The Sevan Podcast - #826 - Tyson Bagent | NFL Combine Experience

Episode Date: March 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Oh, finally. My goodness. It feels like I was there for like 10 years. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:40 So when is the last time you've been home? So I left on New Year's Day and then I got back yesterday. Oh, my goodness. So you've been gone and you were down in Florida training? Yeah, I was at Fort Myers, like the Fort Myers Cape Coral area. And is that where a lot of guys go? Yeah, a lot of a lot of players, they go to like. I like the popular kind of hot spots like nobody wants to do
Starting point is 00:01:06 there's a lot of running involved so nobody wants to be kind of like up in the northeast necessarily where i'm from where it's cold and you got to worry about snow and all that stuff so i think you know texas cali and florida are a couple couple hot spots where dudes like to train i guess kind of like a spring training for baseball, the big spots, Arizona. It just doesn't rain there. Good weather. Yeah. And there was even in where I was at, the Red Sox spring training is in Fort Myers.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Okay. So those dudes are around. Yeah. And it also too, like because of that, a lot of the facilities will move. Like where I trained, this was their first year in Florida. They were based in Nashville, Tennessee. But because of where everybody, where the big names and the players like to train, they moved their shop down to Florida so that they can get more dudes to commit to their program.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Is this the third time you've been on the show? Yep. Tyson Bajan, third time you've been on the show yep uh tyson bajan third time he's been on the show uh we'll skip over a lot of stuff today but just to catch those of you up who have not um seen the other shows that he's on uh from a young age uh tyson's dad uh got him into sports uh got him into football coached coached stayed close to him, stayed too close to him. But for some reason, for some reason it worked out against all odds. Uh, Tyson, uh, had a crazy high school, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:38 football career, uh, played the quarterback position, uh, went off to college, ended up playing five years of college football there because of the weird issues around the country being closed down in order to try to get rid of a virus. It didn't work. Kovic bloated. Yeah, that didn't do so good, especially if you were old. Still got you. Or didn't.
Starting point is 00:03:07 if you were old um still got you or didn't anyway and then um and then and then all of a sudden uh college so that after high school goes to college plays five years there and then college is over and then there's this thing called the national football league where dudes who are like want to keep playing can try to keep playing. Crazy. No, you're an adult now. You can't play football anymore. You have to go get a job like building homes or working in the coal mine. But no, there's this group of guys that don't ever want to grow up.
Starting point is 00:03:39 And they try to get to the National Football League. So on Sunday, we can chill and watch them play. Play a kid's game forever. Yeah, play a kid's game forever yeah play kids game forever and okay so that's pretty accurate right yeah spot on and then so you have to bear with me no detail is going to be too small because that because none of us really knows what happens so I got you so you you finish your um college career You have a last game. And up until that point, some pretty crazy shit had happened. These guys who work at the NFL, there's 32 teams in the NFL,
Starting point is 00:04:13 and they've all come out to take a peek at you because they hear and they see the numbers. Hey, there's this kid who we might want to play in the NFL. Is it normal for all 32 teams to come out and look at a player i wouldn't say i mean i wouldn't say any of this is normal right right it's normal for it's normal for guys that they believe can play at the next level uh it's it's normal but it's not it's really not normal. Like that had never happened or maybe it might've happened at Shepherd one other time. I know in the early, like in like
Starting point is 00:04:52 the 2014, 15, 16 time, they had a lot of defensive studs on the team. So that could have brought a handful, a good, a good handful of teams to watch practice but no i wouldn't say i wouldn't say that's that's normal but it was it was definitely you know extremely cool so flattering and a good sign yes yes um uh rb seven um when when he makes it are you actually going to watch an nfl game so i already started looking i'm going to not only watch it I'm gonna get the whole entire like NFL package so I can watch every single someone's like oh you don't have to watch the whole game you can just they they I'm like no no I'm watching the whole game they're like they do a cliff notes version I'm like no I'm gonna start watching yeah you watch you I watch your podcast you watch my games
Starting point is 00:05:41 yeah it's simple very simple I was already thinking, how am I going to do – what's that going to do to my Sundays? Okay, and then from there, they – how do you know that you're going to – do you have to like – is it like college? You have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and apply and shit, or are they more like coming after you? So they come after you. And then there's also, I mean, there's so many forms and medical clearances and a bunch of stuff that you and questionnaires that you do fill out so that you can go in and do these things. out if they if they ask you to so like with the reesey bowl there was about five million things i had to fill out in order to go to the reesey bowl at the combine same thing prior to you get the invite then immediately they start sending you things to to fill out to make the process a little bit smoother because it's like a five it was like we were there for five days and then we didn't do anything on the field until, you know, the last day.
Starting point is 00:06:45 This is the combine that happened this last past weekend. Yes. Yeah. So this is that. Come on in, buddy. Come on in. Don't be scared. Come on.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Nice. Yeah, he's all good. So it was five days. And then the four days before that, all it is, is NFL Players Association meetings. All it is is NFL Players Association meetings. You know, they check a bunch of medical clearances, and they really check head to toe everything. Like they want you to play in the NFL,
Starting point is 00:07:14 but they don't want you if you're banged up and hurt and they can't use you to 100% how they want to use you. So they're checking injuries that happen, you know, in high school. And luckily for me i didn't have i didn't have a whole a whole lot i had um a shoulder injury that was minor in 2019 that i told they my range of motion was fine everything was good but they're so on top of it and just they have so much money to spend that they just get mris and x-rays on everything. So there was a day for that. You had a bunch of media. No shit.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So they're looking inside of you. Yeah, yeah. So they had a shoulder AC joint and then turf toe, which is just like I was planting on my right foot a lot just because of what I have to do as a quarterback, just planting on my right foot. So my big right toe started. There was just some swelling in my big right toe, and it was just kind of, kind of stiff and it was, it's all good
Starting point is 00:08:09 now. But even then they, they checked it, did a range of motion check. They said everything was good, but then they were like, Oh, we're still going to get an MRI. So they, they, yeah. So I, there was like a couple of dudes that would get stuck in the hospital. Like you got dudes that are just banging on each other nonstop throughout the game that have, you know, actually sustained some, some real injuries. And they ended up, those guys will end up being in the hospital for, you know, up to eight, eight, nine hours, just getting MRIs. Who are those guys? Those are like guys on the line.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yeah. Guys on the line. I mean, even, you know, there's receivers, they're jumping up high, catching the ball, getting hit, you know, defensive backs, basically everybody except the quarterbacks and uh the special teams players and even then there's also some quarterbacks that you know sustain injuries as well so i'm sure a couple of them got stuck in the hospital um getting mris and x-rays as well but it's a pretty crazy process and also on that day that you go into about six rooms you You got yourself, the physician that they teamed you up with, and the physician will go through your paper. He'll check everything, make sure your range of motion is in check. Then you go into six different rooms. Each room has got 20 to 30 team doctors
Starting point is 00:09:16 that are all sitting on a table with their, at a table with their computer and a U shape. Yeah. And you know, when you go, when you go to the doctor, say, say you, um, say you're feeling sick, you go and you get checked out. You sit on that table and he talks to you in the room. There's one of those tables. You sit on that table right in the middle of everybody. Like the one with the paper, they pull the paper out. Yeah. You sit on that table like that. Your physician reads through the sheet and all the, all the 30 people do, they look at you and they just take notes and then you leave there and then you do that six every time so it was like sema with the hard question do they ask you about stds uh no they
Starting point is 00:09:55 don't but they check your blood they check your urine like the first day you get there so they they check they check everything that's a great. I wish I would have thought of that. Yeah. And I'm guessing that on one hand, you can't make it out of college football without having some wear and tear on you. I mean, at that point, those guys have been playing football for – everyone there has been playing football for 15 to 20 years, right? Yeah, unless you're like a – A kicker? kicker yeah unless you're like it's like some unicorn story even kickers like i my little cousin's a kicker and he was kicking so much that he he did something really traumatic to his hip flexor uh-huh had to get surgery and he can't can't move that part that section of his body for like five months. So even, I mean, there's even kickers,
Starting point is 00:10:46 like nobody's really exempt from the whole medical clearance thing. They, they, they take, they, they take that extremely seriously. But it was just kind of cool how it all worked. Like it was, it was, it was annoying at the time. Cause I'm like, man, let me get on the field and just do my thing. However, I was like, wow, this is know they I guess they they pay you all all that money they want to make sure that you're perfectly healthy yeah it sounds thorough and I guess they only get so many picks right and so it's like they don't want to pick 11 you don't want to waste it you don't want to waste a pick yeah so then you you finish high you finish college and then you get that invitation to the senior bowl and is any part of you not want to go is that why is the senior bowl important does
Starting point is 00:11:34 any part of you not want to go because there's a chance you could get hurt there uh there is a chance that you could get hurt at the senior bowl that's not necessarily what i was thinking i in my i'm from a small school. I desperately needed the Senior Bowl because a lot of the questions everybody had for me was the fact that they didn't believe I could play at that higher level. And all the Senior Bowl is,
Starting point is 00:11:55 is dudes at the highest level. So I could see if I was already made my mark at the highest level, like high D1, like at school, like Alabamaama i could be like oh you know maybe that's a risk going to the senior bowl maybe i've already proved everything you can watch my film however me i would play in a division two school i needed to showcase that i could play with the dudes that are gonna go to the nfl so you completed 17 of 22 there yes yeah i had a really it was it was it was a lot of fun but it's funny that was like hell week like if i had to go to the senior bowl again
Starting point is 00:12:32 tomorrow i would be like like shit i gotta go back to and do all this shit again like it was like because it was almost everything that we did at the combine, but also you had to learn a whole offense. Oh, oh. And practice and get ready for a game on top of having to meet with NFL personnel and go to parades. Your day was accounted for every minute from 6 a.m. to 11 o'clock at night the whole time. So after that know going to the combine was a breeze it was it was it was quite it was just a i was able to take it all in and not really worry or stress about anything uh solid work at the senior bowl trish tyson congrats on your senior bowl performance hey if you are i know i know it's all um new to you every day is like unfolding is new but it almost seems
Starting point is 00:13:27 like the senior bowl if i was an nfl scout would be more relevant than the combine i i'm kind of tripping on the combine because what could they actually learn from you in a day that they that they haven't seen already from four years of high school and five years of college like i'm trying to like why would they're like i as i was going through your combine um you know uh footage on youtube you know they suggest videos like it's like a man who has worst combine ever and it's like i forget who it is but they show some guy who has like a shitty combine but i'm like at that point like everyone knows what they're getting don't they 100 yeah 100 it was the like the list because you've got in my this whole off-season thing pre-draft thing it was i had the senior bowl
Starting point is 00:14:19 the combine and i have my pro day which is just at my school right and ranking those it was senior bowl number one combine number two then pro day number three like that was the like importance like level of importance with all three senior bowl you're playing actual football against actual people you know doing exactly what you would do at the next level so that that's huge then the combine obviously you got all the dudes so for quarterback we'll just be specific on the quarterback. You got all the quarterbacks right in the same area, throwing the same routes, and you kind of get a chance to see what, like, just like, oh, this dude's killing this,
Starting point is 00:14:56 but, you know, this dude can't really do this, or he doesn't do it like this dude does it. You get a – How many quarterbacks, 15? There was 15. And you get an idea of, like, of athletically the numbers you put up. Can this dude, is he athletic enough to obviously maneuver around NFL caliber players as a quarterback? For receivers, all of the athletic stuff is very important because you want to be able to,
Starting point is 00:15:23 obviously you pick dudes that you think can run past the defenders. So the times matter more so for them than it would a special teams player or a quarterback. But getting a general idea of the athletic ability, how they kind of carry themselves throughout the week when you've got them doing a bunch of stuff they don't want to do and just kind of are they a slappy, are they and just kind of you know are they a slappy are they not do they care what's a slappy just like a slap dick like a oh okay okay um you know do they care do they not care you know are they cool did you get that vibe from
Starting point is 00:15:57 anyone there that like they were just like going through the motions maybe maybe a handful but i mean everybody most everybody there is like is is is putting on a super front like just trying to be super perfect because they brought their a game yeah exactly so even if they were you know an asshole or not the best person you would never you would never be able to notice in that in that short amount of time. They pushed it down. Cobra Rhodes, Tyson, QB number one, NFL Combine. Why were you wearing the number one jersey? Alphabetical order by last name. Oh, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, I know. It was really cool because the whole Noble thing was they did all their experimentations with the QB1 number and position. So it all worked out to where that was the most popular one anyway. So it was pretty sweet. So you get there and is there just a ton of Noble gear in your room? Oh, my gosh. So we get there, checked in, and then they built like this.
Starting point is 00:17:03 So we get there, checked in, and then they had they built like this. They must. I mean, they spent. A ridiculous amount of money building this like noble locker room and this noble training facility because the people I trained with in Florida and Fort Myers, my trainers, they came. They had a group of dudes that were going to combine and I was in it. So they came to the combine and throughout the day, whenever we had an open slot, we would go and we would train with them to continue to get ready. Cause you don't want to just sit around for four days and then go out there and try to put up your best numbers. So they trained with us throughout the day. Um, they had, um, um, wow, that's crazy. I didn't, you're telling me that the team that you're training with in Fort Myers shows up and they set up a little camp there somewhere. And in your downtime, they got you still moving. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:47 And they brought their PT people. So we're able to continue to get PT. Yeah. The whole thing is unreal. Like it's so crazy, especially where I'm coming from, like with just no resources. So I'm like,
Starting point is 00:18:00 this is all like new to me, but it was really cool. So I, we would train with them or whatever, but yeah, the whole gear thing, we showed up, we went into that noble locker room and they had a locker for you and there's probably $5,000 worth of gear just in. It's all yours. It's got your name on it. You try it on, do it, whatever you take it to your room. You know, they got, you know, two bags, bags a lifting belt like it was like a
Starting point is 00:18:26 bunch of it was i got so much gear that when i left for florida i didn't have any of that stuff that's over there on the ground okay wow all right all those boxes and all those bags and now i'm kind of in panic mode trying to figure out what i need to get rid of so that i have room for all that stuff so and you're hey uh ebay ebay yeah yeah yeah it was all it was all great though yeah they did we had a we got a bunch of gear it was a super super time so you're there for six days and five days are basically looking under the hood do they put you through a psychological eval is it like a shrink talk to you we We did have a test. It was like an IQ test, I guess. Just kind of one of those ones with a bunch of trick questions on it.
Starting point is 00:19:14 They put us through that, but it was pretty brief. Is there anything like you're driving down the street and someone flips you off? A, pull the car over and slap them. B, wave and say sorry. There's nothing like that the ones that the the harder ones was it would be like it would be a question composed of like or a riddle of like four or five sentences and it would be the flu is similar to common cold, but it is more rapid and it's more deadly. And then it would say the common cold is similar to a car accident, but it happens slower and it's less deadly. And it would have like a couple more of those. And then it would be like, um, and then it would be like true false.
Starting point is 00:20:06 would be like um and then it would be like true false the the flu is more deadly than a plane crash right and then like you would have to like go and decipher and it it wasn't like common knowledge like obviously you pick the plane crash but you had to go and like read the riddle and be like okay hold up so the flu is more deadly than this but this is more deadly than that and then hold it all right so there it is and then you would go but it was time too so you had to like there was a time limit so you had to try to decipher all of it you know that that shit's coming when um when you get there like yeah i had an idea i didn't we obviously i didn't have all the like i didn't know what the questions were going to be but knew there was going to be some type of some type of like i tests, mental tests. Do they give you an itinerary before you get there? Hey,
Starting point is 00:20:47 like these are the six days or five days. They did, but it was very brief. Like you don't get the real itinerary. Like it was, you get a broad itinerary, like you get what they you're getting there and it would be like two bullet points. Like, this is basically what you're doing on this day, this day, this day. But then you, we got, we got our real itinerary when we got there and they did it through an app and we had a group leader who's, he was great. And his name was Donovan. He was with the, he was with the chargers and he did,
Starting point is 00:21:13 we just communicated through that. So our schedule will be on there. He would communicate what time we needed to be there prior. And then we, that we would leave as a group and all that, all that stuff. I'm going to, I'm going to pull up a video. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to see it, but maybe you could tell us what's going on here. Let me see if I can pull this up. So you're, you're on a field here. What can you, it says quarterback wide receivers, tight ends. What like, what is this like that's you and that's you in the middle right yeah so that day those are the position
Starting point is 00:21:50 groups that were working out on that day and who are all those dudes who are all those the other dudes in like the black shorts and the red tank tops those are other quarterbacks yeah so all the red shirts are quarterbacks that are behind me and then there's a big group of red shirts behind that receiver, but you can't really see them. And those are all the receivers. Everybody else who's wearing other color is either a trainer that's giving people water. It's either a scout of an NFL team or a camera person. That dude with the stick that's like some sort of camera or audio gear? Yeah, there's cameras.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah, there's cameras everywhere. And how about the girl like up at the top? What's she doing? Just sit with her hands on her. And then they all, yeah. So they also had a bunch of people that were like, that would just gather the footballs. Like there's footballs flying everywhere. You know, they would just be the, like the people picking up everything and making sure that everything is able to move smoothly. And what's that dude telling you that's like he's standing right in your grill
Starting point is 00:22:52 when you're snapping? He's got a sheet, and he's going over the order. So he's got the order of the quarterback's throwing. So I'm throwing, and then he would be quick to be like, all right, yeah, so-and-so, you're on deck. And how many throws do you get right there? Right here, you got three, and then you switched. Three at a time.
Starting point is 00:23:12 So not very many. Yeah, each route, you got to throw three times. Yeah. And do you know this guy you're about to throw to, have you ever thrown to him before in your life? I have not. No, he's from he's from the university of michigan so you guys both step up there together and then you look over and you're like hey dude don't fucking drop this yeah and he's like hey dude don't fuck the throw up
Starting point is 00:23:36 yeah i don't know i guess there's a level of of trust just because i mean i know how good i had to be to get to the nfl combine so i can only imagine how good that dude had to be to get to the NFL Combine. So right now I'm just more focused on upholding my end of the bargain than I am worried about if I'm going to throw a good ball and he's going to drop it. Tyson, there were 106 dudes there? Are you talking about athletes? Yeah, at the combine? There's 300.
Starting point is 00:24:08 300, okay. 300 each year, yep. And then there's like 280 or 300 dudes who get drafted in totality every year at the NFL? Yes. And is there anyone who they – if you get invited there, what am I trying to ask here? Are there people who will be drafted who don't get invited there? Or is it pretty much outliers, but is there anyone like, there'll be some outliers.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Most of those dudes that went to the combine will get drafted. Some there's a handful that won't. And is there anyone who's so good? They don't have to go to the combine. Um, not, not go to the combine. they don't have to go to the combine? Not go to the combine. They don't have to participate in the combine. There was a couple dudes that just went just to do interviews and show their face that they were already stamped enough
Starting point is 00:24:55 to not have to take any risk, not drop their draft stock by not participating. They were already kind of. No shit. Yeah. Yeah. already kind of. No shit. Yeah. So, yeah. Yeah. The Alabama quarterback.
Starting point is 00:25:08 This dude is 5'10". Short dude, right? Like, from quarterback standpoint. This dude's so good. He just came and just got to hang out. Oh, man. That's a good gig. I was like, wow.
Starting point is 00:25:23 That dude must just be like, they must think this dude is so good. Because not only, you know, he's short. So I imagine he just must be super, super nice. Hey, so and being short's bad because you have to throw over the top of tall dudes. Yeah, just like there's just a, you know, a perception that, you know, the whole line in the NFL is so huge that you would just want to – I think it's not nearly as important as people make it out to be, but you would just – their idea is you want a dude that can see over the line, that can see the field, and you could just imagine that it gets cloudier and cloudier the lower you get. Right. That's a good description more cloudy uh tyler spot i want to see the throw okay chill chill press play savvy all right everyone be cool everyone chill everyone chill trish uh pull up his 40-yard dash in due time jesus you guys are just man okay here we go um and and i like the
Starting point is 00:26:24 way they describe this someone said that they describe this as you putting it in the bucket yeah so they and they they did a good job coaching us too whenever the route would change yeah hey look this is what we want on this one specifically i want you to take your five-step drop and i want you to put a high in the air let it let it fall in okay and that's what they told you for this? Yeah. Okay. Of course, his career ended. Okay, so that five-step drop is just what you did right there.
Starting point is 00:26:51 You just backed up. Just five steps, yeah. And is your mind clear or are you shitting your pants right here? No, I was good by this point. And this one, there's a lot less thinking. You just take a five-step drop and you throw it high as far as you can. How about this dude in the upper right-hand hand corner he's holding a satellite dish at you trying to get like like strong enough to hear your breathing yeah you see that the audio guy yeah and then you got these two cats on the ground here yeah and this is all being televised
Starting point is 00:27:20 yes it was live i mean it's like everybody watches i mean i grew up watching the combine that's why the whole time i was there i would just pause and be like wow i cannot believe i'm in a combine right now this is crazy and that's not real grass that's just plastic that looks like grass yeah it's just turf here in indianapolis is a backup to andrew luck and he was terrific at that too. Crazy. Hey, is there anything wrong with that pass? I mean, that looks just like as perfect as it could be.
Starting point is 00:27:53 What's he do right there? Sorry, hold on, hold on. Before you answer, what's he do? Oh, he does a little juke move. Yeah, at the cone. They've got cones set up and they do a good job of coaching and telling you exactly what they want out of the back up to Andrew Luck and he was terrific at that
Starting point is 00:28:08 too. Yeah, God, that couldn't have gone any better, right? Yeah, that was pretty sweet. This was the first year that I was a backup to Andrew Luck and he was terrific at that too. They were all like... That was the first one.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Oh, really? Yeah, because I was number one. His career ended here in Indianapolis. He's a backup to Andrew Walker. He's terrific. Everybody got pretty excited after that one. Yeah, okay. I see the crowd over here.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Yeah, they're all in the end zone, the end zone that we can't see yet. Yeah, look how high the ball is. How far is that pass? Get that, too. 50 yards, buddy. I throwing it at the angle. More than, probably close to 60. So you throw from the 10. It was terrific at that, too.
Starting point is 00:28:54 It catches it at the opposite 40, but it's at an angle. So if you made a straight line, like it's 50 yards literally, but in a straight, like how far it actually went, it's probably closer literally but in a straight like how far it actually went it's probably closer to maybe around 60 look at these dudes on the 20 just sitting in lawn chairs yeah yeah there's people everywhere so all the in those dudes standing up after that receiver catches the ball yeah he does what he does after and then he just tosses it to them and he gets back in line and they handle you know making sure the ball gets back so it's kind of cool that you went first because you did fuck you dude i am not so are you kidding me i'm
Starting point is 00:29:30 sebon is struggling without caleb i'm murdering it your mom's struggling without me right now but that's it so so they you you go first and you don't have to think like you don't have to those guys in the the guy who's last is just that's horrible yeah the only way the only way going last would be good is if everybody else before you screwed it up oh right and you could just go be the savior hey in olympic weightlifting there's this like if someone walks on the platform in front of you like you're supposed to get all angry, like it's a distraction. I mean, you can't have any of that prima donna shit at the combine. I mean, literally, there's people everywhere on the field.
Starting point is 00:30:13 It's way too professional. They are on top of everything. Everything is like every inch of turf is like accounted for something. It's nuts. I'm assuming you absolutely love the experience yeah it was awesome i mean it was one of those things like the first four days i was like man oh it's kind of like because i'm just itching because i know how important like that combine is just for the whole grand scheme of things like it could be life altering so like the first four days prior to just kind of like oh man you know whatever this is
Starting point is 00:30:51 great but i would love if i could just go get on that field right now and we could just do this thing you can't eat any bad you and you're like you're screwed like if you eat something at the hotel or downstairs that jacks your stomach up you're screwed it's just a one-shot deal everything has to be perfect i was and that i think that was like um that was just that was something that was that was cool too i mean they fed us good and but yeah also thinking about that like just trying to go in there at like at the same weight that i was whenever i was training because i you know you know, I, I was liking all the numbers I was putting up, you know, at right around two 14. So I was making sure I didn't drop off of that and come in super light or, or, or overeat and going heavy and feel sluggish.
Starting point is 00:31:38 So what's the most you've ever weighed in your life, Tyson? Man, I was, Oh, I was a little chubby boy in high school, my junior year of high school before I really got into the whole thing or, or could wrap my mind around the whole thing of being healthy and what that actually meant. I got up to two 22. No kidding. Yeah. And that was, I was, were you shorter than two? No, I was the same height, but I was 16 because were you shorter than two no i was the same height but i was 16 and now i'm 22 and i weigh 215 and you've probably put on that means you put on 10 pounds of muscle and lost 30 pounds of fat basically yeah yeah yeah that's yeah it was crazy because they at training they did body scans and i was always always curious about what my body was made up of.
Starting point is 00:32:29 So I went in when I first started training. I was 12% body fat, and I was able to knock it down all the way to 9.5. That's what you're at now? You're at 9.5? Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy lean. Yeah, and it was cool because they did body scans. And at the end, I did one just so I could keep it. and it was cool like because they they did body scans and at the end i did one just so i could keep it so that that was cool it had like everything where at college
Starting point is 00:32:51 or at the combine at the at the place i was training so my last year i took one just so i could have it okay um this one trips me out too so wow so those are okay those are the receivers you talked about they're all packed up there. Yes. And is this a different dude? Yes. I threw somebody different every time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:13 And do dudes ever drop the balls? Yeah. Yeah. There's still mistakes being made. Is that freaky bad or no? It's just like, hey. I mean, it's not good. I mean, it's obviously not good for the receiver, especially if it's a good pass.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Right, right. So like a bad ball for a quarterback is the same thing as like a drop for the receiver. I watched some football for the first time in, I don't know, 10 or 15 years. I watched whatever that game was that was before the Super Bowl. I think it was Kansas City and Cincinnati play each other. Yes. And there were two things that blew me away. I don't know if it's true, but I felt like quarterback,
Starting point is 00:33:54 the quarterbacks had gotten better since I had played, meaning I couldn't believe how they were hitting the guys on the numbers. But there were also so many drop passes. I don't remember seeing so many drop passes in the NFL either. Yeah. I mean, those two dudes that you watched are like super, super great.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Like they're at the top. Who it was the Mahomes guy. And then Mahomes and Burrow. Oh yeah. That was crazy. They were putting the ball in weird places. I was like, wow,
Starting point is 00:34:20 how are they doing that? Two MVP caliber dudes. Okay. So this guy's going out also is that urgency too as you talked about with him and this is the part i don't understand so is that bad he's out of bounds so all you in the nfl you need to catch it and get two feet in bounds right so when you're throwing the ball you got to imagine that dude's running to the sideline so the defender would be inside it also is that you want to put it as far away from the ball, you've got to imagine that dude's running to the sideline, so the defender would be inside of him. Also, is that urgency, too?
Starting point is 00:34:45 You want to put it as far away from the defender as you can. So he catches it. He gets two feet down. Now we've gained 20 yards. It's a good throw. It's a good catch. And it's a first down. So it's all right.
Starting point is 00:34:58 So would it have been better if he would, just to critique him, would it have been better if he would have made a left turn before that white strip, like right there, stayed inbounds? It would have been better. I think my pass kind of didn't allow for that to happen because I made it. Oh, come on. That's a perfect pass. No, it is. I'm moving him a little too fast to where he would have to be superhuman to be able to stick his right foot in the ground without everything breaking in his body in order to tightrope up the sideline.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Okay. You're a good dude. An honest man. Hey, and another good thing I'm guessing is that he didn't fall. Because look at that angle at. Like, if that was just flag football in the backyard, you'd just roll. You'd catch that and roll, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah. That was him being 25. Heck of a catch. you just roll. You catch that and roll, right? Yeah. Yeah. Hey, and people don't even he doesn't even get any love. Look at the people on the sideline. They don't even watch him. Like that black dude right there. He's like, I don't care. I've seen a thousand dudes catch balls.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Did you like all the wide receivers and all that there's the finger they were all they were all everybody yeah everybody was cool everybody was nice everybody was just focused so you got kind of got the you didn't get really see the the real them but you didn't make any friend you don't make any friends there you didn't get any phone numbers? Yeah, I mean, I definitely connected with a handful of dudes. There were some dudes that I was tighter with than others. But overall, it's more just everybody strictly business. Is there any inkling in your mind which teams would be looking at you?
Starting point is 00:36:43 No, so that's the crazy thing i i won't know anything till like right when the draft is about to happen like i know that obviously you know people are interested teams are interested that i wouldn't have been at the combine otherwise however where that is i have no clue i met with a bunch of teams but all those teams you know i went into every single one as if it was going to be the team to select me. So I freaking just tried to knock it out of the park and just freaking kill it, which is what I did. So all of them went equally as great. So I couldn't tell you right now,
Starting point is 00:37:17 if I have a better connection with one over the other. And, um, the, I read a bunch of articles about your performance at the combine. And one of the articles alluded to a team that might be looking at you. Is that just, they have those reporters have no idea. I'm guessing what they're talking about.
Starting point is 00:37:37 They're just, it's just Twitter fingers. Okay. Okay. Is there anyone like, like that dude who didn't have to perform Does any player there get to choose What team they want to go to or no It's all
Starting point is 00:37:52 The only time you would ever know a dude that's going somewhere Is if he's the number one pick in the draft And it's set in stone stamped And obviously everybody knows Who has the number one pick in the draft Who has the number one pick in the draft so who has the number one pick in the draft this year uh the chicago bears okay so so like that guy that didn't have to compete at the combine there's a chance he might go there well it also like whatever the
Starting point is 00:38:16 team is so that team is pretty bad but they have a good quarterback so it's also like team needs to like you're not gonna you're not gonna waste the number one pick of the draft on a position you already have taken care of. So it can change. Or you could pick him to trade him to someone else. Right. Like it could I be the Raiders and I need a quarterback. So I call the dude on the Bears. I'm like, hey, pick that dude. And then we'll give you our dude who you want for that position afterwards. And you know, but you can you can like if you want, say you wanted a quarterback, right,
Starting point is 00:38:47 and you were the 12th pick and you didn't think he was going to get all the way to the 12th pick. Yeah. You could hit up the team with the fifth pick, be like, hey, we want to trade up, take that spot, we'll give you this. Oh, okay. And then they can say yes or no. Like we'll give you our next two picks if you give us this one.
Starting point is 00:39:04 You can have two second round picks. you can have, you know, whatever. We just want to trade up so we can try to snag that dude before it's too late. Here's a question that I would have never thought to ask. I don't even know what this question means. Sevan, ask him if the style of offense he played in college prepared him for the NFL. Yeah. Yeah. I think that in the NFL. What's that question even mean? There's different styles the NFL. Yeah, yeah. I think that in the NFL, you go on.
Starting point is 00:39:25 What's that question even mean? There's different styles of offense? Yeah, in, like, the NFL, it's a lot. It's all just matchups. Like, you just draft players because you think they'll match up against players that you're currently playing and having problems with, right? So, like, in the NFL, it's a lot of under center, like taking snaps under center. In college, it's a lot more shotgun.
Starting point is 00:39:51 So I was in the shotgun way more than I will be next year. So I think the senior bowl was big because we were learning. Like, my quarterback was – my coach was from the Falcons, so we learned the Atlanta Falcons offense. So I got a way better idea of what that's like. And I felt as if I had already – all the things I was doing, I had done because I was able to play for so long. I had done at one time or another in college. Whether that was all the time or whether we were experimenting with something in college,
Starting point is 00:40:20 I was able to already have been exposed to it beforehand. So I would say yeah yeah why why um why did your college team uh take the snap and the shotgun because then and and we like at shepherd at a small school like the biggest difference between d2 and d1 in my opinion it's it well literally it is the the offense and defensive line they're just bigger at the at the next level outside they're receiving it is the offense and defensive line. They're just bigger at the next level. Outside, it's the same speed, but the guys on the outside might just be like an inch too short to play at that high level. So you don't really notice that difference.
Starting point is 00:40:53 But you do notice the stature of the dudes that are playing offense and defensive line. So I think that being able to run the ball, just because good um some of the defensive backs are that are covering the receivers you know how good defenses are in general you really got to be able to run the ball in the nfl and it's way it's a lot more effective and safer when you do it from under center crazy okay and and when you played in the senior bowl did you notice that were you like oh yep these dudes are taller yes, that was the only difference. Everything else was the same. It was just the guys were a little bit bigger.
Starting point is 00:41:30 But it was cool, though, because I felt safer. So it was good. Yeah, that is good. Hey, you must be – so you're just chomping at the bit. You're just dying to get out there. So that's the only element. I guess the size of the dudes on the line, does the game move faster theoretically at Division I than Division II? I think that is a conception.
Starting point is 00:41:52 That's something that a lot of people do say. But I would say that from my experience playing at Division II for five years and then playing in the receiver, I did not notice the speed of the game being faster. Yeah. So you know what they do? They do. And they also do say that, hey, you know, when you get to the NFL, people will say the game's that much faster. It's not. Everybody's just smarter. So everybody is a lot more anticipation going on. It's a lot more just OK okay smooth and straight to the point instead of just fast and all over the place hey that was the thing i can't remember what the book
Starting point is 00:42:32 is but i read this book and it was talking about the reason why they were explaining why wayne gretzky was so good and it was basically pattern recognition that he would see stuff 40 seconds happen 40 seconds uh you know see something happen and know that 40 seconds later okay uh 90 of the time when that's happening down there the puck ends up over here in front of the goal i'm going to go over there and wait and then basically he had that built in that's the kind of anticipation you're talking about too yeah like you see like you see hips and eyes and you start in pattern recognition you start being able to know what guys are going to do yeah and that needs to be just amplified for me. Like I need to be able to
Starting point is 00:43:08 continue to get better at that just because for the first time ever, you know, I'm going to be playing against people that in a literal sense are just playing football so that they can pay their bills and do everything. So they're going to be on top and know where they need to be at all times. So it's me being able to decipher all of it, recognize patterns, and then not have to play faster. I don't need to play faster. I need to play more efficient and with more anticipation. Slow is smooth.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Smooth is fast. Exactly. Do you dream football, Tyson? Dream? The only time I've ever dreamed about football. Like anything, like passing or show up without your clothes on or like the only times I've ever dreamed about football it's been like before a game or after a game in the game not going how I wanted it to go at all like like like you can tell it's like a
Starting point is 00:44:01 fake dream story like after the fact but like it's just like everything is going incredibly wrong, and I wake up in kind of like a sweat. And I'm like, oh, wait, that hasn't happened yet. Yeah, the game's in three days. We're good. But that's the only time. Those are the couple times I've had football dreams. It's been like nightmares.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah, you never have dreams that you forgot something or you went to the wrong stadium. Yeah, I had a dream that that is why. So I had a dream one time I forgot my cleats. And then for whatever reason, they didn't have extra, which in real life. Oh, we talked about that. And that caused you to always now triple check your cleats. Yeah, they would.
Starting point is 00:44:37 They would. Now we talked about my jersey. I went to a basketball game and forgot and brought the wrong jersey. Oh, OK. OK. And I couldn't play the whole game. It was terrible. But with this dream, i forgot my cleats at my house so i had to go back and get them so the other quarterback ended up starting the game which was already terrible right i'm already like this is this is fucking horrible right come back get in the game and completely shit the bed and then i woke up and i was like
Starting point is 00:45:09 it was just one of those things where i was like oh my gosh i just had the worst game day ever and i was like hold on no it didn't happen yet the game's not till saturday it's wednesday you've signed with an agent already yeah so that's what you do immediately after your senior season's over with. And do all those dudes at the Combine have agents? Yes. And are the agents there? A lot of the times they are, yes. Was your agent there?
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yes. And does he have other players besides you there? All right, so I have two agents. besides you there? So, all right. So I have two agents. So my one agent is a family friend that I know for a long time that just got,
Starting point is 00:45:50 he was an NBA agent for basketball, but got his football certification just for me. So, and he's somebody I trust and that I have full faith in. He's just, has the best in mind for me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:07 So that was a no brainer, but he has no he has no experience as a football um agent he's smartest can be passed all the tests but he has no real life experience so i took that in and then i went and got i met with a bunch of agents they all are equally impressive and you cannot there's no way to tell them apart they all are amazing so i picked the coolest one that i hit it off with the most and i got them teamed up and then we're just a big big big team what about the guy who the agent you got who's the nfl agent was he freaking out that you were proposing uh an outside like set of eyeballs or it's it's kind of like a personal auditor everybody no it's it's there was no nothing personal going on everybody was super everybody was perfect which is exactly how
Starting point is 00:46:57 i needed it to be so it was they're just working together they all got their their everybody's got their chunk everybody's happy and just working working towards getting picked up in the pro day and all that stuff and um when so the the draft now comes now you just sit right is there anything else you can do between now and the draft in terms of uh woo the yeah so my pro my pro day is on the 28th of this month and what the pro day is i've already done all my my testing right like got the time for the 40 jumped did all that stuff so now there's a couple of my players on the team that didn't get invited to the combine so they're gonna do all that stuff i just did but then at the end we're gonna have a script of about 50 to 60 throws
Starting point is 00:47:46 where the people are going to see me not just throw three times each time a route comes. I get into the combine. They're going to see me out there for 50, 60 straight reps and seeing how I can throw the ball all over the field, get a better idea of how I throw the ball, and how the guys that are also in the combine and see how they run routes and catch and everything. So it works for everybody, but that'll be the last time I can kind of wow them until the draft.
Starting point is 00:48:12 So if a team shows up there, all 32 are going to show up. No shit. All 32 are coming to Shepherdstown. Really? Yeah. Cause so it's not just me. I have a stud offensive lineman.
Starting point is 00:48:24 That's also working out. Yeah. And we have a running back and a tight end. So we're all – and I'm throwing – they're in the script. The running back and the tight end are in the script. I'm throwing to them. When's the last time all 30 – was there a pro day last year at Shepherdstown? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Is there one every year? Shepherd is one of the only D2 schools with their own pro day yeah but they never 30 all 32 teams have never been there it's crazy to me that they so no one's been drafted to the nfl from your college since 1960 yeah that's crazy yeah 1960 dude i i i think i could gook i don't i bet you the nfl wasn't even around in 1960 yeah or if it was it was like six teams i think it was probably called something else yeah i know it was like the nfl and the afl like they were like split up and then they were like let me see birth of nfl in 1920 10 football teams gathered in canton ohio to create an american
Starting point is 00:49:24 professional football association not known as the national football league four more teams In 1920, 10 football teams gathered in Canton, Ohio, to create the American Professional Football Association, not known as the National Football League. Four more teams joined the league later that year, rounding out the original. Come on, man. What was the name of the – oh, maybe 1922. Okay, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it was 1922 the league took its current name. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:43 1960, though. 1960, that's so long ago. that's that's before i was born yeah that's like almost 20 years before my parents were born and so god i wonder i wonder uh what what's the name of the school shepherdstown shepherd shepherd college university oh shepherd university okay uh let me see their wiki let me see their wiki page what's the difference between college and university i don't know maybe one of them you can get a phd and one of them you can only get a master's i'm not sure okay but i don't know i just made that shit up uh i want to see the origins of your what year your college oh okay
Starting point is 00:50:22 oh so what shepherd's college was the former name 1871 okay so i've been around for 90 years all right fine um and where's my clip i had a clip i had a clip pulled up so is it it's it's legit the it's legit the uh the pro day with 32 teams there it's legit yeah it's gonna be super legit yep will you go over and shake all those dudes hands uh yes yeah i'm definitely even if it's not like a a rule i'm planning on greeting everybody that shows up and and will you try to remember their names even like look at them and be like okay that's tom he's from the seattle seahawks that's carl he's from the washington red maybe maybe not but i have a i have a good idea i've met a lot of the scouts through the senior
Starting point is 00:51:14 bowl in the combine and i've anybody i've met with i've jotted their name down and where they're from so i'll have a general idea probably a handful of dudes that are there but i'll just more so just tell them thanks for coming and thanks for being there and will you do anything like grease the wheel at all like have like um uh nail clippers just like shepherdstown's nail clippers or something i like to keep a nice pair of nails and hand each guy like a pair of nails yeah here welcome here's a uh like a souvenir shepherd's college on it and they can cut their nails. Hey, that's an important piece of equipment for fighters. Nail clippers.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah, you keep nail clippers with you? I do, but I don't use them a whole lot. I bite my fingernails, which I'm trying to stop. Hey, the thumb's a son of a bitch to bite. Yeah, no. I go for all 10, though, every day since i was like six the thumb the thumb um i i kind of it's the reason why i don't bite my nails anymore because sometimes you can get a weird like you get that you start getting a tear and it starts like going across the middle
Starting point is 00:52:19 of the nail and you're like uh-oh you're like uh-oh. Yeah, and you don't ever stop until you're like, oh, man, I just messed up. Yeah, I need scissors now. No, it's too late. Hey, I have nail clippers on. I have a Swiss Army knife with nail clippers on it. It's little. Oh, you know what I'm going to do? That's going to be my gift to you.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah, like since I'm friends with your dad, I'm supposed to be like buying you gifts and shit. Like you're like, I just want one of those. No plan B, uh, shirt shirts. Okay. That should be that.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Okay. I'll get you that too, but I'm getting you some nail clip. It's a, it's a night. Trust me. You're going to like it. It goes on your,
Starting point is 00:52:56 do you have keys? Do you have a key chain? Yeah. Yeah. I'll put it on my key chain. It's tiny. It's a tiny, but,
Starting point is 00:53:00 but the nail clipper on it. So nice. Yeah. And you can be like, yeah, someone got me to stop biting my nails. So those guys show up, and you'll meet them, and it must be serious. And then do they get to talk to you at all? Like, can they whisper in your ear, you know, Tyson, you would look really good. Does Florida have a football team?
Starting point is 00:53:22 Miami, yeah. You would look really good in a Dolphins hat. Blue is your color but they can they can pretty much say whatever they want and we're also going to be like with the quarterback especially it's it's big that they see you be able to verbalize things so we're going to go there's a classroom where we can go in and talk through anything any situational football and i'd be able to have to draw it up explain it um talk about the offense that i that i've been involved in the last four or five years and just kind of show where my show them where my iq is at so because you you don't ever just pick a quarterback just based off
Starting point is 00:53:55 how he runs and throws you got to know that he understands every intricate detail of what's going on so that'll be the other part that I would also do that day. Because you're the leader of the team and you need to be, those are the things you're going to have to talk. You gotta be, you're the, you're what, yeah, you're the, you're the smart dude on the team. You got, you're like the point guard, you're the coach on the field, all that stuff. So being able to know that you can trust them with that,
Starting point is 00:54:21 with that burden is huge. Hey, in football, there's something called the audible right that's like where the coach tells you to do something but then you're up there and you look around and you're like i'm doing something different yes in in that senior bowl did you ever do that so they it was i mean so they had it there was plays that also had plays to change it to it's got a certain look so if they just called a regular fucking control freaks yeah if you just called a certain play and we were being only there being there for a week like you know i wasn't trying to reinvent the wheel or trying to do
Starting point is 00:54:58 anything outside of you know execute exactly what they what they told me to so they had some run plays that if you got this look you would check it to this run or they had run plays that if you got this low, you would check it to the past play. And this look meaning is what the defense is doing. You look what the defense is doing. Yes. Okay. And when you played at Shepard,
Starting point is 00:55:20 you, you, do you have an earpiece in? So the coach tells you what play to call? No, it was hand signals, but I mean, yeah, I mean, as shepherd, like I would get a play and that would almost just be like a, that, that would just be like a suggestion. Um, my junior and senior year, like once I'd been there for so long and seen everything, it was like, yeah, they gave me a play, but I was like always manipulating something within the play.
Starting point is 00:55:46 And did you like that? Yeah, it was cool. I mean, sometimes, you know, you can get into like a rabbit hole of thinking too much and kind of over overdoing it a little bit. Because, I mean, at the end of the day, football is pretty it's once you learn it, it is quite simple with just the fact that all you're doing is run, tackling, and blocking. And if you're a guy that needs to read things, all you need to do is look at the right stuff, have your eyes in the right spot, and everything else will kind of take care of itself. So sometimes you can get caught up into maybe doing a little too much. I think I definitely did that maybe once or twice. Do they tell you, hey, settle down, kid? You're little too much i think that i definitely did that maybe you know once or twice to where do they tell you hey settle down kid you're doing too no but no they they didn't just because you know they i think that everybody kind of had a really a general a good idea that i cared
Starting point is 00:56:36 just as much as them if not a lot more so they knew i wasn't by any means trying to be a detriment or hurt okay anything so they and i would more so just means trying to be a detriment or hurt anything. And I would more so just, I would correct myself, be like, all right, dude, like, come on. Like, you still, like, don't, not trying to do too much. I'm just trying to be, and not even trying to get to a perfect play either. Just trying to get out of a bad play. That's more so too.
Starting point is 00:57:00 You're never trying to, I'm never trying to look like, oh, this is the perfect play for this. I'm just more so like, all right, well, what we have called, we know this can't work, so we need to just change it to something that could work. The first couple times you came on, there wouldn't ever be more than 100 viewers.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Now this thing is like, I've just looked up and it's over 250. People are starting to like you. Come on, Stevon. Let us start asking the question. Okay, fine. Let me get a question out of here. Doug Meoff.
Starting point is 00:57:32 That can't be a real name. Be gentle because Tyson's here. Someone might be watching. What was the most interesting question a team asked you, Tyson? Anything weird? Anything question that you were like, oh, that's weird. I wonder why they're asking that. Weird question. team asked you tyson anything weird anything question that you were like oh that's weird i wonder why they're asking that weird question not it was it was very very black and white it would always start off with tell me tell me about
Starting point is 00:57:56 your family tell me where you grew up tell me what that was like and then i would tell them and then after that really the most interesting thing, a lot of people were interested in the fact that my dad was an arm wrestler. So whenever they talk about that, I'd be like, yep, he's an arm wrestler. Just like, just try to get it out the way. Like, ask me something about football. Like, ask me, like, I'm not here. We only got 15 minutes to do this. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:20 I want to put it all on you right now, what I know. I wonder if anyone's ever like they're like uh tell me about your family and it's like uh my daddy's in jail uh he's six months away from being electrocuted and my mom couldn't make it to the combine because she's turning tricks in miami uh how about you ask me another question you fucking asshole from seattle you know i mean and the player gets all triggered and starts twitching and shit they had to make some changes because i guess in the past like people would ask like some horrible questions to dudes and like be like judging them based off of like what their other family members have done right like yo so you know your brother your brother od'd yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:59:02 on painkillers so so like and then it's like well hold up why are you why in the world would you be talking to me about that right now just ask me about a run play or something don't do that my goodness well dudes gotta be careful too that they don't
Starting point is 00:59:19 I guess there's right answers right I mean if I was a team owner I'd want a dude like you who I know has a loving mom and dad. I know that's kind of biased and there's an argument for having kids who've had it like really. I mean, not that you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth by any means. But it's tricky, right? Because you want a kid who cares, but you don't want a kid who's like, oh, this kid's three years away from getting a little bit of money and start doing drugs. you know could go up there slouched over and just kind of shoot the shit with a with a scout as if he's talking to his buddy and not take it as like hold up this is a job interview let me
Starting point is 01:00:10 put on my best freaking personality energy make sure they get this best version of me so that they feel comfortable choosing me right so that's how i view i could i could easily see where a dude has made made or broke himself based off of how he did an interview. Oh, that would suck. Yeah. Hey, there was a question in here. I wanted to, uh, oh, here, uh, I don't know. Sorry if this is a fucked up question. I don't even understand this question. Sevan, ask him if he took the wonder lick test. Do they still do that? What is, do you not even know what that is? Yeah, I did the wonder.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I did take, I got a 20, a 27 or a 28. What is that? It's solid. It's like a, it's like one of those trick question, like a bunch of riddles and you just go through and answer as much as you can and then just test your IQ. Oh, uh, uh, uh, uh, say low re, uh, Tyson, how do you deal with the pressure of having a shine at one day to show off your skills oh man dude so a lot what is that what is that question i don't even understand
Starting point is 01:01:12 that question either how do you deal with the pressure of having to shine at one day oh to shine at one oh i mean just one day so you get your whole life you've been working this thing and you got one day one a couple hours really to show these dudes what you can do. So you could be the man, but then end up letting your mind mess you all up because of the implications. And you just don't look. You're not giving off the real product. So I think a lot of that is just the mental aspect of everything. Understanding how important that the situation is. And that can either go one or two ways. You could be like, oh my gosh, if I don't do good right here,
Starting point is 01:01:53 this is going to change the whole trajectory of my life if I sell this right now and I don't do good. And then you can let that worry you, or you can be like, all right, I have no choice but to settle down right now because I know that if I want my life to look how I want it to look, I just need to go and do what I already know I can do. So it was a lot of mental mind stuff going on right there. So my dad got me linked up with Mike Solaris. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard about this Mike Solaris. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah yeah i heard about this mike celliers yeah yeah yeah yeah so i was i was with him i had obviously testing and getting the athletic um portion you know down pat was huge so i was feet i was telling him the numbers i was getting and what i hoped to get at the combine and then he would freaking just do his thing hypnotize me. And then he'd be just manifest,
Starting point is 01:02:45 like just, it's all just manifestation, really just understanding. Like if you can be out there on the field and not be tripping and not be worried, you're obviously just going to do your thing. But that's just not the case with a lot of people. You're going to be like, yo, this is a make or break moment. I need to do well. And then then any little thinking like throw you off or you could already be so ready that you know there's no way it could throw you off um so he would so we would do it and he would get it and then he'd get me in this like restful state and then he'd tell me to open my eyes and he'd be like you'll see you can't open your eyes now and it was i was in a room by myself i'm sitting there like that he's like open your eyes i'm like so this guy hypnotizes you so let me go back might be a
Starting point is 01:03:31 strong word i'm i'm very much present in the moment but for whatever reason i couldn't open my eyes so right then and there i was either like all right i could either freak out right now or i could just buy in so i just bought in and then he would just go through all my times what i was gonna get how it was going to feel. Just the two of you were in a room? Was he physically there? He was on the phone. He was on the phone and I was just listening through my headset,
Starting point is 01:03:53 relaxed, eyes closed in a dark room by myself. And your dad hooked you up with this guy to like – Yeah, because my dad did it and he won his first world championship when he wasn't ready to win his first world championship. Because Mike Solieris hypnotized him or walked him through some brain exercises. The dude that taught Mike Solieris. And then Mike Solieris was like, yo, wanted to start doing that. So now he does it.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Were you scared that this dude could scramble your brain? No, no. I knew it. I does it. Were you scared that this dude could scramble your brain? No, no. I knew it. I knew it. He was like, we had already talked a bunch of times. I knew he was like, you know, had my best. He had my best. He was thinking about me and wanted me to do well.
Starting point is 01:04:39 So it was cool, though, because a lot of the things I did at the combine, I hadn't done yet. And it was the freaking things that he was saying. Like it was the measurements that he was saying. Like I had never jumped. I had jumped a 34 and a half inch vertical. But with Mike, he was talking like, all right, we're going to get 36 or higher. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:57 That's what we're going to talk about. Got 36 for the first time. Broad jump. Oh, wow. Broad jump. I had never broke 10 before. I break 10, 10 feet and wow that is the number we talked about wow yeah so it was all like it was all it was all like it was crazy
Starting point is 01:05:13 wow crazy stuff have you talked to him since you uh since the combine the mic um i have not i have not now i talked to him the last time we did it was the night before, right the night before. And as soon as you do it, you go to sleep. So just freshen your mind. You wake up with it, whatever. And so that was about two or three days ago. So, yeah, I definitely got hit him up. But yeah, that was the whole thing of like being able to attack the mental, be able to take it to the other spectrum of like, yeah, this is a life altering moment. So I'm just going to relax and do what i've already done a million times um uh seven you should have this guy on i know this guy i i've
Starting point is 01:05:52 stated this guy's house a shitload of times i haven't seen him in 20 years he looks pretty similar he looks he still has got the same same look he hadn't changed a whole bunch yeah he was bald so that's easy yeah yeah um uh there was another uh oh this is an important question uh did he ever when you were hypnotized did he ever ask you to take your pants down no no well that's good okay well thanks trish for the thoughtful uh uh question i want to show you um this clip and this is the uh 40 yard dash we've only looked at two passes so far right so how many times in your life have you have you ran the 40 yard dash like like officially i don't mean like oh officially uh i don't know probably like maybe like 15 times. Yeah, it's crazy. This would be so nerve wracking.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Oh, I know. It's the most ridiculous thing in the world getting ready to do that because it is super just scientific. Like you're not even just running. Like it's a whole – like I trained this at my facility for 10 straight weeks. Like just working on running 40 yards and how to break it down and how to do it most effectively that's where the combine seems kind of weird to me right yeah yeah because it's like it's not game speed like dudes aren't gonna run on the field during a game like they are gonna
Starting point is 01:07:18 run that that 40-yard dash right and and yeah i i guess it doesn't hurt to put 10 weeks in it it made you a better athlete right yeah and it wasn't just that like it was 10 weeks just working on my athletic ability and 10 weeks working on quarterback stuff so it was just like 10 weeks on trying to become a better a better you know asset to a team are you worried about pulling the hamstring while you're training this prior to the combine? Knock on wood, I've never had any issues with my hamstring. And I felt – I was just on top of taking care of myself just because I knew I only have 10 weeks to do this. The worst thing that can happen is me hit some speed bump because I'm not taking care of some section of my body. So I felt pretty good.
Starting point is 01:08:02 My legs feel good. Everything feels good. So I felt, I felt pretty good. My legs feel good. Everything feels good. I took, um, I went to, uh, Florida one time to the IMG Academy with a bunch of CrossFitters and they were running the 40 yard dash and they put a Dave Castro up there. And, and first time he ran the 40 yard dash, he looked like someone shot him. You know what I mean? Like 20 yards in, he stood up and grabbed the back of his leg.
Starting point is 01:08:24 That is horrible. I've seen that happen so many times i don't know i've never thankfully i've never had any hammy issues but you see anyone get injured there at the combine i did not see anybody get injured at the combine no that's good yeah okay and how close is your dad to you right here he's in the stands like he's in the stands probably about 50 yards away and he's not in the stands with like the regular mortals like they get the dad finding a way to get a media credential wow yeah and do the other parents get that nah i don't know how he got that wow travis yeah what a stud okay and and and what are these two black lines on the ground that when your ankle is do you have an ankle yeah so the first line the first line is
Starting point is 01:09:14 where your hands your hands can take up that whole first line the back line your both your feet have to be behind that second line and did every dude start like that yeah everybody's got their own unique stance but just like those are the only two rules you have to follow your stance could be whatever you want as long as your hand takes up the first line and your two feet are behind that second line and what are these two tripods like 10 or 15 feet down the way here those are all laser time timers so you pass through them they stop oh so your start time starts as you pass through that first laser nah so it starts there's a guy sitting on a chair and he's got a he's got a hand starter so when you move he starts it and then when you get to those lasers there is no hand time stop
Starting point is 01:09:57 the laser determines what's your time like the end so that first laser will be what what my time was at five yards the second laser will be what my time was at five yards the second laser be what my time was at 10 yards then there's one at the 20 yard line and then there's one at the 40 yard line that's crazy cool hey i i wonder why they why do they start it with the hand why don't they have it like the chip like going over one of those black lines yeah i was wondering that too i guess it just hasn't been it hasn't been like affected or there hasn't been one made that's accurate enough i guess like this is the most accurate way to do it i guess and you've already done this is your second uh uh shot at it you already read 481 okay yes
Starting point is 01:10:36 here's leopard he was lock haven didn't he definitely was Definitely was. Daddy looking on. Four, seven, nine. All right. I love it. Smiles from Pops. That's awesome. Now we'll see him spin it. Shout out Shep.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Shep, you was up. How tall are you, Tyson? Six foot three and one eighth. God, you're tall. I can't believe you look lean dude yeah i felt good i feel good right now they did i did they did a good job where i was that's great getting me ready like feeding you and all that yeah he was lock haven dinner he definitely was so i don't know anything about sprinting but like right here and then right there you you come up is that what's
Starting point is 01:11:20 supposed to happen like you're just leaning forward and then you come up yeah my my my transition period was like from 15 to 20 yards so i had to dig up until then and then from that point you open it up and just run look how ridiculous it is too so you there's a shepherd you run by there's a dude with a yellow hat i don't know what the fuck he's looking at but he's he's definitely like making sure you don't cheat or something yeah exactly that's how it was all it was super strict but then you got three dudes at the oh no you got five dudes at one bench and now that's uh then you pass another bench with four other dudes at it this is fucking crazy then another table with three other dudes that what the fuck is that old dude doing that guy
Starting point is 01:12:05 that you just ran past he sat down there four years ago and hasn't been able to get up daddy looking on oh and another three dudes are you kidding me yeah it's people every seven nine all right i love it that's setting up just that run probably cost him a half million dollars my god yeah uh so the pro day will happen and and i always feel like there's all sorts of rules of when people can and talk can and can't talk to athletes is all that over you're done with college and anyone like yeah anybody can be talking. Yeah. Anybody can talk to me. And do you keep all that stuff sort of close to your vest? Like if.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Yeah. Well, a lot of it goes through my agent too. Like a lot of it goes through my, like my agent, my agents got all the, the agents have all the contacts with everybody. They reach out to the agent first. They'll never reach out to you first. They'll reach out to the agent, your agent will reach out to them. They'll get an idea of everything. And then it's and then it comes to me
Starting point is 01:13:09 um yeah any any other of your dad's uh um lecherous friends like myself uh coming out of the woodworks now and being like oh travis do you remember when we were friends can i get tyson on my podcast is there anyone else who's like oh travis i have a beef jerky company could your son uh take a few bites of it oh no nothing yet or if it has he hasn't told me but nothing nothing nothing crazy yet nothing crazy yet and and there becomes a point where you don't become like like someone could sponsor you now but at some point when you get drafted there become layers it everything is going to become more um what's the word uh what's when there's layers of management and um there'll be more bureaucracy to get through right yeah more red tape so like i could pay you
Starting point is 01:14:01 now to wear a shirt for me and i could cut you a check for $5,000 and you could wear it. But that might not work 10 years from now. Or even if you get – when you get drafted, it's done. Yes. Like the NFL has to approve everything, right? Like right now, it's like signature deals. Like there's a lot of weirdos that are really into getting stuff signed by players and upcoming dudes and everything. So I've gotten a couple of deals with those, but the price will just go up as the time goes. The price just goes up with how popular you are
Starting point is 01:14:36 or how good or successful you are. Or let's say I'm just completely making this up, but Budweiser is the sponsor of the NFL, let's say. And right now, Michelob could reach out to you and be like, hey, we want you to be in this commercial. But then once you get signed and Michelob approaches you and your agent, the NFL might be like, no, no, you can't do that because that will compete with our Budweiser. Exactly. So like with card deals now, there's a's a card company called leaf a car company like automobile oh no card like a like a signing football oh okay like a player's card it's a company called leaf yeah so there's there's a handful of card companies that can get a hold of you pre-draft but once you're drafted panini panini cards are the only card deal you can work with. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Okay. And, and now if someone hits you up, you get the money, uh, or, or maybe you and your agent in the, but in the future,
Starting point is 01:15:36 if you, if you sign, then the NFL takes their piece too. Like more and more people start reaching into your pot of, uh, I think so. Yeah, I believe so.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yes. And do you just try to avoid thinking about all that shit? Um, yeah, uh, yeah, to an extent. I mean,
Starting point is 01:15:51 I don't, I don't spend money like that much at all. So like, if it's like a chunk of money, I don't really care what the, what the split is. As long as I have an understanding of what I, what I'm getting,
Starting point is 01:16:02 I'm like, cool. Like, I'll probably just put it away anyway so it's all like i don't really so it's all good but even even even other things like do you care what team you get drafted to or do you just have your head down you're like hey i'm just playing the best football i can yeah yeah that's the only that that's the only way i can be comfortable if i start worrying about where i'm going or anything i'm just trying to worry about
Starting point is 01:16:23 me being prepared to go like i I'm prepared to go anywhere. I don't care where I go. As long as I'm, if I wasn't prepared, then I'd be in a little freak out mode. But as long as I'm prepared, ready, I don't like,
Starting point is 01:16:33 I don't care where I go. I just want to go where I'm wanted. I'll send you this $2, by the way, this is yours, Tyson. I get your, I have your address.
Starting point is 01:16:42 The seven podcast should sponsor Tyson. Yeah, totally. I'm going to send him that two bucks thank you steve so i'm getting on the tyson bayton train what do you mean me sponsor him my uh after the combine my my instagram has been going a little crazy i gotta post a picture in that no plan b shirt shout out the podcast how is that tell me about the social media. Are there, is your agent like, hey, Tyson, we're going to have to take that from you and we're going to have to do it? No, no. But I mean, it's the same thing.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Like, I guess the more, you know, influence you can have on that, I guess like there's companies that could be like, hey, we can do a deal. You could just post us on your big platform, which it's not big, but you could post us on your platform, and then we can work out a deal. And that stuff's easy. I would think that someone like you also doesn't necessarily need as many followers to influence. So let's say if I'm a high school quarterback and I see you say, hey, every day I get into this ice tub and you have 5000 followers.
Starting point is 01:17:53 I see every fucking high school quarterback being like, fucking I'm asking my parents for this ice bath. Yeah. Where someone with a million followers might say that. And it's just some, you know, some girl in a bathing suit or some dude, somehead who's just it's all thirst pics and they're gonna be like i'm not doing that yeah yeah and that's another thing i'm not really i'll never go i'll never go out of my way to do to do like some ad or some something i don't feel like doing unless it's just like unless it i can benefit from it like in my life it's something from like in my life it's something i believe in like if it's something i believe in if something i don't believe in i'm just like oh no like i'm i'm i'm good you can just ask somebody else i'm really good we'll circle back around when someone
Starting point is 01:18:36 offers you a million dollars yeah yeah yeah like there was a little circle back i always wonder that too god what if coke just offered me a million dollars god no i know but i feel like if i sign a deal and i have more money like right now i feel like you know i don't have a ton of money but i have more money than i would ever need like right now i don't even have that much money so i can only imagine i sign a contract like because i've thought about that like selling my soul like when that time comes to make some money and i'm like if i have enough money that i'm good and that if anything were to happen to immediate fan member they'll be good then i don't think i really don't think i would i really don't think i would now same thing we can circle back but i really don't think i would
Starting point is 01:19:22 but only time will tell now listen now listen tyson i'm gonna give you five million dollars to put this candy bar in your mouth and think you could build schools in africa could help a lot of kids in africa just one candy bar in your mouth i know i know but the way i think i'm such a weirdo like i'll think about like i'm killing i'm killing a lot of people by doing that too. Oh, damn straight you are. Good thinking. Yeah, just straight up just like you might as well just snort cocaine like right there. You crossfitted your whole youth? So he started – I think I was about eight whenever he put me through my first one.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Just kind of like – Eight years old, your dad put you through your first crossfit workout. Yeah, it was super like – it was like a low box jump and burpees or something like that and how often do you think you do crossfit you're doing it now uh so i haven't been since i've been doing just strictly what they've had me do at the facility since new year's but whenever so now i'm back home i'm taking this is my third day that I'm not doing anything. And then tomorrow I'll start back. So I do it probably five times a week if it's just a normal week.
Starting point is 01:20:38 No, she – and what's funny is all that stuff – not all the stuff, but your dad sends me stuff. Like you just did an interview with the ESPN guy. By the way, you killed it. That was – hey, that dude called you Tyler. Yeah no i know he got two tysons a tyler and then back to tyson again i was like what's wrong with this guy yeah hey that's a famous guy i think so i mean i recognized his voice yeah he said his name and i knew his name the set i was on was way too official for that to a bit oh you weren't at home you weren't at home doing that oh no i was that i there's like been a couple i thought you're talking about the one yeah no yeah so that one i was at home i i
Starting point is 01:21:14 don't know who that dude was i don't know who that dude was but i imagine i think you've got some platform or something i don't know and it was yeah what was it yes it was esp. And it was, yeah. What was it? Yes. It was ESPN radio. It was big. I recognized his voice and I recognized his name. Yeah. Yeah. I, I'm not, it's been, I've been doing interviews like so much since I like this whole draft
Starting point is 01:21:34 process. But, um, I do remember that one. That one was like a lot shorter than I thought it was going to be. 10 minutes. Yeah. They said ESPN radio.
Starting point is 01:21:42 I'm like, Oh man, they might have me on here for a minute. And then I got all ready for it. And then it was like done, but it was, it would be so easy. Like if I was the media director of CrossFit Inc, it would be so easy to just send someone out and film with you. I mean, I don't know if you'd be down with it, but they could have sent someone out to film with you. They film with you.
Starting point is 01:22:20 They show that you did CrossFit. It's enough to show how good you did in high school and how good you did in college. You broke the – I mean this is how much it costs. It costs $10,000 to send a guy out and do a really good fucking video on someone. used crossfit and he broke the fucking all-time college football passing record because there's all this belief among sports that you shouldn't do crossfit if you're a professional football player or baseball player because your shoulders shoulders yeah and that's that's where i've kind i've had to just uh just be careful with just not careful but just understand when i'm programming stuff that yeah just cater to your your discipline yeah exactly that's all that's all it is and really i wouldn't need like i'm just like the crossfit intro oh it's your mom calling it's your dad calling no that was my mimi grandma yeah um yeah it just introduced me to the
Starting point is 01:23:22 cardiovascular aspect of things. And I was just like, I really don't even care what I look. I don't care what it makes me look like. I don't care about anything other than it allows me to be available in my sport the whole time. From the start to the very finish, I am ready to absolutely murder this thing. Like there is not one time where I'm constantly or even thinking for a split second. Oh, I need to take a break because I need to get my breath. Like, no, pedal to the metal.
Starting point is 01:23:55 If somebody else is tired, I'm like, get out. Let's get somebody else that's that can go at 100 percent. And my whole thing is just being able to make sure that i can go 100 every single play yeah those companies so so i would send that stuff to dave and i would send that stuff to bill henniger and katie henniger the owners of rogue yeah yeah they do they do they do a solid job i did you know they needed they need to reach out to you and be like hey tyson we know you only got four months left can we we do a Tyson Bajan shirt at Rogue? You guys are fucking up.
Starting point is 01:24:28 I'm telling you. And here's why. There's a community part. I don't even mean from the commercial part. It's like you're in – like this is a – you grew up –'re you're homegrown you're homegrown you didn't find crossfit at 27 like there's been nfl quarterbacks there was a quarterback we did a piece on from uh the seattle seahawks this is 10 years ago and he he basically retired from the nfl and then he did crossfit for a year and it brought him back He was able to get one more year and he credited CrossFit
Starting point is 01:25:06 with it. But you're fucking homegrown. I just can't believe that the community's not getting more behind you. Not necessarily the community, the home office of Dear Bill and Katie, if you need Tyson's phone number, let me know. Can I give them your phone number if they call me?
Starting point is 01:25:22 Bill Hanegar? Katie, both? Both of them. Everybody. Alright. give them your phone number if they call me yeah yeah okay good bill henniger yep katie both both um everybody okay all right all right yeah it's fun it's it's it's crazy yeah it's so crazy yeah it was it was really cool it's funny i got to uh you know who was there at the combine sorry i had to plug my phone in oh oh they know him they know him i i bug uh bill and katie about this guy they know him yeah they're just busy people and everyone's trying to get everyone's trying to get in their pocket but i'm telling you this kid tyson i don't bug them a lot with a lot of shit
Starting point is 01:25:57 and i'm telling you like i think it's a huge it's a it's a it's a missed opportunity for for rogue but it's even a bigger missed opportunity for CrossFit and all the affiliates out there to be like, look, you can grow one of these in an affiliate, a Tyson Bajan. Yeah. It was, I met, um, I got Shane. Is that, is that Tia Claritumi's man's name? Yeah. Shane Orr. Yeah. Good. Yeah. So he was, I, I, um, I obviously watched all the CrossFit like documentaries on Netflix and it a
Starting point is 01:26:24 little, just, I, I, I keep up updated and up to date with what's going on. And I saw him when he was with the Noble guy. At the Combine. At the Combine. So I just got done killing it, right? And I'm walking. I did an interview with NFL Network, and I'm walking back to meet my family. And the Noble guy says something to me, and I look over, and I lock eyes with him. And I was like noble guy says something to me and I look over and I like
Starting point is 01:26:45 locked eyes. And I was like, how in the world do I, and I was like, no shit. This Terry T. Eclair to me, man,
Starting point is 01:26:53 that's crazy. And then we ended up talking for like five minutes. It was pretty sweet. He's got a crazy deep voice. Did you notice that? He does. Yeah. He's got his accents.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Pretty, pretty cool. And it's so deep. Like my ears can't quite hear it sometimes i know and it's crazy too because like i feel like i've been more interested in what she's been posting lately because she's pregnant and still like like she's yoked out of her mind pregnant like i'm like what in the world so anytime that pops up i'm like well you know what she looks like now she's still you know i'm more interested i i think i'm more interested now that she's pregnant because it's
Starting point is 01:27:30 i guess it's kind of like adversity right but it's oh my god it's like adversity in the most ridiculous sense ever and like you just see she's like you know i'm sure she's probably doing what i'm doing with crossfit which is being maybe a little bit careful with what she programs but still she is murdering right and like she's still like she she's even she's still putting up good times it's like yeah it's crazy i talked to him about that for a minute i told him that was awesome but it was cool it was cool being able to um see like a person that i actually knew like i guess in the crossfit world so that was pretty sweet the draft is in april the draft is april 28th and and will you just be like sitting in front like do you like we'd be sitting
Starting point is 01:28:12 in front of a tv set watching it live yeah i'm just it's so much unknown so i'll just probably just like be kicking it with my family like in front of some tv with my phone, my phone ringer on just, just waiting. And what do you think the chances are that you will get drafted? I think, I mean, I think that I've done everything I was supposed to do, you know, up until this point. So I feel that, you know, a team would be, you know, that you would miss out with not taking a chance on me, but I'm not other teams. So I just know that I put myself pretty much in the best position that I could. And, uh, now I should, I'm just, I'm happy because I didn't leave any stone unturned. It's not like I didn't do like, I didn't handle something and it came back to bite me in the ass. And I was like, oh
Starting point is 01:29:01 man, I wish I would have taken that more seriously i took everything as serious as i possibly could have ever taken anything in my whole entire life to the point where i was like like i did everything so right that i was just sick of sick of it by the end of it like i was just like wow like if someone was like hey don't use those pillow pillowcases they make it so you don't sleep as deep you'd be like those pillowcases are gone yeah yeah exactly like shit like that any don't wear steel bracelets because they fuck with your meridian line or something you're like i'm never wearing a bracelet again it got to the point in florida where i was just like you know i was away from all my whole family for the first time in my
Starting point is 01:29:37 life and every it was all good and smooth sailing but by the end of it it was like i would be at the training facility handle everything just try to stay there as long as I could, because I knew when I got back to the house, it was just going to be like, I got tired of reading. I got tired of looking at my phone. I got tired of watching TV. Like it was like, I was just tired of it. I just wanted to just like go and, and produce everything that I worked on. So, um, yeah, I just, I did everything right. I handled my business like a professional. So now it's up to the, the other, it's up to the other end of the stick, you know, to make their decisions and decide if I'm, you know, if I'm, if I'm a guy that they want to take a chance on or not. And I'm ready to, I can get the call. If I got the call
Starting point is 01:30:21 right now, I'd be ready. So I know in two months two months i'm gonna be ready so i'm just more so just excited and happy with how i handled the process more than i am worried if i'm gonna get picked up or not uh no no no plan b there's no if if i don't get drafted it's this i know it's funny because like that that shirt and then I was listening. It was something that Kobe Bryant said that resonated with me a handful of years ago. He was like, it was an ex-teammate of his talking, and he was talking about something that Kobe was saying one day. And he was like, you know, people say don't put all your eggs in one basket. It's like, well, what if you just put all your eggs in one basket and then you could make more eggs later? Like you put all your eggs in this basket and for whatever reason that doesn't work out, then you can go back, you know, and make more eggs, get good at something else, attack something else in your life. But just not not having a plan B, all my eggs are in this basket, and they still are.
Starting point is 01:31:25 So I was happy. I'm just happy that the training paid off. I was able to put up good numbers. I threw the ball well. I was confident doing it. I did the interviews well. So I don't think I could have done anything better. So that's why I'm just more so just relieved in that sense.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Justin Medeiros' mom, the champs mom uh shannon madaris madaris family will be pulling for a cowboys pick hey so is my dad uh tyson uh awesome talking to you dude thanks for sharing your experience with the combine it's a that was a a really unique uh listen for me to hear you talk about all that i'm completely oblivious to all that stuff nice yeah you're the man thanks for always love coming on so i appreciate you me and ezra me and and that's another thing the facility is about 30 minute drive i have to go there probably twice a day so a lot of times me and ezra would just listen and just randomly select oh oh that's awesome you say that because so ezra is Tyson's 18 year old brother. And so I Ezra was in the car with your dad when I was talking to your dad.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Yeah, we were listening to the podcast today. We were on the way before this. We were driving somewhere and we were listening to the Building Better Men podcast. And you were like, dude, my friend, he's got this 18 year old brother. It went completely over my head. But then Ezra was like, yo, my friend, he's got this 18-year-old brother. Yeah, that was crazy. It went completely over my head. But then Ezra was like, yo, rewind that. I think he's talking about me. And we listened to it. We started crying and laughing.
Starting point is 01:32:53 I told that story like 20 times that day. I was like, a fucking 18-year-old kid thinks I'm funny. That is, that's just. We were, there was one. I forget which one it was. But you were just dropping gems and your delivery sometimes is so so hilarious that we just sit there and cry so it was it was great we listened to a lot of podcasts while we were in florida that's for sure awesome
Starting point is 01:33:16 well that makes me happy and proud okay i will be uh i'll be staying close um good luck with the uh the event. What's it called? The Pro Day. The Pro Day at Shepherd University. What's the date on that again? The 28th? The 28th.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Of this month? Yep. Okay. So CrossFit, you should send film guys out there. You better get in touch with them quickly. And Rogue, you should probably be sending out a million. Release the Tyson Bajan, uh, rogue shirt. And, uh, and then a month after that is the draft.
Starting point is 01:33:50 And, uh, I'll be, I'll be staying close to my phone and bugging you a very shortly after that. Hey, will you still be able to come on the show after you get drafted or do you have to have that approved by the NFL? Oh, no, I'm I'm whenever you need me. All right. You'd a man. You'd a man. Okay. It's by You the man. Yeah, you the man.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Okay. By the way, the guy who makes the No Plan B shirts, I saw in the comments here, he said that he already sent them out to you. So I guess the check's in the mail, dude. Sweet. All right. All right. Have a good day, Stevon.
Starting point is 01:34:16 All right. Take care. Tell Ezra I said what's up. I will. Okay. Bye. Bye. Delivery is on point only sometimes
Starting point is 01:34:26 uh send me as a photographer seven seven can you unblock my uh account like unblock your account from where dug me off from where i don't think you're who is that i don't i if you got to talk to the wrenches i never blocked anyone you would have to do something crazy for me to block you god uh just prior to the show uh jeremy uh eat world sent me a video of Jon Stewart talking, and he's comparing gun laws and the fact that you would believe in the Second Amendment to protect gun laws, but not believe in protecting freedom of speech by letting trannies do readings to kids, to perform in front of kids. do readings to kids to perform in front of kids. And I, it was, it was the most incredible ass backward logic I had ever heard.
Starting point is 01:35:33 It was such a simpleton perspective. And John Stewart was getting really angry at this guy. He was raising his voice at this guy. And it made me just like, want to go on a walk on the beach with John Stewart and explain to him how, how he's thinking wrong. You can't just be like, uh, 3000 kids died, uh, from guns. And it's the leading cause of death of kids dying in the United States. And so we're going to outlaw guns. You, you can't do that. First, first of all, you have to realize other things. Um, the precedent it's set. So the leading cause of death for kids under the age
Starting point is 01:36:05 of five is drowning. So what do you do? You get rid of all swimming pools. Let's say you did do that. Let's say you did do that. Let's go down that logic to thinking. Let's say you get rid of all swimming pools and you don't let kids under five anywhere near water. They're not allowed on beaches and they're not allowed near swimming pools. Well, then upstream a little bit or downstream a little bit at the leading cause of death for people over 30, all of a sudden becomes drowning in 20 years. And why is that? Because you didn't teach kids how to swim under the guise of protecting them from drowning. It's, it's, it's, it's absolutely batshit crazy thinking it's a long though so so let's go back to the gun thing so no one's like hey seven you're changing the subject
Starting point is 01:36:52 if you if you ban guns if you get rid of guns what happens do we end up like um uh the netherlands or these countries where farmers are being told that they can't farm with gas-powered vehicles anymore? Do we end up like China where people are boarded up by the tens of hundreds of millions in their homes? Do we end up like Canada where they're told that if you don't get the vaccine, you're racist? I'm not making this stuff up. This is – these are true connections to countries where their leaders have completely taken advantage of them. Do we end up like Australia where people would fly into Sydney, have to be quarantined for a month, and then if they wanted to go to another province in Australia, they'd have to quarantine for another month? Do we want to end up like – I'll give you another example.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Oh, it's so great in Canada and the UK. All medicine is free. Okay, cool. First of all, that's just not true but okay cool now you have to wait if you get the only problem is and i forgot to mention this to you is if you get diagnosed with cancer you can't begin treatment for a year whereas in the united states since it's not free you can get weeks like like what what is the cost what is the cost of banning guns then he never wants to talk about that no one ever wants to talk about it uh switzerland i don't i don't know what is wrong with switzerland i know what you're trying to imply there i could tell you a lot of stuff that's weird there
Starting point is 01:38:47 but uh you have to be more specific i'm not going to read into it uh it's it's just it's crazy to me all under the defense of he's saying that you should let people groom your children under the guise and i know i know i'm slanting that i know i'm slanting that under the guise of freedom of speech how is it how is it that i can't go to a cigarette site a tobacco site without them asking me if i'm 18 like if i go and try to buy like nicotine online or i go to a nicotine site i gotta jump through all of these hoops but yet i can download download porn or go to google and type in big dick dudes and get just shit loads of crazy pictures it's crazy that they think that they're trying to protect kids i could flip the same script on john stewart he says he's trying he says he're trying to protect kids. I could flip the same script on Jon Stewart.
Starting point is 01:39:50 He says he's trying to protect kids by banning guns. I bet you if you look up who the number one people are that hurt kids, sexual predators of kids, you would not be surprised of what you'd find. That there is a demographic of people that would not surprise you. It's such bad thinking. And then if you really want to just go nuts, start reading the comments. You think it's mentally ill to want to keep guns it's just a mentality oh a mentality a mentality no it well not for me it's not a mentality for me
Starting point is 01:40:42 it's not looking at the consequences of getting rid of them. No one in the United States wants to end up like Canada or the UK or Australia. No one wants to end up like that. If you live in those countries and if you, and if you don't, if you live in the United States and you don't, and you don't,
Starting point is 01:41:02 and you don't know what it's like, go to the UK and try to get some and see what it's like living there all the fucking crazy rules they have try being a farmer uh in the netherlands or how about those kids killed by guns are black kids by black men? Yeah. Hey, it's that same logic. Why doesn't Jon Stewart just say, OK, we're going to get rid of gun violence. We're going to just move all the black people out of the United States. It's the same thing you want. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 01:41:34 The same same just stupid thinking. Oh, what they did, it's classic what they did in Germany. I don't know about the gun shit, but what they did, they first said that the Jews were dirty and that they were spreading sickness. Hmm, that's weird. The thing is, too, I guess the reason why they can't see that taking away the guns would be bad and that because then we would be stuck with a bunch of people who think like Jon Stewart. You want to see you want to understand. Salo, I appreciate it. I think you're just thinking about it wrong.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Go go look at that movie. So I'll give you an example. I'll give you an example of how I think you're thinking about it wrong go go look at that movie um so i'll give you an example i'll give you an example of how i think you're thinking about it um for years in this country and still today there's people who think that if you drink gatorade you're increasing your electrolytes in your body because that's how they sold it gatorade has electrolytes but the truth is is that when you drink gatorade you're diluting your electrolytes because you couldn't drink anything that was dense enough in electrolytes to increase your
Starting point is 01:42:53 electrolyte count in your body without vomiting it's not possible but it was pushed on but it was pushed on the people and to this day people still believe it no matter how much you tell them. Yeah, and it's like that movie in Idiocracy. They can't fucking figure out why the plants are dying because they're giving them Gatorade, and Gatorade has electrolytes. They call it something else. They don't call it electrolytes. And so just in the way that you're asking it, it's such an American thing.
Starting point is 01:43:26 I haven't gotten around to understand it. I want to give you a good example because I used to be like you too. I'd be like, fuck, we don't need guns. But you don't – and I used to say the same thing. We don't need religion. But it's because you can't – you don't see the effect it's having. You're just looking at one perspective of the effect it's having. You don't understand how it's – I was myopic on the damage it was doing. I wasn't looking at the benefits.
Starting point is 01:44:06 But as we went through the pandemic, you could see a thousand reasons like, oh shit, I'm glad we have guns. Roxanne is wonderful. I'm in the United Kingdom. Americans should keep hold of their guns. I would rather have the option to own a gun than to never have the option i mean just one of the things uh that's i i think known is that one of the reasons why the japanese didn't attack didn't it didn't come ashore in world war ii one of the reasons i heard is because they knew that there were over 800 000 americans with um armed or something like that at the time now it's got to be way more that's another great question why does the uS. government arm citizens of other countries with fully automatic weapons but continue to try to restrict in our own country? Another trippy thing, by the way, Salo, is the guns they're trying to outlaw aren't the guns that are really killing people.
Starting point is 01:45:16 And they've come up with these assault rifles they keep calling them. It's all handguns. The vast majority is just crazy handguns yeah no one wants a nut job to have a gun i agree the problem is is we have so many fucking nut jobs in power that that that poor poor canada what are they going to do there i was talking to some of my friends who are just fucking crazy socialist libtards and even they were hating on trudeau they got a little mini uh hitler over there bad dude
Starting point is 01:45:54 i really i really i i pardon. I'm almost leaving a little, I'm almost jealous at how passionate Tyson is about his life. It reminded me of when we interviewed Matt Schindeldecker, remember that and just his life had such purpose or even Seth Gruber, the abortion dude, the guy who's against abortion. Like when I meet people like that, I'm like, damn,
Starting point is 01:46:28 I thought I had passion for some Gatorade. Thank you, Mr. Simpson, Homer. Oh, you guys do have street violence in Switzerland. Hey,
Starting point is 01:46:43 listen, here's the thing. The United States doesn't only has violence where they allow it to happen. So no matter anything that you see about how violent the United States is, you don't have to partake in it at all. Zero. I don't have to partake in it at all, and I live in an amazing place. Zero. I don't see it.
Starting point is 01:47:02 I don't partake in it. I don't. You can just not go to those places it's the this place is so big uh ryan douglas hey stevon today uh marks my one year of committing to the crossfit lifestyle i would like to thank my mentor best friend and father mike mccaskey oh that's awesome I would like to thank my mentor, best friend and father, Mike McCaskey. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:47:26 That's your dad? Or he's like a father in the church? For motivating me and being the best support system. How can he be your father with a different last name? Oh, maybe Mike McCaskey is just his YouTube name or yours is just your YouTube name. All right. Look at that. You guys are just loving on each other in the comments.
Starting point is 01:47:43 Awesome. That's cool. I just I don't go anywhere where they. Oh, Father Sevan. Thank you. Oh, true dad. OK, true dad, true dad or true dad. Sevan, how do you like the new January 6 6th video the police chauffeuring the guy through the capitol building i haven't seen that i i i know that the capitol thing is just a complete joke and a hoax anyway just because there was no fire i know what real rioters do they bring fire like real rioters like people who are like ferguson 760 million in damage that's more than enough evidence for me pope savon i like that
Starting point is 01:48:33 i'm anxious for tyson I'm anxious for Tyson. I like reading the comments on YouTube. When I go on Instagram, like I posted that Donald Trump talking and a couple other things that are like, I don't know. Even for me, they're starting to get a little one-sided. And people comment in there and they're rude to me or just assholes or just whatever. I immediately click their name.
Starting point is 01:49:24 And if they follow me, it can stay. I immediately click their name. And if they follow me, it can stay. But if they don't follow me, I erase it. Or I just talk some horrendous shit to them. Because at that point, I feel like you're just over here on my account trolling. Like, hey, if you're like friends with me and like, you think I said something? You're like, hey, Sevan, I don't appreciate you using the word tranny my sister is transgender and I find that offensive and you know makes you seem like a transphobic asshole and
Starting point is 01:49:52 you follow me like I'm I want to have the conversation with you but if you're just if you don't follow me I just whack you bye-bye Chris Rock has a new Netflix show so I need to look at January 6th stuff and Chris Rock's new show that's cool yeah right Tyson has qualities any major company would love to have
Starting point is 01:50:15 god I hope Coke offers him like 30 million dollars so we can talk about that type one So we can talk about that. Type one in the chat. If the seven on podcast is the most significant podcast in the CrossFit space. Well, okay. I can do that.
Starting point is 01:50:36 There we go. I typed four. Later, Cobra. Thanks, dude. What is tomorrow? Where's my phone? Tomorrow's Friday? Thursday? Sunday? Monday? Oh. Oh. Yes.
Starting point is 01:51:04 She who shall not be named. I can definitely do that. I can do that. I can definitely do that. I can do that. I can definitely get you Mike Celeris' name. You guys want to see who that is, Mike Celeris? Who Tyson talked about? I remember when Mike had his... I remember when Mike had his mentor... I remember when Mike had his mentor. I remember when Mike had his mentor hypnotize Travis so he could win the world championships.
Starting point is 01:51:38 God, I hate it when I do that. I'm doing two things at once. And just like the same sentence keeps coming out of my mouth over and over and over. I want to show you a match of his where he wins. He's a really good arm wrestler, both right and left-handed. Let's see. Okay, well, I don't think Mike wins this match, but we can watch it anyway here we go like cellars
Starting point is 01:52:10 you know for those of you don't know that guy cobra roads who was in the comments here he's probably one of the best arm wrestlers who ever lived definitely definitely in his weight class he was the best arm wrestler who ever lived oh you want to see the deadlift is that what you said mike star the 295 you know what's funny is i showed hillar the other day and he's like dude you could do 350 i'm like how do you know he's like you can just just tell it just comes up so easy i like that but i have no interest he did and that one's for todd hutch. Come on. In the gray. Right there. That's Mike Selyears.
Starting point is 01:52:48 Yeah, he's crazy intense. He's crazy intense. I'm going to tell you what's going to happen here. When the ref says go, they're going to slip. They always slip. And then they're going to probably put him in the straps. Boom. And I think Mike slipped because he felt how strong that dude is so now they strap him up right close your hands go and now the they got the straps on them. That's Todd Hutchins and Hutchins.
Starting point is 01:53:26 Todd Hutchins on the right. I think Todd Hutchins is like a super heavyweight now. I think he's put on like 30 pounds or some shit. Oh, shit. Wow. Wow. And you see Hutchins' wrist is back. In arm wrestling, that's like your wrist got broken back.
Starting point is 01:53:43 You do not want that to happen right there and Mike is pronated pronated supinated whatever it is and everyone thinks he's going this way he's basically turned like this and pulling back towards himself at the same time very unorthodox attack on Todd Zillow
Starting point is 01:53:59 wow and you see how crazy intense Mike is right yeah looks like Matt Sarah the other guy look at him Wow. Wow. Wow. And you see how crazy intense Mike is, right? Yeah, it looks like Matt Sarah, the other guy. Look at him. Look at him. With the upset. Oh, and there's his wife and his kids.
Starting point is 01:54:19 I think, I think, I think my ex-girlfriend introduced Mike to his wife. Straight out of the box. What a way to. I think she's a Jewish girl, too. Reverse the earlier window. Our bodies don't look the same. Me and Mike's bodies don't look the same, but we both marry Jewish girls. Wow, I recognize so many people in the fans here.
Starting point is 01:54:43 This lady here in the corner, this is Marcio Barbosa's wife. Marcio came out and visited me one time in Santa Cruz. All right. Anyway, that's Mike Salieris. That's the guy that hypnotized Tyson or walked him through some, like, positive mind-thinking exercise. Pronated, thank you.ated supinated deadlift i don't i didn't post it anywhere it's on my phone i could show you on my phone maybe i'll say i'll save it. Oh.
Starting point is 01:55:26 Oh, let's see. Oh, what's that? Later. Install update later. Oh, we got an OS update yesterday? Let me see. This dude wants to talk to me on the phone. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:55:46 I'll call him and see if he'll talk to us with you guys listening. Don't you? This show feels so professional when I dial like that beeping sound. I'll show you the dead. I'll post it or something. Maybe. Hello? Hey, we're live on the air. Oh, sweet.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Uh, can you tell me, uh, what you're so excited about with everyone listening or no? I mean, I can, but it's a slightly, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:56:19 It's a little personal. Okay. Fuck it. You don't, you don't, you don't have AIDS. You don't have AIDS. Since I'm such a pimp i'm not i mean and so confident i could do it um so i'm at the combine and even do you know that i
Starting point is 01:56:36 packed up all of tyson and ezra's gear from fort myers florida and I drove it to Indianapolis. You're such a good dad. By yourself with no one in the car with you, right? No one in the car but me, just like a beast. Just like you and a 40-ounce of Mountain Dew. No, no. For me, it's one Mountain Dew in the morning, the same as you have your coffee. All right.
Starting point is 01:57:01 Don't be so quick to judge like you were John Stewart there a little bit ago. But on the way up there, I start feeling like my back is hurting, my stomach's hurting a little bit. But I'm just thinking it's from driving in the car like that, right? Because you're a big man and you can't be folded up
Starting point is 01:57:18 in a small seat like that. Exactly. And, you know, it's like laying around when you don't feel good. Sometimes your back hurts from laying in the bed, you know? So, um, I didn't think that much of it, but I'm starting to just slaughter the ibuprofen. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Because I'm like, Hey, what is going on? So I get to Indianapolis, the first two nights, Wednesday and Thursday, no Thursday and Friday. I am, I wake up in the middle of the night, the bed soaking wet. Yeah. Right. So now I'm thinking, nah, I didn't have something, but I broke the fever. So maybe I'm all right now. Couple of you broken. The fact that I'm there because you know, my son's an NFL combine, I'm mustering up enough energy to make this happen. The final day, I got to drive seven more hours back home.
Starting point is 01:58:09 I get home Sunday. There's a big coming home party for Tyson, but I don't even go. I'm like, man, I'm going on this couch. I'm going to relax and then go to urgent care in the morning. Wow. Wake up. Wake up on Monday morning. Go to urgent care in the morning. Wow. Wake up, wake up on Monday morning, go to urgent care,
Starting point is 01:58:26 COVID tests, flu tests, urinalysis, everything negative. I'm like, ah, that's kind of weird. So I go back home,
Starting point is 01:58:35 take a nap. I'm laying around. I wake up three hours later. Now it's one o'clock and I still, still feel bad. I'm like, well, I'm just going to
Starting point is 01:58:46 take my ass to the hospital because i know there they can do the cat scan mri um and do blood work right just to make sure i'm good because it's been too many damn days right right so i get to the hospital i have appendicitis emergency surgery. I'm in the hospital. They ain't gonna let me go till Thursday. You had your appendix taken out? Yeah. And there was a huge,
Starting point is 01:59:17 like it was ready to burst. There was like some big mass or whatever on it. I don't know. So for the last, so yesterday the surgery was at seven o'clock, six o'clock. And I am in the worst. I was this, this morphine kicks in and I can do stuff like I'm doing now. God, you're scaring the shit out of me hey this dude i know um one of the parents of uh who who i who i see around town who the kid does the same activities my kid does um he was a big dude uh
Starting point is 01:59:55 six two you know uh 260 pounds he's like i someone saw him the other day and said he's down to 180 he had appendicitis and he got infected yeah that thing oh yeah now there was an infection but they but listen man i didn't lost 20 pounds i took off at 280 i'm 254 255 now holy shit already but just imagine when you were watching me here for tyson and that thing just now i'm struggling over here yeah you are you were watching me cheer for Tyson and that thing just now, I'm struggling over here. Yeah. You were, you were hurting, but you looked at me, you had a big smile on your face.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Oh yeah. I mean, well, that's cause I'm a beast. So I kind of worked out, but yeah, I thought you'd be interested in that. So I'm in the hospital. Wait, you're still in the hospital. Yeah. They won't let me leave until Friday because I had this. They got a tube still in there draining the infection. How's that? Is your son tripping?
Starting point is 02:00:53 Is your family tripping? Oh, everybody's tripping, man. Everybody. Well, shit, it's good to hear your voice. You don't sound sick at all. You don't sound weak. You sound good. You sound like yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:04 Well, this goes to show you can fake it, fake it till you make it. And when do you get out? When do you go home? They told me just a few days. So I don't know. That sounds crazy to me, but I just tried to walk, had to walk a lap around the unit. Yeah. Dude, my stomach is so sore. Like you did too many sit-ups sore? Yeah, like, I probably like C-section sore from when the ladies have to do that.
Starting point is 02:01:37 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You had a baby. Right. Hey, did they take out your whole, did they take out anything else besides your appendix? Did they fuck with your intestine at all um i hope not no i don't think so oh they would have told you that's good all right good all right well i'll let you get back to it i just want to make sure that yeah thanks for telling me thanks for sharing you got me all freaked out yeah i listened
Starting point is 02:02:02 to the podcast i'm stoked to hear your voice. Yeah. And listen, I got something else to tell you, but I can't say it on, on there. It's terrible. Um,
Starting point is 02:02:12 terribly funny. Okay. Um, so, but a little insensitive. So call me when you, uh, okay.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Thank you. I appreciate it. My show is all about sensitivity. I appreciate it. Later, bro. Bye. Oh, I didn't like that at all. cobra said when i saw him saturday he didn't seem like himself yeah hey i kind of want to throw up thinking the fact of thinking that my boy travis is in the hospital seriously it makes me feel like
Starting point is 02:02:38 i'm i feel like a like a shit come on me you know what i mean? Like all of a sudden now I got to poop. I did not like that feeling that I just had. I'm glad he told me. Now I want to get off with you guys and call him. Yeah, I have cellularis contacts. When I get off here, I'm going to give it to you. The person who is DMing me. Oh, what was I doing? I was looking to see who's coming on tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:03:12 Stay focused, Sebi. Oh, today's Tuesday. Today's not Thursday. Oh, shit. Rich Froning's coming on tomorrow. That's fucking awesome. Do you know how well I'll sleep tonight? Seriously, I'm not even
Starting point is 02:03:25 joking knowing that um um rich is coming on just easy day so easy and then a thursday dallas alexander i have good feelings about that too actually daleks is the that I think he was special forces in Canada who refused to take the injection Friday Gary Roberts gonna find out about California hormones his journey how it's going and Saturday
Starting point is 02:04:04 live call-in show and Saturday, Life Call-In Show. I'm curious what Rich is going to do. What his plans are for the games this year. He did good in the Open, right'm on the all these people are telling me they're like dude i beat someone in three workouts out of four in the open and i still did worse than them and this do like all these i'm on all these threads where people are just hating on the open this year i am tripping i gotta have hiller on and have him explain to me what the fuck is going on i'm really tripping on 22.23.2 basically if i need to find out if i'm
Starting point is 02:04:49 thinking about this correctly but if i'm thinking about it correctly it just doesn't even matter though like open really doesn't matter anymore like don't if it says you're 35,000 it doesn't matter just you can tell people you're 8,000 or you're seventh or it doesn't even matter i wonder what greg would think that if it says run and you walk, because those words have definitions, right? It was a shuttle run, but people are walking and getting better scores than people who are running. But someone told me the other day, the definition of running is when both feet are off the ground at some point and run walking is when one foot's always on the ground. Just something, it doesn't seem like,
Starting point is 02:05:23 I don't know what they're testing for. Who's better at manipulating the system? Who's better at working out? Or who's the fittest? It's just, it's all, something doesn't seem right to me. Jay Hartle, open workouts were barely CrossFit. First one was the only good one.
Starting point is 02:05:52 Yeah, I'm tripping uh stevan stewart's comments uh couldn't have been taken out of context more he was talking about the leading cause of death and children in the u.s is guns yeah that's that's what i what are you talking about that's what i said maybe i didn't say the u.s but that was what was implied. What do you mean out of context? That's exactly what I meant. The outrage of drag queens who have killed no one. Yeah, I know. No, no, no, no. That is not what that is not what it was. You're wrong. Maybe that was one of the elements. I'll have to go back and listen. But he was criticizing the guy for being an absolutist around the Second Amendment, but not an absolutist around freedom of speech. Ha ha ha ha ha, back at you, 12 daily doses of stuff. Now what? Stewart is fine with everyone having a gun. He's not fine with giving them to people who are violent offenders and known to be mentally ill. Are you? No, no one is. No one's OK with that. But what Stewart isn't is what Stewart isn't doing is he's not looking at both uh and and i think arguably sexually deranged people this is this is a fact not an opinion uh reading to our kids it's funny he's accusing he's accusing that guy of being an absolutist when maybe he's the absolutist he never he never there's there's no mention of the cost was my point when maybe he's the absolutist.
Starting point is 02:07:29 There's no mention of the cost was my point. I'm not taking it out of context at all. I don't even care. That's not my fault that I don't know what Stuart's thoughts are on gun control. By the way, that's just ridiculous. No one wants mentally ill people to have guns. Everyone on the NRA is fine with giving guns to the mentally ill. Not true. If they weren't, they would change the laws of purchase and background check. OK, OK. Then I would say that everyone who uses Google with that logic is OK with kids watching pornography how's that i would say that you 12 daily doses of stuff are perfectly okay with young children watching uh uh 10 dudes gangbang a lady and stuff every hole and ejaculate all over 12 doses of daily stuff with his logic that's what he's saying because it would be so
Starting point is 02:08:18 easy to stop that because your logic is if they wouldn't if they if they would they would change the laws of purchase that's that's are you fucking crazy you're thinking but you're not thinking right you're not even thinking right i used your exact same logic. Look it. Look it. You're saying if everyone on the NRA, so here we go, if everyone on the internet, we'll just change the words, is fine with giving porn to kids. I changed guns from guns to porn and from mentally ill to kids. If they weren't, they would have changed the laws of watching porn. if they weren't they would have changed the laws of watching porn dude there's so many sites you can't go on to gambling sites without fucking acknowledging you're 21 have you ever seen a
Starting point is 02:09:11 porn site like that i mean you're just you're just not thinking right you want to win have a conversation with me dude there's no there's no excuse there's no there's there's no excuse for some of those ideas and concepts to be introduced to kids hey and here's the thing here's the thing to 12 daily doses and we know this john stewart's yelling at that guy for no fucking reason. It's because he's fucking defensive and he's bullying him. And Jon Stewart's just looking at the symptoms because – I don't know what the exact stat is. But in 1952, 80% of the kids in Texas took a rifle to school every day for their shooting class. And there wasn't one like shooting.
Starting point is 02:10:11 Like we know it's not the guns. We know it's how people are being raised. We know the same thing with the trannies. You want that you want to defend that Jon Stewart wants to defend mentally ill people not being introduced to our kids in an intimate setting. And yet he doesn't want mentally ill people to have the guns. I mean, the whole thing is fucking he did not destroy that dude, dude. You're. Wow. Listen to this uh john stewart destroys that dude it's common sense issues look at what
Starting point is 02:10:52 you so now you've stopped using logic to now you're just using name calling and phrases like common sense because because frankly i i pulled the carpet out from underneath you. I get it. There are websites that you can't get onto unless you upload your driver's license. You can stop someone from getting a gun dude I could go out right now and get a gun are you are you out of your mind anyone can get a gun anywhere dude you're so out of
Starting point is 02:11:34 touch brother all right All right. Can we all see the video? What video? Tell me at what cost tell me what what's the cost of getting rid of guns tell me yeah well yeah i know i know law-abiding citizens are not killing people who are not mentally it's it's well I appreciate it and you know what's cool you can move to you can move somewhere where there's
Starting point is 02:12:35 not a lot of guns where gun laws are more strict and you'll feel safe like I suggest you go to Baltimore or Chicago or Philadelphia or Portland. Where gun laws are more strict than other places. And you can see how that plays out for you. All right.
Starting point is 02:12:58 Nobody wants to get rid of guns. Just stop selling to people who are violent. I don't even think felons can buy guns. On a lighter note, anyone interested in Campground Spot at the Games, they go on sale at Ticketmaster on March 9th. Unless you had a spot last year, then you have access today at 10 a.m. No shit. That's cool. That's really cool.
Starting point is 02:13:23 Shanna being such a good mom i love it yeah it's pretty cool and and stewart didn't even come close stewart exposed himself for flawed thinking you're crazy if you think he destroyed him you're crazy go back and listen to it again i just i just i just used your exact same logic and his logic to argue why we should erase black people from the planet and why we should make porn legal for kids to watch. And that if you do think that, that you're a pedophile. I mean, I just schooled you and him in one fallen swoop. Yeah, there's no end to it. How about stairs? 12 12 000 people die a year from falling downstairs i know it's just idiot talk you have to you have to you have to at least always look at the other side of the scale what do we lose if we fucking put these rules around guns what do we lose what are we
Starting point is 02:14:20 gaining from letting fucking uh mentally ill and sexually deranged people read to our kids? Jon Stewart should be fucking embarrassed. Doesn't he have kids? I just explained to you why he didn't school that guy. Logically. And all you can keep coming back with is he schooled that guy oh this is a good one the guys who own slaves wanted us to have guns there's a reason to make sure everyone has a gun so So with the double laughing.
Starting point is 02:15:05 So, you know, you know that the guys who want guns today actually didn't own slaves. You know, in 1860, not a single Republican owned a slave. You know that, right? You know, you have that exactly backwards. It's actually the Democrats, the Jon Stewart's. Who don't want guns and they're the ones who own slaves. You know that, right? It's exactly backwards to what you're saying, dude. President Abraham Lincoln was the first fucking Republican president.
Starting point is 02:15:38 He freed the slaves, dude. You know the abolitionist ones, the dudes who wanted guns. slaves dude you know the abolitionist ones the dudes who wanted guns you have it exactly backwards you know it's the countries with the totalitarian regimes like australia canada and the uk you know that those socialist fucking wingnuts those are the people it's the it's those people who don't want you to have guns dude you have it exactly backwards just like that just like john stewart has it exactly backwards you know that you have to know that 12 doses of stuff the guys who own slaves they're they don't want us to have guns you have it backwards it it didn't it did it it it it did when did this become a republican democrat you dude stay on the subject here buddy it's just an easy way to categorize people in terms of this the people the people who wanted us to have slaves that group currently does not want us to have guns
Starting point is 02:16:43 you're part of that group i get it it's easier to fucking beat people down lock them in their houses when they don't have guns i get it and you're leveraging the kid thing as a reason not to do it and at the same time you want to introduce trannies to you think every school should have a tranny i get it. It's amazing. No, actually, I'm not losing credibility. I'm sharpening my tools. I'm enjoying. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 02:17:15 I'm enjoying this because you're helping me sharpen my tools. My tools. Helping me sharpen my tools. All right. Love you guys. Doses. You're always welcome here, buddy.
Starting point is 02:17:32 Um, I'm glad my neighbors own guns. I'm glad that I'm, and I'm glad that we agree that, uh, mentally ill people probably should not have guns. I also don't think that mentally ill people should be in government. What do you think about,
Starting point is 02:17:44 uh, what do you think about uh what do you think uh pete bootyage or um kamala harris you think they're mentally ill what about the assistant secretary uh to the department of health uh rachel levine you think um it's mentally or what about Joe Biden? Do you think he's mentally ill? Fetterman. Do you think Fetterman's mentally ill? What about Clarence Thomas? Do you think he's mentally ill?
Starting point is 02:18:27 What about Mike Pence? Do you think he's mentally ill what about mike pence you think he's mentally ill hey i i do i i in a perfect world maybe maybe there aren't any guns Hey, I do. I, you know, in a perfect world, maybe, maybe there aren't any guns. I don't know. I can't even go there. All right. Love you guys. Doses.
Starting point is 02:18:57 Thank you for the fodder. Thank you for letting me sharpen my tools. Have a good day. Do something nice for someone. Smile. I'm going to go into the room over here. It's that way, but when I, I'm going to go in the room next door to this room now,
Starting point is 02:19:21 and my son's going to be in there. My sons will be in there practicing their striking and kicking i can see the sun's out then i'll be going to the skateboard park and uh i'll probably stop at the store buy uh you know those containers of fruit i'll buy probably buy a few containers of fruit it's like buy two get one free and i'll buy a bag of like macadamia nuts and i'll go to the skate park with the boys. We'll eat fruit, eat macadamia nuts. I ordered a sled from, I ordered a sled from Rogue.
Starting point is 02:19:58 I ordered a dog sled from Rogue. Thank you. Peace and love. I ordered a dog sled from rogue. Thank you. Peace and love. I ordered a dog sled from rogue. I can't even believe it. I'm going to own a sled. Sevanistas presale ends Thursday. I'm so excited that we sent Tyson Bajan some shirts.
Starting point is 02:20:26 That's awesome. Savon, 100-pound D-ball, let's go. I ordered a sled, and it was like 300 bucks, and then 100 bucks to mail it. I ordered it from Rogue. I ordered their dog sled. So the whole thing ended up being like over 400 bucks. I know I need to get an 80-pound dumbbell.
Starting point is 02:20:44 I need an 80 pound dumbbell i really do i'm ready how dare you ask me that how dare you yeah i was at a climbing gym yesterday and they had a sled in the back. And we used to have sleds at HQ and I would use them, but they would always be so heavy. I couldn't, everyone fucking like, all those guys were horses there. But I pushed a sled at the climbing gym yesterday with no weight on it. And I did sprints with my wife, like 50 foot sprints. And we did five rounds and my ass was broken.
Starting point is 02:21:27 I was like, oh, I need one of these. And you know, it's crazy. So I went to go order it from rogue. And then I'm like, I saw the shipping was $110 and that broke my heart. So I didn't order it. I didn't pull the trigger on it. And then like an hour later, I went back and I, and I bought it and I told my wife, I was like, Hey, I bought that sled. And she was like, Oh, I'm so glad you told me. And I go, why? And she goes, because I was going to get it for you for your birthday. She's a good dude. Yeah, I will. You know what else, too, is at this climbing gym, they just left it outside.
Starting point is 02:21:58 And that's what I would love to be able to leave that piece of equipment outside. And just push it up and down my street i got the plastic uh skids too i did i did get those i don't was i supposed to i did get the plastic is that a good idea you need the plastic if you're pushing on pavement okay good okay well good i got them okay thank you i wasn't sure i was like am i wasting 30 bucks hey this thing's not very loud this thing's not very loud my birthday's uh soon my birthday's march 16th in uh nine days kind of crazy i was never really a birthday guy i used to get depressed on my birthday i'm wondering if I'll get depressed today
Starting point is 02:22:46 not because I was older I just didn't really like the just the idea of it for some reason Seve I'll send you my 23.3 redo workout I did yesterday you can live stream yourself doing it later Pisces yeah Pisces
Starting point is 02:23:04 Pisces alright Pisces, yeah. Pisces. Alright. Tomorrow, returning. Good day. Bye-bye.

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