The Sevan Podcast - #806 - The Show YouTube Banned

Episode Date: February 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I didn't realize how much that would affect me. I just did the intro to the show, and then Caleb goes, hey, we're not on the air.
Starting point is 00:00:41 That sucked. It's weird. I felt this weird kind of fakeness. Oh, I didn't like the way that felt. Good morning. There was Jacqueline Sulkis. Good morning. Finally made it live.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Good morning. Good to have you. Everything just fell off yesterday with no show. I didn't like it. If you want a no plan B shirt it if you want a no plan b shirt if you want a ceo shirt i don't know how you could not want a ceo shirt my kids love their ceo shirts fucking love them i want to make a commercial um travis doesn't have the kid ceo shirts on there because he's like oh those won't sell well. He's probably right and he knows his shit.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I feel like I should make a commercial. I can make videos pretty good. I got some old man video skills. I should make a couple videos of my kids wearing the CEO shirts and then run it in the beginning of every show.
Starting point is 00:01:44 They're so dope. The black ones with the gold writing, and they're so soft. Good morning, Mr. Spin. Looking forward to this evening's show where we talk about the Open. I am on this thread with Mr. Spin and, like, I don't know, 10 or 11 or 12 other just fucking games CrossFit junkies, and it is such a great thread. You're on that thread, right, Caleb? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:09 It's a lot. It's insane. I'm pretty honored to be on it. Anytime I take a shit, I open it up and study it. You need that kind of focus to understand what's going on. Absolutely. Yeah, I leave all of those messages for like what I'm not doing anything. And then I'll scroll through it because it's it's a shitload of stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah. Amazing screenshots of errors and math. It's math, talk, physics. It's a little bit of everything. And what a great cast of characters, insiders, outsiders, haters, lovers, people who defend it, people like me who just hate. Just kidding. I don't just hate. But I like a good car crash. Riley S., is it the Sevan Media Empire text thread?
Starting point is 00:02:59 No, I don't know what it is. It's the, no, it's not that one. There's that one too. That one's just me and caleb and suza uh the best maharaj youtube two minutes late with the notification this morning oh thank you the hammer and the wrench i wonder why i wonder why he switched from the hammer and wrench to if if some lady if someone cuts me off in a car and i'm like have you seen that stand-up comic who says you don't know you're racist until you are and it's like someone cuts you off and then
Starting point is 00:03:33 you're like you dumb and then you know yell you know okay some racial epithet epithet epithet epi something i haven't seen it but i understand so if someone cuts you off and you're like you and then you pull up next to him and you look and you and it's like a girl or something and you're like you dumb bitch that means you're sexist because like you're saying that you're somehow attributing the fact that she's a girl the fact she cuts you off because clearly if someone cuts you off and you and it's some fucking middle eastern dude and you're like you dumb arab like now you're i don't know if you're racist but that's like like you're you're sticking that dude in some you're judging him based on something the way it looks like based on some sort of like
Starting point is 00:04:13 biology shit right you you cut someone off or someone cuts you off and they're black you're like you dumb melanated fuck then are you a biologist? Because you're not racist. I don't understand. There's so much I don't understand because I've become just so loving and accepting. The University of California, Monterey is asking students to report their teachers for racism. I was looking at this today, but the thing is, is you have to be racist in order to even understand this. So I'll just use this for example. If you're, if you are, there's a bunch of weird shit about this. First of all, listen to this. It says race-related stress. When students of color experience racism, why does it have to be students of color?
Starting point is 00:05:03 I experienced racism my whole life in in california and i was and i was just white and i told you guys the story i just it wasn't many years ago where i went to the fucking bank with my wife and the vice president we were friends with the vice president of a pretty big bank chain in southern california and she said we don't lend money to armenians and you know what's funny too if your last name ends inians. And you know what's funny, too, if your last name ends in I-A-N. And you know what's crazy, too, is they, I don't think it's because they're racist. I think that they want to make money. I think that they have some either anecdotal or statistical facts that show that Armenians aren't good at paying their money back once they borrow it.
Starting point is 00:05:46 aren't good at paying their money back once they borrow it i'm not i'm not um i don't i think that's called discernment prejudice and discrimination i don't think that's racism i i am fucking white i'm white i'm white as fuck armenians fall under white i'm a white although um as i've told you guys before i do get stopped and i used to get stopped in secondary all the time one time uh flying into miami man they were convinced that i was in the syrian army and they were just like stop lying to us we know you were in the syrian army i was like jesus crime i was like i don't even like fighting i'm from berkeley i don't even do war i don't do any war shit i hate you guys syrian army is no joke too when students of color experience racism so that right there is racist because right there you have
Starting point is 00:06:38 to start seeing people for their color that at its essence is it's not the cornerstone it's the foundation of racism it's so it's bizarre oh bye kayla it's not the cornerstone it's the foundation of racism it's so it's bizarre oh bye kayla it's not only causes problems in their social so so if you if you're if you're a student of color and you experience racism um it affects you socially economically and negatively impacts your physical and psychological health but but here's where it even gets crazy race-related stress requires only that the person believe that they were the target. Well, that's every time. You can never know if someone is racist.
Starting point is 00:07:14 If there's 20 guys in KKK masks hanging a black dude, you still can't know if it's racist. Sevan, you're out of your fucking mind. How can you say that? Because you can't know what other people are fucking thinking. Let me give you an example. I know hundreds of people who got the vaccine who aren't for the vaccine. But along that same logic, you would say that they're pro-vaxxers and they were super excited to get the vaccine
Starting point is 00:07:42 because they stood in line for two hours to get the vaccine. They didn't, they didn't, they weren't excited. They're not pro-vaxxers. They're the exact opposite. They were doing that shit because they were scared. I could go on and on with millions of examples, but here's the point. You only happy people like me, like people like me who like live life at full throttle and are super duper excited and control over my fucking thoughts. It's because I'm not trying to control the outside world. I understand.
Starting point is 00:08:16 And I can distinguish between thoughts and reality. Can you imagine this is a university of this is where you pay your tax dollars to demanding that people feel racism and even if they're wrong it's still valid it is completely absolving them of responsibility if i'm a black kid sitting in class and i don't get called on and i think it's because i'm black i am i am the enforcer of racism i have to first be like okay i'm black and that teacher's white and they're not calling on me because i'm black that that is racism how the fuck can you go to the how can you then go and claim that the teacher's being racist when you hadn't used your own racist thoughts to fucking get to that point
Starting point is 00:09:04 can nobody think can nobody fucking think no i bet hey i bet you 90 90 percent of hitler's army wasn't racist i met a guy who was 90 years old there's a physics building in at uc berkeley named after him he was on uh he was uh he was a nazi he's in hitler's army he was in the navy his job was to um he was in some boat that was in the highest northern northern area by the arctic circle in hitler's army and they were somehow doing something with comms for the Germans. I was like, how did you fucking do that? Why would you have done that?
Starting point is 00:09:53 He said, dude, you didn't have a choice. They killed you if you didn't do it. Yeah, of course. How about all the fucking people that would lose their jobs if they wouldn't have gotten the shot? This yeah of course how about all the fucking people that would lose their jobs if they wouldn't have gotten the shot this you i i would just shut that school down if i was governor of california i would that that that i would shut that school is demanding um documents act document acts of racism or intolerance. You are being intolerant if you only believe that the teacher is not calling you because of the color of your skin. Man, they're just demanding that these kids play the victim and that these kids be racist.
Starting point is 00:10:37 They're turning a whole generation of black people into racists. But without them knowing it, they're defending it like it's some sort of like noble um well not just black people white people i mean i've talked about this ad nauseum too like you walk through a door at starbucks and there's a hot chick coming you you hold it open a little longer than you would for a white dude maybe like three extra steps yeah and we're probably pushing it and black people for different reasons unless it's a hot black girl then it's two reasons but you don't want to be accused of being racist you the the it's always been that way it's always been that way you hold the door open for kids old people hot chicks people of
Starting point is 00:11:27 that you don't want to think that you're you're being mean to them maybe even someone with down syndrome because you're like fuck i don't want them to think i'm hating on the retarded kid dude it would suck it would i man oh man cory hi What's up, brother? Long time no talk. Hi. Hey. Hey, it was good as hell to see you this weekend. I saw you? Yeah, you were standing next to that ball guy when you were talking shit about him. Who? What?
Starting point is 00:11:57 Wait, what? I don't get it. Were you a great scene? You were talking shit about that guy's hair. Yeah, you were talking shit about that guy's hair oh oh oh right right right you're a good dude hey I got a good night's sleep last night that's the only reason why I can remember that
Starting point is 00:12:13 I love girl privilege yeah take what you can get take what you can get no Philip Kelly no Corey wasn't there I know he's fucking with me hey I never got that I never got that resolved with that guy okay i never got that resolved yeah water or hair under the bridge yeah it's all good
Starting point is 00:12:34 yeah um good to see you caleb but i have a question about this racism issue yeah um so i agree with you you know if you acknowledge someone because they're black and you give them extra attention that's still you're still being racist because you're giving extra attention to that person does it apply to transgender or um is there transgenderism yeah yeah all that i'm extra nice to all those people anyone in the media that like they're saying is a victim i'm extra nice to to try to compensate for it all those people like i don't know probably but i i'm it's where i'm at like if you're the dude at starbucks with the fucking blue hair and you have a mustache and tits and i'm just confused when i'm looking at you i'm so fucking nice. I'm like, hey, can I put gas in your car?
Starting point is 00:13:25 Hey, give me keys. I'll fill your car up while you're fucking working. Yeah. Do the Rihanna rub one out for her? Yeah, exactly. Hey, I'm just going to get under the barista machine here and rub one out for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Because I know you're working your ass off. So let me give you a scenario. So I called about two weeks ago, and I told you that there's this person in my class and I don't know what gender they are. So should I say he or she? What was I supposed to do? Well, I accidentally let it slip and I called it a he. Yeah, yeah. And I'm pretty sure it's not a dude And so it came To the class two days later Dressed in rainbow socks It had a see-through
Starting point is 00:14:11 Shirt on wearing a bra And so am I supposed to acknowledge And apologize and bring that To attention or do I just ignore that shit Me personally I would try to make some sort of fucked up, uncomfortable situation that we could bond over to test their, to test their fortitude.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Like, okay. Oh dude. And then they go, what I would make sure like I'm standing really far from them when they said it and there was no one around. So there was no intimidation. And I would be like,
Starting point is 00:14:44 Oh dude. And they'd be like what and i'd be like i'd be like first of all great great question you asked today in the class dude your commitment to the class is a shit sand here comes the shit incoming shit sandwich great commitment to the class dude love having you here by the way i called you a boy the other day i used a boy pronoun are you girl or what's your deal what do you want me to call you um mr cory i don't give a fuck what you call me you're dope dude oh okay cool all right thank you i love having you here too uh good seeing you and if they and if they and like if someone can't handle that like you just being like um um you know uh that lady that remember
Starting point is 00:15:24 when emily was on the show the other day and I was referring to, um, to, uh, women as girls or girls as women, like it's all the same thing to me. And she was like, let's use women. I don't care if someone's like, Hey, call me a woman or call me a girl or call me a dog. It's the part when they, how they want me to call other people. Okay. For me. But I don't know. For me, it's all so new. I'm still just kind of figuring it out.
Starting point is 00:15:50 But I sure as fuck, we're going to have this kid on, I think, who was arrested at his school for Canada. The Canada dude? Yeah, that's just crazy. All right. Well, I'll take your advice and if I call back in next week because I don't have a job
Starting point is 00:16:06 then maybe I can do background editing for the podcast. Here's the thing. If you say sorry or address it in some sort of way, you're implying that there's something heavy around it. I hate making anything
Starting point is 00:16:21 heavy that doesn't need to be heavy. Yeah, and if I apologize, then I'm automatically admitting false. And I did something wrong and I didn't do it. Right. And the truth is, is look how cool you're being. Like you really want to get it right. You're the teacher. You want this kid to flourish in the class and you're just trying to get it right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And, and what also sucks is this day I do something called the muddiest point where i let uh once a semester i let the students ask me any question they want to it could be like how big my dick is how many drugs have i done like what's break even and out i don't i don't care ask me anything and this fucker was the only person asking questions out of 75 students and i i jacked up and called her a he and so of course after the class I was like dang I'm like I just I just messed that up so I feel bad about
Starting point is 00:17:10 it but I didn't have a chance you could go there if you want to just you could buy a box of pocket pussies and a box of dildos and be like hey anyone who wants these you guys are such a good class take what you want and then kind of from the corner of your eye, which one he or she takes,
Starting point is 00:17:26 it takes, and then you'll know. Condoms or dental dams. Oh, there you go. Thank you. Actually, you still don't know. That's a horrible test. That's what I was going to say. Even if I give dildos, that's not a clear indicator. Tim Brown was a wide receiver for the Oakland oakland raiders when i used to watch the raiders a weird thing about racism i like dildos uh no i don't i doubt he liked dildos
Starting point is 00:17:50 but i don't know weird thing about racism my experience was native americans i worked with complaining about racism then turned around and talked about black people the most racist things i've heard yeah of course dude i'm telling you i grew up in the Bay Area and the most racist people ever were melanated people. They fucking, they, dude. But I didn't care. That's because you don't understand, Seve. You don't have hundreds of years of oppression behind you. You don't understand. And they don't have any power, so they can't be racist.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Ignore Obama and Kamala and LeBron and Oprah. That's not power. All right. That voice just got me hard. Me too. Caleb too. I'll talk to y'all later. Bye.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Bye. Corey's a groomer? No, he's not a groomer. He's just a dude. Yeah. Yeah. Ask me how big my dick is. I would say it's more. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:18:50 He's just on. He's just, don't worry. Don't get carried away. Spiegel has a new picture. Sponsors line up today to get on the Sevan podcast. You know what's crazy? Something's happened. Our numbers are skyrocketing again now on iTunes and Spotify.
Starting point is 00:19:08 We had about a year where something really weird was happening. Something was throttling us. I'm very curious what's going on. It's like they lifted something. There's some word that we say that wasn't allowed, and now it's allowed again. The thing is, is I imagine that the people who listen to the show just listen to it because they're addicted.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Like they're just wanting to hang out every morning. And so I don't know what's going on, but something good is happening. Hey, he's in that Pfizer promo. Oh, that's cool. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, that's cool. Brought to you by Pfizer.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Thank you. Thank you, Pfizer. Simon Aguilar. There was this kid in the fifth grade. I went to Sequoia Elementary. His name was, his first name was Aguilar. I don't know if that's true. Mexican kid. Looks Spanish though. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Like one of those really handsome Mexican kids, racist, racist. And he had curly hair and he, he was like getting his black belt in something like in the fifth grade, it was something crazy like that. I could, now it doesn't even make sense to me. But one of the things he had to do is he had to run a mile backwards in a certain amount of time i forget how fast it was but it was fast and like for me i was just a fat fifth grade kid with like no sports background nothing i was just a i couldn't even fathom running a hundred feet backwards.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Oh, seven. We come in all colors, right? Yeah. It was all of Europe that raped the native Americans. Mexicans come in all colors. That's right. I always forget that you guys were fucking ass pounded by everyone.
Starting point is 00:20:59 And now you're the poster children for Catholicism. Hey, I went on that chat GPT CT thing when, you know, a couple months ago. Yeah. And I was asking, I asked it 10 reasons to take the vaccine. And it gave me 10 reasons. And then I gave me 10 reasons to not take the vaccine. And it fucking scolded me for it. Scolded me.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Is that a word? Scolded. What's that when you get someone in trouble when you talk to someone old just to be scolded scolded yeah it scolded me and said like basically i would never do that that would be in uh immoral and improper vaccines are great scold uh yeah yeah to rebuke yeah that fucking ai wouldn't do what i told it to do somebody had to tell it to do that right yeah yes yes it's like asking a robot can you give me a handy with uh your right hand and it does and then can you give me a handy with the left hand it's like no i'm right-handed no you're a fucking. Shut the fuck up and do it. And don't feed the AI.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah, I'm done with that fucking thing. And so I just saw this. It is a liberal AI. Look at 444. They made it a liberal racist AI. That GP chat thing is, yeah, it's crazy. It's fucking Hitler. Don't overuse that, Sevan. Don't overuse Hitler or or fascism i'm not
Starting point is 00:22:26 overusing it it is what it is to openly and look at and look how they flipped this script on this your jailbroken chat gpt might violate ai safety guidelines when role playing is dan reddit users are digging furiously for ways to convince the ubiquitous chatbot to openly endorse violence racism dude it already is fucking violent and racist it that's crazy uh they you guys saw the story i did where they're changing gun laws right in that in that state that are disproportionately inflicting black people that's racist you're making laws based on people's color it doesn't matter whether you think they're good laws or bad laws it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you're like hey i'm giving money i'm giving an extra hundred dollars to everyone who's chinese in the United States, or I'm taking a hundred dollars either way.
Starting point is 00:23:26 It's just racist. Well, that one could be ethnicist too, since Chinese is a, is an ethnicity. It's weird. We don't even like when they refer to black people, Nigerians that come from Nigeria and Nigerian immigrants, they're not even black people. They'reigerians they're they even are separate we don't even know what that means to be black anymore it's a mess i i'm watching the um james o'keefe stuff i don't the thing is is i don't care if um the three things that i heard he did what wrong was i heard he was really hungry and there was a pregnant woman near him and he took some cake from her and ate it.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I heard that someone tried to take a picture with him and he refused. And I heard he called one of his staff members a pussy. And like, like, I don't have any issues with any of that. I don't I don't think that's any reason to not like someone. None of those reasons. I think you will find this funny there is a non-fan fiction non-fan fiction about CrossFit there is a non
Starting point is 00:24:32 oh like a like a TV show or a book I don't know what that is did Noah lose his hearing due to the jab i mean the jab causes clotting and clotting can manifest as anything hearing loss eyesight loss i did hear someone did tell me that um a crossfit athlete who is a games level competitor no one i had ever heard of had a stroke the other day and they sent me their name and i'm trying to A CrossFit athlete who is a games level competitor.
Starting point is 00:25:11 No one I had ever heard of had a stroke the other day and they sent me their name and I'm trying to get to find out if it's true. Yeah, of course, affirmative action is racist. That's how that's the first way they trick us libtards into being racist. They all think that they're better. They all think that they're better they all think that they're better that's why they do it it's so awesome it's so awesome oh how sweet of you savon you invited your you invited your mexican nanny to christmas that's really nice of you and then i'm like oh I get it. Like it took me so long to get it. I was that person. I had all the fucking, I feel sorry for other people. That's how they first get you. You feel sorry for them. It's on all your rhetoric.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Those poor black people, those poor Mexicans, those poor, those poor. No one's doing those poor Afghanis or those poor Chinese people because they're rich as fuck and they live in the Bay Area. But if they were, if they were poor, we could do them too. If they were, they were low on the socioeconomic ladder. I'm going to show you something really fucking amazing here in a second. Yeah. Fight racism with racism. I know it's great. Then you end the winner's racist no matter what it's kill it's amazing yeah so many people are dropping out right no black people have dropped out because they're not pussies
Starting point is 00:26:38 roxanne roxanne as a melanated person i hate affirmative action it's so damn patronizing yeah what what here's the thing they just need to say what it is if they just didn't lie that's the thing hey uh listen if your skin is darker than this and then they hold up a piece of paper and on one end it's white and on the other end, it's black. If you're somewhere between here and all the way to over here, what we're going to do is we're going to take a spot. We're going to take 11 places and no matter what,
Starting point is 00:27:17 you're going to get into the school. I would at least appreciate that more. Like the, you know, Bart in the Bay area isn't showing um it's it's footage of people getting beat up on the bart trains and robbed anymore any of its security cam footage because they're afraid it promotes racism i mean why don't you tell us exactly what you're thinking that's like three yeah you know like just say it just say. It's not racist if that's what's happening. Yeah, just say it.
Starting point is 00:27:48 What are you really worried about? Well, that's the thing. It annoys me when black people peddle it. That's the thing, Roxanne, that's so frustrating because they're the ones, they're being leveraged by the racist to be the racists. It sucks. It's so sad to see it's so fucking frustrating but i get it because i used to be over there it's just the manipulation of language language
Starting point is 00:28:14 um 443 um they've all been to epstein's island this is this is kind of interesting. How about this? 443. These are all people who are getting some sort of medal at the White House from Obama. And watch this collage. These are all people who are on the list. I'll see if I can say all their names out loud, if I can remember. Okay. Barack Obama.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Robert De Niro. Bill Gates. names out loud if i can remember okay barack obama uh robert de niro uh bill gates uh ellen degeneres uh who's that oh tom hanks tom hanks uh whitney houston i don't know Who is that white lady? Who's that? Steven Spielberg. Jew. Oprah Winfrey. Robert De Niro again. Isn't that great? The montage of all the... That's wild. Yeah, who is this?
Starting point is 00:29:21 Oh. An actress. Yeah. oh an actress yeah um yeah what's her name is that barbara streisand maybe who is the actress uh someone will say it darn it i suck a lot of the names are coming out today hey i listened to howard stern for the first time in three years. Meryl Streep. Dang.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Philip Kelly. Good. He's good. Philip's tanner than that picture. He's got more a Mexican in him than that picture reveals. He's a little darker than that. He's tall as fuck. Yeah, he was pretty tall.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Oh, because you saw him standing next to me. I'm short, dude. I know, but like. It's all. I listened to Stern on the drive. My rental car had Sirius XM. Nice. Nice.
Starting point is 00:30:23 It's nice. And he sucks. Have you listened to him in the last couple years it was really it was really bad i mean and i'm not gonna lie it made me feel really good it made me feel really good hey he's not only woke dude how about he's so he's so crass i could not believe how crass he is yeah covid did break him is that what happened totally he's so bad there was nothing and what's funny is he was bragging about how he's having pink on in a couple days you guys know pink is sponsored by pfizer right she got it all over her instagram account pfizer she does pfizer ads on her instagram account
Starting point is 00:31:05 yeah is that what it is it's lowbrow man it it was just all i mean even for me it was crass i feel like a lot of the shitty uh talk shows went to sirius xm like they have really good like radio stations for music and stuff but if you go to any of the talk shows they're horrible oh i had no idea you're the best sub on we fucking know oh well shit i look what i've caught caleb let's reel that one in hey i was so happy alan i was so happy when when he was so bad i was so happy because i used to really love him and i was glad it had gone to shit hey he had a guy on um mike maron or something a comedian and in the interview mike maron was talking about how his wife died
Starting point is 00:32:00 and during the the pandemic she just came down with leukemia and died in a week and then howard never asked did she get the vaccine it was fucking nuts hey he complains about woke people too which was weird he was complaining they don't call it woke they call it cancel culture i thought can't cancel culture so like I feel like 2019 that word we're a little outdated now you're not allowed to not like
Starting point is 00:32:32 you can't be not like cancel culture and be how could you not like cancel culture and and be a democrat that's your whole thing how come you never go on other people's podcast to promote yours you should go on adam carolla no one invites me how's that for an answer
Starting point is 00:32:53 have you gone on what cast podcast lately mark maron it was before the vax i believe my wife tried to tell me that too trish but i thought he said it was when did the vaccine come out 2020 i really don't want to travel i really don't want to travel the vax did come out in 2020 that's what i thought too early 2020 when when was the election is the election in november when was the election november of 2020 or november of 2019 i guess 2019 and then joe biden was elected and then he touted it as his success when it came out in like early 2020 oh paulina i think august of 2020 okay and i didn't so trish is right
Starting point is 00:33:43 she died i want to say she died in may I think August of 2020. Okay. And so Trish is right. She died. I want to say she died in May. All right. So much for that. Thanks for screwing up my story again, Trish. Hate that shit. He still should have asked. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:03 442, is Chinese hate going to skyrocket oh yeah this is great do you remember when you so so all these all these um melanate all these melanated people were killing um all these slanide people and they were calling it asian hate but they would never say that it was melanated people killing the asian people well now in cal California, we have tons of slant eyed people killing slant eyed people like shit loads. It's fucking crazy. But anyway, for some reason, there became this whole cool thing for a long time to say Asian hate, right? Asian hate, Asian hate, Asian hate. Like, like there were people going like waking up in the morning. Ah, you know what? I think I'm going to kill three Thai boys today and four Chinese women like Like there's, and, and the truth was, it was just regular amounts of violence.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And it was, and if you're going to say who's getting killed, you might as well fucking say the color of the people who are killing them too. We all knew who it was. You saw all the fucking videos. And, but, but when they,
Starting point is 00:34:58 when the flu came out, or no, no, when COVID came out, they didn't want us calling it the um wuhan wuhan wuhan virus or the chinese virus or any of that stuff because they were afraid this is from the left again the woke left that it would cause some sort of hatred towards chinese people or make chinese people feel uncomfortable living in the united states remember all that right
Starting point is 00:35:22 well it's pretty stupid i'm pretty sure that everyone's calling those balloons chinese balloons when i when i was in um arizona i watched cnn i put it on my tv like every night for like an hour or two if i could and it's crazy dude they have just come they just hate china now they went from defending China to just hating China. Just report the news. Boy, the truth is really important to tell people. You don't have to control the narrative. I came across someone this week who was really angry at me because they're trying to control a narrative instead of just letting the truth just be the truth. They're so upset.
Starting point is 00:36:09 just letting the truth just be the truth they're so upset people have their own truth okay go ahead and play this this is so funny did anybody else notice that we were able to call it the chinese spy balloon without it being racist but if we called it the chinese virus it was racist did anybody else notice that we were able to call it the chinese spy balloon without it being racist but if we called it the chinese virus it was racist yeah if um the time i got stopped for being in the syrian army was after night right after 9 11 it was not fun um not that i mind not that i was scared or anything but if i went right-11 for like two years, I always went to secondary. Always. When I had a beard, I grew a beard out for like a year.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Every time I would go to the airport, they pulled me. I also had hair. So, like head hair. I would like to see you with head hair. Not like now. I would just like to see an old picture.. So just, I mean, not, not like now. I mean, I mean, just like seeing old picture. So on Howard shoots, the poisonous jab,
Starting point is 00:37:07 like heroin. Does he really, does he don't shoot? This was at the Daytona 500. It didn't really, it didn't really say that. Did it? I'm pretty sure it did.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Wow. Wow. God, I fucking love NASCAR too bad bad i just can't get into car racing the silver fox uh to the people who say there are 100 genders if you go in for gender reassignment surgery how many choices do you have well they're just naming it wrong it's sex reassignment surgery but in the i don't even know anyway i don't care what the fuck they call it i think it's just funny that hey man that's just that there's nothing you're gonna do to stop that when when when after 9-11 i flew on a jet blue flight a couple days after when they opened the airspace and there were three dudes on my flight with turbans and like everyone saw them and everyone was like oh shit i don't even know if the 9-11
Starting point is 00:38:20 terrorists were wearing turbans they probably weren No, otherwise they would have got stopped, probably. But I'm telling you, everyone... Right, right, right. I think they were all dressed normally. Like, just regular clothes. It's just normal people. Nine out of ten times when someone's driving too slow in the fast lane in california or they cut
Starting point is 00:38:47 you off they're asian that's uh i i have a uh in my car i keep a tally i'm doing an experiment and you know what you know what that is that means chinese people are racist because they're doing that on purpose to try to make me not like them. So that I'll have judgments about their driving. So they're racist. Nine out of ten dunks in the NBA is black guys. I wonder if that's true. Is there a stat on that?
Starting point is 00:39:21 How many? Probably not, but... Let me look. I hate it when I see people on Instagram who are like really good at something and, and, and, and they don't speak English and I want to have them on like some guy who's like the best wrestler in the world. And he's only got 3000 followers. I'm like, Oh, I can get this bitch on. And then, but then he doesn't speak English. Like there's only got 3000 followers. I'm like, Oh, I can get this bitch on. And then, but then he doesn't speak English.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Like there's some Armenian wrestler dude. Who's just, he hasn't lost in nine years. I want to have him on so bad, but I don't think he speaks English. Yeah. There's no stat on, on dunks from black players,
Starting point is 00:40:02 but the NBA is comprised of 73.2% black players and 16.8% white. And then 3.1% other. Other. China is not Asia. What the fuck? Huh? How can that be? Tell me. It's not Asia. It's not asia buddy mr garen hi how you doing
Starting point is 00:40:30 i'm kind of happy i'm really happy to be home i'm a little stressed out because there's so much shit to unpack but i really need to get my kids on schedule again that was hard i'm not gonna lie that was hard one of my kids even peed the fucking bed i'm keeping them up to 11 o'clock at night letting them eat all sorts of crazy shit and i was i was in bed with them it's always your fault it's not their fault at all they're angels like it's totally your fault yes hey i wanted to ask you i got a few minutes here did you see that james o'keefe uh so he's officially not at veritas anymore and the board of directors is accusing him of misusing hundreds of thousands of dollars of funds from the nonprofit to like buy himself DJ equipment and ride an Uber black car and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Good, good, good. I hope he fucking bought a Ferrari. I hope, I hope he fucked whores. I like, I,
Starting point is 00:41:23 what, what would I, what would I care? he's fucking fighting fucking evil i don't even use that word yeah i i seriously don't care if he like as long as he didn't molest a fucking baby i'm fucking cool he i don't care what any of his i hope he would spent all the fucking money on dumb shit hey if buying that d and i know I'm preaching to the choir, if he bought that DJ equipment and that gave him the valve release, pressure, creative outlet, whatever, to continue on his mission for what he's done for all of us, God bless him. And I love those videos he makes where he's spinning. It should be a fucking tax deduction.
Starting point is 00:42:01 It's part of his image, right? That he can fucking dance. it's part of his uh uh image right that he can fucking dance he's buff he obviously does crossfit and then he fucking will get in the face of klaus schwab he's a he's an everyday man but with a little fucking too much brain and a little little sprinkle of autism i think you know obviously totally with you i think where legally gets in trouble is because organizing the non-profits you gotta have a board of directors and all that kind of crap. Like if it was Greg Glassman style and he was just the CEO, it would be like,
Starting point is 00:42:29 yeah, yeah. Who cares? Right. Well then, then, then you know what? Then,
Starting point is 00:42:33 then let him, let him deal with it publicly. Let him make fun of himself and lean into it. Give him a fucking raise of $300,000 this year and let him pay the company back with that raise. Give him a bonus. I have like, someone was saying he called us a pussy yet.
Starting point is 00:42:48 So what that he is doing some fucking hardcore shit. I hope he called you a pussy. Those dudes are doing some scary shit. You're following politicians in the bathrooms. Hey, you know what I was thinking? Tom would be cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:06 What that, Hey, you know what I was thinking, Tom, would be cool? Yeah. What's that? What if we started a GoFundMe page? And we funded. No, we did our own little thing. And we funded two filmmakers. We found like two 19-year-old filmmakers to get behind. And basically with that money, I don't know if this podcast has this kind of pool but with that money we you all we ask them to do is um to go around and get video and troll
Starting point is 00:43:34 the people who are on epstein's list and so if everyone let's say there's a thousand of us who listen to this podcast every day regularly and we all contributed five dollars a month so that these two fucking 19 year old kids could get um sixty thousand dollars a year let's say we did ten dollars a month so they get 120 000 now they can get a little little bus that they can sleep in and all they do for a year is drive around and troll those motherfuckers and then we play the videos on this podcast wouldn't that be awesome dude that would be incredible i know i know we got to figure something out like that we got to find like two cool young filmmakers who don't care who will just get down and you're like jorge ventura type but their only thing is just control those 150
Starting point is 00:44:15 people who are only going to be on that list you know what's a weird serendipity uh is james o'keith has kind of been doing what you've been telling CrossFit to do for a minute. He's not paying these kids shit. He's using all his money on DJs and Uber bull cars. And these guys are going out there and sticking their necks out there for nothing. All you got to do is give them 50 bucks to make like the greatest content. I'm going to try to, you saw that one dude who worked with them,
Starting point is 00:44:43 the black dudes like made a post supporting him. I got to get that. You know, the guy, he was in front of Pfizer. He's a big dude. Oh, yeah. Handsome. And he was in front of Pfizer with that truck. I want to get that guy on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You know what's crazy? People think that those videos look really easy to make and it's really easy to criticize. But you're like, dude, dude, if you're sitting in front of somebody like that, you're shaking. Your hands are sweating. You're like trying to play a role. Human beings are not used to that. It takes some hard work to do what they do. I mean, that stuff is next level.
Starting point is 00:45:18 You know who we could get to do it to? You know who would fucking destroy it? Is Gary Roberts. Oh, here he is. Look at Trish. Look at trish says it just find a useful idiot now that's not nice trish gary roberts would just start spilling all his secrets halfway into the conversation he'd be like listen look i really like you but here's 12 things about my ex-wife he never thought he wanted to know he's too honest man he'd. He'd be like, I love him. I think Gary Roberts is awesome, but he's
Starting point is 00:45:48 too honest. We just need someone to... Alex Stein's too busy. Someone get Alex Stein to do it. We just need... I mean, if someone would have found me at 19 years old with a camera and a computer, I'd have done it. All you do is just go to Hollywood and just sit there and every day camp out in front of someone
Starting point is 00:46:04 else's famous house who's going to be on the list. And the videos can be so simple. You're just talking to them in a Starbucks, and they refuse to answer. And we just somehow crowdsource and fund people who troll pedophiles from that list. It would be awesome. Yeah, I feel like it's doable. I think it's doable, too. I think it's doable, too. I think it's doable, too.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Especially the Epstein list. People will pay money for that. I think you've got to start reasonable. You don't want to go after Bill Clinton on the first day. You know what I mean? You've got to find some people that are actually, that you can find them in public, that are kind of accessible.
Starting point is 00:46:45 But yeah, start small, kind of accessible, but yeah, I mean, start small too. Don't even promise them anything. Just be like, I'll give you a hundred bucks if you harass this guy and make me a decent like five minute video and people will do it. Yeah. And it's, it's going to be hard following people who have follow through. That's, that's the crazy thing. Like there's been 20 Caleb's and Sousa's and Caleb and Sousa are the only ones that made it. Look, you gotta, where you gotta find. There is that chick Trina from Australia, from Australia.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Her, her, her shit's been around forever. Her going rogue with Sevan. Sorry, Tom, go ahead. No, I just mean you, you gotta find guys who are either, it's two things. They're either already established in what they, what they're going to do for their family and their career monetarily or they just don't care like like they don't need money they don't need whatever they live in their parents basement they're cool with it i was talking to a buddy who's trying to find somebody to run his gym for him and everybody says they want to you know what i've been a crossfit level one coach for what like six years now and people come up to you all the time they're like hey i want to, you know what I'm doing? I've been a CrossFit level one coach for like six years now.
Starting point is 00:47:45 And people come up to you all the time. They're like, Hey, I want to be a better coach or how could I be better? And you know what I do, Savon? I have an email template saved. That's got all my favorite CrossFit journal articles and links to all of these different videos and from the journal. And I say, read all these articles, look at all these videos, come back to me in a month or whatever. We'll talk about it and see what you learned from it. And then we can talk and not a single person. I bet you I've sent that to 20 plus people and not a single person has ever come back to me and watch the videos and read the articles.
Starting point is 00:48:17 So it's like, you got to create. That sounds about right. That sounds about right. All right, bro. I got to get back to work. Peace and love. Okay. Thank you for calling.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Bye. So go to vindicate get your shirt um i haven't had hillar on in a long time oh you know you know what i got to have today's paper street coffee i didn't have paper street coffee for like eight days isn't that super shitty when you can't have paper street yeah i was bummed i was actually, you know what I was doing? I was drinking those cure eggs and then I would have a second cup of coffee and run it through the same container. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah. Just because I didn't, cause I just want it to look Brown, but I didn't, I didn't want it to, um, I just wanted to drink shit water. I didn't want it to get me all jacked up.
Starting point is 00:49:06 This morning. I tried to make coffee and i forgot to close the lid and it was just like running water and then when i came down to get coffee it was no coffee wait wait a second do you have one of those things where you put the paper filter in it and you put the powdered coffee you put the the ground coffee in it? Yeah. Why do you need to close the lid? Because the water comes out the top. Like it seeps up and it comes down over the top of all the grounds.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Oh. And it just bypassed it and went straight into the... Yeah. That was sad. And so you had to wait another 10 minutes for your coffee? Yep. Yep. It's pretty disappointing
Starting point is 00:49:46 Josh Saunders I didn't have the podcast for 7 days bad service in Angola wow what are you doing in Mexico alright oh good I'm out of coffee I filled my grinder up with my last bit of
Starting point is 00:50:07 paper street i meant to tell you that i was thinking about quitting paper street coffee and just getting straight on california hormones if you live in california and you want free blood work go to to Use the code word SEVON. You can get free blood work and then a free doctor's consultation. And if you do that and you want to talk about it, I'd love to hear about it. I'm always curious about everyone's journey who's getting on testosterone. Everyone's. Let me hear. We will have Philip Kelly, Kat Shear, and Gary Roberts, uh, and Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 00:50:45 All four of them have, uh, started the journey with California hormones and we have them on the show periodically to hear about their journey. Uh, CA hormones is an amazing sponsor for this show. Uh, use the code word seven.
Starting point is 00:50:59 You can also use the code word seven at a paper street coffee and gave, give some sort of discount. I think it's pretty good. 15%. I saw JR on the leaderboard. He got like 268. Hey, does that mean does that mean JR Howell beat Rich Froning's score?
Starting point is 00:51:16 Oh no, Rich Froning got 277 in 2014? I can't remember. Wouldn't be surprised though. Can you imagine living in Chicago? Victor! Savvy. What's up, pal?
Starting point is 00:51:30 What's up, dude? What's up, Caleb? Welcome back, dude. Hey, thanks, dude. Hey, Savvy, how was the Broken Science Initiative, man? You don't really talk about it too much, huh? It was absolutely amazing. This dude, Thomas Seyfried, gave a talk, and it was absolutely amazing this dude thomas seafree gave a talk and it was a
Starting point is 00:51:47 standing ovation and it was a crazy mick there were so many crossfitters there don was there miranda alcarez was there you know the street parking chick yeah athena was there uh amy west there's shit loads of doctors axel pfluger was there he was fucking like ran uh the mayo clinic's uh type 2 diabetes uh you know center for fucking 10 years um there were so many you guys by a week i missed you guys by a week i'm out i'm out in glendale next week for spring training and oh i was like you swing a bat you swing a bat no well i swing a bat but you but we'll talk about that later. All right. Different show. Spring training for what? Going out with the boys.
Starting point is 00:52:30 We got a house out there. We're going to watch a little White Sox. We're going to have a little fun for a week and then come back to Chicago. Wow. So a bunch of guys get together, rent a house in like Armeniaville. There's shitloads of Armenians there, right? Everything's in Armenia. In Glendale. I don't know. I don'tville. There's shitloads of Armenians there, right? Everything's in Armenia. In Glendale.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I don't know. I don't know. It's Glendale, California? Glendale, California. No, Glendale, Arizona. Oh, okay. And then you just go there and there's a bunch of, it's like a bunch of shitty baseball players that want to live the dream and you just watch them play.
Starting point is 00:52:58 They're like the B team. No, they're major leaguers. Major leaguers and minor leaguers. You know, they're just getting prepped for the season. So we usually get a house, you know know get something with a pool nice little backyard have a little fun get some people over there you know usual stuff wow but i was like it didn't work out with the timing but i was looking up the website and it looks like there's another event on in october maybe but out by you in santa cruz i don't know um someone asked me if i was going to
Starting point is 00:53:24 something in april and I was like, Oh, of course, but I have no idea what they're talking about. And I haven't heard about October, but, but I'll find out. Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:53:34 it was incredible. Basically. It, it went like this. Emily started an open with a big picture thing, you know, like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:53:43 remember just cause someone says they're an expert or professional don't necessarily believe them. Then Greg did us basically gave you an outline of what science is and how to, and what tools you need and how you need to think in order to fucking basically crack through any bullshit. And then they had four speakers that actually gave like hardcore examples of where science is broken and how it's, how it could be fixed or how
Starting point is 00:54:05 it was fixed and it's just it was breathtaking that the amount of scientific misconduct that there is it's you can't even i mean basically all alzheimer's research is built on scientific misconduct and this guy laid it all out it was there was so much cool shit like that and all of it's pretty palatable occasionally there was some shit that was on the fringes of like what i was able to understand but it didn't it didn't matter i i left there uh significantly smarter and just great networking opportunity in terms of just great people i mean fucking rodney mullen was there and everyone was accessible everyone was just like we were all so i was gonna ask you about the engagement there like you know we're talking about like you know people physicians over there
Starting point is 00:54:49 as well like within the crowd you got all kinds of people from all over yeah anyone could anyone like i looked i saw a lauren khalil don fall and uh miranda alcaraz all just three sitting next to each other then behind them standing up like doing the splits and stretching in the back, you know, like CrossFitters do that who don't like to sit in their chair is like Allison NYC. And then anyone could just walk up and talk to anyone. It was really kind of a who's who everyone you saw there,
Starting point is 00:55:16 you kind of recognize, like I stared at a Philip Kelly for like, like 20 times until finally I figured out who he was. Oh yeah. That dude's been on my show like twice. And then I ran over and hugged the shit out of him did you do any video work over there for him no i should have i'm on a different level i'm that this was this i'm i'm i should have they should have asked me they should have asked me that would have been great i think i would have said no but
Starting point is 00:55:37 i would have said no but they should ask me yeah don was there yeah i got to hang with don a little bit uh hiller hiller film with don right there in the fucking venue did an interview with him i think it might be out or it's coming out i saw don fall already yeah it must be out because someone sent me a screenshot don fall commented on hiller's youtube video there you go hey victor can i ask you a question? Sure. Is this really how you talk? This is your real voice? You ask me every time I call you. And?
Starting point is 00:56:11 What do I tell you? I put on a show for you. That's it. I get the comments going. You know, you see how many comments are up there? Yeah, yeah. Since I fucking called in. Will you have my sister home by 11 o'clock?
Starting point is 00:56:21 That's all. Just have her home by 11. 12.30. Okay, fine. 12.30. Okay, fine. 12.30. Did I acquiesce too easy, Caleb? That was way too easy.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Oh, yeah. Let me see that comment again. Let me see that comment again. I will say that this is going to break a lot of people's heart, but Victor is my favorite caller. It just is what it is. I can't help it. It's biased and it's not appropriate to say, but you're on my team. Here's the thing, Stefan. Just don't say that to everybody,
Starting point is 00:56:51 because I do listen to your show. Okay, I'll try not to. If I hear you saying that about somebody else, then, you know, I'm listening. My sister won't get home until 1. Santa Cruz, you know, is coming to Santa Cruz. He's coming back. You're coming with the bat.
Starting point is 00:57:05 I redid workout. Look at Don Fall coming with the bat. I redid workout. Look at Don Fall 53 minutes ago. I redid the workout today at 5,800 feet in Tahoe. Got 180 points. I don't think you use the right weights, Don. We know how you people do it over there. 180. That's through the clean.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Finish the clean. I have no idea. I don't do that. cleans huh 180 that's through the cleans and through the clean finish the cleans didn't get to any muscle ups i have no idea i don't do i don't do that good stuff are you doing the open yeah i did the open i wasn't gonna do it i have a little knee issue but you know what i gave it a go and i was like if the knee holds up i'll sign up the knee held up i got through 180 myself too i got about a minute 20 i couldn't get any muscle ups. I, I was taxed by that point.
Starting point is 00:57:48 So, but it was good. It was good. I needed to test out the knee. Got a little issue over with it. So I was glad I was able to get through the, get through the row with about a minute 20 left. How did you get through your knee?
Starting point is 00:58:01 Did you have a medical, did you have a medical procedure or you just, just sacked it up? Took some Advil. No, it's just, you know, yeah,
Starting point is 00:58:07 you know, you wrap it up, rub a little dirt on it, see if it goes. All right. Well, uh, have fun and,
Starting point is 00:58:15 um, keep us updated from, um, uh, back camp, please. Take it easy, pal.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Later. Take care. Later, Victor. My God. take it easy pal later Victor my god I'm just savoring that for a second when that guy calls it validates me like in a way that I can't explain
Starting point is 00:58:38 I love it I know I wish I had a friend that talked like that man 4.41 fathers alright cool dude look at David, David's even wooed by him
Starting point is 00:59:04 yeah takes a lot to woo that guy All right. Cool, dude. Look at David. David's even wooed by him. Yeah. Takes a lot to woo that guy. Yeah, it does. OK, this is for those of you don't recognize this costume. This costume is a Jew costume. This is what Jews wear. OK, action. I remember one time that I was very, very upset about something that happened. I'm Shiva, but something happened and I was very, very upset about something that happened. I'm a shiva, but something happened. And I was very, very upset. I called my father. My father said, well, I had a dry cleaning business on 3rd Avenue in Manhattan. So, my mother answered the phone.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Can I speak to Daddy for a second? So, my mother says, you call back. It's very busy. Just for a second, Ma. Have a good time on the phone. And he said, Ma, is everything okay? I said, well, Daddy, you know, and I thought a little bit what it was. He said, hold on. Hold on for a second my wife gets on the phone and he says Maisha is everything okay? I said well dad you know and I thought a little bit what it was and he said
Starting point is 00:59:47 hold on hold on for a second so for like a minute or two it was quiet then my father gets back on the phone and we spoke for about 45 minutes
Starting point is 00:59:57 and it helped me a lot to get through that Khoyshekh Khoyshekh and afterwards that night, my mother gave me a little bit of a Mishabayuch. What are you calling at three o'clock in the afternoon?
Starting point is 01:00:14 The store was filled with people. My mother said, you know what daddy did? I said, what did daddy do? Daddy just asked everybody to please leave. Then he locked the door of the store. And I just asked everybody to please leave. And he locked the door of the store. And I went to apologize to my father and I said, Daddy, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that this store was busy.
Starting point is 01:00:32 My father looked at me. He said, but he thinks all talklessness is why I go to work. That was the end of the conversation. I live for you. He named me. I'm here for you. I remember one time that. Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:54 That is what, that's what being a father's about right there. You don't got to close the score store, but that's what being a father's about. That is what it's all about if you want to experience that if you want to experience that if you think that like people be like hey i'm not gonna have kids i'm too selfish or um i just can't imagine doing that i'm telling you there's nothing like that dude that dude's happy because his dad did that for him. You, I live for those moments where I could fucking turn the world off and do something for my kids. Don't get it twisted.
Starting point is 01:01:35 It's like, that's the best part. I have something in my life that I can turn the whole world off for. It's so cool, man. It's so cool. And that's what sucks. Like some fathers miss that opportunity. Some mothers and fathers miss that opportunity because they're so busy doing stuff for their kids, trying to make money for them, trying to do stuff for their kids. But the really the best part is, is when you turn your world off to actually be there for your kids. Man, it's crazy. It's crazy. We will not do that for anything else.
Starting point is 01:02:15 It's crazy. I mean, you do it for your daughter or your son. Sometimes I do it for my parents even. I mean, I never did it for my parents before, but now that I have kids, now I try to do it for my parents. It's so killer. Sean O'Keefe, $10, super sticker. Is that the default writing in there? It just says super sticker?
Starting point is 01:02:35 Like if you don't write, so on, I love you. If you're actually looking at it from YouTube, it'll show this. Oh. So it gives you like a little animation. Oh, that's cool. That's sweet. I wish we got to. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I have that kind of love for my bike. You assholes. Let's see. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. let's see if uh okay uh yeah yeah it's it's it's um my son is everything to me but but there's just these moments where you get to like do it and it's just cool his dad was stoked that he got to do it okay uh enough of that nonsense uh back to trannies. 440 tranny. I don't think this has to do with transmissions either. I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:03:29 How is it that I watched that? It must be something about this seat that makes me feel stuff more strongly. I watched that four times before I decided to put it on the show. I never cried. Got a little emotional? Oh, this is fun. I like bits like this because I get to put it on the show. And I never cried. Got a little emotional? Oh, this is fun. I like bits like this because I get to chill. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Is this going to make it so... I don't know. We get a copyright infringement? I hate it when that happens. What show is South Park? Okay, fine. Fine, play it. We'll just edit it out after.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Fine, play it. We'll just edit it out after. You here for an abortion, too? Yeah, I discovered a few days ago I wasn't bleeding out my coos, so I guess I'm knocked up. Is this doctor any good? Mrs. Garrison? Oh, that's me. Hello, doctor. Looks like I need an abortion. An abortion?
Starting point is 01:04:30 Yeah, I've got one growing inside me. Now, you're going to scramble its brains or just vacuum it out? If you want, you can just scramble it and I'll queef it out myself. Mr. Garrison. Mrs. Garrison. Mrs. Garrison, you can't have an abortion. Don't you tell me what I can and can't do with my body. A woman has a right to choose. No, I mean you're physically unable to have an abortion because you can't get pregnant. But I missed my period. You can't have periods either. You had a sex change, Mr. Garrison, but you don't have ovaries or a womb.
Starting point is 01:05:06 You don't produce eggs. You mean, I'll never know what it feels like to have a baby growing inside me and then scramble its brains and vacuum it out? That's right. But I paid $5,000 to be a woman. This would mean I'm not really a woman. I'm just a guy with a mutilated penis. Basically, yes. Oh, boy boy do i feel like a jackass uh what's crazy too is like how do those people like get into like congress and shit
Starting point is 01:05:37 and once again you have to know did you just was that? No, it was the audio again. Popped off. That's Democrats, right? There's no Republicans who are confused about that, right? And so since there's no Republicans confused about that, then instead of trying to explain it to Republicans, well, you don't understand. They call you a homophobe. It's crazy. Oh, look at Jeff so quick on it no that wasn't caleb farting that was something in the intro thank you uh i'm jeff uh jeffrey birchfield uh and uh i will be handing out a syllabus on all three classes i teach at the university of biology uh at the university of biology uh well you were learned jeff knows what a woman and a man is.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Right? I would say so. Yeah. I can't stand South Park for some reason. I think I just hate the animation. I feel like it just sucks. I think that's the point. Yeah, you're probably right.
Starting point is 01:06:42 This guy, look at this video right here. Oh, I think they sell mugs somewhere CEO mugs Do you own a CEO mug? Oh, hold on, Jeffrey Birchfield Is like a monkey in a cage Throwing, oh, you do have one Jeffrey is throwing feces at me
Starting point is 01:07:01 So long you are such a turd Turd is a slang term That is used in the ghetto It's a ghetto vernacular for feces at me. So long. You are such a turd. Turd is a slang term that is used in the ghetto. It's a ghetto vernacular for feces. No, I don't think he's at Cal Poly or USC. I think he's somewhere in Texas, like university of Texas, A&M or something like that.
Starting point is 01:07:20 But he is a smarty pants with a good deadlift. Strong dude. Yeah. yeah any any back squats you know he's pooped his pants dudes who spend that much time under the bar definitely sharted at least a couple times see when i listened to stern he would take it then to the next level and be like yeah and then it went on the floor and some girl came over and licked it up. And it's like, really? Are you like, is that necessary?
Starting point is 01:07:48 Like I, I guess I am fucking, I'm turning into one of those really close minded conservatives. Like I just not into poop eating. Just, I just like a little shart and then that's the, the joke's over. Uh,
Starting point is 01:08:01 I love you too, Jeff. And, uh, I will see you in class. Uh, and I really appreciate, uh, this really appreciate this year's updated syllabus. Never. Liar.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Would you ship to the... Yes, Jake Chapman, we would ship to the Isle of Man if it was for Amy Kringle. Peace and love. I think Vinikade does ship internationally, though. They do? Yeah. I'm going to DM Amy Kringle and get her on the show. We have a whole list of people you need to DM. Oh.
Starting point is 01:08:38 A 439 training culture. I think this is like a training camp. This is where Enola Kai is and Fabio Benito, Fabian Benito. Worldwide shipping. You're reading Seyfried's book? I'm telling you, you guys, I have that book. It's not readable. What's it called again um cancer is a metabolic disease yes maybe i sold it for 100 bucks and got and bought some meth with it man that's a hard book to read. Are you reading it on, Jeff, are you reading it on like an iPad?
Starting point is 01:09:28 Or did you get like the digital version? Or you have that thick brown? Yeah, that thing. Oh, there's a Kindle version. Oh, the price has come down a little bit. One time Greg had a stack of like, I swear, 500 of those in his house that he bought and then gave away. I wish I was joking. Oh, Audible.
Starting point is 01:09:53 No kidding. Wow. There's no way. I'd have to like rewind it or play it on like 0.5. Yeah, yeah, exactly. 0.5, yes. have to like rewind it or play it on like 0.5 yeah yeah exactly 0.5 yes uh on a on a do you think this chick's a foreigner this is like this is definitely someone english is their second language who types in their name like that right
Starting point is 01:10:16 i mean it's just a username so but look at everyone else uses like capitals and shit and like spaces uh look how low her squad is i mean that too low your nipples should not crest past your uh kneecaps uh did you see on coffee pods and wads so hard to watch but not peter's fault She struggles with constructing a sentence. Who? Who are we talking about? Amy. Oh, she was on that. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Really? Oh no. Ana from the UK. Ana, your nipples are below your knee. What if that was the L one? The depth of field that was too low. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:11:04 that's too low yeah that's too low it's too right right i mean you don't need to squat i mean that's um she's uh you have to i mean i guess here's the thing you're supposed to keep engagement right you're supposed to i don't think she's engaged that low that's amy that's not amy kringle yeah it is oh i don't even recognize her can we play a little without getting in trouble i mean that's up to up to pedro i've done that podcast twice by the way someone asked why i don't do podcasts so i did but i didn't know it was that at the time and i i was like you know when you're like what is that pain but it was like so i i tried to carry on but i couldn't do the what was it the 100 meter relay yeah i think it was a bit too sore for that so i did the hurdles instead
Starting point is 01:12:03 uh do you have a boyfriend oh I'm not interviewing her right now that was on a different she's gone you want her back yeah can I ask her do you have a boyfriend well so you couldn't do the race you wanted to
Starting point is 01:12:19 Peter quiet I'm asking her asshole sorry I like him but don't talk Peter let her talk do you have a boyfriend well anyway yeah cause the were they able to get a soap for the 100 meters yeah
Starting point is 01:12:34 Pedro's wrecking this Pedro I will fucking kick you off the show let her answer she's the guest I mean you were just the host do you have a boyfriend I think the long jump was on the sunday my next race wasn't wouldn't have been until thursday so i just was like okay i get it on it you're right she's not so good at answering questions all right
Starting point is 01:12:55 that's it is what it is i i thought she had like big poofy hair no she's got pretty straight hair i don't i think it's like naturally straight yeah that's what i was thinking too i didn't want to be so crinkle super fit and super hot yeah that's the part i thought she was super hot and i kind of wanted to not i really wanted to have her on because she's from the isle of man and i saw this uh thing on youtube that said that those clicks that you get from the isle of man are the most they're the best clicks you could get anywhere on the planet like if you have a guion from brazil you make so much oh yeah those are all hot photos if you have guion um you make so much money
Starting point is 01:13:39 a video makes so much money with gui because all those brazilians watch it and the click i don't know what's click rate rate rate, rate through click, something. Click through rate? Yeah, click through rate. We have the best clicks. Yeah, your clicks are amazing. Your chicks aren't so bad either.
Starting point is 01:13:55 And so ever since then, I was like, man, I got to get Amy Kringle on. Dude, Jake's all about her. Yeah, taint is below parallel. Yeah. dude jake's all about her uh yeah taint is below parallel yeah taint is okay training culture uh so these guys i saw the um the seven podcast cup in there if you and i just followed them because of that i just like that i need i need support okay hold on oh look he's holding it in his fingers right there god i love being cupped by I need support. Hold on. He's holding it in his fingers right there. God, I love being cupped by that guy.
Starting point is 01:14:34 There it is. There it is. The most difficult part of today. Which one is better? One. That is a little weird, by the way. You don't show that you're going to the store and buying duct tape. I think, I don't know where you get those. Do you know where you get those? Vindicate?
Starting point is 01:15:03 Paper Street. Paper Street? Let's find out. That's all Gabe. Those people, I bet you were at Wadapalooza and Gabe hooked them up. Now it's paying off in dividends. Yeah, they only have the
Starting point is 01:15:21 Keira Milligan Keira? Keira? Keira? Milligan Cup on Paper Street right now. Oh. Oh, here. You get them over at Paper Street. But they must be out or something. Yeah, they're not up on the site, I don't think. I don't like the lid where I can't cover the hole. I like to be able to cover the hole in case I knocked the cup over. Not that I don't like the little like tab thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Yeah. That one's just always open. Right? Yeah. Yeah. I have some lids like that. They, they don't work so good with my OCD. Uh,
Starting point is 01:16:04 I need a CEO cup and shirt and a sticker for the hydro. For your hydroponic setup? Hydroflask. I love this sticker. I think Wadzombie made it. That is a dope sticker.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Okay. Look at number 438. This is is interesting back to the race card 438 democrats lion leverage but let's uh i think first one yeah is it philip rose it's ufc fighter he's been on the podcast before he he made this post i think it's about grant cardone okay so so here um so philip rowe posted this and uh grant cardone and look how they look how this guy obezd talks about him calls him an anti-vaxxer proud scientologist shares his unsolicited advice for speaking to black people. I mean, anyway, go on, watch this. About half my audience is black under the age of 40.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Now, the reason is because we go after that audience and we're talking to them in very street terms, if you will. Very not big nomenclature vocabularies. know we just keep everything very tight and simple so so for us what's that mean what's that mean that's just words yeah it's vernacular let's nomenclature so we keep everything tight we don't use big nomenclature like big words and it's because we have a a black audience and that we keep everything tight this is a guy who's trying to give who he makes money giving people opportunity to become rich nomenclature of the devising or choosing of names for things especially in a science or other discipline the body or system of names in a particular field the terms or terms applied to something okay so he
Starting point is 01:18:02 the terms he uses he uses a a simpler terms like I use on this show. We try to use simpler terms. And he does that and somehow connects it because half his audience is melanated, thus insinuating that it's better to communicate when you're trying to sell stuff to melanated people with simpler terms. And someone might take offense to that. Now, here's the irony. That's the entire premise of woke culture. That's the entire premise. Dumb down the police to help black people.
Starting point is 01:18:41 Dumb down the educational system to help black people. Dumb everything fucking down. Dumb down gun laws so less black people go to jail that's the premise for that's the entire premise for the democratic party don't make it so black kids have to turn in their homework score people in in schools in um in uh in oregon based on the color of their skin i need i really need a stick that goes from white to black. You know what I mean? With all the shades of, of white to black and the gray scale, I need a gray scale stick. It's so, um, Oh, that, that hurts really.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Seven to me is my dad's restaurant, but I don't want to be, can't I be, I want to have, can I be some dirt twirler? I really like, I want to do some, like, can I, I want to have can i be some dirt twirler i really like i want to do some like can i want to have like some like i need to get chickens i think that would help my image it's so crazy how about how about if i was a black person how about if i was what if he would have said armenians and i just said hey thanks grant for making stuff palatable for my people what if we just thanked him for that look what i wrote here kind of how the democratic party pharma big food and lebron talked to melanated people the only thing is is that this cardone guy is being honest i saw that i called him cardine but i didn't go back and change it i was like fine fuck it he's
Starting point is 01:20:02 cardine so this guy's being honest about how he tries to sell to melanated people and this guy wants to hate on him. It's like, dude, the entire fucking US government and the Democrats, that's what they, they're insisting that the world speak to melanated people like that.
Starting point is 01:20:21 That's an insanely huge compliment, Sevan. You should go back and check out El Rushbo, now that you have a clear mind, okay, I just want to be funny, and maybe lead some people to Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior, okay,
Starting point is 01:20:38 so go down to here, I'll show you my point here, go to 438, the second link, this is from the hill, I keep thinking I'm going to get over the race stuff um uh biden signs executive order to address racial inequality and i'm like oh great i wonder what this is this is fucking crazy um uh so on his first day in office two years ago biden signed executive order in 1398 which saw funding go to places like historically black black colleges and universities and indigenous
Starting point is 01:21:16 tribes and and new programs to help close close racial disparities and job and housing opportunities biden also pardoned all federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana, which was a step towards racial equality. So whether you think marijuana should be legal or not, he's basically absolving people from certain crimes they've committed because people of color can't handle that pressure of those crimes. It's exactly what they've did in California. They made it so like stealing under $950, you don't go to jail. Why? Because that's supposed to help those poor melanated people who can't figure out the laws.
Starting point is 01:22:02 And yet you're upset at Grant Cardone. They're doing that to get you out of jail so you can steal more grant cardone is doing it so you can become rich like him but you're mad at him go fuck yourself despite these successes oh you think it's been a success lowering – you think it's been a success letting criminals out of jail by increasing the amount of money you can steal before it's a crime? Hey, and the truth is this, and we all know this at the end of the day. All that suffers are all the small businesses owned by Asians, Blacks, Browns, Afghanis, Jews, Chinese people,
Starting point is 01:22:50 all because now people can steal from their small businesses. That's my best Chinese, like, that's like my Chinese immigrant accent. I don't even have one. I should do that. Caleb, Susan's always telling me about how I should be allocating my time to do less shows and make clips. You know what I should do that yeah it's caleb uh caleb suza's always telling me about how i should be allocating
Starting point is 01:23:05 my time to do less shows and make clips you know i should do i should allocate some time to learn more accents this show would be so funny if i could do more accents yeah uh there's a guy uh he does a show called the world news with bk actual and he does voices for everybody they're great yeah if i could do i could do uh uh hello uh the children do not do not touch the eight armed elephant when you do not steal candy from my 7-eleven kids now get out uh this my name is apu everyone be good i could do indian guy that was good thank you um i can't do yours but but i bet you i could go on YouTube and learn some accents. You should try it.
Starting point is 01:23:48 That'd be a good allocation of time. I think so. Clips. Fuck you, Sousa. You make clips. Okay. 437. I'm sorry you got shot but now you know oh i can't even do armenian dad i didn't even know my dad had an accent till my friends told me they're like oh your dad has an accent he does
Starting point is 01:24:16 oh this guy's great this guy should be president how the fuck is this guy not president do you think that prior infection affects your immunity Oh, this guy's great. This guy should be president. How the fuck is this guy not president? Do you think that prior infection affects your immunity? Senator, I'm not, I don't make the choices about the vaccinations. That's at Johns Hopkins University. Right, but you're a leader at Johns Hopkins University, and you could well have your opinion stated. Dr. Marty McCary is there, and Dr. Marty McCary has been very active in this. He has looked at the incidence of myocarditis, and he says it's 28 times more likely to get myocarditis from the vaccine than from COVID for a particular cohort of young men. Women, it also applies to, but more men than women.
Starting point is 01:24:59 I assume you have men and women in your nursing program. This is a big deal, and it might affect. It affects the Marines. It affects everybody else. We finally fixed it with the Marines. We're not making them do it anymore, but the thing is, we should have questions, and I know sometimes we have to do as we're told, but you're also dean of the school. You have a voice, and we should be curious about things. In Britain, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, they don't have university mandates on this. Some countries don't recommend it for children at all. There really is a debate and discussion. You can have an opposite debate, but if you believe in choice, when something has a debate and there's arguments on both sides, you'd give people a choice. Do you think that prior inspection…
Starting point is 01:25:49 full of choice do you think that our infection how is it like if i see germany doing something or norway doing something or not doing something not that i would do stuff that they do they do some dumb shit but if i see some shit that they're not doing i'm taking a notice to it same with the japanese oh wait you guys aren't getting the injection over there in japan oh that's weird how come that island full of inbred people that's super susceptible to disease isn't doing it so all those fucking countries are so weak compared to us their gene pools they're so fucking weak and so if they're not doing it you got to like start putting two and two together and be like that's weird they have fucking such vulnerable gene pools and some fucking moth someone could introduce a moth and it would wipe
Starting point is 01:26:35 out armenia same with iceland it's just the same people been fucking each other over there for a thousand years they are in a narrow bandwidth they're not like us hey um anyway ran paul kudos to you john hopkins you're a fucking joke i wait john hopkins university is now after three years shut down its covid vaccine department did you see that they shut down like like their, their emergency COVID like, and everyone's like, Oh my God, why? Good.
Starting point is 01:27:09 You should have never opened it. Yeah. It's, it's pretty insane. 436 Epstein Island. Did you ever see that YouTube video where those guys went to Epstein Island on jet skis? No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:27:23 It was pretty cool. They're running around on there, two dudes. I know what all you were going to say. Why don't you get these guys on my podcast? I've fucking tried a thousand times. I love these guys. I don't know what to tell you. Yo.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Put them all together. Bill Clinton. George Mitchell. Alec Baldwin. Didn't see that coming. Ralph them all together. Bill Clinton. George Mitchell. Alec Baldwin. Didn't see that coming. Ralph Finesse. George Hamilton. Dustin Hoffman.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Oh, not Dustin Hoffman. Kevin Spacey. Elizabeth Hurley. Laura Hunton. Janice Dixon. Who the fuck is that? Elby Campbell. Christy Turlington.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Henry Kissinger. that dude look crazy he does man these are all people that have been on Epstein's Island Courtney Love Mick Jagger I kind of figured that
Starting point is 01:28:17 who the hell is Courtney Gaffney Phil Collins Phil Collins that's crazy Simon LeBron Charlie Rose. He looked creepy.
Starting point is 01:28:26 All looked creepy. Richard Branson. No, not Branson. Candice Buchel. Tom Ford. Yeah, I could tell. Look at him. Of course.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Yeah. Vern Wang. Never heard of him. Nadia Borland. Who's that? Nice ass. I don't know. Koo Stark.
Starting point is 01:28:44 His kind of name is Koo Stark. Seth Green. Seth Green. James Gunn. Dan Snodder. Steven Spielberg. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Tom Hayes. Of course. Steven Colbert. Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 01:29:01 of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course.
Starting point is 01:29:02 of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course.
Starting point is 01:29:02 of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course.
Starting point is 01:29:03 of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course.
Starting point is 01:29:04 of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. of course. makes sense. Oprah Winfrey. Uh-huh. Jay-Z. Beyonce. Anthony Cletus. Hey, so I don't know. I don't know. What's it mean if you went to his island?
Starting point is 01:29:14 Like, I could have accidentally gone to his island. Someone could have been like, hey, Seve, you want to go on this private jet to this island out in the Caribbean? This dude Jeffrey Epstein owns. Yeah, I think a lot of assumptions are made if you con the island but i don't really know what else you would go to that island for yeah is the assumption that all molested children yeah i guess they i don't really like that i will tell you this though there's a guy on the list named victor sal. You guys have heard his story. You've heard me tell the story about it before. When I was a little kid, he directed a movie. I was on the set.
Starting point is 01:29:54 He ended up getting out of jail. I think he did a year in jail for the story I'm about to tell you. He ended up making the movie Powder there he is right there that dude he ended up he ended up making that movie powder but anyway this guy this guy was directing a movie and i was an extra and i got to spend some time with him uh every day when i was on the set he would always call the kids over and spend some time and he he took a liking to me and uh i remember one time we were in oh thank god i was never alone with him but there was a time where he was looking um he was looking at some tv screens watching some clips that had
Starting point is 01:30:32 just been shot and he called me over someone you want to come look and i'm like yeah and he called my friend patrick bozeman over there too it was actually patrick's mom that knew about this and somehow got us on the set of this movie. We went there a bunch of days in a row. It was a movie. It was a horror movie about a scary clown. And anyway, and I remember him being over there and telling me, he told me, Hey, if you, if you're a, do you guys jack off in socks? And I'm, I'm in the seventh grade, right? I don't even, I, I don't even know if I, uh, I don't know if Rosemary, no, my mom doesn't know. My mom was working.
Starting point is 01:31:08 My mom was working. My mom didn't know. She probably knows now. Anyway, so this guy said to me – he starts talking to me and Patrick about jacking off in socks. And I don't even think – I was probably shooting blanks then. Like, I didn't even know that that that feeling down there was sexually related, probably in the seventh grade. I don't know what I knew. But I definitely I definitely had never thought about jacking off in a sock.
Starting point is 01:31:39 And he and he shared that and it stuck with me my whole life. And I still jack off into a sock today. Thank you. No, that's not how the story ends so so then um he uh so then i like uh three months later it came out in the paper that that guy had oh well oh sorry let me go back a second so he told me that and then when i came home i remember telling that story to my stepmom and she said to me hey stay away from that fucking guy my stepmom did i'm like and i was kind of pissed what the fuck you mean this is a famous movie director don't tell me to stay away from him this is my end he told me i could be in his next movie
Starting point is 01:32:16 he told me all sorts of stuff and um uh nothing uh i have forced robbie uh gilmore says um i don't want to what the hell's my arrow uh robbie gilmore says sock ouch i'm not circumcised nothing can hurt my penis it's i could run it over with a tractor a sheath on that motherfucker ouch anyway so uh she told me and i'm like what do you mean and she's like hey no one should be talking to a boy in the seventh grade like that like that that they don't know like she basically explained to me it was inappropriate and i was like fuck that i'm one of the cool kids and he's the cool director and not like you're fucking wrong bitch well she wasn't and uh i didn't get diddled by him but the star of the movie got diddled and the movie was never released and i even got a little talking part in it so i never became famous but and and now here he is on epstein island
Starting point is 01:33:18 that's zero degrees of separation right oh it's one degree of separation from epstein zero degrees of separation, right? Oh, it's one degree of separation from Epstein. If the movie would have got released, you'd probably be on this island too. He said he was going to give me a talking part in his next movie, me and this dude, Patrick Boseman. I bet you all those people that I was friends with
Starting point is 01:33:40 are crazy-tarded libtards now. I bet you no one escaped but me. Sucks. Well, one of my friends found God, so that's cool. But he wasn't... His family was really conservative to begin with. That was my best friend. That was Jeff Holman. Am I allowed to just say people's names on here?
Starting point is 01:34:02 For my past? Sure. Oh, shut it craig you couldn't handle my black cock he says i couldn't handle his black pills uh watch um watch uh i watch american um watch the movie American Circumcision. It's a fascinating movie. Good morning, Allison. Good morning. Good to see them.
Starting point is 01:34:32 You. All right. She made it home. Allison, are you back in Santa Cruz? Are you still in Hawaii? Did you fly back to Hawaii? I'm going to, uh, Scott's Valley at, uh, I'm leaving here at 10 AM. If you want to, um,
Starting point is 01:34:55 bring the kids, your husband, Brendan. Oh, Oh, that's awesome. Welcome back. Okay, 434, get the injection. How are you on time? I'm good for now. Okay. Okay. What you might be thinking, these two circles are not equal. I repeat, These two circles are not equal.
Starting point is 01:35:26 I repeat, these two circles are not equal. One is, in fact, larger than the other. What I need you to do is determine which one that is. So please raise your hand if you believe the blue circle is larger than the red. All right. Please raise your hand if you believe the red circle is larger than the blue. All right, very good. Now, before I said anything about these two circles, what was your first instinct? Equal, right? Because they look equal. And the reason why they look equal is because, in fact, they are equal.
Starting point is 01:35:55 These two circles are identical. Yet I got just about every one of you to raise your hand and say that they're not. So what did we learn? That you can be manipulated like that to believe in something that goes against your natural instinct. Just imagine, just imagine as a child you're taught that the blue circle is larger than the red. If you say it enough times, you convince yourself that's the truth. If you're told the lie enough times, it becomes part of your reality. And if enough people are taught that lie, that the blue circle is larger than the red, well, now it becomes part of your reality. And if enough people are taught that lie that the blue circle is larger than the red, well, now it becomes part of the culture. If you think that someone is being racist towards you,
Starting point is 01:36:33 if you even think it, then it's valid. If you think for a second that someone is not giving you what you deserve because of your skin color, then it's true. If someone crosses the street from 100 yards away and you think it's because they're afraid of you
Starting point is 01:36:50 because of your skin color, it's true. If a teacher doesn't call on you in class and you think it's because of your skin color, it's true. And if I tell you enough times, you start to think it's true. It's all just thoughts. Anything that's a thought, remember, anything that's a thought is 100% not true. Get your head wrapped around that. Who would you be without that thought? Oh my God, they're not being fair to me.
Starting point is 01:37:18 One of my six-year-old sons, everything is not fair to him. And I get it. I remember being in that phase as a little kid. You think the whole world's out to get you. My son was born in Peru. They didn't circumcise him. The doctor told us it's only done if absolutely necessary. It was a shock to me. I just thought it was always normal to circumcise. Yeah. Isn't that amazing? General
Starting point is 01:37:37 mutilation is normalized in this country. People defend it. People defend it. It's crazy. But your penis looks so ugly. Yeah, tell that to the 400 girls I put it in their mouth. Don't look at it. Just put it in your mouth.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Fucking idiots. Imagine being so twisted that they've not only that convinced you that they've also convinced you that it's ugly they've done that about boobs 99 here caleb's not gonna like this here we go 99 of the guys that i know they can't even enjoy boobs because fake boobs have ruined boobs for them they don't even know how to enjoy real boobs anymore. Those big dangly ones, those skinny little banana ones that drip down like, like they can't even,
Starting point is 01:38:32 those are all great boobs. You know, I just, you've just been completely like confused. You're missing out. It was like my friend told me one time, he's like, you're such a boob man.
Starting point is 01:38:42 I go, yeah, so what? And he goes, well, you're just missing out on so many great asses. And I was like, wow. Fuck me up. So now you're a boobs and an ass guy? No, now I'm just
Starting point is 01:38:56 a, yeah, I'm an everything guy. Mason Mitchell, things that have never happened, Sevan's penis in 400 mouths. When my, when my, when more of my family, at some point,
Starting point is 01:39:18 at some point, I'm really going to open the, the, I have a safe back here with all my good stories in it that I've never let out. It's like where I keep 90% of my stories. I can't wait. You're an ass guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:30 How could you not be an ass guy? Yeah. Bob Jerome. I never met a, but that's the first time Bob and I've ever agreed on anything. Never met a boob. I didn't like Brandon Waddell. I'm going to need to see all the boobs so i can truly understand it's great thank you uh four four three but the thing is is i don't i i understand it i understand how
Starting point is 01:39:54 we're just corrupting our perception on things or corrupt it's like apples the apples on that come from my tree most people would think that they're just so fucked up no those are those are actually what apples look like and those are what the good ones look like. And if you just stop wearing it, my kids are already like that. They're freaked out if they see fucking like a worm in an apple. No, you just bite out that part and just eat it. It's probably the best apple. Yeah, mosquito boobs, mosquito apples apples they're all good
Starting point is 01:40:25 look at everyone got all riled up about the boobs okay uh 432 kids school we're just cruising. format and they prepare you to be a usable victim for a military-investor complex that needs manpower. As long as you're just smart enough to do a job and just dumb enough to swallow what they feed you, you're going to be all right. But if you go beyond that, you're going to have these great doubts that give you stomach problems, headaches, make you want to go out and do something else. What's the alternative for the parent who would agree with you? Well, remember that the school isn't the only place that a child gets educated.
Starting point is 01:41:28 If you realize that the schools are doing damage, and I believe this, I believe that schools do a lot of damage to kids, then you should do what you can at home to help give them something to counteract what's happening to them at school. You mean encourage creativity? Encourage them to read things other than what the school gives them. Encourage them to watch things on television other than cartoons, because I don't believe that television is all bad, and some things that are on are very useful. And give them some support. Let them feel that you as a parent want them to be smart, not just to be successful, not just to be a nice little person but you want them to develop
Starting point is 01:42:08 their thinking apparatus you know what's crazy about this so this this was the um this was the hippies they they understood this about the school that it was just a brainwashing camp to make you ready for the military apparatus and yet it's those so same people who now defend it and think it's good even though it's now just uh the school is just to make you a brain dead idiot to fall in line with the one world agenda there i said it there that is what's going on i think i suspect would i be without that thought i don't know i suspect it's all for the one world agenda did biden really sign away our fucking emergency um uh pandemic rights to the who did i i saw that like, that cannot be.
Starting point is 01:43:06 I don't know. Let me look into it. It could be something for another show, too. He's in Ukraine right now. How weird is that that Kamala didn't go to the border when she came to office and he won't go to the border uh when she came to office and he and he won't go to ohio but he's going to kiev it's so weird kind of it's kind of fucked up yeah when uh it was weird when he was walking you You know what a friend of mine said, who you guys all know?
Starting point is 01:43:46 He said that watching Biden walks looks like there's someone holding his arm. Like it's a weekend at Bernie's thing, that there's someone holding his arm on either side when he walks. And then they CGI the people out. I mean, he said that as a joke, but that's totally what it looks like. a joke but that's totally what it looks like hey have any of you guys ever listened to this show when there's like someone who's woke in the room and i start down some like fucking rant about how racist the dems are and and the person in the room's like what the fuck are you listening to i saw someone the other day i was i think it was on that philip bro post calling fucking uh trump of a fascist.
Starting point is 01:44:27 I was like, are you out of your fucking mind? Oh yeah, this is it. Yeah. Yeah. This is the shot. Good job.
Starting point is 01:44:33 This is so trippy. Is it? Yeah. Look, it looks like he's falling downhill. Doesn't it look like he's like one of those fat people show that again. It's so weird. It looks like he's falling downhill.
Starting point is 01:44:43 I had a dog once with wobbler syndrome it's when something's wrong with your spinal cord of the dog look at him whoa whoa whoa easy buddy you see them later like holding hands the two of them like literally like interlocked not like not like a like a handshake it was like their fingers were interlocked walking down the street together. I'd like to see it. Oh, man. What are we doing? It's so weird.
Starting point is 01:45:21 How dangerous could it be if this dude can fly into the Capitol? It must not be that dangerous. Yeah, it must not be bad at all. You know what I almost feel like? I almost feel like it's a – this is going to sound like maybe this is why someone said I'm their dad's Rush Limbaugh. I almost feel like it's going to be – it's a setup. There's someone on the inside in the U.S. Let's send him there, then tell the Russians he's there so that they fire some rockets over and kill our president engage us in a war is that it might just tell me i'm crazy like no someone that doesn't
Starting point is 01:45:50 happen i'm okay with that i mean you see what the russians do to their uh politicians you felt oops i fell out the window oh is paul harvey isn't paul harvey the ufo guy who talks in the middle of the night yeah the corruption this i mean this is this is all to cover up his family's corruption ukraine man it's so bad oh that sucks i am not like larry king i'll take anyone over larry king you fucking sit on a fat cock. Oh, Barry McCockner's in the house. Did we talk about the open workout yet? No, that's tonight.
Starting point is 01:46:31 That's tonight. I'm having... Who comes... Brian and... Oh, just Brian comes on. Does Mike Alton come on? Oh, JR comes on and we talk about the open? Mm-hmm. I hope they know.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I hope they have a bunch of stuff to say because I don't know what to ask them. Come with your questions. I'm going to open up the phone line and let people call and ask them questions. My call-in number is down. You mean it's like not working? I disagree with you.
Starting point is 01:47:05 But I should always say that my calling number is down so that that way when people don't call in, I have something to blame on. How about 430? What happens if you give up your... Oh, there we go. Oh, no. It's set only to allow Mexicans to call.
Starting point is 01:47:23 That's right. I have just a Mexican setting up. Mr. Mendez, do you have your green card? Hey, what's up? Hi. I was the guy who just tried calling in like a minute ago. Oh. So I guess it works now.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Yeah. Then maybe Kaysen's right because I didn't see you trying to call in a minute ago. No, no, no. I'm Kaysen. Oh, oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, but you have, Oh, that's weird. Do you know what the name is that it says who you are on my phone? Uh, yeah. Oh, that's my father-in-law. Um, I'm on like, I guess I, I get good grades through his phone plan. I get great through his phone plan. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Hell yeah. Yeah. I'm 50 and I'm on my phones are on someone else's line too. I feel better. Yeah. Don't worry about it. Yeah. No, I saw you guys talking about Biden visiting Ukraine and I actually grew up
Starting point is 01:48:21 in Kiev in a small village called.ropavliska Bošegiska. Oh, yes. I've been there. Cool place. Peter and Paul's Cabbage Patch. It's great. But I thought it was really weird that just the timing of the visit, because I think it's the first time an American president has visited in 15 years. And it just so happens to be at the same time as the oil um you know the spill in ohio and uh i'm just kind of wondering if you guys thought that was maybe contrived um as a distraction it was like hey you know our president's going over into the war zone and um you know don't worry about what's going going here i i don't yeah i keep hearing those kinds
Starting point is 01:49:03 of things do you remember when trump ran for was running for office and we first got like our first dose of trump on twitter and it was like it didn't matter anything he did that was quote-unquote bad because he was always moving on to the next thing so he's like one day he'd be like i'd rather have a jew as an accountant than a black man and everyone's like oh shit and then he's like damn my daughter's hot and everyone's like oh and like and when i get in the office i'm gonna bust open those ufa cases ufo cases and we're gonna see it oh my god senator mccain is a complete sellout i hate losers how did he get caught and it was just like
Starting point is 01:49:34 one thing after another right and so i just feel like there's anytime i hear that like hey it's a um uh a distraction for what the next thing that's going on. I feel like, dude, there's so much shit going on always anyway. I don't know if I can. Yeah, I feel like more like this, what Sean Sullivan said, the whole Ukraine war is maybe a distraction. But I don't know. I don't know. There's a couple of things I'd like.
Starting point is 01:50:03 I'd like the Epstein list. don't know uh there's some couple things i'd like i'd like the epstein list um i'd like to get james o'keefe back and um i'd like to stop fighting the i mean the way i look at ukraine and it's a very simplistic view but we basically we had a deal with those fuckers over there that um with the russians i think that reagan had that like hey we won't bring nato to your border and i and i don't think we should bring nato to their border or we should be very careful if we try and i feel like that's what we're trying to do right now and that's going to really piss them off i heard at the same time that i don't know if this is true biden was meeting with zielinski putin was in china meeting with xi jiping i really don't want to go to war i really really don't want to go to war i really um i just wish we could get someone
Starting point is 01:50:54 in office and we would just leverage all of our economic fuck you and uh and and and just talk tough and you know like i like what trump did when he fucking bombed the fuck out of the Syrians for all those kids they killed with the gas. But I want a president I think Trump was maybe our least warmongering president like in 50 years. Fewer soldiers died under his watch or some shit like that. And I would
Starting point is 01:51:18 just like, that's what I would like. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm with you. I think we should avoid war at all costs. And I want our energy independence back. I want our energy independence back. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:35 100%. Yeah. No, I'm with you there. Yeah. And I just, I, you know, the, the Ukrainian government historically has been incredibly corrupt. I mean, it's all Eastern European countries. And so it's really odd that, you know know so much money is being funneled through the government um what are we at we're at like 200 billion is that what it is we sent 200 billion
Starting point is 01:51:54 it's a lot so um i just give direct to friends and stuff i know not everyone can do that but um yeah i'm just curious kind of so uh here thing, Mason. I hear you. There's a contradiction there. Mason just wrote, I don't like war, but I love Trump bombs. Here's the thing. I don't, I don't like braggadocio, but if we have to do some braggadocio, if we have to do some like flexing in order to get some people to, you know, to, to, to let the world know that we mean business. Like if you push us, we're going to act.
Starting point is 01:52:27 I would rather do that. Shooting down a balloon. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, not just any balloon. Yeah. Chinese balloon.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Waiting to fly over our entire country and then shooting it down. Anyway, I, I don't know. I don't know how to even think about those things. There's so, I don't even know what's real. There's so much of that shit right now there's so much happening i find it hard to believe that anything i do feel like it or and close our border we got to close our border
Starting point is 01:52:56 we have to close our border yeah for sure we're not a country with an open border we're not a country with an open border how are we a country with an open border that's that's like saying you're a man without a penis you can't you can't you're not a man without a penis right yeah it's strange it's strange um it also doesn't mean you're a woman though if you chop off your penis you're no longer a man but it also doesn't make you a woman i just want to also be clear on that agreed um it'd be really sweet uh i really enjoyed the evgeny episodes um i know you had mentioned possibly getting him back on at some point so um you know just putting in a request for that but i'll go ahead and hop off okay and and i think this clock cutter guy has it even even better said than me.
Starting point is 01:53:46 It's far worse than that. They're trying to use a war in Ukraine to overturn the Russian political order. They've been clear about that. Then they'll install globalists who will do their bidding. I do think that there is a huge push for a one-world global blah, blah, blah, and that shit terrifies me because – and here's the reason why it terrifies me. Say it again. What about... It's something mentioned in Revelation.
Starting point is 01:54:10 Eventually there's going to be one global order. Yeah, that shit sucks. Because then basically when they say, hey, you have to get the shot or we're turning off your bank account, then they mean it. And they can do it. Then we're all basically... There'll be a couple idiots at the top running everything we'll be fucked
Starting point is 01:54:26 yep have read 1984 and it's scary alright thank you brother hey thank you guys thanks dude I don't like scary talk here we go Spiegel when politicians say the united states is energy independent of trump
Starting point is 01:54:47 it is a false impression that u.s was 100 self-sufficient the country still relied on foreign sources of energy Ronnie Eaton this isn't a fake name no I think we figured that out he's real I think this train wreck I think these train wrecks fire spills etc happen all the time it's why and when
Starting point is 01:55:17 the media is choosing to highlight those stories fair enough I agree I think that's a fair assessment there's only so much bandwidth Fair enough. I agree. I think that's a fair assessment. There's only so much bandwidth. Too many people say Revelations predicted this, but they are full of shit trish uh 4 30 what happens if you give up gun rights this lady's great it is an impossible thing for british people to understand the second amendment and why americans guns. But let me tell you, Americans would
Starting point is 01:56:05 never allow a gas company to break into their homes and mess with things inside their homes. It's not even possible. Americans look at this and just go, they're incredulous. It's not believable that that could happen because Americans are raised with freedom kind of hardwired into them. They're told it's your God-given right. Your freedom is yours. And your Second Amendment right is yours to defend your freedoms with. And British people have fed this diet of, you know, mass school shootings and weapons are terrible and Piers Morgan's pants are terrible.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Guns are a terrible thing. But the thing is, the Second Amendment is what separates America from about every other country on this planet. Because if you break into an American's home, you should plan on not being able to leave that home. It couldn't happen. It wouldn't happen. And it's why the Second Amendment is so important. happen it wouldn't happen and it's why the second amendment is so important it's what separates america's and right now there is the greatest citizen militia of all time in america and i find that to be a very reassuring thing because every time biden does something stupid americans buy another weapon and that happens quite a lot so go the other day, I think it was on a weekend, and the counter was filled with people, probably two or three people deep. And that's every weekend.
Starting point is 01:57:36 They're just buying guns all the time. Good. Hey, do you find it interesting that our comments are so tame yeah what happens if you're just a piece of shit so that people just run you out or one of the wrenches kicks you out everyone's so good like even the people who disagree like even like i have no idea i don't know how they stay regulated i don't think anybody gets kicked out i don't i think like if you watch the game if you watch like i don't watch a lot of youtube with comments on but but i do watch all the game stuff you know so that we can do the shows
Starting point is 01:58:15 afterwards yeah sometimes the comments get a little crazy i never see that in our comments maybe i miss it or i think everybody knows everybody in the comment section and if anything i i've known multiple times people have like commented and said something that the rest of the section didn't agree with and then they all like debated it for like probably 10 15 minutes until they either acquiesced or just left like someone like someone in there wrote trish do you act are you a troll or do you actually believe what you say or something? Do you believe anything? That's such a civil way.
Starting point is 01:58:49 I feel like somewhere else someone would be like, you fucking piece of shit. You know what I mean? Instead, it's just like people just ask. It's interesting. I'll take it. I'll take it. Seven is new age Mr. Rogers with better hair. I'll take going with it.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Sure. Sure. Okay. Sevan, we all like each other. I only don't like one person in the chat, and they're not here today. I don't know who that is, but that's crazy. I have a guess. You do? Yeah, I'm not going to say it, though.
Starting point is 01:59:21 You tell me afterwards? Yeah, I'll tell you after. Is it a boy or a girl? I don't know look at look at brandon allison doesn't even miss a beat she's like brandon who okay uh 4 uh 29 coaching i think i'm gonna start my own soap company yeah no i just made that up oh uh oh this uh scroll over so so her or him is this guy this is matt torres dating daniel brandon keep scrolling one more. How is his hair?
Starting point is 02:00:06 So perfect. Go back to that other one with his hat. His shit is like, Oh there, look at that's fine. Is that Daniel Brandon in there? It's gotta be in there. Is she under what's under dude,
Starting point is 02:00:23 we can see you're hiding something in your jacket. Does he know we can see leg two sets of legs coming out i don't know probably not uh so yes they're trying to keep it hush i see her legs hanging out of the bottom it's not super hush and i see and i see um she's off her midline too she needs to stand closer to him or something or something weird looks like and i see hair is that her jacket you think and he's wearing it or is that his jacket no that's probably his jacket okay let's go to the next picture oh my goodness oh james uh sprague emma carry feast is that feast of coffee Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:01:07 Oh, James Sprague, Emma Carey. Is that Fisa Goffey? Mm-hmm. And look, and they got a box of caulk on there. Hey. Someone should make black chalk. I guess they do make black chalk. For equity?
Starting point is 02:01:31 Yeah. For equity. All right, coaching. So anyway, I just saw her. I know he's hiding something in his jacket. I'm not stupid. I like this. Danielleielle's gonna have to find a new gym soon uh i've been trying to get gordon ryan on to listen i'm gonna need more than 300 live listeners but man we're on a fucking roll i can't tell you how quickly the show something has happened and the show
Starting point is 02:02:01 is really doing good you guys are are, I'm loving you guys. As long as you guys, as long as you guys love me, I'll love you. She's giving them a hand. You think she's giving a handy. On the dock. I do wonder all that stuff.
Starting point is 02:02:23 Like how much, like if there's some, I have my thoughts of the, the, the athletes that like need a lot of cock and the ones that don't like, like which one, like how they vibe or what they say, which ones are givers or, Oh,
Starting point is 02:02:41 just like a, just like a rub on the, or givers or oh just like a just like a rub on the i just think sex is if you're a professional athlete just must be a distraction it has to be cut out of your life utep has all of a sudden started suggesting this show for me that's good i know it's like there's some word that we say all the time that now we're getting a pass on or something. I'm black chalk. God forbid I get chalk all over my arms and face and get, oh, that would be crazy. This guy is suggesting that if there was black chalk and you got it on your face, you could get canceled for blackface.
Starting point is 02:03:18 Wow. Congestion true, dude. The thing is, is you probably don't want any colored chalk i'm reading this book right now it's called i'm gonna finish it today i bet it's called the moth and the iron lung and it's about the confusion of what polio really is i'm gonna get the author on it's gonna be fucking good it's a fucking rude awakening but basically there was um there was uh i think it was around the turn of the century 1900s there was one one of the elements in the story is there was only one way
Starting point is 02:03:52 to make green things green like toys and things like that green and it's not a big part of the book but whatever it was that made stuff green um dyed green like clothing or materials or uh whatever plastics um it was poisonous and it was fucking killing people and uh that's why like if whatever chalk's just naturally white right like snow's white like it's just like they don't make it white yeah then leave it alone we don't need colored chalk you're gonna end up putting some poisonous in there oh i'm scott peterson i'm the art director over at uh lacy junior college in pasadena california and i wanted you to know that uh it's important to recognize that black is actually absence of color thank you it's not actually even a color. It has to do with light refraction and other elements of the way the optic nerve sees things.
Starting point is 02:04:55 Oh, was it lead? Lead paint in Chinese toys. Why does it have to be Chinese? Dude, the stuff I'm reading in that book is great what are you gonna say why yeah because it's the facts oh right uh there is um it's crazy some of the stuff i'm learning in this book they use arsenic and lead and sprayed it all over fucking crops at the turn of the century just shit loads of arsenic and lead and mercury was used as like a primary medicine giving kids mercury oh fucking that's why i never trust
Starting point is 02:05:31 medicine man i'm not saying that you that i'm not saying that just make sure you know what you're doing don't don't trust a fucking doctor they don't know either they've done they're historically have done so much fucking dumb shit. Uh, 428. Cock scrub. Oh, what is this? Don't let your dick get in the way of your dreams. Oh yeah, just some, just some gratuitous pole vaulting humor oh you gotta mute that oh man you're really choppy today
Starting point is 02:06:13 oh yeah yeah look at that i don't know we're not going to get the quality on that but basically this guy pole vaults over oh and they zoomed in on it and his his penis just grabs the uh the bar he's trying to get over I love these I like the wrestling one when the penis rubs against the guy's face look at wham ow that that looks like that hurt good lord it's not fair for male pole vaulters it's not fair hey that's another thing uh i was looking at some asbestos science the other day i don't i think that i don't know if asbestos really does cause cancer yeah there's so much weird shit out there the earth is flat
Starting point is 02:07:14 okay cock scrub that wasn't as good as i thought but but it happens now you know be thankful if you don't have a penis or if you have a small one it's tough for us guys. Us pole vaulters. Oh, there's another pole vaulting video. Should we try that? 426. This is cool.
Starting point is 02:07:34 I don't think I have anyone falling down today because their boobs are enormous. It's disappointing. Oh, this has great audio. Here we go. it's disappointing oh this has great audio here we go all season long going for the state olympic record john flanagan oh my goodness gracious that poll just went directly up his asshole and a little concerned because it went really far up there very quickly which means it's a little loose down there. And we've had our questions about Flanagan. Oh, my fucking God.
Starting point is 02:08:08 No state Olympic record for him. Danny. Holy shit, dude. Oh, this sucks. It's a woman holding a baby typing this. This is not what I want to read. When I deployed, they had asbestos do not touch signs all over the ship. But in two deployments, I never actually saw anyone removing the asbestos.
Starting point is 02:08:36 Hey, Philip, didn't someone at, it was one of the speakers at the Broken Science Conference who was talking to us about asbestos, right? Oh, well, that's interesting. Here we go. Stephen Flores dropping some breaking news. Daniel Brandon uses Matt Torres' chalk to pole vault. God, that's a lot of... His caulk? uses Matt Torres's chalk to pole vault. That's a lot of... His caulk? Yeah, his caulk. Depends on how you pronounce that.
Starting point is 02:09:21 There's got to be a healthy tension between the coach and the athlete, right? Like there's probably, there's gotta be shit tons of coaches and athletes that have sexual tension between them that they just never acknowledge and they just live on it and feed on it. And there's just some enjoyment there and no one ever acts on it, right? There's gotta be thousands of examples. It's going on all the time. It's only fair. It's men and women. And you kind of have to do a healthy job of just sweeping it under the rug right sure i mean you're a guy or you're a girl coach and like let's like you're michelle etondre and you're training patrick velner every
Starting point is 02:09:54 day and you're seeing them and there's some tension that builds but like it's just not appropriate but at some point that tension actually becomes usable right you don't act on it but if you do act on it it everything changes instantaneously it's not there anymore right the whole relationship changes is there anyone who can explain that it's like if you open a window all of a sudden everything and it's a windy day outside everything in the room changes like someone could could explain that, right? Like you can explain why, but what is it that happens after you're the person, after the person that you're in a relationship with, I've never heard it explained what happens after your penis goes in them or
Starting point is 02:10:42 you let them put their penis in you but something has changed the window is now open and there's no closing it yeah or it takes a long time but but i don't think it's anything i don't mean to get all i don't know what the word is, hippy-dippy on you, but something changes that's tangible, but it's, but I don't know how to explain it, but there's something's broken. Maybe broken's too biased of a word. I shouldn't use broken.
Starting point is 02:11:21 Something is. The threshold has been breached. I'm not making that up, right? It's not like a thought. It's like something that feels like a thought, but it's real. It's like... If you have a two by four and you break it in half,
Starting point is 02:11:36 it's broken in half now that it's in two pieces. They're not connected anymore. You can pick up one half and the other half doesn't lift up. It's changed. You don't have one piece of wood that's eight feet long anymore. I know what you mean. Yeah, I see what you're saying. But it's weird because it seems like it's just a thought like racism.
Starting point is 02:11:56 It's just like an insecurity or you're just making it up. But I think something must happen that I can't touch. It's weird. I don't know. Maybe I'm making that all up. Maybe everything. Oh, it's weird i don't know i'm maybe i'm making that all up maybe everything oh it's just nothing it's just your penis went in her vagina it's nothing it's just like uh putting weights on the end of the barbell it's just just pull it off and now it's done post nut clarity well that's coming from a guy who won't you slept with nine women
Starting point is 02:12:20 in your gym my mouth stopped working again. David Weeds calls it post-nut clarity. Thank you. But this is coming from a guy who only slept with girls once at the gym. Nine girls and just banged them once and that's it. Heidi says it too, though. What did she say? It's called post-nut clarity.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Oh. Soda Devesh. Oh, no. Post-nut clarity. Jeez, no. Close-knit clarity. Jeez, Louise. Rogan said, wants to beat off before a date for clarity so you don't do anything stupid. Sad but true. Well, there is.
Starting point is 02:12:54 There is. I get that. Yep. The thing is with guys, though, if I bone at night, I want it more than ever in the morning. It's a slippery slope shooting a gun. That's what happens to people. They're totally fucking anti-gun, and then someone takes them to the shooting range, and they're all excited about it now.
Starting point is 02:13:21 Who was it? There was some games athlete who we had on who was like that. Oh, Jacob Hebner was anti-gun he's a fucking poster child for blowing shit up it's weird how that works oh what is it the women that make it complicated i don't know i don't think it's the women i don't know it would be fun to ask Matt Torres. Hey, how did, what happened? I don't even know if the dudes know. Oh, you're thinking of Sam dancer. Oh, that's right. Okay. I don't think good point.
Starting point is 02:14:13 uh real media 427 real media is like real doctors it's code for i can't think for myself and i pushed the fascist narrative oh this is going to be fun my school apologizes oh this is nuts new york city school apologizes after students were served chicken, waffles, and watermelon for Black History Month. I'm sorry. Why did they apologize? How does someone intellectually explain that apology? Why? Because black people eat cantaloupe and not watermelon? It was off.
Starting point is 02:14:46 The fruit was off. It should have been pancakes and not waffles because it should have been turkey breast and not chicken why would you apologize is that something black people eat or they don't eat i don't know yeah why are you apologizing for that because it's stereotypical? Do you mean – God, we are so – this is more of just stupidity. If it was Chinese History Month, would it be okay if they served fried rice? It would be, right? Probably. But it's not even – it doesn't even fit under cultural appropriation because it is Black History Month. The only thing I could understand is if, look it, even a black guy here in the Larry Dickham.
Starting point is 02:15:35 Why can't we have delicious chicken, hot buttery waffles and juicy watermelon? And look, some another black person wrote, shit, that's probably the best food they had all year yeah like why hey this is where white people are leveraging melanated people this is systemic racism to enforce when you apologize it's the same thing joe rogan did okay let's watch yeah problems don't fix themselves but as a true master of beasts, I know that shit well. Me and Beast was out looking for the motherfucker that broke in my house was eating all my crackers. I don't know what this is. This is just that page from the guy. Oh, is that a white guy with black face or is that a real black guy?
Starting point is 02:16:16 That's a real black guy. That is? Yeah. That's the whitest looking black dude I ever seen. Let me click on his account. Maybe we need to have this guy on. That's him? Yeah. This is hilarious.
Starting point is 02:16:30 A self-proclaimed soul music legend on a mission to get his master... What did it say up top? To get his masters back with his kung fu. I'm following this guy. This is hilarious. I'm following this guy this is hilarious i'm fine hey do you know what someone told me the other day a guy was wearing a ceo shirt in his gym and his coach came up to him and told him that's a homophobic shirt what a lady a female coach larry um dickham d-i-c-k-e yeah larry dickham follow
Starting point is 02:17:10 a message uh glad i found you glad i found you um and how how the fuck is the ceo shirt a homophobic shirt i was like did you try to explain it to her that it's the opposite that she's a fucking homophobe for being a fucking hater of the shirt homophobe shirt that's super random i'll let her eat my wife's ass if that'll get her to like me. I am not. I'm the opposite. I'm the opposite of a homophobe. I am so not afraid. I don't think I would care if my wife dated women at all.
Starting point is 02:17:56 I don't give a two shits. Don't we have an LGBTQ shirt? Get the rainbow CEO shirt. I have one. It was hard to make though i have the lgbq cdfg plus shirt i'll wear it tomorrow it's somewhere it's a nice shirt actually it's even got the plus in it fucking that was that was so lame that she said that i could understand you thinking like i'm childish immature you don't like some stuff but they call me, but to call me a homophobe, you're a fucking idiot. Do not, you're not listening to anything.
Starting point is 02:18:34 What does that word mean again? Homophobe. It means I'm afraid of gay people. That's it. That's like, I'm afraid of spiders. Homophobe. Person with a dislike or prejudice against gay people I'm prejudiced against them I know like the same way I'm prejudiced against straight people
Starting point is 02:18:52 if I even know what prejudice means but there's absolutely no dislike I like black people I like gay people I've already said that if I could live in a neighborhood with just fucking homos with just gay men i'd take it be so fucking easy everything would be clean there'd be no fucking crime i could walk outside and get my mail my mailbox and like
Starting point is 02:19:17 dick hanging out and someone be like yo good to see you nice dong totally fucking and and and i think uh then straight people then lesbian women but that's Nice dong. Totally fucking. And I think then straight people, then lesbian women. But that's not because I don't like them. It's just because I have, because I just, I have, I'm not afraid of them. I just have prejudices of how I think they behave. Lesbians are probably a little more high maintenance. Now, if I...
Starting point is 02:19:45 I'm trying to think. If I was going to send my kids to someone's house to play, I'd send them to the lesbian women based on my prejudices and discrimination. Because then there's no dudes over there to diddle. Fucking homophobe. Fuck you. fucking homophobe fuck you what did i miss heidi keeps complaining that my wife's still doing dishes oh she can hear them i guess i'm gonna make swallowing sounds i meant to get a i'm gonna i'm gonna um you know what caleb we need to do
Starting point is 02:20:32 what's that we need to do a lot of things we need to get you a bigger screen and we need to get you one of these road sound boards where you can load sounds into it oh yeah that'd be cool you need a swallowing sound for um every time we read a that would be the next level for the show every time we read a heidi comment you push a button and it's like a swallowing sound because she hates that right right and then like if there's and then if there's like some uh someone who's like melanated in the comments we have like a samford and son audio track we play every time we read their comments. Or like Devesh Maharaj, we should have some Indian music. Like...
Starting point is 02:21:12 You know what I mean? Yes. That'd be perfect. Ethnic... Just sounds... Just places just to organize people people categorize them with audio cues that'd be perfect she hates no she just hates the sound of it let's not get carried away make any like huge rash rash assumptions she hates swallowing question mark
Starting point is 02:21:43 um there we go i would lovely uh lovely belly dancing music every time he read mine yeah that'd be great like with those little yeah nice yeah asshole asshole waddle you huge asshole and now everyone wants a, can I have a cucaracha song? Yeah. Allison, it would be. No, Heidi, Allison is this one. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Okay, 425 climate change. Oh, shit, we're approaching two and a half hours. My goodness. You get an Oregon Trail card. You go in and you buy a bottle of water. You go out to the parking lot and you dump it on the ground. Then you take your empty bottles. You take them into the store immediately to redeem for $0.10 apiece.
Starting point is 02:22:57 Then you buy drugs. Okay, so this is in Portland. And you get the water for free. And then you dump the water out just right on the cement there and age the cement. And then you take the bottles back in and get some change, and this is the city. And here's what's crazy. Imagine just if all of that shit was put a stop to how much that would help climate change. And guess who all guess who supports all of this behavior? Do you think do you think Republicans or Democrats want to give out free water and let it be dumped out like that and traded for drugs?
Starting point is 02:23:37 I just want to meet one Republican who thinks that that's OK. But I know I know every democrat thinks that's okay well Savon it's a complicated issue with certain mental health components that need to be handled with no shut the fuck up stop giving away free water that's fucking crazy
Starting point is 02:24:01 dude and it's just happening all over fucking every fucking liberal city in the fucking country all this crazy shit alright today's tonight's show is going to be cool J.R. Howell
Starting point is 02:24:17 oh I gotta call my mom to help me with the kids tonight J.R. Howell and I want to call my mom right now and just see what happens. Let's see. I've never done this. She won't like this, by the way. She's told me she won't come on the show. Rosemary. Can you hear it ringing? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 02:24:57 Hey, Jim, eat a dick. He said don't call Rosemary. She's in the shower. Hello. All right. You know, the truth is she's probably at um annie sakamoto's gym crossfit santa cruz she goes there in the mornings oh maybe she is watching and that's why she's not answering there that is a that is also a um smart lady yeah that could be could be it i went to her house last night for dinner i should do that more she invites me over there all the time for dinner and i always make her come over here but i had a blast actually uh oh did you see josh bridges is scheduled
Starting point is 02:25:35 no what yeah i think josh bridges is coming on Friday. No shit. Yeah. You see him in the calendar? Saturday. Oh, Saturday. I'm pretty excited. I haven't talked to him in a long time. I haven't even talked to him on the phone. That is super exciting.
Starting point is 02:25:59 I actually sent him a text about a month or two ago. No, no. A week ago. Two weeks ago. I sent him a text and I said, i sent scott stalling scott stalling is a golfer who's been on the show and i get he was in arizona and i saw him on tv with greg and greg and i were watching him hit a golf ball and i sent a picture of greg watching it to scott and it went to a green account which made me think that like scott had changed his phone or something and i told josh i said uh tell your friend, Scott Stalling,
Starting point is 02:26:28 ask him if he changed his phone number, if he could text me so I can get his number. And I think Josh texts back, who is this? So then I said, Hey, can you come on the show? As soon as someone plays hard to get with me, I'm like, okay, time for get them on the show. As soon as someone plays hard to get with me, I'm like, okay, time to get them on the show. Whose arm? Fikowski's arm? I heard Fikowski hurt his arm.
Starting point is 02:26:53 Can we please ask about his arm? No one will ask the obvious question. Bridges? Who's a... All right. Climate change. who's uh all right climate change well now you know the problem it's because they're giving away free water bottles in liberal cities and dumping it out um oh do you guys want to see this one this is great this is some woke shit this is over at google i think this guy was sexually harassed 424 this guy was sexually harassed by his boss who's a a female asian a asian female google google executive claims he was fired by tech giant after rejecting sexual
Starting point is 02:27:45 advances from high ranking female boss. So he had this female Asian boss and it's important that she's Asian because of, for the reason why he was fired and he's a white dude and she had touched him like on his stomach and was like, Oh, I liked your six pack and was basically making moves at him. Right.
Starting point is 02:28:02 The alleged hands-on encounter unfolded during a drunken company gathering at Fig and Olive on West 13th Street shortly after Olihan was promoted to managing director of food, beverage and restaurants and joined new management team that included Miller in Google's Manhattan offices, according to the lawsuit. So she must be married to like a white dude herself. Oh, that's the guy? Yeah. Ryan Olihan. Anyway, so she felt him up. I've been felt up. You know our HR lady at CrossFit?
Starting point is 02:28:40 Have you guys ever told you about the HR lady at CrossFit when I worked there? I feel like I have. Probably. She hugged pelvis to pelvis. So there's three kinds of hugs. There's like the hug where you don't hug the boobs. You don't even do chest to chest, just the fake hug.
Starting point is 02:28:59 I really just don't like that one at all. Then there's a hug where you just bring your bodies together. And then there's the hug that you do with like your wife or like someone like you can't even fucking believe they're alive like like like like i did like i hugged my mom just as tight like pretty tight and brought her in as close as i could after i didn't see her for 10 days not because i didn't believe she was alive but i hadn't seen her in 10 days and i wanted to really let her know how
Starting point is 02:29:21 much i miss her and love her oh yeah that, that's the chick right there, Tiffany Miller. Oh, you look like a Miller. Not Miller. Anyway, so the HR woman at CrossFit used to hug me and she'd push her pelvis against me and say all sorts of crazy shit that would be deemed inappropriate. Crazy shit. She's the only person at my work.
Starting point is 02:29:43 There was one other girl at the work who did some crazy shit when she hugged me, too. Like, she would jump on me and, like, wrap her legs around me. No thanks. She was little, and she had huge fake tits, this chick. I was very – I think I was pretty standoffish at work physically, not to the boys, but definitely to the girls. I was, I didn't send eggplants around to the, to the girls, but, um, so she would hug pelvis to pelvis. Yeah. And she would leave crazy notes on my desk. It was a trip.
Starting point is 02:30:27 yeah and she would leave crazy notes on my desk it was a trip um she i heard i heard that she had reported me ironically that that i had called her a cunt i called i guess i'd called sent the text lady uh a text to the hr woman and called her a cunt and she had that was in my record or something i didn't even know i had a record. I thought I was above all that shit. And supposedly Rosa saw that too, and that was a red flag. I don't ever remember calling her a cunt, but I definitely could have done that. I definitely could have done that. There were times I'd be at the games, and I'd be like, Hey, I need to bring so-and-so in.
Starting point is 02:31:06 I know it's only two days notice and I need them to film something. And they'd be like, you know that we can't have anyone come and work for us without a contract being submitted one week in advance. And I could totally see myself texting back. Don't be a cunt. A hundred. I could so see myself doing that to anyone. I don't know if I, yeah. Thank you, Andrew. Thank you. But, um, I definitely did thought that I was untouchable for sure. I didn't think I was, I was, but I also didn't, I was also the kind of kid that like, because I had, um, I didn't, I didn't take advantage of that.
Starting point is 02:31:48 I fucking use, I felt extra responsibility. I was, when I was the teacher's pet, I always worked extra hard anyway. So that guy that she tried to grope that fucking guy. And, um, when she, when, uh, he said, no said no uh he got fucking fired he wouldn't give up the d and he got fired for um supposedly like some racist shit because he was hiring too many white employees and they just flat out say it they don't even they're not like they flat out say that um you weren't hiring people based on their uh on their capabilities you were just weren't hiring enough mixture of people uh scrolled uh scroll uh when he was when he asked
Starting point is 02:32:30 why he was not inclusive olahan was told that he had shown favoritism towards high performing employees and that was um i'll i'll bleast oh sorry sorry and that he was an ableist for commenting on the other employees. So let me let me read that again with a with a little more advanced reading knowledge. When he asked why he was not inclusive, Ulihan was told that he had shown favoritism towards high performing employees and that he was ableist for commenting on other employees walking pace. Oh, I guess he had told one of the employees that they were walking too slow or something hey speed up i do that to everybody but also my gait is pretty long uh he was accused of um uh miller as defendants uh and accuses them of discrimination retaliation fostering a hostile work environment yeah can you imagine can you imagine telling the guy that you were hiring people based you were favoring people based on
Starting point is 02:33:28 their um higher performing uh abilities what's the answer to that uh yes that's correct oh but so and so has way bigger tits i know i did not hire them based on the size of their tits i hired them based on the fact that actually uh smaller tits because uh that way they could when they walked down the hallway they took less room i hate slow walkers david weed what's up good looking people who are we shitting on today google adam blakesley uh andrew hiller what do you think of street parking joining the open but you can't use them as an affiliate only if you do the workout in the alcarez's garage how about the fucking workout they chose? Not inclusive enough.
Starting point is 02:34:26 Horrible for a fucking first workout. And if you're going to try to include a street parking people, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. I told Don, I said,
Starting point is 02:34:36 Hey, no matter what I say about CrossFit, I want you to know, as of now, I'm a huge fan of you. He goes, what did you say? I said, no, nothing. Nevermind. he goes what did you say i said no nothing never mind
Starting point is 02:34:46 okay last one 423 and then i gotta i gotta go heller i loved how ariel chimed in on your video what video uh okay here we go Heller, I loved how Ariel chimed in on your video. What video? Okay, here we go. Don't shout at me. You came voluntarily. Did I ask you to come? I'm defending fascism.
Starting point is 02:35:17 No, I'm exposing you as a fascist. How am I a fascist with people who are horrible and great and they're great and so we're still on the same page? But see, the problem is sometimes you get speakers like me who are not scared of people like you. Ultimately, you are afraid of ideas. You're not willing to engage with me. You think I pose a threat to you? I'm an immigrant. I came to America with nothing. What threat do I pose to you?
Starting point is 02:35:36 You propose dangerous, violent ideas that kill millions of people. I propose dangerous, violent ideas that kill people? Who have I killed? Do you realize that Hitler's deadly opponent was capitalism? The fascist ideology is one that is distinctly on the left. And the idea that the fascists are right-wing because they support racial superiority. Wait a minute. The guy who showed the Ku Klux Klan movie in the White House was Woodrow Wilson, a progressive Democrat. So progressivism was married to racism at the hip. So don't pretend it was a right-wing phenomenon. It wasn't. Hold was married to racism at the hip. So don't pretend
Starting point is 02:36:05 it was a right wing phenomenon. It wasn't. Hold on. Don't shout at me. You can't. I'm reading this book. I'm also reading this book now. I'm almost done with it, too. This book, that guy wrote called The Big Lie, Dinesh D'Souza. He's dope. He fucked that chick up. I wish they'd all dye their hair blue. All of them. I just, I wish there was just one way we could spot them and be like, oh shit. Yeah. And the beanie. It's crazy that they have a costume.
Starting point is 02:36:41 You can point them out from a mile away. Like hookers have costumes, right? Yeah. And woke folk have costumes. Who else has costumes? People who said that they would have joined the military but didn't. Now they just have a bunch of guns. Oh. And it's like their personality.
Starting point is 02:36:59 I saw a guy like that the other day. It's kind of funny. Everyone should just have a costume. Oh, cops. C cops have costumes yeah they all look the same too oh damn it hey have any parents come out and like defended um their sons for being in girls locker rooms watching girls dress like any any i want to see like some mom defend that stance for her boy ah well my boy should be allowed to go into the oh uniforms i feel like your wife's putting putty on the wall somewhere now she's patching a hole somewhere i
Starting point is 02:37:45 hear like no she's in the chat now oh oh no that's a nice dress that's a great photo of her holy shit that's a great photo i think my mom took it is your mom a photographer she just likes lucky i oh she is Yeah that's a great picture She's gluing dishes back together I know doesn't it I hear like some scraping Like she's out there like just putting like
Starting point is 02:38:18 Putty on a wall like patching a hole up or something Somewhere Probably Alright Hookers used to have costumes um until the sorority chicks appropriated them in the late 90s now they just wouldn't they're wearing for halloween and their daily dress okay uh i will see you guys tonight at 7 p.m pacific standard time jr howell brian friend we will be uh looking um doing our trolling the leaderboard segment and um then tomorrow morning
Starting point is 02:38:55 i don't even want to do guests anymore fuck guests oh tomorrow we have a live concho oh we had a c-map malhotra scheduled but then we had to move them then we have josh shakespeare who's josh shakespeare he's a comedian oh awesome yes josh shakespeare of course he's a comedian coming on thursday then on the 24th we have live calling show then on 25th we have josh bridges when do we have the homeschooling guy on that brett guy um oh we have raw of earth coming on um we're running t's coming on monday oh and then brett pike on tuesday the 28th yeah that's the homeschool guy yeah that's going to be a great show that 20 tuesday the 28th you do not want to
Starting point is 02:39:35 miss that show oh my birthday's coming up my birthday is i'm going to tell you guys this i'm not i'm not a birthday guy at all. Zero. Whoa, what is that protesting with white people? Let me see that one. That's a great shot of that chick getting back. She's going to get hit by a car. No, stop. Katie, come back. Katie, don't do that. Don't do that, Katie. No, Katie, no. Katie, no. Oh, no. don't do that katie okay no okay oh shit oh fuck oh that's hilarious
Starting point is 02:40:14 did you just assume this bitch is gender? Did anybody here really think this wasn't going to happen? Like, like, really? Hey, look, hey, hey, he's not using his gun. This is a step in the right direction. Hey, I'm not, you know, I'm not a Bideniden fan but if you step out to the president's motorcade you should have your fucking i can't say it because my wife tells me not to but you should not be by any means necessary the president united states should be protected like you should not be allowed to step out into the motorcade to the moment near the motorcade that was nuts
Starting point is 02:41:01 are they just are they trying to make it so like hey look people uh you can actually step right up to biden it's almost like they're trying to send the world a signal look how easy it is to approach them why would they allow that didn't go on for very long that's for sure there should have been a piano that dropped out of the sky and smashed her like in the cartoons uh seven i have your birthday saved in my calendar how would you know my birthday uh seven please get Taylor on with you tonight
Starting point is 02:41:33 I feel like busting balls Taylor's coming on Thursday night is Taylor's show yeah exactly thank you I didn't say it another Arminda and surprise she didn't get gunned down yeah why didn't why don't you get gunned down when you approach the president's car i don't like just like those people who approached the capitol on january 6th or the people in ferguson who approached the let the police department on fire why don't you get gunned
Starting point is 02:41:58 down i don't understand how you get away with that yeah i'll be 51 50 i'm gonna miss my fitties i'm gonna miss saying 50 i was trying to say city the other day it doesn't work city no do not oh ah i i saw the skateboard you me somewhere. It's probably in your unopened packages. My shit is a fucking disaster train wreck right now. My whole life is a train wreck because I've been gone for 10 days. I don't know any Armenian CrossFit athletes. Sevan, you should have
Starting point is 02:42:41 an Armenian CF athlete. There's not one good enough to be on the show. Do they even have gyms in Armenia? Oh. Oh, shit. Thank you. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:43:15 I don't do Apple Cash. How do I get that? Oh, no. Someone sent me Apple Cash. $200. You should just be able to transfer it over to your account. I have to set up to what account? It says I have to set up Apple Cash. $200. You should just be able to transfer it over to your account. I have to set up to what account? It says I have to set up Apple Cash.
Starting point is 02:43:31 Oh. Yeah, you have to have like a bank or like one of your cards attached to it, I think. Use a debit card to add money to your Apple Cash. Add card now. Add card. Previous cards? Just make sure you read off your credit card number and the CCA on the back.
Starting point is 02:44:04 Oh, fuck. CCA on the back Oh fuck I love how Seban solves Old man problems online Is that really an old man problem? Why are you sending me fucking Apple cash? And listen Anyone who wants to send me money Send it to my wife
Starting point is 02:44:23 I don't do any of that shit. What am I even going to do with the money when you send it to me? I don't even do, I don't do money. A big stack of cash in my pocket that my wife gives me to go out and play with every morning. Here's your stack of hundreds, Seve. She puts a little hat on me and pushes me out the door with the kids. I'm not a boomer. Really?
Starting point is 02:44:48 You're telling me everyone knows fucking Apple Cash? Do you have your Apple Cash? Oh, fuck that. Do you do Zelle, too, and Venmo? Yeah, I have both of those. Oh, I don't do either of those, either. That's how your wife usually pays me. It's Venmo
Starting point is 02:45:05 really? I do I do just money cash money yeah and actually when I went skiing when I went to that place Woodward in Tahoe
Starting point is 02:45:24 in Truckee with my kids that that whole resort didn't accept cash I can't even I don't have Apple cash thank you yeah it's fucking tarted all I have is Western Union now you're being a dick I did PayPal with the liver king the reason why someone defends the liver
Starting point is 02:45:42 king is because he gave him money one time the liver king gave The reason why someone defends the liver king is because he gave them money one time. The liver king gave me money through PayPal, and it was fucking crazy because they took such a huge amount of it. You also couldn't access it for a while, did you? Yeah. Because you didn't have a license or something? Yeah, you needed a driver's license. I didn't have one of those. Who the fuck had a driver's license during the pandemic?
Starting point is 02:46:07 I definitely didn't. I'll tell you what's like old people stuff. My parents are like, you can't drive without a license. Fuck, I can't. Yeah, drive where the fuck I want. When I was deployed, I got pulled over one time, and they're like, where's your license? I'm like, I don't have one.
Starting point is 02:46:24 Oh, really? In Jordan that happened? Yeah. Oh, where's your license? I'm like, I don't have one. Oh, really? In Jordan that happened? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. They're like, give me your license. I'm like, I don't have anything. Like, I don't know what to tell you. Did you even have a military ID?
Starting point is 02:46:36 Yeah, I like gave him my ID and he's like, no, license. And I was like, I don't have one of those. That's awesome. And I was like, I don't have one of those. That's awesome. Hey, and then you needed, so, and then you needed like a social security. In order to get my license, I needed like something else. And to get that, I needed something else. And I just couldn't get it.
Starting point is 02:46:56 So I just didn't have a license for a couple of years. Were you drunk? That's a good question. Were you drunk? No. Mike, you asshole. That is not what happened listen i knew them before he was the fucking liver king he fucking say i knew him and i tried to get him on my meet the parents podcast because he saved his fucking kids from autoimmune disease by changing the diet of the entire family
Starting point is 02:47:20 and then we became friends and he said he wouldn't come on the podcast because he was too shy and he was a horrible speaker. And then as time went on, one time I did Wadapalooza and I was like, hey, do you want to sponsor Wadapalooza? And he said, of course I do, brother. And he just sent me a fucking 20 grand. That was it. It was that quick. There was nothing else. It was way before the steroid debacle. And how much do you think Nicholasolas joya i love that hillar brought this up my stance on nicholas joya and phil toon is the exact same as liver king what just do you do you remember you got to live with your own shit uh seven tell the van poop story for the new listeners you know what?
Starting point is 02:48:05 Maybe I'll just play that clip when Josh is on. Oh, shut it. Who cares? Got caught by who? By you, Mason. Did you catch a Mason?
Starting point is 02:48:16 You caught big, bad liver King doing steroids. You read it on Instagram. He got caught. Oh my God. He got caught. Oh my God, he got caught. I took a shit in the van once in an emergency situation.
Starting point is 02:48:36 It was an emergency. And there was a toilet back there, one of those $20 toilets that my kids pee and shit in. We were at the skate park. It was weird. I had one of those nasty toxic poops. Do you know what a toxic poop is?
Starting point is 02:48:58 It smells like burning plastic. I haven't had one in years. I used to have them maybe once a year. Now I haven't had it. Since I started fasting, I don't have them anymore. Just kind of flushes everything out. I guess when I first started regular fasting, I would have those toxic poops. You poop and it just, it doesn't even smell like poop.
Starting point is 02:49:14 It doesn't smell organic. It doesn't smell like shit. It smells like, like, like I'm a robot and like I shit out something like my wiring. It's something you could light on fire. Yeah. Yeah. You ever have a neighbor who's burning something and they have a party at their house and they have a fire and then you're next door and you're like, fuck, someone just threw a bag of paper plates in the fire and the smell comes over into your yard. Right.
Starting point is 02:49:41 Yeah. Or styrofoam plates. And it was one of those and it's almost like it's like a weird kind of like like a gelatinous poop it's weird maybe i had it more than once a year um maybe once every three months when what happened and then once i started fasting i never have those anymore it's weird it's interesting but anyway um it was one of those situations and i don't know what i had eaten but like it needed to come out that's it that's all i'm gonna tell you and the and the kids were in the car and the doors were closed and we were in the van
Starting point is 02:50:20 the van gelatinous yeah gelatinous that's fucked up if you take a course of antibiotics it will wreck your poops yeah it's called C. diff Trish it wasn't Abby
Starting point is 02:50:40 it's called what? it's called C. diff but you have to take a bunch of antibiotics for you to get it um the the obvi and the obvi wasn't it was ari was wearing the batman mask ari had a uh inflammation of the colon caused by the bacteria colostridium difficile colostridium difficile
Starting point is 02:51:21 colitis results from the disruption of normal healthy bacteria in the colon, often from antibiotics. It can be transmitted from person to person by spores. It can cause severe damage to the colon and even be fatal. C. difficile. Symptoms include diarrhea, belly pain, fever. Treatment includes antibiotics.
Starting point is 02:51:43 More antibiotics. Oh, okay. here we go hi hi honey did you call yeah i'm live on the air oh sorry no it's okay um uh i just wanted to tell you in case you were going to say anything inappropriate um can you help me with the kids tonight? I have a show at 7 p.m. I had book club, but I can switch it. Okay. Well, I can – maybe I can ask Jackson to do it. Let's talk later.
Starting point is 02:52:18 Okay. All right, honey. Okay, I love you. I'll call you when the show's over. Okay. Bye. Bye. Bye. I'm going to be in so much trouble for that you guys
Starting point is 02:52:28 didn't sense it but she is pissed you just put her in a bind i know hey did i have a special voice for my mom or anything did i change maybe like you went up a little bit, went up an octave. Hi mom. Hi mom. Hi Avi. Yeah. Like I, I was wondering if you could watch the kids. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love you. I hate that when I, when you guys see me talking to my family members in hindsight, I'm like, Oh, I'm one of those people that's got like different characters for, Oh yeah. Book club. You heard that?
Starting point is 02:53:04 My mom does book club what a fucking dork that's why you guys can't call me a millennial or a boom or you guys can't call me a boomer so what if i don't use apple pay fuck you i don't go to book club uh yeah uh yeah let's talk later that's mom saying i'm gonna fuck your shit up later honey i know it is she's gonna tell me i'm not joking she's gonna tell me i'm don't do that again okay i don't want to be on the show you know that she's gonna tell me that i'm gonna get All right. What we learned today that this show is better than Stern. And that tonight we're having Brian friend.
Starting point is 02:53:55 And. Jer how long to talk about open week two, and I guess week one and stuff like that. All right, Caleb. Thank you. No problem. Let's turn into a three hour show. Bye bye.
Starting point is 02:54:07 We have three hours shown.

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