The Sevan Podcast - #814 - You Are God | Live Call In w/ Ra of Earth

Episode Date: February 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I think when I get the, I think I'm getting ready to make another big change to the studio here. You guys saw that I set up those red chairs and i set up a desk over there actually it's over there it's over there it's over there in reality it's over there but when i point it's better for you guys to understand if i point the wrong direction and dave was supposed to come in and sit in those
Starting point is 00:00:59 chairs and we were supposed to do a live show uh but uh then i took off to arizona and we were supposed to do a live show. But then I took off to Arizona and we haven't got it scheduled yet. But I'm thinking as I look around here, I need to, if I reorganize this, this is going to sound weird. I'm not even sure if I can explain this. But if I reorganize this room and I get even more comfortable in it, I think I'm going to go back to the old days
Starting point is 00:01:18 when I used to wear a vest for every show. I could just see it like working better with the ambiance in here if i if i if i like changed it and i don't know why i don't know why my dress would change if i changed the like setup of the room why i would change my clothes but i'm going to less t-shirts more vests hey what's up what's up dude talking about up, dude? Talking about dress code. I'm just thinking, I was thinking about like reworking my studio in here. And I was thinking if I rework my studio, it also changed my dress.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Like I wear a lot of these no plan B shirts and CEO shirts. But when I used to do the CrossFit podcast, I would always wear a vest. And usually like a Filson vest. And I would, I kind of want to go back to the vest it's a little more dressy but i don't know why i don't know why the setup of the room has anything to do with my clothes but for some reason it does you always have the the camera shining down on you oh well i don't know where else to put it you have any suggestions tell me talk to me help me i don't know i just like eye level straight in front of you yeah but the monitor is there how do you do how do you do it well oh you're using a camera yeah i'm actually just using my
Starting point is 00:02:33 computer oh so let me see i i can do that i could switch to um but your computer or your camera i wish i knew how to do all that stuff your camera is probably better than your computer camera right let me see if i can switch it to let's see studio display nope not that one nope not that one hold on i know there's a camera you have many cameras oh yeah oh this this monitor i have doesn't even have a camera you mean like that monitor over there as a camera like that am i looking right in the camera right now you're looking right into the camera yeah yeah okay yeah so i'm i'm using something where it's like i'm
Starting point is 00:03:14 using uh that's how i have that shallow depth of field see how it's like see how it's like when i lean back i get blurry and when i'm up here i'm all crisp and you can see like every like gray hair and wrinkle and like and those are those are sound boards what are they called right behind you yeah i just got these on amazon yeah did those help i mean i don't know it makes it look like i know what i'm doing i know i wanted to fill this whole wall with them yeah do it do it and and have someone maybe cut out whatever you're, if you have a logo in here, that would be dope. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Is that your spot right there? This is, yeah, this is my office. Hey, you moved? You're not in Cardiff? I was in Laguna Beach. So now I'm in LA. I'm back in LA. Oh, how come? More people, more resources?
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah. Laguna Beach, the average age is like 66 years old, which means that all my neighbors were 80. So it was just far away from everything, which is why we went there. We went there because the pandemic was still raging. Well we went to mount shasta and uh the first part of the pandemic then we came down to laguna beach because la you still needed uh to give up your rights to do anything so we went to laguna beach and then as soon as the pandemic was over and LA started opening back up, we came back here. It's been a lot of moving. I can't stand moving. Actually, I don't even know if I can't stand the thought of moving.
Starting point is 00:04:53 That's for sure. You know what I mean? It's horrible. It lasts months. Months of just moving things that you don't even think about, like plants. Hey, do you throw away a lot of shit every time you move? Is that like the benefit of it? That's the one reason why I kind of want to move,
Starting point is 00:05:11 just so I can throw away half my shit. I mean, we do, but we still had four U-Hauls. Wow. Like worth of crap somehow accumulated over the last couple of years. Like, let me see something on my desk like i have this camera on my desk i've never used it it's three years old it's probably brand new it's probably obsolete and i don't know why i have it last time i was at your house you gave me a bunch of stuff yeah you should come over again i'll give you another u-haul full of stuff do you have
Starting point is 00:05:40 someone that you give your shit to i need someone to give my shit to. So we, I had a storage unit that I, it was down by downtown LA. And last time I just started giving it to people that were driving by. Do you still have the storage unit? No. Oh, good on you. I have some ideological issues with storage units. What's wrong with them? just like get rid of that shit like why like you have a storage unit like i have a friend who has like five storage units
Starting point is 00:06:11 throughout the united states and it's crazy i know he'll never go back to that shit never ever ever just give it to me let me sell that shit and pay my mortgage it sits there for 20 years yeah actually that's a good business if somebody could just go through the storage unit and then split the cost with the owner of the storage unit, selling it all off. Yeah. I was in a friend's storage unit, and there was a backpack there, and it was full of old camera gear. This is about, I don't know, a year or two ago. And I'm like, hey, dude, there's a bunch of old camera gear in here. He's like, you can have it.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And then like a month later, he's like, hey, what, Hey dude, there's a bunch of old camera gear in here. He's like, you can have it. And then like a month later, he's like, Hey, uh, how do, what was in that bag? Anything good? And I'm like, I don't, I sold it all and paid my mortgage. $5,400. Thank you. Serious. Thank you. No, that's not a real story.
Starting point is 00:07:00 A couple of years ago, a year ago, a year ago, not ago not even maybe maybe less than a year ago it's life it's life i i have i have a storage shed full of four motorcycles that haven't been started in three years it's fucking idiocy i need to fucking sell them and like yeah be gone with them i would rather have the space i gave my motorcycle one of my well the last motorcycle i had away the last time we were in our storage unit a guy was driving by in a post he was like working for the u.s post office and he just goes sick bike or that's an awesome bike or something like that and i just screamed because he's driving by. I was like, do you want it? And he stopped. He came back. And he now has a motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Did you give him the pink slip too? Yeah. Yeah. I did something so stupid. This one motorcycle I got, I got a stencil of my firstborn's birthday put on it, October 3rd. And now for some reason that's made me attached to it like i don't want to sell it it's so stupid it's it's it's embarrassing i don't want to talk about it because you know what i mean because i put that on there now for some reason there's some extra attachment
Starting point is 00:08:14 to it even though it's just another motorcycle that came from japan right that never gets ridden that's probably losing value do you remember that being a little kid and like seeing people older people shit and you're like god you should just give that to me you don't even use that yeah it's not even when you're younger it's just when you don't have this stuff you're like right i wish i could have that do you have anything that's just absurd like two things like i actually felt like that when i went to your house and you had like seven motorcycles in your in your garage yeah just like what's he doing he's crazy do you have anything else like that you know t-shirts t-shirts and headphones i have so i
Starting point is 00:08:56 need to get rid of like um i have like 20 uh every second count t-shirts that's the movie i made about crossfit and for some reason i can't get rid of them and it's like dude just fucking get rid of them and same with headphones i have just drawers full of headphones like this like stuff like this i need a podcast set up savan i'd love to help you with that i'm coming down to newport are you oh no i'm coming to newport in in may may 7th or 8th i mean it's 45 minutes away 30 minutes away with no traffic and driving 100 miles an hour it looks like you have a setup that what you have right there sounds really good you look good and you sound great yeah but i this is like a usb mic so it constantly breaks and it constantly i'll be talking and then people are like no sound because it's it's it's consumer quality and i need the the real stuff the audio sounds good like um i'm gonna pull something up here and see if this was hey is laguna laguna is the town just that's where the montage is that
Starting point is 00:10:06 fancy hotel right yeah yeah that's an amazing town we went to leave there i mean the beach the beach is the cleanest beach in california so that was that and and the view that we had we were overlooking the pacific ocean every sunset was like a moving art piece so yeah that montage has a beach and that's where we went almost every single day there was a few other beaches what was woods cove which was a good beach down there did you see ryan much when you were down there Cause he's in Newport, just 20 minutes up the road, right? Yeah. We went to his gym. I wasn't really working out, but we went to his gym once and it was, took us 45 minutes to get there, even though it was right down the road,
Starting point is 00:10:57 like you said. Right. So we didn't really go back. When I actually, um, remember when I called you and i was like hey i need someone to like help out with the liver king and i hooked up with ryan i actually got to hang out with him a little bit nice yeah and it was it was actually pretty cool he's he's really on the straight and narrow he wouldn't even have a drink with me he's really uh he's still there yeah he i mean i i mean i respect it i respect it and he said he tried to move to Lake Tahoe, but he said it was too isolated. Oh, he did? Yeah. I think he went up there for tax reasons. He wanted to have a place in Nevada.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Smart, right? Yeah. Are you liking LA? I don't know. I do because there's a lot of events here. It's just like the best people in the world do their events here. So everything's accessible. But when I think about long-term, I, I just think about land, you know, open spaces and nature. But when we went there, we went to Mount Chesa, we kind of got bored.
Starting point is 00:12:11 So I don't know. I'm undecided. Right now we're thinking about moving to another country like Italy. So I got married since the last time I was on here. Congratulations. My wife has a SEMA. Thank you. Yes. SEMA. She has an Italian pat, uh, citizenship. So there's a hint of desire to go to another country, but she has already done that in her life because she's from Argentina and she came to America. So she's not craving having another cultural experience. I am because she's already
Starting point is 00:12:54 done it. I have nothing nice to say about Los Angeles, California. And I, I guess the one good thing I could say about it is it doesn't seem like it could get any worse. Maybe it's, it's, it's due for a revival. It could only get better, but, but it is some really, um, that there's some, uh, a mental virus there. There's some really bad thinking there, which, which I guess in another way you could see is just a shitload of opportunity to, um, aggregate the people who are starting to wake up because they probably are lonely and scared. Right? Yeah, I guess I don't really, even though there's a lot of people here, I don't really interact with a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I go to the health food store and to yoga studios and that's about it and events and the, and basically interact with people like me. So LA is when I first moved here 16 years ago, it was pretty tough because it's so spread out and, and you really just have to find your community and that's hard to do if you're just visiting so i say that la is like a horrible place to visit because you just don't know what to do you don't know where your people are but eventually you get in you find that when you live here after like two years there's there's people there who like actually locked down do you know what i mean by that there's like people who stayed in their house for six months or a year or two years and there's a
Starting point is 00:14:32 lot of them we have a fan we have family that moved out of la because they were so scared we did endemic oh because they were scared of it yeah they were so scared they believed it so like there's people there who are just like literally trapped in between their ears they cannot get out right even if you're like hey you're like oh you know this you're like just walk through here i'll hold the door open for you they're handcuffed like this and you're like here's the key you want to let you go no what are you doing you know what i mean like, we got kicked out of the beach. Yeah, I got kicked out of the beach in Santa Cruz too. 2020. And then I remember just looking at SEMA and saying, okay, we need to leave this.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Like, what are we doing here? And we left. And now you're back. I wonder why you're back. You know why you're back? We are back. I don't know. It was alluring to come back you like your place yeah our place is awesome it's just the events like what do you when you say events what are you
Starting point is 00:15:35 talking like the conscious life expo the just like all these events that are fitness slash health, yoga, spirituality, consciousness, psychology. You can't just live anywhere and have stuff to go to every weekend that is in a sunny setting where the best people in the world in that field come and speak. And, and you get to absorb that by living in Los Angeles. Another place like that is Vegas, but who wants to live in Vegas? I guess a lot of people do. Have you ever lived there? No, but I've been there a lot because it's only four hours away from here. But no, I haven't lived there.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I don't think anyone really wants to live in Vegas. It's kind of like they're there because they have to be there. Or they rationalize it for some economic decision. Right. Hey, yesterday, this is off subject a little bit i was driving down the street in santa cruz right along the beach and there was a f-150 a truck in front of me and i see trash get thrown out the window i'm like wow that's pretty amazing like still happening like that yeah like i haven't seen that i haven't really seen that since I left Berkeley.
Starting point is 00:17:05 So I followed the car and it pulls into this farmer's market. It's just all these hippies and shit. This white lady gets out and I go, hey. She goes, what? I go, I want to thank you. She goes, what for? I'm like, I thought it was only black people who littered. And you just really unfucked me.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I was a racist piece of shit before today and now you have just shown me that the world is also white people who litter i thank you her fucking boyfriend was like beside himself i was like what i'm saying being serious i should have filmed it i should have filmed it it would have been a great it's a great comedy bit I should have filmed it. I should have filmed it. It would have been a great, it's a great comedy bit. Fucking littering.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Who litters? I know that's. Who the fuck litters? The same thing when you see somebody smoking cigarettes too. You're like, wait, people still do that? Hey, shut the fuck up, David. Did I call the cops again? I know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Listen, you can't be driving around on my streets and ramming other cars and me not call the cops again? I know what you're doing. Listen, you can't be driving around on my streets and ramming other cars and me not call the cops on you. I think that's fair. I told this a couple of days ago, I saw a car ram another car and then they both sped onto the freeway. And I took pictures of both of them and called the cops. And he's, he's, David's alluding that I'm a snitch like that. I called the cops. And it wasn't very popular in the comments, Ronnie, that I called the cops,
Starting point is 00:18:27 even a cop. Even one of my cop listeners was like, I shouldn't have called. I was like, what the fuck? No, you're just making more work for them. The insurance company will handle it.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I thought about not saying it to that lady. I want to tell you, so be careful. Because I thought, what if she's crazy? And I say that to her, that, that thing about, um i thought about not saying it to that lady i want to tell you so be careful because i thought what if she's crazy and i say that to her that that thing about i only thought black and she gets crazy of the littering lady but she was like seriously she was even more detail when i they parked the car i saw them smoke a bowl and they were using a match and she would they were an f 150 and they were both so obese that they touched each other in the car. And I just was starting to feel like, okay, they're stoned.
Starting point is 00:19:08 They're fucking 80% of the way to decrepitude. They can't hurt me. So I just thought it would be a good funny bit to do the whole racism thing on them. And it was hilarious because it's in a farmer's market. And you were being super racist by saying that. Yeah, yeah. It was great. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I hope they appreciated it because it took a lot of courage on my part to say it you should have filmed it i should have filmed it it would have been good i mean you should have a camera with you at all times i do one of those uh chest ones oh yeah yeah yeah you have that i probably do andrew hiller has an amazing this friend of mine has this amazing gopro that he that he attaches here they've gotten so nice the gopros i mean if you're if you're meeting people that could be a show of its own you're right and you know what people are asking for content with me not behind this desk they're like hey can we see some shit in your life that used to be what you were doing right yeah well kind of showing other people's lives your life is pretty cool i mean you have
Starting point is 00:20:18 your what's the the channel three play three playing brothers three playing brothers yeah my life my life is kind of cool uh ken walters one of these clowns you follow to discipline are going to pull a piece on you i don't know if in this time i don't know if that's going to happen this time but you're right it's not worth for for a small little bit you're probably it's worth it's not getting worth getting killed got to get home to my kids. Yeah, you got to think about them. Raw, how do you sit with negative thoughts? Cross-legged. With his thumb in his ass.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Do you invite them in like a neighbor? What's a negative thought? I would need an example of a negative thought. Yeah. At some point you get to the point where it's not, it's not a negative. So I think that's what he's talking about. Do you invite them in like a neighbor because they're not something that you want to just shoo away. But I guess when I have what would be considered a negative thought and I recognize that it's a thought that doesn't serve me, I pass it through. So for instance, if my wife triggers me, right? If I start finding myself getting irritated by something that I know
Starting point is 00:21:42 shouldn't be irritating me, I usually just breathe through it and watch watch and kind of giggle at how I'm getting irritated like there's this thing that I hate so much and I can't and I don't know why I hate it but it's it's and it might be the sound of everybody eating but because we're always eating together, there's this like this sound of her eating internally. It like rips my insides apart. I don't, it's like my, I can feel my body reacting, but she's just chewing her food. And I deal with this very often. And it's kind of funny for me. It's kind of like I'm laughing at my body reacting to this neutral event. And I think that that's taught me to be like that with almost anything that's neutral because I have to deal with this all the time. And it's hilarious to me because I don't know why I still react to this. to this so at some point my body just gets really it learned to get annoyed at the sound of another person eating i don't know why that is that happens to me um what you're saying about once a year and it's very weird when it happens like i'll just catch someone eating it's and it's usually my
Starting point is 00:23:00 wife and my wife eats very quietly and all of a sudden I'm losing my shit inside. Hey, I wonder, I wonder if you, if you could cure that, if you, um, uh, like you laid on your back with an erection and they sat on it and then they just ate something, you know what I mean? Like a bowl of Cheerios. And then you would, you know what I mean? You would have this association with like, I'll tolerate anything. Yeah. Do what you want. you want i don't care pick your nose flick boogers on me i'm good take a shit whatever we're good uh excuse me uh see my i know we're eating dinner but come here we're
Starting point is 00:23:35 gonna fix this once and for all come to the bedroom bring your food with you it's just a uh trish i used to have horrible anxiety once i learned to sit with my anxiety and expect it i invited it in once i learned to expect it i missed it when it disappeared oh wow it sounds like a poem it became an old friend was her last line do you get nervous when you sometimes when i see you i'm speaking in front of crowds on your instagram or to groups of people i get nervous for you. I'm like, he doesn't even seem nervous. Do you get nervous?
Starting point is 00:24:08 That's the only time I ever get anxiety is group speak. No, I get nervous. And you handle it so good. Seema points it out. And I'm like, you really could tell? I'm like, you really could tell? She's like, yeah, your voice was shaking. And yeah, I speak in front of people. What last time I learned to not be nervous? Oh, so check this out. This is actually,
Starting point is 00:24:35 so this will help somebody else who gets nervous. Last time I spoke, it was outdoors. I spoke, it was outdoors. It was at Puriam HQ. And so there was a lot of people there and it was cold. And so I was the last one. I basically had to close out a bunch of other speakers and, you know, comment on what they say and, and rally up everybody based on what everybody said. So I had to pay attention to what everybody else was saying, but I was freezing. And so I was doing breath of fire and I was just trying to do that to warm myself up so that when I got up there, I was, I could feel myself shivering. I was shivering and I was trying to, I was doing long, deep breathing, very strong and breath of fire. Do you think everyone else there was shivering was everyone cold you think i think so yeah it was cold i i was i was also like am i nervous
Starting point is 00:25:32 shivering or am i cold shivering but i was definitely cold shivering and because i was doing breath various types of breath work for like 45 minutes i got on the mic completely like i was talking to my best friend at a cafe like it was weird so that helped but we're not all anyone noticed that was anyone like holy shit you were so fucking amazing today yeah actually sema oh that's awesome actually a lot of people did come up to me and say something. Like you were hyper present and just intimate with them. Right. I think it's more just the calmness of speaking.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And I think that everybody in an audience, when we're watching somebody speak, we all want them to be that way. And so when somebody does show up that way, I think that everybody watching does appreciate that as opposed to the person that gets on the mic and say, I'm so nervous. You, you do this thing where you'll bring people into a room. They can come to your house. You'll have a group of them and you'll speak to them and, and, and put them through a practice that helps them reset what they're manifesting yeah i'm doing most of that online what if i just want to pay you to do that to me what if i just want you to like holy fuck when i i can't first of all when you say that i get nervous for you i'm like god how does he how does he know how to do that and there's going to be a room full of people and they're going to come to his house but there's a
Starting point is 00:27:06 four-hour process you'll sit down a group of people and you'll put them through a practice to basically like what can you give me an insight into what the process is of that and i want to do that can you come to my house and do me reset me what if you reset me and fuck me what if like you walk away and i think uh dog breeding the next thing i know i'm this fucking wealthy podcaster that turns into a dog breeder my shit goes to fucking hell i don't know i mean that's why like all those people who do acid or ayahuasca i'm like dude you should do a lot of sitting by yourself before you like you should be careful hitting the reset button on the brain.
Starting point is 00:27:49 You might stop at the wrong channel and start manifesting the wrong shit. Yeah. But the thing with what I do is alignment is what's most important for my process. is finding somebody's values, finding their personal rules, finding what their passions are, and aligning their life to that. Even if they still stay within their current career, how do we take the things that they don't like and try and get away from that and go towards the things that they do like. But part of my process is getting the subconscious active. So a lot of people are reading books or they're learning things, but they don't realize that all of our programs are running and they were set in stone in our psyche when we were seven, eight years old, maybe like three years old to seven or eight years old is when we learn to be in this world. We learned what we're afraid of. We learned
Starting point is 00:28:52 what we are drawn to. And we learned why all that is when we were that age. And at that age, our brain is, is humming at a theta frequency, which is the same frequency that you're at right before you go to sleep. So it's not sleeping. It's like when you're daydreaming, that sort of frequency. And that's the frequency you're at as a small child, and that's the frequency that we can reprogram, unprogram our subconscious. And so if we're doing learning and we want to incorporate programs into our psychology, we really have to be at that brainwave frequency. So we have to get into that frequency, usually with breath or some sort of meditative practice before we can start tuning how we want to be and and does it help doing that in the room with other people
Starting point is 00:29:54 so like six of you are on the frequency and the seventh person's having trouble but because there's six other people there they fucking get get it they like they they get to it also like you know like tip you put 10 women in a room together and they start menstruating in the same cycle it's the same thing with crossfit i mean it's it's easier to work out if everybody is on the same intention usually it's goal oriented or have you ever seen one of those things where they they put like six metronomes together and they're ticking all different speeds and then and then all of a sudden they start getting on the same there's a lot of so i posted you saw that on my instagram i did okay but uh there's a there's there's even
Starting point is 00:30:34 experiments where there's random number generators all over the world all over the world there's random number generators that just for science reason, they're just tracking and they can go look at them. And when the earth is going through a major event like nine 11, all of those random number generators become not random anymore. So when there's major events in the world, our consciousness or the world's consciousness impacts machines. So it's not even, so a metronome is a good example, but it's not even just humans syncing together. There's also another experiment where they set up a bunch of like baby chickens and there's a random, there's a machine. We can comment on this. The actual reason for this scientifically is that there's those cans in the bottom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And so all the metronomes start to move the platform together. But if you just imagine that we're all. Well, we're all in the cans and we're on the platform. Right. I mean, we're all, we're all breathing the same air. We're all on the cans and we're on the platform that's right i mean we're all we're all breathing the same air we're all drinking the same water so there is it's hard to distinguish between human beings when you start opening up beyond our body like what's going in and out of our body is the same substance so you gather these people in the room and you get them on the same theta frequency and that's
Starting point is 00:32:06 where you start where they're in their subconscious and that's where you're trying to get in there and and is that a fair way to to illustrate it to get in there yeah and and there's there's the process is is pretty easy of like what we do like Like for instance, usually it's bringing up to the surface something. Like for instance, the very first one I ever did with people was on self-criticism. So it's picking something in their life that they're self-critical of. And some people, it's their voice tone. Some people, it's how they look. Some people, it's their performance in some area of their life, whether it's their job. And we journal that. So I prefer the writing exercises. And when you journal something and
Starting point is 00:33:04 there's a time period that you have to journal, you have to keep on searching deeper and deeper and deeper into your subconscious. So we might know that maybe we don't like the way that we look, but when you're forced to sit there and write it down for 10 minutes, you're really bringing up this aspect of yourself and you're you're in that zone of your psychology um for me it's not that i don't like the way i look i just can't fucking believe everyone i'm i'm upset that everyone doesn't love the way i look i'm like are you guys fucking blind i look fucking amazing like everyone should want to look like this. I'm not changing. Are you fucking kidding me? Look at this nose, this hair, this beard, these eyes, the glasses.
Starting point is 00:33:55 What the fuck is wrong with me? It should just be raining vagina on me when I go outside. It is, isn't it? No, it's not. It truly is not. I cannot lie. that window's closed i i honestly have no interest in that but but when i was a kid but when i was a kid i never thought of it like this before but when i was a kid i would be like i when i looked in the mirror i was never like hey i want to be taller or i wanted like i wish
Starting point is 00:34:21 i wasn't wishing i was like what's wrong with these people I'm cool I'm good looking I'm like I'm but it wasn't the I didn't look like whatever the I didn't have that I always uh you you didn't like the way you look you wanted to change something why is it the good looking people wanted to change the way they look and I was ugly and I'm like, yeah, I fucking look great. I'm delusional. Am I delusional? Sounds like it. I would look at other people. I mean, as a kid, I would, I would hate the, the way that looked. I was small. I was scrawny. Everybody else was bigger, more masculine than me. And I, that stuff kind of, it sticks around. So it doesn't even matter. That's what I mean. So when you get programmed like this as a kid, even when things change in your life, these programs are still running. And there's ways that we can recalibrate them to what your present adult self notices and even desires to be acting in according in accordance to do you think you got that from
Starting point is 00:35:28 sports if you didn't if you didn't play sports you wouldn't have not you wouldn't have because in sports right there's uh size and speed and athleticism and all those things and so you compare yourself to the other kids i don't know just the fact of going to high school public high school it's everything's a competition there right right right friends and hey dude boys my kids tennis coach said to me i this is about a year ago i go hey why what's wrong with all the fucking kids in here because i mean i go they're all fucking assholes i go how come there's no nice kids like mine? And he goes, dude,
Starting point is 00:36:07 he's all, it's cause your kids don't go to school. I go, what do you mean? He's all, these kids are in a, um, what was the word he used?
Starting point is 00:36:14 These kids are in a dick measuring contest from the second they wake up to the second they fucking go to bed with other kids. Right. It was like, Oh shit. I didn't even think of that. It's, it's horrible. Don't they need a little bit of
Starting point is 00:36:27 that i actually went the other way i was like oh fuck my kids aren't getting that are they missing out on that one of the coaches says hey it would be i can't believe i'm saying this but it would be nice to see your kid like even like cheat once in a while and this coach is like he hates cheating right he'll be like if i see anyone she'll kick him off but he's like dude your kids just follow the fucking rules he's like they need some fucking like win by any means in them yeah but they're they're going to get that in sports i guess eventually right yeah and it's going to be healthy so they're going to understand winning and losing and they're not going to be the people flipping out after they
Starting point is 00:37:05 lose there there's that movie about serena and venus yeah i saw those i saw the doc and the um and the regular in the in the like the one with will smith yeah i enjoyed them right and the way that he teaches them about sport and how it's different from the other parents was pretty cool. Do you remember what he... I don't remember that part. There was... So the girls went to like a... And it's fading in my memory too, but they went to a tennis tournament. And I don't know, it was just a lot of talk about being humble when they win. And then like the other girls, when they would lose, they would like, they couldn't handle
Starting point is 00:37:55 it emotionally. So he prepared them to be emotionally stable within the environment. And obviously that breeds success. stable within the environment. And obviously that breeds success. So even though you know how to lose, you, you don't let little things distract you during the event and you, you keep your mental composure, even if you do lose the game, but you're always losing a little bit in the middle of the match, right? You might, you might make a mistake,
Starting point is 00:38:29 but I think that tennis is very mental because it's just a one-on-one game. Oh, it's crazy. It's like, it's like toned down fighting. It's basically fighting with way less on the line, but it's, but it is like fighting.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Hey, if anyone asks you why you like to come on the show if anyone's like why do you go on that show you can this is why uh some hot chick they're back to us looking at the water um my husband is 5'6 i'm 5'10 he's got huge over the top dick energy i love it yeah i love your husband already love over, never heard over the top D energy. I know he's got big dick energy. God, I love that. Um, uh, you know what I like? Um, I like this. Um, I like this, uh, Jake Paul or Travis Bajent type of, uh, sportsmanship where there's a calmness and some hardcore shit talking and then some humbleness when you lose and we get to see the full circle like I went to Jake Paul's
Starting point is 00:39:33 he fought last night um a big fight and he was talking a lot of shit about it the guy and he lost and the comments were just like oh you got your mouth shut up or all this like just talking all this shit to him I'm like god I bet you all of that bounces just right off him because he was so humble in his defeat good job buddy you showed up fucking hugged him i mean i'm sure it stings but like there's like warrior in him like uh you can tell he's if he's 49 bummed he lost the fight, he's still 51% that he did it. He's so proud of himself. He's so – and he got on and said, hey – he gets on his Instagram and says, hey, I lost. Fuck, that's tough. I guess I never thought I'd be saying this.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And I just like this – I don't mind bravado as long as that there's a, like another side to it. I appreciate bravado. I appreciate chest pounding. Do you? Yeah. And I've went through a lot of that in my life. I like that expression of man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:42 And I think that that's the issue is that there's not enough of that happening. So that's why a lot of men are drawn to the Andrew Tate, Jake Paul. Like this. I like a good bad guy. Yeah, I like it. I didn't like Conor McGregor punching the old man on the stool. That's too far for me. He punched some old guy on a stool i didn't see that yeah it was stupid yeah but the uh learning defeat that's a good example fighters so when you fight it's it's almost like a reset though because all the energy is building up building up building up building up and you actually get to see and you want to see the primal nature of man in those moments but then when the when the fight happens it's kind of like an orgasm like all that gets discharged and now you're reset and you're back down to sort of base level and you're either the winner it does get discharged it's funny i never thought of it like that it does either the winner it does get discharged it's funny i never thought of it like that it does get it's it's like that it gets discharged i feel like i feel
Starting point is 00:41:50 like it i mean i played hockey so we would fight i would fight multiple times in a game and after the fight there's a level of respect that you didn't have before you kind of hate the person and then you fight and then all of a sudden there's a there's a bond you went through something together with the other person and there there's a mutual respect unless somebody wasn't a man about it and did something dirty then then that just carries on sometimes for seasons till you meet again. Intercourse is like that, right? Like you don't even, there could just be some tension in the house.
Starting point is 00:42:34 You don't even know what it is. It's just a million little petty things. Like there's gnats flying around and then you have sex and then it's all gone. It's like you, you, it's like you killed all the gnats in the house and it's all just it's weird i don't have an explanation for that sex is there's there's also another way to do sex which is not orgasm to have sex and just not orgasm both the male and the female because if're, if we're constantly discharging through sex, through orgasm, then all of those, like you said, all of those distractions energetically will be like, those build up when you actually are just discharging. You begin to start hating your partner. If you're just constantly
Starting point is 00:43:26 orgasm from an, from an Eastern woo woo standpoint, I'm going to tell my wife that we need to discharge to the, so much to the point where I hate you. No, no, no. If you have sex and then you don't orgasm, there's, there's a buildup of, of attraction. And, you know, like going through the act of sex, there's a magnetic attraction that goes away with orgasm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why like coaches I don't think should fuck their athletes because you want to keep that unspoken tension there for as long as you can. I love how you just take every topic. Right. contention there for as long as you can i love how you just take every topic and make it as as you just take it to the point where it didn't need to be it didn't need to go there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what i'm saying did you watch i haven't seen that documentary about the
Starting point is 00:44:17 the u.s gymnastics olympic team i think it's called like well that those chicks were getting raped oh yeah that wasn't even the coach that was the the doctor yeah i didn't see the movie so i would just lost what that was i was thinking that so there's this coach in the space now um and and there's a athlete in the space now and i think that they're together now and like i'm excited for them but i'm also like well fuck don't you want that tension there? Like I was quartered my girlfriend for five years. You know how much my wife now, Haley, you know how much fucking tension was there? It was fucking absolutely nuts. I used to like shake around her.
Starting point is 00:44:58 So you're getting into topics that, yeah, yeah. These are topics that normally. So what do you do? I'm just about to blow and I just get up and walk away and be like okay i'm going to eat a sandwich no you you just keep on edging yourself and eventually the the desire to to unload goes away and then sex just naturally, it comes down. And when you get to that point, then there's energetic interaction between the two of you. And you just essentially, you can lay there. But it's a softer type of sex. It's not so rough and then explode. It ends up like being softer, longer, gradual.
Starting point is 00:45:48 But then that attraction, that sexual attraction between the partners, it doesn't go away. So the next the most amount of times you've done that the next day. I'm doing it right now. So you say so you'll you'll you'll in, you'll be inside your wife like every other day for a month and not ejaculate for example. Yeah. Yeah. Eventually you learn to still get the feeling of orgasm without actually blowing.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah. Yeah. Well, I definitely have, I definitely have orgasms without ejaculating. I learned that at a young age. Um, it's, it's like going to the edge and then pulling back and then just like praying. And you're like, Oh wow, I made it. You know, I survived. Can you do that? Can you orgasm without ejaculating or not? Yeah. And I'm not actively trying to do that technique specifically, but it seems like that's what's happening naturally so there's not a craving for me to to unload and then also uh trish says that sounds not unhealthy but super unhealthy
Starting point is 00:46:54 there's actually there's a lot i'm gonna try this i can i'm 50 i've never done that i've never purposely walked away without ejaculating in taoism it's it's it's noted and i i don't know how scientifically proven it is but it's it's noted that the older you get the less you should ejaculate yeah yeah i had a i had this guy on who you probably know he's uh the the the black fitness guy from the like 2006 or 7 elliot elliot holtz yeah oh yeah i'm on the show nice dude he was great have you ever met him you guys would get along great no i haven't met him personally and he and he he's he's doing um uh homesteading in florida i should put you guys in touch with each other you would let he bought he bought land in florida i should put you guys in touch with each other you would let he bought he bought land in florida dude and he's doing it like the cows and the fucking drag his wife into the cave by her hair and he's he's doing it but um yeah that's what he well that's what he said he i he he said
Starting point is 00:47:57 at fitty i think it's like once a month you're supposed to be blowing that's it right so i mean you could do that and then it's like kind of like ceremonial and and there's there's intention set with it there's a lot of things around sex magic i mean that's why all the all the famous yogis and spiritual masters they all go down to like like 20 years after the fact people start getting them all for for sexual abuse and sexual assault because there's so much occult knowledge within the realm of of sex and and sexual energy sexual energy is what created all of us like it's it's a very creative why is it that they end up doing that like why is it end up i feel so i know i know one guru type person i i
Starting point is 00:48:53 know of one i should say and i know of a lot of the people in his inner circle and i'm not going to say his name but he after he died all this stuff came out with him, like sexually abusing people. And I don't want to stand behind that. I'm not promoting that. But I do know that the people in his inner circle would talk about how they he would have all of the secretaries and all of the women. They were all having sex with each other. and all of the women, they were all having sex with each other.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Like sex was like a part of their culture within the highest echelon of the spiritual group because they were using the sex magic. And that stuff goes on in all of these occult mystery teachings. I mean, that's like Jesus and mary was another thing like they were using sex magic of isis so alistair crowley the magician from like he he was all about but that was like like the black magic stuff is all sexual energy even when you go into like the freaking celebrity weird stuff that they're doing, it's all sex magic. And so we can benefit from that without going into black magic and casting spells and stuff by just letting it build up inside of our bodies because it's creation, right? It's made like you can have sex with somebody and create a child who then goes on and duplicates your genetics that's very powerful and you can keep that within
Starting point is 00:50:33 yourself and create with your higher centers as opposed to creating with your lower centers so we've got our lower chakras right we've got our root the the the lower chakras of our body are very physical and that's why like sex will create a physical human it's it will create another incarnation of ourself and we can take that creative energy and can channel it up. So when people say it can be bad to not to not release that energy in your body, well, you're pulling it up into. So the whole time you're having sex, you're pulling that energy up into your higher centers, into your pineal gland, into your crown. And then you're able to create. With this part of your body, as opposed to the bottom part of your body. And this is also, if you look into immortality, it all has to do with sex. And then you get into like even having
Starting point is 00:51:36 offspring without having sex. So you go completely to the other side where you're having immaculate conception you know like offspring without having sex and that's when you get into like the stories of being immortal and that's how that happens so what we know of like how life happens there's there's other ways there's other stories do have i seen stuff like that with my own eyes i've seen crazy stuff with my own eyes yeah there's a lot of stuff happening are you are you into the have you gotten into like the the second solar system that's coming in and people seeing two sunsets have you seen videos of two sunsets i have seen some videos of that yeah and i've i know i haven't seen it like that the stuff that old lady dolores is talking about i don't even know if she's still alive is that who you're
Starting point is 00:52:37 talking that stuff that she's talking about yeah i mean it's all connected they all they all all these you can find that mystics say the same thing different in different ways but i don't know you're specifically talking about with dolores cannon but oh yeah you know who she is yeah she she's the one that come came up with quantum is she alive hypnosis healing technique i don't think so but I was just in a room with one of the original people that she trained a couple of days ago. He was doing past life regressions. Hey, um, this, uh, I'm going to go back. The topic that you were talking about was sex. You know, I've, I've heard everything you said a thousand times and I want to say, say I never have heard it as concise as you just said it.
Starting point is 00:53:28 That was like a beautiful illustration for anyone to follow. Imagine that there's just a layer of – there's this layer of illusion to throw throw over sheets that are thrown on all this energy that make us right and you were able to just lift the whole sheet up at once off the whole entire planet earth and just see what was underneath it so see what's underneath seven underneath this microphone like see the energy that it was made up under do you see the illustration that i'm saying like it's all just an illusion like we're all just invisible men but when you're on earth everyone everyone gets a sheet on them so we can see them um imagine we were just to uh lift it up and and see like the inner workings of it i want that's that's when i'm really curious about what sex is yeah i'm curious like where that energy goes and how it's like wasted i want to i want to propose this idea
Starting point is 00:54:25 to you um there's this have you ever heard this um it's this book i can't believe i'm forgetting the name of the book it's a huge thick book but basically what they say is that there's a it's this book and it's a cosmology and it says that there's aliens out there or by aliens i just mean just there's these other creatures out there and they circle our planet and they harvest us for energy the same way in the matrix except we're not in those little tubes and they're harving us for energy and the way they harvest us for energy is that they incite emotional emotions and when we have emotions we give off energy and then they harvest it the same way we harvest cows right they just make milk and we take it from the same way ants harvest aphids.
Starting point is 00:55:08 They gather them all up on one leaf and then they and then they, you know, and they take care of them and they take their stuff. And part of me feels like that everything here is in levels. Right. Like but it's the same thing over and over and over. There's nothing new. It's just levels of things milking other creatures. Right. Like, but it's the same thing over and over and over. There's nothing new. It's just levels of things milking other creatures. Right. Have you ever seen anything like that that fits that paradigm of thought that there's something? Yeah. Yeah. So if you were to design a universe that was consistent of levels, right, there's there's. By levels, I don't mean higher levels. levels well it's kind of higher but it is
Starting point is 00:55:45 it's just the same thing repeating itself over and over but on different magnitudes and the higher levels different technologies the higher levels feed off of the lower level levels and like you just said yeah we'll get to a point and then it all recycles again yeah there it's like uh the musical scale uh you know, like on a piano. You think there's someone taking something from us, harvesting humans? Of course. So there's another energy or another entity out there that harvests us. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:14 That's harvesting us. Fascinating. Not in a bad way. Not in a bad way. As above, so below, right? Yeah, we harvest shit all the time. Right. So we can't expect that.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Wait, say that? That was from the Bible? As above, as below? all the time. Right. So we can't expect that. Wait, say that? That was from the Bible? As above, as below? As above, so below. Huh. It's not, I don't know. Maybe it's in the Bible. It probably is.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Jiggy Josh, the microcosm represents the macrocosm. Yeah. We cannot expect that we, like these clothes I'm wearing, probably made in China, you know know in a sweat shop or made in downtown la in a sweat shop we can't expect that we act and behave in this way and that we're just special we're at the top of the food chain everybody feels like they're at the top i do expect that but i do expect that yeah and i have no problem with it you know like there's this concept that reptile everyone has an
Starting point is 00:57:09 opportunity to get out of this out of the slavery if they want like we can stop using this stuff that they're like the answer the reason why the aphids are harvested is the ants bring them to a fresh leaf they gather them up and carry them up to a fresh leaf and if you're going to be a part of that shit i mean the aphids have wings they could fly away yeah and and that's the law of free will that's why they they tell us what they're doing that's why they they have these ceremonies and these half-time shows and stuff where they're they're telling us that they are harvesting our energy and bring us into a state of lack and fear and anxiety to build that energy for them to harvest. It's like if a lion was or, yeah, I don't think lions eat rabbits, but let's just say
Starting point is 00:57:56 there was a lion and that was eating rabbits and one of the rabbits figured out the game and then just decided to not do what the other rabbits are doing, the lion's not going to really have a problem with that one rabbit who decides to not be eaten because it has enough other rabbits to eat. So we are in this game for us to wake up. And if we can wake up and then just decide to keep our energy to our, ourself and use it to our greatest expression, those in power aren't necessarily going to mind so much until that rabbit starts teaching the other rabbits what to do. And that's when you have people like Nikola Tesla getting his laboratories burned and you have assassinations. You have Wilhelm Reich being sent to jail and mysteriously dying. You have all these characters throughout history, Pythagoras, Jesus, that all get murdered for teaching the masses how to behave in a different fashion. So I don't have an answer there. It seems like individually there's a lot we can do for ourself,
Starting point is 00:59:16 but soon as one gets popular and starts influencing the lives of many, many, many people, and starts influencing the lives of many, many, many people, they get off. I mean, Michael Jackson, Prince, Robin Williams, Paul Walker, like all these people, you think they just died the way that they did? Like they're dying early probably because they had influence and were starting to influence people in ways that were counter to the narrative of the people running this planet. JFK, Martin Luther King.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Yeah. But I think some of those people are off by other, by other aphids and not the ants. Are they? I don't know. I mean, at least that's what they want me to believe, and I believe it. Right? I mean, the thing is that we don't see the ants, and so, of course, that's all I want to say is that, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:18 So let's take JFK, for example. And the type of person he was, there's arguments whether he could be a good person or not. But he was speaking of central bank and secret agencies. Yep, yep, yep. And then the story comes out that one of the other aphids is the person that shot the gun. But there's a lot of evidence that our own CIA did that. Right. But they're just aphids too okay right i mean i can agree with that yeah that's the thing like i think people think they
Starting point is 01:00:54 see the ants but i don't think that they do but they're really just working for some higher power well okay i see what you're saying. Right, right, right. And if, and again, I. Unbeknownst to them, unbeknownst to them. Yeah. The same way a soldier goes to war. Right. And starts killing children. Yeah. 18 year olds from another country because somebody else told them it was okay to do that.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Right. It's like mind blowing that you can convince 18, 19, 20, 21 year old to go kill other people because any reason you want insert, any reason you write, right, right.
Starting point is 01:01:43 So humans are able to be worded like that it's crazy literally any reason and i know people that have to go back and do like serious psychological work because they've they were sometimes they they start to find out that the missions they went on were not good-natured. And they were really working for the bad guys. We had this guy on the other day, Craig Harrison. I suspect he's killed 100 people. And his life is, like, ruined. He said he's so medicated that basically he closes his eyes and he sees the people he killed.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Just shitloads of Taliban. Yeah. Can't can't can't can't can't get past it. Allison, I'm so lost. We will bring you home, Mr. Weed. We will bring you home. We will bring you home, Mr. Weed. We will bring you home. We will bring you home. When you do these things, how often are you doing these?
Starting point is 01:02:55 What's your main thing today? Do you have a vocation? If you meet someone, they say, what's your job? What do you do? I'm a professional network marketer. So my main thing is Puriam. I'm doing the MLM thing, which is it's bigger than selling products. I'm mostly into leadership development and developing systems for other people to take
Starting point is 01:03:16 a multi-level marketing organization and, and. Tell Puriam for me. P-U-R-I-U-M. It's a superfood company. So I sell superfoods and I, and I, and I recruit other people to sell superfoods. And when I recruit other people to sell superfoods, I'm incentivized to help them achieve success. The more money that people on my team make, the more money I make, which means that I'm in the business of leadership development.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I teach people how to speak. I teach people how to present, how to sell, how to overcome obstacles, whether it's objections from other people or even most of it's in their own mind. I teach people to be, to achieve the greatest version of themselves. I teach them to make more money than they've ever made in their life. I teach people how to live away from their parents and develop responsibility through a business that anybody can do. Like, so for instance,
Starting point is 01:04:22 a CrossFit gym, why do people call it a pyramid scheme? Like that's like a negative connotation. Yeah crossfit gym why do people call it a pyramid scheme like that's like a negative connotation yeah yeah why do they call it that they they call it that because people go in so first of all pyramid schemes are different than this pyramid schemes are like if i give you a dollar a night and basically pyramid schemes don't have products. You might've heard of like where, where I say, Hey, give me a dollar and then go find, uh, eight other people to give you a dollar. And those eight other people find eight other people to give them a dollar or something like that. Right, right, right, right, right. So you start getting a return on your money,
Starting point is 01:05:03 but in the end of pyramid schemes, someone's going to lose. Yeah, in the end, you run out of people. Right, right. Okay. So there's no product. You're just giving somebody eight levels up a dollar, and there's a bunch of people that are trying to get other people. There's no products. Our products are guaranteed money back to help people, to transform their life. Our products are guaranteed money back to help people, to transform their life. We guarantee money back that our fitness products will give people the best workouts of their life. So all of our products are guaranteed money back for 60 days and our business is free to join. So it's impossible to scam people when that's the setup. And there is no scam. And the reason why it's called, I'll answer your question further. The reason why it used to be very bad. And what ended up happening was they were enrolling people to the business and that's actually where they made the most money was to find distributors, charge them $5,000, $10,000 to put products in their garage and try and sell out of their garage.
Starting point is 01:06:21 They were enabling people into a business that they would ultimately fail at because they would just enroll people, get a big chunk of money from that, and then just forget about them and go. And you're invested in them selling since they, since they haven't bought 10,000, you haven't gotten 10,000 from them. You're interested in cultivating them and making them better sellers and better people. So nowadays they don't do that. Like the FTC has regulated the whole industry since 2012. It's gotten really, they've really right. You know, Advocare went through CrossFit. They got shut down because they were doing this. It's called front loading. They were- Advocare is closed. They're gone.
Starting point is 01:06:57 The products might exist, but they're unable to do MLM anymore because they were front loading people. They're requiring people to buy an extreme amount to become partners with them, which then incentivizes people to enroll just distributors to get that initial commission from them. But like I said, just like you said, because that doesn't exist in what we're doing, then I'm incentivized to cultivate the skills within my people. And not everybody has that. The problem is people start a business. MLM makes it easy for people to start a business without having.
Starting point is 01:07:42 It's kind of like CrossFit. It's kind of like CrossFit. people to start a business without kind of like crossfit it's kind of like crossfit you you you you pay the money to take the the level one then you pay the money for the affiliation and then you have to convince people how great it is right and i own gyms for those of you who are listening i didn't know that the the difference is ronnie had two gyms he had two gyms in la when i so and out of those two gyms like 15 people opened other crossfit gyms because of of my influence okay i don't still get paid off of those people even though i was the one that taught them how to do a clean and a snatch and and inspired them to open their gym and impact more people's lives. I don't get paid off of those
Starting point is 01:08:25 people in MLM. I would get paid off of those gyms because I'm responsible for those people to get inspired and learn about CrossFit and eventually teach it to others. So that's where this multi level marketing comes. If I bring somebody in and teach them how to build a business, and I do it in such a way that they're able to inspire other people and they're able to teach those other people to impact lives with their products and build a business on their own. Then I will get a little bit of commission off of everything that person does. So it's a way for me to leverage my energy. And that's where it starts getting people are like, well, that looks like a pyramid. It does look like a pyramid, but everybody starts with no pyramid. Everybody starts with zero. I started with zero. There's 13,000, over 13,000 people in my downline
Starting point is 01:09:17 currently over a number of years. None of those people would exist without me. Wait a second. There's 13,000 people. Which isn't a lot. I'm just starting. I worked full-time for maybe two years and my wife and I have not been working extremely hard for two years, but we're turning the gas back on. A lot of people get enrolled in this because the barrier to entry is so low. And they think that because they tried it for a couple of months and didn't do anything that the whole thing's a scam. But the thing is nobody gets scammed out of any money. They just blame the industry for their own inefficiencies and their own
Starting point is 01:10:02 inability to be consistent at something. Give me a cross of parallel. So you're saying like someone who opens a gym and then blames the other gym for being too close to them when really it's like, hey, dude, you have a better gym and a better coach and you get your bathroom cleaner. There's thousands of people. There's thousands of people in every city. It doesn't really matter that a gym opens across the street. There's gas stations across from another gas station and they both survive. What about, um, what's your, uh, do you have to have a belief in the, like in CrossFit if you didn't believe in, uh, well, I, I assume this, I've never seen a gym owner who's not
Starting point is 01:10:40 just like 100% fucking in like a crazy CrossFit addict. Right. And then usually at some point they get tired and they, and they sell the gym or they close it right. Five or 10 years. And they just do all the people who sell a Puriam. Are they all just like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:10:59 I can't. Are they all apostles? You think like, holy shit, I can't believe this stuff changed my life. Most, most, apostles, you think? Like, holy shit, I can't believe this stuff changed my life.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Most, most, most everybody has an amazing experience with the products and they're watching other people come off medications. They're watching other people sleep for the first time in their life. They're watching other people have jaw dropping transformations. There's two products though. There's, there's the product that we sell which is the the perium products i think about perium as my vendor though i think about i think about me having a virtual store and periums my vendor that i use to serve my customers and the other product besides the products is the product of the business. And that's something that is my favorite part about this whole thing is being able to empower a yoga teacher who is sick and tired of going and teaching 20 to 30 classes around her city that she lives in and only getting paid 600 to a thousand dollars to do so being able to empower somebody like that to build five figures a month being able to take somebody who's scared to talk in front of groups of people and teach them how to
Starting point is 01:12:17 present and and teach them a little bit of grit and responsibility and empower them to be able to be an adult. That's the other product that we have. And it's not necessarily that we're selling it, but it's the more important part of our business because I can sell so many products. The most products I've ever sold ever was like 16,000 in a single month. I'm averaging now like six or seven just in a single month. I could probably, if I just full-timed it, sell 20 to $30,000 a month if that's all I cared about. But it's not because my organization sells 200 to $400,000 in a month because I have other people who have access to networks that I don't have. So if I bring in another person, that's a way for me to influence the world with
Starting point is 01:13:14 these products, which I believe in and I think is much better than obviously the standard American diet, but it's a way for people to eat nourishing foods in a way that turns on their gut and will in fact then turn on their consciousness. And so you begin to be aware of the things that we're talking about, like the sheets. You actually start to see the layers of sheets when your actual body is working properly and you have harmony between your gut, your heart, and your brain. But the way that I can get the products to more people is to bring other people on board to join the team. And the question is like, the thing is like, well, they're going to run out of people. We're not going to run out of people there's still a long long way there's a lot of people that still need
Starting point is 01:14:07 our products and i can't get to them all so that's why i bring on team members and those team members will be rewarded if they are aligned with the mission it's it's uh it's trippy to see the comments people are fucking losing their shit uh Seve eats up whatever Ronnie talks about always. Yeah, correct. As the more and more you talk about it, people are like, this is bullshit. This is just a scam. And it's like every time they say that, I just think of another example of how all these people are involved in multilevel marketing and they don't even know it. It's like that's how – when they go to Costco and they buy all that shit there, they're just participating in multi-level marketing. When they
Starting point is 01:14:48 go to a car dealership, that's all they're participating is multi-level marketing. It's just, it's just, it's just middlemen for the product. For some reason, they're really upset because, so there's a, just so you guys know, there's a guy who works for Anheuser-Busch and he goes to all the stores and tries to sell the store's beer to carry the Anheuser-Busch. And he tries to tell them where to put the signs in the window, and he tries to sell them, hey, we'll give you these lights, and we'll sell you these lights, and you can put them in front of your store. And he goes to pizza places, and he tries to get all those places to sell Anheuser-Busch and put up those lights and stuff. And for some reason, because you don't see that guy or because you like that fancy truck and the dog that he has and the commercials, you think it's okay. But you got Ronnie out here selling fucking vitamins.
Starting point is 01:15:29 And for some fucking reason, you guys want to fucking attack because he gets a little bit of money from his sales. It's like, I don't know if you guys remember, but there used to be a store called like Circuit City or something like that. And those guys in the stereo department used to get a cut for the stereos they sold. And it's so fucking crazy that because this organization is transparent, you have an issue with it. You would rather, you guys would rather, are you, am I hearing this right? You guys would rather go to Walmart
Starting point is 01:15:56 than let Ronnie make the money off the vitamins you buy? Because if so, I'm cool with that. Costco is multi-level. Dude, it's worse than fucking marketing. Yeah, exactly. You pay an annual fee and you get a good price because they pay off of the fucking people who put their products in there. Do you know what Costco does to people? It's vicious.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Can I just say one thing? It's not that they're multi-level marketing, but they're a pyramid scheme. The person at the top of those corporations are the one that makes the most money. That's a true pyramid, right? The people at the bottom, the employees that are doing all the work, they get paid the less amount of money. And that's what people think MLM is, but it's not. I make more money than people above me, okay? Anybody that comes into my organization can make more money than me. That's not the case when you have the CEO, the managers, the employees, that's the pyramid pyramid that
Starting point is 01:16:53 most people would rather join because they are addicted to the paycheck. Imagine how they don't, they want it. They're okay. Giving away their control to wall, but they see another guy doing it like you. And they want put this like spin on it it's a trip it's it's it trips me out like if you don't like his product don't buy it i'm fucking all i'm all i'm all i'm all like i'm all about it like fuck that like like so imagine what i what i get to do is people come in and all of their friends act like this, their uncles tell them horror stories. Yeah. And imagine the game that I get to play with their mindset.
Starting point is 01:17:36 I have to influence people to go against that. And that builds grit. That builds character. If everybody, if, if the, all the small people in their life are trying to convince them to not be better for themselves,
Starting point is 01:17:49 there needs to be a leader. There needs to be somebody that can carry them through that process to the point where they can stand on their own two feet and the influence of their sister who's telling them that you're stupid for doing this and you should go back to working at target why can't you do both you can hey i there's this there's this friend of
Starting point is 01:18:13 mine and his um there's this friend of mine and his uh he works at a hotel and works at a hotel with all these fucking crazy hard-working filipinos and mexicans it's a it was a ritz carlton and and and one of the mexican guys uh went back to mexico and he had he went to a manufacturer there and he designed a doorstop that said ritz carlton on it because he saw the ritz carlton that he worked at had 3 000 doorstops right and he came back and he showed the manager and the manager liked it and then he showed him like the, the, the guy, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:46 in the pyramid of, by the way, try working with, I'll come back to this in a second. Try working with a company like Apple. You want to talk about a fucking, a scheme. They have layers and layers upon management that do absolutely fucking
Starting point is 01:18:59 nothing just over the hill. And you pay for it every time you buy one of their iPhones and their computers. Cause it's, it's fucking nuts and anyway um so this guy went to mexico and he had he had more of these made and he sold them to the ritz-carlton and the ritz-carlton started using them in every single fucking uh hotel that they had in the world and this guy ended up becoming rich and it's like i i seriously don't understand the issue you have about like if you don't like this product cool i'm i have no idea about this product i've never used it i know nothing about it but
Starting point is 01:19:35 you're upset about the way it gets to you dude every one of us has a phone that's made with slave labor do you guys use any slave labor, Ronnie? No, but I know. You guys have an issue of how this gets to you? I don't get why you're upset with how it gets to you if it's a good product. I just don't understand. It's just a product getting to you, how you're upset. Yeah, I don't even know what the product is. Yeah. You guys don't.
Starting point is 01:20:07 No one knows what the product is. Maybe Ronnie, maybe a few people here have taken it. But you guys are ripping in the comments about how the product gets to you. Let's fight. Let's brawl. Right. Fight. I just turned on my comments.
Starting point is 01:20:19 I couldn't see anything. You're probably better off. I don't know it's a good product. have no fucking idea i don't fucking i have no fucking idea but i but i'm not critical of the product we're talking about the distribution of the product ronnie does two things he distributes the product product and he helps other people um uh distribute the product and he's and not only that now he's explained to us why he does both one because he believes in the product because And he's, and not only that, now he's explained to us why he does both one, because he believes in the product because he thinks it helps people's health. And two, he likes training other people to distribute it because it makes, it makes him
Starting point is 01:20:53 happy to see making other people independent, like the small business miracle aspect of it. And I'm just, it's just fascinating to me that what I think you guys are doing is somewhere like, like my mom and dad told me MLM multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes, you start using these concepts and these words. And then so you get in a frenzy about it and you're not actually giving it any thought and you just want to hate. It's like how I feel about pesticides. And it's like – that's a bad example. The frenzy. You're not even listening.
Starting point is 01:21:25 How is someone so passionate about the product? I'm not passionate about the product. For the fifth time, I'm talking about you assholes. I'm not talking about the product. I'm talking about you assholes being upset at him for his distribution model. Oh, shut it, dick butter. Put fucking drop it cock in your ass. You shut your mouth.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Okay, back to run peace you know the the reason i'm not triggered you are a damn straight i'm triggered because i don't like it when people don't listen to me okay okay let's let's relax back to back to purium trish the uh the products are guaranteed money back. People can use them for 60 days, even though we only sell 30-day things. So they've got two months to use something. It should only take them one month to decide whether it changed their life. So the products are guaranteed money back.
Starting point is 01:22:18 So there is no shortcut. They're not promising something and delivering nothing. Have you ever went to the store and had a guaranteed money back for something that you bought that it was going to change your life? No, you haven't. And the reason why companies go multi-level marketing is because they can spend more money on the product than they could if they went the wholesale retail style. So you guys don't realize that if you go into a store and buy a drink and it costs you $4, the store is actually the one marketing that to you. And the store is taking a hefty amount. Let's say they're taking 50% of that. That only leaves the manufacturer of the drink 50% to not only manufacture it with raw materials, but also pay for
Starting point is 01:23:06 the shipping to the store. So the manufacturer has not that much money to operate with the product. So they do the MLM version because they don't have to pay a store to sell the product and they pay less to a field of people. So everybody thinks they're getting ripped off by, by, by buying MLM, but you're actually paying less to the distributor than you would be if you were buying it from a store. The store takes a lot of money from the actual product. And I know this because I used to buy t-shirts for $10 and sell them for 25 at a CrossFit gym. So all the, all the energy drinks and all the CrossFit energy drinks,
Starting point is 01:23:49 they make a hundred percent. They have a hundred percent markup. Yeah. Everything's a hundred percent. All of them. It's pretty, it's pretty amazing. That's why those guys are making so much fucking money.
Starting point is 01:23:59 The Red Bull guys. It's so, it's so great. I don't understand how you guys don't. The other option is Amazon. Yeah. I mean, it's so, it's so great. I don't understand how you guys don't, um, the other option is Amazon. Yeah. I mean, it's so, it's so weird that you guys can't think clearly on this. Like we're not talking about the product. If someone said it's not a distribution model, what is it? If there's no, if there's no people distribute, what is it? It's, it's, am I wrong? Is it not a, it's a sales model? Fine. It's a sales model and a distribution model.
Starting point is 01:24:26 There's a sales model people. Right, right. It's, it's, I don't get it. I don't get the hatred for it. Then you need a way to get it to the people. Some people choose advertising. They choose the wholesale resale and some products choose MLM such as essential oils. And every time you go get a massage, they're using
Starting point is 01:24:47 essential oils. Where do you think they got those from? So Amway is another, another one. So is Herbalife. Herbalife, just so you guys know, is doing like a lot of money in a year, billions and billions of dollars. It's nothing that I would recommend to anybody here. And that they, they are, you know, like is Herbalife better than McDonald's though? There might be an argument for that. So if they're going into a third world country, they could be helping people. I don't, I would never take Herbalife and I would never take Amway products either, but there's a point where the distribution model can serve a product that is in alignment with my values. And that's where
Starting point is 01:25:33 I'm at right now. Every, every, every, um, Apple takes 30% of anything you sell on their website too. Like all those apps when you buy a pay, when you buy a pay-per-view on there, that's why, uh, like all those apps when you buy a pay-per-view on there that's why uh they've had some problems with amazon in regards to that and buying books and shit like that amazon is taking in people's products and then make they make the the people have amazon take pictures of it amazon dissects the product and then makes it on their own. And then now you've got a competitor, which is Amazon. And Amazon's taking commission off of everything that they sell of your product. And then they're going to make a product to copy yours and then eventually put you out of business. Apple, if I were to allow one of my psychology programs to be sold on the app store and allow
Starting point is 01:26:22 people to get paid on it, I think they're taking 30%. I want to even say maybe even 50%. It was so high that I was like, no, I'm not working for Apple. So I decided not to allow my thing to be turned into an app that people could pay for on the app store. Seve does that with his t-shirts too. That's why he's so defensive. I'm not, well, for for one i'm not being defensive i'm trying to help you guys understand uh your your unclear thinking or to help you understand my unclear thinking but you can't do
Starting point is 01:26:55 that so instead you attack me and call me defensive i will say one more thing seve does that with his t-shirts i don't do anything with my t-shirts i'm fucking so fucking grateful that i have someone like fucking travis bellinghausen over at vindicate and life is rx that print the t-shirts for me and sell them to me so that then i can get money from you guys and pay for my kids jiu-jitsu that's that's what i do i i charge a lot of money for the shirts and then i use the money to put my kids in jiu-jitsu that's it there and then with the product you guys get in return is me to come on here and have to fucking beat you guys. There you go. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:27:29 There's a great comment here. Someone here feels sorry for you. I know how everybody feels. Why don't they just rethink what we're saying? How come no one's actually saying? How come no one's saying, like, we know that this product is made with black men and chains. And then Ronnie goes over there. Like no one is saying anything.
Starting point is 01:27:47 We're just, this shit is made somewhere. And Ronnie fucking is the middleman that make it helps it get to you so that you can put it in your blender in the morning. Right. And then he, and then, and then he,
Starting point is 01:27:59 he has other people. And then he, think of it as he has a McDonald's right. That sells this shit. And then he's, so he's hired other people to work to register so that he can even serve more people. I don't understand where you guys are having an issue with this.
Starting point is 01:28:11 It's so fucking trippy to me, but I do know why. It's because you're fucking retarded and you won't wake up and you just think about what your mom and dad told you about multi-level marketing. You're so afraid you're going to get scammed. Hello? I'm here. What's up, Sebi? It's Phillip Kelly.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Hi, Phillipip how are you are you gonna unfuck me are you gonna unfuck me or what no no no i unfuck me i'm ready to be unfucked no no no i i love ronnie and i love that you have him on and the chat is cracking me up but that doesn't mean ronnie's perfect is ronnie scamming people is ronnie taking little kids lunch from them right i actually want to know about the product. I'm just waiting for it to get to that point. No, we don't want to know about the product. Then we'll conflate the issue.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Then if we talk about the actual product, then people will be like, see, they were trying to sell it. Yeah. No, we're big picture motherfuckers here. This is a big boy show. What did you say? Oh, man. Reach out to Ronnie on Instagram if you want to know about the product. I'm going to.
Starting point is 01:29:02 Yeah. This is big boy stuff. We're talking big picture here. We got smart people people in the chat we're not falling into the weeds then if we actually did talk about the product people would start saying that well they would this was all just to uh sell it sebi would suck a load out of ronnie's car and they think they would that's all true but they don't everybody use savan's uh gift card code because he's actually. Oh, yeah. Use code Savan. No plan B over at Raw at Purion forward slash we love you.
Starting point is 01:29:35 All right. Later. Okay. Bye. Peace. Oh, my goodness. God forbid your passion. How long have you been doing this?
Starting point is 01:29:46 Four years. But it took me five years i've i i was like these the the haters here i i hated mlm i was who cares what the product is i'm buying it i know we're all programmed to hate it that's why it's so fun to talk about that's why it's fine like i like having the pro-life people on here too because everyone just wants to just hate let's let's unravel this shit sorry go ahead you hated it too yeah it took me five years before i it actually my wife was the one who had no negative connotation to it and i was like well all right if you're gonna do it then i'm gonna do it and then it still took me six to eight months to get into action because I was embarrassed and shameful. And then I started finding out that there, there's, there's a lot of good that I was just ignoring and being
Starting point is 01:30:35 ignorant of. Well, now you face it head on, which is really interesting, right? Most people would be like, Hey, I'm just selling Puriam. You're like you're like i'm like hey so what are you doing you're like i do multiple multi-level marketing it's like oh my god yeah oh my god you're gay you said it out loud you just came out of the closet on here holy shit well you know everybody there's there's no i'm not working for perium but your mom is working for me get back to work jane also i've never pitched it to Savan. For those of you who think that I just go around and like, if people are hungry, they can come eat. I'm not going to go try and convince other people. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:18 How much longer do you think you'll be in? So it's good for business, LA. There's a lot of people and you can see them face to face. Yeah. It's tied to your job yeah our house has a a yoga like a separate unit in our backyard it kind of looks like a yoga studio and so we have an event space in our house that we can invite people over to that's good yeah i haven't eaten yes that is i didn't eat yesterday hey you know you know what uh i got this i got this i had this issue on the inside of my knee i don't know what happened but it was just hurting there's a bunch of theories maybe i was drove in a car for 12 hours and or i'd been doing a shitload of high rep deadlifts and burpees.
Starting point is 01:32:09 But Chase Ingram actually FaceTimed me last night. I don't even know if I'm supposed to say this. Yeah, late last night because he had heard my leg hurt. And he fucking FaceTimed me and I went into my garage and he walked me through the process of rolling it out. Have you ever rolled out? Do you roll out? And it's like 50. And it's 50.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Like he – I sat down and he sat down and we FaceTimed each other and he showed me how to put a barbell on the side of my leg and roll out the side of my leg and my it's like 50 better this morning yeah self myofascial release yeah yeah yeah i think maybe he said basically i have to breathe in just like how i do energy body at night i basically just have to breathe and just let all any tension go in there it was fucking painful shit does it i don't know painful is the right word it was uncomfortable it's 50 better it still hurts and when i move it doesn't hurt at all like once i'm up and like playing tennis or moving it's just like like when i get it from this podcast i'm yeah but that's gonna make it worse if if it's if it the pain goes away once you're warmed up yeah it doesn't really it just means that you've got
Starting point is 01:33:05 endorphins and adrenaline so you think i should just chill just only do rolling on it and chill is it a ligament i assume it's a you know this thing that attaches here on your elbow how i can get hurt from rope climbs and pegboards i think it's basically something similar to that i mean i'm no fucking doctor but it's on the inside of my knee. This is my left leg, right? So this is the inside of my knee, and it's like there's some attachment point there that's fucking sore to the touch. But like yesterday, I couldn't even do that. And look, now I can push on it.
Starting point is 01:33:35 There's a mechanical issue. Oh, I lost your audio. I lost your audio. No, you didn't. Houston. Did you? I don't know if rolling out is the right word. Just FaceTime me me and we just
Starting point is 01:33:46 we put a uh barbell on our ship my audio i can't hear you brother can you guys hear raw no not what about now i can read lips though i didn't know i could read lips thank you for that if you throw litter out your window right now i'll know it's not just black people who litter. Oh, you guys can hear them? How come I can't hear them? You think it's my earphones that got fucked up? No, we hear them, question mark. Now it's off.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Now I can't. Yeah, we good. Jesus, what is it? Now I can't? Now I can't. Yeah, we good. Jesus. What, what, what is it? I, now I can't. Now I can't, I can't hear him. Good. Well, you're a very important person. Hey, log out and log back in. Vanish. Maybe just hang up. I could hang up on you. Want me to hang up on you? now you're muted here we go don't worry don't worry we have a caller who uh i'm gonna i'm gonna kick ronnie out hold on hello hello hey bye ronnie god i love this show this is some good shit hey caller hey people got a problem either what the fuck is going on maybe it's me maybe something happened over here can you guys hear me get caleb on hold on let me see caller caller hey yeah but it's weird i can't
Starting point is 01:35:17 hear you on my uh let me see something here real quick hold on can you hear me now wow something has happened oh no something has happened something bad has happened raw can you hear me i can hear you oh fuck me i can't hear anyone i can hear you call i can't hear anyone stand by let me see let me just think for a second I can't hear anyone. Stand by. Let me see. Let me just think for a second.
Starting point is 01:35:49 We were talking. I was facing this way. I don't think I diddled anything. What if I left and I came back in? Do you think I can do that? I don't know. Isn't the whole show going to explode? You can hear me, Ra?
Starting point is 01:36:03 Yes. Yeah, you quiet on the phone over here hold on let me check some settings audio okay roadcaster maybe i go how about now raw can you hear me i can hear you yes can you hear me? I can hear you. Yes. Can you hear me? Oh, so it's my headphones. My headphones have gone out. Cause now I can hear you. You manifested that.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Cause you're talking about all the headphones that you have. Now you have to use another pair and you can't even hear what I'm saying right now. So no, I can hear you now. I put it through the main speaker, but what's weird is, is that the car,
Starting point is 01:36:41 I can't hear the car. Uh, can you guys hear the caller? Yeah. Um, I'm still here. I can't hear the caller either. So you're stuck talking to the caller too while I switch headphones. Let's see if this is going to work. Cycle through your headphones.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Oh, there's a nice set right there. Someone's. I think the caller is still on too. He is. Yeah, I'm here. He wants to talk. He wants to talk? I don't know if this is good. I just got something quick to say.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Hey, speaker. How about now? I mean, I can hear you. Oh, now I can't hear you again what the fuck is going on i wonder if i hit some sort of mute button how about now hello sound check oh i can hear you caller hi i can hear everyone i can hear yeah okay let the show's back on the show's back on these headphones are suck back on. These headphones are suck dick. Caller, hi, I apologize for the wait. Go ahead. The floor is yours. No problem. Yo, Sivan, I just want to summarize
Starting point is 01:38:11 everything in the comments. These guys are conflating the model for just typically this model is associated with products that get very pushy sales. So those have a reputation for being scam products, right? Like Herbalife is kind of a scam, right?
Starting point is 01:38:28 It's something that is pushed on by salespeople and then people kind of get tricked into buying it. That's why the people in the comments have a problem. The distribution model is great. It's better than working for a stupid corporation and being an employee where you're shackled to a desk. You actually got incentive to work harder and you get paid for more. When you're working for Apple, you get paid the same salary and they bring in a sheet cake or something or give you a gift card for Christmas.
Starting point is 01:38:56 And there's no fulfillment in the job. And there's no fulfillment in the job. Yeah, that's why those guys all like become alcoholics and shit. You know, it's just miserable lifestyle so i i really support this model i i don't back it those people talking shit i think they're just worried that the product's a scam you know okay well that thank you for the clarity now now now we're getting now we're getting skepticism is healthy so thank you that was good yeah absolutely uh and, absolutely. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:39:26 And Allison NYC loves your voice. Alex Eagle said, David Sandoval, thank you for calling. He's one of the founders of Perium. Oh, he is? Thank you, David Sandoval. Damn, he's done his research. Damn, he's done his research. Yo, Sivan, I watch all your shows man i love your show it's
Starting point is 01:39:46 it's like the only show i watch consistently uh i'm not on live most of the time uh because i gotta do bullshit but but i i hear every episode you got hey i really appreciate it uh maybe uh you and uh uh raw and i could go out and do naked rain dance one time with our loyalty to each other. Yeah. Yo, I'll start calling in more. I'll be one of your regular callers. This is my first time.
Starting point is 01:40:12 I would really appreciate it. Do you have a name you would like to go by? Uh, I'm sure trolls a lot. Like sometimes I comment. Um, yeah, my name is Huey.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Huey. Okay. I like Huey. Okay. Good. All right. That's all I wanted to say. Uh, keep up the good work, Siobhan. I'll talk to you later. Okay. Peace and love. Thank you. Peace.
Starting point is 01:40:36 This guy, David Weed, this guy's not talking for me. Ah, what a great group. What a group it's huey it's not hue asshole it's huey um all right huge asshole are you still training these days no just yoga and um hot yoga or uh it was iangar i like iangar it's just mostly just focused on form but now i'm getting into more just the traditional vinyasa flow type stuff it's getting interesting for me in what way I can feel myself building the skill of the postures where when I was exercising, doing yoga, it just kind of felt like my muscles were burning and very uncomfortable and I was tight. And so now that I'm just doing yoga, I'm actually progressing within the athleticism of the postures. in the athleticism of the postures. And I've done a lot. So I went from the time I quit CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:41:56 which was like six years ago till about a few months ago, I was resistant to get into the asanas and the postures of yoga. I wanted the other benefits. I wanted the what yoga really is in the east which is the breath and the focus and the meditation and so i did the other stuff for the last five six years and now i'm getting into westernized yoga which is superficial but it's interesting it's about the movement and the postures and the skills so so these are the postures and what you're doing is is more um what you've kind of when you said to the superficial and athletic yours is you're doing kind of a flow through the postures you're you're learning to flow through postures so it's almost like a dance. Right. And it starts to feel really good. Like it's an art. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:51 I mean, those sheets you're talking about, it's also within the physical body. There's tissue that blocks part of our self-expression. blocks, part of our self-expression. And when you start to feel that dissolve and you start to move and stretch within your, not just stretch externally, but actually start to feel your bones and your tissues be able to move within themselves, you can sense the freedom that you have within your body and that's that feeling is interesting that feeling is fun for me um what do you think about your body composition do you feel this desire to get even leaner and thinner uh almost to uh a malnourished state so that you have greater like i just know. There is a detachment that I have with my physical body that it doesn't matter whether I have muscles or not, even though part of me realizes that from a standpoint of respect from other people,
Starting point is 01:44:08 respect from other people having a strong posture is beneficial especially when meeting people and presenting in front of people especially on instagram so but i'm just playing with that i spent all my life caring about how i looked like mine from no you didn't no you didn't didn't you see the way you used to dress at regionals you clearly didn't give a fuck was it weird oh god they hated me on the media team how much attention i gave you i said why are you keep focusing on the guy in the weird shorts? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Cause he's weird. Cause I want to fucking, I'm into the weird dudes. Cause you're looking at it from a marketing standpoint. I'm looking, I just wanted, I want to go know what makes this dude tick that he comes here in the same shorts every year.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Hey, um, is, is, is SEMA doing yoga? Yeah. You guys go to class together, drive together, get out of the car together the
Starting point is 01:45:06 whole yeah that's good life that's a good life dude yeah we barely even drive our second vehicle we've we've been noticing our second vehicle is just for our dog basically because we don't want to put our dog in in our nice car hey um uh i'm surprised you didn't set up a life where you could just walk everywhere. I mean, I was unicycling everywhere when I owned gyms and I lived next to the gyms and that was like the gym life. I was very athletic and into that riding bikes, riding my unicycle. And right now is more about connecting with nature. So what I prioritize is having dirt in my, my backyard and a lot of sunlight. And the, the car thing is a, is a great convenience for me to go everywhere. and so i really do enjoy vehicles
Starting point is 01:46:06 i enjoy vehicles too but don't you like to like it's i i move there's no sidewalks where i live and so i if i want to go anywhere i have to be in the car for five or ten minutes and i come from a life where i just walked everywhere go grocery shopping walk hungry walk movies walk and just everything walk a beer garden walk gym walk and then now like i just i just uh i can't i if i had to i wouldn't you rather be able to walk everywhere yeah but what city can you do that where's where's there a beach a gym a yoga studio uh i mean you could go back to encinitas you could go back you go to encinitas san diego yeah i've never really liked san diego though you didn't not that i don't like it i just don't get it i'm not i don't know how to operate there you did you hq is there at
Starting point is 01:47:02 one point right yeah kind of we had yeah. We had. Yeah, kind of. I mean, Greg lived there and there was a room there, but it was I don't know. I don't know if there ever was an HQ. Well, there's a Scotts Valley. Scotts Valley was the HQ. And that's where all the media guys were. Yeah, I like San Diego. If I could live, if I could live in just one.
Starting point is 01:47:23 I mean, the people if I could live just if I could choose anywhere, I would choose somewhere like Laguna or San Diego. If I could live, if I could live in just one, I mean, the people, if I could live, just, if I could choose anywhere, I would choose somewhere like Laguna or San Diego. What about Florida? What about Naples? Too many old people for you? Have you been to Naples? I haven't been to Naples. No, but I think that when I imagine living in Italy, that's what I imagine. Florida. No, I imagine walking to the, know yeah yeah yeah like i just imagine walking and and being more connected to the environment around me yeah because there is a lot of driving
Starting point is 01:47:55 you know i do you know who mcdodge is he lived in the ho rainforestforest in Washington for. Oh, I do know who he is through you. Yes. Oh, yeah, yeah. For like 12 years. And so he lived in a rainforest. And he was explaining to me, because he didn't have a vehicle, he used to walk days to go places. Where it would take him four hours in a car he didn't have a car so we
Starting point is 01:48:25 walked three days to get there and he was explaining to me that when you drive you lose respect for the things that you're passing because when he's walking he's seeing everything he said he's noticing everything and he would when i knew him he had two vehicles so he was he was he was missing the connection that he had for the earth when he was walking everywhere because he was he he was realizing that he was letting that go by participating in in the vehicle thing hey even biking you lose that because i walked for years and years like it was there were years in my life where i always walked 10 miles or 20 miles every day years 10 or 15 years during my crossfit years i just walked fucking everywhere because it was in berkeley i had
Starting point is 01:49:15 everything right there and uh then i started biking and you lose about you you you i'd say 90 of the shit that you saw you no longer see see. And then when you're driving, you don't see anything. You don't see anything. And like, you don't even know, you can't even believe how much you're missing unless you were a professional walker like me. You're just completely oblivious to all the crazy shit. You see staircases, certain kinds of animals,
Starting point is 01:49:39 interactions between people, everything, weather patterns, just like all the nuances of life, the millions of nuances that are around us. You miss them all. It's a trip. And I bet you most people don't even know that. It's a good explanation. Thank you. It had been a long time since we talked. Yeah. How's the weather up up there it's fucking rainy as shit and cold are you i know you were joking but is it rainy and cold where you're at yeah but do you get any of the flooding uh no not up where i'm at but like all around me got it but um there was snow on the beach a couple days ago and then right up here in the past like four miles up from my house
Starting point is 01:50:20 there was two feet of snow on the ground i I mean, which is just completely unheard of, but I think it's just all the global warming. There's craziness happening. I fucking love it. Bring the craziness on. Are you enjoying the craziness of the world? How do you stay away from the craziness on your Instagram? I do. Don't I? Yeah. You're so good at staying away from the craziness. Sometimes when I'm so in it, I'm like, God, maybe there aren't any pedophiles in the world and it's just me because I'm focused on it. Maybe there's not trannies trying to take over every school. It's just me because I'm focused on it. So it's a little bit of I've went through that, and it doesn't really serve me to be on the fighting, you know, like taking a side and fighting against the other side when I know that are powerful they gain their control by distracting the masses to fight against each other yeah well there's a there's a there's a i actually just posted there's like a comic meme and it's a king and he's overlooking like thousands of people and they're all like trying to rally against him
Starting point is 01:51:46 right and the king has an advisor and the advisor looks at the king and he says you know you don't have to fight any of them all you have to do is convince what does he say like convince the the pitchfork people that the torch people are trying to take their pitchforks and then they'll fight each other. And that's the entire game. That's why we have politics. Like sentient? You think there's interdimensional beings that are in a background war over this planet and that we're the product we're we're the product that they're playing with oh shit like like like people fighting over gold right i mean you mentioned it earlier about like sucking energy right so harvesting humans for energy that turns us into a product that there would be a grab people would be grabbing for that so there would be a side that is benevolent and a side that
Starting point is 01:53:03 doesn't have our greatest interests in mind and then there would there would be a side that is benevolent and a side that doesn't have our greatest interests in mind. And then there would be everything in between. There would be beings that are interested in analyzing us for scientific reasons and to learn through emotions there would be experiments happening where they would actually turn in turn themselves into humans and be birthed into this realm of existence where we experience linear time in a way that they don't experience linear time yeah and there's oh this is the book i was talking about sorry this is This is the book. Your Rancho. I saw this book in college somewhere. So I have that book, but I've tried reading it. I haven't gotten. Isn't it like this thick? Is it like a $500 book or something? It's a Bible, basically.
Starting point is 01:53:55 I remember it being like one of the biggest books I'd ever seen when I saw it. But you read it? No, no, no. Well, just little parts. It was sitting at someone's house and I just started flipping through it. And I'm like, holy fuck. This is about harvesting people's emotional energy on the planet, like making people emotional and then collecting their energy. I've gone through 12 pages of that book. I've tried reading it twice so far. It's it's a little bit too much for me to grasp.
Starting point is 01:54:20 So but it's been like five years. Oh, shit. They got a whole whole so there's a whole is this like scientology they got a whole cosmology and a whole like i mean it looks like it i think that so they wear turbans like that and i they wear turbans like that to keep the energy into the body. Because the way that our energy flows, if we're making energy come up, like I was talking about earlier, it'll go out the top of our head if we're not careful. We want to suck it back in through our root. root but that the turbine is like when you put an insulator on wires like the the coating of wires it keeps the energy within the body system i'm looking to see if uh if if the book's on amazon
Starting point is 01:55:17 yeah i'm sure you can it's on audible as well i have it in my audible library but to try and listen to it is even more difficult than reading it and you oh you even stay away from all the vaccine you don't do any vaccine talk either on your on your instagram no i mean i saw the vaccines coming since like 2013 i knew there was going to be adult mandated vaccines So the whole thing wasn't a surprise for me. I mean, you did know, how did you know? Is it because it was in the, in the truth or conscious or, you know, conspiracy theory type stuff. We, we all knew that there was going to be adult mandated vaccines coming. We didn't know how or when, but for me, it was just something that was like, Oh oh this is
Starting point is 01:56:05 happening it makes sense now of course the world's going to be convinced you think you think um uh our currency is going to be taken next from us like this digital currency is coming like like i heard that they've implemented that in nigeria i think that i don't know too much but i think that that's a whole other war that's going on of the countries trying to either get out of the central bank and then the central banks trying to they're all jostling right now for power over the money. But that whole thing might be a story as well. The most beautiful place in the world is Sicily. Hands down. Yeah, so SEMA is Sicilian.
Starting point is 01:57:02 And so you have a piece of the most beautiful place on the world in your house, in your possession. Yeah. She's O negative blood type as well. Uh, is that typical for Sicilians? I don't know. Oh, North County, North County, San Diego is the best. I love Carlsbad. If I could afford it, I would go. Yeah. Carlsbad's pretty good. It's a good life there, man. It's a good life. I wonder why Alison doesn't like San Diego. There's some the people there that I just can't stand. And it seems like it's a lot. Even when they're being real, they're being fake. There's a.
Starting point is 01:57:55 Just so many of them just can't fucking just. I don't know. There's just always this like there's a posturing going on there. And a like a like almost like you're obligated to lie. Like telling the truth is never what you want to do. There's always like a story, and it's okay. Like the lying is accepted. No one is like calling anyone out on it.
Starting point is 01:58:18 Do you know what I mean? Like everyone is talking a bigger game than they are. Like to kind of fake it until you make it. Like, hey, it's okay. That person is not lying. They're just telling you that they've been in six movies because like they're trying to manifest it it's like whoa what the fuck is going on here did you get that or does that i i know like you said you stay in your you stay in your lane yeah a lot of people have that experience with people in la it's kind of like the LA way to, to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:47 I didn't, I had to have it explained to me. I, even my friends in LA, like when I'm with them, they'll introduce me and they'll lie to the person. They'll, they'll say something about me. That's not true to introduce me to someone else. Like to make me like bigger than I am. I'm like, that's, and I just say say that's not true that is not true i did not win the academy award it's all it's all a game here but that's a that's that's a part of this town that i got into when i first moved here yeah the modeling thing and and it's a it's messy and so i i do you ever have anyone ever try to touch you inappropriately guys hook up with you yeah it's like i got that impression from hunter mcintyre that like dudes tried to fucking diddle them is it more sex yeah it's there's a movie, Marilyn. I think it's the Marilyn Monroe movie.
Starting point is 01:59:47 Have you seen that? No. She was basically being sexually used, and that's how Hollywood was back then, 80 years ago. And it's still kind of like that to a degree with girls and guys who come here and are vulnerable and, and just need to pay rent. And, and you can, as long as you have your head on straight, you can maneuver through that and use it to your advantage without losing, like without compromising your values. But if, if you're not aware, you could end up being, being. Roofied. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:29 Just, just one thing leads to another, leads to another. And then you're like doing gay strip bar lap dances. Right. And you're. Right. Right. And earlier in the year you were straight right yeah yeah i could totally pay that's what it's called gay for pay hey thank god i'm only i'm the only person who
Starting point is 02:00:54 thinks i'm good looking that could if other people thought i was good looking that could easily happen to me i was so susceptible as a kid i was so susceptible as a kid. I was so susceptible as a kid. Hey, when you say values, do you, do you have values and do you know what your values are? Yeah. So for me, authenticity is probably my main value. And that's where you say I showed up to regionals dress the way that I was dressed is because that's authentically who I was. And that was more important than conforming to everybody else. And it looks to everybody else like I'm on purposely not conforming, but it's just, it's not like that. There's no effort to be yourself. And I think that so many of us have conformed our entire life that when we see somebody else effortly effortlessly not conforming it looks like effort it looks like they're trying to be
Starting point is 02:01:55 different because we all try to conform my dad accused me of not wanting to take the vaccine just to be counter. I was like, they just hit me out of nowhere. He thought like I was doing it to just not conform. Right. But you're saying that that's normal. People will think that if you just don't conform, they'll think that you're doing it on purpose just to not conform, even though you're just following what you think is your path. Right. And I think for me, it just came from not watching TV, not having anything to conform to.
Starting point is 02:02:32 I'm kind of like a loner to a degree as well. So I don't have anything influencing me. And then when I would go out into the public, I would be different than everybody else. And I just learned to be okay with that. How do you know what your authentic self is? Like, like, dude, that seems like a pretty abstract value. Like for me, like, I don't like one of my values is like, I don't want to hurt people. Well, that can't be a value.
Starting point is 02:02:58 You can't have a value that is not doing something. Oh, well, I do. Your value would be being nice i have a value of i'm not going to do something but i compromised that value once i had kids i had this really like really simple goal in life never to uh like kill another human being but i've given that up since i have kids yeah what do you oh because of protection yeah like i like i like i've in the night middle of the night i've heard something and got my gun and been like oh i'm gonna kill someone in my backyard like i'm ready to fucking blast someone
Starting point is 02:03:32 but i didn't know that i'd given up that value until i had kids but like like i feel like um like i'm just learning about values and why it's important to have values because it's a strong let's say like like you have really nice hair. I have nice hair. And some people could think that that's like part of our identity that we're attached to. But someone, there was some girl on the show, Sarah Sigmund's daughter, the athlete. And she was explaining to me that like value should be a part of your
Starting point is 02:03:58 identity because those kinds of can't be taken from you. Those are like true, like good parts to have, you know? And, and, um, and I was thinking, Oh shit, I don't even know from you those are like true like good parts to have you know and and i was thinking oh shit i don't even know what my values are but that's where work comes in into like you doing the the mental work to figure that out and you can ask yourself questions about what's important to you. And then you can analyze your life to see that, to see if you're living within the parameters of your values and either that's going to be a yes or a no. And then you can start organizing your life so that it's more in alignment with your values. And then that in turn gives you more fulfillment. Do you write your values down? No, but there's, there's exercises that, that you can do. There's, there's even, um, actually in
Starting point is 02:04:55 skillful psyche, which is a class program I have on Tuesday, tomorrow, we're making you're teaching it yeah we're making a tattoo based on our values so we're making an emblem that we can look at or even get tattooed the exercise is just to make a tattoo you don't have to get a tattoo but it's an emblem that represents your values so you can do the work to discover your values. And then we design an emblem that represents that so that you have that reminder because it is something that we can forget. How do you know if you're being authentic? How do you know if you're not being authentic? I mean, I feel it. You can feel these things in your gut when you're, when you're making decisions that might be compromising yourself and we do it. I mean, we all compromise to a degree to,
Starting point is 02:05:59 even if it's short term, we play that game where we're sort of going in debt to ourself and what we care about in order to gain in some other aspect of our life because we have a value of health. But we can't spend all day on health because we have this money thing. So then we do something like work, which could be against and conflicting our values of health. Like for instance, right now I'm sitting down. Every time I sit down in this chair, I'm thinking about how I'm compromising my body. Just sitting here is tightening up my hips. It's turning off my glutes. It's, it's bad for posture. It's going to give me pain. And so I'm aware of the compromises that I make in my values. And I think that bringing that awareness to ourself is another skill and it's a skill that can be worked
Starting point is 02:07:00 on. You know, the way Greg used to describe describe it if i think if i'm if i'm hearing right is he never wanted to spend crossfit's brand equity and he would and like i look around and i see all these crossfit athletes who spend their brand equity and it's it's kind of crazy to me they don't realize that every time they put their name on a mattress or on a chipotle bowl or on any of those things that they're spending their brand equity whether like everyone you just lost a little bit of your influence you just spent a little bit and then when you switch from one mattress to another mattress you you've spent even more of your brand equity and when you switch from the whoop to the samsung you've spent a
Starting point is 02:07:39 little more of your like no one believes anything lebron says right he's completely i mean no one believes anything LeBron says, right? He's completely – I mean no one who's awake. He's completely wasted his brand equity, completely sold it all. It's done. He's nothing. And it's like that's why Greg never wanted – when we signed with Reebok, he never wanted the CrossFit name like on iPad covers or on like – he didn't want any – like, hey, if it's not the greatest iPad cover ever in the history of the world, I don't want my name on it. I don't want to spend any of my brand equity. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. He hated that, that anyone would try to spend his brand equity. They would even say, hey, we'll put the CrossFit name on these shoes and we'll give you 15% of all of them. And he'd
Starting point is 02:08:20 be like, no, I don't want it on all those shoes i want it on one good shoe i'm not interested in spending my it's is is that kind of what you're saying like authenticity is something that you have and if you spend a little bit of it to get something else over here um you feel it in your gut right and spending is a good analogy and i think that's good that you had the main person of the, the business of the organization like that. And that was, that was his focus. That was his, his strength. Yeah. That was crazy. His strength. He was crazy. He walked around like this. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:04 I mean, I remember you could feel that as an affiliate owner. And it was good to know that. Yeah. And I even found myself hating Reebok because it seemed like he did. Right, right, right. And he did. He did. He did.
Starting point is 02:09:20 He did. Poor Reebok. Let's sign a deal. I hate you. I know. he did poor reebok let's sign a deal i hate you he's a savage he's a savage that was crazy yeah yeah you're right the affiliates he did hate him and how about those affiliate i felt sorry for the affiliates that like took the name like reebok crossfit i was like oh god that's just what did you do to yourself yeah well that's what i was mostly pissed about was that they said that they weren't going to be opening up affiliates to compete with us and then
Starting point is 02:09:57 there was a rebot crossfit that opened in la and it's like well why so then it was like well i'm not going to use rebot crossfit t-shirts because that's what they were trying to sell me it was like well you print your gym on these rebot crossfit t-shirts but i'm like yeah but there's a rebot crossfit gym in my city so now i'm also promoting that gym was that andy petranek's gym whose gym was that oh it was uh jared no it was it was just they opened up as reba crossfit do you know jared do you know jared went to uh orange theory do you know jared pearl pearl mutter is he did what do you mean he went he's involved with orange theory like recently yeah he works there he's like he's like a director
Starting point is 02:10:39 he's got like a pretty like like high power job over at orange theory i haven't spoke to him in like five years no he i don't think this has happened in the last year i think last like six months yeah no i didn't know that yeah that's that that tripped me out i mean he likes that part of i think that his strength and what he likes is dealing with things that, that bigger level as opposed to like the small. Yeah. He's a, he's a businessman. Yeah. That's what he, that's what he enjoys. Jarrett came, he was my training partner for a long time. He came into CrossFit already having owned like five or six martial arts gyms. So the way that he was thinking about the business of a CrossFit gym was like,
Starting point is 02:11:30 like beyond comprehension. Was he part owner of your gym? No, not of mine. Oh, oh. No, he, his gym was in West Hollywood. Mine was in downtown LA. So it took like 20, 25 minutes drive. And I would work out with him all the time.
Starting point is 02:11:52 This is not a joke. You need a hazmat suit to walk around San Francisco. All the liberal run towns are destroyed. You have to know that if you're not familiar with the United States. Seattle, destroyed. Los Angeles, destroyed. They're all complete fucking train wrecks. San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland.
Starting point is 02:12:13 They're all, I mean, it's crazy. It really is like Escape from New York. Yes, Raw? Any thoughts? Are you looking at the comments raw yeah don't do it it's a fun this this is a this is a fucking such a weird place that i've gotten my life into raw i come here every morning and sit here at seven o'clock with different guests or or i do live call-in shows and i have like a whole list of topics that I go through. I have this massive list. And usually I have at least one or two co-hosts.
Starting point is 02:12:49 I don't know. They didn't show up today. I guess you scared them away. They just thought we could handle it. But maybe that's it, yeah. But it's become a pretty – and the show grows every single day. There's always a couple more listeners, a couple more listeners, and we're two two years in i think it's going to be a fucking huge show it's just a matter of time now and this all goes on youtube yeah it's just live on youtube right now and i
Starting point is 02:13:13 have some really fun people come through here and you're doing this every day yeah every day at 7 a.m it's like a morning show it's like this like the howard stern show and joe rogan like fucked each other and i'm their kid but But I'm not a fucking pussy. I mean, I'm kind of a pussy. So what kind of guests do you have? Are you open to any type of guests? Any guest, anyone. Yeah, anyone who can help me get rich.
Starting point is 02:13:35 I mean, I can bring attention to for my audience that's interesting. Yeah. Exactly. And do you have anybody reaching out to people i that's i do that all day so like right now i'm going to get off with you and i'm going to go in the house and my kids will be there and they'll be finishing their kuman and if it's not raining i'll take them to the skate park or i'll go play tennis with them and any free moment i have i'm on instagram uh going through my and that's what's true cool all these people in the comments, they direct me to people.
Starting point is 02:14:06 So they'll be like, hey, Sevan, have you read this book? So I'm reading this book right now. It's called The Moth and the Iron Lung. And it's about polio at the turn of the century and about how it was from, it has nothing to do with any of the shit we've ever been told. It has to do with the fact in 1890,
Starting point is 02:14:21 all farmers were forced to spray arsenic and lead on all food. And it was done like that for 30 years and it fucked up people's intestines and that's really the origins of polio has nothing to do with the vaccine none of that the vaccine right yeah and that the whole fucking thing ended up it's just it's just bad science and so it was not it was just another vaccine yeah just more bullshit just just more and everyone believes it everyone fucking believes it but you'd only you'd only have to scratch the surface you don't have to do one hour of research to be like okay something's not right right it's one hour it's so crazy how superficial that you
Starting point is 02:14:58 like you just have to like you said just you have to just go under the narrative and realize that the only proof that supports the narrative is the narrative itself yes yeah wow wow it's like it's like that with everything 9-11 jfk like everything big so it's going to be like this with with the small shit too even the vaccine how about what woody harrelson said yeah they're saying what woody harrelson said is anti-vax conspiracy theory he said nothing that's a theory uh pharma owns the media uh pharma owns the politicians they they pay trump a million dollars they pay biden millions of dollars they're like 62 of the ad revenue on tv and then they kept us locked in our house unless we took their drugs. Like none of that's conspiracy. None of that's theory. He just, he just, he just told us what happened.
Starting point is 02:15:51 And people are like, it's a conspiracy. Are you fucking kidding me? How, what's the theory? There's no theory. That's a fact that already happened. That, that happened from 2020 to 2022. That happened from 2020 to 2022. It's because conspiracy theorists is just a made up term to discredit. Yeah. Truth. It's just like the pyramid scheme thing. It's just people will say, oh, conspiracy theorists, it's not true. It's bad.
Starting point is 02:16:20 And that's what that whole term is made. It's marketed and it's programmed into us that if somebody is a conspiracy theorist, stay away from them. Right. So I read that. So, so I, only reason why I read that book, by the way, is because the author is still alive and I think I can get the author on. And so everything I'm doing is to, um, I don't do like, I watch UFC, but I only watch it because i think i can get ufc fighters on the show so i have ufc fighters on the show so everything i'm doing is to throughout my day what happened to your original instagram it got they they they fucked me they kicked me to the
Starting point is 02:16:58 curb they turned me off i couldn't get it back i've applied more than 100 times to get it back. Oh, so somebody hacked you and stole it? No, no. They banned me for saying that – I didn't even say crazy shit. I don't even say crazy shit. I don't say – I don't talk about whether the Chinese released it to us as a weapon or if like if it was a bat thing or I don't I don't do any I don't do very much analysis. I just show stuff like the CDC says here. This VAERS has more as 10 times as many reports for injury from this vaccine than all vaccines in the history of the world. And I show a screenshot of it.
Starting point is 02:17:44 And they'll be like, hey, you can't do that. that i'm like but i just took it from the cdc website that i wouldn't i don't usually give analysis like i don't usually do try to understand why or that i never said like pfizer's doing this just to make money or that it's a scam between the world health organization and the world economic forum i don't i don't almost never do but i've had some cool people on here i had that guy um i had a crazy pro lifer on here and i'm a pro choice guy and we had a great conversation um i had a flat earther on here that was fucking fascinating and so did the flat earther say it's all interesting right it's all interesting i just want to hear the way they i just want to hear the way they think i want to i want you to convince me that like the earth is
Starting point is 02:18:29 flat go for it i'm ready i'm open was it did he have like points i need to have him on again i you know what to be honest with you the only thing i took away from the whole conversation was that i really liked the guy that he was really pleasant same with the pro lifer i was like man this guy what a great fucking um thing he's dedicated his life to saving children's lives like what what a fuck i was i was kind of envious of his like what a noble uh thing to do like Like it's like, if people are like celebrating LeBron James broke some sort of big basketball record.
Starting point is 02:19:08 And I'm like, dude, that like that guy throws a ball into a net. I'm not saying it's not like cool, but there's no, his only value then now is, is what he does good for humanity based on the attention he gets for throwing that ball in the net,
Starting point is 02:19:21 throwing the ball in the net is nothing. Now it's only if he says all black people out there, no one's coming to save you. Stop focusing on anything except making your life better. Never blame anyone. Never play the victim again. That would be his only value to me of making all those balls in the nets. I'm glad that there's a lot of stuff coming out that's empowering to the africans because that's the the highly melanated people have extreme amount of power and have you have you heard or seen any of this stuff about the native americans actually being black no but i always thought i've been starting to think that they're basically just
Starting point is 02:20:05 chinese people well uh flat earther was also ninja warrior champion that's true that's true who was it uh brett steffensen i'm gonna have him on again i actually just text him i had a guy who made a board game that's the most um popular board game like in europe or in denmark or something that guy was fascinating too and he ended up winning i didn't even know this so i had him on the show he won survivor europe nice yeah it was just weird yeah so i just have random people okay so sorry go back so black i when i've been looking at native americans lately they're basically just chinese people well like in old pictures of them and shit and then they just got raped by the spaniards and now we have mexicans right so there's the this other there's this other story about black people already of it of being here and that the whole narrative of slavery and that
Starting point is 02:21:02 they were stolen from africa and brought here that whole thing is made up well they definitely weren't stolen they were definitely sold by i no one steals anyone i those people if if there were africans brought here from africa they were definitely sold by other africans you know what i mean like like i would like to add that i would find it hard to believe that we went there and just we what i mean we fuck we would like to add that i would find it hard to believe that we went there and just we what i mean we fuck we let's fucking in armenia i'm an abolitionist but they're they're saying that the the original hawaiians the original americans were actually black and not this indian character that we have.
Starting point is 02:21:45 I'm having so much trouble believing that. Like, multi-level marketing is bad. That's where I'm at. And you tell me that there were already black people here. Jiggy Josh, all skin was black. The Chinese designers just come from the part of the world people were at. I can't make sense of it. Yeah, take two.
Starting point is 02:22:04 Chinese features. Oh, Chinese features. Oh, okay. All skin was black. it doesn't i can't make sense of it yeah take two uh chinese features oh chinese features oh okay all skin was black the chinese features just come from the part of the world oh we're at oh so the oh that's interesting those were just um like those nostrils oh gee americans were african no shit this guy believes that shit too there's pictures of like the feathers and they're they look like black people and that look at like black people like aboriginal hey would you say indian people and pakistani people are black they have none of the affect they move differently and so for some reason we can't accept them as black but they're black do they have but
Starting point is 02:22:42 they i guess they don't have that hair either they got more like your hair you got like indian dudes hair i i'm half filipino and then yeah so they have straight hair the there is a difference with like a black a tradition like how we would think of a black person and like an Indian. It's like there's different there's there's a different quality of the melanin. Like the Indian is like a lighter brown versus like a darker brown, like a redder. That's why they call them red. Like they're almost like a redder. Like you, you kind of you kind of you got a little bit of that red in you.
Starting point is 02:23:20 Yeah. A more. Yeah. Like like more like a Sedona, Arizona. yeah a more yeah like like more like a sedona arizona so i don't i don't know everything but that's also an interesting theory we'll call it because i've never heard this one i can't believe mason mitchell's heard it you're telling me that there were that this that fucking pocahontas was a black chick and that fucking all those native american dudes are black dudes imagine you know we're talking you're talking about like the polio thing and the and the thing yeah and how just completely opposite of the truth all of this narrative is right that's being sold to the public and the public are just eating it up imagine how warped history is yeah if they're doing that in real time yeah history we have to be open-minded to history being completely falsified if they're falsifying things now there's a complete agenda so when they go and they write the history books i mean school was invent like our modern school system was invented by a German like the Americans went to Germany and and learned how to brainwash a civilization through the way that the Germans did it leading up to World War II to produce soldiers. So then we also borrowed their segregation policies from them as well and came back.
Starting point is 02:24:54 And we did that with the blacks. books to disempower that entire race of people and make them think that they're slaves from another land, that they're outsiders here and that they've always just been the shit pot of this country. And that's easy to write into a book. That's an easy story to write into the book. And I've seen many, many pictures of. Yeah, so I don't know what the truth truth is but that's just another thing that's going around right now and i think that there's a lot of power in black people
Starting point is 02:25:31 a ton of power that it makes sense that they would hold them down can you explain that more so if you think about like a black person, right, they're more athletic. Their bones are stronger. If they weren't. They're better at handling the sun. They're there. If you think about rhythmically, lyrically, they they you would even think based on their knowledge that they're wittier. Like they actually are smarter. But they've been convinced that they're wittier like they actually are smarter but
Starting point is 02:26:07 they've been convinced that they're idiots and that they're on welfare and that they should be fighting over guns and weed and that all gets programmed into that culture there's definitely an oratory skill that they have a presentation a command over the the room that it seems to be i mean i don't know if you could attribute it to their skin color what you do but there's something they definitely they're great people obviously their power that's power yeah so we the white man let's call not we not me and you by the way i'm fucking armenian and i was an abolitionist i was like go fucking lincoln i i want black people to pay me reparations for all my fucking people that died trying to save your ass bam but we've we we hold down the people with power women as well so the the cage the vagina cage the vagina yeah so black people i don't even know like i can't really we don't know if they're african or
Starting point is 02:27:17 americans or whatever but they're they're gaining power they. They're becoming aware of their abilities, and it's interesting. Please don't enslave the Armenians if you're going to pay back the white guys. Hey, what about this shit is getting woke? No, no, there's nothing. Easy, easy. We're cosmic anthropologists. Just sit back and enjoy. Sit back and enjoy the depth, the freedom of the conversation.
Starting point is 02:27:51 What about dinosaurs, Ra? Not for the black people. What about dinosaurs? Yeah, so I don't know what's, like, are those things 65 million years old or are they more closer because there's definitely carvings of dinosaurs in stones in ancient monuments which suggests that maybe they're roaming around with the humans few tens of thousands of years ago because they're in stones and stuff uh with human beings in the pictures so i don't know all if if history is just i don't know what to think about history and time in general
Starting point is 02:28:37 because time is tripping me time has really been tripping me out lately something's happening to time like it's the that what do you think it's going faster yeah i i think that that would be a simple explanation i'm not like that that's because i'm unable to articulate it that's the way i would say but something's definitely occurring with time that i'm like uh-oh something's happening like with time yeah i think i can't tell if i'm i can't tell what exactly what i i'm open to it though there's a lot of stuff happening in our solar system in other planets as well that are happening in an accelerated rate that shouldn't be happening uh there's i feel like what seems like from a gravitational standpoint, a gravitational structure of the galaxy, it seems like our sun is pushing into, the heliosphere of the sun is getting smushed.
Starting point is 02:29:37 What's the heliosphere of the sun, the center of it? No, it would be like the atmosphere of the earth. There's one of those around the sun. Okay. So there's a heliosphere around the sun and it's being smushed. So it looks like the sun is pushing into a wall and that suggests that the sun is moving into a space in the galaxy that is a different zone that it's in right now. And so, yeah, you see those pictures right there. It looks like it's pushing into a wall. And what happens when we pop through that wall? That's the question.
Starting point is 02:30:22 And when you look into ancient cultures that have calendars that aren't a year long like ours are, but they're hundreds of thousands of years long, they have ages. for not just our planet going around the sun, but our sun going around the galaxy and the different seasons throughout the galaxy that our entire solar system would go through as a result of that. And those seasons are, they, they point to levels of consciousness. That's like in the, in the Vedas and the Hindus, there's, there's ages where people are different, they behave differently. And so within that construct of how reality is that explanation, we're in the spring season, we're in the enlightening stage of, of consciousness. And we're coming out of like the dark ages when the wintertime of consciousness where. I give you just think back to the dark ages where people were killing each other. It was just war, this war that.
Starting point is 02:31:37 And now we're becoming more interconnected with each other through things like the internet, but also people are being birthed on this planet that have awareness of past lives, have awareness of their extraterrestrial origins and family. And that's all going to shift as the solar system shifts. And then there's stories of the solar flare happening. And even in the Bible, there's the flood that happened at one point. And then what's happening next is going to be a fire. And so maybe when that sun pops through, there's going to be a solar flare that completely changes the energy of this planet. And then we are all just different. And what it's going to take for us to be different is pretty simple. We just have to feel what everybody else feels. We just have to know what everybody else knows. And that's all explained in this book series called The Law of One, where it explains the densities of consciousness. And the next density we're going through is we're going to be able to
Starting point is 02:32:39 feel each other's emotions. We're going to be empathic. And so if you're walking down the street and you can feel everybody around you, you would want them all to be as happy as possible because their emotions are your emotions. One little simple adjustment is going to completely shift everything we do. That one adjustment, if we have sensation of other people's senses emotionally and that sheet you just unravel that sheet and have a little bit more connection yeah it completely changes the structure of everything that we do every decision on this entire planet will be how can we make everybody feel as happy as fulfilled as possible well now we're getting into some woke shit for sure i hope i hope they're careful i hope they're careful because people need to be responsible for their own feelings
Starting point is 02:33:30 for so maybe you won't get to feel other people unless you can be responsible for other people exactly that's the reason for our independence now so you can be yeah because because worrying about other people's feelings is bullshit so we have to go through this stage of independence so that when we merge we are responsible but we only learn that by being independent being separated from each other and we're going through this mess and learning all the lessons necessary so that when we do merge we have an ability to respond we have responsibility that can extend to others beyond ourself and parenting is like that being able to under being able to make sure that you that you know you what your kid's feeling but you don't cater them. You still stay and do what's right to how you want to mold your kid.
Starting point is 02:34:27 And so many parents, because it is so intense when you feel your kid's feelings, then will cater to making their kid feel better, but just so that they don't have to feel their kid's pain. And it's fucked up, and it's made a lot of fucked up kids. It's made a lot of fucked up kids. It's made a lot of fucked up kids. Right. There needs to be somebody in that relationship that that's taking the making the decisions from a leadership perspective and not because when you sympathize, when you when you harmonize with, let's call it it the lower level if you're a parent child and if the the higher level the the one that's supposed to be making decisions starts making
Starting point is 02:35:11 the decisions from the lower level now you don't have any proper leadership you're essentially you turn yourself into the child and it's like the child is being raised without a parent yeah it's exactly you nailed it you absolutely without a parent. Yeah, it's exactly. You nailed it. You absolutely nailed it. And I see that. Parents, these parents fucking think that they're fucking parents, but they're not. And it puts crazy stress on the child. Wow, you fucking nailed it. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:35:38 It's crazy. Your kid is not the leader. You are the leader. They need you to be the leader. You are the leader. They need you to be the leader. Do you have any leaders? I have some leaders. I've chosen some leaders to lead me. Do you have some leaders? I think there's a void that I recognize in terms of leadership. There's a few. You mean like in your life, like you wish you had something to lead you?
Starting point is 02:36:09 I feel like there's an open, I have open space for mentorship. So I have that recognition. Because right now, the way I've structured my life almost forever is that I've always been the leader and that, that leaves me without equals and it leaves me without mentors, but that's something I can change, right? I have power to change that. So it's almost verbally, it's, it's, it's almost like it's who you serve. Yeah. But there's like who you choose to serve is your leader, right?
Starting point is 02:36:53 There's a, Oh yeah. And so that, and so that's the interesting thing about your kids because you're in a life of devotion to serve them, but they cannot be your leader. So with them is this ultimate paradox, but other people, you know, there's this people that you, you, um, you choose to serve. There's a saying, if you're the weakest or the dumbest person in the room, then you're in the right room. Right. Right. Cause then, you know, that you're being influenced by more powerful people than yourself there's people that i want to um follow on instagram but that i unfollow because i just don't want to be influenced
Starting point is 02:37:29 by them anymore like i'm fully aware that the people i'm following instagram are sort of my leaders i'm letting them influence me right right and if i like that's why it's weird to me when anyone follows someone that they don't like. Yeah. Because I don't stop doing that. That is not good. There's John Maxwell has a book, the 21 irrefutable, irrefutable laws of leadership. And one of the laws is the law of respect. And it basically says that people will not follow somebody they don't respect. Like the law of respect says that leaders will only follow a leader that's stronger than them. And yeah, when you get into following somebody just so you can hate them, like you just said, following somebody you don't like, it doesn't make any sense. It's
Starting point is 02:38:18 almost like you're just trying to gain fuel for your ego to support why you don't like this person by following them so that you can add to the reason why you don't like them. It's a big waste. Or, or sometimes I've had these people who said that they, they followed me for two years and couldn't stand me, but they, holy fuck,
Starting point is 02:38:36 they finally opened their eyes and they can fucking see the light. Now they're like, Oh shit, you were right. I knew that there was a reason why I always kept following you. That's also like people that got red pilled on accident by watching the show like oh fuck i think because part of them wanted to they wanted to understand they there's something they see right they see the freedom they see something yeah they admire and they they respect even if the words coming out of your mouth don't make sense to them yet yeah there's still something that is attracting them yeah a theta frequency
Starting point is 02:39:10 i always tell people that if if i'm telling somebody something like the the the black thing right it's not going to be the first time you hear about this just because me saying it is the first time you've ever heard of it. That actually there were there were blacks here already on the United States when Columbus came. I'd say like even like got like try having sex without busting your load, like just stop it. Like people are like, that's crazy talk. The thing is, like, I've heard it 20 times and I've always thought it was crazy talk, but you, this is the first time I'm like, I'm going to give that a whirl.
Starting point is 02:39:48 So there's, there's this notion that girls start acting crazy because they're having orgasms. That's like what makes them hate the guy. And it's the same thing that same mechanism that makes the guy not care about the girl. They go to sleep after sex. They wake up.
Starting point is 02:40:06 They don't give a shit. It's like that that level of disrespect is because they're discharging their attraction and they become almost repulsive to each other as opposed to magnetic. And it's because of the discharge of the orgasm of the release. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. of the discharge of the orgasm of the release yeah yeah crazy and so if you stop doing this it's the cure to the girl being nitpicky and and crazy and the guy will now start caring about the woman and that's worth the the experiment yeah experiment yeah why not experiment right in this book i'm reading the moth in the iron lung Lung, they're talking about the reasons why tonsils were pulled out.
Starting point is 02:40:50 Holy shit. Even – I don't know. What a crazy – they thought tonsils were – made kids into mouth breathers, and they thought mouth breathing made you retarded, like clinically retarded. So they devised this plan to start clipping people's tonsils. And the tonsils are an inch away from your medulla oblongata the brain stem and the tonsils also are a fucking uh bacteria and virus factory i guess i guess they they catch a lot of bad shit and so if you cut them out all that shit fucking just escapes the book's fascinating it's fucking fat can you imagine approving like you were talking about um what are you talking about like convincing young men to go kill other young men
Starting point is 02:41:31 that they don't even know it's the same thing like can you imagine now that i now that i'm in the position i'm in the the the i sit on the perch that i sit on and look at the world can you imagine like convincing parents that it's okay to give your kids mandatory drugs from Pfizer or that we're going to cut their tonsils out? This whole idea of vestigial, is that the word? Vestigial organs? I'm not buying it.
Starting point is 02:41:56 No, even the appendix. Yeah. Wisdom teeth. Yeah, I didn't have any of that shit pulled out on me. I'm so happy. I did. And it's freaking, like I went to the dentist once i don't know 15 20 years ago and they were like let's remove your wisdom teeth and i knew of a whole bunch of other people that got their
Starting point is 02:42:16 wisdom teeth removed i just thought that when you get to a certain age you get your wisdom teeth removed and so i just said okay i was unaware and come to find out our, our teeth are actually the switches of our energy meridians. Our teeth are. Yeah. So if you think about the important, like our hands and our feet are also, they operate the same way. The parts of our body that are used often are what are activating our energy meridians. And our teeth are, we're chewing stuff all day long. So it makes sense that that's going to be, every meridian goes to a tooth. And it also goes to a part of our hands. It also goes to a part of our feet.
Starting point is 02:43:01 And they all cross at the navel center. goes to a part of our feet and they all cross at the navel center. So these important parts of our body are turning on and activating our meridians to keep our organs healthy, to keep our emotions healthy. And so our wisdom teeth are tied into our gut, our stomach. And so, yeah, when you remove parts of our body, it's all more connected. We're not like a machine. We're taught to think that our bodies are mechanical and that its job is just to carry us around from place to place. But there's more going on. There is like our emotions aren't just housed in our brain. Our emotions are produced by our organs and that's sending energy throughout our body. And so that energy can get blocked in
Starting point is 02:43:55 places. And that's where this whole concept in the East about meridians comes into play because we have an energy body and that energy body operates within our physical body our mechanical body and then we have issues emotionally through our mindset that can be resolved by working through our physical body and it's not just something happening in our brain but i love my energy body my energy body is crazy the appendix also you don't know what your energy body is by the way people you need to find a book that teaches you how to fucking find your energy body if you find your energy body you won't always find it once you build a relationship with it you it will change your whole perspective on for sleep will never you'll never hear about sleep ever
Starting point is 02:44:42 again you'll never think about sleep ever again the way regular people do. You never will want to be apart from your energy body once you become aware of it. Okay, sorry, go ahead. Yeah. It's such a great body. So weird. Yeah, there's a lot, right? When you start to recognize that you're beyond your physical body i don't but
Starting point is 02:45:07 mine always feels like it's in here like mine doesn't ever like go away yeah if you close your eyes right now you could tell where your body starts and ends or is it you like you you don't feel like like you just feel your physical body like skin in you don't feel like that there's no it's bigger it's bigger than my body even just like your palm if you just hold it's bigger than my body yeah you can feel that it's yeah same thing with your feet your feet are grounded into the earth. That's what this whole science of grounding is because we go further than the bottom of our feet. It's connecting into what we're standing on. Our hands are connecting onto what we're holding. Yeah. You do a lot of barefoot walking. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But that's why we shake each other's hands when we meet each other. We're, we're, we're communicating through that.
Starting point is 02:46:10 I enjoy shaking hands with people. Do you like that? Yeah, of course. It's that touch. It's, it's, it's a bonding experience. It's so much better than a fist bump. It is. It is. It's a bonding experience. It's so much better than a fist bump. It is. It is. It's way better. A fist bump is casual, though. It's like basically like I'm going to say hi without connecting with you.
Starting point is 02:46:36 Yeah, it has a place. There's fist bumps, there's hugs, and then there's shaking hands. But the fist bump, I like where you're going with it, but the fist bump shouldn't replace the handshake. Like if, like, right. Like if I'm going to have lunch with you, I shake your hand. If I'm just skating by you, I fist bump you. Right. How about this?
Starting point is 02:46:56 Do you remember the first time that somebody tried elbow bumping you? Yeah, that shit's weird. That happened. I was on, uh, I was doing a lecture at a college campus actually son and glendale college it was during the this is the start of the pandemic when we still like have gatherings and these kids did they came up to me like this i was like what are you doing like oh because we're not supposed to be shaking hands because of COVID. And I was like, I think it was even called Corona back then. And I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:32 Elbow bump. The elbow bump is disrespectful. I appreciate you coming on, dude. Yeah. This was fun. Almost three hours. we worked through some shit some fun superficial shit i like working through some superficial shit with one of my uh with one of my friends who has the greatest depth
Starting point is 02:47:58 playing on the superficial realm with you it's good well here we go with the rest of the day today's monday the rest of the week there was some there's some drama amongst a cohort of my friends and it was stressing some of them out and i go hey dude just remember they go what i go we're just playing with fucking plastic knives there's nothing at stake here enjoy the drama enjoy this fighting and this gossiping and this we're just plastic knives no one's gonna get hurt it's just and he's like oh that's a great way to think about it i go yeah it's just there's there's nothing there's no kids at stake there's no sex we're not in cars like it's just a game of telephone it's just some
Starting point is 02:48:41 funny text it's just some emotional uncomfortability. No one's taking food off of anyone's plate. No one's getting diddled. We need, you know what I mean? Just there's, there's just, we're just fighting with plastic knives because some people are getting heated, right? It's like, no, it's just like, it's just plastic knives right now. So for any of you who are, if you have things in your life where you're just playing with
Starting point is 02:49:03 plastic knives, it's okay. I mean mean there's things you should take seriously like you know road rage is serious you could die in a car accident but other shit enjoy not everything has to be heavy but i think that we don't have too much seriousness happening right we're not we're not being raided by the neighboring tribe. There's not a disease that's going to sweep through our village and kill everybody. I mean, that's why this whole thing just took off like the way it is, because our bodies are prepared to respond in that sort of survival mechanism. Fight or flight. Right, right.
Starting point is 02:49:46 So we're so easily triggered into that because our body wants to protect us and so it looks at everything as a this could potentially end my life i must stop it now right so as long as we get a reminder that it's not and that we're all here and we can enjoy the journey then it just makes things a little bit more pleasant for us all. Please tell Seema I said hi. I mean that. It's not like just one of those things where I'm just like, hey, you know, someone passed you. Tell your wife I said hi. Tell her I said hi and thank you for letting us have you for three hours this morning. She's asking me right now if we're done. She just texted me as you were saying that. So you guys must be on the, you must've felt that.
Starting point is 02:50:30 That's how it works, people. I feel everything. Brother, thank you. I know this is just one of thousands of times you'll be on the show. And I always appreciate you making the time for us. Yeah. And I admire your consistency with this show as well, because it's.
Starting point is 02:50:50 Thank you. I'm having fun. It's so easy. I'm having so much fun. It's, it's, uh, as quagmire would say, uh, giggity, giggity, giggity, giggity, giggity. All right. I'll see you soon. If you're ever up this way, of course, check in and I'll do the same if I'm down your way. Oh, I'm going to be in Newport in May. I'll text you low if you're ever up this way of course check in and I'll do the same
Starting point is 02:51:05 if I'm down your way oh I'm gonna be in Newport in May I'll text you low pressure always low pressure alright take care okay bye how about hot pot oh hey I've never seen my wife in the fucking comments holy shit I should call my wife you guys want me to seen my wife in the fucking comments. Holy shit. I should call my wife.
Starting point is 02:51:27 You guys want me to call my wife? Let's see. I have to pee. Let me see. Find out if it's raining. If it's not raining, I'm going to be so happy. Hi. Hi.
Starting point is 02:51:59 I've never seen you in the comments. I've never seen you in the comments either. I saw Allison say she needed CBD after all that. Oh. And so I said hot Pilates. She and I go sometimes.
Starting point is 02:52:16 Yeah, it's fizzling. Okay. Alright, I'm going to wrap up here and then I'll come in there. Are you going to hot Pilates? Yeah, but it's at 11 okay all right okay next time i call tell the kids to be quiet please thank you all right bye that's it no you don't get a fucking hayley interview. That's it. That's all you guys just, that's it.
Starting point is 02:52:46 There's never going to be any more of her than that. She is a servant of, of, of the boys of the house. And she is too. She doesn't have time for this podcasting nonsense. Wow. We went through some shit today on the show,
Starting point is 02:53:03 huh? Excuse me. That was some great shit. Multi-level marketing. I know, it's weird, right? The whole, the fact that he just leans right into it. I like it. A lot of text this morning. It looks like there's a last-minute show popping up tonight.
Starting point is 02:53:28 We are going to. She is very seductive. Haley is very seductive. She is a powerful woman. A calm, chill. But she has me wrapped around her finger. Brian Friend has got me. We're going to try doing a Frisbee,
Starting point is 02:53:46 uh, disc golf show or something. I don't know, but I guess the disc golf tour has started and Brian's a huge fan of it. And he's giving me four shows to watch and I watched them and got up to speed on them and it's in Las Vegas. And I think it just happened. And,
Starting point is 02:54:04 um, I watched them and I got a fucking million questions for them and some's in las vegas and i think it just happened and um i watched them and i got a fucking million questions for them and some time codes and so hopefully um uh tonight we're going to uh do a frisbee show i don't think the 23.2 recap we have a show tuesday night and thursday night that's all i know about the open t night. And then tomorrow, yeah, disc golf show is tonight. And then the CrossFit open show is tomorrow. But tomorrow morning we have an amazing guest on. I wonder if I can find you his Instagram.
Starting point is 02:54:36 Oh, shit, I'm starting to do the pee dance. The guy's name is Brett Pike. Brett Pike. The guy's name is Brett Pike. Brett Pike. Let's see if I can find Brett Pike on Instagram. I'll show you really quick. By the way, a lot of people DM me.
Starting point is 02:55:01 A lot. A dozen. dm me a lot a dozen a dozen people dm me about uh that fight between lane norton and um and our dear friend the carnivore nd paul saladino uh people who worked in hospitals and they all said the same thing they all said yeah there is good food in hospitals but they push all the crap is for free. Okay. This is the guy. The name of the Instagram account is called Classical Learner. And his name is Brett Pike. Man, he looks young.
Starting point is 02:55:41 He is so smart. He's turned into a homeschooling fucking guru he is something else this this account is so valuable he gives away so much good free content oh look that looks like a young allison nyc that looks like that's what allison used to look like like five or ten years ago she still looks the Should I click this? Maybe it won't be anything like it. Doesn't that look like you, Alison, like a little 20 year old version of you. Anyway,
Starting point is 02:56:14 this, this guy's coming on tomorrow. It's going to be a great, um, it's going to be a great interview. All right. Well, I think it's going to be a great interview.
Starting point is 02:56:24 It has potential to be a great interview they're all they're all great interviews i don't do bad interviews that's not true i fucked up craig harrison i have jr on tonight with the frisbee golf shit look at you smarty pants zach jones i went to classical school grammar logic rhetoric stages wow wow all right um thanks guys i will see you this evening thanks again to raw of earth always a great guest you guys were gracious even in your assholeness. It felt very familial. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:57:06 Um, and, uh, I will talk to you guys, uh, this evening. Bye. Bye.

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