The Sevan Podcast - #816 | 2023 Disc Golf Pro Tour Review Show w/ Brian Friend | Episode 1

Episode Date: March 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash Y Amex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I finally made it back to Florida and. Bam. We're live.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Past weekend. Calvin Heimborg. Heimborg. Heimberg. His Instagram is spelled differently than his name. Oh, impressive finish. Impressive finish. Extremely.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Kept it exciting. Really stayed on top of Kevin Jones in the 17th and 18th hole. Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! You've done your homework. Oh, yeah. Ready to go. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:04 The back nine. The back nine, it's got the back nine. For those of you who don't know the back nine is holes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
Starting point is 00:01:10 16, 17, and 18. Dude, I think you got it on your own tonight. I can, I can just leave. Just chill,
Starting point is 00:01:17 buddy. Just chill. I got all this. All we need is Sousa or Caleb to log in now so someone can run the back end. Okay. So you sent me this guy's Instagram. Uh, this is,
Starting point is 00:01:27 um, Calvin Heimberg and, uh, he's good. The, the, the, the,
Starting point is 00:01:32 the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
Starting point is 00:01:33 the, tell me what's going on here. What are, what are we doing here tonight? Why, why, what, what kind of crazy shenanigans are we up to?
Starting point is 00:01:39 I mean, I'm not, I'm not sure. We'll see. But, uh, this past weekend was the first professional like pro tour event of the year for the disc golf season and you and i have been kind of talking about the
Starting point is 00:01:51 possibility of doing some coverage of that sport well we try have been trying to get guests you know guests on that play disc golf for over a year now maybe two years and i've been failing yeah yeah yeah why won't those guys come on? Well, we haven't gotten their attention yet, so that's maybe what we're trying to do. Okay. And you're saying the disc golf pro season has started. How many weeks is the season? So there's disc golf going on like all year round.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Okay. And technically in terms of tour points available, the season actually started like two months ago. But those are all what are called A tier, B tier, and C tier events. And the points available in those are very small. The majority of the points that you can earn towards the season happen in the disc golf pro tour events of which there are 16. towards the season happening, the disc golf pro tour events of which there are 16. And those started on February 23rd, this past week. And the disc golf pro tour championship is the last one. And that ends on October 15th. And so is this every weekend for the next, is this every weekend for the next 16 weekends? No, there's a lot more than 16 weekends between
Starting point is 00:03:03 now and October 15th. Okay. How many, uh, is it every other weekend? So we don't, we won't be on here every week or will we? I don't think so. There are tournaments every week and the best players in the world, you know, for the most part, we'll play in tournaments most of the weeks, but they won't play every week. They'll take some weeks off for travel to go back home to family. And the tour has some like sections to it. So obviously in this, in these months, the tournaments are taking place in warmer climates. So the first several tournaments are in, or there's one in Vegas, and then there's a few in Texas. I think three in a row are in Texas and that gets us through March, but they're not all pro tour events.
Starting point is 00:03:42 They have some tournaments that are called other things. So we're not going to cover every tournament every week. We'll probably focus on the big ones. And in addition to those, are those 16 all considered big ones? They're considered big ones, but not the biggest. There are also four majors.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Are they all scored equally of those 16? In terms of the points available? Yeah, I believe so. But a terms of the points available? Yeah. I believe so. But a couple of them are playoff events. And so those might be weighted more heavily. Okay. Because I counted about 32 or 33 weeks between now and like October 14th.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Right. So, for example, in the summer, there are some events in Europe. Oh, no shit. And the whole tour has to go there? If you're a serious player, you have to go there? Not necessarily, but most of them do because one of the majors is in Europe. So if you go there, you'll go there and play one of those 16 events on July 13th, that weekend. And then the following weekend is the European open,
Starting point is 00:04:45 which is one of four majors for the year. I have to turn off this, um, uh, notify me. I have to, this, uh, I'll play sound effects. I have to turn this off. This, this, this thread that you and I are on with these, uh, games experts is, is some, is something else, isn't it? Yes. I've never really spent, i'm 50 years old i've never really been on a thread like this yeah i have and i've been on some crazy threads you have been on one like this before yeah it's actually you know um more or less that's what the morning chalk up slack channel used to be like wow that's impressive you know people from around the world would get information and they just put it in there and then we would
Starting point is 00:05:28 decide what to do with it. This is a very different group of people, but it's a similar concept. Yeah. So sorry, I switched subjects. I went over to CrossFit for a second. Brian, in terms of your knowledge of CrossFit versus disc golf, are they comparable? I've been doing CrossFit for 10 years. I've been playing disc golf for three. I've been watching CrossFit for 10 years. And I've been watching disc golf for three. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So I would say that my knowledge of disc golf is on par with my knowledge of CrossFit from like five years ago. When I first started with you. Okay. That's impressive. Sarah Cooper, do disc golf players follow the rules? I think that's a passive aggressive question. Well, if there's anyone who likes to follow CrossFit and is concerned that disc golf is going to be full of controversy that detracts from the quality of what's happening on the field of play, it's far less problematic in disc golf. Right. It's simpler. They only have a couple, a couple of things going on.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yeah. You, you, you throw it in the basket and you get however many points it was for the shots you took. And if it's out of bounds, it's very well defined, you know, occasionally just like in regular golf, you'll have a penalty after the fact for someone who did something that was illegal that wasn't noticed immediately. But it's pretty rare. Justin, hi. You're not supposed to call until tomorrow evening show. Yeah, but no one wants to listen to this call. Do they really?
Starting point is 00:07:00 This is a disc golf show. Listen, listen. Someone at one of my esteemed colleagues saw that this was on the schedule, and he goes, are you crazy? The CrossFit stuff is so hot right now. Why are you wasting your energy on disc golf? Because after three weeks from now. Let me tell you, I think you guys are just jealous because you think me and Brian are cheating on you, and we are. I have to ask Brian a question.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Please. eating on you and we are i have to ask brian a question please so right now i'm in the north america west region or whatever they're calling that they're taking 68 teams the quarterfinal is that correct brian well 68 what teams to quarterfinals i don't i don't think that's right you're talking about teams like uh groups of four two men and two women yeah team t-e-a-m oh teenagers no team t-e-a-m team i think i think i think they're taking 40 teams. To quarterfinals? Oh, to semifinals. Quarterfinals, I have no idea. No idea and don't really care.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Okay, so let me tell you what the game site says. They're taking 68 teams to quarterfinals from this particular continent. They're taking 40 teams to semifinals. So they're going to take 68 teams from the open and then they're going to
Starting point is 00:08:38 drop 28 of those teams and take them to quarterfinals. Hold on. Let me check your math. Uh, yep, that's right. Yep. You got it. Okay. They're, they're missing the boat somewhere. And I know that it's not a big deal to the top-level games athletes, but they're missing the boat somewhere on this team thing. Like, how are they only 68 teams qualifying for stage two of a four-stage competition when 4,000
Starting point is 00:09:05 individuals qualify and they're going to take 60, like they're missing something here. And here's my solution. And bear with me. I'm going to take just a second. Then I'll hang up. My solution is that every affiliate in good standing that registers for the open is automatically put.
Starting point is 00:09:23 They automatically have a team. It doesn't cost $10. You don't have to go register a team. Every affiliate has a team, regardless if you care about the competition side of it or not. I already like it. I am signing off on this idea. I'm already signed off.
Starting point is 00:09:36 This is an excellent idea. I love this already. And then you can actually call it the fucking affiliate cup because every affiliate is participating in it. Thank you. Uh, yes, actually call it the fucking affiliate cup because every affiliate is participating in it thank you uh yes that's a fucking brilliant idea um you should be the ceo of crossfit or at least replace justin berg's position well i'm not even joking even though i'm using my smart ass voice justin it's fucking a no-brainer duh and hey and if you want people to go to the events how about
Starting point is 00:10:04 letting a hundred affiliate teams to the event so you can pack the house because wadapalooza already cracked the code on that yeah okay thank you i'm calling tomorrow and beat brian down some more please back well there back to frisbee golf you're a good dude it's actually a fucking brilliant idea it's a no-brainer adds to the affiliate proposition okay back. Back to Frisbee golf. Okay. So Brian, when,
Starting point is 00:10:26 um, so you sent me, um, uh, four shows from this, um, YouTube, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:35 station. Um, why do they call it? What is the, why do they call it? Joe Mez pro the founder's name is Jonathan Gomez. Okay. So he just combined those names.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Joe, the first two initials from his first name, and Mez, the last three letters from his last name. Joe Mezpro, he made this company a long time ago. He used to do a lot of the work on his own. It's picked up a lot of steam recently. There are other companies that have post-production like they do for a lot of events uh because but they usually get the lead card so you know um for whatever reason maybe they have to bid on it so they get the top the feature card is a selection of players in round one and then every subsequent round the top four players play on what's called the lead card the next four
Starting point is 00:11:21 players play on the chase card usually gatekeeper media maybe gk pro is another youtube station that might cover those and on the really big tournaments there's usually a third card of coverage as you know from following along this week in that in what the course of a day you know after another round there can be exchanges from the lead card and the chase card and sometimes someone has a really hot round and i'll jump two cards. So this is just the place you can go to watch the top four players. Every round play their round in about an hour. Yeah. And this is a really cool site.
Starting point is 00:11:54 The camera work was fantastic. The commentary was fantastic. It's not, it's not stuffy commentary. It's real commentary. It took me a little while to realize that the guys who are doing the commentary actually are all the commentary actually, are all of them actually pros or former pros?
Starting point is 00:12:09 They're all still playing. Or guys who are even playing on the circuit. There was one guy who was like commentating and he was playing. No, all three of them actually started playing in this tournament. One of the guys had to withdraw after first round. The other guy didn't make the cut for the final round, but the middle guy made the cut and finished somewhere in know, somewhere in the twenties or something for this turn. Sexton Sexton. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And Nate Sexton, uh, he's been playing for a long time. He finished tied for 43rd, only 49 players made the cut. So he had a bad last round, but, um, he doesn't play very many tournaments during the year, but when he does play, he usually does pretty well. Okay. And how many tournaments, um, do you have to play of the 16 to kind of maintain your pro status? I don't know. I don't know all the qualifications for pro status, but there are 90 players that have what's called a touring card.
Starting point is 00:12:56 So those players can register for those. They have like first dibs on those tournaments. OK, they can. So usually they can get into them um regardless there's normally about 160 male players in the field so there's another 70 guys that don't have a tour card that are trying to earn their way into that tournament and there's a few different ways to do that and i don't know all the all the rules for that necessarily well good i'm glad you don't know everything for this show because i was concerned that we're not going to have anything to talk
Starting point is 00:13:23 about in the next show robbie myers looks like one of the dorks I saw on the circuit, for sure. He looks like a Frisbee player. Brian, any desire or plans to go to the Jonesboro Open? You've got a place to stay, if so. That's nice. I have yet to go to a pro disc golf event. I play in like C tier level events locally, which is fun, but I haven't gone to actually watch one. I've actually never really enjoyed going to watch like professional golf tournaments because I think the only way to do it is if you like, just pick a group and follow them. It's so boring for me to just stand on the 16th tee and watch a tee,
Starting point is 00:14:02 you know, four guys hit a tee shot and then wait 10 minutes or 15 minutes and watch four more guys hit a tee shot. So, uh, if I went to disc golf event, I'd want to go to one where I had the capacity to follow the card that I wanted and be able to watch them all play the entire round. Uh, some of them are easier to do that than others. Okay. Uh, definitely not a disc golf player, but it's big here. All right. That's one of the, yeah, like that course is a very famous course and shows up every year as one of the stops on the Disc Golf Pro Tour. So this website, so Brian gave me four of these videos to watch in their 30-minute videos, and they were recaps. It looks like, I'm going to go to videos here.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Big, big YouTube station station 422,000 subscribers a one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so the pink ones are the women's and the green ones are the men's okay so eight if you want to follow just the men it's like eight half hour shows to get caught up and they do an incredible job of recapping. Yeah. How about that guy that was hit with the disc and the commentators are like, Hey, he might have a broken ankle. Is that for real that one of those could break your ankle?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Oh, I mean, it's, it was, you have no idea how fast and hard these guys are throwing those discs. Um, and that was a distance driver that was coming in with a lot of speed. It probably hurt his ankle. If he broke his ankle, it would have been just because of the way he landed more than anything else. That rarely happens. It does happen occasionally, but I've never seen that before, where the guy who's in position to film the shot from the fairway gets hit by the disc. And the fact that it hit him in the leg and went into the bunker, which causes a penalty stroke for the player who threw it was very unfortunate oh so i was wondering what happened okay we'll get to that i i got that clip up here you'll see when it hits them we call back
Starting point is 00:15:55 when i used to play frisbee we called any shot that was started coming down at an angle like this we would call it a tomahawk if it was coming i didn't hear them use that word once that phrase tomahawk so there's a tomahawk throw it's an overhand throw yeah yeah i didn't see anyone use any of those to either by the way they might they will use them on occasion those players can most of them can all do it there's throws called a grenade you probably saw a few rollers there's a couple different throws that people what's that what's a heiser heinser heiser that angle is the heiser angle so if you're a right-handed backhand player, most of the discs will fade from right to left,
Starting point is 00:16:30 and that's a Heiser angle. The opposite is an Anheuser angle. So Anheuser-Heiser. Yeah. Oh, okay. All right. Good. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:40 So basically what I've done here is I'm just going to pull up some clips, and we'll cruise through this, and we'll get through the tournament. And then we'll climax with the last nine holes. And hopefully Sousa will get here because this is going to be quite tedious for me to pay attention to you. And OK, let me go through some of my notes here. One of the things when it started, they said there's no more bad players on the tour. The sport has evolved to weed those guys out. So obviously we're at a spot.
Starting point is 00:17:07 It's kind of like CrossFit. There's no one shitty at the games anymore, right? There's definitely no one shitty at the games. But we know we don't have the best 40 in the world. In these tournaments, there's no bad players anymore. That's what they were saying is you used to be able to be fairly recreational and show up at one of these events and play if you wanted to. Now the level is raising dramatically. And I think that, you know, the COVID whatever period of time had a lot to do
Starting point is 00:17:35 with that because it's basically the perfect COVID sport. It's outdoors. You have your own equipment. You don't have to touch anyone. You don't have to be near anyone. And while almost everything else was closed, disc golf courses were open and, you you know a lot of young players have started playing and if you're you know semi-athletic have a background in baseball or frisbee or football where you were throwing like you can like the motion is fairly easy to learn um if you're good at hand-eye coordination things and you have those the combination of those skill sets, you're going to be good. And there's a lot of people like that. It is physically demanding, but it's a low barrier to entry.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Speaking of it being kind of the perfect COVID sport, it's also the perfect – like the church and like the military, it's a perfect sport if you're gay. There's tons of dudes. It's a perfect sport if you're gay. There's tons of dudes. Let's clip that for our clip section and tag all the disc golfers. We'll definitely get them to watch. Yeah. Innova was sponsoring the show very soon.
Starting point is 00:18:38 The course is a par 69. There were two different courses they played. Okay. Oh, and the second one was a par 61. Maybe. Okay. Okay. I was wondering that. I thought, okay, you're right. Okay. So the first course that you took me to is a par 69. That's the first course. And, and, and also in the, in the, in the early rounds that you were showing me, it looked like the guys were carrying chalk bags and in the final rounds, they weren't. Why, why is that? Uh, whether they'll all have chalk bags in their, in their bags somewhere in case they want to use it.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Some guys use it a lot more frequently than others. And, yeah, it's basically to make sure that you're getting the grip on the disc that you want. And the longest hole in all of these we're going to ever see is a par 4? No, there's par 5s. There are par 5s? There are. 3, 4, and 5 is the only pars that you'll see, just like regular golf. par four no there were there's par fives there are par fives there are okay three four and five is the only pars that you'll see just like regular golf there's a there's a kid uh who is 17 on the
Starting point is 00:19:32 course a gannon burr is he is he the youngest dude in these in this 90 uh there might be a couple 16 year olds actually there's a guy's named evan Evan Scott, Evan Smith, and Cole Rodalin that are all around that old that also have a tour card this year. But Gannon Burr, while those guys are all incredible, Gannon Burr is a next level compared to them. Last year, he finished fourth, I think fourth place for the season on the tour points, which just shows a lot of consistency over the entire course of the season. He did win one, one tournament last year where it was a silver series event, which is like one step down from a pro tour event, still very challenging to do. And he was in contention in a bunch of others. I mean,
Starting point is 00:20:12 he he's, he is a prodigy in this sport. Like he will be good for a long time. Trying to find him. You guys got to see a picture of this dude. The thing is that he's very tall and a lot of, and not all of them, but a lot of the top players are pretty tall, like six, three plus. And the wingspan helps because when you have that long reach back and pull through, you can just get more velocity on it.
Starting point is 00:20:36 But he's probably six, five and still growing. OK, guys, look at this dude. This dude's this dude's shoulders are poignier than my elbows and uh oh that was a great shot i was around the stuff down okay so so look at this dude this kid is so skinny and the commentator said that um in the off, he put on 25 pounds of muscle. Excuse me? They couldn't even believe they were saying that. Look at this dude.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah. 25 pounds of muscle on that. You can see how long his wingspan is there and it's just but but what's kind of cool is you know a lot of guys when they're growing up or people in general when they're growing up they'll like it takes time to grow into your body and so um to have a long wingspan is one thing but to also be dialed in enough to be super focused on your putt and have a really accurate putt when you're still kind of growing into your body is what is most impressive about me for him. Cause he's one of the best putters too. He also put a hundred feet on his,
Starting point is 00:21:49 what do you call it? His drive. Is that what you call this? Yeah. A hundred feet. That's huge. That's like a, like a 20,
Starting point is 00:21:57 20% increase from the best guys. Right? Yeah. Everyone on the tour can throw 500 feet plus, and then a select group can, can throw 600 feet plus. No shit, 600 feet. Yeah, and I mean, it definitely depends on elevation, the wind.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah, it depends if you measure from where it lands or where it finishes. All right. Where the fuck is Sousa? I guess we're just going to dive in. Here we go. Oh, I don't even have a clip for that. Okay, we'll leave that alone. Okay, here we go. Okay, bear with me here. This is a tough job. This is a tough job. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:48 14.25, a misrelease by Garrett. Not a spit out, but a – wait, what the fuck? It's not even up here. Excuse me. Sorry. Let's see. Share screen. So they call this – here we are on hole three.
Starting point is 00:23:01 You guys can see up there it's a hole three. It's a 359 feet. Sometimes they even have the metric system up here for the Euros to check out the number in the middle is a par three there's some other numbers down here maybe brian will get to explain to us but um they say right here that uh garrett uh has a has a misrelease i think it's garrett not gannon and what's a misrelease that's just a misrelease unfortunately oh. Oh. Oh, shit. That will bring Garrett to even par. No way. That was tough. Okay, so you can barely see it there, but sometimes you throw a putt that really looks like it should go in, and it doesn't go in.
Starting point is 00:23:37 In this case, what he's saying is that he hit the high right side of the chains on a downhill putt. And it's unlikely that the basket, that the basket's going to catch that from that far away. He shouldn't be missing his mark by that much. So, so, okay. Well, hold that thought because here they call it a misrelease.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And in other places they call it a spit out. Right. So a spit out would be like you throw it right at the middle of the chains you hit the mark okay when you're putting usually you'll pick one chain link and you'll be aiming for that chain link depending on what the wind's doing no shit you think this guy is aiming for one specific chain link right here yeah and i think from a what looks to be like a 10 foot putt he's missed his mark by probably six inches, right. And eight inches high.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So he's just letting it go a little late. And because he's going downhill and the, and it's the top right side of the chains that he hit, it's unlikely it's going to catch the disc. He should be hitting the lower part of the chains with the nose down. So it just dives right in there. And, uh, how many, how many chains are there hanging from a basket variable and i don't i don't know i don't really know the rules about what's the minimum or maximum allowed but this is not you'll see as over the course of the season that some of them look different this is not like there are baskets that have more chains than this
Starting point is 00:25:00 one and there's not a you mean even on this course no no on the course for a pro tour event on this course it'll all be the same if you go to your recreational course you might not get that consistency but you know most um like parks and recreations departments are starting to take disc golf more seriously and they will have nicer and nicer and more consistent stuff on their courses because more people are playing and and and look at this stance this grand it's a it's a it's a granny stance way off his midline like there's no it's not a it's not a core to extremity at this distance it's just to to extremity it's called a straddle putt there are a couple players at the top of the game that use a straddle putt but most most of the best players do not
Starting point is 00:25:41 most of them can do it and will do it if they're forced to, if they have to straddle out from a bush or a tree or whatever else is in their way. But as a default go-to putt, there's not a lot at the top of the sport that does this. In a basketball. It's called the, I think it's called a granny shot.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Right. Isn't it? I know my sports. Uh, just go. look at their Susan. Thank you. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Thank God. He was sweating it's mad uh just got here we have been getting into disc golf for the past six months after hearing brian talk about on the podcast so much fun oh awesome australia 1499 okay good all right are you with us suza are you i i have no idea what you guys are talking about but i'm more than happy to bring up all these clips in matter of fact you'd be stoked look i was ready to hit the ground running is it mine or is it yours i have you're awesome you're awesome i'm i'm i'm uh pulling mine off mine can go bye-bye roger that okay uh so gannon had a spit out on hole three okay here we go god now here we go brian we're
Starting point is 00:26:42 fucking off to the races you ready to talk some golf uh this is the elite of the elite right so basically what we're seeing are these are the top 90 best guys in the world and why don't we cover the women because we're sexist misogynistic or we just don't have time or um like i said there's usually about 160 players in a men's field for a pro tour event uh for the women's field there were 29 oh okay okay that might not be true there were 29 that made the cut they may have had less than the they may have more in the previous rounds but there's not you said there were 90 guys on who have the pro card now you're saying there's 90 with the pro card but there were 160 in this tournament oh so you can show up and still play if you don't have a pro card
Starting point is 00:27:25 yeah there's other ways to get into the tournaments okay we'll check is that is that is it like that in golf too yeah there were 57 uh women that started the tournament 29 made the cut um there were 100 and in this case 119 players who started the tournament and four uh 49 that made the cut uh will branstetter my 54 year old dad and 15 year old brother play disc golf together now multiple times a week and go to tournaments together ever since covid i mean you should have them watch this show so you um when we're rich and famous you can be like yeah dad i missed the boat on that one they really liked me but i bailed on okay mr branstead um oh when when do you use a uh uh i guess a uh a backhand or a forehand so there's um certain players that
Starting point is 00:28:18 will default to one or the other the best players can do both and the usually the deciding factors are um what is the wind doing what direction do i want the disc to go and the combination of those two things can will make the difference in that decision and obstacles too right if you're throwing a backhand and there's a tree in front and you don't have a forehand you're kind of screwed definitely not screwed but you got to use more of a hyzer a hyzer yeah if you're kind of screwed. Definitely. But you got to use more of a hyzer, a hyzer. Yeah. If you're out of position, then you might be forced into a specific kind of throw. That's where you might see someone do a tomahawk or a grenade is if they have to, they can't go around and they have to go over. So having all of the tools in the bag are going to be, is going to be
Starting point is 00:28:58 valuable. Most of the players on the tour will be default to the backhand when they can, but I would say 20% are forehand dominant players. Um, and like I said, they'll get the best guys in the sport can, can do both anytime they need to. Hey, I'm Susan. I'm okay with using more than seven seconds,
Starting point is 00:29:18 not more than 10, but seven, like let's flirt with disaster on the show. Let's see what happens. Uh, 17, um, 17,
Starting point is 00:29:33 20, uh, Like, let's flirt with disaster on this show. Let's see what happens. 17-20, Gannon had a spit-out on hole three, and then hole four, he makes this insane shot. So we saw the guy get a spit-out, and now he comes back, which I'm guessing can be kind of difficult. Here we go. Yeah, so one thing that should be known about Gannon, but I told you he's very good at putting. He's also one of the, his putt is extremely fast or hard. And so he's very accurate, but he rifles it in there at the basket. And in the middle of the chains is a pole. And if you throw it hard enough that it hits the pole,
Starting point is 00:30:02 still with some, like goes through the chains and hits the pole, sometimes it'll bounce back out. I'm not sure if this was one that did that exactly or if it was one that actually went through the chains. But there are times that you throw a putt that you're hitting your mark and it still doesn't finish in the basket. It's called the spit out. It's unfortunate when it happens, but it does happen. Sorry, Susan. I think you found it, Susan. I think you just back up a little. I think I gave you a bad time code, but I think you found it susan i think you just back up a little i think i gave you a bad time code but i think was that okay that was it that's
Starting point is 00:30:28 what yeah yeah because that's gannon burr who looks like bill that is actually nate sexton the commentator oh that's gannon burr oh that that looks like oh yeah yeah that is gannon burr sorry sorry so you do have it this This is the guy right here. Sorry. Thank you. Let's see. Hit play on this. Let's see what happens. He's going over to take the shot.
Starting point is 00:30:52 1720. Nope. Before then. Tall, skinny guy. Go back to 1720. That was him. Not this guy. Yeah, this guy.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah, right here. Let's go. Yeah, I was like. Okay, 1712. Let's go. Yeah, it was like. Okay, 17-12. Here we go. Action. Oh, we're going to have to back up a little bit more. We missed it. Yeah, but he throws a pretty good putt. It hits the chains very hard and it doesn't go in the basket. What you're asking about is, you know, how do you bounce back from something like that?
Starting point is 00:31:23 There is definitely an element of luck that had in disc golf at times and when something doesn't go your way um how you respond to it is it's quite honestly sometimes a difference between the great and the rest of the guys hey how do you how do you move a youtube scrubber up one second at a time i know l and j move it forward and back 10 seconds what is are there some keys that just move it one second at a time i don't know i'll google search it but this is the guy we're looking for right yep yep you got it now sorry i'm like feeling my way through the dark yep you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good let's see let's watch this shot this is a great shot and you know what's interesting these guys get these guys get a
Starting point is 00:32:08 little timid there's a lot of strategy to the game i noticed like they won't take risks that they don't feel like they need to take well that depends on who it is okay so throughout the tournament you know uh one of the best players in the world's name is eagle mcmahon and he had a lot he's one of the best putters in the world too, but there were a lot of holes that he chose to just lay it up under the basket and accept his par instead of running a birdie putt from 30 to 60 feet away. There's a,
Starting point is 00:32:35 the, the defending world champion is named Paul McBeth. And he almost, he almost never does that because he's so confident that even if he misses and it goes 35 feet past that, he's going to make it coming back. Oh, interesting. Almost every time. I noticed in these guys were playing very safe today.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I saw very few long putts, very few. Uh, yeah. And if, well, and it might depend also on like the time of the tournament, you know, early on in the tournament, you may play a little bit more conservatively later on when you know what's exactly on the line and you have to chase the guy down, you might be more aggressive. But if you're in the lead, you might be more conservative. And I did see the crazier shots at the end. You're right. I saw the crazier shots at the end. Paul McBeth ended up finishing sixth in this tournament. He was tied for second. He would have finished in second if he had powered the last
Starting point is 00:33:20 hole. He ended up taking a double bogey on it, which was his worst score of the tournament, I think, on any hole. But he was very aggressive throughout the entire tournament and i think in hindsight if there were a few times he chosen to lay up that he might have actually won this thing but you don't know that at the time right uh 1830 how about this guy this guy licks his fingers is this is this normal 1830 uh sexton uh is it nate sexton gives his fingers a lick watch this watch this guy right here let's see if i got this first of all is um a forehand dominant player so he throws he can throw the backhand but he throws the forehand more often than the backhand and he has a few kind of ticks or you know uh routines that he goes through and usually
Starting point is 00:34:02 yeah he'll give his fingers a little lick just to, again, that's like inside of the chalk bag, just to get a little grip on the disc that he wants. And then he also has a little like unique thing that he does when he putts, where he spins the disc around and around before he putts. Okay. Let's see. Here we go. Lick it, lick it, lick it, buddy. Lick it, lick it. Oh, I must've missed the lick. God, I'm giving you some bad time codes. You know what happens to this is I watch this at one and a quarter speed, and I wonder if that's why. Oh, there he is. There he is.
Starting point is 00:34:29 You saw it. You saw it. You saw the lick. Yeah, I mean, basically, having a good grip on the disc is important. Having a good lick on the disc is important. Yeah. If the lick gives a good grip, then i think trish knows more about that than me but you'll have a you know a more true flight uh at 24 minutes gannon attacks the basket from
Starting point is 00:34:53 the furthest out i've seen yet it's on hole six uh yeah hole six uh 24 at 24 minutes. So someone previously had asked what's, what is the distance that's considered a putt? So there's two, there's a called circle one that's 33 feet circumference or radius, I guess radius. Yeah. And if you're inside 33 feet, it's a putt and you're not allowed to move your feet forward. Oh, you're inside 66 feet,
Starting point is 00:35:25 it's circle two, which he's either in circle two or even beyond it at this point. And in this time, you can jump forward, step forward, or do whatever you want, as long as you start behind your disc. And this is still considered a putt. If you throw it in the basket from outside of 66 feet, then it would be considered a throw in, not a putt. putt okay so so he can take a step forward he does and you make that one oh who the fuck knows i guess we don't get to see oh here we go back again action oh that's some stuttery shit but it's in all right yeah so that's a step putt from circle two so he's it's probably close to 66 it's probably close to end of circle two so 60 ish feet and he
Starting point is 00:36:13 made the putt from there good job gannon a hole seven uh they said people uh uh will use their putter on a 315 foot hole is that true did i Did I hear that right? A putter to a mid range, but if you have your 315 feet away, you'll pull out your putter. I will not because I can't throw my putter that far, but these are the best guys in the world. In general, the slower the disc is, the more control you should have with it, or the easier it is to throw it straight or to get it to do what you want. the easier it is to throw it straight or to get it to do what you want. If there's holes that are between 300 and 350 feet,
Starting point is 00:36:51 you're probably just going to throw the disc that you feel most comfortable with. And there are definitely guys playing in this tournament that would throw putters on those holes. Can you step past your disc in circle two or still have to stay behind? You can step past it or jump past it. As long as you start behind, as long as you let go of the disc while one foot is still on the ground behind it yeah it looked like he stepped okay it looked like he stepped so his his right foot is on the ground behind his mark he's stepping forward his left foot is in the air in front of his disc before and it and he lets go of the disc before his left foot touches the ground uh molly wants to know if if uh if it's which color disc gets spit out of the holes more often it's a different different show molly this is golf show uh okay uh 27 47
Starting point is 00:37:34 uh and this is for you we should probably always assume that it's like five seconds before whatever you said okay that's that's or is that where we're at okay good and uh and this is uh gannon uh gets another we're looking at garrett uh girthy here but in a second you're gonna see uh gannon i get spit out again i know molly likes this uh gannon burr the 17 year old uh so he's in the first circle right yeah so that's pretty that is pretty unfortunate right there i mean he throws a good putt it's coming in with the nose down it's right in the middle of the chains but it was so so much velocity that he pauses a second susan um what uh what's the what are the red uh ticks little red hairs coming out of the ground there
Starting point is 00:38:23 that's circle one there's two sets of red circles uh red ticks marking a circle hairs coming out of the ground there. That's circle one. There's two sets of red circles, red ticks marking a circle. The first one is the bullseye. So that's within 11 feet. The next one is the circle one that's 33 feet. And then there's blue feathers at 66 feet that mark circle two. What are the white ones out there? That's out of bounds? White is out of bounds. Yeah. And if you go out of bounds you pick up a stroke correct there's out of bounds and there are hazards if it's in a hazard you have to play it from where it lies and at a stroke if it's out of bounds normally you play it from the last point across inbounds and at a stroke otherwise you will go to a drop zone and at a
Starting point is 00:39:00 stroke i would like to be curious to see why they have out of bounds what the thought is a variety of different reasons why you have out of bounds um sometimes it's because uh not on this course but in some courses maybe there's like barbed wire over there so we're going to put out of bounds because we don't want the players going over there because it's dangerous sometimes there's another fairway that's running adjacent to your fairway and we don't want the players on hole seven throwing into 14th fairway so that would be out of bounds sometimes they do it to demand accuracy so they'll say well you know this is a wide open golf course and we don't want players just throwing it as far as they can in any direction and being able to play so we're going to
Starting point is 00:39:38 put some parameters on what's it seems though the best players in the world shouldn't be punished for going out of bounds because they're clearly not doing it on purpose. Sometimes there's water, and if it goes in the water, it's out of bounds. Sometimes there's a whatever. Fergie had an interesting comment here. He said, where was it? Oh, is it already gone? Said, I lost it. Oh, disc golf is therapy for chronic masturbators i don't know if that's true but um from the look of these guys it could be
Starting point is 00:40:14 uh okay so gannon had another spit out there that sucks for him uh let's go to 30 58 again and behind a tree on hole eight. And this is where he has to – this is, I guess, where it pays to be 6'5", because it gives him a little more reach around objects. Definitely. And if he was ambidextrous here, he could do a left-handed forehand. He would probably do – he could do a left-handed forehand. He would do probably do, he could do a left-handed backhand or forehand from here. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Okay. Let's watch this action. Oh my God. He's bombed. He's bombed. He was having rough uh front nine with the putting for sure a hole eight gannon uh burr uh struggling but only 17 years old lots of time to still get his groove on and brian says he's one of the best okay paul mcbeth uh 33 26 uh This will be the longest. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:41:29 He actually doesn't make it in the basket. This won't be the longest shot you see of the day, but it will be one of the better shots. I don't think he puts it in. This is at 180 feet. Yeah. And Macbeth is the current world champion, you said, Brian? Is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:41:43 He's a defending world champion. He's a six-time world champion and in the last 10 disc golf world championships he's finished first or second every time wow okay so he's he's like the goat he's he's he's like i would say he's more like like rich okay. More like rich. Okay. Here we go. Oh, and he looks senior. Wow. So that hit the flag, huh? Yeah. And I actually always have some like on some courses and some holes, they have the flags on top of the basket like that. And on some, they don't. The reasons for having them there vary it could be just to have a better line of sight
Starting point is 00:42:29 because sometimes there's hills so you can see where it is sometimes they're there to to help the players get a wind read in this case though nobody is like there's very few people in the world that are trying to make that he's trying to make that and you can tell by the way he's throwing it it wouldn't be coming in that high if he wasn't trying to make that putt. And that's what I was saying earlier is he's more aggressive than almost anyone else, because even if that misses and goes 40 feet past, he, he's, he knows he's going to make it 19 out of 20 times. It's a brilliant throw. Yeah. And he's got, I mean, the beautiful throw I've, when I, the first time I ever watched disc golf, I watched with my brother and he'd been playing and watching before me. And he's told me, um, now we watch whatever some guys on
Starting point is 00:43:10 the card and then they showed the finals and in the finals in sixth place or seventh place was Paul McBeth. And he goes, that guy's in the top 10 of every tournament. He's the best player out there along with one other guy. And even in three years later, he still is in the mix in every single tournament. I got to get him on the podcast. Yeah, he would be the best. If we could get him on, that would be incredible. I think I heard he's 37. He might be, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:33 He also has a foundation called the Paul Macbeth Foundation that starting, I think, about 18 months ago has been putting in disc golf courses in like underserved civil civilizations internationally, which is pretty cool. Underserved civilizations. Communities maybe is a better word. I like it. No, let's go civilizations.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I like that's good. I haven't heard that before. So that's 180 feet guy guys. That's that's a shot. 34 minutes. Garrett Guthrie. Yeah. Gurthy. Yeah. Gurthy Guthrie. No Guthrie. I have a Guthrie yeah girthy yeah girthy uh guthrie no guthrie i would go three
Starting point is 00:44:07 uh from his knees from his knees i used to do this at the beach just to show off just catch one and just not even stand up all the way and throw it i'm assuming he's not doing it to show off he's doing it because there's some obstacles in his way and it was the, they thought it was the best line to the basket. Garrett has Garrett Gerthy is not as old as Paul McBeth, but he, in this golf, in order to have a rating, you have to have a, a number like a pro tour number. So my number is like two zero four one four six, because I was a 204,000,
Starting point is 00:44:45 4,146 person to sign up. Garrett Gurthy's numbers like under 10,000 because he started playing when he was six years old and he's been playing ever since. He also makes a Garrett Gurthy's a beef jerky. That's pretty good. If anyone out there likes beef jerky. Oh shit. We should get him on i don't approve of his jacket i want to tell you i don't approve of his jacket i don't think that
Starting point is 00:45:10 that's like there are a couple things out here that i saw that don't make me take the sport seriously and that jacket's one of them i don't think there's no i know it's windy out there by the way for those of you wondering how windy it is i think they actually said it was 30 to 40 miles per hour yeah so like i said this tournament takes place in vegas it's the first tournament every year but it was uh it's never really good weather for this tournament it's always variable weather like it can be from like 40 to 70 degrees and a lot of times sometimes you'll get a good wind day but a lot of times it's like 20 to 30 mile an hour wins and they're not can sustain their uh gusts podcast needs a lot of beef jerky uh seven spent a lot of time on his knees in his homeless phase that's not that doesn't it's not even funny seven always
Starting point is 00:45:57 showing off from his knees that's a little better i bet i bet uh okay i guess. So Gannon, 34-15. We go back to Gannon Burr. The 17-year-old has put on 25 pounds of muscle. He's got a short miss here. And I don't know why I have so many of his misses. I like the guy, but he's just having a tough day. Action. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:46:33 That was just a bad putt. He just was a little bit too jerky, I guess. Not a single birdie on hole nine. Yeah. That day. Tough hole, I guess. Very single birdie on hole nine. Yeah. That day. Tough hole, I guess. Very tough.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Okay. Uh, round two highlights. Uh, Susan, we're switching to a new YouTube clip. Uh, this guy that we are about to see for the first time in the show,
Starting point is 00:46:59 his name is Kevin Jones. And, uh, just to, just to please those guys that were on the coverage in round one, we're, we're selected to be on that coverage. They were, you know, the, uh, you get a tee time and a group to play your first round in. Cause everyone's coming in with zero as their score after the first round, the top four players get to play together. The next four players get together
Starting point is 00:47:20 and all the way down to the last four players get to play together. The last four players tee off earliest in the day and the best players tee off later in the day, just like golf. So now in this second and third round, we're just going to do some highlights from the rounds instead of showing like specific stuff like that. And so they're going to mostly feature the guys that are leading the tournament.
Starting point is 00:47:38 So that first round, the, the film crew that picks them, um, to follow them or no, the film could, I mean, asides the groups and then Joey Gomez is like hey he's like the buttery bros or like Hamilton Road he's like hey there's no Atiyah um uh Brooke and um Colton Mertens and we're gonna pick them there's something called a featured card yeah it's the last four players to tee off in round one. And that's a Joe Mez will cover. There's a second featured card. Why,
Starting point is 00:48:09 why are they the feature card? They're the best dudes from the previous year. Every tournament does it a little differently. It might. How many dudes, how many dudes rolled together? Four, six,
Starting point is 00:48:18 four, four sums. Yeah. Never more. No, very, very, very rarely would there be more there could potentially be yeah there's almost always four uh patrick clark celebrating the golf show uh you son of a bitches did it we did it we're doing it i haven't done it yet okay uh so uh here's some highlights uh round two highlights we have a granny shot from
Starting point is 00:48:47 kevin jones kevin jones uh is a name you want to remember him and calvin will be the leaders um and they duel it out to the very last hole which we will get to soon but kevin jones is quite the quite the player here we go kevin jones with the granny shot. Oh, no, it's called, what did you call it? I call it a granny shot. What do you call it? Straddle putt. Straddle putt. He's probably going to do, I don't even see him in this frame right here,
Starting point is 00:49:12 but he's probably going to do a straddle jump putt. He has a nickname as Jump Putt Jones and also KJUSA. He's a very popular, very athletic, dynamic player. He can do some stuff with the disc that a lot of guys can't do, but he is also the, him and Garrett Gerthier are the two best players that use a straddle putt as their default putting. Action.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Look at all those people out there. Wow. So because he's outside of the circle one, he can jump forward like that as he does. And in, case and in a lot of the players cases, they'd rather be 34 feet from the basket than 32 because jumping or stepping will create more accuracy or allow them to get to the disc on the line they want with more velocity than standing still inside the circle. standing still inside the circle uh and and uh like brian keeps pointing out um you you you pick a chain and uh he picked a side chain but he picked that side chain because at the last minute and like brian's been saying the nose turned down and hit that chain perpendicularly and people will you know put with put with different angles just like they'll throw with different angles so he's intentionally and it's probably because of what the wind is doing,
Starting point is 00:50:27 he's having this putt come in at a hyzer angle, and he wants it to hit the chains there on the low right side where he knows it's going to go in. And you can tell that by the flag, right? He throws it into the wind a little off right, and then it blows in. Do they use the term hook shot? We would call them hook shots no no no no hookshot i've got to learn a new vernacular ours is more of a hood vernacular but we played hood frisbee we did hood frisbee we were usually there was a lot of drugs and alcohol involved
Starting point is 00:51:01 okay so a straddle up by straddle uh shot by kevin jones that's a horrible uh still photo of that guy in his ass right there by the way you should go ahead and play play that out susan let's not keep him in that position boom yeah that's nice it's beautiful okay uh 202 um uh high on the chains. Explain this to us. I guess it's not good to hit the chains high. Generally. No, you want to be in the middle or the bottom of the basket when you're coming in because there's just more, less room for air. This is Simon Lizotte. Who's about the putt. Simon is a German. He was born in Germany. He's been living in the U S for a long time. He's probably one of the most beloved disc golfers in the world. He has a YouTube channel that is the most popular YouTube channel in disc golf.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And this off season, he switched from a company that he was basically like he and the company grew up together for the past decade. And he switched to a different company that made him basically made him a financial offer that he could not turn down. And similarly to CrossFit, there's only a few players that have the earning potential to really be considered professional. But two years ago, Paul McBeth was given a $10 million 10-year contract by Discraft, which is one of the manufacturing companies. And a lot of the other companies have had to raise their offers to,
Starting point is 00:52:25 you know, to keep their players interested. So that, that contract has driven forward the earning potential for many of the players. And Simon won four tournaments last year, which is really, really difficult to do. And he's,
Starting point is 00:52:38 he got rewarded for it in the off season, but he switched his discs and playing with, you know, these guys are good and they can throw anything. But when you're talking about the smallest of margins at this at the highest level, it takes time to kind of work your discs in, beat them in, trust them, understand exactly which ones to use in which circumstances. And we would expect I would expect them to have a bit of a regression this year. You know, he still might do well, but he won't do as well as last as last year i don't think because he had 10 years of experience with those discs and now he has like five months so they did say that they kept offering up that excuse for one of the guys
Starting point is 00:53:14 is this the guy that said he switched discs and he's and he's gonna definitely struggle a little bit several players actually made some switches this off season he's one okay he's probably the guy who's actually made some switches this offseason. He's the most high-profile one who has. Let me explain the physics to you of why it's important for the disc to go low in the basket. Up at the top of the basket, there's fewer links, and so the chain is more rigid. I have no idea what I'm talking about, but it just makes sense to me right the more if you hit it lower there's more play in the links because there's more there's more play in the in the strip because there's more links for it to bend at if you hit it up higher it's like hitting more of like a wall and it bounces off right possibly the the links are a little bit more densely congregated in the bottom
Starting point is 00:54:00 so it's less likely to like slide through the through the chains i know i like my explanation after it hits the chains it still has to drop to the basket and especially on a windy course like this even that drop down of one foot can sometimes the wind can blow the disc out yeah 30 to 40 mile an hour winds is uh for people who don't know i mean these discs are lighter than just your 170 gram uh you know ultimate frisbee disc i mean heavier significantly heavier no no they're they the this the players are using will mostly range from 155 to 176 okay so they're lighter but they feel heavier because they're smaller they're denser yeah but but throwing in winds 10 miles and up with the frisbee is just crazy yeah i mean for amateur players i would say playing they couldn't
Starting point is 00:54:45 play in this they couldn't play in 30 to 40 mile an hour winds no playing disc golf in the wind when you don't know what you're doing is not even fun right for me it would be a blast i need those types of challenges anyway simon's high in the chain whether you want to believe my reason or brian's reason or both reasons it's no good you don't don't go high in the chain a 229 a guy uh a guy hits the hole so he i don't know what you call that thing he hits the bat the what do you call that that that device that is the hole the basket the basket he hits the basket but but not where the chains are, and then it just sits there underneath it. When that happens, you can go ahead and play this.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Can you just set it in? What are the rules of putting it in the basket if you can just set it in the basket? Yeah, so this is Anthony Barella. Look at it. Bam. Yeah. Can't get any closer. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:42 He hit the bottom of the basket, and it just sits there, so he can go stand next to his disc as long as his foot's behind it. And if he can reach it, he can just drop it in the basket. Um, Anthony Brella is one of the other high profile players that changed his, um, discs this off season.
Starting point is 00:55:57 He joined up with this craft, which is where Paul McBeth is. And it's actually kind of a cool story because Anthony Barella as a young kid, like in 2015, I think he's only like 22 or three now, but in 2015, maybe he's, he went on tour with Paul Macbeth and Nate Sexton, and they were all playing for Innova at the time, which is a sponsor for this tournament. And he like was learning from the two of these, the best players in the world as this young up and coming kid, heand-coming kid. He's won junior worlds. He's won amateur worlds.
Starting point is 00:56:29 He's going to be a problem, a top-ten player in the world for many years, I think. And he was in the contention to win this tournament for a long time as well with brand-new discs. I can't believe he wears those glasses when he plays. Those glasses are crazy um i work i think i wear glasses a lot when i play uh you wear those kind like those those it's like those buttery bro glasses they're like ski goggles i mean everyone has their preferences one of the things that one of the reasons i wear them is so that like like this is a very dry course and is
Starting point is 00:57:01 very windy so it's like the dust particles aren't blowing around in my eyes or whatever, but most of the players don't wear glasses. Um, uh, it's also, uh, once you are familiar with the players on the tour and you're familiar with Anthony Barella and you're a fan,
Starting point is 00:57:13 you can call him a B that's what he's affectionately known as a B. That's right. Very good. Thank you. Showing off a little bit, a three 22. Uh, we have a Simon here with his new discs going for a long putt that's worth recognizing.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Another page done. So Simon uses what's called a spin putt instead of a push putt, and it's pretty good at cutting through the wind. That was a lucky shot dude that that didn't even hit the chains yeah so this hit the band and drops in from the top they call like elevator down basically and it's uh yeah like oh no maybe it hit the chains or no but he you can just tell by looking at his body reaction here that he didn't hit his line exactly and he got lucky that it snuck in he'll take it i'll take it uh and uh 424 um this is andrew i don't know his last name but at this point he's the leader andrew marwede
Starting point is 00:58:18 is young guy from michigan he i man i have seen this guy get more unlucky in some crazy situations than probably anyone else when I've been watching disc golf, but his composure, despite having some terrible luck at times is very impressive. He also is famous for using a cookie as his marker for his desk and around the green. And if he makes big putts, he'll pick it up and eat the cookie. Wow. Wow. Oh, that's, that's clever wow a treat that's very clever i like that uh okay so uh uh 424 can we see his his throw oh sorry 420 so this is a good example we saw simon's putt came in on that angle we saw kevin jones putt
Starting point is 00:59:02 came in on that heiser angle this putt because of the tree he had to step out to the right and he threw it on an anheuser angle and then it flexes back and goes in the chains because he knows it's still an overstable putter but he has to get it started out on the left drifting to the right and then come back to the middle so it's a more demanding shot let's see the anheuser and you saw it just like flattened out a little bit and if it kept flying it would have gone back to the right so he started on the left side worked it back to the middle hit the chain center great shot uh 618 uh the last on this youtube video uh check out this uh footwork and handwork from this
Starting point is 00:59:41 guy this is uh this guy puts together quite the the dance moves here check this out i don't know who this is the same again same guy yeah that's the dance moves you picked up yeah it's just a little cross step and this is a very touchy shot he's well like it's a very slow disc with this is an easy shot like this hand like this hand yeah just to get a little bit better grip hold holds the uh holds the back side of the disc holds the disc with two hands until the last minute too like during the wind up he's bracing the disc with his left hand wow look at you look at you suza pulling all the YouTube. There's a little cross step.
Starting point is 01:00:26 A little follow through. And this is just a one angle, slow disc hyzer shot into the green. It's probably going to land 15 feet short and just slide right up to the pin. It's beautiful. Alrighty. Young Simon throws a 300 foot high spike
Starting point is 01:00:41 hyzer. Philly B. There's some incredible footage out there of things that uh simon has done uh the final front nine and here we go i think this is uh oh no okay so what we're what we're embarking here in the last half hour of this show, holy shit, I wonder if we can do it, is we're going to take you through the last 18 holes, and you're going to see the winner of this tournament, and it gets intense. I don't know if they're all this good,
Starting point is 01:01:15 but we have a pretty fantastic finish that takes us all the way to the 18th hole. Maybe that's the point of why golf is so exciting, because you put in all that work watching these guys and then the 18th hole it all comes down to just two guys or three guys yeah and i would say more often than not and with the way that disc golf is right now in terms of competitive the competition at the top it's you know there's gonna be two to four guys in every tournament with you know two to three holes to play. These guys just seem like they have no muscle mass. I need some eye candy.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Anyone, anyone on the tour, a crossfitter? There are some guys in the tour that you would certainly be impressed with their muscle mass. In fact, although he never made it onto any of the coverage that we're showing, there's a guy named Ezra Aderhold. Someone in the comments already mentioned Ezra A her whole ezra aterhold is that is that a joke name aterhold it's one of the it's one of the i think it's barry mccocken or second alias yeah yeah ezra aterhold and ezra is uh very serious about his fitness i saw someone was asking he's very he's in very good shape i saw someone was asking about brody smith earlier um brody smith is actually relevant in the disc golf he's very he's in very good shape i saw someone was asking about brody smith earlier um brody
Starting point is 01:02:25 smith is actually relevant in the disc golf he's not he's probably not relevant to win any tournaments but he's can be a top 20 player this year if he if he plays a little bit better and he lost 40 pounds in the off season by changing his exercise regimen and diet well uh tested a great question mason any testing going on here in uh in frisbee golf i i don't think so does anyone call it frisbee golf very infrequently i would say i mean that's that's gonna be my thing then one guy puts a cookie down on the um oh it is look at that dude Look at how he spells his name. It's a fucking Simpsons name. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Okay, so he's yoked. All right. Get some, Ezra. He looks like a foreigner. Is he a foreigner? That can't be. That's from this year? Wow.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah, this is the guy. Is he a foreigner? No. Strong glutes. Look at that yeah nice for that straddle shot he's that's the coolest thing about being like a golfer or tennis guy or whatever you can just wear the tightest clothes and it's all it's good this is that guy that guy brings his girlfriend on tour with him for sure a lot of the players do i don't know if he has a girlfriend but this finish of tide second for him at a pro tour event is probably one of his best finishes ever
Starting point is 01:03:50 hey how many followers does this guy have this guy doesn't even have about 50k hey is that a can of chew in his pocket wow it is that's a that's a mini so that's what that's a disc that's about this big that he'll take out of his pocket to mark his disc once it's on the green. That's what the one guy said. He sometimes uses a cookie instead of a mini. It's one of those buzzers they give you at restaurants to tell you when your food's ready. That's a marker. Do you know who this is?
Starting point is 01:04:22 Philly B. This is our number one fan for the show. He's like, oh, I hope this show works out. Okay. Let's do it. The final front nine. Wind is insane. It's the first in these conditions for some of these guys, I believe, Ryan.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Some of these guys they were saying have never played in 30 to 40 mile an hour winds. And there was a guy who said the first time he's played for sure with these discs and these type of winds um this course was developed in 2016 it's the uh wild horse course is that right uh yeah i think so it has It has 8,762 feet of throwing. It's a par 61. And when it says 8,762 feet of course, that means from where you stand when you throw it, wherever that is, to the hole, and you add up all the holes, it equals 8,700 feet. Is that correct?
Starting point is 01:05:22 Yes. And then a skill level 4.5 which means nothing to me because i don't know how high they go does it go to 10 5.0 oh all right well then it's like pretty most most of the best courses in an area will be rated somewhere between 4.2 and 4.5 um trish wants to know why is this giving me a headache? It's not this show. Change the batteries in your vibrator, Trish. Okay. 557 AB, Anthony Burrell, as some of you know him. It's a putt off the basket.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Not a good day for Anthony. Yeah. Anthony was leading the tournament after two rounds. He's still in the top four coming into this round. This is the first hole he just I mean it's not a bad putt it's from far away he was on a knee like you said it's windy it's actually a skipper off the rim it's a skipper off the rim yeah so if that's two inches left it's in and but if it's one inch lower it could get on edge and roll out of bounds it could roll back down the hill so for hitting the basket and missing that was actually a great result called that a skipper and when i used to play hood disc uh 612 uh this is hey i even noticed what a casual throw this is and and the commentators
Starting point is 01:06:39 even were concerned about how casual this guy is. His name's Eagle McMahon. Maybe you can play the audio on this and we can hear the commentators. It takes a little while, but they finally say, hey, man, that seemed a little casual, a little too casual. Watch how this guy throws here. Eagle McMahon not taking his job seriously. Yeah, he hasn't made a one. Not a single one. Not a single one outside the circle for Anthony.
Starting point is 01:07:04 And to be here in second place, just imagine if those were dropping. So, yeah, I mentioned earlier. We take a little break. Hold on. Let him keep playing. Hold on a little bit more. Keep playing. Sorry, Brian.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Kevin Jones, an opportunity right off the bat, and he is off the band. Hold on. Sorry, are you surprised to see eagle just lay that up so casually yeah it was just it was just like it was like it's like he's not doesn't realize he's at work it's like he wants to get back to something what's kind of been doing it this tournament yeah but there's not a lot of wind at the moment the flag i agree gentlemen i agree gentlemen he's been doing it a lot so it is eagle i mean it is somewhat noteworthy this is the first hole it's the last round i had mentioned earlier on the show that eagle had a lot
Starting point is 01:07:51 of opportunities to run putts from that distance in this tournament and he didn't now and this hole is a good is actually just a microcosm of the entire course most of the baskets are in very precarious locations so from where he putting, which is down at the bottom of the hill, if he misses low and hits the basket eight out of 10 times, probably on this course, it's going to get on edge and roll right back to where he was or further away. If he air balls it long and he putts with a great amount of speed. So if he misses the basket altogether, it's probably going to go over that hill and out of bounds. So he was just taking all the risk out of the situation and saying, instead of going for this putt and out of bounds. So he was just taking all the risk out of the situation and saying,
Starting point is 01:08:25 instead of going for this putt and maybe getting a stroke, I'm just going to lay it up, take my par and move on to the next one. And avoid the big number. Don't question Eagle. He's a badass. Fine. Eagle McMahon had an injury last year and he only played in a couple events. If you want to see the best disc golf that you'll ever see, I would go watch the European championships, any round, either of the last two rounds, the battle between him and Paul McBeth set so many records of the best two players relative
Starting point is 01:08:58 to a course relative to par relative to, uh, like a rating. It was was incredible and eagle did all of that without throwing a single forehand which is arguably his best shot because of an elbow injury and on several throws even threw it left-handed in a tournament how did he hurt himself how did he hurt himself probably just throwing the discs too many times too aggressively because they did say that they wonder if he'll ever get back to his um yeah he threw as from what i saw this weekend he only threw one forehand the whole weekend uh steven uh pleiler did seven lose a bet to do this show for brian there are rumors of that uh circulating i cannot confirm or deny i definitely was not on Epstein's Island. 709 shoots with a backpack on.
Starting point is 01:09:52 This is like, what the fuck, dude? I don't approve of just a lazy throw from the eagle. I don't approve of this guy's fucking wearing a jacket, Stephen Andrews or whatever his name is. And I don't approve of this backpack shot. What, what, what? Come on, boys. Come on. Do youul mcbeth shoots with the backpack on let me see the shot yeah if they're within 10 feet yes 709 so i i don't haven't seen there we go look at this guy
Starting point is 01:10:19 oh this is the same this is the same guy this is is Mr. Fucking I Don't Give a Shit. Mr. Eagle. No, that's not true at all about him. Okay. All right, fine. We'll give him a pass. So this guy shoots with the back hook on. You're okay with that.
Starting point is 01:10:35 You're saying from less than 10 feet. Yeah. I'm sure there are times that he wouldn't do that, but in this case, it's fine. Okay. This guy, 1126. Oh, back to the eagle 11 26 what's this guy eagle doing near the out of bounds line um well i remember this shot i and i i don't i don't mean that facetiously the commentators uh say that he should give himself more room or something so explain to us what's going on here, if you can. So if you throw the disc out of bounds or if your disc is in bounds but within a meter of out of bounds,
Starting point is 01:11:13 you're allowed to take a meter away from the out of bounds line in any direction you want. The reason being is because you're not allowed to throw your disc with any part of your body standing out of bounds. So you can take a meter and then you can get a stance where your entire body is in bounds. They might be saying if that's his disc there on the lower right, that that's within a meter of out of bounds and he should move a little bit closer to the basket or further away from out of bounds to improve his footing. And if he's choosing not to do it, then they're questioning why. Okay, let's see. So maybe he's playing too strict by the rules a seven spring for youtube
Starting point is 01:11:46 premium i know i don't know what's going on here it's probably just not signed into the right account okay so so right there you're saying they're saying that he could have moved that out further to give himself more room they're saying that that's not three feet even the commentators are like yo dude give yourself a little more room and look at like it was inbounds by less than maybe an inch so there's a so uh why where's the out of bounds the path but onto the graph any part of the disc is on the grass in this case and it's inbounds oh so if that disc was one inch closer to us, it would be out of bounds. No shit. Wow. But because it's inbounds by an inch, he can take up to a meter from that spot and he can putt from there.
Starting point is 01:12:32 And so, and, and, and it's kind of there, like the honor system, right? No, like no one's coming over there with a tape measure and pulling it out. They have, so there's a specific rule that you can take three foot lengths if your foot is is over is a size i think nine or ten or bigger but if it's less than that like yours then you can get three foot lengths plus uh like the width of your foot instead of the length of your foot uh barry my cock in her uh back to crossfit quick. Look at Ariel Loewen's story. Should those thrusters count? I don't need to go over there and I'll tell you hers count for sure.
Starting point is 01:13:09 A hundred percent. And it's good. We good. Mr. Mr. McCockner. Thank you, Suze. I, you approve of that.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Okay. So, so, so he didn't take enough room there. Can we hear, can you rewind that just a little bit and you, and you play it out a little bit. We hear the commentators to see if Brian is as good as them or better. Let's see. Didn't take enough room there. Can you rewind that just a little bit and you play it out a little bit and we hear the commentators to see if Brian is as good as them or better? Let's see. It looks like it was just going to die next to the bullseye, but he's going to have a little bit of work there.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Eagle McMahon. That's the smallest meter I've ever seen. Tiny. You gave yourself the three full feet there, Eagle. Basically, he took three feet, three steps backwards, but he put it at the back of his second foot, but he used to, he still has plenty of room to take his stance here. So he's putting from where he wanted to.
Starting point is 01:13:56 And I think they're being a little bit overly critical. Right. And they're just loving on them. It's a fellow player, right? Yeah. Yeah. And and and i mean eagle mcmahon when healthy is one of the three best players in the world and those three players are in my opinion are a tier above everyone else even though they don't win all the tournaments they're the they are the top three eagle paul and who's the other guy his name is ricky wise sake he didn't play in this tournament he's currently having a wrist injury he's having a wrist injury oh he's he's dealing with a wrist injury um right behind them is the in that next group is calvin heimberg and a couple other guys and two years ago there
Starting point is 01:14:38 were four players rated over 10 50 those four guys calvin eagle Paul, and Ricky. And they were known as the 1050 boys that year. Oh, and why is that? So the player ratings is an exponential scale and the top, I think the highest rating ever that anyone's had is in the low one, 10 sixties, like Paul McBeth might've been 10 61 one year. Um, being over 10 50 is insane. And four guys were that at one time time almost all of the guys that are playing on the pro tour now are somewhere between 10 20 and 10 40 or at least all the good players there's a lot like half of the field is a little bit less than that um but uh for example my rating
Starting point is 01:15:18 is like 890 or something and it and it's it's exponential so to go from 890 to 900 is not that hard. To go from 1030 to 1040 is very hard. Okay, fair. Disc golf player. So sorry, we went over this. Is there testing in disc golf, drug testing? I haven't heard any controversy surrounding drugs in disc golf.
Starting point is 01:15:40 He's avoiding the question. Is there a standard basket height, Brian? It looks like it varies. There might be like a standard basket height for a traditional basket, but each course and the Disc Golf Pro Tour that designs the course will have varied heights for their baskets. And I think that there's actually like a requirement to have at least two elevated baskets on the Pro Tour courses.
Starting point is 01:16:06 So this is at least one of two on the course. Have you ever seen one just sitting on the ground? I've never seen one. Not quite that, but there are some that are lower to the ground than average also. Okay. 1234, if you can play this clip with the audio. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm about to stump Brian here. You don't see this very often.
Starting point is 01:16:26 We're going to ask him about some golf vernacular. And I suspect it's going to be tough for us to see a Brian swim in the deep end. Okay, here we go. Maybe that's the first squeak we've seen. Pause. Brian, maybe that's the first squeak we've seen pause Brian maybe that's the first squeak we've seen
Starting point is 01:16:49 the fuck is a squeak please I think I need more context there okay can we rewind it a few more seconds and we'll give Brian would you like to call someone what is that called like a helpline phone a friend yeah
Starting point is 01:17:04 here we go here we go there's not gonna be any extra information here it's helpful maybe that's the first squeak we've seen i think that these those three guys do so much commentary together there's probably a running thread to the conversation that they're referring to, but yeah, it certainly could be that he just barely slipped it over the edge, squeaked it in maybe. Okay. So there's no, so you, you think I'm being too my optic and there's no a real, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:17:38 Frisbee vernacular there or jargon. It's just the, it's just a squeaked it in like, like the mouse squeaked in. I think maybe, I think there's probably a little bit more to it than, than I would know from just what I didn't watch this post-production coverage. I watched the live tournament and different guys doing the commentary. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:57 That was kind of like name that tune and jeopardy. Like I didn't give you a lot to work with. And there was a question. Okay. Here we go. Part two. Let's see if Brian can redeem himself. We go to 1340 with some other jargon from the Jomez Pro coverage of the 2023 Las Vegas Challenge. At 1340, we hear a term here.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Listen closely, people. Action. I don't know, 70 feet to the gate so you gotta get your line right and that wasn't it i mean he does navigate the triple mando but so pause he triple mando triple mando seems like something you do when you're on molly and polk street in san francisco hey i'm doing the triple mando especially if you're a black dude i'm doing a triple mando it's short for mandatory so triple mandatory okay in the case of that when he says it's 70 feet to the gate 70 feet away from the t-box is is that you know, erected barrier. Can we see that again, Sousa? The triple barrier, the triple mando means it has to go lower than the top one to the right of the left one and to the left of the right one.
Starting point is 01:19:13 So it has to go through that gate. And that thing's called the triple mando? So sometimes there'll be a tree right at like 30 feet off the the t-pad and there might be an arrow on it that says mando left and that means your disc has to go to the left of that tree and that'll eliminate maybe a spike heiser line a lot around the right side of the tree so in this case they're just demanding accuracy has to go through that those three barriers and if it doesn't then you have a penalty stroke and throw from a designated spot. Okay. So I understand he's got to go right in the hole. Thank you, Will. Familiar with that
Starting point is 01:19:52 requirement. But a triple mandatory. So mando is short for mandatory, but what's a triple mando? Because the mandatory is not just to the left and not just to the right and not just below but it's all three of those oh oh why don't they call it a quad mando because the ground is there too the fuck a triple mando these fucking guys hey so you're telling me that if you threw a fucking wild uh uh high uh hyzer up over the right side of that structure and then had it tomahawked down into the hole, that's no good? It's got to go through there? Yeah, you would incur a penalty stroke, and you would be forced to throw from a designated drop zone, throwing your third shot. So there's two things that could have gone wrong here, people.
Starting point is 01:20:42 One, usually for good Frisbeebee players the frisbee will go basically wherever you look there because it's called art in the zen of archery art in the zen of motorcycle maintenance art in the zen of frisbee your body once you get good enough it'll it'll do so i mean i don't know so much on a windy day like this but your body will just do what it needs to do to to to to get the frisbee to go where you want it to go your eyes see it it talks to your body you've had enough practice and it just does it but if you look at the wrong thing like if you look at that pole you'll hit that pole i'm guessing that guy's good enough that that's not what happened he just this is just a late release he just held on to the disc too long it did make it
Starting point is 01:21:21 through the triple mandatory but then it hit something immediately so he's way further oh you think it made it through the triple mandatory i think it hit that thing i think i think his high i think he was throwing a good if that triple if that triple mando wouldn't have been there that his heiser shot was good enough that it was going to get near that basket near that flag i just think he just chose a rough angle no i think he just lets it go a little late let's see i'd put it right up over the top of that fucking thing let's see it looks like it cleared it it looks like it cleared it when i watched this shot i thought it got past the mando but then hit a tree yeah i think you're right i think you're right crazy all right yeah you're right he let it go late it did it didn't look like it had any hyzer on it
Starting point is 01:22:23 actually it didn't look like it was gonna hyzer on it, actually. It didn't look like it was going to hook left at all, right? It probably would have late in the flight, but it was a pretty flat release. He likes to throw something. This guy particularly likes to throw the hyzer flip to flat. So he releases it on a hyzer angle with an understable disc that flips up to fly flat for a long time and then finishes back to the left. God, I love it. I'm starting god i love it i'm starting to like this i'm starting to enjoy this i'm gonna go i have a basket out across the street from my house tomorrow i'm gonna take my discs out there and i'm gonna throw like a 300 foot shot as many times
Starting point is 01:22:57 as i can until it looks like i got a hole in one and i'm gonna post it how many discs do you have i don't know 10 i'd love to see them okay i'll send you a picture okay so we don't know what a triple mando is oh there he is uh for the first time on the show and now we're in 22 minutes we have calvin heimberg heimberg well we actually featured him right at the first minute of the show as well. Oh, okay. Calvin Heimberg makes his second appearance in the show. Very clever by the show director. Thank you. He's a great dude. 15-27, Calvin with the great putt.
Starting point is 01:23:34 He's negative 25 here. That means he's 25 under par? Yeah. That's incredible. Usually in this tournament, you have to be close to 40 under par to win, but the conditions were extremely difficult on all four days this year. They put up a quintuple Mando Supreme Community Fitness. Sounds like a white supremacist organization. Accuracy, strength, power, agility, coordination in one motion.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Okay, let's see check it out calvin boom oh can we rewind it a few seconds sorry so that's i mean this is a pretty good part it is coming in a little high but he's it's just dying right in there at a pretty slow speed and it's pretty unlikely that's going to miss he has a fairly flat release on his putt. And one of the sayings that's pretty synonymous with Calvin's putt is, or he calls it putting the pizza in the oven. He wants to release it flat so it can just go nice and smooth in the oven. So while some of the guys have that hyzer putt, his comes out mostly flat. What's the grenade shot too?
Starting point is 01:24:40 Because he's got like a, is that a grenade toss? No. Actually, the best grenade thrower is probably Kevin Jonesones you grab it with your knuckles like this and you throw it straight up in the air like that oh it's it's crazy what do you do that for trish knows okay uh to go over the top of an object and then land land coming in uh with an aggressive descent. Hole 5, 642 par 4. They said Eagle was injured, and he's not the best version of himself. We reviewed that. We don't know exactly what happened, but Brian says it's just from the game.
Starting point is 01:25:17 19-19, Calvin. We get to see Calvin feeling himself on hole 5. He got a little strut. Jordan Peterson also was at the tournament, and very impressive. He loves the game. He understands the intellectual prowess needed to play the game. 1919. So a bit of an obstructed lie here here but he fires it in there pretty good did i fuck
Starting point is 01:25:49 that up too god i really fucking the time codes up i'm really sorry always go four seconds before what he says so you see there it's flying pretty flat and in this case i'm going to guess that he had a tailwind behind him which we could see the flag probably blowing in the same direction that he's throwing it yeah so the disc is going to start about at the height of the basket, but the tailwind is going to drop it right into the middle of the basket. Hole six can't play safe because of the water. I don't know. It's not like that.
Starting point is 01:26:19 I don't know what my notes mean. Let's see. Twenty two of six. Maybe I'll remember when I see my notes when I see the shot. Twenty two of six. I think that there's a water 2206. Maybe I'll remember when I see the shot. 2206. I think that there's a water feature here that they have to clear. Yeah, this is a – Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Let me mention this, and then, Brian, you talk about this. They basically have to throw this disc onto a fucking island. And the guys are saying, hey, you can't play this safe and think that you're just going to throw it short. For some reason, it won't work. We'll see if Brian can explain it, or maybe we'll play the video clip and they'll talk about it. 2206. So this is a short hole, but it has a very specific landing zone. It's only 222 feet.
Starting point is 01:27:00 You're throwing it over out of bounds the majority of the time. And the problem is if you land on the right side of the basket we're looking at like the reverse angle here so at the left side of this but the right side of the basket from the tee is a good chance that it can just bounce the wrong way and roll into the water and it's ob if you miss it too far to the left then you have to put it straight back at the water and there's hardly any space between the basket and the water so if you miss that putt most likely it's going to go in the water. So you're looking for a pretty narrow landing zone, but these guys are so good that most of them are getting birdies on this hole anyway.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Okay. Can we play this? 22, 24 or 22? Yeah. 22, 24. No, 22, 06. Sorry. You're good. Okay. Here we go. So Kevin's disc came up a little bit short here, but it was still safe, and he's only about 20 feet from the basket, which is a very routine putt for them. Okay, and that's where they were saying, you can see he throws it really hard at the basket, not concerned that if he missed, it would go another 20 feet past it. And they were saying he has to do that. I don't know why, for whatever the conditions are. You don't want to miss it low here because it could easily just roll down the hill into the water if you miss it too high it's going to go past but it still is a
Starting point is 01:28:09 little tailwind putt so he's starting it higher in the chains and he wants it to finish and the wind is just dropping it right down to the spot that he wants but like i said 20 foot putt for these guys is especially with the tailwind is very very routine. Headwind is a little bit harder. 22-24, you're going to see here, just so you know what it looks like. This is when the baskets or your disc is so close to the basket that you can just set it in. I think it's Calvin who does it. He just sets his disc in the hole. Oh, no. They all do it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Yeah. Hey, he does that in one motion, throwing it in and bending down to pick it up it's just so sloppy i don't like it like do it as two separate motions one of these days it's going to bounce out when they do that and they're going to regret it that's had to have happened before yeah uh 2409 going for the bunker okay so this hole is this so this is a golf course that they just kind of take over this is a real golf course yep and and they don't mind the guy but they don't play the actual golf course they they they they rework it yeah okay so these guys specifically are going for uh the bunker that's the strategy for this hole uh yes and no this is a very unique hole it's not very long relative to what they can throw
Starting point is 01:29:37 as a max distance so the flag is reachable the problem is there's out of bounds or hazards everywhere the entire golf green is considered out of bounds. So if your disc stops on the golf green, you have to throw from somewhere else with a penalty shot. If it goes in one of the bunkers that are surrounding the hole, if we play with just any one of the drives, people will be able to see what I'm talking about. But the bunkers are considered a hazard. If you throw it in the bunker, you can putt from where your disc is, but you're putting your third shot, even though it's only your second throw. So if you land in the bunker and make the putt, you still get a three, which is a birdie.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Some of these really, if you go in a bunker, it counts as an extra shot. Yeah. Hazard. You play it as it lies. If you go out of bounds and you have to play from a designated area, there's also out of bounds deep on this screen. I didn't know that. I thought just the bunker just meant you were in a tough situation. You also get a penalty stroke. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:28 In this case, they were playing the bunkers as a hazard. So you play it from the bunker, but you get an extra stroke. Oh, well, the commentators were saying these guys were going for the bunker as a strategy,
Starting point is 01:30:38 right? Because it's better to be in the bunker than out of bounds long or on the golf green short. Wow. But the optimal situation is that you long or on the golf green short wow but the optimal situation is that you land in between the bunkers close to the basket and you can make a putt for eagle okay 2409 check it out straight to the bunker hole seven so he's i mean it's actually probably good that it stopped in the bunker there because if
Starting point is 01:31:08 if he had landed three feet late longer it would have skipped out of the skipped on the turf and gone probably out of bounds so and maybe he's throwing it at that angle hoping that wherever it hits it just sticks stops and sticks there he doesn't want a lot of ground play uh calvin ends up getting a uh six on a par four and the commentator starts speculating at this point our boy calvin is out of the tournament that basically he can no longer win it yeah and it's um you know calvin i think last year he had something like 18 or 19 top 10 finishes, but he only had one win. So he's always in the mix, but he struggles to get the big wins. I mean, he gets them once in a while, but for as often as he's in contention, something like this frequently happens to him,
Starting point is 01:31:55 where he just has one hole that blows it up and he loses by, you know, two to three strokes because of it. So they gave him a double bogey. He ended up with a double bogey here. I think he had, you know two penalty shots so he actually only took four strokes but his score showed six and it was a double bogey okay uh and then we go to uh holt uh we go to 27 40 hole eight and calvin redeems himself a bit with a birdie yeah and this is what i was saying the best guys in the world and the people that often win the tournaments are really, really good at bouncing back from an unfortunate hole or situation. And it's not uncommon for the best players to have a bogey, double bogey, triple bogey, and then reel off like five birdies in a row after that. Are all the discs the same size? Do they have to be the same size, the same diameter?
Starting point is 01:32:43 There are some specifications but no there's a little bit of a variance okay uh 2740 calvin uh making up for his last double bogey with the birdie here on hole eight well we missed the putt there it was about five seconds before that oh that's weird it's really weird So again, he's probably putting with the tailwind and he's getting it up high and letting it drop into the basket. And these guys, when they're approaching the green, are conscious of where the wind is. And they want to be putting with the tailwind, not into the headwind more often than not. Hole nine, par four, 641 feet. We're going to look at Kevin Jones, who is the current leader, and he hits a tree.
Starting point is 01:33:31 What do you call that, the first throw? Is that your drive? Yeah. Your drive, okay. Everything's just like golf. There's a tee pad. You throw the drive from the tee pad, and then you got to play up to the green and put it in the hole. 28-58.
Starting point is 01:33:47 And this isn't a good sign, right? You don't want to hit trees? Yeah, and especially now when we're considering the fact that on the triple mando hole, he'd already pulled one to the right. So a lot of times, you know, just like anything that's hand-eye coordination or very, very demanding of timing, when you start to have a – start to have one miss and then you have the same miss and you have like two or three of the same misses in a row,
Starting point is 01:34:09 that's where you can kind of see something's off with his game today. He's not feeling it off the tee. Holy shit, there's a lot of clips left. Okay, action. Right off the tree. This is no bueno. right off the tree this is no bueno bam you don't even get to see it oh this was an opposite mistake this is just an early release that was a really bad shot uh and then uh and then kevin jones uh once again at 30 uh 56
Starting point is 01:34:39 um and uh like i said he's the leader and going into hole 9 and he throws it out of bounds and then which causes him to pick up an extra stroke and then he has to throw this in and he ends up getting a bogey not good for Kevin Jones but still winning
Starting point is 01:35:02 so what happened here is first of all, I, like I mentioned earlier, he's inside. So that's the shot. I'm sorry. Sorry. Real quick. He was going for a birdie. He hit the top of the basket. It went out of bounds. And instead of it being a birdie, he picks up a penalty stroke. Sorry. Go ahead, Brian. Yeah. And the same thing happened to Paul McBeth on this whole earlier on a previous card that I didn't have you watch, but he's because he's inside the red feather there. He's not allowed to do his jump putt. So he has to do that standstill putt. And he's not as good at from 32 feet as he is from 34. In this case, he misses by a couple inches.
Starting point is 01:35:34 It hits off the band and it bounces into a bunker. The bunker is a hazard. So he has to add another stroke and take a putt from there, which he makes. And that's how he gets the boat. All right. Uh, and then, And then we go to the final video. Oh, so we're doing good. Actually, it's not as bad as I thought. Oh, we're cruising. Final nine, people. And here's where we have a – I think we're going here.
Starting point is 01:35:54 I think Kevin Jones is leading by a stroke as we go into – or no, maybe two strokes as we go into the final nine. And we go to hole 10. And this is the shot that we talked about in the beginning of the show where one of the volunteers at 145 gets drilled by one of these discs. These discs are really hard plastic if you've never felt one. They're not your typical. I mean, a typical Frisbee hurts, but this shit is going to fucking really hurt. Dustin Simpson, help with your first month of YouTube premium.
Starting point is 01:36:25 What a generous man. Tell your girl I said hi. All right, here we go. So this is Anthony Barella, and he's in contention at this point in the tournament. How's he? Look at his body. How does anyone get their body like that? That's why they have elbow injuries occasionally.
Starting point is 01:36:41 The velocity that they're throwing these things at, these guys are throwing it at 70 plus miles an hour arm speed or disc speed now watch this this thing look at oh my goodness hey the cameraman almost gets hit hey so you're saying that you're saying it hits that guy and he gets out of bounds he gets a hazard hazard stroke for that. You can kind of see it here. So it comes in. It's going to go well past this bunker and be in an incredible position. Honestly, one of the best positions anyone's ever been in on this hole.
Starting point is 01:37:13 This guy is an absolute animal, but it skips and hits that guy in the ankle and falls into the bunker. The guy is absolutely devastated. I mean, that guy's hands are in his head. He looks like he's going to cry like he cannot believe that he did this and um and it's really unfortunate does he is that is that worse than um uh uh becky uh harsh uh allowing um velner to bend his knees like where does that rank and for us crossfitters how bad is that right there i mean this is pretty bad now
Starting point is 01:37:44 there's always a catch cam which is what that called. That's getting that shot from over there. But I, throughout this, this round, there were several players that threw it in that bunker. Paul McBeth went in that bunker, a couple others skipped out over that bunker. So I think it was just a poor place to stand. They should have been standing on the far side of the bunker. They still could have got the same footage from there. I'm not going to compare it to the other situation. It's the same. Okay. So that volunteer is there to protect the cameraman. Is that what, why is there a volunteer there even? They are, he was doing something with a range finder. He might've actually been measuring the, I don't know what exactly he was measuring, but there's, you know, they're allowed to be there and i just think they chose the they made a bad choice of where to stand well we know
Starting point is 01:38:29 that for sure so that guy said was he injured i don't know but he sure felt bad about it i wonder if he gets fired how do you know you saw in the footage yeah they in the live footage they show him and he's sitting there in the bunker, and he's just devastated. And he looks down at the disc right next to him, and he's just like – I mean, it's awful. The guy's tied for third place right now. It's the back nine of the tournament. It's Sunday.
Starting point is 01:38:56 That cost Anthony one or two shots on this hole. AB, AB, tough break. How often does that happen, that dudes get hit on the course. That's pretty rare. It has, it has had like last year there was a tournament where some fan left their umbrella by a tree and it just came in and hit the umbrella and bounced out of bounds like that.
Starting point is 01:39:16 And it really should like, that really should not happen, but occasionally it doesn't. It's okay. Ladies and gentlemen, CrossFit's not looking so bad now, huh? The old bounce,
Starting point is 01:39:24 the hit the umbrella and bounce that about. 3.40, hold 10. The game still continues. Does Brian Friend fully understand the jargon of Frisbee golf? We are about to see. Maybe we should go to 3.35. Oh, yeah, 3.39. That's good.
Starting point is 01:39:43 Can we play this with audio? And let's test Brian out here. listen carefully for the words action look we i mean we know we're experts on what it means all three of us are that goes sliding wow that's a chicken chunk uh do you need us to replay that do you need more context the word in question brian is chicken chunk he said that is a chicken chunk uh please uh tell us uh with your great wisdom what is a chicken chunk i i have never heard that before shut the fuck up are you kidding me you don't know that one i've i've been i've watched every tournament for the last three years a lot of them by these guys i never have heard the term chicken okay okay okay rewind it 10 seconds they say it three times listen ah yes the chicken chunk the chicken chunk okay go back and like
Starting point is 01:40:35 keep in mind those three guys have been playing disc golf for like 50 years combined go back another 10 seconds let's let's let's get let's do Maybe someone's... We might have to look this up. I thought it was the chicken choke. Yeah, that's a different game, but I appreciate you participating, Heidi. One might say that he chicken chunked it. Calvin, not chicken chunking. That's a park job.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Okay, pause. Okay, okay. So there's three chicken chunks we just got. That's a chicken chunk. No, it's not a chicken chunk. It's a park job. It's not a chicken chunk. No, it's not a chicken chunk. It's a park job. It's not a chicken chunk. Okay, now let's keep going.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Look, I mean, we're experts on what it means. We get it. All three of us are. That goes sliding. Wow, that's a chicken chunk. All right. That's funny. When I heard it in my notes i called a chicken chunker okay so so we we've there's that's two we don't this the old squeak and the uh chicken chunk we'll need to look those up later uh anthony barella is ab it's finally an hour and a half of watching this i
Starting point is 01:41:39 finally realized his nickname is ab a 640 an obstructed look at hole 11 for Anthony Barella. I fucking hate an obstructed. Look, look at this guy stuck behind a tree. He looks like he, he looks like he's in a gunfight kind of right. That posture. This hole was bad.
Starting point is 01:42:01 Like, honestly, it was baffling to me in, in the final round. It should be a pretty routine hole for them, and a lot of the guys that were in contention messed this hole up. Look at that tree. Looks like it was struck
Starting point is 01:42:11 by lightning. That's pretty cool. Looks first. Boom. Oh, he's bombed. is bombed okay i think this is yeah i mean he's he's at this point remember he's coming off that previous hole where he had something that was out of his control happened he did manage to save a par on that hole i think but he should have got a birdie he threw a bad shot off the tee and he's going to take a bogey here. And, I mean, sometimes this happens where he threw the putt, and he thought he knew what he was going to do.
Starting point is 01:42:49 And as soon as it comes out of his hand, the wind just drops the putt right away, and it never had a chance. So he was pretty devastated by that. Calvin Heimberg here is about to show his autistic tendencies. Shot at 721. I want you to notice how many discs this dude is carrying around you cannot tell me this is necessary uh watch he's going to come into the frame here in a second look at these guys these guys are just throwing in their gimme shots he's going to come in from
Starting point is 01:43:17 the right look at this what first starters zip your fucking bag up. It's giving me anxiety. Like some shit's going to fall out. Look at that rack of discs. That's insane. Why in two pouches? The top ones are the ones he's using and the other ones just helping with his OCD. It's like a Linus's blanket. Everyone organizes their bag differently. I don't actually know if there are any rules about the number of discs you're allowed to have on the course. But I'd say most of them have between 18 and 28 discs in their bag.
Starting point is 01:43:46 And the top ones are generally the slower ones and the putters. He actually has a few more compartments on that bag that he stores discs in than most. And look at it. He's got water with him. He needs that. He needs a dude just getting a ruck in. Yeah, no shit.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Hey, he needs to get a caddy. Some of the players use caddies and some of them have a bag, not the bags that roll on like carts that roll instead of bags that you carry. He has an insecurity about the size of his discs. Exactly. God, it's crazy. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:22 So we saw Calvin's bag, a whole 12 uh the tournament starts for these guys so the commentators are saying whole 12 is where really now now it's on it's showtime these i think basically by the time you get to whole 12 also there's a chance that you could play so poorly you know on these fine on these and be in the with the final group of badasses but that you actually finish 10th or 11th or 12th. Right. I mean, yeah. Anthony Barella ended up finishing tied for eighth in this tournament. Eagle McMahon finished 13th. So two of the four guys that are on this card didn't really have a great last
Starting point is 01:44:57 day. The other two guys ended up finishing first and second. Okay. So a whole 12 12 they're saying the tournament finally starts here um 9 uh uh 48 oh here's another bag here's another bag observation i must have been obsessing on the bag speaking of autistic 948 what's on that guy's bag oh yeah look at this what is this is this a toy i think my kid this. I think you hold this wooden thing and you go like this and then you catch the ball in different angles. Is that what that is? Yeah. He's just because sometimes on the course there are backups.
Starting point is 01:45:35 So you might get to a tee box and there you have to wait for like 20 or 30 minutes before you can tee off. So he brings something that occupies his mind and keeps him, you know, loose and relaxed while he has to wait there instead of being stressed. Is that really what it's for? You've heard about that? He's talked about that? I've seen him doing it. Wow. Crazy. He's pretty good with it. It's not surprising. I mean, he obviously has amazing hand-eye coordination.
Starting point is 01:46:03 I hope so. Okay. So you can bring your favorite. My kids would love this game. They like taking their favorite toy with them everywhere they go. Can I bring a toy with me? Sure. Go ahead. A hole 14, 777 feet. They call it the luckiest hole in golf.
Starting point is 01:46:21 Hey, so do they set up these exact same courses every year uh yes and no most of the time most of the stops on the disc health pro 2 are the same every year occasionally there are some new ones and more often than not there are minor tweaks to every course each year so they might make a few changes like two to three changes on the course but a majority of it stays the same all right so when they say luckiest hole in golf is is that because they set this hole up every year i yeah i think that this course has had very few changes since it was created in 2016 uh 1818 um calvin uh shitting the bed, missing a much-needed birdie on hole 14, which puts him two back behind the leader. You're going to see this at 18. Oh, here we go. I'm sorry, 18-15. Good job, Sousa, starting three seconds early. Calvin Heimberg.
Starting point is 01:47:24 Oh, what's that called when you hit the top of the basket it's the it's called the band so you hit the band but again you saw the wind was it was a tailwind so he was expecting it to drop it didn't drop as much as he thought that could have been a lot worse it could have hit the band and went out of bounds or rolled out of bounds but it stayed reasonably close where he was able to clean up the power putt. Hole 15, 1940. Calvin trying to redeem himself with a great opening drive from the tee.
Starting point is 01:48:00 Did I say all that right? Yeah, and the shots that he throws on hole 15 and hole 16 are two of the best shots of the entire tournament. Okay, here we go. Uh, 1940, uh,
Starting point is 01:48:12 Sousa starting three seconds early. No, he needs to go back a little bit. I think maybe even five seconds. Oh no. Oh, maybe he is. He can about to throw.
Starting point is 01:48:22 He just threw, but, uh, actually there was another guy that threw a better shot on this hole. It was Paul McBeth. The shot that Calvin threw on hole 16 is insanely good. This is a really far par 3, 439 feet, and it demands a very specific shot. You basically have to get the disc moving right and then have to get it moving back to the left because of the way that the trees are aligned so he throws it on a little bit of an hyzer angle it flips over to that right drift and then it flips back at the perfect time the thing he he came into
Starting point is 01:48:56 this basket at the height of the basket almost everyone in the tournament if they're getting close is coming in and skipping up to the basket. So he was ace running it is what they called it. You can see the disc, by the way, just to the left of the screen still rolling. There it is. So it wasn't the closest disc to the basket. There were guys who threw it closer to the basket, but no one else was throwing it in there where if it was just a few feet to the left, it would have hit the chains. And if it was just a few feet to the left, it would have hit the chains.
Starting point is 01:49:30 They said this was, I think they were alluding to the fact that this was a bit of a risk for Calvin. But he knew that they were getting down to the final holes and he started to have to take some risks. And if you go to 2130, you'll see he capitalizes on that risk. Yeah, and again, this is like a 33- four foot putt he's just outside the circle but unlike kevin jones he's not going to do a jump or a step putt he sticks with his like the same routine even as he extends further and further away from the basket go ahead suze anytime bam so 15 par 3 he gets the birdie so he put that in in two yeah and again he's putting with the tailwind so the the disc is dropping right into the bottom of the chains where he wants it uh we go to hole 16 uh calvin gets another birdie let's check out 2702 and uh this is an important hole for Kevin Jones also.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Like I said, they are very close to one another. Kevin has, I think, a one-stroke lead. Yeah, and we're just going to see the putt here. But the shot that he threw to get to this position is a shot that 95% of the players wouldn't have risked throwing. It's a pretty long, almost 900-foot par four with a specific landing zone that you want to be in and then a green that you have to clear to get over to get close to the basket so kevin jones and most of the other players laid up short of that green pitched up an easy shot to the basket and tapped in for a par like you said calvin needed to make a move so he went for it here and through what was
Starting point is 01:51:04 basically considered the shot of the tournament when everything was done god you're making me feel bad that i didn't pick out the drive for hole 16 it wasn't the drive it was the second shot and it's unusual that like in most of these situations it's the drive but this was the approach to the green that was really impressive calvin for the birdie let's see now if kevin can get the par he has to get this shot at 27 27 to uh maintain the lead and like i said he's tied he's played yeah so he's played this conservatively um oh they're tied calvin at 31 jones at 31 yep So they'll be tied going into hole 17 and they're tied at 31 under par. And there's one guy,
Starting point is 01:51:49 Ezra Aderhold, who's in the clubhouse at 29 under par. And it's pretty unlikely that they're both going to fall back that far. So it's basically down to these two guys with two holes to go. Hole 17. They're both 31, 29, 59. hole 17. Uh, they're both, uh, 31, uh, 29,
Starting point is 01:52:06 59. Uh, Calvin goes for the lead 29, 59. Yeah. And it's, I mean, when you get down to the last hole and it's basically a match play now, like they're only playing against each other for the win.
Starting point is 01:52:22 So you're going to look at what the other guy's doing and you're going to make a decision, um, a little bit based on that. Sorry. Susan's having to watch a pizza hut commercial. We will get that fixed for first or for future shows. I promise you this show is big time, but, but we're still on a budget.
Starting point is 01:52:41 Okay. Hole 17. Calvin goes for a one point lead at 29, 59. And you're so on a budget. Okay. Hole 17. Calvin goes for a one-point lead at 29-59. And you're so good, Brian. I like it how you just – you're good. You're good. Better than I thought. You are definitely better than I thought.
Starting point is 01:52:56 You're a keeper. Okay. He does this thing here where he blocks the basket with his eyes before he puts. And I have a theory about why he does that. I'm not sure. Can you rewind it? I want to see that again. What do you mean he blocks his eyes?
Starting point is 01:53:11 He'll hold up the disc. And I think that the reason he does this is because he's left eye dominant. So most people, if you're shooting a gun or a bow and arrow or whatever, and you're right-handed, you're right eye dominant, but I'm not, I'm left eye dominant gun or a bow and arrow or whatever, and you're right-handed, you're right-eye dominant. But I'm not.
Starting point is 01:53:26 I'm left-eye dominant. So if I close my right eye, I never hit anything because it's off by whatever degree. If I aim with my left eye, I'm much better. I think he does this because he's the same way. So he's focusing in with his dominant eye, and he's blocking his right eye out. That's what I think. I've never asked him. I'd love to ask him.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Wow. All right. Let's see. see action how many feet is this uh probably like 45 feet that was a pretty mild attempt i don't think he was really trying to make that there's out of bounds behind the basket and based on where kevin was on this hole i think he was that calvin was happy to go to hole 18 with a tie. Okay. So he needed to make that a 30, 38. Kevin Jones has to make this shot to keep the tie. Will he make the clutch shot? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:14 So he's putting, you know, so it's a very long par three, 516 feet. So he's putting the pressure on Kevin here who had a worse hole up to this point that he needs to make this to match. Oh, my God. Action.
Starting point is 01:54:30 We're going to make it to hole 18. Boom. Solid shot. Yeah, and that's a pretty good putt. And, I mean, just to put it in context, the last time Kevin Jones won an event of this caliber was in 2020 in the fall it's been almost a thousand days i think they said 913 days since the last time he won an event of this size he's had some man last year specifically he had just an incredibly heartbreaking one hole that cost him an event win so he's feeling the pressure for sure here but he's still composed enough to make a putt that he should always make.
Starting point is 01:55:06 And Calvin's never won, you're saying? No, he has. Top 10? Oh, okay. Yeah, Calvin won one pro tour tournament last year. I think he won two the year before that. Okay. Okay, here we go. Hole 18. It's tied between Calvin and Kevin. Already here, we didn't do a very good job of depicting it, but Calvin's comeback up to this point has been pretty remarkable. He got that double bogey back on hole nine, I think, or hole 10.
Starting point is 01:55:32 In the holes leading up to 18, in the six holes before it, and remember you said on hole 12, that's when kind of the thing started. Kevin Jones had made six pars, and Calvin Einberg had made three pars and three birdies. So he's closed a three hole deficit over that six hole stretch to come into hole 18. Hole 18 is, this is a very famous hole on this course. It's a massive risk reward hole. You can try to lay up short and then you have a very difficult shot into the green, or you can try to be aggressive to a narrow landing zone that makes the approach shot a lot easier. Calvin has the box, meaning he's going to throw first,
Starting point is 01:56:07 and so we'll get to see what he does. Okay, hole 18, it's tied between Calvin and Kevin, and here we see Calvin's drive. Do you think it's inbounds or out-of-bounds? He keeps it at 32 minutes. He keeps the excitement going for the fans, that's for sure here we go so it's in the air here it's heisering back in and it's oh my god it from the reverse angle everyone thought it was out of bounds because you can't see it from where that guy in the fairway is standing but that is inbounds by and uh and so he's safe by like two feet right if it would have landed on that on that
Starting point is 01:56:50 uh cement path right there that's out of bounds i yep i think so okay can you rewind that again so we can see the full throw sorry suze i really screwed you on the time codes here we go i wonder if this one will show it from behind or from it from the front angle but um yeah you can see here that there's like water on both sides and there's that landing strip in the middle which is where he's aiming for so he's going for an aggressive shot and he said that he kind of missed through this shot and got lucky um but it's inbounds and now kevin has to go and he has to decide what he wants to do knowing that that Calvin's in a good position to possibly make a birdie at worst to make a par. OK, 3225. Let's see how Kevin does. He needs a great throw.
Starting point is 01:57:34 You might as well go to 3220. Fuck it. There you go. Missed it. Oh, shit. I'm really screwing this up close your eyes for a second uh 32 15 try 32 15 yeah they're 13 either way it's good there's calvin pretty excited uh that it didn't go out of bounds and here's kevin jones he needs a great shot and in kevin's post-game interview so you saw right there the disc just go out of bounds. And here's Kevin Jones. He needs a great shot. And in Kevin's postgame interview. So you saw right there, the disc just fell out of the sky. Like it drops like 20 feet just out of nowhere. It looks like it goes in the water.
Starting point is 01:58:13 It does. Oh, it does. It's too bad they didn't show that. That's the first bad camera work I've seen from these guys. Go on. And well, it's a tough, it's, it's a tough angle to get that because all that tall grass is in the way and it's not really a practical place to stand otherwise. But he said in his post tournament interview, the only thing you have to do with your drive on 18 is get it in the air. And he's like, I just threw it too low.
Starting point is 01:58:39 Uh, and they, well, okay. So they were, they, the commentators were trying to blame the wind. They were trying to say it wasn't his fault that there was a downwind there. I mean, the way that it dropped out of the sky is dramatic. But Kevin, I would say, you know, I like Kevin's perspective better. He said he was trying to throw it high in the air and he didn't. Thirty three fifty. Calvin has a clean shot at the hole and he has an opportunity to take over. Let's go to thirty three forty five. Sorry to 33 45 sorry 33 45 we'll do the
Starting point is 01:59:08 five second rule so calvin's playing from his drive here he's going to choose to throw a forehand and like i said the best players in the world can throw both he just thinks he has more more control or less risk of going out of bounds by throwing the forehand. God, he's skinny. Good job, Brian, 33-39. You went with a healthy 11 seconds. Sorry, Sousa, 11 seconds pre-roll. The green is out of bounds there, the golf green. So he's throwing it to make sure that it finishes to the right and in a place that's not out of bounds.
Starting point is 01:59:40 You don't think that was lucky, that roll? That was a chicken chunk right there. Yeah. That's what that was. Yeah. That's always risky to throw one that was lucky that roll that was a chicken chunk right there yeah that's what that was yeah you know that's always risky to throw one that rolls like that right uh no i think that that disc did exactly what he wanted it to do he wanted it to come in on a little angle and skip into this thick grass hillside did it skip or did it roll it was rolling wasn't it i did a little skip and roll but that grass is thick it's really and
Starting point is 02:00:05 even if it rolls he's so far away from any out of bounds that nothing bad's really going to happen here this is a very safe shot but he's basically telling kevin i'm playing this hole for par now so i'm going to take a four on it and if you want to beat me you're going to have to throw it in the basket damn okay uh well then let's see what kevin does not even beat me if you want to match me you're gonna have to throw it in the basket so kevin so as brian set up here let's go to 34 30 uh kevin goes for a long shot to the basket it's 170 feet and i didn't realize when i watched this but brian states he has to go for it uh this is the eagle right's okay. We can watch this guy too. If we want, this isn't the guy. This is the eagle McMahon also going for a long shot. It looks like he's going to go for it.
Starting point is 02:00:51 No, he's out of the tournament at this point. He's just trying to throw it close to the basket and get off the course. He's not happy with how his day has gone. You can just let it play from here. You don't even have to move forward. Just occasional pauses here we go kevin jones so in order to force a playoff he has to make this shot so usually he wouldn't be this aggressive but he's going for it 170 feet yeah just a little putter and a hyzer flip perfect line one foot too high hey did you can you can we see that again did you see that catch the wind and give that kind of that double pump did you see the frisbee go up at the man that's pretty impressive i mean this is he is like the line could not be more perfect this
Starting point is 02:01:38 is a very impressive throw especially given the circumstances this happens quite a bit where someone has to do something miraculous to extend the tournament um last two years ago it happened in the world championships it's called the holy shot it was probably the best shot in the history of disc golf given the circumstances and he even said he was trying to channel a little bit of that shot when he was doing this and he's pretty close yeah it's it's incredible watch uh this you watch the disc take a dip and then a pump here at the last minute. Nope. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:13 That's tough. And honestly, it's a tough tournament because both Kevin and Calvin, I mean, it's hard to win, but I would have been happy for either one of them to win here. I think I probably would have preferred if Kevin had gotten the win just because it's been so long and he's been close a bunch of times and Calvin does get about one a year. Um, but down the stretch, Calvin was definitely better. And, you know, even though we talked about it earlier in the show, he took that double bogey in the middle of the round and he didn't give up. He just kept playing.
Starting point is 02:02:43 He had a good bounce back from there and he made the shots that mattered the most when they mattered most kevin jones finished with six pars and a double boat uh 3603 the most anticlimactic final shot in the history of golf and this is the only golf tournament i've ever watched now there's the golf tournament uh 3603 but i'm glad i got to see this because i always wondered what they did um if it came down to the just play it from here just play it from here so most of the time all of the other players will tap out and they'll let the guy that's win tap it in at the end and there can you rewind that again and then play it with audio just like five seconds watch uh watch calvin uh this is he does the the old michael jordan i are just you you said it germ five people got it in the whole tournament
Starting point is 02:03:35 on this day and just so happened calvin when was one of them and 13 on the previous. Sets it in there. Calvin. Boom. And we got a winner. And Calvin is, honestly, he's actually a big trash talker in some instances, but for the most part, he's a very quiet person.
Starting point is 02:04:04 He's not going to be, I was, I've become more and more impressed with these guys. And this happens in CrossFit too, that as they get in front of the camera more and more, they have more presence. They are able to be a little bit more articulate with what they want to say, who they want to thank, what they want to acknowledge. I thought Calvin did a pretty good job in his post tournament interview.
Starting point is 02:04:21 Can you play the clip where he's talking on the far left there so people can hear a little word? Here we go. I made it back to Florida and had the chance to reflect on this past weekend. I'm really proud of the way I fought back after a pretty lackluster round one.
Starting point is 02:04:43 I'm throwing the disc really well. And I've also been fighting the disc pretty well. I'm putting them in from circle two and really executing shots in high pressure situations. So I'm super excited to see what the rest of the season has in store. Thank you guys, as always,
Starting point is 02:05:03 for all the support out there on tour. Without you guys, none of this is possible. How much money did he win, Brian? $7,500. Not bad. So his mom did take him out to Dairy Queen after the win. Does Disc Golf have a good media team?
Starting point is 02:05:22 That's a pretty fucking nice production they put together, I'll tell you that. It's a pretty fucking nice production they put together. I'll tell you that. It's a pretty nice production. I like the first comment there. Your enthusiasm is unmatched as he's just monotone talking. Is that just a dickhead comment? It's hard to say, but he's not usually that enthusiastic.
Starting point is 02:05:47 But like I said, these guys are becoming more well-known. They're having a lot more earning potentials. The sponsors are paying more. The prize purses are going up, even though they're still relatively small. And the players are evolving as the sport evolves. Yeah, I like it i i didn't see a i didn't see a wide variety of of of uh ethnicities and uh nationalities and skin tones pantones of skin color represented in the sport um it's a little unsettling i would say there are very well first of all most of the european
Starting point is 02:06:21 players do not play in this tournament they'll play in some tournaments throughout the year, but they're also not of the skin tone that you're alluding to. There is a guy named Philo Brathwaite who does a commentary on, um, disc golf network sometimes. And he's black guy from California area. Well, that's pretty good. But how about the girls?
Starting point is 02:06:41 Anyone playing bikinis? They got any like Daniel Brandon's. Um, there are some, some of the women that are attractive, yeah. But they don't play bikinis. I don't mean attractive. I mean cantankerous. I mean cantankerous. Not really like that, I don't think.
Starting point is 02:06:55 It's not all about looks, Brian. It's about attitude. The women are lacking in the attitude department, I would say. But there are some talented women for sure. And the level is rising there too. There's one woman who just dominates the sport, right? Um, and she is, I mean, someone's going to have to rise up to challenge her. The woman who won this tournament is named Katrina Allen. She's probably one of the two or three best in the world as well. And she won by a healthy margin, a few, like maybe four or five strokes.
Starting point is 02:07:35 Um, so maybe she'll be the girl that puts some heat on Kristen this year, but yeah, Kristen is clearly the best in the world right now. What do you think the odds are of us moving tomorrow night? Show up an hour. You guys could do it. I won't be able to make it on time. Isn't the show with you tomorrow? Yeah, but I coach and then I
Starting point is 02:07:54 come here to do the show after I coach. What time? We normally start at 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time? Yeah, I finish coaching at 5.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, but I like to leave just a half an hour buffer in case I have to stay at the gym later. Yeah, that doesn't give you much time at all 30 p.m pacific standard time but i like to leave just a half an hour buffer in case i have to stay at the gym later yeah that doesn't give you much time at all right so you basically just walk in the door and get at it yes holy shit look we got a thumbs up from facebook i didn't know anyone watched our shit on facebook you need i didn't even know that was a thing
Starting point is 02:08:21 Me neither. I didn't even know that was a thing. Michelle Sharp Shanks. We... Yeah, that is. Yeah. Yeah. It's a trip. Make it work, Sevan. I know. I got a friend coming into town tomorrow. I got a friend.
Starting point is 02:08:37 I got a friend coming into town tomorrow. A friend. A friend. Sevan just taught me a new word. Cantankerous, bad tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative. Hashtag Daniel Brandon. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Makes a disc and just flips off the crowd.
Starting point is 02:09:00 No, I don't give a fuck about the looks, man. I drive a beat-up pickup truck as long as it got a nice exhaust pipe just care about the attitude big fat tires i like tires that stick out past the wheel wells odd muffler car solo you can't get into most places uh that is our first show uh covering uh frisbee frisbee golf together brian friend and i think we did give me give us an a plus for our first show uh tomorrow night we will be uh covering the pickleball championships and then um what is the what is the next tournament uh b? Where do they go next?
Starting point is 02:09:45 What city? Waco, Texas. March 10th through 12th. So that was a four-round tournament. There are not that many four-round tournaments. What do you mean four-round? What do you mean four-round? They played one round on four consecutive days.
Starting point is 02:10:01 Oh, no shit. So those dudes played 18 holes four days in a row yeah wow that's crazy next tournament they'll only play three day tournament there it's okay um endurance i think it's stamina at that point right march 10th to the what 10th to 12th okay oh that's that's coming up oh my goodness you guys this weekend the john jones fight oh my goodness did you watch the jake paul fight brian no oh i watched it i was i thought it was pretty good i actually enjoyed it i would feel i feel like i didn't want anyone to know that i paid for that fight and i bought it i'm like oh god i hope no one they just pretend you illegally did it I hope no one sees my cable bill.
Starting point is 02:10:49 Oh, boy. Yeah, it won't be long until I'm there with my phone, huh? But it seems good. Unsporty Beth in the house. Good to see you. Any closing words, Brian? It would be hilarious to have Susan on the disc golf court trying to get back scenes. I would be like that guy getting hit with the disc golf not knowing where the hell i am we uh we will i think we do have an mma show
Starting point is 02:11:10 for uh friday friday morning yeah yeah i'm uh i did see a lot of people wanting to know the discs that i use um maybe i'll do that at some point maybe I'll do it on Instagram Brian they were joking that was sarcasm there were a lot of people asking there were quite a lot of those comments let me I'll do that on Instagram I won't bother you I want to make sure
Starting point is 02:11:40 do we have everything scheduled so tomorrow morning we have Brett Pike that's going to be a fantastic show Do we have everything scheduled? So tomorrow morning we have Brett Pike. That's going to be a fantastic show. That's going to be a great show. And then we have a live call-in show on – no, wait. What about tomorrow night? Oh, yeah. Where is tomorrow night's show?
Starting point is 02:11:57 Oh, I went to the wrong month. Where am I? Okay, so Brett Pike at 7 a.m. tomorrow, and then tomorrow night trolling the leaderboard um and then uh wednesday morning uh michael cashew yep oh really yeah do you know who that is brian he used to do the brute strength podcast he used to be on a team that would compete at the games and do quite well also with ad Conway. But now I don't know what he's doing. Molly, donations for Sevan's hood disc golf team. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:12:30 Molly, I appreciate it. He was on Tommy Hackenbrook's team, wasn't he? He might have won the games twice. I don't know, but I talked to him on the phone a few months ago and I'd never talked to him before. Fuck, he's a pleasant man. I really enjoyed
Starting point is 02:12:45 and then on Thursday we have oh we have two shows on Thursday too we have Jason Kalipa in the morning at 7am and then we have Andrew Hiller Taylor Self and J.R. Howell and I think Bill Grunler and Chase Ingram and maybe Brian will even
Starting point is 02:13:02 join us it'll be a big party to watch Andrew Hiller do 23.3. It's going to be a big show. I had fun on that show last week. Maybe I'll do it. Actually, I won't do it because I'll be in Omaha for the live announcement. You will? The announcement's in Omaha?
Starting point is 02:13:19 You're going to the live announcement? Yes. What are you doing there? I'm getting footage for Savant Podcast. That's what I like to hear. We'll have someone on the ground there. the live announcement yes what are you doing there getting footage for salon podcast oh that's what i'm talking about that's what i like to hear we'll have someone on the ground there maybe we'll start early are you gonna try to get me kicked out of this too i hope so i was invited so we you know who invited you well patrick arranged it what about your. That gym looks sick. And then Friday, because of
Starting point is 02:13:47 Patrick Clark's request, we will be doing a 7 a.m. UFC show with Darian Weeks. I hope Darian shows up. Does he know? That's a great question. I was just thinking of that when I saw it pop up as Darian Weeks because I didn't schedule it with him on there.
Starting point is 02:14:03 But I'm sure he's going to be down. We'll check in with him right after this show. Darian, Friday? We'll check in with him right now. 7 a.m. You guys are the best. I've got to prepare for Brett Pike. How do you get invited if you associate with Sevan?
Starting point is 02:14:19 We'll save that question for Tuesday. Great question. Bye-bye.

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