The Sevan Podcast - #827 - Trolling the Open Leaderboard w/ Bays, Friend, Halpin, & Howell

Episode Date: March 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Max does say, on top of the fact, bam, we're live. On top of the fact that Max says that he does say he balances out one of the most insane things I've ever heard about CrossFit by saying that this was the best open ever ever i don't know if he's on drugs or what but he does say that at 9 20 in that video that uh crossfit's in a crisis of culture or culture
Starting point is 00:00:54 crisis that they have a crisis of culture meaning that's that's more or less what andrew's been hi claire claire no sorry oh but we heard something we heard like a hey guys she came on oh uh she came on early to test her shit out just so you know so don't think that like claire just shows up late and her shit doesn't work uh mr halpin Mr. Halpin. Hi. Oh, that's nice. Can't hear him either. Oh, I can't. Halpin? Halpin, did you talk?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Oh, no, can't hear him either. Guys, go to your settings and then go to audio and just make sure the right mic and the right speaker is chosen. Oh, do you know how happy Claire is right now that halpin shit in the bed too she's so stoked she's like yeah who invited is mine work oh there you go i think claire's is the one that's buzzing hey dude there's some sounds coming from claire that makes me sound like she could get electrocuted like she's sitting in a bathtub and she has her like her blow dryer plugged in next to her probably in her eye she's probably in a bathtub and she has her like her blow dryer plugged in next to her. She's probably in her ice barrel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Are you in an ice barrel, Claire? Can you hear us, Claire? No. Can you make any tips on that? My favorite kind of co-host, one that doesn't talk. Is that why you keep Caleb around? Yes. I will say this, though.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Brandon, maybe just Max was trying to sound crazy because Brannon really shined in that show. Is that the guy's name? Brannon. What's his name? Brannon. Brannon, yeah. Brannon, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah, he really shined. Okay, what's interesting, too, is Max gave this year's Open an 8 out of 10, which is like a C-plus or a B-minus, but then he also called it the best Open ever. I just don't understand. And then I also listened to the podcast of very not fucked up or whatever. That podcast that Pat Sherwood and Adrian Bosman do on Beyond the Whiteboard. Very not random.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Very not random. Yeah. I have to tell you guys, first of all, before I start, about my biases. I cannot stand beyond the whiteboard. And Pat Sherwood on my list of favorite people, he's not on that list. He's on my list of least favorite people. So if you hear any bias in my voice or in my analysis today, you should know that I do have that, uh, that biased. And for, for the obvious reasons that you guys all know. I would say this during, uh, 2015.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I do like Max L. Hodge though. I do like Max L. Hodge, but he is going to have to take an ass pounding tonight. Go ahead. Well, everyone has their night. Yeah. From like 2015 through 2018, I did learn a lot about the CrossFit methodology from Pat Sherwood. Cool. I listened to that podcast today, very not random, and it sounded like it was just a mashup of all the lines I've ever heard Pat Sherwood say. Like his shtick is completely the same, and I got nothing from it, although he was on there with adrian and i enjoyed listening to adrian speak and i'll tell you another bias i have i love adrian to death to to so someone goes hey you're not a journalist the way you're biased towards adrian you're 100 right i am not a journal journalist not even in the slightest not even a tiny bit and i would say that to some extent the way that you feel about pat which is what i well what i'm hearing you say
Starting point is 00:04:26 is that i don't respect him at all zero okay well we all hear that what i'm also hearing is that he's not you know he like his um his process of thinking about the sport is not evolving as as the community and the time evolves and the sport evolves and i think that there's an element of that that is showing in the way that all of the higher higher ups in crossfit games team right now are running things is that there's a little bit of a disconnect between what they think it should be because they've been around for so long and what it's become and that what it's become and that what it's become and while they i think they're struggling to find the harmony there okay okay
Starting point is 00:05:11 um uh don't bury my cock in her uh donation for caleb to stay a dollar 99 it's a nice sentiment but um we're gonna need a few zeros added on there but thank you i don't mean to kick a gift horse in the mouth or whatever the fuck that that thing is give me a cheeseburger mcdonald's yeah there you go look at claire we can see claire still in the back and i just saw her petting her mic like that like that's i like that she was like hey hey come on baby work for me claire do you want us to bring you on? Try you one more time? Hi.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Hey, Claire. What do you think? Claire? Does she know she's on? No. I don't think she can hear us. Caleb, can you private chat her and tell her like she could come on? I'll work on it.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Okay, cool. All right. You're a good dude. Okay. But before we just tear into this thing um can we look at the leaderboard and just do some friendly um like like love on the people who are yeah just to love on some of the people i just want to can we just pull up the game's website just love on some of these people before we just fucking lose our shit i mean i i really you know what's crazy is i thought the
Starting point is 00:06:21 show was going to start an hour ago because i had the time wrong go figure and then so it happened before and then so you know what i did since i was an hour early i literally sat with my back against the wall and just breathed for like 30 minutes i just stayed and i was just like oh it's heavy let it go man in a wall sit yeah just yeah just like a you know in the lotus position but kind of lazy with my back against the wall sun you know sun on my back it was a set setting sun and i'm like just chill man peace and love to sherwood and to be on the way can you reenact that hire a photographer to take a picture of it and make it a thumbnail for one of your live shows just like this you know just and then fucking soon as i came out of that i was like nope then i'm still there i feel like i need to
Starting point is 00:07:03 go get myself on podcast shirt and bring it on because isn't that how you're sitting for that yeah that's like but just but there's grenades just dropping all around me uh wad zombie starting only fans caleb that one guy sells his underwear for big bucks 4.99 wad zombie hey wad zombie guys i saw i got an email that you mailed me some new cards. I am pumped. Okay. Mal O'Brien. Good honor, man, right? One of the cards that you probably got mailed is on this list right here.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Oh. It's not Mal O'Brien, though. Please tell me it's a Paige Powers or Emma Lawson card. Ariel Lowen. Oh, I'll take it. I'll take it. I hope there's a photo of her on the back there, on the back pregnant.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I have a thing for pregnant women. I'm really into Tia now that she's pregnant. That's how you spent your last hour just watching Tia's 23.3 on repeat? I'm so fascinated by pregnant women working out. I sat in the lowest lotus position while the sun was setting and watched Tia pregnant working out for an hour. It's like it has that that Logan Aldridge effect.
Starting point is 00:08:11 You know what I mean? Like like the one arm guys working out and the pregnant women, they kind of fall in that same like category of like, are you kidding me? This is incredible. Wow. Picture on the back, though. That is beautiful. Thanks. Tyler Watkins has a lot to do with that
Starting point is 00:08:29 how's that spinning thing happening can we I want one of my shirts that's for sale to spin like that how come my shit doesn't spin like that only the best wow alright okay Mal O'Brien we're happy with this right i mean this is like a no-brainer
Starting point is 00:08:49 this is this is this is the the future is here well click on click on her profile and take a look at how she's done in the open historically i mean we've mentioned it she's only had three opens in the two opens in the uh elite division and she's pretty good. Yeah. The 2021 one actually counts because it's the same workouts that they did. So there's no surprise that Mel O'Brien is winning the open. I would say more surprising is how close Paige Powers was to her. Is,
Starting point is 00:09:20 okay. And I'm excited to talk about that. Historically, Fraser did great in the open, right? Pretty good. Historically, Fraser did great in the Open, right? Pretty good. Yeah. And Rich did great in the Open, right? Yeah. I mean, all of his finishes combined through 12 Opens are summatively lower than his finish this year. Wow. Okay. And we'll talk about that too. And Tia's done great in the Open, right?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yes. After her first couple of years. But she had an interesting, like, she was consistently getting better up until the point that she won. I mean, Mal has basically just inserted herself into top two position from the onset. And what about Justin Medeiros? How's he do? I actually wrote an article for Morning Chalk up last year
Starting point is 00:10:03 or the year before that talked about games champions and the relative open finishes. He had one of the worst open finishes prior to his first games win. Awesome. After that win the next year, he had a really good open finish, and then he went on to win the games again. And now he's regressed back to what would be one of the lowest games finishes for a games champion if he goes on to win this year. Ropa dope.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah. But I think that Justin Medeiros, as long as we're talking about him, is very, very aware of how good Roman and Ricky already are and how good they'll be come August. And I would venture to say that he believes he needs to be better this year if he's going to three-peat than he was either of the last two years. Yeah, maybe that means that the peak is slower and longer throughout the season.
Starting point is 00:10:54 You know what I'm going to do? That's 10-20. Is that a record? I don't know if it's a record, but J.R. Hall has spoken 10-20. Halpin, have you said a word yet? Yeah, he's probably just testing my mic. No, no. He was craving McDonald's cheeseburgers.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Paige Powers. I saw Mike C in here. I think he even donated money to it. I think Paige Powers is the next champion. God, that would be crazy if the next champion came out of the Mayhem Empire. Well, take a look at her performances here, because obviously 137 points, pretty low. And, okay, I'll look at them myself. Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I think Caleb's fiddling with Claire. Caleb, you have to bring Claire in, okay? Because I'm stopped looking at her. Okay. Or she can ping one of us to bring her in if she needs to be brought in what you'll see with thank you with yeah with page's scores there she was 18th on the first workout 90th on the first part of the second workout 25th on the lift and fourth on the final workout and i would say if you're trying to be competitive at the games this is a very good
Starting point is 00:12:04 indicator because even though that uh running that running and burpee test is low compared to the other ones what she's demonstrating here is ring muscle-ups are not an issue for a strict handstand push-ups are not an issue for barbell cycling at moderate to heavy loads is not an issue for and she's strong enough and all of those things will add up to success at the games over time how old brian uh 20 maybe 20 now okay so young 20 says here under profile yeah a seedling crazy you know and to brian's point like especially with the thruster the fact that she didn't mail it in on the first one and maybe not had a huge score comparatively worldwide there were lots of people who chose one or the other part of that
Starting point is 00:12:44 workout to excel at so a lot of the people that knew they weren't going to be able to lift a lot, just went as hard as they possibly could and buried themselves on the thruster. I'm sorry, on the burpee shuttle run. And then juxtaposed to people who were just like, Hey, I'm, I know I can hit a big lift. And she still finished what 13th on the lift, which is crazy. And she still finished, what, 13th on the lift, which is crazy. And second overall. Yeah, and if you're just looking at a head-to-head against Mel O'Brien, she beat her on two of the four workouts.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Wow. Wow. She beat her by one second on the last workout. She lost by 20 reps on the first workout, so it's not like a one-to-one comparison. She lost by 25 reps on the second workout, so it's not like a one-to-one comparison. She lost by 25 reps on the second workout, and I'll lift her by 11 pounds. So, you know, but it is still, you know, it's one of those things like when we were, you know, when we were, when Tia was winning for all these years in a row, it was really hard to find anyone or Matt that was beating them on multiple events, period. And Halban, wouldn't you agree that uh the the wins over mal will be more significant in a games field and a games type scoring than out here in the open with 20 gals or
Starting point is 00:13:56 30 or 40 gals involved yeah because if you look at like mal's lift she's 107th and page is 25th or or something like that so like she would excel way further in a games type lift than then well i mean it depends on the lift maybe but yeah she would she would jump way ahead in that case how how is uh how is mouse health does anyone does it does anyone have a pulse on her does any information leak out of there at the hwpo i mean like finally i heard uh i heard heard Fraser's injured. I don't know if anyone cares, but I heard his knees all fucked up, but how's Mal? Do we know anything about her other than what's. I mean, I spent a little bit of time with her in Omaha and, and spent a lot of time with Jake Marconi and Matt O'Keefe.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And, uh, she feels great. I mean, everything's on track. And, uh, and she's getting better. It's like obvious where she's getting better. I think she embarrassed Daniel Brandon. Do you think it's embarrassing what happened to Daniel Brandon out there? No. And I had said immediately after that, I thought Daniel had 60 to 90 seconds that she could make up.
Starting point is 00:14:58 She actually ended up making up nearly two minutes on her performance there. And that's not uncommon. I mean, we see a lot of times the top level athletes that'll go and do those open performances. And one of two things happen. Either they do what Vellner and Roman did
Starting point is 00:15:10 and they said, ah, whatever. I know it's not my best. I know there's people that will beat it and they'll learn from my mistakes, but I'm just going to let it ride because it's not a big deal. Or they go back
Starting point is 00:15:18 and they usually obliterate their score or their time. And that's what Danielle did. I haven't seen her whole video, but I was able to, she posted like the last six snatches. it looks like more like what you would expect um you know when you're when you're going head to head in front of hundreds of thousands of people uh against you know someone who's the best in the world at the open it's really easy to fall into the trap of racing or early and if you do that in the first two rounds there,
Starting point is 00:15:45 you can pay for it on the backend. Yeah. That's a big part of like that sixth. I mean, she had that workout for what? 20 minutes before she hit sixth in the world. And then she didn't repeat it. So.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Explain that to me. Sorry. That's over my head. Say that one more time. Explain that. What are you saying? She only had the work. She did the workout live.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Right. So she got six without a repeat, like these other all these other athletes including danielle they had 24 48 72 hours to figure out a game plan and then yeah yeah and all their coaches are using them to write down pace strategies to know like checkpoints of what time they need to be picking up the third bar what time they need to be picking up the third bar, what time they need to be snatching the first rep on the last bar, all that kind of stuff based on their performance. And there's like,
Starting point is 00:16:30 there's no doubt about it. If you sort by the, the finish, the two of the women that beat her, beat her by one second and another one beat her by 11 seconds. We know she had multiple no reps there on the, on the live open performance. In addition to not having any time to prepare and study someone else's work.
Starting point is 00:16:47 So I think, you know, I don't know if she'll beat Danny Spiegel in Brooke Wells' time, but no doubt in my mind she could easily have the third best time on this workout with very, very little effort relative to what she did the first time. And in all fairness, we don't know if she actually redid it or not. Maybe she did redo it and didn't get a better time and and but uh and i'd ask jr this um brian is saying that hey there's a lot of pressure to do it in front of a hundred thousand live uh viewers but hey isn't that what's going to happen at the games isn't that what's going to happen like i think now showing that she can perform seeing a workout for the first time under pressure and Danielle maybe saying, hey, I can't? No, what I was saying is that the pressure for Danielle is not necessarily that there's 100,000 people. It's that there's 100,000 people watching you go head to head against the best in the world at these style of workouts.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And so it's easy to fall into the trap of like, I don't want to get so embarrassed and fall behind the pace immediately. And so even Danielle said, she's like, on the first set of wall walks even, I was already feeling the pace from her. I don't want anyone to think that under any circumstance that Claire's issues are an accident. We always sabotage the minorities and the marginalized on this show, always. We do not set them up for success, and we have people that handle that so we can get the credit for inviting her on, but don't actually have to have her. Wow. And bam, just like that.
Starting point is 00:18:13 There you are. Hey, you sound good. Nope. You're gone. Damn. That was an awesome. She's not. I just heard Claire say something. Oh, I see what she's trying to do. She's doing the video and – but she's on the – wow, what is she doing? I can hear her, Mike. Claire, can you hear us? No, she can't hear us. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Okay. Oh, no. There she goes again. Bye. Danny Spiegel absolutely murdered it, huh? Yeah. Any surprise there? And Brookwell's. Crazy. i would say yes and no for surprise on danny spiegel i mean i i uh we've talked about before that there was a handstand walking over obstacle course and snatch workout at guadalupalooza in 2019 that she just obliterated honestly it's one of the most impressive
Starting point is 00:19:00 live performances i've seen from any athlete anywhere. So the fact that she would be good at these two things is not necessarily surprising. However, as soon as the workout came out, I just took a shot in the dark and said, I thought Tolomora Kinyo and Mal O'Brien might win this workout worldwide. And I got hundreds of people responding to me, telling me I was wrong. I can't remember, and maybe I'm forgetting, but I can't remember anyone saying Danny Spiegel's name. So the fact that she won the workout in hindsight doesn't seem that surprising, but I don't know if anyone was thinking about her as the worldwide winner on this before it happened. And not by a little bit either. Right. I mean, there's a massive drop-off after her and Brooke to the other women,
Starting point is 00:19:38 especially given the time domain. Who's this girl down like in ninth, Lexi Neely? Who's that? Who's this girl down like in ninth? Lexi Neely. Who's that? I don't know too much about Lexi, but I think that she's on the smaller side and stronger side. 5'2", 140. Not so great on the thruster is what I would have expected.
Starting point is 00:20:04 But, you know, the barbell cycling and the strict handstand pushups probably in her wheelhouse. She's young. She's young. All right. Can we go back to the list? Oh, wow. This is an interesting name. Extra sloppy. Some of my hardly earned money for Caleb's transcendence to better things. I think he meant transition. I think he meant transit. Caleb, this guy wants you to transit that you can buy a wig. You can afford a cheap wig and begin your transition, Caleb. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That's awesome. A little Billy Madison reference. Oh, is that what that is? Yeah, sloppy joes. Oh. Okay, let's go back to the list. The open – Halpin, you said something interesting. You were comparing Emma Carey and Mal O'Brien regarding the workouts.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Would you like to share that here? I thought that was great. Yeah, there's been a – well, I'm sure JR can speak on it too, but there's been a lot of talk about that second workout and how much like Hiller even talked about it with the walking. And then a lot of people that were either sending the A or sending the B. So it came up, I think Peter's podcast was talking about it as well today, is, well, what if you just took the first workout and the last workout,
Starting point is 00:21:23 since those are more CrossFit type workouts? If you just just take those two i haven't looked at all of it but emma carry would win the open just based on 23.1 and 23.3 someone was uh sharing with me the word commensurate commensurate and they were saying that that workout the movements were not commensurate. And I'll give you an example. If you have someone run five miles with five pull-ups and it's four rounds, those two movements aren't commensurate, right? It's like, what's the point of the, the five pull-ups commensurate corners corresponding in size or degree and proportion. I'd also like to say that it reminds me of rogue when they had those sandbags in the middle of the workout and that wasn't commensurate. That bizarre and when we asked people why it was there they were like uh that was there just to knock off their pacing i call bullshit on that i think it's just a
Starting point is 00:22:13 just a fuck up but um something was wrong with this workout this this this uh 23.2 i don't understand how people are arguing that um Brian, does what Halpin says about Emick, if you take that workout out and Emma Carey wins the Open, does that mean anything? I mean, it only takes us down to two workouts. Well, yeah, but even if you put in the first part of the second workout and you just took the lift out, I think they'd both be on nine points with the way it's currently written or scored. But Emma Carey, just like Mel O'Brien, immediately enters into this division and has open success two years ago. Last year, she was unable to do it because of her back. So the fact that she won the first workout of the Open this year wasn't that surprising. The fact that she
Starting point is 00:23:00 has three top 10 finishes on the Metcons is not that surprising. It's it's all it's really telling us is that she's healthy again. And when she's healthy, she is also one of the elite open competitors. However, and it makes sense given the fact that she was coming back from a back injury for the last 18 months, basically she finishes nearly 600th on the one rep max thruster for me as an analyst projecting what's possible for her uh throughout the rest of the season that's irrelevant i'm not worried about that i'm assuming that as long as she stays healthy she'll continue to get a little bit stronger and even if she's not strong enough or as strong as the other women there's no other format where you'll be punished
Starting point is 00:23:39 more than in the open for something like that uh how been uh i wonder what you're going to think about this um at 34 50 in the in the in the i want to call it the woke woke cast very not random uh 34 50 uh i don't recommend anyone listen to that podcast let jr jr will listen to that and report back to all of us every week on what's on. That's how I got it. Yeah. No one needs to go to be on the whiteboard and listen to anything. A 34 50 Pat said week two was his favorite workout and we will see it again.
Starting point is 00:24:15 He thinks we're going to see that workout again. And he said that he thinks that that workout's a great way to pick people. If you want to live through the zombie apocalypse, look how people did on that workout. And I mean, he really likes it. He's saying we're going to see it again, like as an open workout or as a linchpin workout. Yeah. He's saying, yeah, he's saying he's going to program it for his affiliate. I would not live through the zombie apocalypse though. That's for sure. I mean, there's, there's two things going on here and I think Adrian tries to explain it in the beginning. Do you want to take a shot at JR? Do you know what I'm, the's two things going on here, and I think Adrian tries to explain it in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Do you want to take a shot at it, JR? Do you know what the two things I'm talking about? The competition versus working out for fitness. Yeah, well, I think you have to back up to 23.1 to kind of get a picture of where he was thinking for this workout specifically. He said leading into this Open, there were three things that he wanted to do. He wanted to do a repeat because there wasn't a repeat last year. He wanted to do something new and he wanted to do something heavy. Those were like his three super broad general goals for this open.
Starting point is 00:25:18 He explained that on the first week, the workout made you do everything in chunks. So it really didn't allow you to really push the gas pedal, no matter who you were, even the elites of the elites probably had some sort of strategy as far as how they were going to break things up or how they were going to attack it piece by piece. So there were roadblocks as the workout went on based on your fitness level. And then when he went to the second workout, he wanted it to be the opposite. workout went on based on your fitness level. And then when he went to the second workout, he wanted it to be the opposite. He wanted it to be very accessible. He wanted it to be something that wouldn't slow you down based on the movements chosen. You can always run. Maybe you just run slower and slower. You can always get down and do one burpee and jump up and probably get your
Starting point is 00:25:59 chin over the bar one time. And then into the workout, he acknowledges that for some people, maybe that burpee pull-up is going to deteriorate. But for the most part, he played with several versions. He said he played with a shorter version and he played with a version that didn't act as a ladder. So just set reps. And the way he described it as in testing, he didn't think the elite people would be able to separate enough with one of those other two options that it needed. There needed to be one of the movements that increased in reps so that as the pace or as the engine started to show itself for some athletes, they ended up getting weeded out and getting left behind.
Starting point is 00:26:40 God, I find that, I find that hard to believe that he was concerned about separating the groups because in other workouts that didn't seem to matter at all, having 5,000 people tie for a certain place. Helping has some graphs that we can represent that way. although it is definitely an upper level score, that for a lot of people, you use that 155 number as some sort of barometer. You said, hey, if I can get through the round of 30 burpees, that's a 155 score. And I said, okay, well, there's going to be a lot of really good athletes that get somewhere between 156 and 165, which is somewhere in the shuttles after the round of 30. And at that point in the workout, those 10 reps are going to take most people a minute, whatever, a minute to a minute 20 or a minute 30. So I asked Mike, how many people, how many males fell into that tie break? And there were about 4,500. Now, had we had a tie break that the Lyft had a tie break, which was the Metcon, and the Metcon had a tie break, which was the Lyft, I think that would have taken care of itself.
Starting point is 00:27:53 But we didn't really have that, so we actually did have a ton of tie breaks. What about number four? I think you missed that. What were the first three? It was something new. What were the three? Repeat, new, and heavy. Heavy, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:08 And number four, add this to your list. Do you have a pencil with you? J.R., could you write this down? I wanted to make affiliates miserable. Add that to number four. Okay, let's go. I happen to know from talking to Adrian that he does not want that.
Starting point is 00:28:23 However. Yes, fair. Yes, go on, fair. He may have created some problems for some affiliates unintentionally. Of course he doesn't. That's called humor. But yes, we do have confirmation from Brian Friend who got to speak with Adrian. How much time did you get with Adrian?
Starting point is 00:28:39 30 minutes? An hour? Something like that. Okay. minutes an hour yeah something like that okay i would the other one thing that i haven't don't think i've mentioned or have heard anyone talk about is that is the similarity here also between um shuttle to overhead a and b at the games this past year and we and that you know adrian was and let me tell you he told us i mean he was ecstatic about that workout he thought that that workout very similarly to how pat was talking about this workout. If you looked at the people who did
Starting point is 00:29:10 well on both shuttled over at a and B that those would ultimately be the fittest come the end of the, of the total test at the CrossFit games. Um, it's very similarly to this workout. I think there are some things that were overlooked, which is the fact that you could, you could, because of the scoring system in the, at the games, you could choose to really, really push it on the run and mail in the left. Will the super next we've talked about this example before and outperform someone who was average at both. And in this, in this open workout, because there was no gated barrier you had kind of both
Starting point is 00:29:46 options available to you where you could you didn't have to pursue in the best average finish on the two you could choose to have a great score and an average score below average score on the other one either one what workout was that again say that again the one you're referring to the upas uldenex shuttle to overhead a and b at the games. Oh, okay. Right. Okay. In that case, though, they were doing them at the same time, which is what Brian's saying, versus in this case, you had 15 minutes of one and then five minutes of the other.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Okay. Yeah, and I think maybe another way of describing it is not that it was intentional on Adrian's part at all, but it's like people are watching the game saying, how can you value this shuttle so much equally to the lift and then make it seem as though the shuttles weren't as valuable at all in the same respect in this workout. And it was really more about the burpees. But I think that's again,
Starting point is 00:30:42 might kind of be a window into Adrian in that, like it doesn't have to always be the way I've done it before. And you guys think that you may know what my tendencies are, but you really don't because I don't have any or whatever, you know, it may just make it more fun that we're left wondering sometimes, well, wait a minute. and an AMRAP of 15 burpee pull-ups and 10 shuttle runs because they're each going to be between 45 to seconds to a minute and a half. And then they're both, they're both equally as valuable the whole time. And that it's always a back and forth. It's always a back and forth, but it doesn't have to always be that way. Commensurate, commensurate. Use the word people commensurate. It's your free, it's your free, it's your, it's your free word. Can we look at the men's list? I tried to keep, I tried to keep us your, it's your, uh, free word. Can we look at the men's list? I tried to keep, I tried to keep us on a topic. I, I, I failed.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I had one more comment for that women's list. Yeah. And we will come back to you, Halpin. Go ahead. But we will come back. I just want to get through some positive stuff so that Brian doesn't, I don't want to hear from Brian tomorrow that, um, he's nice to me by the way, but Brian will be like, Hey, let's, we should, uh, he likes to elevate the athletes before we, I run the show straight into the sewer.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Okay, go ahead, Halpin, go ahead. Run it back into the sewer, buddy. Brian, look it, I tried to stop him, it's Halpin's fault. Good, Halpin. If you pull the women's list back up, I just want to say one more thing about that top, maybe six that were shown there before. Yeah, by rank.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Look at the top six or so athletes mal 19 page 20 emma emma whoa you're uh emma lawson 18 ariel lowen 29 alex alex kazan 21 brook wells 28 so four out of six of the top athletes in the open all 21 or under i like it i like it you think that there's a new breed coming in or you just think that it's a it's a young ladies game what almost makes ariel and brooks stand out even further that right that you don't see emma carry up here although brian did speak to the fact that she likely did the right thing and did a lower lift uh you don't see some of the other athletes where we're talking about with these workouts that they're pushing sort of certain athletes over others younger athletes are excelling in in this year Open. So if this year's Open speaks to the rest of the season, we may see more of that
Starting point is 00:33:08 or they may actually be coming on as you were talking about. And are you guys surprised to see number seven there, Elena? I mean, she has had a lot of success in online competitions throughout her career, both in and out of the game season. She has a lot of the requisite skills that you would expect to do well in an open last chance qualifier, qualifiers for Guadalupalooza, et cetera. So not necessarily out of the norm for her year. How did Katrin do the year she won the games?
Starting point is 00:33:39 How did she do in the open? I don't remember. Okay. And how did she do this year is she can you just scroll down is she in this top 20 at all no okay uh nice to see amanda barnhart there right and again wow look at though and ellie turner god that's kelly baker right there at 11 that's the kelly baker both years that Katrin won the. What is going on?
Starting point is 00:34:07 What is she? What the fuck? Sorry. Go ahead. We'll get to that later. Maybe that's a different show. 14th Katrin, both years. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And now in her spot is Gabriela Magawa. Oh, wow. So Magawa, that's a good omen for her. All right. Anyone on this first page? We can come back to this too. Anyone on this first page you guys want to hit on before we... I think it's also just a good reminder too of who we don't have on this first page.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Like Kara Saunders, Tia Clare Toomey, Hayley Adams. Just names that we're used to i mean kristen holter for a long time names that we're we're used to seeing always like occupy this first page of the leaderboard and that we always think about competing throughout the year that that won't be this year so so you got emma carrie oh good on lauren fisher holy cow made it on the first page uh we have we have emma carrie in 30th and you're telling me that if we took out the second workout, she'd be in first. Well, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:09 It's taking out half the workouts. But even if you just took out the second part of the second workout, she would be basically tied first. Okay. Let's look at the boys. Oh, Laura Horvat. Yeah, I didn't see her name name either she's placed in 185th right now she bounces around open to open sometimes she'll have a good one sometimes she'll have not as good one so that's like yeah and it looks like her performances are really
Starting point is 00:35:37 really good her what tank there was 22 i'm sorry 23.2 a that. That was her good one? No. That was her bad one. That was the one that her and I tied on. Ladies and gentlemen, at 35.08 in the show, Claire Bays makes her debut. Everyone say hi to Claire. Jeffrey Adler, first play. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Tola Morikino, he's in second place in the worldwide open is this weird that a giant dude like this in Outliers well this is actually I think that the top three in the men's division is actually very cool
Starting point is 00:36:13 and something that is being lost in the shuffle of all of the chaos surrounding the opinions about the open workouts
Starting point is 00:36:21 you have Jeffrey Adler that if I just say is about as stock of across the games, athletes, you could get five, nine,
Starting point is 00:36:28 one 95 or something. Oh, there it is. Yeah. Then you have Tola Mora. Can you know, he's definitely on the bigger side, six,
Starting point is 00:36:34 two or six feet tall. Oh, you know, probably around 210 pounds and Colton Mertens. Everyone knows to be on a smaller side. And these are the three guys that end up in the top three after these three tests. I think that that's pretty cool. That's super cool. Yeah. And that's a point where people could push back and argue that this was the best Open Episode ever programmed. With three weeks that you have that sort of spread of athlete
Starting point is 00:36:56 at one, two, and three in the world is pretty phenomenal. And then- That's shit, JR. That's a good point. And people wanting to really focus on the fact that this is an advantage for the shorter athlete. This is the advantage for the shorter athlete, whatever advantage they want to point out. And here we have three guys, very different builds, very different skill sets, all able to find their way into the top three of the worldwide open. Aaron C. from Australia, $5. Oh, Aaron, I thought you were coming to the united states
Starting point is 00:37:25 what happened uh finally could catch a live claire say hi to eric and one one one for me that's awesome uh uh roland goldbaum still on there who's's this? Who is Roland Goldbaum? He caught my eye last week. Who's this guy? He was at the first week of the syndicate last year, semifinal. And he was also on Team Mexico at Guadalupalooza with Luis Oscar Mora that we covered a little bit. So, you know, you've seen his name a couple of times this last year. And if you look, I mean, I think he had a pretty good thruster, 317 pounds. And that weighs very heavily, only getting 28 points on that, when there are a lot of guys that are getting a lot more points than that, including the top three guys in the Open.
Starting point is 00:38:14 How big is this guy? He looks little. He's that big. He's that big right there. I love seeing a Mexican in the top five, too. That's a little different. you like seeing a who a mexican in the top five i mean you've got so many from the same countries and it was the same thing we uh elena's from spain right look at ricky's finishes okay oh oh okay r Gerrard is kind of the equivalent of Emma Carey on the men's side, where he's got exceptional finishes on the three Metcons and a relatively terrible –
Starting point is 00:38:52 he's seventh. You don't even have to type his name. Just scroll down. He's relatively terrible on the lifts. Like her, he's just about 600th on that lift. And like her, if you removed just the lift, his scores would, would put him right at the top of the leaderboard. Wow. Dallin Pepper would be in a similar situation,
Starting point is 00:39:11 just slightly worse than across those three tests. And Ricky is literally one spot below him on the leaderboard, but this exact story will play out throughout the entire leaderboard. But you'll see people that have pretty good scores on one and four and maybe on two and then a terrible thruster. Or maybe they're good on one, three, and four and terrible on two. Is there anyone who doesn't? Like, okay, let's pull out a little bit, Caleb. Caleb's not great at that are all are all of these that's good are all of these uh going
Starting point is 00:39:50 individual is tyler crystal is are there any team athletes you're seeing go up a little higher uh let me see first or three tola is going team yeah he's on the proven team okay so look look at this jeffrey adler's going to the crossfit games 100 yeah and he's the he could easily win the the north american east uh semi-final and he's i would say is a top five fittest guy in the world and ricky and then and then the the only next guarantee is ricky uh garrett uh garrett at uh at, yeah. I don't know. I mean, I feel comfortable with Sam Kornweil making the games this year. Okay. I feel really comfortable with Christophel making the games.
Starting point is 00:40:32 No. What? Yeah. The difference between – I think he's – He was right on the edge the last two years. Go – Like, to me, look at the third week score.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Look at the last workout. And historically, whether it was some kind of other interference, last year with the overhead walking lunge or whatever, people will say, maybe if his overhead stability was a little bit better. It has nothing to do with his strength. He's crazy strong in all ways. But look at that snatch workout.
Starting point is 00:41:04 That is all I need to see to know that the hole has been filled and like i would pencil him in okay well shit i i hope he's watching right now and he's like thank you jr fuck you seven i would make my day look at the home i spent four days training with him in mayhem, and he did pretty much every workout with Rich. He has all the tools. That's not a doubt in my mind at all. The question is, when it matters at the semifinal and the pressure's on, will he string together enough competitive performances to earn one of those spots in what could end up being the most competitive region in the men's field this year. Well, thank you. Look at his judge for those 23.2. That's what I was about to say.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Oh, Patrick Clark. Okay. I was expecting it to be Jake Lockhart. A little home cooking from Patrick. Nicely done. I would like to say that a lot of you are like, hey, I'm giving Brian saw him and you're adding credence to that. I want you to know that it's actually the exact opposite.
Starting point is 00:42:10 And the game of CrossFit, it's called proximity bias. You stand next to one of these athletes and all of a sudden you think they're gods. Like if you trained with J.R., you think he was going to win the game this year. No, no, you wouldn't think that. Yeah, you would definitely. Depends on the workout. Yeah. But let me
Starting point is 00:42:25 tell you it's just proximity bias he's old and he's not even going to make masters probably as far as mayhem athletes go like the best example of what we're talking about with that low finish on b is the rich froning oh let's do it let's's play with... And Rich is coming on tomorrow. And I want to rouse him. Give me lots of ammo to rouse him. It might be Richard. Yeah. Let's see what's going on here. Okay, explain it to me. Explain it to me
Starting point is 00:42:58 so I can go at him tomorrow when he's on the show. If you look at... I forget who pointed this out first, but if you look at his one, two A, and three finishes, he beats the majority of the top guys that we were just looking at, including Tyler Cristofal.
Starting point is 00:43:17 What place did he finish overall? 158, maybe, something like that. Savan, from 2011. 2011 through 2022, his cumulative total of open finishes is 78 combined into nuts in 12 opens 78 wow wow okay so you mean like if he took like like a seventh a seventh a seventh a seventh that you added up his his finishes well yeah i mean i can just read them to his third first first first second second eleventh tenth tenth nineteenth fifth thirteenth and i told you last week of the
Starting point is 00:43:52 of the last two opens combined there were only three guys that qualified for my open elite and he was one of the three i mean this guy is the best open competitor in history yeah if you know shit that that's for that's for real right there that's that i i think he's the best open competitor in history he has been inside the top 20 for every year for 12 years yeah that's insane is there is there a woman um who has a similar not from the beat not from well mal o'brien and mal o'brien maybe she's only been doing it for three years right and her first three years. Right. And her first three years are not any better than Rich's.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Okay, and then explain to me what happened here, Halpin. Explain to me like I'm dumb. Not that I am. Well, a little bit. Explain to me like I'm dumb. What happened? Start again with me, for me. So if you were to compare him next to Tyler Cristofal,
Starting point is 00:44:41 they did the workouts next to each other. And Tyler Cristofal is in what place right now? Fourth. Fourth in the world. Okay, in the open. Okay. If you look at their workouts next to each other. And Tyler Christopher falls in what place right now? Fourth. Fourth in the world. Okay. In the open. Okay. If you look at their workouts next to each other,
Starting point is 00:44:52 rich beats him in three of the four workouts, everything except the lift. Wow. And the lift being the thruster 23.2 B. Yeah. Which if you scroll over, he's like two. I thought I saw two and i saw 268 yeah yeah so a stat i was given by somebody is that is similar to what brian just said rich finished in the 99th
Starting point is 00:45:16 percentile on every workout ever in the open except for that one um in uh jr what what conclusion can i draw from there that rich got old or that the programming's fucked up i don't really think it's either i mean i think that um simply put i think it's really easy to find a lot of pretty strong people who aren't very fit and it's really hard to find a lot of pretty strong people who aren't very fit. And it's really hard to find a lot of really, really, really fit people. Okay. He won two workouts in the 35 to 39. So if you just look at the division that he's competing in, he won the first workout. So best in the world out of what?
Starting point is 00:46:01 35,000 people that signed up and won the last workout. There are no competitors. He's right now 10th in the 35 to 39 leaderboard. There aren't any competitors that beat him in any, in all of the other workouts that are above him. None. Let me push back here, JR. Um, but in the past there have been strength workouts right in the open and they haven't done that separately yes two times okay and they haven't done this to rich do you think it was it has anything to do with the way that workout was set up well the those to a detriment to a detriment but know, and by detriment, I mean, not picking the right people, not making the, the, the, the ranking have any value.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I'm starting to feel like the ranking doesn't have any value that if you took 30,000 in the world in the open, or you could say you took 10,000, it doesn't matter at this point because, because if this is supposed to be indicative of who's the fittest, that, that, that the test kind of failed unless you're in the top 10. Well, I think also, you know, to point about the lift, I think what lifted is does matter the fittest that the test kind of failed unless you're in the top 10. Well, I think also, you know, to point about the lift, I think what lift it is does matter because previously they tested a one rep max clean and jerk after a triplet. That's the one he did live with Fraser. And then there was a max clean after a fast couplet similar to this one, just a lot, lot shorter of bar facing burpees and dumbbell squats both of
Starting point is 00:47:26 those though were fairly technical sure snatch is a lot more technical than clean or clean and jerk but i would say that a thruster is about as brute strength as you can get and i never would say that was one of rich's calling cards as far as strength workouts go um And then also too, I just think that it, I think when you do something like look at his score on 23.2, a, that's a really, really, really good score.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Whether you actually scroll up to the top of this, scroll up to the top of this, this list and sort by 23.2 a. And let me see if the top guy that comes up is someone you want on your apocalypse team no oh go we need to go to men's 35 oh yeah charles charles coran that's the guy that's the main guy there he is that guy's everywhere 39 watch i'll take joe scali i'll take joe scali no that's not the guy i like him he crazy. He'll stand toe-to-toe with a zombie. Is this the guy you want?
Starting point is 00:48:26 Yang? Hong Chang? Yeah. Look at his other finishes. Let me see. There's 35,000 people in this division. He's 10,000th, 10,000th, 10,000th, and first. This happened last week.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Is that a real score? Is this real? How about the second guy? What's his face? It's 23,000, 27,000, DNF, and first. Is this a real score? Oh, my goodness. Sixth in the world, and he didn't do the last workout.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Wow. We have a problem, Houston. Well, yeah, this is the problem the the the open is unmanageable first of all for the games team that's trying to manage it yeah second and secondly here we have a great example of the problem with these two workouts and i mean chase ingram and bill grunler have beaten this point into oblivion you want to see the guy who's good at both to see the guy who's good at both, then reward the guy who's good at both. Take an average, find a way to balance them out on the scoring so that you get one score out of these two tests. If you really want to have the guy for the, that's why last week when we did
Starting point is 00:49:35 the segment, we looked at impressive performances and we pulled down the both. There were very, very few on that list that were impressive on both. Those are the people that Pat Sherwood's talking about. Those are the people that Pat Sherwood's talking about. Those are the people that Adrian Bosman is seeking. But the method in which they're seeking them is flawed. And therefore, you have Yang Hongchang at the top of the leaderboard. I like that name. Yeah, I'm impressed by you being able to.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Everyone in Korea is probably offended. You're impressed. You being able to. Everyone in Korea is probably offended. You're impressed. Claire, how many opens have you done? Seven. Yeah, seven. Where would you rank this open?
Starting point is 00:50:15 Different. Oh, good. That's very, what's the word, political of you. Let me tell you. Would you rank this as the best open? Go ahead. I Googled CrossFit's definition of fitness today. what's the word political of you um let me tell you this is the best open good i googled uh crossfit's definition of fitness today okay just i mean i know it but i just like looked back up
Starting point is 00:50:33 just because i was just simply like we're looking at things differently right like i feel like it was very different i thought there were things about it that i quite enjoyed but do i feel like it was very different than past years like yes obviously yes um you know skill being like a major limiting factor for this year for most people i'm okay with different i want to trust that the test is going to pick um the like like the sat like right like i mean and i and sorry if that's probably there's problems with that test too but you want it to pick uh the smartest people to go to med school right i just don't think that i think that this test test failed i think if you're one of the
Starting point is 00:51:17 people who pay twenty dollars it's important to you to know if you're 19 000 or if you're four thousand and i and i'm okay with being off by a hundred places but I think that this is I think this was a different kind of test not a test where you rank people's fitness it was some sort of test like like hey maybe it's like a test like hey these are the things you need to work on but as an open I just i just think it was a you know what i mean i just think it was a miss yeah you've always been big on on saying that you think you should be able to look at the open and say that's the fittest person in the world before that before the games even happened so you really are the epitome of like no this is supposed to show that claire is fitter than me and that brian is fitter than claire and that helping is fitter than him that that's what
Starting point is 00:52:04 it's supposed to show and if the leaderboard says it, that means it's true. Sorry, Claire, go ahead. Right. No. Yeah. I mean, I guess, yeah. My curiosity then to follow up with that, so if, I mean, what would you like to see differently that you feel like would positively impact it's like reflection on the fittest on earth at this stage? I would defer to my friend, Brian and J.R. Howell to, I'm only here to point out the things that are wrong using the data that Mike Halpin provides. It's it's, there was this the world with the worldwide ranking, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:42 Adrian's gave it, said he gave it the sniff test. And, uh, let me, I just, I, I give this open the sniff test and I see, I see some problems with it.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I'm okay with some wiggle room. I'm okay. If like the guy who takes fifth ends up winning the games, but I just think it's, this is a huge disappointment to people who just want to at least get within a thousand people in the ballpark of their fitness compared to other people. Like, um, uh, I think there are people who are significantly fitter than there were last year and they did significantly worse at the open.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And I think that's doing the open an enormous diss service in terms of going forward. Well, I, you know, the, the post I put up this morning was addressing those people. And I got a lot of responses this morning from people who said they needed to hear something like that because they were really feeling badly about themselves, having felt that they've made a lot of progress this year, only to take this test and be told otherwise based on the numbers or the leaderboard alone. Claire looked up what fitness was. What did you find when you looked up what fitness is? I mean, CrossFit's definition.
Starting point is 00:53:50 There's a picture of JR. There's a picture of JR on his tank top on this show. Work capacity across broad time and modal domains. Good. Let's bookmark that. So then we have a 14-minute test. We have a 15 plus five. And then we have a six to 12, depending upon if you made it past those, you know, so I mean, is that I think, yeah, I mean, there were a lot of elements anyway, just.
Starting point is 00:54:22 No, it's good. It's a great follow-up so she's pointing out the time domains right claire you're like yo this is all in the same time domain and adrian and and and pat addressed that on the very not random podcast but you have to you have to balance that against what baz says the open is and this is a conversation we were having in our group the other day is that if you think that the open is a test to rank the fittest from one through whatever hundred thousand it is you may be mistaken and so adrian addresses this on the show and i think that if his these are in the notes from jr that you know it's a it's a test and that in the test you might be exposed in a variety of different places and it's different
Starting point is 00:55:02 than a training day so he does he's. He's basically saying, I, uh, obviously Adrian understands what CrossFit's definition of fitness is. He's, you know, he's been doing it forever, but the open has a different meaning for him. And if you're approaching the open, lacking his understanding of what's going on, then you're probably going to be disappointed. I hate to bring Pat Sherwood here in a good light, but right after Adrian says that Pat basically alludes to that. It could also be both.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Why even rank the people then that that's the part that doesn't even make sense to me. I'm not yelling at you, Brian, even though it sounds like I am, if it's not going to be to test the fittest and just get rid of all the numbers that rank the people and just let, let the five of us will choose who gets to go to the games.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I, I disagree. I don't, I, I, I don't think that, um, you throw curls into,
Starting point is 00:55:53 I'm okay with you doing curls at the gym as an accessory work. I don't think you throw it into the open. And I just feel like, I feel like that there's some sort of, that's a little bit extreme, but I think that I feel like that's what, um, you're arguing by choosing that quote that adrian said that that he's arguing that extra sloppy 499 so what do you say about people who worked on their fitness last year and didn't
Starting point is 00:56:13 improve and continue to work this year tests were because you know to point to claire's point for most people in the first test what was the limiting factor? Skill. Gymnastics. Ring muscle-ups. I would say the ring muscle-up. And what is the limiting factor for most people in the ring muscle-up? Skill. Good. Keep going, Claire. Keep going. I think the press-out from the dip, the receiving position plus the press-out from the dip.
Starting point is 00:56:45 In the thruster, I think that the finishing press out is the limiting factor. And in the final workout, for a good percentage of people, the strict handstand push-up is a limiter. There are some people for sure that the overhead with the snatch is a limiting factor. And then if you look only at one missing, you still have, what was it, JR, like 60 to 100 burpee pull-ups. So you have a press out of the dip, a press off the floor, a press overhead, and a press overhead that could potentially be limiting factors for people who are either good or bad at upper body pressing. and this open was, if anything, and I'm not talking about the top of the top, but I'm talking about in the like, you know, two to 30,000 range for men and maybe the, I don't know, comparable range for women that the, that if you're someone who's just naturally excels at those things, you probably had a better open than you did the year before.
Starting point is 00:57:38 And if you're someone who doesn't, then you definitely did not. Now you're the host, Claire. wasn't, then you definitely did not. Now you're the host, Claire. Different. I'm just going to deflect back to different. It is. It's just, the whole thing feels so different. It's very hard to like, at this moment, I feel like I'm just gaining perspective about it. You know, like does it make sense? Does it, I mean, we're looking at it through someone else's lens. Do what?
Starting point is 00:58:05 Does it pass your sniff test, Claire? Did anyone at the top get screwed? At the end of the day, all the best dudes are still going to the quarterfinals. There's a massive net. 10% of the people go. At the end of the day, nothing happened there that's going to affect the games. No, not that's going to affect the games. No, not not that's going to affect the games at the top. It's it's not really an issue, but there are a big group of people, maybe 20,000 men who think that they're good enough to make the top 10 percent.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And if 80 percent of those feel like their fitness wasn't well represented in this test. Is that like we, like we talked about at the start of the open, there's a hundred thousand people turnover from last year. Is that the group that you're losing? The people that are like, this fucking sucks. Like I might be good enough, but look, you're just testing the same thing over and over, or you just happen to be testing these style of workouts that aren't my sweet spot. I was a thousand spots out last year and I'm 20,000 spots out this year. What's going on? Well, I think there are people who are going to feel burned by it, for sure.
Starting point is 00:59:10 And that turnover rate, actually, it's the same percentage to the quarterfinals. There's about 2,000 athletes that made quarterfinals last year that didn't make it this year. Out of how many who total go yeah it is like 20,000 across all seven regions so that ends up being
Starting point is 00:59:36 10% 10% of the people who made it last year didn't make it this year who competed in the open did you ever thought about that the the pressing yeah i i have uh i have a i guess a more of a down the road thought about that because i think while we're talking about the only thing that's happened this season i always am someone that's constantly thinking to what's coming next after what we've seen so what are the quarterfinals workouts going to look like and then how do they build upon the semifinals workouts because they're all
Starting point is 01:00:08 streamlined programmed and then how that's going to lead into the games this is the first full complete season that we'll have ever had open to games with adrian programming it i look back though at at uh maybe at um tendencies that maybe he didn't even know were there. Look at last year's Open. The first workout had a press off the floor in the wall walk, and then it had dumbbell snatches with box jump overs. The second workout had pressing off the floor with burpees and another hinge with deadlifts. And the last workout had thrusters double unders and pull up variations there were only 54 squat repetitions in the open complete like total last year this
Starting point is 01:00:53 year there were only 45 i'm sorry this year there were only 40 wall balls plus the thrusters that you did for your max look at how small of a number of squat squats that are between two years of the open, not programmed by the same person, but then look at the quarterfinals workouts last year. There was lots of leg tests. So in the same way that a lot of people would say there weren't really any leg tests in the open, there was a three variation lunge test with handstand pushups. There was a workout with about a hundred wall balls. There was a workout with about 100 wall balls. There was a workout with 90 pistols. There was a workout with a one rep max overhead squat and clean. So maybe this is just a preview of what's to come. And maybe we'll look at after the games last year
Starting point is 01:01:36 and we need to think about what Adrian said last year before the games. As a community, as a competitive culture, we need to look at the areas of fitness that we're the most behind at. That's where you guys need to be valuing more of your time. And that was a pretty clear direction into get back to basics, get back to gymnastics, strength, that kind of thing. So maybe in quarterfinals, we just see a ton of pulling to Brian's point about pressing. And it's like, no, you thought there was just going to be a bunch of leg tests. We're not even going to do that yet. You need to prove that you're good at this other stuff first.
Starting point is 01:02:07 So we just don't have- And I saw a few people here questioning, well, what is the difference between open and quarterfinals? And I think that there's, again, you need to just have a separate lens here. Ultimately, people who want a five-week open, it's still a five-week test that's going to qualify a very limited number of participants to the semifinals, which used to be the regional stage. However, in the five-week variation that we have here, a couple of things are happening that couldn't happen in the other one. First of all, we have eight or nine scored tests instead of five or six scored tests. So you get a little bit more across all of them. Granted, there's a reset halfway through, just like two-thirds of
Starting point is 01:02:42 the way through. Secondarily, this thing that I said about the turnover rate for quarterfinals is not necessarily a bad thing because last year, the whatever 2000 that made it in and then the 10,000 that just missed it, that felt they got slided, you know, well, they might be hopeful for the next year. And then this year there's a different 2000 and they want to, you know, come back next year and try to make it next year or try to improve, but they might not make it next year. And some of those other 10,000 might get a more favorable test. So it's not bad to have the turnover there. And at the top, as, as you guys all probably know, like those people are going to be fine anyway, to get to the quarterfinals, but there will be similarly to that turnover rate at the open to quarterfinal, there will be a
Starting point is 01:03:23 turnover rate from quarterfinal to semifinal. There always is. And there'll be a turnover rate at the open to quarterfinal. There will be a turnover rate from quarterfinal to semifinal. There always is. And there'll be a turnover rate from semifinals to the games. JR, going back to what you were saying about the squatting in the past two years, did you look back further than that? Is that indicative or an element of all the opens? If you actually listen to the podcast that that was put out today you know by pat and adrian one of the things that really stood out to me was when he got around to the thruster
Starting point is 01:03:50 and he said you know people always think of the thruster as this light to moderate weight thing that we do for lots of reps and almost like for pain and when i wanted to even pick a repeat workout i wanted to get away from any of those Fran-type variations. And I thought, well, how can we include the movement that's come up the most of any movement in the open, other than double-unders, and the movement that most people think of when they think of the open? How can we do it in a way that no one's expecting? Which is how we arrived at the heavy thruster, which I thought was pretty cool. But in the past, we have seen lots of, like, this is going to crush your legs, at least one test like that. And we haven't had that for two straight years now. And I just think about that as a criteria wanting to do something new. I think it's a great criteria when you do something
Starting point is 01:04:39 new. Yeah. I think it adds some somewhat of a level of adaptability. It adds, you know, something that maybe the community doesn't get a chance to do that we get to watch other people do at the games when they have to adapt on the fly. That one killed me. Yeah. There's this comment that I want to say every year, but I just don't think it's possible uh well it sounds like we need to go five weeks long again uh go back to five events i think just the affiliates just hate it i think once we broke away from five and we went to three we're not where it's going to be just the affiliates will be so pissed if it goes back to five that i wish they would have never given up that that real estate for five do you have thoughts on that uh jr Jare as an affiliate owner, it kind of is five, just not consecutively because you have a week of individual quarterfinals workouts who then you have a different week of team quarterfinals workouts.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And that's not counting any of the age group quarterfinals or semifinals. Um, let's see. I saw a comment in here from Mr. Patrick Clark. Uh, a lot of squats coming in quarterfinals. And, uh, I think all you guys agree on that. A lot of squats coming in quarterfinals. I think all you guys agree on that.
Starting point is 01:05:48 A lot of dumbbells, a lot of squats. JR, do you think class programming will change after this Open? Great question. That is a really, really good question because if you take the Open as a snapshot or you take the Open as, okay, this is a test to see where I'm at with what I currently have. And you look at your scores on the leaderboard, whether you look at them in the United States, in your age group, worldwide, whatever. And you look at it and say, okay, this is what I'm going to use to focus my gyms programming on.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Okay. I need to focus more on strength. Everyone's number on the thruster comparatively to other people in the world was just not high enough. Okay. The snatch workout wasn't high enough. So I need to focus. I need to focus a lot more on my member strength, or maybe I need to focus a lot more on my strength. But then you look at them and you're like, but wait a minute, they are strong because of all those people that couldn't snatch the heavy barbell they all got through the 20 strict handstand push-ups
Starting point is 01:06:49 that challenge was presented before the last two barbells so am i still programming in the right direction because that strict handstand push-up chunk of 20 was almost a gateway to the last two barbells so then you're left kind of thinking, well, I'm programming strength under fatigue. Do I need to keep programming that? So I think maybe the more you know, the more you realize you don't know anything when you take a look at it. But I think generally it probably is a good thing for people to look at if, huge if, your client's goals are to do better in the open every year. Your client's goals are to do better in the open every year. Oh.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Because doing better in the open every year doesn't necessarily mean getting fitter. I think CAP programming probably covers all the bases. Does it? I mean, that's another interesting question. Hey, dude, I don't know, man. I hear what you're saying, JR. I don't know, man. I hear what you're saying, JR. So if you take this year, because there's been a max lift or a complex, I mean, like you could even lump some of the other ladders,
Starting point is 01:07:55 like the squat clean ladder, 16-2, 17-3 snatch ladder, the 20.4 clean and jerk ladder. You can lump all those together and just say, okay, those are all like strength tests in the open. And there's been less than 10 total of all the years. So if you just make a blanket statement and say, okay, we're just, we're just going to lift heavy four or five times a week. And then next year, there's no strength tested. All your members are going to be saying, well, we're not in shape. We're just strong. So you, you, you, you can't play that game. And I think if Adrian were on, he would say, that's the point you you're just supposed
Starting point is 01:08:28 to do CrossFit. And if you're doing CrossFit, then you're hitting everything. And every year, the same results might not show up that you need to work on. And that's the point. You want to work on different things and keep moving the needle so that each thing is just as balanced as the other. If you, if you work at crossfit inc and you have any influence over there you better be scared shitless of what jr just said you better not let you better not listen to uh jr in terms of well not that what he's saying is not true but you better not fucking let what he's saying become a reality you better not let what's happening in the affiliate sail away from what's happening at the games you better not forget that the games is absolutely fucking nothing it's a
Starting point is 01:09:09 joke of a fucking sport and it's only a fucking giant fucking party and promotional tool for the affiliates and you better get those two on the same fucking page you better make sure that what's happening at the games is fucking applicable to the affiliates these hand release push-ups doing chest to barber uh pull-ups these uh you know these things that were introduced that changed the programming and affiliates back in the day you better make sure these are on the same page because jr is giving you very analytical honest uh perspective on it but this can't happen this this will be a fucking uh the i i this scares me what he's saying oh any thoughts on that uh any anyone claire brian mike i mean jr's
Starting point is 01:09:46 painting a picture where the two the two ships are sailing away i don't want that yeah and i personally what i think and thank you jr by the way that was that was great i don't even know what i said now you made me think you're basically saying like hey what you're doing in the affiliate doesn't necessarily need to need to translate to getting better in the open. And I dis-a-fucking-gree. A hundred percent. That open test needs to do two things. It needs to be able to be a tool for all of the affiliates to use and feel comfortable doing that it's appropriate.
Starting point is 01:10:21 I mean, you're sounding like fucking Miranda's little rant that she fucking went out there and gave to the street parking, but for different reasons. Well, I can say that, like, I think we had 65, 70 people sign up. None of them came to me with a bad experience after the fact. None of them came to me after each week.
Starting point is 01:10:37 And I will say, as a group, they are incredibly fit. So it's easy for them to take the test and still feel like they kind of get it. Like for instance, on the last week, you heard Adrian say on there, if the workout was just two rounds for time with a six minute cap, no one would say anything about the test. They would just say, okay, cool. It's a sprint. But the fact that there is an apple waiting two more apples that you could get to, then people want to come back and say six minutes isn't long enough. I got cheated.
Starting point is 01:11:08 And that is incorrect. So I think like with my members. I do agree with that. I do agree with that what you're saying. So even my members that didn't get out of the six-minute window, none of them came to me and were just like, I got cheated out of a good workout. They were just like, man, that was just hard.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Like those second set of snatches felt way harder. And we do wall walks every week, dude. Like that's what, that's what I got. Or I got, Hey, I'm really glad we do strict handstand pushups every week because that standard was a little tougher than what I'm used to, but I'm going to start going closer to the wall now. I mean, I got nothing but great feedback about the workouts, especially the first week. I can't, I mean, of all the years I've done the open people that have never gotten a muscle up in their life when we're never more excited to do an open workout. And they were the first week this year. Yeah. And that is 100% an element of the open that that needs to stay. I would say if I was going to give CrossFit any advice about running the open, it would be
Starting point is 01:12:00 don't introduce new standards for old movements on Thursday and expect the world to do them really well. That is what's most for me. That's what's most difficult running people through the test. This is a way, what the way we've been doing burpees, thrusters, wall balls,
Starting point is 01:12:17 and handstand pushups for the past 10 years. Does it not what I need to do anymore? Help me understand that. Yeah. If you're going to introduce that new stuff, introduce it to games and give the affiliates a year to do anymore. Help me understand that. Yeah. If you're going to introduce that new stuff, introduce it to games and give the affiliates a year to catch up. They'll see it. Go ahead. I wanted to ask too about the percentage of your membership that participated in the open too. Like, is there, were there a lot of people that just didn't participate? Didn't, I mean.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Anyone who came to the gym on Friday for a group class did the open, whether or not they signed up and got tested and got judged is another thing. So, yeah, I would say, you know, close to half, not quite half actually signed up, got did it for a test. But everyone did the workouts. See Hill with the very look at look at she that's how serious i feel how serious she looks in her uh profile picture um yeah jr breeds animals down there sorry uh see if you're not from california i'm giving it a valley girl appeal uh yeah jr uh breeds animals down there and like crossfit crash yeah they don't count kind of no what are you talking about that was fucking brilliant uh uh the inconsistencies are why it's hard for the sport to go mainstream oh please there's a thousand i give you a thousand reasons why it's not going mainstream if you look at that chart the smartest fucking guy in the room
Starting point is 01:13:39 is on the seven podcast and then not not not front stage that's what that's why it's fucking not going mainstream because fucking brian's stuck over here in the fucking purgatory no i definitely thought you were talking about either mike or jl oh claire you said guy you said guy go ahead you're up you're all would have known it was claire let's see who's the smartest uh if you look at that chart this is what brian was just talking about this is the limiters that were coming up on on this workout and and also what jr was talking about so most everyone got stuck right after the 135 snatches they weren't and then and then the next line down meaning that they were getting zero one or two strict handstand pushups. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:25 That's where the biggest pile up is. That second barbell for the women. Yeah. Well, there's a different, there's a different one. Yeah. The next slide we'll have the women on it.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Oh yeah, there it is. Yeah. So, so same, same thing. Yeah. It's actually interesting.
Starting point is 01:14:43 This is where I actually got stuck although i got through it with a little time left it's that fourth wall walk on the second time around is where a bunch of people first got stuck and then the snatches and then the handstand push-ups and then so on and so on like this is what this is what if people wanted to say like i'm going to look at the open and i'm just going to do these four things, these three things for the next year, this is what they're going to get stuck on next year. Because next year, it's not going to be wall walks, snatches, and handstand push-ups. And that's all they're going to practice over the next year. So hopefully they don't take the Open and say, I'm just going to focus on these four or five things in the next year.
Starting point is 01:15:23 four or five things in the next year. No. And if the work, if they're going to an affiliate or if they're working with a coach, then hopefully the understanding of the person who's program they're following is that in order to improve on those things, there's a variety of other things I should be working on as well. Listen to this, Justin,
Starting point is 01:15:38 Justin done lost his mind. Justin, please tell me this is sarcasm. Oh shit. Justin's probably going to have calling in. I don't know if I should read this. We don't get standards and floor layouts for the games events sometimes we never get clear on game standards the open is where you introduce new standards to the community is he out of his fucking gourd well this is an affiliate in utah they do everything different there. To his point,
Starting point is 01:16:08 I do... It's going to sound really selfish. Good, I already hate you for it. If you're one of those people that say the Open doesn't matter and you want to see how something might go down, why not do it during the Open and not wait
Starting point is 01:16:23 until quarterfinals when you have a lot of people doing the shuttle runs wrong or if you implement the new wall ball standard and you're having to go back and watch every video because everyone isn't having their ball clearly entire ball clear the line like why not do it now yeah you could do it because we know it's a it's a totally invalid representation of fitness anyway and that the leaderboard is completely skewed by random assortments of mis-entered scores. So, I mean, for that explanation, yes. But what I would say is if you want to make the affiliate open, easy on affiliates, introducing a new standard for a movement that we've been doing for a decade is not the answer. doing for a decade is not the answer oh at the games this last year wasn't um the uh wasn't the the handstand push-up facing the wall wasn't that the first time we'd seen there's a
Starting point is 01:17:12 wall walk into a handstand push-up yeah that's what it was at the games and they had to lower their like chest or their head down to some weird black box on there it's where lazar got screwed if you watch if you watch mayhem's documentary about it he did like 20 extra handstand push-ups essentially there was essentially there was a line on the ballistic block and the the line had to disappear because the athlete's head would pass below it essentially and then this open the handstand push-ups did you have to be facing the wall no no but you had to be closer to it than we've been forced to be in the past, which is going to create a more stacked position, similar to if you were doing a wall-facing handstand push-up. I got in a fight with – go ahead.
Starting point is 01:17:54 I'm sorry. Were you about to make a joke? You got in a fight with what? I got in a fight with this dude. I'll tell you in a second. I got in a fight with this dude earlier in today's show about gun rights and freedom of speech, but go ahead. Go ahead. I was hoping that they got into the 10-inch line a little bit on the podcast because I think Brian mentioned it first. We look at the wall-facing handstand push-up as a way
Starting point is 01:18:14 to show people and showcase virtuosity and learning how to move correctly and learning how to be better stacked in certain body alignments and what that line actually did the line being used for the target on the wall walk having your fingers on it is at least it did create some good habits maybe um facilitate some good behavior not having the kipping and actually moving in good movement patterns closer to the wall, even though they were a lot harder for people to execute. But I don't think that's right. JR, you should be on the fucking marketing team at CrossFit. Everything JR says, I'm like, I got nothing.
Starting point is 01:18:55 The one thing about that handstand push-up that I might push back on is the width of the line being limited to the 30 inches that's that's where i'm struggling to understand especially when you had a week prior where the length of your arms mattered for the standard that you had to meet right so on the burpee pull-ups we we made the athletes extend their arms and made sure the pull-up bar was out of reach. But for the handstand push-up test, we just use 30 inches, not taking into account length of athletes' arms and letting that be variable based on like wingspan or something like that. That's what Chase had mentioned. Like why not take everyone's wingspan and just say, okay, your line is half of your wingspan. And that's the line that you get. Because essentially, if you break it down and say,
Starting point is 01:19:50 okay, the workout was more about the strict handstand pushups than it was about the barbell at every level of competitor. Then it made the people that are already amazing at strict handstand pushups because of limb length even better. It made the people that were okay at handstand pushups still okay, but maybe a little more challenging based on their mobility and movement patterns. And then it made the people who already struggled at strict handstand push-ups, like the really tall, long-limbed people, made them even more difficult for those people. Because if you use a 30-inch line and you're someone that's five foot two, the old standard of a 40 by 24 inch rectangle. Like I know even when I was doing them, if I put my thumbs on the tape, my hands were outside the 40 inch width allowance. So you could have someone with really short arms, like have two or three inches of range of motion. And that's it. It's Claire. So I want to derail the handstand pushup and just go
Starting point is 01:20:47 back over to the run. And I'm sorry if you guys already talked about this a little bit, but I think that one of the quotes from that was that you can start any, anything with the word rail in it. It's one of my favorite words, derail, rerail. I like deload to any of those are a great way for a segue into any topic you want. Go ahead. We love a deload. Okay. So can't test fitness without testing running. Right. But like, I think that we've already hashed out all the ways in which not running the run workout worked. And so, and then also, I don't know with all the pivoting, like I agree that running is a beautiful tool to use to test fitness, but I think that this way that it's structured in something like this is like a pivoting skill i mean like a you know i i mean it's not like a true run test i feel but it's the
Starting point is 01:21:33 but i but are you not giving them leeway i mean it's the best they can do for an open right i mean it was i i like to see the shuttle how do you include it in an open yeah how do you include it in an open unless you do yeah yeah are you suggesting you like it or it should be omitted since it can't be like on a 400-meter track? I don't feel like it's running capacity testing. Well, what if they just programmed it differently? What if they just mixed it commensurate? What if they paired it with the movement that's commensurate to a shuttle run? I also like the shuttle run Claire,
Starting point is 01:22:06 because you change directions. I do. I do like, I do like that part of it. I do like that part of it where you can say something helping. I was going to say, if there was a tiebreaker, if there was a,
Starting point is 01:22:15 some sort of tiebreaker that actually pushed you to run and actually said, like, if you're, if you're going to push the run that it matters and you don't have Hiller and hundreds of other people saying that they beat the workout walking, then, then it actually becomes like a run capacity workout. Well, and this opinion of mine too, is just picking apart something that's incredibly hard to do. It's easy for me to sit here and pick things apart, you know, from a perspective of not actually having to try to put it together. So, okay, I thought you were making a proposal.
Starting point is 01:22:45 I want to hear your opinion. No running in the open? I mean, I don't know how to make it accurate as a test. Let's look at that for a quick second. JR, what do you think about running on a runner for the Open? I mean, it's a fucking expensive piece of equipment. Sure, but I think Brian's made this point a lot of times. If you release the equipment list for the 2023 online season,
Starting point is 01:23:22 and then at the very bottom underneath saying GHD and rope climb will be used for later stages, but not for the open. You can have another line that says for 2024, you need to have access to an echo bike or to a skier or to whatever that they want to include, or even give two years notice. Um, so that gym owners that want to be able to provide the equipment their members need to participate in the test can have time to accumulate those things. I thought you were going to blast me for even suggesting that, Brian. What? A runner in the open, you go with that with a two-year notification, two-year warning? I don't like the air runners for tests of competition in general, but I do obviously agree with JR that there could be some more variants of what's available for online testing. And if you give enough runway of notice for it, I think it's quite reasonable for people to make that happen if they want to.
Starting point is 01:24:21 you know, make that happen if they want to. I think there's a, I think there's a piece of it as well that you, and you saw it with the first test this year, that it seems like they're pushing people back towards going to affiliates. So if there's affiliates that have runners and have skiers and have bikers and have whatever else they need, and they can say, Hey, you're going to go to an affiliate and do this. That becomes a different thing. And for so long through the past three years, they've done box
Starting point is 01:24:50 jumps and wall walks that they can just say, Hey, you could do this at your house, at your park, in your garage, wherever you street parking come along. Uh, and now, uh, and, uh, and now they can actually say, Hey, you might have to go to an affiliate to do this. And they proved it in the first workout. Like, it's interesting to me that that first workout was that first workout because it basically set a tone that was, if you don't have rings and you don't have this and you don't have this, like, sounds like you're going to have to figure that out. Where they could do the same thing here. They could just say, hey, there's going to be a runner or there's going to have to figure that out where they could do the same thing here. They could just say,
Starting point is 01:25:25 Hey, there's going to be a runner or there's going to be rowing again this year. There's going to be skiers or something like that. That does another, um, workout of that type without having to just say like, Hey, set up a line for shuttle runs. Cause we're going to have shuttle runs.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Cause we need some sort of, um, workout like that. Dude. Can you imagine assholes like us getting how angry we would be if they put forced a runner in the open uh claire did you did you just pull string on dental floss i'm sorry what did you just pull some string on dental floss like do you have dental floss now i heard a sound that sounded like dent oh Oh, wow. I can't even get it up there.
Starting point is 01:26:05 There we go. What is that? Well, it was plugged into the microphone. Oh, I heard this sound. Cause I have dental floss here and I heard the sound, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:13 that sound that the, the, the dental floss makes as it, as it rolls off the, uh, I thought I heard, I thought I, I thought I heard that sound.
Starting point is 01:26:20 Um, can we, uh, celebrate the top performers in every division division for the last week of the open yes as he pulls that up let me read some comments that's a great idea oh uh i heard caleb and uh i heard caleb and susan breaking off to start their own podcast uh seven there's nothing better for your brand than a completely messed by crossfit uh rich uh bros da if they put claire in every thumbnail seven would finally pass 100 subscribers.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Oh, we did put Claire in the thumbnail. We just dressed her as the State Puff marshmallow guy. That's probably not her best look. I really appreciate it. It was the only character left. Will Branstetter. Let's tell street parking we are sorry and they should join the Open next year and then use runners in the Open.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Well done, Mr. Branstetter. Le Femme Nautel, great name. Yes, thanks. Change the subject to actual facts. That's out of context. I don't know what that means. Okay. So I want to say this, and I don't know if this is accurate.
Starting point is 01:27:22 But someone told me that in all the years past for the games, they had drop down menus for like the fittest cop. The fittest guy in the Navy, the fit like that, they had breakdowns of the fittest and first responders. Is that true? Does anyone know if that's true? Caleb, do you know if that's true? It was true. Yeah, they definitely had that because I was on like the mill leaderboard or something. OK, now listen.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Go ahead, but I'm going to tell you it's still true. Oh, good. Okay, tell me. I'm going to say something about midgets. If Caleb wants to pull it up, I can show you how to find it. Okay, please. Let's do that. They made it very hard to find.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Let's not let J.R. go to sleep yet. Brian's wanting to celebrate all these people. I know. Let me just go off on one little more rant here. Yeah, occupational. If you go... Oh, it's probably because you have... Yeah, now what?
Starting point is 01:28:15 Help in? Tell me. Appreciate me helping. Military member is probably not the right term. You should probably know your own terms. Oh, shit. So you have to push the hashtag in there. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:28:30 So you asked me last night about firefighters. So if you just type in firefighter. Wow, that's a nice, that's a nice. Go to the one that just says firefighter. Well, this is 35 to 39. But if you did it for worldwide. Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:28:48 I want to see. And then I want you to put in Armenian. I want you to put in Armenian. I rank, though. Yeah, you got to. Espindale. Yeah, there's Angela. There's Evan Rogers.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Okay. Watch out for Evan Rogers, by the way. Serious? I've been hearing some things about him, yeah. Brandon Swan, that's an old name I haven't heard in a long time. He's going to be on the team with Royce Dunn this year. Oh, Dunn's going team? Yeah, we'll talk about the teams at some point.
Starting point is 01:29:20 We'll wait for them to all settle out, but I've been acquiring a list. CrossFit's where professional athletes go to die. is where crossfitters go to die sorry go ahead helping can you type in armenian i want to see armenian uh in that um uh in that hashtag let me see uh what's going on here and then and then jew type in jew after that please i see jew and armenian oh yeah what the fuck is that no no not not like that just we'll do separate do armenian first what Type in Jew after that, please. I see Jew and Armenian. Oh, yeah. What the fuck is Adler? No, no, not like that. Just do Armenian first. What the fuck is Adler doing on the top of Armenian?
Starting point is 01:29:52 I think you have to select it, and it's going to tell you that there aren't any. Oh, please. No shit. Okay, type in Jew. Type in Jew. I want to see Jew. If you put in Savan podcast,'s in there no shit jews jews will work or oh i saw brett cohen when you put in jew i saw brett cohen are you fucking kidding me
Starting point is 01:30:14 that barnett cohen what a stud oh my god age 53 80. I think if you just type Savan podcast, not the Savan. Hey, I should have entered the open and just put in Armenian. I could have just been, you would have been at the top of the leaderboard. Yeah. That guy's brilliant.
Starting point is 01:30:34 That. So that guy's the finished Jew. Yeah. I try one more thing. Let's just try one more crazy thing. Put in Nigerian. Let me see what happens if you put in Nigerian up there. Brian, all those athletes. I should have have just i should have just said this didn't work and you were right okay nigeria that works let me see that so our country's using that no shit wow this is amazing okay okay
Starting point is 01:31:00 crossfit uh how jagun or how goon age 42. All right. Well, that's dope. Uh, I, I still don't think though that I still think that you should have, um, I still, I still, I'm not going to be as critical, but I still don't think you should have like one arm dudes or, uh, midgets ahead of police and fire. And those are your base, man. Like, so if you can only do so many dropdowns, pick the dudes who those are your base, man. So if you can only do so many drop-downs,
Starting point is 01:31:26 pick the dudes who are in your base. Pick Marines. Pick all those dudes. And please, just be courteous. Armenians. Not Armenians. Well, unless it's Armenian Marines. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Brian has already been influenced by the categories that CrossFit has chosen, I guess, because these are the guys who get to get crowned the fittest, right? Well, yeah, I mean, well,
Starting point is 01:31:50 also, you know, we've done this each last two weeks. I didn't want to neglect it in the final week. I also, Jeffrey Gasek is a friend of mine and a great guy in the CrossFit space helping with these today. So we have the scores,
Starting point is 01:32:03 which were missing last week and also their overall rank for the finish in their division at space helping with these today. So we have the scores, which were missing last week, and also their overall rank for the finish in their division at the end of the test. And what you're going to see across all four of these graphics is that if you did well on the fourth test, the third week's test, you did pretty well overall in the Open also. Okay, so
Starting point is 01:32:19 35 to 39, you have Rich Froning, and you're saying that he won. He won this workout. He finished 10th in his division. We've already addressed why that is. We know he's the fittest in that division. And 10th, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:32:32 So those numbers, okay, overall rank and that score, they're all in first. Okay, well, who's this guy, Kulani Subi? He's a favorite to win the boys' 14 to 15-year-old division this year. What country is that? I think he's USA, but I'm not sure where his origins are. All right. John Smith. Isn't that the guy, the Mormon guy?
Starting point is 01:32:58 Joseph Smith. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Albin. All right. Jensen Palmer. I believe – Tola Marquino. RJ won the 14 to 15 last year, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:21 And he's, I mean, it's always hard to win when you're 16 in the 17 division or 14 in the 15 division, but he'll be in contention for sure. And yeah, you know, in the Masters divisions, you won't know everyone, but Giuliano Silvino is very very... He's been around for a while. Stuart Swanson's been around for a while. Some of the other guys I don't recognize. If you just look at the right, you can see that a majority of them are in the top 10. Several of them have won their division, and all of them
Starting point is 01:33:38 have done relatively well. This is going to hold true across the women and adapter divisions as well. Patrick Clark, Subinos are all from texas a bunch of them compete in the team division all right yeah they probably are the only people with that last name in the united states i'll see if joseph smith is on the leaderboard fair good work katie uh we will i do like this uh barry uh barry mccalk. Oh, did anyone tell you, Claire, last week that we were that we were making fun of you about one of the names? Anyone?
Starting point is 01:34:11 No. OK. Would you like to enlighten me now or no? No, no, no, no, no. I don't want to ruin the joke. Barry McCockner. Yeah, we'll do that on the live call and show. I'm definitely going to bring up that.
Starting point is 01:34:24 That's going to be great to bring up that. Uh, that's going to be great. There's a few. That's going to, Caleb looks like a Sesame street character. Oh my goodness. He has three caterpillars on his face. Um,
Starting point is 01:34:36 okay. I like it. We'll definitely be using that hashtag. The other thing that's cool about this, this graphic, if you put with the scores, there is something that we've, we've previously mentioned, which is all of the scores in gray are divisions that have the same test. And I think that personally CrossFit can stray from some of the uniformity in this regard.
Starting point is 01:34:56 And you look, here's a good example where there's a big drop off or a noticeable drop off in the last two divisions, the 45, 49 and 50 to 54. And this happens on almost every workout like this. Um, I'm a little bit indifferent about the 16, 17 year old division, but at the 45 to 54 range, I think that you can appease a bigger population within those age groups by scaling their weights down a little bit more than anything else. Manny Serrano, $1.99. I'm the fittest Ecuadorian man in 50 to 54. Thank you, Manny. And thank you for the drinks you bought me in Newport. That's cool that you did that in the gray. That's cool. And it makes sense. Tola's the fittest. Okay. The women, the vimen. After all that, that's what he took away from it. Tla's the fittest okay uh the women the women
Starting point is 01:35:45 after all that that's what you take away from it tola's the fittest yeah he's the fit it makes sense literally nothing rich froning number two uh the women uh danny spiegel wins the uh last event and ranked 120 okay so a bigger spread here well you got she's the worst ranking athlete relative other than the 14 to 15 so you have a couple outliers here the 14 15 spiegel and then the 35 39 winner kamila murakami which i know by the way these are not official rankings these are just what we pulled earlier this afternoon but several of the others obviously doing exceptionally well and once again not so much in the 45 to 49 that's a really impressive score by kim mullins we pulled earlier this afternoon. But several of the others, obviously doing exceptionally well. And once again, not so much in the 45-49.
Starting point is 01:36:27 That's a really impressive score by Kim Mullins, but a significant drop-off on the 50-54. Caleb is not back. That is just a – I don't know what's going on with him. We haven't even talked yet. But he's back for this show. But still send money if you want to mourn his departure.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Caleb, you're not doing any 7 a.m. shows anymore? I'm going to try to the best I can. My job seems pretty chill, so I might be able to every once in a while. Like how often? Once a week or twice a week? Maybe a couple times a week
Starting point is 01:37:05 what about the weekends weekends for sure that's good uh jackie um millie my boyfriend just called me and asked how is everyone how is that everyone's great um everyone's uh great uh sebon rumors has it you're entering the women's 50 to 54 i would do that just hashtag trans next to it hashtag armenian yep extra sloppy 199 for trisha's video play it please no but thank you it's more than a dollar 99 all right uh cool okay anything else you want to point out here the only name i recognize recognize on here is Danny Spiegels. Lucy McGonigal, very good. She could win her division this year. Lee Coates, Pauline Sciassia, they've been around for a while.
Starting point is 01:37:53 But, yeah, always new names popping up in the Masters division, which is fun, and that's one of the reasons I want to. Hey, Hip and Steel's doing the Open? Mm-hmm. Okay, well, that's good. Cause he was kind of down after that, kind of that run in with, uh, um,
Starting point is 01:38:09 let's see the adaptive because the adapters were, I mean, pretty much run away. I think it was very high percentage. We're winning this workout and also winning their division. Oh, Oh, I thought you were suggesting that hip and steel,
Starting point is 01:38:21 uh, enter the adaptive. No, no, he he's, he's recovered. That was just a rough run and he had with fame. Katie Gannon, credit to...
Starting point is 01:38:32 She's big on giving credit, but I don't even know what that is. Can you help me, Brian? He said it. I don't get it. It's over my head. See, Claire? People make fun of me, too. I don't get it it's over my head see Claire people make fun of me too I don't even get it you guys can text me later
Starting point is 01:38:50 lower extremity Rogan Dean upper extremity Casey Ackrey so Casey's going to win the games again this year I mean look at his time compared to everyone else's he just obliterates not only his division but pretty much all the others. Chris Schmulbeck, we've talked about before.
Starting point is 01:39:07 A friend of mine lives in central Illinois. So well done on an open victory here. What's he missing? He's got what he used to be in the neurological division. Actually, he was denied in the neurological division one year. Then he was granted access into it. And now they've replaced it with this multi extremity divisionity division, which I don't – I'll be honest. I don't entirely understand.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Well, I'm guessing you have to be missing like both your hands or like a hand and a foot, a halpin. It could be neurological too. Oh, like not necessarily that it's not – oh, there's an mm person. Okay. So it's not – you don't have to be missing it, but like your hand and your foot could not be to be missing it but like your hand and your foot could not be where you could be missing your hand and your foot could not be working that makes sense i was too closed-minded when i thought of that uh vision how's kim doing is that is that lady kim that we had on the show that that i cried like a
Starting point is 01:39:59 baby oh oh right okay i know kim can be a man's name but once you said the word lady i've sent maybe kym uh kevin ogar killing it um probably knows the workouts ahead of time since he works across it and cheating uh lance king intellectual uh that you've got to change the name of that even i'm too woke for that you can't say that people are intellectually impaired do you want to suggest a new name? You can't use the old name either, Simone. I was actually thinking about that. That was even, I couldn't even say it.
Starting point is 01:40:37 Not with you guys on the show. I just, I respect JR too much. I don't know, but I'm just, I just can't do. Let's go to the women's, see if Kim shows up. And short stature, Tim Murray. Gotta have one of these short stature dudes on. Yeah, someone in the comments said it. I think the woman that won this one here, Erin Popovich, you should invite her on.
Starting point is 01:40:58 Find her. No Kims. The Olsen dudes, God, this dude has made me rich. Cheers to the coverage as always thank you god i can't wait to meet you is that greg then uh that's good uh okay uh upper extremity uh lower extremity uh valerie cohen she should have been in the jewish category two Multi-extremity, Lauren Taylor. Vision, Mary Collin. Hey, can you – sorry, can we go to the vision category? I want to see how my girl is doing.
Starting point is 01:41:32 And thanks for showing these. I mean it's really impressive regardless of what division you compete in to get a win. For sure. For sure. Except not short stature. Dude, there's only 20 people. Five percent. Your girl came as fifth. is she in the world not in the world well i mean of the oh yeah of the vision you can't see yeah i like that
Starting point is 01:41:56 okay but look at that she's only three she only three points out of third though i mean she's pounding on the door of a podium finish well that's great and not only this um you see these people in these categories it's just a smorgasbord of ages right it's a smorgasbord of ages oh yeah yeah that's tough yeah is uh is colton winning that no he's too tall seven you should enter there would be 21 oh you're a good dude i'm taller than colton okay anyone else uh anyone else in the um any other people you think
Starting point is 01:42:38 should deserve credit like which affiliate has the most people who entered the open should we celebrate them how we could do that i don't know it offhand uh is there any way to know that helping you're the numbers guy yeah if you pull up the affiliate participation leaderboard oh it's full crossfit out of spain and how many 459 wow that's not bad and uh and uh who's the tallest person in the open this year?
Starting point is 01:43:06 Do you have any stats on that? I mean, I've been contacted by at least one guy who's six foot 11. So. Wow. He was really loving the handstand pushups. Um, find a pull up bar that he could use.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Uh, I, I, he did, but, the tallest example we have of that was the six foot eight guy from last week on video at least i do want to say this um one of the people um who is in the quarterfinals i know for a fact is on steroids who's qualified for the quarterfinal one of the 20 000 yeah and i had a talk with him
Starting point is 01:43:45 today and he was he was uh debating whether or not he should feel bad for taking one of the places since he's on steroids and i told him absolutely fucking not so if you're 20 000th and one i want to tell you that i just take one for the team shut the fuck up let our boy is juiced up just roll it's cool it's not for anybody guessing it's not nicholas joyale he did not make the quarter oh good good thank you thank you i didn't know he did he did right he did make the quarterfinal didn't he no wow he missed it i don't know that he did the last workout okay he couldn't he could not have that black mark on his conscious like this other unknown person okay jeffrey birchfield's threatening to fucking put trish on a timeout wow some crazy shit going on in there. I timed myself out. Wow.
Starting point is 01:44:51 JR, any standouts from the Open this year that we haven't touched on? Yeah, I didn't know if she would make the list for this past week, but as it currently stands, Noelle Henderson is number one in the world for multi-extremity adaptive female. So she'll be going to the games, barring something crazy happening. Where does she train? She trains at Crash. She's a coach at Crash also. You go straight from the open
Starting point is 01:45:13 to the games if you're adaptive? Yep. God, they should just do that for everyone. Well, that would be a challenge. Has she been to the games before? No, she was one spot out last year. Oh, cool. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:45:31 Oh, I'll wait on. I was just going to say, Nicholas Joyal is no longer on the leaderboard. Oh, wow. Wow. They fixed the glitch. Well, God, I hope they don't find my friend who's on there who's on steroids i don't want them to find him um okay um what happens next for us any standout performance of someone you want to give a shout out to something awesome from the open this year.
Starting point is 01:46:09 I mean, yeah, since I opted out of the first half or 30 minutes of the show, sorry guys. Yeah. Bring up whatever you want. Jared doesn't want to go. No, he's like, get me out of here. So, I mean, honorable mentions are just things that I thought were, well, I mean, I think we covered sufficiently, like that this is just a different test.
Starting point is 01:46:29 And so there are like things that come up to me of like if we make this so high skill or whatever then what is the participation in the future look like for all of the people who are attending affiliates and so on like those are just simply questions not necessarily performances of individuals um but so different right like different dude programmed it. It's different. And so other than that, my, uh, my, like, I think that it's really cool that Zoe got a top 10 this year in the open and her significant other was in the top 50 on the men's side. Uh, who's Zoe? Who's Zoe? Zoe Warren. She's 10th in the open. Oh, okay. Do you know her Claire? Yeah. in the open oh okay do you know her yeah you're like you're friends with her sure yeah okay that's cool like she lives in your neighborhood friends or just like oh i i we we pump each other's instagram accounts i just like her i like her she's she's real sweet and then also um her her
Starting point is 01:47:20 significant other john wood he is at 50th place worldwide right now so that's cool and he's got a great name john wood yeah other than that i think the other things i thought were cool which i don't know if you guys touched on this was just like so that proven team you've got tola in second and then uh tim paulson i'm assuming is his his teammate um which placed 14th worldwide me open and then you've got the invictus guys, Joshua Altama and Jorge, or George Fernandez, in 43rd and 81st. So just looking at some fun for teams, it looks like there's going to be really good competition, which I'm sure that we'll talk about more as we get further along.
Starting point is 01:48:03 But just looking at those open performances from those guys on those teams, uh, that should be fun. Hey, what about the women on that team, on that Invictus team, uh, Claire, how are, how are they doing? I don't know, because some of the scores that were submitted were some of the athletes that are going to go individual as well. So I don't, I don't know exactly what the team situation is. Devin Kim, 118th place worldwide. Wow, good honor. She had a really bad middle week. I think a really pretty good weeks one and two.
Starting point is 01:48:36 She should have walked. It looks like she could have walked to get the score that she had. Look at Clark, just in case you didn't know, it's Devin Kim and Brittany Weiss. Yep, and Brittany Weiss finished 232nd in the Open. She actually did very well on the first two tests, 2,344th in the thruster workout. No, Katie, I didn't place in the Open.
Starting point is 01:49:03 I sent my $20 directly to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council at CrossFit because I felt like they could use my money wisely over there. That is what I did with my entry money. Okay, sorry. So that's good. They're looking good. What was Weiss? What did she finish in the worldwide open? 232.
Starting point is 01:49:18 But she accumulated 2,600 points total in the open, 2,300 of them on the thruster alone. Okay. And I had speculated a lot of last year that their team would be limited by her strength at the games, that they still managed to podium. She's still getting stronger relative to herself. And, you know, they're bringing back the same team. They're going to be very good. Hey, what about a team? Why haven't any of these other guys? about a team um uh why haven't any of these other guys um so the whole the whole froning phenomenon and the mayhem empire they're they're they're they've taken the team thing and just run with
Starting point is 01:49:52 it right but proven isn't doing that hwpo isn't doing that um well the nashville team has proven what what team what nashville team andrew nistler taylor yeah but they haven't won yet i guess this would be the right right no i mean well no you're right the like the major training camps have not really put out comp train did comp train ever have a badass team no no i mean up until up until now it was all affiliate. Yeah, I was going to say, like in the early years with Hobart, wasn't CrossFit New England technically the original CompTrain crew? Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:50:34 I think before CompTrain existed. CrossFit New England won two. Hackspack won two. Oh, okay. Okay. I gave – wait, no, no, not that. They're a nothing burger. They are all nothing burgers.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Fair enough. If you pull up that leaderboard for the teams, they actually added something. Or at least I think they added it. I don't know. It looks new to me. They will say who was the top four people at the affiliate for each event.
Starting point is 01:51:03 So if you click on it, it'll actually say who makes up those top four. So in most circumstances for these teams, Nashville won, but in only the lift was it truly the four-person team that
Starting point is 01:51:20 was doing it. Let me see who else is on that list. Go down or move over to the other side sorry so i can see the names so in mayhem's case it has like roman and rich and i want invictus to win is that okay i mean they they should be great they should they should be fighting for it i like uh i like uh jorge fernandez and devin kim a lot yeah all right yeah those are fun royce's team is right there yeah uh anything else uh claire that that we steamrolled you over that you
Starting point is 01:51:59 didn't get out in the first 30 minutes when you were playing with your mic that mic uh i mean bailey rail doing really well she's training over with page you know powers the two of them seem to be having fun together but you won't see him at the same semi-final though i was gonna say helping were you saying that uh bailey's competing out of the west yeah she uh bailey is technically unaffiliated wrap your mind around that one. Yeah, yeah, I want to wrap my head around that. Unfuck me. Fulfill me in.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Claire, what the fuck is Halpin saying? People in the know know what he just said. I don't. What does that mean? She's unaffiliated. That's so she can compete in the West. She's trying to get... Okay. Her and her family live in Missouri or Kansas or somewhere.
Starting point is 01:52:48 JR, you think she's going too? You think Tyler's going to the games? You think Bailey Rayl's going? She's definitely going. I really want to see how many spots get allocated to the West. That's not a good sign, Bailey. He had no questions about that when he said Tyler Christofal's name well I'm confident that the east is going to get a lot same for McEllish and I did not notice that there's a few athletes so I mean this came up
Starting point is 01:53:18 where yeah go ahead this came up where there's a few athletes that just have the ability and they have and they have another residence so bailey did all of her workouts at crossfit mayhem all of her workouts are judged by like page or somebody i think and then all of her she seemingly has lived there but as of last christmas yeah she was at home and through the beginning of the year she was likely living wherever she lives out west and she has the ability so you saw the same thing when we i think we showed the video from the buttery bros or something like that where danny spiegel said i'm gonna go out west and and and go to invictus the difference being being Danny actually went to Invictus. Like there's athletes that like,
Starting point is 01:54:09 like went out West and actually joined an affiliate out West and then said that this case, she just claims her residency is out West, which maybe it is. Bailey, will you flush the toilet? okay i'll see you later yeah i'm almost done here we'll catch it we'll go get into the bar and get a beer tell tyler he can come too sorry bailey rail was just here he's in my bathroom what were you saying she hasn't moved out west yeah she definitely lives there and maybe yeah she doesn't have a lease she doesn't tyler still lives in the east of savannah he's he'll be i'm so glad tyler's not here it's fucking
Starting point is 01:54:44 awesome we'll have a three beer minimum uh bailey just so nothing weird happens but there's a He's still seven. He's still being, I'm so glad Tyler's not here. It's fucking awesome. We'll have a three beer minimum, uh, Bailey, just so nothing weird happens. But there's a, I mean, look, and some people are probably going to hear this and be like, well, that's not really on the up and up by Bailey, but this is, this is the problem that others have already highlighted. Mike's talked about it. If you live in any other competitive region in the world, you could not get away with something like this because there isn't a Europe East and a Europe West or an Asia East or an Asia West. It's just Europe. It's just Asia. And they all go to the same spot. And for whatever reason in North America and for only the individuals, not for the team competition,
Starting point is 01:55:18 CrossFit has allowed for this difference in allocating their competitive region to exist where you don't you can you know for example there's a guy at my gym that is uh he does he's namibian he has a namibian passport he's a namibian citizen but he doesn't live in namibia per the rules he has to compete in namibia but that's not the case bailey probably has how many times did you just say namibia is that cool that was awesome yeah that was really fucking good that was good you know but that it's a very different situation that crossfit has created for athletes in the north american regions competitive regions collectively and so putting it putting it on the athlete is understandable, but it's limiting. CrossFit created this reality.
Starting point is 01:56:09 So if you weren't able to follow that, if you live in Namibia, you can't compete in the West, but you can compete in the East. I think that was… That's what you got. JR spoke at – made his debut in this show at 10.20. Then he spoke again at 12.03. Then again at 15.47. Then again at 24.26. There was a time in there that he spoke and I didn't get to write the time down.
Starting point is 01:56:34 I apologize. Then he spoke again at 36.19. Then at 40.30. Then at 44.57. Then he spoke again, this son of a bitch, at 51.39. Then he fucking took a seven-minute break. I don't know what the fuck he was doing. He spoke again then at 59.21.
Starting point is 01:56:47 Then at 110. Then at 115. Then at 117. And then at 119. And then something happened. And then something happened. And I stopped. Either he hasn't talked in 35 minutes or I just stopped writing it down.
Starting point is 01:57:03 I don't know what happened. But that's what JR did this evening. hasn't talked in a 35 minutes or I just stopped writing it down. I don't know what happened, but, um, that is, uh, that's, uh, what Jr did this evening. Can I go back and just go through those time codes?
Starting point is 01:57:13 I may just need to pre defend myself, not to take away from Jr. You can't defend yourself. What were you doing on the seven podcast? How been, I just want to be clear that I'm not the guy that's just stalking people and says like, who gets to live in which, in which continents. Oh, fair. podcast helping i just want to be clear that i'm not the guy that's just stalking people and says like who gets to live in which in which continents oh because it came up with katrin and now it's
Starting point is 01:57:29 coming up with bailey i'm just pointing out in both cases there is the ability by some athletes to play within the rules of crossfit which is what brian was talking about and in many cases there's not that ability there's real circumstances that certain athletes can't move they can't go places the namibia guy got has to go to namibia or wherever is i don't know where namibia is uh yes yes yes so in those circumstances it just shows that hey in those cases people are playing the game with the cards they have. So in that case, great for them. They get to play that game.
Starting point is 01:58:12 But, oh, good to know. Okay. It's not far. It's bigger than I thought. It's way bigger than I thought. Yeah. Wow. JR, you want to know something funny about that guy?
Starting point is 01:58:22 Sure. In the context of CrossFit, he would never know know what this is his favorite animal is an oryx oh wow interesting hey you can read there's a there's uh ranches in texas uh where they raise those and you can go out and shoot them and that was the name of that was the name of one of the madrid workouts dubai dubai the oryx that's the one with the skinny horns right it's got the skinny horns got like a fucking long ranger suit on helping dear with uh can you tell everyone what you learned about the asian men in the top 100 this past weekend yes yeah there it is yeah There will be when they possibly when they release the quarterfinals results, there will be zero men from Asia in the top 100, but they will get two spots.
Starting point is 01:59:15 OK, so so so here. Hold on one second. Halpin's going to say that one more time and then Brian's going to explain to you why that number top 100 matters. OK, can you say that one more time and then brian's going to explain to you why that number top 100 matters okay can you say that one more time and then brian you just jump in and say because this is fucking hilarious so so based on the scoring that crossfit has released which i've then redone for this after the open which i can share with people if they'd like if you look at who competed in asia this open no one specifically who did not compete yeah and who did not compete the two the two athletes that have the most points
Starting point is 01:59:53 that are still roman by the way okay uh okay so the three top athletes last year from asia when they got scored in the top 100 zero of of them are still in Asia or competing in this year's Open. The one guy left is Artur Semenov, who went to the Games last year. He's in like 200th place at the moment, and he may jump up. But as of this moment, there are zero athletes from Asia men in the top 100. Of the worldwide rankings. Of the worldwide rankings, which is how they're supposed to get allocated spots to the games. That was the part Brian was supposed to say.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Halpin just took the punchline. No, there was one missing component. Because the last thing that he had said was, and they're guaranteed two spots to the games. So if you're not familiar, there's 40 spots to the games. So if you're not familiar, there's 40 spots at the games. A certain number of them are pre-allocated based on. Jarrah's out. That's good.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Are pre-allocated based on designations that CrossFit made, which do not have anything to do with competition. And then the remaining spots are allocated, supposed to be allocated based on competitive performance over a two-year time period in which you can accumulate points that will put you on a worldwide ranking system. And then those worldwide ranking points, if you're in the top 100, can help you with allocation when the strength of field rolls around. In this case that Mike's talking about, what he's saying is because Roman is competing in North America East and because Alexander Illin and Stas Soledov did not compete in this year's Open, the only three men who had a chance to be in the top 100 for Asia
Starting point is 02:01:35 at this point in the season are not. And there's one other guy, Artur Semenov, who competed injured at the Games last year and didn't do very well well has an opportunity to move into the top 100 if he does very well in the quarterfinals worldwide uh even if he gets in there then they'll have one spot they'll have absolutely no chance to earn any additional spots but they'll still get more spots at the games than they have in the top 100 of the worldwide rankings why a different show i'm not even i don't even know if i should open that uh in the top 100 of the worldwide rankings. Why? Different show. I don't even know if I should open that. We were just rolling the leaderboard.
Starting point is 02:02:10 That's what we found out. But the women are going to go. Good to go. Asian. Good to go. Asian women holding up their end of the bargain. Meaning what? The women had someone in the top 100.
Starting point is 02:02:21 Well, go ahead, Mike. There's one. Sierra Kaya. No,aya no sung young choy oh she's out this year she's not competing yeah so they have one which sierra kaya was 83rd in the open this year so she would she did her she did her part yeah which is pretty close to her worldwide ranking. Okay, so is there anything else you want to say to Claire, Brian? I'm going to try to wrap this show up.
Starting point is 02:02:53 Are you going to give her any more windows of opportunity to speak? Oh, shit. Trish is fucking Claire up. Let's see what's going on here. Claire looks like the only white girl from school who slays on the dance squad. True or false, Claire? True or false? Oh my god. I mean, I can dance.
Starting point is 02:03:14 Trish. Yeah, get her, Trish. Get her. The true part is she can dance, but in her eyes... Are you guys ready for this one? Nobody's ready for this one. I was captain of the color guard. That's what the flags yes did he have a tall hat my daughter does color i did not have a tall hat no the band had tall hats but i was twirling flags were those girls uh were those girls a little more promiscuous
Starting point is 02:03:39 or less promiscuous than the cheerleaders let's skip over the fact that I just said my daughter. I think they were. Sorry, Alvin. You can tell me off air, Claire. You can tell me in the private. My wife was on Color Guard. Oh, shit. This is going sideways.
Starting point is 02:03:55 I pretty loved it, but definitely was not one of the cool kids. But I could dance. Claire, I think that for an upcoming costume party or Halloween or something, we need to throw back Claire captain of the color guard costume. There was, yeah, there was, there was some good ones.
Starting point is 02:04:11 I had solos, you name it. Yeah. Okay. Wait. Okay. So when there's a back, back to the,
Starting point is 02:04:16 thank you, Trish. I think that was Trish. Thank you. I don't know if it was a compliment. Careful, careful. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:04:22 I'm taking it as a compliment, whether it was or not. All right. Yeah. Well, attention from Trish is always good i like it anything else big yes yeah to ask about man okay let me ask this then how often do you have any any crazy statistics you wanted like you feel like you didn't need to get out? Oof. Claire, did you want to say something about Oceana?
Starting point is 02:04:51 I know you saw an update from somebody who's not competing. Oh, gosh. Oh, yeah. Just Kara Saunders announced that she's pregnant. So that's why she's not competing. I figured you guys already covered that. Sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:03 So we'll get to see two pregnant girls work out. Damn, it's my year. She posted a video on YouTube youtube so for those that want to go see it it's on her channel and she explains what's going on so but she finally did uh within the last 24 hours announced that she is not participating this year as a result of pregnancy uh mason mitchell how tight is chase ingram he is very tight uh i'm speaking from experience okay when do we get when do we meet next what's going on what so today is um what's the next thing that happened today's march 7th what's the next thing that happens in crossfit that we get to pick on well next week um jr and i are coming back to do a previewing the quarterfinal show with you at the same time on the same day.
Starting point is 02:05:45 Okay. That. And, and, and why will we know about the quarterfinals or anything or predictions, JR predictions or what's going on? By then the leaderboards will be finalized. Invites will be sent out to quarter finalists.
Starting point is 02:05:57 So, but, and, uh, that's not really what's relevant. It is notable. And then just like we did with the open, we'll talk about what,
Starting point is 02:06:07 what we're expecting out of the quarterfinals this year, based on the last two years, based on what we saw in this year's open. Yeah, we'll give some predictions for maybe styles of workouts. Will we see a heavy lift or not? How long will we go? What kind of things? Is there any precedent for a repeat workout in a quarterfinal? We can have these types of conversations. So it'll be an upbeat show.
Starting point is 02:06:24 It sounds like a positive show. we're leaving the open behind us yeah i think i think officially quarterfinal starts march 16th i think it's the 16th through the 19th so that means that that's my birthday that's my birthday mine's the 20th so that's cool that means what workouts will probably come out we might have floor plans by the time we do that show because they've released floor plans on Monday. Last year, I think they released floor plans on the Monday. But the workouts won't come out. They'll come out in a 2-2-1 format, two on Thursday at noon, two on Friday at noon, one on Saturday at noon or something like that. Thursday the what?
Starting point is 02:07:04 Sorry, give me the dates again. I know we're meeting on Tuesday the 14th again, but when do the four plans come out? Well, last year they came out on the Monday proceeding, which would be the 13th, if they'd held to the same pattern. Why? When are the quarterfinals? 16th. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:07:22 We're not taking any time off. But this will be this is going to cut into our frisbee show too that they're releasing them and uploading scores um not all at the same time because in the past two years you've gotten all the
Starting point is 02:07:38 tests and decided what order you wanted to do them in I like that do you like that JR? yeah well you can talk about it on your show next week yeah i like that too reminds me of 2008 games have they ever done that before well there's opportunity to redo a lot more so when you get all of them and if you're someone who wants to go ahead and knock out like two of them on thursday two of them on friday and then you can knock out the ones that are due first or the ones that you think you cannot redo early and then you can maybe do a sunday one
Starting point is 02:08:10 on thursday or friday and then just redo it when you see maybe what scores you might need to move on to semis and now they're taking that away from you sounds like and we've talked about this in the past just like they oftentimes have a lift as part of the quarterfinal test. And a lot of the top athletes would just do the lift first when they're freshest. But it was written as workout four. And if you did the workouts in order, it would have a different effect on how people performed on that lift. This is the first time ever where I feel like I've wanted to get off the show and Brian doesn't. Usually it's like I sense Brian's energy and he's like,
Starting point is 02:08:45 dude, you should have wrapped this up 20 minutes ago. I asked for four hours today. Oh. Okay. I got plenty more. Okay, go help him. What do you got? I have like a 20 slide deck if you'd like to see it. Okay, let's rush
Starting point is 02:09:01 through it real quick. Let's see what we can do. Caleb just freaked out. I saw Caleb's like, fuck rush through it real quick. Let's see what we can do. Caleb just freaked out. I saw Caleb's like, fuck. Okay, real quick. Let's see what you got. Start at 14, Caleb. Okay. We're only going to- Thank you, Caleb.
Starting point is 02:09:15 Look at that. The show's gotten so sloppy, you can see the inner workings. Look at that. Okay. Oh, I like this. Travis Mayer. This is like playing to my heart.
Starting point is 02:09:22 I like this. Well, he's out. Look at all these dudes. Marquand Jones. He's highlighted because he's out, so I'm sorry to tell you. I didn't want Travis Mayer. This is like playing to my heart. I like this. Well, he's out. He's into all these dudes. Marquand Jones. He's highlighted because he's out. So I'm sorry to tell you. I didn't want to tell you. Oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 02:09:31 But yeah, so North America East has 38. I'm not going to spend too much time. But yeah, I highlighted a few athletes. Travis Mayer, he registered, so he ended up getting ranked. This is after the 2023 Open. Yeah, correct. Javid Hopper is the fourth fittest guy right now in North America East. North America East, okay.
Starting point is 02:09:58 You want to keep clicking unless anybody has any questions about anybody? This is nice. It gives a nice overview of what the current competitive landscape is based on the worldwide rankings. Look at James Fragan and Ben Smith right next to each other. That's an interesting pair. I'm sure those two have a lot of good conversations. I love Samuel Cornway, but JR, look where he's at.
Starting point is 02:10:22 Remember that he had no points from last year. He's going to the games okay okay yeah yeah i don't necessarily use these calculations to say how good they are on the worldwide ranking jesus for sure uh okay uh if you look if you want to just just i mean pause for a sec you say he's going to the games and you say that christopher's going to the games but look at that list of men on the left you're gonna say you're gonna say who's going to the games, and you say that Christoffel's going to the games, but look at that list of men on the left column. You're going to say who's not. I'll tell you who's not. Dylan Hamming, Benoit Bollinger, Evan Rogers, Casey Graham.
Starting point is 02:10:52 You're reading on the right side. We're talking about the left side. Oh, let me tell you. Jake Berman, Jacob Pfaff, Connor Duddy. He's not. Austin Spencer. He did last year. Not this year.
Starting point is 02:11:03 All three pancheks is their goal this year tim paulson is not because he's going on a team but on the right side of it you have guys like griffin raleigh ben smith sam corn why that are improving competitive jack farlow you know not going and and what the real question is wait who went you're saying faf went last year no i said austin spencer oh oh yeah yeah okay but yeah but that was he only got in because someone else because of it was someone else cheated it's unbelievable anyway the point is with into what jr was saying earlier how many spots will this competitive region have because it's it's uh likely that no matter how many it is that you're going to be able
Starting point is 02:11:45 to look at 14 guys and say yeah i could see every one of them making the games but they only got 13 spots and i notice who's not here because he's going to be on the west coast yeah several really talented guys yeah uh madaris the champ yeah if you want to click over hey it's going to be an incredible games this year on the men's side and and if you want to click over hey it's going to be an incredible games this year on the men's side and and if you want me to ruin it for you i'll tell you who's going to win i already know who's going to win ruin it it's going to be justin madaris again i know so many of you think roman like you're getting on the roman train that's fine but he's not winning so yeah 30 30 for europe so actually just to show you europe's europe gained spots with who is
Starting point is 02:12:29 likely dropping out they also are gaining spots or it'll it'll go up and down a little bit based on who actually sticks around andre who day is gonna go team i believe so is joshua chamo yeah yeah so some of these some yeah um and then if you keep going west which is savan's favorite region because there they are there's the boys um tyler eggemann i only highlighted him to show he finished 15 000th but he actually still did make the quarter finals um which it was right on the line for him but good for him john wood who was mentioned earlier right there thank you thank you yeah no they might not have as many athletes over there but you know that and because of that they're not going to get as many spots so you're probably looking at eight or nine spots for the
Starting point is 02:13:21 west and the men madaris velner fracowski sager, Kowski, Sager, Quant, Matthew, Mertens, Chandler, Smith is eight. Cole Greenstable is nine. That means everyone below that would be out. Magda, Davis, DeLugos, Collins, going team, actually. What's up with Anthony Davis? How did he do in the Open? Is he getting better?
Starting point is 02:13:39 God, I would love it if he went to the games. I do think he's getting better. But what I'm saying is uh as even though there's less spots in the west for the men i think it's harder to make it because it's top heavy big time i really yeah so i'll tell you who's going for sure justin madaris samuel coant and nick matthew so there's three done those three are definitely going to the games wait you didn't come in for merton i mean i want mertons but i'm just trying to keep it real i
Starting point is 02:14:12 want mertons i hope mertons fucked i hope god i would love it if mertons won based on current come on based on current calculations there will be 12 based on these numbers there will be 12 from the east 10 from europe and 10 from the west so as you're picking your names here understand that it's only 10 of these 25 that could possibly make it yeah you know that's true though right yeah you does anyone disagree with me that nick matthew samuel quant and just maderos are for sure going to the games they're 100 unless they get by i think we would I think we would add a couple to the list. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Who do you throw one? Throw one. You guarantee me that you're willing to give me two inches off the tip of your cock. If you lose who? I mean, I can just lend you that. Patrick,
Starting point is 02:14:57 you think, would you, you think Patrick and Brent Fikowski, aren't they scared, starting to scare you a little bit? No, not at all. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 02:15:04 All right. I think Chandler Smith's in a good spot. Stefan, do you have any idea of the record or the resume at this style of competition? I understand. I understand. They're just scaring me. They're not going to go from first and second at every single one of them to 12th. They might go to fourth or fifth. That's still well within the cut line.
Starting point is 02:15:22 Katie, didn't you say goodnight 10 minutes ago? When it was all marching band talk, she got out of here real quick uh so if you want to keep going it's gonna go quick after this through until we get to the women there's three oh i like jay crouch please tell me he's not doing anything stupid like going team please no royston is going team jay and ricky will still be competing so and then just to speak on Royce Dunn, if he does men's quarterfinals for individual, his score will still count. But if he just doesn't do it like some mayhem folks did last year, then he'll be removed from this list. And so we're going to get to that Asia thing in a second. Why wouldn't he do it? Any reason? JR, what do you tell your athletes to just do it anyway if you're going to get to that Asia thing in a second. Why wouldn't he do it? Any reason?
Starting point is 02:16:09 JR, what do you tell your athletes to just do it anyway if you're going team? What's the plan? Why wouldn't he do it? No, I mean, if the goal is not to compete individually, especially you're taking the chance of there being a lot of overlap within like a 10-day span from almost doing the workouts twice, I don't think it's worth it. Oh, because, okay, okay, I see what you're saying. Because the programming could be extremely similar.
Starting point is 02:16:33 It may not be, but it could be. Actually, and this is a great spot for gaming because we talked about people gaming with a little bit of the East-West thing. The gaming is you only have to register for the quarterfinals. so as long as you pay them 50 bucks you could just have your name on the list and you count and get scored and get ranked in the in the worldwide ranking you don't actually have to compete in the quarterfinals so you would
Starting point is 02:16:59 gain zero points but you would uh you would gain the minimum which is my way of saying that but yeah you can see you could buy it you could buy a few points you can you actually get 60 for just showing up 50 bucks 60 points oh okay right that is what that's like buying them well said so yeah oh wait wait well listen to this listen to this uh patrick clark most team athletes are doing indie just not going that hard you could do that well or just take your 60 points and run i believe they're not going that hard when i see it yeah me too me too people africa has three won't go down that road again there'll be plenty of time to we're gonna bang that drum all year don't worry south america has two he just sort of did what he did at water palooza here
Starting point is 02:17:55 and then if we day one day two is different uh this is the piece about zero and i do mention uh semenov will likely be in there but he isn't in there now and then over to the women why isn't he in there now uh helping because he's ranked like 200 oh right right okay he didn't make top 100 okay yeah uh so women north america east there's 33 of them again i based on what i'm looking, only 12 of these athletes will make semifinals. Sorry, only 12 of these athletes who then go to semifinals will make the games. Dude, look at
Starting point is 02:18:31 Danny Horan's name on there. Yeah, but look on the right side. Look on the right side and see Emma Carey over there. She's taking a spot. If you just slide her, only just slide her over. And there's some other women up and coming that are pretty good on this right side, by the way.
Starting point is 02:18:47 But the left side, you go down 12 deep and you got to... I mean, it's pretty stout. There's going to be some competition at the cut line. There's a lot of team females here. How about on the left side? Are there a lot of team on the left? No, on the right.
Starting point is 02:19:03 Mal O'Brien, Daniel Brandon, Brookwell, Amanda Barnhart, Arama is not competing, right? Emma Lawson, Alexa Raptus, a lot of team on the left no on the right no there's mal o'brien daniel brandon brookwell's amanda barnhart uh aramo is not competing right uh emma lawson alexa raptus uh page powers and my apologies again to caroline that's what her name is in the system so yeah caroline spencer she'll also go team this year who will car? Caroline Spencer. Oh, okay. And that's Austin's wife? Yeah. And then who are you going to bring over from that side? Emma Carey. That's eight. Okay, what do you think about
Starting point is 02:19:34 Caroline Prevost? Is she going? Given everything that we're seeing here, yeah, I think she has a great chance to go. Because there's going to be a few missing. Paige Semenza? Yep. All right. Fee Segoffi? Right on the cut. Paige Semenza? Yep. All right. Fisa Goffey? Right on the cut.
Starting point is 02:19:48 Ooh. I think she'll be 11 to the last 13. Honika Greer? She's little, right? She's too little? Honika Greer, I think, misses by a few spots. Fisa Goffey got the Madeline Sturt curse? She's too little?
Starting point is 02:20:00 She's good enough to make it, but I think she's going to be, like I said, plus or minus two of the top. Brian's just handing out bulletin board material right now to all these athletes. Yeah, seriously. That's great. It's great motivation. I think, yeah, okay. Shelby Neal, is that one of your athletes, JR? Is that a CrossFit crash girl?
Starting point is 02:20:23 She won Crucible one year yeah i think shelby's gonna make it this year and i think caroline stanley has a really good chance to who's who's caroline that's caroline spencer oh no caroline connors okay stanley under fee uh so yeah 33 here next one 31 so europe europe has the ability to actually pass the biggest and become the biggest, which is something we've said about Europe for a little while. They're showing up, and there's more athletes here. And that does even then go to show all the athletes that we just said might come off this list if they don't do individual quarterfinals. We could actually see Europe jump to being the number one uh region so wait a second what you're saying is that this european women's division could send out of all the divisions
Starting point is 02:21:11 could send the largest group of games competitors out of all the divisions if they have the most if they if they outdo east on who's in the top 100 yes they would send the most but still not more than north america combined because we have two regions okay yeah okay i like all these girls this is sam briggs going for it again i didn't even ask her that she's not going for it again is she no she's still ranked i believe she's retired okay no if the women on this list i think you you could, you know, Sam Briggs will not factor into this equation. Julie Huguard is going team. Emily Lundberg is going team. Is Evie Hollis going team? I'm not sure.
Starting point is 02:21:53 But also, I don't see Sarah Sigmund's daughter on this list. She'll be in the equation. She's not, yeah. She will be. You can basically just put her where Sam Briggs is and you'll just look down. There's, you know, a lot of women in Europe that have proven that they can do well at the Games. On the right side, we see Emma Tall, who's been inside the top 20 at the Games. We see Elisa Fuliano, who made it last year and had a great season, an offseason.
Starting point is 02:22:18 So a lot of competition in Europe for a good number of spots. But like you said, still less than north america will get in total total and we haven't looked at the women on the west yet right okay here we go there you go uh i highlighted those three david's daughters uh in europe she has in the wrong she's in the wrong she lives in idaho oh oh my bad sorry my bad uh that's that's why i did highlight those three athletes they're new to this region although this whole region's new but you did oceana and i didn't see ellie turner's name or madeline sturt no we have no they're coming up okay sorry okay sorry ruining it yeah okay um go back sorry go back yeah sorry okay cindy mclishan as as pc pointed out is also new to this list. I did not highlight her. I didn't actually realize.
Starting point is 02:23:07 Ariel low and still number one. She also won this region's open. And then just another one to call out. She just put it on her Instagram right before this. Elena buds, unfortunately had an injury and she wasn't able to make quarterfinals. I don't even know who that is. She's on the top right there.
Starting point is 02:23:28 I know, but who is she? Like what's she done? She was at the Zealous Games. Oh, hi, Elena. Oh, yeah, of course I remember. She's a rhino or underdog athlete. Let me ask you some people and you tell me what the fuck's going on here. Alessandra Pacelli, retired, still make games aspirations?
Starting point is 02:23:46 I mean, this I don't understand. She was doing all the – oh, no, wait. Was she in the demo for the judges course? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, something. She was in some video. You're right. She was in some demo video.
Starting point is 02:23:57 By the way, the still frame they chose of her was completely fucked up. Whoever chose that photo of her, you're an asshole. What, do you hate her? Stefan definitely didn't do the judges course, so it must have been an across-the-open announcement. over, you're an asshole. What, do you hate her? Savant definitely didn't do the judges' course, so it must have been an across-the-open announcement. Yeah, something. She also, yeah, didn't make the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 02:24:14 I'm not sure what occurred. She only did one wall walk on that last workout. And let me ask you, Bethany Shadburn, is she competing? Is that for real? I think so. And Kelly Clark.
Starting point is 02:24:29 Kelly Clark's going to give it another go, yeah. No shit. I went to her fundraiser last year. I had fun at it. I want to go again. And look, regardless of whether you think that the allocation system is the best system that there could be or not in at all three of these semifinals on both the men's and women's division, when it comes down to it on the final day, there's going to be athletes on the cut line that you're like, Holy cow, there's two spots left for these four women or for these four men,
Starting point is 02:25:00 because it's these regions are just getting to be that competitive. Good. Deep in that. Good. Good. Make it fun. Yeah. because these regions are just getting to be that competitive. That deep and that good. Good. Make it fun. Yeah. Thank you. If you took a spot from Asia, just saying.
Starting point is 02:25:20 And then the most impressive woman of the entire Open, I think, because her baby did better than most of us. Uh, Tia Claire. She, wait, she qualified for quarterfinals. Yes. God, that is nuts.
Starting point is 02:25:36 Oh, who's Laura Clifton. I don't know who that is either. Laura Clifton. I've spoken about her several times on here. When talking about the forgotten depth of the Oceania region, she took the game spot from Maddie Sturt two years ago. She competed on a team last year in Oceania because she knew that there was a very limited chance to qualify. This year, however, there's a much better chance with Tia and Cara out. It's still going to be very difficult, but I would say
Starting point is 02:25:59 the number is growing, but I think that she's one of five or six women in Oceania who could take one of those top three spots. Why didn't you go down five, Halpin, so that we could see who's actually going to go? I could tell you. Well, there's only four in the top 100, which is why he only showed those four here. And they only guaranteed three spots. Ah, I see. I think, okay. You would think, oh, well, there it is.
Starting point is 02:26:29 Ellie, Laura, and Maddie are going to get the three spots. But don't forget Jamie Simmons is in this region. Oh, okay. Don't forget Katlin Van Zyl. My question didn't even make sense, Halpin. Sorry. Well, just to answer it for you, it's Bailey Rogers is the next one. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:26:43 And then Gemma. You're a good dude. And there are also still several up-and-coming women in Oceania that are very good. It's just extremely difficult to make it from there. Brandon Von Drack, 680 viewers and only 140 likes. Hey, you should better subscribe and like and all that shit. Please. I have kids to feed.
Starting point is 02:27:09 One more thing on Tia. She put out an interesting post that she redid the last workout because potentially she could be an alternate on the proven team if one of the other two women was to have an issue. But she would only be eligible to do so if she did all the
Starting point is 02:27:25 workouts at her gym like bailey ray oh wait no not like this not really real hey do it wherever she'd like oh wait a second when is the baby due may yeah so it's conceivable that tia could go to the games on a team she would be an alternate yeah it's an interesting scenario because i think they're only allowed one alternate female and one alternate male so it'd be putting a lot of eggs in that basket to put tia in that spot but yes and no mean, that's a good basket to throw your eggs in, though. Oh, yeah. Hey, Patrick Clark doesn't fuck around. Tia going team this year.
Starting point is 02:28:13 I would. I mean, she wants to extend the streak. Take a year off, have a baby, and win the affiliate cup. It's a pretty good year off. Okay. Oh, we lost JR again. Okay. Last couple.
Starting point is 02:28:35 There's four women in Africa. The next woman down is pretty far down the list. Michelle Moran competing team this year, but the other three should be in Africa. And actually I think it's going to be a decent battle between some of them for that top spot. Okay. No shot for Tia says Chase.
Starting point is 02:28:57 He has kids. He knows there's so many continents. South America sends two. There's three athletes total in there. They're not going to forget about Sasha Davis. Who's going to be in America sends two there's three athletes total in there don't forget about Sasha Nieves who's going to be in the mix down there as well she doesn't yeah similar another mayhem athlete that didn't do
Starting point is 02:29:14 individual quarterfinals so she's not right hey you think she's going name Louisa Marquez she should be in the battle for the two spots there also Tommy sister Tommy sister distant cousin all right that and that's an important thing to say here okay yeah asia has just uh oh this never there's only seven continents and we've looked at
Starting point is 02:29:37 fucking 18 slides what the fuck is going on just two there's two genders. Infinite genders. I didn't realize I made that statement that way. There is an important thing to say, and I think I've seen some comments. These aren't Brian's rankings. These are just the worldwide rankings, and these aren't the only athletes that could potentially go to the games. Any athlete could just show up and go to the games if they win, if they win a spot.
Starting point is 02:30:09 So these athletes are just the ones that inform how many athletes can go to the games out of those. So, so with that, I'm saying names here, Brian, obviously just listed off a few others like like sasha or like others from south america they could potentially go to the games they could potentially win the games uh they're
Starting point is 02:30:29 just not currently ranked so god you're so optimistic dewan young is not uh winning the games just in case you were just like you're on you think how open you think she's gonna take the second spot in asia behind sahar kaya and I think that there's a good chance that she will, depending on whether the Russian women actually show up to semifinals this year or not. Oh, I like this. Pierre Venditti. If Tia's ready, there will be an injury to Taylor. Oh, that's the team she would go on?
Starting point is 02:31:02 There's no fucking chance she's going on that team. Well, that's what I was going to say is, you know, Andrea and Taylor have a pretty good history of staying healthy enough to compete. Yeah, there's no way. That team has a chance to win. If it wasn't for Invictus, that team would have a chance to win. Seven, we're going to have to make a little bet
Starting point is 02:31:22 on the team's division this year, I think. Okay. You're riding Invictus to the death yes Invictus loves to thrive on me sleeping on them that is officially the last slide okay well thank you okay I'm coming Bailey
Starting point is 02:31:38 shit guys I gotta go you gotta go ours only open for three and a half more hours yeah you and bailey gotta get you got you got places to be mr beaver well um bailey and i will do our first toast to you mr beaver thanks guys claire thanks for coming on mr halpin absolutely thank you for having me yeah that was fun uh mr halpin i don't regret having you on at all. Zero.
Starting point is 02:32:11 That's pretty good, right? That's all I can do. Brian, will you look that way? Like that? Yeah, more. Yeah, that's good. That's good? Screenshot. Like, look. more yeah oh that's good that's good that's good screenshot like look
Starting point is 02:32:26 did you get what you needed did it look like i'm blowing claire a kiss does it look like it's like the brady bunch i'll look up look up at caleb and i'm really i'm just looking at a wall am i looking up at brian. Am I looking up at Brian? No, you're looking up at Caleb. Yeah. Brady Bunch. How old are you? You're not old enough to know that show.
Starting point is 02:32:53 Apparently I am. I apologize, Claire, for Edwin objectifying you. Claire, Claire, damn. I'm just here for the diversity, guys. Damn, Claire is hot. I'm just here to help you out, you know? You bring Caleb on and all of a sudden Claire turns hot. It's weird how that happens. Relativity. All right, guys. Thank you everyone for watching.
Starting point is 02:33:12 Tomorrow, 11 a.m., Mr. Rich Froning. I don't think that there is... Oh, and I think we're going to do a late night show tomorrow night. So I'm pretty excited about that. Like a real late night show. A live calling show. Look at Caleb's getting excited. And we will see you guys then.

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