The Sevan Podcast - #821 - CrossFit Open 23.3 w/ Street Parking and Friends

Episode Date: March 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam. We're live. Dang. You tried to sneak it in there, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:00:39 What's up, guys? Welcome. Siobhan is doing his thing. He's getting a swerve on. Oh, handsome. That does not look like Hiller at all. Not his thing. He's getting a swerve on. Oh, handsome. That does not look like Hiller at all. Not at all. It's close enough.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah. What's up, dude? Oh, not much. Hey, baby, come say hi. How are you guys? Looking good, man. Just, you know, trying to be dad fit over here, you know? You get better looking every time I see you.
Starting point is 00:01:02 You know? Yeah, I got Hokem seeing how the Dos Equis age than Antonio Banderas. I'm like, you're right at Desperado. They're saying I'm aging well. You're not aging. That's what I said, right? That's what I mean. Well, you're aging well.
Starting point is 00:01:18 You're not aging well. Benjamin Button over there. Miranda, are you getting ready to do the workout? I'm going to do it after them. Oh, okay. Who's going at the same time? What's the setup there? What do you got going on?
Starting point is 00:01:32 We have wall walk space for two people to go at once. Okay, awesome. So who's going? Andrew and Julian. Oh, fantastic. Oh, dang. Here we go. Okay, so place your bets now for the time difference between the two of them there.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I was going to say, what are we betting on? Wow. I got to judge. Hiller versus Julian? Who's judging Hiller? Crazy. Chelsea. Make Chelsea do it.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chelsea. Oh, you got to know. Who is that? Kelsey or Chelsea? Chelsea. Chelsea. Can we bring Chelsea up here real quick? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chelsea, I got a no rep at least once. Who is that? Kelsey or Chelsea? Chelsea. Chelsea. Can we bring Chelsea up here real quick?
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chelsea, I want to meet you. We got a scene who's going to know her. So, Kelsey, you'll recognize, was a high-level regional athlete. Oh, what's up? Oh, hey. Kelsey, come on. She just got through the strict handstand push-ups and the double unders.
Starting point is 00:02:22 How far along are you, Kelsey? 17 weeks pregnant. Oh, wow. Amazing. Okay. Amazing. So, Miranda, you'll have to ask her. Is she going to purposely just no rep the shit out of Hiller?
Starting point is 00:02:33 At least once, right? Yeah, yeah. Just to vindicate everybody who he's going after. At least once. Did Hiller clean his video screen with his nut sack? What is going on? It does look like Hiller's nuts. Oh, perfect.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Boom. Oh, wow. That's a lot better. We're like 80% of the way there now. Okay, so what's going on right now? How far away from the start time? Julian doesn't warm up. Wrong work, Julian.
Starting point is 00:03:13 That's the way to do it. You get older. Round one, baby. Warming up for babies. That's right. Round one is a warm up. Okay, so let's bring... Can Hiller come over here and talk real quick?
Starting point is 00:03:25 I just want to ask a question. No, you can say too, Miranda. We need some eye candy on here. Come on back. What? No, I'm just kidding. He's going to let her take up the whole thing. All right, so Hiller, do you have a strategy going into this?
Starting point is 00:03:33 Did you watch – two questions. Did you watch the event before this, and do you have a strategy based on it? I did not watch the event. I've looked through the standards quite a bit, and the strategy is to not die on the straight handstand push-ups that close to the wall. Right. Right? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:03:48 They feel awfully close. I didn't think about that. That's really all the only strategy I've got. You can just put your thumbs right on the edge of the tape, correct? Well, we're on a dollar remit. If I were to do that, then I'm kind of off the sides of it. It's almost as if I'm grabbing onto it. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Do that. How much different is the standard now? What do you mean closer to the wall how much closer it's 10 so before the standard was a square and i believe it was a 24 inch depth so you could have your hands as far out as 24 inches and now your hands have to be on top of the 10 inch tape line that you use for the wall walks and it has to be 30 inches and we. We're going to start off with that. That's cool. So you can't have your hands wider than the 30 inches. Yeah. You guys go do your thing. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Which is a trip. That seems like such a weird, like how the hell do you come up with that standard? Very interesting. You know what I mean? It didn't really make them harder for me. I did the workout a couple hours ago, and I felt like it was pretty normal. If I put my thumbs on the edge of the tape line, it felt like my normal width and still within the 40 inch, I believe, or 36 inch, like typical square. Where were you as far as the depth, though? Like how did that change for you?
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, no, no. I know it is that. But are you normally at 10 inches or that put you closer to the wall? It put me a little closer. I probably usually I probably go like 12 or 13, so it wasn't that big of a difference. And when I was warming up, I fell off a couple times, but in the workout, I was fine. Are we all in like the Illuminati wearing black shirts right now? What's going on? Yes, I was just going to address that. Savan has been kidnapped by us, the guys in the black shirt, and I am captain now. I'll be back though shortly.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Have you seen that movie downsides with matt damon oh no we can't fucking talk about movie quotes savon will kill me if i let you go to move no no just listen i imagine savon is like a real life downsize guy all right hold on we got uh we got hillary starting here okay so here we go so he's doing his first wall walk here did you guys see how daniel was doing that kip up actually both kind of were but daniel was like popping her feet all the way up to the wall yeah what do you mean i don't like that i feel like she doesn't step up you can see how andrew's stepping watch his like one leg goes up she would like raise her chest up and then pop her feet up to the wall kind of like if you're popping up on a, on a, on a burpee.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Yeah. They jump her and now both were jumping both feet up. Yeah. I see a lot of the training guys do that. And I've seen a lot of women do it for me. It just doesn't feel natural. I feel like I get more momentum up the wall. If I step one foot up, follow the other step. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yeah. Same way. I agree. I mean, it just just it seems that it takes maybe it's not as fast but being that you only have five of them like i would rather save my shoulders yeah and take that big step and just lock out so it's more of a it's more of a lock out rather than a walk out i'm still i'm really fast at wall walks and even the step up is super fast for me i think do you think you have to go super fast at these wall walks?
Starting point is 00:06:45 No, I don't. I don't think at all. Like I, that was one of the big things I felt after the workout is I, I didn't need to go as fast as I did on the wall walks. It just gets your heart rate up. And anytime you make up is potentially lost on your rests during the strict handstand pushups. How is muscle?
Starting point is 00:07:02 Look at that muscle snatch versus a power snatch. I power snatch like like that's specifically go to unless it's a thruster maybe jr brother oh hi hey jr brother how you doing i saw you i barely saw you sneak in there how are you i'm good man yeah i was just up at the gym taping a bunch of a bunch of stations for the handstand push-ups did you make 930 inch strips of tape um actually zach one of the coaches at my gym made a stencil out of cardboard that was exactly 10 inches away from the back edge and exactly 30 inches wide. So we just put the stencil down, took the two-inch tape, covered the stencil, cut it out, and then just kept going.
Starting point is 00:07:51 It was great. One thing I was going to say that I messed with the standard a little bit earlier on the strict handstand push-ups. And like I'm going to tell all my athletes tomorrow, I think you're one of two people. You either do what Taylor did and you put thumbs on the tape. And for me, I was actually outside the 40 inch width allowance with my fingertips. So you either go thumbs on the tape. That means you're wider, but you're also closer to the wall or you go like index finger on the tape. It moves you back and in so that you're farther away from the wall, but you're also more narrow. I'm way more comfortable,
Starting point is 00:08:26 more narrow, just more of a tricep, um, dominant movement than a shoulder. Cause my shoulders are really weak. How much will athletes struggle with this? You think that'll be a big factor here? I think, uh,
Starting point is 00:08:36 to me, and I don't know if you guys have already said this, that standard is just a way for people to have to do wall facing without facing the wall. JC agree with that. Well, actually I had this question posed to me by Brian and I'd love to everyone's opinion on this is that you, I think that's one, right? A twofer on the second part, Brian actually had this assertion. He's like looking at Boz and the wall facing handstand pushes that we had at the games was to make people do them better or is this line you guys think another way to force people to do them better instead of this wide armed hands to 24
Starting point is 00:09:13 inches piked loss of midline handstand push-up position i i think it it kept me more stacked i think naturally um like you can't yeah like basically break in the midline yeah in this tape line and maybe and like i thought it was a great question from brian it's like maybe this is another way for boz to like force people to move better for sure it's it's not it's not a wall facing handstand push-up which is in a way making you get to a better shoulder position but it's putting you in a position facing the other way that still kind of requires that. And if you do break, if you do have a heavy duty, you know, break at the midline, you're right. It's going to knock you off because you are for many closer than normal. Yeah. And then just like we said, JR, about like
Starting point is 00:10:00 the wider you go, you're able to move yourself either in or out away from the wall a little bit. But just like Taylor said, I think the fact that it stacks you, it forces it into a better position. Yeah, and hold on, guys. I want to make a point here. Julian just passed Hiller. Do we think Hiller came out too hot? Very. What do you think is going on there?
Starting point is 00:10:22 I don't know, dude. Julian was going touch and go on the 135 bar so we'll see something else too to look at is the you know the feet cannot come outside the width of the hands and that's something that a lot of people are bad about and i think just putting them closer to the wall is going to make them want to put their feet out even wider now is that new i thought that was always the deal didn't they always have the feet always had to stay in within the width of the box yes yeah it usually is yeah i actually with my hands i like turn them like this and the edge of the tape line was probably in the crease of my hand so i didn't have like thumbs at the edge of the tape line it was more like right here so i was probably somewhere in between jr what you were
Starting point is 00:10:56 talking about those two extremes of fingertips and thumb tips let's see something let's check it hey miranda can you hear us yeah what do you think is you think? Is Hiller just falling off the wagon right now? Did he just blow his load? I don't know. To be honest, I haven't been paying attention to him. I would say right now, if his were on Instagram, there would be dotted lines from his hands to his feet and saying that they're outside his hands.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Oh, the feet are too wide. Yeah. What? What? Go ahead and take away all his reps. Oh, the feet are too wide. Yeah. What? Go ahead and take away all his reps. Let him know he's at one. So for everyone watching at home too, this is like kind of what I thought that the six to nine minute mark is going to be kind of a time warp.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Most people are going to need at least 90 seconds, at least 90 seconds for the nine at 185. So if you don't have at least a two minute buffer, probably a two and a halfa-half-minute buffer picking up the jump rope, it's going to be tough for you to get inside that nine-minute. Yeah. And 185 after that is no joke.
Starting point is 00:11:54 That's what I was going to say. What do you guys think? And Taylor, we'll go to you here. What do you think that 185 bar is going to feel like coming off these strict handstand push-ups and all that other work before it? I think the first rep is the hardest. Was it nine? Nine. Let's go. Justin B. send push-ups and all that other work before it. I think the first rep is the hardest.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Justin B, these live HILA workouts are my favorite things you guys have done. Yep, first rep the hardest. Matt has seamlessly replaced Sevan. Thank you. Thank you, Justin B. All right. What did you say, JR? Say it again. I was giving myself a pat on the back. So he started the snatches at 630 and
Starting point is 00:12:24 missed the first, which is probably just a flute miss. Okay. I've seen him set up it again. I was giving myself a pat on the back. So he started the snatches at 630 and missed the first, which is probably just a flute miss. Okay. I see him set up here again. That's shoulder fatigue right there, man. I don't think people give that 20 handstand pushups enough respect. He's also not pulling the bar super high. It looks like he's got to get really deep under it. Watch.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Here we go. There it is. There's a squat snatch. Squat snatch already. Miranda, how often do you guys squat snatch heavy? Is this a factor of just acclimating to this weight, or is that the fatigue settling in? You wouldn't ever see that weight in one of our daily workouts.
Starting point is 00:12:57 We have lifting workouts. I would say Julian's lifted this much once every two, three months. Did he just answer us? Did he just answer us? No, that was Salvi. I was like, wow. No, baller. Like every once in a while on a Saturday, he'll throw some Olympic lifting work.
Starting point is 00:13:18 But like, we really don't lift. I mean, yeah. And how's Hiller doing over there? Is he still on one? Salvi, what number is he on still on one 13 13 okay so this is the the determining factor if you do make it past that six minute mark these strict handstand bishops are going to be no joke right bill how many people you think are going to get here and just stare at the wall honestly a vast majority they may they may get part way through it but i think it is going to bury a lot of people because i don't think that they're going to regulate honestly a vast majority they may they may get part way through it but i think
Starting point is 00:13:45 it is going to bury a lot of people because i don't think that they're going to regulate the shoulder work on the hand on the wall walks or even on the snatch they're going to think i i need they're going to be going i need time so i need to go fast on the snatches which is going to just bury them for these handstand pushes they're going to get up and do one and just crumble. Like a la Hilla right there. Right on cue. So we just saw Julian now. He just passed it with about, what was that, 45 seconds left before that time cap. Hilla's got about 20, coming up on 20 seconds left here.
Starting point is 00:14:18 And we still have the Dubs with the 185 snatch. So it looks like this will be the end of his open workout. How much of a factor do or how many people do we think is actually going to move past that six minute mark is that aggressive jr in your gym you got a lot of different different you know capacities going through with all your members how many of them realistically are looking at that one the strict handstand push-ups uh probably 30 to 40 members.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Out of how many? Yeah, give us a percentage. I'm saying of the people that signed up for it. Out of 100. 50% of your people? 30%? Yeah, probably 30 to 40%. JR has the fittest gym ever. Hold on one second. Miranda, what was that?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Miller finished with 15 handstand pushups. Here's the funny part that you guys didn't see. His judge, Chelsea, she's 17 weeks pregnant. She beat him. Oh. We're going to have to. Caleb, let's cut that out because it's not going to do with our CA Hormones commercial. So he started this set of 20.
Starting point is 00:15:22 He started this set of 20 at 8.30. So we're at 90 seconds right there. So going back to what you're saying, 30 or 40, what percentage of that is the gym? And how many people should be preparing for the strict handstand pushups versus just game planning the 135 snatch? I'm going to tell all but probably 20 of my members that for them, this workout is just two rounds for time. Six-minute cap. Then after that, get to the wall and see what you can do. Unless you know that you can get to the wall and get handstand pushups, there's no need to pace it.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Taylor, you agree? Yeah. It's JR's strategy tips. I feel like it's jr strategy tips again for i feel like it's it's tough because this and this isn't like a knock at all it's impressive how fit his gym population is it's insane chase chase who are you waving at there oh saying hi to cheeky oh i thought you're trying to get my attention as if you had something okay so i did see this comment earlier. I'm going back to that line. I think it was Kiefer that put this up.
Starting point is 00:16:33 It says, could this line also be the line for one day doing wall-facing handstand push-ups? Your palms must be touching the line in some capacity in front of oh yeah there it is yeah i think that's a that's a really cool point and i'm going to be honest i went through the standards to see and i was going to tell hiller hey it doesn't say in here you have to be facing out do them while facing because it's going to actually be easier to do them while facing if the edge of your palms is on that tape line for some people that may be facing the other way but it says in the rules that heels have to be on the wall. So they kind of took care of that.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Uncommon movement. Uncommon movement clause. 225. First setup. Drive into it. 22nd. What's crazy is that this, the way the girls,
Starting point is 00:17:23 the way Mal made this workout look earlier, the way that she just, I mean, hammered all the way through, not even took, didn't even need the last three minutes. You know what I mean? So you have games level version. Then you have high end level version here, like with Julian into just like you were talking about, JR, that majority is going to be at that six minute mark. So it's going to be like the handstands aren't even really going to happen. You know, it's going to be, what can you do with the wall walks and the lightweight snatches? Great job, gentlemen. Way to work.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Hello, Tatras, brother. How are you doing? I'm good. I bet you are. You've been in that resting for like eight minutes. Hi guys. How did that snatch go? It really catches you off guard um i would say unless you're like extremely efficient because like my shoulders are completely shot after those straight handstand push-ups so um that exposed definitely weakness in my snatching. And that combo is rough. So break up early is very appropriate.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And you have to, once I overcame that 185 and allowed my body to relax, I was able to speed up the cycle right on those 185. But knowing that I was going to hit the 225 again i'm not gonna lie it definitely scares you um so break up the strict handstand push-ups on that first set into like threes the double unders break those up as well to relax the shoulders a bit and expect a big drive on that hip extension on that first snatch and like approach it sooner than you think. Cause it's just a mental hurdle you're going to have to overcome.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Go ahead, Bill. Go ahead. I was going to say, what was your pacing on the wall walks in the game, those first two rounds? Cause it seems like that's going to definitely, it can do a lot of damage if you're not, if you're not paced, right? Like once you get towards that red then you're gonna have a hard time coming out of there so what what were you thinking that when you're doing the wall walks are you trying to keep yourself for me we do a wall walks often
Starting point is 00:19:34 in street parking so i knew i was going to get to the 185 snatch like that was not and even the 25 to be honest because my shoulder is one of my my uh stronger abilities when i was competing um so if you go back and watch my pacing on the wall walk i was deliberately slow like i didn't let taylor speak uh speak because his approach was different right he knew that the strict handstand push-up was going to be the the rough sticking point for him. For me, that wasn't. And so I went smooth on the wall walk. I would say on the second round of wall walks is where it's going to get you. It's going to hit hard because after you do the first two or three,
Starting point is 00:20:17 you realize how fatigued your shoulders are because everybody's going to come out really tense and excited to beat that six-minute window. The sooner you allow yourself to relax, the more it's going to come out really tense and excited to beat that six minute window the the sooner you allow yourself to relax the more it's going to work to your advantage um did that new standard play play a role in it sorry cut you out did that new handstand push-up play a factor in there or the standard play factor in that um i think it will if you're not confident in your handstand push-ups um if you struggle with it and already like if things have to be perfect for you on your setup and your positioning, then it might throw people off.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Like, Hey, this is not a sticking point for me, no matter how I have to adjust my positioning. It's not, if that makes any sense. We had some speculation that Adrian kind of dropped that in there to force some virtuosity in the movement to make you do the same thing we've all done, but a little bit better in a better position.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Would you agree with that statement? Did you feel that in there at all? Um, okay. I, this first I'm hearing a statement, but yes, I would agree with, um, if you are so comfortable and you're so used to doing it a certain way and you don't challenge yourself by like, same thing with a muscle up, it's not always going to have to be getting that purpose, a perfect false grip. Right. It's like you have to pretty much just jump up to the rings and get it done no matter the positioning you're in. And over volume and over time, there's a confident individual that doesn't really throw you off so much. Same thing with this. If you're an individual that's used to performing in a certain way and you don't challenge it under fatigue and under that stimulus, it's going to really throw a wrench into people's ability to knock that section out. But again, if you have been exposed to it, you're used to quickly just jumping up from one movement to the next, it's not going to.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Because fundamentally, if your positioning is always dialed in, where you move your hands, it's not going to make too much of an impact, unless it's like a dramatic shift. Now, the big question, the thing we really want to know, why the hell is Hiller at your house right now? Did you just find him like homeless, a campman or something, and drove by and he was like making a video on somebody and just picked him up in a van? We've said too much okay fair enough um but yeah for those of you guys watch you have to be confident in your own ability so if you're
Starting point is 00:22:40 not a confident snatcher break up the other movements and expect to go singles on the snatches. If you're not a confident wall walker, slow it down there. Pick up pace on the other sections. Awesome. Well, your connection is petering out just like Hiller did in the workout. Thanks, brother. We appreciate it. If you want to jump on, I've got to
Starting point is 00:23:02 find some place to put some... I'm glad we made it to the 12-minute mark So that's what that looks like going to 12 minutes. So awesome job. Thank you. Great job guys. Fantastic. You did fantastic. Uh, just want to address a couple of these here. Uh, Phillip, I'm not even going to try your last name because then I'm going to mispronounce it four times and it's, I'm really going to be accused of copying on here. So do you guys think the next progression is wall walks with handstand pushups at the top? Chase, what do you think? Ooh, I would like to see maybe a wall-facing
Starting point is 00:23:32 handstand pushup prior to the combo of the two. I think we'll see that coming. We said that, I can't remember what podcast we were talking about this, but Jared asked this, he's like, you see this trend and obviously Oz tends to try to buck these trends, but it's like you see this trend and obviously oz tends to try to buck these trends but it's like you shot across the bow at the game so semi-final athletes get
Starting point is 00:23:51 ready to do wall facing handstand push-ups it happens at semi-finals quarterfinals get ready to see that once it trickles down to there maybe right yeah yeah i think i think we have a while till then i think is hillary judging now hill are you gonna be a judge now is that what's happening okay awesome great thing wad zombie here dad strength is greater than t r yeah you're killing us on the sponsors and i'm gonna be fired on stephan knee bender do your your pace all depends on where you think you will get to don't race to a movement just take a ton of breaks real pro there you agree with that yeah yeah is that your pro tip are you talking yeah pro tip is where was that can you pull that back up
Starting point is 00:24:43 yeah yeah pro tip is do handstand push-ups pro tip is take where was that? Can you pull that back up? Yeah. Pro tip is do handstand push-ups. Pro tip is take a ton of break. Take a what? Perfect. Okay, what's going on, dude? How was that workout for you? I mitigated the damage on the handstand push-ups, and I didn't do the best job.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Actually, the only way I would have done better is having practiced that for the past couple of months. When was the last time you did a strict handstand push-up other than a few minutes ago? Two months ago? Three months ago? It's been a bit. Did the new standard mess with you at all?
Starting point is 00:25:18 Did you have to adapt to that? It certainly works if you're not already good at them. I think there's just people who are better pressers than others, and there's also people who work on pressing the way you're not already good at them or like i think there's just people who are better pressers than others and there's also people who work on pressing the way you're supposed to be pressing like boolean said maybe like you said about virtuosity um i've only come so far in the past and i've definitely stopped working on it in the present fair enough so did you guys did any of you guys watch today's event? Jared, did you watch Danielle and Mal get after it?
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, I watched it. Later. Thank you, Hiller. Bye. Thank you. I wonder what he's doing there. I want to know what he's doing, too. What do you guys think he's doing there now that they're not here and we can talk about it?
Starting point is 00:25:59 It's a natty or not for Miranda, obviously. We've been waiting for this one since you started CrossFit. Remember, guys? Hiller's probably going to make a street parking video on how the Open didn't go so well. On that last piece of it there. So, JR, sorry about that. Going back to that.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Danielle and Mal, were you impressed? What did that look like to you? Yeah, I mean, I would love to know. and this is something maybe we can ask Boz about if we get him back on, is a lot of people ask about the testing of the games workouts. And either who tested them or how many times they were tested, if the females went faster than the males, et cetera, et cetera. And like, just thinking about 2007 reload, everyone thought the weight was way too light for the women. And then what happened? Tia failed her last rep, Matt failed his last rep, and it couldn't have looked any worse for everyone that thought that the loading was off. So just watching them do it, I'm watching them hit 125 and it's 185, 125. And I'm like, that's how my 135 snatches
Starting point is 00:27:07 are going to look. That's exactly how they're going to look. There's going to be a little, there's going to be a little re-dip and that's it. And I'm wondering in testing, how did the males do comparatively to the females? And is that how Boz arrived at the fact, well, Hey, it really looked like everyone that we tested the straight handstand pushups just caught up a little bit quicker for the females. So we decided to have the loading up to 225, 155, or 185, 125, and not 185, 135, 225, 165. And it'll be interesting. I mean, all these guys can weigh in. The fastest time in the world, does it come from mal? Does it come from a male? Does it come from a female? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah. Do you guys agree with that? So the weight's been heavier? Do you think it's balanced for the two movements? That third weight, I think, throws it. Especially for the high-end ladies, 125 on the snatch for them, I think it's too light. It's not the same as the 185 for the men. Mal's time was unbelievable yeah she i mean she made that 155 look completely comfortable you know i think i think there'll be men that for sure beat the top women's time chase hot take um yeah the 125 is a little bit of an outlier.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I agree. I'm looking at more of open stuff. Like the lens I grade the programming with and the weights they use and the skills they use are relegated to the competition that we're holding and the purpose of it. So if we're getting top 10% through, we want more people to play in a sense, then okay. Do I want to see this at quarterfinals? No. Do I want to see this at 70 finals? God,
Starting point is 00:28:49 no. Right. There's no business to be at the cross of games. Yes, they have, should have heavier weights. They've proven over time that they are, that women are just getting stronger and faster and better than they've ever
Starting point is 00:29:01 been before in the open. Based off what we're trying to do. I don't have as much of a problem with with i'm actually surprised they used the other weights more than i'm surprised about the 125 really what do you mean i mean the overall i was ready for 65 85 25 45 that's what we've been used to if anything this is the heaviest they've used consistently for the women so that's actually the outlier that I see. Wasn't that the same set that they use though for that, the pull-up snatch open event?
Starting point is 00:29:31 It was actually, it was. It went up to 265, didn't it? Yeah, it did. For men, and it was 185 for women. 245, 175, 225, 155. So the women's weights were 90 95 yep 125 uh 155 175 185 actually programmed that for my no they actually um 2017 17.3 is that you guys are talking about yeah 65 95 135 155 175.85 so they use 135 back then yeah so we're so we're going to regionals and that makes a difference going to quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:30:14 right right uh bury my cock in her which is just funny to say now that we get the joke and i'm all on the same page and i'm so sorry yes i yeah, me and you both. Yes, I did get promoted to CEO, and Caleb is right here doing just fine, saving my ass, bringing some stuff up soon here. Zachary, I'm not a politician. If you listened to my last podcast, going over the programming for 23-2-A, brother. Oh, is someone taking some shots at you, Chase? Oh, I'm just uh not you know i let
Starting point is 00:30:46 other people take harder takes and i just take what i believe in so hey what do you get what do you guys think about instead of having the the run-up of the way it was set up because the way that danielle and mal made it look was the having a a buildup time where you can, you know, bank time. It wasn't even needed for that, that, that level. What if they just said, okay, it's going to be 10 minutes. And here's the set you get as far as you can. Like it, like it better.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Or is that worse because you're having the general CrossFit member going more than six minutes now as we're trying to work on? Does it give them more of a chance to play or does it... You mean like a 12-minute cap? Yeah. Lower the time down. Bring the time down. It's a 10-minute cap, say. But now everybody gets that same 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:31:38 of work rather than... The low end will get the six. The high end... What did Mal get? She got like eight? Just under eight? Yeah, without a time. mean, what would Mal get? She got like eight, just under eight. Yeah. Yeah, without her time. Taylor, what do you think? About Mal getting eight or leaving the workout as 10 minutes instead of the gateways?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Leaving the workout open so people can get more play time. It is short. Would it force more of a race, do you think? Because there is an end to it? Actually, for anybody. Even the more general CrossFitter, would it force more of a race for them? Because now they're going to be able to hang into it. I don't think that has as much of a bearing or plays much of a difference for the top.
Starting point is 00:32:19 But I feel like it would make more of a difference for the general pop. And I don't know that people want four minutes or three minutes or two minutes to stare at Shrek Hansen pushups and not be able to do them. Or at least that's why I see Boz programming it that way. But six minutes is really short, super short. And I mean, when I'm looking at this too, I'm probably overly analytical about what has he shown us that he thinks is important. At the games, he did things that forced your pace for you. You didn't get to choose. You had to row at this pace. You had to go hard on the row in the last chance qualifier,
Starting point is 00:32:55 or you didn't have enough time to get enough handstand walk reps to win, so you couldn't pace the row. So maybe this is just his way of just saying, no, no, no. The game is not you get 10 minutes, pace it out how you want so that you can get as many reps as you can. It's just you only get six minutes. So you have to go at an uncomfortable pace. Maybe this is just him sticking true to his guns. He's pushing effort over everything else.
Starting point is 00:33:17 He doesn't want to leave a lot of room for gaming and strategy. He just wants there to be straight up capacity. Forcing intensity maybe. I don't know. They do need a short one, and they do need more of an intensity a shorter intensity i'm all for that i'm not saying that it would be better i would purely just ask them what you guys thought about that i like the fact that if you put the general the general group you're talking your general pop people they're going to be at six minutes because that's all as far as they're going to get then
Starting point is 00:33:41 you're going to have other people that the furthest they're going to go is nine minutes you're going to have your good athletes it'll be right at about nine minutes so you're getting everyone that's working at about that time frame but it does you're right push the limp push the pace a little bit on the general pop especially at that six minute i just wondered if you if you if you thought i don't know give them a little bit more time to play kind of a thing with more than anything was all i was just kind of i also saw it go ahead go i also don't know that you can say he really places that much of an emphasis on effort over everything when last week we found that people could just walk the shuttle runs and get a better score that was
Starting point is 00:34:13 probably unforeseen on his part but uh that rubs me the wrong way so i don't know you think that bothered him did you guys see the statement he made at the beginning what statement did he make uh he just basically was saying like hey we're looking for effort here i'm not looking for the gaming and strategy which i thought was pretty funny after of course before and he said that before the open announcement so you think he knew people would walk the shuttles i don't think so no i think that i think that that just that came as an unintended consequence of it but i think he likes to go right to this one next where it forces you to work hard in the six minutes and it's a good balance to the two as well, right? There's a guy at my gym that tied Patrick Vellner's score walking, and he is not fitter
Starting point is 00:34:53 than Patrick Vellner or anywhere near as close as fit as Patrick Vellner. What I like about the six minutes bill is that, I mean, we've talked about this before, is like Boz will shorten time caps to force intensity, like a pressure cooker. And how many times do we sit in your affiliate with a group class workout? And they're like, Hey, this is only a five minute workout. I'm like, yes. And it's going to go fast. And so you're showing people it's like, you can have, we don't need 15 to 20 minute tests every week to have a good test. And so forcing the issue of six minutes, I think may be a part of the balance of modalities and time domains and intensity,
Starting point is 00:35:31 where it's like, Hey, guess what you're going to do? You're going to go 10 wall walks as fast as you can, a hundred double unders and basically grace with half the, half the weight and then the actual weight. And you're going to send it just to get to the wall. And if you do that, I doubt anyone can sit back and go, that was a waste of my time. Yeah, for sure. Not. And I agree. I think that's actually one of the hardest things to teach in an affiliate is, is teach people to go fast for a really short time. Yeah. The heavy day and the short day. Yeah. Hardest things to teach. It's the hardest thing to scale. It's the hardest thing in the program. It's the hardest thing to scale. It's the hardest thing to program. It's the hardest thing to modify.
Starting point is 00:36:05 But for 15 people in your class, it's really easy to be like, hey, guys, we're doing Murph. Everybody go. Right. But to get the right stimulus for a five minute test is really hard to do. And so maybe this is one of those is like, get it right. If you want to make it, you're going to have to put yourself in a very uncomfortable position to get there. Maybe that's one of those shorter tests that people just don't think is valuable because
Starting point is 00:36:27 everybody wants to go long and high volume. I, by no reason said it wasn't valuable, but for people that just don't understand what I'm talking about, but I do like the fact that they hang the carrot out there of, you know, if you can make it, you get to advance to this new room of you get to do, you know, strict handstand pushups and heavier snatch. Congratulations. You get to go all the way out there. Nice job. And I mean, because I think that there will be anyone that gets past that six minute mark that is going to be for some, I think, especially like the gen, the gen pop, the gen population that we have in the gym, if they can get past that and even get one strict handstand pushup, that is going to be,
Starting point is 00:37:10 uh, there's a large separator for a lot of people just in the, that, that general group. And I think just within the gym population, uh, the gym community, they like, that'll be a badge of honor. So it is cool. And you do get to rush to that because you'll rush and get what two straight handstand push-ups right on so i i agree i do think it's cool i do know that we needed a faster um event we needed one and i could see that there's a good way to do it and like i said with mal getting that i mean shit eight minutes yeah she smoked that i mean she basically did what everyone else is gonna be doing at six minutes you know what i mean like everyone got to work in the same time domain on that yeah i wonder too if like because suza bill and you guys are um you guys are gym owners chase was
Starting point is 00:37:54 taylor's basically gym owner he's there all the time this is this is a recipe for redo city like this is like oh yeah it's for sure uh two or three or like for a lot of people. And not just because it's the last week of the open and they want to get into quarters or they want to qualify for other competitions that use the open leaderboard as their, um, qualifier. But like, this is going to be one and it's going to be entertaining because they're going to get to the round of 12 snatches and they're going to get nine. And they're like, Oh, I'm going to redo that again because I can get strict hands and pushups. I can do them. I just need to, I just need time. It's like, okay, so what does that mean? Like, well, I just need to do three. I was like, all
Starting point is 00:38:32 right, how long does that take you? Probably 15 to 30 seconds. Okay. Where are you going to find that? You know, to get more time, you're going to have to hurt more, do something faster. And that's so easy for people just to say, I'm going to redo to hurt more, do something faster. And that's so easy for people just to say, I'm going to redo it and get three more reps. I get three more reps. I can get all the handstand pushups and all the double unders again. So that's 70 more reps on the leaderboard, but like three snatches at whatever weight you're at. That's so much time that people just don't understand. Do you think that's wise though? Can somebody repeat this three times in just the short time period or is that point fatigue is going to set and they'll be done no it's going to be one of those teaching moments for coaches i
Starting point is 00:39:09 think so like definitely not smart but they're going to be a lot of people that do it well i think it's going to be a two two-fold teaching moment because as we just talked about we have to now sell that six minute workout because you guys know how many members are going to come up and say oh this is it on the last one i'm not even going to you know and you many members are going to come up and say, oh, this is it on the last one. I'm not even going to, you know, and you're going to have to play that game a little bit. And then on top of that, you're also going to have to teach like, hey, you're not going to be able to do this three times in a weekend and improve your score for those three snatches.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Do you feel like, well, you, Matt, and even you, JR, like do you guys push the RX setup or do you push the scale setup for anybody? anybody in the open i push the rx setup i i like to see people get that i mean it might be your first time snatching 65 pounds right or you might be your first double under that you get and we always say like hey one rep at rx it puts you on top of everybody else on scale then when we're talking in terms of leaderboard which we don't do year round year round we're training we're, we're being smart about our conditioning to make sure we're reaching, getting the stimulus.
Starting point is 00:40:07 But during the open, that's the time to go for it. And that's cool. Cause you get to see all those, all those PRs. JR, what do you think? Yeah, for sure. And like in the brief, I'll, I'll make sure that they know, Hey, like the open is a time to test yourself. So this is the, this is the only time that I'll say, stand around and fight for that
Starting point is 00:40:24 one strict hand, you know, a handstand pushup before doing seated dumbbell Z-press and getting a great workout. It's the only time of year I'll say that. But I will also tell them, wherever you are at six minutes, make it a 12-minute AMRAP. We record your score and you keep working. Because I do want people to still get a really good workout. So I'll tell them, hey, do, you know, do 95, 65, do one 35, 95. And if you don't finish it fine, if you want to go back down to 85 and finish it out and then go up to 95 for the next round, because you can do straight handstand pushups, or if you just want to kip them, or if you want to use another scaling
Starting point is 00:40:59 option, I will tell everybody, Hey, if your workouts over at six and you want to jump into the next heat and do it scaled, do it scaled. Or if you want to just keep going to 12 minutes, keep going to 12. Taylor, what are you doing? Are you doing the same thing? Do you agree with that approach? We may not have people turn it into a 12-minute AMRAP, but I will push people who have the capacity potentially to RX. potentially to rx um i feel like i give advice not so generally to the members but more specific on each person's level and capacity we're gonna have a lot of members where rx is just there's
Starting point is 00:41:34 no shot and some of them are gonna think hey i should just do rx and get four snatches at 95 pounds but what's what's the point of that in six minutes in my opinion um so what do we think we saw mal this absolutely dominate this workout is that going to be indicative of everything else in her path from this point forward i mean she's sitting in first place in the open right now going into this workout after that performance there do we think anybody is gonna touch her chase i'll see after this week, you know, what if, what if Laura beats her? I mean,
Starting point is 00:42:10 she's my pick to win the games. Yeah. And she looks amazing. And then she's not in, if she's anything like Matt, she's just starting to get ready for the season. She's probably been hammering her weaknesses. She probably has,
Starting point is 00:42:23 she's not maxed out on what usually she's the best at and she's been working on other things and yeah i mean she looked unreal and you're you're buying that whole not prepped to win right now because frazier used to say that all the time oh i won the open on accident you buying that or is that is he just bs in there is he actually game plan for that fucking bullshit yeah i don't think well i think what what matt when matt says that he's like he's not focused on like he'll do it once and then call it and if he wins he wins like i don't know if mal's repeated anything yet what do you think but the i think the great thing about crossfit is transfer of skill and when you're training your weaknesses and to win the games you just so happen to be really good at the
Starting point is 00:43:10 open well i remember specifically fronting froning and i think it was uh regionals of 2013 it was the hundreds workout 100 wall balls 100 chest of our pull-ups and he specifically said oh i didn't test this i just showed up on game day and did it and i always wondered is that you think there's truth to that bill when he says things like that you just think he's just playing a game with the whole entire field to get in everybody's head as we're approaching the games with the amount of volume that that guy was putting in back in the day and he was the guy that was putting in more probably more volume than most especially at that time he didn't need to test that because he had
Starting point is 00:43:45 already had that in his repertoire because he was the guy that decided to break the 100 chest bar into sets of five and no one else thought to do that so here's the best in the world that breaks that up he had already played with high volume pull-ups to know exactly how to break it know how to do it so he didn't have to do the workout ahead of time to practice it. Just like what Taylor was saying. Like he, all of his, all of his training up to that point has set him into a place where he
Starting point is 00:44:11 could go to any event that any workout that was going to come in his way and do just fine and know what sort of pace he needed to put on that. Yeah. And yes, I did fuck it up. Okay. Thanks for pointing that out.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I'm trying to run the fucking show here for my first time. You could just cut me a little slack. You're doing a great job. Over here, sweating balls. My palms are all sweaty like I'm in an airplane right now. That's what we're rolling with. Okay, I want to know. Now we're going to get into the real deal
Starting point is 00:44:37 here. We're going to get into the real question. Mal was there. Big stage for her. First in the open. We know it's going to be her breakout year going into the games because the gatekeeper, Miss Tia Teraklumi, is not there. Big stage for her. First in the open. We know it's going to be her breakout year going into the games because the gatekeeper, Miss Thea Teraklumi, is not there. So what do we see? No Matt Frazier at the open. J.R., why do you think he wasn't there at the event today?
Starting point is 00:45:01 Probably got sick. I don't know. I don't think she really needs him there to get there and take care of business. I don't think that he thinks that he needs to be there for her to talk strategy or whatever. I think she's a machine and she's just going to see it and do it.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Taylor, you buying that? I don't know where to go with that response. A response to that question. But part of me says she's still really young and it's probably beneficial for a coach to be in her corner. You know, it didn't go wrong. She crushed it, but what if it does? And then she's there alone.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Chase, what do you think? Why isn't he there? That's a good question uh i don't know ability speculation yeah the combine is that they didn't pay him to show up um i you know what honestly it's really interesting watching matt with mal because i never saw matt in a, in a real, I mean, he didn't need to be a coach. He was, he was the athlete. So he was always doing his thing. Um, and I think that there was a lot of people watching how he was going to handle
Starting point is 00:46:16 Mal, especially when she came off, um, you know, from her last coach into under Mal and you know, it's the whole thing. Like she's already good, all that kind of stuff. So I think that Matt has to find a way to not just train her in the gym, but also train her, mature her as an athlete. And maybe, I mean, I'm, this is complete speculation. Maybe he's like, okay, here, here's what we're going to do. You're going to take this one. Here's, you're going to figure out what the workout is, be confident in what it is and just go. Don't worry about the outcome, whatever it ends up being,. Don't worry about the outcome,
Starting point is 00:46:49 whatever it ends up being, because if you did great, cool, we can build off that. If you fuck something up or if you got freaked out or whatever the case is, we have time to get you back to where you need to go. It's a safe place to take a calculated risk that you have plenty of time to fix. It's not like she doesn't have her fitness or anything like that. So who knows? Maybe that was a play. I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter whether he was there or not. As long as she had Marconi and O'Keefe. Patrick Clark says she wasn't alone.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Marconi and O'Keefe were there as well as her whole family. So basically Frazier's cutting the milk cord. He's letting her swim out on the deep end on her own. Kind of like Savon is with me today on the show. And just seeing how how it goes seeing seeing what happens how she reacts and how she deals with the adversity that may have came up who knows it could be a positive spin because matt can't always hold her hand at the games either so it's like hey how do you how do you react to just going out there trusting what
Starting point is 00:47:40 we've done i trust you to to handle business so like both of them aren't just like clung to each other that they, they need that the entire time to be successful. What is that? Is that a real rumor? Yeah, there we go. Jonathan Ortega. Oh,
Starting point is 00:47:55 I heard he had knee surgery. So he's, so he's hurt. He's winged. Brian, what's up buddy? Brian knows. Hello guys.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Brian, why wasn't Matt at today's event with uh his shining star malabrine uh well there's plenty of support for her here today that's not the question though i know i mean it's that's that's that's his and their private businesses report at their own time okay and it's mine just to dig it up and flip over a rock. So that way I have my shiny moment here. Okay. Well, even,
Starting point is 00:48:28 even if it's, let's say he did have knee surgery, it's still a great way to set her up to be able to handle something that comes her way and, and be able to be able to adjust to that. And one of the things that I think CrossFitters have to be able to do is it's not just a hundred yard dash where you know exactly how you're going to run and where you need to go. There are going to be things that happen
Starting point is 00:48:48 and you have to be able to adjust on the fly a little bit. And so, I mean, granted, everyone's going to know what the events are. She didn't know until it got handed to her. Um, but to be able to have the pressure cooker of the crowd, have people watching you. And that's something that as a young athlete, she needs to make sure she's prepared for it. Cause if she is heir to the throne and it does end up that way, I mean, technically speaking, she's going to, she has the timeframe to be up at the top for quite a while. So why not learn to deal with all of that pressure now before it really matters, you know, before like you really have to be under the microscope. And I would say she absolutely crushed it, not only in performance,
Starting point is 00:49:28 but if you guys watch her post-interview, she is polished. She sounds very intelligent, and she's going to have a very long and wonderful career. She's a rock star. Brian, are you at the event right now? Well, I mean, I was earlier today. Okay, so where are you right now? The hotel. Okay, it looked a little sketchy when you looked around.
Starting point is 00:49:47 He looks a little nervous when he's in there. Yeah, are you being held hostage or something, buddy? Do you want to talk about it? Alex, Frazier had knee surgery, said it in the HWPO call. Okay, so it's not a rumor. It's official. You heard it here first from the Sebon podcast. Matt Frazier has knee surgery.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Brian, what's going on? What are you doing, brother? How was the event today it was very fun I had not been to one before and a lot of people here good to catch up with but also
Starting point is 00:50:15 and Chase knows and anyone who's been to one knows that it's like it is a pretty cool environment they always say it's like incredibly loud and passionate crowd and this was no different the Omaha crew brought it for sure but I also enjoyed watching the like the actual CrossFit team put on the event and take down the event afterwards it was pretty cool we stayed around for a while and you know Adrian's out there Wilson Tang's out there Becky Harsh's out there and they're stripping the floor they're pulling the tape up and picking up their um the mats and packing up the bolts for the rig and i didn't necessarily
Starting point is 00:50:50 expect to see them doing that so that was kind of a nice surprise at the end truly it's just like the good folks over at rogue fitness for this limited time use code suza for 20 off your order in free shipping it's very limited you have to go to the website and do right now otherwise it won't work brian we talked a lot about mal's uh performance here but let me think about danielle what in the world was that we're gonna jump off i coach early okay okay thank you thank you taylor for all your thank you jr didn't even say bye. He just fucking left. Thanks, dude. He said bye in the chat. You know what? I don't
Starting point is 00:51:28 respect that at all. I want a personal face-to-face. We talked about Mal's performance quite a bit, Brian, but what about Danielle? How is she? Do you think that got in her head a little bit, or is that a good performance for her? I actually spoke to her afterwards. No, she was fine. I mean, I think she, if anything,
Starting point is 00:51:44 I think she feels like she left some time on the table just by making some kind of silly mistakes getting some no reps she didn't need obviously bypassing the double unders at the end to go to the barbell and do an extra rep at 155 um her and Cooper think she can probably do it about a minute faster but either way that's going to be a you know a competitive time I don't think there's going to be a ton of athletes finishing this workout so I think it was a good performance and you know obviously people are curious about the handstand push-up standard like there's a very very limited amount of time for those four athletes to try to adapt to that and do it and you know you guys know how um you know the high level athletes are if you give them 10 minutes to try something, they'll be okay at it.
Starting point is 00:52:26 If you give them an hour, they'll be pretty good. If you give them two days, they're going to figure it out. So if she does this again two to three days from now, I'd expect her time to be 60 to 90 seconds faster. And you think that that's worth it for her to redo that time? Or you just think we're just waiting for the rest of the time to shake out? I don't think it really matters. I mean, she's going to make it through to the next round either way.
Starting point is 00:52:50 You look at someone like Pat Valner last week, I'm sure that he knows he can do better on that workout than what he did in the first go at it, but he just decided there's no need to do that. So unless Danielle thinks that she can maybe do a good enough performance to get into the money, I don't really think there's any need for her to, unless she just wants to do it from a, either confidence perspective or to, you know, practice that, that standard when she has a little bit more time to repair for it, just in case she has to do it
Starting point is 00:53:17 again. Yeah. And Caleb just brought that up there. Was that, was that prompted by anything? Did you guys want to talk about that standard? Caleb, do you want to bring that back up? I mean, we've already touched on it quite a bit here, Brian, earlier in the show, but is there anything with this standard that you think is the reason why it was set? We were talking earlier that Bosman was looking to push some more virtuosity in the movement and have it be a little tighter. What do you think? Yeah, I mean, I called Savan and Chase earlier and suggested that this might be him encouraging the community to, you know, get into a little bit better position with their handstand pushups, just like he did with the games athletes last year with the wall facing. And, you know, one inch closer to the wall can make a difference, but it might actually, even though it can be frustrating at first, in the long run, it might actually pay off for people and not just handstand pushups, but other overhead movements,
Starting point is 00:54:09 and maybe even just overall core integrity, possibly even transferring down to something as simple as the pushup. So there might be some long-term positives from this that we're not seeing at first glance. And have you guys tried it yet yourselves? I have not. I haven't yet. No, And have you guys tried it yet yourselves? I have not. I haven't yet. No, no. Chase, you haven't played around with it?
Starting point is 00:54:26 Chase. He did a one-handed handstand at the 10-inch mark. Oh, perfect. Perfect. Yeah, yeah. I'm prepared. So, okay, Brian, anything else you want to add there with the event? Anything else going down? Anything weird happen?
Starting point is 00:54:42 Nobody suddenly dropped down to the floor or anything crazy like that at the event come on we gotta throw one vaccine no it was no it was a lot of fun i was mostly just trying to observe and take it in i did get to meet some people today that i've been i hadn't met before which was nice but overall just a just a fun experience and grateful to have gotten to do it finally. And when will you do the workout? I think I have been running the Friday night lights at our gym, but I haven't done any of the workouts during them. So I think I'll probably jump into a heat tomorrow night. Yeah, there you go. I usually, I usually do that at the last week. How long are you out in Omaha for right now?
Starting point is 00:55:26 12 more hours. Red-eye? Is that the last one? What's the first one? What's the first what? There's red-eye and then there's black-eye. Is that the red-eye? PC has a much earlier flight than me my flight's a reasonable time it's
Starting point is 00:55:46 at 10 a.m so that's fine that's not bad at all it's not bad at all did you get a chance oh go ahead go ahead i was gonna you want to know what i really wanted to see during that open so they have them they have those two ladies facing off on the double unders i so bad wanted danielle to just start talking shit hey you you look bad over there hey what's up shorty i mean just just any just any i i thought that would have been so hysterical i mean like she had to turn around to ask how what number she was on at one point to see what uh how many double unders she hit but i mean face to face that would i think that would have been so fun to watch that's an really Rubio right there?
Starting point is 00:56:26 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Gracias. What's up, bro? Nice thruster. Dang, dude. Yeah, he absolutely thrashed it. That's a great point, Bill. Brian, did you see anything back in the warm-up room? Like, did Danielle kind of iron her down?
Starting point is 00:56:37 Or was there any shit talking? A little rousing back there? A little pump of the shoulder? A little elbow check? Pump fake when she walks by or something? Honestly, it was pretty tame. They were both in good spirits yesterday. They were both in good spirits today and just happy to be here competing.
Starting point is 00:56:52 But I did take notice of that fact that they were facing each other during the double-unders. And I was standing with some of the videographers for HWPO and lab management. And I was like, I wonder if there's a way to do some kind of video edit of them like facing each other with like a spinning camera i mean you'd have to prepare for it but yeah it's pretty rare that you're gonna see people going head-to-head doing double honors like that looking straight into each other's eyes so i took note of it as well bill man i i thought that would i mean and i'm not saying that those guys i'm not trying to you know make anyone a bad guy or anything like that. But I would just all of a sudden, as they're facing like that, I mean, I have members that if they're right in front of someone, they will intentionally stop their workout and move.
Starting point is 00:57:33 So that they're not face to face when they're lifting with some, you know, right eye to eye. But I just, I was like, I just started cracking up. And that was the first thing I said right away. Oh, I wonder if someone's going to start talking shit. Well, the question I have, and you guys know this way more because you've been involved in these in these open announcements different things and close to it did they plan that was that like did they like rehearse and be like okay you guys are gonna come out you're gonna stand here and face each other did that just naturally happen uh i mean don't tell them where they're gonna go yeah but i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:57:59 think i don't think that there was i don't think that someone in the background was like okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna make them stare at each other as i mean i don't think that there was, I don't think that someone in the background was like, okay, here's what we're going to do. We're going to make them stare at each other. I mean, I don't think I would have, I don't think they would have done it like that. They're facing like all the same direction, not at each other like that. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Forward facing the camera. But if you guys remember what, what was the workout? 12.2. Was it the snatch workout where Rich and Dan faced each other and did a snatch off over intense. Oh, that's right. That's right. And that one was very intentional rich and dan faced each other and did a snatch off over in oh that's right that's right and that one was very intentional they started facing each other yeah maybe that's dave's sly hand reaching back in there
Starting point is 00:58:35 right anything else notable at the at the event there boots on the ground um i don't know i mean not really there's a lot of uh crossfit employees here and they definitely take the production of these things very seriously so hopefully everyone enjoyed it at home well fantastic anything you guys want to add about the uh 23.3 as we wrap this up and i've made it across my hour mark i wish it was event number one really you would like to kick off with this? I wish this was our first one. Well, and I say that, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:09 and we've talked about some of these things, but like I like what that is because, you know, we've talked about this on our show is that if you are going to design, especially an open style workout that has the combination of the best workout that we've ever had that we think anyway was the double under toe to bar increasing weight uh squat clean and that was i mean just having a gymnastic a monostructural and a weightlifting i think is awesome and i i
Starting point is 00:59:38 mean when i saw it i liked what it is i just think it cool. I wish it would have been the first one. Chase, how do you feel about that? I like this a lot as far as the style of programming. And it just makes me question of why we had the thruster at all after 22.2. Interesting. Hey, we got our open test of strength in a format that is increasing in difficulty and skill and weight. So that's the question that is rolling around my head at the moment is how I feel about the thruster, even though I already had certain feelings about the thruster to begin with. Brian, do you like the order?
Starting point is 01:00:18 What are your feelings on that? Well, more than anything, I think what Boz has really told us this year is everything you think you know about the Open, you can kind of reconsider that. Three weeks, three barbells. Putting the ring muscle-ups in week one, putting something that feels more like a week one workout in week three, having two different tests of strength, both with the barbell. One that is probably more desirable than others for most people from an analysis perspective. And just kind of knowing how he is i would expect next year's open to look very different from this year's as well so i i kind of commend him for bringing a little bit more of the unpredictability uncertainties you know we're still going to get a
Starting point is 01:00:55 good test we're still going to get a fairly good representation of of uh you know who some of the fittest people are at this point in the season when you look at i think by the end of this week when you look at the top 20 of the, of the leaderboard, even though you're going to be missing some names who are, in my opinion, not really trying as hard as they could be in these workouts, there's still going to be 20 athletes there at the top of the leaderboard. They're like, yeah, if you know, if 18 to 20 of those were at the games this year,
Starting point is 01:01:19 I wouldn't be that surprised by it. I mean, we touched a lot of bases. We did. We did. And you know, I know a lot of people were like wow we had toes to bar we had muscle-ups we had pull-ups but then you said oh we also had burpees we had a heavy thruster we had uh you know strict hands and push this wall walks like we've pressed we've pushed we've gone below parallel like we've we've had a decent amount of stuff in a in a short amount of time yeah personally, I was glad it was only sets of 50 on the double owners myself. Because I could be either really good at them or I could be really shitty at them. So for me, I was like, all right, 50.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Okay, I can do that. That's good. I like that number. Yeah, we all have those days when that rope goes flying across the gym. Somebody just chucked it across the gym. Okay, well, awesome, guys. Thank you so much. You gentlemen have saved me. everybody just chucked across the gym okay well awesome guys thank you so much you uh gentlemen
Starting point is 01:02:06 have saved me we're here for you i appreciate it and i just want to let everybody know in the chat thank you guys so much uh showing up all the time and especially giving all the love we cannot stay enough and i know stevan talks about it but you guys are everything to us you are the oxygen for this podcast thank Thank you. And, Sevan, we'll be back tomorrow for the UFC show with Darian Weeks. And then we got a affiliate series after that with Harry, Harry, New York, NYC, CrossFit, NYC. Sweet. There we go. Well, thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Thank you, Brian. Thank you, Bill. Thank you, Chase. And good stuff, Sousa. And as Sevan would say, bye-bye.

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