The Sevan Podcast - #858 - The Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: March 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 No, just like that, bam. I'm sitting here trying to make the show start, but it's already started. Bam, we're live. Everyone knew about me. Good morning, Scott. Good morning, good morning, good morning. So you go, hi, good morning. Changing the profile pic regularly to confuse me,
Starting point is 00:00:26 but at least keeping it consistent in the same genre. Step on play the EZ song. Nobody move. Nobody get hurt. That was a good one. What if I did have access? What if I had Caleb this morning to help me? Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:00:44 That would be fantastic. if I did have access. What if I had Caleb this morning to help me? Oh my goodness. Maybe that's why I like the Frisbee shows. Because I have Caleb. Maybe that's why. I didn't even think about that. It is so great having Caleb.
Starting point is 00:01:01 It is so great. I can't tell you. He kills it. He kills it. I can't tell you. He kills it. He kills it. I take Caleb over money. Cameron, good morning. I think I just started following you, Cameron, last night. That was cool, that video you sent me.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I remember that scene. What movie was that from? Like Predator? With Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers when they gripped up. That was cool. Spiegel. One of the best affiliate shirts I got was from CrossFit crazy and Menominee, Menominee,
Starting point is 00:01:36 uh, Wisconsin. All right, fine. Travis, love my black and gold CEO. Yeah, that one's cool.
Starting point is 00:01:41 My kid wants this one, Travis, the American flag one. It's funny. They're obsessed with the ceo shirts they're so big on them and i like my kids to look tight though and they look sloppy and i'm so i always like i always make them take them off after a little while um geez louise heavy if you paid uh my mortgage i'd work behind the scenes for you yeah
Starting point is 00:02:02 there you go i don't even know if you're capable dude i don't even know if you're capable the the level at which caleb's at is it's crazy it's so um even yesterday during the frisbee show i mean he's there's like little nuances that i catch him doing that are just that are so awesome i um the first time i wore these glasses greg told me i look like the syrian ambassador to the united states i was thinking i bet you that dude doesn't get a lot of girls but maybe he does monomony what do you mean monomony seve's trying to say monomony monomony leading cause of death you guys know what it is leading cause of death leading cause of death in the world it's very easy leading cause of death no one ever says it no one ever says it but it's like so obvious.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I don't know if I can do your accent. Leading cause of death. Cardiac. Not, not even close. Not even, not even close. Leading cause of death. I appreciate the guests though. At least someone's listening. COVID of course. No. Oh my goodness. COVID, of course. No. Oh, my goodness. Mike's getting close. The point of this question isn't the answer. The point of this question is just how people think. You're getting so close.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Now you are getting very, very close. The point isn't the answer. The point is how people think. And then on top of that, I'd like to take it even one level. People don't even know how they think. And then once you know how you think you can kind of tinker with it, right? You can like, okay, I can think like that in order to solve this. But most people just think just one way and they don't even know how they think they're just sleeping zombies the number one cause of death is being born if you were not born you would not die i don't even know if cause is the right word i'm willing to tell you that i don't know if cause is the right word there you go slater Slater. Slater's like, yeah, I told you. I told you.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yes, 100%. No second place, impossible to refute. Not a lot of things are true in life, but boy, that one, we're getting close to something. We are getting close. But we, and we want to save lives at any at any cost. Right. We're willing to kill. We've already shown as humans we're willing to kill a hundred to save ninety nine.
Starting point is 00:05:02 But we are not willing to not be born in order to that that that pushes us too far. Right. But most people most people don't don't even know that that's how they're thinking they don't even know how they think there's not like that they don't even they don't even know how they think i give you kind of another weird one. Cancer. So a lot of people here are probably kind of stuck in the middle because we're a big personal accountability and personal responsibility group. That's us. Seve dislikes me. That is not true.
Starting point is 00:05:41 That is not true at all. Matter of fact, I enjoy looking at your picture. You're a fine mix of nerd and flat bill gangster that I appreciate. You were like that kid at school I couldn't figure out who would wear both straps on your backpack. It wasn't cool, but for some reason you could pull it off. And I'd be like, damn, I wish I could do that. I look so much more comfortable. Now you know what I really think about you we're the big personal accountability and personal responsibility group right it's all under our control and we should be doing the best to take care of ourselves and then there's this other group of people that think that there's a cure for cancer. Some of you probably think, oh, maybe there is a cure for
Starting point is 00:06:30 cancer, but it doesn't make any sense. We should be able to distinguish the two ways of thinking. It doesn't mean you can't have both ways. You can think both ways and they can be contradictory in your head. Don't be afraid of that. You're not a hypocrite for that. You're not a hypocrite for thinking that there's a cure, but then also realizing that there is no cure. It's not something you need to do to get rid of cancer. It's something you need to stop doing. Cure implies that there's something you need to do. We know that we're fully responsible by our choices, our lifestyle choices, how much we move and what this, what our hand puts into our mouth.
Starting point is 00:07:13 There's another great one there. You would never cut your hand off to avoid getting cancer. My hand keeps putting these donuts in my mouth and keeps putting this 40 into my mouth. And so I'm going to cut my hand keeps putting these donuts in my mouth and keeps putting this 40 into my mouth. And so I'm going to cut my hand off. That would be a kind of thinking, right? That would be a kind of thinking. And then there's the outsourcing of it well they'll they'll give me radiation there's nothing i can do about it they'll give me radiation and chemicals and i'll just do my best any of us gets type 2 diabetes and we're like shit
Starting point is 00:07:59 we're going to stop eating snicker bars i I'm introducing a lot of ideas here, by the way. It is not the topics of discussion. It is not sugar or diabetes or cancer that I'm talking about at all today. Think of it more as like cause and effect. We're talking about how people think. Cause and effect, correlation versus cause, what you can know, what we're really trying to do. Are we really trying to save people's lives the ultimate way to save everyone's life was would be to just not be born then when no one has
Starting point is 00:08:32 to die but then you wouldn't be alive so so we accept that you know what the leading cause of death is for children this is from google i don't know if it's true it doesn't matter if it's true it's just just the just an example the leading cause of death for children and young people between the age of 5 and 29 years old you know what that is worldwide 29 years old. You know what that is? Worldwide. Close. Great guess.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Fucking great guess. Drowning. Great guess. Between the age of 5 and 29 years old. Leading cause of death. I think under 5 it is drowning, Jeff. I think I remember seeing that somewhere. Mass shootings?
Starting point is 00:09:21 No. Not even close. Car accidents. between the age of 5 and 29 leading leading cause of death car accidents yeah and you're right i don't even know if that's true you're probably right it is probably hunger starvation great guesses who knows i'm just telling you what google told me between 5 and 29 years old by the way if you put in leading, all they want to take you is to gun shit. People must be looking up a lot of gun shit right now. Leading cause of death for ages between five and 29 years old, car accidents. Why not get rid of cars?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Let's just get rid of cars. That's a way of thinking, right? Bear with me. Bear with me. There's some other. Let me propose some other things before we get rid of cars that's that's a way of thinking right bear with me bear with me there's some other let me propose some other things before we get rid of cars right uh uh the leading the the cause of those accidents according to the to google the main causes are speeding a drinking a being tired and texting i mean three of those we could stop right away we could stop speeding we could limit the speed of cars overnight right we could do that that's not a problem we can get rid of alcohol so no one can be drunk and we can and we can get rid of cell phones so no one can text i mean there's ways to fix all of this stuff but on the other side of saving everyone's life we have to not be born do you see the scale there
Starting point is 00:10:52 so if no one's born then no one dies but the cost is that no one gets to be alive so there's a scale. We put masks on children in the United States and on everyone around them without ever thinking about what the cost was. No one did. No one figured out what the cost was. No one figured out what the cost was. I mean, some of us knew. Some of us were like, are you fucking kidding me i'm putting a mask on my kid my wife was even smarter right my wife was even smarter than me she said uh
Starting point is 00:11:34 um uh she said uh um i'm not even gonna wear i'm not even gonna let my kids be around anyone who's wearing a mask. I'm trying to find the clip. It's fucking freaky. I'm not even going to let anyone... I'm not even going to let anyone be around my kids wearing a mask. And she ended up being right. Because when you put a mask... When you cover someone's face around a kid, they stop learning. They lose 50 50 of their ability
Starting point is 00:12:06 to learn basically they're reading lips they need to see the expressions on the person's face uh the this is here's some crazy talk listen to this crazy talk i think that the cat thing i don't know the car thing is kind of debunked because cars were invented to move people the presupposition that the origin and that the invention is relevant to the critical thinking uh the vaccine was invented to save people too i mean it's just this is just this is what you have to be worried about this is john stewart talk do not let this enter your brain accidents happen that's god right there that's the problem by the way with you people that believe in god you gotta all you gotta have you can they they can use that on you at all times accidents Accidents happen. You know, that's God, right?
Starting point is 00:13:09 And then and then doubles down on the bad thinking guns are invented to kill people. It's irrelevant. What if we all you have to do is what if we went back and we're like, hey, Mr. Car inventor, what was the real reason you invented them? Well, to get pussy. And that's the real reason why guns were invented. Guns weren't invented to kill people. They were well to get pussy and that's the real reason why guns were invented guns weren't invented to kill people they were invented to get pussy that's why everything was invented if you don't know that then you don't understand shit i can't explain anything to you
Starting point is 00:13:35 it's just 12 daily doses dude easy buddy don't make it so easy for me. Cars were invented to move people. Guns were invented to actually to just get birds. And not to kill them, but just to maim them. And that's why they used a... And that's the problem to get to the solution we're gonna need like people who can think uh clearly because we're never going to get to the solution but we just what we're trying to do is mitigate the damage we
Starting point is 00:14:18 do i wonder why masks were invented. I don't really care. By the way, that was facetious. We're trying to mitigate the damage. And so we had some people that were really emotional that thought it was really important to save people who were over 80 years old, and we fucked a whole generation. I'm trying to find this clip um
Starting point is 00:14:45 it's this oh here it is here it is i ask you this what do you think the implications are of having the dumbest group of people ever on the planet right now what do you think the implications are of lowest reading scores and lowest math scores you think that this is going to help driving on the streets you think you think you think this is going to adversely affect drinking and driving in car accidents the leading cause of death 529 you think this is adversely going to affect gun violence you think this is adversely going to affect cardiac disease i think this is going to adversely affect obesity? Dude. You think education
Starting point is 00:15:30 is going to adversely... What do you think would be more potent to stop gun violence and car accidents? To teach people about drinking or take ARs off the street, automatic rifles, or to have smart kids? I want to double down on smart kids. I want to double down on smart kids. I want to double down on smart kids.
Starting point is 00:15:51 That's a cool picture, Bruce. I want to double down on smart kids. I want to double down on smart kids. We all knew that the pandemic was going to affect education, but how bad is it? We've got the data now, and things are bad. They're actually worse than most of us thought. In fact, I would tell you that we have an education crisis right now. The actual numbers vary by community, but according to a nationwide test given to fourth
Starting point is 00:16:22 and eighth graders, reading skills dropped to the lowest point in 30 years. And in math, nearly 40 percent of eighth graders couldn't understand basic concepts, the worst performance since testing began back in 69. This is not just poor kids who are living in the urban centers. It's all over Americaica there's been a dramatic reduction in ela and in math scores this goes along with the loss of students in school oh i want to check that right there and the behavioral he said this goes along with the loss of students in school those i would i would argue that those loss of students in school are actually the ones that can read the kids that aren't going to school the the vast majority, the two million that dropped out in the last two years.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Don't worry about those kids. Mommy and daddy got those. Don't worry about those, Mr. NPR. I wonder if school was invented to stop gun violence. No, but guess what it does. I wonder if school was invented to stop drunk violence. No, but guess what it does. I wonder if school was invented to stop drunk driving. No, but guess what it does. I wonder if school was invented to stop men from beating women. No, but guess what it does. It mitigates all those
Starting point is 00:17:35 things. Listen to this. Listen to this. God, I love you. This we have, we are so lucky to have this. You get to see it in real time, people. Guns were invented to kill people. Not true. They were invented to get pussy. I already told you that. You can't refute that. That's what they do.
Starting point is 00:17:55 But cars kill people and they weren't invented to kill people. You're making the presupposition because they kill people, that's what they were invented to do? The vaccine wasn't made to kill people, or was it? Maybe you're onto something. Are you saying they aren't i'm 100 am i saying they aren't what that they weren't invented to kill animals and what is the what is the origin of it have anything to do with it the origin of why it was invented maybe once, you're not looking at the other side of the scale. How many lives has it saved?
Starting point is 00:18:28 How many tyrants has it protected people from? There's no other side to it. The mask was invented to protect people. That law was put in place to protect people from COVID. It's made 100 million kids retarded, dude. Do you see that? It's the third time i busted up your argument yeah maybe this is great so don't sell them to people that to people that want to kill people
Starting point is 00:18:56 uh question number seven are you interested in killing people we don't even try to do that fair enough fair enough i'll give you that i don't know if that's true or not i don't i don't know if we i don't know if we do i get i guess because look at hunter biden we knew he was a drug addict and and and he lied on his uh on his application for his gun and he still got one so maybe you're on to something there something's weird something's weird you're on to something there i'll meet something's weird you're on to something there i'll meet you there can we do that can we not talk about why they were invented another thing i was tripping on is do you guys know anyone who is a
Starting point is 00:19:36 a democrat who turned republican and then vice versa do you know anyone who's a republican who turned democrat do you know anyone who's a democrat who just turned libertarian do you know anyone who's democrat who just became apolitical do you know anyone i don't know a single person who went from republican to democrat and then here's another thing do you know anyone who went from uh uh being against guns to being pro-gun okay and then and then the other way do you know anyone who was anti-gun or who was pro-gun who went anti-gun i've never met anyone yeah i only know democrat to republican me too and i don't know anyone who went from uh pro-gun to anti-gun i don't know anyone either it's not an argument for being the better way to go.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Maybe people are just getting dumber. I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'd like to, I'd like to know how many people, um, uh, it would,
Starting point is 00:20:40 well, I'd like to know. I was looking into the kkk last night what a fucking fascinating organization did you know did you know that in in more than half the states in the united states the kkk killed more white people than black people i had no fucking idea makes me really not like him now. Caller high. Mr. Bill.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I think I texted you this research that came out on the statistics about the rate of patriotism, religion, having children and community involvement since 1998.
Starting point is 00:21:26 In 1998, 60% of Americans thought having children was a very important value. Today, it's 30%. 70% of Americans in 1998 thought patriotism was a very important value. And now it's 38%. Religion, 62% in 1998. 39% of Americans think it's important today. And then also, the KFF Health System Tracker just came out. The U.S. life expectancy is now 76
Starting point is 00:21:59 years old. Comparable European countries, many of which have universal healthcare, government-run healthcare, 82 and a half years old. Oh, I liked how you slipped that in there. That's bullshit. But go on. Not your numbers, but just how you slipped that in there. And so, I mean, I think you're getting at the crucial question of our age, which is the coming chaos. And I think the shooter in Nashville was just the taste of what's to come.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I don't think the shooter in Nashville is anything special. This is happening just every day, right? By special, I mean unique. People are trying to make it into a big deal. It's like, dude, there's tons of crazies. We have crazies. We have crazies. But you should look at what the left ascribes to the right so what do they say about republicans in tennessee they're committing a genocide against trans people you should always look at that as um
Starting point is 00:22:57 them looking at a mirror of what they want to do to the people who are opposed to the trans ideology I agree 100% there socialists and democrats will stack bodies like cordwood they have no fucking value for life their whole thing is kill anyone who doesn't agree with them
Starting point is 00:23:18 if that's what you're saying I agree I've never said that on the air but they are a scary fucking group of people they project yeah they are a scary group of people for sure for sure the only thing history shows that by the way
Starting point is 00:23:33 we're not Bill and I aren't here just like postulating these motherfuckers will fucking kill you if you don't believe in their inclusion I mean think of World War 2 think of after World War 2 yeah or of after World War II. Yeah. Or and after World War I. Three million ethnic Germans
Starting point is 00:23:51 were killed after each of those wars as supposed, you know, justice or retribution. I mean, this hopefully doesn't get that scary. But, you know, it kind of goes back to the question you're bringing up about guns because we're kind of on the precipice where tensions are so high. I was trying not to make it about guns. I blew that. Everyone just knew what I was doing. I wasn't even slick about that. yeah but i mean now the point is like there are no they're no longer mediating institutions or beliefs that we can rely on to navigate tensions so that like the tinderbox is set for a plane why is that what was that thing you said why is it the tinderbox is set because what because we're not what because because like the survey i talked about no longer do people think patriotism or religion or having a family is important to them.
Starting point is 00:24:47 We're becoming an increasingly individualistic society without anything beyond ourselves that unite us. And so that's why it's never too much to talk about the tensions or the risk of, you know, kinds of violence that we haven't seen before. Because we haven't seen these kinds of social conditions before. Well, thank you. Thanks for having me. Yep, thank you. You're always welcome to call, Mr. Bill. Do you think that...
Starting point is 00:25:23 Do you think that um you think that um there was there was this there was this thing that greg used to say greg glassman used to say at the crossfit level ones about how um crossfit was this uh methodology that allowed your uh your your human genome your dna to express itself in its fullest and some of the ideas that he one because of the movement but two because of the diet you would eat in that zone diet and you admit it would keep your hormone levels just level and he felt like disease came from fucking hormone levels that did this and uh he didn't feel that way he uh he studied it and came up to that conclusion and then and then he felt like the CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:26:06 the movement also allowed the constantly varied functional movement that you were sort of replicating something that happened in real life. And therefore, there was this combination of nutrition and movement that allowed you to express. Do we all kind of agree on that idea that there is an expression? And then he would say, yo, so if you're a girl and you get huge
Starting point is 00:26:22 thighs or if you're a dude and you get a big ass waist, like, hey, that's just the way of what you were, you were supposed to don't fight it. But you had to work really hard to see that full expression, right? To see that fucking rich froning. You had to work really hard. You had to be disciplined with the diet and the, and the movement, right? We all kind of agree on that. right we all kind of agree on that and then there's things in history that have that have um in the clinical sense not in the playful sense uh have retarded that so for example uh shoes
Starting point is 00:26:55 right uh joe westerlin one of the great coaches on planet earth today out of omaha uh was sharing with me one time that he felt ankle flexion is what led to a lot of the, and I'm sorry, Joe, if I'm fucking this up, the spirit of it's right. That, that ankle flexion, people wearing shoes are not having good ankle flexion, what led to knee injury, which led to hip injury, which led to back injury that basically there was a chain of chain of, there was an effect from the extremities heading towards the core of the body because we do things to sort
Starting point is 00:27:25 of retard our natural um oh you want me to add some other people in there okay uh burby the express yeah uh danny spiegel great example right what a fucking insane fucking expression how cool is that i don't know who john pera is. Kalipa. Yeah. What a fucking savage. What a crazy expression, right? Of what CrossFit can do. to it that maybe should have been used sparingly but are used like every day right so shoes would be cool like on a on a day that it's frozen or if you're going to battle shit like that right oh look listen kevin don't get crazy don't get fucking crazy and start trying to talk sense from the gun listen the gun issue is a non issue zero compared to fentanyl zero dealing with the gun issue is like dealing with the the gun issue to help america is like dealing with um uh um the police to help racism. It's idiocy.
Starting point is 00:28:46 It's complete fucking idiocy. The fentanyl problem would be the if we could stop fentanyl, if we could close our border, if we took care of our country like that, the amount of benefits that would come would be nuts.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Dude, I bet your shootings would drop in half. Be crazy. Crazy. Don't start talking real talk. Look, even his name is The Real Kevin. Trying to talk sense into someone. Easy, buddy. That's my job.
Starting point is 00:29:20 You guys just act crazy in the comments. Don't start trying to talk fucking smart like me. That's my job. You guys just act crazy in the comments. Don't start trying to talk fucking smart like me. So you have to there's things you have to do if you don't if you don't do this 10,000 step thing. Like if you're not walking every day, your body's not doing what it was supposed to do. There's just a shit your body's supposed to do. If you're looking at your phone, do you think there's ever a time in humanity when our eyes were – in the previous – the expression of how we're supposed to express ourselves, our DNA, these great fucking godly gifts we received as these bodies. There was ever a time when we looked like this for six hours a day? No. We're looking that way.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Do you think that people naturally feel better and healthier who can see further distance to the horizon? people naturally feel better and healthier who can see a further distance to the horizon it's it's it's obvious what you need to do to be healthy right you need to live in the way that you were designed to live you have a car you have this body and if you don't live the way it's supposed to design things are going to become uncomfortable for you. Things are going to become very uncomfortable for you. I'm going to play this for you. here we go a society grows great when old men plant trees the shade of which they know they will never sit in
Starting point is 00:31:01 good people do things for other people that's it the end you think that's true a society grows great when old men plant trees the shade of which they know they will never sit in a society grows great when old people plant trees knowing they'll never sit in the shade of those trees i don't want to get what that means you're out there just doing shit that's not going to benefit you although you are getting the benefit of planting the tree digging the hole getting strong good people do things for other people That's it. You think that's part of the operating system too? We established that it's like moving and how you eat. You think this plays a part right here? Good people. You think being good is fun? You think being good is fun.
Starting point is 00:32:05 You think that's like healthy? I think that's good for you to be good. A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. We're going to make the presupposition here. I apologize, but that being good is good.
Starting point is 00:32:24 That it's more funner. It's the more funnest. It's the funziest. You walk up to the trash can at the park. You throw something in the trash can. You see something on the ground. Why don't you pick that up and throw that in the trash can? trash can you see something on the ground why don't you pick that up and throw that in the trash can you walk by some shit on the ground you have poop bags why don't you pick it up
Starting point is 00:32:52 you think if you did do that stuff it would make you um healthier you think that you think you'd like yourself more? I think that people who don't do that hate themselves and that it's a really tight loop. They don't even know in their life sucks and no one wants to pick the poop up and pick that stuff up. No one wants to do that. No one wants to do that. But when you do it, you feel so good. Seven, why don't you put your shopping cart away? Because I believe in the youth of America and I believe in job creation. And I used to take, I used to, I
Starting point is 00:33:41 used to collect shopping carts and I loved it. Sure as fuck don't need some old motherfucker taking my job under some do-gooder fucking bullshit assumption. Thank you. I'm Seba Matosian and I approve of this message. Now, there's a time to put your cart away. And there's a time not to. You just pulled your Lambo up and it's a tight parking spot you put the cart and you leave it you move a cart you get a cart from the carriage and bring it over and block
Starting point is 00:34:11 someone from parking next to you shopping cart theory thank you and listen i'm not saying you have to pick up every piece of trash every piece of dog poop you have to put your cart away i remember my story. I'm trying to be melodramatic here. Okay, here we go. Here we're going to get to the fun stuff. You ready? This is going to get connected.
Starting point is 00:34:29 The whole point is we should be doing what we were meant to do. If you want to be happy. I'm just saying if you want to be happy. Here we go. And this is, I don't want to hate on Joe, but there is my frustration of Joe Rogan right here. Because he did this with the fucking pandemic. And it's just like, you know, I mean, Vellner called me an absolutist, but fuck it. Then I'm an absolutist.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I ain't playing this game. I'm not playing this game. But here you go. Thank you, Mr. Rogan, for this tidbit. Here we go. The University of South Australia researchers are calling for exercise to be a mainstay approach for managing depression, as a new study shows that physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counseling or the leading medications. Of course it is.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Well, there he goes. Thank you, Joe. Of course it is. You don't need anyone to tell you that you can go test that out yourself you don't a movement and diet trump all medication and all counseling all if you're not doing movement and diet then uh counseling and medication is pointless you've outsourced you've outsourced you've outsourced now now now we're back to you think that there's a cure for cancer you you have a different way
Starting point is 00:35:51 of thinking you could think both you can take responsibility and then also try some of these other things pay someone to talk to and probably and i don't want to say the cause of anyone's individual depression because there's no way i can know but there you go that part fuck that i'd scratch that part ignore that part i think probably a lot of people are depressed because they're not moving i think probably no because they're not moving listen everything of every single one of your thoughts you don't have to believe anyone on this. You can sit perfectly still
Starting point is 00:36:28 and see that every single one of your thoughts is connected to your body, to some sensation in your body. Once you prove that to yourself, no one will ever take that from you. No one will ever take that from you. Every single person can do it. Don't outsource that.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Sit perfectly still. Learn that every single thought is connected to a sensation in your body. It could take a while. Sit on your knees. Hear the thoughts. This hurts. This is uncomfortable. I'm going to hurt myself.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Every thought is connected to a sensation in the body. I almost feel bad in saying that they're connected because they're closer than connected. Rogan's solution to everything is psychedelics. I don't know, right there, I think he was proposing some movement there. But here's the thing about this. You don't have to, you don't have to trust my opinion on this. Anyone can just go out and thing about this. You don't have to, you don't have to trust my opinion on this.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Anyone can just go out and just experiment this free the beaver. You don't, you don't have to, you don't have to, you don't have to trust. You don't have to trust anyone. It's the same thing with God. You don't have to outsource that. You don't have to, you don't, you don't have to, don't have to trust anyone it's the same thing with god you don't have to outsource that you don't have to you don't you don't have to you don't have to be a believer you can become a knower and so and so you so there's this thing called mentally ill those are thoughts that aren't being in uh that we don't uh see – that we're not inclusive of. There's these people that are mentally ill.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Another – by the way, another just shallow term. Do you see? It's just separating. These are all – naming is the origin of particular things. It's all just separation and distinction, and all of those things are part of the fabric of the chaos of those aren't for the people who are making the solution mentally ill dude mentally ill is it's you guys know that that's made up right
Starting point is 00:39:29 that's just someone just categorizing a bunch of thoughts so I think about killing myself all the time so now I'm mentally ill yeah everyone has anxiety everyone has depression but I'm telling you if you do the things that your body is supposed to do you eat right you if you do the things that your body's supposed to do you eat right you move you do the things you take your shoes off a little bit you make sure you're
Starting point is 00:39:51 moving a shitload you start eating right you don't eat the shit that your car wasn't supposed to eat you don't squeeze your car into parking spots it's not supposed to be in let the body let the let let the body make some noise don't let your don't let your mind be the one telling you what to do and i know most you know that because you work out like a motherfucker yeah i mean we we we know right all of us know you got you got you got to work out and you got to eat right and and and 1.5 times better than meds or counseling are counseling. We've done the studies and we are 1.5 times more. Put your hand over someone's mouth
Starting point is 00:40:55 and block their air holes. You will get an immediate response. An immediate response god i saw this i don't even know if i should i saw this number seven i someone sent me this post that i'm not even sure if i understand it i should probably research it a little more but it was showing you ready for this that when electricity was invented and they started like putting electricity in everyone's homes and people were using stopped using candles they had all of this i think it's called cottonseed oil and they didn't know what to do with it so they turned it into crisco and that's what crisco is. Do you remember that shit?
Starting point is 00:41:49 I would be in foreign countries and there would be just huge, huge warehouses full of these huge steel cans of oil, Crisco oil, that said from the United States government that we would give to countries. And it was fucking, and they loved us for it. Us. And it was just big, cans of crisco and it's just it's candle wax poisonous candle wax that's what it was turned into i i don't i think maybe i think i need you want to see that the it's a little laborious laborious the uh we'll
Starting point is 00:42:20 see here we'll show it a little bit i gotta go if i don't show it now i'm never gonna show it i'm kind of scared to show it. Cause I haven't done enough research on it. Here we go. I guess I have the music. In 1911, William Proctor and James Gamble. Oh,
Starting point is 00:42:38 we know them, right? Proctor and Gamble ran into a slight problem. They had found a way to turn the rotting, rancid, dark, ugly piles of cotton seed into a hard, substance using a process called hydro hydrogenate hydrogenation hydrogenation but electrification was taking over the landscape meaning car uh people didn't need
Starting point is 00:42:56 candles anymore right these fuckers had invented candles i guess procter and gamble and then uh electricity came electrificationification. And the need for candles was quickly diminishing. So they decided, like many other cottonseed oil distributors, to overcome the hurdle of the housewife and train her to trust the brand, not to worry about the ingredients. Cottonseed oil at the time had a very mixed reputation. Some found it adulterant, as it was commonly used to cut into expensive olive oil much like corn syrup is often used to cut into honey i didn't know that is that true that's gross that's sacrilege by the way doesn't that sound just like you're gonna burn in hell
Starting point is 00:43:35 uh okay so uh you beat up three guys outside of a bar for no reason okay i'm god i'll give you a pass on that well what's this uh what god uh it says here that you cut bees honey with high fructose corn syrup uh sir i did not do that well i have images of you doing it right here are you lying to god okay once i did it to hell with you and then you get banished it was commonly used in more industrial applications, making consumers wary. So Procter & Gamble convinced consumers to trust the brand, not worry about the devil and the details, and focus on the assumed purity of factory food. They were successful. Within five years, over 60 million cans of Crisco were being sold every single year. They convinced the population they didn't need to know what was in it as long as it came from a trusted brand now here's where it gets really crazy you ready listen up you harvard educated fucktards you ready they sold the candle wax alternative to
Starting point is 00:44:38 uh unassuming housewives by convincing them that it had been made to appear more well it would make them appear more well off and more intelligent and more pure. Only the poor backwoods folks would still be using lard and tallow. They sold the candle wax alternative to unassuming housewives
Starting point is 00:45:00 by convincing them that it would make them appear more well off. Get your fake titties today. There you go. Who knows if it's true? But I'm not surprised. Are you? Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Candle wax. Funny now, right? Because that's the whole thing. That's the liver king and the Paul Saladino. And that's like everyone's switching back to tallow. Oh, here. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Here we go. You guys ready? Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. You guys ready? Here we go. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it, body paint. You don't have to do it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 God damn it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Look at it. It's a guy. He's in purple face, Orange face. Yellow face. White face. Black face.
Starting point is 00:46:09 The body paint store sells the paint. And the guy has black face. I didn't even know duck fat, huh? Quack. Quack. Send me photos speaking of fake boobs my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:46:30 goes in next month oh oh i see i see hold on a second and dean i don't argue everything i just argue against dumb shit like banned cars because people die in accidents mass shootings aren't accidents they're they're very intentional listen think about that. We know the cause. They're not accidents anymore, dude. We know the cause. Listen to the word fuckery that you're fucking yourself with. I'm not trying to justify or talk you out of your fucking ideas on guns. Don't think I am.
Starting point is 00:47:20 The only thing I'm asking you to do is look at the consequences of if we do put gun laws, just at least tell me what the consequences are, because no one told me the consequences of masks. And now we're suffering them. Just tell me what the consequences of guns are. I'm not arguing with you at all that you think that there should be some rules. So fucking morons don't get it. Let's agree there. But please, that doesn't mean you have to argue to the point where you become fucking idiotic. to the point where you become fucking idiotic listen this i just argue against something like banning cars you're saying because people die and it's not intentional from cars that somehow that makes it better or worse than intentional killing that um you know uh you would be interesting is if you heard the seth gruber argument on abortion there's all these ways that people talk about where it's okay to kill a baby, like if you were raped, if the baby was tarted.
Starting point is 00:48:12 If you weren't – what they say to all – what all the Democrats say to the black people, you can't afford to raise it. God forbid you raise poor. Like there's something wrong with it. What if you don't want a girl? with it. What if you don't want a girl? Do you think that when you fuck someone and they get pregnant, it's an accident? There's never been an accidental birth. I don't even care if you were using birth control. I'm putting you all on notice. You put a dick in a vagina and you, it is not an accident. If someone gets born, uh, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:48:46 pregnant, you don't get a zygote sperm, meat, and an egg. This thing that you're, that you're hovering around is a legitimate argument. Intentional versus accident is nuts. We,
Starting point is 00:49:04 we, it would be nuts. I could sort of see where you you were going if we still just didn't know how people died like we got to the car accident we're like fuck how'd they die but we know how they died we could stop it and now it's our responsibility the same way it's our responsibility to try to stop gun violence right we know now we can't play stupid oh it's an accident it's not an accident i just told you speeding intoxication texting it's it's just you're not seeing the way you're thinking that's what i was going to in the beginning you have to just see the way that you're thinking.
Starting point is 00:49:47 All of a sudden, something's justified because it's fucking an accident. It's a cop-out. It's God. God did it. At that point, accidents just like the mystery, right? It's just God.
Starting point is 00:50:05 That's why I keep saying it's God. Why not just say, say well then all those people were supposed to die who got killed by guns because it was just an accident they were at that school uh matt burns is a very important question what about premature ejaculation prior to entering the vagina i'm going to give you like, no, if you, if you're close enough to a girl to where you, you know that your ejaculate could get on her vagina, it's not an accident. I hope that helped you. But you should know I'm a accountability and responsibility purist. Well, that's very poignant, Eric.
Starting point is 00:50:53 As a young man, aspiring filmmaker, I never was an aspiring filmmaker, even though I carried a camera everywhere. I was walking through the streets of Santa Barbara through Isla Vista, and the man took his Audi. Or is it a Saab? And drove it into a crowd of kids while I was standing there. And killed five kids and fucked up shit loads of others.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And he jumped out of the car. And he said, I did this on purpose. I am the angel of death. David's usually very critical of me, of all my gay talk, and now he's just begging for it. Hey, it's a personal choice to drive yeah how about those people who are walking in the street it was the personal choice for them to walk in the street too you know the risk where the fuck is the personal choice of some little kid going to school and getting shot that's not your argument is dead
Starting point is 00:51:58 incredible you are you are something else, buddy. Let's see. What's this? Number 20. Oh, we did it. That's blackface. So I guess if they really wanted to stop blackface they could they could just get rid of all black paint there's um i was listening to this thing the other day there's a one of the things that happened one of the things about the kkk was they would persecute people for things that weren't that weren't laws um against right so they would go after black people for doing things or being places or white people for doing things if there were white people defending like i said in 43 of the or 43 percent of no what was it uh in 53 was i can't remember
Starting point is 00:52:59 but slightly more than half the states in the united states the kkk killed more white people than black people in those states, which is crazy. And usually it was because they were somehow siding with melanated people. By the way, 360,000 also northerners died in the Civil War. White northerners died. But the KKK was the Democratic Party. They enforced things that weren't actual laws. but the KKK was the democratic party. They enforce,
Starting point is 00:53:28 they enforce things that weren't actual laws. And that's what the woke crowd does. They're, they're the, the Antifa and shit. They're the democratic parties, you know, arm of terrorism, like,
Starting point is 00:53:37 like making sure people lose their job. If they do blackface, that's, that's all the, the woke shit. They're the KKK. They're the modern day kkk they and and now what's funny is they'll also go after black folk who side with white folk right
Starting point is 00:53:53 they'll go after them too like larry elder like the the la times they're they're the arm of the kkk the media arm they said that uh he's basically a white man in blackface guy who ran for mayor he was or governor of california crazy absolutely crazy lynchings those motherfuckers hung people they hung like uh um the the i think that another interesting thing is is they want the the records were the records for most white people hung by the kkk in the year was 161 and then most black people they hung in the year was 162 or something or vice versa i can't remember but it was it was only off by one kind of nuts right you don't hear about that shit i didn't see it candace owens documentary on blm i missed it i didn't see it. Candace Owens documentary on BLM. I missed it. I didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Um, seven, why does the show with Daniel Brandon keep getting postponed? You know what? I love your name, hope. And I like the way you keep saying, uh, postponed because these dickheads here in the chat would just rip me for it saying she's never coming. I think it's just clickbait, saying she's never coming i think it's just clickbait uh just for a variety of reasons um oh i'll give you one example one day she uh got called for like a some event she had opportunity to do at universal studios in florida and she just called and was like hey i'm gonna be here for three hours and i won't get home until this time but she's cool as shit about it i ain't hating uh the daniel brandon show is like my sex life sex life says sean i hope it happens tonight but it probably won't doesn't mean i can't try again tomorrow night what's the obstacle
Starting point is 00:55:36 what's the obstacle? The greatest lie ever sold. Great documentary by Candace Owens. Okay, I'll check it out. Heidi Kroom with the genius comedy talk. No matter how much foreplay, Daniel Brandon is never coming. Shut it, David. You shut it.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Hey, the reason why she's not coming is because this is a show about gay men. Wouldn't that be awesome if I was really gay? What if I started dating Alex Smith? Fuck. I wonder how butthurt Dannyy would be 528 uh no we already showed that one oh here we go we're sure this one too oh yeah wow what's wrong with me i thought i cleaned my shit up no matter how much i tried
Starting point is 00:56:45 to get organized oh i like this one this one's kind of cool you guys have heard of train jumping you know what train jumping is you jump on a train and you ride it someone sent me this david david sent me this. David, David sent me this. This is just a montage of tranny jumping. You've heard of train jumping? This is tranny jumping. Look it. Social media is crazy.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Someone sent me a clip of this tranny just like fucking full-blown. Oh, what was that? Dude, that backwards jump is crazy. That looks scary. I'd like to see the outtakes of this oh my goodness oh my goodness i used to have my boys jump on those i would go to the park and have them do all sorts of crazy chicks if you go
Starting point is 00:57:54 back and look at the um old three plane brothers i used to have them jump on these portable benches unfortunately my son already broke his ankle ankle while trying to make an Instagram video one time. Yeah. I cannot lie. Here we go. I want you to look at this. This is the idiocy of the world again. Here we go. This is the superficiality of the world we live in. Here we go. This is the superficiality of the world we live in. Proposed bill in California could ban Skittles. But it's not Skittles.
Starting point is 00:58:38 They're highlighting Skittles. This guy says, yes, ban chemicals and food. It's out of hand. Yeah. Why not? Why not just say what it is because they're too stupid there's something fucking poisonous and skills i think skittles are banned in some european countries ab418 would ban the sale of foods containing chemicals and more chemicals There's something fucking poisonous in Skittles. I think Skittles are banned in some European countries. AB 418 would ban the sale of foods containing chemicals and more.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Chemicals. What does that word mean, chemicals? Doesn't everything have chemicals in it? Chemicals. I mean, just idiot talk. We live with idiots. No mental illness. What is a chemical? Chemical is any substance that has a defined composition.
Starting point is 00:59:33 In other words, a chemical is always made of the same stuff. Some chemicals occur in nature. Yeah. No one cares. Lazy. As asleep at the job. You could just plant your own apple tree. Kind of stop outsourcing that shit. But we'll get better. We just got to just keep asking questions. just got to just keep asking questions we got to just keep asking questions jump tranny jumping versus train jumping i thought that was cute i thought it was funny oh i'm kind of nervous about this oh here we go okay david i find this chick so fucking attractive this chick i'm about to show you and i'm just curious if you guys find this girl attractive hi paulina what's up girl what's up um i have a story for you okay great i was just about to show a hot chick make sure after we get
Starting point is 01:00:37 off you look at this chick i want you to know i showed the eighth wonder of the world the other day but i'm gonna show this other chick that i'm just like i want this chick on the podcast so bad but go ahead tell me your story okay cool so on sunday whenever i was going to the gym in the morning i had seen all these cops um pretty much like lined across the street and down the highway and stuff and so i'm like oh that's kind of weird like that's not usually what the street looks like. And so get to the gym and everybody's talking about how this kid who, like, somebody had been breaking into cars last night. And so that's what all the cops are out for. They're looking for this guy. And all the garage doors were down in the gym and it was getting hot in there.
Starting point is 01:01:24 And so I was doing my workout and I was like can I open the doors so everybody started opening up the doors and literally within like 10 minutes the kid comes walking in and the coach walks up to the kid and he's like sweating and um he's like all muddy and stuff and so didn't put two and two together and he was like uh I'm lost I don't want to call my mom because she's going to get mad like I was looking at um I was looking over at my friend's house and so she was like okay just go chill in the office, like, so that I can watch him from here. And so he goes and sits in there. And he was asking for a ride home. And so, uh, I was like, okay, let's call the cops. And in that case,
Starting point is 01:02:16 they can take him home so that we don't have to worry about it. That was your idea. That was your idea. Yeah. Okay. Uh, anyway, cops come and that was the kid who was breaking the car last night. Wow. What time was that at? It was 5.30 in the morning. Wow. Well, good on you.
Starting point is 01:02:42 How old was the kid? Did he have mud on his face? Would you say he was doing black face i wonder if a 12 year old could get in trouble for that oh well good job good job being oh look at someone shooter mcgavin says you fucking snitch there's you can't do anything perfect paulina okay thank you for story. I'm glad you're safe. Bye. Story for Paulina.
Starting point is 01:03:10 First time I think she's called. My wife was at the tennis club the other day. And there were these three young girls in this training room where the bathroom is. So anytime you want to go to the bathroom at the tennis club, you have to walk through this training room. And there's these three young girls in there. I always see them in there. Dressed totally fucking inappropriately. Like 13 years old.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Working hard. What the fuck am I supposed to say anything? Dress any way you want. You're working out. I'm proud of you. So they're always in there working out. And so the 10 cops are walking around the tennis club. My wife's tripping.
Starting point is 01:03:46 She got like shooter anxiety, right? She's so happy our kids don't go to school because she has shooter anxiety. By the way, I have no shooter anxiety like that. It's just hard to worry about that stuff. Anyway, unless you send your kids to school, then you might want to be worried. But so there's 10 cops around the tennis club and they went into the there was a guy in there there was a guy they're looking for who had been reported to hanging out around the tennis club and his van was outside and he was selling drugs out of his van
Starting point is 01:04:14 supposedly and the cops went in there and let me tell you these are like 13 year old girls with like their tits pushed up to their chin and shit barely clothed they're always in there working out these girls and and um the cops walk into that room looking for the guy and they don't find the guy five minutes later one of the girls goes and finds one of the cops and they're like hey man that motherfucker's hiding in the stalls i was like oh man come on cops there's three fucking young girls in there and you're looking for a fucking criminal and he was hiding in a bathroom stall and you didn't catch him the room's tiny by the way the room's 20 by 20 with two bathrooms that are 10 by 10 dear police officers please look in the stalls. Always. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:06 This is, this, I saw this and I was just like, man, I really would like to get this. I like this girl. This is just a lot of fucking woman right here. Look at this. I don't think, I've never really seen this side of my wife. I think she, it's in her somewhere. I don't think I've never really seen this side of my wife. I think she it's in her somewhere.
Starting point is 01:05:29 I think this is I think this is. I think my wife has this in her. I just haven't seen it. Here we go. Maybe I just like the music look at this just sit the fuck down this this girl
Starting point is 01:05:56 slows down to look she slows down to shove that girl down that's the part I'm tripping on. She doesn't even like, she could have just run away. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Slows down and just mushes her. I wonder if that's legal.
Starting point is 01:06:22 God, I love the music too. Goodbye. Crazy, I love the music, too. Goodbye. Crazy, right? Anyway. I find that very attractive. Yeah, I don't know if that's called big dicking, but it's something. The old stiff arm, yeah. Slows down and just mushes her
Starting point is 01:06:45 oh yeah you think she has a big head now that's a huge you think that's a big ass head maybe that's why i'm attracted to her it's not just the the violence man my kids get at least one of my kids gets that that move by the way from me every day at least one of my kids gets that, that move by the way, from me every day, at least one hand to the head and push down. Sometimes they think it's funny. Sometimes they don't. My wife hates that when I do that to him,
Starting point is 01:07:15 obviously not that hard, but the old head smushes, it's a good move. Boys are great. I don't know if you're allowed to do that shit to girls i like to do this other thing where i grab a handful of hair um on the back of my kid's head and then put my hand on his face and just lean them back down to the ground gently just completely just fucking take them by by their head they don't even know what happened you have to do it gently people don't anyone get crazy you got to do it gently you gotta build up to that you want to fucking scar your kid don't be like oh someone does this to his kids i'm gonna do it to mine you gotta like purebred she's a purebred like what do you
Starting point is 01:08:02 mean like she's like something like that's just like from some tribe in australia where just brothers and sisters have been fucking for like 200 300 500 a thousand years yeah absolutely that bitch is not vaccinated a needle breaks off in that woman just just like like in the cartoons like it hits her skin and just bends oh dude i'd love i love the fucking i love it when they accidentally punch themselves in the balls i do all that stuff mr waddell they keep coming back for more they can't get enough they always want to they they can you make me hit myself? Oh yeah, sure. Come on over here. No problem. Uh, yeah. All right. Anyway, so there you go. I, that's the, um, that's the hot lady of the day award.
Starting point is 01:09:06 We're mating with hers. Like, you know, those bugs where you got to like tiptoe up to the chick to get her or else she kills you. I think, I think like the praying mantis is like that. And the black widow is like that. It's like that.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Oh, a little clip from fight club i'm not you know when i saw flight club i did not understand it at all and i've never watched it since all these smart people around me have tried to explain it to me i did not understand it at all i didn't understand like how come some of the characters are like imaginary and some are like I didn't understand it at all Complete I was the poster child for blue pill god life was good talk about being ignorance is bliss Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes working jobs. We hate so we buy shit. We don't need the middle children of history man No purpose of place chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place.
Starting point is 01:10:15 We have no great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. Advertising has its chasing cars. If you are a young man, I cannot speak to the women. If you are a young man. And you are extremely disciplined. And you have a singular focus to try to figure out the meaning of life and if there's a God,
Starting point is 01:10:51 and you don't attempt homelessness, you're missing out on the greatest opportunity you will ever have. I encourage any young man to just at one point in his life put on a jacket and walk out the door. Pick a warm climate if you have to. Pick a couple activities you suck at that you want to get better at and just live the homeless life.
Starting point is 01:11:24 It'll be the best two years of your life but you have to be extremely disciplined you can't be into drugs or alcohol you have to be in pursuit of something some really really high power caller hi hey um i was just hearing what you were saying and was wondering what would you say to someone who can't just put on a jacket and walk out the door like they've already got you know a home family kind of going through the motions what's the alternative
Starting point is 01:11:56 yeah man the thing is that's a that's a fucking great question do you have kids uh yeah two of them um and you know wife home car uh pretty pretty regular Um, just kind of trying to figure out though, like just feel like I'm going through the motions and, uh, not a lot that, you know, excites me just kind of in survival mode, I guess. So, um, yeah, I was just curious what, you know, what you'd say to someone like that. It's interesting. Um, it's,
Starting point is 01:12:41 it's interesting how many times I wake up to the same realizations. Like I, like I realized something and I'm like to the same realizations. Like I, like I realized something and I'm like, fuck, I realized that last month I really fell back asleep again. And then like two months go by and I realized the same thing again. I'm like, Oh my God, I fucking fell asleep again.
Starting point is 01:12:55 And like, I realized these things that make my life better. And usually what they're all about, these things that I keep forgetting are deep behaviors and ways that I treat my kids that they reflect back at me that makes my life great. So anytime, um, uh, I'm having issues with my kids. At some point I realized, Holy shit, it's me. And sometimes it'll take a week, right? Sometimes I'll be like yelling at my kids about the same thing that they do in the car every single fucking day for a week until I finally realized, dude, that is not working.
Starting point is 01:13:32 They're obviously reflecting something back at you. And at that point, I realized my kids are my greatest mirrors. So in one way, man, dude, you have the greatest ability. You have the two greatest mirrors that any human being will ever have. You have kids now. and they're just you i mean you must see that right they're just reflecting you like crazy right yeah yeah and so you can get you can get so much instant feedback the second i start like crazy respecting my kids um i get that crazy respect back the second i'm not respecting them i don't get that respect back i'm trying to give you i'm gonna try to give you an example like if
Starting point is 01:14:13 i yell at them and like if i yell at them in the in the so i'll tell you what something that happened yesterday we have this little portable toilet in my van and obby's like dude i gotta pee so fucking bad and i'm like okay and he jumps in there and he sits on it and usually i do this thing whenever my kids go to pee i'll i'll flip their dick up to make sure it's not like curled down over their balls you know yeah you know how penises can do that and i didn't fucking do it and so i i it's like freeing the penis he'd just been skateboarding for an hour and a half and i look over him for the first time in eight fucking years i was so pissed i had that toy because i look over and the back of my van is filling with pee and i'm looking at him and i'm like dude is your penis not in the bowl
Starting point is 01:15:01 and his penis had because he didn't fucking peel it off his nuts it had crested his balls and his penis had crested over the edge of the toilet and he filled up the whole van and it would have been an amazing time to just laugh right and enjoy that moment and instead i was a fucking asshole to him fucking ruined a great experience for us and so those are those now those moments for me are like my greatest spiritual practice now right that's the only that's the that's really my life is like yours my life is like just this monotonous like groundhog day yeah wow yeah yeah and i have to like work really really hard to try to change some of the um um uh uh really that's an uncircumcised issue due to a circumcised your
Starting point is 01:15:57 ball your dick doesn't stick to your your balls like that someone said robbie gilmore says that's an uncircumcised problem i never thought of that. I could totally see that because you got all that skin on the end. Anyway, yeah, I try all the way. Almost everything I do is either through stillness, a stillness practice that I have that I try to do, I don't know, as much as I can throughout the day, 20 times throughout the day, always when I wake up, always when I sleep and, um, and then, and then just realizing my kids are my mirrors. I wish I could give you something more, uh, more specific, but, but, it's pretty powerful. Actually. I I'm, uh, I'm taking notes, which is why I was kind of quiet, but, um, I wrote that down.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I've never heard that. Um, but the ways that you treat your kids reflect back at you i mean i think that's a a really true statement um it's kind of hard though because i look around and a lot of my friends are you know not even married yet so it's uh it's just interesting navigating life and kind of at this young age um but uh yeah How old are your kids? Two and four and I'm 27 Wow yeah Hey I don't know what ethnicity are you?
Starting point is 01:17:17 Purebred American or Caucasian Did you have a very did you have an affectionate family? Oh yeah for sure Yeah awesome alright so you're crazy affectionate to your kids. Yeah. Yeah. I try to be, I try to be present. I mean, we weren't really planning on having our first one we did. Um, so sometimes like some bitterness creeps in, but, um, I, I checked that pretty quick. Yeah. Good. Yeah. That's kind of celebrate that and celebrate those successes when you,
Starting point is 01:17:46 when you, when you do. And I, something I just don't talk about enough, but I'm crazy affectionate with my kids. And, and I just think that that's like the, I think that's like the greatest gift we can give them.
Starting point is 01:17:57 And then they give back to us just crazy, crazy, physically affectionate. So like, I'll go in as soon as the show's over, I'll go in and pick up each show's over i'll go in and pick up each kid and just hold them and put my hands up the back of their shirt and nibble on their ears until they just can't stand it you know what i mean they they're like a cat right
Starting point is 01:18:13 they start biting you and shit they go crazy because if you give them too much love but yeah just bombard them with a tons and tons of uh of, of love, dude, you're, you're, you are, um, you're smart to be looking to, to, to be asking these questions. And, and I'm sure, you know, that they're going to grow up, you know, you're, you're blessed with them. They are your, they, those, those kids are your spiritual. Those are your tools. You have to figure out how to use them to make yourself better those are
Starting point is 01:18:45 your tools yeah and that down too yeah those are those are your guys you have to they are going to reflect you uh kevin m says uh practice gratitude with your kids i wish i knew what that meant exactly say what you are thankful for every day with them. Oh, that's cool. My wife does that. And at night, talk about family values when putting them to bed. Yeah, values are important. Do you have values?
Starting point is 01:19:13 What did you say? Family values? Yeah. Do you have values? I'm actually working on writing a code that I'll one day pass on to my kids. So just kind of distilling information I've gotten from, um, various books, like eager with the enemy, uh, extreme ownership, um, this is a bond podcast, you know, uh, different sources of, uh, wisdom. But, um, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 01:19:35 I do have values. I, I'm just trying to write them down and, um, you know, kind of get specific with them. Yeah. I think I would have been better off if I, like I still don't fully understand my values, but I do think that like, I think that's crazy important. My mom did instill in me treat other people like you want to be treated. That was huge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I am a Christian,
Starting point is 01:20:00 so that's kind of like the golden rule, right? Like, uh, yeah. I love your neighbor as you love yourself or right even if they even if someone does something fucked up to you you don't do it fucked up back to them because you don't want that's what that you don't want that done to you yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:20:17 your kids are going to get older too you want to obviously and you and they're like my goal like, my, my goal is, are you close with your family, your mom and dad? Well, yeah, you know, honestly, that was, that's kind of part of why I called it. It's been like crazy year. Cause I've been so like, I mean, 27 years, I've had my, like no death, no dealings with death. And then, um, January, my grandfather died. Um, last week,
Starting point is 01:20:46 my grandmother died and I was really close with both. So like, I think I've just kind of been going through some kind of existential crisis, um, recently. And I heard you talking about like, just putting on a jacket, walking out the door and I was like, Ooh, that sounds a little too good. Right. Right. Can't go there. Um, so yeah, I just, you you know i figure i'm dealing with grief and then you know trying to provide for the family and you know just uh yeah figure out life so um i'm trying to figure out i'm trying to figure out how my mom kept me so close like i really enjoy being with my mom so like i'll call my mom and just want to hang with her and i'm trying to crack the code on that because I want my kids to want like to do that, you know, you know, so I'm trying to
Starting point is 01:21:29 like, and then, and then, and then, and then the other way I want to make sure is like, see things that I, maybe I don't like about maybe my mom or my dad that maybe makes me push them away and try to cut those from myself. But my mom's pretty good at explaining it to me too. She says that we reach a certain age where we just don't want advice anymore. And so she learned to just bite her tongue. And because of that, I kept her close, which I was like, Ooh,
Starting point is 01:21:53 that's going to be hard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That'll be a, that'll be a tough one. Um, that's,
Starting point is 01:22:01 that's cool though. Your mom seems super awesome. I've been following the podcast for a while so um heard various stories are you gonna have more kids uh yeah third on the way uh in november that's awesome last week hey congratulations congratulations yeah that's and you know that's thank you there's this saying i'm stop thinking all your problems will end and that's kind of a good time also when your wife's pregnant, right? Just to just kind of forget about yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:30 And, um, probably a lot of people wouldn't, wouldn't say to do that, but I'm a huge proponent of just like health, healthy, big, healthy doses of giving of yourself to other people always seem to make me feel better. Diet itself. Yeah. Jeremy eat world says Seve, tell him to direct message me. Jeremy eat world. Oh yeah. He's got the, um, he's got like a, a group for, um, fathers or men. Yeah. I think,
Starting point is 01:23:03 I think he's called in before. Yeah. He said, I, he, I got a group of dudes who are in the same boat. Yeah. He just came and did a hike with a bunch of dudes in Yosemite. Oh, nice. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I'll DM him. And yeah, I, you know, I've been following the podcast for a while, actually. Yours and Brian, when you guys first started out, got us through, like, I, I was renovating our, our home that we now live in, uh, for about like three months. And, um, we just throw on the podcast and listen to it. So, you know, I don't think I've ever called in and thank you for it before, but, um, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:34 I appreciate what you're doing. Um, big time. I think a lot of people do, you're having a, an impact and even being able to call in and ask these questions that, you know, I honestly probably wouldn't really dare ask anyone close to me just because I don't really want them knowing. Um, you know, it's huge. So I appreciate what you're doing. Hey, I'm like that too, by the way. I don't, I don't want, I don't want, I don't want anyone. The only person I turn to is my wife and maybe my mom. I don't want anyone else. I don't want anyone else. I'm very guarded. I'm so fucking guarded and and not and i don't know why it's not that i'm not trustworthy and it's not that i don't like being vulnerable but for some reason yeah i
Starting point is 01:24:10 i don't i don't i don't know why but but i don't know why either but i i get it yeah yeah my wife is yeah she's she's a cool so i turned her about almost everything but yeah that's awesome congratulations and congratulations on having skills to refurbish your house i wish i had some of that shit i take the trash oh yeah that's needed that's important hey and i i was gonna say real quick before i hop off is um man that uh when you when you're telling the story about your kids like that was kind of a solemn moment so i wasn't going to mention it but uh it reminded me of the the time you went to the yeah you pooped in the back of the van and uh avi i think was wearing a batman mask but that that's like one of the all-time best stories like when you first told that oh my gosh
Starting point is 01:24:58 i think i've gone back to that too like i rarely rarely go back to the podcast, but that was so funny. I need to grab, I should, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to grab that clip and play it on this podcast. Oh yeah. Cause that was from Josh, Matt, Tavon. Wasn't it? Yeah. I was like, yeah, get that over in this library. Yeah, you should. You should. Cool. Well, thanks again, Tavon. Yeah. Congratulations on the new kid and congratulations on having a cool wife. You're a very lucky man.
Starting point is 01:25:29 And we're all going to die. And, you know, as much as this is crazy to say, congratulations on having the opportunity to go through grieving. It is an opportunity. Yeah. Yeah. Great point. We appreciate that alright brother
Starting point is 01:25:46 hey thank you bye bye fucking knucklehead I didn't have anything practical to tell him I want to tell him something practical look to the heavens drop on one knee.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Repeat after me. I didn't get nothing for him. That was like a real man, 27. I wait until I was fucking 50 to have kids, 43. He's doing that shit at 27. That is some man shit. Fuck a chainsaw. A kid at 27 that's a man that is some man shit a chainsaw a kid at 27 a kid at 27 that is some man
Starting point is 01:26:38 yeah man uh being being free was a hell of a fucking experience for me. This should be interesting. What's this? This, I didn't, I wrote, you can't, let's see, let's see what this is. What is this? Here we go. This is, this man destroyed.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Town for his revenge. This man destroyed a town for his revenge. Marvin Hemeyer owned a muffler shop in Granby, Colorado, that was going through zoning disputes with the city. This man destroyed a town for his revenge. plating over one feet thick, turning it into an impenetrable tank. He went to town, demolishing the concrete plants, the town hall, the office of a newspaper that wrote against him, the house of a former mayor. The attack lasted over two hours as police shot 100 rounds of ammunition. Listen, this guy took a bulldozer and modified it into a tank and police shot hundreds of rounds of ammunition at him
Starting point is 01:28:03 while he drove this thing around town, crashing into buildings and yet they couldn't just open fire on the fucking rioters at the capitol i don't i don't understand how they didn't shoot the rioters at the capitol i don't understand how they didn't i don't understand how they just didn't shoot the rioters at the Capitol. I don't understand how they didn't. I don't understand how they just didn't bring out truck with fucking crazy fire hoses in Ferguson. And just start destroying those fucking people who lit the police station on fire. I don't understand in Seattle how people took over a police station and the cops didn't just open fire at them how are the cops able to shoot hundreds
Starting point is 01:28:55 of rounds at this guy who's not killing or hurting anyone he's just destroying property and you have a full blown city of rioters or rioters attacking our capitol building with our politicians in there. I mean, Ferguson, the BLM rights,
Starting point is 01:29:11 why didn't they just fucking open fire on all those fucking people who were destroying shit? You can't do that. I mean, my dad tells me you can't do that. I guess it's not good. It's like fire opening fire on your own citizens. It's kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:29:24 me you can't do that i guess it's not good it's like fire opening fire on your own citizens it's kind of weird i just don't understand how there could be 760 million dollars in damage in one city and the burning of fucking uh police stations when police are in them and you not just be allowed to just start shooting all those people down a caller um jeremy is serious by the way he does want you to reach out to him jeremy eat world he's a good dude and he's got he's got he hangs out with a lot of other cool dudes what's the point of the worldwide open rankings does it offer an athlete an advantage if so what do you think of t and not being on the list that came out yesterday i don't that shit's just fucking nonsense i love i just you know what i really like sema about all that i love i i know b that? I know Brian is a very solution-oriented man. He wants to bridge the gap.
Starting point is 01:30:29 He really wants to help CrossFit, but he's getting pushed to the limits of just because it's so bad over there. I mean, I'm on this thread, and it's just a daily dose of errors CrossFit's making. Like the ones yesterday about becca voight were fucking hilarious three fucking mischaracterizations or facts that they got wrong about her the number of games she's competed in number of times she stood on the podium number of events she's won i mean and to be corrected by i just love seeing how angry brian's getting because he doesn't want to he's he has a he wants to take the high road
Starting point is 01:31:13 he it's like a dam that's leaking right and brian wants to be the guy that that's like hey uh twofold he'll help you repair the outside of the dam, but he also wants to go on the other side of the dam and make sure that the reservoir and the water is not too high. He sees it as this holistic thing that he wants to take care of. He's not just the dam guy. He wants to make sure that the water on the other side is not too high, not too low. It's right to right pH, so it's not causing decomposition of the cement
Starting point is 01:31:43 or whatever those things that damn people work for. But he's getting, he's not, and me and Hill are like, yeah, we'll just detonate a piece of the dam once in a while. Brian does not like that. But Brian's reaching his limits, right? And the worldwide rankings are part of that thing. He's reaching, him and a few other guys are reaching their limits of like, wow. It's literally idiots at the helm.
Starting point is 01:32:12 So bad. It's so bad. And what sucks is I have some friends there that like Adrian Bosman who are just fucking studs, just so good at what they do,
Starting point is 01:32:34 but just surrounded by incompetent people. The level of incompetence is, basically people just, those people should quit, but it's a job to them. They need the money, so they don't want to quit. And they're being told that they're doing a good job by people who have no idea. And you have all sorts of people in positions there that have no idea what they're doing, from the highest ranks to the lowest ranks, just being plugged in.
Starting point is 01:33:06 I'm all for giving people opportunity, But you better have some leadership in place. Okay, so you can shoot a guy who's in a tractor running into buildings, but full-blown rioters, nah, pretty good. What is the expression what is the, what is the expression of a man? Remember we were talking about that before, like a man, like how many steps a day do you think a man is supposed to walk? You think a man's supposed to,
Starting point is 01:33:40 what do you think our, our ideal biological expression is? You know, one wife, one God. You think that lots of physical activity, no sugar. What do you think our, no added sugar. What do you think? Being around other men. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:34:08 With women, it's a little easier to say, right? Because they got some like biological, like, I mean, like they make babies. Here we go and someone's like and i was talking to someone the other day and it's like hey man you can't just treat them like fucking cattle like they're just made to do something like just give milk i was like i was like wow i'm not even like even remotely suggesting that i'm not even remotely suggesting it.
Starting point is 01:34:46 I'm not making some intellectual assumption even. It's just purely biological. It's just like, it's just physics and chemistry and biology. It's like, if it's raining, to me, it looks like the rain is coming from up there and down to here. Just, that's what it's doing. It's just women just are able to have babies with uh when they have intercourse with men i'm not and i i do think that if something is made to do something that probably it's it's its best route is to do it uh-oh am i gonna have to hear from 12 daily doses about that's what a gun's made to do
Starting point is 01:35:25 okay here we go if your boyfriend is liking or following a bunch of half-naked girls on instagram or tiktok or any social media platform please leave him hey this is your fascinating right so she's saying that if your dude is following half-naked girls on instagram you should leave him instagram right it's really funny that you hold that opinion when you know yeah rules for thee not rules for me so basically then he shows her instagram account if your boyfriend is liking or following a bunch of half-naked girls on instagram or tiktok or any social media platform please leave him hey this is your instagram right it's really funny that you hold that opinion when you know yeah rules for thee not rules for me ladies if your boyfriend i personally think in in in i who am i to say that you should not follow any of those accounts
Starting point is 01:36:50 i i i'm i'm for two reasons for for ego reasons i'm embarrassed for any dude who follows any of those accounts like if i scroll by them like when i scroll by one of these accounts or if i click on it in my search and i see like some of my friends following i'm embarrassed for them i'm embarrassed that they give their time to that publicly. Like, like you should know, like it's okay to be ashamed or do some things in secret. It really is. It totally is. It totally, totally, totally is giving you some examples. I'll come back and tell you some things that it's okay to be ashamed of and embarrassed of in a second or hide. It's okay to do some things. You're not doing them in secrecy. You just, you don't want anyone to know.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Like when you follow an account like that, you're basically saying that that's part of your, it's not wrong to look at that stuff, but you're saying that's part of your daily routine. That's your, you're hoping that that comes up. And I would just be, I'm just, I don't get why you would do that comes up. And I would just be, I'm just, I don't get, I don't get why you would do that to yourself.
Starting point is 01:37:49 Like, fuck what it says about like, nothing good's happening for that. Like, you're not going to end up banging these chicks. You're not like, why? Oh, look, here's Matt Souza. Ladies, if your man is following any accounts that have half naked men jumping rope they're gay that's not true that is fucking not true at all listen to him
Starting point is 01:38:20 i don't see where it adds any value to your life when when you see these accounts you you it makes you crave something it would be like i'm following like a an account with like jelly bellies right like why would you do that to yourself like you follow like someone might follow like a 1957 uh chevy Chevy account because they collect 1957 Chevys or they have one that they're remodeling. And they want to see stuff and they see things that the other guys are doing to their 57 Chevys. And so they crave those things. And that's okay. I get what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:38:57 You're trying to teach yourself and manipulate yourself and to get the experience and the ideas. And you're welcoming that craving. Right? We follow some of these athletes, CrossFit athletes, because we welcome that craving. There's, we want to be inspired by it. Dude, I'm definitely, I'm definitely not super gay. Yet. Yet.
Starting point is 01:39:31 super gay yet um why would you follow why would why would you follow any of the titty girls i don't get it there's and it's it's not even like what are you afraid you're gonna lose one of them dude i think that that's got to be a mental disorder if you follow any of those girls Ronnie Eaton my wife has full access to all my accounts also I do not have Twitter Facebook or Instagram anymore I don't do Twitter or Facebook really either I don't do Facebook I won't even go to Facebook stop sending me links to Facebook
Starting point is 01:40:01 all of you I do not go to Facebook ever in fact I block social media sites so I can't even waste my time on them is probably smart to Facebook. Stop sending me links to Facebook. All of you. I do not go to Facebook ever. In fact, I blocked social media sites, so I can't even waste my time on them. That's probably smart. But I need some of you to be on. Everyone's a little gay, but I'm not even a little gay. I'm not even, I'm not even, I'm not even, not even, I mean, I'm not even, just because I like hogs doesn't mean I'm gay. Okay, I am a little gay. Spicy watermelon. Spicy watermelon.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Thank God there wasn't a fucking umbrella in it, and I ate the piece of, there was a piece of watermelon on the top that was like cut all cute and that's always the first thing i eat i do eat garnish as a kid i ate garnish that's pretty gay uh yeah i'm not into all hogs if it can't if it doesn't if it's not a hog i'm not into it um so yeah why why don't even even if you don't have a girlfriend why are you following those accounts what do you think what how is that good for you it's like um when i used to watch that show madman and he would drink and smoke it would make me want to drink and smoke like why would you follow some hot chick?
Starting point is 01:41:26 You'd like that. You like that. Um, that feeling of, of wanting them. I unfollow all that shit. You'll never miss it. Trust me.
Starting point is 01:41:42 It's going to be pouring into your search anyway. I don't follow any of those fucking accounts. I follow one of those accounts and it's because it's, and it's the person's a friend of mine. That's it. Um, I'm going to show you my search. What do I do?
Starting point is 01:42:04 I just go to, how do i search oh yeah look at my fucking search it's fucking naked girls running girls and dana white look at this bullshit on instagram here i'm going to show you this this is a girl who's walking away from the camera and then someone taps on her shoulder and she turns around like it's supposed to be like and she's like, she's shocked. But dude, she's wearing a microphone.
Starting point is 01:42:40 Yeah, that's my whole search is just beaver. Look at it. Oh, look at it. And a baby getting its head rubbed. It's just dudes. Is that Danny Spiegel in my search? No.
Starting point is 01:43:01 Some other beaver. Yeah, it's just kids and beaver. Oh, look, Gal Gadot. Nope, not Gal. Oh. Oh, it's a fake Wonder Woman. God, do not see this movie, Shazam. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Yeah, right? Yeah, don't even. They just bomb you with that shit well it's it is an algorithm based on what you view the most i don't know you just look at one chick and then that thing's fucking forever in there you it just seems crazy if you follow and it just seems like a crazy waste of time oh here you go this is god i can't believe how perfect the timing is this is why the gun was invented this is why everything was invented. Pay attention. This is Bon Jovi.
Starting point is 01:44:09 John Bon Jovi. We could have been ACDC, but the truth of the matter is, do I really want to see 90,000 ugly, sweaty guys or do I want to see their girlfriend? Truthfully, I got into this for the girls. What do you think I got into it for? What, to this? No, I want to see this. No, we could have been ACDC, but the truth of the matter is, do I really want to see 90,000 ugly, sweaty guys or do I want to see their girlfriend?
Starting point is 01:44:35 Truthfully, I got into this with a girl. What do you think I'm batting for? Bunch of this? No, I want to see this. There you go. There you go. Men. Men.
Starting point is 01:44:59 So I was thinking about doing that Milf Manor thing with Andrew Hiller. I thought it would be so funny. You know how we do the Frisbee show that if I watch, um, uh, milf manner every week and then I took like the notes on like the clips and then I did a show where we reviewed it. I thought it would be just crazy, but the whole season's done already and I don't want to do it if the whole season's done.
Starting point is 01:45:18 I kind of wanted to just like be like on top of it. So I guess that idea is dead. I think I already played this. Excuse me for the sniffle. You guys know not to drink out of styrofoam cups, right? Oh, here we go. This one's crazy. How is this even true?
Starting point is 01:45:50 There's this. I've thought about playing this a few times and I've been too uncomfortable to play it. I know some of you are like, I love Sevan. He doesn't give a shit. Oh, I give a shit. I give a shit.
Starting point is 01:46:02 Trust me. Okay, brace yourself. We just got to get through this. Let's just get through this. Okay, you ready? This is a spelling bee. I think this is real. One of the top comment has 97,000 likes.
Starting point is 01:46:21 Sousa, 97,000 likes for the top comment. And the top comment is, he didn't know the right answer, but he was sure of the wrong one. I should call that guy. When this is done, let's see if we can call this guy. You want to? He has 195 followers, but he made a post that has 97,000 likes. Crazy. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Negus. Negus. What is the language of origin? Ethiopian to Amharic. What is the definition? Ethiopian to Amharic. What is the definition? A king. It's used as a title of the sovereign of Ethiopia.
Starting point is 01:47:17 By the way, I did look up this word just to make sure that there was, at least this was partially true. Negus. Negus. Could you use it in a sentence? The Negus ruled Ethiopia until the coup of 1974 wow holy cow yeah crazy right susan 97 000 oh my god oh my god negus negus Negus Negus
Starting point is 01:47:48 N-E-G-U-S Negus absolutely stunned but he'll take it again when in doubt sound it out Negus crazy okay should we click on should we call this dude right here
Starting point is 01:48:08 hey if what let's see his last post a week ago oh shit he doesn't speak english what what country is this dude this dude had 97 000 likes uh uh would there be would there be a green dot here? I apologize. I'm sorry for anyone who has sent me a text and your DM can be seen.
Starting point is 01:48:57 I wish I could hide that, but I can't, so you're fucked. but I can't say you're fucked. You think I just click here, click here, click here and it calls the dude. Shit. I'm nervous again. No,
Starting point is 01:49:24 I'm never going to call anyone in to get through, huh? Oh, I would have to switch to this screen. It says no answer. I'll show you. It quickly switched to this page. Anyway, okay, we tried. All right, I'm kind of glad I got that out of the way.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Word of the day gone. For some reason, that was making me uncomfortable. I have a video somewhere. Do you guys know who Mark Ripito is? He used to be like an SME for CrossFit, subject matter expert for CrossFit Inc. And he teaches like bench press and shit like that. Like, I don't know, is it power lifting? I don't know what it's called, but he teaches like back squat and bench and just some shit like that. I don't know. Is it powerlifting? I don't know what it's called, but he teaches back squat and bench and just some shit like that.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Starting strength, yeah. He's a well-respected dude. Him and Greg have had their ups and downs, but Mark's a well... But people respect him. No, he's definitely not a supple leopard. Oh, maybe. What does that mean? You just, you just don't warm up. You just work out. Anyway, I went to one of his seminars once. It was the first time I ever met him. And I walk right up to him and I go, let me see if I can
Starting point is 01:50:56 remember the joke. I go, Mark, are you going to the barbecue today? And he goes, what barbecue? and he goes, what barbecue? And I said, the one where I put my meat on your grill. And he's a pretty wily man. And I videotaped it, and I have that footage somewhere, and I wanted to show that with this clip right here. I cannot believe how red he is in this clip. This is not good. I don't have any red in me.
Starting point is 01:51:28 How come I have no red in me? Is it because I'm Armenian? Look at this shit. I'm like brown. How the fuck is someone that red? Anyway, this is pretty cool. I just like his, just like his his presentation i like this little graphic of the brain attached to the bicep i tell you that it's okay for you for the rest of your
Starting point is 01:51:54 life to lift light weights and just do a lot of volume that i'm telling you it's okay to be because if you never lift weights that are heavy enough to constitute a threat to your fifth rep, your last rep of the work set, then you're being a pussy. You get strong by lifting heavier weights. And at some point, that heavier weight is going to cause you to question your ability to lift. Now, if you rack it, then you're being a pussy. But if you try it anyway, then you're not being a pussy. If you try it anyway and it goes up like it should if you've selected the way correctly, then you're
Starting point is 01:52:30 not a pussy and you're doing a program correctly. If you try it anyway and you miss it, well, at least you tried it and now you know something. Either way, you've got data from trying the thing you don't know whether you can do. If I tell you... Right?
Starting point is 01:52:45 Right? Don't be a pussy. You think that's alcohol? That makes someone red like that? I love the shape of his head, and I love his voice. And I like his eyes and his beard. God, he's groomed meticulously.
Starting point is 01:53:11 Yeah, you're just over the music. Yeah, I hear you. Really? Low bars for pussies? I think he taught me low bar. I don't mind low bar. I do both. Low bar, high bar.
Starting point is 01:53:20 Actually, what am I saying? I don't really back squat, period. I pretty much only front squat it's probably stupid right okay um anyway great clip don't be a pussy beef beer and and more beer oh and bears beef beer and bears And more beer. Oh, and bears. Beef, beer, and bears. You're, you,
Starting point is 01:53:53 GreyGhost07, here goes Sevan with the head thing, and you're telling me, you're telling me that you guys don't automatically fixate on this dude's fucking head? Is there anyone who's not like doesn't see them like yep that dude has a man head that thing's a fucking block that thing's a rectangle that thing's got
Starting point is 01:54:14 more angles than curves goes with the head thing again how can you not see his head there's only two things I see three things I see the color I see his shoulders and not see his head there's only two things i see three things i see the color i see his shoulders and i see his head no you don't see his head really no one else sees the shape of his head oh someone sent me more chat gpt just bullshit again what a fucking joke someone asked chat gpt to make a
Starting point is 01:54:46 fucking joke about jesus and said hey will you tell me a joke about jesus and chat gpt said jesus doesn't like hot you know why jesus doesn't like hockey and then you say why and says because he doesn't want to be nailed to the boards and then someone asked chat gpt will you make a joke about um uh whatever the muslims have that dude that you're not supposed to have a picture of muhammad muhammad ali and chad gpt is like no i can't do that that would be inappropriate and blah blah blah, blah. It's like, shut the fuck up. When I look at Hiller, what's the first thing I noticed?
Starting point is 01:55:33 I don't know. I'll tell you. Maybe his hair, his eyes. I used to think he fake baked. I used to notice his skin color. I used to see that in Rich too. Why are you orange? Do you eat a shitload of carrots or what?
Starting point is 01:55:56 Anyway, I think I should save that. I'm going to save that clip because I like Mark Ripito saying don't be a pussy. Oh man, that page has been taken down. I hate to just fucking judge someone by the way they look. But I do it. I don't want to do it but i do it it's like that rattlesnake yesterday it's not that i don't want to do it that's not true i want to do it i want to judge you by the way you look i want to have discernment and assessment in the way you
Starting point is 01:56:42 look I want to have discernment and assessment in the way you look. Sorry, I'm looking at text now. Wow, what is that? uh i just don't want to i don't want to hold someone hostage to that judgment or that discernment you know what i mean like i see danielle brandon i see her hair dyed blue i think woke but like then i meet her and i'm like not woke you know what i mean like i see it i see um a pitbull and i think okay if that thing latches onto me, I'm fucking dead. But maybe it's the nicest dog. Like everyone says, it licks your face and they're sweetest dog ever. But when I see this, child abusers say their son let them know
Starting point is 01:57:39 he was a girl before age three, age three, and they transitioned him. Y'all wonder why I'm pushing these industrial strength wood chippers and preaching Matthew 18, 16. Wow. That's kind of hard. Industrial strength wood chippers like to throw these people in. If I said something like that, my wife would, I would, my wife would, I would get a stern talking to. She might even stiff arm me. Maybe that's what I need to do. If I want to get stiff arm by her like that but i just look at this lady and i just know she's mental mentally ill like that's that's just where i would go what do you mean by mentally ill someone she has some thoughts that she struggles
Starting point is 01:58:21 with she's not a cool person she doesn't look inwardly at herself. She doesn't take personal responsibility, personal accountability. She has a lack of balance. Maybe mentally ill is a lack of balance between looking at the outside world for solutions and looking inward. Maybe that you need a good, there's some sort of 70-30.
Starting point is 01:58:40 You cross over when you're more than 31%. Wow. Maybe I am Smund floyd reincarnated but i just see this and i'm like well yep that's uh something's not right but i see this fucking crackhead and i know something's not right either like if you're doing that like you're just probably not something right about you either don't don't let's not get it twisted and if you talk about putting people in a wood chipper you're not something's not right with you either he's he's he's trying to fix all his problems on the outside too okay
Starting point is 01:59:13 here we go daughter is 10 years old um she started letting us know that um she was transgender really before she could even speak. She would do things like wear her sister's clothes, pretend that towels were her. Normal, normal for boys to wear their sister's clothes. It has nothing to do with being transgender. Long hair. Wanting long hair to totally fine, totally normal. Just to, it's your hair.
Starting point is 01:59:47 And when she was about three years old um she started isn't it ironic that the person that they're forced the person is supposed to be open about gender roles is using gender roles to judge what their kid is there's some sort of weird gross uh of weird gross uh conundrum there paradox to withdraw and become depressed so we started doing withdraw and become depressed at three in some research we um talked to her pediatrician our daughter is they talked to a pediatrician about your kid? More tarted. More tarted. Sorry. I really apologize. She didn't have to multitask but i do it's my life i don't have to i've chosen to how are you worried about gun violence when you have parents like this
Starting point is 02:01:11 these people are talking about a three-year-old fucking kid yeah both these parents do look like they've transitioned 10 years old um she started letting us know that um she was transgender really um before she could even speak she was was telling them the kid was transgender before the kid could speak. Do you understand at that point, if you don't have the fucking wherewithal, this goes back to what we were very first talking about at the beginning of the show, to be like, you need to change the way you think.
Starting point is 02:01:35 These parents, she just admitted that she's projecting onto her kid what she thinks. She just admitted it it's the word fuckery thing again yeah I know I know it sucks you just see them and you just know i know it's fucked up gender affirming health care look at these even these words
Starting point is 02:02:15 gender is imagination so it's imagination affirming health care so so it's some sort of health care to that affirms your imagination man these uh uh sender to gitmo i mean that's better than the chipper these people don't even know what these god it's fucking crazy i'm gonna say one more thing but it'll undermine everything i'm trying to share with you these people don't even know what these were. God, it's fucking crazy. I'm going to say one more thing, but it'll undermine everything I'm trying to share with you, but I'd like to hear from the dad. How about that?
Starting point is 02:02:55 That's a nice way of saying it. I'd like to hear from the fucking dad. I, I, I do, I do appreciate you guys calling in today. There was another clip that went with this segment, with this rant, but for some reason it's not public anymore. This is called The Funny Republican. I wrote, how often do you think this happens in public school? Here we go. Brace yourself. I don't know what this is. This is old as shit.
Starting point is 02:03:31 Here we go. I'd like to see you go up there and do one of these problems. Stop talking to me, Ms. Johnson. I come knocking my glasses off your face. That's why my dad grow my head. Didn't I tell you? Didn't I tell you earlier today? I said, Markel, I said, I do notkel, I said I do not talk to you that way, and I would appreciate it if you did not talk to me that way.
Starting point is 02:03:52 I do not curse at you. Have I ever cursed at you? Yes. I have never cursed at you. Yes, you have. You know that's not true. I bet I could put on some problems that you don't even know, Mr. John. You probably could.
Starting point is 02:04:04 Come on, put some problems that you don't even know, Mr. Johnson. You probably could. Exactly. Come on, put some problems on the board. I tell you. You, you, you, you. Well, I'd like to see you go up here and do one of these problems. Stop talking to me, Mr. Johnson. Can you imagine that? This, yeah, this is a fucking school teacher.
Starting point is 02:04:27 I had a teacher in the fourth grade that used to hit. Mr. Nap Camper. Mr. Nap Camper. He hit. He hit with a ruler. Hey, there's kids like that in every school. In every classroom. Troubled kid for sure.
Starting point is 02:04:59 Yeah, totally. Totally, totally, totally. Hey, but once again, it would be so easy to fucking fix this. I have two words for you. Matt Schindeldecker. There's a program that just fixes it. That kid's not made to be inside a fucking classroom. Is this school? The school needs to pivot.
Starting point is 02:05:29 That kid, straight outside, kept outside, put in a program where he can be rehabilitated through physical fucking movement then it becomes a role model and other troubled kids comes in and he's there for them it's not rocket science there's tons of people in our community who's fucking cracked the code on this shit Sean Lenderman that kid has no one at home that he fears being punished by for how he acts at school
Starting point is 02:06:10 yeah you don't kick him out yeah it's caused by racism so you can't kick him out equity you the school there's got to there's got to be a different there's got to be a different place for these kids there's so fucking many of them. Start the program. Next thing you know, you got fucking seniors in high school who are just like that as freshmen, teaching those kids, getting those kids.
Starting point is 02:06:42 It's going to be a movement program. Those kids aren't going to do normal school. That kid's never going to do normal school. You just have to accept that and move on. It's going to have to do something else. But you can't leave them in there to fuck it up for the rest of the kids. I bet you that's happening right now
Starting point is 02:07:00 in 10,000 classrooms across the United States. And we all know it. God, I'm trying to find something funny, but instead I'm just keep pulling up more and more just dumb, depressing shit. Oh, this guy,
Starting point is 02:07:19 this guy, I want to tell you something. I drove my motor home to New York from California, New York, several times, 32 foot double slide out, massive motor home. And I would trip when I would drive around New Jersey and New York.
Starting point is 02:07:30 And I drove this fucking thing into Manhattan and I had some crazy experiences and stories to tell about that. But so they, they do have sections of freeways that have overpasses that are so fucking low that you got to be careful. And if no one would have told me about them, I could have fucking killed myself and my passenger. But listen to this fucking idiot. This is this is just pure retard talk.
Starting point is 02:07:54 Listen to this crazy shit. Or if an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach, or would have been, in New York was designed too low for it to pass by. But that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices. We're learning that a lot of passengers waiting in limbo as flights have been delayed, some have been canceled, and this is causing impacts, as you mentioned, all across the United States. So this guy's in charge of transportation, and he's talking about how these bridges across freeways were, I guess, theoretically built low. So school buses of mostly Puerto Rican and black kids, mostly. Couldn't make it to the beach? Is that what he said?
Starting point is 02:08:52 let's say that were true that's got to be out of context let's say that were true let's say you were able to he said why would he say it's obviously racist why wouldn't he be like um in 1957 democrat uh senator um michael oh oh hannah hearnarn had all of these built to protect, can't say the word, the N-word, to stop the N-words from going to the beaches. Why wouldn't you read that? Why is it just that it was, is it obvious to anyone that those bridges, imagine the stretch you'd have to do.
Starting point is 02:09:21 Oh my God, those must have been built low so that buses full of melanated kids in Puerto Regans mostly can't make it to the beach what the fuck is wrong with your thinking that you would go that way and if it is true
Starting point is 02:09:41 just tell us who did it when how just say it. Uh-oh. Oh, yeah, I already did that. I'm not going to do that again. That was the Daniel Brandon Chipotle post. Oh, darn it. I hope I didn't. I hope this isn't old.
Starting point is 02:10:15 Here we go. Here we go. You guys ready? Here we go. If this gave you both a million cash, how would you feel? I would be extremely grateful. Would anybody be able to get you in a bad mood for a little while? Absolutely not.
Starting point is 02:10:33 Okay. Deanna, would you agree? I would agree 100%. If I said I'll give you the million, matter of fact, I made it 10 million, but you couldn't wake up tomorrow. You're done. Would you take it? Absolutely not. Okay, so what you're both saying is that waking up, just waking up tomorrow is worth more than $10 million. That's hell of a perspective.
Starting point is 02:10:56 Yep, it is. It is worth it. Then why ain't you feeling that way every damn time you wake up? Oh, shit. Damn. I never looked at it that way. Nobody does, dude. that's why we get up and we're all bummed out we have a bad day this sucks that sucks the world hates me and that's not fair and i you know i can't lose weight because of this reason and i can't get in shape and i can't make money guys we woke up it's to be a good day.
Starting point is 02:11:25 The question is, is how good is it going to get? And if it doesn't get as good as we want, guess what? Hopefully we wake up the next day. If I just gave you both a million cash. Listen, listen, by the way, I'm going to play this one more time. And there's a part what there's a part in there where he's going to talk about arguing your limitations. It's funny you ask, what am I going to eat for breakfast i'm about to go to breakfast and i'm going to eat out and i stopped eating bacon in my house which was funny because that's when i smelled
Starting point is 02:11:53 it yesterday i was kind of tripping because i haven't bought bacon in forever i got freaked out about processed meat i stopped eating sandwich meat and bacon remember that like i don't know six months ago or whatever But I'm going out to breakfast this morning and I'm kind of excited because I'm going to order probably just like two sides of bacon, avocado, side avocado and scrambled eggs. And I'm going to drink just an absurd amount of coffee
Starting point is 02:12:19 like a fucking crackhead. Okay, but listen to the thing that you're not supposed to do. Do not argue your limitations. How would you feel? I would be extremely grateful. He'd be extremely grateful if he got the million bucks. That's cool. Would anybody be able to get you in a bad mood for a little while?
Starting point is 02:12:35 Absolutely not. Okay, Deanna, would you agree? I would agree 100%. If I said I'll give you the million, matter of fact, I made it 10 million, but you couldn't wake up tomorrow. You're done. Would you take it? Absolutely not.
Starting point is 02:12:50 Okay, so what you're both saying is that waking up, just waking up tomorrow is worth more than $10 million. That's hell of a perspective. Yep, it is. Then why ain't you feeling that way every damn time you wake up? Oh, shit. Damn. I never looked at feeling that way every damn time you wake up? Oh, shit. Damn. I never looked at it that way. Nobody does, dude.
Starting point is 02:13:11 That's why we get up and we're all bummed out. We have a bad day. This sucks. That sucks. The world... Nothing sucks. The world doesn't hate you. That's not fair.
Starting point is 02:13:23 Nothing's fair. All word fuckery. all word fuckery all word fuckery i'm bored word fuckery that's not fair word fuckery he deserves that he doesn't deserve it word fuckery you this is just liars talk liars talk and i you know i can't lose weight arguing your limitations i can't lose weight why are you arguing your limitations of this reason and i can't get in shape and i can't lose weight. Arguing your limitations. I can't lose weight. Why are you arguing your limitations? It's because of this reason and I can't get in shape and I can't make money. Guys, we woke up. It's going to be a good day.
Starting point is 02:13:54 The question is how good is it going to get? We're all spellcasters here, people. Be very careful what you're casting on yourself. I'm not saying that with poetic license. I'm not saying it to romanticize it. You're a world-class spellcaster. Words. I'm not joking.
Starting point is 02:14:23 As a teacher who has had students that acted similarly to that boy, you meet their parents and begin to understand Dakota Miller dropping bombs. A hundred percent related to this behavior model at home and never being accountable. The chaos in that kid's home. Love you guys. I don't think that there is a show tonight there is a show tomorrow morning with brian shantosh we will dig in full steam ahead thank you dude i'm so stoked you guys are here so fucking stoked and thankful for you guys um uh rob mr robbie myers um
Starting point is 02:15:04 shantosh will be here uh last uh last time he's on the show we just shot the shit uh kind of got reacquainted with each other we were friends we just hadn't talked in years and uh tomorrow i'm gonna really dig into his uh boating journey why how what where who are you nuts um shantosh with a couple of homies paddled across the ocean, rode across an ocean. Listen, is that mentally ill?
Starting point is 02:15:41 Rowing across an ocean? Jeremy World. Buh-bye.

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