The Sevan Podcast - #817 Brett Pike | Changing the Rhetoric

Episode Date: March 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Holy shit. That was quick.
Starting point is 00:00:42 The first four seconds of the show just flew by. I looked up and we weren't live and then it said four seconds of the show just flew by. I looked up and it was, we weren't live. And then it said four seconds. That was quick. I don't even do drugs. Sometimes. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Yeah. I haven't seen you in a couple of days. What's up? Oh, nothing. Yeah. Where were you? I went back to my parents.
Starting point is 00:01:04 I haven't seen them since i got back oh that's right that's right we talked about it was the first time yeah good times yeah it was really cool it was good it was really fast but it was good driving distance no we had to fly oh how was that it wasn't too bad it was kind of a i had'd go through atlanta atlanta's a disaster i'm dreading flying again ever i don't know why i don't know if it's like an old guy thing or i just like for some reason i put this huge like stop sign in front of the thought of flying let me rephrase that flying in a commercial jet thought of flying let me rephrase that flying in a commercial jet it's gotten better i think in the past few years the past year i guess good good god just that i as soon as i think i when i think
Starting point is 00:01:56 of flying i don't even think of flying i think of um tsa you know what I mean? Yeah, I don't picture myself sitting on a plane. I picture myself showing my ID to someone. Yeah, TSA pre, it's way better. You don't have to take anything out of your bag. You just cruise right through. Brett, good morning. Hey, how you doing, guys?
Starting point is 00:02:22 What's up, dude? Beautiful morning here. I recognize your spot. That's the spot where I've watched you do other podcasts. Yeah, well, I prefer to be out of nature if I can. For sure. Beautiful, fresh air. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:02:37 What state are you in? I'm in the southern United States. I try not to give away my state because okay people have threatened to hurt me i figured good idea not to no shit i mean dog i'm not you know i'm not crying victim here it's no different than the average influencer on the internet gets but you know figure protect the family best to not divulge that wow interesting wow well i it's funny. Sometimes people ask me because of the stuff that I say on here, if I get a lot of hate mail and the haters completely stay away from me, maybe I'm just not popular enough yet. Maybe that's a bad sign. Well, you know, be careful what you wish for. Hey, dude, you're doing such good work.
Starting point is 00:03:22 It's crazy. Empowering kids to grow up. Man, you're doing, it's crazy what you're doing. You must be so, you must be so proud of yourself. You must be so excited. You must wake up every morning just pumped. I mean, you're kind of, it's a dream job, isn't it? And you have kids, right? Yep.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I have two beautiful children and an amazing wife. And, you know, God willing, we'll have a third child next year or this year, I should say, you know, I guess nine months or next year. But, yeah, you know, I live my life with a lot of purpose. And I really wanted to get to the point where I moved beyond pointing out the problems in the world and really started offering people solutions. Because there's so many people out there who see problems with the system and they know that something needs to change. And their only idea of a solution is to look at Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell
Starting point is 00:04:14 and all of these ghouls and say, can you guys change something? And let me break the news for you. They're never going to change anything. But what we can do is we can start building parallel systems and parallel economies from the grassroots level. And it's a lot like a game of chess where, yeah, you know, Klaus Schwab, he has this creepy agenda 2030 and he wants you to eat Z-Bugs, right? Z-Bugs, Z-Bugs. But how does your chessboard look? And how have you been positioning your pieces?
Starting point is 00:04:46 Because everybody has a game plan. So you better get one yourself. And if we start building, you know, what happens, it's really amazing where opportunity after opportunity starts to present itself. And the more people that do this, they'll realize you don't have to outsource your power. You've always had your power.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And the whole purpose of the TV screen and the whole purpose of the show, as I like to call it, is to separate people from that divine truth that they've had the power the whole time. Like Dorothy, all she had to do was click her heels together three times. Tell me about that. The power thing about giving away your power and about instead pumping it kind of back into yourself, investing it into yourself. Yeah, well, think about it doesn't really matter who your guy is. Right. So people have their guy they cling on to. And your guy could be Trump or Ron DeSantis or you know, you're really lost in your left wing type person You know, it could be Joe Biden, I guess Joey my calm Joey friend of the show Joey and people cling on to their guy and they say
Starting point is 00:05:56 now solve my problems, but the problem is with that is One all of these people are controlled by money They have controllers themselves. They have people that they answer to. And I know some people will say, but my guy's not fine. Even with that, the system is so entrenched in its corruption. It's such a swamp. It's such a conglomerate of nonsense that even if a good person were to get in there
Starting point is 00:06:24 and wanted to make change, they're limited. I mean, sure, they can make some change, but they're limited to the scope of change that could actually happen. But where your power is, is rather than outsourcing saying, hey, you know, I support this politician or this or that. No, your power is right under your feet. It's your God gave you your power, gave you your two hands, gave you your brain. And we have the ability to build parallel systems, right? We can complain about the music on the radio, or you can do like my friend, my friend Anchor Bear, who makes amazing moral music. And there's so many creative artists. They're on TikTok, they're on YouTube, just grassroots artists. People like Tom McDonald,
Starting point is 00:07:06 people like, there's a really good, I'm forgetting his name, black guy, just Christian music. He raps. He's amazing. A lot of people like that who make really good alternative culture. There's Tuttle Twins who does something like me. They make children's books. Like I write the Cubs to Bears books. They've taken it a step further. They now have children's cartoons pushing their view of the world, which I think is great. It's not exactly mine, but they're builders. And I respect that. I have a lot of respect for Connor Bayock. I think he's walked a similar road than me. I think he's walked a similar road than me. There's people like Owen Benjamin, who has built his own nation, Barataria, and he has all of these homesteaders coming together, all of these farmers coming together. And they're building parallel economies where people are getting to know, OK, hey, you know what? I am a farmer. I butcher cows. Instead of getting your cows from, you know, Tyson and these big box stores, why don't you get them from me? And what it's doing is it's shrinking the supply chains so that people are actually reclaiming their power. And every one of us in whatever area of expertise you have is able to do that.
Starting point is 00:08:26 of expertise you have is able to do that. So, you know, if you're a tech guy, that's great. Get into the business of helping alternative people who are being banned from things, build parallel systems, and your value will speak for itself. And because you're doing it and your base, right, that starts to get around to people like me who would say, wow, I really want to work with that guy, right? Like my tech guy, he works with Tom Burnett. He works with Christopher Gardner. He works with Owen Benjamin, right? He works with these kind of blackball people. And when I was trying to build my stuff and my website and my education platform, I said, I need a guy like that. I need a guy who I know that when shit hits the fan and they're coming to get me and coming to cancel me, that guy has my back. And that's how you become anti-fragile. And it really just, all we need is a mindset shift in the awake, the patriotic
Starting point is 00:09:20 community. And you would be amazed. You take a hundred million people and you get them thinking how i think about things how quickly the world will become what we want it to be going back to what you were saying bread about um people who uh just complain or that they just are just pointing out the issues two bits on that as you were saying that i was like fuck that's me i have this podcast i sit up here i bitch bitch for two hours every day. I pull up stuff on the internet. I make fun of people. And then I thought, oh, but there is actually something that I'm doing that's incredibly valuable is I've taken my three boys out of the system. And I spend every minute that I'm not on this podcast with my three boys, raising my three boys,
Starting point is 00:10:08 setting an example for other people around me that your kids don't have to go to school, that they don't, they don't have to, they don't have to go in there and be brainwashed. They're an example of kids who don't, were never vaccinated. They're an example of like, just flourishing health. And so I guess even on that level, um, if it, if at bare minimum you're not doing what you're doing, not only living the example but giving people opportunities and doorways out of their current way of thinking, at least live the example. At least walk the walk, right? At least have the values that show other people, hey, it's possible, right? that show other people, hey, it's possible, right? I'm not a complete loser for not raising chickens and writing kids' books. No, no, there's a few things I could unpack there.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Good, good. Tell me I'm not horrible. Thank you. No, I mean, if you look at the systems that we're going against, right, we have parallel systems is what I'm talking about, parallel economies, parallel systems. Well, one of those systems that we need to combat that people need an alternative to is CNN, Fox News and the media industrial complex. So you're actually you have created grassroots alternative media options. And, you know, just like myself, I'm sure you're right about things, you're wrong about things, but at least people could go somewhere and say, this guy's telling me what he actually thinks. Not what the funding is saying. Right. Right. Very powerful in that. And that's why people should. And I always tell people to people boycott, you know, you need to support people
Starting point is 00:11:37 with the same theory. You boycott like they'll boycott CNN, boycott Netflix, but are you funding your favorite podcast, right? Because that's the alternative to that. And as someone that's actually been building an alternative to the education system, I know how many different expenses and things of that nature go into building up a grassroots business. So people need to get behind you. They need to get behind what you're doing. And rather than just boycott, say, you know what, that's where I'm going to spend my $10 a month. You take a thousand people, $10 a month, put that behind one good person. Now they can make a living and they can start continuing to build those systems. And as all of us raise
Starting point is 00:12:21 our vibration, our frequency, our level of consciousness, the more and more people like you in your position start saying, you know, we're not only going to point out the problems in the world, but now I am going to encourage my listener base routinely, consistently as part of what I do. What are you doing? What is your skill set? And how can you start building a parallel system? And how can you start building a parallel system? And the amazing thing is when you start supporting your followers like that and they start supporting you, you create this whole economy. It just gives back. It's like a feedback loop.
Starting point is 00:12:54 That is. Look, you just leveraged $9 out of Heidi. She's like, fine. Like she just threw a $10 bill at us. She's like crumpled it up and she's like, fine. Look, thank you. Thank you. She gets that. her bill out of she's like crumpled it up and she's like fine look thank you thank you she gets that i mean there's there's something very powerful about in-group preference and supporting the
Starting point is 00:13:11 things that you believe in yes and i have such a unique perspective because of the parallel systems that i built but the other thing you said was how you took your children out of the system and you're raising them right and the number one thing that we can do if we want to build a better future is right there with that man in the mirror. You get married, you have kids, you take them out of the system, be in the world but not of it. You raise them right. You teach them the skills of freedom.
Starting point is 00:13:42 You teach them how to see the manipulation. And when good people start doing that and raising their children and being that example. And when I say the example, I don't drink alcohol ever, not because I don't like drinking alcohol, but because I want my children to have one example in their life that's close to them, that shows them you don't have to be like all those other people. You can live your life on your terms and do things the way you do them. And I want to be that role model. Right. So you take these steps in your life with personal responsibility, with being that example. And it's exponential, the difference that will make in the world to your children. and when you raise
Starting point is 00:14:26 your kids like that like people talk about um all of these ghouls right you know these klaus schwab types and these rothschild rockefeller types i'm like you look at them and all of their children like kill themselves they're like drug addicts like hunter biden right these are like broken god poor hunter is fucked up man he's a mess well because they grow up seeing their parents not taking personal responsibility seeing their parents live lives and what happens is they themselves grow up and they don't want to have families they don't want to have children they're broken they are the broken but when you raise your children in truth, in doing what is right, in morality, in family first, well, those people, and I see them in my homeschool community all the time, you'd be amazed. They have 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 children, right?
Starting point is 00:15:20 So that's how we win the future. And we've had the power to do it the entire time. Brett, how old are you? 34. God, you know so much already. And were you a product of the public school? Yeah, I'm a miracle. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:43 And what did your parents do? What was your parents' vocation? My father worked in gas for, you know, he was a blue collar worker for his whole life. You know, he's older now. Like oil fields and shit like that? No, no. Like Lil' Go and Keyspan. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yeah, you know, union type stuff. So he did that his whole life. And my mother, when I was early in life, she was a stay-at-home mom. And then when I was probably about in middle school, she went back to college. She got a degree, and she wound up working as a speech pathologist
Starting point is 00:16:23 for a little while. But, you know, the reason I was able to wake up to the world and because, you know, people see me now and. Were you liberal? Did you vote Democrat? So I was raised conservative. OK. But like everyone else, I came to the public school system and I came back my freshman year of college and I broke my parents' heart. I said, mom, dad, I'm a liberal. I'm a Democrat. And that was my freshman year of college. And luckily by the time I had graduated college, I had already seen through the spells. I was like, I started listening to more and more of these things that
Starting point is 00:16:59 people said. I was like, wait a second, none of this is jiving. And then I became a Republican by the time I graduated college. So, you know, between 18 to 22 years is jiving. And then I became a Republican by the time I graduated college. So, you know, between 18 to 22 years old. Yeah. And I really believed in that for a number of years. You know, I would get very behind the political campaigns and whatnot, but you know, through age and experience, you start to get wisdom. And I was like, you know, these guys say a lot of things that sound good, but these guys don't do a lot of things that are, you know, you know, they'll, they'll talk a big game when they don't have the power. Right. But when they're, when they're in power, they don't do anything. So like,
Starting point is 00:17:34 you know, now the Republicans will be like, we are going to get rid of the IRS. Right. We're going to do that. I was like, man, but when you guys had the house, the Senate, the presidency under Trump, I would have loved if you guys were like guys had the House, the Senate, the presidency under Trump, I would have loved if you guys were like, let's go after the IRS, right? But then you were quiet on it, right? And that's how all these games function. So it's like these people, they serve a purpose, right? It's feedback loops. You have portions of the population and they divide them very well through propaganda, but you have portions of the population where they get you to attach to that identity because then you're a victim. You stop taking personal responsibility and you can say, no, no,
Starting point is 00:18:32 the system has to take care of us because the system oppressed us. That's the whole, that's the means behind it, right? The modus operatus. And then you get the other portion of the population who they basically try to convince that you're an oppressor and you're bad and you should hate yourself. Or like you should hang on to some type of facade type patriotism, like those, I'm proud to be an American. Oh, well, if you're proud to be an American, you better support every invasion into the Middle East. You better support the invasion into Ukraine. You better support all of this, this militarism. And by the way, these corporations, right? Free market capitalism, baby. These corporations, they're not doing anything bad. And people get behind this. They get into these camps when it's like, no, you need to be able to see the system for what it is i mean yeah i'm a capitalist but i'm i'm not retarded i mean i can see the big pharmaceutical industry clearly purchased all the politicians and you know they push i i don't want to get you guys in trouble no no no it's go ahead we're already in trouble it's okay i don't care you know you we all know
Starting point is 00:19:39 what i'm talking about right we all see what they did um And if you just go to, you can track the lobbying money, right? Yep. So they create these like these energy cycles. And then the politicians, their whole function is to manage the people like, kind of like you'd be managing farm animals, you have to give them the area to vent, tell them, hey, I'm going to solve your problems. I know you're angry about this. I'm angry about this, too. But guess what's going to happen? The same agenda is always going to go forward. And you can you can really see that when you look back, like when you look back at Obamaney is a disaster. Like the guy does nothing but push whatever the establishment wants him to push. And guess what? He was going to do the same thing. Right. And at the time they knew that because Obamacare was based off of Romney care.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It was based off of something that Romney originally put. Right. And it was the same thing with like John McCain, where like he was the alternative. But John McCain is the biggest establishment show right so you look back and you say wait a second at the time they cloak it in language where they're like wow these guys are really good but then um when you look back in hindsight you're like wow it really wasn't a choice right These people are all paid by the same people. And yeah, they might have some differences, but in the end, the big agenda that the money really wants, like the Rockefeller types
Starting point is 00:21:12 and the big funding, the Soros types, those agendas are generally pushed forward. And yeah, like there's nuance, like there's some pushback, but I don't want a little bit of pushback. I don't want like, oh, so I'm putting all my energy behind a Republican. I'm not telling you not to vote Republican, by the way. Like, I get it. Like, I understand the lesser of two evils, but I'm talking about not putting all your power behind that. I'm talking about saying rather than feeding into that energy loop and that control system to, I mean, yeah, you could vote, you know, go gut your guy. Right. But, um, you know, the, the, the slightly Republican is better than the radical socialist. I get that, but don't put your power in that, put your power in building because that's, that's ultimately how we win.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Right. And going back to, to the, to the victim and then making sure that the establishment is taking care of you. It's I've seen many, many people point out, oh, you're playing the victim, you're playing the victim. And then I look look back and that person's playing the victim also because they got them on both sides. They got them on the Republicans and the Democrats. It's just when it's convenient to to play the victim. Eric Brandt, thank you, dude. I really appreciate it. Wow. You guys are crazy generous today. Salo, Salo Ri. I don't even know where that money's from, but thank you. Thanks for being my favorite media outlet, Parallel Society. Don't you just want to do your own thing? Lead by
Starting point is 00:22:40 example. Stay around the people who aren't awake yet. Salt must stay in the dish. It's a great profile picture. You know what? I kind of think of politicians, especially I live in California. And this is what kind of sucks is you want a governor so that you can put your head. You can go to the skate park and raise your kids and you can take your kids, you know, to the beach and read them a book. And I want to be able to keep my head down and focus on, on what I want to focus on. But unfortunately my governor's letting people rob stores, do drugs in the streets and allow abortions, uh, seven days after the baby's born. And it's like, I guess that's why so many of us have our head up now, right? Because we're seeing the crazy shit happening. And we we're just we're just hoping that
Starting point is 00:23:25 we could get a caretaker who will manage the big picture a little bit for us and instead it's turned into a complete shit show i mean can you believe what's happening in some of these cities do you watch what's happening in like portland and seattle and san francisco and los angeles it's like literally they're falling apart yeah it's all drugs too they keep calling it home well that's another thing uh critical thing and they keep calling it homelessness when we know it's absolutely not homelessness homelessness is the um byproduct it's the um symptom the real issue is just drugs it's just they're all they're all i i um something about me uh brett i was homeless for five years and in that in my tenure
Starting point is 00:24:01 as being homeless i never there was only one other man of the thousands of homeless people I met besides myself who wasn't a drug addict. Every single other person was a fucking drug addict. And they were a crook also. So they had to steal and then they had to buy the drugs. And by steal, I mean just opportunistic stealing, right? You leave your side gate open, they go in your backyard, take your bike, sell it by, you know, and buy pills. It's crazy. Yeah. And they push this stuff. And we could go back to the 1990s where, I mean, the CIA got caught running drugs from South America into Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Right. Gary, was that the Noriega thing? And is that that the Noriega thing? I don't I'm not sure if it's Noriega. It might be. OK. You look up Gary Webb and real Rick Ross, not the rapper. He was a drug kingpin in Los Angeles. There's a whole really interesting history on that of the CIA running drugs into the inner cities. But here's the thing about that. Like even – yeah, you look at – we want a good caretaker. And like –
Starting point is 00:25:03 Well, someone who closes the border, for example. Like how are we – like everyone should be able to understand that if the borders open we're not a country but here here's my thing about that yeah please you know because yes we want a good caretaker we want someone to secure the borders um absolutely you, I was really excited about the prospect of a wall, but we all want that stuff. But ultimately, politics and this is why they control Hollywood and this is why they push so much propaganda through the music. They push the drugs right through the music culture and everything. Politics is downstream from culture. And that's part of the equation that you hear people say that a lot like, oh, politics is downstream from culture and that's part of the equation that you hear people say that a lot like
Starting point is 00:25:46 oh politics is downstream from culture and that's true but culture is downstream from morality so politics is really downstream from morality and here's what i mean by that so people are like oh well they get the politics they want because they push the culture on us. That's so disgusting. Well, I would say, when's the last time you watched Netflix? Because our great grandparents were moral enough where if you tried to show them the stuff that everyone just accepts as normal now, they'd be turning in their graves. Our great grandparents looked at Elvis and said, that's the devil, and you shouldn't be watching that. And everyone mocked them. They said, oh, you're all squares,
Starting point is 00:26:31 right? And well, now looking back in hindsight, I think they might've had a point that maybe we shouldn't have let this degeneracy seep into our culture because when they were around, it was taboo. A woman didn't show an ankle, right? And now I can't put on, I can't put on a PG 13 show, right? Without my 13 year old seeing sexually explicit content. And all of that is part of the grooming because as soon as you start to allow that stuff onto, into the shows, right? Well, right well then it becomes well we're going to put the homosexual scene into the show and say oh well you don't do that well how do you have any grounds to stand on you're perfectly fine with them putting regular sexual stuff in the show you have no legs to stand on because you have no morality because you have no code so what happens
Starting point is 00:27:21 is all of this stuff all of this drug drug culture, this sex culture, this violence culture, the violence on these shows, it's despicable. It's disgraceful that we would as a culture accept. Yeah, yeah. Just keep showing young people that violence is fine. Keep showing like, yeah, we just sit around. We root for violence. We root for these characters doing drugs we we watch this sexual stuff from the time you're little and then we wonder why the culture is so broken down by the time people get older right and then and then the politics follow it so when we start taking personal responsibility and building parallel systems right like where are people making cartoon shows for children that aren't sexual, that aren't violent? Right. I just watched a Superman cartoon with my kids the other day. And the lady had her tits pushed up to her face. It was like I couldn't even fucking believe it. I couldn't I couldn't believe that my kids were watching that.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I was like, OK, we're not watching that Superman again. Not because I have anything against boobs. I think boobs are fantastic. I love boobs, all the boobs. They're great. But I just don't see that a six-year-old needs a hyper-sexualized woman as a main character in their entertainment. They're going to have plenty of those when they get older. their entertainment they're gonna they're gonna have plenty of those when they get older and and the only reason that happens is and this is why i really um i really go hard at christian america
Starting point is 00:28:51 and i get pushed back god how dare you know i go christian america was supposed to be the backbone of american culture and christian america is supposed to stand against types of overt sexual perversion and all of this stuff. And they, decades ago, just started accepting all of this stuff, right? They started being special boys and saying that, oh no, you know, John 3, 16, I believe, I believe in Jesus. So my sins are forgiven. Jesus already took care of my sins. So don't worry about it. And I'm going to support this degeneracy and then wonder why my culture falls apart. One of the, one of the big moments that the controllers really stopped respecting Christian America. And they were like, we could push whatever we want is when the Internet came out and the pornography came out and they started getting the statistics, the metadata on pornography.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And they started getting that data in the Bible Belt. They said, oh, these people are already broken. They're weak. They're not going to push back against anything because they saw what they were watching. Right. So these people don't stand by their book oh oh wow wow wow so so basically let me see if i understand you're saying they're basically they're looking at the stats of like they look at some town in tennessee that's supposed to be the most religious town in the world and they check out
Starting point is 00:30:17 their internet traffic and 80 of it's rolling off of pornhub yeah yeah right right right so in whole christian america and i point them out because they're an actual group that if they were to correct their ship like if these pastors were a tax-exempt cucks and actually corrected their ships and shepherds again, they could actually start getting a large enough portion of America back in line to say, we all pull our money out of Netflix. We all pull our money out of. Don't go to Disneyland. Don't go to ever go to Disneyland. The public school system where you have these Christians sending their children to public schools where they're teaching them about sodomy. I mean, they tried that in England where the Muslims had migrated,
Starting point is 00:31:16 whatever, they'd been brought in, whatever you want to call it, but they were brought into England. And they got to these English schools, and they tried to teach their kids the same things they teach them here. The same thing happened. They flipped out, as you can imagine. They all pulled their Muslim children out of the school and the craziest thing happened.
Starting point is 00:31:39 The school and the government, they all apologized. They said, we're sorry. We shouldn't have taught your kids that. Now, what they're going to do is're sorry. We shouldn't have taught your kids that. Now what they're going to do is so now they don't teach that. What they will do is they will slowly try to let it seep in for the next few generations targeting that group. And as soon as those Muslims start being special boys, the way Christians in America have become special boys. What are special boys?
Starting point is 00:32:01 America had become special boys. What are special boys? The special boys are like these guys who are like, oh, you know, I've already been saved. You know, John 3, 16, I believe Jesus died for my sins. So I'm just going to go, you know, ignore my children, ignore my wife, watch porn, drink alcohol, watch football. Really? That's a real term. Like, did you just make that up now or that's some sort of vernacular? That's some sort of term to point at a certain kind of behavior. That is rhetoric.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And the first time I heard that used was by Owen Benjamin. But it's a great way to describe a group of people that claim to stand for one thing. And don't get me wrong. I'm not holier than that. I'm not saying that I don't get me wrong i'm not like i'm not like holier than that i'm not saying that like i don't do things that are hypocritical in my life i'm not perfect right right right i shop at walmart sometimes i um i did tune into the final two minutes of the super bowl just because it was the final two minutes did you see rihanna diddle herself and then i did that and i watched the halftime show.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I forgive you. I forgive you, my son. I was interested in the culture, but I didn't watch most of the game because I boycott football in general. Can you believe that people are defending that as okay? I'm as wild as you get. I love crazy shit. I have great libtard roots. I love some crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:33:23 But how in the Super Bowl have to we'll come back to that i do not know how that that was okay but but uh sorry i derailed you do you remember where you were at no you nailed it on the head i mean that that's a perfect example of where did we get in america where the national football league could put on a show that they know, the Super Bowl is a family event. They know that. This is a show for children. Really, percentage-wise, the majority of children in the United States of America are watching that show.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And every single year, they have this overtly, overly sexual performance. Right? I mean, dude, she did the diddle thing she did the thing the diddle gesture and then sniffed her finger and i'm just like i i like for like i can't even make the connection i can't even be like i can't find any like i can't give her any wiggle room i can't i can't be like well it was okay – I mean literally it looks like an ad for pornography. It was crazy. It was absolutely crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Do you think that other people – do you think that – what if it's just because we have kids we can see that? Do you think we would have thought that if we were – what if you were the 19-year-old version of Brett Pike? Would you have thought that? I was degenerate as anyone else i was i was drinking alcohol all the time um i feel like i still could have caught that though i feel like even like in my craziest years um i would have been like yeah you should you can't do that yeah when i was a kid brett people um you weren't allowed to wear shorts on airplanes i remember like everyone dressed up to get on an airplane now it's just now it's down to the culture yeah it's crazy uh yeah uh rihanna's
Starting point is 00:35:14 finger sniff was more inappropriate than nipple gate i don't even hey and they put a close-up camera shot of her too it's like going back to what you were saying it was it was at first i was like well that was just an accident that was just meant for the stage and someone's like no dude they cut they had a cameraman there who cut they cut to that shot knowing she was gonna do that it's disgusting it's disgusting and don't don't um overlook that she was blatantly dressed as the devil oh i didn't even well i didn't even think of that. I'm not a very religious guy, so some of those overtones go just like right over my head.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I didn't even think of that. Yeah, she actually had, I believe, on her belt was a pentagram. Hey, why do they do that? Do they do that just to fuck with the left? Or with the right? Do they do that just to fuck with the...
Starting point is 00:36:05 Or do you think that they really have some sort of like... Like whenever I see people doing the devil stuff, I think they're just doing it to be provocative. They don't really have any thought in it. I think they pace society. So... Pace? Is that what the word used? They pace society.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So like I was explaining with the Muslims. um, like right now, the Muslims in England pulled their children out of school. So what they'll do is they'll try to pace them. They'll try to slowly get them to accept just a little bit more sexuality, just a little bit more alcohol, just a little bit more, um, drinking, um, just a little bit more of whatever it might be right yeah um and then by the by the time you get to where our culture is now uh they straight have performers um just like that what was it the grammy is the guy right just dressing up with the devil and that other guy who gave the uh the devil a lap dance a gay lap dance at the award show, right?
Starting point is 00:37:07 So they just, they normalize, normalize. They're pacing you, pacing you. And then once they get you to a point where you'll accept more and more degeneracy, they'll just, they'll keep pushing her. She didn't, she did not, the thing, it's this, as footage shows a gyrating Rihanna appeared to grab her crotch area
Starting point is 00:37:21 then proceed to smell and taste it when the music briefly transitioned. The thing is, is she didn't, she didn't grab it. She gave the international symbol for the diddle. I know the international symbol for a diddle. I'm a corrupt man. I know, I know, I know, I know. It's this, guys.
Starting point is 00:37:37 It's this. If you're, you've been with the girl who does that to prep herself for you. You know what I'm talking about? It was, it was fucking nuts i i i was in shock i kind of like i kind of like denied that i saw it i was like i must have saw that wrong i'm a pervert anyone who supports the nfl with their money with their viewership because that's where they get their money after that they can't complain about the politics in america because it's their acceptance of that culture through their lack of morality that allows the politics to be possible.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And that's – people don't want to hear that, but that's the truth of what has happened to America. What do you mean careful, Seve? I mean this is – I know what this is. I know. I know. I'm a 50-year-old man. I'm a well-seasoned man. What is it?
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah, exactly. Thank you. Thank you. RVing across America. Good. When this morality thing, you said it went basically morality, culture, and then politics. Do you remember morality being introduced to you as a child did you go to church as a kid no i'm not churchy at all by the way um in fact i thought thinking
Starting point is 00:38:50 most of that was nonsense didn't really take any of it seriously i'm spiritual i'm not churchy but i do consider myself a christian and through my connection with, because when you're spiritual, you really connect with God. You see what Christianity has become blind to, which is that they stopped following their book. They stopped following the idea that the whole purpose of the story of Jesus, the whole purpose of Jesus that the whole purpose of the story of Jesus, the whole purpose of Jesus being here, the way Jesus freed us from our sins was not by dying, partially by dying. The way Jesus freed us from our sins was humanity had become very lost. And the Son of God came down and said, I will show you through my personal responsibility, see, through my my example how you connect with the father and then what jesus did was he lived his life the way all of us are supposed to live our lives
Starting point is 00:39:55 and the end of that was he allowed them to kill him and then become the martyr right and because yeah that's the bad part like if you live martyr right and because yeah that's the bad part like if you live like him you get killed that's the bad part all the other shit's good but he allowed that and he that's how he died for our sins in that he came here to die to show us how to live right and then these modern churches take it as they're like this. No, no. He died for your sins. So it doesn't matter that you get drunk, beat your family, ignore your wife and watch porn all day. Right. And then support the NFL when you know that they are pushing a culture that is detrimental to the future of your nation and your children. Right. That is Satan. But there's like but then the special boy comes in.
Starting point is 00:40:43 It's like, no, no no no jesus died for my sins right no jesus jesus lived for your sins i in fact i love that rhetoric wow that's going to be my new thing jesus didn't die for your sins he lived for your sins and the more people that recognize that but anyway getting back to where i. So I didn't grow up churchy. And I thought most of that was nonsense. And years back before I was a builder, I was someone who wanted to point out all the problems because at first you wake up and I was like, I'll tell everyone, I'll scream it from the mountaintops.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah. So for a couple of years, I was doing investigative journalism, and I was doing a report on Jerry Sandusky at the time. I'm not going to get too into it because I don't want to get your channel, but Sandusky wasn't – You can. You can. I'm always curious about the Sandusky. I got some thoughts on the old Sandusky myself go ahead dusky wasn't an isolated predator dusky was a member of a group um who had these creepy parties um and they got what was the group called what was the group called they didn't have a name it was just like a group of rich and powerful people that had power parties okay philadelphia and okay um they procured these children from the South Philadelphia Boys and Girls Club and there was a billionaire who was in charge of it I'm trying to think of
Starting point is 00:42:11 his name um is it that is that that family where one of the billionaires has transitioned is pushing the whole transgender movement you know I'm talking about like the Pierre family or something no I mean I don't know what this family does now. I'm going to get this wrong. It was so long ago. I think it was like Kravitz. It's probably wrong. And Philly also has that big art collector family that are the billionaires.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Anyway. Well, anyway, I think Kravitz. But anyway, so they had this billionaire family, and they were procuring children from the South Philadelphia Boys and Girls Club, having these really creepy parties and, you know, grooming the kids and whatnot. So Sardusky was a part of that. And, um, there were senators, um, the black guy, uh, Lawrence, geez, so long ago I did this, um, Spector from Philadelphia was involved with it. this um specter from philadelphia was involved with it um anyway the the politicians that actually connected back to um our favorite lady you know mrs clinton yes so anyway i was doing a
Starting point is 00:43:15 whole report on that um and literally i connected all the way through the eight children that went missing from haiti on her plane and the one child that died like really creepy stuff um i've always been very good at deep investigative research so i'm just kind of my background so um anyway i was doing that report god i'd like to hear that story too yeah we'll get into that so i was doing that report and um At that moment I was just sitting there at my computer And it was so dark Like you investigate things Like I did a lot of research And investigations into Seth Rich's death
Starting point is 00:43:54 Michael Hastings death But like It was dark because it was kids getting molested And that's some fucking dark shit It was so unbelievably dark Like the trafficking like grabbing kids and just just sexualizing kids like the the mob was involved in this ring like i again i'm not i don't want to get myself killed but like so anyway it was real dark stuff like snuff films and stuff but
Starting point is 00:44:16 and it was so unbelievably dark and i was sitting there and i was like, I can't believe this. And I realized that I was looking right at the devil. And right at that moment, I just said to myself, and because of that, I know God is real. And that was the first time in my life. And right as I thought that, and I don't know how to explain it. I got pins and needles over my entire body. It was the warmest feeling I ever got in my body. And right in that moment, I actually view that as God spoke to me like through that.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And right at that moment, I knew God was real. And then, how old were you at this time, Brent? I was, Oh God, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:03 What an amazing awakening story. I've never heard a story where someone realized God was real when they were staring the devil in the eyes. You know what I mean? I realized that God is real when I saw the devil. I mean, that's kind of what you're saying. So, so that was around, um, 2016 ish. Um, and, and then, so I was like, all right. So then I really started studying the Bible a lot. Cause I was like, maybe there's more to this. Um, so I started studying the Bible a
Starting point is 00:45:31 lot and started studying, um, a lot of religions. I I've read the Quran, um, and just the different spiritual views of the world. And I find, like I said, I'm not holier than thou. I find a lot of these religions to be beautiful. Um, when they're actually followed. Like everything gets perverted and corrupted, but when they're like Christianity, when it's followed is beautiful. Islam, when it's followed is beautiful. You know, you get the perversions of all these things and people that use it to their advantage to do bad things and whatnot, but on their face, these are beautiful religions. And I really started to not to connect to the religion, but I started to pray a lot and talk to God. And the only thing I can say is once you really go down that path, it's almost like imagine if there were a blind man and you were trying to explain to him what sight is. And you're like, yeah, well, you know, that warmth you feel.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Well, if you look up into the sky, there's this big yellow ball in the sky. And they're like, they're like, okay, crazy guy. You're like, no, there's this big yellow ball. And they're like, what is yellow? Right. What is yellow? And you're like, you just don't see. Right. I could describe it in metaphors. Like I could say, um, yellow is, is warm. It's warmth. It's a hug. It's when the air hugs you. Right. But how do you explain what yellow is to a blind man? Right. And I started
Starting point is 00:46:59 connecting with God. I really started talking to God a lot. And I talked to God all the time. Um, and you really can connect to that source. We are that powerful. And they've taken that away from us. I think it's why they push the Satanism on us and whatnot. So I'm not a Christian. I'm not like this holier than thou Christian. What I try to get people to see is that they have their own amazing divine connection to the creator. And that when you find that and you start viewing these things for what they are, like stop saying that Jesus died for you and start saying that Jesus lived for you and understand what that means, that Jesus lived for you. Now you need to live for Jesus, right? You need to try to walk and we're going
Starting point is 00:47:42 to fall short of that. That's fine. That's where we're falling, but we're going to try our best to live that, and that means being truthful. That means putting your family first, your community first, always doing what you believe to be the right thing, to calling out the Pharisees, right? People like Jesus was this warm, soft, loving. No, Jesus was as, he's above this in the in the sexual hierarchy. But he was the most alpha male you'll ever meet. He walked into the Pharisees with a whip. It's like it's like walking into a bank. He walked into the Pharisees, flipped over their tables and chased them out with a whip. He was six, four and jacked. Like Jesus was that guy, right? He was a revolutionary. He was a revelationary. He was a leader. And all of us had that in us. And we're supposed to walk that path,
Starting point is 00:48:33 right? He built his community and that's what we're supposed to do. So, you know, if the more people that see that the better are, that's how you you win that's how you take back the politics and you know that's what i'd like to see for the world brett you are so fucking cool were your kids ever in school no i um i had been educated to be a teacher actually so you went to college to be a teacher yeah i went to my uh bachelor's program to be a teacher actually so you went to college to be a teacher yeah i went to my bachelor's program to be a teacher and um i really didn't take it that seriously i think that was actually my advantage i was always kind of like a b student student who floated through school and just wanted to get drunk and chase girls like that's what i did um and then when I was about somewhere in my junior year of college, I was like doing my observations and my student teaching. And I was like, wow, I'm about to be in the real world.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I better like start paying attention to this stuff. So I said, okay, Brett, all right, let's focus. So I said, I am going to be all about this now. And from my junior and senior year of college, I did very well. And I started watching the mainstream media all the time. I said, I'm going to understand this world. I'm going to watch Fox News and CNN, and I'm going to understand this world. So I was watching Fox News and CNN through my junior and senior year of college and studying everything they told me to study and starting to figure out the world a little bit. And then I got out of college. I got
Starting point is 00:50:12 my job working in the teaching profession. And I went to my master's program. Again, I was taking it seriously at this point. I graduated my master's program with a 4.0 GPA. And I remember when I got out of that, I was like, all right, I took this seriously. I don't think I learned anything of value. That was my thought on it. Damn. It was nonsense. And I saw the indoctrination.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I remember at my graduation ceremony, and it was one of the creepiest things I've ever experienced. And it was the most it was one of the creepiest things I've ever experienced. I was sitting there with my now wife and we're sitting there at the graduation and every speaker that went up, every of them went up and said i would like to thank diversity and i leaned over at my wife because it was so funny after a while i leaned over my wife and i was like i think diversity has replaced god you know because yeah yeah god right so it's like they all think diversity i was like what is? What is this indoctrination? So I was waking up to the world a little bit. And then I, um, I came across this guy, Richard Grove, a friend told me about him and he was like, listen to this guy grow. So I listened to Grove and I was like, this guy's an idiot. Okay. This guy's an idiot. Richard Grove. I don't know him. grove i don't know him uh he does the um the peace revolution podcast and okay it is tragedy and hope what a legend um okay so at the time so i looked into grove and he made a lot of claims and i was like you know i'm a researcher like my background was doing history research so i was like i'm gonna prove this guy wrong well after about three days I realized that I was in fact the idiot
Starting point is 00:52:06 that this probe was amazing and I started absorbing what he was saying can you give any specific example of something that he enlightened you on we had a guy on here I can't remember his last name Xavier something or another
Starting point is 00:52:21 I forget his last name but basically he tried to prove Candace he was going to make it his mission to prove everything Candace Owen said was wrong and then he realized everything she said was right and he got he red pilled himself and it sounds like that that kind of happened to you there's this guy Richard Grove you wanted to prove everything he he was saying was wrong and then you're like oh shit he's right yeah in three days he convinced me that I had to completely throw out what I had been taught in school and my worldview and start piecing together what the world really was. And, um, and I'll get into that. There's layers to that. Like a few of the, one of the things I was looking into, um, he was talking
Starting point is 00:52:56 about the history of eugenics, right. And how that wasn't a Nazi movement, um, that they actually adopted that movement from America. I was like, that can't be right. You know, we're the good guys. I'm not not that the Nazis are the good guys. They suck, too. But right. So I started looking into the history of eugenics and then you find out, wow, OK, he was right.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Like the Nazis did get their ideas from America and the billionaires in America, like the Rockefellers is like, wow. And then you start looking into the funding and right. And you're like, wow, this stuff's a lot more complicated than, than I was taught. So like stuff like that, where you really start looking into, um, what it was, he was talking about the agenda 21 stuff a lot, like beyond, I was kind of right wing. So I so i was like oh i don't know about this whole climate change thing but beyond that like he started talking about the agenda 21 how the whole thing was part of a psychological operation and they were using that to ultimately strip nations of their sovereignty and to strip um strip people of their property rights and things of that
Starting point is 00:54:02 nature right um so you start looking into that and like, wow, this guy really, he understood a lot of things that I didn't understand about the world. And then, so I was like, all right, I have to throw out what I was taught because what I was taught was nonsense. But the beautiful thing in that is when I did that, I said, okay, I was taught all this stuff in school and no one had ever like talked to me about this stuff. Like no one ever brought up the Federal Reserve to me or or any of these things. So like I never even thought about them. And I was like, wow, OK. So I now identified that what I was taught was both. But what I had to do was not just adopt a new worldview. I didn't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:54:45 I said, okay, I have to make sure this never happens now. Because I just graduated from my master's program and I nearly got into my adult life believing nothing but nonsense. So I said I had to analyze my own systems of thinking and make sure that I had systems in place that would make sure that I would not never be fooled. We're all fools, but would be able to protect myself from these manipulations in the future. And that's actually a concept that Grove introduced called intellectual self-defense. And intellectual self-defense is the idea of one having an understanding of logic and two being able to separate what you have determined to be true for yourself what you have heard and sounds good and you think is true and in alignment with the things you know
Starting point is 00:55:41 but you don't really know right um. Um, and, and then things you don't know. And here's an example of that, that I could give that it's really a fun assignment that I did for the homeschool community. I, I, because it's such an interesting topic and there was so much, um, you know, mystery about it. So one of the things I did a unit study on was the Georgia Guidestones.estones and for anyone not familiar with the georgia guidestones there's these creepy stones that were erected in like um i don't know like 1980 1981 in um in georgia they're on they're on some like mountainside or hillside right i think i went and saw them once they are you take a gondola up to
Starting point is 00:56:25 see them or something oh no no i haven't seen those never mind i haven't seen those they are directly positioned on the highest point in georgia oh okay yeah a lot of thought went into these things so so what is that what what what writing is that okay you'll tell us no sorry go ahead they they basically have 10 commandments on them and the commandments are basically like what you would expect from the united nations there we want to reduce the population to 500 million a lot of social justice nonsense like that type of thing that shit's on those yeah that's what's on the stones and to make them creepier they are someone needs to knock those down has anyone knocked those down yet yeah someone bombed them oh good they are um inscribed
Starting point is 00:57:06 in 12 different languages eight modern languages and four ancient languages latin um whatnot egyptian so these 10 commandments are inscribed into stone why do you keep calling them the 10 commandments isn't that like uh uh that didn't god give us the ten commandments i'm sure they did that on purpose they put oh oh okay okay right i mean yeah okay they're trying to hijack it like they tried to hijack like they hijacked the word they fucked us with using the word equity and equality to confuse us they fucked us with they're trying to fuck us with the word gender and sex now they're just they're trying to take the ten commandments got it okay yeah and they were doing trying to take the Ten Commandments. Got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Yeah, and they were doing it for the shock value. This was well thought out, what they did here. Is this some college kid's project, by the way? Is this like, this is my fucking, I got a PhD because I got these stones put up there? Well, I'll get into that. Okay, okay. Sorry, sorry. These stones obviously led to a lot of conspiracy theories in the truth or community and the awake community over the years because of the nature of them and how couldn't they right i can't believe this is fucking real sorry brett this is fucking
Starting point is 00:58:14 real it says on there maintained humanity under 500 million there's fucking eight billion people here already how the fuck are we gonna that? Read them out for the people. Read them out. The inscription. Don't tell me what to do on my own show. No, I'm just joking. Number one, maintain humanity under 500 million. Number two, guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Three, unite humanity with a living new language. Four, rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason. Five, protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Number six, let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court. Number seven, avoid petty laws and useless officials. Number eight, balance personal rights with social duties. Number nine, prize truth beauty love seeking harmony with the infinite number 10 be not a cancer on the earth leave room for nature leave
Starting point is 00:59:12 room for nature meaningless hogwash except for number one is a little scary yeah so all creepy stuff right so but obviously that's going to lead to a lot of conspiracy theories well none of them mean anything except the first one the rest of them are just bullshit uh rhetoric but that first one is like we got a metric there that's killed seven uh billion five hundred million people i mean that's that's a fucking weird one yeah well like guide reproduction right that's like one of the ways they want to do it like that yeah we should wash you shit yeah yeah and dangerous so and they did a lot like a lot went into this they they unleashed um they unveiled the statues on march 22nd which for people that are in the conspiracy world and they knew this on that march 22nd 322 what is 322 it is is the significant numerical marking of skull and bones, right? So they did all this stuff. It was well thought out. So I was like, all right. It was in the news a few months
Starting point is 01:00:15 back because someone bombed it. And I said, all right, this will be a fun assignment for high school kids because it'll get them interested, right? It's very mysterious. But I was like, all right, I got to figure out what these things are for myself first. So I started doing my digging. And for years, I had heard all of these conspiracies related to the Georgia guys. So, you know, I don't know. So anyway, I started looking for,
Starting point is 01:00:40 I figured these had to be built and they had to be paid for, right? So I started trying to track the construction companies, the contractors, and the banking, the financing. And I was able to track down the banker who was in charge of the financing of it. And I was able to track down the construction company, that you know put up the stones right um i think it's like the i want to get this wrong like the elberton county granite company in georgia or something like that um this is good stuff i'm loving this so then i i tracked down the names of the head of those companies and to see if they had said anything about it
Starting point is 01:01:25 of those companies and to see if they had said anything about it. And what I actually found is that I believe in 1981, the head of the Elberton County Granite Company actually released a pamphlet, a 50-page pamphlet explaining their role in the building of the Georgia Guidestones. So I was able to track down that pamphlet, print it out. And what I found is this pamphlet was clearly part of their contract with whoever paid for it to be built. Because the pamphlet wasn't their role. It was a manifesto of the people who, whoever wanted the Guidestones put up, this is what they stood for. This is what they believed in. This is why they did it. Right. So now I actually had in eight hours of research gotten further into understanding what the Georgia Guidestones were than every conspiracy theorist and truth that I had ever heard speak about it for years.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Right. And so that's the assignment. And what we go over is how I went about that. Right. That I was like, all right, well, what could we find out? What could we know? We can know this, how to be paid for, how to be built, which means the, how to be bankers, the, how to be likely bankers and likely construction companies. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Funders back down the companies. Then we were able to track down the document they released to it. And then in that document, you could clearly see through reading it, it's not written by the company. It's released by the company. It's written by whoever put up the stones. And these people were really obsessed with Stonehenge. And they were purposely trying to make something that would be mysterious enough that it would become eternal and priceless. And they did a great job with it. I mean, in terms of what their goals were. Everyone's, oh, what is this? It's so mysterious. It's written in all these languages. 322. And they took it a step further. The guy who was in charge of the project, the construction guy was a 32nd degree scottish right
Starting point is 01:03:28 freemason um multiple members of the project were 32nd or 33rd degree freemasons they had the um transcriptions for the languages done by the united nations now does that mean the united nations did the transcriptions? I mean, was I behind this? Maybe not. That's how I separate what I know from what maybe, right? Right. They sent the transcriptions to the United Nations and paid a translator through the United Nations to translate them into these different languages. Now, does that mean this was a official United Nations sanctioned thing? Maybe, maybe not, right? So you could start to separate what you know from conjecture, and then you have ground to stand on in your worldview. You have what I call intellectual self-defense. Now, what do I think? The guy stones were doesn't really matter. I mean what I think is they were probably put up by a
Starting point is 01:04:31 Small group with a lot of means like I don't I don't think it was United Nations project I don't think it was a free Masonic project I actually think it was probably like a small cult II group who had a lot of means and had a very strong Understanding of how to make art. Was it on public land? They, they own the land. They do.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Or no, you know what? That's a good question. I have to, I don't want to, I don't want to misspeak. Damien Castro. Can we step on,
Starting point is 01:05:01 can we get a timeout and bring everyone up to speed? Okay. You're, you are looking at Brett Pike. Uh, I found Brett through, uh, Instagram funny to do this at the hour mark because his Instagram account offers endless tools for things you can do with your children at home. If you want to raise your kids and make better kids, stronger kids, smarter kids, kids that know how to think for themselves. And then from there, out of his Instagram account, he has a website where he's
Starting point is 01:05:30 written a series of books, the Cubs to Bears children's series. And he is, in my mind, if more people don't do, parents need to look at this guy as an example of how you should raise your kids. That's it. That simple. I saw what he's doing, and not only that, he offers you the resources so that you can follow in his footsteps. And so I was like, shit, I got to meet this guy because my whole life is dedicated to raising my three boys, two six-year-olds and an eight-year-old. And I thought, man, this guy's right up my alley. And a ton of people ask me questions. The most basic questions I get, by the way, Brett, are how do I do it? Me and my wife
Starting point is 01:06:14 both have a job and we can't afford for one of us to quit our job and raise the kids. Yeah, well- You have an answer to that? yeah well you have an answer to that you you don't have to follow a typical public school schedule so you know you can do the schooling in off hours you could do the schooling on the weekends you can um get involved but you're still sending them to the hive i just want to be completely crass and blatant i think it's fucked up to send your kids to public school. And I know that's a pretty sweeping generalization, but I just like,
Starting point is 01:06:53 pardon me. Why, why don't you just answer with, we'll fucking move somewhere where, where you can live off of just one salary. Well, I mean, I, I myself would do that,
Starting point is 01:07:02 but if someone's in that situation and they feel like they can't quit the jobs there, you can still there's plenty of people at homeschool in that situation. And that looks different for every family. That might mean on a Monday they're with their grandparents or that might mean on a Tuesday they're with a local co-op of other homeschool families. Right. So there's many different ways to structure it um you have to find what works for your family but you have such flexibility in doing it that if people are making excuses it's really just excuses right like so these friends of mine who homeschool their kid um one day a week every uh their kid goes to the beach and they do an outside
Starting point is 01:07:43 oceanography class because I live in Santa Cruz, California. So the kids literally spend one day every week and that's their homeschooling to go there for it's like a four hour class. And that can be a component of it. So you can get your work done or whatnot. Yeah, it's tough. It's tough. You know, one of the things that you push is to have kids and to get married you think this is something that people should talk about ahead of time my wife and i didn't talk about any of this we were you know i mean we were older at the time she was 39 i was 43 but she's like hey i want to have a kid and we just had one but but i feel like nowadays like maybe you should talk
Starting point is 01:08:23 about it be like hey you do not want to send your kid. You don't, right? Do you agree with me on that? You don't want to send your kid into the public school system? That it's a complete shit show and brainwash factory? Yeah, I mean, I think the public school system. I mean, if people heard the stories that I hear from like in personal consultations from families, horror stories with their kids, like stuff that happens in public school. It's a really bad culture. And yeah, I would keep my kids away from it. But as far as,
Starting point is 01:08:52 you know, speaking with a woman about, you know, what your goals are and whatnot, I think that you should, I would speak to my potential wife about, hey, I want to have children. That's important. But in terms of of how you want to raise them, women are really amazing when you exhibit strong male leadership. And if you are a moral man and you really lead your wife, she will follow you. follow you. And, you know, to me, um, I don't think like working out those details, or how are we going to educate the kids? Is that important? Because I think if, um, if you're doing it right, she'll follow you. And I think any, any girl that's honest, we'll tell you that, that they'll follow a strong man. Um, you'll get the feminist types are like, Oh my God. tell you that that they'll follow a strong man um you'll get the feminist types are like oh my god and that's only because they haven't been with a strong man so um do you think that that there's
Starting point is 01:09:50 a parallel there to a politician too like that's what we're looking for we're looking for a strong male figure to lead us so that then we can till the fields so to speak metaphorically speaking so that we can stay home raise our kids kids, make the food. We're just looking for a strong male moral figure to follow. I think the politicians are men acting. I think the people that follow politicians are almost like men acting like women. Right. They're like looking at this man. They're like, leave me. I need your strength. Right. It's like the human psychology of it where you should be channeling into your own strength. And you see the nature of women in politics, actually, because what you find is that single women tend to be liberal because they cling on to, they follow that strong male
Starting point is 01:10:39 leadership, right? And the state becomes their husband, their state becomes their dad. Right. Whatever it might be. But what you see is when women get married, they overwhelmingly shift to being more conservative. And that represents we don't need dependence on the government. My husband. Right. The personal responsibility. Right. That's what it represents. responsibility, right? That's what it represents. So in the nature of how women vote, you could actually see the general nature of women that they will follow strong male leadership. Well, it's funny you say that because every liberal couple that I know that gets married, it ends up, they end up, they end up being miserable, all of them without exception. And I, and I, and my perspective and it is biased, but it's because the first couple of years, the man is so nice to them and they think that's what they want. Not that there's anything wrong with being nice, but then they realized they didn't marry a leader. They married someone who just does whatever they want and is just complacent and a follower. And that's not
Starting point is 01:11:41 what they want. I, maybe we should, so we don't freak people out. We should define what it means to a leader because, um, cause I feel like I lead my family, but I don't make like, I, I lead my family, but, but I don't, um, my wife has her roles that fall into, into that leadership that I have no say over. into that leadership that I have no say over. Like that doesn't mean you're dominating your wife, right? Yeah. Like I don't tell her what I want for fucking dinner. I lead so that, so that she, she's safe to make dinner of her choice for the family. Right. I, like, I never say to my wife, make me dinner. She just, she just doesn't make me dinner.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Or I don't say, Hey, I want steak. Well, I mean, maybe I might say it like if I'm just working on like some sort of dietary issues, but I don't tell, I don't tell my wife, Hey, I need't say, hey, I want – well, I mean maybe I might say it like if I'm just working on like some sort of dietary issues. But I don't tell my wife, hey, I need steak Monday, this Tuesday, this Wednesday. Hey, the kids need to do this math today, this – like I just lead and then she leads her portion too. Is there a way to articulate that? Because I know people want to push back and be like, oh, this is some chauvinistic shit. No, I mean what leadership means is first by example right so like let's talk about my own personal life okay please i it's my favorite part
Starting point is 01:12:51 of the show i don't ever drink alcohol good on you i don't spend any time doing the mindless entertainment stuff i don't watch football i don't do all that stuff right uh-huh um i don't watch pornography good that's disrespectful to my wife i why is that disrespectful to your wife why is pornography disrespectful to your wife because you are replacing her sexuality with other women right fair okay fair okay and and it's very detrimental because we have a built-in magnet that is designed through nature to solve our disagreements and our problems. Like you are – a man who doesn't masturbate will always have that pull toward his wife, right? Like that attraction to him. You're taking away that power that she has over you, that she,
Starting point is 01:13:46 you have to give to her that she should naturally have over you. But it's not, it's not about the power. It's about an energy, right? Like an energy. Okay. Right. Like, you know, like when you, when you're young, right. And you first meet a girl and like, you're in that phase, right? Like you're just like crazy about her, right? Like there's that energy. We all have that energy. It dissipates a little bit when you're with someone for a long time. And then when people start watching porn, it really goes away. But me, my wife, I'm crazy about my wife. And that's because I don't watch porn.
Starting point is 01:14:18 And that helps because sometimes you get in fights and you're bickering at each other. But you have that spark and you, you're bickering at each other, but like, you have that spark and you kind of get over all that. Right. So it's like, it's a very powerful thing. So you don't watch porn, you don't drink alcohol. You don't waste your time. You know, I don't watch the football game while she's getting, you know, she has one kid on her nipple. The other kids are running around the room and, you know, she's all stressed out. Like, no, you got to be there. You got to be present. And then I'm constantly working, right?
Starting point is 01:14:55 I'm working, working, working. I'm building up a business. All my energy is going into it. I'm outside. I'm watering the plants. I'm taking care of the garden. I'm growing our food, right? Like she is seeing my leadership to the point where god your life sounds like my life by the way i do drink a little bit of alcohol but i don't do porn and i don't do mindless sports and i take care of the garden and i'm building the business and my wife believe and my wife believes in me too she doesn't get in my way she believes in me i'm not holier than that either like i'm not that you drink some alcohol right right right right right but i wish i didn't i i can drink alcohol and know it's wrong it's it's okay i i wish i didn't i but but i fucking i get smashed every once in a while yeah but right but at the same time it's like there's difference between you know drinking
Starting point is 01:15:39 now and then versus like a dad who's always drunk. Right. Right. Right. So like I, I live the leadership and I protect the family. Right. I'm very strong with that. And because of that, when I looked at my wife and I said, I said, babe, I think it's time we had to sell the house and move across the country. She was like, yeah, you think so? And I was like yeah you think so and i was like yeah okay right not even okay in the midst of a pandemic when everyone's freaking out um i looked right at my wife and i said let's have a baby and again there's no like yeah there's a time what's going on in the world like
Starting point is 01:16:23 she wasn't scared of anything going on in the world because i don't allow my family to be scared of anything going right i got it so because of that she looked right at me and she was pregnant that month so i mean you know you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for me it was a little different for me my wife told me she wanted to get pregnant. That's all. And I was and I was just like, yeah, OK, I'm down. Yeah. Never say no to that. I mean, yeah, strength. That's your wealth. Yeah. And I think that is what it was. I think it was strength and wealth had finally come around. I was 43 and she was 39 and she felt it's funny. I never I've never thought of it like that.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I always thought of it. She saw other chicks with babies and she saw women breastfeeding. She told me, hey, I want to try that. Yeah, that's funny. I never, I've never thought of it like that. I always thought of it. She saw other chicks with babies and she saw women breastfeeding. She's told me, Hey, I want to try that. Yeah, that's awesome. God, I'm so glad she did. I can't imagine not having kids now. Holy shit. What a waste my life would be without kids. Exactly. What a waste. Um, and, and then, um, so, so the moving thing, so then you, it's funny you say that.
Starting point is 01:17:29 So when I lost my job, I came home. I told my wife, I said, hey, I don't want to lose this house no matter what. And she's like, okay. I'm like, so I'd rather live in a van with the kids than lose the house. I'd rather like us move into a van and rent out the house um before we lose the house and she's like yeah whatever you want and i was like fuck yeah you know what i mean like but that's yeah yeah whatever you want the manner through which you lived your life around her and she she if you were like some cuck man like the girl you described yeah who's a follower yeah she's freaking out she'd
Starting point is 01:18:06 be way too scared she'd be like no right but yeah she wasn't scared she said oh yo we can do that okay yeah yeah whatever you want yeah i got you yeah crazy it's so nice being in a relationship like that um do you think that uh uh complementarian – I think that's what Stephen Flores is saying. That must be – it sounds like some sort of thing where a man and a woman complement each other. Complementarianism is a theological view in Christianity and Judaism and Islam that men and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life, and religious leadership. And it cognates or currently used to denote this view. Yeah. Well, you, you probably see this one. I see this one almost every day with my kids. If I'm getting upset at the kids or my wife's getting upset at the kids, um, one of us will
Starting point is 01:19:01 come in and relieve the other person in a way that's ideally humbling, but not so the other person feels bad, right? So like I'm in there and my wife hears me yell at the kids, how many times have I told you to put your pants on? Stop swinging from the lamp. She'll come in and be like, you got this? I can give you five. And I'm like, I'll take the five. You know what I mean? It's just like, there's a – because you don't – we have this rule in the house. Like, if you're yelling at the kids, not that there's not a time to yell at them. The lion does need to roar. But you don't want to teach your kids that being out of control is a way to handle a situation.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Like, I like my kids to see me in control. And if my wife sees me out of control, she'll give me a little – let me get five minutes of space. But without fucking emasculating me or yelling at me or making it seem like me and her aren't on the same team. Well, you just gave another example of your leadership, right? So when there is, when the kids are acting up and someone has to be the bad guy. Yeah. I'm always the bad guy. Me too.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Me too. Me too. I'm always the bad guy. Not her job to ever have to be the bad guy Me too I'm always the bad guy Not her job to ever have to be the bad guy Yep Tell me why that is I have a reason for that too I always
Starting point is 01:20:12 I always want to be the bad guy Tell me why you do that I have my thoughts on that too Because they spend most of their time with mom It's such a big responsibility And burden being with them that if she has to be the disciplinarian, then she's going to be so stressed out.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Like it's a very stressful thing to we're playing, we're disciplining. No, I have to create an environment that the children know you will never, ever disrespect your mother. You can do a lot of things in this world yeah but if you disrespect your mother you will not be in this world right right you can't even joke like this with mom you can't even raise your hand you can't call her dumb you can't nothing straight to the garage and we're gonna have a talk because now you created the environment again, through your leadership,
Starting point is 01:21:05 you created the environment for her where she can be the fun, loving, natural, nurturing person that she is. She doesn't want to have to be the disciplinary and that's, it's not fair to her. I tell my kids this too, Brett. I, when I, when I have them, I'm like, Hey dude, you, you are going to hate yourself in hindsight if you ever do anything bad to mom. Like don't even worry about her. You are going to – I've seen you guys.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Anytime you guys have ever been mean to her, 10 minutes later, you're crying. Never call her a name. Never have a bad thought about her. Never joke around about wrestling her. She – just think of her as just untouchable and they're starting to get it. Like, I'm like, you only hurt yourself if you're mean to your mom. You need to be mean to someone. Be mean to me. I love you no matter what. Come hit me. Come talk shit to me. Tell me you hate me. Never to mom. And not only that, but I take them
Starting point is 01:22:00 away from mom when I discipline them so that she's not stressed out by that. Cause I know, uh, inherently she wants to come intervene, right? She wants to come protect them. She's the nurturer. So if I'm going to like, if they're in the, if they're like yelling and upset about something, I'll take them to the garage and we'll have our talk there. And maybe we'll have some discipline there, you know, burpees until I'm tired of watching them do burpees. But, but I don't do it in front of mom because I don't want mom to get stressed out by it too. You know what I mean? Well, and there's also the subconscious aspect of it that how is your wife going to respect you
Starting point is 01:22:36 if you just allowed someone, even if it's your children. Right, right. In her subconscious, you just allowed someone to disrespect her. Yeah. And tolerated that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Yeah, that's a good point. It's weird how all of these things, it's interesting how all of these things come naturally, too. This wasn't like things that I had. Well, I had a pretty strong mom. I guess a lot of these things maybe i learned from my mom my mom never allowed us to disrespect her ever ever not not even a tiny bit not even like joke you weren't even allowed to like joke like i wasn't even allowed to like joke punch my mom and and i and i think that set a uh good uh precedent for me um uh you sell a whole homeschooling curriculum or like from K through 12?
Starting point is 01:23:32 Yeah. So we started building our curriculum January 1st of 2022. Congratulations. By how much we have built out so far. And we have K through 12 curriculum. We don't cover everything quite yet, but we have a K through 12 curriculum that is, in my opinion, unlike anything else out there that is more valuable in a lot of ways
Starting point is 01:23:55 than anything else out there. It is designed, everything is designed for critical thinking over memorization, the development of real skills for the real world, and getting children entrepreneurial experience so that they can learn to function in the real world. And I mean, we study history and we learn to get back to primary documents. We study science and we do it by developing a relationship with the scientific method. And everything is hands-on.
Starting point is 01:24:27 It's interactive. And it's the way that children should be learning. And it's teaching them how to see the world, not only to develop the skills they need to function in the world. Like our children should be carpenters and they should be engineers and they should be artists and they should have real skills and know how to build things with their hands. The entrepreneurial experience, they should know how to function in a society, but they should also be able to know how to see through the bull. They should have intellectual self-defense. They should understand how to identify propaganda, understand logical fallacies, understand how to identify propaganda understand logical fallacies how to see manipulation and everything we do is designed to teach children just that um let's say the whole covid thing
Starting point is 01:25:15 let's say you were to teach would you would you teach it well i guess it's a little scary for young kids i actually created a whole unit study we have. It's one of my favorite unit studies on the medical industrial complex. So you don't have to show them the scary things. What you do is you teach them how the medical industry functions as an industry, right? So you show them how to track the funding, the legislation, how the legislation gets written up, the role that the lobbyists play in that legislation, right? The connection that the funding has to the court documented ramifications of the opioid crisis, like Purdue Pharma being fined, whatever it was, $4 billion for kickbacks and bribery. So you show them all of the corruption and how the institution functions as a system, right? Systems thinking. And then they'll understand the ancillary things for the rest of
Starting point is 01:26:26 their lives like uh like there's things like this like um homelessness is a um is a uh misnomer so so you know there's there's there's some hierarchy right so you you need to breathe and then and then probably you need to uh eat and uh sleep and sleep. And then there's sex and then there's shelter, right, kind of on the outsides. And those are kind of like the things you need to do as a human being. And these people that they call homeless, what they've done is they've allowed their desire for drugs to interfere. It probably goes breathing for them, then drugs, then food, uh, and shelters like down the line. Right. And so what, what I feel like a society is same with COVID. So COVID was, um, a, um, was not the issue. It was a symptom of an obese society. So no one was dying
Starting point is 01:27:20 of COVID per se. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. There's not one healthy person who died from COVID. I want to, I want me to give you an example of like, um, uh, CNN, uh, 16 year old healthy died COVID. Let me show you, let me show you this. I don't know if you're going to be able to see this, but so this is, I think this is the problem. problem um and this is why people don't like trump unfortunately too um because they see they believe this i don't know if you can see this on your screen but it's a it's a it's a boy who's probably supposed to weigh 120 pounds who weighs 320 pounds he's 200 pounds overweight he's so fat that his ears are pushed into his head. And it says healthy teenager took precautions, died suddenly of COVID-19. So it's not a healthy teenager and he could not have taken precautions, right? It's like, it's like holding onto your
Starting point is 01:28:19 pillow when you jump out of an airplane. I don't consider that a precaution um and then he suddenly died of covid19 and there was nothing sudden about it it was years of poor diet um how do we protect our kids i see everyone falling for that shit everywhere fucking around me even the smartest people in the room well first how do we how do we inoculate our kids from that so first of all the kids shouldn't be watching the screens right like our kids shouldn't be for sure for sure using that so like that that's a big part of the programming um and then like i don't even want my kid to believe in god i want my kid to pursue god i want my kid given the tools to pursue god these are some really powerful tools to pursue the unknown if you so get the wild hair up your
Starting point is 01:29:12 ass to do it right exactly i like that a lot i like how you worded that and um it kind of goes to the same thing as this what i talked about with the medical industrial complex study, right? You teach them how institutions function as systems, the systems thinking. Another example would be the media, right? Like from that. So another study we do is on the media industrial complex. And we start off by having the children read pages 170 to 205 of the congressional church committee report and in that report the funding from the rockefellers the cia all of that is documented right how the cia spent billions of dollars buying off mainstream news journalists then we go into the affiliations of the people who run these companies council Council on Foreign Relations affiliations, Bilderberg affiliations, trilateral group affiliations.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Then we study the parent corporations. So you think you think they're watching this wide variety of different shows. But if you track who actually owns the corporations, there are six parent corporations that control 90% of media. And of those six parent corporations, almost all of them are controlled by either BlackRock and Vanguard, right? So there are actually very few people who decide what goes on to television. So the choice is an illusion, which is why anyone who works for the Disney company, right, which includes all these different stations like Disney includes ABC and ESPN and a million other stations. None of those people and they've admitted this. You could show them the anchors online.
Starting point is 01:30:55 None of them are allowed to, being in agreement with that. And that's because they lack the moral integrity or the values to step out of line. moral integrity or the values to, to, to step out of line. I mean, to me, they're like the worst type of people because they put aside, they've put aside morality and are actively harming other people knowing they're telling lies. Um, at least, I mean, I can't speak for all of them, but a lot of them know they're lying. Um, what do you think? Um, there's this thing I've noticed. It's just my own personal, uh, anecdotal that the coolest kids,
Starting point is 01:31:51 the best kids that I see, the older kids are the ones who don't have access to cell phones. Like I met this kid the other day, a 15 year old kid. And I'm like, God, I'm just, I'm like, you're so fucking cool. And then the more I get to talk to him, I'm like, oh, he didn't get a cell phone until he was 15 and it started making me think i'm not giving my kid a cell phone until he's 17 and i hear parents saying the stupidest shit like well i got him it for safety i'm like what you you you maybe you got it for him for safety like it's a walking porn fucking uh uh library but but one more thing i'd like to introduce a thought to you that i had just um i'm 50 years old and uh brett the first time i ever saw anyone have sex it was me right like oh my god i'm having sex right i was 18 years old nowadays that that's got to be so rare
Starting point is 01:32:40 probably most boys who have sex now have already seen 200 other or a thousand other men have sex before them it's real it's really detrimental and i was really tripping on that i was like i wonder if i can keep my boys from seeing intercourse before they have intercourse it almost seems like it's unfair to the boys like you're ruining it for them like you got out to like someone's i hate to be so crass and superficial but like you get out to christmas time and someone's already fucking unwrapped your presents and played with your toys it's like fucked up that you you see other people having sex before you get to see it now now think of it like this yeah they have the ability to make these things difficult for children to get access to and we know that
Starting point is 01:33:25 because the gambling industry they made it difficult for children to get access to right in order to get oh to the gambling websites right uh provide proof of identification that you're 18 years old right right so they have the ability to do that with pornography so that pretty much only adults could get access to it, and they've chosen not to do that. Wow, wow. Wait, take it a step further. Then, do some research on the history, because the CIA and all these groups know this. the history, the military of how pornography has been weaponized for military function in the world. And that will blow your mind. You'll say, wait a second, they know this and they're making sure our kids could access it. I don't understand how, how would you
Starting point is 01:34:18 militarize pornography just to neuter men? Basic idea behind it. So if you look up, look that up with Palestine, look that up in World War II with Germany, right? And all those guys were real, you know, good with psychology and all that stuff. They knew what they were doing.
Starting point is 01:34:40 This stuff has been weaponized. The government's aware of it and they allow our children to see it and i don't think that's by mistake god i never even thought of that you're you're in you're right um i got kicked off of instagram with the blue check mark and 100 000 followers for not saying anything that isn't being said now like everyone everyone knows now it came you know everyone it was just a COVID talk, but it's all stuff that's out now. But they censored that, but they can't censor pornography from kids. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:35:11 I never thought of that. I learned recently that that Snapchat is basically just, it's basically just a drug ring for kids. It's basically just being used by kids to buy drugs. It's a drug market in the early 2000s the israeli army pinpointed one of the most detestable sins in islam and subjected their palestinian enemies to it in an ultimate attempt at demoralization their crude and rather extreme choices of psychological weaponry was pornography israeli soldiers seized control of three of the four major news stations in ramallah and forcibly played graphic images and videos on tvs inside hundreds of homes not only hundreds that doesn't sound like very many not only was this a moral attack but it was a civilian attack
Starting point is 01:35:56 a step beyond the traditional military military to military warfare crazy so tiktok too that all that shit about tiktok's true it's just trying that that you see all you crazy so TikTok too all that shit about TikTok is true that you see all the news is saying that it's basically one of China's weapons it's definitely a weapon although ironically
Starting point is 01:36:17 TikTok is much better in terms of the nudity stuff than Instagram and all these Western companies. And the reason I say that is if you go through my TikTok, right, if you were to go through my For You page or whatever, you would not see any skin at all. How can that be?
Starting point is 01:36:38 They actually allow you to change your settings so that it shows you no skin. Oh, wow. And then again, and then you go to all these western like a beaverless setting you can just turn off all the beaver all you do is instagram doesn't have that that would be awesome if i could do that if any skin shows up on your feed you hold down the screen and a little pop-up box pops up And you hit Not interested in this Do that for about five videos And it will never show you any skin again TikTok or Instagram?
Starting point is 01:37:15 TikTok Now Instagram You look at the west here So now we know Nipple's okay on Instagram now I'm seeing like nipple, it's crazy It's just like a've just completely just, it's just like a free for all.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Yeah, it's disgusting. And they had the ability to make it where you could choose to not let that show up on your feed. They purposely want that all over your feed. God, who has time for that shit? Hey, how old do you think you'll, do you think you'll let your kids get a cell phone at 15 i don't want that my guess is that i'll probably wind up caving eventually um it's one of my worst sins right let's talk about people needing to correct personal
Starting point is 01:37:59 responsibility in their life because of the nature of my job. I'm always on my phones, right? Yeah, me too. But I love it. I don't feel bad for it. Well, children learn more from what they see than what you do. So I'm the constant hypocrite, right? I see what you're saying. They're seeing us on our phones, right? You're always on that. Well, dad, you're always on that. So one of my biggest battles that I'm going to have moving forward is that in that I need my phones because that's my work. But unfortunately, that's that's one of my biggest flaws as a father. It seems like no one can get around. It seems like Amazon and Apple basically rule the roost too in terms of apps, right?
Starting point is 01:38:48 Like no one can just start up their own server farm. Well, I guess I shouldn't argue anyone's limitations. But I'm just thinking if there's alternatives. I'm just thinking if there's alternatives. Like when we saw Trump get kicked off of Twitter, there's no way to do alternatives. Or Tim Cook and Elon had to sit down and have a talk, and Tim Cook had to tell him the CEO of Apple had to – they had to come up with, hey, we're not going to kick Twitter out of the App Store. Because if Apple kicks Twitter out of the App Store, it's the end of Twitter, right? I mean Apple basically rules the roost, right? kicks Twitter out of the app store, it's the end of Twitter, right? I mean, Apple basically rules
Starting point is 01:39:24 the roost, right? By the way, did you hear that Apple's thinking about buying Disney? Which would be fucking... Sounds terrifying. I didn't hear that. That's interesting. That's scary, right? It's more convergence, right?
Starting point is 01:39:40 Yeah, I mean, we need separation. I also heard that Apple has enough cash stockpiled to buy any industry in its entirety, meaning they don't have enough money just to buy one airline. They have enough money to buy every airline in the world. They don't have enough money to just buy Toyota. They have enough money to buy every car manufacturer in the world, just stockpiled in cash. That's crazy. That is crazy, right?
Starting point is 01:40:02 They have enough money to buy any industry in its entirety. Disney CEO Bob Iger hopes – nopes, Apple merger rumors that you probably didn't even hear. Okay, nopes. Okay. Yeah, that doesn't mean shit though, but okay. Also, the thing with Twitter and Apple is there is an example of how you can get around that. Okay. And Gab, right, they were kicked off the App Store. is there is an example of how you can get around that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Gab, right? They were kicked off the app store. So Apple said, you can't have an app here. But they didn't really, they just kept going. They said, we don't care. We're not going to cave. And all you have to do to get Gab on your phone is when you go to the website, you click on the little bookmark area
Starting point is 01:40:43 and you hit add screen. And then boom, it looks just like an app on your phone. Right. And Gab actually has their own servers. So they actually, they have gained control over their social media site. They have their own servers.
Starting point is 01:41:02 They've actually built out their own payment processors which is amazing they've built parallel economies so they're another example of we need to build because people have amazing skill sets like torba what he's done is amazing um and there should be more people building things like gab parallel systems there's no reason we can't do it oh yeah this is awesome what so gab it's like instagram yeah gab it's i mean it's like a mix of the instagram and and twitter but i mean look at what they do go to their marketplace they have a marketplace and that's all built out on their own payment processors. They're not reliant on like Stripe and all these companies. They built out their own payment processors.
Starting point is 01:41:51 You could do you could do marketing through their payment processors on Gab based businesses to based people like that type of thing. What does that mean based? I keep seeing that when you were talking, someone in a bunch of people in the comments were saying he's based. What does that mean um just people who are um try to live their life in truth right they're not like into the all the lies of the mainstream right they're based they pursue the truth um they try to live their life morally and virtuously is it the opposite of woke i guess i guess the um the root of that would be like something that's based – like it's like you have your foot on firm ground, right? Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Like your nonsense. So this is just – and this definition is horrible. This is from the Urban Dictionary, I think, right, Caleb? A word used when you agree with something or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves courageous unique or not caring what others think yeah i've seen plenty of base trainees then they woke up that definition yep yeah they woke it up good um are you are you just exploding uh is is is is life good is is your is your passion and your purpose uh getting a lot of attention from a lot of people? Is your shit just exploding?
Starting point is 01:43:07 Yeah, we're doing great. We basically launched January 1st of last year, and we have over 700 members of our homeschool. Wow. Such a blessing. Social media has blown up. We've got 70,000 followers on Instagram. We have, um, probably about 300,000 between my multiple TikTok accounts. Why were you kicked off of TikTok three times? What could you possibly do?
Starting point is 01:43:36 Yeah. I mean, I, I've been kicked off a few times. Um, why though? It's not like, what do you have to do to get kicked off of there? It doesn't seem like you do anything It seems like I mean you're an educator Well the first time I was doing a live stream on TikTok And I was going off on critical race theory You could get kicked off for that? Well here's what happened
Starting point is 01:43:57 Yeah I got My account got Strikes on it for critical race theory And then I appealed it And TikTok watched the appeal and i actually won the appeal they said did not violate their terms of service however after that they um did an extreme shadow ban and after that no matter what i did none of my videos would ever
Starting point is 01:44:20 get beyond like 100 people so so i was like oh they killed this account so i just abandoned that account started over from scratch um then i had another account that had gotten up to about 80 000 followers and i made a video on the history of environmental corruption and maureen strong who was a professional con man who worked for the Rockefellers. And he was like the driving force behind the original initial environmental movement. I made that video. And the next day I woke up and the entire account was gone. Wow. Hey, so this is people complaining.
Starting point is 01:45:02 You must get like they must have people going around complaining about stuff they don't like. Yeah, I don't know. So either way, I just made new accounts and it's fine i just build from scratch again whatever wow um what is this uh twitter uh has started pushing divisive political and racial division to my timeline out of nowhere it makes me think elon has his own agenda are you an elon musk fan i'm not a fan of his i think he's a fraud but i actually i actually understand his perspective on that um i think what do you mean you think he's a fraud it's the neural link shit it's the it's the ai stuff that's freaking you out or yeah i i don't trust him um but but with that being said i like to give people the benefit of the doubt on like so i i've heard him give talks on in his opinion, he thinks one of the worst things on the Internet is like the ghettoization.
Starting point is 01:45:53 So it's like the echo chambers. He's talked about this a lot in the past. So after he took over Twitter, one of the things I noticed is all of a sudden all of these politics are like i would never like i don't have any interest in started showing up on my timeline a little bit and i think he did that on purpose where he put something in the algorithm that is designed to like only allow a certain point of um echo chamber and then it just makes another view go in Instagram needs to do that too I hate the echo chamber too I hate being pigeonholed by Instagram into what I'm interested in it sucks
Starting point is 01:46:31 or what they think I'm interested in I kind of like it and don't like it like I agree with the must thing like I don't want that woke shit on my timeline it's annoying like I don't I'm not into it but like so the other day um i went on vacation well i'm not really vacation but i left my house and i went to a place where there
Starting point is 01:46:52 was a tv set and i turned the tv set on and i started exercising in front of the tv and i put on cnn and i ended up watching cnn for like two hours and it was i was fucking blown away i was so glad i got to see it because um they were they were it was they were talking about the Chinese balloons and I was right away like holy shit um they used to never say um uh the Chinese virus and a matter of fact if you did say that they said you were racist but now that it's a balloon you can say it's a Chinese balloon and it was just good for me to see that right it may be like scratch my head and if i wouldn't have been at this random house where i just turned on the tv and put on cnn i wouldn't have seen that and i want to be able to see that shit um i want that shit coming up in my feed so i know what kind of idiocy i'm kind of up against you know what i'm
Starting point is 01:47:39 saying yeah i mean it's not a bad thing to get perspectives. Yeah. You know, so that's what I said. I'll bash Musk for some things, but like that, I actually think he's probably pretty well-intentioned based on his worldview on that. Yeah. Do you think that when you see people like him, do you think go to places like, hey, he's been compromised, he's a CIA plant and shit like that? To me, I just look at where he's made his money and what he's been compromised he's a cia plant and shit like that to me i just look at where he's made his money and what he's done and like okay funny basically doing environmental grifts right like and he's not a dog right he's made his money doing environmental grifts um he's made his money um he he pushes like the neural link and like all that transhumanism stuff that
Starting point is 01:48:25 um right like he defended the the truck thing in canada but at the same time he's the one bringing in the technology to replace the truck drivers like he kind of like off as like um like loki to me like he's like the trickster uh-huh like he's just laughing and tricking. But I don't know. He's an interesting character. I don't think he's all bad. I just, you know, I think he has a perspective and a worldview. And I don't know. I don't trust him. Heidi Dosman, supporting my favorite podcast.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Keep it up. Thanks, Heidi. Hey, what about Joe? Do you think Joe is cognitively just completely absent? Like, do you think that how far along do you think his deterioration deterioration is? I think he would have had a harder time saying that word. Yeah. He's no, you know, he's he's gone. He's gone. Adder, because he he's been a puppet from the start. Right.
Starting point is 01:49:20 He's gone. But it doesn't matter because he's been a puppet from the start, right? I mean, he's not a guy that actually has any original or, you know, true opinions. He just says whatever his puppet masters want. And that's why they nominated him. They needed a really establishment guy. And he's been a career establishment guy, right? he's been a career establishment guy. Right. Um,
Starting point is 01:49:44 there was like that famous press conference he gave where he was talking about getting, um, I guess that district attorney fired in the Ukraine. Um, and then he was in the context of it. He was like, no,
Starting point is 01:49:58 no, he was talking about someone else. He's like, he's a good fellow. Right. He's a good guy. Right. What he was saying is he's an establishment guy. He lie right yeah did you see that did you see the same thing happened in
Starting point is 01:50:10 the virgin islands or cameroon did you see that what happened down there no i did not so uh the uh i think it's the virgin islands uh Their attorney general there opened up a case against a major bank. I can't remember which it was. Maybe Caleb can find it. In the Epstein trial. This is a couple weeks ago. This country, the attorney general of this country brought lawsuit against a bank that was helping, that did fraudulent stuff with Jeffrey Epstein. brought lawsuit against a bank that was helping that did fraudulent stuff with jeffrey epstein a few days later uh tensions with virgin islands governor over epstein led it to attorney general's
Starting point is 01:50:50 firing uh two days later uh joe biden flew down there for a vacation wow and uh the next day uh denise george uh was dismissed of her duties do you mind if I step off for one second? No, please. Go ahead. He has to pee. I outlasted a guest. That's amazing. JP Morgan, thank you.
Starting point is 01:51:19 It's just weird how that could happen twice. You think he's peeing outside or he went all the way to the bathroom? I'm going to guess he peed outside. He's peeing on the fence probably. Yeah, that's what I do. I just get up and pee. No, not a poop break. Come on, Barry. Be cool.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Better squeeze that out quick. Be cool. He's going to shout at his kids. Or maybe he had a chew-in. I started thinking he might have a chew-in. I'll ask him. Did you spit out your chew or did you pee probably put in another fat lip guys his website is called a classical learner classical learner and you can just type in brett pike into instagram and find him you'll be happy. You follow him. B-R-E-T-T-P-I-K-E. Brett Pike. You will be, regardless if you have kids or you don't have kids or it's not,
Starting point is 01:52:14 we've gone down the island of politics and corruption, but that's really not what his shit's about. I know Brett and I have gone there, but everyone should follow him. It's just a lot of good stuff. And it's, it's not even about the stuff we're talking about. It's, it's, uh, they're valuable tools on thinking and how to raise kids. Even if you don't have kids, I get it. Um, I, it's very rare that my bladder lasts longer than a guest bladder. Did you go pee a Brett? Yeah, I was trying to hold it, but I'm impressed. And did you pee outside or did you go inside? brett yeah i was trying to hold it but i'm impressed and did
Starting point is 01:52:45 you pee outside or did you go inside oh yeah right in nature okay good okay that so i'm i'm and you did not poop you just peed we were taking bets in the comments i i said he's peeing on the fence caleb and i thought you were just peeing on the fence somewhere yeah peeing on the fence yeah all right well that makes me really proud that I outlasted you. That doesn't happen very often. OK, so what about the what about the Ukraine? Do we have any business over there? No, of course not. I mean, the government has business over there because they're lining their pockets. But no, we have no business being there. And, you know, the media spins one narrative. business being there. And, you know, the media spins one narrative, but the United States has been in a proxy war with Russia for many years now, right? I mean, this dates back to Syria, where the United States was fighting Bashar al-Assad, and they were really fighting Assad
Starting point is 01:53:37 in Russia. So we've been at war with them, right? And then within the context of that, and that's, by the way, that's a Western aggressive war, right? So the West, you know, they're invading countries in the Middle East, left and right, you know, Libya, right? I mean, Hillary Clinton's cackling, we came, so he died, right? Right. So we're invading countries in the Middle East, left and right, invading Syria, right? These are sovereign countries, you know, spreading some democracy. And because of that, you make enemies. And Russia came to the defense of their ally, Bashar al-Assad. And then as that's happening, you have America and NATO, who had an agreement
Starting point is 01:54:19 that they would never go east. They had an agreement with Russia that they would not move east. They kept moving their military bases further and further east until the point where their bases are basically surrounding Russia, right? I mean, and then it's the equivalent to if China right now were to put military bases in Cuba, the Mexican border, and the Canadian border. And then we attack them, right? Everyone's like, oh my God, America's being so aggressive. No, you're not. You're responding to the actual aggressive, the passive aggressive, right? America, NATO, they're setting up their chess pieces. They're being passive aggressive. And if you were Russia,
Starting point is 01:55:02 what would you do? And to um putin probably had to take action to say no get off our doorstep and we're not going to tolerate this and you know people that are brainwashed in the west don't want to hear that but that's the truth and um yeah we have no business being there what about um this uh the the pipeline Do you think we bombed the pipeline? Oh, yeah. Without a doubt. Yeah. And that was to cut off their ability to sell oil? Is that what that pipeline was for?
Starting point is 01:55:33 They were using it to sell oil? Yeah, you're cutting off their resource, their asset. Man. Do you think the conflict is going gonna escalate um i hope not all right me too um i think i think a lot of americans have a false view of the level of our superiority in terms of um a war, right? Well, the military is definitely in trouble. I mean, in terms of its manpower and the quality of the human being that's in the military,
Starting point is 01:56:11 that's for sure. I think America is in the wrong here. That being said, obviously, I want America to win if there's a conflict because I'm American, right? Right, right. because I'm American, right? Right, right. I think from when I analyze where the world is,
Starting point is 01:56:31 I actually think we would lose if a world war broke out. And I think America is in a very weakened position. And for example, Saudi Arabia recently, at the very least, talked a big game about selling oil in yen. Now, when you look into the Federal Reserve banking system and what makes the American dollar so powerful, it's because the dollar, it's really for a couple of reasons. One, that the dollar is backed by petroleum. There was an agreement in the 1970s that petroleum could only be in the petrodollar. China wanted to buy petroleum from Saudi Arabia. They would first have to exchange their money for U.S. dollars and then buy the petroleum. That's why the dollar that's what the dollar is backed by.
Starting point is 01:57:26 It's not backed by gold. It's backed by petroleum. So if you have Saudi Arabia breaking that agreement and now buying, allowing petroleum to be purchased in yen, the dollar is no longer backed by that. Right. And then you have the BRICS nations. Right. You have all of these parts positioning themselves where they're basically saying on a moment's notice they could basically screw the dollar. Right. That's what they're doing. Right. Right. Right. that in the 1950s. So that was in the 70s and the 90s. And they also got rid of the gold standard in the 70s, which is why they went to the petrodollar. And then in the 1950s, the dollar
Starting point is 01:58:13 became the world reserve currency. That was 1940s or 50s, became the world reserve currency. And basically what that means is other countries print money on a percentage based on how many dollars are printed or these days put on a computer screen, right? So because of that, our money is the most powerful money in the world, but they've already began positioning themselves to erode that. And then on top of it, when you talk about fighting any type of world war, America's military, the morale is down. It's so overextended. We just lost in Afghanistan. Don't let anyone tell you differently. The Al Qaeda won that war.
Starting point is 01:59:07 They won. We lost in Afghanistan. Right. That's after the world saw the same thing happen with the Vietnam. Right. So America's military superiority has waned. You have groups that have seen that are tired of being bullied by America. So now you have Russia and China and maybe India joining them, right? Which way is Saudi Arabia going to go, right? So all of a sudden this, oh, you know, we're the big bad bullies on the block. Are you sure? Right? Because if your dollar goes down and now all these militaries come together and good luck
Starting point is 01:59:38 invading Russia or China, see how that goes for you. Right. Who teaches us anything, right? So, you know, to me, I don't think America is in a stronger position as a lot of people would. And I wish we I do wish we had some real leadership that would. And that's why as much as I bash Trump, because how we handle covid, he really did a good job with foreign policy and military policy. And military policy. I always try to look at things objectively. And I mean. Not expanding the wars.
Starting point is 02:00:10 Was a big deal. In my opinion. Are you from New York? Yeah. You were born there? Yes. They're trying to guess where you're from. In the comments.
Starting point is 02:00:24 Long Island. There you go. Hey, I really appreciate you coming on. You are just a wealth of information and I hope to stay in contact with you and dig further into the classical learner curriculum. You're just doing great stuff, dude. The world needs more people like you. You introduced some good ideas to me too about being a builder i really like that yeah man you're you're a leader
Starting point is 02:00:49 of men so just you know one of the things you can do is you can encourage especially young men to take their power back through building and um you know you make a big impact that way have a great day thank you um, you have my contact information. If there's anything I can ever do for you, uh, help you promote anything, showcase any of the things you've built. Um, uh, please let me know. Please use me as a, as a, as a resource, man. Yeah, man. I love it. Thanks for having me. All right. Cheers. Thanks, Brett.
Starting point is 02:01:23 Thanks, Brett. Bye. Oh, Brett. Thanks, Brett. Bye. Do I just go? Or I can kick you off. What a good dude. What a good dude. Amanda, I'm going to have to light you up. You said something. I i lost control i'm not
Starting point is 02:01:47 controlling i he was this guy was just a powerhouse of energy i just wanted to let him talk what are you talking about this was like in in the first 30 minutes she said it oh he's got i i didn't keep it very organized but there were so many things i wanted to ask him about he knows so much stuff and he has so many ideas and thoughts on stuff that i kind of like it's like fuck let's just let this roll amanda left well thank you phil there was one guy in there he was going a little nuts in the comments yeah chugs what was he saying is he upset is he just saying everybody's a piece of shit that he's to last longer than anybody if there's no government because he's a Native American. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:02:29 I think I saw a little bit about that. YouTube started censoring his comments. They cut it down quite a bit. Oh, they did? Yeah, nobody put him in timeout, but I just noticed that they were showing up on here but not on YouTube. Oh, interesting. Interesting. Church of Latter-day Saints church leadership is firmly in the nwo globalist camp
Starting point is 02:02:52 the good old mormons uh chug went back to his reservation chug was drinking on the reservation that's not nice jiggy no jiggy didn't say that chugs was firing from the reservation get a little drinking joke a little native american drinking joke um uh trish chugs thinks we did not know that we're pieces of shit oh we know we're all sinners nobody needs to remind us uh jenna tolls uh i loved it all well good uh but schools are a no for me in utah yeah who was it the other day who said that they went from they moved from california to utah to get their kids in schools and they put them in the schools and the first thing they did when they got there was um they put their kid in a
Starting point is 02:03:44 classroom and they saw there was the gay gay flag they put their kid in a classroom and they saw there was the gay gay flag gay pride flag up in the classroom they're like fuck and they pulled their kid out and homeschool their kid now a friend of mine and a friend of the show said yesterday they were in the uh supermarket and i can't remember exactly what it was but they were standing next to someone and this person bought ice cream and wiped it down with like a cloth. Yeah, like a Lysol wipe, a gallon of ice cream, and then like a two liter of Coke, and then went to the counter with it and bought it. And that's all they bought. Can you imagine that?
Starting point is 02:04:21 Imagine how – That bottle in the jar is probably worse than what's on that Lysol. I know it's crazy. Oh, God. Just eat that gallon of ice cream and drink that two liter of Coke if you just want to turn off your immune system for 24 hours. You know what? I'm going to turn my. Oh, yeah, it was you. I didn't want to say your name. Allison, I see. It's like you just want to turn off your immune system for 24 hours and just roll the dice? Just do it. Just go down and get a two-liter Coke and a gallon of ice cream and hang out.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Fuck it. And then use that public bathroom at the beach and lick the floor in there. Ugh. What names? No, I know genitals. No fucking dude from India is going to school me on names. Devesh Maharaj. The hammer.
Starting point is 02:05:11 Try to school me. School me from India. How dare you. Fucking American. He said one thing in there that kind of like that that hung on me a little bit that jesus was six four no i'm cool with that there was a thing where he's like i don't even want to know if i want to say it. Cause I don't know. Cause I don't, I just, I just don't know where I stand on it.
Starting point is 02:05:51 Cause I can't articulate, but basically it was the fact of showing homosexuality on TV. Oh, with the Superbowl or the, yeah, he clumped it up in there with other bad shit. And it's like, I, I, I, or the yeah he clumped it up in there with other bad shit and it's like i i i i personally like if i if i see a show and like that's one of the themes
Starting point is 02:06:13 like um dudes dating i won't watch the show i mean i don't watch tv anyway but but if if there was a show like i wouldn't watch a show about probably two fathers or two mothers. I watched The Cosby Show, right? And that was a show about a man and a wife raising their kids, right? But I just don't think you can just bash it. I can't just openly bash a show. I can't bash someone for being gay. I just can't do that. I don't see openly bash a shit. I can't bash someone for being gay. I just can't do that.
Starting point is 02:06:45 I don't see anything wrong with. I don't know what that. I don't know what. I don't see anything wrong with it. I don't. If there's a shit. If two dudes want to kiss, then so be it. Like if that's what they want to do, if that's what they're.
Starting point is 02:06:59 What's the word proclivity? Now, do I think a lot of people if I do, I think that there's a chance that a lot of those people are fucking damaged goods. Something happened to them to throw them off course at a young age and their sexuality has been like somehow taken off course. And there's some sort of. And proclivity, a tendency to choose or do something. Yeah, like I think that there's a proclivity for kids who get molested for their sexuality to get fucked up and them to either be, to become gay. I think that there is some validity to that as much as someone might hate that and be like, Oh, that's homophobic or transphobic. It's not, it's just algebra. I'm just trying to figure out the math, right?
Starting point is 02:07:38 If your parents did something to you around food, let's say as a kid, then you might end up with some sort of eating disorder. If someone fucking diddled your cock or put their thumb in your ass at a young age, there's a chance you might end up becoming gay or lesbian. It changes the trajectory of who you're attracted to. There just needs to be honest conversation about it, I guess. It can't be like these taboos and like we're afraid to figure it out. I mean, we had Garrett Glinton on here. I got to have her on here again.
Starting point is 02:08:11 And we touched on that subject. I mean, it's a totally fair subject. If you're raised by vegan parents, there's a chance you'd be fucking vegan. You'd fucking come across a pedophile could fuck you up change your shit up a little bit i didn't realize porn it's we i i i guess i don't
Starting point is 02:08:35 i don't fuck with porn too much so i don't realize the dangers of it it's like fentanyl right it's just not it's kind of not real to me even though like that movie made me cry is fentanyl real to you yeah it is we've used it we had a guy i think i've told this before but we had a we gave a guy fentanyl one time when he dislocated his ankle and when we were driving him to the hospital he was like tripping out yelling at the back window saying that the grinch was chasing after him oh shit yeah i mean obviously we were doing like we gave him like a medicinal dose like enough to like alleviate his pain a medicinal dose like i guess like a more specific dose no no uh uh is being gay decision when did you decide to be straight yeah no i'm with you i don't think what i'm saying is in conflict to that um if i if i take a um spoon and i bend it
Starting point is 02:09:33 uh uh it's it's it's not the spoon's decision i mean what that's i i think what i don't think what we're saying trish by the way i'm reading into what you're saying, but I think you're posting that because you're thinking that I'm suggesting it was a decision. But I do suspect that a large majority of people who don't do the norm with their sexuality, that it was influenced by um being sexualized too young and i do and i do believe in that i do believe you can over you can sexualize someone too young yes i do believe that oh okay sorry sorry uh so trisha's saying sorry i did not think you are saying that i think that's what he's saying i I don't know. I don't know. I'm not sure what he was saying, but he definitely I think he thinks that being gay is wrong. Which is kind of a vague word. Being gay is as wrong as.
Starting point is 02:10:37 If it is wrong. it's as wrong as like a flower having a crooked stem in it because you put it too far from the windowsill and it started reaching for it. I mean, it's something I did. That's, it would be the most that it's wrong. I mean, I,
Starting point is 02:10:57 my, my, my sexual desires are so stay in such a narrow, primitive fucking lane. Like, I'm like, I can't imagine if it got outside of that lane. By that, like, imagine if you were a pedophile and imagine your love for your wife or your husband or for the opposite sex. Imagine just like you're a dude and you like girls. Now imagine that somehow got pointed at kids.
Starting point is 02:11:30 I think I would have to kill myself. I know that sounds horrible, but I don't think I could do that. I don't think I could live with myself. Because that force can't be stopped. What do you do with pedophiles? And so, I mean, and you don't want to ask me that question. I mean, what do you do with pedophiles and so is i mean you don't want to ask me that question i mean what do you do with that like um it's like if it would be like if i just looked in the corner of my office here and i saw plants
Starting point is 02:11:57 like growing in through the corner they had penetrated i would have to just there would be i don't wouldn't even let even a little bit of it in i just have to would kill it and i would go outside and look for where the plant is and i would fucking uproot it and i would take precautions that the plants never penetrated it's probably pretty severe i don't want them compromising the structure of it oh here we go uh jethro uh my 14 year old son is gay we knew from around three years old never sexualized okay fair all right fair yeah oh jethro what do you think about the rest of the stuff i'm saying though do you think that um what what do you think about uh what do you think about you think you're just born that way just like in in his mind for whatever reason um he's attracted to men the same i wonder if they're attracted to if gate boys are yeah i'm assuming it's boys are attracted to boys
Starting point is 02:12:52 the same way we're attracted to girls god holy shit that that sounds almost scary to be attracted to boys it almost seems like just your own built-in porn. That's the good thing about girls. They put a brake on that shit. Like we've talked about before, you got to at least go out and if you want to get a girl, you got to invent a light bulb or something or build a house. Gays and pedophiles are completely different to consenting adults. I'm not saying that they're the same
Starting point is 02:13:26 Allison I'm just saying that like if someone has a desire for something it would just suck to be like addicted to McDonald's it would suck it would suck if that was your go to I wouldn't want my go to to be kids
Starting point is 02:13:41 and I wouldn't want my go to to be men either call her. Hi. Hey, Jethro. Hey Jethro. What's up dude. Yeah. So what you're saying is, uh, he was always more of the feminine side, even though we never promoted him being feminine to the point where he was playing with dolls, never with cars, never with toy trucks. We always realized that.
Starting point is 02:14:02 So we let him do what he wanted to do to the point where he started to pretend he was wearing dresses. Right. We weren't so cool with that notion, but if it made him comfortable, then we were comfortable. And I even told him when he came out his day two years ago,
Starting point is 02:14:20 we said, as long as you are treating yourself and not change for anyone else, then we're happy. How many kids do you have? Four. I got four. How did the other kids take it? Well, they saw him grow up as feminine and coming out as gay, so it was no big deal. And are they protective over him? Very.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Very, yeah, I guess. And are they other boys or are they girls? Two boys, two girls. So he's the second boy and I have an older son. It's just crazy because I'm Puerto Rican and you would like to think that as Hispanic,
Starting point is 02:15:01 people are more liberal, but to be honest, Puerto Ricans are a lot more conservative that as Hispanic, people are more liberal. But to be honest, Puerto Ricans are a lot more conservative than you think. So when my mom heard about it and we told her, listen, he's come out as gay, she said, oh, he's still young. He still has to figure it out.
Starting point is 02:15:20 We knew from the beginning. It's just like, no. So she took, my mom took a little bit of time to get used to it, but, oh, she's totally taken to it now. How does, does it, has it changed his, um, how does he dress? Just like a quote unquote normal boy. Okay. And, um, what about the trans thing? Has he, is he confused about that at all?
Starting point is 02:15:47 Or he knows that he, he, he thinks it's weird and he hates that. Yeah. It's fucking up. He thinks it's the weirdest thing in the world. And we told, he said,
Starting point is 02:15:59 why would I ever change my sex? That's the weirdest thing in the world. I love being a boy. I'm just gay. Have you ever, he's four. Go ahead. Oh no,
Starting point is 02:16:09 go ahead. When I was 14, I was like fucking crazy girl. Crazy. I was obsessed with girls. Is he like that with boys? No, he's not. The crazy thing is being a,
Starting point is 02:16:24 a gay male, he hangs out with all girls. So the thing is, he's not around a lot of boys. Listen, I live in a very Republican town on Long Island, New York. But the thing is, it's still kind of not normal for boys to be dating boys outright here. Now, it might be different in other parts of the country like California. This is still New York, but it's still very conservative where I live. Thank God. It's interesting that he came out at 14. Was it slowly? When I say came out, I assume meaning just to talk to you and your wife. Well, we knew from the, from, like I said, around three years old, he was very
Starting point is 02:17:10 on the feminine side. He always hung out with girls. He never played boys sports, but we had talked about it before he did gymnastics. And when he got to the point where the gymnastics was kind of like getting too intense, we always thought he could dance and we always thought he would be best at that. And we, he ended up dancing. We told him, as soon as you want to start dancing, let me know. So now he's high level dancer and he loves it. But the thing is he's, uh, he's not into the dating thing. He's still 14 years old. Like it's different male on female.
Starting point is 02:17:42 I think because you're at that age where everyone starts hanging out with everyone. He still hasn't found his niche of a gay community as a 14-year-old to start dating. But he'll get there. Any attraction to girls? Is it both or just boys? He thinks Billie Eilish
Starting point is 02:17:59 is hot. He thinks girls are hot, but he doesn't see them that way as someone he could hang out with god fascinating to me and what do you think do you think that that if you had to guess do you think that's the norm that's a good question philip kelly wants to know if your son has a cell phone we'll get to that in a second if if do you think that's the norm if you were to put a guess on the gay population, and maybe it's different for men and women,
Starting point is 02:18:30 that most of them are born that way and that it wasn't something that happened, some sort of experience, traumatic experience that shifted them, their sexuality? From my knowledge and experience, I can't see it as I turned into being gay there's got to be something in there that would say
Starting point is 02:18:50 I'm totally barking up the wrong tree by even thinking that there's there's like no truth to that they're all born listen there could be different circumstances I mean there are people who are bisexual right what's that answer like if you're a dude in prison, you quickly turn bisexual.
Starting point is 02:19:10 Maybe, but the thing is, you know what I find fascinating? Or in the Air Force. Sorry, I'm just seeing if Caleb's listening. I'm seeing if Caleb's listening. All right. And I had this conversation with my wife this weekend. There are a lot. I've seen it more. Now there are a lot of women who are married and attracted to feminine and attracted to feminine men.
Starting point is 02:19:32 Yes. The point where like, how are they married? He's obviously gay. Like Cristiano Ronaldo. Is that dude gay? That soccer player, dude.
Starting point is 02:19:42 He's not gay. I don't think he's gay. He's married and has like three kids I don't know if that means anything he looks gay as shit to me maybe it's just because I want him to suck my dick but he looks gay as shit to me he's manicured but I don't think he's gay
Starting point is 02:19:56 alright so because of what you've witnessed you but you do think that that it is even if something even if you did have some experience that pushed you towards being gay you already had it in you yeah yeah that just helped you along man i was one fucking hair away from being gay then. I feel that shit creeping, but I got it way under control. You might have been, buddy.
Starting point is 02:20:32 David, easy, buddy. Easy. David just said seven on you're gay. What about a cell phone? And David, I am not gay. Ask your mom. What about a cell phone for your kid? How was your kid when you um how old was he when he got a cell phone right around the same time that he came out as gay so 12 years old yeah
Starting point is 02:20:49 interesting the phone well let's end the conversation there the phone made him gay okay we'll leave it at that hey i really appreciate you calling you um your son is a very lucky uh boy to have a father with such a good head on his shoulders we're lucky to have him yeah that's true too as you know with three boys I'm lucky to have this guy
Starting point is 02:21:15 well congratulations brother thanks for all the support on the show my pleasure alright guys alright show yeah my pleasure all right guys all right i would like to hear more from jethro what a badass man i agree he's starting to look into studies about sexuality and like testosterone like correlation because they're debating it in the comment section jethro seems so sober compared to me you think so um i don't see understand why anyone have any concerns over other people's
Starting point is 02:21:53 sexual preferences well i mean i i don't want i i i i want to agree with you but i can't because if you're um if you're into kids i just can't i can't I can't do you for some reason if that's your preference I just can't have you I don't want you anywhere near me sorry I mean I'm not sorry just the way I am right now
Starting point is 02:22:17 married with kids doesn't mean anything I knew a guy who was married for 30 years with two kids and snuck around with a male until he got caught then came out that's fucking crazy thing i knew a guy who was married for 30 years with two kids and i snuck around with a male uh until he got caught then came out that's fucking crazy oh kids don't count okay we're fine yeah do what you got diddle who yet have you sex with whoever you want it's just different for i It might be different for boys, too.
Starting point is 02:22:48 So much of our. Identity. So much of our makeup. Is what we do with our penis. That's fair. I like that. Right. Wouldn't you say?
Starting point is 02:23:06 Sure. Do the finger diddle again. This. I'm so lucky I didn't get diddled. Holy shit. I'd be gay as fuck. If someone would have got me. You just appreciate the human form now.
Starting point is 02:23:26 Yeah. If some guy would have pulled up in a van, offered me a snicker bar, and showed me his dick, and I touched it, I'd be fucking... This would be called the Sevan podcast.
Starting point is 02:23:40 This would be called the gay podcast. I mean, I could change the title to it. I can't believe we have another show tonight. Uh, tonight it's 6. PM. Uh, trolling the leaderboard.
Starting point is 02:23:59 Does anyone can, does anyone want to convince me that it was okay? What Rihanna did? Does anyone want to convince me that like I'm a prude? My dad told me I was a prude because of like, I didn't want my kids getting sexual education from the public school. And I'm like, dude, it's not like when we were in school where they show like two zebras fucking. And they explained to you like how the sperm travels and they pull out a banana and put a condom on i go it's not like that anymore dude
Starting point is 02:24:29 he doesn't he didn't he didn't get it i'm like dude it's like passing out butt plugs and dildos and showing that it's okay they're showing pictures of two dudes in 69 like like you know like i almost think it was worse what justin timberlake did i mean you do oh uh showed up well because he raped uh uh janet jackson what if we just started saying that yeah he raped justin timberlake raped janet jackson he accosted her hey that is that is interesting that that never came up as like a, oh my God, that they're showing men tearing off women's clothes. What a horrible example. Well, if you did that now, then it became over. They probably learned their lesson.
Starting point is 02:25:17 Like, oh, we can't have men and women in the same Super Bowl show. Isn't being gay or straight just a social construct of modern day long ago was just sex with either men or women was just for pleasure and sex with opposite sex was used just for reproduction I don't know but I but I could I could totally see that um oh it did uh janelle it was all over the it did step on it was all over the news for weeks i remember being all over the news i just remember it being like it accidentally came off because it got caught on his hand or something oh really it killed her career nipplegate killed janet jackson's career i had no idea um no you're not no you're not in the wrong the you're in the right am i wrong for just
Starting point is 02:26:16 not giving a shit about what happened so well no you're totally in the right who gives a fuck you're right um oh you want to see you want to see it can we can we show um her diddling or what if you type in rihanna diddle i don't think it's gonna pull that out uh i turned gay after yesterday's podcast uh well it's great that jethro called it's uh uh uh divesh maharaj uh seema uh dolphins have gay um sex and there are other animals the two that engage with well you know what i heard divesh um i heard that any caged animals will start performing all the quote unquote not my words deviant sexual acts that humans do meaning like um a rape uh masturbation in public
Starting point is 02:27:27 uh homosexuality just all of these well i shouldn't call it perversions or deviant uh i don't care what you call it i don't know what to call it but different than than the norm that if you cage animals they all start doing that the cannibalism they do all sorts of shit you put put animals in close there it is look at look at that if you cage animals, they all start doing that. Cannibalism. They do all sorts of shit. You put animals in clothes. There it is. Look at it. Look at it.
Starting point is 02:27:50 Nice. It's nice. It's nice. Oh, my goodness. Oh, I didn't know she put a finger in. Oh, shit. Oh, my God. oh my god so she actually she actually rotates
Starting point is 02:28:08 that's great yeah I still think the Jan Jackson thing is worse chimpanzees rape in the wild and eat each other's babies yeah she worked the middle yeah she did work the middle uh not cool but still not worth obsessing over. Maybe she was checking to see if her water broke.
Starting point is 02:28:49 That's yuck. The stinky pinky. Relax, old man. Yep, that's a yeast infection. Yep, that's called the muscle snatch. Oh, shit. Wow. I mean, the whole halftime show is a bunch of sperm dancing around an egg.
Starting point is 02:29:11 Wow. Very symbolic. Wow. Wow. Wow. And it was pro-Christian and pro-life and anti-abortion. I like it. Okay.
Starting point is 02:29:21 And pro-Satan. Yeah. And hey. I like it okay pro satan yeah and hey I must I'm probably just a misogynist that hates the vagina and hates the smell of the vagina and I'm just projecting that onto the world because I can't accept the fact that she put her finger on her twat
Starting point is 02:29:40 and smelled it I should be like my god this is so beautiful okay perspective and smelt it. I should be like, oh my god, this is so beautiful. Okay. Perspective. Yeah, Trish, maybe she was just promoting vaginal health. I like when I see new people comment.
Starting point is 02:30:03 Oh, shit. We have to look closely at this name. Del Lavasur. Is it a trick name? Levasur. Levasur. Levasur. Chimps and baboons do whatever the fuck they want. Janelle, Winston. uh uh janelle uh winston uh i'm not a big fan of the smell of the vagina myself it's because you're straight
Starting point is 02:30:33 she did not you're correct allison she did not actually put her finger in. She made the gesture of putting it in. She didn't just do this. She did this. Are you familiar with this movement? That's when you curl around the pubic bone, I think. And you get the finger in there. I guess you push your finger over the man in the canoe and then into the hole. Smush him.
Starting point is 02:31:07 She flat fingered it. You smushed the man in the canoe. And then she sniffed her finger. That was not a crotch grab. That was not a crotch grab. That was not a crotch grab. That was not. That was a. That was a.
Starting point is 02:31:30 Heidig. That's father in Armenian. Heidig. Heidig. Yes, son. This is football? Yes, it is, Avi. Oh, why was that girl touching her vagina and then smelling her finger?
Starting point is 02:31:44 Because it's football. Why was that girl touching her vagina and then smelling her finger? Because it's football. And when the athletes are resting and regrouping, this is what we do. We watch women touch their vagina and smell their fingers. It's no big deal. Oh. Kind of like the dogs at the dog park. Like after they throw the ball and they get tired, they just walk around in circles sniffing each other's vaginas and penises and licking them.
Starting point is 02:32:07 Yeah, exactly. Just like that. God, Avi, you're so smart. Thanks, Heidi. Mom, can I smell your vagina? I don't really want that to play out like that. My kids aren't even into TV i told yesterday i needed to watch two hours no i need to watch one hour of golf frisbee golf and i had two hours to do it
Starting point is 02:32:35 so i fucking just beat the shit out of the kids from fucking like nine to one right like not like physically beat the shit out of, well, physically beat the shit out of them, but not hurt them, exercise them. You know what I mean? Like just work them, right? Take them to the beach, make them run around in the rain, bring them home. They ended up doing, they did a hundred devil's press. They did 200 burpees after the hundred devil's press. They did the treadmill, just tons of stuff. And then they're exhausted and i'm like okay guys i'm gonna feed you're gonna have two hours to eat and i'm gonna and it's pouring here and freezing and i go and you can watch a movie and then we're going to jiu-jitsu and striking for two hours
Starting point is 02:33:13 they're like awesome and they wouldn't even watch tv i couldn't i couldn't get through one hour of golf in two hours because i bought them these lightsabers and all they want to do is beat each other with them so every 10 minutes I was in the house yelling at them finally I took them away if he dies he dies right I should have said that one of my sons Joseph has a broken toe but for some reason he can still do go to lightsaber battle is that really how you know if your kid's gay he wants to play with dolls and he's into gymnastics is that like some of the and wear dresses i don't know about that i've seen kids do that and they don't turn out to be gay so seven never getting sponsors one of my kids can cartwheel like a fucking champ and he likes dolls and he
Starting point is 02:34:09 wanted to be Elsa for Halloween, but he also loves a fucking lightsaber and he loves a fucking Tonka truck. Maybe he's by. What do I care? What's I, what do i care what's i what do i care trying to see if my oh oh wow
Starting point is 02:34:34 my friend is coming um i hated barbies and wanted and wanted hot track, and I'm not gay, but I also know a lot about disc golf. Definitely gay. No, autistic. Autistic. I think frisbee golf is you're autistic. You can't be a part-time gay. What does that even mean? What's LARPing live action role playing oh like when everybody when they dress up in like that's like what you're um
Starting point is 02:35:15 what Dale did where he dresses up in like a night oh Dale was a LARper essentially yeah okay watch this we'll play a game here uh and uh caleb is the contestant okay you guys ready uh caleb uh jacqueline sulcus says i'm surprised your kids aren't in gymnastics seven uh caleb with your deep knowledge you've spent a lot of time we've spent a lot of time together why aren't my kids in gymnastics see if Caleb can figure this out oh shit why I feel like you've said it before aren't my kids in gymnastics aren't you waiting to No. I don't remember. I think they're like a... You need it down here? It's like... Who wants to know?
Starting point is 02:36:14 Who knows why my kids aren't in gymnastics? They have to wear masks! Mason Mitchell for the win! Caleb, pack up all your shit and get out of your office. Mason, you're in tomorrow say bye to everyone i should have guessed del lavasur 1999 great show as usual thank you i really like your picture if that's really you fuck i'm you're awesome i think it's one of those AI pictures, like the one they did of you.
Starting point is 02:36:46 God, it's so good. So good. Jethro, I'm going to send you footage of my three sons tomorrow. You can pick out the gay one. Going to get in trouble for my wife. I shouldn't talk talk about my kids they're too young to talk about i've started checking my emails hey our numbers are skyrocketing and buzzsprout oh the j so you know what's weird the josh bridges podcast is missing from Buzzsprout, from StreamYard, the download. So it's going to have to be pulled. Oh, Seema, thank you for your monthly tithing.
Starting point is 02:37:37 Thank you. Seema Fuzuliahi. Fuzula. I know why. You do know why? You think it's because it, because it was full. Yeah. Paracwise at 20,700.
Starting point is 02:37:54 We big time. What'd you say? I'll just pull the audio and then from another, from a website and then I'll do it from like YouTube. Yeah. I'll have to like use a website to separate the two but i can get it okay i can do it too if you're busy no i ain't got shit going on okay thank you hey you know what's weird is our shows that we used to have we had guests on used to be our big shows and now it's the shows where we don't have guests that are the big shows what the fuck has happened just sticking around yeah people just want to watch uh curated um instagram clips isn't it weird that people come
Starting point is 02:38:39 on the show and they're worried about what they say because it's going to pull down my channel it's like have we really gotten to that i think it's just them being respectful yeah i i i i get that it just sucks that they even have to think like that yeah it's true which is why because he said he got kicked off of every social media like platform Like, so he knows there was a comment on here on YouTube that I wanted to, um, read you guys that someone said, Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:39:19 This is, uh, from, from YouTube. Uh, some guy named Ryan said, um, he,
Starting point is 02:39:24 he wrote this in the youtube comments he said today savon likes guys with bravado who pound their chest i.e jake paul travis bajan two days ago savon is saying guys who puff their chests are battling with inner gayness and points the comments at Jocko Willick and David Goggins. I wrote back to him in the comments and I said, that is not correct, Mr. Ryan. You are conflating chest pounding with posturing to be a man and I forgive you. A cowboy does not dress up to be a cowboy. His clothing is functional. It's not a prop to convince you or anybody he's a cowboy do you see what i'm saying ryan i don't do anything to prove my gender my man qualities
Starting point is 02:40:13 just are or are not meaning um i i i don't think uh jake paul is is is doing his antics or travis bajan is doing his antics or conor mcgregor is doing his antics to prove that they're men they're it's just it's it's it's they're just expressing themselves and it just so happens that a lot of people with a penis and balls do express themselves that way the same way a cowboy doesn't wear the the chaps and the cowboy hat and the spurs and the gun to convince you that he's a cowboy. Those are all things that have functional use. I think the chaps are so that you don't get the sweat from the horse on you and so that when you're riding through the brush, you don't get
Starting point is 02:40:55 cut up by it. I think that's what it's for. I don't know. The guns, you know, to shoot bad guys, cougars, mountain lions, injured animals out in the wild, rattlesnakes, etc. Maybe rob a bank or two. The spurs are to prod the horse so that it will listen to you. And the hat is to keep the sun out of his face. And that chest pounding has – it's interesting how those things – I understand if you listen to my show while you're drinking it's fun drinkings can be fun
Starting point is 02:41:28 but commenting on YouTube and drinking are not smart oh I hear a jet is that our tax dollars that's your tax dollars nice it's nice I don't know what chaps are for can we look that up I don't know what chaps are for That's your tax dollars. Nice. It's nice. I don't know what chaps are for.
Starting point is 02:41:47 I don't really, can we look that up? I really don't. I don't know what chaps are for. I think it's to prevent chafing when you're riding the horse. It is. Okay. I mean, can you imagine if I wore a motorcycle helmet around just to convince people
Starting point is 02:42:02 that I had a motorcycle, even if I didn't have one, I just carried around with me. right at kawasaki that was yeah chaps functions of chaps assless chaps i know what assless chaps are for they're all the same did you know that they're all assless yes uh chaps uh so it's just redundant uh chaps uh they are a protective garment used to be used when riding a horse i better get my wife some then uh they're protective garment to be used when riding a horse through brushy terrain in the modern world they're worn for both practical work purpose and uh-oh uh-. And for fucking posers.
Starting point is 02:42:47 They're buckled. Oh, we lost the actual. They're usually made of leather. Oh, in the modern world, they're both worn for practical work purpose and for exhibition or show use. Chaps have also been adopted for use on motorcycles, particularly by cruiser-style motorcycle riders.
Starting point is 02:43:05 The Iron Horse. Jeez Louise, the lady next door was selling ass, and there were no chaps in sight. Okay. Do you like the way I worked that one? That's good. Okay, Olivia Houston. Helps you stick to the saddle better. I feel bad for people who ride horses.
Starting point is 02:43:38 I'm definitely getting my wife some chaps so she can stick to the horse better. See? That's what I'm saying. I feel bad for rodeo riders and shit their whole life is based on jokes hey there's this chick coming on the show tonight uh claire danes claire bays claire who bays bays claire b. Claire Danes. Isn't that someone famous? I don't know. Is she in Shakespeare in Love?
Starting point is 02:44:09 Oh. Claire Day, Claire Days. Baze. Claire Baze. B-A-Y-S. Claire Baze is coming on the show. Oh, this girl. She's a sober alcoholic. She looks like she has a boyfriend. She, she has a podcast called conversations with Claire. And if you want her to be your coach, you can even click a link there and she'll be your coach. Uh, we're doing trolling the leaderboard. It'll be interesting. Oh, laugh out loud, Claire Danes. Oh, no, Claire. Oh.
Starting point is 02:44:49 He's laughing at you not knowing her name. Danes is the actor. The actress? No. Oh, I competed all my life. I'm that horse girl. Oh, that's awesome. God.
Starting point is 02:45:02 I think that's like an attractive quality. Horse girl. No. Why crazy? A little bit. But crazy is good, right? I mean, when you're young. Sure.
Starting point is 02:45:18 Hey, what was Claire Bay showing that drink for? I don't approve of that. There were the pancakes, but then there were two drinks. Those. Yeah. What the fuck is she doing uh what is that protein shake you gotta dm her to get the recipe though oh maybe you can ask her about it tonight oh jiggy josh love a horse girl you think a horse girl is like a cat a cat girl
Starting point is 02:45:45 yeah no no i think that the similar properties but i like i wouldn't i wouldn't date either of them okay but i definitely but more i would more date a horse girl than a cat girl if there was like a woman behind a door over here and a woman behind a door over here and it was like this girl owns a lot of cats this girl knows how i've been riding horses for years i'll take door number two horse girl horse girl 10 out of 10 yeah me too uh the the vesh maharaj the di council finally got to seve he's getting a female on the show oh jiggy josh i date both well fuck we have a winner um
Starting point is 02:46:42 uh yeah two hours and 46 minutes it's just like a three-hour show now it's turning into one that's for sure there was something someone said in here did you see oh did you see the spin video what's the spin video from barry mccochner saying that um i know spin just interviewed Nick Johnson from Proven. Oh, that Spin. Oh, let's go over there. Let's go over there to his YouTube station. Let's see what – who's Nick Johnson?
Starting point is 02:47:15 Is that one of their athletes? No, Nick Johnson is the Proven head coach, question mark. Oh, Sasha Vidi. Oh, I can't even follow that shit i'm on this thread with these guys and i asked them what the fuck so for those of you who don't know this is my understanding of it barry tell me if this is right there's this oh maybe he'll just say it in the video maybe we should just steal brian's shit brian's pretty cool i don't think he'll report us oh let's see what the write-up says oh nick johnston sorry i forgot the t that's okay
Starting point is 02:47:49 no one says it right well let's just call him dick johnson yesterday sasha neva's 23.2 workout video was circulating and not for the right reasons in her video that was submitted to the crossfit games leaderboard appeared to be edited. At the 1830 mark in the video, her judge in the video has a ghosting effect that had people questioning if the video was doctored. Come on, man. Ooh. Nick Johnston, proven CEO,
Starting point is 02:48:16 joins the podcast to put those rumors to rest. Hey, why didn't she just come on? It's like having your attorney speak for you oh uh taylor well more importantly why didn't he come on my podcast what the fuck's wrong with you dick uh steve flores uh taylor williamson's husband she competed on richest team last year oh that dude's uh taylor's husband yeah wow it's a pretty ancestral world this guy what's this guy's job at uh proven well let's find out push play let maybe we'll find out you guys want to watch this this will be fun to watch together let's watch this i love i love mr spin so unassuming don't't be a dick, Dick. Yeah, thank you. Oh, it's live.
Starting point is 02:49:07 Johnston, CEO of Proven Fitness. How are you doing this morning? Oh, CEO. Doing very well. How are you? Doing all right. Kind of a weird situation here this morning. And generally like to talk about things that are a little bit more positive.
Starting point is 02:49:22 But definitely wanted to kind of get you on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on, Brian. Easy. What do you mean? You like to talk about things that are a little more positive.
Starting point is 02:49:33 Don't let me last time you had you banks on you. Fuck. We watched him hang himself on your show. Did you, you've that people come to your show to hang themselves. I hope Nick hangs himself on accident. Okay, go clear up. What's Nick hangs himself on accident. Okay, go.
Starting point is 02:49:51 Clear up what's been going on with Sasha and her scores yesterday. So for everybody who may not be up to speed yesterday, Sasha uploaded her score for 20, 23.2. And, um, there was some attention drawn to the image or the video, uh, at about the 1830 mark where it appeared there was like some ghosting to it potentially. Oh, can you pause this?
Starting point is 02:50:14 Uh, for those of you who don't know, for those of you who don't know, Oh, she's pretty. This is, Oh, this,
Starting point is 02:50:20 this is the girl that was on mayhem. Yeah. She was on the team with Angelo and Alexis Johnson and Lucas Parker. Yeah, she's like a healthy-looking version of Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet. Right? I think she was an Olympian, too. Yeah. Okay, so this is the girl we're talking about.
Starting point is 02:50:41 She had an unfortunate incident, it appears, that Mr. Spinn's talking about. Okay had an unfortunate incident. It appears that Mr. Spin's talking about. Okay. Uh, so Sasha, she used to be mayhem and now she's proven. Uh, oh. And then we talked last night and I asked you to jump on to kind of share, share what happened from your perspective. So I'll, I'll, I'll stop now and kind of give you the floor to kind of explain what's been going on with that and your discussions with Sasha.
Starting point is 02:51:10 Yeah, absolutely. And this was, I do appreciate this as well, right? Because I think a lot of people can jump to conclusions when they see videos like that, especially when individuals clip things out of a certain video, put it on social media, very easy to kind of pick and choose what you want to see. And at the end of the day, one of those things where even it raises some eyebrows, right? When you see something like that, especially when a transition is edited or anything that may be glitching in a
Starting point is 02:51:39 video. So timeline wise, I want to say around two 30 yesterday, it was brought to our attention that uh the video in question was on the internet it'd be going around with some oh can you pause this media banter so uh he uh let me see stop screen uh let me see if i can share this i think is this it here um i don't think it's maybe cover this earlier with no information other than what was apparent i still don't have anything but i can post here so it's clear current video on the game site appears to be valid although the timer cuts at 14 minutes
Starting point is 02:52:22 because the wrong wad proof app preset was chosen the original video is different yes the thruster is a jerk and yes she continues to complete heavier lifts which aided by the standard of a good uh okay so so god this is so vague uh hillar writes why would it be a good idea to upload an edited video knowing it is and has been against the rules uh so and so received a four-year ban for doctoring a video in 2017 further if you had this one why not upload it yeah that is the question why if you have the correct video why did they upload the okay well let's go on so so this girl um uploaded a video that um was edited now this guy's gonna explain why i guess the video that you just showed is not the one that's doctored by the way in that post okay so
Starting point is 02:53:20 so bailey walker says uh in that post hiller said that video is not the one that was put on Games' website, and the Games' website is not edited. Okay, now I'm really confused. And some things like that, which Sasha and Batu, Batu is her husband and coach at this point, back home, they didn't even know about it. They had no idea what was going on. I think it was 7 p.m. back where they are in Argentina. So it's winding down the end of the night. Definitely nothing that they expected to see. So it causes us to do some more digging. So we sent the story over to them, ask, hey guys, we'd love to know just kind of what's going on here and maybe some further
Starting point is 02:54:02 explanation into why this may have happened. This actually triggered for the first time them seeing it as well, which was even bigger red flag and how this happened. So timeline then is we went ahead and checked out all the videos that she had done. The conclusion we came out to be was that she had used the WODproof app for her official timer. She is doing this as an unaffiliated athlete. So she does need to officially provide those videos on all workouts that she does. So when we saw that, the WODproof app was unfortunately set by someone to the 23.1 version when you go into the app. So that means it's only a 14 minute window for
Starting point is 02:54:46 that AMRAP at the 14 minute mark in her video. It had stopped. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Does that make sense? I don't know how WOD proof works, but what he's saying is, is that, um, there's a default preset. You push the button and this app starts filming you and she pushed the wrong default preset. And so it wasn't uh set up to film for the entire duration of the workout so her filming got botched from one source is that how you hear it caleb yeah that's okay okay let's see if she had a backup camera going wow that would be genius if she had a backup camera going those of you out there who who always do everything in redundancy if you even have fucking if you give a fuck if you put on an event that cost five hundred thousand dollars
Starting point is 02:55:34 and you don't have everything in redundancy that you're in your when you're recording it. You are a tard. You know who I'm talking to. On top of that. If you're recording something. And you give a shit. Of it actually being recorded. You put headphones on. Because audio. Is almost always. more important than video.
Starting point is 02:56:07 You never take audio for granted. That's why we wear headphones, not to be cool. Action. Proof app, it does keep recording throughout your time, whether you want to show plates or you want to do whatever your name intros at the end, which is awesome for them. And this definitely shows the validity of that app in this case, which is great. But in Sasha's case, being new to the app and being new to being an unaffiliated athlete, she thought that video would be invalid because that timer was not officially in the video. Right. So what she did was had a GoPro in the back corner, and that's the video everyone saw, the one that she uploaded. That was going to be her then official video because there was a
Starting point is 02:56:52 clock in there. Now digging even deeper, and this is where the layers kind of start peeling back and we start seeing the real truth of what happened. She had a GoPro setting that if you go look up any YouTube video on this issue, there's a setting in GoPros with the newer versions that it's called a video Kodak optimization mode. So when you turn that on and lots of times we've talked to our media team here, lots of times it'll be turned on without even knowing. It'll splice videos into segments based on optimization for data. It will splice videos into segments based on optimization for data.
Starting point is 02:57:32 So when it comes down to this, we saw that the videos had been spliced into two 10-minute segments and one 5-minute segment. And that's where you see that transition at the 1830 mark to where the video processing app itself had done that for her when she uploaded it to YouTube without even her knowing. Okay, on let me see if i can explain this let me see if i can explain this um so it's not that the wad app stopped filming at 14 minutes hi mr spin hi thank you for your hard and tireless work um uh ever tired tired they just thank you i't think I'm going to try to say something fancy. Thank you. Uh, basically the app didn't stop filming, but at the 14 minute mark, the timer stopped running on it. So it actually kept filming,
Starting point is 02:58:16 but at the timer didn't keep running. So then she thought, okay, I'm not going to use this. And she used the GoPro footage and the GoPro footage splices automatically at the 10 minute mark. And for some reason, when she uploaded it, you know, that's kind of common in the old,
Starting point is 02:58:34 I don't know if it's common. I'm not familiar with GoPro, but in these Canon, I just wheezed. In these Canon cameras that I used to have for legal reasons so that they could still be called point-and-shoot cameras and not video cameras, the clips would break at the 29-minute and 59-second mark. So when you were filming, the camera would either stop or it would just start making another clip. And it sounds like for some reason the GoPro did that, right? It made two 10 minute clips.
Starting point is 02:59:06 Is that instead of one clip? Yeah, I think that's all right. Okay. Fair enough. Splice at 10 minute Mark, uh, except the video was 18 minutes long and during the glitch.
Starting point is 02:59:19 Uh, I, I, I hear what you're saying. Maybe she started the camera, uh, like way ahead of time, right? And so that was like the third cut.
Starting point is 02:59:29 Splice at 10 minute mark except the video was 18 minutes plus. Wasn't the... That workout was a 15 minute AMRAP, right? And then with five minutes at the end to do a thruster? Correct.
Starting point is 02:59:45 Oh, here we go. There's the explanation. So GoPro chops that based on the size of the file, not the duration. Okay. Not the time duration. It doesn't do every 10 minutes.
Starting point is 02:59:55 It's every two gigs or something. Okay. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 03:00:02 yeah, yeah. I've heard that before or something like that wow look at you where did you find that you found that on the internet or you just know that no that's just what spins it oh where where do you say it you said gopro chops it based on the size of the file i know but how'd you come up with two gigs because i've heard that before too oh i did that was a guesstimation oh okay all right do we need to see any more let's watch a couple more minutes let's see dude this has a shitload of views spin's killing it five minutes long um so
Starting point is 03:00:34 she uploaded to youtube without checking at that 1830 mark had no idea it was there um and unfortunately and fortunately right somebody brought this to our attention that the video had been transitioned spliced together. Now, the first thing that was obviously brought to our attention and probably everyone's attention when it came to social media was the first thruster was a no rep. Right. And that. Never in question, that was. Oh, look, he got a splice. Brian Spin spliced his shit right there.
Starting point is 03:01:05 Oh, fuck this interview. Even this interview is corrupt. Can't trust it. All right. You want to keep going? Wouldn't it be seamless if you put them together? Well, theoretically, right? I think technically you'd have to edit it then.
Starting point is 03:01:23 Now, you would think the GoPro would have some sort of like when she uploaded, it would have some sort of software, stitching software that would bring them exactly side by side at the exact frame that they switched. My internet dropped at this point in the interview. I had to use my hotspot on my phone to continue streaming. Sucks to be you. Okay, keep going.
Starting point is 03:01:49 That was something that I think we went out here. Brian, can you stay here? Looks like I just got back on my internet. It's been out. So it just went out on me again. So I'm using my Wi-Fi hotspot. He did that hotspot pretty fast. Yeah, just what I was saying was
Starting point is 03:02:02 the first thing that came to our attention was the no rep on the thruster. Great picture with the hotspot. We could all tell that waspot pretty fast. Yeah, just what I was saying was the first thing that came to our attention, right, was the no rep on the thruster. Great picture with the hotspot. We could all tell that was a no rep. And what people didn't see in social media was that wasn't her last lift. So that was never counted as a thruster. Batu obviously told her, hey, and she knew. Batu.
Starting point is 03:02:20 That's a no rep. Let's go ahead and hit the next one. And she did successfully complete her last lift. And that was a 205 that she posted so that was no issue the bigger issue right 205 do that my sleep that had been transitioned together and like i said that was just a gopro setting that upon sharing to the youtube app it just did it for her um it's completely on her and her as an athlete and her team to have looked at that further i think and check that out um what's her clean and jerk i wonder what her clean drink i think my greatest i think my greatest jerk is 215 and my greatest clean and jerk was 205
Starting point is 03:02:54 back when i was a young whippersnapper i never thrusted 200 pounds that's for sure fucking nuts right oh but she's an Olympic weightlifter she's like a special like she's a specialist 264 you think she jerks 240 wow
Starting point is 03:03:19 her listed on the CrossFit Games website is 120 kg that's 264. For her biggest clean and jerk? Mm-hmm. That doesn't even sound fucking possible. Oh, well, thank you, Ms. Rodow. 205 thruster is different.
Starting point is 03:03:41 Well, thank you. That's why I asked what her cleaning jerk is. My goodness. All right. Well, thank you, Mr. Spin, once again. Oh, here we go. Look it. Look it.
Starting point is 03:03:52 Here we go. Now we're getting down. Looks like it's called file chaptering from the GoPro site. Thank you, Mike McCaskey, with 460 pounds over his head. A default for Hero 11 is 4 gigabytes per chapter if using a 32 gigabyte SD card or less. Okay, I understand. And 12 gigabytes, it's big,
Starting point is 03:04:13 for SD card, 64 gigabytes or larger. Hero 10, 9, or 4 gigabytes. Okay. All right. And she's from South America, so she probably has an old GoPro. I said it. I said it. She has the shit we couldn't sell in the U.S., so we shipped it south.
Starting point is 03:04:32 God, 260 sounds just savage for a clean and jerk. Not sounds, is. It's just crazy. Do you even lift? Yes. Last night when I got out of the shower, I hung three towels on my erect penis and then put your mom on it directly after that, Yashar. Caleb is impressed. Three heavy towels.
Starting point is 03:04:58 Three heavy towels. I was warming up for your mom. Three heavy wet towels. Wet. Like big, like hotel wet towels right out of the washer yeah use them for a drying rack yes um oh shit brandon waddell no one is safe see how quickly we found this info she's serious about making games she wouldn't put herself in this conundrum. I don't know. It's at, I guess it's a lot. Um,
Starting point is 03:05:27 she's small too. Yeah. Uh, you, Shar's mom is pretty small. That's why I could do. Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 03:05:32 uh, Sasha Nevis. Yes. Ah, y'all direct a penis towel rack trick. Classic. God, being a boy is fun just gonna set you here while i comb my hair i'm just gonna just gonna just hang out here for a second okay three hours and five minutes we did it uh guys thank you uh we'll see you tonight b Brian Friend will be in full form. I'm going to see if we can get Bill Grundler on tonight. Is it tonight? No, no. Bill Grundler's Thursday night. Thursday night, I'm in negotiations with Bill Grundler's lawyer to see if we can get Bill Grundler contracted to come on Thursday.
Starting point is 03:06:17 But we will have Claire Danes, Brian Friend, Claire Bays, Brian Friend, and Mr. J.R., Brian friend and, uh, Mr. J or how, and maybe you might see, uh, Caleb or Matt Sousa or something. All right. You're welcome. Thank you. Uh,
Starting point is 03:06:34 Spiegel. Thank you. Uh, bye-bye.

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