website because the rage against the machine band ironically you know like they i think they posted their band cover had their dicks out they They were naked. And they've gone full, full super woke. How's the irony of that? It's pretty fucking hilarious. Oh, Rage Against the War. So these dudes are, see, and that's the thing. Like, look at,
Starting point is 01:58:40 these are conservatives who don't want to go to war. You know, I think that we, our US military was the least active in my lifetime under um donald trump yeah we're pretty chilled out it's kind of crazy because that was the whole thing right the demos were like he's gonna start world war three nope we're pretty bored all right well thank you Mike I'll check it out
Starting point is 01:59:08 I'm not a big fan of the war machine alright I want to keep going but I'm just tired nobody wanted to fuck with Trump not shocked about Rage Against the Machine. Lead singer Tom Morello went to, wait for it, Harvard. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:59:35 Crazy. Weird. God, that's turned into just such a shithole fucking institution. They got a lot of money, man. They got a lot of money. man. They got a lot of money. Bye, Sean. Thanks for donating. Jesus. Nice to
Starting point is 01:59:54 people. Oh, you were being nice. Feel better, someone. I feel good. I just, my nose is crazy, like crazy stuffy, and i didn't sleep you know when your nose is stuffy and you can't get comfortable yeah bad it's like which nostril should i read through you ever use afrin yeah no i mean i it's uh maybe once or twice a year i'll treat myself to some of that god that shit is fun yeah that's great so if i'm like extra congested i take a
Starting point is 02:00:26 bunch of af or i take afrin and then some and then i just make a bunch of tea i could get addicted to that shit i love that burning like yeah i hate it too it's great being able to breathe through my nose is glorious oh you think this is i didn't drink any beer i don't think this is nose beers i've had that though before not in a long time i don't drink beer um jv team uh thank you by the way the money's always great i can't tell you enough it's weird if i tell you but it's the money's always great i know i want i want to i really am tempted to do some sort of weird long show. Like start at like 8 at night and go to 8 in the morning. I don't know. It'll take me like a month to recover from that if I do that, though. That's kind of the...
Starting point is 02:01:21 Whenever we did the Waterpalooza, it was like the middle of the night for me and I didn't recover for like a week and a half oh yeah that's fucked when you were overseas yeah guys I figured it out Trish is Bridges like Josh Bridges wow
Starting point is 02:01:36 Trish is a legit old fucker but it but it but But whoever it is, he's savage like Josh and quick-witted. I don't know if there's a show tomorrow. I suspect there's not. At this time tomorrow, I'll be five hours into my drive. I can't believe you drove. So, by the way, you guys know we had Chris Cooper on.
Starting point is 02:02:20 He's the guy from Canada who owns the largest gym consulting company in the world. A two brain. He had him on. You guys remember him? Good dude. Yeah. Great guy. I think he's been on this show two or three times. He's definitely on the CrossFit podcast a couple of times.
Starting point is 02:02:35 It's weird that I'm, um, uh, I gravitate towards him because he's, I don't really gravitate to people with his level of emotional mature, not emotional, uh, just maturity, intellectual maturity.
Starting point is 02:02:46 Like there's something very mature about him, but I really do gravitate towards him. He's like, if I had to pick an adult to help me in my life, I would pick him. You know what I mean? Like you need like someone who like pays the bills and like. The adult to your adult. I'll go put the sticker on the car but i need someone to be like
Starting point is 02:03:05 hey will you go stick this on and i'll do a good job like i'll wipe it off first and dry it you know he has to go to the dmv to get the sticker yeah he has to like he can even go into my bank account pay for it everything but i i can't i i can't do it i like if my car had a flat tire my wife would have to like tell me to go out and like do it or else I just start walking everywhere. I would just leave the car alone. Let's just be like, we're walking.
Starting point is 02:03:31 She's like, why don't you fix the tire? I'm like, Oh, uh, anyway, um, uh,
Starting point is 02:03:37 there's this story that comes out of Alaska. I'd been talking to wad zombie about it. Oh, and, Oh, and, oh, and this is from Clydesdale media, man. Their new graphics at Clydesdale are sick.
Starting point is 02:03:49 Yeah. It didn't pretty good work. Uh, it says the collapse in Anchorage, a briefly trapped two other people, including one who communicated with firefighters before being freed and taken to the hospital, a building housing,
Starting point is 02:04:01 a CrossFit gym collapse, dude. Yeah. I know, or I know some people who know some people who know the people who are stuck in that gym how does how let me read how does it collapse how does it was there an earthquake no i think it's because of the snow accumulation on the roof no shit so i mean i'm guessing it just wasn't cleared in time or it just had a significant amount of snow on the roof.
Starting point is 02:04:27 And they just didn't get to it in time and it just collapsed on top of itself. And then it was during like a Friday Night Lights thing. So they were doing the open workout and then it fell on them and it trapped one lady. So one of the girls that one of my friends used to coach moved up to Alaska. She's like a 15, 16 year old girl i don't know and uh she was trapped and then the person she was judging i think is the one who actually uh passed away died oh shit can you imagine that you're fucking judging someone and like you just no rep them and then they're dead yeah like fuck i shouldn't have no repped them uh well um anyway that sucks i'm sure we're gonna hear more about it but they have a gofundme
Starting point is 02:05:14 page um i'm gonna see if i can a fundraiser by britney uh andre a-n-d-r-e-e oh you think he got it in his link link tree yeah swipes swipes her yeah that sucks uh-oh kids are awake no uh maybe if you just type in um fundra by Brittany. Here, I got it. Okay. Anyway, if you look at the biggest donor there, it's Chris Cooper. He gave $5,000 to that gym. Yeah, he did. And hey, I know of other places he's made big donations where he's donated anonymously. Anonymously? Anonymously.
Starting point is 02:06:06 Do you want me to put the link in the chat? Sure, yeah, that'd be cool. Oh, they already got 37,000 of 50. That's awesome. Man, that's crazy. I'm surprised more shit like that doesn't happen because our community is so big. I don't mean roof collapsing. I mean just like tragic shit. God, that must have been so big. I don't mean roof collapsing. I mean just like tragic shit. God, that must have been so scary.
Starting point is 02:06:37 Christy Arama just dropped out of the season, posted on YouTube healthy, just not going to compete past the open. Anyway, good people are just consistently good people. Oh, man. Has anyone on here taken the judge's course? I'm hearing so many bad things about it.
Starting point is 02:07:01 I haven't taken it. I also don't work out an affiliate. Oh, no shit. I heard... Oh. That's wild. That is wild.
Starting point is 02:07:23 We should have him back on. We should. He was a great guest i learned about you through a cure the dawn he is he he's in mexico right like he got stuck over there or something i think he's still down there yeah he's still working out and everything he's i think he's got his son working out with him too oh shit this is a brilliant idea i'm glad i came out with this franco dub Oh, is that a name? Is that a joke name? I don't think so. A sebon should take the judge's course live on the air.
Starting point is 02:07:52 That's brilliant. Too difficult for us. No, it's just completely fucked up. Yeah, I heard it's just a mess, Justin. Have you taken it? I've heard it's just a mess justin have you taken it i've heard it's just a mess i mean we've shown the slides that are just completely fucked up with the writing with the wall ball target i've heard that it gets to the point well i think suza said this like it just repeats like you'll get to the end of it and you'll click submit and then it'll just take you back to the beginning and i won't save it so you're just read with a bunch of affiliate owners
Starting point is 02:08:24 and i think you're on it too and you can see right now they're fucking pissed yeah for sure one of the owners is trying to take it now and he's fucking losing his shit so that's why my phone's blowing up right now justin will tell me are am i and all my friends stupid or what yeah let's talk about the judges course I hear it's ass what do you got to say well you got to take it first before you can talk
Starting point is 02:08:54 about it okay fine well I did see well how about that how about that picture I pulled up though about it saying that the wall ball has to clearly the middle of the wall ball has to clearly go above the line and the picture shows the wall ball going clearly above the middle of the line but it's a no rep and then the picture that's a rep is the whole wall ball over the entire line i think that that was from the movement standards from 23.1 but and it was both that's i heard both i heard that's from the movement standards and it's also in the judges course why are they not the same yeah now what huh justin
Starting point is 02:09:23 huh no that's a typo that's a typo. That's a typo. Oh, okay. We should be compassionate because I'm trying to be Christian. I'm courting God, so I should be compassionate. They're not perfect, and that's a fuck up. I don't think that they should have changed the standard. So that's what I think Adrian's trying to move it forward a little bit with the wall ball. We saw the higher target at the game.
Starting point is 02:09:45 I see what you did there. You used Adrian's name because you know I have a soft spot for him. So, yeah, I think he – and then in the video, in the judges course, you have to do videos. Like you have to watch videos. And they make it seem like it's hard to judge videos, right? So with the change at 23.1, if you have to clearly clear the target like there has to be space underneath the target and your ball that's going to make it easier for someone who's
Starting point is 02:10:12 watching a video to make sure that they're clearing that target so i like the change they just fucked up on the writing of it the the image like j said, the image of the ball clearing the target is, is a, I think a good change. And that's what, how it should have been written. Just whoever wrote it, they didn't proofread it or didn't get good feedback on it.
Starting point is 02:10:37 But I think the judges, of course, I think if you can't read, you do it with the whole ball over the line. And if you can read, they have different standards for different levels of intelligence. If you can't read, hey, they think you're a pussy and can't throw the ball as far, so you only have to clear it. It's an IQ test. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:58 No, I think the judges' courses, I think they did a good job i really like they basically well not very subtly called out all the idiots that don't know how to do a shuttle run oh yeah yeah yeah there there was a question that had an athlete do it down and back twice which would be two shuttle runs and it says how many how many reps of shuttle run did this athlete do two or four and it was like it was basically clearly calling people out like a shuttle run is down and back for god's sake so I
Starting point is 02:11:33 we have 19 well see what you said there was just confusing like did you hear what you just said there unless it was just a typo on your part a mouth-o you said that there you said there and back is that one or is that two or four back is one oh down and back down and back is one that's what i would you got to run you got to run down come back to where you started that's
Starting point is 02:11:58 one rep and you don't remember how the shuttle Part of the shuttle run is when you change directions. Yeah. Well, it, so the last year quarterfinals, the workout was written as X amount of 50 foot shuttle runs down 25 feet back 25 feet. Remember how they fucked it up and there was thousands of wrong scores.
Starting point is 02:12:23 That was one of their fuck-ups last quarterfinals. This year in the judges' course, they kind of made it very obvious and I thought it was kind of funny. They kind of called people out like, for God's sake, it's down and back. It's 50 feet, 25 feet down. That would be halfway. So what do you think I should write in this thread, Justin? Should I write, hey, you guys are just dipshits.
Starting point is 02:12:47 I just think people are overcritical. Like CrossFit's never been perfect, right? Overcritical. CrossFit isn't perfect. What's 25 feet amongst friends? What's 25 feet amongst friends? What's 25 feet or a few inches matter?
Starting point is 02:13:12 I tried to, I tried to, I tried to like take your side and then I just flipped it up and turn into a sarcastic asshole. No, I think the judges course, I think they did a good job. It's difficult if they don't make it easy. We have 19 people at our affiliate take it. So we have like 19 official judges. We run a pretty legit open. It's not Friday night lights because we just do all day on Friday instead of classes. We just run heats with judges and space that equipment. And it's so anyway a lot of the members at my gym were like,
Starting point is 02:13:45 holy shit, that course is no joke. That was a hard test. Like they, they made me get it right. And we could do it live from your gym. That's a way in the way.
Starting point is 02:13:57 I'm in Salt Lake City. Isn't he in Texas? I don't know where. He's in Chicago, but he's crazy. He'll do anything. He's welcome. That'd be sweet. I'll judge the shit out of him i love it he needs to get the shit judged out of him he crushed we're going live
Starting point is 02:14:16 and he crushed that workout yeah impressive yeah all right well yeah i'm just thanks for defending the mothership i'm drinking the Kool-Aid yeah I appreciate it someone has to bitter assholes like me will just shit all over it you're a good dude yeah I don't get to catch you guys live so anytime you're talking about something that I'm passionate about I'm gonna call in and give you some shit
Starting point is 02:14:38 thank you I need it and pretend like you really want to call in and not just like you feel sorry for the show cause no one ever calls in no I really like calling in ok good and pretend like you really want to call in and not just like you feel sorry for the show. Cause no one ever calls in. No, I really like, I like calling there. Okay,
Starting point is 02:14:47 good. All right, dude. Later. Always good to hear your voice. Yeah. Bye. Bye Justin.
Starting point is 02:14:58 Affiliate getting slapped around by successful affiliate in Utah. Love it. Um, Jim, uh, Cleesus, uh, what should be the threshold to i'm getting off what am i doing what should be the threshold to not take the judges course i have my level two don't feel like i need a judge assert just a money grab my opinion i think if you i think if you're
Starting point is 02:15:18 gonna judge you have to take it right i think if you're gonna validate scores you have to take it because i think you also like if you're going to judge all the way up to like the games you need to have your judge's course done oh look at hillary was like that uh justin hillary would love you to judge the shit out of him he says thank you thanks homie i got to hang with hillary yesterday he was like my security blanket anytime i was like feeling like socially awkward i would go run over to him my kids fucking love him my kids can sniff his sniff his t-count i swear to fucking god they can they just know they fully my kids full you know how like a monkey will clean another monkey and like pick at them and shit yeah like that's what my kids do when hillar's around they want to examine him like
Starting point is 02:16:09 his hands and his forearms and his biceps and his legs they like obvi was like trying to see how hard his butt was they're uh they're they're fascinated by him and he's vain as fuck now and they just love that i probably have a picture of oh i have a picture of hillary and rodney mullen too i should send that oh that's wild yeah it was kind of weird right it's like seeing a dc comic hero meet a marvel comic hero wait how'd you guys get in the same different universe Different universe. Let me see. Oh, yeah. I got Hiller and his chick with Rodney Mullen. Oh, that's dope.
Starting point is 02:16:52 Oh, and they're all smiling and shit. Let me see if I can show it to you. This is not the ideal way we do shit. Hey, guys, stop texting for a second. I don't want anyone to see who's on that thread. If any of you guys are listening to the show and that thread, you probably shouldn't texting for a second. I don't want anyone to see who's on that thread. If any of you guys are listening to the show and that thread, you probably shouldn't text for a minute. I don't think people are supposed to know we're on a thread together.
Starting point is 02:17:12 Oh, that's dope. I love that. Okay. Text away. Um, I don't got, I don't,
Starting point is 02:17:24 my kids don't have God parents. I don't think. You don't have God parents. I don't got i don't my kids don't have godparents i don't think you don't have godparents i don't think so suza's probably one of them at least no no those guys are no those are my business associates vascular yeah hillar's vascular is a motherfucker right now it's fun to look at his arms is your is your clock veiny Hiller all right thank you everyone
Starting point is 02:17:53 I'll keep you posted Caleb gets all the credit for the thumbnail today Bruce Wayne keep up the good work don't let fucking Caleb out thumbnail you and I will see you guys
Starting point is 02:18:05 soon maybe tomorrow night if I drive all day oh Sousa has four hearts I break them all the time okay guys buh-bye

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