The Sevan Podcast - #834 - Live Call In Show w/ Andrew Hiller

Episode Date: March 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I don't think he did. Bam, we're live. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Jamie Latimer, CrossFit, Corey, Bruce Wayne. How long until Brendan calls in? Thank you for the thumbnail. Who's Brendan? The affiliate owner from my area. Oh, you're giving some pushback on the open. Did you see,
Starting point is 00:00:51 did you see the link I sent you? Oh, the training think tank link. Yeah. Yeah. But I didn't get to it. Oh, how much did you watch?
Starting point is 00:00:59 I watched the whole thing. I just took a shower and listened to Max L. Hodge as I've in, uh, and Brandon, as I washed my butthole. Got it. So i pulled dingleberries out of my hairy ass uh the thing is this no one thinks you're crazy for liking the open mr el haj mr genius mr uh uh overachiever there he is there's the handsome lad one of the greats in the community.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Never taken a dig at Max. Only talking about him because he deserves the attention, by the way. Max Elhaj, no one thinks you're crazy because you liked it. We think you're crazy because you think it was the best one ever when it was the worst one ever. All subjective, of course. Say that again. Is there a clip of this in another video? Because they've been clipping up a podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And I heard him say he thought it was an 8 out of 10 and also the best open ever. Yeah, yeah. It was from another one. And then I guess Tyler Watkins told him that we were ass pounding him in our text thread. Not too hard, though, Max. No one put the whole thing in. Although we'd like to. Yeah. Everyone was respectful. max no one no one put the whole thing in and um although we'd like to yeah um everyone was uh respectful um but uh but yeah that that was my only point and you asked what in that in your
Starting point is 00:02:14 video you asked what is my favorite one i have no idea i i just know that after the analysis and to be fair no um i've never seen one and analyzed hard as this one, but this was by far, it's turned into a little bit of a shit show. Basically, here's the thing. It doesn't matter how good the workouts are, in my opinion, or how bad they are. I'll just let you know. It's the fact that the ranking does not matter at all for anyone. Not the top guys, not the bottom guys, not for fucking anyone for a variety of reasons, but most all because of uh 23.2 it's just a complete shit show and a joke so if you're 30 a thousand this year you i you're not a liar if you tell
Starting point is 00:02:51 people you're 10 000 i mean it just doesn't matter did they put up say uh and and that's that's in respect there's a whole picture here a spirit of it and its relationship to affiliates uh say that again mr uh hillar the instagram post I just put up verifies everything you just said. Oh, can we see that? That you put up? Yeah. The second most recent one that I put up today. I've been on fire today with posting it. My head hurts. This one, yeah. So this is the Facebook post from the CrossFit game saying that the Open Leaderboard is final. I grabbed that 21 minutes after they had posted it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And within 21 minutes, that guy, Ryan, responds, how is it final when the seventh place finisher in 23.2B is clearly wrong? And then if you scroll over to the next slide, you'll see that person in seventh with that score. And then if you do one more slide over, you're going to see that all you need to do is click on over you're gonna see that if all you do is click on let me just catch you guys up on this for those of you who are following the story the guy said he did 330 pounds and then in his video shows you did 230 pounds and now crossfit saying that
Starting point is 00:03:56 the leaderboard is finalized when there's something as easy as seventh place that's fucked up it's just a mess dude it's just it's just bad. And someone, Jeff Baco, wrote in the comments, like, hey, Hiller, it's becoming weird that you're becoming so obsessive on beating this shit up. It's not that. It's that it's a fucking train wreck in front of our house. No one's obsessing on talking shit about the games. It is literally a fucking train wreck in front of the house. Oh, they put out – what's this? Dude, your street parking
Starting point is 00:04:25 video is amazing it reminded me of this this is sports center commercial from esp you've not seen that yet no where is it it's on my youtube and their youtube and it's here as well how long is it it's long i i don't mind watching i think it's great and they're kind of allowing me to put it up wherever they wouldn't mind you playing the whole thing but it's your show um yeah let's watch it fuck it i'm curious oh wait but before we do that before we do that i just want to show you guys something um uh caleb can we do um 482 i just want to show you portland you guys hey i was there yeah portland oh this is perfect this is just down the street from uh street parking headquarters right across the river. Here we go. Okay, this is Portland.
Starting point is 00:05:07 The guy on the right has a machete, and the guy on the left has a gun. And the guy in the car has a camera. ...opening to Portland. Back up! Back up! Do it, then! This is crazy. Can you pause this one second?
Starting point is 00:05:41 This, this, these are, this is what drugs does. Dude, I think I ate at that sushi place. That's not Chicago, people. This is fucking Portland.
Starting point is 00:05:55 There'll be more. Okay, let's play a little bit more. There'll be more. There's so much shit coming out of Portland right now. Yeah, come on. It's so bad. Let's play a little more. Watch.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It's happening to Portland. Oh, that's it. It's over. Okay. We're done. Okay. I like that comment. The gun saved him and he didn't even have to use it yeah there you go it's a good comment yeah like the ring of power and lord of the rings you don't have to use it that saves you
Starting point is 00:06:17 mr schweitzer hello hey uh richard margarine uh seeing kayla back is like when your ex-girlfriend keeps calling you to come over when she's drunk oh it's nice i like that god that's horrible what do you mean that's flattering i think hopefully i'm a good ex and not a shitty ex oh yeah yeah you want yeah you he let me let me read let me when she dumps you but she calls you when she's drunk like that it's like that oh yeah yeah that makes me feel a lot better uh kenya clark good job with street parking andrew uh not to be annoying oh i'm uh being annoying andrew did make the leaderboard face blue smile i don't know what that means but hello kenya okay let's let's are we gonna watch this on your youtube station are we gonna i just heard my dog squeak. Can I be right back?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Oh, sure. That's never a good thing. Yeah. Oh, shit. I didn't mean to open that. Okay, 482. I don't even have 481. Do you want me to pull it up?
Starting point is 00:07:23 It doesn't have a title on it no it doesn't is there an echo with you is there oh there is why is that maybe it's they're good hillary do you have a youtube window open i don't no um the door was open I wonder if that did anything. Or the mic was on the ground. Maybe that was it. Sorry. It's gone now. My bad, guys. I'm back.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Dogs are good. Okay, let's listen to this young lady, and then we'll watch Hiller's video. How is your dog? Well, well, well. What do we have here? The president of a European pharmaceutical company has been arrested and charged for falsifying his vaccine status. He was injected with saline. He is among 2200 European elites charged with being falsely vaccinated against COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Why? Apparently he was afraid of the job. The elites paid thousands to get him out. Okay, that's enough of this bullshit. We will not tolerate this. God, I'm so tired of that fucking music around. Like, why do people keep using that music? It just makes me not want to believe your shit. Do you ever watch the videos by that Aldous Snow guy?
Starting point is 00:08:41 The long-haired dude who's got a bunch like what's his actual russell brand yes yes not too much i kind of got tired of his shtick a little bit but he's on a big full court press and i do like him and i like him mostly because he went from libtard to he took the same journey i did and he's very good he's very articulate and i think he has a pretty good team researching his and he has a few more instagram followers than me three million three million one hundred and ninety seven thousand more are you liking him yeah i watched the video his the other day and i i have a i always get a thrill going through the comments and seeing what people are saying and it was i brought him up because it kind of bounced off of the video you just brought up oh did he talk about that not that in particular but he was talking about vaccines and it reminded
Starting point is 00:09:33 me of a pinned comment that said imagine being rewarded for being a conspiracy theorist and the best thing is that you don't have the risk of mitocarditis right and i i butchered the hell out of the comment but no i got it it had like 20 000 likes which is as many views as a few of mine gets and it was a comment in his video um i i fact checked that one by the way we talked about it the other day and that is true um i don't know what happened to the um i don't know if the guy was actually arrested but 2200 people and the head of that pharmaceutical company uh did inject saline into themselves because they were afraid of the vaccine so all right well now you know saline now you know did you inject saline into yourself who me yeah you no i i would i would i would though like i would to to uh
Starting point is 00:10:27 to avoid it for a good hangover yeah i would did you yeah i wanted to ask your opinion on this yeah how do you feel about alexis's new profile picture there that's cool it's powerful i i knew you'd say that and you can be honest let me know if it's no good either no it's powerful i i knew you'd say that and you can be honest let me know if it's no good either no it's powerful i like it she looks like elvis she looks like a foreigner she uh she is a foreigner oh there you go she's super polish yeah she doesn't even look yeah she doesn't look american at all she looks like uh you know what i mean like she looks as foreign as like elon musk look foreign you just see him and you're like yeah you're not from here that's what i was going for.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I helped her choose it. Yeah, it's good. We put together her first YouTube video today. Katie, secretary of the Air Force, said no longer for shots and said if you were denied a religious exemption, you could reapply. Wow. After they kicked everybody out. Yeah. And now those same recruiters are asking the people
Starting point is 00:11:27 who got kicked out if they want to join the military again and they said no no they're no thank you because they know that shit's gonna happen again okay so tell us so set this up what are we going to your youtube channel to watch this video? Oh, I think it's on both of our YouTubes and Instagrams. Play it off of Hiller's YouTube, though, so they don't get the report. I'm beating them up so far. I think it's got 3,000 on my end. Is there anything you want to set up, or we'll ask you questions afterwards? Oh, Miranda Alcarez, Natty or Not.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And you called her Miranda Oldroid Natty ask you questions afterwards? Oh, Miranda Alcarez Natty or not. And you called her Miranda Oldroyd Natty or not, right? You fucked that up. There was a part. You know how I try to funnel people into the videos? I was going to have it say Miranda Oldroyd just to kind of get some people to go, what is he doing this for? Yeah, I like it. I like it. I just went with the correct name this time.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Okay. And for those of you who don't know, Miranda used to be married to a guy who used to work with Tyson Oldroyd. So everyone knew her as Miranda Oldroyd at the peak of her fame as a CrossFit athlete. And now everyone, she's Miranda Alcarez at the peak of her, with her business acumen, her community building.
Starting point is 00:12:42 It's a cool sign, too. Look at this thing. Check. And that's not her maiden name. She's married to a dude named Julian. Julian. Yeah. Yeah, I met them both for the first time last week or two weekends ago now.
Starting point is 00:12:54 It's been a bit. Okay, I'm excited to see. This is like killing two birds with one stone. I'm getting to, like, fill up some podcast time and watch something that I would have watched even if I wasn't on the podcast. I feel like I'm cheating. I think I'm going to love seeing an immediate reaction from you on some of this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Tyson is now married to Mariah Moore. They're having a baby. Hey, they both traded in for Mexicans. Interesting. Yeah, that is interesting. And Mariah, they are having another baby i think that the timeline was along the same as to me's baby which is the only reason i know that oh yeah and she's close with tia
Starting point is 00:13:35 correct i wonder if her and tyson and shane and tia were fucking in the same room. Paternity test. Some baby batter got swapped. I hear there is a new CrossFit movie coming out. Yeah, Mariah is badass. And I'm going to see if I can get Mariah on before it comes out and maybe give us a sneak peek at it. Ooh, I hope it looks different than last year's, which looks the same as the year before and the year before and the year before. No matter what. This video is Hiller's best yet.
Starting point is 00:14:21 No shit. Hiller didn't make this video. I didn't make this video. I've said in a couple of comments, I did not make this video. I'm an yet. No shit. Hiller didn't make this video. I didn't make this video. I've said it in a couple of comments. I did not make this video. I'm an actor. Alright. Just getting here. My favorite video of Hiller's, but I want a Savon remake somehow.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Well, okay. I'll give you my commentary over it. Okay. Action. Hey. I'm recording you. Just so you know, I've had trouble for that in the past. This is Miranda. Are they here? Are they around?
Starting point is 00:14:49 Where's he at? He's over here. It's all fine. It's good. Okay. I'm Andrew Hiller, and I have a YouTube channel. And the way that that works is I'm a one-man team. Stuff pops up, and then I follow the breadcrumbs.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Andrew Hiller, YouTube. Yo. My name is Andrew Hiller. There's a little bit of collaboration and they let me into street parking, CrossFit, street parking, Miranda. There was a big 2014, 2015 cry for whether or not she was using steroids. I'm really here to figure out the truth. Is she using roids? That's what I'm doing here. Wow. No, but Julian is. And that's fitness freedom. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:24 No, but Julian is. And that's fitness freedom. That's fitness freedom. Oh, man. 60-pound rock. Much preferred over the dumbbells. He's fit as shit, huh? I've got a series on there.
Starting point is 00:15:36 The Natty or Not series. Wait, you think I'm... Not you. Not quite. Wait, Miranda. Right. Oh, so you're here because you want to do an episode on her, or you think she's on roids? Do you know what she does when you're out watching?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Do you ever see any of the isms of Miranda that might make you think? Or because you never think you've never seen them? I mean, it is kind of weird to me how she's always jacked, more jacked than I am, after she just gives birth to our boys. Can you pause this? 69 months and then...
Starting point is 00:16:01 Did you say because you never think you never see them? Just because you've never seen her use it, you're just going to think you never see them just because you've never seen her use it you're just going to think that she's never used steroids before oh i thought you were ripping on his intelligence i thought you were saying or have you never seen them because you never think because you've never seen them like like he doesn't think there's a whole lot of insinuations there that he's overseeing the fact that she's probably using steroids okay i like it let's go boom pre and postpartum she was just always taking pills she would just say i'm taking vitamins i'm taking my zinc and my now that i think about it i could just be a cover-up is
Starting point is 00:16:36 she angry ever you know when she was pregnant how many times she raged on me and yelled at me and she was probably going from that how do you get out of here you know what there was times where she would like pull out her hair and it was like coming out. The androgen receptors, men, they're causing male pattern baldness. Do you have any back acne? All of a sudden it was it popped onto her back there.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And it was a lot. I mean, it came right at you. I would start naming him. You know, this is see a Bruce. I never thought about that that way. So do you know what to look for?
Starting point is 00:17:03 If I show you what she's like, the pantry and stuff, there's signs. It's not as easy as just looking for a needle, but So do you know what to look for if I show you what she's like, the pantry and stuff? There's signs. It's not as easy as just looking for a needle, but there will be things we can look for. It might be hiding in the food. What are these? Lady Mantle. What is Lady Mantle?
Starting point is 00:17:15 Cramp. I've never heard of it. You know, there's passionflower, magnesium, raspberry lemon. Is that krill oil? It's a fish. We're good. Holy basil. Have you ever heard of holy basil? I have not. What makes basil holy? Like, how is that krill oil it's a fish we're good holy basil have you ever heard of holy basil i've not what makes basil holy like how's that even a thing it was blessed by a priest
Starting point is 00:17:31 i thought it was just basil you know the priest who blessed this it's a syringe disposal no that's coffee grounds no it's a need for injection this is for the boys anytime they like they take medicine your boys are wrong what about tinctured tinctured placenta oh my god they talk about this pregnancy boob loop for tough titties tea tree essential oil if you've never heard of these things like what is that it looks like a purple or either that or you know what that is i had no freaking clue what that was not wow we were kind of having fair game at the counter and he goes you don't want to touch that i go what is it and then he goes it's better that you don't know i've since figured it
Starting point is 00:18:10 out i've pieced it together kate gordon introduced me to those i think that thing's for like catching blood that that's instead right that's a period catcher that's yeah it's a menstrual cup wow that's amazing that's when i saw that i fucking died that's amazing. That's when I saw that I fucking died. That's amazing. And all the comments are loving that part. So good. It is eyeball. Could you smell that thing from where you're standing? No.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Okay, that's good. Action. Is there something you can like, maybe you fill it with water and you blow it into your eyeball. Prenatal. Yes. That's like, but you're not even prenatal anymore. Who wraps things like this? This is because they came from overseas this is from that jug she's gonna know her bag right where you found it she's water that was there let me do my thing i'll just check
Starting point is 00:18:53 wait pause this is that jug specially ph water for drinking yeah wow it's super water that's like beth baller it's it was pretty cool. I pulled that out of somewhere else. I brought it with me. Wow. It didn't go well. What do you mean by not well? Well, we were having dinner and I was like, hey, back
Starting point is 00:19:24 in the day, what kind of supplements were you on you know you what the problem is as soon as i said that she looks at me she's like baby she says baby yes yes and so she calls you baby i didn't know how to push after that because it was just like already getting weird and i don't know how i think and i think i can help i think i have something yeah because if I like keep crying I think she might be on to me and I don't um I'd rather not do that to our relationship I think you've done all you can do I appreciate it this is what I'm here for this is what I do I need your printer it Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah. Okay. Hold on. Pause. What about a little music there? I think it's part of the way that they piece these together. So you saw the Bosman one, right?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah. I know they're going for that. Totally. Like, Hey, this is reality show office, but a little music there would have been interesting with that eye contact.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Or it kind of cuts off right there. Yeah. I'll, I'll send Julian a, um, a note. Okay. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Here's you a couple of times. I mean, I think it was like 10 years between the two picks. Okay. Okay. Something like that. They're both you. God,
Starting point is 00:20:43 her tits used to be huge. What kind supplements were you on definitely protein is that protein powder does that count as a supplement probably some fish oil the supplements had the least to do it was like the training volume was high and i was lifting heavy i ate a lot more food also here i mean i'm pregnant in this picture so pre prenatal, probably some iron breastfeeding. So same, same deal. Peptides. Definitely had a spray tan. My hair is fake too. And a bar.
Starting point is 00:21:10 That's a good picture. I was laughing. That is a great picture. So that makes you look more jacked. Deca. Nandrolone. Why are my pants undone in this photo? Yeah, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Not pregnant. And then like really pregnant. Peptides. This is really good lighting. What do you think? What do you think, Ruiz good lighting. Don't you think? Rewind, Roy. Andrew, what do you think? Oh, pause.
Starting point is 00:21:37 What do you think, Andrew? I don't think so. I do not think so. Do you know who her boyfriend was before tyson oldroyd i do think so okay and did you take that into account i did all right fine all right i did uh i went through every single crevice that i could and she was just openly giving me every access to every account and picture you can imagine. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yes. Transparency is the greatest way to trick the investigators. Sure. Yes. I totally do. And do you think that there's any proximity bias? I guess if there were, it'd be hard for me to admit whether or not there was. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:22 You really like them. They're cool. Okay. I do. All right. Hey, I don't think you're on steroids either man that's true that's true uh okay uh final seven seconds right a great video hey when she said andrew what do you think they should have slowed it down so it was like in a really deep voice andrew what do you think there's a couple of bits in there that i thought were really funny but they they spent a lot of time piecing that thing together caleb let's's do a poll. What's the poll? Natty or not.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Natty or not. I got one of those up too. So we'll see if it lines up with mine. With Miranda? Yeah. Oh, wow. Look at you. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I put it up on the trip over there because I kind of knew we were going to be doing that. Why did you go over there? Tell me how that works. How do you end up? I knew we were going to be doing that. Why did you go over there? Tell me how that works. How do you end up?
Starting point is 00:23:30 I got an Instagram message from Julian who asked. I said, sure. That was a week before I booked a ticket to go. I showed up and I didn't sleep. That giant vein in my head, that happens when I'm really low on sleep. At that point, I hadn't gone to in like 40 hours or something like that hey so so isn't that crazy though that means that they have their pulse on the community you don't because you don't know them right i don't it's not like go ahead no mean, it was very sudden. But the way that I've set things up, I can kind of take up offers like that as long as I had noticed them.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Ryan Jackson, video was great. Andrew Hiller, how big is the street parking office? Huge. It looks huge. It's massive. Bury my cock in her. Miranda is natty. She follows ancestral tenants.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Twitter polls don't count. I say not soccer mom. Watching this from Australia and love you sick cunts. Thank you. Vote and like hit. That's always important. How did you end up here i got an anonymous tip oh is that one of your lines in there no oh no i was gonna say i didn't hear that
Starting point is 00:24:53 my listening skills have drastically uh plummeted good it was a little quiet at parts uh ken walters cats trying to vote and see beaver pokes him in the eye she just fucking bit me what are you talking about oh she oh okay um she had she had twins and ate one that's how she got to check i do think that those placenta pills are real though i think she did take her placenta and had it ground down right yeah same dancers wife did too yeah oh fucking a fucking a something i have noticed with some overweight people is that they carry a lot of muscle when they do lose that weight and i'm not saying that she was way overweight but those two pictures and the timeline of which it she developed it makes some sense and believe it or not i've actually had some other people say that they know her i haven't
Starting point is 00:25:44 even told her this yet but there have been people who said, yeah, she's natural. I know what she put into it. And I haven't had anyone reach out on the other side of it saying, I know some stuff. And believe it or not, that is a lot of the times how this works is it's not merely my opinion. It's taking into account what I've gathered from the sources. What? Andrew should be at the... Oh, how do you know it's your placenta?
Starting point is 00:26:10 No, you don't. I mean, unless you never take your eyes off it, you don't. Read the name. Bo... Bo... Boner? Boner. Boner.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Dang. All right, Caleb. I wouldn't have gotten that one how about this harry jaeger jagger jagger harry jagger that one did skew my opinion if you're eating at their dinner table nah yeah definitely it's definitely it's definitely made him biased if tia wanted to change my mind she'd invite me to australia that's all i can say about that oh kenneth i know the placenta shit is real i had all three of my my wife had all three of our babies on the floor in our living room i i i know it's a hundred percent um could you imagine if tia and shane go hey we want want you over. Come in a week. Same exact situation, but it's proven.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Yeah, I'll be there. Never going to happen. Would it be a good idea on their part? I don't know. Hell yeah. I totally think it'd be a great idea on their part. And then would I change my mind? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I'd have to be put through that situation. We talked about that this morning on the podcast. People to lean into shit just lean into shit i did hear you talk with that neck man super neck man yeah what did you think about that guy natty or not not i don't know i don't care how many dinners he gives me hey a guy like that's not trying to say he's Natty either, right? I mean. Did you ask? No.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Well. I'm like, Miranda, are you Natty? Yeah, but that was. So did the liver king, though. That guy was so fucking jacked. Here, Hal Roberts. remember greg saying this many times too glassman said the most jack results from roids on bodybuilding routine roids on crossfit natty on crossfit natty on barbell routine i've read this before where's this from it's just great
Starting point is 00:28:18 greg said that a million times okay uh i agree do Yeah. I mean, what do I know? But sure. Yeah. Yeah. What do I know? Well, the dude this morning said at one point that it only works out three days a week, right? Yeah. That might go with the roids and bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:28:35 It just makes sense. No, sorry. Not three days a week. Three hours a week. Okay. Okay. He's huge. You can never shut my dick off if I'm wrong about his natural
Starting point is 00:28:49 status I don't think for a second he's trying to tell anyone he's natural I don't think so either yeah looks like the liver king but balder which is none of those things are bad by the way
Starting point is 00:29:04 guys being bald me saying that he's on steroids me being wrong he's a cool dude i listened to the whole podcast i liked him uh john anderson yeah yeah it was cool uh 477 mr elon musk mr do you know who that is uh Musk. Do you know who that is? He owns Twitter. You know who that is, Andrew? Yeah. He raced the guy to the moon. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I don't know if that's true, but sure. Speaker McCarthy has held the gavel for less than three months, but by sharing January 6th security footage with Fox News, he's already done more than any party leader in Congress to enable the spread of Donald Trump's big lie. Chuck Schumer. That's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Then Elon Musk's – oh, go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. The U.S. Capitol building. If you've joined us today for the insurrection, please make sure you pick up a promotional leaflet on the way in. Stay inside the safety cordons at all times. And if you get lost, speak to one of our Capitol police officers. They'll be sure to point you in the right direction this is the insurrection people just so you know are they within lanes yeah this is fucking hilarious dude and then i just love what elon. Do you want me to remove this?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Right? You think he's got an option for that on his Twitter feed? As the person who has it, he goes, delete, mass delete for everyone. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Nick Schroeder. Elon Musk is negative cum. Exactly. I agree.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I've heard that one too. Chrisris rock uh caleb you got to watch the chris rock stand-up that's on netflix to understand that negative come yeah he's it's just crazy and obviously uh if i don't know if you guys are watching but there's just so much stuff about the fbi manipulating twitter and that's why elon's saying that do you want me to erase this you brought this up earlier today how the hell does trish know these new words like riz because she's like 20 years old no trish is 65 did she put up a picture it looks just like her today do you know you think that's that's not her do you know what riz is no do you it's like mojo when austin powers used to say it from what i understand at least yeah baby
Starting point is 00:31:26 right yeah baby yeah one's ability to seduce a potential love interest usually female here she comes with the 60 you got the riz uh he messed up but he messed up a few times i thought i thought like he messed up a few times. I thought, I thought like he, he messed up a few times, but nothing bad. I was okay with it. Trish is hot. Trish's Instagram is funny. I really like it. Yeah. I'm surprised it only has 300 followers.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Not for long. Pretty sweet. More than you. 287. Yeah. It should surpass me. Holy shit. Did you see what happened?
Starting point is 00:32:02 Did you see, have you seen, Hey, will you share my Instagram? Yeah see have you seen hey will you share my instagram yeah look at that will you share my instagram account for a second one of you guys that's that really is him you think yeah i do i don't think trish is lying i think that she's just the most spot on what do you want to see here this is the wrong one no yeah go to the seven on rins wow look at that graphic on there did bruce wayne do that that's crazy yeah i did looks awesome yeah yeah you basically type in the whole name to get there now look at see that now i'm gonna show you now i'm gonna show you what i see you guys you you're
Starting point is 00:32:38 not there's a post i made that you can't even see on there. You ready for this? This is going to trip you out, dude. This is going to trip you out. You ready? Thanks, Adam. I'm ready to be tripped out. Look at that Chris Rock post right there. Oh, one comment. I made the comment. I wrote
Starting point is 00:33:04 hello. You're killing it dude no hey so when you pull it up when you put now put now pull up my profile on his so they found a way to block it but i don't even know it's blocked look at that shit damn you got a lot of riz dude maybe too much riz too much riz they're taking your posts down they even blocked your check bark account you got so much riz kelly moore uh keller moore keller moore keller moore there's a lady from back in the day kelly moore who's like one of the best crossfitters alive for a while hillary can you make the no rep open that will consist of the three workouts you made to replace the 2023 open workouts i've thought about it just making a leaderboard that's what kenya's been saying kenya clark you pulled that comment up earlier i mean i'll just
Starting point is 00:33:56 make a leaderboard and i'll put them on the same way the open was put on where would you do that maybe like a competition corner or i can use lotify i got access to lotify uh very much the way it's supposed to be run it'd be run and i don't know like democracy was a buzzword that's going to drive people nuts but essentially you look at the videos and if they're voted negative more than positive they get washed off the leaderboard and everyone's got to submit a video it's pretty easy you think that's the way they should do it absolutely oh i don't know i don't know i don't know if you could be that um well all right how about if you're in the top hundred you gotta submit a video and if you're going to participate in this one you were just it's uh yeah but you should i agree
Starting point is 00:34:45 i agree but you don't let people vote you off people will just vote vote people will just well here's the thing dude did you think about this they have i don't know a thousand two thousand five thousand people take the judges scores for 10 bucks a pop you think that people are going to take that in the masses just to mess with people's scores well how about if you get like more than uh 300 down thumbs that crossword automatically goes and looks at it that's good yeah good but they don't do that either yeah i know i know just some sort of alarm that's what i'm saying just some sort of like but but not but like because then we could just start a campaign and knock someone off the top yeah that's not really cool either i haven't looked that far into it it It was a 30-second thought bubble of mine.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah, cool. Then I just want to amend it a little bit and just say enough thumbs down and CrossFit will automatically look at it. Congrats, Devon. You did it. I think I know what you mean. Thank you. What'd you do? Just fucking getting some of this kind of censorship is just fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And you know what's crazy is a couple years ago I told people I was being shadow banned and the people would say i was a conspiracy theorist oh they're like what does shadow ban mean even still to this day i get dms were like holy shit shadow bans real i can't find you it's like dude what fucking planet did you just come off i mean you just had to type your name in and i had to type in most of it to get there even that in itself is annoying what's crazy is i'm still putting on followers 8,912 yeah it's right here i don't know why look there it is 8,912 how are these doing how you're real how many views they get okay now look now look go back to the post go back to the post see that now look at bam we're live not not there click on it oh you don't want to get this show taken
Starting point is 00:36:29 you're not working careful hey i it's been at um i wonder if i tried boosting it what would happen it's fucking been stuck at 15 plays too. I just, it's fucking crazy. Well, because no one can see it. We established that. I have a question. Have you put this up yet for everyone to see on here?
Starting point is 00:36:55 That's somewhere. Oh, you mean on this show? Have you talked about it? No, no, no. I seriously think you've got 350 in the tank. Hey, do you know what's crazy though? I put, oh, you know what's crazy? People crazy people are like hey dude your leggings aren't tight enough but you assholes i'm fucking 50 those are long johns those are i don't wear fucking leggings holy hell
Starting point is 00:37:15 i wear fucking long johns look at the speed and it's double overhand do you hook rip this uh i don't know if i hook it looked like i was do you typically hook grip those i don't even know i don't even know dude i don't even know how is the back get with the programming wants to know it didn't hurt at all but you know what happened um hillar so the other day i built a i built a i put that that much weight like 12 inches off the ground and it didn't move it didn't fucking move i'm like, what the fuck? I was like,
Starting point is 00:37:47 okay, I'm going to load. I'm going to, if Hiller thinks I could do three 50, I'm going to start 12 inches off the ground. I'm going to see if I can just pick up. It was like four days after that attempt, maybe five.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah. Or four hours. Yeah. You probably, you got to get it maybe eight to 10 days, but I took two scoops of NO Explode. Shut the fuck up. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You're a 150-pound man. You wouldn't survive that. What is this? Personally, I don't like guys in tights. Yeah, I was in my garage. It's fucking freezing in there. And I just went out there. I work out my long johns in the winter now.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I'm old. Define freezing for a Californian. I do think it was 43 degrees. I do think it was the NL Explode, to be honest with you. And here's the crazy part. That afternoon, I went out. I didn't eat anything all morning. I went to a Mexican restaurant.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I had fucking four margaritas strong ones spicy watermelon margaritas and just a big bowl of fucking chopped steak huge bowl i came home and i had to go out again that night so to get sober i rode the assault bike for 20 minutes and then started heavy deadlifting i was fucked up i was drunk there i didn't really know where you were going with that you were talking about the food you were eating But it was more that you were kind of drunk But then you pulled the deadlift I was wasted when I deadlifted right then
Starting point is 00:39:11 Great story So that's why you don't remember whether or not you hooked Lucky Camera Straps Australia Let's all jump over the comment on that post You can't comment on it You can't even find the post That's the issue What if we
Starting point is 00:39:25 share a link to it wow okay that's a that's an incredible experiment this is the best the show has ever been this is the best uh podcast we've ever done with that idea just taking us to the next dude that's a fucking brilliant idea okay okay guys here we go i'm putting the can i just put the link in the comments, Caleb? Yeah. That's a live link? Yeah, it should work. Let's find out. Yeah, someone see if they can hit that link and go over and see that.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Dude, I'm tripping. This is going to be cool. What is this? Oh, shit. Why? Oh, shit. Probably because it's on Netflix. Oh, can we – is this you, Caleb? Yeah, shit. Why? Oh, shit. Probably because it's on Netflix. Oh, can we... Is this you, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:40:09 Yeah, it's me. Oh, a legal request. You should try to just repost it right now and see how many... You should take it, repost it right now and have us all just blast it. So... God, that's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I've never seen it before. Caller, hi. Sevan, it's Phillip Kelly. Phillip, what's up, brother? So I saw when you posted that Chris Rock video the other night. Okay. And I liked it immediately. And when I would like it, the red heart would disappear. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And so I screen recorded it and I texted it to you. You did? Yeah, I screen recorded it the other night. And then it's so, I just did it because I just was thinking that's so weird. Oh, you just, you just. And now you're talking about it. You just.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Now you're talking about it. And I was like, shit, I should text him that screen recording that I did. Oh yeah, okay. Yeah, so. There you go. Oh yeah, I see. He's in shadow band again.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Yeah, I see you liking it yeah i saw that yeah the fascinating yeah okay yeah send that in to your yeah what's up how do you feel about kalipa i i i'm curious i don't know what this is about who's asking that will brandstetter why what happened did you go on his did you go on his podcast and fight oh no they know everybody thinks that uh because i called in when he was on that they think i hate the guy i don't hate him i just wanted to i i was expecting more and i feel like he danced around my questions of dude how about what tom gearan called and asked rich froning the same fucking
Starting point is 00:41:45 question i'm no one's gonna come on my fucking podcast no i see people wanted me to call in when froning was on but in my opinion what do you think people wanted you to call in you heard like people were like texting on side call call in and ask rich the same question yeah trust me it's nothing sacrilege you fucking people no here's, here's the thing. They don't understand. There are two different stories there. What Kalipa did and what Froning did, they're not the same. They're to different degrees, right? They're to different degrees.
Starting point is 00:42:19 But kind of they had the same answer. They had the same answer, right, Philip? That it was the straw that broke the camel's back? Yes, but Froning answered more than Kalipa did. Kalipa did say that it was like the last straw for him. But he also at the time made a post that said he wasn't going to stand beside supporting racism, injustices, all these other things. Froning just posted a video and said that they didn't support the current leadership at the time. He didn't say anything about racism as far as I could find. Right. Um, and so I just, and he never de-affiliated.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I just feel like you can't compare the two in the same sense. And now, and okay, I'm just going to say it now that Kalipa is coming back. And he said this on your podcast too. The first thing that he said was that this is about business. And to me, I mean, I get what he's saying, but also at the same time, I'm like, okay, but there's more to a CrossFit gym than just a business. Well, it's funny you say that. So I do think that I do, I don't know enough about NC fit fit but i do think that people like
Starting point is 00:43:26 miranda the origins of crossfit and what rich froning are doing are value-based businesses like obviously forward-facing like these are they wear their values straight up at the front and i do think that like kalipa is like he has um um i do think that kalipa is like like he's he did him and that guy from brick they did business seminars right and so i think a lot of his stuff is more business oriented that's not to say that they don't have values and community and see fit but it doesn't seem to be like what they wear on their uh on their chest you know superman i agree i think kalipa is a very handsome man what they were fronion is sexy but kalip on their chest you know superman i agree i think khalif is a very handsome man what the way fronion is sexy but khalif is you know you know what probably too and honestly do
Starting point is 00:44:09 like like i said when i called in i used to look up to khalif so much like i thought like just from what i would see i took that i thought man that's a that's a good dude you know like um this family guy all around probably that one um that's where i just kind of was like, damn, like I, for my own, just me personally, I was just kind of let down by the behavior. That's not to say he, of course he can do whatever he wants with his gym and his business. It's his thing. Go for it. You know what I mean? But I just, I, people wanted me to call him on Froney and dude, when, when, what's his name call him on Brony and dude, when, um,
Starting point is 00:44:45 when what's his name called in my butt cheeks were so tight. I was like, what is he going to say? I was ready for you to hang up on him. You guys both did a great job. I love Tom. He handled it. Great.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I just have tight stuff on the butt cheeks were mine. We're very tight. I okay. Wads on before 99. I can't believe I'm late Hiller. That Miranda video was gold. Really? I was uncomfortable watching it the whole time.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I'm going to give it a five out of 10. An F. Oh my goodness. Get it. Oh my goodness. I told you, I don't know the audience, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I don't know. You know what you gotta do. Phillip. Yeah. You weren't uncomfortable watching that video with Hiller and Julian and Miranda. No, I thought it was great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:26 I was uncomfortable. I liked the end part with Miranda. I thought that was good. Yeah, they're awesome too. Miranda's awesome. Julian's awesome. But it just made me uncomfortable. That's good.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Good to be uncomfortable. Fine. Good point. Rich's, Seve's, Cash Cow can't go at the big dog. You're not the only person who said that to me. What do you think? You think that that was good? I did not think that was good.
Starting point is 00:45:53 What do you guys think that was good about it? The pussy cup was cool, and at the end, looking at Miranda's body was cool. That was it. Do you like The Office? I've never seen The office except in little clips you haven't seen it yeah you haven't seen it i mean i just know from the clips yeah i'd be curious because if you didn't like the office you probably didn't like it's a super dry
Starting point is 00:46:13 sense of humor i think i like dry sense of humor i like the adrian one i like the adrian one a lot i wasn't coming to nominate there's me then You just don't like me. That's cool. Just saying. I'm right here. All right. I got to go, guys. Okay, bye. Bye, Phil. Kenneth DeLapp, the Phil Toon vlog is better. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I think steroid talk just makes you uncomfortable. How the fuck did Phil Toon look you in the eyes and tell you he's natural? Same way Liver King did it a thousand times, I'm sure. Barry McCock... Have you seen that dude recently? Liver King? Yeah. Tell me, let's do it. Barry McCock in her Hiller video
Starting point is 00:46:54 was 1,000 times better than he... Wow. Barry wants to fucking blow you. He loves you. Mine was... Oh, cool. Hiller should have faxes sent from Seve in the future to current seve on the show like the office somebody okay what's going on what's he looks great what what don't you like
Starting point is 00:47:13 yeah that looks like someone who hasn't taken steroids in 69 days i hey dude god you know who he looks like right there you guys aren't going to know there's a guy named jordan gravat who used to work at crossfit he looks just like jordan right there um i i don't know why do you think what do you think what do you think should happen to him after 69 days well we should ask gary he looked uh gary who, California Hormones, three days ago on the show, Gary. Gary Roberts. Gary. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Going to Batman, Gary. Hey, so go back. So he does look smaller, doesn't he? He was looking huge for a while. The thing is, when you come off of testosterone and possibly a whole bunch of other crap, you will be less inflamed, which might give you this peeled look that he's got. He looks shredded and he looks a little smaller.
Starting point is 00:48:11 He must be paranoid as fuck about what he's eating. And he is doing blood work. And I'm super curious to see what he reveals in that blood work, because there's been, and this is a different world than the one that you're familiar with, but's something that i keep up with with the derrick more plates for dates channel and there's things to look for in the blood work that he might not be showing and i'd be curious if he's going to give every bit of it if you were to ask me i would say he's not natural at this point um uh bro he sleeps on wood pallets bro that gives him those veins bro hey bro uh
Starting point is 00:48:47 listen bro it's only been 69 oh 69 it's only been 69 days bro nice yeah and i mean anything's possible i mean i've never eaten that much liver uh a guy named barry my cock in her says people who believe liver king needs some help i would like to be proven wrong but it will take some convincing the blood work will do that the story continues exactly why you're doing a good job the story continues like yeah that's true why keep lying patrick clark he's just using something else yeah he's on well the CrossFit Games athletes. Hey, don't trust anyone.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Trust is a ridiculous idea. Just do your best. Trust is a ridiculous idea. Remember, you don't want to lie because it puts prison walls around you. That's the only thing you need to worry about. That's what you talked about on Zach the other day, yesterday. There you go. He's leaving from his prison.
Starting point is 00:49:47 But for sure, a doctor has his total hollering around. Oh, so extra sloppy thinks he's still taking TRT. That wouldn't fit the prescription he's been pushing himself as taking, which is nothing. Nothing! Oh, Barry, I trust you trust you savon i can't oh this is how i always go about it if you don't lie you'd never have to remember anything you just keep talking chris must have to remember a lot then boom damn or she doesn't okay i, I'm going to give you guys a test.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Number one here. I want you to guess. Is this a Republican? Sorry? Number one? Number one. Holy shit. I know, crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:50:37 I know I filled in like the first 14. Sorry, Caleb. I'm really throwing you off today. What are we doing? Number one. Oh, we're going to the beginning. Number one. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Now, listen. Now, I want you to guess, is this lady in the white with the purple hair a Republican or a Democrat? You will get to decide, Mr. Hiller. Wait, hold on before we start. Barry McCaulkin or Caleb's fun to stay. Just got my CEO flag. Oh, that's awesome. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I can't wait to respond. Wad Zombie sent me a fucking bidet. No way. Yeah, I'll bring it in here in the next show. Okay. I have a crazy story about a bidet. Okay, great. Let's watch this.
Starting point is 00:51:16 This is Portland. I told you fucking Portland's a theme. Look at this. This is Portland. Here we go. So take everything out of your bag and put it on there now and get out. Seriously. Everything. Don't tell me to calm down.
Starting point is 00:51:36 You have anything in your bag, in your purse. You have nothing like those. Look at all that shit she stole. Just dump it out. Are you joking? I have stuff in there too. Your whole purse is full of this stuff. You think I wasn't going to...
Starting point is 00:51:58 Okay, pause this. So the lady in the pink hair got caught stealing and she's like, and the store worker's like, hey, dump your shit out. And she's like, I can't. There's my own personal belongings in there, too. Now watch. Let's go on. This is great.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah, her legs are. Wait, hold on. Hold on. Jethro, her legs are a 10, but her mask makes her a negative 10. Amen, brother. Amen. Whatever they say. Whatever the Christians say that.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Okay, here we go. You touched your foot. You just ripped my jacket. No. Stop. Oh, my God. You off me. the christians say that okay here we go she doesn't even have a salt shaker in her hand why does she keep saying you're salting me why would she salt her dude she's like assaulting oh assaulting okay i was confused all right i thought she was salting her. Why would she salt her? Dude, she's like us salting. Oh, us salting. Okay, I was confused. I thought she was salting her like she was going to eat her. Okay. Wait, Trish says that it's a salt. Trish is a snail.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Oops, that's a salt. No, us, no salting. You and Trish have it wrong. Go on. She's salting her. It's what you do to snails if you want to kill them. You salt them. Oh my god, you took salt them. It gets better. Stop.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Get out. Watch this. Don't hurt me. Call the police. Instead of recording me, call the police. Dump it out right now. I'm not letting go. I'm not letting go. Dump it out right now. I will. I'm not letting go.
Starting point is 00:53:25 I will pour it out. I'm not letting go. Dump it out. I'm dumping it out. How is this America? Look at. And now, pause this. That bitch is tripping because now some of her personal belongings are on the floor mixed with all this stolen shit.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Listen, you need two separate bags. You need the bag with your shit in it. now some of her personal belongings are on the floor mixed with all the stolen shit listen you need two separate bags you need the bag with your shit in it and the bag with the stolen shit she's beans oh god does this happen regularly and i just dude they shut they shut six fucking walmart's down in the last two months in port because of this. They can't keep them fucking open because the fucking Democrats are not enforcing laws because the cops are terrified. Is that the end of it or is there more? I think that's the end.
Starting point is 00:54:14 We'll play a few more seconds. I think that's the end of it. Now this is better than that Hiller video. Yeah, you know what else is on a place? Damn. That's like when your dog has something they shouldn't have in their mouth and you're trying to get it out of their mouth. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Look at Christine Young even though. Seriously, bring an empty bag. You know what I like about Portland too? It's all white people. It gives black people a break. Why do they have to be either a Republican or a Democrat? Why can't that just be a piece of crap human being could you're absolutely right they could i don't know i don't really look at people and put those stamps on them i'm just like you're the worst yeah well i'm gonna tell
Starting point is 00:54:56 you there that chick was a democrat i'm just telling you i know i told you my story about office depot right how i screamed at that woman for stepping on my posters damn savvy uh uh you didn't tell me tell me i forget oh yeah yeah tell me that story again that was yeah yeah office depot i got these posters made up here and i wanted to make oh it was those yeah so i got they're huge like the freaking flag is it's three feet tall and they're two feet wide whatever they're big this office depot had three people in it, myself and two employees. And earlier that day, I went in there to get these things laminated because I want to make sure that they don't get destroyed. And I came back four or five
Starting point is 00:55:34 hours later and it's myself, the person I dropped them off with, and then the person at the cash register. So I go pick up the posters. I walked to get something to stick them to the wall and I got to buy those at checkout. And I have you on the phone. I had you on the phone. I was talking to you and I was trying to put my credit card into the freaking thing to pay for the sticker things. And so I had to put those on the ground. So I only have two hands. And in the 15 seconds that that had happened, I hear someone behind me go, Oh, and I go, Oh oh i look back and it was carpet and mind you there are now four people in the store and it's freaking 80 000 square feet yeah yeah and she goes whose posters are these some woman slips on these posters does like a banana peel how old
Starting point is 00:56:19 30 at oldest what shape is she like an apple or a carrot an apple okay all right and she goes who's are these and i'm on the phone with you and i i told you i can do it i gotta go so i hang up i realized what was happening and i go those are mine and she goes you almost killed me fuck off and and i go if me putting my posters on the floor almost endangered your being, then we've got bigger issues here. And then she goes, you're an asshole. I was like,
Starting point is 00:56:52 that's all I got to say here. I picked up my posters. I picked up my little sticker things and I left. Hey, you should have been like, Hey, you fucked up my posters. Hey,
Starting point is 00:57:02 let me ask you this. If she would have been 40, would you have had a little more compassion for her? I have this thing about people not being aware of their surroundings and being on their phones. Okay. How about 50? It depends. Do they have a walker? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Okay. How about 60? I don't think that there's any point. Oh, 60 is probably a cutoff point yeah you're right there is a point of no return there because here's the thing you're fucking 30 there's like if if two posters at fucking office depot at 30 fucking kill you you got major problems if it's 70 four posts sorry for oh four posters are very dangerous dude dude gray carpet the rocks face on the floor.
Starting point is 00:57:46 You're going to step on that thing and slide and blame me for almost killing you? And to be honest, I believe I left out the initial point, which is, what are those on the floor? And I go, why did you step on my posters? And then the second comment was, if that's going to endanger your life, then we've got bigger issues here.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I came home and i told alexis and i was like i wish i would have said more what yeah what if you would have been like hey yo i was the one who was in danger what if you fell on top of me she was too far away and too short for it to have caused a see unlike her i'm on i'm indestructible you can run me over the bus and i wouldn't blame the bus driver. I was in the middle of the road. I shouldn't have been there. There. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Okay, so Hiller says there's no place for politics in judging people whether they're a Democrat or a Republican. It's just the pink-haired lady shouldn't have been stealing. Is that a fair assessment? Right. I put her in the same camp as Office Depot woman. You're just not the best person on the planet okay take some personal accountability don't steal from walmart okay fine okay and who knows what political party i i i give you the floor on that one and you're probably right okay i i you're you're no you're right but you're you're
Starting point is 00:59:02 hopping out this is i know i don't think it is don't i don't i don't think it is i don't think it is i'm not going to talk bad behind your back later to caleb remind me to tell you i don't want to be a little baby not giving out my opinions i just don't know so i can't no you're not you're not oh okay fair enough yeah yeah but she was a democrat thank you thank. Thank you. Right, Doug. Thank you, Doug. So, Doug, you chip in on any – no, Hiller has transcended the pills. He's transcended the pills. You mean I'm not a pickup artist, a PUA? I haven't read the game by Neil Strauss.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Are you kidding me? Unfortunately, Philip Kelly is right. They're both Dems. I know. They fucking ruin – everyone's ruining my fucking bit. I'm a Dem? No. The tall lady with the nice legs and the fucking purple pink-haired lady.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I've never said that. It made me feel uncomfortable. I am a Dem. Okay. Let's go to number two. This one you can play like four times in a row this one's this one's good uh someone wanted me to talk about more about parents and schooling um this one's interesting did you like that little red pill bit i threw in there about the puas yes that's what uh froning used to wear the puas right no it's a pickup artist it's a
Starting point is 01:00:21 acronym for pickup artist oh i thought it was those shells uh that's a puka oh and that was a zach t lender bit from yesterday oh all right over my pay more attention than you do it's okay well there's just shit that i just don't know i read that book shit i don't know by savon matosian oh shit i don't know by seven maybe i should write a book called that damn if you did everything you had an idea for you'd be a billionaire shit i don't know okay okay here we go action but school underperforms they get shut down but when a public school underperforms they get more money if a private school underperforms they get shut down but when a public school underperforms, they get more money. If a private school underperforms, they get shut down. But when a public school underperforms, they get more money.
Starting point is 01:01:10 If a private school underperforms, they get shut down. But when a public school underperforms, they get more money. You guys get it? You get it? Yeah, my private school was almost shut down. It was? No, I was making a joke, but I do get it. It's kind of ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:01:29 It's stupid, right? That's why you need free markets, man. Free fucking markets make the world a better place. And equity, by the way, equality produces free markets. Equity does not produce free markets. Holy shit, are you fucking hillar's video is better than boz's you guys are out of your fucking mind all right all right hey can we do it i'm going to use the bathroom can we
Starting point is 01:01:58 how's that can we do another poll caleb hillar's or Hillary? Yeah. Okay. Oh, okay. Hillary, talk. I need to go for a minute. I'm pissed. I'm leaving for a minute. Caleb, what do you want to talk about when he's got a pee? I can bring up these poll numbers. Damn. This is the final, I think.
Starting point is 01:02:18 I'll just call it the final for now. How many votes did you get? 194. That's good. 194, yeah. Not bad. So the majority of our audience. When you look at those numbers,
Starting point is 01:02:28 do you think how cool it is that that many people already responded to your poll? 195 now. Yeah, it's pretty wild. It was like instantaneous. Where are my numbers? Here we go. Oh, wait. It's on the wrong freaking screen. My bad.
Starting point is 01:02:43 It's on the wrong screen. I got to share a different screen. We're on the liver king now. Share screen. This guy. This one? There it is. And there are my numbers. 55% said Natty. No shit. And actually, it's 100,000 subscribers.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Probably because he came on the podcast. Oh, no shit. Yeah, that's dope. You ever look at these? Your recent subscribers? Who recently jumped aboard? Yeah, I've gotten some good ones, I think. Corbano, you just subscribed?
Starting point is 01:03:16 No. I was going to say, I was going to kill him. Corbano. I've known that guy forever. Corbano is one of the first people who ever gave me a hard time on the internet how do you piss that quick i um uh he learned from john dude are you kidding me yes today i went fucking uh i just peed outside my door but i don't have a 70 year old lady are you kidding me i've been on a roll not peeing it's the middle
Starting point is 01:03:43 of the it's it's seven o'clock at night here it's my fasting day drinking fucking water like it's my job did you ever look at that video i showed you of the incident at the place i went to school for college set on the the the woman who i'm just gonna pull it. Yeah, you would have to refresh me. Yeah, I think here we go. It's on TikTok, of course. All right. No, I haven't seen this. Faculty, staff, and alumni.
Starting point is 01:04:12 I'm Angel Tovar, the victim of the hate crime that happened in Raw Hall on February 6th. For those of you who aren't aware of what happened, I walked into my room and saw a note on my floor that said, F*** you, n***a. F*** you what? I haven't been able to sleep as I wake up multiple times a night. I walked into my room and saw a note on my floor that said, fuck you. Fuck you. What? I haven't been able to sleep as I wake up multiple times a night. Said, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I haven't been able to sleep as I wake up multiple times a night, shaking with my heart racing. I haven't been able to eat properly and I'm not able to focus in my classes due to this racial incident and traumatic this is pretty long so tell me whenever you're done with it yeah uh um i'm trying to think of like what i'm trying to think like uh that would fuck me up too if someone if someone did that to me too right like if i was her like i would be fucked up too someone did no you wouldn't be no well it depends right so i had my car stolen out of my driveway remember yeah and when they got when i got it back i was informed
Starting point is 01:05:13 by the police that they had a bunch of ak-47s and like a tommy gun in there or something and i go those people were in my driveway yeah it was kind of unnerving yeah let's say the least so we've since upped the security a bit oh look at look at victorio just juicy smollett interesting i don't know i thought maybe i just want to hear your take on that because i actually got an email from my college i haven't i mean i graduated in 2020 oh it's that doesn't warrant in a fucking email 2014 2012 that doesn't no that doesn't hey dude so i got an email that said just so everybody knows it reminded me of the time where everybody was putting out the black screens and that we don't stand with this we're out but i was i was just thinking interesting my college is doing this
Starting point is 01:06:05 and it's still happening just somewhere else yeah i don't know i don't think i don't think that deserves an email to um it's unfortunate but it's not it's not it's i don't it's it's not cool people shouldn't do that to people no people should not do that to people someone shouldn't post some someone shouldn't slide something under her her uh her um door that says you're a fucking fat bitch try eating less either right there's there's no reason to fucking be mean to people but i don't think you send that out to all the fucking alumni it's it's fucking crazy well that made me aware that it brought more attention to it was what it did it didn't shut it out which i guess i don't know maybe they wanted to bring attention to it uh this right arturo the um i i had white seats but the last time your mom was in there
Starting point is 01:06:58 she stained the passenger seat so now it's spotted red and white but but uh that's the that that's the, the, that's the interior of my Bugatti. I don't want to tell you the exterior cause then you'd be able to pick me out of the crowd. I've been in your Bugatti. It's nice. Thank you. I've even messed it up a bit, but it's still nice. I, uh, uh, did you, did any of you watch the power slap? No.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Is it, where do you watch that? Do you have to pay for that? I want to watch that. Power slap. Oh, okay. This is okay. Let me ask you this Hiller. Thank you, that? Do you have to pay for that? I want to watch that. Power slap. Oh, okay. This is okay. Let me ask you this, Hiller. Thank you, Kate.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Thank you. What's worse, stealing pink head or asshole who left the note? Ooh, ooh. I think, ooh, ooh, God. I like to do this on a zero to 100 scale. And you know what the person who wrote the note is much worse than the stealing pink head and it got it got it escalated i don't even think it's closed the other way so i can't wait to hear this the stealing pink head starts off it's bad like 70 out of 100
Starting point is 01:08:01 like you shouldn't do that and you know it and it slowly climbs to be about a 95 out of a hundred, like you shouldn't do that. And you know it, and it slowly climbs to be about a 95 out of a hundred. But I just don't think that there's any instance where you do that to someone just because you don't like them for no reason. And you're also a coward. When you do that, you throw it under the door. Like you don't even give them the, Oh,
Starting point is 01:08:18 you're a fucking pussy. Hey, asshole. That's not a total coward. I agree. Here's the thing. That person, that person who's stealing a stealing human energy from all of us. And we work and our money is the equivalent to our time and our human energy. And I don't want to tell you i look at that fucking girl who said that and i wonder what she did earlier in the day to fuck with someone that
Starting point is 01:08:48 got someone to say that and also how do i are we assuming that the person who gave that is white black is she is she in a she i mean she looks like i'm guessing she's in a fucking dormitory that's all black people and they don't let white people in there. Not just because that seems to be the fucking way shit goes these days. And, and, and do they, and do they have cameras in those hallways and why don't they check? I just,
Starting point is 01:09:11 I went to the back end of the five minute video, how she wanted them implemented. Yeah. I mean, I, I don't think that they should have cameras, but I think I'm the opposite of Hiller. I think stealing is just,
Starting point is 01:09:20 uh, it's sticks and stones will break. Don't get me wrong. I think it's fucking despicable to do that, but Hey, I don't think it's any worse if calling her what they called her versus calling her a fat cow i don't i i just well here you got sons leaving a threatening leaving a threatening note is wrong but how is that racist well what if your son stole something versus your son did that to somebody like wrote a note and ran away i don't i don't i don't know what oh i would be pissed but but i don't know what mad marvis which is worse
Starting point is 01:09:51 i do think that that note does if i was a black person and someone left that to me i would think that it implied violence i would not like that that would fucking rock me i think that that note does imply violence i'll tell you that i do not not like the note. Don't get it twisted. So have you swung? Is it worse now than stealing or no? It's gross. The note is really gross. Say that again.
Starting point is 01:10:12 You said that stealing was worse, though. You asked me which one is worse. I just think, yeah, I think stealing is worse. But if I saw the, I need to see, I don't know anything about the note. Well, we're saying this, the person's a coward. For sure. So again, I ask you the question yeah one of the three the three playing brothers you catch them i would fuck someone up if they if i heard my kids use that word i would fuck them up there would be there would be bad repercussions that's worse and that i was that i would be so in so much trouble as a kid if i ever said that word. I would be toast.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Right. Agreed. I couldn't even swear. It's an off-limits word. Oh, Sevan, would you call the cops if your feelings were hurt? No. And there we go. I mean, it implies violence based on race, hence racist. Unless, what if a black person dropped it off to her what if she wrote it to herself well i mean there's all that that's some stuff i'd hear alexis say she doesn't believe anything she'd be like wait a minute where did that note come from she probably wrote it to herself and i'd be like wait there's no way and then did that note come from? She probably wrote it to herself. And I'd be like, wait, there's no way.
Starting point is 01:11:25 And then a month later, you find out that she wrote it to herself. And I go, how do you always know these things? I think no matter what the note says, if it incites violence, which I don't think it incited violence. I just think that if I received it, I would feel like that person's look at look at Caleb just fucking with the visuals. This is great. Speaking of violence, this is me, homie. Boom. That's hilarious. Hey of violence, this is me, homie. Boom.
Starting point is 01:11:47 That's hilarious. Hey, I can't wait till... Is there a women's class and a men's class? This is good. Because I can't wait till a fucking man enters the women's fucking slap comp. Look at that bar he's holding behind his back. I don't know any of the rules here, but I like that standard.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Yeah, it's a great standard. What if CrossFit had those for the Open open look at the tape he's got i'm pausing the crap out of it just so everybody knows because i don't know what the laws are on slap fighting pow oh he punches him in the eyeball i think you put the tape in their ear so that they're they don't like rupture their eardrum oh my god that's an interesting league that there's an ass slap league that would be fucking awesome slow motion on the ass slap league is this the final like knockout slap sponsored by monster hey we have things in common with this don't lie don't lie about what what are you talking about don't lie save on careful mark arturo arturo the uh could you imagine a crossfit games event where you have a field of people let's
Starting point is 01:12:54 say it's 20 and it's just sumo wrestling or something you just have to push each other out of a circle it's very much like that thing that hunter had won the the ultimate whatever the show steve austin stone cold ranch remember there there was a wrestling bit you just had to throw Much like that thing that Hunter had won, the ultimate whatever. The show, Steve Austin's Stone Cold Ranch. Remember, there was a wrestling bit. You just had to throw them out of the circle. And imagine you've got 16 of the fittest dudes on earth and chicks on earth, and you just freaking bracket them into the finals. And it'd be where you'd get knocked out.
Starting point is 01:13:20 That's where you finish. And I don't think there's a sport much more fitness requiring than pushing another person around you would you would accept that in the games hell yeah wow interesting that goes into the bucket of i think that crossfit should have a super bowl commercial it would just be great like watch these fit people like push each other around chandler smith has a natural upper hand but because he's a wrestler well how about madaris madaris to wrestle there's the final could you imagine it hey dude
Starting point is 01:13:50 in colton mertens i bet you look at james eyeballs he's loving it hey oh i don't know if i like hey do you think this was the worst open ever in the history of crossfit overall everything programming the way that— And potentially even a bit better than last year. Okay. I've been beat up a couple times to the point where I got a little bit of context. What if that note was N-I-double-G-A? What was the first thing that it said? What if that note—I'm assuming that it was N-I-double-g-a what was the first thing that it said what if that note what i'm
Starting point is 01:14:26 assuming that it was n-i-g-g-e-r what if it was spelled n-i-g-g-a then i would say then i would say it's definitely was not uh uh invoking uh wasn't would not be threatening maybe it was like from an illiterate person. You got the wrong door, dude. I didn't even really think too much about the context to that note. Can we talk about potential? No, we cannot. We can't. That's for Thursday. I talk about them after they've been released.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Yeah. Watch that hard R. Yeah, exactly. There's another tick tock that there's a, there's a black dude who's saying movie names and he's just hard. Are in the end of every single one. And the first comment that's pinned, it's got 80,000 likes on it goes, he's abusing his power. Oh, and it was just all in good fun i was like geez careful
Starting point is 01:15:28 chris rock chris rock uses the word liberally liberally have you heard of the fitness 100 show on netflix oh yeah i have heard of it i heard a crossfitter one yeah i don't really know too much about it but i've heard the events are awesome. Caleb, have you seen it? Seen like clips of it. I couldn't tell you exactly what's going on. Is there a trailer? Oh, we can't watch it anyway. They'll fuck us for the trailer too.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Well, we can watch it. We can watch it. They can't watch it. We can react to it. That's a YouTube thing, reacting to that. But one of the events I know or I was informed of, I think Julian told me, there's a track and they have people starting on different corners
Starting point is 01:16:10 of the track and it's tagged. The only way you win is by running in one direction and you've got to tag the person in front of you. Last man standing wins. Oh, shit. Isn't that terrible? It reminded me of a Hinsh shot workout of the games.
Starting point is 01:16:26 And this is where the thought came from, like wrestling bracket and style would be cool. But I also thought that his 200 meter elimination CrossFit games workout would be cool. Mass start, everyone goes. I agree. All mass. I'm game for all mass starts.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Why? Kenneth DeLapp, how many times are you going to mention Chris Rock? I don't know. A hundred more times? Hey, I love mass starts. Hey, Caleb, can you pull that up just on YouTube? Put Netflix. What's it called?
Starting point is 01:16:53 The 100 Fittest? Physical 100. Physical 100. Yeah, and see if there's like some clips on YouTube we can just like look at like six seconds. Why do you like mass starts? I think it's just fun. I like all the workouts where the dudes and the chicks all go think it's just fun I like all the workouts where the dudes
Starting point is 01:17:06 and the in the in the in the chicks all go at the same time I like all that I like I like workouts where I can just see the level playing field I'm not every workout but one or two in every games I
Starting point is 01:17:16 like the pushing in the shoving I like the jockeying for position I you know that like the transformer sounds that inevitably come in the documentaries when they have those moments oh yeah each other over so these people are just this is a hanging you can hang any way you want i've heard about this one terrible reminds me of soldier with Kurt Russell.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Wasn't there a guy in the... These people are all Asian. It's just all Asian people? I believe so. Oh no, there was a black dude. Can't you be Asian and black? That is a great question clip that
Starting point is 01:18:07 I've had a couple Blazion friends there you go Blazion that's what he called himself now we know where Caleb was stationed hey the footage is fucking the footage is great it is great
Starting point is 01:18:23 maybe this is i'm gonna go make youtube videos on this oh shit she fucked him up that's cool he's got great hair oh it was it was uh it was korean only here's the thing you you think that there can be a black ablation but if like someone is like five percent black and they're white we call them a black person but if they're black and as, you call them Blasian. Then we need one for like Obama needs his own then. He can't be black then. He's got to be like.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Hawaiian. Isn't he from Jamaica? No, Kenyan. Kenyan and white. Kenyan and Hawaiian. Quite. Come on. Hiller is so quick.
Starting point is 01:19:08 I'm going to quips. I try to be. Or are they completely in this? There is actually a guy. Where is that? Elon is African-American? Is that true i think he's south african yeah he looks interesting and and and uh one way to put it seems cool you ever just want to hang out with these people i just want to
Starting point is 01:19:40 know what they're like elon would be cool elon would be cool to hang out with right oh not the comments not the what caleb not the comments oh okay here here's one i want to get hiller's feedback on okay hiller oh this goes back to the feelings this is good for kenneth the lap too okay how about number four how about number 14 dude i don't know i don't know like my opinions on things but i'm ready to give them. Hey, did you hear New York City is now – they've asked all their citizens to stop wearing masks indoors. New York City has. Why?
Starting point is 01:20:13 The mayor has because too much crime. Oh, didn't hear that. Oh, yeah. He asked them to take masks off inside. Yeah, it's awesome. Okay, let's get your opinion on this. Okay, here we go. Yeah, if I was like hiring, and I saw pronouns, here's what I'm going to assume. I'm going to assume you're obviously very liberal. So I'm going to assume you're one of those people that
Starting point is 01:20:39 is super far left. I'm going to assume you're not a very hard worker. You are either a female or you're a probably not straight guy. So everything in the office is going to have to cater to you, your feelings, your needs, and your emotions. So everyone around you is not going to be able to be themselves and walk on eggshells. Why would anyone want someone like you unless everyone's like you in a work environment? You're going to be the laziest person. You're be the most entitled complain the most and i think you're gonna be the first to sue so shocker that pronouns weren't helping you guys sorry is there anything i missed there is there anything i missed so if i thoughts on that yeah she's Republican for sure. I think you either do it because you're a little baby and you want to be politically correct with everybody or you do it because you see everyone else doing it and you're stupid. Well, I think that she forgot about that.
Starting point is 01:21:40 She forgot about that. There is that category of people who do it just because they're stupid. But, dude, like, unfortunately, I think that that's a pretty – the fact that you would say that Jews are good at math is the same as saying woke people are quick to sue and report shit to HR. And, like, by woke, I mean people who use pronouns. Like, I think that those are – I know people who aren't like that who are quick to sue as well, though. Sure, sure. I agree. So you don't agree with her. You think it's you think it's a it's a generalization. It's not especially towards. There's just like a way you need to look at things.
Starting point is 01:22:15 I think I think you got to meet the person because the other day you and I and I don't want to say who. I agree. I agree. I agree. You have to meet the person. But I'm just saying as a sweeping generalization, go ahead, finish your story. And then we go through YouTube channels and we saw that there were some pronouns on the person's Instagram affiliate with that channel. And I look at that and I'm just thinking, you just don't know anything about anything. And you did it because there was an option to plug that in there. However, what she's saying there is because you simply saw them now they're going to do all of this stuff without thinking that this person's just completely in the sky with their thoughts it's like oh hey i'm gonna put this in here because i'm a dude
Starting point is 01:22:54 i think there's people who are just like that and i think there's people way over there that do it because they're scared of everybody don't hurt my feelings i'm a he whenever i get an email from somebody that's my thing i got nothing else on that what were you gonna say seven was hr come on fucking i called the hr lady a cunt supposedly and that's when that was in my file supposedly wow corbano what are you fucking 12 dude does your mom know you're up this late corbano yeah i say you just followed me december of 2022 what the hell's up with that okay sorry go ahead what were you gonna say caleb whenever i get an email from somebody who's active duty who has them in their like signature block i immediately hate that person uh hillar hillar did not disagree
Starting point is 01:23:43 with me he avoided the question. He's saying, well, there's people on the other side who are like that too. I agree. There's people who don't have pronouns who would go to HR and do it too. What I'm asking him is does he think that that's a fair judgment? Did you ever see the Black Mirror episode? Here we go. Where you eventually, what?
Starting point is 01:24:00 TV. He brought it back to TV. Black Mirror scares the shit out of me. My wife fucking made me watch probably a half dozen episodes that show fucking ruins me there's an episode where you would walk around with a little tag on your head that says you've got 8 000 followers giving people a suggestion of who you are and there'd also be a different version of you before instagram took it away where you walked around with a hundred thousand a little blue check on your shirt yeah yeah yeah it's a great episode yeah what i'm saying is i think it's ridiculous
Starting point is 01:24:29 to walk around and look at that person for anything other than what they can give you within the first 30 seconds of knowing them they could be a dick they could be cool they could be the worst person ever make your decision i don't know if that's avoiding the question is it yeah it is i'll tell you why i'm saying someone said he didn't put the shopping cart away sorry i didn't mean to take that oh yeah get him get him andrew kalipa yeah get him okay tell me if i'm avoiding the question okay i'll give me a second i'll come back to it i think riley just riley just figured me out here let me go back to this. I didn't mean to do that. Seven.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Um, didn't, he, uh, didn't put the shopping cart away. The fuck. Let me tell you something. I got, I,
Starting point is 01:25:10 I, I take the, I used to collect shopping carts. I don't need any, I don't want anyone putting them away. I want to run out and collect shopping carts. I love doing that. But second of all,
Starting point is 01:25:21 I don't leave them in the fucking parking spot. And the reason why I don't put them away. If the racks not close to me, because i got the three little fucking kids in the car and i'm not running them back to the fucking front of the store fucking three lanes over i'm watching my kids i prop it up on the side so you're right i don't put my shopping cart away and i don't give a fuck either so hate me for it i hope you do and my parking the handicap spot you're fucking right i do and it forever changed my thoughts on him. Well,
Starting point is 01:25:46 I hope it's for the positive, but, but if not, you're a douche for fucking not mentioning it. Okay. Where were we? I'm just saying that. Do you have a sticker?
Starting point is 01:25:56 A handicap sticker? Yeah. Yeah, of course. You know, park in the spot and get the fucking ticket. Just asking. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:07 That's a great story. Uh, how I have the the sticker by the way completely i think i heard it lifetime lifetime handicap sticker haley right look at kate look at these people oh one second one second how about this one yeah they're getting a little high and mighty needs a good humbling how with people like kate fucking jerking them off no no no i read your comment i hear you i hear you is that seven's nuts sorry i'm just saying that like look when i when i lived in berkeley i put a sticker on my car that i i donated 50 to the berkeley police department Berkeley, I put a sticker on my car that I donated $50 to the Berkeley Police Department. I put one of those stickers on my car like for the booster club for the police department. And I put it on there because if I ever got pulled over by the cops, I wanted to know that I support them, right?
Starting point is 01:26:56 So they give you a handicap sticker? And if I just like – so when you see someone's pronouns in their profile or if you saw someone who applied for a job to – oh, let's say this, Hiller. You're very close probably soon to hiring someone to help you with your work. And when you get to that point and you see that the person, when they apply, they have their their application will that affect your opinion on hiring them that's the question yeah well thank you well thank you i'll admit when i'm wrong too thank you i've been humbled all right i'm different now as of four seconds ago seven remember your guest this morning be positive no yelling name oh dude i fucking yell my ass i'm a different creature i yell like i'm a yeah i yell you just did me like that did you good you're a good dude you're the thing is
Starting point is 01:27:52 is you're such a good dude shut up yeah i would totally look at a resume and go oh god beavis shut up all one resume is like i got. I have to go with this one. My God, this editor has fucking he, her, and it. One resume. Great movie, but bad thing to put on your resume. It. Thanks, Tug. I get turned on by your screaming, I guess.
Starting point is 01:28:30 I appreciate my guest saying that but like when i like i'll fight with my wife and i'll yell and it's just i just yell so i just yell i bet you hillar does not yell at um alexis do you yell at alexis i can count on one hand i think oh so not much it's usually through my own frustration not because she's done anything yeah i i i can yell i mean it's it's gone way down it's probably four times a year now that i'm 50 but it probably used to be four times a month when i was 30 that's a sign that you might need to check out ca hormones use code hiller at checkout just yeah i just would yell but i will but i will tell you this i don't yell i really try my best not to yell at my kids and uh like ever like aggressively
Starting point is 01:29:11 it'd be assholes to them and man i feel so much better sorry oh does she yell at you no i don't think she's ever yelled at me wow no she's this is usually where she chimes in in the comments. She's always listening. Is someone sponsored by blenders? Are those those glasses where they had the slits in them? I think those are the buttery bros things. I really don't like those
Starting point is 01:29:41 glasses. You know, I didn't like them at first when they first brought them on. I thought they were just like cheese, dick, buttery roast shit, but they've kind of grown on me when I see those guys wearing them. It's like I got used to them. It's weird how you say that, but the next thing I think is how large they are. Oh, those. No, I didn't mean those. I meant the ones that were like the ones with the, they look like goggles.
Starting point is 01:30:04 I think I, well, there you go. Oh, like the oakley's there you go these ones yeah yeah uh yeah uh or no yeah right something like that dude i hate these glasses who can seriously wear these you if they were prescription i look up the glasses dude I would wear anything that's prescription, Hiller. Anything. I should, you know what I should do? I'll bring in it. I'll do a show and I'll bring in my glasses. I have like a hundred pairs of prescription glasses.
Starting point is 01:30:37 You know, I bet, I think if we go through this, you're going to see a picture of me wearing these glasses. Sarcastically, of course. Why? Do you own a pair? I don't. Is this the Tara Saunders? Are these her glasses? No.
Starting point is 01:30:54 No? Which ones are hers? Live Fit or something. Got it. Okay. Never mind. Savon got his handicap sticker after sending a validated video of himself doing burpees to the... Did you finish that story? You said something about the police? Active eyewear.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Active eyewear. Savon, you're a little pretentious about the glasses. That's not true at all. I am a lot pretentious. Caleb, I thought that chick wasn't wearing clothes. Holy hell. You weren't the only one. Okay. Is that why you tried to zoom away from it real quick? Nope. Naked.
Starting point is 01:31:35 These are the Cara Saunders ones, right? Yeah. Those ones are... I like the regular old Aviator one. They look like the ones he's wearing. They're okay. Sevan, you look great in those shades. I agree.
Starting point is 01:31:53 I like those shades. I like those glasses. They're really nice for really, really sunny days because then I can just look, because they're clear in the bottom and I can look down and see my phone. But my wife can't see me staring at her boobs. Oh, man. Wait, why did that go down? Who is better?
Starting point is 01:32:14 Wow. Okay, fine. Good. God. Fine. Cool. Hey, Boz, I think we should know whose open workouts were better. That'd be a good one. Whose video was better, know whose open workouts were better. That'd be a good one.
Starting point is 01:32:26 Whose video was better, now whose open workouts were better. Did you see those? You sponsored one of them. You should have seen them. Which one? The open workouts that I made, dude. No, no, I did sponsor one. You put sponsored by the Sevan podcast? Yeah, man. Oh, no, i haven't seen them
Starting point is 01:32:45 that's awesome i'm on it yeah okay wait a minute first i gotta look at what this is if it lets me do it um miranda was is really cute in those old tahoe throwdown videos i think all these og guys had a serious crush on her not as hot as camille though especially first of all miranda's always been hotter than camille and she's hotter now than she was back then i think like way hotter uh what uh seven uh you look great without a shirt thank you someone what was your salary back at hq like bigger than you could ever imagine i'll tell you that like fucking guy ginormous you're saying don't make that much on the podcast quite yet not quite not quite i agree seven yeah my year's crazy miranda's so hot the she got yeah three baby hot i know she's stupid attractive i think i think right right now
Starting point is 01:33:38 yeah she's good looking for sure yeah uh okay uh oh so this is the is this okay 30 snatches 30 snatches 30 snatches uh amrap snatches 210 120 what's that what's the uh time 10 minutes why does it say oh i see i see okay it's 10 minute amrap yeah it's actually the 12.2 repeat that's that's a that's a great workout because like i would probably i don't know where i would get fucking stop but let's say in my heyday i would i would make it to the 135s and i would be fiddling around in there i like that great that's a great workout so i know that you're a big proponent is a proponent of the not having vagina scaled variations of right yes yes and i look at this as if you're
Starting point is 01:34:27 going to say that oh there's a test within the open and you're going to stuck at the straight handstand push-ups and you were exposed then i think that you can also just have the open have one variation and like you just said you can do some 135 snatches right yeah and maybe next year you do more i don't work as long as i can rest i can keep doing more like there's nothing that can stop me there so yeah it's fucking awesome i love it so it's the first one yeah no i don't know about any more i'm fucking my left my bicep is fucked dude i need chase ingram to call me and fix my arm like he fixed my leg oh that'd be nice 500k is for children for fucking children
Starting point is 01:35:07 i would say spiegel wins that one by the way answer your question oh you guys are fine kate wanted to know who won this okay okay 23.1 that's good okay yeah that's fine and then here's here's a 23.2a i tried to make them fit a similar format as this year's open 36 alternating uh weighted step ups to 20 inch box okay i like that and i like a 20 inch box because higher than that and you're just fucking me so i like that a lot also pardon me do i kill a? I said just you specifically. Shorter people get fucked. There is a point over 20 inches where shit just gets weird for me.
Starting point is 01:35:54 It's just like, fuck, is this bad for my hip to do so many of these? But 180 singles. Yeah, I love that workout. I love that workout. Why do you love it? Because I can do it. I can do that workout. I'm going to do that workout. I'm going to do it too. Yeah do it too yeah i'm gonna do that people are clamoring for a leaderboard i might put one up yeah i'm gonna do that workout so the dumbbell it's hold on that's on your
Starting point is 01:36:14 instagram or do i have to take a picture of that with my phone it's on my instagram and it's on youtube i kind of i might even do that tonight fasted i might even do that by the way how do you like my graphics this didn't take a short amount of time to put together. I like my little people, the men and the women, weights. How come it doesn't say Spawn's brought to you by the Sebon podcast? Come on. Give it a minute. There it is.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Oh, shit. There's a part B, man. So you get a one-minute reset, and then you've got two minutes to establish a max set of unbroken ring muscle-ups in the window. Yeah, fucking love that. I can't do that right now because of my bicep but i love that yes the way i looked at this is the single runners wrote the games last year and it's kind of that little bit of jibber jabber that castro would filter down and then you see it in the open it goes hey they're not going away and you didn't like it with the games here they are in the open so i like that i threw that in there. Do you have muscle-ups, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:37:07 Yeah, Caleb does. Yeah, I got muscle-ups. You like this workout? This is good, right? Yeah, yeah, I do like that one. How many can you do in there? In a two-minute window, or I guess unbroken, I couldn't do them for a whole two minutes, but I could probably do seven ring muscle-ups.
Starting point is 01:37:24 When would you do it? Because you have from 19 to 21. do them for a whole two minutes but i could probably do seven ring muscle-ups when would you do it because you have from 19 to 21 when would you jump up on the rings to try to hit those seven that's probably 20 at 20 yeah i would give myself a minute to 45 seconds dude seven's pretty good i bet you i could get like seven to ten i do them strict but but it would to 10 would be fucking hard for me so i just thought that was cool yeah okay and what's the next workout you're gonna like this one uh 21 chest to bar pull-ups love that 21 shuttle runs okay i like that what shuttle runs 50 feet 25 there and back down back is one okay wow that's a lot of running okay but that's yeah right it's a lot of running. Okay. Yeah, right? That ends up being 1,000 feet. That's more than 800 meters.
Starting point is 01:38:06 1,100 feet. See, I actually don't have the math on that, but I'm going to go with yes. 1,100 feet. Okay. 21 thrusters. Okay. 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups. I like it.
Starting point is 01:38:17 15 shuttle runs. Oh, yeah, yeah. This is good. The only thing, so I do look at the comments, and someone suggested maybe you start this one off with the shuttle runs, which then you would just have that be the tiebreaker. So 3-2-1 go, 21 shuttle runs for time. That could very well be your 23.3 test. And every chest of our pull-up, it's now putting up the leaderboard because there is only one variation in the world of Andrew Hiller's CrossFit Open.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Yeah. Is this finishable? Is this doable? CrossFit Open. Yeah. Is this finishable? Is this doable? I was guessing that people of the caliber of Mal O'Brien and Jeff Adler would be around eight and a half minutes on this one.
Starting point is 01:38:54 Damn. And then you haven't brought this up yet. Oh, brought to you by McDonald's. That's nice. That's a nice touch. That's kind of funny, right? Yeah, that just shows you're open-minded. There you go. And then, yeah, that was yours. Yeah, there you go yeah the one that you can do yeah yeah the one with the muscle ups i know oh and that one's presented by andrew hiller yeah by hiller fit i think i'm clever yeah that's good nice nice that was that those are good so yeah i think i think that you should change the mcdonald's to no boo
Starting point is 01:39:27 no boo yeah wait a minute do you know that restaurant oh i've been there that place is good it's a dude it's good but i hate it i can't stand those restaurants do you like that place uh to honestly you want me to tell you the absolute truth what you love it no i can't stand it i'd rather just go to a straight sushi place and just i just because i think of it it kind of feels like junk food like they cover everything in syrup every time i go there i'm just like really this dinner cost us six thousand dollars every time i go there every time i go there yeah every time i drop hey at least i'm not posting at least i'm not posting pictures from there like i have friends every time i go there yeah every time i drop hey at least i'm not posting at least i'm not posting pictures from there like i have friends every time they go there they fucking post a picture of themselves going there which one do you go to listen you guys if you guys knew
Starting point is 01:40:12 how good of a life i live sometimes you would think i was the most humble guy ever stone you think i brag because i'm trying to hide how much fun should i get to do but i'm still broke as a joke i'm just cool and i'm fun so people want to take me places uh which one do you go to i thought you were gonna say uh you're not that cool i thought um i go to i've been to a bunch of them um malibu malibu san diego scottsdale how i baited you there into telling us how many you've been to newport uh yeah all all of them i got all of them yeah there is one in chicago right because i think this is what i'm thinking of i remember i went there not knowing what it was the bill came out and i died died dude dude it is it is it is did you pay alexis and i both paid oh my god you're
Starting point is 01:41:01 fucking nuts don't ever go there if you have to pay. It's not even remotely. Dude, I hope she's in the comments. We were invited there to go to a birthday party. Four of us. It was two couples and two couples. Did anyone drink? If you drink, you're fucked. Everyone but me.
Starting point is 01:41:19 But I remember it was nuts. And I remember, oh, cool. $30 piece of sushi. What is this going to look like? Three pieces of sushi. And I was like, holy hell, I just ate $10 of sushi in one second. I went there a few nights ago, let's say, and it was $6,000. What were you ordering? That was not my bill.
Starting point is 01:41:42 I was there with like 12 people or nine people, nine people, nine people. I think ours, I love, I drank. So I drank so much fucking alcohol there too. God, $600 a person. There's two things. No, I don't drink. And yes, I did cold plunge. Christine, do you have a cold plunge at
Starting point is 01:42:07 your house filler i'm gonna build one i don't know what came over me but i'm doing the deep freezer one yeah it's smart are you do you have one no but i it's that and a sauna are two things that i think i'm like i'm really missing out in life i I love hot. I love heat. I do too. Which one would you get? Which sauna? I would get just any... I wouldn't get one of those just get like an old school one where you plug in the heater and then you pour water on the rocks.
Starting point is 01:42:41 They're expensive. Yeah. Really? I think you can get like a nice barrel one for like under 10 grand i mean it's not cheap but like a nice no boo yeah i mean yeah exactly right right i i the thing that i don't like is if i want a sauna it's like i'm gonna go right now but you gotta turn the thing on and wait for it to warm up for 40 minutes and i'm weird like that you probably could say you probably could say that again caleb oh you could probably set a timer right schedule your sessions yeah can we set up a site with an online leaderboard and do this it looks fun
Starting point is 01:43:17 extra sloppy i need to talk to competition corner i'm sure they'd love it Joel Kelly give this to Hiller no Fuck me give it to him Give it to him Give this to Hiller but thank you Joel I appreciate it You and your towel You got Venmo Sevan No I don't You don't actually I talked to someone the other day
Starting point is 01:43:39 Who didn't know what Venmo was And I didn't know those people existed Not knowing what Venmo is This guy says you're out there making straight gold. Give this to Hiller. This fool is out there making – oh. I think that's it. He means your videos.
Starting point is 01:43:54 He loves you. Thanks. I was in Chicago. Sorry, sorry, sorry. That's okay. I was in Chicago, four four clients seven people and it was twenty fifty two hundred before tip yeah it was the bill i saw the other night was five thousand plus a thousand for tip guys how can you make that a company expense when you don't give a
Starting point is 01:44:15 shit it's like stealing from walmart dude and just so no one fucking gets it twisted when i'm out with my kids spending your fucking youtube money we go to fucking safeway we get a fucking bag of pistachios because we ball for 12 dollars shelled pistachios and we fucking buy a bunch of fruit and and uh and in a fucking rotisserie chicken we sit in the car we sit in the car and eat it with our fucking hands yeah like fuck and at the skate park i just open a rotisserie chicken put out some apples and a bag of pistachios question for you the other people look at me like we're fucking crazy if you were someone who would eat at nobu say weekly safeway is not bougie as fuck it is ghetto ish it's the most ghetto place you can go in my town i'm telling you it's scary
Starting point is 01:45:02 it's where the zombies are go ahead there's the cart in the middle of the parking lot correct no not in the middle right in the handicap section where i park if you had that disposable money to go to places like nobu every single night well where would you get your food from no not there well i mean i know you wouldn't go to safe away where would you go where would you know i Where would you be? No, I'd probably – What would you be? You want me to be even more honest? I want you to say in a perfect world, money aside. I almost exclusively shop at mom and pop stuff in Santa Cruz. So people like my mom will be like, why do you shop there? It's more expensive.
Starting point is 01:45:41 Why don't you go to Safeway or why don't you go? And the thing is I want to support those shops, and i don't want to go into those fucking places with all those fucking zombies so there's a place by my house it's an open uh it's a kind of an open open uh produce place and they sell meat there and it's like a dollar more pound than other places and it's uh i go there and i park and it's like i know all the people who work there and like i go there and i buy my shit there you told me about that place where you buy all their meat every week that too and i know the owner of that place that's that's actually a different place that's actually a gas station i go to you know this place uh yeah yeah that's that's pretty
Starting point is 01:46:20 expensive but i won't even go there the worst's the worst place on the planet. It is? Why do you say that? Because you can't find anything. Corn salsa, that's all you need. The stuff's cheap there, right? Inexpensive as shit. That's what people say, but you go in there, and what are you going to buy if you can't find it? I get frustrated. But then someone brought me some sort of a carrot cake, cupcake thing, and it was really good. Somebody sent me a bunch of stuff from there when I was deployed and it was fucking amazing from the freezer they have great they have uh buy all
Starting point is 01:46:49 your nuts and dried fruit there too they have a way better selection than whole foods that doesn't have sulfur or oil on their uh a lot of their dried fruit and nuts like whole foods does um these things someone someone what do you what do you think is you should be more critical to um someone someone who parks in a handicapped spot oh here we go like me that's able-bodied or someone who's 100 pounds overweight who do you think deserves that spot more me with my fucking three kids and my minivan or i think some obese people lord of god tell me i'm just curious what you think what do you think i think that the standards for what the person who has those handicap stickers has to be a bit higher hey i don't think either of you should have them to be honest yeah i completely agree
Starting point is 01:47:36 i'm doing those people you i'm doing those people a fucking favor by parking that spot so they can fucking park down at the end and walk their fucking ass in and you know what else my you know what the whole foods by my house has the fat guy for sure are you fucking yeah i'm better if you have a parking spot because you're that out of shape lord help you i hope you don't i think it's 95 percent of handicapped plates are not deserving of that well alexis is about to have some sort of catastrophic hip surgery and she deserves a freaking handicap sticker based don't give her a red one don't give her a temp one oh yeah she should get one because she can't freaking move i don't she probably wouldn't be going to the stores but if you need a handicap spot what are you doing going to stores if i saw someone as hot as alexxus i would fucking get out of the spot right i know you would because you're a good dude and then you put her card away i'd put
Starting point is 01:48:30 her card away and mine excuse me man please let me please let me the double entendre uh park as far away as possible remember some people would give anything to walk some fucking words of wisdom i have this saying that it could be worse saying could be worse it makes everything feel better no matter how bad hey there's no spots well at least i can walk could be worse uh seven will we ever know why you met and josh broke up um i i don't know why I would tell you if I knew why I'm telling you, I have absolutely no idea. He just, uh, we didn't,
Starting point is 01:49:10 I didn't hear from him for several months. And then, um, Josh told me that he spoke to him and that he was going to call me. And then he called me and said that, um, he was done with the show. And then he's called me since then.
Starting point is 01:49:19 And he's, when I've asked him to come on the show and he's told, give me some reasons for not coming on. Nothing outrageous, but nothing that I should probably talk about just because it was our personal conversation, but nothing like he wasn't like, Hey, um,
Starting point is 01:49:35 you're, you swear too much or it was nothing like that. Yeah. To make room for killer, killer, killer and Caleb, killer and Caleb, killer and Caleb. Sure. Ken Walters is going to personal room for Killer and Caleb. Killer and Caleb. Killer and Caleb.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Sure. Ken Walters is going to personal shop for Alexis. I'm going to tell her. Okay, can we do number six? I want you to meet my friend Pink. She is a... The singer? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:59 You know her? No, but she's my friend. I'm being facetious. She's sponsored by Pfizer. Did you know that? Shut up. She's fucking sponsored by Pfizer. Did you know that? Shut up. She's fucking sponsored by Pfizer, dude. Now, listen to this.
Starting point is 01:50:10 This is listen to this insanity. This bitch is fucking sponsored by Pfizer. Don't don't. I've shown that on the show, by the way, half dozen times for anyone who wants to go to our Instagram and look. She's sponsored by Pfizer. This is supposed to be some bad bitch. I like pink. I don't.
Starting point is 01:50:26 I don't care about your politics. I care about your kids. Thank you. I care about... Pause, pause. Nice haircut. What do you mean she cares about my kids? I don't want her caring about my kids. Because her caring about my kids,
Starting point is 01:50:39 she's sponsored by a company that insists that my kids take fucking drugs. You feel me we should send pink a link action we should i care about decency and humanity and pause you care about decency and humanity? But you're sponsored by Pfizer who enforced people lost their fucking jobs if they didn't take the drugs you made? You don't care. Yeah, thank you, Ryan. You do not care about any of that. It's a lie.
Starting point is 01:51:20 I'm going to send her a link. It's a fucking lie. Okay, go ahead. Kindness today is an act of rebellion Pause I love you Pink You're a good lady Let me know if you ever want to come over to my house And I'll show you what healthy kids look like
Starting point is 01:51:36 And what healthy people look like And open minded people You're always welcome to my house And I just want you to know that if it wasn't for my friend Andrew Hiller I wouldn't be so open minded He talked me into realizing that I need to be house and i just want you to know that if it wasn't for my friend andrew hiller i wouldn't be so open-minded well he talked me into realizing that i need to be nice and loving okay go on there are people that don't have what you have help them get it i will and my point exactly thank you caleb good stop i will help you get it thanks to andrew saying that i need to invite you
Starting point is 01:52:01 on the show are you sending her a link and i sent her a link you really did huh i'd bring it on the show but if i showed everybody they'd also know the link to get in here so i can't do that but i did it uh yeah good fucking pink oh my goodness 9.4 million followers i hope she sees it she'll She'll see it, for sure. She'll see it. It'll go straight to her primary. Oh, look, and someone even writes this on here. Unfortunately, she's now forcing her opinion on vaccination. I love her music, but she should stay. God, it's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 01:52:38 She's not forcing her opinion. She's fucking paid by fucking Pfizer. Oh, shit, other people. Wow. this is she's a person of the green oh so people are ass pounding her wow i didn't realize that oh if you don't like her shut up and scroll past dude it's not that shut up and scroll past it's do people are she's claiming to protect she cares about our kids she's asking I don't want her to care about my kids. I don't want anyone who wants my kids to take drugs to care about my kids. No, sorry. To force my kids to choose between education and drugs.
Starting point is 01:53:17 Yeah. What the hell? I like pink. Okay, that's fine. You can like her. No, no, no. I like the music. You like the the pink vagina you just ruined you you you like the pink haired lady but he this motherfucker this motherfucker likes the pink haired lady of portland he likes the pink vagina and he likes
Starting point is 01:53:36 the artist pink i didn't like the pink haired lady there i thought she was not so great all i'm saying is pink can jam so could she her and gwen stefani is gwen stefani sponsored by pfizer that's what you're going to tell me next i don't know okay um now play 6b what time is it by you what time is it right now is it 10 yeah okay yeah someone said it's midnight here and nick flores 6b let's listen to my brother, Director Phil, on the subject. Here we go. They said you were going to die if you didn't wear a mask. But look at you. Still alive.
Starting point is 01:54:12 They said you were going to die if you didn't get vaccinated. But look at you. Still alive. They said it was going to be a winter of death for you. Winter of death. But look at you. Still alive. They tried to stop you from flying. They tried to stop you from alive. They tried to stop you from flying. They tried to stop you from working.
Starting point is 01:54:27 They tried to stop you from seeing your friends and family. They tried to turn your family against you. They tried to intimidate you. They tried to end your livelihood. They tried to inject your children. And you didn't budge. They tried to intimidate you and you didn't budge.
Starting point is 01:54:44 Amen, brother. Look at you go. So, where's the kicker? I don't know, but if I had a sister that wasn't married, I'd fucking set her up with that dude. I mean, it's cool, but he never said anything. He's just loving on me. He's just pumping me up. I just feel like he's just on my me he's just pumping me up i just i just feel like he's just on my page
Starting point is 01:55:05 i just love him just you want to know do you want to do something real weird what do i have to choose first or yeah you gotta say yes or no because it's a little below your pay grade okay fine tell me that's i'll do it i'll do it i'm game you won't mislead me uh i gotta go to twitter real quick megan my cousin homie careful that's my cousin he's fluffing you yeah yeah that guy was totally dr phil was totally fluffing me this is a buddy of mine right this is where i get my entire sense of the world okay he'll post stuff like this okay hey chicago let's not elect this guy okay 45 seconds okay let me know if you can hear it oh i like the word the race for mayor that's that's funny as shit chicago okay the cta
Starting point is 01:55:58 is on the verge of financial bankruptcy their fare box is 18 of the operating budget supposed to be 50 and the wbz survey and my conversations with all the transit unions is public safety is the overriding issue it's also the reason they can't keep employees and recruit employees 500 000 fewer riders a day can we pause this public safety so uh just for you guys you don't know um i don't i'm anyone's stupid, but I think I understand what this guy is saying. This guy is saying that the public transit, like buses, should be collecting 50% of its budget from riders, and instead it's only collecting 18%. It sounds like he's going to talk about how there's a safety issue on the buses. I could only imagine how fucked up it is on a bus in Chicago. only imagine how fucked up it is on a bus in Chicago. And, uh, and, and he's in, he's saying there's 500,000 fewer riders a day relative to when I'm not sure, but, uh, and okay, so here we
Starting point is 01:56:53 are go. And I'm guessing this guy's running for mayor against the dude, uh, to his right. And that that lady's like asking him questions and they're in a debate action. You've got to make sure that there are police officers on the platform, that there are police officers riding in the trains like New York. There are police officers at the station. Because if you don't restore public safety, you cannot sustain a transit system when only 80% of your operating budget is coming from the fare box.
Starting point is 01:57:18 So public safety is the overriding issue now. Okay, so that's not just the bus. It's the subway also. Okay. So he says, hey, Chicago, let's not just the bus it's the subway also okay so he says hey chicago let's not elect this guy so i watched that video and based upon that i didn't know why my friend would say that sort of thing why is that guy saying they should get rid of public transit what's he saying no he was saying that there had to be more police officers on public transit well fuck yeah well oh yeah i don't know i don't know what
Starting point is 01:57:45 read this one one of my friends has been making a habit of screenshotting my tweets to message me the questions on my life choices so i screenshotted that and i go dude what do you mean here because i just wanted to know okay and what does he mean why it he goes, you're fixing the issue at the surface level when you should be fixing the cause of the issue. The money shouldn't be going towards more police force. It should be going towards more funding for underprivileged communities and stuff like that. Now you hear all those things, and what do you think? I mean, he's using my argument against me he's saying hey you're fixing you're you're addressing the symptom and not the root cause uh i would have to know what he means by the root cause um but there is a all this hatred against police officers has to
Starting point is 01:58:39 be unfucked so i'm not it would depends on what he means is he talking about more if he's saying to reduce welfare for single moms and i'm all for it so that men and women will stick together more then fuck yeah i'm on his page let's do it but i bet you he's saying the other way which is what he wants to come up with some public program that's actually going to exacerbate the problem like give more money that's how i do it too yeah so it depends on what he means if he if he really does mean that to address the root of the problem i'm all for it but dude i don't know public transportation is scary well because if you were to ask me this is a republican democrat argument is it not it could be i mean it could it could it could be i mean it definitely it could definitely could be partisan i mean i don't know i would to take
Starting point is 01:59:28 a page from your book i don't know why it is you know what is cool go ahead go on oh that's all keep going um you know what is cool is recently um all everyone in the house both republican and democrat have voted uh with each other to declassify uh basically all the shit that's being held i think by the cdc that's classified regarding covid um but what is weird is is like why is it a partisan issue that the democrats don't want people coming into this country who aren't vaccinated and the republicans um do want to get rid of vaccine mandates for people flying into this country that shit is weird and i think that it's partisan because pharma fucking gives so much money to the fucking democrats but you we need way like we have a fucking crime problem
Starting point is 02:00:14 yeah my car was stolen there's a crime problem yeah yeah that's crazy i felt that personally oh Oh, Biden vetoed that? He vetoed that? I don't know. They were saying even if he did veto it, they would just pass it anyway because it was unilateral. Everybody agreed on it.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Think about who that hurts. That only hurts fucking poor people and middle class people by not letting people come into this country. And guess who it helps? It only fucking helps rich people. And yet you still are confused and think the Democrats care about the poor people. Who do you think loses money when there's less tourism in this country?
Starting point is 02:00:59 So this is – it's maddening. McDonald's. Oh, the D.C. crime bill. Oh, okay. he's a jack he's fucking a nightmare i don't even i seriously i don't even know if that's a real person well yeah you're gonna say i was gonna say you say he but i've always been under the impression that he's like a puppet like literally like usually when they say that i think they're like joking like or that's just like figuratively i do think actually maybe um he is actually a puppet
Starting point is 02:01:32 it's interesting here i got i got i got your buddy for you my buddy okay your buddy number number 12 number 12 your buddy i hope it's this pink-haired chick again. It's your buddy. Oh, boy. Number 12. That's a good question, Eric. I have respect for you. I've brought some facts.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Would you? If you'd like, actually. You just get the fuck out of here. This is not the place. You like facts. We do. We like facts. I love facts. I wouldn't have mentioned it. I'm English, and you know that politeness is our fundamental religion. But they do pertain to this issue.
Starting point is 02:02:17 So may I say something? Please, please. If they inconvenience you, I'll stop saying them. The pandemic created at least 40 new big pharma billionaires. Pharmaceutical corporations like Moderna and Pfizer made a thousand dollars of profit every second from the covid-19 vaccine. More than two thirds of Congress received campaign funding from pharmaceutical companies in the 2020 election. Pfizer chairman Albert Baller told Time magazine in July 2020 that his company was developing a covid vaccine for the good of humanity, not for money. And of course, Pfizer made a100 billion in profit in 2022. And may I just mention, finally, and this is also a
Starting point is 02:02:51 fact, that you, the American public, funded the development of that. The German public funded the BioNTech vaccine. When it came to the profits, they took the profits. When it came to the funding, you paid for the funding. If you have an economic system in which pharmaceutical companies benefit hugely from medical emergencies where a military industrial complex benefits from war where energy companies benefit from energy crises you are going to generate states of perpetual crisis for the interest of ordinary people separate from the interest of the elite. He's on fire. Cockcutter got it right.
Starting point is 02:03:29 Russell Brand is on fire. I mean, he's woken up from a slumber. I mean, he went from Buddhist monk to drug rehab guy to fucking mega red pill. I like him a lot. I like that you like him a lot. Really? Yeah. Can I show you why I like him a lot i like that you like him a lot really yeah can i show you why i like him a lot yeah please okay you know you're in danger for giving me the ability to do this stuff you
Starting point is 02:03:56 know right i love it when you come on do you guys like it when uh hillary comes on he said yesterday he was just going to come on and hang out in the back yeah i'm just gonna hang out but he didn't want to impose but i think it's cool if hillary comes on i sure you ever see this no i just gotta be careful with the you ever seen this? No, what is this? I'm sorry, I gotta pause it. Is he making fun of all the people who utilize Africa for sympathy and to raise money? And what's he doing?
Starting point is 02:04:48 Is it satire? This is from a movie. Oh, it is from a movie? Yeah. We're getting Sarah Marshall, right? It's all an African child. Hiller will be running the show in a year mark my words jeez louise holy don't say that fucking you just you just broke caleb's heart somebody's gotta do it he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna send um uh a note uh to Caleb's going to send him a three-page spreadsheet on my idiosyncrasies.
Starting point is 02:05:28 Hey, dude, there was a show we did the other day, Caleb. Me and you were running on all cylinders. It's crazy. That – I knew – that one show where you pretended to be my gay lover, we broke some ceiling there and never looked back. He called me and told me about it it was fucking my my wife just listened to it the other day she said she almost fucking died and then a couple days ago we did a show i think it was a show hillar was on too that you were running on the back end it was like a three-hour show maybe it started with gary roberts or
Starting point is 02:05:58 something were you on that show caleb i don't know he was in the comments i believe he was in the comments yeah there was some show that we did recently together where you were just like bringing shit up, and it was just, God, the timing. Oh, it was Zach Tlander. Was it Zach Tlander? Yeah, Zach was on fire. I remember.
Starting point is 02:06:13 He loved it. He goes, how are you doing this? He loved it. Yeah, it's... We need like a pillow company. We need some sponsor that's not afraid of of my mouth zach then started demanding caleb around and i i didn't like that i was like hey man don't tell caleb what to do you gotta say please he was comfortable with it he was he goes who's doing that hey uh caleb pull this up i was like hey man careful you don't even
Starting point is 02:06:40 know who caleb is how about uh caleb how about, I don't even know what this one is. How about 292? He shaved. Spoken music, he shaved. It's growing back, though. It's just growing back a little bit. I only really grow hair here. But since I've started TRT, it grows more so on the side.
Starting point is 02:06:59 It's nuts. I don't know if I like that or not. It's there now. It's not going away. I titled this of gluten and pregnancy here we go 292 i don't even know what this one is more women pregnant every year than solomon they ever did right and my wife is the first one to jump into well it's with nutrition um when women get miscarriages they're not infertile they were pregnant they just couldn't handle the pregnancy and so doctors say give25,000 and we'll give you an in vitro fertilization. We didn't need that. They got pregnancy, you know, having sex the normal way, right? But doctors want to get their
Starting point is 02:07:32 $25,000. They haven't dealt with the problem. So what you do is you get these women on a gluten free diet so they can absorb nutrients. And then you give them the 90 cent of nutrients, 16 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 3 fatty acids. They will always get pregnant. And the birth defects are reduced to almost zero. Now, it always comes down to absorption. Even if you're supplementing with all 90 centrinutrients, but the mother has an absorption problem, because she has a heavy gluten problem, she's not avoiding gluten, she can still have a birth defect in her baby because she might not be able to efficiently absorb the nutrients. You have to appreciate, again, it's not what you eat, what you absorb. It's an old adage, you are what you eat, that's not true.
Starting point is 02:08:04 You are what you absorb. You are not what you eat. That's an old adage. You are what you eat. That's not true. You are what you absorb. I get more. That's fucking fascinating, isn't it? Hey, I'm reading this book, The Moth and the Iron Lung, and it's the same thing too when it talks about polio. It basically says it's all about how people got polio and they had it totally wrong. But this guy is saying if you eat gluten, some people can't absorb nutrients, and those nutrients will cause birth defects or women's inability to get pregnant. I don't know if it's true, but I ain't hating. I like the fucking whole concept of it all, absorption.
Starting point is 02:08:35 I'm trying to tie together this book you're reading with infertility. The opposite is true. So the moth and the iron lung, in the 1890s, they forced all farmers to spray all their crops with arsenic and lead. And then eventually they switched to DDT. DDT. It's fucking – the book is crazy. And that happened from 1890 to like 1940. This book is fascinating.
Starting point is 02:09:00 And basically it caused so many kids to die and so many people to die. But what it did is it fucked up the gut. All that lead and arsenic and DDT that they were putting in the food fucked up people's guts. And the viruses and the bacterias were passing from the gut directly into the bloodstream, thus giving people polio along with a shitload of other fucking diseases. Yeah. Oh, and look at and here's look at what this guy's saying. I don't know if this is true, but gluten can make leaky gut syndrome. Yeah. You can't have the fucking shit in the gut breaking past the blood barrier, whatever that wall is.
Starting point is 02:09:35 I've never liked leaky gut syndrome. Can you imagine telling a pregnant woman with cravings, no, babe, you can't have gluten. Rest in peace. I don't know. You could give them something else that they think. You can just tell them. Just lie. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:09:51 Anyway, leaky gut syndrome is a theory. It's an important note. That intestinal permeability is not only a symptom of a gastrointestinal disease, but an underlying cause that develops independently. If your intestinal barrier is impaired, it may be letting toxins into your bloodstream yeah that's this that's basically what this book is saying that's what happened that's what the polio thing is the woman has to be on board with it are you fucking kidding me what's wrong with you heidi no one has to be on board with anything i mean all i heard was the part where you backed me up by saying it was a theory yeah theory just a theory i don't know i haven't tried to get very many people pregnant
Starting point is 02:10:29 usually when i find things out it's have you tried to get someone pregnant no i said i have not tried to get many people i know but usually when i deep dive into topics it's because i've got some sort of personal interest in it. And then I find out as much as I can, but it probably just popped up on my, uh, why are you looking into getting people pregnant? You want more? It just, no,
Starting point is 02:10:52 it just popped up on my, on my thing. And I, um, in my feed, I'm sure we get all my news on my bias news. Where do you go? What's your browser of choice? you one of those duck duck go people
Starting point is 02:11:09 no i was i was ducked at go for a while and then he sold it to someone that made it compromised it and so i was like all right whatever uh wlt what a shame the hillar dynasty ends with him he needs to procreate listen to your intuition be a be a man. He's too young. Still give him fucking time. Lay off of Hiller. 20 years. Yeah. Yeah. I know people who have kids at the age of 60.
Starting point is 02:11:31 Yeah. I'm halfway there. Uh, what about what? What's this one here? It says meth to 98 meth. Have you seen idiocracy? I have dude.
Starting point is 02:11:43 That's why I don't want to have kids. Yeah, exactly. It's depressing, right? I'm not saying I'm those doctors sitting on the couch sitting there like, it's not the right time, the market, the, the, the. But I'm certainly not the people in the trailer park going, oh, damn, I knocked her off again. It's depressing.
Starting point is 02:11:58 That's a depressing movie. Well, no, that movie's the best. Rondo, it's what plants crave. Has Hiller the name, do you have any siblings uh hillar i have a sister oh there you go up to her but wait a minute is she raw dog yeah every time i've asked her yeah she's having kids that's not the question you asked. All right. Meth, meth, meth. Happy new year. New year, new you.
Starting point is 02:12:31 Yeah. Is it? You're going to turn it all around. Look at his mouth. Got some resolutions to resolve. Look at his fingers. You're going to wake up and go to the gym early every day. Eat healthy.
Starting point is 02:12:53 Yeah. Or does he have a chew in? Work smarter, not harder. Finally quit that job that's been boggling you down. Start your business. This is the year, start your business. This is the year, huh? 2022. Things are going to be different.
Starting point is 02:13:13 What the fuck is this guy doing with his mouth? Can you tell me why we're watching this guy? He's like a freaking Backstreet Boy with the glasses from the people. I just saw this and I'm like, is this dude on meth? Who's a meth expert are you fucking kidding me i don't wear rose glasses i'd rather get a tattoo on the small of my back before i wore those glasses right in the tramp stamp area why do i you think i do some finger shit i? I think that this guy reminds me of these guys. We are the protectors of the continuum transfunctioner.
Starting point is 02:13:58 Let's see a little bit. Let's see how close you are. This is such a great movie. You know what he's talking about? Yeah. This is the wrong clip. I watched this when I was deployed. You guys. We are the keepers
Starting point is 02:14:18 of the continued dysfunctional. Shoot, it's the keepers. Wow. It's all that stands between the universe and completely violent. This is who they reminded me of, that guy. They're the Keepers? Yeah, what was he doing?
Starting point is 02:14:32 He looked like he had a dip in. You ever do that? Not anymore. I used to. Dude had like four zins in his mouth. Not even real dip. Guaranteed. Do not fuck with nicotine people.
Starting point is 02:14:46 I don't care. Yesterday I tried to see if the, I saw Tucker Carlson talking about Zins and I went online to go see if Zins are safe. And that fucking whole market has the internet completely taken over basically telling you there's no information on it, but I'm telling you, do not fuck with that shit.
Starting point is 02:15:01 If you can't, don't want to fuck with it. Seven deadly Zins. How do you spell that? Z Y N. Oh, it's like nicotine without the tobacco. You don't want,
Starting point is 02:15:15 you don't want to, you don't want to. There you go. Well, all of a sudden we're promoting Zins. Oh, here it is. Have I,
Starting point is 02:15:23 have we ever played this? Will you play three 15? I15 i'm stopping oh i love this portland portland here we go more portland i'm telling you there's real zombies in portland i'm telling you you think it's a joke they're all zombies you said that and i looked and i couldn't find any yeah well here's one here's what Listen to this fucking. Here it is. Yeah. To yet another heinous attack on a Mac station, this time in Gresham. Pause. Please tell us.
Starting point is 02:15:53 She's fucking absolutely insane, by the way. Okay, go on. Go on. Yeah, go ahead. An elderly man's ear was bitten off when he was attacked while on a platform this morning. Russian police say it happened around 2 this morning at the Cleveland Station on Northeast 8th Street. Officers say they responded to a fight and say a man in his 70s was attacked. We're told that victim's ear was chewed off and that his skull could be seen through the wound. A suspect was arrested and that elderly man was taken to the hospital.
Starting point is 02:16:27 Now to yet another... Have you ever seen somebody's... I want to see this lady's... Is this lady on Instagram? Find this lady. I want to see this lady's body. Have you ever seen somebody's skull? Yes. I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:16:44 Here's a real-time picture of it actually happening oh my god hey but that dude that old guy had so much of his ear bit off that it fucking revealed his skull yeah that means like the actual tissue like the whole ear was bit off who who is that um hold on i'm gonna see uh they don't have that that's k-o-i-n portland yeah let's see if i can find you think i can find it k-o-i-n portland news lady um i'll meet the team okay i'll meet the team emily burroughs you already found her no jenna hansen jenna hansen yeah see if she's on instagram i bet you if she is she's got bathing suit photos oh private oh shit no i found her i found her oh shit private with the blue check mark holy shit what do you think let's simper
Starting point is 02:17:48 is that what it means if you go look for pictures of someone you're simping them oh if you go to images you get more than enough is that right you simped or whatever you call it i thought simped is like when you're like like fake nice to someone to try to get pussy dude i got you don't worry about this this is important there we go someone who is way too much for a person they like okay a man who puts hoes before the bros okay okay or that everyone overuses without the correct definition oh like gender gender it means a guy that is overly desperate for women especially if she is a bad person or has expressed her disinterest in him whom he continues to obsess over oh so i'm i'm not i'm not simping over this bitch i'm simping over fucking pink we are oh my goodness yeah this is a this is a real woman that's a that's a lot of women
Starting point is 02:18:49 are you gonna show her or no no probably not i don't want to i don't want to simp over my god there's some pictures of her on pinterest she is something else the most uh like the the most popular searches is jen Jenny Hansen still married? Oh, wow. Her caboose is huge. Who? Jenny Hansen. Jenny Hansen.
Starting point is 02:19:13 Yeah. What is this? What is a cuck? It's like when you let your wife fuck other dudes. Oh, dear God. I didn't't know that i think that's just called open-minded okay so you guys someone had their what i love simps and everyone loves the simp for a little while everybody simps variety everyone loves the simp for a second get her on the show i'm sure she has some stories i can ask her the same thing that adrian conway asked
Starting point is 02:19:42 that the that heather law Lawrence chick at the cross game. So has it been difficult being a lady in the sports news industry that's dominated by men? Excuse me, ma'am. I was just wondering, is it difficult living on planet Earth where there's four and a half billion penises always trying to get in you? Yes, it's very difficult very difficult always trying eh i mean if you believe chris rock he says a girl you know that that bit he does is it from the netflix thing that he just did no it's a while back he does this whole bit um after after a girl turns 13 or 14 or whatever. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 02:20:25 Yeah. Oh, my goodness. You have to watch that Chris Rock thing, dude. It's pop culture. After they turn 13 or 14, that's all that's happening is hot dog to the face? Just every base Chris Rock says that once a girl turns 13 or 14, every guy out there, no matter what he says, hi, how are you, really what he's saying is you want some dick. Like that is what every guy on planet Earth is that once a girl turns 13 or 14, every guy out there, no matter what he says, hi, how are you? Really, what he's saying is you want some dick.
Starting point is 02:20:51 Like that is what every guy on planet Earth is saying to a girl once she reaches a certain age. You've never met Buddha. You would never. He was the worst. Buddha was the worst. Clip that. Buddha was the worst. Okay. This is important, though though enough joking around a 334
Starting point is 02:21:08 um enough joking this across the media is simping for chipotle that's fair it's the first time you pronounce it correctly holy shit chip maybe because i saw it written chipotle saying before chipotle oh yeah okay and stop fooling around, Hiller. This is from ABC News. There's a rise in heart disease, and it may be explained by extreme weather conditions, this study shows. Oh, good night, Alexis. I love you, too. Alexis, can you sleep face down with those panties that unsnap in the back?
Starting point is 02:21:42 Thank you. She doesn't wear those. Come on. Not when she's sleeping. Oh, all right. Duh. Depending on how you want it, sleep on your side or your back.
Starting point is 02:21:52 Hiller will be there in five minutes. Her hip's all messed up, so. It's reduced. It hasn't stopped us. It's just reduced the number of possibilities. Read that with her new icon and let your imaginations go wild. I don't mind if people simp over Alexis. Simp away.
Starting point is 02:22:16 336. I made a video once called that. 336. I called myself a simp. Okay. This is Have you seen this guy from the slap fight contest? Dude, good morning.
Starting point is 02:22:41 Yeah. Hey, what's that stuff in their ears? That's so you don't blow their eardrum out. Yeah. Hey, what's that stuff in their ears? That's so you don't blow their eardrum out. Is that? Yeah. They stuff it with like tissue or cotton balls. Okay.
Starting point is 02:22:52 Something happened. This guy's this guy got hit so hard. He's like paralyzed. Watch that. Watch this shit. This is crazy. Cauliflower face. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:01 You've heard of cauliflower here. This is cauliflower face. This is crazy. What happened to this guy. Are we going to watch him get smacked? Oh, no. They don't look like they're in the same weight class, dude. There's no way.
Starting point is 02:23:22 Oh, how's he's getting twice as big now? Dude, he's badass. Is he complaining that was an illegal hit? Look at that shock bucket. Dude, this sucks. Oh, my God. His skull broke. Oh no.
Starting point is 02:23:53 I want to like anything that Dana does, but I don't know if I like this. Is this getting big? This sport should be illegal. Oh my goodness. They should do it, but with those baking mitts. Oh, he won? He gave up?
Starting point is 02:24:15 He had him on the ropes. No, I think it's like you only get three shots each and then it goes to the judges. Oh, that's dumb. Yeah. Drew really hates this didn't we just talk about idiocracy yeah this is uh ryan's like no it's all consensual oh that guy did have a tear come down yeah it looked like he was crying like here let me see if i can find it oh jeffrey i i think i agree with you he's fucking brain dead yeah cte
Starting point is 02:24:47 uh from liz dick butter's like i hate this this little baby tear yeah i don't like watching that too much and i don't mind watching people get hurt it's kind of funny I really like watching skateboarding accidents. Oh, my kids love that. I hate that shit. Niza Houston posted a bunch of them, and I just can't stop watching them. Who used to post them? Niza Houston.
Starting point is 02:25:13 He's a lawyer. He's the richest skateboarder in the world. I've probably seen him. I love watching him. He's so good. I can't imagine being in the state of mind if somebody like that should be continuously beating the shit out of yourself like yes i got it and he's doing it down like 20 stair jumps like it's crazy scooters are funny like rollerblade falls are crazy
Starting point is 02:25:39 yeah this oh was that him was that oh oh dude oh so what i imagine is he doesn't have a skateboard and he just leaps off the top step and lands on his butt that's what i imagine oh my god he is wounded because that was that's what i would do i would God. He is wounded. Cause that was, that's what I would do. I would just jump from the top step at full speed and catch myself. I want to see his hip. Dude.
Starting point is 02:26:13 I just thought of the most amazing YouTube channel. You do all of this, but they don't have a skateboard. You just kind of Photoshop it out. There's leaping. Is there watching people in the wild like there's your zombies uh yeah uh watch bull bull riding hang up bull riding's crazy i follow some bull riding stuff there's a horse instagram account i follow that's so gnarly
Starting point is 02:26:40 like when horses kick people in the face and shit no uh it's just it's just horse stuff in general who needs that tomorrow we're live at 8 a.m oh oh he landed on his face oh yeah just imagine there's no skateboard there why doesn't he um wear a helmet like that one. Dude. Oh, my God. Oh, dude. Is his head hitting the ground? Yes. Like, oh.
Starting point is 02:27:14 Like, does anyone think less of him if he wears a helmet? Like, why don't these guys wear helmets? Am I just old? You're just old. God bless. Oh. god bless oh dude i could do this for hours so careful there's like something about watching this guy try to jump over this chain and oh hey i'm to go ollie over this freaking chain. And then you just fall.
Starting point is 02:27:48 And there's a bunch of them just doing them all in a row. And then they slow motion it. I cannot believe this is. Who does that? What do you mean? He tries to jump over a chain like that. Your boys are a couple years away from trying to do this stuff, dude. Look at these stairs.
Starting point is 02:28:03 I'm going to do it. Nope. Oh. Oh, my God. away from trying to do this yeah dude like look at these stairs i'm gonna do it nope oh oh my god right on the nuts and then he gets his head like that's dude he wishes that was his nuts that guy has two assholes now oh she just got taken out she just got pregnant this guy's oh uh look at cock cutter i like killer more than ever he parks in handicapped spots and doesn't put his car back come on come on i've never look at this hill hey guys let's go quick and get on my skateboard that's what i think here we go oh oncoming traffic hey you know i think someone
Starting point is 02:28:40 text me one of the one of my friends text me who's in a wheelchair who's been a guest on this show now that i think about it and reprimanded me for parking in the handicap spot i think he was nice about it i mean i think you deserve that yeah it's fine of course i deserve it as much as i deserve credit for it listen you should always the people who are doing things uh that are a little outside the box you should at least keep a few of us as friends i'm gonna take my gopro i'm gonna walk up to anybody that parks the handicapped spot and i go hey what do you what's your disability and then i'm gonna report back to you thank you all that footage that would be crazy hey what's your disability thanks andy anderson i got picked up a lot for always wearing got picked on a lot for wearing
Starting point is 02:29:24 a helmet like people who would pee in his helmet. But now that he's an Olympian, they don't pick on him anymore. I've tried to get that dude on the podcast. I think he's friends with Aaron Cafaro, who is friends on this podcast. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Yeah, the patch at Home Depot, even though there's no parking, has 24 handicapped. I've seen that in LA. It's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:29:46 And actually, a cop tried to give me a ticket for parking there, and I fucking yelled him down. Yeah, you did. Yeah. What happened then? What happened next? He gave someone else a ticket. Really? Have I told you that story?
Starting point is 02:29:59 No. I parked in the Home Depot. It was fucking early in the morning, like 6 in the morning. I had to run into Home Depot and get something for a film shoot. I think it was a film shoot that Jim Jordan maybe did with Christmas Sabbath. I can't remember. But we were in L.A., and I was with Haley.
Starting point is 02:30:15 And I think she was fucked up at the time even. I think maybe she was on crutches or something was fucked up with her from some surgery. She almost lost her leg. That's why we have a handicap placard i knew that and um so um uh and i don't give a i'm not gonna tell you guys the stories because i'd rather you guys just judge me fuck you jump to conclusions you have no idea how hard my life is yeah he's been to nobu only 15 times this week um i gotta be careful just fake crying like that a tear came out and so so we
Starting point is 02:30:46 park in the handicapped spot in the home depot and a cop comes up to us and he's like hey i'm gonna have to give you guys a ticket for the parking this handicapped spot and there's 24 fucking spots and there's fuck we're the only one in one and i get out and i'm like hey dude you have fuck you can't even fuck you can't do that i'm like you don't you don't know what's wrong with us he goes what's what's wrong with you i'm like you can you're not allowed to fucking ask it's none of your fucking business it's against the law to fucking ask people for the cops to you can andrew but it's against the law for the cops to ask you what your fucking disability is it's fucking like title 97-4327 so i go inside and i come out with hayley and we're getting in the car and there's
Starting point is 02:31:26 this fucking mexican dude in like a fucking old ass nissan fucking truck full of fucking guess what go ahead guess what's in the guess what's in the back of a mexican's truck in la wood no he's gonna build some stuff no jesus christ people in chicago don't know shit no more mexicans that's a great guess. No, we weren't that close to the border. Fucking lawnmowers and rakes and all the shit you need for fucking gardening. And the cops like,
Starting point is 02:31:53 well, I looks at me and my wife and is like, well, I busted this guy because he's using his mom's, uh, uh, placard. And I was like, you're a fucking asshole.
Starting point is 02:32:01 This guy clearly is working his fucking ass off to make fucking ends meet. And he's probably late to his fucking job. And I just started yelling at the cop for giving this fucking, clearly this hardworking fucking lawn cutter a fucking ticket. Molly's. So that was that story. What's in the back of his pickup truck to Molly's. That's another good guess.
Starting point is 02:32:23 All the guesses have been good except Hiller's. What did Hiller say? Wood. He said Home Depot. Yeah. That one Hiller said something silly. That's the music? No, that's the Home Depot theme song.
Starting point is 02:32:36 Oh, oh. Oh, that's good. It's like, what do you get when you go into someone's backyard? Fruit trees. Like, what do you want me to guess? What do you do at any place? I don't know. In California, Mexicans only have two things in the back of their trucks and hillary yeah uh more
Starting point is 02:32:50 mexicans or um uh lawn gear lawn equipment okay well now i know see todd byers guessed wood yeah well we todd where do you live what state do you live in i hope he says california he's not gonna say california have you ever seen people who are really good at drywall work and yeah they're mexicans colin merton's really good at drywall hey really good yeah oh my god we're headed to a three-hour show yeah i told you i want to go early right there we go northern virginia yeah that's fit i mean yeah you're northern virginia i don't think i'm gonna be able to find what i'm looking for here there's too many diy drywall things to find someone doing a speed drywall because it's awesome to watch people do fast drywall work
Starting point is 02:33:40 how many podcasters floss their teeth on the air one i need to bring my bag of weed closer i needed to show it i've wanted to show it a few times as my prop and i just keep it's too far away uh is blue hair a sign of being disabled it is i think it is now hillar doesn't think so he thinks that's just a sweeping generalization but i think blue hair means you're a democrat and you're mentally disabled in general so i dye my hair what happens next well you have a disability before you would dye it blue what if i did it tomorrow as a result of this conversation to prove me wrong or for me to start wondering if you have
Starting point is 02:34:24 a disability tell you what there's a there's a world in which i do that tomorrow my hair is blue hey you want to do a show i pop on hair is blue i would love that you have mental disability or what i go no i'm just doing it because you said i wouldn't remember that one time you proved me wrong on the show well here i have blue hair now you got two. Either you're wrong or I have a mental disability. Choose. Did Danielle Brandon have blue hair? I think she did.
Starting point is 02:34:50 Yeah, just a little streak, I think. She can do whatever she wants. Hey, did we ever get that other poll from Bosman's programming versus mine? Yeah, you won. You fucking. Oh, you're programming? I didn't do that one. Oh, Caleb. I got to be more assertive like Zach. Sorry, dude. Oh, you're programming. Oh, I didn't do that one. Oh, Caleb.
Starting point is 02:35:05 I got to be more assertive like Zach. Sorry, dude. Caleb, pull it now. No, OK. Don't do it. OK. And it would have been good, you know, an hour ago, though. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:35:19 It's cool. It's cool. What is this one? Oh, is this real? Wow. We have we have one vote. Oh god oh zero okay here here here's one for you um oh god this is fucking gross i'm glad we're getting rid of this one jesus christ 340 this is disgusting this is just weird wad zombie just hit. I make a video every day, which gives me a mental disability. Oh, Wad Zombie. Wad Zombie sent me a bidet, and I got two new cards.
Starting point is 02:35:53 We have 250 people still waiting around to hear about your bidet. No, it's in the garage. Okay, this is the President of the United States. I don't know what he's doing to this girl. But what's really weird is that this other guy oh that's her is that that guy's wife what the fuck is going on here we let's watch this this is crazy town banana pants i've got a lot of thanks to give out here first and foremost, my perfect wife. President of the United States.
Starting point is 02:36:37 Hey, do you want to hear something interesting? My friends who have daughters, I know, he's a fucking creep. My friends who have daughters, like, I'll go somewhere, and if my friends have daughters, like, I don't let them get within fucking arm's reach of me. Like, I just put my hands out. Like, everyone's hugging everyone. I don't fucking hug no one's daughter. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:36:56 I don't fucking hug no one. I don't hug other dudes' daughters. Is that spelled right, Tug? Kamala? I did hug Alexis for a four count one yeah two i told me had to and then i was like what comes after two fuck and it became it became a real awkward 30 seconds i don't even want to watch this i don't want to he's just fucking gross let's just erase that he's just thank you that's all you need yeah yeah move along don't and don't reach around from behind no one wants to be reached behind from behind
Starting point is 02:37:30 i mean not no one but i've had a traumatic experience of that someone reached around from behind they gave you a reach around i think i was in hawaii and i was in Hawaii and I was 12. Oh, and I, huh? I said, Oh no. Okay. It's not as bad as you think.
Starting point is 02:37:49 Oh, it's free. It's just not as bad as I want. It's not as bad as you want. No, the person was of my age and it was just like some dude I met and he goes, Hey, you want to go do this camp thing in the morning? I go,
Starting point is 02:37:59 mom, I'm going to go to this camp thing. So it was seven or 8am and we met up and we went, and I remember there was like a dual layered step and the dude that i just met was behind me at some point he just draped his arms over my shoulders and i was like i just went home was he armenian i don't know man he was just a no no he was white dude not a middle eastern okay well then definitely gay middle eastern dudes will just do this shit feel so weird and i middle eastern dudes will touch you all sorts of
Starting point is 02:38:28 inappropriate right yeah dude they're fucking weird dude they'll give you the up and down and then they'll go they'll like try to hold your hand and walk with you somewhere i like the up and down oh you just look them up and down size you up uh like oh what kind of cock is on that guy um what was the uh what was no dick butter come on let's be come on what what would dick butter say he's just he's taking the alexis joke too far what was it i don't even know well do you ever see this stuff or counter reeves just doesn't touch people oh yeah this is used oh wow have you noticed this so yeah hey you want to take a picture of some john wick his hands just way over here he's like oh i like that he just keeps he's both hands in view the whole time
Starting point is 02:39:17 there's a bunch of these look at this no he doesn't fuck around hey dude i i know guys who will fucking put their hand right underneath women's fucking tits when they put their arm around it's so fucking creepy nah dude shoulders look at this knuckles yeah i'm gonna that's the way to do it i agree that's the way to do it just go knuckles yeah yeah and john dude or john wick's a good dude. Yeah. I don't even talk to females in the gym. Yeah. It's like,
Starting point is 02:39:49 well, you've seen that whole thing where like, if you see a chick with a video camera, you like, don't help them. Don't help spot them because they're just going to, they're dying. And you're like, not by phone.
Starting point is 02:39:59 Oh, right. Right. Right. That's a Joey, Joey swole. Yeah. Right. He's got all those. Those are funny. Okay. Is it past? Swole. Yeah. Right, he's got all those.
Starting point is 02:40:05 Those are funny. Okay, is it past? Oh, yeah, okay. This is only appropriate after 8.30, 3.41. Is it a late night show now? This is fucking late night content. It's like the trampoline show. What was that show?
Starting point is 02:40:18 Oh, what? That show. Have we ever shown this before? No, but I'm mad that I'm pulling it up this is uh this is perfect for hillary i want to see if hillary can figure out what this is hillary you do you take care of this piece right here for a hundred it's a hundred uh dollarsle dude this is this is on etsy right is this on etsy yes dude what the fuck you can buy scroll over let me look at what it says this is a silicone vagina foot fetish masturbation something single or pair of feet penetratable soul oh look he says not again we have shown this
Starting point is 02:41:08 no i think he's just like here we go again i don't think that was a real penis that was a uh you know i've never used anything like this yeah me neither thank you or have i even had the impulse to think of buying one. And I wonder if there's anyone that would ever fess up to it on the show had they had, right? Is there anyone who's open? Well, just something like that. What are some other things besides a Vajankle? Just like, I mean, that's like an inflatimate, like just a full, like a $6,000 inflatimate.
Starting point is 02:41:47 I've never heard of that, but that's expensive. Like just like a robot you hump, you keep in your closet? Yeah. There was a, I don't remember what movie it was recently, but there was a freaking life-size mannequin. All these kids were trying to pull it around, and the dude found it, but it was some parent's sex doll, and there was this giant joke that went around but they're stupid expensive and i looked at that and i go people have these people have these freaking giant real dude i bet you it's huge business especially in some cultures uh seven would you expect accept sponsorship money from them
Starting point is 02:42:20 a hundred fucking percent we should look at the reviews on this they're 156 of them oh yeah that's a great idea yes oh my god looks looks great i'm wearing right now i'm wearing right now didn't realize paws were included they fit like a glove i love the mask it's thick rubber that holds oh these must these aren't this isn't the review for the Vajankle. This is shop reviews. Oh, oh yeah. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:42:52 Favorite dildo I've ever bought. It's good and works fine. Black. I wonder if this has any like specific to this one. Click on the stars. No, there's a shopper. Oh,
Starting point is 02:43:04 look, you can buy a pit. Why would you buy the pair how would you find so when you're watching one you can use the other one hell yeah i heard i was listening to a show and someone said someone said the jankle so i googled it. Caleb. Justin V, quit pussyfooting around. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, that is nice. Look at huge in Japan. I was going to say I could see it being something weird over there.
Starting point is 02:43:34 Yeah. Don't you mean small in Japan? Get it? Dude, what the? God damn it. Yes. I just tripped over my computer cord when stevan said the jankle i look like one of those skateboarders going over the chain sounds like some sort of a greek mythical legend you know that was redundant but you know what i mean um the the jankles oh shit uh your mom yelling at you no i'm getting
Starting point is 02:44:08 uh no it's just someone we were talking about on this show just text me it ruins the show when someone texts me like it ruins it fucks up my all my shit when someone like texts me who's watching the show and like i'm getting real-time feedback yeah who was it i shouldn't say it would make the show better again uh with miranda oh that's cool i have her old name in here too oh i can't imagine her saying anything that would ruin the show well no it just ruins it because it makes i just don't like the thought yeah it gets in my head i don't like the thought of like it's for me it's just like it's me you kenneth the lab dick butter and caleb you know what i mean and like jennifer
Starting point is 02:44:51 that valens way that cop chick what and trish yeah jeffrey birchfield just us you know i think jeff's usually here although he doesn't talk very much anymore jeff bako oh jeff bako yeah all right it is only yeah it's not that late over there late over here what time is it by you midnight just hit 11 by me okay this is another late night thing i was hoping it was brook ends it's a vagina with a hand in the middle this this is another late night thing. I was hoping it was Brookends. It's a hand. It's a vagina with a hand in the middle. This is another late night piece that I really don't like. This one, I don't even know what this is, but this says, I'm not going to like this.
Starting point is 02:45:33 I can tell. This says, cops like this ruin it for everyone. A 344. I'm going to hate this one. I don't know why I put stuff in here I hate. Rick Myers, $25. I've been in CrossFit since 2008. It's funny.
Starting point is 02:45:46 I'm 50 black and love this show. My kids call this inappropriate language show. Let them, let them, let them watch some of a show once. At first, I thought this would be talking elite fitness crap. Quit that.
Starting point is 02:46:03 Oh, Rick, thank you for the money, brother. I appreciate it let me know if your kids are listening ever and I'll try to reduce the vaginal talk I try to try to
Starting point is 02:46:13 when people in the comments like hey I'm with my kids I try to tone it down God I'm gonna hate this I'm gonna hate this I know it I hate negative cop shit but it has to be shown once okay oh yeah this cop is such an asshole god this cop is an asshole this really pisses me off hit it and as hillar would say it has nothing to do with that he's a cop or not he's just an asshole let's see god this guy's an asshole is Is this guy a Democrat or a Republican? I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 02:46:45 God, I fucking want to punch this dude in the face. That was pretty stupid, wasn't it? Flashing your lights at everybody to let them know that law enforcement was sitting there running radar. Is that what they did? Is that a crime? Yeah. It is? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 02:47:02 You got your license and registration. Why would you do that flashing your hot beams at people in the daytime yeah you can pause it like
Starting point is 02:47:17 he's just being a facetious asshole he's doing that to fucking help people out so they'll slow down isn't that the goal the goal is to help people drive better not give fucking – or is the goal to give people tickets? Who cares if you fucking warn people? People will slow down, and then they won't get a ticket, and they'll be safe. Kill two birds with one stone. You fucking divisive asshole.
Starting point is 02:47:41 But it gets worse. It gets worse. I don't mind any of this. I think it's funny up to this point i think it's fine okay sorry sorry sorry i'm jumping the gun sorry i'm jumping the gun okay go on it is legal to have flashing lights on your vehicle uh not being an emergency vehicle huh i said awesome okay and i could take you to jail today for your unsigned registration card but i just wrote you a citation for that. That's actually up to six months in
Starting point is 02:48:06 jail. You think it's funny, sir? Take the ticket, sir. I know, but do you think this is funny? I'm allowed to laugh. Go ahead and step out of your seat. What a fucking bitch!
Starting point is 02:48:21 Am I being detained? Yes, sir, you are. Step out of the vehicle. Are you serious? Are you serious? Place your hands behind your back. Are you serious? Place your hands behind your back. I'm not your brother. That was pretty...
Starting point is 02:48:36 How did his police footage get out? I think that's public domain shit. I think the department has to release it i think but i'm sure some whoever runs that was like oh we're gonna release this shit that's fucking hilarious oh i saw this video too i know this is old i'm going my list is so old don't let zach tell under see this no i know why not because, he, he, I don't know if he actually hates cops,
Starting point is 02:49:05 but he was like going, he was doing some fucking Antifa shit on me. Like bringing up, well, you know, the cops were actually blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 02:49:12 blah, blah, blah, blah. So I wanted to be like, Zach, wait till you have fucking kids. But I,
Starting point is 02:49:17 I just chilled. That dude's seat was so far forward. Hey, that's a great observation. That's what he should have ticketed him for. You fucking midget. Your seat's too far this close to the studio. He's a normal-sized dude, but it's like his wife was
Starting point is 02:49:34 driving, and he decided, I'm just going to drive and alert everyone at the speed. Unsporty Beth, happy birthday, Sevan and Hugh Penis. Is today your birthday? No, not yet. Close. Very close.
Starting point is 02:49:48 Thursday or something? Why would a cop do that? I could see pulling the guy over and being like, hey dickhead, don't do that. Huh. That's one where the other huh that's one where the other cops are going to see it and be pretty pissed off at that cop if i had to imagine only two people call me okay i'm not calling you yeah well you're not one of the people who i wouldn't say you're a person who calls me. I call sometimes. Oh, let me tell you the last time you called.
Starting point is 02:50:26 Yeah, Haley. Probably two. No, Haley does not call me. The people who, that's in red, right? Although Travis Bajan has started calling me more. Those are the missed calls. Oh, those are missed? Right.
Starting point is 02:50:41 Oh, red isn't just they called you red. Caleb's like, you old tard old tard listen today i spoke to you at 5 32 i'm pretty sure i called you you did um uh yesterday uh uh i called you friday i called you uh uh oh friday uh incoming call oh yeah noon you called me on friday i don't call really anybody you're too busy working i call you i called brendan to get him on the show that one day i called who's brendan oh the guy max el haj's dude no that's dorman the affiliate owner that called in that guy's name is dorman brannon no it's brennan brennan dorman oh dorman's his last name i believe so like dorman like hey open the fucking door here i come similar yeah dorman yeah i would love to know what his
Starting point is 02:51:41 ancestors did with that for that last name dorman You think that your last name has anything to do with what you did? What's a Matossian do? That's son of Matthew. Well, I see you've done your research. What does my name mean? Hillard, like fucking your family lived on a fucking on the top of a hill. That's the Hillers. Shut the hell up.
Starting point is 02:51:59 I'm telling you, motherfucker. I'm telling you. I'm not joking. It's like that. All right. How about Caleb? You don't hate Beaver? That's exactly what he fucking did.
Starting point is 02:52:09 One of two things. His great-grandfather either slayed Beaver or he slayed Beaver. Or it's the only thing they ate. Look at Ryan Jackson. Yeah. The liver king? Well, now you got the Beaver. Ryan Jackson.
Starting point is 02:52:22 His great-granddad jerk got caught jerking off in public and they just called him the jacker now he's ryan jackson johnson johnson isn't that crazy hillary there you go free education how about how about birchfield oh well it's kind of easy isn't it yeah his dad is probably what chopped down wood or lived in a field of birch trees or something trinronomic. I can't do this. What is metronomic? Metronomic. Metronomic.
Starting point is 02:52:49 A pet for a form of the female personal name. Dude, this is, I can't do that entire sentence. Metronomic from Hilla, a pet form of the female personal name, Hildegund, see Hilka,
Starting point is 02:53:02 German from a masculine personal beginning with the ancient germanic element hilled strife battle so look at look at this guy look at eric ootley my my family name ootley was originally oatley oat farmers from ootley england i like we're so simple as people dude we're so simple we're tards i like it's cool it's your definition of it better than the Google definition. Let me tell you, your family lived up high on a hill somewhere, and when they talked about you in the village, the hillers, like, hey, does anyone have any vodka?
Starting point is 02:53:36 Well, the hillers do. Okay. And everyone knew where you lived. You lived on top of the hill. How about people whose last names are gay? Well. They were just happy people. They were just happy people. They were just happy people.
Starting point is 02:53:46 That was the original definition of the word. Nice. I know that's the case with like Sigmund's daughter and David's daughter. That's how those work, right? Look at Tim Brown. My family was full of shit. Yeah, a lot of zombies said it sigmund's daughter i knew that i guess i just didn't think it applied to everyone not i mean not every yeah every what about this one uh bury my cock in her yeah that one's that one i would um uh caleb knew right away what
Starting point is 02:54:22 that guy's lineage was i had no no idea. It took me a second. Now I'm looking at people's last names. What's a Kowalski? That's Alexis' last name. Something. No, you've been good at this. Come on, come up with it. What's a Kowalski?
Starting point is 02:54:38 I'd have to look it up. Polish. Oh, yeah, it's Polish, but he said, hey, you're on a hill. I thought he'd go. The Polish word Kowal is blacksmith. Blacksmith. There you go. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:54:52 I couldn't see her doing that. Well, she wasn't, but think about all of her ancestors. There ain't one bit of Alexis that's blacksmith. She can hit like a blacksmith. She's giving me a concussion i tried to sneak up on her once and you did get a concussion she knocked me right out wow she can hit like a freight train uh how about 351 oh my god and then the show's over i have to pee so bad i wish that we could finish with some comedy for the record guys i was trying to be so bad. I wish that we could finish with some comedy. For the record, guys, I was trying to be cute and sneak up on her
Starting point is 02:55:25 and haymaker me. He hit her first. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Know that Nixon took America off the gold standard. What they don't know is it was replaced
Starting point is 02:55:41 with the oil standard. In the 70s, Henry Kissinger went to Saudi Arabia, and they made a deal that oil would only be purchased in the U.S. dollar. So the dollar was now backed by oil. And anyone who's gone against that has got a dose of democracy. But it wasn't just the dollar, because in 1944, the dollar became the world reserve currency, meaning other countries print money based on how many dollars are printed. So in the 1940s, the Federal Reserve Bank took over the world. And that was after they took over America in 1914, which was the same time the federal income tax was created. But we were
Starting point is 02:56:15 told they would only use it to tax rich people. Well, this week, Saudi Arabia announced they will no longer honor the petrodollar. I hope you're ready for a wild ride. Teaching kids about the truth of this world is more important than ever so check out my private homeschool community that guy was on the show brett pike i gotta have him on again it wasn't one of my best interviews but he was really great it was my fault and i enjoyed a lot recently and i enjoyed him a lot i'm hard on myself it's good makes you better i'm hard on hayley too uh if you don't know about the petrodollar you should definitely read about the petrodollar and we've talked about it quite a bit on this show in the past you should read about the petrodollar you should go to the
Starting point is 02:56:54 wiki page and type in petrodollar it will um it will be very interesting for you to see what's going on why saudi arabia and how how they accept the purchase of goods they basically in a nutshell 80 of all commerce that happens on the globe on planet earth on this rock if you believe it is a rock um happens in the u.s dollar which gives us a lot of latitude for printing money rick myers five dollars guess who did not take the injection hillary you should have chat gpt program the open. I thought that was like a one sentence. Yes or no.
Starting point is 02:57:29 How did you know? Del Levasseur. Seva, I'm pretty sure I triggered you at the broken science by saying I hope the podcast keeps gaining traction. May not have been the best choice of words, but take it in the spirit of which was intended. Mr. Del Levasseur, I viewed it as I actually owe you 20 bucks because I've used it to, um, as content and I appreciate you, uh, that's a great picture touching, touching base with me. Yeah. You've heard me say that many times. That's it.
Starting point is 02:57:59 You've heard me be like this motherfucker came up to me at the fucking broken science conference. And he's like, I hope to, I hope to, I hope your podcast does really – I hope it takes off. And I was like thinking to myself, you asshole. How about like, hey, man, you're doing a great job. I can see it's really taking off. All right. No.
Starting point is 02:58:15 You tell me. What? Is that the same guy as this guy? Oh, maybe. Yeah, probably. Wow, good job. is this guy oh maybe yeah probably wow good job I don't know if it is that guy was a really cool guy by the way he was very cool so there you go
Starting point is 02:58:34 he didn't trigger you no one really I rarely I'm telling you guys there's two me's you have to know that there's me that's just sitting down inside of me in the lotus position, just staring, and then there's me that's like the creator that's just like, no, that's not me.
Starting point is 02:58:55 Yeah, it is, asshole. No, that's not me. Could you imagine being him? He goes, wait a minute. What the hell? That's not me. That was a quick find, though, on your part, Hiller. You're good. They look similar. I met you as well, Hiller. on me could you imagine being him he goes wait a minute what the hell go that's on me um that was a quick find though on your part hillary you're good it looks similar i met you as well hillary
Starting point is 02:59:09 i think i do know i think he was wearing a cap i think this guy might have also said to me one other thing are you also the one who said to me i'm worried about you someone someone there also said i'm worried about you i go you're worried about me he goes are you know the one who said to me, I'm worried about you? Someone there also said, I'm worried about you. I go, you're worried about me? He goes, no, the guy walks up and he goes, are you okay? I go, yeah. And he's like, because I'm a little worried about you. I go, why? He goes, well, because you make yourself so vulnerable on the air.
Starting point is 02:59:35 Like, what the fuck is going on with these people? You told me about that one. Yeah. And then I asked if you were okay, too. And I hope that your podcast really starts to take off. No, no, not you. Weren't both of those. I was going to say, you owe me another 20 bucks.
Starting point is 02:59:50 No, thank you for the money. I really appreciate it. And it's all just, it's all just for content. Oh, Dell. I, for some reason, it seemed like a super last name, but I remember Dell. Dell Lavasur. Dell's a name that just, oh, it's it's a computer okay and i've never heard that first name before a cock cutter del missed your recent surgeon viewer numbers give him a break maybe he
Starting point is 03:00:12 was just thinking and you know what's crazy my surgeon numbers is like from 100 to 200 yeah i saw you're still 100 what you're about to hit uh 21 000, aren't you? Good. Everyone just like and subscribe. Go over there and subscribe. Oh, my God. Three seconds away from the three-hour mark. Let me see if I can find something funny to finish the show with. Is there any comedy? 21,000.
Starting point is 03:00:34 That's what you're at. Almost. Are you retarded? How about this one? $3.95. Are you retarded? $85, Caleb? Yeah.
Starting point is 03:00:42 Which one? Are you retarded? No, no. I don't know if that that will hold on uh um uh what about this one coincidence or not that's kind of appropriate for hillar let me see uh oh oh that one's kind of that one's kind of this one's not funny but uh yeah let's do it 400 i bet you we've shown this before. Number 400. It's been a while. This never gets old. Oh, look, we all vanished.
Starting point is 03:01:16 Oh, we're back. Okay. Here we go. I don't care, but I want you to know, double vaxxed, booster, flu shot, and I'm going to be honest, I have the shingle shot too. And I still get my period.
Starting point is 03:01:37 What? Yes! Traveled, went to Mexico twice, did shows, meet and greet, never got COVID. Clearly, Jesus loves me the most. Seriously. So nice. So nice.
Starting point is 03:02:00 Whoa. This has to be a joke. Nope. You've never seen this? No. Come on. Come on. Shut up. I would never
Starting point is 03:02:24 openly talk shit about Jesus and I would never i i would never i would never openly talk shit about jesus and i would never fucking invoke satan and i'm not even religious i'd never be like i don't believe in satan i hope you strike me down come get some bitch like i just don't do that but it's but but i'm telling you that that that timing on that is crazy I mean oh shit comedian Heather McDonald collapses fractured skull during set in Tempe Arizona stand-up comedian Heather McDonald collapsed during a show in Tempe
Starting point is 03:02:54 Arizona on Saturday night the 51 year old star took to her Instagram story on the night of February 5th to address fans from the hospital hey dude that's him that's so she's not dead no play it again dude she hit the ground and that would have been a good joke i don't know like when you decide to stand up to make it funny
Starting point is 03:03:21 dude her head hit so fucking hard on the ground yeah yeah she looks incredible for 51 um the only each time i watch it i kind of you probably like 30 or 45 seconds before she went down she knew something was wrong right i was kind of listening to her talk she starts like yeah she starts gasping pretty good yeah she starts gasping why'd she go down too much too much she took too many drugs uh clearly or she talked shit about jesus christos call her hi hey what's going on savon what's up brother what are you up late yeah i am well it's spring break you know i'm gonna stay up a little bit late travis no i don't mind i'm not saying his name until unless he is it okay to use your name
Starting point is 03:04:04 well sure all right good to hear good to hear from you jeffrey jeffrey have you ever called No. I'm not saying his name until unless you – is it okay to use your name? Well, sure. All right. Good to hear from you, Jeffrey. Jeffrey, have you ever called? Oh, I've called lots of times, Vaughn. I haven't called lately, though. Oh, okay. Well, that shows my memory.
Starting point is 03:04:15 Well, good to hear your voice. Yeah. I usually call there and Josh is there. Oh, that's right. That's right. Yeah, and that's been a while. Do you know we're having him on again, I think, next week? Two in a row. Yeah, on the right. That's right. Yeah. And that's been a while. You know, we're having him on again, I think, next week. Two in a row.
Starting point is 03:04:28 Yeah, on the 15th, I think. Yeah. You know, I'm overcompensating because he was acting like I get nervous. I don't ever want him to think like that he can't come on whenever the fuck he wants. So when he came on last time, the second we got off, I sent him a text saying like with Susan or Susan did like, hey, let's reschedule. I don't ever want. Oh ever want, I love that guy. He's a bad-ass dude, man.
Starting point is 03:04:50 Yeah. And he's a gentleman too. And he's always, he's always been a straight shooter with me. Absolutely. Yeah. Um, uh, it was about, um, I don't know, 30 minutes before we scheduled this show. I was in, I just, uh, you know what I did tonight for a workout? I'm fasting Jeff. So I did't know, 30 minutes before we scheduled this show, I was in, I just, you know what I did tonight for a workout? I'm fasting, Jeff. So I did five front squats with a 60-pound med ball on the minute for 30 minutes.
Starting point is 03:05:14 So it's like 150 squats, but just kind of like a slow burn, right? Oh, wow. And then when I was done, I was like, I should call Hiller and see if he wants to do a show tonight. And now here we are. I'm talking to you. Yeah. And he said, said absolutely and i'm glad hiller's on yeah me and him we need to talk sometime about some of the judging stuff since i uh took the judging course and don't feel like my word is ever used whenever i call out people on videos on that's the issue we opened the show with i think absolutely they don't listen to freaking anybody what do you mean what do you mean you'll you'll see something on their instagram
Starting point is 03:05:53 and you'll be like hey that's a no rep and i took the judges course and no one says they don't say okay or what do you mean so i don't i don't know if you've ever looked savann but whenever you go on the judges course or whenever you go on to the leaderboard and you look at a video, and I don't know, I'm assuming that if you've taken the judges course, it shows you this, but whenever you look at a video, it'll ask you, you know, is the video acceptable? Is there issues or, you know, reject the video? or reject the video. And you can put comments in and that kind of thing. And I did that on a few videos for 23.1,
Starting point is 03:06:34 but I mean, you never know if any of that ever goes anywhere. Oh, I'm totally misunderstanding this. You're telling me that those videos that you review aren't to see if you pass the test or not. They actually ask people to review some videos after you paid the money to take the test right then and there. After you, after you pass in our approved as a CrossFit judge per se.
Starting point is 03:06:53 Yeah. Go on. You never know whenever you go on there, if anything you judge, you know, be a video, if it's taken. So, sorry, hold on, Jeffff i'm late to the game you're
Starting point is 03:07:07 telling me that every single person who's taken the judge's course then gets a private link to go and judge open videos well it's not a private link you can just go onto the leaderboard and whenever you click on somebody's video it will ask ask you if you see anything wrong with it or if it should move along. Oh, shit. Wow. I didn't even know. And since I haven't taken the judge's course, I wouldn't have those options? Correct.
Starting point is 03:07:35 I wouldn't think so. Holy shit. Wow. Let's pull up a separate tab here. I think that it's different if you aren't logged in under your profile so let me let me look that up wow i had no idea that that's that's pretty that's pretty cool that they have that wait is it cool because they don't freaking do anything with it well we don't we don't know that maybe they do maybe they do what's up guys maybe they do shut up they don't that's what
Starting point is 03:08:02 he does swear it. He does yell at Alexis. I knew it. Here, look at this. Look at this. Look at this. All right. Hey, how do you know they don't do anything?
Starting point is 03:08:13 I knew I could grab those gears. Yeah. Here's what mine looks like. I picture Jeffrey sitting in a tall leather chair, crystal glass of scotch, calling Seban on an antique phone, but still wearing workout gear and a hat. That's it. Caleb's got it you're exactly right this is what it looks like when you don't have the judge's verification oh shit you can see what how people have voted go back to that wait a second so 84 of the people say that it's good. Eight say – and look at – they've changed the wording on – why don't they use the same wording that was used on how you review it?
Starting point is 03:08:51 Why have they changed the wording? You see how it says score needs modification? That's not what it said. That's not what the – go back to what the – hold on. Let me take a picture of this. Well, and there's a comment section too, so we can leave comments. Caleb, do you want me to show mine? Or here, I'll to flip it on take a picture and then okay i got a picture okay go ahead there you go so it's um it's good video and uh and they say workout is good okay they should
Starting point is 03:09:18 just stick with good video then it says um needs review it says score needs modification that's two totally different things. Nuts. And then invalid video and it says submission rejected. You know, you know, I don't know for
Starting point is 03:09:39 sure, but a good portion of me wants to remember that there used to be like a sliding scale on it, and it actually had something. This year, you could see the same way we saw it, but it doesn't do anything. In fact, there used to be 300 invalid scores, and that score would just disappear off the leaderboard. Hey, any reason why they wouldn't keep the wording the same?
Starting point is 03:10:06 Jeff? I don't know. I have no clue. I mean, needs review and score modification are two totally different things. Needs review means that like, hey, I'm not sure, but someone with more authority than me should look at this. Yeah, so whenever I look at it, it's just needs review. It doesn't say score modification. Yeah, the score modification, that's on, if you look at the... I mean, I think it's just in the instructions, isn't it? That score modification is after you voted. You can see all that.
Starting point is 03:10:39 And hey, you know what else is fucked up about that too? They should only be asking you to be the cop. You're not the judge and the jury, right? That's what CrossFit is. So like who the fuck are you to say it needs score modification? It should just be like, hey, needs a good or needs review. Right. right and but if you know if we pay our money and we go through that course and we take that you know hard-ass test that you can't really tell anything about we should have you know some kind of some
Starting point is 03:11:15 kind of say about what's going on and maybe there should be a fourth one that says hot attractive hot. Attractive. Yeah, I don't look at that. My bladder's about to blow up. Nah, you still got more time. Ariel's a monster. Three hours and 11 minutes in. All right,
Starting point is 03:11:42 I'll let you get off here, but hey, man, it was good talking to you. Good talking to you, too. I always appreciate a call from you, man. Same. We'll talk to you later. Okay. Bye, Jeff. Bye, Jeff.
Starting point is 03:11:52 Good night. Later. Dude, where did, where does this chick come from? Are we going to get in trouble for you showing this video? No, it's her own YouTube. No, no. This is what I do, man. I play entire videos from people like this
Starting point is 03:12:06 hey what about that wall that's cool it's like a fish tank is that a piece of giant fiberglass stuck to a piece of foam oh there's a rope behind oh no that must be like a box that's like built out away from the wall. Oh, shit. The RPM, like, workout system thing? I don't know, but look at the rope goes behind that. And I wonder how that affects her lying on the ground. That that box is, that wall is four inches out past the wall that her feet are on. I wonder if that fucks her. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 03:12:44 Okay. Okay. It's fair. Yeah fair he heard something he heard me say something until you check the part in the rule book where it says something like you can't have assistance moving your equipment oh is that so she doesn't bonk her head is that just to pad the ground should we get her in trouble real quick you're gonna put a needs review well depends no don't do that don't do that on my show i love her i don't i'm totally biased towards it won't do anything oh this popped up on a different page and they've already finalized the they already finalized the leaderboard oh they haven't finalized shit we know that all right let's see they don't even know what the word finalized means i'm not even joking i'm not trying to be a dick either it's usually like right around here
Starting point is 03:13:32 that they say whether you can or not have someone helping you with your equipment unless otherwise oh there you go sorry ariel you're in trouble why god damn it otherwise stated athletes may not receive assistance with their equipment during the test guess you're gonna be going to the games this year yep sorry ariel you ain't going and whoever that was knew it and didn't want her going to the games. That's it. It's a conspiracy theory. That's cool to do that sort of stuff live. Well, we found an issue with the video.
Starting point is 03:14:13 What are you going to do, CrossFit? Yeah, real time. Absolutely nothing. It doesn't matter. That was like the Noah Olsen video. It doesn't matter song in the background. That's not equipment, Dick Butter. the background. That's not equipment. Dick butter.
Starting point is 03:14:27 I mean, it's definitely equipment. It totally helped her out. She, I mean, otherwise she had to do them on the floor or she had to do them. Like I did. And you kind of wall walk over the mat.
Starting point is 03:14:38 This is, this is another massive show. Yeah. What's massive. How many can't tell you,. What's massive? How many? I can't tell you, but it's massive. Are you not telling me because you don't want to tell me or because you want to tell the people? Both.
Starting point is 03:14:51 No, no, definitely not you. I like the people to have to go look for their own numbers. All right, guys. Thank you for joining us. I hope you had fun. Sunday night fasting show. I love coming on here late at night talking to you guys. When I was young, I used to love listening to the radio late at night i used to listen to
Starting point is 03:15:07 loveline with adam carolla and dr drew and i used to also listen to dr ruth westheimer sneak it on like a little transistor radio at bed at night um you got to have a chick on here that's the thing isn't it to have a chick the love line thing isn't there usually a chick on for that i guess there could be i like girls that's fine um tomorrow adam kramer's on uh adam is a i learned quite a bit about adam today he'll be here at 7 a.m tomorrow he is uh running a remarkable program sounds like he did seven years in a federal penitentiary. Uh, he was running a huge drug operation and the state of Delaware. And now he is, uh,
Starting point is 03:15:52 has a kids, a CrossFit gym for, uh, kids who otherwise, uh, who live in what they call murder town USA. I think it's Wilmington, Delaware.
Starting point is 03:16:02 And he runs a CrossFit gym there. That's free for kids. And it's called the green beret Program. And it's him and an FBI agent that run it. Which is kind of cool. And it's going to be cool hearing his story. And then tomorrow evening, we will have the great Brian Friend
Starting point is 03:16:18 on. I am also trying to organize and I say this with complete transparency. Okay. I was listening to Adam Carolla. Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew. You were not listening.
Starting point is 03:16:33 Yeah, I was. I loved Adam Carolla. I'm trying to get Patrick Clark and Lauren Khalil and Brian Friend on to do a show on the state of affairs of media and CrossFit. Kind of figure out what's happening at Morning Chaka, what's happening at Talking Elite Fitness, where the fuck Patrick and Brian have landed. Just kind of just a show, just to talk to the homies.
Starting point is 03:16:57 What's the status on that? How's it going? I can't tell you, but it's not perfect. It's not perfect. Stuck talking to Brianrian's agent nice wait i like i like your banner hey does your does your wife make you take that down when the show's over mine no all right she's a good dude she doesn't touch my shit oh no lauren's in lauren's in lauren isn't allowed on any more
Starting point is 03:17:25 part of her contract no she's in she's good yeah that'll be a huge show that'll be a fun show with all of us no seven i'll cut it off in an hour and a half that too you got you gotta can't wait 2057 2057 the problem is every single person who comes on the show pretty much looks good and i'm not interested in making him look good at all same status as the daniel brandon love line show just a pipe dream oh pipe down that would be good i think she's got to open up more though danielle she's a little bit too reserved when she's on the show like give her like a like a shot of whiskey or something yeah that'd be good she was she did good talking when she's talking about dana white that one time the whole situation that was good i gotta give her props for that she opened up there equal rights equal fights that was good that was good yeah i gotta put that out there so i at least
Starting point is 03:18:31 have some context that was good and great glassman coming on okay all right good night caleb good night hillar good night tug speedman the drew dick Butter, Stephen Flores, Kenneth DeLapp, Justin V, Sean M, Rick Myers. Fuck, I did too. You did too what? Genitals. You will? Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 03:18:55 Nice. Call her now. No, it's fucking midnight. I got lucky one time when she answered. I'm never going to call her again. Are you fucking kidding me? That was a dream come true that day. Good night.
Starting point is 03:19:11 Bye-bye.

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